Feature #162: Added sparkline graphs to the overview of analytics. Could be query optimised.
Feature #162: Added sparkline graphs to the overview of analytics. Could be query optimised.

file:a/.gitignore -> file:b/.gitignore
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Packages

file:a/README.rst -> file:b/README.rst
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -31,10 +31,12 @@
 2. Ensure you development.ini (or similar) contains the info about your Google Analytics account and configuration::
       googleanalytics.id = UA-1010101-1
-      googleanalytics.account = Account name (i.e. data.gov.uk, see top level item at https://www.google.com/analytics)
+      googleanalytics.account = Account name (e.g. data.gov.uk, see top level item at https://www.google.com/analytics)
+      googleanalytics.token.filepath = ~/pyenv/token.dat
       ga-report.period = monthly
+      ga-report.bounce_url = /
-   Note that your credentials will be readable by system administrators on your server. Rather than use sensitive account details, it is suggested you give access to the GA account to a new Google account that you create just for this purpose.
+   The ga-report.bounce_url specifies a particular path to record the bounce rate for. Typically it is / (the home page).
 3. Set up this extension's database tables using a paster command. (Ensure your CKAN pyenv is still activated, run the command from ``src/ckanext-ga-report``, alter the ``--config`` option to point to your site config file)::
@@ -43,6 +45,12 @@
 4. Enable the extension in your CKAN config file by adding it to ``ckan.plugins``::
     ckan.plugins = ga-report
+Problem shooting
+* ``(ProgrammingError) relation "ga_url" does not exist``
+  This means that the ``paster initdb`` step has not been run successfully. Refer to the installation instructions for this extension.
@@ -75,13 +83,17 @@
     $ paster getauthtoken --config=../ckan/development.ini
+Now ensure you reference the correct path to your token.dat in your CKAN config file (e.g. development.ini)::
+    googleanalytics.token.filepath = ~/pyenv/token.dat
-Download some GA data and store it in CKAN's db. (Ensure your CKAN pyenv is still activated, run the command from ``src/ckanext-ga-report``, alter the ``--config`` option to point to your site config file) and specifying the name of your auth file (token.dat by default) from the previous step::
+Download some GA data and store it in CKAN's database. (Ensure your CKAN pyenv is still activated, run the command from ``src/ckanext-ga-report``, alter the ``--config`` option to point to your site config file) and specifying the name of your auth file (token.dat by default) from the previous step::
-    $ paster loadanalytics token.dat latest --config=../ckan/development.ini
+    $ paster loadanalytics latest --config=../ckan/development.ini
 The value after the token file is how much data you want to retrieve, this can be

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/command.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/command.py
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 import logging
 import datetime
+import os
+from pylons import config
 from ckan.lib.cli import CkanCommand
 # No other CKAN imports allowed until _load_config is run,
@@ -53,26 +56,65 @@
                       self.args[0] if self.args
                                    else 'credentials.json')
+class FixTimePeriods(CkanCommand):
+    """
+    Fixes the 'All' records for GA_Urls
+    It is possible that older urls that haven't recently been visited
+    do not have All records.  This command will traverse through those
+    records and generate valid All records for them.
+    """
+    summary = __doc__.split('\n')[0]
+    usage = __doc__
+    max_args = 0
+    min_args = 0
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super(FixTimePeriods, self).__init__(name)
+    def command(self):
+        import ckan.model as model
+        from ga_model import post_update_url_stats
+        self._load_config()
+        model.Session.remove()
+        model.Session.configure(bind=model.meta.engine)
+        log = logging.getLogger('ckanext.ga_report')
+        log.info("Updating 'All' records for old URLs")
+        post_update_url_stats()
+        log.info("Processing complete")
 class LoadAnalytics(CkanCommand):
     """Get data from Google Analytics API and save it
     in the ga_model
-    Usage: paster loadanalytics <tokenfile> <time-period>
+    Usage: paster loadanalytics <time-period>
-    Where <tokenfile> is the name of the auth token file from
-    the getauthtoken step.
-    And where <time-period> is:
+    Where <time-period> is:
         all         - data for all time
         latest      - (default) just the 'latest' data
-        YYYY-MM-DD  - just data for all time periods going
-                      back to (and including) this date
+        YYYY-MM     - just data for the specific month
     summary = __doc__.split('\n')[0]
     usage = __doc__
-    max_args = 2
-    min_args = 1
+    max_args = 1
+    min_args = 0
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super(LoadAnalytics, self).__init__(name)
+        self.parser.add_option('-d', '--delete-first',
+                               action='store_true',
+                               default=False,
+                               dest='delete_first',
+                               help='Delete data for the period first')
+        self.parser.add_option('-s', '--skip_url_stats',
+                               action='store_true',
+                               default=False,
+                               dest='skip_url_stats',
+                               help='Skip the download of URL data - just do site-wide stats')
     def command(self):
@@ -80,22 +122,31 @@
         from download_analytics import DownloadAnalytics
         from ga_auth import (init_service, get_profile_id)
+        ga_token_filepath = os.path.expanduser(config.get('googleanalytics.token.filepath', ''))
+        if not ga_token_filepath:
+            print 'ERROR: In the CKAN config you need to specify the filepath of the ' \
+                  'Google Analytics token file under key: googleanalytics.token.filepath'
+            return
-            svc = init_service(self.args[0], None)
+            svc = init_service(ga_token_filepath, None)
         except TypeError:
             print ('Have you correctly run the getauthtoken task and '
-                   'specified the correct file here')
+                   'specified the correct token file in the CKAN config under '
+                   '"googleanalytics.token.filepath"?')
-        downloader = DownloadAnalytics(svc, profile_id=get_profile_id(svc))
+        downloader = DownloadAnalytics(svc, profile_id=get_profile_id(svc),
+                                       delete_first=self.options.delete_first,
+                                       skip_url_stats=self.options.skip_url_stats)
-        time_period = self.args[1] if self.args and len(self.args) > 1 \
-            else 'latest'
+        time_period = self.args[0] if self.args else 'latest'
         if time_period == 'all':
         elif time_period == 'latest':
-            since_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_period, '%Y-%m-%d')
-            downloader.since_date(since_date)
+            # The month to use
+            for_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_period, '%Y-%m')
+            downloader.specific_month(for_date)

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/controller.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/controller.py
@@ -1,28 +1,55 @@
+import re
+import csv
+import sys
 import logging
 import operator
-from ckan.lib.base import BaseController, c, render, request, response
+import collections
+from ckan.lib.base import (BaseController, c, g, render, request, response, abort)
 import sqlalchemy
 from sqlalchemy import func, cast, Integer
 import ckan.model as model
-from ga_model import GA_Url, GA_Stat
+from ga_model import GA_Url, GA_Stat, GA_ReferralStat, GA_Publisher
 log = logging.getLogger('ckanext.ga-report')
-def _get_month_name(str):
+def _get_month_name(strdate):
     import calendar
     from time import strptime
-    d = strptime('2012-10', '%Y-%m')
+    d = strptime(strdate, '%Y-%m')
     return '%s %s' % (calendar.month_name[d.tm_mon], d.tm_year)
-def _month_details(cls):
+def _month_details(cls, stat_key=None):
+    '''
+    Returns a list of all the periods for which we have data, unfortunately
+    knows too much about the type of the cls being passed as GA_Url has a
+    more complex query
+    This may need extending if we add a period_name to the stats
+    '''
     months = []
-    vals = model.Session.query(cls.period_name).distinct().all()
+    day = None
+    q = model.Session.query(cls.period_name,cls.period_complete_day)\
+        .filter(cls.period_name!='All').distinct(cls.period_name)
+    if stat_key:
+        q=  q.filter(cls.stat_name==stat_key)
+    vals = q.order_by("period_name desc").all()
+    if vals and vals[0][1]:
+        day = int(vals[0][1])
+        ordinal = 'th' if 11 <= day <= 13 \
+            else {1:'st',2:'nd',3:'rd'}.get(day % 10, 'th')
+        day = "{day}{ordinal}".format(day=day, ordinal=ordinal)
     for m in vals:
-        months.append( (m[0], _get_month_name(m)))
-    return sorted(months, key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
+        months.append( (m[0], _get_month_name(m[0])))
+    return months, day
 class GaReport(BaseController):
@@ -30,12 +57,13 @@
     def csv(self, month):
         import csv
-        entries = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).\
-            filter(GA_Stat.period_name==month).\
-            order_by('GA_Stat.stat_name, GA_Stat.key').all()
-        response.headers['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=dgu_analytics_%s.csv' % (month)
+        q = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).filter(GA_Stat.stat_name!='Downloads')
+        if month != 'all':
+            q = q.filter(GA_Stat.period_name==month)
+        entries = q.order_by('GA_Stat.period_name, GA_Stat.stat_name, GA_Stat.key').all()
         response.headers['Content-Type'] = "text/csv; charset=utf-8"
+        response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = str('attachment; filename=stats_%s.csv' % (month,))
         writer = csv.writer(response)
         writer.writerow(["Period", "Statistic", "Key", "Value"])
@@ -46,97 +74,328 @@
     def index(self):
         # Get the month details by fetching distinct values and determining the
         # month names from the values.
-        c.months = _month_details(GA_Stat)
+        c.months, c.day = _month_details(GA_Stat)
         # Work out which month to show, based on query params of the first item
-        c.month = request.params.get('month', c.months[0][0] if c.months else '')
-        c.month_desc = ''.join([m[1] for m in c.months if m[0]==c.month])
-        entries = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).\
-            filter(GA_Stat.stat_name=='Totals').\
-            filter(GA_Stat.period_name==c.month).all()
-        c.global_totals = [(s.key, s.value) for s in entries ]
+        c.month_desc = 'all months'
+        c.month = request.params.get('month', '')
+        if c.month:
+            c.month_desc = ''.join([m[1] for m in c.months if m[0]==c.month])
+        q = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).\
+            filter(GA_Stat.stat_name=='Totals')
+        if c.month:
+            q = q.filter(GA_Stat.period_name==c.month)
+        entries = q.order_by('ga_stat.key').all()
+        def clean_key(key, val):
+            if key in ['Average time on site', 'Pages per visit', 'New visits', 'Bounce rate (home page)']:
+                val =  "%.2f" % round(float(val), 2)
+                if key == 'Average time on site':
+                    mins, secs = divmod(float(val), 60)
+                    hours, mins = divmod(mins, 60)
+                    val = '%02d:%02d:%02d (%s seconds) ' % (hours, mins, secs, val)
+                if key in ['New visits','Bounce rate (home page)']:
+                    val = "%s%%" % val
+            if key in ['Total page views', 'Total visits']:
+                val = int(val)
+            return key, val
+        # Query historic values for sparkline rendering
+        graph_query = model.Session.query(GA_Stat)\
+                .filter(GA_Stat.stat_name=='Totals')\
+                .order_by(GA_Stat.period_name)
+        graph_data = {}
+        for x in graph_query:
+            graph_data[x.key] = graph_data.get(x.key,[])
+            key, val = clean_key(x.key,float(x.value))
+            tooltip = '%s: %s' % (_get_month_name(x.period_name), val)
+            graph_data[x.key].append( (tooltip,x.value) )
+        # Trim the latest month, as it looks like a huge dropoff
+        for key in graph_data:
+            graph_data[key] = graph_data[key][:-1]
+        c.global_totals = []
+        if c.month:
+            for e in entries:
+                key, val = clean_key(e.key, e.value)
+                sparkline = graph_data[e.key]
+                c.global_totals.append((key, val, sparkline))
+        else:
+            d = collections.defaultdict(list)
+            for e in entries:
+                d[e.key].append(float(e.value))
+            for k, v in d.iteritems():
+                if k in ['Total page views', 'Total visits']:
+                    v = sum(v)
+                else:
+                    v = float(sum(v))/float(len(v))
+                sparkline = graph_data[k]
+                key, val = clean_key(k,v)
+                c.global_totals.append((key, val, sparkline))
+                c.global_totals = sorted(c.global_totals, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
         keys = {
-            'Browser versions': 'browsers',
-            'Operating Systems versions': 'os',
+            'Browser versions': 'browser_versions',
+            'Browsers': 'browsers',
+            'Operating Systems versions': 'os_versions',
+            'Operating Systems': 'os',
             'Social sources': 'social_networks',
             'Languages': 'languages',
             'Country': 'country'
+        def shorten_name(name, length=60):
+            return (name[:length] + '..') if len(name) > 60 else name
+        def fill_out_url(url):
+            import urlparse
+            return urlparse.urljoin(g.site_url, url)
+        c.social_referrer_totals, c.social_referrers = [], []
+        q = model.Session.query(GA_ReferralStat)
+        q = q.filter(GA_ReferralStat.period_name==c.month) if c.month else q
+        q = q.order_by('ga_referrer.count::int desc')
+        for entry in q.all():
+            c.social_referrers.append((shorten_name(entry.url), fill_out_url(entry.url),
+                                       entry.source,entry.count))
+        q = model.Session.query(GA_ReferralStat.url,
+                                func.sum(GA_ReferralStat.count).label('count'))
+        q = q.filter(GA_ReferralStat.period_name==c.month) if c.month else q
+        q = q.order_by('count desc').group_by(GA_ReferralStat.url)
+        for entry in q.all():
+            c.social_referrer_totals.append((shorten_name(entry[0]), fill_out_url(entry[0]),'',
+                                            entry[1]))
         for k, v in keys.iteritems():
-            entries = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).\
-                filter(GA_Stat.stat_name==k).\
-                filter(GA_Stat.period_name==c.month).\
-                order_by('ga_stat.value::int desc').all()
-            setattr(c, v, [(s.key, s.value) for s in entries ])
+            q = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).\
+                filter(GA_Stat.stat_name==k)
+            if c.month:
+                entries = []
+                q = q.filter(GA_Stat.period_name==c.month).\
+                          order_by('ga_stat.value::int desc')
+            d = collections.defaultdict(int)
+            for e in q.all():
+                d[e.key] += int(e.value)
+            entries = []
+            for key, val in d.iteritems():
+                entries.append((key,val,))
+            entries = sorted(entries, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
+            # Get the total for each set of values and then set the value as
+            # a percentage of the total
+            if k == 'Social sources':
+                total = sum([x for n,x,graph in c.global_totals if n == 'Total visits'])
+            else:
+                total = sum([num for _,num in entries])
+            setattr(c, v, [(k,_percent(v,total)) for k,v in entries ])
         return render('ga_report/site/index.html')
-class GaPublisherReport(BaseController):
+class GaDatasetReport(BaseController):
-    Displays the pageview and visit count for specific publishers based on
-    the datasets associated with the publisher.
+    Displays the pageview and visit count for datasets
+    with options to filter by publisher and time period.
-    def index(self):
+    def publisher_csv(self, month):
+        '''
+        Returns a CSV of each publisher with the total number of dataset
+        views & visits.
+        '''
+        c.month = month if not month == 'all' else ''
+        response.headers['Content-Type'] = "text/csv; charset=utf-8"
+        response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = str('attachment; filename=publishers_%s.csv' % (month,))
+        writer = csv.writer(response)
+        writer.writerow(["Publisher Title", "Publisher Name", "Views", "Visits", "Period Name"])
+        for publisher,view,visit in _get_top_publishers(None):
+            writer.writerow([publisher.title.encode('utf-8'),
+                             publisher.name.encode('utf-8'),
+                             view,
+                             visit,
+                             month])
+    def dataset_csv(self, id='all', month='all'):
+        '''
+        Returns a CSV with the number of views & visits for each dataset.
+        :param id: A Publisher ID or None if you want for all
+        :param month: The time period, or 'all'
+        '''
+        c.month = month if not month == 'all' else ''
+        if id != 'all':
+            c.publisher = model.Group.get(id)
+            if not c.publisher:
+                abort(404, 'A publisher with that name could not be found')
+        packages = self._get_packages(c.publisher)
+        response.headers['Content-Type'] = "text/csv; charset=utf-8"
+        response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \
+            str('attachment; filename=datasets_%s_%s.csv' % (c.publisher_name, month,))
+        writer = csv.writer(response)
+        writer.writerow(["Dataset Title", "Dataset Name", "Views", "Visits", "Resource downloads", "Period Name"])
+        for package,view,visit,downloads in packages:
+            writer.writerow([package.title.encode('utf-8'),
+                             package.name.encode('utf-8'),
+                             view,
+                             visit,
+                             downloads,
+                             month])
+    def publishers(self):
+        '''A list of publishers and the number of views/visits for each'''
         # Get the month details by fetching distinct values and determining the
         # month names from the values.
-        c.months = _month_details(GA_Url)
+        c.months, c.day = _month_details(GA_Url)
         # Work out which month to show, based on query params of the first item
-        c.month = request.params.get('month', c.months[0][0] if c.months else '')
-        c.month_desc = ''.join([m[1] for m in c.months if m[0]==c.month])
-        connection = model.Session.connection()
-        q = """
-            select department_id, sum(pageviews::int) views, sum(visitors::int) visits
-            from ga_url
-            where department_id <> ''
-                and not url like '/publisher/%%'
-                and period_name=%s
-            group by department_id order by views desc limit 20;
-        """
-        c.top_publishers = []
-        res = connection.execute(q, c.month)
-        for row in res:
-            c.top_publishers.append((model.Group.get(row[0]), row[1], row[2]))
+        c.month = request.params.get('month', '')
+        c.month_desc = 'all months'
+        if c.month:
+            c.month_desc = ''.join([m[1] for m in c.months if m[0]==c.month])
+        c.top_publishers = _get_top_publishers()
         return render('ga_report/publisher/index.html')
-    def read(self, id):
-        c.publisher = model.Group.get(id)
+    def _get_packages(self, publisher=None, count=-1):
+        '''Returns the datasets in order of views'''
+        have_download_data = True
+        month = c.month or 'All'
+        if month != 'All':
+            have_download_data = month >= DOWNLOADS_AVAILABLE_FROM
+        q = model.Session.query(GA_Url,model.Package)\
+            .filter(model.Package.name==GA_Url.package_id)\
+            .filter(GA_Url.url.like('/dataset/%'))
+        if publisher:
+            q = q.filter(GA_Url.department_id==publisher.name)
+        q = q.filter(GA_Url.period_name==month)
+        q = q.order_by('ga_url.pageviews::int desc')
+        top_packages = []
+        if count == -1:
+            entries = q.all()
+        else:
+            entries = q.limit(count)
+        for entry,package in entries:
+            if package:
+                # Downloads ....
+                if have_download_data:
+                    dls = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).\
+                        filter(GA_Stat.stat_name=='Downloads').\
+                        filter(GA_Stat.key==package.name)
+                    if month != 'All':  # Fetch everything unless the month is specific
+                        dls = dls.filter(GA_Stat.period_name==month)
+                    downloads = sum(int(d.value) for d in dls.all())
+                else:
+                    downloads = 'No data'
+                top_packages.append((package, entry.pageviews, entry.visits, downloads))
+            else:
+                log.warning('Could not find package associated package')
+        return top_packages
+    def read(self):
+        '''
+        Lists the most popular datasets across all publishers
+        '''
+        return self.read_publisher(None)
+    def read_publisher(self, id):
+        '''
+        Lists the most popular datasets for a publisher (or across all publishers)
+        '''
+        count = 20
+        c.publishers = _get_publishers()
+        id = request.params.get('publisher', id)
+        if id and id != 'all':
+            c.publisher = model.Group.get(id)
+            if not c.publisher:
+                abort(404, 'A publisher with that name could not be found')
+            c.publisher_name = c.publisher.name
         c.top_packages = [] # package, dataset_views in c.top_packages
         # Get the month details by fetching distinct values and determining the
         # month names from the values.
-        c.months = _month_details(GA_Url)
+        c.months, c.day = _month_details(GA_Url)
         # Work out which month to show, based on query params of the first item
-        c.month = request.params.get('month', c.months[0][0] if c.months else '')
-        c.month_desc = ''.join([m[1] for m in c.months if m[0]==c.month])
-        entry = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
-            filter(GA_Url.url=='/publisher/%s' % c.publisher.name).\
-            filter(GA_Url.period_name==c.month).first()
+        c.month = request.params.get('month', '')
+        if not c.month:
+            c.month_desc = 'all months'
+        else:
+            c.month_desc = ''.join([m[1] for m in c.months if m[0]==c.month])
+        month = c.month or 'All'
+        c.publisher_page_views = 0
+        q = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
+            filter(GA_Url.url=='/publisher/%s' % c.publisher_name)
+        entry = q.filter(GA_Url.period_name==c.month).first()
         c.publisher_page_views = entry.pageviews if entry else 0
-        entries = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
-            filter(GA_Url.department_id==c.publisher.name).\
-            filter(GA_Url.period_name==c.month).\
-            order_by('ga_url.pageviews::int desc')[:20]
-        for entry in entries:
-            if entry.url.startswith('/dataset/'):
-                p = model.Package.get(entry.url[len('/dataset/'):])
-                c.top_packages.append((p,entry.pageviews,entry.visitors))
+        c.top_packages = self._get_packages(c.publisher, 20)
         return render('ga_report/publisher/read.html')
+def _get_top_publishers(limit=20):
+    '''
+    Returns a list of the top 20 publishers by dataset visits.
+    (The number to show can be varied with 'limit')
+    '''
+    month = c.month or 'All'
+    connection = model.Session.connection()
+    q = """
+        select department_id, sum(pageviews::int) views, sum(visits::int) visits
+        from ga_url
+        where department_id <> ''
+          and package_id <> ''
+          and url like '/dataset/%%'
+          and period_name=%s
+        group by department_id order by views desc
+        """
+    if limit:
+        q = q + " limit %s;" % (limit)
+    top_publishers = []
+    res = connection.execute(q, month)
+    for row in res:
+        g = model.Group.get(row[0])
+        if g:
+            top_publishers.append((g, row[1], row[2]))
+    return top_publishers
+def _get_publishers():
+    '''
+    Returns a list of all publishers. Each item is a tuple:
+      (name, title)
+    '''
+    publishers = []
+    for pub in model.Session.query(model.Group).\
+               filter(model.Group.type=='publisher').\
+               filter(model.Group.state=='active').\
+               order_by(model.Group.name):
+        publishers.append((pub.name, pub.title))
+    return publishers
+def _percent(num, total):
+    p = 100 * float(num)/float(total)
+    return "%.2f%%" % round(p, 2)

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/download_analytics.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/download_analytics.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 import os
 import logging
 import datetime
+import collections
 from pylons import config
+from ga_model import _normalize_url
 import ga_model
 #from ga_client import GA
@@ -11,18 +11,32 @@
 log = logging.getLogger('ckanext.ga-report')
 class DownloadAnalytics(object):
     '''Downloads and stores analytics info'''
-    def __init__(self, service=None, profile_id=None):
+    def __init__(self, service=None, profile_id=None, delete_first=False,
+                 skip_url_stats=False):
         self.period = config['ga-report.period']
         self.service = service
         self.profile_id = profile_id
-    def all_(self):
-        self.since_date(datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1))
+        self.delete_first = delete_first
+        self.skip_url_stats = skip_url_stats
+    def specific_month(self, date):
+        import calendar
+        first_of_this_month = datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, 1)
+        _, last_day_of_month = calendar.monthrange(int(date.year), int(date.month))
+        last_of_this_month =  datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, last_day_of_month)
+        periods = ((date.strftime(FORMAT_MONTH),
+                    last_day_of_month,
+                    first_of_this_month, last_of_this_month),)
+        self.download_and_store(periods)
     def latest(self):
         if self.period == 'monthly':
@@ -37,13 +51,13 @@
-    def since_date(self, since_date):
+    def for_date(self, for_date):
         assert isinstance(since_date, datetime.datetime)
         periods = [] # (period_name, period_complete_day, start_date, end_date)
         if self.period == 'monthly':
             first_of_the_months_until_now = []
-            year = since_date.year
-            month = since_date.month
+            year = for_date.year
+            month = for_date.month
             now = datetime.datetime.now()
             first_of_this_month = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, 1)
             while True:
@@ -81,32 +95,81 @@
     def download_and_store(self, periods):
         for period_name, period_complete_day, start_date, end_date in periods:
-            log.info('Downloading Analytics for period "%s" (%s - %s)',
+            log.info('Period "%s" (%s - %s)',
                      self.get_full_period_name(period_name, period_complete_day),
-                     start_date.strftime('%Y %m %d'),
-                     end_date.strftime('%Y %m %d'))
-            data = self.download(start_date, end_date, '~/dataset/[a-z0-9-_]+')
-            log.info('Storing Dataset Analytics for period "%s"',
-                     self.get_full_period_name(period_name, period_complete_day))
-            self.store(period_name, period_complete_day, data, )
-            data = self.download(start_date, end_date, '~/publisher/[a-z0-9-_]+')
-            log.info('Storing Publisher Analytics for period "%s"',
-                     self.get_full_period_name(period_name, period_complete_day))
-            self.store(period_name, period_complete_day, data,)
-            ga_model.update_publisher_stats(period_name) # about 30 seconds.
-            self.sitewide_stats( period_name )
-    def download(self, start_date, end_date, path='~/dataset/[a-z0-9-_]+'):
+                     start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
+                     end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
+            if self.delete_first:
+                log.info('Deleting existing Analytics for this period "%s"',
+                         period_name)
+                ga_model.delete(period_name)
+            if not self.skip_url_stats:
+                # Clean out old url data before storing the new
+                ga_model.pre_update_url_stats(period_name)
+                accountName = config.get('googleanalytics.account')
+                log.info('Downloading analytics for dataset views')
+                data = self.download(start_date, end_date, '~/%s/dataset/[a-z0-9-_]+' % accountName)
+                log.info('Storing dataset views (%i rows)', len(data.get('url')))
+                self.store(period_name, period_complete_day, data, )
+                log.info('Downloading analytics for publisher views')
+                data = self.download(start_date, end_date, '~/%s/publisher/[a-z0-9-_]+' % accountName)
+                log.info('Storing publisher views (%i rows)', len(data.get('url')))
+                self.store(period_name, period_complete_day, data,)
+                # Make sure the All records are correct.
+                ga_model.post_update_url_stats()
+                log.info('Aggregating datasets by publisher')
+                ga_model.update_publisher_stats(period_name) # about 30 seconds.
+            log.info('Downloading and storing analytics for site-wide stats')
+            self.sitewide_stats( period_name, period_complete_day )
+            log.info('Downloading and storing analytics for social networks')
+            self.update_social_info(period_name, start_date, end_date)
+    def update_social_info(self, period_name, start_date, end_date):
+        start_date = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+        end_date = end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+        query = 'ga:hasSocialSourceReferral=~Yes$'
+        metrics = 'ga:entrances'
+        sort = '-ga:entrances'
+        # Supported query params at
+        # https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v3/reference
+        results = self.service.data().ga().get(
+                                 ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
+                                 filters=query,
+                                 start_date=start_date,
+                                 metrics=metrics,
+                                 sort=sort,
+                                 dimensions="ga:landingPagePath,ga:socialNetwork",
+                                 max_results=10000,
+                                 end_date=end_date).execute()
+        data = collections.defaultdict(list)
+        rows = results.get('rows',[])
+        for row in rows:
+            url = _normalize_url('http:/' + row[0])
+            data[url].append( (row[1], int(row[2]),) )
+        ga_model.update_social(period_name, data)
+    def download(self, start_date, end_date, path=None):
         '''Get data from GA for a given time period'''
         start_date = start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
         end_date = end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
         query = 'ga:pagePath=%s$' % path
-        metrics = 'ga:uniquePageviews, ga:visitors'
-        sort = '-ga:uniquePageviews'
+        metrics = 'ga:pageviews, ga:visits'
+        sort = '-ga:pageviews'
         # Supported query params at
         # https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v3/reference
@@ -120,35 +183,36 @@
-        if os.getenv('DEBUG'):
-            import pprint
-            pprint.pprint(results)
-            print 'Total results: %s' % results.get('totalResults')
         packages = []
+        log.info("There are %d results" % results['totalResults'])
         for entry in results.get('rows'):
             (loc,pageviews,visits) = entry
-            packages.append( ('http:/' + loc, pageviews, visits,) ) # Temporary hack
+            url = _normalize_url('http:/' + loc) # strips off domain e.g. www.data.gov.uk or data.gov.uk
+            if not url.startswith('/dataset/') and not url.startswith('/publisher/'):
+                # filter out strays like:
+                # /data/user/login?came_from=http://data.gov.uk/dataset/os-code-point-open
+                # /403.html?page=/about&from=http://data.gov.uk/publisher/planning-inspectorate
+                continue
+            packages.append( (url, pageviews, visits,) ) # Temporary hack
         return dict(url=packages)
     def store(self, period_name, period_complete_day, data):
         if 'url' in data:
             ga_model.update_url_stats(period_name, period_complete_day, data['url'])
-    def sitewide_stats(self, period_name):
+    def sitewide_stats(self, period_name, period_complete_day):
         import calendar
         year, month = period_name.split('-')
         _, last_day_of_month = calendar.monthrange(int(year), int(month))
         start_date = '%s-01' % period_name
         end_date = '%s-%s' % (period_name, last_day_of_month)
-        print 'Sitewide_stats for %s (%s -> %s)' % (period_name, start_date, end_date)
         funcs = ['_totals_stats', '_social_stats', '_os_stats',
-                 '_locale_stats', '_browser_stats', '_mobile_stats']
+                 '_locale_stats', '_browser_stats', '_mobile_stats', '_download_stats']
         for f in funcs:
-            print ' + Fetching %s stats' % f.split('_')[1]
-            getattr(self, f)(start_date, end_date, period_name)
+            log.info('Downloading analytics for %s' % f.split('_')[1])
+            getattr(self, f)(start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day)
     def _get_results(result_data, f):
         data = {}
@@ -157,41 +221,65 @@
             data[key] = data.get(key,0) + result[1]
         return data
-    def _totals_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name):
+    def _totals_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
         """ Fetches distinct totals, total pageviews etc """
         results = self.service.data().ga().get(
                                  ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 metrics='ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 sort='-ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 max_results=10000,
-                                 end_date=end_date).execute()
-        result_data = results.get('rows')
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", {'Total pageviews': result_data[0][0]})
-        results = self.service.data().ga().get(
-                                 ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 start_date=start_date,
-                                 metrics='ga:pageviewsPerVisit,ga:bounces,ga:avgTimeOnSite,ga:percentNewVisits',
+                                 metrics='ga:pageviews',
+                                 sort='-ga:pageviews',
+                                 max_results=10000,
+                                 end_date=end_date).execute()
+        result_data = results.get('rows')
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", {'Total page views': result_data[0][0]},
+            period_complete_day)
+        results = self.service.data().ga().get(
+                                 ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
+                                 start_date=start_date,
+                                 metrics='ga:pageviewsPerVisit,ga:avgTimeOnSite,ga:percentNewVisits,ga:visits',
         result_data = results.get('rows')
         data = {
             'Pages per visit': result_data[0][0],
-            'Bounces': result_data[0][1],
-            'Average time on site': result_data[0][2],
-            'Percent new visits': result_data[0][3],
+            'Average time on site': result_data[0][1],
+            'New visits': result_data[0][2],
+            'Total visits': result_data[0][3],
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", data)
-    def _locale_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name):
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", data, period_complete_day)
+        # Bounces from / or another configurable page.
+        path = '/%s%s' % (config.get('googleanalytics.account'),
+                          config.get('ga-report.bounce_url', '/'))
+        results = self.service.data().ga().get(
+                                 ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
+                                 filters='ga:pagePath==%s' % (path,),
+                                 start_date=start_date,
+                                 metrics='ga:visitBounceRate',
+                                 dimensions='ga:pagePath',
+                                 max_results=10000,
+                                 end_date=end_date).execute()
+        result_data = results.get('rows')
+        if not result_data or len(result_data) != 1:
+            log.error('Could not pinpoint the bounces for path: %s. Got results: %r',
+                      path, result_data)
+            return
+        results = result_data[0]
+        bounces = float(results[1])
+        # visitBounceRate is already a %
+        log.info('Google reports visitBounceRate as %s', bounces)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Totals", {'Bounce rate (home page)': float(bounces)},
+            period_complete_day)
+    def _locale_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
         """ Fetches stats about language and country """
         results = self.service.data().ga().get(
                                  ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 metrics='ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 sort='-ga:uniquePageviews',
+                                 metrics='ga:pageviews',
+                                 sort='-ga:pageviews',
@@ -199,42 +287,98 @@
         data = {}
         for result in result_data:
             data[result[0]] = data.get(result[0], 0) + int(result[2])
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Languages", data)
+        self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_VIEWS)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Languages", data, period_complete_day)
         data = {}
         for result in result_data:
             data[result[1]] = data.get(result[1], 0) + int(result[2])
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Country", data)
-    def _social_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name):
+        self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_VIEWS)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Country", data, period_complete_day)
+    def _download_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
+        """ Fetches stats about language and country """
+        import ckan.model as model
+        data = {}
+        results = self.service.data().ga().get(
+                                 ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
+                                 start_date=start_date,
+                                 filters='ga:eventAction==download',
+                                 metrics='ga:totalEvents',
+                                 sort='-ga:totalEvents',
+                                 dimensions="ga:eventLabel",
+                                 max_results=10000,
+                                 end_date=end_date).execute()
+        result_data = results.get('rows')
+        if not result_data:
+            # We may not have data for this time period, so we need to bail
+            # early.
+            log.info("There is no download data for this time period")
+            return
+        def process_result_data(result_data, cached=False):
+            for result in result_data:
+                url = result[0].strip()
+                # Get package id associated with the resource that has this URL.
+                q = model.Session.query(model.Resource)
+                if cached:
+                    r = q.filter(model.Resource.cache_url.like("%s%%" % url)).first()
+                else:
+                    r = q.filter(model.Resource.url.like("%s%%" % url)).first()
+                package_name = r.resource_group.package.name if r else ""
+                if package_name:
+                    data[package_name] = data.get(package_name, 0) + int(result[1])
+                else:
+                    log.warning(u"Could not find resource for URL: {url}".format(url=url))
+                    continue
+        process_result_data(results.get('rows'))
+        results = self.service.data().ga().get(
+                                 ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
+                                 start_date=start_date,
+                                 filters='ga:eventAction==download-cache',
+                                 metrics='ga:totalEvents',
+                                 sort='-ga:totalEvents',
+                                 dimensions="ga:eventLabel",
+                                 max_results=10000,
+                                 end_date=end_date).execute()
+        process_result_data(results.get('rows'), cached=False)
+        self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_DOWNLOADS)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Downloads", data, period_complete_day)
+    def _social_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
         """ Finds out which social sites people are referred from """
         results = self.service.data().ga().get(
                                  ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 metrics='ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 sort='-ga:uniquePageviews',
+                                 metrics='ga:pageviews',
+                                 sort='-ga:pageviews',
         result_data = results.get('rows')
-        twitter_links = []
         data = {}
         for result in result_data:
             if not result[0] == '(not set)':
                 data[result[0]] = data.get(result[0], 0) + int(result[2])
-                if result[0] == 'Twitter':
-                    twitter_links.append(result[1])
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Social sources", data)
-    def _os_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name):
+        self._filter_out_long_tail(data, 3)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Social sources", data, period_complete_day)
+    def _os_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
         """ Operating system stats """
         results = self.service.data().ga().get(
                                  ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 metrics='ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 sort='-ga:uniquePageviews',
+                                 metrics='ga:pageviews',
+                                 sort='-ga:pageviews',
@@ -242,46 +386,73 @@
         data = {}
         for result in result_data:
             data[result[0]] = data.get(result[0], 0) + int(result[2])
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Operating Systems", data)
-        data = {}
-        for result in result_data:
-            key = "%s (%s)" % (result[0],result[1])
-            data[key] = result[2]
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Operating Systems versions", data)
-    def _browser_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name):
+        self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_VIEWS)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Operating Systems", data, period_complete_day)
+        data = {}
+        for result in result_data:
+            if int(result[2]) >= MIN_VIEWS:
+                key = "%s %s" % (result[0],result[1])
+                data[key] = result[2]
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Operating Systems versions", data, period_complete_day)
+    def _browser_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
         """ Information about browsers and browser versions """
         results = self.service.data().ga().get(
                                  ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 metrics='ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 sort='-ga:uniquePageviews',
+                                 metrics='ga:pageviews',
+                                 sort='-ga:pageviews',
         result_data = results.get('rows')
+        # e.g. [u'Firefox', u'19.0', u'20']
         data = {}
         for result in result_data:
             data[result[0]] = data.get(result[0], 0) + int(result[2])
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Browsers", data)
-        data = {}
-        for result in result_data:
-            key = "%s (%s)" % (result[0], result[1])
-            data[key] = result[2]
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Browser versions", data)
-    def _mobile_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name):
+        self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_VIEWS)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Browsers", data, period_complete_day)
+        data = {}
+        for result in result_data:
+            key = "%s %s" % (result[0], self._filter_browser_version(result[0], result[1]))
+            data[key] = data.get(key, 0) + int(result[2])
+        self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_VIEWS)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Browser versions", data, period_complete_day)
+    @classmethod
+    def _filter_browser_version(cls, browser, version_str):
+        '''
+        Simplifies a browser version string if it is detailed.
+        i.e. groups together Firefox 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 to be just 3.
+        This is helpful when viewing stats and good to protect privacy.
+        '''
+        ver = version_str
+        parts = ver.split('.')
+        if len(parts) > 1:
+            if parts[1][0] == '0':
+                ver = parts[0]
+            else:
+                ver = "%s" % (parts[0])
+        # Special case complex version nums
+        if browser in ['Safari', 'Android Browser']:
+            ver = parts[0]
+            if len(ver) > 2:
+                num_hidden_digits = len(ver) - 2
+                ver = ver[0] + ver[1] + 'X' * num_hidden_digits
+        return ver
+    def _mobile_stats(self, start_date, end_date, period_name, period_complete_day):
         """ Info about mobile devices """
         results = self.service.data().ga().get(
                                  ids='ga:' + self.profile_id,
-                                 metrics='ga:uniquePageviews',
-                                 sort='-ga:uniquePageviews',
+                                 metrics='ga:pageviews',
+                                 sort='-ga:pageviews',
                                  dimensions="ga:mobileDeviceBranding, ga:mobileDeviceInfo",
@@ -290,10 +461,23 @@
         data = {}
         for result in result_data:
             data[result[0]] = data.get(result[0], 0) + int(result[2])
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Mobile brands", data)
+        self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_VIEWS)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Mobile brands", data, period_complete_day)
         data = {}
         for result in result_data:
             data[result[1]] = data.get(result[1], 0) + int(result[2])
-        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Mobile devices", data)
+        self._filter_out_long_tail(data, MIN_VIEWS)
+        ga_model.update_sitewide_stats(period_name, "Mobile devices", data, period_complete_day)
+    @classmethod
+    def _filter_out_long_tail(cls, data, threshold=10):
+        '''
+        Given data which is a frequency distribution, filter out
+        results which are below a threshold count. This is good to protect
+        privacy.
+        '''
+        for key, value in data.items():
+            if value < threshold:
+                del data[key]

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/ga_auth.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/ga_auth.py
@@ -53,7 +53,11 @@
         return None
     accountName = config.get('googleanalytics.account')
+    if not accountName:
+        raise Exception('googleanalytics.account needs to be configured')
     webPropertyId = config.get('googleanalytics.id')
+    if not webPropertyId:
+        raise Exception('googleanalytics.id needs to be configured')
     for acc in accounts.get('items'):
         if acc.get('name') == accountName:
             accountId = acc.get('id')

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/ga_model.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/ga_model.py
@@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
 import re
 import uuid
-from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, MetaData
+from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, MetaData, ForeignKey
 from sqlalchemy import types
 from sqlalchemy.sql import select
-from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
+from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation
 from sqlalchemy import func
 import ckan.model as model
 from ckan.lib.base import *
+log = __import__('logging').getLogger(__name__)
 def make_uuid():
     return unicode(uuid.uuid4())
+metadata = MetaData()
 class GA_Url(object):
@@ -21,41 +23,42 @@
         for k,v in kwargs.items():
             setattr(self, k, v)
-class GA_Stat(object):
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        for k,v in kwargs.items():
-            setattr(self, k, v)
-class GA_Publisher(object):
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        for k,v in kwargs.items():
-            setattr(self, k, v)
-metadata = MetaData()
 url_table = Table('ga_url', metadata,
                       Column('id', types.UnicodeText, primary_key=True,
                       Column('period_name', types.UnicodeText),
                       Column('period_complete_day', types.Integer),
                       Column('pageviews', types.UnicodeText),
-                      Column('visitors', types.UnicodeText),
+                      Column('visits', types.UnicodeText),
                       Column('url', types.UnicodeText),
                       Column('department_id', types.UnicodeText),
+                      Column('package_id', types.UnicodeText),
 mapper(GA_Url, url_table)
+class GA_Stat(object):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        for k,v in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, k, v)
 stat_table = Table('ga_stat', metadata,
                   Column('id', types.UnicodeText, primary_key=True,
                   Column('period_name', types.UnicodeText),
+                  Column('period_complete_day', types.UnicodeText),
                   Column('stat_name', types.UnicodeText),
                   Column('key', types.UnicodeText),
                   Column('value', types.UnicodeText), )
 mapper(GA_Stat, stat_table)
+class GA_Publisher(object):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        for k,v in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, k, v)
 pub_table = Table('ga_publisher', metadata,
                   Column('id', types.UnicodeText, primary_key=True,
@@ -63,12 +66,30 @@
                   Column('period_name', types.UnicodeText),
                   Column('publisher_name', types.UnicodeText),
                   Column('views', types.UnicodeText),
-                  Column('visitors', types.UnicodeText),
+                  Column('visits', types.UnicodeText),
                   Column('toplevel', types.Boolean, default=False),
                   Column('subpublishercount', types.Integer, default=0),
                   Column('parent', types.UnicodeText),
 mapper(GA_Publisher, pub_table)
+class GA_ReferralStat(object):
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        for k,v in kwargs.items():
+            setattr(self, k, v)
+referrer_table = Table('ga_referrer', metadata,
+                      Column('id', types.UnicodeText, primary_key=True,
+                             default=make_uuid),
+                      Column('period_name', types.UnicodeText),
+                      Column('source', types.UnicodeText),
+                      Column('url', types.UnicodeText),
+                      Column('count', types.Integer),
+                )
+mapper(GA_ReferralStat, referrer_table)
 def init_tables():
@@ -93,11 +114,10 @@
     >>> normalize_url('http://data.gov.uk/dataset/weekly_fuel_prices')
-    url = re.sub('https?://(www\.)?data.gov.uk', '', url)
-    return url
-def _get_department_id_of_url(url):
+    return '/' + '/'.join(url.split('/')[3:])
+def _get_package_and_publisher(url):
     # e.g. /dataset/fuel_prices
     # e.g. /dataset/fuel_prices/resource/e63380d4
     dataset_match = re.match('/dataset/([^/]+)(/.*)?', url)
@@ -107,14 +127,15 @@
         if dataset:
             publisher_groups = dataset.get_groups('publisher')
             if publisher_groups:
-                return publisher_groups[0].name
+                return dataset_ref,publisher_groups[0].name
+        return dataset_ref, None
         publisher_match = re.match('/publisher/([^/]+)(/.*)?', url)
         if publisher_match:
-            return publisher_match.groups()[0]
-def update_sitewide_stats(period_name, stat_name, data):
+            return None, publisher_match.groups()[0]
+    return None, None
+def update_sitewide_stats(period_name, stat_name, data, period_complete_day):
     for k,v in data.iteritems():
         item = model.Session.query(GA_Stat).\
@@ -124,11 +145,13 @@
             item.period_name = period_name
             item.key = k
             item.value = v
+            item.period_complete_day = period_complete_day
             # create the row
             values = {'id': make_uuid(),
                      'period_name': period_name,
+                     'period_complete_day': period_complete_day,
                      'key': k,
                      'value': v,
                      'stat_name': stat_name
@@ -137,36 +160,147 @@
+def pre_update_url_stats(period_name):
+    log.debug("Deleting '%s' records" % period_name)
+    model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
+            filter(GA_Url.period_name==period_name).delete()
+    count = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
+            filter(GA_Url.period_name == 'All').count()
+    log.debug("Deleting %d 'All' records" % count)
+    count = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
+            filter(GA_Url.period_name == 'All').delete()
+    log.debug("Deleted %d 'All' records" % count)
+    model.Session.flush()
+    model.Session.commit()
+    model.repo.commit_and_remove()
+def post_update_url_stats():
+    """ Check the distinct url field in ga_url and make sure
+        it has an All record.  If not then create one.
+        After running this then every URL should have an All
+        record regardless of whether the URL has an entry for
+        the month being currently processed.
+    """
+    query = """select url, pageviews::int, visits::int
+               from ga_url
+               where url not in (select url from ga_url where period_name ='All')"""
+    connection = model.Session.connection()
+    res = connection.execute(query)
+    views, visits = {}, {}
+    # url, views, visits
+    for row in res:
+        views[row[0]] = views.get(row[0], 0) + row[1]
+        visits[row[0]] = visits.get(row[0], 0) + row[2]
+    for key in views.keys():
+        package, publisher = _get_package_and_publisher(key)
+        values = {'id': make_uuid(),
+                  'period_name': "All",
+                  'period_complete_day': 0,
+                  'url': key,
+                  'pageviews': views[key],
+                  'visits': visits[key],
+                  'department_id': publisher,
+                  'package_id': publisher
+                  }
+        model.Session.add(GA_Url(**values))
+    model.Session.commit()
 def update_url_stats(period_name, period_complete_day, url_data):
-    for url, views, visitors in url_data:
-        url = _normalize_url(url)
-        department_id = _get_department_id_of_url(url)
-        # see if the row for this url & month is in the table already
+    '''
+    Given a list of urls and number of hits for each during a given period,
+    stores them in GA_Url under the period and recalculates the totals for
+    the 'All' period.
+    '''
+    for url, views, visits in url_data:
+        package, publisher = _get_package_and_publisher(url)
         item = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
         if item:
-            item.period_name = period_name
-            item.pageviews = views
-            item.visitors = visitors
-            item.department_id = department_id
+            item.pageviews = item.pageviews + views
+            item.visits = item.visits + visits
+            if not item.package_id:
+                item.package_id = package
+            if not item.department_id:
+                item.department_id = publisher
-            # create the row
             values = {'id': make_uuid(),
                       'period_name': period_name,
                       'period_complete_day': period_complete_day,
                       'url': url,
                       'pageviews': views,
-                      'visitors': visitors,
-                      'department_id': department_id
+                      'visits': visits,
+                      'department_id': publisher,
+                      'package_id': package
+        if package:
+            old_pageviews, old_visits = 0, 0
+            old = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
+                filter(GA_Url.period_name=='All').\
+                filter(GA_Url.url==url).all()
+            old_pageviews = sum([int(o.pageviews) for o in old])
+            old_visits = sum([int(o.visits) for o in old])
+            entries = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
+                filter(GA_Url.period_name!='All').\
+                filter(GA_Url.url==url).all()
+            values = {'id': make_uuid(),
+                      'period_name': 'All',
+                      'period_complete_day': 0,
+                      'url': url,
+                      'pageviews': sum([int(e.pageviews) for e in entries]) + int(old_pageviews),
+                      'visits': sum([int(e.visits or 0) for e in entries]) + int(old_visits),
+                      'department_id': publisher,
+                      'package_id': package
+                     }
+            model.Session.add(GA_Url(**values))
+            model.Session.commit()
+def update_social(period_name, data):
+    # Clean up first.
+    model.Session.query(GA_ReferralStat).\
+        filter(GA_ReferralStat.period_name==period_name).delete()
+    for url,data in data.iteritems():
+        for entry in data:
+            source = entry[0]
+            count = entry[1]
+            item = model.Session.query(GA_ReferralStat).\
+                filter(GA_ReferralStat.period_name==period_name).\
+                filter(GA_ReferralStat.source==source).\
+                filter(GA_ReferralStat.url==url).first()
+            if item:
+                item.count = item.count + count
+                model.Session.add(item)
+            else:
+                # create the row
+                values = {'id': make_uuid(),
+                          'period_name': period_name,
+                          'source': source,
+                          'url': url,
+                          'count': count,
+                         }
+                model.Session.add(GA_ReferralStat(**values))
+            model.Session.commit()
 def update_publisher_stats(period_name):
@@ -179,7 +313,7 @@
     for publisher in publishers:
-        views, visitors, subpub = update_publisher(period_name, publisher, publisher.name)
+        views, visits, subpub = update_publisher(period_name, publisher, publisher.name)
         parent, parents = '', publisher.get_groups('publisher')
         if parents:
             parent = parents[0].name
@@ -188,7 +322,7 @@
         if item:
             item.views = views
-            item.visitors = visitors
+            item.visits = visits
             item.publisher_name = publisher.name
             item.toplevel = publisher in toplevel
             item.subpublishercount = subpub
@@ -200,7 +334,7 @@
                      'period_name': period_name,
                      'publisher_name': publisher.name,
                      'views': views,
-                     'visitors': visitors,
+                     'visits': visits,
                      'toplevel': publisher in toplevel,
                      'subpublishercount': subpub,
                      'parent': parent
@@ -210,7 +344,7 @@
 def update_publisher(period_name, pub, part=''):
-    views,visitors,subpub = 0, 0, 0
+    views,visits,subpub = 0, 0, 0
     for publisher in go_down_tree(pub):
         subpub = subpub + 1
         items = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
@@ -218,9 +352,9 @@
         for item in items:
             views = views + int(item.pageviews)
-            visitors = visitors + int(item.visitors)
-    return views, visitors, (subpub-1)
+            visits = visits + int(item.visits)
+    return views, visits, (subpub-1)
 def get_top_level():
@@ -248,3 +382,46 @@
         for grandchild in go_down_tree(child):
             yield grandchild
+def delete(period_name):
+    '''
+    Deletes table data for the specified period, or specify 'all'
+    for all periods.
+    '''
+    for object_type in (GA_Url, GA_Stat, GA_Publisher, GA_ReferralStat):
+        q = model.Session.query(object_type)
+        if period_name != 'All':
+            q = q.filter_by(period_name=period_name)
+        q.delete()
+    model.repo.commit_and_remove()
+def get_score_for_dataset(dataset_name):
+    '''
+    Returns a "current popularity" score for a dataset,
+    based on how many views it has had recently.
+    '''
+    import datetime
+    now = datetime.datetime.now()
+    last_month = now - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
+    period_names = ['%s-%02d' % (last_month.year, last_month.month),
+                    '%s-%02d' % (now.year, now.month),
+                    ]
+    score = 0
+    for period_name in period_names:
+        score /= 2 # previous periods are discounted by 50%
+        entry = model.Session.query(GA_Url)\
+                .filter(GA_Url.period_name==period_name)\
+                .filter(GA_Url.package_id==dataset_name).first()
+        # score
+        if entry:
+            views = float(entry.pageviews)
+            if entry.period_complete_day:
+                views_per_day = views / entry.period_complete_day
+            else:
+                views_per_day = views / 15 # guess
+            score += views_per_day
+    score = int(score * 100)
+    log.debug('Popularity %s: %s', score, dataset_name)
+    return score

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/helpers.py
@@ -1,1 +1,119 @@
+import logging
+import operator
+import ckan.lib.base as base
+import ckan.model as model
+from ckan.logic import get_action
+from ckanext.ga_report.ga_model import GA_Url, GA_Publisher
+from ckanext.ga_report.controller import _get_publishers
+_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def popular_datasets(count=10):
+    import random
+    publisher = None
+    publishers = _get_publishers(30)
+    total = len(publishers)
+    while not publisher or not datasets:
+        rand = random.randrange(0, total)
+        publisher = publishers[rand][0]
+        if not publisher.state == 'active':
+            publisher = None
+            continue
+        datasets = _datasets_for_publisher(publisher, 10)[:count]
+    ctx = {
+        'datasets': datasets,
+        'publisher': publisher
+    }
+    return base.render_snippet('ga_report/ga_popular_datasets.html', **ctx)
+def single_popular_dataset(top=20):
+    '''Returns a random dataset from the most popular ones.
+    :param top: the number of top datasets to select from
+    '''
+    import random
+    top_datasets = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
+                   filter(GA_Url.url.like('/dataset/%')).\
+                   order_by('ga_url.pageviews::int desc')
+    num_top_datasets = top_datasets.count()
+    dataset = None
+    if num_top_datasets:
+        count = 0
+        while not dataset:
+            rand = random.randrange(0, min(top, num_top_datasets))
+            ga_url = top_datasets[rand]
+            dataset = model.Package.get(ga_url.url[len('/dataset/'):])
+            if dataset and not dataset.state == 'active':
+                dataset = None
+            # When testing, it is possible that top datasets are not available
+            # so only go round this loop a few times before falling back on
+            # a random dataset.
+            count += 1
+            if count > 10:
+                break
+    if not dataset:
+        # fallback
+        dataset = model.Session.query(model.Package)\
+                  .filter_by(state='active').first()
+        if not dataset:
+            return None
+    dataset_dict = get_action('package_show')({'model': model,
+                                               'session': model.Session,
+                                               'validate': False},
+                                              {'id':dataset.id})
+    return dataset_dict
+def single_popular_dataset_html(top=20):
+    dataset_dict = single_popular_dataset(top)
+    groups = package.get('groups', [])
+    publishers = [ g for g in groups if g.get('type') == 'publisher' ]
+    publisher = publishers[0] if publishers else {'name':'', 'title': ''}
+    context = {
+        'dataset': dataset_dict,
+        'publisher': publisher_dict
+        }
+    return base.render_snippet('ga_report/ga_popular_single.html', **context)
+def most_popular_datasets(publisher, count=20):
+    if not publisher:
+        _log.error("No valid publisher passed to 'most_popular_datasets'")
+        return ""
+    results = _datasets_for_publisher(publisher, count)
+    ctx = {
+        'dataset_count': len(results),
+        'datasets': results,
+        'publisher': publisher
+    }
+    return base.render_snippet('ga_report/publisher/popular.html', **ctx)
+def _datasets_for_publisher(publisher, count):
+    datasets = {}
+    entries = model.Session.query(GA_Url).\
+        filter(GA_Url.department_id==publisher.name).\
+        filter(GA_Url.url.like('/dataset/%')).\
+        order_by('ga_url.pageviews::int desc').all()
+    for entry in entries:
+        if len(datasets) < count:
+            p = model.Package.get(entry.url[len('/dataset/'):])
+            if not p in datasets:
+                datasets[p] = {'views':0, 'visits': 0}
+            datasets[p]['views'] = datasets[p]['views'] + int(entry.pageviews)
+            datasets[p]['visits'] = datasets[p]['visits'] + int(entry.visits)
+    results = []
+    for k, v in datasets.iteritems():
+        results.append((k,v['views'],v['visits']))
+    return sorted(results, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/plugin.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/plugin.py
@@ -2,40 +2,82 @@
 import ckan.lib.helpers as h
 import ckan.plugins as p
 from ckan.plugins import implements, toolkit
-#import gasnippet
-#import commands
-#import dbutil
+from ckanext.ga_report.helpers import (most_popular_datasets,
+                                       popular_datasets,
+                                       single_popular_dataset)
 log = logging.getLogger('ckanext.ga-report')
 class GAReportPlugin(p.SingletonPlugin):
     implements(p.IConfigurer, inherit=True)
     implements(p.IRoutes, inherit=True)
+    implements(p.ITemplateHelpers, inherit=True)
     def update_config(self, config):
         toolkit.add_template_directory(config, 'templates')
         toolkit.add_public_directory(config, 'public')
+    def get_helpers(self):
+        """
+        A dictionary of extra helpers that will be available to provide
+        ga report info to templates.
+        """
+        return {
+            'ga_report_installed': lambda: True,
+            'popular_datasets': popular_datasets,
+            'most_popular_datasets': most_popular_datasets,
+            'single_popular_dataset': single_popular_dataset
+        }
     def after_map(self, map):
+        # GaReport
-            '/data/analytics',
+            '/data/site-usage',
-            '/data/analytics_{month}.csv',
+            '/data/site-usage/data_{month}.csv',
-            '/data/analytics/publisher/',
-            controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaPublisherReport',
-            action='index'
+            '/data/site-usage/downloads',
+            controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaReport',
+            action='downloads'
-            '/data/analytics/publisher/{id}',
-            controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaPublisherReport',
+            '/data/site-usage/downloads_{month}.csv',
+            controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaReport',
+            action='csv_downloads'
+        )
+        # GaDatasetReport
+        map.connect(
+            '/data/site-usage/publisher',
+            controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',
+            action='publishers'
+        )
+        map.connect(
+            '/data/site-usage/publishers_{month}.csv',
+            controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',
+            action='publisher_csv'
+        )
+        map.connect(
+            '/data/site-usage/dataset/datasets_{id}_{month}.csv',
+            controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',
+            action='dataset_csv'
+        )
+        map.connect(
+            '/data/site-usage/dataset',
+            controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',
+        )
+        map.connect(
+            '/data/site-usage/dataset/{id}',
+            controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',
+            action='read_publisher'
         return map

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/public/scripts/vendor/jquery.sparkline.modified.js
@@ -1,1 +1,3044 @@
+ * This file has been modified!
+ * I've added a static Tooltip option.
+ *  - Tom Rees
+ *  - January 2013
+ */
+* jquery.sparkline.js
+* v2.1
+* (c) Splunk, Inc
+* Contact: Gareth Watts (gareth@splunk.com)
+* http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/
+* Generates inline sparkline charts from data supplied either to the method
+* or inline in HTML
+* Compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0+ and modern browsers equipped with the canvas tag
+* (Firefox 2.0+, Safari, Opera, etc)
+* License: New BSD License
+* Copyright (c) 2012, Splunk Inc.
+* All rights reserved.
+* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+*       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+*       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+*       and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*     * Neither the name of Splunk Inc nor the names of its contributors may
+*       be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+*       specific prior written permission.
+* Usage:
+*  $(selector).sparkline(values, options)
+* If values is undefined or set to 'html' then the data values are read from the specified tag:
+*   <p>Sparkline: <span class="sparkline">1,4,6,6,8,5,3,5</span></p>
+*   $('.sparkline').sparkline();
+* There must be no spaces in the enclosed data set
+* Otherwise values must be an array of numbers or null values
+*    <p>Sparkline: <span id="sparkline1">This text replaced if the browser is compatible</span></p>
+*    $('#sparkline1').sparkline([1,4,6,6,8,5,3,5])
+*    $('#sparkline2').sparkline([1,4,6,null,null,5,3,5])
+* Values can also be specified in an HTML comment, or as a values attribute:
+*    <p>Sparkline: <span class="sparkline"><!--1,4,6,6,8,5,3,5 --></span></p>
+*    <p>Sparkline: <span class="sparkline" values="1,4,6,6,8,5,3,5"></span></p>
+*    $('.sparkline').sparkline();
+* For line charts, x values can also be specified:
+*   <p>Sparkline: <span class="sparkline">1:1,2.7:4,3.4:6,5:6,6:8,8.7:5,9:3,10:5</span></p>
+*    $('#sparkline1').sparkline([ [1,1], [2.7,4], [3.4,6], [5,6], [6,8], [8.7,5], [9,3], [10,5] ])
+* By default, options should be passed in as teh second argument to the sparkline function:
+*   $('.sparkline').sparkline([1,2,3,4], {type: 'bar'})
+* Options can also be set by passing them on the tag itself.  This feature is disabled by default though
+* as there's a slight performance overhead:
+*   $('.sparkline').sparkline([1,2,3,4], {enableTagOptions: true})
+*   <p>Sparkline: <span class="sparkline" sparkType="bar" sparkBarColor="red">loading</span></p>
+* Prefix all options supplied as tag attribute with "spark" (configurable by setting tagOptionPrefix)
+* Supported options:
+*   lineColor - Color of the line used for the chart
+*   fillColor - Color used to fill in the chart - Set to '' or false for a transparent chart
+*   width - Width of the chart - Defaults to 3 times the number of values in pixels
+*   height - Height of the chart - Defaults to the height of the containing element
+*   chartRangeMin - Specify the minimum value to use for the Y range of the chart - Defaults to the minimum value supplied
+*   chartRangeMax - Specify the maximum value to use for the Y range of the chart - Defaults to the maximum value supplied
+*   chartRangeClip - Clip out of range values to the max/min specified by chartRangeMin and chartRangeMax
+*   chartRangeMinX - Specify the minimum value to use for the X range of the chart - Defaults to the minimum value supplied
+*   chartRangeMaxX - Specify the maximum value to use for the X range of the chart - Defaults to the maximum value supplied
+*   composite - If true then don't erase any existing chart attached to the tag, but draw
+*           another chart over the top - Note that width and height are ignored if an
+*           existing chart is detected.
+*   tagValuesAttribute - Name of tag attribute to check for data values - Defaults to 'values'
+*   enableTagOptions - Whether to check tags for sparkline options
+*   tagOptionPrefix - Prefix used for options supplied as tag attributes - Defaults to 'spark'
+*   disableHiddenCheck - If set to true, then the plugin will assume that charts will never be drawn into a
+*           hidden dom element, avoding a browser reflow
+*   disableInteraction - If set to true then all mouseover/click interaction behaviour will be disabled,
+*       making the plugin perform much like it did in 1.x
+*   disableTooltips - If set to true then tooltips will be disabled - Defaults to false (tooltips enabled)
+*   disableHighlight - If set to true then highlighting of selected chart elements on mouseover will be disabled
+*       defaults to false (highlights enabled)
+*   highlightLighten - Factor to lighten/darken highlighted chart values by - Defaults to 1.4 for a 40% increase
+*   tooltipContainer - Specify which DOM element the tooltip should be rendered into - defaults to document.body
+*   tooltipClassname - Optional CSS classname to apply to tooltips - If not specified then a default style will be applied
+*   tooltipOffsetX - How many pixels away from the mouse pointer to render the tooltip on the X axis
+*   tooltipOffsetY - How many pixels away from the mouse pointer to render the tooltip on the r axis
+*   tooltipFormatter  - Optional callback that allows you to override the HTML displayed in the tooltip
+*       callback is given arguments of (sparkline, options, fields)
+*   tooltipChartTitle - If specified then the tooltip uses the string specified by this setting as a title
+*   tooltipFormat - A format string or SPFormat object  (or an array thereof for multiple entries)
+*       to control the format of the tooltip
+*   tooltipPrefix - A string to prepend to each field displayed in a tooltip
+*   tooltipSuffix - A string to append to each field displayed in a tooltip
+*   tooltipSkipNull - If true then null values will not have a tooltip displayed (defaults to true)
+*   tooltipValueLookups - An object or range map to map field values to tooltip strings
+*       (eg. to map -1 to "Lost", 0 to "Draw", and 1 to "Win")
+*   numberFormatter - Optional callback for formatting numbers in tooltips
+*   numberDigitGroupSep - Character to use for group separator in numbers "1,234" - Defaults to ","
+*   numberDecimalMark - Character to use for the decimal point when formatting numbers - Defaults to "."
+*   numberDigitGroupCount - Number of digits between group separator - Defaults to 3
+* There are 7 types of sparkline, selected by supplying a "type" option of 'line' (default),
+* 'bar', 'tristate', 'bullet', 'discrete', 'pie' or 'box'
+*    line - Line chart.  Options:
+*       spotColor - Set to '' to not end each line in a circular spot
+*       minSpotColor - If set, color of spot at minimum value
+*       maxSpotColor - If set, color of spot at maximum value
+*       spotRadius - Radius in pixels
+*       lineWidth - Width of line in pixels
+*       normalRangeMin
+*       normalRangeMax - If set draws a filled horizontal bar between these two values marking the "normal"
+*                      or expected range of values
+*       normalRangeColor - Color to use for the above bar
+*       drawNormalOnTop - Draw the normal range above the chart fill color if true
+*       defaultPixelsPerValue - Defaults to 3 pixels of width for each value in the chart
+*       highlightSpotColor - The color to use for drawing a highlight spot on mouseover - Set to null to disable
+*       highlightLineColor - The color to use for drawing a highlight line on mouseover - Set to null to disable
+*       valueSpots - Specify which points to draw spots on, and in which color.  Accepts a range map
+*   bar - Bar chart.  Options:
+*       barColor - Color of bars for postive values
+*       negBarColor - Color of bars for negative values
+*       zeroColor - Color of bars with zero values
+*       nullColor - Color of bars with null values - Defaults to omitting the bar entirely
+*       barWidth - Width of bars in pixels
+*       colorMap - Optional mappnig of values to colors to override the *BarColor values above
+*                  can be an Array of values to control the color of individual bars or a range map
+*                  to specify colors for individual ranges of values
+*       barSpacing - Gap between bars in pixels
+*       zeroAxis - Centers the y-axis around zero if true
+*   tristate - Charts values of win (>0), lose (<0) or draw (=0)
+*       posBarColor - Color of win values
+*       negBarColor - Color of lose values
+*       zeroBarColor - Color of draw values
+*       barWidth - Width of bars in pixels
+*       barSpacing - Gap between bars in pixels
+*       colorMap - Optional mappnig of values to colors to override the *BarColor values above
+*                  can be an Array of values to control the color of individual bars or a range map
+*                  to specify colors for individual ranges of values
+*   discrete - Options:
+*       lineHeight - Height of each line in pixels - Defaults to 30% of the graph height
+*       thesholdValue - Values less than this value will be drawn using thresholdColor instead of lineColor
+*       thresholdColor
+*   bullet - Values for bullet graphs msut be in the order: target, performance, range1, range2, range3, ...
+*       options:
+*       targetColor - The color of the vertical target marker
+*       targetWidth - The width of the target marker in pixels
+*       performanceColor - The color of the performance measure horizontal bar
+*       rangeColors - Colors to use for each qualitative range background color
+*   pie - Pie chart. Options:
+*       sliceColors - An array of colors to use for pie slices
+*       offset - Angle in degrees to offset the first slice - Try -90 or +90
+*       borderWidth - Width of border to draw around the pie chart, in pixels - Defaults to 0 (no border)
+*       borderColor - Color to use for the pie chart border - Defaults to #000
+*   box - Box plot. Options:
+*       raw - Set to true to supply pre-computed plot points as values
+*             values should be: low_outlier, low_whisker, q1, median, q3, high_whisker, high_outlier
+*             When set to false you can supply any number of values and the box plot will
+*             be computed for you.  Default is false.
+*       showOutliers - Set to true (default) to display outliers as circles
+*       outlierIQR - Interquartile range used to determine outliers.  Default 1.5
+*       boxLineColor - Outline color of the box
+*       boxFillColor - Fill color for the box
+*       whiskerColor - Line color used for whiskers
+*       outlierLineColor - Outline color of outlier circles
+*       outlierFillColor - Fill color of the outlier circles
+*       spotRadius - Radius of outlier circles
+*       medianColor - Line color of the median line
+*       target - Draw a target cross hair at the supplied value (default undefined)
+*   Examples:
+*   $('#sparkline1').sparkline(myvalues, { lineColor: '#f00', fillColor: false });
+*   $('.barsparks').sparkline('html', { type:'bar', height:'40px', barWidth:5 });
+*   $('#tristate').sparkline([1,1,-1,1,0,0,-1], { type:'tristate' }):
+*   $('#discrete').sparkline([1,3,4,5,5,3,4,5], { type:'discrete' });
+*   $('#bullet').sparkline([10,12,12,9,7], { type:'bullet' });
+*   $('#pie').sparkline([1,1,2], { type:'pie' });
+/*jslint regexp: true, browser: true, jquery: true, white: true, nomen: false, plusplus: false, maxerr: 500, indent: 4 */
+(function(factory) {
+    if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+		define(['jquery'], factory);
+	}
+	else {
+		factory(jQuery);
+	}
+(function($) {
+    'use strict';
+    var UNSET_OPTION = {},
+        getDefaults, createClass, SPFormat, clipval, quartile, normalizeValue, normalizeValues,
+        remove, isNumber, all, sum, addCSS, ensureArray, formatNumber, RangeMap,
+        MouseHandler, Tooltip, barHighlightMixin,
+        line, bar, tristate, discrete, bullet, pie, box, defaultStyles, initStyles,
+         VShape, VCanvas_base, VCanvas_canvas, VCanvas_vml, pending, shapeCount = 0;
+    /**
+     * Default configuration settings
+     */
+    getDefaults = function () {
+        return {
+            // Settings common to most/all chart types
+            common: {
+                type: 'line',
+                lineColor: '#00f',
+                fillColor: '#cdf',
+                defaultPixelsPerValue: 3,
+                width: 'auto',
+                height: 'auto',
+                composite: false,
+                tagValuesAttribute: 'values',
+                tagOptionsPrefix: 'spark',
+                enableTagOptions: false,
+                enableHighlight: true,
+                highlightLighten: 1.4,
+                tooltipSkipNull: true,
+                tooltipPrefix: '',
+                tooltipSuffix: '',
+                disableHiddenCheck: false,
+                numberFormatter: false,
+                tooltips: false,
+                numberDigitGroupCount: 3,
+                numberDigitGroupSep: ',',
+                numberDecimalMark: '.',
+                disableTooltips: false,
+                disableInteraction: false
+            },
+            // Defaults for line charts
+            line: {
+                spotColor: '#f80',
+                highlightSpotColor: '#5f5',
+                highlightLineColor: '#f22',
+                spotRadius: 1.5,
+                minSpotColor: '#f80',
+                maxSpotColor: '#f80',
+                lineWidth: 1,
+                normalRangeMin: undefined,
+                normalRangeMax: undefined,
+                normalRangeColor: '#ccc',
+                drawNormalOnTop: false,
+                chartRangeMin: undefined,
+                chartRangeMax: undefined,
+                chartRangeMinX: undefined,
+                chartRangeMaxX: undefined,
+                tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('<span style="color: {{color}}">&#9679;</span> {{prefix}}{{y}}{{suffix}}')
+            },
+            // Defaults for bar charts
+            bar: {
+                barColor: '#3366cc',
+                negBarColor: '#f44',
+                stackedBarColor: ['#3366cc', '#dc3912', '#ff9900', '#109618', '#66aa00',
+                    '#dd4477', '#0099c6', '#990099'],
+                zeroColor: undefined,
+                nullColor: undefined,
+                zeroAxis: true,
+                barWidth: 4,
+                barSpacing: 1,
+                chartRangeMax: undefined,
+                chartRangeMin: undefined,
+                chartRangeClip: false,
+                colorMap: undefined,
+                tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('<span style="color: {{color}}">&#9679;</span> {{prefix}}{{value}}{{suffix}}')
+            },
+            // Defaults for tristate charts
+            tristate: {
+                barWidth: 4,
+                barSpacing: 1,
+                posBarColor: '#6f6',
+                negBarColor: '#f44',
+                zeroBarColor: '#999',
+                colorMap: {},
+                tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('<span style="color: {{color}}">&#9679;</span> {{value:map}}'),
+                tooltipValueLookups: { map: { '-1': 'Loss', '0': 'Draw', '1': 'Win' } }
+            },
+            // Defaults for discrete charts
+            discrete: {
+                lineHeight: 'auto',
+                thresholdColor: undefined,
+                thresholdValue: 0,
+                chartRangeMax: undefined,
+                chartRangeMin: undefined,
+                chartRangeClip: false,
+                tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('{{prefix}}{{value}}{{suffix}}')
+            },
+            // Defaults for bullet charts
+            bullet: {
+                targetColor: '#f33',
+                targetWidth: 3, // width of the target bar in pixels
+                performanceColor: '#33f',
+                rangeColors: ['#d3dafe', '#a8b6ff', '#7f94ff'],
+                base: undefined, // set this to a number to change the base start number
+                tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('{{fieldkey:fields}} - {{value}}'),
+                tooltipValueLookups: { fields: {r: 'Range', p: 'Performance', t: 'Target'} }
+            },
+            // Defaults for pie charts
+            pie: {
+                offset: 0,
+                sliceColors: ['#3366cc', '#dc3912', '#ff9900', '#109618', '#66aa00',
+                    '#dd4477', '#0099c6', '#990099'],
+                borderWidth: 0,
+                borderColor: '#000',
+                tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('<span style="color: {{color}}">&#9679;</span> {{value}} ({{percent.1}}%)')
+            },
+            // Defaults for box plots
+            box: {
+                raw: false,
+                boxLineColor: '#000',
+                boxFillColor: '#cdf',
+                whiskerColor: '#000',
+                outlierLineColor: '#333',
+                outlierFillColor: '#fff',
+                medianColor: '#f00',
+                showOutliers: true,
+                outlierIQR: 1.5,
+                spotRadius: 1.5,
+                target: undefined,
+                targetColor: '#4a2',
+                chartRangeMax: undefined,
+                chartRangeMin: undefined,
+                tooltipFormat: new SPFormat('{{field:fields}}: {{value}}'),
+                tooltipFormatFieldlistKey: 'field',
+                tooltipValueLookups: { fields: { lq: 'Lower Quartile', med: 'Median',
+                    uq: 'Upper Quartile', lo: 'Left Outlier', ro: 'Right Outlier',
+                    lw: 'Left Whisker', rw: 'Right Whisker'} }
+            }
+        };
+    };
+    // You can have tooltips use a css class other than jqstooltip by specifying tooltipClassname
+    defaultStyles = '.jqstooltip { ' +
+            'position: absolute;' +
+            'left: 0px;' +
+            'top: 0px;' +
+            'visibility: hidden;' +
+            'background: rgb(0, 0, 0) transparent;' +
+            'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);' +
+            'filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#99000000, endColorstr=#99000000);' +
+            '-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#99000000, endColorstr=#99000000)";' +
+            'color: white;' +
+            'font: 10px arial, san serif;' +
+            'text-align: left;' +
+            'white-space: nowrap;' +
+            'padding: 5px;' +
+            'border: 1px solid white;' +
+            'z-index: 10000;' +
+            '}' +
+            '.jqsfield { ' +
+            'color: white;' +
+            'font: 10px arial, san serif;' +
+            'text-align: left;' +
+            '}';
+    /**
+     * Utilities
+     */
+    createClass = function (/* [baseclass, [mixin, ...]], definition */) {
+        var Class, args;
+        Class = function () {
+            this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+        };
+        if (arguments.length > 1) {
+            if (arguments[0]) {
+                Class.prototype = $.extend(new arguments[0](), arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
+                Class._super = arguments[0].prototype;
+            } else {
+                Class.prototype = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
+            }
+            if (arguments.length > 2) {
+                args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1, -1);
+                args.unshift(Class.prototype);
+                $.extend.apply($, args);
+            }
+        } else {
+            Class.prototype = arguments[0];
+        }
+        Class.prototype.cls = Class;
+        return Class;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Wraps a format string for tooltips
+     * {{x}}
+     * {{x.2}
+     * {{x:months}}
+     */
+    $.SPFormatClass = SPFormat = createClass({
+        fre: /\{\{([\w.]+?)(:(.+?))?\}\}/g,
+        precre: /(\w+)\.(\d+)/,
+        init: function (format, fclass) {
+            this.format = format;
+            this.fclass = fclass;
+        },
+        render: function (fieldset, lookups, options) {
+            var self = this,
+                fields = fieldset,
+                match, token, lookupkey, fieldvalue, prec;
+            return this.format.replace(this.fre, function () {
+                var lookup;
+                token = arguments[1];
+                lookupkey = arguments[3];
+                match = self.precre.exec(token);
+                if (match) {
+                    prec = match[2];
+                    token = match[1];
+                } else {
+                    prec = false;
+                }
+                fieldvalue = fields[token];
+                if (fieldvalue === undefined) {
+                    return '';
+                }
+                if (lookupkey && lookups && lookups[lookupkey]) {
+                    lookup = lookups[lookupkey];
+                    if (lookup.get) { // RangeMap
+                        return lookups[lookupkey].get(fieldvalue) || fieldvalue;
+                    } else {
+                        return lookups[lookupkey][fieldvalue] || fieldvalue;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (isNumber(fieldvalue)) {
+                    if (options.get('tooltips')) {
+                        var tooltipArray = options.get('tooltips').split(',');
+                        fieldvalue = tooltipArray[ fields['x'] ];
+                    }
+                    else if (options.get('numberFormatter')) {
+                        fieldvalue = options.get('numberFormatter')(fieldvalue);
+                    } else {
+                        fieldvalue = formatNumber(fieldvalue, prec,
+                            options.get('numberDigitGroupCount'),
+                            options.get('numberDigitGroupSep'),
+                            options.get('numberDecimalMark'));
+                    }
+                }
+                return fieldvalue;
+            });
+        }
+    });
+    // convience method to avoid needing the new operator
+    $.spformat = function(format, fclass) {
+        return new SPFormat(format, fclass);
+    };
+    clipval = function (val, min, max) {
+        if (val < min) {
+            return min;
+        }
+        if (val > max) {
+            return max;
+        }
+        return val;
+    };
+    quartile = function (values, q) {
+        var vl;
+        if (q === 2) {
+            vl = Math.floor(values.length / 2);
+            return values.length % 2 ? values[vl] : (values[vl-1] + values[vl]) / 2;
+        } else {
+            if (values.length % 2 ) { // odd
+                vl = (values.length * q + q) / 4;
+                return vl % 1 ? (values[Math.floor(vl)] + values[Math.floor(vl) - 1]) / 2 : values[vl-1];
+            } else { //even
+                vl = (values.length * q + 2) / 4;
+                return vl % 1 ? (values[Math.floor(vl)] + values[Math.floor(vl) - 1]) / 2 :  values[vl-1];
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    normalizeValue = function (val) {
+        var nf;
+        switch (val) {
+            case 'undefined':
+                val = undefined;
+                break;
+            case 'null':
+                val = null;
+                break;
+            case 'true':
+                val = true;
+                break;
+            case 'false':
+                val = false;
+                break;
+            default:
+                nf = parseFloat(val);
+                if (val == nf) {
+                    val = nf;
+                }
+        }
+        return val;
+    };
+    normalizeValues = function (vals) {
+        var i, result = [];
+        for (i = vals.length; i--;) {
+            result[i] = normalizeValue(vals[i]);
+        }
+        return result;
+    };
+    remove = function (vals, filter) {
+        var i, vl, result = [];
+        for (i = 0, vl = vals.length; i < vl; i++) {
+            if (vals[i] !== filter) {
+                result.push(vals[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        return result;
+    };
+    isNumber = function (num) {
+        return !isNaN(parseFloat(num)) && isFinite(num);
+    };
+    formatNumber = function (num, prec, groupsize, groupsep, decsep) {
+        var p, i;
+        num = (prec === false ? parseFloat(num).toString() : num.toFixed(prec)).split('');
+        p = (p = $.inArray('.', num)) < 0 ? num.length : p;
+        if (p < num.length) {
+            num[p] = decsep;
+        }
+        for (i = p - groupsize; i > 0; i -= groupsize) {
+            num.splice(i, 0, groupsep);
+        }
+        return num.join('');
+    };
+    // determine if all values of an array match a value
+    // returns true if the array is empty
+    all = function (val, arr, ignoreNull) {
+        var i;
+        for (i = arr.length; i--; ) {
+            if (ignoreNull && arr[i] === null) continue;
+            if (arr[i] !== val) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    };
+    // sums the numeric values in an array, ignoring other values
+    sum = function (vals) {
+        var total = 0, i;
+        for (i = vals.length; i--;) {
+            total += typeof vals[i] === 'number' ? vals[i] : 0;
+        }
+        return total;
+    };
+    ensureArray = function (val) {
+        return $.isArray(val) ? val : [val];
+    };
+    // http://paulirish.com/2008/bookmarklet-inject-new-css-rules/
+    addCSS = function(css) {
+        var tag;
+        //if ('\v' == 'v') /* ie only */ {
+        if (document.createStyleSheet) {
+            document.createStyleSheet().cssText = css;
+        } else {
+            tag = document.createElement('style');
+            tag.type = 'text/css';
+            document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(tag);
+            tag[(typeof document.body.style.WebkitAppearance == 'string') /* webkit only */ ? 'innerText' : 'innerHTML'] = css;
+        }
+    };
+    // Provide a cross-browser interface to a few simple drawing primitives
+    $.fn.simpledraw = function (width, height, useExisting, interact) {
+        var target, mhandler;
+        if (useExisting && (target = this.data('_jqs_vcanvas'))) {
+            return target;
+        }
+        if (width === undefined) {
+            width = $(this).innerWidth();
+        }
+        if (height === undefined) {
+            height = $(this).innerHeight();
+        }
+        if ($.browser.hasCanvas) {
+            target = new VCanvas_canvas(width, height, this, interact);
+        } else if ($.browser.msie) {
+            target = new VCanvas_vml(width, height, this);
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+        mhandler = $(this).data('_jqs_mhandler');
+        if (mhandler) {
+            mhandler.registerCanvas(target);
+        }
+        return target;
+    };
+    $.fn.cleardraw = function () {
+        var target = this.data('_jqs_vcanvas');
+        if (target) {
+            target.reset();
+        }
+    };
+    $.RangeMapClass = RangeMap = createClass({
+        init: function (map) {
+            var key, range, rangelist = [];
+            for (key in map) {
+                if (map.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof key === 'string' && key.indexOf(':') > -1) {
+                    range = key.split(':');
+                    range[0] = range[0].length === 0 ? -Infinity : parseFloat(range[0]);
+                    range[1] = range[1].length === 0 ? Infinity : parseFloat(range[1]);
+                    range[2] = map[key];
+                    rangelist.push(range);
+                }
+            }
+            this.map = map;
+            this.rangelist = rangelist || false;
+        },
+        get: function (value) {
+            var rangelist = this.rangelist,
+                i, range, result;
+            if ((result = this.map[value]) !== undefined) {
+                return result;
+            }
+            if (rangelist) {
+                for (i = rangelist.length; i--;) {
+                    range = rangelist[i];
+                    if (range[0] <= value && range[1] >= value) {
+                        return range[2];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return undefined;
+        }
+    });
+    // Convenience function
+    $.range_map = function(map) {
+        return new RangeMap(map);
+    };
+    MouseHandler = createClass({
+        init: function (el, options) {
+            var $el = $(el);
+            this.$el = $el;
+            this.options = options;
+            this.currentPageX = 0;
+            this.currentPageY = 0;
+            this.el = el;
+            this.splist = [];
+            this.tooltip = null;
+            this.over = false;
+            this.displayTooltips = !options.get('disableTooltips');
+            this.highlightEnabled = !options.get('disableHighlight');
+        },
+        registerSparkline: function (sp) {
+            this.splist.push(sp);
+            if (this.over) {
+                this.updateDisplay();
+            }
+        },
+        registerCanvas: function (canvas) {
+            var $canvas = $(canvas.canvas);
+            this.canvas = canvas;
+            this.$canvas = $canvas;
+            $canvas.mouseenter($.proxy(this.mouseenter, this));
+            $canvas.mouseleave($.proxy(this.mouseleave, this));
+            $canvas.click($.proxy(this.mouseclick, this));
+        },
+        reset: function (removeTooltip) {
+            this.splist = [];
+            if (this.tooltip && removeTooltip) {
+                this.tooltip.remove();
+                this.tooltip = undefined;
+            }
+        },
+        mouseclick: function (e) {
+            var clickEvent = $.Event('sparklineClick');
+            clickEvent.originalEvent = e;
+            clickEvent.sparklines = this.splist;
+            this.$el.trigger(clickEvent);
+        },
+        mouseenter: function (e) {
+            $(document.body).unbind('mousemove.jqs');
+            $(document.body).bind('mousemove.jqs', $.proxy(this.mousemove, this));
+            this.over = true;
+            this.currentPageX = e.pageX;
+            this.currentPageY = e.pageY;
+            this.currentEl = e.target;
+            if (!this.tooltip && this.displayTooltips) {
+                this.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.options);
+                this.tooltip.updatePosition(e.pageX, e.pageY);
+            }
+            this.updateDisplay();
+        },
+        mouseleave: function () {
+            $(document.body).unbind('mousemove.jqs');
+            var splist = this.splist,
+                 spcount = splist.length,
+                 needsRefresh = false,
+                 sp, i;
+            this.over = false;
+            this.currentEl = null;
+            if (this.tooltip) {
+                this.tooltip.remove();
+                this.tooltip = null;
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < spcount; i++) {
+                sp = splist[i];
+                if (sp.clearRegionHighlight()) {
+                    needsRefresh = true;
+                }
+            }
+            if (needsRefresh) {
+                this.canvas.render();
+            }
+        },
+        mousemove: function (e) {
+            this.currentPageX = e.pageX;
+            this.currentPageY = e.pageY;
+            this.currentEl = e.target;
+            if (this.tooltip) {
+                this.tooltip.updatePosition(e.pageX, e.pageY);
+            }
+            this.updateDisplay();
+        },
+        updateDisplay: function () {
+            var splist = this.splist,
+                 spcount = splist.length,
+                 needsRefresh = false,
+                 offset = this.$canvas.offset(),
+                 localX = this.currentPageX - offset.left,
+                 localY = this.currentPageY - offset.top,
+                 tooltiphtml, sp, i, result, changeEvent;
+            if (!this.over) {
+                return;
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < spcount; i++) {
+                sp = splist[i];
+                result = sp.setRegionHighlight(this.currentEl, localX, localY);
+                if (result) {
+                    needsRefresh = true;
+                }
+            }
+            if (needsRefresh) {
+                changeEvent = $.Event('sparklineRegionChange');
+                changeEvent.sparklines = this.splist;
+                this.$el.trigger(changeEvent);
+                if (this.tooltip) {
+                    tooltiphtml = '';
+                    for (i = 0; i < spcount; i++) {
+                        sp = splist[i];
+                        tooltiphtml += sp.getCurrentRegionTooltip();
+                    }
+                    this.tooltip.setContent(tooltiphtml);
+                }
+                if (!this.disableHighlight) {
+                    this.canvas.render();
+                }
+            }
+            if (result === null) {
+                this.mouseleave();
+            }
+        }
+    });
+    Tooltip = createClass({
+        sizeStyle: 'position: static !important;' +
+            'display: block !important;' +
+            'visibility: hidden !important;' +
+            'float: left !important;',
+        init: function (options) {
+            var tooltipClassname = options.get('tooltipClassname', 'jqstooltip'),
+                sizetipStyle = this.sizeStyle,
+                offset;
+            this.container = options.get('tooltipContainer') || document.body;
+            this.tooltipOffsetX = options.get('tooltipOffsetX', 10);
+            this.tooltipOffsetY = options.get('tooltipOffsetY', 12);
+            // remove any previous lingering tooltip
+            $('#jqssizetip').remove();
+            $('#jqstooltip').remove();
+            this.sizetip = $('<div/>', {
+                id: 'jqssizetip',
+                style: sizetipStyle,
+                'class': tooltipClassname
+            });
+            this.tooltip = $('<div/>', {
+                id: 'jqstooltip',
+                'class': tooltipClassname
+            }).appendTo(this.container);
+            // account for the container's location
+            offset = this.tooltip.offset();
+            this.offsetLeft = offset.left;
+            this.offsetTop = offset.top;
+            this.hidden = true;
+            $(window).unbind('resize.jqs scroll.jqs');
+            $(window).bind('resize.jqs scroll.jqs', $.proxy(this.updateWindowDims, this));
+            this.updateWindowDims();
+        },
+        updateWindowDims: function () {
+            this.scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
+            this.scrollLeft = $(window).scrollLeft();
+            this.scrollRight = this.scrollLeft + $(window).width();
+            this.updatePosition();
+        },
+        getSize: function (content) {
+            this.sizetip.html(content).appendTo(this.container);
+            this.width = this.sizetip.width() + 1;
+            this.height = this.sizetip.height();
+            this.sizetip.remove();
+        },
+        setContent: function (content) {
+            if (!content) {
+                this.tooltip.css('visibility', 'hidden');
+                this.hidden = true;
+                return;
+            }
+            this.getSize(content);
+            this.tooltip.html(content)
+                .css({
+                    'width': this.width,
+                    'height': this.height,
+                    'visibility': 'visible'
+                });
+            if (this.hidden) {
+                this.hidden = false;
+                this.updatePosition();
+            }
+        },
+        updatePosition: function (x, y) {
+            if (x === undefined) {
+                if (this.mousex === undefined) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                x = this.mousex - this.offsetLeft;
+                y = this.mousey - this.offsetTop;
+            } else {
+                this.mousex = x = x - this.offsetLeft;
+                this.mousey = y = y - this.offsetTop;
+            }
+            if (!this.height || !this.width || this.hidden) {
+                return;
+            }
+            y -= this.height + this.tooltipOffsetY;
+            x += this.tooltipOffsetX;
+            if (y < this.scrollTop) {
+                y = this.scrollTop;
+            }
+            if (x < this.scrollLeft) {
+                x = this.scrollLeft;
+            } else if (x + this.width > this.scrollRight) {
+                x = this.scrollRight - this.width;
+            }
+            this.tooltip.css({
+                'left': x,
+                'top': y
+            });
+        },
+        remove: function () {
+            this.tooltip.remove();
+            this.sizetip.remove();
+            this.sizetip = this.tooltip = undefined;
+            $(window).unbind('resize.jqs scroll.jqs');
+        }
+    });
+    initStyles = function() {
+        addCSS(defaultStyles);
+    };
+    $(initStyles);
+    pending = [];
+    $.fn.sparkline = function (userValues, userOptions) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            var options = new $.fn.sparkline.options(this, userOptions),
+                 $this = $(this),
+                 render, i;
+            render = function () {
+                var values, width, height, tmp, mhandler, sp, vals;
+                if (userValues === 'html' || userValues === undefined) {
+                    vals = this.getAttribute(options.get('tagValuesAttribute'));
+                    if (vals === undefined || vals === null) {
+                        vals = $this.html();
+                    }
+                    values = vals.replace(/(^\s*<!--)|(-->\s*$)|\s+/g, '').split(',');
+                } else {
+                    values = userValues;
+                }
+                width = options.get('width') === 'auto' ? values.length * options.get('defaultPixelsPerValue') : options.get('width');
+                if (options.get('height') === 'auto') {
+                    if (!options.get('composite') || !$.data(this, '_jqs_vcanvas')) {
+                        // must be a better way to get the line height
+                        tmp = document.createElement('span');
+                        tmp.innerHTML = 'a';
+                        $this.html(tmp);
+                        height = $(tmp).innerHeight() || $(tmp).height();
+                        $(tmp).remove();
+                        tmp = null;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    height = options.get('height');
+                }
+                if (!options.get('disableInteraction')) {
+                    mhandler = $.data(this, '_jqs_mhandler');
+                    if (!mhandler) {
+                        mhandler = new MouseHandler(this, options);
+                        $.data(this, '_jqs_mhandler', mhandler);
+                    } else if (!options.get('composite')) {
+                        mhandler.reset();
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    mhandler = false;
+                }
+                if (options.get('composite') && !$.data(this, '_jqs_vcanvas')) {
+                    if (!$.data(this, '_jqs_errnotify')) {
+                        alert('Attempted to attach a composite sparkline to an element with no existing sparkline');
+                        $.data(this, '_jqs_errnotify', true);
+                    }
+                    return;
+                }
+                sp = new $.fn.sparkline[options.get('type')](this, values, options, width, height);
+                sp.render();
+                if (mhandler) {
+                    mhandler.registerSparkline(sp);
+                }
+            };
+            // jQuery 1.3.0 completely changed the meaning of :hidden :-/
+            if (($(this).html() && !options.get('disableHiddenCheck') && $(this).is(':hidden')) || ($.fn.jquery < '1.3.0' && $(this).parents().is(':hidden')) || !$(this).parents('body').length) {
+                if (!options.get('composite') && $.data(this, '_jqs_pending')) {
+                    // remove any existing references to the element
+                    for (i = pending.length; i; i--) {
+                        if (pending[i - 1][0] == this) {
+                            pending.splice(i - 1, 1);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                pending.push([this, render]);
+                $.data(this, '_jqs_pending', true);
+            } else {
+                render.call(this);
+            }
+        });
+    };
+    $.fn.sparkline.defaults = getDefaults();
+    $.sparkline_display_visible = function () {
+        var el, i, pl;
+        var done = [];
+        for (i = 0, pl = pending.length; i < pl; i++) {
+            el = pending[i][0];
+            if ($(el).is(':visible') && !$(el).parents().is(':hidden')) {
+                pending[i][1].call(el);
+                $.data(pending[i][0], '_jqs_pending', false);
+                done.push(i);
+            } else if (!$(el).closest('html').length && !$.data(el, '_jqs_pending')) {
+                // element has been inserted and removed from the DOM
+                // If it was not yet inserted into the dom then the .data request
+                // will return true.
+                // removing from the dom causes the data to be removed.
+                $.data(pending[i][0], '_jqs_pending', false);
+                done.push(i);
+            }
+        }
+        for (i = done.length; i; i--) {
+            pending.splice(done[i - 1], 1);
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * User option handler
+     */
+    $.fn.sparkline.options = createClass({
+        init: function (tag, userOptions) {
+            var extendedOptions, defaults, base, tagOptionType;
+            this.userOptions = userOptions = userOptions || {};
+            this.tag = tag;
+            this.tagValCache = {};
+            defaults = $.fn.sparkline.defaults;
+            base = defaults.common;
+            this.tagOptionsPrefix = userOptions.enableTagOptions && (userOptions.tagOptionsPrefix || base.tagOptionsPrefix);
+            tagOptionType = this.getTagSetting('type');
+            if (tagOptionType === UNSET_OPTION) {
+                extendedOptions = defaults[userOptions.type || base.type];
+            } else {
+                extendedOptions = defaults[tagOptionType];
+            }
+            this.mergedOptions = $.extend({}, base, extendedOptions, userOptions);
+        },
+        getTagSetting: function (key) {
+            var prefix = this.tagOptionsPrefix,
+                val, i, pairs, keyval;
+            if (prefix === false || prefix === undefined) {
+                return UNSET_OPTION;
+            }
+            if (this.tagValCache.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+                val = this.tagValCache.key;
+            } else {
+                val = this.tag.getAttribute(prefix + key);
+                if (val === undefined || val === null) {
+                    val = UNSET_OPTION;
+                } else if (val.substr(0, 1) === '[') {
+                    val = val.substr(1, val.length - 2).split(',');
+                    for (i = val.length; i--;) {
+                        val[i] = normalizeValue(val[i].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ''));
+                    }
+                } else if (val.substr(0, 1) === '{') {
+                    pairs = val.substr(1, val.length - 2).split(',');
+                    val = {};
+                    for (i = pairs.length; i--;) {
+                        keyval = pairs[i].split(':', 2);
+                        val[keyval[0].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '')] = normalizeValue(keyval[1].replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ''));
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    val = normalizeValue(val);
+                }
+                this.tagValCache.key = val;
+            }
+            return val;
+        },
+        get: function (key, defaultval) {
+            var tagOption = this.getTagSetting(key),
+                result;
+            if (tagOption !== UNSET_OPTION) {
+                return tagOption;
+            }
+            return (result = this.mergedOptions[key]) === undefined ? defaultval : result;
+        }
+    });
+    $.fn.sparkline._base = createClass({
+        disabled: false,
+        init: function (el, values, options, width, height) {
+            this.el = el;
+            this.$el = $(el);
+            this.values = values;
+            this.options = options;
+            this.width = width;
+            this.height = height;
+            this.currentRegion = undefined;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Setup the canvas
+         */
+        initTarget: function () {
+            var interactive = !this.options.get('disableInteraction');
+            if (!(this.target = this.$el.simpledraw(this.width, this.height, this.options.get('composite'), interactive))) {
+                this.disabled = true;
+            } else {
+                this.canvasWidth = this.target.pixelWidth;
+                this.canvasHeight = this.target.pixelHeight;
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Actually render the chart to the canvas
+         */
+        render: function () {
+            if (this.disabled) {
+                this.el.innerHTML = '';
+                return false;
+            }
+            return true;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Return a region id for a given x/y co-ordinate
+         */
+        getRegion: function (x, y) {
+        },
+        /**
+         * Highlight an item based on the moused-over x,y co-ordinate
+         */
+        setRegionHighlight: function (el, x, y) {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion,
+                highlightEnabled = !this.options.get('disableHighlight'),
+                newRegion;
+            if (x > this.canvasWidth || y > this.canvasHeight || x < 0 || y < 0) {
+                return null;
+            }
+            newRegion = this.getRegion(el, x, y);
+            if (currentRegion !== newRegion) {
+                if (currentRegion !== undefined && highlightEnabled) {
+                    this.removeHighlight();
+                }
+                this.currentRegion = newRegion;
+                if (newRegion !== undefined && highlightEnabled) {
+                    this.renderHighlight();
+                }
+                return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Reset any currently highlighted item
+         */
+        clearRegionHighlight: function () {
+            if (this.currentRegion !== undefined) {
+                this.removeHighlight();
+                this.currentRegion = undefined;
+                return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        },
+        renderHighlight: function () {
+            this.changeHighlight(true);
+        },
+        removeHighlight: function () {
+            this.changeHighlight(false);
+        },
+        changeHighlight: function (highlight)  {},
+        /**
+         * Fetch the HTML to display as a tooltip
+         */
+        getCurrentRegionTooltip: function () {
+            var options = this.options,
+                header = '',
+                entries = [],
+                fields, formats, formatlen, fclass, text, i,
+                showFields, showFieldsKey, newFields, fv,
+                formatter, format, fieldlen, j;
+            if (this.currentRegion === undefined) {
+                return '';
+            }
+            fields = this.getCurrentRegionFields();
+            formatter = options.get('tooltipFormatter');
+            if (formatter) {
+                return formatter(this, options, fields);
+            }
+            if (options.get('tooltipChartTitle')) {
+                header += '<div class="jqs jqstitle">' + options.get('tooltipChartTitle') + '</div>\n';
+            }
+            formats = this.options.get('tooltipFormat');
+            if (!formats) {
+                return '';
+            }
+            if (!$.isArray(formats)) {
+                formats = [formats];
+            }
+            if (!$.isArray(fields)) {
+                fields = [fields];
+            }
+            showFields = this.options.get('tooltipFormatFieldlist');
+            showFieldsKey = this.options.get('tooltipFormatFieldlistKey');
+            if (showFields && showFieldsKey) {
+                // user-selected ordering of fields
+                newFields = [];
+                for (i = fields.length; i--;) {
+                    fv = fields[i][showFieldsKey];
+                    if ((j = $.inArray(fv, showFields)) != -1) {
+                        newFields[j] = fields[i];
+                    }
+                }
+                fields = newFields;
+            }
+            formatlen = formats.length;
+            fieldlen = fields.length;
+            for (i = 0; i < formatlen; i++) {
+                format = formats[i];
+                if (typeof format === 'string') {
+                    format = new SPFormat(format);
+                }
+                fclass = format.fclass || 'jqsfield';
+                for (j = 0; j < fieldlen; j++) {
+                    if (!fields[j].isNull || !options.get('tooltipSkipNull')) {
+                        $.extend(fields[j], {
+                            prefix: options.get('tooltipPrefix'),
+                            suffix: options.get('tooltipSuffix')
+                        });
+                        text = format.render(fields[j], options.get('tooltipValueLookups'), options);
+                        entries.push('<div class="' + fclass + '">' + text + '</div>');
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (entries.length) {
+                return header + entries.join('\n');
+            }
+            return '';
+        },
+        getCurrentRegionFields: function () {},
+        calcHighlightColor: function (color, options) {
+            var highlightColor = options.get('highlightColor'),
+                lighten = options.get('highlightLighten'),
+                parse, mult, rgbnew, i;
+            if (highlightColor) {
+                return highlightColor;
+            }
+            if (lighten) {
+                // extract RGB values
+                parse = /^#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/i.exec(color) || /^#([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i.exec(color);
+                if (parse) {
+                    rgbnew = [];
+                    mult = color.length === 4 ? 16 : 1;
+                    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+                        rgbnew[i] = clipval(Math.round(parseInt(parse[i + 1], 16) * mult * lighten), 0, 255);
+                    }
+                    return 'rgb(' + rgbnew.join(',') + ')';
+                }
+            }
+            return color;
+        }
+    });
+    barHighlightMixin = {
+        changeHighlight: function (highlight) {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion,
+                target = this.target,
+                shapeids = this.regionShapes[currentRegion],
+                newShapes;
+            // will be null if the region value was null
+            if (shapeids) {
+                newShapes = this.renderRegion(currentRegion, highlight);
+                if ($.isArray(newShapes) || $.isArray(shapeids)) {
+                    target.replaceWithShapes(shapeids, newShapes);
+                    this.regionShapes[currentRegion] = $.map(newShapes, function (newShape) {
+                        return newShape.id;
+                    });
+                } else {
+                    target.replaceWithShape(shapeids, newShapes);
+                    this.regionShapes[currentRegion] = newShapes.id;
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        render: function () {
+            var values = this.values,
+                target = this.target,
+                regionShapes = this.regionShapes,
+                shapes, ids, i, j;
+            if (!this.cls._super.render.call(this)) {
+                return;
+            }
+            for (i = values.length; i--;) {
+                shapes = this.renderRegion(i);
+                if (shapes) {
+                    if ($.isArray(shapes)) {
+                        ids = [];
+                        for (j = shapes.length; j--;) {
+                            shapes[j].append();
+                            ids.push(shapes[j].id);
+                        }
+                        regionShapes[i] = ids;
+                    } else {
+                        shapes.append();
+                        regionShapes[i] = shapes.id; // store just the shapeid
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // null value
+                    regionShapes[i] = null;
+                }
+            }
+            target.render();
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Line charts
+     */
+    $.fn.sparkline.line = line = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, {
+        type: 'line',
+        init: function (el, values, options, width, height) {
+            line._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height);
+            this.vertices = [];
+            this.regionMap = [];
+            this.xvalues = [];
+            this.yvalues = [];
+            this.yminmax = [];
+            this.hightlightSpotId = null;
+            this.lastShapeId = null;
+            this.initTarget();
+        },
+        getRegion: function (el, x, y) {
+            var i,
+                regionMap = this.regionMap; // maps regions to value positions
+            for (i = regionMap.length; i--;) {
+                if (regionMap[i] !== null && x >= regionMap[i][0] && x <= regionMap[i][1]) {
+                    return regionMap[i][2];
+                }
+            }
+            return undefined;
+        },
+        getCurrentRegionFields: function () {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion;
+            return {
+                isNull: this.yvalues[currentRegion] === null,
+                x: this.xvalues[currentRegion],
+                y: this.yvalues[currentRegion],
+                color: this.options.get('lineColor'),
+                fillColor: this.options.get('fillColor'),
+                offset: currentRegion
+            };
+        },
+        renderHighlight: function () {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion,
+                target = this.target,
+                vertex = this.vertices[currentRegion],
+                options = this.options,
+                spotRadius = options.get('spotRadius'),
+                highlightSpotColor = options.get('highlightSpotColor'),
+                highlightLineColor = options.get('highlightLineColor'),
+                highlightSpot, highlightLine;
+            if (!vertex) {
+                return;
+            }
+            if (spotRadius && highlightSpotColor) {
+                highlightSpot = target.drawCircle(vertex[0], vertex[1],
+                    spotRadius, undefined, highlightSpotColor);
+                this.highlightSpotId = highlightSpot.id;
+                target.insertAfterShape(this.lastShapeId, highlightSpot);
+            }
+            if (highlightLineColor) {
+                highlightLine = target.drawLine(vertex[0], this.canvasTop, vertex[0],
+                    this.canvasTop + this.canvasHeight, highlightLineColor);
+                this.highlightLineId = highlightLine.id;
+                target.insertAfterShape(this.lastShapeId, highlightLine);
+            }
+        },
+        removeHighlight: function () {
+            var target = this.target;
+            if (this.highlightSpotId) {
+                target.removeShapeId(this.highlightSpotId);
+                this.highlightSpotId = null;
+            }
+            if (this.highlightLineId) {
+                target.removeShapeId(this.highlightLineId);
+                this.highlightLineId = null;
+            }
+        },
+        scanValues: function () {
+            var values = this.values,
+                valcount = values.length,
+                xvalues = this.xvalues,
+                yvalues = this.yvalues,
+                yminmax = this.yminmax,
+                i, val, isStr, isArray, sp;
+            for (i = 0; i < valcount; i++) {
+                val = values[i];
+                isStr = typeof(values[i]) === 'string';
+                isArray = typeof(values[i]) === 'object' && values[i] instanceof Array;
+                sp = isStr && values[i].split(':');
+                if (isStr && sp.length === 2) { // x:y
+                    xvalues.push(Number(sp[0]));
+                    yvalues.push(Number(sp[1]));
+                    yminmax.push(Number(sp[1]));
+                } else if (isArray) {
+                    xvalues.push(val[0]);
+                    yvalues.push(val[1]);
+                    yminmax.push(val[1]);
+                } else {
+                    xvalues.push(i);
+                    if (values[i] === null || values[i] === 'null') {
+                        yvalues.push(null);
+                    } else {
+                        yvalues.push(Number(val));
+                        yminmax.push(Number(val));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (this.options.get('xvalues')) {
+                xvalues = this.options.get('xvalues');
+            }
+            this.maxy = this.maxyorg = Math.max.apply(Math, yminmax);
+            this.miny = this.minyorg = Math.min.apply(Math, yminmax);
+            this.maxx = Math.max.apply(Math, xvalues);
+            this.minx = Math.min.apply(Math, xvalues);
+            this.xvalues = xvalues;
+            this.yvalues = yvalues;
+            this.yminmax = yminmax;
+        },
+        processRangeOptions: function () {
+            var options = this.options,
+                normalRangeMin = options.get('normalRangeMin'),
+                normalRangeMax = options.get('normalRangeMax');
+            if (normalRangeMin !== undefined) {
+                if (normalRangeMin < this.miny) {
+                    this.miny = normalRangeMin;
+                }
+                if (normalRangeMax > this.maxy) {
+                    this.maxy = normalRangeMax;
+                }
+            }
+            if (options.get('chartRangeMin') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMin') < this.miny)) {
+                this.miny = options.get('chartRangeMin');
+            }
+            if (options.get('chartRangeMax') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMax') > this.maxy)) {
+                this.maxy = options.get('chartRangeMax');
+            }
+            if (options.get('chartRangeMinX') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClipX') || options.get('chartRangeMinX') < this.minx)) {
+                this.minx = options.get('chartRangeMinX');
+            }
+            if (options.get('chartRangeMaxX') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClipX') || options.get('chartRangeMaxX') > this.maxx)) {
+                this.maxx = options.get('chartRangeMaxX');
+            }
+        },
+        drawNormalRange: function (canvasLeft, canvasTop, canvasHeight, canvasWidth, rangey) {
+            var normalRangeMin = this.options.get('normalRangeMin'),
+                normalRangeMax = this.options.get('normalRangeMax'),
+                ytop = canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((normalRangeMax - this.miny) / rangey))),
+                height = Math.round((canvasHeight * (normalRangeMax - normalRangeMin)) / rangey);
+            this.target.drawRect(canvasLeft, ytop, canvasWidth, height, undefined, this.options.get('normalRangeColor')).append();
+        },
+        render: function () {
+            var options = this.options,
+                target = this.target,
+                canvasWidth = this.canvasWidth,
+                canvasHeight = this.canvasHeight,
+                vertices = this.vertices,
+                spotRadius = options.get('spotRadius'),
+                regionMap = this.regionMap,
+                rangex, rangey, yvallast,
+                canvasTop, canvasLeft,
+                vertex, path, paths, x, y, xnext, xpos, xposnext,
+                last, next, yvalcount, lineShapes, fillShapes, plen,
+                valueSpots, hlSpotsEnabled, color, xvalues, yvalues, i;
+            if (!line._super.render.call(this)) {
+                return;
+            }
+            this.scanValues();
+            this.processRangeOptions();
+            xvalues = this.xvalues;
+            yvalues = this.yvalues;
+            if (!this.yminmax.length || this.yvalues.length < 2) {
+                // empty or all null valuess
+                return;
+            }
+            canvasTop = canvasLeft = 0;
+            rangex = this.maxx - this.minx === 0 ? 1 : this.maxx - this.minx;
+            rangey = this.maxy - this.miny === 0 ? 1 : this.maxy - this.miny;
+            yvallast = this.yvalues.length - 1;
+            if (spotRadius && (canvasWidth < (spotRadius * 4) || canvasHeight < (spotRadius * 4))) {
+                spotRadius = 0;
+            }
+            if (spotRadius) {
+                // adjust the canvas size as required so that spots will fit
+                hlSpotsEnabled = options.get('highlightSpotColor') &&  !options.get('disableInteraction');
+                if (hlSpotsEnabled || options.get('minSpotColor') || (options.get('spotColor') && yvalues[yvallast] === this.miny)) {
+                    canvasHeight -= Math.ceil(spotRadius);
+                }
+                if (hlSpotsEnabled || options.get('maxSpotColor') || (options.get('spotColor') && yvalues[yvallast] === this.maxy)) {
+                    canvasHeight -= Math.ceil(spotRadius);
+                    canvasTop += Math.ceil(spotRadius);
+                }
+                if (hlSpotsEnabled ||
+                     ((options.get('minSpotColor') || options.get('maxSpotColor')) && (yvalues[0] === this.miny || yvalues[0] === this.maxy))) {
+                    canvasLeft += Math.ceil(spotRadius);
+                    canvasWidth -= Math.ceil(spotRadius);
+                }
+                if (hlSpotsEnabled || options.get('spotColor') ||
+                    (options.get('minSpotColor') || options.get('maxSpotColor') &&
+                        (yvalues[yvallast] === this.miny || yvalues[yvallast] === this.maxy))) {
+                    canvasWidth -= Math.ceil(spotRadius);
+                }
+            }
+            canvasHeight--;
+            if (options.get('normalRangeMin') !== undefined && !options.get('drawNormalOnTop')) {
+                this.drawNormalRange(canvasLeft, canvasTop, canvasHeight, canvasWidth, rangey);
+            }
+            path = [];
+            paths = [path];
+            last = next = null;
+            yvalcount = yvalues.length;
+            for (i = 0; i < yvalcount; i++) {
+                x = xvalues[i];
+                xnext = xvalues[i + 1];
+                y = yvalues[i];
+                xpos = canvasLeft + Math.round((x - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex));
+                xposnext = i < yvalcount - 1 ? canvasLeft + Math.round((xnext - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)) : canvasWidth;
+                next = xpos + ((xposnext - xpos) / 2);
+                regionMap[i] = [last || 0, next, i];
+                last = next;
+                if (y === null) {
+                    if (i) {
+                        if (yvalues[i - 1] !== null) {
+                            path = [];
+                            paths.push(path);
+                        }
+                        vertices.push(null);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if (y < this.miny) {
+                        y = this.miny;
+                    }
+                    if (y > this.maxy) {
+                        y = this.maxy;
+                    }
+                    if (!path.length) {
+                        // previous value was null
+                        path.push([xpos, canvasTop + canvasHeight]);
+                    }
+                    vertex = [xpos, canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((y - this.miny) / rangey)))];
+                    path.push(vertex);
+                    vertices.push(vertex);
+                }
+            }
+            lineShapes = [];
+            fillShapes = [];
+            plen = paths.length;
+            for (i = 0; i < plen; i++) {
+                path = paths[i];
+                if (path.length) {
+                    if (options.get('fillColor')) {
+                        path.push([path[path.length - 1][0], (canvasTop + canvasHeight)]);
+                        fillShapes.push(path.slice(0));
+                        path.pop();
+                    }
+                    // if there's only a single point in this path, then we want to display it
+                    // as a vertical line which means we keep path[0]  as is
+                    if (path.length > 2) {
+                        // else we want the first value
+                        path[0] = [path[0][0], path[1][1]];
+                    }
+                    lineShapes.push(path);
+                }
+            }
+            // draw the fill first, then optionally the normal range, then the line on top of that
+            plen = fillShapes.length;
+            for (i = 0; i < plen; i++) {
+                target.drawShape(fillShapes[i],
+                    options.get('fillColor'), options.get('fillColor')).append();
+            }
+            if (options.get('normalRangeMin') !== undefined && options.get('drawNormalOnTop')) {
+                this.drawNormalRange(canvasLeft, canvasTop, canvasHeight, canvasWidth, rangey);
+            }
+            plen = lineShapes.length;
+            for (i = 0; i < plen; i++) {
+                target.drawShape(lineShapes[i], options.get('lineColor'), undefined,
+                    options.get('lineWidth')).append();
+            }
+            if (spotRadius && options.get('valueSpots')) {
+                valueSpots = options.get('valueSpots');
+                if (valueSpots.get === undefined) {
+                    valueSpots = new RangeMap(valueSpots);
+                }
+                for (i = 0; i < yvalcount; i++) {
+                    color = valueSpots.get(yvalues[i]);
+                    if (color) {
+                        target.drawCircle(canvasLeft + Math.round((xvalues[i] - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)),
+                            canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((yvalues[i] - this.miny) / rangey))),
+                            spotRadius, undefined,
+                            color).append();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (spotRadius && options.get('spotColor')) {
+                target.drawCircle(canvasLeft + Math.round((xvalues[xvalues.length - 1] - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)),
+                    canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((yvalues[yvallast] - this.miny) / rangey))),
+                    spotRadius, undefined,
+                    options.get('spotColor')).append();
+            }
+            if (this.maxy !== this.minyorg) {
+                if (spotRadius && options.get('minSpotColor')) {
+                    x = xvalues[$.inArray(this.minyorg, yvalues)];
+                    target.drawCircle(canvasLeft + Math.round((x - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)),
+                        canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((this.minyorg - this.miny) / rangey))),
+                        spotRadius, undefined,
+                        options.get('minSpotColor')).append();
+                }
+                if (spotRadius && options.get('maxSpotColor')) {
+                    x = xvalues[$.inArray(this.maxyorg, yvalues)];
+                    target.drawCircle(canvasLeft + Math.round((x - this.minx) * (canvasWidth / rangex)),
+                        canvasTop + Math.round(canvasHeight - (canvasHeight * ((this.maxyorg - this.miny) / rangey))),
+                        spotRadius, undefined,
+                        options.get('maxSpotColor')).append();
+                }
+            }
+            this.lastShapeId = target.getLastShapeId();
+            this.canvasTop = canvasTop;
+            target.render();
+        }
+    });
+    /**
+     * Bar charts
+     */
+    $.fn.sparkline.bar = bar = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, barHighlightMixin, {
+        type: 'bar',
+        init: function (el, values, options, width, height) {
+            var barWidth = parseInt(options.get('barWidth'), 10),
+                barSpacing = parseInt(options.get('barSpacing'), 10),
+                chartRangeMin = options.get('chartRangeMin'),
+                chartRangeMax = options.get('chartRangeMax'),
+                chartRangeClip = options.get('chartRangeClip'),
+                stackMin = Infinity,
+                stackMax = -Infinity,
+                isStackString, groupMin, groupMax, stackRanges,
+                numValues, i, vlen, range, zeroAxis, xaxisOffset, min, max, clipMin, clipMax,
+                stacked, vlist, j, slen, svals, val, yoffset, yMaxCalc, canvasHeightEf;
+            bar._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height);
+            // scan values to determine whether to stack bars
+            for (i = 0, vlen = values.length; i < vlen; i++) {
+                val = values[i];
+                isStackString = typeof(val) === 'string' && val.indexOf(':') > -1;
+                if (isStackString || $.isArray(val)) {
+                    stacked = true;
+                    if (isStackString) {
+                        val = values[i] = normalizeValues(val.split(':'));
+                    }
+                    val = remove(val, null); // min/max will treat null as zero
+                    groupMin = Math.min.apply(Math, val);
+                    groupMax = Math.max.apply(Math, val);
+                    if (groupMin < stackMin) {
+                        stackMin = groupMin;
+                    }
+                    if (groupMax > stackMax) {
+                        stackMax = groupMax;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            this.stacked = stacked;
+            this.regionShapes = {};
+            this.barWidth = barWidth;
+            this.barSpacing = barSpacing;
+            this.totalBarWidth = barWidth + barSpacing;
+            this.width = width = (values.length * barWidth) + ((values.length - 1) * barSpacing);
+            this.initTarget();
+            if (chartRangeClip) {
+                clipMin = chartRangeMin === undefined ? -Infinity : chartRangeMin;
+                clipMax = chartRangeMax === undefined ? Infinity : chartRangeMax;
+            }
+            numValues = [];
+            stackRanges = stacked ? [] : numValues;
+            var stackTotals = [];
+            var stackRangesNeg = [];
+            for (i = 0, vlen = values.length; i < vlen; i++) {
+                if (stacked) {
+                    vlist = values[i];
+                    values[i] = svals = [];
+                    stackTotals[i] = 0;
+                    stackRanges[i] = stackRangesNeg[i] = 0;
+                    for (j = 0, slen = vlist.length; j < slen; j++) {
+                        val = svals[j] = chartRangeClip ? clipval(vlist[j], clipMin, clipMax) : vlist[j];
+                        if (val !== null) {
+                            if (val > 0) {
+                                stackTotals[i] += val;
+                            }
+                            if (stackMin < 0 && stackMax > 0) {
+                                if (val < 0) {
+                                    stackRangesNeg[i] += Math.abs(val);
+                                } else {
+                                    stackRanges[i] += val;
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                stackRanges[i] += Math.abs(val - (val < 0 ? stackMax : stackMin));
+                            }
+                            numValues.push(val);
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    val = chartRangeClip ? clipval(values[i], clipMin, clipMax) : values[i];
+                    val = values[i] = normalizeValue(val);
+                    if (val !== null) {
+                        numValues.push(val);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            this.max = max = Math.max.apply(Math, numValues);
+            this.min = min = Math.min.apply(Math, numValues);
+            this.stackMax = stackMax = stacked ? Math.max.apply(Math, stackTotals) : max;
+            this.stackMin = stackMin = stacked ? Math.min.apply(Math, numValues) : min;
+            if (options.get('chartRangeMin') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMin') < min)) {
+                min = options.get('chartRangeMin');
+            }
+            if (options.get('chartRangeMax') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMax') > max)) {
+                max = options.get('chartRangeMax');
+            }
+            this.zeroAxis = zeroAxis = options.get('zeroAxis', true);
+            if (min <= 0 && max >= 0 && zeroAxis) {
+                xaxisOffset = 0;
+            } else if (zeroAxis == false) {
+                xaxisOffset = min;
+            } else if (min > 0) {
+                xaxisOffset = min;
+            } else {
+                xaxisOffset = max;
+            }
+            this.xaxisOffset = xaxisOffset;
+            range = stacked ? (Math.max.apply(Math, stackRanges) + Math.max.apply(Math, stackRangesNeg)) : max - min;
+            // as we plot zero/min values a single pixel line, we add a pixel to all other
+            // values - Reduce the effective canvas size to suit
+            this.canvasHeightEf = (zeroAxis && min < 0) ? this.canvasHeight - 2 : this.canvasHeight - 1;
+            if (min < xaxisOffset) {
+                yMaxCalc = (stacked && max >= 0) ? stackMax : max;
+                yoffset = (yMaxCalc - xaxisOffset) / range * this.canvasHeight;
+                if (yoffset !== Math.ceil(yoffset)) {
+                    this.canvasHeightEf -= 2;
+                    yoffset = Math.ceil(yoffset);
+                }
+            } else {
+                yoffset = this.canvasHeight;
+            }
+            this.yoffset = yoffset;
+            if ($.isArray(options.get('colorMap'))) {
+                this.colorMapByIndex = options.get('colorMap');
+                this.colorMapByValue = null;
+            } else {
+                this.colorMapByIndex = null;
+                this.colorMapByValue = options.get('colorMap');
+                if (this.colorMapByValue && this.colorMapByValue.get === undefined) {
+                    this.colorMapByValue = new RangeMap(this.colorMapByValue);
+                }
+            }
+            this.range = range;
+        },
+        getRegion: function (el, x, y) {
+            var result = Math.floor(x / this.totalBarWidth);
+            return (result < 0 || result >= this.values.length) ? undefined : result;
+        },
+        getCurrentRegionFields: function () {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion,
+                values = ensureArray(this.values[currentRegion]),
+                result = [],
+                value, i;
+            for (i = values.length; i--;) {
+                value = values[i];
+                result.push({
+                    isNull: value === null,
+                    value: value,
+                    color: this.calcColor(i, value, currentRegion),
+                    offset: currentRegion
+                });
+            }
+            return result;
+        },
+        calcColor: function (stacknum, value, valuenum) {
+            var colorMapByIndex = this.colorMapByIndex,
+                colorMapByValue = this.colorMapByValue,
+                options = this.options,
+                color, newColor;
+            if (this.stacked) {
+                color = options.get('stackedBarColor');
+            } else {
+                color = (value < 0) ? options.get('negBarColor') : options.get('barColor');
+            }
+            if (value === 0 && options.get('zeroColor') !== undefined) {
+                color = options.get('zeroColor');
+            }
+            if (colorMapByValue && (newColor = colorMapByValue.get(value))) {
+                color = newColor;
+            } else if (colorMapByIndex && colorMapByIndex.length > valuenum) {
+                color = colorMapByIndex[valuenum];
+            }
+            return $.isArray(color) ? color[stacknum % color.length] : color;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Render bar(s) for a region
+         */
+        renderRegion: function (valuenum, highlight) {
+            var vals = this.values[valuenum],
+                options = this.options,
+                xaxisOffset = this.xaxisOffset,
+                result = [],
+                range = this.range,
+                stacked = this.stacked,
+                target = this.target,
+                x = valuenum * this.totalBarWidth,
+                canvasHeightEf = this.canvasHeightEf,
+                yoffset = this.yoffset,
+                y, height, color, isNull, yoffsetNeg, i, valcount, val, minPlotted, allMin;
+            vals = $.isArray(vals) ? vals : [vals];
+            valcount = vals.length;
+            val = vals[0];
+            isNull = all(null, vals);
+            allMin = all(xaxisOffset, vals, true);
+            if (isNull) {
+                if (options.get('nullColor')) {
+                    color = highlight ? options.get('nullColor') : this.calcHighlightColor(options.get('nullColor'), options);
+                    y = (yoffset > 0) ? yoffset - 1 : yoffset;
+                    return target.drawRect(x, y, this.barWidth - 1, 0, color, color);
+                } else {
+                    return undefined;
+                }
+            }
+            yoffsetNeg = yoffset;
+            for (i = 0; i < valcount; i++) {
+                val = vals[i];
+                if (stacked && val === xaxisOffset) {
+                    if (!allMin || minPlotted) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    minPlotted = true;
+                }
+                if (range > 0) {
+                    height = Math.floor(canvasHeightEf * ((Math.abs(val - xaxisOffset) / range))) + 1;
+                } else {
+                    height = 1;
+                }
+                if (val < xaxisOffset || (val === xaxisOffset && yoffset === 0)) {
+                    y = yoffsetNeg;
+                    yoffsetNeg += height;
+                } else {
+                    y = yoffset - height;
+                    yoffset -= height;
+                }
+                color = this.calcColor(i, val, valuenum);
+                if (highlight) {
+                    color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, options);
+                }
+                result.push(target.drawRect(x, y, this.barWidth - 1, height - 1, color, color));
+            }
+            if (result.length === 1) {
+                return result[0];
+            }
+            return result;
+        }
+    });
+    /**
+     * Tristate charts
+     */
+    $.fn.sparkline.tristate = tristate = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, barHighlightMixin, {
+        type: 'tristate',
+        init: function (el, values, options, width, height) {
+            var barWidth = parseInt(options.get('barWidth'), 10),
+                barSpacing = parseInt(options.get('barSpacing'), 10);
+            tristate._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height);
+            this.regionShapes = {};
+            this.barWidth = barWidth;
+            this.barSpacing = barSpacing;
+            this.totalBarWidth = barWidth + barSpacing;
+            this.values = $.map(values, Number);
+            this.width = width = (values.length * barWidth) + ((values.length - 1) * barSpacing);
+            if ($.isArray(options.get('colorMap'))) {
+                this.colorMapByIndex = options.get('colorMap');
+                this.colorMapByValue = null;
+            } else {
+                this.colorMapByIndex = null;
+                this.colorMapByValue = options.get('colorMap');
+                if (this.colorMapByValue && this.colorMapByValue.get === undefined) {
+                    this.colorMapByValue = new RangeMap(this.colorMapByValue);
+                }
+            }
+            this.initTarget();
+        },
+        getRegion: function (el, x, y) {
+            return Math.floor(x / this.totalBarWidth);
+        },
+        getCurrentRegionFields: function () {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion;
+            return {
+                isNull: this.values[currentRegion] === undefined,
+                value: this.values[currentRegion],
+                color: this.calcColor(this.values[currentRegion], currentRegion),
+                offset: currentRegion
+            };
+        },
+        calcColor: function (value, valuenum) {
+            var values = this.values,
+                options = this.options,
+                colorMapByIndex = this.colorMapByIndex,
+                colorMapByValue = this.colorMapByValue,
+                color, newColor;
+            if (colorMapByValue && (newColor = colorMapByValue.get(value))) {
+                color = newColor;
+            } else if (colorMapByIndex && colorMapByIndex.length > valuenum) {
+                color = colorMapByIndex[valuenum];
+            } else if (values[valuenum] < 0) {
+                color = options.get('negBarColor');
+            } else if (values[valuenum] > 0) {
+                color = options.get('posBarColor');
+            } else {
+                color = options.get('zeroBarColor');
+            }
+            return color;
+        },
+        renderRegion: function (valuenum, highlight) {
+            var values = this.values,
+                options = this.options,
+                target = this.target,
+                canvasHeight, height, halfHeight,
+                x, y, color;
+            canvasHeight = target.pixelHeight;
+            halfHeight = Math.round(canvasHeight / 2);
+            x = valuenum * this.totalBarWidth;
+            if (values[valuenum] < 0) {
+                y = halfHeight;
+                height = halfHeight - 1;
+            } else if (values[valuenum] > 0) {
+                y = 0;
+                height = halfHeight - 1;
+            } else {
+                y = halfHeight - 1;
+                height = 2;
+            }
+            color = this.calcColor(values[valuenum], valuenum);
+            if (color === null) {
+                return;
+            }
+            if (highlight) {
+                color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, options);
+            }
+            return target.drawRect(x, y, this.barWidth - 1, height - 1, color, color);
+        }
+    });
+    /**
+     * Discrete charts
+     */
+    $.fn.sparkline.discrete = discrete = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, barHighlightMixin, {
+        type: 'discrete',
+        init: function (el, values, options, width, height) {
+            discrete._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height);
+            this.regionShapes = {};
+            this.values = values = $.map(values, Number);
+            this.min = Math.min.apply(Math, values);
+            this.max = Math.max.apply(Math, values);
+            this.range = this.max - this.min;
+            this.width = width = options.get('width') === 'auto' ? values.length * 2 : this.width;
+            this.interval = Math.floor(width / values.length);
+            this.itemWidth = width / values.length;
+            if (options.get('chartRangeMin') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMin') < this.min)) {
+                this.min = options.get('chartRangeMin');
+            }
+            if (options.get('chartRangeMax') !== undefined && (options.get('chartRangeClip') || options.get('chartRangeMax') > this.max)) {
+                this.max = options.get('chartRangeMax');
+            }
+            this.initTarget();
+            if (this.target) {
+                this.lineHeight = options.get('lineHeight') === 'auto' ? Math.round(this.canvasHeight * 0.3) : options.get('lineHeight');
+            }
+        },
+        getRegion: function (el, x, y) {
+            return Math.floor(x / this.itemWidth);
+        },
+        getCurrentRegionFields: function () {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion;
+            return {
+                isNull: this.values[currentRegion] === undefined,
+                value: this.values[currentRegion],
+                offset: currentRegion
+            };
+        },
+        renderRegion: function (valuenum, highlight) {
+            var values = this.values,
+                options = this.options,
+                min = this.min,
+                max = this.max,
+                range = this.range,
+                interval = this.interval,
+                target = this.target,
+                canvasHeight = this.canvasHeight,
+                lineHeight = this.lineHeight,
+                pheight = canvasHeight - lineHeight,
+                ytop, val, color, x;
+            val = clipval(values[valuenum], min, max);
+            x = valuenum * interval;
+            ytop = Math.round(pheight - pheight * ((val - min) / range));
+            color = (options.get('thresholdColor') && val < options.get('thresholdValue')) ? options.get('thresholdColor') : options.get('lineColor');
+            if (highlight) {
+                color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, options);
+            }
+            return target.drawLine(x, ytop, x, ytop + lineHeight, color);
+        }
+    });
+    /**
+     * Bullet charts
+     */
+    $.fn.sparkline.bullet = bullet = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, {
+        type: 'bullet',
+        init: function (el, values, options, width, height) {
+            var min, max, vals;
+            bullet._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height);
+            // values: target, performance, range1, range2, range3
+            this.values = values = normalizeValues(values);
+            // target or performance could be null
+            vals = values.slice();
+            vals[0] = vals[0] === null ? vals[2] : vals[0];
+            vals[1] = values[1] === null ? vals[2] : vals[1];
+            min = Math.min.apply(Math, values);
+            max = Math.max.apply(Math, values);
+            if (options.get('base') === undefined) {
+                min = min < 0 ? min : 0;
+            } else {
+                min = options.get('base');
+            }
+            this.min = min;
+            this.max = max;
+            this.range = max - min;
+            this.shapes = {};
+            this.valueShapes = {};
+            this.regiondata = {};
+            this.width = width = options.get('width') === 'auto' ? '4.0em' : width;
+            this.target = this.$el.simpledraw(width, height, options.get('composite'));
+            if (!values.length) {
+                this.disabled = true;
+            }
+            this.initTarget();
+        },
+        getRegion: function (el, x, y) {
+            var shapeid = this.target.getShapeAt(el, x, y);
+            return (shapeid !== undefined && this.shapes[shapeid] !== undefined) ? this.shapes[shapeid] : undefined;
+        },
+        getCurrentRegionFields: function () {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion;
+            return {
+                fieldkey: currentRegion.substr(0, 1),
+                value: this.values[currentRegion.substr(1)],
+                region: currentRegion
+            };
+        },
+        changeHighlight: function (highlight) {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion,
+                shapeid = this.valueShapes[currentRegion],
+                shape;
+            delete this.shapes[shapeid];
+            switch (currentRegion.substr(0, 1)) {
+                case 'r':
+                    shape = this.renderRange(currentRegion.substr(1), highlight);
+                    break;
+                case 'p':
+                    shape = this.renderPerformance(highlight);
+                    break;
+                case 't':
+                    shape = this.renderTarget(highlight);
+                    break;
+            }
+            this.valueShapes[currentRegion] = shape.id;
+            this.shapes[shape.id] = currentRegion;
+            this.target.replaceWithShape(shapeid, shape);
+        },
+        renderRange: function (rn, highlight) {
+            var rangeval = this.values[rn],
+                rangewidth = Math.round(this.canvasWidth * ((rangeval - this.min) / this.range)),
+                color = this.options.get('rangeColors')[rn - 2];
+            if (highlight) {
+                color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, this.options);
+            }
+            return this.target.drawRect(0, 0, rangewidth - 1, this.canvasHeight - 1, color, color);
+        },
+        renderPerformance: function (highlight) {
+            var perfval = this.values[1],
+                perfwidth = Math.round(this.canvasWidth * ((perfval - this.min) / this.range)),
+                color = this.options.get('performanceColor');
+            if (highlight) {
+                color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, this.options);
+            }
+            return this.target.drawRect(0, Math.round(this.canvasHeight * 0.3), perfwidth - 1,
+                Math.round(this.canvasHeight * 0.4) - 1, color, color);
+        },
+        renderTarget: function (highlight) {
+            var targetval = this.values[0],
+                x = Math.round(this.canvasWidth * ((targetval - this.min) / this.range) - (this.options.get('targetWidth') / 2)),
+                targettop = Math.round(this.canvasHeight * 0.10),
+                targetheight = this.canvasHeight - (targettop * 2),
+                color = this.options.get('targetColor');
+            if (highlight) {
+                color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, this.options);
+            }
+            return this.target.drawRect(x, targettop, this.options.get('targetWidth') - 1, targetheight - 1, color, color);
+        },
+        render: function () {
+            var vlen = this.values.length,
+                target = this.target,
+                i, shape;
+            if (!bullet._super.render.call(this)) {
+                return;
+            }
+            for (i = 2; i < vlen; i++) {
+                shape = this.renderRange(i).append();
+                this.shapes[shape.id] = 'r' + i;
+                this.valueShapes['r' + i] = shape.id;
+            }
+            if (this.values[1] !== null) {
+                shape = this.renderPerformance().append();
+                this.shapes[shape.id] = 'p1';
+                this.valueShapes.p1 = shape.id;
+            }
+            if (this.values[0] !== null) {
+                shape = this.renderTarget().append();
+                this.shapes[shape.id] = 't0';
+                this.valueShapes.t0 = shape.id;
+            }
+            target.render();
+        }
+    });
+    /**
+     * Pie charts
+     */
+    $.fn.sparkline.pie = pie = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, {
+        type: 'pie',
+        init: function (el, values, options, width, height) {
+            var total = 0, i;
+            pie._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height);
+            this.shapes = {}; // map shape ids to value offsets
+            this.valueShapes = {}; // maps value offsets to shape ids
+            this.values = values = $.map(values, Number);
+            if (options.get('width') === 'auto') {
+                this.width = this.height;
+            }
+            if (values.length > 0) {
+                for (i = values.length; i--;) {
+                    total += values[i];
+                }
+            }
+            this.total = total;
+            this.initTarget();
+            this.radius = Math.floor(Math.min(this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight) / 2);
+        },
+        getRegion: function (el, x, y) {
+            var shapeid = this.target.getShapeAt(el, x, y);
+            return (shapeid !== undefined && this.shapes[shapeid] !== undefined) ? this.shapes[shapeid] : undefined;
+        },
+        getCurrentRegionFields: function () {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion;
+            return {
+                isNull: this.values[currentRegion] === undefined,
+                value: this.values[currentRegion],
+                percent: this.values[currentRegion] / this.total * 100,
+                color: this.options.get('sliceColors')[currentRegion % this.options.get('sliceColors').length],
+                offset: currentRegion
+            };
+        },
+        changeHighlight: function (highlight) {
+            var currentRegion = this.currentRegion,
+                 newslice = this.renderSlice(currentRegion, highlight),
+                 shapeid = this.valueShapes[currentRegion];
+            delete this.shapes[shapeid];
+            this.target.replaceWithShape(shapeid, newslice);
+            this.valueShapes[currentRegion] = newslice.id;
+            this.shapes[newslice.id] = currentRegion;
+        },
+        renderSlice: function (valuenum, highlight) {
+            var target = this.target,
+                options = this.options,
+                radius = this.radius,
+                borderWidth = options.get('borderWidth'),
+                offset = options.get('offset'),
+                circle = 2 * Math.PI,
+                values = this.values,
+                total = this.total,
+                next = offset ? (2*Math.PI)*(offset/360) : 0,
+                start, end, i, vlen, color;
+            vlen = values.length;
+            for (i = 0; i < vlen; i++) {
+                start = next;
+                end = next;
+                if (total > 0) {  // avoid divide by zero
+                    end = next + (circle * (values[i] / total));
+                }
+                if (valuenum === i) {
+                    color = options.get('sliceColors')[i % options.get('sliceColors').length];
+                    if (highlight) {
+                        color = this.calcHighlightColor(color, options);
+                    }
+                    return target.drawPieSlice(radius, radius, radius - borderWidth, start, end, undefined, color);
+                }
+                next = end;
+            }
+        },
+        render: function () {
+            var target = this.target,
+                values = this.values,
+                options = this.options,
+                radius = this.radius,
+                borderWidth = options.get('borderWidth'),
+                shape, i;
+            if (!pie._super.render.call(this)) {
+                return;
+            }
+            if (borderWidth) {
+                target.drawCircle(radius, radius, Math.floor(radius - (borderWidth / 2)),
+                    options.get('borderColor'), undefined, borderWidth).append();
+            }
+            for (i = values.length; i--;) {
+                if (values[i]) { // don't render zero values
+                    shape = this.renderSlice(i).append();
+                    this.valueShapes[i] = shape.id; // store just the shapeid
+                    this.shapes[shape.id] = i;
+                }
+            }
+            target.render();
+        }
+    });
+    /**
+     * Box plots
+     */
+    $.fn.sparkline.box = box = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, {
+        type: 'box',
+        init: function (el, values, options, width, height) {
+            box._super.init.call(this, el, values, options, width, height);
+            this.values = $.map(values, Number);
+            this.width = options.get('width') === 'auto' ? '4.0em' : width;
+            this.initTarget();
+            if (!this.values.length) {
+                this.disabled = 1;
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Simulate a single region
+         */
+        getRegion: function () {
+            return 1;
+        },
+        getCurrentRegionFields: function () {
+            var result = [
+                { field: 'lq', value: this.quartiles[0] },
+                { field: 'med', value: this.quartiles[1] },
+                { field: 'uq', value: this.quartiles[2] }
+            ];
+            if (this.loutlier !== undefined) {
+                result.push({ field: 'lo', value: this.loutlier});
+            }
+            if (this.routlier !== undefined) {
+                result.push({ field: 'ro', value: this.routlier});
+            }
+            if (this.lwhisker !== undefined) {
+                result.push({ field: 'lw', value: this.lwhisker});
+            }
+            if (this.rwhisker !== undefined) {
+                result.push({ field: 'rw', value: this.rwhisker});
+            }
+            return result;
+        },
+        render: function () {
+            var target = this.target,
+                values = this.values,
+                vlen = values.length,
+                options = this.options,
+                canvasWidth = this.canvasWidth,
+                canvasHeight = this.canvasHeight,
+                minValue = options.get('chartRangeMin') === undefined ? Math.min.apply(Math, values) : options.get('chartRangeMin'),
+                maxValue = options.get('chartRangeMax') === undefined ? Math.max.apply(Math, values) : options.get('chartRangeMax'),
+                canvasLeft = 0,
+                lwhisker, loutlier, iqr, q1, q2, q3, rwhisker, routlier, i,
+                size, unitSize;
+            if (!box._super.render.call(this)) {
+                return;
+            }
+            if (options.get('raw')) {
+                if (options.get('showOutliers') && values.length > 5) {
+                    loutlier = values[0];
+                    lwhisker = values[1];
+                    q1 = values[2];
+                    q2 = values[3];
+                    q3 = values[4];
+                    rwhisker = values[5];
+                    routlier = values[6];
+                } else {
+                    lwhisker = values[0];
+                    q1 = values[1];
+                    q2 = values[2];
+                    q3 = values[3];
+                    rwhisker = values[4];
+                }
+            } else {
+                values.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; });
+                q1 = quartile(values, 1);
+                q2 = quartile(values, 2);
+                q3 = quartile(values, 3);
+                iqr = q3 - q1;
+                if (options.get('showOutliers')) {
+                    lwhisker = rwhisker = undefined;
+                    for (i = 0; i < vlen; i++) {
+                        if (lwhisker === undefined && values[i] > q1 - (iqr * options.get('outlierIQR'))) {
+                            lwhisker = values[i];
+                        }
+                        if (values[i] < q3 + (iqr * options.get('outlierIQR'))) {
+                            rwhisker = values[i];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    loutlier = values[0];
+                    routlier = values[vlen - 1];
+                } else {
+                    lwhisker = values[0];
+                    rwhisker = values[vlen - 1];
+                }
+            }
+            this.quartiles = [q1, q2, q3];
+            this.lwhisker = lwhisker;
+            this.rwhisker = rwhisker;
+            this.loutlier = loutlier;
+            this.routlier = routlier;
+            unitSize = canvasWidth / (maxValue - minValue + 1);
+            if (options.get('showOutliers')) {
+                canvasLeft = Math.ceil(options.get('spotRadius'));
+                canvasWidth -= 2 * Math.ceil(options.get('spotRadius'));
+                unitSize = canvasWidth / (maValue - minValue + 1);
+                if (loutlier < lwhisker) {
+                    target.drawCircle((loutlier - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft,
+                        canvasHeight / 2,
+                        options.get('spotRadius'),
+                        options.get('outlierLineColor'),
+                        options.get('outlierFillColor')).append();
+                }
+                if (routlier > rwhisker) {
+                    target.drawCircle((routlier - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft,
+                        canvasHeight / 2,
+                        options.get('spotRadius'),
+                        options.get('outlierLineColor'),
+                        options.get('outlierFillColor')).append();
+                }
+            }
+            // box
+            target.drawRect(
+                Math.round((q1 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.1),
+                Math.round((q3 - q1) * unitSize),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.8),
+                options.get('boxLineColor'),
+                options.get('boxFillColor')).append();
+            // left whisker
+            target.drawLine(
+                Math.round((lwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight / 2),
+                Math.round((q1 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight / 2),
+                options.get('lineColor')).append();
+            target.drawLine(
+                Math.round((lwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight / 4),
+                Math.round((lwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight - canvasHeight / 4),
+                options.get('whiskerColor')).append();
+            // right whisker
+            target.drawLine(Math.round((rwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight / 2),
+                Math.round((q3 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight / 2),
+                options.get('lineColor')).append();
+            target.drawLine(
+                Math.round((rwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight / 4),
+                Math.round((rwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight - canvasHeight / 4),
+                options.get('whiskerColor')).append();
+            // median line
+            target.drawLine(
+                Math.round((q2 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.1),
+                Math.round((q2 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.9),
+                options.get('medianColor')).append();
+            if (options.get('target')) {
+                size = Math.ceil(options.get('spotRadius'));
+                target.drawLine(
+                    Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                    Math.round((canvasHeight / 2) - size),
+                    Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft),
+                    Math.round((canvasHeight / 2) + size),
+                    options.get('targetColor')).append();
+                target.drawLine(
+                    Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft - size),
+                    Math.round(canvasHeight / 2),
+                    Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft + size),
+                    Math.round(canvasHeight / 2),
+                    options.get('targetColor')).append();
+            }
+            target.render();
+        }
+    });
+    // Setup a very simple "virtual canvas" to make drawing the few shapes we need easier
+    // This is accessible as $(foo).simpledraw()
+    if ($.browser.msie && document.namespaces && !document.namespaces.v) {
+        document.namespaces.add('v', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml', '#default#VML');
+    }
+    if ($.browser.hasCanvas === undefined) {
+        $.browser.hasCanvas = document.createElement('canvas').getContext !== undefined;
+    }
+    VShape = createClass({
+        init: function (target, id, type, args) {
+            this.target = target;
+            this.id = id;
+            this.type = type;
+            this.args = args;
+        },
+        append: function () {
+            this.target.appendShape(this);
+            return this;
+        }
+    });
+    VCanvas_base = createClass({
+        _pxregex: /(\d+)(px)?\s*$/i,
+        init: function (width, height, target) {
+            if (!width) {
+                return;
+            }
+            this.width = width;
+            this.height = height;
+            this.target = target;
+            this.lastShapeId = null;
+            if (target[0]) {
+                target = target[0];
+            }
+            $.data(target, '_jqs_vcanvas', this);
+        },
+        drawLine: function (x1, y1, x2, y2, lineColor, lineWidth) {
+            return this.drawShape([[x1, y1], [x2, y2]], lineColor, lineWidth);
+        },
+        drawShape: function (path, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) {
+            return this._genShape('Shape', [path, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth]);
+        },
+        drawCircle: function (x, y, radius, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) {
+            return this._genShape('Circle', [x, y, radius, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth]);
+        },
+        drawPieSlice: function (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, lineColor, fillColor) {
+            return this._genShape('PieSlice', [x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, lineColor, fillColor]);
+        },
+        drawRect: function (x, y, width, height, lineColor, fillColor) {
+            return this._genShape('Rect', [x, y, width, height, lineColor, fillColor]);
+        },
+        getElement: function () {
+            return this.canvas;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Return the most recently inserted shape id
+         */
+        getLastShapeId: function () {
+            return this.lastShapeId;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Clear and reset the canvas
+         */
+        reset: function () {
+            alert('reset not implemented');
+        },
+        _insert: function (el, target) {
+            $(target).html(el);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Calculate the pixel dimensions of the canvas
+         */
+        _calculatePixelDims: function (width, height, canvas) {
+            // XXX This should probably be a configurable option
+            var match;
+            match = this._pxregex.exec(height);
+            if (match) {
+                this.pixelHeight = match[1];
+            } else {
+                this.pixelHeight = $(canvas).height();
+            }
+            match = this._pxregex.exec(width);
+            if (match) {
+                this.pixelWidth = match[1];
+            } else {
+                this.pixelWidth = $(canvas).width();
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Generate a shape object and id for later rendering
+         */
+        _genShape: function (shapetype, shapeargs) {
+            var id = shapeCount++;
+            shapeargs.unshift(id);
+            return new VShape(this, id, shapetype, shapeargs);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Add a shape to the end of the render queue
+         */
+        appendShape: function (shape) {
+            alert('appendShape not implemented');
+        },
+        /**
+         * Replace one shape with another
+         */
+        replaceWithShape: function (shapeid, shape) {
+            alert('replaceWithShape not implemented');
+        },
+        /**
+         * Insert one shape after another in the render queue
+         */
+        insertAfterShape: function (shapeid, shape) {
+            alert('insertAfterShape not implemented');
+        },
+        /**
+         * Remove a shape from the queue
+         */
+        removeShapeId: function (shapeid) {
+            alert('removeShapeId not implemented');
+        },
+        /**
+         * Find a shape at the specified x/y co-ordinates
+         */
+        getShapeAt: function (el, x, y) {
+            alert('getShapeAt not implemented');
+        },
+        /**
+         * Render all queued shapes onto the canvas
+         */
+        render: function () {
+            alert('render not implemented');
+        }
+    });
+    VCanvas_canvas = createClass(VCanvas_base, {
+        init: function (width, height, target, interact) {
+            VCanvas_canvas._super.init.call(this, width, height, target);
+            this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+            if (target[0]) {
+                target = target[0];
+            }
+            $.data(target, '_jqs_vcanvas', this);
+            $(this.canvas).css({ display: 'inline-block', width: width, height: height, verticalAlign: 'top' });
+            this._insert(this.canvas, target);
+            this._calculatePixelDims(width, height, this.canvas);
+            this.canvas.width = this.pixelWidth;
+            this.canvas.height = this.pixelHeight;
+            this.interact = interact;
+            this.shapes = {};
+            this.shapeseq = [];
+            this.currentTargetShapeId = undefined;
+            $(this.canvas).css({width: this.pixelWidth, height: this.pixelHeight});
+        },
+        _getContext: function (lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) {
+            var context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
+            if (lineColor !== undefined) {
+                context.strokeStyle = lineColor;
+            }
+            context.lineWidth = lineWidth === undefined ? 1 : lineWidth;
+            if (fillColor !== undefined) {
+                context.fillStyle = fillColor;
+            }
+            return context;
+        },
+        reset: function () {
+            var context = this._getContext();
+            context.clearRect(0, 0, this.pixelWidth, this.pixelHeight);
+            this.shapes = {};
+            this.shapeseq = [];
+            this.currentTargetShapeId = undefined;
+        },
+        _drawShape: function (shapeid, path, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) {
+            var context = this._getContext(lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth),
+                i, plen;
+            context.beginPath();
+            context.moveTo(path[0][0] + 0.5, path[0][1] + 0.5);
+            for (i = 1, plen = path.length; i < plen; i++) {
+                context.lineTo(path[i][0] + 0.5, path[i][1] + 0.5); // the 0.5 offset gives us crisp pixel-width lines
+            }
+            if (lineColor !== undefined) {
+                context.stroke();
+            }
+            if (fillColor !== undefined) {
+                context.fill();
+            }
+            if (this.targetX !== undefined && this.targetY !== undefined &&
+                context.isPointInPath(this.targetX, this.targetY)) {
+                this.currentTargetShapeId = shapeid;
+            }
+        },
+        _drawCircle: function (shapeid, x, y, radius, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) {
+            var context = this._getContext(lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth);
+            context.beginPath();
+            context.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
+            if (this.targetX !== undefined && this.targetY !== undefined &&
+                context.isPointInPath(this.targetX, this.targetY)) {
+                this.currentTargetShapeId = shapeid;
+            }
+            if (lineColor !== undefined) {
+                context.stroke();
+            }
+            if (fillColor !== undefined) {
+                context.fill();
+            }
+        },
+        _drawPieSlice: function (shapeid, x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, lineColor, fillColor) {
+            var context = this._getContext(lineColor, fillColor);
+            context.beginPath();
+            context.moveTo(x, y);
+            context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false);
+            context.lineTo(x, y);
+            context.closePath();
+            if (lineColor !== undefined) {
+                context.stroke();
+            }
+            if (fillColor) {
+                context.fill();
+            }
+            if (this.targetX !== undefined && this.targetY !== undefined &&
+                context.isPointInPath(this.targetX, this.targetY)) {
+                this.currentTargetShapeId = shapeid;
+            }
+        },
+        _drawRect: function (shapeid, x, y, width, height, lineColor, fillColor) {
+            return this._drawShape(shapeid, [[x, y], [x + width, y], [x + width, y + height], [x, y + height], [x, y]], lineColor, fillColor);
+        },
+        appendShape: function (shape) {
+            this.shapes[shape.id] = shape;
+            this.shapeseq.push(shape.id);
+            this.lastShapeId = shape.id;
+            return shape.id;
+        },
+        replaceWithShape: function (shapeid, shape) {
+            var shapeseq = this.shapeseq,
+                i;
+            this.shapes[shape.id] = shape;
+            for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) {
+                if (shapeseq[i] == shapeid) {
+                    shapeseq[i] = shape.id;
+                }
+            }
+            delete this.shapes[shapeid];
+        },
+        replaceWithShapes: function (shapeids, shapes) {
+            var shapeseq = this.shapeseq,
+                shapemap = {},
+                sid, i, first;
+            for (i = shapeids.length; i--;) {
+                shapemap[shapeids[i]] = true;
+            }
+            for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) {
+                sid = shapeseq[i];
+                if (shapemap[sid]) {
+                    shapeseq.splice(i, 1);
+                    delete this.shapes[sid];
+                    first = i;
+                }
+            }
+            for (i = shapes.length; i--;) {
+                shapeseq.splice(first, 0, shapes[i].id);
+                this.shapes[shapes[i].id] = shapes[i];
+            }
+        },
+        insertAfterShape: function (shapeid, shape) {
+            var shapeseq = this.shapeseq,
+                i;
+            for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) {
+                if (shapeseq[i] === shapeid) {
+                    shapeseq.splice(i + 1, 0, shape.id);
+                    this.shapes[shape.id] = shape;
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        removeShapeId: function (shapeid) {
+            var shapeseq = this.shapeseq,
+                i;
+            for (i = shapeseq.length; i--;) {
+                if (shapeseq[i] === shapeid) {
+                    shapeseq.splice(i, 1);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            delete this.shapes[shapeid];
+        },
+        getShapeAt: function (el, x, y) {
+            this.targetX = x;
+            this.targetY = y;
+            this.render();
+            return this.currentTargetShapeId;
+        },
+        render: function () {
+            var shapeseq = this.shapeseq,
+                shapes = this.shapes,
+                shapeCount = shapeseq.length,
+                context = this._getContext(),
+                shapeid, shape, i;
+            context.clearRect(0, 0, this.pixelWidth, this.pixelHeight);
+            for (i = 0; i < shapeCount; i++) {
+                shapeid = shapeseq[i];
+                shape = shapes[shapeid];
+                this['_draw' + shape.type].apply(this, shape.args);
+            }
+            if (!this.interact) {
+                // not interactive so no need to keep the shapes array
+                this.shapes = {};
+                this.shapeseq = [];
+            }
+        }
+    });
+    VCanvas_vml = createClass(VCanvas_base, {
+        init: function (width, height, target) {
+            var groupel;
+            VCanvas_vml._super.init.call(this, width, height, target);
+            if (target[0]) {
+                target = target[0];
+            }
+            $.data(target, '_jqs_vcanvas', this);
+            this.canvas = document.createElement('span');
+            $(this.canvas).css({ display: 'inline-block', position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden', width: width, height: height, margin: '0px', padding: '0px', verticalAlign: 'top'});
+            this._insert(this.canvas, target);
+            this._calculatePixelDims(width, height, this.canvas);
+            this.canvas.width = this.pixelWidth;
+            this.canvas.height = this.pixelHeight;
+            groupel = '<v:group coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="' + this.pixelWidth + ' ' + this.pixelHeight + '"' +
+                    ' style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:' + this.pixelWidth + 'px;height=' + this.pixelHeight + 'px;"></v:group>';
+            this.canvas.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', groupel);
+            this.group = $(this.canvas).children()[0];
+            this.rendered = false;
+            this.prerender = '';
+        },
+        _drawShape: function (shapeid, path, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) {
+            var vpath = [],
+                initial, stroke, fill, closed, vel, plen, i;
+            for (i = 0, plen = path.length; i < plen; i++) {
+                vpath[i] = '' + (path[i][0]) + ',' + (path[i][1]);
+            }
+            initial = vpath.splice(0, 1);
+            lineWidth = lineWidth === undefined ? 1 : lineWidth;
+            stroke = lineColor === undefined ? ' stroked="false" ' : ' strokeWeight="' + lineWidth + 'px" strokeColor="' + lineColor + '" ';
+            fill = fillColor === undefined ? ' filled="false"' : ' fillColor="' + fillColor + '" filled="true" ';
+            closed = vpath[0] === vpath[vpath.length - 1] ? 'x ' : '';
+            vel = '<v:shape coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="' + this.pixelWidth + ' ' + this.pixelHeight + '" ' +
+                 ' id="jqsshape' + shapeid + '" ' +
+                 stroke +
+                 fill +
+                ' style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;height:' + this.pixelHeight + 'px;width:' + this.pixelWidth + 'px;padding:0px;margin:0px;" ' +
+                ' path="m ' + initial + ' l ' + vpath.join(', ') + ' ' + closed + 'e">' +
+                ' </v:shape>';
+            return vel;
+        },
+        _drawCircle: function (shapeid, x, y, radius, lineColor, fillColor, lineWidth) {
+            var stroke, fill, vel;
+            x -= radius;
+            y -= radius;
+            stroke = lineColor === undefined ? ' stroked="false" ' : ' strokeWeight="' + lineWidth + 'px" strokeColor="' + lineColor + '" ';
+            fill = fillColor === undefined ? ' filled="false"' : ' fillColor="' + fillColor + '" filled="true" ';
+            vel = '<v:oval ' +
+                 ' id="jqsshape' + shapeid + '" ' +
+                stroke +
+                fill +
+                ' style="position:absolute;top:' + y + 'px; left:' + x + 'px; width:' + (radius * 2) + 'px; height:' + (radius * 2) + 'px"></v:oval>';
+            return vel;
+        },
+        _drawPieSlice: function (shapeid, x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, lineColor, fillColor) {
+            var vpath, startx, starty, endx, endy, stroke, fill, vel;
+            if (startAngle === endAngle) {
+                return;  // VML seems to have problem when start angle equals end angle.
+            }
+            if ((endAngle - startAngle) === (2 * Math.PI)) {
+                startAngle = 0.0;  // VML seems to have a problem when drawing a full circle that doesn't start 0
+                endAngle = (2 * Math.PI);
+            }
+            startx = x + Math.round(Math.cos(startAngle) * radius);
+            starty = y + Math.round(Math.sin(startAngle) * radius);
+            endx = x + Math.round(Math.cos(endAngle) * radius);
+            endy = y + Math.round(Math.sin(endAngle) * radius);
+            // Prevent very small slices from being mistaken as a whole pie
+            if (startx === endx && starty === endy && (endAngle - startAngle) < Math.PI) {
+                return;
+            }
+            vpath = [x - radius, y - radius, x + radius, y + radius, startx, starty, endx, endy];
+            stroke = lineColor === undefined ? ' stroked="false" ' : ' strokeWeight="1px" strokeColor="' + lineColor + '" ';
+            fill = fillColor === undefined ? ' filled="false"' : ' fillColor="' + fillColor + '" filled="true" ';
+            vel = '<v:shape coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="' + this.pixelWidth + ' ' + this.pixelHeight + '" ' +
+                 ' id="jqsshape' + shapeid + '" ' +
+                 stroke +
+                 fill +
+                ' style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;height:' + this.pixelHeight + 'px;width:' + this.pixelWidth + 'px;padding:0px;margin:0px;" ' +
+                ' path="m ' + x + ',' + y + ' wa ' + vpath.join(', ') + ' x e">' +
+                ' </v:shape>';
+            return vel;
+        },
+        _drawRect: function (shapeid, x, y, width, height, lineColor, fillColor) {
+            return this._drawShape(shapeid, [[x, y], [x, y + height], [x + width, y + height], [x + width, y], [x, y]], lineColor, fillColor);
+        },
+        reset: function () {
+            this.group.innerHTML = '';
+        },
+        appendShape: function (shape) {
+            var vel = this['_draw' + shape.type].apply(this, shape.args);
+            if (this.rendered) {
+                this.group.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', vel);
+            } else {
+                this.prerender += vel;
+            }
+            this.lastShapeId = shape.id;
+            return shape.id;
+        },
+        replaceWithShape: function (shapeid, shape) {
+            var existing = $('#jqsshape' + shapeid),
+                vel = this['_draw' + shape.type].apply(this, shape.args);
+            existing[0].outerHTML = vel;
+        },
+        replaceWithShapes: function (shapeids, shapes) {
+            // replace the first shapeid with all the new shapes then toast the remaining old shapes
+            var existing = $('#jqsshape' + shapeids[0]),
+                replace = '',
+                slen = shapes.length,
+                i;
+            for (i = 0; i < slen; i++) {
+                replace += this['_draw' + shapes[i].type].apply(this, shapes[i].args);
+            }
+            existing[0].outerHTML = replace;
+            for (i = 1; i < shapeids.length; i++) {
+                $('#jqsshape' + shapeids[i]).remove();
+            }
+        },
+        insertAfterShape: function (shapeid, shape) {
+            var existing = $('#jqsshape' + shapeid),
+                 vel = this['_draw' + shape.type].apply(this, shape.args);
+            existing[0].insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', vel);
+        },
+        removeShapeId: function (shapeid) {
+            var existing = $('#jqsshape' + shapeid);
+            this.group.removeChild(existing[0]);
+        },
+        getShapeAt: function (el, x, y) {
+            var shapeid = el.id.substr(8);
+            return shapeid;
+        },
+        render: function () {
+            if (!this.rendered) {
+                // batch the intial render into a single repaint
+                this.group.innerHTML = this.prerender;
+                this.rendered = true;
+            }
+        }
+    });

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/report_model.py
+++ /dev/null

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/ga_popular_datasets.html
@@ -1,1 +1,27 @@
+<html xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+  xmlns:i18n="http://genshi.edgewall.org/i18n"
+  xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+  py:strip="">
+<div class="popular_datasets">
+    <div class="pull-right">
+        <a href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',action='read')}" class="btn btn-primary">More popular datasets »</a>
+    </div>
+    <h2>Popular datasets</h2>
+    <h4>${publisher.title}</h4>
+    <ul>
+        <py:for each="dataset, _, _ in datasets">
+            <li>
+                <span>${h.link_to(dataset.title, h.url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=dataset.name))}</span>
+        <div>${h.truncate(dataset.notes, length=80, whole_word=True)}</div>
+            </li>
+        </py:for>
+    </ul>
+ </div>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/ga_popular_single.html
@@ -1,1 +1,31 @@
+<html xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+  xmlns:i18n="http://genshi.edgewall.org/i18n"
+  xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+  py:strip="">
+<div class="popular_datasets">
+    <h2>Featured dataset</h2>
+    <div class="dataset-summary boxed">
+          <a class="dataset-header" href="${h.url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=dataset['name'])}">
+            <h3>${dataset['title']}</h3>
+          </a>
+          <h4>
+            <strong>Publisher</strong> :
+            <a href="/publisher/${publisher['name']}">${publisher['title']}</a>
+          </h4>
+          <div>${h.truncate(dataset['notes_rendered'], length=200, whole_word=True)}</div>
+    </div>
+    <div>
+      <a href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',action='read')}" class="btn">Other popular datasets</a>
+      <a href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaReport',action='index')}" class="btn">All usage data</a>
+    </div>
+ </div>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/ga_util.html
@@ -1,1 +1,65 @@
+  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+  xmlns:i18n="http://genshi.edgewall.org/i18n"
+  xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+  xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+  py:strip=""
+  >
+<select name="month" py:def="month_selector(current_month, months, day)">
+    <option value='' py:attrs="{'selected': 'selected' if not current_month else None}">All months</option>
+  <py:for each="i, (val,desc) in enumerate(months)">
+    <option value='${val}' py:attrs="{'selected': 'selected' if current_month == val else None}">${desc}<py:if test="i == 0 and day"> (up to ${day})</py:if></option>
+  </py:for>
+<table py:def="social_table(items, with_source=False)" class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
+    <tr>
+        <th>Name</th>
+        <th py:if="with_source">Source</th>
+        <th>Visits</th>
+    </tr>
+    <py:for each="name, url, source, count in items">
+    <tr>
+        <td><a href="${url}">${name}</a></td>
+        <td py:if="with_source">${source}</td>
+        <td>${count}</td>
+    </tr>
+    </py:for>
+ </table>
+<table py:def="stat_table(items, title='Views')" class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
+    <tr>
+        <th>Name</th>
+        <th>% ${title}</th>
+    </tr>
+    <py:for each="name, value in items">
+    <tr>
+        <td>${name}</td>
+        <td>${value}</td>
+    </tr>
+    </py:for>
+ </table>
+<div py:def="usage_nav(active_name)" id="minornavigation">
+    <div id="minornavigation-bg-left">
+    <div id="minornavigation-bg-right">
+      <ul class="nav nav-pills">
+        <li py:attrs="{'class': 'active' if active_name=='Site-wide' else None}"><a py:attrs="{'class': 'active' if active_name=='Site-wide' else None}"  href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaReport',action='index')}"><img src="/images/icons/page_white.png" height="16px" width="16px" alt="None" class="inline-icon "/> Site-wide</a></li>
+        <li py:attrs="{'class': 'active' if active_name=='Publishers' else None}">
+                <a py:attrs="{'class': 'active' if active_name=='Publishers' else None}"  href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',action='publishers')}"><img src="/images/icons/page_white.png" height="16px" width="16px" alt="None" class="inline-icon "/> Publishers</a>
+        </li>
+        <li py:attrs="{'class': 'active' if active_name=='Datasets' else None}">
+                <a py:attrs="{'class': 'active' if active_name=='Datasets' else None}"  href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',action='read')}"><img src="/images/icons/page_white.png" height="16px" width="16px" alt="None" class="inline-icon "/> Datasets</a>
+        </li>
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+    </div>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/notes.html
@@ -1,1 +1,16 @@
+<html xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+  xmlns:i18n="http://genshi.edgewall.org/i18n"
+  xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+  py:strip="">
+    <li class="widget-container boxed widget_text">
+      <h4>Notes</h4>
+      <ul>
+          <li>"Views" is the number of times a page was loaded in users' browsers.</li>
+          <li>"Downloads" is the number of times a user has clicked to download either an original or cached resource for a particular dataset since December 2012</li>
+          <li>These usage statistics are confined to users with javascript enabled, which excludes web crawlers and API calls.</li>
+          <li>The results are not shown when the number of views/visits is tiny. Where these relate to site pages, results are available in full in the CSV download. Where these relate to users' web browser information, results are not disclosed, for privacy reasons.</li>
+      </ul>
+    </li>

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/publisher/index.html
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/publisher/index.html
@@ -3,26 +3,34 @@
-  <py:def function="page_title">Publisher Analytics for ${g.site_title}</py:def>
+  <xi:include href="../ga_util.html" />
+  <py:def function="page_title">Usage by Publisher</py:def>
   <py:match path="primarysidebar">
     <li class="widget-container boxed widget_text">
-      <h4>Publishers</h4>
+      <h4>Download</h4>
+      <p><center>
+          <a class="btn button btn-primary" href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',action='publisher_csv',month=c.month or 'all')}">Download as CSV</a></center>
+      </p>
+    <xi:include href="../notes.html" />
   <div py:match="content">
-      <h1>Publisher Analytics</h1>
-      <h2>The top 20 publishers</h2>
-      <form class="form-inline" action="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaPublisherReport',action='index')}" method="get">
+      <h1>Site Usage</h1>
+      ${usage_nav('Publishers')}
+      <form class="form-inline" action="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',action='publishers')}" method="get">
           <div class="controls">
-          <select name="month">
-              <py:for each="val,desc in c.months">
-                <option value='${val}' py:attrs="{'selected': 'selected' if c.month == val else None}">${desc}</option>
-              </py:for>
-          </select>
-           <input class="btn button" type='submit' value="Update"/>
+          ${month_selector(c.month, c.months, c.day)}
+           <input class="btn button btn-primary" type='submit' value="Update"/>
@@ -30,14 +38,13 @@
 	   <th>Dataset Views</th>
-	   <th>Visits</th>
         <py:for each="publisher, views, visits in c.top_publishers">
-	    <td>${h.link_to(publisher.title, h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaPublisherReport', action='read', id=publisher.name))}
+	    <td>
+	        ${h.link_to(publisher.title, h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport', action='read_publisher', id=publisher.name) + (("?month=" + c.month) if c.month else ''))}
-	    <td>${visits}</td>
@@ -59,5 +66,3 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/publisher/popular.html
@@ -1,1 +1,25 @@
+<html xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+  xmlns:i18n="http://genshi.edgewall.org/i18n"
+  xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+  py:strip="">
+  <py:if test="dataset_count == 0">
+    <p>We do not currently have usage data for ${publisher.title}</p>
+  </py:if>
+  <py:if test="dataset_count > 0">
+    <div class="popular_datasets">
+        <ul>
+            <py:for each="dataset,views,visits in datasets">
+                <li>
+                    ${h.link_to(dataset.title, h.url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=dataset.name))}
+                </li>
+            </py:for>
+        </ul>
+      <p class="">${h.link_to("More usage data for " + publisher.title, h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',action='read_publisher',id=publisher.name))}</p>
+     </div>
+  </py:if>

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/publisher/read.html
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/publisher/read.html
@@ -3,56 +3,59 @@
-  <py:def function="page_title">Analytics for ${g.site_title}</py:def>
+  <xi:include href="../ga_util.html" />
- <py:match path="primarysidebar">
+  <py:def function="page_title">Usage by Dataset</py:def>
+  <py:match path="primarysidebar">
     <li class="widget-container boxed widget_text">
-      <h4>${c.publisher.title}</h4>
-      <p>
-          The table shows the top 20 most viewed datasets belonging to ${c.publisher.title}.
-      </p>
-      <p>
-          As well as showing the number of views within ${c.month_desc}, it will also show the
-          number of visitors that viewed each dataset.
-      </p>
-      <p>
-       <p>The dataset list page for <a href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.dgu.controllers.publisher:PublisherController', action='read', id=c.publisher.name)}">${c.publisher.title}</a> was viewed ${c.publisher_page_views} times during ${c.month_desc}</p>
+      <h4>Download</h4>
+      <p><center>
+          <a class="btn button btn-primary" href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',action='dataset_csv',id=c.publisher_name or 'all',month=c.month or 'all')}">Download as CSV</a></center>
+    <xi:include href="../notes.html" />
   <div py:match="content">
-      <h1>Analytics for ${c.publisher.title}</h1>
+     <h1>Site Usage</h1>
-      <h2>Top 20 most viewed datasets</h2>
-      <p><em>Note: this data does not include API calls</em></p>
+     ${usage_nav('Datasets')}
-      <form class="form-inline" action="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaPublisherReport',action='read',id=c.publisher.name)}" method="get">
-          <div class="controls">
-          <select name="month">
-              <py:for each="val,desc in c.months">
-                <option value='${val}' py:attrs="{'selected': 'selected' if c.month == val else None}">${desc}</option>
+     <form class="form-inline" action="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaDatasetReport',action='read')}" method="get">
+        <div class="controls">
+          ${month_selector(c.month, c.months, c.day)}
+          <select name="publisher">
+                <option value='' py:attrs="{'selected': 'selected' if not c.publisher else None}">All publishers</option>
+              <py:for each="val,desc in c.publishers">
+                <option value='${val}' py:attrs="{'selected': 'selected' if c.publisher_name == val else None}">${desc}</option>
-           <input class="btn button" type='submit' value="Update"/>
-          </div>
-       </form>
+          <input class="btn button btn-primary" type='submit' value="Update"/>
+        </div>
+     </form>
-       <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
+     <h3 py:if="c.publisher"><a href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.dgu.controllers.publisher:PublisherController',action='read',id=c.publisher.name)}">${c.publisher.title}</a></h3>
+     <p py:if="not c.top_packages">No page views in this period</p>
+     <table py:if="c.top_packages" class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
-	   <th>Visits</th>
+     <th>Downloads</th>
-        <py:for each="package, views, visits in c.top_packages">
+        <py:for each="package, views, visits,downloads in c.top_packages">
 	    <td>${h.link_to(package.title or package.name, h.url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=package.name))}
-	    <td>${visits}</td>
+      <td>${downloads}</td>
-       </table>
+     </table>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/site/downloads.html
@@ -1,1 +1,59 @@
+<html xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"
+  xmlns:i18n="http://genshi.edgewall.org/i18n"
+  xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+  py:strip="">
+  <xi:include href="../ga_util.html" />
+  <py:def function="page_title">Downloads</py:def>
+  <py:match path="primarysidebar">
+    <li py:if="c.downloads" class="widget-container boxed widget_text">
+      <h4>Download</h4>
+      <p><center>
+          <a class="btn button btn-primary" href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaReport',action='csv_downloads',month=c.month or 'all')}">Download as CSV</a></center>
+      </p>
+    </li>
+    <xi:include href="../notes.html" />
+  </py:match>
+  <div py:match="content">
+      <h1>Downloads</h1>
+      ${usage_nav('Downloads')}
+      <form class="form-inline" action="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaReport',action='downloads')}" method="get">
+          <div class="controls">
+          ${month_selector(c.month, c.months, c.day)}
+           <input class="btn button btn-primary" type='submit' value="Update"/>
+          </div>
+       </form>
+       <py:if test="c.downloads">
+         ${downloads_table(c.downloads)}
+       </py:if>
+       <py:if test="not c.downloads">
+         <h4>No data</h4>
+         <p>There is no download data available for this month</p>
+       </py:if>
+  </div>
+  <xi:include href="../../layout.html" />
+  <py:def function="optional_footer">
+    <script type='text/javascript'>
+        $('.dropdown-toggle').dropdown();
+        $('.nav-tabs li a').click(function (e) {
+          e.preventDefault();
+          $(this).tab('show');
+        })
+        alert(window.location.hash);
+    </script>
+  </py:def>

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/site/index.html
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/templates/ga_report/site/index.html
@@ -3,36 +3,74 @@
-  <py:def function="page_title">Site analytics</py:def>
+  <xi:include href="../ga_util.html" />
+  <py:def function="page_title">Site usage</py:def>
+  <py:def function="optional_head">
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/vendor/jquery.sparkline.modified.js"></script>
+    <style type="text/css">
+      .table-condensed td.sparkline-cell {
+        padding: 1px 0 0 0;
+        width: 108px;
+        text-align: center;
+      }
+    </style>
+  </py:def>
   <py:match path="primarysidebar">
     <li class="widget-container boxed widget_text">
-      <h4>Statistics</h4>
-        <p>It is possible to <a href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaReport',action='csv',month=c.month)}">export the analytics data</a> as a CSV file, which contains all of the information for ${c.month_desc}</p>
+      <h4>Download</h4>
+      <p><center>
+          <a class="btn button btn-primary" href="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaReport',action='csv',month=c.month or 'all')}">Download as CSV</a></center>
+      </p>
+    </li>
+    <xi:include href="../notes.html" />
-    </li>
   <div py:match="content">
-      <h1>Site statistics</h1>
+      <h1>Site Usage</h1>
+      ${usage_nav('Site-wide')}
       <form class="form-inline" action="${h.url_for(controller='ckanext.ga_report.controller:GaReport',action='index')}" method="get">
           <div class="controls">
-          <select name="month">
-              <py:for each="val,desc in c.months">
-                <option value='${val}' py:attrs="{'selected': 'selected' if c.month == val else None}">${desc}</option>
-              </py:for>
-          </select>
-           <input class="btn button" type='submit' value="Update"/>
+          ${month_selector(c.month, c.months, c.day)}
+           <input class="btn button btn-primary" type='submit' value="Update"/>
     <div class="tabbable">
       <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
         <li class="active"><a href="#totals" data-toggle="tab">Totals</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#browsers" data-toggle="tab">Browsers</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#os" data-toggle="tab">Operating Systems</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#social_networks" data-toggle="tab">Social Networks</a></li>
+        <li class="dropdown">
+            <a href="#browsers" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Browsers
+                <b class="caret"></b></a>
+            <ul class="dropdown-menu">
+                <li><a href="#browsers_names" data-toggle="tab">Browsers</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#browsers_versions" data-toggle="tab">Versions</a></li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="dropdown">
+            <a href="#browsers" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Operating<br/>Systems
+                <b class="caret"></b></a>
+            <ul class="dropdown-menu">
+                <li><a href="#os" data-toggle="tab">Operating Systems</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#os_versions" data-toggle="tab">Versions</a></li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li class="dropdown">
+            <a href="#browsers" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Social Networks
+                <b class="caret"></b></a>
+            <ul class="dropdown-menu">
+                <li><a href="#social_networks" data-toggle="tab">All networks</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#social_referrals_totals" data-toggle="tab">Referral links</a></li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+        <li><a href="#social_networks" data-toggle="tab"></a></li>
         <li><a href="#languages" data-toggle="tab">Languages</a></li>
         <li><a href="#country" data-toggle="tab">Country</a></li>
@@ -42,84 +80,48 @@
+            	   <th>History</th>
-                <py:for each="name, value in c.global_totals">
+                <py:for each="name, value, graph in c.global_totals">
+                        <td class="sparkline-cell">
+                          <span class="sparkline" sparkTooltips="${','.join([x for x,y in graph])}">
+                            ${','.join([y for x,y in graph])}
+                          </span>
+                        </td>
-        <div class="tab-pane" id="browsers">
-             <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
-            	 <tr>
-            	   <th>Name</th>
-            	   <th>Value</th>
-            	 </tr>
-                <py:for each="name, value in c.browsers">
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>${name}</td>
-                        <td>${value}</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </py:for>
-               </table>
-        </div>
-        <div class="tab-pane" id="os">
-             <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
-            	 <tr>
-            	   <th>Name</th>
-            	   <th>Value</th>
-            	 </tr>
-                <py:for each="name, value in c.os">
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>${name}</td>
-                        <td>${value}</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </py:for>
-               </table>
+         <div class="tab-pane" id="browsers_versions">
+             <p>Note: Where a browser has a large number of versions, these have been grouped together.</p>
+             ${stat_table(c.browser_versions)}
+         </div>
+         <div class="tab-pane" id="browsers_names">
+             ${stat_table(c.browsers)}
+         </div>
+         <div class="tab-pane" id="os">
+             ${stat_table(c.os)}
+         </div>
+         <div class="tab-pane" id="os_versions">
+             ${stat_table(c.os_versions)}
+         </div>
+        <div class="tab-pane" id="social_referrals_totals">
+            <p>Number of visits that were referred from social networks</p>
+            ${social_table(c.social_referrer_totals)}
         <div class="tab-pane" id="social_networks">
-             <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
-            	 <tr>
-            	   <th>Name</th>
-            	   <th>Value</th>
-            	 </tr>
-                <py:for each="name, value in c.social_networks">
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>${name}</td>
-                        <td>${value}</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </py:for>
-               </table>
+            <p>Percentage of visits that were referred from these social networks</p>
+             ${stat_table(c.social_networks, 'Visits')}
         <div class="tab-pane" id="languages">
-             <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
-            	 <tr>
-            	   <th>Name</th>
-            	   <th>Value</th>
-            	 </tr>
-                <py:for each="name, value in c.languages">
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>${name}</td>
-                        <td>${value}</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </py:for>
-               </table>
+             ${stat_table(c.languages)}
         <div class="tab-pane" id="country">
-             <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
-            	 <tr>
-            	   <th>Name</th>
-            	   <th>Value</th>
-            	 </tr>
-                <py:for each="name, value in c.country">
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>${name}</td>
-                        <td>${value}</td>
-                    </tr>
-                </py:for>
-               </table>
+             ${stat_table(c.country)}
@@ -130,16 +132,29 @@
-  <xi:include href="../../layout.html" />
   <py:def function="optional_footer">
-    <script type='text/javascript'>
-        $('.nav-tabs li a').click(function (e) {
-          e.preventDefault();
-          $(this).tab('show');
-        })
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+      $(function() {
+          var sparkOptions = {
+            enableTagOptions: true,
+            type: 'line',
+            width: 100,
+            height: 26,
+            chartRangeMin: 0,
+            spotColor: '',
+            maxSpotColor: '',
+            minSpotColor: '',
+            highlightSpotColor: '000000',
+            lineColor: '3F8E6D',
+            fillColor: 'B7E66B'
+          };
+          $('.sparkline').sparkline('html',sparkOptions);
+      });
+  <xi:include href="../../layout.html" />

--- a/ckanext/ga_report/tests/test_api.py
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/tests/test_api.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
         svc = init_service("token.dat", "credentials.json")
         downloader = DownloadAnalytics(svc, profile_id=get_profile_id(svc))
-            downloader.since_date(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=-30))
+            downloader.for_date(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=-30))
         except Exception as e:
             assert False, e

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/tests/test_download.py
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+from nose.tools import assert_equal
+from ckanext.ga_report.download_analytics import DownloadAnalytics
+_filter_browser_version = DownloadAnalytics._filter_browser_version
+class TestBrowserVersionFilter:
+    def test_chrome(self):
+        assert_equal(_filter_browser_version('Chrome', u'6.0.472.0'), '6')
+    def test_firefox(self):
+        assert_equal(_filter_browser_version('Firefox', u'16.1'), '16')
+    def test_safari(self):
+        assert_equal(_filter_browser_version('Safari', u'534.55.3'), '53X')
+        assert_equal(_filter_browser_version('Safari', u'1534.55.3'), '15XX')
+    def test_ie(self):
+        assert_equal(_filter_browser_version('Internet Explorer', u'8.0'), '8')
+    def test_opera_mini(self):
+        assert_equal(_filter_browser_version('Opera Mini', u'6.5.27431'), '6')
+    def test_opera(self):
+        assert_equal(_filter_browser_version('Opera', u'11.60'), '11')
+class TestDownloadAnalytics:
+    def test_filter_out_long_tail(self):
+        data = {'Firefox': 100,
+                'Obscure Browser': 5,
+                'Chrome': 150}
+        DownloadAnalytics._filter_out_long_tail(data, 10)
+        assert_equal(data, {'Firefox': 100,
+                            'Chrome': 150})

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/ga_report/tests/test_model.py
@@ -1,1 +1,18 @@
+from nose.tools import assert_equal
+from ckanext.ga_report.ga_model import _normalize_url
+class TestNormalizeUrl:
+    def test_normal(self):
+        assert_equal(_normalize_url('http://data.gov.uk/dataset/weekly_fuel_prices'),
+                     '/dataset/weekly_fuel_prices')
+    def test_www_dot(self):
+        assert_equal(_normalize_url('http://www.data.gov.uk/dataset/weekly_fuel_prices'),
+                     '/dataset/weekly_fuel_prices')
+    def test_https(self):
+        assert_equal(_normalize_url('https://data.gov.uk/dataset/weekly_fuel_prices'),
+                     '/dataset/weekly_fuel_prices')

file:a/setup.py -> file:b/setup.py
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -26,13 +26,14 @@
-	# Add plugins here, eg
+	# Add plugins here
         loadanalytics = ckanext.ga_report.command:LoadAnalytics
         initdb = ckanext.ga_report.command:InitDB
         getauthtoken = ckanext.ga_report.command:GetAuthToken
+        fixtimeperiods = ckanext.ga_report.command:FixTimePeriods