Data export for alaveteli
Data export for alaveteli

Former-commit-id: 94980807a4ab6705611f602879d6b7dd0e7e62f1

--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -4,4 +4,7 @@
 [submodule "couchdb/settee"]
 	path = couchdb/settee
 	url =
+[submodule "lib/springy"]
+	path = lib/springy
+	url =

--- /dev/null
+++ b/alaveteli/exportAgencies.csv.php
@@ -1,1 +1,75 @@
+setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C');
+$headers = Array("#id", "name", "request_email", "short_name", "notes", "publication_scheme", "home_page", "tag_string");
+$db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
+$tag = Array();
+try {
+    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "byDeptStateName", null, true)->rows;
+    //print_r($rows);
+    foreach ($rows as $row) {
+        $tag[$row->value] = phrase_to_tag(dept_to_portfolio($row->key));
+    }
+} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+    setteErrorHandler($e);
+$fp = fopen('php://output', 'w');
+if ($fp && $db) {
+    header('Content-Type: text/csv');
+    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="export.' . date("c") . '.csv"');
+    header('Pragma: no-cache');
+    header('Expires: 0');
+    fputcsv($fp, $headers);
+    try {
+        $agencies = $db->get_view("app", "byCanonicalName", null, true)->rows;
+        //print_r($rows);
+        foreach ($agencies as $agency) {
+        //    print_r($agency);
+            $row = Array();
+            $row["#id"] = $agency->value->_id;
+            $row["name"] = $agency->value->name;
+            if (isset($agency->value->foi_email)) {
+            $row["request_email"] = $agency->value->foi_email;
+            } else {
+                $row["request_email"] = "foi@".GetDomain($agency->value->website);
+                // 
+            }
+            if (isset($agency->value->short_name)) {
+            $row["short_name"] = $agency->value->short_name;
+            } else {
+                $out = Array();
+                preg_match_all('/[A-Z]/', $agency->value->name, $out);
+                $row["short_name"] = implode("",$out[0]);
+            }
+            $row["notes"] = "";
+            $row["publication_scheme"] = $agency->value->infoPublicationSchemeURL;
+            $row["home_page"] = $agency->value->website;
+            if ($agency->value->orgType == "FMA-DepartmentOfState") {
+                $row["tag_string"] = $tag[$agency->value->_id];
+            } else {
+                $row["tag_string"] = $tag[$agency->value->parentOrg];;
+            }
+            fputcsv($fp, array_values($row));
+            if (isset($agency->value->foiBodies)) {
+                foreach ($agency->value->foiBodies as $foiBody) {
+                    $row['name'] = $foiBody;
+                    $row['short_name'] = "";
+                    fputcsv($fp, array_values($row));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+        setteErrorHandler($e);
+    }
+    die;

--- /dev/null
+++ b/alaveteli/exportCategories.rb.php
@@ -1,1 +1,23 @@
+setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C');
+ header('Content-Type: text/csv');
+    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="public_body_categories_en.rb"');
+    header('Pragma: no-cache');
+    header('Expires: 0');
+echo 'PublicBodyCategories.add(:en, ['.PHP_EOL;
+echo '    "Portfolios",'.PHP_EOL;
+$db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
+try {
+    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "byDeptStateName", null, true)->rows;
+    //print_r($rows);
+    foreach ($rows as $row) {
+        echo '        [ "'.phrase_to_tag(dept_to_portfolio($row->key)).'","'. dept_to_portfolio($row->key).'","'.dept_to_portfolio($row->key).'" ],'.PHP_EOL;
+    }
+} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+    setteErrorHandler($e);
+echo '])';

--- a/getAgency.php
+++ b/getAgency.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 function displayValue($key, $value, $mode) {
+    global $db;
     if ($mode == "view") {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             echo "<tr><td>$key</td><td><ol>";
@@ -30,8 +31,16 @@
         } else {
             if (strpos($key, "_") === 0) {
                 echo"<input type='hidden' id='$key' name='$key' value='$value'/>";
-            } if (strpos($key, "has") === 0) {
-                echo "<label for='$key'><input type='checkbox' id='$key' name='$key' checked='$value'> $key</label>";
+            } else if ($key == "parentOrg") {
+                echo "<label for='$key'>$key</label><select  id='$key' name='$key'>";
+                  $rows = $db->get_view("app", "byDeptStateName")->rows;
+    //print_r($rows);
+    foreach ($rows as $row) {
+        echo "<option value='{$row->value}'".(($row->value == $value) ? "SELECTED":"")." >".str_replace("Department of ","",$row->key)."</option>";
+    }
+    echo" </select>";
+            } else if (strpos($key, "has") === 0) {
+                echo "<label for='$key'><input type='checkbox' id='$key' name='$key' ".(($value=='true')?"checked='$value'":"")."> $key</label>";
             } else {
                 echo "<label>$key</label><input  class='input-text' type='text' id='$key' name='$key' value='$value'/>";
                 if ((strpos($key,"URL") > 0 || $key == 'website')&& $value != "") {
@@ -47,10 +56,24 @@
 function addDefaultFields($row) {
-    $defaultFields = Array("name","orgType","parentOrg");
+    global $schemas;
+    $defaultFields = array_keys($schemas['agency']['properties']);
     foreach ($defaultFields as $defaultField) {
-        if (!isset($row[$defaultField]))
+        if (!isset($row[$defaultField])) {
+            if ($schemas['agency']['properties'][$defaultField]['type'] == "string") {
+                if (strpos($defaultField, "has") === 0) {
+            $row[$defaultField] = "false";
+                } else {
             $row[$defaultField] = "";
+                }
+            }
+             if ($schemas['agency']['properties'][$defaultField]['type'] == "array") {
+            $row[$defaultField] = Array("");
+            }
+        }
     return $row;

file:b/graph.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graph.php
@@ -1,1 +1,58 @@
+<script src=""></script>
+<script src="lib/springy/springy.js"></script>
+<script src="lib/springy/springyui.js"></script>
+    var graph = new Graph();
+    var nodes = [];
+$db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
+echo "nodes[\"fedg\"] = graph.newNode({label: \"Federal Government - Commonwealth of Australia\"});" . PHP_EOL;
+try {
+    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "byCanonicalName", null, true)->rows;
+    //print_r($rows);
+    foreach ($rows as $row) {
+        echo "nodes[\"{$row->value->_id}\"] = graph.newNode({label: \"{$row->key}\"});" . PHP_EOL;
+    }
+} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+    setteErrorHandler($e);
+try {
+    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "byDeptStateName", null, true)->rows;
+    //print_r($rows);
+    foreach ($rows as $row) {
+        echo "graph.newEdge(nodes[\"fedg\"], nodes['{$row->value}'], {color: '#00A0B0'});" . PHP_EOL;
+    }
+} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+    setteErrorHandler($e);
+try {
+    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "parentOrgs", null, true)->rows;
+    //   print_r($rows);
+    foreach ($rows as $row) {
+        echo "graph.newEdge(nodes[\"{$row->key}\"], nodes['{$row->value}'], {color: '#FFA0B0'});" . PHP_EOL;
+    }
+} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+    setteErrorHandler($e);
+    window.onload = function() {
+        $(document).ready(function() {
+            var springy = $('#springydemo').springy({
+                graph: graph
+            });
+        });
+    };
+<canvas id="springydemo" width="1260" height="680" />

--- a/include/
+++ b/include/
@@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
+$basePath = "";
+if (strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "alaveteli/")
+        || strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "myway/")
+        || strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "lib/")
+        || strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "geo/")
+        || strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "include/")
+        || strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "servicealerts/"))
+    $basePath = "../";
 include_once ('');
 include_once ('');
@@ -33,6 +44,26 @@
     # Typecast to (object) will automatically convert array -> stdClass
     return (object) $array;
+function dept_to_portfolio($deptName) {
+    return trim(str_replace("Department of", "", str_replace("Department of the", "Department of", $deptName)));
+function phrase_to_tag ($phrase) {
+    return str_replace(" ","_",str_replace(",","",strtolower($phrase)));
+function GetDomain($url)
+$nowww = ereg_replace('www\.','',$url);
+$domain = parse_url($nowww);
+    {
+     return $domain["host"];
+     } else
+     {
+     return $domain["path"];
+     }

--- a/include/
+++ b/include/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-include "schemas/";
+include $basePath."schemas/";
+require ($basePath.'couchdb/settee/src/settee.php');
 function createAgencyDesignDoc() {
     global $db;
@@ -9,6 +11,21 @@
     $obj->language = "javascript";
     $obj->views->all->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc._id, doc); };";
     $obj->views->byABN->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.abn, doc); };";
+        $obj->views->byCanonicalName->map = "function(doc) {  
+            if (doc.parentOrg || doc.orgType == 'FMA-DepartmentOfState') {
+        emit(, doc._id); 
+        }
+        $obj->views->byDeptStateName->map = "function(doc) {  
+            if (doc.orgType == 'FMA-DepartmentOfState') {
+        emit(, doc._id); 
+        }
+        $obj->views->parentOrgs->map = "function(doc) {
+            if (doc.parentOrg) {
+        emit(doc._id, doc.parentOrg);
+        }
     $obj->views->byName->map = "function(doc) {  
         emit(, doc._id); 
  for (name in doc.otherNames) {
@@ -50,13 +67,19 @@
     return $db->save($obj, true);
-require ('couchdb/settee/src/settee.php');
-$server = new SetteeServer('');
+if( php_uname('n') == "vanille") {
+$server = new SetteeServer('');
+} else 
+    if( php_uname('n') == "KYUUBEY") {
+$server = new SetteeServer('');
+} else {
+    $server = new SetteeServer('');
 function setteErrorHandler($e) {
     echo $e->getMessage() . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;

directory:b/lib/springy (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/springy

file:a/robots.txt -> file:b/robots.txt
--- a/robots.txt
+++ b/robots.txt
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
 User-agent: *
+Disallow: /admin/

--- a/schemas/agency.json.php
+++ b/schemas/agency.json.php
@@ -5,8 +5,30 @@
     "type" => "object",
     "properties" => Array(
         "name" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
-        "othernames" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Agency Past/Other Names", "description" => "Agency Names",
+        "short_name" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => false, "x-title"=> "Agency Short Name", "description" => "Agency Name shortened, usually to an acronym"),
+        "otherNames" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Agency Past/Other Names", "description" => "Agency Names",
             "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+        "foiBodies" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "FOI Bodies", "description" => "Organisational units within this agency that are subject to FOI Act but are not autonomous",
+            "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
+        "orgType"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "parentOrg"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "website"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+     "abn" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "contractListURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "grantsReportingURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "annualReportURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "consultanciesURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "legalExpenditureURL"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "recordsListURL"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "FOIDocumentsURL"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "infoPublicationSchemeURL"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "appointmentsURL"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+   "hasRSS"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+   "hasMailingList"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+   "hasTwitter"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+   "hasFacebook"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "hasYouTube"=> Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title"=> "Agency Name", "description" => "Agency Name, most recent and broadest"),