Upgrade origin-src to google transit feed 1.2.6
[bus.git] / origin-src / transitfeed-1.2.6 / test / testexamples.py
blob:a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testexamples.py -> blob:b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testexamples.py
--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testexamples.py
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/test/testexamples.py
@@ -1,1 +1,115 @@
+# Test the examples to make sure they are not broken
+import os
+import re
+import transitfeed
+import unittest
+import urllib
+import util
+class WikiExample(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  # Download example from wiki and run it
+  def runTest(self):
+    wiki_source = urllib.urlopen(
+        'http://googletransitdatafeed.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/TransitFeed.wiki'
+        ).read()
+    m = re.search(r'{{{(.*import transitfeed.*)}}}', wiki_source, re.DOTALL)
+    if not m:
+      raise Exception("Failed to find source code on wiki page")
+    wiki_code = m.group(1)
+    exec wiki_code
+class shuttle_from_xmlfeed(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('shuttle_from_xmlfeed.py'),
+         '--input', 'file:' + self.GetExamplePath('shuttle_from_xmlfeed.xml'),
+         '--output', 'shuttle-YYYYMMDD.zip',
+         # save the path of the dated output to tempfilepath
+         '--execute', 'echo %(path)s > outputpath'])
+    dated_path = open('outputpath').read().strip()
+    self.assertTrue(re.match(r'shuttle-20\d\d[01]\d[0123]\d.zip$', dated_path))
+    if not os.path.exists(dated_path):
+      raise Exception('did not create expected file')
+class table(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('table.py'),
+         '--input', self.GetExamplePath('table.txt'),
+         '--output', 'google_transit.zip'])
+    if not os.path.exists('google_transit.zip'):
+      raise Exception('should have created output')
+class small_builder(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def runTest(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('small_builder.py'),
+         '--output', 'google_transit.zip'])
+    if not os.path.exists('google_transit.zip'):
+      raise Exception('should have created output')
+class google_random_queries(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def testNormalRun(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('google_random_queries.py'),
+         '--output', 'queries.html',
+         '--limit', '5',
+         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'good_feed')])
+    if not os.path.exists('queries.html'):
+      raise Exception('should have created output')
+  def testInvalidFeedStillWorks(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('google_random_queries.py'),
+         '--output', 'queries.html',
+         '--limit', '5',
+         self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'invalid_route_agency')])
+    if not os.path.exists('queries.html'):
+      raise Exception('should have created output')
+  def testBadArgs(self):
+    self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('google_random_queries.py'),
+         '--output', 'queries.html',
+         '--limit', '5'],
+        expected_retcode=2)
+    if os.path.exists('queries.html'):
+      raise Exception('should not have created output')
+class filter_unused_stops(util.TempDirTestCaseBase):
+  def testNormalRun(self):
+    unused_stop_path = self.GetPath('test', 'data', 'unused_stop')
+    # Make sure load fails for input
+    accumulator = transitfeed.ExceptionProblemAccumulator(raise_warnings=True)
+    problem_reporter = transitfeed.ProblemReporter(accumulator)
+    try:
+      transitfeed.Loader(
+          unused_stop_path,
+          problems=problem_reporter, extra_validation=True).Load()
+      self.fail('UnusedStop exception expected')
+    except transitfeed.UnusedStop, e:
+      pass
+    (stdout, stderr) = self.CheckCallWithPath(
+        [self.GetExamplePath('filter_unused_stops.py'),
+         '--list_removed',
+         unused_stop_path, 'output.zip'])
+    # Extra stop was listed on stdout
+    self.assertNotEqual(stdout.find('Bogus Stop'), -1)
+    # Make sure unused stop was removed and another stop wasn't
+    schedule = transitfeed.Loader(
+        'output.zip', problems=problem_reporter, extra_validation=True).Load()
+    schedule.GetStop('STAGECOACH')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  unittest.main()