Via points and Stops by Suburb added
[bus.git] / maxious-canberra-transit-feed / output / 704-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
root 1 ---
2 time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda, Macquarie, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
root 3 long_name: To Kippax
maxious 4 between_stops:
root 5 Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
maxious 6 Aranda-Macquarie: [Wjz5d81, Wjz54_B, Wjz54_n, Wjz54CS, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk]
root 7 Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
maxious 8 City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Aranda: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr]
9 short_name: "704"
root 10 stop_times: [[506p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 550p, 555p, 600p, 606p]]
maxious 11