Upgrade origin-src to google transit feed 1.2.6
[bus.git] / origin-src / transitfeed-1.2.6 / examples / shuttle_from_xmlfeed.py
blob:a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/shuttle_from_xmlfeed.py -> blob:b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/shuttle_from_xmlfeed.py
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/shuttle_from_xmlfeed.py
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/shuttle_from_xmlfeed.py
@@ -1,1 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Google has a homegrown database for managing the company shuttle. The
+database dumps its contents in XML. This scripts converts the proprietary XML
+format into a Google Transit Feed Specification file.
+import datetime
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import os.path
+import re
+import transitfeed
+import urllib
+  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # python 2.5
+except ImportError, e:
+  import elementtree.ElementTree as ET  # older pythons
+class NoUnusedStopExceptionProblemReporter(transitfeed.ProblemReporter):
+  """The company shuttle database has a few unused stops for reasons unrelated
+  to this script. Ignore them.
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator()
+    transitfeed.ProblemReporter.__init__(self, accumulator)
+  def UnusedStop(self, stop_id, stop_name):
+    pass
+def SaveFeed(input, output):
+  tree = ET.parse(urllib.urlopen(input))
+  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+  service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
+  service_period.SetWeekdayService()
+  service_period.SetStartDate('20070314')
+  service_period.SetEndDate('20071231')
+  # Holidays for 2007
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20070528', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20070704', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20070903', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071122', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071123', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071224', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071225', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071226', has_service=False)
+  service_period.SetDateHasService('20071231', has_service=False)
+  stops = {}  # Map from xml stop id to python Stop object
+  agency = schedule.NewDefaultAgency(name='GBus', url='http://shuttle/',
+                                     timezone='America/Los_Angeles')
+  for xml_stop in tree.getiterator('stop'):
+    stop = schedule.AddStop(lat=float(xml_stop.attrib['lat']),
+                            lng=float(xml_stop.attrib['lng']),
+                            name=xml_stop.attrib['name'])
+    stops[xml_stop.attrib['id']] = stop
+  for xml_shuttleGroup in tree.getiterator('shuttleGroup'):
+    if xml_shuttleGroup.attrib['name'] == 'Test':
+      continue
+    r = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="",
+        long_name=xml_shuttleGroup.attrib['name'], route_type='Bus')
+    for xml_route in xml_shuttleGroup.getiterator('route'):
+      t = r.AddTrip(schedule=schedule, headsign=xml_route.attrib['name'],
+          trip_id=xml_route.attrib['id'])
+      trip_stops = []  # Build a list of (time, Stop) tuples
+      for xml_schedule in xml_route.getiterator('schedule'):
+        trip_stops.append( (int(xml_schedule.attrib['time']) / 1000,
+                            stops[xml_schedule.attrib['stopId']]) )
+      trip_stops.sort()  # Sort by time
+      for (time, stop) in trip_stops:
+        t.AddStopTime(stop=stop, arrival_secs=time, departure_secs=time)
+  schedule.Validate(problems=NoUnusedStopExceptionProblemReporter())
+  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(output)
+def main():
+  parser = OptionParser()
+  parser.add_option('--input', dest='input',
+                    help='Path or URL of input')
+  parser.add_option('--output', dest='output',
+                    help='Path of output file. Should end in .zip and if it '
+                    'contains the substring YYYYMMDD it will be replaced with '
+                    'today\'s date. It is impossible to include the literal '
+                    'string YYYYYMMDD in the path of the output file.')
+  parser.add_option('--execute', dest='execute',
+                    help='Commands to run to copy the output. %(path)s is '
+                    'replaced with full path of the output and %(name)s is '
+                    'replaced with name part of the path. Try '
+                    'scp %(path)s myhost:www/%(name)s',
+                    action='append')
+  parser.set_defaults(input=None, output=None, execute=[])
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  today = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d')
+  options.output = re.sub(r'YYYYMMDD', today, options.output)
+  (_, name) = os.path.split(options.output)
+  path = options.output
+  SaveFeed(options.input, options.output)
+  for command in options.execute:
+    import subprocess
+    def check_call(cmd):
+      """Convenience function that is in the docs for subprocess but not
+      installed on my system."""
+      retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+      if retcode < 0:
+        raise Exception("Child '%s' was terminated by signal %d" % (cmd,
+          -retcode))
+      elif retcode != 0:
+        raise Exception("Child '%s' returned %d" % (cmd, retcode))
+    # path_output and filename_current can be used to run arbitrary commands
+    check_call(command % locals())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()