Use RDFa for semantic markup
[disclosr.git] / schemas / agency.json.php
blob:a/schemas/agency.json.php -> blob:b/schemas/agency.json.php
--- a/schemas/agency.json.php
+++ b/schemas/agency.json.php
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
         "parentOrg" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Parent Organisation", "description" => "Parent organisation, usually a department of state"),
         "website" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Website", "x-property" => "schema:url foaf:homepage", "description" => "Website URL"),
         "abn" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Australian Business Number", "description" => "ABN from business register"),
-        "contractListURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Contract Listing", "description" => "Departmental and agency contracts, <a href=''>mandated by the Senate</a>"),
+        "employees" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "2010-2011 employees", "description" => "2010-2011 employees"),
+        "contractListURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true,  "x-title" => "Contract Listing", "description" => "Departmental and agency contracts, <a href=''>mandated by the Senate</a>" ),
+        "budgetURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true,"x-title" => "Budget", "description" => "Portfolio Budget Statements and Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements"),
         "grantsReportingURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Grants Awarded",
             "description" => "Departmental and agency grants <a href=''>mandated by the Senate</a> and <a href=''>Commonwealth grants guidelines</a> "),
         "annualReportURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Annual Report(s)", "description" => ""),
@@ -32,6 +34,8 @@
         "appointmentsURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Agency Appointments/Boards", "description" => "Departmental and agency appointments and vacancies , <a href=''>mandated by the Senate</a>"),
         "advertisingURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Approved Advertising Campaigns", "description" => " Agency advertising and public information projects, <a href=''>mandated by the Senate</a> "),
         "hasRSS" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has RSS", "description" => ""),
+      "hasBlog" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Blog", "description" => ""),
+              "hasMobileApp" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Mobile App", "description" => ""),
         "hasMailingList" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Mailing List", "description" => "",
             "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
         "hasTwitter" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Twitter", "description" => "",
@@ -46,6 +50,8 @@
             "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
          "hasRestrictiveLicence" => Array("type" => "array","required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Restrictive Licence", "description" => "Has any page licenced under terms more restrictive than Crown Copyright",
             "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+         "hasPermissiveLicence" => Array("type" => "array","required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Permissive Licence", "description" => "Has any page licenced under terms more permissive than Crown Copyright but not clear CCBY",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
            "hasCrownCopyright" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Has Standard Crown Copyright licence", "description" => "Has any page still licenced under the former Commonwealth Copyright Administration",
             "items" => Array("type" => "string")),