group by category
group by category

file:a/.gitignore -> file:b/.gitignore
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@

--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
 	url = git://
 [submodule "js/flotr2"]
 	path = js/flotr2
-	url = git://
+	url =

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/compiler.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+    <option name="DEFAULT_COMPILER" value="Javac" />
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+      <entry name="!?*.java" />
+      <entry name="!?*.form" />
+      <entry name="!?*.class" />
+      <entry name="!?*.groovy" />
+      <entry name="!?*.scala" />
+      <entry name="!?*.flex" />
+      <entry name="!?*.kt" />
+      <entry name="!?*.clj" />
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+      </profile>
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+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<component name="CopyrightManager">
+  <settings default="">
+    <module2copyright />
+  </settings>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/dictionaries/Madoka.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+<component name="ProjectDictionaryState">
+  <dictionary name="Madoka">
+    <words>
+      <w>tgid</w>
+      <w>timefrom</w>
+      <w>timeto</w>
+      <w>tzoffset</w>
+    </words>
+  </dictionary>

--- a/.idea/misc.xml
+++ b/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
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     <default-html-doctype>jar:file:\C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PhpStorm 5.0.2\lib\webide.jar!\resources\html5-schema\html5.rnc</default-html-doctype>
-  <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" />
+  <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" languageLevel="JDK_1_3" assert-keyword="false" jdk-15="false" />

--- a/.idea/scannr.iml
+++ b/.idea/scannr.iml
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <module type="WEB_MODULE" version="4">
-  <component name="NewModuleRootManager">
+  <component name="FacetManager">
+    <facet type="Python" name="Python">
+      <configuration sdkName="" />
+    </facet>
+  </component>
+  <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="false">
     <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" />
     <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
     <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/uiDesigner.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,126 @@
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--- a/.idea/workspace.xml
+++ b/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -2,19 +2,49 @@
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@@ -28,44 +58,55 @@
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-            <p>Sorry, but the page you were trying to view does not exist.</p>
-            <p>It looks like this was the result of either:</p>
-            <ul>
-                <li>a mistyped address</li>
-                <li>an out-of-date link</li>
-            </ul>
-            <script>
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+<div class="container">
+    <h1>Not found <span>:(</span></h1>
+    <p>Sorry, but the page you were trying to view does not exist.</p>
+    <p>It looks like this was the result of either:</p>
+    <ul>
+        <li>a mistyped address</li>
+        <li>an out-of-date link</li>
+    </ul>
+    <script>
+        var GOOG_FIXURL_LANG = (navigator.language || '').slice(0, 2), GOOG_FIXURL_SITE =;
+    </script>
+    <script src=""></script>

file:b/calllog.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/calllog.php
@@ -1,1 +1,21 @@
+include ('');
+$sth = $conn->prepare('select * from recordings
+            order by call_timestamp desc limit 1000');
+$row = 0;
+echo "<table>";
+foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $data) {
+    echo "<tr>";
+    for ($c = 0; $c < count($data); $c++) {
+        echo '<td>' . $data[$c] . "</td>\n";
+    }
+    echo "</tr>";
+echo "</table>";

--- a/calls.json.php
+++ b/calls.json.php
@@ -1,39 +1,105 @@
+function getTGIDValuesByHour($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
+    global $conn;
+    $sth = $conn->prepare('select tgid, min(call_timestamp) as time, count(*), min(length), max(length), avg(length), stddev(length) from recordings
+where call_timestamp between to_timestamp(?) and to_timestamp(?)
+            group by tgid, date_trunc(\'hour\', call_timestamp) order by time');
+    $sth->execute(Array($timeFrom, $timeTo));
+    return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
-function json_graph($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto) {
-    $values = getSensorValuesByHour($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    $label = $sensorID;
-    $data = Array();
-    $tzoffset = $this->get_timezone_offset("UTC");
-    foreach ($values as $value) {
-        $data[] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['avg']));
-    }
-    $this->output
-            ->set_content_type('application/json')
-            ->set_output(json_encode(Array("label" => $label, "data" => $data,
-                        "previous" => Array(
-                            "from" => $timefrom - (24 * 60 * 60),
-                            "to" => $timefrom)
-                        ,
-                        "next" => Array(
-                            "to" => $timeto + (24 * 60 * 60),
-                            "from" => $timeto)
-                            )
-                    ));
-function json_data_description($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto) {
+function getTGIDValuesByDay($TGID, $dayFrom, $dayTo)
+    global $conn;
+    $sth = $conn->prepare('select min(time) as time, min(value), max(value), avg(value), stddev(value) from sensor_values where sensor_id = ?
+            group by sensor_id, date_trunc(\'day\', time) order by time');
+    $sth->execute(Array($TGID));
+    return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+function getTGIDDataYears($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
+    global $conn;
+    $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ? order by year");
+    $sth->execute(Array($TGID));
+    return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+function getTGIDDataMonths($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
+    global $conn;
+    $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('month' from call_timestamp) as month, extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ?  order by year, month");
+    $sth->execute(Array($TGID));
+    return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+function getTGIDDataDays($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
+    global $conn;
+    $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('day' from call_timestamp) as day, extract('month' from call_timestamp) as month, extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ?  order by year,month,day");
+    $sth->execute(Array($TGID));
+    return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+$action = (isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : '');
+$TGID = (isset($_REQUEST['tgid']) ? $_REQUEST['tgid'] : '');
+$timefrom = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? $_REQUEST['from'] : '');
+$timeto = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? $_REQUEST['to'] : '');
+if ($action == "data") {
+$sth = $conn->prepare('select * from recordings
+            order by call_timestamp desc limit 100');
+echo json_encode ($sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));
+if ($action == "data_description") {
     $timefrom = strtotime($timefrom);
     $timeto = strtotime($timeto);
-    $years = getSensorDataYears($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
+    $years = getTGIDDataYears($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    $months = getSensorDataMonths($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    $days = getSensorDataDays($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
+    $months = getTGIDDataMonths($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto);
+    $days = getTGIDDataDays($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    return json_encode(Array("years" => $years, "months" => $months, "days" => $days
-                    ));
+    echo json_encode(Array("years" => $years, "months" => $months, "days" => $days
+    ));
+if (strpos($action, "graph") !== false) {
+    $values = getTGIDValuesByHour($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto);
+    $label = $TGID;
+    $data = Array();
+    $tzoffset = get_timezone_offset("UTC");
+    foreach ($values as $value) {
+        if ($action == "graphlength") {
+            $data[$value['tgid']][] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['avg']));
+        } else if ($action == "graphcount") {
+            $data[$value['tgid']][] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['count']));
+        }
+    }
+    echo json_encode(Array("label" => $label, "data" => $data,
+            "previous" => Array(
+                "from" => $timefrom - (24 * 60 * 60),
+                "to" => $timefrom)
+        ,
+            "next" => Array(
+                "to" => $timeto + (24 * 60 * 60),
+                "from" => $timeto)
+        )
+    );

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
+try {
+    $conn = new PDO("pgsql:dbname=scannr;user=postgres;password=snmc;host=localhost");
+    $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
+} catch (PDOException $e) {
+    die('Unable to connect to database server.');
+catch (Exception $e) {
+    die('Unknown error in ' . __FILE__ . '.');
 $basePath = "";
 $DATA_DIR = "./data";
 /**    Returns the offset from the origin timezone to the remote timezone, in seconds.
- *    @param $remote_tz;
- *    @param $origin_tz; If null the servers current timezone is used as the origin.
- *    @return int;
+ * @param $remote_tz;
+ * @param $origin_tz; If null the servers current timezone is used as the origin.
+ * @return int;
-function get_timezone_offset($remote_tz, $origin_tz = null) {
+function get_timezone_offset($remote_tz, $origin_tz = null)
     if ($origin_tz === null) {
         if (!is_string($origin_tz = date_default_timezone_get())) {
             return false; // A UTC timestamp was returned -- bail out!
@@ -22,138 +33,71 @@
     return $offset;
-function getSensorValuesByHour($sensorID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) {
-    $sql = 'select min(call_timestamp) as time, count(*), min(length), max(length), avg(length), stddev(length) from recordings
-            group by tgid, date_trunc(\'hour\', call_timestamp) order by time';
-    $query = $this->db->query($sql, Array($sensorID, $timeFrom, $timeTo));
-    return $query->result_array();
-function getSensorValuesByDay($sensorID, $dayFrom, $dayTo) {
-    $sql = 'select min(time) as time, min(value), max(value), avg(value), stddev(value) from sensor_values where sensor_id = ? 
-            group by sensor_id, date_trunc(\'day\', time) order by time';
-    $query = $this->db->query($sql, Array($sensorID));
-    return $query->result_array();
-function getSensorDataYears($sensorID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) {
-    $sql = "select distinct extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ? order by year";
-    $query = $this->db->query($sql, Array($sensorID));
-    return $query->result_array();
-function getSensorDataMonths($sensorID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) {
-    $sql = "select distinct extract('month' from time) as month, extract('year' from time) as year from sensor_values where sensor_id = ? order by year, month";
-    $query = $this->db->query($sql, Array($sensorID));
-    return $query->result_array();
-function getSensorDataDays($sensorID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) {
-    $sql = "select distinct extract('day' from time) as day, extract('month' from time) as month, extract('year' from time) as year from sensor_values where sensor_id = ? order by year,month,day";
-    $query = $this->db->query($sql, Array($sensorID));
-    return $query->result_array();
-function include_header($title) {
+function include_header($title)
     global $basePath;
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file:b/cron.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cron.php
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+/*- scheduled tasks
+- combine recordings into conversations 
+    - using ffmpeg
+    - conversations and recordings_to_conversations tables
+- remove all other wav files
+- delete old uninteresting conversations*/

file:a/db.sql -> file:b/db.sql
--- a/db.sql
+++ b/db.sql
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
+-- /usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/pg_dump --schema-only scannr
 -- PostgreSQL database dump
--- Dumped from database version 9.1.2
--- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.1.2
--- Started on 2012-10-08 22:16:52
 SET statement_timeout = 0;
 SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
@@ -13,7 +10,6 @@
 SET client_min_messages = warning;
--- TOC entry 162 (class 3079 OID 11639)
 -- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: 
@@ -21,8 +17,6 @@
--- TOC entry 1856 (class 0 OID 0)
--- Dependencies: 162
 -- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: 
@@ -36,8 +30,6 @@
 SET default_with_oids = false;
--- TOC entry 161 (class 1259 OID 62391)
--- Dependencies: 1847 6
 -- Name: recordings; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
@@ -54,3576 +46,23 @@
 ALTER TABLE public.recordings OWNER TO postgres;
--- TOC entry 1850 (class 0 OID 62391)
--- Dependencies: 161
--- Data for Name: recordings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+-- Name: tgids; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
-COPY recordings (filename, tgid, tgname, sitename, call_timestamp, length) FROM stdin;
-2012-09-30-1348998992.35-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-09-30 19:56:35.268+10	254088
-2012-09-30-1348998995.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-09-30 19:56:38.733+10	256136
-2012-09-30-1348998999.93-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-09-30 19:56:45.913+10	587902
-2012-09-30-1348999006.13-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-09-30 19:56:54.567+10	698570
-2012-09-30-1348999016.18-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-09-30 19:57:00.87+10	481854
-2012-09-30-1348999732.25-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-09-30 20:09:14.875+10	234110
-2012-10-01-1349049204.29-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 09:53:26.799+10	208816
-2012-10-01-1349049226.73-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 09:53:51.106+10	368776
-2012-10-01-1349049233.21-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 09:54:09.788+10	1388118
-2012-10-01-1349049249.98-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 09:54:17.872+10	663688
-2012-10-01-1349049264.24-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 09:54:30.636+10	538760
-2012-10-01-1349049270.91-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 09:54:33.547+10	223368
-2012-10-01-1349049332.89-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 09:55:35.416+10	211876
-2012-10-01-1349049500.43-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 09:58:24.513+10	342452
-2012-10-01-1349049504.69-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 09:58:26.976+10	194696
-2012-10-01-1349049507.06-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 09:58:29.354+10	194670
-2012-10-01-1349049509.44-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 09:58:34.742+10	396850
-2012-10-01-1349049779.09-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:03:04.97+10	492576
-2012-10-01-1349049786.9-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:03:12.308+10	452698
-2012-10-01-1349049792.46-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:03:25.6+10	1095920
-2012-10-01-1349049807.7-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:03:31.677+10	290840
-2012-10-01-1349049861.14-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:04:25.582+10	373762
-2012-10-01-1349049865.67-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:04:28.013+10	198792
-2012-10-01-1349049868.1-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:04:39.641+10	964280
-2012-10-01-1349049882.76-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:05:00.226+10	1464278
-2012-10-01-1349049900.31-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:05:10.501+10	856174
-2012-10-01-1349049931.19-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:05:33.892+10	194482
-2012-10-01-1349050089.47-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:08:12.583+10	258960
-2012-10-01-1349050092.74-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:08:14.999+10	190600
-2012-10-01-1349050095.28-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:08:20.876+10	469114
-2012-10-01-1349050101.01-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:08:25.274+10	360540
-2012-10-01-1349050181.52-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:09:44.577+10	257894
-2012-10-01-1349050559.5-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:16:02.327+10	234682
-2012-10-01-1349050565.45-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:16:09.695+10	358536
-2012-10-01-1349050569.81-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:16:13.005+10	270436
-2012-10-01-1349051158.46-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:26:02.008+10	297526
-2012-10-01-1349051163.5-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:26:18.926+10	1243718
-2012-10-01-1349051179.11-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:26:22.771+10	248802
-2012-10-01-1349051328.94-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:28:54.168+10	437650
-2012-10-01-1349051335.09-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:28:59.01+10	331850
-2012-10-01-1349051339.22-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:29:08.43+10	774258
-2012-10-01-1349051348.6-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:29:12.398+10	265692
-2012-10-01-1349051352.59-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:29:18.435+10	435010
-2012-10-01-1349051358.85-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:29:24.367+10	417732
-2012-10-01-1349051364.58-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:29:27.978+10	224558
-2012-10-01-1349051368.18-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:29:32.295+10	280020
-2012-10-01-1349051408.58-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:30:12.993+10	371612
-2012-10-01-1349051417.13-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:30:19.93+10	233608
-2012-10-01-1349051420.43-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:30:25.975+10	464998
-2012-10-01-1349051426.17-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:30:33.558+10	570774
-2012-10-01-1349051433.87-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:30:38.878+10	356748
-2012-10-01-1349051661.64-demo.wav	40092	PCL CNP	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:34:25.365+10	311050
-2012-10-01-1349051687.5-demo.wav	40092	PCL CNP	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:34:51.165+10	307336
-2012-10-01-1349051692.82-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:35:06.313+10	1132378
-2012-10-01-1349051706.91-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:35:11.48+10	383112
-2012-10-01-1349051712.82-demo.wav	40092	PCL CNP	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:35:20.369+10	630920
-2012-10-01-1349051720.67-demo.wav	40092	PCL CNP	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:35:26.837+10	518280
-2012-10-01-1349051727.62-demo.wav	40092	PCL CNP	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:35:32.323+10	371982
-2012-10-01-1349051732.52-demo.wav	40092	PCL CNP	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:35:39.776+10	563772
-2012-10-01-1349051739.99-demo.wav	40092	PCL CNP	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:35:44.011+10	278058
-2012-10-01-1349052320.63-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:45:23.371+10	228088
-2012-10-01-1349052323.61-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:45:26.073+10	202888
-2012-10-01-1349052326.25-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:45:29.615+10	280712
-2012-10-01-1349052329.84-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:45:33.261+10	286856
-2012-10-01-1349052425.45-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:47:08.005+10	208910
-2012-10-01-1349052588.09-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:49:51.15+10	252292
-2012-10-01-1349052982.53-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:56:25.009+10	208422
-2012-10-01-1349053083.64-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:58:06.325+10	224230
-2012-10-01-1349053087.85-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:58:15.186+10	616584
-2012-10-01-1349053095.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:58:21.824+10	538760
-2012-10-01-1349053101.98-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:58:27.439+10	458888
-2012-10-01-1349053108.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:58:32.606+10	290786
-2012-10-01-1349053112.84-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:58:38.485+10	471176
-2012-10-01-1349053118.6-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 10:58:40.803+10	182408
-2012-10-01-1349053121.57-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:59:08.084+10	2219500
-2012-10-01-1349053148.85-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:59:31.16+10	1873712
-2012-10-01-1349053194.38-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 10:59:57.401+10	249992
-2012-10-01-1349053229.68-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:00:32.22+10	211302
-2012-10-01-1349053232.42-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:00:34.938+10	211080
-2012-10-01-1349053235.13-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:00:49.239+10	1166940
-2012-10-01-1349053251.51-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:01:00.19+10	716456
-2012-10-01-1349053260.38-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:01:13.722+10	1062998
-2012-10-01-1349053273.91-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:01:20.854+10	521240
-2012-10-01-1349053281.11-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:01:28.628+10	631066
-2012-10-01-1349053289.38-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:01:32.989+10	300338
-2012-10-01-1349053293.72-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:01:47.926+10	1164052
-2012-10-01-1349053308.28-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:01:54.435+10	481286
-2012-10-01-1349053314.62-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:02:10.055+10	1243078
-2012-10-01-1349053330.23-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:02:18.207+10	617062
-2012-10-01-1349053338.39-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:02:24.235+10	437862
-2012-10-01-1349053344.43-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:02:27.792+10	227072
-2012-10-01-1349053378.45-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:03:00.957+10	208906
-2012-10-01-1349053381.98-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:03:10.89+10	741428
-2012-10-01-1349053391.12-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:03:16.936+10	485512
-2012-10-01-1349053397.63-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:03:22.497+10	378714
-2012-10-01-1349053442.93-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:04:06.485+10	300452
-2012-10-01-1349053447.24-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:04:11.091+10	323720
-2012-10-01-1349053452.12-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:04:36.892+10	2075594
-2012-10-01-1349053477.08-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:04:51.991+10	1199338
-2012-10-01-1349053492.21-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:05:06.299+10	1148336
-2012-10-01-1349053506.47-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:05:19.217+10	1007996
-2012-10-01-1349053519.45-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:05:34.935+10	1236016
-2012-10-01-1349053535.12-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:05:52.706+10	1414680
-2012-10-01-1349053553.0-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:05:57.772+10	347100
-2012-10-01-1349053558.49-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:06:06.996+10	687676
-2012-10-01-1349053567.17-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:06:15.592+10	646950
-2012-10-01-1349053575.78-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:06:19.957+10	289264
-2012-10-01-1349053580.14-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:06:23.365+10	206564
-2012-10-01-1349053785.31-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:09:47.819+10	209218
-2012-10-01-1349053903.59-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:11:46.162+10	214728
-2012-10-01-1349053907.37-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:11:54.624+10	606638
-2012-10-01-1349053914.77-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:12:03.686+10	749704
-2012-10-01-1349053923.93-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:12:11.842+10	665736
-2012-10-01-1349053959.78-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:12:42.289+10	209032
-2012-10-01-1349054048.61-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:14:11.87+10	270084
-2012-10-01-1349054053.38-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:14:19.771+10	534664
-2012-10-01-1349054059.95-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:14:25.471+10	460936
-2012-10-01-1349054065.66-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:14:35.964+10	806756
-2012-10-01-1349054076.78-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:14:42.058+10	438154
-2012-10-01-1349054174.16-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:16:17.712+10	298116
-2012-10-01-1349054179.25-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:16:39.385+10	1663806
-2012-10-01-1349054200.2-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:16:49.676+10	792848
-2012-10-01-1349054272.0-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:17:54.583+10	216380
-2012-10-01-1349054276.47-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:18:06.338+10	825480
-2012-10-01-1349054286.53-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:18:21.896+10	1289220
-2012-10-01-1349054302.08-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:18:28.465+10	527554
-2012-10-01-1349054308.7-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:18:32.185+10	273720
-2012-10-01-1349054312.35-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:18:37.09+10	370086
-2012-10-01-1349054365.83-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:19:28.394+10	211410
-2012-10-01-1349054435.92-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:20:38.677+10	231264
-2012-10-01-1349054439.91-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:20:43.627+10	311432
-2012-10-01-1349054445.03-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:21:03.791+10	1573892
-2012-10-01-1349054464.79-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:21:11.468+10	555534
-2012-10-01-1349054471.64-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:21:16.227+10	385160
-2012-10-01-1349054506.64-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:21:49.152+10	210136
-2012-10-01-1349054509.33-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:21:52.142+10	233608
-2012-10-01-1349054512.74-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:22:00.838+10	675976
-2012-10-01-1349054523.93-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:22:13.928+10	815424
-2012-10-01-1349054534.28-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:22:24.609+10	860902
-2012-10-01-1349054545.82-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:22:29.086+10	268420
-2012-10-01-1349054549.31-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:22:38.523+10	772188
-2012-10-01-1349054558.71-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:22:42.202+10	236470
-2012-10-01-1349054562.97-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:22:48.771+10	476580
-2012-10-01-1349054569.61-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:22:56.464+10	528910
-2012-10-01-1349054577.29-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:23:03.285+10	502540
-2012-10-01-1349054583.76-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:23:08.514+10	395400
-2012-10-01-1349054588.77-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:23:13.612+10	407688
-2012-10-01-1349054594.98-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:23:21.082+10	512136
-2012-10-01-1349054602.75-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:23:31.444+10	731246
-2012-10-01-1349054612.19-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:23:36.499+10	360278
-2012-10-01-1349054617.19-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:23:41.807+10	387196
-2012-10-01-1349054622.42-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:23:54.467+10	1011848
-2012-10-01-1349054634.71-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:23:56.893+10	180360
-2012-10-01-1349054637.63-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:24:12.616+10	1259490
-2012-10-01-1349054652.79-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:24:18.466+10	474092
-2012-10-01-1349054659.29-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:24:23.695+10	366308
-2012-10-01-1349054663.88-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:24:26.535+10	221320
-2012-10-01-1349054667.72-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:24:35.586+10	661640
-2012-10-01-1349054677.48-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:24:41.229+10	311108
-2012-10-01-1349054681.37-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:24:44.685+10	274568
-2012-10-01-1349054684.81-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:24:48.807+10	336008
-2012-10-01-1349054691.32-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:24:55.423+10	290732
-2012-10-01-1349054695.61-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:24:58.893+10	218670
-2012-10-01-1349054701.32-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:25:06.184+10	407552
-2012-10-01-1349054706.36-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:25:08.881+10	204906
-2012-10-01-1349054709.08-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:25:12.172+10	205534
-2012-10-01-1349054712.35-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:25:19.034+10	554106
-2012-10-01-1349054821.84-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:27:04.403+10	213796
-2012-10-01-1349054825.29-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:27:07.98+10	223368
-2012-10-01-1349054828.26-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:27:14.049+10	485512
-2012-10-01-1349054834.35-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:27:18.063+10	309384
-2012-10-01-1349054936.0-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:28:58.874+10	238184
-2012-10-01-1349054940.78-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:29:04.295+10	295048
-2012-10-01-1349054944.62-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:29:09.174+10	381064
-2012-10-01-1349054949.57-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:29:16.58+10	587792
-2012-10-01-1349054957.8-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:29:27.531+10	814364
-2012-10-01-1349054968.35-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:29:32.921+10	385160
-2012-10-01-1349054973.27-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:29:39.751+10	542856
-2012-10-01-1349054981.46-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:29:49.38+10	663688
-2012-10-01-1349054990.52-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:29:54.834+10	362632
-2012-10-01-1349054998.71-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:30:06.333+10	636652
-2012-10-01-1349055006.53-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:30:13.146+10	504120
-2012-10-01-1349055013.54-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:30:27.487+10	1170396
-2012-10-01-1349055029.7-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:30:35.772+10	509094
-2012-10-01-1349055038.66-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:30:44.688+10	502386
-2012-10-01-1349055044.85-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:30:47.238+10	198792
-2012-10-01-1349055048.48-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:30:52.7+10	335712
-2012-10-01-1349055209.56-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:33:32.286+10	223634
-2012-10-01-1349055212.63-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:33:37.318+10	393352
-2012-10-01-1349055217.73-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:33:43.564+10	487560
-2012-10-01-1349055223.76-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:33:48.122+10	363704
-2012-10-01-1349055228.28-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:33:53.983+10	469666
-2012-10-01-1349055345.9-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:35:49.471+10	294656
-2012-10-01-1349055399.92-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:36:43.261+10	279846
-2012-10-01-1349055422.28-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:37:05.117+10	235656
-2012-10-01-1349055448.11-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:37:30.987+10	239752
-2012-10-01-1349055452.58-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:37:48.238+10	1314952
-2012-10-01-1349055468.42-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:37:57.317+10	747640
-2012-10-01-1349055477.5-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:38:00.727+10	237402
-2012-10-01-1349055481.34-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:38:05.883+10	383092
-2012-10-01-1349055486.08-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:38:10.81+10	397232
-2012-10-01-1349055491.26-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:38:15.606+10	310856
-2012-10-01-1349055601.39-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:40:04.337+10	247196
-2012-10-01-1349055606.53-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:40:09.853+10	275554
-2012-10-01-1349055610.06-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:40:14.059+10	333960
-2012-10-01-1349055614.89-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:40:18.824+10	329864
-2012-10-01-1349055619.26-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:40:22.519+10	272520
-2012-10-01-1349055702.82-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:41:45.664+10	234078
-2012-10-01-1349055706.93-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:41:51.279+10	357196
-2012-10-01-1349055711.75-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:41:56.41+10	391304
-2012-10-01-1349055717.03-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:42:01.796+10	395852
-2012-10-01-1349055776.42-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:43:00.319+10	324158
-2012-10-01-1349055781.05-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:43:04.679+10	303240
-2012-10-01-1349055785.08-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:43:11.732+10	559236
-2012-10-01-1349055897.19-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:44:59.686+10	208760
-2012-10-01-1349055926.58-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:45:29.093+10	209506
-2012-10-01-1349055958.61-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:46:02.738+10	342430
-2012-10-01-1349056074.7-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:48:02.252+10	634454
-2012-10-01-1349056169.04-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:49:31.545+10	208840
-2012-10-01-1349056174.0-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:49:39.778+10	483904
-2012-10-01-1349056181.22-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:49:55.677+10	1214600
-2012-10-01-1349056195.95-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:49:59.847+10	323720
-2012-10-01-1349056200.05-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:50:16.066+10	1282630
-2012-10-01-1349056216.89-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:50:20.477+10	300148
-2012-10-01-1349056220.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:50:26.508+10	483464
-2012-10-01-1349056227.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:50:33.017+10	477320
-2012-10-01-1349056234.42-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:50:42.231+10	653480
-2012-10-01-1349056242.42-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:50:46.555+10	346248
-2012-10-01-1349056246.76-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:50:49.061+10	188552
-2012-10-01-1349056251.53-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:50:59.992+10	710792
-2012-10-01-1349056262.09-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:51:07.701+10	417782
-2012-10-01-1349056267.92-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:51:12.081+10	284970
-2012-10-01-1349056272.32-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:51:22.905+10	886918
-2012-10-01-1349056285.13-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:51:28.151+10	252040
-2012-10-01-1349056288.34-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:51:37.188+10	723324
-2012-10-01-1349056297.92-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:51:46.385+10	703478
-2012-10-01-1349056330.97-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:52:14.563+10	301192
-2012-10-01-1349056336.15-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:52:20.752+10	384366
-2012-10-01-1349056341.24-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:52:26.87+10	473224
-2012-10-01-1349056347.5-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:52:33.259+10	483464
-2012-10-01-1349056353.45-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:52:36.216+10	227464
-2012-10-01-1349056356.69-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 11:52:41.871+10	434312
-2012-10-01-1349056364.74-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:52:58.549+10	1157636
-2012-10-01-1349056379.44-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:53:06.141+10	557938
-2012-10-01-1349056386.53-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:53:17.059+10	878728
-2012-10-01-1349056397.52-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:53:30.17+10	1058952
-2012-10-01-1349056411.08-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:53:34.065+10	249992
-2012-10-01-1349056414.47-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:53:38.393+10	328230
-2012-10-01-1349056418.84-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:53:43.661+10	405640
-2012-10-01-1349056423.81-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:53:46.853+10	256136
-2012-10-01-1349056427.7-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:53:51.214+10	293000
-2012-10-01-1349056432.34-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:53:57.734+10	450682
-2012-10-01-1349056438.25-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:54:01.891+10	303874
-2012-10-01-1349056446.1-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:54:12.57+10	544122
-2012-10-01-1349056453.49-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:54:18.439+10	414004
-2012-10-01-1349056488.89-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:54:52.26+10	281516
-2012-10-01-1349056492.46-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:54:55.083+10	221320
-2012-10-01-1349056496.26-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:55:04.238+10	669832
-2012-10-01-1349056504.4-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:55:09.436+10	421880
-2012-10-01-1349056548.66-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:55:51.888+10	269972
-2012-10-01-1349056552.12-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:55:54.303+10	182408
-2012-10-01-1349056554.42-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:55:56.684+10	186504
-2012-10-01-1349056558.42-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:56:08.125+10	811088
-2012-10-01-1349056568.45-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:56:17.338+10	742338
-2012-10-01-1349056578.89-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:56:26.515+10	621072
-2012-10-01-1349056586.72-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:56:30.434+10	244848
-2012-10-01-1349056590.63-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:56:37.535+10	547922
-2012-10-01-1349056719.46-demo.wav	10019	ESO 10	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:58:41.99+10	211308
-2012-10-01-1349056723.48-demo.wav	10019	ESO 10	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:58:47.581+10	338908
-2012-10-01-1349056727.78-demo.wav	10019	ESO 10	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:58:55.307+10	632968
-2012-10-01-1349056735.47-demo.wav	10019	ESO 10	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 11:59:01.743+10	528446
-2012-10-01-1349056927.6-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:02:10.122+10	209538
-2012-10-01-1349056953.92-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:02:37.138+10	270472
-2012-10-01-1349056958.34-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:02:42.187+10	321672
-2012-10-01-1349056962.37-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:02:50.504+10	683642
-2012-10-01-1349056970.77-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:02:57.852+10	594056
-2012-10-01-1349056980.62-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:03:10.242+10	807326
-2012-10-01-1349056991.54-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:03:24.589+10	1092296
-2012-10-01-1349057004.88-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:03:27.331+10	202888
-2012-10-01-1349057007.53-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:03:36.695+10	767384
-2012-10-01-1349057016.85-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:03:42.449+10	467832
-2012-10-01-1349057022.65-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:03:47.183+10	322002
-2012-10-01-1349057027.44-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:03:51.102+10	249250
-2012-10-01-1349057129.77-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:05:33.833+10	342022
-2012-10-01-1349057191.67-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:06:35.015+10	279932
-2012-10-01-1349057197.04-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:06:40.342+10	276616
-2012-10-01-1349057200.93-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:06:49.331+10	706646
-2012-10-01-1349057209.53-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:06:55.566+10	449656
-2012-10-01-1349057215.82-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:07:02.772+10	540132
-2012-10-01-1349057224.78-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:07:13.035+10	632814
-2012-10-01-1349057233.73-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:07:19.12+10	417804
-2012-10-01-1349057239.77-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:07:26.428+10	554744
-2012-10-01-1349057247.23-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:07:31.176+10	327816
-2012-10-01-1349057253.84-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:07:52.238+10	1548424
-2012-10-01-1349057273.22-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:07:57.595+10	366728
-2012-10-01-1349057279.05-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:08:04.536+10	456028
-2012-10-01-1349057285.44-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:08:11.057+10	469368
-2012-10-01-1349057291.32-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:08:19.47+10	686216
-2012-10-01-1349057300.55-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:08:25.044+10	355930
-2012-10-01-1349057305.92-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:08:34.093+10	683950
-2012-10-01-1349057393.81-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:09:56.796+10	249268
-2012-10-01-1349057397.71-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:10:01.766+10	336564
-2012-10-01-1349057402.18-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:10:08.018+10	491656
-2012-10-01-1349057408.44-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:10:11.833+10	282756
-2012-10-01-1349057412.25-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:10:15.328+10	258184
-2012-10-01-1349057519.01-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:12:03.258+10	355496
-2012-10-01-1349057563.91-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:12:47.976+10	337224
-2012-10-01-1349057569.35-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:12:53.702+10	364680
-2012-10-01-1349057574.27-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:12:58.91+10	389256
-2012-10-01-1349057617.66-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:13:45.888+10	690422
-2012-10-01-1349057735.66-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:15:38.817+10	264430
-2012-10-01-1349057739.36-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:15:43.312+10	331912
-2012-10-01-1349057744.03-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:15:47.742+10	311432
-2012-10-01-1349057748.84-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:15:56.331+10	626564
-2012-10-01-1349058442.91-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:27:28.44+10	460274
-2012-10-01-1349058471.87-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:27:56.975+10	424072
-2012-10-01-1349058480.28-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:28:02.951+10	217224
-2012-10-01-1349058483.1-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:28:10.931+10	592714
-2012-10-01-1349058491.12-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:28:26.554+10	1238134
-2012-10-01-1349058506.74-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:28:45.484+10	1511528
-2012-10-01-1349058525.66-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:28:50.242+10	319848
-2012-10-01-1349058910.35-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:35:13.462+10	259024
-2012-10-01-1349058915.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:35:18.293+10	213128
-2012-10-01-1349058918.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:35:24.596+10	505992
-2012-10-01-1349058924.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:35:36.961+10	1011150
-2012-10-01-1349058937.16-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:35:41.887+10	345386
-2012-10-01-1349058942.31-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:35:49.549+10	545038
-2012-10-01-1349058951.68-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:36:11.527+10	1663284
-2012-10-01-1349059035.35-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:37:18.789+10	280130
-2012-10-01-1349059039.23-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:37:21.732+10	211080
-2012-10-01-1349059042.4-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:37:31.473+10	764040
-2012-10-01-1349059052.2-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:37:38.687+10	510406
-2012-10-01-1349059061.93-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:37:49.132+10	544806
-2012-10-01-1349059069.39-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:37:54.571+10	416704
-2012-10-01-1349059075.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:37:58.81+10	227344
-2012-10-01-1349059079.63-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:38:07.653+10	666364
-2012-10-01-1349059087.86-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:38:13.071+10	438408
-2012-10-01-1349059093.49-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:38:17.796+10	362632
-2012-10-01-1349059098.01-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:38:22.114+10	344200
-2012-10-01-1349059102.48-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:38:41.655+10	1609864
-2012-10-01-1349059123.26-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:38:55.15+10	993728
-2012-10-01-1349059136.17-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:39:07.562+10	954216
-2012-10-01-1349059148.52-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:39:13.44+10	411624
-2012-10-01-1349059154.27-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:39:32.021+10	1481848
-2012-10-01-1349059172.21-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:39:36.932+10	348494
-2012-10-01-1349059177.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:39:47.281+10	838788
-2012-10-01-1349059187.47-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:40:02.46+10	1229664
-2012-10-01-1349059202.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:40:12.186+10	765156
-2012-10-01-1349059212.64-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:40:16.217+10	296754
-2012-10-01-1349059217.04-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:40:26.382+10	784520
-2012-10-01-1349059226.57-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:40:37.57+10	915472
-2012-10-01-1349059237.73-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:40:40.768+10	228468
-2012-10-01-1349059469.52-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:44:32.733+10	267698
-2012-10-01-1349059472.91-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:44:48.389+10	1266876
-2012-10-01-1349059572.74-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:46:17.611+10	408684
-2012-10-01-1349059577.79-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:46:20.476+10	225416
-2012-10-01-1349059580.94-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:46:29.289+10	700524
-2012-10-01-1349059589.5-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:46:36.056+10	553096
-2012-10-01-1349059596.86-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:46:55.554+10	1565640
-2012-10-01-1349059616.51-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:47:09.725+10	1107882
-2012-10-01-1349059630.87-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:47:14.827+10	327730
-2012-10-01-1349059635.04-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 12:47:21.535+10	544904
-2012-10-01-1349059757.9-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:49:20.413+10	209472
-2012-10-01-1349059764.11-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:49:35.689+10	966792
-2012-10-01-1349059776.77-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:49:39.803+10	254088
-2012-10-01-1349059780.8-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:49:45.25+10	374920
-2012-10-01-1349059787.33-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:49:55.087+10	651400
-2012-10-01-1349059796.6-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:49:59.374+10	233608
-2012-10-01-1349059800.23-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:50:03.036+10	233608
-2012-10-01-1349059861.23-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:51:03.796+10	212596
-2012-10-01-1349059863.98-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:51:06.85+10	233608
-2012-10-01-1349059867.06-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:51:10.124+10	256136
-2012-10-01-1349059871.31-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:51:18.753+10	624776
-2012-10-01-1349059879.13-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:51:23.59+10	370824
-2012-10-01-1349059883.87-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:51:27.266+10	282760
-2012-10-01-1349060079.55-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:54:44.988+10	456822
-2012-10-01-1349060086.27-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:54:50.538+10	358536
-2012-10-01-1349060091.02-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:55:02.208+10	925116
-2012-10-01-1349060102.84-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:55:11.179+10	680672
-2012-10-01-1349060156.8-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:56:00.362+10	295874
-2012-10-01-1349060161.9-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:56:09.59+10	645256
-2012-10-01-1349060170.39-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:56:17.94+10	577360
-2012-10-01-1349060287.48-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:58:10.046+10	213172
-2012-10-01-1349060290.49-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:58:14.715+10	350344
-2012-10-01-1349060295.56-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:58:23.667+10	682120
-2012-10-01-1349060304.03-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 12:58:31.455+10	576678
-2012-10-01-1349060712.54-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:05:16.167+10	302064
-2012-10-01-1349060716.4-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:05:22.02+10	471176
-2012-10-01-1349060761.76-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:06:04.277+10	210468
-2012-10-01-1349060764.57-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:06:07.458+10	241800
-2012-10-01-1349060767.57-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:06:14.441+10	575624
-2012-10-01-1349060775.87-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:06:22.256+10	500334
-2012-10-01-1349060901.07-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:08:25.06+10	330604
-2012-10-01-1349060906.22-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:08:30.459+10	354440
-2012-10-01-1349060910.65-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:08:35.929+10	438408
-2012-10-01-1349061214.36-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:13:36.915+10	209832
-2012-10-01-1349061486.79-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:18:10.999+10	348712
-2012-10-01-1349061492.07-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:18:24.803+10	1066686
-2012-10-01-1349061505.13-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:18:35.153+10	839816
-2012-10-01-1349061515.36-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:18:40.08+10	372472
-2012-10-01-1349061520.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:18:43.855+10	268614
-2012-10-01-1349061524.73-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:18:48.397+10	243142
-2012-10-01-1349061788.95-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:23:11.413+10	208810
-2012-10-01-1349061795.36-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:23:22.77+10	622728
-2012-10-01-1349061803.15-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:23:26.993+10	321672
-2012-10-01-1349061807.96-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:23:32.191+10	354440
-2012-10-01-1349061813.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:23:44.939+10	999962
-2012-10-01-1349061825.88-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:24:04.261+10	1542376
-2012-10-01-1349061845.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:24:10.356+10	420518
-2012-10-01-1349061853.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:24:16.466+10	293000
-2012-10-01-1349061857.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:24:21.521+10	311424
-2012-10-01-1349061863.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:24:27.087+10	314936
-2012-10-01-1349061867.25-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:24:30.175+10	196572
-2012-10-01-1349061916.88-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:25:22.553+10	473014
-2012-10-01-1349061923.59-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:25:26.311+10	227464
-2012-10-01-1349061928.05-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:25:40.914+10	1075404
-2012-10-01-1349061941.72-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:25:44.489+10	231560
-2012-10-01-1349061944.69-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:25:47.174+10	206984
-2012-10-01-1349061947.99-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:25:54.768+10	567432
-2012-10-01-1349061954.94-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:26:05.085+10	788552
-2012-10-01-1349061965.25-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:26:16.824+10	908658
-2012-10-01-1349061977.15-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:26:22.892+10	417858
-2012-10-01-1349061983.14-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:26:30.762+10	639728
-2012-10-01-1349061991.76-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:26:39.174+10	620680
-2012-10-01-1349061999.86-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:26:44.427+10	382156
-2012-10-01-1349062005.19-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:26:49.048+10	322902
-2012-10-01-1349062010.74-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:27:01.89+10	932322
-2012-10-01-1349062022.08-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:27:04.269+10	180360
-2012-10-01-1349062024.76-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:27:08.316+10	301180
-2012-10-01-1349062028.47-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:27:13.193+10	395348
-2012-10-01-1349062066.04-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:27:49.334+10	276058
-2012-10-01-1349062069.53-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:27:52.132+10	219272
-2012-10-01-1349062073.14-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:27:56.722+10	297096
-2012-10-01-1349062102.05-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:28:24.841+10	233608
-2012-10-01-1349062127.34-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:28:50.609+10	274568
-2012-10-01-1349062131.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:28:55.44+10	323720
-2012-10-01-1349062135.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:29:00.398+10	385160
-2012-10-01-1349062142.57-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:29:07.941+10	450696
-2012-10-01-1349062148.27-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:29:14.427+10	514184
-2012-10-01-1349062155.0-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:29:19.935+10	357152
-2012-10-01-1349062160.56-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:29:24.602+10	306618
-2012-10-01-1349062165.33-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:29:31.48+10	511594
-2012-10-01-1349062172.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:29:35.367+10	262280
-2012-10-01-1349062175.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:29:38.565+10	252040
-2012-10-01-1349062178.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:29:48.387+10	790672
-2012-10-01-1349062188.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:29:51.266+10	200344
-2012-10-01-1349062192.28-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:30:13.667+10	1793836
-2012-10-01-1349062215.19-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:30:20.576+10	452744
-2012-10-01-1349062220.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:30:41.195+10	1353040
-2012-10-01-1349062241.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:30:43.882+10	209032
-2012-10-01-1349062246.11-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:30:57.974+10	993590
-2012-10-01-1349062258.82-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:31:04.74+10	458766
-2012-10-01-1349062264.88-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:31:09.458+10	359722
-2012-10-01-1349062333.26-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:32:15.977+10	226978
-2012-10-01-1349062336.33-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:32:18.807+10	206984
-2012-10-01-1349062339.53-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:32:23.996+10	370824
-2012-10-01-1349062344.19-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:32:32.641+10	676840
-2012-10-01-1349062353.46-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:32:38.844+10	438904
-2012-10-01-1349062454.05-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:34:19.103+10	398808
-2012-10-01-1349062459.33-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:34:30.492+10	931298
-2012-10-01-1349062470.92-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:34:37.113+10	465550
-2012-10-01-1349062689.17-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:38:11.726+10	213556
-2012-10-01-1349062691.92-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:38:15.453+10	297096
-2012-10-01-1349062695.91-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:38:22.305+10	538760
-2012-10-01-1349062703.48-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:38:44.134+10	1730798
-2012-10-01-1349062724.25-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:38:46.847+10	219272
-2012-10-01-1349062727.45-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:38:53.385+10	497800
-2012-10-01-1349062733.94-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:39:04.414+10	828452
-2012-10-01-1349062745.25-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:39:14.533+10	777180
-2012-10-01-1349062755.9-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:39:19.074+10	266376
-2012-10-01-1349062847.2-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:40:49.925+10	223282
-2012-10-01-1349062850.28-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:40:53.914+10	303240
-2012-10-01-1349062854.05-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:40:58.568+10	381064
-2012-10-01-1349062859.16-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:41:09.349+10	823346
-2012-10-01-1349062870.2-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:41:19.561+10	784060
-2012-10-01-1349062880.65-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:41:23.736+10	258184
-2012-10-01-1349062884.42-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:41:28.085+10	307336
-2012-10-01-1349062888.45-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:41:30.9+10	204936
-2012-10-01-1349062891.31-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:41:34.7+10	282760
-2012-10-01-1349062894.9-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:41:37.435+10	207504
-2012-10-01-1349062897.94-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:41:42.265+10	308322
-2012-10-01-1349062902.49-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:41:45.956+10	229536
-2012-10-01-1349062906.13-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:41:51.954+10	458114
-2012-10-01-1349062964.42-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:42:47.826+10	287248
-2012-10-01-1349062967.97-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:42:50.45+10	206984
-2012-10-01-1349062971.27-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:42:59.016+10	645256
-2012-10-01-1349062979.31-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:43:13.715+10	1208456
-2012-10-01-1349062994.84-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:43:19.361+10	379016
-2012-10-01-1349062999.57-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:43:27.752+10	685220
-2012-10-01-1349063008.96-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:43:36.399+10	620744
-2012-10-01-1349063016.7-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:43:41.108+10	370824
-2012-10-01-1349063100.99-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:45:07.572+10	550632
-2012-10-01-1349063107.86-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:45:10.799+10	241800
-2012-10-01-1349063111.06-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:45:26.617+10	1294862
-2012-10-01-1349063127.52-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:45:34.598+10	591890
-2012-10-01-1349063135.95-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:45:39.906+10	333606
-2012-10-01-1349063140.22-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:45:44.381+10	350344
-2012-10-01-1349063144.57-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:45:47.468+10	209104
-2012-10-01-1349063147.77-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:45:51.238+10	226848
-2012-10-01-1349063152.15-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:46:08.048+10	1333268
-2012-10-01-1349063168.21-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:46:11.016+10	237704
-2012-10-01-1349063171.28-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:46:14.7+10	287538
-2012-10-01-1349063175.15-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:46:22.678+10	622728
-2012-10-01-1349063183.48-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:46:25.999+10	211080
-2012-10-01-1349063186.2-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:46:29.581+10	284808
-2012-10-01-1349063190.22-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:46:45.175+10	1255560
-2012-10-01-1349063205.32-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:46:54.666+10	784518
-2012-10-01-1349063215.01-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:47:03.216+10	672630
-2012-10-01-1349063341.62-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:49:06.342+10	397230
-2012-10-01-1349063346.7-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:49:11.347+10	389256
-2012-10-01-1349063351.89-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:49:17.538+10	475272
-2012-10-01-1349063358.02-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:49:23.057+10	359558
-2012-10-01-1349063363.9-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:49:29.869+10	497442
-2012-10-01-1349063370.52-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:49:38.241+10	633692
-2012-10-01-1349063378.38-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:49:41.534+10	202964
-2012-10-01-1349063381.83-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:49:55.497+10	1149064
-2012-10-01-1349063397.07-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:50:02.542+10	459456
-2012-10-01-1349063402.92-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:50:08.109+10	436360
-2012-10-01-1349063409.12-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:50:14.193+10	424072
-2012-10-01-1349063416.31-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:50:20.233+10	327816
-2012-10-01-1349063420.95-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:50:33.282+10	1032328
-2012-10-01-1349063433.45-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:50:36.112+10	223368
-2012-10-01-1349063436.77-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:50:45.511+10	728834
-2012-10-01-1349063446.01-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:50:54.542+10	687870
-2012-10-01-1349063623.36-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:53:49.668+10	526824
-2012-10-01-1349063630.1-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:53:57.102+10	585864
-2012-10-01-1349063637.28-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:53:59.894+10	221320
-2012-10-01-1349063640.09-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:54:11.569+10	915490
-2012-10-01-1349063651.72-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:54:19.485+10	591602
-2012-10-01-1349063660.27-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:54:32.385+10	1016228
-2012-10-01-1349063672.63-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:54:35.078+10	204936
-2012-10-01-1349063675.88-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:54:42.363+10	544904
-2012-10-01-1349063683.04-demo.wav	10123	GOULB1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:54:48.977+10	497762
-2012-10-01-1349063779.65-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 13:56:23.183+10	294676
-2012-10-01-1349063784.16-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:56:30.216+10	506402
-2012-10-01-1349063790.43-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:56:34.973+10	383112
-2012-10-01-1349063796.69-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:56:41.146+10	374920
-2012-10-01-1349063802.49-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:56:47.311+10	370274
-2012-10-01-1349063807.97-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:56:53.211+10	435508
-2012-10-01-1349063816.88-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 13:56:59.96+10	256136
-2012-10-01-1349064151.97-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:02:35.531+10	298506
-2012-10-01-1349064156.72-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:02:40.618+10	324392
-2012-10-01-1349064161.0-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:02:47.398+10	534664
-2012-10-01-1349064167.98-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:03:09.984+10	1831908
-2012-10-01-1349064190.13-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:03:20.651+10	820074
-2012-10-01-1349064274.49-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:04:37.477+10	248332
-2012-10-01-1349064278.75-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:04:44.554+10	484490
-2012-10-01-1349064284.68-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:04:48.824+10	344200
-2012-10-01-1349064289.69-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:04:53.287+10	301192
-2012-10-01-1349064293.82-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:04:57.469+10	307024
-2012-10-01-1349064299.38-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:05:03.062+10	274952
-2012-10-01-1349064303.22-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:05:07.86+10	325596
-2012-10-01-1349064452.76-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:07:36.715+10	330622
-2012-10-01-1349064496.9-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:08:20.111+10	267388
-2012-10-01-1349064501.1-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:08:28.732+10	641160
-2012-10-01-1349064509.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:08:34.236+10	436268
-2012-10-01-1349064514.46-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:08:38.218+10	282788
-2012-10-01-1349064518.49-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:09:03.411+10	2032046
-2012-10-01-1349064543.68-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:09:06.211+10	191586
-2012-10-01-1349064969.22-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:16:12.476+10	272110
-2012-10-01-1349064974.22-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:16:19.03+10	403592
-2012-10-01-1349064979.22-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:16:22.268+10	252040
-2012-10-01-1349064982.65-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:16:25.674+10	252040
-2012-10-01-1349064986.26-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:16:46.447+10	1693832
-2012-10-01-1349065008.69-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:17:03.234+10	1222792
-2012-10-01-1349065024.02-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:17:07.612+10	299144
-2012-10-01-1349065027.96-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:17:12.005+10	338056
-2012-10-01-1349065360.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:22:46.265+10	455862
-2012-10-01-1349065367.17-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:22:49.688+10	213102
-2012-10-01-1349065369.95-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:23:07.124+10	1438484
-2012-10-01-1349065387.33-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:23:24.958+10	1412854
-2012-10-01-1349065405.16-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:23:28.366+10	233950
-2012-10-01-1349065999.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:33:21.883+10	240692
-2012-10-01-1349066003.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:33:27.033+10	305288
-2012-10-01-1349066007.51-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:33:31.32+10	321672
-2012-10-01-1349066011.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:33:34.295+10	245870
-2012-10-01-1349066015.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:33:40.756+10	450654
-2012-10-01-1349066021.23-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:33:44.435+10	270088
-2012-10-01-1349066024.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:33:47.043+10	191038
-2012-10-01-1349066028.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:33:56.273+10	663414
-2012-10-01-1349066036.47-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:34:02.303+10	439306
-2012-10-01-1349066042.39-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:34:10.733+10	696308
-2012-10-01-1349066051.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:34:20.49+10	703598
-2012-10-01-1349066061.53-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:34:32.519+10	916812
-2012-10-01-1349066073.18-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:34:43.428+10	842782
-2012-10-01-1349066084.46-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:34:48.85+10	370800
-2012-10-01-1349066276.25-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:37:59.103+10	240024
-2012-10-01-1349066279.91-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:38:02.557+10	225416
-2012-10-01-1349066282.64-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:38:14.411+10	987184
-2012-10-01-1349066294.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:38:19.369+10	411546
-2012-10-01-1349066467.41-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:41:11.577+10	350040
-2012-10-01-1349066472.52-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:41:17.752+10	440456
-2012-10-01-1349066478.77-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:41:23.318+10	383112
-2012-10-01-1349066483.4-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:41:30.556+10	600152
-2012-10-01-1349066490.66-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:41:34.01+10	282682
-2012-10-01-1349066495.58-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 14:41:40.68+10	386096
-2012-10-01-1349066654.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:44:17.276+10	276468
-2012-10-01-1349066658.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:44:23.579+10	388518
-2012-10-01-1349066663.66-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:44:26.219+10	217196
-2012-10-01-1349066666.3-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:44:29.466+10	266350
-2012-10-01-1349066670.96-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:44:41.175+10	839330
-2012-10-01-1349066681.33-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:44:44.502+10	268052
-2012-10-01-1349066684.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:44:47.509+10	241804
-2012-10-01-1349066687.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:44:50.628+10	234188
-2012-10-01-1349067069.83-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:51:12.316+10	209738
-2012-10-01-1349067389.37-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:56:32.859+10	294758
-2012-10-01-1349067394.52-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:56:48.98+10	1210672
-2012-10-01-1349067410.73-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 14:56:54.882+10	350344
-2012-10-01-1349067955.96-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:05:58.427+10	208376
-2012-10-01-1349067960.11-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:06:03.721+10	305288
-2012-10-01-1349067964.33-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:06:11.796+10	626824
-2012-10-01-1349067973.4-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:06:18.528+10	432264
-2012-10-01-1349067980.29-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:06:30.212+10	818630
-2012-10-01-1349067990.87-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:06:34.875+10	338000
-2012-10-01-1349068029.13-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:07:15.387+10	525352
-2012-10-01-1349068035.86-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:07:19.423+10	301192
-2012-10-01-1349068039.52-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:07:22.892+10	284808
-2012-10-01-1349068081.97-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:08:04.46+10	209752
-2012-10-01-1349068084.54-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:08:08.097+10	301192
-2012-10-01-1349068093.08-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:08:16.011+10	247942
-2012-10-01-1349068096.46-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:08:20.905+10	374618
-2012-10-01-1349068100.98-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:08:27.186+10	484838
-2012-10-01-1349068107.27-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:08:35.599+10	657172
-2012-10-01-1349068115.68-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:08:44.051+10	638426
-2012-10-01-1349068124.13-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:08:53.24+10	699688
-2012-10-01-1349068133.34-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:09:08.914+10	1302896
-2012-10-01-1349068151.36-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:09:14.576+10	272520
-2012-10-01-1349068154.72-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:09:21.655+10	576696
-2012-10-01-1349068162.54-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:09:27.541+10	420460
-2012-10-01-1349068167.62-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:09:30.276+10	225416
-2012-10-01-1349068170.35-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:09:35.768+10	456192
-2012-10-01-1349068175.96-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:09:40.111+10	298688
-2012-10-01-1349068180.65-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:09:48.867+10	690146
-2012-10-01-1349068188.95-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:09:52.736+10	319624
-2012-10-01-1349068192.81-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:10:00.713+10	658210
-2012-10-01-1349068200.98-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:10:21.008+10	1644990
-2012-10-01-1349068221.18-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:10:31.093+10	776646
-2012-10-01-1349068231.21-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:10:37.018+10	428414
-2012-10-01-1349068237.25-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:10:46.78+10	750052
-2012-10-01-1349068377.89-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:13:02.311+10	369212
-2012-10-01-1349068383.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:13:08.036+10	373368
-2012-10-01-1349068388.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:13:14.115+10	495752
-2012-10-01-1349068395.96-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:13:22.306+10	475724
-2012-10-01-1349068402.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:13:28+10	413134
-2012-10-01-1349068408.16-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:13:31.31+10	193464
-2012-10-01-1349068411.95-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:13:35.022+10	243046
-2012-10-01-1349068454.62-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:14:19.28+10	388036
-2012-10-01-1349068460.79-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:14:25.21+10	370824
-2012-10-01-1349068466.42-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:14:30.638+10	352392
-2012-10-01-1349068470.79-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:14:34.169+10	282760
-2012-10-01-1349068474.73-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:14:40.914+10	517006
-2012-10-01-1349068579.67-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:16:26.207+10	548838
-2012-10-01-1349068586.56-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:16:32.826+10	526472
-2012-10-01-1349068593.18-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:16:41.272+10	680072
-2012-10-01-1349068601.9-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:16:45.716+10	282874
-2012-10-01-1349068608.16-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:16:52.276+10	344286
-2012-10-01-1349068612.56-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:16:55.239+10	223368
-2012-10-01-1349068615.5-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:16:58.117+10	221224
-2012-10-01-1349068618.34-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:17:04.53+10	464384
-2012-10-01-1349068624.68-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:17:10.463+10	428170
-2012-10-01-1349068630.73-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:17:14.046+10	215934
-2012-10-01-1349068634.3-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:17:27.941+10	1082870
-2012-10-01-1349068648.15-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:17:35.744+10	566894
-2012-10-01-1349068901.2-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:21:43.699+10	208194
-2012-10-01-1349069041.42-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:24:03.915+10	208952
-2012-10-01-1349069153.1-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:25:56.54+10	287980
-2012-10-01-1349069159.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:26:03.115+10	346248
-2012-10-01-1349069163.48-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:26:08.425+10	411784
-2012-10-01-1349069168.62-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:26:13.4+10	397400
-2012-10-01-1349069173.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:26:16.6+10	235838
-2012-10-01-1349069176.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:26:20.678+10	270794
-2012-10-01-1349069298.2-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:28:22.788+10	383772
-2012-10-01-1349069304.89-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:28:34.992+10	850056
-2012-10-01-1349069316.01-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:28:39.706+10	307620
-2012-10-01-1349069319.98-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:28:42.614+10	219272
-2012-10-01-1349069325.03-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:29:02.486+10	1460140
-2012-10-01-1349069343.67-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:29:21.392+10	1331626
-2012-10-01-1349069361.6-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:29:24.053+10	209032
-2012-10-01-1349069386.97-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:29:50.245+10	274568
-2012-10-01-1349069392.98-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:29:56.281+10	270472
-2012-10-01-1349069397.43-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:30:00.371+10	241800
-2012-10-01-1349069400.74-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:30:14.247+10	1131450
-2012-10-01-1349069414.49-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:30:18.227+10	300216
-2012-10-01-1349069418.43-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:30:27.375+10	694654
-2012-10-01-1349069427.53-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:30:35.73+10	682708
-2012-10-01-1349069435.99-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:30:41.26+10	386284
-2012-10-01-1349069441.51-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:30:48.057+10	527788
-2012-10-01-1349069449.58-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:30:55.237+10	433642
-2012-10-01-1349069455.8-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:31:06.707+10	916184
-2012-10-01-1349069468.09-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:31:12.423+10	353428
-2012-10-01-1349069474.2-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:31:33.921+10	1656908
-2012-10-01-1349069494.81-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:31:39.6+10	401440
-2012-10-01-1349069499.97-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:31:43.918+10	331912
-2012-10-01-1349069504.17-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:31:47.038+10	224242
-2012-10-01-1349069507.23-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:31:50.206+10	199510
-2012-10-01-1349069672.15-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:34:34.64+10	207788
-2012-10-01-1349069770.74-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:36:14.861+10	345252
-2012-10-01-1349069776.53-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:36:19.891+10	280712
-2012-10-01-1349069780.14-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:36:24.449+10	362632
-2012-10-01-1349069785.44-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:36:32.713+10	577544
-2012-10-01-1349069792.96-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:36:40.021+10	529092
-2012-10-01-1349069800.3-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:36:49.827+10	778648
-2012-10-01-1349069810.42-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:36:59.993+10	802432
-2012-10-01-1349069821.54-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:37:10.334+10	736672
-2012-10-01-1349069833.5-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:37:20.612+10	594960
-2012-10-01-1349069841.01-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:37:28+10	585864
-2012-10-01-1349069851.52-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:37:36.789+10	401826
-2012-10-01-1349069857.34-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:37:50.747+10	1108302
-2012-10-01-1349069872.05-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:37:57.089+10	422014
-2012-10-01-1349069879.1-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:38:06.931+10	650378
-2012-10-01-1349069887.2-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:38:14.479+10	590802
-2012-10-01-1349069895.15-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:38:20.548+10	451822
-2012-10-01-1349069900.67-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:38:25.902+10	395212
-2012-10-01-1349069906.11-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:38:32.36+10	519292
-2012-10-01-1349069912.64-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:38:39.747+10	577458
-2012-10-01-1349069920.5-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:38:54.01+10	1136502
-2012-10-01-1349069935.32-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:38:59.522+10	352392
-2012-10-01-1349069940.3-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:39:10.619+10	859786
-2012-10-01-1349069950.79-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:39:27.74+10	1384776
-2012-10-01-1349069967.93-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:39:37.567+10	748056
-2012-10-01-1349069977.83-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:39:43.773+10	454596
-2012-10-01-1349070748.71-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:52:32.025+10	277572
-2012-10-01-1349070753.52-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:52:40.783+10	608182
-2012-10-01-1349070761.02-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:52:43.655+10	221320
-2012-10-01-1349070764.92-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:52:56.035+10	930620
-2012-10-01-1349070776.47-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:53:01.191+10	395390
-2012-10-01-1349070784.23-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:53:07.669+10	243130
-2012-10-01-1349070855.39-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:54:17.901+10	208494
-2012-10-01-1349070889.95-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:54:54.849+10	411566
-2012-10-01-1349070895.03-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:54:58.176+10	262280
-2012-10-01-1349071175.51-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 15:59:39.537+10	333338
-2012-10-01-1349071181.34-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:59:47.724+10	536712
-2012-10-01-1349071188.2-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 15:59:55.713+10	630920
-2012-10-01-1349071196.74-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:00:00.831+10	295630
-2012-10-01-1349071201.45-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:00:06.021+10	385076
-2012-10-01-1349071426.16-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:03:48.79+10	220090
-2012-10-01-1349071431.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:04:00.052+10	692360
-2012-10-01-1349071440.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:04:08.272+10	669832
-2012-10-01-1349071448.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:04:12.433+10	336008
-2012-10-01-1349071452.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:04:21.534+10	696750
-2012-10-01-1349071461.79-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:04:29.356+10	580078
-2012-10-01-1349071469.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:04:43.368+10	1097000
-2012-10-01-1349071483.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:04:46.776+10	245752
-2012-10-01-1349071487.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:04:59.059+10	941946
-2012-10-01-1349071500.73-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:05:05.522+10	396524
-2012-10-01-1349071506.22-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:05:08.993+10	229512
-2012-10-01-1349071509.23-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:05:19.71+10	868360
-2012-10-01-1349071519.97-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:05:28.028+10	655584
-2012-10-01-1349071528.29-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:05:36.762+10	652372
-2012-10-01-1349071537.58-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:05:42.92+10	441816
-2012-10-01-1349071543.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:05:46.966+10	317554
-2012-10-01-1349071549.65-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:05:59.938+10	856254
-2012-10-01-1349071560.17-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:06:05.633+10	398242
-2012-10-01-1349072088.19-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:14:52.183+10	335894
-2012-10-01-1349072093.16-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:14:59.54+10	534640
-2012-10-01-1349072101.17-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:15:08.843+10	643208
-2012-10-01-1349072109.1-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:15:14.409+10	446344
-2012-10-01-1349072114.89-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:15:23.11+10	667046
-2012-10-01-1349072123.3-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:15:31.074+10	600614
-2012-10-01-1349072131.25-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:15:37.708+10	484090
-2012-10-01-1349072247.61-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:17:31.451+10	322546
-2012-10-01-1349072252.45-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:17:35.116+10	223340
-2012-10-01-1349072255.56-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:17:45.88+10	865604
-2012-10-01-1349072266.14-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:17:50.551+10	327958
-2012-10-01-1349072273.02-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:18:04.515+10	909976
-2012-10-01-1349072284.84-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:18:11.361+10	545702
-2012-10-01-1349072292.33-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:18:16.927+10	385060
-2012-10-01-1349072297.1-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:18:20.335+10	270472
-2012-10-01-1349072301.08-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:18:29.901+10	743560
-2012-10-01-1349072310.08-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:18:39.529+10	772432
-2012-10-01-1349072320.13-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:18:46.823+10	562394
-2012-10-01-1349072424.9-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:20:28.652+10	312780
-2012-10-01-1349072430.0-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:20:33.866+10	323720
-2012-10-01-1349072434.88-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:20:42.31+10	622704
-2012-10-01-1349072442.55-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:20:45.398+10	237704
-2012-10-01-1349072445.6-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:20:49.638+10	336008
-2012-10-01-1349072450.11-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:20:52.485+10	198702
-2012-10-01-1349072452.69-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:21:17.806+10	2062712
-2012-10-01-1349072478.0-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:21:28.794+10	839208
-2012-10-01-1349072488.94-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:21:35.448+10	485880
-2012-10-01-1349072495.66-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:21:39.944+10	334984
-2012-10-01-1349072501.53-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:21:58.515+10	1423888
-2012-10-01-1349072518.67-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:22:08.159+10	796786
-2012-10-01-1349072530.13-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:22:14.59+10	372872
-2012-10-01-1349072535.35-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:22:18.142+10	235460
-2012-10-01-1349072613.61-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:23:36.071+10	208850
-2012-10-01-1349072664.74-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:24:27.961+10	271590
-2012-10-01-1349072669.07-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:24:34.312+10	438480
-2012-10-01-1349072674.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:24:38.263+10	323720
-2012-10-01-1349072678.63-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:24:41.014+10	200840
-2012-10-01-1349072681.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:25:19.403+10	3132642
-2012-10-01-1349072719.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:25:22.41+10	181760
-2012-10-01-1349072722.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:25:41.573+10	1521916
-2012-10-01-1349072741.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:25:44.645+10	201424
-2012-10-01-1349072744.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:25:55.233+10	817118
-2012-10-01-1349072755.99-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:26:11.34+10	1288844
-2012-10-01-1349072771.53-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:26:19.211+10	638562
-2012-10-01-1349072780.63-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:26:38.63+10	1449838
-2012-10-01-1349072798.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:26:43.556+10	351108
-2012-10-01-1349072804.11-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:26:51.986+10	658940
-2012-10-01-1349072812.36-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:26:54.802+10	203670
-2012-10-01-1349072815.49-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:27:01.413+10	497798
-2012-10-01-1349072822.75-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:27:08.543+10	485512
-2012-10-01-1349072828.71-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:27:11.605+10	218616
-2012-10-01-1349072832.21-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:27:16.507+10	323306
-2012-10-01-1349072889.36-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:28:12.523+10	264612
-2012-10-01-1349072892.78-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:28:15.658+10	241800
-2012-10-01-1349072896.04-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:28:25.175+10	766088
-2012-10-01-1349072905.38-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:28:35.364+10	837768
-2012-10-01-1349072946.48-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:29:10.714+10	354374
-2012-10-01-1349072951.64-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:29:15.033+10	282760
-2012-10-01-1349072956.23-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:29:31.489+10	1277822
-2012-10-01-1349073044.14-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:30:47.226+10	259450
-2012-10-01-1349073047.45-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:30:49.994+10	213128
-2012-10-01-1349073050.11-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:30:58.936+10	743560
-2012-10-01-1349073059.11-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:31:09.397+10	826768
-2012-10-01-1349073072.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:31:20.642+10	687708
-2012-10-01-1349073081.08-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:31:24+10	199298
-2012-10-01-1349073084.63-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:31:39.245+10	1224950
-2012-10-01-1349073100.55-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:31:44.107+10	299144
-2012-10-01-1349073104.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:31:53.913+10	813136
-2012-10-01-1349073114.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:32:01.894+10	621110
-2012-10-01-1349073122.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:32:06.565+10	318672
-2012-10-01-1349073126.7-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:32:11.123+10	323834
-2012-10-01-1349073476.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:37:59.347+10	208508
-2012-10-01-1349073481.12-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:38:08.257+10	600200
-2012-10-01-1349073488.48-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:38:14.382+10	487522
-2012-10-01-1349073494.58-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:38:19.519+10	413820
-2012-10-01-1349073499.71-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:38:23.117+10	274130
-2012-10-01-1349073503.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:38:31.162+10	643512
-2012-10-01-1349073511.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:38:41.768+10	843194
-2012-10-01-1349073521.95-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:38:50.614+10	684664
-2012-10-01-1349073530.88-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:39:01.826+10	878878
-2012-10-01-1349073542.1-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:39:09.665+10	617266
-2012-10-01-1349073550.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:39:21.117+10	798766
-2012-10-01-1349073561.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:39:24.684+10	249548
-2012-10-01-1349073564.82-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:39:31.674+10	510450
-2012-10-01-1349073571.9-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:39:37.896+10	450908
-2012-10-01-1349073855.95-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:44:21.002+10	422872
-2012-10-01-1349073862.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:44:26.281+10	356488
-2012-10-01-1349073866.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:44:43.253+10	1337302
-2012-10-01-1349073883.49-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:44:48.451+10	373622
-2012-10-01-1349073888.7-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:44:52.05+10	216418
-2012-10-01-1349073892.3-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:45:14.155+10	1824770
-2012-10-01-1349073914.36-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:45:40.309+10	2114228
-2012-10-01-1349073940.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:45:44.675+10	331526
-2012-10-01-1349073944.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:45:47.746+10	183824
-2012-10-01-1349073947.9-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:45:51.81+10	265356
-2012-10-01-1349073951.99-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:45:57.456+10	396920
-2012-10-01-1349074076.12-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:47:58.622+10	210794
-2012-10-01-1349074080.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:48:13.562+10	1112200
-2012-10-01-1349074093.86-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:48:20.344+10	542856
-2012-10-01-1349074100.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:48:24.455+10	303520
-2012-10-01-1349074104.71-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:48:30.422+10	416844
-2012-10-01-1349074644.64-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:57:31.831+10	604194
-2012-10-01-1349074694.17-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 16:58:20.975+10	570280
-2012-10-01-1349074701.95-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:58:30.364+10	702888
-2012-10-01-1349074710.58-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:58:43.571+10	1037094
-2012-10-01-1349074723.73-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:58:56.823+10	1037490
-2012-10-01-1349074737.13-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:59:17.233+10	1630004
-2012-10-01-1349074757.49-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 16:59:20.472+10	184482
-2012-10-01-1349075309.02-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 17:08:33.19+10	351220
-2012-10-01-1349075313.46-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 17:08:36.992+10	297096
-2012-10-01-1349075317.27-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 17:08:53.218+10	1277604
-2012-10-01-1349075333.48-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 17:09:12.523+10	1543156
-2012-10-01-1349075352.77-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 17:09:26.318+10	1081412
-2012-10-01-1349075366.47-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 17:09:33.41+10	520122
-2012-10-01-1349075589.46-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 17:13:13.056+10	300178
-2012-10-01-1349075593.31-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 17:13:17.006+10	309384
-2012-10-01-1349075864.02-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 17:17:49.695+10	473702
-2012-10-01-1349075869.91-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 17:17:55.901+10	497800
-2012-10-01-1349078506.84-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:01:52.925+10	510088
-2012-10-01-1349078513.38-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:01:56.78+10	286856
-2012-10-01-1349078518.1-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:02:05.428+10	611342
-2012-10-01-1349078526.62-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:02:10.687+10	339750
-2012-10-01-1349078531.31-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:02:14.877+10	295048
-2012-10-01-1349078535.37-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:02:17.995+10	221256
-2012-10-01-1349078538.39-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:02:26.916+10	679076
-2012-10-01-1349078547.06-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:02:36.617+10	741308
-2012-10-01-1349078556.81-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:02:45.014+10	625236
-2012-10-01-1349078565.3-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:02:51.314+10	441204
-2012-10-01-1349079229.09-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:13:57.063+10	668306
-2012-10-01-1349079385.99-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 18:16:29.179+10	267492
-2012-10-01-1349079389.9-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 18:16:33.035+10	260232
-2012-10-01-1349079393.22-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 18:16:43.471+10	802234
-2012-10-01-1349079403.78-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 18:16:51.646+10	595020
-2012-10-01-1349079980.36-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:26:22.848+10	209174
-2012-10-01-1349080027.94-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:27:10.458+10	208146
-2012-10-01-1349080418.08-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:33:41.616+10	296550
-2012-10-01-1349080422.82-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:33:53.849+10	920506
-2012-10-01-1349080434.17-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:34:21.629+10	2249698
-2012-10-01-1349080461.86-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:34:26.468+10	339968
-2012-10-01-1349080466.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:34:32.059+10	386706
-2012-10-01-1349080472.23-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:34:35.174+10	227228
-2012-10-01-1349080475.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:34:39.422+10	301370
-2012-10-01-1349080479.65-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:34:48.224+10	656006
-2012-10-01-1349080830.54-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:40:34.219+10	309048
-2012-10-01-1349080834.45-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:40:40.761+10	530568
-2012-10-01-1349080841.9-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:40:49.326+10	616834
-2012-10-01-1349080876.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:41:19.057+10	222326
-2012-10-01-1349080879.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:41:40.365+10	1759352
-2012-10-01-1349081159.01-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:01.591+10	218870
-2012-10-01-1349081161.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:04.512+10	239728
-2012-10-01-1349081164.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:10.355+10	483436
-2012-10-01-1349081170.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:17.107+10	548988
-2012-10-01-1349081177.2-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:19.98+10	235102
-2012-10-01-1349081180.08-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:22.246+10	182458
-2012-10-01-1349081182.34-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:30.531+10	623040
-2012-10-01-1349081190.93-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:35.016+10	321014
-2012-10-01-1349081195.99-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:41.879+10	452436
-2012-10-01-1349081201.98-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:45.871+10	264410
-2012-10-01-1349081206.18-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:46:53.692+10	624082
-2012-10-01-1349081793.98-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:56:36.471+10	209346
-2012-10-01-1349081910.49-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:58:34.523+10	338934
-2012-10-01-1349081915.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:58:38.577+10	280712
-2012-10-01-1349081918.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:58:42.011+10	282726
-2012-10-01-1349081922.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:58:44.868+10	221320
-2012-10-01-1349081924.96-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:58:50.359+10	454048
-2012-10-01-1349081930.47-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:58:53.568+10	253008
-2012-10-01-1349081933.65-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:59:17.913+10	1954976
-2012-10-01-1349081958.07-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:59:23.437+10	432182
-2012-10-01-1349081963.52-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 18:59:30.716+10	536282
-2012-10-01-1349082633.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:10:35.649+10	208430
-2012-10-01-1349082639.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:10:43.551+10	342152
-2012-10-01-1349082643.64-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:10:46.361+10	231560
-2012-10-01-1349082646.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:10:56.003+10	802896
-2012-10-01-1349082656.09-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:10:59.579+10	294256
-2012-10-01-1349082659.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:11:06.554+10	553266
-2012-10-01-1349082666.64-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:11:32.544+10	2099254
-2012-10-01-1349082692.63-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:11:44.133+10	962590
-2012-10-01-1349082704.22-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:11:54.925+10	842024
-2012-10-01-1349082715.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:12:00.767+10	449722
-2012-10-01-1349082720.85-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:12:10.745+10	734004
-2012-10-01-1349082959.72-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 19:16:02.199+10	208934
-2012-10-01-1349082989.51-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:16:38.254+10	733238
-2012-10-01-1349082998.83-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:16:41.536+10	229512
-2012-10-01-1349083002.71-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 19:16:49.292+10	553096
-2012-10-01-1349083292.9-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 19:21:36.259+10	281698
-2012-10-01-1349083296.35-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 19:21:38.886+10	215148
-2012-10-01-1349083298.97-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 19:21:42.588+10	305260
-2012-10-01-1349083302.68-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 19:21:45.045+10	200840
-2012-10-01-1349083305.8-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 19:22:03.222+10	1458312
-2012-10-01-1349084903.43-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 19:48:28.198+10	400568
-2012-10-01-1349084908.51-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 19:48:30.796+10	190600
-2012-10-01-1349085634.34-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:00:36.837+10	208356
-2012-10-01-1349086091.45-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:08:14.096+10	222528
-2012-10-01-1349086095.34-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:08:23.917+10	716270
-2012-10-01-1349086312.57-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 20:11:55.42+10	235380
-2012-10-01-1349086316.28-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 20:11:58.973+10	227464
-2012-10-01-1349086319.76-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 20:12:02.338+10	215176
-2012-10-01-1349086386.84-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:13:09.698+10	239108
-2012-10-01-1349086391.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:13:18.629+10	615574
-2012-10-01-1349086398.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:13:21.389+10	213128
-2012-10-01-1349087037.51-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:24:01.028+10	290074
-2012-10-01-1349087042.84-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:24:07.872+10	424044
-2012-10-01-1349087048.09-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:24:12.498+10	366728
-2012-10-01-1349087052.66-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:24:15.289+10	217200
-2012-10-01-1349087055.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:24:19.851+10	372826
-2012-10-01-1349087060.07-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:24:22.292+10	180060
-2012-10-01-1349087136.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:25:38.901+10	220602
-2012-10-01-1349087139.14-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:25:43.367+10	356488
-2012-10-01-1349087145.29-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:25:49.972+10	393352
-2012-10-01-1349087150.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:26:11.952+10	1705544
-2012-10-01-1349087172.78-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:26:16.003+10	266376
-2012-10-01-1349087177.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:26:20.278+10	259908
-2012-10-01-1349087180.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:26:23.261+10	212548
-2012-10-01-1349087183.46-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:26:47.349+10	1939322
-2012-10-01-1349087207.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:26:50.97+10	272478
-2012-10-01-1349087417.66-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 20:30:28.117+10	877634
-2012-10-01-1349087430.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:30:39.919+10	825480
-2012-10-01-1349087441.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:30:45.039+10	331886
-2012-10-01-1349087445.17-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:30:48.949+10	317576
-2012-10-01-1349087449.13-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:30:51.517+10	200840
-2012-10-01-1349087451.64-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:30:58.582+10	525714
-2012-10-01-1349087459.4-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:31:13.624+10	1190026
-2012-10-01-1349087473.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:31:22.811+10	749674
-2012-10-01-1349087483.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:31:27.516+10	343276
-2012-10-01-1349087487.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:31:31.027+10	218756
-2012-10-01-1349087693.19-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:35:01.109+10	662618
-2012-10-01-1349087956.97-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-01 20:39:25.435+10	707728
-2012-10-01-1349092642.58-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 21:57:25.443+10	236208
-2012-10-01-1349099640.68-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 23:54:03.503+10	236510
-2012-10-01-1349099645.09-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 23:54:12.452+10	620680
-2012-10-01-1349099653.68-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 23:54:29.373+10	1317182
-2012-10-01-1349099669.65-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 23:54:34.254+10	325830
-2012-10-01-1349099674.79-demo.wav	10301		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-01 23:54:39.31+10	323736
-2012-10-02-1349119076.14-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 05:17:58.661+10	209034
-2012-10-02-1349121763.96-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:02:46.488+10	209710
-2012-10-02-1349121767.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:02:50.922+10	313480
-2012-10-02-1349121800.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:03:24.225+10	303266
-2012-10-02-1349121805.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:03:29.089+10	317846
-2012-10-02-1349121809.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:03:31.706+10	196744
-2012-10-02-1349121811.98-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:03:34.418+10	204936
-2012-10-02-1349121815.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:03:41.644+10	558214
-2012-10-02-1349121822.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:03:47.37+10	384198
-2012-10-02-1349122370.28-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:12:53.826+10	295796
-2012-10-02-1349122374.51-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:12:57.872+10	282760
-2012-10-02-1349122378.47-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:13:02.315+10	323720
-2012-10-02-1349122382.57-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:13:16.961+10	1146110
-2012-10-02-1349122397.16-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:13:20.183+10	200648
-2012-10-02-1349122400.52-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:13:46.568+10	2148368
-2012-10-02-1349122426.88-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:14:08.176+10	1734836
-2012-10-02-1349122449.06-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:14:12.912+10	323654
-2012-10-02-1349122453.19-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:14:29.52+10	1365422
-2012-10-02-1349122469.78-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:14:41.225+10	899006
-2012-10-02-1349122481.6-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:14:45.579+10	267488
-2012-10-02-1349122714.58-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:18:37.08+10	210002
-2012-10-02-1349122868.6-demo.wav	44014		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:21:15.621+10	588260
-2012-10-02-1349122876.53-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:21:25.216+10	727662
-2012-10-02-1349122952.85-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:22:37.109+10	357372
-2012-10-02-1349122978.97-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:23:02.817+10	321672
-2012-10-02-1349123062.02-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:24:24.53+10	209874
-2012-10-02-1349123159.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:26:03.489+10	327654
-2012-10-02-1349123163.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:26:06.68+10	237704
-2012-10-02-1349123166.97-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:26:15.962+10	757548
-2012-10-02-1349123176.14-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:26:20.841+10	390552
-2012-10-02-1349123181.09-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:26:24.973+10	265356
-2012-10-02-1349123185.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:26:29.312+10	331418
-2012-10-02-1349123190.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:26:37.525+10	596770
-2012-10-02-1349123197.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:26:45.437+10	614118
-2012-10-02-1349123267.39-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:27:51.055+10	305552
-2012-10-02-1349123273.83-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:28:09.507+10	1319048
-2012-10-02-1349123672.64-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:34:35.913+10	272330
-2012-10-02-1349123740.31-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:35:44.289+10	330588
-2012-10-02-1349123745.43-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:35:50.761+10	447272
-2012-10-02-1349123751.02-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:35:53.68+10	223368
-2012-10-02-1349123755.97-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:36:00.619+10	387274
-2012-10-02-1349123761.3-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:36:09.769+10	708646
-2012-10-02-1349123770.04-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:36:15.557+10	462984
-2012-10-02-1349123775.72-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:36:19.6+10	327772
-2012-10-02-1349123780.26-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:36:26.836+10	555144
-2012-10-02-1349123788.69-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:36:35.019+10	531366
-2012-10-02-1349123795.4-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:36:44.788+10	756580
-2012-10-02-1349123807.57-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:36:51.278+10	310470
-2012-10-02-1349123811.69-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:36:54.277+10	217098
-2012-10-02-1349123814.55-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:36:56.892+10	188898
-2012-10-02-1349123942.77-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:39:06.674+10	325956
-2012-10-02-1349123948.45-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:39:13.118+10	390428
-2012-10-02-1349123953.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:39:18.796+10	452744
-2012-10-02-1349123959.11-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:39:22.48+10	282760
-2012-10-02-1349123964.23-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:39:31.046+10	514784
-2012-10-02-1349124076.79-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:41:20.402+10	301390
-2012-10-02-1349124080.67-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:41:23.608+10	247944
-2012-10-02-1349124083.78-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:41:26.256+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349124088.47-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:41:30.801+10	196744
-2012-10-02-1349124092.24-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:41:44.231+10	1006370
-2012-10-02-1349124105.34-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:41:51.855+10	546952
-2012-10-02-1349124112.15-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:41:55.955+10	309732
-2012-10-02-1349124116.58-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:42:04.853+10	672338
-2012-10-02-1349124125.13-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:42:12.271+10	590238
-2012-10-02-1349124132.81-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:42:17.151+10	305504
-2012-10-02-1349124414.97-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:47:01.545+10	552574
-2012-10-02-1349124421.84-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:47:05.82+10	336008
-2012-10-02-1349124427.73-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:47:10.636+10	245852
-2012-10-02-1349124430.97-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:47:17.415+10	519458
-2012-10-02-1349124437.62-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:47:26.154+10	703668
-2012-10-02-1349124446.44-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:47:29.855+10	256494
-2012-10-02-1349124450.72-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:47:33.348+10	195542
-2012-10-02-1349124925.99-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:55:31.344+10	449924
-2012-10-02-1349124932.01-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:55:43.952+10	1003656
-2012-10-02-1349124945.59-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:55:48.621+10	254088
-2012-10-02-1349124949.18-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:55:57.607+10	708744
-2012-10-02-1349124958.64-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:56:01.722+10	258184
-2012-10-02-1349124962.24-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:56:05.064+10	237704
-2012-10-02-1349124965.66-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:56:10.469+10	403522
-2012-10-02-1349124970.75-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:56:18.29+10	591022
-2012-10-02-1349124978.56-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 06:56:22.507+10	268250
-2012-10-02-1349125009.37-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:56:53.241+10	325768
-2012-10-02-1349125014.54-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:56:57.851+10	278664
-2012-10-02-1349125018.14-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:57:04.71+10	553022
-2012-10-02-1349125025.32-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:57:11.441+10	514162
-2012-10-02-1349125031.89-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:57:24.487+10	1055746
-2012-10-02-1349125044.82-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:57:30.5+10	451626
-2012-10-02-1349125155.87-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:59:20.781+10	411440
-2012-10-02-1349125162.89-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:59:27.64+10	399496
-2012-10-02-1349125168.2-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:59:31.756+10	299014
-2012-10-02-1349125173.46-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 06:59:35.87+10	195702
-2012-10-02-1349125246.55-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:00:52.054+10	462218
-2012-10-02-1349125252.25-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:00:55.004+10	229512
-2012-10-02-1349125255.52-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:00:59.726+10	352392
-2012-10-02-1349125260.52-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:01:05.309+10	400132
-2012-10-02-1349125266.15-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:01:10.094+10	318742
-2012-10-02-1349125324.96-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:02:07.445+10	208582
-2012-10-02-1349125328.34-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:02:11.608+10	276616
-2012-10-02-1349125332.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:02:17.765+10	425912
-2012-10-02-1349125338.05-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:02:22.024+10	333960
-2012-10-02-1349125342.2-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:02:27.128+10	413682
-2012-10-02-1349125347.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:02:31.132+10	273706
-2012-10-02-1349125357.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:02:44.258+10	497128
-2012-10-02-1349125364.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:02:49.091+10	369926
-2012-10-02-1349125415.32-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:03:38.818+10	294102
-2012-10-02-1349125420.24-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:03:48.054+10	653918
-2012-10-02-1349125428.31-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:03:50.447+10	180360
-2012-10-02-1349125430.73-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:03:54.738+10	336008
-2012-10-02-1349125437.35-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:04:05.422+10	678024
-2012-10-02-1349125447.44-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:04:13.7+10	526472
-2012-10-02-1349125454.85-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:04:28.278+10	1123846
-2012-10-02-1349125470.39-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:04:32.681+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349125537.83-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:05:41.818+10	333010
-2012-10-02-1349125543.5-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:05:49.905+10	535568
-2012-10-02-1349125551.56-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:05:54.8+10	272520
-2012-10-02-1349125555.05-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:05:58.118+10	258182
-2012-10-02-1349125558.52-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:06:02.043+10	264860
-2012-10-02-1349125562.36-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:06:07.721+10	434372
-2012-10-02-1349125652.85-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:07:36.603+10	314550
-2012-10-02-1349125658.07-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:07:44.498+10	535978
-2012-10-02-1349125664.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:08:01.978+10	1417414
-2012-10-02-1349125682.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:08:05.344+10	229180
-2012-10-02-1349125757.11-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:09:21.322+10	352450
-2012-10-02-1349125765.24-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:09:29.742+10	379016
-2012-10-02-1349125770.44-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:09:35.406+10	417902
-2012-10-02-1349125775.67-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:09:41.881+10	497614
-2012-10-02-1349125782.87-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:09:48.405+10	452680
-2012-10-02-1349125788.92-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:09:56.697+10	622842
-2012-10-02-1349125797.01-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:10:03.269+10	510310
-2012-10-02-1349125804.1-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:10:07.735+10	302678
-2012-10-02-1349125837.77-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:10:40.252+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349125843.57-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:10:51.152+10	637064
-2012-10-02-1349125851.61-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:11:01.21+10	805000
-2012-10-02-1349125861.39-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:11:07.68+10	528520
-2012-10-02-1349125868.28-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:11:15.894+10	590224
-2012-10-02-1349125876.11-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:11:20.831+10	337296
-2012-10-02-1349125881.12-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:11:25.357+10	292968
-2012-10-02-1349125885.62-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:11:29.662+10	275976
-2012-10-02-1349125974.66-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:12:57.842+10	266666
-2012-10-02-1349125979.44-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:13:02.149+10	227464
-2012-10-02-1349126084.21-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:14:46.83+10	220264
-2012-10-02-1349126087.16-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:14:51.089+10	329864
-2012-10-02-1349126093.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:15:05.778+10	1046014
-2012-10-02-1349126107.48-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:15:24.086+10	1334184
-2012-10-02-1349126125.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:15:29.334+10	362130
-2012-10-02-1349126129.85-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:15:31.983+10	180360
-2012-10-02-1349126132.32-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:15:38.889+10	551048
-2012-10-02-1349126139.03-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:15:41.34+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349126308.14-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:18:31.781+10	304136
-2012-10-02-1349126312.93-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:18:38.24+10	444894
-2012-10-02-1349126318.63-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:18:45.919+10	612488
-2012-10-02-1349126326.48-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:18:52.058+10	469128
-2012-10-02-1349126332.32-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:19:01.571+10	748942
-2012-10-02-1349126341.84-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:19:04.688+10	183076
-2012-10-02-1349126345.47-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:19:09.356+10	290824
-2012-10-02-1349126349.58-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:19:12.767+10	206114
-2012-10-02-1349126353.06-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:19:26.303+10	1049238
-2012-10-02-1349126366.54-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:19:30.92+10	304752
-2012-10-02-1349126371.14-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:19:34.183+10	195450
-2012-10-02-1349126374.37-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:19:39.136+10	335120
-2012-10-02-1349126381.56-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:19:44.874+10	255774
-2012-10-02-1349126526.12-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:22:09.647+10	296886
-2012-10-02-1349126530.89-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:22:14.863+10	331878
-2012-10-02-1349126535.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:22:19.583+10	313362
-2012-10-02-1349126542.34-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:22:24.704+10	200840
-2012-10-02-1349126545.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:22:29.409+10	368720
-2012-10-02-1349126549.7-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:22:32.518+10	204812
-2012-10-02-1349126553.33-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:22:43.285+10	836734
-2012-10-02-1349126563.98-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:22:46.747+10	231560
-2012-10-02-1349126568.61-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:22:51.868+10	276616
-2012-10-02-1349127134.03-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:32:17.401+10	281438
-2012-10-02-1349127137.66-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:32:20.989+10	280712
-2012-10-02-1349127226.95-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:33:49.677+10	228198
-2012-10-02-1349127231.46-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:33:54.653+10	268424
-2012-10-02-1349127235.33-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:34:00.078+10	399496
-2012-10-02-1349127241.14-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:34:04.447+10	278664
-2012-10-02-1349127244.74-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:34:07.319+10	215720
-2012-10-02-1349127248.04-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:34:11.083+10	236974
-2012-10-02-1349127292.08-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:34:57.941+10	492108
-2012-10-02-1349127298.23-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:35:01.132+10	243848
-2012-10-02-1349127301.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:35:10.83+10	754836
-2012-10-02-1349127313.84-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:35:23.09+10	774300
-2012-10-02-1349127324.09-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:35:29.643+10	462482
-2012-10-02-1349127330.16-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:35:33.918+10	315528
-2012-10-02-1349127334.7-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:35:38.012+10	278654
-2012-10-02-1349127338.92-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:35:44.08+10	430984
-2012-10-02-1349127345.0-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:35:53.421+10	707126
-2012-10-02-1349127353.71-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:35:57.574+10	325768
-2012-10-02-1349127357.83-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:36:00.077+10	188474
-2012-10-02-1349127360.35-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:36:05.976+10	472118
-2012-10-02-1349127366.67-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:36:15.828+10	768136
-2012-10-02-1349127376.04-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:36:21.87+10	468004
-2012-10-02-1349127382.16-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:36:26.604+10	350414
-2012-10-02-1349127386.82-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:36:45.838+10	1594092
-2012-10-02-1349127502.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:38:25.55+10	260424
-2012-10-02-1349127507.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:38:35.152+10	669832
-2012-10-02-1349127515.46-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:38:39.81+10	364680
-2012-10-02-1349127520.11-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:38:42.729+10	221320
-2012-10-02-1349127522.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:38:50.688+10	622578
-2012-10-02-1349127535.09-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:39:00.562+10	415002
-2012-10-02-1349127543.15-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:39:16.575+10	1125972
-2012-10-02-1349127556.79-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:39:21.248+10	304012
-2012-10-02-1349127561.45-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:39:30.705+10	739366
-2012-10-02-1349127570.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:39:34.168+10	217930
-2012-10-02-1349127575.22-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:39:38.793+10	236042
-2012-10-02-1349127580.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:39:44.104+10	313106
-2012-10-02-1349127585.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:39:50.214+10	360088
-2012-10-02-1349127592.18-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:39:56.928+10	361756
-2012-10-02-1349127597.22-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:40:05.476+10	658698
-2012-10-02-1349127605.77-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:40:10.086+10	345056
-2012-10-02-1349127610.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:40:19.638+10	755040
-2012-10-02-1349127619.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:40:23.611+10	278920
-2012-10-02-1349127624.39-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:40:35.286+10	916120
-2012-10-02-1349127653.64-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:40:57.677+10	340104
-2012-10-02-1349127659.56-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:41:13.867+10	1204360
-2012-10-02-1349127674.64-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:41:18.184+10	297096
-2012-10-02-1349127679.58-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:41:23.41+10	321672
-2012-10-02-1349127684.11-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:41:28.736+10	354902
-2012-10-02-1349127689.09-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:41:36.787+10	647304
-2012-10-02-1349127697.46-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:41:43.164+10	479368
-2012-10-02-1349127703.49-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:41:48.17+10	333260
-2012-10-02-1349127708.41-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:41:52.118+10	247852
-2012-10-02-1349127712.57-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:41:57.523+10	415836
-2012-10-02-1349127718.7-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:42:01.878+10	263312
-2012-10-02-1349127722.16-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:42:10.109+10	611272
-2012-10-02-1349127730.41-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:42:13.981+10	238268
-2012-10-02-1349127734.24-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:42:17.792+10	242044
-2012-10-02-1349127738.28-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:42:22.812+10	380456
-2012-10-02-1349127743.77-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:42:29.542+10	485512
-2012-10-02-1349127750.51-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:42:42.731+10	1028232
-2012-10-02-1349127763.87-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:42:46.734+10	237704
-2012-10-02-1349127767.53-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:42:54.053+10	533048
-2012-10-02-1349127774.3-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:42:59.162+10	353410
-2012-10-02-1349127779.6-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:43:04.575+10	415874
-2012-10-02-1349127785.16-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:43:09.533+10	340410
-2012-10-02-1349127837.39-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:44:00.401+10	248160
-2012-10-02-1349127841.81-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 07:44:05.393+10	301192
-2012-10-02-1349128013.49-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:46:55.988+10	207652
-2012-10-02-1349128128.48-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:48:51.703+10	272076
-2012-10-02-1349128477.43-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:54:39.992+10	213326
-2012-10-02-1349128537.29-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:55:39.766+10	208388
-2012-10-02-1349128612.24-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:56:56.508+10	357398
-2012-10-02-1349128617.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:57:02.983+10	428156
-2012-10-02-1349128623.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:57:09.013+10	483464
-2012-10-02-1349128629.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 07:57:11.98+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349128984.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:03:08.385+10	365720
-2012-10-02-1349128990.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:03:14.733+10	362632
-2012-10-02-1349128995.9-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:03:21.495+10	471156
-2012-10-02-1349129001.77-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:03:26.393+10	388368
-2012-10-02-1349129006.66-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:03:46.296+10	1626118
-2012-10-02-1349129030.58-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:03:57.413+10	556468
-2012-10-02-1349129037.71-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:04:05.579+10	632988
-2012-10-02-1349129045.85-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:04:09.582+10	284134
-2012-10-02-1349129053.18-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:04:16.234+10	226552
-2012-10-02-1349129057.9-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:04:24.13+10	523088
-2012-10-02-1349129065.66-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:04:28.692+10	256136
-2012-10-02-1349129068.98-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:04:31.61+10	222584
-2012-10-02-1349129075.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:04:43.604+10	705290
-2012-10-02-1349129083.82-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:04:46.459+10	223368
-2012-10-02-1349129087.1-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:04:51.324+10	354440
-2012-10-02-1349129091.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:04:57.417+10	486288
-2012-10-02-1349129099.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:05:07.592+10	687284
-2012-10-02-1349129107.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:05:10.496+10	227464
-2012-10-02-1349129111.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:05:13.877+10	221320
-2012-10-02-1349129114.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:05:19.045+10	358536
-2012-10-02-1349129123.32-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:05:26.684+10	284592
-2012-10-02-1349129126.95-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:05:32.744+10	455558
-2012-10-02-1349129133.92-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:05:38.152+10	356430
-2012-10-02-1349129138.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:05:41.915+10	286856
-2012-10-02-1349129143.25-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:05:49.939+10	552518
-2012-10-02-1349129155.61-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:06:13.701+10	1519972
-2012-10-02-1349129173.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:06:16.556+10	219272
-2012-10-02-1349129177.01-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:06:20.8+10	319624
-2012-10-02-1349129184.21-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:06:33.727+10	792710
-2012-10-02-1349129194.77-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:06:52.893+10	1521354
-2012-10-02-1349129213.86-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:07:07.201+10	1119798
-2012-10-02-1349129227.92-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:07:26.139+10	1532040
-2012-10-02-1349129333.62-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:08:56.099+10	207936
-2012-10-02-1349129336.34-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:08:59.561+10	272520
-2012-10-02-1349129341.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:09:04.202+10	219272
-2012-10-02-1349129345.49-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:09:10.772+10	444534
-2012-10-02-1349129354.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:09:16.867+10	202012
-2012-10-02-1349129697.75-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:15:00.268+10	209464
-2012-10-02-1349129703.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:15:19.469+10	1327138
-2012-10-02-1349129720.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:15:26.487+10	510344
-2012-10-02-1349129726.7-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:15:33.346+10	553096
-2012-10-02-1349129733.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:15:35.85+10	190600
-2012-10-02-1349129736.45-demo.wav	44010	ACTION 44010	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:15:43.817+10	618632
-2012-10-02-1349129743.99-demo.wav	44010	ACTION 44010	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:15:50.542+10	551048
-2012-10-02-1349129750.74-demo.wav	44010	ACTION 44010	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:15:56.251+10	462854
-2012-10-02-1349129756.42-demo.wav	44010	ACTION 44010	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:16:01.541+10	400356
-2012-10-02-1349130137.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:22:20.127+10	239360
-2012-10-02-1349130141.25-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:22:23.733+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349130144.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:22:28.166+10	348296
-2012-10-02-1349130148.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:22:41.133+10	1065424
-2012-10-02-1349130161.32-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:22:45.422+10	304058
-2012-10-02-1349130165.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:22:54.672+10	749360
-2012-10-02-1349130177.93-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:23:07.735+10	767234
-2012-10-02-1349130188.01-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:23:13.908+10	475232
-2012-10-02-1349130194.13-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:23:21.228+10	547808
-2012-10-02-1349130202.1-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:23:44.37+10	1872008
-2012-10-02-1349130224.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:23:47.034+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349130227.35-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:23:51.58+10	354440
-2012-10-02-1349130231.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:23:59.506+10	647226
-2012-10-02-1349130243.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:24:08.963+10	498598
-2012-10-02-1349130251.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:24:17.575+10	551048
-2012-10-02-1349130258.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:24:22.695+10	391304
-2012-10-02-1349130265.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:24:35.167+10	788598
-2012-10-02-1349130276.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:24:40.973+10	368776
-2012-10-02-1349130281.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:24:44.307+10	254082
-2012-10-02-1349130363.85-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:26:08.881+10	419192
-2012-10-02-1349130369.05-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:26:13.63+10	385160
-2012-10-02-1349130373.93-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:26:16.758+10	239752
-2012-10-02-1349130377.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:26:26.263+10	776160
-2012-10-02-1349130386.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:26:36.98+10	852244
-2012-10-02-1349130397.14-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:26:46.215+10	728628
-2012-10-02-1349130406.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:26:50.282+10	257416
-2012-10-02-1349130410.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:26:55.689+10	404908
-2012-10-02-1349131017.75-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:37:00.263+10	209882
-2012-10-02-1349131173.84-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:39:36.325+10	208984
-2012-10-02-1349131179.54-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:39:47.887+10	699332
-2012-10-02-1349131267.16-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:41:09.636+10	207684
-2012-10-02-1349131271.47-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:41:27.244+10	1327240
-2012-10-02-1349131287.52-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:41:30.052+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349131550.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:45:53.118+10	210266
-2012-10-02-1349131553.39-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:45:56.053+10	223368
-2012-10-02-1349131557.98-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:46:00.233+10	190600
-2012-10-02-1349131561.76-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:46:13.74+10	996696
-2012-10-02-1349131576.14-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:46:19.181+10	243374
-2012-10-02-1349131580.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:46:24.332+10	316346
-2012-10-02-1349131585.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:46:29.292+10	249504
-2012-10-02-1349131591.44-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:46:37.922+10	544980
-2012-10-02-1349131604.21-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:46:59.867+10	1317000
-2012-10-02-1349131620.26-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:47:05.72+10	456840
-2012-10-02-1349131625.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:47:14.684+10	731994
-2012-10-02-1349131637.49-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:47:29.135+10	977878
-2012-10-02-1349131678.8-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:48:01.53+10	229464
-2012-10-02-1349131682.21-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:48:06.76+10	383112
-2012-10-02-1349131687.43-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:48:31.036+10	1932416
-2012-10-02-1349131711.94-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:48:37.019+10	427082
-2012-10-02-1349131958.84-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:52:41.325+10	207964
-2012-10-02-1349131961.62-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:52:44.547+10	245896
-2012-10-02-1349131965.75-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:52:49.3+10	299144
-2012-10-02-1349131970.07-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:52:53.255+10	260990
-2012-10-02-1349132025.52-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:53:49.22+10	310104
-2012-10-02-1349132030.38-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:53:53.638+10	274568
-2012-10-02-1349132034.82-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:54:16.429+10	1813832
-2012-10-02-1349132057.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:54:21.086+10	323720
-2012-10-02-1349132061.55-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:54:25.745+10	354440
-2012-10-02-1349132067.56-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:54:33.113+10	465520
-2012-10-02-1349132073.38-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:54:37.707+10	364680
-2012-10-02-1349132078.68-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:54:48.298+10	776538
-2012-10-02-1349132088.59-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:54:52.158+10	251034
-2012-10-02-1349132360.26-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:59:22.734+10	207704
-2012-10-02-1349132363.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:59:25.62+10	200840
-2012-10-02-1349132365.93-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:59:30.804+10	409736
-2012-10-02-1349132371.09-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 08:59:34.919+10	323708
-2012-10-02-1349132375.51-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 08:59:52.093+10	1385706
-2012-10-02-1349132393.07-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:00:02.109+10	757328
-2012-10-02-1349132403.25-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:00:05.984+10	229512
-2012-10-02-1349132448.34-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:00:52.029+10	307654
-2012-10-02-1349132453.82-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:01:07.58+10	1157256
-2012-10-02-1349132467.91-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:01:12.222+10	362632
-2012-10-02-1349132531.44-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:02:26.177+10	1240548
-2012-10-02-1349132547.1-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:02:31.228+10	344570
-2012-10-02-1349132551.72-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:02:38.434+10	563336
-2012-10-02-1349132559.74-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:02:54.048+10	1202312
-2012-10-02-1349132681.11-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:04:43.866+10	229442
-2012-10-02-1349132685.52-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:05:21.154+10	2968332
-2012-10-02-1349132758.52-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:06:03.01+10	376388
-2012-10-02-1349132763.43-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:06:05.729+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349132994.72-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:09:57.244+10	208436
-2012-10-02-1349133000.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:10:04.964+10	354440
-2012-10-02-1349133074.34-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:11:18.1+10	315576
-2012-10-02-1349133079.1-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:11:24.655+10	467080
-2012-10-02-1349133086.81-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:11:35.893+10	764038
-2012-10-02-1349133096.5-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:11:41.109+10	387208
-2012-10-02-1349133101.27-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:11:43.83+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349133104.25-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:11:52.122+10	607892
-2012-10-02-1349133113.04-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:12:13.589+10	1728096
-2012-10-02-1349133151.64-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:12:34.1+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349133173.84-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:12:56.142+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349133201.96-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:13:25.773+10	321384
-2012-10-02-1349133207.18-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:13:29.537+10	198792
-2012-10-02-1349133210.52-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:13:34.578+10	342152
-2012-10-02-1349133215.3-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:13:43.558+10	692036
-2012-10-02-1349133224.0-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:13:48.23+10	306892
-2012-10-02-1349133228.76-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:13:54.897+10	512184
-2012-10-02-1349133236.91-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:14:02.92+10	505990
-2012-10-02-1349133243.49-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:14:06.748+10	269158
-2012-10-02-1349133247.91-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:14:25.551+10	1483470
-2012-10-02-1349133288.17-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:14:51.134+10	247944
-2012-10-02-1349133292.65-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:14:59.157+10	545992
-2012-10-02-1349133345.64-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:15:48.708+10	255920
-2012-10-02-1349133350.41-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:15:58.277+10	661640
-2012-10-02-1349133358.48-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:16:06.061+10	637064
-2012-10-02-1349133366.4-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:16:11.818+10	453092
-2012-10-02-1349133372.11-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:16:21.771+10	757522
-2012-10-02-1349133429.3-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:17:11.817+10	209676
-2012-10-02-1349133435.56-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:17:26.005+10	878728
-2012-10-02-1349133446.59-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:17:30.447+10	323720
-2012-10-02-1349133451.34-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:17:35.109+10	317560
-2012-10-02-1349133455.86-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:17:40.139+10	339822
-2012-10-02-1349133537.16-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:18:59.675+10	209556
-2012-10-02-1349133543.05-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:19:08.286+10	440456
-2012-10-02-1349133549.34-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:19:16.453+10	593604
-2012-10-02-1349133556.66-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:19:22.513+10	493704
-2012-10-02-1349133562.7-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:19:28.528+10	485880
-2012-10-02-1349133568.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:19:39.324+10	888966
-2012-10-02-1349133579.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:19:45.018+10	397776
-2012-10-02-1349133585.3-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:19:49.9+10	328352
-2012-10-02-1349133592.88-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:20:00.004+10	598310
-2012-10-02-1349133600.25-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:20:17.449+10	1442208
-2012-10-02-1349133643.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:20:45.838+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349133647.08-demo.wav	i1045263		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:21:08.978+10	1840640
-2012-10-02-1349133669.1-demo.wav	i1045263		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:21:11.817+10	227464
-2012-10-02-1349133673.14-demo.wav	i1045263		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:21:26.667+10	1136776
-2012-10-02-1349133686.94-demo.wav	i1045263		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:21:31.835+10	411784
-2012-10-02-1349133694.53-demo.wav	i1045263		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:21:44.72+10	855076
-2012-10-02-1349133819.14-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:23:42.018+10	240038
-2012-10-02-1349133858.25-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:24:20.773+10	209976
-2012-10-02-1349133862.08-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:24:27.475+10	450074
-2012-10-02-1349133868.03-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:24:31.479+10	290952
-2012-10-02-1349133956.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:25:58.988+10	209610
-2012-10-02-1349133962.36-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:26:17.394+10	1265800
-2012-10-02-1349133978.39-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:26:25.113+10	562390
-2012-10-02-1349133985.7-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:26:29.644+10	331912
-2012-10-02-1349133990.47-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:26:43.758+10	1116144
-2012-10-02-1349134006.4-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:26:51.767+10	451046
-2012-10-02-1349134012.81-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:26:56.568+10	315528
-2012-10-02-1349134017.61-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:27:06.68+10	764040
-2012-10-02-1349134027.14-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:27:11.483+10	364680
-2012-10-02-1349134031.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:27:20.559+10	695816
-2012-10-02-1349134044.05-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:27:31.913+10	660726
-2012-10-02-1349134052.94-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:27:41.277+10	702600
-2012-10-02-1349134062.41-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:27:47.13+10	399496
-2012-10-02-1349134104.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:28:27.434+10	208792
-2012-10-02-1349134108.32-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:28:32.794+10	376968
-2012-10-02-1349134113.5-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:28:37.898+10	368776
-2012-10-02-1349134118.52-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:28:53.193+10	1235080
-2012-10-02-1349134134.28-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:28:58.854+10	380402
-2012-10-02-1349134139.54-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:29:03.4+10	317030
-2012-10-02-1349134144.84-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:29:14.452+10	807662
-2012-10-02-1349134156.97-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:29:22.57+10	451486
-2012-10-02-1349134163.41-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:29:27.022+10	290612
-2012-10-02-1349134167.64-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:29:38.727+10	934024
-2012-10-02-1349134179.78-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:29:46.176+10	538760
-2012-10-02-1349134188.47-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:29:52.38+10	327816
-2012-10-02-1349134192.64-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:29:57.261+10	389256
-2012-10-02-1349134197.45-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:30:06.096+10	722070
-2012-10-02-1349134206.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:30:10.499+10	285040
-2012-10-02-1349134211.21-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:30:17.181+10	500988
-2012-10-02-1349134218.14-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:30:23.721+10	467352
-2012-10-02-1349134224.35-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:30:27.644+10	274568
-2012-10-02-1349134229.17-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:30:33.434+10	356986
-2012-10-02-1349134233.73-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:30:42.031+10	697834
-2012-10-02-1349134284.31-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:31:26.801+10	209004
-2012-10-02-1349134305.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:31:48.285+10	210692
-2012-10-02-1349134309.39-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:31:58.906+10	796840
-2012-10-02-1349134319.19-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:32:03.373+10	352392
-2012-10-02-1349134323.67-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:32:06.754+10	254088
-2012-10-02-1349134348.94-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:32:31.41+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349134352.37-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:32:37.185+10	401918
-2012-10-02-1349134476.15-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:34:41.177+10	419996
-2012-10-02-1349134508.66-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:35:13.937+10	442854
-2012-10-02-1349134514.53-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:35:27.428+10	1081380
-2012-10-02-1349134528.43-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:35:35.244+10	573576
-2012-10-02-1349134535.65-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:35:41.496+10	491576
-2012-10-02-1349134542.49-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:36:00.825+10	1540120
-2012-10-02-1349134627.86-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:37:11.131+10	273606
-2012-10-02-1349134632.21-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:37:20.25+10	672638
-2012-10-02-1349134640.55-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:37:28.883+10	702600
-2012-10-02-1349134649.17-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:37:38.73+10	758534
-2012-10-02-1349134659.08-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:37:42.936+10	264084
-2012-10-02-1349134663.38-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:37:47.991+10	387062
-2012-10-02-1349134766.89-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:39:30.408+10	297676
-2012-10-02-1349134771.93-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:39:39.292+10	618632
-2012-10-02-1349134780.25-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:39:44.38+10	348296
-2012-10-02-1349134784.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:39:53.774+10	772232
-2012-10-02-1349134794.99-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:40:02.225+10	607352
-2012-10-02-1349134803.91-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:40:06.597+10	225416
-2012-10-02-1349134861.18-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:41:05.113+10	328464
-2012-10-02-1349134866.07-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:41:09.418+10	280712
-2012-10-02-1349134869.69-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:41:12.736+10	256136
-2012-10-02-1349134874.23-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:41:17.441+10	268364
-2012-10-02-1349134882.47-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:41:31.127+10	727834
-2012-10-02-1349134893.25-demo.wav	44036		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:41:36.566+10	277166
-2012-10-02-1349134897.46-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:41:45.162+10	645264
-2012-10-02-1349134906.12-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:41:48.943+10	237704
-2012-10-02-1349134909.48-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:41:55.721+10	524424
-2012-10-02-1349134916.01-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:41:58.323+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349134918.59-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:42:02.836+10	355280
-2012-10-02-1349134923.33-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:42:10.699+10	620680
-2012-10-02-1349135137.03-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:45:40.074+10	257334
-2012-10-02-1349135165.15-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:46:08.417+10	273336
-2012-10-02-1349135187.07-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:46:29.964+10	243848
-2012-10-02-1349135190.18-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:46:33.839+10	309384
-2012-10-02-1349135194.47-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:46:38.354+10	323096
-2012-10-02-1349135199.75-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:46:44.972+10	434312
-2012-10-02-1349135205.26-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:46:50.443+10	426674
-2012-10-02-1349135211.51-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:46:56.903+10	417518
-2012-10-02-1349135217.56-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:47:10.875+10	1120340
-2012-10-02-1349135231.09-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:47:16.744+10	475272
-2012-10-02-1349135237.13-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:47:20.493+10	280712
-2012-10-02-1349135240.97-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:47:24.528+10	299144
-2012-10-02-1349135245.49-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:47:27.958+10	208808
-2012-10-02-1349135273.9-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:47:56.588+10	227464
-2012-10-02-1349135278.15-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:48:08.584+10	878728
-2012-10-02-1349135289.59-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:48:14.23+10	383408
-2012-10-02-1349135295.78-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:48:18.823+10	256136
-2012-10-02-1349135299.42-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:48:22.684+10	274568
-2012-10-02-1349135303.1-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:48:30.674+10	579166
-2012-10-02-1349135310.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:48:34.279+10	216908
-2012-10-02-1349135314.51-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:48:42.35+10	625592
-2012-10-02-1349135322.59-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:48:49.271+10	513332
-2012-10-02-1349135329.53-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:48:53.801+10	298526
-2012-10-02-1349135334.84-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:49:02.605+10	650860
-2012-10-02-1349135343.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:49:10.978+10	666090
-2012-10-02-1349135351.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:49:15.046+10	290164
-2012-10-02-1349135355.33-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:49:18.62+10	238558
-2012-10-02-1349135361.9-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:49:26.513+10	338378
-2012-10-02-1349135367.42-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:49:49.274+10	1837058
-2012-10-02-1349135389.49-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:49:58.885+10	788616
-2012-10-02-1349135645.18-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:54:09.265+10	343316
-2012-10-02-1349135650.52-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:54:15.054+10	377884
-2012-10-02-1349135655.4-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:54:23.65+10	692360
-2012-10-02-1349135664.86-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:54:29.377+10	376968
-2012-10-02-1349135670.16-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:54:51.082+10	1757320
-2012-10-02-1349135691.3-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:54:58.666+10	616582
-2012-10-02-1349135698.86-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:55:03.187+10	362632
-2012-10-02-1349135704.13-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:55:23.417+10	1620230
-2012-10-02-1349135751.47-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:55:55.969+10	378622
-2012-10-02-1349135757.67-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:56:14.16+10	1382478
-2012-10-02-1349135775.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:56:22.66+10	623920
-2012-10-02-1349135783.16-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:56:26.552+10	284808
-2012-10-02-1349135788.05-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:56:37.86+10	825410
-2012-10-02-1349135868.19-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:57:50.695+10	209024
-2012-10-02-1349135895.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:58:19.565+10	321664
-2012-10-02-1349135900.69-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:58:38.607+10	1505678
-2012-10-02-1349135919.62-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:58:45.163+10	464892
-2012-10-02-1349135926.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:58:48.513+10	211080
-2012-10-02-1349135930.09-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:59:02.116+10	991100
-2012-10-02-1349135942.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:59:06.041+10	304324
-2012-10-02-1349135949.91-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:59:24.941+10	1261828
-2012-10-02-1349135966.06-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:59:31.894+10	489608
-2012-10-02-1349135973.25-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 09:59:35.881+10	221320
-2012-10-02-1349135976.93-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 09:59:48.146+10	944050
-2012-10-02-1349135988.88-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:00:07.284+10	1542704
-2012-10-02-1349136007.49-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:00:14.907+10	624776
-2012-10-02-1349136015.65-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:00:18.592+10	247920
-2012-10-02-1349136131.51-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:02:14.102+10	219224
-2012-10-02-1349136136.05-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:02:18.983+10	245896
-2012-10-02-1349136139.75-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:02:29.158+10	791998
-2012-10-02-1349136149.56-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:02:44.756+10	1278088
-2012-10-02-1349136167.52-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:02:52.204+10	395400
-2012-10-02-1349136225.08-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:03:50.003+10	413006
-2012-10-02-1349136234.13-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:03:58.519+10	368776
-2012-10-02-1349136239.96-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:04:04.804+10	405064
-2012-10-02-1349136245.73-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:04:10.1+10	357278
-2012-10-02-1349136250.62-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:04:13.194+10	217224
-2012-10-02-1349136253.48-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:04:16.574+10	199886
-2012-10-02-1349136256.89-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:04:24.312+10	577958
-2012-10-02-1349136264.78-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:04:37.86+10	1099232
-2012-10-02-1349136278.13-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:04:42.253+10	316072
-2012-10-02-1349136282.53-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:04:46.368+10	262006
-2012-10-02-1349136313.81-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:05:19.239+10	455266
-2012-10-02-1349136319.68-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:05:22.987+10	278664
-2012-10-02-1349136323.96-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:05:30.754+10	569480
-2012-10-02-1349136330.96-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:05:36.416+10	403980
-2012-10-02-1349136336.88-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:05:47.755+10	913390
-2012-10-02-1349136399.73-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:06:42.251+10	209350
-2012-10-02-1349136403.44-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:06:52.217+10	733114
-2012-10-02-1349136414.29-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:06:57.194+10	243848
-2012-10-02-1349136417.72-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:07:03.702+10	503944
-2012-10-02-1349136424.55-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:07:07.354+10	231350
-2012-10-02-1349136428.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:07:17.641+10	791896
-2012-10-02-1349136438.48-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:07:25.663+10	604296
-2012-10-02-1349136445.96-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:07:30.209+10	356488
-2012-10-02-1349136450.53-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:07:35.696+10	434312
-2012-10-02-1349136456.29-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:07:42.108+10	489608
-2012-10-02-1349136462.39-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:07:45.25+10	237704
-2012-10-02-1349136465.84-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:07:49.221+10	280712
-2012-10-02-1349136469.45-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:07:55.267+10	441126
-2012-10-02-1349136475.56-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:07:58.601+10	192502
-2012-10-02-1349136592.73-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:09:55.292+10	213154
-2012-10-02-1349136598.19-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:10:07.361+10	766786
-2012-10-02-1349136610.07-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:10:20.264+10	858248
-2012-10-02-1349136620.54-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:10:24.921+10	368776
-2012-10-02-1349136625.8-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:10:28.766+10	249992
-2012-10-02-1349136629.48-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:10:43.676+10	1194120
-2012-10-02-1349136644.92-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:10:55.032+10	852104
-2012-10-02-1349136655.51-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:11:00.629+10	430216
-2012-10-02-1349136661.29-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:11:06.771+10	460936
-2012-10-02-1349136762.39-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:12:45.073+10	225092
-2012-10-02-1349136766.09-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:12:48.855+10	233608
-2012-10-02-1349136769.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:13:01.787+10	994608
-2012-10-02-1349136782.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:13:07.099+10	409254
-2012-10-02-1349136788.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:13:16.285+10	675532
-2012-10-02-1349136796.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:13:24.293+10	647304
-2012-10-02-1349136805.08-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:13:30.321+10	440456
-2012-10-02-1349137002.73-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:16:50.43+10	646514
-2012-10-02-1349137011.76-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:17:06.918+10	1271714
-2012-10-02-1349137027.11-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:17:11.276+10	350344
-2012-10-02-1349137052.16-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:17:35.646+10	293000
-2012-10-02-1349137073.03-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:17:55.497+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349137104.55-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:18:27.044+10	209250
-2012-10-02-1349137128.42-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:18:51.032+10	217234
-2012-10-02-1349137131.43-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:18:55.42+10	336008
-2012-10-02-1349137165.97-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:19:28.532+10	214688
-2012-10-02-1349137168.88-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:19:31.706+10	237704
-2012-10-02-1349137172.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:19:45.374+10	1103990
-2012-10-02-1349137185.64-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:19:59.026+10	1120558
-2012-10-02-1349137199.25-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:20:09.728+10	875936
-2012-10-02-1349137210.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:20:15.071+10	421156
-2012-10-02-1349137218.4-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:20:30.717+10	973482
-2012-10-02-1349137233.48-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:20:46.706+10	1111474
-2012-10-02-1349137311.15-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:21:57.116+10	501186
-2012-10-02-1349137318.26-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:22:10.569+10	1034724
-2012-10-02-1349137331.26-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:22:14.955+10	311432
-2012-10-02-1349137335.38-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:22:22.275+10	579720
-2012-10-02-1349137343.13-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:22:27.077+10	331574
-2012-10-02-1349137347.49-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:22:35.711+10	633938
-2012-10-02-1349137355.88-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:22:46.029+10	788654
-2012-10-02-1349137366.24-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:22:50.558+10	302536
-2012-10-02-1349137424.22-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:23:47.717+10	293198
-2012-10-02-1349137469.98-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:24:33.552+10	298318
-2012-10-02-1349137474.86-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:24:43.392+10	716936
-2012-10-02-1349137484.52-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:24:48.083+10	289866
-2012-10-02-1349137489.39-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:24:52.66+10	274564
-2012-10-02-1349137493.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:24:57.253+10	338056
-2012-10-02-1349137497.57-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:25:06.855+10	729560
-2012-10-02-1349137513.09-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:25:16.393+10	220798
-2012-10-02-1349137516.9-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:25:30.89+10	1175932
-2012-10-02-1349137531.12-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:25:34.113+10	252040
-2012-10-02-1349137534.39-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:25:36.569+10	184456
-2012-10-02-1349137537.94-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:25:40.175+10	188552
-2012-10-02-1349137580.62-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:26:23.713+10	259456
-2012-10-02-1349137584.97-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:26:27.668+10	225416
-2012-10-02-1349137589.87-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:26:33.156+10	273450
-2012-10-02-1349137657.04-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:27:39.523+10	208396
-2012-10-02-1349137783.96-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:29:49.524+10	468724
-2012-10-02-1349137790.51-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:29:57.108+10	553096
-2012-10-02-1349137863.06-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:31:05.588+10	209268
-2012-10-02-1349137869.02-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:31:19.751+10	903304
-2012-10-02-1349137880.68-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:31:22.813+10	180360
-2012-10-02-1349137883.41-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:31:29.129+10	479368
-2012-10-02-1349137889.41-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:31:33.836+10	374920
-2012-10-02-1349137894.14-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:31:36.739+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349137897.77-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:31:41.923+10	336802
-2012-10-02-1349137902.64-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:31:46.405+10	286266
-2012-10-02-1349137907.77-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:31:50.871+10	243086
-2012-10-02-1349137911.83-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:31:59.482+10	642390
-2012-10-02-1349137919.89-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:32:02.514+10	221320
-2012-10-02-1349137923.93-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:32:09.164+10	440452
-2012-10-02-1349137929.86-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:32:13.456+10	290308
-2012-10-02-1349137933.61-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:32:17.108+10	287778
-2012-10-02-1349137937.93-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:32:24.365+10	533974
-2012-10-02-1349137945.37-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:32:29.486+10	346018
-2012-10-02-1349137978.36-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:33:00.516+10	180360
-2012-10-02-1349137980.81-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:33:03.945+10	264328
-2012-10-02-1349137984.69-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:33:07.884+10	268424
-2012-10-02-1349137988.2-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:33:13.37+10	434312
-2012-10-02-1349137993.85-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:33:20.154+10	527590
-2012-10-02-1349138000.44-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:33:26.533+10	454706
-2012-10-02-1349138006.89-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:33:30.011+10	204010
-2012-10-02-1349138010.51-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:33:36.592+10	511784
-2012-10-02-1349138017.89-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:33:53.671+10	1325192
-2012-10-02-1349138034.05-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:33:56.621+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349138037.49-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:34:05.942+10	710762
-2012-10-02-1349138046.92-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:34:12.321+10	452108
-2012-10-02-1349138054.05-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:34:17.95+10	327816
-2012-10-02-1349138058.58-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:34:21.842+10	274568
-2012-10-02-1349138062.03-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:34:25.192+10	242072
-2012-10-02-1349138066.08-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:34:30.615+10	333072
-2012-10-02-1349138071.1-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:34:36.267+10	432498
-2012-10-02-1349138076.84-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:34:46.085+10	776218
-2012-10-02-1349138124.77-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:35:29.304+10	380518
-2012-10-02-1349138129.6-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:35:31.762+10	182408
-2012-10-02-1349138132.06-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:35:39.529+10	628872
-2012-10-02-1349138140.47-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:36:01.314+10	1751350
-2012-10-02-1349138162.29-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:36:09.432+10	597378
-2012-10-02-1349138170.5-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:36:16.567+10	507510
-2012-10-02-1349138177.59-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:36:28.314+10	901256
-2012-10-02-1349138191.38-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:36:37.102+10	481416
-2012-10-02-1349138245.07-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:37:29.363+10	359464
-2012-10-02-1349138251.43-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:37:34.915+10	288388
-2012-10-02-1349138256.12-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:37:52.952+10	1415634
-2012-10-02-1349138274.1-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:38:01.547+10	628872
-2012-10-02-1349138306.97-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:38:30.815+10	323720
-2012-10-02-1349138312.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:38:42.76+10	868488
-2012-10-02-1349138323.33-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:38:50.4+10	594056
-2012-10-02-1349138330.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:39:01.213+10	884618
-2012-10-02-1349138342.07-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:39:10.83+10	672000
-2012-10-02-1349138354.61-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:39:25.024+10	872690
-2012-10-02-1349138365.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:39:36.411+10	878566
-2012-10-02-1349138377.39-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:39:47.894+10	883248
-2012-10-02-1349138389.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:39:52.169+10	186504
-2012-10-02-1349138437.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:40:51.13+10	1185536
-2012-10-02-1349138452.06-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:41:06.568+10	1218628
-2012-10-02-1349138467.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:41:11.752+10	395400
-2012-10-02-1349138471.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:41:15.436+10	295024
-2012-10-02-1349138523.49-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:42:08.576+10	427770
-2012-10-02-1349138529.17-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:42:14.805+10	473224
-2012-10-02-1349138535.11-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:42:18.852+10	313480
-2012-10-02-1349138539.08-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:42:29.595+10	884872
-2012-10-02-1349138587.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:43:12.131+10	380606
-2012-10-02-1349138592.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:43:17.044+10	389256
-2012-10-02-1349138598.07-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:43:32.242+10	1189576
-2012-10-02-1349138612.76-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:43:35.848+10	258184
-2012-10-02-1349138768.46-demo.wav	40032	ESA 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:46:19.292+10	908032
-2012-10-02-1349138856.31-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:47:42.323+10	500128
-2012-10-02-1349138862.81-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:47:46.061+10	274568
-2012-10-02-1349138938.98-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:49:01.497+10	209674
-2012-10-02-1349138945.22-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:49:22.311+10	1437832
-2012-10-02-1349138966.01-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:49:30.684+10	395400
-2012-10-02-1349138971.81-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:49:35.342+10	297052
-2012-10-02-1349138975.76-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:49:38.276+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349138978.95-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:49:41.195+10	190600
-2012-10-02-1349138981.52-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:49:44.162+10	207404
-2012-10-02-1349139049.53-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:50:52.986+10	289836
-2012-10-02-1349139053.6-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:51:04.978+10	956552
-2012-10-02-1349139065.26-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:51:09.933+10	393352
-2012-10-02-1349139070.22-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:51:19.577+10	727052
-2012-10-02-1349139079.8-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:51:26.537+10	510258
-2012-10-02-1349139086.84-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:51:30.295+10	226994
-2012-10-02-1349139133.07-demo.wav	40066		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:52:15.591+10	209182
-2012-10-02-1349139137.18-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:52:28.78+10	977032
-2012-10-02-1349139151.4-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:52:36.468+10	422024
-2012-10-02-1349139157.69-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:52:41.333+10	305288
-2012-10-02-1349139162.31-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:52:44.636+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349139165.9-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:52:53.865+10	666896
-2012-10-02-1349139174.81-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:53:13.426+10	1561936
-2012-10-02-1349139193.72-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:53:16.077+10	198792
-2012-10-02-1349139196.61-demo.wav	44027		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:53:22.888+10	528520
-2012-10-02-1349139205.93-demo.wav	44027		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:53:44.722+10	1581192
-2012-10-02-1349139228.21-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:53:55.105+10	577672
-2012-10-02-1349139237.04-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:53:59.331+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349139240.22-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:54:02.426+10	186504
-2012-10-02-1349139243.22-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:54:06.605+10	286854
-2012-10-02-1349139247.14-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:54:10.577+10	285102
-2012-10-02-1349139250.88-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:54:14.405+10	255546
-2012-10-02-1349139255.12-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:54:19.669+10	382198
-2012-10-02-1349139260.89-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:54:23.466+10	217224
-2012-10-02-1349139269.99-demo.wav	44027		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:54:37.216+10	603338
-2012-10-02-1349139280.19-demo.wav	44027		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:54:46.05+10	491656
-2012-10-02-1349139287.77-demo.wav	44027		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:54:56.511+10	735330
-2012-10-02-1349139297.09-demo.wav	44027		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:55:02.349+10	405250
-2012-10-02-1349139302.8-demo.wav	44027		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:55:11.377+10	707398
-2012-10-02-1349139311.74-demo.wav	44027		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:55:16.114+10	320602
-2012-10-02-1349139316.85-demo.wav	44027		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:55:21.904+10	421146
-2012-10-02-1349139322.69-demo.wav	44027		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:55:26.322+10	274948
-2012-10-02-1349139390.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 10:56:35.459+10	438492
-2012-10-02-1349139491.39-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:58:15.368+10	329940
-2012-10-02-1349139498.34-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 10:58:22.938+10	387208
-2012-10-02-1349139658.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:01:02.827+10	348702
-2012-10-02-1349139664.93-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:01:12.747+10	657544
-2012-10-02-1349139675.7-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:01:30.753+10	1265800
-2012-10-02-1349139692.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:01:34.757+10	190600
-2012-10-02-1349139695.78-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:01:41.616+10	493704
-2012-10-02-1349139702.39-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:01:46.354+10	333960
-2012-10-02-1349139707.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:01:58.06+10	878728
-2012-10-02-1349139739.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:02:23.77+10	333960
-2012-10-02-1349139744.18-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:02:26.864+10	225416
-2012-10-02-1349139747.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:02:30.133+10	245896
-2012-10-02-1349139752.47-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:02:38.985+10	544904
-2012-10-02-1349139761.87-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:02:44.072+10	184456
-2012-10-02-1349139765.33-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:03:04.247+10	1591432
-2012-10-02-1349139785.41-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:03:11.056+10	470430
-2012-10-02-1349139791.6-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:03:19.494+10	665736
-2012-10-02-1349139799.83-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:03:22.796+10	249736
-2012-10-02-1349139803.62-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:03:28.346+10	356052
-2012-10-02-1349139808.58-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:03:34.678+10	454882
-2012-10-02-1349139815.07-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:03:38.284+10	214296
-2012-10-02-1349139818.59-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:03:49.225+10	836684
-2012-10-02-1349139830.55-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:03:56.929+10	497228
-2012-10-02-1349139837.53-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:04:04.824+10	611354
-2012-10-02-1349139846.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:04:15.046+10	708678
-2012-10-02-1349139856.48-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:04:26.609+10	840724
-2012-10-02-1349139867.01-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:04:34.87+10	646260
-2012-10-02-1349139877.37-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:04:41.14+10	304732
-2012-10-02-1349139882.12-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:04:50.279+10	685296
-2012-10-02-1349139891.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:04:55.461+10	340104
-2012-10-02-1349139895.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:05:00.534+10	409018
-2012-10-02-1349139900.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:05:03.389+10	212386
-2012-10-02-1349139903.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:05:09.259+10	452342
-2012-10-02-1349139909.91-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:05:18.095+10	684606
-2012-10-02-1349139918.3-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:05:21.796+10	295048
-2012-10-02-1349139922.06-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:05:24.618+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349139927.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:05:48.301+10	1755422
-2012-10-02-1349139978.9-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:06:22.846+10	331902
-2012-10-02-1349139983.25-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:06:35.876+10	1060978
-2012-10-02-1349139996.16-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:06:39.338+10	253862
-2012-10-02-1349139999.78-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:06:46.595+10	562414
-2012-10-02-1349140007.14-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:06:50.711+10	274930
-2012-10-02-1349140011.24-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:06:56.245+10	417302
-2012-10-02-1349140016.46-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:06:59.451+10	218402
-2012-10-02-1349140019.74-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:07:09.085+10	762766
-2012-10-02-1349140029.35-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:07:17.745+10	698170
-2012-10-02-1349140038.02-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:07:23.933+10	489530
-2012-10-02-1349140044.2-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:07:28.08+10	314514
-2012-10-02-1349140048.42-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:07:32.354+10	299458
-2012-10-02-1349140053.02-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:07:37.284+10	319610
-2012-10-02-1349140058.05-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:07:48.049+10	839318
-2012-10-02-1349140068.61-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:07:53.201+10	387178
-2012-10-02-1349140073.65-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:07:57.523+10	325768
-2012-10-02-1349140077.72-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:08:02.419+10	395396
-2012-10-02-1349140085.5-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:08:17.019+10	967882
-2012-10-02-1349140097.83-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:08:23.776+10	501896
-2012-10-02-1349140106.67-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:08:30.34+10	307282
-2012-10-02-1349140110.73-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:08:40.303+10	803678
-2012-10-02-1349140120.64-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:08:45.356+10	393068
-2012-10-02-1349140125.62-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:08:49.492+10	280872
-2012-10-02-1349140130.0-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:08:57.498+10	585350
-2012-10-02-1349140137.94-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:09:06.888+10	751396
-2012-10-02-1349140149.54-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:09:13.96+10	370824
-2012-10-02-1349140154.66-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:09:17.707+10	252040
-2012-10-02-1349140250.82-demo.wav	i1045311		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:10:53.302+10	208648
-2012-10-02-1349140277.01-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:11:20.415+10	285982
-2012-10-02-1349140303.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:11:46.063+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349140348.06-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:12:30.67+10	218098
-2012-10-02-1349140414.62-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:13:37.316+10	224122
-2012-10-02-1349140417.94-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:13:40.236+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349140421.35-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:13:58.416+10	1433736
-2012-10-02-1349140441.31-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:14:19.229+10	1504860
-2012-10-02-1349140459.5-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:14:22.548+10	256136
-2012-10-02-1349140463.23-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:14:25.881+10	223368
-2012-10-02-1349140466.08-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:14:31.638+10	467080
-2012-10-02-1349140472.08-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:14:35.053+10	249982
-2012-10-02-1349140475.35-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:14:38.929+10	241072
-2012-10-02-1349140479.17-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:14:41.832+10	196624
-2012-10-02-1349140482.74-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:14:46.409+10	308388
-2012-10-02-1349140487.09-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:15:09.646+10	1840808
-2012-10-02-1349140608.65-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:16:53.864+10	438034
-2012-10-02-1349140614.47-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:16:56.897+10	204936
-2012-10-02-1349140617.49-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:17:04.137+10	559240
-2012-10-02-1349140624.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:17:11.523+10	598152
-2012-10-02-1349140631.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:17:16.386+10	383082
-2012-10-02-1349140637.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:17:23.405+10	473950
-2012-10-02-1349140643.7-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:17:26.707+10	205972
-2012-10-02-1349140648.92-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:17:35.145+10	490374
-2012-10-02-1349140655.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:17:44.969+10	792516
-2012-10-02-1349140665.23-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:17:49.021+10	275364
-2012-10-02-1349140669.32-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:17:54.858+10	406822
-2012-10-02-1349140675.08-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:17:59.819+10	392976
-2012-10-02-1349140680.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:18:03.646+10	259012
-2012-10-02-1349140684.46-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:18:25.956+10	1807088
-2012-10-02-1349140706.23-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:18:28.446+10	186504
-2012-10-02-1349140709.87-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:18:32.513+10	223368
-2012-10-02-1349140713.67-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:18:37.123+10	290952
-2012-10-02-1349140894.23-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:21:37.282+10	254010
-2012-10-02-1349140898.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:21:40.887+10	180360
-2012-10-02-1349140901.02-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:21:47.459+10	542856
-2012-10-02-1349140908.38-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:21:52.292+10	321542
-2012-10-02-1349140912.65-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:21:55.976+10	218914
-2012-10-02-1349141079.45-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:24:43.218+10	316322
-2012-10-02-1349141259.11-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:27:41.604+10	209760
-2012-10-02-1349141345.41-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:29:08.024+10	217424
-2012-10-02-1349141349.01-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:29:12.603+10	299106
-2012-10-02-1349141452.49-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:30:56.788+10	360792
-2012-10-02-1349141479.05-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:31:22.626+10	299144
-2012-10-02-1349141505.08-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:31:47.557+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349141507.83-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:31:54.351+10	546952
-2012-10-02-1349141515.2-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:32:00.045+10	405640
-2012-10-02-1349141520.99-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:32:05.708+10	379146
-2012-10-02-1349141528.43-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:32:12.088+10	306470
-2012-10-02-1349141532.38-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:32:18.706+10	522002
-2012-10-02-1349141538.9-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:32:21.387+10	195966
-2012-10-02-1349141541.93-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:32:25.582+10	289732
-2012-10-02-1349141546.05-demo.wav	i1045214		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:32:29.855+10	314192
-2012-10-02-1349141551.0-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:32:49.169+10	1529326
-2012-10-02-1349141593.26-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:33:17.13+10	323720
-2012-10-02-1349141627.5-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:33:51.15+10	307238
-2012-10-02-1349141755.63-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:35:59.499+10	325710
-2012-10-02-1349141759.88-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:36:02.194+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349141763.04-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:36:06.74+10	311432
-2012-10-02-1349141766.93-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:36:11.191+10	358536
-2012-10-02-1349141771.45-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:36:16.438+10	397440
-2012-10-02-1349141776.81-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:36:22.722+10	435398
-2012-10-02-1349141785.63-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:36:45.832+10	1694570
-2012-10-02-1349141806.1-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:36:49.978+10	325768
-2012-10-02-1349141810.57-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:36:59.777+10	774280
-2012-10-02-1349141821.29-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:37:18.157+10	1414388
-2012-10-02-1349141964.08-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:39:26.576+10	208676
-2012-10-02-1349142037.46-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:40:39.996+10	209942
-2012-10-02-1349142041.39-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:40:51.469+10	847238
-2012-10-02-1349142052.21-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:40:56.143+10	329864
-2012-10-02-1349142056.91-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:41:04.231+10	612480
-2012-10-02-1349142064.34-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:41:09.306+10	417338
-2012-10-02-1349142069.44-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:41:14.174+10	363016
-2012-10-02-1349142108.28-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:41:51.959+10	307668
-2012-10-02-1349142113.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:42:06.32+10	1093808
-2012-10-02-1349142126.6-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:42:08.808+10	186504
-2012-10-02-1349142128.94-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:42:12.541+10	303240
-2012-10-02-1349142133.07-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:42:17.695+10	387208
-2012-10-02-1349142141.15-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:42:23.662+10	211080
-2012-10-02-1349142201.88-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:43:25.07+10	268938
-2012-10-02-1349142323.13-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:45:27.737+10	383316
-2012-10-02-1349142355.21-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:45:59.5+10	358622
-2012-10-02-1349142360.87-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:46:08.098+10	602826
-2012-10-02-1349142368.47-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:46:13.395+10	413832
-2012-10-02-1349142373.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:46:17.384+10	278304
-2012-10-02-1349142459.94-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:47:44.387+10	371664
-2012-10-02-1349142466.01-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:47:50.243+10	356488
-2012-10-02-1349142470.75-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:47:54.79+10	340104
-2012-10-02-1349142474.92-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:47:58.81+10	325768
-2012-10-02-1349142479.06-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:48:01.666+10	219272
-2012-10-02-1349142481.98-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:48:05.066+10	258080
-2012-10-02-1349142521.54-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:48:44.213+10	221044
-2012-10-02-1349142525.81-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:49:00.379+10	1218696
-2012-10-02-1349142540.57-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:49:04.04+10	290952
-2012-10-02-1349142544.98-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:49:22.303+10	1454644
-2012-10-02-1349142562.46-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:49:25.541+10	256136
-2012-10-02-1349142566.05-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:49:32.847+10	571528
-2012-10-02-1349142573.13-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:49:36.611+10	290922
-2012-10-02-1349142576.74-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:49:39.292+10	211114
-2012-10-02-1349142579.58-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:49:42.402+10	185366
-2012-10-02-1349142645.48-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:50:48.884+10	288904
-2012-10-02-1349142650.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:50:59.012+10	733710
-2012-10-02-1349142660.0-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:51:02.157+10	180360
-2012-10-02-1349142663.2-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:51:10.243+10	592004
-2012-10-02-1349142730.37-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:52:16.919+10	548586
-2012-10-02-1349142737.28-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:52:22.598+10	448648
-2012-10-02-1349142743.06-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:52:25.9+10	239748
-2012-10-02-1349142746.18-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:52:30.846+10	329412
-2012-10-02-1349142751.16-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:52:36.428+10	444552
-2012-10-02-1349142757.06-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:52:41.404+10	364680
-2012-10-02-1349142761.71-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:52:46.143+10	370824
-2012-10-02-1349142766.58-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:52:52.939+10	524492
-2012-10-02-1349142775.53-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:53:13.644+10	1517486
-2012-10-02-1349142795.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:53:23.024+10	608392
-2012-10-02-1349142803.17-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:53:28.751+10	469128
-2012-10-02-1349142810.23-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:53:34.032+10	317564
-2012-10-02-1349142816.71-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:53:52.106+10	1292416
-2012-10-02-1349142881.88-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:54:46.359+10	375622
-2012-10-02-1349142887.77-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:54:55.945+10	684364
-2012-10-02-1349142896.65-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:55:03.81+10	602248
-2012-10-02-1349142903.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:55:10.112+10	486168
-2012-10-02-1349142911.09-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:55:14.164+10	227172
-2012-10-02-1349142914.94-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:55:20.019+10	427904
-2012-10-02-1349142920.96-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:55:37.327+10	1372214
-2012-10-02-1349142937.77-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:55:42.848+10	426120
-2012-10-02-1349142964.11-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:56:06.632+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349142966.83-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:56:12.04+10	434312
-2012-10-02-1349142973.61-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:56:18.197+10	387208
-2012-10-02-1349142979.15-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:56:23.812+10	391304
-2012-10-02-1349142985.8-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:56:32.714+10	582326
-2012-10-02-1349142993.89-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:56:41.041+10	599208
-2012-10-02-1349143004.18-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:56:55.796+10	976930
-2012-10-02-1349143016.32-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:57:00.933+10	370732
-2012-10-02-1349143021.19-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:57:10.792+10	754400
-2012-10-02-1349143031.08-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:57:18.623+10	619682
-2012-10-02-1349143038.82-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:57:24.797+10	449066
-2012-10-02-1349143045.19-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:57:29.248+10	333440
-2012-10-02-1349143050.32-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:57:33.666+10	270316
-2012-10-02-1349143055.05-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:57:39.775+10	395398
-2012-10-02-1349143060.38-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:57:43.669+10	270308
-2012-10-02-1349143064.27-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 11:57:47.131+10	188442
-2012-10-02-1349143098.84-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:58:22.164+10	280676
-2012-10-02-1349143102.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:58:28.785+10	530568
-2012-10-02-1349143109.07-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 11:58:32.645+10	303240
-2012-10-02-1349143216.41-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:00:18.944+10	208892
-2012-10-02-1349143277.55-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:01:20.077+10	208996
-2012-10-02-1349143281.19-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:01:25.691+10	371864
-2012-10-02-1349143286.66-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:01:34.563+10	662836
-2012-10-02-1349143295.65-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:01:41.501+10	491656
-2012-10-02-1349143303.39-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:01:46.687+10	272520
-2012-10-02-1349143307.48-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:02:07.216+10	1321990
-2012-10-02-1349143327.44-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:02:09.928+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349143330.85-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:02:18.35+10	619586
-2012-10-02-1349143339.32-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:02:30.665+10	949844
-2012-10-02-1349143352.35-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:02:34.542+10	184456
-2012-10-02-1349143354.84-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:02:40.013+10	434312
-2012-10-02-1349143361.12-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:02:43.3+10	184154
-2012-10-02-1349143403.18-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:03:27.102+10	328932
-2012-10-02-1349143409.08-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:03:39.944+10	913708
-2012-10-02-1349143420.85-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:03:44.554+10	313480
-2012-10-02-1349143477.29-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:04:41.462+10	347960
-2012-10-02-1349143481.8-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:04:45.063+10	272520
-2012-10-02-1349143485.63-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:04:50.469+10	405640
-2012-10-02-1349143491.38-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:05:04.362+10	1089840
-2012-10-02-1349143634.93-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:07:20.468+10	463922
-2012-10-02-1349143642.77-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:07:26.88+10	345114
-2012-10-02-1349143647.05-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:07:33.181+10	516232
-2012-10-02-1349143683.04-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:08:09.087+10	507432
-2012-10-02-1349143691.27-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:08:16.65+10	450696
-2012-10-02-1349143697.33-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:08:22.807+10	458888
-2012-10-02-1349143788.53-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:09:51.176+10	222650
-2012-10-02-1349143792.51-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:10:02.185+10	810180
-2012-10-02-1349143803.13-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:10:08.407+10	438974
-2012-10-02-1349143808.68-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:10:12.685+10	327816
-2012-10-02-1349143813.8-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:10:21.14+10	615480
-2012-10-02-1349143821.79-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:10:26.005+10	356488
-2012-10-02-1349143828.89-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:10:32.147+10	274568
-2012-10-02-1349143832.69-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:10:36.614+10	329156
-2012-10-02-1349143838.97-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:10:45.212+10	521860
-2012-10-02-1349143845.37-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:10:55.58+10	808578
-2012-10-02-1349143856.46-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:11:00.493+10	335374
-2012-10-02-1349143861.39-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:11:17.306+10	1336336
-2012-10-02-1349143880.02-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:11:28.792+10	731272
-2012-10-02-1349143889.99-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:11:32.764+10	231560
-2012-10-02-1349143922.85-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:12:05.53+10	223982
-2012-10-02-1349143925.7-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:12:10.412+10	393352
-2012-10-02-1349143930.64-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:12:13.284+10	221320
-2012-10-02-1349143934.19-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:12:19.093+10	409736
-2012-10-02-1349143942.83-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:12:25.107+10	191974
-2012-10-02-1349144012.47-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:13:34.974+10	209412
-2012-10-02-1349144017.63-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:13:43.445+10	485512
-2012-10-02-1349144024.25-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:13:48.692+10	372872
-2012-10-02-1349144028.89-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:13:51.117+10	188552
-2012-10-02-1349144031.72-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:13:55.057+10	280712
-2012-10-02-1349144035.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:13:57.562+10	200840
-2012-10-02-1349144040.92-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:14:08.712+10	652794
-2012-10-02-1349144049.73-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:14:12.302+10	217224
-2012-10-02-1349144052.58-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:14:15.316+10	229512
-2012-10-02-1349144055.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:14:18.508+10	259982
-2012-10-02-1349144058.9-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:14:28.269+10	779210
-2012-10-02-1349144068.45-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:14:37.059+10	690274
-2012-10-02-1349144077.74-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:14:40.855+10	199316
-2012-10-02-1349144081.1-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:14:43.917+10	227242
-2012-10-02-1349144085.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:14:49.389+10	322464
-2012-10-02-1349144089.54-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:14:53.107+10	233372
-2012-10-02-1349144093.39-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:15:09.887+10	1372266
-2012-10-02-1349144110.01-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:15:13.541+10	243990
-2012-10-02-1349144113.84-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:15:17.896+10	279476
-2012-10-02-1349144655.11-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:24:18.275+10	263928
-2012-10-02-1349144659.66-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:24:23.619+10	331912
-2012-10-02-1349144663.84-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:24:27.479+10	307336
-2012-10-02-1349144668.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:24:31.612+10	239752
-2012-10-02-1349144671.79-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:24:36.492+10	395230
-2012-10-02-1349144676.88-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:24:40.178+10	267760
-2012-10-02-1349144680.4-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:24:44.645+10	356488
-2012-10-02-1349144685.09-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:24:48.139+10	196678
-2012-10-02-1349144689.21-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:25:09.004+10	1658710
-2012-10-02-1349144709.92-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:25:24.796+10	1247978
-2012-10-02-1349144724.99-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:25:27.508+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349144728.68-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:25:51.371+10	1902870
-2012-10-02-1349144752.38-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:26:01.693+10	782570
-2012-10-02-1349144762.64-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:26:16.242+10	1140108
-2012-10-02-1349144776.47-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:26:21.25+10	405640
-2012-10-02-1349144781.71-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:26:26.323+10	391304
-2012-10-02-1349144843.35-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:27:30.961+10	639624
-2012-10-02-1349144851.59-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:27:33.977+10	198792
-2012-10-02-1349144854.11-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:27:39.32+10	433800
-2012-10-02-1349144859.67-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:27:47.489+10	601488
-2012-10-02-1349144867.85-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:27:53.853+10	484088
-2012-10-02-1349144874.12-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:28:04.731+10	835358
-2012-10-02-1349144885.01-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:28:14.461+10	751208
-2012-10-02-1349144894.59-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:28:26.696+10	958062
-2012-10-02-1349144906.84-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:28:29.887+10	192296
-2012-10-02-1349144911.18-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:28:39.427+10	629840
-2012-10-02-1349144919.56-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:28:47.546+10	653144
-2012-10-02-1349144928.37-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:28:59.988+10	976176
-2012-10-02-1349144940.49-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:29:03.705+10	268424
-2012-10-02-1349144943.91-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:29:09.001+10	426120
-2012-10-02-1349144949.14-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:29:13.708+10	354722
-2012-10-02-1349145027.49-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:30:30.099+10	218954
-2012-10-02-1349145075.35-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:31:20.045+10	391934
-2012-10-02-1349145080.57-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:31:25.308+10	397448
-2012-10-02-1349145085.45-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:31:28.48+10	252040
-2012-10-02-1349145088.8-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:31:36.436+10	642316
-2012-10-02-1349145097.3-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:31:40.088+10	217904
-2012-10-02-1349145100.29-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:31:48.12+10	642316
-2012-10-02-1349145182.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:33:06.042+10	303328
-2012-10-02-1349145187.48-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:33:11.035+10	301192
-2012-10-02-1349145191.29-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:33:15.55+10	358536
-2012-10-02-1349145195.82-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:33:19.826+10	335028
-2012-10-02-1349145203.64-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:33:31.67+10	675738
-2012-10-02-1349145212.4-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:33:36.822+10	372868
-2012-10-02-1349145217.65-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:33:41.535+10	303000
-2012-10-02-1349145283.22-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:34:47.174+10	332756
-2012-10-02-1349145324.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:35:28.536+10	314384
-2012-10-02-1349145363.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:36:06.213+10	224630
-2012-10-02-1349145394.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:36:38.42+10	354490
-2012-10-02-1349145429.78-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:37:13.594+10	320626
-2012-10-02-1349145433.92-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:37:16.991+10	260232
-2012-10-02-1349145438.14-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:37:21.761+10	304732
-2012-10-02-1349145442.38-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:37:25.893+10	295048
-2012-10-02-1349145446.13-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:37:29.801+10	307336
-2012-10-02-1349145450.05-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:37:36.293+10	525586
-2012-10-02-1349145458.23-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:37:59.615+10	1794930
-2012-10-02-1349145479.88-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:38:04.497+10	389256
-2012-10-02-1349145484.67-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:38:11.403+10	567424
-2012-10-02-1349145520.59-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:38:43.962+10	282760
-2012-10-02-1349145525.65-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:39:00.072+10	1209278
-2012-10-02-1349145542.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:39:07.826+10	467080
-2012-10-02-1349145550.47-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:39:16.392+10	499848
-2012-10-02-1349145557.54-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:39:19.917+10	196744
-2012-10-02-1349145560.71-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:39:30.222+10	782976
-2012-10-02-1349145570.57-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:39:39.618+10	696400
-2012-10-02-1349145579.89-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:39:47.753+10	663688
-2012-10-02-1349145589.49-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:39:51.757+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349145592.39-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:39:56.255+10	323720
-2012-10-02-1349145703.7-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:41:46.414+10	228508
-2012-10-02-1349145707.9-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:42:01.745+10	1163400
-2012-10-02-1349145722.55-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:42:06.642+10	346248
-2012-10-02-1349145727.15-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:42:09.546+10	200840
-2012-10-02-1349145829.54-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:43:55.33+10	484782
-2012-10-02-1349145835.73-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:43:59.653+10	327816
-2012-10-02-1349145927.61-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:45:31.019+10	285372
-2012-10-02-1349145932.04-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:45:38.5+10	540808
-2012-10-02-1349145939.16-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:45:44.928+10	452930
-2012-10-02-1349145945.32-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:45:49.842+10	315940
-2012-10-02-1349145979.04-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:46:21.587+10	209268
-2012-10-02-1349146042.8-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:47:25.323+10	209444
-2012-10-02-1349146048.32-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:47:42.471+10	1190024
-2012-10-02-1349146063.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:47:49.268+10	482454
-2012-10-02-1349146069.51-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:47:56.126+10	557192
-2012-10-02-1349146077.05-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:48:01.98+10	407688
-2012-10-02-1349146083.32-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:48:09.988+10	561288
-2012-10-02-1349146090.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:48:14.007+10	292998
-2012-10-02-1349146130.37-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:48:56.008+10	474562
-2012-10-02-1349146136.77-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:49:00.985+10	352392
-2012-10-02-1349146143.0-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:49:07.684+10	395400
-2012-10-02-1349146147.97-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:49:14.385+10	540664
-2012-10-02-1349146154.65-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:49:18.31+10	253318
-2012-10-02-1349146158.85-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:49:23.59+10	390356
-2012-10-02-1349146167.14-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:49:31.661+10	378186
-2012-10-02-1349146172.4-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:49:35.699+10	278664
-2012-10-02-1349146175.89-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:49:39.702+10	321672
-2012-10-02-1349146180.95-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:49:46.289+10	447148
-2012-10-02-1349146186.95-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:49:49.768+10	233608
-2012-10-02-1349146189.91-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:49:56.516+10	552958
-2012-10-02-1349146197.15-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:50:04.156+10	560492
-2012-10-02-1349146204.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:50:12.58+10	659476
-2012-10-02-1349146213.12-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:50:15.914+10	226430
-2012-10-02-1349146216.14-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:50:19.041+10	219874
-2012-10-02-1349146221.65-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:50:28.405+10	568742
-2012-10-02-1349146230.77-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:50:35.806+10	424072
-2012-10-02-1349146236.01-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:50:42.538+10	549000
-2012-10-02-1349146243.34-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:50:48.888+10	462984
-2012-10-02-1349146250.06-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:50:54.631+10	385160
-2012-10-02-1349146256.69-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:51:10.489+10	1154624
-2012-10-02-1349146270.75-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:51:17.796+10	594042
-2012-10-02-1349146278.33-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:51:23.172+10	407586
-2012-10-02-1349146283.67-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:51:28.596+10	415880
-2012-10-02-1349146289.09-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:51:38.569+10	745472
-2012-10-02-1349146301.72-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:51:52.271+10	881798
-2012-10-02-1349146313.61-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:51:59.068+10	457176
-2012-10-02-1349146320.68-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:52:03.966+10	278664
-2012-10-02-1349146324.44-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:52:07.125+10	225416
-2012-10-02-1349146328.62-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:52:18.689+10	846096
-2012-10-02-1349146460.22-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:54:22.68+10	208350
-2012-10-02-1349146542.92-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:55:46.139+10	268700
-2012-10-02-1349146547.31-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:55:49.538+10	186504
-2012-10-02-1349146549.74-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:55:56.922+10	604278
-2012-10-02-1349146557.15-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:55:59.747+10	194076
-2012-10-02-1349146560.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:56:12.221+10	1005704
-2012-10-02-1349146576.3-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:56:21.554+10	442504
-2012-10-02-1349146582.97-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:56:27.265+10	362632
-2012-10-02-1349146707.72-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 12:58:33.902+10	520082
-2012-10-02-1349146786.6-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 12:59:49.099+10	210418
-2012-10-02-1349146963.1-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:02:48.801+10	478850
-2012-10-02-1349147072.96-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:04:35.53+10	210654
-2012-10-02-1349147075.84-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:04:40.683+10	407688
-2012-10-02-1349147081.63-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:04:44.385+10	233608
-2012-10-02-1349147084.61-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:04:49.409+10	405638
-2012-10-02-1349147090.28-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:05:07.419+10	1421342
-2012-10-02-1349147107.69-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:05:11.311+10	287706
-2012-10-02-1349147173.54-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:06:16.569+10	252180
-2012-10-02-1349147176.86-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:06:20.23+10	282760
-2012-10-02-1349147181.51-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:06:28.228+10	561288
-2012-10-02-1349147189.12-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:06:40.869+10	959228
-2012-10-02-1349147201.11-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:06:48.844+10	615570
-2012-10-02-1349147212.18-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:06:57.756+10	465306
-2012-10-02-1349147218.38-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:07:05.516+10	598152
-2012-10-02-1349147225.85-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:07:14.103+10	665214
-2012-10-02-1349147344.52-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:09:13.37+10	741406
-2012-10-02-1349147353.51-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:09:16.614+10	260232
-2012-10-02-1349147357.18-demo.wav	i1045264		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:09:29.822+10	1063048
-2012-10-02-1349147370.12-demo.wav	i1045264		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:09:36.458+10	534664
-2012-10-02-1349147376.91-demo.wav	i1045264		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:09:46.22+10	768022
-2012-10-02-1349147409.68-demo.wav	i1045264		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:10:21.649+10	1007752
-2012-10-02-1349147422.84-demo.wav	i1045264		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:10:28.109+10	429346
-2012-10-02-1349147429.56-demo.wav	i1045264		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:10:32.736+10	255544
-2012-10-02-1349147435.55-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:10:55.53+10	1681102
-2012-10-02-1349147613.88-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:13:36.366+10	208368
-2012-10-02-1349147670.57-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:14:33.33+10	229870
-2012-10-02-1349147674.25-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:14:51.657+10	1455050
-2012-10-02-1349147691.88-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:14:54.433+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349147695.02-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:15:02.265+10	608392
-2012-10-02-1349147702.53-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:15:04.675+10	182158
-2012-10-02-1349147705.75-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:15:25.523+10	1655090
-2012-10-02-1349147726.42-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:15:30.996+10	385160
-2012-10-02-1349147913.27-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:18:37.029+10	317272
-2012-10-02-1349147920.16-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:18:53.809+10	1144046
-2012-10-02-1349147935.98-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:18:59.689+10	311432
-2012-10-02-1349147940.36-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:19:03.683+10	278664
-2012-10-02-1349147943.87-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:19:12.742+10	703320
-2012-10-02-1349147953.22-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:19:22.459+10	776304
-2012-10-02-1349147964.09-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:19:29.253+10	434312
-2012-10-02-1349147969.74-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:19:33.688+10	320690
-2012-10-02-1349147974.13-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:19:41.288+10	602248
-2012-10-02-1349147983.06-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:19:46.297+10	272520
-2012-10-02-1349147987.16-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:19:56.06+10	721864
-2012-10-02-1349147996.62-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:20:03.104+10	539358
-2012-10-02-1349148004.52-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:20:07.41+10	241800
-2012-10-02-1349148007.87-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:20:24.238+10	1374344
-2012-10-02-1349148025.3-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:20:35.793+10	876984
-2012-10-02-1349148385.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:26:27.958+10	210002
-2012-10-02-1349148389.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:26:33.03+10	334494
-2012-10-02-1349148393.51-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:26:40.432+10	583816
-2012-10-02-1349148401.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:26:43.576+10	200840
-2012-10-02-1349148441.59-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:27:26.516+10	413974
-2012-10-02-1349148447.96-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:27:33.864+10	490226
-2012-10-02-1349148454.28-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:27:40.189+10	495752
-2012-10-02-1349148460.54-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:27:46.41+10	472456
-2012-10-02-1349148466.77-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:27:52.36+10	407392
-2012-10-02-1349148472.56-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:27:55.369+10	181518
-2012-10-02-1349148475.52-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:28:00.551+10	364720
-2012-10-02-1349148480.69-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:28:04.9+10	289050
-2012-10-02-1349148507.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:28:30.119+10	206982
-2012-10-02-1349148510.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:28:32.768+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349148514.35-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:28:38.384+10	333960
-2012-10-02-1349148518.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:28:46.838+10	686216
-2012-10-02-1349148528.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:28:55.262+10	539864
-2012-10-02-1349148535.4-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:29:00.063+10	334598
-2012-10-02-1349148541.71-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:29:04.323+10	204792
-2012-10-02-1349148545.86-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:29:09.108+10	254378
-2012-10-02-1349148550.02-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:29:16.208+10	518576
-2012-10-02-1349148556.5-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:29:19.861+10	284808
-2012-10-02-1349148561.45-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:29:23.833+10	200840
-2012-10-02-1349148608.82-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:30:13.668+10	406174
-2012-10-02-1349148615.05-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:30:25.792+10	903304
-2012-10-02-1349148626.89-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:30:30.131+10	272520
-2012-10-02-1349148630.27-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:30:35.731+10	458878
-2012-10-02-1349148636.08-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:30:41.746+10	475480
-2012-10-02-1349148642.7-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:30:45.638+10	211282
-2012-10-02-1349148674.73-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:31:17.002+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349148677.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:31:19.712+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349148699.12-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:31:41.997+10	243848
-2012-10-02-1349148702.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:31:46.368+10	305288
-2012-10-02-1349148707.2-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:31:51.395+10	354440
-2012-10-02-1349148711.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:31:55.318+10	313480
-2012-10-02-1349148715.45-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:32:02.977+10	631956
-2012-10-02-1349148723.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:32:13.601+10	859712
-2012-10-02-1349148735.77-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:32:25.996+10	830642
-2012-10-02-1349148746.13-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:32:43.001+10	1401626
-2012-10-02-1349148763.31-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:32:47.739+10	321344
-2012-10-02-1349148768.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:32:52.764+10	355884
-2012-10-02-1349148773.37-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:33:19.046+10	2149408
-2012-10-02-1349148799.35-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:33:31.733+10	986892
-2012-10-02-1349148812.04-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:33:36.654+10	354378
-2012-10-02-1349148877.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:34:40.315+10	209622
-2012-10-02-1349148880.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:34:44.464+10	321672
-2012-10-02-1349148885.1-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:34:48.913+10	321672
-2012-10-02-1349148889.62-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:34:52.583+10	252040
-2012-10-02-1349148893.52-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:34:57.927+10	366728
-2012-10-02-1349148901.08-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:35:03.702+10	221320
-2012-10-02-1349148937.17-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:35:40.376+10	269130
-2012-10-02-1349149224.89-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:40:27.386+10	209346
-2012-10-02-1349149230.74-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:40:39.528+10	739464
-2012-10-02-1349149242.21-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:40:50.089+10	661340
-2012-10-02-1349149250.4-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:40:55.035+10	331230
-2012-10-02-1349149255.31-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:40:58.385+10	247498
-2012-10-02-1349149258.89-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:41:10.967+10	1012524
-2012-10-02-1349149453.06-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:44:18.647+10	467116
-2012-10-02-1349149662.98-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:47:45.473+10	208508
-2012-10-02-1349149666.73-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:47:53.595+10	575600
-2012-10-02-1349149675.83-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:47:59.767+10	331912
-2012-10-02-1349149679.96-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:48:02.495+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349149683.01-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:48:09.148+10	511942
-2012-10-02-1349149689.33-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:48:20.155+10	847208
-2012-10-02-1349149700.37-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:48:33.651+10	1054684
-2012-10-02-1349149713.93-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:48:42.535+10	659360
-2012-10-02-1349149983.39-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:53:05.906+10	210310
-2012-10-02-1349150120.38-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:55:23.758+10	284198
-2012-10-02-1349150124.26-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:55:31.003+10	567432
-2012-10-02-1349150132.94-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:55:39.01+10	510088
-2012-10-02-1349150139.16-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:55:44.322+10	387250
-2012-10-02-1349150144.68-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:55:51.629+10	521124
-2012-10-02-1349150151.77-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:55:55.792+10	272588
-2012-10-02-1349150299.36-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:58:23.742+10	370286
-2012-10-02-1349150303.97-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:58:28.416+10	358536
-2012-10-02-1349150310.61-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:58:32.739+10	180360
-2012-10-02-1349150313.19-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 13:58:45.677+10	989734
-2012-10-02-1349150351.41-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:59:17.104+10	481416
-2012-10-02-1349150358.07-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:59:23.006+10	413832
-2012-10-02-1349150363.14-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:59:25.32+10	182408
-2012-10-02-1349150393.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 13:59:55.871+10	221320
-2012-10-02-1349150423.77-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:00:27.377+10	302932
-2012-10-02-1349150474.79-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:01:18.871+10	340970
-2012-10-02-1349150480.31-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:01:26.113+10	487560
-2012-10-02-1349150486.47-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:01:34.281+10	655496
-2012-10-02-1349150494.5-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:01:37.6+10	259946
-2012-10-02-1349150497.91-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:01:41.365+10	226402
-2012-10-02-1349150501.63-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:01:44.492+10	208240
-2012-10-02-1349150507.85-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:02:05.541+10	1487444
-2012-10-02-1349150601.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:03:25.589+10	303442
-2012-10-02-1349150633.25-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:03:55.788+10	209674
-2012-10-02-1349150664.54-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:04:27.564+10	255108
-2012-10-02-1349150669.14-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:04:41.921+10	1075336
-2012-10-02-1349150684.42-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:05:03.441+10	1597576
-2012-10-02-1349150703.57-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:05:10.684+10	600200
-2012-10-02-1349150710.99-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:05:20.767+10	765018
-2012-10-02-1349151253.71-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:14:19.205+10	459696
-2012-10-02-1349151259.36-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:14:21.773+10	202888
-2012-10-02-1349151296.72-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:15:00.947+10	354596
-2012-10-02-1349151301.21-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:15:04.542+10	274568
-2012-10-02-1349151305.14-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:15:11.109+10	501896
-2012-10-02-1349151312.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:15:21.018+10	751044
-2012-10-02-1349151322.18-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:15:29.219+10	592008
-2012-10-02-1349151329.79-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:15:50.573+10	1421954
-2012-10-02-1349151350.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:15:56.621+10	499848
-2012-10-02-1349151356.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:16:04.551+10	649352
-2012-10-02-1349151364.68-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:16:07.138+10	196582
-2012-10-02-1349151450.13-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:17:33.709+10	302386
-2012-10-02-1349151454.43-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:17:37.109+10	227464
-2012-10-02-1349151458.13-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:17:43.46+10	448648
-2012-10-02-1349151463.62-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:17:48.662+10	418734
-2012-10-02-1349151468.78-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:17:51.552+10	199286
-2012-10-02-1349151471.78-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:17:54.727+10	209320
-2012-10-02-1349151475.48-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:17:59.179+10	274802
-2012-10-02-1349151480.16-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:18:05.035+10	370398
-2012-10-02-1349151486.3-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:18:10.19+10	328586
-2012-10-02-1349151546.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:19:10.304+10	290780
-2012-10-02-1349151550.64-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:19:19.241+10	723080
-2012-10-02-1349151559.36-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:19:23.758+10	370652
-2012-10-02-1349151564.1-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:19:26.71+10	220690
-2012-10-02-1349151568.14-demo.wav	44031		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:19:49.455+10	1791938
-2012-10-02-1349151634.64-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:20:38.33+10	308204
-2012-10-02-1349151640.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:20:50.407+10	858248
-2012-10-02-1349151650.54-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:20:56.229+10	481416
-2012-10-02-1349151657.51-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:21:01.349+10	325660
-2012-10-02-1349151661.58-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:21:10.204+10	722260
-2012-10-02-1349151670.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:21:21.72+10	938560
-2012-10-02-1349151682.08-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:21:26.554+10	363240
-2012-10-02-1349151686.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:21:30.35+10	235662
-2012-10-02-1349151690.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:21:36.092+10	442678
-2012-10-02-1349151696.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:21:41.868+10	462984
-2012-10-02-1349151702.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:21:51.806+10	754244
-2012-10-02-1349151714.09-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:21:58.475+10	354326
-2012-10-02-1349151771.13-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:22:54.471+10	282122
-2012-10-02-1349151775.77-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:22:58.891+10	260538
-2012-10-02-1349151780.15-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:23:07.652+10	629440
-2012-10-02-1349151787.92-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:23:10.493+10	219272
-2012-10-02-1349151790.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:23:12.886+10	182408
-2012-10-02-1349151846.89-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:24:09.824+10	247778
-2012-10-02-1349151851.16-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:24:14.181+10	252202
-2012-10-02-1349151854.3-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:24:18.634+10	366728
-2012-10-02-1349151859.26-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:24:23.899+10	389256
-2012-10-02-1349151865.5-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:24:27.745+10	190600
-2012-10-02-1349151921.97-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:25:28.109+10	515198
-2012-10-02-1349151928.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:25:36.978+10	715412
-2012-10-02-1349152009.35-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:26:52.643+10	275792
-2012-10-02-1349152013.13-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:26:55.54+10	200840
-2012-10-02-1349152015.81-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:27:01.721+10	499848
-2012-10-02-1349152021.96-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:27:05.413+10	290952
-2012-10-02-1349152025.72-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:27:21.28+10	1296520
-2012-10-02-1349152041.57-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:27:24.448+10	235656
-2012-10-02-1349152045.83-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:27:50.831+10	2060920
-2012-10-02-1349152071.6-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:28:00.236+10	719218
-2012-10-02-1349152080.37-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:28:04.903+10	381064
-2012-10-02-1349152085.12-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:28:11.171+10	484132
-2012-10-02-1349152091.31-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:28:26.021+10	1173532
-2012-10-02-1349152106.17-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:28:33.02+10	510832
-2012-10-02-1349152113.89-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:28:40.913+10	588198
-2012-10-02-1349152121.81-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:29:02.814+10	1763464
-2012-10-02-1349152142.98-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:29:05.488+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349152145.63-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:29:07.956+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349152148.12-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:29:12.436+10	362632
-2012-10-02-1349152152.71-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:29:19.071+10	532412
-2012-10-02-1349152159.9-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:29:25.188+10	442724
-2012-10-02-1349152165.41-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:29:38.516+10	1077290
-2012-10-02-1349152178.68-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:29:46.14+10	566482
-2012-10-02-1349152186.29-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:29:54.43+10	664978
-2012-10-02-1349152194.67-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:30:01.957+10	586306
-2012-10-02-1349152202.34-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:30:08.095+10	483362
-2012-10-02-1349152208.48-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:30:11.98+10	265118
-2012-10-02-1349152212.26-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:30:23.463+10	914908
-2012-10-02-1349152250.04-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:30:54.108+10	344200
-2012-10-02-1349152254.65-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:30:59.284+10	389256
-2012-10-02-1349152259.59-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:31:05.69+10	510044
-2012-10-02-1349152267.42-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:31:09.606+10	182408
-2012-10-02-1349152271.83-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:31:16.736+10	413042
-2012-10-02-1349152277.05-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:31:22.488+10	458558
-2012-10-02-1349152282.81-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:31:25.486+10	197786
-2012-10-02-1349152286.07-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:31:29.83+10	263150
-2012-10-02-1349152291.68-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:31:54.124+10	1884296
-2012-10-02-1349152314.34-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:31:59.458+10	430216
-2012-10-02-1349152320.75-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:32:06.055+10	446600
-2012-10-02-1349152326.18-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:32:11.781+10	446688
-2012-10-02-1349152334.8-demo.wav	44013	ACTION 44013	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:32:19.688+10	409020
-2012-10-02-1349152341.71-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:32:37.106+10	1292424
-2012-10-02-1349152357.4-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:32:41.285+10	323720
-2012-10-02-1349152394.75-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:33:18.142+10	286856
-2012-10-02-1349152400.3-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:33:26.819+10	546952
-2012-10-02-1349152407.77-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:33:30.292+10	204936
-2012-10-02-1349152410.43-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:33:36.606+10	460838
-2012-10-02-1349152596.54-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:36:40.914+10	367020
-2012-10-02-1349152601.04-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:36:45.046+10	337852
-2012-10-02-1349152606.74-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:36:53.369+10	529120
-2012-10-02-1349152614.12-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:36:58.004+10	308826
-2012-10-02-1349152618.26-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:37:04.129+10	492154
-2012-10-02-1349152624.5-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:37:16.018+10	966792
-2012-10-02-1349152638.08-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:37:28.051+10	837768
-2012-10-02-1349152648.19-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:37:33.636+10	458888
-2012-10-02-1349152654.21-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:37:38.055+10	315542
-2012-10-02-1349152658.74-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:37:48.302+10	801564
-2012-10-02-1349152668.63-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:37:51.796+10	208084
-2012-10-02-1349152672.24-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:38:05.25+10	1091552
-2012-10-02-1349152687.85-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:38:11.153+10	277144
-2012-10-02-1349152691.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:38:14.17+10	245896
-2012-10-02-1349152694.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:38:17.01+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349152697.73-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:38:40.629+10	1917064
-2012-10-02-1349152720.89-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:38:48.624+10	649352
-2012-10-02-1349152728.86-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:38:59.698+10	908228
-2012-10-02-1349152749.37-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:39:18.328+10	749210
-2012-10-02-1349152758.45-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:39:25.739+10	589770
-2012-10-02-1349152766.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:39:31.713+10	458826
-2012-10-02-1349152773.31-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:39:36.873+10	267356
-2012-10-02-1349152777.0-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:39:41.786+10	398078
-2012-10-02-1349152781.91-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:39:59.483+10	1429932
-2012-10-02-1349152800.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:40:06.712+10	543336
-2012-10-02-1349152892.12-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:41:35.022+10	241222
-2012-10-02-1349152896.5-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:41:49.108+10	1063048
-2012-10-02-1349152909.41-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:41:51.883+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349152913.12-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:42:14.135+10	1759150
-2012-10-02-1349152935.14-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:42:20.253+10	428168
-2012-10-02-1349153001.85-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:43:26.046+10	353438
-2012-10-02-1349153007.65-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:43:39.435+10	987272
-2012-10-02-1349153061.2-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:44:25.237+10	340280
-2012-10-02-1349153125.49-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:45:29.467+10	335326
-2012-10-02-1349153130.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:45:35.707+10	417928
-2012-10-02-1349153136.04-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:45:40.191+10	350344
-2012-10-02-1349153141.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:45:47.372+10	513312
-2012-10-02-1349153147.5-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:45:52.911+10	456840
-2012-10-02-1349153153.06-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:45:57.06+10	338056
-2012-10-02-1349153158.16-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:46:02.661+10	377368
-2012-10-02-1349153163.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:46:10.864+10	596586
-2012-10-02-1349153174.21-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:46:22.002+10	651282
-2012-10-02-1349153207.74-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:46:51.747+10	331912
-2012-10-02-1349153212.08-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:46:57.206+10	432264
-2012-10-02-1349153218.12-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:47:00.638+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349153220.79-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:47:04.34+10	291078
-2012-10-02-1349153228.4-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:47:29.341+10	1438738
-2012-10-02-1349153249.59-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:47:32.032+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349153252.19-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:47:34.726+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349153254.96-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:47:38.298+10	280712
-2012-10-02-1349153258.43-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:47:40.873+10	204936
-2012-10-02-1349153261.84-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:47:50.441+10	689530
-2012-10-02-1349153271.38-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:48:12.403+10	1763862
-2012-10-02-1349153292.62-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:48:15.249+10	219272
-2012-10-02-1349153295.56-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:48:18.416+10	241800
-2012-10-02-1349153298.9-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:48:32.276+10	1126536
-2012-10-02-1349153315.57-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:48:48.092+10	1047778
-2012-10-02-1349153328.37-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:48:50.867+10	206984
-2012-10-02-1349153331.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:48:54.357+10	276606
-2012-10-02-1349153334.57-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:48:57.706+10	207466
-2012-10-02-1349153389.75-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:49:52.315+10	215746
-2012-10-02-1349153392.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:49:55.006+10	198792
-2012-10-02-1349153395.12-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:50:02.17+10	573712
-2012-10-02-1349153402.39-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:50:08.033+10	414640
-2012-10-02-1349153408.16-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:50:13.628+10	458888
-2012-10-02-1349153413.75-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:50:18.206+10	374920
-2012-10-02-1349153418.33-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:50:22.513+10	352392
-2012-10-02-1349153423.47-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:50:26.833+10	280038
-2012-10-02-1349153426.95-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:50:32.425+10	440546
-2012-10-02-1349153432.56-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:50:41.357+10	701030
-2012-10-02-1349153441.48-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:50:55.504+10	1162946
-2012-10-02-1349153455.63-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:51:12.175+10	1376854
-2012-10-02-1349153472.3-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:51:24.874+10	1046020
-2012-10-02-1349153485.62-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:51:46.432+10	1744490
-2012-10-02-1349153506.55-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:51:49.002+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349153509.93-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:51:52.608+10	227464
-2012-10-02-1349153512.73-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:51:55.018+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349153563.57-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:52:48.509+10	414218
-2012-10-02-1349153568.63-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:52:52.476+10	323714
-2012-10-02-1349153572.61-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:52:57.466+10	365994
-2012-10-02-1349153578.05-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:53:04.688+10	497230
-2012-10-02-1349153585.44-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:53:11.023+10	469354
-2012-10-02-1349153591.21-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:53:13.496+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349153594.88-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:53:24.601+10	812222
-2012-10-02-1349153605.44-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:53:33.791+10	698744
-2012-10-02-1349153677.49-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:54:40.528+10	254516
-2012-10-02-1349153738.93-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:55:45.031+10	512908
-2012-10-02-1349153784.15-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 14:56:29.079+10	411850
-2012-10-02-1349153973.43-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:59:36.319+10	242072
-2012-10-02-1349153976.44-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:59:40.032+10	303240
-2012-10-02-1349153980.45-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 14:59:52.877+10	1042568
-2012-10-02-1349153993.51-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:00:01.396+10	598162
-2012-10-02-1349154093.31-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:01:38.251+10	412456
-2012-10-02-1349154098.39-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:01:40.939+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349154101.53-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:01:48.42+10	577642
-2012-10-02-1349154109.38-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:01:56.5+10	595286
-2012-10-02-1349154117.42-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:02:02.79+10	450694
-2012-10-02-1349154124.24-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:02:09.106+10	405036
-2012-10-02-1349154189.53-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:03:13.693+10	349000
-2012-10-02-1349154194.33-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:03:16.565+10	186504
-2012-10-02-1349154197.46-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:03:35.898+10	1548424
-2012-10-02-1349154216.03-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:03:39.647+10	305288
-2012-10-02-1349154242.17-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:04:07.609+10	456840
-2012-10-02-1349154249.21-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:04:26.86+10	1482888
-2012-10-02-1349154267.96-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:04:39.461+10	966788
-2012-10-02-1349154279.59-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:04:42.587+10	221984
-2012-10-02-1349154282.78-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:04:52.407+10	807048
-2012-10-02-1349154292.76-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:04:55.908+10	266376
-2012-10-02-1349154297.14-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:05:09.544+10	1042568
-2012-10-02-1349154311.93-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:05:21.19+10	780424
-2012-10-02-1349154321.37-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:05:23.758+10	200840
-2012-10-02-1349154323.89-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:05:27.14+10	274568
-2012-10-02-1349154327.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:05:30.011+10	219272
-2012-10-02-1349154330.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:05:35.371+10	411080
-2012-10-02-1349154336.24-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:05:40.11+10	327698
-2012-10-02-1349154340.31-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:05:45.741+10	458724
-2012-10-02-1349154346.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:05:55.216+10	765690
-2012-10-02-1349154355.46-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:05:59.683+10	303890
-2012-10-02-1349154360.0-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:06:08.191+10	686258
-2012-10-02-1349154368.85-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:06:13.167+10	362632
-2012-10-02-1349154373.39-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:06:17.043+10	309268
-2012-10-02-1349154460.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:07:48.266+10	626352
-2012-10-02-1349154502.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:08:25.578+10	234416
-2012-10-02-1349154505.93-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:08:28.097+10	182408
-2012-10-02-1349154508.46-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:08:33.618+10	430216
-2012-10-02-1349154513.77-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:08:42.535+10	735186
-2012-10-02-1349154523.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:08:47.16+10	299930
-2012-10-02-1349154527.33-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:08:58.504+10	924540
-2012-10-02-1349154538.77-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:09:05.156+10	483936
-2012-10-02-1349154545.58-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:09:08.299+10	191864
-2012-10-02-1349154550.3-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:09:27.791+10	1470600
-2012-10-02-1349154568.76-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:09:41.039+10	1029912
-2012-10-02-1349154582.18-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:09:47.021+10	400778
-2012-10-02-1349154588.0-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:10:02.521+10	1220744
-2012-10-02-1349154602.76-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:10:05.063+10	190600
-2012-10-02-1349154605.92-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:10:12.217+10	527048
-2012-10-02-1349154613.15-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:10:17.668+10	379016
-2012-10-02-1349154617.94-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:10:21.504+10	299144
-2012-10-02-1349154623.01-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:10:29.303+10	528520
-2012-10-02-1349154631.8-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:10:37.217+10	456840
-2012-10-02-1349154637.78-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:10:43.677+10	491656
-2012-10-02-1349154643.89-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:10:50.312+10	529354
-2012-10-02-1349154650.65-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:11:04.05+10	1124488
-2012-10-02-1349154667.93-demo.wav	10076	WARINGH	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:11:23.757+10	1325642
-2012-10-02-1349154684.88-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:11:41.312+10	1373436
-2012-10-02-1349154701.61-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:11:43.833+10	188552
-2012-10-02-1349154703.95-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:12:04.579+10	1672544
-2012-10-02-1349154726.56-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:12:09.941+10	243160
-2012-10-02-1349154730.62-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:12:19.963+10	784386
-2012-10-02-1349154740.58-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:12:25.023+10	374920
-2012-10-02-1349154745.68-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:12:33.144+10	587876
-2012-10-02-1349154753.68-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:12:42.512+10	741086
-2012-10-02-1349154763.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:12:47.265+10	340092
-2012-10-02-1349154803.5-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:13:28.459+10	416866
-2012-10-02-1349154809.67-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:13:34.344+10	390588
-2012-10-02-1349154814.47-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:13:39.855+10	452744
-2012-10-02-1349154819.98-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:13:43.987+10	336156
-2012-10-02-1349154968.55-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:16:11.703+10	265638
-2012-10-02-1349154972.28-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:16:16.137+10	325768
-2012-10-02-1349154976.41-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:16:23.029+10	555142
-2012-10-02-1349154983.31-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:16:27.79+10	314074
-2012-10-02-1349154988.7-demo.wav	10076	WARINGH	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:16:47.442+10	1574330
-2012-10-02-1349155008.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:16:55.242+10	562906
-2012-10-02-1349155015.39-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:17:00.409+10	422024
-2012-10-02-1349155020.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:17:07.381+10	561282
-2012-10-02-1349155027.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:17:14.16+10	541518
-2012-10-02-1349155040.22-demo.wav	10076	WARINGH	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:17:24.633+10	366104
-2012-10-02-1349155045.46-demo.wav	10076	WARINGH	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:17:33.032+10	630656
-2012-10-02-1349155054.5-demo.wav	10076	WARINGH	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:17:41.534+10	589000
-2012-10-02-1349155063.11-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:17:54.71+10	971040
-2012-10-02-1349155074.85-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:18:01.011+10	517336
-2012-10-02-1349155081.42-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:18:04.568+10	198856
-2012-10-02-1349155085.01-demo.wav	10076	WARINGH	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:18:10.531+10	460936
-2012-10-02-1349155138.89-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:19:02.753+10	325544
-2012-10-02-1349155144.7-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:19:17.851+10	1104008
-2012-10-02-1349155158.11-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:19:22.735+10	389256
-2012-10-02-1349155162.86-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:19:27.044+10	354440
-2012-10-02-1349155167.16-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:19:40.816+10	1139836
-2012-10-02-1349155180.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:19:46.225+10	429432
-2012-10-02-1349155186.52-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:19:54.906+10	638918
-2012-10-02-1349155195.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:19:58.274+10	223244
-2012-10-02-1349155201.53-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:20:21.749+10	1690966
-2012-10-02-1349155222.24-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:20:25.052+10	237704
-2012-10-02-1349155225.29-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:20:27.845+10	217224
-2012-10-02-1349155228.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:20:30.782+10	235656
-2012-10-02-1349155231.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:20:42.318+10	948360
-2012-10-02-1349155242.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:20:46.818+10	368776
-2012-10-02-1349155246.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:20:50.107+10	268424
-2012-10-02-1349155255.82-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:21:01.708+10	495752
-2012-10-02-1349155262.13-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:21:06.656+10	381064
-2012-10-02-1349155266.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:21:09.305+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349155269.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:21:15.481+10	504852
-2012-10-02-1349155275.61-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:21:22.199+10	516074
-2012-10-02-1349155282.48-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:21:26.78+10	362326
-2012-10-02-1349155288.94-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:21:35.25+10	530568
-2012-10-02-1349155295.4-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:21:44.816+10	790500
-2012-10-02-1349155305.05-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:21:51.661+10	555144
-2012-10-02-1349155311.78-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:21:55.283+10	297096
-2012-10-02-1349155315.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:22:05.609+10	859878
-2012-10-02-1349155326.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:22:13.84+10	623926
-2012-10-02-1349155334.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:22:18.084+10	342152
-2012-10-02-1349155338.39-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:22:30.67+10	1031884
-2012-10-02-1349155350.82-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:22:37.595+10	534178
-2012-10-02-1349155358.05-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:22:42.094+10	338420
-2012-10-02-1349155362.55-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:22:46.894+10	306652
-2012-10-02-1349155423.07-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:23:46.008+10	244682
-2012-10-02-1349155426.47-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:23:56.183+10	817268
-2012-10-02-1349155437.06-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:24:01.814+10	400560
-2012-10-02-1349155444.22-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:24:13.714+10	794760
-2012-10-02-1349155454.54-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:24:19.411+10	409736
-2012-10-02-1349155461.07-demo.wav	44036		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:24:25.553+10	370738
-2012-10-02-1349155466.33-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:24:31.774+10	458888
-2012-10-02-1349155471.97-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:24:36.607+10	387208
-2012-10-02-1349155477.33-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:24:43.339+10	501896
-2012-10-02-1349155484.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:24:50.437+10	493704
-2012-10-02-1349155490.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:24:54.458+10	323720
-2012-10-02-1349155495.54-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:24:58.655+10	258184
-2012-10-02-1349155499.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:25:02.325+10	231530
-2012-10-02-1349155503.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:25:08.657+10	354826
-2012-10-02-1349155509.55-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:25:17.847+10	696264
-2012-10-02-1349155518.22-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:25:20.559+10	196744
-2012-10-02-1349155520.99-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:25:40.995+10	1675400
-2012-10-02-1349155541.12-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:25:43.628+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349155565.47-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:26:07.661+10	186504
-2012-10-02-1349155567.78-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:26:10.263+10	211080
-2012-10-02-1349155571.38-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:26:26.812+10	1288762
-2012-10-02-1349155587.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:26:34.407+10	562758
-2012-10-02-1349155594.71-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:26:39.547+10	407688
-2012-10-02-1349155600.06-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:26:52.361+10	1020304
-2012-10-02-1349155612.9-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:26:58.712+10	479074
-2012-10-02-1349155621.1-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:27:09.004+10	624176
-2012-10-02-1349155629.52-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:27:17.16+10	639962
-2012-10-02-1349155637.29-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:27:23.559+10	528502
-2012-10-02-1349155643.68-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:27:28.537+10	371426
-2012-10-02-1349155649.15-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:27:33.518+10	368460
-2012-10-02-1349155787.02-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:29:50.531+10	292572
-2012-10-02-1349155792.12-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:29:55.802+10	309384
-2012-10-02-1349155796.58-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:30:04.086+10	630850
-2012-10-02-1349155804.49-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:30:14.308+10	766244
-2012-10-02-1349155815.14-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:30:22.576+10	625598
-2012-10-02-1349155944.77-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:32:28.333+10	300004
-2012-10-02-1349155950.15-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:32:36.708+10	549000
-2012-10-02-1349155956.84-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:32:45.683+10	741512
-2012-10-02-1349155966.62-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:32:50.595+10	331672
-2012-10-02-1349155970.78-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:32:55.77+10	358040
-2012-10-02-1349155975.94-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:32:59.768+10	284930
-2012-10-02-1349155980.47-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:33:12.697+10	1023858
-2012-10-02-1349155992.82-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:33:15.089+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349155995.21-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:33:17.462+10	190424
-2012-10-02-1349155998.19-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:33:35.297+10	1433714
-2012-10-02-1349156015.42-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:33:37.643+10	188552
-2012-10-02-1349156017.76-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:33:49.314+10	967932
-2012-10-02-1349156031.78-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:33:55.914+10	290754
-2012-10-02-1349156036.08-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:33:59.816+10	266472
-2012-10-02-1349156085.09-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:34:48.409+10	280294
-2012-10-02-1349156089.99-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:34:56.738+10	567432
-2012-10-02-1349156096.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:35:03.856+10	587908
-2012-10-02-1349156104.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:35:08.293+10	360584
-2012-10-02-1349156109.17-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:35:11.931+10	233550
-2012-10-02-1349156112.06-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:35:16.143+10	342400
-2012-10-02-1349156116.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:35:20.356+10	308328
-2012-10-02-1349156121.36-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:35:38.214+10	1410556
-2012-10-02-1349156160.59-demo.wav	i1045200		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:36:07.242+10	559240
-2012-10-02-1349156168.85-demo.wav	i1045200		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:36:21.81+10	1085576
-2012-10-02-1349156235.65-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:37:18.149+10	209526
-2012-10-02-1349156287.5-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:38:17.536+10	839796
-2012-10-02-1349156297.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:38:21.413+10	309384
-2012-10-02-1349156304.55-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:38:34.287+10	818520
-2012-10-02-1349156341.42-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:39:06.811+10	448204
-2012-10-02-1349156348.1-demo.wav	10076	WARINGH	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:39:15.952+10	654240
-2012-10-02-1349156357.36-demo.wav	10076	WARINGH	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:39:21.949+10	383112
-2012-10-02-1349156363.01-demo.wav	10076	WARINGH	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:39:27.052+10	340094
-2012-10-02-1349156369.75-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:39:45.045+10	1278444
-2012-10-02-1349156385.32-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:39:51.469+10	509676
-2012-10-02-1349156392.21-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:39:59.157+10	585024
-2012-10-02-1349156399.89-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:40:06.623+10	567432
-2012-10-02-1349156408.89-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:40:21.389+10	997176
-2012-10-02-1349156422.14-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:40:29.668+10	630568
-2012-10-02-1349156431.3-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:40:43.77+10	1041856
-2012-10-02-1349156444.91-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:40:48.149+10	272520
-2012-10-02-1349156448.62-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:40:53.71+10	428168
-2012-10-02-1349156453.83-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:40:56.423+10	219058
-2012-10-02-1349156456.61-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:41:02.429+10	428850
-2012-10-02-1349156494.85-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:41:37.377+10	211664
-2012-10-02-1349156498.45-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:41:44.811+10	530300
-2012-10-02-1349156504.97-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:41:59.317+10	1200240
-2012-10-02-1349156519.44-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:42:02.451+10	253568
-2012-10-02-1349156522.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:42:08.817+10	513172
-2012-10-02-1349156553.8-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:42:36.147+10	198792
-2012-10-02-1349156557.2-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:42:40.164+10	245896
-2012-10-02-1349156560.57-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:42:49.938+10	785022
-2012-10-02-1349156570.73-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:43:03.719+10	1085144
-2012-10-02-1349156585.99-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:43:16.372+10	870536
-2012-10-02-1349156596.51-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:43:19.303+10	235656
-2012-10-02-1349156599.42-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:43:28.685+10	775916
-2012-10-02-1349156608.81-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:43:33.075+10	358536
-2012-10-02-1349156613.43-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:43:39.186+10	483450
-2012-10-02-1349156619.92-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:44:00.237+10	1478404
-2012-10-02-1349156640.54-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:44:03.058+10	211080
-2012-10-02-1349156644.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:44:13.171+10	744890
-2012-10-02-1349156655.32-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:44:18.261+10	247944
-2012-10-02-1349156658.82-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:44:28.341+10	790334
-2012-10-02-1349156669.88-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:44:35.567+10	475232
-2012-10-02-1349156676.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:44:40.384+10	283544
-2012-10-02-1349156682.13-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:44:45.474+10	245262
-2012-10-02-1349156685.76-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:44:50.259+10	312152
-2012-10-02-1349156692.4-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:44:55.013+10	207614
-2012-10-02-1349156695.35-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:45:01.412+10	504094
-2012-10-02-1349156702.65-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:45:06.931+10	340538
-2012-10-02-1349156707.22-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:45:11.35+10	346248
-2012-10-02-1349156711.86-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:45:14.747+10	243754
-2012-10-02-1349156716.46-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:45:26.616+10	852276
-2012-10-02-1349156749.43-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:45:53.57+10	348296
-2012-10-02-1349156754.62-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:46:00.008+10	449990
-2012-10-02-1349156760.16-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:46:10.55+10	860134
-2012-10-02-1349156770.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:46:16.628+10	491656
-2012-10-02-1349156778.48-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:46:25.623+10	602234
-2012-10-02-1349156788.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:46:34.888+10	524532
-2012-10-02-1349156880.83-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:48:03.934+10	261986
-2012-10-02-1349156887.36-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:48:18.196+10	909448
-2012-10-02-1349156898.32-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:48:23.037+10	397448
-2012-10-02-1349156903.65-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:48:28.718+10	426112
-2012-10-02-1349156908.84-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:48:34.412+10	424838
-2012-10-02-1349156915.46-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:48:41.425+10	499548
-2012-10-02-1349156921.54-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:48:49.367+10	655450
-2012-10-02-1349156929.49-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:48:58.842+10	756930
-2012-10-02-1349156939.12-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:49:03.837+10	397448
-2012-10-02-1349156944.54-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:49:22.858+10	1530860
-2012-10-02-1349156965.28-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:49:30.685+10	394772
-2012-10-02-1349156970.8-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:49:35.423+10	376916
-2012-10-02-1349156976.05-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:49:57.815+10	1488482
-2012-10-02-1349156997.95-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:50:01.102+10	266376
-2012-10-02-1349157001.43-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:50:05.292+10	325768
-2012-10-02-1349157005.48-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:50:10.956+10	460936
-2012-10-02-1349157011.08-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:50:14.592+10	261386
-2012-10-02-1349157014.71-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:50:17.247+10	209466
-2012-10-02-1349157017.37-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:50:26.283+10	687344
-2012-10-02-1349157026.46-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:50:29.17+10	194986
-2012-10-02-1349157054.79-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:50:58.202+10	286856
-2012-10-02-1349157058.36-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:51:01.392+10	252040
-2012-10-02-1349157061.69-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:51:08.074+10	532616
-2012-10-02-1349157068.32-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:51:11.023+10	227420
-2012-10-02-1349157071.31-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:51:13.73+10	180852
-2012-10-02-1349157073.86-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:51:17.637+10	305964
-2012-10-02-1349157077.85-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:51:28.765+10	902432
-2012-10-02-1349157088.9-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:51:33.151+10	291622
-2012-10-02-1349157093.28-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:51:36.899+10	245486
-2012-10-02-1349157120.67-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:52:06.92+10	526472
-2012-10-02-1349157127.67-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:52:11.527+10	325768
-2012-10-02-1349157219.8-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:53:43.34+10	295404
-2012-10-02-1349157224.55-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:53:48.429+10	316024
-2012-10-02-1349157231.18-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:54:05.318+10	1187976
-2012-10-02-1349157245.94-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:54:12.821+10	575624
-2012-10-02-1349157255.63-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:54:24.689+10	759944
-2012-10-02-1349157266.32-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:54:32.475+10	515122
-2012-10-02-1349157273.19-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:54:43.96+10	901256
-2012-10-02-1349157284.72-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:54:51.676+10	583236
-2012-10-02-1349157377.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:56:21.602+10	314638
-2012-10-02-1349157383.3-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:56:35.022+10	983176
-2012-10-02-1349157395.18-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:56:37.591+10	204936
-2012-10-02-1349157398.4-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:56:42.156+10	317576
-2012-10-02-1349157403.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:56:46.465+10	243826
-2012-10-02-1349157406.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:56:55.225+10	717680
-2012-10-02-1349157416.15-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:56:59.453+10	248272
-2012-10-02-1349157419.85-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:57:02.882+10	228694
-2012-10-02-1349157423.09-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:57:06.28+10	256244
-2012-10-02-1349157465.01-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:57:51.535+10	544904
-2012-10-02-1349157471.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:57:57.868+10	505992
-2012-10-02-1349157478.06-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:58:04.455+10	535768
-2012-10-02-1349157485.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:58:14.592+10	782388
-2012-10-02-1349157540.5-demo.wav	44010	ACTION 44010	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 15:59:06.303+10	486190
-2012-10-02-1349157547.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:59:13.698+10	508040
-2012-10-02-1349157554.77-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:59:18.43+10	303240
-2012-10-02-1349157558.69-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:59:27.061+10	700530
-2012-10-02-1349157567.22-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:59:37.042+10	768648
-2012-10-02-1349157577.95-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 15:59:49.529+10	967958
-2012-10-02-1349157670.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:01:13.099+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349157673.45-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:01:16.513+10	256136
-2012-10-02-1349157676.74-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:01:19.72+10	247944
-2012-10-02-1349157680.18-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:01:22.528+10	196744
-2012-10-02-1349157683.08-demo.wav	44010	ACTION 44010	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:01:39.437+10	1370248
-2012-10-02-1349157699.56-demo.wav	44010	ACTION 44010	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:01:43.082+10	297096
-2012-10-02-1349157704.99-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:01:58.353+10	1117818
-2012-10-02-1349157720.91-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:02:03.764+10	241800
-2012-10-02-1349157723.89-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:02:12.095+10	676432
-2012-10-02-1349157732.85-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:02:15.446+10	212852
-2012-10-02-1349157736.59-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:02:26.24+10	807748
-2012-10-02-1349157746.92-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:02:30.613+10	311416
-2012-10-02-1349157750.91-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:02:42.05+10	870490
-2012-10-02-1349157762.17-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:02:46.956+10	351176
-2012-10-02-1349157767.07-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:02:50.977+10	276552
-2012-10-02-1349157772.82-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:02:58.317+10	401922
-2012-10-02-1349157778.44-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:03:03.664+10	387696
-2012-10-02-1349157784.69-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:03:16.647+10	1003656
-2012-10-02-1349157799.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:03:23.812+10	385160
-2012-10-02-1349157803.93-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:03:29.22+10	443356
-2012-10-02-1349157809.51-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:03:36.682+10	602248
-2012-10-02-1349157818.24-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:03:43.766+10	465032
-2012-10-02-1349157824.62-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:03:48.505+10	327816
-2012-10-02-1349157828.91-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:03:55.609+10	563180
-2012-10-02-1349157835.85-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:04:02.005+10	458150
-2012-10-02-1349157842.31-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:04:05.737+10	226122
-2012-10-02-1349157846.2-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:04:15.404+10	770284
-2012-10-02-1349157855.71-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:04:18.627+10	243848
-2012-10-02-1349157858.86-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:04:35.202+10	1316446
-2012-10-02-1349157875.34-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:04:38.902+10	239172
-2012-10-02-1349157879.34-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:04:45.392+10	508726
-2012-10-02-1349157885.64-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:04:49.455+10	321672
-2012-10-02-1349157889.75-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:04:53.562+10	319604
-2012-10-02-1349157894.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:05:07.057+10	1085576
-2012-10-02-1349157940.34-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:05:44.296+10	328708
-2012-10-02-1349157944.57-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:05:47.164+10	217224
-2012-10-02-1349157947.41-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:05:56.635+10	722328
-2012-10-02-1349157956.77-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:06:05.152+10	671018
-2012-10-02-1349157965.49-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:06:11.966+10	543662
-2012-10-02-1349157974.83-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:06:20.23+10	453650
-2012-10-02-1349157980.67-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:06:27.965+10	612472
-2012-10-02-1349157988.62-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:06:38.844+10	860296
-2012-10-02-1349158001.04-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:06:45.864+10	405168
-2012-10-02-1349158006.14-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:06:50.267+10	348296
-2012-10-02-1349158010.68-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:06:53.506+10	235656
-2012-10-02-1349158013.8-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:06:57.079+10	272870
-2012-10-02-1349158017.53-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:07:04.17+10	557192
-2012-10-02-1349158024.45-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:07:07.07+10	219272
-2012-10-02-1349158027.28-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:07:10.624+10	282760
-2012-10-02-1349158031.25-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:07:15.473+10	354296
-2012-10-02-1349158035.64-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:07:19.477+10	269934
-2012-10-02-1349158040.51-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:07:27.771+10	610756
-2012-10-02-1349158049.06-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:07:40.581+10	911036
-2012-10-02-1349158061.4-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:07:46.125+10	397772
-2012-10-02-1349158066.56-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:07:53.551+10	587912
-2012-10-02-1349158073.78-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:07:56.656+10	243848
-2012-10-02-1349158076.79-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:08:02.01+10	438408
-2012-10-02-1349158082.31-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:08:06.934+10	375456
-2012-10-02-1349158164.46-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:09:27.36+10	245584
-2012-10-02-1349158168.15-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:09:31.017+10	241800
-2012-10-02-1349158172.0-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:09:37.494+10	462978
-2012-10-02-1349158177.61-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:09:42.242+10	388340
-2012-10-02-1349158214.66-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:10:17.191+10	213156
-2012-10-02-1349158218.49-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:10:25.003+10	546952
-2012-10-02-1349158247.04-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:10:50.609+10	300624
-2012-10-02-1349158251.02-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:10:54.69+10	307336
-2012-10-02-1349158256.12-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:11:13.546+10	1409276
-2012-10-02-1349158274.42-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:11:19.575+10	429820
-2012-10-02-1349158280.91-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:11:32.878+10	1003390
-2012-10-02-1349158295.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:11:46.993+10	991336
-2012-10-02-1349158307.29-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:11:51.925+10	387302
-2012-10-02-1349158312.14-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:11:57.236+10	409064
-2012-10-02-1349158317.55-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:12:02.692+10	412118
-2012-10-02-1349158323.38-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:12:06.825+10	274804
-2012-10-02-1349158328.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:12:11.611+10	236034
-2012-10-02-1349158331.95-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:12:17.545+10	467100
-2012-10-02-1349158337.82-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:12:25.736+10	665736
-2012-10-02-1349158345.87-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:12:28.582+10	229390
-2012-10-02-1349158348.77-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:12:32.277+10	260966
-2012-10-02-1349158352.73-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:12:39.549+10	571722
-2012-10-02-1349158359.78-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:12:43.427+10	305288
-2012-10-02-1349158363.73-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:12:48.691+10	411160
-2012-10-02-1349158368.82-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:12:55.135+10	524924
-2012-10-02-1349158525.9-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:15:28.441+10	214804
-2012-10-02-1349158530.17-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:15:34.137+10	336008
-2012-10-02-1349158534.37-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:15:36.66+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349158559.66-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:16:04.491+10	407688
-2012-10-02-1349158564.61-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:16:07.603+10	254088
-2012-10-02-1349158567.76-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:16:13.045+10	444552
-2012-10-02-1349158573.75-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:16:17.003+10	274556
-2012-10-02-1349158577.35-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:16:24.838+10	609490
-2012-10-02-1349158586.27-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:16:33.967+10	646350
-2012-10-02-1349158594.41-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:16:41.815+10	620680
-2012-10-02-1349158602.16-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:16:53.494+10	948354
-2012-10-02-1349158613.61-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:16:59.51+10	478604
-2012-10-02-1349158620.74-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:17:06.565+10	488212
-2012-10-02-1349158627.82-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:17:11.096+10	276616
-2012-10-02-1349158659.64-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:17:47.685+10	675370
-2012-10-02-1349158668.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:18:00.675+10	1044616
-2012-10-02-1349158754.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:19:17.565+10	245650
-2012-10-02-1349158759.07-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:19:25.486+10	538760
-2012-10-02-1349158766.38-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:19:41.197+10	1241028
-2012-10-02-1349158781.44-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:19:47.208+10	485512
-2012-10-02-1349158787.71-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:19:52.153+10	374914
-2012-10-02-1349158889.73-demo.wav	i1045200		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:21:32.184+10	208116
-2012-10-02-1349158894.24-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:21:52.179+10	1505416
-2012-10-02-1349158989.99-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:23:12.489+10	209548
-2012-10-02-1349158993.77-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:23:19.74+10	498826
-2012-10-02-1349159000.58-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:23:36.177+10	1252286
-2012-10-02-1349159016.93-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:23:41.14+10	352198
-2012-10-02-1349159024.06-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:23:48.702+10	391304
-2012-10-02-1349159028.92-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:23:52.527+10	303190
-2012-10-02-1349159033.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:24:10.128+10	1427014
-2012-10-02-1349159051.15-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:24:21.975+10	905134
-2012-10-02-1349159086.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:24:50.908+10	336008
-2012-10-02-1349159092.77-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:24:55.566+10	235656
-2012-10-02-1349159096.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:25:03.541+10	573576
-2012-10-02-1349159106.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:25:10.017+10	256272
-2012-10-02-1349159110.2-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:25:12.604+10	190866
-2012-10-02-1349159112.86-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:25:19.256+10	531426
-2012-10-02-1349159120.14-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:25:28.236+10	679628
-2012-10-02-1349159128.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:25:30.71+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349159131.82-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:25:37.729+10	499848
-2012-10-02-1349159138.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:25:42.099+10	304700
-2012-10-02-1349159143.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:25:56.376+10	1089092
-2012-10-02-1349159156.51-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:26:05.995+10	794760
-2012-10-02-1349159166.16-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:26:10.669+10	371066
-2012-10-02-1349159170.95-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:26:21.038+10	829552
-2012-10-02-1349159181.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:26:30.227+10	752672
-2012-10-02-1349159193.82-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:26:48.825+10	1263178
-2012-10-02-1349159210.32-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:26:53.938+10	305288
-2012-10-02-1349159214.13-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:26:58.972+10	407688
-2012-10-02-1349159219.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:27:03.006+10	329864
-2012-10-02-1349159224.21-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:27:28.715+10	2048204
-2012-10-02-1349159248.88-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:27:34.169+10	444552
-2012-10-02-1349159254.95-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:27:58.857+10	1988932
-2012-10-02-1349159279.75-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:28:05.491+10	482996
-2012-10-02-1349159396.22-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:30:01.531+10	446098
-2012-10-02-1349159401.7-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:30:04.249+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349159404.38-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:30:06.802+10	204936
-2012-10-02-1349159406.93-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:30:09.078+10	182406
-2012-10-02-1349159409.2-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:30:13.973+10	401544
-2012-10-02-1349159414.18-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:30:27.282+10	1097864
-2012-10-02-1349159427.59-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:30:31.187+10	303240
-2012-10-02-1349159431.31-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:30:34.091+10	235656
-2012-10-02-1349159434.22-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:30:36.467+10	190600
-2012-10-02-1349159436.64-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:30:39.191+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349159439.45-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:30:44.628+10	398772
-2012-10-02-1349159445.38-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:30:54.338+10	748606
-2012-10-02-1349159454.95-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:30:58.318+10	284808
-2012-10-02-1349159459.09-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:31:06+10	577446
-2012-10-02-1349159466.23-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:31:08.879+10	223368
-2012-10-02-1349159469.16-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:31:12.9+10	315528
-2012-10-02-1349159473.13-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:31:18.353+10	438300
-2012-10-02-1349159478.47-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:31:30.377+10	998822
-2012-10-02-1349159490.68-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:31:40.61+10	835720
-2012-10-02-1349159501.13-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:31:49.712+10	719436
-2012-10-02-1349159512.7-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:31:58.862+10	517990
-2012-10-02-1349159519.15-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:32:07.49+10	695180
-2012-10-02-1349159528.06-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:32:13.776+10	481240
-2012-10-02-1349159534.67-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:32:18.705+10	340104
-2012-10-02-1349159538.99-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:32:22.588+10	300494
-2012-10-02-1349159574.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:32:57.283+10	268224
-2012-10-02-1349159595.73-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:33:17.989+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349159598.22-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:33:20.765+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349159602.22-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:33:27.037+10	407688
-2012-10-02-1349159607.53-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:33:31.633+10	346248
-2012-10-02-1349159611.84-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:33:34.378+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349159614.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:33:39.82+10	442458
-2012-10-02-1349159620.63-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:33:55.178+10	1218086
-2012-10-02-1349159635.72-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:33:59.309+10	303240
-2012-10-02-1349159639.43-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:34:05.739+10	528168
-2012-10-02-1349159645.86-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:34:15.599+10	816924
-2012-10-02-1349159658.88-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:34:26.032+10	598014
-2012-10-02-1349159666.45-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:34:29.989+10	295048
-2012-10-02-1349159670.36-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:34:39.733+10	788616
-2012-10-02-1349159680.37-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:34:43.315+10	249992
-2012-10-02-1349159683.53-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:35:06.509+10	1901320
-2012-10-02-1349159707.41-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:35:18.879+10	963756
-2012-10-02-1349159844.19-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:37:26.778+10	218914
-2012-10-02-1349159846.9-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:37:30.176+10	276616
-2012-10-02-1349159850.36-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:37:34.668+10	362632
-2012-10-02-1349159855.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:37:39.503+10	360584
-2012-10-02-1349159862.2-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:37:59.515+10	1450120
-2012-10-02-1349159882.39-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:38:19.894+10	1466504
-2012-10-02-1349159900.02-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:38:23.068+10	258184
-2012-10-02-1349159903.2-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:38:32.799+10	805000
-2012-10-02-1349159912.93-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:38:38.383+10	455446
-2012-10-02-1349159919.77-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:38:42.665+10	195422
-2012-10-02-1349159922.82-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:38:49.132+10	516908
-2012-10-02-1349159929.31-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:38:52.282+10	194452
-2012-10-02-1349159932.86-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:38:57.911+10	425678
-2012-10-02-1349159938.99-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:39:09.077+10	850056
-2012-10-02-1349160008.99-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:40:13.041+10	340520
-2012-10-02-1349160014.3-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:40:16.646+10	198792
-2012-10-02-1349160016.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:40:18.959+10	182404
-2012-10-02-1349160019.45-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:40:23.426+10	333960
-2012-10-02-1349160023.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:40:27.287+10	315318
-2012-10-02-1349160027.76-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:40:31.07+10	276474
-2012-10-02-1349160032.84-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:40:38.857+10	504712
-2012-10-02-1349160039.63-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:40:42.512+10	201268
-2012-10-02-1349160042.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:40:52.677+10	823362
-2012-10-02-1349160055.58-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:41:00.546+10	413080
-2012-10-02-1349160061.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:41:04.025+10	190040
-2012-10-02-1349160066.36-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:41:10.137+10	304218
-2012-10-02-1349160070.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:41:13.008+10	221320
-2012-10-02-1349160130.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:42:14.677+10	354468
-2012-10-02-1349160134.97-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:42:21.759+10	567432
-2012-10-02-1349160142.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:42:24.313+10	194694
-2012-10-02-1349160144.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:42:29.673+10	428036
-2012-10-02-1349160213.54-demo.wav	40067		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:43:36.029+10	209542
-2012-10-02-1349160219.41-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:43:44.675+10	442504
-2012-10-02-1349160225.91-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:43:49.602+10	311432
-2012-10-02-1349160230.22-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:43:54.179+10	333960
-2012-10-02-1349160234.51-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:44:09.898+10	1261846
-2012-10-02-1349160250.65-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:44:21.654+10	921492
-2012-10-02-1349160261.85-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:44:24.996+10	266376
-2012-10-02-1349160265.68-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:44:31.06+10	452744
-2012-10-02-1349160271.18-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:44:40.853+10	789186
-2012-10-02-1349160281.41-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:44:45.255+10	322436
-2012-10-02-1349160286.1-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:44:49.673+10	301192
-2012-10-02-1349160290.77-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:44:57.984+10	604296
-2012-10-02-1349160298.2-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:45:01.352+10	266376
-2012-10-02-1349160302.16-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:45:10.013+10	656018
-2012-10-02-1349160310.92-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:45:13.641+10	229512
-2012-10-02-1349160314.4-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:45:29.52+10	1265800
-2012-10-02-1349160330.03-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:45:33.088+10	258184
-2012-10-02-1349160333.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:45:43.372+10	812766
-2012-10-02-1349160343.89-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:45:51.381+10	630920
-2012-10-02-1349160352.92-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:45:58.335+10	454888
-2012-10-02-1349160359.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:46:04.717+10	432264
-2012-10-02-1349160365.87-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:46:24.879+10	1588410
-2012-10-02-1349160386.44-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:46:29.966+10	297080
-2012-10-02-1349160390.75-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:46:35.118+10	368776
-2012-10-02-1349160395.34-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:46:38.165+10	202172
-2012-10-02-1349160435.51-demo.wav	i1045200		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:47:18.012+10	208072
-2012-10-02-1349160461.95-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:47:46.04+10	342270
-2012-10-02-1349160467.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:48:02.047+10	1197482
-2012-10-02-1349160483.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:48:06.404+10	249580
-2012-10-02-1349160488.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:48:11.127+10	245896
-2012-10-02-1349160492.76-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:48:17.687+10	410162
-2012-10-02-1349160498.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:48:24.741+10	521572
-2012-10-02-1349160506.34-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:48:29.113+10	195506
-2012-10-02-1349160509.87-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:48:34.81+10	390554
-2012-10-02-1349160515.26-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:48:38.082+10	198246
-2012-10-02-1349160522.17-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:48:48.577+10	513036
-2012-10-02-1349160529.66-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:48:56.952+10	561208
-2012-10-02-1349160538.28-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:49:01.243+10	188904
-2012-10-02-1349160542.11-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:49:23.448+10	1793646
-2012-10-02-1349160564.88-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:49:42.772+10	1500300
-2012-10-02-1349160583.63-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:49:49.933+10	528794
-2012-10-02-1349160590.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:49:56.208+10	512136
-2012-10-02-1349160596.68-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:50:01.26+10	385160
-2012-10-02-1349160601.55-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:50:04.807+10	274568
-2012-10-02-1349160666.1-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:51:08.583+10	210012
-2012-10-02-1349160669.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:51:19.292+10	812320
-2012-10-02-1349160679.42-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:51:25.453+10	508040
-2012-10-02-1349160685.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:51:30.799+10	439770
-2012-10-02-1349160690.96-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:51:35.363+10	326834
-2012-10-02-1349160695.99-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:51:39.798+10	271438
-2012-10-02-1349160701.4-demo.wav	40067		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:52:02.844+10	1794272
-2012-10-02-1349160773.45-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:52:55.956+10	208216
-2012-10-02-1349160776.14-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:52:58.875+10	227464
-2012-10-02-1349160779.01-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:53:04.887+10	495752
-2012-10-02-1349160785.02-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:53:09.966+10	354572
-2012-10-02-1349160912.14-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:55:16.067+10	329996
-2012-10-02-1349160917.04-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:55:19.895+10	241800
-2012-10-02-1349160920.19-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:55:27.893+10	647302
-2012-10-02-1349160928.19-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:55:31.474+10	253266
-2012-10-02-1349160931.73-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:55:35.141+10	227570
-2012-10-02-1349161007.75-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:56:51.091+10	282682
-2012-10-02-1349161012.68-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:56:57.919+10	442504
-2012-10-02-1349161018.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:57:04.427+10	522376
-2012-10-02-1349161024.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:57:10.36+10	489544
-2012-10-02-1349161030.63-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:57:16.854+10	522306
-2012-10-02-1349161036.97-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:57:23.842+10	545940
-2012-10-02-1349161044.07-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:57:27.928+10	323160
-2012-10-02-1349161048.05-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:57:31.519+10	227614
-2012-10-02-1349161052.27-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:57:36.976+10	337336
-2012-10-02-1349161057.79-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:57:46.121+10	684940
-2012-10-02-1349161066.24-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:57:51.005+10	391054
-2012-10-02-1349161071.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:57:55.09+10	227242
-2012-10-02-1349161078.22-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 16:58:35.114+10	3082834
-2012-10-02-1349161190.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:59:53.491+10	240052
-2012-10-02-1349161195.13-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 16:59:59.058+10	329864
-2012-10-02-1349161200.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:00:03.061+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349161204.33-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:00:09.17+10	405640
-2012-10-02-1349161209.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:00:12.441+10	219272
-2012-10-02-1349161212.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:00:15.217+10	223368
-2012-10-02-1349161215.52-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:00:18.072+10	215110
-2012-10-02-1349161590.45-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:06:33.861+10	286920
-2012-10-02-1349161596.32-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:06:41.602+10	444552
-2012-10-02-1349161602.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:06:48.894+10	542856
-2012-10-02-1349161609.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:06:58.31+10	774834
-2012-10-02-1349161621.08-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:07:09.446+10	701450
-2012-10-02-1349161629.91-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:07:12.491+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349161632.87-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:07:19.269+10	538720
-2012-10-02-1349161639.54-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:07:24.674+10	374240
-2012-10-02-1349161645.56-demo.wav	i1045200		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:07:43.464+10	1503268
-2012-10-02-1349161663.77-demo.wav	i1045200		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:07:50.675+10	579720
-2012-10-02-1349161671.05-demo.wav	i1045200		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:07:55.141+10	344188
-2012-10-02-1349161676.97-demo.wav	i1045200		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:08:04.17+10	602636
-2012-10-02-1349161707.42-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:08:30.185+10	231560
-2012-10-02-1349161710.56-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:08:33.175+10	221320
-2012-10-02-1349161713.46-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:08:35.945+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349161716.79-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:08:42.575+10	485510
-2012-10-02-1349161722.86-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:08:46.733+10	305488
-2012-10-02-1349161727.15-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:08:51.965+10	362162
-2012-10-02-1349161732.88-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:09:15.677+10	1912254
-2012-10-02-1349161756.01-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:09:18.669+10	223368
-2012-10-02-1349161758.97-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:09:43.869+10	2062974
-2012-10-02-1349161784.77-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:09:49.381+10	382904
-2012-10-02-1349161789.56-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:09:53.512+10	330102
-2012-10-02-1349161793.81-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:09:56.559+10	186182
-2012-10-02-1349161797.06-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:10:06.271+10	767934
-2012-10-02-1349161807.0-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:10:16.575+10	805000
-2012-10-02-1349161817.01-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:10:26.446+10	792706
-2012-10-02-1349161827.32-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:10:37.447+10	851966
-2012-10-02-1349161878.05-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:11:20.762+10	228906
-2012-10-02-1349161881.48-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:11:24.542+10	258184
-2012-10-02-1349161885.05-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:11:29.064+10	338056
-2012-10-02-1349161889.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:11:34.081+10	372684
-2012-10-02-1349161924.34-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:12:07.073+10	231340
-2012-10-02-1349161928.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:12:11.412+10	268424
-2012-10-02-1349161931.53-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:12:16.101+10	385160
-2012-10-02-1349161936.22-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:12:29.696+10	1109064
-2012-10-02-1349161949.82-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:12:34.451+10	331132
-2012-10-02-1349161955.08-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:12:40.602+10	417824
-2012-10-02-1349162000.89-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:13:25.6+10	395570
-2012-10-02-1349162005.83-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:13:28.36+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349162008.92-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:13:34.28+10	450696
-2012-10-02-1349162014.4-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:13:40.84+10	542854
-2012-10-02-1349162021.24-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:13:44.015+10	227794
-2012-10-02-1349162024.13-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:13:50.525+10	481168
-2012-10-02-1349162033.49-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:14:01.691+10	687328
-2012-10-02-1349162042.6-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:14:08.232+10	469128
-2012-10-02-1349162049.16-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:14:16.239+10	592236
-2012-10-02-1349162057.98-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:14:33.449+10	1237268
-2012-10-02-1349162074.29-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:14:40.372+10	510776
-2012-10-02-1349162086.1-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:14:50.47+10	364718
-2012-10-02-1349162090.76-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:14:58.86+10	617890
-2012-10-02-1349162099.15-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:15:02.608+10	246652
-2012-10-02-1349162103.06-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:15:19.324+10	1365642
-2012-10-02-1349162121.61-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:15:30.839+10	770090
-2012-10-02-1349162131.33-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:15:46.563+10	1237380
-2012-10-02-1349162146.74-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:15:57.49+10	839128
-2012-10-02-1349162157.71-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:16:16.017+10	1525322
-2012-10-02-1349162176.14-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:16:22.631+10	493120
-2012-10-02-1349162182.91-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:16:26.746+10	257264
-2012-10-02-1349162218.17-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:17:01.74+10	293388
-2012-10-02-1349162246.68-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:17:29.429+10	229512
-2012-10-02-1349162249.99-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:17:34.899+10	411784
-2012-10-02-1349162255.59-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:17:40.633+10	422024
-2012-10-02-1349162260.9-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:17:43.258+10	196744
-2012-10-02-1349162263.55-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:17:47.5+10	329850
-2012-10-02-1349162267.76-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:17:51.344+10	298650
-2012-10-02-1349162271.87-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:18:03.096+10	942216
-2012-10-02-1349162283.38-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:18:05.725+10	194696
-2012-10-02-1349162286.4-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:18:26.552+10	1627170
-2012-10-02-1349162306.67-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:18:43.307+10	1328194
-2012-10-02-1349162323.43-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:18:47.263+10	264378
-2012-10-02-1349162327.7-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:18:58.012+10	863470
-2012-10-02-1349162338.73-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:19:03.595+10	409736
-2012-10-02-1349162344.92-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:19:23.325+10	1540044
-2012-10-02-1349162363.49-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:19:25.879+10	202888
-2012-10-02-1349162366.0-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:19:39.37+10	1074852
-2012-10-02-1349162379.56-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:19:48.386+10	739464
-2012-10-02-1349162388.53-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:19:51.514+10	251976
-2012-10-02-1349162391.72-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:19:55.269+10	281176
-2012-10-02-1349162396.2-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:20:01.093+10	411370
-2012-10-02-1349162402.11-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:20:07.547+10	456830
-2012-10-02-1349162407.92-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:20:13.719+10	487560
-2012-10-02-1349162414.21-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:20:19.391+10	436360
-2012-10-02-1349162445.21-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:20:48.486+10	276616
-2012-10-02-1349162448.61-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:20:51.067+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349162451.49-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:20:58.039+10	551048
-2012-10-02-1349162458.67-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:21:02.871+10	334318
-2012-10-02-1349162502.6-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:21:46.527+10	329128
-2012-10-02-1349162507.93-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:21:55.139+10	600120
-2012-10-02-1349162515.42-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:22:03.322+10	663682
-2012-10-02-1349162525.74-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:22:11.06+10	448642
-2012-10-02-1349162533.15-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:22:18.889+10	481416
-2012-10-02-1349162557.81-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:22:41.301+10	295048
-2012-10-02-1349162562.2-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:22:54.786+10	1051064
-2012-10-02-1349162575.32-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:22:58.819+10	290952
-2012-10-02-1349162579.11-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:23:07.941+10	731610
-2012-10-02-1349162588.26-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:23:15.089+10	573576
-2012-10-02-1349162596.72-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:23:25.964+10	776328
-2012-10-02-1349162606.3-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:23:29.864+10	301192
-2012-10-02-1349162610.08-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:23:41.214+10	871096
-2012-10-02-1349162622.1-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:23:51.467+10	784242
-2012-10-02-1349162632.33-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:23:56.726+10	367016
-2012-10-02-1349162637.57-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:24:13.734+10	1353104
-2012-10-02-1349162688.3-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:24:53.365+10	425258
-2012-10-02-1349162693.58-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:24:57.161+10	301192
-2012-10-02-1349162697.98-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:25:10.277+10	963262
-2012-10-02-1349162711.18-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:25:29.719+10	1547700
-2012-10-02-1349162730.6-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:25:34.361+10	315984
-2012-10-02-1349162734.76-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:25:45.643+10	913544
-2012-10-02-1349162764.94-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:26:11.343+10	538760
-2012-10-02-1349162772.25-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:26:34.4+10	1851624
-2012-10-02-1349162849.4-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:27:33.02+10	303636
-2012-10-02-1349162854.53-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:27:37.71+10	265994
-2012-10-02-1349162857.83-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:27:41.935+10	346248
-2012-10-02-1349162862.5-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:27:48.246+10	483272
-2012-10-02-1349162868.37-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:27:52.169+10	264656
-2012-10-02-1349162872.45-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:27:55.966+10	233084
-2012-10-02-1349162876.54-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:27:59.378+10	195500
-2012-10-02-1349162879.5-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:28:04.3+10	340618
-2012-10-02-1349162884.42-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:28:10.282+10	433678
-2012-10-02-1349162890.63-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:28:23.406+10	1070612
-2012-10-02-1349162903.69-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:28:31.784+10	679614
-2012-10-02-1349162912.41-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:28:35.588+10	227644
-2012-10-02-1349162915.79-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:28:39.074+10	214696
-2012-10-02-1349162919.51-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:28:55.948+10	1381298
-2012-10-02-1349162936.29-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:29:01.323+10	422024
-2012-10-02-1349162942.2-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:29:13.587+10	954834
-2012-10-02-1349162953.88-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:29:16.059+10	182408
-2012-10-02-1349162956.52-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:29:25.194+10	729114
-2012-10-02-1349162965.48-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:29:31.699+10	468666
-2012-10-02-1349162972.0-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:29:42.672+10	835582
-2012-10-02-1349162982.88-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:29:46.396+10	225890
-2012-10-02-1349163074.42-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:31:16.942+10	210026
-2012-10-02-1349163078.02-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:31:33.131+10	1262486
-2012-10-02-1349163093.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:31:36.458+10	235656
-2012-10-02-1349163097.17-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:32:40.698+10	5308736
-2012-10-02-1349163160.98-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:32:43.538+10	200408
-2012-10-02-1349163165.34-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:32:58.588+10	1111774
-2012-10-02-1349163252.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:34:14.696+10	207760
-2012-10-02-1349163296.86-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:35:08.536+10	979628
-2012-10-02-1349163308.66-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:35:17.021+10	699390
-2012-10-02-1349163317.3-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:35:23.322+10	502814
-2012-10-02-1349163323.52-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:35:27.645+10	336106
-2012-10-02-1349163328.47-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:35:57.208+10	2380182
-2012-10-02-1349163358.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:36:04.61+10	542364
-2012-10-02-1349163446.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:37:28.486+10	208524
-2012-10-02-1349163449.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:37:34.868+10	443840
-2012-10-02-1349163454.99-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:37:41.059+10	512134
-2012-10-02-1349163461.2-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:37:57.472+10	1354224
-2012-10-02-1349163477.78-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:38:08.479+10	863974
-2012-10-02-1349163490.47-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:38:13.377+10	198390
-2012-10-02-1349163542.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:39:06.336+10	320632
-2012-10-02-1349163548.71-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:39:12.271+10	297272
-2012-10-02-1349163553.4-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:39:25.461+10	1008778
-2012-10-02-1349163565.74-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:39:31.142+10	420892
-2012-10-02-1349163571.76-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:39:35.336+10	278022
-2012-10-02-1349163577.23-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:39:45.957+10	731350
-2012-10-02-1349163586.5-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:39:50.106+10	305288
-2012-10-02-1349163590.86-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:40:01.323+10	878728
-2012-10-02-1349163602.65-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:40:11.647+10	753092
-2012-10-02-1349163611.77-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:40:19.794+10	661160
-2012-10-02-1349163723.55-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:42:06.034+10	208184
-2012-10-02-1349163801.65-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:43:25.452+10	315862
-2012-10-02-1349163810.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:43:32.614+10	219272
-2012-10-02-1349163813.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:43:41.898+10	686694
-2012-10-02-1349163822.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:44:01.168+10	1580082
-2012-10-02-1349163841.47-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:44:04.74+10	233416
-2012-10-02-1349163847.89-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:44:42.443+10	2880452
-2012-10-02-1349163883.19-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:44:53.166+10	835302
-2012-10-02-1349163893.29-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:44:57.146+10	285090
-2012-10-02-1349163945.81-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:45:49.772+10	329972
-2012-10-02-1349163950.19-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:45:53.592+10	282760
-2012-10-02-1349163953.9-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:46:00.002+10	509652
-2012-10-02-1349163960.16-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:46:05.039+10	352724
-2012-10-02-1349163968.78-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:46:17.83+10	757696
-2012-10-02-1349164053.6-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:47:36.093+10	210234
-2012-10-02-1349164102.0-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:48:26.473+10	376272
-2012-10-02-1349164107.4-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:48:31.149+10	312654
-2012-10-02-1349164112.03-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:48:46.134+10	1133456
-2012-10-02-1349164126.26-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:48:50.802+10	378666
-2012-10-02-1349164196.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:49:59.006+10	209750
-2012-10-02-1349164200.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:50:03.013+10	248304
-2012-10-02-1349164203.17-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:50:09.317+10	516232
-2012-10-02-1349164211.48-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:50:19.083+10	639112
-2012-10-02-1349164219.72-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:50:28.865+10	768136
-2012-10-02-1349164229.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:50:37.467+10	673542
-2012-10-02-1349164237.59-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:50:44.09+10	490610
-2012-10-02-1349164244.24-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:50:48.605+10	348982
-2012-10-02-1349164248.86-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:50:54.033+10	430260
-2012-10-02-1349164254.31-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:50:57.383+10	252842
-2012-10-02-1349164258.29-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:51:08.489+10	798836
-2012-10-02-1349164270.12-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:51:17.899+10	650756
-2012-10-02-1349164356.29-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:52:38.821+10	210098
-2012-10-02-1349164470.91-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:54:33.964+10	257584
-2012-10-02-1349164475.53-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:54:39.98+10	371786
-2012-10-02-1349164480.71-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:55:01.955+10	1767254
-2012-10-02-1349164502.08-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:55:05.009+10	189200
-2012-10-02-1349164567.33-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:56:09.948+10	210054
-2012-10-02-1349164571.01-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:56:14.702+10	297442
-2012-10-02-1349164575.03-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:56:18.011+10	249992
-2012-10-02-1349164579.13-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:56:23.48+10	364680
-2012-10-02-1349164583.75-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:56:27.338+10	301162
-2012-10-02-1349164587.73-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:56:30.162+10	204926
-2012-10-02-1349164590.32-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:56:32.763+10	181796
-2012-10-02-1349164594.31-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:56:39.481+10	434224
-2012-10-02-1349164628.98-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:57:14.825+10	491070
-2012-10-02-1349164635.31-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:57:21.52+10	520328
-2012-10-02-1349164642.8-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:57:27.415+10	386516
-2012-10-02-1349164650.44-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:57:36.438+10	503944
-2012-10-02-1349164657.06-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:57:50.217+10	1057496
-2012-10-02-1349164670.38-demo.wav	40093	PCL Rural	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 17:57:54.191+10	318880
-2012-10-02-1349164773.29-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 17:59:37.982+10	393818
-2012-10-02-1349164999.36-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:03:22.969+10	302788
-2012-10-02-1349165004.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:03:29.847+10	445182
-2012-10-02-1349165010.0-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:03:38.703+10	731270
-2012-10-02-1349165019.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:03:45.006+10	463956
-2012-10-02-1349165026.02-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:03:53.001+10	585352
-2012-10-02-1349165035.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:03:58.139+10	262226
-2012-10-02-1349165039.94-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:04:03.678+10	315528
-2012-10-02-1349165044.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:04:14.527+10	827528
-2012-10-02-1349165055.97-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:04:20.352+10	368776
-2012-10-02-1349165182.72-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:06:26.195+10	290272
-2012-10-02-1349165186.76-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:06:36.293+10	798856
-2012-10-02-1349165198.04-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:06:46.482+10	704064
-2012-10-02-1349165207.42-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:06:55.305+10	660290
-2012-10-02-1349165215.9-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:07:01.579+10	475272
-2012-10-02-1349165223.86-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:07:10.473+10	554946
-2012-10-02-1349165230.86-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:07:15.459+10	383026
-2012-10-02-1349165276.73-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:08:08.086+10	952112
-2012-10-02-1349165288.2-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:08:10.603+10	202888
-2012-10-02-1349165291.41-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:08:26.863+10	1292424
-2012-10-02-1349165308.36-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:08:34.79+10	538410
-2012-10-02-1349165315.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:08:53.344+10	1479310
-2012-10-02-1349165335.76-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:08:58.106+10	198792
-2012-10-02-1349165338.22-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:09:01.936+10	313480
-2012-10-02-1349165342.06-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:09:06.634+10	384968
-2012-10-02-1349165348.35-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:09:15.938+10	635584
-2012-10-02-1349165356.06-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:09:20.26+10	354440
-2012-10-02-1349165361.53-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:09:29.05+10	630920
-2012-10-02-1349165369.77-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:09:33.802+10	336008
-2012-10-02-1349165374.25-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:09:39.408+10	429770
-2012-10-02-1349165379.62-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:09:42.385+10	197950
-2012-10-02-1349165706.04-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:15:10.324+10	361558
-2012-10-02-1349165710.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:15:12.606+10	184456
-2012-10-02-1349165713.17-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:15:18.143+10	419976
-2012-10-02-1349165718.63-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:15:24.526+10	494950
-2012-10-02-1349165725.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:15:30.686+10	417712
-2012-10-02-1349165730.81-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:15:36.526+10	435780
-2012-10-02-1349165736.77-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:15:46.484+10	801428
-2012-10-02-1349165748.06-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:15:52.693+10	370152
-2012-10-02-1349165753.56-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:15:56.716+10	211376
-2012-10-02-1349165806.71-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:16:49.662+10	243524
-2012-10-02-1349165911.13-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:18:33.991+10	240460
-2012-10-02-1349165915.72-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:18:42.868+10	600200
-2012-10-02-1349165923.75-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:19:06.414+10	1861464
-2012-10-02-1349165947.17-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:19:11.151+10	333696
-2012-10-02-1349165951.94-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:19:32.517+10	1720318
-2012-10-02-1349165972.66-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:19:36.075+10	288904
-2012-10-02-1349165976.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:19:41.476+10	404530
-2012-10-02-1349165981.97-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:19:45.513+10	299144
-2012-10-02-1349165986.77-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:19:58.914+10	1020040
-2012-10-02-1349166001.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:20:08.268+10	584252
-2012-10-02-1349166008.55-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:20:12.264+10	307336
-2012-10-02-1349166015.11-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:20:19.084+10	331912
-2012-10-02-1349166019.29-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:20:22.012+10	210866
-2012-10-02-1349166022.41-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:20:30.561+10	684168
-2012-10-02-1349166031.21-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:20:33.559+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349166034.92-demo.wav	44012	ACTION 44012	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:20:46.059+10	931074
-2012-10-02-1349166046.27-demo.wav	44012	ACTION 44012	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:20:50.598+10	360534
-2012-10-02-1349166050.9-demo.wav	44012	ACTION 44012	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:20:56.222+10	430044
-2012-10-02-1349166057.11-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:21:04.705+10	635622
-2012-10-02-1349166065.39-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:21:13.797+10	704648
-2012-10-02-1349166075.25-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:21:24.67+10	790664
-2012-10-02-1349166086.27-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:21:29.743+10	286856
-2012-10-02-1349166090.4-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:21:42.178+10	929244
-2012-10-02-1349166103.07-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:21:55.307+10	1024000
-2012-10-02-1349166116.12-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:22:08.55+10	1039762
-2012-10-02-1349166128.95-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:22:18.778+10	819336
-2012-10-02-1349166141.31-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:22:27.569+10	523750
-2012-10-02-1349166168.19-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:22:50.713+10	213128
-2012-10-02-1349166172.14-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:23:06.873+10	1235080
-2012-10-02-1349166187.68-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:23:12.114+10	369840
-2012-10-02-1349166192.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:23:20.187+10	661188
-2012-10-02-1349166201.21-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:23:25.576+10	322478
-2012-10-02-1349166352.48-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:25:56.422+10	330852
-2012-10-02-1349166356.55-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:25:59.818+10	276616
-2012-10-02-1349166359.94-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:26:12.022+10	950258
-2012-10-02-1349166372.78-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:26:17.974+10	436304
-2012-10-02-1349166378.19-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:26:23.863+10	477320
-2012-10-02-1349166384.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:26:39.263+10	1222060
-2012-10-02-1349166401.24-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:26:47.193+10	454228
-2012-10-02-1349166408.5-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:26:52.09+10	289586
-2012-10-02-1349166413.97-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:27:15.442+10	1802376
-2012-10-02-1349166435.71-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:27:20.293+10	383112
-2012-10-02-1349166441.44-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:27:24.474+10	256136
-2012-10-02-1349166444.67-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:27:32.723+10	677920
-2012-10-02-1349166452.86-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:27:35.565+10	224740
-2012-10-02-1349166456.01-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:27:40.75+10	388960
-2012-10-02-1349166462.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:27:45.089+10	211456
-2012-10-02-1349166531.57-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:28:54.623+10	256808
-2012-10-02-1349166536.05-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:28:58.309+10	192648
-2012-10-02-1349166538.43-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:29:04.342+10	497800
-2012-10-02-1349166544.47-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:29:08.508+10	338832
-2012-10-02-1349166550.11-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:29:13.854+10	312816
-2012-10-02-1349166990.04-demo.wav	40091	Fire Mgt	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:36:32.507+10	207980
-2012-10-02-1349167218.03-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:40:23.003+10	415220
-2012-10-02-1349167224.4-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:40:35.57+10	938120
-2012-10-02-1349167262.23-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:41:06.187+10	330528
-2012-10-02-1349167267.79-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:41:15.995+10	690312
-2012-10-02-1349167276.27-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:41:19.611+10	278664
-2012-10-02-1349167280.57-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:41:28.743+10	682120
-2012-10-02-1349167360.83-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:42:44.115+10	275612
-2012-10-02-1349167386.67-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:43:10.95+10	360584
-2012-10-02-1349167392.6-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:43:16.661+10	342152
-2012-10-02-1349167397.82-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:43:29.488+10	974586
-2012-10-02-1349167409.62-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:43:38.984+10	723928
-2012-10-02-1349167419.39-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:43:44.297+10	352126
-2012-10-02-1349167424.67-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:43:51.036+10	533154
-2012-10-02-1349167431.38-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:44:01.516+10	850028
-2012-10-02-1349167441.71-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:44:04.584+10	181710
-2012-10-02-1349167710.55-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:48:37.245+10	557418
-2012-10-02-1349167718.14-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:48:46.988+10	737416
-2012-10-02-1349167727.57-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:49:19.856+10	2665288
-2012-10-02-1349167760.61-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:49:26.332+10	479182
-2012-10-02-1349167826.55-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:50:32.264+10	481012
-2012-10-02-1349167832.5-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:50:35.949+10	288902
-2012-10-02-1349167837.69-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:50:46.638+10	749966
-2012-10-02-1349167847.38-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:50:52.47+10	428166
-2012-10-02-1349167985.67-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:53:08.828+10	265888
-2012-10-02-1349167989.67-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:53:18.785+10	745398
-2012-10-02-1349167999.0-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:53:25.912+10	572948
-2012-10-02-1349168007.16-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:53:30.138+10	249692
-2012-10-02-1349168011.0-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:53:39.498+10	715792
-2012-10-02-1349168055.77-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:54:19.117+10	279422
-2012-10-02-1349168060.38-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:54:37.219+10	1413256
-2012-10-02-1349168080.09-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:54:52.078+10	1007748
-2012-10-02-1349168092.29-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 18:54:55.47+10	264182
-2012-10-02-1349168143.23-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:55:46.209+10	250906
-2012-10-02-1349168146.77-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:55:50.629+10	325768
-2012-10-02-1349168150.75-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:55:54.826+10	344200
-2012-10-02-1349168155.6-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:55:57.938+10	198792
-2012-10-02-1349168238.05-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:57:23.373+10	448412
-2012-10-02-1349168244.39-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:57:27.569+10	266376
-2012-10-02-1349168248.12-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:57:42.2+10	1181504
-2012-10-02-1349168263.37-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:57:48.847+10	417822
-2012-10-02-1349168269.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:57:53.048+10	319624
-2012-10-02-1349168274.7-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:58:15.014+10	1706120
-2012-10-02-1349168297.16-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:58:24.75+10	637064
-2012-10-02-1349168304.98-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:58:30.876+10	491656
-2012-10-02-1349168312.64-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:58:38.504+10	491656
-2012-10-02-1349168319.9-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 18:58:44.885+10	419958
-2012-10-02-1349168485.38-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 19:01:31.13+10	479970
-2012-10-02-1349168676.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:04:39.419+10	279130
-2012-10-02-1349168679.6-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:04:42.461+10	241800
-2012-10-02-1349168683.01-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:04:48.298+10	444552
-2012-10-02-1349168688.45-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:04:51.406+10	228234
-2012-10-02-1349168718.25-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:05:21.985+10	315528
-2012-10-02-1349168723.31-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:05:26.986+10	309384
-2012-10-02-1349168727.8-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:05:33.475+10	475272
-2012-10-02-1349168733.73-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:05:36.553+10	237676
-2012-10-02-1349168737.1-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:05:46.696+10	805000
-2012-10-02-1349168746.87-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:05:49.527+10	223368
-2012-10-02-1349168749.69-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:05:53.882+10	352292
-2012-10-02-1349168862.69-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 19:07:45.961+10	275992
-2012-10-02-1349168867.34-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:07:52.87+10	465222
-2012-10-02-1349168873.06-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:08:02.617+10	802952
-2012-10-02-1349168884.54-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:08:09.254+10	392916
-2012-10-02-1349168889.8-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:08:15.78+10	470986
-2012-10-02-1349168896.03-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:08:20.135+10	276158
-2012-10-02-1349168900.39-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:08:28.752+10	693058
-2012-10-02-1349168908.96-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:08:32.931+10	278972
-2012-10-02-1349168913.79-demo.wav	44028		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:08:37.222+10	227170
-2012-10-02-1349168917.5-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:08:57.924+10	1709392
-2012-10-02-1349168939.02-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:09:21.343+10	1869960
-2012-10-02-1349168961.49-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:09:24.2+10	194184
-2012-10-02-1349169021.88-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:10:24.94+10	256776
-2012-10-02-1349169046.73-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:10:49.371+10	223368
-2012-10-02-1349169049.6-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:10:52.146+10	215176
-2012-10-02-1349169052.59-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:10:56.047+10	290952
-2012-10-02-1349169056.8-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:11:06.334+10	798786
-2012-10-02-1349169066.74-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:11:11.31+10	355626
-2012-10-02-1349169071.88-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:11:34.162+10	1864876
-2012-10-02-1349169094.28-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:11:37.22+10	247944
-2012-10-02-1349169097.35-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:11:40.3+10	249992
-2012-10-02-1349169101.02-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:11:43.827+10	237704
-2012-10-02-1349169151.43-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:12:33.959+10	210934
-2012-10-02-1349169197.12-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:13:19.613+10	208586
-2012-10-02-1349169200.72-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:13:26.547+10	487480
-2012-10-02-1349169206.85-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:13:30.864+10	336008
-2012-10-02-1349169212.21-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:13:49.156+10	1370758
-2012-10-02-1349169230.04-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:13:55.984+10	498672
-2012-10-02-1349169282.25-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:14:46.064+10	318808
-2012-10-02-1349169287.74-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:14:55.27+10	631702
-2012-10-02-1349169298.49-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:15:01.764+10	278664
-2012-10-02-1349169301.97-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:15:07.796+10	448472
-2012-10-02-1349169308.05-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:15:10.971+10	185412
-2012-10-02-1349169311.12-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:15:14.802+10	295030
-2012-10-02-1349169315.33-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:15:19.382+10	306684
-2012-10-02-1349169319.71-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:15:25.413+10	428170
-2012-10-02-1349169439.12-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 19:17:21.787+10	223402
-2012-10-02-1349169441.9-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 19:17:27.181+10	444552
-2012-10-02-1349169449.23-demo.wav	44028		CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 19:17:32.943+10	313480
-2012-10-02-1349169532.82-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:18:56.954+10	346350
-2012-10-02-1349169538.27-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:19:02.035+10	317576
-2012-10-02-1349169543.03-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:19:31.417+10	2330654
-2012-10-02-1349169571.54-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:19:34.891+10	216776
-2012-10-02-1349169679.88-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:21:25.003+10	430858
-2012-10-02-1349169686.23-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:21:30.015+10	314496
-2012-10-02-1349169690.7-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:21:44.55+10	1116662
-2012-10-02-1349169704.82-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:21:47.885+10	203572
-2012-10-02-1349169799.28-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 19:23:30.64+10	951072
-2012-10-02-1349169959.58-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:26:02.619+10	254176
-2012-10-02-1349169962.89-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:26:05.947+10	258184
-2012-10-02-1349169966.55-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:26:23.239+10	1398920
-2012-10-02-1349169983.85-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:26:26.581+10	231560
-2012-10-02-1349170173.46-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 19:29:37.4+10	329116
-2012-10-02-1349170179.46-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 19:29:46.152+10	561288
-2012-10-02-1349170187.12-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:29:53.075+10	497340
-2012-10-02-1349170194.54-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:30:15.559+10	1762918
-2012-10-02-1349170218.07-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:30:22.021+10	331912
-2012-10-02-1349170222.28-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:30:25.611+10	282760
-2012-10-02-1349170226.12-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:30:30.173+10	342152
-2012-10-02-1349170230.37-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:30:35.201+10	407688
-2012-10-02-1349170235.96-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:30:41.997+10	445046
-2012-10-02-1349170242.39-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:30:47.869+10	460936
-2012-10-02-1349170248.93-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:30:53.488+10	385148
-2012-10-02-1349170255.3-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:31:14.517+10	1605414
-2012-10-02-1349170274.74-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:31:17.848+10	262280
-2012-10-02-1349170277.96-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:31:33.542+10	1291410
-2012-10-02-1349170293.89-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:31:38.289+10	370824
-2012-10-02-1349170299.52-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:31:44.812+10	444552
-2012-10-02-1349170305.43-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:31:48.589+10	266376
-2012-10-02-1349170309.36-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:31:55.974+10	498204
-2012-10-02-1349170316.08-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:31:58.406+10	183242
-2012-10-02-1349170359.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:32:41.917+10	239668
-2012-10-02-1349170363.39-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:32:48.278+10	411784
-2012-10-02-1349170368.9-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:32:54.853+10	499848
-2012-10-02-1349170377.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:33:01.635+10	379888
-2012-10-02-1349170382.08-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:33:14.847+10	1067144
-2012-10-02-1349170395.05-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:33:17.437+10	200840
-2012-10-02-1349170398.73-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:33:24.39+10	473226
-2012-10-02-1349170404.74-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:33:37.685+10	1085534
-2012-10-02-1349170418.64-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:33:44.546+10	481322
-2012-10-02-1349170425.04-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:02.589+10	1470738
-2012-10-02-1349170442.81-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:06.192+10	254878
-2012-10-02-1349170446.68-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:12.079+10	451404
-2012-10-02-1349170452.58-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:15.421+10	239752
-2012-10-02-1349170456.1-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:23.793+10	645256
-2012-10-02-1349170464.23-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:27.478+10	270472
-2012-10-02-1349170467.77-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:32.998+10	440456
-2012-10-02-1349170473.82-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:36.605+10	233608
-2012-10-02-1349170478.76-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:43.443+10	387858
-2012-10-02-1349170483.57-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:48.612+10	409562
-2012-10-02-1349170488.73-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:52.39+10	243250
-2012-10-02-1349170492.64-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:34:56.458+10	274262
-2012-10-02-1349170641.06-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:37:24.094+10	250800
-2012-10-02-1349170644.73-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:37:27.826+10	262280
-2012-10-02-1349170648.98-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:37:32.798+10	321672
-2012-10-02-1349170653.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:37:36.411+10	280712
-2012-10-02-1349170657.8-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:37:46.417+10	720906
-2012-10-02-1349170673.39-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:37:58.126+10	394974
-2012-10-02-1349170679.26-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:38:02.881+10	305288
-2012-10-02-1349170683.41-demo.wav	40078	SES Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:38:06.234+10	239752
-2012-10-02-1349170687.16-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:38:14.979+10	653448
-2012-10-02-1349170700.29-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:38:25.242+10	413794
-2012-10-02-1349170706.49-demo.wav	42006		CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:38:31.816+10	417690
-2012-10-02-1349170712.51-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:38:54.046+10	1472430
-2012-10-02-1349170734.16-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:38:57.969+10	321672
-2012-10-02-1349170738.71-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:39:10.254+10	966792
-2012-10-02-1349170750.75-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:39:14.834+10	326342
-2012-10-02-1349171159.31-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:46:01.812+10	210038
-2012-10-02-1349171162.03-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:46:04.185+10	182408
-2012-10-02-1349171164.6-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:46:08.333+10	315528
-2012-10-02-1349171169.27-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:46:18.102+10	729604
-2012-10-02-1349171178.21-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:46:24.22+10	444118
-2012-10-02-1349171238.88-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:47:22.952+10	338900
-2012-10-02-1349171243.56-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:47:26.463+10	245896
-2012-10-02-1349171247.07-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:47:31.26+10	354440
-2012-10-02-1349171251.51-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:47:35.008+10	293000
-2012-10-02-1349171421.04-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:50:24.208+10	266150
-2012-10-02-1349171425.57-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:50:29.186+10	301192
-2012-10-02-1349171430.11-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:50:34.92+10	403592
-2012-10-02-1349171435.69-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:50:39.897+10	354440
-2012-10-02-1349171441.4-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:50:47.204+10	489608
-2012-10-02-1349171448.69-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:50:51.623+10	247944
-2012-10-02-1349171452.22-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:51:10.779+10	1514028
-2012-10-02-1349171471.53-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:51:15.312+10	317822
-2012-10-02-1349171592.76-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:53:16.403+10	306188
-2012-10-02-1349171597.83-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:53:25.192+10	618632
-2012-10-02-1349171606.05-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:53:32.05+10	501206
-2012-10-02-1349171612.95-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:53:36.547+10	303240
-2012-10-02-1349171617.35-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:53:57.062+10	1653430
-2012-10-02-1349171637.34-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:53:59.755+10	202888
-2012-10-02-1349171640.51-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:54:11.812+10	950408
-2012-10-02-1349171653.09-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:54:17.37+10	360584
-2012-10-02-1349171657.56-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:54:20.202+10	217224
-2012-10-02-1349171804.71-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:56:49.933+10	436640
-2012-10-02-1349171810.91-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:56:55.816+10	409814
-2012-10-02-1349171816.82-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:57:01.278+10	368776
-2012-10-02-1349171821.63-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:57:05.677+10	340104
-2012-10-02-1349171825.8-demo.wav	40068	RFS Ops 1	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 19:57:08.276+10	209032
-2012-10-02-1349172101.56-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 20:01:46.528+10	414948
-2012-10-02-1349172106.74-demo.wav	44011	ACTION 44011	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 20:01:49.746+10	254088
-2012-10-02-1349172282.12-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:04:44.618+10	208278
-2012-10-02-1349172284.94-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:04:47.343+10	202888
-2012-10-02-1349172288.39-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:04:52.783+10	370824
-2012-10-02-1349172293.1-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:05:08.371+10	1244360
-2012-10-02-1349172308.53-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:05:12.601+10	279168
-2012-10-02-1349172313.14-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:05:21.05+10	608304
-2012-10-02-1349172321.38-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:05:26.234+10	354634
-2012-10-02-1349173142.65-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:19:05.689+10	254170
-2012-10-02-1349173146.37-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:19:09.199+10	239752
-2012-10-02-1349173150.04-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:19:18.804+10	735368
-2012-10-02-1349173159.87-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:19:26.775+10	577642
-2012-10-02-1349173221.91-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 20:20:24.412+10	209748
-2012-10-02-1349173673.11-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 20:27:57.631+10	379652
-2012-10-02-1349174240.8-demo.wav	10106	SYD 7	CanberraMtAinsli	2012-10-02 20:37:23.29+10	209534
-2012-10-02-1349174599.95-demo.wav	30004	L GEORG	CanberraBlackMnt	2012-10-02 20:43:25.506+10	466904
+    tgid text NOT NULL,
+    subfleet smallint,
+    alpha_tag text NOT NULL,
+    mode character(1) DEFAULT 'D'::bpchar NOT NULL,
+    description text,
+    service_tag text,
+    category text
+ALTER TABLE public.tgids OWNER TO postgres;
--- TOC entry 1849 (class 2606 OID 62399)
--- Dependencies: 161 161
 -- Name: recordings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
@@ -3632,8 +71,14 @@
--- TOC entry 1855 (class 0 OID 0)
--- Dependencies: 6
+-- Name: tgids_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 
+    ADD CONSTRAINT tgids_pkey PRIMARY KEY (tgid);
 -- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
@@ -3643,8 +88,6 @@
--- Completed on 2012-10-08 22:16:53
 -- PostgreSQL database dump complete

--- /dev/null
+++ b/generateConvos.php
@@ -1,1 +1,36 @@
+//select tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday, count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename), ' ') from recordings group by tgid, ahour, aday order by  aday, ahour, tgid
+$sth = $conn->prepare('select * from recordings limit 100;');
+$recordings = $sth->fetchAll();
+$convos = Array();
+$convo = Array();
+foreach ($recordings as $i => $recording) {
+    if (count($convo) > 0) {
+        echo "<br> " . strcasecmp($convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['call_timestamp'], $recording['call_timestamp']);
+        if (abs(strcasecmp($convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['call_timestamp'], $recording['call_timestamp'])) > 2) {
+            echo " " . $convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['call_timestamp'] . " " . $recording['call_timestamp'];
+        }
+        if (strcasecmp($convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['tgid'], $recording['tgid']) != 0) {
+            $convos[] = $convo;
+            $convo = Array();
+        }
+    }
+    ;
+    //print_r($recording);
+    $convo[] = $recording;
+    //print_r($convo);
+    //echo "<br>\n";
+foreach ($convos as $i => $convo) {
+    foreach ($convo as $recording) {
+        echo $recording['filename'] . " , ";
+    }
+    echo "<br><hr>\n";

--- /dev/null
+++ b/generateHourlys.php
@@ -1,1 +1,46 @@
+function processHourly($hourly) {
+    $filename = str_replace(' ',"_",$hourly['tgid']).'-'.str_replace(' 00:00:00+1','',$hourly['aday']).'-'.$hourly['ahour'].'.3gp';
+    if(!file_exists("hourly/".$filename)) {
+        $filenames = explode(",",$hourly['filenames']);
+        $cmd = "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -filter_complex concat=n=".count($filenames).":v=0:a=1 -i data/".implode(" -i data/",$filenames)." -ar 8000 -ab 4.75k -ac 1 hourly/".$filename . ' 2>&1';
+        //print_r($hourly);
+        exec ( $cmd,$output,$returncode );
+        echo $cmd."<br>\n";
+        if ($returncode != 10) {
+            //print_r($output);
+            //die();
+        }
+    }
+/*$sth = $conn->prepare("select tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday, 
+count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename order by call_timestamp), ',') filenames from recordings group by tgid, ahour, aday order by  aday DESC, ahour, tgid;");
+$hourlies = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+foreach($hourlies as $hourly) {
+    processHourly($hourly);
+$sth = $conn->prepare("select 'hour' as tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday, 
+count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename order by call_timestamp), ',') filenames from recordings group by ahour, aday order by  aday DESC, ahour;");
+$hourlies = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+foreach($hourlies as $hourly) {
+    processHourly($hourly);
+$sth = $conn->prepare("select coalesce(category,'unknown') as tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday,
+count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename order by call_timestamp), ',') filenames 
+from recordings inner join tgids on recordings.tgid = tgids.tgid group by category, ahour, aday order by  aday DESC, ahour, category;");
+$hourlies = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+foreach($hourlies as $hourly) {
+    processHourly($hourly);

file:b/getfile.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getfile.php
@@ -1,1 +1,20 @@
+$reqfile = "path/to/file.3gp";
+$contenttype = "audio/3gpp";
+if ($fn = fopen($reqfile, "rba")) {
+    header("Content-Type: " . $contenttype);
+    header("Content-Length: " . filesize($reqfile));
+    header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
+    header("Pragma: no-cache");
+    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 06:00:00 GMT");
+    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
+    passthru("ffmpeg -i 2012-09-29-1348911268.34-demo.wav -ar 8000 -ab 4.75k -");
+    fpassthru($fn);
+    fclose($fn);
+} else {
+    exit("error....");

file:b/inserttgid.txt (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inserttgid.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+insert into tgids (tgid,alpha_tag) (SELECT distinct tgid, tgname as alpha_tag FROM recordings WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT tgid FROM tgids WHERE tgid=recordings.tgid));

--- a/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/formatting.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/examples/lib/codemirror/lib/util/formatting.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// ============== Formatting extensions ============================
+// ============== Formatting extensions ============================
 // A common storage for all mode-specific formatting features
 if (!CodeMirror.modeExtensions) CodeMirror.modeExtensions = {};

--- a/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js
@@ -1,617 +1,621 @@
 jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers = {};
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.createDom = function(type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
-  var el = document.createElement(type);
-  for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-    var child = arguments[i];
-    if (typeof child === 'string') {
-      el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child));
-    } else {
-      if (child) {
-        el.appendChild(child);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  for (var attr in attrs) {
-    if (attr == "className") {
-      el[attr] = attrs[attr];
-    } else {
-      el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
-    }
-  }
-  return el;
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.getSpecStatus = function(child) {
-  var results = child.results();
-  var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
-  if (results.skipped) {
-    status = 'skipped';
-  }
-  return status;
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.appendToSummary = function(child, childElement) {
-  var parentDiv = this.dom.summary;
-  var parentSuite = (typeof child.parentSuite == 'undefined') ? 'suite' : 'parentSuite';
-  var parent = child[parentSuite];
-  if (parent) {
-    if (typeof this.views.suites[] == 'undefined') {
-      this.views.suites[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView(parent, this.dom, this.views);
-    }
-    parentDiv = this.views.suites[].element;
-  }
-  parentDiv.appendChild(childElement);
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers = function(ctor) {
-  for(var fn in jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers) {
-    ctor.prototype[fn] = jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers[fn];
-  }
-jasmine.HtmlReporter = function(_doc) {
-  var self = this;
-  var doc = _doc || window.document;
-  var reporterView;
-  var dom = {};
-  // Jasmine Reporter Public Interface
-  self.logRunningSpecs = false;
-  self.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
-    var specs = runner.specs() || [];
-    if (specs.length == 0) {
-      return;
-    }
-    createReporterDom(runner.env.versionString());
-    doc.body.appendChild(dom.reporter);
-    reporterView = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView(dom);
-    reporterView.addSpecs(specs, self.specFilter);
-  };
-  self.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
-    reporterView && reporterView.complete();
-  };
-  self.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
-    reporterView.suiteComplete(suite);
-  };
-  self.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) {
-    if (self.logRunningSpecs) {
-      self.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...');
-    }
-  };
-  self.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
-    reporterView.specComplete(spec);
-  };
-  self.log = function() {
+jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.createDom = function (type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
+    var el = document.createElement(type);
+    for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+        var child = arguments[i];
+        if (typeof child === 'string') {
+            el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child));
+        } else {
+            if (child) {
+                el.appendChild(child);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (var attr in attrs) {
+        if (attr == "className") {
+            el[attr] = attrs[attr];
+        } else {
+            el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
+        }
+    }
+    return el;
+jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.getSpecStatus = function (child) {
+    var results = child.results();
+    var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
+    if (results.skipped) {
+        status = 'skipped';
+    }
+    return status;
+jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.appendToSummary = function (child, childElement) {
+    var parentDiv = this.dom.summary;
+    var parentSuite = (typeof child.parentSuite == 'undefined') ? 'suite' : 'parentSuite';
+    var parent = child[parentSuite];
+    if (parent) {
+        if (typeof this.views.suites[] == 'undefined') {
+            this.views.suites[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView(parent, this.dom, this.views);
+        }
+        parentDiv = this.views.suites[].element;
+    }
+    parentDiv.appendChild(childElement);
+jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers = function (ctor) {
+    for (var fn in jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers) {
+        ctor.prototype[fn] = jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers[fn];
+    }
+jasmine.HtmlReporter = function (_doc) {
+    var self = this;
+    var doc = _doc || window.document;
+    var reporterView;
+    var dom = {};
+    // Jasmine Reporter Public Interface
+    self.logRunningSpecs = false;
+    self.reportRunnerStarting = function (runner) {
+        var specs = runner.specs() || [];
+        if (specs.length == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        createReporterDom(runner.env.versionString());
+        doc.body.appendChild(dom.reporter);
+        reporterView = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView(dom);
+        reporterView.addSpecs(specs, self.specFilter);
+    };
+    self.reportRunnerResults = function (runner) {
+        reporterView && reporterView.complete();
+    };
+    self.reportSuiteResults = function (suite) {
+        reporterView.suiteComplete(suite);
+    };
+    self.reportSpecStarting = function (spec) {
+        if (self.logRunningSpecs) {
+            self.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...');
+        }
+    };
+    self.reportSpecResults = function (spec) {
+        reporterView.specComplete(spec);
+    };
+    self.log = function () {
+        var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console;
+        if (console && console.log) {
+            if (console.log.apply) {
+                console.log.apply(console, arguments);
+            } else {
+                console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    self.specFilter = function (spec) {
+        if (!focusedSpecName()) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return spec.getFullName().indexOf(focusedSpecName()) === 0;
+    };
+    return self;
+    function focusedSpecName() {
+        var specName;
+        (function memoizeFocusedSpec() {
+            if (specName) {
+                return;
+            }
+            var paramMap = [];
+            var params ='&');
+            for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+                var p = params[i].split('=');
+                paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]);
+            }
+            specName = paramMap.spec;
+        })();
+        return specName;
+    }
+    function createReporterDom(version) {
+        dom.reporter = self.createDom('div', { id: 'HTMLReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' },
+            dom.banner = self.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' },
+                self.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine "),
+                self.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, version)),
+            dom.symbolSummary = self.createDom('ul', {className: 'symbolSummary'}),
+            dom.alert = self.createDom('div', {className: 'alert'}),
+            dom.results = self.createDom('div', {className: 'results'},
+                dom.summary = self.createDom('div', { className: 'summary' }),
+                dom.details = self.createDom('div', { id: 'details' }))
+        );
+    }
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView = function (dom) {
+    this.startedAt = new Date();
+    this.runningSpecCount = 0;
+    this.completeSpecCount = 0;
+    this.passedCount = 0;
+    this.failedCount = 0;
+    this.skippedCount = 0;
+    this.createResultsMenu = function () {
+        this.resultsMenu = this.createDom('span', {className: 'resultsMenu bar'},
+            this.summaryMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'summaryMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 specs'),
+            ' | ',
+            this.detailsMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'detailsMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 failing'));
+        this.summaryMenuItem.onclick = function () {
+            dom.reporter.className = dom.reporter.className.replace(/ showDetails/g, '');
+        };
+        this.detailsMenuItem.onclick = function () {
+            showDetails();
+        };
+    };
+    this.addSpecs = function (specs, specFilter) {
+        this.totalSpecCount = specs.length;
+        this.views = {
+            specs: {},
+            suites: {}
+        };
+        for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) {
+            var spec = specs[i];
+            this.views.specs[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom, this.views);
+            if (specFilter(spec)) {
+                this.runningSpecCount++;
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    this.specComplete = function (spec) {
+        this.completeSpecCount++;
+        if (isUndefined(this.views.specs[])) {
+            this.views.specs[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom);
+        }
+        var specView = this.views.specs[];
+        switch (specView.status()) {
+            case 'passed':
+                this.passedCount++;
+                break;
+            case 'failed':
+                this.failedCount++;
+                break;
+            case 'skipped':
+                this.skippedCount++;
+                break;
+        }
+        specView.refresh();
+        this.refresh();
+    };
+    this.suiteComplete = function (suite) {
+        var suiteView = this.views.suites[];
+        if (isUndefined(suiteView)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        suiteView.refresh();
+    };
+    this.refresh = function () {
+        if (isUndefined(this.resultsMenu)) {
+            this.createResultsMenu();
+        }
+        // currently running UI
+        if (isUndefined(this.runningAlert)) {
+            this.runningAlert = this.createDom('a', {href: "?", className: "runningAlert bar"});
+            dom.alert.appendChild(this.runningAlert);
+        }
+        this.runningAlert.innerHTML = "Running " + this.completeSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount);
+        // skipped specs UI
+        if (isUndefined(this.skippedAlert)) {
+            this.skippedAlert = this.createDom('a', {href: "?", className: "skippedAlert bar"});
+        }
+        this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Skipping " + this.skippedCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all";
+        if (this.skippedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) {
+            dom.alert.appendChild(this.skippedAlert);
+        }
+        // passing specs UI
+        if (isUndefined(this.passedAlert)) {
+            this.passedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "passingAlert bar"});
+        }
+        this.passedAlert.innerHTML = "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount);
+        // failing specs UI
+        if (isUndefined(this.failedAlert)) {
+            this.failedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "failingAlert bar"});
+        }
+        this.failedAlert.innerHTML = "Failing " + specPluralizedFor(this.failedCount);
+        if (this.failedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) {
+            dom.alert.appendChild(this.failedAlert);
+            dom.alert.appendChild(this.resultsMenu);
+        }
+        // summary info
+        this.summaryMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + specPluralizedFor(this.runningSpecCount);
+        this.detailsMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + this.failedCount + " failing";
+    };
+    this.complete = function () {
+        dom.alert.removeChild(this.runningAlert);
+        this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Ran " + this.runningSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all";
+        if (this.failedCount === 0) {
+            dom.alert.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'passingAlert bar'}, "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount)));
+        } else {
+            showDetails();
+        }
+        dom.banner.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'duration'}, "finished in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s"));
+    };
+    return this;
+    function showDetails() {
+        if ( === -1) {
+            dom.reporter.className += " showDetails";
+        }
+    }
+    function isUndefined(obj) {
+        return typeof obj === 'undefined';
+    }
+    function isDefined(obj) {
+        return !isUndefined(obj);
+    }
+    function specPluralizedFor(count) {
+        var str = count + " spec";
+        if (count > 1) {
+            str += "s"
+        }
+        return str;
+    }
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView = function (spec, dom, views) {
+    this.spec = spec;
+    this.dom = dom;
+    this.views = views;
+    this.symbol = this.createDom('li', { className: 'pending' });
+    this.dom.symbolSummary.appendChild(this.symbol);
+    this.summary = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specSummary' },
+        this.createDom('a', {
+            className: 'description',
+            href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()),
+            title: this.spec.getFullName()
+        }, this.spec.description)
+    );
+    this.detail = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specDetail' },
+        this.createDom('a', {
+            className: 'description',
+            href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()),
+            title: this.spec.getFullName()
+        }, this.spec.getFullName())
+    );
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.status = function () {
+    return this.getSpecStatus(this.spec);
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.refresh = function () {
+    this.symbol.className = this.status();
+    switch (this.status()) {
+        case 'skipped':
+            break;
+        case 'passed':
+            this.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv();
+            break;
+        case 'failed':
+            this.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv();
+            this.appendFailureDetail();
+            break;
+    }
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv = function () {
+    this.summary.className += ' ' + this.status();
+    this.appendToSummary(this.spec, this.summary);
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendFailureDetail = function () {
+    this.detail.className += ' ' + this.status();
+    var resultItems = this.spec.results().getItems();
+    var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' });
+    for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) {
+        var result = resultItems[i];
+        if (result.type == 'log') {
+            messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString()));
+        } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) {
+            messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message));
+            if (result.trace.stack) {
+                messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
+        this.detail.appendChild(messagesDiv);
+        this.dom.details.appendChild(this.detail);
+    }
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView = function (suite, dom, views) {
+    this.suite = suite;
+    this.dom = dom;
+    this.views = views;
+    this.element = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' },
+        this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.suite.getFullName()) }, this.suite.description)
+    );
+    this.appendToSummary(this.suite, this.element);
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.status = function () {
+    return this.getSpecStatus(this.suite);
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.refresh = function () {
+    this.element.className += " " + this.status();
+/* @deprecated Use jasmine.HtmlReporter instead
+ */
+jasmine.TrivialReporter = function (doc) {
+    this.document = doc || document;
+    this.suiteDivs = {};
+    this.logRunningSpecs = false;
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.createDom = function (type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
+    var el = document.createElement(type);
+    for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+        var child = arguments[i];
+        if (typeof child === 'string') {
+            el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child));
+        } else {
+            if (child) {
+                el.appendChild(child);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (var attr in attrs) {
+        if (attr == "className") {
+            el[attr] = attrs[attr];
+        } else {
+            el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
+        }
+    }
+    return el;
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function (runner) {
+    var showPassed, showSkipped;
+    this.outerDiv = this.createDom('div', { id: 'TrivialReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' },
+        this.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' },
+            this.createDom('div', { className: 'logo' },
+                this.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine"),
+                this.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, runner.env.versionString())),
+            this.createDom('div', { className: 'options' },
+                "Show ",
+                showPassed = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__", type: 'checkbox' }),
+                this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__" }, " passed "),
+                showSkipped = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__", type: 'checkbox' }),
+                this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__" }, " skipped")
+            )
+        ),
+        this.runnerDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'runner running' },
+            this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?' }, "run all"),
+            this.runnerMessageSpan = this.createDom('span', {}, "Running..."),
+            this.finishedAtSpan = this.createDom('span', { className: 'finished-at' }, ""))
+    );
+    this.document.body.appendChild(this.outerDiv);
+    var suites = runner.suites();
+    for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
+        var suite = suites[i];
+        var suiteDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' },
+            this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, "run"),
+            this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, suite.description));
+        this.suiteDivs[] = suiteDiv;
+        var parentDiv = this.outerDiv;
+        if (suite.parentSuite) {
+            parentDiv = this.suiteDivs[];
+        }
+        parentDiv.appendChild(suiteDiv);
+    }
+    this.startedAt = new Date();
+    var self = this;
+    showPassed.onclick = function (evt) {
+        if (showPassed.checked) {
+            self.outerDiv.className += ' show-passed';
+        } else {
+            self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-passed/, '');
+        }
+    };
+    showSkipped.onclick = function (evt) {
+        if (showSkipped.checked) {
+            self.outerDiv.className += ' show-skipped';
+        } else {
+            self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-skipped/, '');
+        }
+    };
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function (runner) {
+    var results = runner.results();
+    var className = (results.failedCount > 0) ? "runner failed" : "runner passed";
+    this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("class", className);
+    //do it twice for IE
+    this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("className", className);
+    var specs = runner.specs();
+    var specCount = 0;
+    for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) {
+        if (this.specFilter(specs[i])) {
+            specCount++;
+        }
+    }
+    var message = "" + specCount + " spec" + (specCount == 1 ? "" : "s" ) + ", " + results.failedCount + " failure" + ((results.failedCount == 1) ? "" : "s");
+    message += " in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s";
+    this.runnerMessageSpan.replaceChild(this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?'}, message), this.runnerMessageSpan.firstChild);
+    this.finishedAtSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Finished at " + new Date().toString()));
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function (suite) {
+    var results = suite.results();
+    var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
+    if (results.totalCount === 0) { // todo: change this to check results.skipped
+        status = 'skipped';
+    }
+    this.suiteDivs[].className += " " + status;
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function (spec) {
+    if (this.logRunningSpecs) {
+        this.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...');
+    }
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function (spec) {
+    var results = spec.results();
+    var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
+    if (results.skipped) {
+        status = 'skipped';
+    }
+    var specDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'spec ' + status },
+        this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()) }, "run"),
+        this.createDom('a', {
+            className: 'description',
+            href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()),
+            title: spec.getFullName()
+        }, spec.description));
+    var resultItems = results.getItems();
+    var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' });
+    for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) {
+        var result = resultItems[i];
+        if (result.type == 'log') {
+            messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString()));
+        } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) {
+            messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message));
+            if (result.trace.stack) {
+                messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
+        specDiv.appendChild(messagesDiv);
+    }
+    this.suiteDivs[].appendChild(specDiv);
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.log = function () {
     var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console;
     if (console && console.log) {
-      if (console.log.apply) {
-        console.log.apply(console, arguments);
-      } else {
-        console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  self.specFilter = function(spec) {
-    if (!focusedSpecName()) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    return spec.getFullName().indexOf(focusedSpecName()) === 0;
-  };
-  return self;
-  function focusedSpecName() {
-    var specName;
-    (function memoizeFocusedSpec() {
-      if (specName) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var paramMap = [];
-      var params ='&');
-      for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+        if (console.log.apply) {
+            console.log.apply(console, arguments);
+        } else {
+            console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie
+        }
+    }
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.getLocation = function () {
+    return this.document.location;
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.specFilter = function (spec) {
+    var paramMap = {};
+    var params = this.getLocation().search.substring(1).split('&');
+    for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
         var p = params[i].split('=');
         paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]);
-      }
-      specName = paramMap.spec;
-    })();
-    return specName;
-  }
-  function createReporterDom(version) {
-    dom.reporter = self.createDom('div', { id: 'HTMLReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' },
-      dom.banner = self.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' },
-        self.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine "),
-        self.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, version)),
-      dom.symbolSummary = self.createDom('ul', {className: 'symbolSummary'}),
-      dom.alert = self.createDom('div', {className: 'alert'}),
-      dom.results = self.createDom('div', {className: 'results'},
-        dom.summary = self.createDom('div', { className: 'summary' }),
-        dom.details = self.createDom('div', { id: 'details' }))
-    );
-  }
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers(jasmine.HtmlReporter);jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView = function(dom) {
-  this.startedAt = new Date();
-  this.runningSpecCount = 0;
-  this.completeSpecCount = 0;
-  this.passedCount = 0;
-  this.failedCount = 0;
-  this.skippedCount = 0;
-  this.createResultsMenu = function() {
-    this.resultsMenu = this.createDom('span', {className: 'resultsMenu bar'},
-      this.summaryMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'summaryMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 specs'),
-      ' | ',
-      this.detailsMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'detailsMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 failing'));
-    this.summaryMenuItem.onclick = function() {
-      dom.reporter.className = dom.reporter.className.replace(/ showDetails/g, '');
-    };
-    this.detailsMenuItem.onclick = function() {
-      showDetails();
-    };
-  };
-  this.addSpecs = function(specs, specFilter) {
-    this.totalSpecCount = specs.length;
-    this.views = {
-      specs: {},
-      suites: {}
-    };
-    for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) {
-      var spec = specs[i];
-      this.views.specs[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom, this.views);
-      if (specFilter(spec)) {
-        this.runningSpecCount++;
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  this.specComplete = function(spec) {
-    this.completeSpecCount++;
-    if (isUndefined(this.views.specs[])) {
-      this.views.specs[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom);
-    }
-    var specView = this.views.specs[];
-    switch (specView.status()) {
-      case 'passed':
-        this.passedCount++;
-        break;
-      case 'failed':
-        this.failedCount++;
-        break;
-      case 'skipped':
-        this.skippedCount++;
-        break;
-    }
-    specView.refresh();
-    this.refresh();
-  };
-  this.suiteComplete = function(suite) {
-    var suiteView = this.views.suites[];
-    if (isUndefined(suiteView)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    suiteView.refresh();
-  };
-  this.refresh = function() {
-    if (isUndefined(this.resultsMenu)) {
-      this.createResultsMenu();
-    }
-    // currently running UI
-    if (isUndefined(this.runningAlert)) {
-      this.runningAlert = this.createDom('a', {href: "?", className: "runningAlert bar"});
-      dom.alert.appendChild(this.runningAlert);
-    }
-    this.runningAlert.innerHTML = "Running " + this.completeSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount);
-    // skipped specs UI
-    if (isUndefined(this.skippedAlert)) {
-      this.skippedAlert = this.createDom('a', {href: "?", className: "skippedAlert bar"});
-    }
-    this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Skipping " + this.skippedCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all";
-    if (this.skippedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) {
-      dom.alert.appendChild(this.skippedAlert);
-    }
-    // passing specs UI
-    if (isUndefined(this.passedAlert)) {
-      this.passedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "passingAlert bar"});
-    }
-    this.passedAlert.innerHTML = "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount);
-    // failing specs UI
-    if (isUndefined(this.failedAlert)) {
-      this.failedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "failingAlert bar"});
-    }
-    this.failedAlert.innerHTML = "Failing " + specPluralizedFor(this.failedCount);
-    if (this.failedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) {
-      dom.alert.appendChild(this.failedAlert);
-      dom.alert.appendChild(this.resultsMenu);
-    }
-    // summary info
-    this.summaryMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + specPluralizedFor(this.runningSpecCount);
-    this.detailsMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + this.failedCount + " failing";
-  };
-  this.complete = function() {
-    dom.alert.removeChild(this.runningAlert);
-    this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Ran " + this.runningSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all";
-    if (this.failedCount === 0) {
-      dom.alert.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'passingAlert bar'}, "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount)));
-    } else {
-      showDetails();
-    }
-    dom.banner.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'duration'}, "finished in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s"));
-  };
-  return this;
-  function showDetails() {
-    if ( === -1) {
-      dom.reporter.className += " showDetails";
-    }
-  }
-  function isUndefined(obj) {
-    return typeof obj === 'undefined';
-  }
-  function isDefined(obj) {
-    return !isUndefined(obj);
-  }
-  function specPluralizedFor(count) {
-    var str = count + " spec";
-    if (count > 1) {
-      str += "s"
-    }
-    return str;
-  }
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView = function(spec, dom, views) {
-  this.spec = spec;
-  this.dom = dom;
-  this.views = views;
-  this.symbol = this.createDom('li', { className: 'pending' });
-  this.dom.symbolSummary.appendChild(this.symbol);
-  this.summary = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specSummary' },
-      this.createDom('a', {
-        className: 'description',
-        href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()),
-        title: this.spec.getFullName()
-      }, this.spec.description)
-  );
-  this.detail = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specDetail' },
-      this.createDom('a', {
-        className: 'description',
-        href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()),
-        title: this.spec.getFullName()
-      }, this.spec.getFullName())
-  );
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.status = function() {
-  return this.getSpecStatus(this.spec);
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.refresh = function() {
-  this.symbol.className = this.status();
-  switch (this.status()) {
-    case 'skipped':
-      break;
-    case 'passed':
-      this.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv();
-      break;
-    case 'failed':
-      this.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv();
-      this.appendFailureDetail();
-      break;
-  }
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv = function() {
-  this.summary.className += ' ' + this.status();
-  this.appendToSummary(this.spec, this.summary);
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendFailureDetail = function() {
-  this.detail.className += ' ' + this.status();
-  var resultItems = this.spec.results().getItems();
-  var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' });
-  for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) {
-    var result = resultItems[i];
-    if (result.type == 'log') {
-      messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString()));
-    } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) {
-      messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message));
-      if (result.trace.stack) {
-        messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
-    this.detail.appendChild(messagesDiv);
-    this.dom.details.appendChild(this.detail);
-  }
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers(jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView);jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView = function(suite, dom, views) {
-  this.suite = suite;
-  this.dom = dom;
-  this.views = views;
-  this.element = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' },
-      this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.suite.getFullName()) }, this.suite.description)
-  );
-  this.appendToSummary(this.suite, this.element);
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.status = function() {
-  return this.getSpecStatus(this.suite);
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.refresh = function() {
-  this.element.className += " " + this.status();
-/* @deprecated Use jasmine.HtmlReporter instead
- */
-jasmine.TrivialReporter = function(doc) {
-  this.document = doc || document;
-  this.suiteDivs = {};
-  this.logRunningSpecs = false;
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.createDom = function(type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
-  var el = document.createElement(type);
-  for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-    var child = arguments[i];
-    if (typeof child === 'string') {
-      el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child));
-    } else {
-      if (child) { el.appendChild(child); }
-    }
-  }
-  for (var attr in attrs) {
-    if (attr == "className") {
-      el[attr] = attrs[attr];
-    } else {
-      el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
-    }
-  }
-  return el;
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
-  var showPassed, showSkipped;
-  this.outerDiv = this.createDom('div', { id: 'TrivialReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' },
-      this.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' },
-        this.createDom('div', { className: 'logo' },
-            this.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine"),
-            this.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, runner.env.versionString())),
-        this.createDom('div', { className: 'options' },
-            "Show ",
-            showPassed = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__", type: 'checkbox' }),
-            this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__" }, " passed "),
-            showSkipped = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__", type: 'checkbox' }),
-            this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__" }, " skipped")
-            )
-          ),
-      this.runnerDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'runner running' },
-          this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?' }, "run all"),
-          this.runnerMessageSpan = this.createDom('span', {}, "Running..."),
-          this.finishedAtSpan = this.createDom('span', { className: 'finished-at' }, ""))
-      );
-  this.document.body.appendChild(this.outerDiv);
-  var suites = runner.suites();
-  for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
-    var suite = suites[i];
-    var suiteDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' },
-        this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, "run"),
-        this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, suite.description));
-    this.suiteDivs[] = suiteDiv;
-    var parentDiv = this.outerDiv;
-    if (suite.parentSuite) {
-      parentDiv = this.suiteDivs[];
-    }
-    parentDiv.appendChild(suiteDiv);
-  }
-  this.startedAt = new Date();
-  var self = this;
-  showPassed.onclick = function(evt) {
-    if (showPassed.checked) {
-      self.outerDiv.className += ' show-passed';
-    } else {
-      self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-passed/, '');
-    }
-  };
-  showSkipped.onclick = function(evt) {
-    if (showSkipped.checked) {
-      self.outerDiv.className += ' show-skipped';
-    } else {
-      self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-skipped/, '');
-    }
-  };
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
-  var results = runner.results();
-  var className = (results.failedCount > 0) ? "runner failed" : "runner passed";
-  this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("class", className);
-  //do it twice for IE
-  this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("className", className);
-  var specs = runner.specs();
-  var specCount = 0;
-  for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) {
-    if (this.specFilter(specs[i])) {
-      specCount++;
-    }
-  }
-  var message = "" + specCount + " spec" + (specCount == 1 ? "" : "s" ) + ", " + results.failedCount + " failure" + ((results.failedCount == 1) ? "" : "s");
-  message += " in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s";
-  this.runnerMessageSpan.replaceChild(this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?'}, message), this.runnerMessageSpan.firstChild);
-  this.finishedAtSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Finished at " + new Date().toString()));
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
-  var results = suite.results();
-  var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
-  if (results.totalCount === 0) { // todo: change this to check results.skipped
-    status = 'skipped';
-  }
-  this.suiteDivs[].className += " " + status;
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) {
-  if (this.logRunningSpecs) {
-    this.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...');
-  }
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
-  var results = spec.results();
-  var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
-  if (results.skipped) {
-    status = 'skipped';
-  }
-  var specDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'spec '  + status },
-      this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()) }, "run"),
-      this.createDom('a', {
-        className: 'description',
-        href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()),
-        title: spec.getFullName()
-      }, spec.description));
-  var resultItems = results.getItems();
-  var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' });
-  for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) {
-    var result = resultItems[i];
-    if (result.type == 'log') {
-      messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString()));
-    } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) {
-      messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message));
-      if (result.trace.stack) {
-        messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
-    specDiv.appendChild(messagesDiv);
-  }
-  this.suiteDivs[].appendChild(specDiv);
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.log = function() {
-  var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console;
-  if (console && console.log) {
-    if (console.log.apply) {
-      console.log.apply(console, arguments);
-    } else {
-      console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie
-    }
-  }
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.getLocation = function() {
-  return this.document.location;
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.specFilter = function(spec) {
-  var paramMap = {};
-  var params = this.getLocation().search.substring(1).split('&');
-  for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
-    var p = params[i].split('=');
-    paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]);
-  }
-  if (!paramMap.spec) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  return spec.getFullName().indexOf(paramMap.spec) === 0;
+    }
+    if (!paramMap.spec) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return spec.getFullName().indexOf(paramMap.spec) === 0;

--- a/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine.css
+++ b/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine.css
@@ -1,82 +1,403 @@
-body { background-color: #eeeeee; padding: 0; margin: 5px; overflow-y: scroll; }
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-#HTMLReporter a { text-decoration: none; }
-#HTMLReporter a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
-#HTMLReporter p, #HTMLReporter h1, #HTMLReporter h2, #HTMLReporter h3, #HTMLReporter h4, #HTMLReporter h5, #HTMLReporter h6 { margin: 0; line-height: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .banner, #HTMLReporter .symbolSummary, #HTMLReporter .summary, #HTMLReporter .resultMessage, #HTMLReporter .specDetail .description, #HTMLReporter .alert .bar, #HTMLReporter .stackTrace { padding-left: 9px; padding-right: 9px; }
-#HTMLReporter #jasmine_content { position: fixed; right: 100%; }
-#HTMLReporter .version { color: #aaaaaa; }
-#HTMLReporter .banner { margin-top: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .duration { color: #aaaaaa; float: right; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary { overflow: hidden; *zoom: 1; margin: 14px 0; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li { display: block; float: left; height: 7px; width: 14px; margin-bottom: 7px; font-size: 16px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed { font-size: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed:before { color: #5e7d00; content: "\02022"; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed { line-height: 9px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed:before { color: #b03911; content: "x"; font-weight: bold; margin-left: -1px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped { font-size: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped:before { color: #bababa; content: "\02022"; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending { line-height: 11px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending:before { color: #aaaaaa; content: "-"; }
-#HTMLReporter .bar { line-height: 28px; font-size: 14px; display: block; color: #eee; }
-#HTMLReporter .runningAlert { background-color: #666666; }
-#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert { background-color: #aaaaaa; }
-#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:first-child { background-color: #333333; }
-#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:hover { text-decoration: none; color: white; text-decoration: underline; }
-#HTMLReporter .passingAlert { background-color: #a6b779; }
-#HTMLReporter .passingAlert:first-child { background-color: #5e7d00; }
-#HTMLReporter .failingAlert { background-color: #cf867e; }
-#HTMLReporter .failingAlert:first-child { background-color: #b03911; }
-#HTMLReporter .results { margin-top: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter #details { display: none; }
-#HTMLReporter .resultsMenu, #HTMLReporter .resultsMenu a { background-color: #fff; color: #333333; }
-#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: inherit; }
-#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
-#HTMLReporter.showDetails .detailsMenuItem { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; }
-#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summary { display: none; }
-#HTMLReporter.showDetails #details { display: block; }
-#HTMLReporter .summaryMenuItem { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; }
-#HTMLReporter .summary { margin-top: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .summary .suite .suite, #HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary { margin-left: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.passed a { color: #5e7d00; }
-#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.failed a { color: #b03911; }
-#HTMLReporter .description + .suite { margin-top: 0; }
-#HTMLReporter .suite { margin-top: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .suite a { color: #333333; }
-#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail { margin-bottom: 28px; }
-#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail .description { display: block; color: white; background-color: #b03911; }
-#HTMLReporter .resultMessage { padding-top: 14px; color: #333333; }
-#HTMLReporter .resultMessage span.result { display: block; }
-#HTMLReporter .stackTrace { margin: 5px 0 0 0; max-height: 224px; overflow: auto; line-height: 18px; color: #666666; border: 1px solid #ddd; background: white; white-space: pre; }
-#TrivialReporter { padding: 8px 13px; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; overflow-y: scroll; background-color: white; font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", "Lucida Grande", "Calibri", "Arial", sans-serif; /*.resultMessage {*/ /*white-space: pre;*/ /*}*/ }
-#TrivialReporter a:visited, #TrivialReporter a { color: #303; }
-#TrivialReporter a:hover, #TrivialReporter a:active { color: blue; }
-#TrivialReporter .run_spec { float: right; padding-right: 5px; font-size: .8em; text-decoration: none; }
-#TrivialReporter .banner { color: #303; background-color: #fef; padding: 5px; }
-#TrivialReporter .logo { float: left; font-size: 1.1em; padding-left: 5px; }
-#TrivialReporter .logo .version { font-size: .6em; padding-left: 1em; }
-#TrivialReporter .runner.running { background-color: yellow; }
-#TrivialReporter .options { text-align: right; font-size: .8em; }
-#TrivialReporter .suite { border: 1px outset gray; margin: 5px 0; padding-left: 1em; }
-#TrivialReporter .suite .suite { margin: 5px; }
-#TrivialReporter .suite.passed { background-color: #dfd; }
-#TrivialReporter .suite.failed { background-color: #fdd; }
-#TrivialReporter .spec { margin: 5px; padding-left: 1em; clear: both; }
-#TrivialReporter .spec.failed, #TrivialReporter .spec.passed, #TrivialReporter .spec.skipped { padding-bottom: 5px; border: 1px solid gray; }
-#TrivialReporter .spec.failed { background-color: #fbb; border-color: red; }
-#TrivialReporter .spec.passed { background-color: #bfb; border-color: green; }
-#TrivialReporter .spec.skipped { background-color: #bbb; }
-#TrivialReporter .messages { border-left: 1px dashed gray; padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; }
-#TrivialReporter .passed { background-color: #cfc; display: none; }
-#TrivialReporter .failed { background-color: #fbb; }
-#TrivialReporter .skipped { color: #777; background-color: #eee; display: none; }
-#TrivialReporter .resultMessage span.result { display: block; line-height: 2em; color: black; }
-#TrivialReporter .resultMessage .mismatch { color: black; }
-#TrivialReporter .stackTrace { white-space: pre; font-size: .8em; margin-left: 10px; max-height: 5em; overflow: auto; border: 1px inset red; padding: 1em; background: #eef; }
-#TrivialReporter .finished-at { padding-left: 1em; font-size: .6em; } .passed, .skipped { display: block; }
-#TrivialReporter #jasmine_content { position: fixed; right: 100%; }
-#TrivialReporter .runner { border: 1px solid gray; display: block; margin: 5px 0; padding: 2px 0 2px 10px; }
+body {
+    background-color: #eeeeee;
+    padding: 0;
+    margin: 5px;
+    overflow-y: scroll;
+#HTMLReporter {
+    font-size: 11px;
+    font-family: Monaco, "Lucida Console", monospace;
+    line-height: 14px;
+    color: #333333;
+#HTMLReporter a {
+    text-decoration: none;
+#HTMLReporter a:hover {
+    text-decoration: underline;
+#HTMLReporter p, #HTMLReporter h1, #HTMLReporter h2, #HTMLReporter h3, #HTMLReporter h4, #HTMLReporter h5, #HTMLReporter h6 {
+    margin: 0;
+    line-height: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .banner, #HTMLReporter .symbolSummary, #HTMLReporter .summary, #HTMLReporter .resultMessage, #HTMLReporter .specDetail .description, #HTMLReporter .alert .bar, #HTMLReporter .stackTrace {
+    padding-left: 9px;
+    padding-right: 9px;
+#HTMLReporter #jasmine_content {
+    position: fixed;
+    right: 100%;
+#HTMLReporter .version {
+    color: #aaaaaa;
+#HTMLReporter .banner {
+    margin-top: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .duration {
+    color: #aaaaaa;
+    float: right;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary {
+    overflow: hidden;
+    *zoom: 1;
+    margin: 14px 0;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li {
+    display: block;
+    float: left;
+    height: 7px;
+    width: 14px;
+    margin-bottom: 7px;
+    font-size: 16px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed {
+    font-size: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed:before {
+    color: #5e7d00;
+    content: "\02022";
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed {
+    line-height: 9px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed:before {
+    color: #b03911;
+    content: "x";
+    font-weight: bold;
+    margin-left: -1px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped {
+    font-size: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped:before {
+    color: #bababa;
+    content: "\02022";
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending {
+    line-height: 11px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending:before {
+    color: #aaaaaa;
+    content: "-";
+#HTMLReporter .bar {
+    line-height: 28px;
+    font-size: 14px;
+    display: block;
+    color: #eee;
+#HTMLReporter .runningAlert {
+    background-color: #666666;
+#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert {
+    background-color: #aaaaaa;
+#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:first-child {
+    background-color: #333333;
+#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:hover {
+    text-decoration: none;
+    color: white;
+    text-decoration: underline;
+#HTMLReporter .passingAlert {
+    background-color: #a6b779;
+#HTMLReporter .passingAlert:first-child {
+    background-color: #5e7d00;
+#HTMLReporter .failingAlert {
+    background-color: #cf867e;
+#HTMLReporter .failingAlert:first-child {
+    background-color: #b03911;
+#HTMLReporter .results {
+    margin-top: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter #details {
+    display: none;
+#HTMLReporter .resultsMenu, #HTMLReporter .resultsMenu a {
+    background-color: #fff;
+    color: #333333;
+#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem {
+    font-weight: normal;
+    text-decoration: inherit;
+#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem:hover {
+    text-decoration: underline;
+#HTMLReporter.showDetails .detailsMenuItem {
+    font-weight: bold;
+    text-decoration: underline;
+#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summary {
+    display: none;
+#HTMLReporter.showDetails #details {
+    display: block;
+#HTMLReporter .summaryMenuItem {
+    font-weight: bold;
+    text-decoration: underline;
+#HTMLReporter .summary {
+    margin-top: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .summary .suite .suite, #HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary {
+    margin-left: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.passed a {
+    color: #5e7d00;
+#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.failed a {
+    color: #b03911;
+#HTMLReporter .description + .suite {
+    margin-top: 0;
+#HTMLReporter .suite {
+    margin-top: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .suite a {
+    color: #333333;
+#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail {
+    margin-bottom: 28px;
+#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail .description {
+    display: block;
+    color: white;
+    background-color: #b03911;
+#HTMLReporter .resultMessage {
+    padding-top: 14px;
+    color: #333333;
+#HTMLReporter .resultMessage span.result {
+    display: block;
+#HTMLReporter .stackTrace {
+    margin: 5px 0 0 0;
+    max-height: 224px;
+    overflow: auto;
+    line-height: 18px;
+    color: #666666;
+    border: 1px solid #ddd;
+    background: white;
+    white-space: pre;
+#TrivialReporter {
+    padding: 8px 13px;
+    position: absolute;
+    top: 0;
+    bottom: 0;
+    left: 0;
+    right: 0;
+    overflow-y: scroll;
+    background-color: white;
+    font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", "Lucida Grande", "Calibri", "Arial", sans-serif; /*.resultMessage {*/
+    /*white-space: pre;*/
+    /*}*/
+#TrivialReporter a:visited, #TrivialReporter a {
+    color: #303;
+#TrivialReporter a:hover, #TrivialReporter a:active {
+    color: blue;
+#TrivialReporter .run_spec {
+    float: right;
+    padding-right: 5px;
+    font-size: .8em;
+    text-decoration: none;
+#TrivialReporter .banner {
+    color: #303;
+    background-color: #fef;
+    padding: 5px;
+#TrivialReporter .logo {
+    float: left;
+    font-size: 1.1em;
+    padding-left: 5px;
+#TrivialReporter .logo .version {
+    font-size: .6em;
+    padding-left: 1em;
+#TrivialReporter .runner.running {
+    background-color: yellow;
+#TrivialReporter .options {
+    text-align: right;
+    font-size: .8em;
+#TrivialReporter .suite {
+    border: 1px outset gray;
+    margin: 5px 0;
+    padding-left: 1em;
+#TrivialReporter .suite .suite {
+    margin: 5px;
+#TrivialReporter .suite.passed {
+    background-color: #dfd;
+#TrivialReporter .suite.failed {
+    background-color: #fdd;
+#TrivialReporter .spec {
+    margin: 5px;
+    padding-left: 1em;
+    clear: both;
+#TrivialReporter .spec.failed, #TrivialReporter .spec.passed, #TrivialReporter .spec.skipped {
+    padding-bottom: 5px;
+    border: 1px solid gray;
+#TrivialReporter .spec.failed {
+    background-color: #fbb;
+    border-color: red;
+#TrivialReporter .spec.passed {
+    background-color: #bfb;
+    border-color: green;
+#TrivialReporter .spec.skipped {
+    background-color: #bbb;
+#TrivialReporter .messages {
+    border-left: 1px dashed gray;
+    padding-left: 1em;
+    padding-right: 1em;
+#TrivialReporter .passed {
+    background-color: #cfc;
+    display: none;
+#TrivialReporter .failed {
+    background-color: #fbb;
+#TrivialReporter .skipped {
+    color: #777;
+    background-color: #eee;
+    display: none;
+#TrivialReporter .resultMessage span.result {
+    display: block;
+    line-height: 2em;
+    color: black;
+#TrivialReporter .resultMessage .mismatch {
+    color: black;
+#TrivialReporter .stackTrace {
+    white-space: pre;
+    font-size: .8em;
+    margin-left: 10px;
+    max-height: 5em;
+    overflow: auto;
+    border: 1px inset red;
+    padding: 1em;
+    background: #eef;
+#TrivialReporter .finished-at {
+    padding-left: 1em;
+    font-size: .6em;
+ .passed, .skipped {
+    display: block;
+#TrivialReporter #jasmine_content {
+    position: fixed;
+    right: 100%;
+#TrivialReporter .runner {
+    border: 1px solid gray;
+    display: block;
+    margin: 5px 0;
+    padding: 2px 0 2px 10px;

--- a/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine.js
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
  * @private
-jasmine.unimplementedMethod_ = function() {
-  throw new Error("unimplemented method");
+jasmine.unimplementedMethod_ = function () {
+    throw new Error("unimplemented method");
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
-jasmine.getGlobal = function() {
-  function getGlobal() {
-    return this;
-  }
-  return getGlobal();
+jasmine.getGlobal = function () {
+    function getGlobal() {
+        return this;
+    }
+    return getGlobal();
@@ -55,16 +55,16 @@
  * @param base {Object} bound 'this' for the function
  * @param name {Function} function to find
-jasmine.bindOriginal_ = function(base, name) {
-  var original = base[name];
-  if (original.apply) {
-    return function() {
-      return original.apply(base, arguments);
-    };
-  } else {
-    // IE support
-    return jasmine.getGlobal()[name];
-  }
+jasmine.bindOriginal_ = function (base, name) {
+    var original = base[name];
+    if (original.apply) {
+        return function () {
+            return original.apply(base, arguments);
+        };
+    } else {
+        // IE support
+        return jasmine.getGlobal()[name];
+    }
 jasmine.setTimeout = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'setTimeout');
@@ -72,51 +72,51 @@
 jasmine.setInterval = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'setInterval');
 jasmine.clearInterval = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'clearInterval');
-jasmine.MessageResult = function(values) {
-  this.type = 'log';
-  this.values = values;
-  this.trace = new Error(); // todo: test better
-jasmine.MessageResult.prototype.toString = function() {
-  var text = "";
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) {
-    if (i > 0) text += " ";
-    if (jasmine.isString_(this.values[i])) {
-      text += this.values[i];
-    } else {
-      text += jasmine.pp(this.values[i]);
-    }
-  }
-  return text;
-jasmine.ExpectationResult = function(params) {
-  this.type = 'expect';
-  this.matcherName = params.matcherName;
-  this.passed_ = params.passed;
-  this.expected = params.expected;
-  this.actual = params.actual;
-  this.message = this.passed_ ? 'Passed.' : params.message;
-  var trace = (params.trace || new Error(this.message));
-  this.trace = this.passed_ ? '' : trace;
+jasmine.MessageResult = function (values) {
+    this.type = 'log';
+    this.values = values;
+    this.trace = new Error(); // todo: test better
+jasmine.MessageResult.prototype.toString = function () {
+    var text = "";
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) {
+        if (i > 0) text += " ";
+        if (jasmine.isString_(this.values[i])) {
+            text += this.values[i];
+        } else {
+            text += jasmine.pp(this.values[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    return text;
+jasmine.ExpectationResult = function (params) {
+    this.type = 'expect';
+    this.matcherName = params.matcherName;
+    this.passed_ = params.passed;
+    this.expected = params.expected;
+    this.actual = params.actual;
+    this.message = this.passed_ ? 'Passed.' : params.message;
+    var trace = (params.trace || new Error(this.message));
+    this.trace = this.passed_ ? '' : trace;
 jasmine.ExpectationResult.prototype.toString = function () {
-  return this.message;
+    return this.message;
 jasmine.ExpectationResult.prototype.passed = function () {
-  return this.passed_;
+    return this.passed_;
  * Getter for the Jasmine environment. Ensures one gets created
-jasmine.getEnv = function() {
-  var env = jasmine.currentEnv_ = jasmine.currentEnv_ || new jasmine.Env();
-  return env;
+jasmine.getEnv = function () {
+    var env = jasmine.currentEnv_ = jasmine.currentEnv_ || new jasmine.Env();
+    return env;
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@
  * @param value
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isArray_ = function(value) {
-  return jasmine.isA_("Array", value);
+jasmine.isArray_ = function (value) {
+    return jasmine.isA_("Array", value);
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@
  * @param value
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isString_ = function(value) {
-  return jasmine.isA_("String", value);
+jasmine.isString_ = function (value) {
+    return jasmine.isA_("String", value);
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@
  * @param value
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isNumber_ = function(value) {
-  return jasmine.isA_("Number", value);
+jasmine.isNumber_ = function (value) {
+    return jasmine.isA_("Number", value);
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
  * @param value
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isA_ = function(typeName, value) {
-  return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object ' + typeName + ']';
+jasmine.isA_ = function (typeName, value) {
+    return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object ' + typeName + ']';
@@ -166,10 +166,10 @@
  * @param value {Object} an object to be outputted
  * @returns {String}
-jasmine.pp = function(value) {
-  var stringPrettyPrinter = new jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter();
-  stringPrettyPrinter.format(value);
-  return stringPrettyPrinter.string;
+jasmine.pp = function (value) {
+    var stringPrettyPrinter = new jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter();
+    stringPrettyPrinter.format(value);
+    return stringPrettyPrinter.string;
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
  * @param {Object} obj object to check
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isDomNode = function(obj) {
-  return obj.nodeType > 0;
+jasmine.isDomNode = function (obj) {
+    return obj.nodeType > 0;
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@
  * @param {Class} clazz
  * @returns matchable object of the type clazz
-jasmine.any = function(clazz) {
-  return new jasmine.Matchers.Any(clazz);
+jasmine.any = function (clazz) {
+    return new jasmine.Matchers.Any(clazz);
@@ -255,41 +255,41 @@
  * @see spyOn, jasmine.createSpy, jasmine.createSpyObj
  * @param {String} name
-jasmine.Spy = function(name) {
-  /**
-   * The name of the spy, if provided.
-   */
-  this.identity = name || 'unknown';
-  /**
-   *  Is this Object a spy?
-   */
-  this.isSpy = true;
-  /**
-   * The actual function this spy stubs.
-   */
-  this.plan = function() {
-  };
-  /**
-   * Tracking of the most recent call to the spy.
-   * @example
-   * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
-   * mySpy(1, 2);
-   * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [1, 2];
-   */
-  this.mostRecentCall = {};
-  /**
-   * Holds arguments for each call to the spy, indexed by call count
-   * @example
-   * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
-   * mySpy(1, 2);
-   * mySpy(7, 8);
-   * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [7, 8];
-   * mySpy.argsForCall[0] = [1, 2];
-   * mySpy.argsForCall[1] = [7, 8];
-   */
-  this.argsForCall = [];
-  this.calls = [];
+jasmine.Spy = function (name) {
+    /**
+     * The name of the spy, if provided.
+     */
+    this.identity = name || 'unknown';
+    /**
+     *  Is this Object a spy?
+     */
+    this.isSpy = true;
+    /**
+     * The actual function this spy stubs.
+     */
+    this.plan = function () {
+    };
+    /**
+     * Tracking of the most recent call to the spy.
+     * @example
+     * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
+     * mySpy(1, 2);
+     * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [1, 2];
+     */
+    this.mostRecentCall = {};
+    /**
+     * Holds arguments for each call to the spy, indexed by call count
+     * @example
+     * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
+     * mySpy(1, 2);
+     * mySpy(7, 8);
+     * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [7, 8];
+     * mySpy.argsForCall[0] = [1, 2];
+     * mySpy.argsForCall[1] = [7, 8];
+     */
+    this.argsForCall = [];
+    this.calls = [];
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@
  * // defining a spy on an existing property:
  * spyOn(foo, 'bar').andCallThrough();
-jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallThrough = function() {
-  this.plan = this.originalValue;
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallThrough = function () {
+    this.plan = this.originalValue;
+    return this;
@@ -320,11 +320,11 @@
  * @param {Object} value
-jasmine.Spy.prototype.andReturn = function(value) {
-  this.plan = function() {
-    return value;
-  };
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spy.prototype.andReturn = function (value) {
+    this.plan = function () {
+        return value;
+    };
+    return this;
@@ -339,11 +339,11 @@
  * @param {String} exceptionMsg
-jasmine.Spy.prototype.andThrow = function(exceptionMsg) {
-  this.plan = function() {
-    throw exceptionMsg;
-  };
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spy.prototype.andThrow = function (exceptionMsg) {
+    this.plan = function () {
+        throw exceptionMsg;
+    };
+    return this;
@@ -361,9 +361,9 @@
  * @param {Function} fakeFunc
-jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallFake = function(fakeFunc) {
-  this.plan = fakeFunc;
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallFake = function (fakeFunc) {
+    this.plan = fakeFunc;
+    return this;
@@ -380,36 +380,36 @@
  * expect(;
-jasmine.Spy.prototype.reset = function() {
-  this.wasCalled = false;
-  this.callCount = 0;
-  this.argsForCall = [];
-  this.calls = [];
-  this.mostRecentCall = {};
-jasmine.createSpy = function(name) {
-  var spyObj = function() {
-    spyObj.wasCalled = true;
-    spyObj.callCount++;
-    var args = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
-    spyObj.mostRecentCall.object = this;
-    spyObj.mostRecentCall.args = args;
-    spyObj.argsForCall.push(args);
-    spyObj.calls.push({object: this, args: args});
-    return spyObj.plan.apply(this, arguments);
-  };
-  var spy = new jasmine.Spy(name);
-  for (var prop in spy) {
-    spyObj[prop] = spy[prop];
-  }
-  spyObj.reset();
-  return spyObj;
+jasmine.Spy.prototype.reset = function () {
+    this.wasCalled = false;
+    this.callCount = 0;
+    this.argsForCall = [];
+    this.calls = [];
+    this.mostRecentCall = {};
+jasmine.createSpy = function (name) {
+    var spyObj = function () {
+        spyObj.wasCalled = true;
+        spyObj.callCount++;
+        var args = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
+        spyObj.mostRecentCall.object = this;
+        spyObj.mostRecentCall.args = args;
+        spyObj.argsForCall.push(args);
+        spyObj.calls.push({object: this, args: args});
+        return spyObj.plan.apply(this, arguments);
+    };
+    var spy = new jasmine.Spy(name);
+    for (var prop in spy) {
+        spyObj[prop] = spy[prop];
+    }
+    spyObj.reset();
+    return spyObj;
@@ -418,8 +418,8 @@
  * @param {jasmine.Spy|Object} putativeSpy
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isSpy = function(putativeSpy) {
-  return putativeSpy && putativeSpy.isSpy;
+jasmine.isSpy = function (putativeSpy) {
+    return putativeSpy && putativeSpy.isSpy;
@@ -429,15 +429,15 @@
  * @param {String} baseName name of spy class
  * @param {Array} methodNames array of names of methods to make spies
-jasmine.createSpyObj = function(baseName, methodNames) {
-  if (!jasmine.isArray_(methodNames) || methodNames.length === 0) {
-    throw new Error('createSpyObj requires a non-empty array of method names to create spies for');
-  }
-  var obj = {};
-  for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; i++) {
-    obj[methodNames[i]] = jasmine.createSpy(baseName + '.' + methodNames[i]);
-  }
-  return obj;
+jasmine.createSpyObj = function (baseName, methodNames) {
+    if (!jasmine.isArray_(methodNames) || methodNames.length === 0) {
+        throw new Error('createSpyObj requires a non-empty array of method names to create spies for');
+    }
+    var obj = {};
+    for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; i++) {
+        obj[methodNames[i]] = jasmine.createSpy(baseName + '.' + methodNames[i]);
+    }
+    return obj;
@@ -445,9 +445,9 @@
  * Be careful not to leave calls to <code>jasmine.log</code> in production code.
-jasmine.log = function() {
-  var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec;
-  spec.log.apply(spec, arguments);
+jasmine.log = function () {
+    var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec;
+    spec.log.apply(spec, arguments);
@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@
  * @param methodName
  * @returns a Jasmine spy that can be chained with all spy methods
-var spyOn = function(obj, methodName) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.spyOn(obj, methodName);
+var spyOn = function (obj, methodName) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.spyOn(obj, methodName);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.spyOn = spyOn;
@@ -483,8 +483,8 @@
  * @param {String} desc description of this specification
  * @param {Function} func defines the preconditions and expectations of the spec
-var it = function(desc, func) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().it(desc, func);
+var it = function (desc, func) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().it(desc, func);
 if (isCommonJS) = it;
@@ -496,8 +496,8 @@
  * @param {String} desc description of this specification
  * @param {Function} func defines the preconditions and expectations of the spec
-var xit = function(desc, func) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().xit(desc, func);
+var xit = function (desc, func) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().xit(desc, func);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.xit = xit;
@@ -509,8 +509,8 @@
  * @param {Object} actual Actual value to test against and expected value
-var expect = function(actual) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.expect(actual);
+var expect = function (actual) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.expect(actual);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.expect = expect;
@@ -519,8 +519,8 @@
  * @param {Function} func Function that defines part of a jasmine spec.
-var runs = function(func) {
-  jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.runs(func);
+var runs = function (func) {
+    jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.runs(func);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.runs = runs;
@@ -530,8 +530,8 @@
  * @deprecated Use waitsFor() instead
  * @param {Number} timeout milliseconds to wait
-var waits = function(timeout) {
-  jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waits(timeout);
+var waits = function (timeout) {
+    jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waits(timeout);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.waits = waits;
@@ -542,8 +542,8 @@
  * @param {String} optional_timeoutMessage
  * @param {Number} optional_timeout
-var waitsFor = function(latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) {
-  jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waitsFor.apply(jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec, arguments);
+var waitsFor = function (latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) {
+    jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waitsFor.apply(jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec, arguments);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.waitsFor = waitsFor;
@@ -554,8 +554,8 @@
  * @param {Function} beforeEachFunction
-var beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
-  jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
+var beforeEach = function (beforeEachFunction) {
+    jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.beforeEach = beforeEach;
@@ -566,8 +566,8 @@
  * @param {Function} afterEachFunction
-var afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
-  jasmine.getEnv().afterEach(afterEachFunction);
+var afterEach = function (afterEachFunction) {
+    jasmine.getEnv().afterEach(afterEachFunction);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.afterEach = afterEach;
@@ -586,8 +586,8 @@
  * @param {String} description A string, usually the class under test.
  * @param {Function} specDefinitions function that defines several specs.
-var describe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().describe(description, specDefinitions);
+var describe = function (description, specDefinitions) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().describe(description, specDefinitions);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.describe = describe;
@@ -597,38 +597,38 @@
  * @param {String} description A string, usually the class under test.
  * @param {Function} specDefinitions function that defines several specs.
-var xdescribe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().xdescribe(description, specDefinitions);
+var xdescribe = function (description, specDefinitions) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().xdescribe(description, specDefinitions);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.xdescribe = xdescribe;
 // Provide the XMLHttpRequest class for IE 5.x-6.x:
-jasmine.XmlHttpRequest = (typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined") ? function() {
-  function tryIt(f) {
-    try {
-      return f();
-    } catch(e) {
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  var xhr = tryIt(function() {
-    return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0");
-  }) ||
-    tryIt(function() {
-      return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
+jasmine.XmlHttpRequest = (typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined") ? function () {
+    function tryIt(f) {
+        try {
+            return f();
+        } catch (e) {
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    var xhr = tryIt(function () {
+        return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0");
     }) ||
-    tryIt(function() {
-      return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
-    }) ||
-    tryIt(function() {
-      return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
-    });
-  if (!xhr) throw new Error("This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest.");
-  return xhr;
+        tryIt(function () {
+            return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
+        }) ||
+        tryIt(function () {
+            return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
+        }) ||
+        tryIt(function () {
+            return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+        });
+    if (!xhr) throw new Error("This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest.");
+    return xhr;
 } : XMLHttpRequest;
  * @namespace
@@ -642,59 +642,59 @@
  * @param {Function} childClass
  * @param {Function} parentClass
-jasmine.util.inherit = function(childClass, parentClass) {
-  /**
-   * @private
-   */
-  var subclass = function() {
-  };
-  subclass.prototype = parentClass.prototype;
-  childClass.prototype = new subclass();
-jasmine.util.formatException = function(e) {
-  var lineNumber;
-  if (e.line) {
-    lineNumber = e.line;
-  }
-  else if (e.lineNumber) {
-    lineNumber = e.lineNumber;
-  }
-  var file;
-  if (e.sourceURL) {
-    file = e.sourceURL;
-  }
-  else if (e.fileName) {
-    file = e.fileName;
-  }
-  var message = ( && e.message) ? ( + ': ' + e.message) : e.toString();
-  if (file && lineNumber) {
-    message += ' in ' + file + ' (line ' + lineNumber + ')';
-  }
-  return message;
-jasmine.util.htmlEscape = function(str) {
-  if (!str) return str;
-  return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
-    .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
-    .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
-jasmine.util.argsToArray = function(args) {
-  var arrayOfArgs = [];
-  for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) arrayOfArgs.push(args[i]);
-  return arrayOfArgs;
-jasmine.util.extend = function(destination, source) {
-  for (var property in source) destination[property] = source[property];
-  return destination;
+jasmine.util.inherit = function (childClass, parentClass) {
+    /**
+     * @private
+     */
+    var subclass = function () {
+    };
+    subclass.prototype = parentClass.prototype;
+    childClass.prototype = new subclass();
+jasmine.util.formatException = function (e) {
+    var lineNumber;
+    if (e.line) {
+        lineNumber = e.line;
+    }
+    else if (e.lineNumber) {
+        lineNumber = e.lineNumber;
+    }
+    var file;
+    if (e.sourceURL) {
+        file = e.sourceURL;
+    }
+    else if (e.fileName) {
+        file = e.fileName;
+    }
+    var message = ( && e.message) ? ( + ': ' + e.message) : e.toString();
+    if (file && lineNumber) {
+        message += ' in ' + file + ' (line ' + lineNumber + ')';
+    }
+    return message;
+jasmine.util.htmlEscape = function (str) {
+    if (!str) return str;
+    return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
+        .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
+        .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
+jasmine.util.argsToArray = function (args) {
+    var arrayOfArgs = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) arrayOfArgs.push(args[i]);
+    return arrayOfArgs;
+jasmine.util.extend = function (destination, source) {
+    for (var property in source) destination[property] = source[property];
+    return destination;
@@ -702,31 +702,31 @@
  * @constructor
-jasmine.Env = function() {
-  this.currentSpec = null;
-  this.currentSuite = null;
-  this.currentRunner_ = new jasmine.Runner(this);
-  this.reporter = new jasmine.MultiReporter();
-  this.updateInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
-  this.defaultTimeoutInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
-  this.lastUpdate = 0;
-  this.specFilter = function() {
-    return true;
-  };
-  this.nextSpecId_ = 0;
-  this.nextSuiteId_ = 0;
-  this.equalityTesters_ = [];
-  // wrap matchers
-  this.matchersClass = function() {
-    jasmine.Matchers.apply(this, arguments);
-  };
-  jasmine.util.inherit(this.matchersClass, jasmine.Matchers);
-  jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(jasmine.Matchers.prototype, this.matchersClass);
+jasmine.Env = function () {
+    this.currentSpec = null;
+    this.currentSuite = null;
+    this.currentRunner_ = new jasmine.Runner(this);
+    this.reporter = new jasmine.MultiReporter();
+    this.updateInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
+    this.defaultTimeoutInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
+    this.lastUpdate = 0;
+    this.specFilter = function () {
+        return true;
+    };
+    this.nextSpecId_ = 0;
+    this.nextSuiteId_ = 0;
+    this.equalityTesters_ = [];
+    // wrap matchers
+    this.matchersClass = function () {
+        jasmine.Matchers.apply(this, arguments);
+    };
+    jasmine.util.inherit(this.matchersClass, jasmine.Matchers);
+    jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(jasmine.Matchers.prototype, this.matchersClass);
@@ -739,270 +739,270 @@
  * @returns an object containing jasmine version build info, if set.
 jasmine.Env.prototype.version = function () {
-  if (jasmine.version_) {
-    return jasmine.version_;
-  } else {
-    throw new Error('Version not set');
-  }
+    if (jasmine.version_) {
+        return jasmine.version_;
+    } else {
+        throw new Error('Version not set');
+    }
  * @returns string containing jasmine version build info, if set.
-jasmine.Env.prototype.versionString = function() {
-  if (!jasmine.version_) {
-    return "version unknown";
-  }
-  var version = this.version();
-  var versionString = version.major + "." + version.minor + "." +;
-  if (version.release_candidate) {
-    versionString += ".rc" + version.release_candidate;
-  }
-  versionString += " revision " + version.revision;
-  return versionString;
+jasmine.Env.prototype.versionString = function () {
+    if (!jasmine.version_) {
+        return "version unknown";
+    }
+    var version = this.version();
+    var versionString = version.major + "." + version.minor + "." +;
+    if (version.release_candidate) {
+        versionString += ".rc" + version.release_candidate;
+    }
+    versionString += " revision " + version.revision;
+    return versionString;
  * @returns a sequential integer starting at 0
 jasmine.Env.prototype.nextSpecId = function () {
-  return this.nextSpecId_++;
+    return this.nextSpecId_++;
  * @returns a sequential integer starting at 0
 jasmine.Env.prototype.nextSuiteId = function () {
-  return this.nextSuiteId_++;
+    return this.nextSuiteId_++;
  * Register a reporter to receive status updates from Jasmine.
  * @param {jasmine.Reporter} reporter An object which will receive status updates.
-jasmine.Env.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) {
-  this.reporter.addReporter(reporter);
-jasmine.Env.prototype.execute = function() {
-  this.currentRunner_.execute();
-jasmine.Env.prototype.describe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
-  var suite = new jasmine.Suite(this, description, specDefinitions, this.currentSuite);
-  var parentSuite = this.currentSuite;
-  if (parentSuite) {
-    parentSuite.add(suite);
-  } else {
-    this.currentRunner_.add(suite);
-  }
-  this.currentSuite = suite;
-  var declarationError = null;
-  try {
-  } catch(e) {
-    declarationError = e;
-  }
-  if (declarationError) {
-"encountered a declaration exception", function() {
-      throw declarationError;
-    });
-  }
-  this.currentSuite = parentSuite;
-  return suite;
-jasmine.Env.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
-  if (this.currentSuite) {
-    this.currentSuite.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
-  } else {
-    this.currentRunner_.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
-  }
+jasmine.Env.prototype.addReporter = function (reporter) {
+    this.reporter.addReporter(reporter);
+jasmine.Env.prototype.execute = function () {
+    this.currentRunner_.execute();
+jasmine.Env.prototype.describe = function (description, specDefinitions) {
+    var suite = new jasmine.Suite(this, description, specDefinitions, this.currentSuite);
+    var parentSuite = this.currentSuite;
+    if (parentSuite) {
+        parentSuite.add(suite);
+    } else {
+        this.currentRunner_.add(suite);
+    }
+    this.currentSuite = suite;
+    var declarationError = null;
+    try {
+    } catch (e) {
+        declarationError = e;
+    }
+    if (declarationError) {
+"encountered a declaration exception", function () {
+            throw declarationError;
+        });
+    }
+    this.currentSuite = parentSuite;
+    return suite;
+jasmine.Env.prototype.beforeEach = function (beforeEachFunction) {
+    if (this.currentSuite) {
+        this.currentSuite.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
+    } else {
+        this.currentRunner_.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
+    }
 jasmine.Env.prototype.currentRunner = function () {
-  return this.currentRunner_;
-jasmine.Env.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
-  if (this.currentSuite) {
-    this.currentSuite.afterEach(afterEachFunction);
-  } else {
-    this.currentRunner_.afterEach(afterEachFunction);
-  }
-jasmine.Env.prototype.xdescribe = function(desc, specDefinitions) {
-  return {
-    execute: function() {
-    }
-  };
- = function(description, func) {
-  var spec = new jasmine.Spec(this, this.currentSuite, description);
-  this.currentSuite.add(spec);
-  this.currentSpec = spec;
-  if (func) {
-    spec.runs(func);
-  }
-  return spec;
-jasmine.Env.prototype.xit = function(desc, func) {
-  return {
-    id: this.nextSpecId(),
-    runs: function() {
-    }
-  };
-jasmine.Env.prototype.compareObjects_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
-  if (a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === b && b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === a) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = b;
-  b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = a;
-  var hasKey = function(obj, keyName) {
-    return obj !== null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined;
-  };
-  for (var property in b) {
-    if (!hasKey(a, property) && hasKey(b, property)) {
-      mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
-    }
-  }
-  for (property in a) {
-    if (!hasKey(b, property) && hasKey(a, property)) {
-      mismatchKeys.push("expected missing key '" + property + "', but present in actual.");
-    }
-  }
-  for (property in b) {
-    if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue;
-    if (!this.equals_(a[property], b[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
-      mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (b[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(b[property].toString()) : b[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (a[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(a[property].toString()) : a[property]) + "' in actual.");
-    }
-  }
-  if (jasmine.isArray_(a) && jasmine.isArray_(b) && a.length != b.length) {
-    mismatchValues.push("arrays were not the same length");
-  }
-  delete a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
-  delete b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
-  return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
-jasmine.Env.prototype.equals_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
-  mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
-  mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.equalityTesters_.length; i++) {
-    var equalityTester = this.equalityTesters_[i];
-    var result = equalityTester(a, b, this, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
-    if (result !== jasmine.undefined) return result;
-  }
-  if (a === b) return true;
-  if (a === jasmine.undefined || a === null || b === jasmine.undefined || b === null) {
-    return (a == jasmine.undefined && b == jasmine.undefined);
-  }
-  if (jasmine.isDomNode(a) && jasmine.isDomNode(b)) {
-    return a === b;
-  }
-  if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) {
-    return a.getTime() == b.getTime();
-  }
-  if (a.jasmineMatches) {
-    return a.jasmineMatches(b);
-  }
-  if (b.jasmineMatches) {
-    return b.jasmineMatches(a);
-  }
-  if (a instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) {
-    return a.matches(b);
-  }
-  if (b instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) {
-    return b.matches(a);
-  }
-  if (jasmine.isString_(a) && jasmine.isString_(b)) {
-    return (a == b);
-  }
-  if (jasmine.isNumber_(a) && jasmine.isNumber_(b)) {
-    return (a == b);
-  }
-  if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") {
-    return this.compareObjects_(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
-  }
-  //Straight check
-  return (a === b);
-jasmine.Env.prototype.contains_ = function(haystack, needle) {
-  if (jasmine.isArray_(haystack)) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
-      if (this.equals_(haystack[i], needle)) return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  return haystack.indexOf(needle) >= 0;
-jasmine.Env.prototype.addEqualityTester = function(equalityTester) {
-  this.equalityTesters_.push(equalityTester);
+    return this.currentRunner_;
+jasmine.Env.prototype.afterEach = function (afterEachFunction) {
+    if (this.currentSuite) {
+        this.currentSuite.afterEach(afterEachFunction);
+    } else {
+        this.currentRunner_.afterEach(afterEachFunction);
+    }
+jasmine.Env.prototype.xdescribe = function (desc, specDefinitions) {
+    return {
+        execute: function () {
+        }
+    };
+ = function (description, func) {
+    var spec = new jasmine.Spec(this, this.currentSuite, description);
+    this.currentSuite.add(spec);
+    this.currentSpec = spec;
+    if (func) {
+        spec.runs(func);
+    }
+    return spec;
+jasmine.Env.prototype.xit = function (desc, func) {
+    return {
+        id: this.nextSpecId(),
+        runs: function () {
+        }
+    };
+jasmine.Env.prototype.compareObjects_ = function (a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
+    if (a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === b && b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === a) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = b;
+    b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = a;
+    var hasKey = function (obj, keyName) {
+        return obj !== null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined;
+    };
+    for (var property in b) {
+        if (!hasKey(a, property) && hasKey(b, property)) {
+            mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
+        }
+    }
+    for (property in a) {
+        if (!hasKey(b, property) && hasKey(a, property)) {
+            mismatchKeys.push("expected missing key '" + property + "', but present in actual.");
+        }
+    }
+    for (property in b) {
+        if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue;
+        if (!this.equals_(a[property], b[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
+            mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (b[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(b[property].toString()) : b[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (a[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(a[property].toString()) : a[property]) + "' in actual.");
+        }
+    }
+    if (jasmine.isArray_(a) && jasmine.isArray_(b) && a.length != b.length) {
+        mismatchValues.push("arrays were not the same length");
+    }
+    delete a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
+    delete b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
+    return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
+jasmine.Env.prototype.equals_ = function (a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
+    mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
+    mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.equalityTesters_.length; i++) {
+        var equalityTester = this.equalityTesters_[i];
+        var result = equalityTester(a, b, this, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
+        if (result !== jasmine.undefined) return result;
+    }
+    if (a === b) return true;
+    if (a === jasmine.undefined || a === null || b === jasmine.undefined || b === null) {
+        return (a == jasmine.undefined && b == jasmine.undefined);
+    }
+    if (jasmine.isDomNode(a) && jasmine.isDomNode(b)) {
+        return a === b;
+    }
+    if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) {
+        return a.getTime() == b.getTime();
+    }
+    if (a.jasmineMatches) {
+        return a.jasmineMatches(b);
+    }
+    if (b.jasmineMatches) {
+        return b.jasmineMatches(a);
+    }
+    if (a instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) {
+        return a.matches(b);
+    }
+    if (b instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) {
+        return b.matches(a);
+    }
+    if (jasmine.isString_(a) && jasmine.isString_(b)) {
+        return (a == b);
+    }
+    if (jasmine.isNumber_(a) && jasmine.isNumber_(b)) {
+        return (a == b);
+    }
+    if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") {
+        return this.compareObjects_(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
+    }
+    //Straight check
+    return (a === b);
+jasmine.Env.prototype.contains_ = function (haystack, needle) {
+    if (jasmine.isArray_(haystack)) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
+            if (this.equals_(haystack[i], needle)) return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    return haystack.indexOf(needle) >= 0;
+jasmine.Env.prototype.addEqualityTester = function (equalityTester) {
+    this.equalityTesters_.push(equalityTester);
 /** No-op base class for Jasmine reporters.
  * @constructor
-jasmine.Reporter = function() {
+jasmine.Reporter = function () {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function (runner) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function (runner) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function (suite) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function (spec) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function (spec) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.log = function(str) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.log = function (str) {
@@ -1013,120 +1013,120 @@
  * @param {Function} func
  * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec
-jasmine.Block = function(env, func, spec) {
-  this.env = env;
-  this.func = func;
-  this.spec = spec;
-jasmine.Block.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {  
-  try {
-    this.func.apply(this.spec);
-  } catch (e) {
-  }
-  onComplete();
+jasmine.Block = function (env, func, spec) {
+    this.env = env;
+    this.func = func;
+    this.spec = spec;
+jasmine.Block.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
+    try {
+        this.func.apply(this.spec);
+    } catch (e) {
+    }
+    onComplete();
 /** JavaScript API reporter.
  * @constructor
-jasmine.JsApiReporter = function() {
-  this.started = false;
-  this.finished = false;
-  this.suites_ = [];
-  this.results_ = {};
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
-  this.started = true;
-  var suites = runner.topLevelSuites();
-  for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
-    var suite = suites[i];
-    this.suites_.push(this.summarize_(suite));
-  }
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.suites = function() {
-  return this.suites_;
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarize_ = function(suiteOrSpec) {
-  var isSuite = suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite;
-  var summary = {
-    id:,
-    name: suiteOrSpec.description,
-    type: isSuite ? 'suite' : 'spec',
-    children: []
-  };
-  if (isSuite) {
-    var children = suiteOrSpec.children();
-    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
-      summary.children.push(this.summarize_(children[i]));
-    }
-  }
-  return summary;
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.results = function() {
-  return this.results_;
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpec = function(specId) {
-  return this.results_[specId];
+jasmine.JsApiReporter = function () {
+    this.started = false;
+    this.finished = false;
+    this.suites_ = [];
+    this.results_ = {};
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function (runner) {
+    this.started = true;
+    var suites = runner.topLevelSuites();
+    for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
+        var suite = suites[i];
+        this.suites_.push(this.summarize_(suite));
+    }
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.suites = function () {
+    return this.suites_;
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarize_ = function (suiteOrSpec) {
+    var isSuite = suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite;
+    var summary = {
+        id:,
+        name: suiteOrSpec.description,
+        type: isSuite ? 'suite' : 'spec',
+        children: []
+    };
+    if (isSuite) {
+        var children = suiteOrSpec.children();
+        for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+            summary.children.push(this.summarize_(children[i]));
+        }
+    }
+    return summary;
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.results = function () {
+    return this.results_;
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpec = function (specId) {
+    return this.results_[specId];
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
-  this.finished = true;
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function (runner) {
+    this.finished = true;
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function (suite) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
-  this.results_[] = {
-    messages: spec.results().getItems(),
-    result: spec.results().failedCount > 0 ? "failed" : "passed"
-  };
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function (spec) {
+    this.results_[] = {
+        messages: spec.results().getItems(),
+        result: spec.results().failedCount > 0 ? "failed" : "passed"
+    };
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.log = function(str) {
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpecs = function(specIds){
-  var results = {};
-  for (var i = 0; i < specIds.length; i++) {
-    var specId = specIds[i];
-    results[specId] = this.summarizeResult_(this.results_[specId]);
-  }
-  return results;
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarizeResult_ = function(result){
-  var summaryMessages = [];
-  var messagesLength = result.messages.length;
-  for (var messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < messagesLength; messageIndex++) {
-    var resultMessage = result.messages[messageIndex];
-    summaryMessages.push({
-      text: resultMessage.type == 'log' ? resultMessage.toString() : jasmine.undefined,
-      passed: resultMessage.passed ? resultMessage.passed() : true,
-      type: resultMessage.type,
-      message: resultMessage.message,
-      trace: {
-        stack: resultMessage.passed && !resultMessage.passed() ? resultMessage.trace.stack : jasmine.undefined
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  return {
-    result : result.result,
-    messages : summaryMessages
-  };
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.log = function (str) {
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpecs = function (specIds) {
+    var results = {};
+    for (var i = 0; i < specIds.length; i++) {
+        var specId = specIds[i];
+        results[specId] = this.summarizeResult_(this.results_[specId]);
+    }
+    return results;
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarizeResult_ = function (result) {
+    var summaryMessages = [];
+    var messagesLength = result.messages.length;
+    for (var messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < messagesLength; messageIndex++) {
+        var resultMessage = result.messages[messageIndex];
+        summaryMessages.push({
+            text: resultMessage.type == 'log' ? resultMessage.toString() : jasmine.undefined,
+            passed: resultMessage.passed ? resultMessage.passed() : true,
+            type: resultMessage.type,
+            message: resultMessage.message,
+            trace: {
+                stack: resultMessage.passed && !resultMessage.passed() ? resultMessage.trace.stack : jasmine.undefined
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    return {
+        result: result.result,
+        messages: summaryMessages
+    };
@@ -1135,83 +1135,83 @@
  * @param actual
  * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec
-jasmine.Matchers = function(env, actual, spec, opt_isNot) {
-  this.env = env;
-  this.actual = actual;
-  this.spec = spec;
-  this.isNot = opt_isNot || false;
-  this.reportWasCalled_ = false;
+jasmine.Matchers = function (env, actual, spec, opt_isNot) {
+    this.env = env;
+    this.actual = actual;
+    this.spec = spec;
+    this.isNot = opt_isNot || false;
+    this.reportWasCalled_ = false;
 // todo: @deprecated as of Jasmine 0.11, remove soon [xw]
-jasmine.Matchers.pp = function(str) {
-  throw new Error("jasmine.Matchers.pp() is no longer supported, please use jasmine.pp() instead!");
+jasmine.Matchers.pp = function (str) {
+    throw new Error("jasmine.Matchers.pp() is no longer supported, please use jasmine.pp() instead!");
 // todo: @deprecated Deprecated as of Jasmine 0.10. Rewrite your custom matchers to return true or false. [xw] = function(result, failing_message, details) {
-  throw new Error("As of jasmine 0.11, custom matchers must be implemented differently -- please see jasmine docs");
-jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_ = function(prototype, matchersClass) {
-  for (var methodName in prototype) {
-    if (methodName == 'report') continue;
-    var orig = prototype[methodName];
-    matchersClass.prototype[methodName] = jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_(methodName, orig);
-  }
-jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_ = function(matcherName, matcherFunction) {
-  return function() {
-    var matcherArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
-    var result = matcherFunction.apply(this, arguments);
-    if (this.isNot) {
-      result = !result;
-    }
-    if (this.reportWasCalled_) return result;
-    var message;
-    if (!result) {
-      if (this.message) {
-        message = this.message.apply(this, arguments);
-        if (jasmine.isArray_(message)) {
-          message = message[this.isNot ? 1 : 0];
-        }
-      } else {
-        var englishyPredicate = matcherName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(s) { return ' ' + s.toLowerCase(); });
-        message = "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + (this.isNot ? " not " : " ") + englishyPredicate;
-        if (matcherArgs.length > 0) {
-          for (var i = 0; i < matcherArgs.length; i++) {
-            if (i > 0) message += ",";
-            message += " " + jasmine.pp(matcherArgs[i]);
-          }
-        }
-        message += ".";
-      }
-    }
-    var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({
-      matcherName: matcherName,
-      passed: result,
-      expected: matcherArgs.length > 1 ? matcherArgs : matcherArgs[0],
-      actual: this.actual,
-      message: message
-    });
-    this.spec.addMatcherResult(expectationResult);
-    return jasmine.undefined;
-  };
- = function (result, failing_message, details) {
+    throw new Error("As of jasmine 0.11, custom matchers must be implemented differently -- please see jasmine docs");
+jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_ = function (prototype, matchersClass) {
+    for (var methodName in prototype) {
+        if (methodName == 'report') continue;
+        var orig = prototype[methodName];
+        matchersClass.prototype[methodName] = jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_(methodName, orig);
+    }
+jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_ = function (matcherName, matcherFunction) {
+    return function () {
+        var matcherArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
+        var result = matcherFunction.apply(this, arguments);
+        if (this.isNot) {
+            result = !result;
+        }
+        if (this.reportWasCalled_) return result;
+        var message;
+        if (!result) {
+            if (this.message) {
+                message = this.message.apply(this, arguments);
+                if (jasmine.isArray_(message)) {
+                    message = message[this.isNot ? 1 : 0];
+                }
+            } else {
+                var englishyPredicate = matcherName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (s) {
+                    return ' ' + s.toLowerCase();
+                });
+                message = "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + (this.isNot ? " not " : " ") + englishyPredicate;
+                if (matcherArgs.length > 0) {
+                    for (var i = 0; i < matcherArgs.length; i++) {
+                        if (i > 0) message += ",";
+                        message += " " + jasmine.pp(matcherArgs[i]);
+                    }
+                }
+                message += ".";
+            }
+        }
+        var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({
+            matcherName: matcherName,
+            passed: result,
+            expected: matcherArgs.length > 1 ? matcherArgs : matcherArgs[0],
+            actual: this.actual,
+            message: message
+        });
+        this.spec.addMatcherResult(expectationResult);
+        return jasmine.undefined;
+    };
  * toBe: compares the actual to the expected using ===
  * @param expected
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBe = function(expected) {
-  return this.actual === expected;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBe = function (expected) {
+    return this.actual === expected;
@@ -1219,8 +1219,8 @@
  * @param expected
  * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toBe() instead.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotBe = function(expected) {
-  return this.actual !== expected;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotBe = function (expected) {
+    return this.actual !== expected;
@@ -1228,8 +1228,8 @@
  * @param expected
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toEqual = function(expected) {
-  return this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toEqual = function (expected) {
+    return this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected);
@@ -1237,8 +1237,8 @@
  * @param expected
  * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toEqual() instead.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotEqual = function(expected) {
-  return !this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotEqual = function (expected) {
+    return !this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected);
@@ -1247,8 +1247,8 @@
  * @param expected
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toMatch = function(expected) {
-  return new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toMatch = function (expected) {
+    return new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual);
@@ -1256,67 +1256,67 @@
  * @param expected
  * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toMatch() instead.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotMatch = function(expected) {
-  return !(new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual));
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotMatch = function (expected) {
+    return !(new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual));
  * Matcher that compares the actual to jasmine.undefined.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeDefined = function() {
-  return (this.actual !== jasmine.undefined);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeDefined = function () {
+    return (this.actual !== jasmine.undefined);
  * Matcher that compares the actual to jasmine.undefined.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeUndefined = function() {
-  return (this.actual === jasmine.undefined);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeUndefined = function () {
+    return (this.actual === jasmine.undefined);
  * Matcher that compares the actual to null.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeNull = function() {
-  return (this.actual === null);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeNull = function () {
+    return (this.actual === null);
  * Matcher that boolean not-nots the actual.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeTruthy = function() {
-  return !!this.actual;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeTruthy = function () {
+    return !!this.actual;
  * Matcher that boolean nots the actual.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeFalsy = function() {
-  return !this.actual;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeFalsy = function () {
+    return !this.actual;
  * Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was called.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalled = function() {
-  if (arguments.length > 0) {
-    throw new Error('toHaveBeenCalled does not take arguments, use toHaveBeenCalledWith');
-  }
-  if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
-    throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
-  }
-  this.message = function() {
-    return [
-      "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called.",
-      "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called."
-    ];
-  };
-  return this.actual.wasCalled;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalled = function () {
+    if (arguments.length > 0) {
+        throw new Error('toHaveBeenCalled does not take arguments, use toHaveBeenCalledWith');
+    }
+    if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
+        throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
+    }
+    this.message = function () {
+        return [
+            "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called.",
+            "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called."
+        ];
+    };
+    return this.actual.wasCalled;
 /** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).toHaveBeenCalled() instead */
@@ -1327,23 +1327,23 @@
  * @deprecated Use expect(xxx).not.toHaveBeenCalled() instead
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalled = function() {
-  if (arguments.length > 0) {
-    throw new Error('wasNotCalled does not take arguments');
-  }
-  if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
-    throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
-  }
-  this.message = function() {
-    return [
-      "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to not have been called.",
-      "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called."
-    ];
-  };
-  return !this.actual.wasCalled;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalled = function () {
+    if (arguments.length > 0) {
+        throw new Error('wasNotCalled does not take arguments');
+    }
+    if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
+        throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
+    }
+    this.message = function () {
+        return [
+            "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to not have been called.",
+            "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called."
+        ];
+    };
+    return !this.actual.wasCalled;
@@ -1352,47 +1352,47 @@
  * @example
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith = function() {
-  var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
-  if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
-    throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
-  }
-  this.message = function() {
-    if (this.actual.callCount === 0) {
-      // todo: what should the failure message for .not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() be? is this right? test better. [xw]
-      return [
-        "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was never called.",
-        "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was."
-      ];
-    } else {
-      return [
-        "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall),
-        "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall)
-      ];
-    }
-  };
-  return this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith = function () {
+    var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
+    if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
+        throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
+    }
+    this.message = function () {
+        if (this.actual.callCount === 0) {
+            // todo: what should the failure message for .not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() be? is this right? test better. [xw]
+            return [
+                "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was never called.",
+                "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was."
+            ];
+        } else {
+            return [
+                "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall),
+                "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall)
+            ];
+        }
+    };
+    return this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
 /** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).toHaveBeenCalledWith() instead */
 jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasCalledWith = jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith;
 /** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() instead */
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalledWith = function() {
-  var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
-  if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
-    throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
-  }
-  this.message = function() {
-    return [
-      "Expected spy not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was",
-      "Expected spy to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was"
-    ];
-  };
-  return !this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalledWith = function () {
+    var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
+    if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
+        throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
+    }
+    this.message = function () {
+        return [
+            "Expected spy not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was",
+            "Expected spy to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was"
+        ];
+    };
+    return !this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
@@ -1400,8 +1400,8 @@
  * @param {Object} expected
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toContain = function(expected) {
-  return this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toContain = function (expected) {
+    return this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected);
@@ -1410,16 +1410,16 @@
  * @param {Object} expected
  * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toContain() instead.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotContain = function(expected) {
-  return !this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected);
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeLessThan = function(expected) {
-  return this.actual < expected;
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeGreaterThan = function(expected) {
-  return this.actual > expected;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotContain = function (expected) {
+    return !this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeLessThan = function (expected) {
+    return this.actual < expected;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeGreaterThan = function (expected) {
+    return this.actual > expected;
@@ -1429,14 +1429,14 @@
  * @param {Number} expected
  * @param {Number} precision
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeCloseTo = function(expected, precision) {
-  if (!(precision === 0)) {
-    precision = precision || 2;
-  }
-  var multiplier = Math.pow(10, precision);
-  var actual = Math.round(this.actual * multiplier);
-  expected = Math.round(expected * multiplier);
-  return expected == actual;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeCloseTo = function (expected, precision) {
+    if (!(precision === 0)) {
+        precision = precision || 2;
+    }
+    var multiplier = Math.pow(10, precision);
+    var actual = Math.round(this.actual * multiplier);
+    expected = Math.round(expected * multiplier);
+    return expected == actual;
@@ -1444,335 +1444,335 @@
  * @param {String} expected
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toThrow = function(expected) {
-  var result = false;
-  var exception;
-  if (typeof this.actual != 'function') {
-    throw new Error('Actual is not a function');
-  }
-  try {
-    this.actual();
-  } catch (e) {
-    exception = e;
-  }
-  if (exception) {
-    result = (expected === jasmine.undefined || this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected));
-  }
-  var not = this.isNot ? "not " : "";
-  this.message = function() {
-    if (exception && (expected === jasmine.undefined || !this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected))) {
-      return ["Expected function " + not + "to throw", expected ? expected.message || expected : "an exception", ", but it threw", exception.message || exception].join(' ');
-    } else {
-      return "Expected function to throw an exception.";
-    }
-  };
-  return result;
-jasmine.Matchers.Any = function(expectedClass) {
-  this.expectedClass = expectedClass;
-jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineMatches = function(other) {
-  if (this.expectedClass == String) {
-    return typeof other == 'string' || other instanceof String;
-  }
-  if (this.expectedClass == Number) {
-    return typeof other == 'number' || other instanceof Number;
-  }
-  if (this.expectedClass == Function) {
-    return typeof other == 'function' || other instanceof Function;
-  }
-  if (this.expectedClass == Object) {
-    return typeof other == 'object';
-  }
-  return other instanceof this.expectedClass;
-jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineToString = function() {
-  return '<jasmine.any(' + this.expectedClass + ')>';
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toThrow = function (expected) {
+    var result = false;
+    var exception;
+    if (typeof this.actual != 'function') {
+        throw new Error('Actual is not a function');
+    }
+    try {
+        this.actual();
+    } catch (e) {
+        exception = e;
+    }
+    if (exception) {
+        result = (expected === jasmine.undefined || this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected));
+    }
+    var not = this.isNot ? "not " : "";
+    this.message = function () {
+        if (exception && (expected === jasmine.undefined || !this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected))) {
+            return ["Expected function " + not + "to throw", expected ? expected.message || expected : "an exception", ", but it threw", exception.message || exception].join(' ');
+        } else {
+            return "Expected function to throw an exception.";
+        }
+    };
+    return result;
+jasmine.Matchers.Any = function (expectedClass) {
+    this.expectedClass = expectedClass;
+jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineMatches = function (other) {
+    if (this.expectedClass == String) {
+        return typeof other == 'string' || other instanceof String;
+    }
+    if (this.expectedClass == Number) {
+        return typeof other == 'number' || other instanceof Number;
+    }
+    if (this.expectedClass == Function) {
+        return typeof other == 'function' || other instanceof Function;
+    }
+    if (this.expectedClass == Object) {
+        return typeof other == 'object';
+    }
+    return other instanceof this.expectedClass;
+jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineToString = function () {
+    return '<jasmine.any(' + this.expectedClass + ')>';
 jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining = function (sample) {
-  this.sample = sample;
-jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineMatches = function(other, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
-  mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
-  mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
-  var env = jasmine.getEnv();
-  var hasKey = function(obj, keyName) {
-    return obj != null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined;
-  };
-  for (var property in this.sample) {
-    if (!hasKey(other, property) && hasKey(this.sample, property)) {
-      mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
-    }
-    else if (!env.equals_(this.sample[property], other[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
-      mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (other[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(other[property].toString()) : other[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (this.sample[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(this.sample[property].toString()) : this.sample[property]) + "' in actual.");
-    }
-  }
-  return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
+    this.sample = sample;
+jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineMatches = function (other, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
+    mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
+    mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
+    var env = jasmine.getEnv();
+    var hasKey = function (obj, keyName) {
+        return obj != null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined;
+    };
+    for (var property in this.sample) {
+        if (!hasKey(other, property) && hasKey(this.sample, property)) {
+            mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
+        }
+        else if (!env.equals_(this.sample[property], other[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
+            mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (other[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(other[property].toString()) : other[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (this.sample[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(this.sample[property].toString()) : this.sample[property]) + "' in actual.");
+        }
+    }
+    return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
 jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineToString = function () {
-  return "<jasmine.objectContaining(" + jasmine.pp(this.sample) + ")>";
+    return "<jasmine.objectContaining(" + jasmine.pp(this.sample) + ")>";
 // Mock setTimeout, clearTimeout
 // Contributed by Pivotal Computer Systems,
-jasmine.FakeTimer = function() {
-  this.reset();
-  var self = this;
-  self.setTimeout = function(funcToCall, millis) {
-    self.timeoutsMade++;
-    self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, false);
-    return self.timeoutsMade;
-  };
-  self.setInterval = function(funcToCall, millis) {
-    self.timeoutsMade++;
-    self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, true);
-    return self.timeoutsMade;
-  };
-  self.clearTimeout = function(timeoutKey) {
-    self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
-  };
-  self.clearInterval = function(timeoutKey) {
-    self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
-  };
-jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.reset = function() {
-  this.timeoutsMade = 0;
-  this.scheduledFunctions = {};
-  this.nowMillis = 0;
-jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.tick = function(millis) {
-  var oldMillis = this.nowMillis;
-  var newMillis = oldMillis + millis;
-  this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, newMillis);
-  this.nowMillis = newMillis;
-jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.runFunctionsWithinRange = function(oldMillis, nowMillis) {
-  var scheduledFunc;
-  var funcsToRun = [];
-  for (var timeoutKey in this.scheduledFunctions) {
-    scheduledFunc = this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey];
-    if (scheduledFunc != jasmine.undefined &&
-        scheduledFunc.runAtMillis >= oldMillis &&
-        scheduledFunc.runAtMillis <= nowMillis) {
-      funcsToRun.push(scheduledFunc);
-      this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
-    }
-  }
-  if (funcsToRun.length > 0) {
-    funcsToRun.sort(function(a, b) {
-      return a.runAtMillis - b.runAtMillis;
-    });
-    for (var i = 0; i < funcsToRun.length; ++i) {
-      try {
-        var funcToRun = funcsToRun[i];
-        this.nowMillis = funcToRun.runAtMillis;
-        funcToRun.funcToCall();
-        if (funcToRun.recurring) {
-          this.scheduleFunction(funcToRun.timeoutKey,
-              funcToRun.funcToCall,
-              funcToRun.millis,
-              true);
-        }
-      } catch(e) {
-      }
-    }
-    this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis);
-  }
-jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.scheduleFunction = function(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
-  this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = {
-    runAtMillis: this.nowMillis + millis,
-    funcToCall: funcToCall,
-    recurring: recurring,
-    timeoutKey: timeoutKey,
-    millis: millis
-  };
+jasmine.FakeTimer = function () {
+    this.reset();
+    var self = this;
+    self.setTimeout = function (funcToCall, millis) {
+        self.timeoutsMade++;
+        self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, false);
+        return self.timeoutsMade;
+    };
+    self.setInterval = function (funcToCall, millis) {
+        self.timeoutsMade++;
+        self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, true);
+        return self.timeoutsMade;
+    };
+    self.clearTimeout = function (timeoutKey) {
+        self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
+    };
+    self.clearInterval = function (timeoutKey) {
+        self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
+    };
+jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.reset = function () {
+    this.timeoutsMade = 0;
+    this.scheduledFunctions = {};
+    this.nowMillis = 0;
+jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.tick = function (millis) {
+    var oldMillis = this.nowMillis;
+    var newMillis = oldMillis + millis;
+    this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, newMillis);
+    this.nowMillis = newMillis;
+jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.runFunctionsWithinRange = function (oldMillis, nowMillis) {
+    var scheduledFunc;
+    var funcsToRun = [];
+    for (var timeoutKey in this.scheduledFunctions) {
+        scheduledFunc = this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey];
+        if (scheduledFunc != jasmine.undefined &&
+            scheduledFunc.runAtMillis >= oldMillis &&
+            scheduledFunc.runAtMillis <= nowMillis) {
+            funcsToRun.push(scheduledFunc);
+            this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
+        }
+    }
+    if (funcsToRun.length > 0) {
+        funcsToRun.sort(function (a, b) {
+            return a.runAtMillis - b.runAtMillis;
+        });
+        for (var i = 0; i < funcsToRun.length; ++i) {
+            try {
+                var funcToRun = funcsToRun[i];
+                this.nowMillis = funcToRun.runAtMillis;
+                funcToRun.funcToCall();
+                if (funcToRun.recurring) {
+                    this.scheduleFunction(funcToRun.timeoutKey,
+                        funcToRun.funcToCall,
+                        funcToRun.millis,
+                        true);
+                }
+            } catch (e) {
+            }
+        }
+        this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis);
+    }
+jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.scheduleFunction = function (timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
+    this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = {
+        runAtMillis: this.nowMillis + millis,
+        funcToCall: funcToCall,
+        recurring: recurring,
+        timeoutKey: timeoutKey,
+        millis: millis
+    };
  * @namespace
 jasmine.Clock = {
-  defaultFakeTimer: new jasmine.FakeTimer(),
-  reset: function() {
-    jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
-    jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.reset();
-  },
-  tick: function(millis) {
-    jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
-    jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.tick(millis);
-  },
-  runFunctionsWithinRange: function(oldMillis, nowMillis) {
-    jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis);
-  },
-  scheduleFunction: function(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
-    jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.scheduleFunction(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring);
-  },
-  useMock: function() {
-    if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) {
-      var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec;
-      spec.after(jasmine.Clock.uninstallMock);
-      jasmine.Clock.installMock();
-    }
-  },
-  installMock: function() {
-    jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer;
-  },
-  uninstallMock: function() {
-    jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
-    jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real;
-  },
-  real: {
-    setTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout,
-    clearTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout,
-    setInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval,
-    clearInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval
-  },
-  assertInstalled: function() {
-    if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) {
-      throw new Error("Mock clock is not installed, use jasmine.Clock.useMock()");
-    }
-  },
-  isInstalled: function() {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed == jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer;
-  },
-  installed: null
+    defaultFakeTimer: new jasmine.FakeTimer(),
+    reset: function () {
+        jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
+        jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.reset();
+    },
+    tick: function (millis) {
+        jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
+        jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.tick(millis);
+    },
+    runFunctionsWithinRange: function (oldMillis, nowMillis) {
+        jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis);
+    },
+    scheduleFunction: function (timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
+        jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.scheduleFunction(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring);
+    },
+    useMock: function () {
+        if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) {
+            var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec;
+            spec.after(jasmine.Clock.uninstallMock);
+            jasmine.Clock.installMock();
+        }
+    },
+    installMock: function () {
+        jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer;
+    },
+    uninstallMock: function () {
+        jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
+        jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real;
+    },
+    real: {
+        setTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout,
+        clearTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout,
+        setInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval,
+        clearInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval
+    },
+    assertInstalled: function () {
+        if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) {
+            throw new Error("Mock clock is not installed, use jasmine.Clock.useMock()");
+        }
+    },
+    isInstalled: function () {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed == jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer;
+    },
+    installed: null
 jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real;
 //else for IE support
-jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout = function(funcToCall, millis) {
-  if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply) {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
-  } else {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout(funcToCall, millis);
-  }
-jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval = function(funcToCall, millis) {
-  if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply) {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply(this, arguments);
-  } else {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval(funcToCall, millis);
-  }
-jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout = function(timeoutKey) {
-  if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
-  } else {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout(timeoutKey);
-  }
-jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval = function(timeoutKey) {
-  if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval.apply(this, arguments);
-  } else {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval(timeoutKey);
-  }
+jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout = function (funcToCall, millis) {
+    if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply) {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
+    } else {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout(funcToCall, millis);
+    }
+jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval = function (funcToCall, millis) {
+    if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply) {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply(this, arguments);
+    } else {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval(funcToCall, millis);
+    }
+jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout = function (timeoutKey) {
+    if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
+    } else {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout(timeoutKey);
+    }
+jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval = function (timeoutKey) {
+    if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval.apply(this, arguments);
+    } else {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval(timeoutKey);
+    }
  * @constructor
-jasmine.MultiReporter = function() {
-  this.subReporters_ = [];
+jasmine.MultiReporter = function () {
+    this.subReporters_ = [];
 jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.MultiReporter, jasmine.Reporter);
-jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) {
-  this.subReporters_.push(reporter);
-(function() {
-  var functionNames = [
-    "reportRunnerStarting",
-    "reportRunnerResults",
-    "reportSuiteResults",
-    "reportSpecStarting",
-    "reportSpecResults",
-    "log"
-  ];
-  for (var i = 0; i < functionNames.length; i++) {
-    var functionName = functionNames[i];
-    jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype[functionName] = (function(functionName) {
-      return function() {
-        for (var j = 0; j < this.subReporters_.length; j++) {
-          var subReporter = this.subReporters_[j];
-          if (subReporter[functionName]) {
-            subReporter[functionName].apply(subReporter, arguments);
-          }
-        }
-      };
-    })(functionName);
-  }
+jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype.addReporter = function (reporter) {
+    this.subReporters_.push(reporter);
+(function () {
+    var functionNames = [
+        "reportRunnerStarting",
+        "reportRunnerResults",
+        "reportSuiteResults",
+        "reportSpecStarting",
+        "reportSpecResults",
+        "log"
+    ];
+    for (var i = 0; i < functionNames.length; i++) {
+        var functionName = functionNames[i];
+        jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype[functionName] = (function (functionName) {
+            return function () {
+                for (var j = 0; j < this.subReporters_.length; j++) {
+                    var subReporter = this.subReporters_[j];
+                    if (subReporter[functionName]) {
+                        subReporter[functionName].apply(subReporter, arguments);
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+        })(functionName);
+    }
  * Holds results for a set of Jasmine spec. Allows for the results array to hold another jasmine.NestedResults
  * @constructor
-jasmine.NestedResults = function() {
-  /**
-   * The total count of results
-   */
-  this.totalCount = 0;
-  /**
-   * Number of passed results
-   */
-  this.passedCount = 0;
-  /**
-   * Number of failed results
-   */
-  this.failedCount = 0;
-  /**
-   * Was this suite/spec skipped?
-   */
-  this.skipped = false;
-  /**
-   * @ignore
-   */
-  this.items_ = [];
+jasmine.NestedResults = function () {
+    /**
+     * The total count of results
+     */
+    this.totalCount = 0;
+    /**
+     * Number of passed results
+     */
+    this.passedCount = 0;
+    /**
+     * Number of failed results
+     */
+    this.failedCount = 0;
+    /**
+     * Was this suite/spec skipped?
+     */
+    this.skipped = false;
+    /**
+     * @ignore
+     */
+    this.items_ = [];
@@ -1780,58 +1780,58 @@
  * @param result
-jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.rollupCounts = function(result) {
-  this.totalCount += result.totalCount;
-  this.passedCount += result.passedCount;
-  this.failedCount += result.failedCount;
+jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.rollupCounts = function (result) {
+    this.totalCount += result.totalCount;
+    this.passedCount += result.passedCount;
+    this.failedCount += result.failedCount;
  * Adds a log message.
  * @param values Array of message parts which will be concatenated later.
-jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.log = function(values) {
-  this.items_.push(new jasmine.MessageResult(values));
+jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.log = function (values) {
+    this.items_.push(new jasmine.MessageResult(values));
  * Getter for the results: message & results.
-jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.getItems = function() {
-  return this.items_;
+jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.getItems = function () {
+    return this.items_;
  * Adds a result, tracking counts (total, passed, & failed)
  * @param {jasmine.ExpectationResult|jasmine.NestedResults} result
-jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.addResult = function(result) {
-  if (result.type != 'log') {
-    if (result.items_) {
-      this.rollupCounts(result);
-    } else {
-      this.totalCount++;
-      if (result.passed()) {
-        this.passedCount++;
-      } else {
-        this.failedCount++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  this.items_.push(result);
+jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.addResult = function (result) {
+    if (result.type != 'log') {
+        if (result.items_) {
+            this.rollupCounts(result);
+        } else {
+            this.totalCount++;
+            if (result.passed()) {
+                this.passedCount++;
+            } else {
+                this.failedCount++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    this.items_.push(result);
  * @returns {Boolean} True if <b>everything</b> below passed
-jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.passed = function() {
-  return this.passedCount === this.totalCount;
+jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.passed = function () {
+    return this.passedCount === this.totalCount;
  * Base class for pretty printing for expectation results.
-jasmine.PrettyPrinter = function() {
-  this.ppNestLevel_ = 0;
+jasmine.PrettyPrinter = function () {
+    this.ppNestLevel_ = 0;
@@ -1839,57 +1839,57 @@
  * @param value
-jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.format = function(value) {
-  if (this.ppNestLevel_ > 40) {
-    throw new Error('jasmine.PrettyPrinter: format() nested too deeply!');
-  }
-  this.ppNestLevel_++;
-  try {
-    if (value === jasmine.undefined) {
-      this.emitScalar('undefined');
-    } else if (value === null) {
-      this.emitScalar('null');
-    } else if (value === jasmine.getGlobal()) {
-      this.emitScalar('<global>');
-    } else if (value.jasmineToString) {
-      this.emitScalar(value.jasmineToString());
-    } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
-      this.emitString(value);
-    } else if (jasmine.isSpy(value)) {
-      this.emitScalar("spy on " + value.identity);
-    } else if (value instanceof RegExp) {
-      this.emitScalar(value.toString());
-    } else if (typeof value === 'function') {
-      this.emitScalar('Function');
-    } else if (typeof value.nodeType === 'number') {
-      this.emitScalar('HTMLNode');
-    } else if (value instanceof Date) {
-      this.emitScalar('Date(' + value + ')');
-    } else if (value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__) {
-      this.emitScalar('<circular reference: ' + (jasmine.isArray_(value) ? 'Array' : 'Object') + '>');
-    } else if (jasmine.isArray_(value) || typeof value == 'object') {
-      value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = true;
-      if (jasmine.isArray_(value)) {
-        this.emitArray(value);
-      } else {
-        this.emitObject(value);
-      }
-      delete value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
-    } else {
-      this.emitScalar(value.toString());
-    }
-  } finally {
-    this.ppNestLevel_--;
-  }
-jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.iterateObject = function(obj, fn) {
-  for (var property in obj) {
-    if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue;
-    fn(property, obj.__lookupGetter__ ? (obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== jasmine.undefined && 
-                                         obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== null) : false);
-  }
+jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.format = function (value) {
+    if (this.ppNestLevel_ > 40) {
+        throw new Error('jasmine.PrettyPrinter: format() nested too deeply!');
+    }
+    this.ppNestLevel_++;
+    try {
+        if (value === jasmine.undefined) {
+            this.emitScalar('undefined');
+        } else if (value === null) {
+            this.emitScalar('null');
+        } else if (value === jasmine.getGlobal()) {
+            this.emitScalar('<global>');
+        } else if (value.jasmineToString) {
+            this.emitScalar(value.jasmineToString());
+        } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
+            this.emitString(value);
+        } else if (jasmine.isSpy(value)) {
+            this.emitScalar("spy on " + value.identity);
+        } else if (value instanceof RegExp) {
+            this.emitScalar(value.toString());
+        } else if (typeof value === 'function') {
+            this.emitScalar('Function');
+        } else if (typeof value.nodeType === 'number') {
+            this.emitScalar('HTMLNode');
+        } else if (value instanceof Date) {
+            this.emitScalar('Date(' + value + ')');
+        } else if (value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__) {
+            this.emitScalar('<circular reference: ' + (jasmine.isArray_(value) ? 'Array' : 'Object') + '>');
+        } else if (jasmine.isArray_(value) || typeof value == 'object') {
+            value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = true;
+            if (jasmine.isArray_(value)) {
+                this.emitArray(value);
+            } else {
+                this.emitObject(value);
+            }
+            delete value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
+        } else {
+            this.emitScalar(value.toString());
+        }
+    } finally {
+        this.ppNestLevel_--;
+    }
+jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.iterateObject = function (obj, fn) {
+    for (var property in obj) {
+        if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue;
+        fn(property, obj.__lookupGetter__ ? (obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== jasmine.undefined &&
+            obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== null) : false);
+    }
 jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_;
@@ -1897,155 +1897,155 @@
 jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_;
 jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_;
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter = function() {
-  this.string = '';
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter = function () {
+    this.string = '';
 jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter, jasmine.PrettyPrinter);
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = function(value) {
-  this.append(value);
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = function(value) {
-  this.append("'" + value + "'");
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = function(array) {
-  this.append('[ ');
-  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
-    if (i > 0) {
-      this.append(', ');
-    }
-    this.format(array[i]);
-  }
-  this.append(' ]');
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = function(obj) {
-  var self = this;
-  this.append('{ ');
-  var first = true;
-  this.iterateObject(obj, function(property, isGetter) {
-    if (first) {
-      first = false;
-    } else {
-      self.append(', ');
-    }
-    self.append(property);
-    self.append(' : ');
-    if (isGetter) {
-      self.append('<getter>');
-    } else {
-      self.format(obj[property]);
-    }
-  });
-  this.append(' }');
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.append = function(value) {
-  this.string += value;
-jasmine.Queue = function(env) {
-  this.env = env;
-  this.blocks = [];
-  this.running = false;
-  this.index = 0;
-  this.offset = 0;
-  this.abort = false;
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.addBefore = function(block) {
-  this.blocks.unshift(block);
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.add = function(block) {
-  this.blocks.push(block);
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.insertNext = function(block) {
-  this.blocks.splice((this.index + this.offset + 1), 0, block);
-  this.offset++;
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.start = function(onComplete) {
-  this.running = true;
-  this.onComplete = onComplete;
-  this.next_();
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.isRunning = function() {
-  return this.running;
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = function (value) {
+    this.append(value);
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = function (value) {
+    this.append("'" + value + "'");
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = function (array) {
+    this.append('[ ');
+    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+        if (i > 0) {
+            this.append(', ');
+        }
+        this.format(array[i]);
+    }
+    this.append(' ]');
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = function (obj) {
+    var self = this;
+    this.append('{ ');
+    var first = true;
+    this.iterateObject(obj, function (property, isGetter) {
+        if (first) {
+            first = false;
+        } else {
+            self.append(', ');
+        }
+        self.append(property);
+        self.append(' : ');
+        if (isGetter) {
+            self.append('<getter>');
+        } else {
+            self.format(obj[property]);
+        }
+    });
+    this.append(' }');
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.append = function (value) {
+    this.string += value;
+jasmine.Queue = function (env) {
+    this.env = env;
+    this.blocks = [];
+    this.running = false;
+    this.index = 0;
+    this.offset = 0;
+    this.abort = false;
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.addBefore = function (block) {
+    this.blocks.unshift(block);
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.add = function (block) {
+    this.blocks.push(block);
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.insertNext = function (block) {
+    this.blocks.splice((this.index + this.offset + 1), 0, block);
+    this.offset++;
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.start = function (onComplete) {
+    this.running = true;
+    this.onComplete = onComplete;
+    this.next_();
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.isRunning = function () {
+    return this.running;
 jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE = true;
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.next_ = function() {
-  var self = this;
-  var goAgain = true;
-  while (goAgain) {
-    goAgain = false;
-    if (self.index < self.blocks.length && !this.abort) {
-      var calledSynchronously = true;
-      var completedSynchronously = false;
-      var onComplete = function () {
-        if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && calledSynchronously) {
-          completedSynchronously = true;
-          return;
-        }
-        if (self.blocks[self.index].abort) {
-          self.abort = true;
-        }
-        self.offset = 0;
-        self.index++;
-        var now = new Date().getTime();
-        if (self.env.updateInterval && now - self.env.lastUpdate > self.env.updateInterval) {
-          self.env.lastUpdate = now;
-          self.env.setTimeout(function() {
-            self.next_();
-          }, 0);
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.next_ = function () {
+    var self = this;
+    var goAgain = true;
+    while (goAgain) {
+        goAgain = false;
+        if (self.index < self.blocks.length && !this.abort) {
+            var calledSynchronously = true;
+            var completedSynchronously = false;
+            var onComplete = function () {
+                if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && calledSynchronously) {
+                    completedSynchronously = true;
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (self.blocks[self.index].abort) {
+                    self.abort = true;
+                }
+                self.offset = 0;
+                self.index++;
+                var now = new Date().getTime();
+                if (self.env.updateInterval && now - self.env.lastUpdate > self.env.updateInterval) {
+                    self.env.lastUpdate = now;
+                    self.env.setTimeout(function () {
+                        self.next_();
+                    }, 0);
+                } else {
+                    if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && completedSynchronously) {
+                        goAgain = true;
+                    } else {
+                        self.next_();
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            self.blocks[self.index].execute(onComplete);
+            calledSynchronously = false;
+            if (completedSynchronously) {
+                onComplete();
+            }
         } else {
-          if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && completedSynchronously) {
-            goAgain = true;
-          } else {
-            self.next_();
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      self.blocks[self.index].execute(onComplete);
-      calledSynchronously = false;
-      if (completedSynchronously) {
-        onComplete();
-      }
-    } else {
-      self.running = false;
-      if (self.onComplete) {
-        self.onComplete();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.results = function() {
-  var results = new jasmine.NestedResults();
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++) {
-    if (this.blocks[i].results) {
-      results.addResult(this.blocks[i].results());
-    }
-  }
-  return results;
+            self.running = false;
+            if (self.onComplete) {
+                self.onComplete();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.results = function () {
+    var results = new jasmine.NestedResults();
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++) {
+        if (this.blocks[i].results) {
+            results.addResult(this.blocks[i].results());
+        }
+    }
+    return results;
@@ -2055,76 +2055,76 @@
  * @constructor
  * @param {jasmine.Env} env
-jasmine.Runner = function(env) {
-  var self = this;
-  self.env = env;
-  self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
-  self.before_ = [];
-  self.after_ = [];
-  self.suites_ = [];
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.execute = function() {
-  var self = this;
-  if (self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting) {
-    self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting(this);
-  }
-  self.queue.start(function () {
-    self.finishCallback();
-  });
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
-  beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach';
-  this.before_.splice(0,0,beforeEachFunction);
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
-  afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach';
-  this.after_.splice(0,0,afterEachFunction);
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.finishCallback = function() {
-  this.env.reporter.reportRunnerResults(this);
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.addSuite = function(suite) {
-  this.suites_.push(suite);
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.add = function(block) {
-  if (block instanceof jasmine.Suite) {
-    this.addSuite(block);
-  }
-  this.queue.add(block);
+jasmine.Runner = function (env) {
+    var self = this;
+    self.env = env;
+    self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
+    self.before_ = [];
+    self.after_ = [];
+    self.suites_ = [];
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.execute = function () {
+    var self = this;
+    if (self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting) {
+        self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting(this);
+    }
+    self.queue.start(function () {
+        self.finishCallback();
+    });
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.beforeEach = function (beforeEachFunction) {
+    beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach';
+    this.before_.splice(0, 0, beforeEachFunction);
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.afterEach = function (afterEachFunction) {
+    afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach';
+    this.after_.splice(0, 0, afterEachFunction);
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.finishCallback = function () {
+    this.env.reporter.reportRunnerResults(this);
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.addSuite = function (suite) {
+    this.suites_.push(suite);
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.add = function (block) {
+    if (block instanceof jasmine.Suite) {
+        this.addSuite(block);
+    }
+    this.queue.add(block);
 jasmine.Runner.prototype.specs = function () {
-  var suites = this.suites();
-  var specs = [];
-  for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
-    specs = specs.concat(suites[i].specs());
-  }
-  return specs;
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.suites = function() {
-  return this.suites_;
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.topLevelSuites = function() {
-  var topLevelSuites = [];
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.suites_.length; i++) {
-    if (!this.suites_[i].parentSuite) {
-      topLevelSuites.push(this.suites_[i]);
-    }
-  }
-  return topLevelSuites;
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.results = function() {
-  return this.queue.results();
+    var suites = this.suites();
+    var specs = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
+        specs = specs.concat(suites[i].specs());
+    }
+    return specs;
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.suites = function () {
+    return this.suites_;
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.topLevelSuites = function () {
+    var topLevelSuites = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.suites_.length; i++) {
+        if (!this.suites_[i].parentSuite) {
+            topLevelSuites.push(this.suites_[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    return topLevelSuites;
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.results = function () {
+    return this.queue.results();
  * Internal representation of a Jasmine specification, or test.
@@ -2134,35 +2134,35 @@
  * @param {jasmine.Suite} suite
  * @param {String} description
-jasmine.Spec = function(env, suite, description) {
-  if (!env) {
-    throw new Error('jasmine.Env() required');
-  }
-  if (!suite) {
-    throw new Error('jasmine.Suite() required');
-  }
-  var spec = this;
- = env.nextSpecId ? env.nextSpecId() : null;
-  spec.env = env;
-  spec.suite = suite;
-  spec.description = description;
-  spec.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
-  spec.afterCallbacks = [];
-  spec.spies_ = [];
-  spec.results_ = new jasmine.NestedResults();
-  spec.results_.description = description;
-  spec.matchersClass = null;
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.getFullName = function() {
-  return this.suite.getFullName() + ' ' + this.description + '.';
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.results = function() {
-  return this.results_;
+jasmine.Spec = function (env, suite, description) {
+    if (!env) {
+        throw new Error('jasmine.Env() required');
+    }
+    if (!suite) {
+        throw new Error('jasmine.Suite() required');
+    }
+    var spec = this;
+ = env.nextSpecId ? env.nextSpecId() : null;
+    spec.env = env;
+    spec.suite = suite;
+    spec.description = description;
+    spec.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
+    spec.afterCallbacks = [];
+    spec.spies_ = [];
+    spec.results_ = new jasmine.NestedResults();
+    spec.results_.description = description;
+    spec.matchersClass = null;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.getFullName = function () {
+    return this.suite.getFullName() + ' ' + this.description + '.';
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.results = function () {
+    return this.results_;
@@ -2170,35 +2170,35 @@
  * Be careful not to leave calls to <code>jasmine.log</code> in production code.
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.log = function() {
-  return this.results_.log(arguments);
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.log = function () {
+    return this.results_.log(arguments);
 jasmine.Spec.prototype.runs = function (func) {
-  var block = new jasmine.Block(this.env, func, this);
-  this.addToQueue(block);
-  return this;
+    var block = new jasmine.Block(this.env, func, this);
+    this.addToQueue(block);
+    return this;
 jasmine.Spec.prototype.addToQueue = function (block) {
-  if (this.queue.isRunning()) {
-    this.queue.insertNext(block);
-  } else {
-    this.queue.add(block);
-  }
+    if (this.queue.isRunning()) {
+        this.queue.insertNext(block);
+    } else {
+        this.queue.add(block);
+    }
  * @param {jasmine.ExpectationResult} result
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatcherResult = function(result) {
-  this.results_.addResult(result);
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.expect = function(actual) {
-  var positive = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this);
-  positive.not = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this, true);
-  return positive;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatcherResult = function (result) {
+    this.results_.addResult(result);
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.expect = function (actual) {
+    var positive = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this);
+    positive.not = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this, true);
+    return positive;
@@ -2207,10 +2207,10 @@
  * @deprecated Use waitsFor() instead
  * @param {Number} timeout milliseconds to wait
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.waits = function(timeout) {
-  var waitsFunc = new jasmine.WaitsBlock(this.env, timeout, this);
-  this.addToQueue(waitsFunc);
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.waits = function (timeout) {
+    var waitsFunc = new jasmine.WaitsBlock(this.env, timeout, this);
+    this.addToQueue(waitsFunc);
+    return this;
@@ -2220,153 +2220,153 @@
  * @param {String} optional_timeoutMessage
  * @param {Number} optional_timeout
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.waitsFor = function(latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) {
-  var latchFunction_ = null;
-  var optional_timeoutMessage_ = null;
-  var optional_timeout_ = null;
-  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-    var arg = arguments[i];
-    switch (typeof arg) {
-      case 'function':
-        latchFunction_ = arg;
-        break;
-      case 'string':
-        optional_timeoutMessage_ = arg;
-        break;
-      case 'number':
-        optional_timeout_ = arg;
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  var waitsForFunc = new jasmine.WaitsForBlock(this.env, optional_timeout_, latchFunction_, optional_timeoutMessage_, this);
-  this.addToQueue(waitsForFunc);
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.waitsFor = function (latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) {
+    var latchFunction_ = null;
+    var optional_timeoutMessage_ = null;
+    var optional_timeout_ = null;
+    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+        var arg = arguments[i];
+        switch (typeof arg) {
+            case 'function':
+                latchFunction_ = arg;
+                break;
+            case 'string':
+                optional_timeoutMessage_ = arg;
+                break;
+            case 'number':
+                optional_timeout_ = arg;
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    var waitsForFunc = new jasmine.WaitsForBlock(this.env, optional_timeout_, latchFunction_, optional_timeoutMessage_, this);
+    this.addToQueue(waitsForFunc);
+    return this;
 }; = function (e) {
-  var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({
-    passed: false,
-    message: e ? jasmine.util.formatException(e) : 'Exception',
-    trace: { stack: e.stack }
-  });
-  this.results_.addResult(expectationResult);
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.getMatchersClass_ = function() {
-  return this.matchersClass || this.env.matchersClass;
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatchers = function(matchersPrototype) {
-  var parent = this.getMatchersClass_();
-  var newMatchersClass = function() {
-    parent.apply(this, arguments);
-  };
-  jasmine.util.inherit(newMatchersClass, parent);
-  jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(matchersPrototype, newMatchersClass);
-  this.matchersClass = newMatchersClass;
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.finishCallback = function() {
-  this.env.reporter.reportSpecResults(this);
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.finish = function(onComplete) {
-  this.removeAllSpies();
-  this.finishCallback();
-  if (onComplete) {
-    onComplete();
-  }
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.after = function(doAfter) {
-  if (this.queue.isRunning()) {
-    this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, doAfter, this));
-  } else {
-    this.afterCallbacks.unshift(doAfter);
-  }
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {
-  var spec = this;
-  if (!spec.env.specFilter(spec)) {
-    spec.results_.skipped = true;
-    spec.finish(onComplete);
-    return;
-  }
-  this.env.reporter.reportSpecStarting(this);
-  spec.env.currentSpec = spec;
-  spec.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue();
-  spec.queue.start(function () {
-    spec.finish(onComplete);
-  });
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue = function() {
-  var runner = this.env.currentRunner();
-  var i;
-  for (var suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
-    for (i = 0; i < suite.before_.length; i++) {
-      this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.before_[i], this));
-    }
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < runner.before_.length; i++) {
-    this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.before_[i], this));
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < this.afterCallbacks.length; i++) {
-    this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, this.afterCallbacks[i], this));
-  }
-  for (suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
-    for (i = 0; i < suite.after_.length; i++) {
-      this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.after_[i], this));
-    }
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < runner.after_.length; i++) {
-    this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.after_[i], this));
-  }
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.explodes = function() {
-  throw 'explodes function should not have been called';
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.spyOn = function(obj, methodName, ignoreMethodDoesntExist) {
-  if (obj == jasmine.undefined) {
-    throw "spyOn could not find an object to spy upon for " + methodName + "()";
-  }
-  if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] === jasmine.undefined) {
-    throw methodName + '() method does not exist';
-  }
-  if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] && obj[methodName].isSpy) {
-    throw new Error(methodName + ' has already been spied upon');
-  }
-  var spyObj = jasmine.createSpy(methodName);
-  this.spies_.push(spyObj);
-  spyObj.baseObj = obj;
-  spyObj.methodName = methodName;
-  spyObj.originalValue = obj[methodName];
-  obj[methodName] = spyObj;
-  return spyObj;
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.removeAllSpies = function() {
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.spies_.length; i++) {
-    var spy = this.spies_[i];
-    spy.baseObj[spy.methodName] = spy.originalValue;
-  }
-  this.spies_ = [];
+    var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({
+        passed: false,
+        message: e ? jasmine.util.formatException(e) : 'Exception',
+        trace: { stack: e.stack }
+    });
+    this.results_.addResult(expectationResult);
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.getMatchersClass_ = function () {
+    return this.matchersClass || this.env.matchersClass;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatchers = function (matchersPrototype) {
+    var parent = this.getMatchersClass_();
+    var newMatchersClass = function () {
+        parent.apply(this, arguments);
+    };
+    jasmine.util.inherit(newMatchersClass, parent);
+    jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(matchersPrototype, newMatchersClass);
+    this.matchersClass = newMatchersClass;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.finishCallback = function () {
+    this.env.reporter.reportSpecResults(this);
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.finish = function (onComplete) {
+    this.removeAllSpies();
+    this.finishCallback();
+    if (onComplete) {
+        onComplete();
+    }
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.after = function (doAfter) {
+    if (this.queue.isRunning()) {
+        this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, doAfter, this));
+    } else {
+        this.afterCallbacks.unshift(doAfter);
+    }
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
+    var spec = this;
+    if (!spec.env.specFilter(spec)) {
+        spec.results_.skipped = true;
+        spec.finish(onComplete);
+        return;
+    }
+    this.env.reporter.reportSpecStarting(this);
+    spec.env.currentSpec = spec;
+    spec.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue();
+    spec.queue.start(function () {
+        spec.finish(onComplete);
+    });
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue = function () {
+    var runner = this.env.currentRunner();
+    var i;
+    for (var suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
+        for (i = 0; i < suite.before_.length; i++) {
+            this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.before_[i], this));
+        }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < runner.before_.length; i++) {
+        this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.before_[i], this));
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < this.afterCallbacks.length; i++) {
+        this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, this.afterCallbacks[i], this));
+    }
+    for (suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
+        for (i = 0; i < suite.after_.length; i++) {
+            this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.after_[i], this));
+        }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < runner.after_.length; i++) {
+        this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.after_[i], this));
+    }
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.explodes = function () {
+    throw 'explodes function should not have been called';
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.spyOn = function (obj, methodName, ignoreMethodDoesntExist) {
+    if (obj == jasmine.undefined) {
+        throw "spyOn could not find an object to spy upon for " + methodName + "()";
+    }
+    if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] === jasmine.undefined) {
+        throw methodName + '() method does not exist';
+    }
+    if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] && obj[methodName].isSpy) {
+        throw new Error(methodName + ' has already been spied upon');
+    }
+    var spyObj = jasmine.createSpy(methodName);
+    this.spies_.push(spyObj);
+    spyObj.baseObj = obj;
+    spyObj.methodName = methodName;
+    spyObj.originalValue = obj[methodName];
+    obj[methodName] = spyObj;
+    return spyObj;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.removeAllSpies = function () {
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.spies_.length; i++) {
+        var spy = this.spies_[i];
+        spy.baseObj[spy.methodName] = spy.originalValue;
+    }
+    this.spies_ = [];
@@ -2378,93 +2378,93 @@
  * @param {Function} specDefinitions
  * @param {jasmine.Suite} parentSuite
-jasmine.Suite = function(env, description, specDefinitions, parentSuite) {
-  var self = this;
- = env.nextSuiteId ? env.nextSuiteId() : null;
-  self.description = description;
-  self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
-  self.parentSuite = parentSuite;
-  self.env = env;
-  self.before_ = [];
-  self.after_ = [];
-  self.children_ = [];
-  self.suites_ = [];
-  self.specs_ = [];
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.getFullName = function() {
-  var fullName = this.description;
-  for (var parentSuite = this.parentSuite; parentSuite; parentSuite = parentSuite.parentSuite) {
-    fullName = parentSuite.description + ' ' + fullName;
-  }
-  return fullName;
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.finish = function(onComplete) {
-  this.env.reporter.reportSuiteResults(this);
-  this.finished = true;
-  if (typeof(onComplete) == 'function') {
-    onComplete();
-  }
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
-  beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach';
-  this.before_.unshift(beforeEachFunction);
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
-  afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach';
-  this.after_.unshift(afterEachFunction);
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.results = function() {
-  return this.queue.results();
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.add = function(suiteOrSpec) {
-  this.children_.push(suiteOrSpec);
-  if (suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite) {
-    this.suites_.push(suiteOrSpec);
-    this.env.currentRunner().addSuite(suiteOrSpec);
-  } else {
-    this.specs_.push(suiteOrSpec);
-  }
-  this.queue.add(suiteOrSpec);
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.specs = function() {
-  return this.specs_;
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.suites = function() {
-  return this.suites_;
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.children = function() {
-  return this.children_;
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {
-  var self = this;
-  this.queue.start(function () {
-    self.finish(onComplete);
-  });
-jasmine.WaitsBlock = function(env, timeout, spec) {
-  this.timeout = timeout;
-, env, null, spec);
+jasmine.Suite = function (env, description, specDefinitions, parentSuite) {
+    var self = this;
+ = env.nextSuiteId ? env.nextSuiteId() : null;
+    self.description = description;
+    self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
+    self.parentSuite = parentSuite;
+    self.env = env;
+    self.before_ = [];
+    self.after_ = [];
+    self.children_ = [];
+    self.suites_ = [];
+    self.specs_ = [];
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.getFullName = function () {
+    var fullName = this.description;
+    for (var parentSuite = this.parentSuite; parentSuite; parentSuite = parentSuite.parentSuite) {
+        fullName = parentSuite.description + ' ' + fullName;
+    }
+    return fullName;
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.finish = function (onComplete) {
+    this.env.reporter.reportSuiteResults(this);
+    this.finished = true;
+    if (typeof(onComplete) == 'function') {
+        onComplete();
+    }
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function (beforeEachFunction) {
+    beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach';
+    this.before_.unshift(beforeEachFunction);
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.afterEach = function (afterEachFunction) {
+    afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach';
+    this.after_.unshift(afterEachFunction);
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.results = function () {
+    return this.queue.results();
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.add = function (suiteOrSpec) {
+    this.children_.push(suiteOrSpec);
+    if (suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite) {
+        this.suites_.push(suiteOrSpec);
+        this.env.currentRunner().addSuite(suiteOrSpec);
+    } else {
+        this.specs_.push(suiteOrSpec);
+    }
+    this.queue.add(suiteOrSpec);
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.specs = function () {
+    return this.specs_;
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.suites = function () {
+    return this.suites_;
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.children = function () {
+    return this.children_;
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
+    var self = this;
+    this.queue.start(function () {
+        self.finish(onComplete);
+    });
+jasmine.WaitsBlock = function (env, timeout, spec) {
+    this.timeout = timeout;
+, env, null, spec);
 jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.WaitsBlock, jasmine.Block);
 jasmine.WaitsBlock.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
-  if (jasmine.VERBOSE) {
-    this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + this.timeout + ' ms...');
-  }
-  this.env.setTimeout(function () {
-    onComplete();
-  }, this.timeout);
+    if (jasmine.VERBOSE) {
+        this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + this.timeout + ' ms...');
+    }
+    this.env.setTimeout(function () {
+        onComplete();
+    }, this.timeout);
  * A block which waits for some condition to become true, with timeout.
@@ -2477,54 +2477,54 @@
  * @param {String} message The message to display if the desired condition hasn't been met within the given time period.
  * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec The Jasmine spec.
-jasmine.WaitsForBlock = function(env, timeout, latchFunction, message, spec) {
-  this.timeout = timeout || env.defaultTimeoutInterval;
-  this.latchFunction = latchFunction;
-  this.message = message;
-  this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch = 0;
-, env, null, spec);
+jasmine.WaitsForBlock = function (env, timeout, latchFunction, message, spec) {
+    this.timeout = timeout || env.defaultTimeoutInterval;
+    this.latchFunction = latchFunction;
+    this.message = message;
+    this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch = 0;
+, env, null, spec);
 jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.WaitsForBlock, jasmine.Block);
 jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT = 10;
-jasmine.WaitsForBlock.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {
-  if (jasmine.VERBOSE) {
-    this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen'));
-  }
-  var latchFunctionResult;
-  try {
-    latchFunctionResult = this.latchFunction.apply(this.spec);
-  } catch (e) {
-    onComplete();
-    return;
-  }
-  if (latchFunctionResult) {
-    onComplete();
-  } else if (this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch >= this.timeout) {
-    var message = 'timed out after ' + this.timeout + ' msec waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen');
-      name: 'timeout',
-      message: message
-    });
-    this.abort = true;
-    onComplete();
-  } else {
-    this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch += jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT;
-    var self = this;
-    this.env.setTimeout(function() {
-      self.execute(onComplete);
-    }, jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT);
-  }
-jasmine.version_= {
-  "major": 1,
-  "minor": 2,
-  "build": 0,
-  "revision": 1337005947
+jasmine.WaitsForBlock.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
+    if (jasmine.VERBOSE) {
+        this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen'));
+    }
+    var latchFunctionResult;
+    try {
+        latchFunctionResult = this.latchFunction.apply(this.spec);
+    } catch (e) {
+        onComplete();
+        return;
+    }
+    if (latchFunctionResult) {
+        onComplete();
+    } else if (this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch >= this.timeout) {
+        var message = 'timed out after ' + this.timeout + ' msec waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen');
+            name: 'timeout',
+            message: message
+        });
+        this.abort = true;
+        onComplete();
+    } else {
+        this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch += jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT;
+        var self = this;
+        this.env.setTimeout(function () {
+            self.execute(onComplete);
+        }, jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT);
+    }
+jasmine.version_ = {
+    "major": 1,
+    "minor": 2,
+    "build": 0,
+    "revision": 1337005947

--- a/js/flotr2/make/basic.json
+++ b/js/flotr2/make/basic.json
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-    "DIST_DIR": "./build",
-    "flotr2-basic": [
-      "./js/Flotr.js",
-      "./js/DefaultOptions.js",
-      "./js/DOM.js",
-      "./js/EventAdapter.js",
-      "./js/Color.js",
-      "./js/Date.js",
-      "./js/Text.js",
-      "./js/Graph.js",
-      "./js/Axis.js",
-      "./js/Series.js",
-      "./js/types/lines.js",
-      "./js/types/bars.js",
-      "./js/types/markers.js",
-      "./js/types/points.js",
-      "./js/plugins/grid.js",
-      "./js/plugins/labels.js",
-      "./js/plugins/legend.js",
-      "./js/plugins/titles.js"
-    ]
-  }
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+        "DIST_DIR": "./build",
+        "flotr2-basic": [
+            "./js/Flotr.js",
+            "./js/DefaultOptions.js",
+            "./js/DOM.js",
+            "./js/EventAdapter.js",
+            "./js/Color.js",
+            "./js/Date.js",
+            "./js/Text.js",
+            "./js/Graph.js",
+            "./js/Axis.js",
+            "./js/Series.js",
+            "./js/types/lines.js",
+            "./js/types/bars.js",
+            "./js/types/markers.js",
+            "./js/types/points.js",
+            "./js/plugins/grid.js",
+            "./js/plugins/labels.js",
+            "./js/plugins/legend.js",
+            "./js/plugins/titles.js"
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/make/build.json
+++ b/js/flotr2/make/build.json
@@ -1,98 +1,113 @@
-    "DIST_DIR": "./build",
-    "ie": [
-      { "src": "./lib/excanvas.js", "jshint": false },
-      { "src": "./lib/base64.js", "jshint": false },
-      { "src": "./lib/canvastext.js", "jshint": false }
-    ],
-    "lib": [
-      { "src": "./lib/bean.js", "jshint": false },
-      { "src": "./lib/underscore.js", "jshint": false }
-    ],
-    "flotr2": [
-      "./js/Flotr.js",
-      "./js/DefaultOptions.js",
-      "./js/Color.js",
-      "./js/Date.js",
-      "./js/DOM.js",
-      "./js/EventAdapter.js",
-      "./js/Text.js",
-      "./js/Graph.js",
-      "./js/Axis.js",
-      "./js/Series.js",
-      "./js/types/lines.js",
-      "./js/types/bars.js",
-      "./js/types/bubbles.js",
-      "./js/types/candles.js",
-      "./js/types/gantt.js",
-      "./js/types/markers.js",
-      "./js/types/pie.js",
-      "./js/types/points.js",
-      "./js/types/radar.js",
-      "./js/types/timeline.js",
-      "./js/plugins/crosshair.js",
-      "./js/plugins/download.js",
-      "./js/plugins/grid.js",
-      "./js/plugins/hit.js",
-      "./js/plugins/selection.js",
-      "./js/plugins/labels.js",
-      "./js/plugins/legend.js",
-      "./js/plugins/spreadsheet.js",
-      "./js/plugins/titles.js"
-    ],
-    "flotr2-basic": [
-      "./js/Flotr.js",
-      "./js/DefaultOptions.js",
-      "./js/DOM.js",
-      "./js/EventAdapter.js",
-      "./js/Color.js",
-      "./js/Date.js",
-      "./js/Text.js",
-      "./js/Graph.js",
-      "./js/Axis.js",
-      "./js/Series.js",
-      "./js/types/lines.js",
-      "./js/types/bars.js",
-      "./js/types/markers.js",
-      "./js/types/points.js",
-      "./js/plugins/grid.js",
-      "./js/plugins/labels.js",
-      "./js/plugins/legend.js",
-      "./js/plugins/titles.js"
-    ],
-    "examples": [
-      "./examples/js/Examples.js",
-      "./examples/js/Example.js",
-      "./examples/js/Editor.js",
-      "./examples/js/Profile.js"
-    ],
-    "examples-types": [
-      "./examples/js/ExampleList.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-stacked.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-axis.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-bars.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-bars-stacked.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-pie.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-radar.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-bubble.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-candle.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-legend.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-tracking.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-zoom.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-time.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/negative-values.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/click-example.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/download-image.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/download-data.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/advanced-titles.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/color-gradients.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/profile-bars.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-timeline.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/advanced-markers.js"
-    ]
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+            }
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+            {
+                "src": "./lib/bean.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            },
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/underscore.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            }
+        ],
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+        ],
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+            "./examples/js/Examples.js",
+            "./examples/js/Example.js",
+            "./examples/js/Editor.js",
+            "./examples/js/Profile.js"
+        ],
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+            "./examples/js/ExampleList.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-stacked.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-axis.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-bars.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-bars-stacked.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-pie.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-radar.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-bubble.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-candle.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-legend.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-tracking.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-zoom.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-time.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/negative-values.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/click-example.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/download-image.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/download-data.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/advanced-titles.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/color-gradients.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/profile-bars.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-timeline.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/advanced-markers.js"
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/make/examples.json
+++ b/js/flotr2/make/examples.json
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
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-    "examples": [
-      "./examples/js/Examples.js",
-      "./examples/js/Example.js",
-      "./examples/js/Editor.js",
-      "./examples/js/Profile.js"
-    ],
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-      "./examples/js/ExampleList.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-stacked.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-stepped.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-axis.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-bars.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-bars-stacked.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-pie.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-radar.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-bubble.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-candle.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-legend.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-tracking.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-zoom.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-time.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/negative-values.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/click-example.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/download-image.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/download-data.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/advanced-titles.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/color-gradients.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/profile-bars.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-timeline.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/advanced-markers.js"
-    ]
-  }
+    "JAVASCRIPT": {
+        "DIST_DIR": "./build",
+        "examples": [
+            "./examples/js/Examples.js",
+            "./examples/js/Example.js",
+            "./examples/js/Editor.js",
+            "./examples/js/Profile.js"
+        ],
+        "examples-types": [
+            "./examples/js/ExampleList.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-stacked.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-stepped.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-axis.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-bars.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-bars-stacked.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-pie.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-radar.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-bubble.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-candle.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-legend.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-tracking.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-zoom.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-time.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/negative-values.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/click-example.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/download-image.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/download-data.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/advanced-titles.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/color-gradients.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/profile-bars.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-timeline.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/advanced-markers.js"
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/make/flotr2.json
+++ b/js/flotr2/make/flotr2.json
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-    "DIST_DIR": "./build",
-    "flotr2": [
-      "./js/Flotr.js",
-      "./js/DefaultOptions.js",
-      "./js/Color.js",
-      "./js/Date.js",
-      "./js/DOM.js",
-      "./js/EventAdapter.js",
-      "./js/Text.js",
-      "./js/Graph.js",
-      "./js/Axis.js",
-      "./js/Series.js",
-      "./js/types/lines.js",
-      "./js/types/bars.js",
-      "./js/types/bubbles.js",
-      "./js/types/candles.js",
-      "./js/types/gantt.js",
-      "./js/types/markers.js",
-      "./js/types/pie.js",
-      "./js/types/points.js",
-      "./js/types/radar.js",
-      "./js/types/timeline.js",
-      "./js/plugins/crosshair.js",
-      "./js/plugins/download.js",
-      "./js/plugins/grid.js",
-      "./js/plugins/hit.js",
-      "./js/plugins/selection.js",
-      "./js/plugins/labels.js",
-      "./js/plugins/legend.js",
-      "./js/plugins/spreadsheet.js",
-      "./js/plugins/titles.js"
-    ]
-  }
+    "JAVASCRIPT": {
+        "DIST_DIR": "./build",
+        "flotr2": [
+            "./js/Flotr.js",
+            "./js/DefaultOptions.js",
+            "./js/Color.js",
+            "./js/Date.js",
+            "./js/DOM.js",
+            "./js/EventAdapter.js",
+            "./js/Text.js",
+            "./js/Graph.js",
+            "./js/Axis.js",
+            "./js/Series.js",
+            "./js/types/lines.js",
+            "./js/types/bars.js",
+            "./js/types/bubbles.js",
+            "./js/types/candles.js",
+            "./js/types/gantt.js",
+            "./js/types/markers.js",
+            "./js/types/pie.js",
+            "./js/types/points.js",
+            "./js/types/radar.js",
+            "./js/types/timeline.js",
+            "./js/plugins/crosshair.js",
+            "./js/plugins/download.js",
+            "./js/plugins/grid.js",
+            "./js/plugins/hit.js",
+            "./js/plugins/selection.js",
+            "./js/plugins/labels.js",
+            "./js/plugins/legend.js",
+            "./js/plugins/spreadsheet.js",
+            "./js/plugins/titles.js"
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/make/ie.json
+++ b/js/flotr2/make/ie.json
@@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
-    "DIST_DIR": "./build",
-    "ie": [
-      { "src": "./lib/excanvas.js", "jshint": false },
-      { "src": "./lib/base64.js", "jshint": false },
-      { "src": "./lib/canvastext.js", "jshint": false }
-    ]
-  }
+    "JAVASCRIPT": {
+        "DIST_DIR": "./build",
+        "ie": [
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/excanvas.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            },
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/base64.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            },
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/canvastext.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            }
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/make/lib.json
+++ b/js/flotr2/make/lib.json
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
-    "DIST_DIR": "./build",
-    "bean": [
-      { "src": "./lib/bean.js", "jshint": false }
-    ],
-    "underscore": [
-      { "src": "./lib/underscore.js", "jshint": false }
-    ]
-  }
+    "JAVASCRIPT": {
+        "DIST_DIR": "./build",
+        "bean": [
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/bean.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            }
+        ],
+        "underscore": [
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/underscore.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            }
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/Chart.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/Chart.js
@@ -1,121 +1,133 @@
 describe('Charts', function () {
-  var
-    width = 480,
-    height = 320,
-    a, b, options, defaults;
+    var
+        width = 480,
+        height = 320,
+        a, b, options, defaults;
-  defaults = {
-    width : 480,
-    height : 320,
-    color : "rgb(192,216,0)",
-    context : null,
-    data : null,
-    fill : false,
-    fillColor : null,
-    fillOpacity : 0.4,
-    fillStyle : "rgba(192,216,0,0.4)",
-    fontColor : "#545454",
-    fontSize : 7.5,
-    htmlText : true,
-    lineWidth : 2,
-    shadowSize : 4,
-    show : false,
-    stacked : false,
-    textEnabled : true,
-    xScale : function (x) { return x; },
-    yScale : function (y) { return height - y; }
-  };
+    defaults = {
+        width: 480,
+        height: 320,
+        color: "rgb(192,216,0)",
+        context: null,
+        data: null,
+        fill: false,
+        fillColor: null,
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,
+        fillStyle: "rgba(192,216,0,0.4)",
+        fontColor: "#545454",
+        fontSize: 7.5,
+        htmlText: true,
+        lineWidth: 2,
+        shadowSize: 4,
+        show: false,
+        stacked: false,
+        textEnabled: true,
+        xScale: function (x) {
+            return x;
+        },
+        yScale: function (y) {
+            return height - y;
+        }
+    };
-  /**
-   * @param skip bool  Skip test against development version (use this when developing test)
-   */
-  function drawTest (data, o, skip) {
- = data;
-    if (o) _.extend(options, o);
+    /**
+     * @param skip bool  Skip test against development version (use this when developing test)
+     */
+    function drawTest(data, o, skip) {
+ = data;
+        if (o) _.extend(options, o);
-    if (!skip) TestFlotr.graphTypes.lines.draw(options);
-    options.context = b.getContext('2d');
-    StableFlotr.graphTypes.lines.draw(options);
+        if (!skip) TestFlotr.graphTypes.lines.draw(options);
+        options.context = b.getContext('2d');
+        StableFlotr.graphTypes.lines.draw(options);
-    expect(b).toImageDiffEqual(a);
-  }
+        expect(b).toImageDiffEqual(a);
+    }
-  describe('Lines', function () {
+    describe('Lines', function () {
-    beforeEach(function () {
-      options = _.clone(defaults);
+        beforeEach(function () {
+            options = _.clone(defaults);
+        });
+        /*
+         describe('Data', function () {
+         it('gets a range', function () {
+         options.stacked = true;
+ = [[0, 0], [240, 160], [480, 320]];
+         range = TestFlotr.graphTypes.lines.range(options);
+         expect(range.min).toEqual(0);
+         expect(range.max).toEqual(320);
+         });
+         });
+         */
+        describe('Draw', function () {
+            beforeEach(function () {
+                this.addMatchers(imagediff.jasmine);
+                a = imagediff.createCanvas(width, height);
+                b = imagediff.createCanvas(width, height);
+                options.context = a.getContext('2d');
+            });
+            it('draws a line chart', function () {
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 0],
+                    [240, 300],
+                    [480, 0]
+                ]);
+            });
+            it('skips null values', function () {
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 0],
+                    [100, 50],
+                    [200, null],
+                    [300, 150],
+                    [400, 200],
+                    [480, 240]
+                ]);
+            });
+            it('draws two lines', function () {
+                // First line
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 0],
+                    [240, 160],
+                    [480, 320]
+                ]);
+                // Second Line
+                options.context = a.getContext('2d');
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 320],
+                    [240, 160],
+                    [480, 0]
+                ]);
+            });
+            it('fills a line', function () {
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 0],
+                    [240, 300],
+                    [480, 0]
+                ], {
+                    fill: true
+                });
+            });
+            it('draws no shadow', function () {
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 0],
+                    [240, 300],
+                    [480, 0]
+                ], {
+                    shadowSize: 0
+                });
+            });
+        });
-    /*
-    describe('Data', function () {
-      it('gets a range', function () {
-        options.stacked = true;
- = [[0, 0], [240, 160], [480, 320]];
-        range = TestFlotr.graphTypes.lines.range(options);
-        expect(range.min).toEqual(0);
-        expect(range.max).toEqual(320);
-      });
-    });
-    */
-    describe('Draw', function () {
-      beforeEach(function () {
-        this.addMatchers(imagediff.jasmine);
-        a = imagediff.createCanvas(width, height);
-        b = imagediff.createCanvas(width, height);
-        options.context = a.getContext('2d');
-      });
-      it('draws a line chart', function () {
-        drawTest([
-          [0, 0],
-          [240, 300],
-          [480, 0]
-        ]);
-      });
-      it('skips null values', function () {
-        drawTest([
-          [0, 0],
-          [100, 50],
-          [200, null],
-          [300, 150],
-          [400, 200],
-          [480, 240]
-        ]);
-      });
-      it('draws two lines', function () {
-        // First line
-        drawTest([[0, 0], [240, 160], [480, 320]]);
-        // Second Line
-        options.context = a.getContext('2d');
-        drawTest([[0, 320], [240, 160], [480, 0]]);
-      });
-      it('fills a line', function () {
-        drawTest([
-          [0, 0],
-          [240, 300],
-          [480, 0]
-        ], {
-          fill : true
-        });
-      });
-      it('draws no shadow', function () {
-        drawTest([
-          [0, 0],
-          [240, 300],
-          [480, 0]
-        ], {
-          shadowSize : 0
-        });
-      });
-    });
-  });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/Color.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/Color.js
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
 describe('Colors', function () {
-  describe('Color Construction', function () {
-    it('should have a color class', function () {
-      expect(TestFlotr.Color).not.toBeUndefined();
+    describe('Color Construction', function () {
+        it('should have a color class', function () {
+            expect(TestFlotr.Color).not.toBeUndefined();
+        });
+        it('should create a color', function () {
+            var color = new TestFlotr.Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            expect(color).toBeTruthy();
+        });
+        it('should have rgba attributes', function () {
+            var color = new TestFlotr.Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            expect(color.r).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.g).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.b).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.a).toEqual(1.0);
+        });
-    it('should create a color', function () {
-      var color = new TestFlotr.Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
-      expect(color).toBeTruthy();
+    describe('Color Manipulation', function () {
+        var
+            color;
+        afterEach(function () {
+            color = null;
+        });
+        it('normalizes colors to upper bound', function () {
+            color = new TestFlotr.Color(1000, 1000, 1000, 10);
+            expect(color.r).toEqual(255);
+            expect(color.g).toEqual(255);
+            expect(color.b).toEqual(255);
+            expect(color.a).toEqual(1.0);
+        });
+        it('normalizes colors to lower bound', function () {
+            color = new TestFlotr.Color(-1000, -1000, -1000, -10);
+            expect(color.r).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.g).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.b).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.a).toEqual(0.0);
+        });
+        it('scales colors', function () {
+            color = new TestFlotr.Color(200, 200, 200, 1.0);
+            color.scale(.5, .5, .5, .5);
+            expect(color.r).toEqual(100);
+            expect(color.g).toEqual(100);
+            expect(color.b).toEqual(100);
+            expect(color.a).toEqual(0.5);
+        });
-    it('should have rgba attributes', function () {
-      var color = new TestFlotr.Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
-      expect(color.r).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.g).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.b).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.a).toEqual(1.0);
+    describe('Color Conversion', function () {
+        var
+            color;
+        beforeEach(function () {
+            color = new TestFlotr.Color(200, 200, 200, 1.0);
+        });
+        afterEach(function () {
+            color = null;
+        });
+        it('should convert colors to strings, rgb', function () {
+            expect(color.toString()).toEqual('rgb(200,200,200)');
+        });
+        it('should convert colors to strings, rgba', function () {
+            color.a = 0.5;
+            color.normalize();
+            expect(color.toString()).toEqual('rgba(200,200,200,0.5)');
+        });
+        it('should clone colors', function () {
+            var
+                color2 = color.clone();
+            expect(color.toString()).toEqual(color2.toString());
+            color.a = 0.5;
+            color.normalize();
+            color2 = color.clone();
+            expect(color.toString()).toEqual(color2.toString());
+        });
-  });
-  describe('Color Manipulation', function () {
-    var
-      color;
-    afterEach(function () {
-      color = null;
-    });
-    it('normalizes colors to upper bound', function () {
-      color = new TestFlotr.Color(1000, 1000, 1000, 10);
-      expect(color.r).toEqual(255);
-      expect(color.g).toEqual(255);
-      expect(color.b).toEqual(255);
-      expect(color.a).toEqual(1.0);
-    });
-    it('normalizes colors to lower bound', function () {
-      color = new TestFlotr.Color(-1000, -1000, -1000, -10);
-      expect(color.r).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.g).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.b).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.a).toEqual(0.0);
-    });
-    it('scales colors', function () {
-	    color = new TestFlotr.Color(200, 200, 200, 1.0);
-      color.scale(.5, .5, .5, .5);
-      expect(color.r).toEqual(100);
-      expect(color.g).toEqual(100);
-      expect(color.b).toEqual(100);
-      expect(color.a).toEqual(0.5);
-    });
-  });
-  describe('Color Conversion', function () {
-    var
-      color;
-    beforeEach(function () {
-	    color = new TestFlotr.Color(200, 200, 200, 1.0);
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-      color = null;
-    });
-    it('should convert colors to strings, rgb', function () {
-      expect(color.toString()).toEqual('rgb(200,200,200)');
-    });
-    it('should convert colors to strings, rgba', function () {
-      color.a = 0.5;
-      color.normalize();
-      expect(color.toString()).toEqual('rgba(200,200,200,0.5)');
-    });
-    it('should clone colors', function () {
-      var
-        color2 = color.clone();
-      expect(color.toString()).toEqual(color2.toString());
-      color.a = 0.5;
-      color.normalize();
-      color2 = color.clone();
-      expect(color.toString()).toEqual(color2.toString());
-    });
-  });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/Flotr.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/Flotr.js
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
 describe('Flotr', function () {
-  describe('Plots', function () {
+    describe('Plots', function () {
-    var
-      nodeA, nodeB,
-      a, b;
+        var
+            nodeA, nodeB,
+            a, b;
-    beforeEach(function () {
+        beforeEach(function () {
-      // Add imagediff matchers
-      this.addMatchers(imagediff.jasmine);
+            // Add imagediff matchers
+            this.addMatchers(imagediff.jasmine);
-      nodeA = buildNode();
-      nodeB = buildNode();
+            nodeA = buildNode();
+            nodeB = buildNode();
+        });
+        afterEach(function () {
+            destroyNode(nodeA);
+            destroyNode(nodeB);
+            a = null;
+            b = null;
+            Flotr = null;
+        });
+        _.each(TestFlotr.ExampleList.examples, function (example, key) {
+            it('should draw a `' + + '`line graph', function () {
+                executeExampleTest(example, StableFlotr, nodeA);
+                executeExampleTest(example, TestFlotr, nodeB);
+                if (example.timeout) {
+                    waits(example.timeout);
+                    runs(function () {
+                        expect(nodeB.graph.ctx).toImageDiffEqual(nodeA.graph.ctx, example.tolerance || 0);
+                    });
+                } else {
+                    expect(nodeB.graph.ctx).toImageDiffEqual(nodeA.graph.ctx, example.tolerance || 0);
+                }
+            });
+        });
+        // Helpers
+        function executeExampleTest(example, flotr, node) {
+            Math.seedrandom(example.key);
+            Flotr = flotr;
+            example.callback.apply(this, [node].concat(example.args || []));
+        }
+        function buildNode() {
+            var node = document.createElement('div');
+            document.body.appendChild(node);
+   = '320px';
+   = '240px';
+            return node;
+        }
+        function destroyNode(node) {
+            document.body.removeChild(node);
+        }
-    afterEach(function () {
-      destroyNode(nodeA);
-      destroyNode(nodeB);
-      a = null;
-      b = null;
-      Flotr = null;
+    describe('Main', function () {
+        it('gets a tick size', function () {
+            expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize).not.toBeUndefined();
+            expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(10, 0, 100, 1)).toEqual(10);
+            expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(20, 0, 100, 1)).toEqual(5);
+            expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(5, 10, 110, 1)).toEqual(20);
+            expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(0, 0, 10, 1)).toEqual(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
+            expect(isNaN(TestFlotr.getTickSize(0, 0, -10, 1))).toBeTruthy();
+        });
-    _.each(TestFlotr.ExampleList.examples, function (example, key) {
-      it('should draw a `' + + '`line graph', function () {
-        executeExampleTest(example, StableFlotr, nodeA);
-        executeExampleTest(example, TestFlotr, nodeB);
-        if (example.timeout) {
-          waits(example.timeout);
-          runs (function () {
-            expect(nodeB.graph.ctx).toImageDiffEqual(nodeA.graph.ctx, example.tolerance || 0);
-          });
-        } else {
-          expect(nodeB.graph.ctx).toImageDiffEqual(nodeA.graph.ctx, example.tolerance || 0);
-        }
-      });
-    });
-    // Helpers
-    function executeExampleTest (example, flotr, node) {
-      Math.seedrandom(example.key);
-      Flotr = flotr;
-      example.callback.apply(this, [node].concat(example.args || []));
-    }
-    function buildNode () {
-      var node = document.createElement('div');
-      document.body.appendChild(node);
- = '320px';
- = '240px';
-      return node;
-    }
-    function destroyNode (node) {
-      document.body.removeChild(node);
-    }
-  });
-  describe('Main', function () {
-    it('gets a tick size', function () {
-      expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize).not.toBeUndefined();
-      expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(10, 0, 100, 1)).toEqual(10);
-      expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(20, 0, 100, 1)).toEqual(5);
-      expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(5, 10, 110, 1)).toEqual(20);
-      expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(0, 0, 10, 1)).toEqual(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
-      expect(isNaN(TestFlotr.getTickSize(0, 0, -10, 1))).toBeTruthy();
-    });
-  });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/Graph.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/Graph.js
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
 describe('Graph', function () {
-  describe('Options', function () {
-    var
-      nodeA, nodeB,
-      a, b, x, i,
-      d1 = [],
-      options = {};
+    describe('Options', function () {
+        var
+            nodeA, nodeB,
+            a, b, x, i,
+            d1 = [],
+            options = {};
-      for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        x = (i*1000*3600*24*36.5);
-        d1.push([x, i+Math.random()*30+Math.sin(i/20+Math.random()*2)*20+Math.sin(i/10+Math.random())*10]);
-      }
+        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+            x = (i * 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 36.5);
+            d1.push([x, i + Math.random() * 30 + Math.sin(i / 20 + Math.random() * 2) * 20 + Math.sin(i / 10 + Math.random()) * 10]);
+        }
-      options = {
-        xaxis : {
-          mode : 'time',
-          labelsAngle : 45
-        },
-        selection : {
-          mode : 'x'
-        },
-        HtmlText : false,
-      };
+        options = {
+            xaxis: {
+                mode: 'time',
+                labelsAngle: 45
+            },
+            selection: {
+                mode: 'x'
+            },
+            HtmlText: false,
+        };
-    beforeEach(function () {
-      nodeA = buildNode();
-      Flotr = TestFlotr;
+        beforeEach(function () {
+            nodeA = buildNode();
+            Flotr = TestFlotr;
+        });
+        afterEach(function () {
+            destroyNode(nodeA);
+            a = b = null;
+            Flotr = null;
+        });
+        it('should override nested default options with user options', function () {
+            a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
+            expect(a.options.xaxis.mode).toEqual(options.xaxis.mode);
+        });
+        it('should retain default options if user option\'s nested object does not define property', function () {
+            a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
+            expect(a.options.xaxis.tickFormatter).toBeTruthy();
+        });
+        it('should not affect default options when modifying graph options (objects)', function () {
+            a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
+            a.options.x2axis = {
+                titleAlign: 'left'
+            };
+            a.options.xaxis.scaling = 'logarithmic';
+            expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.xaxis.scaling).toEqual('linear');
+            expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.x2axis.titleAlign).toBeFalsy();
+        });
+        /*
+         it('should not affect default options when modifying graph options (arrays)', function() {
+         a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
+         a.options.colors[1] = '#bada55';
+         expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.colors[1]).toNotBe('#bada55');
+         });
+         */
-    afterEach(function () {
-      destroyNode(nodeA);
-      a = b = null;
-      Flotr = null;
-    });
+    function buildNode() {
+        var node = document.createElement('div');
+        document.body.appendChild(node);
+ = '320px';
+ = '240px';
+        return node;
+    }
-    it('should override nested default options with user options', function() {
-      a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
-      expect(a.options.xaxis.mode).toEqual(options.xaxis.mode);
-    });
-    it('should retain default options if user option\'s nested object does not define property', function() {
-      a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
-      expect(a.options.xaxis.tickFormatter).toBeTruthy();
-    });
-    it('should not affect default options when modifying graph options (objects)', function() {
-      a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
-      a.options.x2axis = {  
-        titleAlign : 'left'
-      };
-      a.options.xaxis.scaling = 'logarithmic';
-      expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.xaxis.scaling).toEqual('linear');
-      expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.x2axis.titleAlign).toBeFalsy();
-    });
-    /*
-    it('should not affect default options when modifying graph options (arrays)', function() {
-      a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
-      a.options.colors[1] = '#bada55';
-      expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.colors[1]).toNotBe('#bada55');
-    });
-    */
-  });
-  function buildNode () {
-    var node = document.createElement('div');
-    document.body.appendChild(node);
- = '320px';
- = '240px';
-    return node;
-  }
-  function destroyNode (node) {
-    document.body.removeChild(node);
-  }
+    function destroyNode(node) {
+        document.body.removeChild(node);
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/index.html
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/index.html
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
-  "">
+        "">
-  <title>Jasmine Spec Runner</title>
+    <title>Jasmine Spec Runner</title>
-  <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="../lib/jasmine/jasmine_favicon.png">
+    <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="../lib/jasmine/jasmine_favicon.png">
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../lib/jasmine/jasmine.css">
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jasmine/jasmine.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/imagediff.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="../examples/lib/randomseed.js"></script>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../lib/jasmine/jasmine.css">
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jasmine/jasmine.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/imagediff.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../examples/lib/randomseed.js"></script>
-  <!-- include source files here... -->
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/flotr2.stable.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript">
-      var StableFlotr = Flotr.noConflict();
-  </script>
+    <!-- include source files here... -->
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/flotr2.stable.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        var StableFlotr = Flotr.noConflict();
+    </script>
-  <script src="../lib/bean.js"></script>
-  <script src="../lib/underscore.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Flotr.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/DefaultOptions.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Color.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Date.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/DOM.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/EventAdapter.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Text.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Graph.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Axis.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Series.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/lines.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/bars.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/bubbles.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/candles.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/gantt.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/markers.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/pie.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/points.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/radar.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/timeline.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/crosshair.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/download.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/grid.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/hit.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/selection.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/labels.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/legend.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/spreadsheet.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/titles.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/charts/lines.js"></script>
+    <script src="../lib/bean.js"></script>
+    <script src="../lib/underscore.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Flotr.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/DefaultOptions.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Color.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Date.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/DOM.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/EventAdapter.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Text.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Graph.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Axis.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Series.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/lines.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/bars.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/bubbles.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/candles.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/gantt.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/markers.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/pie.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/points.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/radar.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/timeline.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/crosshair.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/download.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/grid.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/hit.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/selection.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/labels.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/legend.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/spreadsheet.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/titles.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/charts/lines.js"></script>
-  <!-- Test Examples -->
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="../flotr2.examples.types.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-background.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-boundaries.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-mountain-nulls.js"></script>
+    <!-- Test Examples -->
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../flotr2.examples.types.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-background.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-boundaries.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-mountain-nulls.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript">
-    var TestFlotr = Flotr.noConflict();
-  </script>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        var TestFlotr = Flotr.noConflict();
+    </script>
-  <!-- include spec files here... -->
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="Flotr.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="Color.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="Graph.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="Chart.js"></script>
+    <!-- include spec files here... -->
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="Flotr.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="Color.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="Graph.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="Chart.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript">
-(function() {
-  var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
-  jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000;
+    (function () {
+        var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
+        jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000;
-  var reporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter();
+        var reporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter();
-  jasmineEnv.addReporter(reporter);
+        jasmineEnv.addReporter(reporter);
-  jasmineEnv.specFilter = function(spec) {
-    return reporter.specFilter(spec);
-  };
+        jasmineEnv.specFilter = function (spec) {
+            return reporter.specFilter(spec);
+        };
-  var currentWindowOnload = window.onload;
+        var currentWindowOnload = window.onload;
-  window.onload = function() {
-    if (currentWindowOnload) {
-      currentWindowOnload();
-    }
-    execJasmine();
-  };
+        window.onload = function () {
+            if (currentWindowOnload) {
+                currentWindowOnload();
+            }
+            execJasmine();
+        };
-  function execJasmine() {
-    jasmineEnv.execute();
-  }
+        function execJasmine() {
+            jasmineEnv.execute();
+        }
+    })();

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/js/flotr2.stable.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/js/flotr2.stable.js
@@ -1,505 +1,500 @@
-  * bean.js - copyright Jacob Thornton 2011
-  *
-  * MIT License
-  * special thanks to:
-  * dean edwards:
-  * dperini:
-  * the entire mootools team:
-  */
+ * bean.js - copyright Jacob Thornton 2011
+ *
+ * MIT License
+ * special thanks to:
+ * dean edwards:
+ * dperini:
+ * the entire mootools team:
+ */
 /*global module:true, define:true*/
 !function (name, context, definition) {
-  if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = definition(name, context);
-  else if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd  === 'object') define(definition);
-  else context[name] = definition(name, context);
+    if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = definition(name, context);
+    else if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd === 'object') define(definition);
+    else context[name] = definition(name, context);
 }('bean', this, function (name, context) {
-  var win = window
-    , old = context[name]
-    , overOut = /over|out/
-    , namespaceRegex = /[^\.]*(?=\..*)\.|.*/
-    , nameRegex = /\..*/
-    , addEvent = 'addEventListener'
-    , attachEvent = 'attachEvent'
-    , removeEvent = 'removeEventListener'
-    , detachEvent = 'detachEvent'
-    , doc = document || {}
-    , root = doc.documentElement || {}
-    , W3C_MODEL = root[addEvent]
-    , eventSupport = W3C_MODEL ? addEvent : attachEvent
-    , slice = Array.prototype.slice
-    , mouseTypeRegex = /click|mouse|menu|drag|drop/i
-    , touchTypeRegex = /^touch|^gesture/i
-    , ONE = { one: 1 } // singleton for quick matching making add() do one()
-    , nativeEvents = (function (hash, events, i) {
-        for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++)
-          hash[events[i]] = 1
-        return hash
-      })({}, (
-          'click dblclick mouseup mousedown contextmenu ' +                  // mouse buttons
-          'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll ' +                                     // mouse wheel
-          'mouseover mouseout mousemove selectstart selectend ' +            // mouse movement
-          'keydown keypress keyup ' +                                        // keyboard
-          'orientationchange ' +                                             // mobile
-          'focus blur change reset select submit ' +                         // form elements
-          'load unload beforeunload resize move DOMContentLoaded readystatechange ' + // window
-          'error abort scroll ' +                                            // misc
-          (W3C_MODEL ? // element.fireEvent('onXYZ'... is not forgiving if we try to fire an event
-                       // that doesn't actually exist, so make sure we only do these on newer browsers
-            'show ' +                                                          // mouse buttons
-            'input invalid ' +                                                 // form elements
-            'touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel ' +                     // touch
-            'gesturestart gesturechange gestureend ' +                         // gesture
-            'message readystatechange pageshow pagehide popstate ' +           // window
-            'hashchange offline online ' +                                     // window
-            'afterprint beforeprint ' +                                        // printing
-            'dragstart dragenter dragover dragleave drag drop dragend ' +      // dnd
-            'loadstart progress suspend emptied stalled loadmetadata ' +       // media
-            'loadeddata canplay canplaythrough playing waiting seeking ' +     // media
-            'seeked ended durationchange timeupdate play pause ratechange ' +  // media
-            'volumechange cuechange ' +                                        // media
-            'checking noupdate downloading cached updateready obsolete ' +     // appcache
-            '' : '')
-        ).split(' ')
-      )
-    , customEvents = (function () {
-        function isDescendant(parent, node) {
-          while ((node = node.parentNode) !== null) {
-            if (node === parent) return true
-          }
-          return false
-        }
-        function check(event) {
-          var related = event.relatedTarget
-          if (!related) return related === null
-          return (related !== this && related.prefix !== 'xul' && !/document/.test(this.toString()) && !isDescendant(this, related))
-        }
-        return {
-            mouseenter: { base: 'mouseover', condition: check }
-          , mouseleave: { base: 'mouseout', condition: check }
-          , mousewheel: { base: /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel' }
-        }
-      })()
-    , fixEvent = (function () {
-        var commonProps = 'altKey attrChange attrName bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget detail eventPhase getModifierState isTrusted metaKey relatedNode relatedTarget shiftKey srcElement target timeStamp type view which'.split(' ')
-          , mouseProps = commonProps.concat('button buttons clientX clientY dataTransfer fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement'.split(' '))
-          , keyProps = commonProps.concat('char charCode key keyCode'.split(' '))
-          , touchProps = commonProps.concat('touches targetTouches changedTouches scale rotation'.split(' '))
-          , preventDefault = 'preventDefault'
-          , createPreventDefault = function (event) {
-              return function () {
-                if (event[preventDefault])
-                  event[preventDefault]()
-                else
-                  event.returnValue = false
-              }
-            }
-          , stopPropagation = 'stopPropagation'
-          , createStopPropagation = function (event) {
-              return function () {
-                if (event[stopPropagation])
-                  event[stopPropagation]()
-                else
-                  event.cancelBubble = true
-              }
-            }
-          , createStop = function (synEvent) {
-              return function () {
-                synEvent[preventDefault]()
-                synEvent[stopPropagation]()
-                synEvent.stopped = true
-              }
-            }
-          , copyProps = function (event, result, props) {
-              var i, p
-              for (i = props.length; i--;) {
-                p = props[i]
-                if (!(p in result) && p in event) result[p] = event[p]
-              }
-            }
-        return function (event, isNative) {
-          var result = { originalEvent: event, isNative: isNative }
-          if (!event)
-            return result
-          var props
-            , type = event.type
-            , target = || event.srcElement
-          result[preventDefault] = createPreventDefault(event)
-          result[stopPropagation] = createStopPropagation(event)
-          result.stop = createStop(result)
- = target && target.nodeType === 3 ? target.parentNode : target
-          if (isNative) { // we only need basic augmentation on custom events, the rest is too expensive
-            if (type.indexOf('key') !== -1) {
-              props = keyProps
-              result.keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode
-            } else if (mouseTypeRegex.test(type)) {
-              props = mouseProps
-              result.rightClick = event.which === 3 || event.button === 2
-              result.pos = { x: 0, y: 0 }
-              if (event.pageX || event.pageY) {
-                result.clientX = event.pageX
-                result.clientY = event.pageY
-              } else if (event.clientX || event.clientY) {
-                result.clientX = event.clientX + doc.body.scrollLeft + root.scrollLeft
-                result.clientY = event.clientY + doc.body.scrollTop + root.scrollTop
-              }
-              if (overOut.test(type))
-                result.relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget || event[(type === 'mouseover' ? 'from' : 'to') + 'Element']
-            } else if (touchTypeRegex.test(type)) {
-              props = touchProps
-            }
-            copyProps(event, result, props || commonProps)
-          }
-          return result
-        }
-      })()
-      // if we're in old IE we can't do onpropertychange on doc or win so we use doc.documentElement for both
-    , targetElement = function (element, isNative) {
-        return !W3C_MODEL && !isNative && (element === doc || element === win) ? root : element
-      }
-      // we use one of these per listener, of any type
-    , RegEntry = (function () {
-        function entry(element, type, handler, original, namespaces) {
-          this.element = element
-          this.type = type
-          this.handler = handler
-          this.original = original
-          this.namespaces = namespaces
-          this.custom = customEvents[type]
-          this.isNative = nativeEvents[type] && element[eventSupport]
-          this.eventType = W3C_MODEL || this.isNative ? type : 'propertychange'
-          this.customType = !W3C_MODEL && !this.isNative && type
- = targetElement(element, this.isNative)
-          this.eventSupport =[eventSupport]
-        }
-        entry.prototype = {
-            // given a list of namespaces, is our entry in any of them?
-            inNamespaces: function (checkNamespaces) {
-              var i, j
-              if (!checkNamespaces)
-                return true
-              if (!this.namespaces)
+    var win = window
+        , old = context[name]
+        , overOut = /over|out/
+        , namespaceRegex = /[^\.]*(?=\..*)\.|.*/
+        , nameRegex = /\..*/
+        , addEvent = 'addEventListener'
+        , attachEvent = 'attachEvent'
+        , removeEvent = 'removeEventListener'
+        , detachEvent = 'detachEvent'
+        , doc = document || {}
+        , root = doc.documentElement || {}
+        , W3C_MODEL = root[addEvent]
+        , eventSupport = W3C_MODEL ? addEvent : attachEvent
+        , slice = Array.prototype.slice
+        , mouseTypeRegex = /click|mouse|menu|drag|drop/i
+        , touchTypeRegex = /^touch|^gesture/i
+        , ONE = { one: 1 } // singleton for quick matching making add() do one()
+        , nativeEvents = (function (hash, events, i) {
+            for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++)
+                hash[events[i]] = 1
+            return hash
+        })({}, (
+            'click dblclick mouseup mousedown contextmenu ' +                  // mouse buttons
+                'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll ' +                                     // mouse wheel
+                'mouseover mouseout mousemove selectstart selectend ' +            // mouse movement
+                'keydown keypress keyup ' +                                        // keyboard
+                'orientationchange ' +                                             // mobile
+                'focus blur change reset select submit ' +                         // form elements
+                'load unload beforeunload resize move DOMContentLoaded readystatechange ' + // window
+                'error abort scroll ' +                                            // misc
+                (W3C_MODEL ? // element.fireEvent('onXYZ'... is not forgiving if we try to fire an event
+                    // that doesn't actually exist, so make sure we only do these on newer browsers
+                    'show ' +                                                          // mouse buttons
+                        'input invalid ' +                                                 // form elements
+                        'touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel ' +                     // touch
+                        'gesturestart gesturechange gestureend ' +                         // gesture
+                        'message readystatechange pageshow pagehide popstate ' +           // window
+                        'hashchange offline online ' +                                     // window
+                        'afterprint beforeprint ' +                                        // printing
+                        'dragstart dragenter dragover dragleave drag drop dragend ' +      // dnd
+                        'loadstart progress suspend emptied stalled loadmetadata ' +       // media
+                        'loadeddata canplay canplaythrough playing waiting seeking ' +     // media
+                        'seeked ended durationchange timeupdate play pause ratechange ' +  // media
+                        'volumechange cuechange ' +                                        // media
+                        'checking noupdate downloading cached updateready obsolete ' +     // appcache
+                        '' : '')
+            ).split(' ')
+        )
+        , customEvents = (function () {
+            function isDescendant(parent, node) {
+                while ((node = node.parentNode) !== null) {
+                    if (node === parent) return true
+                }
                 return false
-              for (i = checkNamespaces.length; i--;) {
-                for (j = this.namespaces.length; j--;) {
-                  if (checkNamespaces[i] === this.namespaces[j])
-                    return true
-                }
-              }
-              return false
-            }
-            // match by element, original fn (opt), handler fn (opt)
-          , matches: function (checkElement, checkOriginal, checkHandler) {
-              return this.element === checkElement &&
-                (!checkOriginal || this.original === checkOriginal) &&
-                (!checkHandler || this.handler === checkHandler)
-            }
-        }
-        return entry
-      })()
-    , registry = (function () {
-        // our map stores arrays by event type, just because it's better than storing
-        // everything in a single array. uses '$' as a prefix for the keys for safety
-        var map = {}
-          // generic functional search of our registry for matching listeners,
-          // `fn` returns false to break out of the loop
-          , forAll = function (element, type, original, handler, fn) {
-              if (!type || type === '*') {
-                // search the whole registry
-                for (var t in map) {
-                  if (t.charAt(0) === '$')
-                    forAll(element, t.substr(1), original, handler, fn)
-                }
-              } else {
-                var i = 0, l, list = map['$' + type], all = element === '*'
-                if (!list)
-                  return
-                for (l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
-                  if (all || list[i].matches(element, original, handler))
-                    if (!fn(list[i], list, i, type))
-                      return
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          , has = function (element, type, original) {
-              // we're not using forAll here simply because it's a bit slower and this
-              // needs to be fast
-              var i, list = map['$' + type]
-              if (list) {
-                for (i = list.length; i--;) {
-                  if (list[i].matches(element, original, null))
-                    return true
-                }
-              }
-              return false
-            }
-          , get = function (element, type, original) {
-              var entries = []
-              forAll(element, type, original, null, function (entry) { return entries.push(entry) })
-              return entries
-            }
-          , put = function (entry) {
-              (map['$' + entry.type] || (map['$' + entry.type] = [])).push(entry)
-              return entry
-            }
-          , del = function (entry) {
-              forAll(entry.element, entry.type, null, entry.handler, function (entry, list, i) {
-                list.splice(i, 1)
-                if (list.length === 0)
-                  delete map['$' + entry.type]
-                return false
-              })
-            }
+            }
+            function check(event) {
+                var related = event.relatedTarget
+                if (!related) return related === null
+                return (related !== this && related.prefix !== 'xul' && !/document/.test(this.toString()) && !isDescendant(this, related))
+            }
+            return {
+                mouseenter: { base: 'mouseover', condition: check }, mouseleave: { base: 'mouseout', condition: check }, mousewheel: { base: /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel' }
+            }
+        })()
+        , fixEvent = (function () {
+            var commonProps = 'altKey attrChange attrName bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget detail eventPhase getModifierState isTrusted metaKey relatedNode relatedTarget shiftKey srcElement target timeStamp type view which'.split(' ')
+                , mouseProps = commonProps.concat('button buttons clientX clientY dataTransfer fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement'.split(' '))
+                , keyProps = commonProps.concat('char charCode key keyCode'.split(' '))
+                , touchProps = commonProps.concat('touches targetTouches changedTouches scale rotation'.split(' '))
+                , preventDefault = 'preventDefault'
+                , createPreventDefault = function (event) {
+                    return function () {
+                        if (event[preventDefault])
+                            event[preventDefault]()
+                        else
+                            event.returnValue = false
+                    }
+                }
+                , stopPropagation = 'stopPropagation'
+                , createStopPropagation = function (event) {
+                    return function () {
+                        if (event[stopPropagation])
+                            event[stopPropagation]()
+                        else
+                            event.cancelBubble = true
+                    }
+                }
+                , createStop = function (synEvent) {
+                    return function () {
+                        synEvent[preventDefault]()
+                        synEvent[stopPropagation]()
+                        synEvent.stopped = true
+                    }
+                }
+                , copyProps = function (event, result, props) {
+                    var i, p
+                    for (i = props.length; i--;) {
+                        p = props[i]
+                        if (!(p in result) && p in event) result[p] = event[p]
+                    }
+                }
+            return function (event, isNative) {
+                var result = { originalEvent: event, isNative: isNative }
+                if (!event)
+                    return result
+                var props
+                    , type = event.type
+                    , target = || event.srcElement
+                result[preventDefault] = createPreventDefault(event)
+                result[stopPropagation] = createStopPropagation(event)
+                result.stop = createStop(result)
+       = target && target.nodeType === 3 ? target.parentNode : target
+                if (isNative) { // we only need basic augmentation on custom events, the rest is too expensive
+                    if (type.indexOf('key') !== -1) {
+                        props = keyProps
+                        result.keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode
+                    } else if (mouseTypeRegex.test(type)) {
+                        props = mouseProps
+                        result.rightClick = event.which === 3 || event.button === 2
+                        result.pos = { x: 0, y: 0 }
+                        if (event.pageX || event.pageY) {
+                            result.clientX = event.pageX
+                            result.clientY = event.pageY
+                        } else if (event.clientX || event.clientY) {
+                            result.clientX = event.clientX + doc.body.scrollLeft + root.scrollLeft
+                            result.clientY = event.clientY + doc.body.scrollTop + root.scrollTop
+                        }
+                        if (overOut.test(type))
+                            result.relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget || event[(type === 'mouseover' ? 'from' : 'to') + 'Element']
+                    } else if (touchTypeRegex.test(type)) {
+                        props = touchProps
+                    }
+                    copyProps(event, result, props || commonProps)
+                }
+                return result
+            }
+        })()
+    // if we're in old IE we can't do onpropertychange on doc or win so we use doc.documentElement for both
+        , targetElement = function (element, isNative) {
+            return !W3C_MODEL && !isNative && (element === doc || element === win) ? root : element
+        }
+    // we use one of these per listener, of any type
+        , RegEntry = (function () {
+            function entry(element, type, handler, original, namespaces) {
+                this.element = element
+                this.type = type
+                this.handler = handler
+                this.original = original
+                this.namespaces = namespaces
+                this.custom = customEvents[type]
+                this.isNative = nativeEvents[type] && element[eventSupport]
+                this.eventType = W3C_MODEL || this.isNative ? type : 'propertychange'
+                this.customType = !W3C_MODEL && !this.isNative && type
+       = targetElement(element, this.isNative)
+                this.eventSupport =[eventSupport]
+            }
+            entry.prototype = {
+                // given a list of namespaces, is our entry in any of them?
+                inNamespaces: function (checkNamespaces) {
+                    var i, j
+                    if (!checkNamespaces)
+                        return true
+                    if (!this.namespaces)
+                        return false
+                    for (i = checkNamespaces.length; i--;) {
+                        for (j = this.namespaces.length; j--;) {
+                            if (checkNamespaces[i] === this.namespaces[j])
+                                return true
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return false
+                }
+                // match by element, original fn (opt), handler fn (opt)
+                , matches: function (checkElement, checkOriginal, checkHandler) {
+                    return this.element === checkElement &&
+                        (!checkOriginal || this.original === checkOriginal) &&
+                        (!checkHandler || this.handler === checkHandler)
+                }
+            }
+            return entry
+        })()
+        , registry = (function () {
+            // our map stores arrays by event type, just because it's better than storing
+            // everything in a single array. uses '$' as a prefix for the keys for safety
+            var map = {}
+            // generic functional search of our registry for matching listeners,
+            // `fn` returns false to break out of the loop
+                , forAll = function (element, type, original, handler, fn) {
+                    if (!type || type === '*') {
+                        // search the whole registry
+                        for (var t in map) {
+                            if (t.charAt(0) === '$')
+                                forAll(element, t.substr(1), original, handler, fn)
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        var i = 0, l, list = map['$' + type], all = element === '*'
+                        if (!list)
+                            return
+                        for (l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
+                            if (all || list[i].matches(element, original, handler))
+                                if (!fn(list[i], list, i, type))
+                                    return
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                , has = function (element, type, original) {
+                    // we're not using forAll here simply because it's a bit slower and this
+                    // needs to be fast
+                    var i, list = map['$' + type]
+                    if (list) {
+                        for (i = list.length; i--;) {
+                            if (list[i].matches(element, original, null))
+                                return true
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return false
+                }
+                , get = function (element, type, original) {
+                    var entries = []
+                    forAll(element, type, original, null, function (entry) {
+                        return entries.push(entry)
+                    })
+                    return entries
+                }
+                , put = function (entry) {
+                    (map['$' + entry.type] || (map['$' + entry.type] = [])).push(entry)
+                    return entry
+                }
+                , del = function (entry) {
+                    forAll(entry.element, entry.type, null, entry.handler, function (entry, list, i) {
+                        list.splice(i, 1)
+                        if (list.length === 0)
+                            delete map['$' + entry.type]
+                        return false
+                    })
+                }
             // dump all entries, used for onunload
-          , entries = function () {
-              var t, entries = []
-              for (t in map) {
-                if (t.charAt(0) === '$')
-                  entries = entries.concat(map[t])
-              }
-              return entries
-            }
-        return { has: has, get: get, put: put, del: del, entries: entries }
-      })()
-      // add and remove listeners to DOM elements
-    , listener = W3C_MODEL ? function (element, type, fn, add) {
-        element[add ? addEvent : removeEvent](type, fn, false)
-      } : function (element, type, fn, add, custom) {
-        if (custom && add && element['_on' + custom] === null)
-          element['_on' + custom] = 0
-        element[add ? attachEvent : detachEvent]('on' + type, fn)
-      }
-    , nativeHandler = function (element, fn, args) {
-        return function (event) {
-          event = fixEvent(event || ((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || win).event, true)
-          return fn.apply(element, [event].concat(args))
-        }
-      }
-    , customHandler = function (element, fn, type, condition, args, isNative) {
-        return function (event) {
-          if (condition ? condition.apply(this, arguments) : W3C_MODEL ? true : event && event.propertyName === '_on' + type || !event) {
-            if (event)
-              event = fixEvent(event || ((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || win).event, isNative)
-            fn.apply(element, event && (!args || args.length === 0) ? arguments :, event ? 0 : 1).concat(args))
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    , once = function (rm, element, type, fn, originalFn) {
-        // wrap the handler in a handler that does a remove as well
-        return function () {
-          rm(element, type, originalFn)
-          fn.apply(this, arguments)
-        }
-      }
-    , removeListener = function (element, orgType, handler, namespaces) {
-        var i, l, entry
-          , type = (orgType && orgType.replace(nameRegex, ''))
-          , handlers = registry.get(element, type, handler)
-        for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
-          if (handlers[i].inNamespaces(namespaces)) {
-            if ((entry = handlers[i]).eventSupport)
-              listener(, entry.eventType, entry.handler, false, entry.type)
-            // TODO: this is problematic, we have a registry.get() and registry.del() that
-            // both do registry searches so we waste cycles doing this. Needs to be rolled into
-            // a single registry.forAll(fn) that removes while finding, but the catch is that
-            // we'll be splicing the arrays that we're iterating over. Needs extra tests to
-            // make sure we don't screw it up. @rvagg
-            registry.del(entry)
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    , addListener = function (element, orgType, fn, originalFn, args) {
-        var entry
-          , type = orgType.replace(nameRegex, '')
-          , namespaces = orgType.replace(namespaceRegex, '').split('.')
-        if (registry.has(element, type, fn))
-          return element // no dupe
-        if (type === 'unload')
-          fn = once(removeListener, element, type, fn, originalFn) // self clean-up
-        if (customEvents[type]) {
-          if (customEvents[type].condition)
-            fn = customHandler(element, fn, type, customEvents[type].condition, true)
-          type = customEvents[type].base || type
-        }
-        entry = registry.put(new RegEntry(element, type, fn, originalFn, namespaces[0] && namespaces))
-        entry.handler = entry.isNative ?
-          nativeHandler(element, entry.handler, args) :
-          customHandler(element, entry.handler, type, false, args, false)
-        if (entry.eventSupport)
-          listener(, entry.eventType, entry.handler, true, entry.customType)
-      }
-    , del = function (selector, fn, $) {
-        return function (e) {
-          var target, i, array = typeof selector === 'string' ? $(selector, this) : selector
-          for (target =; target && target !== this; target = target.parentNode) {
-            for (i = array.length; i--;) {
-              if (array[i] === target) {
-                return fn.apply(target, arguments)
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    , remove = function (element, typeSpec, fn) {
-        var k, m, type, namespaces, i
-          , rm = removeListener
-          , isString = typeSpec && typeof typeSpec === 'string'
-        if (isString && typeSpec.indexOf(' ') > 0) {
-          // remove(el, 't1 t2 t3', fn) or remove(el, 't1 t2 t3')
-          typeSpec = typeSpec.split(' ')
-          for (i = typeSpec.length; i--;)
-            remove(element, typeSpec[i], fn)
-          return element
-        }
-        type = isString && typeSpec.replace(nameRegex, '')
-        if (type && customEvents[type])
-          type = customEvents[type].type
-        if (!typeSpec || isString) {
-          // remove(el) or remove(el, t1.ns) or remove(el, .ns) or remove(el, .ns1.ns2.ns3)
-          if (namespaces = isString && typeSpec.replace(namespaceRegex, ''))
-            namespaces = namespaces.split('.')
-          rm(element, type, fn, namespaces)
-        } else if (typeof typeSpec === 'function') {
-          // remove(el, fn)
-          rm(element, null, typeSpec)
-        } else {
-          // remove(el, { t1: fn1, t2, fn2 })
-          for (k in typeSpec) {
-            if (typeSpec.hasOwnProperty(k))
-              remove(element, k, typeSpec[k])
-          }
-        }
-        return element
-      }
-    , add = function (element, events, fn, delfn, $) {
-        var type, types, i, args
-          , originalFn = fn
-          , isDel = fn && typeof fn === 'string'
-        if (events && !fn && typeof events === 'object') {
-          for (type in events) {
-            if (events.hasOwnProperty(type))
-              add.apply(this, [ element, type, events[type] ])
-          }
-        } else {
-          args = arguments.length > 3 ?, 3) : []
-          types = (isDel ? fn : events).split(' ')
-          isDel && (fn = del(events, (originalFn = delfn), $)) && (args =, 1))
-          // special case for one()
-          this === ONE && (fn = once(remove, element, events, fn, originalFn))
-          for (i = types.length; i--;) addListener(element, types[i], fn, originalFn, args)
-        }
-        return element
-      }
-    , one = function () {
-        return add.apply(ONE, arguments)
-      }
-    , fireListener = W3C_MODEL ? function (isNative, type, element) {
-        var evt = doc.createEvent(isNative ? 'HTMLEvents' : 'UIEvents')
-        evt[isNative ? 'initEvent' : 'initUIEvent'](type, true, true, win, 1)
-        element.dispatchEvent(evt)
-      } : function (isNative, type, element) {
-        element = targetElement(element, isNative)
-        // if not-native then we're using onpropertychange so we just increment a custom property
-        isNative ? element.fireEvent('on' + type, doc.createEventObject()) : element['_on' + type]++
-      }
-    , fire = function (element, type, args) {
-        var i, j, l, names, handlers
-          , types = type.split(' ')
-        for (i = types.length; i--;) {
-          type = types[i].replace(nameRegex, '')
-          if (names = types[i].replace(namespaceRegex, ''))
-            names = names.split('.')
-          if (!names && !args && element[eventSupport]) {
-            fireListener(nativeEvents[type], type, element)
-          } else {
-            // non-native event, either because of a namespace, arguments or a non DOM element
-            // iterate over all listeners and manually 'fire'
-            handlers = registry.get(element, type)
-            args = [false].concat(args)
-            for (j = 0, l = handlers.length; j < l; j++) {
-              if (handlers[j].inNamespaces(names))
-                handlers[j].handler.apply(element, args)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        return element
-      }
-    , clone = function (element, from, type) {
-        var i = 0
-          , handlers = registry.get(from, type)
-          , l = handlers.length
-        for (;i < l; i++)
-          handlers[i].original && add(element, handlers[i].type, handlers[i].original)
-        return element
-      }
-    , bean = {
-          add: add
-        , one: one
-        , remove: remove
-        , clone: clone
-        , fire: fire
-        , noConflict: function () {
-            context[name] = old
-            return this
-          }
-      }
-  if (win[attachEvent]) {
-    // for IE, clean up on unload to avoid leaks
-    var cleanup = function () {
-      var i, entries = registry.entries()
-      for (i in entries) {
-        if (entries[i].type && entries[i].type !== 'unload')
-          remove(entries[i].element, entries[i].type)
-      }
-      win[detachEvent]('onunload', cleanup)
-      win.CollectGarbage && win.CollectGarbage()
+                , entries = function () {
+                    var t, entries = []
+                    for (t in map) {
+                        if (t.charAt(0) === '$')
+                            entries = entries.concat(map[t])
+                    }
+                    return entries
+                }
+            return { has: has, get: get, put: put, del: del, entries: entries }
+        })()
+    // add and remove listeners to DOM elements
+        , listener = W3C_MODEL ? function (element, type, fn, add) {
+            element[add ? addEvent : removeEvent](type, fn, false)
+        } : function (element, type, fn, add, custom) {
+            if (custom && add && element['_on' + custom] === null)
+                element['_on' + custom] = 0
+            element[add ? attachEvent : detachEvent]('on' + type, fn)
+        }
+        , nativeHandler = function (element, fn, args) {
+            return function (event) {
+                event = fixEvent(event || ((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || win).event, true)
+                return fn.apply(element, [event].concat(args))
+            }
+        }
+        , customHandler = function (element, fn, type, condition, args, isNative) {
+            return function (event) {
+                if (condition ? condition.apply(this, arguments) : W3C_MODEL ? true : event && event.propertyName === '_on' + type || !event) {
+                    if (event)
+                        event = fixEvent(event || ((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || win).event, isNative)
+                    fn.apply(element, event && (!args || args.length === 0) ? arguments :, event ? 0 : 1).concat(args))
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        , once = function (rm, element, type, fn, originalFn) {
+            // wrap the handler in a handler that does a remove as well
+            return function () {
+                rm(element, type, originalFn)
+                fn.apply(this, arguments)
+            }
+        }
+        , removeListener = function (element, orgType, handler, namespaces) {
+            var i, l, entry
+                , type = (orgType && orgType.replace(nameRegex, ''))
+                , handlers = registry.get(element, type, handler)
+            for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
+                if (handlers[i].inNamespaces(namespaces)) {
+                    if ((entry = handlers[i]).eventSupport)
+                        listener(, entry.eventType, entry.handler, false, entry.type)
+                    // TODO: this is problematic, we have a registry.get() and registry.del() that
+                    // both do registry searches so we waste cycles doing this. Needs to be rolled into
+                    // a single registry.forAll(fn) that removes while finding, but the catch is that
+                    // we'll be splicing the arrays that we're iterating over. Needs extra tests to
+                    // make sure we don't screw it up. @rvagg
+                    registry.del(entry)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        , addListener = function (element, orgType, fn, originalFn, args) {
+            var entry
+                , type = orgType.replace(nameRegex, '')
+                , namespaces = orgType.replace(namespaceRegex, '').split('.')
+            if (registry.has(element, type, fn))
+                return element // no dupe
+            if (type === 'unload')
+                fn = once(removeListener, element, type, fn, originalFn) // self clean-up
+            if (customEvents[type]) {
+                if (customEvents[type].condition)
+                    fn = customHandler(element, fn, type, customEvents[type].condition, true)
+                type = customEvents[type].base || type
+            }
+            entry = registry.put(new RegEntry(element, type, fn, originalFn, namespaces[0] && namespaces))
+            entry.handler = entry.isNative ?
+                nativeHandler(element, entry.handler, args) :
+                customHandler(element, entry.handler, type, false, args, false)
+            if (entry.eventSupport)
+                listener(, entry.eventType, entry.handler, true, entry.customType)
+        }
+        , del = function (selector, fn, $) {
+            return function (e) {
+                var target, i, array = typeof selector === 'string' ? $(selector, this) : selector
+                for (target =; target && target !== this; target = target.parentNode) {
+                    for (i = array.length; i--;) {
+                        if (array[i] === target) {
+                            return fn.apply(target, arguments)
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        , remove = function (element, typeSpec, fn) {
+            var k, m, type, namespaces, i
+                , rm = removeListener
+                , isString = typeSpec && typeof typeSpec === 'string'
+            if (isString && typeSpec.indexOf(' ') > 0) {
+                // remove(el, 't1 t2 t3', fn) or remove(el, 't1 t2 t3')
+                typeSpec = typeSpec.split(' ')
+                for (i = typeSpec.length; i--;)
+                    remove(element, typeSpec[i], fn)
+                return element
+            }
+            type = isString && typeSpec.replace(nameRegex, '')
+            if (type && customEvents[type])
+                type = customEvents[type].type
+            if (!typeSpec || isString) {
+                // remove(el) or remove(el, t1.ns) or remove(el, .ns) or remove(el, .ns1.ns2.ns3)
+                if (namespaces = isString && typeSpec.replace(namespaceRegex, ''))
+                    namespaces = namespaces.split('.')
+                rm(element, type, fn, namespaces)
+            } else if (typeof typeSpec === 'function') {
+                // remove(el, fn)
+                rm(element, null, typeSpec)
+            } else {
+                // remove(el, { t1: fn1, t2, fn2 })
+                for (k in typeSpec) {
+                    if (typeSpec.hasOwnProperty(k))
+                        remove(element, k, typeSpec[k])
+                }
+            }
+            return element
+        }
+        , add = function (element, events, fn, delfn, $) {
+            var type, types, i, args
+                , originalFn = fn
+                , isDel = fn && typeof fn === 'string'
+            if (events && !fn && typeof events === 'object') {
+                for (type in events) {
+                    if (events.hasOwnProperty(type))
+                        add.apply(this, [ element, type, events[type] ])
+                }
+            } else {
+                args = arguments.length > 3 ?, 3) : []
+                types = (isDel ? fn : events).split(' ')
+                isDel && (fn = del(events, (originalFn = delfn), $)) && (args =, 1))
+                // special case for one()
+                this === ONE && (fn = once(remove, element, events, fn, originalFn))
+                for (i = types.length; i--;) addListener(element, types[i], fn, originalFn, args)
+            }
+            return element
+        }
+        , one = function () {
+            return add.apply(ONE, arguments)
+        }
+        , fireListener = W3C_MODEL ? function (isNative, type, element) {
+            var evt = doc.createEvent(isNative ? 'HTMLEvents' : 'UIEvents')
+            evt[isNative ? 'initEvent' : 'initUIEvent'](type, true, true, win, 1)
+            element.dispatchEvent(evt)
+        } : function (isNative, type, element) {
+            element = targetElement(element, isNative)
+            // if not-native then we're using onpropertychange so we just increment a custom property
+            isNative ? element.fireEvent('on' + type, doc.createEventObject()) : element['_on' + type]++
+        }
+        , fire = function (element, type, args) {
+            var i, j, l, names, handlers
+                , types = type.split(' ')
+            for (i = types.length; i--;) {
+                type = types[i].replace(nameRegex, '')
+                if (names = types[i].replace(namespaceRegex, ''))
+                    names = names.split('.')
+                if (!names && !args && element[eventSupport]) {
+                    fireListener(nativeEvents[type], type, element)
+                } else {
+                    // non-native event, either because of a namespace, arguments or a non DOM element
+                    // iterate over all listeners and manually 'fire'
+                    handlers = registry.get(element, type)
+                    args = [false].concat(args)
+                    for (j = 0, l = handlers.length; j < l; j++) {
+                        if (handlers[j].inNamespaces(names))
+                            handlers[j].handler.apply(element, args)
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return element
+        }
+        , clone = function (element, from, type) {
+            var i = 0
+                , handlers = registry.get(from, type)
+                , l = handlers.length
+            for (; i < l; i++)
+                handlers[i].original && add(element, handlers[i].type, handlers[i].original)
+            return element
+        }
+        , bean = {
+            add: add, one: one, remove: remove, clone: clone, fire: fire, noConflict: function () {
+                context[name] = old
+                return this
+            }
+        }
+    if (win[attachEvent]) {
+        // for IE, clean up on unload to avoid leaks
+        var cleanup = function () {
+            var i, entries = registry.entries()
+            for (i in entries) {
+                if (entries[i].type && entries[i].type !== 'unload')
+                    remove(entries[i].element, entries[i].type)
+            }
+            win[detachEvent]('onunload', cleanup)
+            win.CollectGarbage && win.CollectGarbage()
+        }
+        win[attachEvent]('onunload', cleanup)
-    win[attachEvent]('onunload', cleanup)
-  }
-  return bean
+    return bean
 //     Underscore.js 1.1.7
 //     (c) 2011 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
@@ -509,835 +504,851 @@
 //     For all details and documentation:
-(function() {
-  // Baseline setup
-  // --------------
-  // Establish the root object, `window` in the browser, or `global` on the server.
-  var root = this;
-  // Save the previous value of the `_` variable.
-  var previousUnderscore = root._;
-  // Establish the object that gets returned to break out of a loop iteration.
-  var breaker = {};
-  // Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version:
-  var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, FuncProto = Function.prototype;
-  // Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes.
-  var slice            = ArrayProto.slice,
-      unshift          = ArrayProto.unshift,
-      toString         = ObjProto.toString,
-      hasOwnProperty   = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty;
-  // All **ECMAScript 5** native function implementations that we hope to use
-  // are declared here.
-  var
-    nativeForEach      = ArrayProto.forEach,
-    nativeMap          =,
-    nativeReduce       = ArrayProto.reduce,
-    nativeReduceRight  = ArrayProto.reduceRight,
-    nativeFilter       = ArrayProto.filter,
-    nativeEvery        = ArrayProto.every,
-    nativeSome         = ArrayProto.some,
-    nativeIndexOf      = ArrayProto.indexOf,
-    nativeLastIndexOf  = ArrayProto.lastIndexOf,
-    nativeIsArray      = Array.isArray,
-    nativeKeys         = Object.keys,
-    nativeBind         = FuncProto.bind;
-  // Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below.
-  var _ = function(obj) { return new wrapper(obj); };
-  // Export the Underscore object for **CommonJS**, with backwards-compatibility
-  // for the old `require()` API. If we're not in CommonJS, add `_` to the
-  // global object.
-  if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
-    module.exports = _;
-    _._ = _;
-  } else {
-    // Exported as a string, for Closure Compiler "advanced" mode.
-    root['_'] = _;
-  }
-  // Current version.
-  _.VERSION = '1.1.7';
-  // Collection Functions
-  // --------------------
-  // The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`.
-  // Handles objects with the built-in `forEach`, arrays, and raw objects.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `forEach` if available.
-  var each = _.each = _.forEach = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    if (obj == null) return;
-    if (nativeForEach && obj.forEach === nativeForEach) {
-      obj.forEach(iterator, context);
-    } else if (obj.length === +obj.length) {
-      for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
-        if (i in obj &&, obj[i], i, obj) === breaker) return;
-      }
+(function () {
+    // Baseline setup
+    // --------------
+    // Establish the root object, `window` in the browser, or `global` on the server.
+    var root = this;
+    // Save the previous value of the `_` variable.
+    var previousUnderscore = root._;
+    // Establish the object that gets returned to break out of a loop iteration.
+    var breaker = {};
+    // Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version:
+    var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, FuncProto = Function.prototype;
+    // Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes.
+    var slice = ArrayProto.slice,
+        unshift = ArrayProto.unshift,
+        toString = ObjProto.toString,
+        hasOwnProperty = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty;
+    // All **ECMAScript 5** native function implementations that we hope to use
+    // are declared here.
+    var
+        nativeForEach = ArrayProto.forEach,
+        nativeMap =,
+        nativeReduce = ArrayProto.reduce,
+        nativeReduceRight = ArrayProto.reduceRight,
+        nativeFilter = ArrayProto.filter,
+        nativeEvery = ArrayProto.every,
+        nativeSome = ArrayProto.some,
+        nativeIndexOf = ArrayProto.indexOf,
+        nativeLastIndexOf = ArrayProto.lastIndexOf,
+        nativeIsArray = Array.isArray,
+        nativeKeys = Object.keys,
+        nativeBind = FuncProto.bind;
+    // Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below.
+    var _ = function (obj) {
+        return new wrapper(obj);
+    };
+    // Export the Underscore object for **CommonJS**, with backwards-compatibility
+    // for the old `require()` API. If we're not in CommonJS, add `_` to the
+    // global object.
+    if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+        module.exports = _;
+        _._ = _;
     } else {
-      for (var key in obj) {
-        if (, key)) {
-          if (, obj[key], key, obj) === breaker) return;
-        }
-      }
+        // Exported as a string, for Closure Compiler "advanced" mode.
+        root['_'] = _;
-  };
-  // Return the results of applying the iterator to each element.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `map` if available.
- = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    var results = [];
-    if (obj == null) return results;
-    if (nativeMap && === nativeMap) return, context);
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      results[results.length] =, value, index, list);
+    // Current version.
+    _.VERSION = '1.1.7';
+    // Collection Functions
+    // --------------------
+    // The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`.
+    // Handles objects with the built-in `forEach`, arrays, and raw objects.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `forEach` if available.
+    var each = _.each = _.forEach = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        if (obj == null) return;
+        if (nativeForEach && obj.forEach === nativeForEach) {
+            obj.forEach(iterator, context);
+        } else if (obj.length === +obj.length) {
+            for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
+                if (i in obj &&, obj[i], i, obj) === breaker) return;
+            }
+        } else {
+            for (var key in obj) {
+                if (, key)) {
+                    if (, obj[key], key, obj) === breaker) return;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    // Return the results of applying the iterator to each element.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `map` if available.
+ = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        var results = [];
+        if (obj == null) return results;
+        if (nativeMap && === nativeMap) return, context);
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            results[results.length] =, value, index, list);
+        });
+        return results;
+    };
+    // **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`,
+    // or `foldl`. Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduce` if available.
+    _.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = function (obj, iterator, memo, context) {
+        var initial = memo !== void 0;
+        if (obj == null) obj = [];
+        if (nativeReduce && obj.reduce === nativeReduce) {
+            if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
+            return initial ? obj.reduce(iterator, memo) : obj.reduce(iterator);
+        }
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (!initial) {
+                memo = value;
+                initial = true;
+            } else {
+                memo =, memo, value, index, list);
+            }
+        });
+        if (!initial) throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");
+        return memo;
+    };
+    // The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduceRight` if available.
+    _.reduceRight = _.foldr = function (obj, iterator, memo, context) {
+        if (obj == null) obj = [];
+        if (nativeReduceRight && obj.reduceRight === nativeReduceRight) {
+            if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
+            return memo !== void 0 ? obj.reduceRight(iterator, memo) : obj.reduceRight(iterator);
+        }
+        var reversed = (_.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.toArray(obj)).reverse();
+        return _.reduce(reversed, iterator, memo, context);
+    };
+    // Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`.
+    _.find = _.detect = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        var result;
+        any(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (, value, index, list)) {
+                result = value;
+                return true;
+            }
+        });
+        return result;
+    };
+    // Return all the elements that pass a truth test.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `filter` if available.
+    // Aliased as `select`.
+    _.filter = = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        var results = [];
+        if (obj == null) return results;
+        if (nativeFilter && obj.filter === nativeFilter) return obj.filter(iterator, context);
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (, value, index, list)) results[results.length] = value;
+        });
+        return results;
+    };
+    // Return all the elements for which a truth test fails.
+    _.reject = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        var results = [];
+        if (obj == null) return results;
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (!, value, index, list)) results[results.length] = value;
+        });
+        return results;
+    };
+    // Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `every` if available.
+    // Aliased as `all`.
+    _.every = _.all = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        var result = true;
+        if (obj == null) return result;
+        if (nativeEvery && obj.every === nativeEvery) return obj.every(iterator, context);
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (!(result = result &&, value, index, list))) return breaker;
+        });
+        return result;
+    };
+    // Determine if at least one element in the object matches a truth test.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `some` if available.
+    // Aliased as `any`.
+    var any = _.some = _.any = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        iterator = iterator || _.identity;
+        var result = false;
+        if (obj == null) return result;
+        if (nativeSome && obj.some === nativeSome) return obj.some(iterator, context);
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (result |=, value, index, list)) return breaker;
+        });
+        return !!result;
+    };
+    // Determine if a given value is included in the array or object using `===`.
+    // Aliased as `contains`.
+    _.include = _.contains = function (obj, target) {
+        var found = false;
+        if (obj == null) return found;
+        if (nativeIndexOf && obj.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return obj.indexOf(target) != -1;
+        any(obj, function (value) {
+            if (found = value === target) return true;
+        });
+        return found;
+    };
+    // Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection.
+    _.invoke = function (obj, method) {
+        var args =, 2);
+        return, function (value) {
+            return ( ? method || value : value[method]).apply(value, args);
+        });
+    };
+    // Convenience version of a common use case of `map`: fetching a property.
+    _.pluck = function (obj, key) {
+        return, function (value) {
+            return value[key];
+        });
+    };
+    // Return the maximum element or (element-based computation).
+    _.max = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj)) return Math.max.apply(Math, obj);
+        var result = {computed: -Infinity};
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            var computed = iterator ?, value, index, list) : value;
+            computed >= result.computed && (result = {value: value, computed: computed});
+        });
+        return result.value;
+    };
+    // Return the minimum element (or element-based computation).
+    _.min = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj)) return Math.min.apply(Math, obj);
+        var result = {computed: Infinity};
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            var computed = iterator ?, value, index, list) : value;
+            computed < result.computed && (result = {value: value, computed: computed});
+        });
+        return result.value;
+    };
+    // Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iterator.
+    _.sortBy = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        return _.pluck(,function (value, index, list) {
+            return {
+                value: value,
+                criteria:, value, index, list)
+            };
+        }).sort(function (left, right) {
+                var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria;
+                return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
+            }), 'value');
+    };
+    // Groups the object's values by a criterion produced by an iterator
+    _.groupBy = function (obj, iterator) {
+        var result = {};
+        each(obj, function (value, index) {
+            var key = iterator(value, index);
+            (result[key] || (result[key] = [])).push(value);
+        });
+        return result;
+    };
+    // Use a comparator function to figure out at what index an object should
+    // be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search.
+    _.sortedIndex = function (array, obj, iterator) {
+        iterator || (iterator = _.identity);
+        var low = 0, high = array.length;
+        while (low < high) {
+            var mid = (low + high) >> 1;
+            iterator(array[mid]) < iterator(obj) ? low = mid + 1 : high = mid;
+        }
+        return low;
+    };
+    // Safely convert anything iterable into a real, live array.
+    _.toArray = function (iterable) {
+        if (!iterable)                return [];
+        if (iterable.toArray)         return iterable.toArray();
+        if (_.isArray(iterable))      return;
+        if (_.isArguments(iterable))  return;
+        return _.values(iterable);
+    };
+    // Return the number of elements in an object.
+    _.size = function (obj) {
+        return _.toArray(obj).length;
+    };
+    // Array Functions
+    // ---------------
+    // Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N
+    // values in the array. Aliased as `head`. The **guard** check allows it to work
+    // with ``.
+    _.first = _.head = function (array, n, guard) {
+        return (n != null) && !guard ?, 0, n) : array[0];
+    };
+    // Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail`.
+    // Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **index** will return
+    // the rest of the values in the array from that index onward. The **guard**
+    // check allows it to work with ``.
+ = _.tail = function (array, index, guard) {
+        return, (index == null) || guard ? 1 : index);
+    };
+    // Get the last element of an array.
+    _.last = function (array) {
+        return array[array.length - 1];
+    };
+    // Trim out all falsy values from an array.
+    _.compact = function (array) {
+        return _.filter(array, function (value) {
+            return !!value;
+        });
+    };
+    // Return a completely flattened version of an array.
+    _.flatten = function (array) {
+        return _.reduce(array, function (memo, value) {
+            if (_.isArray(value)) return memo.concat(_.flatten(value));
+            memo[memo.length] = value;
+            return memo;
+        }, []);
+    };
+    // Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s).
+    _.without = function (array) {
+        return _.difference(array,, 1));
+    };
+    // Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already
+    // been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm.
+    // Aliased as `unique`.
+    _.uniq = _.unique = function (array, isSorted) {
+        return _.reduce(array, function (memo, el, i) {
+            if (0 == i || (isSorted === true ? _.last(memo) != el : !_.include(memo, el))) memo[memo.length] = el;
+            return memo;
+        }, []);
+    };
+    // Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of
+    // the passed-in arrays.
+    _.union = function () {
+        return _.uniq(_.flatten(arguments));
+    };
+    // Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the
+    // passed-in arrays. (Aliased as "intersect" for back-compat.)
+    _.intersection = _.intersect = function (array) {
+        var rest =, 1);
+        return _.filter(_.uniq(array), function (item) {
+            return _.every(rest, function (other) {
+                return _.indexOf(other, item) >= 0;
+            });
+        });
+    };
+    // Take the difference between one array and another.
+    // Only the elements present in just the first array will remain.
+    _.difference = function (array, other) {
+        return _.filter(array, function (value) {
+            return !_.include(other, value);
+        });
+    };
+    // Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share
+    // an index go together.
+ = function () {
+        var args =;
+        var length = _.max(_.pluck(args, 'length'));
+        var results = new Array(length);
+        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) results[i] = _.pluck(args, "" + i);
+        return results;
+    };
+    // If the browser doesn't supply us with indexOf (I'm looking at you, **MSIE**),
+    // we need this function. Return the position of the first occurrence of an
+    // item in an array, or -1 if the item is not included in the array.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `indexOf` if available.
+    // If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true`
+    // for **isSorted** to use binary search.
+    _.indexOf = function (array, item, isSorted) {
+        if (array == null) return -1;
+        var i, l;
+        if (isSorted) {
+            i = _.sortedIndex(array, item);
+            return array[i] === item ? i : -1;
+        }
+        if (nativeIndexOf && array.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return array.indexOf(item);
+        for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) if (array[i] === item) return i;
+        return -1;
+    };
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `lastIndexOf` if available.
+    _.lastIndexOf = function (array, item) {
+        if (array == null) return -1;
+        if (nativeLastIndexOf && array.lastIndexOf === nativeLastIndexOf) return array.lastIndexOf(item);
+        var i = array.length;
+        while (i--) if (array[i] === item) return i;
+        return -1;
+    };
+    // Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of
+    // the native Python `range()` function. See
+    // [the Python documentation](
+    _.range = function (start, stop, step) {
+        if (arguments.length <= 1) {
+            stop = start || 0;
+            start = 0;
+        }
+        step = arguments[2] || 1;
+        var len = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0);
+        var idx = 0;
+        var range = new Array(len);
+        while (idx < len) {
+            range[idx++] = start;
+            start += step;
+        }
+        return range;
+    };
+    // Function (ahem) Functions
+    // ------------------
+    // Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments,
+    // optionally). Binding with arguments is also known as `curry`.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if available.
+    // We check for `func.bind` first, to fail fast when `func` is undefined.
+    _.bind = function (func, obj) {
+        if (func.bind === nativeBind && nativeBind) return nativeBind.apply(func,, 1));
+        var args =, 2);
+        return function () {
+            return func.apply(obj, args.concat(;
+        };
+    };
+    // Bind all of an object's methods to that object. Useful for ensuring that
+    // all callbacks defined on an object belong to it.
+    _.bindAll = function (obj) {
+        var funcs =, 1);
+        if (funcs.length == 0) funcs = _.functions(obj);
+        each(funcs, function (f) {
+            obj[f] = _.bind(obj[f], obj);
+        });
+        return obj;
+    };
+    // Memoize an expensive function by storing its results.
+    _.memoize = function (func, hasher) {
+        var memo = {};
+        hasher || (hasher = _.identity);
+        return function () {
+            var key = hasher.apply(this, arguments);
+            return, key) ? memo[key] : (memo[key] = func.apply(this, arguments));
+        };
+    };
+    // Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls
+    // it with the arguments supplied.
+    _.delay = function (func, wait) {
+        var args =, 2);
+        return setTimeout(function () {
+            return func.apply(func, args);
+        }, wait);
+    };
+    // Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has
+    // cleared.
+    _.defer = function (func) {
+        return _.delay.apply(_, [func, 1].concat(, 1)));
+    };
+    // Internal function used to implement `_.throttle` and `_.debounce`.
+    var limit = function (func, wait, debounce) {
+        var timeout;
+        return function () {
+            var context = this, args = arguments;
+            var throttler = function () {
+                timeout = null;
+                func.apply(context, args);
+            };
+            if (debounce) clearTimeout(timeout);
+            if (debounce || !timeout) timeout = setTimeout(throttler, wait);
+        };
+    };
+    // Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
+    // during a given window of time.
+    _.throttle = function (func, wait) {
+        return limit(func, wait, false);
+    };
+    // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
+    // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
+    // N milliseconds.
+    _.debounce = function (func, wait) {
+        return limit(func, wait, true);
+    };
+    // Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how
+    // often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization.
+    _.once = function (func) {
+        var ran = false, memo;
+        return function () {
+            if (ran) return memo;
+            ran = true;
+            return memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
+        };
+    };
+    // Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second,
+    // allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and
+    // conditionally execute the original function.
+    _.wrap = function (func, wrapper) {
+        return function () {
+            var args = [func].concat(;
+            return wrapper.apply(this, args);
+        };
+    };
+    // Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each
+    // consuming the return value of the function that follows.
+    _.compose = function () {
+        var funcs =;
+        return function () {
+            var args =;
+            for (var i = funcs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+                args = [funcs[i].apply(this, args)];
+            }
+            return args[0];
+        };
+    };
+    // Returns a function that will only be executed after being called N times.
+    _.after = function (times, func) {
+        return function () {
+            if (--times < 1) {
+                return func.apply(this, arguments);
+            }
+        };
+    };
+    // Object Functions
+    // ----------------
+    // Retrieve the names of an object's properties.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys`
+    _.keys = nativeKeys || function (obj) {
+        if (obj !== Object(obj)) throw new TypeError('Invalid object');
+        var keys = [];
+        for (var key in obj) if (, key)) keys[keys.length] = key;
+        return keys;
+    };
+    // Retrieve the values of an object's properties.
+    _.values = function (obj) {
+        return, _.identity);
+    };
+    // Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object.
+    // Aliased as `methods`
+    _.functions = _.methods = function (obj) {
+        var names = [];
+        for (var key in obj) {
+            if (_.isFunction(obj[key])) names.push(key);
+        }
+        return names.sort();
+    };
+    // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
+    _.extend = function (obj) {
+        each(, 1), function (source) {
+            for (var prop in source) {
+                if (source[prop] !== void 0) obj[prop] = source[prop];
+            }
+        });
+        return obj;
+    };
+    // Fill in a given object with default properties.
+    _.defaults = function (obj) {
+        each(, 1), function (source) {
+            for (var prop in source) {
+                if (obj[prop] == null) obj[prop] = source[prop];
+            }
+        });
+        return obj;
+    };
+    // Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object.
+    _.clone = function (obj) {
+        return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.extend({}, obj);
+    };
+    // Invokes interceptor with the obj, and then returns obj.
+    // The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in
+    // order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
+    _.tap = function (obj, interceptor) {
+        interceptor(obj);
+        return obj;
+    };
+    // Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal.
+    _.isEqual = function (a, b) {
+        // Check object identity.
+        if (a === b) return true;
+        // Different types?
+        var atype = typeof(a), btype = typeof(b);
+        if (atype != btype) return false;
+        // Basic equality test (watch out for coercions).
+        if (a == b) return true;
+        // One is falsy and the other truthy.
+        if ((!a && b) || (a && !b)) return false;
+        // Unwrap any wrapped objects.
+        if (a._chain) a = a._wrapped;
+        if (b._chain) b = b._wrapped;
+        // One of them implements an isEqual()?
+        if (a.isEqual) return a.isEqual(b);
+        if (b.isEqual) return b.isEqual(a);
+        // Check dates' integer values.
+        if (_.isDate(a) && _.isDate(b)) return a.getTime() === b.getTime();
+        // Both are NaN?
+        if (_.isNaN(a) && _.isNaN(b)) return false;
+        // Compare regular expressions.
+        if (_.isRegExp(a) && _.isRegExp(b))
+            return a.source === b.source &&
+       === &&
+                a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase &&
+                a.multiline === b.multiline;
+        // If a is not an object by this point, we can't handle it.
+        if (atype !== 'object') return false;
+        // Check for different array lengths before comparing contents.
+        if (a.length && (a.length !== b.length)) return false;
+        // Nothing else worked, deep compare the contents.
+        var aKeys = _.keys(a), bKeys = _.keys(b);
+        // Different object sizes?
+        if (aKeys.length != bKeys.length) return false;
+        // Recursive comparison of contents.
+        for (var key in a) if (!(key in b) || !_.isEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;
+        return true;
+    };
+    // Is a given array or object empty?
+    _.isEmpty = function (obj) {
+        if (_.isArray(obj) || _.isString(obj)) return obj.length === 0;
+        for (var key in obj) if (, key)) return false;
+        return true;
+    };
+    // Is a given value a DOM element?
+    _.isElement = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj && obj.nodeType == 1);
+    };
+    // Is a given value an array?
+    // Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray
+    _.isArray = nativeIsArray || function (obj) {
+        return === '[object Array]';
+    };
+    // Is a given variable an object?
+    _.isObject = function (obj) {
+        return obj === Object(obj);
+    };
+    // Is a given variable an arguments object?
+    _.isArguments = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj &&, 'callee'));
+    };
+    // Is a given value a function?
+    _.isFunction = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj && obj.constructor && && obj.apply);
+    };
+    // Is a given value a string?
+    _.isString = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj === '' || (obj && obj.charCodeAt && obj.substr));
+    };
+    // Is a given value a number?
+    _.isNumber = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj === 0 || (obj && obj.toExponential && obj.toFixed));
+    };
+    // Is the given value `NaN`? `NaN` happens to be the only value in JavaScript
+    // that does not equal itself.
+    _.isNaN = function (obj) {
+        return obj !== obj;
+    };
+    // Is a given value a boolean?
+    _.isBoolean = function (obj) {
+        return obj === true || obj === false;
+    };
+    // Is a given value a date?
+    _.isDate = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj && obj.getTimezoneOffset && obj.setUTCFullYear);
+    };
+    // Is the given value a regular expression?
+    _.isRegExp = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj && obj.test && obj.exec && (obj.ignoreCase || obj.ignoreCase === false));
+    };
+    // Is a given value equal to null?
+    _.isNull = function (obj) {
+        return obj === null;
+    };
+    // Is a given variable undefined?
+    _.isUndefined = function (obj) {
+        return obj === void 0;
+    };
+    // Utility Functions
+    // -----------------
+    // Run Underscore.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `_` variable to its
+    // previous owner. Returns a reference to the Underscore object.
+    _.noConflict = function () {
+        root._ = previousUnderscore;
+        return this;
+    };
+    // Keep the identity function around for default iterators.
+    _.identity = function (value) {
+        return value;
+    };
+    // Run a function **n** times.
+    _.times = function (n, iterator, context) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < n; i++), i);
+    };
+    // Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object, ensuring that
+    // they're correctly added to the OOP wrapper as well.
+    _.mixin = function (obj) {
+        each(_.functions(obj), function (name) {
+            addToWrapper(name, _[name] = obj[name]);
+        });
+    };
+    // Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session).
+    // Useful for temporary DOM ids.
+    var idCounter = 0;
+    _.uniqueId = function (prefix) {
+        var id = idCounter++;
+        return prefix ? prefix + id : id;
+    };
+    // By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the
+    // following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
+    _.templateSettings = {
+        evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
+        interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g
+    };
+    // JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
+    // Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace,
+    // and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
+    _.template = function (str, data) {
+        var c = _.templateSettings;
+        var tmpl = 'var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};' +
+            'with(obj||{}){__p.push(\'' +
+            str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
+                .replace(/'/g, "\\'")
+                .replace(c.interpolate, function (match, code) {
+                    return "'," + code.replace(/\\'/g, "'") + ",'";
+                })
+                .replace(c.evaluate || null, function (match, code) {
+                    return "');" + code.replace(/\\'/g, "'")
+                        .replace(/[\r\n\t]/g, ' ') + "__p.push('";
+                })
+                .replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
+                .replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
+                .replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
+            + "');}return __p.join('');";
+        var func = new Function('obj', tmpl);
+        return data ? func(data) : func;
+    };
+    // The OOP Wrapper
+    // ---------------
+    // If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that
+    // can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the
+    // underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained.
+    var wrapper = function (obj) {
+        this._wrapped = obj;
+    };
+    // Expose `wrapper.prototype` as `_.prototype`
+    _.prototype = wrapper.prototype;
+    // Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results.
+    var result = function (obj, chain) {
+        return chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj;
+    };
+    // A method to easily add functions to the OOP wrapper.
+    var addToWrapper = function (name, func) {
+        wrapper.prototype[name] = function () {
+            var args =;
+  , this._wrapped);
+            return result(func.apply(_, args), this._chain);
+        };
+    };
+    // Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object.
+    _.mixin(_);
+    // Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper.
+    each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function (name) {
+        var method = ArrayProto[name];
+        wrapper.prototype[name] = function () {
+            method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments);
+            return result(this._wrapped, this._chain);
+        };
-    return results;
-  };
-  // **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`,
-  // or `foldl`. Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduce` if available.
-  _.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = function(obj, iterator, memo, context) {
-    var initial = memo !== void 0;
-    if (obj == null) obj = [];
-    if (nativeReduce && obj.reduce === nativeReduce) {
-      if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
-      return initial ? obj.reduce(iterator, memo) : obj.reduce(iterator);
-    }
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (!initial) {
-        memo = value;
-        initial = true;
-      } else {
-        memo =, memo, value, index, list);
-      }
+    // Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper.
+    each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function (name) {
+        var method = ArrayProto[name];
+        wrapper.prototype[name] = function () {
+            return result(method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments), this._chain);
+        };
-    if (!initial) throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");
-    return memo;
-  };
-  // The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduceRight` if available.
-  _.reduceRight = _.foldr = function(obj, iterator, memo, context) {
-    if (obj == null) obj = [];
-    if (nativeReduceRight && obj.reduceRight === nativeReduceRight) {
-      if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
-      return memo !== void 0 ? obj.reduceRight(iterator, memo) : obj.reduceRight(iterator);
-    }
-    var reversed = (_.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.toArray(obj)).reverse();
-    return _.reduce(reversed, iterator, memo, context);
-  };
-  // Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`.
-  _.find = _.detect = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    var result;
-    any(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (, value, index, list)) {
-        result = value;
-        return true;
-      }
-    });
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Return all the elements that pass a truth test.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `filter` if available.
-  // Aliased as `select`.
-  _.filter = = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    var results = [];
-    if (obj == null) return results;
-    if (nativeFilter && obj.filter === nativeFilter) return obj.filter(iterator, context);
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (, value, index, list)) results[results.length] = value;
-    });
-    return results;
-  };
-  // Return all the elements for which a truth test fails.
-  _.reject = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    var results = [];
-    if (obj == null) return results;
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (!, value, index, list)) results[results.length] = value;
-    });
-    return results;
-  };
-  // Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `every` if available.
-  // Aliased as `all`.
-  _.every = _.all = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    var result = true;
-    if (obj == null) return result;
-    if (nativeEvery && obj.every === nativeEvery) return obj.every(iterator, context);
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (!(result = result &&, value, index, list))) return breaker;
-    });
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Determine if at least one element in the object matches a truth test.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `some` if available.
-  // Aliased as `any`.
-  var any = _.some = _.any = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    iterator = iterator || _.identity;
-    var result = false;
-    if (obj == null) return result;
-    if (nativeSome && obj.some === nativeSome) return obj.some(iterator, context);
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (result |=, value, index, list)) return breaker;
-    });
-    return !!result;
-  };
-  // Determine if a given value is included in the array or object using `===`.
-  // Aliased as `contains`.
-  _.include = _.contains = function(obj, target) {
-    var found = false;
-    if (obj == null) return found;
-    if (nativeIndexOf && obj.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return obj.indexOf(target) != -1;
-    any(obj, function(value) {
-      if (found = value === target) return true;
-    });
-    return found;
-  };
-  // Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection.
-  _.invoke = function(obj, method) {
-    var args =, 2);
-    return, function(value) {
-      return ( ? method || value : value[method]).apply(value, args);
-    });
-  };
-  // Convenience version of a common use case of `map`: fetching a property.
-  _.pluck = function(obj, key) {
-    return, function(value){ return value[key]; });
-  };
-  // Return the maximum element or (element-based computation).
-  _.max = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj)) return Math.max.apply(Math, obj);
-    var result = {computed : -Infinity};
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      var computed = iterator ?, value, index, list) : value;
-      computed >= result.computed && (result = {value : value, computed : computed});
-    });
-    return result.value;
-  };
-  // Return the minimum element (or element-based computation).
-  _.min = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj)) return Math.min.apply(Math, obj);
-    var result = {computed : Infinity};
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      var computed = iterator ?, value, index, list) : value;
-      computed < result.computed && (result = {value : value, computed : computed});
-    });
-    return result.value;
-  };
-  // Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iterator.
-  _.sortBy = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    return _.pluck(, function(value, index, list) {
-      return {
-        value : value,
-        criteria :, value, index, list)
-      };
-    }).sort(function(left, right) {
-      var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria;
-      return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
-    }), 'value');
-  };
-  // Groups the object's values by a criterion produced by an iterator
-  _.groupBy = function(obj, iterator) {
-    var result = {};
-    each(obj, function(value, index) {
-      var key = iterator(value, index);
-      (result[key] || (result[key] = [])).push(value);
-    });
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Use a comparator function to figure out at what index an object should
-  // be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search.
-  _.sortedIndex = function(array, obj, iterator) {
-    iterator || (iterator = _.identity);
-    var low = 0, high = array.length;
-    while (low < high) {
-      var mid = (low + high) >> 1;
-      iterator(array[mid]) < iterator(obj) ? low = mid + 1 : high = mid;
-    }
-    return low;
-  };
-  // Safely convert anything iterable into a real, live array.
-  _.toArray = function(iterable) {
-    if (!iterable)                return [];
-    if (iterable.toArray)         return iterable.toArray();
-    if (_.isArray(iterable))      return;
-    if (_.isArguments(iterable))  return;
-    return _.values(iterable);
-  };
-  // Return the number of elements in an object.
-  _.size = function(obj) {
-    return _.toArray(obj).length;
-  };
-  // Array Functions
-  // ---------------
-  // Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N
-  // values in the array. Aliased as `head`. The **guard** check allows it to work
-  // with ``.
-  _.first = _.head = function(array, n, guard) {
-    return (n != null) && !guard ?, 0, n) : array[0];
-  };
-  // Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail`.
-  // Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **index** will return
-  // the rest of the values in the array from that index onward. The **guard**
-  // check allows it to work with ``.
- = _.tail = function(array, index, guard) {
-    return, (index == null) || guard ? 1 : index);
-  };
-  // Get the last element of an array.
-  _.last = function(array) {
-    return array[array.length - 1];
-  };
-  // Trim out all falsy values from an array.
-  _.compact = function(array) {
-    return _.filter(array, function(value){ return !!value; });
-  };
-  // Return a completely flattened version of an array.
-  _.flatten = function(array) {
-    return _.reduce(array, function(memo, value) {
-      if (_.isArray(value)) return memo.concat(_.flatten(value));
-      memo[memo.length] = value;
-      return memo;
-    }, []);
-  };
-  // Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s).
-  _.without = function(array) {
-    return _.difference(array,, 1));
-  };
-  // Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already
-  // been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm.
-  // Aliased as `unique`.
-  _.uniq = _.unique = function(array, isSorted) {
-    return _.reduce(array, function(memo, el, i) {
-      if (0 == i || (isSorted === true ? _.last(memo) != el : !_.include(memo, el))) memo[memo.length] = el;
-      return memo;
-    }, []);
-  };
-  // Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of
-  // the passed-in arrays.
-  _.union = function() {
-    return _.uniq(_.flatten(arguments));
-  };
-  // Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the
-  // passed-in arrays. (Aliased as "intersect" for back-compat.)
-  _.intersection = _.intersect = function(array) {
-    var rest =, 1);
-    return _.filter(_.uniq(array), function(item) {
-      return _.every(rest, function(other) {
-        return _.indexOf(other, item) >= 0;
-      });
-    });
-  };
-  // Take the difference between one array and another.
-  // Only the elements present in just the first array will remain.
-  _.difference = function(array, other) {
-    return _.filter(array, function(value){ return !_.include(other, value); });
-  };
-  // Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share
-  // an index go together.
- = function() {
-    var args =;
-    var length = _.max(_.pluck(args, 'length'));
-    var results = new Array(length);
-    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) results[i] = _.pluck(args, "" + i);
-    return results;
-  };
-  // If the browser doesn't supply us with indexOf (I'm looking at you, **MSIE**),
-  // we need this function. Return the position of the first occurrence of an
-  // item in an array, or -1 if the item is not included in the array.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `indexOf` if available.
-  // If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true`
-  // for **isSorted** to use binary search.
-  _.indexOf = function(array, item, isSorted) {
-    if (array == null) return -1;
-    var i, l;
-    if (isSorted) {
-      i = _.sortedIndex(array, item);
-      return array[i] === item ? i : -1;
-    }
-    if (nativeIndexOf && array.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return array.indexOf(item);
-    for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) if (array[i] === item) return i;
-    return -1;
-  };
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `lastIndexOf` if available.
-  _.lastIndexOf = function(array, item) {
-    if (array == null) return -1;
-    if (nativeLastIndexOf && array.lastIndexOf === nativeLastIndexOf) return array.lastIndexOf(item);
-    var i = array.length;
-    while (i--) if (array[i] === item) return i;
-    return -1;
-  };
-  // Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of
-  // the native Python `range()` function. See
-  // [the Python documentation](
-  _.range = function(start, stop, step) {
-    if (arguments.length <= 1) {
-      stop = start || 0;
-      start = 0;
-    }
-    step = arguments[2] || 1;
-    var len = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0);
-    var idx = 0;
-    var range = new Array(len);
-    while(idx < len) {
-      range[idx++] = start;
-      start += step;
-    }
-    return range;
-  };
-  // Function (ahem) Functions
-  // ------------------
-  // Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments,
-  // optionally). Binding with arguments is also known as `curry`.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if available.
-  // We check for `func.bind` first, to fail fast when `func` is undefined.
-  _.bind = function(func, obj) {
-    if (func.bind === nativeBind && nativeBind) return nativeBind.apply(func,, 1));
-    var args =, 2);
-    return function() {
-      return func.apply(obj, args.concat(;
-    };
-  };
-  // Bind all of an object's methods to that object. Useful for ensuring that
-  // all callbacks defined on an object belong to it.
-  _.bindAll = function(obj) {
-    var funcs =, 1);
-    if (funcs.length == 0) funcs = _.functions(obj);
-    each(funcs, function(f) { obj[f] = _.bind(obj[f], obj); });
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Memoize an expensive function by storing its results.
-  _.memoize = function(func, hasher) {
-    var memo = {};
-    hasher || (hasher = _.identity);
-    return function() {
-      var key = hasher.apply(this, arguments);
-      return, key) ? memo[key] : (memo[key] = func.apply(this, arguments));
-    };
-  };
-  // Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls
-  // it with the arguments supplied.
-  _.delay = function(func, wait) {
-    var args =, 2);
-    return setTimeout(function(){ return func.apply(func, args); }, wait);
-  };
-  // Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has
-  // cleared.
-  _.defer = function(func) {
-    return _.delay.apply(_, [func, 1].concat(, 1)));
-  };
-  // Internal function used to implement `_.throttle` and `_.debounce`.
-  var limit = function(func, wait, debounce) {
-    var timeout;
-    return function() {
-      var context = this, args = arguments;
-      var throttler = function() {
-        timeout = null;
-        func.apply(context, args);
-      };
-      if (debounce) clearTimeout(timeout);
-      if (debounce || !timeout) timeout = setTimeout(throttler, wait);
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
-  // during a given window of time.
-  _.throttle = function(func, wait) {
-    return limit(func, wait, false);
-  };
-  // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
-  // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
-  // N milliseconds.
-  _.debounce = function(func, wait) {
-    return limit(func, wait, true);
-  };
-  // Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how
-  // often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization.
-  _.once = function(func) {
-    var ran = false, memo;
-    return function() {
-      if (ran) return memo;
-      ran = true;
-      return memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second,
-  // allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and
-  // conditionally execute the original function.
-  _.wrap = function(func, wrapper) {
-    return function() {
-      var args = [func].concat(;
-      return wrapper.apply(this, args);
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each
-  // consuming the return value of the function that follows.
-  _.compose = function() {
-    var funcs =;
-    return function() {
-      var args =;
-      for (var i = funcs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        args = [funcs[i].apply(this, args)];
-      }
-      return args[0];
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function that will only be executed after being called N times.
-  _.after = function(times, func) {
-    return function() {
-      if (--times < 1) { return func.apply(this, arguments); }
-    };
-  };
-  // Object Functions
-  // ----------------
-  // Retrieve the names of an object's properties.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys`
-  _.keys = nativeKeys || function(obj) {
-    if (obj !== Object(obj)) throw new TypeError('Invalid object');
-    var keys = [];
-    for (var key in obj) if (, key)) keys[keys.length] = key;
-    return keys;
-  };
-  // Retrieve the values of an object's properties.
-  _.values = function(obj) {
-    return, _.identity);
-  };
-  // Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object.
-  // Aliased as `methods`
-  _.functions = _.methods = function(obj) {
-    var names = [];
-    for (var key in obj) {
-      if (_.isFunction(obj[key])) names.push(key);
-    }
-    return names.sort();
-  };
-  // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
-  _.extend = function(obj) {
-    each(, 1), function(source) {
-      for (var prop in source) {
-        if (source[prop] !== void 0) obj[prop] = source[prop];
-      }
-    });
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Fill in a given object with default properties.
-  _.defaults = function(obj) {
-    each(, 1), function(source) {
-      for (var prop in source) {
-        if (obj[prop] == null) obj[prop] = source[prop];
-      }
-    });
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object.
-  _.clone = function(obj) {
-    return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.extend({}, obj);
-  };
-  // Invokes interceptor with the obj, and then returns obj.
-  // The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in
-  // order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
-  _.tap = function(obj, interceptor) {
-    interceptor(obj);
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal.
-  _.isEqual = function(a, b) {
-    // Check object identity.
-    if (a === b) return true;
-    // Different types?
-    var atype = typeof(a), btype = typeof(b);
-    if (atype != btype) return false;
-    // Basic equality test (watch out for coercions).
-    if (a == b) return true;
-    // One is falsy and the other truthy.
-    if ((!a && b) || (a && !b)) return false;
-    // Unwrap any wrapped objects.
-    if (a._chain) a = a._wrapped;
-    if (b._chain) b = b._wrapped;
-    // One of them implements an isEqual()?
-    if (a.isEqual) return a.isEqual(b);
-    if (b.isEqual) return b.isEqual(a);
-    // Check dates' integer values.
-    if (_.isDate(a) && _.isDate(b)) return a.getTime() === b.getTime();
-    // Both are NaN?
-    if (_.isNaN(a) && _.isNaN(b)) return false;
-    // Compare regular expressions.
-    if (_.isRegExp(a) && _.isRegExp(b))
-      return a.source     === b.source &&
-        === &&
-             a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase &&
-             a.multiline  === b.multiline;
-    // If a is not an object by this point, we can't handle it.
-    if (atype !== 'object') return false;
-    // Check for different array lengths before comparing contents.
-    if (a.length && (a.length !== b.length)) return false;
-    // Nothing else worked, deep compare the contents.
-    var aKeys = _.keys(a), bKeys = _.keys(b);
-    // Different object sizes?
-    if (aKeys.length != bKeys.length) return false;
-    // Recursive comparison of contents.
-    for (var key in a) if (!(key in b) || !_.isEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;
-    return true;
-  };
-  // Is a given array or object empty?
-  _.isEmpty = function(obj) {
-    if (_.isArray(obj) || _.isString(obj)) return obj.length === 0;
-    for (var key in obj) if (, key)) return false;
-    return true;
-  };
-  // Is a given value a DOM element?
-  _.isElement = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj && obj.nodeType == 1);
-  };
-  // Is a given value an array?
-  // Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray
-  _.isArray = nativeIsArray || function(obj) {
-    return === '[object Array]';
-  };
-  // Is a given variable an object?
-  _.isObject = function(obj) {
-    return obj === Object(obj);
-  };
-  // Is a given variable an arguments object?
-  _.isArguments = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj &&, 'callee'));
-  };
-  // Is a given value a function?
-  _.isFunction = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj && obj.constructor && && obj.apply);
-  };
-  // Is a given value a string?
-  _.isString = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj === '' || (obj && obj.charCodeAt && obj.substr));
-  };
-  // Is a given value a number?
-  _.isNumber = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj === 0 || (obj && obj.toExponential && obj.toFixed));
-  };
-  // Is the given value `NaN`? `NaN` happens to be the only value in JavaScript
-  // that does not equal itself.
-  _.isNaN = function(obj) {
-    return obj !== obj;
-  };
-  // Is a given value a boolean?
-  _.isBoolean = function(obj) {
-    return obj === true || obj === false;
-  };
-  // Is a given value a date?
-  _.isDate = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj && obj.getTimezoneOffset && obj.setUTCFullYear);
-  };
-  // Is the given value a regular expression?
-  _.isRegExp = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj && obj.test && obj.exec && (obj.ignoreCase || obj.ignoreCase === false));
-  };
-  // Is a given value equal to null?
-  _.isNull = function(obj) {
-    return obj === null;
-  };
-  // Is a given variable undefined?
-  _.isUndefined = function(obj) {
-    return obj === void 0;
-  };
-  // Utility Functions
-  // -----------------
-  // Run Underscore.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `_` variable to its
-  // previous owner. Returns a reference to the Underscore object.
-  _.noConflict = function() {
-    root._ = previousUnderscore;
-    return this;
-  };
-  // Keep the identity function around for default iterators.
-  _.identity = function(value) {
-    return value;
-  };
-  // Run a function **n** times.
-  _.times = function (n, iterator, context) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++), i);
-  };
-  // Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object, ensuring that
-  // they're correctly added to the OOP wrapper as well.
-  _.mixin = function(obj) {
-    each(_.functions(obj), function(name){
-      addToWrapper(name, _[name] = obj[name]);
-    });
-  };
-  // Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session).
-  // Useful for temporary DOM ids.
-  var idCounter = 0;
-  _.uniqueId = function(prefix) {
-    var id = idCounter++;
-    return prefix ? prefix + id : id;
-  };
-  // By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the
-  // following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
-  _.templateSettings = {
-    evaluate    : /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
-    interpolate : /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g
-  };
-  // JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
-  // Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace,
-  // and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
-  _.template = function(str, data) {
-    var c  = _.templateSettings;
-    var tmpl = 'var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};' +
-      'with(obj||{}){__p.push(\'' +
-      str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
-         .replace(/'/g, "\\'")
-         .replace(c.interpolate, function(match, code) {
-           return "'," + code.replace(/\\'/g, "'") + ",'";
-         })
-         .replace(c.evaluate || null, function(match, code) {
-           return "');" + code.replace(/\\'/g, "'")
-                              .replace(/[\r\n\t]/g, ' ') + "__p.push('";
-         })
-         .replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
-         .replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
-         .replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
-         + "');}return __p.join('');";
-    var func = new Function('obj', tmpl);
-    return data ? func(data) : func;
-  };
-  // The OOP Wrapper
-  // ---------------
-  // If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that
-  // can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the
-  // underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained.
-  var wrapper = function(obj) { this._wrapped = obj; };
-  // Expose `wrapper.prototype` as `_.prototype`
-  _.prototype = wrapper.prototype;
-  // Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results.
-  var result = function(obj, chain) {
-    return chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj;
-  };
-  // A method to easily add functions to the OOP wrapper.
-  var addToWrapper = function(name, func) {
-    wrapper.prototype[name] = function() {
-      var args =;
-, this._wrapped);
-      return result(func.apply(_, args), this._chain);
-    };
-  };
-  // Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object.
-  _.mixin(_);
-  // Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper.
-  each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(name) {
-    var method = ArrayProto[name];
-    wrapper.prototype[name] = function() {
-      method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments);
-      return result(this._wrapped, this._chain);
-    };
-  });
-  // Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper.
-  each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function(name) {
-    var method = ArrayProto[name];
-    wrapper.prototype[name] = function() {
-      return result(method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments), this._chain);
-    };
-  });
-  // Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object.
-  wrapper.prototype.chain = function() {
-    this._chain = true;
-    return this;
-  };
-  // Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object.
-  wrapper.prototype.value = function() {
-    return this._wrapped;
-  };
+    // Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object.
+    wrapper.prototype.chain = function () {
+        this._chain = true;
+        return this;
+    };
+    // Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object.
+    wrapper.prototype.value = function () {
+        return this._wrapped;
+    };
@@ -1349,245 +1360,245 @@
 (function () {
-  global = this,
-  previousFlotr = this.Flotr,
-  Flotr;
-Flotr = {
-  _: _,
-  bean: bean,
-  isIphone: /iphone/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
-  isIE: (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 ? parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]) : false),
-  /**
-   * An object of the registered graph types. Use Flotr.addType(type, object)
-   * to add your own type.
-   */
-  graphTypes: {},
-  /**
-   * The list of the registered plugins
-   */
-  plugins: {},
-  /**
-   * Can be used to add your own chart type. 
-   * @param {String} name - Type of chart, like 'pies', 'bars' etc.
-   * @param {String} graphType - The object containing the basic drawing functions (draw, etc)
-   */
-  addType: function(name, graphType){
-    Flotr.graphTypes[name] = graphType;
-    Flotr.defaultOptions[name] = graphType.options || {};
-    Flotr.defaultOptions.defaultType = Flotr.defaultOptions.defaultType || name;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Can be used to add a plugin
-   * @param {String} name - The name of the plugin
-   * @param {String} plugin - The object containing the plugin's data (callbacks, options, function1, function2, ...)
-   */
-  addPlugin: function(name, plugin){
-    Flotr.plugins[name] = plugin;
-    Flotr.defaultOptions[name] = plugin.options || {};
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws the graph. This function is here for backwards compatibility with Flotr version 0.1.0alpha.
-   * You could also draw graphs by directly calling Flotr.Graph(element, data, options).
-   * @param {Element} el - element to insert the graph into
-   * @param {Object} data - an array or object of dataseries
-   * @param {Object} options - an object containing options
-   * @param {Class} _GraphKlass_ - (optional) Class to pass the arguments to, defaults to Flotr.Graph
-   * @return {Object} returns a new graph object and of course draws the graph.
-   */
-  draw: function(el, data, options, GraphKlass){  
-    GraphKlass = GraphKlass || Flotr.Graph;
-    return new GraphKlass(el, data, options);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Recursively merges two objects.
-   * @param {Object} src - source object (likely the object with the least properties)
-   * @param {Object} dest - destination object (optional, object with the most properties)
-   * @return {Object} recursively merged Object
-   * @TODO See if we can't remove this.
-   */
-  merge: function(src, dest){
-    var i, v, result = dest || {};
-    for (i in src) {
-      v = src[i];
-      if (v && typeof(v) === 'object') {
-        if (v.constructor === Array) {
-          result[i] = this._.clone(v);
-        } else if (v.constructor !== RegExp && !this._.isElement(v)) {
-          result[i] = Flotr.merge(v, (dest ? dest[i] : undefined));
-        } else {
-          result[i] = v;
-        }
-      } else {
-        result[i] = v;
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Recursively clones an object.
-   * @param {Object} object - The object to clone
-   * @return {Object} the clone
-   * @TODO See if we can't remove this.
-   */
-  clone: function(object){
-    return Flotr.merge(object, {});
-  },
-  /**
-   * Function calculates the ticksize and returns it.
-   * @param {Integer} noTicks - number of ticks
-   * @param {Integer} min - lower bound integer value for the current axis
-   * @param {Integer} max - upper bound integer value for the current axis
-   * @param {Integer} decimals - number of decimals for the ticks
-   * @return {Integer} returns the ticksize in pixels
-   */
-  getTickSize: function(noTicks, min, max, decimals){
-    var delta = (max - min) / noTicks,
-        magn = Flotr.getMagnitude(delta),
-        tickSize = 10,
-        norm = delta / magn; // Norm is between 1.0 and 10.0.
-    if(norm < 1.5) tickSize = 1;
-    else if(norm < 2.25) tickSize = 2;
-    else if(norm < 3) tickSize = ((decimals === 0) ? 2 : 2.5);
-    else if(norm < 7.5) tickSize = 5;
-    return tickSize * magn;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Default tick formatter.
-   * @param {String, Integer} val - tick value integer
-   * @param {Object} axisOpts - the axis' options
-   * @return {String} formatted tick string
-   */
-  defaultTickFormatter: function(val, axisOpts){
-    return val+'';
-  },
-  /**
-   * Formats the mouse tracker values.
-   * @param {Object} obj - Track value Object {x:..,y:..}
-   * @return {String} Formatted track string
-   */
-  defaultTrackFormatter: function(obj){
-    return '('+obj.x+', '+obj.y+')';
-  }, 
-  /**
-   * Utility function to convert file size values in bytes to kB, MB, ...
-   * @param value {Number} - The value to convert
-   * @param precision {Number} - The number of digits after the comma (default: 2)
-   * @param base {Number} - The base (default: 1000)
-   */
-  engineeringNotation: function(value, precision, base){
-    var sizes =         ['Y','Z','E','P','T','G','M','k',''],
-        fractionSizes = ['y','z','a','f','p','n','µ','m',''],
-        total = sizes.length;
-    base = base || 1000;
-    precision = Math.pow(10, precision || 2);
-    if (value === 0) return 0;
-    if (value > 1) {
-      while (total-- && (value >= base)) value /= base;
-    }
-    else {
-      sizes = fractionSizes;
-      total = sizes.length;
-      while (total-- && (value < 1)) value *= base;
-    }
-    return (Math.round(value * precision) / precision) + sizes[total];
-  },
-  /**
-   * Returns the magnitude of the input value.
-   * @param {Integer, Float} x - integer or float value
-   * @return {Integer, Float} returns the magnitude of the input value
-   */
-  getMagnitude: function(x){
-    return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(x) / Math.LN10));
-  },
-  toPixel: function(val){
-    return Math.floor(val)+0.5;//((val-Math.round(val) < 0.4) ? (Math.floor(val)-0.5) : val);
-  },
-  toRad: function(angle){
-    return -angle * (Math.PI/180);
-  },
-  floorInBase: function(n, base) {
-    return base * Math.floor(n / base);
-  },
-  drawText: function(ctx, text, x, y, style) {
-    if (!ctx.fillText) {
-      ctx.drawText(text, x, y, style);
-      return;
-    }
-    style = this._.extend({
-      size: Flotr.defaultOptions.fontSize,
-      color: '#000000',
-      textAlign: 'left',
-      textBaseline: 'bottom',
-      weight: 1,
-      angle: 0
-    }, style);
-    ctx.translate(x, y);
-    ctx.rotate(style.angle);
-    ctx.fillStyle = style.color;
-    ctx.font = (style.weight > 1 ? "bold " : "") + (style.size*1.3) + "px sans-serif";
-    ctx.textAlign = style.textAlign;
-    ctx.textBaseline = style.textBaseline;
-    ctx.fillText(text, 0, 0);
-    ctx.restore();
-  },
-  getBestTextAlign: function(angle, style) {
-    style = style || {textAlign: 'center', textBaseline: 'middle'};
-    angle += Flotr.getTextAngleFromAlign(style);
-    if (Math.abs(Math.cos(angle)) > 10e-3) 
-      style.textAlign    = (Math.cos(angle) > 0 ? 'right' : 'left');
-    if (Math.abs(Math.sin(angle)) > 10e-3) 
-      style.textBaseline = (Math.sin(angle) > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom');
-    return style;
-  },
-  alignTable: {
-    'right middle' : 0,
-    'right top'    : Math.PI/4,
-    'center top'   : Math.PI/2,
-    'left top'     : 3*(Math.PI/4),
-    'left middle'  : Math.PI,
-    'left bottom'  : -3*(Math.PI/4),
-    'center bottom': -Math.PI/2,
-    'right bottom' : -Math.PI/4,
-    'center middle': 0
-  },
-  getTextAngleFromAlign: function(style) {
-    return Flotr.alignTable[style.textAlign+' '+style.textBaseline] || 0;
-  },
-  noConflict : function () {
-    global.Flotr = previousFlotr;
-    return this;
-  }
-global.Flotr = Flotr;
+    var
+        global = this,
+        previousFlotr = this.Flotr,
+        Flotr;
+    Flotr = {
+        _: _,
+        bean: bean,
+        isIphone: /iphone/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
+        isIE: (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 ? parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]) : false),
+        /**
+         * An object of the registered graph types. Use Flotr.addType(type, object)
+         * to add your own type.
+         */
+        graphTypes: {},
+        /**
+         * The list of the registered plugins
+         */
+        plugins: {},
+        /**
+         * Can be used to add your own chart type.
+         * @param {String} name - Type of chart, like 'pies', 'bars' etc.
+         * @param {String} graphType - The object containing the basic drawing functions (draw, etc)
+         */
+        addType: function (name, graphType) {
+            Flotr.graphTypes[name] = graphType;
+            Flotr.defaultOptions[name] = graphType.options || {};
+            Flotr.defaultOptions.defaultType = Flotr.defaultOptions.defaultType || name;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Can be used to add a plugin
+         * @param {String} name - The name of the plugin
+         * @param {String} plugin - The object containing the plugin's data (callbacks, options, function1, function2, ...)
+         */
+        addPlugin: function (name, plugin) {
+            Flotr.plugins[name] = plugin;
+            Flotr.defaultOptions[name] = plugin.options || {};
+        },
+        /**
+         * Draws the graph. This function is here for backwards compatibility with Flotr version 0.1.0alpha.
+         * You could also draw graphs by directly calling Flotr.Graph(element, data, options).
+         * @param {Element} el - element to insert the graph into
+         * @param {Object} data - an array or object of dataseries
+         * @param {Object} options - an object containing options
+         * @param {Class} _GraphKlass_ - (optional) Class to pass the arguments to, defaults to Flotr.Graph
+         * @return {Object} returns a new graph object and of course draws the graph.
+         */
+        draw: function (el, data, options, GraphKlass) {
+            GraphKlass = GraphKlass || Flotr.Graph;
+            return new GraphKlass(el, data, options);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Recursively merges two objects.
+         * @param {Object} src - source object (likely the object with the least properties)
+         * @param {Object} dest - destination object (optional, object with the most properties)
+         * @return {Object} recursively merged Object
+         * @TODO See if we can't remove this.
+         */
+        merge: function (src, dest) {
+            var i, v, result = dest || {};
+            for (i in src) {
+                v = src[i];
+                if (v && typeof(v) === 'object') {
+                    if (v.constructor === Array) {
+                        result[i] = this._.clone(v);
+                    } else if (v.constructor !== RegExp && !this._.isElement(v)) {
+                        result[i] = Flotr.merge(v, (dest ? dest[i] : undefined));
+                    } else {
+                        result[i] = v;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    result[i] = v;
+                }
+            }
+            return result;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Recursively clones an object.
+         * @param {Object} object - The object to clone
+         * @return {Object} the clone
+         * @TODO See if we can't remove this.
+         */
+        clone: function (object) {
+            return Flotr.merge(object, {});
+        },
+        /**
+         * Function calculates the ticksize and returns it.
+         * @param {Integer} noTicks - number of ticks
+         * @param {Integer} min - lower bound integer value for the current axis
+         * @param {Integer} max - upper bound integer value for the current axis
+         * @param {Integer} decimals - number of decimals for the ticks
+         * @return {Integer} returns the ticksize in pixels
+         */
+        getTickSize: function (noTicks, min, max, decimals) {
+            var delta = (max - min) / noTicks,
+                magn = Flotr.getMagnitude(delta),
+                tickSize = 10,
+                norm = delta / magn; // Norm is between 1.0 and 10.0.
+            if (norm < 1.5) tickSize = 1;
+            else if (norm < 2.25) tickSize = 2;
+            else if (norm < 3) tickSize = ((decimals === 0) ? 2 : 2.5);
+            else if (norm < 7.5) tickSize = 5;
+            return tickSize * magn;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Default tick formatter.
+         * @param {String, Integer} val - tick value integer
+         * @param {Object} axisOpts - the axis' options
+         * @return {String} formatted tick string
+         */
+        defaultTickFormatter: function (val, axisOpts) {
+            return val + '';
+        },
+        /**
+         * Formats the mouse tracker values.
+         * @param {Object} obj - Track value Object {x:..,y:..}
+         * @return {String} Formatted track string
+         */
+        defaultTrackFormatter: function (obj) {
+            return '(' + obj.x + ', ' + obj.y + ')';
+        },
+        /**
+         * Utility function to convert file size values in bytes to kB, MB, ...
+         * @param value {Number} - The value to convert
+         * @param precision {Number} - The number of digits after the comma (default: 2)
+         * @param base {Number} - The base (default: 1000)
+         */
+        engineeringNotation: function (value, precision, base) {
+            var sizes = ['Y', 'Z', 'E', 'P', 'T', 'G', 'M', 'k', ''],
+                fractionSizes = ['y', 'z', 'a', 'f', 'p', 'n', 'µ', 'm', ''],
+                total = sizes.length;
+            base = base || 1000;
+            precision = Math.pow(10, precision || 2);
+            if (value === 0) return 0;
+            if (value > 1) {
+                while (total-- && (value >= base)) value /= base;
+            }
+            else {
+                sizes = fractionSizes;
+                total = sizes.length;
+                while (total-- && (value < 1)) value *= base;
+            }
+            return (Math.round(value * precision) / precision) + sizes[total];
+        },
+        /**
+         * Returns the magnitude of the input value.
+         * @param {Integer, Float} x - integer or float value
+         * @return {Integer, Float} returns the magnitude of the input value
+         */
+        getMagnitude: function (x) {
+            return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(x) / Math.LN10));
+        },
+        toPixel: function (val) {
+            return Math.floor(val) + 0.5;//((val-Math.round(val) < 0.4) ? (Math.floor(val)-0.5) : val);
+        },
+        toRad: function (angle) {
+            return -angle * (Math.PI / 180);
+        },
+        floorInBase: function (n, base) {
+            return base * Math.floor(n / base);
+        },
+        drawText: function (ctx, text, x, y, style) {
+            if (!ctx.fillText) {
+                ctx.drawText(text, x, y, style);
+                return;
+            }
+            style = this._.extend({
+                size: Flotr.defaultOptions.fontSize,
+                color: '#000000',
+                textAlign: 'left',
+                textBaseline: 'bottom',
+                weight: 1,
+                angle: 0
+            }, style);
+  ;
+            ctx.translate(x, y);
+            ctx.rotate(style.angle);
+            ctx.fillStyle = style.color;
+            ctx.font = (style.weight > 1 ? "bold " : "") + (style.size * 1.3) + "px sans-serif";
+            ctx.textAlign = style.textAlign;
+            ctx.textBaseline = style.textBaseline;
+            ctx.fillText(text, 0, 0);
+            ctx.restore();
+        },
+        getBestTextAlign: function (angle, style) {
+            style = style || {textAlign: 'center', textBaseline: 'middle'};
+            angle += Flotr.getTextAngleFromAlign(style);
+            if (Math.abs(Math.cos(angle)) > 10e-3)
+                style.textAlign = (Math.cos(angle) > 0 ? 'right' : 'left');
+            if (Math.abs(Math.sin(angle)) > 10e-3)
+                style.textBaseline = (Math.sin(angle) > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom');
+            return style;
+        },
+        alignTable: {
+            'right middle': 0,
+            'right top': Math.PI / 4,
+            'center top': Math.PI / 2,
+            'left top': 3 * (Math.PI / 4),
+            'left middle': Math.PI,
+            'left bottom': -3 * (Math.PI / 4),
+            'center bottom': -Math.PI / 2,
+            'right bottom': -Math.PI / 4,
+            'center middle': 0
+        },
+        getTextAngleFromAlign: function (style) {
+            return Flotr.alignTable[style.textAlign + ' ' + style.textBaseline] || 0;
+        },
+        noConflict: function () {
+            global.Flotr = previousFlotr;
+            return this;
+        }
+    };
+    global.Flotr = Flotr;
@@ -1595,99 +1606,99 @@
  * Flotr Defaults
 Flotr.defaultOptions = {
-  colors: ['#00A8F0', '#C0D800', '#CB4B4B', '#4DA74D', '#9440ED'], //=> The default colorscheme. When there are > 5 series, additional colors are generated.
-  ieBackgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', // Background color for excanvas clipping
-  title: null,             // => The graph's title
-  subtitle: null,          // => The graph's subtitle
-  shadowSize: 4,           // => size of the 'fake' shadow
-  defaultType: null,       // => default series type
-  HtmlText: true,          // => wether to draw the text using HTML or on the canvas
-  fontColor: '#545454',    // => default font color
-  fontSize: 7.5,           // => canvas' text font size
-  resolution: 1,           // => resolution of the graph, to have printer-friendly graphs !
-  parseFloat: true,        // => whether to preprocess data for floats (ie. if input is string)
-  xaxis: {
-    ticks: null,           // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
-    minorTicks: null,      // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
-    showLabels: true,      // => setting to true will show the axis ticks labels, hide otherwise
-    showMinorLabels: false,// => true to show the axis minor ticks labels, false to hide
-    labelsAngle: 0,        // => labels' angle, in degrees
-    title: null,           // => axis title
-    titleAngle: 0,         // => axis title's angle, in degrees
-    noTicks: 5,            // => number of ticks for automagically generated ticks
-    minorTickFreq: null,   // => number of minor ticks between major ticks for autogenerated ticks
-    tickFormatter: Flotr.defaultTickFormatter, // => fn: number, Object -> string
-    tickDecimals: null,    // => no. of decimals, null means auto
-    min: null,             // => min. value to show, null means set automatically
-    max: null,             // => max. value to show, null means set automatically
-    autoscale: false,      // => Turns autoscaling on with true
-    autoscaleMargin: 0,    // => margin in % to add if auto-setting min/max
-    color: null,           // => color of the ticks
-    mode: 'normal',        // => can be 'time' or 'normal'
-    timeFormat: null,
-    timeMode:'UTC',        // => For UTC time ('local' for local time).
-    timeUnit:'millisecond',// => Unit for time (millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, year)
-    scaling: 'linear',     // => Scaling, can be 'linear' or 'logarithmic'
-    base: Math.E,
-    titleAlign: 'center',
-    margin: true           // => Turn off margins with false
-  },
-  x2axis: {},
-  yaxis: {
-    ticks: null,           // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
-    minorTicks: null,      // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
-    showLabels: true,      // => setting to true will show the axis ticks labels, hide otherwise
-    showMinorLabels: false,// => true to show the axis minor ticks labels, false to hide
-    labelsAngle: 0,        // => labels' angle, in degrees
-    title: null,           // => axis title
-    titleAngle: 90,        // => axis title's angle, in degrees
-    noTicks: 5,            // => number of ticks for automagically generated ticks
-    minorTickFreq: null,   // => number of minor ticks between major ticks for autogenerated ticks
-    tickFormatter: Flotr.defaultTickFormatter, // => fn: number, Object -> string
-    tickDecimals: null,    // => no. of decimals, null means auto
-    min: null,             // => min. value to show, null means set automatically
-    max: null,             // => max. value to show, null means set automatically
-    autoscale: false,      // => Turns autoscaling on with true
-    autoscaleMargin: 0,    // => margin in % to add if auto-setting min/max
-    color: null,           // => The color of the ticks
-    scaling: 'linear',     // => Scaling, can be 'linear' or 'logarithmic'
-    base: Math.E,
-    titleAlign: 'center',
-    margin: true           // => Turn off margins with false
-  },
-  y2axis: {
-    titleAngle: 270
-  },
-  grid: {
-    color: '#545454',      // => primary color used for outline and labels
-    backgroundColor: null, // => null for transparent, else color
-    backgroundImage: null, // => background image. String or object with src, left and top
-    watermarkAlpha: 0.4,   // => 
-    tickColor: '#DDDDDD',  // => color used for the ticks
-    labelMargin: 3,        // => margin in pixels
-    verticalLines: true,   // => whether to show gridlines in vertical direction
-    minorVerticalLines: null, // => whether to show gridlines for minor ticks in vertical dir.
-    horizontalLines: true, // => whether to show gridlines in horizontal direction
-    minorHorizontalLines: null, // => whether to show gridlines for minor ticks in horizontal dir.
-    outlineWidth: 1,       // => width of the grid outline/border in pixels
-    outline : 'nsew',      // => walls of the outline to display
-    circular: false        // => if set to true, the grid will be circular, must be used when radars are drawn
-  },
-  mouse: {
-    track: false,          // => true to track the mouse, no tracking otherwise
-    trackAll: false,
-    position: 'se',        // => position of the value box (default south-east)
-    relative: false,       // => next to the mouse cursor
-    trackFormatter: Flotr.defaultTrackFormatter, // => formats the values in the value box
-    margin: 5,             // => margin in pixels of the valuebox
-    lineColor: '#FF3F19',  // => line color of points that are drawn when mouse comes near a value of a series
-    trackDecimals: 1,      // => decimals for the track values
-    sensibility: 2,        // => the lower this number, the more precise you have to aim to show a value
-    trackY: true,          // => whether or not to track the mouse in the y axis
-    radius: 3,             // => radius of the track point
-    fillColor: null,       // => color to fill our select bar with only applies to bar and similar graphs (only bars for now)
-    fillOpacity: 0.4       // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill 
-  }
+    colors: ['#00A8F0', '#C0D800', '#CB4B4B', '#4DA74D', '#9440ED'], //=> The default colorscheme. When there are > 5 series, additional colors are generated.
+    ieBackgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', // Background color for excanvas clipping
+    title: null,             // => The graph's title
+    subtitle: null,          // => The graph's subtitle
+    shadowSize: 4,           // => size of the 'fake' shadow
+    defaultType: null,       // => default series type
+    HtmlText: true,          // => wether to draw the text using HTML or on the canvas
+    fontColor: '#545454',    // => default font color
+    fontSize: 7.5,           // => canvas' text font size
+    resolution: 1,           // => resolution of the graph, to have printer-friendly graphs !
+    parseFloat: true,        // => whether to preprocess data for floats (ie. if input is string)
+    xaxis: {
+        ticks: null,           // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
+        minorTicks: null,      // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
+        showLabels: true,      // => setting to true will show the axis ticks labels, hide otherwise
+        showMinorLabels: false,// => true to show the axis minor ticks labels, false to hide
+        labelsAngle: 0,        // => labels' angle, in degrees
+        title: null,           // => axis title
+        titleAngle: 0,         // => axis title's angle, in degrees
+        noTicks: 5,            // => number of ticks for automagically generated ticks
+        minorTickFreq: null,   // => number of minor ticks between major ticks for autogenerated ticks
+        tickFormatter: Flotr.defaultTickFormatter, // => fn: number, Object -> string
+        tickDecimals: null,    // => no. of decimals, null means auto
+        min: null,             // => min. value to show, null means set automatically
+        max: null,             // => max. value to show, null means set automatically
+        autoscale: false,      // => Turns autoscaling on with true
+        autoscaleMargin: 0,    // => margin in % to add if auto-setting min/max
+        color: null,           // => color of the ticks
+        mode: 'normal',        // => can be 'time' or 'normal'
+        timeFormat: null,
+        timeMode: 'UTC',        // => For UTC time ('local' for local time).
+        timeUnit: 'millisecond',// => Unit for time (millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, year)
+        scaling: 'linear',     // => Scaling, can be 'linear' or 'logarithmic'
+        base: Math.E,
+        titleAlign: 'center',
+        margin: true           // => Turn off margins with false
+    },
+    x2axis: {},
+    yaxis: {
+        ticks: null,           // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
+        minorTicks: null,      // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
+        showLabels: true,      // => setting to true will show the axis ticks labels, hide otherwise
+        showMinorLabels: false,// => true to show the axis minor ticks labels, false to hide
+        labelsAngle: 0,        // => labels' angle, in degrees
+        title: null,           // => axis title
+        titleAngle: 90,        // => axis title's angle, in degrees
+        noTicks: 5,            // => number of ticks for automagically generated ticks
+        minorTickFreq: null,   // => number of minor ticks between major ticks for autogenerated ticks
+        tickFormatter: Flotr.defaultTickFormatter, // => fn: number, Object -> string
+        tickDecimals: null,    // => no. of decimals, null means auto
+        min: null,             // => min. value to show, null means set automatically
+        max: null,             // => max. value to show, null means set automatically
+        autoscale: false,      // => Turns autoscaling on with true
+        autoscaleMargin: 0,    // => margin in % to add if auto-setting min/max
+        color: null,           // => The color of the ticks
+        scaling: 'linear',     // => Scaling, can be 'linear' or 'logarithmic'
+        base: Math.E,
+        titleAlign: 'center',
+        margin: true           // => Turn off margins with false
+    },
+    y2axis: {
+        titleAngle: 270
+    },
+    grid: {
+        color: '#545454',      // => primary color used for outline and labels
+        backgroundColor: null, // => null for transparent, else color
+        backgroundImage: null, // => background image. String or object with src, left and top
+        watermarkAlpha: 0.4,   // => 
+        tickColor: '#DDDDDD',  // => color used for the ticks
+        labelMargin: 3,        // => margin in pixels
+        verticalLines: true,   // => whether to show gridlines in vertical direction
+        minorVerticalLines: null, // => whether to show gridlines for minor ticks in vertical dir.
+        horizontalLines: true, // => whether to show gridlines in horizontal direction
+        minorHorizontalLines: null, // => whether to show gridlines for minor ticks in horizontal dir.
+        outlineWidth: 1,       // => width of the grid outline/border in pixels
+        outline: 'nsew',      // => walls of the outline to display
+        circular: false        // => if set to true, the grid will be circular, must be used when radars are drawn
+    },
+    mouse: {
+        track: false,          // => true to track the mouse, no tracking otherwise
+        trackAll: false,
+        position: 'se',        // => position of the value box (default south-east)
+        relative: false,       // => next to the mouse cursor
+        trackFormatter: Flotr.defaultTrackFormatter, // => formats the values in the value box
+        margin: 5,             // => margin in pixels of the valuebox
+        lineColor: '#FF3F19',  // => line color of points that are drawn when mouse comes near a value of a series
+        trackDecimals: 1,      // => decimals for the track values
+        sensibility: 2,        // => the lower this number, the more precise you have to aim to show a value
+        trackY: true,          // => whether or not to track the mouse in the y axis
+        radius: 3,             // => radius of the track point
+        fillColor: null,       // => color to fill our select bar with only applies to bar and similar graphs (only bars for now)
+        fillOpacity: 0.4       // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill 
+    }
@@ -1696,161 +1707,161 @@
 (function () {
-  _ = Flotr._;
+    var
+        _ = Flotr._;
 // Constructor
-function Color (r, g, b, a) {
-  this.rgba = ['r','g','b','a'];
-  var x = 4;
-  while(-1<--x){
-    this[this.rgba[x]] = arguments[x] || ((x==3) ? 1.0 : 0);
-  }
-  this.normalize();
+    function Color(r, g, b, a) {
+        this.rgba = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'a'];
+        var x = 4;
+        while (-1 < --x) {
+            this[this.rgba[x]] = arguments[x] || ((x == 3) ? 1.0 : 0);
+        }
+        this.normalize();
+    }
 // Constants
-var COLOR_NAMES = {
-  aqua:[0,255,255],azure:[240,255,255],beige:[245,245,220],black:[0,0,0],blue:[0,0,255],
-  brown:[165,42,42],cyan:[0,255,255],darkblue:[0,0,139],darkcyan:[0,139,139],darkgrey:[169,169,169],
-  darkgreen:[0,100,0],darkkhaki:[189,183,107],darkmagenta:[139,0,139],darkolivegreen:[85,107,47],
-  darkorange:[255,140,0],darkorchid:[153,50,204],darkred:[139,0,0],darksalmon:[233,150,122],
-  darkviolet:[148,0,211],fuchsia:[255,0,255],gold:[255,215,0],green:[0,128,0],indigo:[75,0,130],
-  khaki:[240,230,140],lightblue:[173,216,230],lightcyan:[224,255,255],lightgreen:[144,238,144],
-  lightgrey:[211,211,211],lightpink:[255,182,193],lightyellow:[255,255,224],lime:[0,255,0],magenta:[255,0,255],
-  maroon:[128,0,0],navy:[0,0,128],olive:[128,128,0],orange:[255,165,0],pink:[255,192,203],purple:[128,0,128],
-  violet:[128,0,128],red:[255,0,0],silver:[192,192,192],white:[255,255,255],yellow:[255,255,0]
-Color.prototype = {
-  scale: function(rf, gf, bf, af){
-    var x = 4;
-    while (-1 < --x) {
-      if (!_.isUndefined(arguments[x])) this[this.rgba[x]] *= arguments[x];
-    }
-    return this.normalize();
-  },
-  alpha: function(alpha) {
-    if (!_.isUndefined(alpha) && !_.isNull(alpha)) {
-      this.a = alpha;
-    }
-    return this.normalize();
-  },
-  clone: function(){
-    return new Color(this.r, this.b, this.g, this.a);
-  },
-  limit: function(val,minVal,maxVal){
-    return Math.max(Math.min(val, maxVal), minVal);
-  },
-  normalize: function(){
-    var limit = this.limit;
-    this.r = limit(parseInt(this.r, 10), 0, 255);
-    this.g = limit(parseInt(this.g, 10), 0, 255);
-    this.b = limit(parseInt(this.b, 10), 0, 255);
-    this.a = limit(this.a, 0, 1);
-    return this;
-  },
-  distance: function(color){
-    if (!color) return;
-    color = new Color.parse(color);
-    var dist = 0, x = 3;
-    while(-1<--x){
-      dist += Math.abs(this[this.rgba[x]] - color[this.rgba[x]]);
-    }
-    return dist;
-  },
-  toString: function(){
-    return (this.a >= 1.0) ? 'rgb('+[this.r,this.g,this.b].join(',')+')' : 'rgba('+[this.r,this.g,this.b,this.a].join(',')+')';
-  },
-  contrast: function () {
-    var
-      test = 1 - ( 0.299 * this.r + 0.587 * this.g + 0.114 * this.b) / 255;
-    return (test < 0.5 ? '#000000' : '#ffffff');
-  }
-_.extend(Color, {
-  /**
-   * Parses a color string and returns a corresponding Color.
-   * The different tests are in order of probability to improve speed.
-   * @param {String, Color} str - string thats representing a color
-   * @return {Color} returns a Color object or false
-   */
-  parse: function(color){
-    if (color instanceof Color) return color;
-    var result;
-    // #a0b1c2
-    if((result = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 16), parseInt(result[2], 16), parseInt(result[3], 16));
-    // rgb(num,num,num)
-    if((result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 10), parseInt(result[2], 10), parseInt(result[3], 10));
-    // #fff
-    if((result = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseInt(result[1]+result[1],16), parseInt(result[2]+result[2],16), parseInt(result[3]+result[3],16));
-    // rgba(num,num,num,num)
-    if((result = /rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 10), parseInt(result[2], 10), parseInt(result[3], 10), parseFloat(result[4]));
-    // rgb(num%,num%,num%)
-    if((result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseFloat(result[1])*2.55, parseFloat(result[2])*2.55, parseFloat(result[3])*2.55);
-    // rgba(num%,num%,num%,num)
-    if((result = /rgba\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseFloat(result[1])*2.55, parseFloat(result[2])*2.55, parseFloat(result[3])*2.55, parseFloat(result[4]));
-    // Otherwise, we're most likely dealing with a named color.
-    var name = (color+'').replace(/^\s*([\S\s]*?)\s*$/, '$1').toLowerCase();
-    if(name == 'transparent'){
-      return new Color(255, 255, 255, 0);
-    }
-    return (result = COLOR_NAMES[name]) ? new Color(result[0], result[1], result[2]) : new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Process color and options into color style.
-   */
-  processColor: function(color, options) {
-    var opacity = options.opacity;
-    if (!color) return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
-    if (color instanceof Color) return color.alpha(opacity).toString();
-    if (_.isString(color)) return Color.parse(color).alpha(opacity).toString();
-    var grad = color.colors ? color : {colors: color};
-    if (!options.ctx) {
-      if (!_.isArray(grad.colors)) return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
-      return Color.parse(_.isArray(grad.colors[0]) ? grad.colors[0][1] : grad.colors[0]).alpha(opacity).toString();
-    }
-    grad = _.extend({start: 'top', end: 'bottom'}, grad); 
-    if (/top/i.test(grad.start))  options.x1 = 0;
-    if (/left/i.test(grad.start)) options.y1 = 0;
-    if (/bottom/i.test(grad.end)) options.x2 = 0;
-    if (/right/i.test(grad.end))  options.y2 = 0;
-    var i, c, stop, gradient = options.ctx.createLinearGradient(options.x1, options.y1, options.x2, options.y2);
-    for (i = 0; i < grad.colors.length; i++) {
-      c = grad.colors[i];
-      if (_.isArray(c)) {
-        stop = c[0];
-        c = c[1];
-      }
-      else stop = i / (grad.colors.length-1);
-      gradient.addColorStop(stop, Color.parse(c).alpha(opacity));
-    }
-    return gradient;
-  }
-Flotr.Color = Color;
+    var COLOR_NAMES = {
+        aqua: [0, 255, 255], azure: [240, 255, 255], beige: [245, 245, 220], black: [0, 0, 0], blue: [0, 0, 255],
+        brown: [165, 42, 42], cyan: [0, 255, 255], darkblue: [0, 0, 139], darkcyan: [0, 139, 139], darkgrey: [169, 169, 169],
+        darkgreen: [0, 100, 0], darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107], darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139], darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47],
+        darkorange: [255, 140, 0], darkorchid: [153, 50, 204], darkred: [139, 0, 0], darksalmon: [233, 150, 122],
+        darkviolet: [148, 0, 211], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], gold: [255, 215, 0], green: [0, 128, 0], indigo: [75, 0, 130],
+        khaki: [240, 230, 140], lightblue: [173, 216, 230], lightcyan: [224, 255, 255], lightgreen: [144, 238, 144],
+        lightgrey: [211, 211, 211], lightpink: [255, 182, 193], lightyellow: [255, 255, 224], lime: [0, 255, 0], magenta: [255, 0, 255],
+        maroon: [128, 0, 0], navy: [0, 0, 128], olive: [128, 128, 0], orange: [255, 165, 0], pink: [255, 192, 203], purple: [128, 0, 128],
+        violet: [128, 0, 128], red: [255, 0, 0], silver: [192, 192, 192], white: [255, 255, 255], yellow: [255, 255, 0]
+    };
+    Color.prototype = {
+        scale: function (rf, gf, bf, af) {
+            var x = 4;
+            while (-1 < --x) {
+                if (!_.isUndefined(arguments[x])) this[this.rgba[x]] *= arguments[x];
+            }
+            return this.normalize();
+        },
+        alpha: function (alpha) {
+            if (!_.isUndefined(alpha) && !_.isNull(alpha)) {
+                this.a = alpha;
+            }
+            return this.normalize();
+        },
+        clone: function () {
+            return new Color(this.r, this.b, this.g, this.a);
+        },
+        limit: function (val, minVal, maxVal) {
+            return Math.max(Math.min(val, maxVal), minVal);
+        },
+        normalize: function () {
+            var limit = this.limit;
+            this.r = limit(parseInt(this.r, 10), 0, 255);
+            this.g = limit(parseInt(this.g, 10), 0, 255);
+            this.b = limit(parseInt(this.b, 10), 0, 255);
+            this.a = limit(this.a, 0, 1);
+            return this;
+        },
+        distance: function (color) {
+            if (!color) return;
+            color = new Color.parse(color);
+            var dist = 0, x = 3;
+            while (-1 < --x) {
+                dist += Math.abs(this[this.rgba[x]] - color[this.rgba[x]]);
+            }
+            return dist;
+        },
+        toString: function () {
+            return (this.a >= 1.0) ? 'rgb(' + [this.r, this.g, this.b].join(',') + ')' : 'rgba(' + [this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a].join(',') + ')';
+        },
+        contrast: function () {
+            var
+                test = 1 - ( 0.299 * this.r + 0.587 * this.g + 0.114 * this.b) / 255;
+            return (test < 0.5 ? '#000000' : '#ffffff');
+        }
+    };
+    _.extend(Color, {
+        /**
+         * Parses a color string and returns a corresponding Color.
+         * The different tests are in order of probability to improve speed.
+         * @param {String, Color} str - string thats representing a color
+         * @return {Color} returns a Color object or false
+         */
+        parse: function (color) {
+            if (color instanceof Color) return color;
+            var result;
+            // #a0b1c2
+            if ((result = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 16), parseInt(result[2], 16), parseInt(result[3], 16));
+            // rgb(num,num,num)
+            if ((result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 10), parseInt(result[2], 10), parseInt(result[3], 10));
+            // #fff
+            if ((result = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseInt(result[1] + result[1], 16), parseInt(result[2] + result[2], 16), parseInt(result[3] + result[3], 16));
+            // rgba(num,num,num,num)
+            if ((result = /rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 10), parseInt(result[2], 10), parseInt(result[3], 10), parseFloat(result[4]));
+            // rgb(num%,num%,num%)
+            if ((result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseFloat(result[1]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[2]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[3]) * 2.55);
+            // rgba(num%,num%,num%,num)
+            if ((result = /rgba\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseFloat(result[1]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[2]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[3]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[4]));
+            // Otherwise, we're most likely dealing with a named color.
+            var name = (color + '').replace(/^\s*([\S\s]*?)\s*$/, '$1').toLowerCase();
+            if (name == 'transparent') {
+                return new Color(255, 255, 255, 0);
+            }
+            return (result = COLOR_NAMES[name]) ? new Color(result[0], result[1], result[2]) : new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Process color and options into color style.
+         */
+        processColor: function (color, options) {
+            var opacity = options.opacity;
+            if (!color) return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
+            if (color instanceof Color) return color.alpha(opacity).toString();
+            if (_.isString(color)) return Color.parse(color).alpha(opacity).toString();
+            var grad = color.colors ? color : {colors: color};
+            if (!options.ctx) {
+                if (!_.isArray(grad.colors)) return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
+                return Color.parse(_.isArray(grad.colors[0]) ? grad.colors[0][1] : grad.colors[0]).alpha(opacity).toString();
+            }
+            grad = _.extend({start: 'top', end: 'bottom'}, grad);
+            if (/top/i.test(grad.start))  options.x1 = 0;
+            if (/left/i.test(grad.start)) options.y1 = 0;
+            if (/bottom/i.test(grad.end)) options.x2 = 0;
+            if (/right/i.test(grad.end))  options.y2 = 0;
+            var i, c, stop, gradient = options.ctx.createLinearGradient(options.x1, options.y1, options.x2, options.y2);
+            for (i = 0; i < grad.colors.length; i++) {
+                c = grad.colors[i];
+                if (_.isArray(c)) {
+                    stop = c[0];
+                    c = c[1];
+                }
+                else stop = i / (grad.colors.length - 1);
+                gradient.addColorStop(stop, Color.parse(c).alpha(opacity));
+            }
+            return gradient;
+        }
+    });
+    Flotr.Color = Color;
@@ -1859,295 +1870,332 @@
 Flotr.Date = {
-  set : function (date, name, mode, value) {
-    mode = mode || 'UTC';
-    name = 'set' + (mode === 'UTC' ? 'UTC' : '') + name;
-    date[name](value);
-  },
-  get : function (date, name, mode) {
-    mode = mode || 'UTC';
-    name = 'get' + (mode === 'UTC' ? 'UTC' : '') + name;
-    return date[name]();
-  },
-  format: function(d, format, mode) {
-    if (!d) return;
-    // We should maybe use an "official" date format spec, like PHP date() or ColdFusion 
-    //
-    //
-    var
-      get = this.get,
-      tokens = {
-        h: get(d, 'Hours', mode).toString(),
-        H: leftPad(get(d, 'Hours', mode)),
-        M: leftPad(get(d, 'Minutes', mode)),
-        S: leftPad(get(d, 'Seconds', mode)),
-        s: get(d, 'Milliseconds', mode),
-        d: get(d, 'Date', mode).toString(),
-        m: (get(d, 'Month') + 1).toString(),
-        y: get(d, 'FullYear').toString(),
-        b: Flotr.Date.monthNames[get(d, 'Month', mode)]
-      };
-    function leftPad(n){
-      n += '';
-      return n.length == 1 ? "0" + n : n;
-    }
-    var r = [], c,
-        escape = false;
-    for (var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i) {
-      c = format.charAt(i);
-      if (escape) {
-        r.push(tokens[c] || c);
-        escape = false;
-      }
-      else if (c == "%")
-        escape = true;
-      else
-        r.push(c);
-    }
-    return r.join('');
-  },
-  getFormat: function(time, span) {
-    var tu = Flotr.Date.timeUnits;
-         if (time < tu.second) return "%h:%M:%S.%s";
-    else if (time < tu.minute) return "%h:%M:%S";
-    else if (time <    return (span < 2 * ? "%h:%M" : "%b %d %h:%M";
-    else if (time < tu.month)  return "%b %d";
-    else if (time < tu.year)   return (span < tu.year) ? "%b" : "%b %y";
-    else                       return "%y";
-  },
-  formatter: function (v, axis) {
-    var
-      options = axis.options,
-      scale = Flotr.Date.timeUnits[options.timeUnit],
-      d = new Date(v * scale);
-    // first check global format
-    if (axis.options.timeFormat)
-      return Flotr.Date.format(d, options.timeFormat, options.timeMode);
-    var span = (axis.max - axis.min) * scale,
-        t = axis.tickSize * Flotr.Date.timeUnits[axis.tickUnit];
-    return Flotr.Date.format(d, Flotr.Date.getFormat(t, span), options.timeMode);
-  },
-  generator: function(axis) {
-     var
-      set       = this.set,
-      get       = this.get,
-      timeUnits = this.timeUnits,
-      spec      = this.spec,
-      options   = axis.options,
-      mode      = options.timeMode,
-      scale     = timeUnits[options.timeUnit],
-      min       = axis.min * scale,
-      max       = axis.max * scale,
-      delta     = (max - min) / options.noTicks,
-      ticks     = [],
-      tickSize  = axis.tickSize,
-      tickUnit,
-      formatter, i;
-    // Use custom formatter or time tick formatter
-    formatter = (options.tickFormatter === Flotr.defaultTickFormatter ?
-      this.formatter : options.tickFormatter
-    );
-    for (i = 0; i < spec.length - 1; ++i) {
-      var d = spec[i][0] * timeUnits[spec[i][1]];
-      if (delta < (d + spec[i+1][0] * timeUnits[spec[i+1][1]]) / 2 && d >= tickSize)
-        break;
-    }
-    tickSize = spec[i][0];
-    tickUnit = spec[i][1];
-    // special-case the possibility of several years
-    if (tickUnit == "year") {
-      tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(options.noTicks*timeUnits.year, min, max, 0);
-      // Fix for 0.5 year case
-      if (tickSize == 0.5) {
-        tickUnit = "month";
-        tickSize = 6;
-      }
-    }
-    axis.tickUnit = tickUnit;
-    axis.tickSize = tickSize;
-    var
-      d = new Date(min);
-    var step = tickSize * timeUnits[tickUnit];
-    function setTick (name) {
-      set(d, name, mode, Flotr.floorInBase(
-        get(d, name, mode), tickSize
-      ));
-    }
-    switch (tickUnit) {
-      case "millisecond": setTick('Milliseconds'); break;
-      case "second": setTick('Seconds'); break;
-      case "minute": setTick('Minutes'); break;
-      case "hour": setTick('Hours'); break;
-      case "month": setTick('Month'); break;
-      case "year": setTick('FullYear'); break;
-    }
-    // reset smaller components
-    if (step >= timeUnits.second)  set(d, 'Milliseconds', mode, 0);
-    if (step >= timeUnits.minute)  set(d, 'Seconds', mode, 0);
-    if (step >= timeUnits.hour)    set(d, 'Minutes', mode, 0);
-    if (step >=     set(d, 'Hours', mode, 0);
-    if (step >= * 4) set(d, 'Date', mode, 1);
-    if (step >= timeUnits.year)    set(d, 'Month', mode, 0);
-    var carry = 0, v = NaN, prev;
-    do {
-      prev = v;
-      v = d.getTime();
-      ticks.push({ v: v / scale, label: formatter(v / scale, axis) });
-      if (tickUnit == "month") {
-        if (tickSize < 1) {
-          /* a bit complicated - we'll divide the month up but we need to take care of fractions
-           so we don't end up in the middle of a day */
-          set(d, 'Date', mode, 1);
-          var start = d.getTime();
-          set(d, 'Month', mode, get(d, 'Month', mode) + 1)
-          var end = d.getTime();
-          d.setTime(v + carry * timeUnits.hour + (end - start) * tickSize);
-          carry = get(d, 'Hours', mode)
-          set(d, 'Hours', mode, 0);
-        }
-        else
-          set(d, 'Month', mode, get(d, 'Month', mode) + tickSize);
-      }
-      else if (tickUnit == "year") {
-        set(d, 'FullYear', mode, get(d, 'FullYear', mode) + tickSize);
-      }
-      else
-        d.setTime(v + step);
-    } while (v < max && v != prev);
-    return ticks;
-  },
-  timeUnits: {
-    millisecond: 1,
-    second: 1000,
-    minute: 1000 * 60,
-    hour:   1000 * 60 * 60,
-    day:    1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
-    month:  1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
-    year:   1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2425
-  },
-  // the allowed tick sizes, after 1 year we use an integer algorithm
-  spec: [
-    [1, "millisecond"], [20, "millisecond"], [50, "millisecond"], [100, "millisecond"], [200, "millisecond"], [500, "millisecond"], 
-    [1, "second"],   [2, "second"],  [5, "second"], [10, "second"], [30, "second"], 
-    [1, "minute"],   [2, "minute"],  [5, "minute"], [10, "minute"], [30, "minute"], 
-    [1, "hour"],     [2, "hour"],    [4, "hour"],   [8, "hour"],    [12, "hour"],
-    [1, "day"],      [2, "day"],     [3, "day"],
-    [0.25, "month"], [0.5, "month"], [1, "month"],  [2, "month"],   [3, "month"], [6, "month"],
-    [1, "year"]
-  ],
-  monthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
+    set: function (date, name, mode, value) {
+        mode = mode || 'UTC';
+        name = 'set' + (mode === 'UTC' ? 'UTC' : '') + name;
+        date[name](value);
+    },
+    get: function (date, name, mode) {
+        mode = mode || 'UTC';
+        name = 'get' + (mode === 'UTC' ? 'UTC' : '') + name;
+        return date[name]();
+    },
+    format: function (d, format, mode) {
+        if (!d) return;
+        // We should maybe use an "official" date format spec, like PHP date() or ColdFusion 
+        //
+        //
+        var
+            get = this.get,
+            tokens = {
+                h: get(d, 'Hours', mode).toString(),
+                H: leftPad(get(d, 'Hours', mode)),
+                M: leftPad(get(d, 'Minutes', mode)),
+                S: leftPad(get(d, 'Seconds', mode)),
+                s: get(d, 'Milliseconds', mode),
+                d: get(d, 'Date', mode).toString(),
+                m: (get(d, 'Month') + 1).toString(),
+                y: get(d, 'FullYear').toString(),
+                b: Flotr.Date.monthNames[get(d, 'Month', mode)]
+            };
+        function leftPad(n) {
+            n += '';
+            return n.length == 1 ? "0" + n : n;
+        }
+        var r = [], c,
+            escape = false;
+        for (var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i) {
+            c = format.charAt(i);
+            if (escape) {
+                r.push(tokens[c] || c);
+                escape = false;
+            }
+            else if (c == "%")
+                escape = true;
+            else
+                r.push(c);
+        }
+        return r.join('');
+    },
+    getFormat: function (time, span) {
+        var tu = Flotr.Date.timeUnits;
+        if (time < tu.second) return "%h:%M:%S.%s";
+        else if (time < tu.minute) return "%h:%M:%S";
+        else if (time <    return (span < 2 * ? "%h:%M" : "%b %d %h:%M";
+        else if (time < tu.month)  return "%b %d";
+        else if (time < tu.year)   return (span < tu.year) ? "%b" : "%b %y";
+        else                       return "%y";
+    },
+    formatter: function (v, axis) {
+        var
+            options = axis.options,
+            scale = Flotr.Date.timeUnits[options.timeUnit],
+            d = new Date(v * scale);
+        // first check global format
+        if (axis.options.timeFormat)
+            return Flotr.Date.format(d, options.timeFormat, options.timeMode);
+        var span = (axis.max - axis.min) * scale,
+            t = axis.tickSize * Flotr.Date.timeUnits[axis.tickUnit];
+        return Flotr.Date.format(d, Flotr.Date.getFormat(t, span), options.timeMode);
+    },
+    generator: function (axis) {
+        var
+            set = this.set,
+            get = this.get,
+            timeUnits = this.timeUnits,
+            spec = this.spec,
+            options = axis.options,
+            mode = options.timeMode,
+            scale = timeUnits[options.timeUnit],
+            min = axis.min * scale,
+            max = axis.max * scale,
+            delta = (max - min) / options.noTicks,
+            ticks = [],
+            tickSize = axis.tickSize,
+            tickUnit,
+            formatter, i;
+        // Use custom formatter or time tick formatter
+        formatter = (options.tickFormatter === Flotr.defaultTickFormatter ?
+            this.formatter : options.tickFormatter
+            );
+        for (i = 0; i < spec.length - 1; ++i) {
+            var d = spec[i][0] * timeUnits[spec[i][1]];
+            if (delta < (d + spec[i + 1][0] * timeUnits[spec[i + 1][1]]) / 2 && d >= tickSize)
+                break;
+        }
+        tickSize = spec[i][0];
+        tickUnit = spec[i][1];
+        // special-case the possibility of several years
+        if (tickUnit == "year") {
+            tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(options.noTicks * timeUnits.year, min, max, 0);
+            // Fix for 0.5 year case
+            if (tickSize == 0.5) {
+                tickUnit = "month";
+                tickSize = 6;
+            }
+        }
+        axis.tickUnit = tickUnit;
+        axis.tickSize = tickSize;
+        var
+            d = new Date(min);
+        var step = tickSize * timeUnits[tickUnit];
+        function setTick(name) {
+            set(d, name, mode, Flotr.floorInBase(
+                get(d, name, mode), tickSize
+            ));
+        }
+        switch (tickUnit) {
+            case "millisecond":
+                setTick('Milliseconds');
+                break;
+            case "second":
+                setTick('Seconds');
+                break;
+            case "minute":
+                setTick('Minutes');
+                break;
+            case "hour":
+                setTick('Hours');
+                break;
+            case "month":
+                setTick('Month');
+                break;
+            case "year":
+                setTick('FullYear');
+                break;
+        }
+        // reset smaller components
+        if (step >= timeUnits.second)  set(d, 'Milliseconds', mode, 0);
+        if (step >= timeUnits.minute)  set(d, 'Seconds', mode, 0);
+        if (step >= timeUnits.hour)    set(d, 'Minutes', mode, 0);
+        if (step >=     set(d, 'Hours', mode, 0);
+        if (step >= * 4) set(d, 'Date', mode, 1);
+        if (step >= timeUnits.year)    set(d, 'Month', mode, 0);
+        var carry = 0, v = NaN, prev;
+        do {
+            prev = v;
+            v = d.getTime();
+            ticks.push({ v: v / scale, label: formatter(v / scale, axis) });
+            if (tickUnit == "month") {
+                if (tickSize < 1) {
+                    /* a bit complicated - we'll divide the month up but we need to take care of fractions
+                     so we don't end up in the middle of a day */
+                    set(d, 'Date', mode, 1);
+                    var start = d.getTime();
+                    set(d, 'Month', mode, get(d, 'Month', mode) + 1)
+                    var end = d.getTime();
+                    d.setTime(v + carry * timeUnits.hour + (end - start) * tickSize);
+                    carry = get(d, 'Hours', mode)
+                    set(d, 'Hours', mode, 0);
+                }
+                else
+                    set(d, 'Month', mode, get(d, 'Month', mode) + tickSize);
+            }
+            else if (tickUnit == "year") {
+                set(d, 'FullYear', mode, get(d, 'FullYear', mode) + tickSize);
+            }
+            else
+                d.setTime(v + step);
+        } while (v < max && v != prev);
+        return ticks;
+    },
+    timeUnits: {
+        millisecond: 1,
+        second: 1000,
+        minute: 1000 * 60,
+        hour: 1000 * 60 * 60,
+        day: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
+        month: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
+        year: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2425
+    },
+    // the allowed tick sizes, after 1 year we use an integer algorithm
+    spec: [
+        [1, "millisecond"],
+        [20, "millisecond"],
+        [50, "millisecond"],
+        [100, "millisecond"],
+        [200, "millisecond"],
+        [500, "millisecond"],
+        [1, "second"],
+        [2, "second"],
+        [5, "second"],
+        [10, "second"],
+        [30, "second"],
+        [1, "minute"],
+        [2, "minute"],
+        [5, "minute"],
+        [10, "minute"],
+        [30, "minute"],
+        [1, "hour"],
+        [2, "hour"],
+        [4, "hour"],
+        [8, "hour"],
+        [12, "hour"],
+        [1, "day"],
+        [2, "day"],
+        [3, "day"],
+        [0.25, "month"],
+        [0.5, "month"],
+        [1, "month"],
+        [2, "month"],
+        [3, "month"],
+        [6, "month"],
+        [1, "year"]
+    ],
+    monthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
 (function () {
-var _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.DOM = {
-  addClass: function(element, name){
-    var classList = (element.className ? element.className : '');
-      if (_.include(classList.split(/\s+/g), name)) return;
-    element.className = (classList ? classList + ' ' : '') + name;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Create an element.
-   */
-  create: function(tag){
-    return document.createElement(tag);
-  },
-  node: function(html) {
-    var div = Flotr.DOM.create('div'), n;
-    div.innerHTML = html;
-    n = div.children[0];
-    div.innerHTML = '';
-    return n;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Remove all children.
-   */
-  empty: function(element){
-    element.innerHTML = '';
-    /*
-    if (!element) return;
-    _.each(element.childNodes, function (e) {
-      Flotr.DOM.empty(e);
-      element.removeChild(e);
-    });
-    */
-  },
-  hide: function(element){
-    Flotr.DOM.setStyles(element, {display:'none'});
-  },
-  /**
-   * Insert a child.
-   * @param {Element} element
-   * @param {Element|String} Element or string to be appended.
-   */
-  insert: function(element, child){
-    if(_.isString(child))
-      element.innerHTML += child;
-    else if (_.isElement(child))
-      element.appendChild(child);
-  },
-  // @TODO find xbrowser implementation
-  opacity: function(element, opacity) {
- = opacity;
-  },
-  position: function(element, p){
-    if (!element.offsetParent)
-      return {left: (element.offsetLeft || 0), top: (element.offsetTop || 0)};
-    p = this.position(element.offsetParent);
-    p.left  += element.offsetLeft;
-   += element.offsetTop;
-    return p;
-  },
-  removeClass: function(element, name) {
-    var classList = (element.className ? element.className : '');
-    element.className = _.filter(classList.split(/\s+/g), function (c) {
-      if (c != name) return true; }
-    ).join(' ');
-  },
-  setStyles: function(element, o) {
-    _.each(o, function (value, key) {
-[key] = value;
-    });
-  },
-  show: function(element){
-    Flotr.DOM.setStyles(element, {display:''});
-  },
-  /**
-   * Return element size.
-   */
-  size: function(element){
-    return {
-      height : element.offsetHeight,
-      width : element.offsetWidth };
-  }
+    var _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.DOM = {
+        addClass: function (element, name) {
+            var classList = (element.className ? element.className : '');
+            if (_.include(classList.split(/\s+/g), name)) return;
+            element.className = (classList ? classList + ' ' : '') + name;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Create an element.
+         */
+        create: function (tag) {
+            return document.createElement(tag);
+        },
+        node: function (html) {
+            var div = Flotr.DOM.create('div'), n;
+            div.innerHTML = html;
+            n = div.children[0];
+            div.innerHTML = '';
+            return n;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Remove all children.
+         */
+        empty: function (element) {
+            element.innerHTML = '';
+            /*
+             if (!element) return;
+             _.each(element.childNodes, function (e) {
+             Flotr.DOM.empty(e);
+             element.removeChild(e);
+             });
+             */
+        },
+        hide: function (element) {
+            Flotr.DOM.setStyles(element, {display: 'none'});
+        },
+        /**
+         * Insert a child.
+         * @param {Element} element
+         * @param {Element|String} Element or string to be appended.
+         */
+        insert: function (element, child) {
+            if (_.isString(child))
+                element.innerHTML += child;
+            else if (_.isElement(child))
+                element.appendChild(child);
+        },
+        // @TODO find xbrowser implementation
+        opacity: function (element, opacity) {
+   = opacity;
+        },
+        position: function (element, p) {
+            if (!element.offsetParent)
+                return {left: (element.offsetLeft || 0), top: (element.offsetTop || 0)};
+            p = this.position(element.offsetParent);
+            p.left += element.offsetLeft;
+   += element.offsetTop;
+            return p;
+        },
+        removeClass: function (element, name) {
+            var classList = (element.className ? element.className : '');
+            element.className = _.filter(classList.split(/\s+/g),function (c) {
+                    if (c != name) return true;
+                }
+            ).join(' ');
+        },
+        setStyles: function (element, o) {
+            _.each(o, function (value, key) {
+      [key] = value;
+            });
+        },
+        show: function (element) {
+            Flotr.DOM.setStyles(element, {display: ''});
+        },
+        /**
+         * Return element size.
+         */
+        size: function (element) {
+            return {
+                height: element.offsetHeight,
+                width: element.offsetWidth };
+        }
+    };
@@ -2155,53 +2203,53 @@
  * Flotr Event Adapter
 (function () {
-  F = Flotr,
-  bean = F.bean;
-F.EventAdapter = {
-  observe: function(object, name, callback) {
-    bean.add(object, name, callback);
-    return this;
-  },
-  fire: function(object, name, args) {
-, name, args);
-    if (typeof(Prototype) != 'undefined')
-, name, args);
-    // @TODO Someone who uses mootools, add mootools adapter for existing applciations.
-    return this;
-  },
-  stopObserving: function(object, name, callback) {
-    bean.remove(object, name, callback);
-    return this;
-  },
-  eventPointer: function(e) {
-    if (!F._.isUndefined(e.touches) && e.touches.length > 0) {
-      return {
-        x : e.touches[0].pageX,
-        y : e.touches[0].pageY
-      };
-    } else if (!F._.isUndefined(e.changedTouches) && e.changedTouches.length > 0) {
-      return {
-        x : e.changedTouches[0].pageX,
-        y : e.changedTouches[0].pageY
-      };
-    } else if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
-      return {
-        x : e.pageX,
-        y : e.pageY
-      };
-    } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
-      var
-        d = document,
-        b = d.body,
-        de = d.documentElement;
-      return {
-        x: e.clientX + b.scrollLeft + de.scrollLeft,
-        y: e.clientY + b.scrollTop + de.scrollTop
-      };
-    }
-  }
+    var
+        F = Flotr,
+        bean = F.bean;
+    F.EventAdapter = {
+        observe: function (object, name, callback) {
+            bean.add(object, name, callback);
+            return this;
+        },
+        fire: function (object, name, args) {
+  , name, args);
+            if (typeof(Prototype) != 'undefined')
+      , name, args);
+            // @TODO Someone who uses mootools, add mootools adapter for existing applciations.
+            return this;
+        },
+        stopObserving: function (object, name, callback) {
+            bean.remove(object, name, callback);
+            return this;
+        },
+        eventPointer: function (e) {
+            if (!F._.isUndefined(e.touches) && e.touches.length > 0) {
+                return {
+                    x: e.touches[0].pageX,
+                    y: e.touches[0].pageY
+                };
+            } else if (!F._.isUndefined(e.changedTouches) && e.changedTouches.length > 0) {
+                return {
+                    x: e.changedTouches[0].pageX,
+                    y: e.changedTouches[0].pageY
+                };
+            } else if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
+                return {
+                    x: e.pageX,
+                    y: e.pageY
+                };
+            } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
+                var
+                    d = document,
+                    b = d.body,
+                    de = d.documentElement;
+                return {
+                    x: e.clientX + b.scrollLeft + de.scrollLeft,
+                    y: e.clientY + b.scrollTop + de.scrollTop
+                };
+            }
+        }
+    };
@@ -2209,87 +2257,87 @@
 (function () {
-  F = Flotr,
-  D = F.DOM,
-  _ = F._,
-Text = function (o) {
-  this.o = o;
-Text.prototype = {
-  dimensions : function (text, canvasStyle, htmlStyle, className) {
-    if (!text) return { width : 0, height : 0 };
-    return (this.o.html) ?
-      this.html(text, this.o.element, htmlStyle, className) : 
-      this.canvas(text, canvasStyle);
-  },
-  canvas : function (text, style) {
-    if (!this.o.textEnabled) return;
-    style = style || {};
-      metrics = this.measureText(text, style),
-      width = metrics.width,
-      height = style.size || F.defaultOptions.fontSize,
-      angle = style.angle || 0,
-      cosAngle = Math.cos(angle),
-      sinAngle = Math.sin(angle),
-      widthPadding = 2,
-      heightPadding = 6,
-      bounds;
-    bounds = {
-      width: Math.abs(cosAngle * width) + Math.abs(sinAngle * height) + widthPadding,
-      height: Math.abs(sinAngle * width) + Math.abs(cosAngle * height) + heightPadding
-    };
-    return bounds;
-  },
-  html : function (text, element, style, className) {
-    var div = D.create('div');
-    D.setStyles(div, { 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : '-10000px' });
-    D.insert(div, '<div style="'+style+'" class="'+className+' flotr-dummy-div">' + text + '</div>');
-    D.insert(this.o.element, div);
-    return D.size(div);
-  },
-  measureText : function (text, style) {
-    var
-      context = this.o.ctx,
-      metrics;
-    if (!context.fillText || (F.isIphone && context.measure)) {
-      return { width : context.measure(text, style)};
-    }
-    style = _.extend({
-      size: F.defaultOptions.fontSize,
-      weight: 1,
-      angle: 0
-    }, style);
-    context.font = (style.weight > 1 ? "bold " : "") + (style.size*1.3) + "px sans-serif";
-    metrics = context.measureText(text);
-    context.restore();
-    return metrics;
-  }
-Flotr.Text = Text;
+        F = Flotr,
+        D = F.DOM,
+        _ = F._,
+        Text = function (o) {
+            this.o = o;
+        };
+    Text.prototype = {
+        dimensions: function (text, canvasStyle, htmlStyle, className) {
+            if (!text) return { width: 0, height: 0 };
+            return (this.o.html) ?
+                this.html(text, this.o.element, htmlStyle, className) :
+                this.canvas(text, canvasStyle);
+        },
+        canvas: function (text, style) {
+            if (!this.o.textEnabled) return;
+            style = style || {};
+            var
+                metrics = this.measureText(text, style),
+                width = metrics.width,
+                height = style.size || F.defaultOptions.fontSize,
+                angle = style.angle || 0,
+                cosAngle = Math.cos(angle),
+                sinAngle = Math.sin(angle),
+                widthPadding = 2,
+                heightPadding = 6,
+                bounds;
+            bounds = {
+                width: Math.abs(cosAngle * width) + Math.abs(sinAngle * height) + widthPadding,
+                height: Math.abs(sinAngle * width) + Math.abs(cosAngle * height) + heightPadding
+            };
+            return bounds;
+        },
+        html: function (text, element, style, className) {
+            var div = D.create('div');
+            D.setStyles(div, { 'position': 'absolute', 'top': '-10000px' });
+            D.insert(div, '<div style="' + style + '" class="' + className + ' flotr-dummy-div">' + text + '</div>');
+            D.insert(this.o.element, div);
+            return D.size(div);
+        },
+        measureText: function (text, style) {
+            var
+                context = this.o.ctx,
+                metrics;
+            if (!context.fillText || (F.isIphone && context.measure)) {
+                return { width: context.measure(text, style)};
+            }
+            style = _.extend({
+                size: F.defaultOptions.fontSize,
+                weight: 1,
+                angle: 0
+            }, style);
+  ;
+            context.font = (style.weight > 1 ? "bold " : "") + (style.size * 1.3) + "px sans-serif";
+            metrics = context.measureText(text);
+            context.restore();
+            return metrics;
+        }
+    };
+    Flotr.Text = Text;
@@ -2298,745 +2346,745 @@
 (function () {
-  D     = Flotr.DOM,
-  E     = Flotr.EventAdapter,
-  _     = Flotr._,
-  flotr = Flotr;
- * Flotr Graph constructor.
- * @param {Element} el - element to insert the graph into
- * @param {Object} data - an array or object of dataseries
- * @param {Object} options - an object containing options
- */
-Graph = function(el, data, options){
+    var
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        E = Flotr.EventAdapter,
+        _ = Flotr._,
+        flotr = Flotr;
+    /**
+     * Flotr Graph constructor.
+     * @param {Element} el - element to insert the graph into
+     * @param {Object} data - an array or object of dataseries
+     * @param {Object} options - an object containing options
+     */
+    Graph = function (el, data, options) {
 // Let's see if we can get away with out this [JS]
 //  try {
-    this._setEl(el);
-    this._initMembers();
-    this._initPlugins();
-, 'flotr:beforeinit', [this]);
- = data;
-    this.series = flotr.Series.getSeries(data);
-    this._initOptions(options);
-    this._initGraphTypes();
-    this._initCanvas();
-    this._text = new flotr.Text({
-      element : this.el,
-      ctx : this.ctx,
-      html : this.options.HtmlText,
-      textEnabled : this.textEnabled
-    });
-, 'flotr:afterconstruct', [this]);
-    this._initEvents();
-    this.findDataRanges();
-    this.calculateSpacing();
-    this.draw(_.bind(function() {
-, 'flotr:afterinit', [this]);
-    }, this));
-    try {
-  } catch (e) {
-    try {
-      console.error(e);
-    } catch (e2) {}
-  }*/
-function observe (object, name, callback) {
-  E.observe.apply(this, arguments);
-  this._handles.push(arguments);
-  return this;
-Graph.prototype = {
-  destroy: function () {
-, 'flotr:destroy');
-    _.each(this._handles, function (handle) {
-      E.stopObserving.apply(this, handle);
-    });
-    this._handles = [];
-    this.el.graph = null;
-  },
-  observe : observe,
-  /**
-   * @deprecated
-   */
-  _observe : observe,
-  processColor: function(color, options){
-    var o = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: this.plotWidth, y2: this.plotHeight, opacity: 1, ctx: this.ctx };
-    _.extend(o, options);
-    return flotr.Color.processColor(color, o);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Function determines the min and max values for the xaxis and yaxis.
-   *
-   * TODO logarithmic range validation (consideration of 0)
-   */
-  findDataRanges: function(){
-    var a = this.axes,
-      xaxis, yaxis, range;
-    _.each(this.series, function (series) {
-      range = series.getRange();
-      if (range) {
-        xaxis = series.xaxis;
-        yaxis = series.yaxis;
-        xaxis.datamin = Math.min(range.xmin, xaxis.datamin);
-        xaxis.datamax = Math.max(range.xmax, xaxis.datamax);
-        yaxis.datamin = Math.min(range.ymin, yaxis.datamin);
-        yaxis.datamax = Math.max(range.ymax, yaxis.datamax);
-        xaxis.used = (xaxis.used || range.xused);
-        yaxis.used = (yaxis.used || range.yused);
-      }
-    }, this);
-    // Check for empty data, no data case (none used)
-    if (!a.x.used && !a.x2.used) a.x.used = true;
-    if (!a.y.used && !a.y2.used) a.y.used = true;
-    _.each(a, function (axis) {
-      axis.calculateRange();
-    });
-    var
-      types = _.keys(flotr.graphTypes),
-      drawn = false;
-    _.each(this.series, function (series) {
-      if (series.hide) return;
-      _.each(types, function (type) {
-        if (series[type] && series[type].show) {
-          this.extendRange(type, series);
-          drawn = true;
-        }
-      }, this);
-      if (!drawn) {
-        this.extendRange(this.options.defaultType, series);
-      }
-    }, this);
-  },
-  extendRange : function (type, series) {
-    if (this[type].extendRange) this[type].extendRange(series,, series[type], this[type]);
-    if (this[type].extendYRange) this[type].extendYRange(series.yaxis,, series[type], this[type]);
-    if (this[type].extendXRange) this[type].extendXRange(series.xaxis,, series[type], this[type]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calculates axis label sizes.
-   */
-  calculateSpacing: function(){
-    var a = this.axes,
-        options = this.options,
-        series = this.series,
-        margin = options.grid.labelMargin,
-        T = this._text,
-        x = a.x,
-        x2 = a.x2,
-        y = a.y,
-        y2 = a.y2,
-        maxOutset = options.grid.outlineWidth,
-        i, j, l, dim;
-    // TODO post refactor, fix this
-    _.each(a, function (axis) {
-      axis.calculateTicks();
-      axis.calculateTextDimensions(T, options);
-    });
-    // Title height
-    dim = T.dimensions(
-      options.title,
-      {size: options.fontSize*1.5},
-      'font-size:1em;font-weight:bold;',
-      'flotr-title'
-    );
-    this.titleHeight = dim.height;
-    // Subtitle height
-    dim = T.dimensions(
-      options.subtitle,
-      {size: options.fontSize},
-      'font-size:smaller;',
-      'flotr-subtitle'
-    );
-    this.subtitleHeight = dim.height;
-    for(j = 0; j < options.length; ++j){
-      if (series[j]{
-        maxOutset = Math.max(maxOutset, series[j].points.radius + series[j].points.lineWidth/2);
-      }
+        this._setEl(el);
+        this._initMembers();
+        this._initPlugins();
+, 'flotr:beforeinit', [this]);
+ = data;
+        this.series = flotr.Series.getSeries(data);
+        this._initOptions(options);
+        this._initGraphTypes();
+        this._initCanvas();
+        this._text = new flotr.Text({
+            element: this.el,
+            ctx: this.ctx,
+            html: this.options.HtmlText,
+            textEnabled: this.textEnabled
+        });
+, 'flotr:afterconstruct', [this]);
+        this._initEvents();
+        this.findDataRanges();
+        this.calculateSpacing();
+        this.draw(_.bind(function () {
+  , 'flotr:afterinit', [this]);
+        }, this));
+        /*
+         try {
+         } catch (e) {
+         try {
+         console.error(e);
+         } catch (e2) {}
+         }*/
+    };
+    function observe(object, name, callback) {
+        E.observe.apply(this, arguments);
+        this._handles.push(arguments);
+        return this;
-    var p = this.plotOffset;
-    if (x.options.margin === false) {
-      p.bottom = 0;
-    = 0;
-    } else {
-      p.bottom += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (x.used && x.options.showLabels ?  (x.maxLabel.height + margin) : 0)) +
-                  (x.used && x.options.title ? (x.titleSize.height + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
-    += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (x2.used && x2.options.showLabels ? (x2.maxLabel.height + margin) : 0)) +
-                  (x2.used && x2.options.title ? (x2.titleSize.height + margin) : 0) + this.subtitleHeight + this.titleHeight + maxOutset;
-    }
-    if (y.options.margin === false) {
-      p.left  = 0;
-      p.right = 0;
-    } else {
-      p.left   += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (y.used && y.options.showLabels ?  (y.maxLabel.width + margin) : 0)) +
-                  (y.used && y.options.title ? (y.titleSize.width + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
-      p.right  += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (y2.used && y2.options.showLabels ? (y2.maxLabel.width + margin) : 0)) +
-                  (y2.used && y2.options.title ? (y2.titleSize.width + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
-    }
- = Math.floor(; // In order the outline not to be blured
-    this.plotWidth  = this.canvasWidth - p.left - p.right;
-    this.plotHeight = this.canvasHeight - p.bottom -;
-    // TODO post refactor, fix this
-    x.length = x2.length = this.plotWidth;
-    y.length = y2.length = this.plotHeight;
-    y.offset = y2.offset = this.plotHeight;
-    x.setScale();
-    x2.setScale();
-    y.setScale();
-    y2.setScale();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws grid, labels, series and outline.
-   */
-  draw: function(after) {
-    var
-      context = this.ctx,
-      i;
-, 'flotr:beforedraw', [this.series, this]);
-    if (this.series.length) {
-      context.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
-      for (i = 0; i < this.series.length; i++) {
-        if (!this.series[i].hide) this.drawSeries(this.series[i]);
-      }
-      context.restore();
-      this.clip();
-    }
-, 'flotr:afterdraw', [this.series, this]);
-    if (after) after();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Actually draws the graph.
-   * @param {Object} series - series to draw
-   */
-  drawSeries: function(series){
-    function drawChart (series, typeKey) {
-      var options = this.getOptions(series, typeKey);
-      this[typeKey].draw(options);
-    }
-    var drawn = false;
-    series = series || this.series;
-    _.each(flotr.graphTypes, function (type, typeKey) {
-      if (series[typeKey] && series[typeKey].show && this[typeKey]) {
-        drawn = true;
-, series, typeKey);
-      }
-    }, this);
-    if (!drawn), series, this.options.defaultType);
-  },
-  getOptions : function (series, typeKey) {
-    var
-      type = series[typeKey],
-      graphType = this[typeKey],
-      options = {
-        context     : this.ctx,
-        width       : this.plotWidth,
-        height      : this.plotHeight,
-        fontSize    : this.options.fontSize,
-        fontColor   : this.options.fontColor,
-        textEnabled : this.textEnabled,
-        htmlText    : this.options.HtmlText,
-        text        : this._text, // TODO Is this necessary?
-        element     : this.el,
-        data        :,
-        color       : series.color,
-        shadowSize  : series.shadowSize,
-        xScale      : _.bind(series.xaxis.d2p, series.xaxis),
-        yScale      : _.bind(series.yaxis.d2p, series.yaxis)
-      };
-    options = flotr.merge(type, options);
-    // Fill
-    options.fillStyle = this.processColor(
-      type.fillColor || series.color,
-      {opacity: type.fillOpacity}
-    );
-    return options;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calculates the coordinates from a mouse event object.
-   * @param {Event} event - Mouse Event object.
-   * @return {Object} Object with coordinates of the mouse.
-   */
-  getEventPosition: function (e){
-    var
-      d = document,
-      b = d.body,
-      de = d.documentElement,
-      axes = this.axes,
-      plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
-      lastMousePos = this.lastMousePos,
-      pointer = E.eventPointer(e),
-      dx = pointer.x - lastMousePos.pageX,
-      dy = pointer.y - lastMousePos.pageY,
-      r, rx, ry;
-    if ('ontouchstart' in this.el) {
-      r = D.position(this.overlay);
-      rx = pointer.x - r.left - plotOffset.left;
-      ry = pointer.y - -;
-    } else {
-      r = this.overlay.getBoundingClientRect();
-      rx = e.clientX - r.left - plotOffset.left - b.scrollLeft - de.scrollLeft;
-      ry = e.clientY - - - b.scrollTop - de.scrollTop;
-    }
-    return {
-      x:  axes.x.p2d(rx),
-      x2: axes.x2.p2d(rx),
-      y:  axes.y.p2d(ry),
-      y2: axes.y2.p2d(ry),
-      relX: rx,
-      relY: ry,
-      dX: dx,
-      dY: dy,
-      absX: pointer.x,
-      absY: pointer.y,
-      pageX: pointer.x,
-      pageY: pointer.y
-    };
-  },
-  /**
-   * Observes the 'click' event and fires the 'flotr:click' event.
-   * @param {Event} event - 'click' Event object.
-   */
-  clickHandler: function(event){
-    if(this.ignoreClick){
-      this.ignoreClick = false;
-      return this.ignoreClick;
-    }
-, 'flotr:click', [this.getEventPosition(event), this]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Observes mouse movement over the graph area. Fires the 'flotr:mousemove' event.
-   * @param {Event} event - 'mousemove' Event object.
-   */
-  mouseMoveHandler: function(event){
-    if (this.mouseDownMoveHandler) return;
-    var pos = this.getEventPosition(event);
-, 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
-    this.lastMousePos = pos;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Observes the 'mousedown' event.
-   * @param {Event} event - 'mousedown' Event object.
-   */
-  mouseDownHandler: function (event){
-    /*
-    // @TODO Context menu?
-    if(event.isRightClick()) {
-      event.stop();
-      var overlay = this.overlay;
-      overlay.hide();
-      function cancelContextMenu () {
-        E.stopObserving(document, 'mousemove', cancelContextMenu);
-      }
-      E.observe(document, 'mousemove', cancelContextMenu);
-      return;
-    }
-    */
-    if (this.mouseUpHandler) return;
-    this.mouseUpHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
-      E.stopObserving(document, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler);
-      E.stopObserving(document, 'mousemove', this.mouseDownMoveHandler);
-      this.mouseDownMoveHandler = null;
-      this.mouseUpHandler = null;
-      // @TODO why?
-      //e.stop();
-, 'flotr:mouseup', [e, this]);
-    }, this);
-    this.mouseDownMoveHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
-        var pos = this.getEventPosition(e);
-, 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
-        this.lastMousePos = pos;
-    }, this);
-    E.observe(document, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler);
-    E.observe(document, 'mousemove', this.mouseDownMoveHandler);
-, 'flotr:mousedown', [event, this]);
-    this.ignoreClick = false;
-  },
-  drawTooltip: function(content, x, y, options) {
-    var mt = this.getMouseTrack(),
-        style = 'opacity:0.7;background-color:#000;color:#fff;display:none;position:absolute;padding:2px 8px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;white-space:nowrap;',
-        p = options.position,
-        m = options.margin,
-        plotOffset = this.plotOffset;
-    if(x !== null && y !== null){
-      if (!options.relative) { // absolute to the canvas
-             if(p.charAt(0) == 'n') style += 'top:' + (m + + 'px;bottom:auto;';
-        else if(p.charAt(0) == 's') style += 'bottom:' + (m + plotOffset.bottom) + 'px;top:auto;';
-             if(p.charAt(1) == 'e') style += 'right:' + (m + plotOffset.right) + 'px;left:auto;';
-        else if(p.charAt(1) == 'w') style += 'left:' + (m + plotOffset.left) + 'px;right:auto;';
-      }
-      else { // relative to the mouse
-             if(p.charAt(0) == 'n') style += 'bottom:' + (m - - y + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
-        else if(p.charAt(0) == 's') style += 'top:' + (m + + y) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
-             if(p.charAt(1) == 'e') style += 'left:' + (m + plotOffset.left + x) + 'px;right:auto;';
-        else if(p.charAt(1) == 'w') style += 'right:' + (m - plotOffset.left - x + this.canvasWidth) + 'px;left:auto;';
-      }
- = style;
-      D.empty(mt);
-      D.insert(mt, content);
-    }
-    else {
-      D.hide(mt);
-    }
-  },
-  clip: function (ctx) {
-    var
-      o   = this.plotOffset,
-      w   = this.canvasWidth,
-      h   = this.canvasHeight;
-    ctx = ctx || this.ctx;
-    if (flotr.isIE && flotr.isIE < 9) {
-      // Clipping for excanvas :-(
-      ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(this.options.ieBackgroundColor);
-      ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w,;
-      ctx.fillRect(0, 0, o.left, h);
-      ctx.fillRect(0, h - o.bottom, w, o.bottom);
-      ctx.fillRect(w - o.right, 0, o.right,h);
-      ctx.restore();
-    } else {
-      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w,;
-      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, o.left, h);
-      ctx.clearRect(0, h - o.bottom, w, o.bottom);
-      ctx.clearRect(w - o.right, 0, o.right,h);
-    }
-  },
-  _initMembers: function() {
-    this._handles = [];
-    this.lastMousePos = {pageX: null, pageY: null };
-    this.plotOffset = {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0};
-    this.ignoreClick = true;
-    this.prevHit = null;
-  },
-  _initGraphTypes: function() {
-    _.each(flotr.graphTypes, function(handler, graphType){
-      this[graphType] = flotr.clone(handler);
-    }, this);
-  },
-  _initEvents: function () {
-    var
-      el = this.el,
-      touchendHandler, movement, touchend;
-    if ('ontouchstart' in el) {
-      touchendHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
-        touchend = true;
-        E.stopObserving(document, 'touchend', touchendHandler);
-, 'flotr:mouseup', [event, this]);
-        this.multitouches = null;
-        if (!movement) {
-          this.clickHandler(e);
-        }
-      }, this);
-      this.observe(this.overlay, 'touchstart', _.bind(function (e) {
-        movement = false;
-        touchend = false;
-        this.ignoreClick = false;
-        if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) {
-          this.multitouches = e.touches;
-        }
-, 'flotr:mousedown', [event, this]);
-        this.observe(document, 'touchend', touchendHandler);
-      }, this));
-      this.observe(this.overlay, 'touchmove', _.bind(function (e) {
-        var pos = this.getEventPosition(e);
-        e.preventDefault();
-        movement = true;
-        if (this.multitouches || (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1)) {
-          this.multitouches = e.touches;
-        } else {
-          if (!touchend) {
-  , 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
-          }
-        }
-        this.lastMousePos = pos;
-      }, this));
-    } else {
-      this.
-        observe(this.overlay, 'mousedown', _.bind(this.mouseDownHandler, this)).
-        observe(el, 'mousemove', _.bind(this.mouseMoveHandler, this)).
-        observe(this.overlay, 'click', _.bind(this.clickHandler, this)).
-        observe(el, 'mouseout', function () {
-, 'flotr:mouseout');
-        });
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Initializes the canvas and it's overlay canvas element. When the browser is IE, this makes use
-   * of excanvas. The overlay canvas is inserted for displaying interactions. After the canvas elements
-   * are created, the elements are inserted into the container element.
-   */
-  _initCanvas: function(){
-    var el = this.el,
-      o = this.options,
-      children = el.children,
-      removedChildren = [],
-      child, i,
-      size, style;
-    // Empty the el
-    for (i = children.length; i--;) {
-      child = children[i];
-      if (!this.canvas && child.className === 'flotr-canvas') {
-        this.canvas = child;
-      } else if (!this.overlay && child.className === 'flotr-overlay') {
-        this.overlay = child;
-      } else {
-        removedChildren.push(child);
-      }
-    }
-    for (i = removedChildren.length; i--;) {
-      el.removeChild(removedChildren[i]);
-    }
-    D.setStyles(el, {position: 'relative'}); // For positioning labels and overlay.
-    size = {};
-    size.width = el.clientWidth;
-    size.height = el.clientHeight;
-    if(size.width <= 0 || size.height <= 0 || o.resolution <= 0){
-      throw 'Invalid dimensions for plot, width = ' + size.width + ', height = ' + size.height + ', resolution = ' + o.resolution;
-    }
-    // Main canvas for drawing graph types
-    this.canvas = getCanvas(this.canvas, 'canvas');
-    // Overlay canvas for interactive features
-    this.overlay = getCanvas(this.overlay, 'overlay');
-    this.ctx = getContext(this.canvas);
-    this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
-    this.octx = getContext(this.overlay);
-    this.octx.clearRect(0, 0, this.overlay.width, this.overlay.height);
-    this.canvasHeight = size.height;
-    this.canvasWidth = size.width;
-    this.textEnabled = !!this.ctx.drawText || !!this.ctx.fillText; // Enable text functions
-    function getCanvas(canvas, name){
-      if(!canvas){
-        canvas = D.create('canvas');
-        if (typeof FlashCanvas != "undefined" && typeof canvas.getContext === 'function') {
-          FlashCanvas.initElement(canvas);
-        }
-        canvas.className = 'flotr-'+name;
- = 'position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;';
-        D.insert(el, canvas);
-      }
-      _.each(size, function(size, attribute){
-        if (name == 'canvas' && canvas.getAttribute(attribute) === size) {
-          return;
-        }
-        canvas.setAttribute(attribute, size * o.resolution);
-[attribute] = size + 'px';
-      });
-      canvas.context_ = null; // Reset the ExCanvas context
-      return canvas;
-    }
-    function getContext(canvas){
-      if(window.G_vmlCanvasManager) window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas); // For ExCanvas
-      var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
-      if(!window.G_vmlCanvasManager) context.scale(o.resolution, o.resolution);
-      return context;
-    }
-  },
-  _initPlugins: function(){
-    // TODO Should be moved to flotr and mixed in.
-    _.each(flotr.plugins, function(plugin, name){
-      _.each(plugin.callbacks, function(fn, c){
-        this.observe(this.el, c, _.bind(fn, this));
-      }, this);
-      this[name] = flotr.clone(plugin);
-      _.each(this[name], function(fn, p){
-        if (_.isFunction(fn))
-          this[name][p] = _.bind(fn, this);
-      }, this);
-    }, this);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Sets options and initializes some variables and color specific values, used by the constructor.
-   * @param {Object} opts - options object
-   */
-  _initOptions: function(opts){
-    var options = flotr.clone(flotr.defaultOptions);
-    options.x2axis = _.extend(_.clone(options.xaxis), options.x2axis);
-    options.y2axis = _.extend(_.clone(options.yaxis), options.y2axis);
-    this.options = flotr.merge(opts || {}, options);
-    if (this.options.grid.minorVerticalLines === null &&
-      this.options.xaxis.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
-      this.options.grid.minorVerticalLines = true;
-    }
-    if (this.options.grid.minorHorizontalLines === null &&
-      this.options.yaxis.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
-      this.options.grid.minorHorizontalLines = true;
-    }
-, 'flotr:afterinitoptions', [this]);
-    this.axes = flotr.Axis.getAxes(this.options);
-    // Initialize some variables used throughout this function.
-    var assignedColors = [],
-        colors = [],
-        ln = this.series.length,
-        neededColors = this.series.length,
-        oc = this.options.colors,
-        usedColors = [],
-        variation = 0,
-        c, i, j, s;
-    // Collect user-defined colors from series.
-    for(i = neededColors - 1; i > -1; --i){
-      c = this.series[i].color;
-      if(c){
-        --neededColors;
-        if(_.isNumber(c)) assignedColors.push(c);
-        else usedColors.push(flotr.Color.parse(c));
-      }
-    }
-    // Calculate the number of colors that need to be generated.
-    for(i = assignedColors.length - 1; i > -1; --i)
-      neededColors = Math.max(neededColors, assignedColors[i] + 1);
-    // Generate needed number of colors.
-    for(i = 0; colors.length < neededColors;){
-      c = (oc.length == i) ? new flotr.Color(100, 100, 100) : flotr.Color.parse(oc[i]);
-      // Make sure each serie gets a different color.
-      var sign = variation % 2 == 1 ? -1 : 1,
-          factor = 1 + sign * Math.ceil(variation / 2) * 0.2;
-      c.scale(factor, factor, factor);
-      /**
-       * @todo if we're getting too close to something else, we should probably skip this one
-       */
-      colors.push(c);
-      if(++i >= oc.length){
-        i = 0;
-        ++variation;
-      }
-    }
-    // Fill the options with the generated colors.
-    for(i = 0, j = 0; i < ln; ++i){
-      s = this.series[i];
-      // Assign the color.
-      if (!s.color){
-        s.color = colors[j++].toString();
-      }else if(_.isNumber(s.color)){
-        s.color = colors[s.color].toString();
-      }
-      // Every series needs an axis
-      if (!s.xaxis) s.xaxis = this.axes.x;
-           if (s.xaxis == 1) s.xaxis = this.axes.x;
-      else if (s.xaxis == 2) s.xaxis = this.axes.x2;
-      if (!s.yaxis) s.yaxis = this.axes.y;
-           if (s.yaxis == 1) s.yaxis = this.axes.y;
-      else if (s.yaxis == 2) s.yaxis = this.axes.y2;
-      // Apply missing options to the series.
-      for (var t in flotr.graphTypes){
-        s[t] = _.extend(_.clone(this.options[t]), s[t]);
-      }
-      s.mouse = _.extend(_.clone(this.options.mouse), s.mouse);
-      if (_.isUndefined(s.shadowSize)) s.shadowSize = this.options.shadowSize;
-    }
-  },
-  _setEl: function(el) {
-    if (!el) throw 'The target container doesn\'t exist';
-    else if (el.graph instanceof Graph) el.graph.destroy();
-    else if (!el.clientWidth) throw 'The target container must be visible';
-    el.graph = this;
-    this.el = el;
-  }
-Flotr.Graph = Graph;
+    Graph.prototype = {
+        destroy: function () {
+  , 'flotr:destroy');
+            _.each(this._handles, function (handle) {
+                E.stopObserving.apply(this, handle);
+            });
+            this._handles = [];
+            this.el.graph = null;
+        },
+        observe: observe,
+        /**
+         * @deprecated
+         */
+        _observe: observe,
+        processColor: function (color, options) {
+            var o = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: this.plotWidth, y2: this.plotHeight, opacity: 1, ctx: this.ctx };
+            _.extend(o, options);
+            return flotr.Color.processColor(color, o);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Function determines the min and max values for the xaxis and yaxis.
+         *
+         * TODO logarithmic range validation (consideration of 0)
+         */
+        findDataRanges: function () {
+            var a = this.axes,
+                xaxis, yaxis, range;
+            _.each(this.series, function (series) {
+                range = series.getRange();
+                if (range) {
+                    xaxis = series.xaxis;
+                    yaxis = series.yaxis;
+                    xaxis.datamin = Math.min(range.xmin, xaxis.datamin);
+                    xaxis.datamax = Math.max(range.xmax, xaxis.datamax);
+                    yaxis.datamin = Math.min(range.ymin, yaxis.datamin);
+                    yaxis.datamax = Math.max(range.ymax, yaxis.datamax);
+                    xaxis.used = (xaxis.used || range.xused);
+                    yaxis.used = (yaxis.used || range.yused);
+                }
+            }, this);
+            // Check for empty data, no data case (none used)
+            if (!a.x.used && !a.x2.used) a.x.used = true;
+            if (!a.y.used && !a.y2.used) a.y.used = true;
+            _.each(a, function (axis) {
+                axis.calculateRange();
+            });
+            var
+                types = _.keys(flotr.graphTypes),
+                drawn = false;
+            _.each(this.series, function (series) {
+                if (series.hide) return;
+                _.each(types, function (type) {
+                    if (series[type] && series[type].show) {
+                        this.extendRange(type, series);
+                        drawn = true;
+                    }
+                }, this);
+                if (!drawn) {
+                    this.extendRange(this.options.defaultType, series);
+                }
+            }, this);
+        },
+        extendRange: function (type, series) {
+            if (this[type].extendRange) this[type].extendRange(series,, series[type], this[type]);
+            if (this[type].extendYRange) this[type].extendYRange(series.yaxis,, series[type], this[type]);
+            if (this[type].extendXRange) this[type].extendXRange(series.xaxis,, series[type], this[type]);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Calculates axis label sizes.
+         */
+        calculateSpacing: function () {
+            var a = this.axes,
+                options = this.options,
+                series = this.series,
+                margin = options.grid.labelMargin,
+                T = this._text,
+                x = a.x,
+                x2 = a.x2,
+                y = a.y,
+                y2 = a.y2,
+                maxOutset = options.grid.outlineWidth,
+                i, j, l, dim;
+            // TODO post refactor, fix this
+            _.each(a, function (axis) {
+                axis.calculateTicks();
+                axis.calculateTextDimensions(T, options);
+            });
+            // Title height
+            dim = T.dimensions(
+                options.title,
+                {size: options.fontSize * 1.5},
+                'font-size:1em;font-weight:bold;',
+                'flotr-title'
+            );
+            this.titleHeight = dim.height;
+            // Subtitle height
+            dim = T.dimensions(
+                options.subtitle,
+                {size: options.fontSize},
+                'font-size:smaller;',
+                'flotr-subtitle'
+            );
+            this.subtitleHeight = dim.height;
+            for (j = 0; j < options.length; ++j) {
+                if (series[j] {
+                    maxOutset = Math.max(maxOutset, series[j].points.radius + series[j].points.lineWidth / 2);
+                }
+            }
+            var p = this.plotOffset;
+            if (x.options.margin === false) {
+                p.bottom = 0;
+       = 0;
+            } else {
+                p.bottom += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (x.used && x.options.showLabels ? (x.maxLabel.height + margin) : 0)) +
+                    (x.used && x.options.title ? (x.titleSize.height + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
+       += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (x2.used && x2.options.showLabels ? (x2.maxLabel.height + margin) : 0)) +
+                    (x2.used && x2.options.title ? (x2.titleSize.height + margin) : 0) + this.subtitleHeight + this.titleHeight + maxOutset;
+            }
+            if (y.options.margin === false) {
+                p.left = 0;
+                p.right = 0;
+            } else {
+                p.left += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (y.used && y.options.showLabels ? (y.maxLabel.width + margin) : 0)) +
+                    (y.used && y.options.title ? (y.titleSize.width + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
+                p.right += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (y2.used && y2.options.showLabels ? (y2.maxLabel.width + margin) : 0)) +
+                    (y2.used && y2.options.title ? (y2.titleSize.width + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
+            }
+   = Math.floor(; // In order the outline not to be blured
+            this.plotWidth = this.canvasWidth - p.left - p.right;
+            this.plotHeight = this.canvasHeight - p.bottom -;
+            // TODO post refactor, fix this
+            x.length = x2.length = this.plotWidth;
+            y.length = y2.length = this.plotHeight;
+            y.offset = y2.offset = this.plotHeight;
+            x.setScale();
+            x2.setScale();
+            y.setScale();
+            y2.setScale();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Draws grid, labels, series and outline.
+         */
+        draw: function (after) {
+            var
+                context = this.ctx,
+                i;
+  , 'flotr:beforedraw', [this.series, this]);
+            if (this.series.length) {
+      ;
+                context.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
+                for (i = 0; i < this.series.length; i++) {
+                    if (!this.series[i].hide) this.drawSeries(this.series[i]);
+                }
+                context.restore();
+                this.clip();
+            }
+  , 'flotr:afterdraw', [this.series, this]);
+            if (after) after();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Actually draws the graph.
+         * @param {Object} series - series to draw
+         */
+        drawSeries: function (series) {
+            function drawChart(series, typeKey) {
+                var options = this.getOptions(series, typeKey);
+                this[typeKey].draw(options);
+            }
+            var drawn = false;
+            series = series || this.series;
+            _.each(flotr.graphTypes, function (type, typeKey) {
+                if (series[typeKey] && series[typeKey].show && this[typeKey]) {
+                    drawn = true;
+          , series, typeKey);
+                }
+            }, this);
+            if (!drawn), series, this.options.defaultType);
+        },
+        getOptions: function (series, typeKey) {
+            var
+                type = series[typeKey],
+                graphType = this[typeKey],
+                options = {
+                    context: this.ctx,
+                    width: this.plotWidth,
+                    height: this.plotHeight,
+                    fontSize: this.options.fontSize,
+                    fontColor: this.options.fontColor,
+                    textEnabled: this.textEnabled,
+                    htmlText: this.options.HtmlText,
+                    text: this._text, // TODO Is this necessary?
+                    element: this.el,
+                    data:,
+                    color: series.color,
+                    shadowSize: series.shadowSize,
+                    xScale: _.bind(series.xaxis.d2p, series.xaxis),
+                    yScale: _.bind(series.yaxis.d2p, series.yaxis)
+                };
+            options = flotr.merge(type, options);
+            // Fill
+            options.fillStyle = this.processColor(
+                type.fillColor || series.color,
+                {opacity: type.fillOpacity}
+            );
+            return options;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Calculates the coordinates from a mouse event object.
+         * @param {Event} event - Mouse Event object.
+         * @return {Object} Object with coordinates of the mouse.
+         */
+        getEventPosition: function (e) {
+            var
+                d = document,
+                b = d.body,
+                de = d.documentElement,
+                axes = this.axes,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                lastMousePos = this.lastMousePos,
+                pointer = E.eventPointer(e),
+                dx = pointer.x - lastMousePos.pageX,
+                dy = pointer.y - lastMousePos.pageY,
+                r, rx, ry;
+            if ('ontouchstart' in this.el) {
+                r = D.position(this.overlay);
+                rx = pointer.x - r.left - plotOffset.left;
+                ry = pointer.y - -;
+            } else {
+                r = this.overlay.getBoundingClientRect();
+                rx = e.clientX - r.left - plotOffset.left - b.scrollLeft - de.scrollLeft;
+                ry = e.clientY - - - b.scrollTop - de.scrollTop;
+            }
+            return {
+                x: axes.x.p2d(rx),
+                x2: axes.x2.p2d(rx),
+                y: axes.y.p2d(ry),
+                y2: axes.y2.p2d(ry),
+                relX: rx,
+                relY: ry,
+                dX: dx,
+                dY: dy,
+                absX: pointer.x,
+                absY: pointer.y,
+                pageX: pointer.x,
+                pageY: pointer.y
+            };
+        },
+        /**
+         * Observes the 'click' event and fires the 'flotr:click' event.
+         * @param {Event} event - 'click' Event object.
+         */
+        clickHandler: function (event) {
+            if (this.ignoreClick) {
+                this.ignoreClick = false;
+                return this.ignoreClick;
+            }
+  , 'flotr:click', [this.getEventPosition(event), this]);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Observes mouse movement over the graph area. Fires the 'flotr:mousemove' event.
+         * @param {Event} event - 'mousemove' Event object.
+         */
+        mouseMoveHandler: function (event) {
+            if (this.mouseDownMoveHandler) return;
+            var pos = this.getEventPosition(event);
+  , 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
+            this.lastMousePos = pos;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Observes the 'mousedown' event.
+         * @param {Event} event - 'mousedown' Event object.
+         */
+        mouseDownHandler: function (event) {
+            /*
+             // @TODO Context menu?
+             if(event.isRightClick()) {
+             event.stop();
+             var overlay = this.overlay;
+             overlay.hide();
+             function cancelContextMenu () {
+   ;
+             E.stopObserving(document, 'mousemove', cancelContextMenu);
+             }
+             E.observe(document, 'mousemove', cancelContextMenu);
+             return;
+             }
+             */
+            if (this.mouseUpHandler) return;
+            this.mouseUpHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
+                E.stopObserving(document, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler);
+                E.stopObserving(document, 'mousemove', this.mouseDownMoveHandler);
+                this.mouseDownMoveHandler = null;
+                this.mouseUpHandler = null;
+                // @TODO why?
+                //e.stop();
+      , 'flotr:mouseup', [e, this]);
+            }, this);
+            this.mouseDownMoveHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
+                var pos = this.getEventPosition(e);
+      , 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
+                this.lastMousePos = pos;
+            }, this);
+            E.observe(document, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler);
+            E.observe(document, 'mousemove', this.mouseDownMoveHandler);
+  , 'flotr:mousedown', [event, this]);
+            this.ignoreClick = false;
+        },
+        drawTooltip: function (content, x, y, options) {
+            var mt = this.getMouseTrack(),
+                style = 'opacity:0.7;background-color:#000;color:#fff;display:none;position:absolute;padding:2px 8px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;white-space:nowrap;',
+                p = options.position,
+                m = options.margin,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset;
+            if (x !== null && y !== null) {
+                if (!options.relative) { // absolute to the canvas
+                    if (p.charAt(0) == 'n') style += 'top:' + (m + + 'px;bottom:auto;';
+                    else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') style += 'bottom:' + (m + plotOffset.bottom) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                    if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') style += 'right:' + (m + plotOffset.right) + 'px;left:auto;';
+                    else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') style += 'left:' + (m + plotOffset.left) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                }
+                else { // relative to the mouse
+                    if (p.charAt(0) == 'n') style += 'bottom:' + (m - - y + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                    else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') style += 'top:' + (m + + y) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
+                    if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') style += 'left:' + (m + plotOffset.left + x) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                    else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') style += 'right:' + (m - plotOffset.left - x + this.canvasWidth) + 'px;left:auto;';
+                }
+       = style;
+                D.empty(mt);
+                D.insert(mt, content);
+      ;
+            }
+            else {
+                D.hide(mt);
+            }
+        },
+        clip: function (ctx) {
+            var
+                o = this.plotOffset,
+                w = this.canvasWidth,
+                h = this.canvasHeight;
+            ctx = ctx || this.ctx;
+            if (flotr.isIE && flotr.isIE < 9) {
+                // Clipping for excanvas :-(
+      ;
+                ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(this.options.ieBackgroundColor);
+                ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w,;
+                ctx.fillRect(0, 0, o.left, h);
+                ctx.fillRect(0, h - o.bottom, w, o.bottom);
+                ctx.fillRect(w - o.right, 0, o.right, h);
+                ctx.restore();
+            } else {
+                ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w,;
+                ctx.clearRect(0, 0, o.left, h);
+                ctx.clearRect(0, h - o.bottom, w, o.bottom);
+                ctx.clearRect(w - o.right, 0, o.right, h);
+            }
+        },
+        _initMembers: function () {
+            this._handles = [];
+            this.lastMousePos = {pageX: null, pageY: null };
+            this.plotOffset = {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0};
+            this.ignoreClick = true;
+            this.prevHit = null;
+        },
+        _initGraphTypes: function () {
+            _.each(flotr.graphTypes, function (handler, graphType) {
+                this[graphType] = flotr.clone(handler);
+            }, this);
+        },
+        _initEvents: function () {
+            var
+                el = this.el,
+                touchendHandler, movement, touchend;
+            if ('ontouchstart' in el) {
+                touchendHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
+                    touchend = true;
+                    E.stopObserving(document, 'touchend', touchendHandler);
+          , 'flotr:mouseup', [event, this]);
+                    this.multitouches = null;
+                    if (!movement) {
+                        this.clickHandler(e);
+                    }
+                }, this);
+                this.observe(this.overlay, 'touchstart', _.bind(function (e) {
+                    movement = false;
+                    touchend = false;
+                    this.ignoreClick = false;
+                    if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) {
+                        this.multitouches = e.touches;
+                    }
+          , 'flotr:mousedown', [event, this]);
+                    this.observe(document, 'touchend', touchendHandler);
+                }, this));
+                this.observe(this.overlay, 'touchmove', _.bind(function (e) {
+                    var pos = this.getEventPosition(e);
+                    e.preventDefault();
+                    movement = true;
+                    if (this.multitouches || (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1)) {
+                        this.multitouches = e.touches;
+                    } else {
+                        if (!touchend) {
+                  , 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    this.lastMousePos = pos;
+                }, this));
+            } else {
+                this.
+                    observe(this.overlay, 'mousedown', _.bind(this.mouseDownHandler, this)).
+                    observe(el, 'mousemove', _.bind(this.mouseMoveHandler, this)).
+                    observe(this.overlay, 'click', _.bind(this.clickHandler, this)).
+                    observe(el, 'mouseout', function () {
+              , 'flotr:mouseout');
+                    });
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Initializes the canvas and it's overlay canvas element. When the browser is IE, this makes use
+         * of excanvas. The overlay canvas is inserted for displaying interactions. After the canvas elements
+         * are created, the elements are inserted into the container element.
+         */
+        _initCanvas: function () {
+            var el = this.el,
+                o = this.options,
+                children = el.children,
+                removedChildren = [],
+                child, i,
+                size, style;
+            // Empty the el
+            for (i = children.length; i--;) {
+                child = children[i];
+                if (!this.canvas && child.className === 'flotr-canvas') {
+                    this.canvas = child;
+                } else if (!this.overlay && child.className === 'flotr-overlay') {
+                    this.overlay = child;
+                } else {
+                    removedChildren.push(child);
+                }
+            }
+            for (i = removedChildren.length; i--;) {
+                el.removeChild(removedChildren[i]);
+            }
+            D.setStyles(el, {position: 'relative'}); // For positioning labels and overlay.
+            size = {};
+            size.width = el.clientWidth;
+            size.height = el.clientHeight;
+            if (size.width <= 0 || size.height <= 0 || o.resolution <= 0) {
+                throw 'Invalid dimensions for plot, width = ' + size.width + ', height = ' + size.height + ', resolution = ' + o.resolution;
+            }
+            // Main canvas for drawing graph types
+            this.canvas = getCanvas(this.canvas, 'canvas');
+            // Overlay canvas for interactive features
+            this.overlay = getCanvas(this.overlay, 'overlay');
+            this.ctx = getContext(this.canvas);
+            this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
+            this.octx = getContext(this.overlay);
+            this.octx.clearRect(0, 0, this.overlay.width, this.overlay.height);
+            this.canvasHeight = size.height;
+            this.canvasWidth = size.width;
+            this.textEnabled = !!this.ctx.drawText || !!this.ctx.fillText; // Enable text functions
+            function getCanvas(canvas, name) {
+                if (!canvas) {
+                    canvas = D.create('canvas');
+                    if (typeof FlashCanvas != "undefined" && typeof canvas.getContext === 'function') {
+                        FlashCanvas.initElement(canvas);
+                    }
+                    canvas.className = 'flotr-' + name;
+           = 'position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;';
+                    D.insert(el, canvas);
+                }
+                _.each(size, function (size, attribute) {
+          ;
+                    if (name == 'canvas' && canvas.getAttribute(attribute) === size) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    canvas.setAttribute(attribute, size * o.resolution);
+          [attribute] = size + 'px';
+                });
+                canvas.context_ = null; // Reset the ExCanvas context
+                return canvas;
+            }
+            function getContext(canvas) {
+                if (window.G_vmlCanvasManager) window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas); // For ExCanvas
+                var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
+                if (!window.G_vmlCanvasManager) context.scale(o.resolution, o.resolution);
+                return context;
+            }
+        },
+        _initPlugins: function () {
+            // TODO Should be moved to flotr and mixed in.
+            _.each(flotr.plugins, function (plugin, name) {
+                _.each(plugin.callbacks, function (fn, c) {
+                    this.observe(this.el, c, _.bind(fn, this));
+                }, this);
+                this[name] = flotr.clone(plugin);
+                _.each(this[name], function (fn, p) {
+                    if (_.isFunction(fn))
+                        this[name][p] = _.bind(fn, this);
+                }, this);
+            }, this);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Sets options and initializes some variables and color specific values, used by the constructor.
+         * @param {Object} opts - options object
+         */
+        _initOptions: function (opts) {
+            var options = flotr.clone(flotr.defaultOptions);
+            options.x2axis = _.extend(_.clone(options.xaxis), options.x2axis);
+            options.y2axis = _.extend(_.clone(options.yaxis), options.y2axis);
+            this.options = flotr.merge(opts || {}, options);
+            if (this.options.grid.minorVerticalLines === null &&
+                this.options.xaxis.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
+                this.options.grid.minorVerticalLines = true;
+            }
+            if (this.options.grid.minorHorizontalLines === null &&
+                this.options.yaxis.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
+                this.options.grid.minorHorizontalLines = true;
+            }
+  , 'flotr:afterinitoptions', [this]);
+            this.axes = flotr.Axis.getAxes(this.options);
+            // Initialize some variables used throughout this function.
+            var assignedColors = [],
+                colors = [],
+                ln = this.series.length,
+                neededColors = this.series.length,
+                oc = this.options.colors,
+                usedColors = [],
+                variation = 0,
+                c, i, j, s;
+            // Collect user-defined colors from series.
+            for (i = neededColors - 1; i > -1; --i) {
+                c = this.series[i].color;
+                if (c) {
+                    --neededColors;
+                    if (_.isNumber(c)) assignedColors.push(c);
+                    else usedColors.push(flotr.Color.parse(c));
+                }
+            }
+            // Calculate the number of colors that need to be generated.
+            for (i = assignedColors.length - 1; i > -1; --i)
+                neededColors = Math.max(neededColors, assignedColors[i] + 1);
+            // Generate needed number of colors.
+            for (i = 0; colors.length < neededColors;) {
+                c = (oc.length == i) ? new flotr.Color(100, 100, 100) : flotr.Color.parse(oc[i]);
+                // Make sure each serie gets a different color.
+                var sign = variation % 2 == 1 ? -1 : 1,
+                    factor = 1 + sign * Math.ceil(variation / 2) * 0.2;
+                c.scale(factor, factor, factor);
+                /**
+                 * @todo if we're getting too close to something else, we should probably skip this one
+                 */
+                colors.push(c);
+                if (++i >= oc.length) {
+                    i = 0;
+                    ++variation;
+                }
+            }
+            // Fill the options with the generated colors.
+            for (i = 0, j = 0; i < ln; ++i) {
+                s = this.series[i];
+                // Assign the color.
+                if (!s.color) {
+                    s.color = colors[j++].toString();
+                } else if (_.isNumber(s.color)) {
+                    s.color = colors[s.color].toString();
+                }
+                // Every series needs an axis
+                if (!s.xaxis) s.xaxis = this.axes.x;
+                if (s.xaxis == 1) s.xaxis = this.axes.x;
+                else if (s.xaxis == 2) s.xaxis = this.axes.x2;
+                if (!s.yaxis) s.yaxis = this.axes.y;
+                if (s.yaxis == 1) s.yaxis = this.axes.y;
+                else if (s.yaxis == 2) s.yaxis = this.axes.y2;
+                // Apply missing options to the series.
+                for (var t in flotr.graphTypes) {
+                    s[t] = _.extend(_.clone(this.options[t]), s[t]);
+                }
+                s.mouse = _.extend(_.clone(this.options.mouse), s.mouse);
+                if (_.isUndefined(s.shadowSize)) s.shadowSize = this.options.shadowSize;
+            }
+        },
+        _setEl: function (el) {
+            if (!el) throw 'The target container doesn\'t exist';
+            else if (el.graph instanceof Graph) el.graph.destroy();
+            else if (!el.clientWidth) throw 'The target container must be visible';
+            el.graph = this;
+            this.el = el;
+        }
+    };
+    Flotr.Graph = Graph;
@@ -3046,305 +3094,309 @@
 (function () {
-  _ = Flotr._,
-  LOGARITHMIC = 'logarithmic';
-function Axis (o) {
-  this.orientation = 1;
-  this.offset = 0;
-  this.datamin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
-  this.datamax = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
-  _.extend(this, o);
-  this._setTranslations();
+    var
+        _ = Flotr._,
+        LOGARITHMIC = 'logarithmic';
+    function Axis(o) {
+        this.orientation = 1;
+        this.offset = 0;
+        this.datamin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+        this.datamax = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+        _.extend(this, o);
+        this._setTranslations();
+    }
 // Prototype
-Axis.prototype = {
-  setScale : function () {
-    var length = this.length;
-    if (this.options.scaling == LOGARITHMIC) {
-      this.scale = length / (log(this.max, this.options.base) - log(this.min, this.options.base));
-    } else {
-      this.scale = length / (this.max - this.min);
+    Axis.prototype = {
+        setScale: function () {
+            var length = this.length;
+            if (this.options.scaling == LOGARITHMIC) {
+                this.scale = length / (log(this.max, this.options.base) - log(this.min, this.options.base));
+            } else {
+                this.scale = length / (this.max - this.min);
+            }
+        },
+        calculateTicks: function () {
+            var options = this.options;
+            this.ticks = [];
+            this.minorTicks = [];
+            // User Ticks
+            if (options.ticks) {
+                this._cleanUserTicks(options.ticks, this.ticks);
+                this._cleanUserTicks(options.minorTicks || [], this.minorTicks);
+            }
+            else {
+                if (options.mode == 'time') {
+                    this._calculateTimeTicks();
+                } else if (options.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
+                    this._calculateLogTicks();
+                } else {
+                    this._calculateTicks();
+                }
+            }
+            // Ticks to strings
+            _.each(this.ticks, function (tick) {
+                tick.label += '';
+            });
+            _.each(this.minorTicks, function (tick) {
+                tick.label += '';
+            });
+        },
+        /**
+         * Calculates the range of an axis to apply autoscaling.
+         */
+        calculateRange: function () {
+            if (!this.used) return;
+            var axis = this,
+                o = axis.options,
+                min = o.min !== null ? o.min : axis.datamin,
+                max = o.max !== null ? o.max : axis.datamax,
+                margin = o.autoscaleMargin;
+            if (o.scaling == 'logarithmic') {
+                if (min <= 0) min = axis.datamin;
+                // Let it widen later on
+                if (max <= 0) max = min;
+            }
+            if (max == min) {
+                var widen = max ? 0.01 : 1.00;
+                if (o.min === null) min -= widen;
+                if (o.max === null) max += widen;
+            }
+            if (o.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
+                if (min < 0) min = max / o.base;  // Could be the result of widening
+                var maxexp = Math.log(max);
+                if (o.base != Math.E) maxexp /= Math.log(o.base);
+                maxexp = Math.ceil(maxexp);
+                var minexp = Math.log(min);
+                if (o.base != Math.E) minexp /= Math.log(o.base);
+                minexp = Math.ceil(minexp);
+                axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(o.noTicks, minexp, maxexp, o.tickDecimals === null ? 0 : o.tickDecimals);
+                // Try to determine a suitable amount of miniticks based on the length of a decade
+                if (o.minorTickFreq === null) {
+                    if (maxexp - minexp > 10)
+                        o.minorTickFreq = 0;
+                    else if (maxexp - minexp > 5)
+                        o.minorTickFreq = 2;
+                    else
+                        o.minorTickFreq = 5;
+                }
+            } else {
+                axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(o.noTicks, min, max, o.tickDecimals);
+            }
+            axis.min = min;
+            axis.max = max; //extendRange may use axis.min or axis.max, so it should be set before it is caled
+            // Autoscaling. @todo This probably fails with log scale. Find a testcase and fix it
+            if (o.min === null && o.autoscale) {
+                axis.min -= axis.tickSize * margin;
+                // Make sure we don't go below zero if all values are positive.
+                if (axis.min < 0 && axis.datamin >= 0) axis.min = 0;
+                axis.min = axis.tickSize * Math.floor(axis.min / axis.tickSize);
+            }
+            if (o.max === null && o.autoscale) {
+                axis.max += axis.tickSize * margin;
+                if (axis.max > 0 && axis.datamax <= 0 && axis.datamax != axis.datamin) axis.max = 0;
+                axis.max = axis.tickSize * Math.ceil(axis.max / axis.tickSize);
+            }
+            if (axis.min == axis.max) axis.max = axis.min + 1;
+        },
+        calculateTextDimensions: function (T, options) {
+            var maxLabel = '',
+                length,
+                i;
+            if (this.options.showLabels) {
+                for (i = 0; i < this.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                    length = this.ticks[i].label.length;
+                    if (length > maxLabel.length) {
+                        maxLabel = this.ticks[i].label;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            this.maxLabel = T.dimensions(
+                maxLabel,
+                {size: options.fontSize, angle: Flotr.toRad(this.options.labelsAngle)},
+                'font-size:smaller;',
+                'flotr-grid-label'
+            );
+            this.titleSize = T.dimensions(
+                this.options.title,
+                {size: options.fontSize * 1.2, angle: Flotr.toRad(this.options.titleAngle)},
+                'font-weight:bold;',
+                'flotr-axis-title'
+            );
+        },
+        _cleanUserTicks: function (ticks, axisTicks) {
+            var axis = this, options = this.options,
+                v, i, label, tick;
+            if (_.isFunction(ticks)) ticks = ticks({min: axis.min, max: axis.max});
+            for (i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i) {
+                tick = ticks[i];
+                if (typeof(tick) === 'object') {
+                    v = tick[0];
+                    label = (tick.length > 1) ? tick[1] : options.tickFormatter(v, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max});
+                } else {
+                    v = tick;
+                    label = options.tickFormatter(v, {min: this.min, max: this.max});
+                }
+                axisTicks[i] = { v: v, label: label };
+            }
+        },
+        _calculateTimeTicks: function () {
+            this.ticks = Flotr.Date.generator(this);
+        },
+        _calculateLogTicks: function () {
+            var axis = this,
+                o = axis.options,
+                v,
+                decadeStart;
+            var max = Math.log(axis.max);
+            if (o.base != Math.E) max /= Math.log(o.base);
+            max = Math.ceil(max);
+            var min = Math.log(axis.min);
+            if (o.base != Math.E) min /= Math.log(o.base);
+            min = Math.ceil(min);
+            for (i = min; i < max; i += axis.tickSize) {
+                decadeStart = (o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(i) : Math.pow(o.base, i);
+                // Next decade begins here:
+                var decadeEnd = decadeStart * ((o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(axis.tickSize) : Math.pow(o.base, axis.tickSize));
+                var stepSize = (decadeEnd - decadeStart) / o.minorTickFreq;
+                axis.ticks.push({v: decadeStart, label: o.tickFormatter(decadeStart, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max})});
+                for (v = decadeStart + stepSize; v < decadeEnd; v += stepSize)
+                    axis.minorTicks.push({v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max})});
+            }
+            // Always show the value at the would-be start of next decade (end of this decade)
+            decadeStart = (o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(i) : Math.pow(o.base, i);
+            axis.ticks.push({v: decadeStart, label: o.tickFormatter(decadeStart, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max})});
+        },
+        _calculateTicks: function () {
+            var axis = this,
+                o = axis.options,
+                tickSize = axis.tickSize,
+                min = axis.min,
+                max = axis.max,
+                start = tickSize * Math.ceil(min / tickSize), // Round to nearest multiple of tick size.
+                decimals,
+                minorTickSize,
+                v, v2,
+                i, j;
+            if (o.minorTickFreq)
+                minorTickSize = tickSize / o.minorTickFreq;
+            // Then store all possible ticks.
+            for (i = 0; (v = v2 = start + i * tickSize) <= max; ++i) {
+                // Round (this is always needed to fix numerical instability).
+                decimals = o.tickDecimals;
+                if (decimals === null) decimals = 1 - Math.floor(Math.log(tickSize) / Math.LN10);
+                if (decimals < 0) decimals = 0;
+                v = v.toFixed(decimals);
+                axis.ticks.push({ v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max}) });
+                if (o.minorTickFreq) {
+                    for (j = 0; j < o.minorTickFreq && (i * tickSize + j * minorTickSize) < max; ++j) {
+                        v = v2 + j * minorTickSize;
+                        axis.minorTicks.push({ v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max}) });
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        _setTranslations: function (logarithmic) {
+            this.d2p = (logarithmic ? d2pLog : d2p);
+            this.p2d = (logarithmic ? p2dLog : p2d);
+        }
+    };
+// Static Methods
+    _.extend(Axis, {
+        getAxes: function (options) {
+            return {
+                x: new Axis({options: options.xaxis, n: 1, length: this.plotWidth}),
+                x2: new Axis({options: options.x2axis, n: 2, length: this.plotWidth}),
+                y: new Axis({options: options.yaxis, n: 1, length: this.plotHeight, offset: this.plotHeight, orientation: -1}),
+                y2: new Axis({options: options.y2axis, n: 2, length: this.plotHeight, offset: this.plotHeight, orientation: -1})
+            };
+        }
+    });
+// Helper Methods
+    function d2p(dataValue) {
+        return this.offset + this.orientation * (dataValue - this.min) * this.scale;
-  },
-  calculateTicks : function () {
-    var options = this.options;
-    this.ticks = [];
-    this.minorTicks = [];
-    // User Ticks
-    if(options.ticks){
-      this._cleanUserTicks(options.ticks, this.ticks);
-      this._cleanUserTicks(options.minorTicks || [], this.minorTicks);
+    function p2d(pointValue) {
+        return (this.offset + this.orientation * pointValue) / this.scale + this.min;
-    else {
-      if (options.mode == 'time') {
-        this._calculateTimeTicks();
-      } else if (options.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
-        this._calculateLogTicks();
-      } else {
-        this._calculateTicks();
-      }
+    function d2pLog(dataValue) {
+        return this.offset + this.orientation * (log(dataValue, this.options.base) - log(this.min, this.options.base)) * this.scale;
-    // Ticks to strings
-    _.each(this.ticks, function (tick) { tick.label += ''; });
-    _.each(this.minorTicks, function (tick) { tick.label += ''; });
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calculates the range of an axis to apply autoscaling.
-   */
-  calculateRange: function () {
-    if (!this.used) return;
-    var axis  = this,
-      o       = axis.options,
-      min     = o.min !== null ? o.min : axis.datamin,
-      max     = o.max !== null ? o.max : axis.datamax,
-      margin  = o.autoscaleMargin;
-    if (o.scaling == 'logarithmic') {
-      if (min <= 0) min = axis.datamin;
-      // Let it widen later on
-      if (max <= 0) max = min;
+    function p2dLog(pointValue) {
+        return exp((this.offset + this.orientation * pointValue) / this.scale + log(this.min, this.options.base), this.options.base);
-    if (max == min) {
-      var widen = max ? 0.01 : 1.00;
-      if (o.min === null) min -= widen;
-      if (o.max === null) max += widen;
+    function log(value, base) {
+        value = Math.log(Math.max(value, Number.MIN_VALUE));
+        if (base !== Math.E)
+            value /= Math.log(base);
+        return value;
-    if (o.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
-      if (min < 0) min = max / o.base;  // Could be the result of widening
-      var maxexp = Math.log(max);
-      if (o.base != Math.E) maxexp /= Math.log(o.base);
-      maxexp = Math.ceil(maxexp);
-      var minexp = Math.log(min);
-      if (o.base != Math.E) minexp /= Math.log(o.base);
-      minexp = Math.ceil(minexp);
-      axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(o.noTicks, minexp, maxexp, o.tickDecimals === null ? 0 : o.tickDecimals);
-      // Try to determine a suitable amount of miniticks based on the length of a decade
-      if (o.minorTickFreq === null) {
-        if (maxexp - minexp > 10)
-          o.minorTickFreq = 0;
-        else if (maxexp - minexp > 5)
-          o.minorTickFreq = 2;
-        else
-          o.minorTickFreq = 5;
-      }
-    } else {
-      axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(o.noTicks, min, max, o.tickDecimals);
+    function exp(value, base) {
+        return (base === Math.E) ? Math.exp(value) : Math.pow(base, value);
-    axis.min = min;
-    axis.max = max; //extendRange may use axis.min or axis.max, so it should be set before it is caled
-    // Autoscaling. @todo This probably fails with log scale. Find a testcase and fix it
-    if(o.min === null && o.autoscale){
-      axis.min -= axis.tickSize * margin;
-      // Make sure we don't go below zero if all values are positive.
-      if(axis.min < 0 && axis.datamin >= 0) axis.min = 0;
-      axis.min = axis.tickSize * Math.floor(axis.min / axis.tickSize);
-    }
-    if(o.max === null && o.autoscale){
-      axis.max += axis.tickSize * margin;
-      if(axis.max > 0 && axis.datamax <= 0 && axis.datamax != axis.datamin) axis.max = 0;        
-      axis.max = axis.tickSize * Math.ceil(axis.max / axis.tickSize);
-    }
-    if (axis.min == axis.max) axis.max = axis.min + 1;
-  },
-  calculateTextDimensions : function (T, options) {
-    var maxLabel = '',
-      length,
-      i;
-    if (this.options.showLabels) {
-      for (i = 0; i < this.ticks.length; ++i) {
-        length = this.ticks[i].label.length;
-        if (length > maxLabel.length){
-          maxLabel = this.ticks[i].label;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    this.maxLabel = T.dimensions(
-      maxLabel,
-      {size:options.fontSize, angle: Flotr.toRad(this.options.labelsAngle)},
-      'font-size:smaller;',
-      'flotr-grid-label'
-    );
-    this.titleSize = T.dimensions(
-      this.options.title, 
-      {size:options.fontSize*1.2, angle: Flotr.toRad(this.options.titleAngle)},
-      'font-weight:bold;',
-      'flotr-axis-title'
-    );
-  },
-  _cleanUserTicks : function (ticks, axisTicks) {
-    var axis = this, options = this.options,
-      v, i, label, tick;
-    if(_.isFunction(ticks)) ticks = ticks({min : axis.min, max : axis.max});
-    for(i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i){
-      tick = ticks[i];
-      if(typeof(tick) === 'object'){
-        v = tick[0];
-        label = (tick.length > 1) ? tick[1] : options.tickFormatter(v, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max});
-      } else {
-        v = tick;
-        label = options.tickFormatter(v, {min : this.min, max : this.max});
-      }
-      axisTicks[i] = { v: v, label: label };
-    }
-  },
-  _calculateTimeTicks : function () {
-    this.ticks = Flotr.Date.generator(this);
-  },
-  _calculateLogTicks : function () {
-    var axis = this,
-      o = axis.options,
-      v,
-      decadeStart;
-    var max = Math.log(axis.max);
-    if (o.base != Math.E) max /= Math.log(o.base);
-    max = Math.ceil(max);
-    var min = Math.log(axis.min);
-    if (o.base != Math.E) min /= Math.log(o.base);
-    min = Math.ceil(min);
-    for (i = min; i < max; i += axis.tickSize) {
-      decadeStart = (o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(i) : Math.pow(o.base, i);
-      // Next decade begins here:
-      var decadeEnd = decadeStart * ((o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(axis.tickSize) : Math.pow(o.base, axis.tickSize));
-      var stepSize = (decadeEnd - decadeStart) / o.minorTickFreq;
-      axis.ticks.push({v: decadeStart, label: o.tickFormatter(decadeStart, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max})});
-      for (v = decadeStart + stepSize; v < decadeEnd; v += stepSize)
-        axis.minorTicks.push({v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max})});
-    }
-    // Always show the value at the would-be start of next decade (end of this decade)
-    decadeStart = (o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(i) : Math.pow(o.base, i);
-    axis.ticks.push({v: decadeStart, label: o.tickFormatter(decadeStart, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max})});
-  },
-  _calculateTicks : function () {
-    var axis      = this,
-        o         = axis.options,
-        tickSize  = axis.tickSize,
-        min       = axis.min,
-        max       = axis.max,
-        start     = tickSize * Math.ceil(min / tickSize), // Round to nearest multiple of tick size.
-        decimals,
-        minorTickSize,
-        v, v2,
-        i, j;
-    if (o.minorTickFreq)
-      minorTickSize = tickSize / o.minorTickFreq;
-    // Then store all possible ticks.
-    for (i = 0; (v = v2 = start + i * tickSize) <= max; ++i){
-      // Round (this is always needed to fix numerical instability).
-      decimals = o.tickDecimals;
-      if (decimals === null) decimals = 1 - Math.floor(Math.log(tickSize) / Math.LN10);
-      if (decimals < 0) decimals = 0;
-      v = v.toFixed(decimals);
-      axis.ticks.push({ v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max}) });
-      if (o.minorTickFreq) {
-        for (j = 0; j < o.minorTickFreq && (i * tickSize + j * minorTickSize) < max; ++j) {
-          v = v2 + j * minorTickSize;
-          axis.minorTicks.push({ v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max}) });
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  _setTranslations : function (logarithmic) {
-    this.d2p = (logarithmic ? d2pLog : d2p);
-    this.p2d = (logarithmic ? p2dLog : p2d);
-  }
-// Static Methods
-_.extend(Axis, {
-  getAxes : function (options) {
-    return {
-      x:  new Axis({options: options.xaxis,  n: 1, length: this.plotWidth}),
-      x2: new Axis({options: options.x2axis, n: 2, length: this.plotWidth}),
-      y:  new Axis({options: options.yaxis,  n: 1, length: this.plotHeight, offset: this.plotHeight, orientation: -1}),
-      y2: new Axis({options: options.y2axis, n: 2, length: this.plotHeight, offset: this.plotHeight, orientation: -1})
-    };
-  }
-// Helper Methods
-function d2p (dataValue) {
-  return this.offset + this.orientation * (dataValue - this.min) * this.scale;
-function p2d (pointValue) {
-  return (this.offset + this.orientation * pointValue) / this.scale + this.min;
-function d2pLog (dataValue) {
-  return this.offset + this.orientation * (log(dataValue, this.options.base) - log(this.min, this.options.base)) * this.scale;
-function p2dLog (pointValue) {
-  return exp((this.offset + this.orientation * pointValue) / this.scale + log(this.min, this.options.base), this.options.base);
-function log (value, base) {
-  value = Math.log(Math.max(value, Number.MIN_VALUE));
-  if (base !== Math.E) 
-    value /= Math.log(base);
-  return value;
-function exp (value, base) {
-  return (base === Math.E) ? Math.exp(value) : Math.pow(base, value);
-Flotr.Axis = Axis;
+    Flotr.Axis = Axis;
@@ -3354,908 +3406,920 @@
 (function () {
-  _ = Flotr._;
-function Series (o) {
-  _.extend(this, o);
-Series.prototype = {
-  getRange: function () {
-      data =,
-      length = data.length,
-      xmin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      ymin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      xmax = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      ymax = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      xused = false,
-      yused = false,
-      x, y, i;
-    if (length < 0 || this.hide) return false;
-    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-      x = data[i][0];
-      y = data[i][1];
-      if (x < xmin) { xmin = x; xused = true; }
-      if (x > xmax) { xmax = x; xused = true; }
-      if (y < ymin) { ymin = y; yused = true; }
-      if (y > ymax) { ymax = y; yused = true; }
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    function Series(o) {
+        _.extend(this, o);
-    return {
-      xmin : xmin,
-      xmax : xmax,
-      ymin : ymin,
-      ymax : ymax,
-      xused : xused,
-      yused : yused
-    };
-  }
-_.extend(Series, {
-  /**
-   * Collects dataseries from input and parses the series into the right format. It returns an Array 
-   * of Objects each having at least the 'data' key set.
-   * @param {Array, Object} data - Object or array of dataseries
-   * @return {Array} Array of Objects parsed into the right format ({(...,) data: [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ...] (, ...)})
-   */
-  getSeries: function(data){
-    return, function(s){
-      var series;
-      if ( {
-        series = new Series();
-        _.extend(series, s);
-      } else {
-        series = new Series({data:s});
-      }
-      return series;
+    Series.prototype = {
+        getRange: function () {
+            var
+                data =,
+                length = data.length,
+                xmin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                ymin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                xmax = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                ymax = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                xused = false,
+                yused = false,
+                x, y, i;
+            if (length < 0 || this.hide) return false;
+            for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+                x = data[i][0];
+                y = data[i][1];
+                if (x < xmin) {
+                    xmin = x;
+                    xused = true;
+                }
+                if (x > xmax) {
+                    xmax = x;
+                    xused = true;
+                }
+                if (y < ymin) {
+                    ymin = y;
+                    yused = true;
+                }
+                if (y > ymax) {
+                    ymax = y;
+                    yused = true;
+                }
+            }
+            return {
+                xmin: xmin,
+                xmax: xmax,
+                ymin: ymin,
+                ymax: ymax,
+                xused: xused,
+                yused: yused
+            };
+        }
+    };
+    _.extend(Series, {
+        /**
+         * Collects dataseries from input and parses the series into the right format. It returns an Array
+         * of Objects each having at least the 'data' key set.
+         * @param {Array, Object} data - Object or array of dataseries
+         * @return {Array} Array of Objects parsed into the right format ({(...,) data: [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ...] (, ...)})
+         */
+        getSeries: function (data) {
+            return, function (s) {
+                var series;
+                if ( {
+                    series = new Series();
+                    _.extend(series, s);
+                } else {
+                    series = new Series({data: s});
+                }
+                return series;
+            });
+        }
-  }
-Flotr.Series = Series;
+    Flotr.Series = Series;
 /** Lines **/
 Flotr.addType('lines', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show lines, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
-    fill: false,           // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillBorder: false,     // => draw a border around the fill
-    fillColor: null,       // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    steps: false,          // => draw steps
-    stacked: false         // => setting to true will show stacked lines, false will show normal lines
-  },
-  stack : {
-    values : []
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws lines series in the canvas element.
-   * @param {Object} options
-   */
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context     = options.context,
-      lineWidth   = options.lineWidth,
-      shadowSize  = options.shadowSize,
-      offset;
-    context.lineJoin = 'round';
-    if (shadowSize) {
-      context.lineWidth = shadowSize / 2;
-      offset = lineWidth / 2 + context.lineWidth / 2;
-      // @TODO do this instead with a linear gradient
-      context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";
-      this.plot(options, offset + shadowSize / 2, false);
-      context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";
-      this.plot(options, offset, false);
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show lines, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
+        fill: false,           // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillBorder: false,     // => draw a border around the fill
+        fillColor: null,       // => fill color
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        steps: false,          // => draw steps
+        stacked: false         // => setting to true will show stacked lines, false will show normal lines
+    },
+    stack: {
+        values: []
+    },
+    /**
+     * Draws lines series in the canvas element.
+     * @param {Object} options
+     */
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize,
+            offset;
+        context.lineJoin = 'round';
+        if (shadowSize) {
+            context.lineWidth = shadowSize / 2;
+            offset = lineWidth / 2 + context.lineWidth / 2;
+            // @TODO do this instead with a linear gradient
+            context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";
+            this.plot(options, offset + shadowSize / 2, false);
+            context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";
+            this.plot(options, offset, false);
+        }
+        context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        this.plot(options, 0, true);
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (options, shadowOffset, incStack) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            width = options.width,
+            height = options.height,
+            xScale = options.xScale,
+            yScale = options.yScale,
+            data =,
+            stack = options.stacked ? this.stack : false,
+            length = data.length - 1,
+            prevx = null,
+            prevy = null,
+            zero = yScale(0),
+            start = null,
+            x1, x2, y1, y2, stack1, stack2, i;
+        if (length < 1) return;
+        context.beginPath();
+        for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+            // To allow empty values
+            if (data[i][1] === null || data[i + 1][1] === null) {
+                if (options.fill) {
+                    if (i > 0 && data[i][1]) {
+                        context.stroke();
+                        fill();
+                        start = null;
+                        context.closePath();
+                        context.beginPath();
+                    }
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Zero is infinity for log scales
+            // TODO handle zero for logarithmic
+            // if (xa.options.scaling === 'logarithmic' && (data[i][0] <= 0 || data[i+1][0] <= 0)) continue;
+            // if (ya.options.scaling === 'logarithmic' && (data[i][1] <= 0 || data[i+1][1] <= 0)) continue;
+            x1 = xScale(data[i][0]);
+            x2 = xScale(data[i + 1][0]);
+            if (start === null) start = data[i];
+            if (stack) {
+                stack1 = stack.values[data[i][0]] || 0;
+                stack2 = stack.values[data[i + 1][0]] || stack.values[data[i][0]] || 0;
+                y1 = yScale(data[i][1] + stack1);
+                y2 = yScale(data[i + 1][1] + stack2);
+                if (incStack) {
+                    stack.values[data[i][0]] = data[i][1] + stack1;
+                    if (i == length - 1)
+                        stack.values[data[i + 1][0]] = data[i + 1][1] + stack2;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                y1 = yScale(data[i][1]);
+                y2 = yScale(data[i + 1][1]);
+            }
+            if (
+                (y1 > height && y2 > height) ||
+                    (y1 < 0 && y2 < 0) ||
+                    (x1 < 0 && x2 < 0) ||
+                    (x1 > width && x2 > width)
+                ) continue;
+            if ((prevx != x1) || (prevy != y1 + shadowOffset))
+                context.moveTo(x1, y1 + shadowOffset);
+            prevx = x2;
+            prevy = y2 + shadowOffset;
+            if (options.steps) {
+                context.lineTo(prevx + shadowOffset / 2, y1 + shadowOffset);
+                context.lineTo(prevx + shadowOffset / 2, prevy);
+            } else {
+                context.lineTo(prevx, prevy);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!options.fill || options.fill && !options.fillBorder) context.stroke();
+        fill();
+        function fill() {
+            // TODO stacked lines
+            if (!shadowOffset && options.fill && start) {
+                x1 = xScale(start[0]);
+                context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+                context.lineTo(x2, zero);
+                context.lineTo(x1, zero);
+                context.lineTo(x1, yScale(start[1]));
+                context.fill();
+                if (options.fillBorder) {
+                    context.stroke();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        context.closePath();
+    },
+    // Perform any pre-render precalculations (this should be run on data first)
+    // - Pie chart total for calculating measures
+    // - Stacks for lines and bars
+    // precalculate : function () {
+    // }
+    //
+    //
+    // Get any bounds after pre calculation (axis can fetch this if does not have explicit min/max)
+    // getBounds : function () {
+    // }
+    // getMin : function () {
+    // }
+    // getMax : function () {
+    // }
+    //
+    //
+    // Padding around rendered elements
+    // getPadding : function () {
+    // }
+    extendYRange: function (axis, data, options, lines) {
+        var o = axis.options;
+        // If stacked and auto-min
+        if (options.stacked && ((!o.max && o.max !== 0) || (!o.min && o.min !== 0))) {
+            var
+                newmax = axis.max,
+                newmin = axis.min,
+                positiveSums = lines.positiveSums || {},
+                negativeSums = lines.negativeSums || {},
+                x, j;
+            for (j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
+                x = data[j][0] + '';
+                // Positive
+                if (data[j][1] > 0) {
+                    positiveSums[x] = (positiveSums[x] || 0) + data[j][1];
+                    newmax = Math.max(newmax, positiveSums[x]);
+                }
+                // Negative
+                else {
+                    negativeSums[x] = (negativeSums[x] || 0) + data[j][1];
+                    newmin = Math.min(newmin, negativeSums[x]);
+                }
+            }
+            lines.negativeSums = negativeSums;
+            lines.positiveSums = positiveSums;
+            axis.max = newmax;
+            axis.min = newmin;
+        }
+        if (options.steps) {
+            this.hit = function (options) {
+                var
+                    data =,
+                    args = options.args,
+                    yScale = options.yScale,
+                    mouse = args[0],
+                    length = data.length,
+                    n = args[1],
+                    x = mouse.x,
+                    relY = mouse.relY,
+                    i;
+                for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
+                    if (x >= data[i][0] && x <= data[i + 1][0]) {
+                        if (Math.abs(yScale(data[i][1]) - relY) < 8) {
+                            n.x = data[i][0];
+                            n.y = data[i][1];
+                            n.index = i;
+                            n.seriesIndex = options.index;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            this.drawHit = function (options) {
+                var
+                    context = options.context,
+                    args = options.args,
+                    data =,
+                    xScale = options.xScale,
+                    index = args.index,
+                    x = xScale(args.x),
+                    y = options.yScale(args.y),
+                    x2;
+                if (data.length - 1 > index) {
+                    x2 = options.xScale(data[index + 1][0]);
+          ;
+                    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+                    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+                    context.beginPath();
+                    context.moveTo(x, y);
+                    context.lineTo(x2, y);
+                    context.stroke();
+                    context.closePath();
+                    context.restore();
+                }
+            };
+            this.clearHit = function (options) {
+                var
+                    context = options.context,
+                    args = options.args,
+                    data =,
+                    xScale = options.xScale,
+                    width = options.lineWidth,
+                    index = args.index,
+                    x = xScale(args.x),
+                    y = options.yScale(args.y),
+                    x2;
+                if (data.length - 1 > index) {
+                    x2 = options.xScale(data[index + 1][0]);
+                    context.clearRect(x - width, y - width, x2 - x + 2 * width, 2 * width);
+                }
+            };
+        }
-    context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    this.plot(options, 0, true);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options, shadowOffset, incStack) {
-    var
-      context   = options.context,
-      width     = options.width, 
-      height    = options.height,
-      xScale    = options.xScale,
-      yScale    = options.yScale,
-      data      =, 
-      stack     = options.stacked ? this.stack : false,
-      length    = data.length - 1,
-      prevx     = null,
-      prevy     = null,
-      zero      = yScale(0),
-      start     = null,
-      x1, x2, y1, y2, stack1, stack2, i;
-    if (length < 1) return;
-    context.beginPath();
-    for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
-      // To allow empty values
-      if (data[i][1] === null || data[i+1][1] === null) {
-        if (options.fill) {
-          if (i > 0 && data[i][1]) {
-            context.stroke();
-            fill();
-            start = null;
-            context.closePath();
-            context.beginPath();
-          }
-        }
-        continue;
-      }
-      // Zero is infinity for log scales
-      // TODO handle zero for logarithmic
-      // if (xa.options.scaling === 'logarithmic' && (data[i][0] <= 0 || data[i+1][0] <= 0)) continue;
-      // if (ya.options.scaling === 'logarithmic' && (data[i][1] <= 0 || data[i+1][1] <= 0)) continue;
-      x1 = xScale(data[i][0]);
-      x2 = xScale(data[i+1][0]);
-      if (start === null) start = data[i];
-      if (stack) {
-        stack1 = stack.values[data[i][0]] || 0;
-        stack2 = stack.values[data[i+1][0]] || stack.values[data[i][0]] || 0;
-        y1 = yScale(data[i][1] + stack1);
-        y2 = yScale(data[i+1][1] + stack2);
-        if(incStack){
-          stack.values[data[i][0]] = data[i][1]+stack1;
-          if(i == length-1)
-            stack.values[data[i+1][0]] = data[i+1][1]+stack2;
-        }
-      }
-      else{
-        y1 = yScale(data[i][1]);
-        y2 = yScale(data[i+1][1]);
-      }
-      if (
-        (y1 > height && y2 > height) ||
-        (y1 < 0 && y2 < 0) ||
-        (x1 < 0 && x2 < 0) ||
-        (x1 > width && x2 > width)
-      ) continue;
-      if((prevx != x1) || (prevy != y1 + shadowOffset))
-        context.moveTo(x1, y1 + shadowOffset);
-      prevx = x2;
-      prevy = y2 + shadowOffset;
-      if (options.steps) {
-        context.lineTo(prevx + shadowOffset / 2, y1 + shadowOffset);
-        context.lineTo(prevx + shadowOffset / 2, prevy);
-      } else {
-        context.lineTo(prevx, prevy);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!options.fill || options.fill && !options.fillBorder) context.stroke();
-    fill();
-    function fill () {
-      // TODO stacked lines
-      if(!shadowOffset && options.fill && start){
-        x1 = xScale(start[0]);
-        context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-        context.lineTo(x2, zero);
-        context.lineTo(x1, zero);
-        context.lineTo(x1, yScale(start[1]));
-        context.fill();
-        if (options.fillBorder) {
-          context.stroke();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    context.closePath();
-  },
-  // Perform any pre-render precalculations (this should be run on data first)
-  // - Pie chart total for calculating measures
-  // - Stacks for lines and bars
-  // precalculate : function () {
-  // }
-  //
-  //
-  // Get any bounds after pre calculation (axis can fetch this if does not have explicit min/max)
-  // getBounds : function () {
-  // }
-  // getMin : function () {
-  // }
-  // getMax : function () {
-  // }
-  //
-  //
-  // Padding around rendered elements
-  // getPadding : function () {
-  // }
-  extendYRange : function (axis, data, options, lines) {
-    var o = axis.options;
-    // If stacked and auto-min
-    if (options.stacked && ((!o.max && o.max !== 0) || (!o.min && o.min !== 0))) {
-      var
-        newmax = axis.max,
-        newmin = axis.min,
-        positiveSums = lines.positiveSums || {},
-        negativeSums = lines.negativeSums || {},
-        x, j;
-      for (j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
-        x = data[j][0] + '';
-        // Positive
-        if (data[j][1] > 0) {
-          positiveSums[x] = (positiveSums[x] || 0) + data[j][1];
-          newmax = Math.max(newmax, positiveSums[x]);
-        }
-        // Negative
-        else {
-          negativeSums[x] = (negativeSums[x] || 0) + data[j][1];
-          newmin = Math.min(newmin, negativeSums[x]);
-        }
-      }
-      lines.negativeSums = negativeSums;
-      lines.positiveSums = positiveSums;
-      axis.max = newmax;
-      axis.min = newmin;
-    }
-    if (options.steps) {
-      this.hit = function (options) {
-        var
-          data =,
-          args = options.args,
-          yScale = options.yScale,
-          mouse = args[0],
-          length = data.length,
-          n = args[1],
-          x = mouse.x,
-          relY = mouse.relY,
-          i;
-        for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
-          if (x >= data[i][0] && x <= data[i+1][0]) {
-            if (Math.abs(yScale(data[i][1]) - relY) < 8) {
-              n.x = data[i][0];
-              n.y = data[i][1];
-              n.index = i;
-              n.seriesIndex = options.index;
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      this.drawHit = function (options) {
-        var
-          context = options.context,
-          args    = options.args,
-          data    =,
-          xScale  = options.xScale,
-          index   = args.index,
-          x       = xScale(args.x),
-          y       = options.yScale(args.y),
-          x2;
-        if (data.length - 1 > index) {
-          x2 = options.xScale(data[index + 1][0]);
-          context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-          context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-          context.beginPath();
-          context.moveTo(x, y);
-          context.lineTo(x2, y);
-          context.stroke();
-          context.closePath();
-          context.restore();
-        }
-      };
-      this.clearHit = function (options) {
-        var
-          context = options.context,
-          args    = options.args,
-          data    =,
-          xScale  = options.xScale,
-          width   = options.lineWidth,
-          index   = args.index,
-          x       = xScale(args.x),
-          y       = options.yScale(args.y),
-          x2;
-        if (data.length - 1 > index) {
-          x2 = options.xScale(data[index + 1][0]);
-          context.clearRect(x - width, y - width, x2 - x + 2 * width, 2 * width);
-        }
-      };
-    }
-  }
 /** Bars **/
 Flotr.addType('bars', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show bars, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 2,          // => in pixels
-    barWidth: 1,           // => in units of the x axis
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillColor: null,       // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    horizontal: false,     // => horizontal bars (x and y inverted)
-    stacked: false,        // => stacked bar charts
-    centered: true,        // => center the bars to their x axis value
-    topPadding: 0.1,       // => top padding in percent
-    grouped: false         // => groups bars together which share x value, hit not supported.
-  },
-  stack : { 
-    positive : [],
-    negative : [],
-    _positive : [], // Shadow
-    _negative : []  // Shadow
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context;
-    this.current += 1;
-    context.lineJoin = 'miter';
-    // @TODO linewidth not interpreted the right way.
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    if (options.fill) context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options) {
-    var
-      data            =,
-      context         = options.context,
-      shadowSize      = options.shadowSize,
-      i, geometry, left, top, width, height;
-    if (data.length < 1) return;
-    this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
-      geometry = this.getBarGeometry(data[i][0], data[i][1], options);
-      if (geometry === null) continue;
-      left    = geometry.left;
-      top     =;
-      width   = geometry.width;
-      height  = geometry.height;
-      if (options.fill) context.fillRect(left, top, width, height);
-      if (shadowSize) {
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show bars, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 2,          // => in pixels
+        barWidth: 1,           // => in units of the x axis
+        fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillColor: null,       // => fill color
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        horizontal: false,     // => horizontal bars (x and y inverted)
+        stacked: false,        // => stacked bar charts
+        centered: true,        // => center the bars to their x axis value
+        topPadding: 0.1,       // => top padding in percent
+        grouped: false         // => groups bars together which share x value, hit not supported.
+    },
+    stack: {
+        positive: [],
+        negative: [],
+        _positive: [], // Shadow
+        _negative: []  // Shadow
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context;
+        this.current += 1;
-        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-        context.fillRect(left + shadowSize, top + shadowSize, width, height);
+        context.lineJoin = 'miter';
+        // @TODO linewidth not interpreted the right way.
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        if (options.fill) context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+        this.plot(options);
-      }
-      if (options.lineWidth) {
-        context.strokeRect(left, top, width, height);
-      }
+    },
+    plot: function (options) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize,
+            i, geometry, left, top, width, height;
+        if (data.length < 1) return;
+        this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+            geometry = this.getBarGeometry(data[i][0], data[i][1], options);
+            if (geometry === null) continue;
+            left = geometry.left;
+            top =;
+            width = geometry.width;
+            height = geometry.height;
+            if (options.fill) context.fillRect(left, top, width, height);
+            if (shadowSize) {
+      ;
+                context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+                context.fillRect(left + shadowSize, top + shadowSize, width, height);
+                context.restore();
+            }
+            if (options.lineWidth) {
+                context.strokeRect(left, top, width, height);
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    translate: function (context, horizontal) {
+        if (horizontal) {
+            context.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
+            context.scale(-1, 1);
+        }
+    },
+    getBarGeometry: function (x, y, options) {
+        var
+            horizontal = options.horizontal,
+            barWidth = options.barWidth,
+            centered = options.centered,
+            stack = options.stacked ? this.stack : false,
+            lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+            bisection = centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0,
+            xScale = horizontal ? options.yScale : options.xScale,
+            yScale = horizontal ? options.xScale : options.yScale,
+            xValue = horizontal ? y : x,
+            yValue = horizontal ? x : y,
+            stackOffset = 0,
+            stackValue, left, right, top, bottom;
+        if (options.grouped) {
+            this.current / this.groups
+            xValue = xValue - bisection;
+            barWidth = barWidth / this.groups;
+            bisection = barWidth / 2;
+            xValue = xValue + barWidth * this.current - bisection;
+        }
+        // Stacked bars
+        if (stack) {
+            stackValue = yValue > 0 ? stack.positive : stack.negative;
+            stackOffset = stackValue[xValue] || stackOffset;
+            stackValue[xValue] = stackOffset + yValue;
+        }
+        left = xScale(xValue - bisection);
+        right = xScale(xValue + barWidth - bisection);
+        top = yScale(yValue + stackOffset);
+        bottom = yScale(stackOffset);
+        // TODO for test passing... probably looks better without this
+        if (bottom < 0) bottom = 0;
+        // TODO Skipping...
+        // if (right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max) continue;
+        return (x === null || y === null) ? null : {
+            x: xValue,
+            y: yValue,
+            xScale: xScale,
+            yScale: yScale,
+            top: top,
+            left: Math.min(left, right) - lineWidth / 2,
+            width: Math.abs(right - left) - lineWidth,
+            height: bottom - top
+        };
+    },
+    hit: function (options) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            args = options.args,
+            mouse = args[0],
+            n = args[1],
+            x = mouse.x,
+            y = mouse.y,
+            hitGeometry = this.getBarGeometry(x, y, options),
+            width = hitGeometry.width / 2,
+            left = hitGeometry.left,
+            geometry, i;
+        for (i = data.length; i--;) {
+            geometry = this.getBarGeometry(data[i][0], data[i][1], options);
+            if (geometry.y > hitGeometry.y && Math.abs(left - geometry.left) < width) {
+                n.x = data[i][0];
+                n.y = data[i][1];
+                n.index = i;
+                n.seriesIndex = options.index;
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    drawHit: function (options) {
+        // TODO hits for stacked bars; implement using calculateStack option?
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            args = options.args,
+            geometry = this.getBarGeometry(args.x, args.y, options),
+            left = geometry.left,
+            top =,
+            width = geometry.width,
+            height = geometry.height;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
+        // Draw highlight
+        context.beginPath();
+        context.moveTo(left, top + height);
+        context.lineTo(left, top);
+        context.lineTo(left + width, top);
+        context.lineTo(left + width, top + height);
+        if (options.fill) {
+            context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+            context.fill();
+        }
+        context.stroke();
+        context.closePath();
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    clearHit: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            args = options.args,
+            geometry = this.getBarGeometry(args.x, args.y, options),
+            left = geometry.left,
+            width = geometry.width,
+            top =,
+            height = geometry.height,
+            lineWidth = 2 * options.lineWidth;
+        this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
+        context.clearRect(
+            left - lineWidth,
+            Math.min(top, top + height) - lineWidth,
+            width + 2 * lineWidth,
+            Math.abs(height) + 2 * lineWidth
+        );
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    extendXRange: function (axis, data, options, bars) {
+        this._extendRange(axis, data, options, bars);
+        this.groups = (this.groups + 1) || 1;
+        this.current = 0;
+    },
+    extendYRange: function (axis, data, options, bars) {
+        this._extendRange(axis, data, options, bars);
+    },
+    _extendRange: function (axis, data, options, bars) {
+        var
+            max = axis.options.max;
+        if (_.isNumber(max) || _.isString(max)) return;
+        var
+            newmin = axis.min,
+            newmax = axis.max,
+            horizontal = options.horizontal,
+            orientation = axis.orientation,
+            positiveSums = this.positiveSums || {},
+            negativeSums = this.negativeSums || {},
+            value, datum, index, j;
+        // Sides of bars
+        if ((orientation == 1 && !horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && horizontal)) {
+            if (options.centered) {
+                newmax = Math.max(axis.datamax + options.barWidth, newmax);
+                newmin = Math.min(axis.datamin - options.barWidth, newmin);
+            }
+        }
+        if (options.stacked &&
+            ((orientation == 1 && horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && !horizontal))) {
+            for (j = data.length; j--;) {
+                value = data[j][(orientation == 1 ? 1 : 0)] + '';
+                datum = data[j][(orientation == 1 ? 0 : 1)];
+                // Positive
+                if (datum > 0) {
+                    positiveSums[value] = (positiveSums[value] || 0) + datum;
+                    newmax = Math.max(newmax, positiveSums[value]);
+                }
+                // Negative
+                else {
+                    negativeSums[value] = (negativeSums[value] || 0) + datum;
+                    newmin = Math.min(newmin, negativeSums[value]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // End of bars
+        if ((orientation == 1 && horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && !horizontal)) {
+            if (options.topPadding && (axis.max === axis.datamax || (options.stacked && this.stackMax !== newmax))) {
+                newmax += options.topPadding * (newmax - newmin);
+            }
+        }
+        this.stackMin = newmin;
+        this.stackMax = newmax;
+        this.negativeSums = negativeSums;
+        this.positiveSums = positiveSums;
+        axis.max = newmax;
+        axis.min = newmin;
-  },
-  translate : function (context, horizontal) {
-    if (horizontal) {
-      context.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
-      context.scale(-1, 1);
-    }
-  },
-  getBarGeometry : function (x, y, options) {
-    var
-      horizontal    = options.horizontal,
-      barWidth      = options.barWidth,
-      centered      = options.centered,
-      stack         = options.stacked ? this.stack : false,
-      lineWidth     = options.lineWidth,
-      bisection     = centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0,
-      xScale        = horizontal ? options.yScale : options.xScale,
-      yScale        = horizontal ? options.xScale : options.yScale,
-      xValue        = horizontal ? y : x,
-      yValue        = horizontal ? x : y,
-      stackOffset   = 0,
-      stackValue, left, right, top, bottom;
-    if (options.grouped) {
-      this.current / this.groups
-      xValue = xValue - bisection;
-      barWidth = barWidth / this.groups;
-      bisection = barWidth / 2;
-      xValue = xValue + barWidth * this.current - bisection;
-    }
-    // Stacked bars
-    if (stack) {
-      stackValue          = yValue > 0 ? stack.positive : stack.negative;
-      stackOffset         = stackValue[xValue] || stackOffset;
-      stackValue[xValue]  = stackOffset + yValue;
-    }
-    left    = xScale(xValue - bisection);
-    right   = xScale(xValue + barWidth - bisection);
-    top     = yScale(yValue + stackOffset);
-    bottom  = yScale(stackOffset);
-    // TODO for test passing... probably looks better without this
-    if (bottom < 0) bottom = 0;
-    // TODO Skipping...
-    // if (right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max) continue;
-    return (x === null || y === null) ? null : {
-      x         : xValue,
-      y         : yValue,
-      xScale    : xScale,
-      yScale    : yScale,
-      top       : top,
-      left      : Math.min(left, right) - lineWidth / 2,
-      width     : Math.abs(right - left) - lineWidth,
-      height    : bottom - top
-    };
-  },
-  hit : function (options) {
-    var
-      data =,
-      args = options.args,
-      mouse = args[0],
-      n = args[1],
-      x = mouse.x,
-      y = mouse.y,
-      hitGeometry = this.getBarGeometry(x, y, options),
-      width = hitGeometry.width / 2,
-      left = hitGeometry.left,
-      geometry, i;
-    for (i = data.length; i--;) {
-      geometry = this.getBarGeometry(data[i][0], data[i][1], options);
-      if (geometry.y > hitGeometry.y && Math.abs(left - geometry.left) < width) {
-        n.x = data[i][0];
-        n.y = data[i][1];
-        n.index = i;
-        n.seriesIndex = options.index;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  drawHit : function (options) {
-    // TODO hits for stacked bars; implement using calculateStack option?
-    var
-      context     = options.context,
-      args        = options.args,
-      geometry    = this.getBarGeometry(args.x, args.y, options),
-      left        = geometry.left,
-      top         =,
-      width       = geometry.width,
-      height      = geometry.height;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
-    // Draw highlight
-    context.beginPath();
-    context.moveTo(left, top + height);
-    context.lineTo(left, top);
-    context.lineTo(left + width, top);
-    context.lineTo(left + width, top + height);
-    if (options.fill) {
-      context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-      context.fill();
-    }
-    context.stroke();
-    context.closePath();
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  clearHit: function (options) {
-    var
-      context     = options.context,
-      args        = options.args,
-      geometry    = this.getBarGeometry(args.x, args.y, options),
-      left        = geometry.left,
-      width       = geometry.width,
-      top         =,
-      height      = geometry.height,
-      lineWidth   = 2 * options.lineWidth;
-    this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
-    context.clearRect(
-      left - lineWidth,
-      Math.min(top, top + height) - lineWidth,
-      width + 2 * lineWidth,
-      Math.abs(height) + 2 * lineWidth
-    );
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  extendXRange : function (axis, data, options, bars) {
-    this._extendRange(axis, data, options, bars);
-    this.groups = (this.groups + 1) || 1;
-    this.current = 0;
-  },
-  extendYRange : function (axis, data, options, bars) {
-    this._extendRange(axis, data, options, bars);
-  },
-  _extendRange: function (axis, data, options, bars) {
-    var
-      max = axis.options.max;
-    if (_.isNumber(max) || _.isString(max)) return; 
-    var
-      newmin = axis.min,
-      newmax = axis.max,
-      horizontal = options.horizontal,
-      orientation = axis.orientation,
-      positiveSums = this.positiveSums || {},
-      negativeSums = this.negativeSums || {},
-      value, datum, index, j;
-    // Sides of bars
-    if ((orientation == 1 && !horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && horizontal)) {
-      if (options.centered) {
-        newmax = Math.max(axis.datamax + options.barWidth, newmax);
-        newmin = Math.min(axis.datamin - options.barWidth, newmin);
-      }
-    }
-    if (options.stacked && 
-        ((orientation == 1 && horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && !horizontal))){
-      for (j = data.length; j--;) {
-        value = data[j][(orientation == 1 ? 1 : 0)]+'';
-        datum = data[j][(orientation == 1 ? 0 : 1)];
-        // Positive
-        if (datum > 0) {
-          positiveSums[value] = (positiveSums[value] || 0) + datum;
-          newmax = Math.max(newmax, positiveSums[value]);
-        }
-        // Negative
-        else {
-          negativeSums[value] = (negativeSums[value] || 0) + datum;
-          newmin = Math.min(newmin, negativeSums[value]);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // End of bars
-    if ((orientation == 1 && horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && !horizontal)) {
-      if (options.topPadding && (axis.max === axis.datamax || (options.stacked && this.stackMax !== newmax))) {
-        newmax += options.topPadding * (newmax - newmin);
-      }
-    }
-    this.stackMin = newmin;
-    this.stackMax = newmax;
-    this.negativeSums = negativeSums;
-    this.positiveSums = positiveSums;
-    axis.max = newmax;
-    axis.min = newmin;
-  }
 /** Bubbles **/
 Flotr.addType('bubbles', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,      // => setting to true will show radar chart, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 2,     // => line width in pixels
-    fill: true,       // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillOpacity: 0.4, // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    baseRadius: 2     // => ratio of the radar, against the plot size
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context     = options.context,
-      shadowSize  = options.shadowSize;
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    // Shadows
-    context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-    context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-    this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2);
-    context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
-    this.plot(options, shadowSize / 4);
-    // Chart
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options, offset) {
-    var
-      data    =,
-      context = options.context,
-      geometry,
-      i, x, y, z;
-    offset = offset || 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i){
-      geometry = this.getGeometry(data[i], options);
-      context.beginPath();
-      context.arc(geometry.x + offset, geometry.y + offset, geometry.z, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
-      context.stroke();
-      if (options.fill) context.fill();
-      context.closePath();
+    options: {
+        show: false,      // => setting to true will show radar chart, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 2,     // => line width in pixels
+        fill: true,       // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillOpacity: 0.4, // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        baseRadius: 2     // => ratio of the radar, against the plot size
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize;
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        // Shadows
+        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+        context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+        this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2);
+        context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
+        this.plot(options, shadowSize / 4);
+        // Chart
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+        this.plot(options);
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (options, offset) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            geometry,
+            i, x, y, z;
+        offset = offset || 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+            geometry = this.getGeometry(data[i], options);
+            context.beginPath();
+            context.arc(geometry.x + offset, geometry.y + offset, geometry.z, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
+            context.stroke();
+            if (options.fill) context.fill();
+            context.closePath();
+        }
+    },
+    getGeometry: function (point, options) {
+        return {
+            x: options.xScale(point[0]),
+            y: options.yScale(point[1]),
+            z: point[2] * options.baseRadius
+        };
+    },
+    hit: function (options) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            args = options.args,
+            mouse = args[0],
+            n = args[1],
+            x = mouse.x,
+            y = mouse.y,
+            distance,
+            geometry,
+            dx, dy;
+ = || Number.MAX_VALUE;
+        for (i = data.length; i--;) {
+            geometry = this.getGeometry(data[i], options);
+            dx = geometry.x - options.xScale(x);
+            dy = geometry.y - options.yScale(y);
+            distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+            if (distance < geometry.z && geometry.z < {
+                n.x = data[i][0];
+                n.y = data[i][1];
+                n.index = i;
+                n.seriesIndex = options.index;
+       = geometry.z;
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    drawHit: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            geometry = this.getGeometry([options.args.index], options);
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.beginPath();
+        context.arc(geometry.x, geometry.y, geometry.z, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
+        context.fill();
+        context.stroke();
+        context.closePath();
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    clearHit: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            geometry = this.getGeometry([options.args.index], options),
+            offset = geometry.z + options.lineWidth;
+        context.clearRect(
+            geometry.x - offset,
+            geometry.y - offset,
+            2 * offset,
+            2 * offset
+        );
+        context.restore();
-  },
-  getGeometry : function (point, options) {
-    return {
-      x : options.xScale(point[0]),
-      y : options.yScale(point[1]),
-      z : point[2] * options.baseRadius
-    };
-  },
-  hit : function (options) {
-    var
-      data =,
-      args = options.args,
-      mouse = args[0],
-      n = args[1],
-      x = mouse.x,
-      y = mouse.y,
-      distance,
-      geometry,
-      dx, dy;
- = || Number.MAX_VALUE;
-    for (i = data.length; i--;) {
-      geometry = this.getGeometry(data[i], options);
-      dx = geometry.x - options.xScale(x);
-      dy = geometry.y - options.yScale(y);
-      distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
-      if (distance < geometry.z && geometry.z < {
-        n.x = data[i][0];
-        n.y = data[i][1];
-        n.index = i;
-        n.seriesIndex = options.index;
- = geometry.z;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  drawHit : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context,
-      geometry = this.getGeometry([options.args.index], options);
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.beginPath();
-    context.arc(geometry.x, geometry.y, geometry.z, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
-    context.fill();
-    context.stroke();
-    context.closePath();
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  clearHit : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context,
-      geometry = this.getGeometry([options.args.index], options),
-      offset = geometry.z + options.lineWidth;
-    context.clearRect(
-      geometry.x - offset, 
-      geometry.y - offset,
-      2 * offset,
-      2 * offset
-    );
-    context.restore();
-  }
-  // TODO Add a hit calculation method (like pie)
+    // TODO Add a hit calculation method (like pie)
 /** Candles **/
 Flotr.addType('candles', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show candle sticks, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 1,          // => in pixels
-    wickLineWidth: 1,      // => in pixels
-    candleWidth: 0.6,      // => in units of the x axis
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    upFillColor: '#00A8F0',// => up sticks fill color
-    downFillColor: '#CB4B4B',// => down sticks fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.5,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    // TODO Test this barcharts option.
-    barcharts: false       // => draw as barcharts (not standard bars but financial barcharts)
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context;
-    context.lineJoin = 'miter';
-    context.lineCap = 'butt';
-    // @TODO linewidth not interpreted the right way.
-    context.lineWidth = options.wickLineWidth || options.lineWidth;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options) {
-    var
-      data          =,
-      context       = options.context,
-      xScale        = options.xScale,
-      yScale        = options.yScale,
-      width         = options.candleWidth / 2,
-      shadowSize    = options.shadowSize,
-      lineWidth     = options.lineWidth,
-      wickLineWidth = options.wickLineWidth,
-      pixelOffset   = (wickLineWidth % 2) / 2,
-      color,
-      datum, x, y,
-      open, high, low, close,
-      left, right, bottom, top, bottom2, top2,
-      i;
-    if (data.length < 1) return;
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
-      datum   = data[i];
-      x       = datum[0];
-      open    = datum[1];
-      high    = datum[2];
-      low     = datum[3];
-      close   = datum[4];
-      left    = xScale(x - width);
-      right   = xScale(x + width);
-      bottom  = yScale(low);
-      top     = yScale(high);
-      bottom2 = yScale(Math.min(open, close));
-      top2    = yScale(Math.max(open, close));
-      /*
-      // TODO skipping
-      if(right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
-        continue;
-      */
-      color = options[open > close ? 'downFillColor' : 'upFillColor'];
-      // Fill the candle.
-      // TODO Test the barcharts option
-      if (options.fill && !options.barcharts) {
-        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-        context.fillRect(left + shadowSize, top2 + shadowSize, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show candle sticks, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 1,          // => in pixels
+        wickLineWidth: 1,      // => in pixels
+        candleWidth: 0.6,      // => in units of the x axis
+        fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        upFillColor: '#00A8F0',// => up sticks fill color
+        downFillColor: '#CB4B4B',// => down sticks fill color
+        fillOpacity: 0.5,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        // TODO Test this barcharts option.
+        barcharts: false       // => draw as barcharts (not standard bars but financial barcharts)
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context;
-        context.globalAlpha = options.fillOpacity;
-        context.fillStyle = color;
-        context.fillRect(left, top2 + lineWidth, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
+        context.lineJoin = 'miter';
+        context.lineCap = 'butt';
+        // @TODO linewidth not interpreted the right way.
+        context.lineWidth = options.wickLineWidth || options.lineWidth;
+        this.plot(options);
-      }
-      // Draw candle outline/border, high, low.
-      if (lineWidth || wickLineWidth) {
-        x = Math.floor((left + right) / 2) + pixelOffset;
-        context.strokeStyle = color;
-        context.beginPath();
-        // TODO Again with the bartcharts
-        if (options.barcharts) {
-          context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(top + width));
-          context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(bottom + width));
-          y = Math.floor(open + width) + 0.5;
-          context.moveTo(Math.floor(left) + pixelOffset, y);
-          context.lineTo(x, y);
-          y = Math.floor(close + width) + 0.5;
-          context.moveTo(Math.floor(right) + pixelOffset, y);
-          context.lineTo(x, y);
-        } else {
-          context.strokeRect(left, top2 + lineWidth, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
-          context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(top2 + lineWidth));
-          context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(top + lineWidth));
-          context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(bottom2 + lineWidth));
-          context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(bottom + lineWidth));
-        }
-        context.closePath();
-        context.stroke();
-      }
+    },
+    plot: function (options) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            xScale = options.xScale,
+            yScale = options.yScale,
+            width = options.candleWidth / 2,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize,
+            lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+            wickLineWidth = options.wickLineWidth,
+            pixelOffset = (wickLineWidth % 2) / 2,
+            color,
+            datum, x, y,
+            open, high, low, close,
+            left, right, bottom, top, bottom2, top2,
+            i;
+        if (data.length < 1) return;
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+            datum = data[i];
+            x = datum[0];
+            open = datum[1];
+            high = datum[2];
+            low = datum[3];
+            close = datum[4];
+            left = xScale(x - width);
+            right = xScale(x + width);
+            bottom = yScale(low);
+            top = yScale(high);
+            bottom2 = yScale(Math.min(open, close));
+            top2 = yScale(Math.max(open, close));
+            /*
+             // TODO skipping
+             if(right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
+             continue;
+             */
+            color = options[open > close ? 'downFillColor' : 'upFillColor'];
+            // Fill the candle.
+            // TODO Test the barcharts option
+            if (options.fill && !options.barcharts) {
+                context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+                context.fillRect(left + shadowSize, top2 + shadowSize, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
+      ;
+                context.globalAlpha = options.fillOpacity;
+                context.fillStyle = color;
+                context.fillRect(left, top2 + lineWidth, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
+                context.restore();
+            }
+            // Draw candle outline/border, high, low.
+            if (lineWidth || wickLineWidth) {
+                x = Math.floor((left + right) / 2) + pixelOffset;
+                context.strokeStyle = color;
+                context.beginPath();
+                // TODO Again with the bartcharts
+                if (options.barcharts) {
+                    context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(top + width));
+                    context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(bottom + width));
+                    y = Math.floor(open + width) + 0.5;
+                    context.moveTo(Math.floor(left) + pixelOffset, y);
+                    context.lineTo(x, y);
+                    y = Math.floor(close + width) + 0.5;
+                    context.moveTo(Math.floor(right) + pixelOffset, y);
+                    context.lineTo(x, y);
+                } else {
+                    context.strokeRect(left, top2 + lineWidth, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
+                    context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(top2 + lineWidth));
+                    context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(top + lineWidth));
+                    context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(bottom2 + lineWidth));
+                    context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(bottom + lineWidth));
+                }
+                context.closePath();
+                context.stroke();
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    extendXRange: function (axis, data, options) {
+        if (axis.options.max === null) {
+            axis.max = Math.max(axis.datamax + 0.5, axis.max);
+            axis.min = Math.min(axis.datamin - 0.5, axis.min);
+        }
-  },
-  extendXRange: function (axis, data, options) {
-    if (axis.options.max === null) {
-      axis.max = Math.max(axis.datamax + 0.5, axis.max);
-      axis.min = Math.min(axis.datamin - 0.5, axis.min);
-    }
-  }
 /** Gantt
@@ -4265,227 +4329,227 @@
  * d - task duration
  * **/
 Flotr.addType('gantt', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show gantt, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 2,          // => in pixels
-    barWidth: 1,           // => in units of the x axis
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillColor: null,       // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    centered: true         // => center the bars to their x axis value
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws gantt series in the canvas element.
-   * @param {Object} series - Series with = true.
-   */
-  draw: function(series) {
-    var ctx = this.ctx,
-      bw = series.gantt.barWidth,
-      lw = Math.min(series.gantt.lineWidth, bw);
-    ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
-    ctx.lineJoin = 'miter';
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show gantt, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 2,          // => in pixels
+        barWidth: 1,           // => in units of the x axis
+        fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillColor: null,       // => fill color
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        centered: true         // => center the bars to their x axis value
+    },
-     * @todo linewidth not interpreted the right way.
+     * Draws gantt series in the canvas element.
+     * @param {Object} series - Series with = true.
-    ctx.lineWidth = lw;
-    ctx.strokeStyle = series.color;
-    this.gantt.plotShadows(series, bw, 0, series.gantt.fill);
-    ctx.restore();
-    if(series.gantt.fill){
-      var color = series.gantt.fillColor || series.color;
-      ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(color, {opacity: series.gantt.fillOpacity});
+    draw: function (series) {
+        var ctx = this.ctx,
+            bw = series.gantt.barWidth,
+            lw = Math.min(series.gantt.lineWidth, bw);
+        ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
+        ctx.lineJoin = 'miter';
+        /**
+         * @todo linewidth not interpreted the right way.
+         */
+        ctx.lineWidth = lw;
+        ctx.strokeStyle = series.color;
+        this.gantt.plotShadows(series, bw, 0, series.gantt.fill);
+        ctx.restore();
+        if (series.gantt.fill) {
+            var color = series.gantt.fillColor || series.color;
+            ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(color, {opacity: series.gantt.fillOpacity});
+        }
+        this.gantt.plot(series, bw, 0, series.gantt.fill);
+        ctx.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (series, barWidth, offset, fill) {
+        var data =;
+        if (data.length < 1) return;
+        var xa = series.xaxis,
+            ya = series.yaxis,
+            ctx = this.ctx, i;
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+            var y = data[i][0],
+                s = data[i][1],
+                d = data[i][2],
+                drawLeft = true, drawTop = true, drawRight = true;
+            if (s === null || d === null) continue;
+            var left = s,
+                right = s + d,
+                bottom = y - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0),
+                top = y + barWidth - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0);
+            if (right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
+                continue;
+            if (left < xa.min) {
+                left = xa.min;
+                drawLeft = false;
+            }
+            if (right > xa.max) {
+                right = xa.max;
+                if (xa.lastSerie != series)
+                    drawTop = false;
+            }
+            if (bottom < ya.min)
+                bottom = ya.min;
+            if (top > ya.max) {
+                top = ya.max;
+                if (ya.lastSerie != series)
+                    drawTop = false;
+            }
+            /**
+             * Fill the bar.
+             */
+            if (fill) {
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                ctx.moveTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
+                ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
+                ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
+                ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
+                ctx.fill();
+                ctx.closePath();
+            }
+            /**
+             * Draw bar outline/border.
+             */
+            if (series.gantt.lineWidth && (drawLeft || drawRight || drawTop)) {
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                ctx.moveTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
+                ctx[drawLeft ? 'lineTo' : 'moveTo'](xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
+                ctx[drawTop ? 'lineTo' : 'moveTo'](xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
+                ctx[drawRight ? 'lineTo' : 'moveTo'](xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
+                ctx.stroke();
+                ctx.closePath();
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    plotShadows: function (series, barWidth, offset) {
+        var data =;
+        if (data.length < 1) return;
+        var i, y, s, d,
+            xa = series.xaxis,
+            ya = series.yaxis,
+            ctx = this.ctx,
+            sw = this.options.shadowSize;
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+            y = data[i][0];
+            s = data[i][1];
+            d = data[i][2];
+            if (s === null || d === null) continue;
+            var left = s,
+                right = s + d,
+                bottom = y - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0),
+                top = y + barWidth - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0);
+            if (right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
+                continue;
+            if (left < xa.min)   left = xa.min;
+            if (right > xa.max)  right = xa.max;
+            if (bottom < ya.min) bottom = ya.min;
+            if (top > ya.max)    top = ya.max;
+            var width = xa.d2p(right) - xa.d2p(left) - ((xa.d2p(right) + sw <= this.plotWidth) ? 0 : sw);
+            var height = ya.d2p(bottom) - ya.d2p(top) - ((ya.d2p(bottom) + sw <= this.plotHeight) ? 0 : sw );
+            ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+            ctx.fillRect(Math.min(xa.d2p(left) + sw, this.plotWidth), Math.min(ya.d2p(top) + sw, this.plotHeight), width, height);
+        }
+    },
+    extendXRange: function (axis) {
+        if (axis.options.max === null) {
+            var newmin = axis.min,
+                newmax = axis.max,
+                i, j, x, s, g,
+                stackedSumsPos = {},
+                stackedSumsNeg = {},
+                lastSerie = null;
+            for (i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i) {
+                s = this.series[i];
+                g = s.gantt;
+                if ( && s.xaxis == axis) {
+                    for (j = 0; j <; j++) {
+                        if ( {
+                            y =[j][0] + '';
+                            stackedSumsPos[y] = Math.max((stackedSumsPos[y] || 0),[j][1] +[j][2]);
+                            lastSerie = s;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    for (j in stackedSumsPos) {
+                        newmax = Math.max(stackedSumsPos[j], newmax);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            axis.lastSerie = lastSerie;
+            axis.max = newmax;
+            axis.min = newmin;
+        }
+    },
+    extendYRange: function (axis) {
+        if (axis.options.max === null) {
+            var newmax = Number.MIN_VALUE,
+                newmin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                i, j, s, g,
+                stackedSumsPos = {},
+                stackedSumsNeg = {},
+                lastSerie = null;
+            for (i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i) {
+                s = this.series[i];
+                g = s.gantt;
+                if ( && !s.hide && s.yaxis == axis) {
+                    var datamax = Number.MIN_VALUE, datamin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+                    for (j = 0; j <; j++) {
+                        datamax = Math.max(datamax,[j][0]);
+                        datamin = Math.min(datamin,[j][0]);
+                    }
+                    if (g.centered) {
+                        newmax = Math.max(datamax + 0.5, newmax);
+                        newmin = Math.min(datamin - 0.5, newmin);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        newmax = Math.max(datamax + 1, newmax);
+                        newmin = Math.min(datamin, newmin);
+                    }
+                    // For normal horizontal bars
+                    if (g.barWidth + datamax > newmax) {
+                        newmax = axis.max + g.barWidth;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            axis.lastSerie = lastSerie;
+            axis.max = newmax;
+            axis.min = newmin;
+            axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(axis.options.noTicks, newmin, newmax, axis.options.tickDecimals);
+        }
-    this.gantt.plot(series, bw, 0, series.gantt.fill);
-    ctx.restore();
-  },
-  plot: function(series, barWidth, offset, fill){
-    var data =;
-    if(data.length < 1) return;
-    var xa = series.xaxis,
-        ya = series.yaxis,
-        ctx = this.ctx, i;
-    for(i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
-      var y = data[i][0],
-          s = data[i][1],
-          d = data[i][2],
-          drawLeft = true, drawTop = true, drawRight = true;
-      if (s === null || d === null) continue;
-      var left = s, 
-          right = s + d,
-          bottom = y - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth/2 : 0), 
-          top = y + barWidth - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth/2 : 0);
-      if(right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
-        continue;
-      if(left < xa.min){
-        left = xa.min;
-        drawLeft = false;
-      }
-      if(right > xa.max){
-        right = xa.max;
-        if (xa.lastSerie != series)
-          drawTop = false;
-      }
-      if(bottom < ya.min)
-        bottom = ya.min;
-      if(top > ya.max){
-        top = ya.max;
-        if (ya.lastSerie != series)
-          drawTop = false;
-      }
-      /**
-       * Fill the bar.
-       */
-      if(fill){
-        ctx.beginPath();
-        ctx.moveTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
-        ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
-        ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
-        ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
-        ctx.fill();
-        ctx.closePath();
-      }
-      /**
-       * Draw bar outline/border.
-       */
-      if(series.gantt.lineWidth && (drawLeft || drawRight || drawTop)){
-        ctx.beginPath();
-        ctx.moveTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
-        ctx[drawLeft ?'lineTo':'moveTo'](xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
-        ctx[drawTop  ?'lineTo':'moveTo'](xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
-        ctx[drawRight?'lineTo':'moveTo'](xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
-        ctx.stroke();
-        ctx.closePath();
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  plotShadows: function(series, barWidth, offset){
-    var data =;
-    if(data.length < 1) return;
-    var i, y, s, d,
-        xa = series.xaxis,
-        ya = series.yaxis,
-        ctx = this.ctx,
-        sw = this.options.shadowSize;
-    for(i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
-      y = data[i][0];
-      s = data[i][1];
-      d = data[i][2];
-      if (s === null || d === null) continue;
-      var left = s, 
-          right = s + d,
-          bottom = y - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth/2 : 0), 
-          top = y + barWidth - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth/2 : 0);
-      if(right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
-        continue;
-      if(left < xa.min)   left = xa.min;
-      if(right > xa.max)  right = xa.max;
-      if(bottom < ya.min) bottom = ya.min;
-      if(top > ya.max)    top = ya.max;
-      var width =  xa.d2p(right)-xa.d2p(left)-((xa.d2p(right)+sw <= this.plotWidth) ? 0 : sw);
-      var height = ya.d2p(bottom)-ya.d2p(top)-((ya.d2p(bottom)+sw <= this.plotHeight) ? 0 : sw );
-      ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-      ctx.fillRect(Math.min(xa.d2p(left)+sw, this.plotWidth), Math.min(ya.d2p(top)+sw, this.plotHeight), width, height);
-    }
-  },
-  extendXRange: function(axis) {
-    if(axis.options.max === null){
-      var newmin = axis.min,
-          newmax = axis.max,
-          i, j, x, s, g,
-          stackedSumsPos = {},
-          stackedSumsNeg = {},
-          lastSerie = null;
-      for(i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i){
-        s = this.series[i];
-        g = s.gantt;
-        if( && s.xaxis == axis) {
-            for (j = 0; j <; j++) {
-              if ( {
-                y =[j][0]+'';
-                stackedSumsPos[y] = Math.max((stackedSumsPos[y] || 0),[j][1][j][2]);
-                lastSerie = s;
-              }
-            }
-            for (j in stackedSumsPos) {
-              newmax = Math.max(stackedSumsPos[j], newmax);
-            }
-        }
-      }
-      axis.lastSerie = lastSerie;
-      axis.max = newmax;
-      axis.min = newmin;
-    }
-  },
-  extendYRange: function(axis){
-    if(axis.options.max === null){
-      var newmax = Number.MIN_VALUE,
-          newmin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-          i, j, s, g,
-          stackedSumsPos = {},
-          stackedSumsNeg = {},
-          lastSerie = null;
-      for(i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i){
-        s = this.series[i];
-        g = s.gantt;
-        if ( && !s.hide && s.yaxis == axis) {
-          var datamax = Number.MIN_VALUE, datamin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
-          for(j=0; j <; j++){
-            datamax = Math.max(datamax,[j][0]);
-            datamin = Math.min(datamin,[j][0]);
-          }
-          if (g.centered) {
-            newmax = Math.max(datamax + 0.5, newmax);
-            newmin = Math.min(datamin - 0.5, newmin);
-          }
-        else {
-          newmax = Math.max(datamax + 1, newmax);
-            newmin = Math.min(datamin, newmin);
-          }
-          // For normal horizontal bars
-          if (g.barWidth + datamax > newmax){
-            newmax = axis.max + g.barWidth;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      axis.lastSerie = lastSerie;
-      axis.max = newmax;
-      axis.min = newmin;
-      axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(axis.options.noTicks, newmin, newmax, axis.options.tickDecimals);
-    }
-  }
 /** Markers **/
@@ -4496,136 +4560,136 @@
 (function () {
-Flotr.defaultMarkerFormatter = function(obj){
-  return (Math.round(obj.y*100)/100)+'';
-Flotr.addType('markers', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show markers, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 1,          // => line width of the rectangle around the marker
-    color: '#000000',      // => text color
-    fill: false,           // => fill or not the marekers' rectangles
-    fillColor: "#FFFFFF",  // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => fill opacity
-    stroke: false,         // => draw the rectangle around the markers
-    position: 'ct',        // => the markers position (vertical align: b, m, t, horizontal align: l, c, r)
-    verticalMargin: 0,     // => the margin between the point and the text.
-    labelFormatter: Flotr.defaultMarkerFormatter,
-    fontSize: Flotr.defaultOptions.fontSize,
-    stacked: false,        // => true if markers should be stacked
-    stackingType: 'b',     // => define staching behavior, (b- bars like, a - area like) (see Issue 125 for details)
-    horizontal: false      // => true if markers should be horizontal (For now only in a case on horizontal stacked bars, stacks should be calculated horizontaly)
-  },
-  // TODO test stacked markers.
-  stack : {
-      positive : [],
-      negative : [],
-      values : []
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      data            =,
-      context         = options.context,
-      stack           = options.stacked ? options.stack : false,
-      stackType       = options.stackingType,
-      stackOffsetNeg,
-      stackOffsetPos,
-      stackOffset,
-      i, x, y, label;
-    context.lineJoin = 'round';
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
-    context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-    function stackPos (a, b) {
-      stackOffsetPos = stack.negative[a] || 0;
-      stackOffsetNeg = stack.positive[a] || 0;
-      if (b > 0) {
-        stack.positive[a] = stackOffsetPos + b;
-        return stackOffsetPos + b;
-      } else {
-        stack.negative[a] = stackOffsetNeg + b;
-        return stackOffsetNeg + b;
-      }
+    Flotr.defaultMarkerFormatter = function (obj) {
+        return (Math.round(obj.y * 100) / 100) + '';
+    };
+    Flotr.addType('markers', {
+        options: {
+            show: false,           // => setting to true will show markers, false will hide
+            lineWidth: 1,          // => line width of the rectangle around the marker
+            color: '#000000',      // => text color
+            fill: false,           // => fill or not the marekers' rectangles
+            fillColor: "#FFFFFF",  // => fill color
+            fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => fill opacity
+            stroke: false,         // => draw the rectangle around the markers
+            position: 'ct',        // => the markers position (vertical align: b, m, t, horizontal align: l, c, r)
+            verticalMargin: 0,     // => the margin between the point and the text.
+            labelFormatter: Flotr.defaultMarkerFormatter,
+            fontSize: Flotr.defaultOptions.fontSize,
+            stacked: false,        // => true if markers should be stacked
+            stackingType: 'b',     // => define staching behavior, (b- bars like, a - area like) (see Issue 125 for details)
+            horizontal: false      // => true if markers should be horizontal (For now only in a case on horizontal stacked bars, stacks should be calculated horizontaly)
+        },
+        // TODO test stacked markers.
+        stack: {
+            positive: [],
+            negative: [],
+            values: []
+        },
+        draw: function (options) {
+            var
+                data =,
+                context = options.context,
+                stack = options.stacked ? options.stack : false,
+                stackType = options.stackingType,
+                stackOffsetNeg,
+                stackOffsetPos,
+                stackOffset,
+                i, x, y, label;
+  ;
+            context.lineJoin = 'round';
+            context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+            context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
+            context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+            function stackPos(a, b) {
+                stackOffsetPos = stack.negative[a] || 0;
+                stackOffsetNeg = stack.positive[a] || 0;
+                if (b > 0) {
+                    stack.positive[a] = stackOffsetPos + b;
+                    return stackOffsetPos + b;
+                } else {
+                    stack.negative[a] = stackOffsetNeg + b;
+                    return stackOffsetNeg + b;
+                }
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+                x = data[i][0];
+                y = data[i][1];
+                if (stack) {
+                    if (stackType == 'b') {
+                        if (options.horizontal) y = stackPos(y, x);
+                        else x = stackPos(x, y);
+                    } else if (stackType == 'a') {
+                        stackOffset = stack.values[x] || 0;
+                        stack.values[x] = stackOffset + y;
+                        y = stackOffset + y;
+                    }
+                }
+                label = options.labelFormatter({x: x, y: y, index: i, data: data});
+                this.plot(options.xScale(x), options.yScale(y), label, options);
+            }
+            context.restore();
+        },
+        plot: function (x, y, label, options) {
+            var context = options.context;
+            if (isImage(label) && !label.complete) {
+                throw 'Marker image not loaded.';
+            } else {
+                this._plot(x, y, label, options);
+            }
+        },
+        _plot: function (x, y, label, options) {
+            var context = options.context,
+                margin = 2,
+                left = x,
+                top = y,
+                dim;
+            if (isImage(label))
+                dim = {height: label.height, width: label.width};
+            else
+                dim = options.text.canvas(label);
+            dim.width = Math.floor(dim.width + margin * 2);
+            dim.height = Math.floor(dim.height + margin * 2);
+            if (options.position.indexOf('c') != -1) left -= dim.width / 2 + margin;
+            else if (options.position.indexOf('l') != -1) left -= dim.width;
+            if (options.position.indexOf('m') != -1) top -= dim.height / 2 + margin;
+            else if (options.position.indexOf('t') != -1) top -= dim.height + options.verticalMargin;
+            else top += options.verticalMargin;
+            left = Math.floor(left) + 0.5;
+            top = Math.floor(top) + 0.5;
+            if (options.fill)
+                context.fillRect(left, top, dim.width, dim.height);
+            if (options.stroke)
+                context.strokeRect(left, top, dim.width, dim.height);
+            if (isImage(label))
+                context.drawImage(label, left + margin, top + margin);
+            else
+                Flotr.drawText(context, label, left + margin, top + margin, {textBaseline: 'top', textAlign: 'left', size: options.fontSize, color: options.color});
+        }
+    });
+    function isImage(i) {
+        return typeof i === 'object' && i.constructor && (Image ? true : i.constructor === Image);
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
-      x = data[i][0];
-      y = data[i][1];
-      if (stack) {
-        if (stackType == 'b') {
-          if (options.horizontal) y = stackPos(y, x);
-          else x = stackPos(x, y);
-        } else if (stackType == 'a') {
-          stackOffset = stack.values[x] || 0;
-          stack.values[x] = stackOffset + y;
-          y = stackOffset + y;
-        }
-      }
-      label = options.labelFormatter({x: x, y: y, index: i, data : data});
-      this.plot(options.xScale(x), options.yScale(y), label, options);
-    }
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot: function(x, y, label, options) {
-    var context = options.context;
-    if (isImage(label) && !label.complete) {
-      throw 'Marker image not loaded.';
-    } else {
-      this._plot(x, y, label, options);
-    }
-  },
-  _plot: function(x, y, label, options) {
-    var context = options.context,
-        margin = 2,
-        left = x,
-        top = y,
-        dim;
-    if (isImage(label))
-      dim = {height : label.height, width: label.width};
-    else
-      dim = options.text.canvas(label);
-    dim.width = Math.floor(dim.width+margin*2);
-    dim.height = Math.floor(dim.height+margin*2);
-         if (options.position.indexOf('c') != -1) left -= dim.width/2 + margin;
-    else if (options.position.indexOf('l') != -1) left -= dim.width;
-         if (options.position.indexOf('m') != -1) top -= dim.height/2 + margin;
-    else if (options.position.indexOf('t') != -1) top -= dim.height + options.verticalMargin;
-    else top += options.verticalMargin;
-    left = Math.floor(left)+0.5;
-    top = Math.floor(top)+0.5;
-    if(options.fill)
-      context.fillRect(left, top, dim.width, dim.height);
-    if(options.stroke)
-      context.strokeRect(left, top, dim.width, dim.height);
-    if (isImage(label))
-      context.drawImage(label, left+margin, top+margin);
-    else
-      Flotr.drawText(context, label, left+margin, top+margin, {textBaseline: 'top', textAlign: 'left', size: options.fontSize, color: options.color});
-  }
-function isImage (i) {
-  return typeof i === 'object' && i.constructor && (Image ? true : i.constructor === Image);
@@ -4637,1117 +4701,1120 @@
 (function () {
-  _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.defaultPieLabelFormatter = function (total, value) {
-  return (100 * value / total).toFixed(2)+'%';
-Flotr.addType('pie', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show bars, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 1,          // => in pixels
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillColor: null,       // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.6,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    explode: 6,            // => the number of pixels the splices will be far from the center
-    sizeRatio: 0.6,        // => the size ratio of the pie relative to the plot 
-    startAngle: Math.PI/4, // => the first slice start angle
-    labelFormatter: Flotr.defaultPieLabelFormatter,
-    pie3D: false,          // => whether to draw the pie in 3 dimenstions or not (ineffective) 
-    pie3DviewAngle: (Math.PI/2 * 0.8),
-    pie3DspliceThickness: 20
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    // TODO 3D charts what?
-      data          =,
-      context       = options.context,
-      canvas        = context.canvas,
-      lineWidth     = options.lineWidth,
-      shadowSize    = options.shadowSize,
-      sizeRatio     = options.sizeRatio,
-      height        = options.height,
-      width         = options.width,
-      explode       = options.explode,
-      color         = options.color,
-      fill          = options.fill,
-      fillStyle     = options.fillStyle,
-      radius        = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * sizeRatio / 2,
-      value         = data[0][1],
-      html          = [],
-      vScale        = 1,//Math.cos(series.pie.viewAngle);
-      measure       = Math.PI * 2 * value /,
-      startAngle    = this.startAngle || (2 * Math.PI * options.startAngle), // TODO: this initial startAngle is already in radians (fixing will be test-unstable)
-      endAngle      = startAngle + measure,
-      bisection     = startAngle + measure / 2,
-      label         = options.labelFormatter(, value),
-      //plotTickness  = Math.sin(series.pie.viewAngle)*series.pie.spliceThickness / vScale;
-      explodeCoeff  = explode + radius + 4,
-      distX         = Math.cos(bisection) * explodeCoeff,
-      distY         = Math.sin(bisection) * explodeCoeff,
-      textAlign     = distX < 0 ? 'right' : 'left',
-      textBaseline  = distY > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom',
-      style,
-      x, y,
-      distX, distY;
-    context.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
-    context.scale(1, vScale);
-    x = Math.cos(bisection) * explode;
-    y = Math.sin(bisection) * explode;
-    // Shadows
-    if (shadowSize > 0) {
-      this.plotSlice(x + shadowSize, y + shadowSize, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context);
-      if (fill) {
-        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
-        context.fill();
-      }
-    }
-    this.plotSlice(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context);
-    if (fill) {
-      context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
-      context.fill();
-    }
-    context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = color;
-    context.stroke();
-    style = {
-      size : options.fontSize * 1.2,
-      color : options.fontColor,
-      weight : 1.5
-    };
-    if (label) {
-      if (options.htmlText || !options.textEnabled) {
-        divStyle = 'position:absolute;' + textBaseline + ':' + (height / 2 + (textBaseline === 'top' ? distY : -distY)) + 'px;';
-        divStyle += textAlign + ':' + (width / 2 + (textAlign === 'right' ? -distX : distX)) + 'px;';
-        html.push('<div style="', divStyle, '" class="flotr-grid-label">', label, '</div>');
-      }
-      else {
-        style.textAlign = textAlign;
-        style.textBaseline = textBaseline;
-        Flotr.drawText(context, label, distX, distY, style);
-      }
-    }
-    if (options.htmlText || !options.textEnabled) {
-      var div = Flotr.DOM.node('<div style="color:' + options.fontColor + '" class="flotr-labels"></div>');
-      Flotr.DOM.insert(div, html.join(''));
-      Flotr.DOM.insert(options.element, div);
-    }
-    context.restore();
-    // New start angle
-    this.startAngle = endAngle;
-    this.slices = this.slices || [];
-    this.slices.push({
-      radius : Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * sizeRatio / 2,
-      x : x,
-      y : y,
-      explode : explode,
-      start : startAngle,
-      end : endAngle
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.defaultPieLabelFormatter = function (total, value) {
+        return (100 * value / total).toFixed(2) + '%';
+    };
+    Flotr.addType('pie', {
+        options: {
+            show: false,           // => setting to true will show bars, false will hide
+            lineWidth: 1,          // => in pixels
+            fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+            fillColor: null,       // => fill color
+            fillOpacity: 0.6,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+            explode: 6,            // => the number of pixels the splices will be far from the center
+            sizeRatio: 0.6,        // => the size ratio of the pie relative to the plot 
+            startAngle: Math.PI / 4, // => the first slice start angle
+            labelFormatter: Flotr.defaultPieLabelFormatter,
+            pie3D: false,          // => whether to draw the pie in 3 dimenstions or not (ineffective) 
+            pie3DviewAngle: (Math.PI / 2 * 0.8),
+            pie3DspliceThickness: 20
+        },
+        draw: function (options) {
+            // TODO 3D charts what?
+            var
+                data =,
+                context = options.context,
+                canvas = context.canvas,
+                lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+                shadowSize = options.shadowSize,
+                sizeRatio = options.sizeRatio,
+                height = options.height,
+                width = options.width,
+                explode = options.explode,
+                color = options.color,
+                fill = options.fill,
+                fillStyle = options.fillStyle,
+                radius = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * sizeRatio / 2,
+                value = data[0][1],
+                html = [],
+                vScale = 1,//Math.cos(series.pie.viewAngle);
+                measure = Math.PI * 2 * value /,
+                startAngle = this.startAngle || (2 * Math.PI * options.startAngle), // TODO: this initial startAngle is already in radians (fixing will be test-unstable)
+                endAngle = startAngle + measure,
+                bisection = startAngle + measure / 2,
+                label = options.labelFormatter(, value),
+            //plotTickness  = Math.sin(series.pie.viewAngle)*series.pie.spliceThickness / vScale;
+                explodeCoeff = explode + radius + 4,
+                distX = Math.cos(bisection) * explodeCoeff,
+                distY = Math.sin(bisection) * explodeCoeff,
+                textAlign = distX < 0 ? 'right' : 'left',
+                textBaseline = distY > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom',
+                style,
+                x, y,
+                distX, distY;
+  ;
+            context.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
+            context.scale(1, vScale);
+            x = Math.cos(bisection) * explode;
+            y = Math.sin(bisection) * explode;
+            // Shadows
+            if (shadowSize > 0) {
+                this.plotSlice(x + shadowSize, y + shadowSize, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context);
+                if (fill) {
+                    context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
+                    context.fill();
+                }
+            }
+            this.plotSlice(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context);
+            if (fill) {
+                context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
+                context.fill();
+            }
+            context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
+            context.strokeStyle = color;
+            context.stroke();
+            style = {
+                size: options.fontSize * 1.2,
+                color: options.fontColor,
+                weight: 1.5
+            };
+            if (label) {
+                if (options.htmlText || !options.textEnabled) {
+                    divStyle = 'position:absolute;' + textBaseline + ':' + (height / 2 + (textBaseline === 'top' ? distY : -distY)) + 'px;';
+                    divStyle += textAlign + ':' + (width / 2 + (textAlign === 'right' ? -distX : distX)) + 'px;';
+                    html.push('<div style="', divStyle, '" class="flotr-grid-label">', label, '</div>');
+                }
+                else {
+                    style.textAlign = textAlign;
+                    style.textBaseline = textBaseline;
+                    Flotr.drawText(context, label, distX, distY, style);
+                }
+            }
+            if (options.htmlText || !options.textEnabled) {
+                var div = Flotr.DOM.node('<div style="color:' + options.fontColor + '" class="flotr-labels"></div>');
+                Flotr.DOM.insert(div, html.join(''));
+                Flotr.DOM.insert(options.element, div);
+            }
+            context.restore();
+            // New start angle
+            this.startAngle = endAngle;
+            this.slices = this.slices || [];
+            this.slices.push({
+                radius: Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * sizeRatio / 2,
+                x: x,
+                y: y,
+                explode: explode,
+                start: startAngle,
+                end: endAngle
+            });
+        },
+        plotSlice: function (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context) {
+            context.beginPath();
+            context.moveTo(x, y);
+            context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false);
+            context.lineTo(x, y);
+            context.closePath();
+        },
+        hit: function (options) {
+            var
+                data =[0],
+                args = options.args,
+                index = options.index,
+                mouse = args[0],
+                n = args[1],
+                slice = this.slices[index],
+                x = mouse.relX - options.width / 2,
+                y = mouse.relY - options.height / 2,
+                r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y),
+                theta = Math.atan(y / x),
+                circle = Math.PI * 2,
+                explode = slice.explode || options.explode,
+                start = slice.start % circle,
+                end = slice.end % circle;
+            if (x < 0) {
+                theta += Math.PI;
+            } else if (x > 0 && y < 0) {
+                theta += circle;
+            }
+            if (r < slice.radius + explode && r > explode) {
+                if ((start >= end && (theta < end || theta > start)) ||
+                    (theta > start && theta < end)) {
+                    // TODO Decouple this from hit plugin (chart shouldn't know what n means)
+                    n.x = data[0];
+                    n.y = data[1];
+                    n.sAngle = start;
+                    n.eAngle = end;
+                    n.index = 0;
+                    n.seriesIndex = index;
+                    n.fraction = data[1] /;
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        drawHit: function (options) {
+            var
+                context = options.context,
+                slice = this.slices[options.args.seriesIndex];
+  ;
+            context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
+            this.plotSlice(slice.x, slice.y, slice.radius, slice.start, slice.end, context);
+            context.stroke();
+            context.restore();
+        },
+        clearHit: function (options) {
+            var
+                context = options.context,
+                slice = this.slices[options.args.seriesIndex],
+                padding = 2 * options.lineWidth,
+                radius = slice.radius + padding;
+  ;
+            context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
+            context.clearRect(
+                slice.x - radius,
+                slice.y - radius,
+                2 * radius + padding,
+                2 * radius + padding
+            );
+            context.restore();
+        },
+        extendYRange: function (axis, data) {
+   = ( || 0) + data[0][1];
+        }
-  },
-  plotSlice : function (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context) {
-    context.beginPath();
-    context.moveTo(x, y);
-    context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false);
-    context.lineTo(x, y);
-    context.closePath();
-  },
-  hit : function (options) {
-    var
-      data      =[0],
-      args      = options.args,
-      index     = options.index,
-      mouse     = args[0],
-      n         = args[1],
-      slice     = this.slices[index],
-      x         = mouse.relX - options.width / 2,
-      y         = mouse.relY - options.height / 2,
-      r         = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y),
-      theta     = Math.atan(y / x),
-      circle    = Math.PI * 2,
-      explode   = slice.explode || options.explode,
-      start     = slice.start % circle,
-      end       = slice.end % circle;
-    if (x < 0) {
-      theta += Math.PI;
-    } else if (x > 0 && y < 0) {
-      theta += circle;
-    }
-    if (r < slice.radius + explode && r > explode) {
-      if ((start >= end && (theta < end || theta > start)) ||
-        (theta > start && theta < end)) {
-        // TODO Decouple this from hit plugin (chart shouldn't know what n means)
-         n.x = data[0];
-         n.y = data[1];
-         n.sAngle = start;
-         n.eAngle = end;
-         n.index = 0;
-         n.seriesIndex = index;
-         n.fraction = data[1] /;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  drawHit: function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context,
-      slice = this.slices[options.args.seriesIndex];
-    context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
-    this.plotSlice(slice.x, slice.y, slice.radius, slice.start, slice.end, context);
-    context.stroke();
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  clearHit : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context,
-      slice = this.slices[options.args.seriesIndex],
-      padding = 2 * options.lineWidth,
-      radius = slice.radius + padding;
-    context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
-    context.clearRect(
-      slice.x - radius,
-      slice.y - radius,
-      2 * radius + padding,
-      2 * radius + padding 
-    );
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  extendYRange : function (axis, data) {
- = ( || 0) + data[0][1];
-  }
 /** Points **/
 Flotr.addType('points', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show points, false will hide
-    radius: 3,             // => point radius (pixels)
-    lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the points with a color, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillColor: '#FFFFFF',  // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.4       // => opacity of color inside the points
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context     = options.context,
-      lineWidth   = options.lineWidth,
-      shadowSize  = options.shadowSize;
-    if (shadowSize > 0) {
-      context.lineWidth = shadowSize / 2;
-      context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
-      this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2 + context.lineWidth / 2);
-      context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)';
-      this.plot(options, context.lineWidth / 2);
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show points, false will hide
+        radius: 3,             // => point radius (pixels)
+        lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
+        fill: true,            // => true to fill the points with a color, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillColor: '#FFFFFF',  // => fill color
+        fillOpacity: 0.4       // => opacity of color inside the points
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize;
+        if (shadowSize > 0) {
+            context.lineWidth = shadowSize / 2;
+            context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
+            this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2 + context.lineWidth / 2);
+            context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)';
+            this.plot(options, context.lineWidth / 2);
+        }
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.fillStyle = options.fillColor || options.color;
+        this.plot(options);
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (options, offset) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            xScale = options.xScale,
+            yScale = options.yScale,
+            i, x, y;
+        for (i = data.length - 1; i > -1; --i) {
+            y = data[i][1];
+            if (y === null) continue;
+            x = xScale(data[i][0]);
+            y = yScale(y);
+            if (x < 0 || x > options.width || y < 0 || y > options.height) continue;
+            context.beginPath();
+            if (offset) {
+                context.arc(x, y + offset, options.radius, 0, Math.PI, false);
+            } else {
+                context.arc(x, y, options.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
+                if (options.fill) context.fill();
+            }
+            context.stroke();
+            context.closePath();
+        }
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.fillStyle = options.fillColor || options.color;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options, offset) {
-    var
-      data    =,
-      context = options.context,
-      xScale  = options.xScale,
-      yScale  = options.yScale,
-      i, x, y;
-    for (i = data.length - 1; i > -1; --i) {
-      y = data[i][1];
-      if (y === null) continue;
-      x = xScale(data[i][0]);
-      y = yScale(y);
-      if (x < 0 || x > options.width || y < 0 || y > options.height) continue;
-      context.beginPath();
-      if (offset) {
-        context.arc(x, y + offset, options.radius, 0, Math.PI, false);
-      } else {
-        context.arc(x, y, options.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
-        if (options.fill) context.fill();
-      }
-      context.stroke();
-      context.closePath();
-    }
-  }
 /** Radar **/
 Flotr.addType('radar', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show radar chart, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    radiusRatio: 0.90      // => ratio of the radar, against the plot size
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show radar chart, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
+        fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        radiusRatio: 0.90      // => ratio of the radar, against the plot size
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize;
+        context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        // Shadow
+        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+        context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+        this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2);
+        context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
+        this.plot(options, shadowSize / 4);
+        // Chart
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+        this.plot(options);
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (options, offset) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            radius = Math.min(options.height, options.width) * options.radiusRatio / 2,
+            step = 2 * Math.PI / data.length,
+            angle = -Math.PI / 2,
+            i, ratio;
+        offset = offset || 0;
+        context.beginPath();
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+            ratio = data[i][1] / this.max;
+            context[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](
+                Math.cos(i * step + angle) * radius * ratio + offset,
+                Math.sin(i * step + angle) * radius * ratio + offset
+            );
+        }
+        context.closePath();
+        if (options.fill) context.fill();
+        context.stroke();
+    },
+    extendYRange: function (axis, data) {
+        this.max = Math.max(axis.max, this.max || -Number.MAX_VALUE);
+    }
+Flotr.addType('timeline', {
+    options: {
+        show: false,
+        lineWidth: 1,
+        barWidth: 0.2,
+        fill: true,
+        fillColor: null,
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,
+        centered: true
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context;
+        context.lineJoin = 'miter';
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+        this.plot(options);
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (options) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            xScale = options.xScale,
+            yScale = options.yScale,
+            barWidth = options.barWidth,
+            lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+            i;
+        Flotr._.each(data, function (timeline) {
+            var
+                x = timeline[0],
+                y = timeline[1],
+                w = timeline[2],
+                h = barWidth,
+                xt = Math.ceil(xScale(x)),
+                wt = Math.ceil(xScale(x + w)) - xt,
+                yt = Math.round(yScale(y)),
+                ht = Math.round(yScale(y - h)) - yt,
+                x0 = xt - lineWidth / 2,
+                y0 = Math.round(yt - ht / 2) - lineWidth / 2;
+            context.strokeRect(x0, y0, wt, ht);
+            context.fillRect(x0, y0, wt, ht);
+        });
+    },
+    extendRange: function (series) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            xa = series.xaxis,
+            ya = series.yaxis,
+            w = series.timeline.barWidth;
+        if (xa.options.min === null)
+            xa.min = xa.datamin - w / 2;
+        if (xa.options.max === null) {
+            var
+                max = xa.max;
+            Flotr._.each(data, function (timeline) {
+                max = Math.max(max, timeline[0] + timeline[2]);
+            }, this);
+            xa.max = max + w / 2;
+        }
+        if (ya.options.min === null)
+            ya.min = ya.datamin - w;
+        if (ya.options.min === null)
+            ya.max = ya.datamax + w;
+    }
+(function () {
+    var D = Flotr.DOM;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('crosshair', {
+        options: {
+            mode: null,            // => one of null, 'x', 'y' or 'xy'
+            color: '#FF0000',      // => crosshair color
+            hideCursor: true       // => hide the cursor when the crosshair is shown
+        },
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:mousemove': function (e, pos) {
+                if (this.options.crosshair.mode) {
+                    this.crosshair.clearCrosshair();
+                    this.crosshair.drawCrosshair(pos);
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Draws the selection box.
+         */
+        drawCrosshair: function (pos) {
+            var octx = this.octx,
+                options = this.options.crosshair,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                x = plotOffset.left + pos.relX + 0.5,
+                y = + pos.relY + 0.5;
+            if (pos.relX < 0 || pos.relY < 0 || pos.relX > this.plotWidth || pos.relY > this.plotHeight) {
+       = null;
+                D.removeClass(this.el, 'flotr-crosshair');
+                return;
+            }
+            if (options.hideCursor) {
+       = 'none';
+                D.addClass(this.el, 'flotr-crosshair');
+            }
+  ;
+            octx.strokeStyle = options.color;
+            octx.lineWidth = 1;
+            octx.beginPath();
+            if (options.mode.indexOf('x') != -1) {
+                octx.moveTo(x,;
+                octx.lineTo(x, + this.plotHeight);
+            }
+            if (options.mode.indexOf('y') != -1) {
+                octx.moveTo(plotOffset.left, y);
+                octx.lineTo(plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth, y);
+            }
+            octx.stroke();
+            octx.restore();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Removes the selection box from the overlay canvas.
+         */
+        clearCrosshair: function () {
+            var
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                position = this.lastMousePos,
+                context = this.octx;
+            if (position) {
+                context.clearRect(
+                    position.relX + plotOffset.left,
+          ,
+                    1,
+                    this.plotHeight + 1
+                );
+                context.clearRect(
+                    plotOffset.left,
+                    position.relY +,
+                    this.plotWidth + 1,
+                    1
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    });
+(function () {
-      context = options.context,
-      shadowSize = options.shadowSize;
-    context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    // Shadow
-    context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-    context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-    this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2);
-    context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
-    this.plot(options, shadowSize / 4);
-    // Chart
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options, offset) {
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    function getImage(type, canvas, width, height) {
+        // TODO add scaling for w / h
+        var
+            mime = 'image/' + type,
+            data = canvas.toDataURL(mime),
+            image = new Image();
+        image.src = data;
+        return image;
+    }
+    Flotr.addPlugin('download', {
+        saveImage: function (type, width, height, replaceCanvas) {
+            var image = null;
+            if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) {
+                image = '<html><body>' + this.canvas.firstChild.innerHTML + '</body></html>';
+                return;
+            }
+            if (type !== 'jpeg' && type !== 'png') return;
+            image = getImage(type, this.canvas, width, height);
+            if (_.isElement(image) && replaceCanvas) {
+      ;
+                D.hide(this.canvas);
+                D.hide(this.overlay);
+                D.setStyles({position: 'absolute'});
+                D.insert(this.el, image);
+                this.saveImageElement = image;
+            } else {
+                return;
+            }
+        },
+        restoreCanvas: function () {
+  ;
+  ;
+            if (this.saveImageElement) this.el.removeChild(this.saveImageElement);
+            this.saveImageElement = null;
+        }
+    });
+(function () {
+    var E = Flotr.EventAdapter,
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('graphGrid', {
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:beforedraw': function () {
+                this.graphGrid.drawGrid();
+            },
+            'flotr:afterdraw': function () {
+                this.graphGrid.drawOutline();
+            }
+        },
+        drawGrid: function () {
+            var
+                ctx = this.ctx,
+                options = this.options,
+                grid = options.grid,
+                verticalLines = grid.verticalLines,
+                horizontalLines = grid.horizontalLines,
+                minorVerticalLines = grid.minorVerticalLines,
+                minorHorizontalLines = grid.minorHorizontalLines,
+                plotHeight = this.plotHeight,
+                plotWidth = this.plotWidth,
+                a, v, i, j;
+            if (verticalLines || minorVerticalLines ||
+                horizontalLines || minorHorizontalLines) {
+      , 'flotr:beforegrid', [this.axes.x, this.axes.y, options, this]);
+            }
+  ;
+            ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+            ctx.strokeStyle = grid.tickColor;
+            function circularHorizontalTicks(ticks) {
+                for (i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i) {
+                    var ratio = ticks[i].v / a.max;
+                    for (j = 0; j <= sides; ++j) {
+                        ctx[j === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](
+                            Math.cos(j * coeff + angle) * radius * ratio,
+                            Math.sin(j * coeff + angle) * radius * ratio
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            function drawGridLines(ticks, callback) {
+                _.each(_.pluck(ticks, 'v'), function (v) {
+                    // Don't show lines on upper and lower bounds.
+                    if ((v <= a.min || v >= a.max) ||
+                        (v == a.min || v == a.max) && grid.outlineWidth)
+                        return;
+                    callback(Math.floor(a.d2p(v)) + ctx.lineWidth / 2);
+                });
+            }
+            function drawVerticalLines(x) {
+                ctx.moveTo(x, 0);
+                ctx.lineTo(x, plotHeight);
+            }
+            function drawHorizontalLines(y) {
+                ctx.moveTo(0, y);
+                ctx.lineTo(plotWidth, y);
+            }
+            if (grid.circular) {
+                ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left + plotWidth / 2, + plotHeight / 2);
+                var radius = Math.min(plotHeight, plotWidth) * options.radar.radiusRatio / 2,
+                    sides = this.axes.x.ticks.length,
+                    coeff = 2 * (Math.PI / sides),
+                    angle = -Math.PI / 2;
+                // Draw grid lines in vertical direction.
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                a = this.axes.y;
+                if (horizontalLines) {
+                    circularHorizontalTicks(a.ticks);
+                }
+                if (minorHorizontalLines) {
+                    circularHorizontalTicks(a.minorTicks);
+                }
+                if (verticalLines) {
+                    _.times(sides, function (i) {
+                        ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
+                        ctx.lineTo(Math.cos(i * coeff + angle) * radius, Math.sin(i * coeff + angle) * radius);
+                    });
+                }
+                ctx.stroke();
+            }
+            else {
+                ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
+                // Draw grid background, if present in options.
+                if (grid.backgroundColor) {
+                    ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(grid.backgroundColor, {x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: plotWidth, y2: plotHeight});
+                    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, plotWidth, plotHeight);
+                }
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                a = this.axes.x;
+                if (verticalLines)        drawGridLines(a.ticks, drawVerticalLines);
+                if (minorVerticalLines)   drawGridLines(a.minorTicks, drawVerticalLines);
+                a = this.axes.y;
+                if (horizontalLines)      drawGridLines(a.ticks, drawHorizontalLines);
+                if (minorHorizontalLines) drawGridLines(a.minorTicks, drawHorizontalLines);
+                ctx.stroke();
+            }
+            ctx.restore();
+            if (verticalLines || minorVerticalLines ||
+                horizontalLines || minorHorizontalLines) {
+      , 'flotr:aftergrid', [this.axes.x, this.axes.y, options, this]);
+            }
+        },
+        drawOutline: function () {
+            var
+                that = this,
+                options = that.options,
+                grid = options.grid,
+                outline = grid.outline,
+                ctx = that.ctx,
+                backgroundImage = grid.backgroundImage,
+                plotOffset = that.plotOffset,
+                leftOffset = plotOffset.left,
+                topOffset =,
+                plotWidth = that.plotWidth,
+                plotHeight = that.plotHeight,
+                v, img, src, left, top, globalAlpha;
+            if (!grid.outlineWidth) return;
+  ;
+            if (grid.circular) {
+                ctx.translate(leftOffset + plotWidth / 2, topOffset + plotHeight / 2);
+                var radius = Math.min(plotHeight, plotWidth) * options.radar.radiusRatio / 2,
+                    sides = this.axes.x.ticks.length,
+                    coeff = 2 * (Math.PI / sides),
+                    angle = -Math.PI / 2;
+                // Draw axis/grid border.
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                ctx.lineWidth = grid.outlineWidth;
+                ctx.strokeStyle = grid.color;
+                ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
+                for (i = 0; i <= sides; ++i) {
+                    ctx[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](Math.cos(i * coeff + angle) * radius, Math.sin(i * coeff + angle) * radius);
+                }
+                //ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
+                ctx.stroke();
+            }
+            else {
+                ctx.translate(leftOffset, topOffset);
+                // Draw axis/grid border.
+                var lw = grid.outlineWidth,
+                    orig = 0.5 - lw + ((lw + 1) % 2 / 2),
+                    lineTo = 'lineTo',
+                    moveTo = 'moveTo';
+                ctx.lineWidth = lw;
+                ctx.strokeStyle = grid.color;
+                ctx.lineJoin = 'miter';
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                ctx.moveTo(orig, orig);
+                plotWidth = plotWidth - (lw / 2) % 1;
+                plotHeight = plotHeight + lw / 2;
+                ctx[outline.indexOf('n') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](plotWidth, orig);
+                ctx[outline.indexOf('e') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](plotWidth, plotHeight);
+                ctx[outline.indexOf('s') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](orig, plotHeight);
+                ctx[outline.indexOf('w') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](orig, orig);
+                ctx.stroke();
+                ctx.closePath();
+            }
+            ctx.restore();
+            if (backgroundImage) {
+                src = backgroundImage.src || backgroundImage;
+                left = (parseInt(backgroundImage.left, 10) || 0) + plotOffset.left;
+                top = (parseInt(, 10) || 0) +;
+                img = new Image();
+                img.onload = function () {
+          ;
+                    if (backgroundImage.alpha) ctx.globalAlpha = backgroundImage.alpha;
+                    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over';
+                    ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, left, top, plotWidth, plotHeight);
+                    ctx.restore();
+                };
+                img.src = src;
+            }
+        }
+    });
+(function () {
-      data    =,
-      context = options.context,
-      radius  = Math.min(options.height, options.width) * options.radiusRatio / 2,
-      step    = 2 * Math.PI / data.length,
-      angle   = -Math.PI / 2,
-      i, ratio;
-    offset = offset || 0;
-    context.beginPath();
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
-      ratio = data[i][1] / this.max;
-      context[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](
-        Math.cos(i * step + angle) * radius * ratio + offset,
-        Math.sin(i * step + angle) * radius * ratio + offset
-      );
-    }
-    context.closePath();
-    if (options.fill) context.fill();
-    context.stroke();
-  },
-  extendYRange : function (axis, data) {
-    this.max = Math.max(axis.max, this.max || -Number.MAX_VALUE);
-  }
-Flotr.addType('timeline', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,
-    lineWidth: 1,
-    barWidth: 0.2,
-    fill: true,
-    fillColor: null,
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,
-    centered: true
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context;
-    context.lineJoin    = 'miter';
-    context.lineWidth   = options.lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.fillStyle   = options.fillStyle;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options) {
-    var
-      data      =,
-      context   = options.context,
-      xScale    = options.xScale,
-      yScale    = options.yScale,
-      barWidth  = options.barWidth,
-      lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
-      i;
-    Flotr._.each(data, function (timeline) {
-      var 
-        x   = timeline[0],
-        y   = timeline[1],
-        w   = timeline[2],
-        h   = barWidth,
-        xt  = Math.ceil(xScale(x)),
-        wt  = Math.ceil(xScale(x + w)) - xt,
-        yt  = Math.round(yScale(y)),
-        ht  = Math.round(yScale(y - h)) - yt,
-        x0  = xt - lineWidth / 2,
-        y0  = Math.round(yt - ht / 2) - lineWidth / 2;
-      context.strokeRect(x0, y0, wt, ht);
-      context.fillRect(x0, y0, wt, ht);
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        _ = Flotr._,
+        flotr = Flotr,
+        S_MOUSETRACK = 'opacity:0.7;background-color:#000;color:#fff;display:none;position:absolute;padding:2px 8px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;white-space:nowrap;';
+    Flotr.addPlugin('hit', {
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:mousemove': function (e, pos) {
+                this.hit.track(pos);
+            },
+            'flotr:click': function (pos) {
+                this.hit.track(pos);
+            },
+            'flotr:mouseout': function () {
+                this.hit.clearHit();
+            }
+        },
+        track: function (pos) {
+            if (this.options.mouse.track || _.any(this.series, function (s) {
+                return s.mouse && s.mouse.track;
+            })) {
+                this.hit.hit(pos);
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Try a method on a graph type.  If the method exists, execute it.
+         * @param {Object} series
+         * @param {String} method  Method name.
+         * @param {Array} args  Arguments applied to method.
+         * @return executed successfully or failed.
+         */
+        executeOnType: function (s, method, args) {
+            var
+                success = false,
+                options;
+            if (!_.isArray(s)) s = [s];
+            function e(s, index) {
+                _.each(_.keys(flotr.graphTypes), function (type) {
+                    if (s[type] && s[type].show && this[type][method]) {
+                        options = this.getOptions(s, type);
+                        options.fill = !!s.mouse.fillColor;
+                        options.fillStyle = this.processColor(s.mouse.fillColor || '#ffffff', {opacity: s.mouse.fillOpacity});
+                        options.color = s.mouse.lineColor;
+                        options.context = this.octx;
+                        options.index = index;
+                        if (args) options.args = args;
+                        this[type][method].call(this[type], options);
+                        success = true;
+                    }
+                }, this);
+            }
+            _.each(s, e, this);
+            return success;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Updates the mouse tracking point on the overlay.
+         */
+        drawHit: function (n) {
+            var octx = this.octx,
+                s = n.series;
+            if (s.mouse.lineColor) {
+      ;
+                octx.lineWidth = (s.points ? s.points.lineWidth : 1);
+                octx.strokeStyle = s.mouse.lineColor;
+                octx.fillStyle = this.processColor(s.mouse.fillColor || '#ffffff', {opacity: s.mouse.fillOpacity});
+                octx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
+                if (!this.hit.executeOnType(s, 'drawHit', n)) {
+                    var xa = n.xaxis,
+                        ya = n.yaxis;
+                    octx.beginPath();
+                    // TODO fix this (points) should move to general testable graph mixin
+                    octx.arc(xa.d2p(n.x), ya.d2p(n.y), s.points.radius || s.mouse.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
+                    octx.fill();
+                    octx.stroke();
+                    octx.closePath();
+                }
+                octx.restore();
+                this.clip(octx);
+            }
+            this.prevHit = n;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Removes the mouse tracking point from the overlay.
+         */
+        clearHit: function () {
+            var prev = this.prevHit,
+                octx = this.octx,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset;
+  ;
+            octx.translate(plotOffset.left,;
+            if (prev) {
+                if (!this.hit.executeOnType(prev.series, 'clearHit', this.prevHit)) {
+                    // TODO fix this (points) should move to general testable graph mixin
+                    var
+                        s = prev.series,
+                        lw = (s.points ? s.points.lineWidth : 1);
+                    offset = (s.points.radius || s.mouse.radius) + lw;
+                    octx.clearRect(
+                        prev.xaxis.d2p(prev.x) - offset,
+                        prev.yaxis.d2p(prev.y) - offset,
+                        offset * 2,
+                        offset * 2
+                    );
+                }
+                D.hide(this.mouseTrack);
+                this.prevHit = null;
+            }
+            octx.restore();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Retrieves the nearest data point from the mouse cursor. If it's within
+         * a certain range, draw a point on the overlay canvas and display the x and y
+         * value of the data.
+         * @param {Object} mouse - Object that holds the relative x and y coordinates of the cursor.
+         */
+        hit: function (mouse) {
+            var
+                options = this.options,
+                prevHit = this.prevHit,
+                closest, sensibility, dataIndex, seriesIndex, series, value, xaxis, yaxis;
+            if (this.series.length === 0) return;
+            // Nearest data element.
+            // dist, x, y, relX, relY, absX, absY, sAngle, eAngle, fraction, mouse,
+            // xaxis, yaxis, series, index, seriesIndex
+            n = {
+                relX: mouse.relX,
+                relY: mouse.relY,
+                absX: mouse.absX,
+                absY: mouse.absY
+            };
+            if (options.mouse.trackY && !options.mouse.trackAll &&
+                this.hit.executeOnType(this.series, 'hit', [mouse, n])) {
+                if (!_.isUndefined(n.seriesIndex)) {
+                    series = this.series[n.seriesIndex];
+                    n.series = series;
+                    n.mouse = series.mouse;
+                    n.xaxis = series.xaxis;
+                    n.yaxis = series.yaxis;
+                }
+            } else {
+                closest = this.hit.closest(mouse);
+                if (closest) {
+                    closest = options.mouse.trackY ? closest.point : closest.x;
+                    seriesIndex = closest.seriesIndex;
+                    series = this.series[seriesIndex];
+                    xaxis = series.xaxis;
+                    yaxis = series.yaxis;
+                    sensibility = 2 * series.mouse.sensibility;
+                    if
+                        (options.mouse.trackAll ||
+                        (closest.distanceX < sensibility / xaxis.scale &&
+                            (!options.mouse.trackY || closest.distanceY < sensibility / yaxis.scale))) {
+                        n.series = series;
+                        n.xaxis = series.xaxis;
+                        n.yaxis = series.yaxis;
+                        n.mouse = series.mouse;
+                        n.x = closest.x;
+                        n.y = closest.y;
+                        n.dist = closest.distance;
+                        n.index = closest.dataIndex;
+                        n.seriesIndex = seriesIndex;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (!prevHit || (prevHit.index !== n.index || prevHit.seriesIndex !== n.seriesIndex)) {
+                this.hit.clearHit();
+                if (n.series && n.mouse && n.mouse.track) {
+                    this.hit.drawMouseTrack(n);
+                    this.hit.drawHit(n);
+          , 'flotr:hit', [n, this]);
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        closest: function (mouse) {
+            var
+                series = this.series,
+                options = this.options,
+                relX = mouse.relX,
+                relY = mouse.relY,
+                compare = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                compareX = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                closest = {},
+                closestX = {},
+                check = false,
+                serie, data,
+                distance, distanceX, distanceY,
+                mouseX, mouseY,
+                x, y, i, j;
+            function setClosest(o) {
+                o.distance = distance;
+                o.distanceX = distanceX;
+                o.distanceY = distanceY;
+                o.seriesIndex = i;
+                o.dataIndex = j;
+                o.x = x;
+                o.y = y;
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
+                serie = series[i];
+                data =;
+                mouseX = serie.xaxis.p2d(relX);
+                mouseY = serie.yaxis.p2d(relY);
+                if (data.length) check = true;
+                for (j = data.length; j--;) {
+                    x = data[j][0];
+                    y = data[j][1];
+                    if (x === null || y === null) continue;
+                    // don't check if the point isn't visible in the current range
+                    if (x < serie.xaxis.min || x > serie.xaxis.max) continue;
+                    distanceX = Math.abs(x - mouseX);
+                    distanceY = Math.abs(y - mouseY);
+                    // Skip square root for speed
+                    distance = distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY;
+                    if (distance < compare) {
+                        compare = distance;
+                        setClosest(closest);
+                    }
+                    if (distanceX < compareX) {
+                        compareX = distanceX;
+                        setClosest(closestX);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return check ? {
+                point: closest,
+                x: closestX
+            } : false;
+        },
+        drawMouseTrack: function (n) {
+            var
+                pos = '',
+                s = n.series,
+                p = n.mouse.position,
+                m = n.mouse.margin,
+                elStyle = S_MOUSETRACK,
+                mouseTrack = this.mouseTrack,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                left = plotOffset.left,
+                right = plotOffset.right,
+                bottom = plotOffset.bottom,
+                top =,
+                decimals = n.mouse.trackDecimals,
+                options = this.options;
+            // Create
+            if (!mouseTrack) {
+                mouseTrack = D.node('<div class="flotr-mouse-value"></div>');
+                this.mouseTrack = mouseTrack;
+                D.insert(this.el, mouseTrack);
+            }
+            if (!n.mouse.relative) { // absolute to the canvas
+                if (p.charAt(0) == 'n') pos += 'top:' + (m + top) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
+                else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') pos += 'bottom:' + (m + bottom) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') pos += 'right:' + (m + right) + 'px;left:auto;';
+                else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') pos += 'left:' + (m + left) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                // Bars
+            } else if ( {
+                pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - n.yaxis.d2p(n.y / 2) + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                pos += 'left:' + (m + left + n.xaxis.d2p(n.x - options.bars.barWidth / 2)) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                // Pie
+            } else if ( {
+                var center = {
+                        x: (this.plotWidth) / 2,
+                        y: (this.plotHeight) / 2
+                    },
+                    radius = (Math.min(this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight) * s.pie.sizeRatio) / 2,
+                    bisection = n.sAngle < n.eAngle ? (n.sAngle + n.eAngle) / 2 : (n.sAngle + n.eAngle + 2 * Math.PI) / 2;
+                pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - center.y - Math.sin(bisection) * radius / 2 + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                pos += 'left:' + (m + left + center.x + Math.cos(bisection) * radius / 2) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                // Default
+            } else {
+                if (p.charAt(0) == 'n') pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - n.yaxis.d2p(n.y) + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') pos += 'top:' + (m + top + n.yaxis.d2p(n.y)) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
+                if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') pos += 'left:' + (m + left + n.xaxis.d2p(n.x)) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') pos += 'right:' + (m - left - n.xaxis.d2p(n.x) + this.canvasWidth) + 'px;left:auto;';
+            }
+            elStyle += pos;
+   = elStyle;
+            if (!decimals || decimals < 0) decimals = 0;
+            mouseTrack.innerHTML = n.mouse.trackFormatter({
+                x: n.x.toFixed(decimals),
+                y: n.y.toFixed(decimals),
+                series: n.series,
+                index: n.index,
+                nearest: n,
+                fraction: n.fraction
+            });
+  ;
+        }
-  },
-  extendRange : function (series) {
-    var
-      data  =,
-      xa    = series.xaxis,
-      ya    = series.yaxis,
-      w     = series.timeline.barWidth;
-    if (xa.options.min === null)
-      xa.min = xa.datamin - w / 2;
-    if (xa.options.max === null) {
-      var
-        max = xa.max;
-      Flotr._.each(data, function (timeline) {
-        max = Math.max(max, timeline[0] + timeline[2]);
-      }, this);
-      xa.max = max + w / 2;
-    }
-    if (ya.options.min === null)
-      ya.min = ya.datamin - w;
-    if (ya.options.min === null)
-      ya.max = ya.datamax + w;
-  }
-(function () {
-var D = Flotr.DOM;
-Flotr.addPlugin('crosshair', {
-  options: {
-    mode: null,            // => one of null, 'x', 'y' or 'xy'
-    color: '#FF0000',      // => crosshair color
-    hideCursor: true       // => hide the cursor when the crosshair is shown
-  },
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:mousemove': function(e, pos) {
-      if (this.options.crosshair.mode) {
-        this.crosshair.clearCrosshair();
-        this.crosshair.drawCrosshair(pos);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**   
-   * Draws the selection box.
-   */
-  drawCrosshair: function(pos) {
-    var octx = this.octx,
-      options = this.options.crosshair,
-      plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
-      x = plotOffset.left + pos.relX + 0.5,
-      y = + pos.relY + 0.5;
-    if (pos.relX < 0 || pos.relY < 0 || pos.relX > this.plotWidth || pos.relY > this.plotHeight) {
- = null;
-      D.removeClass(this.el, 'flotr-crosshair');
-      return; 
-    }
-    if (options.hideCursor) {
- = 'none';
-      D.addClass(this.el, 'flotr-crosshair');
-    }
-    octx.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    octx.lineWidth = 1;
-    octx.beginPath();
-    if (options.mode.indexOf('x') != -1) {
-      octx.moveTo(x,;
-      octx.lineTo(x, + this.plotHeight);
-    }
-    if (options.mode.indexOf('y') != -1) {
-      octx.moveTo(plotOffset.left, y);
-      octx.lineTo(plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth, y);
-    }
-    octx.stroke();
-    octx.restore();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Removes the selection box from the overlay canvas.
-   */
-  clearCrosshair: function() {
-    var
-      plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
-      position = this.lastMousePos,
-      context = this.octx;
-    if (position) {
-      context.clearRect(
-        position.relX + plotOffset.left,
-        1,
-        this.plotHeight + 1
-      );
-      context.clearRect(
-        plotOffset.left,
-        position.relY +,
-        this.plotWidth + 1,
-        1
-      );    
-    }
-  }
-(function() {
-  D = Flotr.DOM,
-  _ = Flotr._;
-function getImage (type, canvas, width, height) {
-  // TODO add scaling for w / h
-  var
-    mime = 'image/'+type,
-    data = canvas.toDataURL(mime),
-    image = new Image();
-  image.src = data;
-  return image;
-Flotr.addPlugin('download', {
-  saveImage: function (type, width, height, replaceCanvas) {
-    var image = null;
-    if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) {
-      image = '<html><body>'+this.canvas.firstChild.innerHTML+'</body></html>';
-      return;
-    }
-    if (type !== 'jpeg' && type !== 'png') return;
-    image = getImage(type, this.canvas, width, height);
-    if (_.isElement(image) && replaceCanvas) {
-      D.hide(this.canvas);
-      D.hide(this.overlay);
-      D.setStyles({position: 'absolute'});
-      D.insert(this.el, image);
-      this.saveImageElement = image;
-    } else {
-      return;
-    }
-  },
-  restoreCanvas: function() {
-    if (this.saveImageElement) this.el.removeChild(this.saveImageElement);
-    this.saveImageElement = null;
-  }
-(function () {
-var E = Flotr.EventAdapter,
-    _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.addPlugin('graphGrid', {
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:beforedraw' : function () {
-      this.graphGrid.drawGrid();
-    },
-    'flotr:afterdraw' : function () {
-      this.graphGrid.drawOutline();
-    }
-  },
-  drawGrid: function(){
-    var
-      ctx = this.ctx,
-      options = this.options,
-      grid = options.grid,
-      verticalLines = grid.verticalLines,
-      horizontalLines = grid.horizontalLines,
-      minorVerticalLines = grid.minorVerticalLines,
-      minorHorizontalLines = grid.minorHorizontalLines,
-      plotHeight = this.plotHeight,
-      plotWidth = this.plotWidth,
-      a, v, i, j;
-    if(verticalLines || minorVerticalLines || 
-           horizontalLines || minorHorizontalLines){
-, 'flotr:beforegrid', [this.axes.x, this.axes.y, options, this]);
-    }
-    ctx.lineWidth = 1;
-    ctx.strokeStyle = grid.tickColor;
-    function circularHorizontalTicks (ticks) {
-      for(i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i){
-        var ratio = ticks[i].v / a.max;
-        for(j = 0; j <= sides; ++j){
-          ctx[j === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](
-            Math.cos(j*coeff+angle)*radius*ratio,
-            Math.sin(j*coeff+angle)*radius*ratio
-          );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    function drawGridLines (ticks, callback) {
-      _.each(_.pluck(ticks, 'v'), function(v){
-        // Don't show lines on upper and lower bounds.
-        if ((v <= a.min || v >= a.max) || 
-            (v == a.min || v == a.max) && grid.outlineWidth)
-          return;
-        callback(Math.floor(a.d2p(v)) + ctx.lineWidth/2);
-      });
-    }
-    function drawVerticalLines (x) {
-      ctx.moveTo(x, 0);
-      ctx.lineTo(x, plotHeight);
-    }
-    function drawHorizontalLines (y) {
-      ctx.moveTo(0, y);
-      ctx.lineTo(plotWidth, y);
-    }
-    if (grid.circular) {
-      ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left+plotWidth/2,;
-      var radius = Math.min(plotHeight, plotWidth)*options.radar.radiusRatio/2,
-          sides = this.axes.x.ticks.length,
-          coeff = 2*(Math.PI/sides),
-          angle = -Math.PI/2;
-      // Draw grid lines in vertical direction.
-      ctx.beginPath();
-      a = this.axes.y;
-      if(horizontalLines){
-        circularHorizontalTicks(a.ticks);
-      }
-      if(minorHorizontalLines){
-        circularHorizontalTicks(a.minorTicks);
-      }
-      if(verticalLines){
-        _.times(sides, function(i){
-          ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
-          ctx.lineTo(Math.cos(i*coeff+angle)*radius, Math.sin(i*coeff+angle)*radius);
-        });
-      }
-      ctx.stroke();
-    }
-    else {
-      ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
-      // Draw grid background, if present in options.
-      if(grid.backgroundColor){
-        ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(grid.backgroundColor, {x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: plotWidth, y2: plotHeight});
-        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, plotWidth, plotHeight);
-      }
-      ctx.beginPath();
-      a = this.axes.x;
-      if (verticalLines)        drawGridLines(a.ticks, drawVerticalLines);
-      if (minorVerticalLines)   drawGridLines(a.minorTicks, drawVerticalLines);
-      a = this.axes.y;
-      if (horizontalLines)      drawGridLines(a.ticks, drawHorizontalLines);
-      if (minorHorizontalLines) drawGridLines(a.minorTicks, drawHorizontalLines);
-      ctx.stroke();
-    }
-    ctx.restore();
-    if(verticalLines || minorVerticalLines ||
-       horizontalLines || minorHorizontalLines){
-, 'flotr:aftergrid', [this.axes.x, this.axes.y, options, this]);
-    }
-  }, 
-  drawOutline: function(){
-    var
-      that = this,
-      options = that.options,
-      grid = options.grid,
-      outline = grid.outline,
-      ctx = that.ctx,
-      backgroundImage = grid.backgroundImage,
-      plotOffset = that.plotOffset,
-      leftOffset = plotOffset.left,
-      topOffset =,
-      plotWidth = that.plotWidth,
-      plotHeight = that.plotHeight,
-      v, img, src, left, top, globalAlpha;
-    if (!grid.outlineWidth) return;
-    if (grid.circular) {
-      ctx.translate(leftOffset + plotWidth / 2, topOffset + plotHeight / 2);
-      var radius = Math.min(plotHeight, plotWidth) * options.radar.radiusRatio / 2,
-          sides = this.axes.x.ticks.length,
-          coeff = 2*(Math.PI/sides),
-          angle = -Math.PI/2;
-      // Draw axis/grid border.
-      ctx.beginPath();
-      ctx.lineWidth = grid.outlineWidth;
-      ctx.strokeStyle = grid.color;
-      ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
-      for(i = 0; i <= sides; ++i){
-        ctx[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](Math.cos(i*coeff+angle)*radius, Math.sin(i*coeff+angle)*radius);
-      }
-      //ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
-      ctx.stroke();
-    }
-    else {
-      ctx.translate(leftOffset, topOffset);
-      // Draw axis/grid border.
-      var lw = grid.outlineWidth,
-          orig = 0.5-lw+((lw+1)%2/2),
-          lineTo = 'lineTo',
-          moveTo = 'moveTo';
-      ctx.lineWidth = lw;
-      ctx.strokeStyle = grid.color;
-      ctx.lineJoin = 'miter';
-      ctx.beginPath();
-      ctx.moveTo(orig, orig);
-      plotWidth = plotWidth - (lw / 2) % 1;
-      plotHeight = plotHeight + lw / 2;
-      ctx[outline.indexOf('n') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](plotWidth, orig);
-      ctx[outline.indexOf('e') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](plotWidth, plotHeight);
-      ctx[outline.indexOf('s') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](orig, plotHeight);
-      ctx[outline.indexOf('w') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](orig, orig);
-      ctx.stroke();
-      ctx.closePath();
-    }
-    ctx.restore();
-    if (backgroundImage) {
-      src = backgroundImage.src || backgroundImage;
-      left = (parseInt(backgroundImage.left, 10) || 0) + plotOffset.left;
-      top = (parseInt(, 10) || 0) +;
-      img = new Image();
-      img.onload = function() {
-        if (backgroundImage.alpha) ctx.globalAlpha = backgroundImage.alpha;
-        ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over';
-        ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, left, top, plotWidth, plotHeight);
-        ctx.restore();
-      };
-      img.src = src;
-    }
-  }
-(function () {
-  D = Flotr.DOM,
-  _ = Flotr._,
-  flotr = Flotr,
-  S_MOUSETRACK = 'opacity:0.7;background-color:#000;color:#fff;display:none;position:absolute;padding:2px 8px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;white-space:nowrap;';
-Flotr.addPlugin('hit', {
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:mousemove': function(e, pos) {
-      this.hit.track(pos);
-    },
-    'flotr:click': function(pos) {
-      this.hit.track(pos);
-    },
-    'flotr:mouseout': function() {
-      this.hit.clearHit();
-    }
-  },
-  track : function (pos) {
-    if (this.options.mouse.track || _.any(this.series, function(s){return s.mouse && s.mouse.track;})) {
-      this.hit.hit(pos);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Try a method on a graph type.  If the method exists, execute it.
-   * @param {Object} series
-   * @param {String} method  Method name.
-   * @param {Array} args  Arguments applied to method.
-   * @return executed successfully or failed.
-   */
-  executeOnType: function(s, method, args){
-    var
-      success = false,
-      options;
-    if (!_.isArray(s)) s = [s];
-    function e(s, index) {
-      _.each(_.keys(flotr.graphTypes), function (type) {
-        if (s[type] && s[type].show && this[type][method]) {
-          options = this.getOptions(s, type);
-          options.fill = !!s.mouse.fillColor;
-          options.fillStyle = this.processColor(s.mouse.fillColor || '#ffffff', {opacity: s.mouse.fillOpacity});
-          options.color = s.mouse.lineColor;
-          options.context = this.octx;
-          options.index = index;
-          if (args) options.args = args;
-          this[type][method].call(this[type], options);
-          success = true;
-        }
-      }, this);
-    }
-    _.each(s, e, this);
-    return success;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Updates the mouse tracking point on the overlay.
-   */
-  drawHit: function(n){
-    var octx = this.octx,
-      s = n.series;
-    if (s.mouse.lineColor) {
-      octx.lineWidth = (s.points ? s.points.lineWidth : 1);
-      octx.strokeStyle = s.mouse.lineColor;
-      octx.fillStyle = this.processColor(s.mouse.fillColor || '#ffffff', {opacity: s.mouse.fillOpacity});
-      octx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
-      if (!this.hit.executeOnType(s, 'drawHit', n)) {
-        var xa = n.xaxis,
-          ya = n.yaxis;
-        octx.beginPath();
-          // TODO fix this (points) should move to general testable graph mixin
-          octx.arc(xa.d2p(n.x), ya.d2p(n.y), s.points.radius || s.mouse.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
-          octx.fill();
-          octx.stroke();
-        octx.closePath();
-      }
-      octx.restore();
-      this.clip(octx);
-    }
-    this.prevHit = n;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Removes the mouse tracking point from the overlay.
-   */
-  clearHit: function(){
-    var prev = this.prevHit,
-        octx = this.octx,
-        plotOffset = this.plotOffset;
-    octx.translate(plotOffset.left,;
-    if (prev) {
-      if (!this.hit.executeOnType(prev.series, 'clearHit', this.prevHit)) {
-        // TODO fix this (points) should move to general testable graph mixin
-        var
-          s = prev.series,
-          lw = (s.points ? s.points.lineWidth : 1);
-          offset = (s.points.radius || s.mouse.radius) + lw;
-        octx.clearRect(
-          prev.xaxis.d2p(prev.x) - offset,
-          prev.yaxis.d2p(prev.y) - offset,
-          offset*2,
-          offset*2
-        );
-      }
-      D.hide(this.mouseTrack);
-      this.prevHit = null;
-    }
-    octx.restore();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the nearest data point from the mouse cursor. If it's within
-   * a certain range, draw a point on the overlay canvas and display the x and y
-   * value of the data.
-   * @param {Object} mouse - Object that holds the relative x and y coordinates of the cursor.
-   */
-  hit: function(mouse){
-    var
-      options = this.options,
-      prevHit = this.prevHit,
-      closest, sensibility, dataIndex, seriesIndex, series, value, xaxis, yaxis;
-    if (this.series.length === 0) return;
-    // Nearest data element.
-    // dist, x, y, relX, relY, absX, absY, sAngle, eAngle, fraction, mouse,
-    // xaxis, yaxis, series, index, seriesIndex
-    n = {
-      relX : mouse.relX,
-      relY : mouse.relY,
-      absX : mouse.absX,
-      absY : mouse.absY
-    };
-    if (options.mouse.trackY &&
-        !options.mouse.trackAll &&
-        this.hit.executeOnType(this.series, 'hit', [mouse, n]))
-      {
-      if (!_.isUndefined(n.seriesIndex)) {
-        series    = this.series[n.seriesIndex];
-        n.series  = series;
-        n.mouse   = series.mouse;
-        n.xaxis   = series.xaxis;
-        n.yaxis   = series.yaxis;
-      }
-    } else {
-      closest = this.hit.closest(mouse);
-      if (closest) {
-        closest     = options.mouse.trackY ? closest.point : closest.x;
-        seriesIndex = closest.seriesIndex;
-        series      = this.series[seriesIndex];
-        xaxis       = series.xaxis;
-        yaxis       = series.yaxis;
-        sensibility = 2 * series.mouse.sensibility;
-        if
-          (options.mouse.trackAll ||
-          (closest.distanceX < sensibility / xaxis.scale &&
-          (!options.mouse.trackY || closest.distanceY < sensibility / yaxis.scale)))
-        {
-          n.series      = series;
-          n.xaxis       = series.xaxis;
-          n.yaxis       = series.yaxis;
-          n.mouse       = series.mouse;
-          n.x           = closest.x;
-          n.y           = closest.y;
-          n.dist        = closest.distance;
-          n.index       = closest.dataIndex;
-          n.seriesIndex = seriesIndex;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (!prevHit || (prevHit.index !== n.index || prevHit.seriesIndex !== n.seriesIndex)) {
-      this.hit.clearHit();
-      if (n.series && n.mouse && n.mouse.track) {
-        this.hit.drawMouseTrack(n);
-        this.hit.drawHit(n);
-, 'flotr:hit', [n, this]);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  closest : function (mouse) {
-    var
-      series    = this.series,
-      options   = this.options,
-      relX      = mouse.relX,
-      relY      = mouse.relY,
-      compare   = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      compareX  = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      closest   = {},
-      closestX  = {},
-      check     = false,
-      serie, data,
-      distance, distanceX, distanceY,
-      mouseX, mouseY,
-      x, y, i, j;
-    function setClosest (o) {
-      o.distance = distance;
-      o.distanceX = distanceX;
-      o.distanceY = distanceY;
-      o.seriesIndex = i;
-      o.dataIndex = j;
-      o.x = x;
-      o.y = y;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
-      serie = series[i];
-      data =;
-      mouseX = serie.xaxis.p2d(relX);
-      mouseY = serie.yaxis.p2d(relY);
-      if (data.length) check = true;
-      for (j = data.length; j--;) {
-        x = data[j][0];
-        y = data[j][1];
-        if (x === null || y === null) continue;
-        // don't check if the point isn't visible in the current range
-        if (x < serie.xaxis.min || x > serie.xaxis.max) continue;
-        distanceX = Math.abs(x - mouseX);
-        distanceY = Math.abs(y - mouseY);
-        // Skip square root for speed
-        distance = distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY;
-        if (distance < compare) {
-          compare = distance;
-          setClosest(closest);
-        }
-        if (distanceX < compareX) {
-          compareX = distanceX;
-          setClosest(closestX);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return check ? {
-      point : closest,
-      x : closestX
-    } : false;
-  },
-  drawMouseTrack : function (n) {
-    var
-      pos         = '', 
-      s           = n.series,
-      p           = n.mouse.position, 
-      m           = n.mouse.margin,
-      elStyle     = S_MOUSETRACK,
-      mouseTrack  = this.mouseTrack,
-      plotOffset  = this.plotOffset,
-      left        = plotOffset.left,
-      right       = plotOffset.right,
-      bottom      = plotOffset.bottom,
-      top         =,
-      decimals    = n.mouse.trackDecimals,
-      options     = this.options;
-    // Create
-    if (!mouseTrack) {
-      mouseTrack = D.node('<div class="flotr-mouse-value"></div>');
-      this.mouseTrack = mouseTrack;
-      D.insert(this.el, mouseTrack);
-    }
-    if (!n.mouse.relative) { // absolute to the canvas
-      if      (p.charAt(0) == 'n') pos += 'top:' + (m + top) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
-      else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') pos += 'bottom:' + (m + bottom) + 'px;top:auto;';
-      if      (p.charAt(1) == 'e') pos += 'right:' + (m + right) + 'px;left:auto;';
-      else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') pos += 'left:' + (m + left) + 'px;right:auto;';
-    // Bars
-    } else if ( {
-        pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - n.yaxis.d2p(n.y/2) + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
-        pos += 'left:' + (m + left + n.xaxis.d2p(n.x - options.bars.barWidth/2)) + 'px;right:auto;';
-    // Pie
-    } else if ( {
-      var center = {
-          x: (this.plotWidth)/2,
-          y: (this.plotHeight)/2
-        },
-        radius = (Math.min(this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight) * s.pie.sizeRatio) / 2,
-        bisection = n.sAngle<n.eAngle ? (n.sAngle + n.eAngle) / 2: (n.sAngle + n.eAngle + 2* Math.PI) / 2;
-      pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - center.y - Math.sin(bisection) * radius/2 + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
-      pos += 'left:' + (m + left + center.x + Math.cos(bisection) * radius/2) + 'px;right:auto;';
-    // Default
-    } else {
-      if      (p.charAt(0) == 'n') pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - n.yaxis.d2p(n.y) + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
-      else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') pos += 'top:' + (m + top + n.yaxis.d2p(n.y)) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
-      if      (p.charAt(1) == 'e') pos += 'left:' + (m + left + n.xaxis.d2p(n.x)) + 'px;right:auto;';
-      else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') pos += 'right:' + (m - left - n.xaxis.d2p(n.x) + this.canvasWidth) + 'px;left:auto;';
-    }
-    elStyle += pos;
- = elStyle;
-    if (!decimals || decimals < 0) decimals = 0;
-    mouseTrack.innerHTML = n.mouse.trackFormatter({
-      x: n.x.toFixed(decimals), 
-      y: n.y.toFixed(decimals), 
-      series: n.series, 
-      index: n.index,
-      nearest: n,
-      fraction: n.fraction
-    });
-  }
  * Selection Handles Plugin
@@ -5758,834 +5825,866 @@
 (function () {
-function isLeftClick (e, type) {
-  return (e.which ? (e.which === 1) : (e.button === 0 || e.button === 1));
-function boundX(x, graph) {
-  return Math.min(Math.max(0, x), graph.plotWidth - 1);
-function boundY(y, graph) {
-  return Math.min(Math.max(0, y), graph.plotHeight);
-  D = Flotr.DOM,
-  E = Flotr.EventAdapter,
-  _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.addPlugin('selection', {
-  options: {
-    pinchOnly: null,       // Only select on pinch
-    mode: null,            // => one of null, 'x', 'y' or 'xy'
-    color: '#B6D9FF',      // => selection box color
-    fps: 20                // => frames-per-second
-  },
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:mouseup' : function (event) {
-      var
-        options = this.options.selection,
-        selection = this.selection,
-        pointer = this.getEventPosition(event);
-      if (!options || !options.mode) return;
-      if (selection.interval) clearInterval(selection.interval);
-      if (this.multitouches) {
-        selection.updateSelection();
-      } else
-      if (!options.pinchOnly) {
-        selection.setSelectionPos(selection.selection.second, pointer);
-      }
-      selection.clearSelection();
-      if(selection.selecting && selection.selectionIsSane()){
-        selection.drawSelection();
-        selection.fireSelectEvent();
-        this.ignoreClick = true;
-      }
-    },
-    'flotr:mousedown' : function (event) {
-      var
-        options = this.options.selection,
-        selection = this.selection,
-        pointer = this.getEventPosition(event);
-      if (!options || !options.mode) return;
-      if (!options.mode || (!isLeftClick(event) && _.isUndefined(event.touches))) return;
-      if (!options.pinchOnly) selection.setSelectionPos(selection.selection.first, pointer);
-      if (selection.interval) clearInterval(selection.interval);
-      this.lastMousePos.pageX = null;
-      selection.selecting = false;
-      selection.interval = setInterval(
-        _.bind(selection.updateSelection, this),
-        1000 / options.fps
-      );
-    },
-    'flotr:destroy' : function (event) {
-      clearInterval(this.selection.interval);
+    function isLeftClick(e, type) {
+        return (e.which ? (e.which === 1) : (e.button === 0 || e.button === 1));
-  },
-  // TODO This isn't used.  Maybe it belongs in the draw area and fire select event methods?
-  getArea: function() {
-    var s = this.selection.selection,
-      first = s.first,
-      second = s.second;
-    return {
-      x1: Math.min(first.x, second.x),
-      x2: Math.max(first.x, second.x),
-      y1: Math.min(first.y, second.y),
-      y2: Math.max(first.y, second.y)
-    };
-  },
-  selection: {first: {x: -1, y: -1}, second: {x: -1, y: -1}},
-  prevSelection: null,
-  interval: null,
-  /**
-   * Fires the 'flotr:select' event when the user made a selection.
-   */
-  fireSelectEvent: function(name){
-    var a = this.axes,
-        s = this.selection.selection,
-        x1, x2, y1, y2;
-    name = name || 'select';
-    x1 = a.x.p2d(s.first.x);
-    x2 = a.x.p2d(s.second.x);
-    y1 = a.y.p2d(s.first.y);
-    y2 = a.y.p2d(s.second.y);
-, 'flotr:'+name, [{
-      x1:Math.min(x1, x2), 
-      y1:Math.min(y1, y2), 
-      x2:Math.max(x1, x2), 
-      y2:Math.max(y1, y2),
-      xfirst:x1, xsecond:x2, yfirst:y1, ysecond:y2
-    }, this]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Allows the user the manually select an area.
-   * @param {Object} area - Object with coordinates to select.
-   */
-  setSelection: function(area, preventEvent){
-    var options = this.options,
-      xa = this.axes.x,
-      ya = this.axes.y,
-      vertScale = ya.scale,
-      hozScale = xa.scale,
-      selX = options.selection.mode.indexOf('x') != -1,
-      selY = options.selection.mode.indexOf('y') != -1,
-      s = this.selection.selection;
-    this.selection.clearSelection();
-    s.first.y  = boundY((selX && !selY) ? 0 : (ya.max - area.y1) * vertScale, this);
-    s.second.y = boundY((selX && !selY) ? this.plotHeight - 1: (ya.max - area.y2) * vertScale, this);
-    s.first.x  = boundX((selY && !selX) ? 0 : area.x1, this);
-    s.second.x = boundX((selY && !selX) ? this.plotWidth : area.x2, this);
-    this.selection.drawSelection();
-    if (!preventEvent)
-      this.selection.fireSelectEvent();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calculates the position of the selection.
-   * @param {Object} pos - Position object.
-   * @param {Event} event - Event object.
-   */
-  setSelectionPos: function(pos, pointer) {
-    var mode = this.options.selection.mode,
-        selection = this.selection.selection;
-    if(mode.indexOf('x') == -1) {
-      pos.x = (pos == selection.first) ? 0 : this.plotWidth;         
-    }else{
-      pos.x = boundX(pointer.relX, this);
+    function boundX(x, graph) {
+        return Math.min(Math.max(0, x), graph.plotWidth - 1);
-    if (mode.indexOf('y') == -1) {
-      pos.y = (pos == selection.first) ? 0 : this.plotHeight - 1;
-    }else{
-      pos.y = boundY(pointer.relY, this);
+    function boundY(y, graph) {
+        return Math.min(Math.max(0, y), graph.plotHeight);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws the selection box.
-   */
-  drawSelection: function() {
-    this.selection.fireSelectEvent('selecting');
-    var s = this.selection.selection,
-      octx = this.octx,
-      options = this.options,
-      plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
-      prevSelection = this.selection.prevSelection;
-    if (prevSelection &&
-      s.first.x == prevSelection.first.x &&
-      s.first.y == prevSelection.first.y && 
-      s.second.x == prevSelection.second.x &&
-      s.second.y == prevSelection.second.y) {
-      return;
+    var
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        E = Flotr.EventAdapter,
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('selection', {
+        options: {
+            pinchOnly: null,       // Only select on pinch
+            mode: null,            // => one of null, 'x', 'y' or 'xy'
+            color: '#B6D9FF',      // => selection box color
+            fps: 20                // => frames-per-second
+        },
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:mouseup': function (event) {
+                var
+                    options = this.options.selection,
+                    selection = this.selection,
+                    pointer = this.getEventPosition(event);
+                if (!options || !options.mode) return;
+                if (selection.interval) clearInterval(selection.interval);
+                if (this.multitouches) {
+                    selection.updateSelection();
+                } else if (!options.pinchOnly) {
+                    selection.setSelectionPos(selection.selection.second, pointer);
+                }
+                selection.clearSelection();
+                if (selection.selecting && selection.selectionIsSane()) {
+                    selection.drawSelection();
+                    selection.fireSelectEvent();
+                    this.ignoreClick = true;
+                }
+            },
+            'flotr:mousedown': function (event) {
+                var
+                    options = this.options.selection,
+                    selection = this.selection,
+                    pointer = this.getEventPosition(event);
+                if (!options || !options.mode) return;
+                if (!options.mode || (!isLeftClick(event) && _.isUndefined(event.touches))) return;
+                if (!options.pinchOnly) selection.setSelectionPos(selection.selection.first, pointer);
+                if (selection.interval) clearInterval(selection.interval);
+                this.lastMousePos.pageX = null;
+                selection.selecting = false;
+                selection.interval = setInterval(
+                    _.bind(selection.updateSelection, this),
+                    1000 / options.fps
+                );
+            },
+            'flotr:destroy': function (event) {
+                clearInterval(this.selection.interval);
+            }
+        },
+        // TODO This isn't used.  Maybe it belongs in the draw area and fire select event methods?
+        getArea: function () {
+            var s = this.selection.selection,
+                first = s.first,
+                second = s.second;
+            return {
+                x1: Math.min(first.x, second.x),
+                x2: Math.max(first.x, second.x),
+                y1: Math.min(first.y, second.y),
+                y2: Math.max(first.y, second.y)
+            };
+        },
+        selection: {first: {x: -1, y: -1}, second: {x: -1, y: -1}},
+        prevSelection: null,
+        interval: null,
+        /**
+         * Fires the 'flotr:select' event when the user made a selection.
+         */
+        fireSelectEvent: function (name) {
+            var a = this.axes,
+                s = this.selection.selection,
+                x1, x2, y1, y2;
+            name = name || 'select';
+            x1 = a.x.p2d(s.first.x);
+            x2 = a.x.p2d(s.second.x);
+            y1 = a.y.p2d(s.first.y);
+            y2 = a.y.p2d(s.second.y);
+  , 'flotr:' + name, [
+                {
+                    x1: Math.min(x1, x2),
+                    y1: Math.min(y1, y2),
+                    x2: Math.max(x1, x2),
+                    y2: Math.max(y1, y2),
+                    xfirst: x1, xsecond: x2, yfirst: y1, ysecond: y2
+                },
+                this
+            ]);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Allows the user the manually select an area.
+         * @param {Object} area - Object with coordinates to select.
+         */
+        setSelection: function (area, preventEvent) {
+            var options = this.options,
+                xa = this.axes.x,
+                ya = this.axes.y,
+                vertScale = ya.scale,
+                hozScale = xa.scale,
+                selX = options.selection.mode.indexOf('x') != -1,
+                selY = options.selection.mode.indexOf('y') != -1,
+                s = this.selection.selection;
+            this.selection.clearSelection();
+            s.first.y = boundY((selX && !selY) ? 0 : (ya.max - area.y1) * vertScale, this);
+            s.second.y = boundY((selX && !selY) ? this.plotHeight - 1 : (ya.max - area.y2) * vertScale, this);
+            s.first.x = boundX((selY && !selX) ? 0 : area.x1, this);
+            s.second.x = boundX((selY && !selX) ? this.plotWidth : area.x2, this);
+            this.selection.drawSelection();
+            if (!preventEvent)
+                this.selection.fireSelectEvent();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Calculates the position of the selection.
+         * @param {Object} pos - Position object.
+         * @param {Event} event - Event object.
+         */
+        setSelectionPos: function (pos, pointer) {
+            var mode = this.options.selection.mode,
+                selection = this.selection.selection;
+            if (mode.indexOf('x') == -1) {
+                pos.x = (pos == selection.first) ? 0 : this.plotWidth;
+            } else {
+                pos.x = boundX(pointer.relX, this);
+            }
+            if (mode.indexOf('y') == -1) {
+                pos.y = (pos == selection.first) ? 0 : this.plotHeight - 1;
+            } else {
+                pos.y = boundY(pointer.relY, this);
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Draws the selection box.
+         */
+        drawSelection: function () {
+            this.selection.fireSelectEvent('selecting');
+            var s = this.selection.selection,
+                octx = this.octx,
+                options = this.options,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                prevSelection = this.selection.prevSelection;
+            if (prevSelection &&
+                s.first.x == prevSelection.first.x &&
+                s.first.y == prevSelection.first.y &&
+                s.second.x == prevSelection.second.x &&
+                s.second.y == prevSelection.second.y) {
+                return;
+            }
+  ;
+            octx.strokeStyle = this.processColor(options.selection.color, {opacity: 0.8});
+            octx.lineWidth = 1;
+            octx.lineJoin = 'miter';
+            octx.fillStyle = this.processColor(options.selection.color, {opacity: 0.4});
+            this.selection.prevSelection = {
+                first: { x: s.first.x, y: s.first.y },
+                second: { x: s.second.x, y: s.second.y }
+            };
+            var x = Math.min(s.first.x, s.second.x),
+                y = Math.min(s.first.y, s.second.y),
+                w = Math.abs(s.second.x - s.first.x),
+                h = Math.abs(s.second.y - s.first.y);
+            octx.fillRect(x + plotOffset.left + 0.5, y + + 0.5, w, h);
+            octx.strokeRect(x + plotOffset.left + 0.5, y + + 0.5, w, h);
+            octx.restore();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Updates (draws) the selection box.
+         */
+        updateSelection: function () {
+            if (!this.lastMousePos.pageX) return;
+            this.selection.selecting = true;
+            if (this.multitouches) {
+                this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.first, this.getEventPosition(this.multitouches[0]));
+                this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.second, this.getEventPosition(this.multitouches[1]));
+            } else if (this.options.selection.pinchOnly) {
+                return;
+            } else {
+                this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.second, this.lastMousePos);
+            }
+            this.selection.clearSelection();
+            if (this.selection.selectionIsSane()) {
+                this.selection.drawSelection();
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Removes the selection box from the overlay canvas.
+         */
+        clearSelection: function () {
+            if (!this.selection.prevSelection) return;
+            var prevSelection = this.selection.prevSelection,
+                lw = 1,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                x = Math.min(prevSelection.first.x, prevSelection.second.x),
+                y = Math.min(prevSelection.first.y, prevSelection.second.y),
+                w = Math.abs(prevSelection.second.x - prevSelection.first.x),
+                h = Math.abs(prevSelection.second.y - prevSelection.first.y);
+            this.octx.clearRect(x + plotOffset.left - lw + 0.5,
+                y + - lw,
+                w + 2 * lw + 0.5,
+                h + 2 * lw + 0.5);
+            this.selection.prevSelection = null;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Determines whether or not the selection is sane and should be drawn.
+         * @return {Boolean} - True when sane, false otherwise.
+         */
+        selectionIsSane: function () {
+            var s = this.selection.selection;
+            return Math.abs(s.second.x - s.first.x) >= 5 ||
+                Math.abs(s.second.y - s.first.y) >= 5;
+        }
+    });
+(function () {
+    var D = Flotr.DOM;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('labels', {
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:afterdraw': function () {
+                this.labels.draw();
+            }
+        },
+        draw: function () {
+            // Construct fixed width label boxes, which can be styled easily.
+            var
+                axis, tick, left, top, xBoxWidth,
+                radius, sides, coeff, angle,
+                div, i, html = '',
+                noLabels = 0,
+                options = this.options,
+                ctx = this.ctx,
+                a = this.axes,
+                style = { size: options.fontSize };
+            for (i = 0; i < a.x.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                if (a.x.ticks[i].label) {
+                    ++noLabels;
+                }
+            }
+            xBoxWidth = this.plotWidth / noLabels;
+            if (options.grid.circular) {
+      ;
+                ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
+           + this.plotHeight / 2);
+                radius = this.plotHeight * options.radar.radiusRatio / 2 + options.fontSize;
+                sides = this.axes.x.ticks.length;
+                coeff = 2 * (Math.PI / sides);
+                angle = -Math.PI / 2;
+                drawLabelCircular(this, a.x, false);
+                drawLabelCircular(this, a.x, true);
+                drawLabelCircular(this, a.y, false);
+                drawLabelCircular(this, a.y, true);
+                ctx.restore();
+            }
+            if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled) {
+                drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.x, 'center', 'top');
+                drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.x2, 'center', 'bottom');
+                drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.y, 'right', 'middle');
+                drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.y2, 'left', 'middle');
+            } else if ((
+                a.x.options.showLabels ||
+                    a.x2.options.showLabels ||
+                    a.y.options.showLabels ||
+                    a.y2.options.showLabels) && !options.grid.circular
+                ) {
+                html = '';
+                drawLabelHtml(this, a.x);
+                drawLabelHtml(this, a.x2);
+                drawLabelHtml(this, a.y);
+                drawLabelHtml(this, a.y2);
+                ctx.stroke();
+                ctx.restore();
+                div = D.create('div');
+                D.setStyles(div, {
+                    fontSize: 'smaller',
+                    color: options.grid.color
+                });
+                div.className = 'flotr-labels';
+                D.insert(this.el, div);
+                D.insert(div, html);
+            }
+            function drawLabelCircular(graph, axis, minorTicks) {
+                var
+                    ticks = minorTicks ? axis.minorTicks : axis.ticks,
+                    isX = axis.orientation === 1,
+                    isFirst = axis.n === 1,
+                    style, offset;
+                style = {
+                    color: axis.options.color || options.grid.color,
+                    angle: Flotr.toRad(axis.options.labelsAngle),
+                    textBaseline: 'middle'
+                };
+                for (i = 0; i < ticks.length &&
+                    (minorTicks ? axis.options.showMinorLabels : axis.options.showLabels); ++i) {
+                    tick = ticks[i];
+                    tick.label += '';
+                    if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    x = Math.cos(i * coeff + angle) * radius;
+                    y = Math.sin(i * coeff + angle) * radius;
+                    style.textAlign = isX ? (Math.abs(x) < 0.1 ? 'center' : (x < 0 ? 'right' : 'left')) : 'left';
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, tick.label,
+                        isX ? x : 3,
+                        isX ? y : -(axis.ticks[i].v / axis.max) * (radius - options.fontSize),
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            function drawLabelNoHtmlText(graph, axis, textAlign, textBaseline) {
+                var
+                    isX = axis.orientation === 1,
+                    isFirst = axis.n === 1,
+                    style, offset;
+                style = {
+                    color: axis.options.color || options.grid.color,
+                    textAlign: textAlign,
+                    textBaseline: textBaseline,
+                    angle: Flotr.toRad(axis.options.labelsAngle)
+                };
+                style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
+                for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length && continueShowingLabels(axis); ++i) {
+                    tick = axis.ticks[i];
+                    if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    offset = axis.d2p(tick.v);
+                    if (offset < 0 ||
+                        offset > (isX ? graph.plotWidth : graph.plotHeight)) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, tick.label,
+                        leftOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset),
+                        topOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset),
+                        style
+                    );
+                    // Only draw on axis y2
+                    if (!isX && !isFirst) {
+              ;
+                        ctx.strokeStyle = style.color;
+                        ctx.beginPath();
+                        ctx.moveTo(graph.plotOffset.left + graph.plotWidth - 8, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
+                        ctx.lineTo(graph.plotOffset.left + graph.plotWidth, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
+                        ctx.stroke();
+                        ctx.restore();
+                    }
+                }
+                function continueShowingLabels(axis) {
+                    return axis.options.showLabels && axis.used;
+                }
+                function leftOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset) {
+                    return graph.plotOffset.left +
+                        (isX ? offset :
+                            (isFirst ?
+                                -options.grid.labelMargin :
+                                options.grid.labelMargin + graph.plotWidth));
+                }
+                function topOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset) {
+                    return +
+                        (isX ? options.grid.labelMargin : offset) +
+                        ((isX && isFirst) ? graph.plotHeight : 0);
+                }
+            }
+            function drawLabelHtml(graph, axis) {
+                var
+                    isX = axis.orientation === 1,
+                    isFirst = axis.n === 1,
+                    name = '',
+                    left, style, top,
+                    offset = graph.plotOffset;
+                if (!isX && !isFirst) {
+          ;
+                    ctx.strokeStyle = axis.options.color || options.grid.color;
+                    ctx.beginPath();
+                }
+                if (axis.options.showLabels && (isFirst ? true : axis.used)) {
+                    for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                        tick = axis.ticks[i];
+                        if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length ||
+                            ((isX ? offset.left : + axis.d2p(tick.v) < 0) ||
+                            ((isX ? offset.left : + axis.d2p(tick.v) > (isX ? graph.canvasWidth : graph.canvasHeight))) {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        top = +
+                            (isX ?
+                                ((isFirst ? 1 : -1 ) * (graph.plotHeight + options.grid.labelMargin)) :
+                                axis.d2p(tick.v) - axis.maxLabel.height / 2);
+                        left = isX ? (offset.left + axis.d2p(tick.v) - xBoxWidth / 2) : 0;
+                        name = '';
+                        if (i === 0) {
+                            name = ' first';
+                        } else if (i === axis.ticks.length - 1) {
+                            name = ' last';
+                        }
+                        name += isX ? ' flotr-grid-label-x' : ' flotr-grid-label-y';
+                        html += [
+                            '<div style="position:absolute; text-align:' + (isX ? 'center' : 'right') + '; ',
+                            'top:' + top + 'px; ',
+                            ((!isX && !isFirst) ? 'right:' : 'left:') + left + 'px; ',
+                            'width:' + (isX ? xBoxWidth : ((isFirst ? offset.left : offset.right) - options.grid.labelMargin)) + 'px; ',
+                            axis.options.color ? ('color:' + axis.options.color + '; ') : ' ',
+                            '" class="flotr-grid-label' + name + '">' + tick.label + '</div>'
+                        ].join(' ');
+                        if (!isX && !isFirst) {
+                            ctx.moveTo(offset.left + graph.plotWidth - 8, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
+                            ctx.lineTo(offset.left + graph.plotWidth, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    });
+(function () {
+    var
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('legend', {
+        options: {
+            show: true,            // => setting to true will show the legend, hide otherwise
+            noColumns: 1,          // => number of colums in legend table // @todo: doesn't work for HtmlText = false
+            labelFormatter: function (v) {
+                return v;
+            }, // => fn: string -> string
+            labelBoxBorderColor: '#CCCCCC', // => border color for the little label boxes
+            labelBoxWidth: 14,
+            labelBoxHeight: 10,
+            labelBoxMargin: 5,
+            labelBoxOpacity: 0.4,
+            container: null,       // => container (as jQuery object) to put legend in, null means default on top of graph
+            position: 'nw',        // => position of default legend container within plot
+            margin: 5,             // => distance from grid edge to default legend container within plot
+            backgroundColor: null, // => null means auto-detect
+            backgroundOpacity: 0.85// => set to 0 to avoid background, set to 1 for a solid background
+        },
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:afterinit': function () {
+                this.legend.insertLegend();
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Adds a legend div to the canvas container or draws it on the canvas.
+         */
+        insertLegend: function () {
+            if (!
+                return;
+            var series = this.series,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                options = this.options,
+                legend = options.legend,
+                fragments = [],
+                rowStarted = false,
+                ctx = this.ctx,
+                itemCount = _.filter(series,function (s) {
+                    return (s.label && !s.hide);
+                }).length,
+                p = legend.position,
+                m = legend.margin,
+                i, label, color;
+            if (itemCount) {
+                if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled && !legend.container) {
+                    var style = {
+                        size: options.fontSize * 1.1,
+                        color: options.grid.color
+                    };
+                    var lbw = legend.labelBoxWidth,
+                        lbh = legend.labelBoxHeight,
+                        lbm = legend.labelBoxMargin,
+                        offsetX = plotOffset.left + m,
+                        offsetY = + m;
+                    // We calculate the labels' max width
+                    var labelMaxWidth = 0;
+                    for (i = series.length - 1; i > -1; --i) {
+                        if (!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
+                        label = legend.labelFormatter(series[i].label);
+                        labelMaxWidth = Math.max(labelMaxWidth, this._text.measureText(label, style).width);
+                    }
+                    var legendWidth = Math.round(lbw + lbm * 3 + labelMaxWidth),
+                        legendHeight = Math.round(itemCount * (lbm + lbh) + lbm);
+                    if (p.charAt(0) == 's') offsetY = + this.plotHeight - (m + legendHeight);
+                    if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') offsetX = plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth - (m + legendWidth);
+                    // Legend box
+                    color = this.processColor(legend.backgroundColor || 'rgb(240,240,240)', {opacity: legend.backgroundOpacity || 0.1});
+                    ctx.fillStyle = color;
+                    ctx.fillRect(offsetX, offsetY, legendWidth, legendHeight);
+                    ctx.strokeStyle = legend.labelBoxBorderColor;
+                    ctx.strokeRect(Flotr.toPixel(offsetX), Flotr.toPixel(offsetY), legendWidth, legendHeight);
+                    // Legend labels
+                    var x = offsetX + lbm;
+                    var y = offsetY + lbm;
+                    for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
+                        if (!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
+                        label = legend.labelFormatter(series[i].label);
+                        ctx.fillStyle = series[i].color;
+                        ctx.fillRect(x, y, lbw - 1, lbh - 1);
+                        ctx.strokeStyle = legend.labelBoxBorderColor;
+                        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+                        ctx.strokeRect(Math.ceil(x) - 1.5, Math.ceil(y) - 1.5, lbw + 2, lbh + 2);
+                        // Legend text
+                        Flotr.drawText(ctx, label, x + lbw + lbm, y + lbh, style);
+                        y += lbh + lbm;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
+                        if (!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
+                        if (i % legend.noColumns === 0) {
+                            fragments.push(rowStarted ? '</tr><tr>' : '<tr>');
+                            rowStarted = true;
+                        }
+                        // @TODO remove requirement on bars
+                        var s = series[i],
+                            boxWidth = legend.labelBoxWidth,
+                            boxHeight = legend.labelBoxHeight,
+                            opacityValue = (s.bars ? s.bars.fillOpacity : legend.labelBoxOpacity),
+                            opacity = 'opacity:' + opacityValue + ';filter:alpha(opacity=' + opacityValue * 100 + ');';
+                        label = legend.labelFormatter(s.label);
+                        color = 'background-color:' + ((s.bars && && s.bars.fillColor && s.bars.fill) ? s.bars.fillColor : s.color) + ';';
+                        fragments.push(
+                            '<td class="flotr-legend-color-box">',
+                            '<div style="border:1px solid ', legend.labelBoxBorderColor, ';padding:1px">',
+                            '<div style="width:', (boxWidth - 1), 'px;height:', (boxHeight - 1), 'px;border:1px solid ', series[i].color, '">', // Border
+                            '<div style="width:', boxWidth, 'px;height:', boxHeight, 'px;', 'opacity:.4;', color, '"></div>', // Background
+                            '</div>',
+                            '</div>',
+                            '</td>',
+                            '<td class="flotr-legend-label">', label, '</td>'
+                        );
+                    }
+                    if (rowStarted) fragments.push('</tr>');
+                    if (fragments.length > 0) {
+                        var table = '<table style="font-size:smaller;color:' + options.grid.color + '">' + fragments.join('') + '</table>';
+                        if (legend.container) {
+                            D.insert(legend.container, table);
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            var styles = {position: 'absolute', 'z-index': 2};
+                            if (p.charAt(0) == 'n') {
+                       = (m + + 'px';
+                                styles.bottom = 'auto';
+                            }
+                            else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') {
+                                styles.bottom = (m + plotOffset.bottom) + 'px';
+                       = 'auto';
+                            }
+                            if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') {
+                                styles.right = (m + plotOffset.right) + 'px';
+                                styles.left = 'auto';
+                            }
+                            else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') {
+                                styles.left = (m + plotOffset.left) + 'px';
+                                styles.right = 'auto';
+                            }
+                            var div = D.create('div'), size;
+                            div.className = 'flotr-legend';
+                            D.setStyles(div, styles);
+                            D.insert(div, table);
+                            D.insert(this.el, div);
+                            if (!legend.backgroundOpacity)
+                                return;
+                            var c = legend.backgroundColor || options.grid.backgroundColor || '#ffffff';
+                            _.extend(styles, D.size(div), {
+                                'backgroundColor': c,
+                                'z-index': 1
+                            });
+                            styles.width += 'px';
+                            styles.height += 'px';
+                            // Put in the transparent background separately to avoid blended labels and
+                            div = D.create('div');
+                            div.className = 'flotr-legend-bg';
+                            D.setStyles(div, styles);
+                            D.opacity(div, legend.backgroundOpacity);
+                            D.insert(div, ' ');
+                            D.insert(this.el, div);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    });
+/** Spreadsheet **/
+(function () {
+    function getRowLabel(value) {
+        if (this.options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter) {
+            //TODO maybe pass the xaxis formatter to the custom tick formatter as an opt-out?
+            return this.options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter(value);
+        }
+        else {
+            var t = _.find(this.axes.x.ticks, function (t) {
+                return t.v == value;
+            });
+            if (t) {
+                return t.label;
+            }
+            return value;
+        }
-    octx.strokeStyle = this.processColor(options.selection.color, {opacity: 0.8});
-    octx.lineWidth = 1;
-    octx.lineJoin = 'miter';
-    octx.fillStyle = this.processColor(options.selection.color, {opacity: 0.4});
-    this.selection.prevSelection = {
-      first: { x: s.first.x, y: s.first.y },
-      second: { x: s.second.x, y: s.second.y }
-    };
-    var x = Math.min(s.first.x, s.second.x),
-        y = Math.min(s.first.y, s.second.y),
-        w = Math.abs(s.second.x - s.first.x),
-        h = Math.abs(s.second.y - s.first.y);
-    octx.fillRect(x + plotOffset.left+0.5, y +, w, h);
-    octx.strokeRect(x + plotOffset.left+0.5, y +, w, h);
-    octx.restore();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Updates (draws) the selection box.
-   */
-  updateSelection: function(){
-    if (!this.lastMousePos.pageX) return;
-    this.selection.selecting = true;
-    if (this.multitouches) {
-      this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.first,  this.getEventPosition(this.multitouches[0]));
-      this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.second,  this.getEventPosition(this.multitouches[1]));
-    } else
-    if (this.options.selection.pinchOnly) {
-      return;
-    } else {
-      this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.second, this.lastMousePos);
-    }
-    this.selection.clearSelection();
-    if(this.selection.selectionIsSane()) {
-      this.selection.drawSelection();
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Removes the selection box from the overlay canvas.
-   */
-  clearSelection: function() {
-    if (!this.selection.prevSelection) return;
-    var prevSelection = this.selection.prevSelection,
-      lw = 1,
-      plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
-      x = Math.min(prevSelection.first.x, prevSelection.second.x),
-      y = Math.min(prevSelection.first.y, prevSelection.second.y),
-      w = Math.abs(prevSelection.second.x - prevSelection.first.x),
-      h = Math.abs(prevSelection.second.y - prevSelection.first.y);
-    this.octx.clearRect(x + plotOffset.left - lw + 0.5,
-                        y + - lw,
-                        w + 2 * lw + 0.5,
-                        h + 2 * lw + 0.5);
-    this.selection.prevSelection = null;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Determines whether or not the selection is sane and should be drawn.
-   * @return {Boolean} - True when sane, false otherwise.
-   */
-  selectionIsSane: function(){
-    var s = this.selection.selection;
-    return Math.abs(s.second.x - s.first.x) >= 5 || 
-           Math.abs(s.second.y - s.first.y) >= 5;
-  }
-(function () {
-var D = Flotr.DOM;
-Flotr.addPlugin('labels', {
-  callbacks : {
-    'flotr:afterdraw' : function () {
-      this.labels.draw();
-    }
-  },
-  draw: function(){
-    // Construct fixed width label boxes, which can be styled easily.
-      axis, tick, left, top, xBoxWidth,
-      radius, sides, coeff, angle,
-      div, i, html = '',
-      noLabels = 0,
-      options  = this.options,
-      ctx      = this.ctx,
-      a        = this.axes,
-      style    = { size: options.fontSize };
-    for (i = 0; i < a.x.ticks.length; ++i){
-      if (a.x.ticks[i].label) { ++noLabels; }
-    }
-    xBoxWidth = this.plotWidth / noLabels;
-    if (options.grid.circular) {
-      ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
- + this.plotHeight / 2);
-      radius = this.plotHeight * options.radar.radiusRatio / 2 + options.fontSize;
-      sides  = this.axes.x.ticks.length;
-      coeff  = 2 * (Math.PI / sides);
-      angle  = -Math.PI / 2;
-      drawLabelCircular(this, a.x, false);
-      drawLabelCircular(this, a.x, true);
-      drawLabelCircular(this, a.y, false);
-      drawLabelCircular(this, a.y, true);
-      ctx.restore();
-    }
-    if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled) {
-      drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.x, 'center', 'top');
-      drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.x2, 'center', 'bottom');
-      drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.y, 'right', 'middle');
-      drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.y2, 'left', 'middle');
-    } else if ((
-        a.x.options.showLabels ||
-        a.x2.options.showLabels ||
-        a.y.options.showLabels ||
-        a.y2.options.showLabels) &&
-        !options.grid.circular
-      ) {
-      html = '';
-      drawLabelHtml(this, a.x);
-      drawLabelHtml(this, a.x2);
-      drawLabelHtml(this, a.y);
-      drawLabelHtml(this, a.y2);
-      ctx.stroke();
-      ctx.restore();
-      div = D.create('div');
-      D.setStyles(div, {
-        fontSize: 'smaller',
-        color: options.grid.color
-      });
-      div.className = 'flotr-labels';
-      D.insert(this.el, div);
-      D.insert(div, html);
-    }
-    function drawLabelCircular (graph, axis, minorTicks) {
-      var
-        ticks   = minorTicks ? axis.minorTicks : axis.ticks,
-        isX     = axis.orientation === 1,
-        isFirst = axis.n === 1,
-        style, offset;
-      style = {
-        color        : axis.options.color || options.grid.color,
-        angle        : Flotr.toRad(axis.options.labelsAngle),
-        textBaseline : 'middle'
-      };
-      for (i = 0; i < ticks.length &&
-          (minorTicks ? axis.options.showMinorLabels : axis.options.showLabels); ++i){
-        tick = ticks[i];
-        tick.label += '';
-        if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length) { continue; }
-        x = Math.cos(i * coeff + angle) * radius;
-        y = Math.sin(i * coeff + angle) * radius;
-        style.textAlign = isX ? (Math.abs(x) < 0.1 ? 'center' : (x < 0 ? 'right' : 'left')) : 'left';
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, tick.label,
-          isX ? x : 3,
-          isX ? y : -(axis.ticks[i].v / axis.max) * (radius - options.fontSize),
-          style
-        );
-      }
-    }
-    function drawLabelNoHtmlText (graph, axis, textAlign, textBaseline)  {
-      var
-        isX     = axis.orientation === 1,
-        isFirst = axis.n === 1,
-        style, offset;
-      style = {
-        color        : axis.options.color || options.grid.color,
-        textAlign    : textAlign,
-        textBaseline : textBaseline,
-        angle : Flotr.toRad(axis.options.labelsAngle)
-      };
-      style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
-      for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length && continueShowingLabels(axis); ++i) {
-        tick = axis.ticks[i];
-        if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length) { continue; }
-        offset = axis.d2p(tick.v);
-        if (offset < 0 ||
-            offset > (isX ? graph.plotWidth : graph.plotHeight)) { continue; }
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, tick.label,
-          leftOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset),
-          topOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset),
-          style
-        );
-        // Only draw on axis y2
-        if (!isX && !isFirst) {
-          ctx.strokeStyle = style.color;
-          ctx.beginPath();
-          ctx.moveTo(graph.plotOffset.left + graph.plotWidth - 8, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
-          ctx.lineTo(graph.plotOffset.left + graph.plotWidth, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
-          ctx.stroke();
-          ctx.restore();
-        }
-      }
-      function continueShowingLabels (axis) {
-        return axis.options.showLabels && axis.used;
-      }
-      function leftOffset (graph, isX, isFirst, offset) {
-        return graph.plotOffset.left +
-          (isX ? offset :
-            (isFirst ?
-              -options.grid.labelMargin :
-              options.grid.labelMargin + graph.plotWidth));
-      }
-      function topOffset (graph, isX, isFirst, offset) {
-        return +
-          (isX ? options.grid.labelMargin : offset) +
-          ((isX && isFirst) ? graph.plotHeight : 0);
-      }
-    }
-    function drawLabelHtml (graph, axis) {
-      var
-        isX     = axis.orientation === 1,
-        isFirst = axis.n === 1,
-        name = '',
-        left, style, top,
-        offset = graph.plotOffset;
-      if (!isX && !isFirst) {
-        ctx.strokeStyle = axis.options.color || options.grid.color;
-        ctx.beginPath();
-      }
-      if (axis.options.showLabels && (isFirst ? true : axis.used)) {
-        for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
-          tick = axis.ticks[i];
-          if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length ||
-              ((isX ? offset.left : + axis.d2p(tick.v) < 0) ||
-              ((isX ? offset.left : + axis.d2p(tick.v) > (isX ? graph.canvasWidth : graph.canvasHeight))) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          top = +
-            (isX ?
-              ((isFirst ? 1 : -1 ) * (graph.plotHeight + options.grid.labelMargin)) :
-              axis.d2p(tick.v) - axis.maxLabel.height / 2);
-          left = isX ? (offset.left + axis.d2p(tick.v) - xBoxWidth / 2) : 0;
-          name = '';
-          if (i === 0) {
-            name = ' first';
-          } else if (i === axis.ticks.length - 1) {
-            name = ' last';
-          }
-          name += isX ? ' flotr-grid-label-x' : ' flotr-grid-label-y';
-          html += [
-            '<div style="position:absolute; text-align:' + (isX ? 'center' : 'right') + '; ',
-            'top:' + top + 'px; ',
-            ((!isX && !isFirst) ? 'right:' : 'left:') + left + 'px; ',
-            'width:' + (isX ? xBoxWidth : ((isFirst ? offset.left : offset.right) - options.grid.labelMargin)) + 'px; ',
-            axis.options.color ? ('color:' + axis.options.color + '; ') : ' ',
-            '" class="flotr-grid-label' + name + '">' + tick.label + '</div>'
-          ].join(' ');
-          if (!isX && !isFirst) {
-            ctx.moveTo(offset.left + graph.plotWidth - 8, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
-            ctx.lineTo(offset.left + graph.plotWidth, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-(function () {
-  D = Flotr.DOM,
-  _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.addPlugin('legend', {
-  options: {
-    show: true,            // => setting to true will show the legend, hide otherwise
-    noColumns: 1,          // => number of colums in legend table // @todo: doesn't work for HtmlText = false
-    labelFormatter: function(v){return v;}, // => fn: string -> string
-    labelBoxBorderColor: '#CCCCCC', // => border color for the little label boxes
-    labelBoxWidth: 14,
-    labelBoxHeight: 10,
-    labelBoxMargin: 5,
-    labelBoxOpacity: 0.4,
-    container: null,       // => container (as jQuery object) to put legend in, null means default on top of graph
-    position: 'nw',        // => position of default legend container within plot
-    margin: 5,             // => distance from grid edge to default legend container within plot
-    backgroundColor: null, // => null means auto-detect
-    backgroundOpacity: 0.85// => set to 0 to avoid background, set to 1 for a solid background
-  },
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:afterinit': function() {
-      this.legend.insertLegend();
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Adds a legend div to the canvas container or draws it on the canvas.
-   */
-  insertLegend: function(){
-    if(!
-      return;
-    var series      = this.series,
-      plotOffset    = this.plotOffset,
-      options       = this.options,
-      legend        = options.legend,
-      fragments     = [],
-      rowStarted    = false, 
-      ctx           = this.ctx,
-      itemCount     = _.filter(series, function(s) {return (s.label && !s.hide);}).length,
-      p             = legend.position, 
-      m             = legend.margin,
-      i, label, color;
-    if (itemCount) {
-      if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled && !legend.container) {
-        var style = {
-          size: options.fontSize*1.1,
-          color: options.grid.color
-        };
-        var lbw = legend.labelBoxWidth,
-            lbh = legend.labelBoxHeight,
-            lbm = legend.labelBoxMargin,
-            offsetX = plotOffset.left + m,
-            offsetY = + m;
-        // We calculate the labels' max width
-        var labelMaxWidth = 0;
-        for(i = series.length - 1; i > -1; --i){
-          if(!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
-          label = legend.labelFormatter(series[i].label);
-          labelMaxWidth = Math.max(labelMaxWidth, this._text.measureText(label, style).width);
-        }
-        var legendWidth  = Math.round(lbw + lbm*3 + labelMaxWidth),
-            legendHeight = Math.round(itemCount*(lbm+lbh) + lbm);
-        if(p.charAt(0) == 's') offsetY = + this.plotHeight - (m + legendHeight);
-        if(p.charAt(1) == 'e') offsetX = plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth - (m + legendWidth);
-        // Legend box
-        color = this.processColor(legend.backgroundColor || 'rgb(240,240,240)', {opacity: legend.backgroundOpacity || 0.1});
-        ctx.fillStyle = color;
-        ctx.fillRect(offsetX, offsetY, legendWidth, legendHeight);
-        ctx.strokeStyle = legend.labelBoxBorderColor;
-        ctx.strokeRect(Flotr.toPixel(offsetX), Flotr.toPixel(offsetY), legendWidth, legendHeight);
-        // Legend labels
-        var x = offsetX + lbm;
-        var y = offsetY + lbm;
-        for(i = 0; i < series.length; i++){
-          if(!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
-          label = legend.labelFormatter(series[i].label);
-          ctx.fillStyle = series[i].color;
-          ctx.fillRect(x, y, lbw-1, lbh-1);
-          ctx.strokeStyle = legend.labelBoxBorderColor;
-          ctx.lineWidth = 1;
-          ctx.strokeRect(Math.ceil(x)-1.5, Math.ceil(y)-1.5, lbw+2, lbh+2);
-          // Legend text
-          Flotr.drawText(ctx, label, x + lbw + lbm, y + lbh, style);
-          y += lbh + lbm;
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        for(i = 0; i < series.length; ++i){
-          if(!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
-          if(i % legend.noColumns === 0){
-            fragments.push(rowStarted ? '</tr><tr>' : '<tr>');
-            rowStarted = true;
-          }
-          // @TODO remove requirement on bars
-          var s = series[i],
-            boxWidth = legend.labelBoxWidth,
-            boxHeight = legend.labelBoxHeight,
-            opacityValue = (s.bars ? s.bars.fillOpacity : legend.labelBoxOpacity),
-            opacity = 'opacity:' + opacityValue + ';filter:alpha(opacity=' + opacityValue*100 + ');';
-          label = legend.labelFormatter(s.label);
-          color = 'background-color:' + ((s.bars && && s.bars.fillColor && s.bars.fill) ? s.bars.fillColor : s.color) + ';';
-          fragments.push(
-            '<td class="flotr-legend-color-box">',
-              '<div style="border:1px solid ', legend.labelBoxBorderColor, ';padding:1px">',
-                '<div style="width:', (boxWidth-1), 'px;height:', (boxHeight-1), 'px;border:1px solid ', series[i].color, '">', // Border
-                  '<div style="width:', boxWidth, 'px;height:', boxHeight, 'px;', 'opacity:.4;', color, '"></div>', // Background
-                '</div>',
-              '</div>',
-            '</td>',
-            '<td class="flotr-legend-label">', label, '</td>'
-          );
-        }
-        if(rowStarted) fragments.push('</tr>');
-        if(fragments.length > 0){
-          var table = '<table style="font-size:smaller;color:' + options.grid.color + '">' + fragments.join('') + '</table>';
-          if(legend.container){
-            D.insert(legend.container, table);
-          }
-          else {
-            var styles = {position: 'absolute', 'z-index': 2};
-                 if(p.charAt(0) == 'n') { = (m + + 'px'; styles.bottom = 'auto'; }
-            else if(p.charAt(0) == 's') { styles.bottom = (m + plotOffset.bottom) + 'px'; = 'auto'; }
-                 if(p.charAt(1) == 'e') { styles.right = (m + plotOffset.right) + 'px'; styles.left = 'auto'; }
-            else if(p.charAt(1) == 'w') { styles.left = (m + plotOffset.left) + 'px'; styles.right = 'auto'; }
-            var div = D.create('div'), size;
-            div.className = 'flotr-legend';
-            D.setStyles(div, styles);
-            D.insert(div, table);
-            D.insert(this.el, div);
-            if(!legend.backgroundOpacity)
-              return;
-            var c = legend.backgroundColor || options.grid.backgroundColor || '#ffffff';
-            _.extend(styles, D.size(div), {
-              'backgroundColor': c,
-              'z-index': 1
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('spreadsheet', {
+        options: {
+            show: false,           // => show the data grid using two tabs
+            tabGraphLabel: 'Graph',
+            tabDataLabel: 'Data',
+            toolbarDownload: 'Download CSV', // @todo: add better language support
+            toolbarSelectAll: 'Select all',
+            csvFileSeparator: ',',
+            decimalSeparator: '.',
+            tickFormatter: null,
+            initialTab: 'graph'
+        },
+        /**
+         * Builds the tabs in the DOM
+         */
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:afterconstruct': function () {
+                // @TODO necessary?
+                //'.flotr-tabs-group,.flotr-datagrid-container').invoke('remove');
+                if (! return;
+                var ss = this.spreadsheet,
+                    container = D.node('<div class="flotr-tabs-group" style="position:absolute;left:0px;width:' + this.canvasWidth + 'px"></div>'),
+                    graph = D.node('<div style="float:left" class="flotr-tab selected">' + this.options.spreadsheet.tabGraphLabel + '</div>'),
+                    data = D.node('<div style="float:left" class="flotr-tab">' + this.options.spreadsheet.tabDataLabel + '</div>'),
+                    offset;
+                ss.tabsContainer = container;
+                ss.tabs = { graph: graph, data: data };
+                D.insert(container, graph);
+                D.insert(container, data);
+                D.insert(this.el, container);
+                offset = D.size(data).height + 2;
+                this.plotOffset.bottom += offset;
+                D.setStyles(container, {top: this.canvasHeight - offset + 'px'});
+                this.
+                    observe(graph, 'click',function () {
+                        ss.showTab('graph');
+                    }).
+                    observe(data, 'click', function () {
+                        ss.showTab('data');
+                    });
+                if (this.options.spreadsheet.initialTab !== 'graph') {
+                    ss.showTab(this.options.spreadsheet.initialTab);
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Builds a matrix of the data to make the correspondance between the x values and the y values :
+         * X value => Y values from the axes
+         * @return {Array} The data grid
+         */
+        loadDataGrid: function () {
+            if (this.seriesData) return this.seriesData;
+            var s = this.series,
+                rows = {};
+            /* The data grid is a 2 dimensions array. There is a row for each X value.
+             * Each row contains the x value and the corresponding y value for each serie ('undefined' if there isn't one)
+             **/
+            _.each(s, function (serie, i) {
+                _.each(, function (v) {
+                    var x = v[0],
+                        y = v[1],
+                        r = rows[x];
+                    if (r) {
+                        r[i + 1] = y;
+                    } else {
+                        var newRow = [];
+                        newRow[0] = x;
+                        newRow[i + 1] = y;
+                        rows[x] = newRow;
+                    }
+                });
-            styles.width += 'px';
-            styles.height += 'px';
-             // Put in the transparent background separately to avoid blended labels and
-            div = D.create('div');
-            div.className = 'flotr-legend-bg';
-            D.setStyles(div, styles);
-            D.opacity(div, legend.backgroundOpacity);
-            D.insert(div, ' ');
-            D.insert(this.el, div);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-/** Spreadsheet **/
-(function() {
-function getRowLabel(value){
-  if (this.options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter){
-    //TODO maybe pass the xaxis formatter to the custom tick formatter as an opt-out?
-    return this.options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter(value);
-  }
-  else {
-    var t = _.find(this.axes.x.ticks, function(t){return t.v == value;});
-    if (t) {
-      return t.label;
-    }
-    return value;
-  }
-  D = Flotr.DOM,
-  _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.addPlugin('spreadsheet', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => show the data grid using two tabs
-    tabGraphLabel: 'Graph',
-    tabDataLabel: 'Data',
-    toolbarDownload: 'Download CSV', // @todo: add better language support
-    toolbarSelectAll: 'Select all',
-    csvFileSeparator: ',',
-    decimalSeparator: '.',
-    tickFormatter: null,
-    initialTab: 'graph'
-  },
-  /**
-   * Builds the tabs in the DOM
-   */
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:afterconstruct': function(){
-      // @TODO necessary?
-      //'.flotr-tabs-group,.flotr-datagrid-container').invoke('remove');
-      if (! return;
-      var ss = this.spreadsheet,
-        container = D.node('<div class="flotr-tabs-group" style="position:absolute;left:0px;width:'+this.canvasWidth+'px"></div>'),
-        graph = D.node('<div style="float:left" class="flotr-tab selected">'+this.options.spreadsheet.tabGraphLabel+'</div>'),
-        data = D.node('<div style="float:left" class="flotr-tab">'+this.options.spreadsheet.tabDataLabel+'</div>'),
-        offset;
-      ss.tabsContainer = container;
-      ss.tabs = { graph : graph, data : data };
-      D.insert(container, graph);
-      D.insert(container, data);
-      D.insert(this.el, container);
-      offset = D.size(data).height + 2;
-      this.plotOffset.bottom += offset;
-      D.setStyles(container, {top: this.canvasHeight-offset+'px'});
-      this.
-        observe(graph, 'click',  function(){ss.showTab('graph');}).
-        observe(data, 'click', function(){ss.showTab('data');});
-      if (this.options.spreadsheet.initialTab !== 'graph'){
-        ss.showTab(this.options.spreadsheet.initialTab);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Builds a matrix of the data to make the correspondance between the x values and the y values :
-   * X value => Y values from the axes
-   * @return {Array} The data grid
-   */
-  loadDataGrid: function(){
-    if (this.seriesData) return this.seriesData;
-    var s = this.series,
-        rows = {};
-    /* The data grid is a 2 dimensions array. There is a row for each X value.
-     * Each row contains the x value and the corresponding y value for each serie ('undefined' if there isn't one)
-    **/
-    _.each(s, function(serie, i){
-      _.each(, function (v) {
-        var x = v[0],
-            y = v[1],
-            r = rows[x];
-        if (r) {
-          r[i+1] = y;
-        } else {
-          var newRow = [];
-          newRow[0] = x;
-          newRow[i+1] = y;
-          rows[x] = newRow;
-        }
-      });
-    });
-    // The data grid is sorted by x value
-    this.seriesData = _.sortBy(rows, function(row, x){
-      return parseInt(x, 10);
-    });
-    return this.seriesData;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Constructs the data table for the spreadsheet
-   * @todo make a spreadsheet manager (Flotr.Spreadsheet)
-   * @return {Element} The resulting table element
-   */
-  constructDataGrid: function(){
-    // If the data grid has already been built, nothing to do here
-    if (this.spreadsheet.datagrid) return this.spreadsheet.datagrid;
-    var s = this.series,
-        datagrid = this.spreadsheet.loadDataGrid(),
-        colgroup = ['<colgroup><col />'],
-        buttonDownload, buttonSelect, t;
-    // First row : series' labels
-    var html = ['<table class="flotr-datagrid"><tr class="first-row">'];
-    html.push('<th>&nbsp;</th>');
-    _.each(s, function(serie,i){
-      html.push('<th scope="col">'+(serie.label || String.fromCharCode(65+i))+'</th>');
-      colgroup.push('<col />');
-    });
-    html.push('</tr>');
-    // Data rows
-    _.each(datagrid, function(row){
-      html.push('<tr>');
-      _.times(s.length+1, function(i){
-        var tag = 'td',
-            value = row[i],
-            // TODO: do we really want to handle problems with floating point
-            // precision here?
-            content = (!_.isUndefined(value) ? Math.round(value*100000)/100000 : '');
-        if (i === 0) {
-          tag = 'th';
-          var label =, content);
-          if (label) content = label;
-        }
-        html.push('<'+tag+(tag=='th'?' scope="row"':'')+'>'+content+'</'+tag+'>');
-      }, this);
-      html.push('</tr>');
-    }, this);
-    colgroup.push('</colgroup>');
-    t = D.node(html.join(''));
-    /**
-     * @TODO disabled this
-    if (!Flotr.isIE || Flotr.isIE == 9) {
+            // The data grid is sorted by x value
+            this.seriesData = _.sortBy(rows, function (row, x) {
+                return parseInt(x, 10);
+            });
+            return this.seriesData;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Constructs the data table for the spreadsheet
+         * @todo make a spreadsheet manager (Flotr.Spreadsheet)
+         * @return {Element} The resulting table element
+         */
+        constructDataGrid: function () {
+            // If the data grid has already been built, nothing to do here
+            if (this.spreadsheet.datagrid) return this.spreadsheet.datagrid;
+            var s = this.series,
+                datagrid = this.spreadsheet.loadDataGrid(),
+                colgroup = ['<colgroup><col />'],
+                buttonDownload, buttonSelect, t;
+            // First row : series' labels
+            var html = ['<table class="flotr-datagrid"><tr class="first-row">'];
+            html.push('<th>&nbsp;</th>');
+            _.each(s, function (serie, i) {
+                html.push('<th scope="col">' + (serie.label || String.fromCharCode(65 + i)) + '</th>');
+                colgroup.push('<col />');
+            });
+            html.push('</tr>');
+            // Data rows
+            _.each(datagrid, function (row) {
+                html.push('<tr>');
+                _.times(s.length + 1, function (i) {
+                    var tag = 'td',
+                        value = row[i],
+                    // TODO: do we really want to handle problems with floating point
+                    // precision here?
+                        content = (!_.isUndefined(value) ? Math.round(value * 100000) / 100000 : '');
+                    if (i === 0) {
+                        tag = 'th';
+                        var label =, content);
+                        if (label) content = label;
+                    }
+                    html.push('<' + tag + (tag == 'th' ? ' scope="row"' : '') + '>' + content + '</' + tag + '>');
+                }, this);
+                html.push('</tr>');
+            }, this);
+            colgroup.push('</colgroup>');
+            t = D.node(html.join(''));
+            /**
+             * @TODO disabled this
+             if (!Flotr.isIE || Flotr.isIE == 9) {
       function handleMouseout(){'colgroup col.hover, th.hover').invoke('removeClassName', 'hover');
@@ -6601,311 +6700,311 @@
           observe(td, 'mouseout', handleMouseout);
-    */
-    buttonDownload = D.node(
-      '<button type="button" class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar-button">' +
-      this.options.spreadsheet.toolbarDownload +
-      '</button>');
-    buttonSelect = D.node(
-      '<button type="button" class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar-button">' +
-      this.options.spreadsheet.toolbarSelectAll+
-      '</button>');
-    this.
-      observe(buttonDownload, 'click', _.bind(this.spreadsheet.downloadCSV, this)).
-      observe(buttonSelect, 'click', _.bind(this.spreadsheet.selectAllData, this));
-    var toolbar = D.node('<div class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar"></div>');
-    D.insert(toolbar, buttonDownload);
-    D.insert(toolbar, buttonSelect);
-    var containerHeight =this.canvasHeight - D.size(this.spreadsheet.tabsContainer).height-2,
-        container = D.node('<div class="flotr-datagrid-container" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:'+
-          this.canvasWidth+'px;height:'+containerHeight+'px;overflow:auto;z-index:10"></div>');
-    D.insert(container, toolbar);
-    D.insert(container, t);
-    D.insert(this.el, container);
-    this.spreadsheet.datagrid = t;
-    this.spreadsheet.container = container;
-    return t;
-  },  
-  /**
-   * Shows the specified tab, by its name
-   * @todo make a tab manager (Flotr.Tabs)
-   * @param {String} tabName - The tab name
-   */
-  showTab: function(tabName){
-    if (this.spreadsheet.activeTab === tabName){
-      return;
-    }
-    switch(tabName) {
-      case 'graph':
-        D.hide(this.spreadsheet.container);
-        D.removeClass(, 'selected');
-        D.addClass(this.spreadsheet.tabs.graph, 'selected');
-      break;
-      case 'data':
-        if (!this.spreadsheet.datagrid)
-          this.spreadsheet.constructDataGrid();
-        D.addClass(, 'selected');
-        D.removeClass(this.spreadsheet.tabs.graph, 'selected');
-      break;
-      default:
-        throw 'Illegal tab name: ' + tabName;
-    }
-    this.spreadsheet.activeTab = tabName;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Selects the data table in the DOM for copy/paste
-   */
-  selectAllData: function(){
-    if (this.spreadsheet.tabs) {
-      var selection, range, doc, win, node = this.spreadsheet.constructDataGrid();
-      this.spreadsheet.showTab('data');
-      // deferred to be able to select the table
-      setTimeout(function () {
-        if ((doc = node.ownerDocument) && (win = doc.defaultView) && 
-            win.getSelection && doc.createRange && 
-            (selection = window.getSelection()) && 
-            selection.removeAllRanges) {
-            range = doc.createRange();
-            range.selectNode(node);
-            selection.removeAllRanges();
-            selection.addRange(range);
-        }
-        else if (document.body && document.body.createTextRange && 
-                (range = document.body.createTextRange())) {
-            range.moveToElementText(node);
-  ;
-        }
-      }, 0);
-      return true;
-    }
-    else return false;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Converts the data into CSV in order to download a file
-   */
-  downloadCSV: function(){
-    var csv = '',
-        series = this.series,
-        options = this.options,
-        dg = this.spreadsheet.loadDataGrid(),
-        separator = encodeURIComponent(options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator);
-    if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator === options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator) {
-      throw "The decimal separator is the same as the column separator ("+options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator+")";
-    }
-    // The first row
-    _.each(series, function(serie, i){
-      csv += separator+'"'+(serie.label || String.fromCharCode(65+i)).replace(/\"/g, '\\"')+'"';
+             */
+            buttonDownload = D.node(
+                '<button type="button" class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar-button">' +
+                    this.options.spreadsheet.toolbarDownload +
+                    '</button>');
+            buttonSelect = D.node(
+                '<button type="button" class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar-button">' +
+                    this.options.spreadsheet.toolbarSelectAll +
+                    '</button>');
+            this.
+                observe(buttonDownload, 'click', _.bind(this.spreadsheet.downloadCSV, this)).
+                observe(buttonSelect, 'click', _.bind(this.spreadsheet.selectAllData, this));
+            var toolbar = D.node('<div class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar"></div>');
+            D.insert(toolbar, buttonDownload);
+            D.insert(toolbar, buttonSelect);
+            var containerHeight = this.canvasHeight - D.size(this.spreadsheet.tabsContainer).height - 2,
+                container = D.node('<div class="flotr-datagrid-container" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:' +
+                    this.canvasWidth + 'px;height:' + containerHeight + 'px;overflow:auto;z-index:10"></div>');
+            D.insert(container, toolbar);
+            D.insert(container, t);
+            D.insert(this.el, container);
+            this.spreadsheet.datagrid = t;
+            this.spreadsheet.container = container;
+            return t;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Shows the specified tab, by its name
+         * @todo make a tab manager (Flotr.Tabs)
+         * @param {String} tabName - The tab name
+         */
+        showTab: function (tabName) {
+            if (this.spreadsheet.activeTab === tabName) {
+                return;
+            }
+            switch (tabName) {
+                case 'graph':
+                    D.hide(this.spreadsheet.container);
+                    D.removeClass(, 'selected');
+                    D.addClass(this.spreadsheet.tabs.graph, 'selected');
+                    break;
+                case 'data':
+                    if (!this.spreadsheet.datagrid)
+                        this.spreadsheet.constructDataGrid();
+          ;
+                    D.addClass(, 'selected');
+                    D.removeClass(this.spreadsheet.tabs.graph, 'selected');
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    throw 'Illegal tab name: ' + tabName;
+            }
+            this.spreadsheet.activeTab = tabName;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Selects the data table in the DOM for copy/paste
+         */
+        selectAllData: function () {
+            if (this.spreadsheet.tabs) {
+                var selection, range, doc, win, node = this.spreadsheet.constructDataGrid();
+                this.spreadsheet.showTab('data');
+                // deferred to be able to select the table
+                setTimeout(function () {
+                    if ((doc = node.ownerDocument) && (win = doc.defaultView) &&
+                        win.getSelection && doc.createRange &&
+                        (selection = window.getSelection()) &&
+                        selection.removeAllRanges) {
+                        range = doc.createRange();
+                        range.selectNode(node);
+                        selection.removeAllRanges();
+                        selection.addRange(range);
+                    }
+                    else if (document.body && document.body.createTextRange &&
+                        (range = document.body.createTextRange())) {
+                        range.moveToElementText(node);
+              ;
+                    }
+                }, 0);
+                return true;
+            }
+            else return false;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Converts the data into CSV in order to download a file
+         */
+        downloadCSV: function () {
+            var csv = '',
+                series = this.series,
+                options = this.options,
+                dg = this.spreadsheet.loadDataGrid(),
+                separator = encodeURIComponent(options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator);
+            if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator === options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator) {
+                throw "The decimal separator is the same as the column separator (" + options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator + ")";
+            }
+            // The first row
+            _.each(series, function (serie, i) {
+                csv += separator + '"' + (serie.label || String.fromCharCode(65 + i)).replace(/\"/g, '\\"') + '"';
+            });
+            csv += "%0D%0A"; // \r\n
+            // For each row
+            csv += _.reduce(dg, function (memo, row) {
+                var rowLabel =, row[0]) || '';
+                rowLabel = '"' + (rowLabel + '').replace(/\"/g, '\\"') + '"';
+                var numbers = row.slice(1).join(separator);
+                if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator !== '.') {
+                    numbers = numbers.replace(/\./g, options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator);
+                }
+                return memo + rowLabel + separator + numbers + "%0D%0A"; // \t and \r\n
+            }, '', this);
+            if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) {
+                csv = csv.replace(new RegExp(separator, 'g'), decodeURIComponent(separator)).replace(/%0A/g, '\n').replace(/%0D/g, '\r');
+      ;
+            }
+            else'data:text/csv,' + csv);
+        }
-    csv += "%0D%0A"; // \r\n
-    // For each row
-    csv += _.reduce(dg, function(memo, row){
-      var rowLabel =, row[0]) || '';
-      rowLabel = '"'+(rowLabel+'').replace(/\"/g, '\\"')+'"';
-      var numbers = row.slice(1).join(separator);
-      if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator !== '.') {
-        numbers = numbers.replace(/\./g, options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator);
-      }
-      return memo + rowLabel+separator+numbers+"%0D%0A"; // \t and \r\n
-    }, '', this);
-    if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) {
-      csv = csv.replace(new RegExp(separator, 'g'), decodeURIComponent(separator)).replace(/%0A/g, '\n').replace(/%0D/g, '\r');
-    }
-    else'data:text/csv,'+csv);
-  }
 (function () {
-var D = Flotr.DOM;
-Flotr.addPlugin('titles', {
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:afterdraw': function() {
-      this.titles.drawTitles();
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws the title and the subtitle
-   */
-  drawTitles : function () {
-    var html,
-        options = this.options,
-        margin = options.grid.labelMargin,
-        ctx = this.ctx,
-        a = this.axes;
-    if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled) {
-      var style = {
-        size: options.fontSize,
-        color: options.grid.color,
-        textAlign: 'center'
-      };
-      // Add subtitle
-      if (options.subtitle){
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, options.subtitle,
-          this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth/2, 
-          this.titleHeight + this.subtitleHeight - 2,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-      style.weight = 1.5;
-      style.size *= 1.5;
-      // Add title
-      if (options.title){
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, options.title,
-          this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth/2, 
-          this.titleHeight - 2,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-      style.weight = 1.8;
-      style.size *= 0.8;
-      // Add x axis title
-      if (a.x.options.title && a.x.used){
-        style.textAlign = a.x.options.titleAlign || 'center';
-        style.textBaseline = 'top';
-        style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.x.options.titleAngle);
-        style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, a.x.options.title,
-          this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth/2, 
- + a.x.maxLabel.height + this.plotHeight + 2 * margin,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-      // Add x2 axis title
-      if (a.x2.options.title && a.x2.used){
-        style.textAlign = a.x2.options.titleAlign || 'center';
-        style.textBaseline = 'bottom';
-        style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.x2.options.titleAngle);
-        style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, a.x2.options.title,
-          this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth/2, 
- - a.x2.maxLabel.height - 2 * margin,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-      // Add y axis title
-      if (a.y.options.title && a.y.used){
-        style.textAlign = a.y.options.titleAlign || 'right';
-        style.textBaseline = 'middle';
-        style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.y.options.titleAngle);
-        style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, a.y.options.title,
-          this.plotOffset.left - a.y.maxLabel.width - 2 * margin, 
- + this.plotHeight / 2,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-      // Add y2 axis title
-      if (a.y2.options.title && a.y2.used){
-        style.textAlign = a.y2.options.titleAlign || 'left';
-        style.textBaseline = 'middle';
-        style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.y2.options.titleAngle);
-        style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, a.y2.options.title,
-          this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth + a.y2.maxLabel.width + 2 * margin, 
- + this.plotHeight / 2,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-    } 
-    else {
-      html = [];
-      // Add title
-      if (options.title)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:', 
-          this.plotOffset.left, 'px;font-size:1em;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;width:',
-          this.plotWidth,'px;" class="flotr-title">', options.title, '</div>'
-        );
-      // Add subtitle
-      if (options.subtitle)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:', this.titleHeight, 'px;left:', 
-          this.plotOffset.left, 'px;font-size:smaller;text-align:center;width:',
-          this.plotWidth, 'px;" class="flotr-subtitle">', options.subtitle, '</div>'
-        );
-      html.push('</div>');
-      html.push('<div class="flotr-axis-title" style="font-weight:bold;">');
-      // Add x axis title
-      if (a.x.options.title && a.x.used)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:', 
-          ( + this.plotHeight + options.grid.labelMargin + a.x.titleSize.height), 
-          'px;left:', this.plotOffset.left, 'px;width:', this.plotWidth, 
-          'px;text-align:', a.x.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-x1">', a.x.options.title, '</div>'
-        );
-      // Add x2 axis title
-      if (a.x2.options.title && a.x2.used)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:', this.plotOffset.left, 'px;width:', 
-          this.plotWidth, 'px;text-align:', a.x2.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-x2">', a.x2.options.title, '</div>'
-        );
-      // Add y axis title
-      if (a.y.options.title && a.y.used)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:', 
-          ( + this.plotHeight/2 - a.y.titleSize.height/2), 
-          'px;left:0;text-align:', a.y.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-y1">', a.y.options.title, '</div>'
-        );
-      // Add y2 axis title
-      if (a.y2.options.title && a.y2.used)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:', 
-          ( + this.plotHeight/2 - a.y.titleSize.height/2), 
-          'px;right:0;text-align:', a.y2.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-y2">', a.y2.options.title, '</div>'
-        );
-      html = html.join('');
-      var div = D.create('div');
-      D.setStyles({
-        color: options.grid.color 
-      });
-      div.className = 'flotr-titles';
-      D.insert(this.el, div);
-      D.insert(div, html);
-    }
-  }
+    var D = Flotr.DOM;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('titles', {
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:afterdraw': function () {
+                this.titles.drawTitles();
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Draws the title and the subtitle
+         */
+        drawTitles: function () {
+            var html,
+                options = this.options,
+                margin = options.grid.labelMargin,
+                ctx = this.ctx,
+                a = this.axes;
+            if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled) {
+                var style = {
+                    size: options.fontSize,
+                    color: options.grid.color,
+                    textAlign: 'center'
+                };
+                // Add subtitle
+                if (options.subtitle) {
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, options.subtitle,
+                        this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
+                        this.titleHeight + this.subtitleHeight - 2,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+                style.weight = 1.5;
+                style.size *= 1.5;
+                // Add title
+                if (options.title) {
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, options.title,
+                        this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
+                        this.titleHeight - 2,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+                style.weight = 1.8;
+                style.size *= 0.8;
+                // Add x axis title
+                if (a.x.options.title && a.x.used) {
+                    style.textAlign = a.x.options.titleAlign || 'center';
+                    style.textBaseline = 'top';
+                    style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.x.options.titleAngle);
+                    style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, a.x.options.title,
+                        this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
+               + a.x.maxLabel.height + this.plotHeight + 2 * margin,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+                // Add x2 axis title
+                if (a.x2.options.title && a.x2.used) {
+                    style.textAlign = a.x2.options.titleAlign || 'center';
+                    style.textBaseline = 'bottom';
+                    style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.x2.options.titleAngle);
+                    style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, a.x2.options.title,
+                        this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
+               - a.x2.maxLabel.height - 2 * margin,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+                // Add y axis title
+                if (a.y.options.title && a.y.used) {
+                    style.textAlign = a.y.options.titleAlign || 'right';
+                    style.textBaseline = 'middle';
+                    style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.y.options.titleAngle);
+                    style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, a.y.options.title,
+                        this.plotOffset.left - a.y.maxLabel.width - 2 * margin,
+               + this.plotHeight / 2,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+                // Add y2 axis title
+                if (a.y2.options.title && a.y2.used) {
+                    style.textAlign = a.y2.options.titleAlign || 'left';
+                    style.textBaseline = 'middle';
+                    style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.y2.options.titleAngle);
+                    style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, a.y2.options.title,
+                        this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth + a.y2.maxLabel.width + 2 * margin,
+               + this.plotHeight / 2,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                html = [];
+                // Add title
+                if (options.title)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:',
+                        this.plotOffset.left, 'px;font-size:1em;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;width:',
+                        this.plotWidth, 'px;" class="flotr-title">', options.title, '</div>'
+                    );
+                // Add subtitle
+                if (options.subtitle)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:', this.titleHeight, 'px;left:',
+                        this.plotOffset.left, 'px;font-size:smaller;text-align:center;width:',
+                        this.plotWidth, 'px;" class="flotr-subtitle">', options.subtitle, '</div>'
+                    );
+                html.push('</div>');
+                html.push('<div class="flotr-axis-title" style="font-weight:bold;">');
+                // Add x axis title
+                if (a.x.options.title && a.x.used)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:',
+                        ( + this.plotHeight + options.grid.labelMargin + a.x.titleSize.height),
+                        'px;left:', this.plotOffset.left, 'px;width:', this.plotWidth,
+                        'px;text-align:', a.x.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-x1">', a.x.options.title, '</div>'
+                    );
+                // Add x2 axis title
+                if (a.x2.options.title && a.x2.used)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:', this.plotOffset.left, 'px;width:',
+                        this.plotWidth, 'px;text-align:', a.x2.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-x2">', a.x2.options.title, '</div>'
+                    );
+                // Add y axis title
+                if (a.y.options.title && a.y.used)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:',
+                        ( + this.plotHeight / 2 - a.y.titleSize.height / 2),
+                        'px;left:0;text-align:', a.y.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-y1">', a.y.options.title, '</div>'
+                    );
+                // Add y2 axis title
+                if (a.y2.options.title && a.y2.used)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:',
+                        ( + this.plotHeight / 2 - a.y.titleSize.height / 2),
+                        'px;right:0;text-align:', a.y2.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-y2">', a.y2.options.title, '</div>'
+                    );
+                html = html.join('');
+                var div = D.create('div');
+                D.setStyles({
+                    color: options.grid.color
+                });
+                div.className = 'flotr-titles';
+                D.insert(this.el, div);
+                D.insert(div, html);
+            }
+        }
+    });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-background.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-background.js
@@ -1,69 +1,77 @@
 (function () {
-  key : 'test-background',
-  name : 'Test Background',
-  callback : test_background,
-  timeout : 100, 
-  tolerance : 10
+    Flotr.ExampleList.add({
+        key: 'test-background',
+        name: 'Test Background',
+        callback: test_background,
+        timeout: 100,
+        tolerance: 10
+    });
-function test_background (container) {
+    function test_background(container) {
-  var
-    d1 = [],
-    d2 = [],
-    d3 = [],
-    d4 = [],
-    d5 = [],                        // Data
-    ticks = [[ 0, "Lower"], 10, 20, 30, [40, "Upper"]], // Ticks for the Y-Axis
-    graph;
-  for(var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 0.1){
-    d1.push([i, 4 + Math.pow(i,1.5)]);
-    d2.push([i, Math.pow(i,3)]);
-    d3.push([i, i*5+3*Math.sin(i*4)]);
-    d4.push([i, i]);
-    if( i.toFixed(1)%1 == 0 ){
-      d5.push([i, 2*i]);
+        var
+            d1 = [],
+            d2 = [],
+            d3 = [],
+            d4 = [],
+            d5 = [],                        // Data
+            ticks = [
+                [ 0, "Lower"],
+                10,
+                20,
+                30,
+                [40, "Upper"]
+            ], // Ticks for the Y-Axis
+            graph;
+        for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 0.1) {
+            d1.push([i, 4 + Math.pow(i, 1.5)]);
+            d2.push([i, Math.pow(i, 3)]);
+            d3.push([i, i * 5 + 3 * Math.sin(i * 4)]);
+            d4.push([i, i]);
+            if (i.toFixed(1) % 1 == 0) {
+                d5.push([i, 2 * i]);
+            }
+        }
+        d3[30][1] = null;
+        d3[31][1] = null;
+        function ticksFn(n) {
+            return '(' + n + ')';
+        }
+        graph = Flotr.draw(container, [
+            { data: d1, label: 'y = 4 + x^(1.5)', lines: { fill: true } },
+            { data: d2, label: 'y = x^3'},
+            { data: d3, label: 'y = 5x + 3sin(4x)'},
+            { data: d4, label: 'y = x'},
+            { data: d5, label: 'y = 2x', lines: { show: true }, points: { show: true } }
+        ], {
+            xaxis: {
+                noTicks: 7,              // Display 7 ticks.
+                tickFormatter: ticksFn,  // Displays tick values between brackets.
+                min: 1,                  // Part of the series is not displayed.
+                max: 7.5                 // Part of the series is not displayed.
+            },
+            yaxis: {
+                ticks: ticks,            // Set Y-Axis ticks
+                max: 40                  // Maximum value along Y-Axis
+            },
+            grid: {
+                verticalLines: false,
+                backgroundImage: {
+                    src: 'img/test-background.png?' + Math.random()
+                }
+            },
+            legend: {
+                position: 'nw'
+            },
+            title: 'Basic Axis example',
+            subtitle: 'This is a subtitle'
+        });
-  }
-  d3[30][1] = null;
-  d3[31][1] = null;
-  function ticksFn (n) { return '('+n+')'; }
-  graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ 
-      { data : d1, label : 'y = 4 + x^(1.5)', lines : { fill : true } }, 
-      { data : d2, label : 'y = x^3'}, 
-      { data : d3, label : 'y = 5x + 3sin(4x)'}, 
-      { data : d4, label : 'y = x'},
-      { data : d5, label : 'y = 2x', lines : { show : true }, points : { show : true } }
-    ], {
-      xaxis : {
-        noTicks : 7,              // Display 7 ticks.
-        tickFormatter : ticksFn,  // Displays tick values between brackets.
-        min : 1,                  // Part of the series is not displayed.
-        max : 7.5                 // Part of the series is not displayed.
-      },
-      yaxis : {
-        ticks : ticks,            // Set Y-Axis ticks
-        max : 40                  // Maximum value along Y-Axis
-      },
-      grid : {
-        verticalLines : false,
-        backgroundImage : {
-          src : 'img/test-background.png?' + Math.random()
-        }
-      },
-      legend : {
-        position : 'nw'
-      },
-      title : 'Basic Axis example',
-      subtitle : 'This is a subtitle'
-  });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-boundaries.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-boundaries.js
@@ -1,32 +1,37 @@
 (function () {
-  key : 'test-boundaries',
-  name : 'Test Boundaries',
-  callback : test_boundaries
+    Flotr.ExampleList.add({
+        key: 'test-boundaries',
+        name: 'Test Boundaries',
+        callback: test_boundaries
+    });
-function test_boundaries (container) {
+    function test_boundaries(container) {
-  var
-    d1 = [[0, 0], [5, 0], [6, 10], [9, 10]], // First data series
-    i, graph;
+        var
+            d1 = [
+                [0, 0],
+                [5, 0],
+                [6, 10],
+                [9, 10]
+            ], // First data series
+            i, graph;
-  // Draw Graph
-  graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1 ], {
-    title : 'test',
-    xaxis: {
-      minorTickFreq: 4
-    },
-    lines: { 
-      lineWidth : 2
-    },
-    grid: {
-      outlineWidth : 2,
-      minorVerticalLines: true
+        // Draw Graph
+        graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1 ], {
+            title: 'test',
+            xaxis: {
+                minorTickFreq: 4
+            },
+            lines: {
+                lineWidth: 2
+            },
+            grid: {
+                outlineWidth: 2,
+                minorVerticalLines: true
+            }
+        });
-  });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-mountain-nulls.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-mountain-nulls.js
@@ -1,45 +1,52 @@
 (function () {
-  key : 'test-mountain-nulls',
-  name : 'Mountain Nulls',
-  callback : function (container) {
-    var
-      d1 = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [5, 6], [6, null], [7, 7], [8, 5]], // First data series
-      d2 = [],                                // Second data series
-      i, graph;
+    Flotr.ExampleList.add({
+        key: 'test-mountain-nulls',
+        name: 'Mountain Nulls',
+        callback: function (container) {
+            var
+                d1 = [
+                    [0, 3],
+                    [4, 8],
+                    [5, 6],
+                    [6, null],
+                    [7, 7],
+                    [8, 5]
+                ], // First data series
+                d2 = [],                                // Second data series
+                i, graph;
-    // Generate first data set
-    for (i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.5) {
-      d2.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
-    }
-    // Multiple nulls
-    d2[9][1] = null;
-    d2[10][1] = null;
-    d2[11][1] = null;
-    // Single not null surrounded by null
-    d2[13][1] = null;
-    // < 0 null
-    d2[23][1] = null;
+            // Generate first data set
+            for (i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.5) {
+                d2.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
+            }
-    // Draw Graph
-    graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1, d2 ], {
-      xaxis: {
-        minorTickFreq: 4
-      },
-      lines: {
-        fill : true
-      },
-      grid: {
-        minorVerticalLines: true
-      }
+            // Multiple nulls
+            d2[9][1] = null;
+            d2[10][1] = null;
+            d2[11][1] = null;
+            // Single not null surrounded by null
+            d2[13][1] = null;
+            // < 0 null
+            d2[23][1] = null;
+            // Draw Graph
+            graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1, d2 ], {
+                xaxis: {
+                    minorTickFreq: 4
+                },
+                lines: {
+                    fill: true
+                },
+                grid: {
+                    minorVerticalLines: true
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        type: 'test'
-  },
-  type : 'test'

--- a/js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js
+++ b/js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-/*! jQuery v1.8.2 | */

+/*! jQuery v1.8.2 | */
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q(d.shift())),h=h.slice(c.length),c.type=g,c.matches=d);if(!c)break}return b?h.length:h?bc.error(a):C(a,i).slice(0)}function bi(a,b,d){var e=b.dir,f=d&&b.dir==="parentNode",g=u++;return b.first?function(b,c,d){while(b=b[e])if(f||b.nodeType===1)return a(b,c,d)}:function(b,d,h){if(!h){var i,j=t+" "+g+" ",k=j+c;while(b=b[e])if(f||b.nodeType===1){if((i=b[o])===k)return b.sizset;if(typeof i=="string"&&i.indexOf(j)===0){if(b.sizset)return b}else{b[o]=k;if(a(b,d,h))return b.sizset=!0,b;b.sizset=!1}}}else while(b=b[e])if(f||b.nodeType===1)if(a(b,d,h))return b}}function bj(a){return a.length>1?function(b,c,d){var e=a.length;while(e--)if(!a[e](b,c,d))return!1;return!0}:a[0]}function bk(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g=[],h=0,i=a.length,j=b!=null;for(;h<i;h++)if(f=a[h])if(!c||c(f,d,e))g.push(f),j&&b.push(h);return g}function bl(a,b,c,d,e,f){return d&&!d[o]&&(d=bl(d)),e&&!e[o]&&(e=bl(e,f)),z(function(f,g,h,i){if(f&&e)return;var j,k,l,m=[],n=[],o=g.length,p=f||bo(b||"*",h.nodeType?[h]:h,[],f),q=a&&(f||!b)?bk(p,m,a,h,i):p,r=c?e||(f?a:o||d)?[]:g:q;c&&c(q,r,h,i);if(d){l=bk(r,n),d(l,[],h,i),j=l.length;while(j--)if(k=l[j])r[n[j]]=!(q[n[j]]=k)}if(f){j=a&&r.length;while(j--)if(k=r[j])f[m[j]]=!(g[m[j]]=k)}else r=bk(r===g?r.splice(o,r.length):r),e?e(null,g,r,i):w.apply(g,r)})}function bm(a){var b,c,d,f=a.length,g=e.relative[a[0].type],h=g||e.relative[" "],i=g?1:0,j=bi(function(a){return a===b},h,!0),k=bi(function(a){return,a)>-1},h,!0),m=[function(a,c,d){return!g&&(d||c!==l)||((b=c).nodeType?j(a,c,d):k(a,c,d))}];for(;i<f;i++)if(c=e.relative[a[i].type])m=[bi(bj(m),c)];else{c=e.filter[a[i].type].apply(null,a[i].matches);if(c[o]){d=++i;for(;d<f;d++)if(e.relative[a[d].type])break;return bl(i>1&&bj(m),i>1&&a.slice(0,i-1).join("").replace(L,"$1"),c,i<d&&bm(a.slice(i,d)),d<f&&bm(a=a.slice(d)),d<f&&a.join(""))}m.push(c)}return bj(m)}function bn(a,b){var d=b.length>0,f=a.length>0,g=function(h,i,j,k,m){var n,o,p,q=[],s=0,u="0",x=h&&[],y=m!=null,z=l,A=h||f&&e.find.TAG("*",m&&i.parentNode||i),B=t+=z==null?1:Math.E;y&&(l=i!==r&&i,c=g.el);for(;(n=A[u])!=null;u++){if(f&&n){for(o=0;p=a[o];o++)if(p(n,i,j)){k.push(n);break}y&&(t=B,c=++g.el)}d&&((n=!p&&n)&&s--,h&&x.push(n))}s+=u;if(d&&u!==s){for(o=0;p=b[o];o++)p(x,q,i,j);if(h){if(s>0)while(u--)!x[u]&&!q[u]&&(q[u];q=bk(q)}w.apply(k,q),y&&!h&&q.length>0&&s+b.length>1&&bc.uniqueSort(k)}return y&&(t=B,l=z),x};return g.el=0,d?z(g):g}function bo(a,b,c,d){var e=0,f=b.length;for(;e<f;e++)bc(a,b[e],c,d);return c}function bp(a,b,c,d,f){var g,h,j,k,l,m=bh(a),n=m.length;if(!d&&m.length===1){h=m[0]=m[0].slice(0);if(h.length>2&&(j=h[0]).type==="ID"&&b.nodeType===9&&!f&&e.relative[h[1].type]){b=e.find.ID(j.matches[0].replace(V,""),b,f)[0];if(!b)return c;a=a.slice(h.shift().length)}for(g=W.POS.test(a)?-1:h.length-1;g>=0;g--){j=h[g];if(e.relative[k=j.type])break;if(l=e.find[k])if(d=l(j.matches[0].replace(V,""),R.test(h[0].type)&&b.parentNode||b,f)){h.splice(g,1),a=d.length&&h.join("");if(!a)return w.apply(c,,0)),c;break}}}return i(a,m)(d,b,f,c,R.test(a)),c}function bq(){}var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m=!0,n="undefined",o=("sizcache"+Math.random()).replace(".",""),q=String,r=a.document,s=r.documentElement,t=0,u=0,v=[].pop,w=[].push,x=[].slice,y=[].indexOf||function(a){var b=0,c=this.length;for(;b<c;b++)if(this[b]===a)return b;return-1},z=function(a,b){return a[o]=b==null||b,a},A=function(){var a={},b=[];return z(function(c,d){return b.push(c)>e.cacheLength&&delete a[b.shift()],a[c]=d},a)},B=A(),C=A(),D=A(),E="[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",F="(?:\\\\.|[-\\w]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",G=F.replace("w","w#"),H="([*^$|!~]?=)",I="\\["+E+"*("+F+")"+E+"*(?:"+H+E+"*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|("+G+")|)|)"+E+"*\\]",J=":("+F+")(?:\\((?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\2|([^()[\\]]*|(?:(?:"+I+")|[^:]|\\\\.)*|.*))\\)|)",K=":(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\("+E+"*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)"+E+"*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)",L=new RegExp("^"+E+"+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)"+E+"+$","g"),M=new RegExp("^"+E+"*,"+E+"*"),N=new RegExp("^"+E+"*([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])"+E+"*"),O=new RegExp(J),P=/^(?:#([\w\-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w\-]+))$/,Q=/^:not/,R=/[\x20\t\r\n\f]*[+~]/,S=/:not\($/,T=/h\d/i,U=/input|select|textarea|button/i,V=/\\(?!\\)/g,W={ID:new RegExp("^#("+F+")"),CLASS:new RegExp("^\\.("+F+")"),NAME:new RegExp("^\\[name=['\"]?("+F+")['\"]?\\]"),TAG:new RegExp("^("+F.replace("w","w*")+")"),ATTR:new RegExp("^"+I),PSEUDO:new RegExp("^"+J),POS:new RegExp(K,"i"),CHILD:new 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b.nodeName&&b.nodeName.toLowerCase()===a})},CLASS:function(a){var b=M[a];return b||(b=M[a]=new RegExp("(^|"+r+")"+a+"("+r+"|$)"),N.push(a),N.length>$.cacheLength&&delete M[N.shift()]),function(a){return b.test(a.className||typeof a.getAttribute!==j&&a.getAttribute("class")||"")}},ATTR:function(a,b,c){return b?function(d){var e=Z.attr(d,a),f=e+"";if(e==null)return b==="!=";switch(b){case"=":return f===c;case"!=":return f!==c;case"^=":return c&&f.indexOf(c)===0;case"*=":return c&&f.indexOf(c)>-1;case"$=":return c&&f.substr(f.length-c.length)===c;case"~=":return(" "+f+" ").indexOf(c)>-1;case"|=":return f===c||f.substr(0,c.length+1)===c+"-"}}:function(b){return Z.attr(b,a)!=null}},CHILD:function(a,b,c,d){if(a==="nth"){var e=m++;return function(a){var b,f,g=0,h=a;if(c===1&&d===0)return!0;b=a.parentNode;if(b&&(b[q]!==e||!a.sizset)){for(h=b.firstChild;h;h=h.nextSibling)if(h.nodeType===1){h.sizset=++g;if(h===a)break}b[q]=e}return f=a.sizset-d,c===0?f===0:f%c===0&&f/c>=0}}return function(b){var 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d.old=d.complete,d.complete=function(){p.isFunction(d.old)&&,d.queue&&p.dequeue(this,d.queue)},d},p.easing={linear:function(a){return a},swing:function(a){return.5-Math.cos(a*Math.PI)/2}},p.timers=[],p.fx=cY.prototype.init,p.fx.tick=function(){var a,b=p.timers,c=0;for(;c<b.length;c++)a=b[c],!a()&&b[c]===a&&b.splice(c--,1);b.length||p.fx.stop()},p.fx.timer=function(a){a()&&p.timers.push(a)&&!cN&&(cN=setInterval(p.fx.tick,p.fx.interval))},p.fx.interval=13,p.fx.stop=function(){clearInterval(cN),cN=null},p.fx.speeds={slow:600,fast:200,_default:400},p.fx.step={},p.expr&&p.expr.filters&&(p.expr.filters.animated=function(a){return p.grep(p.timers,function(b){return a===b.elem}).length});var c$=/^(?:body|html)$/i;p.fn.offset=function(a){if(arguments.length)return a===b?this:this.each(function(b){p.offset.setOffset(this,a,b)});var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m=this[0],n=m&&m.ownerDocument;if(!n)return;return(e=n.body)===m?p.offset.bodyOffset(m):(d=n.documentElement,p.contains(d,m)?(c=m.getBoundingClientRect(),f=c_(n),g=d.clientTop||e.clientTop||0,h=d.clientLeft||e.clientLeft||0,i=f.pageYOffset||d.scrollTop,j=f.pageXOffset||d.scrollLeft,,l=c.left+j-h,{top:k,left:l}):{top:0,left:0})},p.offset={bodyOffset:function(a){var b=a.offsetTop,c=a.offsetLeft;return,"marginTop"))||0,c+=parseFloat(p.css(a,"marginLeft"))||0),{top:b,left:c}},setOffset:function(a,b,c){var d=p.css(a,"position");d==="static"&&("relative");var e=p(a),f=e.offset(),g=p.css(a,"top"),h=p.css(a,"left"),i=(d==="absolute"||d==="fixed")&&p.inArray("auto",[g,h])>-1,j={},k={},l,m;i?(k=e.position(),,m=k.left):(l=parseFloat(g)||0,m=parseFloat(h)||0),p.isFunction(b)&&(,c,f)),!=null&&(,b.left!=null&&(j.left=b.left-f.left+m),"using"in b?,j):e.css(j)}},p.fn.extend({position:function(){if(!this[0])return;var a=this[0],b=this.offsetParent(),c=this.offset(),d=c$.test(b[0].nodeName)?{top:0,left:0}:b.offset();return,"marginTop"))||0,c.left-=parseFloat(p.css(a,"marginLeft"))||0,[0],"borderTopWidth"))||0,d.left+=parseFloat(p.css(b[0],"borderLeftWidth"))||0,{,left:c.left-d.left}},offsetParent:function(){return{var a=this.offsetParent||e.body;while(a&&!c$.test(a.nodeName)&&p.css(a,"position")==="static")a=a.offsetParent;return a||e.body})}}),p.each({scrollLeft:"pageXOffset",scrollTop:"pageYOffset"},function(a,c){var d=/Y/.test(c);p.fn[a]=function(e){return p.access(this,function(a,e,f){var g=c_(a);if(f===b)return g?c in g?g[c]:g.document.documentElement[e]:a[e];g?g.scrollTo(d?p(g).scrollLeft():f,d?f:p(g).scrollTop()):a[e]=f},a,e,arguments.length,null)}}),p.each({Height:"height",Width:"width"},function(a,c){p.each({padding:"inner"+a,content:c,"":"outer"+a},function(d,e){p.fn[e]=function(e,f){var g=arguments.length&&(d||typeof e!="boolean"),h=d||(e===!0||f===!0?"margin":"border");return p.access(this,function(c,d,e){var f;return p.isWindow(c)?c.document.documentElement["client"+a]:c.nodeType===9?(f=c.documentElement,Math.max(c.body["scroll"+a],f["scroll"+a],c.body["offset"+a],f["offset"+a],f["client"+a])):e===b?p.css(c,d,e,h),d,e,h)},c,g?e:b,g)}})}),a.jQuery=a.$=p,typeof define=="function"&&define.amd&&define.amd.jQuery&&define("jquery",[],function(){return p})})(window);
+(function (a, b) {
+    function G(a) {
+        var b = F[a] = {};
+        return p.each(a.split(s), function (a, c) {
+            b[c] = !0
+        }), b
+    }
+    function J(a, c, d) {
+        if (d === b && a.nodeType === 1) {
+            var e = "data-" + c.replace(I, "-$1").toLowerCase();
+            d = a.getAttribute(e);
+            if (typeof d == "string") {
+                try {
+                    d = d === "true" ? !0 : d === "false" ? !1 : d === "null" ? null : +d + "" === d ? +d : H.test(d) ? p.parseJSON(d) : d
+                } catch (f) {
+                }
+      , c, d)
+            } else d = b
+        }
+        return d
+    }
+    function K(a) {
+        var b;
+        for (b in a) {
+            if (b === "data" && p.isEmptyObject(a[b]))continue;
+            if (b !== "toJSON")return!1
+        }
+        return!0
+    }
+    function ba() {
+        return!1
+    }
+    function bb() {
+        return!0
+    }
+    function bh(a) {
+        return!a || !a.parentNode || a.parentNode.nodeType === 11
+    }
+    function bi(a, b) {
+        do a = a[b]; while (a && a.nodeType !== 1);
+        return a
+    }
+    function bj(a, b, c) {
+        b = b || 0;
+        if (p.isFunction(b))return p.grep(a, function (a, d) {
+            var e = !!, d, a);
+            return e === c
+        });
+        if (b.nodeType)return p.grep(a, function (a, d) {
+            return a === b === c
+        });
+        if (typeof b == "string") {
+            var d = p.grep(a, function (a) {
+                return a.nodeType === 1
+            });
+            if (be.test(b))return p.filter(b, d, !c);
+            b = p.filter(b, d)
+        }
+        return p.grep(a, function (a, d) {
+            return p.inArray(a, b) >= 0 === c
+        })
+    }
+    function bk(a) {
+        var b = bl.split("|"), c = a.createDocumentFragment();
+        if (c.createElement)while (b.length)c.createElement(b.pop());
+        return c
+    }
+    function bC(a, b) {
+        return a.getElementsByTagName(b)[0] || a.appendChild(a.ownerDocument.createElement(b))
+    }
+    function bD(a, b) {
+        if (b.nodeType !== 1 || !p.hasData(a))return;
+        var c, d, e, f = p._data(a), g = p._data(b, f), h =;
+        if (h) {
+            delete g.handle, = {};
+            for (c in h)for (d = 0, e = h[c].length; d < e; d++)p.event.add(b, c, h[c][d])
+        }
+ && ( = p.extend({},
+    }
+    function bE(a, b) {
+        var c;
+        if (b.nodeType !== 1)return;
+        b.clearAttributes && b.clearAttributes(), b.mergeAttributes && b.mergeAttributes(a), c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase(), c === "object" ? (b.parentNode && (b.outerHTML = a.outerHTML), && a.innerHTML && !p.trim(b.innerHTML) && (b.innerHTML = a.innerHTML)) : c === "input" && bv.test(a.type) ? (b.defaultChecked = b.checked = a.checked, b.value !== a.value && (b.value = a.value)) : c === "option" ? b.selected = a.defaultSelected : c === "input" || c === "textarea" ? b.defaultValue = a.defaultValue : c === "script" && b.text !== a.text && (b.text = a.text), b.removeAttribute(p.expando)
+    }
+    function bF(a) {
+        return typeof a.getElementsByTagName != "undefined" ? a.getElementsByTagName("*") : typeof a.querySelectorAll != "undefined" ? a.querySelectorAll("*") : []
+    }
+    function bG(a) {
+        bv.test(a.type) && (a.defaultChecked = a.checked)
+    }
+    function bX(a, b) {
+        if (b in a)return b;
+        var c = b.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b.slice(1), d = b, e = bV.length;
+        while (e--) {
+            b = bV[e] + c;
+            if (b in a)return b
+        }
+        return d
+    }
+    function bY(a, b) {
+        return a = b || a, p.css(a, "display") === "none" || !p.contains(a.ownerDocument, a)
+    }
+    function bZ(a, b) {
+        var c, d, e = [], f = 0, g = a.length;
+        for (; f < g; f++) {
+            c = a[f];
+            if (!;
+            e[f] = p._data(c, "olddisplay"), b ? (!e[f] && === "none" && ( = ""), === "" && bY(c) && (e[f] = p._data(c, "olddisplay", cb(c.nodeName)))) : (d = bH(c, "display"), !e[f] && d !== "none" && p._data(c, "olddisplay", d))
+        }
+        for (f = 0; f < g; f++) {
+            c = a[f];
+            if (!;
+            if (!b || === "none" || === "") = b ? e[f] || "" : "none"
+        }
+        return a
+    }
+    function b$(a, b, c) {
+        var d = bO.exec(b);
+        return d ? Math.max(0, d[1] - (c || 0)) + (d[2] || "px") : b
+    }
+    function b_(a, b, c, d) {
+        var e = c === (d ? "border" : "content") ? 4 : b === "width" ? 1 : 0, f = 0;
+        for (; e < 4; e += 2)c === "margin" && (f += p.css(a, c + bU[e], !0)), d ? (c === "content" && (f -= parseFloat(bH(a, "padding" + bU[e])) || 0), c !== "margin" && (f -= parseFloat(bH(a, "border" + bU[e] + "Width")) || 0)) : (f += parseFloat(bH(a, "padding" + bU[e])) || 0, c !== "padding" && (f += parseFloat(bH(a, "border" + bU[e] + "Width")) || 0));
+        return f
+    }
+    function ca(a, b, c) {
+        var d = b === "width" ? a.offsetWidth : a.offsetHeight, e = !0, f = && p.css(a, "boxSizing") === "border-box";
+        if (d <= 0) {
+            d = bH(a, b);
+            if (d < 0 || d == null)d =[b];
+            if (bP.test(d))return d;
+            e = f && ( || d ===[b]), d = parseFloat(d) || 0
+        }
+        return d + b_(a, b, c || (f ? "border" : "content"), e) + "px"
+    }
+    function cb(a) {
+        if (bR[a])return bR[a];
+        var b = p("<" + a + ">").appendTo(e.body), c = b.css("display");
+        b.remove();
+        if (c === "none" || c === "") {
+            bI = e.body.appendChild(bI || p.extend(e.createElement("iframe"), {frameBorder: 0, width: 0, height: 0}));
+            if (!bJ || !bI.createElement)bJ = (bI.contentWindow || bI.contentDocument).document, bJ.write("<!doctype html><html><body>"), bJ.close();
+            b = bJ.body.appendChild(bJ.createElement(a)), c = bH(b, "display"), e.body.removeChild(bI)
+        }
+        return bR[a] = c, c
+    }
+    function ch(a, b, c, d) {
+        var e;
+        if (p.isArray(b))p.each(b, function (b, e) {
+            c || cd.test(a) ? d(a, e) : ch(a + "[" + (typeof e == "object" ? b : "") + "]", e, c, d)
+        }); else if (!c && p.type(b) === "object")for (e in b)ch(a + "[" + e + "]", b[e], c, d); else d(a, b)
+    }
+    function cy(a) {
+        return function (b, c) {
+            typeof b != "string" && (c = b, b = "*");
+            var d, e, f, g = b.toLowerCase().split(s), h = 0, i = g.length;
+            if (p.isFunction(c))for (; h < i; h++)d = g[h], f = /^\+/.test(d), f && (d = d.substr(1) || "*"), e = a[d] = a[d] || [], e[f ? "unshift" : "push"](c)
+        }
+    }
+    function cz(a, c, d, e, f, g) {
+        f = f || c.dataTypes[0], g = g || {}, g[f] = !0;
+        var h, i = a[f], j = 0, k = i ? i.length : 0, l = a === cu;
+        for (; j < k && (l || !h); j++)h = i[j](c, d, e), typeof h == "string" && (!l || g[h] ? h = b : (c.dataTypes.unshift(h), h = cz(a, c, d, e, h, g)));
+        return(l || !h) && !g["*"] && (h = cz(a, c, d, e, "*", g)), h
+    }
+    function cA(a, c) {
+        var d, e, f = p.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};
+        for (d in c)c[d] !== b && ((f[d] ? a : e || (e = {}))[d] = c[d]);
+        e && p.extend(!0, a, e)
+    }
+    function cB(a, c, d) {
+        var e, f, g, h, i = a.contents, j = a.dataTypes, k = a.responseFields;
+        for (f in k)f in d && (c[k[f]] = d[f]);
+        while (j[0] === "*")j.shift(), e === b && (e = a.mimeType || c.getResponseHeader("content-type"));
+        if (e)for (f in i)if (i[f] && i[f].test(e)) {
+            j.unshift(f);
+            break
+        }
+        if (j[0]in d)g = j[0]; else {
+            for (f in d) {
+                if (!j[0] || a.converters[f + " " + j[0]]) {
+                    g = f;
+                    break
+                }
+                h || (h = f)
+            }
+            g = g || h
+        }
+        if (g)return g !== j[0] && j.unshift(g), d[g]
+    }
+    function cC(a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g = a.dataTypes.slice(), h = g[0], i = {}, j = 0;
+        a.dataFilter && (b = a.dataFilter(b, a.dataType));
+        if (g[1])for (c in a.converters)i[c.toLowerCase()] = a.converters[c];
+        for (; e = g[++j];)if (e !== "*") {
+            if (h !== "*" && h !== e) {
+                c = i[h + " " + e] || i["* " + e];
+                if (!c)for (d in i) {
+                    f = d.split(" ");
+                    if (f[1] === e) {
+                        c = i[h + " " + f[0]] || i["* " + f[0]];
+                        if (c) {
+                            c === !0 ? c = i[d] : i[d] !== !0 && (e = f[0], g.splice(j--, 0, e));
+                            break
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (c !== !0)if (c && a["throws"])b = c(b); else try {
+                    b = c(b)
+                } catch (k) {
+                    return{state: "parsererror", error: c ? k : "No conversion from " + h + " to " + e}
+                }
+            }
+            h = e
+        }
+        return{state: "success", data: b}
+    }
+    function cK() {
+        try {
+            return new a.XMLHttpRequest
+        } catch (b) {
+        }
+    }
+    function cL() {
+        try {
+            return new a.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
+        } catch (b) {
+        }
+    }
+    function cT() {
+        return setTimeout(function () {
+            cM = b
+        }, 0), cM =
+    }
+    function cU(a, b) {
+        p.each(b, function (b, c) {
+            var d = (cS[b] || []).concat(cS["*"]), e = 0, f = d.length;
+            for (; e < f; e++)if (d[e].call(a, b, c))return
+        })
+    }
+    function cV(a, b, c) {
+        var d, e = 0, f = 0, g = cR.length, h = p.Deferred().always(function () {
+            delete i.elem
+        }), i = function () {
+            var b = cM || cT(), c = Math.max(0, j.startTime + j.duration - b), d = 1 - (c / j.duration || 0), e = 0, f = j.tweens.length;
+            for (; e < f; e++)j.tweens[e].run(d);
+            return h.notifyWith(a, [j, d, c]), d < 1 && f ? c : (h.resolveWith(a, [j]), !1)
+        }, j = h.promise({elem: a, props: p.extend({}, b), opts: p.extend(!0, {specialEasing: {}}, c), originalProperties: b, originalOptions: c, startTime: cM || cT(), duration: c.duration, tweens: [], createTween: function (b, c, d) {
+            var e = p.Tween(a, j.opts, b, c, j.opts.specialEasing[b] || j.opts.easing);
+            return j.tweens.push(e), e
+        }, stop: function (b) {
+            var c = 0, d = b ? j.tweens.length : 0;
+            for (; c < d; c++)j.tweens[c].run(1);
+            return b ? h.resolveWith(a, [j, b]) : h.rejectWith(a, [j, b]), this
+        }}), k = j.props;
+        cW(k, j.opts.specialEasing);
+        for (; e < g; e++) {
+            d = cR[e].call(j, a, k, j.opts);
+            if (d)return d
+        }
+        return cU(j, k), p.isFunction(j.opts.start) &&, j), p.fx.timer(p.extend(i, {anim: j, queue: j.opts.queue, elem: a})), j.progress(j.opts.progress).done(j.opts.done, j.opts.complete).fail(
+    }
+    function cW(a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g;
+        for (c in a) {
+            d = p.camelCase(c), e = b[d], f = a[c], p.isArray(f) && (e = f[1], f = a[c] = f[0]), c !== d && (a[d] = f, delete a[c]), g = p.cssHooks[d];
+            if (g && "expand"in g) {
+                f = g.expand(f), delete a[d];
+                for (c in f)c in a || (a[c] = f[c], b[c] = e)
+            } else b[d] = e
+        }
+    }
+    function cX(a, b, c) {
+        var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l = this, m =, n = {}, o = [], q = a.nodeType && bY(a);
+        c.queue || (j = p._queueHooks(a, "fx"), j.unqueued == null && (j.unqueued = 0, k =, = function () {
+            j.unqueued || k()
+        }), j.unqueued++, l.always(function () {
+            l.always(function () {
+                j.unqueued--, p.queue(a, "fx").length ||
+            })
+        })), a.nodeType === 1 && ("height"in b || "width"in b) && (c.overflow = [m.overflow, m.overflowX, m.overflowY], p.css(a, "display") === "inline" && p.css(a, "float") === "none" && (! || cb(a.nodeName) === "inline" ? m.display = "inline-block" : m.zoom = 1)), c.overflow && (m.overflow = "hidden", || l.done(function () {
+            m.overflow = c.overflow[0], m.overflowX = c.overflow[1], m.overflowY = c.overflow[2]
+        }));
+        for (d in b) {
+            f = b[d];
+            if (cO.exec(f)) {
+                delete b[d];
+                if (f === (q ? "hide" : "show"))continue;
+                o.push(d)
+            }
+        }
+        g = o.length;
+        if (g) {
+            h = p._data(a, "fxshow") || p._data(a, "fxshow", {}), q ? p(a).show() : l.done(function () {
+                p(a).hide()
+            }), l.done(function () {
+                var b;
+                p.removeData(a, "fxshow", !0);
+                for (b in n), b, n[b])
+            });
+            for (d = 0; d < g; d++)e = o[d], i = l.createTween(e, q ? h[e] : 0), n[e] = h[e] ||, e), e in h || (h[e] = i.start, q && (i.end = i.start, i.start = e === "width" || e === "height" ? 1 : 0))
+        }
+    }
+    function cY(a, b, c, d, e) {
+        return new cY.prototype.init(a, b, c, d, e)
+    }
+    function cZ(a, b) {
+        var c, d = {height: a}, e = 0;
+        for (; e < 4; e += 2 - b)c = bU[e], d["margin" + c] = d["padding" + c] = a;
+        return b && (d.opacity = d.width = a), d
+    }
+    function c_(a) {
+        return p.isWindow(a) ? a : a.nodeType === 9 ? a.defaultView || a.parentWindow : !1
+    }
+    var c, d, e = a.document, f = a.location, g = a.navigator, h = a.jQuery, i = a.$, j = Array.prototype.push, k = Array.prototype.slice, l = Array.prototype.indexOf, m = Object.prototype.toString, n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, o = String.prototype.trim, p = function (a, b) {
+        return new p.fn.init(a, b, c)
+    }, q = /[\-+]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+|)/.source, r = /\S/, s = /\s+/, t = r.test(" ") ? /^[\s\xA0]+|[\s\xA0]+$/g : /^\s+|\s+$/g, u = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/, v = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/, w = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, x = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, y = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4})/g, z = /"[^"\\\r\n]*"|true|false|null|-?(?:\d\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+|)/g, A = /^-ms-/, B = /-([\da-z])/gi, C = function (a, b) {
+        return(b + "").toUpperCase()
+    }, D = function () {
+        e.addEventListener ? (e.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", D, !1), p.ready()) : e.readyState === "complete" && (e.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", D), p.ready())
+    }, E = {};
+    p.fn = p.prototype = {constructor: p, init: function (a, c, d) {
+        var f, g, h, i;
+        if (!a)return this;
+        if (a.nodeType)return this.context = this[0] = a, this.length = 1, this;
+        if (typeof a == "string") {
+            a.charAt(0) === "<" && a.charAt(a.length - 1) === ">" && a.length >= 3 ? f = [null, a, null] : f = u.exec(a);
+            if (f && (f[1] || !c)) {
+                if (f[1])return c = c instanceof p ? c[0] : c, i = c && c.nodeType ? c.ownerDocument || c : e, a = p.parseHTML(f[1], i, !0), v.test(f[1]) && p.isPlainObject(c) &&, c, !0), p.merge(this, a);
+                g = e.getElementById(f[2]);
+                if (g && g.parentNode) {
+                    if ( !== f[2])return d.find(a);
+                    this.length = 1, this[0] = g
+                }
+                return this.context = e, this.selector = a, this
+            }
+            return!c || c.jquery ? (c || d).find(a) : this.constructor(c).find(a)
+        }
+        return p.isFunction(a) ? d.ready(a) : (a.selector !== b && (this.selector = a.selector, this.context = a.context), p.makeArray(a, this))
+    }, selector: "", jquery: "1.8.0", length: 0, size: function () {
+        return this.length
+    }, toArray: function () {
+        return
+    }, get: function (a) {
+        return a == null ? this.toArray() : a < 0 ? this[this.length + a] : this[a]
+    }, pushStack: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d = p.merge(this.constructor(), a);
+        return d.prevObject = this, d.context = this.context, b === "find" ? d.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + c : b && (d.selector = this.selector + "." + b + "(" + c + ")"), d
+    }, each: function (a, b) {
+        return p.each(this, a, b)
+    }, ready: function (a) {
+        return p.ready.promise().done(a), this
+    }, eq: function (a) {
+        return a = +a, a === -1 ? this.slice(a) : this.slice(a, a + 1)
+    }, first: function () {
+        return this.eq(0)
+    }, last: function () {
+        return this.eq(-1)
+    }, slice: function () {
+        return this.pushStack(k.apply(this, arguments), "slice",","))
+    }, map: function (a) {
+        return this.pushStack(, function (b, c) {
+            return, c, b)
+        }))
+    }, end: function () {
+        return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null)
+    }, push: j, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice}, p.fn.init.prototype = p.fn, p.extend = p.fn.extend = function () {
+        var a, c, d, e, f, g, h = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, j = arguments.length, k = !1;
+        typeof h == "boolean" && (k = h, h = arguments[1] || {}, i = 2), typeof h != "object" && !p.isFunction(h) && (h = {}), j === i && (h = this, --i);
+        for (; i < j; i++)if ((a = arguments[i]) != null)for (c in a) {
+            d = h[c], e = a[c];
+            if (h === e)continue;
+            k && e && (p.isPlainObject(e) || (f = p.isArray(e))) ? (f ? (f = !1, g = d && p.isArray(d) ? d : []) : g = d && p.isPlainObject(d) ? d : {}, h[c] = p.extend(k, g, e)) : e !== b && (h[c] = e)
+        }
+        return h
+    }, p.extend({noConflict: function (b) {
+        return a.$ === p && (a.$ = i), b && a.jQuery === p && (a.jQuery = h), p
+    }, isReady: !1, readyWait: 1, holdReady: function (a) {
+        a ? p.readyWait++ : p.ready(!0)
+    }, ready: function (a) {
+        if (a === !0 ? --p.readyWait : p.isReady)return;
+        if (!e.body)return setTimeout(p.ready, 1);
+        p.isReady = !0;
+        if (a !== !0 && --p.readyWait > 0)return;
+        d.resolveWith(e, [p]), p.fn.trigger && p(e).trigger("ready").off("ready")
+    }, isFunction: function (a) {
+        return p.type(a) === "function"
+    }, isArray: Array.isArray || function (a) {
+        return p.type(a) === "array"
+    }, isWindow: function (a) {
+        return a != null && a == a.window
+    }, isNumeric: function (a) {
+        return!isNaN(parseFloat(a)) && isFinite(a)
+    }, type: function (a) {
+        return a == null ? String(a) : E[] || "object"
+    }, isPlainObject: function (a) {
+        if (!a || p.type(a) !== "object" || a.nodeType || p.isWindow(a))return!1;
+        try {
+            if (a.constructor && !, "constructor") && !, "isPrototypeOf"))return!1
+        } catch (c) {
+            return!1
+        }
+        var d;
+        for (d in a);
+        return d === b ||, d)
+    }, isEmptyObject: function (a) {
+        var b;
+        for (b in a)return!1;
+        return!0
+    }, error: function (a) {
+        throw new Error(a)
+    }, parseHTML: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d;
+        return!a || typeof a != "string" ? null : (typeof b == "boolean" && (c = b, b = 0), b = b || e, (d = v.exec(a)) ? [b.createElement(d[1])] : (d = p.buildFragment([a], b, c ? null : []), p.merge([], (d.cacheable ? p.clone(d.fragment) : d.fragment).childNodes)))
+    }, parseJSON: function (b) {
+        if (!b || typeof b != "string")return null;
+        b = p.trim(b);
+        if (a.JSON && a.JSON.parse)return a.JSON.parse(b);
+        if (w.test(b.replace(y, "@").replace(z, "]").replace(x, "")))return(new Function("return " + b))();
+        p.error("Invalid JSON: " + b)
+    }, parseXML: function (c) {
+        var d, e;
+        if (!c || typeof c != "string")return null;
+        try {
+            a.DOMParser ? (e = new DOMParser, d = e.parseFromString(c, "text/xml")) : (d = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"), d.async = "false", d.loadXML(c))
+        } catch (f) {
+            d = b
+        }
+        return(!d || !d.documentElement || d.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) && p.error("Invalid XML: " + c), d
+    }, noop: function () {
+    }, globalEval: function (b) {
+        b && r.test(b) && (a.execScript || function (b) {
+  , b)
+        })(b)
+    }, camelCase: function (a) {
+        return a.replace(A, "ms-").replace(B, C)
+    }, nodeName: function (a, b) {
+        return a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toUpperCase() === b.toUpperCase()
+    }, each: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e, f = 0, g = a.length, h = g === b || p.isFunction(a);
+        if (d) {
+            if (h) {
+                for (e in a)if (c.apply(a[e], d) === !1)break
+            } else for (; f < g;)if (c.apply(a[f++], d) === !1)break
+        } else if (h) {
+            for (e in a)if ([e], e, a[e]) === !1)break
+        } else for (; f < g;)if ([f], f, a[f++]) === !1)break;
+        return a
+    }, trim: o ? function (a) {
+        return a == null ? "" :
+    } : function (a) {
+        return a == null ? "" : a.toString().replace(t, "")
+    }, makeArray: function (a, b) {
+        var c, d = b || [];
+        return a != null && (c = p.type(a), a.length == null || c === "string" || c === "function" || c === "regexp" || p.isWindow(a) ?, a) : p.merge(d, a)), d
+    }, inArray: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d;
+        if (b) {
+            if (l)return, a, c);
+            d = b.length, c = c ? c < 0 ? Math.max(0, d + c) : c : 0;
+            for (; c < d; c++)if (c in b && b[c] === a)return c
+        }
+        return-1
+    }, merge: function (a, c) {
+        var d = c.length, e = a.length, f = 0;
+        if (typeof d == "number")for (; f < d; f++)a[e++] = c[f]; else while (c[f] !== b)a[e++] = c[f++];
+        return a.length = e, a
+    }, grep: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d, e = [], f = 0, g = a.length;
+        c = !!c;
+        for (; f < g; f++)d = !!b(a[f], f), c !== d && e.push(a[f]);
+        return e
+    }, map: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e, f, g = [], h = 0, i = a.length, j = a instanceof p || i !== b && typeof i == "number" && (i > 0 && a[0] && a[i - 1] || i === 0 || p.isArray(a));
+        if (j)for (; h < i; h++)e = c(a[h], h, d), e != null && (g[g.length] = e); else for (f in a)e = c(a[f], f, d), e != null && (g[g.length] = e);
+        return g.concat.apply([], g)
+    }, guid: 1, proxy: function (a, c) {
+        var d, e, f;
+        return typeof c == "string" && (d = a[c], c = a, a = d), p.isFunction(a) ? (e =, 2), f = function () {
+            return a.apply(c, e.concat(
+        }, f.guid = a.guid = a.guid || f.guid || p.guid++, f) : b
+    }, access: function (a, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
+        var i, j = d == null, k = 0, l = a.length;
+        if (d && typeof d == "object") {
+            for (k in d)p.access(a, c, k, d[k], 1, g, e);
+            f = 1
+        } else if (e !== b) {
+            i = h === b && p.isFunction(e), j && (i ? (i = c, c = function (a, b, c) {
+                return, c)
+            }) : (, e), c = null));
+            if (c)for (; k < l; k++)c(a[k], d, i ?[k], k, c(a[k], d)) : e, h);
+            f = 1
+        }
+        return f ? a : j ? : l ? c(a[0], d) : g
+    }, now: function () {
+        return(new Date).getTime()
+    }}), p.ready.promise = function (b) {
+        if (!d) {
+            d = p.Deferred();
+            if (e.readyState === "complete" || e.readyState !== "loading" && e.addEventListener)setTimeout(p.ready, 1); else if (e.addEventListener)e.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", D, !1), a.addEventListener("load", p.ready, !1); else {
+                e.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", D), a.attachEvent("onload", p.ready);
+                var c = !1;
+                try {
+                    c = a.frameElement == null && e.documentElement
+                } catch (f) {
+                }
+                c && c.doScroll && function g() {
+                    if (!p.isReady) {
+                        try {
+                            c.doScroll("left")
+                        } catch (a) {
+                            return setTimeout(g, 50)
+                        }
+                        p.ready()
+                    }
+                }()
+            }
+        }
+        return d.promise(b)
+    }, p.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function (a, b) {
+        E["[object " + b + "]"] = b.toLowerCase()
+    }), c = p(e);
+    var F = {};
+    p.Callbacks = function (a) {
+        a = typeof a == "string" ? F[a] || G(a) : p.extend({}, a);
+        var c, d, e, f, g, h, i = [], j = !a.once && [], k = function (b) {
+            c = a.memory && b, d = !0, h = f || 0, f = 0, g = i.length, e = !0;
+            for (; i && h < g; h++)if (i[h].apply(b[0], b[1]) === !1 && a.stopOnFalse) {
+                c = !1;
+                break
+            }
+            e = !1, i && (j ? j.length && k(j.shift()) : c ? i = [] : l.disable())
+        }, l = {add: function () {
+            if (i) {
+                var b = i.length;
+                (function d(b) {
+                    p.each(b, function (b, c) {
+                        p.isFunction(c) && (!a.unique || !l.has(c)) ? i.push(c) : c && c.length && d(c)
+                    })
+                })(arguments), e ? g = i.length : c && (f = b, k(c))
+            }
+            return this
+        }, remove: function () {
+            return i && p.each(arguments, function (a, b) {
+                var c;
+                while ((c = p.inArray(b, i, c)) > -1)i.splice(c, 1), e && (c <= g && g--, c <= h && h--)
+            }), this
+        }, has: function (a) {
+            return p.inArray(a, i) > -1
+        }, empty: function () {
+            return i = [], this
+        }, disable: function () {
+            return i = j = c = b, this
+        }, disabled: function () {
+            return!i
+        }, lock: function () {
+            return j = b, c || l.disable(), this
+        }, locked: function () {
+            return!j
+        }, fireWith: function (a, b) {
+            return b = b || [], b = [a, b.slice ? b.slice() : b], i && (!d || j) && (e ? j.push(b) : k(b)), this
+        }, fire: function () {
+            return l.fireWith(this, arguments), this
+        }, fired: function () {
+            return!!d
+        }};
+        return l
+    }, p.extend({Deferred: function (a) {
+        var b = [
+            ["resolve", "done", p.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved"],
+            ["reject", "fail", p.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected"],
+            ["notify", "progress", p.Callbacks("memory")]
+        ], c = "pending", d = {state: function () {
+            return c
+        }, always: function () {
+            return e.done(arguments).fail(arguments), this
+        }, then: function () {
+            var a = arguments;
+            return p.Deferred(function (c) {
+                p.each(b, function (b, d) {
+                    var f = d[0], g = a[b];
+                    e[d[1]](p.isFunction(g) ? function () {
+                        var a = g.apply(this, arguments);
+                        a && p.isFunction(a.promise) ? a.promise().done(c.resolve).fail(c.reject).progress(c.notify) : c[f + "With"](this === e ? c : this, [a])
+                    } : c[f])
+                }), a = null
+            }).promise()
+        }, promise: function (a) {
+            return typeof a == "object" ? p.extend(a, d) : d
+        }}, e = {};
+        return d.pipe = d.then, p.each(b, function (a, f) {
+            var g = f[2], h = f[3];
+            d[f[1]] = g.add, h && g.add(function () {
+                c = h
+            }, b[a ^ 1][2].disable, b[2][2].lock), e[f[0]] =, e[f[0] + "With"] = g.fireWith
+        }), d.promise(e), a &&, e), e
+    }, when: function (a) {
+        var b = 0, c =, d = c.length, e = d !== 1 || a && p.isFunction(a.promise) ? d : 0, f = e === 1 ? a : p.Deferred(), g = function (a, b, c) {
+            return function (d) {
+                b[a] = this, c[a] = arguments.length > 1 ? : d, c === h ? f.notifyWith(b, c) : --e || f.resolveWith(b, c)
+            }
+        }, h, i, j;
+        if (d > 1) {
+            h = new Array(d), i = new Array(d), j = new Array(d);
+            for (; b < d; b++)c[b] && p.isFunction(c[b].promise) ? c[b].promise().done(g(b, j, c)).fail(f.reject).progress(g(b, i, h)) : --e
+        }
+        return e || f.resolveWith(j, c), f.promise()
+    }}), = function () {
+        var b, c, d, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n = e.createElement("div");
+        n.setAttribute("className", "t"), n.innerHTML = "  <link/><table></table><a href='/a'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>", c = n.getElementsByTagName("*"), d = n.getElementsByTagName("a")[0], = "top:1px;float:left;opacity:.5";
+        if (!c || !c.length || !d)return{};
+        f = e.createElement("select"), g = f.appendChild(e.createElement("option")), h = n.getElementsByTagName("input")[0], b = {leadingWhitespace: n.firstChild.nodeType === 3, tbody: !n.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length, htmlSerialize: !!n.getElementsByTagName("link").length, style: /top/.test(d.getAttribute("style")), hrefNormalized: d.getAttribute("href") === "/a", opacity: /^0.5/.test(, cssFloat: !!, checkOn: h.value === "on", optSelected: g.selected, getSetAttribute: n.className !== "t", enctype: !!e.createElement("form").enctype, html5Clone: e.createElement("nav").cloneNode(!0).outerHTML !== "<:nav></:nav>", boxModel: e.compatMode === "CSS1Compat", submitBubbles: !0, changeBubbles: !0, focusinBubbles: !1, deleteExpando: !0, noCloneEvent: !0, inlineBlockNeedsLayout: !1, shrinkWrapBlocks: !1, reliableMarginRight: !0, boxSizingReliable: !0, pixelPosition: !1}, h.checked = !0, b.noCloneChecked = h.cloneNode(!0).checked, f.disabled = !0, b.optDisabled = !g.disabled;
+        try {
+            delete n.test
+        } catch (o) {
+            b.deleteExpando = !1
+        }
+        !n.addEventListener && n.attachEvent && n.fireEvent && (n.attachEvent("onclick", m = function () {
+            b.noCloneEvent = !1
+        }), n.cloneNode(!0).fireEvent("onclick"), n.detachEvent("onclick", m)), h = e.createElement("input"), h.value = "t", h.setAttribute("type", "radio"), b.radioValue = h.value === "t", h.setAttribute("checked", "checked"), h.setAttribute("name", "t"), n.appendChild(h), i = e.createDocumentFragment(), i.appendChild(n.lastChild), b.checkClone = i.cloneNode(!0).cloneNode(!0).lastChild.checked, b.appendChecked = h.checked, i.removeChild(h), i.appendChild(n);
+        if (n.attachEvent)for (k in{submit: !0, change: !0, focusin: !0})j = "on" + k, l = j in n, l || (n.setAttribute(j, "return;"), l = typeof n[j] == "function"), b[k + "Bubbles"] = l;
+        return p(function () {
+            var c, d, f, g, h = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:block;overflow:hidden;", i = e.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+            if (!i)return;
+            c = e.createElement("div"), = "visibility:hidden;border:0;width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:1px", i.insertBefore(c, i.firstChild), d = e.createElement("div"), c.appendChild(d), d.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td></td><td>t</td></tr></table>", f = d.getElementsByTagName("td"), f[0].style.cssText = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:none", l = f[0].offsetHeight === 0, f[0].style.display = "", f[1].style.display = "none", b.reliableHiddenOffsets = l && f[0].offsetHeight === 0, d.innerHTML = "", = "box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;padding:1px;border:1px;display:block;width:4px;margin-top:1%;position:absolute;top:1%;", b.boxSizing = d.offsetWidth === 4, b.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = i.offsetTop !== 1, a.getComputedStyle && (b.pixelPosition = (a.getComputedStyle(d, null) || {}).top !== "1%", b.boxSizingReliable = (a.getComputedStyle(d, null) || {width: "4px"}).width === "4px", g = e.createElement("div"), = = h, = = "0", = "1px", d.appendChild(g), b.reliableMarginRight = !parseFloat((a.getComputedStyle(g, null) || {}).marginRight)), typeof != "undefined" && (d.innerHTML = "", = h + "width:1px;padding:1px;display:inline;zoom:1", b.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = d.offsetWidth === 3, = "block", = "visible", d.innerHTML = "<div></div>", = "5px", b.shrinkWrapBlocks = d.offsetWidth !== 3, = 1), i.removeChild(c), c = d = f = g = null
+        }), i.removeChild(n), c = d = f = g = h = i = n = null, b
+    }();
+    var H = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/, I = /([A-Z])/g;
+    p.extend({cache: {}, deletedIds: [], uuid: 0, expando: "jQuery" + (p.fn.jquery + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""), noData: {embed: !0, object: "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", applet: !0}, hasData: function (a) {
+        return a = a.nodeType ? p.cache[a[p.expando]] : a[p.expando], !!a && !K(a)
+    }, data: function (a, c, d, e) {
+        if (!p.acceptData(a))return;
+        var f, g, h = p.expando, i = typeof c == "string", j = a.nodeType, k = j ? p.cache : a, l = j ? a[h] : a[h] && h;
+        if ((!l || !k[l] || !e && !k[l].data) && i && d === b)return;
+        l || (j ? a[h] = l = p.deletedIds.pop() || ++p.uuid : l = h), k[l] || (k[l] = {}, j || (k[l].toJSON = p.noop));
+        if (typeof c == "object" || typeof c == "function")e ? k[l] = p.extend(k[l], c) : k[l].data = p.extend(k[l].data, c);
+        return f = k[l], e || ( || ( = {}), f =, d !== b && (f[p.camelCase(c)] = d), i ? (g = f[c], g == null && (g = f[p.camelCase(c)])) : g = f, g
+    }, removeData: function (a, b, c) {
+        if (!p.acceptData(a))return;
+        var d, e, f, g = a.nodeType, h = g ? p.cache : a, i = g ? a[p.expando] : p.expando;
+        if (!h[i])return;
+        if (b) {
+            d = c ? h[i] : h[i].data;
+            if (d) {
+                p.isArray(b) || (b in d ? b = [b] : (b = p.camelCase(b), b in d ? b = [b] : b = b.split(" ")));
+                for (e = 0, f = b.length; e < f; e++)delete d[b[e]];
+                if (!(c ? K : p.isEmptyObject)(d))return
+            }
+        }
+        if (!c) {
+            delete h[i].data;
+            if (!K(h[i]))return
+        }
+        g ? p.cleanData([a], !0) : || h != h.window ? delete h[i] : h[i] = null
+    }, _data: function (a, b, c) {
+        return, b, c, !0)
+    }, acceptData: function (a) {
+        var b = a.nodeName && p.noData[a.nodeName.toLowerCase()];
+        return!b || b !== !0 && a.getAttribute("classid") === b
+    }}), p.fn.extend({data: function (a, c) {
+        var d, e, f, g, h, i = this[0], j = 0, k = null;
+        if (a === b) {
+            if (this.length) {
+                k =;
+                if (i.nodeType === 1 && !p._data(i, "parsedAttrs")) {
+                    f = i.attributes;
+                    for (h = f.length; j < h; j++)g = f[j].name, g.indexOf("data-") === 0 && (g = p.camelCase(g.substring(5)), J(i, g, k[g]));
+                    p._data(i, "parsedAttrs", !0)
+                }
+            }
+            return k
+        }
+        return typeof a == "object" ? this.each(function () {
+  , a)
+        }) : (d = a.split(".", 2), d[1] = d[1] ? "." + d[1] : "", e = d[1] + "!", p.access(this, function (c) {
+            if (c === b)return k = this.triggerHandler("getData" + e, [d[0]]), k === b && i && (k =, a), k = J(i, a, k)), k === b && d[1] ?[0]) : k;
+            d[1] = c, this.each(function () {
+                var b = p(this);
+                b.triggerHandler("setData" + e, d),, a, c), b.triggerHandler("changeData" + e, d)
+            })
+        }, null, c, arguments.length > 1, null, !1))
+    }, removeData: function (a) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            p.removeData(this, a)
+        })
+    }}), p.extend({queue: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d;
+        if (a)return b = (b || "fx") + "queue", d = p._data(a, b), c && (!d || p.isArray(c) ? d = p._data(a, b, p.makeArray(c)) : d.push(c)), d || []
+    }, dequeue: function (a, b) {
+        b = b || "fx";
+        var c = p.queue(a, b), d = c.shift(), e = p._queueHooks(a, b), f = function () {
+            p.dequeue(a, b)
+        };
+        d === "inprogress" && (d = c.shift()), d && (b === "fx" && c.unshift("inprogress"), delete e.stop,, f, e)), !c.length && e &&
+    }, _queueHooks: function (a, b) {
+        var c = b + "queueHooks";
+        return p._data(a, c) || p._data(a, c, {empty: p.Callbacks("once memory").add(function () {
+            p.removeData(a, b + "queue", !0), p.removeData(a, c, !0)
+        })})
+    }}), p.fn.extend({queue: function (a, c) {
+        var d = 2;
+        return typeof a != "string" && (c = a, a = "fx", d--), arguments.length < d ? p.queue(this[0], a) : c === b ? this : this.each(function () {
+            var b = p.queue(this, a, c);
+            p._queueHooks(this, a), a === "fx" && b[0] !== "inprogress" && p.dequeue(this, a)
+        })
+    }, dequeue: function (a) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            p.dequeue(this, a)
+        })
+    }, delay: function (a, b) {
+        return a = p.fx ? p.fx.speeds[a] || a : a, b = b || "fx", this.queue(b, function (b, c) {
+            var d = setTimeout(b, a);
+            c.stop = function () {
+                clearTimeout(d)
+            }
+        })
+    }, clearQueue: function (a) {
+        return this.queue(a || "fx", [])
+    }, promise: function (a, c) {
+        var d, e = 1, f = p.Deferred(), g = this, h = this.length, i = function () {
+            --e || f.resolveWith(g, [g])
+        };
+        typeof a != "string" && (c = a, a = b), a = a || "fx";
+        while (h--)(d = p._data(g[h], a + "queueHooks")) && d.empty && (e++, d.empty.add(i));
+        return i(), f.promise(c)
+    }});
+    var L, M, N, O = /[\t\r\n]/g, P = /\r/g, Q = /^(?:button|input)$/i, R = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i, S = /^a(?:rea|)$/i, T = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i, U =;
+    p.fn.extend({attr: function (a, b) {
+        return p.access(this, p.attr, a, b, arguments.length > 1)
+    }, removeAttr: function (a) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            p.removeAttr(this, a)
+        })
+    }, prop: function (a, b) {
+        return p.access(this, p.prop, a, b, arguments.length > 1)
+    }, removeProp: function (a) {
+        return a = p.propFix[a] || a, this.each(function () {
+            try {
+                this[a] = b, delete this[a]
+            } catch (c) {
+            }
+        })
+    }, addClass: function (a) {
+        var b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
+        if (p.isFunction(a))return this.each(function (b) {
+            p(this).addClass(, b, this.className))
+        });
+        if (a && typeof a == "string") {
+            b = a.split(s);
+            for (c = 0, d = this.length; c < d; c++) {
+                e = this[c];
+                if (e.nodeType === 1)if (!e.className && b.length === 1)e.className = a; else {
+                    f = " " + e.className + " ";
+                    for (g = 0, h = b.length; g < h; g++)~f.indexOf(" " + b[g] + " ") || (f += b[g] + " ");
+                    e.className = p.trim(f)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return this
+    }, removeClass: function (a) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g, h, i;
+        if (p.isFunction(a))return this.each(function (b) {
+            p(this).removeClass(, b, this.className))
+        });
+        if (a && typeof a == "string" || a === b) {
+            c = (a || "").split(s);
+            for (h = 0, i = this.length; h < i; h++) {
+                e = this[h];
+                if (e.nodeType === 1 && e.className) {
+                    d = (" " + e.className + " ").replace(O, " ");
+                    for (f = 0, g = c.length; f < g; f++)while (d.indexOf(" " + c[f] + " ") > -1)d = d.replace(" " + c[f] + " ", " ");
+                    e.className = a ? p.trim(d) : ""
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return this
+    }, toggleClass: function (a, b) {
+        var c = typeof a, d = typeof b == "boolean";
+        return p.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function (c) {
+            p(this).toggleClass(, c, this.className, b), b)
+        }) : this.each(function () {
+            if (c === "string") {
+                var e, f = 0, g = p(this), h = b, i = a.split(s);
+                while (e = i[f++])h = d ? h : !g.hasClass(e), g[h ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](e)
+            } else if (c === "undefined" || c === "boolean")this.className && p._data(this, "__className__", this.className), this.className = this.className || a === !1 ? "" : p._data(this, "__className__") || ""
+        })
+    }, hasClass: function (a) {
+        var b = " " + a + " ", c = 0, d = this.length;
+        for (; c < d; c++)if (this[c].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[c].className + " ").replace(O, " ").indexOf(b) > -1)return!0;
+        return!1
+    }, val: function (a) {
+        var c, d, e, f = this[0];
+        if (!arguments.length) {
+            if (f)return c = p.valHooks[f.type] || p.valHooks[f.nodeName.toLowerCase()], c && "get"in c && (d = c.get(f, "value")) !== b ? d : (d = f.value, typeof d == "string" ? d.replace(P, "") : d == null ? "" : d);
+            return
+        }
+        return e = p.isFunction(a), this.each(function (d) {
+            var f, g = p(this);
+            if (this.nodeType !== 1)return;
+            e ? f =, d, g.val()) : f = a, f == null ? f = "" : typeof f == "number" ? f += "" : p.isArray(f) && (f =, function (a) {
+                return a == null ? "" : a + ""
+            })), c = p.valHooks[this.type] || p.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()];
+            if (!c || !("set"in c) || c.set(this, f, "value") === b)this.value = f
+        })
+    }}), p.extend({valHooks: {option: {get: function (a) {
+        var b = a.attributes.value;
+        return!b || b.specified ? a.value : a.text
+    }}, select: {get: function (a) {
+        var b, c, d, e, f = a.selectedIndex, g = [], h = a.options, i = a.type === "select-one";
+        if (f < 0)return null;
+        c = i ? f : 0, d = i ? f + 1 : h.length;
+        for (; c < d; c++) {
+            e = h[c];
+            if (e.selected && ( ? !e.disabled : e.getAttribute("disabled") === null) && (!e.parentNode.disabled || !p.nodeName(e.parentNode, "optgroup"))) {
+                b = p(e).val();
+                if (i)return b;
+                g.push(b)
+            }
+        }
+        return i && !g.length && h.length ? p(h[f]).val() : g
+    }, set: function (a, b) {
+        var c = p.makeArray(b);
+        return p(a).find("option").each(function () {
+            this.selected = p.inArray(p(this).val(), c) >= 0
+        }), c.length || (a.selectedIndex = -1), c
+    }}}, attrFn: {}, attr: function (a, c, d, e) {
+        var f, g, h, i = a.nodeType;
+        if (!a || i === 3 || i === 8 || i === 2)return;
+        if (e && p.isFunction(p.fn[c]))return p(a)[c](d);
+        if (typeof a.getAttribute == "undefined")return p.prop(a, c, d);
+        h = i !== 1 || !p.isXMLDoc(a), h && (c = c.toLowerCase(), g = p.attrHooks[c] || (T.test(c) ? M : L));
+        if (d !== b) {
+            if (d === null) {
+                p.removeAttr(a, c);
+                return
+            }
+            return g && "set"in g && h && (f = g.set(a, d, c)) !== b ? f : (a.setAttribute(c, "" + d), d)
+        }
+        return g && "get"in g && h && (f = g.get(a, c)) !== null ? f : (f = a.getAttribute(c), f === null ? b : f)
+    }, removeAttr: function (a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g = 0;
+        if (b && a.nodeType === 1) {
+            d = b.split(s);
+            for (; g < d.length; g++)e = d[g], e && (c = p.propFix[e] || e, f = T.test(e), f || p.attr(a, e, ""), a.removeAttribute(U ? e : c), f && c in a && (a[c] = !1))
+        }
+    }, attrHooks: {type: {set: function (a, b) {
+        if (Q.test(a.nodeName) && a.parentNode)p.error("type property can't be changed"); else if (! && b === "radio" && p.nodeName(a, "input")) {
+            var c = a.value;
+            return a.setAttribute("type", b), c && (a.value = c), b
+        }
+    }}, value: {get: function (a, b) {
+        return L && p.nodeName(a, "button") ? L.get(a, b) : b in a ? a.value : null
+    }, set: function (a, b, c) {
+        if (L && p.nodeName(a, "button"))return L.set(a, b, c);
+        a.value = b
+    }}}, propFix: {tabindex: "tabIndex", readonly: "readOnly", "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", maxlength: "maxLength", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", cellpadding: "cellPadding", rowspan: "rowSpan", colspan: "colSpan", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder", contenteditable: "contentEditable"}, prop: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e, f, g, h = a.nodeType;
+        if (!a || h === 3 || h === 8 || h === 2)return;
+        return g = h !== 1 || !p.isXMLDoc(a), g && (c = p.propFix[c] || c, f = p.propHooks[c]), d !== b ? f && "set"in f && (e = f.set(a, d, c)) !== b ? e : a[c] = d : f && "get"in f && (e = f.get(a, c)) !== null ? e : a[c]
+    }, propHooks: {tabIndex: {get: function (a) {
+        var c = a.getAttributeNode("tabindex");
+        return c && c.specified ? parseInt(c.value, 10) : R.test(a.nodeName) || S.test(a.nodeName) && a.href ? 0 : b
+    }}}}), M = {get: function (a, c) {
+        var d, e = p.prop(a, c);
+        return e === !0 || typeof e != "boolean" && (d = a.getAttributeNode(c)) && d.nodeValue !== !1 ? c.toLowerCase() : b
+    }, set: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d;
+        return b === !1 ? p.removeAttr(a, c) : (d = p.propFix[c] || c, d in a && (a[d] = !0), a.setAttribute(c, c.toLowerCase())), c
+    }}, U || (N = {name: !0, id: !0, coords: !0}, L = p.valHooks.button = {get: function (a, c) {
+        var d;
+        return d = a.getAttributeNode(c), d && (N[c] ? d.value !== "" : d.specified) ? d.value : b
+    }, set: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d = a.getAttributeNode(c);
+        return d || (d = e.createAttribute(c), a.setAttributeNode(d)), d.value = b + ""
+    }}, p.each(["width", "height"], function (a, b) {
+        p.attrHooks[b] = p.extend(p.attrHooks[b], {set: function (a, c) {
+            if (c === "")return a.setAttribute(b, "auto"), c
+        }})
+    }), p.attrHooks.contenteditable = {get: L.get, set: function (a, b, c) {
+        b === "" && (b = "false"), L.set(a, b, c)
+    }}), || p.each(["href", "src", "width", "height"], function (a, c) {
+        p.attrHooks[c] = p.extend(p.attrHooks[c], {get: function (a) {
+            var d = a.getAttribute(c, 2);
+            return d === null ? b : d
+        }})
+    }), || ( = {get: function (a) {
+        return || b
+    }, set: function (a, b) {
+        return = "" + b
+    }}), || (p.propHooks.selected = p.extend(p.propHooks.selected, {get: function (a) {
+        var b = a.parentNode;
+        return b && (b.selectedIndex, b.parentNode && b.parentNode.selectedIndex), null
+    }})), || (p.propFix.enctype = "encoding"), || p.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function () {
+        p.valHooks[this] = {get: function (a) {
+            return a.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : a.value
+        }}
+    }), p.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function () {
+        p.valHooks[this] = p.extend(p.valHooks[this], {set: function (a, b) {
+            if (p.isArray(b))return a.checked = p.inArray(p(a).val(), b) >= 0
+        }})
+    });
+    var V = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i, W = /^([^\.]*|)(?:\.(.+)|)$/, X = /(?:^|\s)hover(\.\S+|)\b/, Y = /^key/, Z = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, $ = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, _ = function (a) {
+        return p.event.special.hover ? a : a.replace(X, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1")
+    };
+    p.event = {add: function (a, c, d, e, f) {
+        var g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r;
+        if (a.nodeType === 3 || a.nodeType === 8 || !c || !d || !(g = p._data(a)))return;
+        d.handler && (o = d, d = o.handler, f = o.selector), d.guid || (d.guid = p.guid++), i =, i || ( = i = {}), h = g.handle, h || (g.handle = h = function (a) {
+            return typeof p != "undefined" && (!a || p.event.triggered !== a.type) ? p.event.dispatch.apply(h.elem, arguments) : b
+        }, h.elem = a), c = p.trim(_(c)).split(" ");
+        for (j = 0; j < c.length; j++) {
+            k = W.exec(c[j]) || [], l = k[1], m = (k[2] || "").split(".").sort(), r = p.event.special[l] || {}, l = (f ? r.delegateType : r.bindType) || l, r = p.event.special[l] || {}, n = p.extend({type: l, origType: k[1], data: e, handler: d, guid: d.guid, selector: f, namespace: m.join(".")}, o), q = i[l];
+            if (!q) {
+                q = i[l] = [], q.delegateCount = 0;
+                if (!r.setup ||, e, m, h) === !1)a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(l, h, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + l, h)
+            }
+            r.add && (, n), n.handler.guid || (n.handler.guid = d.guid)), f ? q.splice(q.delegateCount++, 0, n) : q.push(n),[l] = !0
+        }
+        a = null
+    }, global: {}, remove: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
+        var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r = p.hasData(a) && p._data(a);
+        if (!r || !(m =;
+        b = p.trim(_(b || "")).split(" ");
+        for (f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {
+            g = W.exec(b[f]) || [], h = i = g[1], j = g[2];
+            if (!h) {
+                for (h in m)p.event.remove(a, h + b[f], c, d, !0);
+                continue
+            }
+            n = p.event.special[h] || {}, h = (d ? n.delegateType : n.bindType) || h, o = m[h] || [], k = o.length, j = j ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + j.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
+            for (l = 0; l < o.length; l++)q = o[l], (e || i === q.origType) && (!c || c.guid === q.guid) && (!j || j.test(q.namespace)) && (!d || d === q.selector || d === "**" && q.selector) && (o.splice(l--, 1), q.selector && o.delegateCount--, n.remove &&, q));
+            o.length === 0 && k !== o.length && ((!n.teardown ||, j, r.handle) === !1) && p.removeEvent(a, h, r.handle), delete m[h])
+        }
+        p.isEmptyObject(m) && (delete r.handle, p.removeData(a, "events", !0))
+    }, customEvent: {getData: !0, setData: !0, changeData: !0}, trigger: function (c, d, f, g) {
+        if (!f || f.nodeType !== 3 && f.nodeType !== 8) {
+            var h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r, s = c.type || c, t = [];
+            if ($.test(s + p.event.triggered))return;
+            s.indexOf("!") >= 0 && (s = s.slice(0, -1), i = !0), s.indexOf(".") >= 0 && (t = s.split("."), s = t.shift(), t.sort());
+            if ((!f || p.event.customEvent[s]) && ![s])return;
+            c = typeof c == "object" ? c[p.expando] ? c : new p.Event(s, c) : new p.Event(s), c.type = s, c.isTrigger = !0, c.exclusive = i, c.namespace = t.join("."), c.namespace_re = c.namespace ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + t.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null, m = s.indexOf(":") < 0 ? "on" + s : "";
+            if (!f) {
+                h = p.cache;
+                for (j in h)h[j].events && h[j].events[s] && p.event.trigger(c, d, h[j].handle.elem, !0);
+                return
+            }
+            c.result = b, || ( = f), d = d != null ? p.makeArray(d) : [], d.unshift(c), n = p.event.special[s] || {};
+            if (n.trigger && n.trigger.apply(f, d) === !1)return;
+            q = [
+                [f, n.bindType || s]
+            ];
+            if (!g && !n.noBubble && !p.isWindow(f)) {
+                r = n.delegateType || s, k = $.test(r + s) ? f : f.parentNode;
+                for (l = f; k; k = k.parentNode)q.push([k, r]), l = k;
+                l === (f.ownerDocument || e) && q.push([l.defaultView || l.parentWindow || a, r])
+            }
+            for (j = 0; j < q.length && !c.isPropagationStopped(); j++)k = q[j][0], c.type = q[j][1], o = (p._data(k, "events") || {})[c.type] && p._data(k, "handle"), o && o.apply(k, d), o = m && k[m], o && p.acceptData(k) && o.apply(k, d) === !1 && c.preventDefault();
+            return c.type = s, !g && !c.isDefaultPrevented() && (!n._default || n._default.apply(f.ownerDocument, d) === !1) && (s !== "click" || !p.nodeName(f, "a")) && p.acceptData(f) && m && f[s] && (s !== "focus" && s !== "blur" || !== 0) && !p.isWindow(f) && (l = f[m], l && (f[m] = null), p.event.triggered = s, f[s](), p.event.triggered = b, l && (f[m] = l)), c.result
+        }
+        return
+    }, dispatch: function (c) {
+        c = p.event.fix(c || a.event);
+        var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o = (p._data(this, "events") || {})[c.type] || [], q = o.delegateCount, r = [], s = !c.exclusive && !c.namespace, t = p.event.special[c.type] || {}, u = [];
+        r[0] = c, c.delegateTarget = this;
+        if (t.preDispatch &&, c) === !1)return;
+        if (q && (!c.button || c.type !== "click")) {
+            g = p(this), g.context = this;
+            for (f =; f != this; f = f.parentNode || this)if (f.disabled !== !0 || c.type !== "click") {
+                i = {}, k = [], g[0] = f;
+                for (d = 0; d < q; d++)l = o[d], m = l.selector, i[m] === b && (i[m] =, i[m] && k.push(l);
+                k.length && u.push({elem: f, matches: k})
+            }
+        }
+        o.length > q && u.push({elem: this, matches: o.slice(q)});
+        for (d = 0; d < u.length && !c.isPropagationStopped(); d++) {
+            j = u[d], c.currentTarget = j.elem;
+            for (e = 0; e < j.matches.length && !c.isImmediatePropagationStopped(); e++) {
+                l = j.matches[e];
+                if (s || !c.namespace && !l.namespace || c.namespace_re && c.namespace_re.test(l.namespace)) =, c.handleObj = l, h = ((p.event.special[l.origType] || {}).handle || l.handler).apply(j.elem, r), h !== b && (c.result = h, h === !1 && (c.preventDefault(), c.stopPropagation()))
+            }
+        }
+        return t.postDispatch &&, c), c.result
+    }, props: "attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "), fixHooks: {}, keyHooks: {props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "), filter: function (a, b) {
+        return a.which == null && (a.which = b.charCode != null ? b.charCode : b.keyCode), a
+    }}, mouseHooks: {props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "), filter: function (a, c) {
+        var d, f, g, h = c.button, i = c.fromElement;
+        return a.pageX == null && c.clientX != null && (d = || e, f = d.documentElement, g = d.body, a.pageX = c.clientX + (f && f.scrollLeft || g && g.scrollLeft || 0) - (f && f.clientLeft || g && g.clientLeft || 0), a.pageY = c.clientY + (f && f.scrollTop || g && g.scrollTop || 0) - (f && f.clientTop || g && g.clientTop || 0)), !a.relatedTarget && i && (a.relatedTarget = i === ? c.toElement : i), !a.which && h !== b && (a.which = h & 1 ? 1 : h & 2 ? 3 : h & 4 ? 2 : 0), a
+    }}, fix: function (a) {
+        if (a[p.expando])return a;
+        var b, c, d = a, f = p.event.fixHooks[a.type] || {}, g = f.props ? this.props.concat(f.props) : this.props;
+        a = p.Event(d);
+        for (b = g.length; b;)c = g[--b], a[c] = d[c];
+        return || ( = d.srcElement || e), === 3 && ( =, a.metaKey = !!a.metaKey, f.filter ? f.filter(a, d) : a
+    }, special: {ready: {setup: p.bindReady}, load: {noBubble: !0}, focus: {delegateType: "focusin"}, blur: {delegateType: "focusout"}, beforeunload: {setup: function (a, b, c) {
+        p.isWindow(this) && (this.onbeforeunload = c)
+    }, teardown: function (a, b) {
+        this.onbeforeunload === b && (this.onbeforeunload = null)
+    }}}, simulate: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        var e = p.extend(new p.Event, c, {type: a, isSimulated: !0, originalEvent: {}});
+        d ? p.event.trigger(e, null, b) :, e), e.isDefaultPrevented() && c.preventDefault()
+    }}, p.event.handle = p.event.dispatch, p.removeEvent = e.removeEventListener ? function (a, b, c) {
+        a.removeEventListener && a.removeEventListener(b, c, !1)
+    } : function (a, b, c) {
+        var d = "on" + b;
+        a.detachEvent && (typeof a[d] == "undefined" && (a[d] = null), a.detachEvent(d, c))
+    }, p.Event = function (a, b) {
+        if (this instanceof p.Event)a && a.type ? (this.originalEvent = a, this.type = a.type, this.isDefaultPrevented = a.defaultPrevented || a.returnValue === !1 || a.getPreventDefault && a.getPreventDefault() ? bb : ba) : this.type = a, b && p.extend(this, b), this.timeStamp = a && a.timeStamp ||, this[p.expando] = !0; else return new p.Event(a, b)
+    }, p.Event.prototype = {preventDefault: function () {
+        this.isDefaultPrevented = bb;
+        var a = this.originalEvent;
+        if (!a)return;
+        a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1
+    }, stopPropagation: function () {
+        this.isPropagationStopped = bb;
+        var a = this.originalEvent;
+        if (!a)return;
+        a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation(), a.cancelBubble = !0
+    }, stopImmediatePropagation: function () {
+        this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = bb, this.stopPropagation()
+    }, isDefaultPrevented: ba, isPropagationStopped: ba, isImmediatePropagationStopped: ba}, p.each({mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout"}, function (a, b) {
+        p.event.special[a] = {delegateType: b, bindType: b, handle: function (a) {
+            var c, d = this, e = a.relatedTarget, f = a.handleObj, g = f.selector;
+            if (!e || e !== d && !p.contains(d, e))a.type = f.origType, c = f.handler.apply(this, arguments), a.type = b;
+            return c
+        }}
+    }), || (p.event.special.submit = {setup: function () {
+        if (p.nodeName(this, "form"))return!1;
+        p.event.add(this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function (a) {
+            var c =, d = p.nodeName(c, "input") || p.nodeName(c, "button") ? c.form : b;
+            d && !p._data(d, "_submit_attached") && (p.event.add(d, "submit._submit", function (a) {
+                a._submit_bubble = !0
+            }), p._data(d, "_submit_attached", !0))
+        })
+    }, postDispatch: function (a) {
+        a._submit_bubble && (delete a._submit_bubble, this.parentNode && !a.isTrigger && p.event.simulate("submit", this.parentNode, a, !0))
+    }, teardown: function () {
+        if (p.nodeName(this, "form"))return!1;
+        p.event.remove(this, "._submit")
+    }}), || (p.event.special.change = {setup: function () {
+        if (V.test(this.nodeName)) {
+            if (this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio")p.event.add(this, "propertychange._change", function (a) {
+                a.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked" && (this._just_changed = !0)
+            }), p.event.add(this, "click._change", function (a) {
+                this._just_changed && !a.isTrigger && (this._just_changed = !1), p.event.simulate("change", this, a, !0)
+            });
+            return!1
+        }
+        p.event.add(this, "beforeactivate._change", function (a) {
+            var b =;
+            V.test(b.nodeName) && !p._data(b, "_change_attached") && (p.event.add(b, "change._change", function (a) {
+                this.parentNode && !a.isSimulated && !a.isTrigger && p.event.simulate("change", this.parentNode, a, !0)
+            }), p._data(b, "_change_attached", !0))
+        })
+    }, handle: function (a) {
+        var b =;
+        if (this !== b || a.isSimulated || a.isTrigger || b.type !== "radio" && b.type !== "checkbox")return a.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments)
+    }, teardown: function () {
+        return p.event.remove(this, "._change"), V.test(this.nodeName)
+    }}), || p.each({focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout"}, function (a, b) {
+        var c = 0, d = function (a) {
+            p.event.simulate(b,, p.event.fix(a), !0)
+        };
+        p.event.special[b] = {setup: function () {
+            c++ === 0 && e.addEventListener(a, d, !0)
+        }, teardown: function () {
+            --c === 0 && e.removeEventListener(a, d, !0)
+        }}
+    }), p.fn.extend({on: function (a, c, d, e, f) {
+        var g, h;
+        if (typeof a == "object") {
+            typeof c != "string" && (d = d || c, c = b);
+            for (h in a)this.on(h, c, d, a[h], f);
+            return this
+        }
+        d == null && e == null ? (e = c, d = c = b) : e == null && (typeof c == "string" ? (e = d, d = b) : (e = d, d = c, c = b));
+        if (e === !1)e = ba; else if (!e)return this;
+        return f === 1 && (g = e, e = function (a) {
+            return p().off(a), g.apply(this, arguments)
+        }, e.guid = g.guid || (g.guid = p.guid++)), this.each(function () {
+            p.event.add(this, a, e, d, c)
+        })
+    }, one: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        return this.on(a, b, c, d, 1)
+    }, off: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e, f;
+        if (a && a.preventDefault && a.handleObj)return e = a.handleObj, p(a.delegateTarget).off(e.namespace ? e.origType + "." + e.namespace : e.origType, e.selector, e.handler), this;
+        if (typeof a == "object") {
+            for (f in a), c, a[f]);
+            return this
+        }
+        if (c === !1 || typeof c == "function")d = c, c = b;
+        return d === !1 && (d = ba), this.each(function () {
+            p.event.remove(this, a, d, c)
+        })
+    }, bind: function (a, b, c) {
+        return this.on(a, null, b, c)
+    }, unbind: function (a, b) {
+        return, null, b)
+    }, live: function (a, b, c) {
+        return p(this.context).on(a, this.selector, b, c), this
+    }, die: function (a, b) {
+        return p(this.context).off(a, this.selector || "**", b), this
+    }, delegate: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        return this.on(b, a, c, d)
+    }, undelegate: function (a, b, c) {
+        return arguments.length == 1 ?, "**") :, a || "**", c)
+    }, trigger: function (a, b) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            p.event.trigger(a, b, this)
+        })
+    }, triggerHandler: function (a, b) {
+        if (this[0])return p.event.trigger(a, b, this[0], !0)
+    }, toggle: function (a) {
+        var b = arguments, c = a.guid || p.guid++, d = 0, e = function (c) {
+            var e = (p._data(this, "lastToggle" + a.guid) || 0) % d;
+            return p._data(this, "lastToggle" + a.guid, e + 1), c.preventDefault(), b[e].apply(this, arguments) || !1
+        };
+        e.guid = c;
+        while (d < b.length)b[d++].guid = c;
+        return
+    }, hover: function (a, b) {
+        return this.mouseenter(a).mouseleave(b || a)
+    }}), p.each("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu".split(" "), function (a, b) {
+        p.fn[b] = function (a, c) {
+            return c == null && (c = a, a = null), arguments.length > 0 ? this.on(b, null, a, c) : this.trigger(b)
+        }, Y.test(b) && (p.event.fixHooks[b] = p.event.keyHooks), Z.test(b) && (p.event.fixHooks[b] = p.event.mouseHooks)
+    }), function (a, b) {
+        function bd(a, b, c, d) {
+            var e = 0, f = b.length;
+            for (; e < f; e++)Z(a, b[e], c, d)
+        }
+        function be(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
+            var g, h = $.setFilters[b.toLowerCase()];
+            return h || Z.error(b), (a || !(g = e)) && bd(a || "*", d, g = [], e), g.length > 0 ? h(g, c, f) : []
+        }
+        function bf(a, c, d, e, f) {
+            var g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p = 0, q = f.length, s = L.POS, t = new RegExp("^" + s.source + "(?!" + r + ")", "i"), u = function () {
+                var a = 1, c = arguments.length - 2;
+                for (; a < c; a++)arguments[a] === b && (g[a] = b)
+            };
+            for (; p < q; p++) {
+                s.exec(""), a = f[p], j = [], i = 0, k = e;
+                while (g = s.exec(a)) {
+                    n = s.lastIndex = g.index + g[0].length;
+                    if (n > i) {
+                        m = a.slice(i, g.index), i = n, l = [c], B.test(m) && (k && (l = k), k = e);
+                        if (h = H.test(m))m = m.slice(0, -5).replace(B, "$&*");
+                        g.length > 1 && g[0].replace(t, u), k = be(m, g[1], g[2], l, k, h)
+                    }
+                }
+                k ? (j = j.concat(k), (m = a.slice(i)) && m !== ")" ? B.test(m) ? bd(m, j, d, e) : Z(m, c, d, e ? e.concat(k) : k) : o.apply(d, j)) : Z(a, c, d, e)
+            }
+            return q === 1 ? d : Z.uniqueSort(d)
+        }
+        function bg(a, b, c) {
+            var d, e, f, g = [], i = 0, j = D.exec(a), k = !j.pop() && !j.pop(), l = k && a.match(C) || [""], m = $.preFilter, n = $.filter, o = !c && b !== h;
+            for (; (e = l[i]) != null && k; i++) {
+                g.push(d = []), o && (e = " " + e);
+                while (e) {
+                    k = !1;
+                    if (j = B.exec(e))e = e.slice(j[0].length), k = d.push({part: j.pop().replace(A, " "), captures: j});
+                    for (f in n)(j = L[f].exec(e)) && (!m[f] || (j = m[f](j, b, c))) && (e = e.slice(j.shift().length), k = d.push({part: f, captures: j}));
+                    if (!k)break
+                }
+            }
+            return k || Z.error(a), g
+        }
+        function bh(a, b, e) {
+            var f = b.dir, g = m++;
+            return a || (a = function (a) {
+                return a === e
+            }), b.first ? function (b, c) {
+                while (b = b[f])if (b.nodeType === 1)return a(b, c) && b
+            } : function (b, e) {
+                var h, i = g + "." + d, j = i + "." + c;
+                while (b = b[f])if (b.nodeType === 1) {
+                    if ((h = b[q]) === j)return b.sizset;
+                    if (typeof h == "string" && h.indexOf(i) === 0) {
+                        if (b.sizset)return b
+                    } else {
+                        b[q] = j;
+                        if (a(b, e))return b.sizset = !0, b;
+                        b.sizset = !1
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        function bi(a, b) {
+            return a ? function (c, d) {
+                var e = b(c, d);
+                return e && a(e === !0 ? c : e, d)
+            } : b
+        }
+        function bj(a, b, c) {
+            var d, e, f = 0;
+            for (; d = a[f]; f++)$.relative[d.part] ? e = bh(e, $.relative[d.part], b) : (d.captures.push(b, c), e = bi(e, $.filter[d.part].apply(null, d.captures)));
+            return e
+        }
+        function bk(a) {
+            return function (b, c) {
+                var d, e = 0;
+                for (; d = a[e]; e++)if (d(b, c))return!0;
+                return!1
+            }
+        }
+        var c, d, e, f, g, h = a.document, i = h.documentElement, j = "undefined", k = !1, l = !0, m = 0, n = [].slice, o = [].push, q = ("sizcache" + Math.random()).replace(".", ""), r = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", s = "(?:\\\\.|[-\\w]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+", t = s.replace("w", "w#"), u = "([*^$|!~]?=)", v = "\\[" + r + "*(" + s + ")" + r + "*(?:" + u + r + "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + t + ")|)|)" + r + "*\\]", w = ":(" + s + ")(?:\\((?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\2|((?:[^,]|\\\\,|(?:,(?=[^\\[]*\\]))|(?:,(?=[^\\(]*\\))))*))\\)|)", x = ":(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\\((\\d*)\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", y = r + "*([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])" + r + "*", z = "(?=[^\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f])(?:\\\\.|" + v + "|" + w.replace(2, 7) + "|[^\\\\(),])+", A = new RegExp("^" + r + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + r + "+$", "g"), B = new RegExp("^" + y), C = new RegExp(z + "?(?=" + r + "*,|$)", "g"), D = new RegExp("^(?:(?!,)(?:(?:^|,)" + r + "*" + z + ")*?|" + r + "*(.*?))(\\)|$)"), E = new RegExp(z.slice(19, -6) + "\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])+|" + y, "g"), F = /^(?:#([\w\-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w\-]+))$/, G = /[\x20\t\r\n\f]*[+~]/, H = /:not\($/, I = /h\d/i, J = /input|select|textarea|button/i, K = /\\(?!\\)/g, L = {ID: new RegExp("^#(" + s + ")"), CLASS: new RegExp("^\\.(" + s + ")"), NAME: new RegExp("^\\[name=['\"]?(" + s + ")['\"]?\\]"), TAG: new RegExp("^(" + s.replace("[-", "[-\\*") + ")"), ATTR: new RegExp("^" + v), PSEUDO: new RegExp("^" + w), CHILD: new RegExp("^:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\\(" + r + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + r + "*(?:([+-]|)" + r + "*(\\d+)|))" + r + "*\\)|)", "i"), POS: new RegExp(x, "ig"), needsContext: new RegExp("^" + r + "*[>+~]|" + x, "i")}, M = {}, N = [], O = {}, P = [], Q = function (a) {
+            return a.sizzleFilter = !0, a
+        }, R = function (a) {
+            return function (b) {
+                return b.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && b.type === a
+            }
+        }, S = function (a) {
+            return function (b) {
+                var c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+                return(c === "input" || c === "button") && b.type === a
+            }
+        }, T = function (a) {
+            var b = !1, c = h.createElement("div");
+            try {
+                b = a(c)
+            } catch (d) {
+            }
+            return c = null, b
+        }, U = T(function (a) {
+            a.innerHTML = "<select></select>";
+            var b = typeof a.lastChild.getAttribute("multiple");
+            return b !== "boolean" && b !== "string"
+        }), V = T(function (a) {
+   = q + 0, a.innerHTML = "<a name='" + q + "'></a><div name='" + q + "'></div>", i.insertBefore(a, i.firstChild);
+            var b = h.getElementsByName && h.getElementsByName(q).length === 2 + h.getElementsByName(q + 0).length;
+            return g = !h.getElementById(q), i.removeChild(a), b
+        }), W = T(function (a) {
+            return a.appendChild(h.createComment("")), a.getElementsByTagName("*").length === 0
+        }), X = T(function (a) {
+            return a.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>", a.firstChild && typeof a.firstChild.getAttribute !== j && a.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#"
+        }), Y = T(function (a) {
+            return a.innerHTML = "<div class='hidden e'></div><div class='hidden'></div>", !a.getElementsByClassName || a.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ? !1 : (a.lastChild.className = "e", a.getElementsByClassName("e").length !== 1)
+        }), Z = function (a, b, c, d) {
+            c = c || [], b = b || h;
+            var e, f, g, i, j = b.nodeType;
+            if (j !== 1 && j !== 9)return[];
+            if (!a || typeof a != "string")return c;
+            g = ba(b);
+            if (!g && !d)if (e = F.exec(a))if (i = e[1]) {
+                if (j === 9) {
+                    f = b.getElementById(i);
+                    if (!f || !f.parentNode)return c;
+                    if ( === i)return c.push(f), c
+                } else if (b.ownerDocument && (f = b.ownerDocument.getElementById(i)) && bb(b, f) && === i)return c.push(f), c
+            } else {
+                if (e[2])return o.apply(c,, 0)), c;
+                if ((i = e[3]) && Y && b.getElementsByClassName)return o.apply(c,, 0)), c
+            }
+            return bm(a, b, c, d, g)
+        }, $ = Z.selectors = {cacheLength: 50, match: L, order: ["ID", "TAG"], attrHandle: {}, createPseudo: Q, find: {ID: g ? function (a, b, c) {
+            if (typeof b.getElementById !== j && !c) {
+                var d = b.getElementById(a);
+                return d && d.parentNode ? [d] : []
+            }
+        } : function (a, c, d) {
+            if (typeof c.getElementById !== j && !d) {
+                var e = c.getElementById(a);
+                return e ? === a || typeof e.getAttributeNode !== j && e.getAttributeNode("id").value === a ? [e] : b : []
+            }
+        }, TAG: W ? function (a, b) {
+            if (typeof b.getElementsByTagName !== j)return b.getElementsByTagName(a)
+        } : function (a, b) {
+            var c = b.getElementsByTagName(a);
+            if (a === "*") {
+                var d, e = [], f = 0;
+                for (; d = c[f]; f++)d.nodeType === 1 && e.push(d);
+                return e
+            }
+            return c
+        }}, relative: {">": {dir: "parentNode", first: !0}, " ": {dir: "parentNode"}, "+": {dir: "previousSibling", first: !0}, "~": {dir: "previousSibling"}}, preFilter: {ATTR: function (a) {
+            return a[1] = a[1].replace(K, ""), a[3] = (a[4] || a[5] || "").replace(K, ""), a[2] === "~=" && (a[3] = " " + a[3] + " "), a.slice(0, 4)
+        }, CHILD: function (a) {
+            return a[1] = a[1].toLowerCase(), a[1] === "nth" ? (a[2] || Z.error(a[0]), a[3] = +(a[3] ? a[4] + (a[5] || 1) : 2 * (a[2] === "even" || a[2] === "odd")), a[4] = +(a[6] + a[7] || a[2] === "odd")) : a[2] && Z.error(a[0]), a
+        }, PSEUDO: function (a) {
+            var b, c = a[4];
+            return L.CHILD.test(a[0]) ? null : (c && (b = D.exec(c)) && b.pop() && (a[0] = a[0].slice(0, b[0].length - c.length - 1), c = b[0].slice(0, -1)), a.splice(2, 3, c || a[3]), a)
+        }}, filter: {ID: g ? function (a) {
+            return a = a.replace(K, ""), function (b) {
+                return b.getAttribute("id") === a
+            }
+        } : function (a) {
+            return a = a.replace(K, ""), function (b) {
+                var c = typeof b.getAttributeNode !== j && b.getAttributeNode("id");
+                return c && c.value === a
+            }
+        }, TAG: function (a) {
+            return a === "*" ? function () {
+                return!0
+            } : (a = a.replace(K, "").toLowerCase(), function (b) {
+                return b.nodeName && b.nodeName.toLowerCase() === a
+            })
+        }, CLASS: function (a) {
+            var b = M[a];
+            return b || (b = M[a] = new RegExp("(^|" + r + ")" + a + "(" + r + "|$)"), N.push(a), N.length > $.cacheLength && delete M[N.shift()]), function (a) {
+                return b.test(a.className || typeof a.getAttribute !== j && a.getAttribute("class") || "")
+            }
+        }, ATTR: function (a, b, c) {
+            return b ? function (d) {
+                var e = Z.attr(d, a), f = e + "";
+                if (e == null)return b === "!=";
+                switch (b) {
+                    case"=":
+                        return f === c;
+                    case"!=":
+                        return f !== c;
+                    case"^=":
+                        return c && f.indexOf(c) === 0;
+                    case"*=":
+                        return c && f.indexOf(c) > -1;
+                    case"$=":
+                        return c && f.substr(f.length - c.length) === c;
+                    case"~=":
+                        return(" " + f + " ").indexOf(c) > -1;
+                    case"|=":
+                        return f === c || f.substr(0, c.length + 1) === c + "-"
+                }
+            } : function (b) {
+                return Z.attr(b, a) != null
+            }
+        }, CHILD: function (a, b, c, d) {
+            if (a === "nth") {
+                var e = m++;
+                return function (a) {
+                    var b, f, g = 0, h = a;
+                    if (c === 1 && d === 0)return!0;
+                    b = a.parentNode;
+                    if (b && (b[q] !== e || !a.sizset)) {
+                        for (h = b.firstChild; h; h = h.nextSibling)if (h.nodeType === 1) {
+                            h.sizset = ++g;
+                            if (h === a)break
+                        }
+                        b[q] = e
+                    }
+                    return f = a.sizset - d, c === 0 ? f === 0 : f % c === 0 && f / c >= 0
+                }
+            }
+            return function (b) {
+                var c = b;
+                switch (a) {
+                    case"only":
+                    case"first":
+                        while (c = c.previousSibling)if (c.nodeType === 1)return!1;
+                        if (a === "first")return!0;
+                        c = b;
+                    case"last":
+                        while (c = c.nextSibling)if (c.nodeType === 1)return!1;
+                        return!0
+                }
+            }
+        }, PSEUDO: function (a, b, c, d) {
+            var e = $.pseudos[a] || $.pseudos[a.toLowerCase()];
+            return e || Z.error("unsupported pseudo: " + a), e.sizzleFilter ? e(b, c, d) : e
+        }}, pseudos: {not: Q(function (a, b, c) {
+            var d = bl(a.replace(A, "$1"), b, c);
+            return function (a) {
+                return!d(a)
+            }
+        }), enabled: function (a) {
+            return a.disabled === !1
+        }, disabled: function (a) {
+            return a.disabled === !0
+        }, checked: function (a) {
+            var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+            return b === "input" && !!a.checked || b === "option" && !!a.selected
+        }, selected: function (a) {
+            return a.parentNode && a.parentNode.selectedIndex, a.selected === !0
+        }, parent: function (a) {
+            return!$.pseudos.empty(a)
+        }, empty: function (a) {
+            var b;
+            a = a.firstChild;
+            while (a) {
+                if (a.nodeName > "@" || (b = a.nodeType) === 3 || b === 4)return!1;
+                a = a.nextSibling
+            }
+            return!0
+        }, contains: Q(function (a) {
+            return function (b) {
+                return(b.textContent || b.innerText || bc(b)).indexOf(a) > -1
+            }
+        }), has: Q(function (a) {
+            return function (b) {
+                return Z(a, b).length > 0
+            }
+        }), header: function (a) {
+            return I.test(a.nodeName)
+        }, text: function (a) {
+            var b, c;
+            return a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && (b = a.type) === "text" && ((c = a.getAttribute("type")) == null || c.toLowerCase() === b)
+        }, radio: R("radio"), checkbox: R("checkbox"), file: R("file"), password: R("password"), image: R("image"), submit: S("submit"), reset: S("reset"), button: function (a) {
+            var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+            return b === "input" && a.type === "button" || b === "button"
+        }, input: function (a) {
+            return J.test(a.nodeName)
+        }, focus: function (a) {
+            var b = a.ownerDocument;
+            return a === b.activeElement && (!b.hasFocus || b.hasFocus()) && (!!a.type || !!a.href)
+        }, active: function (a) {
+            return a === a.ownerDocument.activeElement
+        }}, setFilters: {first: function (a, b, c) {
+            return c ? a.slice(1) : [a[0]]
+        }, last: function (a, b, c) {
+            var d = a.pop();
+            return c ? a : [d]
+        }, even: function (a, b, c) {
+            var d = [], e = c ? 1 : 0, f = a.length;
+            for (; e < f; e = e + 2)d.push(a[e]);
+            return d
+        }, odd: function (a, b, c) {
+            var d = [], e = c ? 0 : 1, f = a.length;
+            for (; e < f; e = e + 2)d.push(a[e]);
+            return d
+        }, lt: function (a, b, c) {
+            return c ? a.slice(+b) : a.slice(0, +b)
+        }, gt: function (a, b, c) {
+            return c ? a.slice(0, +b + 1) : a.slice(+b + 1)
+        }, eq: function (a, b, c) {
+            var d = a.splice(+b, 1);
+            return c ? a : d
+        }}};
+        $.setFilters.nth = $.setFilters.eq, $.filters = $.pseudos, X || ($.attrHandle = {href: function (a) {
+            return a.getAttribute("href", 2)
+        }, type: function (a) {
+            return a.getAttribute("type")
+        }}), V && ($.order.push("NAME"), $.find.NAME = function (a, b) {
+            if (typeof b.getElementsByName !== j)return b.getElementsByName(a)
+        }), Y && ($.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS"), $.find.CLASS = function (a, b, c) {
+            if (typeof b.getElementsByClassName !== j && !c)return b.getElementsByClassName(a)
+        });
+        try {
+  , 0)[0].nodeType
+        } catch (_) {
+            n = function (a) {
+                var b, c = [];
+                for (; b = this[a]; a++)c.push(b);
+                return c
+            }
+        }
+        var ba = Z.isXML = function (a) {
+            var b = a && (a.ownerDocument || a).documentElement;
+            return b ? b.nodeName !== "HTML" : !1
+        }, bb = Z.contains = i.compareDocumentPosition ? function (a, b) {
+            return!!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16)
+        } : i.contains ? function (a, b) {
+            var c = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a, d = b.parentNode;
+            return a === d || !!(d && d.nodeType === 1 && c.contains && c.contains(d))
+        } : function (a, b) {
+            while (b = b.parentNode)if (b === a)return!0;
+            return!1
+        }, bc = Z.getText = function (a) {
+            var b, c = "", d = 0, e = a.nodeType;
+            if (e) {
+                if (e === 1 || e === 9 || e === 11) {
+                    if (typeof a.textContent == "string")return a.textContent;
+                    for (a = a.firstChild; a; a = a.nextSibling)c += bc(a)
+                } else if (e === 3 || e === 4)return a.nodeValue
+            } else for (; b = a[d]; d++)c += bc(b);
+            return c
+        };
+        Z.attr = function (a, b) {
+            var c, d = ba(a);
+            return d || (b = b.toLowerCase()), $.attrHandle[b] ? $.attrHandle[b](a) : U || d ? a.getAttribute(b) : (c = a.getAttributeNode(b), c ? typeof a[b] == "boolean" ? a[b] ? b : null : c.specified ? c.value : null : null)
+        }, Z.error = function (a) {
+            throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + a)
+        }, [0, 0].sort(function () {
+            return l = 0
+        }), i.compareDocumentPosition ? e = function (a, b) {
+            return a === b ? (k = !0, 0) : (!a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ? a.compareDocumentPosition : a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4) ? -1 : 1
+        } : (e = function (a, b) {
+            if (a === b)return k = !0, 0;
+            if (a.sourceIndex && b.sourceIndex)return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
+            var c, d, e = [], g = [], h = a.parentNode, i = b.parentNode, j = h;
+            if (h === i)return f(a, b);
+            if (!h)return-1;
+            if (!i)return 1;
+            while (j)e.unshift(j), j = j.parentNode;
+            j = i;
+            while (j)g.unshift(j), j = j.parentNode;
+            c = e.length, d = g.length;
+            for (var l = 0; l < c && l < d; l++)if (e[l] !== g[l])return f(e[l], g[l]);
+            return l === c ? f(a, g[l], -1) : f(e[l], b, 1)
+        }, f = function (a, b, c) {
+            if (a === b)return c;
+            var d = a.nextSibling;
+            while (d) {
+                if (d === b)return-1;
+                d = d.nextSibling
+            }
+            return 1
+        }), Z.uniqueSort = function (a) {
+            var b, c = 1;
+            if (e) {
+                k = l, a.sort(e);
+                if (k)for (; b = a[c]; c++)b === a[c - 1] && a.splice(c--, 1)
+            }
+            return a
+        };
+        var bl = Z.compile = function (a, b, c) {
+            var d, e, f, g = O[a];
+            if (g && g.context === b)return g;
+            e = bg(a, b, c);
+            for (f = 0; d = e[f]; f++)e[f] = bj(d, b, c);
+            return g = O[a] = bk(e), g.context = b, g.runs = g.dirruns = 0, P.push(a), P.length > $.cacheLength && delete O[P.shift()], g
+        };
+        Z.matches = function (a, b) {
+            return Z(a, null, null, b)
+        }, Z.matchesSelector = function (a, b) {
+            return Z(b, null, null, [a]).length > 0
+        };
+        var bm = function (a, b, e, f, g) {
+            a = a.replace(A, "$1");
+            var h, i, j, k, l, m, p, q, r, s = a.match(C), t = a.match(E), u = b.nodeType;
+            if (L.POS.test(a))return bf(a, b, e, f, s);
+            if (f)h =, 0); else if (s && s.length === 1) {
+                if (t.length > 1 && u === 9 && !g && (s = L.ID.exec(t[0]))) {
+                    b = $.find.ID(s[1], b, g)[0];
+                    if (!b)return e;
+                    a = a.slice(t.shift().length)
+                }
+                q = (s = G.exec(t[0])) && !s.index && b.parentNode || b, r = t.pop(), m = r.split(":not")[0];
+                for (j = 0, k = $.order.length; j < k; j++) {
+                    p = $.order[j];
+                    if (s = L[p].exec(m)) {
+                        h = $.find[p]((s[1] || "").replace(K, ""), q, g);
+                        if (h == null)continue;
+                        m === r && (a = a.slice(0, a.length - r.length) + m.replace(L[p], ""), a || o.apply(e,, 0)));
+                        break
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (a) {
+                i = bl(a, b, g), d = i.dirruns++, h == null && (h = $.find.TAG("*", G.test(a) && b.parentNode || b));
+                for (j = 0; l = h[j]; j++)c = i.runs++, i(l, b) && e.push(l)
+            }
+            return e
+        };
+        h.querySelectorAll && function () {
+            var a, b = bm, c = /'|\\/g, d = /\=[\x20\t\r\n\f]*([^'"\]]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\]/g, e = [], f = [":active"], g = i.matchesSelector || i.mozMatchesSelector || i.webkitMatchesSelector || i.oMatchesSelector || i.msMatchesSelector;
+            T(function (a) {
+                a.innerHTML = "<select><option selected></option></select>", a.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length || e.push("\\[" + r + "*(?:checked|disabled|ismap|multiple|readonly|selected|value)"), a.querySelectorAll(":checked").length || e.push(":checked")
+            }), T(function (a) {
+                a.innerHTML = "<p test=''></p>", a.querySelectorAll("[test^='']").length && e.push("[*^$]=" + r + "*(?:\"\"|'')"), a.innerHTML = "<input type='hidden'>", a.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length || e.push(":enabled", ":disabled")
+            }), e = e.length && new RegExp(e.join("|")), bm = function (a, d, f, g, h) {
+                if (!g && !h && (!e || !e.test(a)))if (d.nodeType === 9)try {
+                    return o.apply(f,, 0)), f
+                } catch (i) {
+                } else if (d.nodeType === 1 && d.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object") {
+                    var j = d.getAttribute("id"), k = j || q, l = G.test(a) && d.parentNode || d;
+                    j ? k = k.replace(c, "\\$&") : d.setAttribute("id", k);
+                    try {
+                        return o.apply(f,, "[id='" + k + "'] $&")), 0)), f
+                    } catch (i) {
+                    } finally {
+                        j || d.removeAttribute("id")
+                    }
+                }
+                return b(a, d, f, g, h)
+            }, g && (T(function (b) {
+                a =, "div");
+                try {
+          , "[test!='']:sizzle"), f.push($.match.PSEUDO)
+                } catch (c) {
+                }
+            }), f = new RegExp(f.join("|")), Z.matchesSelector = function (b, c) {
+                c = c.replace(d, "='$1']");
+                if (!ba(b) && !f.test(c) && (!e || !e.test(c)))try {
+                    var h =, c);
+                    if (h || a || b.document && b.document.nodeType !== 11)return h
+                } catch (i) {
+                }
+                return Z(c, null, null, [b]).length > 0
+            })
+        }(), Z.attr = p.attr, p.find = Z, p.expr = Z.selectors, p.expr[":"] = p.expr.pseudos, p.unique = Z.uniqueSort, p.text = Z.getText, p.isXMLDoc = Z.isXML, p.contains = Z.contains
+    }(a);
+    var bc = /Until$/, bd = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/, be = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/, bf = p.expr.match.needsContext, bg = {children: !0, contents: !0, next: !0, prev: !0};
+    p.fn.extend({find: function (a) {
+        var b, c, d, e, f, g, h = this;
+        if (typeof a != "string")return p(a).filter(function () {
+            for (b = 0, c = h.length; b < c; b++)if (p.contains(h[b], this))return!0
+        });
+        g = this.pushStack("", "find", a);
+        for (b = 0, c = this.length; b < c; b++) {
+            d = g.length, p.find(a, this[b], g);
+            if (b > 0)for (e = d; e < g.length; e++)for (f = 0; f < d; f++)if (g[f] === g[e]) {
+                g.splice(e--, 1);
+                break
+            }
+        }
+        return g
+    }, has: function (a) {
+        var b, c = p(a, this), d = c.length;
+        return this.filter(function () {
+            for (b = 0; b < d; b++)if (p.contains(this, c[b]))return!0
+        })
+    }, not: function (a) {
+        return this.pushStack(bj(this, a, !1), "not", a)
+    }, filter: function (a) {
+        return this.pushStack(bj(this, a, !0), "filter", a)
+    }, is: function (a) {
+        return!!a && (typeof a == "string" ? bf.test(a) ? p(a, this.context).index(this[0]) >= 0 : p.filter(a, this).length > 0 : this.filter(a).length > 0)
+    }, closest: function (a, b) {
+        var c, d = 0, e = this.length, f = [], g = bf.test(a) || typeof a != "string" ? p(a, b || this.context) : 0;
+        for (; d < e; d++) {
+            c = this[d];
+            while (c && c.ownerDocument && c !== b && c.nodeType !== 11) {
+                if (g ? g.index(c) > -1 : p.find.matchesSelector(c, a)) {
+                    f.push(c);
+                    break
+                }
+                c = c.parentNode
+            }
+        }
+        return f = f.length > 1 ? p.unique(f) : f, this.pushStack(f, "closest", a)
+    }, index: function (a) {
+        return a ? typeof a == "string" ? p.inArray(this[0], p(a)) : p.inArray(a.jquery ? a[0] : a, this) : this[0] && this[0].parentNode ? this.prevAll().length : -1
+    }, add: function (a, b) {
+        var c = typeof a == "string" ? p(a, b) : p.makeArray(a && a.nodeType ? [a] : a), d = p.merge(this.get(), c);
+        return this.pushStack(bh(c[0]) || bh(d[0]) ? d : p.unique(d))
+    }, addBack: function (a) {
+        return this.add(a == null ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(a))
+    }}), p.fn.andSelf = p.fn.addBack, p.each({parent: function (a) {
+        var b = a.parentNode;
+        return b && b.nodeType !== 11 ? b : null
+    }, parents: function (a) {
+        return p.dir(a, "parentNode")
+    }, parentsUntil: function (a, b, c) {
+        return p.dir(a, "parentNode", c)
+    }, next: function (a) {
+        return bi(a, "nextSibling")
+    }, prev: function (a) {
+        return bi(a, "previousSibling")
+    }, nextAll: function (a) {
+        return p.dir(a, "nextSibling")
+    }, prevAll: function (a) {
+        return p.dir(a, "previousSibling")
+    }, nextUntil: function (a, b, c) {
+        return p.dir(a, "nextSibling", c)
+    }, prevUntil: function (a, b, c) {
+        return p.dir(a, "previousSibling", c)
+    }, siblings: function (a) {
+        return p.sibling((a.parentNode || {}).firstChild, a)
+    }, children: function (a) {
+        return p.sibling(a.firstChild)
+    }, contents: function (a) {
+        return p.nodeName(a, "iframe") ? a.contentDocument || a.contentWindow.document : p.merge([], a.childNodes)
+    }}, function (a, b) {
+        p.fn[a] = function (c, d) {
+            var e =, b, c);
+            return bc.test(a) || (d = c), d && typeof d == "string" && (e = p.filter(d, e)), e = this.length > 1 && !bg[a] ? p.unique(e) : e, this.length > 1 && bd.test(a) && (e = e.reverse()), this.pushStack(e, a,","))
+        }
+    }), p.extend({filter: function (a, b, c) {
+        return c && (a = ":not(" + a + ")"), b.length === 1 ? p.find.matchesSelector(b[0], a) ? [b[0]] : [] : p.find.matches(a, b)
+    }, dir: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e = [], f = a[c];
+        while (f && f.nodeType !== 9 && (d === b || f.nodeType !== 1 || !p(f).is(d)))f.nodeType === 1 && e.push(f), f = f[c];
+        return e
+    }, sibling: function (a, b) {
+        var c = [];
+        for (; a; a = a.nextSibling)a.nodeType === 1 && a !== b && c.push(a);
+        return c
+    }});
+    var bl = "abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video", bm = / jQuery\d+="(?:null|\d+)"/g, bn = /^\s+/, bo = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi, bp = /<([\w:]+)/, bq = /<tbody/i, br = /<|&#?\w+;/, bs = /<(?:script|style|link)/i, bt = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i, bu = new RegExp("<(?:" + bl + ")[\\s/>]", "i"), bv = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/, bw = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i, bx = /\/(java|ecma)script/i, by = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|\-\-)|[\]\-]{2}>\s*$/g, bz = {option: [1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>"], legend: [1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>"], thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"], tr: [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"], td: [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"], col: [2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"], area: [1, "<map>", "</map>"], _default: [0, "", ""]}, bA = bk(e), bB = bA.appendChild(e.createElement("div"));
+    bz.optgroup = bz.option, bz.tbody = bz.tfoot = bz.colgroup = bz.caption = bz.thead, =, || (bz._default = [1, "X<div>", "</div>"]), p.fn.extend({text: function (a) {
+        return p.access(this, function (a) {
+            return a === b ? p.text(this) : this.empty().append((this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || e).createTextNode(a))
+        }, null, a, arguments.length)
+    }, wrapAll: function (a) {
+        if (p.isFunction(a))return this.each(function (b) {
+            p(this).wrapAll(, b))
+        });
+        if (this[0]) {
+            var b = p(a, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(!0);
+            this[0].parentNode && b.insertBefore(this[0]), () {
+                var a = this;
+                while (a.firstChild && a.firstChild.nodeType === 1)a = a.firstChild;
+                return a
+            }).append(this)
+        }
+        return this
+    }, wrapInner: function (a) {
+        return p.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function (b) {
+            p(this).wrapInner(, b))
+        }) : this.each(function () {
+            var b = p(this), c = b.contents();
+            c.length ? c.wrapAll(a) : b.append(a)
+        })
+    }, wrap: function (a) {
+        var b = p.isFunction(a);
+        return this.each(function (c) {
+            p(this).wrapAll(b ?, c) : a)
+        })
+    }, unwrap: function () {
+        return this.parent().each(function () {
+            p.nodeName(this, "body") || p(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes)
+        }).end()
+    }, append: function () {
+        return this.domManip(arguments, !0, function (a) {
+            (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11) && this.appendChild(a)
+        })
+    }, prepend: function () {
+        return this.domManip(arguments, !0, function (a) {
+            (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11) && this.insertBefore(a, this.firstChild)
+        })
+    }, before: function () {
+        if (!bh(this[0]))return this.domManip(arguments, !1, function (a) {
+            this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this)
+        });
+        if (arguments.length) {
+            var a = p.clean(arguments);
+            return this.pushStack(p.merge(a, this), "before", this.selector)
+        }
+    }, after: function () {
+        if (!bh(this[0]))return this.domManip(arguments, !1, function (a) {
+            this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this.nextSibling)
+        });
+        if (arguments.length) {
+            var a = p.clean(arguments);
+            return this.pushStack(p.merge(this, a), "after", this.selector)
+        }
+    }, remove: function (a, b) {
+        var c, d = 0;
+        for (; (c = this[d]) != null; d++)if (!a || p.filter(a, [c]).length)!b && c.nodeType === 1 && (p.cleanData(c.getElementsByTagName("*")), p.cleanData([c])), c.parentNode && c.parentNode.removeChild(c);
+        return this
+    }, empty: function () {
+        var a, b = 0;
+        for (; (a = this[b]) != null; b++) {
+            a.nodeType === 1 && p.cleanData(a.getElementsByTagName("*"));
+            while (a.firstChild)a.removeChild(a.firstChild)
+        }
+        return this
+    }, clone: function (a, b) {
+        return a = a == null ? !1 : a, b = b == null ? a : b, () {
+            return p.clone(this, a, b)
+        })
+    }, html: function (a) {
+        return p.access(this, function (a) {
+            var c = this[0] || {}, d = 0, e = this.length;
+            if (a === b)return c.nodeType === 1 ? c.innerHTML.replace(bm, "") : b;
+            if (typeof a == "string" && !bs.test(a) && ( || !bu.test(a)) && ( || !bn.test(a)) && !bz[(bp.exec(a) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]) {
+                a = a.replace(bo, "<$1></$2>");
+                try {
+                    for (; d < e; d++)c = this[d] || {}, c.nodeType === 1 && (p.cleanData(c.getElementsByTagName("*")), c.innerHTML = a);
+                    c = 0
+                } catch (f) {
+                }
+            }
+            c && this.empty().append(a)
+        }, null, a, arguments.length)
+    }, replaceWith: function (a) {
+        return bh(this[0]) ? this.length ? this.pushStack(p(p.isFunction(a) ? a() : a), "replaceWith", a) : this : p.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function (b) {
+            var c = p(this), d = c.html();
+            c.replaceWith(, b, d))
+        }) : (typeof a != "string" && (a = p(a).detach()), this.each(function () {
+            var b = this.nextSibling, c = this.parentNode;
+            p(this).remove(), b ? p(b).before(a) : p(c).append(a)
+        }))
+    }, detach: function (a) {
+        return this.remove(a, !0)
+    }, domManip: function (a, c, d) {
+        a = [].concat.apply([], a);
+        var e, f, g, h, i = 0, j = a[0], k = [], l = this.length;
+        if (! && l > 1 && typeof j == "string" && bw.test(j))return this.each(function () {
+            p(this).domManip(a, c, d)
+        });
+        if (p.isFunction(j))return this.each(function (e) {
+            var f = p(this);
+            a[0] =, e, c ? f.html() : b), f.domManip(a, c, d)
+        });
+        if (this[0]) {
+            e = p.buildFragment(a, this, k), g = e.fragment, f = g.firstChild, g.childNodes.length === 1 && (g = f);
+            if (f) {
+                c = c && p.nodeName(f, "tr");
+                for (h = e.cacheable || l - 1; i < l; i++) && p.nodeName(this[i], "table") ? bC(this[i], "tbody") : this[i], i === h ? g : p.clone(g, !0, !0))
+            }
+            g = f = null, k.length && p.each(k, function (a, b) {
+                b.src ? p.ajax ? p.ajax({url: b.src, type: "GET", dataType: "script", async: !1, global: !1, "throws": !0}) : p.error("no ajax") : p.globalEval((b.text || b.textContent || b.innerHTML || "").replace(by, "")), b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b)
+            })
+        }
+        return this
+    }}), p.buildFragment = function (a, c, d) {
+        var f, g, h, i = a[0];
+        return c = c || e, c = (c[0] || c).ownerDocument || c[0] || c, typeof c.createDocumentFragment == "undefined" && (c = e), a.length === 1 && typeof i == "string" && i.length < 512 && c === e && i.charAt(0) === "<" && !bt.test(i) && ( || !bw.test(i)) && ( || !bu.test(i)) && (g = !0, f = p.fragments[i], h = f !== b), f || (f = c.createDocumentFragment(), p.clean(a, c, f, d), g && (p.fragments[i] = h && f)), {fragment: f, cacheable: g}
+    }, p.fragments = {}, p.each({appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith"}, function (a, b) {
+        p.fn[a] = function (c) {
+            var d, e = 0, f = [], g = p(c), h = g.length, i = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode;
+            if ((i == null || i && i.nodeType === 11 && i.childNodes.length === 1) && h === 1)return g[b](this[0]), this;
+            for (; e < h; e++)d = (e > 0 ? this.clone(!0) : this).get(), p(g[e])[b](d), f = f.concat(d);
+            return this.pushStack(f, a, g.selector)
+        }
+    }), p.extend({clone: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d, e, f, g;
+ || p.isXMLDoc(a) || !bu.test("<" + a.nodeName + ">") ? g = a.cloneNode(!0) : (bB.innerHTML = a.outerHTML, bB.removeChild(g = bB.firstChild));
+        if ((! || ! && (a.nodeType === 1 || a.nodeType === 11) && !p.isXMLDoc(a)) {
+            bE(a, g), d = bF(a), e = bF(g);
+            for (f = 0; d[f]; ++f)e[f] && bE(d[f], e[f])
+        }
+        if (b) {
+            bD(a, g);
+            if (c) {
+                d = bF(a), e = bF(g);
+                for (f = 0; d[f]; ++f)bD(d[f], e[f])
+            }
+        }
+        return d = e = null, g
+    }, clean: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r, s = 0, t = [];
+        if (!b || typeof b.createDocumentFragment == "undefined")b = e;
+        for (g = b === e && bA; (h = a[s]) != null; s++) {
+            typeof h == "number" && (h += "");
+            if (!h)continue;
+            if (typeof h == "string")if (!br.test(h))h = b.createTextNode(h); else {
+                g = g || bk(b), l = l || g.appendChild(b.createElement("div")), h = h.replace(bo, "<$1></$2>"), i = (bp.exec(h) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), j = bz[i] || bz._default, k = j[0], l.innerHTML = j[1] + h + j[2];
+                while (k--)l = l.lastChild;
+                if (! {
+                    m = bq.test(h), n = i === "table" && !m ? l.firstChild && l.firstChild.childNodes : j[1] === "<table>" && !m ? l.childNodes : [];
+                    for (f = n.length - 1; f >= 0; --f)p.nodeName(n[f], "tbody") && !n[f].childNodes.length && n[f].parentNode.removeChild(n[f])
+                }
+                ! && bn.test(h) && l.insertBefore(b.createTextNode(bn.exec(h)[0]), l.firstChild), h = l.childNodes, l = g.lastChild
+            }
+            h.nodeType ? t.push(h) : t = p.merge(t, h)
+        }
+        l && (g.removeChild(l), h = l = g = null);
+        if (! (s = 0; (h = t[s]) != null; s++)p.nodeName(h, "input") ? bG(h) : typeof h.getElementsByTagName != "undefined" && p.grep(h.getElementsByTagName("input"), bG);
+        if (c) {
+            q = function (a) {
+                if (!a.type || bx.test(a.type))return d ? d.push(a.parentNode ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : a) : c.appendChild(a)
+            };
+            for (s = 0; (h = t[s]) != null; s++)if (!p.nodeName(h, "script") || !q(h))c.appendChild(h), typeof h.getElementsByTagName != "undefined" && (r = p.grep(p.merge([], h.getElementsByTagName("script")), q), t.splice.apply(t, [s + 1, 0].concat(r)), s += r.length)
+        }
+        return t
+    }, cleanData: function (a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g = 0, h = p.expando, i = p.cache, j =, k = p.event.special;
+        for (; (e = a[g]) != null; g++)if (b || p.acceptData(e)) {
+            d = e[h], c = d && i[d];
+            if (c) {
+                if ( (f in[f] ? p.event.remove(e, f) : p.removeEvent(e, f, c.handle);
+                i[d] && (delete i[d], j ? delete e[h] : e.removeAttribute ? e.removeAttribute(h) : e[h] = null, p.deletedIds.push(d))
+            }
+        }
+    }}), function () {
+        var a, b;
+        p.uaMatch = function (a) {
+            a = a.toLowerCase();
+            var b = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || a.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(a) || [];
+            return{browser: b[1] || "", version: b[2] || "0"}
+        }, a = p.uaMatch(g.userAgent), b = {}, a.browser && (b[a.browser] = !0, b.version = a.version), b.webkit && (b.safari = !0), p.browser = b, p.sub = function () {
+            function a(b, c) {
+                return new a.fn.init(b, c)
+            }
+            p.extend(!0, a, this), a.superclass = this, a.fn = a.prototype = this(), a.fn.constructor = a, a.sub = this.sub, a.fn.init = function c(c, d) {
+                return d && d instanceof p && !(d instanceof a) && (d = a(d)),, c, d, b)
+            }, a.fn.init.prototype = a.fn;
+            var b = a(e);
+            return a
+        }
+    }();
+    var bH, bI, bJ, bK = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i, bL = /opacity=([^)]*)/, bM = /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/, bN = /^margin/, bO = new RegExp("^(" + q + ")(.*)$", "i"), bP = new RegExp("^(" + q + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i"), bQ = new RegExp("^([-+])=(" + q + ")", "i"), bR = {}, bS = {position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block"}, bT = {letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: 400, lineHeight: 1}, bU = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], bV = ["Webkit", "O", "Moz", "ms"], bW = p.fn.toggle;
+    p.fn.extend({css: function (a, c) {
+        return p.access(this, function (a, c, d) {
+            return d !== b ?, c, d) : p.css(a, c)
+        }, a, c, arguments.length > 1)
+    }, show: function () {
+        return bZ(this, !0)
+    }, hide: function () {
+        return bZ(this)
+    }, toggle: function (a, b) {
+        var c = typeof a == "boolean";
+        return p.isFunction(a) && p.isFunction(b) ? bW.apply(this, arguments) : this.each(function () {
+            (c ? a : bY(this)) ? p(this).show() : p(this).hide()
+        })
+    }}), p.extend({cssHooks: {opacity: {get: function (a, b) {
+        if (b) {
+            var c = bH(a, "opacity");
+            return c === "" ? "1" : c
+        }
+    }}}, cssNumber: {fillOpacity: !0, fontWeight: !0, lineHeight: !0, opacity: !0, orphans: !0, widows: !0, zIndex: !0, zoom: !0}, cssProps: {"float": ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"}, style: function (a, c, d, e) {
+        if (!a || a.nodeType === 3 || a.nodeType === 8 || !;
+        var f, g, h, i = p.camelCase(c), j =;
+        c = p.cssProps[i] || (p.cssProps[i] = bX(j, i)), h = p.cssHooks[c] || p.cssHooks[i];
+        if (d === b)return h && "get"in h && (f = h.get(a, !1, e)) !== b ? f : j[c];
+        g = typeof d, g === "string" && (f = bQ.exec(d)) && (d = (f[1] + 1) * f[2] + parseFloat(p.css(a, c)), g = "number");
+        if (d == null || g === "number" && isNaN(d))return;
+        g === "number" && !p.cssNumber[i] && (d += "px");
+        if (!h || !("set"in h) || (d = h.set(a, d, e)) !== b)try {
+            j[c] = d
+        } catch (k) {
+        }
+    }, css: function (a, c, d, e) {
+        var f, g, h, i = p.camelCase(c);
+        return c = p.cssProps[i] || (p.cssProps[i] = bX(, i)), h = p.cssHooks[c] || p.cssHooks[i], h && "get"in h && (f = h.get(a, !0, e)), f === b && (f = bH(a, c)), f === "normal" && c in bT && (f = bT[c]), d || e !== b ? (g = parseFloat(f), d || p.isNumeric(g) ? g || 0 : f) : f
+    }, swap: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d, e, f = {};
+        for (e in b)f[e] =[e],[e] = b[e];
+        d =;
+        for (e in b)[e] = f[e];
+        return d
+    }}), a.getComputedStyle ? bH = function (a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g = getComputedStyle(a, null), h =;
+        return g && (c = g[b], c === "" && !p.contains(a.ownerDocument.documentElement, a) && (c =, b)), bP.test(c) && bN.test(b) && (d = h.width, e = h.minWidth, f = h.maxWidth, h.minWidth = h.maxWidth = h.width = c, c = g.width, h.width = d, h.minWidth = e, h.maxWidth = f)), c
+    } : e.documentElement.currentStyle && (bH = function (a, b) {
+        var c, d, e = a.currentStyle && a.currentStyle[b], f =;
+        return e == null && f && f[b] && (e = f[b]), bP.test(e) && !bM.test(b) && (c = f.left, d = a.runtimeStyle && a.runtimeStyle.left, d && (a.runtimeStyle.left = a.currentStyle.left), f.left = b === "fontSize" ? "1em" : e, e = f.pixelLeft + "px", f.left = c, d && (a.runtimeStyle.left = d)), e === "" ? "auto" : e
+    }), p.each(["height", "width"], function (a, b) {
+        p.cssHooks[b] = {get: function (a, c, d) {
+            if (c)return a.offsetWidth !== 0 || bH(a, "display") !== "none" ? ca(a, b, d) : p.swap(a, bS, function () {
+                return ca(a, b, d)
+            })
+        }, set: function (a, c, d) {
+            return b$(a, c, d ? b_(a, b, d, && p.css(a, "boxSizing") === "border-box") : 0)
+        }}
+    }), || (p.cssHooks.opacity = {get: function (a, b) {
+        return bL.test((b && a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle.filter : || "") ? .01 * parseFloat(RegExp.$1) + "" : b ? "1" : ""
+    }, set: function (a, b) {
+        var c =, d = a.currentStyle, e = p.isNumeric(b) ? "alpha(opacity=" + b * 100 + ")" : "", f = d && d.filter || c.filter || "";
+        c.zoom = 1;
+        if (b >= 1 && p.trim(f.replace(bK, "")) === "" && c.removeAttribute) {
+            c.removeAttribute("filter");
+            if (d && !d.filter)return
+        }
+        c.filter = bK.test(f) ? f.replace(bK, e) : f + " " + e
+    }}), p(function () {
+ || (p.cssHooks.marginRight = {get: function (a, b) {
+            return p.swap(a, {display: "inline-block"}, function () {
+                if (b)return bH(a, "marginRight")
+            })
+        }}), ! && p.fn.position && p.each(["top", "left"], function (a, b) {
+            p.cssHooks[b] = {get: function (a, c) {
+                if (c) {
+                    var d = bH(a, b);
+                    return bP.test(d) ? p(a).position()[b] + "px" : d
+                }
+            }}
+        })
+    }), p.expr && p.expr.filters && (p.expr.filters.hidden = function (a) {
+        return a.offsetWidth === 0 && a.offsetHeight === 0 || ! && ( && || bH(a, "display")) === "none"
+    }, p.expr.filters.visible = function (a) {
+        return!p.expr.filters.hidden(a)
+    }), p.each({margin: "", padding: "", border: "Width"}, function (a, b) {
+        p.cssHooks[a + b] = {expand: function (c) {
+            var d, e = typeof c == "string" ? c.split(" ") : [c], f = {};
+            for (d = 0; d < 4; d++)f[a + bU[d] + b] = e[d] || e[d - 2] || e[0];
+            return f
+        }}, bN.test(a) || (p.cssHooks[a + b].set = b$)
+    });
+    var cc = /%20/g, cd = /\[\]$/, ce = /\r?\n/g, cf = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i, cg = /^(?:select|textarea)/i;
+    p.fn.extend({serialize: function () {
+        return p.param(this.serializeArray())
+    }, serializeArray: function () {
+        return () {
+            return this.elements ? p.makeArray(this.elements) : this
+        }).filter(function () {
+            return && !this.disabled && (this.checked || cg.test(this.nodeName) || cf.test(this.type))
+        }).map(function (a, b) {
+            var c = p(this).val();
+            return c == null ? null : p.isArray(c) ?, function (a, c) {
+                return{name:, value: a.replace(ce, "\r\n")}
+            }) : {name:, value: c.replace(ce, "\r\n")}
+        }).get()
+    }}), p.param = function (a, c) {
+        var d, e = [], f = function (a, b) {
+            b = p.isFunction(b) ? b() : b == null ? "" : b, e[e.length] = encodeURIComponent(a) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b)
+        };
+        c === b && (c = p.ajaxSettings && p.ajaxSettings.traditional);
+        if (p.isArray(a) || a.jquery && !p.isPlainObject(a))p.each(a, function () {
+            f(, this.value)
+        }); else for (d in a)ch(d, a[d], c, f);
+        return e.join("&").replace(cc, "+")
+    };
+    var ci, cj, ck = /#.*$/, cl = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, cm = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|res|widget):$/, cn = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, co = /^\/\//, cp = /\?/, cq = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, cr = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, cs = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/, ct = p.fn.load, cu = {}, cv = {}, cw = ["*/"] + ["*"];
+    try {
+        ci = f.href
+    } catch (cx) {
+        ci = e.createElement("a"), ci.href = "", ci = ci.href
+    }
+    cj = cs.exec(ci.toLowerCase()) || [], p.fn.load = function (a, c, d) {
+        if (typeof a != "string" && ct)return ct.apply(this, arguments);
+        if (!this.length)return this;
+        var e, f, g, h = this, i = a.indexOf(" ");
+        return i >= 0 && (e = a.slice(i, a.length), a = a.slice(0, i)), p.isFunction(c) ? (d = c, c = b) : typeof c == "object" && (f = "POST"), p.ajax({url: a, type: f, dataType: "html", data: c, complete: function (a, b) {
+            d && h.each(d, g || [a.responseText, b, a])
+        }}).done(function (a) {
+            g = arguments, h.html(e ? p("<div>").append(a.replace(cq, "")).find(e) : a)
+        }), this
+    }, p.each("ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "), function (a, b) {
+        p.fn[b] = function (a) {
+            return this.on(b, a)
+        }
+    }), p.each(["get", "post"], function (a, c) {
+        p[c] = function (a, d, e, f) {
+            return p.isFunction(d) && (f = f || e, e = d, d = b), p.ajax({type: c, url: a, data: d, success: e, dataType: f})
+        }
+    }), p.extend({getScript: function (a, c) {
+        return p.get(a, b, c, "script")
+    }, getJSON: function (a, b, c) {
+        return p.get(a, b, c, "json")
+    }, ajaxSetup: function (a, b) {
+        return b ? cA(a, p.ajaxSettings) : (b = a, a = p.ajaxSettings), cA(a, b), a
+    }, ajaxSettings: {url: ci, isLocal: cm.test(cj[1]), global: !0, type: "GET", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", processData: !0, async: !0, accepts: {xml: "application/xml, text/xml", html: "text/html", text: "text/plain", json: "application/json, text/javascript", "*": cw}, contents: {xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/}, responseFields: {xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText"}, converters: {"* text": a.String, "text html": !0, "text json": p.parseJSON, "text xml": p.parseXML}, flatOptions: {context: !0, url: !0}}, ajaxPrefilter: cy(cu), ajaxTransport: cy(cv), ajax: function (a, c) {
+        function y(a, c, f, i) {
+            var k, s, t, u, w, y = c;
+            if (v === 2)return;
+            v = 2, h && clearTimeout(h), g = b, e = i || "", x.readyState = a > 0 ? 4 : 0, f && (u = cB(l, x, f));
+            if (a >= 200 && a < 300 || a === 304)l.ifModified && (w = x.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"), w && (p.lastModified[d] = w), w = x.getResponseHeader("Etag"), w && (p.etag[d] = w)), a === 304 ? (y = "notmodified", k = !0) : (k = cC(l, u), y = k.state, s =, t = k.error, k = !t); else {
+                t = y;
+                if (!y || a)y = "error", a < 0 && (a = 0)
+            }
+            x.status = a, x.statusText = "" + (c || y), k ? o.resolveWith(m, [s, y, x]) : o.rejectWith(m, [x, y, t]), x.statusCode(r), r = b, j && n.trigger("ajax" + (k ? "Success" : "Error"), [x, l, k ? s : t]), q.fireWith(m, [x, y]), j && (n.trigger("ajaxComplete", [x, l]), || p.event.trigger("ajaxStop"))
+        }
+        typeof a == "object" && (c = a, a = b), c = c || {};
+        var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l = p.ajaxSetup({}, c), m = l.context || l, n = m !== l && (m.nodeType || m instanceof p) ? p(m) : p.event, o = p.Deferred(), q = p.Callbacks("once memory"), r = l.statusCode || {}, t = {}, u = {}, v = 0, w = "canceled", x = {readyState: 0, setRequestHeader: function (a, b) {
+            if (!v) {
+                var c = a.toLowerCase();
+                a = u[c] = u[c] || a, t[a] = b
+            }
+            return this
+        }, getAllResponseHeaders: function () {
+            return v === 2 ? e : null
+        }, getResponseHeader: function (a) {
+            var c;
+            if (v === 2) {
+                if (!f) {
+                    f = {};
+                    while (c = cl.exec(e))f[c[1].toLowerCase()] = c[2]
+                }
+                c = f[a.toLowerCase()]
+            }
+            return c === b ? null : c
+        }, overrideMimeType: function (a) {
+            return v || (l.mimeType = a), this
+        }, abort: function (a) {
+            return a = a || w, g && g.abort(a), y(0, a), this
+        }};
+        o.promise(x), x.success = x.done, x.error =, x.complete = q.add, x.statusCode = function (a) {
+            if (a) {
+                var b;
+                if (v < 2)for (b in a)r[b] = [r[b], a[b]]; else b = a[x.status], x.always(b)
+            }
+            return this
+        }, l.url = ((a || l.url) + "").replace(ck, "").replace(co, cj[1] + "//"), l.dataTypes = p.trim(l.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().split(s), l.crossDomain == null && (i = cs.exec(l.url.toLowerCase()), l.crossDomain = !(!i || i[1] == cj[1] && i[2] == cj[2] && (i[3] || (i[1] === "http:" ? 80 : 443)) == (cj[3] || (cj[1] === "http:" ? 80 : 443)))), && l.processData && typeof != "string" && ( = p.param(, l.traditional)), cz(cu, l, c, x);
+        if (v === 2)return x;
+        j =, l.type = l.type.toUpperCase(), l.hasContent = !cn.test(l.type), j && === 0 && p.event.trigger("ajaxStart");
+        if (!l.hasContent) {
+   && (l.url += (cp.test(l.url) ? "&" : "?") +, delete, d = l.url;
+            if (l.cache === !1) {
+                var z =, A = l.url.replace(cr, "$1_=" + z);
+                l.url = A + (A === l.url ? (cp.test(l.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + z : "")
+            }
+        }
+        ( && l.hasContent && l.contentType !== !1 || c.contentType) && x.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", l.contentType), l.ifModified && (d = d || l.url, p.lastModified[d] && x.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", p.lastModified[d]), p.etag[d] && x.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", p.etag[d])), x.setRequestHeader("Accept", l.dataTypes[0] && l.accepts[l.dataTypes[0]] ? l.accepts[l.dataTypes[0]] + (l.dataTypes[0] !== "*" ? ", " + cw + "; q=0.01" : "") : l.accepts["*"]);
+        for (k in l.headers)x.setRequestHeader(k, l.headers[k]);
+        if (!l.beforeSend ||, x, l) !== !1 && v !== 2) {
+            w = "abort";
+            for (k in{success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1})x[k](l[k]);
+            g = cz(cv, l, c, x);
+            if (!g)y(-1, "No Transport"); else {
+                x.readyState = 1, j && n.trigger("ajaxSend", [x, l]), l.async && l.timeout > 0 && (h = setTimeout(function () {
+                    x.abort("timeout")
+                }, l.timeout));
+                try {
+                    v = 1, g.send(t, y)
+                } catch (B) {
+                    if (v < 2)y(-1, B); else throw B
+                }
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+            return x
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+        return x.abort()
+    }, active: 0, lastModified: {}, etag: {}});
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+    p.ajaxSetup({jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback: function () {
+        var a = cD.pop() || p.expando + "_" + cG++;
+        return this[a] = !0, a
+    }}), p.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function (c, d, e) {
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+        if (c.dataTypes[0] === "jsonp" || l || m)return f = c.jsonpCallback = p.isFunction(c.jsonpCallback) ? c.jsonpCallback() : c.jsonpCallback, g = a[f], l ? c.url = j.replace(cF, "$1" + f) : m ? = i.replace(cF, "$1" + f) : k && (c.url += (cE.test(j) ? "&" : "?") + c.jsonp + "=" + f), c.converters["script json"] = function () {
+            return h || p.error(f + " was not called"), h[0]
+        }, c.dataTypes[0] = "json", a[f] = function () {
+            h = arguments
+        }, e.always(function () {
+            a[f] = g, c[f] && (c.jsonpCallback = d.jsonpCallback, cD.push(f)), h && p.isFunction(g) && g(h[0]), h = g = b
+        }), "script"
+    }), p.ajaxSetup({accepts: {script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"}, contents: {script: /javascript|ecmascript/}, converters: {"text script": function (a) {
+        return p.globalEval(a), a
+    }}}), p.ajaxPrefilter("script", function (a) {
+        a.cache === b && (a.cache = !1), a.crossDomain && (a.type = "GET", = !1)
+    }), p.ajaxTransport("script", function (a) {
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+                }, d.insertBefore(c, d.firstChild)
+            }, abort: function () {
+                c && c.onload(0, 1)
+            }}
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+        for (var a in cH)cH[a](0, 1)
+    } : !1, cJ = 0;
+    p.ajaxSettings.xhr = a.ActiveXObject ? function () {
+        return!this.isLocal && cK() || cL()
+    } : cK, function (a) {
+        p.extend(, {ajax: !!a, cors: !!a && "withCredentials"in a})
+    }(p.ajaxSettings.xhr()), && p.ajaxTransport(function (c) {
+        if (!c.crossDomain || {
+            var d;
+            return{send: function (e, f) {
+                var g, h, i = c.xhr();
+                c.username ?, c.url, c.async, c.username, c.password) :, c.url, c.async);
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+                    for (h in e)i.setRequestHeader(h, e[h])
+                } catch (j) {
+                }
+                i.send(c.hasContent && || null), d = function (a, e) {
+                    var h, j, k, l, m;
+                    try {
+                        if (d && (e || i.readyState === 4)) {
+                            d = b, g && (i.onreadystatechange = p.noop, cI && delete cH[g]);
+                            if (e)i.readyState !== 4 && i.abort(); else {
+                                h = i.status, k = i.getAllResponseHeaders(), l = {}, m = i.responseXML, m && m.documentElement && (l.xml = m);
+                                try {
+                                    l.text = i.responseText
+                                } catch (a) {
+                                }
+                                try {
+                                    j = i.statusText
+                                } catch (n) {
+                                    j = ""
+                                }
+                                !h && c.isLocal && !c.crossDomain ? h = l.text ? 200 : 404 : h === 1223 && (h = 204)
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } catch (o) {
+                        e || f(-1, o)
+                    }
+                    l && f(h, j, l, k)
+                }, c.async ? i.readyState === 4 ? setTimeout(d, 0) : (g = ++cJ, cI && (cH || (cH = {}, p(a).unload(cI)), cH[g] = d), i.onreadystatechange = d) : d()
+            }, abort: function () {
+                d && d(0, 1)
+            }}
+        }
+    });
+    var cM, cN, cO = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, cP = new RegExp("^(?:([-+])=|)(" + q + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i"), cQ = /queueHooks$/, cR = [cX], cS = {"*": [function (a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f = this.createTween(a, b), g = cP.exec(b), h = f.cur(), i = +h || 0, j = 1;
+        if (g) {
+            c = +g[2], d = g[3] || (p.cssNumber[a] ? "" : "px");
+            if (d !== "px" && i) {
+                i = p.css(f.elem, a, !0) || c || 1;
+                do e = j = j || ".5", i = i / j,, a, i + d), j = f.cur() / h; while (j !== 1 && j !== e)
+            }
+            f.unit = d, f.start = i, f.end = g[1] ? i + (g[1] + 1) * c : c
+        }
+        return f
+    }]};
+    p.Animation = p.extend(cV, {tweener: function (a, b) {
+        p.isFunction(a) ? (b = a, a = ["*"]) : a = a.split(" ");
+        var c, d = 0, e = a.length;
+        for (; d < e; d++)c = a[d], cS[c] = cS[c] || [], cS[c].unshift(b)
+    }, prefilter: function (a, b) {
+        b ? cR.unshift(a) : cR.push(a)
+    }}), p.Tween = cY, cY.prototype = {constructor: cY, init: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
+        this.elem = a, this.prop = c, this.easing = e || "swing", this.options = b, this.start = = this.cur(), this.end = d, this.unit = f || (p.cssNumber[c] ? "" : "px")
+    }, cur: function () {
+        var a = cY.propHooks[this.prop];
+        return a && a.get ? a.get(this) : cY.propHooks._default.get(this)
+    }, run: function (a) {
+        var b, c = cY.propHooks[this.prop];
+        return this.pos = b = p.easing[this.easing](a, this.options.duration * a, 0, 1, this.options.duration), = (this.end - this.start) * b + this.start, this.options.step &&,, this), c && c.set ? c.set(this) : cY.propHooks._default.set(this), this
+    }}, cY.prototype.init.prototype = cY.prototype, cY.propHooks = {_default: {get: function (a) {
+        var b;
+        return a.elem[a.prop] == null || !! &&[a.prop] != null ? (b = p.css(a.elem, a.prop, !1, ""), !b || b === "auto" ? 0 : b) : a.elem[a.prop]
+    }, set: function (a) {
+        p.fx.step[a.prop] ? p.fx.step[a.prop](a) : && ([p.cssProps[a.prop]] != null || p.cssHooks[a.prop]) ?, a.prop, + a.unit) : a.elem[a.prop] =
+    }}}, cY.propHooks.scrollTop = cY.propHooks.scrollLeft = {set: function (a) {
+        a.elem.nodeType && a.elem.parentNode && (a.elem[a.prop] =
+    }}, p.each(["toggle", "show", "hide"], function (a, b) {
+        var c = p.fn[b];
+        p.fn[b] = function (d, e, f) {
+            return d == null || typeof d == "boolean" || !a && p.isFunction(d) && p.isFunction(e) ? c.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(cZ(b, !0), d, e, f)
+        }
+    }), p.fn.extend({fadeTo: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        return this.filter(bY).css("opacity", 0).show().end().animate({opacity: b}, a, c, d)
+    }, animate: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        var e = p.isEmptyObject(a), f = p.speed(b, c, d), g = function () {
+            var b = cV(this, p.extend({}, a), f);
+            e && b.stop(!0)
+        };
+        return e || f.queue === !1 ? this.each(g) : this.queue(f.queue, g)
+    }, stop: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e = function (a) {
+            var b = a.stop;
+            delete a.stop, b(d)
+        };
+        return typeof a != "string" && (d = c, c = a, a = b), c && a !== !1 && this.queue(a || "fx", []), this.each(function () {
+            var b = !0, c = a != null && a + "queueHooks", f = p.timers, g = p._data(this);
+            if (c)g[c] && g[c].stop && e(g[c]); else for (c in g)g[c] && g[c].stop && cQ.test(c) && e(g[c]);
+            for (c = f.length; c--;)f[c].elem === this && (a == null || f[c].queue === a) && (f[c].anim.stop(d), b = !1, f.splice(c, 1));
+            (b || !d) && p.dequeue(this, a)
+        })
+    }}), p.each({slideDown: cZ("show"), slideUp: cZ("hide"), slideToggle: cZ("toggle"), fadeIn: {opacity: "show"}, fadeOut: {opacity: "hide"}, fadeToggle: {opacity: "toggle"}}, function (a, b) {
+        p.fn[a] = function (a, c, d) {
+            return this.animate(b, a, c, d)
+        }
+    }), p.speed = function (a, b, c) {
+        var d = a && typeof a == "object" ? p.extend({}, a) : {complete: c || !c && b || p.isFunction(a) && a, duration: a, easing: c && b || b && !p.isFunction(b) && b};
+        d.duration = ? 0 : typeof d.duration == "number" ? d.duration : d.duration in p.fx.speeds ? p.fx.speeds[d.duration] : p.fx.speeds._default;
+        if (d.queue == null || d.queue === !0)d.queue = "fx";
+        return d.old = d.complete, d.complete = function () {
+            p.isFunction(d.old) &&, d.queue && p.dequeue(this, d.queue)
+        }, d
+    }, p.easing = {linear: function (a) {
+        return a
+    }, swing: function (a) {
+        return.5 - Math.cos(a * Math.PI) / 2
+    }}, p.timers = [], p.fx = cY.prototype.init, p.fx.tick = function () {
+        var a, b = p.timers, c = 0;
+        for (; c < b.length; c++)a = b[c], !a() && b[c] === a && b.splice(c--, 1);
+        b.length || p.fx.stop()
+    }, p.fx.timer = function (a) {
+        a() && p.timers.push(a) && !cN && (cN = setInterval(p.fx.tick, p.fx.interval))
+    }, p.fx.interval = 13, p.fx.stop = function () {
+        clearInterval(cN), cN = null
+    }, p.fx.speeds = {slow: 600, fast: 200, _default: 400}, p.fx.step = {}, p.expr && p.expr.filters && (p.expr.filters.animated = function (a) {
+        return p.grep(p.timers,function (b) {
+            return a === b.elem
+        }).length
+    });
+    var c$ = /^(?:body|html)$/i;
+    p.fn.offset = function (a) {
+        if (arguments.length)return a === b ? this : this.each(function (b) {
+            p.offset.setOffset(this, a, b)
+        });
+        var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m = this[0], n = m && m.ownerDocument;
+        if (!n)return;
+        return(e = n.body) === m ? p.offset.bodyOffset(m) : (d = n.documentElement, p.contains(d, m) ? (c = m.getBoundingClientRect(), f = c_(n), g = d.clientTop || e.clientTop || 0, h = d.clientLeft || e.clientLeft || 0, i = f.pageYOffset || d.scrollTop, j = f.pageXOffset || d.scrollLeft, k = + i - g, l = c.left + j - h, {top: k, left: l}) : {top: 0, left: 0})
+    }, p.offset = {bodyOffset: function (a) {
+        var b = a.offsetTop, c = a.offsetLeft;
+        return && (b += parseFloat(p.css(a, "marginTop")) || 0, c += parseFloat(p.css(a, "marginLeft")) || 0), {top: b, left: c}
+    }, setOffset: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d = p.css(a, "position");
+        d === "static" && ( = "relative");
+        var e = p(a), f = e.offset(), g = p.css(a, "top"), h = p.css(a, "left"), i = (d === "absolute" || d === "fixed") && p.inArray("auto", [g, h]) > -1, j = {}, k = {}, l, m;
+        i ? (k = e.position(), l =, m = k.left) : (l = parseFloat(g) || 0, m = parseFloat(h) || 0), p.isFunction(b) && (b =, c, f)), != null && ( = - + l), b.left != null && (j.left = b.left - f.left + m), "using"in b ?, j) : e.css(j)
+    }}, p.fn.extend({position: function () {
+        if (!this[0])return;
+        var a = this[0], b = this.offsetParent(), c = this.offset(), d = c$.test(b[0].nodeName) ? {top: 0, left: 0} : b.offset();
+        return -= parseFloat(p.css(a, "marginTop")) || 0, c.left -= parseFloat(p.css(a, "marginLeft")) || 0, += parseFloat(p.css(b[0], "borderTopWidth")) || 0, d.left += parseFloat(p.css(b[0], "borderLeftWidth")) || 0, {top: -, left: c.left - d.left}
+    }, offsetParent: function () {
+        return () {
+            var a = this.offsetParent || e.body;
+            while (a && !c$.test(a.nodeName) && p.css(a, "position") === "static")a = a.offsetParent;
+            return a || e.body
+        })
+    }}), p.each({scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset"}, function (a, c) {
+        var d = /Y/.test(c);
+        p.fn[a] = function (e) {
+            return p.access(this, function (a, e, f) {
+                var g = c_(a);
+                if (f === b)return g ? c in g ? g[c] : g.document.documentElement[e] : a[e];
+                g ? g.scrollTo(d ? p(g).scrollLeft() : f, d ? f : p(g).scrollTop()) : a[e] = f
+            }, a, e, arguments.length, null)
+        }
+    }), p.each({Height: "height", Width: "width"}, function (a, c) {
+        p.each({padding: "inner" + a, content: c, "": "outer" + a}, function (d, e) {
+            p.fn[e] = function (e, f) {
+                var g = arguments.length && (d || typeof e != "boolean"), h = d || (e === !0 || f === !0 ? "margin" : "border");
+                return p.access(this, function (c, d, e) {
+                    var f;
+                    return p.isWindow(c) ? c.document.documentElement["client" + a] : c.nodeType === 9 ? (f = c.documentElement, Math.max(c.body["scroll" + a], f["scroll" + a], c.body["offset" + a], f["offset" + a], f["client" + a])) : e === b ? p.css(c, d, e, h) :, d, e, h)
+                }, c, g ? e : b, g)
+            }
+        })
+    }), a.jQuery = a.$ = p, typeof define == "function" && define.amd && define.amd.jQuery && define("jquery", [], function () {
+        return p
+    })

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+        return, b)
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+        return b in a && F(a.constructor.prototype[b], "undefined")
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+                var f = new a, g = c.apply(f, d.concat(;
+                return Object(g) === g ? g : f
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+            return c.apply(b, d.concat(
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+        return J("transition")
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+        return c
+    }, = function () {
+        var a = b.createElement("audio"), c = !1;
+        try {
+            if (c = !!a.canPlayType)c = new Boolean(c), c.ogg = a.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, ""), c.mp3 = a.canPlayType("audio/mpeg;").replace(/^no$/, ""), c.wav = a.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"').replace(/^no$/, ""), c.m4a = (a.canPlayType("audio/x-m4a;") || a.canPlayType("audio/aac;")).replace(/^no$/, "")
+        } catch (d) {
+        }
+        return c
+    }, s.localstorage = function () {
+        try {
+            return localStorage.setItem(h, h), localStorage.removeItem(h), !0
+        } catch (a) {
+            return!1
+        }
+    }, s.sessionstorage = function () {
+        try {
+            return sessionStorage.setItem(h, h), sessionStorage.removeItem(h), !0
+        } catch (a) {
+            return!1
+        }
+    }, s.webworkers = function () {
+        return!!a.Worker
+    }, s.applicationcache = function () {
+        return!!a.applicationCache
+    }, s.svg = function () {
+        return!!b.createElementNS && !!b.createElementNS(r.svg, "svg").createSVGRect
+    }, s.inlinesvg = function () {
+        var a = b.createElement("div");
+        return a.innerHTML = "<svg/>", (a.firstChild && a.firstChild.namespaceURI) == r.svg
+    }, s.smil = function () {
+        return!!b.createElementNS && /SVGAnimate/.test(, "animate")))
+    }, s.svgclippaths = function () {
+        return!!b.createElementNS && /SVGClipPath/.test(, "clipPath")))
+    };
+    for (var L in s)C(s, L) && (x = L.toLowerCase(), e[x] = s[L](), v.push((e[x] ? "" : "no-") + x));
+    return e.input || K(), e.addTest = function (a, b) {
+        if (typeof a == "object")for (var d in a)C(a, d) && e.addTest(d, a[d]); else {
+            a = a.toLowerCase();
+            if (e[a] !== c)return e;
+            b = typeof b == "function" ? b() : b, f && (g.className += " " + (b ? "" : "no-") + a), e[a] = b
+        }
+        return e
+    }, D(""), i = k = null, function (a, b) {
+        function k(a, b) {
+            var c = a.createElement("p"), d = a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || a.documentElement;
+            return c.innerHTML = "x<style>" + b + "</style>", d.insertBefore(c.lastChild, d.firstChild)
+        }
+        function l() {
+            var a = r.elements;
+            return typeof a == "string" ? a.split(" ") : a
+        }
+        function m(a) {
+            var b = i[a[g]];
+            return b || (b = {}, h++, a[g] = h, i[h] = b), b
+        }
+        function n(a, c, f) {
+            c || (c = b);
+            if (j)return c.createElement(a);
+            f || (f = m(c));
+            var g;
+            return f.cache[a] ? g = f.cache[a].cloneNode() : e.test(a) ? g = (f.cache[a] = f.createElem(a)).cloneNode() : g = f.createElem(a), g.canHaveChildren && !d.test(a) ? f.frag.appendChild(g) : g
+        }
+        function o(a, c) {
+            a || (a = b);
+            if (j)return a.createDocumentFragment();
+            c = c || m(a);
+            var d = c.frag.cloneNode(), e = 0, f = l(), g = f.length;
+            for (; e < g; e++)d.createElement(f[e]);
+            return d
+        }
+        function p(a, b) {
+            b.cache || (b.cache = {}, b.createElem = a.createElement, b.createFrag = a.createDocumentFragment, b.frag = b.createFrag()), a.createElement = function (c) {
+                return r.shivMethods ? n(c, a, b) : b.createElem(c)
+            }, a.createDocumentFragment = Function("h,f", "return function(){var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;h.shivMethods&&(" + l().join().replace(/\w+/g, function (a) {
+                return b.createElem(a), b.frag.createElement(a), 'c("' + a + '")'
+            }) + ");return n}")(r, b.frag)
+        }
+        function q(a) {
+            a || (a = b);
+            var c = m(a);
+            return r.shivCSS && !f && !c.hasCSS && (c.hasCSS = !!k(a, "article,aside,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,nav,section{display:block}mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}")), j || p(a, c), a
+        }
+        var c = a.html5 || {}, d = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i, e = /^<|^(?:a|b|button|code|div|fieldset|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|iframe|img|input|label|li|link|ol|option|p|param|q|script|select|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|textarea|tfoot|th|thead|tr|ul)$/i, f, g = "_html5shiv", h = 0, i = {}, j;
+        (function () {
+            try {
+                var a = b.createElement("a");
+                a.innerHTML = "<xyz></xyz>", f = "hidden"in a, j = a.childNodes.length == 1 || function () {
+                    b.createElement("a");
+                    var a = b.createDocumentFragment();
+                    return typeof a.cloneNode == "undefined" || typeof a.createDocumentFragment == "undefined" || typeof a.createElement == "undefined"
+                }()
+            } catch (c) {
+                f = !0, j = !0
+            }
+        })();
+        var r = {elements: c.elements || "abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark meter nav output progress section summary time video", shivCSS: c.shivCSS !== !1, supportsUnknownElements: j, shivMethods: c.shivMethods !== !1, type: "default", shivDocument: q, createElement: n, createDocumentFragment: o};
+        a.html5 = r, q(b)
+    }(this, b), e._version = d, e._prefixes = n, e._domPrefixes = q, e._cssomPrefixes = p, = z, e.hasEvent = A, e.testProp = function (a) {
+        return H([a])
+    }, e.testAllProps = J, e.testStyles = y, e.prefixed = function (a, b, c) {
+        return b ? J(a, b, c) : J(a, "pfx")
+    }, g.className = g.className.replace(/(^|\s)no-js(\s|$)/, "$1$2") + (f ? " js " + v.join(" ") : ""), e
+}(this, this.document), function (a, b, c) {
+    function d(a) {
+        return == "[object Function]"
+    }
+    function e(a) {
+        return typeof a == "string"
+    }
+    function f() {
+    }
+    function g(a) {
+        return!a || a == "loaded" || a == "complete" || a == "uninitialized"
+    }
+    function h() {
+        var a = p.shift();
+        q = 1, a ? a.t ? m(function () {
+            (a.t == "c" ? B.injectCss : B.injectJs)(a.s, 0, a.a, a.x, a.e, 1)
+        }, 0) : (a(), h()) : q = 0
+    }
+    function i(a, c, d, e, f, i, j) {
+        function k(b) {
+            if (!o && g(l.readyState) && (u.r = o = 1, !q && h(), l.onload = l.onreadystatechange = null, b)) {
+                a != "img" && m(function () {
+                    t.removeChild(l)
+                }, 50);
+                for (var d in y[c])y[c].hasOwnProperty(d) && y[c][d].onload()
+            }
+        }
+        var j = j || B.errorTimeout, l = {}, o = 0, r = 0, u = {t: d, s: c, e: f, a: i, x: j};
+        y[c] === 1 && (r = 1, y[c] = [], l = b.createElement(a)), a == "object" ? = c : (l.src = c, l.type = a), l.width = l.height = "0", l.onerror = l.onload = l.onreadystatechange = function () {
+  , r)
+        }, p.splice(e, 0, u), a != "img" && (r || y[c] === 2 ? (t.insertBefore(l, s ? null : n), m(k, j)) : y[c].push(l))
+    }
+    function j(a, b, c, d, f) {
+        return q = 0, b = b || "j", e(a) ? i(b == "c" ? v : u, a, b, this.i++, c, d, f) : (p.splice(this.i++, 0, a), p.length == 1 && h()), this
+    }
+    function k() {
+        var a = B;
+        return a.loader = {load: j, i: 0}, a
+    }
+    var l = b.documentElement, m = a.setTimeout, n = b.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], o = {}.toString, p = [], q = 0, r = "MozAppearance"in, s = r && !!b.createRange().compareNode, t = s ? l : n.parentNode, l = a.opera && == "[object Opera]", l = !!b.attachEvent && !l, u = r ? "object" : l ? "script" : "img", v = l ? "script" : u, w = Array.isArray || function (a) {
+        return == "[object Array]"
+    }, x = [], y = {}, z = {timeout: function (a, b) {
+        return b.length && (a.timeout = b[0]), a
+    }}, A, B;
+    B = function (a) {
+        function b(a) {
+            var a = a.split("!"), b = x.length, c = a.pop(), d = a.length, c = {url: c, origUrl: c, prefixes: a}, e, f, g;
+            for (f = 0; f < d; f++)g = a[f].split("="), (e = z[g.shift()]) && (c = e(c, g));
+            for (f = 0; f < b; f++)c = x[f](c);
+            return c
+        }
+        function g(a, e, f, g, i) {
+            var j = b(a), l = j.autoCallback;
+            j.url.split(".").pop().split("?").shift(), j.bypass || (e && (e = d(e) ? e : e[a] || e[g] || e[a.split("/").pop().split("?")[0]] || h), j.instead ? j.instead(a, e, f, g, i) : (y[j.url] ? j.noexec = !0 : y[j.url] = 1, f.load(j.url, j.forceCSS || !j.forceJS && "css" == j.url.split(".").pop().split("?").shift() ? "c" : c, j.noexec, j.attrs, j.timeout), (d(e) || d(l)) && f.load(function () {
+                k(), e && e(j.origUrl, i, g), l && l(j.origUrl, i, g), y[j.url] = 2
+            })))
+        }
+        function i(a, b) {
+            function c(a, c) {
+                if (a) {
+                    if (e(a))c || (j = function () {
+                        var a = [];
+                        k.apply(this, a), l()
+                    }), g(a, j, b, 0, h); else if (Object(a) === a)for (n in m = function () {
+                        var b = 0, c;
+                        for (c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c) && b++;
+                        return b
+                    }(), a)a.hasOwnProperty(n) && (!c && !--m && (d(j) ? j = function () {
+                        var a = [];
+                        k.apply(this, a), l()
+                    } : j[n] = function (a) {
+                        return function () {
+                            var b = [];
+                            a && a.apply(this, b), l()
+                        }
+                    }(k[n])), g(a[n], j, b, n, h))
+                } else!c && l()
+            }
+            var h = !!a.test, i = a.load || a.both, j = a.callback || f, k = j, l = a.complete || f, m, n;
+            c(h ? a.yep : a.nope, !!i), i && c(i)
+        }
+        var j, l, m = this.yepnope.loader;
+        if (e(a))g(a, 0, m, 0); else if (w(a))for (j = 0; j < a.length; j++)l = a[j], e(l) ? g(l, 0, m, 0) : w(l) ? B(l) : Object(l) === l && i(l, m); else Object(a) === a && i(a, m)
+    }, B.addPrefix = function (a, b) {
+        z[a] = b
+    }, B.addFilter = function (a) {
+        x.push(a)
+    }, B.errorTimeout = 1e4, b.readyState == null && b.addEventListener && (b.readyState = "loading", b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", A = function () {
+        b.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", A, 0), b.readyState = "complete"
+    }, 0)), a.yepnope = k(), a.yepnope.executeStack = h, a.yepnope.injectJs = function (a, c, d, e, i, j) {
+        var k = b.createElement("script"), l, o, e = e || B.errorTimeout;
+        k.src = a;
+        for (o in d)k.setAttribute(o, d[o]);
+        c = j ? h : c || f, k.onreadystatechange = k.onload = function () {
+            !l && g(k.readyState) && (l = 1, c(), k.onload = k.onreadystatechange = null)
+        }, m(function () {
+            l || (l = 1, c(1))
+        }, e), i ? k.onload() : n.parentNode.insertBefore(k, n)
+    }, a.yepnope.injectCss = function (a, c, d, e, g, i) {
+        var e = b.createElement("link"), j, c = i ? h : c || f;
+        e.href = a, e.rel = "stylesheet", e.type = "text/css";
+        for (j in d)e.setAttribute(j, d[j]);
+        g || (n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, n), m(c, 0))
+    }
+}(this, document), Modernizr.load = function () {
+    yepnope.apply(window, [], 0))

--- a/nbproject/project.xml
+++ b/nbproject/project.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project xmlns="">
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="">
         <data xmlns="">

file:a/output.txt (deleted)
--- a/output.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69060 +1,1 @@
-Opening serial port...

-Loading notifymyandroid...

-Connecting database...

-Scannr started.

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001603.48-demo.wav


-done - result 208862 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001603.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001607.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001607.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1079432 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001607.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001620.32-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001620.32-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001620.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001629.82-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 209844 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001629.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001633.44-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 293238 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001633.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001637.17-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 499848 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001637.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001643.71-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001643.71-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3353228 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001643.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001687.19-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001687.19-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206818 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001687.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001690.07-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001690.07-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001690.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001790.54-demo.wav


-done - result 248378 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001790.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001795.16-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001795.16-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1171592 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001795.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001809.26-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001809.26-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001809.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001811.92-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001811.92-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001811.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001858.18-demo.wav


-done - result 209200 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001858.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001864.05-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001864.05-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1269896 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001864.05-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001879.27-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001879.27-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001879.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001941.43-demo.wav


-done - result 239202 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001941.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001945.62-demo.wav


-done - result 251616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001945.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001948.95-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001948.95-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3088720 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001948.95-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350001990.55-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350001990.55-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350001990.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002030.02-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 259414 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002030.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002033.49-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 282760 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002033.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002037.23-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1886344 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002037.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002060.63-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002060.63-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1575048 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002060.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002079.66-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002079.66-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002079.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002102.47-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 372108 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002102.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002108.8-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002108.8-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1280136 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002108.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002124.31-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002124.31-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002124.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002126.91-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002126.91-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002126.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002133.88-demo.wav


-done - result 329008 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002133.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002139.31-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 669832 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002139.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002148.33-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002148.33-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1370248 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002148.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002164.92-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002164.92-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002164.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002167.48-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002167.48-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002167.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002176.08-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002176.08-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 195500 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002176.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002178.72-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002178.72-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002178.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002181.35-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002181.35-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002181.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002183.84-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002183.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002187.39-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 420736 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002187.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002192.83-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 5544072 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002192.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002259.17-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 188552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002259.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002262.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002262.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1503368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002262.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002280.47-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002280.47-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002280.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002314.42-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 210378 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002314.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002318.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002318.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1065096 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002318.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002331.2-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002331.2-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002331.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002333.8-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002333.8-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002333.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002377.18-demo.wav


-done - result 323332 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002377.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002382.98-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002382.98-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1319048 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002382.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002399.17-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002399.17-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002399.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002471.86-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 554336 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002471.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002479.47-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002479.47-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1407112 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002479.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002496.48-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002496.48-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002496.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002499.01-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002499.01-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002499.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002606.55-demo.wav


-done - result 208782 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002606.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002611.05-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002611.05-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1192072 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002611.05-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002625.39-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002625.39-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002625.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002813.38-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 225978 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002813.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002817.13-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 948764 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002817.13-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002829.48-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1427088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002829.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002847.43-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 441854 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002847.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002854.14-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 513822 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002854.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002861.19-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 765574 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002861.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002870.78-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 313398 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002870.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002874.82-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002874.82-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1206630 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002874.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002894.1-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002894.1-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002894.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002896.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002896.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002896.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002901.2-demo.wav


-done - result 237950 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002901.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002904.27-demo.wav


-done - result 321672 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002904.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002910.45-demo.wav


-done - result 379016 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002910.45-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002915.23-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2003080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002915.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002939.38-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,1,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 444546 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002939.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002945.47-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002945.47-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1429368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002945.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002962.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002962.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002962.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002965.7-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350002965.7-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002965.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002985.98-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 363774 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002985.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002992.23-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 456290 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002992.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350002998.49-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 424072 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350002998.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003004.47-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003004.47-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 430180 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003004.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003009.83-demo.wav

-GLG,40083,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 6,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1405052 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003009.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003027.34-demo.wav

-GLG,40083,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 6,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2644104 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003027.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003059.62-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003059.62-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1061588 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003059.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003073.39-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003073.39-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 940168 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003073.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003084.74-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003084.74-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003084.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003311.38-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 407720 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003311.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003316.69-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 311432 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003316.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003320.67-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2652296 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003320.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003353.38-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 534626 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003353.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003361.2-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 368776 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003361.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003366.53-demo.wav


-done - result 663688 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003366.53-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003376.05-demo.wav


-done - result 399496 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003376.05-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003381.63-demo.wav


-done - result 255966 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003381.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003385.26-demo.wav


-done - result 2771072 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003385.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003419.17-demo.wav


-done - result 220538 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003419.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003422.64-demo.wav


-done - result 609764 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003422.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003430.26-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003430.26-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1959736 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003430.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003457.26-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003457.26-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 215176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003457.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003459.92-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003459.92-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003459.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003462.19-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003462.19-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003462.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003884.8-demo.wav


-done - result 249644 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003884.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003889.22-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003889.22-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1153160 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003889.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003903.24-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003903.24-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003903.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003950.57-demo.wav


-done - result 346642 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003950.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003955.31-demo.wav


-done - result 475272 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003955.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003963.39-demo.wav


-done - result 274568 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003963.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003967.09-demo.wav


-done - result 520328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003967.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003974.21-demo.wav


-done - result 589034 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003974.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003981.71-demo.wav


-done - result 610440 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003981.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003989.26-demo.wav


-done - result 217224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003989.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003992.46-demo.wav


-done - result 282746 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003992.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350003999.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350003999.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1527340 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350003999.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004017.85-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004017.85-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004017.85-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004056.08-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 311570 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004056.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004061.42-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 974146 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004061.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004073.32-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 389256 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004073.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004078.29-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004078.29-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 819336 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004078.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004088.31-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 469128 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004088.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004094.33-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004094.33-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1206188 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004094.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004112.57-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004112.57-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004112.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004115.5-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004115.5-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004115.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004175.23-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 225628 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004175.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004178.33-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004178.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004181.13-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 839292 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004181.13-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004191.51-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004191.51-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2348342 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004191.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004224.08-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004224.08-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004224.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004226.72-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004226.72-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004226.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004247.0-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 344098 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004247.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004253.28-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1185838 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004253.28-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004267.74-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004267.74-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2030916 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004267.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004292.19-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 235656 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004292.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004295.95-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 407814 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004295.95-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004301.78-demo.wav


-done - result 1366006 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004301.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004318.32-demo.wav


-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004318.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004321.76-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004321.76-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1282184 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004321.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004337.33-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004337.33-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004337.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004339.94-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004339.94-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004339.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004343.77-demo.wav


-done - result 411272 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004343.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004348.83-demo.wav


-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004348.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004354.52-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004354.52-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1044616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004354.52-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004367.24-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004367.24-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1056948 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004367.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004385.35-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004385.35-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004385.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004428.28-demo.wav


-done - result 578770 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004428.28-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004435.33-demo.wav


-done - result 440432 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004435.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004442.38-demo.wav


-done - result 1030872 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004442.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004454.96-demo.wav


-done - result 262280 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004454.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004458.74-demo.wav


-done - result 618632 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004458.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004467.58-demo.wav


-done - result 231560 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004467.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004472.07-demo.wav


-done - result 465032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004472.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004478.68-demo.wav


-done - result 247944 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004478.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004482.16-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004482.16-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3305608 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004482.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004521.92-demo.wav


-done - result 247944 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004521.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004526.31-demo.wav


-done - result 1329288 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004526.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004542.36-demo.wav


-done - result 483404 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004542.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004549.76-demo.wav


-done - result 401414 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004549.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004554.81-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004554.81-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 5393822 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004554.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004622.62-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004622.62-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206570 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004622.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004625.49-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004625.49-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004625.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004684.22-demo.wav


-done - result 265400 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004684.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004689.16-demo.wav


-done - result 768136 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004689.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004699.36-demo.wav


-done - result 473224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004699.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004705.59-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004705.59-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2676872 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004705.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004737.71-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004737.71-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 979724 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004737.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004755.17-demo.wav


-done - result 307336 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004755.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004760.18-demo.wav


-done - result 769124 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004760.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004769.62-demo.wav


-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004769.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004773.18-demo.wav


-done - result 3432232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004773.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004814.7-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004814.7-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3486340 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004814.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004861.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004861.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204698 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004861.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004922.22-demo.wav


-done - result 214458 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004922.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004928.13-demo.wav


-done - result 229512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004928.13-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004931.17-demo.wav


-done - result 540808 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004931.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004938.55-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004938.55-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1613240 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004938.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004957.93-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004957.93-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004957.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004964.82-demo.wav


-done - result 213324 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004964.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004970.82-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004970.82-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1280136 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004970.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004986.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004986.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004986.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350004988.9-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350004988.9-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350004988.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005001.05-demo.wav


-done - result 211892 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005001.05-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005003.96-demo.wav


-done - result 340104 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005003.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005012.37-demo.wav


-done - result 213128 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005012.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005015.27-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005015.27-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3721140 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005015.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005064.54-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005064.54-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 211078 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005064.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005118.04-demo.wav


-done - result 388050 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005118.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005124.06-demo.wav


-done - result 710792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005124.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005132.8-demo.wav


-done - result 940168 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005132.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005144.79-demo.wav


-done - result 704624 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005144.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005154.87-demo.wav


-done - result 278662 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005154.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005160.19-demo.wav


-done - result 298858 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005160.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005163.87-demo.wav


-done - result 219268 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005163.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005168.89-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005168.89-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2834562 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005168.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005202.89-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005202.89-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1454216 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005202.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005220.5-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005220.5-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005220.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005223.08-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005223.08-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005223.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005268.48-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 212676 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005268.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005273.18-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 848008 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005273.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005283.75-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 641160 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005283.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005291.93-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005291.93-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1177736 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005291.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005306.16-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005306.16-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1069012 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005306.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005324.03-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005324.03-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005324.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005326.63-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005326.63-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005326.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005337.27-demo.wav


-done - result 302512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005337.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005344.35-demo.wav


-done - result 1371874 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005344.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005360.99-demo.wav


-done - result 346248 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005360.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005365.3-demo.wav


-done - result 534664 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005365.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005371.9-demo.wav


-done - result 1738888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005371.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005393.55-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005393.55-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1552520 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005393.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005412.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005412.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005412.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005461.61-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 604846 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005461.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005469.95-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005469.95-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1417352 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005469.95-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005487.08-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005487.08-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005487.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005489.66-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005489.66-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005489.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005591.37-demo.wav


-done - result 457522 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005591.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005598.31-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 653448 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005598.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005606.57-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 405640 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005606.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005612.06-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 462984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005612.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005618.25-demo.wav


-done - result 508026 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005618.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005624.72-demo.wav


-done - result 288904 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005624.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005629.32-demo.wav


-done - result 451162 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005629.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005634.92-demo.wav


-done - result 192642 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005634.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005637.69-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 684168 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005637.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005647.82-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 340104 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005647.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005652.13-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 415880 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005652.13-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005658.03-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 370824 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005658.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005663.88-demo.wav


-done - result 1216648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005663.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005678.58-demo.wav


-done - result 217224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005678.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005681.36-demo.wav


-done - result 436360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005681.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005686.71-demo.wav


-done - result 488924 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005686.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005692.82-demo.wav


-done - result 1382508 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005692.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005709.58-demo.wav


-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005709.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005713.04-demo.wav


-done - result 295048 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005713.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005717.44-demo.wav


-done - result 258122 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005717.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005720.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005720.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 723080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005720.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005729.68-demo.wav


-done - result 1398920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005729.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005746.54-demo.wav


-done - result 231560 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005746.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005751.33-demo.wav


-done - result 231560 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005751.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005754.95-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005754.95-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 946312 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005754.95-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005766.46-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005766.46-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1544328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005766.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005785.0-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005785.0-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005785.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005787.56-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005787.56-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005787.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005799.66-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 310760 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005799.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005803.74-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 235656 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005803.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005806.77-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005806.77-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1353864 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005806.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005823.15-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005823.15-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1018800 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005823.15-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005841.47-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005841.47-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005841.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005910.5-demo.wav


-done - result 349804 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005910.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005916.83-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 554948 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005916.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005927.48-demo.wav


-done - result 1521800 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005927.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005948.06-demo.wav


-done - result 839816 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005948.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005959.37-demo.wav


-done - result 495752 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005959.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005965.91-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350005965.91-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1589384 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005965.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005985.1-demo.wav


-done - result 239752 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005985.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005988.25-demo.wav


-done - result 274410 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005988.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350005992.18-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 727128 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350005992.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006002.96-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006002.96-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2740360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006002.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006036.36-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006036.36-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1437484 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006036.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006053.97-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006053.97-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006053.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006056.57-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006056.57-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006056.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006069.79-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 211478 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006069.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006075.58-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 555144 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006075.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006082.92-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 376968 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006082.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006088.72-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 391304 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006088.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006094.64-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 350342 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006094.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006099.24-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006099.24-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2047038 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006099.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006127.98-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006127.98-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006127.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006130.67-demo.wav

-GLG,40091,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,Fire Mgt,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 346248 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006130.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006136.33-demo.wav

-GLG,40091,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,Fire Mgt,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 290952 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006136.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006140.0-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006140.0-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1278088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006140.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006155.89-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006155.89-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1427592 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006155.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006173.17-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006173.17-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006173.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006240.76-demo.wav


-done - result 457882 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006240.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006247.86-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006247.86-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1360008 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006247.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006264.41-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006264.41-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006264.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006266.93-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006266.93-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006266.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006496.45-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 210488 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006496.45-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006500.39-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006500.39-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1058952 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006500.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006513.23-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006513.23-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006513.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006535.4-demo.wav


-done - result 420346 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006535.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006542.33-demo.wav


-done - result 1593476 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006542.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006561.62-demo.wav


-done - result 954504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006561.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006573.3-demo.wav


-done - result 280712 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006573.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006578.24-demo.wav


-done - result 225344 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006578.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006581.06-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 915592 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006581.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006592.2-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 260232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006592.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006595.82-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 573576 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006595.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006604.87-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 385066 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006604.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006609.93-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 186448 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006609.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006612.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006612.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1644680 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006612.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006632.07-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1538184 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006632.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006651.39-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 282660 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006651.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006655.08-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 254088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006655.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006658.7-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 649352 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006658.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006667.81-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 546892 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006667.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006674.74-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 309382 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006674.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006678.97-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 3868808 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006678.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006726.92-demo.wav


-done - result 596104 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006726.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006737.09-demo.wav


-done - result 1280136 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006737.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006754.59-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1085024 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006754.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006767.78-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006767.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006771.93-demo.wav


-done - result 946312 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006771.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006784.49-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006784.49-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2310280 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006784.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006812.17-demo.wav

-GLG,40091,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,Fire Mgt,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 419976 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006812.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006817.6-demo.wav

-GLG,40091,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,Fire Mgt,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 245896 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006817.6-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006821.03-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006821.03-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1205068 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006821.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006838.73-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006838.73-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006838.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006841.34-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006841.34-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 188552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006841.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006889.71-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 278904 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006889.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006894.8-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 520328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006894.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006901.3-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 346246 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006901.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006906.27-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1434470 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006906.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006923.5-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 3190920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006923.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006962.68-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006962.68-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1482888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006962.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006980.63-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350006980.63-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006980.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006986.7-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 302784 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006986.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006992.48-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 260232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006992.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350006997.31-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 284796 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350006997.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007002.03-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 376854 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007002.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007007.38-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 413832 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007007.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007013.34-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007013.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007016.41-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007016.41-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1953928 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007016.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007039.84-demo.wav


-done - result 514184 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007039.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007046.21-demo.wav


-done - result 215176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007046.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007049.32-demo.wav


-done - result 385114 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007049.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007054.07-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 3457160 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007054.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007095.72-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007095.72-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 681380 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007095.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007104.13-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 778376 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007104.13-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007113.66-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2240648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007113.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007141.29-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 504198 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007141.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007149.29-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 483464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007149.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007156.12-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 391304 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007156.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007161.02-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 458882 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007161.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007166.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007166.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 354440 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007166.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007171.19-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 779338 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007171.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007181.17-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007181.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007183.83-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 276616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007183.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007187.93-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007187.93-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1184442 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007187.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007206.32-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007206.32-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007206.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007208.96-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007208.96-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007208.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007211.35-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007211.35-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007211.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007266.07-demo.wav


-done - result 376650 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007266.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007271.44-demo.wav


-done - result 247944 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007271.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007275.04-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 671880 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007275.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007285.4-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007285.4-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 958414 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007285.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007301.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007301.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 213128 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007301.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007304.06-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007304.06-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007304.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007306.58-demo.wav


-done - result 237704 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007306.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007309.77-demo.wav


-done - result 233608 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007309.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007312.81-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007312.81-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1087624 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007312.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007326.03-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007326.03-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2731850 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007326.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007359.1-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007359.1-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 963978 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007359.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007375.29-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007375.29-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007375.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007377.87-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007377.87-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007377.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007424.39-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 325162 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007424.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007430.39-demo.wav


-done - result 2551944 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007430.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007461.78-demo.wav


-done - result 601814 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007461.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007469.45-demo.wav


-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007469.45-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007472.1-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007472.1-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1218696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007472.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007486.88-demo.wav


-done - result 366728 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007486.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007492.26-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2584650 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007492.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007524.69-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 739464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007524.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007534.22-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 587912 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007534.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007541.52-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007541.52-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 438046 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007541.52-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007547.09-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007547.09-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1035880 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007547.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007564.98-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007564.98-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007564.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007611.42-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 441092 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007611.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007617.06-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 299144 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007617.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007621.4-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007621.4-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 5025332 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007621.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007681.79-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1042568 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007681.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007696.14-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007696.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007699.01-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2988168 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007699.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007734.76-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 354132 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007734.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007739.44-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007739.44-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2364062 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007739.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007771.89-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007771.89-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007771.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007774.47-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007774.47-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007774.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007778.74-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 215782 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007778.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007783.93-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007783.93-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1210504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007783.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007798.57-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007798.57-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007798.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007879.76-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 260144 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007879.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007883.4-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 336008 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007883.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007887.69-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007887.69-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2125960 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007887.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007913.25-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 632968 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007913.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007921.5-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 581680 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007921.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007928.63-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1194120 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007928.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007944.41-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350007944.41-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2228356 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007944.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007971.23-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2164830 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007971.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350007997.92-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 566258 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350007997.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008004.9-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 307336 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008004.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008008.76-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 350344 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008008.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008013.86-demo.wav


-done - result 658894 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008013.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008022.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008022.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1077216 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008022.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008038.93-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008038.93-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008038.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008041.59-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008041.59-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008041.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008064.25-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 216678 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008064.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008067.86-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 364680 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008067.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008072.58-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 348296 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008072.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008077.66-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008077.66-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1554568 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008077.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008096.42-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008096.42-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008096.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008099.21-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008099.21-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008099.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008106.92-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 211096 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008106.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008111.72-demo.wav


-done - result 573576 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008111.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008120.08-demo.wav


-done - result 1095816 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008120.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008133.67-demo.wav


-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008133.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008136.93-demo.wav


-done - result 850056 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008136.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008147.23-demo.wav


-done - result 266376 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008147.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008150.6-demo.wav


-done - result 321672 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008150.6-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008155.15-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 819258 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008155.15-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008166.12-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 323720 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008166.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008171.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008171.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1509512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008171.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008189.26-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008189.26-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008189.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008197.9-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 350688 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008197.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008202.9-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008202.9-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1552520 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008202.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008221.61-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 630920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008221.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008232.27-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008232.27-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1402850 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008232.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008249.17-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008249.17-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008249.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008251.7-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008251.7-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008251.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008263.67-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 226672 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008263.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008268.87-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 376968 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008268.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008273.57-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 327742 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008273.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008278.24-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008278.24-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1194254 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008278.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008296.65-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008296.65-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008296.65-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008299.32-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008299.32-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008299.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008355.43-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 530134 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008355.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008362.95-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 374850 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008362.95-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008368.55-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008368.55-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1174514 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008368.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008386.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008386.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008386.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008396.34-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 456066 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008396.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008402.09-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008402.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008404.59-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 303240 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008404.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008410.08-demo.wav


-done - result 3358856 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008410.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008451.13-demo.wav


-done - result 481700 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008451.13-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008457.26-demo.wav


-done - result 567432 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008457.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008464.27-demo.wav


-done - result 561254 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008464.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008471.44-demo.wav


-done - result 864356 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008471.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008482.01-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008482.01-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2583334 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008482.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008516.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008516.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 213128 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008516.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008519.07-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008519.07-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008519.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008583.0-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 211778 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008583.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008589.07-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008589.07-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1288328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008589.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008604.7-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008604.7-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008604.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008678.61-demo.wav


-done - result 228976 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008678.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008681.95-demo.wav


-done - result 223368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008681.95-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008684.85-demo.wav


-done - result 266376 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008684.85-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008688.32-demo.wav


-done - result 336008 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008688.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008692.6-demo.wav


-done - result 1185928 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008692.6-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008707.59-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008707.59-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 481416 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008707.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008713.78-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008713.78-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1443976 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008713.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008731.16-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008731.16-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008731.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008746.58-demo.wav


-done - result 261960 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008746.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008750.99-demo.wav


-done - result 302496 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008750.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008755.64-demo.wav


-done - result 731244 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008755.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008764.85-demo.wav


-done - result 294982 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008764.85-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008769.66-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008769.66-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1137912 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008769.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008787.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008787.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 212070 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008787.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008790.09-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008790.09-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008790.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008809.01-demo.wav


-done - result 426322 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008809.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008816.47-demo.wav


-done - result 573564 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008816.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008824.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008824.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1566856 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008824.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008843.35-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008843.35-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008843.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008933.78-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 380592 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008933.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008940.5-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 960850 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008940.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008956.35-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 249992 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008956.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008959.9-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 262280 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008959.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008963.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350008963.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 848008 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008963.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008973.75-demo.wav


-done - result 362632 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008973.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008981.34-demo.wav


-done - result 581768 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008981.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008988.62-demo.wav


-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008988.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008991.84-demo.wav


-done - result 292902 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008991.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350008996.11-demo.wav


-done - result 2300040 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350008996.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009024.39-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009024.39-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1371760 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009024.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009040.99-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009040.99-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 215176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009040.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009043.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009043.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009043.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009048.42-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 232130 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009048.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009052.7-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009052.7-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1128584 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009052.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009066.65-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009066.65-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009066.65-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009069.24-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009069.24-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009069.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009071.65-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 217224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009071.65-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009075.37-demo.wav


-done - result 1054136 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009075.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009089.76-demo.wav


-done - result 223368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009089.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009093.94-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009093.94-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 526144 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009093.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009100.32-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 491656 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009100.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009108.36-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 510088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009108.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009115.76-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1183880 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009115.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009130.93-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009130.93-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 925832 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009130.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009142.14-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009142.14-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009142.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009148.27-demo.wav


-done - result 210482 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009148.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009154.13-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009154.13-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1273992 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009154.13-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009169.43-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009169.43-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009169.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009171.91-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009171.91-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009171.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009304.87-demo.wav


-done - result 211378 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009304.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009308.52-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009308.52-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 981128 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009308.52-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009320.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009320.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009320.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009322.88-demo.wav


-done - result 245896 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009322.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009326.09-demo.wav


-done - result 432264 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009326.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009331.57-demo.wav


-done - result 286856 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009331.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009335.66-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2054280 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009335.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009360.31-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009360.31-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009360.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009363.47-demo.wav


-done - result 465682 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009363.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009369.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009369.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3645576 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009369.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009413.02-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1308808 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009413.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009429.54-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009429.54-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1415304 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009429.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009446.55-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009446.55-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009446.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009449.09-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009449.09-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009449.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009453.37-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 224588 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009453.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009456.38-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009456.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009458.84-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 284808 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009458.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009463.3-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 346396 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009463.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009469.34-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009469.34-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1456264 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009469.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009487.13-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009487.13-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009487.13-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009620.62-demo.wav


-done - result 399238 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009620.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009626.83-demo.wav


-done - result 1162068 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009626.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009640.97-demo.wav


-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009640.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009643.34-demo.wav


-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009643.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009645.88-demo.wav


-done - result 352392 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009645.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009650.33-demo.wav


-done - result 1625306 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009650.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009673.5-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009673.5-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 215176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009673.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009676.27-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009676.27-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 188552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009676.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009678.66-demo.wav


-done - result 235656 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009678.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009681.75-demo.wav


-done - result 241800 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009681.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009685.49-demo.wav


-done - result 401544 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009685.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009690.75-demo.wav


-done - result 188552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009690.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009693.19-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009693.19-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2085320 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009693.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009721.4-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009721.4-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 219272 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009721.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009724.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009724.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009724.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009777.33-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 590236 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009777.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009785.14-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 671880 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009785.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009795.23-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1271944 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009795.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009811.82-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 313480 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009811.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009815.75-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 436360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009815.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009821.41-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1550472 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009821.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009841.62-demo.wav


-done - result 3874952 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009841.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009887.98-demo.wav


-done - result 313480 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009887.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009892.01-demo.wav


-done - result 567432 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009892.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009898.97-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009898.97-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 612488 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009898.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009906.54-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 336008 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009906.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009913.3-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 264216 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009913.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009918.09-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009918.09-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 969510 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009918.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009929.93-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009929.93-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1012428 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009929.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009947.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009947.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009947.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350009950.32-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350009950.32-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350009950.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010124.15-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 353196 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010124.15-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010130.44-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 903304 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010130.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010142.33-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 687728 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010142.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010150.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010150.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 811144 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010150.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010161.06-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 758102 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010161.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010171.16-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 978630 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010171.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010185.29-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 440398 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010185.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010192.77-demo.wav


-done - result 748040 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010192.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010202.89-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010202.89-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1486262 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010202.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010220.86-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010220.86-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010220.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010242.42-demo.wav


-done - result 240970 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010242.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010247.31-demo.wav


-done - result 882824 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010247.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010258.39-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010258.39-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3371144 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010258.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010298.71-demo.wav


-done - result 442504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010298.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010305.06-demo.wav


-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010305.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010307.96-demo.wav


-done - result 231460 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010307.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010311.62-demo.wav


-done - result 687552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010311.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010321.16-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1165448 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010321.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010336.58-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 299144 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010336.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010340.42-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010340.42-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3937084 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010340.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010392.72-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010392.72-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202620 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010392.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010468.9-demo.wav


-done - result 304470 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010468.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010473.8-demo.wav


-done - result 710394 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010473.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010483.92-demo.wav


-done - result 792712 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010483.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010494.11-demo.wav


-done - result 225416 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010494.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010497.06-demo.wav


-done - result 295048 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010497.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010500.79-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010500.79-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 7729288 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010500.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010593.4-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1525896 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010593.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010611.83-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010611.83-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1054856 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010611.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010624.49-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010624.49-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 992866 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010624.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010642.22-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010642.22-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010642.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010660.35-demo.wav


-done - result 320256 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010660.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010665.63-demo.wav


-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010665.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010668.76-demo.wav


-done - result 573536 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010668.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010675.85-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010675.85-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2136364 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010675.85-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010705.4-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010705.4-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010705.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010787.04-demo.wav


-done - result 245564 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010787.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010790.85-demo.wav


-done - result 227464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010790.85-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010794.23-demo.wav


-done - result 499848 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010794.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010800.53-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010800.53-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2102048 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010800.53-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010829.67-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010829.67-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010829.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010832.33-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010832.33-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010832.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010942.63-demo.wav


-done - result 302464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010942.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010947.04-demo.wav


-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010947.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010950.2-demo.wav


-done - result 4122760 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010950.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350010999.58-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350010999.58-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1299254 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350010999.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011019.94-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011019.94-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011019.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011022.56-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011022.56-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011022.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011028.18-demo.wav


-done - result 215636 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011028.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011031.16-demo.wav


-done - result 221320 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011031.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011034.06-demo.wav


-done - result 432264 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011034.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011039.61-demo.wav


-done - result 374920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011039.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011044.26-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011044.26-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1650824 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011044.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011064.07-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 659592 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011064.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011072.2-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 338030 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011072.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011076.43-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 312734 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011076.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011081.0-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011081.0-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1544324 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011081.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011099.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011099.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011099.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011102.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011102.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011102.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011104.58-demo.wav


-done - result 215176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011104.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011110.59-demo.wav


-done - result 498122 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011110.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011119.42-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 434230 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011119.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011125.47-demo.wav


-done - result 418500 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011125.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011131.49-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011131.49-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1382536 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011131.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011148.23-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011148.23-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011148.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011162.09-demo.wav


-done - result 254518 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011162.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011166.77-demo.wav


-done - result 970864 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011166.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011178.62-demo.wav


-done - result 397338 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011178.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011187.22-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011187.22-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1534088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011187.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011205.68-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011205.68-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011205.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011225.79-demo.wav


-done - result 482568 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011225.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011231.86-demo.wav


-done - result 188552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011231.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011234.29-demo.wav


-done - result 391304 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011234.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011239.55-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 616584 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011239.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011247.21-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 186502 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011247.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011249.69-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 262256 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011249.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011253.04-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1599624 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011253.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011272.38-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 215176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011272.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011275.65-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1495172 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011275.65-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011294.37-demo.wav

-GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 595950 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011294.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011301.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011301.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 869902 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011301.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011312.41-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011312.41-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1044496 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011312.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011330.78-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011330.78-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011330.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011358.28-demo.wav


-done - result 441530 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011358.28-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011365.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011365.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 996068 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011365.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011380.85-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011380.85-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 219272 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011380.85-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011383.73-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011383.73-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 188552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011383.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011402.9-demo.wav


-done - result 225940 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011402.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011406.78-demo.wav


-done - result 288904 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011406.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011412.68-demo.wav


-done - result 288904 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011412.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011416.43-demo.wav


-done - result 276616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011416.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011419.96-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011419.96-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1446024 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011419.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011437.46-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 532616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011437.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011445.09-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011445.09-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1532040 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011445.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011463.63-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011463.63-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011463.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011512.91-demo.wav


-done - result 211468 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011512.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011516.73-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011516.73-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1028232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011516.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011529.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011529.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011529.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011542.49-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 212256 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011542.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011545.47-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 264328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011545.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011548.91-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 716936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011548.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011558.14-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 868488 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011558.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011570.19-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011570.19-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1357960 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011570.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011586.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011586.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011586.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011589.31-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011589.31-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011589.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011707.77-demo.wav


-done - result 374714 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011707.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011713.62-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2243126 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011713.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011741.33-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011741.33-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1480718 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011741.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011759.23-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 477320 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011759.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011765.65-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 227432 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011765.65-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011768.62-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011768.62-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1095816 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011768.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011781.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011781.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1031598 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011781.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011799.89-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011799.89-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011799.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011802.51-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011802.51-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011802.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011822.87-demo.wav


-done - result 216630 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011822.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011827.01-demo.wav


-done - result 276220 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011827.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011831.4-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011831.4-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3240072 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011831.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011870.29-demo.wav


-done - result 1251464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011870.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011886.49-demo.wav


-done - result 601710 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011886.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011894.65-demo.wav


-done - result 1159992 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011894.65-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011909.66-demo.wav


-done - result 273970 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011909.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011913.55-demo.wav


-done - result 352392 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011913.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011918.03-demo.wav


-done - result 1111956 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011918.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011931.55-demo.wav


-done - result 333960 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011931.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011936.17-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 563006 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011936.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011943.2-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011943.2-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1091720 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011943.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011956.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011956.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1025748 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011956.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011974.1-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011974.1-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011974.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350011976.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350011976.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350011976.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012034.92-demo.wav


-done - result 306338 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012034.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012038.82-demo.wav


-done - result 282760 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012038.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012042.73-demo.wav


-done - result 356488 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012042.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012047.26-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012047.26-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 741512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012047.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012056.27-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012056.27-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1033904 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012056.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012074.06-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012074.06-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012074.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012103.47-demo.wav


-done - result 311126 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012103.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012107.54-demo.wav


-done - result 227464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012107.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012110.43-demo.wav


-done - result 788616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012110.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012120.17-demo.wav


-done - result 5582920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012120.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012186.81-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012186.81-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 641160 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012186.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012194.56-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012194.56-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1070238 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012194.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012212.41-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012212.41-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012212.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012215.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012215.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012215.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012223.39-demo.wav


-done - result 240140 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012223.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012227.52-demo.wav


-done - result 568292 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012227.52-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012234.73-demo.wav


-done - result 454792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012234.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012240.38-demo.wav


-done - result 387194 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012240.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012245.18-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012245.18-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1516980 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012245.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012267.81-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012267.81-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012267.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012270.44-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012270.44-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012270.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012359.48-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 595076 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012359.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012367.26-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012367.26-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1032062 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012367.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012383.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012383.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012383.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012386.46-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012386.46-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012386.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012392.15-demo.wav

-GLG,44010,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44010,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 583472 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012392.15-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012400.22-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1447100 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012400.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012419.89-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 493704 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012419.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012426.09-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012426.09-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2132914 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012426.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012456.18-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012456.18-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012456.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012468.6-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 327682 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012468.6-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012472.8-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 305288 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012472.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012476.71-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 395400 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012476.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012482.04-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012482.04-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 458888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012482.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012487.71-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012487.71-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1187564 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012487.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012506.16-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012506.16-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012506.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012508.67-demo.wav


-done - result 356488 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012508.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012513.39-demo.wav


-done - result 223368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012513.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012516.87-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012516.87-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1710216 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012516.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012537.47-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012537.47-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1495176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012537.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012555.5-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012555.5-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012555.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012591.15-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 347674 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012591.15-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012595.59-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 278664 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012595.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012599.55-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 649222 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012599.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012607.61-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012607.61-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1204258 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012607.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012625.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012625.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012625.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012628.03-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012628.03-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012628.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012682.36-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 227678 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012682.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012685.53-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 305288 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012685.53-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012689.33-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 415880 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012689.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012694.67-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 327804 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012694.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012699.48-demo.wav


-done - result 583564 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012699.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012706.99-demo.wav


-done - result 510088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012706.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012713.3-demo.wav


-done - result 1015918 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012713.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012725.63-demo.wav


-done - result 1638536 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012725.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012745.55-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012745.55-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 7159944 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012745.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012831.44-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1278196 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012831.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012847.72-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 801364 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012847.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012857.92-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 786568 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012857.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012867.99-demo.wav


-done - result 2669860 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012867.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012904.11-demo.wav


-done - result 350344 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012904.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012910.01-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012910.01-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1027672 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012910.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012926.81-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012926.81-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012926.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350012929.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350012929.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350012929.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013068.56-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 234798 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013068.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013071.72-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 262280 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013071.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013075.17-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 272520 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013075.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013078.63-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 282760 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013078.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013082.92-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1188936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013082.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013097.4-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 303240 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013097.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013101.23-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013101.23-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1318962 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013101.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013117.2-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013117.2-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1016920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013117.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013135.19-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013135.19-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013135.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013144.63-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 310392 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013144.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013148.64-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013148.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013151.24-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 379016 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013151.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013156.03-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 301192 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013156.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013160.47-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013160.47-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1579144 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013160.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013179.71-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013179.71-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013179.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013304.59-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 283768 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013304.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013308.21-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 256136 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013308.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013311.68-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 544586 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013311.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013318.47-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013318.47-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1528822 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013318.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013341.8-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013341.8-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013341.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013344.4-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013344.4-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013344.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013412.03-demo.wav


-done - result 503356 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013412.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013419.14-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013419.14-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1351816 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013419.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013435.73-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013435.73-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013435.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013438.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013438.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013438.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013454.22-demo.wav


-done - result 209360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013454.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013458.81-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013458.81-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1097864 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013458.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013472.15-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013472.15-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013472.15-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013522.62-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 727266 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013522.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013531.55-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 290952 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013531.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013535.88-demo.wav


-done - result 825898 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013535.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013548.18-demo.wav


-done - result 223368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013548.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013551.12-demo.wav


-done - result 2355336 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013551.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013579.69-demo.wav


-done - result 1697928 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013579.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013600.4-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2226312 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013600.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013629.81-demo.wav


-done - result 1389328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013629.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013646.58-demo.wav


-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013646.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013650.72-demo.wav


-done - result 215176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013650.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013653.66-demo.wav


-done - result 4069512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013653.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013702.35-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013702.35-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 868488 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013702.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013713.04-demo.wav


-done - result 2332476 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013713.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013741.77-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013741.77-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1523848 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013741.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013760.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013760.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013760.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013769.38-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 279514 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013769.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013773.73-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 270472 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013773.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013777.41-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 376790 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013777.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013782.39-demo.wav


-done - result 899208 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013782.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013793.37-demo.wav


-done - result 284802 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013793.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013797.1-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013797.1-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3082376 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013797.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013834.0-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013834.0-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 933152 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013834.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013851.36-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013851.36-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013851.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013857.65-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 220966 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013857.65-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013861.59-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 462408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013861.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013867.43-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013867.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013870.07-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 366728 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013870.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013874.69-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013874.69-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2214934 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013874.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013905.71-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013905.71-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013905.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013920.56-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 295620 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013920.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013924.62-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 276616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013924.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013928.23-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 252032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013928.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013931.75-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 329864 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013931.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013935.98-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 196662 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013935.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013939.42-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 767810 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013939.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013949.51-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 321194 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013949.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013954.47-demo.wav


-done - result 913500 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013954.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013968.33-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 554810 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013968.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013975.25-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 315528 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013975.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013979.34-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 364680 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013979.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013984.76-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350013984.76-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 254704 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013984.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013988.1-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 753800 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013988.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350013997.34-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 268424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350013997.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014001.93-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 397406 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014001.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014007.03-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2273416 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014007.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014036.29-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 227464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014036.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014039.75-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 3827848 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014039.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014085.61-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 341560 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014085.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014089.97-demo.wav


-done - result 4264072 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014089.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014141.06-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014141.06-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2209928 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014141.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014167.67-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 264328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014167.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014171.66-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 303474 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014171.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014175.54-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 221320 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014175.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014178.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014178.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 534656 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014178.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014185.44-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 495752 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014185.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014191.62-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 223368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014191.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014194.54-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2486408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014194.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014225.26-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014225.26-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2416524 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014225.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014254.33-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 294826 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014254.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014258.06-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014258.06-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1118344 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014258.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014271.63-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 454792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014271.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014277.92-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 431592 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014277.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014283.36-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014283.36-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 374920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014283.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014288.52-demo.wav


-done - result 345424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014288.52-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014293.39-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 991368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014293.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014306.16-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 344200 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014306.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014310.68-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 397448 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014310.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014315.7-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 561202 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014315.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014322.68-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014322.68-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1586968 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014322.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014345.14-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014345.14-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 217224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014345.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014348.1-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014348.1-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014348.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014350.57-demo.wav


-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014350.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014356.63-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014356.63-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1319048 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014356.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014372.56-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014372.56-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014372.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014392.82-demo.wav


-done - result 212328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014392.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014398.03-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014398.03-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1177736 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014398.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014412.24-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014412.24-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014412.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014468.04-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 297232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014468.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014472.39-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 342152 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014472.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014476.77-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 395232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014476.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014482.03-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014482.03-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1599922 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014482.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014505.32-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014505.32-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 213128 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014505.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014508.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014508.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014508.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014518.52-demo.wav


-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014518.52-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014522.14-demo.wav


-done - result 301192 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014522.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014526.27-demo.wav


-done - result 213128 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014526.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014529.17-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014529.17-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2183304 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014529.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014555.41-demo.wav


-done - result 569470 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014555.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014562.82-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014562.82-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 4434056 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014562.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014616.25-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 786568 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014616.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014625.93-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 569396 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014625.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014633.26-demo.wav


-done - result 2265178 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014633.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014662.8-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014662.8-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2336366 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014662.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014690.82-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1030280 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014690.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014703.32-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 252004 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014703.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014706.61-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1876104 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014706.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014729.41-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 350344 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014729.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014734.09-demo.wav


-done - result 1181832 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014734.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014748.39-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014748.39-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1540232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014748.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014766.93-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 401544 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014766.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014772.04-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 296968 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014772.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014776.46-demo.wav


-done - result 841864 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014776.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014789.16-demo.wav


-done - result 531236 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014789.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014795.79-demo.wav


-done - result 350344 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014795.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014802.8-demo.wav


-done - result 577526 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014802.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014809.98-demo.wav


-done - result 288904 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014809.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014814.83-demo.wav


-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014814.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014817.43-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014817.43-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2031050 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014817.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014845.82-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014845.82-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 229512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014845.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014848.78-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350014848.78-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014848.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014979.59-demo.wav


-done - result 340694 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014979.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350014984.93-demo.wav


-done - result 1312622 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350014984.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015000.78-demo.wav


-done - result 524424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015000.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015007.18-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015007.18-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1443976 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015007.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015024.57-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015024.57-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 907400 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015024.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015035.48-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015035.48-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1499272 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015035.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015053.5-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015053.5-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015053.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015187.71-demo.wav


-done - result 363962 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015187.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015193.7-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015193.7-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1288328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015193.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015209.22-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015209.22-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015209.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015355.49-demo.wav


-done - result 301736 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015355.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015360.46-demo.wav


-done - result 511708 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015360.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015366.9-demo.wav


-done - result 407688 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015366.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015371.98-demo.wav


-done - result 1327240 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015371.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015388.04-demo.wav


-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015388.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015390.5-demo.wav


-done - result 229360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015390.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015394.55-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015394.55-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1593480 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015394.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015413.69-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015413.69-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015413.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015416.23-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015416.23-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015416.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015622.79-demo.wav


-done - result 242636 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015622.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015627.21-demo.wav


-done - result 1262810 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015627.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015642.45-demo.wav


-done - result 1704072 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015642.45-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015662.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015662.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 5703816 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015662.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015731.63-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015731.63-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1251464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015731.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015746.71-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015746.71-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015746.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015749.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015749.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015749.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015754.75-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 306178 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015754.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015759.72-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1224934 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015759.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015774.76-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 501836 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015774.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015781.94-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015781.94-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1427948 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015781.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015799.22-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 917640 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015799.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015810.79-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015810.79-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1685888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015810.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015835.09-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015835.09-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015835.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015837.69-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015837.69-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015837.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015852.64-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 347484 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015852.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015856.89-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 282760 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015856.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015861.43-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 345312 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015861.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015865.74-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 262238 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015865.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015869.84-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 858470 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015869.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015883.15-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 370824 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015883.15-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015887.74-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015887.74-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1189630 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015887.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015905.77-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015905.77-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 215176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015905.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015908.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015908.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015908.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015968.61-demo.wav


-done - result 231304 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015968.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015972.72-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015972.72-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1091720 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015972.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350015985.85-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350015985.85-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350015985.85-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016000.08-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 210962 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016000.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016003.21-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 237704 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016003.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016006.48-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 518280 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016006.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016013.23-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016013.23-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 540808 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016013.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016019.92-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016019.92-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1022914 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016019.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016038.06-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016038.06-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016038.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016046.51-demo.wav


-done - result 239300 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016046.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016050.86-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016050.86-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1120392 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016050.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016064.72-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016064.72-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016064.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016067.33-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016067.33-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016067.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016078.28-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 292652 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016078.28-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016083.62-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 395400 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016083.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016089.63-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 458396 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016089.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016096.11-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 741734 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016096.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016105.31-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 276616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016105.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016108.82-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2379074 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016108.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016140.95-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 305288 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016140.95-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016145.74-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 515170 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016145.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016152.44-demo.wav


-done - result 675974 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016152.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016162.92-demo.wav


-done - result 245896 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016162.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016166.31-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 753800 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016166.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016177.23-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 272458 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016177.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016181.14-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016181.14-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 731272 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016181.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016190.16-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016190.16-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1495176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016190.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016208.39-demo.wav


-done - result 278664 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016208.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016212.49-demo.wav


-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016212.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016215.11-demo.wav


-done - result 256136 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016215.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016221.42-demo.wav


-done - result 1794184 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016221.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016243.05-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016243.05-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2015368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016243.05-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016267.71-demo.wav


-done - result 971744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016267.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016280.29-demo.wav


-done - result 474430 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016280.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016286.15-demo.wav


-done - result 491656 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016286.15-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016292.81-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016292.81-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2838658 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016292.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016326.82-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016326.82-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 977784 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016326.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016343.61-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016343.61-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016343.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016346.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016346.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016346.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016376.62-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 325248 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016376.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016380.7-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 473224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016380.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016386.99-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 405168 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016386.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016392.67-demo.wav


-done - result 1554642 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016392.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016411.4-demo.wav


-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016411.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016414.72-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016414.72-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1019980 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016414.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016431.02-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016431.02-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016431.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016433.64-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016433.64-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016433.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016466.06-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 210968 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016466.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016468.9-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 276616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016468.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016472.71-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 497712 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016472.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016478.9-demo.wav


-done - result 2984072 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016478.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016514.91-demo.wav


-done - result 219272 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016514.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016518.44-demo.wav


-done - result 2527368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016518.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016548.91-demo.wav


-done - result 338056 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016548.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016553.96-demo.wav


-done - result 223324 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016553.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016557.29-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2543732 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016557.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016589.87-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1050760 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016589.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016603.47-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 780982 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016603.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016613.06-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 284720 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016613.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016617.32-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016617.32-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1560712 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016617.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016636.22-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 340104 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016636.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016641.03-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 444552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016641.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016647.2-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016647.2-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1331244 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016647.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016663.2-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016663.2-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1021790 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016663.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016681.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016681.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016681.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016683.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016683.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016683.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016687.16-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 499848 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016687.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016694.64-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 573088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016694.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016702.56-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016702.56-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1519558 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016702.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016720.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016720.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016720.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016723.74-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016723.74-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016723.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016738.53-demo.wav


-done - result 210982 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016738.53-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016742.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016742.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 983176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016742.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016754.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016754.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016754.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016756.81-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016756.81-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016756.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016774.5-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 496220 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016774.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016783.58-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 499848 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016783.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016791.31-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2177160 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016791.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016819.8-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016819.8-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 321588 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016819.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016823.81-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 589960 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016823.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016831.84-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 360108 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016831.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016837.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016837.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1534088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016837.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016855.78-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016855.78-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016855.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016928.19-demo.wav


-done - result 229226 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016928.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016932.26-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016932.26-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1056904 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016932.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016945.0-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350016945.0-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016945.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016959.54-demo.wav


-done - result 378454 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016959.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016964.71-demo.wav


-done - result 454670 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016964.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016971.26-demo.wav


-done - result 726262 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016971.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350016980.62-demo.wav


-done - result 5941384 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350016980.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017051.58-demo.wav


-done - result 781834 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017051.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017061.49-demo.wav


-done - result 388956 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017061.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017069.21-demo.wav


-done - result 323690 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017069.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017073.3-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1753224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017073.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017096.84-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 383834 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017096.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017101.73-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 278664 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017101.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017105.33-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017105.33-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1032328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017105.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017117.84-demo.wav


-done - result 841864 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017117.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017128.78-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017128.78-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1351690 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017128.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017145.01-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017145.01-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017145.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017149.54-demo.wav


-done - result 280972 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017149.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017154.17-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017154.17-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1165448 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017154.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017168.24-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017168.24-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017168.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017170.79-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017170.79-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017170.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017173.08-demo.wav


-done - result 514184 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017173.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017179.36-demo.wav


-done - result 297096 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017179.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017183.14-demo.wav


-done - result 219140 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017183.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017185.99-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017185.99-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 407688 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017185.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017191.08-demo.wav


-done - result 305288 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017191.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017195.89-demo.wav


-done - result 337788 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017195.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017200.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017200.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1667208 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017200.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017220.39-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017220.39-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1094650 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017220.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017238.09-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017238.09-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017238.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017240.5-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017240.5-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017240.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017246.0-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 210230 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017246.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017248.64-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017248.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017251.48-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017251.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017254.18-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 233608 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017254.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017257.46-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 417696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017257.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017263.34-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017263.34-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1519752 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017263.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017281.64-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017281.64-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017281.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017284.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017284.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017284.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017336.62-demo.wav


-done - result 261268 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017336.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017339.93-demo.wav


-done - result 237704 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017339.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017343.96-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017343.96-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2308232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017343.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017371.67-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017371.67-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1027512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017371.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017389.35-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017389.35-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017389.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017391.96-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017391.96-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017391.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017509.26-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 210118 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017509.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017515.29-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 474180 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017515.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017521.86-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017521.86-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1296520 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017521.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017537.51-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017537.51-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017537.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017540.0-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017540.0-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017540.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017559.36-demo.wav


-done - result 306680 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017559.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017563.68-demo.wav


-done - result 217224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017563.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017566.6-demo.wav


-done - result 325768 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017566.6-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017571.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017571.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 4253824 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017571.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017622.74-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 405640 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017622.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017627.73-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 282698 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017627.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017631.44-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017631.44-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2085000 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017631.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017656.51-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017656.51-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 983232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017656.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017673.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017673.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017673.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017724.84-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 365566 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017724.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017729.38-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 266376 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017729.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017732.75-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 301192 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017732.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017736.95-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017736.95-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1144930 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017736.95-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017754.78-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017754.78-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017754.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017757.4-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017757.4-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017757.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017765.11-demo.wav


-done - result 218424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017765.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017768.93-demo.wav


-done - result 795316 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017768.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017778.72-demo.wav


-done - result 266376 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017778.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017783.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017783.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1449720 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017783.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017801.08-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017801.08-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017801.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017856.03-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 268866 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017856.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017859.48-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 303240 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017859.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017863.38-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 241800 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017863.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017869.98-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 186500 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017869.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017872.93-demo.wav


-done - result 694408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017872.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017881.43-demo.wav


-done - result 456832 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017881.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017887.35-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1841288 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017887.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017910.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017910.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1507206 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017910.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017928.41-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017928.41-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196524 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017928.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017930.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017930.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017930.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017944.47-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 248122 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017944.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017948.79-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 291106 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017948.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017953.42-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017953.42-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1024248 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017953.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017969.52-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017969.52-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017969.52-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017972.22-demo.wav


-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017972.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017987.45-demo.wav


-done - result 239502 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017987.45-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350017992.99-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350017992.99-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1255560 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350017992.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018008.1-demo.wav


-done - result 288904 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018008.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018013.88-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 735352 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018013.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018023.71-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 773100 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018023.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018033.17-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018033.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018036.71-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018036.71-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1044820 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018036.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018052.95-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018052.95-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018052.95-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018055.55-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018055.55-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018055.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018097.35-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 400730 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018097.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018104.57-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018104.57-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1360008 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018104.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018121.06-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018121.06-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018121.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018139.8-demo.wav


-done - result 210490 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018139.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018144.91-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018144.91-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1204360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018144.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018159.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018159.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018159.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018226.56-demo.wav


-done - result 211952 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018226.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018229.53-demo.wav


-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018229.53-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018232.22-demo.wav


-done - result 731272 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018232.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018241.49-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018241.49-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2343584 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018241.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018273.14-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018273.14-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018273.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018275.76-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018275.76-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018275.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018284.14-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 269680 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018284.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018287.69-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018287.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018290.33-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 239752 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018290.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018294.27-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018294.27-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1063424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018294.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018311.91-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018311.91-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018311.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018314.55-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018314.55-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018314.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018366.82-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 391142 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018366.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018372.25-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 280712 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018372.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018376.65-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018376.65-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1151088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018376.65-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018390.54-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 460936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018390.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018396.29-demo.wav


-done - result 2914440 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018396.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018431.71-demo.wav


-done - result 1167494 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018431.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018445.82-demo.wav


-done - result 268424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018445.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018450.62-demo.wav


-done - result 1540230 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018450.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018471.64-demo.wav


-done - result 930032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018471.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018484.11-demo.wav


-done - result 1007752 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018484.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018498.3-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1310856 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018498.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018515.57-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 462984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018515.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018521.56-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018521.56-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 307336 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018521.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018525.44-demo.wav


-done - result 723080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018525.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018534.21-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018534.21-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2498696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018534.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018564.17-demo.wav


-done - result 399496 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018564.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018569.12-demo.wav


-done - result 227464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018569.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018572.42-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018572.42-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1156594 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018572.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018590.46-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018590.46-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 219272 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018590.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018593.51-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018593.51-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018593.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018634.21-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 318316 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018634.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018639.07-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 309384 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018639.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018643.02-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018643.02-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2879624 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018643.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018677.92-demo.wav


-done - result 254716 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018677.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018682.07-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 474784 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018682.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018688.75-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 573632 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018688.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018695.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018695.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1446024 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018695.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018713.34-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018713.34-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 516232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018713.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018720.19-demo.wav


-done - result 809332 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018720.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018730.79-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018730.79-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2043862 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018730.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018759.03-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018759.03-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018759.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018761.73-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018761.73-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018761.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018830.92-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 299262 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018830.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018835.41-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 276616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018835.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018838.97-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 3061896 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018838.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018875.69-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018875.69-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3388000 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018875.69-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018920.33-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018920.33-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018920.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018922.99-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018922.99-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018922.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018935.97-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 246282 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018935.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018940.27-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 319920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018940.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018944.49-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018944.49-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3633288 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018944.49-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350018988.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350018988.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1339300 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350018988.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019004.55-demo.wav


-done - result 370824 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019004.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019010.42-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019010.42-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1277998 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019010.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019025.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019025.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019025.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019028.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019028.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019028.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019041.98-demo.wav


-done - result 257062 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019041.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019045.23-demo.wav


-done - result 293000 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019045.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019048.98-demo.wav


-done - result 399496 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019048.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019053.98-demo.wav


-done - result 329864 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019053.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019058.14-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 5681254 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019058.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019125.95-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 442504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019125.95-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019132.51-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 222652 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019132.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019135.67-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019135.67-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1190286 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019135.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019153.4-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019153.4-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 239752 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019153.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019156.46-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019156.46-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019156.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019158.94-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019158.94-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019158.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019166.07-demo.wav


-done - result 212256 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019166.07-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019171.55-demo.wav


-done - result 626824 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019171.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019179.89-demo.wav


-done - result 213128 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019179.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019183.96-demo.wav


-done - result 362632 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019183.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019188.51-demo.wav


-done - result 233368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019188.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019192.02-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019192.02-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1937478 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019192.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019215.33-demo.wav


-done - result 970888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019215.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019227.26-demo.wav


-done - result 422024 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019227.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019232.54-demo.wav


-done - result 538616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019232.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019239.54-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019239.54-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1187944 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019239.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019258.9-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019258.9-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019258.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019290.22-demo.wav


-done - result 316862 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019290.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019295.02-demo.wav


-done - result 346248 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019295.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019299.75-demo.wav


-done - result 813192 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019299.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019312.39-demo.wav


-done - result 421996 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019312.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019317.68-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019317.68-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 489608 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019317.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019323.75-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 743560 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019323.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019332.83-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019332.83-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2560136 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019332.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019363.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019363.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1427592 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019363.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019381.33-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019381.33-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019381.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019388.72-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 333570 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019388.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019394.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019394.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1202312 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019394.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019408.64-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019408.64-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019408.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019428.35-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 212074 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019428.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019431.05-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 219272 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019431.05-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019435.1-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1163324 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019435.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019449.13-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019449.13-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3532936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019449.13-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019492.12-demo.wav


-done - result 421610 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019492.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019498.22-demo.wav


-done - result 463616 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019498.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019504.47-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 471176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019504.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019510.43-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 997428 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019510.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019523.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019523.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1552106 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019523.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019541.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019541.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019541.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019544.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019544.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019544.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019568.88-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 251414 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019568.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019572.16-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 231560 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019572.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019575.14-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2084934 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019575.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019600.22-demo.wav


-done - result 2914440 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019600.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019635.09-demo.wav


-done - result 235656 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019635.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019638.15-demo.wav


-done - result 221320 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019638.15-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019641.67-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 3309704 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019641.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019682.01-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019682.01-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1214600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019682.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019696.83-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019696.83-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019696.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019747.47-demo.wav


-done - result 346238 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019747.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019753.14-demo.wav


-done - result 1225308 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019753.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019768.76-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 617926 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019768.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019776.33-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 432264 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019776.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019781.68-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019781.68-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1058952 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019781.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019794.48-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,1,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 434312 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019794.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019800.18-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019800.18-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2224112 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019800.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019827.35-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1101400 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019827.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019840.74-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019840.74-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1747080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019840.74-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019861.75-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,1,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1552520 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019861.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019880.42-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019880.42-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 542856 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019880.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019887.01-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 927856 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019887.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019898.16-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 407664 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019898.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019903.17-demo.wav

-GLG,40068,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,RFS Ops 1,1,1,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 604266 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019903.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019910.54-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019910.54-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1225242 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019910.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019928.23-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019928.23-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019928.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350019931.01-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350019931.01-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350019931.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020000.1-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 300702 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020000.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020003.94-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 424072 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020003.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020009.39-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020009.39-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1325192 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020009.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020025.71-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2864794 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020025.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020060.14-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 284808 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020060.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020064.24-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 805000 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020064.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020075.32-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020075.32-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1490620 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020075.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020093.27-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020093.27-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020093.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020095.81-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020095.81-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020095.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020178.62-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 286244 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020178.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020183.25-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 570050 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020183.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020191.31-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 563964 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020191.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020200.52-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 223368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020200.52-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020203.84-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 323720 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020203.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020208.18-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1697928 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020208.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020229.79-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020229.79-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1583240 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020229.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020248.77-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1059844 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020248.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020266.58-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 280712 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020266.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020270.09-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020270.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020272.68-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 3979400 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020272.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020320.97-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 274536 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020320.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020324.73-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020324.73-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1132626 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020324.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020342.91-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020342.91-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020342.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020345.48-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020345.48-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020345.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020347.96-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020347.96-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020347.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020382.79-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 211774 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020382.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020386.0-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 675976 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020386.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020394.92-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 927828 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020394.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020407.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020407.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1055912 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020407.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020425.02-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020425.02-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020425.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020427.58-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020427.58-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 188552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020427.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020450.42-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 209960 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020450.42-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020454.56-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020454.56-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1106056 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020454.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020467.98-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020467.98-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020467.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020543.63-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 303788 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020543.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020547.59-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 309384 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020547.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020551.54-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 387208 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020551.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020557.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020557.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1570952 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020557.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020576.3-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020576.3-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020576.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020628.64-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 220696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020628.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020632.27-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 229512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020632.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020635.7-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020635.7-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1427592 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020635.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020653.08-demo.wav


-done - result 327350 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020653.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020658.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020658.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1482232 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020658.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020676.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020676.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 188552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020676.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020678.6-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 630920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020678.6-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020686.37-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020686.37-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1843336 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020686.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020708.5-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 954504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020708.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020720.93-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020720.93-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1093768 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020720.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020734.19-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020734.19-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020734.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020736.7-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 221320 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020736.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020739.43-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 526472 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020739.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020745.96-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 182368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020745.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020748.86-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020748.86-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1152444 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020748.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020766.73-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020766.73-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020766.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020769.35-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020769.35-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020769.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020830.91-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 346446 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020830.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020836.27-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 439424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020836.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020842.06-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 610440 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020842.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020849.44-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020849.44-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2730120 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020849.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020882.21-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020882.21-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1045534 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020882.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020899.16-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 610438 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020899.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020906.73-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 307336 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020906.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020910.92-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020910.92-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1613960 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020910.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020930.34-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020930.34-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1007856 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020930.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020947.81-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 268424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020947.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020952.1-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 280712 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020952.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020955.97-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 600200 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020955.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020965.61-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020965.61-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1376392 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020965.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020982.17-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020982.17-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020982.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350020984.73-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350020984.73-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350020984.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021064.24-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 637790 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021064.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021072.04-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021072.04-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2423824 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021072.04-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021104.96-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021104.96-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021104.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021107.58-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021107.58-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021107.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021224.54-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 558644 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021224.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021231.39-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 258184 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021231.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021234.7-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021234.7-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1106056 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021234.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021248.46-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021248.46-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1497224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021248.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021266.53-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021266.53-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021266.53-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021329.91-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 210566 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021329.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021335.72-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021335.72-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1292424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021335.72-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021351.35-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021351.35-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021351.35-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021353.79-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021353.79-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021353.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021406.83-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 228642 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021406.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021411.08-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 886256 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021411.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021422.83-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021422.83-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1286280 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021422.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021438.45-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021438.45-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021438.45-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021440.99-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021440.99-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021440.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021467.24-demo.wav

-GLG,30004,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,RuralFireSvc-RFS,L GEORG,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1159820 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021467.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021481.29-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 921736 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021481.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021492.51-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 247944 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021492.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021495.9-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021495.9-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1058952 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021495.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021508.76-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021508.76-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1010114 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021508.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021526.28-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021526.28-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021526.28-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021528.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021528.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021528.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021534.81-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 430038 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021534.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021540.18-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021540.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021542.8-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,1,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1036424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021542.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021555.4-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021555.4-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1471068 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021555.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021573.06-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021573.06-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021573.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021575.66-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021575.66-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021575.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021651.08-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 226082 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021651.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021655.14-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 311432 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021655.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021659.06-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 309384 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021659.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021662.93-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 338038 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021662.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021667.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021667.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1523848 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021667.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021686.21-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021686.21-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021686.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021810.7-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 232182 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021810.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021813.71-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 293000 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021813.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021817.4-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 217224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021817.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021820.23-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 286728 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021820.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021825.05-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1445218 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021825.05-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021842.87-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 497800 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021842.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021849.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021849.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 729224 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021849.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021857.98-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021857.98-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1023732 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021857.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021875.7-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021875.7-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021875.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350021878.23-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350021878.23-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350021878.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022064.33-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 243938 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022064.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022067.51-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 254088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022067.51-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022072.14-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 651166 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022072.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022080.14-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1837192 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022080.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022102.23-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 376584 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022102.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022107.24-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1513572 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022107.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022126.26-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 803520 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022126.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022136.6-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022136.6-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 587912 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022136.6-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022144.22-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022144.22-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1478154 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022144.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022162.09-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022162.09-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022162.09-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022243.05-demo.wav


-done - result 225540 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022243.05-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022247.68-demo.wav


-done - result 245896 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022247.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022251.43-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022251.43-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 4491400 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022251.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022305.11-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022305.11-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1007088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022305.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022321.44-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022321.44-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022321.44-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022348.06-demo.wav


-done - result 225304 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022348.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022352.22-demo.wav


-done - result 526472 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022352.22-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022358.73-demo.wav


-done - result 274568 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022358.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022362.47-demo.wav


-done - result 342152 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022362.47-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022366.83-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022366.83-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 708244 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022366.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022375.53-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 499848 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022375.53-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022381.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022381.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 856200 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022381.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022392.31-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022392.31-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1095802 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022392.31-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022410.1-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022410.1-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022410.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022412.62-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022412.62-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022412.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022459.41-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 209430 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022459.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022462.5-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 327816 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022462.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022466.68-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 495752 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022466.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022473.53-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 587788 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022473.53-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022483.6-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022483.6-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1077402 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022483.6-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022500.28-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022500.28-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022500.28-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022502.89-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022502.89-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022502.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022505.2-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022505.2-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022505.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022591.16-demo.wav


-done - result 543614 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022591.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022598.11-demo.wav


-done - result 596104 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022598.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022607.2-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022607.2-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1339528 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022607.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022623.36-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022623.36-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022623.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022625.94-demo.wav


-done - result 295048 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022625.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022631.16-demo.wav


-done - result 274828 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022631.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022634.65-demo.wav


-done - result 493702 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022634.65-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022640.77-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022640.77-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1366152 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022640.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022657.25-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022657.25-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1040150 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022657.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022674.66-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022674.66-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022674.66-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022677.27-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022677.27-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022677.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022779.43-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 342228 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022779.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022785.06-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 741512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022785.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022794.17-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 663644 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022794.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022802.58-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 401536 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022802.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022807.6-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022807.6-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1534088 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022807.6-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022826.1-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 895112 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022826.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022837.62-demo.wav

-GLG,40093,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,PCL Rural,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 498206 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022837.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022844.28-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022844.28-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3950728 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022844.28-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022891.98-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022891.98-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1298568 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022891.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022907.54-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022907.54-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022907.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350022910.18-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350022910.18-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350022910.18-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023085.91-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 498116 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023085.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023092.55-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 276580 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023092.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023096.79-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023096.79-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1372296 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023096.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023113.5-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023113.5-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023113.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023155.71-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 246568 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023155.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023159.01-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 448648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023159.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023164.55-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 329864 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023164.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023168.94-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023168.94-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1168584 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023168.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023186.75-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023186.75-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023186.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023189.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023189.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 192648 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023189.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023195.32-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 211202 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023195.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023198.08-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 278664 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023198.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023202.0-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 272520 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023202.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023206.28-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023206.28-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 946268 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023206.28-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023217.76-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1491080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023217.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023236.02-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 329864 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023236.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023240.29-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023240.29-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1215928 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023240.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023255.03-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 647304 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023255.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023263.03-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 223368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023263.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023266.19-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023266.19-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1168466 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023266.19-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023284.06-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023284.06-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 213128 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023284.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023286.77-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023286.77-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023286.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023343.99-demo.wav


-done - result 332028 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023343.99-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023349.32-demo.wav


-done - result 380466 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023349.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023354.25-demo.wav


-done - result 460936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023354.25-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023360.08-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023360.08-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2143444 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023360.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023389.46-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023389.46-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023389.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023392.01-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023392.01-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023392.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023644.34-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 209856 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023644.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023647.98-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 369500 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023647.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023653.11-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2658432 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023653.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023687.53-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 356488 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023687.53-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023691.98-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023691.98-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1151112 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023691.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023706.37-demo.wav


-done - result 351554 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023706.37-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023710.93-demo.wav


-done - result 360582 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023710.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023715.98-demo.wav


-done - result 393352 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023715.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023721.23-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023721.23-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1347520 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023721.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023737.56-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023737.56-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1000984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023737.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023755.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023755.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023755.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023873.4-demo.wav


-done - result 498630 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023873.4-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023880.86-demo.wav


-done - result 264314 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023880.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023885.14-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023885.14-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 929922 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023885.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023896.41-demo.wav


-done - result 978396 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023896.41-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023908.32-demo.wav


-done - result 229512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023908.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023911.21-demo.wav


-done - result 254066 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023911.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023914.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023914.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 5900424 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023914.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023984.85-demo.wav


-done - result 305288 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023984.85-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023989.34-demo.wav


-done - result 295048 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023989.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350023993.61-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350023993.61-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1214074 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350023993.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024008.23-demo.wav


-done - result 659592 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024008.23-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024017.48-demo.wav


-done - result 945988 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024017.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024029.29-demo.wav


-done - result 649352 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024029.29-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024037.2-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 4789212 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024037.2-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024094.58-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024094.58-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 4884790 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024094.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024157.02-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024157.02-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 208144 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024157.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024161.43-demo.wav


-done - result 311458 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024161.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024166.94-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024166.94-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1212552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024166.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024181.59-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024181.59-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024181.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024184.12-demo.wav


-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024184.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024187.79-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 617756 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024187.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024195.64-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 319620 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024195.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024199.78-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024199.78-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1347720 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024199.78-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024216.03-demo.wav


-done - result 944264 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024216.03-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024227.48-demo.wav


-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024227.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024230.89-demo.wav


-done - result 223328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024230.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024234.08-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024234.08-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1314952 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024234.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024249.89-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 379016 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024249.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024255.33-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024255.33-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1410758 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024255.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024274.56-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024274.56-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204934 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024274.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024333.11-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 406244 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024333.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024338.12-demo.wav

-GLG,44011,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,ACTION 44011,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 467080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024338.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024343.82-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024343.82-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1558754 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024343.82-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024362.65-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024362.65-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1004060 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024362.65-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024379.64-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024379.64-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024379.64-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024455.56-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 241596 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024455.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024459.8-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 215176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024459.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024463.16-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 2099336 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024463.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024489.89-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024489.89-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1164692 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024489.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024506.59-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024506.59-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 256136 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024506.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024509.91-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024509.91-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024509.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024547.63-demo.wav


-done - result 260782 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024547.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024552.27-demo.wav


-done - result 297018 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024552.27-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024556.0-demo.wav


-done - result 542798 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024556.0-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024564.01-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024564.01-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 229512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024564.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024566.9-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024566.9-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1003276 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024566.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024584.46-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024584.46-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024584.46-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024586.91-demo.wav


-done - result 225416 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024586.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024590.93-demo.wav


-done - result 671880 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024590.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024599.13-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024599.13-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 553096 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024599.13-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024605.89-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1124762 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024605.89-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024623.68-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024623.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024627.01-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 299144 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024627.01-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024630.94-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 329864 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024630.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024635.08-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 336008 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024635.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024639.93-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024639.93-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1501320 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024639.93-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024658.02-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024658.02-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 215176 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024658.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024735.97-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 243244 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024735.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024740.26-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 534802 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024740.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024746.88-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 286856 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024746.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024751.56-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024751.56-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 964744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024751.56-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024763.17-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024763.17-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1059920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024763.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024780.67-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 323720 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024780.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024785.58-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 278664 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024785.58-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024789.17-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 321672 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024789.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024793.9-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024793.9-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2029836 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024793.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024822.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024822.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 206984 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024822.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024825.54-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350024825.54-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024825.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024992.87-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 353116 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024992.87-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350024997.68-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 247944 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350024997.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025000.9-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025000.9-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1165448 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025000.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025015.34-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025015.34-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1462408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025015.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025032.97-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025032.97-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 202888 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025032.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025035.5-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025035.5-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025035.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025112.57-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 327388 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025112.57-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025116.67-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 258184 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025116.67-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025119.88-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025119.88-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 939200 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025119.88-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025131.21-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 364680 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025131.21-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025136.14-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025136.14-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1143844 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025136.14-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025152.5-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025152.5-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 209032 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025152.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025155.11-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025155.11-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025155.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025157.59-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025157.59-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180300 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025157.59-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025290.62-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 265294 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025290.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025294.84-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 198792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025294.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025297.71-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 293000 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025297.71-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025301.81-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 376968 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025301.81-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025306.96-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025306.96-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1190154 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025306.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025325.43-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025325.43-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025325.43-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025327.94-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025327.94-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025327.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025604.34-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 254792 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025604.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025607.55-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 229512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025607.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025611.68-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 337972 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025611.68-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025615.92-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 317576 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025615.92-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025620.02-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025620.02-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1433736 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025620.02-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025637.32-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 300972 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025637.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025641.8-demo.wav


-done - result 1546872 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025641.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025661.7-demo.wav


-done - result 304280 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025661.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025665.83-demo.wav


-done - result 227464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025665.83-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025668.7-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025668.7-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 3469448 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025668.7-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025710.38-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025710.38-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1372296 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025710.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025726.91-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025726.91-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 200840 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025726.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025736.12-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 278668 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025736.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025740.8-demo.wav


-done - result 758760 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025740.8-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025751.77-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025751.77-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1325192 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025751.77-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025767.73-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 1048712 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025767.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025780.97-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 241800 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025780.97-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025784.32-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 536576 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025784.32-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025790.84-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025790.84-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 700550 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025790.84-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025799.36-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025799.36-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1054180 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025799.36-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025817.5-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025817.5-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025817.5-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025819.91-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025819.91-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025819.91-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025844.79-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 552842 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025844.79-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025852.11-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025852.11-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1011624 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025852.11-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025868.1-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025868.1-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 229512 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025868.1-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025871.05-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025871.05-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025871.05-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025913.61-demo.wav


-done - result 305808 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025913.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025918.33-demo.wav


-done - result 483464 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025918.33-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025924.75-demo.wav


-done - result 255882 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025924.75-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025928.06-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025928.06-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 405640 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025928.06-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025933.12-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025933.12-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1045940 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025933.12-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025950.86-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025950.86-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025950.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025953.54-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350025953.54-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 184456 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025953.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025988.3-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 271684 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025988.3-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025991.63-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025991.63-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350025993.94-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 733284 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350025993.94-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026003.62-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 642490 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026003.62-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026012.17-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026012.17-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1409160 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026012.17-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026029.05-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026029.05-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 196744 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026029.05-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026031.48-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026031.48-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 182408 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026031.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026121.24-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 254920 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026121.24-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026124.52-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 264328 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026124.52-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026127.9-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 444552 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026127.9-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026133.96-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026133.96-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1593970 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026133.96-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026157.54-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026157.54-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 223368 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026157.54-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026160.73-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026160.73-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 180360 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026160.73-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026328.38-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 332924 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026328.38-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026332.55-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 190600 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026332.55-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026335.16-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026335.16-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2430542 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026335.16-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026368.34-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026368.34-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 204936 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026368.34-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026370.86-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026370.86-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 186504 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026370.86-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026723.98-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 216212 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026723.98-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026727.26-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 211080 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026727.26-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026730.76-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026730.76-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 2037896 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026730.76-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026755.15-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 293000 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026755.15-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026759.39-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026759.39-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 1574392 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026759.39-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026778.48-demo.wav


-2012-10-12-1350026778.48-demo.wav has no TGID

-done - result 194696 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026778.48-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026786.08-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 288010 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026786.08-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026789.61-demo.wav

-GLG,10106,NFM,0,0,CanberraMtAinsli,FireandRescNewSo,SYD 7,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE

-done - result 247944 frames written to 2012-10-12-1350026789.61-demo.wav

-ready to record again


































-Worker for 2012-10-12-1350026792.66-demo.wav



file:a/run.bat -> file:b/run.bat
--- a/run.bat
+++ b/run.bat
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
 python > output.txt

file:a/ -> file:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import logging
-                    format='%(asctime)s\t%(levelname)s\t%(message)s')
+    format='%(asctime)s\t%(levelname)s\t%(message)s')
 import snd
 import time
@@ -12,81 +13,132 @@
 #python -m -p COM20 -e -b 115200 --cr
 import psycopg2
 import csv
-import sys,os
+import sys
+import os
 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__) or '.', 'pynma'))
 import pynma
 filename = "demo.wav"
+last_call = (None, None, None)
 MIN_LENGTH = 90000
+lock = threading.RLock()
-def worker(filename, length):
+def get_call():
+    global lock
+    with lock:
+        ser.write("GLG\r")
+        line = ser.readline()   # read a '\n' terminated line
+        print line
+        reader = csv.reader([line])
+        for row in reader:
+            #GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0
+            #,NONE,NONE,NONE
+            if (row[0] != 'GLG' or row[1] == ''):
+                print "uh oh"
+                return (None, None, None)
+            if (row[1] != ''):
+                tgid = row[1]
+                #nma.push("scannr", "ping", filename, "")
+                tgname = row[7]
+                sitename = row[5]
+                return (tgid, tgname, sitename)
+def log_recording(tgid, tgname, sitename, filename, length):
+    cur = conn.cursor()
+    cur.execute("INSERT INTO recordings \
+    (tgid, tgname, sitename, filename, length)\
+     VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ( tgid, tgname, sitename, filename, length))
+    conn.commit()
+    cur.close()
+def tgid_worker():
+    global last_call
+    last_call = get_call()
+def save_worker(filename, length):
+    global last_call
     """thread worker function
 ffmpeg -i 2012-09-29-1348911268.34-demo.wav -ar 8000 -ab 4.75k test.3gp
-    print 'Worker for '+filename
-    ser.write("GLG\r")   
-    line = ser.readline()   # read a '\n' terminated line
-    print line
-    reader = csv.reader([line])
-    for row in reader:
-        #GLG,40078,NFM,0,0,CanberraBlackMnt,AustralianCapita,SES Ops 1,1,0,NONE,NONE,NONE
-        if (row[0] != 'GLG'):
-            print "uh oh"
-        if (row[1] != ''):  
-            tgid = row[1]
-            #nma.push("scannr", "ping", filename, "")
-            tgname = row[7]
-            sitename = row[5]
-            """"""
-            cur = conn.cursor()
-            cur.execute("INSERT INTO recordings (filename,tgid,tgname,sitename,length) VALUES (%s, %s,%s, %s, %s)",(filename,tgid,tgname,sitename, length))
-            conn.commit()
-            cur.close()
+    print 'Worker for ' + filename
+    (oldtgid, oldtgname, oldsitename) = last_call
+    (tgid, tgname, sitename) = get_call()
+    if oldtgid == tgid:
+        if tgid is None or tgid == '':
+            print filename + " has no TGID"
-            print filename+" has no TGID"
+            log_recording(tgid, tgname, sitename, filename, length)
+    else:
+        if tgid is None or tgid == '':
+            print filename + " has no TGID"
+        else:
+            log_recording(tgid, tgname, sitename, filename, length)
+        if oldtgid is None or oldtgid == '':
+            print filename + " has no old TGID"
+        else:
+            log_recording(oldtgid, oldtgname, oldsitename, filename, length)
+    return
-    return
 def filenameMaker():
     global filename
-    filename ='-'+str(time.time())+'-demo.wav'
+    filename = + '-' + str(time.time()) + '-demo.wav'
-def record_to_async_file():
-    "Records from the microphone and outputs the resulting data to `path`"
+def do_record():
+    #global filename
     sample_width, data = snd.record()
-    print str(len(data))
+    thr = threading.Thread(target=record_to_async_file, args=(sample_width, data, filename))
+    thr.start()
+def record_to_async_file(sample_width, data, filename):
+    "Records from the microphone and outputs the resulting data to `filename`"
+    print "Recording complete"
     if len(data) > MIN_LENGTH:
-        data = snd.pack('<' + ('h'*len(data)), *data)
-        path = "./data/"+filename
-        dispatcher.send( signal='FILE_CREATED', sender=filename, filename=filename, length=len(data))
+        print "Recording being saved..."
+        dispatcher.send(signal='FILE_CREATED', sender=filename, filename=filename, length=len(data))
+        print str(len(data))
+        data = snd.pack('<' + ('h' * len(data)), *data)
+        path = "./data/" + filename
         wf =, 'wb')
-        wf.setnchannels(1)
+        wf.setnchannels(2)
         del wf
-        print("done - result "+str(len(data))+" frames written to "+path)
+        print("done - result " + str(len(data)) + " frames written to " + path)
     del data
-dispatcher.connect( filenameMaker, signal='SND_STARTED', sender=dispatcher.Any )
-dispatcher.connect( worker, signal='FILE_CREATED', sender=dispatcher.Any )
+dispatcher.connect(filenameMaker, signal='SND_STARTED', sender=dispatcher.Any)
+dispatcher.connect(tgid_worker, signal='SND_STARTED', sender=dispatcher.Any)
+dispatcher.connect(save_worker, signal='FILE_CREATED', sender=dispatcher.Any)
 print "Opening serial port..."
-ser = serial.Serial('COM20', 112500, timeout=1) 
+if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
+    ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-FTB3VL83', 112500, timeout=1)
+elif sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
+    ser = serial.Serial('COM20', 112500, timeout=1)
 print "Loading notifymyandroid..."
-nma = pynma.PyNMA( "a6f50f76119eda33befe4325b4b9e1dd25eef7bad2868e4f")    
+nma = pynma.PyNMA("a6f50f76119eda33befe4325b4b9e1dd25eef7bad2868e4f")
 print "Connecting database..."
 conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=scannr user=postgres password=snmc")
 print "Scannr started."
 while True:
     print "ready to record again"
-    record_to_async_file()
+    do_record()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.gitignore
@@ -1,1 +1,14 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/.name
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/ant.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="AntConfiguration">
+    <defaultAnt bundledAnt="true" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/compiler.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="CompilerConfiguration">
+    <option name="DEFAULT_COMPILER" value="Javac" />
+    <excludeFromCompile>
+      <directory url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/gen" includeSubdirectories="true" />
+    </excludeFromCompile>
+    <resourceExtensions />
+    <wildcardResourcePatterns>
+      <entry name="!?*.java" />
+      <entry name="!?*.form" />
+      <entry name="!?*.class" />
+      <entry name="!?*.groovy" />
+      <entry name="!?*.scala" />
+      <entry name="!?*.flex" />
+      <entry name="!?*.kt" />
+      <entry name="!?*.clj" />
+    </wildcardResourcePatterns>
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+      <profile default="true" name="Default" enabled="false">
+        <processorPath useClasspath="true" />
+      </profile>
+    </annotationProcessing>
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<component name="CopyrightManager">
+  <settings default="">
+    <module2copyright />
+  </settings>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/encodings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+  <component name="Encoding" useUTFGuessing="true" native2AsciiForPropertiesFiles="false" />

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+  <component name="EntryPointsManager">
+    <entry_points version="2.0" />
+  </component>
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+    <output url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/out" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/modules.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="ProjectModuleManager">
+    <modules>
+      <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/scannrmobile.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/scannrmobile.iml" />
+    </modules>
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<component name="DependencyValidationManager">
+  <state>
+    <option name="SKIP_IMPORT_STATEMENTS" value="false" />
+  </state>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/uiDesigner.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,126 @@
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/vcs.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
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+  <component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
+    <mapping directory="" vcs="" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,778 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+  <component name="AndroidConfiguredLogFilters">
+    <filters>
+      <filter>
+        <option name="logLevel" value="verbose" />
+        <option name="logMessagePattern" value="Scannr" />
+        <option name="logTagPattern" value="" />
+        <option name="name" value="Scannr" />
+        <option name="pid" value="" />
+      </filter>
+    </filters>
+  </component>
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+      <profile>
+        <option name="device" value="2.7in QVGA" />
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+      </profile>
+    </option>
+    <option name="selection" value="[Full]" />
+  </component>
+  <component name="AndroidLogFilters">
+    <option name="TOOL_WINDOW_CONFIGURED_FILTER" value="Scannr" />
+  </component>
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+  </component>
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+    <option name="PATCH_PATH" value="" />
+  </component>
+  <component name="DaemonCodeAnalyzer">
+    <disable_hints />
+  </component>
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+    <line_breakpoints default_suspend_policy="SuspendAll" default_condition_enabled="true" />
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+      <breakpoint>
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+        <option name="NOTIFY_UNCAUGHT" value="true" />
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+        <option name="INSTANCE_FILTERS_ENABLED" value="false" />
+        <option name="CONDITION" value="" />
+        <option name="LOG_MESSAGE" value="" />
+      </breakpoint>
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+        <option name="INSTANCE_FILTERS_ENABLED" value="false" />
+        <option name="CONDITION" value="" />
+        <option name="LOG_MESSAGE" value="" />
+      </breakpoint>
+    </breakpoint_any>
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+    <ui_properties />
+  </component>
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+  </component>
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+      <setting name="OPEN_NEW_TAB" value="false" />
+    </FindUsagesManager>
+  </component>
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+      <list>
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+        <option value="$PROJECT_DIR$/src/com/example/scannrmobile/" />
+        <option value="$PROJECT_DIR$/res/layout/main.xml" />
+        <option value="$PROJECT_DIR$/src/com/example/scannrmobile/" />
+      </list>
+    </option>
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+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$USER_HOME$/Downloads/android-sdk-macosx/sources/android-17/android/os/">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="347" column="53" selection-start="14141" selection-end="14141" vertical-scroll-proportion="0.0">
+          <folding />
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/AndroidManifest.xml">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="5" column="68" selection-start="266" selection-end="266" vertical-scroll-proportion="0.0">
+          <folding />
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/res/layout/main.xml">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="android-designer">
+        <state />
+      </provider>
+      <provider editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="0" column="0" selection-start="0" selection-end="0" vertical-scroll-proportion="0.0">
+          <folding />
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/res/layout/simplerow.xml">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="android-designer">
+        <state />
+      </provider>
+      <provider editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="0" column="0" selection-start="0" selection-end="0" vertical-scroll-proportion="0.0">
+          <folding />
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$USER_HOME$/Downloads/android-sdk-macosx/sources/android-17/android/widget/">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="46" column="13" selection-start="1860" selection-end="1860" vertical-scroll-proportion="0.0">
+          <folding />
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/com/example/scannrmobile/">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="61" column="28" selection-start="1919" selection-end="1919" vertical-scroll-proportion="0.0">
+          <folding>
+            <element signature="imports" expanded="true" />
+          </folding>
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/com/example/scannrmobile/">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="32" column="50" selection-start="1063" selection-end="1073" vertical-scroll-proportion="0.44060475">
+          <folding>
+            <element signature="imports" expanded="true" />
+          </folding>
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+  </component>
+  <component name="masterDetails">
+    <states>
+      <state key="ArtifactsStructureConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <artifact-editor />
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="FacetStructureConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <last-edited>Android</last-edited>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="GlobalLibrariesConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="JdkListConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <last-edited>Android 4.2 Platform</last-edited>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="ModuleStructureConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <last-edited>Android|scannrmobile</last-edited>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="ProjectLibrariesConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+    </states>
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<manifest xmlns:android=""
+          package="com.example.scannrmobile"
+          android:versionCode="1"
+          android:versionName="1.0">
+    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="17"/>
+    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
+    <application android:label="@string/app_name" android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher">
+        <activity android:name="ScannrMobile"
+                  android:label="@string/app_name">
+            <intent-filter>
+                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
+                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
+            </intent-filter>
+        </activity>
+    </application>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/build.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project name="scannrmobile" default="help">
+    <!-- The file is created and updated by the 'android' tool.
+         It contains the path to the SDK. It should *NOT* be checked into
+         Version Control Systems. -->
+    <property file=""/>
+    <!-- The file can be created by you. It is only edited by the
+         'android' tool to add properties to it.
+         This is the place to change some Ant specific build properties.
+         Here are some properties you may want to change/update:
+         source.dir
+             The name of the source directory. Default is 'src'.
+         out.dir
+             The name of the output directory. Default is 'bin'.
+         For other overridable properties, look at the beginning of the rules
+         files in the SDK, at tools/ant/build.xml
+         Properties related to the SDK location or the project target should
+         be updated using the 'android' tool with the 'update' action.
+         This file is an integral part of the build system for your
+         application and should be checked into Version Control Systems.
+         -->
+    <property file=""/>
+    <!-- if sdk.dir was not set from one of the property file, then
+         get it from the ANDROID_HOME env var.
+         This must be done before we load since
+         the proguard config can use sdk.dir -->
+    <property environment="env"/>
+    <condition property="sdk.dir" value="${env.ANDROID_HOME}">
+        <isset property="env.ANDROID_HOME"/>
+    </condition>
+    <!-- The file is created and updated by the 'android'
+         tool, as well as ADT.
+         This contains project specific properties such as project target, and library
+         dependencies. Lower level build properties are stored in
+         (or in .classpath for Eclipse projects).
+         This file is an integral part of the build system for your
+         application and should be checked into Version Control Systems. -->
+    <loadproperties srcFile=""/>
+    <!-- quick check on sdk.dir -->
+    <fail
+            message="sdk.dir is missing. Make sure to generate using 'android update project' or to inject it through the ANDROID_HOME environment variable."
+            unless="sdk.dir"
+            />
+    <!--
+        Import per project custom build rules if present at the root of the project.
+        This is the place to put custom intermediary targets such as:
+            -pre-build
+            -pre-compile
+            -post-compile (This is typically used for code obfuscation.
+                           Compiled code location: ${out.classes.absolute.dir}
+                           If this is not done in place, override ${out.dex.input.absolute.dir})
+            -post-package
+            -post-build
+            -pre-clean
+    -->
+    <import file="custom_rules.xml" optional="true"/>
+    <!-- Import the actual build file.
+         To customize existing targets, there are two options:
+         - Customize only one target:
+             - copy/paste the target into this file, *before* the
+               <import> task.
+             - customize it to your needs.
+         - Customize the whole content of build.xml
+             - copy/paste the content of the rules files (minus the top node)
+               into this file, replacing the <import> task.
+             - customize to your needs.
+         ***********************
+         ****** IMPORTANT ******
+         ***********************
+         In all cases you must update the value of version-tag below to read 'custom' instead of an integer,
+         in order to avoid having your file be overridden by tools such as "android update project"
+    -->
+    <!-- version-tag: 1 -->
+    <import file="${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml"/>

 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/BuildConfig.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/HttpTask$HttpTaskHandler.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/HttpTask.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R$attr.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R$drawable.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R$id.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R$layout.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R$string.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/ScannrMobile$1.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/ScannrMobile.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/scannrmobile.afp.apk differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/scannrmobile.apk differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/scannrmobile.unaligned.apk differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/proguard-project.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,21 @@
+# To enable ProGuard in your project, edit
+# to define the proguard.config property as described in that file.
+# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
+# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
+# in ${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
+# You can edit the include path and order by changing the ProGuard
+# include property in
+# For more details, see
+# Add any project specific keep options here:
+# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following
+# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface
+# class:
+#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
+#   public *;

 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/res/drawable-ldpi/ic_launcher.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/res/layout/main.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
+  android:orientation="vertical"
+  android:layout_width="fill_parent"
+  android:layout_height="fill_parent">
+	<ListView android:layout_width="fill_parent" 
+	  android:layout_height="fill_parent" 
+	  android:id="@+id/mainListView">
+	</ListView>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/res/layout/simplerow.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+<TextView xmlns:android=""
+ android:id="@+id/rowTextView" 
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent" 
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:padding="10dp"
+ android:textSize="16sp" >

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <string name="app_name">scannrmobile</string>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/scannrmobile.iml
@@ -1,1 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
+  <component name="FacetManager">
+    <facet type="android" name="Android">
+      <configuration>
+        <option name="GEN_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH_APT" value="/gen" />
+        <option name="GEN_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH_AIDL" value="/gen" />
+        <option name="MANIFEST_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/AndroidManifest.xml" />
+        <option name="RES_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/res" />
+        <option name="ASSETS_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/assets" />
+        <option name="LIBS_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/libs" />
+        <option name="USE_CUSTOM_APK_RESOURCE_FOLDER" value="false" />
+        <option name="CUSTOM_APK_RESOURCE_FOLDER" value="" />
+        <option name="USE_CUSTOM_COMPILER_MANIFEST" value="false" />
+        <option name="CUSTOM_COMPILER_MANIFEST" value="" />
+        <option name="APK_PATH" value="" />
+        <option name="LIBRARY_PROJECT" value="false" />
+        <option name="RUN_PROCESS_RESOURCES_MAVEN_TASK" value="true" />
+        <option name="GENERATE_UNSIGNED_APK" value="false" />
+        <option name="CUSTOM_DEBUG_KEYSTORE_PATH" value="" />
+        <option name="PACK_TEST_CODE" value="false" />
+        <option name="RUN_PROGUARD" value="false" />
+        <option name="PROGUARD_CFG_PATH" value="/proguard-project.txt" />
+        <resOverlayFolders>
+          <path>/res-overlay</path>
+        </resOverlayFolders>
+        <includeSystemProguardFile>true</includeSystemProguardFile>
+        <includeAssetsFromLibraries>false</includeAssetsFromLibraries>
+        <additionalNativeLibs />
+      </configuration>
+    </facet>
+  </component>
+  <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
+    <exclude-output />
+    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
+      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src" isTestSource="false" />
+      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/gen" isTestSource="false" />
+    </content>
+    <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
+    <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/src/com/example/scannrmobile/
@@ -1,1 +1,73 @@
+package com.example.scannrmobile;
+import android.os.AsyncTask;
+import org.apache.http.client.methods.*;
+import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
+import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
+import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
+import org.json.*;
+import android.util.Log;
+public class HttpTask extends AsyncTask<HttpUriRequest,Void,JSONArray> {
+    private static final String TAG = "Scannr_HTTP_TASK";
+    @Override
+    protected JSONArray doInBackground(HttpUriRequest...params) {
+        // Performed on Background Thread
+        HttpUriRequest request = params[0];
+        HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
+        try {
+            // The UI Thread shouldn't be blocked long enough to do the reading in of the stream.
+            HttpResponse response =  client.execute(request);
+// TODO handle bad response codes (such as 404, etc)
+            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"));
+            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
+            for (String line = null; (line = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {
+                builder.append(line).append("\n");
+            }
+            JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(builder.toString());
+            JSONArray json = new JSONArray(tokener);
+            return json;
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            // TODO handle different exception cases
+            Log.e(TAG,e.toString());
+            e.printStackTrace();
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected void onPostExecute(JSONArray json) {
+        // Done on UI Thread
+        if(json != null) {
+            taskHandler.taskSuccessful(json);
+        } else {
+            taskHandler.taskFailed();
+        }
+    }
+    public static interface HttpTaskHandler {
+        void taskSuccessful(JSONArray json);
+        void taskFailed();
+    }
+    HttpTaskHandler taskHandler;
+    public void setTaskHandler(HttpTaskHandler taskHandler) {
+        this.taskHandler = taskHandler;
+    }

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/src/com/example/scannrmobile/
@@ -1,1 +1,66 @@
+package com.example.scannrmobile;
+import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.util.Log;
+import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
+import android.widget.ListView;
+import com.example.scannrmobile.HttpTask.HttpTaskHandler;
+import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
+import org.json.JSONArray;
+import org.json.JSONException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+public class ScannrMobile extends Activity {
+    private ListView mainListView ;
+    private ArrayAdapter<String> listAdapter ;
+    private ScannrMobile view;
+    /**
+     * Called when the activity is first created.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
+        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
+        setContentView(R.layout.main);
+        mainListView = (ListView) findViewById( );
+        view = this;
+        //DownloadWebPageTask task = new DownloadWebPageTask();
+        //task.execute(new String[] { "" });
+        HttpTask task = new HttpTask();
+        task.setTaskHandler(new HttpTaskHandler()
+        {
+            public void taskSuccessful(JSONArray nodes) {
+                // Just put the JSONObjects into an array list so we can use a ListAdapter
+                ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList();
+                // Ingest Data
+                try {
+                Log.d(this.getClass().getName(), "Total Nodes: "+nodes.length());
+                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length(); i++ ) {
+                    data.add(nodes.getJSONObject(i).toString() );
+                }
+                // TODO update the list
+                } catch (JSONException j){
+                    Log.e(this.getClass().getName(), j.getMessage());
+                }
+                // Create ArrayAdapter using the planet list.
+                listAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(view, R.layout.simplerow,, data);
+                // Set the ArrayAdapter as the ListView's adapter.
+                mainListView.setAdapter( listAdapter );
+            }
+            public void taskFailed() {
+                // handler failure (e.g network not available etc.)
+                Log.e(this.getClass().getName(),"Task Failed");
+            }
+        });
+        task.execute(new HttpGet(""));
+    }

file:a/ -> file:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
-""" Record a few seconds of audio and save to a WAVE file. 
+""" Record a few seconds of audio and save to a WAVE file.
 Based on
 import pyaudio
 import wave
 import sys
-import audioop #
-from os.path import exists
 from array import array
 from struct import unpack, pack
-import threading
 from pydispatch import dispatcher
 CHUNK_SIZE = 1024
 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
 RATE = 44100
+if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
+    CHANNELS = 2
+elif sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
+    CHANNELS = 1
 def is_silent(L):
     "Returns `True` if below the 'silent' threshold"
@@ -25,24 +26,27 @@
     "print max(L) < THRESHOLD"
     return max(L) < THRESHOLD
 def normalize(L):
     "Average the volume out"
     MAXIMUM = 16384
-    times = float(MAXIMUM)/max(abs(i) for i in L)
+    times = float(MAXIMUM) / max(abs(i) for i in L)
     LRtn = array('h')
     for i in L:
-        LRtn.append(int(i*times))
+        LRtn.append(int(i * times))
     return LRtn
 def trim(L):
     "Trim the blank spots at the start and end"
     def _trim(L):
         snd_started = False
         LRtn = array('h')
         for i in L:
-            if not snd_started and abs(i)>THRESHOLD:
+            if not snd_started and abs(i) > THRESHOLD:
                 snd_started = True
@@ -59,27 +63,29 @@
     return L
 def add_silence(L, seconds):
     "Add silence to the start and end of `L` of length `seconds` (float)"
-    LRtn = array('h', [0 for i in xrange(int(seconds*RATE))])
+    LRtn = array('h', [0 for i in xrange(int(seconds * RATE))])
-    LRtn.extend([0 for i in xrange(int(seconds*RATE))])
+    LRtn.extend([0 for i in xrange(int(seconds * RATE))])
     return LRtn
 def record():
-    Record a word or words from the microphone and 
+    Record a word or words from the microphone and
     return the data as an array of signed shorts.
-    Normalizes the audio, trims silence from the 
-    start and end, and pads with 0.5 seconds of 
-    blank sound to make sure VLC et al can play 
+    Normalizes the audio, trims silence from the
+    start and end, and pads with 0.5 seconds of
+    blank sound to make sure VLC et al can play
     it without getting chopped off.
     p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
-    stream =, channels=1, rate=RATE, 
-                    input=True, output=True,
-                    frames_per_buffer=CHUNK_SIZE)
+    stream =, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE,
+        input=True,
+        frames_per_buffer=CHUNK_SIZE)
     num_silent = 0
     snd_started = False
@@ -87,8 +93,13 @@
     LRtn = array('h')
     while 1:
-        data =
-        L = unpack('<' + ('h'*(len(data)/2)), data) # little endian, signed short
+        try:
+            data =
+        except IOError as ex:
+            if ex[1] != pyaudio.paInputOverflowed:
+                raise
+            data = '\x00' * CHUNK_SIZE
+        L = unpack('<' + ('h' * (len(data) / 2)), data) # little endian, signed short
         L = array('h', L)
         silent = is_silent(L)
@@ -96,11 +107,13 @@
         if silent and snd_started:
             num_silent += 1
-            print num_silent
+            #print num_silent
         elif not silent and not snd_started:
-            dispatcher.send( signal='SND_STARTED')
+            dispatcher.send(signal='SND_STARTED')
             snd_started = True
             print snd_started
+        if snd_started and not silent:
+            num_silent = 0
         if snd_started:
         if snd_started and num_silent > MAX_SILENT:
@@ -116,25 +129,24 @@
     LRtn = add_silence(LRtn, 0.5)
     return sample_width, LRtn
 def record_to_file(path):
     "Records from the microphone and outputs the resulting data to `path`"
     sample_width, data = record()
-    data = pack('<' + ('h'*len(data)), *data)
+    data = pack('<' + ('h' * len(data)), *data)
     wf =, 'wb')
-    wf.setnchannels(1)
+    wf.setnchannels(CHANNELS)
-    print("done - result written to "+path)
+    print("done - result written to " + path)
     del data
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    filename = 'demo.wav'
+    record_to_file(filename)
+    print("done - result written to " + filename)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-	filename = 'demo.wav'
-        record_to_file(filename)
-        print("done - result written to "+filename)

file:b/ (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,1 +1,47 @@
+"""PyAudio example: Record a few seconds of audio and save to a WAVE file."""
+import pyaudio
+import wave
+CHUNK = 1024
+FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
+RATE = 44100
+WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "output.wav"
+p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
+device_idx = 0;
+for i in range (0, p.get_device_count()):
+	print(p.get_device_info_by_index(i))
+	if p.get_device_info_by_index(i)['name'] == 'Built-in Input':
+		device_idx = i
+		print i
+stream =,
+    channels=CHANNELS,
+    rate=RATE,
+    input=True,
+    input_device_index=device_idx,
+    frames_per_buffer=CHUNK)
+print("* recording")
+frames = []
+for i in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * RECORD_SECONDS)):
+    data =
+    frames.append(data)
+print("* done recording")
+wf =, 'wb')

file:b/ (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,1 +1,127 @@
+from os.path import exists
+from array import array
+from struct import unpack, pack
+import pyaudio
+import wave
+CHUNK_SIZE = 1024
+FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
+RATE = 44100
+def is_silent(L):
+    "Returns `True` if below the 'silent' threshold"
+    return max(L) < THRESHOLD
+def normalize(L):
+    "Average the volume out"
+    MAXIMUM = 16384
+    times = float(MAXIMUM) / max(abs(i) for i in L)
+    LRtn = array('h')
+    for i in L:
+        LRtn.append(int(i * times))
+    return LRtn
+def trim(L):
+    "Trim the blank spots at the start and end"
+    def _trim(L):
+        snd_started = False
+        LRtn = array('h')
+        for i in L:
+            if not snd_started and abs(i) > THRESHOLD:
+                snd_started = True
+                LRtn.append(i)
+            elif snd_started:
+                LRtn.append(i)
+        return LRtn
+    # Trim to the left
+    L = _trim(L)
+    # Trim to the right
+    L.reverse()
+    L = _trim(L)
+    L.reverse()
+    return L
+def add_silence(L, seconds):
+    "Add silence to the start and end of `L` of length `seconds` (float)"
+    LRtn = array('h', [0 for i in xrange(int(seconds * RATE))])
+    LRtn.extend(L)
+    LRtn.extend([0 for i in xrange(int(seconds * RATE))])
+    return LRtn
+def record():
+    """
+    Record a word or words from the microphone and 
+    return the data as an array of signed shorts.
+    Normalizes the audio, trims silence from the 
+    start and end, and pads with 0.5 seconds of 
+    blank sound to make sure VLC et al can play 
+    it without getting chopped off.
+    """
+    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
+    stream =, channels=2, rate=RATE,
+        input=True,
+        frames_per_buffer=CHUNK_SIZE)
+    num_silent = 0
+    snd_started = False
+    LRtn = array('h')
+    while 1:
+        data =
+        L = unpack('<' + ('h' * (len(data) / 2)), data) # little endian, signed short
+        L = array('h', L)
+        LRtn.extend(L)
+        silent = is_silent(L)
+        #print silent, num_silent, L[:10]
+        if silent and snd_started:
+            num_silent += 1
+        elif not silent and not snd_started:
+            snd_started = True
+        if snd_started and num_silent > 30:
+            break
+    sample_width = p.get_sample_size(FORMAT)
+    stream.stop_stream()
+    stream.close()
+    p.terminate()
+    LRtn = normalize(LRtn)
+    LRtn = trim(LRtn)
+    LRtn = add_silence(LRtn, 0.5)
+    return sample_width, LRtn
+def record_to_file(path):
+    "Records from the microphone and outputs the resulting data to `path`"
+    sample_width, data = record()
+    data = pack('<' + ('h' * len(data)), *data)
+    wf =, 'wb')
+    wf.setnchannels(2)
+    wf.setsampwidth(sample_width)
+    wf.setframerate(RATE)
+    wf.writeframes(data)
+    wf.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    print("please speak a word into the microphone")
+    record_to_file('demo.wav')
+    print("done - result written to demo.wav")

file:b/tgid.csv (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tgid.csv
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
10000,,GL 1,D,GL 1,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10001,,GL 2,D,GL 2,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10002,,GL 3,D,GL 3,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10003,,GL 4,D,GL 4,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10004,,GL 5,D,GL 5,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10005,,GL 6,D,GL 6,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10006,,GL 7,D,GL 7,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10007,,GL 8,D,GL 8,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10008,,GL 9,D,GL 9,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10009,,GL 10,D,GL 10,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10010,,ESO 1,D,ESO 1,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10011,,ESO 2,D,ESO 2,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10012,,ESO 3,D,ESO 3,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10013,,ESO 4,D,ESO 4,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10014,,ESO 5,D,ESO 5,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10015,,ESO 6,D,ESO 6,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10016,,ESO 7,D,ESO 7,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10017,,ESO 8,D,ESO 8,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10018,,ESO 9,D,ESO 9,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10019,,ESO 10,D,ESO 10,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10020,,ESO 11,D,ESO 11,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10021,,ESO 12,D,ESO 12,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10022,,ESO 13,D,ESO 13,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10023,,ESO 14,D,ESO 14,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10024,,ESO 15,D,ESO 15,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10025,,ESO 16,D,ESO 16,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10026,,ESO 17,D,ESO 17,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10027,,ESO 18,D,ESO 18,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10028,,ESO 19,D,ESO 19,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10029,,ESO 20,D,ESO 20,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10030,,AVIATN1,D,RFS GD01 AVIATN1,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10031,,AVIATN2,D,RFS GD02 AVIATN2,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10032,,AVIATN3,D,RFS GD03 AVIATN3,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10033,,AVIATN4,D,RFS GD04 AVIATN4,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10034,,AVIATN5,D,RFS GD05 AVIATN5,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10035,,AVIATN6,D,RFS GD06 AVIATN6,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10036,,BLKM HL,D,RFS GD08 BLKM HL,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10037,,BL MTNS,D,RFS GD10 BL MTNS,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10038,,CISS,D,RFS GD14 CISS,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10039,,COM ED1,D,RFS GD16 COM ED1,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10040,,COM ED2,D,RFS GD17 COM ED2,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10041,,COM ED3,D,RFS GD18 COM ED3,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10042,,CMBRLND,D,RFS GD20 CMBRLND,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10043,,EAST OP,D,RFS GD21 EAST OP,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10044,,EXEC OP,D,RFS GD22 EXEC OP,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10045,,FIU 1,D,RFS GD26 FIU 1,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10046,,FIU 2,D,RFS GD27 FIU 2,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10047,,GOSFORD,D,RFS GD28 GOSFORD,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10048,,HAWKESB,D,RFS GD29 HAWKESB,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10049,,HORNSBY,D,RFS GD30 HORNSBY,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10050,,LDS 1,D,RFS GD38 LDS 1,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10051,,LDS 2,D,RFS GD39 LDS 2,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10052,,MCARTHR,D,RFS GD42 MCARTHR,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10053,,MEDIA 1,D,RFS GD44 MEDIA 1,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10054,,MEDIA 2,D,RFS GD45 MEDIA 2,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10055,,OP COM1,D,RFS GD58 OP COM1,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10056,,OP COM2,D,RFS GD59 OP COM2,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10057,,OP COM3,D,RFS GD60 OP COM3,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10058,,OPS1,D,RFS GD62 OPS1,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10059,,OPS2,D,RFS GD63 OPS2,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10060,,OPS3,D,RFS GD64 OPS3,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10061,,OPS4,D,RFS GD65 OPS4,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10062,,OPS5,D,RFS GD66 OPS5,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10063,,OPS6,D,RFS GD67 OPS6,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10064,,OPS7,D,RFS GD68 OPS7,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10065,,OPS8,D,RFS GD69 OPS8,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10066,,OPS9,D,RFS GD70 OPS9,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10067,,OPS10,D,RFS GD71 OPS10,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10068,,OPS11,D,RFS GD72 OPS11,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10069,,OPS12,D,RFS GD73 OPS12,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10070,,OPS13,D,RFS GD74 OPS13,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10071,,OPS14,D,RFS GD75 OPS14,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10072,,OPS15,D,RFS GD76 OPS15,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10073,,RGN EST,D,RFS GD77 RGN EST,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10074,,STATEOP,D,RFS GD87 STATEOP,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10075,,STHRLND,D,RFS GD88 STHRLND,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10076,,WARINGH,D,RFS GD91 WARINGH,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10077,,WOLONDL,D,RFS GD94 WOLONDL,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
10101,,SYD 1,D,SYD 1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10102,,SYD 2,D,SYD 2,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10103,,SYD 3,D,SYD 3,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10104,,SYD 4,D,SYD 4,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10105,,SYD 6,D,SYD 6,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10106,,SYD 7,D,SYD 7,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10107,,SYD 8,D,SYD 8,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10108,,SYD 9,D,SYD 9,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10109,,SYD 10,D,SYD 10,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10110,,SYD 11,D,SYD 11,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10111,,SYD 12,D,SYD 12,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10112,,New 1,D,New 1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10113,,New 2,D,New 2,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10114,,Gos 1,D,Gos 1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10115,,Gos 2,D,Gos 2,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10117,,HAST 1,D,HAST 1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10118,,SUMLND1,D,SUMLND1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10119,,PEEL 1,D,PEEL 1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10120,,WOLL 1,D,WOLL 1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10121,,WOLL 2,D,WOLL 2,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10122,,SHIGH1,D,SHIGH1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10123,,GOULB1,D,GOULB1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10124,,MONARO1,D,MONARO1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10125,,SCST 1,D,SCST 1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10126,,ACTNSW,D,ACTNSW,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10127,,GRIFFTH,D,GRIFFTH,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10128,,MURRAY1,D,MURRAY1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10129,,CWEST1,D,CWEST1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10130,,BLU MT1,D,BLU MT1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10131,,BLU MT2,D,BLU MT2,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10132,,BOGAN 1,D,BOGAN 1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10133,,LACHLN1,D,LACHLN1,Fire Dispatch,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10134,,Ops 1,D,Special Operations 1,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10135,,Ops 2,D,Special Operations 2,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10136,,Ops 3,D,Special Operations 3,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10137,,Ops 4,D,Special Operations 4,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10138,,Ops 5,D,Special Operations 5,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10139,,Ops 6,D,Special Operations 6,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10144,,Ops 11,D,Special Operations 11,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10145,,Ops 12,D,Special Operations 12,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10146,,Ops 13,D,Special Operations 13,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10147,,Ops 14,D,Special Operations 14,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10148,,Ops 15,D,Special Operations 15,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10149,,Ops 16,D,Special Operations 16,Fire-Tac,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10154,,Comms,D,Communications,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10155,,Property,D,Property,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10156,,Fleet,D,Fleet,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10157,,Admin,D,Administration,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10158,,Mech,D,Mechanics,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10159,,Eng,D,Engineers,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10160,,Op Comms,D,Operation Communications,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10161,,Hazmat,D,BAHazmat,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10162,,Bushfire,D,Bushfire,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10163,,FIU,D,Fire Investigation Unit,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10164,,Fire Prev,D,Fire Prevention,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10165,,Train,D,Training,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10166,,Rescue,D,Rescue,Fire-Talk,Fire and Rescue New South Wales  FRNSW
10201,,SNTAC1,D,SES 307SNTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10202,,SNTAC2,D,SES 308SNTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10203,,SNTAC3,D,SES 309SNTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10204,,SNTAC4,D,SES 310SNTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10205,,SNTAC5,D,SES 311SNTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10206,,SNTAC6,D,SES 312SNTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10207,,SNSTRAT,D,SES 314SNSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10208,,SSTAC1,D,SES 316SSTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10209,,SSTAC2,D,SES 317SSTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10210,,SSTAC3,D,SES 318SSTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10211,,SSTAC4,D,SES 319SSTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10212,,SSTAC5,D,SES 320SSTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10213,,SSTAC6,D,SES 321SSTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10214,,SSSTRAT,D,SES 323SSSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10215,,SWTAC1,D,SES 324SWTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10216,,SWTAC2,D,SES 325SWTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10217,,SWTAC3,D,SES 326SWTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10218,,SWTAC4,D,SES 327SWTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10219,,SWTAC5,D,SES 328SWTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10220,,SWTAC6,D,SES 329SWTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10221,,SWSTRAT,D,SES 331SWSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10222,,SWRCR,D,SES 332SWRCR,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10223,,HNCNT1,D,SES 340HNCNT1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10224,,HNCNT2,D,SES 341HNCNT2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10225,,HNCNT3,D,SES 342HNCNT3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10226,,HNCNT4,D,SES 343HNCNT4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10227,,HNCNT5,D,SES 344HNCNT5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10228,,TRNSPRT,D,SES 347TRNSPRT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10229,,COORD,D,SES 348COORD,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10230,,TSKFCE1,D,SES 349TSKFCE1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10231,,TSKFCE2,D,SES 350TSKFCE2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10232,,TSKFCE3,D,SES 351TSKFCE3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10233,,TSKFCE4,D,SES 352TSKFCE4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10234,,SOPS1,D,SES 353SOPS1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10235,,SOPS2,D,SES 354SOPS2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10236,,SOPS3,D,SES 355SOPS3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10237,,SOPS4,D,SES 356SOPS4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10238,,SOPS5,D,SES 357SOPS5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10239,,SOPS6,D,SES 358SOPS6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10240,,SOPS7,D,SES 359SOPS7,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10241,,SOPS8,D,SES 360SOPS8,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10242,,SOPS9,D,SES 361SOPS9,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10243,,SOPS10,D,SES 362SOPS10,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10244,,SOPS11,D,SES 363SOPS11,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10245,,SOPS12,D,SES 364SOPS12,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10246,,COMMS1,D,SES 367COMMS1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10247,,DOCSLO,D,SES 345DOCSLO,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10248,,DOCSST,D,SES 346DOCSST,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
10301,,MRU,D,Administration 1  State Ops  MRU,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10302,,Admin 2,D,Administration 2,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10303,,Admin 3,D,Administration 3,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10304,,Admin 4,D,Administration 4,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10305,,Admin 5,D,Administration 5,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10306,,NETS,D,Administration 6  NETS,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10307,,7 PUB HLTH,,Administration  Public Health Service Liaison,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10308,,8 GWEST AH,,Administration  Greater West AHS,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10309,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10310,,10 NSCC AH,,Administration  North SydneyCentral Coast AHS,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10311,,11 SW AH,,Administration  Sydney West AHS,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10312,,12 SSW AH,,Administration  Sydney South West AHS,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10313,,13 SESI AH,,Administration  South Eastern SydneyIllawarra AHS,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10314,,14 AH INCDT,,Administration  AHS Incident 1,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10315,,15 AH INCDT,,Administration  AHS Incident 2,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10316,,16 AH INCDT,,Administration  AHS Incident 3,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10317,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10318,,18 MEDI 2,,Administration  Medical 2,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10319,,PTO Ops 1,D,Patient Transport,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10320,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10321,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10322,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10323,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10324,,PTO OPS 6,,Patient Transport  Operations 6,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10325,,Syd North,D,Sydney North,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10326,,Syd South,D,Sydney South,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10327,,Syd East,D,Sydney East,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10328,,Syd West,D,Sydney West,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10329,,Syd SW,D,Sydney SW,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10330,,Syd Outer,D,Sydney Outer SW,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10331,,Syd Rural,D,Sydney Rural West Outer WestBlue Mts,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10332,,10 ECP 1,,Sydney  Extended Care Paramedic 1,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10333,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10334,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10335,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10336,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10337,,15 INCDNT 4,,Sydney  Incident 4,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10338,,16 INCDNT 5,,Sydney  Incident 5,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10339,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10340,,18 INCDNT 7,,Sydney  Incident 7,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10341,,Sports,D,Sports,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10342,,Workshop,D,Workshops,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10343,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10344,,Sth Hosps,D,South Hospitals,Hospital,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10345,,ASNSW,D,ASNSW,EMS-Talk,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10346,,West Hosp,D,West Hospitals,Hospital,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10347,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10348,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10349,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10350,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10351,,FAULT REPORT,,FAULT REPORT,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10352,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10353,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10354,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10355,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10356,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10357,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10358,,IT SUPPORT,,IT SUPPORT,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
10381,,Net 1,D,Hatzolah Net 1,EMS Dispatch,Hatzolah Ambulance Service
10382,,Net 2,D,Hatzolah Net 2,EMS Dispatch,Hatzolah Ambulance Service
10383,,Net 3,D,Hatzolah Net 3,EMS Dispatch,Hatzolah Ambulance Service
10384,,Net 4,D,Hatzolah Net 4,EMS Dispatch,Hatzolah Ambulance Service
10385,,Net 5,D,Hatzolah Net 5,EMS Dispatch,Hatzolah Ambulance Service
10386,,Net 6,D,Hatzolah Net 6,EMS Dispatch,Hatzolah Ambulance Service
10387,,Net 7,D,Hatzolah Net 7,EMS Dispatch,Hatzolah Ambulance Service
10388,,Net 8,D,Hatzolah Net 8,EMS Dispatch,Hatzolah Ambulance Service
10389,,Net 9,D,Hatzolah Net 9,EMS Dispatch,Hatzolah Ambulance Service
10390,,Net 10,D,Hatzolah Net 10,EMS Dispatch,Hatzolah Ambulance Service
10402,,Transport,D,Corrective Services Transports,Corrections,Corrective Services
10403,,VG visits,D,Corrective Services VG visits,Corrections,Corrective Services
10404,,VK visits,D,Corrective Services VK visits,Corrections,Corrective Services
10405,,NC visits,D,Corrective Services NC visits,Corrections,Corrective Services
10406,,WG visits,D,Corrective Services WG visits,Corrections,Corrective Services
10407,,unk,D,Corrective Services,Corrections,Corrective Services
10408,,unk,D,Corrective Services,Corrections,Corrective Services
10409,,Ext Escorts,D,Corrective Service External escorts,Corrections,Corrective Services
10411,,unk,D,Corrective Services ,Corrections,Corrective Services
10413,,unk,D,Corrective Services,Corrections,Corrective Services
10414,,Secure Unit,D,Corrective Services Secure Unit,Corrections,Corrective Services
10415,,unk,D,Corrective Services,Corrections,Corrective Services
10419,,unk,D,Corrective Services,Corrections,Corrective Services
10421,,Projects,D,Corrective Services projects,Corrections,Corrective Services
10422,,unk,D,Corrective Services,Corrections,Corrective Services
10423,,unk,D,Corrective Services,Corrections,Corrective Services
10427,,unk,D,Corrective Services ,Corrections,Corrective Services
10428,,unk,D,Corrective Services ,Corrections,Corrective Services
10429,,unk,D,Corrective Services ,Corrections,Corrective Services
10430,,unk,D,Corrective Services ,Corrections,Corrective Services
10451,,unk,D,Corrective Services ,Corrections,Corrective Services
10481,,unk,D,Corrective Services ,Corrections,Corrective Services
10502,,unk,D,Ausgrid ,Utilities,AusGrid
10503,,GH UG,D,AusGrid Gore Hill Underground,Utilities,AusGrid
10504,,GH OH,D,AusGrid Gore Hill Overhead,Utilities,AusGrid
10505,,Horn OH,D,AusGrid Hornsby Overhead,Utilities,AusGrid
10506,,Horn UG,D,AusGrid Hornsby Underground,Utilities,AusGrid
10507,,Nth Subs,D,AusGrid North Substations,Utilities,AusGrid
10508,,Nth Prot,D,AusGrid North Protection,Utilities,AusGrid
10509,,Nth DistOps,D,AusGrid North District Operators,Utilities,AusGrid
10510,,GH Street,D,AusGrid Gore Hill Street Lighting,Utilities,AusGrid
10511,,Nth Op,D,AusGrid North Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
10512,,Util 1,D,AusGrid Utility 1,Utilities,AusGrid
10513,,Nth EMSO 1,D,AusGrid North EMSO Data 1,Utilities,AusGrid
10514,,DY OH 1,D,AusGrid Dee Why Overhead 1,Utilities,AusGrid
10515,,DY OH 2,D,AusGrid Dee Why Overhead 2,Utilities,AusGrid
10516,,DY Op,D,AusGrid Dee Why Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
10517,,DY Subs,D,AusGrid Dee Why Substations,Utilities,AusGrid
10518,,Projects,D,AusGrid Projects and Contracts,Utilities,AusGrid
10519,,East Op,D,AusGrid East Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
10520,,Util 1,D,AusGrid Utility 1,Utilities,AusGrid
10521,,Util 2,D,AusGrid Utility 2,Utilities,AusGrid
10522,,East UG,D,AusGrid East Underground,Utilities,AusGrid
10523,,East OH,D,AusGrid East Overhead,Utilities,AusGrid
10524,,East Subs,D,AusGrid East Substations,Utilities,AusGrid
10525,,Asset Acc,D,AusGrid Asset Access,Utilities,AusGrid
10526,,East DistOps,D,AusGrid East District Operators,Utilities,AusGrid
10527,,East Prot,D,AusGrid East Protection,Utilities,AusGrid
10528,,CBD HV UG,D,AusGrid CBD High Voltage Underground,Utilities,AusGrid
10529,,PINC Ctrl,D,AusGrid PINC Network Operations Controller,Utilities,AusGrid
10530,,SO TPDR 1,D,AusGrid SO Transponder 1,Utilities,AusGrid
10531,,SO TODR 2,D,AusGrid SO Transponder 2,Utilities,AusGrid
10532,,Rad CMDR,D,AusGrid Radio Commander,Utilities,AusGrid
10533,,unk,D,Ausgrid ,Utilities,AusGrid
10534,,unk,D,Ausgrid ,Utilities,AusGrid
10535,,Sth OP,D,AusGrid South Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
10536,,IW OH,D,AusGrid Inner West Overhead,Utilities,AusGrid
10537,,HB UG,D,AusGrid Homebush Underground,Utilities,AusGrid
10538,,SW Train,D,AusGrid Silverwater Training Centre,Utilities,AusGrid
10539,,BT OH,D,AusGrid Bankstown Overhead,Utilities,AusGrid
10540,,BT Dist Op,D,AusGrid Bankstown District Operators,Utilities,AusGrid
10541,,Sth Dist Op,D,AusGrid South District Operators,Utilities,AusGrid
10542,,BT Op,D,AusGrid Bankstown Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
10543,,unk,D,Ausgrid ,Utilities,AusGrid
10544,,OAT OH,D,AusGrid Oatley Overhead,Utilities,AusGrid
10545,,Nth EMSO 1,D,AusGrid South EMSO Data 1,Utilities,AusGrid
10546,,unk,D,Ausgrid ,Utilities,AusGrid
10547,,unk,D,Ausgrid ,Utilities,AusGrid
10548,,Trans 1,D,AusGrid Transmission 1,Utilities,AusGrid
10549,,Trans 2,D,AusGrid Transmission 2,Utilities,AusGrid
10550,,unk,D,Ausgrid ,Utilities,AusGrid
10551,,unk,D,Ausgrid ,Utilities,AusGrid
10556,,Nth Op,D,AusGrid North Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
10557,,Sth Op,D,AusGrid South Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
10558,,East Op,D,AusGrid East Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
10559,,BT Op,D,AusGrid Bankstown Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
10560,,DY Op,D,AusGrid Dee Why Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
10561,,TeleCtrl,D,AusGrid TelecontrolFacilitiesDriver Training,Utilities,AusGrid
10562,,CIPIMS,D,AusGrid CIPIMS ControlDuty Managers,Utilities,AusGrid
10563,,INC Ops,D,AusGrid Incident Operations,Utilities,AusGrid
10564,,Subs Meter,D,AusGrid TCA Substations Metering,Utilities,AusGrid
10565,,Net Test 1,D,AusGrid TCA Network Test 1,Utilities,AusGrid
10566,,Net Test 2,D,AusGrid TCA Network Test 2,Utilities,AusGrid
10567,,Net Test 3,D,AusGrid TCA Network Test 3,Utilities,AusGrid
10568,,Net Test 4,D,AusGrid TCA Network Test 4,Utilities,AusGrid
10569,,Net Test 5,D,AusGrid TCA Network Test 5,Utilities,AusGrid
10570,,CASS Data1,D,AusGrid CASS Data 1,Utilities,AusGrid
10601,,Control 1,D,Integral Energy  Control,Utilities,Integral Energy
10602,,Control 2,D,Integral Energy  Control,Utilities,Integral Energy
10603,,Control 3,D,Integral Energy  Control,Utilities,Integral Energy
10604,,Control 4,D,Integral Energy  Control,Utilities,Integral Energy
10605,,Control 5,D,Integral Energy  Control,Utilities,Integral Energy
10606,,Control 6,D,Integral Energy  Control,Utilities,Integral Energy
10607,,Control 7,D,Integral Energy  Control,Utilities,Integral Energy
10608,,Control 8,D,Integral Energy  Control,Utilities,Integral Energy
10609,,Control 9,D,Integral Energy  Control,Utilities,Integral Energy
10610,,Control 10,D,Integral Energy  Consion Control,Utilities,Integral Energy
10611,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10612,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10613,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10614,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10615,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10616,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10617,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10618,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10619,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10620,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10621,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10622,,Katoomba,D,Integral Energy  Katoomba,Utilities,Integral Energy
10623,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10624,,Penrith 1,D,Integral Energy  Penrith 1,Utilities,Integral Energy
10625,,Penrith 2,D,Integral Energy  Penrith 2,Utilities,Integral Energy
10626,,Windsor,D,Integral Energy  Windsor,Utilities,Integral Energy
10627,,Kings Park 1,D,Integral Energy  Kings Park 1,Utilities,Integral Energy
10628,,Kings Park 2,D,Integral Energy  Kings Park 2,Utilities,Integral Energy
10629,,Parramatta 1,D,Integral Energy  Parramatta 1,Utilities,Integral Energy
10630,,Parramatta 2,D,Integral Energy  Parramatta 2,Utilities,Integral Energy
10631,,Hoxton 1,D,Integral Energy  Hoxton 1,Utilities,Integral Energy
10632,,Hoxton 2,D,Integral Energy  Hoxton 2,Utilities,Integral Energy
10633,,Narellan 1,D,Integral Energy  Narellan 1,Utilities,Integral Energy
10634,,Narellan 2,D,Integral Energy  Narellan 2,Utilities,Integral Energy
10635,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10636,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10637,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10638,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10639,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10640,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10641,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10642,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10643,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10644,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10645,,Techs,D,Integral Energy  Radio techs and workshop,Utilities,Integral Energy
10649,,unk,D,Integral Energy  ,Utilities,Integral Energy
10901,,Ch 1 ,D,Sydney Ferries,Transportation,Sydney Ferries
10905,,Ch 5 ,D,Sydney Ferries,Transportation,Sydney Ferries
10906,,Ch 6 ,D,Sydney Ferries,Transportation,Sydney Ferries
10907,,Ch 7 ,D,Sydney Ferries,Transportation,Sydney Ferries
10909,,Ch 9 ,D,Sydney Ferries,Transportation,Sydney Ferries
10910,,Ch 10 ,D,Sydney Ferries,Transportation,Sydney Ferries
10911,,Ch 11 ,D,Sydney Ferries,Transportation,Sydney Ferries
10914,,Ch 14 ,D,Sydney Ferries,Transportation,Sydney Ferries
10951,,Syd Region,D,NSW Maritime  Sydney Region,Public Works,NSW Maritime
10952,,unk,D,NSW Maritime,Public Works,NSW Maritime
10953,,unk,D,NSW Maritime,Public Works,NSW Maritime
10954,,Hbr Clean,D,NSW Maritime  Harbour Cleaning,Public Works,NSW Maritime
10955,,TG Alpha,D,NSW Maritime  Special talkgroup Alpha,Public Works,NSW Maritime
10956,,TG Bravo,D,NSW Maritime  Special talkgroup Bravo,Public Works,NSW Maritime
10957,,unk,D,NSW Maritime  ,Public Works,NSW Maritime
10958,,unk,D,NSW Maritime,Public Works,NSW Maritime
10959,,unk,D,NSW Maritime,Public Works,NSW Maritime
10960,,unk,D,NSW Maritime,Public Works,NSW Maritime
10961,,unk,D,NSW Maritime,Public Works,NSW Maritime
11021,,City,D,Sheriff City,Law Dispatch,NSW Sheriff
11022,,West,D,Sheriff West,Law Dispatch,NSW Sheriff
11023,,North,D,Sheriff North,Law Dispatch,NSW Sheriff
11024,,Nth BC 1,D,Sheriff Nth Region Back Ch 1,Law Talk,NSW Sheriff
11025,,South,D,Sheriff South,Law Dispatch,NSW Sheriff
11026,,Sth BC 1,D,Sheriff Sth Region Back Ch 1,Law Talk,NSW Sheriff
11027,,Tac 1,D,Sheriff Tactical 1 ch17,Law Tac,NSW Sheriff
11028,,Tac 2,D,Sheriff Tactical 2,Law Tac,NSW Sheriff
11029,,Tac 3,D,Sheriff Tactical 3,Law Tac,NSW Sheriff
11030,,JTF Sec Ch,D,Sheriff Joint Task Fed Sec Channel,Interop,NSW Sheriff
11034,,unk,D,Sheriff ,Law Talk,NSW Sheriff
11071,,unk,D,Sutherland Council,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11072,,unk,D,Sutherland Council,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11073,,unk,D,Sutherland Council,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11074,,Depot  WS,D,Sutherland Council depot  workshop,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11075,,unk,D,Sutherland Council,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11076,,Rangers,D,Sutherland Council  Rangers,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11077,,Back Chan,D,Sutherland Council  Rangers back channel,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11078,,Work Crews,D,Sutherland Council  Work crews,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11079,,unk,D,Sutherland Council,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11080,,unk,D,Sutherland Council,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11081,,unk,D,Sutherland Council,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11082,,unk,D,Sutherland Council,Public Works,Sutherland Council
11104,,SEC 1,D,Rail SEC 1,Railroad,Railways
11105,,SEC 2,D,Rail SEC 2,Railroad,Railways
11106,,SEC 3,D,Rail SEC 3,Railroad,Railways
11107,,SEC 4,D,Rail SEC 4,Railroad,Railways
11108,,PATROL 1,D,Rail PATROL 1,Railroad,Railways
11109,,PATROL 2,D,Rail PATROL 2,Railroad,Railways
11110,,PATROL 3,D,Rail PATROL 3,Railroad,Railways
11111,,CONSEC,D,Rail CONSEC,Railroad,Railways
11112,,SP OPS 1,D,Rail SP OPS 1,Railroad,Railways
11113,,SP OPS 2,D,Rail SP OPS 2,Railroad,Railways
11114,,SP OPS 3,D,Rail SP OPS 3,Railroad,Railways
11115,,REV PR 1,D,Rail REV PR 1,Railroad,Railways
11116,,REV PR 2,D,Rail REV PR 2,Railroad,Railways
11117,,REV PR 3,D,Rail REV PR 3,Railroad,Railways
11118,,REV PR 4,D,Rail REV PR 4,Railroad,Railways
11120,,BLACK 1,D,Rail BLACK 1,Railroad,Railways
11121,,BLACK 2,D,Rail BLACK 2,Railroad,Railways
11122,,CITY 1,D,Rail CITY 1,Railroad,Railways
11123,,CITY 2,D,Rail CITY 2,Railroad,Railways
11124,,GOSFORD 1,D,Rail GOSFORD 1,Railroad,Railways
11125,,GOSFORD 2,D,Rail GOSFORD 2,Railroad,Railways
11126,,NEWC 1,D,Rail NEWC 1,Railroad,Railways
11127,,NEWC 2,D,Rail NEWC 2,Railroad,Railways
11128,,SOUTH 1,D,Rail SOUTH 1,Railroad,Railways
11129,,SOUTH 2,D,Rail SOUTH 2,Railroad,Railways
11130,,ILLAW 1,D,Rail ILLAW 1,Railroad,Railways
11131,,ILLAWA 2,D,Rail ILLAWA 2,Railroad,Railways
11132,,SCOAST 1,D,Rail S COAST 1,Railroad,Railways
11136,,Chan 01,D,Rail CHAN 01,Railroad,Railways
11144,,Chan 9,D,Rail Channel 9,Railroad,Railways
11145,,Hunter Ops,D,Rail Hunter Operations,Railroad,Railways
11146,,Hunter Inc,D,Rail Hunter Incidents,Railroad,Railways
11147,,Chan 12,D,Rail CHAN 12,Railroad,Railways
11151,,ALL Chans,D,Rail All channels,Railroad,Railways
11158,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11168,,SW Rail 1,D,Rail SW Rail 1,Railroad,Railways
11169,,SW Rail 2,D,Rail SW Rail 2,Railroad,Railways
11173,,Rail 6,D,Rail Rail 6,Railroad,Railways
11184,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11200,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11218,,CIVSTRUCT,D,Rail CIVSTRUCT,Railroad,Railways
11229,,Sig Cent3,D,Rail SIG CENT3,Railroad,Railways
11240,,WGong 1,D,Rail WGong 1,Railroad,Railways
11291,,Earth,D,Rail earth,Railroad,Railways
11294,,WONDABYNE,D,Rail WONDABYNE,Railroad,Railways
11316,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11317,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11320,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11321,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11322,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11323,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11324,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11325,,unk,D,Rail ,Railroad,Railways
11350,,Row 1,D,Rail Row 1,Railroad,Railways
11471,,ABC 1,D,ABC News,Media,Australian Broadcasting Corporation  ABC News
11472,,ABC 2,D,ABC News,Media,Australian Broadcasting Corporation  ABC News
11473,,ABC 3,D,ABC News,Media,Australian Broadcasting Corporation  ABC News
11474,,ABC 4,D,ABC News,Media,Australian Broadcasting Corporation  ABC News
11475,,ABC 5,D,ABC News,Media,Australian Broadcasting Corporation  ABC News
19801,,Rent 1,D,Short term rental,Business,GRN  Short Term Rental
19802,,Rent 2,D,Short term rental,Business,GRN  Short Term Rental
19803,,Rent 3,D,Short term rental,Business,GRN  Short Term Rental
19804,,Rent 4,D,Short term rental,Business,GRN  Short Term Rental
19805,,Rent 5,D,Short term rental,Business,GRN  Short Term Rental
19901,,Test TG 1,D,Test talkgroup 1,Business,Test
19902,,Test TG 2,D,Test talkgroup 2,Business,Test
19903,,Test TG 3,D,Test talkgroup 3,Business,Test
19904,,Test TG 4,D,Test talkgroup 4,Business,Test
19905,,Test TG 5,D,Test talkgroup 5,Business,Test
19906,,Test TG 6,D,Test talkgroup 6,Business,Test
20000,,BAR DRL,D,RFS GD07 BAR DRL,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20001,,CANBOLS,D,RFS GD11 CANBOLS,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20002,,CSTLRGH,D,RFS GD12 CSTLRGH,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20003,,CHIFLEY,D,RFS GD13 CHIFLEY,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20004,,CLARNCE,D,RFS GD15 CLARNCE,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20005,,CDGEGNG,D,RFS GD19 CDGEGNG,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20006,,FARNHCO,D,RFS GD23 FARNHCO,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20007,,FAR WST,D,RFS GD25 FAR WST,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20008,,HUNTER,D,RFS GD32 HUNTER,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20009,,HUNTVAL,D,RFS GD33 HUNTVAL,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20010,,LITHGOW,D,RFS GD36 LITHGOW,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20011,,LVPL RG,D,RFS GD37 LVPL RG,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20012,,LOWNHCO,D,RFS GD40 LOWNHCO,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20013,,MANNING,D,RFS GD43 MANNING,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20014,,MD LACH,D,RFS GD47 MD LACH,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20015,,MIDNHCO,D,RFS GD49 MIDNHCO,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20016,,NMGWYDR,D,RFS GD52 NMGWYDR,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20017,,NWENGLD,D,RFS GD53 NWENGLD,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20018,,NTH OPS,D,RFS GD54 NTH OPS,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20019,,NTHWEST,D,RFS GD55 NTHWEST,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20020,,NTHN RIV,D,RFS GD56 NTHN RIV,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20021,,NTH TAB,D,RFS GD57 NTH TAB,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20022,,ORANA,D,RFS GD61 ORANA,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20023,,RGN NTH,D,RFS GD78 RGN NTH,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20024,,RGN WST,D,RFS GD80 RGN WST,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20025,,TAMWRTH,D,RFS GD89 TAMWRTH,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20026,,THE LKS,D,RFS GD90 THE LKS,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20027,,WST OPS,D,RFS GD92 WST OPS,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
20201,,CNTAC1,D,SES 107CNTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20202,,CNTAC2,D,SES 108CNTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20203,,CNTAC3,D,SES 109CNTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20204,,CNTAC4,D,SES 110CNTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20205,,CNTAC5,D,SES 111CNTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20206,,CNTAC6,D,SES 112CNTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20207,,CNTAC7,D,SES 113CNTAC7,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20208,,CNTAC8,D,SES 114CNTAC8,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20209,,CNSTRAT,D,SES 116CNSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20210,,CWTAC1,D,SES 127CWTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20211,,CWTAC2,D,SES 128CWTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20212,,CWTAC3,D,SES 129CWTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20213,,CWTAC4,D,SES 130CWTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20214,,CWTAC5,D,SES 131CWTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20215,,CWSTRAT,D,SES 133CWSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20216,,FWTAC1,D,SES 135FWTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20217,,FWTAC2,D,SES 136FWTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20218,,FWTAC3,D,SES 137FWTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20219,,FWTAC4,D,SES 138FWTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20220,,FWTAC5,D,SES 139FWTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20221,,FWTAC6,D,SES 140FWTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20222,,FWSTRAT,D,SES 142FWSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20223,,HUTAC1,D,SES 155HUTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20224,,HUTAC2,D,SES 156HUTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20225,,HUTAC3,D,SES 157HUTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20226,,HUTAC4,D,SES 158HUTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20227,,HUTAC5,D,SES 159HUTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20228,,HUTAC6,D,SES 160HUTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20229,,HUSTRAT,D,SES 162HUSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20230,,LATAC1,D,SES 173LATAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20231,,LATAC2,D,SES 174LATAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20232,,LATAC3,D,SES 175LATAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20233,,LATAC4,D,SES 176LATAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20234,,LATAC5,D,SES 177LATAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20235,,LATAC6,D,SES 178LATAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20236,,LASTRAT,D,SES 180LASTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20237,,NMTAC1,D,SES 1129NMTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20238,,NMTAC2,D,SES 1130NMTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20239,,NMTAC3,D,SES 1131NMTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20240,,NMTAC4,D,SES 1132NMTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20241,,NMTAC5,D,SES 1133NMTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20242,,NMTAC6,D,SES 1134NMTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20243,,NMSTRAT,D,SES 1136NMSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20244,,NWTAC1,D,SES 1144NWTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20245,,NWTAC2,D,SES 1145NWTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20246,,NWTAC3,D,SES 1146NWTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20247,,NWTAC4,D,SES 1147NWTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20248,,NWTAC5,D,SES 1148NWTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20249,,NWTAC6,D,SES 1149NWTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20250,,NWTAC7,D,SES 1150NWTAC7,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20251,,NWTAC8,D,SES 1151NWTAC8,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20252,,NWSTRAT,D,SES 1153NWSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20253,,OXTAC1,D,SES 1165OXTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20254,,OXTAC2,D,SES 1166OXTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20255,,OXTAC3,D,SES 1167OXTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20256,,OXTAC4,D,SES 1168OXTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20257,,OXTAC5,D,SES 1169OXTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20258,,OXTAC6,D,SES 1170OXTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20259,,OXTAC7,D,SES 1171OXTAC7,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20260,,OXTAC8,D,SES 1172OXTAC8,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20261,,OXSTRAT,D,SES 1174OXSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20262,,RTTAC1,D,SES 1185RTTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20263,,RTTAC2,D,SES 1186RTTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20264,,RTTAC3,D,SES 1187RTTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20265,,RTTAC4,D,SES 1188RTTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20266,,RTTAC5,D,SES 1189RTTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20267,,RTTAC6,D,SES 1190RTTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20268,,RTTAC7,D,SES 1191RTTAC7,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20269,,RTTAC8,D,SES 1192RTTAC8,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20270,,RTSTRAT,D,SES 1194RTSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
20301,,NewcOps,D,Newcastle Operations,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20302,,HuntOps,D,Outer Hunter Operations,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20303,,GosOps,D,Gosford Operations,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20304,,Nth Inc1,D,North Incident 1,EMS-Tac,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20305,,Nth Inc2,D,North Incident 2,EMS-Tac,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20306,,Hunt Hosp,D,Hunter Hospitals,Hospital,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20307,,MidWest1,D,MidWest Operations 1,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20308,,MidWest2,D,MidWest Operations 2,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20309,,MQOps1,D,Macquarie Operations 1,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20310,,MQOps2,D,Macquarie Operations 2,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20311,,NEOps1,D,New England Operations 1,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20312,,NEOps2,D,New England Operations 2,EMS Dispatch,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20313,,West Inc1,D,West Incident 1,EMS-Tac,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20314,,West Inc2,D,West Incident 2,EMS-Tac,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20315,,INCIDENT 1,,West  Incident 1,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20316,,INCIDENT 2,,West  Incident 2,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20317,,INCIDENT 3,,West  Incident 3,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20318,,HOSP 1,,West  Hospital 1,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20319,,HOSP 2,,West  Hospital 2,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20320,,HUN HOSP,,North  Hunter Hospitals,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
20501,,CC Op,D,AusGrid Central Coast Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
20502,,CC Inspect,D,AusGrid Central Coast Installation Inspectors,Utilities,AusGrid
20503,,CC EMSOs,D,AusGrid Central Coast EMSOs,Utilities,AusGrid
20504,,CC Subs,D,AusGrid Central Coast Substations,Utilities,AusGrid
20505,,Gos OH,D,AusGrid Gosford Overhead,Utilities,AusGrid
20506,,CC UG,D,AusGrid Central Coast Underground,Utilities,AusGrid
20508,,Nora OH,D,AusGrid Noraville Overhead,Utilities,AusGrid
20509,,CC Prot,D,AusGrid Central Coast Protection,Utilities,AusGrid
20510,,Nora OH,D,AusGrid Noraville Overhead,Utilities,AusGrid
20511,,CC EMSO 1,D,AusGrid Central Coast EMSO Data 1,Utilities,AusGrid
20512,,CC Op,D,AusGrid Central Coast Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
20513,,Newc Op,D,AusGrid Newcastle Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
20514,,Newc Des Dat,D,AusGrid Newcastle Despatch Data 1,Utilities,AusGrid
20515,,Wall OH 1,D,AusGrid Wallsend Overhead 1,Utilities,AusGrid
20516,,Wall UG,D,AusGrid Wallsend Underground,Utilities,AusGrid
20517,,Wall Subs,D,AusGrid Wallsend Substations,Utilities,AusGrid
20518,,Mait 1,D,AusGrid Maitland 1,Utilities,AusGrid
20519,,Wall OH 2,D,AusGrid Wallsend Overhead 2,Utilities,AusGrid
20520,,Hunt TCA,D,AusGrid TCA Hunter,Utilities,AusGrid
20521,,Hunt Op,D,AusGrid Hunter Operator,Utilities,AusGrid
20522,,Musw 1,D,AusGrid Muswellbrook 1,Utilities,AusGrid
20523,,Musw 2,D,AusGrid Muswellbrook 2,Utilities,AusGrid
20524,,CASS Data2,D,AusGrid CASS Data 2,Utilities,AusGrid
20525,,Sing,D,AusGrid Singleton,Utilities,AusGrid
20526,,Hunt DistOp,D,AusGrid Hunter District Operators,Utilities,AusGrid
20527,,Newc DistOp,D,AusGrid Newcastle District Operators,Utilities,AusGrid
20528,,Hunt Proj,D,AusGrid Hunter Projects,Utilities,AusGrid
21001,,HuntWat Est,D,Hunter Water East,Utilities,Hunter Water
21002,,HuntWat 2,D,Hunter Water,Utilities,Hunter Water
21003,,HuntWat Nth,D,Hunter Water North,Utilities,Hunter Water
21004,,HuntWat 4,D,Hunter Water,Utilities,Hunter Water
21005,,HuntWat 5,D,Hunter Water,Utilities,Hunter Water
21006,,HuntWat 6,D,Hunter Water,Utilities,Hunter Water
30000,,BLD TEM,D,RFS GD09 BLD TEM,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30001,,FARSHCO,D,RFS GD24 FARSHCO,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30002,,HUME SB,D,RFS GD31 HUME SB,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30003,,ILLWARA,D,RFS GD34 ILLWARA,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30004,,L GEORG,D,RFS GD35 L GEORG,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30005,,LOWWSTN,D,RFS GD41 LOWWSTN,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30006,,MIA,D,RFS GD46 MIA,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30007,,MID MUR,D,RFS GD48 MID MUR,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30008,,MID WST,D,RFS GD50 MID WST,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30009,,MONARO,D,RFS GD51 MONARO,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30010,,RGN STH,D,RFS GD79 RGN STH,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30011,,RV HIGH,D,RFS GD81 RV HIGH,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30012,,RIVERNA,D,RFS GD82 RIVERNA,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30013,,SHOALHN,D,RFS GD83 SHOALHN,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30014,,STH OPS,D,RFS GD84 STH OPS,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30015,,SWSZ,D,RFS GD85 SWSZ,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30016,,STHN TD,D,RFS GD86 STHN TD,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30017,,WNGCARI,D,RFS GD93 WNGCARI,Fire-Tac,Rural Fire Service  RFS
30201,,ISTAC1,D,SES 163ISTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30202,,ISTAC2,D,SES 164ISTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30203,,ISTAC3,D,SES 165ISTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30204,,ISTAC4,D,SES 166ISTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30205,,ISTAC5,D,SES 167ISTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30206,,ISTAC6,D,SES 168ISTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30207,,ISTAC7,D,SES 169ISTAC7,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30208,,ISTAC8,D,SES 170ISTAC8,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30209,,ISSTRAT,D,SES 172ISSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30210,,METAC1,D,SES 181METAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30211,,METAC2,D,SES 182METAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30212,,METAC3,D,SES 183METAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30213,,METAC4,D,SES 184METAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30214,,METAC5,D,SES 185METAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30215,,METAC6,D,SES 186METAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30216,,METAC7,D,SES 187METAC7,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30217,,METAC8,D,SES 188METAC8,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30218,,MESTRAT,D,SES 190MESTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30219,,MQTAC1,D,SES 1101MQTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30220,,MQTAC2,D,SES 1102MQTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30221,,MQTAC3,D,SES 1103MQTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30222,,MQTAC4,D,SES 1104MQTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30223,,MQTAC5,D,SES 1105MQTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30224,,MQTAC6,D,SES 1106MQTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30225,,MQSTRAT,D,SES 1108MQSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30226,,MYTAC1,D,SES 1109MYTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30227,,MYTAC2,D,SES 1110MYTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30228,,MYTAC3,D,SES 1111MYTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30229,,MYTAC4,D,SES 1112MYTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30230,,MYTAC5,D,SES 1113MYTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30231,,MYTAC6,D,SES 1114MYTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30232,,MYSTRAT,D,SES 1116MYSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30233,,SHTAC1,D,SES 1209SHTAC1,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30234,,SHTAC2,D,SES 1210SHTAC2,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30235,,SHTAC3,D,SES 1211SHTAC3,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30236,,SHTAC4,D,SES 1212SHTAC4,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30237,,SHTAC5,D,SES 1213SHTAC5,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30238,,SHTAC6,D,SES 1214SHTAC6,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30239,,SHTAC7,D,SES 1215SHTAC7,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30240,,SHTAC8,D,SES 1216SHTAC8,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30241,,SHSTRAT,D,SES 1218SHSTRAT,EMS-Tac,State Emergency Service  SES
30301,,FSC OPS,,South  Far South Coast Operations,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30302,,ILLA OPS,,South  Illawarra Operations,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30303,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30304,,WAGGA OPS,,South  Wagga Operations,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30305,,RIV OPS,,South  Riverina Operations,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30306,,MURRAY OPS,,South  Murray Operations,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30307,,ECP 3,,South  Extended Care Paramedic 3,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30308,,INCIDENT 1,,South  Incident 1,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30309,,INCIDENT 2,,South  Incident 2,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30310,,INCIDENT 3,,South  Incident 3,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30311,,INCIDENT 4,,South  Incident 4,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30312,,INCIDENT 5,,South  Incident 5,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30313,,INCIDENT 6,,South  Incident 6,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30314,,ILLAW HOSP,,South  Illawarra Hospitals,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30315,,GOULB HOSP,,South  Goulburn Hospitals,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30316,,SHAVEN OPS,,South  Shoalhaven Operations,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30317,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30318,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30319,,ASNSW,,ASNSW,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30320,,ACT AMB,,South  ACT Ambulance Liaison,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
30321,,STH EAST OPS,,South  South East Operations,,Ambulance Service of New South Wales  ASNSW
40010,,ESA 7,D,ESA 7,Interop,ACT ESA
40011,,ESA 8,D,ESA 8,Interop,ACT ESA
40013,,ACTAS Ops1,D,ACT Ambulance Ops 1,EMS Dispatch,ACT ESA
40031,,Air Sup,D,Air Sup,Interop,ACT ESA
40032,,ESA 1,D,ESA 1,Interop,ACT ESA
40033,,ESA 2,D,ESA 2,Interop,ACT ESA
40034,,ESA 3,D,ESA 3,Interop,ACT ESA
40035,,ESA 4,D,ESA 4,Interop,ACT ESA
40036,,ESA 5,D,ESA 5,Interop,ACT ESA
40037,,ESA 6,D,ESA 6,Interop,ACT ESA
40038,,ESA 9,D,ESA 9,Interop,ACT ESA
40039,,ESA 10,D,ESA 10,Interop,ACT ESA
40040,,ESA 11,D,ESA 11,Interop,ACT ESA
40041,,ESA 12,D,ESA 12,Interop,ACT ESA
40042,,ESA 13,D,ESA 13,Interop,ACT ESA
40043,,Joint T,D,Joint T,Interop,ACT ESA
40050,,ACTFB,E,ACTFB ,Public Works,ACT ESA
40051,,ACTFB,E,ACTFB ,Public Works,ACT ESA
40052,,ACTFB,E,ACTFB ,Public Works,ACT ESA
40059,,Priority,D,RFS Priority Channel,Emergency Ops,ACT RFS
40068,,RFS Ops 1,D,ACT RFS Ops 1,Fire-Tac,ACT RFS
40069,,FG 2,D,ACT RFS FG 2,Fire-Tac,ACT RFS
40070,,FG 3,D,ACT RFS FG 3,Fire-Tac,ACT RFS
40071,,FG 4,D,ACT RFS FG 4,Fire-Tac,ACT RFS
40072,,FG 5,D,ACT RFS FG 5,Fire-Tac,ACT RFS
40073,,RFS Ops 6,D,ACT RFS Ops 6,Fire-Tac,ACT RFS
40074,,FG 7,D,ACT RFS FG 7,Fire-Tac,ACT RFS
40076,,Air Ops,D,ACT RFS Air Ops,Fire-Tac,ACT RFS
40077,,RFS Plt Ops,D,ACT RFS Plant Ops,Fire-Tac,ACT RFS
40078,,SES Ops 1,D,ACT SES Ops 1,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40079,,SES Ops 2,D,ACT SES Ops 2,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40080,,SES Ops 3,D,ACT SES Ops 3,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40081,,SES Ops 4,D,ACT SES Ops 4,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40082,,SES Ops 5,D,ACT SES Ops 5  Vehicle Talkgroup,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40083,,SES Ops 6,D,ACT SES Ops 6,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40084,,SES Ops 7,D,ACT SES Ops 7,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40085,,SES Ops 8,D,ACT SES Ops 8,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40086,,SES Ops 9,D,ACT SES Ops 9,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40087,,SES Ops 10,D,ACT SES Ops 10,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40088,,SES Ops 11,D,ACT SES Ops 11,EMS-Tac,ACT SES
40089,,PCL Ops,D,Parks Conserv  Land  Ops,Fire-Tac,ACT PCL
40090,,PCL Ops,D,Parks Conserv  Land  Ops,Fire-Tac,ACT PCL
40091,,Fire Mgt,D,TAMS Fire Mgmt,Fire Dispatch,ACT PCL
40092,,PCL CNP,D,Canberra Nature Parks,Fire-Tac,ACT PCL
40093,,PCL Rural,D,Parks Conserv  Land  Rural,Fire-Tac,ACT PCL
40097,,PCL HRB,D,Hazard Reduction Burn,Fire-Tac,ACT PCL
42000,,Guises Ck,D,RFS Guises Creek,Fire Dispatch,ACT RFS
42001,,Gunghalin,D,RFS Gunghalin,Fire Dispatch,ACT RFS
42002,,Hall,D,RFS Hall,Fire Dispatch,ACT RFS
42003,,Jerrabombera,D,RFS Jerrabombera,Fire Dispatch,ACT RFS
42004,,Molonglo,D,RFS Molongo,Fire Dispatch,ACT RFS
44010,,ACTION 44010,D,ACTION Buses,Transportation,ACTION Buses
44011,,ACTION 44011,D,ACTION Buses,Transportation,ACTION Buses
44012,,ACTION 44012,D,ACTION Buses,Transportation,ACTION Buses
44013,,ACTION 44013,D,ACTION Buses,Transportation,ACTION Buses

--- a/trunklog.php
+++ b/trunklog.php
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
 echo "<table>";
 if (($handle = fopen("C:\Users\Madoka\AppData\Roaming\UniTrunker\S00000001\UniTrunker-20120411.LOG", "r")) !== FALSE) {
     while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
         if ($row > 0 && count($data) == 9) {
-        echo "<tr>";
-        for ($c=0; $c < count($data); $c++) {
-            echo '<td>'.$data[$c] . "</td>\n";
-        }
-        echo "</tr>";
+            echo "<tr>";
+            for ($c = 0; $c < count($data); $c++) {
+                echo '<td>' . $data[$c] . "</td>\n";
+            }
+            echo "</tr>";

--- a/viewcalls.php
+++ b/viewcalls.php
@@ -1,89 +1,111 @@
-$tgid = 1;
+$tgid = 44028;
+$from = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? $_REQUEST['from'] : strtotime("2012-09-12"));
+$to = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? $_REQUEST['to'] : strtotime("2012-12-12"));
+$sth = $conn->prepare('select distinct date_trunc(\'day\', call_timestamp) as rdate from recordings order by rdate');
+foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $row) {
+    echo '<a href="?from=' . strtotime($row['rdate']) . '&amp;to=' . strtotime($row['rdate'] . ' +1 day') . '">' . $row['rdate'] . '</a> <br>';
 <div class="span12">
-<table width="100%" height="375px"><tr><td valign="middle"><span class="arrow-w" style="font-size:2em;"></span></td><td width="95%"><div id="placeholder" style="width:100%;height:375px;"></div></td><td valign="middle"><span class="arrow-e" style="font-size:2em;"></span></td></tr></table>
+    <table width="100%" height="775px">
+        <tr>
+            <td valign="middle"><span class="arrow-w" style="font-size:2em;">&lt;</span></td>
+            <td width="95%">
+                <div id="placeholder" style="width:100%;height:575px;"></div>
+            </td>
+            <td valign="middle"><span class="arrow-e" style="font-size:2em;">&gt;</span></td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+    <script>
         var data = [];
         var plot;
-           var options = {
+        var options = {
             lines: { show: true },
             points: { show: true },
-            xaxis: { mode: "time" },
-            crosshair: { mode: "x" },
+            xaxis: {
+                mode: 'time',
+                labelsAngle: 45
+            },
+            selection: { mode: 'x', fps: 30 },
             series: {
                 lines: { show: true },
                 points: { show: true }
-            grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true }
+            mouse: {
+                track: true,
+                relative: true
+            }
-    window.onload = function() {
-        // graph
-        var placeholder = $("#placeholder");
-        var plot = $.plot(placeholder, data, options);
+        $(function () {
+            // graph
-        $("#placeholder").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
-            if (item) {
-                if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) {
-                    previousPoint = item.dataIndex;
-                    $("#tooltip").remove();
-                    var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),
-                    y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
-                    var d = new Date();
-                    d.setTime(x);
-                    var time = d.getDate() + "-" + (d.getMonth()+1) + "-" + d.getFullYear() 
-                        + " " + d.getUTCHours() + ':'+ (d.getUTCMinutes().toString().length == 1 ? '0'+ d.getMinutes():  d.getUTCMinutes());
-                    showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY,
-                    item.series.label + " at " + time + " = " + y);
-                }
+            var placeholder = document.getElementById("placeholder");
+            drawGraph(options);
+            // Hook into the 'flotr:select' event.
+            Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(placeholder, 'flotr:select', function (area) {
+                // Draw graph with new area
+                graph = drawGraph({
+                    xaxis: {min: area.x1, max: area.x2, mode: 'time', labelsAngle: 45},
+                    yaxis: {min: area.y1, max: area.y2}
+                });
+            });
+            // When graph is clicked, draw the graph with default area.
+            Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(placeholder, 'flotr:click', function () {
+                drawGraph();
+            });
+            getData('<?php echo $tgid; ?>', '<?php echo $from ?>', '<?php echo $to ?>');
+        });
+        // Draw graph with default options, overwriting with passed options
+        function drawGraph(opts) {
+            // Clone the options, so the 'options' variable always keeps intact.
+            var o = Flotr._.extend(Flotr._.clone(options), opts || {});
+            // Return a new graph.
+            return Flotr.draw(
+                placeholder,
+                data,
+                o
+            );
+        }
+        function onDataReceived(series) {
+            data = []
+            for (var key in {
+                data[data.length] = {label: key, data:[key]};
-            else {
-                $("#tooltip").remove();
-                previousPoint = null;            
-            }
-        });
-        getData('<?php echo $tgid; ?>','<?php echo strtotime("10/10/2012") ?>','<?php echo strtotime("12/10/2012") ?>');
-    };
-    function onDataReceived(series) {
-        data =[]
-        data[data.length] = series;
-        plot = $.plot($("#placeholder"), data, options);
-    }
-    function getData(sensorID,from,to) {
-        $.ajax({
-            url: "<?php echo $basePath; ?>/calls.json.php?"+sensorID+"/"+from+"/"+to,
-            method: 'GET',
-            dataType: 'json',
-            success: onDataReceived
-        });
-    }
+            drawGraph(options);
+        }
+        function getData(sensorID, from, to) {
+            $.ajax({
+                url: "<?php echo $basePath; ?>calls.json.php?action=graphcount&tgid=" + sensorID + "&from=" + from + "&to=" + to,
+                method: 'GET',
+                dataType: 'json',
+                success: onDataReceived
+            });
+        }
-    function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
-        $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( {
-            position: 'absolute',
-            display: 'none',
-            top: y + 5,
-            left: x + 5,
-            border: '1px solid #fdd',
-            padding: '2px',
-            'background-color': '#fee',
-            opacity: 0.80
-        }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200);
-    }
+    </script>