Beginings of scoring
Beginings of scoring

Former-commit-id: 25071f148abb2abe0e2436ec3b83a60f7394b665

file:a/about.php -> file:b/about.php
--- a/about.php
+++ b/about.php
@@ -1,9 +1,27 @@
-Organisational Data Sources
+<div class="foundation-header">
+    <h1><a href="about.php">About/FAQ</a></h1>
+    <h4 class="subheader">Lorem ipsum.</h4>
+<h2> What is this? </h2>
+Disclosr is a project to monitor Australian Federal Government agencies 
+compliance with their <a href="">"proactive disclosure requirements"</a>.
+OGRE (Open Government Realization Evaluation) is a ranking of compliance with these requirements.
+Prometheus is the agent which polls agency websites to assess compliance.
+<h2> Open everything </h2>
+all documents released CC-BY 3 AU
+Open source git @
+<h2>Organisational Data Sources</h2> defines departments
 Agencies can be found in the Schedule to an Appropriation Bill (budget), Schedule to FMA Regulations and/or Public Service Act.
- summarises these
+ summarises these. view-source: is great for the suspended/active status
 When defining the hierachy, this system is designed towards monitoring accountablity. Thus large agencies that have registered their own ABN 
 and have their own accountablity mechanisms/website recieve a seperate record as a child of their department.
@@ -13,10 +31,20 @@
 As agencies themselves shift between departments, there may be scope for providing time ranges but typically the newest hierarchy will be the one recorded.
 A department/agency name will be the newest active name assigned to that ABN.
+ABN information is derived from the ABR. This is the definitive umpire about which former name should be linked to which current name. 
+For example "Department of Transport and Regional Services" became "Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government" (same ABN)
+however it later split into "Department of Infrastructure and Transport" (same ABN) 
+and "Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government" (new ABN).
 Statistical information from
+and individual annual reports.
-Open Government Scoring
+<h2>Open Government Scoring</h2>
 +1 point for every true Has... attribute
 -1 point for every false Has... (ie. Has Not) attribute
+Don't like this? Make your own score, suggest a better scoring mechanism.

file:a/ (deleted)
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +1,1 @@
-function createAgencyDesignDoc() {
-    global $db;
-    $obj = new stdClass();
-    $obj->_id = "_design/" . urlencode("app");
-    $obj->language = "javascript";
-    $obj->views->byABN->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.abn, doc); };";
-    $obj->views->byName->map = "function(doc) {   emit(, doc); };";
-    $obj->views->getActive->map = 'function(doc) { if (doc.status == "active") {  emit(doc._id, doc); } };';
-    $obj->views->getSuspended->map = 'function(doc) { if (doc.status == "suspended") {  emit(doc._id, doc); } };';
-    $obj->views->getScrapeRequired->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.abn, doc); };";
-$obj->views->showNamesABNs->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc._id, {name:, abn: doc.abn}); };";
-    // allow safe updates (even if slightly slower due to extra: rev-detection check).
-    return $db->save($obj, true);
-require (realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/couchdb/settee/src/settee.php'));
-$server = new SetteeServer('');
-function setteErrorHandler($e) {
-    echo $e->getMessage() . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
-function include_header() {
-    ?>
-    <!DOCTYPE html>
-    <!-- -->
-    <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
-    <!--[if IE 7]>    <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
-    <!--[if IE 8]>    <html class="no-js lt-ie9" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
-    <!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html lang="en"> <!--<![endif]-->
-        <head>
-            <meta charset="utf-8" />
-            <!-- Set the viewport width to device width for mobile -->
-            <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
-            <title>Disclosr</title>
-            <!-- Included CSS Files -->
-            <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/foundation.css">
-            <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/app.css">
-            <!--[if lt IE 9]>
-                    <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/ie.css">
-            <![endif]-->
-            <!-- IE Fix for HTML5 Tags -->
-            <!--[if lt IE 9]>
-                    <script src=""></script>
-            <![endif]-->
-        </head>
-        <body>
-            <!-- navBar -->
-            <div id="navbar" class="container">
-                <div class="row">
-                    <div class="four columns">
-                        <h1><a href="/">Disclosr</a></h1>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="eight columns hide-on-phones">
-                        <strong class="right">
-                            <a href="../grid.php">Features</a>
-                            <a href="../case-soapbox.php">Case Studies</a>
-                            <a href="index.php">Documentation</a>
-                            <a href="">Github</a>
-                            <a href="../files/" class="small blue nice button src-download">Download</a>
-                        </strong>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <!-- /navBar -->
-            <!-- container -->
-            <div class="container">
-            <?php }
-            function include_footer() { ?>
-            </div>
-            <!-- container -->
-            <!-- Included JS Files -->
-            <script src="javascripts/foundation.js"></script>
-            <script src="javascripts/app.js"></script>
-        </body>
-    </html>
-<?php } 
- # Convert a stdClass to an Array.
-        function object_to_array(stdClass $Class){
-            # Typecast to (array) automatically converts stdClass -> array.
-            $Class = (array)$Class;
-            # Iterate through the former properties looking for any stdClass properties.
-            # Recursively apply (array).
-            foreach($Class as $key => $value){
-                if(is_object($value)&&get_class($value)==='stdClass'){
-                    $Class[$key] = object_to_array($value);
-                }
-            }
-            return $Class;
-        }
-        # Convert an Array to stdClass.
-       function array_to_object(array $array){
-            # Iterate through our array looking for array values.
-            # If found recurvisely call itself.
-            foreach($array as $key => $value){
-                if(is_array($value)){
-                    $array[$key] = array_to_object($value);
-                }
-            }
-            # Typecast to (object) will automatically convert array -> stdClass
-            return (object)$array;
-        }
-        ?>

--- a/getAgency.php
+++ b/getAgency.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 function displayValue($key, $value, $mode) {
@@ -17,44 +17,44 @@
     if ($mode == "edit") {
         if (is_array($value)) {
-            echo "<label>$key</label><ol>";
+            echo '<div class="row">
+						<div class="seven columns">
+							<fieldset>
+								<h5>' . $key . '</h5>';
             foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) {
-                echo "<li>$subvalue</li>";
+                echo "<label>$subkey</label><input  class='input-text' type='text' id='$key$subkey' name='$key" . '[' . $subkey . "]' value='$subvalue'/></tr>";
-            echo "</ol>";
+            echo "</fieldset>
+						</div>
+					</div>";
         } else {
-            if (strpos($key,"_") === 0) {
+            if (strpos($key, "_") === 0) {
                 echo"<input type='hidden' id='$key' name='$key' value='$value'/>";
-            } if (strpos($key,"has") === 0) {
+            } if (strpos($key, "has") === 0) {
                 echo "<label for='$key'><input type='checkbox' id='$key' name='$key' value='$value'> $key</label>";
             } else {
-            echo "<label>$key</label><input  class='input-text' type='text' id='$key' name='$key' value='$value'/></tr>";
+                echo "<label>$key</label><input  class='input-text' type='text' id='$key' name='$key' value='$value'/>";
+                if ((strpos($key,"URL") > 0 || $key == 'website')&& $value != "") {
+                   echo "<a href='$value'>view</a>"; 
+                }
+                if ($key == 'abn') {
+                   echo "<a href=''>view abn</a>";
+                }
-    /*<div class="row">
-						<div class="seven columns">
-							<fieldset>
-								<h5>Fieldset Header H2</h5>
-								<p>This is a paragraph within a fieldset.</p>
-								<label>Standard Input</label>
-								<input type="text" class="input-text" />
-							</fieldset>
-						</div>
-					</div>
 function addDefaultFields($row) {
-    $defaultFields = Array("name"); 
+    $defaultFields = Array("name");
     foreach ($defaultFields as $defaultField) {
-        if (!isset($row[$defaultField])) $row[$defaultField] = "";
+        if (!isset($row[$defaultField]))
+            $row[$defaultField] = "";
     return $row;
 $db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
 if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
@@ -64,43 +64,72 @@
     $row = $db->get($_REQUEST['id']);
-    if (sizeof($_POST) >0) {
-        print_r($_POST);
+    if (sizeof($_POST) > 0) {
+        //print_r($_POST);
         if (isset($_POST['_id']) && $db->get_rev($_POST['_id']) == $_POST['_rev']) {
-            $row = $db->save($_POST);
+            echo "Edited version was latest version, continue saving";
+            $newdoc = $_POST;
+            $newdoc['metadata']['lastModified'] = time();
+            $row = $db->save($newdoc);
         } else {
             echo "ALERT doc revised by someone else while editing.";
     $mode = "edit";
-$row = addDefaultFields(object_to_array($row));
+    $row = addDefaultFields(object_to_array($row));
     if ($mode == "view") {
         echo '<table width="100%">';
         echo '<tr> <td colspan="2"><h3>' . $row['name'] . "</h3></td></tr>";
         echo "<tr><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>";
     if ($mode == "edit") {
-        echo '<form class="nice" method="post">';
+        ?>
+        <input  id="addfield" type="button" value="Add Field"/>
+        <script>
+            window.onload = function() {
+                $(document).ready(function() {
+                    // put all your jQuery goodness in here.
+                    //
+                    $('#addfield').click(function() {
+                        var field_name=window.prompt("fieldname?","");
+                        if (field_name !="") {
+                            $('#submitbutton').before($('<span></span>')
+                            .append("<label>"+field_name+"</label>")
+                            .append("<input  class='input-text' type='text' id='"+field_name+"' name='"+field_name+"'/>")
+                        );
+                        }
+                    });
+                });
+            };
+        </script>
+        <form id="editform" class="nice" method="post">
+            <?php
+        }
+        foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
+            echo displayValue($key, $value, $mode);
+        }
+        if ($mode == "view") {
+            echo "</table>";
+        }
+        if ($mode == "edit") {
+            echo '<input id="submitbutton" type="submit"/></form>';
+        }
+    } else {
+        try {
+            $rows = $db->get_view("app", "showNamesABNs")->rows;
+            //print_r($rows);
+            foreach ($rows as $row) {
+                //   print_r($row);
+                echo '<li><a href="getAgency.php?id=' . $row->key . '">' .
+                (isset($row->value->name) && $row->value->name != "" ? $row->value->name : "NO NAME " . $row->value->abn)
+                . '</a></li>';
+            }
+        } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+            setteErrorHandler($e);
+        }
-    foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
-        echo displayValue($key, $value, $mode);
-    }
-    if ($mode == "view") {
-        echo "</table>";
-    }
-    if ($mode == "edit") {
-        echo '<input type="submit"/></form>';
-    }
-} else {
-    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "showNamesABNs")->rows;
-    foreach ($rows as $row) {
-        //   print_r($row);
-        echo '<li><a href="getAgency.php?id=' . $row->key . '">' .
-        (isset($row->value->name) && $row->value->name != "" ? $row->value->name : "NO NAME " . $row->value->abn)
-        . '</a></li>';
-    }
+    include_footer();
+    ?>

file:a/import.php -> file:b/import.php
--- a/import.php
+++ b/import.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-require_once '';
+require_once 'include/';
 try {
 } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {

--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/
@@ -1,1 +1,39 @@
+include_once ('');
+include_once ('');
+# Convert a stdClass to an Array.
+function object_to_array(stdClass $Class) {
+    # Typecast to (array) automatically converts stdClass -> array.
+    $Class = (array) $Class;
+    # Iterate through the former properties looking for any stdClass properties.
+    # Recursively apply (array).
+    foreach ($Class as $key => $value) {
+        if (is_object($value) && get_class($value) === 'stdClass') {
+            $Class[$key] = object_to_array($value);
+        }
+    }
+    return $Class;
+# Convert an Array to stdClass.
+function array_to_object(array $array) {
+    # Iterate through our array looking for array values.
+    # If found recurvisely call itself.
+    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
+        if (is_array($value)) {
+            $array[$key] = array_to_object($value);
+        }
+    }
+    # Typecast to (object) will automatically convert array -> stdClass
+    return (object) $array;

--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/
@@ -1,1 +1,53 @@
+include "schemas/";
+function createAgencyDesignDoc() {
+    global $db;
+    $obj = new stdClass();
+    $obj->_id = "_design/" . urlencode("app");
+    $obj->language = "javascript";
+    $obj->views->byABN->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.abn, doc); };";
+    $obj->views->byName->map = "function(doc) {   emit(, doc);
+ for (name in doc.otherNames) {
+if (doc.otherNames[name] != '' && doc.otherNames[name] != {
+       	 emit(doc.otherNames[name], doc); 
+        }
+    $obj->views->byLastModified->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.metadata.lastModified, doc); }";
+    $obj->views->getActive->map = 'function(doc) { if (doc.status == "active") {  emit(doc._id, doc); } };';
+    $obj->views->getSuspended->map = 'function(doc) { if (doc.status == "suspended") {  emit(doc._id, doc); } };';
+    $obj->views->getScrapeRequired->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.abn, doc); };";
+    $obj->views->showNamesABNs->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc._id, {name:, abn: doc.abn}); };";
+    //
+    $obj->views->score->map = 'if(!String.prototype.startsWith){
+    String.prototype.startsWith = function (str) {
+        return !this.indexOf(str);
+    }
+function(doc) {
+count = 0;
+for(var propName in doc) {
+      if(typeof(doc[propName]) != "undefined" && propName.startsWith("l")) {
+  	count++
+	}
+  emit(doc._id,{name:, score:count});
+    // allow safe updates (even if slightly slower due to extra: rev-detection check).
+    return $db->save($obj, true);
+require ('couchdb/settee/src/settee.php');
+$server = new SetteeServer('');
+function setteErrorHandler($e) {
+    echo $e->getMessage() . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;

--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/
@@ -1,1 +1,75 @@
+function include_header() {
+    ?>
+    <!DOCTYPE html>
+    <!-- -->
+    <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
+    <!--[if IE 7]>    <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
+    <!--[if IE 8]>    <html class="no-js lt-ie9" lang="en"> <![endif]-->
+    <!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html lang="en"> <!--<![endif]-->
+        <head>
+            <meta charset="utf-8" />
+            <!-- Set the viewport width to device width for mobile -->
+            <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
+            <title>Disclosr</title>
+            <!-- Included CSS Files -->
+            <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/foundation.css">
+            <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/app.css">
+            <!--[if lt IE 9]>
+                    <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/ie.css">
+            <![endif]-->
+            <!-- IE Fix for HTML5 Tags -->
+            <!--[if lt IE 9]>
+                    <script src=""></script>
+            <![endif]-->
+        </head>
+        <body>
+            <!-- navBar -->
+            <div id="navbar" class="container">
+                <div class="row">
+                    <div class="four columns">
+                        <h1><a href="/">Disclosr</a></h1>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="eight columns hide-on-phones">
+                        <strong class="right">
+                            <a href="getAgency.php">Agencies</a>
+                             <a href="about.php">About/FAQ</a>
+                        </strong>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+            <!-- /navBar -->
+            <!-- container -->
+            <div class="container">
+            <?php }
+            function include_footer() { ?>
+            </div>
+            <!-- container -->
+            <!-- Included JS Files -->
+            <script src="javascripts/foundation.js"></script>
+            <script src="javascripts/app.js"></script>
+            <script src=""></script>
+        </body>
+    </html>
+<?php } 

file:b/lib/FeedItem.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/FeedItem.php
@@ -1,1 +1,168 @@

+ /**

+ * Univarsel Feed Writer

+ * 

+ * FeedItem class - Used as feed element in FeedWriter class

+ *

+ * @package         UnivarselFeedWriter

+ * @author          Anis uddin Ahmad <>

+ * @link  

+ */

+ class FeedItem

+ {

+	private $elements = array();    //Collection of feed elements

+	private $version;


+	/**

+	* Constructor 

+	* 

+	* @param    contant     (RSS1/RSS2/ATOM) RSS2 is default. 

+	*/ 

+	function __construct($version = RSS2)

+	{    

+		$this->version = $version;

+	}


+	/**

+	* Add an element to elements array

+	* 

+	* @access   public

+	* @param    srting  The tag name of an element

+	* @param    srting  The content of tag

+	* @param    array   Attributes(if any) in 'attrName' => 'attrValue' format

+	* @return   void

+	*/

+	public function addElement($elementName, $content, $attributes = null)

+	{

+		$this->elements[$elementName]['name']       = $elementName;

+		$this->elements[$elementName]['content']    = $content;

+		$this->elements[$elementName]['attributes'] = $attributes;

+	}


+	/**

+	* Set multiple feed elements from an array. 

+	* Elements which have attributes cannot be added by this method

+	* 

+	* @access   public

+	* @param    array   array of elements in 'tagName' => 'tagContent' format.

+	* @return   void

+	*/

+	public function addElementArray($elementArray)

+	{

+		if(! is_array($elementArray)) return;

+		foreach ($elementArray as $elementName => $content) 

+		{

+			$this->addElement($elementName, $content);

+		}

+	}


+	/**

+	* Return the collection of elements in this feed item

+	* 

+	* @access   public

+	* @return   array

+	*/

+	public function getElements()

+	{

+		return $this->elements;

+	}


+	// Wrapper functions ------------------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	* Set the 'dscription' element of feed item

+	* 

+	* @access   public

+	* @param    string  The content of 'description' element

+	* @return   void

+	*/

+	public function setDescription($description) 

+	{

+		$tag = ($this->version == ATOM)? 'summary' : 'description'; 

+		$this->addElement($tag, $description);

+	}


+	/**

+	* @desc     Set the 'title' element of feed item

+	* @access   public

+	* @param    string  The content of 'title' element

+	* @return   void

+	*/

+	public function setTitle($title) 

+	{

+		$this->addElement('title', $title);  	

+	}


+	/**

+	* Set the 'date' element of feed item

+	* 

+	* @access   public

+	* @param    string  The content of 'date' element

+	* @return   void

+	*/

+	public function setDate($date) 

+	{

+		if(! is_numeric($date))

+		{

+			$date = strtotime($date);

+		}


+		if($this->version == ATOM)

+		{

+			$tag    = 'updated';

+			$value  = date(DATE_ATOM, $date);

+		}        

+		elseif($this->version == RSS2) 

+		{

+			$tag    = 'pubDate';

+			$value  = date(DATE_RSS, $date);

+		}

+		else                                

+		{

+			$tag    = 'dc:date';

+			$value  = date("Y-m-d", $date);

+		}


+		$this->addElement($tag, $value);    

+	}


+	/**

+	* Set the 'link' element of feed item

+	* 

+	* @access   public

+	* @param    string  The content of 'link' element

+	* @return   void

+	*/

+	public function setLink($link) 

+	{

+		if($this->version == RSS2 || $this->version == RSS1)

+		{

+			$this->addElement('link', $link);

+		}

+		else

+		{

+			$this->addElement('link','',array('href'=>$link));

+			$this->addElement('id', FeedWriter::uuid($link,'urn:uuid:'));

+		} 


+	}


+	/**

+	* Set the 'encloser' element of feed item

+	* For RSS 2.0 only

+	* 

+	* @access   public

+	* @param    string  The url attribute of encloser tag

+	* @param    string  The length attribute of encloser tag

+	* @param    string  The type attribute of encloser tag

+	* @return   void

+	*/

+	public function setEncloser($url, $length, $type)

+	{

+		$attributes = array('url'=>$url, 'length'=>$length, 'type'=>$type);

+		$this->addElement('enclosure','',$attributes);

+	}


+ } // end of class FeedItem



--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/FeedWriter.php
@@ -1,1 +1,435 @@

+// RSS 0.90  Officially obsoleted by 1.0

+// RSS 0.91, 0.92, 0.93 and 0.94  Officially obsoleted by 2.0

+// So, define constants for RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and ATOM 	


+	define('RSS1', 'RSS 1.0', true);

+	define('RSS2', 'RSS 2.0', true);

+	define('ATOM', 'ATOM', true);


+ /**

+ * Univarsel Feed Writer class

+ *

+ * Genarate RSS 1.0, RSS2.0 and ATOM Feed

+ *                             

+ * @package     UnivarselFeedWriter

+ * @author      Anis uddin Ahmad <>

+ * @link

+ */

+ class FeedWriter

+ {

+	 private $channels      = array();  // Collection of channel elements

+	 private $items         = array();  // Collection of items as object of FeedItem class.

+	 private $data          = array();  // Store some other version wise data

+	 private $CDATAEncoding = array();  // The tag names which have to encoded as CDATA


+	 private $version   = null; 


+	/**

+	* Constructor

+	* 

+	* @param    constant    the version constant (RSS1/RSS2/ATOM).       

+	*/ 

+	function __construct($version = RSS2)

+	{	

+		$this->version = $version;


+		// Setting default value for assential channel elements

+		$this->channels['title']        = $version . ' Feed';

+		$this->channels['link']         = '';


+		//Tag names to encode in CDATA

+		$this->CDATAEncoding = array('description', 'content:encoded', 'summary');

+	}


+	// Start # public functions ---------------------------------------------


+	/**

+	* Set a channel element

+	* @access   public

+	* @param    srting  name of the channel tag

+	* @param    string  content of the channel tag

+	* @return   void

+	*/

+	public function setChannelElement($elementName, $content)

+	{

+		$this->channels[$elementName] = $content ;

+	}


+	/**

+	* Set multiple channel elements from an array. Array elements 

+	* should be 'channelName' => 'channelContent' format.

+	* 

+	* @access   public

+	* @param    array   array of channels

+	* @return   void

+	*/

+	public function setChannelElementsFromArray($elementArray)

+	{

+		if(! is_array($elementArray)) return;

+		foreach ($elementArray as $elementName => $content) 

+		{

+			$this->setChannelElement($elementName, $content);

+		}

+	}


+	/**

+	* Genarate the actual RSS/ATOM file

+	* 

+	* @access   public

+	* @return   void

+	*/ 

+	public function genarateFeed()

+	{

+		header("Content-type: text/xml");


+		$this->printHead();

+		$this->printChannels();

+		$this->printItems();

+		$this->printTale();

+	}


+	/**