fix search
[contractdashboard.git] / displaySupplier.php
blob:a/displaySupplier.php -> blob:b/displaySupplier.php
--- a/displaySupplier.php
+++ b/displaySupplier.php
@@ -2,27 +2,26 @@
 include_once ("./lib/");
 if ($_REQUEST['supplier']) {
     $supplierS = htmlentities(strip_tags($_REQUEST['supplier']));
-    include_header(str_replace("%","",$supplierName));
-echo '<center><h1>'.str_replace("%","",$supplierName).'</h1></center>';
+$title = $supplierName;
+if ($supplierABN) {
+  $query = 'SELECT text_mode("supplierName") as "supplierName" from contractnotice where "supplierABN" = :supplierABN group by "supplierABN"';
+$query = $conn->prepare($query);
+$query->bindParam(":supplierABN", $supplierABN);
+        $query->execute();
+                databaseError($conn->errorInfo());
+        $title = reset($query->fetchAll())['supplierName'];
+    include_header(str_replace("%","",$title));
+echo '<center><h1>'.str_replace("%","",$title).'</h1></center>';
-   // MethodCountGraph($supplierS);
-  //  CnCGraph($supplierS);
-   // MethodValueGraph($supplierS);
-    /* lobbyist ties
-      links to ABR/ASIC/Google News/ASX/Court records
-      total value to various agencies (bar graph)
-      spread procurement methods + percent consultancies + percent confidential (bar graph)
-      spread of contract values
-      spread of industries (textual?) */
-   // echo '<img src="graphs/displayMethodCountGraph.php?month=' . stripslashes($supplier) . '">';
-   // echo '<img src="graphs/displayCnCGraph.php?month=' . stripslashes($supplier) . '">';
+   /*
+    * Make supplier name the most common name for this ABN
+    * Common names and uncommon names
+    * Common categories and uncommon categories
+    * Procurement method in text, seperate Open via SON from Open
+    * Consultancies, Confidentialities percentage
+    */
 $query = 'select contractnotice."SONID", min(title) as title, count(*), sum(value) as value from contractnotice inner join standingoffers on contractnotice."SONID" = standingoffers."SONID" WHERE ' .$yearQ . ' ' .
             $supplierQ . ' ' . $standardQ
             . ' and contractnotice."SONID" != \'\' group by contractnotice."SONID"';
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@
-echo "<table>  <thead>
+echo "<h3>Standing Offers/Panels</h3><table>  <thead>
       <th>Standing Offer</th>
       <th>Contracts Count</th>
@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@
-    echo "</table><table>  <thead>
+    echo "</table><table><h3>Contracts</h3>  <thead>
       <th>Contract Notice Number</th>
       <th>Contract Description</th>
@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@
-    $query = 'SELECT SUM("value") as val, mode("supplierName") as supplierName, "supplierABN",(
+    $query = 'SELECT SUM("value") as val, text_mode("supplierName") as supplierName, "supplierABN",(
  case when "supplierABN" != 0 THEN lower("supplierABN"::text) ELSE lower("supplierName") END) as supplierID 
 FROM contractnotice
 WHERE ' .$yearQ . ' "childCN" is null