beginnings of autoupdate
beginnings of autoupdate

--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/
@@ -1,1 +1,47 @@
+import requests
+import ckanapi
+# copy (select id,url,format,extras from resource where extras like '%"autoupdate": "active"%') TO STDOUT WITH CSV;
+# f759e4b6-723c-4863-8a26-1529d689cad8,,wms,"{""autoupdate"": ""active""}"
+import fileinput
+import csv
+def updateresource(id):
+    url = ''
+    api_key = ''
+    db_credentials = ''
+    print id
+    ckan = ckanapi.RemoteCKAN('')
+    #ckan = ckanapi.RemoteCKAN('')
+    resource = ckan.action.resource_show(id=id)
+    print resource
+    url = resource['url'] 
+    #last_modified= 'Mon, 24 Feb 2014 01:48:29 GMT'
+    #etag='"1393206509.38-638"'
+    headers={}
+    if 'etag' in resource:
+        headers['If-None-Match'] = resource['etag']
+    if 'file_last_modified' in resource:
+        headers["If-Modified-Since"] = resource['file_last_modified']
+    r = requests.head(url, headers=headers)
+    if r.status_code == 304:
+        print 'not modified'
+        return
+    else:
+        print r.status_code
+        print r.headers
+        if 'last-modified' in r.headers:
+            resource['file_last_modified'] = r.headers['last-modified']
+        if 'etag' in r.headers:
+            resource['etag'] = r.headers['etag']
+        #save updated resource
+        if 'format' == 'shp':
+            print "geoingest!"
+        else:
+            ckan.action.datapusher_submit(resource_id=id)
+#    result = ckan.action.resource_update(id,resource)
+for line in fileinput.input():
+    row = csv.reader(line)
+    updateresource(line.replace("\n",""))

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/snippets/resource_form.html
@@ -1,1 +1,43 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+    {% block basic_fields_url %}
+      {% set is_upload = (data.url_type == 'upload') %}
+      {% set field_url='url' %}
+      {% set field_upload='upload' %}
+      {% set field_clear='clear_upload' %}
+      {% set   is_upload_enabled=h.uploads_enabled() %}
+      {% set is_url=data.url and not is_upload %}
+      {% set   upload_label=_('File') %}
+      {% set url_label=_('URL') %}
+  {% set placeholder = placeholder if placeholder else _('') %}
+  {% set url_label = url_label or _('Image URL')  %}
+  {% set upload_label = upload_label or _('Image')  %}
+  {% if is_upload_enabled %}
+  <div class="image-upload" data-module="image-upload" data-module-is_url="{{ 'true' if is_url else 'false' }}" data-module-is_upload="{{ 'true' if is_upload else 'false' }}"
+       data-module-field_url="{{ field_url }}" data-module-field_upload="{{ field_upload }}" data-module-field_clear="{{ field_clear }}" data-module-upload_label="{{ upload_label }}">
+  {% endif %}
+  {% call form.input(field_url, label=url_label, id='field-image-url', placeholder=placeholder, value=data.get(field_url), error=errors.get(field_url), classes=['control-full']) %}
+<span id="autoupdate_form">
+      {% call'autoupdate', label=_('Generate API from this Link'), options= [{'value': 'active', 'text': 'Active'}, {'value': 'inactive', 'text': 'Inactive'}], selected='Active', error=errors.autoupdate) %}
+Where a file is compatible with either CKAN or GeoServer we will attempt to make a functional end-point for this resource. The link provided above will also be checked for a new version based on the update frequency as set at the dataset level.
+{% endcall %}
+{% endcall %}
+  {% if is_upload_enabled %}
+    {{ form.input(field_upload, label=upload_label, id='field-image-upload', type='file', placeholder='', value='', error='', classes=['control-full']) }}
+    {% if is_upload %}
+      {{form.checkbox(field_clear, label=_('Clear Upload'), id='field-clear-upload', value='true', error='', classes=['control-full']) }}
+    {% endif %}
+  {% endif %}
+  {% if is_upload_enabled %}</div>{% endif %}
+  {% endblock %}