rm settee
[disclosr.git] / couchdb / SetteeDatabaseTest.php
blob:a/couchdb/settee/tests/SetteeDatabaseTest.php -> blob:b/couchdb/settee/tests/SetteeDatabaseTest.php
--- a/couchdb/settee/tests/SetteeDatabaseTest.php
+++ b/couchdb/settee/tests/SetteeDatabaseTest.php
@@ -1,1 +1,281 @@
+require_once (realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/settee.php'));
+require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . '/SetteeTestCase.class.php');
+class SetteeDatabaseTest extends SetteeTestCase {
+  private $db;
+  public function setUp() {
+    parent::setUp();
+    $dbname = "settee_tests_" . md5(microtime(true));
+    $this->db = $this->server->get_db($dbname);
+    $this->server->create_db($this->db);
+  }
+  public function test_document_lifecycle_objectbased() {
+    $doc = new StdClass();
+    $doc->firstName = "Irakli";
+    $doc->lastName = "Nadareishvili";
+    $doc->IQ = 200;
+    $doc->hobbies = array("skiing", "swimming");
+    $doc->pets = array ("whitey" => "labrador", "mikey" => "pug");
+    $doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $this->assertTrue(!empty($doc->_id) && !empty($doc->_rev), "Document creation success [object-based]");
+    $_rev = $doc->_rev;
+    $doc = $this->db->get($doc->_id);
+    $this->assertEquals($_rev, $doc->_rev, "Document retrieval success [object-based] test");
+    $doc->firstName = "Ika";
+    $db_doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $this->assertEquals($doc->firstName, $db_doc->firstName, "Document update success [object-based]");
+    $this->db->delete($doc);
+    try {
+      $doc = $this->db->get($doc->_id);
+    } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+      // we expect exception to fire, so this is good.
+      return;
+    }
+    $this->fail('Document still available for retrieval after being deleted. [object-based]');
+  }
+    // Should work with json string as well:
+    //
+  public function test_document_lifecycle_jsonbased() {
+    $doc = '{"firstName":"Irakli","lastName":"Nadareishvili","IQ":200,"hobbies":["skiing","swimming"],"pets":{"whitey":"labrador","mikey":"pug"}}';
+    $doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $this->assertTrue(!empty($doc->_id) && !empty($doc->_rev), "Document creation success [json-based]");
+    $_rev = $doc->_rev;
+    $db_doc = $this->db->get($doc->_id);
+    $this->assertEquals($_rev, $db_doc->_rev, "Document retrieval success [json-based] test");
+    $doc = '{';
+    $doc .= '"_id":"' . $db_doc->_id . '",';
+    $doc .= '"_rev":"' . $db_doc->_rev . '",';
+    $doc .= '"firstName":"Ika","lastName":"Nadareishvili","IQ":200,"hobbies":["skiing","swimming"],"pets":{"whitey":"labrador","mikey":"pug"}}';
+    $orig_doc = json_decode($doc);
+    $db_doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $this->assertEquals($orig_doc->firstName, $db_doc->firstName, "Document update success [json-based]");
+    $doc = '{';
+    $doc .= '"_id":"' . $db_doc->_id . '",';
+    $doc .= '"_rev":"' . $db_doc->_rev . '",';
+    $doc .= '"firstName":"Ika","lastName":"Nadareishvili","IQ":200,"hobbies":["skiing","swimming"],"pets":{"whitey":"labrador","mikey":"pug"}}';
+    $this->db->delete($doc);
+    try {
+      $doc = $this->db->get($db_doc->_id);
+    } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+      // we expect exception to fire, so this is good.
+      return;
+    }
+    $this->fail('Document still available for retrieval after being deleted. [object-based]');
+  }
+  public function test_invalid_document() {
+    $doc = 12345;
+    try {
+      $doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+      // we expect exception to fire, so this is good.
+      return;
+    }
+    $this->fail('Document saved with invalid format');
+  }
+  public function test_get_rev() {
+    $doc = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_id = "some_fixed_id";
+    $doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $_rev = $doc->_rev;
+    $db_rev = $this->db->get_rev($doc->_id);
+    $this->assertEquals($_rev, $db_rev, "Document Revision retrieval success");
+    // _rev is now attached to this object due to last ->save() call
+    $doc->_id = "some_fixed_id";
+    $doc->title = "Some Fixed ID";
+    $doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $_rev = $doc->_rev;
+    $db_rev = $this->db->get_rev($doc->_id);
+    $this->assertEquals($_rev, $db_rev, "Document Revision retrieval success after re-save");
+  }
+  public function test_save_auto_revision_detection() {
+    $doc = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_id = "some_fixed_id";
+    $this->db->save($doc);
+    $doc = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_id = "some_fixed_id";
+    $doc->extra_field = "some other value";
+    $new_doc = $this->db->save($doc, true);
+    $this->assertEquals ($new_doc->extra_field, "some other value", "Testing auto-rev detection by save method");
+  }
+  public function test_inline_attachment_json() {
+    $doc = '{
+              "_id":"attachment_doc",
+              "_attachments":
+              {
+                "foo.txt":
+                {
+                  "content_type":"text\/plain",
+                  "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ="
+                }
+              }
+            }';
+    $db_doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $this->assertTrue(is_object($db_doc->_attachments), "Inline attachment save successful [json-based]");
+  }
+  public function test_inline_attachment_obj_content() {
+    $doc = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_id = "attachment_doc";
+    $this->db->add_attachment($doc, "foo.txt", "This is some text to be encoded", "text/plain");
+    $db_doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $this->assertTrue(is_object($db_doc->_attachments), "Inline attachment save successful [object-based]");
+    $doc = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_id = "attachment_doc_autodetect";
+    $this->db->add_attachment($doc, "foo.txt", "This is some other text to be encoded");
+    $db_doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $this->assertTrue(is_object($db_doc->_attachments), "Inline attachment save successful [object-based, mime auto-detection]");
+  }
+  public function test_inline_attachment_obj_file() {
+    $doc = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_id = "attachment_doc";
+    $file_path = dirname(__FILE__) . "/resources/couch-logo.pdf";
+    $this->db->add_attachment_file($doc, "foo.pdf", $file_path, "application/pdf");
+    $db_doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $this->assertTrue(is_object($db_doc->_attachments), "Inline attachment of file successful");
+    $doc = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_id = "attachment_doc_autodetect";
+    $file_path = dirname(__FILE__) . "/resources/couch-logo.pdf";
+    $this->db->add_attachment_file($doc, "foo.pdf", $file_path);
+    $db_doc = $this->db->save($doc);
+    $this->assertTrue(is_object($db_doc->_attachments), "Inline attachment of file successful w/ mime type auto-detection");
+  }
+  public function test_view_lifecycle() {
+    $this->_create_some_sample_docs();
+  $map_src = <<<VIEW
+function(doc) {
+  if(doc.date && doc.title) {
+    emit(doc.date, doc.title);
+  }
+    $view = $this->db->save_view("foo_views", "bar_view", $map_src);
+    $this->assertEquals("_design/foo_views", $view->_id, "View Creation Success");
+    $view = $this->db->get_view("foo_views", "bar_view");
+    $this->assertEquals(3, $view->total_rows, "Running a View Success");
+  $map_src = <<<VIEW
+function(doc) {
+  if(doc.date) {
+    emit(doc.date, doc);
+  }
+  $view = $this->db->save_view("foo_views", "bar_view", $map_src);
+  $this->assertEquals("_design/foo_views", $view->_id, "View Update Success");
+  $view = $this->db->get_view("foo_views", "bar_view");
+  $this->assertEquals("Well hello and welcome to my new blog...", $view->rows[0]->value->body, "Running a View Success (after update)");
+  $view = $this->db->get_view("foo_views", "bar_view", "2009/02/17 21:13:39");
+  $this->assertEquals("Bought a Cat", $view->rows[0]->value->title, "Running a Parametrized View");
+  $view = $this->db->get_view("foo_views", "bar_view", array("2009/01/30 18:04:11", "2009/02/17 21:13:39"));
+  $this->assertEquals("Biking", $view->rows[0]->value->title, "Running a Parametrized View with range");
+  $view = $this->db->get_view("foo_views", "bar_view", array("2009/02/17 21:13:39", "2009/01/30 18:04:11"), true);
+  $this->assertEquals("Bought a Cat", $view->rows[0]->value->title, "Running a Parametrized View with range, descending");
+  $this->assertEquals(2, count($view->rows), "Running a Parametrized View with range, descending [count]");
+  function test_two_views_in_a_design_doc() {
+     $map_src = <<<VIEW
+function(doc) {
+  if(doc.date && doc.title) {
+    emit(doc.date, doc.title);
+  }
+    $view = $this->db->save_view("a_settee_design_doc", "foo_view", $map_src);
+    $this->assertTrue(isset($view->views->foo_view), "View1 Creation Success");
+    $view = $this->db->save_view("a_settee_design_doc", "bar_view", $map_src);
+    $this->assertTrue(isset($view->views->bar_view), "View2 Creation Success");
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create some sample docs for running tests on them.
+   *
+   * <p>This sample was taken from a wonderful book:
+   *  CouchDB: The Definitive Guide (Animal Guide) by J. Chris Anderson, Jan Lehnardt and Noah Slater
+   *  http://www.amazon.com/CouchDB-Definitive-Guide-Relax-Animal/dp/0596155891/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1311533443&sr=8-1
+   * 
+   * @return void
+   */
+  private function _create_some_sample_docs() {
+    $doc = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_id = "biking";
+    $doc->title = "Biking";
+    $doc->body = "My biggest hobby is mountainbiking";
+    $doc->date =  "2009/01/30 18:04:11";
+    $this->db->save($doc);
+    $doc = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_id = "bought-a-cat";
+    $doc->title = "Bought a Cat";
+    $doc->body = "I went to the the pet store earlier and brought home a little kitty...";
+    $doc->date =  "2009/02/17 21:13:39";
+    $this->db->save($doc);
+    $doc = new stdClass();
+    $doc->_id = "hello-world";
+    $doc->title = "Hello World";
+    $doc->body = "Well hello and welcome to my new blog...";
+    $doc->date = "2009/01/15 15:52:20";
+    $this->db->save($doc);
+  }
+  public function tearDown() {
+    $ret = $this->server->drop_db($this->db);
+  }