fix import of bulleted lists
fix import of bulleted lists

--- a/.idea/workspace.xml
+++ b/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
     <ignored path="dcaas.iws" />

     <ignored path=".idea/workspace.xml" />

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@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
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@@ -117,7 +118,16 @@
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@@ -153,10 +163,10 @@



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@@ -166,15 +176,6 @@
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@@ -225,17 +226,17 @@
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@@ -301,152 +302,6 @@
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@@ -559,7 +414,7 @@
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@@ -646,9 +501,7 @@
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@@ -659,23 +512,9 @@



-    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/about.php">

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@@ -690,67 +529,79 @@
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+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/data/import.php">

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+          <folding />

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+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/config.php">

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-    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/view.php">

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-          <folding />

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-    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/lib/tag-cloud/css/tagcloud.css">

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-          <folding />

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-    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/config.php">

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-          <folding />

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-    </entry>

-    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/table.php">

-      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">

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-          <folding />

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-    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/data.json.php">

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           <folding />



file:a/about.php -> file:b/about.php
--- a/about.php
+++ b/about.php
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@



+includeHeader("Data Centre as a Service (DCaaS)");



 Icon "Cloud Computing" designed by <a href="">Andrew Forrester</a> from the <a

     href="">Noun Project</a>




file:a/config.php -> file:b/config.php
--- a/config.php
+++ b/config.php
@@ -84,13 +84,14 @@
                     <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                     <span class="icon-bar"></span>
-                <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Project name</a>
+                <a class="navbar-brand" href="/">Data Centre as a Service (DCaaS)</a>
             <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
                 <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
-                    <li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
-                    <li><a href="#about">About</a></li>
-                    <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li>
+                    <li class="active"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
+                    <li><a href="catalogue.php">Browse Service Catalogue</a></li>
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 Binary files a/data/DCaaS+Catalogue+September+2013 Public.xls and b/data/DCaaS+Catalogue+September+2013 Public.xls differ
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 4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,ICT Services Continuity,"Your critical systems can be duplicated at 4D's premises for recovery in the event of a disaster.In the event of a disaster at your facility, your staff will be able to continue work from anywhere that they have an internet connection, by remotely connecting to their services and applications within the 4D datacentre. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Disaster Recovery,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 Month,"A virtual server with 1 CPU core, 2GBytes RAM running on Windows 2008 R2 plus a Microsoft SQL Server instance with 100 GByte of storage.",Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

 4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Online Backups,"Automated remote backup service that backs up your important business data to 4D's secure datacentre. Data is backed up at the block level. Any backed up file can be restored upon request or by the client.A once-off setup sees 4D taking a snapshot of your data and placing it in our datacentre. Nightly backups then send only the changes to your data (ie. the ""Delta"") securely across the internet to 4D. Backups are encrypted and compressed. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 60 mins,1GB of compressed backed-up data,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

 4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Physical Server,"Dell PowerEdge T610 with single processor, 16GB RAM, 4 x 500GB HDD, Windows Server 2008 R2.Includes technical support for physical server and operating system.Note that different configurations are available if required. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Physical Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier Only,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 Month,&gt; 1 week,Per server,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

-4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Test and Development Environment,Provision of virtual environment hosting user test and development environments allowing clients 24x7 access. Environment consists of a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual server hosting Microsoft Studio and allowing clients to install their test and development applications as required. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Test and development environment for up to seven users. ,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

+4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Test and Development Environment,Provision of virtual environment hosting user test and development environments allowing clients 24x7 access. Environment consists of a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual server hosting Microsoft Studio and allowing clients to install their test and development applications as required. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.,IaaS,Dev Test,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,Test and development environment for up to seven users.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

 4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Unified Communications,"Based on Microsoft Lync server. Comprises:Instant messaging and presence, conferencing, enterprise voice, office integration and mobile applications. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Instant Messaging,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 week,Virtual unified communications server and ten users.,Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

 4D - Digital (Digest) Data Design,67060937171,Virtual Server,"4D offers a complete Virtual Server solution to clients, allowing them 24x7 access to their business applications from anywhere in the world that they have an internet connection.Each virtual server will be based on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2.This virtual server can be configured, and applications installed, as required; 4D can assist in this setup and installation if required. Where Microsoft software is required agencies prescribed to the Microsoft Volume Sourcing Agreement are required to supply the required software licenses.",IaaS,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.999,&gt; 2 Hours,Protected,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier and Agency,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Virtual Server: includes 1 CPU core, 2GB RAM, and 100GB storage running on Windows 2008 R2. Additional storage can be purchased per the data storage service.",Australia,ACT,Marginally above 1.0 (4D uses free air cooling in its datacentre),Self assessed - Tier 2+. Willing to be certified by Uptime Institute if required.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

 AAPT Pty Ltd,22052082416,virtual Data Centre / vInfrastructure - Backup Services,"AAPT's virtual Data Centre delivers a suite of secure, high availability cloud computing environments, comprising AAPT owned and operated servers, storage and networking equipment, hosted across geographically diverse managed data centres. AAPT's virtual Data Centre services are directly accessible over AAPT's high speed carrier-grade private network, or the public Internet.AAPT's vInfrastructure product provides a highly scalable environment comprising of fully customer configurable Cloud Computing resources, CPU, RAM along with Storage and a range of Backup options all managed through VMWare's vCloud Director management tool.AAPT operate dual CO and Data Centre capabilities within the same facility to maximise the customers access to all network services.",IaaS,Backup Services,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier or Customer Admin,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,&gt; 60 min,&gt; 60 mins,"Resource Unit:1GB RAM, 1GHz CPU, 50GB Storage, 50GB Backup Storage",Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,NSW,&gt;2,2.0,Australia,VIC,&gt;2,2.0,,,,,,,,

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 Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84094558808,Managed Enterprise Silver,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 6GB<br/>HDD: 80GB Fibre Channel<br/>10GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Enterprise Silver Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

 Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84094558808,Managed Gold,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 6GB<br/>HDD: 100GB Fibre Channel<br/>15GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Only,Supplier Only,24 X 7 X 365,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Off,Yes,Yes,&gt; 1 week,&gt; 1 Month,Managed Gold Dedicated VM Server,Australia,New South Wales,1.8,3+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

 Bulletproof Networks Pty Ltd,84094558808,Managed Silver,"Dedicated Virtual Machine Hosting<br/>CPU: Dual Core<br/>RAM: 4GB<br/>HDD: 80GB Fibre Channel<br/>10GB Inbound Data, Unmetered Outbound",Managed Service,Virtual Server,,24 X 7 X 365,,0.9999,&gt; 2 Hours,NA,Supplier Onl