Edit and view modes for agency records
Edit and view modes for agency records

Former-commit-id: e975475a91653ade66930f0630d673ec384a64e7

--- a/common.inc.php
+++ b/common.inc.php
@@ -1,98 +1,99 @@
 function createAgencyDesignDoc() {
+    global $db;
+    $obj = new stdClass();
+    $obj->_id = "_design/" . urlencode("app");
+    $obj->language = "javascript";
+    $obj->views->byABN->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.abn, doc); };";
+    $obj->views->byName->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.name, doc); };";
+    $obj->views->getActive->map = 'function(doc) { if (doc.status == "active") {  emit(doc._id, doc); } };';
+    $obj->views->getSuspended->map = 'function(doc) { if (doc.status == "suspended") {  emit(doc._id, doc); } };';
+    $obj->views->getScrapeRequired->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.abn, doc); };";
+$obj->views->showNamesABNs->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc._id, {name: doc.name, abn: doc.abn}); };";
+    // allow safe updates (even if slightly slower due to extra: rev-detection check).
+    return $db->save($obj, true);
-	$ddoc->_id = '_design/app';
-	$ddoc->views = new StdClass();
-	// by abn, by name
-	$ddoc->views->byABN = new StdClass();
-	$ddoc->views->byABN->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.abn, doc); };";
-        $ddoc->views->byName = new StdClass();
-	$ddoc->views->byName->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.name, doc); };";
-	$ddoc->views->getActive = new StdClass();
-	$ddoc->views->getActive->map = 'function(doc) { if (doc.status == "active") {  emit(doc._id, doc); } };';
-	$ddoc->views->getSuspended = new StdClass();
-	$ddoc->views->getSuspended->map = 'function(doc) { if (doc.status == "suspended") {  emit(doc._id, doc); } };';
-	$ddoc->views->getScrapeRequired = new StdClass();
-	$ddoc->views->getScrapeRequired->map = "function(doc) {   emit(doc.abn, doc); };";
-    return true;
 require (realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/couchdb/settee/src/settee.php'));
 $server = new SetteeServer('');
+function setteErrorHandler($e) {
+    echo $e->getMessage() . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
 function include_header() {
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 <?php } ?>

--- a/getAgency.php
+++ b/getAgency.php
@@ -3,22 +3,73 @@
-$sag->setDatabase("disclosr-agencies", true);
-//get an agency record as json/html, search by name/abn/id
+function displayValue($key, $value, $mode) {
+    if ($mode == "view") {
+        if (is_array($value)) {
+            echo "<tr><td>$key</td><td><ol>";
+            foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) {
+                echo "<li>$subvalue</li>";
+            }
+            echo "</ol></td></tr>";
+        } else {
+            echo "<tr><td>$key</td><td>$value</td></tr>";
+        }
+    }
+    if ($mode == "edit") {
+        if (is_array($value)) {
+            echo "<label>$key</label><ol>";
+            foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) {
+                echo "<li>$subvalue</li>";
+            }
+            echo "</ol>";
+        } else {
+            if (strpos($key,"_") === 0) {
+                echo"<input type='hidden' id='$key' name='$key' value='$value'/>";
+            } else {
+            echo "<label>$key</label><input  class='input-text' type='text' id='$key' name='$key' value='$value'/></tr>";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+$db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
+if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
+    //get an agency record as json/html, search by name/abn/id
 // by name = startkey="Ham"&endkey="Ham\ufff0"
 // edit?
-$rows = $sag->get('/_design/app/_view/byABN?include_docs=true')->body->rows; // &endkey='.$searchVar
-foreach ($rows as $row) {
-    echo "<table>";
-    echo '<tr> <td colspan="2"><h3>' . $row->doc->agencyName . "</h3></td></tr>";
-    echo "<tr><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>";
-foreach ($row->doc as $key => $value) {
-            if (is_a($value, 'stdClass')) {
-            		echo "<tr><td>$key</td><td>".var_dump($value,true)."</td></tr>";
-            } else echo "<tr><td>$key</td><td>$value</td></tr>";
-	} // also show documents/URLs available
-    echo "</table>";
+    $row = $db->get($_REQUEST['id']);
+    //print_r($row);
+    $mode = "edit";
+    if ($mode == "view") {
+        echo '<table width="100%">';
+        echo '<tr> <td colspan="2"><h3>' . $row->name . "</h3></td></tr>";
+        echo "<tr><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>";
+    }
+    if ($mode == "edit") {
+        echo '<form class="nice">';
+    }
+    foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
+        echo displayValue($key, $value, $mode);
+    }
+    if ($mode == "view") {
+        echo "</table>";
+    }
+    if ($mode == "edit") {
+        echo '</form>';
+    }
+} else {
+    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "showNamesABNs")->rows;
+    foreach ($rows as $row) {
+        //   print_r($row);
+        echo '<li><a href="getAgency.php?id=' . $row->key . '">' .
+        (isset($row->value->name) && $row->value->name != "" ? $row->value->name : "NO NAME " . $row->value->abn)
+        . '</a></li>';
+    }

file:a/import.php -> file:b/import.php
--- a/import.php
+++ b/import.php
@@ -1,22 +1,34 @@
 require_once 'common.inc.php';
+try {
+    $server->create_db('disclosr-agencies');
+} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+    setteErrorHandler($e);
 $db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
- $conn = new PDO("pgsql:dbname=contractDashboard;user=postgres;password=snmc;host=localhost");
- $namesQ = 'select agency.abn, string_agg("agencyName",\',\') as names from agency inner join agency_nametoabn on agency.abn::text = agency_nametoabn.abn group by agency.abn;';
- $abntonames = Array(); 
- foreach ($conn->query($namesQ) as $row) {
-      $abntonames[$row['abn']] = explode(",",$row['names']);
-  }
-  $result = $conn->query("select * from agency");
-  while ($agency = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
-		$agency['otherNames'] = $abntonames[$agency['abn']];
-                if (sizeof($abntonames[$agency['abn']]) == 1) $agency['name'] = $abntonames[$agency['abn']][0];
-		$agency["lastScraped"] = "1/1/1970";
-		$agency["scrapeDepth"] = 1;
-                $doc = $db->save($agency);
-  }
+$conn = new PDO("pgsql:dbname=contractDashboard;user=postgres;password=snmc;host=localhost");
+$namesQ = 'select agency.abn, string_agg("agencyName",\',\') as names from agency inner join agency_nametoabn on agency.abn::text = agency_nametoabn.abn group by agency.abn;';
+$abntonames = Array();
+foreach ($conn->query($namesQ) as $row) {
+    $abntonames[$row['abn']] = explode(",", $row['names']);
+$result = $conn->query("select * from agency");
+while ($agency = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+    $agency['_id'] = md5($agency['abn']);
+    $agency['otherNames'] = $abntonames[$agency['abn']];
+    if (sizeof($abntonames[$agency['abn']]) == 1)
+        $agency['name'] = $abntonames[$agency['abn']][0];
+    $agency["lastScraped"] = "1/1/1970";
+    $agency["scrapeDepth"] = 1;
+    try {
+        $doc = $db->save($agency);
+        //print_r($doc);
+        echo $agency['abn'] . " imported \n<br>";
+    } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+        setteErrorHandler($e);
+    }