fix scraping
[disclosr.git] / admin / 0910apsemployees.csv
Maxious 1 National Competition Council,9
2 Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,12
3 OIGIS,12
4 Wheat Exports Australia,13
5 Cancer Australia,19
6 ACLEI,20
7 ORER,25
8 Professional Services Review,30
10 AOFM,35
11 EOWA,36
12 Commonwealth Grants Commission,40
13 National Blood Authority,46
14 ACIAR,51
15 NOPSA,51
16 Office of the Parl. Counsel,54
17 National Water Commission,57
18 Office of the Privacy Commissioner,58
19 National Capital Authority,60
20 ASADA,69
21 Future Fund Management Agency,70
22 Aust. Institute of Family Studies,76
23 Torres Strait Regional Authority,82
24 Old Parliament House,95
25 Screen Australia,102
26 Australian Transport Safety Bureau,107
27 Safe Work Australia,109
28 Australian Research Council,109
29 Human Rights Commission,124
30 AIATSIS,126
31 FSANZ,130
32 Aust. National Maritime Museum,132
33 Office of National Assessments,146
34 ABCC,151
35 ARPANSA,152
36 APVMA,155
37 Commonwealth Ombudsman,156
38 Administrative Appeals Tribunal,165
39 Royal Australian Mint,171
40 CrimTrac Agency,185
41 Federal Magistrates Court,186
42 Productivity Commission,196
43 Questacon,218
44 National Native Title Tribunal,223
45 AFMA,225
46 National Film and Sound Archive,232
47 GBRMPA,237
48 Australian Public Service Commission,247
49 NHMRC,249
50 MRT & RRT,273
51 Australian War Memorial,291
52 Fair Work Australia,299
53 National Museum of Australia,312
54 Murray Darling Basin Authority,314
55 AUSTRAC,318
56 ITSA,321
57 Federal Court of Australia,360
58 ANAO,367
59 Aust. Institute of Health & Welfare,383
60 "Resources, Energy and Tourism",454
61 National Archives of Australia,504
62 National Library of Australia,540
63 Australian Crime Commission,543
64 Aboriginal Hostels Ltd.,556
65 Commonwealth DPP,558
67 ComSuper,587
68 Comcare,593
69 Defence Housing Australia,630
70 Family Court of Australia,660
71 ACMA,663
72 Prime Minister & Cabinet,680
73 DBCDE,715
74 Geoscience Australia,723
75 ACCC,804
76 Australian Electoral Commission,922
77 Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman,969
78 Climate Change and Energy Efficiency,1019
79 AusAID,1037
81 Infrastructure,1105
82 Treasury,1133
83 Bureau of Meteorology,1656
84 Attorney-General's,1707
85 Finance & Deregulation,1841
86 DIISR,2072
87 ASIC,2080
88 Veterans' Affairs,2144
89 "Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts",3115
90 Foreign Affairs & Trade,3160
91 Australian Bureau of Statistics,3332
92 FaHCSIA,3685
93 "Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry",4892
94 Health & Ageing,5232
95 Medicare Australia,5695
96 Customs,5940
97 DEEWR,6054
98 Human Services,6607
99 Immigration & Citizenship,7014
100 Defence,21458
101 Australian Taxation Office,24070
102 Centrelink,27312