Upgrade origin-src to google transit feed 1.2.6
[bus.git] / origin-src / transitfeed-1.2.6 / examples / table.py
blob:a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/table.py -> blob:b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/table.py
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/table.py
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/table.py
@@ -1,1 +1,177 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# An example script that demonstrates converting a proprietary format to a
+# Google Transit Feed Specification file.
+# You can load table.txt, the example input, in Excel. It contains three
+# sections:
+# 1) A list of global options, starting with a line containing the word
+#    'options'. Each option has an name in the first column and most options
+#    have a value in the second column.
+# 2) A table of stops, starting with a line containing the word 'stops'. Each
+#    row of the table has 3 columns: name, latitude, longitude
+# 3) A list of routes. There is an empty row between each route. The first row
+#    for a route lists the short_name and long_name. After the first row the
+#    left-most column lists the stop names visited by the route. Each column
+#    contains the times a single trip visits the stops.
+# This is very simple example which you could use as a base for your own
+# transit feed builder.
+import transitfeed
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import re
+stops = {}
+# table is a list of lists in this form
+# [ ['Short Name', 'Long Name'],
+#   ['Stop 1', 'Stop 2', ...]
+#   [time_at_1, time_at_2, ...]  # times for trip 1
+#   [time_at_1, time_at_2, ...]  # times for trip 2
+#   ... ]
+def AddRouteToSchedule(schedule, table):
+  if len(table) >= 2:
+    r = schedule.AddRoute(short_name=table[0][0], long_name=table[0][1], route_type='Bus')
+    for trip in table[2:]:
+      if len(trip) > len(table[1]):
+        print "ignoring %s" % trip[len(table[1]):]
+        trip = trip[0:len(table[1])]
+      t = r.AddTrip(schedule, headsign='My headsign')
+      trip_stops = []  # Build a list of (time, stopname) tuples
+      for i in range(0, len(trip)):
+        if re.search(r'\S', trip[i]):
+          trip_stops.append( (transitfeed.TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(trip[i]), table[1][i]) )
+      trip_stops.sort()  # Sort by time
+      for (time, stopname) in trip_stops:
+        t.AddStopTime(stop=stops[stopname.lower()], arrival_secs=time,
+                      departure_secs=time)
+def TransposeTable(table):
+  """Transpose a list of lists, using None to extend all input lists to the
+  same length.
+  For example:
+  >>> TransposeTable(
+  [ [11,   12,   13],
+    [21,   22],
+    [31,   32,   33,   34]])
+  [ [11,   21,   31],
+    [12,   22,   32],
+    [13,   None, 33],
+    [None, None, 34]]
+  """
+  transposed = []
+  rows = len(table)
+  cols = max(len(row) for row in table)
+  for x in range(cols):
+    transposed.append([])
+    for y in range(rows):
+      if x < len(table[y]):
+        transposed[x].append(table[y][x])
+      else:
+        transposed[x].append(None)
+  return transposed
+def ProcessOptions(schedule, table):
+  service_period = schedule.GetDefaultServicePeriod()
+  agency_name, agency_url, agency_timezone = (None, None, None)
+  for row in table[1:]:
+    command = row[0].lower()
+    if command == 'weekday':
+      service_period.SetWeekdayService()
+    elif command == 'start_date':
+      service_period.SetStartDate(row[1])
+    elif command == 'end_date':
+      service_period.SetEndDate(row[1])
+    elif command == 'add_date':
+      service_period.SetDateHasService(date=row[1])
+    elif command == 'remove_date':
+      service_period.SetDateHasService(date=row[1], has_service=False)
+    elif command == 'agency_name':
+      agency_name = row[1]
+    elif command == 'agency_url':
+      agency_url = row[1]
+    elif command == 'agency_timezone':
+      agency_timezone = row[1]
+  if not (agency_name and agency_url and agency_timezone):
+    print "You must provide agency information"
+  schedule.NewDefaultAgency(agency_name=agency_name, agency_url=agency_url,
+                            agency_timezone=agency_timezone)
+def AddStops(schedule, table):
+  for name, lat_str, lng_str in table[1:]:
+    stop = schedule.AddStop(lat=float(lat_str), lng=float(lng_str), name=name)
+    stops[name.lower()] = stop
+def ProcessTable(schedule, table):
+  if table[0][0].lower() == 'options':
+    ProcessOptions(schedule, table)
+  elif table[0][0].lower() == 'stops':
+    AddStops(schedule, table)
+  else:
+    transposed = [table[0]]  # Keep route_short_name and route_long_name on first row
+    # Transpose rest of table. Input contains the stop names in table[x][0], x
+    # >= 1 with trips found in columns, so we need to transpose table[1:].
+    # As a diagram Transpose from
+    # [['stop 1', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00'],
+    #  ['stop 2', '10:10', '11:10', '12:10'],
+    #  ['stop 3', '10:20', '11:20', '12:20']]
+    # to
+    # [['stop 1', 'stop 2', 'stop 3'],
+    #  ['10:00',  '10:10',  '10:20'],
+    #  ['11:00',  '11:11',  '11:20'],
+    #  ['12:00',  '12:12',  '12:20']]
+    transposed.extend(TransposeTable(table[1:]))
+    AddRouteToSchedule(schedule, transposed)
+def main():
+  parser = OptionParser()
+  parser.add_option('--input', dest='input',
+                    help='Path of input file')
+  parser.add_option('--output', dest='output',
+                    help='Path of output file, should end in .zip')
+  parser.set_defaults(output='feed.zip')
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
+  table = []
+  for line in open(options.input):
+    line = line.rstrip()
+    if not line:
+      ProcessTable(schedule, table)
+      table = []
+    else:
+      table.append(line.split('\t'))
+  ProcessTable(schedule, table)
+  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(options.output)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()