disclog UX improvements
disclog UX improvements

Former-commit-id: c830f53e0a7bcc6f142528cbfd88f4c32dcbcfca

[submodule "couchdb/couchdb-lucene"] [submodule "couchdb/couchdb-lucene"]
path = couchdb/couchdb-lucene path = couchdb/couchdb-lucene
url = https://github.com/rnewson/couchdb-lucene.git url = https://github.com/rnewson/couchdb-lucene.git
[submodule "couchdb/settee"] [submodule "couchdb/settee"]
path = couchdb/settee path = couchdb/settee
url = https://github.com/inadarei/settee.git url = https://github.com/inadarei/settee.git
  [submodule "lib/php-diff"]
  path = lib/php-diff
  url = https://github.com/chrisboulton/php-diff.git
  [submodule "lib/Requests"]
  path = lib/Requests
  url = https://github.com/rmccue/Requests.git
  [submodule "js/flotr2"]
  path = js/flotr2
  url = https://github.com/HumbleSoftware/Flotr2.git
  [submodule "lib/phpquery"]
  path = lib/phpquery
  url = https://github.com/TobiaszCudnik/phpquery.git
  [submodule "js/sigma"]
  path = js/sigma
  url = https://github.com/jacomyal/sigma.js.git
  [submodule "js/bubbletree"]
  path = js/bubbletree
  url = https://github.com/okfn/bubbletree.git
  [submodule "lib/querypath"]
  path = lib/querypath
  url = https://github.com/technosophos/querypath.git
  [submodule "lib/amon-php"]
  path = lib/amon-php
  url = https://github.com/martinrusev/amon-php.git
  [submodule "documents/lib/parsedatetime"]
  path = documents/lib/parsedatetime
  url = git://github.com/bear/parsedatetime.git
file:a/about.php -> file:b/about.php
<?php <?php
include_once('include/common.inc.php'); include_once('include/common.inc.php');
include_header(); include_header('About');
?> ?>
<div class="foundation-header"> <div class="foundation-header">
<h1><a href="about.php">About/FAQ</a></h1> <h1><a href="about.php">About/FAQ</a></h1>
<h4 class="subheader">Lorem ipsum.</h4> <h4 class="subheader">Lorem ipsum.</h4>
</div> </div>
<h2> What is this? </h2> <h2> What is this? </h2>
Disclosr is a project to monitor Australian Federal Government agencies Disclo.gs is a project to monitor Australian Federal Government agencies
compliance with their <a href="http://www.oaic.gov.au/publications/other_operational/foi_policy_frequently_asked_questions.html#_Toc291837571">"proactive disclosure requirements"</a>. compliance with their <a href="http://www.oaic.gov.au/publications/other_operational/foi_policy_frequently_asked_questions.html#_Toc291837571">"proactive disclosure requirements" to make a transparency league table as suggested by gov2 taskforce http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/19/a-league-ladder-of-psi-openness/</a>.
OGRE (Open Government Realization Evaluation) is a ranking of compliance with these requirements. <h2> Attributions </h2>
Prometheus is the agent which polls agency websites to assess compliance. National Archives of Australia, Australian Governments’ Interactive Functions Thesaurus, 2nd edition, September 2005, published at http://www.naa.gov.au/recordkeeping/thesaurus/index.htm <br/>
  data.gov.au http://data.gov.au/dataset/directory-gov-au-full-data-export/ <br/>
  directory.gov.au <br/>
  australia.gov.au http://australia.gov.au/about/copyright <br/>
<h2> Open everything </h2> <h2> Open everything </h2>
all documents released CC-BY 3 AU All documents released CC-BY 3 AU
Open source git @ Open source git @
<h2>Organisational Data Sources</h2> <h2>Organisational Data Sources</h2>
http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Browse/Results/ByTitle/AdministrativeArrangementsOrders/Current/Ad/0 defines departments http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Browse/Results/ByTitle/AdministrativeArrangementsOrders/Current/Ad/0 defines departments
Agencies can be found in the Schedule to an Appropriation Bill (budget), Schedule to FMA Regulations and/or Public Service Act. Agencies can be found in the Schedule to an Appropriation Bill (budget), Schedule to FMA Regulations and/or Public Service Act.<br>
http://www.finance.gov.au/publications/flipchart/docs/FMACACFlipchart.pdf summarises these. view-source:https://www.tenders.gov.au/?event=public.advancedsearch.home is great for the suspended/active status http://www.finance.gov.au/publications/flipchart/docs/FMACACFlipchart.pdf summarises these. view-source:https://www.tenders.gov.au/?event=public.advancedsearch.home is great for the suspended/active status<br>
  Fraud in gov depts by Fairfax Media http://www.smh.com.au/national/public-service-keeps-fraud-cases-private-20110923-1kpdr.html
When defining the hierachy, this system is designed towards monitoring accountablity. Thus large agencies that have registered their own ABN When defining the hierachy, this system is designed towards monitoring accountablity. Thus large agencies that have registered their own ABN
and have their own accountablity mechanisms/website receive a seperate record as a child of their department. and have their own accountablity mechanisms/website receive a seperate record as a child of their department.
Some small agencies will choose to simply rely on their parent department's accountablity measures. Some small agencies will choose to simply rely on their parent department's accountablity measures.<br>
This flows through to organisation name and other/past names. A department that completely accounts for an agency will list that agency as an other child name. This flows through to organisation name and other/past names. A department that completely accounts for an agency will list that agency as an other child name.
As agencies themselves shift between departments, there may be scope for providing time ranges but typically the newest hierarchy will be the one recorded. As agencies themselves shift between departments, there may be scope for providing time ranges but typically the newest hierarchy will be the one recorded.
A department/agency name will be the newest active name assigned to that ABN. A department/agency name will be the newest active name assigned to that ABN.<br>
ABN information is derived from the ABR. This is the definitive umpire about which former name should be linked to which current name. ABN information is derived from the ABR. This is the definitive umpire ab