Upgrade origin-src to google transit feed 1.2.6
[bus.git] / origin-src / transitfeed-1.2.6 / gtfsscheduleviewer / marey_graph.py
blob:a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/marey_graph.py -> blob:b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/marey_graph.py
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/marey_graph.py
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/gtfsscheduleviewer/marey_graph.py
@@ -1,1 +1,470 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Output svg/xml data for a marey graph
+Marey graphs are a visualization form typically used for timetables. Time
+is on the x-axis and position on the y-axis. This module reads data from a
+transitfeed.Schedule and creates a marey graph in svg/xml format. The graph
+shows the speed between stops for each trip of a route.
+TODO: This module was taken from an internal Google tool. It works but is not
+well intergrated into transitfeed and schedule_viewer. Also, it has lots of
+ugly hacks to compensate set canvas size and so on which could be cleaned up.
+For a little more information see (I didn't make this URL ;-)
+  MareyGraph: Class, keeps cache of graph data and graph properties
+               and draws marey graphs in svg/xml format on request.
+import itertools
+import transitfeed
+class MareyGraph:
+  """Produces and caches marey graph from transit feed data."""
+  _MAX_ZOOM = 5.0 # change docstring of ChangeScaleFactor if this changes
+  _DUMMY_SEPARATOR = 10 #pixel
+  def __init__(self):
+    # Timetablerelated state
+    self._cache = str()
+    self._stoplist = []
+    self._tlist = []
+    self._stations = []
+    self._decorators = []
+    # TODO: Initialize default values via constructor parameters
+    # or via a class constants
+    # Graph properties
+    self._tspan = 30     # number of hours to display
+    self._offset = 0     # starting hour
+    self._hour_grid = 60 # number of pixels for an hour
+    self._min_grid = 5   # number of pixels between subhour lines
+    # Canvas properties
+    self._zoomfactor = 0.9 # svg Scaling factor
+    self._xoffset = 0      # move graph horizontally
+    self._yoffset = 0      # move graph veritcally
+    self._bgcolor = "lightgrey"
+    # height/width of graph canvas before transform
+    self._gwidth = self._tspan * self._hour_grid
+  def Draw(self, stoplist=None, triplist=None, height=520):
+    """Main interface for drawing the marey graph.
+    If called without arguments, the data generated in the previous call
+    will be used. New decorators can be added between calls.
+    Args:
+      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
+      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
+      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
+      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
+    Returns:
+      # A string that contain a svg/xml web-page with a marey graph.
+      " <svg  width="1440" height="520" version="1.1" ... "
+    """
+    output = str()
+    if not triplist:
+      triplist = []
+    if not stoplist:
+      stoplist = []
+    if not self._cache or triplist or stoplist:
+      self._gheight = height
+      self._tlist=triplist
+      self._slist=stoplist
+      self._decorators = []
+      self._stations = self._BuildStations(stoplist)
+      self._cache = "%s %s %s %s" % (self._DrawBox(),
+                                      self._DrawHours(),
+                                      self._DrawStations(),
+                                      self._DrawTrips(triplist))
+    output = "%s %s %s %s" % (self._DrawHeader(),
+                              self._cache,
+                              self._DrawDecorators(),
+                              self._DrawFooter())
+    return output
+  def _DrawHeader(self):
+     svg_header = """
+      <svg  width="%s" height="%s" version="1.1"
+      xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+      <script type="text/ecmascript"><![CDATA[
+       function init(evt) {
+         if ( window.svgDocument == null )
+            svgDocument = evt.target.ownerDocument;
+       }
+      var oldLine = 0;
+      var oldStroke = 0;
+      var hoffset= %s; // Data from python
+      function parseLinePoints(pointnode){
+        var wordlist = pointnode.split(" ");
+        var xlist = new Array();
+        var h;
+        var m;
+        // TODO: add linebreaks as appropriate
+        var xstr = "  Stop Times :";
+        for (i=0;i<wordlist.length;i=i+2){
+          var coord = wordlist[i].split(",");
+          h = Math.floor(parseInt((coord[0])-20)/60);
+          m = parseInt((coord[0]-20))%%60;
+          xstr = xstr +" "+ (hoffset+h) +":"+m;
+        }
+        return xstr;
+      }
+      function LineClick(tripid, x) {
+        var line = document.getElementById(tripid);
+        if (oldLine)
+          oldLine.setAttribute("stroke",oldStroke);
+        oldLine = line;
+        oldStroke = line.getAttribute("stroke");
+        line.setAttribute("stroke","#fff");
+        var dynTxt = document.getElementById("dynamicText");
+        var tripIdTxt = document.createTextNode(x);
+        while (dynTxt.hasChildNodes()){
+          dynTxt.removeChild(dynTxt.firstChild);
+        }
+        dynTxt.appendChild(tripIdTxt);
+      }
+      ]]> </script>
+      <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
+      .T { fill:none; stroke-width:1.5 }
+      .TB { fill:none; stroke:#e20; stroke-width:2 }
+      .Station { fill:none; stroke-width:1 }
+      .Dec { fill:none; stroke-width:1.5 }
+      .FullHour { fill:none; stroke:#eee; stroke-width:1 }
+      .SubHour { fill:none; stroke:#ddd; stroke-width:1 }
+      .Label { fill:#aaa; font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans;
+       text-anchor:middle }
+      .Info { fill:#111; font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans;
+      text-anchor:start; }
+       ]]></style>
+       <text class="Info" id="dynamicText" x="0" y="%d"></text>
+       <g id="mcanvas"  transform="translate(%s,%s)">
+       <g id="zcanvas" transform="scale(%s)">
+       """ % (self._gwidth + self._xoffset + 20, self._gheight + 15,
+              self._offset, self._gheight + 10,
+              self._xoffset, self._yoffset, self._zoomfactor)
+     return svg_header
+  def _DrawFooter(self):
+    return "</g></g></svg>"
+  def _DrawDecorators(self):
+    """Used to draw fancy overlays on trip graphs."""
+    return " ".join(self._decorators)
+  def _DrawBox(self):
+    tmpstr = """<rect x="%s" y="%s" width="%s" height="%s"
+                fill="lightgrey" stroke="%s" stroke-width="2" />
+             """ % (0, 0, self._gwidth + 20, self._gheight, self._bgcolor)
+    return tmpstr
+  def _BuildStations(self, stoplist):
+    """Dispatches the best algorithm for calculating station line position.
+    Args:
+      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
+      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
+      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
+      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
+    Returns:
+      # One integer y-coordinate for each station normalized between
+      # 0 and X, where X is the height of the graph in pixels
+      [0, 33, 140, ... , X]
+    """
+    stations = []
+    dists = self._EuclidianDistances(stoplist)
+    stations = self._CalculateYLines(dists)
+    return stations
+  def _EuclidianDistances(self,slist):
+    """Calculate euclidian distances between stops.
+    Uses the stoplists long/lats to approximate distances
+    between stations and build a list with y-coordinates for the
+    horizontal lines in the graph.
+    Args:
+      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
+      stoplist: [Stop, Stop, ...]
+    Returns:
+      # One integer for each pair of stations
+      # indicating the approximate distance
+      [0,33,140, ... ,X]
+    """
+    e_dists2 = [transitfeed.ApproximateDistanceBetweenStops(stop, tail) for
+                (stop,tail) in itertools.izip(slist, slist[1:])]
+    return e_dists2
+  def _CalculateYLines(self, dists):
+    """Builds a list with y-coordinates for the horizontal lines in the graph.
+    Args:
+      # One integer for each pair of stations
+      # indicating the approximate distance
+      dists: [0,33,140, ... ,X]
+    Returns:
+      # One integer y-coordinate for each station normalized between
+      # 0 and X, where X is the height of the graph in pixels
+      [0, 33, 140, ... , X]
+    """
+    tot_dist = sum(dists)
+    if tot_dist > 0:
+      pixel_dist = [float(d * (self._gheight-20))/tot_dist for d in dists]
+      pixel_grid = [0]+[int(pd + sum(pixel_dist[0:i])) for i,pd in
+                        enumerate(pixel_dist)]
+    else:
+      pixel_grid = []
+    return pixel_grid
+  def _TravelTimes(self,triplist,index=0):
+    """ Calculate distances and plot stops.
+    Uses a timetable to approximate distances
+    between stations
+    Args:
+    # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
+    triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
+    # (Optional) Index of Triplist prefered for timetable Calculation
+    index: 3
+    Returns:
+    # One integer for each pair of stations
+    # indicating the approximate distance
+    [0,33,140, ... ,X]
+    """
+    def DistanceInTravelTime(dep_secs, arr_secs):
+      t_dist = arr_secs-dep_secs
+      if t_dist<0:
+        t_dist = self._DUMMY_SEPARATOR # min separation
+      return t_dist
+    if not triplist:
+      return []
+    if 0 < index < len(triplist):
+      trip = triplist[index]
+    else:
+      trip = triplist[0]
+    t_dists2 = [DistanceInTravelTime(stop[3],tail[2]) for (stop,tail)
+                 in itertools.izip(trip.GetTimeStops(),trip.GetTimeStops()[1:])]
+    return t_dists2
+  def _AddWarning(self, str):
+    print str
+  def _DrawTrips(self,triplist,colpar=""):
+    """Generates svg polylines for each transit trip.
+    Args:
+      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
+      [Trip, Trip, ...]
+    Returns:
+      # A string containing a polyline tag for each trip
+      ' <polyline class="T" stroke="#336633" points="433,0 ...'
+    """
+    stations = []
+    if not self._stations and triplist:
+      self._stations = self._CalculateYLines(self._TravelTimes(triplist))
+      if not self._stations:
+        self._AddWarning("Failed to use traveltimes for graph")
+        self._stations = self._CalculateYLines(self._Uniform(triplist))
+        if not self._stations:
+          self._AddWarning("Failed to calculate station distances")
+          return
+    stations = self._stations
+    tmpstrs = []
+    servlist = []
+    for t in triplist:
+      if not colpar:
+        if t.service_id not in servlist:
+          servlist.append(t.service_id)
+        shade = int(servlist.index(t.service_id) * (200/len(servlist))+55)
+        color = "#00%s00" %  hex(shade)[2:4]
+      else:
+        color=colpar
+      start_offsets = [0]
+      first_stop = t.GetTimeStops()[0]
+      for j,freq_offset in enumerate(start_offsets):
+        if j>0 and not colpar:
+          color="purple"
+        scriptcall = 'onmouseover="LineClick(\'%s\',\'Trip %s starting %s\')"' % (t.trip_id,
+            t.trip_id, transitfeed.FormatSecondsSinceMidnight(t.GetStartTime()))
+        tmpstrhead = '<polyline class="T" id="%s" stroke="%s" %s points="' % \
+          (str(t.trip_id),color, scriptcall)
+        tmpstrs.append(tmpstrhead)
+        for i, s in enumerate(t.GetTimeStops()):
+          arr_t = s[0]
+          dep_t = s[1]
+          if arr_t is None or dep_t is None:
+            continue
+          arr_x = int(arr_t/3600.0 * self._hour_grid) - self._hour_grid * self._offset
+          dep_x = int(dep_t/3600.0 * self._hour_grid) - self._hour_grid * self._offset
+          tmpstrs.append("%s,%s " % (int(arr_x+20), int(stations[i]+20)))
+          tmpstrs.append("%s,%s " % (int(dep_x+20), int(stations[i]+20)))
+        tmpstrs.append('" />')
+    return "".join(tmpstrs)
+  def _Uniform(self, triplist):
+    """Fallback to assuming uniform distance between stations"""
+    # This should not be neseccary, but we are in fallback mode
+    longest = max([len(t.GetTimeStops()) for t in triplist])
+    return [100] * longest
+  def _DrawStations(self, color="#aaa"):
+    """Generates svg with a horizontal line for each station/stop.
+    Args:
+      # Class Stop is defined in transitfeed.py
+      stations: [Stop, Stop, ...]
+    Returns:
+      # A string containing a polyline tag for each stop
+      " <polyline class="Station" stroke="#336633" points="20,0 ..."
+    """
+    stations=self._stations
+    tmpstrs = []
+    for y in stations:
+      tmpstrs.append('  <polyline class="Station" stroke="%s" \
+      points="%s,%s, %s,%s" />' %(color,20,20+y+.5,self._gwidth+20,20+y+.5))
+    return "".join(tmpstrs)
+  def _DrawHours(self):
+    """Generates svg to show a vertical hour and sub-hour grid
+    Returns:
+      # A string containing a polyline tag for each grid line
+      " <polyline class="FullHour" points="20,0 ..."
+    """
+    tmpstrs = []
+    for i in range(0, self._gwidth, self._min_grid):
+      if i % self._hour_grid == 0:
+        tmpstrs.append('<polyline class="FullHour" points="%d,%d, %d,%d" />' \
+                       % (i + .5 + 20, 20, i + .5 + 20, self._gheight))
+        tmpstrs.append('<text class="Label" x="%d" y="%d">%d</text>'
+                       % (i + 20, 20,
+                         (i / self._hour_grid + self._offset) % 24))
+      else:
+        tmpstrs.append('<polyline class="SubHour" points="%d,%d,%d,%d" />' \
+                       % (i + .5 + 20, 20, i + .5 + 20, self._gheight))
+    return "".join(tmpstrs)
+  def AddStationDecoration(self, index, color="#f00"):
+    """Flushes existing decorations and highlights the given station-line.
+    Args:
+      # Integer, index of stop to be highlighted.
+      index: 4
+      # An optional string with a html color code
+      color: "#fff"
+    """
+    tmpstr = str()
+    num_stations = len(self._stations)
+    ind = int(index)
+    if self._stations:
+      if 0<ind<num_stations:
+        y = self._stations[ind]
+        tmpstr = '<polyline class="Dec" stroke="%s" points="%s,%s,%s,%s" />' \
+          % (color, 20, 20+y+.5, self._gwidth+20, 20+y+.5)
+    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
+  def AddTripDecoration(self, triplist, color="#f00"):
+    """Flushes existing decorations and highlights the given trips.
+    Args:
+      # Class Trip is defined in transitfeed.py
+      triplist: [Trip, Trip, ...]
+      # An optional string with a html color code
+      color: "#fff"
+    """
+    tmpstr = self._DrawTrips(triplist,color)
+    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
+  def ChangeScaleFactor(self, newfactor):
+    """Changes the zoom of the graph manually.
+    1.0 is the original canvas size.
+    Args:
+      # float value between 0.0 and 5.0
+      newfactor: 0.7
+    """
+    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
+      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
+  def ScaleLarger(self):
+    """Increases the zoom of the graph one step (0.1 units)."""
+    newfactor = self._zoomfactor + 0.1
+    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
+      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
+  def ScaleSmaller(self):
+    """Decreases the zoom of the graph one step(0.1 units)."""
+    newfactor = self._zoomfactor - 0.1
+    if float(newfactor) > 0 and float(newfactor) < self._MAX_ZOOM:
+      self._zoomfactor = newfactor
+  def ClearDecorators(self):
+    """Removes all the current decorators.
+    """
+    self._decorators = []
+  def AddTextStripDecoration(self,txtstr):
+    tmpstr = '<text class="Info" x="%d" y="%d">%s</text>' % (0,
+              20 + self._gheight, txtstr)
+    self._decorators.append(tmpstr)
+  def SetSpan(self, first_arr, last_arr, mint=5 ,maxt=30):
+    s_hour = (first_arr / 3600) - 1
+    e_hour = (last_arr / 3600) + 1
+    self._offset = max(min(s_hour, 23), 0)
+    self._tspan = max(min(e_hour - s_hour, maxt), mint)
+    self._gwidth = self._tspan * self._hour_grid