[tools.git] / index.md
Alex Sadleir 1 #GovHack Toolkit
Maxious 2 Welcome to the GovHack toolkit. This page provides all the information you need to prepare hackfest entries.
Alex Sadleir 3 These tools can be used to make entries like mobile apps, web apps and data visualisations/infographics.
5 The text of this toolkit is open for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution licence and improvements are encouraged via Git http://github.com/maxious/govhack-tools or via email patches to govhack@lambdacomplex.org
Maxious 6
Maxious 7 # How to register and submit your entry
Alex Sadleir 8 ## Registering your team
9 Coming Soon: how to use the website "Hacker Space" to register and find teams.
Maxious 10
Alex Sadleir 11 ## Preparing your submission
Maxious 12
Maxious 13 You should record a 3 minute speech and mix images/text to accompany.
Maxious 14 http://www.screenr.com/ and other screencasting tools allow you to demo apps.
Maxious 15 To mix together clips, you can use youtube video editor http://www.youtube.com/editor or local software like http://www.videolan.org/vlmc/ or http://www.lwks.com/
Maxious 16
Maxious 17 You also need to submit your "source material". For an application this may be source code, for another work it might be your notes or prototypes.
Maxious 18 The key thing here is that your source material demonstrates to the judges that some of the end result was your own work and that it is possible for another person to replicate that work.
Maxious 19
21 # General References {#general-data-hacking-and-programming-references}
Maxious 22
Maxious 23
Maxious 24 ## The basics of being a data scientist
maxious 26 * Have a hypothesis - even if you're making a tool/api that helps people with their questions too, remember what the objective of that is.
Maxious 27 * Find the people and tools you need to prove/show/find. This rest of this page will help with the latter.
Maxious 28 * Analyse and present results - were they what you expected? Do they help explain to others what you have found out?
29 Can present as a interactive data visualisation or a web/mobile application or just a infographic/motion graphics video that tells a story.
Maxious 30
Alex Sadleir 31 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m6a65720f-300x199.gif "Data Journalism Diagram")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m6a65720f.gif)</dt>
Maxious 32 Illustration from Data Journalism Handbook, CC BY-SA 3.0</dd>
maxious 34 The best high level reference is the 'Understanding Data' and 'Delivering Data' chapters of the Data Journalism Handbook which is available online for free at
Maxious 35 [datajournalismhandbook.org](http://datajournalismhandbook.org/)
37 You can learn the technical skills from scratch in Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics by Nathan Yau or for more advanced
38 practical advice check out Data Analysis with Open Source Tools by Philipp K. Janert
39 For further reading in this space
40 [http://flowingdata.com/2012/04/27/data-and-visualization-blogs-worth-following/](http://flowingdata.com/2012/04/27/data-and-visualization-blogs-worth-following/)
43 **Statistics**
Alex Sadleir 44
45 A great guide to statistics is
46 [Think Stats](http://greenteapress.com/thinkstats/html/index.html)
Maxious 47
48 **Programming**
50 Programming is valuable skill for manipulating and displaying data.
Alex Sadleir 51 Basic tutorials for a variety of languages are available for free online or you can learn interactively with websites like [Codecademy for JavaScript](http://www.codecademy.com/#!/exercises/0), [Learn Python](http://www.learnpython.org/) or [Try Ruby](http://tryruby.org/)
Maxious 52
Alex Sadleir 53 For web applications and visualisations, you'll need a basic understanding of JavaScript in order to configure pre made libraries like jQuery. A good source for Javascript information is the [Mozilla Development Network Javascript Page](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript)
Maxious 54
55 **Accessibility/User Experience**
Alex Sadleir 57 Following accessibility guidelines not only make a application accessible but make it a better experience for all users! Even if not making an app, good to consider these things to do and not do when designing for humans: [http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG/](http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG/)
Maxious 58
Alex Sadleir 61 # Developer Tools For Your Computer {#developer-tools-for-your-computer}
62 No matter what kind of application you have for the data, there are many tools you can use to better collaborate and manage your project.
Maxious 63
maxious 64 ### Source Control
Alex Sadleir 65 Using a version control system like Git or Subversion allows you to keep many different versions of what you have been working on so you can collaborate with others or simply back up your files so you don't lose them!
Maxious 66
Alex Sadleir 67 [![](img/Screenshot-at-2012-04-29-172132-300x235.png "Git Screenshot")](http://progit.org/book/)
Maxious 68
Maxious 69 There are [tutorials on git](http://progit.org/book/) and [GUIs to help you](http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/)
70 There is also a [manual for Subversion](http://svnbook.red-bean.com/) and a [similar GUI for Subversion](http://tortoisesvn.net/)
Maxious 71
Alex Sadleir 73 ### Task Tracking
Maxious 74
75 Issue/task trackers allow you to outline the tasks required for your project and assign them to people to do.
77 [Trello](https://trello.com/) and [Workflowy](https://workflowy.com/) are free, lightweight project management tools suitable for a rapid project!
Maxious 79 ## Hosted Developer Tools {#hosted-developer-tools}
Alex Sadleir 81 Can get many tools (source control, issue tracking) combined into one service cloud hosted so there's no setup required.
Maxious 82
83 ### Github
Alex Sadleir 84 Git obviously but svn/hg interfaces are also available. Provide their own GUI for Windows/OSX or use a variety of Git capable tools
86 ### Sourceforge
88 Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, CVS, issue tracker, wiki, release file downloads. Unlimited free use for open source projects.
90 You can create your own Sourceforge project at [http://sourceforge.net/](http://sourceforge.net/)
92 ### Google Code Project Hosting
94 Git, Mercurial, and Subversion code. Issue tracker, wiki, release file downloads. Unlimited free use for open source projects.
96 You can host your Google Code project and get access to developer tools, APIs and documentation at [http://code.google.com/](http://code.google.com/)
Alex Sadleir 99 # Applications of data hacking
101 ## API Development {#api-development}
Maxious 102
maxious 104 So an API isn't just an XML file ![;)](http://www.govhack.org/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
106 A good web based data API:
108 * Is logically organised
109 * Can filter returned data
110 * Can return results in different open formats (CSV/JSON etc.)
111 * Is efficient and responsive by using caching and databases appropriately
112 * Handles errors gracefully
113 * Monitors and controls access (to show benefit realised of API and prevent abuse)
114 * Provides appropriate documentation with examples
116 Some people like sensis [http://](http://developers.sensis.com.au/)[developers.sensis.com.<wbr>au</wbr>](http://developers.sensis.com.au/)[/](http://developers.sensis.com.au/) use a provider like[http://](http://mashery.com/)[mashery.com](http://mashery.com/)[/](http://mashery.com/) or [https](https://apigee.com/)[://](https://apigee.com/)[apigee.com](https://apigee.com/) or [http://](http://apiaxle.com/)[apiaxle.com](http://apiaxle.com/)[/](http://apiaxle.com/) or [http://www.3scale.net/](http://www.3scale.net/) which handles making a good API for them.
Maxious 118 Atlassian have a great page on what makes a good API https://developer.atlassian.com/display/REST/Atlassian+REST+API+Design+Guidelines+version+1)
Maxious 120 HowTo.gov has a bunch of api resources about choosing SOAP vs. REST etc. http://www.howto.gov/mobile/apis-in-government
Alex Sadleir 121
Maxious 122 API documentation is important too! Traditionally for SOAP APIs, you use WSDL but for REST try [Swagger](http://swagger.wordnik.com/) or [iodocs](https://github.com/mashery/iodocs)
123 Many web app frameworks can generate the documentation for you. For example Symfony for PHP http://symfony.com/ https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSRestBundle http://williamdurand.fr/2012/08/02/rest-apis-with-symfony2-the-right-way/ https://github.com/nelmio/NelmioApiDocBundle
maxious 124 Or for Ruby on Rails there is is https://github.com/elc/rapi_doc https://github.com/Pajk/apipie-rails
Maxious 125
126 better apis https://github.com/liip/LiipHelloBundle
Alex Sadleir 127
Maxious 128 http://amberonrails.com/building-stripes-api/
Alex Sadleir 129
Alex Sadleir 130 example WeatherTree weather API
Maxious 131
Alex Sadleir 133 ## Infographics and Data Visualisation {#data-visualisation}
Alex Sadleir 134
135 Infographics try to contextualise charts and graphs to tell a story. Data vis builds on this to find new ways to design insight.
137 Most of the categories to follow have visualisation tools specific to their purpose.
maxious 139 You can find some data visualisation tools below:
Maxious 141 [Essential Colletion](http://www.visualisingdata.com/index.php/2011/07/part-6-the-essential-collection-of-visualisation-resources/)
142 [Drawing By Numbers Tools and Resources](http://drawingbynumbers.org/toolsandresources)
143 - http://selection.datavisualization.ch/ data viz tools catalog
144 Also check out [http://thejit.org](http://thejit.org/) &amp; [http://www.senchalabs.org/<wbr>philogl/</wbr>](http://www.senchalabs.org/philogl/) (contributed by Matt Adcock)
146 A good infographic should use visual art concepts and [good color schemes](http://www.r-bloggers.com/the-paul-tol-21-color-salute/)
147 For more information on the theory of data visualisation check out the (Stanford CS448B notes)[https://graphics.stanford.edu/wikis/cs448b-12-fall/]
Maxious 148
Maxious 149 Some examples of data visualisation can be seen on [the Sunlight Foundation tumblr](http://sunfoundation.tumblr.com/) or at the GovHack alumn [The Open Budget](http://www/.theopenbudget.org)
Alex Sadleir 150
Maxious 151
Alex Sadleir 152 ## Web Applications
maxious 153
154 With the rise of HTML5 technologies it is easier than ever to make a web application for engaging use of data.
Alex Sadleir 156 - css framework like bootstrap or zurb foundation
157 - css gauges http://www.larentis.eu/donuts/
158 - bootstrap themes, web fonts, css sprites, icon fonts
159 - http://designmodo.com/flat-free/ http://designmodo.github.com/Flat-UI/
161 ### Examples
Alex Sadleir 164 #### PlanningAlerts
Alex Sadleir 165
166 [![Planning Alerts Screenshot](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_2f0199ff1-300x221.png "Planning Alerts Screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_2f0199ff1.png)Description: Planning Alerts takes data from local government development applications and sends alerts to users based on what applications are lodged in their area.
168 Programming Language: Ruby
170 Source Control: [Git](https://github.com/openaustralia/planningalerts-app)
172 Issue Tracking: [Atlassian JIRA](http://tickets.openaustraliafoundation.org.au/browse/PA/)
Alex Sadleir 174 #### LobbyLens
Alex Sadleir 175
176 [![](img/129-Screenshot-LobbyClue_-_Chromium-300x180.png "LobbyLens screenshot")](img/129-Screenshot-LobbyClue_-_Chromium.png)
178 Description: Displays connections between government contracts, business details, politician responsibilities, lobbyists, clients of lobbyists, political donors and the location of these entities.
180 Programing Language: PHP
182 Source Control: SVN (Subversion)
184 Issue Tracking: A whiteboard
Maxious 185
Alex Sadleir 186 #### bus.lambdacomplex.org
Alex Sadleir 187
188 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_3789acae-300x253.jpg "Bus.lambda screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_3789acae.jpg)
Maxious 189
Alex Sadleir 190 Description: Online Canberra Bus Timetables and Trip Planner.
192 Programing Language: PHP/Ruby
194 Source Control: Git
196 Issue Tracking: Github
198 ## Mobile
Alex Sadleir 200 Frameworks, http://www.sencha.com/products/touch http://phonegap.com/ http://cordova.apache.org/
Alex Sadleir 201
Maxious 202 html5 jquery mobile like directory.gov.au
Alex Sadleir 203
Alex Sadleir 204 For data visualisation, there are a variety of graph widgets http://code.google.com/p/afreechart/ http://code.google.com/p/snowdon/ http://code.google.com/p/chartdroid/ http://androidplot.com/ http://code.google.com/p/achartengine/
Maxious 206
Alex Sadleir 207 Backend frameworks http://helios.io/ https://www.parse.com/
208 ### Examples
maxious 210 Bureau of Meteorology Water Storage App http://icelab.com.au/work/bureau-of-meteorology/
Alex Sadleir 211
maxious 212 NZ Gov budget http://www.treasury.govt.nz/budget/app
Alex Sadleir 213
Alex Sadleir 214
215 # Geographical Data Tools {#geographical-data-tools}
maxious 217 Check out the [GeoRabble Boundary Mapper's Cookbook](http://georabble.org/2012/05/31/the-boundary-mappers-cookbook/) to see how you can tie all these things together!
Maxious 219 GeoDjango TileMill
Maxious 220
Maxious 221 ## Key datasets
maxious 222 base layers like agri http://agri.openstreetmap.org/, http://irs.gis-lab.info/ wms or http://www.gdal.org/frmt_wms_openstreetmap_tms.xml
224 ASGS from ABS including suburbs/postcodes andrewharvey4.wordpress.com postgis/asgs tutorial
225 You can also get KML layers for various statistical measures on the ABS TableBuilder tool.
Maxious 227 ## Wrangling
Maxious 229 ### Converting
Maxious 230 There are many spatial data formats and often the one your tool requires is not the one the dataset is provided in
231 Online
Maxious 232 - http://converter.mygeodata.eu/vector kml exporter for shp
Maxious 233 or locally using GDAL (better for many megabyte datasets)
Maxious 234
Maxious 235 ### Geocoding
Maxious 236 Google Maps APIs allow you to convert an address to map co-ordinates (geocoding) but you must display on a Google Map. The easiest way to do is with a Google Spreadsheet/Fusion Table http://williamparry.blogspot.com.au/2011/04/putting-data-into-google-fusion-tables.htm http://support.google.com/fusiontables/answer/1012281?hl=en&ref_topic=2592806
Maxious 237
238 If you need geocoding for more than display (working out the distance between points etc) or you don't want to use Google Maps, Cloudmade offers free OpenStreetMap based geocoding http://developers.cloudmade.com/projects/show/geocoding-http-api
240 ## Analysis
Alex Sadleir 243 ### PostGIS
245 [![](img/postgisexample-300x130.jpg "postgisexample")](img/postgisexample.jpg)PostGIS is an extension for the PostgreSQL database server that allows you to store and manipulate geospatial data on a large scale. For example finding which points are in an area or what points are closest . It is also very useful for storing geospatial data because it can convert between all major formats including ESRI Shape files and Google Earth/Maps KML.
247 ### Quantum GIS
249 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m50afbe88-300x160.jpg "QGIS Screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m50afbe88.jpg)QGIS is a graphical desktop application that allows viewing and editing of geospatial data. Some good base maps are available by adding the WMS layer/server [http://irs.gis-lab.info/](http://irs.gis-lab.info/)
maxious 251 ## Visualisation
Maxious 252
maxious 253 ### Layar and other augmented reality tools
255 ### Google Fusion Tables/ChartsBin/[OpenHeatMap](http://www.openheatmap.com/)
Alex Sadleir 256
257 [![](img/fusiontablesscreenshot-300x168.jpg "fusiontablesscreenshot")](img/fusiontablesscreenshot.jpg)Input numerical values and areas to a spreadsheet and maps are produced where the areas are colored on a scale of the values
Maxious 258
259 http://www.peteraldhous.com/CAR/Making_maps_with_Google_Fusion_Tables.pdf tutorial or http://support.google.com/fusiontables/topic/2592754?hl=en&ref_topic=27020 for google help files
261 ### [Cartographer.js](http://cartographer.visualmotive.com/)
Maxious 262
263 [![](img/cartographerjs-300x187.png "cartographerjs screenshot")](img/cartographerjs.png)Input data as JSON and maps are produced.
264 See also d3 maps.
265 - http://bost.ocks.org/mike/map/
Alex Sadleir 268 ### OpenLayers/Google Maps/[Leaflet](http://leaflet.cloudmade.com/)
Maxious 269
270 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_512fcbe1-300x173.jpg "OpenLayers Screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_512fcbe1.jpg)Display points and different layers. Leaflet is the easiest to use if you just want to show points with popups when clicked on.
Maxious 271 There are wrappers for Google maps like http://hpneo.github.com/gmaps/examples.html and Mapstraction that can make it easier to use too.
273 ### NASA World Wind/Google Earth
Alex Sadleir 275 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_4dda24a4-300x261.jpg "WorldWind screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_4dda24a4.jpg)Google Earth provides 3\. viewing of KML/GML files which represent points and shapes, both through a desktop application and a web plugin. These can be extended with interactive features that allow you to view by timeline or have animated tours between different points. You can also develop and customise your own viewer with the open source [NASA World Wind toolkit.](http://goworldwind.org/demos/)
277 ###
Alex Sadleir 279 # Tabular Data Tools {#tabular-data-tools}
Maxious 281 ## Wrangling
Maxious 283 Converting formats json/xml/csv etc.
maxious 284 - http://shancarter.com/data_converter/
Maxious 285
287 Tabular data may have duplicate entries or incorrect formats (varying ways to enter dates/phonenumbers etc.). There are tools to quickly fix common problems
Alex Sadleir 289 [DataWrangler](http://vis.stanford.edu/wrangler/)/[Google Refine](http://code.google.com/p/google-refine/)
Maxious 290
Maxious 291 [![](img/google_refine_interface.png "google_refine_interface")](img/google_refine_interface.png)Clean up duplicate or inconsistent data entries.
293 Can also use general purpose tools; grep/awk/sed
294 regex http://www.regexper.com/ http://www.debuggex.com/?re=&str=
Alex Sadleir 296 ## Analysis
Maxious 298 ### Excel / Google Docs
Alex Sadleir 300 Great basic analysis and viewing. Older versions can be limited to 6500\. or so rows. Eg [http://www.tcij.org/training-material/car/data-mining/3474](http://www.tcij.org/training-material/car/data-mining/3474)
302 http://training.sunlightfoundation.com/module/data-visualizations-google-docs/
Alex Sadleir 304 ### PostgreSQL/MySQL
306 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_209ee972.jpg "SQL screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_209ee972.jpg)Next step up, large datasets can be manipulated/extracted efficiently for example [http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/tutorial-window.html](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/tutorial-window.html) , no built-in data visualisation though.
Maxious 308 ### R Statistical Language
310 [![](img/rstudio-windows-300x249.png "rstudio-windows")](img/rstudio-windows.png)Advanced data analysis, can find and visualise trends in large datasets. Some reference resources to learn the language [http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html ](http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html)There are also some addons that provide graphical interfaces that make it easier to use such as Rattle [http://rattle.togaware.com/](http://rattle.togaware.com/) , RStudio [http://rstudio.org/](http://rstudio.org/) or Deducer [http://www.deducer.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.DeducerManual](http://www.deducer.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.DeducerManual)
Maxious 311
Maxious 312 - http://blog.yhathq.com/posts/10-R-packages-I-wish-I-knew-about-earlier.html
313 - excel -> R/rattle/ deducer? http://www.r-bloggers.com/updates-to-the-deducer-family-of-packages/
314 - http://www.twotorials.com/ for R
315 - http://www.r-bloggers.com/gradient-word-clouds/ http://www.rstudio.com/shiny/ http://blog.ouseful.info/2012/11/28/quick-shiny-demo-exploring-nhs-winter-sit-rep-data/ https://github.com/timelyportfolio/shiny-d3-plot https://github.com/trestletech/shiny-sandbox/tree/master/grn
Alex Sadleir 316 - http://www.r-bloggers.com/video-simpler-tricks-and-tools-help-debugging-git-latex-and-workflow-with-r-by-prof-rob-hyndman/
317 - http://yihui.name/knitr/ makes reports including google widgets/charts/maps via http://www.r-bloggers.com/googlevis-0-3-2-is-released-better-integration-with-knitr/
Maxious 318 - http://chartsnthings.tumblr.com/post/36978271916/r-tutorial-simple-charts http://flowingdata.com/2012/12/17/getting-started-with-charts-in-r/
Maxious 319
320 http://www.r-bloggers.com/to-plot-them-is-my-real-test/
321 http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2013/04/visualize-large-data-sets-with-the-bigvis-package.html 10 Million Points in 5 seconds.
323 ## Visualisation
Alex Sadleir 324
325 ### [Tableau Desktop](http://www.tableausoftware.com/)
Maxious 326
327 Create visualisations from various data formats by dragging and dropping. Free trial available on website. [![](img/Tableau-Screenshot-300x190.jpg "Tableau Screenshot")](img/Tableau-Screenshot.jpg)
Alex Sadleir 328
Maxious 329 ### Web page (Javascript) graphs
330 [Flotr2](http://www.humblesoftware.com/flotr2/)/[Google Chart Tools](https://developers.google.com/chart/)
331 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m11006fce-300x199.jpg "flotr2 screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m11006fce.jpg)Javascript based charts for webpages.
332 http://www.polychartjs.com/ Allows facetting and easy use of JSON data sets.
Alex Sadleir 333
Maxious 334 ### D3.js (Data-Driven Documents)
336 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m90d8020-300x277.jpg "d3 screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m90d8020.jpg)Javascript visualisations that are more interactive or intricate than charts. Can be hard to learn but there are examples and easier to use premade visualisations such as [word clouds](http://www.jasondavies.com/wordcloud/), [realtime filtering of barcharts](http://square.github.com/crossfilter/), or [bubble trees for comparing amount sizes](https://github.com/okfn/bubbletree).
Maxious 337 d3
338 - http://datadrivenjournalism.net/resources/data_driven_documents_defined
339 - http://www.benmcmahen.com/blog/posts/50eb57d55a94d35262000001 d3 svg
340 - d3 tools and tutorial http://enjalot.com/ http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4608440
341 - Why d3 is the way it is and how to make charts http://bost.ocks.org/mike/chart/
342 - how to make an xkcd chart http://bl.ocks.org/3914862
Alex Sadleir 343
maxious 344 ### Processing.js
Alex Sadleir 345
346 # Unstructured (Text) Data Tools
347 Most of the world's data isn't structured because it is contained in documents (webpages, tweets etc.). Sometimes it is possible to structure it, sometimes there are tools that are better suited it unstructured data.
Maxious 348 ## Wrangling
Maxious 349 For extracting data from webpages, checkout Scraperwiki pytemplate scrapy
Alex Sadleir 350
351 PDFs - http://source.mozillaopennews.org/en-US/articles/introducing-tabula/ for text PDFs or http://www.reporterslab.org/dochive/ for imafges
Maxious 353 If there is no way to form a table structure to be able to apply tabular data techniques , you need a more sophisticated analysis as detailed below.
Alex Sadleir 355 ## Analysing
Maxious 356 Natural Language Processing
Alex Sadleir 357 - opennlp/nltk / https://github.com/clips/pattern
Maxious 358
maxious 359 A search engine just for your dataset can also help
Alex Sadleir 360 - lucene/solr
Maxious 362 For light weight analysis, try R or Ruby
Alex Sadleir 363 - http://www.r-bloggers.com/simple-text-mining-with-r/
365 - http://blog.josephwilk.net/ruby/latent-semantic-analysis-in-ruby.html similar terms usually found together
Maxious 367 ## Visualising
369 Make word trees of blocks of text, webpages or twitter account and share them http://www.jasondavies.com/wordtree/
Alex Sadleir 370
Maxious 371 "Overview automatically sorts thousands of documents into topics and sub-topics, by reading the full text of each one." Simply make a CSV file with two columns, id and text. 10,000 documents is a good limit for the current state of the system. https://www.overviewproject.org/
Maxious 372
373 For larger document sets or for alternative visualisations, try Jigsaw a desktop based application. http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/ii/jigsaw/
377 # Graph (relationships and networks) Data Tools {#graph-relationships-and-networks-data-tools}
378 Graph data can be very valuable for finding communities, hubs and connections between entities (the 6 degrees of separation). This is through the techniques of Social Network Analysis.
Maxious 379 - http://www.slideshare.net/OReillyStrata/visualizing-networks-beyond-the-hairball
Maxious 380 - http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-554179-622011.html SNA tools catalog
Maxious 381 - https://github.com/jacomyal/osdc2012-sigmajs-demo sigmajs filtering/searching
Alex Sadleir 384 ## Analysis
Maxious 386 ### R
387 http://www.slideshare.net/ianmcook/social-network-analysis-in-r
Maxious 388 - http://is-r.tumblr.com/post/38240018815/making-prettier-network-graphs-with-sna-and-igraph
Maxious 389
Maxious 391 ### Graph Databases
393 [![](img/webadmin-data-300x127.png "Neo4\. web admin screenshot")](img/webadmin-data.png)Help understand relationships - how is X connected to Y and via what other entities they both are connected to.
394 Imports and exports can be done by [writing a java program](http://www.slideshare.net/maxdemarzi/etl-into-neo4j) or [spreadsheet](http://blog.neo4j.org/2013/03/importing-data-into-neo4j-spreadsheet.html)
Alex Sadleir 396 There are other graph databases worth considering like [OrientDB](http://www.orientdb.org/) or [Titan](http://thinkaurelius.github.com/titan/)
397 Major graph databases like these can be accessed using a common syntax called Gremlin or by writing a simple Java/Python/Ruby application. Queries can be tested in the built in data browser.
Maxious 400
Alex Sadleir 401 ### [NetworkX](http://networkx.lanl.gov/index.html)
403 [![](img/chess_masters-300x300.png "NetworkX")](img/chess_masters.png)
Maxious 404
Maxious 405 NetworkX is a social network analysis library for python. Many advanced analyses built in like finding communities within a graph. Also good for converting data into graphs.
407 See this [introduction to Social Network Analysis with NetworkX](http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~cm542/teaching/2011/stna-pdfs/stna-lecture11.pdf)
Maxious 410 ## Visualisation
Maxious 411 ### Tree/Hierarchy visualisation
412 Sometimes what you actually have is a tree/hierarchy with no interconnections. In these cases, it's better to use a Tree visualisation.
Maxious 413 http://www.randelshofer.ch/treeviz/ http://thejit.org/demos/ http://mbostock.github.com/protovis/ex/treemap.html http://blog.pixelingene.com/2011/07/building-a-tree-diagram-in-d3-js/d3 for Trees and Hierarchies
414 http://mbostock.github.com/d3/ex/pack.html http://mbostock.github.com/d3/ex/tree.html
Alex Sadleir 416 ### NodeXL for Microsoft Excel
417 - http://nodexl.codeplex.com/ network graphs for excel
419 ### [Graphviz](http://www.graphviz.org/)
421 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_7579906d-300x184.png "Graphviz Screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_7579906d.png)Classic directed graph visualisation tool, can even [generate images online without installing](http://ashitani.jp/gv/) or use in webpages with [javascript port of software](http://code.google.com/p/canviz/). File format ["dot" very easy to learn](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOT_language)
423 ### Gephi
Maxious 424
425 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_74d01d05-300x195.jpg "Gephi Screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_74d01d05.jpg)Desktop graph editor and renderer. Many good automatic layout algorithms even for very large graphs.
427 ### [sigma.js](http://sigmajs.org/)
429 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m6006eaf3-300x130.jpg "Sigma.js Screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m6006eaf3.jpg)Javascript graph viewer for displaying graphs on webpages without any other plugins/applications required. It can use GEXF files exported from tools like neo4j, gephi or NetworkX.