cc40e69 maxious Merge branch 'master' of ssh://apples.lambdacompl…
3622804 Maxious Reformatted contract view page
10ba408 maxious Merge branch 'master' of ssh://apples.lambdacompl…
80d2b71 Maxious Add currency sorting
2fd9f1c maxious Beginnings of Heuristics work
aaba32a Maxious 2011 AT2.1 update
2168524 maxious Prettier JQuery tables
234da10 root fix value/sum
0cc3219 root tweak year/agency modifer for queries
035974c root add amendments metric
faeaf35 maxious Fix autosuggest
6b88f77 maxious Autosuggest search
a27dce4 maxious updated update script and merged lobbylens admin …
b09e247 maxious Initial Commit