FOI stats importer fixed
FOI stats importer fixed

Former-commit-id: 81a6a149848e27565b7a7052d2a7ff4e5aaa9310

--- a/admin/importOAICFOIrequests.php
+++ b/admin/importOAICFOIrequests.php
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
         if ($row >= 1) {
             //          print_r($data);
             $name = trim($data[2]);
-            echo "$name <br>";
+//            echo "$name <br>";
             if ($data[0] != "TOTALS" && $data[0] != "") {
                 if (isset($nametoid[$name])) {
                     $id = $nametoid[$name];
                     $timePeriod = $data[0] . "-Q" . $data[1];
-                    echo "$timePeriod <br>";
+//                    echo "$timePeriod <br>";
@@ -38,10 +38,13 @@
                     $result = Array("source" => "");
                     foreach ($data as $key => $datum) {
                         if ($datum != 0) {
+// tODO prefix header with "FOI"
+if (isset($stats[$id][$timePeriod][$key])) $datum += $stats[$id][$timePeriod][$key];
                             $result[trim($headers[$key])] = $datum;
                     $stats[$id][$timePeriod] = $result;
+// TODO merge if already exists
                 } else {
                     echo "<br>ERROR NAME MISSING FROM ID LIST<br><bR> $row" . PHP_EOL;
@@ -57,21 +60,24 @@
+echo "all stats loaded successfuly";
 foreach ($stats as $id => $stat) {
     echo $id . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
-    $doc = $db->get($id);
+    $doc = $db->get($id); 
     echo $doc->name . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
-    print_r($stat);
-    die();
+//    print_r($stat);
     // print_r($doc);
     $changed = false;
     if (!isset($doc->statistics)) {
         $changed = true;
         $doc->statistics = Array();
+    } else {
+	$doc->statistics = object_to_array($doc->statistics);
     foreach ($stat as $timePeriod => $value) {
-        if (!isset($doc->statistics->foiRequests->$timePeriod)
-                || $doc->statistics->foiRequests->$timePeriod != $value) {
+        if (!isset($doc->statistics["foiRequests"][$timePeriod])
+                || $doc->statistics["foiRequests"][$timePeriod] != $value
+		) {
             $changed = true;
             $doc->statistics["foiRequests"][$timePeriod] = $value;
@@ -81,6 +87,7 @@
     } else {
         echo "not changed" . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;

--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+for line in `curl "http://localhost:5984/disclosr-foidocuments/_design/app/_view/byAgencyID?reduce=false&keys=%5B\"5716ce0aacfe98f7d638b7a66b7f1040\"%5D&limit=600" | xargs -L1`; do
+#	echo $line
+	id=`echo $line | grep -Po '_id:.*?[^\\\],' | perl -pe 's/_id://; s/^//; s/,$//'`
+	rev=`echo $line | grep -Po 'rev:.*?[^\\\],'| perl -pe 's/rev://; s/^//; s/,$//'`
+	if [ -n "$id" ]; then
+		echo "curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5984/disclosr-foidocuments/$id?rev=$rev"
+		curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5984/disclosr-foidocuments/$id?rev=$rev
+	fi

--- a/admin/refreshDesignDoc.php
+++ b/admin/refreshDesignDoc.php
@@ -112,15 +112,25 @@
 $obj->views->getStatistics->map = 
-"function(doc) {
-  if (doc.statistics) {
-	for (var statisticSet in doc.statistics)  {
-for (var statisticPeriod in doc.statistics[statisticSet])  {
-    emit([statisticSet,statisticPeriod], doc.statistics[statisticSet][statisticPeriod]['value']);
+function (doc) {
+    if (doc.statistics) {
+        for (var statisticSet in doc.statistics) {
+            for (var statisticPeriod in doc.statistics[statisticSet]) {
+                if (doc.statistics[statisticSet][statisticPeriod]['value']) {
+                    emit([statisticSet, statisticPeriod], doc.statistics[statisticSet][statisticPeriod]['value']);
+                } else {
+                    for (var statisticSubSet in doc.statistics[statisticSet][statisticPeriod]) {
+                        if (statisticSubSet != 'source' && statisticSubSet != 'value') {
+                            emit([statisticSubSet, statisticPeriod], doc.statistics[statisticSet][statisticPeriod][statisticSubSet]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
-  }
 $obj->views->getStatistics->reduce = '_sum';
 $obj->views->score->map = 'if(!String.prototype.startsWith){

--- a/documents/about.php
+++ b/documents/about.php
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+Written and managed by Alex Sadleir (maxious [at] 

--- a/documents/agency.php
+++ b/documents/agency.php
@@ -31,6 +31,12 @@
     } else {
         $rows = $foidocsdb->get_view("app", "byAgencyID?group=true", null, false, false, true)->rows;
         if ($rows) {
+function cmp($a, $b)
+	global $idtoname;
+    return strcmp($idtoname[$a->key], $idtoname[$b->key]);
+usort($rows, "cmp");
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 echo '<a href="agency.php?id=' . $row->key . '">' . $idtoname[$row->key] . " (" . $row->value . " records)</a> <br>\n";

--- a/documents/charts.php
+++ b/documents/charts.php
@@ -5,11 +5,20 @@
 $agenciesdb = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
 $idtoname = Array();
+$idtofoirequestssuccessful = Array();
 foreach ($agenciesdb->get_view("app", "byCanonicalName")->rows as $row) {
     $idtoname[$row->id] = trim($row->value->name);
+    $foirequestssuccessful = 0;
+if(isset($row->value->statistics->foiRequests)) {
+    foreach ($row->value->statistics->foiRequests as $statperiod) {
+	$statperiod=object_to_array($statperiod);
+	if (isset($statperiod["Requests for other information granted in full"])) $foirequestssuccessful += $statperiod["Requests for other information granted in full"];
+	if (isset($statperiod["Requests for other information granted in part"])) $foirequestssuccessful += $statperiod["Requests for other information granted in part"];
+	}
+   $idtofoirequestssuccessful[$row->id] =$foirequestssuccessful;
 $foidocsdb = $server->get_db('disclosr-foidocuments');
 <div class="foundation-header">
     <h1><a href="about.php">Charts</a></h1>
@@ -28,7 +37,6 @@
                 try {
                     $rows = $foidocsdb->get_view("app", "byDateMonthYear?group=true",null, false,false,true)->rows;
                     $dataValues = Array();
                     foreach ($rows as $row) {
@@ -95,6 +103,7 @@
     var d2 = [];
+    var d3 = [];
     var agencylabels = [];
     function agencytrackformatter(obj) {
@@ -112,12 +121,17 @@
         try {
             $rows = $foidocsdb->get_view("app", "byAgencyID?group=true",null, false,false,true)->rows;
+function cmp($a, $b)
+    return $a->value > $b->value;
+usort($rows, "cmp");
             $dataValues = Array();
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 echo "       d2.push([ $row->value,$i]);" . PHP_EOL;
+                echo "       d3.push([ ".$idtofoirequestssuccessful[$row->key].",$i]);" . PHP_EOL;
                 echo "       agencylabels.push(['".str_replace("'","",$idtoname[$row->key])."']);" . PHP_EOL;
@@ -154,7 +168,7 @@
                 autoscaleMargin: 1
             legend: {
-                show: false
+                show: true

--- a/documents/
+++ b/documents/
@@ -198,6 +198,19 @@
     def getRows(self, table):
         return table.find_all('tr')
+    def findColumns(self, row):
+        return row.find_all('td')
+    def getDocHash(self, id,date, url):
+                        if id.string is None:
+			    print "no id, using date as hash"
+                            return scrape.mkhash(
+                                self.remove_control_chars(
+                                    url + (''.join(date.stripped_strings))))
+                        else:
+                            return scrape.mkhash(
+                                self.remove_control_chars(
+                                    url + (''.join(id.stripped_strings))))
     def getDate(self, content, entry, doc):
         strdate = ''.join(content.stripped_strings).strip()
@@ -234,21 +247,13 @@
                 soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
                 table = self.getTable(soup)
                 for row in self.getRows(table):
-                    columns = row.find_all('td')
+                    columns = self.findColumns(row)
                     if len(columns) is self.getColumnCount():
                         (id, date, title,
                          description, notes) = self.getColumns(columns)
                         print self.remove_control_chars(
-                        if id.string is None:
-			    print "no id, using date as hash"
-                            dochash = scrape.mkhash(
-                                self.remove_control_chars(
-                                    url + (''.join(date.stripped_strings))))
-                        else:
-                            dochash = scrape.mkhash(
-                                self.remove_control_chars(
-                                    url + (''.join(id.stripped_strings))))
+                        dochash = self.getDocHash(id,date,url)
                         doc = foidocsdb.get(dochash)
                         if doc is None:

--- a/documents/index.php
+++ b/documents/index.php
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
     $idtoname[$row->id] = trim($row->value->name);
 $foidocsdb = $server->get_db('disclosr-foidocuments');
 try {
     $rows = $foidocsdb->get_view("app", "byDate", Array($endkey, '0000-00-00'), true, 20, null, $enddocid)->rows;
     if ($rows) {

--- a/documents/rss.xml.php
+++ b/documents/rss.xml.php
@@ -31,11 +31,12 @@
+$i =0;
 foreach ($rows as $row) {
     //Create an empty FeedItem
     $newItem = $TestFeed->createNewItem();
     //Add elements to the feed item
-    $newItem->setTitle($row->value->title);
+    $newItem->setTitle(preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/', '', $row->value->title));
     $newItem->setLink("" . $row->value->_id);
     $newItem->setDescription(displayLogEntry($row, $idtoname));
@@ -43,6 +44,8 @@
     $newItem->addElement('guid', "" . $row->value->_id, array('isPermaLink' => 'true'));
     //Now add the feed item
+if ($i > 50) break;
 //OK. Everything is done. Now genarate the feed.

--- a/documents/
+++ b/documents/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
 echo $DIR
 cd $DIR
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
 		sleep 1;
+curl "localhost:5984/disclosr-foidocuments/_design/app/_view/byDate?startkey=\"9999-99-99\"&endkey=\"0000-00-00\"&descending=true&limit=20"
 if [ -s /tmp/disclosr-error ] ; then
     echo "emailling logs..";
     mail -E -s "Disclosr errors" < /tmp/disclosr-error ;

--- a/documents/
+++ b/documents/
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
                 links = soup.findAll('a') # soup.findAll('a', id=re.compile("^p-"))
                 linkurls = set([])
                 for link in links:
-                    if link.has_key("href"):
+                    if link.has_attr("href"):
                         if link['href'].startswith("http"):
                             # lets not do external links for now
                             # linkurls.add(link['href'])

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 class ScraperImplementation(genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper):
         def getTable(self,soup):
-                return soup.find(id = "maincontentcontainer").table
+               return soup.find(class_ = "contentcontainer").table
         def getColumnCount(self):
                 return 5
         def getColumns(self,columns):

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
         links = []
         description = ""
         for atag in entry.find_all('a'):
-            if atag.has_key('href'):
+            if atag.has_attr('href'):
                 link = scrape.fullurl(self.getURL(), atag['href'])
                 (url, mime_type, htcontent) = scrape.fetchURL(scrape.docsdb, link, "foidocuments", self.getAgencyID(), False)
                 if htcontent != None:
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
                         row  = soup.find(id="content_div_148050")
                         description = ''.join(row.stripped_strings)
                         for atag in row.find_all("a"):
-                                    if atag.has_key('href'):
+                                    if atag.has_attr('href'):
                                         links.append(scrape.fullurl(link, atag['href']))
         if links != []:
@@ -45,14 +45,5 @@
     print 'Instance:', isinstance(ScraperImplementation(), genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper)
     nsi = ScraperImplementation()
-    nsi.disclogURL = ""
-    nsi.doScrape()
-    nsi.disclogURL = ""
-    nsi.doScrape()
-    nsi.disclogURL = ""
-    nsi.doScrape()
-    nsi.disclogURL = ""
-    nsi.doScrape()
-    nsi.disclogURL = ""

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 class ScraperImplementation(genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper):
-        #def getTable(self,soup):
-        #        return soup.find(id = "cphMain_C001_Col01").table       
+        def getTable(self,soup):
+                return soup.findAll('table')[1]     
         def getColumnCount(self):
                 return 5
         def getColumns(self,columns):

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
                 links = []
                 description = ""
 		for atag in entry.find_all('a'):
-			if atag.has_key('href'):
+			if atag.has_attr('href'):
 				link = scrape.fullurl(self.getURL(),atag['href'])			
                                 (url,mime_type,htcontent) = scrape.fetchURL(scrape.docsdb, link, "foidocuments", self.getAgencyID(), False)
                                 if htcontent != None:
@@ -26,20 +26,23 @@
                                                                 for text in row.stripped_strings:
                                                                     description = description + text + "\n"
                                                      		for atag in row.find_all("a"):
-                                                                	if atag.has_key('href'):
+                                                                	if atag.has_attr('href'):
 		if links != []:
                  	doc.update({'links': links})
                 if description != "":
                         doc.update({ 'description': description})
+	def getRows(self, table):
+		return table.find_all(class_ = "dl-row");
+	def findColumns(self, table):
+		return table.find_all('div');
 	def getColumnCount(self):
 		return 2
 	def getTable(self,soup):
-		return soup.find(class_ = "ms-rteTable-default")
+		return soup.find(class_ = "foi-dl-list")
 	def getColumns(self,columns):
-		(date, title) = columns
+		(title,date) = columns
 		return (title, date, title, title, None)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 class ScraperImplementation(genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper):
     def getTable(self,soup):
-        return soup.find(id= "ctl00_MSO_ContentDiv").table
+        return soup.find(class_ = "rgMasterTable")
     def getColumns(self,columns):
         (id, title, description, notes) = columns

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 		link = None
                 links = []
 		for atag in entry.find_all('a'):
-			if atag.has_key('href'):
+			if atag.has_attr('href'):
 				link = scrape.fullurl(self.getURL(),atag['href'])			
                                 (url,mime_type,htcontent) = scrape.fetchURL(scrape.docsdb, link, "foidocuments", self.getAgencyID(), False)
                                 if htcontent != None:
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
                                                 soup = BeautifulSoup(htcontent)
                                                 for atag in soup.find(class_ = "article-content").find_all('a'):
-	                                               	if atag.has_key('href'):
+	                                               	if atag.has_attr('href'):
 		if links != []:

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
 class ScraperImplementation(genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper):
+        def getDocHash(self, id,date, url):
+		''' url changes on ever request so ignore for hash '''
+		return scrape.mkhash(
+                                self.remove_control_chars(
+                                    ''.join(id.stripped_strings)))
         def getColumnCount(self):
                 return 4
         def getColumns(self,columns):

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 class ScraperImplementation(genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper):
-        #def getTable(self,soup):
-        #        return soup.find(id = "ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_intro2__ControlWrapper_CerRichHtmlField").table       
+        def getTable(self,soup):
+                return soup.find(id = "main").table       
         def getColumnCount(self):
                 return 4
         def getColumns(self,columns):

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 class ScraperImplementation(genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper):
-        def getTable(self,soup):
-                return soup.find(id = "centercontent").table       
         def getColumnCount(self):
                 return 5
         def getColumns(self,columns):

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 class ScraperImplementation(genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper):
+	def getTable(self,soup):
+                return soup.find(id = "page_content").table
         def getColumns(self,columns):
                 (id, date, title, description, notes) = columns
                 return (id, date, title, description, notes)

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
                 links = []
                 description = ""
 		for atag in entry.find_all('a'):
-			if atag.has_key('href'):
+			if atag.has_attr('href'):
 				link = scrape.fullurl(self.getURL(),atag['href'])			
                                 (url,mime_type,htcontent) = scrape.fetchURL(scrape.docsdb, link, "foidocuments", self.getAgencyID(), False)
                                 if htcontent != None:
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
                                                     description = description + text.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                                                 for atag in soup.find(id="SortingTable").find_all("a"):
-                                                      	if atag.has_key('href'):
+                                                      	if atag.has_attr('href'):
 		if links != []:
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
                 links = []
                 description = ""
 		for atag in entry.find_all('a'):
-			if atag.has_key('href'):
+			if atag.has_attr('href'):
 				link = scrape.fullurl(self.getURL(),atag['href'])			
                                 (url,mime_type,htcontent) = scrape.fetchURL(scrape.docsdb, link, "foidocuments", self.getAgencyID(), False)
                                 if htcontent != None:
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
                                                 for text in soup.find(id="content-item").stripped_strings:
                                                     description = description + text + " \n"
                                                 for atag in soup.find(id="content-item").find_all("a"):
-                                                    if atag.has_key('href'):
+                                                    if atag.has_attr('href'):
 		if links != []:
                  	doc.update({'links': links})

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 class ScraperImplementation(genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper):
-        def getTable(self,soup):
-                return soup.find(id = "_ctl0__ctl0_MainContentPlaceHolder_MainContentPlaceHolder_ContentSpan").findAll("table")[3]
+#        def getTable(self,soup):
+#                return soup.find(_class = "content").table
         def getColumnCount(self):
                 return 5
         def getColumns(self,columns):

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 				dldivs = soup.find('div',class_="download")
 				if dldivs != None:
                              		for atag in dldivs.find_all("a"):
-                                		if atag.has_key('href'):
+                                		if atag.has_attr('href'):
 				nodldivs = soup.find('div',class_="incompleteNotification")
 				if nodldivs != None and nodldivs.stripped_strings != None:

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 class ScraperImplementation(genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper):
         def getTable(self,soup):
-                return soup.find(summary="This table shows every FOI request to date.")       
+                return soup
         def getColumnCount(self):
                 return 5
         def getColumns(self,columns):

--- a/documents/scrapers/
+++ b/documents/scrapers/
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 class ScraperImplementation(genericScrapers.GenericOAICDisclogScraper):
-        def getTable(self,soup):
-                return soup.find(id="main").table       
         def getColumnCount(self):
                 return 7
         def getColumns(self,columns):