Add trip planner, fix weekend routes appearing on weekdays in network 10
Add trip planner, fix weekend routes appearing on weekdays in network 10

file:a/.gitignore -> file:b/.gitignore
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@

--- a/betweenpoint.php
+++ b/betweenpoint.php
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
     // create the ol map object
     var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-  var osmtiles = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("local", "${z}/${x}/${y}.png")
+  var osmtiles = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("local", "${z}/${x}/${y}.png")
 // use and to make tiles
     markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("Between Stop Markers");
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
   fromto = selValue.split(":",2)[1];
+ document.getElementById("between_points").innerHTML = "";
     return true;
@@ -126,9 +127,11 @@
           if (($fname != '.') && ($fname != '..')) {
               $timetable = Spyc::YAMLLoad("maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/" . $fname);
 		// Strip off individual platforms because it usually doesn't matter for routes
-		$timetable["time_points"] = preg_replace("/(Platform.*/","",$timetable["time_points"]);
+		$timetable["time_points"] = preg_replace("/\(Platform.*/","",$timetable["time_points"]);
               for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($timetable["time_points"]) - 1; $i++) {
-                  @$paths[trim($timetable["time_points"][$i]) . "->" . trim($timetable["time_points"][$i + 1])] .= $timetable["short_name"] . ";";
+		$key = trim($timetable["time_points"][$i]) . "->" . trim($timetable["time_points"][$i + 1]);
+		if (strstr($paths[$key],";" . $timetable["short_name"] . ";") === false)
+                  @$paths[$key] .= $timetable["short_name"] . ";";
@@ -138,9 +141,12 @@
   $completedPaths = array();
   $result_betweenstops = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM between_stops");
   while ($path = pg_fetch_assoc($result_betweenstops)) {
-      $completedPaths[trim($path['fromlocation']) . "->" . trim($path['tolocation'])] .= trim($path['routes']);
+    $key = trim($path['fromlocation']) . "->" . trim($path['tolocation']);
+    $completedPaths[$key].= trim($path['routes']);
   foreach ($paths as $path => $routes) {
       if (!in_array($path, array_keys($completedPaths))) {
           echo "<option value=\"$routes:$path\">" . sizeof(explode(";", $routes)) . " $path</option>\n";
@@ -149,12 +155,14 @@
 	 $incompleteRoutes = "";
 	foreach (explode(";", $routes) as $route) {
-	  if (!in_array($route,$completedRoutes)) {
+	  if (!in_array($route,$completedRoutes) && strstr($incompleteRoutes,';'.$route.';') === false) {
 	  $incompleteRoutes .= $route.';';
-	if ($incompleteRoutes != "") echo "<option value=\"$incompleteRoutes:$path\">" . sizeof(explode(";", $incompleteRoutes)) . " $path</option>\n";
+	if ($incompleteRoutes != "") {
+	  echo "<option value=\"$incompleteRoutes:$path\">" . sizeof(explode(";", $incompleteRoutes)) . " $path</option>\n";
+	}

--- a/betweenpoint.submit.php
+++ b/betweenpoint.submit.php
@@ -16,8 +16,11 @@
          echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");


      if ($reverse === "on") {

-	$points = implode(";",array_reverse(explode(";",$points)));

-$sql = "INSERT INTO between_stops ( toLocation, fromLocation, points, routes) VALUES('$from','$to','$points','$routes')";

+	$ep = explode(";",$points);

+	$epr = array_reverse($ep); 

+	$p = implode(";",$epr).";";

+	$pointsString = substr($p,1);

+$sql = "INSERT INTO between_stops ( toLocation, fromLocation, points, routes) VALUES('$from','$to','$pointsString','$routes')";

 $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);

      if (!$result) {

          echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");

file:b/busui/about.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/about.php
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+Some icons by Joseph Wain /

--- a/busui/
+++ b/busui/
@@ -12,24 +12,29 @@
     return true;
-function include_header($pageTitle) {
+function include_header($pageTitle, $opendiv = true, $geolocate = false) {
     // if (isDebug()) // set php error level high
     echo '
 <!DOCTYPE html> 
 	<title> - '.$pageTitle.'</title> 
-	<link rel="stylesheet"  href="" /> 
+	<link rel="stylesheet"  href="" /> 
 	<script src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" 
 	<script type="text/javascript" src="docs/docs.js"></script> 
+ <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
+ <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" />
+ <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="startup.png" />
+ <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="apple-touch-icon.png" />
-<div data-role="page"> 
+ ';
+if ($opendiv) echo '<div data-role="page"> 
 	<div data-role="header"> 
-		<h1>'.$pageTitle.'</h1> 
+		<h1>'.$pageTitle.'</h1>
+                <a href="index.php" data-icon="back" class="ui-btn-right">Home</a>
 	</div><!-- /header -->
         <div data-role="content"> ';
@@ -81,5 +86,130 @@
   return $f;
+function staticmap($mapPoints)
+$width = 300;
+$height = 300;
+$zoom = 0;
+$center = "";
+$markers = "";
+    if (sizeof($mapPoints) < 1) return "";
+    if (sizeof($mapPoints) === 1) {
+         $zoom = 14;
+            $markers .= $mapPoint[0].",".$mapPoint[1].",ol-marker";
+            $center = "{$mapPoints[0][0]},{$mapPoints[0][1]}";        
+    } else {
+        foreach ($mapPoints as $index => $mapPoint) {
+            $markers .= $mapPoint[0].",".$mapPoint[1].",lightblue".($index+1);
+            if ($index+1 != sizeof($mapPoints)) $markers .= "|";
+            $totalLat += $mapPoint[0];
+            $totalLon += $mapPoint[1];
+        }
+        $zoom = 11;
+       $center = $totalLat/sizeof($mapPoints).",".$totalLon/sizeof($mapPoints);
+    }
+    return '<img src="staticmaplite/staticmap.php?center='.$center.'&zoom='.$zoom.'&size='.$width.'x'.$height.'&maptype=mapnik&markers='.$markers.'" width='.$width.' height='.$height.'>';
+function decodePolylineToArray($encoded)
+// source:
+  $length = strlen($encoded);
+  $index = 0;
+  $points = array();
+  $lat = 0;
+  $lng = 0;
+  while ($index < $length)
+  {
+    // Temporary variable to hold each ASCII byte.
+    $b = 0;
+    // The encoded polyline consists of a latitude value followed by a
+    // longitude value.  They should always come in pairs.  Read the
+    // latitude value first.
+    $shift = 0;
+    $result = 0;
+    do
+    {
+      // The `ord(substr($encoded, $index++))` statement returns the ASCII
+      //  code for the character at $index.  Subtract 63 to get the original
+      // value. (63 was added to ensure proper ASCII characters are displayed
+      // in the encoded polyline string, which is `human` readable)
+      $b = ord(substr($encoded, $index++)) - 63;
+      // AND the bits of the byte with 0x1f to get the original 5-bit `chunk.
+      // Then left shift the bits by the required amount, which increases
+      // by 5 bits each time.
+      // OR the value into $results, which sums up the individual 5-bit chunks
+      // into the original value.  Since the 5-bit chunks were reversed in
+      // order during encoding, reading them in this way ensures proper
+      // summation.
+      $result |= ($b & 0x1f) << $shift;
+      $shift += 5;
+    }
+    // Continue while the read byte is >= 0x20 since the last `chunk`
+    // was not OR'd with 0x20 during the conversion process. (Signals the end)
+    while ($b >= 0x20);
+    // Check if negative, and convert. (All negative values have the last bit
+    // set)
+    $dlat = (($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1));
+    // Compute actual latitude since value is offset from previous value.
+    $lat += $dlat;
+    // The next values will correspond to the longitude for this point.
+    $shift = 0;
+    $result = 0;
+    do
+    {
+      $b = ord(substr($encoded, $index++)) - 63;
+      $result |= ($b & 0x1f) << $shift;
+      $shift += 5;
+    }
+    while ($b >= 0x20);
+    $dlng = (($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1));
+    $lng += $dlng;
+    // The actual latitude and longitude values were multiplied by
+    // 1e5 before encoding so that they could be converted to a 32-bit
+    // integer representation. (With a decimal accuracy of 5 places)
+    // Convert back to original values.
+    $points[] = array($lat * 1e-5, $lng * 1e-5);
+  }
+  return $points;
+function object2array($object) {
+    if (is_object($object)) {
+        foreach ($object as $key => $value) {
+            $array[$key] = $value;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        $array = $object;
+    }
+    return $array;
+function geocode($query, $giveOptions) {
+       $url = "".$query."&bbox=-35.5,149.00,-35.15,149.1930&return_location=true&bbox_only=true";
+      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+      if ($giveOptions) return $contents->features;
+      else return $contents->features[0]->centroid->coordinates[0].",".$contents->features[0]->centroid->coordinates[1];
+function reverseGeocode($lat,$lng) {
+      $url = "".$lat.",".$lng."&distance=closest&object_type=road";
+      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+      return $contents->features[0]->properties->name;

 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/01-refresh.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/02-redo.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/06-magnify.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/07-map-marker.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/101-gameplan.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/102-walk.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/103-map.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/113-navigation.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/121-landscape.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/13-target.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/139-flags.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/145-persondot.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/184-warning.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/193-location-arrow.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/28-star.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/53-house.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/55-network.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/57-download.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/58-bookmark.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/59-flag.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/60-signpost.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/73-radar.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/74-location.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/83-calendar.png differ
--- a/busui/index.php
+++ b/busui/index.php
@@ -1,60 +1,26 @@
-<!doctype html>
-    <head>
-        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
-        <title></title>
-	<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
-	<script src=""></script>
-	<script src=""></script>
-        <!-- <script src="jqtouch/extensions/jqt.location.js" type="application/x-javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>  -->
-<!--        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
-            $(function(){
-                function setDisplay(text) {
-                    $('.latlng').empty().append(text)
-                }
-                // We pass "updateLocation" a callback function,
-                // to run once we have the coordinates.
-                // We also set it to a variable, so we can know
-                // right away if it's working or not
-                var lookup = jQT.updateLocation(function(coords){
-                    if (coords) {
-                        setDisplay('Latitude: ' + coords.latitude + '<br />Longitude: ' + coords.longitude);
-			 $('.nearby').empty().append('<a href="list.php?lat=' + coords.latitude + '&lng=' + coords.longitude + '">Nearby List</a>');
-                    } else {
-                        setDisplay('Device not capable of geo-location.');
-                    }
-                });
-                if (lookup) {
-                    setDisplay('Looking up location&hellip;');
-                }
-            });
-        </script> -->
-    </head>
-    <body>
-<div data-role="page" data-theme="b" id="jqm-home"> 
-	<div id="jqm-homeheader"> 
-		<p></p> 
+<div data-role="page" data-theme="b" id="jqm-home" class="ui-page ui-body-b ui-page-active">
+	<div id="jqm-homeheader">
+	    	<center><h1 id="jqm-logo"><img src="apple-touch-icon.png" alt="jQuery Mobile Framework" width="64" height="64" />
 	<div data-role="content"> 
             <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b">
                 <li data-role="list-divider">Stops</li>
                 <li><a href="stopList.php">All stops List</a></li>
-		<li class="nearby"><a href="">Nearby List</a></li>
-                <li><a href="stopList.php">Favourites List</a></li>
+		<li class="nearby"><a href="stopList.php?nearby=yes">Nearby List</a></li>
+                <li><a href="stopList.php?favourites=yes">Favourites List</a></li>
 	    <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b">
                 <li data-role="list-divider">Routes</li>
                 <li><a href="routeList.php">All Routes List</a></li>
-		<li class="nearby"><a href="">Nearby List</a></li>
-                <li><a href="routeList.php">Favourites List</a></li>
+		<li class="nearby"><a href="routeList.php?nearby=yes">Nearby List</a></li>
+                <li><a href="routeList.php?favourites=yes">Favourites List</a></li>
-            <div class="info">
+            <div class="ui-body ui-body-c info">
 		<p class="latlng"></p>
 		Time: <?php echo date("H:m"); ?> <br>
 		Service Period: <?php echo ucwords(service_period()); ?> 

--- a/busui/readme.txt
+++ b/busui/readme.txt
@@ -21,3 +21,10 @@
 OOP stops/routes
 Stop sorting/search-filter
+static maps
+ (os @
+(php and open source @

file:a/busui/route.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/route.php
+++ /dev/null

--- a/busui/routeList.php
+++ b/busui/routeList.php
@@ -7,28 +7,49 @@
 $url = $APIurl."/json/routes";
 $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
-foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
-    $routeDestinations[$row[2]][]  = $row;
-foreach ($routeDestinations as $destination => $routes)
-	echo '<li>'.$destination."... <ul>\n";
-		foreach($routes as $row) {
-      			echo  '<li>'.$row[1].' <a href="route.php?routeid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[2]."</a></li>\n";
+if ($_REQUEST['bynumber']) {
+	$routeSeries = Array();
+	foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
+		foreach (explode(" ",$row[1]) as $routeNumber ) {
+			$seriesNum = substr($routeNumber, 0, -1)."0";
+			if ($seriesNum == "0") $seriesNum = $routeNumber;
+			$routeSeries[$seriesNum][$seriesNum."-".$row[1]."-".$row[0]]  = $row;
-	echo "</ul></li>\n";
+	}
+	ksort($routeSeries);
+	foreach ($routeSeries as $series => $routes)
+	{
+		echo '<li>'.$series."... <ul>\n";
+			foreach($routes as $row) {
+				echo  '<li>'.$row[1].' <a href="route.php?routeid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[2]."</a></li>\n";
+			}
+		echo "</ul></li>\n";
+	}
+} else {
+	foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
+	    $routeDestinations[$row[2]][]  = $row;
+	}
+	foreach ($routeDestinations as $destination => $routes)
+	{
+		echo '<li>'.$destination."... <ul>\n";
+			foreach($routes as $row) {
+				echo  '<li>'.$row[1].' <a href="trip.php?routeid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[2]."</a></li>\n";
+			}
+		echo "</ul></li>\n";
+	}
 echo "</ul>\n";
  <div data-role="footer" data-id="foo1" data-position="fixed"> 
 		<div data-role="navbar"> 
-				<li><a href="footer-persist-a.html" class="ui-btn-active">Friends</a></li> 
-				<li><a href="footer-persist-b.html">Albums</a></li> 
-				<li><a href="footer-persist-c.html">Emails</a></li> 
+				<li><a href="routeList.php" class="ui-btn-active">By Final Destination...</a></li> 
+				<li><a href="routeList.php?bynumber=yes">By Number... </a></li>
+				<li><a href="routeList.php?bysuburb=yes">By Suburb... </a></li> 
-		</div><!-- /navbar -->
+	';

--- a/busui/
+++ b/busui/
@@ -264,7 +264,19 @@
     schedule = self.server.schedule
     route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
     return [transitfeed.Route._FIELD_NAMES, route.GetFieldValuesTuple()]
+  def handle_json_GET_routetrips(self, params):
+    """ Get a trip for a route_id (preferablly the next one) """
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    query = params.get('route_id', None).lower()
+    result = []
+    for t in schedule.GetTripList():
+      if t.route_id == query:
+        result.append ( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
+        """ UGH fails for 300s """
+    """return result"""
+    return sorted(result, key=lambda trip: trip[0])
   def handle_json_GET_triprows(self, params):
     """Return a list of rows from the feed file that are related to this
@@ -369,6 +381,7 @@
     schedule = self.server.schedule
     stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None))
     time = int(params.get('time', 0))
+    service_period = params.get('service_period', None)
     time_trips = stop.GetStopTimeTrips(schedule)
     time_trips.sort()  # OPT: use bisect.insort to make this O(N*ln(N)) -> O(N)
     # Keep the first 15 after param 'time'.
@@ -397,8 +410,8 @@
         trip_name += route.route_long_name
       if headsign:
         trip_name += " (Direction: %s)" % headsign
-      result.append((time, (trip.trip_id, trip_name, trip.service_id), tp))
+      if service_period == None or trip.service_id == service_period:
+        result.append((time, (trip.trip_id, trip_name, trip.service_id), tp))
     return result
   def handle_GET_ttablegraph(self,params):

 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue1.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue2.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue3.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue4.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue5.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-blue.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-gold.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-green.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/osm_logo.png differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/staticmaplite/index.html
@@ -1,1 +1,122 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+   "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="de-de" lang="de-de">
+	<!-- 
+		CSS based on template of Dandelion wiki engine by Radomir Dopieralski who released this
+		template under the terms of GNU GPL.
+	-->
+	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+	<title>staticMapLite</title>
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+	<div id="wrapper">
+	<div id="header">
+	</div>
+	<div id="content">
+		<div class="par-div">
+			<h2>
+				staticMapLite - simple map for your website
+			</h2>
+			<p>
+				<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=865x512&maptype=mapnik" width="865" height="512" /></p>
+			<p>
+				This image was created using the following simple &lt;img> tag:
+<pre>&lt;img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&amp;zoom=14&amp;size=865x512&amp;maptype=mapnik" /&gt;</pre>
+			</p>
+		</div>
+		<hr />
+		<div class="par-div">
+			<h3>
+				Place Markers
+			</h3>
+			<p>
+				<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=865x512&maptype=mapnik&markers=40.702147,-74.015794,lightblue1|40.711614,-74.012318,lightblue2|40.718217,-73.998284,lightblue3" width="865" height="512" />
+</p><p>				Add markers by appending them to the image URL:
+			</p>
+		</div>
+		<hr />
+		<div class="par-div">
+			<h3>
+				Use Different Map Styles (Tile Sources)
+			</h3>
+			<p>
+				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
+					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=mapnik" width="256" height="256" />
+					<pre>maptype=mapnik</pre>
+				</div>
+				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
+					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=osmarenderer" width="256" height="256" />
+					<pre>maptype=osmarenderer</pre>
+				</div>
+				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
+					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=cycle" width="256" height="256" />
+					<pre>maptype=cycle</pre>
+				</div>
+				<br style="clear:both" />
+			</p>
+		</div>
+	</div>
+	<div id="footer">
+		<div style="text-align:center;padding:7px;color:#ccc">
+			sponsored by <a href="">dFacts Network</a>
+		</div>
+	</div>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/staticmaplite/staticmap.php
@@ -1,1 +1,273 @@
+ * staticMapLite 0.02
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009 Gerhard Koch
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * @author Gerhard Koch <gerhard.koch AT>
+ *
+ * USAGE: 
+ *
+ *  staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=512x512&maptype=mapnik&markers=40.702147,-74.015794,blues|40.711614,-74.012318,greeng|40.718217,-73.998284,redc
+ *
+ */ 
+Class staticMapLite {
+	protected $tileSize = 256;
+	protected $tileSrcUrl = array(	'mapnik' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
+									'osmarenderer' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
+									'cycle' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png'
+	);
+	protected $tileDefaultSrc = 'mapnik';
+	protected $markerBaseDir = 'images/markers';
+	protected $osmLogo = 'images/osm_logo.png';
+	protected $useTileCache = true;
+	protected $tileCacheBaseDir = 'cache/tiles';
+	protected $useMapCache = true;
+	protected $mapCacheBaseDir = 'cache/maps';
+	protected $mapCacheID = '';
+	protected $mapCacheFile = '';
+	protected $mapCacheExtension = 'png';
+	protected $zoom, $lat, $lon, $width, $height, $markers, $image, $maptype;
+	protected $centerX, $centerY, $offsetX, $offsetY;
+	public function __construct(){
+		$this->zoom = 0;
+		$this->lat = 0;
+		$this->lon = 0;
+		$this->width = 500;
+		$this->height = 350;
+		$this->markers = array();
+		$this->maptype = $this->tileDefaultSrc;
+	}
+	public function parseParams(){
+		global $_GET;
+		// get zoom from GET paramter
+		$this->zoom = $_GET['zoom']?intval($_GET['zoom']):0;
+		if($this->zoom>18)$this->zoom = 18;
+		// get lat and lon from GET paramter
+		list($this->lat,$this->lon) = split(',',$_GET['center']);
+		$this->lat = floatval($this->lat);
+		$this->lon = floatval($this->lon);
+		// get zoom from GET paramter
+		if($_GET['size']){
+			list($this->width, $this->height) = split('x',$_GET['size']);
+			$this->width = intval($this->width);
+			$this->height = intval($this->height);
+		}
+		if($_GET['markers']){
+			$markers = split('%7C|\|',$_GET['markers']);
+			foreach($markers as $marker){
+					list($markerLat, $markerLon, $markerImage) = split(',',$marker);
+					$markerLat = floatval($markerLat);
+					$markerLon = floatval($markerLon);
+					$markerImage = basename($markerImage);
+					$this->markers[] = array('lat'=>$markerLat, 'lon'=>$markerLon, 'image'=>$markerImage);
+			}
+		}
+		if($_GET['maptype']){
+			if(array_key_exists($_GET['maptype'],$this->tileSrcUrl)) $this->maptype = $_GET['maptype'];
+		}
+	}
+	public function lonToTile($long, $zoom){
+		return (($long + 180) / 360) * pow(2, $zoom);
+	}
+	public function latToTile($lat, $zoom){
+		return (1 - log(tan($lat * pi()/180) + 1 / cos($lat* pi()/180)) / pi()) /2 * pow(2, $zoom);
+	}
+	public function initCoords(){
+		$this->centerX = $this->lonToTile($this->lon, $this->zoom);
+		$this->centerY = $this->latToTile($this->lat, $this->zoom);
+		$this->offsetX = floor((floor($this->centerX)-$this->centerX)*$this->tileSize);
+		$this->offsetY = floor((floor($this->centerY)-$this->centerY)*$this->tileSize);
+	}
+	public function createBaseMap(){
+		$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
+		$startX = floor($this->centerX-($this->width/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$startY = floor($this->centerY-($this->height/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$endX = ceil($this->centerX+($this->width/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$endY = ceil($this->centerY+($this->height/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$this->offsetX = -floor(($this->centerX-floor($this->centerX))*$this->tileSize);
+		$this->offsetY = -floor(($this->centerY-floor($this->centerY))*$this->tileSize);
+		$this->offsetX += floor($this->width/2);
+		$this->offsetY += floor($this->height/2);
+		$this->offsetX += floor($startX-floor($this->centerX))*$this->tileSize;
+		$this->offsetY += floor($startY-floor($this->centerY))*$this->tileSize;
+		for($x=$startX; $x<=$endX; $x++){
+			for($y=$startY; $y<=$endY; $y++){
+				$url = str_replace(array('{Z}','{X}','{Y}'),array($this->zoom, $x, $y), $this->tileSrcUrl[$this->maptype]);
+				$tileImage = imagecreatefromstring($this->fetchTile($url));
+				$destX = ($x-$startX)*$this->tileSize+$this->offsetX;
+				$destY = ($y-$startY)*$this->tileSize+$this->offsetY;
+				imagecopy($this->image, $tileImage, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, $this->tileSize, $this->tileSize);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public function placeMarkers(){
+		foreach($this->markers as $marker){
+			$markerLat = $marker['lat'];
+			$markerLon = $marker['lon'];
+			$markerImage = $marker['image'];
+			$markerIndex++;
+			$markerFilename = $markerImage?(file_exists($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerImage.".png")?$markerImage:'lightblue'.$markerIndex):'lightblue'.$markerIndex;
+			if(file_exists($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerFilename.".png")){
+				$markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerFilename.".png");
+			} else {
+				$markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir.'/lightblue1.png');				
+			}
+			$destX = floor(($this->width/2)-$this->tileSize*($this->centerX-$this->lonToTile($markerLon, $this->zoom)));
+			$destY = floor(($this->height/2)-$this->tileSize*($this->centerY-$this->latToTile($markerLat, $this->zoom)));
+			$destY = $destY - imagesy($markerImg);
+			imagecopy($this->image, $markerImg, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, imagesx($markerImg), imagesy($markerImg));
+	};
+	public function tileUrlToFilename($url){
+		return $this->tileCacheBaseDir."/".str_replace(array('http://'),'',$url);
+	}
+	public function checkTileCache($url){
+		$filename = $this->tileUrlToFilename($url);
+		if(file_exists($filename)){
+			return file_get_contents($filename);
+		}
+	}
+	public function checkMapCache(){
+		$this->mapCacheID = md5($this->serializeParams());
+		$filename = $this->mapCacheIDToFilename();
+		if(file_exists($filename)) return true;
+	}
+	public function serializeParams(){		
+		return join("&",array($this->zoom,$this->lat,$this->lon,$this->width,$this->height, serialize($this->markers),$this->maptype));
+	}
+	public function mapCacheIDToFilename(){
+		if(!$this->mapCacheFile){
+			$this->mapCacheFile = $this->mapCacheBaseDir."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,0,2)."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,2,2)."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,4);
+		}
+		return $this->mapCacheFile.".".$this->mapCacheExtension;
+	}
+	public function mkdir_recursive($pathname, $mode){
+		is_dir(dirname($pathname)) || $this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($pathname), $mode);
+		return is_dir($pathname) || @mkdir($pathname, $mode);
+	}
+	public function writeTileToCache($url, $data){
+		$filename = $this->tileUrlToFilename($url);
+		$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($filename),0777);
+		file_put_contents($filename, $data);
+	}
+	public function fetchTile($url){
+		if($this->useTileCache && ($cached = $this->checkTileCache($url))) return $cached;
+		$ch = curl_init(); 
+		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
+		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0");
+		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 
+		$tile = curl_exec($ch); 
+		curl_close($ch); 
+		if($this->useTileCache){
+			$this->writeTileToCache($url,$tile);
+		}
+		return $tile;
+	}
+	public function copyrightNotice(){
+			$logoImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->osmLogo);
+			imagecopy($this->image, $logoImg, imagesx($this->image)-imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($this->image)-imagesy($logoImg), 0, 0, imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($logoImg));
+	}
+	public function sendHeader(){
+		header('Content-Type: image/png');
+		$expires = 60*60*24*14;
+		header("Pragma: public");
+		header("Cache-Control: maxage=".$expires);
+		header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$expires) . ' GMT');
+	}
+	public function makeMap(){
+		$this->initCoords();		
+		$this->createBaseMap();
+		if(count($this->markers))$this->placeMarkers();
+		if($this->osmLogo) $this->copyrightNotice();
+	}
+	public function showMap(){
+		$this->parseParams();
+		if($this->useMapCache){
+			// use map cache, so check cache for map
+			if(!$this->checkMapCache()){
+				// map is not in cache, needs to be build
+				$this->makeMap();
+				$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($this->mapCacheIDToFilename()),0777);
+				imagepng($this->image,$this->mapCacheIDToFilename(),9);
+				$this->sendHeader();	
+				if(file_exists($this->mapCacheIDToFilename())){
+					return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename());
+				} else {
+					return imagepng($this->image);		
+				}
+			} else {
+				// map is in cache
+				$this->sendHeader();	
+				return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename());
+			}
+		} else {
+			// no cache, make map, send headers and deliver png
+			$this->makeMap();
+			$this->sendHeader();	
+			return imagepng($this->image);		
+		}
+	}
+$map = new staticMapLite();
+print $map->showMap();

--- a/busui/stop.php
+++ b/busui/stop.php
@@ -4,14 +4,19 @@
 $stop = json_decode(getPage($url));
 include_header("Trips passing ".$stop[1]);
+echo '<div data-role="content" class="ui-content" role="main"><p>'.staticmap(Array(0 => Array($stop[2],$stop[3]))).'</p>';
 echo '  <ul data-role="listview" >';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/stoptrips?stop=".$_REQUEST['stopid']."&time=".midnight_seconds();
-$page = getPage($url);
-foreach (json_decode($page) as $row)
+$url = $APIurl."/json/stoptrips?stop=".$_REQUEST['stopid']."&time=".midnight_seconds()."&service_period=".service_period();
+$trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
+foreach ($trips as $row)
-if ($row[1][2] === service_period()) echo  '<li>'.midnight_seconds_to_time($row[0]).' <a href="trip.php?stopid='.$_REQUEST['stopid'].'&tripid='.$row[1][0].'">'.$row[1][1].'</a></li>';        
+echo  '<li>';
+echo '<h3><a href="trip.php?stopid='.$_REQUEST['stopid'].'&tripid='.$row[1][0].'">'.$row[1][1].'</a></h3>';      
+echo '<p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>'.midnight_seconds_to_time($row[0]).'</strong></p>';
+echo '</li>';  
-echo '</ul>';
+if (sizeof($trips) == 0) echo "<li> <center>No trips in the near future.</center> </li>";
+echo '</ul></div>';

--- a/busui/stopList.php
+++ b/busui/stopList.php
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 echo '  <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true">';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/stops";
+$url = $APIurl."/json/timingpoints";
+if ($_REQUEST['allstops']) $url = $APIurl."/json/stops";
 if ($_REQUEST['lat'] && $_REQUEST['lon']) $url = $APIurl."/json/neareststops?lat={$_REQUEST['lat']}&lon={$_REQUEST['lon']}&limit=15";
 $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
 foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
@@ -19,16 +20,14 @@
       echo  '<li><a href="stop.php?stopid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[1].'</a></li>';
 echo '</ul>';
  <div data-role="footer" data-id="foo1" data-position="fixed"> 
 		<div data-role="navbar"> 
-				<li><a href="footer-persist-a.html" class="ui-btn-active">Friends</a></li> 
-				<li><a href="footer-persist-b.html">Albums</a></li> 
-				<li><a href="footer-persist-c.html">Emails</a></li> 
+				<li><a href="stopList.php" class="ui-btn-active">Timing Points</a></li> 
+				<li><a href="stopList.php?allstops=yes">All Stops</a></li> 
-		</div><!-- /navbar -->
+	';

--- a/busui/trip.php
+++ b/busui/trip.php
@@ -1,23 +1,36 @@
-$url = $APIurl."/json/triprows?trip=".$_REQUEST['tripid'];
+$tripid = $_REQUEST['tripid'];
+if ($_REQUEST['routeid']) {
+    $url = $APIurl."/json/routetrips?route_id=".$_REQUEST['routeid'];
+    $trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
+foreach ($trips as $trip)
+         {
+            if ($trip[0] < midnight_seconds()) {
+                $tripid = $trip[1];
+                break;
+            }
+         }
+         if (!($tripid > 0)) $tripid = $trips[0][1];
+$url = $APIurl."/json/triprows?trip=".$tripid;
 $trips = array_flatten(json_decode(getPage($url)));
 include_header("Stops on ". $trips[1]->route_short_name . ' '. $trips[1]->route_long_name);
 echo '  <ul data-role="listview" >';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/tripstoptimes?trip=".$_REQUEST['tripid'];
+$url = $APIurl."/json/tripstoptimes?trip=".$tripid;
 $json = json_decode(getPage($url));
 $stops = $json[0];
 $times = $json[1];
 foreach ($stops as $key => $row)
-echo  '<li>'.midnight_seconds_to_time($times[$key]).' <a href="stop.php?stopid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[1].'</a></li>';        
+    echo  '<li>';
+echo '<h3><a href="stop.php?stopid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[1].'</a></h3>';      
+echo '<p class="ui-li-aside">'.midnight_seconds_to_time($times[$key]).'</p>';
+echo '</li>';       
 echo '</ul>';

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/tripPlanner.php
@@ -1,1 +1,48 @@
+if ($_REQUEST['time']) {
+    $toPlace = geocode($_REQUEST['to'],false);
+    $fromPlace = geocode($_REQUEST['from'],false);
+    $url = "http://localhost:8080/opentripplanner-api-webapp/ws/plan?_dc=1290254798856&arriveBy=false&date=11%2F17%2F2010&time=1%3A06%20pm&mode=TRANSIT%2CWALK&optimize=QUICK&maxWalkDistance=840&wheelchair=false&toPlace=$toPlace&fromPlace=$fromPlace&intermediatePlaces=";
+        $ch = curl_init($url);
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
+curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Accept: application/json")); 
+$page = curl_exec($ch);
+    $tripplan = json_decode($page);
+    echo "<h1> From: {$tripplan->plan->from->name} </h1>";
+     echo "<h1> To: {$tripplan->plan->to->name} </h1>";
+      echo "<h1> At: {$tripplan->plan->date} </h1>";
+    foreach ($tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary as $itineraryNumber => $itinerary ){
+        echo "<hr> <h2> Option #".($itineraryNumber+1)."<h2>";
+        echo "Duration: ".floor($itinerary->duration/60000)." minutes ({$itinerary->startTime} to {$itinerary->endTime})<br>\n";
+        echo "Walking time: ".floor($itinerary->walkTime/60000)." minutes ({$itinerary->walkDistance} meters)<br>\n";
+        echo "Transit time: ".floor($itinerary->transitTime/60000)." minutes<br>\n";
+        echo "Waiting time: ".floor($itinerary->waitingTime/60000)." minutes<br>\n";
+        $legMarkers = Array();
+        foreach ($itinerary->legs->leg as $legNumber => $leg ){
+            $legMarkers[] = Array($leg->from->lat,$leg->from->lon);
+        }
+        echo staticmap($legMarkers)."<br>\n";
+         foreach ($itinerary->legs->leg as $legNumber => $leg ){
+            echo "Leg #".($legNumber+1)." (from: {$leg->from->name} to {$leg->to->name}, ".floor($leg->duration/60000)." minutes) <br>\n";
+            $legArray = object2array($leg);
+            if ($legArray["@mode"] === "BUS") {
+                echo "Take bus {$legArray['@route']} ".str_replace("To","towards",$legArray['@headsign'])."<br>";
+            }
+            else {
+                foreach ($leg->steps->walkSteps as $stepNumber => $step ){
+                     echo "Walking step $stepNumber $step->absoluteDirection / $step->relativeDirection on $step->streetName for $step->distance meters / ".floor($step->duration/60000)." minutes<br>\n";
+                }
+            }
+         }
+    }
+} else {
+    echo '<form> I would like to go from <input type="text" name="from" value="Brigalow"></input> to 
+      <input type="text" name="to" value="Barry"></input> on <input type="text" name="date" value="1:00pm">  at <input type="text" name="time" value="1:00pm"></input>
+      <input type="submit"></form>';
+    include_footer();

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/01-extracttimes.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/01-extracttimes.rb
@@ -14,31 +14,34 @@
 	timetable = {"between_stops" => [], "short_name" => short_name}
 	time_points = table.xpath('tr[1]//th').map do |tp|
 		if tp.content != "\302\240" && tp.content != "" && tp.content != "<br/>"
-			timing_point = tp.content.squeeze(" ").gsub("Bus Station"," Bus Station ").gsub(" Platform"," (Platform").gsub("  - "," - ").gsub("\n"," ").gsub("\r"," ").gsub("\t"," ").gsub("\\"," / ").gsub("/"," / ").gsub(",",", ").gsub("\302\240","").squeeze(" ").strip
+			timing_point = tp.content.squeeze(" ").gsub("Bus Station"," Bus Station ").gsub(" Platform"," (Platform").gsub("  - "," - ").gsub("\n"," ").gsub("\r"," ").gsub("\t"," ").gsub("\\"," / ").gsub("/"," / ").gsub(","," ").gsub("\302\240","").squeeze(" ").strip
 			if (tp.content.match('Platform'))
+			if tp.to_s.match(/[0-9][0-9][0-9]/) or tp.to_s.include? "Wheelchair"
+			  timing_point = nil
+			end
-	time_points.delete("WheelchairAccessible")
-	time_points.delete("Wheelchair Accessible")
 	timetable["time_points"] = time_points.to_a
 	timetable["long_name"] = "To " + time_points.last
 	periodtimes = []
 	table.css('tr').each do |row|
 		times = row.css('td').map do |cell|
 			time = cell.content.squeeze(" ").strip
-			time = time.gsub(/ *A\S?M/,"a").gsub(/ ?P\S?M/,"p").gsub("12:08 AM","1208x").gsub(":","").gsub("1.","1").gsub("2.","2")
-			time = time.gsub("3.","3").gsub("4.","4")
+			time = time.gsub(/ *A\S?M/,"a").gsub(/ ?P\S?M/,"p").gsub(/ *a\S?m/,"a").gsub(/ ?p\S?m/,"p")
+			time = time.gsub("12:08 AM","1208x").gsub(":","").gsub("1.","1").gsub("2.","2").gsub("3.","3").gsub("4.","4")
 			time = time.gsub("5.","5").gsub("6.","6").gsub("7.","7").gsub("8.","8").gsub("9.","9").gsub("10.","10")
 			time = time.gsub("11.","11").gsub("12.","12").gsub(/\.+/,"-").gsub("\302\240","")
-			if time == "" then time = nil end 
+			if time == "" or time.include? "chool" or time.include? "On Race Days" or time.include? "Bus"
+				time = nil # This hacky way is faster than using position()>1 xpath on <TD>s!
+			end 
-		if not times.empty?
+		if not times.empty? 
 			if not (route = times.shift)
 				raise("TODO: account for shifting route numbers eg. intertown/redex 62/162")
@@ -59,14 +62,14 @@
-Dir.glob("source-html/Route*.htm*") { |file|
+Dir.glob("source-html/*oute*.htm*") { |file|
 	puts "Opened " + file
 	doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(file))
 	# Search for nodes by css
 	timetables = []
 	short_name = "";
 	doc.xpath('//title').each do |title|
-		short_name = title.content.gsub("Route_","").gsub("Route ","").gsub(", ","/").gsub("ACTION Buses Timetable for ","").squeeze(" ").strip
+		short_name = title.content.gsub("Route_","").gsub("Route ","").gsub("route ","").gsub(", ","/").gsub("ACTION Buses Timetable for ","").squeeze(" ").strip
 	if short_name == ""
 		raise "Route number(s) not found in <title> tag"
@@ -76,7 +79,9 @@
 		timetables << makeTimetable(table, "stop_times", short_name)
 	doc.xpath('//table[preceding::text()="This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010."]').each do |table|
-		timetables << makeTimetable(table, "stop_times", short_name)
+		if short_name[0].chr != "9" or short_name.size == 1
+		  timetables << makeTimetable(table, "stop_times", short_name)
+		end
 	#all tables are weekdays on some really malformatted timetables
 	if short_name == "170"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/02-tidytimepoints.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/02-tidytimepoints.rb
@@ -19,17 +19,15 @@
-#pp $time_points.sort!
-#pp $time_points_sources.sort
+def correctTimePoints()
 time_point_corrections = {"North Lynehamham" => "North Lyneham",
-  "Woden Bus Station Platform 10)" => "Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)",
-  "Saint AndrewsVillage Hughes"=>"Saint Andrews Village Hughes",
+ "Woden Bus Station Platform 10)" => "Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)",
+ "Saint AndrewsVillage Hughes"=>"Saint Andrews Village Hughes",
  "Flemmington Road / Sandford St"=>"Flemington Road / Sandford St",
  "City Interchange"=>"City Bus Station",
  "City Interchange (Platform 9)"=>"City Bus Station (Platform 9)",
+ "City Bus Station Platfrom 9"=>"City Bus Station (Platform 9)",
+ "Belconnen Community Bus StationPlatform 2)"=>"Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)",
  "Bridbabella Gardens Nursing Home"=>"Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home",
  "Bridbabella GardensNursing Home"=> "Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home",
  "BrindabellaBusiness Park"=> "Brindabella Business Park",
@@ -37,26 +35,80 @@
  "Railway StationKingston"=>"Railway Station Kingston",
  "Saint AndrewsVillage Hughes"=>"Saint Andrews Village Hughes",
  "Dickson ShopsAntill Street"=>"Dickson Shops",
- "Cohen St Bus Station (Platform 3)"=>"Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)",
- "Cohen St Bus Station (Platform 6)"=>"Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)",
- "Newcastle Streetafter Isa Street"=>"Newcastle Street after Isa Street",
+ "Cohen St Bus Station (Platform 3)" => "Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)",
+ "Cohen St Bus Station (Platform 6)" => "Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)",
+ "Newcastle Streetafter Isa Street" => "Newcastle Street after Isa Street",
+ "Newcastle St after Isa St" => "Newcastle Street after Isa Street",
+ "Newcastle Street after Isa St" => "Newcastle Street after Isa Street",
+ "Northbourne Ave / Antill St" => "Northbourne Avenue / Antill St",
+ "Macarthur / Northbourne" => "Macarthur / Northbourne Ave",
+ "Macarthur Ave / Northbourne" => "Macarthur / Northbourne Ave",
+ "Kings Ave / National Cct"=> "Kings Ave / National Circuit",
+ "Kosciuszco Ave / Everard Street"=>"Kosciuszko / Everard",
+ "Lithgow St Terminus" => "Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick",
+ "Hospice Menindee Dr" => "Hospice / Menindee Dr",
+ "Gungahlin Market Place"=> "Gungahlin Marketplace",
+ "Gwyder Square Kaleen"=> "Gwydir Square Kaleen",
+ "Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave"=>"Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave",
+ "Flemington Road / Sandford St"=>"Flemington Rd / Sandford St",
+ "Heagney Cres Clift Cres Richardson"=>  "Heagney / Clift Richardson",
+ "Charnwood Shops (Tillyard Drive)"=> "Charnwood Shops",
+ "charnwood Shops"=> "Charnwood Shops",
+ "Black Moutain- Telstra Tower"=>"Black Mountain Telstra Tower",
+ "Bonython Primary"=> "Bonython Primary School",
+ "Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah"=>"Athllon / Sulwood Kambah",
+ "Alexander Machonochie Centre Hume"=>"Alexander Maconochie Centre",
+ "Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume"=>"Alexander Maconochie Centre",
+ "Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave" =>"Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av",
+ "Australian National Botanic Gardens"=>"Botanic Gardens",
+ "Calwell shops"=> "Calwell Shops", 
+ "Chuculba / William Slim Drive"=>"Chuculba / William Slim Dr",
+ "Fyshwick direct Factory Outlet"=>"Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet",
+ "Kaleen Village / Maibrynong"=>"Kaleen Village / Marybrynong",
+ "Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave"=>"Kaleen Village / Marybrynong",
+ "National Aquarium"=>"National Zoo and Aquarium",
+ "chisholm Shops"=>"Chisholm Shops",
+ "O'connor Shops"=>"O'Connor Shops",
+ "Mckellar Shops"=>"McKellar Shops",
+ "Melba shops"=> "Melba Shops",
  "William Web / Ginninderra Drive"=>"William Webb / Ginninderra Drive",
  "Procor / Mead"=>"Proctor / Mead",
-"Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet"=>"Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet"
+ "Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet"=>"Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet",
+ "Yarrulumla Shops"=>"Yarralumla Shops",
+ "Tharwa Dr / Pocket Ave"=>"Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave",
+ "Paul Coe / Mirrebei Dr"=>"Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr",
+ "Mirrebei Drive / Dam Wall"=>"Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall",
+ "Tharwa / Knoke" => "Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave",
+ "Tharwa / Pocket" => "Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave",
+ "Outrim / Duggan" => "Outtrim / Duggan",
+ "ANU Burton and Garran Hall Daley Rd" => "Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road",
+ "Farrer Primary"=>"Farrer Primary School",
+ "St Thomas More Campbell"=>"St Thomas More's Campbell",
+ "Lyneham Shops"=>"Lyneham Shops Wattle Street",
-time_point_corrections.each do |wrong, right|
-	$time_points_sources[wrong].each do |wrongfile|
-		badtimetable = YAML::load_file(wrongfile)
-		badentrynumber = badtimetable["time_points"].index wrong
-		badtimetable["time_points"][badentrynumber] = right
-		puts "Corrected '" + wrong + "' to '" + right + "' in " + wrongfile
-, "w") do |f|
-	 		f.write badtimetable.to_yaml
+	time_point_corrections.each do |wrong, right|
+		$time_points_sources[wrong].each do |wrongfile|
+			badtimetable = YAML::load_file(wrongfile)
+			badentrynumber = badtimetable["time_points"].index wrong
+			badtimetable["time_points"][badentrynumber] = right
+			puts "Corrected '" + wrong + "' to '" + right + "' in " + wrongfile
+, "w") do |f|
+	 			f.write badtimetable.to_yaml
+			end
+#pp $time_points.sort!
+#pp $time_points_sources.sort
 pp $time_points.sort!

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/03-locatetimepoints.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/03-locatetimepoints.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
    url = "#{base_url}#{URI.encode(query)}&bbox=-35.47,148.83,-35.16,149.25&return_location=true"
    resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url))
    data = resp.body
+pp url
    # we convert the returned JSON data to native Ruby
    # data structure - a hash
    result = JSON.parse(data)
@@ -51,12 +51,11 @@
 connbus = PGconn.connect("localhost", 5432, '', '', "bus", "postgres", 
-connosm = PGconn.connect("localhost", 5432, '', '', "openstreetmap", "postgres", "snmc")
 if ask_if("Insert Timing Point names to database?")
 	$time_points.each do |time_point|
-			time_point = time_point.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
+			time_point = time_point.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''") # DON'T PUT MORE GSUB HERE
 			res = connbus.exec("INSERT INTO timing_point (name) VALUES ('#{time_point}')")
 			puts "Put '#{time_point}' into DB"
 		rescue PGError => e
@@ -67,164 +66,6 @@
-if ask_if("Fill null Timing Points from OSM bus_stop database?")
-# TODO Where there's a "Cnr" or a \/ or a &, Look for 2 ways or nodes and average the closest two!
-	begin
-		null_points = connbus.exec('SELECT name FROM timing_point WHERE lat IS null OR lng IS null;')
-	rescue PGError => e
-                puts "Error selecting null points from DB #{e}"
-                #conn.close() if conn
-        end
-	null_points.each do |null_point_name|
-		begin
-			name = null_point_name.to_s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
-			pp name
-			search_name = ask("Hmm, if we're still looking, the name is probably wrong. What's the right name?", :string, :default => name)
-        	     	matching_nodes = connosm.exec("Select * FROM (SELECT * from current_node_tags,
-                        (Select id as ctagid FROM current_node_tags WHERE  v LIKE '%#{search_name}%') as a 
-                        where a.ctagid = as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON 
-              ")
-	        rescue PGError => e
-                	puts "Error selecting matching bus stops from DB #{e}"
-        	        #conn.close() if conn
-	        end
-		suggested_nodes =
-		matching_nodes.each do |matching_node_row|
-			#pp matching_node_row
-			# 0 = id
-			# 1 = k
-			# 2 = v
-			# 3,4 = redundant ids
-			# 5 = lat*100000
-			# 6 = lng*100000
-			suggested_node = suggested_nodes.fetch(matching_node_row[0], {'lat' => Float(matching_node_row[5])/10000000,
-										      'lng' => Float(matching_node_row[6])/10000000})
-			if matching_node_row[1] == "ref"
-				matching_node_row[1] = "loc_ref"
-			end
-			suggested_node[matching_node_row[1]] = matching_node_row[2]
-			suggested_nodes[matching_node_row[0]] = suggested_node
-		end
-		pp suggested_nodes
-		nodeID = ask("Enter selected node ID:", :string) 
-		if suggested_nodes.has_key?(nodeID)
-			node = suggested_nodes.fetch(nodeID)
-			guess = ask_if("Is this a guess?")
-			puts "Location #{node["lat"]},#{node["lng"]} for #{null_point_name}"
-			begin
-                	        res = connbus.exec("UPDATE timing_point SET lat = #{node["lat"]*10000000}, lng = 
-#{node["lng"]*10000000},osm_node = #{nodeID}" + (node.has_key?("loc_ref") ? ",loc_ref = #{node["loc_ref"]}" : "") + ",guess = #{guess} WHERE name 
-= '#{name}'")
-        	               	puts "Put '#{null_point_name}' into DB"
-	               	rescue PGError => e
-                	        puts "Error inserting '#{null_point_name}' to DB #{e}"
-				ask_if("Continue?")
-        	               	#conn.close() if conn
-	               	end
-		else
-			puts "Uhh, there was no suggestion ID like that. Try again next time!"
-		end
-		puts "Hmm, so maybe this isn't a point? Maybe it's a way.... like a street or something? Is it a 'street' or a 'corner' or nothing?"
-		whatisit = ask("So what is it:", :string, :default => "corner") 
-		if whatisit == "street"
-			begin
-				name = null_point_name.to_s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
-				pp "#{name} (ways)"
-				search_name = ask("Streets tend to have pretty bad quality data, What's the real name of the street?", :string, :default => name)
-			     	matching_ways = connosm.exec("Select avg(latitude), avg(longitude), name FROM (
-				SELECT * from current_way_nodes,(Select id as ctagid, v as name FROM current_way_tags WHERE k = 'name' AND v LIKE 
-				'%#{search_name}%') as a where a.ctagid = as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON
-				GROUP BY name")
-			rescue PGError => e
-		        	puts "Error selecting matching ways from DB #{e}"
-			        #conn.close() if conn
-			end
-			suggested_ways =
-			matching_ways.each do |matching_way_row|
-				#pp matching_way_row
-				# 0 = lat*100000
-				# 1 = lng*100000
-				# 2 = name
-				suggested_way = suggested_ways.fetch(matching_way_row[2], {'lat' => Float(matching_way_row[0])/10000000,
-											      'lng' => Float(matching_way_row[1])/10000000})
-				suggested_way['name'] = suggested_way['name'] 
-				suggested_ways[matching_way_row[2]] = suggested_way
-			end
-			pp suggested_ways
-			wayID = ask("Enter selected way ID:", :string) 
-			if suggested_ways.has_key?(wayID)
-				way = suggested_ways.fetch(wayID)
-				guess = ask_if("Is this a guess?")
-				puts "Location #{way["lat"]},#{way["lng"]} for #{null_point_name}"
-				begin
-		        	        res = connbus.exec("UPDATE timing_point SET lat = #{way["lat"]*10000000}, lng = 
-	#{way["lng"]*10000000},guess = #{guess} WHERE name = '#{name}'")
-			               	puts "Put '#{null_point_name}' into DB"
-			       	rescue PGError => e
-		        	        puts "Error inserting '#{null_point_name}' to DB #{e}"
-					ask_if("Continue?")
-			               	#conn.close() if conn
-			       	end
-			else
-				puts "Uhh, there was no suggestion ID like that. Try again next time!"
-			end
-		end
-		if whatisit == "corner"
-			# Where there's a "Cnr" or a \/ or a &, look for 2 ways and find the intersections
-				name = null_point_name.to_s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
-				search_name = ask("I need this to look like STREETNAME1/STREETNAME2, okay? Can you do that for me?", :string, :default => name)
-				search_pieces = search_name.split("/")
-				pp search_pieces
-				if search_pieces.length == 2
-					begin
-					     	matching_ways = connosm.exec("SELECT w.way_id, latitude, longitude, w.node_id from (Select as way_id, * from current_nodes inner join current_way_nodes on inner join current_ways on as w, (select node_id, count(node_id) from 
-		(Select * FROM (SELECT * from current_way_nodes, (Select id as ctagid, v as name FROM current_way_tags WHERE k = 'name' AND v LIKE '%#{search_pieces[0]}%') as a where a.ctagid = ) as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON where sequence_id = 1 union Select * FROM ( SELECT * from current_way_nodes,  (Select id as ctagid, v as name FROM current_way_tags WHERE k = 'name' AND v LIKE '%#{search_pieces[0]}%') as a where a.ctagid = ) as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON where sequence_id = (select max(sequence_id)   from current_way_nodes cnodes   where = union Select * FROM ( SELECT * from current_way_nodes,  (Select id as ctagid, v as name FROM current_way_tags WHERE k = 'name' AND v LIKE '%#{search_pieces[1]}%') as a      where a.ctagid = ) as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON where sequence_id = 1 union Select * FROM ( SELECT * from current_way_nodes, (Select id as ctagid, v as name FROM current_way_tags WHERE k = 'name' AND v LIKE '%#{search_pieces[1]}%') as a   where a.ctagid = ) as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON where sequence_id = (select max(sequence_id)   from current_way_nodes cnodes   where = ) as t GROUP BY node_id HAVING ( COUNT(node_id) > 1 ) ) as s  where s.node_id = w.node_id")
-					rescue PGError => e
-						puts "Error selecting matching bus stops from DB #{e}"
-						#conn.close() if conn
-					end
-					suggested_ways =
-					matching_ways.each do |matching_way_row|
-						pp matching_way_row
-						# 0 = way_id				
-						# 1 = lat*100000
-						# 2 = lng*100000
-						# 3 = node_id		
-						suggested_way = suggested_ways.fetch(matching_way_row[3], {'lat' => Float(matching_way_row[1])/10000000,
-													      'lng' => Float(matching_way_row[2])/10000000})
-						suggested_way['way_id'] =  " " + matching_way_row[0]
-						suggested_way['node_id'] = matching_way_row[3]
-						suggested_ways[matching_way_row[3]] = suggested_way
-					end
-					pp suggested_ways
-					wayID = ask("Enter selected way ID:", :string) 
-					if suggested_ways.has_key?(wayID)
-						way = suggested_ways.fetch(wayID)
-						guess = ask_if("Is this a guess?")
-						puts "Location #{way["lat"]},#{way["lng"]} for #{null_point_name}"
-						begin
-							res = connbus.exec("UPDATE timing_point SET lat = #{way["lat"]*10000000}, lng = 
-			#{way["lng"]*10000000},osm_node = #{wayID} ,guess = #{guess} WHERE name 
-			= '#{name}'")
-						       	puts "Put '#{null_point_name}' into DB"
-					       	rescue PGError => e
-							puts "Error inserting '#{null_point_name}' to DB #{e}"
-							ask_if("Continue?")
-						       	#conn.close() if conn
-					       	end
-					else
-						puts "Uhh, there was no suggestion ID like that. Try again next time!"
-					end
-			end
-		end
-	end
 if ask_if("Fill null Timing Points from geocoder?")
 		null_points = connbus.exec('SELECT name FROM timing_point WHERE lat IS null OR lng IS null;')
@@ -236,7 +77,7 @@
 	null_points.each do |null_point_name|
 		pp null_point_name
 		name = null_point_name.to_s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
-		results = cbr_geocode(null_point_name[0])
+		results = cbr_geocode(null_point_name.to_s.gsub("Shops", ""))
 		if !results.empty? 
 			results['features'].each_with_index { |feature,index|
 				print "#{index}: #{feature['properties']['name']} (#{feature['location']}) => #{feature['centroid']['coordinates']}\n"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,3909 @@
+  start_date: 20101115
+  end_date: 20111231
+  remove_date: 20111231
+  agency_name: ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)
+  agency_url: 
+  agency_timezone: Australia/Sydney
+  - { name: ACTEW AGL House,stop_code: ACTEW AGL House, lat: -35.282374, lng: 149.132047}
+  - { name: ADFA,stop_code: ADFA, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
+  - { name: Ainslie,stop_code: Ainslie, lat: -35.2620105, lng: 149.1443302}
+  - { name: Ainslie Shops,stop_code: Ainslie Shops, lat: -35.26198, lng: 149.14535}
+  - { name: Alexander Maconochie Centre,stop_code: Alexander Maconochie Centre, lat: -35.3720651, lng: 149.1696618}
+  - { name: Alpen & Clifford St,stop_code: Alpen & Clifford St, lat: -35.20562, lng: 149.06259}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av,stop_code: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, lat: -35.1856021, lng: 149.1543639}
+  - { name: Aranda,stop_code: Aranda, lat: -35.257534, lng: 149.0762963}
+  - { name: Aranda Shops,stop_code: Aranda Shops, lat: -35.25753, lng: 149.0763}
+  - { name: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah,stop_code: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, lat: -35.38442, lng: 149.09328}
+  - { name: Australian Institute of Sport,stop_code: Australian Institute of Sport, lat: -35.246351, lng: 149.101478}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station,stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station, lat: -35.23987, lng: 149.0619}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06978}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06926}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.23986, lng: 149.06847}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06887}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06928}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.0698}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Belconnen Way, lat: -35.24809, lng: 149.06765}
+  - { name: Bimberi Centre,stop_code: Bimberi Centre, lat: -35.2219941, lng: 149.1546928}
+  - { name: Black Mountain Telstra Tower,stop_code: Black Mountain Telstra Tower, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
+  - { name: Bonython,stop_code: Bonython, lat: -35.4297416, lng: 149.0814517}
+  - { name: Bonython Primary School,stop_code: Bonython Primary School, lat: -35.431019, lng: 149.0831217}
+  - { name: Botanic Gardens,stop_code: Botanic Gardens, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
+  - { name: Brindabella Business Park,stop_code: Brindabella Business Park, lat: -35.314496, lng: 149.189145}
+  - { name: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home,stop_code: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, lat: -35.3294459, lng: 149.0806116}
+  - { name: Bugden Sternberg,stop_code: Bugden Sternberg, lat: -35.4017223, lng: 149.0992172}
+  - { name: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road,stop_code: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, lat: -35.2753671, lng: 149.1172822}
+  - { name: Calvary Hospital,stop_code: Calvary Hospital, lat: -35.25212, lng: 149.09088}
+  - { name: Calwell Shops,stop_code: Calwell Shops, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station,stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2410108, lng: 149.0717142}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2410064, lng: 149.0710758}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2411773, lng: 149.0709793}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
+  - { name: Campbell Park Offices,stop_code: Campbell Park Offices, lat: -35.28368, lng: 149.17045}
+  - { name: Canberra College Weston Campus,stop_code: Canberra College Weston Campus, lat: -35.3490278, lng: 149.0486277}
+  - { name: Canberra Hospital,stop_code: Canberra Hospital, lat: -35.3459462, lng: 149.1012001}
+  - { name: Canberra Times,stop_code: Canberra Times, lat: -35.3245431, lng: 149.1705533}
+  - { name: Caswell Drive,stop_code: Caswell Drive, lat: -35.25922, lng: 149.08576}
+  - { name: Causeway,stop_code: Causeway, lat: -35.31615, lng: 149.15058}
+  - { name: Centrelink Tuggeranong,stop_code: Centrelink Tuggeranong, lat: -35.4207496, lng: 149.0700973}
+  - { name: Chapman,stop_code: Chapman, lat: -35.3557877, lng: 149.0408111}
+  - { name: Chapman Shops,stop_code: Chapman Shops, lat: -35.35579, lng: 149.04082}
+  - { name: Charnwood,stop_code: Charnwood, lat: -35.2052138, lng: 149.0337266}
+  - { name: Charnwood Shops,stop_code: Charnwood Shops, lat: -35.20472, lng: 149.03336}
+  - { name: Charnwood Tillyard Dr,stop_code: Charnwood Tillyard Dr, lat: -35.20295, lng: 149.04027}
+  - { name: Chifley,stop_code: Chifley, lat: -35.350985, lng: 149.077319}
+  - { name: Chifley Shops,stop_code: Chifley Shops, lat: -35.35099, lng: 149.07732}
+  - { name: Chisholm Shops,stop_code: Chisholm Shops, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.12833}
+  - { name: Chuculba / William Slim Dr,stop_code: Chuculba / William Slim Dr, lat: -35.208931, lng: 149.088499}
+  - { name: CIT Weston,stop_code: CIT Weston, lat: -35.330234, lng: 149.058632}
+  - { name: City Bus Station,stop_code: City Bus Station, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.278907, lng: 149.130612}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
+  - { name: City West,stop_code: City West, lat: -35.2788605, lng: 149.1257969}
+  - { name: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky,stop_code: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky, lat: -35.1995716, lng: 149.0285277}
+  - { name: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St,stop_code: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St, lat: -35.2040477, lng: 149.0393052}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station,stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station, lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2396467, lng: 149.0602152}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.239764, lng: 149.0604531}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.239844, lng: 149.0600683}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2401211, lng: 149.0597102}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2400028, lng: 149.060315}
+  - { name: Conder Primary,stop_code: Conder Primary, lat: -35.4643475, lng: 149.0986908}
+  - { name: Cook,stop_code: Cook, lat: -35.2596, lng: 149.0638}
+  - { name: Cook Shops,stop_code: Cook Shops, lat: -35.25898, lng: 149.06343}
+  - { name: Cooleman Court,stop_code: Cooleman Court, lat: -35.34147, lng: 149.05338}
+  - { name: Copland College,stop_code: Copland College, lat: -35.2127018, lng: 149.0596387}
+  - { name: Curtin,stop_code: Curtin, lat: -35.3248779, lng: 149.081441}
+  - { name: Curtin Shops,stop_code: Curtin Shops, lat: -35.32515, lng: 149.08224}
+  - { name: Deakin,stop_code: Deakin, lat: -35.3158608, lng: 149.1084563}
+  - { name: Deakin Shops,stop_code: Deakin Shops, lat: -35.31473, lng: 149.10771}
+  - { name: Deamer / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Deamer / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4319597, lng: 149.1187876}
+  - { name: Dickson,stop_code: Dickson, lat: -35.2498434, lng: 149.1391218}
+  - { name: Dickson College,stop_code: Dickson College, lat: -35.24923, lng: 149.15315}
+  - { name: Dickson Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336}
+  - { name: Dickson Shops,stop_code: Dickson Shops, lat: -35.25045, lng: 149.14044}
+  - { name: Dickson Shops/Antill St,stop_code: Dickson Shops/Antill St, lat: -35.2251335, lng: 149.1658895}
+  - { name: Duffy,stop_code: Duffy, lat: -35.3366908, lng: 149.0324311}
+  - { name: Duffy Primary,stop_code: Duffy Primary, lat: -35.334219, lng: 149.033656}
+  - { name: Dunlop,stop_code: Dunlop, lat: -35.1942693, lng: 149.0206702}
+  - { name: Erindale Centre,stop_code: Erindale Centre, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
+  - { name: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash,stop_code: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, lat: -35.414616, lng: 149.07888}
+  - { name: Erindale / Sternberg Cres,stop_code: Erindale / Sternberg Cres, lat: -35.4014472, lng: 149.0956545}
+  - { name: Evatt,stop_code: Evatt, lat: -35.2091093, lng: 149.0735343}
+  - { name: Evatt Shops,stop_code: Evatt Shops, lat: -35.21203, lng: 149.06505}
+  - { name: Eye Hospital,stop_code: Eye Hospital, lat: -35.3341884, lng: 149.1656213}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Park,stop_code: Fairbairn Park, lat: -35.3001773, lng: 149.2041185}
+  - { name: Farrer Primary School,stop_code: Farrer Primary School, lat: -35.37887, lng: 149.10641}
+  - { name: Farrer Terminus,stop_code: Farrer Terminus, lat: -35.3771794, lng: 149.1046948}
+  - { name: Federation Square,stop_code: Federation Square, lat: -35.1908726, lng: 149.0848153}
+  - { name: Fisher,stop_code: Fisher, lat: -35.3605627, lng: 149.0576481}
+  - { name: Fisher Shops,stop_code: Fisher Shops, lat: -35.36056, lng: 149.05765}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd,stop_code: Flemington Rd, lat: -35.20756, lng: 149.14778}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, lat: -35.2008585, lng: 149.1493407}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Sandford St,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Sandford St, lat: -35.221231, lng: 149.144645}
+  - { name: Florey Shops,stop_code: Florey Shops, lat: -35.2258544, lng: 149.0546214}
+  - { name: Flynn,stop_code: Flynn, lat: -35.2019283, lng: 149.0478356}
+  - { name: Fraser,stop_code: Fraser, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
+  - { name: Fraser East Terminus,stop_code: Fraser East Terminus, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
+  - { name: Fraser Shops,stop_code: Fraser Shops, lat: -35.18966, lng: 149.0435}
+  - { name: Fraser West Terminus,stop_code: Fraser West Terminus, lat: -35.191513, lng: 149.038006}
+  - { name: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet,stop_code: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796322}
+  - { name: Fyshwick Terminus,stop_code: Fyshwick Terminus, lat: -35.3285202, lng: 149.1785592}
+  - { name: Garran,stop_code: Garran, lat: -35.3423286, lng: 149.10811}
+  - { name: Garran Shops,stop_code: Garran Shops, lat: -35.34236, lng: 149.1082}
+  - { name: Geoscience Australia,stop_code: Geoscience Australia, lat: -35.3429702, lng: 149.1583893}
+  - { name: Giralang,stop_code: Giralang, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
+  - { name: Giralang Shops,stop_code: Giralang Shops, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
+  - { name: Gordon Primary,stop_code: Gordon Primary, lat: -35.455517, lng: 149.086978}
+  - { name: Gowrie,stop_code: Gowrie, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
+  - { name: Gowrie Shops,stop_code: Gowrie Shops, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
+  - { name: Gungahlin Marketplace,stop_code: Gungahlin Marketplace, lat: -35.1769532, lng: 149.1319017}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square Kaleen,stop_code: Gwydir Square Kaleen, lat: -35.2338677, lng: 149.1031998}
+  - { name: Hackett,stop_code: Hackett, lat: -35.2481617, lng: 149.1626094}
+  - { name: Hackett Shops,stop_code: Hackett Shops, lat: -35.24825, lng: 149.16271}
+  - { name: Hawker,stop_code: Hawker, lat: -35.2437386, lng: 149.0432804}
+  - { name: Hawker College,stop_code: Hawker College, lat: -35.2454598, lng: 149.0324251}
+  - { name: Hawker Shops,stop_code: Hawker Shops, lat: -35.24398, lng: 149.04361}
+  - { name: Heagney / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Heagney / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4251299, lng: 149.11375}
+  - { name: Hibberson / Kate Crace,stop_code: Hibberson / Kate Crace, lat: -35.1861642, lng: 149.1391756}
+  - { name: Higgins,stop_code: Higgins, lat: -35.2313901, lng: 149.0271811}
+  - { name: Higgins Shops,stop_code: Higgins Shops, lat: -35.23136, lng: 149.02611}
+  - { name: Holder,stop_code: Holder, lat: -35.3378123, lng: 149.0449433}
+  - { name: Holder Shops,stop_code: Holder Shops, lat: -35.33781, lng: 149.04494}
+  - { name: Holt,stop_code: Holt, lat: -35.223099, lng: 149.0126269}
+  - { name: Holt Shops,stop_code: Holt Shops, lat: -35.2231, lng: 149.01263}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave,stop_code: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, lat: -35.201095, lng: 149.139941}
+  - { name: Hospice / Menindee Dr,stop_code: Hospice / Menindee Dr, lat: -35.303557, lng: 149.151627}
+  - { name: Hughes,stop_code: Hughes, lat: -35.3339223, lng: 149.093854}
+  - { name: Hughes Shops,stop_code: Hughes Shops, lat: -35.3335, lng: 149.09392}
+  - { name: Isaacs,stop_code: Isaacs, lat: -35.3669823, lng: 149.1119217}
+  - { name: Isaacs Shops,stop_code: Isaacs Shops, lat: -35.36698, lng: 149.11192}
+  - { name: Isabella Shops,stop_code: Isabella Shops, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837}
+  - { name: Jamison Centre,stop_code: Jamison Centre, lat: -35.2527268, lng: 149.0713712}
+  - { name: John James Hospital,stop_code: John James Hospital, lat: -35.3200295, lng: 149.0955996}
+  - { name: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong,stop_code: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, lat: -35.2274031, lng: 149.1075421}
+  - { name: Kambah High,stop_code: Kambah High, lat: -35.3847749, lng: 149.0720245}
+  - { name: Kambah Village,stop_code: Kambah Village, lat: -35.3800314, lng: 149.0576581}
+  - { name: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, lat: -35.1680901, lng: 149.1321801}
+  - { name: Kerrigan / Lhotsky,stop_code: Kerrigan / Lhotsky, lat: -35.193801, lng: 149.035689}
+  - { name: Kings Ave / National Circuit,stop_code: Kings Ave / National Circuit, lat: -35.305004, lng: 149.13262}
+  - { name: Kingston,stop_code: Kingston, lat: -35.3197448, lng: 149.1375261}
+  - { name: Kippax,stop_code: Kippax, lat: -35.22225, lng: 149.0195627}
+  - { name: Kippax Centre,stop_code: Kippax Centre, lat: -35.22172, lng: 149.01995}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko / Everard,stop_code: Kosciuszko / Everard, lat: -35.188901, lng: 149.1216937}
+  - { name: Lanyon Market Place,stop_code: Lanyon Market Place, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199}
+  - { name: Latham Post Office,stop_code: Latham Post Office, lat: -35.21906, lng: 149.03223}
+  - { name: Latham Shops,stop_code: Latham Shops, lat: -35.21848, lng: 149.03214}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station,stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station, lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2408973, lng: 149.0639887}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2406038, lng: 149.0638922}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2405468, lng: 149.0636669}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr,stop_code: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
+  - { name: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick,stop_code: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, lat: -35.3296912, lng: 149.1668153}
+  - { name: Livingston Shops Kambah,stop_code: Livingston Shops Kambah, lat: -35.3883359, lng: 149.0811471}
+  - { name: Livingston Shops / Kambah,stop_code: Livingston Shops / Kambah, lat: -35.390246, lng: 149.07822}
+  - { name: Lyneham,stop_code: Lyneham, lat: -35.2523304, lng: 149.1246184}
+  - { name: Lyneham High,stop_code: Lyneham High, lat: -35.2524016, lng: 149.130254}
+  - { name: Lyneham Shops Wattle Street,stop_code: Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, lat: -35.25205, lng: 149.12524}
+  - { name: Lyons,stop_code: Lyons, lat: -35.3415779, lng: 149.0765703}
+  - { name: Lyons Shops,stop_code: Lyons Shops, lat: -35.34019, lng: 149.0771}
+  - { name: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor,stop_code: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, lat: -35.2587584, lng: 149.1153561}
+  - { name: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave,stop_code: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, lat: -35.26051, lng: 149.13224}
+  - { name: Macgregor,stop_code: Macgregor, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
+  - { name: Macgregor Shops,stop_code: Macgregor Shops, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
+  - { name: MacKillop College Isabella Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Isabella Campus, lat: -35.42597, lng: 149.09172}
+  - { name: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, lat: -35.4056, lng: 149.089774}
+  - { name: Macquarie,stop_code: Macquarie, lat: -35.2483414, lng: 149.0600666}
+  - { name: Majura Business Park,stop_code: Majura Business Park, lat: -35.2987, lng: 149.18561}
+  - { name: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo,stop_code: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, lat: -35.193236, lng: 149.146534}
+  - { name: Manuka,stop_code: Manuka, lat: -35.3200096, lng: 149.1341344}
+  - { name: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres,stop_code: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, lat: -35.3217, lng: 149.13445}
+  - { name: McKellar,stop_code: McKellar, lat: -35.2174267, lng: 149.0742108}
+  - { name: McKellar Shops,stop_code: McKellar Shops, lat: -35.2182, lng: 149.07555}
+  - { name: Melba,stop_code: Melba, lat: -35.2083104, lng: 149.0485366}
+  - { name: Melba Shops,stop_code: Melba Shops, lat: -35.21004, lng: 149.05302}
+  - { name: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.45144, lng: 149.0919}
+  - { name: Merici College,stop_code: Merici College, lat: -35.266525, lng: 149.137037}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall,stop_code: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, lat: -35.177453, lng: 149.124291}
+  - { name: Monash,stop_code: Monash, lat: -35.4190254, lng: 149.0834805}
+  - { name: Monash Goodwin Village,stop_code: Monash Goodwin Village, lat: -35.421084, lng: 149.097438}
+  - { name: Monash Primary,stop_code: Monash Primary, lat: -35.414879, lng: 149.089411}
+  - { name: Mount Neighbour School,stop_code: Mount Neighbour School, lat: -35.382445, lng: 149.051518}
+  - { name: Narrabundah,stop_code: Narrabundah, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
+  - { name: Narrabundah College,stop_code: Narrabundah College, lat: -35.3362106, lng: 149.1471005}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Terminus,stop_code: Narrabundah Terminus, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
+  - { name: National Circ / Canberra Ave,stop_code: National Circ / Canberra Ave, lat: -35.31407, lng: 149.13011}
+  - { name: National Hockey Centre Lyneham,stop_code: National Hockey Centre Lyneham, lat: -35.2446729, lng: 149.1288303}
+  - { name: National Museum of Australia,stop_code: National Museum of Australia, lat: -35.29248, lng: 149.1205367}
+  - { name: National Zoo and Aquarium,stop_code: National Zoo and Aquarium, lat: -35.29915, lng: 149.07025}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street after Isa Street,stop_code: Newcastle Street after Isa Street, lat: -35.3255, lng: 149.173291}
+  - { name: Ngunnawal Primary,stop_code: Ngunnawal Primary, lat: -35.1688551, lng: 149.1112569}
+  - { name: Nicholls Primary,stop_code: Nicholls Primary, lat: -35.1905592, lng: 149.0876716}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St,stop_code: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, lat: -35.248287, lng: 149.134241}
+  - { name: North Lyneham,stop_code: North Lyneham, lat: -35.2385618, lng: 149.1221188}
+  - { name: O'Connor,stop_code: O'Connor, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
+  - { name: O'Connor Shops,stop_code: O'Connor Shops, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
+  - { name: Olims Hotel,stop_code: Olims Hotel, lat: -35.27597, lng: 149.1428}
+  - { name: Outtrim / Duggan,stop_code: Outtrim / Duggan, lat: -35.435871, lng: 149.097692}
+  - { name: Page Shops,stop_code: Page Shops, lat: -35.2360695, lng: 149.0536554}
+  - { name: Parliament House,stop_code: Parliament House, lat: -35.3081571, lng: 149.1244592}
+  - { name: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr,stop_code: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, lat: -35.17467, lng: 149.12005}
+  - { name: Pearce,stop_code: Pearce, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
+  - { name: Pearce Shops,stop_code: Pearce Shops, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
+  - { name: Police College Weston,stop_code: Police College Weston, lat: -35.33018, lng: 149.05458}
+  - { name: Proctor / Mead,stop_code: Proctor / Mead, lat: -35.415305, lng: 149.127204}
+  - { name: Railway Station Kingston,stop_code: Railway Station Kingston, lat: -35.319602, lng: 149.149083}
+  - { name: Red Hill,stop_code: Red Hill, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
+  - { name: Red Hill Shops,stop_code: Red Hill Shops, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
+  - { name: Rivett,stop_code: Rivett, lat: -35.3473758, lng: 149.0365438}
+  - { name: Rivett Shops,stop_code: Rivett Shops, lat: -35.34737, lng: 149.03654}
+  - { name: Russell Offices,stop_code: Russell Offices, lat: -35.2973294, lng: 149.1508803}
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Sainsbury Street, lat: -35.3885, lng: 149.09643}
+  - { name: Saint Andrews Village Hughes,stop_code: Saint Andrews Village Hughes, lat: -35.328097, lng: 149.088685}
+  - { name: Scullin Shops,stop_code: Scullin Shops, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave,stop_code: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, lat: -35.16823, lng: 149.12791}
+  - { name: Southlands Mawson,stop_code: Southlands Mawson, lat: -35.3650685, lng: 149.0945962}
+  - { name: Southwell Park,stop_code: Southwell Park, lat: -35.24573, lng: 149.1321}
+  - { name: Spence,stop_code: Spence, lat: -35.194735, lng: 149.062352}
+  - { name: Spence Shops,stop_code: Spence Shops, lat: -35.19968, lng: 149.06763}
+  - { name: Spence Terminus,stop_code: Spence Terminus, lat: -35.199684, lng: 149.0676196}
+  - { name: St Clare of Assisi,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi, lat: -35.46063, lng: 149.09627}
+  - { name: St Clare of Assisi Primary,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi Primary, lat: -35.4606284, lng: 149.0962704}
+  - { name: St Francis Xavier Florey,stop_code: St Francis Xavier Florey, lat: -35.223951, lng: 149.0406888}
+  - { name: Stromlo High Waramanga,stop_code: Stromlo High Waramanga, lat: -35.3551186, lng: 149.0547624}
+  - { name: St Thomas More's Campbell,stop_code: St Thomas More's Campbell, lat: -35.286717, lng: 149.156836}
+  - { name: Sydney Ave,stop_code: Sydney Ave, lat: -35.31193, lng: 149.13105}
+  - { name: Taverner St / Erindale Dr,stop_code: Taverner St / Erindale Dr, lat: -35.4059104, lng: 149.0809317}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.458251, lng: 149.091652}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, lat: -35.47281, lng: 149.08926}
+  - { name: Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178}
+  - { name: Theodore,stop_code: Theodore, lat: -35.4464808, lng: 149.1234651}
+  - { name: Tillyard / Spalding,stop_code: Tillyard / Spalding, lat: -35.199204, lng: 149.044556}
+  - { name: Torrens Shops,stop_code: Torrens Shops, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station,stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station, lat: -35.41465, lng: 149.06537}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
+  - { name: University of Canberra,stop_code: University of Canberra, lat: -35.2423222, lng: 149.0831522}
+  - { name: Wanniassa High,stop_code: Wanniassa High, lat: -35.3952462, lng: 149.0852655}
+  - { name: Waramanga,stop_code: Waramanga, lat: -35.3526825, lng: 149.0594712}
+  - { name: Waramanga Shops,stop_code: Waramanga Shops, lat: -35.35268, lng: 149.05948}
+  - { name: War Memorial Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085}
+  - { name: Watson,stop_code: Watson, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
+  - { name: Watson Shops,stop_code: Watson Shops, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
+  - { name: Watson Terminus,stop_code: Watson Terminus, lat: -35.2374698, lng: 149.1534553}
+  - { name: Weetangera Shops,stop_code: Weetangera Shops, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station,stop_code: Westfield Bus Station, lat: -35.23875, lng: 149.0638}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23872, lng: 149.06387}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23882, lng: 149.0637}
+  - { name: West Macgregor,stop_code: West Macgregor, lat: -35.21207, lng: 149.00165}
+  - { name: Weston Creek Terminus,stop_code: Weston Creek Terminus, lat: -35.342728, lng: 149.0524906}
+  - { name: Weston Primary,stop_code: Weston Primary, lat: -35.3305221, lng: 149.0524281}
+  - { name: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, lat: -35.222395, lng: 149.0706}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station,stop_code: Woden Bus Station, lat: -35.34433, lng: 149.08742}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), lat: -35.3442094, lng: 149.0876444}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872662}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870436}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
+  - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
+  - { name: Yarralumla Shops,stop_code: Yarralumla Shops, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1ceG, lat: -35.4375289, lng: 149.0757996}
+  - { name: Tarlton Place,stop_code: Wjz1kvl, lat: -35.4366017, lng: 149.0890756}
+  - { name: Don Dunstan Drive,stop_code: Wjz16U7, lat: -35.4302659, lng: 149.0722593}
+  - { name: Salmon Place,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528}
+  - { name: Crozier Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5LYB, lat: -35.2464052, lng: 149.1278592}
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5LsC, lat: -35.2463364, lng: 149.1223897}
+  - { name: Clianthus Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781}
+  - { name: Way Street,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155}
+  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435}
+  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142}
+  - { name: McClintock Street,stop_code: Wjz6ElH, lat: -35.2404264, lng: 149.1210434}
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507}
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416}
+  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eWi, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0835148}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262}
+  - { name: Jacob Place,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418}
+  - { name: Love Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234}
+  - { name: Box Place,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238}
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719}
+  - { name: Want Place,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045}
+  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561}
+  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415}
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716}
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IqS, lat: -35.2202741, lng: 149.034858}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EA_, lat: -35.2407288, lng: 149.0362953}
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194}
+  - { name: Challinor Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Vnf, lat: -35.2331848, lng: 149.054555}
+  - { name: Lightfoot Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628}
+  - { name: Nanson Place,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724}
+  - { name: Kulgera Street,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391}
+  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979}
+  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574}
+  - { name: James Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263}
+  - { name: Fuller Street,stop_code: Wjz4qgy, lat: -35.3208475, lng: 149.098981}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042}
+  - { name: De Chair Street,stop_code: Wjz4qTw, lat: -35.3162151, lng: 149.1045086}
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qs0, lat: -35.3182278, lng: 149.09964}
+  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yzk, lat: -35.3186155, lng: 149.1123352}
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178}
+  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569}
+  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979}
+  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534}
+  - { name: Lienhop Street,stop_code: Wjz1HTi, lat: -35.4423392, lng: 149.1260397}
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796}
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306}
+  - { name: Callister Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205}
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257}
+  - { name: Fidge Street,stop_code: Wjz1rQ6, lat: -35.4440887, lng: 149.1038388}
+  - { name: Weavers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761}
+  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734}
+  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457}
+  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974}
+  - { name: Muscio Place,stop_code: Wjz2EdX, lat: -35.416214, lng: 149.120065}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677}
+  - { name: Southern Close,stop_code: Wjz1K49, lat: -35.428009, lng: 149.1176708}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777}
+  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218}
+  - { name: Twamley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1JD7, lat: -35.4309354, lng: 149.1230759}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1JTP, lat: -35.4312901, lng: 149.126776}
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1SfM, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1309478}
+  - { name: Henry Melville Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715}
+  - { name: Muntz Street,stop_code: Wjz1Lxu, lat: -35.4241367, lng: 149.1234749}
+  - { name: Mofflin Street,stop_code: Wjz1Liw, lat: -35.4239889, lng: 149.1208993}
+  - { name: Tuck Place,stop_code: Wjz1DLm, lat: -35.4200572, lng: 149.1136804}
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M5R, lat: -35.4160071, lng: 149.129533}
+  - { name: Hynes Place,stop_code: Wjz2wY-, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1173443}
+  - { name: Sweet Place,stop_code: Wjz2EL2, lat: -35.4149132, lng: 149.1244544}
+  - { name: Schoales Place,stop_code: WjrXZiM, lat: -35.3470777, lng: 149.0553331}
+  - { name: Logue Place,stop_code: WjrXRW0, lat: -35.3471147, lng: 149.0502999}
+  - { name: Finlayson Place,stop_code: Wjz2NPZ, lat: -35.4118681, lng: 149.1378765}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZz3, lat: -35.3461161, lng: 149.0570563}
+  - { name: Wark Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265}
+  - { name: McCulloch Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296}
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092}
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4rk2, lat: -35.3126013, lng: 149.0982349}
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136}
+  - { name: Jensen Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541}
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hMe, lat: -35.3259558, lng: 149.0929241}
+  - { name: Yarra Glen,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563}
+  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUG8, lat: -35.3306155, lng: 149.058622}
+  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542}
+  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465}
+  - { name: Jennings Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651}
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUj0, lat: -35.3299526, lng: 149.0543559}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lm, lat: -35.3321544, lng: 149.0697369}
+  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512}
+  - { name: Derwent Street,stop_code: Wjz3ee-, lat: -35.3383098, lng: 149.0761505}
+  - { name: Anne Place,stop_code: Wjz3fa8, lat: -35.3360845, lng: 149.0750477}
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Lw, lat: -35.3381915, lng: 149.0592024}
+  - { name: Lycett Street,stop_code: WjrX_xY, lat: -35.3364869, lng: 149.0583028}
+  - { name: Meldrum Street,stop_code: WjrX_iU, lat: -35.3361318, lng: 149.0556038}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-m2, lat: -35.3386886, lng: 149.0543559}
+  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615}
+  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: Wjz354b, lat: -35.345459, lng: 149.062772}
+  - { name: Gask Place,stop_code: Wjz1et6, lat: -35.4269117, lng: 149.0777759}
+  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1nxQ, lat: -35.4243695, lng: 149.0911255}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz1f8Y, lat: -35.4250198, lng: 149.076216}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz1f2H, lat: -35.4237487, lng: 149.0744748}
+  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz1f7q, lat: -35.4203787, lng: 149.0740032}
+  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bHS, lat: -35.400824, lng: 149.0814035}
+  - { name: Derham Court,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019}
+  - { name: Mortimer Lewis Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259}
+  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6e8G, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0758577}
+  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714}
+  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463}
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811}
+  - { name: Clubbe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939}
+  - { name: Higgins Place,stop_code: Wjr-yOB, lat: -35.2313222, lng: 149.0276235}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hoi, lat: -35.2274077, lng: 149.0341216}
+  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495}
+  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515}
+  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018}
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196}
+  - { name: Allen Street,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263}
+  - { name: Alfred Place,stop_code: Wjza_-f, lat: -35.3767042, lng: 149.237157}
+  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXms, lat: -35.3550134, lng: 149.2306199}
+  - { name: Bazley Street,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33GY, lat: -35.3577485, lng: 149.0706526}
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXFn, lat: -35.3581997, lng: 149.0587995}
+  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261}
+  - { name: Kapunda Street,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061}
+  - { name: Nannine Place,stop_code: WjrXXq3, lat: -35.3578077, lng: 149.0557251}
+  - { name: Greenvale Street,stop_code: WjrXXd0, lat: -35.3559956, lng: 149.0529772}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz35av, lat: -35.3464684, lng: 149.064395}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIDX, lat: -35.348916, lng: 149.0363428}
+  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: WjrX-FV, lat: -35.3422149, lng: 149.0596338}
+  - { name: Chevalier Street,stop_code: Wjz356k, lat: -35.3440169, lng: 149.0629513}
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz358l, lat: -35.3480588, lng: 149.0643043}
+  - { name: Tiwi Place,stop_code: Wjz348u, lat: -35.3534586, lng: 149.0644857}
+  - { name: Bidia Place,stop_code: Wjz337w, lat: -35.354642, lng: 149.0633068}
+  - { name: Dalabon Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXK9, lat: -35.355219, lng: 149.0585637}
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXyQ, lat: -35.3576967, lng: 149.0580467}
+  - { name: Tristania Street,stop_code: WjrXRks, lat: -35.3453958, lng: 149.0438991}
+  - { name: Damala Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095}
+  - { name: Somerset Street,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183}
+  - { name: Frayne Place,stop_code: WjrXQZX, lat: -35.3502779, lng: 149.0514717}
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997}
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156}
+  - { name: Nelumbo Street,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKoe, lat: -35.3424911, lng: 149.0339533}
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846}
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649}
+  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582}
+  - { name: Counsel Street,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712}
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622}
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466}
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758}
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873}
+  - { name: Calder Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789}
+  - { name: Woodger Place,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177}
+  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721}
+  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041}
+  - { name: Duffy Place,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459}
+  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXKfG, lat: -35.338018, lng: 149.0318393}
+  - { name: Anstey Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L1H, lat: -35.2046871, lng: 149.0304447}
+  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167}
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118}
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2F, lat: -35.3580142, lng: 149.0853648}
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3it1, lat: -35.3614164, lng: 149.0886297}
+  - { name: Pialligo Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666}
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364}
+  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf3oM, lat: -35.1836894, lng: 149.1556666}
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_Gxf, lat: -35.1878657, lng: 149.0352296}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265}
+  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_FTN, lat: -35.1897508, lng: 149.038952}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062}
+  - { name: Bandt Place,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682}
+  - { name: Filshie Close,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464}
+  - { name: Donnison Place,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603}
+  - { name: Edlington Street,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724}
+  - { name: Nish Place,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871}
+  - { name: Shrivell Circuit,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528}
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263}
+  - { name: Eddison Place,stop_code: Wjr_NFt, lat: -35.1935465, lng: 149.0479464}
+  - { name: Garrad Court,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264}
+  - { name: Covington Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168}
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189}
+  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829}
+  - { name: Hirschfeld Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105}
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DNK, lat: -35.2044788, lng: 149.0277602}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2029293, lng: 149.0277662}
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978}
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638}
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805}
+  - { name: Rossell Place,stop_code: Wjr-KJQ, lat: -35.2073355, lng: 149.037506}
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876}
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184}
+  - { name: Cumpston Place,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622}
+  - { name: Nulsen Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-S6B, lat: -35.2066123, lng: 149.0412991}
+  - { name: Tulloch Place,stop_code: Wjr-RnT, lat: -35.2112095, lng: 149.0444601}
+  - { name: Grigson Place,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976}
+  - { name: Hampton Gardens,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658}
+  - { name: Rentoul Place,stop_code: Wjr-Rs8, lat: -35.2139046, lng: 149.0449606}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121}
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-z_L, lat: -35.222191, lng: 149.0291286}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654}
+  - { name: Messenger Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113}
+  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355}
+  - { name: Holt Place,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011}
+  - { name: Ashburner Street,stop_code: Wjr-yrh, lat: -35.2309899, lng: 149.0230231}
+  - { name: Grout Place,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771}
+  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222}
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955}
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569}
+  - { name: Chave Street,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983}
+  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955}
+  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-xxu, lat: -35.2373929, lng: 149.0246092}
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYue, lat: -35.3493054, lng: 149.2316145}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzbYD0, lat: -35.3491814, lng: 149.232803}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdA, lat: -35.3446934, lng: 149.2184308}
+  - { name: Pound Street,stop_code: Wjzj5cC, lat: -35.3451754, lng: 149.2404108}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBx, lat: -35.3449879, lng: 149.2226535}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
+  - { name: Redwood Avenue,stop_code: WjzaJ9a, lat: -35.391582, lng: 149.2069701}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbPQW, lat: -35.3565184, lng: 149.2259167}
+  - { name: Kenneth Place,stop_code: WjzbVBj, lat: -35.3667378, lng: 149.233235}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVCw, lat: -35.3663608, lng: 149.2335824}
+  - { name: Gibbs Place,stop_code: Wjz9JIL, lat: -35.4330525, lng: 149.2131844}
+  - { name: Parkview Crescent,stop_code: WjzaK0g, lat: -35.3868815, lng: 149.2056751}
+  - { name: Dixon Place,stop_code: WjzaDIK, lat: -35.3781802, lng: 149.2021825}
+  - { name: Rutledge Street,stop_code: WjzbXBT, lat: -35.3553953, lng: 149.2338714}
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611}
+  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tg, lat: -35.2461188, lng: 149.0669661}
+  - { name: Greene Place,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751}
+  - { name: Gatehouse Place,stop_code: Wjz5f2j, lat: -35.2479775, lng: 149.0739202}
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082}
+  - { name: Cobbett Place,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571}
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz5vjd, lat: -35.2470998, lng: 149.0983861}
+  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5v68, lat: -35.2454993, lng: 149.0956677}
+  - { name: Dunlop Court,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379}
+  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132}
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282}
+  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713}
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402}
+  - { name: Ayers Fowler Street,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218}
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046}
+  - { name: Whiteside Court,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127}
+  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944}
+  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522}
+  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114}
+  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7q-_, lat: -35.1844351, lng: 149.1063899}
+  - { name: Quist Place,stop_code: Wjz7yfG, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.108729}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816}
+  - { name: Bimbiang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404}
+  - { name: Bargang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105}
+  - { name: Warabin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298}
+  - { name: Bunburung Close,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106}
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164}
+  - { name: Gurubun Close,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923}
+  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BWN, lat: -35.1712067, lng: 149.1171372}
+  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913}
+  - { name: Taggerty Street,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659}
+  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqJ, lat: -35.1654186, lng: 149.1114474}
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CA3, lat: -35.16423, lng: 149.1119532}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKg, lat: -35.1630413, lng: 149.1137233}
+  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Ikc, lat: -35.1750825, lng: 149.1204878}
+  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108}
+  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982}
+  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R6d, lat: -35.1681577, lng: 149.1286431}
+  - { name: Timboram Street,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488}
+  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7SN-, lat: -35.1660013, lng: 149.1378981}
+  - { name: Boreham Lane,stop_code: Wjz7PIc, lat: -35.1805599, lng: 149.135534}
+  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pjj, lat: -35.1813349, lng: 149.1316144}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763}
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OBc, lat: -35.1853732, lng: 149.1341431}
+  - { name: Sarre Street,stop_code: Wjz7PNV, lat: -35.1828992, lng: 149.1380246}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901}
+  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7Xiv, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1427028}
+  - { name: Sarson Street,stop_code: Wjzf31y, lat: -35.1828475, lng: 149.151111}
+  - { name: Kalianna Street,stop_code: Wjzf2hJ, lat: -35.1880144, lng: 149.154019}
+  - { name: Nimbera Street,stop_code: Wjzf1X3, lat: -35.1923543, lng: 149.1600249}
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf91m, lat: -35.1934909, lng: 149.1618582}
+  - { name: Elabana Street,stop_code: Wjzf0EJ, lat: -35.1997419, lng: 149.1581283}
+  - { name: Cudgewa Lane,stop_code: Wjze7Cp, lat: -35.2014466, lng: 149.1565478}
+  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6TZN, lat: -35.2021182, lng: 149.1392257}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141}
+  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277}
+  - { name: Everard Street,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474}
+  - { name: Vicars Street,stop_code: Wjz6-16, lat: -35.20994, lng: 149.1394383}
+  - { name: McEacharn Place,stop_code: Wjz6Zb2, lat: -35.214395, lng: 149.1408607}
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929}
+  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788}
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817}
+  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105}
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256}
+  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze2eG, lat: -35.2288072, lng: 149.1527323}
+  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze3gN, lat: -35.2275265, lng: 149.154199}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981}
+  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705}
+  - { name: Dobbie Place,stop_code: Wjze0Pi, lat: -35.2418709, lng: 149.1591256}
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vR, lat: -35.2388968, lng: 149.1555853}
+  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427}
+  - { name: Harvey Street,stop_code: Wjze1gi, lat: -35.2384424, lng: 149.1535117}
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UYK, lat: -35.2407969, lng: 149.1499714}
+  - { name: Atherton Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upu, lat: -35.2429035, lng: 149.1442058}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_y0, lat: -35.2482318, lng: 149.1449139}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd73N, lat: -35.2474057, lng: 149.1515393}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7sL, lat: -35.2462079, lng: 149.1554841}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527}
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701}
+  - { name: Salomons Place,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172}
+  - { name: Agnew Street,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576}
+  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324}
+  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115}
+  - { name: Bunda Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
+  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819}
+  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524}
+  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132}
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624}
+  - { name: Karri Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279}
+  - { name: Jarrah Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129}
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333}
+  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161}
+  - { name: Savige Street,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776}
+  - { name: Chowne Street,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635}
+  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877}
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501}
+  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056}
+  - { name: Bungey Street,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_wS, lat: -35.2930129, lng: 149.145973}
+  - { name: Wendouree Drive,stop_code: Wjz4_jm, lat: -35.2909901, lng: 149.1425844}
+  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz5MEL, lat: -35.2874399, lng: 149.1362625}
+  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: Wjzce4H, lat: -35.2960675, lng: 149.1623594}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzceFT, lat: -35.2977187, lng: 149.1693894}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzcdDs, lat: -35.299411, lng: 149.1675181}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcdi7, lat: -35.3025893, lng: 149.1642813}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732}
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc59p, lat: -35.3037863, lng: 149.1523455}
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc45R, lat: -35.3061389, lng: 149.1514351}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704}
+  - { name: Wickham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FEJ, lat: -35.3260887, lng: 149.125286}
+  - { name: Vancouver Street,stop_code: Wjz4ECF, lat: -35.3278218, lng: 149.1238193}
+  - { name: Friendship Street,stop_code: Wjz3LP9, lat: -35.3353724, lng: 149.1259941}
+  - { name: Quiros Street,stop_code: Wjz3LN9, lat: -35.3367339, lng: 149.1259435}
+  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333}
+  - { name: Favenc Circle,stop_code: Wjz4Ue5, lat: -35.327397, lng: 149.140921}
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ujk, lat: -35.3295839, lng: 149.1425394}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_Ji, lat: -35.3339111, lng: 149.146681}
+  - { name: McKinlay Place,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952}
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235}
+  - { name: Leeton Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292}
+  - { name: Boolimba Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186}
+  - { name: Iluka Street,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3Kxb, lat: -35.342056, lng: 149.1231366}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JDp, lat: -35.3435515, lng: 149.1235159}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JJs, lat: -35.344686, lng: 149.1248435}
+  - { name: Beagle Street,stop_code: Wjz3Rdo, lat: -35.3450469, lng: 149.1304068}
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257}
+  - { name: Astrolabe Street,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337}
+  - { name: Bell Street,stop_code: Wjz4MpW, lat: -35.3311406, lng: 149.1338209}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jb, lat: -35.3392754, lng: 149.1466095}
+  - { name: Narupai Street,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581}
+  - { name: Kyeema Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338}
+  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7HN, lat: -35.335349, lng: 149.1583716}
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUA, lat: -35.3426508, lng: 149.1388551}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622}
+  - { name: Dalby Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzbfnr, lat: -35.332383, lng: 149.1647873}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416}
+  - { name: Jindalee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3r_u, lat: -35.3540946, lng: 149.1057023}
+  - { name: Arrellah Place,stop_code: Wjz3rQi, lat: -35.3565695, lng: 149.104185}
+  - { name: Coreen Place,stop_code: Wjz3z0c, lat: -35.3591474, lng: 149.106777}
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y4z, lat: -35.3619315, lng: 149.1072828}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3pZQ, lat: -35.366623, lng: 149.1062713}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3x3A, lat: -35.3680664, lng: 149.1072196}
+  - { name: Bee Place,stop_code: Wjz3xwa, lat: -35.3702316, lng: 149.1122771}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3wrK, lat: -35.3733761, lng: 149.1115817}
+  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz3woC, lat: -35.3754381, lng: 149.1112656}
+  - { name: Shepherdson Place,stop_code: Wjz2DPD, lat: -35.378737, lng: 149.1155013}
+  - { name: Pudney Street,stop_code: Wjz2DEs, lat: -35.3811081, lng: 149.1139208}
+  - { name: Woodgate Street,stop_code: Wjz2C5I, lat: -35.3831852, lng: 149.1074202}
+  - { name: Muresk Street,stop_code: Wjz2uSZ, lat: -35.3823742, lng: 149.1050643}
+  - { name: Longerenong Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627}
+  - { name: Pridham Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886}
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oeM, lat: -35.3718451, lng: 149.0980006}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hXO, lat: -35.3681696, lng: 149.0952079}
+  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3peD, lat: -35.3657466, lng: 149.0976102}
+  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366}
+  - { name: Brookman Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124}
+  - { name: Batchelor Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364}
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243}
+  - { name: Garratt Street,stop_code: Wjz2k5E, lat: -35.3945084, lng: 149.0853457}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cKo, lat: -35.3937869, lng: 149.0809204}
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2crQ, lat: -35.3954875, lng: 149.0787077}
+  - { name: Byrne Street,stop_code: Wjz2kbO, lat: -35.3956421, lng: 149.0869894}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2lDC, lat: -35.3870716, lng: 149.090679}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2u2j, lat: -35.3853192, lng: 149.095863}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ugd, lat: -35.3865047, lng: 149.0985182}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2tyn, lat: -35.3904732, lng: 149.1013631}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2sLr, lat: -35.3928439, lng: 149.1028803}
+  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2qJ7, lat: -35.4048663, lng: 149.1024781}
+  - { name: Grattan Court,stop_code: Wjz2r9X, lat: -35.4024569, lng: 149.098142}
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFF, lat: -35.4026479, lng: 149.0922959}
+  - { name: Snowden Place,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883}
+  - { name: Sturdee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iVd, lat: -35.4077519, lng: 149.0942596}
+  - { name: Crocker Place,stop_code: Wjz2q9z, lat: -35.4079064, lng: 149.0976735}
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6d, lat: -35.4098598, lng: 149.1177053}
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xyM, lat: -35.4130074, lng: 149.113099}
+  - { name: Woods Place,stop_code: Wjz2pVO, lat: -35.4135227, lng: 149.1062081}
+  - { name: Stacy Street,stop_code: Wjz2oQE, lat: -35.4171292, lng: 149.1046908}
+  - { name: Gilday Place,stop_code: Wjz2Gff, lat: -35.403475, lng: 149.1191048}
+  - { name: Demaine Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336}
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301}
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548}
+  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cz3, lat: -35.4395376, lng: 149.079087}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1d0X, lat: -35.4360866, lng: 149.0748513}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz15Xb, lat: -35.4340778, lng: 149.0723858}
+  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748}
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1kyn, lat: -35.4398982, lng: 149.0904032}
+  - { name: Stella Hume Street,stop_code: Wjz16Q9, lat: -35.4280509, lng: 149.0709317}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265}
+  - { name: Meredith Circuit,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706}
+  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492}
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459}
+  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484}
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LLF, lat: -35.2446872, lng: 149.1252507}
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LDv, lat: -35.2442061, lng: 149.1235678}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1gBy, lat: -35.4601891, lng: 149.0907826}
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v3X, lat: -35.4670374, lng: 149.0967252}
+  - { name: Troughton Street,stop_code: Wjz0unz, lat: -35.4697663, lng: 149.0990011}
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uQv, lat: -35.4714653, lng: 149.1043747}
+  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0C4B, lat: -35.4716198, lng: 149.1071563}
+  - { name: Kallista Place,stop_code: Wjz0Cpn, lat: -35.4735247, lng: 149.1110759}
+  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0Bv9, lat: -35.4753782, lng: 149.1107598}
+  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0t_T, lat: -35.4749148, lng: 149.1061448}
+  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tno, lat: -35.4754811, lng: 149.0988746}
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0u92, lat: -35.4739881, lng: 149.0969148}
+  - { name: Menzies Court,stop_code: Wjz0lYC, lat: -35.4770256, lng: 149.0948286}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0t9g, lat: -35.4795997, lng: 149.0972309}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0kHU, lat: -35.4837695, lng: 149.0925527}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0klX, lat: -35.4821222, lng: 149.0884434}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lcW, lat: -35.477386, lng: 149.0870526}
+  - { name: McVilly Close,stop_code: Wjz0eVg, lat: -35.4740911, lng: 149.0835756}
+  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0m65, lat: -35.4702811, lng: 149.0845871}
+  - { name: Hickenbotham Street,stop_code: Wjz0n3A, lat: -35.4669344, lng: 149.0852193}
+  - { name: Oxenham Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1gnx, lat: -35.4589532, lng: 149.0880641}
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h9y, lat: -35.4574599, lng: 149.0866733}
+  - { name: McGilvray Close,stop_code: Wjz1h4G, lat: -35.4554516, lng: 149.0853457}
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1heN, lat: -35.4541126, lng: 149.0869262}
+  - { name: Donohoe Place,stop_code: Wjz1ic5, lat: -35.4496838, lng: 149.0858515}
+  - { name: Dempsey Place,stop_code: Wjz1bTA, lat: -35.4422159, lng: 149.0824376}
+  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cI3, lat: -35.438868, lng: 149.0804778}
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lh-, lat: -35.248398, lng: 149.12138}
+  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899}
+  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009}
+  - { name: David Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807}
+  - { name: Nicholson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216}
+  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5GeU, lat: -35.2729264, lng: 149.1200337}
+  - { name: Colville Street,stop_code: Wjz6EBY, lat: -35.2403577, lng: 149.1242409}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Myj, lat: -35.2424881, lng: 149.1344225}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vj2, lat: -35.2363715, lng: 149.1421638}
+  - { name: Claxton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Fze, lat: -35.2360279, lng: 149.123147}
+  - { name: Barsdell Place,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172}
+  - { name: Bean Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026}
+  - { name: Grover Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258}
+  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177}
+  - { name: Pirani Place,stop_code: Wjz6eGq, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0809063}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eoG, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0784661}
+  - { name: Gleadow Street,stop_code: Wjz65_2, lat: -35.2116258, lng: 149.0722394}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64CB, lat: -35.2176067, lng: 149.0687895}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NaX, lat: -35.1930428, lng: 149.043112}
+  - { name: Reuther Street,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435}
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268}
+  - { name: Lawrence Close,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041}
+  - { name: Pockley Close,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872}
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381}
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438}
+  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-G49, lat: -35.2302721, lng: 149.0298424}
+  - { name: Hodges Street,stop_code: Wjr-GcG, lat: -35.2301944, lng: 149.0319226}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667}
+  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368}
+  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599}
+  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287}
+  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887}
+  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031}
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601}
+  - { name: Hamelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399}
+  - { name: Sprent Street,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-r-, lat: -35.3403989, lng: 149.1448954}
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYnD, lat: -35.3485475, lng: 149.2307657}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3m, lat: -35.3459335, lng: 149.227726}
+  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXmQ, lat: -35.3550126, lng: 149.2311068}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYzg, lat: -35.3519226, lng: 149.2332104}
+  - { name: Yass Road,stop_code: Wjzj5BH, lat: -35.3447463, lng: 149.2446946}
+  - { name: Endurance Avenue,stop_code: Wjzj6z9, lat: -35.3407864, lng: 149.2440483}
+  - { name: Erin Street,stop_code: WjzbZqS, lat: -35.3465484, lng: 149.2325494}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbZ77, lat: -35.3430401, lng: 149.2274615}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdl, lat: -35.3446304, lng: 149.2181472}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbJSj, lat: -35.3441148, lng: 149.2140644}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3n, lat: -35.3458022, lng: 149.2277877}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBs, lat: -35.344722, lng: 149.2224303}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
+  - { name: Woodhill Link,stop_code: WjzaArS, lat: -35.3953167, lng: 149.1995002}
+  - { name: Nicholii Loop,stop_code: WjzaAXA, lat: -35.3954806, lng: 149.2047447}
+  - { name: Mariners Court,stop_code: WjzaAdv, lat: -35.3938794, lng: 149.1962366}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbBu_, lat: -35.3437537, lng: 149.1997253}
+  - { name: Broughton Place,stop_code: WjzbPXf, lat: -35.3567667, lng: 149.2261434}
+  - { name: Tharwa Road,stop_code: WjzbPpi, lat: -35.3586252, lng: 149.2208441}
+  - { name: Hayes Street,stop_code: WjzbWDe, lat: -35.3596366, lng: 149.2330229}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXwk, lat: -35.3591416, lng: 149.2331706}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVxf, lat: -35.369131, lng: 149.233084}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVy2, lat: -35.3689098, lng: 149.232863}
+  - { name: Old Cooma Road,stop_code: Wjz9JdV, lat: -35.4328562, lng: 149.2080577}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXAb, lat: -35.3564366, lng: 149.2330826}
+  - { name: Kinlyside Avenue,stop_code: WjzbwuF, lat: -35.3717405, lng: 149.1994726}
+  - { name: Darmody Place,stop_code: WjzbwDR, lat: -35.37069, lng: 149.2008683}
+  - { name: Halloran Drive,stop_code: WjzbwMd, lat: -35.3755316, lng: 149.2028602}
+  - { name: Maloney Street,stop_code: WjzbG5c, lat: -35.3611934, lng: 149.2054955}
+  - { name: Kendall Avenue North,stop_code: WjzbJRl, lat: -35.3445935, lng: 149.2139248}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPy, lat: -35.3352335, lng: 149.1703836}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622}
+  - { name: Burbury Close,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
+  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471}
+  - { name: Birdwood Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817}
+  - { name: McNicoll Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977}
+  - { name: Dennis Street,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878}
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711}
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727}
+  - { name: Bluebell Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194}
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718}
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961}
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923}
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199}
+  - { name: Flynn Drive,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289}
+  - { name: Beaconsfield Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462}
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281}
+  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685}
+  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086}
+  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132}
+  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985}
+  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113}
+  - { name: Catchpole Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927}
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467}
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585}
+  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413}
+  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119}
+  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394}
+  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845}
+  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221}
+  - { name: Wilsmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026}
+  - { name: Brinsmead Street,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357}
+  - { name: McDonald Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391}
+  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965}
+  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244}
+  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575}
+  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506}
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491}
+  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037}
+  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145}
+  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093}
+  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291}
+  - { name: Le Gallienne Street,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526}
+  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744}
+  - { name: Pattinson Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958}
+  - { name: Weedon Close,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439}
+  - { name: Carandini Street,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273}
+  - { name: Colborne Place,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667}
+  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269}
+  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979}
+  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793}
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779}
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759}
+  - { name: Furzer Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784}
+  - { name: Barton Highway,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628}
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558}
+  - { name: Sharwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978}
+  - { name: Deffell Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241}
+  - { name: Callaghan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677}
+  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143}
+  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627}
+  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542}
+  - { name: Stenhouse Close,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737}
+  - { name: Pitcairn Street,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672}
+  - { name: Kissane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6ec7, lat: -35.2077712, lng: 149.0749969}
+  - { name: Primmer Court,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033}
+  - { name: Sinclair Street,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524}
+  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386}
+  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226}
+  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942}
+  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484}
+  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951}
+  - { name: Driver Place,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105}
+  - { name: Willis Street,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406}
+  - { name: Kellway Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143}
+  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965}
+  - { name: Crofts Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518}
+  - { name: Standbridge Place,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172}
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646}
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942}
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273}
+  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519}
+  - { name: Boote Street,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026}
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179}
+  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116}
+  - { name: Emerton Street,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908}
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086}
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439}
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719}
+  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652}
+  - { name: Bindaga Street,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852}
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293}
+  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942}
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789}
+  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964}
+  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: Wjzj4ju, lat: -35.351369, lng: 149.2416919}
+  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647}
+  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
+  - { name: Pethebridge Street,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779}
+  - { name: Colbee Court,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118}
+  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965}
+  - { name: Molonglo Drive,stop_code: WjzcrEu, lat: -35.3150059, lng: 149.190788}
+  - { name: Lochiel Street,stop_code: WjzbUQX, lat: -35.3729581, lng: 149.2368028}
+  - { name: Noonan Street,stop_code: Wjzi7mf, lat: -35.3766831, lng: 149.2412565}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbUCp, lat: -35.3717241, lng: 149.2334526}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWBs, lat: -35.3611492, lng: 149.2334303}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWzE, lat: -35.3628765, lng: 149.2337473}
+  - { name: Hambly Place,stop_code: WjzbWyW, lat: -35.363411, lng: 149.2340547}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751}
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899}
+  - { name: Morisset Street,stop_code: WjzbYAM, lat: -35.3512052, lng: 149.2339748}
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456}
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969}
+  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mTK, lat: -35.3815863, lng: 149.0936139}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478}
+  - { name: Flierl Place,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658}
+  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258}
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Alc, lat: -35.2183514, lng: 149.021625}
+  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838}
+  - { name: Chambers Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391}
+  - { name: Macumba Place,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378}
+  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177}
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213}
+  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448}
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VdI, lat: -35.2348097, lng: 149.0539156}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341}
+  - { name: Dungowan Street,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595}
+  - { name: Capital Circle,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503}
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312}
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737}
+  - { name: Newdegate Street,stop_code: Wjz4qtY, lat: -35.3172423, lng: 149.100878}
+  - { name: Hannah Place,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4yng, lat: -35.316172, lng: 149.1095953}
+  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yGG, lat: -35.3194308, lng: 149.1142224}
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796}
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724}
+  - { name: Freda Gibson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946}
+  - { name: Burdett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442}
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111}
+  - { name: Cochrane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569}
+  - { name: Conlon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294}
+  - { name: Meeson Street,stop_code: Wjz1Kiu, lat: -35.4289549, lng: 149.1207905}
+  - { name: Nina Jones Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625}
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279}
+  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1DWq, lat: -35.4238411, lng: 149.1166188}
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797}
+  - { name: Chinner Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782}
+  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817}
+  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763}
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676}
+  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069}
+  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434}
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444385, lng: 149.1272473}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344}
+  - { name: Broad Place,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055}
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.415325, lng: 149.0672593}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052}
+  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755}
+  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723}
+  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022}
+  - { name: McDonald Place,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
+  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442}
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691}
+  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531}
+  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718}
+  - { name: Rafferty Street,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332}
+  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495}
+  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008}
+  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585}
+  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055}
+  - { name: Bertel Crescent,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709}
+  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRFB, lat: -35.3473864, lng: 149.048202}
+  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995}
+  - { name: Whitney Place,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937}
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375}
+  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511}
+  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129}
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098}
+  - { name: Gonzaga Place,stop_code: Wjz2wGU, lat: -35.4184904, lng: 149.1145873}
+  - { name: Rischbieth Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559}
+  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2Npv, lat: -35.4131394, lng: 149.1331606}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1X, lat: -35.3255489, lng: 149.0857143}
+  - { name: Bunny Street,stop_code: WjrX_SL, lat: -35.3327937, lng: 149.0607695}
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37Zc, lat: -35.3337407, lng: 149.0723488}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343}
+  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz20Vv, lat: -35.4185754, lng: 149.072661}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807}
+  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123}
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162}
+  - { name: Clutterbuck Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936}
+  - { name: Connibere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429}
+  - { name: Singleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278}
+  - { name: Maconochie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301}
+  - { name: Checchi Place,stop_code: Wjz28Yv, lat: -35.4165651, lng: 149.0836163}
+  - { name: Forwood Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361}
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hlp, lat: -35.4109006, lng: 149.0878896}
+  - { name: Michell Street,stop_code: Wjz2hBQ, lat: -35.4106404, lng: 149.0911182}
+  - { name: Beirne Street,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039}
+  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302}
+  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz34Gq, lat: -35.352423, lng: 149.0699271}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33LB, lat: -35.3542352, lng: 149.0701992}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33EK, lat: -35.3589689, lng: 149.0702445}
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXMe, lat: -35.3589023, lng: 149.0599784}
+  - { name: Araluen Street,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979}
+  - { name: Guinness Place,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091}
+  - { name: Gulgong Place,stop_code: WjrXXb4, lat: -35.3570754, lng: 149.0530316}
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz34c4, lat: -35.3508697, lng: 149.0639869}
+  - { name: Cedrela Place,stop_code: WjrXR3f, lat: -35.3458397, lng: 149.040861}
+  - { name: Blowering Street,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289}
+  - { name: Mt Taylor Zig Zag,stop_code: Wjz39sA, lat: -35.3673329, lng: 149.0783636}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408}
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3iuk, lat: -35.3604697, lng: 149.0889561}
+  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172}
+  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508}
+  - { name: Yabsley Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079}
+  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_GVA, lat: -35.188117, lng: 149.0399446}
+  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803}
+  - { name: Nott Street,stop_code: Wjr_NpJ, lat: -35.1935127, lng: 149.0455536}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445}
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542}
+  - { name: Moor Place,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796}
+  - { name: Connah Street,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156}
+  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863}
+  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684}
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442}
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399}
+  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688}
+  - { name: Carslaw Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236}
+  - { name: Threlfall Street,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975}
+  - { name: Boult Place,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925}
+  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677}
+  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887}
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716}
+  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878}
+  - { name: Bishop Place,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264}
+  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821}
+  - { name: Bainton Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598}
+  - { name: Broadby Close,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637}
+  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439}
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955}
+  - { name: Jalanga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805}
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514}
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551}
+  - { name: Cambridge Street,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577}
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761}
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338}
+  - { name: Weetangera Place,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939}
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362}
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759}
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913}
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835}
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365}
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988}
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037}
+  - { name: Ligertwood Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456}
+  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927}
+  - { name: Hatfield Street,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235}
+  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733}
+  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293}
+  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933}
+  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943}
+  - { name: Jenke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575}
+  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466}
+  - { name: Lavan Place,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922}
+  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463}
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434}
+  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887}
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EXs, lat: -35.4174557, lng: 149.1275741}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991}
+  - { name: Willoughby Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NH0, lat: -35.4123115, lng: 149.1353734}
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599}
+  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377}
+  - { name: Morgan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268}
+  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509}
+  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-oT, lat: -35.3424053, lng: 149.0567937}
+  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-zT, lat: -35.3402984, lng: 149.0581286}
+  - { name: Nambir Court,stop_code: Wjz1edz, lat: -35.4271482, lng: 149.0757082}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20Eo, lat: -35.4198466, lng: 149.0699766}
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236}
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28DH, lat: -35.4148504, lng: 149.0799887}
+  - { name: Mault Place,stop_code: Wjz2g6U, lat: -35.4157965, lng: 149.0857566}
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2gvd, lat: -35.4146612, lng: 149.0888256}
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33KX, lat: -35.3550858, lng: 149.070698}
+  - { name: Wambaya Street,stop_code: Wjz33nk, lat: -35.3543462, lng: 149.0657554}
+  - { name: Wirangu Place,stop_code: WjrXXI2, lat: -35.3565059, lng: 149.058473}
+  - { name: Walpiri Place,stop_code: WjrXYtm, lat: -35.3499821, lng: 149.0560969}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJfw, lat: -35.3436463, lng: 149.031771}
+  - { name: Eppalock Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493}
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909}
+  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656}
+  - { name: Paloona Place,stop_code: WjrXLEL, lat: -35.3369076, lng: 149.0374236}
+  - { name: Leighton Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284}
+  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389}
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095}
+  - { name: O'Shanassy Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277}
+  - { name: Sport Way,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101}
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155}
+  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607}
+  - { name: Gallipoli Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
+  - { name: Mileham Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621}
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835}
+  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273}
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453}
+  - { name: Prevost Place,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953}
+  - { name: Plowman Place,stop_code: Wjr-S9y, lat: -35.2102797, lng: 149.0426899}
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-HbC, lat: -35.2250302, lng: 149.0316399}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919}
+  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611}
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193}
+  - { name: Pickworth Street,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227}
+  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617}
+  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319}
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165}
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564}
+  - { name: Wearing Street,stop_code: Wjr-xRd, lat: -35.2347078, lng: 149.0270748}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414}
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-Gsq, lat: -35.2301636, lng: 149.0342818}
+  - { name: Ulm Street,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574}
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753}
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515}
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984}
+  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153}
+  - { name: Delamere Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741}
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615}
+  - { name: Southwell Street,stop_code: WjrZSKp, lat: -35.2509203, lng: 149.0480636}
+  - { name: De Salis Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782}
+  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-MCk, lat: -35.2396029, lng: 149.0464162}
+  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-M-x, lat: -35.2399127, lng: 149.0508416}
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZ-aT, lat: -35.2531402, lng: 149.053943}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397}
+  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315}
+  - { name: Skinner Street,stop_code: Wjz54mj, lat: -35.2617096, lng: 149.0656385}
+  - { name: Allman Circuit,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155}
+  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511}
+  - { name: Roberts Street,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327}
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664}
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536}
+  - { name: Thurlow Place,stop_code: Wjz57Q7, lat: -35.2462221, lng: 149.0708857}
+  - { name: Maddison Close,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507}
+  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUz, lat: -35.2493715, lng: 149.094909}
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gUM, lat: -35.2441052, lng: 149.0951619}
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523}
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265}
+  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391}
+  - { name: Fitzsimmons Street,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886}
+  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588}
+  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qSX, lat: -35.1847968, lng: 149.1050623}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243}
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275}
+  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507}
+  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7uxi, lat: -35.1663489, lng: 149.1013956}
+  - { name: Mundang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669}
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471}
+  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332}
+  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202}
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475}
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999}
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102}
+  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901}
+  - { name: Barracks Flat Drive,stop_code: WjzbUGB, lat: -35.3740947, lng: 149.2349556}
+  - { name: Ling Place,stop_code: Wjzj0yX, lat: -35.3742978, lng: 149.2450265}
+  - { name: Knowles Place,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835}
+  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125}
+  - { name: Sidaway Street,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463}
+  - { name: Saunders Street,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555}
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486}
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CD7, lat: -35.1617492, lng: 149.1119532}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If2, lat: -35.1732221, lng: 149.1188441}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626}
+  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293}
+  - { name: Inglewood Street,stop_code: Wjz7Y0J, lat: -35.177732, lng: 149.1403005}
+  - { name: Obrien Place,stop_code: Wjz7GSc, lat: -35.1847451, lng: 149.1258614}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ppw, lat: -35.1829884, lng: 149.1332581}
+  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7X2n, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1398579}
+  - { name: Petersilka Street,stop_code: Wjz7XxD, lat: -35.1823825, lng: 149.1457373}
+  - { name: Thistle Lane,stop_code: Wjzf2rm, lat: -35.1865677, lng: 149.1549041}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjzf0ZL, lat: -35.1961257, lng: 149.1609099}
+  - { name: Morris West Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603}
+  - { name: Gungahlin Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537}
+  - { name: Freeling Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095}
+  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139}
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6Wse, lat: -35.2298796, lng: 149.1438091}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876}
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjzeaq_, lat: -35.2311306, lng: 149.1668636}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003}
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1hB, lat: -35.2374923, lng: 149.1539669}
+  - { name: Molesworth Street,stop_code: Wjze17N, lat: -35.2336919, lng: 149.1515898}
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UQw, lat: -35.2413339, lng: 149.1484036}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_O4, lat: -35.24786, lng: 149.147645}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198}
+  - { name: Grayson Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253}
+  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997}
+  - { name: Hannan Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797}
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474}
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942}
+  - { name: Morphett Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827}
+  - { name: Dooring Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491}
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317}
+  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796}
+  - { name: Wakefield Gardens,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384}
+  - { name: Leslie Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W8l, lat: -35.276623, lng: 149.1411209}
+  - { name: Cox Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634}
+  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392}
+  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253}
+  - { name: Ijong Street,stop_code: Wjz5PBC, lat: -35.2675907, lng: 149.1347357}
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196}
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684}
+  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NHD, lat: -35.2798744, lng: 149.1361266}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771}
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353}
+  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Urj, lat: -35.285706, lng: 149.144029}
+  - { name: Holmes Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757}
+  - { name: Borella Street,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428}
+  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz4T-X, lat: -35.2891325, lng: 149.1393476}
+  - { name: Miles Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: Wjzcdsn, lat: -35.3011446, lng: 149.1659502}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd2U, lat: -35.3031671, lng: 149.1626628}
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4WnH, lat: -35.3159201, lng: 149.1430396}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4EG2, lat: -35.3304213, lng: 149.1244262}
+  - { name: Scarborough Street,stop_code: Wjz3KLn, lat: -35.3376003, lng: 149.1247297}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NWF, lat: -35.3250038, lng: 149.138898}
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982}
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UIv, lat: -35.328635, lng: 149.1467867}
+  - { name: Yamba Place,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3KB0, lat: -35.3395291, lng: 149.1229469}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JQO, lat: -35.3455626, lng: 149.1268033}
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Slx, lat: -35.3394651, lng: 149.131936}
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783}
+  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643}
+  - { name: Toolambi Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Cp, lat: -35.333286, lng: 149.156475}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393}
+  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675}
+  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3rML, lat: -35.3588381, lng: 149.1045644}
+  - { name: Ellwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3y9z, lat: -35.3640453, lng: 149.1086104}
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xi3, lat: -35.3688397, lng: 149.1093058}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz2DK6, lat: -35.3767783, lng: 149.1134151}
+  - { name: McAlpine Place,stop_code: Wjz2Dgb, lat: -35.381175, lng: 149.10938}
+  - { name: Pye Place,stop_code: Wjz2vzR, lat: -35.3789646, lng: 149.1019944}
+  - { name: Custance Street,stop_code: Wjz3ops, lat: -35.3749061, lng: 149.1001427}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hUs, lat: -35.370077, lng: 149.0946389}
+  - { name: Ward Place,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557}
+  - { name: Goode Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481}
+  - { name: Hawker Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208}
+  - { name: Hyland Place,stop_code: Wjz2c-r, lat: -35.3935292, lng: 149.0837652}
+  - { name: Beaver Place,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mGO, lat: -35.3853996, lng: 149.0925014}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ttB, lat: -35.3885662, lng: 149.1004148}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538}
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768}
+  - { name: Leach Street,stop_code: Wjz2pmy, lat: -35.4100705, lng: 149.0990011}
+  - { name: Burston Place,stop_code: Wjz2xq1, lat: -35.4129044, lng: 149.1106334}
+  - { name: Garrick Street,stop_code: Wjz2yQZ, lat: -35.4057423, lng: 149.116007}
+  - { name: Larcombe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2G9R, lat: -35.4077654, lng: 149.1199409}
+  - { name: Halley Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949}
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB6, lat: -35.4159442, lng: 149.1230876}
+  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337}
+  - { name: Tweddle Place,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427}
+  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839}
+  - { name: Laker Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Dlj, lat: -35.4217144, lng: 149.1096219}
+  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483}
+  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz2w0e, lat: -35.4193446, lng: 149.106777}
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osQ, lat: -35.4167685, lng: 149.1006448}
+  - { name: Kneeshaw Street,stop_code: Wjz2o8V, lat: -35.4197567, lng: 149.0980528}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401}
+  - { name: Kerkeri Close,stop_code: Wjz1v2R, lat: -35.423569, lng: 149.0965355}
+  - { name: Oakwood Place,stop_code: Wjz1viP, lat: -35.4237236, lng: 149.0993804}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553}
+  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9T, lat: -35.4350564, lng: 149.1089897}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tYG, lat: -35.4334596, lng: 149.1060816}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057}
+  - { name: Carter Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781}
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tok, lat: -35.4359836, lng: 149.0999494}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677}
+  - { name: Marengo Place,stop_code: Wjz1lQS, lat: -35.4330991, lng: 149.0938171}
+  - { name: Heddon Place,stop_code: Wjz1lyA, lat: -35.4346444, lng: 149.0907826}
+  - { name: Pimpampa Close,stop_code: Wjz1lB8, lat: -35.4329445, lng: 149.0902136}
+  - { name: Abercrombie Circuit,stop_code: Wjz0nS3, lat: -35.4649778, lng: 149.0928056}
+  - { name: Youl Court,stop_code: Wjz0uuZ, lat: -35.4702296, lng: 149.1008976}
+  - { name: Milligan Street,stop_code: Wjz0CcV, lat: -35.4719802, lng: 149.1091794}
+  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0B6Y, lat: -35.4758415, lng: 149.1077253}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tB4, lat: -35.4765623, lng: 149.1010241}
+  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0mMT, lat: -35.474194, lng: 149.0937539}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0kYJ, lat: -35.482637, lng: 149.0950815}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lhu, lat: -35.4790849, lng: 149.0878745}
+  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0eRx, lat: -35.4713109, lng: 149.0824376}
+  - { name: Ferry Place,stop_code: Wjz1gaC, lat: -35.4619398, lng: 149.0865469}
+  - { name: Charles Place,stop_code: Wjz19V7, lat: -35.4570479, lng: 149.0831962}
+  - { name: Gaylard Place,stop_code: Wjz1i2p, lat: -35.4513833, lng: 149.0850928}
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jf0, lat: -35.442525, lng: 149.0859147}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758}
+  - { name: Wilari Place,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889}
+  - { name: Mirrabucca Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552}
+  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299}
+  - { name: Georgina Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295}
+  - { name: Staaten Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957}
+  - { name: Antares Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989}
+  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053}
+  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199}
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646}
+  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747}
+  - { name: Morphy Place,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323}
+  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294}
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136}
+  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557}
+  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
+  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149}
+  - { name: Spinifex Street,stop_code: Wjzc24u, lat: -35.317722, lng: 149.1510115}
+  - { name: The Causeway,stop_code: Wjz4WZo, lat: -35.3175809, lng: 149.1496027}
+  - { name: Parbery Street,stop_code: Wjz4WY7, lat: -35.3176372, lng: 149.1491419}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRMq, lat: -35.3483271, lng: 149.0492963}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632}
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828}
+  - { name: Backler Place,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034}
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951}
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "57"
+    stop_times: [[655a, 701a, 703a, 709a, 717a, 720a, 724a], [725a, 731a, 733a, 739a, 747a, 750a, 754a], [755a, 802a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 821a, 825a], [825a, 832a, 834a, 840a, 848a, 851a, 855a], [855a, 902a, 904a, 910a, 918a, 921a, 925a], [957a, 1003a, 1005a, 1011a, 1019a, 1022a, 1026a], [1055a, 1101a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, 1120a, 1124a], [1155a, 1201p, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, 1220p, 1224p], [1255p, 101p, 103p, 109p, 117p, 120p, 124p], [155p, 201p, 203p, 209p, 217p, 220p, 224p], [255p, 301p, 303p, 310p, 318p, 321p, 325p], [355p, 402p, 404p, 411p, 419p, 422p, 426p], [425p, 432p, 434p, 441p, 449p, 452p, 456p], [455p, 502p, 504p, 511p, 519p, 522p, 526p], [525p, 532p, 534p, 541p, 549p, 552p, 556p], [555p, 602p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 620p, 624p], [625p, 631p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 649p, 653p], [655p, 701p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 719p, 723p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood Shops, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 723a, 737a, 739a, 743a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 816a, 823a, 837a, 839a, 843a], [848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p], [747p, 749p, 753p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 834p, 836p, 840p], [847p, 849p, 853p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 934p, 936p, 940p], [947p, 949p, 953p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1034p, 1036p, 1040p], [1047p, 1049p, 1053p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1134p, 1136p, 1140p]]
+    short_name: "907"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 834a, 837a, 846a], [924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p], [724p, 731p, 734p, 737p, 746p], [824p, 831p, 834p, 837p, 846p], [924p, 931p, 934p, 937p, 946p], [1024p, 1031p, 1034p, 1037p, 1046p]]
+    short_name: "925"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "921"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "988"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "915"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "737"
+    stop_times: [[431p, 441p, 455p, 513p], [445p, 455p, 509p, 527p], [505p, 515p, 529p, 547p], [525p, 535p, 549p, 607p], [545p, 555p, 609p, 627p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "56"
+    stop_times: [[534a, 536a, 540a, 554a, 605a, 615a, 622a, 628a, 630a, 637a], [614a, 616a, 620a, 634a, 645a, 655a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 717a], [634a, 636a, 640a, 654a, 705a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 730a, 737a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 732a, 739a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [658a, 700a, 704a, 718a, 729a, 739a, 746a, 757a, 802a, 818a], [717a, 719a, 723a, 737a, 748a, 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 842a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 800a, 811a, 825a, 833a, 844a, 849a, 902a], [802a, 804a, 808a, 823a, 834a, 848a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 913a], [847a, 849a, 853a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 934a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 950a, 1000a, 1010a, 1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1032a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1050a, 1100a, 1110a, 1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1132a], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1150a, 1200p, 1210p, 1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1232p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1250p, 100p, 110p, 117p, 123p, 125p, 132p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 150p, 200p, 210p, 217p, 223p, 225p, 232p], [235p, 237p, 241p, 255p, 305p, 315p, 322p, 328p, 330p, 337p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 332p, 342p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p, 416p], [340p, 342p, 346p, 400p, 411p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 440p, 448p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 441p, 452p, 504p, 512p, 519p, 521p, 529p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 501p, 512p, 524p, 532p, 539p, 541p, 549p], [456p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 528p, 540p, 548p, 555p, 557p, 604p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 537p, 548p, 600p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 621p], [536p, 538p, 542p, 557p, 607p, 617p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [555p, 557p, 601p, 615p, 625p, 635p, 642p, 648p, 650p, 656p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 716p, 722p, 724p, 730p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 749p, 759p, 809p, 816p, 822p, 824p, 830p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 849p, 859p, 909p, 916p, 922p, 924p, 930p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 949p, 959p, 1009p, 1016p, 1022p, 1024p, 1030p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1049p, 1059p, 1109p, 1116p, 1122p, 1124p, 1130p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Centrelink Tuggeranong, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "705"
+    stop_times: [["-", 723a, 752a, 754a, 759a], ["-", 749a, 818a, 820a, 825a], ["-", 814a, 848a, 850a, 855a], [442p, 447p, 516p, 518p, 523p], [507p, 512p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [535p, 540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      City West-City Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "720"
+    stop_times: [[710a, 716a, 728a, 734a, 752a, 756a, 757a], [740a, 746a, 758a, 804a, 822a, 826a, 827a], [816a, 822a, 834a, 840a, 858a, 902a, 903a], [840a, 846a, 858a, 904a, 922a, 926a, 927a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, North Lyneham, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+    short_name: "30"
+    stop_times: [[603a, 609a, 611a, 614a, 621a, 628a, 635a, 641a, 643a, 648a], [634a, 640a, 642a, 645a, 652a, 659a, 706a, 712a, 714a, 719a], [701a, 707a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 726a, 735a, 741a, 743a, 748a], [726a, 732a, 734a, 737a, 745a, 753a, 805a, 811a, 813a, 818a], [759a, 806a, 808a, 811a, 819a, 827a, 839a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [829a, 836a, 838a, 841a, 849a, 857a, 909a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [859a, 906a, 908a, 911a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 941a, 943a, 948a], [933a, 939a, 941a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1005a, 1011a, 1013a, 1018a], [1002a, 1008a, 1010a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1034a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a], [1102a, 1108a, 1110a, 1113a, 1120a, 1127a, 1134a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a], [1202p, 1208p, 1210p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1234p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p], [102p, 108p, 110p, 113p, 120p, 127p, 134p, 140p, 142p, 147p], [202p, 208p, 210p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 234p, 240p, 242p, 247p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 316p, 324p, 332p, 344p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [334p, 341p, 343p, 348p, 356p, 404p, 416p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [359p, 406p, 408p, 413p, 421p, 429p, 441p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 443p, 451p, 459p, 511p, 517p, 519p, 524p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 513p, 521p, 529p, 541p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [514p, 521p, 523p, 528p, 536p, 544p, 556p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [529p, 536p, 538p, 543p, 551p, 559p, 611p, 617p, 619p, 624p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 558p, 606p, 614p, 626p, 632p, 634p, 639p], [559p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 621p, 629p, 636p, 642p, 644p, 649p], [633p, 639p, 641p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 705p, 711p, 713p, 718p], [702p, 708p, 710p, 713p, 720p, 727p, 734p, 740p, 742p, 747p], [802p, 808p, 810p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 834p, 840p, 842p, 847p], [902p, 908p, 910p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 934p, 940p, 942p, 947p], [1002p, 1008p, 1010p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1034p, 1040p, 1042p, 1047p], [1102p, 1108p, 1110p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1134p, 1140p, 1142p, 1147p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 839a, 852a], [924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p], [724p, 730p, 737p, 748p], [824p, 830p, 837p, 848p], [924p, 930p, 937p, 948p], [1024p, 1030p, 1037p, 1048p], [1124p, 1130p, 1137p, 1148p]]
+    short_name: "962"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Majura Business Park, Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, War Memorial Limestone Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda Shops, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      ADFA-War Memorial Limestone Ave: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+      War Memorial Limestone Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "10"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 632a, 642a, 644a, 649a, 659a, 709a, 711a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 712a, 714a, 719a, 729a, 739a, 741a, 746a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 732a, 742a, 744a, 749a, 759a, 809a, 811a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 812a, 814a, 819a, 829a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a, 847a, 857a, 859a, 904a], ["-", "-", "-", 830a, 833a, 838a, 850a, 900a, 902a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 929a, 934a], ["-", "-", "-", 900a, 903a, 908a, 920a, 930a, 932a, 937a, 947a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], [918a, 928a, 933a, 940a, 943a, 948a, 1000a, 1010a, 1012a, 1017a, 1027a, 1037a, 1039a, 1044a], [948a, 958a, 1003a, 1010a, 1013a, 1018a, 1030a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a, 1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1114a], [1018a, 1028a, 1033a, 1040a, 1043a, 1048a, 1100a, 1110a, 1112a, 1117a, 1127a, 1137a, 1139a, 1144a], [1048a, 1058a, 1103a, 1110a, 1113a, 1118a, 1130a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a, 1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1214p], [1118a, 1128a, 1133a, 1140a, 1143a, 1148a, 1200p, 1210p, 1212p, 1217p, 1227p, 1237p, 1239p, 1244p], [1148a, 1158a, 1203p, 1210p, 1213p, 1218p, 1230p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p, 1257p, 107p, 109p, 114p], [1218p, 1228p, 1233p, 1240p, 1243p, 1248p, 100p, 110p, 112p, 117p, 127p, 137p, 139p, 144p], [1248p, 1258p, 103p, 110p, 113p, 118p, 130p, 140p, 142p, 147p, 157p, 207p, 209p, 214p], [118p, 128p, 133p, 140p, 143p, 148p, 200p, 210p, 212p, 217p, 227p, 237p, 239p, 244p], [148p, 158p, 203p, 210p, 213p, 218p, 230p, 240p, 242p, 247p, 257p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [218p, 228p, 233p, 240p, 243p, 248p, 300p, 310p, 313p, 318p, 328p, 338p, 340p, 345p], [248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 314p, 319p, 331p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 359p, 409p, 411p, 416p], [318p, 328p, 333p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 401p, 411p, 414p, 419p, 429p, 439p, 441p, 446p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 416p, 426p, 429p, 434p, 444p, 454p, 456p, 501p], [348p, 358p, 403p, 410p, 414p, 419p, 431p, 441p, 444p, 449p, 459p, 509p, 511p, 516p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 446p, 456p, 459p, 504p, 514p, 524p, 526p, 531p], ["-", "-", 431p, 441p, 445p, 450p, 502p, 512p, 515p, 520p, 530p, 537p, 539p, 544p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 516p, 526p, 529p, 534p, 544p, 554p, 556p, 601p], ["-", "-", 458p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p, 600p, 610p, 612p, 617p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 546p, 556p, 559p, 604p, 614p, 624p, 626p, 631p], ["-", "-", "-", 540p, 544p, 549p, 601p, 611p, 614p, 619p, 629p, 639p, 641p, 646p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 616p, 626p, 629p, 634p, 644p, 654p, 656p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", 611p, 615p, 620p, 632p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 711p, 716p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 736p, 746p, 748p, 753p, 803p, 813p, 815p, 820p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 836p, 846p, 848p, 853p, 903p, 913p, 915p, 920p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 936p, 946p, 948p, 953p, 1003p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1036p, 1046p, 1048p, 1053p, 1103p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1136p, 1146p, 1148p, 1153p, 1203a, 1213a, 1215a, 1220a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Canberra Times, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "780"
+    stop_times: [[405p, 421p, 440p], [435p, 451p, 510p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker Shops, Macquarie, Aranda Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "704"
+    stop_times: [[738a, 744a, 749a, 754a, 803a, 812a, 825a, 833a, 840a], [753a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 818a, 827a, 840a, 848a, 855a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "749"
+    stop_times: [[753a, 820a, 822a, 827a], [436p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [510p, 539p, 541p, 546p], [540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Proctor / Mead, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "66"
+    stop_times: [["-", 602a, 610a, 617a, 622a, 631a], [622a, 632a, 640a, 647a, 652a, 701a], [652a, 702a, 710a, 717a, 722a, 731a], [722a, 734a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 808a], [752a, 810a, 820a, 827a, 834a, 844a], [822a, 840a, 850a, 857a, 904a, 914a], [916a, 933a, 941a, 948a, 954a, 1003a], [1022a, 1036a, 1044a, 1051a, 1057a, 1106a], [1122a, 1136a, 1144a, 1151a, 1157a, 1206p], [1222p, 1236p, 1244p, 1251p, 1257p, 106p], [122p, 136p, 144p, 151p, 157p, 206p], [222p, 236p, 244p, 251p, 257p, 307p], [252p, 308p, 319p, 326p, 333p, 343p], [322p, 340p, 351p, 358p, 405p, 415p], [352p, 410p, 421p, 428p, 435p, 445p], [422p, 440p, 451p, 458p, 505p, 515p], [452p, 510p, 521p, 528p, 535p, 545p], [522p, 540p, 551p, 558p, 605p, 615p], [552p, 610p, 621p, 628p, 634p, 643p], [622p, 638p, 646p, 653p, 658p, 707p], [722p, 736p, 744p, 751p, 756p, 805p], [822p, 836p, 844p, 851p, 856p, 905p], [922p, 936p, 944p, 951p, 956p, 1005p], [1022p, 1036p, 1044p, 1051p, 1056p, 1105p], [1122p, 1136p, 1144p, 1151p, 1156p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Market Place]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
+    between_stops: 
+      ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz33LB, Wjz34Gq, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kvl]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "785"
+    stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Railway Station Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "200"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 706a, 713a, 717a, 725a, 732a, 734a, 741a, 748a], [713a, 721a, 728a, 732a, 740a, 747a, 749a, 756a, 804a], [728a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 755a, 802a, 804a, 811a, 821a], [743a, 751a, 758a, 803a, 812a, 818a, 820a, 827a, 837a], [758a, 806a, 814a, 820a, 829a, 835a, 837a, 844a, 854a], [813a, 821a, 829a, 835a, 844a, 850a, 852a, 859a, 906a], [828a, 836a, 844a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a, 922a], [843a, 851a, 859a, 903a, 911a, 918a, 920a, 927a, 934a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 917a, 925a, 932a, 934a, 941a, 948a], [913a, 921a, 928a, 932a, 940a, 947a, 949a, 956a, 1003a], [928a, 936a, 943a, 947a, 955a, 1002a, 1004a, 1011a, 1018a], [943a, 951a, 958a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a, 1019a, 1026a, 1033a], [958a, 1006a, 1013a, 1017a, 1025a, 1032a, 1034a, 1041a, 1048a], [1013a, 1021a, 1028a, 1032a, 1040a, 1047a, 1049a, 1056a, 1103a], [1028a, 1036a, 1043a, 1047a, 1055a, 1102a, 1104a, 1111a, 1118a], [1043a, 1051a, 1058a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a, 1119a, 1126a, 1133a], [1058a, 1106a, 1113a, 1117a, 1125a, 1132a, 1134a, 1141a, 1148a], [1113a, 1121a, 1128a, 1132a, 1140a, 1147a, 1149a, 1156a, 1203p], [1128a, 1136a, 1143a, 1147a, 1155a, 1202p, 1204p, 1211p, 1218p], [1143a, 1151a, 1158a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p, 1219p, 1226p, 1233p], [1158a, 1206p, 1213p, 1217p, 1225p, 1232p, 1234p, 1241p, 1248p], [1213p, 1221p, 1228p, 1232p, 1240p, 1247p, 1249p, 1256p, 103p], [1228p, 1236p, 1243p, 1247p, 1255p, 102p, 104p, 111p, 118p], [1243p, 1251p, 1258p, 102p, 110p, 117p, 119p, 126p, 133p], [1258p, 106p, 113p, 117p, 125p, 132p, 134p, 141p, 148p], [113p, 121p, 128p, 132p, 140p, 147p, 149p, 156p, 203p], [128p, 136p, 143p, 147p, 155p, 202p, 204p, 211p, 218p], [143p, 151p, 158p, 202p, 210p, 217p, 219p, 226p, 233p], [158p, 206p, 213p, 217p, 225p, 232p, 234p, 241p, 248p], [213p, 221p, 228p, 232p, 240p, 247p, 249p, 256p, 303p], [228p, 236p, 243p, 247p, 255p, 302p, 304p, 311p, 318p], [243p, 251p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 317p, 319p, 326p, 333p], [258p, 306p, 313p, 317p, 325p, 332p, 334p, 341p, 348p], [313p, 321p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 349p, 356p, 404p], [328p, 336p, 343p, 347p, 355p, 401p, 404p, 411p, 421p], [343p, 351p, 358p, 403p, 415p, 420p, 423p, 430p, 440p], [358p, 408p, 416p, 422p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 449p, 459p], [413p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 449p, 454p, 457p, 504p, 514p], [428p, 438p, 446p, 452p, 504p, 509p, 512p, 519p, 529p], [443p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 519p, 524p, 527p, 534p, 544p], [458p, 508p, 516p, 522p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 549p, 559p], [513p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 557p, 604p, 611p], [528p, 538p, 546p, 552p, 603p, 610p, 612p, 619p, 626p], [543p, 553p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 636p], [558p, 606p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 632p, 634p, 641p, 648p], [613p, 621p, 628p, 632p, 640p, 647p, 649p, 656p, 703p], [628p, 636p, 643p, 647p, 655p, 701p, 703p, 709p, 716p], [643p, 651p, 658p, 702p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 722p, 729p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell Shops, Chisholm Shops, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: 67 267
+    stop_times: [[603a, 615a, 627a, 635a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [633a, 645a, 657a, 705a, 716a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [702a, 715a, 726a, 735a, 750a, 804a, 808a, 818a, 821a], [718a, 730a, 745a, 755a, 809a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [731a, 746a, 800a, 810a, 825a, 839a, 843a, 853a, 856a], [803a, 817a, 832a, 842a, 856a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [833a, 847a, 902a, 912a, 926a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903a, 917a, 932a, 940a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003a, 1016a, 1028a, 1036a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103a, 1116a, 1128a, 1136a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1203p, 1216p, 1228p, 1236p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [103p, 116p, 128p, 136p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [203p, 216p, 228p, 236p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [303p, 317p, 332p, 342p, 356p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [333p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 426p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [403p, 417p, 432p, 442p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [433p, 447p, 502p, 512p, 526p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [503p, 517p, 532p, 542p, 556p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [533p, 547p, 602p, 612p, 626p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [603p, 617p, 632p, 640p, 653p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [703p, 716p, 728p, 736p, 749p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [803p, 816p, 828p, 836p, 849p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903p, 916p, 928p, 936p, 949p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003p, 1016p, 1028p, 1036p, 1049p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103p, 1116p, 1128p, 1136p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[857a, 907a, 909a, 911a, 919a], [957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p], [757p, 807p, 809p, 811p, 819p], [857p, 907p, 909p, 911p, 919p], [957p, 1007p, 1009p, 1011p, 1019p], [1057p, 1107p, 1109p, 1111p, 1119p]]
+    short_name: "925"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[0839a, 0847a, 0900a, 0905a, 0918a, 0920a, 0925a], [0939a, 0947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 0100p, 0105p, 0118p, 0120p, 0125p], [0139p, 0147p, 0200p, 0205p, 0218p, 0220p, 0225p], [0239p, 0247p, 0300p, 0305p, 0318p, 0320p, 0325p], [0339p, 0347p, 0400p, 0405p, 0418p, 0420p, 0425p], [0439p, 0447p, 0500p, 0505p, 0518p, 0520p, 0525p], [0539p, 0547p, 0600p, 0605p, 0618p, 0620p, 0625p], [0639p, 0647p, 0700p, 0705p, 0718p, 0720p, 0725p]]
+    short_name: "952"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 825a, 830a, 839a, 846a, 855a], [1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p], [818p, 828p, 833p, 842p, 849p, 858p], [1018p, 1028p, 1033p, 1042p, 1049p, 1058p]]
+    short_name: "912"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Hawker Shops, Page Shops, Florey Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "74"
+    stop_times: [[950a, 952a, 956a, 1005a, 1012a, 1015a, 1023a, 1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a, 1142a, 1145a, 1153a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 105p, 112p, 115p, 123p, 127p, 133p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 235p, 242p, 245p, 253p, 257p, 303p, 309p, 311p, 315p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+    short_name: "988"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "958"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, St Clare of Assisi, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 19 319
+    stop_times: [[556a, 602a, 608a, 614a, 625a, 643a, 659a, 719a, 721a, 726a], [622a, 628a, 634a, 640a, 651a, 709a, 725a, 746a, 748a, 753a], [646a, 652a, 658a, 704a, 715a, 733a, 751a, 812a, 814a, 819a], [706a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 735a, 754a, 812a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [723a, 729a, 735a, 743a, 755a, 814a, 832a, 853a, 855a, 900a], [735a, 742a, 752a, 800a, 810a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [742a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 834a, 852a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [802a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 835a, 854a, 912a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [822a, 829a, 835a, 843a, 855a, 914a, 932a, 952a, 954a, 959a], [853a, 900a, 906a, 914a, 926a, 944a, 1000a, 1020a, 1022a, 1027a], [926a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 956a, 1014a, 1030a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [957a, 1003a, 1009a, 1015a, 1026a, 1044a, 1100a, 1120a, 1122a, 1127a], [1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1045a, 1056a, 1114a, 1130a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1115a, 1126a, 1144a, 1200p, 1220p, 1222p, 1227p], [1127a, 1133a, 1139a, 1145a, 1156a, 1214p, 1230p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1215p, 1226p, 1244p, 100p, 120p, 122p, 127p], [1227p, 1233p, 1239p, 1245p, 1256p, 114p, 130p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [1257p, 103p, 109p, 115p, 126p, 144p, 200p, 220p, 222p, 227p], [127p, 133p, 139p, 145p, 156p, 214p, 230p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [157p, 203p, 209p, 215p, 226p, 244p, 300p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [226p, 232p, 238p, 244p, 255p, 314p, 332p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [253p, 259p, 305p, 313p, 325p, 344p, 402p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [320p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 355p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 359p, 409p, 417p, 427p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [424p, 431p, 441p, 449p, 459p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 501p, 511p, 519p, 529p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [524p, 531p, 541p, 549p, 559p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [556p, 603p, 613p, 621p, 631p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [654p, 700p, 710p, 716p, 725p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [754p, 800p, 810p, 816p, 825p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [849p, 855p, 905p, 911p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [949p, 955p, 1005p, 1011p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1049p, 1055p, 1105p, 1111p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[729a, 731a, 735a, 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 819a, 828a, 837a, 842a, 846a, 848a, 855a], [829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 819p, 828p, 837p, 842p, 846p, 848p, 855p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 919p, 928p, 937p, 942p, 946p, 948p, 955p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1019p, 1028p, 1037p, 1042p, 1046p, 1048p, 1055p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1117p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "934"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "900"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), St Thomas More's Campbell, Russell Offices, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+    short_name: "9"
+    stop_times: [[714a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 741a, 745a], [814a, 829a, 834a, 836a, 844a, 848a], [857a, 911a, 916a, 918a, 926a, 931a], [957a, 1011a, 1016a, 1018a, 1026a, 1029a], [1057a, 1111a, 1116a, 1118a, 1126a, 1129a], [1157a, 1211p, 1216p, 1218p, 1226p, 1229p], [1257p, 111p, 116p, 118p, 126p, 129p], [157p, 211p, 216p, 218p, 226p, 229p], [257p, 312p, 317p, 319p, 327p, 331p], [344p, 359p, 404p, 406p, 414p, 418p], [414p, 429p, 434p, 436p, 444p, 448p], [444p, 459p, 504p, 506p, 514p, 518p], [514p, 529p, 534p, 536p, 544p, 548p], [557p, 612p, 617p, 619p, 627p, 631p], [657p, 708p, 712p, 714p, 720p, 723p], [757p, 808p, 812p, 814p, 820p, 823p], [857p, 908p, 912p, 914p, 920p, 923p], [957p, 1008p, 1012p, 1014p, 1020p, 1023p], [1057p, 1108p, 1112p, 1114p, 1120p, 1123p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins Shops, Kippax, Higgins Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 807a, 828a, 830a, 834a], [819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p], [718p, 720p, 724p, 744p, 755p, 805p, 825p, 827p, 831p], [818p, 820p, 824p, 844p, 855p, 905p, 925p, 927p, 931p], [918p, 920p, 924p, 944p, 955p, 1005p, 1025p, 1027p, 1031p], [1018p, 1020p, 1024p, 1044p, 1055p, 1105p, 1125p, 1127p, 1131p], [1118p, 1120p, 1124p, 1144p, 1155p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "904"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera Shops, Hawker Shops, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "17"
+    stop_times: [[706a, 708a, 712a, 716a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 737a], [806a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 838a], [840a, 842a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 912a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 905a, 908a, 913a, 918a, 926a], [922a, 924a, 928a, 932a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 951a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1021a], [1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1032a, 1035a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1105a, 1110a, 1115a, 1121a], [1122a, 1124a, 1128a, 1132a, 1135a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1205p, 1210p, 1215p, 1221p], [1222p, 1224p, 1228p, 1232p, 1235p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 105p, 110p, 115p, 121p], [122p, 124p, 128p, 132p, 135p, 140p, 145p, 151p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 205p, 210p, 215p, 221p], [222p, 224p, 228p, 232p, 235p, 240p, 245p, 251p], [249p, 251p, 255p, 259p, 302p, 307p, 313p, 321p], [324p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 338p, 343p, 349p, 357p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 412p, 418p, 426p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 431p, 437p, 445p], [432p, 434p, 438p, 443p, 446p, 451p, 457p, 505p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 511p, 517p, 525p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 531p, 537p, 545p], [532p, 534p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 551p, 557p, 605p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 606p, 611p, 617p, 625p], [612p, 614p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [644p, 646p, 650p, 654p, 657p, 702p, 707p, 713p], [737p, 739p, 743p, 747p, 750p, 755p, 800p, 806p], [837p, 839p, 843p, 847p, 850p, 855p, 900p, 906p], [937p, 939p, 943p, 947p, 950p, 955p, 1000p, 1006p], [1037p, 1039p, 1043p, 1047p, 1050p, 1055p, 1100p, 1106p], [1138p, 1140p, 1144p, 1148p, 1151p, 1156p, 1201a, 1207a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder Shops, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 25 225
+    stop_times: [[612a, 622a, 625a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [642a, 652a, 655a, 705a, 719a, 722a, 726a, 730a], [702a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 751a], [734a, 749a, 752a, 805a, 819a, 823a, 827a, 831a], [808a, 823a, 826a, 838a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838a, 853a, 856a, 908a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [910a, 925a, 928a, 938a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1022a, 1025a, 1035a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1122a, 1125a, 1135a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1222p, 1225p, 1235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 122p, 125p, 135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 222p, 225p, 235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 324p, 327p, 336p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [342p, 354p, 357p, 406p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 524p, 527p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [622p, 633p, 636p, 645p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722p, 732p, 735p, 744p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [822p, 832p, 835p, 844p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [922p, 932p, 935p, 944p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1022p, 1032p, 1035p, 1044p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, Russell Offices, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: "9"
+    stop_times: [["-", 655a, 701a, 703a, 708a, 720a], [720a, 723a, 729a, 731a, 736a, 751a], [752a, 756a, 804a, 806a, 811a, 826a], [822a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 841a, 856a], [852a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 911a, 926a], [934a, 937a, 945a, 947a, 952a, 1006a], [1034a, 1037a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a, 1106a], [1134a, 1137a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a, 1206p], [1234p, 1237p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p, 106p], [134p, 137p, 145p, 147p, 152p, 206p], [234p, 237p, 245p, 247p, 252p, 306p], [335p, 339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 409p], [352p, 356p, 404p, 406p, 411p, 426p], [422p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 441p, 456p], [452p, 456p, 504p, 506p, 511p, 526p], [522p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 541p, 556p], [552p, 556p, 604p, 606p, 611p, 626p], [628p, 632p, 638p, 640p, 645p, 656p], [728p, 731p, 737p, 739p, 744p, 755p], [828p, 831p, 837p, 839p, 844p, 855p], [928p, 931p, 937p, 939p, 944p, 955p], [1028p, 1031p, 1037p, 1039p, 1044p, 1055p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Monash Primary, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    short_name: "64"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 651a, 655a, 702a], [706a, 714a, 721a, 725a, 733a], ["-", "-", 751a, 756a, 805a], [806a, 816a, 823a, 828a, 837a], [836a, 846a, 853a, 858a, 907a], [906a, 916a, 923a, 928a, 936a], [1006a, 1015a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a], [1106a, 1115a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a], [1206p, 1215p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p], [106p, 115p, 122p, 126p, 134p], [206p, 215p, 222p, 226p, 234p], [306p, 316p, 323p, 328p, 337p], [336p, 346p, 353p, 358p, 407p], [406p, 416p, 423p, 428p, 437p], [436p, 446p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [506p, 516p, 523p, 528p, 537p], [536p, 546p, 553p, 558p, 607p], [606p, 616p, 623p, 628p, 636p], [706p, 715p, 722p, 726p, 734p], [806p, 815p, 822p, 826p, 834p], [906p, 915p, 922p, 926p, 934p], [1006p, 1015p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p], [1106p, 1115p, 1122p, 1126p, 1134p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "951"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Duffy Primary, Holder Shops, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      City West-City Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "729"
+    stop_times: [[709a, 715a, 724a, 728a, 749a, 753a, 755a], [739a, 745a, 754a, 758a, 819a, 823a, 825a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale Centre, Bugden Sternberg, Gowrie, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: 65 265
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 604a, 608a, 619a, 625a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 625a, 637a, 638a, 643a, 654a, 700a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 655a, 710a, 711a, 718a, 734a, 744a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 742a, 743a, 750a, 806a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 812a, 813a, 820a, 836a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 825a, 842a, 843a, 850a, 906a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 912a, 913a, 920a, 935a, 943a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 955a, 1009a, 1010a, 1015a, 1027a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1055a, 1109a, 1110a, 1115a, 1127a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1155a, 1209p, 1210p, 1215p, 1227p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1255p, 109p, 110p, 115p, 127p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 155p, 209p, 210p, 215p, 227p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 255p, 311p, 312p, 318p, 332p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 325p, 342p, 343p, 349p, 403p, 412p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 355p, 412p, 413p, 419p, 433p, 442p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 420p, 437p, 438p, 444p, 458p, 507p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 455p, 512p, 513p, 519p, 533p, 542p], [455p, 501p, 510p, 513p, 528p, 545p, 546p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [525p, 531p, 540p, 543p, 558p, 615p, 616p, 622p, 635p, 643p], [555p, 601p, 610p, 613p, 628p, 642p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 708p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654p, 708p, 709p, 714p, 726p, 734p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754p, 808p, 809p, 814p, 826p, 834p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854p, 908p, 909p, 914p, 926p, 934p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954p, 1008p, 1009p, 1014p, 1026p, 1034p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054p, 1108p, 1109p, 1114p, 1126p, 1134p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Copland College, Spence Shops, Spence Terminus]
+    long_name: To Spence Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "701"
+    stop_times: [[442p, 450p, 502p, 509p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 534p, 540p], ["-", "-", 520p, 527p, 529p, 539p, 543p, 550p, 554p], [525p, 533p, 543p, 550p, 552p, 602p, 606p, 613p, 617p], [542p, 550p, 600p, 607p, 609p, 619p, 623p, 630p, 634p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "59"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 648a, 703a, 709a, 718a, 734a, 736a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 710a, 713a, 728a, 734a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 730a, 733a, 748a, 754a, 803a, 820a, 822a, 827a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 813a, 819a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 848a, 905a, 907a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907a, 910a, 925a, 931a, 940a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007a, 1010a, 1025a, 1031a, 1040a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107a, 1110a, 1125a, 1131a, 1140a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1207p, 1210p, 1225p, 1231p, 1240p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 107p, 110p, 125p, 131p, 140p, 156p, 158p, 203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 207p, 210p, 225p, 231p, 240p, 256p, 258p, 303p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 325p, 331p, 340p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [328p, 334p, 336p, 344p, 347p, 350p, 405p, 411p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [337p, 343p, 345p, 353p, 356p, 359p, 414p, 420p, 430p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [351p, 357p, 359p, 408p, 413p, 416p, 431p, 437p, 447p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 427p, 432p, 435p, 450p, 456p, 506p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [423p, 430p, 432p, 441p, 446p, 449p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [437p, 444p, 446p, 455p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 524p, 534p, 551p, 553p, 558p], [453p, 500p, 502p, 511p, 516p, 519p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [507p, 514p, 516p, 525p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 554p, 604p, 620p, 622p, 627p], [524p, 531p, 533p, 542p, 547p, 550p, 605p, 611p, 620p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 602p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 629p, 638p, 654p, 656p, 701p], [557p, 603p, 605p, 612p, 615p, 618p, 633p, 639p, 648p, 704p, 706p, 711p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 707p, 710p, 725p, 731p, 740p, 756p, 758p, 803p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 810p, 825p, 831p, 840p, 856p, 858p, 903p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907p, 910p, 925p, 931p, 940p, 956p, 958p, 1003p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007p, 1010p, 1025p, 1031p, 1040p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107p, 1110p, 1125p, 1131p, 1140p, 1156p, 1158p, 1203a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, Copland College, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 12 312
+    stop_times: [[624a, 629a, 632a, 636a, 646a, 648a, 652a, "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 658a, 701a, 705a, 715a, 717a, 721a, 742a, 759a, 816a], [723a, 728a, 731a, 735a, 745a, 747a, 751a, 813a, 830a, 847a], [734a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 757a, 759a, 803a, 825a, 842a, 859a], [749a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 812a, 814a, 818a, 840a, 857a, 914a], [807a, 812a, 816a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 836a, 858a, 915a, 932a], [827a, 832a, 836a, 840a, 850a, 852a, 856a, 918a, 935a, 950a], [852a, 857a, 901a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 921a, 942a, 959a, 1014a], [922a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 945a, 947a, 951a, 1011a, 1028a, 1043a], [953a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1041a, 1058a, 1113a], [1023a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1111a, 1128a, 1143a], [1053a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1141a, 1158a, 1213p], [1123a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1211p, 1228p, 1243p], [1153a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1241p, 1258p, 113p], [1223p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 111p, 128p, 143p], [1253p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 141p, 158p, 213p], [123p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 211p, 228p, 243p], [153p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 241p, 258p, 316p], [223p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 312p, 329p, 348p], [253p, 258p, 301p, 305p, 315p, 317p, 321p, 343p, 400p, 419p], [322p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 413p, 430p, 449p], [342p, 347p, 351p, 355p, 405p, 407p, 411p, 433p, 450p, 509p], [412p, 417p, 421p, 425p, 435p, 437p, 441p, 503p, 520p, 539p], [432p, 437p, 441p, 445p, 455p, 457p, 501p, 523p, 540p, 559p], [457p, 502p, 506p, 510p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 548p, 605p, 624p], [522p, 527p, 531p, 535p, 545p, 547p, 551p, 613p, 630p, 645p], [552p, 557p, 601p, 605p, 615p, 617p, 621p, 641p, 655p, 710p], [622p, 627p, 631p, 635p, 645p, 647p, 651p, 710p, 724p, 739p], [711p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "934"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm Shops, Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops]
+    long_name: To Calwell Shops
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "768"
+    stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    short_name: "934"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Livingston Shops / Kambah, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station, City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Woden Bus Station-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 61 161
+    stop_times: [[630a, 641a, 646a, 651a, 658a, "-", "-"], [700a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 733a, "-", "-"], [726a, 739a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 819a, 822a], [740a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 813a, "-", "-"], [800a, 814a, 819a, 825a, 839a, "-", "-"], [837a, 851a, 856a, 901a, 910a, "-", "-"], [900a, 914a, 919a, 924a, 933a, "-", "-"], [930a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, "-", "-"], [1030a, 1043a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, "-", "-"], [1130a, 1143a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, "-", "-"], [1230p, 1243p, 1248p, 1253p, 101p, "-", "-"], [130p, 143p, 148p, 153p, 201p, "-", "-"], [230p, 243p, 248p, 253p, 301p, "-", "-"], [330p, 344p, 349p, 354p, 403p, "-", "-"], [400p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 433p, "-", "-"], [430p, 444p, 449p, 454p, 503p, "-", "-"], [500p, 514p, 519p, 524p, 533p, "-", "-"], [530p, 544p, 549p, 554p, 603p, "-", "-"], [600p, 614p, 619p, 624p, 633p, "-", "-"], [630p, 643p, 648p, 653p, 701p, "-", "-"], [730p, 743p, 748p, 753p, 801p, "-", "-"], [830p, 843p, 848p, 853p, 901p, "-", "-"], [930p, 943p, 948p, 953p, 1001p, "-", "-"], [1030p, 1043p, 1048p, 1053p, 1101p, "-", "-"], [1130p, 1143p, 1148p, 1153p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 19 319
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 705a, 711a, 716a, 725a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 747a, 754a, 803a, 810a], [700a, 702a, 706a, 726a, 743a, 801a, 808a, 815a, 824a, 831a], [730a, 732a, 736a, 758a, 815a, 833a, 840a, 847a, 856a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 901a, 908a, 915a, 924a, 930a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 930a, 936a, 941a, 950a, 956a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 928a, 945a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1021a, 1027a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 956a, 1013a, 1029a, 1035a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1026a, 1043a, 1059a, 1105a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1056a, 1113a, 1129a, 1135a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1126a, 1143a, 1159a, 1205p, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1156a, 1213p, 1229p, 1235p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1226p, 1243p, 1259p, 105p, 110p, 119p, 125p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1256p, 113p, 129p, 135p, 140p, 149p, 155p], [100p, 102p, 106p, 126p, 143p, 159p, 205p, 210p, 219p, 225p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 156p, 213p, 229p, 235p, 240p, 249p, 255p], [200p, 202p, 206p, 226p, 243p, 259p, 306p, 313p, 322p, 329p], [230p, 232p, 236p, 256p, 313p, 333p, 340p, 347p, 356p, 403p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 332p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 415p, 422p], [300p, 302p, 306p, 328p, 345p, 405p, 412p, 419p, 428p, 435p], [330p, 332p, 336p, 358p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 449p, 458p, 505p], [400p, 402p, 406p, 428p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 519p, 528p, 535p], [430p, 432p, 436p, 458p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 549p, 558p, 605p], [450p, 452p, 456p, 518p, 535p, 555p, 602p, 609p, 618p, 625p], [510p, 512p, 516p, 538p, 555p, 615p, 622p, 629p, 638p, 644p], [530p, 532p, 536p, 558p, 615p, 634p, 640p, 645p, 654p, 700p], [600p, 602p, 606p, 628p, 642p, 658p, 704p, 709p, 718p, 724p], [630p, 632p, 636p, 655p, 709p, 725p, 731p, 736p, 745p, 751p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818p, 824p, 829p, 838p, 844p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 918p, 924p, 929p, 938p, 944p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1018p, 1024p, 1029p, 1038p, 1044p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1118p, 1124p, 1129p, 1138p, 1144p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs Shops, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "924"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+    short_name: "930"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser Shops, Charnwood Shops, Flynn, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "702"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 709a, 714a, 727a, 730a, 745a, 754a, 802a], [735a, 740a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [754a, 759a, 806a, 811a, 828a, 833a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Holt Shops, West Macgregor, Higgins Shops, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "44"
+    stop_times: [[605a, 607a, 616a, 625a, 630a, 635a, 637a, 641a], [638a, 640a, 649a, 658a, 703a, 708a, 710a, 714a], [705a, 707a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 736a, 738a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", 732a, 739a, 745a, 747a, 751a], [738a, 741a, 750a, 759a, 806a, 812a, 814a, 818a], [808a, 811a, 820a, 829a, 836a, 842a, 844a, 848a], [842a, 845a, 854a, 903a, 910a, 916a, 918a, 922a], [912a, 915a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 947a, 951a], [938a, 940a, 949a, 958a, 1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a], [1037a, 1039a, 1048a, 1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1111a, 1115a], [1137a, 1139a, 1148a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1237p, 1239p, 1248p, 1257p, 103p, 109p, 111p, 115p], [137p, 139p, 148p, 157p, 203p, 209p, 211p, 215p], [237p, 239p, 248p, 257p, 304p, 310p, 312p, 316p], [313p, 315p, 324p, 333p, 340p, 346p, 348p, 352p], [348p, 350p, 359p, 408p, 415p, 421p, 423p, 427p], [420p, 422p, 431p, 440p, 447p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 503p, 512p, 519p, 525p, 527p, 531p], [523p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 550p, 556p, 558p, 602p], [600p, 602p, 611p, 620p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 639p], [628p, 630p, 639p, 648p, 654p, 659p, 701p, 705p], [642p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 708p, 713p, 715p, 719p], [737p, 739p, 748p, 757p, 803p, 808p, 810p, 814p], [837p, 839p, 848p, 857p, 903p, 908p, 910p, 914p], [937p, 939p, 948p, 957p, 1003p, 1008p, 1010p, 1014p], [1037p, 1039p, 1048p, 1057p, 1103p, 1108p, 1110p, 1114p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[851a, 902a, 910a, 917a], [951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p], [751p, 802p, 810p, 817p], [851p, 902p, 910p, 917p], [951p, 1002p, 1010p, 1017p], [1051p, 1102p, 1110p, 1117p]]
+    short_name: "962"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "968"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis]
+    long_name: To Woodcock / Clare Dennis
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "788"
+    stop_times: [[426p, 432p, 441p, 512p, 526p, 536p], [502p, 507p, 518p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [532p, 538p, 547p, 618p, 632p, 642p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "905"
+    stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 817a, 827a, 834a], [846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p], [746p, 753p, 757p, 801p, 814p, 823p, 830p], [846p, 853p, 857p, 901p, 914p, 923p, 930p], [946p, 953p, 957p, 1001p, 1014p, 1023p, 1030p], [1046p, 1053p, 1057p, 1101p, 1114p, 1123p, 1130p]]
+    short_name: "938"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Copland College, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus]
+    long_name: To Spence Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 12 312
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 746a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 807a, 811a, 819a, 823a, 828a, 835a], [726a, 745a, 803a, 824a, 826a, 830a, 838a, 842a, 847a, 854a], [826a, 845a, 903a, 924a, 926a, 930a, 937a, 941a, 945a, 952a], [901a, 920a, 937a, 957a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1014a, 1018a, 1025a], [931a, 949a, 1005a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1046a, 1053a], [1001a, 1019a, 1035a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1108a, 1112a, 1116a, 1123a], [1031a, 1049a, 1105a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1146a, 1153a], [1101a, 1119a, 1135a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1208p, 1212p, 1216p, 1223p], [1131a, 1149a, 1205p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1246p, 1253p], [1201p, 1219p, 1235p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 108p, 112p, 116p, 123p], [1231p, 1249p, 105p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 146p, 153p], [101p, 119p, 135p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 208p, 212p, 216p, 223p], [131p, 149p, 205p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 253p], [201p, 219p, 235p, 255p, 257p, 301p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 325p], [231p, 249p, 305p, 326p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 356p], [259p, 318p, 336p, 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 420p, 427p], [331p, 350p, 408p, 429p, 431p, 435p, 443p, 447p, 452p, 459p], [356p, 415p, 433p, 454p, 456p, 500p, 508p, 512p, 517p, 524p], [416p, 435p, 453p, 514p, 516p, 520p, 528p, 532p, 537p, 544p], [436p, 455p, 513p, 534p, 536p, 540p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 604p], [456p, 515p, 533p, 554p, 556p, 600p, 608p, 612p, 617p, 624p], [516p, 535p, 553p, 614p, 616p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 636p, 643p], [536p, 555p, 613p, 634p, 636p, 640p, 647p, 651p, 655p, 702p], [636p, 653p, 708p, 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 745p, 749p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 834p, 836p, 840p, 847p, 851p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 934p, 936p, 940p, 947p, 951p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1047p, 1051p, 1055p, 1102p], ["-", "-", "-", 1134p, 1136p, 1140p, 1147p, 1151p, 1155p, 1202a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]
+    long_name: To Farrer Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+    short_name: "720"
+    stop_times: [[440p, 446p, 504p, 510p, 523p, 529p], [510p, 516p, 534p, 540p, 553p, 559p], [540p, 546p, 604p, 610p, 623p, 629p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Bugden Sternberg, Chisholm Shops, Calwell Shops, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: 67 267
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 601a, 608a, 618a, 632a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 617a, 626a, 626a, 633a, 643a, 657a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 647a, 656a, 656a, 703a, 713a, 727a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717a, 726a, 726a, 734a, 746a, 803a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 747a, 804a, 804a, 813a, 825a, 842a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817a, 834a, 834a, 843a, 855a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 847a, 904a, 904a, 913a, 925a, 941a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917a, 933a, 933a, 940a, 949a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017a, 1030a, 1030a, 1037a, 1046a, 1101a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117a, 1130a, 1130a, 1137a, 1146a, 1201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1217p, 1230p, 1230p, 1237p, 1246p, 101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 117p, 130p, 130p, 137p, 146p, 201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 217p, 230p, 230p, 237p, 246p, 301p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 247p, 300p, 300p, 310p, 325p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 317p, 334p, 334p, 344p, 359p, 415p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 347p, 404p, 404p, 414p, 429p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 417p, 434p, 434p, 444p, 459p, 515p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 447p, 504p, 504p, 514p, 529p, 545p], [430p, 436p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 520p, 520p, 530p, 545p, 601p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 518p, 533p, 550p, 550p, 600p, 615p, 631p], [544p, 550p, 559p, 602p, 617p, 633p, 633p, 640p, 649p, 704p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717p, 730p, 730p, 737p, 746p, 801p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817p, 830p, 830p, 837p, 846p, 901p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 930p, 930p, 937p, 946p, 1001p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017p, 1030p, 1030p, 1037p, 1046p, 1101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117p, 1130p, 1130p, 1137p, 1146p, 1201a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "56"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 602a, 612a, 623a, 639a, 641a, 646a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 636a, 646a, 657a, 713a, 715a, 720a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 727a, 743a, 745a, 750a], [651a, 657a, 659a, 705a, 712a, 722a, 733a, 749a, 751a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 726a, 736a, 747a, 804a, 806a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 743a, 755a, 806a, 823a, 825a, 830a], [741a, 747a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 826a, 843a, 845a, 850a], [801a, 808a, 810a, 816a, 824a, 836a, 847a, 904a, 906a, 911a], [821a, 828a, 830a, 836a, 844a, 856a, 906a, 922a, 924a, 929a], [851a, 858a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 935a, 951a, 953a, 958a], [1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1018a, 1025a, 1037a, 1047a, 1103a, 1105a, 1110a], [1104a, 1110a, 1112a, 1118a, 1125a, 1137a, 1147a, 1203p, 1205p, 1210p], [1204p, 1210p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p, 1237p, 1247p, 103p, 105p, 110p], [104p, 110p, 112p, 118p, 125p, 137p, 147p, 203p, 205p, 210p], [204p, 210p, 212p, 218p, 225p, 237p, 247p, 303p, 305p, 310p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 318p, 326p, 338p, 349p, 406p, 408p, 413p], [358p, 405p, 407p, 414p, 422p, 434p, 445p, 502p, 504p, 509p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 445p, 456p, 513p, 515p, 520p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 445p, 453p, 505p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [449p, 456p, 458p, 505p, 513p, 525p, 536p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [510p, 517p, 519p, 526p, 534p, 546p, 557p, 613p, 615p, 620p], [530p, 537p, 539p, 546p, 554p, 605p, 615p, 631p, 633p, 638p], [550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 611p, 621p, 631p, 647p, 649p, 654p], [610p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [704p, 710p, 712p, 717p, 724p, 734p, 744p, 800p, 802p, 807p], [804p, 810p, 812p, 817p, 824p, 834p, 844p, 900p, 902p, 907p], [904p, 910p, 912p, 917p, 924p, 934p, 944p, 1000p, 1002p, 1007p], [1004p, 1010p, 1012p, 1017p, 1024p, 1034p, 1044p, 1100p, 1102p, 1107p], [1104p, 1110p, 1112p, 1117p, 1124p, 1134p, 1144p, 1200a, 1202a, 1207a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Geoscience Australia, Narrabundah Terminus, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "4"
+    stop_times: [[712a, "-", 715a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 743a], [744a, "-", 747a, 756a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 819a], [817a, "-", 820a, 829a, 833a, 838a, 843a, 852a], [847a, "-", 850a, 859a, 903a, 908a, 913a, 922a], [917a, "-", 920a, 929a, 932a, 936a, 940a, 948a], [948a, "-", 951a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1009a, 1017a], [1018a, "-", 1021a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1039a, 1047a], [1048a, "-", 1051a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1109a, 1117a], [1118a, "-", 1121a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1139a, 1147a], [1148a, "-", 1151a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1209p, 1217p], [1218p, "-", 1221p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1239p, 1247p], [1248p, "-", 1251p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 109p, 117p], [118p, "-", 121p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 139p, 147p], [148p, "-", 151p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 209p, 217p], [218p, "-", 221p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 239p, 247p], [246p, "-", 249p, 256p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 318p], [314p, "-", 317p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 340p, 349p], [346p, "-", 349p, 358p, 402p, 407p, 412p, 421p], [417p, "-", 420p, 429p, 433p, 438p, 443p, 452p], [448p, "-", 451p, 500p, 504p, 509p, 514p, 523p], [518p, "-", 521p, 530p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 553p], [548p, "-", 551p, 600p, 604p, 609p, 614p, 623p], ["-", 617p, 620p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 640p, 648p], ["-", 650p, 653p, 658p, 701p, 705p, 709p, 717p], ["-", 743p, 746p, 751p, 754p, 758p, 802p, 810p], ["-", 843p, 846p, 851p, 854p, 858p, 902p, 910p], ["-", 943p, 946p, 951p, 954p, 958p, 1002p, 1010p], ["-", 1043p, 1046p, 1051p, 1054p, 1058p, 1102p, 1110p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "982"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    short_name: "961"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Chapman Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "927"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie Shops, Chisholm Shops, Gowrie Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "966"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor Shops, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "703"
+    stop_times: [[440p, 448p, 458p, 516p, 527p, 534p, 541p], ["-", "-", 515p, 533p, 544p, 551p, 558p], ["-", "-", 526p, 544p, 555p, 602p, 609p], [520p, 528p, 538p, 556p, 607p, 614p, 621p], [545p, 553p, 603p, 621p, 632p, 639p, 646p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+    short_name: "28"
+    stop_times: [[615a, 624a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 652a, 655a, 709a, 719a], [637a, 646a, 652a, 656a, 700a, 714a, 717a, 731a, 741a], [705a, 714a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 742a, 746a, 800a, 810a], [745a, 757a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 847a, 857a], [815a, 827a, 835a, 840a, 844a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [844a, 856a, 904a, 909a, 913a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [926a, 938a, 945a, 949a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1026a, 1038a, 1045a, 1049a, 1053a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1126a, 1138a, 1145a, 1149a, 1153a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1226p, 1238p, 1245p, 1249p, 1253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [126p, 138p, 145p, 149p, 153p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [226p, 238p, 245p, 249p, 253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [326p, 338p, 346p, 351p, 354p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [356p, 408p, 416p, 421p, 425p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 427p, 435p, 440p, 444p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 527p, 535p, 540p, 544p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 627p, 634p, 638p, 641p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 709p, 715p, 719p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 809p, 815p, 819p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 909p, 915p, 919p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1009p, 1015p, 1019p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 719a, 727a, 735a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 806a, 813a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 808a, 819a, 827a, 835a, 844a, 851a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 808p, 819p, 827p, 835p, 844p, 851p, 858p, 906p, 913p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 908p, 919p, 927p, 935p, 944p, 951p, 958p, 1006p, 1013p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1008p, 1019p, 1027p, 1035p, 1044p, 1051p, 1058p, 1106p, 1113p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1108p, 1119p, 1127p, 1135p, 1144p, 1151p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "958"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "937"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave]
+    long_name: To Macarthur / Northbourne Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "58"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 543a, 554a, 602a, 609a, 615a, 621a, 623a], ["-", "-", "-", 623a, 634a, 642a, 649a, 655a, 701a, 703a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654a, 702a, 709a, 715a, 721a, 723a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 713a, 721a, 728a, 734a, 740a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 738a, 744a, 754a, 759a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 748a, 755a, 803a, 814a, 819a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 743a, 754a, 803a, 810a, 818a, 829a, 834a], [744a, 746a, 750a, 805a, 816a, 825a, 832a, 840a, 851a, 856a], [825a, 827a, 831a, 846a, 857a, 905a, 912a, 919a, 925a, 927a], [905a, 907a, 911a, 925a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 957a, 1003a, 1005a], [1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1025a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1057a, 1103a, 1105a], [1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1125a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1157a, 1203p, 1205p], [1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1225p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1257p, 103p, 105p], [105p, 107p, 111p, 125p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 157p, 203p, 205p], [205p, 207p, 211p, 225p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 257p, 303p, 305p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p], [405p, 407p, 411p, 426p, 437p, 446p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 510p], [425p, 427p, 431p, 446p, 457p, 506p, 513p, 521p, 528p, 530p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 506p, 517p, 526p, 533p, 541p, 548p, 550p], [505p, 507p, 511p, 526p, 537p, 546p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p], [525p, 527p, 531p, 546p, 557p, 605p, 612p, 618p, 624p, 626p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 606p, 616p, 624p, 631p, 637p, 643p, 645p], [604p, 606p, 610p, 624p, 634p, 642p, 649p, 655p, 701p, 703p], [704p, 706p, 710p, 724p, 734p, 742p, 749p, 755p, 801p, 803p], [804p, 806p, 810p, 824p, 834p, 842p, 849p, 855p, 901p, 903p], [904p, 906p, 910p, 924p, 934p, 942p, 949p, 955p, 1001p, 1003p], [1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1024p, 1034p, 1042p, 1049p, 1055p, 1101p, 1103p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[631a, 633a, 637a, 657a, 714a, 729a, 735a], [646a, 648a, 652a, 712a, 729a, 744a, 750a], [701a, 703a, 707a, 727a, 744a, 759a, 805a], [716a, 718a, 722a, 742a, 759a, 814a, 820a], [731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1119a, 1134a, "-", "-"], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1123a, 1125a, 1129a, 1149a, 1204p, "-", "-"], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1219p, 1234p, "-", "-"], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1223p, 1225p, 1229p, 1249p, 104p, "-", "-"], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 119p, 134p, "-", "-"], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [123p, 125p, 129p, 149p, 204p, "-", "-"], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 219p, 234p, "-", "-"], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [223p, 225p, 229p, 249p, 304p, "-", "-"], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 319p, 334p, "-", "-"], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 349p, 404p, "-", "-"], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 419p, 434p, "-", "-"], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p], [716p, 718p, 722p, 741p, 755p, 809p, 815p], [731p, 733p, 737p, 756p, 810p, 824p, 830p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 811p, 825p, 839p, 845p], [801p, 803p, 807p, 826p, 840p, 854p, 900p], [816p, 818p, 822p, 841p, 855p, 909p, 915p], [831p, 833p, 837p, 856p, 910p, 924p, 930p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 911p, 925p, 939p, 945p], [901p, 903p, 907p, 926p, 940p, 954p, 1000p], [916p, 918p, 922p, 941p, 955p, 1009p, 1015p], [931p, 933p, 937p, 956p, 1010p, 1024p, 1030p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1011p, 1025p, 1039p, 1045p], [1001p, 1003p, 1007p, 1026p, 1040p, 1054p, 1100p], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1041p, 1055p, 1109p, 1115p], [1031p, 1033p, 1037p, 1056p, 1110p, 1124p, 1130p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1111p, 1125p, 1139p, 1145p], [1101p, 1103p, 1107p, 1126p, 1140p, 1154p, 1200a]]
+    short_name: "900"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+    short_name: "981"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 65 265
+    stop_times: [[535a, 541a, 552a, 557a, 611a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [635a, 641a, 652a, 657a, 711a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 700a, 712a, 721a, 737a, 752a, 756a, 805a, 808a], [720a, 726a, 734a, 743a, 801a, 815a, 819a, 829a, 832a], [730a, 739a, 756a, 805a, 822a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745a, 754a, 811a, 820a, 842a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [815a, 824a, 841a, 850a, 907a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 854a, 911a, 920a, 936a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 952a, 1005a, 1012a, 1027a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1052a, 1105a, 1112a, 1127a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1152a, 1205p, 1212p, 1227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1252p, 105p, 112p, 127p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 152p, 205p, 212p, 227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 252p, 305p, 312p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [315p, 324p, 337p, 344p, 403p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 354p, 407p, 414p, 433p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 429p, 442p, 449p, 508p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 454p, 507p, 514p, 533p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 524p, 537p, 544p, 603p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 554p, 607p, 614p, 633p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 624p, 636p, 641p, 657p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [641p, 647p, 659p, 704p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [741p, 747p, 759p, 804p, 820p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [841p, 847p, 859p, 904p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [941p, 947p, 959p, 1004p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1041p, 1047p, 1059p, 1104p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "902"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 703p, 710p, 716p, 721p, 729p, 736p, 738p, 742p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[822a, 824a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 846a, 856a, 906a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 734p, 739p, 744p, 754p, 804p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 834p, 839p, 844p, 854p, 904p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 934p, 939p, 944p, 954p, 1004p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p, 1039p, 1044p, 1054p, 1104p]]
+    short_name: "951"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Geoscience Australia, Eye Hospital, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Causeway, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "80"
+    stop_times: [[547a, 602a, 611a, 616a, 625a, 632a, 634a, 638a, 642a, 650a], [606a, 621a, 630a, 635a, 644a, 651a, 653a, 657a, 701a, 709a], [633a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 711a, 718a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 738a], [701a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 741a, 749a, 753a, 800a, 804a, 815a], [731a, 747a, 756a, 803a, 814a, 822a, 826a, 833a, 837a, 848a], [801a, 817a, 826a, 833a, 844a, 852a, 856a, 903a, 907a, 918a], [834a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 917a, 925a, 929a, 933a, 937a, 945a], [909a, 924a, 934a, 939a, 948a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a], [940a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1018a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1035a, 1043a], [1040a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1118a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1135a, 1143a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1140a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1218p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1235p, 1243p], [1240p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 118p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 135p, 143p], [140p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 218p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 235p, 243p], [240p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 343p], [340p, 356p, 406p, 412p, 422p, 429p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 450p], [408p, 424p, 434p, 440p, 450p, 457p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 518p], [438p, 454p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 527p, 529p, 534p, 539p, 548p], [508p, 524p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 618p], [538p, 554p, 604p, 610p, 620p, 627p, 629p, 633p, 637p, 645p], [557p, 613p, 623p, 629p, 637p, 643p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 727p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 745p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 827p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 845p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 927p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 945p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1027p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1045p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "50"
+    stop_times: [[700p, 703p, 706p, 713p, 715p, 722p], [730p, 733p, 736p, 743p, 745p, 752p], [800p, 803p, 806p, 813p, 815p, 822p], [830p, 833p, 836p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [900p, 903p, 906p, 913p, 915p, 922p], [930p, 933p, 936p, 943p, 945p, 952p], [1000p, 1003p, 1006p, 1013p, 1015p, 1022p], [1030p, 1033p, 1036p, 1043p, 1045p, 1052p], [1100p, 1103p, 1106p, 1113p, 1115p, 1122p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker Shops, Weetangera Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "17"
+    stop_times: [[601a, 606a, 612a, 617a, 620a, 625a, 627a, 631a], [631a, 636a, 642a, 647a, 650a, 655a, 657a, 701a], [701a, 706a, 712a, 717a, 720a, 725a, 727a, 731a], [721a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 740a, 746a, 748a, 752a], [741a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 801a, 807a, 809a, 813a], [801a, 807a, 813a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 829a, 833a], [821a, 827a, 833a, 838a, 841a, 847a, 849a, 853a], [841a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 901a, 907a, 909a, 913a], [925a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 950a, 952a, 956a], [956a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a], [1026a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a, 1052a, 1056a], [1056a, 1101a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a], [1126a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a, 1152a, 1156a], [1156a, 1201p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p], [1226p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p, 1252p, 1256p], [1256p, 101p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 120p, 122p, 126p], ["-", "-", 122p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 137p, 141p], [126p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 150p, 152p, 156p], [156p, 201p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 220p, 222p, 226p], [226p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 245p, 250p, 252p, 256p], ["-", "-", 252p, 257p, 300p, 306p, 308p, 312p], [256p, 301p, 307p, 312p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 327p], ["-", "-", 325p, 330p, 333p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [326p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 346p, 352p, 354p, 358p], [347p, 353p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 415p, 419p], ["-", "-", 403p, 408p, 411p, 417p, 419p, 423p], [417p, 423p, 429p, 434p, 437p, 443p, 445p, 449p], [447p, 453p, 459p, 504p, 507p, 513p, 515p, 519p], [517p, 523p, 529p, 534p, 537p, 543p, 545p, 549p], [547p, 553p, 559p, 604p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 619p], [617p, 623p, 629p, 634p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 647p], [719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 738p, 742p, 744p, 748p], [819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 838p, 842p, 844p, 848p], [919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 938p, 942p, 944p, 948p], [1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1038p, 1042p, 1044p, 1048p], [1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, 1138p, 1142p, 1144p, 1148p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, North Lyneham, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "30"
+    stop_times: [[546a, 548a, 552a, 557a, 605a, 612a, 618a, 621a, 623a, 630a], [615a, 617a, 621a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 647a, 650a, 652a, 659a], [631a, 633a, 637a, 642a, 650a, 657a, 703a, 706a, 708a, 715a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 707a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 731a, 736a, 752a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 738a, 746a, 750a, 755a, 811a], [724a, 726a, 730a, 735a, 743a, 752a, 800a, 804a, 809a, 825a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 824a, 828a, 833a, 848a], [756a, 758a, 802a, 807a, 815a, 824a, 834a, 838a, 843a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 838a, 846a, 850a, 855a, 911a], [824a, 826a, 830a, 835a, 843a, 852a, 900a, 904a, 909a, 925a], [853a, 855a, 859a, 904a, 912a, 921a, 929a, 932a, 934a, 941a], [953a, 955a, 959a, 1004a, 1011a, 1019a, 1027a, 1030a, 1032a, 1039a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1104a, 1111a, 1119a, 1127a, 1130a, 1132a, 1139a], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1204p, 1211p, 1219p, 1227p, 1230p, 1232p, 1239p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 104p, 111p, 119p, 127p, 130p, 132p, 139p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 204p, 211p, 219p, 227p, 230p, 232p, 239p], [242p, 244p, 248p, 253p, 300p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 322p, 330p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 327p, 335p, 343p, 347p, 349p, 357p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 359p, 407p, 411p, 413p, 421p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 412p, 421p, 429p, 437p, 441p, 443p, 451p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 442p, 451p, 459p, 507p, 511p, 513p, 521p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 537p, 541p, 543p, 551p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 542p, 551p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 613p, 621p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 612p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 634p, 640p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 711p, 718p, 724p, 727p, 729p, 735p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 811p, 818p, 824p, 827p, 829p, 835p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 911p, 918p, 924p, 927p, 929p, 935p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1011p, 1018p, 1024p, 1027p, 1029p, 1035p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1111p, 1118p, 1124p, 1127p, 1129p, 1135p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "914"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "785"
+    stop_times: [[652a, 655a, 713a, 743a, 747a, 749a], [725a, 728a, 746a, 816a, 820a, 822a], [745a, 748a, 806a, 836a, 840a, 842a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Market Place]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz34Gq, Wjz33LB, Wjz33KX, Wjz33GY, Wjz33EK, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "787"
+    stop_times: [[516p, 522p, 524p, 556p, 607p, 609p], [535p, 541p, 543p, 615p, 626p, 628p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Dickson College, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "757"
+    stop_times: [[433p, 443p, 457p, 510p, 524p], [508p, 518p, 532p, 543p, 556p], [538p, 548p, 602p, 613p, 626p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 816a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p], [713p, 720p, 722p, 726p, 731p, 740p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 816p, 833p, 835p, 840p], [813p, 820p, 822p, 826p, 831p, 840p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 916p, 933p, 935p, 940p], [913p, 920p, 922p, 926p, 931p, 940p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1016p, 1033p, 1035p, 1040p], [1013p, 1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1031p, 1040p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1116p, 1133p, 1135p, 1140p], [1113p, 1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1131p, 1140p, 1150p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "934"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "958"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[810a, 819a, 824a, 829a, 833a, 841a], [1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p], [813p, 821p, 826p, 830p, 834p, 841p], [1013p, 1021p, 1026p, 1030p, 1034p, 1041p]]
+    short_name: "924"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p], [801p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 841p], [901p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 941p], [1001p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1041p], [1101p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "930"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, Canberra College Weston Campus, Chapman Shops, Weston Creek Terminus]
+    long_name: To Weston Creek Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 26 226
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 828a, 832a, 837a, 841a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 858a, 908a, 912a, 917a, 921a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 958a, 1007a, 1010a, 1015a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1058a, 1107a, 1110a, 1115a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1158a, 1207p, 1210p, 1215p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1258p, 107p, 110p, 115p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 158p, 207p, 210p, 215p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 258p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 324p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 328p, 340p, 344p, 350p, 355p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 354p, 406p, 410p, 416p, 421p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 418p, 430p, 434p, 440p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 448p, 500p, 504p, 510p, 515p], [452p, 456p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 530p, 534p, 540p, 545p], [522p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 600p, 604p, 610p, 615p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 640p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 650p, 657p, 659p, 703p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 750p, 757p, 759p, 803p, 807p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 850p, 857p, 859p, 903p, 907p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 950p, 957p, 959p, 1003p, 1007p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1050p, 1057p, 1059p, 1103p, 1107p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "925"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder Shops, Duffy Primary, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+    short_name: "729"
+    stop_times: [[445p, 451p, 513p, 518p, 526p, 532p], [515p, 521p, 543p, 548p, 556p, 602p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[803a, 816a, 824a, 838a, 848a], [1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p], [803p, 816p, 824p, 838p, 848p], [1003p, 1016p, 1024p, 1038p, 1048p]]
+    short_name: "968"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor Shops, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "703"
+    stop_times: [[653a, 700a, 706a, 718a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [710a, 717a, 723a, 735a, 753a, "-", "-"], [723a, 730a, 736a, 748a, 806a, "-", "-"], [738a, 745a, 751a, 803a, 834a, 843a, 851a], [758a, 806a, 813a, 827a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba Shops, Spence Terminus, Melba Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 738a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 811a, 825a, 838a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 709p, 723p, 736p, 750p, 752p, 756p], [751p, 753p, 757p, 809p, 823p, 836p, 850p, 852p, 856p], [855p, 857p, 901p, 913p, 927p, 940p, 954p, 956p, 1000p], [955p, 957p, 1001p, 1013p, 1027p, 1040p, 1054p, 1056p, 1100p], [1055p, 1057p, 1101p, 1113p, 1127p, 1140p, 1154p, 1156p, 1200a]]
+    short_name: "906"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Calwell Shops, Theodore, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+    short_name: 11 111
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 546a, 556a, 609a, 616a], ["-", "-", "-", 606a, 616a, 629a, 636a], ["-", "-", "-", 626a, 636a, 649a, 656a], ["-", "-", "-", 646a, 656a, 709a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 729a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", 725a, 735a, 749a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", 745a, 755a, 809a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 815a, 829a, 836a], ["-", "-", "-", 825a, 835a, 849a, 856a], ["-", "-", "-", 845a, 855a, 909a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", 917a, 927a, 940a, 946a], ["-", 930a, 942a, 948a, 957a, 1010a, 1016a], ["-", 1000a, 1012a, 1018a, 1027a, 1040a, 1046a], ["-", 1030a, 1042a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a, 1116a], ["-", 1100a, 1112a, 1118a, 1127a, 1140a, 1146a], ["-", 1130a, 1142a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p, 1216p], ["-", 1200p, 1212p, 1218p, 1227p, 1240p, 1246p], ["-", 1230p, 1242p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p, 116p], ["-", 100p, 112p, 118p, 127p, 140p, 146p], ["-", 130p, 142p, 148p, 157p, 210p, 216p], ["-", 200p, 212p, 218p, 227p, 240p, 246p], ["-", 230p, 242p, 248p, 257p, 311p, 318p], ["-", 300p, 314p, 321p, 331p, 345p, 352p], ["-", 320p, 334p, 341p, 351p, 405p, 412p], ["-", 340p, 354p, 401p, 411p, 425p, 432p], ["-", 400p, 414p, 421p, 431p, 445p, 452p], ["-", 425p, 439p, 446p, 456p, 510p, 517p], ["-", 440p, 454p, 501p, 511p, 525p, 532p], ["-", 500p, 514p, 521p, 531p, 545p, 552p], [456p, 513p, 527p, 534p, 544p, 558p, 605p], [516p, 533p, 547p, 554p, 604p, 618p, 625p], [534p, 551p, 605p, 612p, 622p, 636p, 641p], [556p, 613p, 627p, 633p, 642p, 655p, 701p], [616p, 633p, 645p, 651p, 700p, 713p, 719p], ["-", 733p, 745p, 751p, 800p, 813p, 819p], ["-", 833p, 845p, 851p, 900p, 913p, 919p], ["-", 933p, 945p, 951p, 1000p, 1013p, 1019p], ["-", 1033p, 1045p, 1051p, 1100p, 1113p, 1119p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Narrabundah Terminus, Geoscience Australia]
+    long_name: To Geoscience Australia
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "4"
+    stop_times: [[633a, 641a, 645a, 649a, 652a, 700a, "-", 703a], [703a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 722a, 730a, "-", 733a], [733a, 742a, 747a, 752a, 755a, 805a, "-", 808a], [803a, 812a, 817a, 822a, 825a, 835a, "-", 838a], [818a, 827a, 832a, 837a, 840a, 850a, "-", 853a], [833a, 842a, 847a, 852a, 855a, 905a, "-", 908a], [903a, 912a, 917a, 922a, 925a, 935a, "-", 938a], [933a, 941a, 945a, 949a, 952a, 1001a, "-", 1004a], [1003a, 1011a, 1015a, 1019a, 1022a, 1031a, "-", 1034a], [1033a, 1041a, 1045a, 1049a, 1052a, 1101a, "-", 1104a], [1103a, 1111a, 1115a, 1119a, 1122a, 1131a, "-", 1134a], [1133a, 1141a, 1145a, 1149a, 1152a, 1201p, "-", 1204p], [1203p, 1211p, 1215p, 1219p, 1222p, 1231p, "-", 1234p], [1233p, 1241p, 1245p, 1249p, 1252p, 101p, "-", 104p], [103p, 111p, 115p, 119p, 122p, 131p, "-", 134p], [133p, 141p, 145p, 149p, 152p, 201p, "-", 204p], [203p, 211p, 215p, 219p, 222p, 231p, "-", 234p], [233p, 241p, 245p, 249p, 252p, 301p, "-", 304p], [303p, 312p, 317p, 322p, 325p, 334p, "-", 337p], [333p, 342p, 347p, 352p, 355p, 404p, "-", 407p], [405p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", 439p], [439p, 448p, 453p, 458p, 501p, 510p, "-", 513p], [509p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 531p, 540p, "-", 543p], [539p, 548p, 553p, 558p, 601p, 610p, 613p, "-"], [616p, 625p, 630p, 634p, 637p, 642p, 645p, "-"], [707p, 715p, 719p, 723p, 726p, 731p, 734p, "-"], [810p, 818p, 822p, 826p, 829p, 834p, 837p, "-"], [910p, 918p, 922p, 926p, 929p, 934p, 937p, "-"], [1010p, 1018p, 1022p, 1026p, 1029p, 1034p, 1037p, "-"], [1110p, 1118p, 1122p, 1126p, 1129p, 1134p, 1137p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson]
+    long_name: To Dickson
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+    short_name: "6"
+    stop_times: [[618a, 626a, 638a, 645a, 650a, 701a, 713a, 719a, 725a], [653a, 701a, 713a, 720a, 725a, 737a, 751a, 759a, 806a], [723a, 731a, 745a, 753a, 758a, 812a, 826a, 834a, 841a], [753a, 803a, 817a, 825a, 830a, 844a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [823a, 833a, 847a, 855a, 900a, 914a, 928a, 936a, 943a], [853a, 903a, 917a, 925a, 930a, 944a, 956a, 1004a, 1011a], [923a, 933a, 945a, 952a, 957a, 1011a, 1023a, 1031a, 1038a], [1023a, 1033a, 1045a, 1052a, 1057a, 1111a, 1123a, 1131a, 1138a], [1123a, 1133a, 1145a, 1152a, 1157a, 1211p, 1223p, 1231p, 1238p], [1223p, 1233p, 1245p, 1252p, 1257p, 111p, 123p, 131p, 138p], [123p, 133p, 145p, 152p, 157p, 211p, 223p, 231p, 238p], [223p, 233p, 245p, 252p, 257p, 311p, 325p, 333p, 340p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 344p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [323p, 333p, 347p, 355p, 400p, 414p, 428p, 436p, 443p], [353p, 403p, 417p, 425p, 430p, 444p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [423p, 433p, 447p, 455p, 500p, 514p, 528p, 536p, 543p], [453p, 503p, 517p, 525p, 530p, 544p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [516p, 526p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 607p, 621p, 629p, 635p], [553p, 603p, 617p, 625p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 656p, 702p], [630p, 638p, 648p, 655p, 700p, 710p, 720p, 726p, 732p], [730p, 738p, 748p, 755p, 800p, 810p, 820p, 826p, 832p], [830p, 838p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 910p, 920p, 926p, 932p], [930p, 938p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1010p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], [1030p, 1038p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: "710"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 700a, 704a, 723a, 732a, 740a], [728a, 730a, 734a, 753a, 802a, 810a], [743a, 745a, 749a, 808a, 817a, 825a], [758a, 800a, 804a, 823a, 832a, 840a], [813a, 815a, 819a, 838a, 847a, 855a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "962"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Tharwa Drive]
+    long_name: To Tharwa Drive
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "769"
+    stop_times: [[427p, 433p, 442p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 532p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 540p, 550p, 600p, 605p], [537p, 543p, 552p, 617p, 627p, 637p, 642p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tharwa Drive, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Chisholm Shops, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: "769"
+    stop_times: [[641a, 646a, 656a, 706a, 733a, 743a, 747a], [721a, 726a, 736a, 746a, 813a, 823a, 827a], [741a, 746a, 756a, 806a, 833a, 843a, 847a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+    short_name: "982"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "50"
+    stop_times: [[700p, 706p, 708p, 715p, 718p, 721p], [730p, 736p, 738p, 745p, 748p, 751p], [800p, 806p, 808p, 815p, 818p, 821p], [830p, 836p, 838p, 845p, 848p, 851p], [900p, 906p, 908p, 915p, 918p, 921p], [930p, 936p, 938p, 945p, 948p, 951p], [1000p, 1006p, 1008p, 1015p, 1018p, 1021p], [1030p, 1036p, 1038p, 1045p, 1048p, 1051p], [1100p, 1106p, 1108p, 1115p, 1118p, 1121p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+    short_name: "982"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "780"
+    stop_times: [[648a, 707a, 723a], [719a, 738a, 754a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Chapman Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 803a, 806a, 816a, 819a, 826a], [855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p], [755p, 803p, 806p, 816p, 819p, 826p], [855p, 903p, 906p, 916p, 919p, 926p], [955p, 1003p, 1006p, 1016p, 1019p, 1026p], [1055p, 1103p, 1106p, 1116p, 1119p, 1126p]]
+    short_name: "927"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    short_name: "3"
+    stop_times: [[612a, 619a, 621a, 625a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 650a, 701a, 706a, 711a, 718a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [642a, 649a, 651a, 655a, 700a, 704a, 708a, 720a, 731a, 736a, 741a, 750a, 803a, 805a, 810a], [712a, 719a, 721a, 725a, 730a, 734a, 740a, 752a, 803a, 808a, 813a, 822a, 835a, 837a, 842a], [738a, 746a, 749a, 754a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 845a, 854a, 907a, 909a, 914a], [808a, 816a, 819a, 824a, 832a, 836a, 842a, 854a, 905a, 910a, 915a, 924a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [838a, 846a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 906a, 912a, 924a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 952a, 1004a, 1006a, 1011a], [912a, 920a, 923a, 928a, 934a, 938a, 942a, 954a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1022a, 1034a, 1036a, 1041a], [942a, 949a, 951a, 955a, 1000a, 1004a, 1008a, 1020a, 1031a, 1036a, 1041a, 1048a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1012a, 1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1030a, 1034a, 1038a, 1050a, 1101a, 1106a, 1111a, 1118a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1042a, 1049a, 1051a, 1055a, 1100a, 1104a, 1108a, 1120a, 1131a, 1136a, 1141a, 1148a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1112a, 1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1130a, 1134a, 1138a, 1150a, 1201p, 1206p, 1211p, 1218p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1142a, 1149a, 1151a, 1155a, 1200p, 1204p, 1208p, 1220p, 1231p, 1236p, 1241p, 1248p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1212p, 1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1230p, 1234p, 1238p, 1250p, 101p, 106p, 111p, 118p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1242p, 1249p, 1251p, 1255p, 100p, 104p, 108p, 120p, 131p, 136p, 141p, 148p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [112p, 119p, 121p, 125p, 130p, 134p, 138p, 150p, 201p, 206p, 211p, 218p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [142p, 149p, 151p, 155p, 200p, 204p, 208p, 220p, 231p, 236p, 241p, 248p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 219p, 221p, 225p, 230p, 234p, 238p, 250p, 301p, 307p, 313p, 321p, 334p, 336p, 341p], [242p, 249p, 251p, 255p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 320p, 331p, 337p, 343p, 351p, 404p, 406p, 411p], [309p, 317p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 334p, 338p, 350p, 401p, 407p, 413p, 421p, 434p, 436p, 441p], [339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 400p, 404p, 408p, 420p, 431p, 437p, 443p, 451p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 417p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 434p, 438p, 450p, 501p, 507p, 513p, 521p, 534p, 536p, 541p], [439p, 447p, 449p, 454p, 500p, 504p, 508p, 520p, 531p, 537p, 543p, 551p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [511p, 519p, 521p, 526p, 532p, 536p, 540p, 552p, 603p, 609p, 615p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [539p, 547p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p, 608p, 620p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [608p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 648p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 728p, 730p, 735p], [643p, 649p, 651p, 655p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 719p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 747p, 759p, 801p, 806p], [713p, 719p, 721p, 725p, 730p, 733p, 737p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 810p, 817p, 829p, 831p, 836p], [813p, 819p, 821p, 825p, 830p, 833p, 837p, 849p, 900p, 905p, 910p, 917p, 929p, 931p, 936p], [913p, 919p, 921p, 925p, 930p, 933p, 937p, 949p, 1000p, 1005p, 1010p, 1017p, 1029p, 1031p, 1036p], [1013p, 1019p, 1021p, 1025p, 1030p, 1033p, 1037p, 1049p, 1100p, 1105p, 1110p, 1117p, 1129p, 1131p, 1136p], [1113p, 1119p, 1121p, 1125p, 1130p, 1133p, 1137p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba Shops, Spence Terminus, Melba Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "906"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Railway Station Kingston, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet]
+    long_name: To Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "200"
+    stop_times: [[701a, 709a, 715a, 718a, 723a, 732a, 736a, 742a, 749a], [716a, 724a, 731a, 737a, 747a, 757a, 801a, 807a, 814a], [731a, 740a, 749a, 755a, 805a, 815a, 819a, 825a, 832a], [746a, 755a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 830a, 834a, 840a, 847a], [801a, 810a, 819a, 825a, 835a, 845a, 849a, 855a, 902a], [816a, 825a, 834a, 840a, 850a, 900a, 904a, 910a, 917a], [831a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 902a, 910a, 914a, 920a, 927a], [846a, 855a, 902a, 905a, 910a, 918a, 922a, 928a, 935a], [901a, 909a, 915a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 935a, 941a, 948a], [916a, 924a, 930a, 933a, 938a, 946a, 950a, 956a, 1003a], [931a, 939a, 945a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, 1005a, 1011a, 1018a], [946a, 954a, 1000a, 1003a, 1008a, 1016a, 1020a, 1026a, 1033a], [1001a, 1009a, 1015a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a, 1041a, 1048a], [1016a, 1024a, 1030a, 1033a, 1038a, 1046a, 1050a, 1056a, 1103a], [1031a, 1039a, 1045a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a, 1111a, 1118a], [1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1103a, 1108a, 1116a, 1120a, 1126a, 1133a], [1101a, 1109a, 1115a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a, 1141a, 1148a], [1116a, 1124a, 1130a, 1133a, 1138a, 1146a, 1150a, 1156a, 1203p], [1131a, 1139a, 1145a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p, 1211p, 1218p], [1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1203p, 1208p, 1216p, 1220p, 1226p, 1233p], [1201p, 1209p, 1215p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p, 1241p, 1248p], [1216p, 1224p, 1230p, 1233p, 1238p, 1246p, 1250p, 1256p, 103p], [1233p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1255p, 103p, 107p, 113p, 120p], [1246p, 1254p, 100p, 103p, 108p, 116p, 120p, 126p, 133p], [101p, 109p, 115p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 135p, 141p, 148p], [116p, 124p, 130p, 133p, 138p, 146p, 150p, 156p, 203p], [131p, 139p, 145p, 148p, 153p, 201p, 205p, 211p, 218p], [146p, 154p, 200p, 203p, 208p, 216p, 220p, 226p, 233p], [201p, 209p, 215p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 235p, 241p, 248p], [216p, 224p, 230p, 233p, 238p, 246p, 250p, 256p, 303p], [231p, 239p, 245p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 305p, 311p, 318p], [246p, 254p, 300p, 303p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 326p, 333p], [301p, 309p, 315p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 341p, 348p], [316p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 338p, 346p, 350p, 356p, 404p], [331p, 339p, 345p, 348p, 353p, 402p, 407p, 415p, 424p], [346p, 354p, 400p, 403p, 412p, 422p, 427p, 435p, 444p], [401p, 410p, 417p, 420p, 429p, 439p, 444p, 452p, 501p], [416p, 425p, 432p, 435p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 507p, 516p], [431p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 459p, 509p, 514p, 522p, 531p], [446p, 455p, 502p, 505p, 514p, 524p, 529p, 537p, 546p], [501p, 510p, 517p, 520p, 529p, 539p, 544p, 552p, 600p], [516p, 525p, 532p, 535p, 544p, 554p, 559p, 605p, 612p], [531p, 540p, 547p, 550p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 617p, 624p], [546p, 555p, 601p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 621p, 627p, 634p], [601p, 609p, 615p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 635p, 641p, 648p], [616p, 624p, 630p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 650p, 656p, 703p], [631p, 639p, 645p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 705p, 711p, 718p], [646p, 654p, 700p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 720p, 726p, 733p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Dickson, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "8"
+    stop_times: [[626a, 632a, 637a, 644a], [657a, 703a, 708a, 715a], [724a, 730a, 737a, 746a], [757a, 804a, 811a, 820a], [831a, 838a, 845a, 854a], [904a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1027a], [1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1127a], [1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1227p], [109p, 115p, 120p, 127p], [209p, 215p, 220p, 227p], [302p, 309p, 316p, 325p], [332p, 339p, 346p, 355p], [408p, 415p, 422p, 431p], [437p, 444p, 451p, 500p], [507p, 514p, 521p, 530p], [537p, 544p, 551p, 600p], [646p, 652p, 657p, 702p], [746p, 752p, 757p, 802p], [846p, 852p, 857p, 902p], [946p, 952p, 957p, 1002p], [1046p, 1052p, 1057p, 1102p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "925"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "952"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 847a, 900a, 905a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [939a, 947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 100p, 105p, 118p, 120p, 125p], [139p, 147p, 200p, 205p, 218p, 220p, 225p], [239p, 247p, 300p, 305p, 318p, 320p, 325p], [339p, 347p, 400p, 405p, 418p, 420p, 425p], [439p, 447p, 500p, 505p, 518p, 520p, 525p], [539p, 547p, 600p, 605p, 618p, 620p, 625p], [639p, 647p, 700p, 705p, 718p, 720p, 725p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "3"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 627a, 631a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 646a, 653a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 648a, 657a, 701a, 706a, 710a, 714a, 716a, 723a], [628a, 630a, 634a, 651a, 657a, 701a, 705a, 718a, 727a, 731a, 736a, 742a, 746a, 748a, 758a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 719a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 748a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 818a, 820a, 830a], [721a, 723a, 727a, 746a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 818a, 828a, 833a, 838a, 844a, 848a, 850a, 900a], [745a, 747a, 751a, 810a, 819a, 827a, 832a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 908a, 912a, 914a, 924a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 846a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 918a, 928a, 932a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 916a, 924a, 929a, 934a, 948a, 958a, 1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1016a, 1018a, 1025a], [924a, 926a, 930a, 947a, 954a, 959a, 1004a, 1018a, 1028a, 1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [954a, 956a, 1000a, 1017a, 1024a, 1029a, 1034a, 1048a, 1058a, 1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1116a, 1118a, 1125a], [1024a, 1026a, 1030a, 1047a, 1054a, 1059a, 1104a, 1118a, 1128a, 1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1054a, 1056a, 1100a, 1117a, 1124a, 1129a, 1134a, 1148a, 1158a, 1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1216p, 1218p, 1225p], [1124a, 1126a, 1130a, 1147a, 1154a, 1159a, 1204p, 1218p, 1228p, 1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1154a, 1156a, 1200p, 1217p, 1224p, 1229p, 1234p, 1248p, 1258p, 102p, 107p, 112p, 116p, 118p, 125p], [1224p, 1226p, 1230p, 1247p, 1254p, 1259p, 104p, 118p, 128p, 132p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [1254p, 1256p, 100p, 117p, 124p, 129p, 134p, 148p, 158p, 202p, 207p, 212p, 216p, 218p, 225p], [124p, 126p, 130p, 147p, 154p, 159p, 204p, 218p, 228p, 232p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [154p, 156p, 200p, 217p, 224p, 229p, 234p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 308p, 314p, 318p, 320p, 329p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 324p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 350p, 354p, 356p, 405p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 315p, 323p, 328p, 334p, 348p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 414p, 418p, 420p, 429p], [317p, 319p, 323p, 342p, 350p, 355p, 401p, 415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 445p, 447p, 456p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 411p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 504p, 510p, 514p, 516p, 525p], [418p, 420p, 424p, 443p, 451p, 456p, 502p, 516p, 526p, 531p, 536p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 557p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 510p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 603p, 609p, 613p, 615p, 624p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 613p, 623p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 650p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 612p, 620p, 625p, 631p, 644p, 653p, 658p, 702p, 707p, 711p, 713p, 720p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 643p, 650p, 655p, 700p, 713p, 722p, 727p, 731p, 736p, 740p, 742p, 749p], [723p, 725p, 729p, 746p, 753p, 758p, 803p, 816p, 825p, 830p, 834p, 839p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [825p, 827p, 831p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 905p, 918p, 927p, 932p, 936p, 941p, 945p, 947p, 954p], [925p, 927p, 931p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1005p, 1018p, 1027p, 1032p, 1036p, 1041p, 1045p, 1047p, 1054p], [1025p, 1027p, 1031p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1105p, 1116p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, Fraser Shops, Fraser West Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 14 314
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 706a, 708a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 726a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", 722a, 724a, 728a, 734a, 739a, 744a, 753a], [706a, 724a, 741a, 802a, 804a, 808a, 814a, 819a, 824a, 833a], [746a, 805a, 823a, 844a, 846a, 850a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 915a], [805a, 824a, 842a, 903a, 905a, 909a, 915a, 920a, 925a, 934a], [843a, 902a, 920a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 951a, 956a, 1000a, 1009a], [916a, 935a, 951a, 1011a, 1013a, 1017a, 1022a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [946a, 1004a, 1020a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1051a, 1056a, 1100a, 1109a], [1016a, 1034a, 1050a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1121a, 1126a, 1130a, 1139a], [1046a, 1104a, 1120a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1151a, 1156a, 1200p, 1209p], [1116a, 1134a, 1150a, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1221p, 1226p, 1230p, 1239p], [1146a, 1204p, 1220p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 1251p, 1256p, 100p, 109p], [1216p, 1234p, 1250p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 121p, 126p, 130p, 139p], [1246p, 104p, 120p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 151p, 156p, 200p, 209p], [116p, 134p, 150p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 221p, 226p, 230p, 239p], [146p, 204p, 220p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 251p, 256p, 300p, 310p], [216p, 234p, 250p, 311p, 313p, 317p, 323p, 328p, 333p, 343p], [245p, 303p, 321p, 342p, 344p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 404p, 414p], ["-", "-", 340p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 357p, 402p, 407p, 417p], [321p, 340p, 358p, 419p, 421p, 425p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 451p], [351p, 410p, 428p, 449p, 451p, 455p, 501p, 506p, 511p, 521p], [421p, 440p, 458p, 519p, 521p, 525p, 531p, 536p, 541p, 551p], [451p, 510p, 528p, 549p, 551p, 555p, 601p, 606p, 611p, 621p], [511p, 530p, 548p, 609p, 611p, 615p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 640p], [531p, 550p, 608p, 629p, 631p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 658p], [551p, 610p, 628p, 648p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 704p, 708p, 717p], [621p, 639p, 654p, 714p, 716p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 734p, 743p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 815p, 820p, 824p, 833p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 915p, 920p, 924p, 933p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1024p, 1033p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1124p, 1133p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Latham Post Office, Florey Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "16"
+    stop_times: [[610a, 619a, 625a, 630a, 632a, 636a], [640a, 649a, 655a, 700a, 702a, 706a], [711a, 720a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 737a], [730a, 741a, 747a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [750a, 801a, 807a, 813a, 815a, 819a], [810a, 821a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 839a], [830a, 841a, 847a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [851a, 902a, 908a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [916a, 927a, 933a, 938a, 940a, 944a], [946a, 955a, 1001a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a], [1011a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1033a, 1037a], [1046a, 1055a, 1101a, 1106a, 1108a, 1112a], [1111a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1133a, 1137a], [1146a, 1155a, 1201p, 1206p, 1208p, 1212p], [1211p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1233p, 1237p], [1246p, 1255p, 101p, 106p, 108p, 112p], [111p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 133p, 137p], [146p, 155p, 201p, 206p, 208p, 212p], [211p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 233p, 237p], [246p, 255p, 301p, 307p, 309p, 313p], [311p, 322p, 328p, 334p, 336p, 340p], [341p, 352p, 358p, 404p, 406p, 410p], [407p, 418p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 436p], [431p, 442p, 448p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [456p, 507p, 513p, 519p, 521p, 525p], [526p, 537p, 543p, 549p, 551p, 555p], [555p, 606p, 612p, 618p, 620p, 624p], [655p, 704p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 720p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 814p, 816p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 914p, 916p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1014p, 1016p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1114p, 1116p, 1120p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "942"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson Shops, Watson Shops, Watson Terminus, Watson Shops, Dickson Shops, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 713a, 719a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 813a, 819a, 834a], [846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p], [746p, 803p, 808p, 815p, 820p, 826p, 841p], [846p, 903p, 908p, 915p, 920p, 926p, 941p], [946p, 1003p, 1008p, 1015p, 1020p, 1026p, 1041p], [1046p, 1103p, 1108p, 1115p, 1120p, 1126p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "939"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "82"
+    stop_times: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm Shops, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "967"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins Shops, Kippax, Higgins Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "904"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Chapman Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p], [720p, 729p, 732p, 742p, 745p, 750p], [820p, 829p, 832p, 842p, 845p, 850p], [920p, 929p, 932p, 942p, 945p, 950p], [1020p, 1029p, 1032p, 1042p, 1045p, 1050p], [1120p, 1129p, 1132p, 1142p, 1145p, 1150p]]
+    short_name: "927"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "912"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill Shops, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill Shops, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    short_name: "935"
+    stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba Shops, Spence Shops, Spence Terminus]
+    long_name: To Spence Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 15 315
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 749a, 755a], ["-", "-", "-", 803a, 805a, 809a, 817a, 821a, 829a, 835a], [731a, 750a, 808a, 829a, 831a, 835a, 843a, 847a, 855a, 901a], [831a, 850a, 908a, 929a, 931a, 935a, 942a, 945a, 951a, 957a], [911a, 930a, 946a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a, 1019a, 1022a, 1028a, 1034a], [941a, 959a, 1015a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1048a, 1051a, 1057a, 1103a], [1011a, 1029a, 1045a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1118a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a], [1041a, 1059a, 1115a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1148a, 1151a, 1157a, 1203p], [1111a, 1129a, 1145a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1218p, 1221p, 1227p, 1233p], [1141a, 1159a, 1215p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 1248p, 1251p, 1257p, 103p], [1211p, 1229p, 1245p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 118p, 121p, 127p, 133p], [1241p, 1259p, 115p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 148p, 151p, 157p, 203p], [111p, 129p, 145p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 218p, 221p, 227p, 233p], [141p, 159p, 215p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 248p, 251p, 257p, 303p], [211p, 229p, 245p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 319p, 323p, 331p, 337p], [240p, 258p, 316p, 337p, 339p, 343p, 351p, 355p, 403p, 409p], ["-", "-", "-", 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 429p], [311p, 330p, 348p, 409p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 427p, 435p, 441p], [341p, 400p, 418p, 439p, 441p, 445p, 453p, 457p, 505p, 511p], [411p, 430p, 448p, 509p, 511p, 515p, 523p, 527p, 535p, 541p], [441p, 500p, 518p, 539p, 541p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 605p, 611p], [501p, 520p, 538p, 559p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 631p], [521p, 540p, 558p, 619p, 621p, 625p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 648p], [601p, 620p, 636p, 656p, 658p, 702p, 709p, 712p, 718p, 724p], ["-", "-", "-", 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 817p, 820p, 826p, 832p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 917p, 920p, 926p, 932p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1017p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1117p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[814a, 823a, 824a, 827a, 836a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [714p, 723p, 724p, 727p, 736p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [814p, 823p, 824p, 827p, 836p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [914p, 923p, 924p, 927p, 936p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [1014p, 1023p, 1024p, 1027p, 1036p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1114p, 1123p, 1124p, 1127p, 1136p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p]]
+    short_name: "942"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Machonochie Centre Hume
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "988"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "52"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 715a, 718a, 724a, 732a, 740a, 745a, 758a, 800a, 805a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735a, 738a, 744a, 753a, 801a, 806a, 819a, 821a, 826a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 804a, 813a, 821a, 826a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 824a, 833a, 841a, 846a, 859a, 901a, 906a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835a, 838a, 844a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 918a, 920a, 925a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 925a, 937a, 939a, 944a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 915a, 918a, 924a, 932a, 940a, 945a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 942a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1007a, 1012a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1030a, 1035a, 1047a, 1049a, 1054a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1130a, 1135a, 1147a, 1149a, 1154a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1205p, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1230p, 1235p, 1247p, 1249p, 1254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 105p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 130p, 135p, 147p, 149p, 154p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 205p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 230p, 235p, 247p, 249p, 254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 301p, 304p, 310p, 318p, 326p, 331p, 343p, 345p, 350p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 340p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 405p, 410p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [345p, 351p, 353p, 401p, 406p, 409p, 415p, 424p, 432p, 437p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [400p, 407p, 409p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 441p, 449p, 454p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [418p, 425p, 427p, 436p, 441p, 444p, 450p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 525p, 527p, 532p], [440p, 447p, 449p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 534p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 517p, 522p, 525p, 531p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 606p, 608p, 613p], [515p, 522p, 524p, 533p, 538p, 541p, 547p, 556p, 604p, 609p, 621p, 623p, 628p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 558p, 602p, 605p, 611p, 619p, 627p, 632p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 615p, 618p, 621p, 627p, 635p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 705p, 708p, 714p, 722p, 730p, 735p, 747p, 749p, 754p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 805p, 808p, 814p, 822p, 830p, 835p, 847p, 849p, 854p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 905p, 908p, 914p, 922p, 930p, 935p, 947p, 949p, 954p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005p, 1008p, 1014p, 1022p, 1030p, 1035p, 1047p, 1049p, 1054p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105p, 1108p, 1114p, 1122p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Lyons Shops, CIT Weston, Duffy Primary, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "28"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 742a, 746a, 751a, 759a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 845a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 914a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 952a, 956a, 1000a, 1007a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1052a, 1056a, 1100a, 1107a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1152a, 1156a, 1200p, 1207p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1252p, 1256p, 100p, 107p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 152p, 156p, 200p, 207p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 252p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 320p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 312p, 316p, 321p, 329p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 346p, 351p, 359p, 411p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 416p, 421p, 429p, 441p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 442p, 446p, 451p, 459p, 511p], [429p, 439p, 453p, 456p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 528p, 540p], [449p, 459p, 513p, 516p, 531p, 535p, 540p, 548p, 600p], [519p, 529p, 543p, 546p, 601p, 605p, 610p, 618p, 630p], [549p, 559p, 613p, 616p, 631p, 634p, 638p, 645p, 654p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 732p, 735p, 739p, 746p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 832p, 835p, 839p, 846p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 932p, 935p, 939p, 946p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1032p, 1035p, 1039p, 1046p, 1055p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm Shops, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p], [903p, 914p, 928p, 937p, 950p], [1103p, 1114p, 1128p, 1137p, 1150p]]
+    short_name: "967"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "58"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 551a, 558a, 606a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 624a, 631a, 639a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [631a, 637a, 639a, 645a, 651a, 658a, 706a, 717a, 733a, 735a, 740a], [711a, 717a, 719a, 725a, 731a, 738a, 746a, 757a, 814a, 816a, 821a], [727a, 733a, 735a, 741a, 748a, 757a, 806a, 817a, 834a, 836a, 841a], [745a, 752a, 754a, 800a, 808a, 817a, 826a, 837a, 854a, 856a, 901a], [805a, 812a, 814a, 820a, 828a, 837a, 846a, 857a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [917a, 923a, 925a, 931a, 938a, 945a, 953a, 1003a, 1019a, 1021a, 1026a], [1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1045a, 1053a, 1103a, 1119a, 1121a, 1126a], [1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1145a, 1153a, 1203p, 1219p, 1221p, 1226p], [1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1245p, 1253p, 103p, 119p, 121p, 126p], [117p, 123p, 125p, 131p, 138p, 145p, 153p, 203p, 219p, 221p, 226p], [217p, 223p, 225p, 231p, 238p, 245p, 253p, 303p, 320p, 322p, 327p], [328p, 335p, 337p, 344p, 352p, 401p, 410p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [419p, 426p, 428p, 435p, 443p, 452p, 501p, 512p, 529p, 531p, 536p], [439p, 446p, 448p, 455p, 503p, 512p, 521p, 532p, 549p, 551p, 556p], [500p, 507p, 509p, 516p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 553p, 609p, 611p, 616p], [520p, 527p, 529p, 536p, 544p, 553p, 602p, 612p, 628p, 630p, 635p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 556p, 603p, 610p, 618p, 628p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 619p, 626p, 634p, 644p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [631p, 637p, 639p, 644p, 650p, 657p, 705p, 715p, 731p, 733p, 738p], [717p, 723p, 725p, 730p, 736p, 743p, 751p, 801p, 817p, 819p, 824p], [817p, 823p, 825p, 830p, 836p, 843p, 851p, 901p, 917p, 919p, 924p], [917p, 923p, 925p, 930p, 936p, 943p, 951p, 1001p, 1017p, 1019p, 1024p], [1017p, 1023p, 1025p, 1030p, 1036p, 1043p, 1051p, 1101p, 1117p, 1119p, 1124p], [1117p, 1123p, 1125p, 1130p, 1136p, 1143p, 1151p, 1201a, 1217a, 1219a, 1224a], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder Shops, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 25 225
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 720a, 723a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807a, 819a, 823a, 835a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 842a, 854a, 858a, 910a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 949a, 952a, 1002a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1049a, 1052a, 1102a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1149a, 1152a, 1202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1249p, 1252p, 102p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 149p, 152p, 202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 249p, 252p, 306p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 352p, 356p, 408p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 422p, 426p, 438p], [417p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 443p, 453p, 457p, 509p], [447p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 513p, 523p, 527p, 539p], [517p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 557p, 609p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612p, 622p, 626p, 637p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656p, 704p, 707p, 717p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 756p, 804p, 807p, 817p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 856p, 904p, 907p, 917p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 956p, 1004p, 1007p, 1017p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1056p, 1104p, 1107p, 1117p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Belconnen Way, Higgins Shops, West Macgregor, Holt Shops, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "44"
+    stop_times: [[725a, 727a, 731a, 737a, 744a, 756a, 801a, 804a], [754a, 756a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 825a, 830a, 833a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 930a, 933a], [955a, 957a, 1001a, 1006a, 1012a, 1024a, 1029a, 1032a], [1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1106a, 1112a, 1124a, 1129a, 1132a], [1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1206p, 1212p, 1224p, 1229p, 1232p], [1255p, 1257p, 101p, 106p, 112p, 124p, 129p, 132p], [155p, 157p, 201p, 206p, 212p, 224p, 229p, 232p], [305p, 307p, 311p, 317p, 324p, 336p, 341p, 344p], [337p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 408p, 413p, 416p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 442p, 447p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 454p, 501p, 513p, 518p, 521p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 528p, 535p, 547p, 552p, 555p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 559p, 606p, 618p, 623p, 626p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 631p, 637p, 649p, 654p, 657p], [654p, 656p, 700p, 705p, 711p, 723p, 728p, 731p], [754p, 756p, 800p, 805p, 811p, 823p, 828p, 831p], [854p, 856p, 900p, 905p, 911p, 923p, 928p, 931p], [954p, 956p, 1000p, 1005p, 1011p, 1023p, 1028p, 1031p], [1054p, 1056p, 1100p, 1105p, 1111p, 1123p, 1128p, 1131p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[725a, 733a, 737a, 741a, 744a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a], [925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p], [928p, 936p, 940p, 944p, 947p, 952p, 1003p, 1008p, 1016p], [1128p, 1136p, 1140p, 1144p, 1147p, 1152p, 1203a, "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "913"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Ainslie Shops-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l]
+    short_name: "2"
+    stop_times: [[634a, 639a, 647a, 653a, 700a, 709a, 713a, 718a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 741a], [701a, 706a, 714a, 720a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 747a, 751a, 754a, 758a, 810a], [710a, 715a, 723a, 729a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 756a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 819a], [724a, 729a, 743a, 749a, 756a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 820a, 823a, 827a, 839a], [739a, 748a, 803a, 809a, 816a, 826a, 831a, 836a, 840a, 843a, 847a, 859a], [758a, 807a, 822a, 828a, 835a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 859a, 902a, 906a, 918a], [809a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 910a, 913a, 917a, 929a], [822a, 831a, 846a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 914a, 919a, 923a, 926a, 930a, 942a], [839a, 848a, 903a, 909a, 916a, 926a, 931a, 936a, 940a, 943a, 947a, 959a], [856a, 905a, 920a, 926a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 957a, 1000a, 1004a, 1016a], [936a, 941a, 949a, 955a, 1002a, 1012a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1029a, 1033a, 1045a], [1006a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1032a, 1042a, 1047a, 1052a, 1056a, 1059a, 1103a, 1115a], [1036a, 1041a, 1049a, 1055a, 1102a, 1112a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1129a, 1133a, 1145a], [1106a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1132a, 1142a, 1147a, 1152a, 1156a, 1159a, 1203p, 1215p], [1136a, 1141a, 1149a, 1155a, 1202p, 1212p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1229p, 1233p, 1245p], [1206p, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1232p, 1242p, 1247p, 1252p, 1256p, 1259p, 103p, 115p], [1236p, 1241p, 1249p, 1255p, 102p, 112p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 129p, 133p, 145p], [106p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 132p, 142p, 147p, 152p, 156p, 159p, 203p, 215p], [136p, 141p, 149p, 155p, 202p, 212p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 229p, 233p, 245p], [206p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 232p, 242p, 247p, 252p, 256p, 259p, 303p, 315p], [236p, 241p, 249p, 255p, 302p, 313p, 318p, 323p, 327p, 330p, 334p, 346p], [249p, 254p, 302p, 308p, 315p, 326p, 331p, 336p, 340p, 343p, 347p, 359p], [306p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 355p, 359p, 402p, 406p, 418p], [312p, 317p, 325p, 331p, 339p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [319p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 347p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 412p, 415p, 419p, 431p], [332p, 339p, 347p, 353p, 400p, 411p, 416p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 432p, 444p], [349p, 356p, 404p, 410p, 417p, 428p, 433p, 438p, 442p, 445p, 449p, 501p], [402p, 409p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 502p, 514p], [419p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 458p, 503p, 508p, 512p, 515p, 519p, 531p], [432p, 439p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 532p, 544p], [449p, 456p, 504p, 510p, 517p, 528p, 533p, 538p, 542p, 545p, 549p, 601p], [502p, 509p, 517p, 523p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 551p, 555p, 558p, 602p, 614p], [519p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 558p, 603p, 608p, 612p, 615p, 619p, 631p], [532p, 539p, 547p, 553p, 600p, 611p, 616p, 621p, 625p, 628p, 632p, 643p], [549p, 556p, 604p, 610p, 617p, 628p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 644p, 648p, 659p], [603p, 610p, 618p, 624p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 711p], [626p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 649p, 658p, 703p, 707p, 711p, 714p, 718p, 729p], [726p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 748p, 757p, 802p, 806p, 810p, 813p, 817p, 828p], [826p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 848p, 857p, 902p, 906p, 910p, 913p, 917p, 928p], [926p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 948p, 957p, 1002p, 1006p, 1010p, 1013p, 1017p, 1028p], [1026p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1048p, 1057p, 1102p, 1106p, 1110p, 1113p, 1117p, 1128p], [1126p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [], [], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "787"
+    stop_times: [[647a, 650a, 702a, 728a, 732a, 734a], [720a, 723a, 735a, 801a, 805a, 807a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[833a, 839a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 858a, 901a], [1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p], [833p, 839p, 843p, 849p, 854p, 858p, 901p], [1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1054p, 1058p, 1101p]]
+    short_name: "922"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda Shops, Macquarie, Hawker Shops, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "704"
+    stop_times: [[506p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 550p, 555p, 600p, 606p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p], [800p, 807p, 816p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 844p], [900p, 907p, 916p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 944p], [1000p, 1007p, 1016p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1044p], [1100p, 1107p, 1116p, 1129p, 1133p, 1137p, 1144p]]
+    short_name: "938"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "962"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang Shops, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 656p, 701p, 706p, 708p, 723p, 728p, 735p, 747p, 750p, 753p, 803p], [745p, 747p, 751p, 756p, 801p, 806p, 808p, 823p, 828p, 835p, 847p, 850p, 853p, 903p], [845p, 847p, 851p, 856p, 901p, 906p, 908p, 923p, 928p, 935p, 947p, 950p, 953p, 1003p], [945p, 947p, 951p, 956p, 1001p, 1006p, 1008p, 1023p, 1028p, 1035p, 1047p, 1050p, 1053p, 1103p], [1045p, 1047p, 1051p, 1056p, 1101p, 1106p, 1108p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "932"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang Shops, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[739a, 750a, 753a, 756a, 809a, 815a, 819a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 847a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [739p, 748p, 751p, 754p, 807p, 812p, 816p, 825p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [839p, 848p, 851p, 854p, 907p, 912p, 916p, 925p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [939p, 948p, 951p, 954p, 1007p, 1012p, 1016p, 1025p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1039p, 1048p, 1051p, 1054p, 1107p, 1112p, 1116p, 1125p, 1132p, 1137p, 1142p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p], [1139p, 1150p, 1153p, 1156p, 1208a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "932"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[825a, 837a, 849a, 858a], [925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p], [725p, 737p, 749p, 758p], [825p, 837p, 849p, 858p], [925p, 937p, 949p, 958p], [1025p, 1037p, 1049p, 1058p], [1125p, 1137p, 1149p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "964"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "938"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence Shops, Melba Shops, Copland College, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 15 315
+    stop_times: [[533a, 538a, 543a, 546a, 556a, 558a, 602a, "-", "-", "-"], [603a, 608a, 613a, 616a, 626a, 628a, 632a, "-", "-", "-"], [632a, 637a, 642a, 645a, 655a, 657a, 701a, 721a, 738a, 755a], [702a, 707a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 753a, 810a, 827a], [728a, 733a, 739a, 743a, 753a, 755a, 759a, 821a, 838a, 855a], [750a, 755a, 801a, 805a, 815a, 817a, 821a, 843a, 900a, 917a], ["-", "-", 818a, 822a, 832a, 834a, 838a, 858a, "-", "-"], [810a, 815a, 821a, 825a, 835a, 837a, 841a, 903a, 920a, 936a], [830a, 835a, 841a, 845a, 855a, 857a, 901a, 923a, 940a, 955a], [900a, 905a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 927a, 931a, 951a, 1008a, 1023a], [932a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1021a, 1038a, 1053a], [1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1051a, 1108a, 1123a], [1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1121a, 1138a, 1153a], [1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1151a, 1208p, 1223p], [1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1221p, 1238p, 1253p], [1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1251p, 108p, 123p], [1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 121p, 138p, 153p], [102p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 151p, 208p, 223p], [132p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 221p, 238p, 253p], [202p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 251p, 308p, 327p], [233p, 238p, 243p, 246p, 256p, 258p, 302p, 324p, 341p, 400p], [300p, 305p, 311p, 315p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 353p, 410p, 429p], [330p, 335p, 341p, 345p, 355p, 357p, 401p, 423p, 440p, 459p], [400p, 405p, 411p, 415p, 425p, 427p, 431p, 453p, 510p, 529p], [440p, 445p, 451p, 455p, 505p, 507p, 511p, 533p, 550p, 609p], [530p, 535p, 541p, 545p, 555p, 557p, 601p, 623p, 638p, 653p], [600p, 605p, 611p, 615p, 625p, 627p, 631p, 650p, 704p, 719p], [623p, 628p, 633p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 651p, "-", "-", "-"], [656p, 701p, 706p, 709p, 718p, 720p, 724p, "-", "-", "-"], [740p, 745p, 750p, 753p, 802p, 804p, 808p, "-", "-", "-"], [840p, 845p, 850p, 853p, 902p, 904p, 908p, "-", "-", "-"], [940p, 945p, 950p, 953p, 1002p, 1004p, 1008p, "-", "-", "-"], [1040p, 1045p, 1050p, 1053p, 1102p, 1104p, 1108p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 809a, 816a, 823a, 836a, 838a, 842a], [814a, 816a, 820a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, 707p, 714p, 721p, 733p, 735p, 739p], [713p, 715p, 719p, 731p, 737p, 744p, 754p, 805p, 812p, 819p, 831p, 833p, 837p], [813p, 815p, 819p, 831p, 837p, 844p, 854p, 905p, 912p, 919p, 931p, 933p, 937p], [913p, 915p, 919p, 931p, 937p, 944p, 954p, 1005p, 1012p, 1019p, 1031p, 1033p, 1037p], [1013p, 1015p, 1019p, 1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1054p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1113p, 1115p, 1119p, 1131p, 1137p, 1144p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "905"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "76"
+    stop_times: [[1000a, 1007a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a], [1200p, 1207p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p], [200p, 207p, 215p, 220p, 228p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Calwell Shops, Isabella Shops, Chisholm Shops, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: "768"
+    stop_times: [[707a, 715a, 726a, 751a, 800a, 804a], [737a, 748a, 801a, 833a, 845a, 848a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "82"
+    stop_times: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Dickson College, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+    short_name: "757"
+    stop_times: [[650a, 700a, 711a, 725a, 735a], [710a, 720a, 731a, 745a, 755a], [730a, 740a, 751a, 805a, 815a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Causeway, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Eye Hospital, Geoscience Australia, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "80"
+    stop_times: [[550a, 558a, 602a, 606a, 609a, 617a, 626a, 631a, 640a, 656a], [617a, 625a, 629a, 633a, 636a, 644a, 653a, 658a, 707a, 723a], [648a, 656a, 700a, 704a, 707a, 715a, 724a, 729a, 737a, 753a], [719a, 727a, 731a, 738a, 741a, 750a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 834a], [751a, 800a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 822a, 836a, 842a, 850a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 859a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 945a], [859a, 907a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 1010a], [928a, 936a, 940a, 944a, 947a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1017a, 1035a], [1028a, 1036a, 1040a, 1044a, 1047a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1117a, 1135a], [1128a, 1136a, 1140a, 1144a, 1147a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1217p, 1235p], [1228p, 1236p, 1240p, 1244p, 1247p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 117p, 135p], [128p, 136p, 140p, 144p, 147p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 217p, 235p], [228p, 236p, 240p, 244p, 247p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 334p], [330p, 339p, 344p, 349p, 352p, 400p, 410p, 416p, 426p, 444p], [400p, 409p, 414p, 419p, 422p, 430p, 440p, 446p, 456p, 514p], [434p, 443p, 448p, 453p, 456p, 504p, 514p, 520p, 530p, 548p], [504p, 513p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 534p, 544p, 550p, 600p, 618p], [534p, 543p, 548p, 553p, 556p, 604p, 614p, 620p, 630p, 645p], [604p, 613p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 633p, 641p, 646p, 654p, 709p], [702p, 710p, 714p, 718p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 808p, 812p, 816p, 818p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 908p, 912p, 916p, 918p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1008p, 1012p, 1016p, 1018p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1100p, 1108p, 1112p, 1116p, 1118p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "710"
+    stop_times: [[407p, 415p, 425p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [427p, 435p, 445p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [445p, 453p, 503p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [507p, 515p, 525p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [527p, 535p, 545p, 605p, 607p, 612p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "942"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "961"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops]
+    long_name: To Dickson Shops
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+      Olims Hotel-Ainslie Shops: [Wjz5W8l, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+    short_name: "2"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 712a, 717a, 725a, 733a], [653a, 704a, 708a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 733a, 742a, 748a, 756a, 805a], [708a, 719a, 723a, 726a, 730a, 734a, 738a, 749a, 758a, 804a, 812a, 821a], [719a, 730a, 734a, 737a, 741a, 745a, 749a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 833a], [738a, 749a, 754a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 853a, 859a], [753a, 804a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 823a, 826a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 910a], [808a, 819a, 823a, 826a, 830a, 834a, 838a, 849a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 921a], [823a, 834a, 838a, 841a, 845a, 849a, 853a, 904a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 935a], [838a, 849a, 853a, 856a, 900a, 904a, 908a, 918a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [851a, 902a, 906a, 909a, 913a, 917a, 921a, 932a, 941a, 946a, 954a, 1001a], [921a, 932a, 936a, 939a, 943a, 947a, 951a, 1002a, 1011a, 1016a, 1024a, 1031a], [951a, 1002a, 1006a, 1009a, 1013a, 1017a, 1021a, 1032a, 1041a, 1046a, 1054a, 1101a], [1021a, 1032a, 1036a, 1039a, 1043a, 1047a, 1051a, 1102a, 1111a, 1116a, 1124a, 1131a], [1051a, 1102a, 1106a, 1109a, 1113a, 1117a, 1121a, 1132a, 1141a, 1146a, 1154a, 1201p], [1121a, 1132a, 1136a, 1139a, 1143a, 1147a, 1151a, 1202p, 1211p, 1216p, 1224p, 1231p], [1151a, 1202p, 1206p, 1209p, 1213p, 1217p, 1221p, 1232p, 1241p, 1246p, 1254p, 101p], [1221p, 1232p, 1236p, 1239p, 1243p, 1247p, 1251p, 102p, 111p, 116p, 124p, 131p], [1251p, 102p, 106p, 109p, 113p, 117p, 121p, 132p, 141p, 146p, 154p, 201p], [121p, 132p, 136p, 139p, 143p, 147p, 151p, 202p, 211p, 216p, 224p, 231p], [151p, 202p, 206p, 209p, 213p, 217p, 221p, 232p, 241p, 246p, 254p, 301p], [216p, 227p, 231p, 234p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 257p, 306p, 312p, 320p, 328p], [238p, 249p, 253p, 256p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 319p, 328p, 334p, 342p, 351p], [253p, 304p, 308p, 311p, 315p, 319p, 323p, 334p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 406p], [308p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 337p, 348p, 357p, 403p, 411p, 420p], [323p, 333p, 337p, 340p, 344p, 348p, 352p, 403p, 412p, 418p, 426p, 435p], [338p, 348p, 352p, 355p, 359p, 403p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 433p, 441p, 450p], [353p, 403p, 407p, 410p, 414p, 418p, 422p, 433p, 442p, 448p, 456p, 505p], [408p, 418p, 422p, 425p, 429p, 433p, 437p, 448p, 457p, 503p, 511p, 520p], [423p, 433p, 437p, 440p, 444p, 448p, 452p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 526p, 535p], [438p, 448p, 452p, 455p, 459p, 503p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 533p, 541p, 550p], [453p, 503p, 507p, 510p, 514p, 518p, 522p, 533p, 542p, 548p, 556p, 605p], [508p, 518p, 522p, 525p, 529p, 533p, 537p, 548p, 557p, 603p, 611p, 620p], [523p, 533p, 537p, 540p, 544p, 548p, 552p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 626p, 633p], [538p, 548p, 552p, 555p, 559p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 633p, 639p, 645p], [553p, 603p, 607p, 610p, 614p, 618p, 622p, 633p, 640p, 645p, 651p, 657p], [640p, 650p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 717p, 724p, 729p, 735p, 741p], [740p, 750p, 753p, 756p, 800p, 803p, 807p, 817p, 824p, 829p, 835p, 841p], [840p, 850p, 853p, 856p, 900p, 903p, 907p, 917p, 924p, 929p, 935p, 941p], [940p, 950p, 953p, 956p, 1000p, 1003p, 1007p, 1017p, 1024p, 1029p, 1035p, 1041p], [1040p, 1050p, 1053p, 1056p, 1100p, 1103p, 1107p, 1117p, 1124p, 1129p, 1135p, 1141p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser Shops, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 14 314
+    stop_times: [[611a, 618a, 622a, 627a, 636a, 638a, 642a, "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 647a, 651a, 656a, 705a, 707a, 711a, 731a, 748a, 805a], [709a, 716a, 720a, 725a, 734a, 736a, 740a, 803a, 820a, 837a], [732a, 740a, 745a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 806a, 828a, 845a, 902a], [752a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 848a, 905a, 922a], [812a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 840a, 842a, 846a, 908a, 925a, 941a], [837a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 905a, 907a, 911a, 933a, 950a, 1005a], [908a, 916a, 921a, 926a, 935a, 937a, 941a, 1001a, 1018a, 1033a], [940a, 947a, 951a, 956a, 1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1031a, 1048a, 1103a], [1010a, 1017a, 1021a, 1026a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1101a, 1118a, 1133a], [1040a, 1047a, 1051a, 1056a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1131a, 1148a, 1203p], [1110a, 1117a, 1121a, 1126a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1201p, 1218p, 1233p], [1140a, 1147a, 1151a, 1156a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1231p, 1248p, 103p], [1210p, 1217p, 1221p, 1226p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 101p, 118p, 133p], [1240p, 1247p, 1251p, 1256p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 131p, 148p, 203p], [110p, 117p, 121p, 126p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 201p, 218p, 233p], [140p, 147p, 151p, 156p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 231p, 248p, 304p], [210p, 217p, 221p, 226p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 301p, 318p, 337p], [239p, 246p, 250p, 255p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 333p, 350p, 409p], [308p, 315p, 320p, 325p, 335p, 337p, 341p, 403p, 420p, 439p], [348p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 415p, 417p, 421p, 443p, 500p, 519p], [418p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 445p, 447p, 451p, 513p, 530p, 549p], [450p, 457p, 502p, 507p, 517p, 519p, 523p, "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 545p, 550p, 555p, 605p, 607p, 611p, 632p, 646p, 701p], [609p, 616p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 641p, 700p, 714p, 729p], [637p, 644p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 703p, 707p, "-", "-", "-"], [707p, 714p, 718p, 723p, 731p, 733p, 737p, "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 752p, 756p, 801p, 809p, 811p, 815p, "-", "-", "-"], [839p, 846p, 850p, 855p, 903p, 905p, 909p, "-", "-", "-"], [939p, 946p, 950p, 955p, 1003p, 1005p, 1009p, "-", "-", "-"], [1039p, 1046p, 1050p, 1055p, 1103p, 1105p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[630a, 641a, 657a, 713a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [645a, 656a, 712a, 728a, 745a, 747a, 752a], [700a, 711a, 727a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], [715a, 726a, 742a, 758a, 815a, 817a, 822a], [730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], ["-", "-", 1149a, 1205p, 1222p, 1224p, 1229p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], ["-", "-", 1219p, 1235p, 1252p, 1254p, 1259p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], ["-", "-", 1249p, 105p, 122p, 124p, 129p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], ["-", "-", 119p, 135p, 152p, 154p, 159p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], ["-", "-", 149p, 205p, 222p, 224p, 229p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], ["-", "-", 219p, 235p, 252p, 254p, 259p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], ["-", "-", 249p, 305p, 322p, 324p, 329p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], ["-", "-", 319p, 335p, 352p, 354p, 359p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], ["-", "-", 349p, 405p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], ["-", "-", 419p, 435p, 452p, 454p, 459p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], ["-", "-", 449p, 505p, 522p, 524p, 529p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p], [730p, 740p, 755p, 810p, 827p, 829p, 834p], [745p, 755p, 810p, 825p, 842p, 844p, 849p], [800p, 810p, 825p, 840p, 857p, 859p, 904p], [815p, 825p, 840p, 855p, 912p, 914p, 919p], [830p, 840p, 855p, 910p, 927p, 929p, 934p], [845p, 855p, 910p, 925p, 942p, 944p, 949p], [900p, 910p, 925p, 940p, 957p, 959p, 1004p], [915p, 925p, 940p, 955p, 1012p, 1014p, 1019p], [930p, 940p, 955p, 1010p, 1027p, 1029p, 1034p], [945p, 955p, 1010p, 1025p, 1042p, 1044p, 1049p], [1000p, 1010p, 1025p, 1040p, 1057p, 1059p, 1104p], [1015p, 1025p, 1040p, 1055p, 1112p, 1114p, 1119p], [1030p, 1040p, 1055p, 1110p, 1127p, 1129p, 1134p], [1045p, 1055p, 1110p, 1125p, 1142p, 1144p, 1149p], [1100p, 1110p, 1125p, 1140p, 1157p, 1159p, 1204a], [1115p, 1125p, 1140p, 1155p, 1212a, 1214a, 1219a]]
+    short_name: "900"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie Shops, Chisholm Shops, Gowrie Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 736a, 748a, 757a, 810a], [808a, 820a, 827a, 836a, 848a, 857a, 910a], [908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p], [803p, 815p, 822p, 831p, 843p, 852p, 905p], [903p, 915p, 922p, 931p, 943p, 952p, 1005p], [1003p, 1015p, 1022p, 1031p, 1043p, 1052p, 1105p], [1103p, 1115p, 1122p, 1131p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "966"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 734a, 748a, 802a, 808a, 810a], [759a, 801a, 805a, 819a, 834a, 848a, 902a, 908a, 910a], [859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1008a, 1010a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1108a, 1110a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1208p, 1210p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 108p, 110p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 208p, 210p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 308p, 310p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 408p, 410p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 508p, 510p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 608p, 610p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 707p, 709p], [658p, 700p, 704p, 717p, 732p, 746p, 759p, 805p, 807p], [758p, 800p, 804p, 817p, 832p, 846p, 859p, 905p, 907p], [858p, 900p, 904p, 917p, 932p, 946p, 959p, 1005p, 1007p], [958p, 1000p, 1004p, 1017p, 1032p, 1046p, 1059p, 1105p, 1107p], [1058p, 1100p, 1104p, 1117p, 1132p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "903"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+    short_name: "988"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman Shops, Canberra College Weston Campus, Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 26 226
+    stop_times: [[615a, 619a, 623a, 625a, 632a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [657a, 701a, 705a, 707a, 715a, 729a, 733a, 737a, 741a], [716a, 720a, 724a, 726a, 736a, 750a, 754a, 758a, 802a], [747a, 752a, 758a, 802a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 837a, 841a], [800a, 805a, 811a, 815a, 827a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [820a, 825a, 831a, 835a, 847a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [850a, 855a, 901a, 905a, 917a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 930a, 935a, 938a, 948a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1029a, 1034a, 1037a, 1047a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1129a, 1134a, 1137a, 1147a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1229p, 1234p, 1237p, 1247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 129p, 134p, 137p, 147p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 229p, 234p, 237p, 247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [255p, 259p, 305p, 308p, 317p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [320p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 342p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 424p, 430p, 433p, 442p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [520p, 524p, 530p, 533p, 542p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [620p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 639p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [714p, 718p, 722p, 724p, 731p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 818p, 822p, 824p, 831p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 918p, 922p, 924p, 931p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1018p, 1022p, 1024p, 1031p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "951"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+    short_name: "24"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 703a, 709a, 715a, 720a, 724a], [702a, 708a, 715a, 720a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 742a], [739a, 746a, 754a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 818a, 823a], [809a, 816a, 824a, 830a, 836a, 843a, 848a, 853a], [839a, 846a, 854a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 918a, 923a], [956a, 1002a, 1009a, 1014a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1035a], [1056a, 1102a, 1109a, 1114a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1135a], [1156a, 1202p, 1209p, 1214p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1235p], [1256p, 102p, 109p, 114p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 135p], [156p, 202p, 209p, 214p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 235p], [256p, 302p, 310p, 316p, 322p, 329p, 334p, 339p], [339p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 406p, 413p, 418p, 423p], [409p, 416p, 424p, 430p, 436p, 443p, 448p, 453p], [439p, 446p, 454p, 500p, 506p, 513p, 518p, 523p], [509p, 516p, 524p, 530p, 536p, 543p, 548p, 553p], [538p, 545p, 553p, 559p, 605p, 612p, 617p, 622p], [608p, 615p, 623p, 629p, 635p, 641p, 646p, 650p], [659p, 705p, 712p, 717p, 723p, 729p, 734p, 738p], [759p, 805p, 812p, 817p, 823p, 829p, 834p, 838p], [859p, 905p, 912p, 917p, 923p, 929p, 934p, 938p], [959p, 1005p, 1012p, 1017p, 1023p, 1029p, 1034p, 1038p], [1059p, 1105p, 1112p, 1117p, 1123p, 1129p, 1134p, 1138p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang Shops, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    short_name: "932"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "23"
+    stop_times: [[607a, 609a, 613a, 622a, 628a, 634a, 642a, 647a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 659a, 705a, 711a, 719a, 724a], [714a, 716a, 720a, 729a, 736a, 742a, 752a, 757a], [744a, 748a, 753a, 801a, 808a, 814a, 824a, 829a], [814a, 818a, 823a, 831a, 838a, 844a, 854a, 859a], [844a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 908a, 914a, 924a, 929a], [926a, 930a, 934a, 943a, 949a, 955a, 1003a, 1008a], [1026a, 1028a, 1032a, 1041a, 1047a, 1053a, 1101a, 1106a], [1126a, 1128a, 1132a, 1141a, 1147a, 1153a, 1201p, 1206p], [1226p, 1228p, 1232p, 1241p, 1247p, 1253p, 101p, 106p], [126p, 128p, 132p, 141p, 147p, 153p, 201p, 206p], [226p, 228p, 232p, 241p, 247p, 253p, 301p, 306p], [314p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 338p, 344p, 354p, 359p], [344p, 348p, 353p, 401p, 408p, 414p, 424p, 429p], [414p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 444p, 454p, 459p], [444p, 448p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 514p, 524p, 529p], [514p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 538p, 544p, 554p, 559p], [544p, 548p, 553p, 601p, 608p, 614p, 624p, 629p], [626p, 630p, 634p, 643p, 649p, 655p, 703p, 708p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 741p, 747p, 753p, 801p, 806p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 841p, 847p, 853p, 901p, 906p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 941p, 947p, 953p, 1001p, 1006p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1041p, 1047p, 1053p, 1101p, 1106p], [1126p, 1128p, 1132p, 1141p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Livingston Shops / Kambah, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: 61 161
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 642a, 649a, 654a, 659a, 710a], ["-", "-", 712a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 743a], ["-", "-", 742a, 751a, 756a, 801a, 815a], ["-", "-", 812a, 821a, 826a, 831a, 845a], ["-", "-", 842a, 859a, 905a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 912a, 921a, 926a, 931a, 944a], ["-", "-", 1012a, 1020a, 1025a, 1030a, 1043a], ["-", "-", 1112a, 1120a, 1125a, 1130a, 1143a], ["-", "-", 1212p, 1220p, 1225p, 1230p, 1243p], ["-", "-", 112p, 120p, 125p, 130p, 143p], ["-", "-", 212p, 220p, 225p, 230p, 243p], ["-", "-", 320p, 329p, 334p, 339p, 353p], ["-", "-", 342p, 351p, 356p, 401p, 415p], ["-", "-", 412p, 421p, 426p, 431p, 445p], ["-", "-", 442p, 451p, 456p, 501p, 515p], ["-", "-", 512p, 521p, 526p, 531p, 545p], [520p, 526p, 542p, 551p, 556p, 601p, 615p], ["-", "-", 612p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 644p], ["-", "-", 712p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 743p], ["-", "-", 810p, 818p, 823p, 828p, 841p], ["-", "-", 910p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 941p], ["-", "-", 1010p, 1018p, 1023p, 1028p, 1041p], ["-", "-", 1112p, 1120p, 1125p, 1130p, 1143p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "956"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "737"
+    stop_times: [[643a, 651a, 705a, "-"], [658a, 706a, 720a, "-"], [718a, 726a, 740a, "-"], [738a, 746a, 800a, "-"], [758a, 806a, 820a, 830a], [818a, 826a, 840a, 850a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[720a, 722a, 726a, 734a, 740a, 745a, 751a, 759a, 808a, 814a, 822a, 831a, 840a], [820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [725p, 727p, 732p, 739p, 745p, 750p, 755p, 802p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [834p, 836p, 841p, 848p, 854p, 859p, 904p, 911p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 947p, 952p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1057p, 1059p, 1104p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1127p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "980"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 11 111
+    stop_times: [[621a, 627a, 641a, 651a, 657a, 713a, 729a], [641a, 647a, 701a, 711a, 717a, 733a, 751a], [701a, 707a, 721a, 731a, 737a, 754a, 812a], [721a, 727a, 742a, 752a, 758a, 815a, 833a], [741a, 748a, 803a, 813a, 819a, 836a, 857a], [801a, 808a, 823a, 833a, 839a, 856a, 914a], [821a, 828a, 843a, 853a, 859a, 914a, "-"], [841a, 848a, 903a, 913a, 919a, 933a, "-"], [921a, 927a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1007a, "-"], [951a, 957a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1037a, "-"], [1021a, 1027a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1107a, "-"], [1051a, 1057a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1137a, "-"], [1121a, 1127a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1207p, "-"], [1151a, 1157a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1237p, "-"], [1221p, 1227p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 107p, "-"], [1251p, 1257p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 137p, "-"], [121p, 127p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 207p, "-"], [151p, 157p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 237p, "-"], [221p, 227p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 307p, "-"], [251p, 257p, 310p, 319p, 325p, 339p, "-"], [323p, 330p, 345p, 355p, 401p, 421p, "-"], [340p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 418p, 433p, "-"], [400p, 407p, 422p, 432p, 438p, 453p, "-"], [418p, 425p, 440p, 450p, 456p, 511p, "-"], [441p, 448p, 503p, 513p, 519p, "-", "-"], [501p, 508p, 523p, 533p, 539p, "-", "-"], [521p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 559p, 614p, "-"], [541p, 548p, 603p, 613p, 619p, "-", "-"], [601p, 608p, 623p, 633p, 639p, "-", "-"], [625p, 632p, 645p, 654p, 700p, 712p, "-"], [725p, 731p, 744p, 753p, 759p, 811p, "-"], [825p, 831p, 844p, 853p, 859p, 911p, "-"], [925p, 931p, 944p, 953p, 959p, 1011p, "-"], [1025p, 1031p, 1044p, 1053p, 1059p, 1111p, "-"], [1125p, 1131p, 1144p, 1153p, 1159p, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[759a, 811a, 819a, 825a, 834a, 839a, 842a, 851a], [859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p], [749p, 801p, 809p, 815p, 824p, 829p, 832p, 841p], [849p, 901p, 909p, 915p, 924p, 929p, 932p, 941p], [949p, 1001p, 1009p, 1015p, 1024p, 1029p, 1032p, 1041p], [1049p, 1101p, 1109p, 1115p, 1124p, 1129p, 1132p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "937"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p], [805p, 814p, 826p, 837p], [905p, 914p, 926p, 937p], [1005p, 1014p, 1026p, 1037p], [1105p, 1114p, 1126p, 1137p]]
+    short_name: "964"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "952"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Proctor / Mead, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "66"
+    stop_times: [[612a, 618a, 625a, 631a, 638a, 652a], [641a, 647a, 654a, 700a, 712a, 727a], [706a, 714a, 723a, 732a, 744a, 800a], [736a, 744a, 753a, 802a, 814a, 830a], [806a, 814a, 823a, 832a, 844a, 900a], [836a, 844a, 853a, 902a, 914a, 930a], [909a, 917a, 926a, 933a, 941a, 956a], [1012a, 1018a, 1026a, 1032a, 1040a, 1055a], [1112a, 1118a, 1126a, 1132a, 1140a, 1155a], [1212p, 1218p, 1226p, 1232p, 1240p, 1255p], [112p, 118p, 126p, 132p, 140p, 155p], [212p, 218p, 226p, 232p, 240p, 255p], [312p, 319p, 327p, 334p, 345p, 400p], [412p, 419p, 427p, 434p, 445p, 500p], [442p, 449p, 457p, 504p, 515p, 530p], [512p, 519p, 527p, 534p, 545p, 600p], [542p, 549p, 557p, 604p, 615p, 630p], [613p, 620p, 628p, 634p, 642p, 657p], [714p, 720p, 728p, 734p, 742p, 757p], [814p, 820p, 828p, 834p, 842p, 857p], [914p, 920p, 928p, 934p, 942p, 957p], [1014p, 1020p, 1028p, 1034p, 1042p, 1057p], [1114p, 1120p, 1128p, 1134p, 1142p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Dickson Shops, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson Shops, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "39"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 549a, 555a, 601a, 606a, 607a, 610a, 617a], [609a, 615a, 618a, 624a, 630a, 636a, 641a, 642a, 645a, 652a], [639a, 645a, 648a, 654a, 700a, 706a, 711a, 712a, 715a, 722a], ["-", "-", "-", 707a, 713a, 719a, 724a, 725a, 728a, 741a], [703a, 709a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 730a, 736a, 737a, 742a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", 726a, 732a, 738a, 744a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [718a, 724a, 727a, 734a, 740a, 746a, 752a, 753a, 758a, 813a], ["-", "-", "-", 742a, 748a, 754a, 800a, 801a, 806a, 821a], [733a, 739a, 742a, 749a, 755a, 801a, 807a, 808a, 813a, 828a], ["-", "-", "-", 756a, 802a, 808a, 814a, 815a, 820a, 835a], [748a, 754a, 757a, 804a, 810a, 816a, 822a, 823a, 828a, 843a], [758a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 820a, 826a, 832a, 833a, 838a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", 824a, 830a, 836a, 842a, 843a, 848a, 903a], [818a, 824a, 827a, 834a, 840a, 846a, 852a, 853a, 858a, 913a], [833a, 839a, 842a, 849a, 855a, 901a, 907a, 908a, 913a, 928a], [910a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 935a, 942a, 949a, 952a, 954a, 1001a], [940a, 946a, 949a, 954a, 1000a, 1005a, 1010a, 1011a, 1013a, 1019a], [1010a, 1016a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1035a, 1040a, 1041a, 1043a, 1049a], [1040a, 1046a, 1049a, 1054a, 1100a, 1105a, 1110a, 1111a, 1113a, 1119a], [1110a, 1116a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1135a, 1140a, 1141a, 1143a, 1149a], [1140a, 1146a, 1149a, 1154a, 1200p, 1205p, 1210p, 1211p, 1213p, 1219p], [1210p, 1216p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1235p, 1240p, 1241p, 1243p, 1249p], [1240p, 1246p, 1249p, 1254p, 100p, 105p, 110p, 111p, 113p, 119p], [110p, 116p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 135p, 140p, 141p, 143p, 149p], [140p, 146p, 149p, 154p, 200p, 205p, 210p, 211p, 213p, 219p], [210p, 216p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 235p, 240p, 241p, 243p, 249p], [240p, 246p, 249p, 254p, 300p, 307p, 313p, 314p, 317p, 324p], [309p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 330p, 337p, 343p, 344p, 347p, 354p], [328p, 334p, 337p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 402p, 403p, 406p, 413p], [358p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 419p, 426p, 432p, 433p, 436p, 443p], [417p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 438p, 445p, 451p, 452p, 455p, 502p], [432p, 438p, 441p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 506p, 507p, 510p, 517p], [447p, 453p, 456p, 502p, 508p, 515p, 521p, 522p, 525p, 532p], [506p, 512p, 515p, 521p, 527p, 534p, 540p, 541p, 544p, 551p], [512p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [521p, 527p, 530p, 536p, 542p, 549p, 555p, 556p, 559p, 606p], [536p, 542p, 545p, 551p, 557p, 604p, 610p, 611p, 614p, 621p], [546p, 552p, 555p, 601p, 607p, 614p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [555p, 601p, 604p, 610p, 616p, 623p, 629p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [610p, 616p, 619p, 625p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 642p, 644p, 650p], [710p, 716p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 741p, 743p, 749p], [810p, 816p, 819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 840p, 841p, 843p, 849p], [910p, 916p, 919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 940p, 941p, 943p, 949p], [1010p, 1016p, 1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1040p, 1041p, 1043p, 1049p], [1110p, 1116p, 1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page Shops, Scullin Shops, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 13 313
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 733a, 735a, 739a, 742a, 746a, 755a, 803a], [710a, 728a, 746a, 807a, 809a, 813a, 816a, 820a, 829a, 837a], [751a, 810a, 828a, 849a, 851a, 855a, 858a, 902a, 911a, 919a], [811a, 830a, 848a, 909a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 922a, 931a, 938a], [850a, 909a, 927a, 947a, 949a, 953a, 955a, 959a, 1007a, 1014a], [921a, 940a, 956a, 1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1036a, 1043a], [951a, 1009a, 1025a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1105a, 1112a], [1021a, 1039a, 1055a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1142a], [1051a, 1109a, 1125a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1205p, 1212p], [1121a, 1139a, 1155a, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1242p], [1151a, 1209p, 1225p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 105p, 112p], [1221p, 1239p, 1255p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 142p], [1251p, 109p, 125p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 153p, 157p, 205p, 212p], [121p, 139p, 155p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 242p], [151p, 209p, 225p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 253p, 257p, 306p, 313p], [221p, 239p, 255p, 316p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 330p, 340p, 347p], [250p, 308p, 326p, 347p, 349p, 353p, 356p, 401p, 411p, 418p], [316p, 335p, 353p, 414p, 416p, 420p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 445p], [346p, 405p, 423p, 444p, 446p, 450p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 515p], [406p, 425p, 443p, 504p, 506p, 510p, 513p, 518p, 528p, 535p], [426p, 445p, 503p, 524p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 538p, 548p, 555p], [446p, 505p, 523p, 544p, 546p, 550p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 615p], [526p, 545p, 603p, 624p, 626p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 644p, 651p], [556p, 615p, 632p, 652p, 654p, 658p, 700p, 704p, 712p, 719p], [656p, 713p, 728p, 748p, 750p, 754p, 756p, 800p, 808p, 815p], ["-", "-", "-", 835p, 837p, 841p, 843p, 847p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 935p, 937p, 941p, 943p, 947p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1042p, 1046p, 1054p, 1101p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Canberra Hospital, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "77"
+    stop_times: [[1100a, 1108a, 1113a, 1121a, 1128a], [100p, 108p, 113p, 121p, 128p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "51"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 701a, 704a, 713a, 723a, 733a, 738a, 750a, 752a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 721a, 724a, 733a, 743a, 753a, 758a, 811a, 813a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 744a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 818a, 831a, 833a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 812a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 850a, 852a, 857a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 824a, 833a, 843a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 910a, 915a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840a, 843a, 852a, 902a, 911a, 916a, 925a, 927a, 932a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 943a, 952a, 1001a, 1010a, 1015a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1043a, 1052a, 1101a, 1110a, 1115a, 1124a, 1126a, 1131a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1143a, 1152a, 1201p, 1210p, 1215p, 1224p, 1226p, 1231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1243p, 1252p, 101p, 110p, 115p, 124p, 126p, 131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 143p, 152p, 201p, 210p, 215p, 224p, 226p, 231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 243p, 252p, 301p, 310p, 315p, 324p, 326p, 331p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 353p, 358p], [332p, 338p, 340p, 348p, 351p, 354p, 403p, 413p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [406p, 412p, 414p, 423p, 428p, 431p, 440p, 450p, 500p, 505p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [428p, 434p, 436p, 445p, 450p, 453p, 502p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [444p, 450p, 452p, 501p, 506p, 509p, 518p, 528p, 538p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [511p, 517p, 519p, 528p, 533p, 536p, 545p, 555p, 605p, 610p, 619p, 621p, 626p], [529p, 535p, 537p, 546p, 551p, 554p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 642p], [538p, 544p, 546p, 555p, 600p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [554p, 600p, 602p, 609p, 612p, 615p, 624p, 633p, 642p, 647p, 656p, 658p, 703p], [616p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 632p, 635p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 707p, 716p, 718p, 723p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740p, 743p, 752p, 801p, 810p, 815p, 824p, 826p, 831p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840p, 843p, 852p, 901p, 910p, 915p, 924p, 926p, 931p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940p, 943p, 952p, 1001p, 1010p, 1015p, 1024p, 1026p, 1031p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040p, 1043p, 1052p, 1101p, 1110p, 1115p, 1124p, 1126p, 1131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1143p, 1152p, 1201a, 1210a, 1215a, 1224a, 1226a, 1231a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "931"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "960"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "923"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p], [733p, 736p, 740p, 745p, 751p, 755p, 801p], [933p, 936p, 940p, 945p, 951p, 955p, 1001p], [1133p, 1136p, 1140p, 1145p, 1151p, 1155p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "921"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "749"
+    stop_times: [[659a, 701a, 705a, 730a], [734a, 736a, 740a, 810a], [804a, 806a, 810a, 840a], [456p, 458p, 502p, 535p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p], [750p, 800p, 806p, 815p], [850p, 900p, 906p, 915p], [950p, 1000p, 1006p, 1015p], [1050p, 1100p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "960"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "22"
+    stop_times: [[635a, 648a, 656a, 659a, 707a], [705a, 718a, 726a, 729a, 738a], [735a, 749a, 758a, 801a, 810a], [805a, 819a, 828a, 831a, 840a], [843a, 857a, 906a, 909a, 918a], [943a, 956a, 1004a, 1007a, 1015a], [1043a, 1056a, 1104a, 1107a, 1115a], [1143a, 1156a, 1204p, 1207p, 1215p], [1243p, 1256p, 104p, 107p, 115p], [143p, 156p, 204p, 207p, 215p], [243p, 256p, 305p, 308p, 317p], [313p, 327p, 336p, 339p, 348p], [335p, 349p, 358p, 401p, 410p], [405p, 419p, 428p, 431p, 440p], [435p, 449p, 458p, 501p, 510p], [505p, 519p, 528p, 531p, 540p], [535p, 549p, 558p, 601p, 610p], [605p, 619p, 628p, 631p, 639p], [638p, 651p, 659p, 702p, 710p], [738p, 751p, 759p, 802p, 810p], [838p, 851p, 859p, 902p, 910p], [938p, 951p, 959p, 1002p, 1010p], [1038p, 1051p, 1059p, 1102p, 1110p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 815a, 820a, 824a, 830a, 837a, 839a, 844a], [845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657p, 703p, 708p, 712p, 718p, 725p, 727p, 732p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 813p, 818p, 822p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 842p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 923p, 928p, 932p, 938p, 945p, 947p, 952p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1028p, 1034p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1146p, 1151p, 1155p, 1201a, 1208a, 1210a, 1215a]]
+    short_name: "980"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Wanniassa High, Erindale Centre, Monash Goodwin Village, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: "63"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 615a, 619a, 623a, 631a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 649a, 653a, 701a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 710a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 736a, 741a, 746a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 818a, 823a, 828a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 823a, 832a, 838a, 843a, 848a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 928a, 937a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003a, 1011a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103a, 1111a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1203p, 1211p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 103p, 111p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 203p, 211p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 303p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 328p, 338p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 323p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 348p, 358p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 403p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 428p, 438p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 423p, 432p, 438p, 443p, 448p, 458p], [437p, 441p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 538p], [457p, 501p, 505p, 508p, 523p, 532p, 538p, 543p, 548p, 558p], [537p, 541p, 545p, 548p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 628p, 637p], [557p, 601p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 647p, 656p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703p, 711p, 717p, 722p, 726p, 735p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803p, 811p, 817p, 822p, 826p, 835p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903p, 911p, 917p, 922p, 926p, 935p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003p, 1011p, 1017p, 1022p, 1026p, 1035p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1126p, 1135p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Gowrie, Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash]
+    long_name: To Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "170"
+    stop_times: [[500p, 505p, 521p, 536p, 546p, 556p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[625a, 634a, 640a, 647a, 650a, 654a, 659a, 702a, 712a], [825a, 834a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 854a, 859a, 902a, 912a], [1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p], [828p, 837p, 843p, 850p, 853p, 857p, 902p, 905p, 915p], [1028p, 1037p, 1043p, 1050p, 1053p, 1057p, 1102p, 1105p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "914"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Dickson]
+    long_name: To Dickson
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "8"
+    stop_times: [[655a, 702a, 707a, 713a], [714a, 721a, 726a, 732a], [741a, 750a, 757a, 804a], [811a, 820a, 827a, 834a], [841a, 850a, 857a, 904a], [915a, 924a, 931a, 937a], [946a, 953a, 958a, 1004a], [1018a, 1025a, 1030a, 1036a], [1046a, 1053a, 1058a, 1104a], [1146a, 1153a, 1158a, 1204p], [1246p, 1253p, 1258p, 104p], [146p, 153p, 158p, 204p], [246p, 253p, 258p, 305p], [311p, 320p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 355p, 402p, 409p], [411p, 420p, 427p, 434p], [444p, 453p, 500p, 507p], [523p, 532p, 539p, 546p], [553p, 602p, 609p, 616p], [623p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [650p, 655p, 700p, 706p], [705p, 710p, 715p, 721p], [805p, 810p, 815p, 821p], [905p, 910p, 915p, 921p], [1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1021p], [1105p, 1110p, 1115p, 1121p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St]
+    long_name: To Northbourne Avenue / Antill St
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "59"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 537a, 541a, 547a, 603a, 606a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612a, 616a, 622a, 638a, 641a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 646a, 650a, 656a, 711a, 714a, 717a, 724a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 706a, 712a, 727a, 730a, 733a, 740a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 716a, 722a, 737a, 740a, 743a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 733a, 737a, 743a, 758a, 801a, 806a, 817a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 813a, 819a, 834a, 837a, 842a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 820a, 824a, 830a, 845a, 848a, 853a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 849a, 853a, 859a, 914a, 917a, 920a, 927a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 923a, "-", 933a, 939a, 955a, 958a, "-", "-"], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1023a, "-", 1033a, 1039a, 1055a, 1058a, "-", "-"], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1123a, "-", 1133a, 1139a, 1155a, 1158a, "-", "-"], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1223p, "-", 1233p, 1239p, 1255p, 1258p, "-", "-"], [100p, 102p, 106p, 123p, "-", 133p, 139p, 155p, 158p, "-", "-"], [200p, 202p, 206p, 223p, "-", 233p, 239p, 255p, 258p, "-", "-"], [240p, 242p, 246p, 303p, "-", 313p, 319p, 335p, 338p, "-", "-"], [318p, 320p, 324p, 342p, "-", 352p, 358p, 414p, 417p, "-", "-"], [333p, 335p, 339p, 357p, "-", 407p, 413p, 429p, 432p, "-", "-"], [348p, 350p, 354p, 412p, "-", 422p, 428p, 444p, 447p, "-", "-"], [403p, 405p, 409p, 427p, "-", 437p, 443p, 459p, 502p, "-", "-"], [418p, 420p, 424p, 442p, "-", 452p, 458p, 514p, 517p, "-", "-"], [433p, 435p, 439p, 457p, "-", 507p, 513p, 529p, 532p, "-", "-"], [448p, 450p, 454p, 512p, "-", 522p, 528p, 544p, 547p, "-", "-"], [503p, 505p, 509p, 527p, "-", 537p, 543p, 559p, 602p, "-", "-"], [518p, 520p, 524p, 542p, "-", 552p, 558p, 614p, 617p, "-", "-"], [530p, 532p, 536p, 554p, "-", 604p, 610p, 626p, 629p, "-", "-"], [548p, 550p, 554p, 611p, "-", 620p, 626p, 642p, 645p, "-", "-"], [603p, 605p, 609p, 626p, "-", 635p, 641p, 657p, 700p, "-", "-"], [703p, 705p, 709p, 726p, "-", 735p, 741p, 757p, 800p, "-", "-"], [803p, 805p, 809p, 826p, "-", 835p, 841p, 857p, 900p, "-", "-"], [903p, 905p, 909p, 926p, "-", 935p, 941p, 957p, 1000p, "-", "-"], [1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1026p, "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1057p, 1100p, "-", "-"], [1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1126p, "-", 1135p, 1141p, 1157p, 1200a, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 27 227
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 829a, 833a, 840a, 845a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854a, 902a, 906a, 913a, 918a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054a, 1101a, 1105a, 1113a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1154a, 1201p, 1205p, 1213p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1254p, 101p, 105p, 113p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 154p, 201p, 205p, 213p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 254p, 302p, 307p, 314p, 322p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 321p, 333p, 338p, 345p, 353p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 351p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 423p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 421p, 433p, 438p, 445p, 453p], [427p, 431p, 435p, 438p, 453p, 505p, 510p, 517p, 525p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 521p, 533p, 538p, 545p, 553p], [527p, 531p, 535p, 538p, 553p, 605p, 610p, 617p, 625p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 635p, 641p, 644p, 650p, 655p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835p, 841p, 844p, 850p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 935p, 941p, 944p, 950p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1044p, 1050p, 1055p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Kippax, Macgregor Shops, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor Shops, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "43"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 621a, 629a, 638a, 643a, 648a, 650a, 654a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 640a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 707a, 709a, 713a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 655a, 700a, 708a, 717a, 722a, 727a, 729a, 733a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 720a, 728a, 739a, 744a, 752a, 754a, 758a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a, 815a, 819a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 840a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 832a, 843a, 848a, 856a, 858a, 902a], [823a, 825a, 829a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 901a, 906a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [843a, 845a, 849a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 921a, 926a, 933a, 935a, 939a], [903a, 905a, 909a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 954a, 958a], [1003a, 1005a, 1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1048a, 1050a, 1054a], [1103a, 1105a, 1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1148a, 1150a, 1154a], [1203p, 1205p, 1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1248p, 1250p, 1254p], [103p, 105p, 109p, 115p, 120p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 148p, 150p, 154p], [203p, 205p, 209p, 215p, 220p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 248p, 250p, 254p], [254p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 313p, 321p, 332p, 337p, 345p, 347p, 351p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 416p, 420p], [343p, 345p, 349p, 357p, 402p, 410p, 421p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 440p], [403p, 405p, 409p, 417p, 422p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [423p, 425p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 516p, 520p], [443p, 445p, 449p, 457p, 502p, 510p, 521p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 540p], [503p, 505p, 509p, 517p, 522p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 554p, 556p, 600p], [523p, 525p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 616p, 620p], [602p, 604p, 608p, 616p, 621p, 629p, 638p, 643p, 648p, 650p, 654p], [702p, 704p, 708p, 713p, 718p, 726p, 735p, 740p, 745p, 747p, 751p], [802p, 804p, 808p, 813p, 818p, 826p, 835p, 840p, 845p, 847p, 851p], [902p, 904p, 908p, 913p, 918p, 926p, 935p, 940p, 945p, 947p, 951p], [1002p, 1004p, 1008p, 1013p, 1018p, 1026p, 1035p, 1040p, 1045p, 1047p, 1051p], [1102p, 1104p, 1108p, 1113p, 1118p, 1126p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 739a, 747a, 755a, 806a, 816a, 818a, 823a], [800a, 806a, 814a, 821a, 828a, 837a, 845a, 853a, 904a, 914a, 916a, 921a], [900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p], [800p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 828p, 837p, 845p, 853p, 904p, 914p, 916p, 921p], [900p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 928p, 937p, 945p, 953p, 1004p, 1014p, 1016p, 1021p], [1000p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1028p, 1037p, 1045p, 1053p, 1104p, 1114p, 1116p, 1121p], [1100p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1128p, 1137p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "958"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm Shops, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+    short_name: "786"
+    stop_times: [[646a, 656a, 716a, 726a], [706a, 716a, 736a, 746a], [727a, 737a, 804a, 814a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Stromlo High Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "75"
+    stop_times: [[925a, 934a, 947a], [1125a, 1134a, 1147a], [125p, 134p, 147p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 723a, 731a, 739a, 741a, 745a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 823a, 831a, 839a, 841a, 845a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 702p, 709p, 715p, 720p, 728p, 735p, 737p, 741p], [750p, 752p, 756p, 802p, 809p, 815p, 820p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 841p], [850p, 852p, 856p, 902p, 909p, 915p, 920p, 928p, 935p, 937p, 941p], [950p, 952p, 956p, 1002p, 1009p, 1015p, 1020p, 1028p, 1035p, 1037p, 1041p], [1050p, 1052p, 1056p, 1102p, 1109p, 1115p, 1120p, 1128p, 1135p, 1137p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "902"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 18 318
+    stop_times: [[545a, 554a, 558a, 608a, 626a, 642a, 702a, 704a, 709a], [612a, 621a, 625a, 635a, 653a, 709a, 729a, 731a, 736a], [635a, 644a, 648a, 658a, 716a, 732a, 753a, 755a, 800a], [657a, 706a, 710a, 720a, 738a, 756a, 817a, 819a, 824a], [716a, 725a, 729a, 741a, 800a, 818a, 839a, 841a, 846a], [733a, 743a, 748a, 800a, 819a, 837a, 858a, 900a, 905a], ["-", "-", 750a, 758a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [753a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 839a, 857a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [813a, 823a, 828a, 840a, 859a, 917a, 938a, 940a, 945a], [838a, 848a, 853a, 905a, 924a, 941a, 1001a, 1003a, 1008a], [909a, 919a, 924a, 935a, 953a, 1009a, 1029a, 1031a, 1036a], [943a, 952a, 956a, 1006a, 1024a, 1040a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1013a, 1022a, 1026a, 1036a, 1054a, 1110a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1043a, 1052a, 1056a, 1106a, 1124a, 1140a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1113a, 1122a, 1126a, 1136a, 1154a, 1210p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1143a, 1152a, 1156a, 1206p, 1224p, 1240p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1213p, 1222p, 1226p, 1236p, 1254p, 110p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1243p, 1252p, 1256p, 106p, 124p, 140p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [113p, 122p, 126p, 136p, 154p, 210p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [143p, 152p, 156p, 206p, 224p, 240p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 221p, 225p, 235p, 253p, 310p, 331p, 333p, 338p], [241p, 250p, 254p, 305p, 324p, 342p, 403p, 405p, 410p], [308p, 318p, 323p, 335p, 354p, 412p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [333p, 343p, 348p, 400p, 419p, 437p, 458p, 500p, 505p], [402p, 412p, 417p, 429p, 448p, 506p, 527p, 529p, 534p], [439p, 449p, 454p, 506p, 525p, 543p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [515p, 525p, 530p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 610p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 627p, 632p, 642p, 659p, 714p, 734p, 736p, 741p], [713p, 722p, 726p, 734p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 823p, 827p, 835p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 923p, 927p, 935p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1114p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey Shops, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "16"
+    stop_times: [[700a, 702a, 706a, 711a, 717a, 727a], [800a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 818a, 830a], [826a, 828a, 832a, 838a, 844a, 856a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 925a, 931a, 941a], [939a, 941a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 1006a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1025a, 1031a, 1041a], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1106a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1125a, 1131a, 1141a], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1206p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1225p, 1231p, 1241p], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 106p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 125p, 131p, 141p], [139p, 141p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 206p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 225p, 231p, 241p], [238p, 240p, 244p, 249p, 255p, 306p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 325p, 337p], [326p, 328p, 332p, 338p, 344p, 356p], [356p, 358p, 402p, 408p, 414p, 426p], [426p, 428p, 432p, 438p, 444p, 456p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 458p, 504p, 516p], [506p, 508p, 512p, 518p, 524p, 536p], [526p, 528p, 532p, 538p, 544p, 556p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 558p, 604p, 616p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 613p, 619p, 631p], [622p, 624p, 628p, 633p, 639p, 649p], [721p, 723p, 727p, 731p, 737p, 747p], [821p, 823p, 827p, 831p, 837p, 847p], [921p, 923p, 927p, 931p, 937p, 947p], [1021p, 1023p, 1027p, 1031p, 1037p, 1047p], [1121p, 1123p, 1127p, 1131p, 1137p, 1147p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "52"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 539a, 547a, 555a, 602a, 605a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [628a, 630a, 634a, 647a, 652a, 700a, 708a, 714a, 717a, 720a, 727a, 729a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 724a, 730a, 733a, 736a, 743a, 745a, 800a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 739a, 745a, 748a, 753a, 804a, 809a, 824a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 742a, 747a, 755a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 818a, 829a, 834a, 849a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 820a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 846a, 851a, 903a], [803a, 805a, 809a, 823a, 828a, 836a, 844a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a], [834a, 836a, 840a, 854a, 859a, 907a, 915a, 921a, 924a, 927a, 934a, 936a, 943a], [912a, 914a, 918a, 931a, 936a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1002a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1014a, 1018a, 1031a, 1036a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1102a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1114a, 1118a, 1131a, 1136a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1214p, 1218p, 1231p, 1236p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 102p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 114p, 118p, 131p, 136p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 214p, 218p, 231p, 236p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 302p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 309p, 316p, 319p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 314p, 318p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 402p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 354p, 358p, 412p, 417p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 445p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 414p, 418p, 432p, 437p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 505p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [432p, 434p, 438p, 452p, 457p, 506p, 514p, 522p, 525p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [452p, 454p, 458p, 512p, 517p, 526p, 534p, 542p, 545p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 514p, 518p, 532p, 537p, 546p, 554p, 602p, 605p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 552p, 557p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 623p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [611p, 613p, 617p, 630p, 635p, 643p, 651p, 658p, 701p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [711p, 713p, 717p, 730p, 735p, 743p, 751p, 758p, 801p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 813p, 817p, 830p, 835p, 843p, 851p, 858p, 901p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 913p, 917p, 930p, 935p, 943p, 951p, 958p, 1001p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1013p, 1017p, 1030p, 1035p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p, 1101p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Primary, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "64"
+    stop_times: [[605a, 612a, 616a, 623a, 631a], [635a, 642a, 646a, 653a, 701a], [705a, 712a, 716a, 723a, 731a], [735a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 806a], [805a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 836a], [825a, 834a, 839a, 846a, 856a], [905a, 914a, 919a, 926a, 935a], [935a, 943a, 947a, 954a, 1003a], [1035a, 1043a, 1047a, 1054a, 1103a], [1135a, 1143a, 1147a, 1154a, 1203p], [1235p, 1243p, 1247p, 1254p, 103p], [135p, 143p, 147p, 154p, 203p], [235p, 243p, 247p, 254p, 303p], [305p, 314p, 319p, 326p, 336p], [335p, 344p, 349p, 356p, 406p], [435p, 444p, 449p, 456p, 506p], [505p, 514p, 519p, 526p, 536p], [535p, 544p, 549p, 556p, 606p], [636p, 644p, 648p, 655p, 704p], [739p, 747p, 751p, 758p, 807p], [839p, 847p, 851p, 858p, 907p], [939p, 947p, 951p, 958p, 1007p], [1039p, 1047p, 1051p, 1058p, "-"], [], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson, Merici College, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "7"
+    stop_times: [[541a, 543a, 547a, 600a, 608a, 615a, 623a], [611a, 613a, 617a, 630a, 638a, 645a, 653a], [641a, 643a, 647a, 700a, 708a, 715a, 723a], [711a, 713a, 717a, 730a, 739a, 746a, 755a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 804a, 817a, 824a, 837a], [811a, 813a, 817a, 832a, 841a, 848a, 903a], [841a, 843a, 847a, 902a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 958a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1005a, 1013a, 1020a, 1028a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1058a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1105a, 1113a, 1120a, 1128a], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1158a], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1205p, 1213p, 1220p, 1228p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1258p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 105p, 113p, 120p, 128p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 158p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 205p, 213p, 220p, 228p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 258p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 330p], [311p, 313p, 317p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 356p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 402p, 410p, 417p, 426p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 432p, 440p, 447p, 456p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 502p, 510p, 517p, 526p], [511p, 513p, 517p, 532p, 540p, 547p, 601p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 602p, 610p, 617p, 626p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 705p, 713p, 719p, 727p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 805p, 813p, 819p, 827p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 905p, 913p, 919p, 927p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1005p, 1013p, 1019p, 1027p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1105p, 1113p, 1119p, 1127p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[842a, 856a, 906a, 915a], [942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p], [642p, 656p, 706p, 715p], [742p, 756p, 806p, 815p], [842p, 856p, 906p, 915p], [942p, 956p, 1006p, 1015p], [1042p, 1056p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "961"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "88"
+    stop_times: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "88"
+    stop_times: [[1150a, 1210p], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson Shops, Watson Shops, Watson Terminus, Watson Shops, Dickson Shops, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "939"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "936"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    short_name: "980"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey Shops, Page Shops, Hawker Shops, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "73"
+    stop_times: [[916a, 918a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 937a, 944a, 947a, 954a, 1005a, 1007a, 1012a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1117a, 1124a, 1135a, 1137a, 1142a], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1227p, 1233p, 1237p, 1244p, 1247p, 1254p, 105p, 107p, 112p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 217p, 224p, 235p, 237p, 242p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Chapman Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "927"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[812a, 821a, 831a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p], [712p, 721p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 750p, 752p, 757p], [812p, 821p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 850p, 852p, 857p], [912p, 921p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 950p, 952p, 957p], [1012p, 1021p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1050p, 1052p, 1057p], [1112p, 1121p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1150p, 1152p, 1157p]]
+    short_name: "951"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Stromlo High Waramanga, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "75"
+    stop_times: [[1055a, 1108a, 1117a], [1255p, 108p, 117p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Copland College, Tillyard / Spalding, Charnwood Shops, Kerrigan / Lhotsky, Charnwood Shops, Tillyard / Spalding, Copland College, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "45"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 627a, 632a, 638a, 640a, 648a, 658a, 700a, 705a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 718a, 728a, 730a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 734a, 740a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 759a, 804a, 810a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 822a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 843a, 853a, 855a, 900a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 844a, 849a, 855a, 857a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [828a, 830a, 834a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 905a, 913a, 923a, 925a, 930a], [858a, 900a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 935a, 943a, 953a, 955a, 1000a], [921a, 923a, 927a, 935a, 943a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 958a, 1006a, 1016a, 1018a, 1023a], [1021a, 1023a, 1027a, 1035a, 1043a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1058a, 1106a, 1116a, 1118a, 1123a], [1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1143a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1158a, 1206p, 1216p, 1218p, 1223p], [1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1243p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 1258p, 106p, 116p, 118p, 123p], [121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 143p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 158p, 206p, 216p, 218p, 223p], [221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 243p, 245p, 250p, 256p, 258p, 306p, 316p, 318p, 323p], [258p, 300p, 304p, 312p, 320p, 322p, 327p, 333p, 335p, 343p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [328p, 330p, 334p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 405p, 413p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [358p, 400p, 404p, 412p, 420p, 422p, 427p, 433p, 435p, 443p, 453p, 455p, 500p], [428p, 430p, 434p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 505p, 513p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [458p, 500p, 504p, 512p, 520p, 522p, 527p, 533p, 535p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [528p, 530p, 534p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 605p, 613p, 623p, 625p, 630p], [558p, 600p, 604p, 612p, 620p, 622p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 643p, 652p, 654p, 659p], [621p, 623p, 627p, 634p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 655p, 657p, 705p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 733p, 741p, 743p, 748p, 754p, 756p, 804p, 813p, 815p, 820p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 833p, 841p, 843p, 848p, 854p, 856p, 904p, 913p, 915p, 920p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 933p, 941p, 943p, 948p, 954p, 956p, 1004p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1033p, 1041p, 1043p, 1048p, 1054p, 1056p, 1104p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], [1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1133p, 1141p, 1143p, 1148p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Pearce Shops, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "938"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: 60 160
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 647a, 701a, 708a, 718a], ["-", "-", 717a, 731a, 739a, 750a], ["-", "-", 747a, 801a, 809a, 820a], ["-", "-", 817a, 831a, 839a, 850a], ["-", "-", 847a, 901a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 947a, 1001a, 1009a, 1019a], ["-", "-", 1047a, 1101a, 1109a, 1119a], ["-", "-", 1147a, 1201p, 1209p, 1219p], ["-", "-", 1247p, 101p, 109p, 119p], ["-", "-", 147p, 201p, 209p, 219p], ["-", "-", 247p, 301p, 309p, 320p], ["-", "-", 317p, 331p, 339p, 350p], ["-", "-", 347p, 401p, 409p, 420p], ["-", "-", 417p, 431p, 439p, 450p], ["-", "-", 447p, 501p, 509p, 520p], [455p, 501p, 517p, 531p, 539p, 550p], [531p, 537p, 553p, 607p, 615p, 626p], [555p, 601p, 617p, 631p, 638p, 647p], ["-", "-", 647p, 701p, 708p, 717p], ["-", "-", 743p, 757p, 804p, 813p], ["-", "-", 843p, 857p, 904p, 913p], ["-", "-", 943p, 957p, 1004p, 1013p], ["-", "-", 1043p, 1057p, 1104p, 1113p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Curtin, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      City West-City Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "732"
+    stop_times: [[715a, 724a, 738a, 742a, 744a], [748a, 803a, 815a, 819a, 821a], [818a, 827a, 841a, 845a, 847a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[718a, 727a, 730a, 735a, 744a, 749a, 757a, 809a], [818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p], [818p, 827p, 830p, 835p, 844p, 849p, 857p, 909p], [918p, 927p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 949p, 957p, 1009p], [1018p, 1027p, 1030p, 1035p, 1044p, 1049p, 1057p, 1109p], [1118p, 1127p, 1130p, 1135p, 1144p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "936"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm Shops, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "786"
+    stop_times: [[445p, 455p, 520p, 533p], [515p, 525p, 550p, 603p], [545p, 555p, 620p, 633p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "913"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Goodwin Village, Erindale Centre, Wanniassa High, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: "63"
+    stop_times: [[611a, 619a, 623a, 628a, 633a, 640a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 648a, 652a, 657a, 702a, 710a, 724a, 727a, 731a, 735a], [712a, 720a, 724a, 729a, 735a, 745a, 759a, 803a, 807a, 811a], [744a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 834a, 838a, 842a, 846a], [810a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a, 845a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 855a, 900a, 905a, 911a, 920a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 954a, 958a, 1003a, 1009a, 1017a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1054a, 1058a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1154a, 1158a, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1254p, 1258p, 103p, 109p, 117p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 154p, 158p, 203p, 209p, 217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 254p, 258p, 303p, 309p, 318p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [314p, 324p, 329p, 334p, 340p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 411p, 420p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 450p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 455p, 500p, 505p, 511p, 520p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 525p, 530p, 535p, 541p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 605p, 611p, 620p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [645p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 709p, 717p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 809p, 817p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 909p, 917p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1009p, 1017p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "922"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
+    short_name: "952"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "71"
+    stop_times: [[927a, 929a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 957a, 959a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1043a, 1048a, 1057a, 1059a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1143a, 1148a, 1157a, 1159a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1243p, 1248p, 1257p, 1259p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 143p, 148p, 157p, 159p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, Gowrie, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "170"
+    stop_times: [[710a, 720a, 732a, 749a, 804a, 806a], [728a, 738a, 750a, 807a, 822a, 824a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang Shops, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "932"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "964"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence Shops, Copland College, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "701"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 710a, 714a, 724a, 726a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [731a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [745a, 750a, 757a, 801a, 819a, 824a, 840a, 849a, 857a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p], [713p, 718p, 723p, 728p, 734p, 743p], [913p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 934p, 943p], [1113p, 1118p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, 1143p]]
+    short_name: "923"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1120p]]
+    short_name: "960"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 27 227
+    stop_times: [[629a, 635a, 643a, 647a, 655a, 709a, 712a, 716a, 720a], [654a, 700a, 708a, 712a, 720a, 734a, 738a, 742a, 746a], ["-", "-", 728a, 735a, 746a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722a, 728a, 736a, 743a, 755a, 809a, 813a, 817a, 821a], [740a, 746a, 754a, 801a, 812a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [748a, 754a, 802a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [823a, 829a, 837a, 844a, 855a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [853a, 859a, 907a, 914a, 925a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 931a, 938a, 942a, 949a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [325p, 330p, 337p, 341p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [355p, 400p, 407p, 411p, 419p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [425p, 430p, 437p, 441p, 449p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [525p, 530p, 537p, 541p, 549p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [625p, 630p, 637p, 640p, 647p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 705p, 712p, 715p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 805p, 812p, 815p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 905p, 912p, 915p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1005p, 1012p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 60 160
+    stop_times: [[606a, 615a, 621a, 632a, "-", "-"], [706a, 715a, 721a, 734a, 749a, 752a], [730a, 740a, 748a, 802a, "-", "-"], [738a, 748a, 756a, 811a, 826a, 829a], [752a, 802a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [808a, 818a, 826a, 841a, 856a, 859a], [836a, 846a, 854a, 908a, "-", "-"], [906a, 916a, 924a, 937a, "-", "-"], [1006a, 1016a, 1024a, 1036a, "-", "-"], [1106a, 1116a, 1124a, 1136a, "-", "-"], [1206p, 1216p, 1224p, 1236p, "-", "-"], [106p, 116p, 124p, 136p, "-", "-"], [206p, 216p, 224p, 236p, "-", "-"], [236p, 246p, 254p, 307p, "-", "-"], [306p, 316p, 324p, 338p, "-", "-"], [336p, 346p, 354p, 408p, "-", "-"], [406p, 416p, 424p, 438p, "-", "-"], [436p, 446p, 454p, 508p, "-", "-"], [506p, 516p, 524p, 538p, "-", "-"], [536p, 546p, 554p, 608p, "-", "-"], [606p, 616p, 624p, 637p, "-", "-"], [706p, 716p, 722p, 734p, "-", "-"], [806p, 816p, 822p, 834p, "-", "-"], [906p, 916p, 922p, 934p, "-", "-"], [1006p, 1016p, 1022p, 1034p, "-", "-"], [1106p, 1116p, 1122p, 1134p, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "5"
+    stop_times: [[615a, 621a, 630a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 648a, 653a], [641a, 649a, 659a, 711a, 714a, 718a, 722a, 730a], [659a, 707a, 717a, 729a, 732a, 738a, 743a, 752a], [713a, 721a, 731a, 744a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 807a], [729a, 737a, 747a, 800a, 803a, 809a, 814a, 823a], [747a, 755a, 805a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 832a, 841a], [806a, 814a, 824a, 837a, 840a, 846a, 851a, 900a], [825a, 833a, 843a, 856a, 859a, 905a, 910a, 919a], [844a, 852a, 902a, 915a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 937a], [914a, 922a, 932a, 944a, 947a, 951a, 955a, 1003a], [944a, 952a, 1002a, 1014a, 1017a, 1021a, 1025a, 1033a], [1014a, 1022a, 1032a, 1044a, 1047a, 1051a, 1055a, 1103a], [1044a, 1052a, 1102a, 1114a, 1117a, 1121a, 1125a, 1133a], [1114a, 1122a, 1132a, 1144a, 1147a, 1151a, 1155a, 1203p], [1144a, 1152a, 1202p, 1214p, 1217p, 1221p, 1225p, 1233p], [1214p, 1222p, 1232p, 1244p, 1247p, 1251p, 1255p, 103p], [1244p, 1252p, 102p, 114p, 117p, 121p, 125p, 133p], [114p, 122p, 132p, 144p, 147p, 151p, 155p, 203p], [144p, 152p, 202p, 214p, 217p, 221p, 225p, 233p], [214p, 222p, 232p, 244p, 247p, 251p, 255p, 303p], [244p, 252p, 302p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 329p, 338p], [314p, 322p, 332p, 345p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 408p], [342p, 350p, 400p, 413p, 416p, 422p, 427p, 436p], [413p, 421p, 431p, 444p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [447p, 455p, 505p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 532p, 541p], [518p, 526p, 536p, 549p, 552p, 558p, 603p, 612p], [548p, 556p, 606p, 619p, 622p, 628p, 632p, 640p], [648p, 655p, 704p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 727p, 735p], [748p, 755p, 804p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 827p, 835p], [848p, 855p, 904p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 927p, 935p], [948p, 955p, 1004p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p], [1048p, 1055p, 1104p, 1116p, 1119p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, North Lyneham, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+    short_name: "31"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 637a, 643a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 701a], ["-", "-", 707a, 713a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 731a], [733a, 740a, 745a, 753a, 800a, 806a, 808a, 813a], [803a, 810a, 815a, 823a, 830a, 836a, 838a, 843a], [829a, 836a, 841a, 849a, 856a, 902a, 904a, 909a], [910a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 936a, 942a, 944a, 949a], [948a, 954a, 959a, 1005a, 1011a, 1017a, 1019a, 1024a], [1048a, 1054a, 1059a, 1105a, 1111a, 1117a, 1119a, 1124a], [1148a, 1154a, 1159a, 1205p, 1211p, 1217p, 1219p, 1224p], [1248p, 1254p, 1259p, 105p, 111p, 117p, 119p, 124p], [148p, 154p, 159p, 205p, 211p, 217p, 219p, 224p], [248p, 254p, 259p, 307p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [303p, 310p, 315p, 323p, 331p, 337p, 339p, 344p], [333p, 340p, 345p, 353p, 401p, 407p, 409p, 414p], [403p, 410p, 415p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 439p, 444p], [433p, 440p, 445p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [503p, 510p, 515p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [533p, 540p, 545p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [603p, 610p, 615p, 623p, 631p, 637p, 639p, 644p], [648p, 654p, 659p, 705p, 710p, 716p, 718p, 723p], [748p, 754p, 759p, 805p, 810p, 816p, 818p, 823p], [848p, 854p, 859p, 905p, 910p, 916p, 918p, 923p], [948p, 954p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1016p, 1018p, 1023p], [1048p, 1054p, 1059p, 1105p, 1110p, 1116p, 1118p, 1123p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Scullin Shops, Page Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 13 313
+    stop_times: [[546a, 550a, 559a, 603a, 610a, 612a, 616a, 636a, 653a, 706a], [616a, 620a, 629a, 633a, 640a, 642a, 646a, 706a, 723a, 738a], [646a, 650a, 659a, 703a, 710a, 712a, 716a, 737a, 754a, 811a], [712a, 716a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 739a, 743a, 806a, 823a, 840a], [737a, 742a, 752a, 757a, 805a, 807a, 811a, 833a, 850a, 907a], [757a, 802a, 812a, 817a, 825a, 827a, 831a, 853a, 910a, 927a], [817a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 845a, 847a, 851a, 913a, 930a, 945a], [842a, 847a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 912a, 916a, 937a, 954a, 1009a], [914a, 919a, 929a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 1006a, 1023a, 1038a], [946a, 950a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a, 1036a, 1053a, 1108a], [1016a, 1020a, 1029a, 1033a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1106a, 1123a, 1138a], [1046a, 1050a, 1059a, 1103a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1136a, 1153a, 1208p], [1116a, 1120a, 1129a, 1133a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1206p, 1223p, 1238p], [1146a, 1150a, 1159a, 1203p, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1236p, 1253p, 108p], [1216p, 1220p, 1229p, 1233p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 106p, 123p, 138p], [1246p, 1250p, 1259p, 103p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 136p, 153p, 208p], [116p, 120p, 129p, 133p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 206p, 223p, 238p], [146p, 150p, 159p, 203p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 236p, 253p, 310p], [216p, 220p, 229p, 233p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 307p, 324p, 343p], [245p, 249p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 312p, 316p, 338p, 355p, 414p], [313p, 318p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 342p, 346p, 408p, 425p, 444p], [343p, 348p, 358p, 402p, 410p, 412p, 416p, 438p, 455p, 514p], [418p, 423p, 433p, 437p, 445p, 447p, 451p, "-", "-", "-"], [449p, 454p, 504p, 508p, 516p, 518p, 522p, "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 518p, 528p, 532p, 540p, 542p, 546p, 608p, 625p, 641p], [543p, 548p, 558p, 602p, 610p, 612p, 616p, 636p, 650p, 705p], [615p, 620p, 630p, 634p, 640p, 642p, 646p, 705p, 719p, 734p], [710p, 714p, 723p, 727p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [810p, 814p, 823p, 827p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [910p, 914p, 923p, 927p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1010p, 1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: "788"
+    stop_times: [[710a, 719a, 734a, 811a, 820a, 824a], [740a, 749a, 804a, 841a, 850a, 854a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p], [715p, 717p, 721p, 730p, 739p, 743p, 744p, 755p], [815p, 817p, 821p, 830p, 839p, 843p, 844p, 855p], [915p, 917p, 921p, 930p, 939p, 943p, 944p, 955p], [1015p, 1017p, 1021p, 1030p, 1039p, 1043p, 1044p, 1055p]]
+    short_name: "942"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "62"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 709a, 716a, 723a], ["-", "-", 732a, 744a, 753a, 800a], ["-", "-", 802a, 814a, 823a, 830a], ["-", "-", 832a, 844a, 853a, 900a], ["-", "-", 902a, 914a, 923a, 930a], ["-", "-", 932a, 943a, 951a, 958a], ["-", "-", 1032a, 1043a, 1051a, 1058a], ["-", "-", 1132a, 1143a, 1151a, 1158a], ["-", "-", 1232p, 1243p, 1251p, 1258p], ["-", "-", 132p, 143p, 151p, 158p], ["-", "-", 232p, 243p, 251p, 258p], ["-", "-", 332p, 344p, 353p, 400p], ["-", "-", 402p, 414p, 423p, 430p], ["-", "-", 432p, 444p, 453p, 500p], ["-", "-", 502p, 514p, 523p, 530p], [510p, 516p, 532p, 544p, 553p, 600p], [540p, 546p, 602p, 614p, 623p, 630p], [610p, 616p, 632p, 643p, 651p, 658p], ["-", "-", 732p, 743p, 751p, 758p], ["-", "-", 832p, 843p, 851p, 858p], ["-", "-", 932p, 943p, 951p, 958p], ["-", "-", 1032p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p], ["-", "-", 1132p, 1143p, 1151p, 1158p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
+    short_name: "956"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[831a, 840a, 850a, 903a], [931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p], [726p, 735p, 745p, 758p], [826p, 835p, 845p, 858p], [926p, 935p, 945p, 958p], [1026p, 1035p, 1045p, 1058p], [1126p, 1135p, 1145p, 1158p]]
+    short_name: "961"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
+    short_name: "956"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "7"
+    stop_times: [[632a, 639a, 646a, 654a, 708a, 710a, 715a], [701a, 708a, 715a, 723a, 738a, 740a, 745a], [731a, 739a, 746a, 754a, 810a, 812a, 817a], [801a, 809a, 816a, 824a, 840a, 842a, 847a], [829a, 837a, 844a, 852a, 908a, 910a, 915a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 921a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [930a, 937a, 944a, 952a, 1006a, 1008a, 1013a], [1000a, 1007a, 1014a, 1022a, 1036a, 1038a, 1043a], [1030a, 1037a, 1044a, 1052a, 1106a, 1108a, 1113a], [1100a, 1107a, 1114a, 1122a, 1136a, 1138a, 1143a], [1130a, 1137a, 1144a, 1152a, 1206p, 1208p, 1213p], [1200p, 1207p, 1214p, 1222p, 1236p, 1238p, 1243p], [1230p, 1237p, 1244p, 1252p, 106p, 108p, 113p], [100p, 107p, 114p, 122p, 136p, 138p, 143p], [130p, 137p, 144p, 152p, 206p, 208p, 213p], [200p, 207p, 214p, 222p, 236p, 238p, 243p], [230p, 237p, 244p, 252p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [259p, 307p, 314p, 323p, 339p, 341p, 346p], [331p, 339p, 346p, 355p, 411p, 413p, 418p], [401p, 409p, 416p, 425p, 441p, 443p, 448p], [431p, 439p, 446p, 455p, 511p, 513p, 518p], [501p, 509p, 516p, 525p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [531p, 539p, 546p, 555p, 611p, 613p, 618p], [631p, 637p, 644p, 652p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [731p, 737p, 744p, 752p, 806p, 808p, 813p], [831p, 837p, 844p, 852p, 906p, 908p, 913p], [931p, 937p, 944p, 952p, 1006p, 1008p, 1013p], [1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1052p, 1106p, 1108p, 1113p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "57"
+    stop_times: [[600a, 607a, 610a, 618a, 624a, 626a, 632a], [630a, 637a, 640a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 702a], [700a, 707a, 710a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 732a], [736a, 743a, 746a, 754a, 805a, 810a, 825a], [806a, 813a, 816a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 855a], [836a, 843a, 846a, 854a, 903a, 905a, 911a], [936a, 943a, 946a, 954a, 1000a, 1002a, 1008a], [1036a, 1043a, 1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1102a, 1108a], [1136a, 1143a, 1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1202p, 1208p], [1236p, 1243p, 1246p, 1254p, 100p, 102p, 108p], [136p, 143p, 146p, 154p, 200p, 202p, 208p], [236p, 243p, 246p, 254p, 300p, 302p, 308p], [336p, 343p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 402p, 409p], [407p, 414p, 417p, 425p, 432p, 434p, 441p], [437p, 444p, 447p, 455p, 502p, 504p, 511p], [507p, 514p, 517p, 525p, 532p, 534p, 541p], [537p, 544p, 547p, 555p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [636p, 643p, 646p, 654p, 700p, 702p, 707p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda Shops, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-War Memorial Limestone Ave: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA]
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      War Memorial Limestone Ave-ADFA: [Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+    short_name: "10"
+    stop_times: [[550a, 552a, 556a, 605a, 615a, 620a, 623a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [621a, 623a, 627a, 636a, 646a, 651a, 654a, 705a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [651a, 653a, 657a, 706a, 716a, 721a, 724a, 736a, 746a, 752a, 756a, 803a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 724a, 729a, 732a, 743a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [706a, 708a, 712a, 721a, 731a, 736a, 739a, 750a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [721a, 723a, 727a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 754a, 806a, 816a, 822a, 826a, 833a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754a, 759a, 802a, 813a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [736a, 738a, 742a, 751a, 801a, 806a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [751a, 753a, 757a, 806a, 816a, 821a, 824a, 836a, 846a, 852a, 856a, "-", "-", "-"], [806a, 808a, 812a, 821a, 831a, 836a, 839a, 851a, 901a, 907a, 911a, 918a, 927a, 937a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 836a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 905a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [836a, 838a, 842a, 851a, 901a, 906a, 909a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 940a, 947a, 956a, 1006a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 906a, 916a, 921a, 924a, 936a, 946a, 952a, 955a, 1002a, 1011a, 1021a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 938a, 943a, 945a, 957a, 1007a, 1013a, 1016a, 1023a, 1032a, 1042a], [943a, 945a, 949a, 958a, 1008a, 1013a, 1015a, 1027a, 1037a, 1043a, 1046a, 1053a, 1102a, 1112a], [1013a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1038a, 1043a, 1045a, 1057a, 1107a, 1113a, 1116a, 1123a, 1132a, 1142a], [1043a, 1045a, 1049a, 1058a, 1108a, 1113a, 1115a, 1127a, 1137a, 1143a, 1146a, 1153a, 1202p, 1212p], [1113a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1138a, 1143a, 1145a, 1157a, 1207p, 1213p, 1216p, 1223p, 1232p, 1242p], [1143a, 1145a, 1149a, 1158a, 1208p, 1213p, 1215p, 1227p, 1237p, 1243p, 1246p, 1253p, 102p, 112p], [1213p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1238p, 1243p, 1245p, 1257p, 107p, 113p, 116p, 123p, 132p, 142p], [1243p, 1245p, 1249p, 1258p, 108p, 113p, 115p, 127p, 137p, 143p, 146p, 153p, 202p, 212p], [113p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 138p, 143p, 145p, 157p, 207p, 213p, 216p, 223p, 232p, 242p], [143p, 145p, 149p, 158p, 208p, 213p, 215p, 227p, 237p, 243p, 246p, 253p, 302p, 312p], [213p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 238p, 243p, 245p, 257p, 307p, 313p, 317p, 324p, 333p, 343p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 308p, 318p, 323p, 325p, 337p, 347p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 413p, 423p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 338p, 348p, 353p, 355p, 407p, 417p, 423p, 427p, 434p, 443p, 453p], [338p, 340p, 344p, 353p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 421p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [353p, 355p, 359p, 408p, 418p, 423p, 425p, 437p, 447p, 453p, 457p, "-", "-", "-"], [408p, 410p, 414p, 423p, 433p, 438p, 440p, 451p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [423p, 425p, 429p, 438p, 448p, 453p, 455p, 506p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [438p, 440p, 444p, 453p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 521p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [453p, 455p, 459p, 508p, 518p, 523p, 525p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [508p, 510p, 514p, 523p, 533p, 538p, 540p, 551p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [523p, 525p, 529p, 538p, 548p, 553p, 555p, 606p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 540p, 544p, 553p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 621p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 619p, 623p, 632p, 642p, 647p, 649p, 700p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [716p, 718p, 722p, 731p, 741p, 746p, 748p, 759p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [816p, 818p, 822p, 831p, 841p, 846p, 848p, 859p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [916p, 918p, 922p, 931p, 941p, 946p, 948p, 959p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1031p, 1041p, 1046p, 1048p, 1059p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1116p, 1118p, 1122p, 1131p, 1141p, 1146p, 1148p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+    short_name: "732"
+    stop_times: [[435p, 441p, 453p, 503p], [505p, 511p, 523p, 533p], [535p, 541p, 553p, 603p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood Shops, Fraser Shops, Fraser East Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser East Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "702"
+    stop_times: [[450p, 458p, 508p, 513p, 515p, 527p, 532p, 538p, 542p], ["-", "-", 530p, 535p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p], [535p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 600p, 612p, 617p, 623p, 627p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Interchange
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "81"
+    stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Centrelink Tuggeranong]
+    long_name: To Centrelink Tuggeranong
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "705"
+    stop_times: [[715a, 717a, 721a, 800a, 802a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 826a, 828a], [807a, 809a, 813a, 852a, 854a], [439p, 441p, 445p, 523p, "-"], [505p, 507p, 511p, 549p, "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 616p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "900"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "981"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "5"
+    stop_times: [[630a, 638a, 642a, 646a, 649a, 701a, 711a, 719a], [650a, 658a, 702a, 706a, 709a, 721a, 731a, 739a], [710a, 718a, 722a, 726a, 729a, 741a, 752a, 800a], [728a, 736a, 740a, 744a, 747a, 800a, 812a, 820a], [741a, 750a, 755a, 800a, 803a, 816a, 828a, 836a], [756a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 818a, 831a, 843a, 851a], [811a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 833a, 846a, 858a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 842a, 847a, 850a, 903a, 913a, 921a], [846a, 855a, 900a, 904a, 907a, 919a, 929a, 937a], [919a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 938a, 950a, 1000a, 1008a], [947a, 955a, 959a, 1003a, 1006a, 1018a, 1028a, 1036a], [1017a, 1025a, 1029a, 1033a, 1036a, 1048a, 1058a, 1106a], [1047a, 1055a, 1059a, 1103a, 1106a, 1118a, 1128a, 1136a], [1117a, 1125a, 1129a, 1133a, 1136a, 1148a, 1158a, 1206p], [1147a, 1155a, 1159a, 1203p, 1206p, 1218p, 1228p, 1236p], [1217p, 1225p, 1229p, 1233p, 1236p, 1248p, 1258p, 106p], [1247p, 1255p, 1259p, 103p, 106p, 118p, 128p, 136p], [117p, 125p, 129p, 133p, 136p, 148p, 158p, 206p], [147p, 155p, 159p, 203p, 206p, 218p, 228p, 236p], [217p, 225p, 229p, 233p, 236p, 248p, 258p, 306p], [247p, 255p, 259p, 303p, 306p, 318p, 328p, 336p], [317p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 336p, 348p, 358p, 411p], [347p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 420p, 432p, 440p], [417p, 426p, 431p, 436p, 439p, 452p, 504p, 512p], [444p, 453p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 519p, 531p, 539p], [524p, 533p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 559p, 608p, 616p], [554p, 603p, 607p, 611p, 614p, 626p, 635p, 643p], [635p, 643p, 647p, 651p, 654p, 706p, 715p, 723p], [706p, 714p, 718p, 722p, 725p, 737p, 746p, 754p], [735p, 743p, 747p, 751p, 754p, 806p, 815p, 823p], [835p, 843p, 847p, 851p, 854p, 906p, 915p, 923p], [930p, 938p, 942p, 946p, 949p, 1001p, 1010p, 1018p], [1030p, 1038p, 1042p, 1046p, 1049p, 1101p, 1110p, 1118p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "903"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1004a, 1008a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1104a, 1108a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1204p, 1208p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 104p, 108p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 204p, 208p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 304p, 308p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 404p, 408p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 504p, 508p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 604p, 608p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 703p, 707p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[715a, 725a, 734a, 743a, 746a, 755a], [915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p], [918p, 928p, 937p, 946p, 949p, 958p], [1118p, 1128p, 1137p, 1146p, 1149p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "915"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "51"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 531a, 540a, 549a, 559a, 602a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 616a, 625a, 634a, 644a, 647a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [618a, 620a, 624a, 634a, 639a, 648a, 657a, 706a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 721a, 728a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656a, 705a, 714a, 723a, 726a, 729a, 736a, 738a, 745a], [652a, 654a, 658a, 708a, 713a, 722a, 731a, 740a, 743a, 747a, 758a, 802a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", 721a, 726a, 735a, 744a, 753a, 756a, 801a, 812a, 817a, 832a], [732a, 734a, 738a, 748a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 822a, 825a, 830a, 841a, 846a, 900a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 806a, 811a, 821a, 831a, 840a, 843a, 848a, 859a, 902a, 909a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 839a, 849a, 858a, 901a, 904a, 911a, 913a, 927a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 855a, 900a, 909a, 918a, 927a, 930a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [909a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 930a, 939a, 948a, 958a, 1001a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [939a, 941a, 945a, 955a, 1000a, 1009a, 1018a, 1028a, 1031a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1055a, 1100a, 1109a, 1118a, 1128a, 1131a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1155a, 1200p, 1209p, 1218p, 1228p, 1231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1255p, 100p, 109p, 118p, 128p, 131p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [139p, 141p, 145p, 155p, 200p, 209p, 218p, 228p, 231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [239p, 241p, 245p, 255p, 300p, 309p, 318p, 328p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [334p, 336p, 340p, 350p, 355p, 405p, 415p, 425p, 428p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [414p, 416p, 420p, 431p, 436p, 447p, 457p, 507p, 510p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [434p, 436p, 440p, 451p, 456p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 530p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 456p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 527p, 537p, 547p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 515p, 519p, 530p, 535p, 546p, 556p, 606p, 609p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [534p, 536p, 540p, 551p, 556p, 606p, 615p, 625p, 628p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [638p, 640p, 644p, 654p, 659p, 708p, 717p, 727p, 730p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [738p, 740p, 744p, 754p, 759p, 808p, 817p, 827p, 830p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838p, 840p, 844p, 854p, 859p, 908p, 917p, 927p, 930p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [938p, 940p, 944p, 954p, 959p, 1008p, 1017p, 1027p, 1030p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1038p, 1040p, 1044p, 1054p, 1059p, 1108p, 1117p, 1127p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "956"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "980"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, North Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "31"
+    stop_times: [[612a, 614a, 618a, 623a, 628a, 635a, 640a, 647a], [642a, 644a, 648a, 653a, 658a, 705a, 710a, 717a], [709a, 711a, 715a, 720a, 725a, 733a, 741a, 757a], [738a, 740a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 805a, 813a, 829a], [808a, 810a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 835a, 843a, 859a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 849a, 856a, 905a, 913a, 929a], [927a, 929a, 933a, 938a, 944a, 952a, 957a, 1004a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1057a, 1104a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1157a, 1204p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1257p, 104p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 138p, 144p, 152p, 157p, 204p], [227p, 229p, 233p, 238p, 244p, 252p, 257p, 305p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 323p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p], [342p, 344p, 348p, 353p, 359p, 407p, 412p, 420p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 453p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 520p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p], [542p, 544p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 607p, 612p, 620p], [626p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 642p, 649p, 654p, 700p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 749p, 754p, 800p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 849p, 854p, 900p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 949p, 954p, 1000p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1049p, 1054p, 1100p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "62"
+    stop_times: [[609a, 616a, 624a, 637a, "-", "-"], [639a, 646a, 654a, 707a, "-", "-"], [709a, 716a, 725a, 740a, 755a, 758a], [736a, 743a, 752a, 807a, 822a, 825a], [754a, 801a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [809a, 816a, 825a, 840a, 855a, 858a], [839a, 846a, 855a, 909a, "-", "-"], [939a, 946a, 954a, 1007a, "-", "-"], [1039a, 1046a, 1054a, 1107a, "-", "-"], [1139a, 1146a, 1154a, 1207p, "-", "-"], [1239p, 1246p, 1254p, 107p, "-", "-"], [139p, 146p, 154p, 207p, "-", "-"], [239p, 246p, 254p, 308p, "-", "-"], [309p, 316p, 325p, 339p, "-", "-"], [339p, 346p, 355p, 409p, "-", "-"], [409p, 416p, 425p, 439p, "-", "-"], [439p, 446p, 455p, 509p, "-", "-"], [509p, 516p, 525p, 539p, "-", "-"], [539p, 546p, 555p, 609p, "-", "-"], [609p, 616p, 625p, 637p, "-", "-"], [639p, 645p, 652p, 703p, "-", "-"], [739p, 745p, 752p, 803p, "-", "-"], [839p, 845p, 852p, 903p, "-", "-"], [940p, 946p, 953p, 1004p, "-", "-"], [1040p, 1046p, 1053p, 1104p, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood Shops, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "907"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "982"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "21"
+    stop_times: [[657a, 703a, 706a, 712a, 724a], [727a, 734a, 737a, 744a, 757a], [757a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 827a], [827a, 834a, 837a, 844a, 857a], [904a, 911a, 914a, 921a, 934a], [1004a, 1010a, 1013a, 1019a, 1031a], [1104a, 1110a, 1113a, 1119a, 1131a], [1204p, 1210p, 1213p, 1219p, 1231p], [104p, 110p, 113p, 119p, 131p], [204p, 210p, 213p, 219p, 231p], [304p, 311p, 314p, 321p, 334p], [327p, 334p, 337p, 344p, 357p], [357p, 404p, 407p, 414p, 427p], [427p, 434p, 437p, 444p, 457p], [457p, 504p, 507p, 514p, 527p], [527p, 534p, 537p, 544p, 557p], [557p, 604p, 607p, 614p, 627p], [627p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 654p], [720p, 726p, 729p, 735p, 747p], [820p, 826p, 829p, 835p, 847p], [920p, 926p, 929p, 935p, 947p], [1020p, 1026p, 1029p, 1035p, 1047p], [1120p, 1126p, 1129p, 1135p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[801a, 815a, 822a, 829a, 841a], [901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
+    short_name: "931"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Market Place]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 18 318
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 714a, 722a, 726a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 750a, 755a, 805a], [720a, 722a, 726a, 748a, 805a, 823a, 833a, 838a, 848a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 817a, 834a, 852a, 902a, 907a, 917a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 916a, 926a, 931a, 940a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 949a, 957a, 1001a, 1010a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 946a, 1003a, 1019a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [950a, 952a, 956a, 1016a, 1033a, 1049a, 1057a, 1101a, 1110a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1046a, 1103a, 1119a, 1127a, 1131a, 1140a], [1050a, 1052a, 1056a, 1116a, 1133a, 1149a, 1157a, 1201p, 1210p], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1146a, 1203p, 1219p, 1227p, 1231p, 1240p], [1150a, 1152a, 1156a, 1216p, 1233p, 1249p, 1257p, 101p, 110p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1246p, 103p, 119p, 127p, 131p, 140p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 116p, 133p, 149p, 157p, 201p, 210p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 146p, 203p, 219p, 227p, 231p, 240p], [150p, 152p, 156p, 216p, 233p, 249p, 257p, 301p, 310p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 246p, 303p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 344p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 318p, 335p, 355p, 403p, 407p, 416p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 348p, 405p, 425p, 433p, 437p, 446p], [350p, 352p, 356p, 418p, 435p, 455p, 503p, 507p, 516p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 448p, 505p, 525p, 533p, 537p, 546p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 508p, 525p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 606p], [500p, 502p, 506p, 528p, 545p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 626p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 543p, 600p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 641p], [550p, 552p, 556p, 618p, 634p, 650p, 658p, 702p, 711p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 645p, 659p, 715p, 723p, 727p, 736p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 715p, 729p, 745p, 753p, 757p, 806p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 848p, 856p, 900p, 909p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 948p, 956p, 1000p, 1009p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1048p, 1056p, 1100p, 1109p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Dickson, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "6"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 650a, 658a, 703a, 710a, 720a, 728a], [648a, 655a, 701a, 715a, 723a, 728a, 736a, 750a, 758a], [718a, 725a, 731a, 747a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 826a, 834a], [748a, 756a, 804a, 820a, 830a, 838a, 846a, 903a, 911a], [818a, 827a, 836a, 852a, 904a, 909a, 917a, 931a, 939a], [848a, 856a, 903a, 919a, 931a, 936a, 943a, 955a, 1003a], [918a, 926a, 933a, 947a, 957a, 1002a, 1009a, 1021a, 1029a], [948a, 956a, 1003a, 1017a, 1027a, 1032a, 1039a, 1051a, 1059a], [1048a, 1056a, 1103a, 1117a, 1127a, 1132a, 1139a, 1151a, 1159a], [1148a, 1156a, 1203p, 1217p, 1227p, 1232p, 1239p, 1251p, 1259p], [1248p, 1256p, 103p, 117p, 127p, 132p, 139p, 151p, 159p], [148p, 156p, 203p, 217p, 227p, 232p, 239p, 251p, 259p], [248p, 256p, 303p, 319p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 358p, 406p], [318p, 326p, 333p, 349p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 428p, 436p], [348p, 356p, 403p, 419p, 431p, 436p, 444p, 458p, 506p], [418p, 426p, 433p, 449p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 528p, 536p], [448p, 456p, 503p, 519p, 531p, 536p, 544p, 558p, 606p], [518p, 526p, 533p, 549p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 628p, 636p], [548p, 556p, 603p, 619p, 631p, 636p, 643p, 653p, 701p], [640p, 647p, 653p, 705p, 713p, 718p, 725p, 735p, 743p], [740p, 747p, 753p, 805p, 813p, 818p, 825p, 835p, 843p], [840p, 847p, 853p, 905p, 913p, 918p, 925p, 935p, 943p], [940p, 947p, 953p, 1005p, 1013p, 1018p, 1025p, 1035p, 1043p], [1040p, 1047p, 1053p, 1105p, 1113p, 1118p, 1125p, 1135p, 1143p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[756a, 803a, 807a, 814a, 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p], [756p, 803p, 807p, 814p, 824p, 833p, 839p, 843p, 852p], [856p, 903p, 907p, 914p, 924p, 933p, 939p, 943p, 952p], [956p, 1003p, 1007p, 1014p, 1024p, 1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1052p], [1056p, 1103p, 1107p, 1114p, 1124p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "935"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "960"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    short_name: "964"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -1,11 +1,1722 @@
-  start_date: 20090525
-  end_date: 20101001
-  remove_date: 20101001
+  start_date: 20101115
+  end_date: 20111231
+  remove_date: 20111231
   agency_name: ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)
   agency_timezone: Australia/Sydney
+  - { name: ACTEW AGL House,stop_code: ACTEW AGL House, lat: -35.282374, lng: 149.132047}
+  - { name: ADFA,stop_code: ADFA, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
+  - { name: Ainslie,stop_code: Ainslie, lat: -35.2620105, lng: 149.1443302}
+  - { name: Ainslie Shops,stop_code: Ainslie Shops, lat: -35.26198, lng: 149.14535}
+  - { name: Alexander Maconochie Centre,stop_code: Alexander Maconochie Centre, lat: -35.3720651, lng: 149.1696618}
+  - { name: Alpen & Clifford St,stop_code: Alpen & Clifford St, lat: -35.20562, lng: 149.06259}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av,stop_code: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, lat: -35.1856021, lng: 149.1543639}
+  - { name: Aranda,stop_code: Aranda, lat: -35.257534, lng: 149.0762963}
+  - { name: Aranda Shops,stop_code: Aranda Shops, lat: -35.25753, lng: 149.0763}
+  - { name: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah,stop_code: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, lat: -35.38442, lng: 149.09328}
+  - { name: Australian Institute of Sport,stop_code: Australian Institute of Sport, lat: -35.246351, lng: 149.101478}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station,stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station, lat: -35.23987, lng: 149.0619}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06978}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06926}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.23986, lng: 149.06847}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06887}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06928}
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.0698}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Belconnen Way, lat: -35.24809, lng: 149.06765}
+  - { name: Bimberi Centre,stop_code: Bimberi Centre, lat: -35.2219941, lng: 149.1546928}
+  - { name: Black Mountain Telstra Tower,stop_code: Black Mountain Telstra Tower, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
+  - { name: Bonython,stop_code: Bonython, lat: -35.4297416, lng: 149.0814517}
+  - { name: Bonython Primary School,stop_code: Bonython Primary School, lat: -35.431019, lng: 149.0831217}
+  - { name: Botanic Gardens,stop_code: Botanic Gardens, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
+  - { name: Brindabella Business Park,stop_code: Brindabella Business Park, lat: -35.314496, lng: 149.189145}
+  - { name: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home,stop_code: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, lat: -35.3294459, lng: 149.0806116}
+  - { name: Bugden Sternberg,stop_code: Bugden Sternberg, lat: -35.4017223, lng: 149.0992172}
+  - { name: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road,stop_code: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, lat: -35.2753671, lng: 149.1172822}
+  - { name: Calvary Hospital,stop_code: Calvary Hospital, lat: -35.25212, lng: 149.09088}
+  - { name: Calwell Shops,stop_code: Calwell Shops, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station,stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2410108, lng: 149.0717142}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2410064, lng: 149.0710758}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2411773, lng: 149.0709793}
+  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
+  - { name: Campbell Park Offices,stop_code: Campbell Park Offices, lat: -35.28368, lng: 149.17045}
+  - { name: Canberra College Weston Campus,stop_code: Canberra College Weston Campus, lat: -35.3490278, lng: 149.0486277}
+  - { name: Canberra Hospital,stop_code: Canberra Hospital, lat: -35.3459462, lng: 149.1012001}
+  - { name: Canberra Times,stop_code: Canberra Times, lat: -35.3245431, lng: 149.1705533}
+  - { name: Caswell Drive,stop_code: Caswell Drive, lat: -35.25922, lng: 149.08576}
+  - { name: Causeway,stop_code: Causeway, lat: -35.31615, lng: 149.15058}
+  - { name: Centrelink Tuggeranong,stop_code: Centrelink Tuggeranong, lat: -35.4207496, lng: 149.0700973}
+  - { name: Chapman,stop_code: Chapman, lat: -35.3557877, lng: 149.0408111}
+  - { name: Chapman Shops,stop_code: Chapman Shops, lat: -35.35579, lng: 149.04082}
+  - { name: Charnwood,stop_code: Charnwood, lat: -35.2052138, lng: 149.0337266}
+  - { name: Charnwood Shops,stop_code: Charnwood Shops, lat: -35.20472, lng: 149.03336}
+  - { name: Charnwood Tillyard Dr,stop_code: Charnwood Tillyard Dr, lat: -35.20295, lng: 149.04027}
+  - { name: Chifley,stop_code: Chifley, lat: -35.350985, lng: 149.077319}
+  - { name: Chifley Shops,stop_code: Chifley Shops, lat: -35.35099, lng: 149.07732}
+  - { name: Chisholm Shops,stop_code: Chisholm Shops, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.12833}
+  - { name: Chuculba / William Slim Dr,stop_code: Chuculba / William Slim Dr, lat: -35.208931, lng: 149.088499}
+  - { name: CIT Weston,stop_code: CIT Weston, lat: -35.330234, lng: 149.058632}
+  - { name: City Bus Station,stop_code: City Bus Station, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.278907, lng: 149.130612}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
+  - { name: City West,stop_code: City West, lat: -35.2788605, lng: 149.1257969}
+  - { name: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky,stop_code: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky, lat: -35.1995716, lng: 149.0285277}
+  - { name: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St,stop_code: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St, lat: -35.2040477, lng: 149.0393052}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station,stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station, lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2396467, lng: 149.0602152}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.239764, lng: 149.0604531}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.239844, lng: 149.0600683}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2401211, lng: 149.0597102}
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2400028, lng: 149.060315}
+  - { name: Conder Primary,stop_code: Conder Primary, lat: -35.4643475, lng: 149.0986908}
+  - { name: Cook,stop_code: Cook, lat: -35.2596, lng: 149.0638}
+  - { name: Cook Shops,stop_code: Cook Shops, lat: -35.25898, lng: 149.06343}
+  - { name: Cooleman Court,stop_code: Cooleman Court, lat: -35.34147, lng: 149.05338}
+  - { name: Copland College,stop_code: Copland College, lat: -35.2127018, lng: 149.0596387}
+  - { name: Curtin,stop_code: Curtin, lat: -35.3248779, lng: 149.081441}
+  - { name: Curtin Shops,stop_code: Curtin Shops, lat: -35.32515, lng: 149.08224}
+  - { name: Deakin,stop_code: Deakin, lat: -35.3158608, lng: 149.1084563}
+  - { name: Deakin Shops,stop_code: Deakin Shops, lat: -35.31473, lng: 149.10771}
+  - { name: Deamer / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Deamer / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4319597, lng: 149.1187876}
+  - { name: Dickson,stop_code: Dickson, lat: -35.2498434, lng: 149.1391218}
+  - { name: Dickson College,stop_code: Dickson College, lat: -35.24923, lng: 149.15315}
+  - { name: Dickson Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336}
+  - { name: Dickson Shops,stop_code: Dickson Shops, lat: -35.25045, lng: 149.14044}
+  - { name: Dickson Shops/Antill St,stop_code: Dickson Shops/Antill St, lat: -35.2251335, lng: 149.1658895}
+  - { name: Duffy,stop_code: Duffy, lat: -35.3366908, lng: 149.0324311}
+  - { name: Duffy Primary,stop_code: Duffy Primary, lat: -35.334219, lng: 149.033656}
+  - { name: Dunlop,stop_code: Dunlop, lat: -35.1942693, lng: 149.0206702}
+  - { name: Erindale Centre,stop_code: Erindale Centre, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
+  - { name: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash,stop_code: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, lat: -35.414616, lng: 149.07888}
+  - { name: Erindale / Sternberg Cres,stop_code: Erindale / Sternberg Cres, lat: -35.4014472, lng: 149.0956545}
+  - { name: Evatt,stop_code: Evatt, lat: -35.2091093, lng: 149.0735343}
+  - { name: Evatt Shops,stop_code: Evatt Shops, lat: -35.21203, lng: 149.06505}
+  - { name: Eye Hospital,stop_code: Eye Hospital, lat: -35.3341884, lng: 149.1656213}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Park,stop_code: Fairbairn Park, lat: -35.3001773, lng: 149.2041185}
+  - { name: Farrer Primary School,stop_code: Farrer Primary School, lat: -35.37887, lng: 149.10641}
+  - { name: Farrer Terminus,stop_code: Farrer Terminus, lat: -35.3771794, lng: 149.1046948}
+  - { name: Federation Square,stop_code: Federation Square, lat: -35.1908726, lng: 149.0848153}
+  - { name: Fisher,stop_code: Fisher, lat: -35.3605627, lng: 149.0576481}
+  - { name: Fisher Shops,stop_code: Fisher Shops, lat: -35.36056, lng: 149.05765}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd,stop_code: Flemington Rd, lat: -35.20756, lng: 149.14778}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, lat: -35.2008585, lng: 149.1493407}
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Sandford St,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Sandford St, lat: -35.221231, lng: 149.144645}
+  - { name: Florey Shops,stop_code: Florey Shops, lat: -35.2258544, lng: 149.0546214}
+  - { name: Flynn,stop_code: Flynn, lat: -35.2019283, lng: 149.0478356}
+  - { name: Fraser,stop_code: Fraser, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
+  - { name: Fraser East Terminus,stop_code: Fraser East Terminus, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
+  - { name: Fraser Shops,stop_code: Fraser Shops, lat: -35.18966, lng: 149.0435}
+  - { name: Fraser West Terminus,stop_code: Fraser West Terminus, lat: -35.191513, lng: 149.038006}
+  - { name: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet,stop_code: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796322}
+  - { name: Fyshwick Terminus,stop_code: Fyshwick Terminus, lat: -35.3285202, lng: 149.1785592}
+  - { name: Garran,stop_code: Garran, lat: -35.3423286, lng: 149.10811}
+  - { name: Garran Shops,stop_code: Garran Shops, lat: -35.34236, lng: 149.1082}
+  - { name: Geoscience Australia,stop_code: Geoscience Australia, lat: -35.3429702, lng: 149.1583893}
+  - { name: Giralang,stop_code: Giralang, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
+  - { name: Giralang Shops,stop_code: Giralang Shops, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
+  - { name: Gordon Primary,stop_code: Gordon Primary, lat: -35.455517, lng: 149.086978}
+  - { name: Gowrie,stop_code: Gowrie, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
+  - { name: Gowrie Shops,stop_code: Gowrie Shops, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
+  - { name: Gungahlin Marketplace,stop_code: Gungahlin Marketplace, lat: -35.1769532, lng: 149.1319017}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square Kaleen,stop_code: Gwydir Square Kaleen, lat: -35.2338677, lng: 149.1031998}
+  - { name: Hackett,stop_code: Hackett, lat: -35.2481617, lng: 149.1626094}
+  - { name: Hackett Shops,stop_code: Hackett Shops, lat: -35.24825, lng: 149.16271}
+  - { name: Hawker,stop_code: Hawker, lat: -35.2437386, lng: 149.0432804}
+  - { name: Hawker College,stop_code: Hawker College, lat: -35.2454598, lng: 149.0324251}
+  - { name: Hawker Shops,stop_code: Hawker Shops, lat: -35.24398, lng: 149.04361}
+  - { name: Heagney / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Heagney / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4251299, lng: 149.11375}
+  - { name: Hibberson / Kate Crace,stop_code: Hibberson / Kate Crace, lat: -35.1861642, lng: 149.1391756}
+  - { name: Higgins,stop_code: Higgins, lat: -35.2313901, lng: 149.0271811}
+  - { name: Higgins Shops,stop_code: Higgins Shops, lat: -35.23136, lng: 149.02611}
+  - { name: Holder,stop_code: Holder, lat: -35.3378123, lng: 149.0449433}
+  - { name: Holder Shops,stop_code: Holder Shops, lat: -35.33781, lng: 149.04494}
+  - { name: Holt,stop_code: Holt, lat: -35.223099, lng: 149.0126269}
+  - { name: Holt Shops,stop_code: Holt Shops, lat: -35.2231, lng: 149.01263}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave,stop_code: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, lat: -35.201095, lng: 149.139941}
+  - { name: Hospice / Menindee Dr,stop_code: Hospice / Menindee Dr, lat: -35.303557, lng: 149.151627}
+  - { name: Hughes,stop_code: Hughes, lat: -35.3339223, lng: 149.093854}
+  - { name: Hughes Shops,stop_code: Hughes Shops, lat: -35.3335, lng: 149.09392}
+  - { name: Isaacs,stop_code: Isaacs, lat: -35.3669823, lng: 149.1119217}
+  - { name: Isaacs Shops,stop_code: Isaacs Shops, lat: -35.36698, lng: 149.11192}
+  - { name: Isabella Shops,stop_code: Isabella Shops, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837}
+  - { name: Jamison Centre,stop_code: Jamison Centre, lat: -35.2527268, lng: 149.0713712}
+  - { name: John James Hospital,stop_code: John James Hospital, lat: -35.3200295, lng: 149.0955996}
+  - { name: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong,stop_code: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, lat: -35.2274031, lng: 149.1075421}
+  - { name: Kambah High,stop_code: Kambah High, lat: -35.3847749, lng: 149.0720245}
+  - { name: Kambah Village,stop_code: Kambah Village, lat: -35.3800314, lng: 149.0576581}
+  - { name: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, lat: -35.1680901, lng: 149.1321801}
+  - { name: Kerrigan / Lhotsky,stop_code: Kerrigan / Lhotsky, lat: -35.193801, lng: 149.035689}
+  - { name: Kings Ave / National Circuit,stop_code: Kings Ave / National Circuit, lat: -35.305004, lng: 149.13262}
+  - { name: Kingston,stop_code: Kingston, lat: -35.3197448, lng: 149.1375261}
+  - { name: Kippax,stop_code: Kippax, lat: -35.22225, lng: 149.0195627}
+  - { name: Kippax Centre,stop_code: Kippax Centre, lat: -35.22172, lng: 149.01995}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko / Everard,stop_code: Kosciuszko / Everard, lat: -35.188901, lng: 149.1216937}
+  - { name: Lanyon Market Place,stop_code: Lanyon Market Place, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199}
+  - { name: Latham Post Office,stop_code: Latham Post Office, lat: -35.21906, lng: 149.03223}
+  - { name: Latham Shops,stop_code: Latham Shops, lat: -35.21848, lng: 149.03214}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station,stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station, lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2408973, lng: 149.0639887}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2406038, lng: 149.0638922}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2405468, lng: 149.0636669}
+  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr,stop_code: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
+  - { name: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick,stop_code: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, lat: -35.3296912, lng: 149.1668153}
+  - { name: Livingston Shops Kambah,stop_code: Livingston Shops Kambah, lat: -35.3883359, lng: 149.0811471}
+  - { name: Livingston Shops / Kambah,stop_code: Livingston Shops / Kambah, lat: -35.390246, lng: 149.07822}
+  - { name: Lyneham,stop_code: Lyneham, lat: -35.2523304, lng: 149.1246184}
+  - { name: Lyneham High,stop_code: Lyneham High, lat: -35.2524016, lng: 149.130254}
+  - { name: Lyneham Shops Wattle Street,stop_code: Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, lat: -35.25205, lng: 149.12524}
+  - { name: Lyons,stop_code: Lyons, lat: -35.3415779, lng: 149.0765703}
+  - { name: Lyons Shops,stop_code: Lyons Shops, lat: -35.34019, lng: 149.0771}
+  - { name: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor,stop_code: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, lat: -35.2587584, lng: 149.1153561}
+  - { name: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave,stop_code: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, lat: -35.26051, lng: 149.13224}
+  - { name: Macgregor,stop_code: Macgregor, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
+  - { name: Macgregor Shops,stop_code: Macgregor Shops, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
+  - { name: MacKillop College Isabella Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Isabella Campus, lat: -35.42597, lng: 149.09172}
+  - { name: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, lat: -35.4056, lng: 149.089774}
+  - { name: Macquarie,stop_code: Macquarie, lat: -35.2483414, lng: 149.0600666}
+  - { name: Majura Business Park,stop_code: Majura Business Park, lat: -35.2987, lng: 149.18561}
+  - { name: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo,stop_code: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, lat: -35.193236, lng: 149.146534}
+  - { name: Manuka,stop_code: Manuka, lat: -35.3200096, lng: 149.1341344}
+  - { name: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres,stop_code: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, lat: -35.3217, lng: 149.13445}
+  - { name: McKellar,stop_code: McKellar, lat: -35.2174267, lng: 149.0742108}
+  - { name: McKellar Shops,stop_code: McKellar Shops, lat: -35.2182, lng: 149.07555}
+  - { name: Melba,stop_code: Melba, lat: -35.2083104, lng: 149.0485366}
+  - { name: Melba Shops,stop_code: Melba Shops, lat: -35.21004, lng: 149.05302}
+  - { name: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.45144, lng: 149.0919}
+  - { name: Merici College,stop_code: Merici College, lat: -35.266525, lng: 149.137037}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall,stop_code: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, lat: -35.177453, lng: 149.124291}
+  - { name: Monash,stop_code: Monash, lat: -35.4190254, lng: 149.0834805}
+  - { name: Monash Goodwin Village,stop_code: Monash Goodwin Village, lat: -35.421084, lng: 149.097438}
+  - { name: Monash Primary,stop_code: Monash Primary, lat: -35.414879, lng: 149.089411}
+  - { name: Mount Neighbour School,stop_code: Mount Neighbour School, lat: -35.382445, lng: 149.051518}
+  - { name: Narrabundah,stop_code: Narrabundah, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
+  - { name: Narrabundah College,stop_code: Narrabundah College, lat: -35.3362106, lng: 149.1471005}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Terminus,stop_code: Narrabundah Terminus, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
+  - { name: National Circ / Canberra Ave,stop_code: National Circ / Canberra Ave, lat: -35.31407, lng: 149.13011}
+  - { name: National Hockey Centre Lyneham,stop_code: National Hockey Centre Lyneham, lat: -35.2446729, lng: 149.1288303}
+  - { name: National Museum of Australia,stop_code: National Museum of Australia, lat: -35.29248, lng: 149.1205367}
+  - { name: National Zoo and Aquarium,stop_code: National Zoo and Aquarium, lat: -35.29915, lng: 149.07025}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street after Isa Street,stop_code: Newcastle Street after Isa Street, lat: -35.3255, lng: 149.173291}
+  - { name: Ngunnawal Primary,stop_code: Ngunnawal Primary, lat: -35.1688551, lng: 149.1112569}
+  - { name: Nicholls Primary,stop_code: Nicholls Primary, lat: -35.1905592, lng: 149.0876716}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St,stop_code: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, lat: -35.248287, lng: 149.134241}
+  - { name: North Lyneham,stop_code: North Lyneham, lat: -35.2385618, lng: 149.1221188}
+  - { name: O'Connor,stop_code: O'Connor, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
+  - { name: O'Connor Shops,stop_code: O'Connor Shops, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
+  - { name: Olims Hotel,stop_code: Olims Hotel, lat: -35.27597, lng: 149.1428}
+  - { name: Outtrim / Duggan,stop_code: Outtrim / Duggan, lat: -35.435871, lng: 149.097692}
+  - { name: Page Shops,stop_code: Page Shops, lat: -35.2360695, lng: 149.0536554}
+  - { name: Parliament House,stop_code: Parliament House, lat: -35.3081571, lng: 149.1244592}
+  - { name: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr,stop_code: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, lat: -35.17467, lng: 149.12005}
+  - { name: Pearce,stop_code: Pearce, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
+  - { name: Pearce Shops,stop_code: Pearce Shops, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
+  - { name: Police College Weston,stop_code: Police College Weston, lat: -35.33018, lng: 149.05458}
+  - { name: Proctor / Mead,stop_code: Proctor / Mead, lat: -35.415305, lng: 149.127204}
+  - { name: Railway Station Kingston,stop_code: Railway Station Kingston, lat: -35.319602, lng: 149.149083}
+  - { name: Red Hill,stop_code: Red Hill, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
+  - { name: Red Hill Shops,stop_code: Red Hill Shops, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
+  - { name: Rivett,stop_code: Rivett, lat: -35.3473758, lng: 149.0365438}
+  - { name: Rivett Shops,stop_code: Rivett Shops, lat: -35.34737, lng: 149.03654}
+  - { name: Russell Offices,stop_code: Russell Offices, lat: -35.2973294, lng: 149.1508803}
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Sainsbury Street, lat: -35.3885, lng: 149.09643}
+  - { name: Saint Andrews Village Hughes,stop_code: Saint Andrews Village Hughes, lat: -35.328097, lng: 149.088685}
+  - { name: Scullin Shops,stop_code: Scullin Shops, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave,stop_code: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, lat: -35.16823, lng: 149.12791}
+  - { name: Southlands Mawson,stop_code: Southlands Mawson, lat: -35.3650685, lng: 149.0945962}
+  - { name: Southwell Park,stop_code: Southwell Park, lat: -35.24573, lng: 149.1321}
+  - { name: Spence,stop_code: Spence, lat: -35.194735, lng: 149.062352}
+  - { name: Spence Shops,stop_code: Spence Shops, lat: -35.19968, lng: 149.06763}
+  - { name: Spence Terminus,stop_code: Spence Terminus, lat: -35.199684, lng: 149.0676196}
+  - { name: St Clare of Assisi,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi, lat: -35.46063, lng: 149.09627}
+  - { name: St Clare of Assisi Primary,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi Primary, lat: -35.4606284, lng: 149.0962704}
+  - { name: St Francis Xavier Florey,stop_code: St Francis Xavier Florey, lat: -35.223951, lng: 149.0406888}
+  - { name: Stromlo High Waramanga,stop_code: Stromlo High Waramanga, lat: -35.3551186, lng: 149.0547624}
+  - { name: St Thomas More's Campbell,stop_code: St Thomas More's Campbell, lat: -35.286717, lng: 149.156836}
+  - { name: Sydney Ave,stop_code: Sydney Ave, lat: -35.31193, lng: 149.13105}
+  - { name: Taverner St / Erindale Dr,stop_code: Taverner St / Erindale Dr, lat: -35.4059104, lng: 149.0809317}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.458251, lng: 149.091652}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, lat: -35.47281, lng: 149.08926}
+  - { name: Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178}
+  - { name: Theodore,stop_code: Theodore, lat: -35.4464808, lng: 149.1234651}
+  - { name: Tillyard / Spalding,stop_code: Tillyard / Spalding, lat: -35.199204, lng: 149.044556}
+  - { name: Torrens Shops,stop_code: Torrens Shops, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station,stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station, lat: -35.41465, lng: 149.06537}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
+  - { name: University of Canberra,stop_code: University of Canberra, lat: -35.2423222, lng: 149.0831522}
+  - { name: Wanniassa High,stop_code: Wanniassa High, lat: -35.3952462, lng: 149.0852655}
+  - { name: Waramanga,stop_code: Waramanga, lat: -35.3526825, lng: 149.0594712}
+  - { name: Waramanga Shops,stop_code: Waramanga Shops, lat: -35.35268, lng: 149.05948}
+  - { name: War Memorial Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085}
+  - { name: Watson,stop_code: Watson, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
+  - { name: Watson Shops,stop_code: Watson Shops, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
+  - { name: Watson Terminus,stop_code: Watson Terminus, lat: -35.2374698, lng: 149.1534553}
+  - { name: Weetangera Shops,stop_code: Weetangera Shops, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station,stop_code: Westfield Bus Station, lat: -35.23875, lng: 149.0638}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23872, lng: 149.06387}
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23882, lng: 149.0637}
+  - { name: West Macgregor,stop_code: West Macgregor, lat: -35.21207, lng: 149.00165}
+  - { name: Weston Creek Terminus,stop_code: Weston Creek Terminus, lat: -35.342728, lng: 149.0524906}
+  - { name: Weston Primary,stop_code: Weston Primary, lat: -35.3305221, lng: 149.0524281}
+  - { name: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, lat: -35.222395, lng: 149.0706}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station,stop_code: Woden Bus Station, lat: -35.34433, lng: 149.08742}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), lat: -35.3442094, lng: 149.0876444}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872662}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870436}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
+  - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
+  - { name: Yarralumla Shops,stop_code: Yarralumla Shops, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1ceG, lat: -35.4375289, lng: 149.0757996}
+  - { name: Tarlton Place,stop_code: Wjz1kvl, lat: -35.4366017, lng: 149.0890756}
+  - { name: Don Dunstan Drive,stop_code: Wjz16U7, lat: -35.4302659, lng: 149.0722593}
+  - { name: Salmon Place,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528}
+  - { name: Crozier Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5LYB, lat: -35.2464052, lng: 149.1278592}
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5LsC, lat: -35.2463364, lng: 149.1223897}
+  - { name: Clianthus Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781}
+  - { name: Way Street,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155}
+  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435}
+  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142}
+  - { name: McClintock Street,stop_code: Wjz6ElH, lat: -35.2404264, lng: 149.1210434}
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507}
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416}
+  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eWi, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0835148}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262}
+  - { name: Jacob Place,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418}
+  - { name: Love Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234}
+  - { name: Box Place,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238}
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719}
+  - { name: Want Place,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045}
+  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561}
+  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415}
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716}
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IqS, lat: -35.2202741, lng: 149.034858}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925}
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EA_, lat: -35.2407288, lng: 149.0362953}
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194}
+  - { name: Challinor Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Vnf, lat: -35.2331848, lng: 149.054555}
+  - { name: Lightfoot Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628}
+  - { name: Nanson Place,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724}
+  - { name: Kulgera Street,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391}
+  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979}
+  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574}
+  - { name: James Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263}
+  - { name: Fuller Street,stop_code: Wjz4qgy, lat: -35.3208475, lng: 149.098981}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042}
+  - { name: De Chair Street,stop_code: Wjz4qTw, lat: -35.3162151, lng: 149.1045086}
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qs0, lat: -35.3182278, lng: 149.09964}
+  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yzk, lat: -35.3186155, lng: 149.1123352}
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178}
+  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569}
+  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979}
+  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534}
+  - { name: Lienhop Street,stop_code: Wjz1HTi, lat: -35.4423392, lng: 149.1260397}
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796}
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306}
+  - { name: Callister Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205}
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257}
+  - { name: Fidge Street,stop_code: Wjz1rQ6, lat: -35.4440887, lng: 149.1038388}
+  - { name: Weavers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761}
+  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734}
+  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457}
+  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974}
+  - { name: Muscio Place,stop_code: Wjz2EdX, lat: -35.416214, lng: 149.120065}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677}
+  - { name: Southern Close,stop_code: Wjz1K49, lat: -35.428009, lng: 149.1176708}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777}
+  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218}
+  - { name: Twamley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1JD7, lat: -35.4309354, lng: 149.1230759}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1JTP, lat: -35.4312901, lng: 149.126776}
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1SfM, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1309478}
+  - { name: Henry Melville Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715}
+  - { name: Muntz Street,stop_code: Wjz1Lxu, lat: -35.4241367, lng: 149.1234749}
+  - { name: Mofflin Street,stop_code: Wjz1Liw, lat: -35.4239889, lng: 149.1208993}
+  - { name: Tuck Place,stop_code: Wjz1DLm, lat: -35.4200572, lng: 149.1136804}
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M5R, lat: -35.4160071, lng: 149.129533}
+  - { name: Hynes Place,stop_code: Wjz2wY-, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1173443}
+  - { name: Sweet Place,stop_code: Wjz2EL2, lat: -35.4149132, lng: 149.1244544}
+  - { name: Schoales Place,stop_code: WjrXZiM, lat: -35.3470777, lng: 149.0553331}
+  - { name: Logue Place,stop_code: WjrXRW0, lat: -35.3471147, lng: 149.0502999}
+  - { name: Finlayson Place,stop_code: Wjz2NPZ, lat: -35.4118681, lng: 149.1378765}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZz3, lat: -35.3461161, lng: 149.0570563}
+  - { name: Wark Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265}
+  - { name: McCulloch Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296}
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092}
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4rk2, lat: -35.3126013, lng: 149.0982349}
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136}
+  - { name: Jensen Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541}
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hMe, lat: -35.3259558, lng: 149.0929241}
+  - { name: Yarra Glen,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563}
+  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUG8, lat: -35.3306155, lng: 149.058622}
+  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542}
+  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465}
+  - { name: Jennings Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651}
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUj0, lat: -35.3299526, lng: 149.0543559}
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lm, lat: -35.3321544, lng: 149.0697369}
+  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512}
+  - { name: Derwent Street,stop_code: Wjz3ee-, lat: -35.3383098, lng: 149.0761505}
+  - { name: Anne Place,stop_code: Wjz3fa8, lat: -35.3360845, lng: 149.0750477}
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Lw, lat: -35.3381915, lng: 149.0592024}
+  - { name: Lycett Street,stop_code: WjrX_xY, lat: -35.3364869, lng: 149.0583028}
+  - { name: Meldrum Street,stop_code: WjrX_iU, lat: -35.3361318, lng: 149.0556038}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-m2, lat: -35.3386886, lng: 149.0543559}
+  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615}
+  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: Wjz354b, lat: -35.345459, lng: 149.062772}
+  - { name: Gask Place,stop_code: Wjz1et6, lat: -35.4269117, lng: 149.0777759}
+  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1nxQ, lat: -35.4243695, lng: 149.0911255}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz1f8Y, lat: -35.4250198, lng: 149.076216}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz1f2H, lat: -35.4237487, lng: 149.0744748}
+  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz1f7q, lat: -35.4203787, lng: 149.0740032}
+  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bHS, lat: -35.400824, lng: 149.0814035}
+  - { name: Derham Court,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019}
+  - { name: Mortimer Lewis Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259}
+  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6e8G, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0758577}
+  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714}
+  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463}
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811}
+  - { name: Clubbe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939}
+  - { name: Higgins Place,stop_code: Wjr-yOB, lat: -35.2313222, lng: 149.0276235}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hoi, lat: -35.2274077, lng: 149.0341216}
+  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495}
+  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515}
+  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018}
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196}
+  - { name: Allen Street,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263}
+  - { name: Alfred Place,stop_code: Wjza_-f, lat: -35.3767042, lng: 149.237157}
+  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXms, lat: -35.3550134, lng: 149.2306199}
+  - { name: Bazley Street,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33GY, lat: -35.3577485, lng: 149.0706526}
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXFn, lat: -35.3581997, lng: 149.0587995}
+  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261}
+  - { name: Kapunda Street,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061}
+  - { name: Nannine Place,stop_code: WjrXXq3, lat: -35.3578077, lng: 149.0557251}
+  - { name: Greenvale Street,stop_code: WjrXXd0, lat: -35.3559956, lng: 149.0529772}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz35av, lat: -35.3464684, lng: 149.064395}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIDX, lat: -35.348916, lng: 149.0363428}
+  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: WjrX-FV, lat: -35.3422149, lng: 149.0596338}
+  - { name: Chevalier Street,stop_code: Wjz356k, lat: -35.3440169, lng: 149.0629513}
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz358l, lat: -35.3480588, lng: 149.0643043}
+  - { name: Tiwi Place,stop_code: Wjz348u, lat: -35.3534586, lng: 149.0644857}
+  - { name: Bidia Place,stop_code: Wjz337w, lat: -35.354642, lng: 149.0633068}
+  - { name: Dalabon Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXK9, lat: -35.355219, lng: 149.0585637}
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXyQ, lat: -35.3576967, lng: 149.0580467}
+  - { name: Tristania Street,stop_code: WjrXRks, lat: -35.3453958, lng: 149.0438991}
+  - { name: Damala Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095}
+  - { name: Somerset Street,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183}
+  - { name: Frayne Place,stop_code: WjrXQZX, lat: -35.3502779, lng: 149.0514717}
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997}
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156}
+  - { name: Nelumbo Street,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKoe, lat: -35.3424911, lng: 149.0339533}
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846}
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649}
+  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582}
+  - { name: Counsel Street,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712}
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622}
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466}
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758}
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873}
+  - { name: Calder Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789}
+  - { name: Woodger Place,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177}
+  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721}
+  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041}
+  - { name: Duffy Place,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459}
+  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXKfG, lat: -35.338018, lng: 149.0318393}
+  - { name: Anstey Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L1H, lat: -35.2046871, lng: 149.0304447}
+  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167}
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118}
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2F, lat: -35.3580142, lng: 149.0853648}
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3it1, lat: -35.3614164, lng: 149.0886297}
+  - { name: Pialligo Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666}
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364}
+  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf3oM, lat: -35.1836894, lng: 149.1556666}
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_Gxf, lat: -35.1878657, lng: 149.0352296}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265}
+  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_FTN, lat: -35.1897508, lng: 149.038952}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062}
+  - { name: Bandt Place,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682}
+  - { name: Filshie Close,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464}
+  - { name: Donnison Place,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603}
+  - { name: Edlington Street,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724}
+  - { name: Nish Place,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871}
+  - { name: Shrivell Circuit,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528}
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263}
+  - { name: Eddison Place,stop_code: Wjr_NFt, lat: -35.1935465, lng: 149.0479464}
+  - { name: Garrad Court,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264}
+  - { name: Covington Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168}
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189}
+  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829}
+  - { name: Hirschfeld Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105}
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DNK, lat: -35.2044788, lng: 149.0277602}
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2029293, lng: 149.0277662}
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978}
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638}
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805}
+  - { name: Rossell Place,stop_code: Wjr-KJQ, lat: -35.2073355, lng: 149.037506}
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876}
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184}
+  - { name: Cumpston Place,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622}
+  - { name: Nulsen Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-S6B, lat: -35.2066123, lng: 149.0412991}
+  - { name: Tulloch Place,stop_code: Wjr-RnT, lat: -35.2112095, lng: 149.0444601}
+  - { name: Grigson Place,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976}
+  - { name: Hampton Gardens,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658}
+  - { name: Rentoul Place,stop_code: Wjr-Rs8, lat: -35.2139046, lng: 149.0449606}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121}
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-z_L, lat: -35.222191, lng: 149.0291286}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654}
+  - { name: Messenger Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113}
+  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355}
+  - { name: Holt Place,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011}
+  - { name: Ashburner Street,stop_code: Wjr-yrh, lat: -35.2309899, lng: 149.0230231}
+  - { name: Grout Place,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771}
+  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222}
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955}
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438}
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569}
+  - { name: Chave Street,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983}
+  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955}
+  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-xxu, lat: -35.2373929, lng: 149.0246092}
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYue, lat: -35.3493054, lng: 149.2316145}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzbYD0, lat: -35.3491814, lng: 149.232803}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdA, lat: -35.3446934, lng: 149.2184308}
+  - { name: Pound Street,stop_code: Wjzj5cC, lat: -35.3451754, lng: 149.2404108}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBx, lat: -35.3449879, lng: 149.2226535}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
+  - { name: Redwood Avenue,stop_code: WjzaJ9a, lat: -35.391582, lng: 149.2069701}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbPQW, lat: -35.3565184, lng: 149.2259167}
+  - { name: Kenneth Place,stop_code: WjzbVBj, lat: -35.3667378, lng: 149.233235}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVCw, lat: -35.3663608, lng: 149.2335824}
+  - { name: Gibbs Place,stop_code: Wjz9JIL, lat: -35.4330525, lng: 149.2131844}
+  - { name: Parkview Crescent,stop_code: WjzaK0g, lat: -35.3868815, lng: 149.2056751}
+  - { name: Dixon Place,stop_code: WjzaDIK, lat: -35.3781802, lng: 149.2021825}
+  - { name: Rutledge Street,stop_code: WjzbXBT, lat: -35.3553953, lng: 149.2338714}
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611}
+  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tg, lat: -35.2461188, lng: 149.0669661}
+  - { name: Greene Place,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751}
+  - { name: Gatehouse Place,stop_code: Wjz5f2j, lat: -35.2479775, lng: 149.0739202}
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082}
+  - { name: Cobbett Place,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571}
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz5vjd, lat: -35.2470998, lng: 149.0983861}
+  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5v68, lat: -35.2454993, lng: 149.0956677}
+  - { name: Dunlop Court,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379}
+  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132}
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282}
+  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713}
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402}
+  - { name: Ayers Fowler Street,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218}
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046}
+  - { name: Whiteside Court,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127}
+  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944}
+  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522}
+  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114}
+  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7q-_, lat: -35.1844351, lng: 149.1063899}
+  - { name: Quist Place,stop_code: Wjz7yfG, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.108729}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816}
+  - { name: Bimbiang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404}
+  - { name: Bargang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105}
+  - { name: Warabin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298}
+  - { name: Bunburung Close,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106}
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164}
+  - { name: Gurubun Close,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923}
+  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BWN, lat: -35.1712067, lng: 149.1171372}
+  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913}
+  - { name: Taggerty Street,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659}
+  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqJ, lat: -35.1654186, lng: 149.1114474}
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CA3, lat: -35.16423, lng: 149.1119532}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKg, lat: -35.1630413, lng: 149.1137233}
+  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Ikc, lat: -35.1750825, lng: 149.1204878}
+  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108}
+  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982}
+  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R6d, lat: -35.1681577, lng: 149.1286431}
+  - { name: Timboram Street,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488}
+  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7SN-, lat: -35.1660013, lng: 149.1378981}
+  - { name: Boreham Lane,stop_code: Wjz7PIc, lat: -35.1805599, lng: 149.135534}
+  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pjj, lat: -35.1813349, lng: 149.1316144}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763}
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OBc, lat: -35.1853732, lng: 149.1341431}
+  - { name: Sarre Street,stop_code: Wjz7PNV, lat: -35.1828992, lng: 149.1380246}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901}
+  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7Xiv, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1427028}
+  - { name: Sarson Street,stop_code: Wjzf31y, lat: -35.1828475, lng: 149.151111}
+  - { name: Kalianna Street,stop_code: Wjzf2hJ, lat: -35.1880144, lng: 149.154019}
+  - { name: Nimbera Street,stop_code: Wjzf1X3, lat: -35.1923543, lng: 149.1600249}
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf91m, lat: -35.1934909, lng: 149.1618582}
+  - { name: Elabana Street,stop_code: Wjzf0EJ, lat: -35.1997419, lng: 149.1581283}
+  - { name: Cudgewa Lane,stop_code: Wjze7Cp, lat: -35.2014466, lng: 149.1565478}
+  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6TZN, lat: -35.2021182, lng: 149.1392257}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141}
+  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277}
+  - { name: Everard Street,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474}
+  - { name: Vicars Street,stop_code: Wjz6-16, lat: -35.20994, lng: 149.1394383}
+  - { name: McEacharn Place,stop_code: Wjz6Zb2, lat: -35.214395, lng: 149.1408607}
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929}
+  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788}
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817}
+  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105}
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256}
+  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze2eG, lat: -35.2288072, lng: 149.1527323}
+  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze3gN, lat: -35.2275265, lng: 149.154199}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981}
+  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705}
+  - { name: Dobbie Place,stop_code: Wjze0Pi, lat: -35.2418709, lng: 149.1591256}
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vR, lat: -35.2388968, lng: 149.1555853}
+  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427}
+  - { name: Harvey Street,stop_code: Wjze1gi, lat: -35.2384424, lng: 149.1535117}
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UYK, lat: -35.2407969, lng: 149.1499714}
+  - { name: Atherton Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upu, lat: -35.2429035, lng: 149.1442058}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_y0, lat: -35.2482318, lng: 149.1449139}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd73N, lat: -35.2474057, lng: 149.1515393}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7sL, lat: -35.2462079, lng: 149.1554841}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256}
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527}
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701}
+  - { name: Salomons Place,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172}
+  - { name: Agnew Street,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576}
+  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324}
+  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115}
+  - { name: Bunda Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
+  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819}
+  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524}
+  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132}
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624}
+  - { name: Karri Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279}
+  - { name: Jarrah Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129}
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333}
+  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161}
+  - { name: Savige Street,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776}
+  - { name: Chowne Street,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635}
+  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877}
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501}
+  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056}
+  - { name: Bungey Street,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_wS, lat: -35.2930129, lng: 149.145973}
+  - { name: Wendouree Drive,stop_code: Wjz4_jm, lat: -35.2909901, lng: 149.1425844}
+  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz5MEL, lat: -35.2874399, lng: 149.1362625}
+  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: Wjzce4H, lat: -35.2960675, lng: 149.1623594}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzceFT, lat: -35.2977187, lng: 149.1693894}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzcdDs, lat: -35.299411, lng: 149.1675181}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcdi7, lat: -35.3025893, lng: 149.1642813}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732}
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc59p, lat: -35.3037863, lng: 149.1523455}
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc45R, lat: -35.3061389, lng: 149.1514351}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704}
+  - { name: Wickham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FEJ, lat: -35.3260887, lng: 149.125286}
+  - { name: Vancouver Street,stop_code: Wjz4ECF, lat: -35.3278218, lng: 149.1238193}
+  - { name: Friendship Street,stop_code: Wjz3LP9, lat: -35.3353724, lng: 149.1259941}
+  - { name: Quiros Street,stop_code: Wjz3LN9, lat: -35.3367339, lng: 149.1259435}
+  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333}
+  - { name: Favenc Circle,stop_code: Wjz4Ue5, lat: -35.327397, lng: 149.140921}
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ujk, lat: -35.3295839, lng: 149.1425394}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_Ji, lat: -35.3339111, lng: 149.146681}
+  - { name: McKinlay Place,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952}
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235}
+  - { name: Leeton Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292}
+  - { name: Boolimba Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186}
+  - { name: Iluka Street,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3Kxb, lat: -35.342056, lng: 149.1231366}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JDp, lat: -35.3435515, lng: 149.1235159}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JJs, lat: -35.344686, lng: 149.1248435}
+  - { name: Beagle Street,stop_code: Wjz3Rdo, lat: -35.3450469, lng: 149.1304068}
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257}
+  - { name: Astrolabe Street,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337}
+  - { name: Bell Street,stop_code: Wjz4MpW, lat: -35.3311406, lng: 149.1338209}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jb, lat: -35.3392754, lng: 149.1466095}
+  - { name: Narupai Street,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581}
+  - { name: Kyeema Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338}
+  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7HN, lat: -35.335349, lng: 149.1583716}
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUA, lat: -35.3426508, lng: 149.1388551}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622}
+  - { name: Dalby Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzbfnr, lat: -35.332383, lng: 149.1647873}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583}
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416}
+  - { name: Jindalee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3r_u, lat: -35.3540946, lng: 149.1057023}
+  - { name: Arrellah Place,stop_code: Wjz3rQi, lat: -35.3565695, lng: 149.104185}
+  - { name: Coreen Place,stop_code: Wjz3z0c, lat: -35.3591474, lng: 149.106777}
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y4z, lat: -35.3619315, lng: 149.1072828}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3pZQ, lat: -35.366623, lng: 149.1062713}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3x3A, lat: -35.3680664, lng: 149.1072196}
+  - { name: Bee Place,stop_code: Wjz3xwa, lat: -35.3702316, lng: 149.1122771}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3wrK, lat: -35.3733761, lng: 149.1115817}
+  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz3woC, lat: -35.3754381, lng: 149.1112656}
+  - { name: Shepherdson Place,stop_code: Wjz2DPD, lat: -35.378737, lng: 149.1155013}
+  - { name: Pudney Street,stop_code: Wjz2DEs, lat: -35.3811081, lng: 149.1139208}
+  - { name: Woodgate Street,stop_code: Wjz2C5I, lat: -35.3831852, lng: 149.1074202}
+  - { name: Muresk Street,stop_code: Wjz2uSZ, lat: -35.3823742, lng: 149.1050643}
+  - { name: Longerenong Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627}
+  - { name: Pridham Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886}
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oeM, lat: -35.3718451, lng: 149.0980006}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hXO, lat: -35.3681696, lng: 149.0952079}
+  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3peD, lat: -35.3657466, lng: 149.0976102}
+  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366}
+  - { name: Brookman Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124}
+  - { name: Batchelor Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364}
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243}
+  - { name: Garratt Street,stop_code: Wjz2k5E, lat: -35.3945084, lng: 149.0853457}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cKo, lat: -35.3937869, lng: 149.0809204}
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2crQ, lat: -35.3954875, lng: 149.0787077}
+  - { name: Byrne Street,stop_code: Wjz2kbO, lat: -35.3956421, lng: 149.0869894}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2lDC, lat: -35.3870716, lng: 149.090679}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2u2j, lat: -35.3853192, lng: 149.095863}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ugd, lat: -35.3865047, lng: 149.0985182}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2tyn, lat: -35.3904732, lng: 149.1013631}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2sLr, lat: -35.3928439, lng: 149.1028803}
+  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2qJ7, lat: -35.4048663, lng: 149.1024781}
+  - { name: Grattan Court,stop_code: Wjz2r9X, lat: -35.4024569, lng: 149.098142}
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFF, lat: -35.4026479, lng: 149.0922959}
+  - { name: Snowden Place,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883}
+  - { name: Sturdee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iVd, lat: -35.4077519, lng: 149.0942596}
+  - { name: Crocker Place,stop_code: Wjz2q9z, lat: -35.4079064, lng: 149.0976735}
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6d, lat: -35.4098598, lng: 149.1177053}
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xyM, lat: -35.4130074, lng: 149.113099}
+  - { name: Woods Place,stop_code: Wjz2pVO, lat: -35.4135227, lng: 149.1062081}
+  - { name: Stacy Street,stop_code: Wjz2oQE, lat: -35.4171292, lng: 149.1046908}
+  - { name: Gilday Place,stop_code: Wjz2Gff, lat: -35.403475, lng: 149.1191048}
+  - { name: Demaine Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336}
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301}
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548}
+  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cz3, lat: -35.4395376, lng: 149.079087}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1d0X, lat: -35.4360866, lng: 149.0748513}
+  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz15Xb, lat: -35.4340778, lng: 149.0723858}
+  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748}
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1kyn, lat: -35.4398982, lng: 149.0904032}
+  - { name: Stella Hume Street,stop_code: Wjz16Q9, lat: -35.4280509, lng: 149.0709317}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265}
+  - { name: Meredith Circuit,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706}
+  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492}
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459}
+  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484}
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LLF, lat: -35.2446872, lng: 149.1252507}
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LDv, lat: -35.2442061, lng: 149.1235678}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1gBy, lat: -35.4601891, lng: 149.0907826}
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v3X, lat: -35.4670374, lng: 149.0967252}
+  - { name: Troughton Street,stop_code: Wjz0unz, lat: -35.4697663, lng: 149.0990011}
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uQv, lat: -35.4714653, lng: 149.1043747}
+  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0C4B, lat: -35.4716198, lng: 149.1071563}
+  - { name: Kallista Place,stop_code: Wjz0Cpn, lat: -35.4735247, lng: 149.1110759}
+  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0Bv9, lat: -35.4753782, lng: 149.1107598}
+  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0t_T, lat: -35.4749148, lng: 149.1061448}
+  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tno, lat: -35.4754811, lng: 149.0988746}
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0u92, lat: -35.4739881, lng: 149.0969148}
+  - { name: Menzies Court,stop_code: Wjz0lYC, lat: -35.4770256, lng: 149.0948286}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0t9g, lat: -35.4795997, lng: 149.0972309}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0kHU, lat: -35.4837695, lng: 149.0925527}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0klX, lat: -35.4821222, lng: 149.0884434}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lcW, lat: -35.477386, lng: 149.0870526}
+  - { name: McVilly Close,stop_code: Wjz0eVg, lat: -35.4740911, lng: 149.0835756}
+  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0m65, lat: -35.4702811, lng: 149.0845871}
+  - { name: Hickenbotham Street,stop_code: Wjz0n3A, lat: -35.4669344, lng: 149.0852193}
+  - { name: Oxenham Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1gnx, lat: -35.4589532, lng: 149.0880641}
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h9y, lat: -35.4574599, lng: 149.0866733}
+  - { name: McGilvray Close,stop_code: Wjz1h4G, lat: -35.4554516, lng: 149.0853457}
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1heN, lat: -35.4541126, lng: 149.0869262}
+  - { name: Donohoe Place,stop_code: Wjz1ic5, lat: -35.4496838, lng: 149.0858515}
+  - { name: Dempsey Place,stop_code: Wjz1bTA, lat: -35.4422159, lng: 149.0824376}
+  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cI3, lat: -35.438868, lng: 149.0804778}
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lh-, lat: -35.248398, lng: 149.12138}
+  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899}
+  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583}
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009}
+  - { name: David Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807}
+  - { name: Nicholson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216}
+  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5GeU, lat: -35.2729264, lng: 149.1200337}
+  - { name: Colville Street,stop_code: Wjz6EBY, lat: -35.2403577, lng: 149.1242409}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Myj, lat: -35.2424881, lng: 149.1344225}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vj2, lat: -35.2363715, lng: 149.1421638}
+  - { name: Claxton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Fze, lat: -35.2360279, lng: 149.123147}
+  - { name: Barsdell Place,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172}
+  - { name: Bean Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026}
+  - { name: Grover Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258}
+  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177}
+  - { name: Pirani Place,stop_code: Wjz6eGq, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0809063}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eoG, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0784661}
+  - { name: Gleadow Street,stop_code: Wjz65_2, lat: -35.2116258, lng: 149.0722394}
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64CB, lat: -35.2176067, lng: 149.0687895}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NaX, lat: -35.1930428, lng: 149.043112}
+  - { name: Reuther Street,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435}
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268}
+  - { name: Lawrence Close,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041}
+  - { name: Pockley Close,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872}
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381}
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438}
+  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-G49, lat: -35.2302721, lng: 149.0298424}
+  - { name: Hodges Street,stop_code: Wjr-GcG, lat: -35.2301944, lng: 149.0319226}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667}
+  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368}
+  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599}
+  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287}
+  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887}
+  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031}
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601}
+  - { name: Hamelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399}
+  - { name: Sprent Street,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-r-, lat: -35.3403989, lng: 149.1448954}
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYnD, lat: -35.3485475, lng: 149.2307657}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3m, lat: -35.3459335, lng: 149.227726}
+  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXmQ, lat: -35.3550126, lng: 149.2311068}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYzg, lat: -35.3519226, lng: 149.2332104}
+  - { name: Yass Road,stop_code: Wjzj5BH, lat: -35.3447463, lng: 149.2446946}
+  - { name: Endurance Avenue,stop_code: Wjzj6z9, lat: -35.3407864, lng: 149.2440483}
+  - { name: Erin Street,stop_code: WjzbZqS, lat: -35.3465484, lng: 149.2325494}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286}
+  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbZ77, lat: -35.3430401, lng: 149.2274615}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdl, lat: -35.3446304, lng: 149.2181472}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbJSj, lat: -35.3441148, lng: 149.2140644}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3n, lat: -35.3458022, lng: 149.2277877}
+  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBs, lat: -35.344722, lng: 149.2224303}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
+  - { name: Woodhill Link,stop_code: WjzaArS, lat: -35.3953167, lng: 149.1995002}
+  - { name: Nicholii Loop,stop_code: WjzaAXA, lat: -35.3954806, lng: 149.2047447}
+  - { name: Mariners Court,stop_code: WjzaAdv, lat: -35.3938794, lng: 149.1962366}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbBu_, lat: -35.3437537, lng: 149.1997253}
+  - { name: Broughton Place,stop_code: WjzbPXf, lat: -35.3567667, lng: 149.2261434}
+  - { name: Tharwa Road,stop_code: WjzbPpi, lat: -35.3586252, lng: 149.2208441}
+  - { name: Hayes Street,stop_code: WjzbWDe, lat: -35.3596366, lng: 149.2330229}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXwk, lat: -35.3591416, lng: 149.2331706}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVxf, lat: -35.369131, lng: 149.233084}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVy2, lat: -35.3689098, lng: 149.232863}
+  - { name: Old Cooma Road,stop_code: Wjz9JdV, lat: -35.4328562, lng: 149.2080577}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXAb, lat: -35.3564366, lng: 149.2330826}
+  - { name: Kinlyside Avenue,stop_code: WjzbwuF, lat: -35.3717405, lng: 149.1994726}
+  - { name: Darmody Place,stop_code: WjzbwDR, lat: -35.37069, lng: 149.2008683}
+  - { name: Halloran Drive,stop_code: WjzbwMd, lat: -35.3755316, lng: 149.2028602}
+  - { name: Maloney Street,stop_code: WjzbG5c, lat: -35.3611934, lng: 149.2054955}
+  - { name: Kendall Avenue North,stop_code: WjzbJRl, lat: -35.3445935, lng: 149.2139248}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPy, lat: -35.3352335, lng: 149.1703836}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622}
+  - { name: Burbury Close,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
+  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471}
+  - { name: Birdwood Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817}
+  - { name: McNicoll Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329}
+  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977}
+  - { name: Dennis Street,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244}
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878}
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371}
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711}
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727}
+  - { name: Bluebell Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194}
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718}
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961}
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923}
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199}
+  - { name: Flynn Drive,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289}
+  - { name: Beaconsfield Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462}
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281}
+  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685}
+  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086}
+  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132}
+  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985}
+  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113}
+  - { name: Catchpole Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927}
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467}
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585}
+  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413}
+  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119}
+  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394}
+  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845}
+  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221}
+  - { name: Wilsmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026}
+  - { name: Brinsmead Street,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357}
+  - { name: McDonald Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391}
+  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965}
+  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244}
+  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575}
+  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506}
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491}
+  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037}
+  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145}
+  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093}
+  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291}
+  - { name: Le Gallienne Street,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526}
+  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744}
+  - { name: Pattinson Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958}
+  - { name: Weedon Close,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439}
+  - { name: Carandini Street,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273}
+  - { name: Colborne Place,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667}
+  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269}
+  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979}
+  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793}
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779}
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759}
+  - { name: Furzer Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784}
+  - { name: Barton Highway,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628}
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558}
+  - { name: Sharwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978}
+  - { name: Deffell Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241}
+  - { name: Callaghan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677}
+  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143}
+  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627}
+  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542}
+  - { name: Stenhouse Close,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737}
+  - { name: Pitcairn Street,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672}
+  - { name: Kissane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6ec7, lat: -35.2077712, lng: 149.0749969}
+  - { name: Primmer Court,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033}
+  - { name: Sinclair Street,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524}
+  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386}
+  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226}
+  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942}
+  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484}
+  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951}
+  - { name: Driver Place,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105}
+  - { name: Willis Street,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406}
+  - { name: Kellway Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143}
+  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965}
+  - { name: Crofts Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518}
+  - { name: Standbridge Place,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172}
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646}
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942}
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273}
+  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519}
+  - { name: Boote Street,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026}
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179}
+  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116}
+  - { name: Emerton Street,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908}
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086}
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786}
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439}
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719}
+  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652}
+  - { name: Bindaga Street,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852}
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293}
+  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942}
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789}
+  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964}
+  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: Wjzj4ju, lat: -35.351369, lng: 149.2416919}
+  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647}
+  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
+  - { name: Pethebridge Street,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779}
+  - { name: Colbee Court,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118}
+  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965}
+  - { name: Molonglo Drive,stop_code: WjzcrEu, lat: -35.3150059, lng: 149.190788}
+  - { name: Lochiel Street,stop_code: WjzbUQX, lat: -35.3729581, lng: 149.2368028}
+  - { name: Noonan Street,stop_code: Wjzi7mf, lat: -35.3766831, lng: 149.2412565}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbUCp, lat: -35.3717241, lng: 149.2334526}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWBs, lat: -35.3611492, lng: 149.2334303}
+  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWzE, lat: -35.3628765, lng: 149.2337473}
+  - { name: Hambly Place,stop_code: WjzbWyW, lat: -35.363411, lng: 149.2340547}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751}
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899}
+  - { name: Morisset Street,stop_code: WjzbYAM, lat: -35.3512052, lng: 149.2339748}
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456}
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969}
+  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mTK, lat: -35.3815863, lng: 149.0936139}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478}
+  - { name: Flierl Place,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658}
+  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258}
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Alc, lat: -35.2183514, lng: 149.021625}
+  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838}
+  - { name: Chambers Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391}
+  - { name: Macumba Place,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378}
+  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177}
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213}
+  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448}
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VdI, lat: -35.2348097, lng: 149.0539156}
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341}
+  - { name: Dungowan Street,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595}
+  - { name: Capital Circle,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503}
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312}
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737}
+  - { name: Newdegate Street,stop_code: Wjz4qtY, lat: -35.3172423, lng: 149.100878}
+  - { name: Hannah Place,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689}
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4yng, lat: -35.316172, lng: 149.1095953}
+  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yGG, lat: -35.3194308, lng: 149.1142224}
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796}
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724}
+  - { name: Freda Gibson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946}
+  - { name: Burdett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442}
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111}
+  - { name: Cochrane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569}
+  - { name: Conlon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294}
+  - { name: Meeson Street,stop_code: Wjz1Kiu, lat: -35.4289549, lng: 149.1207905}
+  - { name: Nina Jones Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625}
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279}
+  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1DWq, lat: -35.4238411, lng: 149.1166188}
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797}
+  - { name: Chinner Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782}
+  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817}
+  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763}
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676}
+  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069}
+  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434}
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444385, lng: 149.1272473}
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344}
+  - { name: Broad Place,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055}
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.415325, lng: 149.0672593}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052}
+  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755}
+  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723}
+  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022}
+  - { name: McDonald Place,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443}
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
+  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442}
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691}
+  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531}
+  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718}
+  - { name: Rafferty Street,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332}
+  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495}
+  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008}
+  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585}
+  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055}
+  - { name: Bertel Crescent,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709}
+  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRFB, lat: -35.3473864, lng: 149.048202}
+  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995}
+  - { name: Whitney Place,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937}
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375}
+  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511}
+  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129}
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098}
+  - { name: Gonzaga Place,stop_code: Wjz2wGU, lat: -35.4184904, lng: 149.1145873}
+  - { name: Rischbieth Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559}
+  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2Npv, lat: -35.4131394, lng: 149.1331606}
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1X, lat: -35.3255489, lng: 149.0857143}
+  - { name: Bunny Street,stop_code: WjrX_SL, lat: -35.3327937, lng: 149.0607695}
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37Zc, lat: -35.3337407, lng: 149.0723488}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343}
+  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz20Vv, lat: -35.4185754, lng: 149.072661}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807}
+  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123}
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511}
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162}
+  - { name: Clutterbuck Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936}
+  - { name: Connibere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429}
+  - { name: Singleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278}
+  - { name: Maconochie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301}
+  - { name: Checchi Place,stop_code: Wjz28Yv, lat: -35.4165651, lng: 149.0836163}
+  - { name: Forwood Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361}
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hlp, lat: -35.4109006, lng: 149.0878896}
+  - { name: Michell Street,stop_code: Wjz2hBQ, lat: -35.4106404, lng: 149.0911182}
+  - { name: Beirne Street,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039}
+  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302}
+  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz34Gq, lat: -35.352423, lng: 149.0699271}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33LB, lat: -35.3542352, lng: 149.0701992}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33EK, lat: -35.3589689, lng: 149.0702445}
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXMe, lat: -35.3589023, lng: 149.0599784}
+  - { name: Araluen Street,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979}
+  - { name: Guinness Place,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091}
+  - { name: Gulgong Place,stop_code: WjrXXb4, lat: -35.3570754, lng: 149.0530316}
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz34c4, lat: -35.3508697, lng: 149.0639869}
+  - { name: Cedrela Place,stop_code: WjrXR3f, lat: -35.3458397, lng: 149.040861}
+  - { name: Blowering Street,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289}
+  - { name: Mt Taylor Zig Zag,stop_code: Wjz39sA, lat: -35.3673329, lng: 149.0783636}
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408}
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3iuk, lat: -35.3604697, lng: 149.0889561}
+  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172}
+  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508}
+  - { name: Yabsley Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079}
+  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_GVA, lat: -35.188117, lng: 149.0399446}
+  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803}
+  - { name: Nott Street,stop_code: Wjr_NpJ, lat: -35.1935127, lng: 149.0455536}
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445}
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712}
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166}
+  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542}
+  - { name: Moor Place,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796}
+  - { name: Connah Street,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156}
+  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863}
+  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684}
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442}
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308}
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399}
+  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688}
+  - { name: Carslaw Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236}
+  - { name: Threlfall Street,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975}
+  - { name: Boult Place,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925}
+  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677}
+  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887}
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716}
+  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878}
+  - { name: Bishop Place,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264}
+  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668}
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335}
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821}
+  - { name: Bainton Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853}
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598}
+  - { name: Broadby Close,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538}
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637}
+  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439}
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491}
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955}
+  - { name: Jalanga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805}
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514}
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551}
+  - { name: Cambridge Street,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577}
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761}
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338}
+  - { name: Weetangera Place,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939}
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362}
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759}
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913}
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835}
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365}
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988}
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936}
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037}
+  - { name: Ligertwood Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456}
+  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927}
+  - { name: Hatfield Street,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135}
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235}
+  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219}
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733}
+  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293}
+  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933}
+  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943}
+  - { name: Jenke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575}
+  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703}
+  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055}
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466}
+  - { name: Lavan Place,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005}
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922}
+  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463}
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273}
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434}
+  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887}
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EXs, lat: -35.4174557, lng: 149.1275741}
+  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991}
+  - { name: Willoughby Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NH0, lat: -35.4123115, lng: 149.1353734}
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599}
+  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377}
+  - { name: Morgan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268}
+  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509}
+  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045}
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-oT, lat: -35.3424053, lng: 149.0567937}
+  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-zT, lat: -35.3402984, lng: 149.0581286}
+  - { name: Nambir Court,stop_code: Wjz1edz, lat: -35.4271482, lng: 149.0757082}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20Eo, lat: -35.4198466, lng: 149.0699766}
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236}
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28DH, lat: -35.4148504, lng: 149.0799887}
+  - { name: Mault Place,stop_code: Wjz2g6U, lat: -35.4157965, lng: 149.0857566}
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2gvd, lat: -35.4146612, lng: 149.0888256}
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33KX, lat: -35.3550858, lng: 149.070698}
+  - { name: Wambaya Street,stop_code: Wjz33nk, lat: -35.3543462, lng: 149.0657554}
+  - { name: Wirangu Place,stop_code: WjrXXI2, lat: -35.3565059, lng: 149.058473}
+  - { name: Walpiri Place,stop_code: WjrXYtm, lat: -35.3499821, lng: 149.0560969}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035}
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJfw, lat: -35.3436463, lng: 149.031771}
+  - { name: Eppalock Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493}
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909}
+  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656}
+  - { name: Paloona Place,stop_code: WjrXLEL, lat: -35.3369076, lng: 149.0374236}
+  - { name: Leighton Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284}
+  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033}
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389}
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095}
+  - { name: O'Shanassy Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663}
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277}
+  - { name: Sport Way,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101}
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737}
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155}
+  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952}
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607}
+  - { name: Gallipoli Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
+  - { name: Mileham Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621}
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835}
+  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273}
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453}
+  - { name: Prevost Place,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953}
+  - { name: Plowman Place,stop_code: Wjr-S9y, lat: -35.2102797, lng: 149.0426899}
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-HbC, lat: -35.2250302, lng: 149.0316399}
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919}
+  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611}
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193}
+  - { name: Pickworth Street,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227}
+  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617}
+  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319}
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389}
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165}
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564}
+  - { name: Wearing Street,stop_code: Wjr-xRd, lat: -35.2347078, lng: 149.0270748}
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414}
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-Gsq, lat: -35.2301636, lng: 149.0342818}
+  - { name: Ulm Street,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574}
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753}
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515}
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984}
+  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153}
+  - { name: Delamere Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741}
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615}
+  - { name: Southwell Street,stop_code: WjrZSKp, lat: -35.2509203, lng: 149.0480636}
+  - { name: De Salis Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782}
+  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-MCk, lat: -35.2396029, lng: 149.0464162}
+  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-M-x, lat: -35.2399127, lng: 149.0508416}
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZ-aT, lat: -35.2531402, lng: 149.053943}
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397}
+  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315}
+  - { name: Skinner Street,stop_code: Wjz54mj, lat: -35.2617096, lng: 149.0656385}
+  - { name: Allman Circuit,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248}
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155}
+  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511}
+  - { name: Roberts Street,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327}
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664}
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536}
+  - { name: Thurlow Place,stop_code: Wjz57Q7, lat: -35.2462221, lng: 149.0708857}
+  - { name: Maddison Close,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507}
+  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUz, lat: -35.2493715, lng: 149.094909}
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gUM, lat: -35.2441052, lng: 149.0951619}
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523}
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403}
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265}
+  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391}
+  - { name: Fitzsimmons Street,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886}
+  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588}
+  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622}
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qSX, lat: -35.1847968, lng: 149.1050623}
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243}
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275}
+  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507}
+  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7uxi, lat: -35.1663489, lng: 149.1013956}
+  - { name: Mundang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128}
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106}
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669}
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161}
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471}
+  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332}
+  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202}
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475}
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999}
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102}
+  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965}
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901}
+  - { name: Barracks Flat Drive,stop_code: WjzbUGB, lat: -35.3740947, lng: 149.2349556}
+  - { name: Ling Place,stop_code: Wjzj0yX, lat: -35.3742978, lng: 149.2450265}
+  - { name: Knowles Place,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064}
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853}
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034}
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531}
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835}
+  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935}
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814}
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125}
+  - { name: Sidaway Street,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463}
+  - { name: Saunders Street,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555}
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486}
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CD7, lat: -35.1617492, lng: 149.1119532}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If2, lat: -35.1732221, lng: 149.1188441}
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027}
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602}
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626}
+  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293}
+  - { name: Inglewood Street,stop_code: Wjz7Y0J, lat: -35.177732, lng: 149.1403005}
+  - { name: Obrien Place,stop_code: Wjz7GSc, lat: -35.1847451, lng: 149.1258614}
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ppw, lat: -35.1829884, lng: 149.1332581}
+  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7X2n, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1398579}
+  - { name: Petersilka Street,stop_code: Wjz7XxD, lat: -35.1823825, lng: 149.1457373}
+  - { name: Thistle Lane,stop_code: Wjzf2rm, lat: -35.1865677, lng: 149.1549041}
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjzf0ZL, lat: -35.1961257, lng: 149.1609099}
+  - { name: Morris West Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522}
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603}
+  - { name: Gungahlin Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537}
+  - { name: Freeling Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656}
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368}
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095}
+  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139}
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6Wse, lat: -35.2298796, lng: 149.1438091}
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876}
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjzeaq_, lat: -35.2311306, lng: 149.1668636}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003}
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1hB, lat: -35.2374923, lng: 149.1539669}
+  - { name: Molesworth Street,stop_code: Wjze17N, lat: -35.2336919, lng: 149.1515898}
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UQw, lat: -35.2413339, lng: 149.1484036}
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_O4, lat: -35.24786, lng: 149.147645}
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198}
+  - { name: Grayson Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253}
+  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997}
+  - { name: Hannan Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797}
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474}
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942}
+  - { name: Morphett Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827}
+  - { name: Dooring Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491}
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439}
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317}
+  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796}
+  - { name: Wakefield Gardens,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384}
+  - { name: Leslie Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925}
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907}
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W8l, lat: -35.276623, lng: 149.1411209}
+  - { name: Cox Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634}
+  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392}
+  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253}
+  - { name: Ijong Street,stop_code: Wjz5PBC, lat: -35.2675907, lng: 149.1347357}
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196}
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684}
+  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297}
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NHD, lat: -35.2798744, lng: 149.1361266}
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984}
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771}
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353}
+  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Urj, lat: -35.285706, lng: 149.144029}
+  - { name: Holmes Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757}
+  - { name: Borella Street,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428}
+  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz4T-X, lat: -35.2891325, lng: 149.1393476}
+  - { name: Miles Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833}
+  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: Wjzcdsn, lat: -35.3011446, lng: 149.1659502}
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd2U, lat: -35.3031671, lng: 149.1626628}
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4WnH, lat: -35.3159201, lng: 149.1430396}
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934}
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4EG2, lat: -35.3304213, lng: 149.1244262}
+  - { name: Scarborough Street,stop_code: Wjz3KLn, lat: -35.3376003, lng: 149.1247297}
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NWF, lat: -35.3250038, lng: 149.138898}
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982}
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UIv, lat: -35.328635, lng: 149.1467867}
+  - { name: Yamba Place,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3KB0, lat: -35.3395291, lng: 149.1229469}
+  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JQO, lat: -35.3455626, lng: 149.1268033}
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Slx, lat: -35.3394651, lng: 149.131936}
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468}
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783}
+  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643}
+  - { name: Toolambi Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Cp, lat: -35.333286, lng: 149.156475}
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844}
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393}
+  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675}
+  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438}
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3rML, lat: -35.3588381, lng: 149.1045644}
+  - { name: Ellwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3y9z, lat: -35.3640453, lng: 149.1086104}
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xi3, lat: -35.3688397, lng: 149.1093058}
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz2DK6, lat: -35.3767783, lng: 149.1134151}
+  - { name: McAlpine Place,stop_code: Wjz2Dgb, lat: -35.381175, lng: 149.10938}
+  - { name: Pye Place,stop_code: Wjz2vzR, lat: -35.3789646, lng: 149.1019944}
+  - { name: Custance Street,stop_code: Wjz3ops, lat: -35.3749061, lng: 149.1001427}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hUs, lat: -35.370077, lng: 149.0946389}
+  - { name: Ward Place,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557}
+  - { name: Goode Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481}
+  - { name: Hawker Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208}
+  - { name: Hyland Place,stop_code: Wjz2c-r, lat: -35.3935292, lng: 149.0837652}
+  - { name: Beaver Place,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mGO, lat: -35.3853996, lng: 149.0925014}
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ttB, lat: -35.3885662, lng: 149.1004148}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057}
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538}
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768}
+  - { name: Leach Street,stop_code: Wjz2pmy, lat: -35.4100705, lng: 149.0990011}
+  - { name: Burston Place,stop_code: Wjz2xq1, lat: -35.4129044, lng: 149.1106334}
+  - { name: Garrick Street,stop_code: Wjz2yQZ, lat: -35.4057423, lng: 149.116007}
+  - { name: Larcombe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2G9R, lat: -35.4077654, lng: 149.1199409}
+  - { name: Halley Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949}
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB6, lat: -35.4159442, lng: 149.1230876}
+  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337}
+  - { name: Tweddle Place,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427}
+  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839}
+  - { name: Laker Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Dlj, lat: -35.4217144, lng: 149.1096219}
+  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242}
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483}
+  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz2w0e, lat: -35.4193446, lng: 149.106777}
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osQ, lat: -35.4167685, lng: 149.1006448}
+  - { name: Kneeshaw Street,stop_code: Wjz2o8V, lat: -35.4197567, lng: 149.0980528}
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401}
+  - { name: Kerkeri Close,stop_code: Wjz1v2R, lat: -35.423569, lng: 149.0965355}
+  - { name: Oakwood Place,stop_code: Wjz1viP, lat: -35.4237236, lng: 149.0993804}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553}
+  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9T, lat: -35.4350564, lng: 149.1089897}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tYG, lat: -35.4334596, lng: 149.1060816}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057}
+  - { name: Carter Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781}
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tok, lat: -35.4359836, lng: 149.0999494}
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677}
+  - { name: Marengo Place,stop_code: Wjz1lQS, lat: -35.4330991, lng: 149.0938171}
+  - { name: Heddon Place,stop_code: Wjz1lyA, lat: -35.4346444, lng: 149.0907826}
+  - { name: Pimpampa Close,stop_code: Wjz1lB8, lat: -35.4329445, lng: 149.0902136}
+  - { name: Abercrombie Circuit,stop_code: Wjz0nS3, lat: -35.4649778, lng: 149.0928056}
+  - { name: Youl Court,stop_code: Wjz0uuZ, lat: -35.4702296, lng: 149.1008976}
+  - { name: Milligan Street,stop_code: Wjz0CcV, lat: -35.4719802, lng: 149.1091794}
+  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0B6Y, lat: -35.4758415, lng: 149.1077253}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tB4, lat: -35.4765623, lng: 149.1010241}
+  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0mMT, lat: -35.474194, lng: 149.0937539}
+  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0kYJ, lat: -35.482637, lng: 149.0950815}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lhu, lat: -35.4790849, lng: 149.0878745}
+  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0eRx, lat: -35.4713109, lng: 149.0824376}
+  - { name: Ferry Place,stop_code: Wjz1gaC, lat: -35.4619398, lng: 149.0865469}
+  - { name: Charles Place,stop_code: Wjz19V7, lat: -35.4570479, lng: 149.0831962}
+  - { name: Gaylard Place,stop_code: Wjz1i2p, lat: -35.4513833, lng: 149.0850928}
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jf0, lat: -35.442525, lng: 149.0859147}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889}
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792}
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758}
+  - { name: Wilari Place,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889}
+  - { name: Mirrabucca Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552}
+  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299}
+  - { name: Georgina Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295}
+  - { name: Staaten Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957}
+  - { name: Antares Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989}
+  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665}
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053}
+  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983}
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199}
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646}
+  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523}
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819}
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747}
+  - { name: Morphy Place,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684}
+  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323}
+  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294}
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136}
+  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204}
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498}
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643}
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629}
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557}
+  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116}
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002}
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
+  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364}
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149}
+  - { name: Spinifex Street,stop_code: Wjzc24u, lat: -35.317722, lng: 149.1510115}
+  - { name: The Causeway,stop_code: Wjz4WZo, lat: -35.3175809, lng: 149.1496027}
+  - { name: Parbery Street,stop_code: Wjz4WY7, lat: -35.3176372, lng: 149.1491419}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549}
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457}
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552}
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231}
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRMq, lat: -35.3483271, lng: 149.0492963}
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632}
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828}
+  - { name: Backler Place,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034}
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-  start_date: 20090525
-  end_date: 20101001
-  remove_date: 20101001
+  start_date: 20101115
+  end_date: 20111231
+  remove_date: 20111231
   agency_name: ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)
   agency_timezone: Australia/Sydney

 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/db.sql.gz differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Majura Business Park, Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, War Memorial Limestone Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda Shops, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  ADFA-War Memorial Limestone Ave: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  War Memorial Limestone Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+short_name: "10"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 632a, 642a, 644a, 649a, 659a, 709a, 711a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 712a, 714a, 719a, 729a, 739a, 741a, 746a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 732a, 742a, 744a, 749a, 759a, 809a, 811a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 812a, 814a, 819a, 829a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a, 847a, 857a, 859a, 904a], ["-", "-", "-", 830a, 833a, 838a, 850a, 900a, 902a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 929a, 934a], ["-", "-", "-", 900a, 903a, 908a, 920a, 930a, 932a, 937a, 947a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], [918a, 928a, 933a, 940a, 943a, 948a, 1000a, 1010a, 1012a, 1017a, 1027a, 1037a, 1039a, 1044a], [948a, 958a, 1003a, 1010a, 1013a, 1018a, 1030a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a, 1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1114a], [1018a, 1028a, 1033a, 1040a, 1043a, 1048a, 1100a, 1110a, 1112a, 1117a, 1127a, 1137a, 1139a, 1144a], [1048a, 1058a, 1103a, 1110a, 1113a, 1118a, 1130a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a, 1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1214p], [1118a, 1128a, 1133a, 1140a, 1143a, 1148a, 1200p, 1210p, 1212p, 1217p, 1227p, 1237p, 1239p, 1244p], [1148a, 1158a, 1203p, 1210p, 1213p, 1218p, 1230p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p, 1257p, 107p, 109p, 114p], [1218p, 1228p, 1233p, 1240p, 1243p, 1248p, 100p, 110p, 112p, 117p, 127p, 137p, 139p, 144p], [1248p, 1258p, 103p, 110p, 113p, 118p, 130p, 140p, 142p, 147p, 157p, 207p, 209p, 214p], [118p, 128p, 133p, 140p, 143p, 148p, 200p, 210p, 212p, 217p, 227p, 237p, 239p, 244p], [148p, 158p, 203p, 210p, 213p, 218p, 230p, 240p, 242p, 247p, 257p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [218p, 228p, 233p, 240p, 243p, 248p, 300p, 310p, 313p, 318p, 328p, 338p, 340p, 345p], [248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 314p, 319p, 331p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 359p, 409p, 411p, 416p], [318p, 328p, 333p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 401p, 411p, 414p, 419p, 429p, 439p, 441p, 446p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 416p, 426p, 429p, 434p, 444p, 454p, 456p, 501p], [348p, 358p, 403p, 410p, 414p, 419p, 431p, 441p, 444p, 449p, 459p, 509p, 511p, 516p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 446p, 456p, 459p, 504p, 514p, 524p, 526p, 531p], ["-", "-", 431p, 441p, 445p, 450p, 502p, 512p, 515p, 520p, 530p, 537p, 539p, 544p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 516p, 526p, 529p, 534p, 544p, 554p, 556p, 601p], ["-", "-", 458p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p, 600p, 610p, 612p, 617p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 546p, 556p, 559p, 604p, 614p, 624p, 626p, 631p], ["-", "-", "-", 540p, 544p, 549p, 601p, 611p, 614p, 619p, 629p, 639p, 641p, 646p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 616p, 626p, 629p, 634p, 644p, 654p, 656p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", 611p, 615p, 620p, 632p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 711p, 716p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 736p, 746p, 748p, 753p, 803p, 813p, 815p, 820p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 836p, 846p, 848p, 853p, 903p, 913p, 915p, 920p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 936p, 946p, 948p, 953p, 1003p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1036p, 1046p, 1048p, 1053p, 1103p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1136p, 1146p, 1148p, 1153p, 1203a, 1213a, 1215a, 1220a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda Shops, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-between_stops: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-War Memorial Limestone Ave: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  War Memorial Limestone Ave-ADFA: [Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
 short_name: "10"
 stop_times: [[550a, 552a, 556a, 605a, 615a, 620a, 623a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [621a, 623a, 627a, 636a, 646a, 651a, 654a, 705a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [651a, 653a, 657a, 706a, 716a, 721a, 724a, 736a, 746a, 752a, 756a, 803a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 724a, 729a, 732a, 743a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [706a, 708a, 712a, 721a, 731a, 736a, 739a, 750a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [721a, 723a, 727a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 754a, 806a, 816a, 822a, 826a, 833a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754a, 759a, 802a, 813a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [736a, 738a, 742a, 751a, 801a, 806a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [751a, 753a, 757a, 806a, 816a, 821a, 824a, 836a, 846a, 852a, 856a, "-", "-", "-"], [806a, 808a, 812a, 821a, 831a, 836a, 839a, 851a, 901a, 907a, 911a, 918a, 927a, 937a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 836a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 905a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [836a, 838a, 842a, 851a, 901a, 906a, 909a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 940a, 947a, 956a, 1006a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 906a, 916a, 921a, 924a, 936a, 946a, 952a, 955a, 1002a, 1011a, 1021a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 938a, 943a, 945a, 957a, 1007a, 1013a, 1016a, 1023a, 1032a, 1042a], [943a, 945a, 949a, 958a, 1008a, 1013a, 1015a, 1027a, 1037a, 1043a, 1046a, 1053a, 1102a, 1112a], [1013a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1038a, 1043a, 1045a, 1057a, 1107a, 1113a, 1116a, 1123a, 1132a, 1142a], [1043a, 1045a, 1049a, 1058a, 1108a, 1113a, 1115a, 1127a, 1137a, 1143a, 1146a, 1153a, 1202p, 1212p], [1113a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1138a, 1143a, 1145a, 1157a, 1207p, 1213p, 1216p, 1223p, 1232p, 1242p], [1143a, 1145a, 1149a, 1158a, 1208p, 1213p, 1215p, 1227p, 1237p, 1243p, 1246p, 1253p, 102p, 112p], [1213p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1238p, 1243p, 1245p, 1257p, 107p, 113p, 116p, 123p, 132p, 142p], [1243p, 1245p, 1249p, 1258p, 108p, 113p, 115p, 127p, 137p, 143p, 146p, 153p, 202p, 212p], [113p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 138p, 143p, 145p, 157p, 207p, 213p, 216p, 223p, 232p, 242p], [143p, 145p, 149p, 158p, 208p, 213p, 215p, 227p, 237p, 243p, 246p, 253p, 302p, 312p], [213p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 238p, 243p, 245p, 257p, 307p, 313p, 317p, 324p, 333p, 343p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 308p, 318p, 323p, 325p, 337p, 347p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 413p, 423p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 338p, 348p, 353p, 355p, 407p, 417p, 423p, 427p, 434p, 443p, 453p], [338p, 340p, 344p, 353p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 421p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [353p, 355p, 359p, 408p, 418p, 423p, 425p, 437p, 447p, 453p, 457p, "-", "-", "-"], [408p, 410p, 414p, 423p, 433p, 438p, 440p, 451p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [423p, 425p, 429p, 438p, 448p, 453p, 455p, 506p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [438p, 440p, 444p, 453p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 521p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [453p, 455p, 459p, 508p, 518p, 523p, 525p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [508p, 510p, 514p, 523p, 533p, 538p, 540p, 551p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [523p, 525p, 529p, 538p, 548p, 553p, 555p, 606p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 540p, 544p, 553p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 621p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 619p, 623p, 632p, 642p, 647p, 649p, 700p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [716p, 718p, 722p, 731p, 741p, 746p, 748p, 759p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [816p, 818p, 822p, 831p, 841p, 846p, 848p, 859p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [916p, 918p, 922p, 931p, 941p, 946p, 948p, 959p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1031p, 1041p, 1046p, 1048p, 1059p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1116p, 1118p, 1122p, 1131p, 1141p, 1146p, 1148p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda Shops, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), "War Memorial, Limestone Ave", ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 11 111
+stop_times: [[621a, 627a, 641a, 651a, 657a, 713a, 729a], [641a, 647a, 701a, 711a, 717a, 733a, 751a], [701a, 707a, 721a, 731a, 737a, 754a, 812a], [721a, 727a, 742a, 752a, 758a, 815a, 833a], [741a, 748a, 803a, 813a, 819a, 836a, 857a], [801a, 808a, 823a, 833a, 839a, 856a, 914a], [821a, 828a, 843a, 853a, 859a, 914a, "-"], [841a, 848a, 903a, 913a, 919a, 933a, "-"], [921a, 927a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1007a, "-"], [951a, 957a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1037a, "-"], [1021a, 1027a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1107a, "-"], [1051a, 1057a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1137a, "-"], [1121a, 1127a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1207p, "-"], [1151a, 1157a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1237p, "-"], [1221p, 1227p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 107p, "-"], [1251p, 1257p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 137p, "-"], [121p, 127p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 207p, "-"], [151p, 157p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 237p, "-"], [221p, 227p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 307p, "-"], [251p, 257p, 310p, 319p, 325p, 339p, "-"], [323p, 330p, 345p, 355p, 401p, 421p, "-"], [340p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 418p, 433p, "-"], [400p, 407p, 422p, 432p, 438p, 453p, "-"], [418p, 425p, 440p, 450p, 456p, 511p, "-"], [441p, 448p, 503p, 513p, 519p, "-", "-"], [501p, 508p, 523p, 533p, 539p, "-", "-"], [521p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 559p, 614p, "-"], [541p, 548p, 603p, 613p, 619p, "-", "-"], [601p, 608p, 623p, 633p, 639p, "-", "-"], [625p, 632p, 645p, 654p, 700p, 712p, "-"], [725p, 731p, 744p, 753p, 759p, 811p, "-"], [825p, 831p, 844p, 853p, 859p, 911p, "-"], [925p, 931p, 944p, 953p, 959p, 1011p, "-"], [1025p, 1031p, 1044p, 1053p, 1059p, 1111p, "-"], [1125p, 1131p, 1144p, 1153p, 1159p, "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Calwell Shops, Theodore, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+short_name: 11 111
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 546a, 556a, 609a, 616a], ["-", "-", "-", 606a, 616a, 629a, 636a], ["-", "-", "-", 626a, 636a, 649a, 656a], ["-", "-", "-", 646a, 656a, 709a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 729a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", 725a, 735a, 749a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", 745a, 755a, 809a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 815a, 829a, 836a], ["-", "-", "-", 825a, 835a, 849a, 856a], ["-", "-", "-", 845a, 855a, 909a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", 917a, 927a, 940a, 946a], ["-", 930a, 942a, 948a, 957a, 1010a, 1016a], ["-", 1000a, 1012a, 1018a, 1027a, 1040a, 1046a], ["-", 1030a, 1042a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a, 1116a], ["-", 1100a, 1112a, 1118a, 1127a, 1140a, 1146a], ["-", 1130a, 1142a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p, 1216p], ["-", 1200p, 1212p, 1218p, 1227p, 1240p, 1246p], ["-", 1230p, 1242p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p, 116p], ["-", 100p, 112p, 118p, 127p, 140p, 146p], ["-", 130p, 142p, 148p, 157p, 210p, 216p], ["-", 200p, 212p, 218p, 227p, 240p, 246p], ["-", 230p, 242p, 248p, 257p, 311p, 318p], ["-", 300p, 314p, 321p, 331p, 345p, 352p], ["-", 320p, 334p, 341p, 351p, 405p, 412p], ["-", 340p, 354p, 401p, 411p, 425p, 432p], ["-", 400p, 414p, 421p, 431p, 445p, 452p], ["-", 425p, 439p, 446p, 456p, 510p, 517p], ["-", 440p, 454p, 501p, 511p, 525p, 532p], ["-", 500p, 514p, 521p, 531p, 545p, 552p], [456p, 513p, 527p, 534p, 544p, 558p, 605p], [516p, 533p, 547p, 554p, 604p, 618p, 625p], [534p, 551p, 605p, 612p, 622p, 636p, 641p], [556p, 613p, 627p, 633p, 642p, 655p, 701p], [616p, 633p, 645p, 651p, 700p, 713p, 719p], ["-", 733p, 745p, 751p, 800p, 813p, 819p], ["-", 833p, 845p, 851p, 900p, 913p, 919p], ["-", 933p, 945p, 951p, 1000p, 1013p, 1019p], ["-", 1033p, 1045p, 1051p, 1100p, 1113p, 1119p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Copland College, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus]
 long_name: To Spence Terminus
-between_stops: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: 12 312
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 746a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 807a, 811a, 819a, 823a, 828a, 835a], [726a, 745a, 803a, 824a, 826a, 830a, 838a, 842a, 847a, 854a], [826a, 845a, 903a, 924a, 926a, 930a, 937a, 941a, 945a, 952a], [901a, 920a, 937a, 957a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1014a, 1018a, 1025a], [931a, 949a, 1005a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1046a, 1053a], [1001a, 1019a, 1035a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1108a, 1112a, 1116a, 1123a], [1031a, 1049a, 1105a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1146a, 1153a], [1101a, 1119a, 1135a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1208p, 1212p, 1216p, 1223p], [1131a, 1149a, 1205p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1246p, 1253p], [1201p, 1219p, 1235p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 108p, 112p, 116p, 123p], [1231p, 1249p, 105p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 146p, 153p], [101p, 119p, 135p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 208p, 212p, 216p, 223p], [131p, 149p, 205p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 253p], [201p, 219p, 235p, 255p, 257p, 301p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 325p], [231p, 249p, 305p, 326p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 356p], [259p, 318p, 336p, 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 420p, 427p], [331p, 350p, 408p, 429p, 431p, 435p, 443p, 447p, 452p, 459p], [356p, 415p, 433p, 454p, 456p, 500p, 508p, 512p, 517p, 524p], [416p, 435p, 453p, 514p, 516p, 520p, 528p, 532p, 537p, 544p], [436p, 455p, 513p, 534p, 536p, 540p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 604p], [456p, 515p, 533p, 554p, 556p, 600p, 608p, 612p, 617p, 624p], [516p, 535p, 553p, 614p, 616p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 636p, 643p], [536p, 555p, 613p, 634p, 636p, 640p, 647p, 651p, 655p, 702p], [636p, 653p, 708p, 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 745p, 749p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 834p, 836p, 840p, 847p, 851p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 934p, 936p, 940p, 947p, 951p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1047p, 1051p, 1055p, 1102p], ["-", "-", "-", 1134p, 1136p, 1140p, 1147p, 1151p, 1155p, 1202a]]
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Copland College, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, Copland College, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 12 312
+stop_times: [[624a, 629a, 632a, 636a, 646a, 648a, 652a, "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 658a, 701a, 705a, 715a, 717a, 721a, 742a, 759a, 816a], [723a, 728a, 731a, 735a, 745a, 747a, 751a, 813a, 830a, 847a], [734a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 757a, 759a, 803a, 825a, 842a, 859a], [749a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 812a, 814a, 818a, 840a, 857a, 914a], [807a, 812a, 816a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 836a, 858a, 915a, 932a], [827a, 832a, 836a, 840a, 850a, 852a, 856a, 918a, 935a, 950a], [852a, 857a, 901a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 921a, 942a, 959a, 1014a], [922a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 945a, 947a, 951a, 1011a, 1028a, 1043a], [953a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1041a, 1058a, 1113a], [1023a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1111a, 1128a, 1143a], [1053a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1141a, 1158a, 1213p], [1123a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1211p, 1228p, 1243p], [1153a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1241p, 1258p, 113p], [1223p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 111p, 128p, 143p], [1253p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 141p, 158p, 213p], [123p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 211p, 228p, 243p], [153p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 241p, 258p, 316p], [223p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 312p, 329p, 348p], [253p, 258p, 301p, 305p, 315p, 317p, 321p, 343p, 400p, 419p], [322p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 413p, 430p, 449p], [342p, 347p, 351p, 355p, 405p, 407p, 411p, 433p, 450p, 509p], [412p, 417p, 421p, 425p, 435p, 437p, 441p, 503p, 520p, 539p], [432p, 437p, 441p, 445p, 455p, 457p, 501p, 523p, 540p, 559p], [457p, 502p, 506p, 510p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 548p, 605p, 624p], [522p, 527p, 531p, 535p, 545p, 547p, 551p, 613p, 630p, 645p], [552p, 557p, 601p, 605p, 615p, 617p, 621p, 641p, 655p, 710p], [622p, 627p, 631p, 635p, 645p, 647p, 651p, 710p, 724p, 739p], [711p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page Shops, Scullin Shops, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
-between_stops: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: 13 313
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 733a, 735a, 739a, 742a, 746a, 755a, 803a], [710a, 728a, 746a, 807a, 809a, 813a, 816a, 820a, 829a, 837a], [751a, 810a, 828a, 849a, 851a, 855a, 858a, 902a, 911a, 919a], [811a, 830a, 848a, 909a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 922a, 931a, 938a], [850a, 909a, 927a, 947a, 949a, 953a, 955a, 959a, 1007a, 1014a], [921a, 940a, 956a, 1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1036a, 1043a], [951a, 1009a, 1025a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1105a, 1112a], [1021a, 1039a, 1055a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1142a], [1051a, 1109a, 1125a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1205p, 1212p], [1121a, 1139a, 1155a, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1242p], [1151a, 1209p, 1225p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 105p, 112p], [1221p, 1239p, 1255p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 142p], [1251p, 109p, 125p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 153p, 157p, 205p, 212p], [121p, 139p, 155p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 242p], [151p, 209p, 225p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 253p, 257p, 306p, 313p], [221p, 239p, 255p, 316p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 330p, 340p, 347p], [250p, 308p, 326p, 347p, 349p, 353p, 356p, 401p, 411p, 418p], [316p, 335p, 353p, 414p, 416p, 420p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 445p], [346p, 405p, 423p, 444p, 446p, 450p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 515p], [406p, 425p, 443p, 504p, 506p, 510p, 513p, 518p, 528p, 535p], [426p, 445p, 503p, 524p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 538p, 548p, 555p], [446p, 505p, 523p, 544p, 546p, 550p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 615p], [526p, 545p, 603p, 624p, 626p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 644p, 651p], [556p, 615p, 632p, 652p, 654p, 658p, 700p, 704p, 712p, 719p], [656p, 713p, 728p, 748p, 750p, 754p, 756p, 800p, 808p, 815p], ["-", "-", "-", 835p, 837p, 841p, 843p, 847p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 935p, 937p, 941p, 943p, 947p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1042p, 1046p, 1054p, 1101p]]
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page Shops, Scullin Shops, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Scullin Shops, Page Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 13 313
+stop_times: [[546a, 550a, 559a, 603a, 610a, 612a, 616a, 636a, 653a, 706a], [616a, 620a, 629a, 633a, 640a, 642a, 646a, 706a, 723a, 738a], [646a, 650a, 659a, 703a, 710a, 712a, 716a, 737a, 754a, 811a], [712a, 716a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 739a, 743a, 806a, 823a, 840a], [737a, 742a, 752a, 757a, 805a, 807a, 811a, 833a, 850a, 907a], [757a, 802a, 812a, 817a, 825a, 827a, 831a, 853a, 910a, 927a], [817a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 845a, 847a, 851a, 913a, 930a, 945a], [842a, 847a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 912a, 916a, 937a, 954a, 1009a], [914a, 919a, 929a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 1006a, 1023a, 1038a], [946a, 950a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a, 1036a, 1053a, 1108a], [1016a, 1020a, 1029a, 1033a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1106a, 1123a, 1138a], [1046a, 1050a, 1059a, 1103a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1136a, 1153a, 1208p], [1116a, 1120a, 1129a, 1133a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1206p, 1223p, 1238p], [1146a, 1150a, 1159a, 1203p, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1236p, 1253p, 108p], [1216p, 1220p, 1229p, 1233p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 106p, 123p, 138p], [1246p, 1250p, 1259p, 103p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 136p, 153p, 208p], [116p, 120p, 129p, 133p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 206p, 223p, 238p], [146p, 150p, 159p, 203p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 236p, 253p, 310p], [216p, 220p, 229p, 233p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 307p, 324p, 343p], [245p, 249p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 312p, 316p, 338p, 355p, 414p], [313p, 318p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 342p, 346p, 408p, 425p, 444p], [343p, 348p, 358p, 402p, 410p, 412p, 416p, 438p, 455p, 514p], [418p, 423p, 433p, 437p, 445p, 447p, 451p, "-", "-", "-"], [449p, 454p, 504p, 508p, 516p, 518p, 522p, "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 518p, 528p, 532p, 540p, 542p, 546p, 608p, 625p, 641p], [543p, 548p, 558p, 602p, 610p, 612p, 616p, 636p, 650p, 705p], [615p, 620p, 630p, 634p, 640p, 642p, 646p, 705p, 719p, 734p], [710p, 714p, 723p, 727p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [810p, 814p, 823p, 827p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [910p, 914p, 923p, 927p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1010p, 1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, Fraser Shops, Fraser West Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
-between_stops: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: 14 314
-stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 706a, 708a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 726a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", 722a, 724a, 728a, 734a, 739a, 744a, 753a], [706a, 724a, 741a, 802a, 804a, 808a, 814a, 819a, 824a, 833a], [746a, 805a, 823a, 844a, 846a, 850a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 915a], [805a, 824a, 842a, 903a, 905a, 909a, 915a, 920a, 925a, 934a], [843a, 902a, 920a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 951a, 956a, 1000a, 1009a], [916a, 935a, 951a, 1011a, 1013a, 1017a, 1022a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [946a, 1004a, 1020a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1051a, 1056a, 1100a, 1109a], [1016a, 1034a, 1050a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1121a, 1126a, 1130a, 1139a], [1046a, 1104a, 1120a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1151a, 1156a, 1200p, 1209p], [1116a, 1134a, 1150a, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1221p, 1226p, 1230p, 1239p], [1146a, 1204p, 1220p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 1251p, 1256p, 100p, 109p], [1216p, 1234p, 1250p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 121p, 126p, 130p, 139p], [1246p, 104p, 120p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 151p, 156p, 200p, 209p], [116p, 134p, 150p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 221p, 226p, 230p, 239p], [146p, 204p, 220p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 251p, 256p, 300p, 310p], [216p, 234p, 250p, 311p, 313p, 317p, 323p, 328p, 333p, 343p], [245p, 303p, 321p, 342p, 344p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 404p, 414p], ["-", "-", 340p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 357p, 402p, 407p, 417p], [321p, 340p, 358p, 419p, 421p, 425p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 451p], [351p, 410p, 428p, 449p, 451p, 455p, 501p, 506p, 511p, 521p], [421p, 440p, 458p, 519p, 521p, 525p, 531p, 536p, 541p, 551p], [451p, 510p, 528p, 549p, 551p, 555p, 601p, 606p, 611p, 621p], [511p, 530p, 548p, 609p, 611p, 615p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 640p], [531p, 550p, 608p, 629p, 631p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 658p], [551p, 610p, 628p, 648p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 704p, 708p, 717p], [621p, 639p, 654p, 714p, 716p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 734p, 743p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 815p, 820p, 824p, 833p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 915p, 920p, 924p, 933p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1024p, 1033p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1124p, 1133p], [Operates School Days Only]]
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), "St Francis Xavier, Florey", "Charnwood, Tillyard Dr", Fraser Shops, Fraser West Terminus]
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 706a, 708a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 726a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", 722a, 724a, 728a, 734a, 739a, 744a, 753a], [706a, 724a, 741a, 802a, 804a, 808a, 814a, 819a, 824a, 833a], [746a, 805a, 823a, 844a, 846a, 850a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 915a], [805a, 824a, 842a, 903a, 905a, 909a, 915a, 920a, 925a, 934a], [843a, 902a, 920a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 951a, 956a, 1000a, 1009a], [916a, 935a, 951a, 1011a, 1013a, 1017a, 1022a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [946a, 1004a, 1020a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1051a, 1056a, 1100a, 1109a], [1016a, 1034a, 1050a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1121a, 1126a, 1130a, 1139a], [1046a, 1104a, 1120a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1151a, 1156a, 1200p, 1209p], [1116a, 1134a, 1150a, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1221p, 1226p, 1230p, 1239p], [1146a, 1204p, 1220p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 1251p, 1256p, 100p, 109p], [1216p, 1234p, 1250p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 121p, 126p, 130p, 139p], [1246p, 104p, 120p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 151p, 156p, 200p, 209p], [116p, 134p, 150p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 221p, 226p, 230p, 239p], [146p, 204p, 220p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 251p, 256p, 300p, 310p], [216p, 234p, 250p, 311p, 313p, 317p, 323p, 328p, 333p, 343p], [245p, 303p, 321p, 342p, 344p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 404p, 414p], ["-", "-", 340p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 357p, 402p, 407p, 417p], [321p, 340p, 358p, 419p, 421p, 425p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 451p], [351p, 410p, 428p, 449p, 451p, 455p, 501p, 506p, 511p, 521p], [421p, 440p, 458p, 519p, 521p, 525p, 531p, 536p, 541p, 551p], [451p, 510p, 528p, 549p, 551p, 555p, 601p, 606p, 611p, 621p], [511p, 530p, 548p, 609p, 611p, 615p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 640p], [531p, 550p, 608p, 629p, 631p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 658p], [551p, 610p, 628p, 648p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 704p, 708p, 717p], [621p, 639p, 654p, 714p, 716p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 734p, 743p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 815p, 820p, 824p, 833p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 915p, 920p, 924p, 933p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1024p, 1033p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1124p, 1133p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser Shops, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 14 314
+stop_times: [[611a, 618a, 622a, 627a, 636a, 638a, 642a, "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 647a, 651a, 656a, 705a, 707a, 711a, 731a, 748a, 805a], [709a, 716a, 720a, 725a, 734a, 736a, 740a, 803a, 820a, 837a], [732a, 740a, 745a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 806a, 828a, 845a, 902a], [752a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 848a, 905a, 922a], [812a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 840a, 842a, 846a, 908a, 925a, 941a], [837a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 905a, 907a, 911a, 933a, 950a, 1005a], [908a, 916a, 921a, 926a, 935a, 937a, 941a, 1001a, 1018a, 1033a], [940a, 947a, 951a, 956a, 1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1031a, 1048a, 1103a], [1010a, 1017a, 1021a, 1026a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1101a, 1118a, 1133a], [1040a, 1047a, 1051a, 1056a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1131a, 1148a, 1203p], [1110a, 1117a, 1121a, 1126a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1201p, 1218p, 1233p], [1140a, 1147a, 1151a, 1156a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1231p, 1248p, 103p], [1210p, 1217p, 1221p, 1226p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 101p, 118p, 133p], [1240p, 1247p, 1251p, 1256p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 131p, 148p, 203p], [110p, 117p, 121p, 126p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 201p, 218p, 233p], [140p, 147p, 151p, 156p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 231p, 248p, 304p], [210p, 217p, 221p, 226p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 301p, 318p, 337p], [239p, 246p, 250p, 255p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 333p, 350p, 409p], [308p, 315p, 320p, 325p, 335p, 337p, 341p, 403p, 420p, 439p], [348p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 415p, 417p, 421p, 443p, 500p, 519p], [418p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 445p, 447p, 451p, 513p, 530p, 549p], [450p, 457p, 502p, 507p, 517p, 519p, 523p, "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 545p, 550p, 555p, 605p, 607p, 611p, 632p, 646p, 701p], [609p, 616p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 641p, 700p, 714p, 729p], [637p, 644p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 703p, 707p, "-", "-", "-"], [707p, 714p, 718p, 723p, 731p, 733p, 737p, "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 752p, 756p, 801p, 809p, 811p, 815p, "-", "-", "-"], [839p, 846p, 850p, 855p, 903p, 905p, 909p, "-", "-", "-"], [939p, 946p, 950p, 955p, 1003p, 1005p, 1009p, "-", "-", "-"], [1039p, 1046p, 1050p, 1055p, 1103p, 1105p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba Shops, Spence Shops, Spence Terminus]
 long_name: To Spence Terminus
-between_stops: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: 15 315
-stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 749a, 755a], ["-", "-", "-", 803a, 805a, 809a, 817a, 821a, 829a, 835a], [731a, 750a, 808a, 829a, 831a, 835a, 843a, 847a, 855a, 901a], [831a, 850a, 908a, 929a, 931a, 935a, 942a, 945a, 951a, 957a], [911a, 930a, 946a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a, 1019a, 1022a, 1028a, 1034a], [941a, 959a, 1015a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1048a, 1051a, 1057a, 1103a], [1011a, 1029a, 1045a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1118a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a], [1041a, 1059a, 1115a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1148a, 1151a, 1157a, 1203p], [1111a, 1129a, 1145a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1218p, 1221p, 1227p, 1233p], [1141a, 1159a, 1215p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 1248p, 1251p, 1257p, 103p], [1211p, 1229p, 1245p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 118p, 121p, 127p, 133p], [1241p, 1259p, 115p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 148p, 151p, 157p, 203p], [111p, 129p, 145p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 218p, 221p, 227p, 233p], [141p, 159p, 215p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 248p, 251p, 257p, 303p], [211p, 229p, 245p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 319p, 323p, 331p, 337p], [240p, 258p, 316p, 337p, 339p, 343p, 351p, 355p, 403p, 409p], ["-", "-", "-", 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 429p], [311p, 330p, 348p, 409p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 427p, 435p, 441p], [341p, 400p, 418p, 439p, 441p, 445p, 453p, 457p, 505p, 511p], [411p, 430p, 448p, 509p, 511p, 515p, 523p, 527p, 535p, 541p], [441p, 500p, 518p, 539p, 541p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 605p, 611p], [501p, 520p, 538p, 559p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 631p], [521p, 540p, 558p, 619p, 621p, 625p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 648p], [601p, 620p, 636p, 656p, 658p, 702p, 709p, 712p, 718p, 724p], ["-", "-", "-", 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 817p, 820p, 826p, 832p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 917p, 920p, 926p, 932p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1017p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1117p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p], [Operates School Days Only and departs Radford College at 352p]]
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba Shops, Spence Shops, Spence Terminus]
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 749a, 755a], ["-", "-", "-", 803a, 805a, 809a, 817a, 821a, 829a, 835a], [731a, 750a, 808a, 829a, 831a, 835a, 843a, 847a, 855a, 901a], [831a, 850a, 908a, 929a, 931a, 935a, 942a, 945a, 951a, 957a], [911a, 930a, 946a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a, 1019a, 1022a, 1028a, 1034a], [941a, 959a, 1015a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1048a, 1051a, 1057a, 1103a], [1011a, 1029a, 1045a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1118a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a], [1041a, 1059a, 1115a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1148a, 1151a, 1157a, 1203p], [1111a, 1129a, 1145a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1218p, 1221p, 1227p, 1233p], [1141a, 1159a, 1215p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 1248p, 1251p, 1257p, 103p], [1211p, 1229p, 1245p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 118p, 121p, 127p, 133p], [1241p, 1259p, 115p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 148p, 151p, 157p, 203p], [111p, 129p, 145p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 218p, 221p, 227p, 233p], [141p, 159p, 215p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 248p, 251p, 257p, 303p], [211p, 229p, 245p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 319p, 323p, 331p, 337p], [240p, 258p, 316p, 337p, 339p, 343p, 351p, 355p, 403p, 409p], ["-", "-", "-", 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 429p], [311p, 330p, 348p, 409p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 427p, 435p, 441p], [341p, 400p, 418p, 439p, 441p, 445p, 453p, 457p, 505p, 511p], [411p, 430p, 448p, 509p, 511p, 515p, 523p, 527p, 535p, 541p], [441p, 500p, 518p, 539p, 541p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 605p, 611p], [501p, 520p, 538p, 559p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 631p], [521p, 540p, 558p, 619p, 621p, 625p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 648p], [601p, 620p, 636p, 656p, 658p, 702p, 709p, 712p, 718p, 724p], ["-", "-", "-", 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 817p, 820p, 826p, 832p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 917p, 920p, 926p, 932p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1017p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1117p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence Shops, Melba Shops, Copland College, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 15 315
+stop_times: [[533a, 538a, 543a, 546a, 556a, 558a, 602a, "-", "-", "-"], [603a, 608a, 613a, 616a, 626a, 628a, 632a, "-", "-", "-"], [632a, 637a, 642a, 645a, 655a, 657a, 701a, 721a, 738a, 755a], [702a, 707a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 753a, 810a, 827a], [728a, 733a, 739a, 743a, 753a, 755a, 759a, 821a, 838a, 855a], [750a, 755a, 801a, 805a, 815a, 817a, 821a, 843a, 900a, 917a], ["-", "-", 818a, 822a, 832a, 834a, 838a, 858a, "-", "-"], [810a, 815a, 821a, 825a, 835a, 837a, 841a, 903a, 920a, 936a], [830a, 835a, 841a, 845a, 855a, 857a, 901a, 923a, 940a, 955a], [900a, 905a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 927a, 931a, 951a, 1008a, 1023a], [932a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1021a, 1038a, 1053a], [1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1051a, 1108a, 1123a], [1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1121a, 1138a, 1153a], [1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1151a, 1208p, 1223p], [1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1221p, 1238p, 1253p], [1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1251p, 108p, 123p], [1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 121p, 138p, 153p], [102p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 151p, 208p, 223p], [132p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 221p, 238p, 253p], [202p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 251p, 308p, 327p], [233p, 238p, 243p, 246p, 256p, 258p, 302p, 324p, 341p, 400p], [300p, 305p, 311p, 315p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 353p, 410p, 429p], [330p, 335p, 341p, 345p, 355p, 357p, 401p, 423p, 440p, 459p], [400p, 405p, 411p, 415p, 425p, 427p, 431p, 453p, 510p, 529p], [440p, 445p, 451p, 455p, 505p, 507p, 511p, 533p, 550p, 609p], [530p, 535p, 541p, 545p, 555p, 557p, 601p, 623p, 638p, 653p], [600p, 605p, 611p, 615p, 625p, 627p, 631p, 650p, 704p, 719p], [623p, 628p, 633p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 651p, "-", "-", "-"], [656p, 701p, 706p, 709p, 718p, 720p, 724p, "-", "-", "-"], [740p, 745p, 750p, 753p, 802p, 804p, 808p, "-", "-", "-"], [840p, 845p, 850p, 853p, 902p, 904p, 908p, "-", "-", "-"], [940p, 945p, 950p, 953p, 1002p, 1004p, 1008p, "-", "-", "-"], [1040p, 1045p, 1050p, 1053p, 1102p, 1104p, 1108p, "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Kippax, Latham Post Office, Florey Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "16"
+stop_times: [[610a, 619a, 625a, 630a, 632a, 636a], [640a, 649a, 655a, 700a, 702a, 706a], [711a, 720a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 737a], [730a, 741a, 747a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [750a, 801a, 807a, 813a, 815a, 819a], [810a, 821a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 839a], [830a, 841a, 847a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [851a, 902a, 908a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [916a, 927a, 933a, 938a, 940a, 944a], [946a, 955a, 1001a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a], [1011a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1033a, 1037a], [1046a, 1055a, 1101a, 1106a, 1108a, 1112a], [1111a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1133a, 1137a], [1146a, 1155a, 1201p, 1206p, 1208p, 1212p], [1211p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1233p, 1237p], [1246p, 1255p, 101p, 106p, 108p, 112p], [111p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 133p, 137p], [146p, 155p, 201p, 206p, 208p, 212p], [211p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 233p, 237p], [246p, 255p, 301p, 307p, 309p, 313p], [311p, 322p, 328p, 334p, 336p, 340p], [341p, 352p, 358p, 404p, 406p, 410p], [407p, 418p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 436p], [431p, 442p, 448p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [456p, 507p, 513p, 519p, 521p, 525p], [526p, 537p, 543p, 549p, 551p, 555p], [555p, 606p, 612p, 618p, 620p, 624p], [655p, 704p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 720p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 814p, 816p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 914p, 916p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1014p, 1016p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1114p, 1116p, 1120p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey Shops, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
 long_name: To Kippax
-between_stops: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 short_name: "16"
 stop_times: [[700a, 702a, 706a, 711a, 717a, 727a], [800a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 818a, 830a], [826a, 828a, 832a, 838a, 844a, 856a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 925a, 931a, 941a], [939a, 941a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 1006a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1025a, 1031a, 1041a], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1106a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1125a, 1131a, 1141a], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1206p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1225p, 1231p, 1241p], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 106p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 125p, 131p, 141p], [139p, 141p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 206p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 225p, 231p, 241p], [238p, 240p, 244p, 249p, 255p, 306p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 325p, 337p], [326p, 328p, 332p, 338p, 344p, 356p], [356p, 358p, 402p, 408p, 414p, 426p], [426p, 428p, 432p, 438p, 444p, 456p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 458p, 504p, 516p], [506p, 508p, 512p, 518p, 524p, 536p], [526p, 528p, 532p, 538p, 544p, 556p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 558p, 604p, 616p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 613p, 619p, 631p], [622p, 624p, 628p, 633p, 639p, 649p], [721p, 723p, 727p, 731p, 737p, 747p], [821p, 823p, 827p, 831p, 837p, 847p], [921p, 923p, 927p, 931p, 937p, 947p], [1021p, 1023p, 1027p, 1031p, 1037p, 1047p], [1121p, 1123p, 1127p, 1131p, 1137p, 1147p]]
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey Shops, Latham Post Office, Kippax]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker Shops, Weetangera Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "17"
+stop_times: [[601a, 606a, 612a, 617a, 620a, 625a, 627a, 631a], [631a, 636a, 642a, 647a, 650a, 655a, 657a, 701a], [701a, 706a, 712a, 717a, 720a, 725a, 727a, 731a], [721a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 740a, 746a, 748a, 752a], [741a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 801a, 807a, 809a, 813a], [801a, 807a, 813a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 829a, 833a], [821a, 827a, 833a, 838a, 841a, 847a, 849a, 853a], [841a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 901a, 907a, 909a, 913a], [925a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 950a, 952a, 956a], [956a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a], [1026a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a, 1052a, 1056a], [1056a, 1101a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a], [1126a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a, 1152a, 1156a], [1156a, 1201p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p], [1226p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p, 1252p, 1256p], [1256p, 101p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 120p, 122p, 126p], ["-", "-", 122p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 137p, 141p], [126p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 150p, 152p, 156p], [156p, 201p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 220p, 222p, 226p], [226p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 245p, 250p, 252p, 256p], ["-", "-", 252p, 257p, 300p, 306p, 308p, 312p], [256p, 301p, 307p, 312p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 327p], ["-", "-", 325p, 330p, 333p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [326p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 346p, 352p, 354p, 358p], [347p, 353p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 415p, 419p], ["-", "-", 403p, 408p, 411p, 417p, 419p, 423p], [417p, 423p, 429p, 434p, 437p, 443p, 445p, 449p], [447p, 453p, 459p, 504p, 507p, 513p, 515p, 519p], [517p, 523p, 529p, 534p, 537p, 543p, 545p, 549p], [547p, 553p, 559p, 604p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 619p], [617p, 623p, 629p, 634p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 647p], [719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 738p, 742p, 744p, 748p], [819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 838p, 842p, 844p, 848p], [919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 938p, 942p, 944p, 948p], [1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1038p, 1042p, 1044p, 1048p], [1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, 1138p, 1142p, 1144p, 1148p], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera Shops, Hawker Shops, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
 long_name: To Kippax
-between_stops: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 short_name: "17"
 stop_times: [[706a, 708a, 712a, 716a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 737a], [806a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 838a], [840a, 842a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 912a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 905a, 908a, 913a, 918a, 926a], [922a, 924a, 928a, 932a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 951a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1021a], [1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1032a, 1035a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1105a, 1110a, 1115a, 1121a], [1122a, 1124a, 1128a, 1132a, 1135a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1205p, 1210p, 1215p, 1221p], [1222p, 1224p, 1228p, 1232p, 1235p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 105p, 110p, 115p, 121p], [122p, 124p, 128p, 132p, 135p, 140p, 145p, 151p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 205p, 210p, 215p, 221p], [222p, 224p, 228p, 232p, 235p, 240p, 245p, 251p], [249p, 251p, 255p, 259p, 302p, 307p, 313p, 321p], [324p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 338p, 343p, 349p, 357p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 412p, 418p, 426p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 431p, 437p, 445p], [432p, 434p, 438p, 443p, 446p, 451p, 457p, 505p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 511p, 517p, 525p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 531p, 537p, 545p], [532p, 534p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 551p, 557p, 605p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 606p, 611p, 617p, 625p], [612p, 614p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [644p, 646p, 650p, 654p, 657p, 702p, 707p, 713p], [737p, 739p, 743p, 747p, 750p, 755p, 800p, 806p], [837p, 839p, 843p, 847p, 850p, 855p, 900p, 906p], [937p, 939p, 943p, 947p, 950p, 955p, 1000p, 1006p], [1037p, 1039p, 1043p, 1047p, 1050p, 1055p, 1100p, 1106p], [1138p, 1140p, 1144p, 1148p, 1151p, 1156p, 1201a, 1207a]]
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera Shops, Hawker Shops, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/170-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, Gowrie, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "170"
+stop_times: [[710a, 720a, 732a, 749a, 804a, 806a], [728a, 738a, 750a, 807a, 822a, 824a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/170-to-erindale-dr---charleston-st-monash.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Gowrie, Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash]
+long_name: To Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "170"
+stop_times: [[500p, 505p, 521p, 536p, 546p, 556p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 18 318
+stop_times: [[545a, 554a, 558a, 608a, 626a, 642a, 702a, 704a, 709a], [612a, 621a, 625a, 635a, 653a, 709a, 729a, 731a, 736a], [635a, 644a, 648a, 658a, 716a, 732a, 753a, 755a, 800a], [657a, 706a, 710a, 720a, 738a, 756a, 817a, 819a, 824a], [716a, 725a, 729a, 741a, 800a, 818a, 839a, 841a, 846a], [733a, 743a, 748a, 800a, 819a, 837a, 858a, 900a, 905a], ["-", "-", 750a, 758a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [753a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 839a, 857a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [813a, 823a, 828a, 840a, 859a, 917a, 938a, 940a, 945a], [838a, 848a, 853a, 905a, 924a, 941a, 1001a, 1003a, 1008a], [909a, 919a, 924a, 935a, 953a, 1009a, 1029a, 1031a, 1036a], [943a, 952a, 956a, 1006a, 1024a, 1040a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1013a, 1022a, 1026a, 1036a, 1054a, 1110a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1043a, 1052a, 1056a, 1106a, 1124a, 1140a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1113a, 1122a, 1126a, 1136a, 1154a, 1210p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1143a, 1152a, 1156a, 1206p, 1224p, 1240p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1213p, 1222p, 1226p, 1236p, 1254p, 110p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1243p, 1252p, 1256p, 106p, 124p, 140p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [113p, 122p, 126p, 136p, 154p, 210p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [143p, 152p, 156p, 206p, 224p, 240p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 221p, 225p, 235p, 253p, 310p, 331p, 333p, 338p], [241p, 250p, 254p, 305p, 324p, 342p, 403p, 405p, 410p], [308p, 318p, 323p, 335p, 354p, 412p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [333p, 343p, 348p, 400p, 419p, 437p, 458p, 500p, 505p], [402p, 412p, 417p, 429p, 448p, 506p, 527p, 529p, 534p], [439p, 449p, 454p, 506p, 525p, 543p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [515p, 525p, 530p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 610p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 627p, 632p, 642p, 659p, 714p, 734p, 736p, 741p], [713p, 722p, 726p, 734p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 823p, 827p, 835p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 923p, 927p, 935p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1114p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Market Place]
 long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-between_stops: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
 short_name: 18 318
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 714a, 722a, 726a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 750a, 755a, 805a], [720a, 722a, 726a, 748a, 805a, 823a, 833a, 838a, 848a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 817a, 834a, 852a, 902a, 907a, 917a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 916a, 926a, 931a, 940a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 949a, 957a, 1001a, 1010a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 946a, 1003a, 1019a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [950a, 952a, 956a, 1016a, 1033a, 1049a, 1057a, 1101a, 1110a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1046a, 1103a, 1119a, 1127a, 1131a, 1140a], [1050a, 1052a, 1056a, 1116a, 1133a, 1149a, 1157a, 1201p, 1210p], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1146a, 1203p, 1219p, 1227p, 1231p, 1240p], [1150a, 1152a, 1156a, 1216p, 1233p, 1249p, 1257p, 101p, 110p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1246p, 103p, 119p, 127p, 131p, 140p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 116p, 133p, 149p, 157p, 201p, 210p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 146p, 203p, 219p, 227p, 231p, 240p], [150p, 152p, 156p, 216p, 233p, 249p, 257p, 301p, 310p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 246p, 303p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 344p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 318p, 335p, 355p, 403p, 407p, 416p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 348p, 405p, 425p, 433p, 437p, 446p], [350p, 352p, 356p, 418p, 435p, 455p, 503p, 507p, 516p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 448p, 505p, 525p, 533p, 537p, 546p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 508p, 525p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 606p], [500p, 502p, 506p, 528p, 545p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 626p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 543p, 600p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 641p], [550p, 552p, 556p, 618p, 634p, 650p, 658p, 702p, 711p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 645p, 659p, 715p, 723p, 727p, 736p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 715p, 729p, 745p, 753p, 757p, 806p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 848p, 856p, 900p, 909p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 948p, 956p, 1000p, 1009p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1048p, 1056p, 1100p, 1109p]]
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Market Place]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, St Clare of Assisi, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 19 319
+stop_times: [[556a, 602a, 608a, 614a, 625a, 643a, 659a, 719a, 721a, 726a], [622a, 628a, 634a, 640a, 651a, 709a, 725a, 746a, 748a, 753a], [646a, 652a, 658a, 704a, 715a, 733a, 751a, 812a, 814a, 819a], [706a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 735a, 754a, 812a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [723a, 729a, 735a, 743a, 755a, 814a, 832a, 853a, 855a, 900a], [735a, 742a, 752a, 800a, 810a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [742a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 834a, 852a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [802a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 835a, 854a, 912a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [822a, 829a, 835a, 843a, 855a, 914a, 932a, 952a, 954a, 959a], [853a, 900a, 906a, 914a, 926a, 944a, 1000a, 1020a, 1022a, 1027a], [926a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 956a, 1014a, 1030a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [957a, 1003a, 1009a, 1015a, 1026a, 1044a, 1100a, 1120a, 1122a, 1127a], [1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1045a, 1056a, 1114a, 1130a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1115a, 1126a, 1144a, 1200p, 1220p, 1222p, 1227p], [1127a, 1133a, 1139a, 1145a, 1156a, 1214p, 1230p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1215p, 1226p, 1244p, 100p, 120p, 122p, 127p], [1227p, 1233p, 1239p, 1245p, 1256p, 114p, 130p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [1257p, 103p, 109p, 115p, 126p, 144p, 200p, 220p, 222p, 227p], [127p, 133p, 139p, 145p, 156p, 214p, 230p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [157p, 203p, 209p, 215p, 226p, 244p, 300p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [226p, 232p, 238p, 244p, 255p, 314p, 332p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [253p, 259p, 305p, 313p, 325p, 344p, 402p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [320p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 355p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 359p, 409p, 417p, 427p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [424p, 431p, 441p, 449p, 459p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 501p, 511p, 519p, 529p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [524p, 531p, 541p, 549p, 559p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [556p, 603p, 613p, 621p, 631p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [654p, 700p, 710p, 716p, 725p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [754p, 800p, 810p, 816p, 825p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [849p, 855p, 905p, 911p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [949p, 955p, 1005p, 1011p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1049p, 1055p, 1105p, 1111p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place]
 long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-between_stops: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
 short_name: 19 319
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 705a, 711a, 716a, 725a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 747a, 754a, 803a, 810a], [700a, 702a, 706a, 726a, 743a, 801a, 808a, 815a, 824a, 831a], [730a, 732a, 736a, 758a, 815a, 833a, 840a, 847a, 856a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 901a, 908a, 915a, 924a, 930a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 930a, 936a, 941a, 950a, 956a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 928a, 945a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1021a, 1027a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 956a, 1013a, 1029a, 1035a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1026a, 1043a, 1059a, 1105a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1056a, 1113a, 1129a, 1135a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1126a, 1143a, 1159a, 1205p, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1156a, 1213p, 1229p, 1235p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1226p, 1243p, 1259p, 105p, 110p, 119p, 125p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1256p, 113p, 129p, 135p, 140p, 149p, 155p], [100p, 102p, 106p, 126p, 143p, 159p, 205p, 210p, 219p, 225p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 156p, 213p, 229p, 235p, 240p, 249p, 255p], [200p, 202p, 206p, 226p, 243p, 259p, 306p, 313p, 322p, 329p], [230p, 232p, 236p, 256p, 313p, 333p, 340p, 347p, 356p, 403p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 332p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 415p, 422p], [300p, 302p, 306p, 328p, 345p, 405p, 412p, 419p, 428p, 435p], [330p, 332p, 336p, 358p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 449p, 458p, 505p], [400p, 402p, 406p, 428p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 519p, 528p, 535p], [430p, 432p, 436p, 458p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 549p, 558p, 605p], [450p, 452p, 456p, 518p, 535p, 555p, 602p, 609p, 618p, 625p], [510p, 512p, 516p, 538p, 555p, 615p, 622p, 629p, 638p, 644p], [530p, 532p, 536p, 558p, 615p, 634p, 640p, 645p, 654p, 700p], [600p, 602p, 606p, 628p, 642p, 658p, 704p, 709p, 718p, 724p], [630p, 632p, 636p, 655p, 709p, 725p, 731p, 736p, 745p, 751p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818p, 824p, 829p, 838p, 844p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 918p, 924p, 929p, 938p, 944p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1018p, 1024p, 1029p, 1038p, 1044p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1118p, 1124p, 1129p, 1138p, 1144p]]
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-dickson-shops.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops]
+long_name: To Dickson Shops
+  City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+  Olims Hotel-Ainslie Shops: [Wjz5W8l, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+short_name: "2"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 712a, 717a, 725a, 733a], [653a, 704a, 708a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 733a, 742a, 748a, 756a, 805a], [708a, 719a, 723a, 726a, 730a, 734a, 738a, 749a, 758a, 804a, 812a, 821a], [719a, 730a, 734a, 737a, 741a, 745a, 749a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 833a], [738a, 749a, 754a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 853a, 859a], [753a, 804a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 823a, 826a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 910a], [808a, 819a, 823a, 826a, 830a, 834a, 838a, 849a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 921a], [823a, 834a, 838a, 841a, 845a, 849a, 853a, 904a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 935a], [838a, 849a, 853a, 856a, 900a, 904a, 908a, 918a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [851a, 902a, 906a, 909a, 913a, 917a, 921a, 932a, 941a, 946a, 954a, 1001a], [921a, 932a, 936a, 939a, 943a, 947a, 951a, 1002a, 1011a, 1016a, 1024a, 1031a], [951a, 1002a, 1006a, 1009a, 1013a, 1017a, 1021a, 1032a, 1041a, 1046a, 1054a, 1101a], [1021a, 1032a, 1036a, 1039a, 1043a, 1047a, 1051a, 1102a, 1111a, 1116a, 1124a, 1131a], [1051a, 1102a, 1106a, 1109a, 1113a, 1117a, 1121a, 1132a, 1141a, 1146a, 1154a, 1201p], [1121a, 1132a, 1136a, 1139a, 1143a, 1147a, 1151a, 1202p, 1211p, 1216p, 1224p, 1231p], [1151a, 1202p, 1206p, 1209p, 1213p, 1217p, 1221p, 1232p, 1241p, 1246p, 1254p, 101p], [1221p, 1232p, 1236p, 1239p, 1243p, 1247p, 1251p, 102p, 111p, 116p, 124p, 131p], [1251p, 102p, 106p, 109p, 113p, 117p, 121p, 132p, 141p, 146p, 154p, 201p], [121p, 132p, 136p, 139p, 143p, 147p, 151p, 202p, 211p, 216p, 224p, 231p], [151p, 202p, 206p, 209p, 213p, 217p, 221p, 232p, 241p, 246p, 254p, 301p], [216p, 227p, 231p, 234p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 257p, 306p, 312p, 320p, 328p], [238p, 249p, 253p, 256p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 319p, 328p, 334p, 342p, 351p], [253p, 304p, 308p, 311p, 315p, 319p, 323p, 334p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 406p], [308p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 337p, 348p, 357p, 403p, 411p, 420p], [323p, 333p, 337p, 340p, 344p, 348p, 352p, 403p, 412p, 418p, 426p, 435p], [338p, 348p, 352p, 355p, 359p, 403p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 433p, 441p, 450p], [353p, 403p, 407p, 410p, 414p, 418p, 422p, 433p, 442p, 448p, 456p, 505p], [408p, 418p, 422p, 425p, 429p, 433p, 437p, 448p, 457p, 503p, 511p, 520p], [423p, 433p, 437p, 440p, 444p, 448p, 452p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 526p, 535p], [438p, 448p, 452p, 455p, 459p, 503p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 533p, 541p, 550p], [453p, 503p, 507p, 510p, 514p, 518p, 522p, 533p, 542p, 548p, 556p, 605p], [508p, 518p, 522p, 525p, 529p, 533p, 537p, 548p, 557p, 603p, 611p, 620p], [523p, 533p, 537p, 540p, 544p, 548p, 552p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 626p, 633p], [538p, 548p, 552p, 555p, 559p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 633p, 639p, 645p], [553p, 603p, 607p, 610p, 614p, 618p, 622p, 633p, 640p, 645p, 651p, 657p], [640p, 650p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 717p, 724p, 729p, 735p, 741p], [740p, 750p, 753p, 756p, 800p, 803p, 807p, 817p, 824p, 829p, 835p, 841p], [840p, 850p, 853p, 856p, 900p, 903p, 907p, 917p, 924p, 929p, 935p, 941p], [940p, 950p, 953p, 956p, 1000p, 1003p, 1007p, 1017p, 1024p, 1029p, 1035p, 1041p], [1040p, 1050p, 1053p, 1056p, 1100p, 1103p, 1107p, 1117p, 1124p, 1129p, 1135p, 1141p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Ainslie Shops-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l]
+short_name: "2"
+stop_times: [[634a, 639a, 647a, 653a, 700a, 709a, 713a, 718a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 741a], [701a, 706a, 714a, 720a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 747a, 751a, 754a, 758a, 810a], [710a, 715a, 723a, 729a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 756a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 819a], [724a, 729a, 743a, 749a, 756a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 820a, 823a, 827a, 839a], [739a, 748a, 803a, 809a, 816a, 826a, 831a, 836a, 840a, 843a, 847a, 859a], [758a, 807a, 822a, 828a, 835a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 859a, 902a, 906a, 918a], [809a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 910a, 913a, 917a, 929a], [822a, 831a, 846a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 914a, 919a, 923a, 926a, 930a, 942a], [839a, 848a, 903a, 909a, 916a, 926a, 931a, 936a, 940a, 943a, 947a, 959a], [856a, 905a, 920a, 926a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 957a, 1000a, 1004a, 1016a], [936a, 941a, 949a, 955a, 1002a, 1012a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1029a, 1033a, 1045a], [1006a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1032a, 1042a, 1047a, 1052a, 1056a, 1059a, 1103a, 1115a], [1036a, 1041a, 1049a, 1055a, 1102a, 1112a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1129a, 1133a, 1145a], [1106a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1132a, 1142a, 1147a, 1152a, 1156a, 1159a, 1203p, 1215p], [1136a, 1141a, 1149a, 1155a, 1202p, 1212p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1229p, 1233p, 1245p], [1206p, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1232p, 1242p, 1247p, 1252p, 1256p, 1259p, 103p, 115p], [1236p, 1241p, 1249p, 1255p, 102p, 112p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 129p, 133p, 145p], [106p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 132p, 142p, 147p, 152p, 156p, 159p, 203p, 215p], [136p, 141p, 149p, 155p, 202p, 212p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 229p, 233p, 245p], [206p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 232p, 242p, 247p, 252p, 256p, 259p, 303p, 315p], [236p, 241p, 249p, 255p, 302p, 313p, 318p, 323p, 327p, 330p, 334p, 346p], [249p, 254p, 302p, 308p, 315p, 326p, 331p, 336p, 340p, 343p, 347p, 359p], [306p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 355p, 359p, 402p, 406p, 418p], [312p, 317p, 325p, 331p, 339p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [319p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 347p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 412p, 415p, 419p, 431p], [332p, 339p, 347p, 353p, 400p, 411p, 416p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 432p, 444p], [349p, 356p, 404p, 410p, 417p, 428p, 433p, 438p, 442p, 445p, 449p, 501p], [402p, 409p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 502p, 514p], [419p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 458p, 503p, 508p, 512p, 515p, 519p, 531p], [432p, 439p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 532p, 544p], [449p, 456p, 504p, 510p, 517p, 528p, 533p, 538p, 542p, 545p, 549p, 601p], [502p, 509p, 517p, 523p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 551p, 555p, 558p, 602p, 614p], [519p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 558p, 603p, 608p, 612p, 615p, 619p, 631p], [532p, 539p, 547p, 553p, 600p, 611p, 616p, 621p, 625p, 628p, 632p, 643p], [549p, 556p, 604p, 610p, 617p, 628p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 644p, 648p, 659p], [603p, 610p, 618p, 624p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 711p], [626p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 649p, 658p, 703p, 707p, 711p, 714p, 718p, 729p], [726p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 748p, 757p, 802p, 806p, 810p, 813p, 817p, 828p], [826p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 848p, 857p, 902p, 906p, 910p, 913p, 917p, 928p], [926p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 948p, 957p, 1002p, 1006p, 1010p, 1013p, 1017p, 1028p], [1026p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1048p, 1057p, 1102p, 1106p, 1110p, 1113p, 1117p, 1128p], [1126p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [], [], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/200-to-fyshwick-directfactory-outlet.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Railway Station Kingston, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet]
+long_name: To Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "200"
+stop_times: [[701a, 709a, 715a, 718a, 723a, 732a, 736a, 742a, 749a], [716a, 724a, 731a, 737a, 747a, 757a, 801a, 807a, 814a], [731a, 740a, 749a, 755a, 805a, 815a, 819a, 825a, 832a], [746a, 755a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 830a, 834a, 840a, 847a], [801a, 810a, 819a, 825a, 835a, 845a, 849a, 855a, 902a], [816a, 825a, 834a, 840a, 850a, 900a, 904a, 910a, 917a], [831a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 902a, 910a, 914a, 920a, 927a], [846a, 855a, 902a, 905a, 910a, 918a, 922a, 928a, 935a], [901a, 909a, 915a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 935a, 941a, 948a], [916a, 924a, 930a, 933a, 938a, 946a, 950a, 956a, 1003a], [931a, 939a, 945a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, 1005a, 1011a, 1018a], [946a, 954a, 1000a, 1003a, 1008a, 1016a, 1020a, 1026a, 1033a], [1001a, 1009a, 1015a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a, 1041a, 1048a], [1016a, 1024a, 1030a, 1033a, 1038a, 1046a, 1050a, 1056a, 1103a], [1031a, 1039a, 1045a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a, 1111a, 1118a], [1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1103a, 1108a, 1116a, 1120a, 1126a, 1133a], [1101a, 1109a, 1115a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a, 1141a, 1148a], [1116a, 1124a, 1130a, 1133a, 1138a, 1146a, 1150a, 1156a, 1203p], [1131a, 1139a, 1145a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p, 1211p, 1218p], [1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1203p, 1208p, 1216p, 1220p, 1226p, 1233p], [1201p, 1209p, 1215p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p, 1241p, 1248p], [1216p, 1224p, 1230p, 1233p, 1238p, 1246p, 1250p, 1256p, 103p], [1233p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1255p, 103p, 107p, 113p, 120p], [1246p, 1254p, 100p, 103p, 108p, 116p, 120p, 126p, 133p], [101p, 109p, 115p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 135p, 141p, 148p], [116p, 124p, 130p, 133p, 138p, 146p, 150p, 156p, 203p], [131p, 139p, 145p, 148p, 153p, 201p, 205p, 211p, 218p], [146p, 154p, 200p, 203p, 208p, 216p, 220p, 226p, 233p], [201p, 209p, 215p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 235p, 241p, 248p], [216p, 224p, 230p, 233p, 238p, 246p, 250p, 256p, 303p], [231p, 239p, 245p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 305p, 311p, 318p], [246p, 254p, 300p, 303p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 326p, 333p], [301p, 309p, 315p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 341p, 348p], [316p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 338p, 346p, 350p, 356p, 404p], [331p, 339p, 345p, 348p, 353p, 402p, 407p, 415p, 424p], [346p, 354p, 400p, 403p, 412p, 422p, 427p, 435p, 444p], [401p, 410p, 417p, 420p, 429p, 439p, 444p, 452p, 501p], [416p, 425p, 432p, 435p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 507p, 516p], [431p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 459p, 509p, 514p, 522p, 531p], [446p, 455p, 502p, 505p, 514p, 524p, 529p, 537p, 546p], [501p, 510p, 517p, 520p, 529p, 539p, 544p, 552p, 600p], [516p, 525p, 532p, 535p, 544p, 554p, 559p, 605p, 612p], [531p, 540p, 547p, 550p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 617p, 624p], [546p, 555p, 601p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 621p, 627p, 634p], [601p, 609p, 615p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 635p, 641p, 648p], [616p, 624p, 630p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 650p, 656p, 703p], [631p, 639p, 645p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 705p, 711p, 718p], [646p, 654p, 700p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 720p, 726p, 733p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/200-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Railway Station Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "200"
+stop_times: [[658a, 706a, 713a, 717a, 725a, 732a, 734a, 741a, 748a], [713a, 721a, 728a, 732a, 740a, 747a, 749a, 756a, 804a], [728a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 755a, 802a, 804a, 811a, 821a], [743a, 751a, 758a, 803a, 812a, 818a, 820a, 827a, 837a], [758a, 806a, 814a, 820a, 829a, 835a, 837a, 844a, 854a], [813a, 821a, 829a, 835a, 844a, 850a, 852a, 859a, 906a], [828a, 836a, 844a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a, 922a], [843a, 851a, 859a, 903a, 911a, 918a, 920a, 927a, 934a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 917a, 925a, 932a, 934a, 941a, 948a], [913a, 921a, 928a, 932a, 940a, 947a, 949a, 956a, 1003a], [928a, 936a, 943a, 947a, 955a, 1002a, 1004a, 1011a, 1018a], [943a, 951a, 958a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a, 1019a, 1026a, 1033a], [958a, 1006a, 1013a, 1017a, 1025a, 1032a, 1034a, 1041a, 1048a], [1013a, 1021a, 1028a, 1032a, 1040a, 1047a, 1049a, 1056a, 1103a], [1028a, 1036a, 1043a, 1047a, 1055a, 1102a, 1104a, 1111a, 1118a], [1043a, 1051a, 1058a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a, 1119a, 1126a, 1133a], [1058a, 1106a, 1113a, 1117a, 1125a, 1132a, 1134a, 1141a, 1148a], [1113a, 1121a, 1128a, 1132a, 1140a, 1147a, 1149a, 1156a, 1203p], [1128a, 1136a, 1143a, 1147a, 1155a, 1202p, 1204p, 1211p, 1218p], [1143a, 1151a, 1158a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p, 1219p, 1226p, 1233p], [1158a, 1206p, 1213p, 1217p, 1225p, 1232p, 1234p, 1241p, 1248p], [1213p, 1221p, 1228p, 1232p, 1240p, 1247p, 1249p, 1256p, 103p], [1228p, 1236p, 1243p, 1247p, 1255p, 102p, 104p, 111p, 118p], [1243p, 1251p, 1258p, 102p, 110p, 117p, 119p, 126p, 133p], [1258p, 106p, 113p, 117p, 125p, 132p, 134p, 141p, 148p], [113p, 121p, 128p, 132p, 140p, 147p, 149p, 156p, 203p], [128p, 136p, 143p, 147p, 155p, 202p, 204p, 211p, 218p], [143p, 151p, 158p, 202p, 210p, 217p, 219p, 226p, 233p], [158p, 206p, 213p, 217p, 225p, 232p, 234p, 241p, 248p], [213p, 221p, 228p, 232p, 240p, 247p, 249p, 256p, 303p], [228p, 236p, 243p, 247p, 255p, 302p, 304p, 311p, 318p], [243p, 251p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 317p, 319p, 326p, 333p], [258p, 306p, 313p, 317p, 325p, 332p, 334p, 341p, 348p], [313p, 321p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 349p, 356p, 404p], [328p, 336p, 343p, 347p, 355p, 401p, 404p, 411p, 421p], [343p, 351p, 358p, 403p, 415p, 420p, 423p, 430p, 440p], [358p, 408p, 416p, 422p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 449p, 459p], [413p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 449p, 454p, 457p, 504p, 514p], [428p, 438p, 446p, 452p, 504p, 509p, 512p, 519p, 529p], [443p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 519p, 524p, 527p, 534p, 544p], [458p, 508p, 516p, 522p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 549p, 559p], [513p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 557p, 604p, 611p], [528p, 538p, 546p, 552p, 603p, 610p, 612p, 619p, 626p], [543p, 553p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 636p], [558p, 606p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 632p, 634p, 641p, 648p], [613p, 621p, 628p, 632p, 640p, 647p, 649p, 656p, 703p], [628p, 636p, 643p, 647p, 655p, 701p, 703p, 709p, 716p], [643p, 651p, 658p, 702p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 722p, 729p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/21-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "21"
+stop_times: [[657a, 703a, 706a, 712a, 724a], [727a, 734a, 737a, 744a, 757a], [757a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 827a], [827a, 834a, 837a, 844a, 857a], [904a, 911a, 914a, 921a, 934a], [1004a, 1010a, 1013a, 1019a, 1031a], [1104a, 1110a, 1113a, 1119a, 1131a], [1204p, 1210p, 1213p, 1219p, 1231p], [104p, 110p, 113p, 119p, 131p], [204p, 210p, 213p, 219p, 231p], [304p, 311p, 314p, 321p, 334p], [327p, 334p, 337p, 344p, 357p], [357p, 404p, 407p, 414p, 427p], [427p, 434p, 437p, 444p, 457p], [457p, 504p, 507p, 514p, 527p], [527p, 534p, 537p, 544p, 557p], [557p, 604p, 607p, 614p, 627p], [627p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 654p], [720p, 726p, 729p, 735p, 747p], [820p, 826p, 829p, 835p, 847p], [920p, 926p, 929p, 935p, 947p], [1020p, 1026p, 1029p, 1035p, 1047p], [1120p, 1126p, 1129p, 1135p, "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/22-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "22"
+stop_times: [[635a, 648a, 656a, 659a, 707a], [705a, 718a, 726a, 729a, 738a], [735a, 749a, 758a, 801a, 810a], [805a, 819a, 828a, 831a, 840a], [843a, 857a, 906a, 909a, 918a], [943a, 956a, 1004a, 1007a, 1015a], [1043a, 1056a, 1104a, 1107a, 1115a], [1143a, 1156a, 1204p, 1207p, 1215p], [1243p, 1256p, 104p, 107p, 115p], [143p, 156p, 204p, 207p, 215p], [243p, 256p, 305p, 308p, 317p], [313p, 327p, 336p, 339p, 348p], [335p, 349p, 358p, 401p, 410p], [405p, 419p, 428p, 431p, 440p], [435p, 449p, 458p, 501p, 510p], [505p, 519p, 528p, 531p, 540p], [535p, 549p, 558p, 601p, 610p], [605p, 619p, 628p, 631p, 639p], [638p, 651p, 659p, 702p, 710p], [738p, 751p, 759p, 802p, 810p], [838p, 851p, 859p, 902p, 910p], [938p, 951p, 959p, 1002p, 1010p], [1038p, 1051p, 1059p, 1102p, 1110p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/23-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "23"
+stop_times: [[607a, 609a, 613a, 622a, 628a, 634a, 642a, 647a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 659a, 705a, 711a, 719a, 724a], [714a, 716a, 720a, 729a, 736a, 742a, 752a, 757a], [744a, 748a, 753a, 801a, 808a, 814a, 824a, 829a], [814a, 818a, 823a, 831a, 838a, 844a, 854a, 859a], [844a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 908a, 914a, 924a, 929a], [926a, 930a, 934a, 943a, 949a, 955a, 1003a, 1008a], [1026a, 1028a, 1032a, 1041a, 1047a, 1053a, 1101a, 1106a], [1126a, 1128a, 1132a, 1141a, 1147a, 1153a, 1201p, 1206p], [1226p, 1228p, 1232p, 1241p, 1247p, 1253p, 101p, 106p], [126p, 128p, 132p, 141p, 147p, 153p, 201p, 206p], [226p, 228p, 232p, 241p, 247p, 253p, 301p, 306p], [314p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 338p, 344p, 354p, 359p], [344p, 348p, 353p, 401p, 408p, 414p, 424p, 429p], [414p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 444p, 454p, 459p], [444p, 448p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 514p, 524p, 529p], [514p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 538p, 544p, 554p, 559p], [544p, 548p, 553p, 601p, 608p, 614p, 624p, 629p], [626p, 630p, 634p, 643p, 649p, 655p, 703p, 708p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 741p, 747p, 753p, 801p, 806p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 841p, 847p, 853p, 901p, 906p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 941p, 947p, 953p, 1001p, 1006p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1041p, 1047p, 1053p, 1101p, 1106p], [1126p, 1128p, 1132p, 1141p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/24-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+short_name: "24"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 703a, 709a, 715a, 720a, 724a], [702a, 708a, 715a, 720a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 742a], [739a, 746a, 754a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 818a, 823a], [809a, 816a, 824a, 830a, 836a, 843a, 848a, 853a], [839a, 846a, 854a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 918a, 923a], [956a, 1002a, 1009a, 1014a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1035a], [1056a, 1102a, 1109a, 1114a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1135a], [1156a, 1202p, 1209p, 1214p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1235p], [1256p, 102p, 109p, 114p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 135p], [156p, 202p, 209p, 214p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 235p], [256p, 302p, 310p, 316p, 322p, 329p, 334p, 339p], [339p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 406p, 413p, 418p, 423p], [409p, 416p, 424p, 430p, 436p, 443p, 448p, 453p], [439p, 446p, 454p, 500p, 506p, 513p, 518p, 523p], [509p, 516p, 524p, 530p, 536p, 543p, 548p, 553p], [538p, 545p, 553p, 559p, 605p, 612p, 617p, 622p], [608p, 615p, 623p, 629p, 635p, 641p, 646p, 650p], [659p, 705p, 712p, 717p, 723p, 729p, 734p, 738p], [759p, 805p, 812p, 817p, 823p, 829p, 834p, 838p], [859p, 905p, 912p, 917p, 923p, 929p, 934p, 938p], [959p, 1005p, 1012p, 1017p, 1023p, 1029p, 1034p, 1038p], [1059p, 1105p, 1112p, 1117p, 1123p, 1129p, 1134p, 1138p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder Shops, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-between_stops: []
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
 short_name: 25 225
 stop_times: [[612a, 622a, 625a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [642a, 652a, 655a, 705a, 719a, 722a, 726a, 730a], [702a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 751a], [734a, 749a, 752a, 805a, 819a, 823a, 827a, 831a], [808a, 823a, 826a, 838a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838a, 853a, 856a, 908a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [910a, 925a, 928a, 938a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1022a, 1025a, 1035a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1122a, 1125a, 1135a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1222p, 1225p, 1235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 122p, 125p, 135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 222p, 225p, 235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 324p, 327p, 336p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [342p, 354p, 357p, 406p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 524p, 527p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [622p, 633p, 636p, 645p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722p, 732p, 735p, 744p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [822p, 832p, 835p, 844p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [922p, 932p, 935p, 944p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1022p, 1032p, 1035p, 1044p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder Shops, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder Shops, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
-between_stops: []
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
 short_name: 25 225
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 720a, 723a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807a, 819a, 823a, 835a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 842a, 854a, 858a, 910a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 949a, 952a, 1002a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1049a, 1052a, 1102a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1149a, 1152a, 1202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1249p, 1252p, 102p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 149p, 152p, 202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 249p, 252p, 306p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 352p, 356p, 408p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 422p, 426p, 438p], [417p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 443p, 453p, 457p, 509p], [447p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 513p, 523p, 527p, 539p], [517p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 557p, 609p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612p, 622p, 626p, 637p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656p, 704p, 707p, 717p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 756p, 804p, 807p, 817p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 856p, 904p, 907p, 917p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 956p, 1004p, 1007p, 1017p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1056p, 1104p, 1107p, 1117p]]
-time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder Shops, Cooleman Court]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman Shops, Canberra College Weston Campus, Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-between_stops: []
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
 short_name: 26 226
 stop_times: [[615a, 619a, 623a, 625a, 632a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [657a, 701a, 705a, 707a, 715a, 729a, 733a, 737a, 741a], [716a, 720a, 724a, 726a, 736a, 750a, 754a, 758a, 802a], [747a, 752a, 758a, 802a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 837a, 841a], [800a, 805a, 811a, 815a, 827a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [820a, 825a, 831a, 835a, 847a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [850a, 855a, 901a, 905a, 917a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 930a, 935a, 938a, 948a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1029a, 1034a, 1037a, 1047a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1129a, 1134a, 1137a, 1147a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1229p, 1234p, 1237p, 1247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 129p, 134p, 137p, 147p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 229p, 234p, 237p, 247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [255p, 259p, 305p, 308p, 317p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [320p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 342p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 424p, 430p, 433p, 442p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [520p, 524p, 530p, 533p, 542p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [620p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 639p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [714p, 718p, 722p, 724p, 731p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 818p, 822p, 824p, 831p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 918p, 922p, 924p, 931p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1018p, 1022p, 1024p, 1031p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman Shops, "Canberra College, Weston Campus", Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-weston-creek-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-weston-creek-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, Canberra College Weston Campus, Chapman Shops, Weston Creek Terminus]
 long_name: To Weston Creek Terminus
-between_stops: []
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
 short_name: 26 226
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 828a, 832a, 837a, 841a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 858a, 908a, 912a, 917a, 921a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 958a, 1007a, 1010a, 1015a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1058a, 1107a, 1110a, 1115a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1158a, 1207p, 1210p, 1215p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1258p, 107p, 110p, 115p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 158p, 207p, 210p, 215p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 258p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 324p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 328p, 340p, 344p, 350p, 355p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 354p, 406p, 410p, 416p, 421p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 418p, 430p, 434p, 440p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 448p, 500p, 504p, 510p, 515p], [452p, 456p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 530p, 534p, 540p, 545p], [522p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 600p, 604p, 610p, 615p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 640p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 650p, 657p, 659p, 703p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 750p, 757p, 759p, 803p, 807p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 850p, 857p, 859p, 903p, 907p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 950p, 957p, 959p, 1003p, 1007p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1050p, 1057p, 1059p, 1103p, 1107p]]
-time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, "Canberra College, Weston Campus", Chapman Shops, Weston Creek Terminus]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-between_stops: []
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
 short_name: 27 227
 stop_times: [[629a, 635a, 643a, 647a, 655a, 709a, 712a, 716a, 720a], [654a, 700a, 708a, 712a, 720a, 734a, 738a, 742a, 746a], ["-", "-", 728a, 735a, 746a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722a, 728a, 736a, 743a, 755a, 809a, 813a, 817a, 821a], [740a, 746a, 754a, 801a, 812a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [748a, 754a, 802a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [823a, 829a, 837a, 844a, 855a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [853a, 859a, 907a, 914a, 925a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 931a, 938a, 942a, 949a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [325p, 330p, 337p, 341p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [355p, 400p, 407p, 411p, 419p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [425p, 430p, 437p, 441p, 449p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [525p, 530p, 537p, 541p, 549p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [625p, 630p, 637p, 640p, 647p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 705p, 712p, 715p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 805p, 812p, 815p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 905p, 912p, 915p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1005p, 1012p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
-between_stops: []
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
 short_name: 27 227
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 829a, 833a, 840a, 845a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854a, 902a, 906a, 913a, 918a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054a, 1101a, 1105a, 1113a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1154a, 1201p, 1205p, 1213p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1254p, 101p, 105p, 113p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 154p, 201p, 205p, 213p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 254p, 302p, 307p, 314p, 322p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 321p, 333p, 338p, 345p, 353p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 351p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 423p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 421p, 433p, 438p, 445p, 453p], [427p, 431p, 435p, 438p, 453p, 505p, 510p, 517p, 525p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 521p, 533p, 538p, 545p, 553p], [527p, 531p, 535p, 538p, 553p, 605p, 610p, 617p, 625p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 635p, 641p, 644p, 650p, 655p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835p, 841p, 844p, 850p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 935p, 941p, 944p, 950p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1044p, 1050p, 1055p]]
-time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Lyons Shops, CIT Weston, Duffy Primary, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
-between_stops: []
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
 short_name: "28"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 742a, 746a, 751a, 759a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 845a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 914a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 952a, 956a, 1000a, 1007a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1052a, 1056a, 1100a, 1107a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1152a, 1156a, 1200p, 1207p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1252p, 1256p, 100p, 107p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 152p, 156p, 200p, 207p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 252p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 320p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 312p, 316p, 321p, 329p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 346p, 351p, 359p, 411p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 416p, 421p, 429p, 441p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 442p, 446p, 451p, 459p, 511p], [429p, 439p, 453p, 456p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 528p, 540p], [449p, 459p, 513p, 516p, 531p, 535p, 540p, 548p, 600p], [519p, 529p, 543p, 546p, 601p, 605p, 610p, 618p, 630p], [549p, 559p, 613p, 616p, 631p, 634p, 638p, 645p, 654p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 732p, 735p, 739p, 746p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 832p, 835p, 839p, 846p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 932p, 935p, 939p, 946p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1032p, 1035p, 1039p, 1046p, 1055p]]
-time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Lyons Shops, CIT Weston, Duffy Primary, Cooleman Court]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-between_stops: []
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
 short_name: "28"
 stop_times: [[615a, 624a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 652a, 655a, 709a, 719a], [637a, 646a, 652a, 656a, 700a, 714a, 717a, 731a, 741a], [705a, 714a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 742a, 746a, 800a, 810a], [745a, 757a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 847a, 857a], [815a, 827a, 835a, 840a, 844a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [844a, 856a, 904a, 909a, 913a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [926a, 938a, 945a, 949a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1026a, 1038a, 1045a, 1049a, 1053a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1126a, 1138a, 1145a, 1149a, 1153a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1226p, 1238p, 1245p, 1249p, 1253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [126p, 138p, 145p, 149p, 153p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [226p, 238p, 245p, 249p, 253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [326p, 338p, 346p, 351p, 354p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [356p, 408p, 416p, 421p, 425p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 427p, 435p, 440p, 444p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 527p, 535p, 540p, 544p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 627p, 634p, 638p, 641p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 709p, 715p, 719p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 809p, 815p, 819p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 909p, 915p, 919p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1009p, 1015p, 1019p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+short_name: "3"
+stop_times: [[612a, 619a, 621a, 625a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 650a, 701a, 706a, 711a, 718a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [642a, 649a, 651a, 655a, 700a, 704a, 708a, 720a, 731a, 736a, 741a, 750a, 803a, 805a, 810a], [712a, 719a, 721a, 725a, 730a, 734a, 740a, 752a, 803a, 808a, 813a, 822a, 835a, 837a, 842a], [738a, 746a, 749a, 754a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 845a, 854a, 907a, 909a, 914a], [808a, 816a, 819a, 824a, 832a, 836a, 842a, 854a, 905a, 910a, 915a, 924a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [838a, 846a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 906a, 912a, 924a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 952a, 1004a, 1006a, 1011a], [912a, 920a, 923a, 928a, 934a, 938a, 942a, 954a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1022a, 1034a, 1036a, 1041a], [942a, 949a, 951a, 955a, 1000a, 1004a, 1008a, 1020a, 1031a, 1036a, 1041a, 1048a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1012a, 1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1030a, 1034a, 1038a, 1050a, 1101a, 1106a, 1111a, 1118a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1042a, 1049a, 1051a, 1055a, 1100a, 1104a, 1108a, 1120a, 1131a, 1136a, 1141a, 1148a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1112a, 1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1130a, 1134a, 1138a, 1150a, 1201p, 1206p, 1211p, 1218p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1142a, 1149a, 1151a, 1155a, 1200p, 1204p, 1208p, 1220p, 1231p, 1236p, 1241p, 1248p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1212p, 1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1230p, 1234p, 1238p, 1250p, 101p, 106p, 111p, 118p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1242p, 1249p, 1251p, 1255p, 100p, 104p, 108p, 120p, 131p, 136p, 141p, 148p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [112p, 119p, 121p, 125p, 130p, 134p, 138p, 150p, 201p, 206p, 211p, 218p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [142p, 149p, 151p, 155p, 200p, 204p, 208p, 220p, 231p, 236p, 241p, 248p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 219p, 221p, 225p, 230p, 234p, 238p, 250p, 301p, 307p, 313p, 321p, 334p, 336p, 341p], [242p, 249p, 251p, 255p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 320p, 331p, 337p, 343p, 351p, 404p, 406p, 411p], [309p, 317p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 334p, 338p, 350p, 401p, 407p, 413p, 421p, 434p, 436p, 441p], [339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 400p, 404p, 408p, 420p, 431p, 437p, 443p, 451p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 417p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 434p, 438p, 450p, 501p, 507p, 513p, 521p, 534p, 536p, 541p], [439p, 447p, 449p, 454p, 500p, 504p, 508p, 520p, 531p, 537p, 543p, 551p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [511p, 519p, 521p, 526p, 532p, 536p, 540p, 552p, 603p, 609p, 615p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [539p, 547p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p, 608p, 620p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [608p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 648p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 728p, 730p, 735p], [643p, 649p, 651p, 655p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 719p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 747p, 759p, 801p, 806p], [713p, 719p, 721p, 725p, 730p, 733p, 737p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 810p, 817p, 829p, 831p, 836p], [813p, 819p, 821p, 825p, 830p, 833p, 837p, 849p, 900p, 905p, 910p, 917p, 929p, 931p, 936p], [913p, 919p, 921p, 925p, 930p, 933p, 937p, 949p, 1000p, 1005p, 1010p, 1017p, 1029p, 1031p, 1036p], [1013p, 1019p, 1021p, 1025p, 1030p, 1033p, 1037p, 1049p, 1100p, 1105p, 1110p, 1117p, 1129p, 1131p, 1136p], [1113p, 1119p, 1121p, 1125p, 1130p, 1133p, 1137p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "3"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 627a, 631a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 646a, 653a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 648a, 657a, 701a, 706a, 710a, 714a, 716a, 723a], [628a, 630a, 634a, 651a, 657a, 701a, 705a, 718a, 727a, 731a, 736a, 742a, 746a, 748a, 758a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 719a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 748a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 818a, 820a, 830a], [721a, 723a, 727a, 746a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 818a, 828a, 833a, 838a, 844a, 848a, 850a, 900a], [745a, 747a, 751a, 810a, 819a, 827a, 832a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 908a, 912a, 914a, 924a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 846a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 918a, 928a, 932a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 916a, 924a, 929a, 934a, 948a, 958a, 1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1016a, 1018a, 1025a], [924a, 926a, 930a, 947a, 954a, 959a, 1004a, 1018a, 1028a, 1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [954a, 956a, 1000a, 1017a, 1024a, 1029a, 1034a, 1048a, 1058a, 1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1116a, 1118a, 1125a], [1024a, 1026a, 1030a, 1047a, 1054a, 1059a, 1104a, 1118a, 1128a, 1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1054a, 1056a, 1100a, 1117a, 1124a, 1129a, 1134a, 1148a, 1158a, 1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1216p, 1218p, 1225p], [1124a, 1126a, 1130a, 1147a, 1154a, 1159a, 1204p, 1218p, 1228p, 1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1154a, 1156a, 1200p, 1217p, 1224p, 1229p, 1234p, 1248p, 1258p, 102p, 107p, 112p, 116p, 118p, 125p], [1224p, 1226p, 1230p, 1247p, 1254p, 1259p, 104p, 118p, 128p, 132p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [1254p, 1256p, 100p, 117p, 124p, 129p, 134p, 148p, 158p, 202p, 207p, 212p, 216p, 218p, 225p], [124p, 126p, 130p, 147p, 154p, 159p, 204p, 218p, 228p, 232p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [154p, 156p, 200p, 217p, 224p, 229p, 234p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 308p, 314p, 318p, 320p, 329p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 324p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 350p, 354p, 356p, 405p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 315p, 323p, 328p, 334p, 348p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 414p, 418p, 420p, 429p], [317p, 319p, 323p, 342p, 350p, 355p, 401p, 415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 445p, 447p, 456p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 411p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 504p, 510p, 514p, 516p, 525p], [418p, 420p, 424p, 443p, 451p, 456p, 502p, 516p, 526p, 531p, 536p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 557p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 510p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 603p, 609p, 613p, 615p, 624p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 613p, 623p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 650p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 612p, 620p, 625p, 631p, 644p, 653p, 658p, 702p, 707p, 711p, 713p, 720p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 643p, 650p, 655p, 700p, 713p, 722p, 727p, 731p, 736p, 740p, 742p, 749p], [723p, 725p, 729p, 746p, 753p, 758p, 803p, 816p, 825p, 830p, 834p, 839p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [825p, 827p, 831p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 905p, 918p, 927p, 932p, 936p, 941p, 945p, 947p, 954p], [925p, 927p, 931p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1005p, 1018p, 1027p, 1032p, 1036p, 1041p, 1045p, 1047p, 1054p], [1025p, 1027p, 1031p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1105p, 1116p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/30-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, North Lyneham, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+short_name: "30"
+stop_times: [[546a, 548a, 552a, 557a, 605a, 612a, 618a, 621a, 623a, 630a], [615a, 617a, 621a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 647a, 650a, 652a, 659a], [631a, 633a, 637a, 642a, 650a, 657a, 703a, 706a, 708a, 715a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 707a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 731a, 736a, 752a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 738a, 746a, 750a, 755a, 811a], [724a, 726a, 730a, 735a, 743a, 752a, 800a, 804a, 809a, 825a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 824a, 828a, 833a, 848a], [756a, 758a, 802a, 807a, 815a, 824a, 834a, 838a, 843a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 838a, 846a, 850a, 855a, 911a], [824a, 826a, 830a, 835a, 843a, 852a, 900a, 904a, 909a, 925a], [853a, 855a, 859a, 904a, 912a, 921a, 929a, 932a, 934a, 941a], [953a, 955a, 959a, 1004a, 1011a, 1019a, 1027a, 1030a, 1032a, 1039a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1104a, 1111a, 1119a, 1127a, 1130a, 1132a, 1139a], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1204p, 1211p, 1219p, 1227p, 1230p, 1232p, 1239p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 104p, 111p, 119p, 127p, 130p, 132p, 139p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 204p, 211p, 219p, 227p, 230p, 232p, 239p], [242p, 244p, 248p, 253p, 300p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 322p, 330p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 327p, 335p, 343p, 347p, 349p, 357p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 359p, 407p, 411p, 413p, 421p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 412p, 421p, 429p, 437p, 441p, 443p, 451p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 442p, 451p, 459p, 507p, 511p, 513p, 521p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 537p, 541p, 543p, 551p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 542p, 551p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 613p, 621p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 612p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 634p, 640p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 711p, 718p, 724p, 727p, 729p, 735p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 811p, 818p, 824p, 827p, 829p, 835p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 911p, 918p, 924p, 927p, 929p, 935p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1011p, 1018p, 1024p, 1027p, 1029p, 1035p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1111p, 1118p, 1124p, 1127p, 1129p, 1135p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/30-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, North Lyneham, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+short_name: "30"
+stop_times: [[603a, 609a, 611a, 614a, 621a, 628a, 635a, 641a, 643a, 648a], [634a, 640a, 642a, 645a, 652a, 659a, 706a, 712a, 714a, 719a], [701a, 707a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 726a, 735a, 741a, 743a, 748a], [726a, 732a, 734a, 737a, 745a, 753a, 805a, 811a, 813a, 818a], [759a, 806a, 808a, 811a, 819a, 827a, 839a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [829a, 836a, 838a, 841a, 849a, 857a, 909a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [859a, 906a, 908a, 911a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 941a, 943a, 948a], [933a, 939a, 941a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1005a, 1011a, 1013a, 1018a], [1002a, 1008a, 1010a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1034a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a], [1102a, 1108a, 1110a, 1113a, 1120a, 1127a, 1134a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a], [1202p, 1208p, 1210p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1234p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p], [102p, 108p, 110p, 113p, 120p, 127p, 134p, 140p, 142p, 147p], [202p, 208p, 210p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 234p, 240p, 242p, 247p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 316p, 324p, 332p, 344p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [334p, 341p, 343p, 348p, 356p, 404p, 416p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [359p, 406p, 408p, 413p, 421p, 429p, 441p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 443p, 451p, 459p, 511p, 517p, 519p, 524p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 513p, 521p, 529p, 541p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [514p, 521p, 523p, 528p, 536p, 544p, 556p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [529p, 536p, 538p, 543p, 551p, 559p, 611p, 617p, 619p, 624p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 558p, 606p, 614p, 626p, 632p, 634p, 639p], [559p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 621p, 629p, 636p, 642p, 644p, 649p], [633p, 639p, 641p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 705p, 711p, 713p, 718p], [702p, 708p, 710p, 713p, 720p, 727p, 734p, 740p, 742p, 747p], [802p, 808p, 810p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 834p, 840p, 842p, 847p], [902p, 908p, 910p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 934p, 940p, 942p, 947p], [1002p, 1008p, 1010p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1034p, 1040p, 1042p, 1047p], [1102p, 1108p, 1110p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1134p, 1140p, 1142p, 1147p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/31-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, North Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+short_name: "31"
+stop_times: [[612a, 614a, 618a, 623a, 628a, 635a, 640a, 647a], [642a, 644a, 648a, 653a, 658a, 705a, 710a, 717a], [709a, 711a, 715a, 720a, 725a, 733a, 741a, 757a], [738a, 740a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 805a, 813a, 829a], [808a, 810a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 835a, 843a, 859a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 849a, 856a, 905a, 913a, 929a], [927a, 929a, 933a, 938a, 944a, 952a, 957a, 1004a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1057a, 1104a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1157a, 1204p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1257p, 104p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 138p, 144p, 152p, 157p, 204p], [227p, 229p, 233p, 238p, 244p, 252p, 257p, 305p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 323p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p], [342p, 344p, 348p, 353p, 359p, 407p, 412p, 420p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 453p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 520p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p], [542p, 544p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 607p, 612p, 620p], [626p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 642p, 649p, 654p, 700p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 749p, 754p, 800p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 849p, 854p, 900p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 949p, 954p, 1000p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1049p, 1054p, 1100p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/31-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, North Lyneham, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+short_name: "31"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", 637a, 643a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 701a], ["-", "-", 707a, 713a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 731a], [733a, 740a, 745a, 753a, 800a, 806a, 808a, 813a], [803a, 810a, 815a, 823a, 830a, 836a, 838a, 843a], [829a, 836a, 841a, 849a, 856a, 902a, 904a, 909a], [910a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 936a, 942a, 944a, 949a], [948a, 954a, 959a, 1005a, 1011a, 1017a, 1019a, 1024a], [1048a, 1054a, 1059a, 1105a, 1111a, 1117a, 1119a, 1124a], [1148a, 1154a, 1159a, 1205p, 1211p, 1217p, 1219p, 1224p], [1248p, 1254p, 1259p, 105p, 111p, 117p, 119p, 124p], [148p, 154p, 159p, 205p, 211p, 217p, 219p, 224p], [248p, 254p, 259p, 307p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [303p, 310p, 315p, 323p, 331p, 337p, 339p, 344p], [333p, 340p, 345p, 353p, 401p, 407p, 409p, 414p], [403p, 410p, 415p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 439p, 444p], [433p, 440p, 445p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [503p, 510p, 515p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [533p, 540p, 545p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [603p, 610p, 615p, 623p, 631p, 637p, 639p, 644p], [648p, 654p, 659p, 705p, 710p, 716p, 718p, 723p], [748p, 754p, 759p, 805p, 810p, 816p, 818p, 823p], [848p, 854p, 859p, 905p, 910p, 916p, 918p, 923p], [948p, 954p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1016p, 1018p, 1023p], [1048p, 1054p, 1059p, 1105p, 1110p, 1116p, 1118p, 1123p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/39-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Dickson Shops, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson Shops, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+short_name: "39"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 549a, 555a, 601a, 606a, 607a, 610a, 617a], [609a, 615a, 618a, 624a, 630a, 636a, 641a, 642a, 645a, 652a], [639a, 645a, 648a, 654a, 700a, 706a, 711a, 712a, 715a, 722a], ["-", "-", "-", 707a, 713a, 719a, 724a, 725a, 728a, 741a], [703a, 709a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 730a, 736a, 737a, 742a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", 726a, 732a, 738a, 744a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [718a, 724a, 727a, 734a, 740a, 746a, 752a, 753a, 758a, 813a], ["-", "-", "-", 742a, 748a, 754a, 800a, 801a, 806a, 821a], [733a, 739a, 742a, 749a, 755a, 801a, 807a, 808a, 813a, 828a], ["-", "-", "-", 756a, 802a, 808a, 814a, 815a, 820a, 835a], [748a, 754a, 757a, 804a, 810a, 816a, 822a, 823a, 828a, 843a], [758a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 820a, 826a, 832a, 833a, 838a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", 824a, 830a, 836a, 842a, 843a, 848a, 903a], [818a, 824a, 827a, 834a, 840a, 846a, 852a, 853a, 858a, 913a], [833a, 839a, 842a, 849a, 855a, 901a, 907a, 908a, 913a, 928a], [910a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 935a, 942a, 949a, 952a, 954a, 1001a], [940a, 946a, 949a, 954a, 1000a, 1005a, 1010a, 1011a, 1013a, 1019a], [1010a, 1016a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1035a, 1040a, 1041a, 1043a, 1049a], [1040a, 1046a, 1049a, 1054a, 1100a, 1105a, 1110a, 1111a, 1113a, 1119a], [1110a, 1116a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1135a, 1140a, 1141a, 1143a, 1149a], [1140a, 1146a, 1149a, 1154a, 1200p, 1205p, 1210p, 1211p, 1213p, 1219p], [1210p, 1216p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1235p, 1240p, 1241p, 1243p, 1249p], [1240p, 1246p, 1249p, 1254p, 100p, 105p, 110p, 111p, 113p, 119p], [110p, 116p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 135p, 140p, 141p, 143p, 149p], [140p, 146p, 149p, 154p, 200p, 205p, 210p, 211p, 213p, 219p], [210p, 216p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 235p, 240p, 241p, 243p, 249p], [240p, 246p, 249p, 254p, 300p, 307p, 313p, 314p, 317p, 324p], [309p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 330p, 337p, 343p, 344p, 347p, 354p], [328p, 334p, 337p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 402p, 403p, 406p, 413p], [358p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 419p, 426p, 432p, 433p, 436p, 443p], [417p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 438p, 445p, 451p, 452p, 455p, 502p], [432p, 438p, 441p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 506p, 507p, 510p, 517p], [447p, 453p, 456p, 502p, 508p, 515p, 521p, 522p, 525p, 532p], [506p, 512p, 515p, 521p, 527p, 534p, 540p, 541p, 544p, 551p], [512p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [521p, 527p, 530p, 536p, 542p, 549p, 555p, 556p, 559p, 606p], [536p, 542p, 545p, 551p, 557p, 604p, 610p, 611p, 614p, 621p], [546p, 552p, 555p, 601p, 607p, 614p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [555p, 601p, 604p, 610p, 616p, 623p, 629p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [610p, 616p, 619p, 625p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 642p, 644p, 650p], [710p, 716p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 741p, 743p, 749p], [810p, 816p, 819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 840p, 841p, 843p, 849p], [910p, 916p, 919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 940p, 941p, 943p, 949p], [1010p, 1016p, 1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1040p, 1041p, 1043p, 1049p], [1110p, 1116p, 1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/4-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Geoscience Australia, Narrabundah Terminus, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "4"
+stop_times: [[712a, "-", 715a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 743a], [744a, "-", 747a, 756a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 819a], [817a, "-", 820a, 829a, 833a, 838a, 843a, 852a], [847a, "-", 850a, 859a, 903a, 908a, 913a, 922a], [917a, "-", 920a, 929a, 932a, 936a, 940a, 948a], [948a, "-", 951a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1009a, 1017a], [1018a, "-", 1021a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1039a, 1047a], [1048a, "-", 1051a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1109a, 1117a], [1118a, "-", 1121a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1139a, 1147a], [1148a, "-", 1151a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1209p, 1217p], [1218p, "-", 1221p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1239p, 1247p], [1248p, "-", 1251p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 109p, 117p], [118p, "-", 121p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 139p, 147p], [148p, "-", 151p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 209p, 217p], [218p, "-", 221p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 239p, 247p], [246p, "-", 249p, 256p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 318p], [314p, "-", 317p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 340p, 349p], [346p, "-", 349p, 358p, 402p, 407p, 412p, 421p], [417p, "-", 420p, 429p, 433p, 438p, 443p, 452p], [448p, "-", 451p, 500p, 504p, 509p, 514p, 523p], [518p, "-", 521p, 530p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 553p], [548p, "-", 551p, 600p, 604p, 609p, 614p, 623p], ["-", 617p, 620p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 640p, 648p], ["-", 650p, 653p, 658p, 701p, 705p, 709p, 717p], ["-", 743p, 746p, 751p, 754p, 758p, 802p, 810p], ["-", 843p, 846p, 851p, 854p, 858p, 902p, 910p], ["-", 943p, 946p, 951p, 954p, 958p, 1002p, 1010p], ["-", 1043p, 1046p, 1051p, 1054p, 1058p, 1102p, 1110p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/4-to-geoscience-australia.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/4-to-geoscience-australia.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Narrabundah Terminus, Geoscience Australia]
 long_name: To Geoscience Australia
-between_stops: []
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
 short_name: "4"
 stop_times: [[633a, 641a, 645a, 649a, 652a, 700a, "-", 703a], [703a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 722a, 730a, "-", 733a], [733a, 742a, 747a, 752a, 755a, 805a, "-", 808a], [803a, 812a, 817a, 822a, 825a, 835a, "-", 838a], [818a, 827a, 832a, 837a, 840a, 850a, "-", 853a], [833a, 842a, 847a, 852a, 855a, 905a, "-", 908a], [903a, 912a, 917a, 922a, 925a, 935a, "-", 938a], [933a, 941a, 945a, 949a, 952a, 1001a, "-", 1004a], [1003a, 1011a, 1015a, 1019a, 1022a, 1031a, "-", 1034a], [1033a, 1041a, 1045a, 1049a, 1052a, 1101a, "-", 1104a], [1103a, 1111a, 1115a, 1119a, 1122a, 1131a, "-", 1134a], [1133a, 1141a, 1145a, 1149a, 1152a, 1201p, "-", 1204p], [1203p, 1211p, 1215p, 1219p, 1222p, 1231p, "-", 1234p], [1233p, 1241p, 1245p, 1249p, 1252p, 101p, "-", 104p], [103p, 111p, 115p, 119p, 122p, 131p, "-", 134p], [133p, 141p, 145p, 149p, 152p, 201p, "-", 204p], [203p, 211p, 215p, 219p, 222p, 231p, "-", 234p], [233p, 241p, 245p, 249p, 252p, 301p, "-", 304p], [303p, 312p, 317p, 322p, 325p, 334p, "-", 337p], [333p, 342p, 347p, 352p, 355p, 404p, "-", 407p], [405p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", 439p], [439p, 448p, 453p, 458p, 501p, 510p, "-", 513p], [509p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 531p, 540p, "-", 543p], [539p, 548p, 553p, 558p, 601p, 610p, 613p, "-"], [616p, 625p, 630p, 634p, 637p, 642p, 645p, "-"], [707p, 715p, 719p, 723p, 726p, 731p, 734p, "-"], [810p, 818p, 822p, 826p, 829p, 834p, 837p, "-"], [910p, 918p, 922p, 926p, 929p, 934p, 937p, "-"], [1010p, 1018p, 1022p, 1026p, 1029p, 1034p, 1037p, "-"], [1110p, 1118p, 1122p, 1126p, 1129p, 1134p, 1137p, "-"]]
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Narrabundah Terminus, Geoscience Australia]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/43-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Kippax, Macgregor Shops, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor Shops, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "43"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 621a, 629a, 638a, 643a, 648a, 650a, 654a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 640a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 707a, 709a, 713a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 655a, 700a, 708a, 717a, 722a, 727a, 729a, 733a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 720a, 728a, 739a, 744a, 752a, 754a, 758a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a, 815a, 819a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 840a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 832a, 843a, 848a, 856a, 858a, 902a], [823a, 825a, 829a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 901a, 906a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [843a, 845a, 849a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 921a, 926a, 933a, 935a, 939a], [903a, 905a, 909a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 954a, 958a], [1003a, 1005a, 1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1048a, 1050a, 1054a], [1103a, 1105a, 1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1148a, 1150a, 1154a], [1203p, 1205p, 1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1248p, 1250p, 1254p], [103p, 105p, 109p, 115p, 120p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 148p, 150p, 154p], [203p, 205p, 209p, 215p, 220p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 248p, 250p, 254p], [254p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 313p, 321p, 332p, 337p, 345p, 347p, 351p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 416p, 420p], [343p, 345p, 349p, 357p, 402p, 410p, 421p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 440p], [403p, 405p, 409p, 417p, 422p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [423p, 425p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 516p, 520p], [443p, 445p, 449p, 457p, 502p, 510p, 521p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 540p], [503p, 505p, 509p, 517p, 522p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 554p, 556p, 600p], [523p, 525p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 616p, 620p], [602p, 604p, 608p, 616p, 621p, 629p, 638p, 643p, 648p, 650p, 654p], [702p, 704p, 708p, 713p, 718p, 726p, 735p, 740p, 745p, 747p, 751p], [802p, 804p, 808p, 813p, 818p, 826p, 835p, 840p, 845p, 847p, 851p], [902p, 904p, 908p, 913p, 918p, 926p, 935p, 940p, 945p, 947p, 951p], [1002p, 1004p, 1008p, 1013p, 1018p, 1026p, 1035p, 1040p, 1045p, 1047p, 1051p], [1102p, 1104p, 1108p, 1113p, 1118p, 1126p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Kippax, Holt Shops, West Macgregor, Higgins Shops, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "44"
+stop_times: [[605a, 607a, 616a, 625a, 630a, 635a, 637a, 641a], [638a, 640a, 649a, 658a, 703a, 708a, 710a, 714a], [705a, 707a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 736a, 738a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", 732a, 739a, 745a, 747a, 751a], [738a, 741a, 750a, 759a, 806a, 812a, 814a, 818a], [808a, 811a, 820a, 829a, 836a, 842a, 844a, 848a], [842a, 845a, 854a, 903a, 910a, 916a, 918a, 922a], [912a, 915a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 947a, 951a], [938a, 940a, 949a, 958a, 1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a], [1037a, 1039a, 1048a, 1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1111a, 1115a], [1137a, 1139a, 1148a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1237p, 1239p, 1248p, 1257p, 103p, 109p, 111p, 115p], [137p, 139p, 148p, 157p, 203p, 209p, 211p, 215p], [237p, 239p, 248p, 257p, 304p, 310p, 312p, 316p], [313p, 315p, 324p, 333p, 340p, 346p, 348p, 352p], [348p, 350p, 359p, 408p, 415p, 421p, 423p, 427p], [420p, 422p, 431p, 440p, 447p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 503p, 512p, 519p, 525p, 527p, 531p], [523p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 550p, 556p, 558p, 602p], [600p, 602p, 611p, 620p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 639p], [628p, 630p, 639p, 648p, 654p, 659p, 701p, 705p], [642p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 708p, 713p, 715p, 719p], [737p, 739p, 748p, 757p, 803p, 808p, 810p, 814p], [837p, 839p, 848p, 857p, 903p, 908p, 910p, 914p], [937p, 939p, 948p, 957p, 1003p, 1008p, 1010p, 1014p], [1037p, 1039p, 1048p, 1057p, 1103p, 1108p, 1110p, 1114p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Belconnen Way, Higgins Shops, West Macgregor, Holt Shops, Kippax]
+long_name: To Kippax
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "44"
+stop_times: [[725a, 727a, 731a, 737a, 744a, 756a, 801a, 804a], [754a, 756a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 825a, 830a, 833a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 930a, 933a], [955a, 957a, 1001a, 1006a, 1012a, 1024a, 1029a, 1032a], [1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1106a, 1112a, 1124a, 1129a, 1132a], [1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1206p, 1212p, 1224p, 1229p, 1232p], [1255p, 1257p, 101p, 106p, 112p, 124p, 129p, 132p], [155p, 157p, 201p, 206p, 212p, 224p, 229p, 232p], [305p, 307p, 311p, 317p, 324p, 336p, 341p, 344p], [337p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 408p, 413p, 416p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 442p, 447p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 454p, 501p, 513p, 518p, 521p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 528p, 535p, 547p, 552p, 555p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 559p, 606p, 618p, 623p, 626p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 631p, 637p, 649p, 654p, 657p], [654p, 656p, 700p, 705p, 711p, 723p, 728p, 731p], [754p, 756p, 800p, 805p, 811p, 823p, 828p, 831p], [854p, 856p, 900p, 905p, 911p, 923p, 928p, 931p], [954p, 956p, 1000p, 1005p, 1011p, 1023p, 1028p, 1031p], [1054p, 1056p, 1100p, 1105p, 1111p, 1123p, 1128p, 1131p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/45-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Copland College, Tillyard / Spalding, Charnwood Shops, Kerrigan / Lhotsky, Charnwood Shops, Tillyard / Spalding, Copland College, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "45"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 627a, 632a, 638a, 640a, 648a, 658a, 700a, 705a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 718a, 728a, 730a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 734a, 740a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 759a, 804a, 810a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 822a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 843a, 853a, 855a, 900a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 844a, 849a, 855a, 857a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [828a, 830a, 834a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 905a, 913a, 923a, 925a, 930a], [858a, 900a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 935a, 943a, 953a, 955a, 1000a], [921a, 923a, 927a, 935a, 943a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 958a, 1006a, 1016a, 1018a, 1023a], [1021a, 1023a, 1027a, 1035a, 1043a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1058a, 1106a, 1116a, 1118a, 1123a], [1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1143a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1158a, 1206p, 1216p, 1218p, 1223p], [1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1243p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 1258p, 106p, 116p, 118p, 123p], [121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 143p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 158p, 206p, 216p, 218p, 223p], [221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 243p, 245p, 250p, 256p, 258p, 306p, 316p, 318p, 323p], [258p, 300p, 304p, 312p, 320p, 322p, 327p, 333p, 335p, 343p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [328p, 330p, 334p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 405p, 413p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [358p, 400p, 404p, 412p, 420p, 422p, 427p, 433p, 435p, 443p, 453p, 455p, 500p], [428p, 430p, 434p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 505p, 513p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [458p, 500p, 504p, 512p, 520p, 522p, 527p, 533p, 535p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [528p, 530p, 534p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 605p, 613p, 623p, 625p, 630p], [558p, 600p, 604p, 612p, 620p, 622p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 643p, 652p, 654p, 659p], [621p, 623p, 627p, 634p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 655p, 657p, 705p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 733p, 741p, 743p, 748p, 754p, 756p, 804p, 813p, 815p, 820p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 833p, 841p, 843p, 848p, 854p, 856p, 904p, 913p, 915p, 920p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 933p, 941p, 943p, 948p, 954p, 956p, 1004p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1033p, 1041p, 1043p, 1048p, 1054p, 1056p, 1104p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], [1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1133p, 1141p, 1143p, 1148p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/5-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "5"
+stop_times: [[615a, 621a, 630a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 648a, 653a], [641a, 649a, 659a, 711a, 714a, 718a, 722a, 730a], [659a, 707a, 717a, 729a, 732a, 738a, 743a, 752a], [713a, 721a, 731a, 744a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 807a], [729a, 737a, 747a, 800a, 803a, 809a, 814a, 823a], [747a, 755a, 805a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 832a, 841a], [806a, 814a, 824a, 837a, 840a, 846a, 851a, 900a], [825a, 833a, 843a, 856a, 859a, 905a, 910a, 919a], [844a, 852a, 902a, 915a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 937a], [914a, 922a, 932a, 944a, 947a, 951a, 955a, 1003a], [944a, 952a, 1002a, 1014a, 1017a, 1021a, 1025a, 1033a], [1014a, 1022a, 1032a, 1044a, 1047a, 1051a, 1055a, 1103a], [1044a, 1052a, 1102a, 1114a, 1117a, 1121a, 1125a, 1133a], [1114a, 1122a, 1132a, 1144a, 1147a, 1151a, 1155a, 1203p], [1144a, 1152a, 1202p, 1214p, 1217p, 1221p, 1225p, 1233p], [1214p, 1222p, 1232p, 1244p, 1247p, 1251p, 1255p, 103p], [1244p, 1252p, 102p, 114p, 117p, 121p, 125p, 133p], [114p, 122p, 132p, 144p, 147p, 151p, 155p, 203p], [144p, 152p, 202p, 214p, 217p, 221p, 225p, 233p], [214p, 222p, 232p, 244p, 247p, 251p, 255p, 303p], [244p, 252p, 302p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 329p, 338p], [314p, 322p, 332p, 345p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 408p], [342p, 350p, 400p, 413p, 416p, 422p, 427p, 436p], [413p, 421p, 431p, 444p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [447p, 455p, 505p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 532p, 541p], [518p, 526p, 536p, 549p, 552p, 558p, 603p, 612p], [548p, 556p, 606p, 619p, 622p, 628p, 632p, 640p], [648p, 655p, 704p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 727p, 735p], [748p, 755p, 804p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 827p, 835p], [848p, 855p, 904p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 927p, 935p], [948p, 955p, 1004p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p], [1048p, 1055p, 1104p, 1116p, 1119p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/5-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "5"
+stop_times: [[630a, 638a, 642a, 646a, 649a, 701a, 711a, 719a], [650a, 658a, 702a, 706a, 709a, 721a, 731a, 739a], [710a, 718a, 722a, 726a, 729a, 741a, 752a, 800a], [728a, 736a, 740a, 744a, 747a, 800a, 812a, 820a], [741a, 750a, 755a, 800a, 803a, 816a, 828a, 836a], [756a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 818a, 831a, 843a, 851a], [811a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 833a, 846a, 858a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 842a, 847a, 850a, 903a, 913a, 921a], [846a, 855a, 900a, 904a, 907a, 919a, 929a, 937a], [919a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 938a, 950a, 1000a, 1008a], [947a, 955a, 959a, 1003a, 1006a, 1018a, 1028a, 1036a], [1017a, 1025a, 1029a, 1033a, 1036a, 1048a, 1058a, 1106a], [1047a, 1055a, 1059a, 1103a, 1106a, 1118a, 1128a, 1136a], [1117a, 1125a, 1129a, 1133a, 1136a, 1148a, 1158a, 1206p], [1147a, 1155a, 1159a, 1203p, 1206p, 1218p, 1228p, 1236p], [1217p, 1225p, 1229p, 1233p, 1236p, 1248p, 1258p, 106p], [1247p, 1255p, 1259p, 103p, 106p, 118p, 128p, 136p], [117p, 125p, 129p, 133p, 136p, 148p, 158p, 206p], [147p, 155p, 159p, 203p, 206p, 218p, 228p, 236p], [217p, 225p, 229p, 233p, 236p, 248p, 258p, 306p], [247p, 255p, 259p, 303p, 306p, 318p, 328p, 336p], [317p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 336p, 348p, 358p, 411p], [347p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 420p, 432p, 440p], [417p, 426p, 431p, 436p, 439p, 452p, 504p, 512p], [444p, 453p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 519p, 531p, 539p], [524p, 533p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 559p, 608p, 616p], [554p, 603p, 607p, 611p, 614p, 626p, 635p, 643p], [635p, 643p, 647p, 651p, 654p, 706p, 715p, 723p], [706p, 714p, 718p, 722p, 725p, 737p, 746p, 754p], [735p, 743p, 747p, 751p, 754p, 806p, 815p, 823p], [835p, 843p, 847p, 851p, 854p, 906p, 915p, 923p], [930p, 938p, 942p, 946p, 949p, 1001p, 1010p, 1018p], [1030p, 1038p, 1042p, 1046p, 1049p, 1101p, 1110p, 1118p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/50-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+short_name: "50"
+stop_times: [[700p, 703p, 706p, 713p, 715p, 722p], [730p, 733p, 736p, 743p, 745p, 752p], [800p, 803p, 806p, 813p, 815p, 822p], [830p, 833p, 836p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [900p, 903p, 906p, 913p, 915p, 922p], [930p, 933p, 936p, 943p, 945p, 952p], [1000p, 1003p, 1006p, 1013p, 1015p, 1022p], [1030p, 1033p, 1036p, 1043p, 1045p, 1052p], [1100p, 1103p, 1106p, 1113p, 1115p, 1122p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/50-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+short_name: "50"
+stop_times: [[700p, 706p, 708p, 715p, 718p, 721p], [730p, 736p, 738p, 745p, 748p, 751p], [800p, 806p, 808p, 815p, 818p, 821p], [830p, 836p, 838p, 845p, 848p, 851p], [900p, 906p, 908p, 915p, 918p, 921p], [930p, 936p, 938p, 945p, 948p, 951p], [1000p, 1006p, 1008p, 1015p, 1018p, 1021p], [1030p, 1036p, 1038p, 1045p, 1048p, 1051p], [1100p, 1106p, 1108p, 1115p, 1118p, 1121p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/51-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "51"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 531a, 540a, 549a, 559a, 602a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 616a, 625a, 634a, 644a, 647a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [618a, 620a, 624a, 634a, 639a, 648a, 657a, 706a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 721a, 728a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656a, 705a, 714a, 723a, 726a, 729a, 736a, 738a, 745a], [652a, 654a, 658a, 708a, 713a, 722a, 731a, 740a, 743a, 747a, 758a, 802a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", 721a, 726a, 735a, 744a, 753a, 756a, 801a, 812a, 817a, 832a], [732a, 734a, 738a, 748a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 822a, 825a, 830a, 841a, 846a, 900a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 806a, 811a, 821a, 831a, 840a, 843a, 848a, 859a, 902a, 909a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 839a, 849a, 858a, 901a, 904a, 911a, 913a, 927a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 855a, 900a, 909a, 918a, 927a, 930a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [909a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 930a, 939a, 948a, 958a, 1001a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [939a, 941a, 945a, 955a, 1000a, 1009a, 1018a, 1028a, 1031a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1055a, 1100a, 1109a, 1118a, 1128a, 1131a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1155a, 1200p, 1209p, 1218p, 1228p, 1231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1255p, 100p, 109p, 118p, 128p, 131p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [139p, 141p, 145p, 155p, 200p, 209p, 218p, 228p, 231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [239p, 241p, 245p, 255p, 300p, 309p, 318p, 328p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [334p, 336p, 340p, 350p, 355p, 405p, 415p, 425p, 428p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [414p, 416p, 420p, 431p, 436p, 447p, 457p, 507p, 510p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [434p, 436p, 440p, 451p, 456p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 530p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 456p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 527p, 537p, 547p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 515p, 519p, 530p, 535p, 546p, 556p, 606p, 609p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [534p, 536p, 540p, 551p, 556p, 606p, 615p, 625p, 628p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [638p, 640p, 644p, 654p, 659p, 708p, 717p, 727p, 730p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [738p, 740p, 744p, 754p, 759p, 808p, 817p, 827p, 830p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838p, 840p, 844p, 854p, 859p, 908p, 917p, 927p, 930p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [938p, 940p, 944p, 954p, 959p, 1008p, 1017p, 1027p, 1030p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1038p, 1040p, 1044p, 1054p, 1059p, 1108p, 1117p, 1127p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/51-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "51"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 701a, 704a, 713a, 723a, 733a, 738a, 750a, 752a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 721a, 724a, 733a, 743a, 753a, 758a, 811a, 813a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 744a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 818a, 831a, 833a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 812a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 850a, 852a, 857a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 824a, 833a, 843a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 910a, 915a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840a, 843a, 852a, 902a, 911a, 916a, 925a, 927a, 932a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 943a, 952a, 1001a, 1010a, 1015a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1043a, 1052a, 1101a, 1110a, 1115a, 1124a, 1126a, 1131a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1143a, 1152a, 1201p, 1210p, 1215p, 1224p, 1226p, 1231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1243p, 1252p, 101p, 110p, 115p, 124p, 126p, 131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 143p, 152p, 201p, 210p, 215p, 224p, 226p, 231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 243p, 252p, 301p, 310p, 315p, 324p, 326p, 331p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 353p, 358p], [332p, 338p, 340p, 348p, 351p, 354p, 403p, 413p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [406p, 412p, 414p, 423p, 428p, 431p, 440p, 450p, 500p, 505p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [428p, 434p, 436p, 445p, 450p, 453p, 502p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [444p, 450p, 452p, 501p, 506p, 509p, 518p, 528p, 538p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [511p, 517p, 519p, 528p, 533p, 536p, 545p, 555p, 605p, 610p, 619p, 621p, 626p], [529p, 535p, 537p, 546p, 551p, 554p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 642p], [538p, 544p, 546p, 555p, 600p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [554p, 600p, 602p, 609p, 612p, 615p, 624p, 633p, 642p, 647p, 656p, 658p, 703p], [616p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 632p, 635p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 707p, 716p, 718p, 723p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740p, 743p, 752p, 801p, 810p, 815p, 824p, 826p, 831p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840p, 843p, 852p, 901p, 910p, 915p, 924p, 926p, 931p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940p, 943p, 952p, 1001p, 1010p, 1015p, 1024p, 1026p, 1031p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040p, 1043p, 1052p, 1101p, 1110p, 1115p, 1124p, 1126p, 1131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1143p, 1152p, 1201a, 1210a, 1215a, 1224a, 1226a, 1231a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/52-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "52"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 539a, 547a, 555a, 602a, 605a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [628a, 630a, 634a, 647a, 652a, 700a, 708a, 714a, 717a, 720a, 727a, 729a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 724a, 730a, 733a, 736a, 743a, 745a, 800a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 739a, 745a, 748a, 753a, 804a, 809a, 824a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 742a, 747a, 755a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 818a, 829a, 834a, 849a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 820a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 846a, 851a, 903a], [803a, 805a, 809a, 823a, 828a, 836a, 844a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a], [834a, 836a, 840a, 854a, 859a, 907a, 915a, 921a, 924a, 927a, 934a, 936a, 943a], [912a, 914a, 918a, 931a, 936a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1002a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1014a, 1018a, 1031a, 1036a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1102a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1114a, 1118a, 1131a, 1136a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1214p, 1218p, 1231p, 1236p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 102p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 114p, 118p, 131p, 136p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 214p, 218p, 231p, 236p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 302p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 309p, 316p, 319p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 314p, 318p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 402p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 354p, 358p, 412p, 417p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 445p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 414p, 418p, 432p, 437p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 505p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [432p, 434p, 438p, 452p, 457p, 506p, 514p, 522p, 525p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [452p, 454p, 458p, 512p, 517p, 526p, 534p, 542p, 545p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 514p, 518p, 532p, 537p, 546p, 554p, 602p, 605p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 552p, 557p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 623p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [611p, 613p, 617p, 630p, 635p, 643p, 651p, 658p, 701p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [711p, 713p, 717p, 730p, 735p, 743p, 751p, 758p, 801p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 813p, 817p, 830p, 835p, 843p, 851p, 858p, 901p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 913p, 917p, 930p, 935p, 943p, 951p, 958p, 1001p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1013p, 1017p, 1030p, 1035p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p, 1101p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/52-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "52"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 715a, 718a, 724a, 732a, 740a, 745a, 758a, 800a, 805a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735a, 738a, 744a, 753a, 801a, 806a, 819a, 821a, 826a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 804a, 813a, 821a, 826a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 824a, 833a, 841a, 846a, 859a, 901a, 906a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835a, 838a, 844a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 918a, 920a, 925a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 925a, 937a, 939a, 944a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 915a, 918a, 924a, 932a, 940a, 945a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 942a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1007a, 1012a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1030a, 1035a, 1047a, 1049a, 1054a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1130a, 1135a, 1147a, 1149a, 1154a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1205p, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1230p, 1235p, 1247p, 1249p, 1254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 105p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 130p, 135p, 147p, 149p, 154p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 205p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 230p, 235p, 247p, 249p, 254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 301p, 304p, 310p, 318p, 326p, 331p, 343p, 345p, 350p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 340p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 405p, 410p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [345p, 351p, 353p, 401p, 406p, 409p, 415p, 424p, 432p, 437p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [400p, 407p, 409p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 441p, 449p, 454p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [418p, 425p, 427p, 436p, 441p, 444p, 450p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 525p, 527p, 532p], [440p, 447p, 449p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 534p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 517p, 522p, 525p, 531p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 606p, 608p, 613p], [515p, 522p, 524p, 533p, 538p, 541p, 547p, 556p, 604p, 609p, 621p, 623p, 628p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 558p, 602p, 605p, 611p, 619p, 627p, 632p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 615p, 618p, 621p, 627p, 635p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 705p, 708p, 714p, 722p, 730p, 735p, 747p, 749p, 754p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 805p, 808p, 814p, 822p, 830p, 835p, 847p, 849p, 854p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 905p, 908p, 914p, 922p, 930p, 935p, 947p, 949p, 954p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005p, 1008p, 1014p, 1022p, 1030p, 1035p, 1047p, 1049p, 1054p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105p, 1108p, 1114p, 1122p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/56-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "56"
+stop_times: [[534a, 536a, 540a, 554a, 605a, 615a, 622a, 628a, 630a, 637a], [614a, 616a, 620a, 634a, 645a, 655a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 717a], [634a, 636a, 640a, 654a, 705a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 730a, 737a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 732a, 739a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [658a, 700a, 704a, 718a, 729a, 739a, 746a, 757a, 802a, 818a], [717a, 719a, 723a, 737a, 748a, 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 842a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 800a, 811a, 825a, 833a, 844a, 849a, 902a], [802a, 804a, 808a, 823a, 834a, 848a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 913a], [847a, 849a, 853a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 934a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 950a, 1000a, 1010a, 1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1032a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1050a, 1100a, 1110a, 1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1132a], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1150a, 1200p, 1210p, 1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1232p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1250p, 100p, 110p, 117p, 123p, 125p, 132p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 150p, 200p, 210p, 217p, 223p, 225p, 232p], [235p, 237p, 241p, 255p, 305p, 315p, 322p, 328p, 330p, 337p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 332p, 342p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p, 416p], [340p, 342p, 346p, 400p, 411p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 440p, 448p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 441p, 452p, 504p, 512p, 519p, 521p, 529p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 501p, 512p, 524p, 532p, 539p, 541p, 549p], [456p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 528p, 540p, 548p, 555p, 557p, 604p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 537p, 548p, 600p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 621p], [536p, 538p, 542p, 557p, 607p, 617p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [555p, 557p, 601p, 615p, 625p, 635p, 642p, 648p, 650p, 656p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 716p, 722p, 724p, 730p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 749p, 759p, 809p, 816p, 822p, 824p, 830p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 849p, 859p, 909p, 916p, 922p, 924p, 930p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 949p, 959p, 1009p, 1016p, 1022p, 1024p, 1030p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1049p, 1059p, 1109p, 1116p, 1122p, 1124p, 1130p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/56-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "56"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 602a, 612a, 623a, 639a, 641a, 646a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 636a, 646a, 657a, 713a, 715a, 720a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 727a, 743a, 745a, 750a], [651a, 657a, 659a, 705a, 712a, 722a, 733a, 749a, 751a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 726a, 736a, 747a, 804a, 806a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 743a, 755a, 806a, 823a, 825a, 830a], [741a, 747a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 826a, 843a, 845a, 850a], [801a, 808a, 810a, 816a, 824a, 836a, 847a, 904a, 906a, 911a], [821a, 828a, 830a, 836a, 844a, 856a, 906a, 922a, 924a, 929a], [851a, 858a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 935a, 951a, 953a, 958a], [1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1018a, 1025a, 1037a, 1047a, 1103a, 1105a, 1110a], [1104a, 1110a, 1112a, 1118a, 1125a, 1137a, 1147a, 1203p, 1205p, 1210p], [1204p, 1210p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p, 1237p, 1247p, 103p, 105p, 110p], [104p, 110p, 112p, 118p, 125p, 137p, 147p, 203p, 205p, 210p], [204p, 210p, 212p, 218p, 225p, 237p, 247p, 303p, 305p, 310p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 318p, 326p, 338p, 349p, 406p, 408p, 413p], [358p, 405p, 407p, 414p, 422p, 434p, 445p, 502p, 504p, 509p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 445p, 456p, 513p, 515p, 520p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 445p, 453p, 505p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [449p, 456p, 458p, 505p, 513p, 525p, 536p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [510p, 517p, 519p, 526p, 534p, 546p, 557p, 613p, 615p, 620p], [530p, 537p, 539p, 546p, 554p, 605p, 615p, 631p, 633p, 638p], [550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 611p, 621p, 631p, 647p, 649p, 654p], [610p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [704p, 710p, 712p, 717p, 724p, 734p, 744p, 800p, 802p, 807p], [804p, 810p, 812p, 817p, 824p, 834p, 844p, 900p, 902p, 907p], [904p, 910p, 912p, 917p, 924p, 934p, 944p, 1000p, 1002p, 1007p], [1004p, 1010p, 1012p, 1017p, 1024p, 1034p, 1044p, 1100p, 1102p, 1107p], [1104p, 1110p, 1112p, 1117p, 1124p, 1134p, 1144p, 1200a, 1202a, 1207a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/57-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+short_name: "57"
+stop_times: [[600a, 607a, 610a, 618a, 624a, 626a, 632a], [630a, 637a, 640a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 702a], [700a, 707a, 710a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 732a], [736a, 743a, 746a, 754a, 805a, 810a, 825a], [806a, 813a, 816a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 855a], [836a, 843a, 846a, 854a, 903a, 905a, 911a], [936a, 943a, 946a, 954a, 1000a, 1002a, 1008a], [1036a, 1043a, 1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1102a, 1108a], [1136a, 1143a, 1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1202p, 1208p], [1236p, 1243p, 1246p, 1254p, 100p, 102p, 108p], [136p, 143p, 146p, 154p, 200p, 202p, 208p], [236p, 243p, 246p, 254p, 300p, 302p, 308p], [336p, 343p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 402p, 409p], [407p, 414p, 417p, 425p, 432p, 434p, 441p], [437p, 444p, 447p, 455p, 502p, 504p, 511p], [507p, 514p, 517p, 525p, 532p, 534p, 541p], [537p, 544p, 547p, 555p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [636p, 643p, 646p, 654p, 700p, 702p, 707p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/57-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+short_name: "57"
+stop_times: [[655a, 701a, 703a, 709a, 717a, 720a, 724a], [725a, 731a, 733a, 739a, 747a, 750a, 754a], [755a, 802a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 821a, 825a], [825a, 832a, 834a, 840a, 848a, 851a, 855a], [855a, 902a, 904a, 910a, 918a, 921a, 925a], [957a, 1003a, 1005a, 1011a, 1019a, 1022a, 1026a], [1055a, 1101a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, 1120a, 1124a], [1155a, 1201p, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, 1220p, 1224p], [1255p, 101p, 103p, 109p, 117p, 120p, 124p], [155p, 201p, 203p, 209p, 217p, 220p, 224p], [255p, 301p, 303p, 310p, 318p, 321p, 325p], [355p, 402p, 404p, 411p, 419p, 422p, 426p], [425p, 432p, 434p, 441p, 449p, 452p, 456p], [455p, 502p, 504p, 511p, 519p, 522p, 526p], [525p, 532p, 534p, 541p, 549p, 552p, 556p], [555p, 602p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 620p, 624p], [625p, 631p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 649p, 653p], [655p, 701p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 719p, 723p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/58-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "58"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 551a, 558a, 606a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 624a, 631a, 639a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [631a, 637a, 639a, 645a, 651a, 658a, 706a, 717a, 733a, 735a, 740a], [711a, 717a, 719a, 725a, 731a, 738a, 746a, 757a, 814a, 816a, 821a], [727a, 733a, 735a, 741a, 748a, 757a, 806a, 817a, 834a, 836a, 841a], [745a, 752a, 754a, 800a, 808a, 817a, 826a, 837a, 854a, 856a, 901a], [805a, 812a, 814a, 820a, 828a, 837a, 846a, 857a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [917a, 923a, 925a, 931a, 938a, 945a, 953a, 1003a, 1019a, 1021a, 1026a], [1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1045a, 1053a, 1103a, 1119a, 1121a, 1126a], [1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1145a, 1153a, 1203p, 1219p, 1221p, 1226p], [1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1245p, 1253p, 103p, 119p, 121p, 126p], [117p, 123p, 125p, 131p, 138p, 145p, 153p, 203p, 219p, 221p, 226p], [217p, 223p, 225p, 231p, 238p, 245p, 253p, 303p, 320p, 322p, 327p], [328p, 335p, 337p, 344p, 352p, 401p, 410p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [419p, 426p, 428p, 435p, 443p, 452p, 501p, 512p, 529p, 531p, 536p], [439p, 446p, 448p, 455p, 503p, 512p, 521p, 532p, 549p, 551p, 556p], [500p, 507p, 509p, 516p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 553p, 609p, 611p, 616p], [520p, 527p, 529p, 536p, 544p, 553p, 602p, 612p, 628p, 630p, 635p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 556p, 603p, 610p, 618p, 628p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 619p, 626p, 634p, 644p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [631p, 637p, 639p, 644p, 650p, 657p, 705p, 715p, 731p, 733p, 738p], [717p, 723p, 725p, 730p, 736p, 743p, 751p, 801p, 817p, 819p, 824p], [817p, 823p, 825p, 830p, 836p, 843p, 851p, 901p, 917p, 919p, 924p], [917p, 923p, 925p, 930p, 936p, 943p, 951p, 1001p, 1017p, 1019p, 1024p], [1017p, 1023p, 1025p, 1030p, 1036p, 1043p, 1051p, 1101p, 1117p, 1119p, 1124p], [1117p, 1123p, 1125p, 1130p, 1136p, 1143p, 1151p, 1201a, 1217a, 1219a, 1224a], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/58-to-macarthur---northbourne-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave]
+long_name: To Macarthur / Northbourne Ave
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "58"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 543a, 554a, 602a, 609a, 615a, 621a, 623a], ["-", "-", "-", 623a, 634a, 642a, 649a, 655a, 701a, 703a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654a, 702a, 709a, 715a, 721a, 723a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 713a, 721a, 728a, 734a, 740a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 738a, 744a, 754a, 759a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 748a, 755a, 803a, 814a, 819a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 743a, 754a, 803a, 810a, 818a, 829a, 834a], [744a, 746a, 750a, 805a, 816a, 825a, 832a, 840a, 851a, 856a], [825a, 827a, 831a, 846a, 857a, 905a, 912a, 919a, 925a, 927a], [905a, 907a, 911a, 925a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 957a, 1003a, 1005a], [1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1025a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1057a, 1103a, 1105a], [1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1125a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1157a, 1203p, 1205p], [1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1225p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1257p, 103p, 105p], [105p, 107p, 111p, 125p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 157p, 203p, 205p], [205p, 207p, 211p, 225p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 257p, 303p, 305p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p], [405p, 407p, 411p, 426p, 437p, 446p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 510p], [425p, 427p, 431p, 446p, 457p, 506p, 513p, 521p, 528p, 530p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 506p, 517p, 526p, 533p, 541p, 548p, 550p], [505p, 507p, 511p, 526p, 537p, 546p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p], [525p, 527p, 531p, 546p, 557p, 605p, 612p, 618p, 624p, 626p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 606p, 616p, 624p, 631p, 637p, 643p, 645p], [604p, 606p, 610p, 624p, 634p, 642p, 649p, 655p, 701p, 703p], [704p, 706p, 710p, 724p, 734p, 742p, 749p, 755p, 801p, 803p], [804p, 806p, 810p, 824p, 834p, 842p, 849p, 855p, 901p, 903p], [904p, 906p, 910p, 924p, 934p, 942p, 949p, 955p, 1001p, 1003p], [1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1024p, 1034p, 1042p, 1049p, 1055p, 1101p, 1103p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/59-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "59"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 648a, 703a, 709a, 718a, 734a, 736a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 710a, 713a, 728a, 734a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 730a, 733a, 748a, 754a, 803a, 820a, 822a, 827a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 813a, 819a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 848a, 905a, 907a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907a, 910a, 925a, 931a, 940a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007a, 1010a, 1025a, 1031a, 1040a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107a, 1110a, 1125a, 1131a, 1140a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1207p, 1210p, 1225p, 1231p, 1240p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 107p, 110p, 125p, 131p, 140p, 156p, 158p, 203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 207p, 210p, 225p, 231p, 240p, 256p, 258p, 303p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 325p, 331p, 340p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [328p, 334p, 336p, 344p, 347p, 350p, 405p, 411p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [337p, 343p, 345p, 353p, 356p, 359p, 414p, 420p, 430p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [351p, 357p, 359p, 408p, 413p, 416p, 431p, 437p, 447p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 427p, 432p, 435p, 450p, 456p, 506p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [423p, 430p, 432p, 441p, 446p, 449p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [437p, 444p, 446p, 455p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 524p, 534p, 551p, 553p, 558p], [453p, 500p, 502p, 511p, 516p, 519p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [507p, 514p, 516p, 525p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 554p, 604p, 620p, 622p, 627p], [524p, 531p, 533p, 542p, 547p, 550p, 605p, 611p, 620p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 602p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 629p, 638p, 654p, 656p, 701p], [557p, 603p, 605p, 612p, 615p, 618p, 633p, 639p, 648p, 704p, 706p, 711p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 707p, 710p, 725p, 731p, 740p, 756p, 758p, 803p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 810p, 825p, 831p, 840p, 856p, 858p, 903p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907p, 910p, 925p, 931p, 940p, 956p, 958p, 1003p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007p, 1010p, 1025p, 1031p, 1040p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107p, 1110p, 1125p, 1131p, 1140p, 1156p, 1158p, 1203a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/59-to-northbourne-avenue---antill-st.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St]
+long_name: To Northbourne Avenue / Antill St
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "59"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 537a, 541a, 547a, 603a, 606a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612a, 616a, 622a, 638a, 641a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 646a, 650a, 656a, 711a, 714a, 717a, 724a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 706a, 712a, 727a, 730a, 733a, 740a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 716a, 722a, 737a, 740a, 743a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 733a, 737a, 743a, 758a, 801a, 806a, 817a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 813a, 819a, 834a, 837a, 842a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 820a, 824a, 830a, 845a, 848a, 853a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 849a, 853a, 859a, 914a, 917a, 920a, 927a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 923a, "-", 933a, 939a, 955a, 958a, "-", "-"], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1023a, "-", 1033a, 1039a, 1055a, 1058a, "-", "-"], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1123a, "-", 1133a, 1139a, 1155a, 1158a, "-", "-"], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1223p, "-", 1233p, 1239p, 1255p, 1258p, "-", "-"], [100p, 102p, 106p, 123p, "-", 133p, 139p, 155p, 158p, "-", "-"], [200p, 202p, 206p, 223p, "-", 233p, 239p, 255p, 258p, "-", "-"], [240p, 242p, 246p, 303p, "-", 313p, 319p, 335p, 338p, "-", "-"], [318p, 320p, 324p, 342p, "-", 352p, 358p, 414p, 417p, "-", "-"], [333p, 335p, 339p, 357p, "-", 407p, 413p, 429p, 432p, "-", "-"], [348p, 350p, 354p, 412p, "-", 422p, 428p, 444p, 447p, "-", "-"], [403p, 405p, 409p, 427p, "-", 437p, 443p, 459p, 502p, "-", "-"], [418p, 420p, 424p, 442p, "-", 452p, 458p, 514p, 517p, "-", "-"], [433p, 435p, 439p, 457p, "-", 507p, 513p, 529p, 532p, "-", "-"], [448p, 450p, 454p, 512p, "-", 522p, 528p, 544p, 547p, "-", "-"], [503p, 505p, 509p, 527p, "-", 537p, 543p, 559p, 602p, "-", "-"], [518p, 520p, 524p, 542p, "-", 552p, 558p, 614p, 617p, "-", "-"], [530p, 532p, 536p, 554p, "-", 604p, 610p, 626p, 629p, "-", "-"], [548p, 550p, 554p, 611p, "-", 620p, 626p, 642p, 645p, "-", "-"], [603p, 605p, 609p, 626p, "-", 635p, 641p, 657p, 700p, "-", "-"], [703p, 705p, 709p, 726p, "-", 735p, 741p, 757p, 800p, "-", "-"], [803p, 805p, 809p, 826p, "-", 835p, 841p, 857p, 900p, "-", "-"], [903p, 905p, 909p, 926p, "-", 935p, 941p, 957p, 1000p, "-", "-"], [1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1026p, "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1057p, 1100p, "-", "-"], [1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1126p, "-", 1135p, 1141p, 1157p, 1200a, "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson]
 long_name: To Dickson
-between_stops: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
 short_name: "6"
 stop_times: [[618a, 626a, 638a, 645a, 650a, 701a, 713a, 719a, 725a], [653a, 701a, 713a, 720a, 725a, 737a, 751a, 759a, 806a], [723a, 731a, 745a, 753a, 758a, 812a, 826a, 834a, 841a], [753a, 803a, 817a, 825a, 830a, 844a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [823a, 833a, 847a, 855a, 900a, 914a, 928a, 936a, 943a], [853a, 903a, 917a, 925a, 930a, 944a, 956a, 1004a, 1011a], [923a, 933a, 945a, 952a, 957a, 1011a, 1023a, 1031a, 1038a], [1023a, 1033a, 1045a, 1052a, 1057a, 1111a, 1123a, 1131a, 1138a], [1123a, 1133a, 1145a, 1152a, 1157a, 1211p, 1223p, 1231p, 1238p], [1223p, 1233p, 1245p, 1252p, 1257p, 111p, 123p, 131p, 138p], [123p, 133p, 145p, 152p, 157p, 211p, 223p, 231p, 238p], [223p, 233p, 245p, 252p, 257p, 311p, 325p, 333p, 340p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 344p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [323p, 333p, 347p, 355p, 400p, 414p, 428p, 436p, 443p], [353p, 403p, 417p, 425p, 430p, 444p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [423p, 433p, 447p, 455p, 500p, 514p, 528p, 536p, 543p], [453p, 503p, 517p, 525p, 530p, 544p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [516p, 526p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 607p, 621p, 629p, 635p], [553p, 603p, 617p, 625p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 656p, 702p], [630p, 638p, 648p, 655p, 700p, 710p, 720p, 726p, 732p], [730p, 738p, 748p, 755p, 800p, 810p, 820p, 826p, 832p], [830p, 838p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 910p, 920p, 926p, 932p], [930p, 938p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1010p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], [1030p, 1038p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p]]
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), "Lyneham Shops, Wattle Street", North Lyneham, Dickson]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Dickson, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "6"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 650a, 658a, 703a, 710a, 720a, 728a], [648a, 655a, 701a, 715a, 723a, 728a, 736a, 750a, 758a], [718a, 725a, 731a, 747a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 826a, 834a], [748a, 756a, 804a, 820a, 830a, 838a, 846a, 903a, 911a], [818a, 827a, 836a, 852a, 904a, 909a, 917a, 931a, 939a], [848a, 856a, 903a, 919a, 931a, 936a, 943a, 955a, 1003a], [918a, 926a, 933a, 947a, 957a, 1002a, 1009a, 1021a, 1029a], [948a, 956a, 1003a, 1017a, 1027a, 1032a, 1039a, 1051a, 1059a], [1048a, 1056a, 1103a, 1117a, 1127a, 1132a, 1139a, 1151a, 1159a], [1148a, 1156a, 1203p, 1217p, 1227p, 1232p, 1239p, 1251p, 1259p], [1248p, 1256p, 103p, 117p, 127p, 132p, 139p, 151p, 159p], [148p, 156p, 203p, 217p, 227p, 232p, 239p, 251p, 259p], [248p, 256p, 303p, 319p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 358p, 406p], [318p, 326p, 333p, 349p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 428p, 436p], [348p, 356p, 403p, 419p, 431p, 436p, 444p, 458p, 506p], [418p, 426p, 433p, 449p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 528p, 536p], [448p, 456p, 503p, 519p, 531p, 536p, 544p, 558p, 606p], [518p, 526p, 533p, 549p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 628p, 636p], [548p, 556p, 603p, 619p, 631p, 636p, 643p, 653p, 701p], [640p, 647p, 653p, 705p, 713p, 718p, 725p, 735p, 743p], [740p, 747p, 753p, 805p, 813p, 818p, 825p, 835p, 843p], [840p, 847p, 853p, 905p, 913p, 918p, 925p, 935p, 943p], [940p, 947p, 953p, 1005p, 1013p, 1018p, 1025p, 1035p, 1043p], [1040p, 1047p, 1053p, 1105p, 1113p, 1118p, 1125p, 1135p, 1143p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/60-160-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 60 160
+stop_times: [[606a, 615a, 621a, 632a, "-", "-"], [706a, 715a, 721a, 734a, 749a, 752a], [730a, 740a, 748a, 802a, "-", "-"], [738a, 748a, 756a, 811a, 826a, 829a], [752a, 802a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [808a, 818a, 826a, 841a, 856a, 859a], [836a, 846a, 854a, 908a, "-", "-"], [906a, 916a, 924a, 937a, "-", "-"], [1006a, 1016a, 1024a, 1036a, "-", "-"], [1106a, 1116a, 1124a, 1136a, "-", "-"], [1206p, 1216p, 1224p, 1236p, "-", "-"], [106p, 116p, 124p, 136p, "-", "-"], [206p, 216p, 224p, 236p, "-", "-"], [236p, 246p, 254p, 307p, "-", "-"], [306p, 316p, 324p, 338p, "-", "-"], [336p, 346p, 354p, 408p, "-", "-"], [406p, 416p, 424p, 438p, "-", "-"], [436p, 446p, 454p, 508p, "-", "-"], [506p, 516p, 524p, 538p, "-", "-"], [536p, 546p, 554p, 608p, "-", "-"], [606p, 616p, 624p, 637p, "-", "-"], [706p, 716p, 722p, 734p, "-", "-"], [806p, 816p, 822p, 834p, "-", "-"], [906p, 916p, 922p, 934p, "-", "-"], [1006p, 1016p, 1022p, 1034p, "-", "-"], [1106p, 1116p, 1122p, 1134p, "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/60-160-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: 60 160
+stop_times: [["-", "-", 647a, 701a, 708a, 718a], ["-", "-", 717a, 731a, 739a, 750a], ["-", "-", 747a, 801a, 809a, 820a], ["-", "-", 817a, 831a, 839a, 850a], ["-", "-", 847a, 901a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 947a, 1001a, 1009a, 1019a], ["-", "-", 1047a, 1101a, 1109a, 1119a], ["-", "-", 1147a, 1201p, 1209p, 1219p], ["-", "-", 1247p, 101p, 109p, 119p], ["-", "-", 147p, 201p, 209p, 219p], ["-", "-", 247p, 301p, 309p, 320p], ["-", "-", 317p, 331p, 339p, 350p], ["-", "-", 347p, 401p, 409p, 420p], ["-", "-", 417p, 431p, 439p, 450p], ["-", "-", 447p, 501p, 509p, 520p], [455p, 501p, 517p, 531p, 539p, 550p], [531p, 537p, 553p, 607p, 615p, 626p], [555p, 601p, 617p, 631p, 638p, 647p], ["-", "-", 647p, 701p, 708p, 717p], ["-", "-", 743p, 757p, 804p, 813p], ["-", "-", 843p, 857p, 904p, 913p], ["-", "-", 943p, 957p, 1004p, 1013p], ["-", "-", 1043p, 1057p, 1104p, 1113p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Livingston Shops / Kambah, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station, City Bus Station, City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Woden Bus Station-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 61 161
+stop_times: [[630a, 641a, 646a, 651a, 658a, "-", "-"], [700a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 733a, "-", "-"], [726a, 739a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 819a, 822a], [740a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 813a, "-", "-"], [800a, 814a, 819a, 825a, 839a, "-", "-"], [837a, 851a, 856a, 901a, 910a, "-", "-"], [900a, 914a, 919a, 924a, 933a, "-", "-"], [930a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, "-", "-"], [1030a, 1043a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, "-", "-"], [1130a, 1143a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, "-", "-"], [1230p, 1243p, 1248p, 1253p, 101p, "-", "-"], [130p, 143p, 148p, 153p, 201p, "-", "-"], [230p, 243p, 248p, 253p, 301p, "-", "-"], [330p, 344p, 349p, 354p, 403p, "-", "-"], [400p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 433p, "-", "-"], [430p, 444p, 449p, 454p, 503p, "-", "-"], [500p, 514p, 519p, 524p, 533p, "-", "-"], [530p, 544p, 549p, 554p, 603p, "-", "-"], [600p, 614p, 619p, 624p, 633p, "-", "-"], [630p, 643p, 648p, 653p, 701p, "-", "-"], [730p, 743p, 748p, 753p, 801p, "-", "-"], [830p, 843p, 848p, 853p, 901p, "-", "-"], [930p, 943p, 948p, 953p, 1001p, "-", "-"], [1030p, 1043p, 1048p, 1053p, 1101p, "-", "-"], [1130p, 1143p, 1148p, 1153p, "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Livingston Shops / Kambah, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: 61 161
+stop_times: [["-", "-", 642a, 649a, 654a, 659a, 710a], ["-", "-", 712a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 743a], ["-", "-", 742a, 751a, 756a, 801a, 815a], ["-", "-", 812a, 821a, 826a, 831a, 845a], ["-", "-", 842a, 859a, 905a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 912a, 921a, 926a, 931a, 944a], ["-", "-", 1012a, 1020a, 1025a, 1030a, 1043a], ["-", "-", 1112a, 1120a, 1125a, 1130a, 1143a], ["-", "-", 1212p, 1220p, 1225p, 1230p, 1243p], ["-", "-", 112p, 120p, 125p, 130p, 143p], ["-", "-", 212p, 220p, 225p, 230p, 243p], ["-", "-", 320p, 329p, 334p, 339p, 353p], ["-", "-", 342p, 351p, 356p, 401p, 415p], ["-", "-", 412p, 421p, 426p, 431p, 445p], ["-", "-", 442p, 451p, 456p, 501p, 515p], ["-", "-", 512p, 521p, 526p, 531p, 545p], [520p, 526p, 542p, 551p, 556p, 601p, 615p], ["-", "-", 612p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 644p], ["-", "-", 712p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 743p], ["-", "-", 810p, 818p, 823p, 828p, 841p], ["-", "-", 910p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 941p], ["-", "-", 1010p, 1018p, 1023p, 1028p, 1041p], ["-", "-", 1112p, 1120p, 1125p, 1130p, 1143p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/62-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "62"
+stop_times: [[609a, 616a, 624a, 637a, "-", "-"], [639a, 646a, 654a, 707a, "-", "-"], [709a, 716a, 725a, 740a, 755a, 758a], [736a, 743a, 752a, 807a, 822a, 825a], [754a, 801a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [809a, 816a, 825a, 840a, 855a, 858a], [839a, 846a, 855a, 909a, "-", "-"], [939a, 946a, 954a, 1007a, "-", "-"], [1039a, 1046a, 1054a, 1107a, "-", "-"], [1139a, 1146a, 1154a, 1207p, "-", "-"], [1239p, 1246p, 1254p, 107p, "-", "-"], [139p, 146p, 154p, 207p, "-", "-"], [239p, 246p, 254p, 308p, "-", "-"], [309p, 316p, 325p, 339p, "-", "-"], [339p, 346p, 355p, 409p, "-", "-"], [409p, 416p, 425p, 439p, "-", "-"], [439p, 446p, 455p, 509p, "-", "-"], [509p, 516p, 525p, 539p, "-", "-"], [539p, 546p, 555p, 609p, "-", "-"], [609p, 616p, 625p, 637p, "-", "-"], [639p, 645p, 652p, 703p, "-", "-"], [739p, 745p, 752p, 803p, "-", "-"], [839p, 845p, 852p, 903p, "-", "-"], [940p, 946p, 953p, 1004p, "-", "-"], [1040p, 1046p, 1053p, 1104p, "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/62-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "62"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 709a, 716a, 723a], ["-", "-", 732a, 744a, 753a, 800a], ["-", "-", 802a, 814a, 823a, 830a], ["-", "-", 832a, 844a, 853a, 900a], ["-", "-", 902a, 914a, 923a, 930a], ["-", "-", 932a, 943a, 951a, 958a], ["-", "-", 1032a, 1043a, 1051a, 1058a], ["-", "-", 1132a, 1143a, 1151a, 1158a], ["-", "-", 1232p, 1243p, 1251p, 1258p], ["-", "-", 132p, 143p, 151p, 158p], ["-", "-", 232p, 243p, 251p, 258p], ["-", "-", 332p, 344p, 353p, 400p], ["-", "-", 402p, 414p, 423p, 430p], ["-", "-", 432p, 444p, 453p, 500p], ["-", "-", 502p, 514p, 523p, 530p], [510p, 516p, 532p, 544p, 553p, 600p], [540p, 546p, 602p, 614p, 623p, 630p], [610p, 616p, 632p, 643p, 651p, 658p], ["-", "-", 732p, 743p, 751p, 758p], ["-", "-", 832p, 843p, 851p, 858p], ["-", "-", 932p, 943p, 951p, 958p], ["-", "-", 1032p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p], ["-", "-", 1132p, 1143p, 1151p, 1158p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/63-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/63-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Goodwin Village, Erindale Centre, Wanniassa High, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-between_stops: []
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
 short_name: "63"
-stop_times: [[611a, 619a, 623a, 628a, 633a, 640a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 648a, 652a, 657a, 702a, 710a, 724a, 727a, 731a, 735a], [712a, 720a, 724a, 729a, 735a, 745a, 759a, 803a, 807a, 811a], [744a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 834a, 838a, 842a, 846a], [810a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a, 845a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 855a, 900a, 905a, 911a, 920a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 954a, 958a, 1003a, 1009a, 1017a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1054a, 1058a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1154a, 1158a, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1254p, 1258p, 103p, 109p, 117p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 154p, 158p, 203p, 209p, 217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 254p, 258p, 303p, 309p, 318p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [314p, 324p, 329p, 334p, 340p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 411p, 420p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 450p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 455p, 500p, 505p, 511p, 520p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 525p, 530p, 535p, 541p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 605p, 611p, 620p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [645p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 709p, 717p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 809p, 817p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 909p, 917p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1009p, 1017p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["On school days, this service arrives at Woden at 850am"]]
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), "Monash, Goodwin Village", Erindale Centre, Wanniassa High, "Athllon / Sulwood, Kambah", Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+stop_times: [[611a, 619a, 623a, 628a, 633a, 640a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 648a, 652a, 657a, 702a, 710a, 724a, 727a, 731a, 735a], [712a, 720a, 724a, 729a, 735a, 745a, 759a, 803a, 807a, 811a], [744a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 834a, 838a, 842a, 846a], [810a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a, 845a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 855a, 900a, 905a, 911a, 920a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 954a, 958a, 1003a, 1009a, 1017a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1054a, 1058a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1154a, 1158a, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1254p, 1258p, 103p, 109p, 117p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 154p, 158p, 203p, 209p, 217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 254p, 258p, 303p, 309p, 318p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [314p, 324p, 329p, 334p, 340p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 411p, 420p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 450p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 455p, 500p, 505p, 511p, 520p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 525p, 530p, 535p, 541p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 605p, 611p, 620p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [645p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 709p, 717p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 809p, 817p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 909p, 917p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1009p, 1017p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/63-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Wanniassa High, Erindale Centre, Monash Goodwin Village, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: "63"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 615a, 619a, 623a, 631a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 649a, 653a, 701a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 710a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 736a, 741a, 746a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 818a, 823a, 828a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 823a, 832a, 838a, 843a, 848a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 928a, 937a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003a, 1011a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103a, 1111a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1203p, 1211p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 103p, 111p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 203p, 211p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 303p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 328p, 338p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 323p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 348p, 358p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 403p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 428p, 438p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 423p, 432p, 438p, 443p, 448p, 458p], [437p, 441p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 538p], [457p, 501p, 505p, 508p, 523p, 532p, 538p, 543p, 548p, 558p], [537p, 541p, 545p, 548p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 628p, 637p], [557p, 601p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 647p, 656p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703p, 711p, 717p, 722p, 726p, 735p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803p, 811p, 817p, 822p, 826p, 835p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903p, 911p, 917p, 922p, 926p, 935p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003p, 1011p, 1017p, 1022p, 1026p, 1035p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1126p, 1135p], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/64-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Monash Primary, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+short_name: "64"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", 651a, 655a, 702a], [706a, 714a, 721a, 725a, 733a], ["-", "-", 751a, 756a, 805a], [806a, 816a, 823a, 828a, 837a], [836a, 846a, 853a, 858a, 907a], [906a, 916a, 923a, 928a, 936a], [1006a, 1015a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a], [1106a, 1115a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a], [1206p, 1215p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p], [106p, 115p, 122p, 126p, 134p], [206p, 215p, 222p, 226p, 234p], [306p, 316p, 323p, 328p, 337p], [336p, 346p, 353p, 358p, 407p], [406p, 416p, 423p, 428p, 437p], [436p, 446p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [506p, 516p, 523p, 528p, 537p], [536p, 546p, 553p, 558p, 607p], [606p, 616p, 623p, 628p, 636p], [706p, 715p, 722p, 726p, 734p], [806p, 815p, 822p, 826p, 834p], [906p, 915p, 922p, 926p, 934p], [1006p, 1015p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p], [1106p, 1115p, 1122p, 1126p, 1134p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/64-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Primary, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+short_name: "64"
+stop_times: [[605a, 612a, 616a, 623a, 631a], [635a, 642a, 646a, 653a, 701a], [705a, 712a, 716a, 723a, 731a], [735a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 806a], [805a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 836a], [825a, 834a, 839a, 846a, 856a], [905a, 914a, 919a, 926a, 935a], [935a, 943a, 947a, 954a, 1003a], [1035a, 1043a, 1047a, 1054a, 1103a], [1135a, 1143a, 1147a, 1154a, 1203p], [1235p, 1243p, 1247p, 1254p, 103p], [135p, 143p, 147p, 154p, 203p], [235p, 243p, 247p, 254p, 303p], [305p, 314p, 319p, 326p, 336p], [335p, 344p, 349p, 356p, 406p], [435p, 444p, 449p, 456p, 506p], [505p, 514p, 519p, 526p, 536p], [535p, 544p, 549p, 556p, 606p], [636p, 644p, 648p, 655p, 704p], [739p, 747p, 751p, 758p, 807p], [839p, 847p, 851p, 858p, 907p], [939p, 947p, 951p, 958p, 1007p], [1039p, 1047p, 1051p, 1058p, "-"], [], []]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/65-265-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station, City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: 65 265
+stop_times: [[535a, 541a, 552a, 557a, 611a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [635a, 641a, 652a, 657a, 711a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 700a, 712a, 721a, 737a, 752a, 756a, 805a, 808a], [720a, 726a, 734a, 743a, 801a, 815a, 819a, 829a, 832a], [730a, 739a, 756a, 805a, 822a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745a, 754a, 811a, 820a, 842a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [815a, 824a, 841a, 850a, 907a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 854a, 911a, 920a, 936a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 952a, 1005a, 1012a, 1027a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1052a, 1105a, 1112a, 1127a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1152a, 1205p, 1212p, 1227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1252p, 105p, 112p, 127p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 152p, 205p, 212p, 227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 252p, 305p, 312p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [315p, 324p, 337p, 344p, 403p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 354p, 407p, 414p, 433p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 429p, 442p, 449p, 508p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 454p, 507p, 514p, 533p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 524p, 537p, 544p, 603p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 554p, 607p, 614p, 633p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 624p, 636p, 641p, 657p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [641p, 647p, 659p, 704p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [741p, 747p, 759p, 804p, 820p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [841p, 847p, 859p, 904p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [941p, 947p, 959p, 1004p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1041p, 1047p, 1059p, 1104p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/65-265-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale Centre, Bugden Sternberg, Gowrie, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: 65 265
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 604a, 608a, 619a, 625a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 625a, 637a, 638a, 643a, 654a, 700a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 655a, 710a, 711a, 718a, 734a, 744a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 742a, 743a, 750a, 806a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 812a, 813a, 820a, 836a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 825a, 842a, 843a, 850a, 906a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 912a, 913a, 920a, 935a, 943a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 955a, 1009a, 1010a, 1015a, 1027a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1055a, 1109a, 1110a, 1115a, 1127a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1155a, 1209p, 1210p, 1215p, 1227p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1255p, 109p, 110p, 115p, 127p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 155p, 209p, 210p, 215p, 227p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 255p, 311p, 312p, 318p, 332p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 325p, 342p, 343p, 349p, 403p, 412p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 355p, 412p, 413p, 419p, 433p, 442p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 420p, 437p, 438p, 444p, 458p, 507p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 455p, 512p, 513p, 519p, 533p, 542p], [455p, 501p, 510p, 513p, 528p, 545p, 546p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [525p, 531p, 540p, 543p, 558p, 615p, 616p, 622p, 635p, 643p], [555p, 601p, 610p, 613p, 628p, 642p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 708p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654p, 708p, 709p, 714p, 726p, 734p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754p, 808p, 809p, 814p, 826p, 834p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854p, 908p, 909p, 914p, 926p, 934p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954p, 1008p, 1009p, 1014p, 1026p, 1034p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054p, 1108p, 1109p, 1114p, 1126p, 1134p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/66-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Proctor / Mead, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "66"
+stop_times: [["-", 602a, 610a, 617a, 622a, 631a], [622a, 632a, 640a, 647a, 652a, 701a], [652a, 702a, 710a, 717a, 722a, 731a], [722a, 734a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 808a], [752a, 810a, 820a, 827a, 834a, 844a], [822a, 840a, 850a, 857a, 904a, 914a], [916a, 933a, 941a, 948a, 954a, 1003a], [1022a, 1036a, 1044a, 1051a, 1057a, 1106a], [1122a, 1136a, 1144a, 1151a, 1157a, 1206p], [1222p, 1236p, 1244p, 1251p, 1257p, 106p], [122p, 136p, 144p, 151p, 157p, 206p], [222p, 236p, 244p, 251p, 257p, 307p], [252p, 308p, 319p, 326p, 333p, 343p], [322p, 340p, 351p, 358p, 405p, 415p], [352p, 410p, 421p, 428p, 435p, 445p], [422p, 440p, 451p, 458p, 505p, 515p], [452p, 510p, 521p, 528p, 535p, 545p], [522p, 540p, 551p, 558p, 605p, 615p], [552p, 610p, 621p, 628p, 634p, 643p], [622p, 638p, 646p, 653p, 658p, 707p], [722p, 736p, 744p, 751p, 756p, 805p], [822p, 836p, 844p, 851p, 856p, 905p], [922p, 936p, 944p, 951p, 956p, 1005p], [1022p, 1036p, 1044p, 1051p, 1056p, 1105p], [1122p, 1136p, 1144p, 1151p, 1156p, "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/66-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Proctor / Mead, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "66"
+stop_times: [[612a, 618a, 625a, 631a, 638a, 652a], [641a, 647a, 654a, 700a, 712a, 727a], [706a, 714a, 723a, 732a, 744a, 800a], [736a, 744a, 753a, 802a, 814a, 830a], [806a, 814a, 823a, 832a, 844a, 900a], [836a, 844a, 853a, 902a, 914a, 930a], [909a, 917a, 926a, 933a, 941a, 956a], [1012a, 1018a, 1026a, 1032a, 1040a, 1055a], [1112a, 1118a, 1126a, 1132a, 1140a, 1155a], [1212p, 1218p, 1226p, 1232p, 1240p, 1255p], [112p, 118p, 126p, 132p, 140p, 155p], [212p, 218p, 226p, 232p, 240p, 255p], [312p, 319p, 327p, 334p, 345p, 400p], [412p, 419p, 427p, 434p, 445p, 500p], [442p, 449p, 457p, 504p, 515p, 530p], [512p, 519p, 527p, 534p, 545p, 600p], [542p, 549p, 557p, 604p, 615p, 630p], [613p, 620p, 628p, 634p, 642p, 657p], [714p, 720p, 728p, 734p, 742p, 757p], [814p, 820p, 828p, 834p, 842p, 857p], [914p, 920p, 928p, 934p, 942p, 957p], [1014p, 1020p, 1028p, 1034p, 1042p, 1057p], [1114p, 1120p, 1128p, 1134p, 1142p, "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell Shops, Chisholm Shops, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+short_name: 67 267
+stop_times: [[603a, 615a, 627a, 635a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [633a, 645a, 657a, 705a, 716a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [702a, 715a, 726a, 735a, 750a, 804a, 808a, 818a, 821a], [718a, 730a, 745a, 755a, 809a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [731a, 746a, 800a, 810a, 825a, 839a, 843a, 853a, 856a], [803a, 817a, 832a, 842a, 856a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [833a, 847a, 902a, 912a, 926a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903a, 917a, 932a, 940a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003a, 1016a, 1028a, 1036a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103a, 1116a, 1128a, 1136a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1203p, 1216p, 1228p, 1236p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [103p, 116p, 128p, 136p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [203p, 216p, 228p, 236p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [303p, 317p, 332p, 342p, 356p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [333p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 426p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [403p, 417p, 432p, 442p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [433p, 447p, 502p, 512p, 526p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [503p, 517p, 532p, 542p, 556p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [533p, 547p, 602p, 612p, 626p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [603p, 617p, 632p, 640p, 653p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [703p, 716p, 728p, 736p, 749p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [803p, 816p, 828p, 836p, 849p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903p, 916p, 928p, 936p, 949p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003p, 1016p, 1028p, 1036p, 1049p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103p, 1116p, 1128p, 1136p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Bugden Sternberg, Chisholm Shops, Calwell Shops, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: 67 267
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 601a, 608a, 618a, 632a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 617a, 626a, 626a, 633a, 643a, 657a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 647a, 656a, 656a, 703a, 713a, 727a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717a, 726a, 726a, 734a, 746a, 803a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 747a, 804a, 804a, 813a, 825a, 842a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817a, 834a, 834a, 843a, 855a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 847a, 904a, 904a, 913a, 925a, 941a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917a, 933a, 933a, 940a, 949a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017a, 1030a, 1030a, 1037a, 1046a, 1101a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117a, 1130a, 1130a, 1137a, 1146a, 1201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1217p, 1230p, 1230p, 1237p, 1246p, 101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 117p, 130p, 130p, 137p, 146p, 201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 217p, 230p, 230p, 237p, 246p, 301p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 247p, 300p, 300p, 310p, 325p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 317p, 334p, 334p, 344p, 359p, 415p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 347p, 404p, 404p, 414p, 429p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 417p, 434p, 434p, 444p, 459p, 515p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 447p, 504p, 504p, 514p, 529p, 545p], [430p, 436p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 520p, 520p, 530p, 545p, 601p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 518p, 533p, 550p, 550p, 600p, 615p, 631p], [544p, 550p, 559p, 602p, 617p, 633p, 633p, 640p, 649p, 704p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717p, 730p, 730p, 737p, 746p, 801p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817p, 830p, 830p, 837p, 846p, 901p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 930p, 930p, 937p, 946p, 1001p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017p, 1030p, 1030p, 1037p, 1046p, 1101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117p, 1130p, 1130p, 1137p, 1146p, 1201a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson, Merici College, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "7"
+stop_times: [[541a, 543a, 547a, 600a, 608a, 615a, 623a], [611a, 613a, 617a, 630a, 638a, 645a, 653a], [641a, 643a, 647a, 700a, 708a, 715a, 723a], [711a, 713a, 717a, 730a, 739a, 746a, 755a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 804a, 817a, 824a, 837a], [811a, 813a, 817a, 832a, 841a, 848a, 903a], [841a, 843a, 847a, 902a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 958a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1005a, 1013a, 1020a, 1028a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1058a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1105a, 1113a, 1120a, 1128a], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1158a], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1205p, 1213p, 1220p, 1228p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1258p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 105p, 113p, 120p, 128p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 158p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 205p, 213p, 220p, 228p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 258p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 330p], [311p, 313p, 317p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 356p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 402p, 410p, 417p, 426p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 432p, 440p, 447p, 456p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 502p, 510p, 517p, 526p], [511p, 513p, 517p, 532p, 540p, 547p, 601p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 602p, 610p, 617p, 626p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 705p, 713p, 719p, 727p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 805p, 813p, 819p, 827p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 905p, 913p, 919p, 927p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1005p, 1013p, 1019p, 1027p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1105p, 1113p, 1119p, 1127p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "7"
+stop_times: [[632a, 639a, 646a, 654a, 708a, 710a, 715a], [701a, 708a, 715a, 723a, 738a, 740a, 745a], [731a, 739a, 746a, 754a, 810a, 812a, 817a], [801a, 809a, 816a, 824a, 840a, 842a, 847a], [829a, 837a, 844a, 852a, 908a, 910a, 915a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 921a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [930a, 937a, 944a, 952a, 1006a, 1008a, 1013a], [1000a, 1007a, 1014a, 1022a, 1036a, 1038a, 1043a], [1030a, 1037a, 1044a, 1052a, 1106a, 1108a, 1113a], [1100a, 1107a, 1114a, 1122a, 1136a, 1138a, 1143a], [1130a, 1137a, 1144a, 1152a, 1206p, 1208p, 1213p], [1200p, 1207p, 1214p, 1222p, 1236p, 1238p, 1243p], [1230p, 1237p, 1244p, 1252p, 106p, 108p, 113p], [100p, 107p, 114p, 122p, 136p, 138p, 143p], [130p, 137p, 144p, 152p, 206p, 208p, 213p], [200p, 207p, 214p, 222p, 236p, 238p, 243p], [230p, 237p, 244p, 252p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [259p, 307p, 314p, 323p, 339p, 341p, 346p], [331p, 339p, 346p, 355p, 411p, 413p, 418p], [401p, 409p, 416p, 425p, 441p, 443p, 448p], [431p, 439p, 446p, 455p, 511p, 513p, 518p], [501p, 509p, 516p, 525p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [531p, 539p, 546p, 555p, 611p, 613p, 618p], [631p, 637p, 644p, 652p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [731p, 737p, 744p, 752p, 806p, 808p, 813p], [831p, 837p, 844p, 852p, 906p, 908p, 913p], [931p, 937p, 944p, 952p, 1006p, 1008p, 1013p], [1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1052p, 1106p, 1108p, 1113p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence Shops, Copland College, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "701"
+stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 710a, 714a, 724a, 726a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [731a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [745a, 750a, 757a, 801a, 819a, 824a, 840a, 849a, 857a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Copland College, Spence Shops, Spence Terminus]
 long_name: To Spence Terminus
-between_stops: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
 short_name: "701"
 stop_times: [[442p, 450p, 502p, 509p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 534p, 540p], ["-", "-", 520p, 527p, 529p, 539p, 543p, 550p, 554p], [525p, 533p, 543p, 550p, 552p, 602p, 606p, 613p, 617p], [542p, 550p, 600p, 607p, 609p, 619p, 623p, 630p, 634p]]
-time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Copland College, Spence Shops, Spence Terminus]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-fraser-east-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-fraser-east-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood Shops, Fraser Shops, Fraser East Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser East Terminus
-between_stops: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
 short_name: "702"
 stop_times: [[450p, 458p, 508p, 513p, 515p, 527p, 532p, 538p, 542p], ["-", "-", 530p, 535p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p], [535p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 600p, 612p, 617p, 623p, 627p]]
-time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood Shops, Fraser Shops, Fraser East Terminus]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser Shops, Charnwood Shops, Flynn, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "702"
+stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 709a, 714a, 727a, 730a, 745a, 754a, 802a], [735a, 740a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [754a, 759a, 806a, 811a, 828a, 833a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor Shops, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
-between_stops: []
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "703"
 stop_times: [[440p, 448p, 458p, 516p, 527p, 534p, 541p], ["-", "-", 515p, 533p, 544p, 551p, 558p], ["-", "-", 526p, 544p, 555p, 602p, 609p], [520p, 528p, 538p, 556p, 607p, 614p, 621p], [545p, 553p, 603p, 621p, 632p, 639p, 646p]]
-time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor Shops, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor Shops, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "703"
+stop_times: [[653a, 700a, 706a, 718a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [710a, 717a, 723a, 735a, 753a, "-", "-"], [723a, 730a, 736a, 748a, 806a, "-", "-"], [738a, 745a, 751a, 803a, 834a, 843a, 851a], [758a, 806a, 813a, 827a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda Shops, Macquarie, Hawker Shops, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
 long_name: To Kippax
-between_stops: []
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "704"
 stop_times: [[506p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 550p, 555p, 600p, 606p]]
-time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda Shops, Macquarie, Hawker Shops, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker Shops, Macquarie, Aranda Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "704"
+stop_times: [[738a, 744a, 749a, 754a, 803a, 812a, 825a, 833a, 840a], [753a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 818a, 827a, 840a, 848a, 855a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/705-to-centrelink-tuggeranong.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Centrelink Tuggeranong]
+long_name: To Centrelink Tuggeranong
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "705"
+stop_times: [[715a, 717a, 721a, 800a, 802a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 826a, 828a], [807a, 809a, 813a, 852a, 854a], [439p, 441p, 445p, 523p, "-"], [505p, 507p, 511p, 549p, "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 616p, "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/705-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Centrelink Tuggeranong, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "705"
+stop_times: [["-", 723a, 752a, 754a, 759a], ["-", 749a, 818a, 820a, 825a], ["-", 814a, 848a, 850a, 855a], [442p, 447p, 516p, 518p, 523p], [507p, 512p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [535p, 540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/71-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "71"
+stop_times: [[927a, 929a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 957a, 959a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1043a, 1048a, 1057a, 1059a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1143a, 1148a, 1157a, 1159a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1243p, 1248p, 1257p, 1259p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 143p, 148p, 157p, 159p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/710-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+short_name: "710"
+stop_times: [[407p, 415p, 425p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [427p, 435p, 445p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [445p, 453p, 503p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [507p, 515p, 525p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [527p, 535p, 545p, 605p, 607p, 612p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/710-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: "710"
+stop_times: [[658a, 700a, 704a, 723a, 732a, 740a], [728a, 730a, 734a, 753a, 802a, 810a], [743a, 745a, 749a, 808a, 817a, 825a], [758a, 800a, 804a, 823a, 832a, 840a], [813a, 815a, 819a, 838a, 847a, 855a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+  City West-City Bus Station: []
+short_name: "720"
+stop_times: [[710a, 716a, 728a, 734a, 752a, 756a, 757a], [740a, 746a, 758a, 804a, 822a, 826a, 827a], [816a, 822a, 834a, 840a, 858a, 902a, 903a], [840a, 846a, 858a, 904a, 922a, 926a, 927a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-farrer-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-farrer-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]
 long_name: To Farrer Terminus
-between_stops: []
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
 short_name: "720"
 stop_times: [[440p, 446p, 504p, 510p, 523p, 529p], [510p, 516p, 534p, 540p, 553p, 559p], [540p, 546p, 604p, 610p, 623p, 629p]]
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Duffy Primary, Holder Shops, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+  City West-City Bus Station: []
+short_name: "729"
+stop_times: [[709a, 715a, 724a, 728a, 749a, 753a, 755a], [739a, 745a, 754a, 758a, 819a, 823a, 825a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder Shops, Duffy Primary, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
-between_stops: []
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
 short_name: "729"
 stop_times: [[445p, 451p, 513p, 518p, 526p, 532p], [515p, 521p, 543p, 548p, 556p, 602p]]
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder Shops, Duffy Primary, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/73-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey Shops, Page Shops, Hawker Shops, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "73"
+stop_times: [[916a, 918a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 937a, 944a, 947a, 954a, 1005a, 1007a, 1012a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1117a, 1124a, 1135a, 1137a, 1142a], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1227p, 1233p, 1237p, 1244p, 1247p, 1254p, 105p, 107p, 112p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 217p, 224p, 235p, 237p, 242p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/732-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Curtin, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+  City West-City Bus Station: []
+short_name: "732"
+stop_times: [[715a, 724a, 738a, 742a, 744a], [748a, 803a, 815a, 819a, 821a], [818a, 827a, 841a, 845a, 847a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/732-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+short_name: "732"
+stop_times: [[435p, 441p, 453p, 503p], [505p, 511p, 523p, 533p], [535p, 541p, 553p, 603p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/737-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "737"
+stop_times: [[431p, 441p, 455p, 513p], [445p, 455p, 509p, 527p], [505p, 515p, 529p, 547p], [525p, 535p, 549p, 607p], [545p, 555p, 609p, 627p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/737-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/737-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-between_stops: []
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
 short_name: "737"
 stop_times: [[643a, 651a, 705a, "-"], [658a, 706a, 720a, "-"], [718a, 726a, 740a, "-"], [738a, 746a, 800a, "-"], [758a, 806a, 820a, 830a], [818a, 826a, 840a, 850a]]
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/74-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Hawker Shops, Page Shops, Florey Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "74"
+stop_times: [[950a, 952a, 956a, 1005a, 1012a, 1015a, 1023a, 1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a, 1142a, 1145a, 1153a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 105p, 112p, 115p, 123p, 127p, 133p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 235p, 242p, 245p, 253p, 257p, 303p, 309p, 311p, 315p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/749-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "749"
+stop_times: [[753a, 820a, 822a, 827a], [436p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [510p, 539p, 541p, 546p], [540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/749-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "749"
+stop_times: [[659a, 701a, 705a, 730a], [734a, 736a, 740a, 810a], [804a, 806a, 810a, 840a], [456p, 458p, 502p, 535p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/75-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/75-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Stromlo High Waramanga, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
-between_stops: []
+between_stops: {}
 short_name: "75"
 stop_times: [[1055a, 1108a, 1117a], [1255p, 108p, 117p]]
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Stromlo High Waramanga, Cooleman Court]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/75-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Stromlo High Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "75"
+stop_times: [[925a, 934a, 947a], [1125a, 1134a, 1147a], [125p, 134p, 147p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/757-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/757-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Dickson College, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-between_stops: []
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
 short_name: "757"
 stop_times: [[650a, 700a, 711a, 725a, 735a], [710a, 720a, 731a, 745a, 755a], [730a, 740a, 751a, 805a, 815a]]
-time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Dickson College, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/757-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Dickson College, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+short_name: "757"
+stop_times: [[433p, 443p, 457p, 510p, 524p], [508p, 518p, 532p, 543p, 556p], [538p, 548p, 602p, 613p, 626p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/76-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "76"
+stop_times: [[1000a, 1007a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a], [1200p, 1207p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p], [200p, 207p, 215p, 220p, 228p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-calwell-shops.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-calwell-shops.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm Shops, Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops]
 long_name: To Calwell Shops
-between_stops: []
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
 short_name: "768"
 stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm Shops, Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Calwell Shops, Isabella Shops, Chisholm Shops, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+short_name: "768"
+stop_times: [[707a, 715a, 726a, 751a, 800a, 804a], [737a, 748a, 801a, 833a, 845a, 848a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Tharwa Drive, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Chisholm Shops, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+short_name: "769"
+stop_times: [[641a, 646a, 656a, 706a, 733a, 743a, 747a], [721a, 726a, 736a, 746a, 813a, 823a, 827a], [741a, 746a, 756a, 806a, 833a, 843a, 847a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-tharwa-drive.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-tharwa-drive.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Tharwa Drive]
 long_name: To Tharwa Drive
-between_stops: []
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
 short_name: "769"
 stop_times: [[427p, 433p, 442p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 532p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 540p, 550p, 600p, 605p], [537p, 543p, 552p, 617p, 627p, 637p, 642p]]
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Tharwa Drive]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/77-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Canberra Hospital, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "77"
+stop_times: [[1100a, 1108a, 1113a, 1121a, 1128a], [100p, 108p, 113p, 121p, 128p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/780-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Canberra Times, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "780"
+stop_times: [[405p, 421p, 440p], [435p, 451p, 510p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/780-to-lithgow-st-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "780"
+stop_times: [[648a, 707a, 723a], [719a, 738a, 754a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "785"
+stop_times: [[652a, 655a, 713a, 743a, 747a, 749a], [725a, 728a, 746a, 816a, 820a, 822a], [745a, 748a, 806a, 836a, 840a, 842a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Market Place]
 long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-between_stops: []
+  ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz33LB, Wjz34Gq, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kvl]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "785"
 stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Dr / Pocket Ave, Lanyon Market Place]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm Shops, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-between_stops: []
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
 short_name: "786"
 stop_times: [[646a, 656a, 716a, 726a], [706a, 716a, 736a, 746a], [727a, 737a, 804a, 814a]]
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm Shops, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm Shops, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+short_name: "786"
+stop_times: [[445p, 455p, 520p, 533p], [515p, 525p, 550p, 603p], [545p, 555p, 620p, 633p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "787"
+stop_times: [[647a, 650a, 702a, 728a, 732a, 734a], [720a, 723a, 735a, 801a, 805a, 807a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Market Place]
 long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-between_stops: []
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz34Gq, Wjz33LB, Wjz33KX, Wjz33GY, Wjz33EK, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "787"
 stop_times: [[516p, 522p, 524p, 556p, 607p, 609p], [535p, 541p, 543p, 615p, 626p, 628p]]
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Market Place]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+long_name: To City West
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+short_name: "788"
+stop_times: [[710a, 719a, 734a, 811a, 820a, 824a], [740a, 749a, 804a, 841a, 850a, 854a]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-woodcock---clare-dennis.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis]
+long_name: To Woodcock / Clare Dennis
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "788"
+stop_times: [[426p, 432p, 441p, 512p, 526p, 536p], [502p, 507p, 518p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [532p, 538p, 547p, 618p, 632p, 642p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Dickson, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "8"
+stop_times: [[626a, 632a, 637a, 644a], [657a, 703a, 708a, 715a], [724a, 730a, 737a, 746a], [757a, 804a, 811a, 820a], [831a, 838a, 845a, 854a], [904a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1027a], [1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1127a], [1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1227p], [109p, 115p, 120p, 127p], [209p, 215p, 220p, 227p], [302p, 309p, 316p, 325p], [332p, 339p, 346p, 355p], [408p, 415p, 422p, 431p], [437p, 444p, 451p, 500p], [507p, 514p, 521p, 530p], [537p, 544p, 551p, 600p], [646p, 652p, 657p, 702p], [746p, 752p, 757p, 802p], [846p, 852p, 857p, 902p], [946p, 952p, 957p, 1002p], [1046p, 1052p, 1057p, 1102p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Dickson]
+long_name: To Dickson
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "8"
+stop_times: [[655a, 702a, 707a, 713a], [714a, 721a, 726a, 732a], [741a, 750a, 757a, 804a], [811a, 820a, 827a, 834a], [841a, 850a, 857a, 904a], [915a, 924a, 931a, 937a], [946a, 953a, 958a, 1004a], [1018a, 1025a, 1030a, 1036a], [1046a, 1053a, 1058a, 1104a], [1146a, 1153a, 1158a, 1204p], [1246p, 1253p, 1258p, 104p], [146p, 153p, 158p, 204p], [246p, 253p, 258p, 305p], [311p, 320p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 355p, 402p, 409p], [411p, 420p, 427p, 434p], [444p, 453p, 500p, 507p], [523p, 532p, 539p, 546p], [553p, 602p, 609p, 616p], [623p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [650p, 655p, 700p, 706p], [705p, 710p, 715p, 721p], [805p, 810p, 815p, 821p], [905p, 910p, 915p, 921p], [1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1021p], [1105p, 1110p, 1115p, 1121p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/80-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Geoscience Australia, Eye Hospital, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Causeway, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "80"
+stop_times: [[547a, 602a, 611a, 616a, 625a, 632a, 634a, 638a, 642a, 650a], [606a, 621a, 630a, 635a, 644a, 651a, 653a, 657a, 701a, 709a], [633a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 711a, 718a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 738a], [701a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 741a, 749a, 753a, 800a, 804a, 815a], [731a, 747a, 756a, 803a, 814a, 822a, 826a, 833a, 837a, 848a], [801a, 817a, 826a, 833a, 844a, 852a, 856a, 903a, 907a, 918a], [834a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 917a, 925a, 929a, 933a, 937a, 945a], [909a, 924a, 934a, 939a, 948a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a], [940a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1018a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1035a, 1043a], [1040a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1118a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1135a, 1143a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1140a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1218p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1235p, 1243p], [1240p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 118p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 135p, 143p], [140p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 218p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 235p, 243p], [240p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 343p], [340p, 356p, 406p, 412p, 422p, 429p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 450p], [408p, 424p, 434p, 440p, 450p, 457p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 518p], [438p, 454p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 527p, 529p, 534p, 539p, 548p], [508p, 524p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 618p], [538p, 554p, 604p, 610p, 620p, 627p, 629p, 633p, 637p, 645p], [557p, 613p, 623p, 629p, 637p, 643p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 727p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 745p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 827p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 845p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 927p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 945p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1027p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1045p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/80-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Causeway, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Eye Hospital, Geoscience Australia, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "80"
+stop_times: [[550a, 558a, 602a, 606a, 609a, 617a, 626a, 631a, 640a, 656a], [617a, 625a, 629a, 633a, 636a, 644a, 653a, 658a, 707a, 723a], [648a, 656a, 700a, 704a, 707a, 715a, 724a, 729a, 737a, 753a], [719a, 727a, 731a, 738a, 741a, 750a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 834a], [751a, 800a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 822a, 836a, 842a, 850a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 859a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 945a], [859a, 907a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 1010a], [928a, 936a, 940a, 944a, 947a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1017a, 1035a], [1028a, 1036a, 1040a, 1044a, 1047a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1117a, 1135a], [1128a, 1136a, 1140a, 1144a, 1147a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1217p, 1235p], [1228p, 1236p, 1240p, 1244p, 1247p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 117p, 135p], [128p, 136p, 140p, 144p, 147p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 217p, 235p], [228p, 236p, 240p, 244p, 247p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 334p], [330p, 339p, 344p, 349p, 352p, 400p, 410p, 416p, 426p, 444p], [400p, 409p, 414p, 419p, 422p, 430p, 440p, 446p, 456p, 514p], [434p, 443p, 448p, 453p, 456p, 504p, 514p, 520p, 530p, 548p], [504p, 513p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 534p, 544p, 550p, 600p, 618p], [534p, 543p, 548p, 553p, 556p, 604p, 614p, 620p, 630p, 645p], [604p, 613p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 633p, 641p, 646p, 654p, 709p], [702p, 710p, 714p, 718p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 808p, 812p, 816p, 818p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 908p, 912p, 916p, 918p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1008p, 1012p, 1016p, 1018p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1100p, 1108p, 1112p, 1116p, 1118p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/81-to-city-interchange.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/81-to-city-interchange.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Interchange
-between_stops: []
+between_stops: {}
 short_name: "81"
 stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/82-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/82-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
 long_name: To Bimberi Centre
-between_stops: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
 short_name: "82"
 stop_times: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/82-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+short_name: "82"
+stop_times: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/88-to-alexander-maconochie-centre.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "88"
+stop_times: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/88-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "88"
+stop_times: [[1150a, 1210p], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), St Thomas More's Campbell, Russell Offices, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-between_stops: []
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
 short_name: "9"
 stop_times: [[714a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 741a, 745a], [814a, 829a, 834a, 836a, 844a, 848a], [857a, 911a, 916a, 918a, 926a, 931a], [957a, 1011a, 1016a, 1018a, 1026a, 1029a], [1057a, 1111a, 1116a, 1118a, 1126a, 1129a], [1157a, 1211p, 1216p, 1218p, 1226p, 1229p], [1257p, 111p, 116p, 118p, 126p, 129p], [157p, 211p, 216p, 218p, 226p, 229p], [257p, 312p, 317p, 319p, 327p, 331p], [344p, 359p, 404p, 406p, 414p, 418p], [414p, 429p, 434p, 436p, 444p, 448p], [444p, 459p, 504p, 506p, 514p, 518p], [514p, 529p, 534p, 536p, 544p, 548p], [557p, 612p, 617p, 619p, 627p, 631p], [657p, 708p, 712p, 714p, 720p, 723p], [757p, 808p, 812p, 814p, 820p, 823p], [857p, 908p, 912p, 914p, 920p, 923p], [957p, 1008p, 1012p, 1014p, 1020p, 1023p], [1057p, 1108p, 1112p, 1114p, 1120p, 1123p]]
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), St Thomas More's Campbell, Russell Offices, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, Russell Offices, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+short_name: "9"
+stop_times: [["-", 655a, 701a, 703a, 708a, 720a], [720a, 723a, 729a, 731a, 736a, 751a], [752a, 756a, 804a, 806a, 811a, 826a], [822a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 841a, 856a], [852a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 911a, 926a], [934a, 937a, 945a, 947a, 952a, 1006a], [1034a, 1037a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a, 1106a], [1134a, 1137a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a, 1206p], [1234p, 1237p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p, 106p], [134p, 137p, 145p, 147p, 152p, 206p], [234p, 237p, 245p, 247p, 252p, 306p], [335p, 339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 409p], [352p, 356p, 404p, 406p, 411p, 426p], [422p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 441p, 456p], [452p, 456p, 504p, 506p, 511p, 526p], [522p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 541p, 556p], [552p, 556p, 604p, 606p, 611p, 626p], [628p, 632p, 638p, 640p, 645p, 656p], [728p, 731p, 737p, 739p, 744p, 755p], [828p, 831p, 837p, 839p, 844p, 855p], [928p, 931p, 937p, 939p, 944p, 955p], [1028p, 1031p, 1037p, 1039p, 1044p, 1055p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+stop_times_saturday: [[630a, 641a, 657a, 713a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [645a, 656a, 712a, 728a, 745a, 747a, 752a], [700a, 711a, 727a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], [715a, 726a, 742a, 758a, 815a, 817a, 822a], [730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], ["-", "-", 1149a, 1205p, 1222p, 1224p, 1229p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], ["-", "-", 1219p, 1235p, 1252p, 1254p, 1259p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], ["-", "-", 1249p, 105p, 122p, 124p, 129p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], ["-", "-", 119p, 135p, 152p, 154p, 159p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], ["-", "-", 149p, 205p, 222p, 224p, 229p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], ["-", "-", 219p, 235p, 252p, 254p, 259p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], ["-", "-", 249p, 305p, 322p, 324p, 329p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], ["-", "-", 319p, 335p, 352p, 354p, 359p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], ["-", "-", 349p, 405p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], ["-", "-", 419p, 435p, 452p, 454p, 459p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], ["-", "-", 449p, 505p, 522p, 524p, 529p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p], [730p, 740p, 755p, 810p, 827p, 829p, 834p], [745p, 755p, 810p, 825p, 842p, 844p, 849p], [800p, 810p, 825p, 840p, 857p, 859p, 904p], [815p, 825p, 840p, 855p, 912p, 914p, 919p], [830p, 840p, 855p, 910p, 927p, 929p, 934p], [845p, 855p, 910p, 925p, 942p, 944p, 949p], [900p, 910p, 925p, 940p, 957p, 959p, 1004p], [915p, 925p, 940p, 955p, 1012p, 1014p, 1019p], [930p, 940p, 955p, 1010p, 1027p, 1029p, 1034p], [945p, 955p, 1010p, 1025p, 1042p, 1044p, 1049p], [1000p, 1010p, 1025p, 1040p, 1057p, 1059p, 1104p], [1015p, 1025p, 1040p, 1055p, 1112p, 1114p, 1119p], [1030p, 1040p, 1055p, 1110p, 1127p, 1129p, 1134p], [1045p, 1055p, 1110p, 1125p, 1142p, 1144p, 1149p], [1100p, 1110p, 1125p, 1140p, 1157p, 1159p, 1204a], [1115p, 1125p, 1140p, 1155p, 1212a, 1214a, 1219a]]
+short_name: "900"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "900"
+stop_times_sunday: [[730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[631a, 633a, 637a, 657a, 714a, 729a, 735a], [646a, 648a, 652a, 712a, 729a, 744a, 750a], [701a, 703a, 707a, 727a, 744a, 759a, 805a], [716a, 718a, 722a, 742a, 759a, 814a, 820a], [731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1119a, 1134a, "-", "-"], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1123a, 1125a, 1129a, 1149a, 1204p, "-", "-"], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1219p, 1234p, "-", "-"], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1223p, 1225p, 1229p, 1249p, 104p, "-", "-"], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 119p, 134p, "-", "-"], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [123p, 125p, 129p, 149p, 204p, "-", "-"], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 219p, 234p, "-", "-"], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [223p, 225p, 229p, 249p, 304p, "-", "-"], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 319p, 334p, "-", "-"], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 349p, 404p, "-", "-"], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 419p, 434p, "-", "-"], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p], [716p, 718p, 722p, 741p, 755p, 809p, 815p], [731p, 733p, 737p, 756p, 810p, 824p, 830p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 811p, 825p, 839p, 845p], [801p, 803p, 807p, 826p, 840p, 854p, 900p], [816p, 818p, 822p, 841p, 855p, 909p, 915p], [831p, 833p, 837p, 856p, 910p, 924p, 930p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 911p, 925p, 939p, 945p], [901p, 903p, 907p, 926p, 940p, 954p, 1000p], [916p, 918p, 922p, 941p, 955p, 1009p, 1015p], [931p, 933p, 937p, 956p, 1010p, 1024p, 1030p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1011p, 1025p, 1039p, 1045p], [1001p, 1003p, 1007p, 1026p, 1040p, 1054p, 1100p], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1041p, 1055p, 1109p, 1115p], [1031p, 1033p, 1037p, 1056p, 1110p, 1124p, 1130p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1111p, 1125p, 1139p, 1145p], [1101p, 1103p, 1107p, 1126p, 1140p, 1154p, 1200a]]
+short_name: "900"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "900"
+stop_times_sunday: [[731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 723a, 731a, 739a, 741a, 745a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 823a, 831a, 839a, 841a, 845a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 702p, 709p, 715p, 720p, 728p, 735p, 737p, 741p], [750p, 752p, 756p, 802p, 809p, 815p, 820p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 841p], [850p, 852p, 856p, 902p, 909p, 915p, 920p, 928p, 935p, 937p, 941p], [950p, 952p, 956p, 1002p, 1009p, 1015p, 1020p, 1028p, 1035p, 1037p, 1041p], [1050p, 1052p, 1056p, 1102p, 1109p, 1115p, 1120p, 1128p, 1135p, 1137p, 1141p]]
+short_name: "902"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+short_name: "902"
+stop_times_sunday: [[851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 703p, 710p, 716p, 721p, 729p, 736p, 738p, 742p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/903-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 734a, 748a, 802a, 808a, 810a], [759a, 801a, 805a, 819a, 834a, 848a, 902a, 908a, 910a], [859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1008a, 1010a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1108a, 1110a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1208p, 1210p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 108p, 110p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 208p, 210p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 308p, 310p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 408p, 410p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 508p, 510p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 608p, 610p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 707p, 709p], [658p, 700p, 704p, 717p, 732p, 746p, 759p, 805p, 807p], [758p, 800p, 804p, 817p, 832p, 846p, 859p, 905p, 907p], [858p, 900p, 904p, 917p, 932p, 946p, 959p, 1005p, 1007p], [958p, 1000p, 1004p, 1017p, 1032p, 1046p, 1059p, 1105p, 1107p], [1058p, 1100p, 1104p, 1117p, 1132p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "903"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/903-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+short_name: "903"
+stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1004a, 1008a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1104a, 1108a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1204p, 1208p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 104p, 108p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 204p, 208p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 304p, 308p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 404p, 408p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 504p, 508p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 604p, 608p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 703p, 707p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins Shops, Kippax, Higgins Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 807a, 828a, 830a, 834a], [819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p], [718p, 720p, 724p, 744p, 755p, 805p, 825p, 827p, 831p], [818p, 820p, 824p, 844p, 855p, 905p, 925p, 927p, 931p], [918p, 920p, 924p, 944p, 955p, 1005p, 1025p, 1027p, 1031p], [1018p, 1020p, 1024p, 1044p, 1055p, 1105p, 1125p, 1127p, 1131p], [1118p, 1120p, 1124p, 1144p, 1155p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "904"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins Shops, Kippax, Higgins Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "904"
+stop_times_sunday: [[819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 809a, 816a, 823a, 836a, 838a, 842a], [814a, 816a, 820a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, 707p, 714p, 721p, 733p, 735p, 739p], [713p, 715p, 719p, 731p, 737p, 744p, 754p, 805p, 812p, 819p, 831p, 833p, 837p], [813p, 815p, 819p, 831p, 837p, 844p, 854p, 905p, 912p, 919p, 931p, 933p, 937p], [913p, 915p, 919p, 931p, 937p, 944p, 954p, 1005p, 1012p, 1019p, 1031p, 1033p, 1037p], [1013p, 1015p, 1019p, 1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1054p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1113p, 1115p, 1119p, 1131p, 1137p, 1144p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "905"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+short_name: "905"
+stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba Shops, Spence Terminus, Melba Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 738a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 811a, 825a, 838a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 709p, 723p, 736p, 750p, 752p, 756p], [751p, 753p, 757p, 809p, 823p, 836p, 850p, 852p, 856p], [855p, 857p, 901p, 913p, 927p, 940p, 954p, 956p, 1000p], [955p, 957p, 1001p, 1013p, 1027p, 1040p, 1054p, 1056p, 1100p], [1055p, 1057p, 1101p, 1113p, 1127p, 1140p, 1154p, 1156p, 1200a]]
+short_name: "906"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba Shops, Spence Terminus, Melba Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+short_name: "906"
+stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood Shops, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 723a, 737a, 739a, 743a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 816a, 823a, 837a, 839a, 843a], [848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p], [747p, 749p, 753p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 834p, 836p, 840p], [847p, 849p, 853p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 934p, 936p, 940p], [947p, 949p, 953p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1034p, 1036p, 1040p], [1047p, 1049p, 1053p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1134p, 1136p, 1140p]]
+short_name: "907"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood Shops, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+short_name: "907"
+stop_times_sunday: [[848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 825a, 830a, 839a, 846a, 855a], [1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p], [818p, 828p, 833p, 842p, 849p, 858p], [1018p, 1028p, 1033p, 1042p, 1049p, 1058p]]
+short_name: "912"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "912"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[725a, 733a, 737a, 741a, 744a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a], [925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p], [928p, 936p, 940p, 944p, 947p, 952p, 1003p, 1008p, 1016p], [1128p, 1136p, 1140p, 1144p, 1147p, 1152p, 1203a, "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "913"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "913"
+stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[625a, 634a, 640a, 647a, 650a, 654a, 659a, 702a, 712a], [825a, 834a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 854a, 859a, 902a, 912a], [1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p], [828p, 837p, 843p, 850p, 853p, 857p, 902p, 905p, 915p], [1028p, 1037p, 1043p, 1050p, 1053p, 1057p, 1102p, 1105p, 1115p]]
+short_name: "914"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "914"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[715a, 725a, 734a, 743a, 746a, 755a], [915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p], [918p, 928p, 937p, 946p, 949p, 958p], [1118p, 1128p, 1137p, 1146p, 1149p, "-"]]
+short_name: "915"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "915"
+stop_times_sunday: [[915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p], [733p, 736p, 740p, 745p, 751p, 755p, 801p], [933p, 936p, 940p, 945p, 951p, 955p, 1001p], [1133p, 1136p, 1140p, 1145p, 1151p, 1155p, "-"]]
+short_name: "921"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "921"
+stop_times_sunday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[833a, 839a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 858a, 901a], [1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p], [833p, 839p, 843p, 849p, 854p, 858p, 901p], [1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1054p, 1058p, 1101p]]
+short_name: "922"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "922"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p], [713p, 718p, 723p, 728p, 734p, 743p], [913p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 934p, 943p], [1113p, 1118p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, 1143p]]
+short_name: "923"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "923"
+stop_times_sunday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+stop_times_saturday: [[810a, 819a, 824a, 829a, 833a, 841a], [1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p], [813p, 821p, 826p, 830p, 834p, 841p], [1013p, 1021p, 1026p, 1030p, 1034p, 1041p]]
+short_name: "924"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs Shops, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "924"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[857a, 907a, 909a, 911a, 919a], [957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p], [757p, 807p, 809p, 811p, 819p], [857p, 907p, 909p, 911p, 919p], [957p, 1007p, 1009p, 1011p, 1019p], [1057p, 1107p, 1109p, 1111p, 1119p]]
+short_name: "925"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "925"
+stop_times_sunday: [[957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 834a, 837a, 846a], [924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p], [724p, 731p, 734p, 737p, 746p], [824p, 831p, 834p, 837p, 846p], [924p, 931p, 934p, 937p, 946p], [1024p, 1031p, 1034p, 1037p, 1046p]]
+short_name: "925"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "925"
+stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Chapman Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p], [720p, 729p, 732p, 742p, 745p, 750p], [820p, 829p, 832p, 842p, 845p, 850p], [920p, 929p, 932p, 942p, 945p, 950p], [1020p, 1029p, 1032p, 1042p, 1045p, 1050p], [1120p, 1129p, 1132p, 1142p, 1145p, 1150p]]
+short_name: "927"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Chapman Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
+long_name: To Cooleman Court
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "927"
+stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Chapman Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 803a, 806a, 816a, 819a, 826a], [855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p], [755p, 803p, 806p, 816p, 819p, 826p], [855p, 903p, 906p, 916p, 919p, 926p], [955p, 1003p, 1006p, 1016p, 1019p, 1026p], [1055p, 1103p, 1106p, 1116p, 1119p, 1126p]]
+short_name: "927"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Chapman Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "927"
+stop_times_sunday: [[855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/930-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+stop_times_saturday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p], [801p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 841p], [901p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 941p], [1001p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1041p], [1101p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1141p]]
+short_name: "930"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/930-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+short_name: "930"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[801a, 815a, 822a, 829a, 841a], [901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
+short_name: "931"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "931"
+stop_times_sunday: [[901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang Shops, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+stop_times_saturday: [[739a, 750a, 753a, 756a, 809a, 815a, 819a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 847a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [739p, 748p, 751p, 754p, 807p, 812p, 816p, 825p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [839p, 848p, 851p, 854p, 907p, 912p, 916p, 925p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [939p, 948p, 951p, 954p, 1007p, 1012p, 1016p, 1025p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1039p, 1048p, 1051p, 1054p, 1107p, 1112p, 1116p, 1125p, 1132p, 1137p, 1142p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p], [1139p, 1150p, 1153p, 1156p, 1208a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "932"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang Shops, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+short_name: "932"
+stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang Shops, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 656p, 701p, 706p, 708p, 723p, 728p, 735p, 747p, 750p, 753p, 803p], [745p, 747p, 751p, 756p, 801p, 806p, 808p, 823p, 828p, 835p, 847p, 850p, 853p, 903p], [845p, 847p, 851p, 856p, 901p, 906p, 908p, 923p, 928p, 935p, 947p, 950p, 953p, 1003p], [945p, 947p, 951p, 956p, 1001p, 1006p, 1008p, 1023p, 1028p, 1035p, 1047p, 1050p, 1053p, 1103p], [1045p, 1047p, 1051p, 1056p, 1101p, 1106p, 1108p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "932"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang Shops, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+short_name: "932"
+stop_times_sunday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 816a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p], [713p, 720p, 722p, 726p, 731p, 740p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 816p, 833p, 835p, 840p], [813p, 820p, 822p, 826p, 831p, 840p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 916p, 933p, 935p, 940p], [913p, 920p, 922p, 926p, 931p, 940p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1016p, 1033p, 1035p, 1040p], [1013p, 1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1031p, 1040p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1116p, 1133p, 1135p, 1140p], [1113p, 1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1131p, 1140p, 1150p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "934"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+short_name: "934"
+stop_times_sunday: [[813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+stop_times_saturday: [[729a, 731a, 735a, 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 819a, 828a, 837a, 842a, 846a, 848a, 855a], [829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 819p, 828p, 837p, 842p, 846p, 848p, 855p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 919p, 928p, 937p, 942p, 946p, 948p, 955p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1019p, 1028p, 1037p, 1042p, 1046p, 1048p, 1055p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1117p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "934"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+short_name: "934"
+stop_times_sunday: [[829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/935-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+stop_times_saturday: [[756a, 803a, 807a, 814a, 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p], [756p, 803p, 807p, 814p, 824p, 833p, 839p, 843p, 852p], [856p, 903p, 907p, 914p, 924p, 933p, 939p, 943p, 952p], [956p, 1003p, 1007p, 1014p, 1024p, 1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1052p], [1056p, 1103p, 1107p, 1114p, 1124p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "935"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/935-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill Shops, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill Shops, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+short_name: "935"
+stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[718a, 727a, 730a, 735a, 744a, 749a, 757a, 809a], [818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p], [818p, 827p, 830p, 835p, 844p, 849p, 857p, 909p], [918p, 927p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 949p, 957p, 1009p], [1018p, 1027p, 1030p, 1035p, 1044p, 1049p, 1057p, 1109p], [1118p, 1127p, 1130p, 1135p, 1144p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "936"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "936"
+stop_times_sunday: [[818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[759a, 811a, 819a, 825a, 834a, 839a, 842a, 851a], [859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p], [749p, 801p, 809p, 815p, 824p, 829p, 832p, 841p], [849p, 901p, 909p, 915p, 924p, 929p, 932p, 941p], [949p, 1001p, 1009p, 1015p, 1024p, 1029p, 1032p, 1041p], [1049p, 1101p, 1109p, 1115p, 1124p, 1129p, 1132p, 1141p]]
+short_name: "937"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "937"
+stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+stop_times_saturday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p], [800p, 807p, 816p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 844p], [900p, 907p, 916p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 944p], [1000p, 1007p, 1016p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1044p], [1100p, 1107p, 1116p, 1129p, 1133p, 1137p, 1144p]]
+short_name: "938"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Pearce Shops, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "938"
+stop_times_sunday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 817a, 827a, 834a], [846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p], [746p, 753p, 757p, 801p, 814p, 823p, 830p], [846p, 853p, 857p, 901p, 914p, 923p, 930p], [946p, 953p, 957p, 1001p, 1014p, 1023p, 1030p], [1046p, 1053p, 1057p, 1101p, 1114p, 1123p, 1130p]]
+short_name: "938"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "938"
+stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson Shops, Watson Shops, Watson Terminus, Watson Shops, Dickson Shops, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 713a, 719a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 813a, 819a, 834a], [846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p], [746p, 803p, 808p, 815p, 820p, 826p, 841p], [846p, 903p, 908p, 915p, 920p, 926p, 941p], [946p, 1003p, 1008p, 1015p, 1020p, 1026p, 1041p], [1046p, 1103p, 1108p, 1115p, 1120p, 1126p, 1141p]]
+short_name: "939"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson Shops, Watson Shops, Watson Terminus, Watson Shops, Dickson Shops, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "939"
+stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p], [715p, 717p, 721p, 730p, 739p, 743p, 744p, 755p], [815p, 817p, 821p, 830p, 839p, 843p, 844p, 855p], [915p, 917p, 921p, 930p, 939p, 943p, 944p, 955p], [1015p, 1017p, 1021p, 1030p, 1039p, 1043p, 1044p, 1055p]]
+short_name: "942"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "942"
+stop_times_sunday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+stop_times_saturday: [[814a, 823a, 824a, 827a, 836a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [714p, 723p, 724p, 727p, 736p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [814p, 823p, 824p, 827p, 836p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [914p, 923p, 924p, 927p, 936p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [1014p, 1023p, 1024p, 1027p, 1036p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1114p, 1123p, 1124p, 1127p, 1136p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p]]
+short_name: "942"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "942"
+stop_times_sunday: [[914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+stop_times_saturday: [[812a, 821a, 831a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p], [712p, 721p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 750p, 752p, 757p], [812p, 821p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 850p, 852p, 857p], [912p, 921p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 950p, 952p, 957p], [1012p, 1021p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1050p, 1052p, 1057p], [1112p, 1121p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1150p, 1152p, 1157p]]
+short_name: "951"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "951"
+stop_times_sunday: [[912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-market-place.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[822a, 824a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 846a, 856a, 906a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 734p, 739p, 744p, 754p, 804p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 834p, 839p, 844p, 854p, 904p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 934p, 939p, 944p, 954p, 1004p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p, 1039p, 1044p, 1054p, 1104p]]
+short_name: "951"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-market-place.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "951"
+stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+stop_times_saturday: [[0839a, 0847a, 0900a, 0905a, 0918a, 0920a, 0925a], [0939a, 0947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 0100p, 0105p, 0118p, 0120p, 0125p], [0139p, 0147p, 0200p, 0205p, 0218p, 0220p, 0225p], [0239p, 0247p, 0300p, 0305p, 0318p, 0320p, 0325p], [0339p, 0347p, 0400p, 0405p, 0418p, 0420p, 0425p], [0439p, 0447p, 0500p, 0505p, 0518p, 0520p, 0525p], [0539p, 0547p, 0600p, 0605p, 0618p, 0620p, 0625p], [0639p, 0647p, 0700p, 0705p, 0718p, 0720p, 0725p]]
+short_name: "952"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "952"
+stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 847a, 900a, 905a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [939a, 947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 100p, 105p, 118p, 120p, 125p], [139p, 147p, 200p, 205p, 218p, 220p, 225p], [239p, 247p, 300p, 305p, 318p, 320p, 325p], [339p, 347p, 400p, 405p, 418p, 420p, 425p], [439p, 447p, 500p, 505p, 518p, 520p, 525p], [539p, 547p, 600p, 605p, 618p, 620p, 625p], [639p, 647p, 700p, 705p, 718p, 720p, 725p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-market-place.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
+short_name: "952"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-market-place.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "952"
+stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
+short_name: "956"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+short_name: "956"
+stop_times_sunday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+stop_times_saturday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
+short_name: "956"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+short_name: "956"
+stop_times_sunday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 719a, 727a, 735a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 806a, 813a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 808a, 819a, 827a, 835a, 844a, 851a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 808p, 819p, 827p, 835p, 844p, 851p, 858p, 906p, 913p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 908p, 919p, 927p, 935p, 944p, 951p, 958p, 1006p, 1013p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1008p, 1019p, 1027p, 1035p, 1044p, 1051p, 1058p, 1106p, 1113p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1108p, 1119p, 1127p, 1135p, 1144p, 1151p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "958"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "958"
+stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 739a, 747a, 755a, 806a, 816a, 818a, 823a], [800a, 806a, 814a, 821a, 828a, 837a, 845a, 853a, 904a, 914a, 916a, 921a], [900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p], [800p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 828p, 837p, 845p, 853p, 904p, 914p, 916p, 921p], [900p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 928p, 937p, 945p, 953p, 1004p, 1014p, 1016p, 1021p], [1000p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1028p, 1037p, 1045p, 1053p, 1104p, 1114p, 1116p, 1121p], [1100p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1128p, 1137p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "958"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+short_name: "958"
+stop_times_sunday: [[900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p], [750p, 800p, 806p, 815p], [850p, 900p, 906p, 915p], [950p, 1000p, 1006p, 1015p], [1050p, 1100p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+short_name: "960"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "960"
+stop_times_sunday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1120p]]
+short_name: "960"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "960"
+stop_times_sunday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+stop_times_saturday: [[831a, 840a, 850a, 903a], [931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p], [726p, 735p, 745p, 758p], [826p, 835p, 845p, 858p], [926p, 935p, 945p, 958p], [1026p, 1035p, 1045p, 1058p], [1126p, 1135p, 1145p, 1158p]]
+short_name: "961"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+short_name: "961"
+stop_times_sunday: [[931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+stop_times_saturday: [[842a, 856a, 906a, 915a], [942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p], [642p, 656p, 706p, 715p], [742p, 756p, 806p, 815p], [842p, 856p, 906p, 915p], [942p, 956p, 1006p, 1015p], [1042p, 1056p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+short_name: "961"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+short_name: "961"
+stop_times_sunday: [[942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[851a, 902a, 910a, 917a], [951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p], [751p, 802p, 810p, 817p], [851p, 902p, 910p, 917p], [951p, 1002p, 1010p, 1017p], [1051p, 1102p, 1110p, 1117p]]
+short_name: "962"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "962"
+stop_times_sunday: [[951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 839a, 852a], [924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p], [724p, 730p, 737p, 748p], [824p, 830p, 837p, 848p], [924p, 930p, 937p, 948p], [1024p, 1030p, 1037p, 1048p], [1124p, 1130p, 1137p, 1148p]]
+short_name: "962"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "962"
+stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+stop_times_saturday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p], [805p, 814p, 826p, 837p], [905p, 914p, 926p, 937p], [1005p, 1014p, 1026p, 1037p], [1105p, 1114p, 1126p, 1137p]]
+short_name: "964"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+short_name: "964"
+stop_times_sunday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+stop_times_saturday: [[825a, 837a, 849a, 858a], [925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p], [725p, 737p, 749p, 758p], [825p, 837p, 849p, 858p], [925p, 937p, 949p, 958p], [1025p, 1037p, 1049p, 1058p], [1125p, 1137p, 1149p, "-"]]
+short_name: "964"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+short_name: "964"
+stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie Shops, Chisholm Shops, Gowrie Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 736a, 748a, 757a, 810a], [808a, 820a, 827a, 836a, 848a, 857a, 910a], [908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p], [803p, 815p, 822p, 831p, 843p, 852p, 905p], [903p, 915p, 922p, 931p, 943p, 952p, 1005p], [1003p, 1015p, 1022p, 1031p, 1043p, 1052p, 1105p], [1103p, 1115p, 1122p, 1131p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "966"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie Shops, Chisholm Shops, Gowrie Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "966"
+stop_times_sunday: [[908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm Shops, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p], [903p, 914p, 928p, 937p, 950p], [1103p, 1114p, 1128p, 1137p, 1150p]]
+short_name: "967"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm Shops, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "967"
+stop_times_sunday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[803a, 816a, 824a, 838a, 848a], [1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p], [803p, 816p, 824p, 838p, 848p], [1003p, 1016p, 1024p, 1038p, 1048p]]
+short_name: "968"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "968"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 815a, 820a, 824a, 830a, 837a, 839a, 844a], [845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657p, 703p, 708p, 712p, 718p, 725p, 727p, 732p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 813p, 818p, 822p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 842p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 923p, 928p, 932p, 938p, 945p, 947p, 952p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1028p, 1034p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1146p, 1151p, 1155p, 1201a, 1208a, 1210a, 1215a]]
+short_name: "980"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+  Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+short_name: "980"
+stop_times_sunday: [[845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-lithgow-st-terminus-fyshwick.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+stop_times_saturday: [[720a, 722a, 726a, 734a, 740a, 745a, 751a, 759a, 808a, 814a, 822a, 831a, 840a], [820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [725p, 727p, 732p, 739p, 745p, 750p, 755p, 802p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [834p, 836p, 841p, 848p, 854p, 859p, 904p, 911p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 947p, 952p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1057p, 1059p, 1104p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1127p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+short_name: "980"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-lithgow-st-terminus-fyshwick.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+short_name: "980"
+stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/981-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+short_name: "981"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/981-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "981"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+stop_times_saturday: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+short_name: "982"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+short_name: "982"
+stop_times_sunday: [[342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+stop_times_saturday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+short_name: "982"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+short_name: "982"
+stop_times_sunday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-alexander-machonochie-centre-hume.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+long_name: To Alexander Machonochie Centre Hume
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "988"
+stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-alexander-maconochie-centre-hume.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+short_name: "988"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+stop_times_saturday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+short_name: "988"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "988"
+stop_times_sunday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_10.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1444 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 10</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->10<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/10_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cook Shops</th>

+    <th>Aranda Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Caswell Drive</th>

+  <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">War Memorial,<br />Limestone Ave</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+    <th>Majura Business Park</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th>Fairbairn Park</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>5:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+    <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Majura Business Park</th>

+    <th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ADFA</th>

+  <th>War Memorial,<br />Limestone Ave</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Caswell Drive</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Aranda Shops</th>

+    <th>Cook Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Jamison Centre</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

+		<td>9:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

+		<td>8:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

+		<td>9:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

+		<td>10:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>10</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 AM</td>

+		<td>12:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>


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+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_11_111.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,865 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 11 111</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->11, 111<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/11-111_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>MacKillop College,<br />Isabella Campus</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Theodore</th>

+    <th>Calwell Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Calwell Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Theodore</th>

+  <th>MacKillop College,<br />Isabella Campus</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>5:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>6:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>11:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>11:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>12:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>12:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>1:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>1:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>2:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>2:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>3:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>111</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>11</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 12 312</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->12, 312<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/12-312_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

+    <th>Evatt Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

+    <th>McKellar Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen St Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+  <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>...</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>7:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+  <th>Cohen St Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">McKellar Shops</th>

+    <th>Copland College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Evatt Shops</th>

+		<th>Spence Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>312</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+		<td>9:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+		<td>10:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

+		<td>11:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>12</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>11:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>


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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,894 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 13 313</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->13, 313<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/13-313_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Scullin Shops</th>

+    <th>Page Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+  <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>5:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+		<td>10:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+		<td>11:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>12:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+		<td>12:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+		<td>1:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+		<td>2:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Page Shops</th>

+    <th>Scullin Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Charnwood Shops</th>

+		<th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>313</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+		<td>9:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+		<td>10:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>13</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+		<td>11:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,968 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 14 314</title>

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->14, 314<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/14-314_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>Fraser Shops</th>

+		<th>Charnwood,Tillyard Dr</th>

+    <th>St Francis Xavier, Florey</th>

+	  <th>Cohen St Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>6:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:27 AM</td>

+		<td>6:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>10:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>11:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>12:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>1:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>2:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:52 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:01 PM</td>

+		<td>8:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:11 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:46 PM</td>

+		<td>8:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td>9:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>9:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td>9:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td>10:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>10:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td>10:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td>11:09 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+  <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+  <th>Cohen St Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th>St Francis Xavier, Florey</th>

+    <th>Charnwood,Tillyard Dr</th>

+		<th>Fraser Shops</th>

+	  <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>9:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>10:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>11:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>12:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>1:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td>3:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14a</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>314</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td>10:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>14</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	  <td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td>11:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="11">Operates School Days Only</td>

+    </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,944 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 15 315</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->15, 315<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/15-315_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Spence Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Melba Shops</th>

+	  <th>Copland College</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 AM</td>

+		<td>5:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 AM</td>

+		<td>5:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 AM</td>

+		<td>5:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 AM</td>

+		<td>6:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 AM</td>

+		<td>6:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

+		<td>6:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315a</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+		<td>10:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+		<td>10:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+		<td>11:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+		<td>12:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+		<td>1:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+		<td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+		<td>2:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

+		<td>7:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

+		<td>8:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

+		<td>9:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

+		<td>10:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="11">Bus operates school days only departing cnr of Alpen and Clifford street at 8:16am</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

+	  <th>Melba Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Spence Shops</th>

+		<th>Spence Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

+		<td>10:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

+		<td>11:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

+		<td>12:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

+		<td>1:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15a</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>315</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+		<td>7:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>15</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+		<td>11:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="11">Operates School Days Only and departs Radford College at 3.52p</td>

+	</tr>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_16.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,680 @@
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+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 16</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->16<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/16_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Florey Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Latham Post Office</th>

+		<th>Kippax</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

+		<td>11:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

+    <th>Latham Post Office</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Florey Shops</th>

+  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>6:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+		<td>7:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

+		<td>8:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

+		<td>9:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

+		<td>10:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>16</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,872 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 17</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->17<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/17_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

+	  <th>Higgins</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hawker College</th>

+	  <th>Hawker Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Weetangera Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 AM</td>

+		<td>6:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

+		<td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17a</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17a</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17a</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

+		<td>7:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

+		<td>8:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

+		<td>8:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

+		<td>9:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

+		<td>9:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

+		<td>10:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

+		<td>10:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

+		<td>11:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 PM</td>

+		<td>11:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

+		<td>11:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="9">Operates School Days Only</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Weetangera Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Hawker Shops</th>

+    <th>Hawker College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Higgins</th>

+		<th>Kippax</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>17</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 AM</td>

+		<td>12:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_170.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,114 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns="">

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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 170</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header"> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" />

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+<div id="BodyText">

+  <p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->170<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+  <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" -->

+  <p><a href="pdfs/170_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+  <table class="timetable">

+  <colgroup>

+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+    <tr><th>&nbsp;</th>

+      <th>Wheelchair<br />

+        Accessible</th>

+      <th>Erindale Dr/ Charleston St, Monash</th>

+      <th>Gowrie</th>

+      <th>Erindale / Sternberg Cres</th>

+      <th>Woden Bus Station

+        Platform 9</th>

+      <th>City Bus Station</th>

+      <th>City West</th>

+    </tr>

+    <tr>

+      <td>170</td>

+      <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+      <td>7:10 AM</td>

+      <td>7:20 AM</td>

+      <td>7:32 AM</td>

+      <td>7:49 AM</td>

+      <td>8:04 AM</td>

+      <td>8:06 AM</td>

+    </tr>

+    <tr>

+      <td>170</td>

+      <td>&nbsp;</td>

+      <td>7:28 AM</td>

+      <td>7:38 AM</td>

+      <td>7:50 AM</td>

+      <td>8:07 AM</td>

+      <td>8:22 AM</td>

+      <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    </tr>


+  <table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+    <tr>

+      <th>&nbsp;</th>

+      <th>Wheelchair<br />

+      Accessible</th>

+      <th>City West</th>

+      <th>City Bus Station Platform 1</th>

+      <th>Woden Bus Station Platform 12</th>

+      <th>Erindale / Sternberg Cres</th>

+      <th>Gowrie</th>

+      <th>Erindale Dr/ Charleston St, Monash</th>

+    </tr>

+    <tr>

+      <td>170</td>

+      <td>&nbsp;</td>

+      <td>5:00 PM</td>

+      <td>5:05 PM</td>

+      <td>5:21 PM</td>

+      <td>5:36 PM</td>

+      <td>5:46 PM</td>

+      <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    </tr>

+  </table>

+  <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd -->


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@@ -1,1 +1,902 @@
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+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 18 318</title>

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+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->18, 318<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/18-318_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

+		<th>Gordon Primary</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woodcock /<br />Clare Dennis</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+		<th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 AM</td>

+		<td>5:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 AM</td>

+		<td>6:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

+		<td>6:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18a</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

+		<td>10:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

+		<td>11:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="10">Operates school days only commencing at Lewis Luxton / Woodcock Drive at 7:46am</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woodcock /<br />Clare Dennis</th>

+	  <th>Gordon Primary</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>318</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>8:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>9:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>18</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>10:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 19 319</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->19, 319<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/19-319_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Bonython Primary School</th>

+	  <th>St Clare of Assisi</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Conder Primary</th>

+		<th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+		<td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+		<td>11:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+		<td>12:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+		<td>1:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+		<td>2:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

+		<td>7:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

+		<td>8:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

+		<td>9:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

+		<td>10:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 PM</td>

+		<td>11:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

+		<th>Conder Primary</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">St Clare of Assisi</th>

+		<th>Bonython Primary School</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station Platform 3</th>

+		<th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+		<th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 AM</td>

+		<td>6:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 AM</td>

+		<td>6:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

+		<td>6:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19a</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>319</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

+		<td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

+		<td>9:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

+		<td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

+		<td>10:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>19</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

+		<td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

+		<td>11:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="11">Operates School Days Only</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_2.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1408 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 2</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->2<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/2_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th>Curtin Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">John James Hospital</th>

+	  <th>Yarrulumla Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Deakin</th>

+	  <th>Parliament House</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Olims Hotel</th>

+	  <th>Ainslie Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hackett Shops</th>

+		<th>Dickson Shops</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

+		<td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

+		<td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

+		<td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

+		<td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>7:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 PM</td>

+		<td>8:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

+		<td>9:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

+		<td>10:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

+		<td>11:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

+		<td>11:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Dickson Shops</th>

+	  <th>Hackett Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Ainslie Shops</th>

+	  <th>Olims Hotel</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Parliament House</th>

+	  <th>Deakin</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Yarrulumla Shops</th>

+	  <th>John James Hospital</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Curtin Shops</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2s</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2a</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>Notes</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2s</td>

+		<td colspan="13">Bus operates on School Days Only</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>2a</td>

+		<td colspan="13">On School days, bus commences from Lyneham High School at 3:13pm</td>

+	</tr>


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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_200.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1314 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 200</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->200<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/200_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Fyshwick Direct<br />Factory Outlet</th>

+    <th>Railway Station<br />Kingston</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+	  <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th>Railway Station<br />Kingston</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fyshwick Direct<br />Factory Outlet</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+		<td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+		<td>10:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+		<td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+		<td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+		<td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+		<td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

+		<td>7:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>200</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 21</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->21<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/21_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 15</th>

+	  <th>Pearce</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Torrens Shops</th>

+	  <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>21</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_22.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,254 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 22</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->22<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/22_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 15</th>

+	  <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Torrens Shops</th>

+	  <th>Pearce</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>22</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,338 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 23</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->23<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/23_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 15</th>

+	  <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Chifley Shops</th>

+	  <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Farrer Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Isaacs Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 AM</td>

+		<td>6:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 AM</td>

+		<td>6:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>6:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

+		<td>7:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

+		<td>7:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

+		<td>8:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

+		<td>8:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

+		<td>9:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

+		<td>9:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

+		<td>10:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

+		<td>10:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

+		<td>10:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

+		<td>11:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>23</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+		<td>11:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

+		<td>11:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,314 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 24</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->24<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/24_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 15</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Isaacs Shops</th>

+	  <th>Farrer Terminus</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

+	  <th>Chifley Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Lyons Shops</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:56 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+		<td>7:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+		<td>7:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

+		<td>8:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

+		<td>8:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

+		<td>9:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

+		<td>9:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

+		<td>10:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

+		<td>10:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>24</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

+		<td>11:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 PM</td>

+		<td>11:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 PM</td>

+		<td>11:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_25_225.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,557 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 25 225</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->25, 225<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/25-225-28_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+    <th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park <br />Offices</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 16</th>

+    <th>Weston Primary</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Holder Shops</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

+		<td>11:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th>Holder Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Weston Primary</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ADFA</th>

+		<th>Campbell Park<br />

+	    Offices</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>225</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>25</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_26_226.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,625 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 26 226</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->26, 226<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/26-226_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Weston Creek Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Canberra College, Weston Campus</th>

+	  <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+		<td>6:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>226</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>226</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>226</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Canberra College, Weston Campus</th>

+	  <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Weston Creek Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>226</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>226</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 PM</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 PM</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 PM</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>26</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 PM</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_27_227.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,612 @@
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+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 27 227</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->27, 227<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/27-227_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fisher Shops</th>

+	  <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>227</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>227</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>227</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fisher Shops</th>

+	  <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>227</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>227</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>27</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_28.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,600 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 28</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->28<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/28_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th>Duffy Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">CIT Weston</th>

+	  <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+		<td>6:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+		<td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

+		<td>8:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

+		<td>9:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

+		<td>10:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+	  <th>Brindabella<br />

+      Business Park</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 16</th>

+	  <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">CIT Weston</th>

+	  <th>Duffy  Primary</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>28</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	  <td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_3.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1256 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 3</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->3<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/3_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 14</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Garran Shops</th>

+	  <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Deakin Shops</th>

+	  <th>Parliament House</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">National Museum of Australia</th>

+	  <th>Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Road</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">O'Connor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+		<td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:41 PM</td>

+		<td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+		<td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+		<td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+		<td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 PM</td>

+		<td>7:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+		<td>7:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

+		<td>8:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 PM</td>

+		<td>8:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>8:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

+		<td>9:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 PM</td>

+		<td>9:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>9:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

+		<td>10:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 PM</td>

+		<td>10:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>10:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

+		<td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

+		<td>11:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 PM</td>

+		<td>11:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>11:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

+		<td>11:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">O'Connor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Road</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">National Museum of Australia</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Parliament House</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Deakin Shops</th>

+	  <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Garran Shops</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

+		<td>6:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>12:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:56 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+		<td>7:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+		<td>7:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+		<td>7:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>8:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

+		<td>8:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+		<td>8:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

+		<td>8:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 PM</td>

+		<td>9:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

+		<td>9:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+		<td>9:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

+		<td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

+		<td>9:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 PM</td>

+		<td>10:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

+		<td>10:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+		<td>10:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>3</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

+		<td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

+		<td>10:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 PM</td>

+		<td>11:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 30</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->30<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/30_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>University of Canberra</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Giralang</th>

+	  <th>Kaleen Village / Maibrynong</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">North Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 AM</td>

+		<td>5:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 AM</td>

+		<td>5:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

+		<td>6:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+		<td>6:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+		<td>6:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

+		<td>6:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+		<td>10:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+		<td>11:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+		<td>12:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+		<td>1:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+		<td>2:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 PM</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

+		<td>8:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

+		<td>9:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

+		<td>10:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 PM</td>

+		<td>11:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>North Lyneham</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kaleen Village / Maibrynong</th>

+	  <th>Giralang</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 AM</td>

+		<td>6:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

+		<td>6:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

+		<td>10:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+		<td>12:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+		<td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:42 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:42 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+		<td>2:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+		<td>2:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

+		<td>7:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+		<td>7:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

+		<td>8:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

+		<td>9:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

+		<td>10:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>30</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 PM</td>

+		<td>11:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

+		<td>11:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_31.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,638 @@
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+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 31</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->31<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/31_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />

+	  Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />

+	  Platform 8</th>

+		<th>Macarthur /<br />

+	  Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">North Lyneham</th>

+		<th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">University of Canberra</th>

+		<th>Belconnen Community<br />

+	  Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+		<th>Cohen Street<br />

+	  Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

+		<td>6:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+		<td>11:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+		<td>12:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+		<td>1:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+		<td>2:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

+		<td>10:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

+		<td>11:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />

+	  Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />

+	  Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+		<th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+	  Platform 1</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />

+	  Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+		<th>University of Canberra</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

+		<th>North Lyneham</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />

+	  Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+		<td>2:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

+		<td>7:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

+		<td>8:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

+		<td>8:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+		<td>9:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

+		<td>9:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

+		<td>9:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+		<td>10:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>31</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

+		<td>10:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

+		<td>10:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+		<td>11:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,682 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 39</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->39<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/39_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Dickson Shops<br />Antill Street</th>

+	  <th>Watson </th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Watson Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Watson </th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Dickson Shops<br />Antill Street</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 AM</td>

+		<td>6:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

+		<td>6:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

+		<td>6:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

+		<td>6:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+		<td>11:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+		<td>12:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+		<td>1:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+		<td>2:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

+		<td>7:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 PM</td>

+		<td>8:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+		<td>8:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 PM</td>

+		<td>9:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

+		<td>9:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 PM</td>

+		<td>10:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

+		<td>10:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>39</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 PM</td>

+		<td>11:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_4.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,760 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 4</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->4<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/4_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Kingston</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Manuka /<br />Captain Cook Cres</th>

+	  <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah<br />Terminus</th>

+		<th>Geoscience Australia</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

+		<td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>12:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:15 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>1:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>2:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 PM</td>

+		<td>11:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Geoscience Australia</th>

+	  <th>Narrabundah<br />Terminus</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Narrabundah College</th>

+	  <th>Manuka /<br />Captain Cook Cres</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kingston</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+		<td>10:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+		<td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+		<td>11:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+		<td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+		<td>12:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+		<td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+		<td>1:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+		<td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

+		<td>7:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

+		<td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

+		<td>9:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+		<td>9:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>4</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

+		<td>10:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+		<td>10:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 43</title>

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+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->43<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/43_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Kippax</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+		<td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+		<td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+		<td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43s</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

+		<td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

+		<td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

+		<td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>43</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

+		<td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>s</td>

+		<td colspan="12">On School days this service travels via Hirsshfield Crescent picking up students from Macgregor Primary School</td>

+		</tr>


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+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->44<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/44_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Way </th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Higgins Shops</th>

+	  <th>West Macgregor</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Holt Shops</th>

+		<th>Kippax</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

+		<td>8:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

+		<td>9:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+		<td>9:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 PM</td>

+		<td>10:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

+		<td>10:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+		<td>10:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 PM</td>

+		<td>11:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

+		<td>11:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

+	  <th>Holt Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">West Macgregor</th>

+	  <th>Higgins Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Way </th>

+    <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

+		<td>6:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+		<td>7:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>8:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>9:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>44</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>10:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_45.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,518 @@
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+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 45</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->45<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/45_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Copland College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tillyard / Spalding</th>

+	  <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kerrigan / Lhotsky</th>

+	  <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tillyard / Spalding</th>

+	  <th>Copland College</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45S</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45S</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+		<td>10:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45S</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:57 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

+		<td>11:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>45</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+		<td>11:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 PM</td>

+		<td>11:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

+		<td>11:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>S: </td>

+		<td colspan=14>This service travels via Alfred Hill Drive dropping off students for Mount Rogers Primary - School Days Only</td>

+		</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_5.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,846 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 5</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->5<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/5_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 14</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Narrabundah College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Manuka /<br />Captain Cook Cres</th>

+	  <th>Kingston</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+	  <td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+	  <td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

+	  <td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+	  <td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>7:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+	  <td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

+	  <td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 PM</td>

+	  <td>11:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> 

+    National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Kingston</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Manuka /<br />

+    Captain Cook Cres</th>

+	  <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:29 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:29 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:29 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

+		<td>6:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

+		<td>7:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

+		<td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

+		<td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

+		<td>10:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>5</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

+		<td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

+		<td>11:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_50.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,242 @@
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+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 50</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->50<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/50_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road /<br />

+      Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+		<th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 PM</td>

+		<td>7:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

+		<td>7:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

+		<td>8:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

+		<td>8:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

+		<td>9:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

+		<td>9:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

+		<td>10:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

+		<td>10:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 PM</td>

+		<td>11:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

+		<td>11:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th>Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Flemington Road /<br />

+    Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

+		<td>7:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+		<td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

+		<td>8:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

+		<td>8:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

+		<td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

+		<td>9:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

+		<td>9:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

+		<td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

+		<td>10:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

+		<td>10:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>50</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

+		<td>11:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

+		<td>11:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 51</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->51<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/51_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

+	  <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 AM</td>

+		<td>5:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 AM</td>

+		<td>5:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

+		<td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

+		<td>7:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 PM</td>

+		<td>8:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 PM</td>

+		<td>9:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 PM</td>

+		<td>10:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+	  <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+		<td>7:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

+		<td>8:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

+		<td>9:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

+		<td>10:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

+		<td>11:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 PM</td>

+		<td>11:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>51</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

+		<td>11:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 PM</td>

+		<td>12:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 AM</td>

+		<td>12:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 AM</td>

+		<td>12:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_52.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1026 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 52</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->52<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/52_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

+	  <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 AM</td>

+		<td>5:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 AM</td>

+		<td>6:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 AM</td>

+		<td>6:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>12:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:29 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

+		<td>7:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 PM</td>

+		<td>8:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

+		<td>8:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 PM</td>

+		<td>9:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

+		<td>9:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 PM</td>

+		<td>10:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

+		<td>10:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+	  <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+		<td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+		<td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+		<td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+		<td>3:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:10 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 PM</td>

+		<td>7:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

+		<td>8:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 PM</td>

+		<td>8:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

+		<td>9:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 PM</td>

+		<td>9:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

+		<td>10:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 PM</td>

+		<td>10:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>52</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

+		<td>11:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_56.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,866 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 56</title>

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->56<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/56_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th>Kosciuszko / Everard</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 AM</td>

+		<td>5:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 AM</td>

+		<td>5:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

+		<td>6:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 AM</td>

+		<td>6:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 AM</td>

+		<td>6:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 AM</td>

+		<td>9:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:41 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 PM</td>

+		<td>7:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 PM</td>

+		<td>8:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 PM</td>

+		<td>8:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 PM</td>

+		<td>9:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 PM</td>

+		<td>9:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 PM</td>

+		<td>10:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 PM</td>

+		<td>10:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 PM</td>

+		<td>11:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kosciuszko / Everard</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

+		<td>6:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+		<td>6:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:26 PM</td>

+		<td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>7:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 PM</td>

+		<td>8:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+		<td>8:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 PM</td>

+		<td>9:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+		<td>9:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:02 PM</td>

+		<td>10:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+		<td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>11:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:02 PM</td>

+		<td>11:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>56</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

+		<td>11:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+		<td>11:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

+		<td>12:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:02 AM</td>

+		<td>12:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_57.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,458 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 57</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->57<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/57_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th>Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hoskins Street / <br />Oodgeroo Ave</th>

+    <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 AM</td>

+		<td>6:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

+		<td>6:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

+		<td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hoskins Street / <br />Oodgeroo Ave</th>

+	  <th>Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>57</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_58.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,845 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 58</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->58<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/58_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th>Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd/ Nullabor Ave</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 AM</td>

+		<td>6:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:50 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:50 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:50 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:13 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+		<td>7:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+		<td>7:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

+		<td>7:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

+		<td>8:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

+		<td>8:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

+		<td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

+		<td>9:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

+		<td>9:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

+		<td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

+		<td>10:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

+		<td>10:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

+		<td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>r</td>

+		<td colspan="11">On Race Days, this service travels via racecourse</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flemington Road / Sandford St</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Flemington Rd/ Nullabor Ave</th>

+	  <th>Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 AM</td>

+		<td>5:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:38 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:19 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:19 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:19 PM</td>

+		<td>12:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:53 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:19 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:19 PM</td>

+		<td>2:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58r</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

+		<td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

+		<td>8:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>8:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

+		<td>9:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

+		<td>9:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

+		<td>10:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

+		<td>10:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

+		<td>11:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>58</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

+		<td>11:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 PM</td>

+		<td>11:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

+		<td>12:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 AM</td>

+		<td>12:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>r</td>

+		<td colspan="12">On Race Days, this service travels via racecourse</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_59.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,1014 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 59</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->59<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/59_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Mirrebei Drive /<br />Dam Wall</th>

+    <th>Paul Coe /<br />Mirrebei Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Katherine Ave /<br />Horse Park Drive</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+    <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 AM</td>

+		<td>5:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

+		<td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 PM</td>

+		<td>11:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Flemmington Road /<br /> Sandford St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Hibberson /<br />Kate Crace</th>

+	  <th>Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Katherine Ave /<br />Horse Park Drive</th>

+    <th>Paul Coe /<br />Mirrebei Dr</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Chuculba /<br />William Slim Dr</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 AM</td>

+		<td>11:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:07 PM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:07 PM</td>

+		<td>2:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:11 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

+		<td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

+		<td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>59</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:07 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

+		<td>11:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 PM</td>

+		<td>11:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 PM</td>

+		<td>12:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_6.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,691 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 6</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->6<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/6_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

+	  <th>North Lyneham</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Lyneham Shops,<br />Wattle Street</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Manuka</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Red Hill</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

+		<td>11:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 14</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Red Hill</th>

+	  <th>Manuka </th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lyneham Shops,<br />

+    Wattle Street</th>

+	  <th>North Lyneham</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+		<td>10:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:23 AM</td>

+		<td>11:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:23 PM</td>

+		<td>12:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+		<td>1:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:23 PM</td>

+		<td>2:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:58 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>6</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,554 @@
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+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 60 160</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->60<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/60-160_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Kambah High</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Mount Neighbour School</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+		<th>City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 AM</td>

+		<td>6:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+		<td>9:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:24 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:24 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:24 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:24 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:24 PM</td>

+		<td>3:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:24 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:54 PM</td>

+		<td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

+		<td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

+		<td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

+		<td>11:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kambah High</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60s</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:19 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:19 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60s</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>160</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 PM</td>

+		<td>8:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 PM</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 PM</td>

+		<td>9:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 PM</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 PM</td>

+		<td>10:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>60</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 PM</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 PM</td>

+		<td>11:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>s</td>

+		<td colspan="7">On school days this service diverts into Gleneagles, travelling on Mount Vernon Drive and return. Bus arrives at Tuggeranong 7 minutes later.</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,602 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 61 161</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->61<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/61-161_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Taverner St /<br />Erindale Dr</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Livingston Shops /<br />Kambah</th>

+	  <th>Athllon/ Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>161</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61s</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:48 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:19 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 PM</td>

+		<td>7:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 PM</td>

+		<td>8:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 PM</td>

+		<td>9:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 PM</td>

+		<td>10:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:01 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>11:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 PM</td>

+		<td>11:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>s</td>

+		<td colspan="8">On school days, bus arrives art Woden Bus Station at 8:18am</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station <br />Platform 1</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />

+    Platform 11</th>

+		<th>Athllon /<br />

+    Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Livingston Shops /<br />

+    Kambah</th>

+		<th>Taverner St /<br />

+    Erindale Dr</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>6:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 AM</td>

+		<td>8:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:25 AM</td>

+		<td>10:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:25 PM</td>

+		<td>12:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:25 PM</td>

+		<td>2:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61s</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>161</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 PM</td>

+		<td>8:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 PM</td>

+		<td>8:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:10 PM</td>

+		<td>9:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 PM</td>

+		<td>9:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 PM</td>

+		<td>10:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 PM</td>

+		<td>10:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>61</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 PM</td>

+		<td>11:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>s</td>

+		<td colspan="8">On school days bus arrives at Tuggeranong Bus Station at 3.59pm</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_62_162.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,540 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 62</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->62<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/62-162_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+	  <th>Kambah High</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kambah Village</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+		<th>City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

+		<td>6:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:24 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 AM</td>

+		<td>10:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:39 AM</td>

+		<td>11:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:54 AM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:39 PM</td>

+		<td>12:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:39 PM</td>

+		<td>1:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:54 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:39 PM</td>

+		<td>2:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:54 PM</td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:09 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:39 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

+		<td>7:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

+		<td>8:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 PM</td>

+		<td>9:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 PM</td>

+		<td>10:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:53 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Kambah Village</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kambah High</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 AM</td>

+		<td>9:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 AM</td>

+		<td>10:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 AM</td>

+		<td>11:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:32 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:51 PM</td>

+		<td>12:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:32 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:51 PM</td>

+		<td>1:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:32 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:51 PM</td>

+		<td>2:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>162</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 PM</td>

+		<td>7:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

+		<td>7:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 PM</td>

+		<td>8:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

+		<td>8:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 PM</td>

+		<td>9:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

+		<td>9:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:32 PM</td>

+		<td>10:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

+		<td>10:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>62</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:32 PM</td>

+		<td>11:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:51 PM</td>

+		<td>11:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,749 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 63</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->63<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/63_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+		<th>Monash, Goodwin Village</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

+		<th>Wanniassa High</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Athllon / Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+		Platform 10</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Kings Ave /<br />National Circuit</th>

+		<th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ADFA</th>

+		<th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

+		<td>6:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+		<td>6:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

+		<td>6:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63a</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 AM</td>

+		<td>9:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:09 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:29 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:15 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+		<td>7:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 PM</td>

+		<td>7:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 PM</td>

+		<td>8:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

+		<td>8:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 PM</td>

+		<td>8:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 PM</td>

+		<td>9:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

+		<td>9:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 PM</td>

+		<td>9:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 PM</td>

+		<td>10:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

+		<td>10:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 PM</td>

+		<td>10:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 PM</td>

+		<td>11:03 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>a</td>

+		<td colspan="11">On school days, this service arrives at Woden at 8:50am</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Campbell Park Offices</th>

+		<th>ADFA</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+		<th>Athllon / <br />Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Wanniassa High</th>

+		<th>Erindale Centre</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Monash, Goodwin Village</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63x</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 AM</td>

+		<td>6:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63x</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 AM</td>

+		<td>6:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:38 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:28 PM</td>

+		<td>3:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:38 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:48 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+		<td>4:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:28 PM</td>

+		<td>4:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

+		<td>7:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+		<td>8:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

+		<td>9:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

+		<td>10:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>63</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

+		<td>11:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+		<td>11:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>x</td>

+		<td colspan="11">Bus commences at the corner of Sainsbury Street and Longmore Cres 5 minutes earlier</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_64.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,482 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 64</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->64<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/64_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Monash Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">MacKillop College, <br />Wanniassa Campus</th>

+	  <th>Athllon / <br />Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 AM</td>

+		<td>6:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 AM</td>

+		<td>6:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

+		<td>6:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64x</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64y</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56am</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:19 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:49 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 PM</td>

+		<td>7:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:39 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 PM</td>

+		<td>8:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:51 PM</td>

+		<td>9:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:39 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:51 PM</td>

+		<td>10:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>x</td>

+		<td colspan="6">On School Days this trip arrives at Woden Bus Station at 8:46am</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>y</td>

+		<td colspan="6">On School Days this trip arrives at Woden Bus Station at 9:01am</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station <br />Platform 11</th>

+		<th>Athllon / <br />

+	    Sulwood, Kambah</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">MacKillop College, <br />

+      Wanniassa Campus</th>

+	  <th>Monash Primary</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:51 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:23 AM</td>

+		<td>9:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:06 PM</td>

+		<td>3:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:23 PM</td>

+		<td>3:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:36 PM</td>

+		<td>3:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:53 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:23 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+		<td>8:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

+		<td>9:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

+		<td>10:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>64</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

+		<td>11:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

+		<td>11:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,755 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 65 265</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->65, 265<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/65-265_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>MacKillop College,<br />Isabella Campus</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gowrie</th>

+	  <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 AM</td>

+		<td>5:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 AM</td>

+		<td>5:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 AM</td>

+		<td>6:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>265</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>265</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 AM</td>

+		<td>11:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:05 PM</td>

+		<td>12:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:05 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:05 PM</td>

+		<td>2:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:05 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:15 PM</td>

+		<td>3:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:37 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 PM</td>

+		<td>7:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 PM</td>

+		<td>8:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 PM</td>

+		<td>8:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 PM</td>

+		<td>9:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 PM</td>

+		<td>9:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 PM</td>

+		<td>10:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 PM</td>

+		<td>10:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 PM</td>

+		<td>11:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 12</th>

+	  <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Bugden Sternberg</th>

+	  <th>Gowrie</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">MacKillop College,<br />Isabella Campus</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 AM</td>

+		<td>6:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:19 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:35 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:55 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:10 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:10 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:55 AM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:10 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:10 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:55 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:10 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:55 PM</td>

+		<td>3:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:43 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:55 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:13 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:20 PM</td>

+		<td>4:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>265</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:28 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>265</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+		<td>6:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:35 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>265</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 PM</td>

+		<td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 PM</td>

+		<td>8:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 PM</td>

+		<td>8:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 PM</td>

+		<td>9:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 PM</td>

+		<td>9:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 PM</td>

+		<td>10:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 PM</td>

+		<td>10:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>65</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:54 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 PM</td>

+		<td>11:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 PM</td>

+		<td>11:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_66.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,540 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 66</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->66<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/66_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+	  <th>Bonython Primary School</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Deamer /<br />Clift Richardson</th>

+	  <th>Procor /<br />Mead</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Erindale Centre</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:12 AM</td>

+		<td>6:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:52 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:12 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:23 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>9:00 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:53 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:12 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:12 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:12 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:13 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:28 PM</td>

+		<td>6:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

+		<td>7:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:42 PM</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 PM</td>

+		<td>8:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

+		<td>8:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:42 PM</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:14 PM</td>

+		<td>9:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

+		<td>9:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:42 PM</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 PM</td>

+		<td>10:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

+		<td>10:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:42 PM</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

+		<td>11:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+	  <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Procor /<br />Mead</th>

+	  <th>Deamer /<br />Clift Richardson</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Bonython Primary School</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>6:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 AM</td>

+		<td>6:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 AM</td>

+		<td>6:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:41 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

+		<td>10:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

+		<td>11:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+		<td>12:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

+		<td>1:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+		<td>2:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:57 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:22 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:51 PM</td>

+		<td>3:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:21 PM</td>

+		<td>4:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:22 PM</td>

+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 PM</td>

+		<td>7:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:22 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 PM</td>

+		<td>8:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 PM</td>

+		<td>9:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 PM</td>

+		<td>10:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:56 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>66</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 PM</td>

+		<td>11:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 PM</td>

+		<td>11:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:56 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,756 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 67 267</title>

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->67, 267<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/67-267_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+	  <th>Calwell Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th>Erindale / <br />Sternberg Cres</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>267</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:08 AM</td>

+		<td>8:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:09 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>267</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+		<td>8:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:02 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:32 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:53 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:49 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:03 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:33 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:03 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:32 PM</td>

+		<td>4:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:42 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:03 PM</td>

+		<td>7:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 PM</td>

+		<td>7:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 PM</td>

+		<td>8:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 PM</td>

+		<td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 PM</td>

+		<td>9:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:03 PM</td>

+		<td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 PM</td>

+		<td>10:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:49 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 PM</td>

+		<td>11:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Erindale /<br />Sternberg Cres</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Bugden Sternberg</th>

+	  <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 AM</td>

+		<td>6:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 AM</td>

+		<td>6:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

+		<td>6:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

+		<td>6:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+		<td>9:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:41 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:49 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>12:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:00 PM</td>

+		<td>3:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:25 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:34 PM</td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>267</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:30 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>267</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:33 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:15 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>267</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:49 PM</td>

+		<td>7:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 PM</td>

+		<td>7:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

+		<td>8:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 PM</td>

+		<td>8:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:30 PM</td>

+		<td>8:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

+		<td>9:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 PM</td>

+		<td>9:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 PM</td>

+		<td>9:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

+		<td>10:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 PM</td>

+		<td>10:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 PM</td>

+		<td>10:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

+		<td>11:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>67</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 PM</td>

+		<td>11:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 PM</td>

+		<td>11:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:01 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_7.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,701 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 7</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->7<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/7_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Australian Institute <br />of Sport</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

+	  <th>Merici College</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 AM</td>

+		<td>5:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:08 AM</td>

+		<td>6:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

+		<td>6:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

+		<td>6:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:38 AM</td>

+		<td>6:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>6:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:17 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:13 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:21 AM</td>

+		<td>9:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+		<td>9:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:16 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:22 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+		<td>10:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:22 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+		<td>11:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>12:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+		<td>12:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:22 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+		<td>1:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:22 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+		<td>2:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>3:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:41 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:17 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:10 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 PM</td>

+		<td>7:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+		<td>7:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

+		<td>7:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 PM</td>

+		<td>8:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

+		<td>8:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

+		<td>8:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:52 PM</td>

+		<td>9:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

+		<td>9:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

+		<td>9:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 PM</td>

+		<td>10:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

+		<td>10:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

+		<td>10:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 PM</td>

+		<td>11:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

+		<td>11:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Merici College</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

+		<th>Australian Institute <br />

+      of Sport</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>6:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:08 AM</td>

+		<td>9:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:36 AM</td>

+		<td>9:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:30 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 AM</td>

+		<td>10:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+		<td>10:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:36 AM</td>

+		<td>10:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:36 AM</td>

+		<td>11:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:30 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:44 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:06 PM</td>

+		<td>12:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+		<td>12:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:36 PM</td>

+		<td>12:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:30 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:06 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+		<td>1:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:36 PM</td>

+		<td>1:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:30 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:44 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:06 PM</td>

+		<td>2:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+		<td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:36 PM</td>

+		<td>2:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:30 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:44 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:07 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:59 PM</td>

+		<td>3:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:14 PM</td>

+		<td>3:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:31 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:01 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:16 PM</td>

+		<td>4:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:46 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:01 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:31 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:46 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:31 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 PM</td>

+		<td>6:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 PM</td>

+		<td>8:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 PM</td>

+		<td>9:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:06 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>7</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:31 PM</td>

+		<td>10:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:06 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_701.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,158 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 701</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->701<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/701_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Spence Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

+	  <th>William Web /<br />Ginninderra Drive</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">National Circ /<br />Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+		<th>William Web /<br />

+    Ginninderra Drive</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Copland College</th>

+	  <th>Spence Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Spence Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:12 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>701</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_702.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,144 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 702</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->702<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/702_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+	  <th>Flynn</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Charnwood Shops</th>

+	  <th>Fraser Shops</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fraser East Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:54 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fraser East Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Fraser Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Charnwood Shops</th>

+	  <th>Flynn</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">National Circ / <br />Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>702</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_703.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,172 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 703</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->703<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/703_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Way</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Dunlop</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:58 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:58 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:28 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:03 PM</td>

+		<td>6:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fraser West Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Dunlop</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macgregor Shops</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Way</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">National Circ/ Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>703</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>


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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_704.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,105 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 704</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->704<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/704_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

+	  <th>Higgins</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hawker College</th>

+	  <th>Hawker Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macquarie</th>

+	  <th>Aranda Shops</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">National Circ / <br />Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>704</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:12 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>704</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>7:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+	  <th>Aranda Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macquarie</th>

+	  <th>Hawker Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hawker College</th>

+	  <th>Higgins</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Kippax</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>704</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:55 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_705.htm
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 705</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->705<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/705_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />

+    Bus Station Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Centrelink Tuggeranong</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:07 AM</td>

+		<td>8:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:39 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Centrelink Tuggeranong</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:54 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:59 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>4:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>705</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_71.htm
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 71</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->71<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/71_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kaleen Village / Maibrynong</th>

+	  <th>Giralang</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Kaleen Village / Maibrynong</th>

+	  <th>Gwydir Square Kaleen</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>71</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:59 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:14 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>71</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:48 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:59 AM</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>71</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:48 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:59 AM</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:14 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>71</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:48 PM</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:59 PM</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:14 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>71</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:48 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:59 PM</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_710.htm
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 710</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->710<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/710_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Sydney Ave</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:07 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:25 PM</td>

+		<td>4:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:03 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:27 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>National Circ / <br />Canberra Ave</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:04 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:02 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:43 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>8:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:17 AM</td>

+		<td>8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:32 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>710</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+		<td>8:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_720.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,135 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 720</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->720<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/720_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Farrer Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Garran Shops</th>

+	  <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:16 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:03 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:58 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hughes Shops</th>

+	  <th>Garran Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Southlands Mawson</th>

+	  <th>Farrer Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:59 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>720</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_729.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,103 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 729</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->729<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/729_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Duffy Primary</th>

+	  <th>Holder Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>729</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:09 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:49 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>729</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:39 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+		<td>7:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:19 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:25 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Holder Shops</th>

+	  <th>Duffy Primary</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Rivett Shops</th>

+	  <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>729</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>729</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_73.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,118 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 73</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->73<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/73_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 5</th>

+	  <th>Florey Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Page Shops</th>

+	  <th>Hawker Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cook Shops</th>

+	  <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>73</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:22 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:33 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:44 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:54 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:07 AM</td>

+		<td>10:12 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>73</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:03 AM</td>

+		<td>11:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:14 AM</td>

+		<td>11:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:24 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>73</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:22 PM</td>

+		<td>12:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:33 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:44 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:54 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:07 PM</td>

+		<td>1:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>73</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:03 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:14 PM</td>

+		<td>2:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:24 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_732.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,109 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 732</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->732<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/732_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Curtin</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:48 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+		<td>8:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:21 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Curtin</th>

+	  <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:53 PM</td>

+		<td>5:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>732</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_737.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,145 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 737</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->737<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/737_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />

+    Platform 7</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th>Fairbairn Park</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:43 AM</td>

+		<td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:58 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:18 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:38 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:58 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+    <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:25 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:49 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>737</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 74</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->74<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/74_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 3</th>

+	  <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Jamison Centre</th>

+	  <th>Cook Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Hawker Shops</th>

+	  <th>Page Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Florey Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>74</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:56 AM</td>

+		<td>10:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:23 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:33 AM</td>

+		<td>10:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:41 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>74</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:42 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:53 AM</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:03 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>74</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:50 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:56 PM</td>

+		<td>1:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:12 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:23 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:33 PM</td>

+		<td>1:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:41 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>74</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:42 PM</td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:53 PM</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:03 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+try {

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_749.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,120 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 749</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->749<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/749_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street<br />Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station Platform 2</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:59 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:10 AM</td>

+		<td>8:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station <br />Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community<br />Bus Station</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Westfield Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Cohen Street<br />Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:05 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+		<td>5:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>749</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_75.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,89 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 75</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->75<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/75_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+	  <th>Stromlo High Waramanga</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>75</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:55 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>75</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Cooleman Court</th>

+	  <th>Stromlo High Waramanga</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>75</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:25 AM</td>

+		<td>9:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>75</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:25 AM</td>

+		<td>11:34 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>75</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:25 PM</td>

+		<td>1:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_757.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,112 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 757</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->757<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/757_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	  <th>Dickson College</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 AM</td>

+		<td>7:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:55 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 AM</td>

+		<td>7:40 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:05 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+		<th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+    <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>Dickson College</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Gungahlin Marketplace</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:33 PM</td>

+	  <td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:57 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>757</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+	  <td>5:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 PM</td>

+	  <td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 76</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->76<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/76_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+	  <th>Bridbabella Gardens Nursing Home</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Saint Andrews Village Hughes</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>76</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 AM</td>

+		<td>10:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 AM</td>

+		<td>10:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>76</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:00 PM</td>

+		<td>12:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:15 PM</td>

+		<td>12:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>76</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:00 PM</td>

+		<td>2:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:15 PM</td>

+		<td>2:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_768.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,100 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 768</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->768<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/768_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

+	  <th>Isabella Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+		<th>City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>768</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>768</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Isabella Shops</th>

+		<th>Calwell Shops</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>768</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:47 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>768</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:19 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:58 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_769.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,128 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 769</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->769<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/769_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tharwa Drive</th>

+	  <th>Theodore</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

+	  <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 AM</td>

+		<td>6:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:56 AM</td>

+		<td>7:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:21 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:33 AM</td>

+		<td>8:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:47 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Calwell Shops</th>

+	  <th>Theodore</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Tharwa Drive</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:42 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:17 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>769</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:37 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 77</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->77<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/77_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Saint Andrews<br />Village Hughes</th>

+	  <th>Bridbabella Gardens<br />Nursing Home</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>77</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 AM</td>

+		<td>11:08 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:13 AM</td>

+		<td>11:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>77</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:00 PM</td>

+		<td>1:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:13 PM</td>

+		<td>1:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,82 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 780</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->780<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/780_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 9</th>

+    <th>Newcastle Street<br />after Isa Street</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lithgow St Terminus</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>780</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>7:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>780</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Lithgow St Terminus</th>

+	  <th>Canberra Times</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>780</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:05 PM</td>

+		<td>4:21 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>780</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:35 PM</td>

+		<td>4:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_785.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,120 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 785</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->785<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/785_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	  <th>Tharwa Dr /<br />Pocket Ave</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Mentone View /<br />Tharwa Drive</th>

+	  <th>City West</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+		<th>ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:52 AM</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:13 AM</td>

+		<td>7:43 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:47 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 AM</td>

+		<td>8:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:45 AM</td>

+		<td>7:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	  <th>Mentone View /<br />Tharwa Drive</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tharwa Dr /<br />Pocket Ave</th>

+		<th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:05 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:13 PM</td>

+		<td>5:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:05 PM</td>

+		<td>6:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:32 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>785</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:51 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:47 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 786</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->786<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/786_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Fairbairn Park</th>

+    <th>Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Chisholm Shops</th>

+		<th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:45 PM</td>

+		<td>4:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:15 PM</td>

+		<td>5:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:03 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:45 PM</td>

+		<td>5:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+	  <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Brindabella<br />Business Park</th>

+		<th>Fairbairn Park</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:16 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:06 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>786</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:27 AM</td>

+		<td>7:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+	</tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 787</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->787<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/787_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	  <th><p>Woodcock / <br />Clare Dennis</p></th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Tharwa Drive /<br />Knoke Ave</th>

+		<th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>787</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:16 PM</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:24 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:07 PM</td>

+		<td>6:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>787</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:35 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:43 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:28 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Lanyon Market Place</th>

+	  <th>Tharwa Drive /<br />Knoke Ave</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Woodcock /<br />Clare Dennis</th>

+	  <th>City West</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />

+    Platform 10</th>

+		<th>ACTEW AGL House</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>787</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 AM</td>

+		<td>7:28 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:32 AM</td>

+		<td>7:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>787</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:35 AM</td>

+		<td>8:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 AM</td>

+		<td>8:07 AM</td>

+	</tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 788</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->788<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/788_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woodcock /<br />Clare Dennis</th>

+    <th>Tharwa Dr /<br />Pocket Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Mentone View /<br />Tharwa Drive</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 11</th>

+		<th>City West</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>788</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:10 AM</td>

+		<td>7:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:20 AM</td>

+		<td>8:24 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>788</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:40 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">City West</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 10</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Mentone View /<br />Tharwa Drive</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tharwa Dr /<br />Pocket Ave</th>

+	  <th>Woodcock /<br />Clare Dennis</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>788</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>788</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:02 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>788</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:32 PM</td>

+		<td>5:38 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 8</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->8<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/8_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Dickson</th>

+	  <th>Lyneham Shops,<br />Wattle Street</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Miller O'Connor</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

+		<td>6:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 AM</td>

+		<td>6:44 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:46 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:31 AM</td>

+		<td>8:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:45 AM</td>

+		<td>8:54 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:09 AM</td>

+		<td>10:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:20 AM</td>

+		<td>10:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:09 AM</td>

+		<td>11:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:20 AM</td>

+		<td>11:27 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:09 PM</td>

+		<td>12:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:20 PM</td>

+		<td>12:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:09 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:20 PM</td>

+		<td>1:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:09 PM</td>

+		<td>2:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:20 PM</td>

+		<td>2:27 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:02 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:16 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:32 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:15 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:37 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:51 PM</td>

+		<td>5:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:07 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:21 PM</td>

+		<td>5:30 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:37 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:51 PM</td>

+		<td>6:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:46 PM</td>

+		<td>6:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 PM</td>

+		<td>7:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:46 PM</td>

+		<td>7:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 PM</td>

+		<td>8:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:46 PM</td>

+		<td>8:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 PM</td>

+		<td>9:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 PM</td>

+		<td>9:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 PM</td>

+		<td>10:02 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+	  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 PM</td>

+		<td>10:52 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:57 PM</td>

+		<td>11:02 PM</td>



+<table class="timetable">


+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+		<th>Macarthur /<br />

+    Miller O'Connor</th>

+		<th class="cellorange">Lyneham Shops,<br />

+    Wattle Street</th>

+		<th>Dickson</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:32 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:57 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:20 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:27 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:31 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:46 AM</td>

+		<td>9:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:58 AM</td>

+		<td>10:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:30 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:46 AM</td>

+		<td>10:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:58 AM</td>

+		<td>11:04 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:46 AM</td>

+		<td>11:53 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:58 AM</td>

+		<td>12:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:46 PM</td>

+		<td>12:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:58 PM</td>

+		<td>1:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:46 PM</td>

+		<td>1:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:58 PM</td>

+		<td>2:04 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:46 PM</td>

+		<td>2:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:58 PM</td>

+		<td>3:05 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:11 PM</td>

+		<td>3:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:46 PM</td>

+		<td>3:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:02 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:27 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:00 PM</td>

+		<td>5:07 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:23 PM</td>

+		<td>5:32 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:46 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:53 PM</td>

+		<td>6:02 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:16 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 PM</td>

+		<td>6:42 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:50 PM</td>

+		<td>6:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 PM</td>

+		<td>7:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:05 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:05 PM</td>

+		<td>8:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:15 PM</td>

+		<td>8:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:05 PM</td>

+		<td>9:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:15 PM</td>

+		<td>9:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 PM</td>

+		<td>10:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:15 PM</td>

+		<td>10:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>8</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:05 PM</td>

+		<td>11:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:15 PM</td>

+		<td>11:21 PM</td>

+	</tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 80</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->80<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/80_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />

+    Platform 9</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th>Causeway</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Railway Station<br />Kingston</th>

+    <th>Newcastle Street<br />after Isa Street</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Fyshwick Direct<br />Factory Outlet</th>

+	  <th>Eye Hospital</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Geoscience Australia</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 AM</td>

+		<td>5:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:02 AM</td>

+		<td>6:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 AM</td>

+		<td>6:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 AM</td>

+		<td>6:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:17 AM</td>

+		<td>6:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 AM</td>

+		<td>6:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:36 AM</td>

+		<td>6:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>6:58 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:48 AM</td>

+		<td>6:56 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:00 AM</td>

+		<td>7:04 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:07 AM</td>

+		<td>7:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:24 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 AM</td>

+		<td>7:53 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:19 AM</td>

+		<td>7:27 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:51 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:03 AM</td>

+		<td>8:10 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:13 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:42 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:28 AM</td>

+		<td>8:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:40 AM</td>

+		<td>8:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:50 AM</td>

+		<td>8:59 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:13 AM</td>

+		<td>9:19 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:27 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:07 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:15 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:39 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:10 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:28 AM</td>

+		<td>9:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:17 AM</td>

+		<td>10:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:28 AM</td>

+		<td>10:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:17 AM</td>

+		<td>11:35 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:28 AM</td>

+		<td>11:36 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:44 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:17 PM</td>

+		<td>12:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:28 PM</td>

+		<td>12:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:17 PM</td>

+		<td>1:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:28 PM</td>

+		<td>1:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:17 PM</td>

+		<td>2:35 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:28 PM</td>

+		<td>2:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:44 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:34 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:30 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:10 PM</td>

+		<td>4:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:00 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:19 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:30 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:40 PM</td>

+		<td>4:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:48 PM</td>

+		<td>4:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:30 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:18 PM</td>

+		<td>5:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:50 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:00 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:48 PM</td>

+		<td>5:53 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:14 PM</td>

+		<td>6:20 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:18 PM</td>

+		<td>6:23 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:26 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:41 PM</td>

+		<td>6:46 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:54 PM</td>

+		<td>7:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:02 PM</td>

+		<td>7:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:18 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:00 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:12 PM</td>

+		<td>8:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:00 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:12 PM</td>

+		<td>9:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:00 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:12 PM</td>

+		<td>10:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:00 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:12 PM</td>

+		<td>11:16 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 PM</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station</th>

+	  <th>Geoscience Australia</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Eye Hospital</th>

+    <th>Fyshwick Direct<br />Factory Outlet</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Canberra Times</th>

+    <th>Railway Station<br />Kingston</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Causeway</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave/<br /> National Circuit</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Russell Offices</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:47 AM</td>

+		<td>6:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:11 AM</td>

+		<td>6:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:25 AM</td>

+		<td>6:32 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:34 AM</td>

+		<td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:42 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:06 AM</td>

+		<td>6:21 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:30 AM</td>

+		<td>6:35 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:44 AM</td>

+		<td>6:51 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 AM</td>

+		<td>6:57 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:09 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:33 AM</td>

+		<td>6:48 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:57 AM</td>

+		<td>7:02 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:11 AM</td>

+		<td>7:18 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:28 AM</td>

+		<td>7:38 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:16 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:25 AM</td>

+		<td>7:30 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:49 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:53 AM</td>

+		<td>8:00 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:15 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:47 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:01 AM</td>

+		<td>8:17 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:03 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:07 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:50 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:59 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:17 AM</td>

+		<td>9:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 AM</td>

+		<td>9:33 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:09 AM</td>

+		<td>9:24 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:39 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:48 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:01 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:05 AM</td>

+		<td>10:13 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:40 AM</td>

+		<td>9:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:04 AM</td>

+		<td>10:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:27 AM</td>

+		<td>10:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:35 AM</td>

+		<td>10:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:40 AM</td>

+		<td>10:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:04 AM</td>

+		<td>11:09 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:25 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:27 AM</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:35 AM</td>

+		<td>11:43 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>11:31 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:33 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:41 AM</td>

+		<td>11:49 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:40 AM</td>

+		<td>11:55 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:04 PM</td>

+		<td>12:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:27 PM</td>

+		<td>12:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:35 PM</td>

+		<td>12:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:40 PM</td>

+		<td>12:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:04 PM</td>

+		<td>1:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:27 PM</td>

+		<td>1:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:35 PM</td>

+		<td>1:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">1:40 PM</td>

+		<td>1:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:04 PM</td>

+		<td>2:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:27 PM</td>

+		<td>2:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:35 PM</td>

+		<td>2:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">2:40 PM</td>

+		<td>2:55 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:04 PM</td>

+		<td>3:09 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:18 PM</td>

+		<td>3:25 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:35 PM</td>

+		<td>3:43 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:40 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:12 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:31 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:08 PM</td>

+		<td>4:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:09 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:38 PM</td>

+		<td>4:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:20 PM</td>

+		<td>5:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:39 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:08 PM</td>

+		<td>5:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:40 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:50 PM</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:59 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:09 PM</td>

+		<td>6:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:38 PM</td>

+		<td>5:54 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:10 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:20 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:29 PM</td>

+		<td>6:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:13 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:23 PM</td>

+		<td>6:29 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:37 PM</td>

+		<td>6:43 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:49 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:53 PM</td>

+		<td>7:01 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>7:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:29 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:37 PM</td>

+		<td>7:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>8:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:29 PM</td>

+		<td>8:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>8:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>9:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:29 PM</td>

+		<td>9:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>9:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>80</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">.....</td>

+		<td>10:27 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:29 PM</td>

+		<td>10:33 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>10:45 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_81.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,123 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 81</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->81

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/81_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+  <tr>


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+    <th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>City Interchange<br />

+      Platform 9 </th>

+    <th>National Aquarium</th>

+    <th>Black Mountain Telstra Tower</th>

+    <th>Botanic Gardens</th>

+    <th>City Interchange</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>81</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/Route_82.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,80 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 82</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->82<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/82_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Bimberi Centre</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>82</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:15 PM</td>

+		<td>7:24 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:26 PM</td>

+		<td>7:33 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">City Bus Station<br />Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur /<br />Northbourne Ave</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Northbourne Avenue /<br />Antill St</th>

+		<th>Bimberi Centre</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>82</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:32 AM</td>

+		<td>6:38 AM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">6:40 AM</td>

+		<td>6:50 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>82</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:42 PM</td>

+		<td>3:48 PM</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:50 PM</td>

+		<td>4:00 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 88</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->88<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/88_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+		<th>Alexander Maconochie Centre</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">9:20 AM</td>

+		<td>9:40 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">12:55 PM</td>

+		<td>1:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">4:55 PM</td>

+		<td>5:15 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">

+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th class="cellorange">Alexander Maconochie Centre</th>

+		<th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">11:50 AM</td>

+		<td>12:10 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">3:20 PM</td>

+		<td>3:40 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>88</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td class="cellorange">7:30 PM</td>

+		<td>7:50 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for Route 9</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->9<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/9_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />Platform 7</th>

+	  <th>St Thomas More's Campbell</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>Hospice / Menindee Dr</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+		<th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:14 AM</td>

+		<td>7:26 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:33 AM</td>

+		<td>7:41 AM</td>

+		<td>7:45 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:14 AM</td>

+		<td>8:29 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:44 AM</td>

+		<td>8:48 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:57 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:16 AM</td>

+		<td>9:18 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+		<td>9:31 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>9:57 AM</td>

+		<td>10:11 AM</td>

+		<td>10:16 AM</td>

+		<td>10:18 AM</td>

+		<td>10:26 AM</td>

+		<td>10:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>10:57 AM</td>

+		<td>11:11 AM</td>

+		<td>11:16 AM</td>

+		<td>11:18 AM</td>

+		<td>11:26 AM</td>

+		<td>11:29 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>11:57 AM</td>

+		<td>12:11 PM</td>

+		<td>12:16 PM</td>

+		<td>12:18 PM</td>

+		<td>12:26 PM</td>

+		<td>12:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>12:57 PM</td>

+		<td>1:11 PM</td>

+		<td>1:16 PM</td>

+		<td>1:18 PM</td>

+		<td>1:26 PM</td>

+		<td>1:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>1:57 PM</td>

+		<td>2:11 PM</td>

+		<td>2:16 PM</td>

+		<td>2:18 PM</td>

+		<td>2:26 PM</td>

+		<td>2:29 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>2:57 PM</td>

+		<td>3:12 PM</td>

+		<td>3:17 PM</td>

+		<td>3:19 PM</td>

+		<td>3:27 PM</td>

+		<td>3:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:44 PM</td>

+		<td>3:59 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>4:14 PM</td>

+		<td>4:29 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>4:44 PM</td>

+		<td>4:59 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:18 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>5:14 PM</td>

+		<td>5:29 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:44 PM</td>

+		<td>5:48 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>5:57 PM</td>

+		<td>6:12 PM</td>

+		<td>6:17 PM</td>

+		<td>6:19 PM</td>

+		<td>6:27 PM</td>

+		<td>6:31 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>6:57 PM</td>

+		<td>7:08 PM</td>

+		<td>7:12 PM</td>

+		<td>7:14 PM</td>

+		<td>7:20 PM</td>

+		<td>7:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:57 PM</td>

+		<td>8:08 PM</td>

+		<td>8:12 PM</td>

+		<td>8:14 PM</td>

+		<td>8:20 PM</td>

+		<td>8:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:57 PM</td>

+		<td>9:08 PM</td>

+		<td>9:12 PM</td>

+		<td>9:14 PM</td>

+		<td>9:20 PM</td>

+		<td>9:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>9:57 PM</td>

+		<td>10:08 PM</td>

+		<td>10:12 PM</td>

+		<td>10:14 PM</td>

+		<td>10:20 PM</td>

+		<td>10:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>10:57 PM</td>

+		<td>11:08 PM</td>

+		<td>11:12 PM</td>

+		<td>11:14 PM</td>

+		<td>11:20 PM</td>

+		<td>11:23 PM</td>

+	</tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+	<tr>

+		<th>&nbsp;</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair<br />Accessible</th>

+	  <th>Campbell Park Offices</th>

+	  <th>ADFA</th>

+	  <th>Hospice / Menindee Dr</th>

+	  <th>Russell Offices</th>

+	  <th>St Thomas More's Campbell</th>

+		<th>City Bus Station</th>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>.....</td>

+		<td>6:55 AM</td>

+		<td>7:01 AM</td>

+		<td>7:03 AM</td>

+		<td>7:08 AM</td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>7:20 AM</td>

+		<td>7:23 AM</td>

+		<td>7:29 AM</td>

+		<td>7:31 AM</td>

+		<td>7:36 AM</td>

+		<td>7:51 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:52 AM</td>

+		<td>7:56 AM</td>

+		<td>8:04 AM</td>

+		<td>8:06 AM</td>

+		<td>8:11 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:22 AM</td>

+		<td>8:26 AM</td>

+		<td>8:34 AM</td>

+		<td>8:36 AM</td>

+		<td>8:41 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:52 AM</td>

+		<td>8:56 AM</td>

+		<td>9:04 AM</td>

+		<td>9:06 AM</td>

+		<td>9:11 AM</td>

+		<td>9:26 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>9:34 AM</td>

+		<td>9:37 AM</td>

+		<td>9:45 AM</td>

+		<td>9:47 AM</td>

+		<td>9:52 AM</td>

+		<td>10:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>10:34 AM</td>

+		<td>10:37 AM</td>

+		<td>10:45 AM</td>

+		<td>10:47 AM</td>

+		<td>10:52 AM</td>

+		<td>11:06 AM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>11:34 AM</td>

+		<td>11:37 AM</td>

+		<td>11:45 AM</td>

+		<td>11:47 AM</td>

+		<td>11:52 AM</td>

+		<td>12:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>12:34 PM</td>

+		<td>12:37 PM</td>

+		<td>12:45 PM</td>

+		<td>12:47 PM</td>

+		<td>12:52 PM</td>

+		<td>1:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>1:34 PM</td>

+		<td>1:37 PM</td>

+		<td>1:45 PM</td>

+		<td>1:47 PM</td>

+		<td>1:52 PM</td>

+		<td>2:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>2:34 PM</td>

+		<td>2:37 PM</td>

+		<td>2:45 PM</td>

+		<td>2:47 PM</td>

+		<td>2:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:06 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>3:35 PM</td>

+		<td>3:39 PM</td>

+		<td>3:47 PM</td>

+		<td>3:49 PM</td>

+		<td>3:54 PM</td>

+		<td>4:09 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>3:52 PM</td>

+		<td>3:56 PM</td>

+		<td>4:04 PM</td>

+		<td>4:06 PM</td>

+		<td>4:11 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>4:22 PM</td>

+		<td>4:26 PM</td>

+		<td>4:34 PM</td>

+		<td>4:36 PM</td>

+		<td>4:41 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>4:52 PM</td>

+		<td>4:56 PM</td>

+		<td>5:04 PM</td>

+		<td>5:06 PM</td>

+		<td>5:11 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>5:22 PM</td>

+		<td>5:26 PM</td>

+		<td>5:34 PM</td>

+		<td>5:36 PM</td>

+		<td>5:41 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+		<td>5:52 PM</td>

+		<td>5:56 PM</td>

+		<td>6:04 PM</td>

+		<td>6:06 PM</td>

+		<td>6:11 PM</td>

+		<td>6:26 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

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+		<td>6:38 PM</td>

+		<td>6:40 PM</td>

+		<td>6:45 PM</td>

+		<td>6:56 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>7:28 PM</td>

+		<td>7:31 PM</td>

+		<td>7:37 PM</td>

+		<td>7:39 PM</td>

+		<td>7:44 PM</td>

+		<td>7:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>8:28 PM</td>

+		<td>8:31 PM</td>

+		<td>8:37 PM</td>

+		<td>8:39 PM</td>

+		<td>8:44 PM</td>

+		<td>8:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>9:28 PM</td>

+		<td>9:31 PM</td>

+		<td>9:37 PM</td>

+		<td>9:39 PM</td>

+		<td>9:44 PM</td>

+		<td>9:55 PM</td>

+	</tr>

+	<tr>

+		<td>9</td>

+		<td>&nbsp;</td>

+		<td>10:28 PM</td>

+		<td>10:31 PM</td>

+		<td>10:37 PM</td>

+		<td>10:39 PM</td>

+		<td>10:44 PM</td>

+		<td>10:55 PM</td>

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+    <h1>Network 10</h1>

+    <p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>

+    <h2>Weekdays</h2>

+    <p class="routebox"><a href="Route_2.htm">2</a>, <a href="Route_3.htm">3</a>, <a href="Route_30.htm"></a> <a href="Route_4.htm">4</a>, <a href="Route_5.htm">5</a>, <a href="Route_6.htm">6</a>, <a href="Route_7.htm">7</a>, <a href="Route_8.htm">8</a>, <a href="Route_9.htm">9</a>, <a href="Route_10.htm">10</a>, <a href="Route_11_111.htm">11</a>, <a href="Route_12_312.htm">12</a>, <a href="Route_13_313.htm">13</a>, <a href="Route_14_314.htm">14</a>, <a href="Route_15_315.htm">15</a>, <a href="Route_16.htm">16</a>, <a href="Route_17.htm">17</a>, <a href="Route_18_318.htm">18</a>, <a href="Route_19_319.htm">19</a>, <a href="Route_21.htm">21</a>, <a href="Route_22.htm">22</a>, <a href="Route_23.htm">23</a>, <a href="Route_24.htm">24</a>, <a href="Route_25_225.htm">25</a>, <a href="Route_26_226.htm">26</a>, <a href="Route_27_227.htm">27</a>, <a href="Route_28.htm">28</a>, <a href="Route_30.htm">30</a>, <a href="Route_31.htm">31</a>, <a href="Route_39.htm">39</a>, <a href="Route_43.htm">43</a>, <a href="Route_44.htm">44</a>, <a href="Route_45.htm">45</a>, <a href="Route_50.htm">50</a>, <a href="Route_51.htm">51</a>, <a href="Route_52.htm">52</a>, <a href="Route_56.htm">56</a>, <a href="Route_57.htm">57</a>, <a href="Route_58.htm">58</a>, <a href="Route_59.htm">59</a>, <a href="Route_60_160.htm">60</a>, <a href="Route_61_161.htm">61</a>, <a href="Route_62_162.htm">62</a>, <a href="Route_63.htm">63</a>, <a href="Route_64.htm">64</a>, <a href="Route_65_265.htm">65</a>, <a href="Route_66.htm">66</a>, <a href="Route_67_267.htm">67</a>, <a href="Route_71.htm">71</a>, <a href="Route_73.htm">73</a>, <a href="Route_74.htm">74</a>, <a href="Route_75.htm">75</a>, <a href="Route_76.htm">76</a>, <a href="Route_77.htm">77</a>, <a href="Route_80.htm">80</a>, <a href="Route_81.htm">81</a>, <a href="Route_82.htm">82</a>, <a href="Route_88.htm">88</a>, <a href="Route_11_111.htm">111</a>, <a href="Route_60_160.htm">160</a>, <a href="Route_61_161.htm">161</a>, <a href="Route_62_162.htm">162</a>, <a href="Route_170.htm">170</a>, <a href="Route_200.htm">200</a>, <a href="Route_25_225.htm">225</a>, <a href="Route_26_226.htm">226</a>, <a href="Route_27_227.htm">227</a>, <a href="Route_65_265.htm">265</a>, <a href="Route_67_267.htm">267</a>, <a href="Route_12_312.htm">312</a>, <a href="Route_13_313.htm">313</a>, <a href="Route_14_314.htm">314</a>, <a href="Route_15_315.htm">315</a>, <a href="Route_18_318.htm">318</a>, <a href="Route_19_319.htm">319</a>, <a href="Route_701.htm">701</a>, <a href="Route_702.htm">702</a>, <a href="Route_703.htm">703</a>, <a href="Route_704.htm">704</a>, <a href="Route_705.htm">705</a>, <a href="Route_710.htm">710</a>, <a href="Route_720.htm">720</a>, <a href="Route_729.htm">729</a>, <a href="Route_732.htm">732</a>, <a href="Route_737.htm">737</a>, <a href="Route_749.htm">749</a>, <a href="Route_757.htm">757</a>, <a href="Route_768.htm">768</a>, <a href="Route_769.htm">769</a>, <a href="Route_780.htm">780</a>, <a href="Route_785.htm">785</a>, <a href="Route_786.htm">786</a>, <a href="Route_787.htm">787</a>, <a href="Route_788.htm">788</a></p>

+    <h2>Weekend</h2>

+    <p class="routebox"><a href="route_900.htm">900</a>, <a href="route_902.htm">902</a>, <a href="route_903.htm">903</a>, <a href="route_904.htm">904</a>, <a href="route_905.htm">905</a>, <a href="route_906.htm">906</a>, <a href="route_907.htm">907</a>, <a href="route_912.htm">912</a>, <a href="route_913.htm">913</a>, <a href="route_914.htm">914</a>, <a href="route_915.htm">915</a>, <a href="route_921.htm">921</a>, <a href="route_922.htm">922</a>, <a href="route_923.htm">923</a>, <a href="route_924.htm">924</a>, <a href="route_925.htm">925</a>, <a href="route_927.htm">927</a>, <a href="route_930.htm">930</a>, <a href="route_931.htm">931</a>, <a href="route_932.htm">932</a>, <a href="route_934.htm">934</a>, <a href="route_935.htm">935</a>, <a href="route_936.htm">936</a>, <a href="route_937.htm">937</a>, <a href="route_938.htm">938</a>, <a href="route_939.htm">939</a>, <a href="route_942.htm">942</a>, <a href="route_951.htm">951</a>, <a href="route_952.htm">952</a>, <a href="route_956.htm">956</a>, <a href="route_958.htm">958</a>, <a href="route_960.htm">960</a>, <a href="route_961.htm">961</a>, <a href="route_962.htm">962</a>, <a href="route_964.htm">964</a>, <a href="route_966.htm">966</a>, <a href="route_967.htm">967</a>, <a href="route_968.htm">968</a>, <a href="route_980.htm">980</a>, <a href="route_981.htm">981</a>, <a href="route_982.htm">982</a>, <a href="route_988.htm">988</a></p>

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+      <p><a href="default.html">Home</a>-&gt;<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Breadcrumb" --> <a href="routes_timetables.html">Routes &amp; Timetables</a>-&gt; Maps of Bus Routes and Stations<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

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+    <h1>Maps of Bus Routes and Stations</h1>

+    <h2>Individual Route Maps</h2>

+    <p>Maps of each bus route are linked to each timetable. To view an individual route map, click on your route, then &quot;view timetable and map&quot;</p>

+    <h2>Bus Network Maps</h2>

+    <ul>

+      <li><a href="../a_better_bus_service/index.html" target="_blank">New Xpresso Bus Map</a> <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /><a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/Xpresso_bus_map.pdf" target="_blank"> PDF Version</a> <img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF icon" /> (PDF 501Kb ) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" /> </li>

+      <li><a href="../a_better_bus_service/index.html" target="_blank">Weekday Bus Map</a> <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /> <a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/weekday_bus_map.pdf" target="_blank">PDF Version</a> <img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF icon" /> (PDF 838Kb ) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" /> </li>

+      <li><a href="../a_better_bus_service/index.html" target="_blank">Weekend Bus Map</a> <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /> <a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/weekend_bus_map.pdf" target="_blank">PDF Version</a> <img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF icon" /> (PDF 938Kb ) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" /> </li>

+    </ul>

+    <h2>Bus Station Maps</h2>

+    <ul>

+      <li><a href="doc/demolition_bel_Interchange/09102_Cohen_St_Bus_Station.pdf" target="_blank">Cohen Street Bus Station</a> (<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF" width="16" height="16" /> PDF 109Kb) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /></li>

+      <li><a href="doc/demolition_bel_Interchange/09102_Lathlain_Street_Bus_Station.pdf" target="_blank">Lathlain Street Bus Station </a>(<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF" width="16" height="16" /> PDF 110Kb) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /></li>

+      <li><a href="doc/demolition_bel_Interchange/09102_Cameron_Ave_Bus_Station.pdf" target="_blank">Cameron Avenue Bus Station</a> (<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" alt="PDF" width="16" height="16" /> PDF 104Kb) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" alt="new window" width="18" height="16" /></li>

+      <li><a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/city.pdf" target="_blank">City Interchange Map</a> -<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" /> (PDF 628Kb) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" /></li>

+      <li><a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/tuggeranong.pdf" target="_blank">Tuggeranong Interchange Map</a> -<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" /> (PDF 234Kb) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" /></li>

+      <li><a href="doc/InterchangeMaps/woden.pdf" target="_blank">Woden Interchange Map</a> -<img src="images/useful_img/pdf.gif" /> (PDF 206Kb ) <img src="images/useful_img/newwindow.gif" /> </li>

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+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 900</title>

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+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->900<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/900_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>900</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:31 AM</td>

+    <td>6:33 AM</td>

+    <td>6:37 AM</td>

+    <td>6:57 AM</td>

+    <td>7:14 AM</td>

+    <td>7:29 AM</td>

+    <td>7:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 AM</td>

+    <td>6:48 AM</td>

+    <td>6:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:12 AM</td>

+    <td>7:29 AM</td>

+    <td>7:44 AM</td>

+    <td>7:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:01 AM</td>

+    <td>7:03 AM</td>

+    <td>7:07 AM</td>

+    <td>7:27 AM</td>

+    <td>7:44 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:16 AM</td>

+    <td>7:18 AM</td>

+    <td>7:22 AM</td>

+    <td>7:42 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:31 AM</td>

+    <td>7:33 AM</td>

+    <td>7:37 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:12 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:01 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:07 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:11 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:18 PM</td>

+    <td>8:22 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:11 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:39 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:18 PM</td>

+    <td>9:22 PM</td>

+    <td>9:41 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:48 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:11 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:18 PM</td>

+    <td>10:22 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>11:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+    <td>10:48 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>11:11 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:39 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:00 AM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>900</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:30 AM</td>

+    <td>6:41 AM</td>

+    <td>6:57 AM</td>

+    <td>7:13 AM</td>

+    <td>7:30 AM</td>

+    <td>7:32 AM</td>

+    <td>7:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:45 AM</td>

+    <td>6:56 AM</td>

+    <td>7:12 AM</td>

+    <td>7:28 AM</td>

+    <td>7:45 AM</td>

+    <td>7:47 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 AM</td>

+    <td>7:11 AM</td>

+    <td>7:27 AM</td>

+    <td>7:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:02 AM</td>

+    <td>8:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 AM</td>

+    <td>7:26 AM</td>

+    <td>7:42 AM</td>

+    <td>7:58 AM</td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:17 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:30 AM</td>

+    <td>7:41 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:32 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:45 AM</td>

+    <td>7:56 AM</td>

+    <td>8:12 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:13 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:32 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:32 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:32 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:32 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:32 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:32 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:32 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:32 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:32 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:32 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:59 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:12 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:29 PM</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:59 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:12 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:29 PM</td>

+    <td>9:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:59 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:12 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:29 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:59 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:12 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:29 PM</td>

+    <td>11:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:42 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>11:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:59 PM</td>

+    <td>12:04 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:55 PM</td>

+    <td>12:12 AM</td>

+    <td>12:14 AM</td>

+    <td>12:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>900</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:31 AM</td>

+    <td>7:33 AM</td>

+    <td>7:37 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:12 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:01 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:07 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>900</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th class="cellorange">Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:30 AM</td>

+    <td>7:41 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:32 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:45 AM</td>

+    <td>7:56 AM</td>

+    <td>8:12 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:13 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:32 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:32 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:32 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:32 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:32 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:32 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:32 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:32 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:32 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:32 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:59 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>900</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:12 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 902</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->902<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/902_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>902</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station<br> Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br> Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br> Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Mckellar Shops</th>

+    <th>Evatt Shops</th>

+    <th>Spence Terminus</th>

+    <th>Evatt Shops</th>

+    <th>Mckellar Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:18 AM</td>

+    <td>7:23 AM</td>

+    <td>7:31 AM</td>

+    <td>7:39 AM</td>

+    <td>7:41 AM</td>

+    <td>7:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+    <td>8:02 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+    <td>9:02 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:02 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:02 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:35 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>902</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Mckellar Shops</th>

+    <th>Evatt Shops</th>

+    <th>Spence Terminus</th>

+    <th>Evatt Shops</th>

+    <th>Mckellar Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>902</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:38 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,454 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 903</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->903<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/903_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>903</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:34 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:02 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:01 AM</td>

+    <td>8:05 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:59 PM</td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:17 PM</td>

+    <td>8:32 PM</td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+    <td>8:59 PM</td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:17 PM</td>

+    <td>9:32 PM</td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:59 PM</td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+    <td>10:17 PM</td>

+    <td>10:32 PM</td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+    <td>10:59 PM</td>

+    <td>11:05 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:17 PM</td>

+    <td>11:32 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>903</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>903</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,467 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 904</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->904<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/904_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>904</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Higgins Shops</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Higgins Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:07 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:18 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:18 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:18 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:05 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:18 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>11:55 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>904</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Higgins Shops</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Higgins Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>904</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_905.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,595 @@
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+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 905</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->905<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/905_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>905</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Macgregor</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Macgregor</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+    <td>8:36 AM</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:12 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+    <td>9:12 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+    <td>10:12 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:19 PM</td>

+    <td>11:31 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>11:54 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>905</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Macgregor</th>

+    <th>charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Fraser West Terminus</th>

+    <th>charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Macgregor</th>

+    <th>Kippax</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>905</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_906.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,450 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 906</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->906<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/906_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>906</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Melba Shops</th>

+    <th>Spence Terminus</th>

+    <th>Melba Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:25 AM</td>

+    <td>7:38 AM</td>

+    <td>7:53 AM</td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:54 AM</td>

+    <td>7:58 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:23 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:23 PM</td>

+    <td>8:36 PM</td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:54 PM</td>

+    <td>11:56 PM</td>

+    <td>12:00 AM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>906</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station<br />Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Melba shops</th>

+    <th>Spence Terminus</th>

+    <th>Melba shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>906</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_907.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,467 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 907</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->907<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/907_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>907</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops (Tillyard Drive)</th>

+    <th>Fraser East Terminus</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops (Tillyard Drive)</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:08 AM</td>

+    <td>7:16 AM</td>

+    <td>7:23 AM</td>

+    <td>7:37 AM</td>

+    <td>7:39 AM</td>

+    <td>7:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+    <td>8:36 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:47 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:53 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:21 PM</td>

+    <td>9:34 PM</td>

+    <td>9:36 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+    <td>9:53 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+    <td>10:36 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:47 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:53 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:21 PM</td>

+    <td>11:34 PM</td>

+    <td>11:36 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>907</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 6</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Fraser East Terminus</th>

+    <th>Charnwood Shops</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>907</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,237 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 912</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->912<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/912_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>912</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Isabella Shops</th>

+    <th>Calwell shops</th>

+    <th>Outrim / Duggan</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:18 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:18 PM</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>912</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Isabella Shops</th>

+    <th>Calwell Shops</th>

+    <th>Theodore</th>

+    <th>Outrim / Duggan</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>912</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 913</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->913<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/913-914_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>913</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Woodcock / Clare Dennis</th>

+    <th>Gordon Primary</th>

+    <th>Tharwa / Knoke</th>

+    <th>Conder Primary</th>

+    <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:25 AM</td>

+    <td>7:33 AM</td>

+    <td>7:37 AM</td>

+    <td>7:41 AM</td>

+    <td>7:44 AM</td>

+    <td>7:49 AM</td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:05 AM</td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:36 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:08 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:36 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>11:47 PM</td>

+    <td>11:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:03 AM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>913</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Woodcock / Clare Dennis</th>

+    <th>Gordon Primary</th>

+    <th>Tharwa / Knoke</th>

+    <th>Conder Primary</th>

+    <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>913</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 914</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->914<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/913-914_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>914</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+    <th>Conder Primary</th>

+    <th>Tharwa / Pocket</th>

+    <th>Gordon Primary</th>

+    <th>Woodcock / Clare Dennis</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:25 AM</td>

+    <td>6:34 AM</td>

+    <td>6:40 AM</td>

+    <td>6:47 AM</td>

+    <td>6:50 AM</td>

+    <td>6:54 AM</td>

+    <td>6:59 AM</td>

+    <td>7:02 AM</td>

+    <td>7:12 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:43 PM</td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:02 PM</td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+    <td>10:53 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:02 PM</td>

+    <td>11:05 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>914</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Lanyon Market Place</th>

+    <th>Conder Primary</th>

+    <th>Tharwa / Knoke</th>

+    <th>Gordon Primary</th>

+    <th>Woodcock / Clare Dennis</th>

+    <th>Bonython Primary</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>914</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_915.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,235 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 915</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->915<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/915_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>915</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Isabella Shops</th>

+    <th>Calwell shops</th>

+    <th>Outrim / Duggan</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 AM</td>

+    <td>7:25 AM</td>

+    <td>7:34 AM</td>

+    <td>7:43 AM</td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:18 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:18 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:46 PM</td>

+    <td>11:49 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>915</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Isabella Shops</th>

+    <th>Theodore</th>

+    <th>Calwell Shops</th>

+    <th>Outrim / Duggan</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>915</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_921.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,232 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 921</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->921<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/921_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>921</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+    <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+    <th>Chifley Shops</th>

+    <th>Torrens Shops</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:36 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:51 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:33 PM</td>

+    <td>11:36 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+    <td>11:51 PM</td>

+    <td>11:55 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>921</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+    <th>Chifley Shops</th>

+    <th>Torrens Shops</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>921</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 922</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->922<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/922_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>922</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Torrens Shops</th>

+    <th>Chifley Shops</th>

+    <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:43 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>922</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Torrens Shops</th>

+    <th>Chifley Shops</th>

+    <th>Lyons Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>922</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_923.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,215 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 923</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->923<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/923_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>923</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Isaacs Shops</th>

+    <th>Farrer Primary</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:23 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+    <td>9:18 PM</td>

+    <td>9:23 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:34 PM</td>

+    <td>9:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+    <td>11:18 PM</td>

+    <td>11:23 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:34 PM</td>

+    <td>11:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>923</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Isaacs Shops</th>

+    <th>Farrer Primary</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>923</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_924.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,215 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 924</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->924<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/924_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>924</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Farrer Primary</th>

+    <th>Isaacs Shops</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:10 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>924</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 15</th>

+    <th>Southlands Mawson</th>

+    <th>Farrer Primary</th>

+    <th>Isaacs Shops</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>924</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 925</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->925<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/925_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>925</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+    <th>Holder</th>

+    <th>Weston Primary</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:34 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>925</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 16</th>

+    <th>Weston Primary</th>

+    <th>Holder</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:11 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:11 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:11 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:11 PM</td>

+    <td>11:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>925</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+    <th>Duffy</th>

+    <th>Holder</th>

+    <th>Weston Primary</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>925</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 16</th>

+    <th>Weston Primary</th>

+    <th>Holder</th>

+    <th>Duffy</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>925</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 927</title>

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->927<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/927_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>927</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+    <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+    <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+    <th>Fisher Shops</th>

+    <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:06 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:16 PM</td>

+    <td>11:19 PM</td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>927</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+    <th>Fisher Shops</th>

+    <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+    <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:32 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:32 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:32 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:32 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:32 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:32 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:32 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:32 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:32 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:32 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:29 PM</td>

+    <td>8:32 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:29 PM</td>

+    <td>9:32 PM</td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:29 PM</td>

+    <td>10:32 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:29 PM</td>

+    <td>11:32 PM</td>

+    <td>11:42 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+    <td>11:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>927</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+    <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+    <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+    <th>Fisher Shops</th>

+    <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>927</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Waramanga Shops</th>

+    <th>Fisher Shops</th>

+    <th>Chapman Shops</th>

+    <th>Rivett Shops</th>

+    <th>Cooleman Court</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:32 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:32 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:32 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:32 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:32 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:32 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:32 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:32 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:32 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>927</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:32 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,207 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 930</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->930<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/930_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>930</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

+    <th>Hospice, Menindee Dr</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>930</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

+    <th>Hospice, Menindee Dr</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:01 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:01 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:01 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:01 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>930</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:01 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 931</title>

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+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->931<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/931_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>931</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+    <th>Hospice, Menindee Dr</th>

+    <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:01 AM</td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>931</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>ADFA</th>

+    <th>Hospice, Menindee Dr</th>

+    <th>St Thomas More Campbell</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:01 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:01 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:01 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:01 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:01 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>931</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 932</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->932<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/932_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>932</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Curtin Shops</th>

+    <th>John James Hospital</th>

+    <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Southwell Park</th>

+    <th>Giralang Shops</th>

+    <th>Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave</th>

+    <th>Gwyder Square Kaleen</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:39 AM</td>

+    <td>7:50 AM</td>

+    <td>7:53 AM</td>

+    <td>7:56 AM</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:36 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:12 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:32 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:47 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+    <td>8:51 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+    <td>9:12 PM</td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:32 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:39 PM</td>

+    <td>9:48 PM</td>

+    <td>9:51 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+    <td>10:12 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:32 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:47 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:48 PM</td>

+    <td>10:51 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+    <td>11:12 PM</td>

+    <td>11:16 PM</td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:32 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:42 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+    <td>11:47 PM</td>

+    <td>11:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:39 PM</td>

+    <td>11:50 PM</td>

+    <td>11:53 PM</td>

+    <td>11:56 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 AM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>932</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Gwyder Square Kaleen</th>

+    <th>Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave</th>

+    <th>Giralang Shops</th>

+    <th>Southwell Park</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platfrom 9</th>

+    <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

+    <th>John James Hospital</th>

+    <th>Curtin Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:10 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:01 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:23 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:08 PM</td>

+    <td>8:23 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:47 PM</td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:53 PM</td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:47 PM</td>

+    <td>8:51 PM</td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:08 PM</td>

+    <td>9:23 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+    <td>9:53 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:51 PM</td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:08 PM</td>

+    <td>10:23 PM</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:47 PM</td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+    <td>10:53 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:47 PM</td>

+    <td>10:51 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:08 PM</td>

+    <td>11:23 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>932</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Curtin Shops</th>

+    <th>John James Hospital</th>

+    <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Southwell Park</th>

+    <th>Giralang Shops</th>

+    <th>Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave</th>

+    <th>Gwyder Square Kaleen</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>932</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Gwyder Square Kaleen</th>

+    <th>Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave</th>

+    <th>Giralang Shops</th>

+    <th>Southwell Park</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platfrom 9</th>

+    <th>Yarralumla Shops</th>

+    <th>John James Hospital</th>

+    <th>Curtin Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:10 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>932</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 934</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->934<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/934_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>934</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th>O'connor Shops</th>

+    <th>ANU Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Rd</th>

+    <th>National Museum of Australia</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Deakin Shops</th>

+    <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+    <th>Garran Shops</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:29 AM</td>

+    <td>7:31 AM</td>

+    <td>7:35 AM</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:04 AM</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:59 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:29 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:59 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:48 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:29 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:59 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+    <td>10:48 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:29 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:59 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:17 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>934</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 14</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Garran Shops</th>

+    <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+    <th>Deakin Shops</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>National Museum of Australia</th>

+    <th>ANU Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Rd</th>

+    <th>O'connor Shops</th>

+    <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:04 AM</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:13 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:59 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:22 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:40 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:59 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:22 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:40 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:59 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:22 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:40 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:59 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:16 PM</td>

+    <td>11:33 PM</td>

+    <td>11:35 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:22 PM</td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+    <td>11:31 PM</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:50 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>934</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th>O'connor Shops</th>

+    <th>ANU Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Rd</th>

+    <th>National Museum of Australia</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Deakin Shops</th>

+    <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+    <th>Garran Shops</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:29 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:29 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:29 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:29 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:29 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:29 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:29 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:29 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>4:29 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:29 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:48 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>934</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 14</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Garran Shops</th>

+    <th>Hughes Shops</th>

+    <th>Deakin Shops</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>National Museum of Australia</th>

+    <th>ANU Burton and Garran Hall, Daley Rd</th>

+    <th>O'connor Shops</th>

+    <th>Calvary Hospital</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:13 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>934</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 935</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->935<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/935_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>935</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station <br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Manuka</th>

+    <th>Red Hill</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah</th>

+    <th>Red Hill</th>

+    <th>Manuka</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:56 AM</td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:07 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:43 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:39 PM</td>

+    <td>9:43 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>935</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Manuka</th>

+    <th>Red Hill Shops</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah Terminus</th>

+    <th>Red Hill Shops</th>

+    <th>Manuka</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:07 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:07 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:07 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:07 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:07 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:07 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:07 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:07 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:07 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:07 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>935</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


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@@ -1,1 +1,441 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 936</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->936<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/936_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>936</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Miller, O'Connor</th>

+    <th>Lyneham Shops</th>

+    <th>North Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>Hackett Shops</th>

+    <th>Ainslie Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:18 AM</td>

+    <td>7:27 AM</td>

+    <td>7:30 AM</td>

+    <td>7:35 AM</td>

+    <td>7:44 AM</td>

+    <td>7:49 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:18 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:18 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:18 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:18 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:30 PM</td>

+    <td>11:35 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>936</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Miller, O'Connor</th>

+    <th>Lyneham Shops</th>

+    <th>North Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>Hackett Shops</th>

+    <th>Ainslie Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>936</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 937</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->937<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/937_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>937</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Ainslie Shops</th>

+    <th>Hackett Shops</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>North Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Lyneham Shops</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Miller, O'Connor</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+    <td>8:09 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:29 PM</td>

+    <td>8:32 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:09 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:29 PM</td>

+    <td>9:32 PM</td>

+    <td>9:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:09 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:29 PM</td>

+    <td>10:32 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:09 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>11:29 PM</td>

+    <td>11:32 PM</td>

+    <td>11:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>937</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Ainslie Shops</th>

+    <th>Hackett Shops</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>North Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Lyneham Shops</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Miller, O'Connor</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>937</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 938</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->938<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/938_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>938</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Kingston</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 AM</td>

+    <td>7:54 AM</td>

+    <td>7:58 AM</td>

+    <td>8:02 AM</td>

+    <td>8:17 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+    <td>8:01 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:23 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+    <td>8:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+    <td>9:01 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:23 PM</td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:53 PM</td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:01 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:23 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+    <td>10:53 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>11:01 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:23 PM</td>

+    <td>11:30 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>938</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 14</th>

+    <th>Canberra Hospital</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+    <th>Kingston</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:29 PM</td>

+    <td>8:33 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+    <td>9:07 PM</td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:29 PM</td>

+    <td>9:33 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+    <td>10:07 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:29 PM</td>

+    <td>10:33 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+    <td>11:07 PM</td>

+    <td>11:16 PM</td>

+    <td>11:29 PM</td>

+    <td>11:33 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>938</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Kingston</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>938</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 14</th>

+    <th>Pearce Shops</th>

+    <th>Narrabundah College</th>

+    <th>Kingston</th>

+    <th>Kings Ave / National Cct</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:33 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>938</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:07 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:29 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 939</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->939<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/939_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>939</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>Watson Shops</th>

+    <th>Watson Terminus</th>

+    <th>Watson Shops</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:08 AM</td>

+    <td>7:13 AM</td>

+    <td>7:19 AM</td>

+    <td>7:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:46 PM</td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:08 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 PM</td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:08 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:46 PM</td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:08 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:46 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:08 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+    <td>11:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>939</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>Watson Shops</th>

+    <th>Watson Terminus</th>

+    <th>Watson Shops</th>

+    <th>Dickson Shops</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:46 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:46 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:46 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:46 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:46 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:46 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>939</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:46 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:41 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 942</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->942<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/942_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>942</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+    <th>Cook Shops</th>

+    <th>Aranda</th>

+    <th>Caswell Drive</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:17 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:43 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:17 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:43 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:17 PM</td>

+    <td>9:21 PM</td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+    <td>9:39 PM</td>

+    <td>9:43 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:17 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>942</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Caswell Drive</th>

+    <th>Cook Shops</th>

+    <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:36 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:23 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:36 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:23 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:36 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:47 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:23 PM</td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:36 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:23 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:36 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:47 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:23 PM</td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:36 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+    <td>11:47 PM</td>

+    <td>11:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>942</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+    <th>Cook Shops</th>

+    <th>Aranda</th>

+    <th>Caswell Drive</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:17 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>942</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Caswell Drive</th>

+    <th>Aranda</th>

+    <th>Cook Shops</th>

+    <th>Jamison Centre</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>942</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 951</title>

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->951<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/951_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>951</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:36 AM</td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:46 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:34 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+    <td>8:22 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+    <td>8:39 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+    <td>9:22 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:34 PM</td>

+    <td>9:39 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+    <td>10:22 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>951</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:12 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:12 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:12 PM</td>

+    <td>9:21 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:12 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:12 PM</td>

+    <td>11:21 PM</td>

+    <td>11:31 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:42 PM</td>

+    <td>11:50 PM</td>

+    <td>11:52 PM</td>

+    <td>11:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>951</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>951</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:12 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:12 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:12 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:12 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:12 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:12 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:12 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>951</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:12 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 952</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->952<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/952_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">



+    <th>952</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>09:45 AM</td>

+    <td>09:47 AM</td>

+    <td>09:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>01:04 PM</td>

+    <td>01:09 PM</td>

+    <td>01:22 PM</td>

+    <td>01:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>01:45 PM</td>

+    <td>01:47 PM</td>

+    <td>01:51 PM</td>

+    <td>02:04 PM</td>

+    <td>02:09 PM</td>

+    <td>02:22 PM</td>

+    <td>02:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>02:45 PM</td>

+    <td>02:47 PM</td>

+    <td>02:51 PM</td>

+    <td>03:04 PM</td>

+    <td>03:09 PM</td>

+    <td>03:22 PM</td>

+    <td>03:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>03:45 PM</td>

+    <td>03:47 PM</td>

+    <td>03:51 PM</td>

+    <td>04:04 PM</td>

+    <td>04:09 PM</td>

+    <td>04:22 PM</td>

+    <td>04:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>04:45 PM</td>

+    <td>04:47 PM</td>

+    <td>04:51 PM</td>

+    <td>05:04 PM</td>

+    <td>05:09 PM</td>

+    <td>05:22 PM</td>

+    <td>05:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>05:45 PM</td>

+    <td>05:47 PM</td>

+    <td>05:51 PM</td>

+    <td>06:04 PM</td>

+    <td>06:09 PM</td>

+    <td>06:22 PM</td>

+    <td>06:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>06:45 PM</td>

+    <td>06:47 PM</td>

+    <td>06:51 PM</td>

+    <td>07:04 PM</td>

+    <td>07:09 PM</td>

+    <td>07:22 PM</td>

+    <td>07:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>952</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>08:39 AM</td>

+    <td>08:47 AM</td>

+    <td>09:00 AM</td>

+    <td>09:05 AM</td>

+    <td>09:18 AM</td>

+    <td>09:20 AM</td>

+    <td>09:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>09:39 AM</td>

+    <td>09:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>01:00 PM</td>

+    <td>01:05 PM</td>

+    <td>01:18 PM</td>

+    <td>01:20 PM</td>

+    <td>01:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>01:39 PM</td>

+    <td>01:47 PM</td>

+    <td>02:00 PM</td>

+    <td>02:05 PM</td>

+    <td>02:18 PM</td>

+    <td>02:20 PM</td>

+    <td>02:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>02:39 PM</td>

+    <td>02:47 PM</td>

+    <td>03:00 PM</td>

+    <td>03:05 PM</td>

+    <td>03:18 PM</td>

+    <td>03:20 PM</td>

+    <td>03:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>03:39 PM</td>

+    <td>03:47 PM</td>

+    <td>04:00 PM</td>

+    <td>04:05 PM</td>

+    <td>04:18 PM</td>

+    <td>04:20 PM</td>

+    <td>04:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>04:39 PM</td>

+    <td>04:47 PM</td>

+    <td>05:00 PM</td>

+    <td>05:05 PM</td>

+    <td>05:18 PM</td>

+    <td>05:20 PM</td>

+    <td>05:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>05:39 PM</td>

+    <td>05:47 PM</td>

+    <td>06:00 PM</td>

+    <td>06:05 PM</td>

+    <td>06:18 PM</td>

+    <td>06:20 PM</td>

+    <td>06:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>06:39 PM</td>

+    <td>06:47 PM</td>

+    <td>07:00 PM</td>

+    <td>07:05 PM</td>

+    <td>07:18 PM</td>

+    <td>07:20 PM</td>

+    <td>07:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>952</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:22 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:22 PM</td>

+    <td>7:31 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>952</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Nicholls Primary</th>

+    <th>Federation Square</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>952</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:20 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_956.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,781 @@
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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 956</title>

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->956<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/956_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+ <tr>

+  <th>956</th>

+  <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+  <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>Platform 2</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>Platform 1</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+  Station<br>Platform 2</th>

+  <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

+  <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+  <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  <th>Kosciuszco Ave / Everard Street</th>

+  <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+  <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+  <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>8:41 AM</td>

+  <td>8:43 AM</td>

+  <td>8:47 AM</td>

+  <td>8:53 AM</td>

+  <td>8:58 AM</td>

+  <td>9:08 AM</td>

+  <td>9:18 AM</td>

+  <td>9:25 AM</td>

+  <td>9:33 AM</td>

+  <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>9:41 AM</td>

+  <td>9:43 AM</td>

+  <td>9:47 AM</td>

+  <td>9:53 AM</td>

+  <td>9:58 AM</td>

+  <td>10:08 AM</td>

+  <td>10:18 AM</td>

+  <td>10:25 AM</td>

+  <td>10:33 AM</td>

+  <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>10:41 AM</td>

+  <td>10:43 AM</td>

+  <td>10:47 AM</td>

+  <td>10:53 AM</td>

+  <td>10:58 AM</td>

+  <td>11:08 AM</td>

+  <td>11:18 AM</td>

+  <td>11:25 AM</td>

+  <td>11:33 AM</td>

+  <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>11:41 AM</td>

+  <td>11:43 AM</td>

+  <td>11:47 AM</td>

+  <td>11:53 AM</td>

+  <td>11:58 AM</td>

+  <td>12:08 PM</td>

+  <td>12:18 PM</td>

+  <td>12:25 PM</td>

+  <td>12:33 PM</td>

+  <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>12:41 PM</td>

+  <td>12:43 PM</td>

+  <td>12:47 PM</td>

+  <td>12:53 PM</td>

+  <td>12:58 PM</td>

+  <td>1:08 PM</td>

+  <td>1:18 PM</td>

+  <td>1:25 PM</td>

+  <td>1:33 PM</td>

+  <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>1:41 PM</td>

+  <td>1:43 PM</td>

+  <td>1:47 PM</td>

+  <td>1:53 PM</td>

+  <td>1:58 PM</td>

+  <td>2:08 PM</td>

+  <td>2:18 PM</td>

+  <td>2:25 PM</td>

+  <td>2:33 PM</td>

+  <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>2:41 PM</td>

+  <td>2:43 PM</td>

+  <td>2:47 PM</td>

+  <td>2:53 PM</td>

+  <td>2:58 PM</td>

+  <td>3:08 PM</td>

+  <td>3:18 PM</td>

+  <td>3:25 PM</td>

+  <td>3:33 PM</td>

+  <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+  <td>956</td>

+  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+  <td>3:41 PM</td>

+  <td>3:43 PM</td>

+  <td>3:47 PM</td>

+  <td>3:53 PM</td>

+  <td>3:58 PM</td>

+  <td>4:08 PM</td>

+  <td>4:18 PM</td>

+  <td>4:25 PM</td>

+  <td>4:33 PM</td>

+  <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>4:41 PM</td>

+  <td>4:43 PM</td>

+  <td>4:47 PM</td>

+  <td>4:53 PM</td>

+  <td>4:58 PM</td>

+  <td>5:08 PM</td>

+  <td>5:18 PM</td>

+  <td>5:25 PM</td>

+  <td>5:33 PM</td>

+  <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>5:41 PM</td>

+  <td>5:43 PM</td>

+  <td>5:47 PM</td>

+  <td>5:53 PM</td>

+  <td>5:58 PM</td>

+  <td>6:08 PM</td>

+  <td>6:18 PM</td>

+  <td>6:25 PM</td>

+  <td>6:33 PM</td>

+  <td>6:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>6:41 PM</td>

+  <td>6:43 PM</td>

+  <td>6:47 PM</td>

+  <td>6:53 PM</td>

+  <td>6:58 PM</td>

+  <td>7:08 PM</td>

+  <td>7:18 PM</td>

+  <td>7:25 PM</td>

+  <td>7:33 PM</td>

+  <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+ <tr>

+  <th>956</th>

+  <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+  <th>City Bus Station<br>Platform 8</th>

+  <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+  <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+  <th>Kosciuszco Ave / Everard Street</th>

+  <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+  <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+  <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

+  <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+  <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+  <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+  <td>956</td>

+  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+  <td>8:38 AM</td>

+  <td>8:44 AM</td>

+  <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  <td>8:59 AM</td>

+  <td>9:09 AM</td>

+  <td>9:19 AM</td>

+  <td>9:24 AM</td>

+  <td>9:30 AM</td>

+  <td>9:32 AM</td>

+  <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>9:38 AM</td>

+  <td>9:44 AM</td>

+  <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  <td>9:59 AM</td>

+  <td>10:09 AM</td>

+  <td>10:19 AM</td>

+  <td>10:24 AM</td>

+  <td>10:30 AM</td>

+  <td>10:32 AM</td>

+  <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>10:38 AM</td>

+  <td>10:44 AM</td>

+  <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  <td>10:59 AM</td>

+  <td>11:09 AM</td>

+  <td>11:19 AM</td>

+  <td>11:24 AM</td>

+  <td>11:30 AM</td>

+  <td>11:32 AM</td>

+  <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>11:38 AM</td>

+  <td>11:44 AM</td>

+  <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  <td>11:59 AM</td>

+  <td>12:09 PM</td>

+  <td>12:19 PM</td>

+  <td>12:24 PM</td>

+  <td>12:30 PM</td>

+  <td>12:32 PM</td>

+  <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+  <td>956</td>

+  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+  <td>12:38 PM</td>

+  <td>12:44 PM</td>

+  <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  <td>12:59 PM</td>

+  <td>1:09 PM</td>

+  <td>1:19 PM</td>

+  <td>1:24 PM</td>

+  <td>1:30 PM</td>

+  <td>1:32 PM</td>

+  <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>1:38 PM</td>

+  <td>1:44 PM</td>

+  <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  <td>1:59 PM</td>

+  <td>2:09 PM</td>

+  <td>2:19 PM</td>

+  <td>2:24 PM</td>

+  <td>2:30 PM</td>

+  <td>2:32 PM</td>

+  <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>2:38 PM</td>

+  <td>2:44 PM</td>

+  <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  <td>2:59 PM</td>

+  <td>3:09 PM</td>

+  <td>3:19 PM</td>

+  <td>3:24 PM</td>

+  <td>3:30 PM</td>

+  <td>3:32 PM</td>

+  <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>3:38 PM</td>

+  <td>3:44 PM</td>

+  <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  <td>3:59 PM</td>

+  <td>4:09 PM</td>

+  <td>4:19 PM</td>

+  <td>4:24 PM</td>

+  <td>4:30 PM</td>

+  <td>4:32 PM</td>

+  <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>4:38 PM</td>

+  <td>4:44 PM</td>

+  <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  <td>4:59 PM</td>

+  <td>5:09 PM</td>

+  <td>5:19 PM</td>

+  <td>5:24 PM</td>

+  <td>5:30 PM</td>

+  <td>5:32 PM</td>

+  <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+  <td>5:38 PM</td>

+  <td>5:44 PM</td>

+  <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  <td>5:59 PM</td>

+  <td>6:09 PM</td>

+  <td>6:19 PM</td>

+  <td>6:24 PM</td>

+  <td>6:30 PM</td>

+  <td>6:32 PM</td>

+  <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+ <tr>

+  <td>956</td>

+  <td>&nbsp;</td>

+  <td>6:38 PM</td>

+  <td>6:44 PM</td>

+  <td>6:52 PM</td>

+  <td>6:59 PM</td>

+  <td>7:09 PM</td>

+  <td>7:19 PM</td>

+  <td>7:24 PM</td>

+  <td>7:30 PM</td>

+  <td>7:32 PM</td>

+  <td>7:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>956</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Kosciuszco Ave / Everard Street</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:41 AM</td>

+    <td>8:43 AM</td>

+    <td>8:47 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:33 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:41 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:47 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:33 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:41 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:47 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:33 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:41 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:47 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:33 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:41 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:47 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:33 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:41 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:47 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:33 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:41 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:47 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:33 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:41 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:47 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:33 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:41 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:47 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:33 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:41 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:47 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:33 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:41 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>956</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Kosciuszco Ave / Everard Street</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>William Webb / Ginninderra Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:09 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:30 AM</td>

+    <td>9:32 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:38 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:09 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:30 AM</td>

+    <td>10:32 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:09 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:32 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:38 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:09 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:30 PM</td>

+    <td>12:32 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:09 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:30 PM</td>

+    <td>1:32 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:38 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:09 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:30 PM</td>

+    <td>2:32 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:09 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:30 PM</td>

+    <td>3:32 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:38 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:09 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>4:32 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:09 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:30 PM</td>

+    <td>5:32 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:38 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:59 PM</td>

+    <td>6:09 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:30 PM</td>

+    <td>6:32 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>956</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:59 PM</td>

+    <td>7:09 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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@@ -1,1 +1,1081 @@
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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 958</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->958<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/958_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>958</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave</th>

+    <th>Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:08 AM</td>

+    <td>7:19 AM</td>

+    <td>7:27 AM</td>

+    <td>7:35 AM</td>

+    <td>7:44 AM</td>

+    <td>7:51 AM</td>

+    <td>7:58 AM</td>

+    <td>8:06 AM</td>

+    <td>8:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:52 AM</td>

+    <td>7:54 AM</td>

+    <td>7:58 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:19 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:35 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:52 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+    <td>8:08 PM</td>

+    <td>8:19 PM</td>

+    <td>8:27 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:44 PM</td>

+    <td>8:51 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+    <td>9:08 PM</td>

+    <td>9:19 PM</td>

+    <td>9:27 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:44 PM</td>

+    <td>9:51 PM</td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:54 PM</td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+    <td>10:08 PM</td>

+    <td>10:19 PM</td>

+    <td>10:27 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:44 PM</td>

+    <td>10:51 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:54 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+    <td>11:08 PM</td>

+    <td>11:19 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:35 PM</td>

+    <td>11:44 PM</td>

+    <td>11:51 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>958</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave</th>

+    <th>Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:23 AM</td>

+    <td>7:30 AM</td>

+    <td>7:39 AM</td>

+    <td>7:47 AM</td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+    <td>8:06 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:18 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 AM</td>

+    <td>8:06 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:21 AM</td>

+    <td>8:28 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:16 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:53 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:16 PM</td>

+    <td>9:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:21 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:53 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:21 PM</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:53 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:16 PM</td>

+    <td>11:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:21 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>958</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 2</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave</th>

+    <th>Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+    <td>8:54 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:19 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:35 AM</td>

+    <td>9:44 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+    <td>9:54 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:19 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:35 AM</td>

+    <td>10:44 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:13 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+    <td>10:54 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:19 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:35 AM</td>

+    <td>11:44 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+    <td>11:54 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:19 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:35 PM</td>

+    <td>12:44 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+    <td>12:54 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:19 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:35 PM</td>

+    <td>1:44 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+    <td>1:54 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:19 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:35 PM</td>

+    <td>2:44 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+    <td>2:54 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:19 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:35 PM</td>

+    <td>3:44 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+    <td>3:54 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:19 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:35 PM</td>

+    <td>4:44 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+    <td>4:54 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:19 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:35 PM</td>

+    <td>5:44 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+    <td>5:54 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:19 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:44 PM</td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>6:54 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:19 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:44 PM</td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>958</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Flemington Rd / Sandford St</th>

+    <th>Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave</th>

+    <th>Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave</th>

+    <th>Gungahlin Market Place</th>

+    <th>Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave</th>

+    <th>Ngunnawal Primary</th>

+    <th>Chuculba / William Slim Drive</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:00 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:21 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:00 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:21 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:16 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:00 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:21 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:00 PM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:21 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:16 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:00 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:21 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:00 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:21 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:16 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:00 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:21 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:21 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:16 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:00 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:21 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:00 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:53 PM</td>

+    <td>7:04 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:16 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>958</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:53 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 960</title>

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+<body id="body">

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->960<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/960_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>960</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+    <td>8:05 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:04 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 PM</td>

+    <td>10:04 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:20 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>960</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>8:00 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:50 PM</td>

+    <td>9:00 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+    <td>10:00 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:50 PM</td>

+    <td>11:00 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>960</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:55 AM</td>

+    <td>8:05 AM</td>

+    <td>8:11 AM</td>

+    <td>8:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:55 AM</td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:55 AM</td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:23 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:55 AM</td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:55 PM</td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:55 PM</td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:55 PM</td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:23 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:55 PM</td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:11 PM</td>

+    <td>7:21 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>960</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Mount Neighbour School</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:18 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:18 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>960</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 961</title>

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->961<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/961_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>961</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:42 AM</td>

+    <td>8:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:06 AM</td>

+    <td>9:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:42 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>7:06 PM</td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:42 PM</td>

+    <td>7:56 PM</td>

+    <td>8:06 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+    <td>8:56 PM</td>

+    <td>9:06 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:42 PM</td>

+    <td>9:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:06 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:42 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>11:06 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>961</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:50 AM</td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:35 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:45 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:35 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:35 PM</td>

+    <td>10:45 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+    <td>11:35 PM</td>

+    <td>11:45 PM</td>

+    <td>11:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>961</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:42 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:06 AM</td>

+    <td>10:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:06 AM</td>

+    <td>11:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:42 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>12:06 PM</td>

+    <td>12:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:42 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:06 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:06 PM</td>

+    <td>2:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:42 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:06 PM</td>

+    <td>3:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:06 PM</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:06 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:42 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:06 PM</td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>961</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:50 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:50 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:50 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>961</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:47 PM</td>

+    <td>7:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 962</title>

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->962<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/962_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>962</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Kambah Village</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:30 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 PM</td>

+    <td>9:30 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:30 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:24 PM</td>

+    <td>11:30 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>962</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Kambah Village</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:02 AM</td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:51 PM</td>

+    <td>8:02 PM</td>

+    <td>8:10 PM</td>

+    <td>8:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:51 PM</td>

+    <td>9:02 PM</td>

+    <td>9:10 PM</td>

+    <td>9:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:51 PM</td>

+    <td>10:02 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:51 PM</td>

+    <td>11:02 PM</td>

+    <td>11:10 PM</td>

+    <td>11:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>962</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Kambah Village</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:24 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:24 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:52 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:24 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:24 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:24 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:31 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>962</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Kambah Village</th>

+    <th>Kambah High</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:02 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:02 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>12:02 PM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:02 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:02 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:02 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:02 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:02 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>6:02 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>962</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:51 PM</td>

+    <td>7:02 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 964</title>

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+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->964<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/964_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>964</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:25 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:49 AM</td>

+    <td>8:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:49 PM</td>

+    <td>7:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:25 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:49 PM</td>

+    <td>8:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:25 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:49 PM</td>

+    <td>9:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:25 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:25 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:49 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>964</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:05 PM</td>

+    <td>8:14 PM</td>

+    <td>8:26 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:26 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+    <td>10:14 PM</td>

+    <td>10:26 PM</td>

+    <td>10:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:05 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:26 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>964</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 5</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:25 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:25 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:25 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:25 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:25 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:25 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:25 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:25 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>964</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 11</th>

+    <th>Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:05 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:05 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:05 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:05 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:05 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:05 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:05 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:05 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:05 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:05 PM</td>

+    <td>6:14 PM</td>

+    <td>6:26 PM</td>

+    <td>6:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>964</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,397 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 966</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->966<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/966_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>966</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Gowrie Shops</th>

+    <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Gowrie Shops</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>7:36 AM</td>

+    <td>7:48 AM</td>

+    <td>7:57 AM</td>

+    <td>8:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:27 AM</td>

+    <td>8:36 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+    <td>8:57 AM</td>

+    <td>9:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:15 PM</td>

+    <td>8:22 PM</td>

+    <td>8:31 PM</td>

+    <td>8:43 PM</td>

+    <td>8:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:15 PM</td>

+    <td>9:22 PM</td>

+    <td>9:31 PM</td>

+    <td>9:43 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:22 PM</td>

+    <td>10:31 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:52 PM</td>

+    <td>11:05 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:15 PM</td>

+    <td>11:22 PM</td>

+    <td>11:31 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>966</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Gowrie Shops</th>

+    <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Gowrie Shops</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:27 AM</td>

+    <td>9:36 AM</td>

+    <td>9:48 AM</td>

+    <td>9:57 AM</td>

+    <td>10:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:27 AM</td>

+    <td>10:36 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:57 AM</td>

+    <td>11:10 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:27 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:48 AM</td>

+    <td>11:57 AM</td>

+    <td>12:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:27 PM</td>

+    <td>12:36 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+    <td>12:57 PM</td>

+    <td>1:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:27 PM</td>

+    <td>1:36 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:57 PM</td>

+    <td>2:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:27 PM</td>

+    <td>2:36 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+    <td>2:57 PM</td>

+    <td>3:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:27 PM</td>

+    <td>3:36 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:57 PM</td>

+    <td>4:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:27 PM</td>

+    <td>4:36 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:57 PM</td>

+    <td>5:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:27 PM</td>

+    <td>5:36 PM</td>

+    <td>5:48 PM</td>

+    <td>5:57 PM</td>

+    <td>6:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:08 PM</td>

+    <td>6:20 PM</td>

+    <td>6:27 PM</td>

+    <td>6:36 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:10 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>966</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:05 PM</td>

+    <td>7:17 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


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--- /dev/null
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@@ -1,1 +1,207 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 967</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->967<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/967_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>967</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Heagney Cres Clift Cres, Richardson</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:03 PM</td>

+    <td>9:14 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:37 PM</td>

+    <td>9:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+    <td>11:14 PM</td>

+    <td>11:28 PM</td>

+    <td>11:37 PM</td>

+    <td>11:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>967</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Heagney Cres Clift Cres, Richardson</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:03 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:37 AM</td>

+    <td>9:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:37 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:37 PM</td>

+    <td>1:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:37 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:37 PM</td>

+    <td>5:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>967</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:14 PM</td>

+    <td>7:28 PM</td>

+    <td>7:37 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_968.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,199 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 968</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->968<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/968_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>968</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Heagney Cres Clift Cres, Richardson</th>

+    <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:03 AM</td>

+    <td>8:16 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:38 AM</td>

+    <td>8:48 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:03 PM</td>

+    <td>8:16 PM</td>

+    <td>8:24 PM</td>

+    <td>8:38 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:03 PM</td>

+    <td>10:16 PM</td>

+    <td>10:24 PM</td>

+    <td>10:38 PM</td>

+    <td>10:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>968</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 7</th>

+    <th>Heagney Cres Clift Cres,<br />

+      Richardson</th>

+    <th>Chisholm Shops</th>

+    <th>Erindale Centre</th>

+    <th>Tuggeranong Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+    <td>10:16 AM</td>

+    <td>10:24 AM</td>

+    <td>10:38 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+    <td>12:16 PM</td>

+    <td>12:24 PM</td>

+    <td>12:38 PM</td>

+    <td>12:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+    <td>2:16 PM</td>

+    <td>2:24 PM</td>

+    <td>2:38 PM</td>

+    <td>2:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+    <td>4:16 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:38 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>968</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+    <td>6:16 PM</td>

+    <td>6:24 PM</td>

+    <td>6:38 PM</td>

+    <td>6:48 PM</td>

+  </tr>


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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

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+} catch(err) {}</script>


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+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 980</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

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+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->980<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/980_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>980</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br>

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Australian Institute of Sport</th>

+    <th>National Hockey Centre, Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Railway Station, Kingston</th>

+    <th>Newcastle Street after Isa St</th>

+    <th>Fyshwick, Direct Factory Outlet</th>

+    <th>Lithgow St Terminus, Fyshwick</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:20 AM</td>

+    <td>7:22 AM</td>

+    <td>7:26 AM</td>

+    <td>7:34 AM</td>

+    <td>7:40 AM</td>

+    <td>7:45 AM</td>

+    <td>7:51 AM</td>

+    <td>7:59 AM</td>

+    <td>8:08 AM</td>

+    <td>8:14 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:31 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+    <td>7:39 PM</td>

+    <td>7:45 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+    <td>7:55 PM</td>

+    <td>8:02 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:34 PM</td>

+    <td>8:36 PM</td>

+    <td>8:41 PM</td>

+    <td>8:48 PM</td>

+    <td>8:54 PM</td>

+    <td>8:59 PM</td>

+    <td>9:04 PM</td>

+    <td>9:11 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+    <td>9:59 PM</td>

+    <td>10:05 PM</td>

+    <td>10:10 PM</td>

+    <td>10:15 PM</td>

+    <td>10:22 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:57 PM</td>

+    <td>10:59 PM</td>

+    <td>11:04 PM</td>

+    <td>11:11 PM</td>

+    <td>11:17 PM</td>

+    <td>11:22 PM</td>

+    <td>11:27 PM</td>

+    <td>11:34 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>980</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Lithgow St Terminus, Fyshwick</th>

+    <th>Fyshwick, Direct Factory Outlet</th>

+    <th>Canberra Times</th>

+    <th>Railway Station, Kingston</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>National Hockey Centre, Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Australian Institute of Sport</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:09 AM</td>

+    <td>8:15 AM</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:24 AM</td>

+    <td>8:30 AM</td>

+    <td>8:37 AM</td>

+    <td>8:39 AM</td>

+    <td>8:44 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>6:57 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+    <td>7:08 PM</td>

+    <td>7:12 PM</td>

+    <td>7:18 PM</td>

+    <td>7:25 PM</td>

+    <td>7:27 PM</td>

+    <td>7:32 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>8:07 PM</td>

+    <td>8:13 PM</td>

+    <td>8:18 PM</td>

+    <td>8:22 PM</td>

+    <td>8:28 PM</td>

+    <td>8:35 PM</td>

+    <td>8:37 PM</td>

+    <td>8:42 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>9:17 PM</td>

+    <td>9:23 PM</td>

+    <td>9:28 PM</td>

+    <td>9:32 PM</td>

+    <td>9:38 PM</td>

+    <td>9:45 PM</td>

+    <td>9:47 PM</td>

+    <td>9:52 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>10:28 PM</td>

+    <td>10:34 PM</td>

+    <td>10:39 PM</td>

+    <td>10:43 PM</td>

+    <td>10:49 PM</td>

+    <td>10:56 PM</td>

+    <td>10:58 PM</td>

+    <td>11:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>11:40 PM</td>

+    <td>11:46 PM</td>

+    <td>11:51 PM</td>

+    <td>11:55 PM</td>

+    <td>12:01 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 AM</td>

+    <td>12:10 AM</td>

+    <td>12:15 AM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>980</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 1</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus

+      Station<br />

+      Platform 3</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Australian Institute of Sport</th>

+    <th>National Hockey Centre Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Macarthur Ave / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>Railway Station Kingston</th>

+    <th>Newcastle St after Isa St</th>

+    <th>Fyshwick direct Factory Outlet</th>

+    <th>Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>8:20 AM</td>

+    <td>8:22 AM</td>

+    <td>8:26 AM</td>

+    <td>8:34 AM</td>

+    <td>8:40 AM</td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:51 AM</td>

+    <td>8:59 AM</td>

+    <td>9:08 AM</td>

+    <td>9:14 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:31 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:22 AM</td>

+    <td>9:26 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:51 AM</td>

+    <td>9:59 AM</td>

+    <td>10:08 AM</td>

+    <td>10:14 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:31 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:22 AM</td>

+    <td>10:26 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:40 AM</td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:51 AM</td>

+    <td>10:59 AM</td>

+    <td>11:08 AM</td>

+    <td>11:14 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:31 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:20 AM</td>

+    <td>11:22 AM</td>

+    <td>11:26 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:40 AM</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:51 AM</td>

+    <td>11:59 AM</td>

+    <td>12:08 PM</td>

+    <td>12:14 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:31 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:20 PM</td>

+    <td>12:22 PM</td>

+    <td>12:26 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:40 PM</td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:51 PM</td>

+    <td>12:59 PM</td>

+    <td>1:08 PM</td>

+    <td>1:14 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:31 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:22 PM</td>

+    <td>1:26 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:40 PM</td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:51 PM</td>

+    <td>1:59 PM</td>

+    <td>2:08 PM</td>

+    <td>2:14 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:31 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>2:20 PM</td>

+    <td>2:22 PM</td>

+    <td>2:26 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:40 PM</td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:51 PM</td>

+    <td>2:59 PM</td>

+    <td>3:08 PM</td>

+    <td>3:14 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:31 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:22 PM</td>

+    <td>3:26 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:51 PM</td>

+    <td>3:59 PM</td>

+    <td>4:08 PM</td>

+    <td>4:14 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:31 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:15 PM</td>

+    <td>4:24 PM</td>

+    <td>4:30 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:22 PM</td>

+    <td>4:26 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:51 PM</td>

+    <td>4:59 PM</td>

+    <td>5:08 PM</td>

+    <td>5:14 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:31 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>5:20 PM</td>

+    <td>5:22 PM</td>

+    <td>5:26 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:40 PM</td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:51 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:15 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:21 PM</td>

+    <td>6:29 PM</td>

+    <td>6:35 PM</td>

+    <td>6:40 PM</td>

+    <td>6:45 PM</td>

+    <td>6:52 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>980</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick</th>

+    <th>Fyshwick direct Factory Outlet</th>

+    <th>Canberra Times</th>

+    <th>Railway Station Kingston</th>

+    <th>Russell Offices</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur Ave / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>National Hockey Centre Lyneham</th>

+    <th>Australian Institute of Sport</th>

+    <th>University of Canberra</th>

+    <th>Belconnen Community Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Westfield Bus Station</th>

+    <th>Cohen Street Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>8:45 AM</td>

+    <td>8:53 AM</td>

+    <td>9:04 AM</td>

+    <td>9:11 AM</td>

+    <td>9:17 AM</td>

+    <td>9:28 AM</td>

+    <td>9:34 AM</td>

+    <td>9:39 AM</td>

+    <td>9:43 AM</td>

+    <td>9:49 AM</td>

+    <td>9:56 AM</td>

+    <td>9:58 AM</td>

+    <td>10:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>9:45 AM</td>

+    <td>9:53 AM</td>

+    <td>10:04 AM</td>

+    <td>10:11 AM</td>

+    <td>10:17 AM</td>

+    <td>10:28 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:39 AM</td>

+    <td>10:43 AM</td>

+    <td>10:49 AM</td>

+    <td>10:56 AM</td>

+    <td>10:58 AM</td>

+    <td>11:03 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:45 AM</td>

+    <td>10:53 AM</td>

+    <td>11:04 AM</td>

+    <td>11:11 AM</td>

+    <td>11:17 AM</td>

+    <td>11:28 AM</td>

+    <td>11:34 AM</td>

+    <td>11:39 AM</td>

+    <td>11:43 AM</td>

+    <td>11:49 AM</td>

+    <td>11:56 AM</td>

+    <td>11:58 AM</td>

+    <td>12:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:36 AM</td>

+    <td>11:46 AM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:45 AM</td>

+    <td>11:53 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:11 PM</td>

+    <td>12:17 PM</td>

+    <td>12:28 PM</td>

+    <td>12:34 PM</td>

+    <td>12:39 PM</td>

+    <td>12:43 PM</td>

+    <td>12:49 PM</td>

+    <td>12:56 PM</td>

+    <td>12:58 PM</td>

+    <td>1:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:45 PM</td>

+    <td>12:53 PM</td>

+    <td>1:04 PM</td>

+    <td>1:11 PM</td>

+    <td>1:17 PM</td>

+    <td>1:28 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:39 PM</td>

+    <td>1:43 PM</td>

+    <td>1:49 PM</td>

+    <td>1:56 PM</td>

+    <td>1:58 PM</td>

+    <td>2:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:45 PM</td>

+    <td>1:53 PM</td>

+    <td>2:04 PM</td>

+    <td>2:11 PM</td>

+    <td>2:17 PM</td>

+    <td>2:28 PM</td>

+    <td>2:34 PM</td>

+    <td>2:39 PM</td>

+    <td>2:43 PM</td>

+    <td>2:49 PM</td>

+    <td>2:56 PM</td>

+    <td>2:58 PM</td>

+    <td>3:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:45 PM</td>

+    <td>2:53 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:11 PM</td>

+    <td>3:17 PM</td>

+    <td>3:28 PM</td>

+    <td>3:34 PM</td>

+    <td>3:39 PM</td>

+    <td>3:43 PM</td>

+    <td>3:49 PM</td>

+    <td>3:56 PM</td>

+    <td>3:58 PM</td>

+    <td>4:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:45 PM</td>

+    <td>3:53 PM</td>

+    <td>4:04 PM</td>

+    <td>4:11 PM</td>

+    <td>4:17 PM</td>

+    <td>4:28 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:39 PM</td>

+    <td>4:43 PM</td>

+    <td>4:49 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>4:58 PM</td>

+    <td>5:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>4:40 PM</td>

+    <td>4:46 PM</td>

+    <td>4:56 PM</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+    <td>.....</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:45 PM</td>

+    <td>4:53 PM</td>

+    <td>5:04 PM</td>

+    <td>5:11 PM</td>

+    <td>5:17 PM</td>

+    <td>5:28 PM</td>

+    <td>5:34 PM</td>

+    <td>5:39 PM</td>

+    <td>5:43 PM</td>

+    <td>5:49 PM</td>

+    <td>5:56 PM</td>

+    <td>5:58 PM</td>

+    <td>6:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>980</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>5:45 PM</td>

+    <td>5:53 PM</td>

+    <td>6:04 PM</td>

+    <td>6:11 PM</td>

+    <td>6:17 PM</td>

+    <td>6:28 PM</td>

+    <td>6:34 PM</td>

+    <td>6:39 PM</td>

+    <td>6:43 PM</td>

+    <td>6:49 PM</td>

+    <td>6:56 PM</td>

+    <td>6:58 PM</td>

+    <td>7:03 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_981.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,171 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 981</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->981<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/981_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>981</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>National Zoo and Aquarium</th>

+    <th>Black Moutain- Telstra Tower</th>

+    <th>Australian National Botanic Gardens</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">


+  <tr>

+    <th>981</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 9</th>

+    <th>National Zoo and Aquarium</th>

+    <th>Black Moutain- Telstra Tower</th>

+    <th>Australian National Botanic Gardens</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>10:20 AM</td>

+    <td>10:34 AM</td>

+    <td>10:42 AM</td>

+    <td>10:48 AM</td>

+    <td>10:55 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+    <td>12:04 PM</td>

+    <td>12:12 PM</td>

+    <td>12:18 PM</td>

+    <td>12:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>1:20 PM</td>

+    <td>1:34 PM</td>

+    <td>1:42 PM</td>

+    <td>1:48 PM</td>

+    <td>1:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>2:50 PM</td>

+    <td>3:04 PM</td>

+    <td>3:12 PM</td>

+    <td>3:18 PM</td>

+    <td>3:25 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>981</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:20 PM</td>

+    <td>4:34 PM</td>

+    <td>4:42 PM</td>

+    <td>4:48 PM</td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_982.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,153 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 982</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->982<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/982_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>982</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Bimberi Centre<br></th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>982</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>982</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Bimberi Centre</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>982</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>6:32 AM</td>

+    <td>6:38 AM</td>

+    <td>6:40 AM</td>

+    <td>6:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>982</td>

+    <td>&nbsp;</td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>982</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Bimberi Centre</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Ave&nbsp; / Antill St</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>982</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:15 PM</td>

+    <td>7:24 PM</td>

+    <td>7:26 PM</td>

+    <td>7:33 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>982</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>City Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 8</th>

+    <th>Macarthur / Northbourne</th>

+    <th>Northbourne Ave&nbsp; / Antill St</th>

+    <th>Bimberi Centre</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>982</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:42 PM</td>

+    <td>3:48 PM</td>

+    <td>3:50 PM</td>

+    <td>4:00 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

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+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/route_988.htm
@@ -1,1 +1,168 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

+<html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/timetable08.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->


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+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/print_timetable.css" media="print" />

+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/New_ACTION/CSS/timetable.css" media="screen" />


+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->

+<title>ACTION Buses Timetable for route 988</title>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- ImageReady Slices (Action website.psd) -->


+<body id="body">

+<div id="header">

+  <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Straightheader3.jpg" width="214" height="106" alt="ACTION logo" /> 

+  <div id="Act-Logo"><a href=""> <img src="/New_ACTION/images/Action-website_06.jpg" width="107" height="106" border="0" alt="ACT government logo" /></a></div>


+<div id="BodyText">

+<p> Chosen services: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="service route" -->988<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="View timetable and map" --><p><a href="pdfs/988_combined.pdf">View timetable and map</a></p>

+<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

+<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="timetable" -->

+<p style="color:#FF0000"><strong>This timetable is effective from Monday 15th November 2010.</strong></p>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>988</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br>

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Alexander Maconochie Centre, Hume</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>988</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Alexander Maconochie Centre, Hume</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<h2><a name="sunday" id="sunday"></a>Sunday</h2>

+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>988</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station<br />

+      Platform 4</th>

+    <th>Alexander Machonochie Centre, Hume</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>9:20 AM</td>

+    <td>9:40 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>12:55 PM</td>

+    <td>1:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>4:55 PM</td>

+    <td>5:15 PM</td>

+  </tr>


+<table class="timetable">


+	<col>

+	<col>

+	<col class="cellorange">

+	<col>


+  <tr>

+    <th>988</th>

+    <th>Wheelchair Accessible</th>

+    <th>Alexander Machonochie Centre, Hume</th>

+    <th>Woden Bus Station</th>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>11:30 AM</td>

+    <td>11:50 AM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>3:20 PM</td>

+    <td>3:40 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+  <tr>

+    <td>988</td>

+    <td><img src="../images/useful_img/easyaccess_icon.gif" width="14" height="14" alt="wheelchair access" /></td>

+    <td>7:30 PM</td>

+    <td>7:50 PM</td>

+  </tr>

+</table><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>

+<script type="text/javascript">

+var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");

+document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


+<script type="text/javascript">

+try {

+var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7856678-5");


+} catch(err) {}</script>


+<!-- InstanceEnd --></html>


 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/weekday_bus_map.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/weekend_bus_map.png differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/__init__.pyc and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/__init__.pyc differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/marey_graph.pyc and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/gtfsscheduleviewer/marey_graph.pyc differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/__init__.pyc and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/__init__.pyc differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/_transitfeed.pyc and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/_transitfeed.pyc differ
 Binary files a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/util.pyc and b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/transitfeed/util.pyc differ