Export for OpenSpending
[contractdashboard.git] / australian_federal_government_contract_spending.json
blob:a/australian_federal_government_contract_spending.json -> blob:b/australian_federal_government_contract_spending.json
--- a/australian_federal_government_contract_spending.json
+++ b/australian_federal_government_contract_spending.json
@@ -1,125 +1,193 @@
-   "dataset":{
-      "name":"australian_federal_government_contract_spending",
-      "label":"Australian Federal Government Contract Spending",
-      "description":"Spending by Australian Federal Government agencies on goods and services from 2007 onwards.",
-      "currency":"AUD",
-      "unique_keys":[
-         "id"
-      ],
-      "temporal_granularity":"year"
-   },
-   "mapping":{
-  "category": {
-      "fields": [ {
-         "column": "category", 
-        "datatype": "string", 
-          "name": "label"
-          } ],
-    "type": "classifier", 
-    "description": "", 
-    "taxonomy": "unspsc",
-    "label": "Contract Goods/Services Category"
+  "dataset": {
+    "description": "Australian Federal Government Contract Spending\r\n\r\nCreative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0) http://data.gov.au/dataset/austender-contract-notice-export/", 
+    "default_time": "2010", 
+    "html_url": "http://openspending.org/australian_federal_government_contract_spending", 
+    "currency": "AUD", 
+    "serp_title": null, 
+    "schema_version": null, 
+    "badges": [], 
+    "category": "spending", 
+    "name": "australian_federal_government_contract_spending", 
+    "serp_teaser": null, 
+    "label": "Australian Federal Government Contract Spending", 
+    "languages": [
+      "en"
+    ], 
+    "territories": [
+      "AU"
+    ], 
+    "timestamps": {
+      "last_modified": "2013-09-27T10:10:35.125004", 
+      "created": "2013-01-27T02:47:33.250045"
+    }
-      "from":{
-         "fields":[
-            {
-               "column":"agencyABN",
-               "datatype":"string",
-               "name":"id"
-            },
-            {
-               "column":"agencyName",
-               "datatype":"string",
-               "name":"label"
-            }
-         ],
-         "type":"entity",
-         "description":"",
-         "label":"Government Agency Australian Business Number"
-      },
-      "description":{
-         "column":"description",
-         "datatype":"string",
-         "type":"value",
-         "description":"Contract as described by agency",
-         "label":"Contract Description"
-      },
-      "to":{
-         "fields":[
-            {
-               "column":"supplierName",
-               "datatype":"string",
-               "name":"label"
-            },
-            {
-               "column":"supplierID",
-               "datatype":"string",
-               "name":"id"
-            }
-         ],
-         "type":"entity",
-         "description":"Government Supplier",
-         "label":"Supplier Name"
-      },
-      "currency":{
-         "default_value":"AUD",
-         "description":"All entries in AUD, foreign transactions are converted at the time of their payment",
-         "column":"",
-         "label":"",
-         "datatype":"currency",
-         "type":"value"
-      },
-      "amount":{
-         "column":"value",
-         "datatype":"float",
-         "type":"value",
-         "description":"The total value of the contract including all variations/amendments/extensions",
-         "label":"Contract Value"
-      },
-      "time":{
-         "column":"contractStart",
-         "datatype":"date",
-         "type":"value",
-         "description":"Start of the contract period (goods or services being received)",
-         "label":"Contract Start Date"
-      },
-      "id":{        
-"column": "CNID", 
-        "datatype": "string", 
-        "name": "label",
-    "type": "value", 
-    "description": "", 
-    "label": "Contract Notice ID"
-      }
-   },
-"views": [
+  "mapping": {
+    "category": {
+      "description": null, 
+      "label": "Category", 
+      "facet": true, 
+      "attributes": {
+        "name": {
+          "column": "category", 
+          "datatype": "id", 
+          "default_value": ""
+        }, 
+        "label": {
+          "column": "category", 
+          "datatype": "string", 
+          "default_value": ""
+        }
+      }, 
+      "type": "compound", 
+      "dimension": "category"
+    }, 
+    "sourceurl": {
+      "default_value": "", 
+      "description": null, 
+      "datatype": "url", 
+      "label": "Sourceurl", 
+      "column": "sourceurl", 
+      "type": "attribute", 
+      "dimension": "sourceurl"
+    }, 
+    "description": {
+      "default_value": "", 
+      "description": null, 
+      "datatype": "string", 
+      "label": "Description", 
+      "column": "description", 
+      "type": "attribute", 
+      "dimension": "description"
+    }, 
+    "govagency": {
+      "description": null, 
+      "label": "Government Agency", 
+      "facet": true, 
+      "attributes": {
+        "name": {
+          "column": "agencyABN", 
+          "datatype": "id", 
+          "default_value": ""
+        }, 
+        "label": {
+          "column": "agencyName", 
+          "datatype": "string", 
+          "default_value": ""
+        }
+      }, 
+      "type": "compound", 
+      "dimension": "govagency"
+    }, 
+    "contractEnd": {
+      "default_value": "", 
+      "description": null, 
+      "format": null, 
+      "column": "contractEnd", 
+      "label": "ContractEnd", 
+      "datatype": "date", 
+      "type": "date", 
+      "dimension": "contractEnd"
+    }, 
+    "amount": {
+      "default_value": "", 
+      "description": null, 
+      "datatype": "float", 
+      "label": "Amount", 
+      "column": "value", 
+      "type": "measure", 
+      "dimension": "amount"
+    }, 
+    "contractStart": {
+      "default_value": "", 
+      "description": null, 
+      "format": null, 
+      "column": "contractStart", 
+      "label": "ContractStart", 
+      "datatype": "date", 
+      "type": "date", 
+      "dimension": "contractStart"
+    }, 
+    "cnid": {
+      "default_value": "", 
+      "description": null, 
+      "datatype": "string", 
+      "label": "Contract Notice ID", 
+      "column": "CNID", 
+      "key": true, 
+      "type": "attribute", 
+      "dimension": "cnid"
+    }, 
+    "time": {
+      "default_value": "", 
+      "description": null, 
+      "format": null, 
+      "column": "publishDate", 
+      "label": "Time", 
+      "datatype": "date", 
+      "type": "date", 
+      "dimension": "time"
+    }, 
+    "supplier": {
+      "description": null, 
+      "label": "Supplier", 
+      "facet": true, 
+      "attributes": {
+        "name": {
+          "column": "supplierid", 
+          "datatype": "id", 
+          "default_value": ""
+        }, 
+        "label": {
+          "column": "supplierName", 
+          "datatype": "string", 
+          "default_value": ""
+        }
+      }, 
+      "type": "compound", 
+      "dimension": "supplier"
+    }
+  }, 
+  "views": [
-        "name": "default",
-        "entity": "dataset",
-        "label": "Default breakdown by Category",
-        "dimension": "dataset",
-        "breakdown": "category",
-	"filters" : {"name": "australian_federal_government_contract_spending" }
-    },
-  {
-        "name":"default",
-        "entity": "classifier",
-        "label":"Breakdown of Spending Areas by Supplier Company",
-        "dimension": "category",
-        "breakdown": "to",
-        "filters": {"taxonomy": "unspsc"}
-    },
-  {
-        "name":"default",
-        "entity": "classifier",
-        "label":"Breakdown of Spending Areas by Government Agency",
-        "dimension": "category",
-        "breakdown": "from",
-        "filters": {"taxonomy": "unspsc"}
-    }  
+      "name": "default", 
+      "label": "Breakdown by Category", 
+      "cuts": {}, 
+      "drilldown": "category", 
+      "entity": "dataset", 
+      "dimension": "dataset"
+    }, 
+    {
+      "name": "by_supplier", 
+      "label": "Breakdown by Supplier", 
+      "cuts": {}, 
+      "drilldown": "supplier", 
+      "entity": "dataset", 
+      "dimension": "dataset"
+    }, 
+    {
+      "name": "by_agency", 
+      "label": "Breakdown by Agency", 
+      "cuts": {}, 
+      "drilldown": "govagency", 
+      "entity": "dataset", 
+      "dimension": "dataset"
+    }, 
+    {
+      "name": "default", 
+      "label": "Agency spending breakdown by supplier", 
+      "cuts": {}, 
+      "drilldown": "supplier", 
+      "entity": "dimension", 
+      "dimension": "govagency"
+    }, 
+    {
+      "name": "default", 
+      "label": "Supplier contracts breakdown by procuring agency", 
+      "cuts": {}, 
+      "drilldown": "govagency", 
+      "entity": "dimension", 
+      "dimension": "supplier"
+    }
+  ]