code style/openspending
[contractdashboard.git] / search.php
blob:a/search.php -> blob:b/search.php
--- a/search.php
+++ b/search.php
@@ -28,7 +28,69 @@
 } else {
     include_header("Search Results");
-    print_r($_REQUEST);
+/*// get a select query instance
+$query = $solr_client->createSelect();
+// set a query (all prices starting from 12)
+// set start and rows param (comparable to SQL limit) using fluent interface
+// set fields to fetch (this overrides the default setting 'all fields')
+$query->setFields(array('id','description','value','agencyName','contractStart','supplierName', 'score'));
+// sort the results by price ascending
+//$query->addSort('price', $query::SORT_ASC);
+// this executes the query and returns the result
+$resultset = $solr_client->select($query);
+// display the total number of documents found by solr
+echo 'Found '.$resultset->getNumFound(). ' results. <table>';
+foreach ($resultset as $row) {
+    foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $row) {
+setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_US');
+        $value = number_format(doubleval($row['value'][0]), 2);
+        echo ("<tr>
+    <td><a href=\"displayContract.php?CNID={$row['id']}\">{$row['id']}</a></td>
+    <td><b>{$row['description'][0]}</b></a></td>
+    <td>\$$value</td><td>{$row['agencyName'][0]}</td>
+    <td>{$row['contractStart'][0]}</td>
+    <td>{$row['supplierName'][0]}</td>
+    </tr>");
+$keyword = $_REQUEST['searchKeyword'];
+  $query = 'SELECT "CNID", "description", "value", "agencyName", "category",
+    "contractStart", "supplierName"
+    FROM contractnotice
+    WHERE ' .$yearQ . ' to_tsvector(\'english\', description) @@ plainto_tsquery(\'english\', :keyword) and "childCN" is null
+    ORDER BY "value" DESC limit 1000';
+    $query = $conn->prepare($query);
+    $query->bindParam(":keyword", $keyword);
+    $query->execute();
+    databaseError($conn->errorInfo());
+if ($query->rowCount() > 999) {
+// if 1000 records warn too many results
+print "<b> More than 1000 results found so only first 1000 shown. Please filter by year or keyword to see all results </b>";
+echo '<table>';
+    foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $row) {
+setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_US');
+        $value = number_format($row['value'], 2);
+        echo ("<tr>
+    <td><a href=\"displayContract.php?CNID={$row['CNID']}\">{$row['CNID']}</a></td>
+    <td><b>{$row['description']}</b></td>
+    <td>\$$value</td><td>{$row['agencyName']}</td>
+    <td>{$row['contractStart']}</td>
+    <td>{$row['supplierName']}</td>
+    </tr>");
+echo "</table>";