add php color library csscolor.php
add php color library csscolor.php

--- a/admin/import.php
+++ b/admin/import.php
@@ -1,271 +1,258 @@
 include_once ("../lib/");
-function processFile($fpath, $tablename)
-	global $conn;
-	$row = 1;
-	$handle = fopen($fpath, "r");
-	//"t" mode string translates windows line breaks to unix
-	$datamapping0711 = array(
-		"Agency" => "agencyName",
-		"Parent CN ID" => "parentCN",
-		"CN ID" => "CNID",
-		"Publish Date" => "publishDate",
-		"Amendment Date" => "amendDate",
-		"Status" => "",
-		"StartDate" => "contractStart",
-		"EndDate" => "contractEnd",
-		"Value" => "value",
-		"Description" => "description",
-		"Agency Ref Id" => "agencyID",
-		"Category" => "category",
-		"Procurement Method" => "procurementMethod",
-		"ATM ID" => "atmID",
-		"SON ID" => "SONID",
-		"Confidentiality - Contract" => "confidentialityContract",
-		"Confidentiality - Contract Reason(s)" => "confidentialityContractReason",
-		"Confidentiality - Outputs" => "confidentialityOutputs",
-		"Confidentiality - Outputs Reason(s)" => "confidentialityOutputsReason",
-		"Consultancy" => "consultancy",
-		"Consultancy Reason(s)" => "consultancyReason",
-		"Amendment Reason" => "amendmentReason",
-		"Supplier Name" => "supplierName",
-		"Supplier Address" => "supplierAddress",
-		"Supplier City" => "supplierCity",
-		"Supplier Postcode" => "supplierPostcode",
-		"Supplier Country" => "supplierCountry",
-		"Supplier ABNExempt" => "supplierABNExempt",
-		"Supplier ABN" => "supplierABN",
-		"Agency Branch" => "contactBranch",
-		"Agency Divison" => "contactDivision",
-		"Agency Postcode" => "contactPostcode",
-		"" => ""
-	);
-	$headers;
-	$contractNoticeFields = array(
-		"importFile",
-		"agencyName",
-		"parentCN",
-		"CNID",
-		"publishDate",
-		"amendDate",
-		"contractStart",
-		"contractEnd",
-		"value",
-		"description",
-		"agencyID",
-		"category",
-		"procurementMethod",
-		"atmID",
-		"SONID",
-		"confidentialityContract",
-		"confidentialityContractReason",
-		"confidentialityOutputs",
-		"confidentialityOutputsReason",
-		"consultancy",
-		"consultancyReason",
-		"amendmentReason",
-		"supplierName",
-		"supplierAddress",
-		"supplierCity",
-		"supplierPostcode",
-		"supplierCountry",
-		"supplierABNExempt",
-		"supplierABN",
-		"contactBranch",
-		"contactDivision",
-		"contactPostcode"
-	);
-	$agencyFields = array(
-		"agencyName"
-	);
-	$supplierFields = array(
-		"supplierName",
-		"supplierAddress",
-		"supplierCity",
-		"supplierPostcode",
-		"supplierCountry",
-		"supplierABNExempt",
-		"supplierABN"
-	);
-	if ($tablename == "contractnotice") {
-		$contractNoticeInsertQ = 'INSERT INTO contractnotice ("' . implode('" , "', $contractNoticeFields) . '") VALUES ( ';
-		foreach ($contractNoticeFields as $key => $f) {
-			$contractNoticeInsertQ.= ($key == 0 ? "" : ", ") . "?";
-		}
-		$contractNoticeInsertQ.= ");";
-		$contractNoticeInsertQ = $conn->prepare($contractNoticeInsertQ);
-	}
-	else if ($tablename == "supplierdetails") {
-		$supplierInsertQ = 'INSERT INTO supplierdetails ("' . implode('" , "', $supplierFields) . '") VALUES ( ';
-		foreach ($supplierFields as $key => $f) {
-			$supplierInsertQ.= ($key == 0 ? "" : ", ") . "?";
-		}
-		$supplierInsertQ.= ");";
-		$supplierInsertQ = $conn->prepare($supplierInsertQ);
-	}
-	else if ($tablename == "agency") {
-		$agencyInsertQ = 'INSERT INTO agency ("' . implode('" , "', $agencyFields) . '") VALUES ( ';
-		foreach ($agencyFields as $key => $f) {
-			$agencyInsertQ.= ($key == 0 ? "" : ", ") . "?";
-		}
-		$agencyInsertQ.= ");";
-		$agencyInsertQ = $conn->prepare($agencyInsertQ);
-	}
-	while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, "\t")) !== false) {
-		$num = count($data);
-		if ($row == 3) {
-			$headers = $data;
-		}
-		elseif ($row > 3) {
-			if ($num > count($datamapping0711)) {
-				die("<font color=red>Error in data import; data mapping fields out of bounds or changed</font><br>" . $fname . print_r($data));
-			}
-			$contractNoticeInsert = Array();
-			$supplierInsert = Array();
-			$agencyInsert = Array();
-			$contractNoticeInsert[] = $fpath;
-			$keys = array_keys($datamapping0711);
-			for ($c = 0; $c < $num; $c++) {
-				$data[$c] = trim($data[$c], "=");
-				$data[$c] = trim($data[$c], "\"");
-				if ($tablename == "contractnotice") {
-					if (in_array(($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) , $contractNoticeFields)) {
-						if (($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "parentCN" || ($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "CNID") {
-							$data[$c] = substr($data[$c], 2); // take off the "CN" prefix
-							if ($data[$c] > 0) {
-								$contractNoticeInsert[] = $data[$c];
-							}
-							else {
-								$contractNoticeInsert[] = 0;
-							}
-						}
-						elseif (($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "supplierABN") {
-							if ($data[$c] > 0) {
-								$contractNoticeInsert[] = $data[$c];
-							}
-							else {
-								$contractNoticeInsert[] = null;
-							}
-						}
-						elseif (($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "amendDate" || ($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "publishDate" || ($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "contractStart" || ($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "contractEnd") {
-							$contractNoticeInsert[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data[$c]));
-						}
-						else {
-							if (strstr("\" =", $data[$c] > 0)) {
-								die("Invalid Description field" . $contractNoticeInsert);
-							}
-$colvalue =  preg_replace( '/[^[:print:]]/', '',utf8_encode( $data[$c]));
-							$contractNoticeInsert[] = $colvalue;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				else if ($tablename == "supplierdetails") {
-					if (in_array(($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) , $supplierFields)) {
-						if (($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "supplierABN") {
-							if ($data[$c] > 0) {
-								$contractNoticeInsert[] = $data[$c];
-							}
-							else {
-								$contractNoticeInsert[] = 0;
-							}
-						}
-						else {
-							$supplierInsert[] = $data[$c];
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				else if ($tablename == "agency") {
-					if (in_array(($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) , $agencyFields)) {
-						$agencyInsert[] = $data[$c];
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			flush();
-			if ($tablename == "contractnotice") {
-				$contractNoticeInsertQ->execute($contractNoticeInsert);
-				$errors = $conn->errorInfo();
-				if ($errors[1] == 7 && strpos($errors[2], "duplicate key")) {
-				}
-				elseif ($errors[1] == 0) {
-					$success++;
-				}
-				else {
-					foreach ($contractNoticeFields as $key => $cnf) {
-						echo var_dump($contractNoticeInsert[$key]) . $cnf . "<br>";
-					}
-					echo $data[2] . " failed CN insert.<br>" . print_r($errors, true) . "<br> row $row <br><br>\n";
-				}
-			}
-			else if ($tablename == "supplierdetails") {
-				$supplierInsertQ->execute($supplierInsert);
-				$errors = $conn->errorInfo();
-				if ($errors[1] == 7 && strpos($errors[2], "duplicate key")) {
-				}
-				elseif ($errors[1] == 0) {
-					$success++;
-				}
-				else {
-					echo $data[2] . " failed supplier insert.<br>" . print_r($errors, true) . " <br> " . print_r($supplierInsert, true) . "<br> $row <br><br>\n";
-				}
-			}
-			else if ($tablename == "agency") {
-				$agencyInsertQ->execute($agencyInsert);
-				$errors = $conn->errorInfo();
-				if ($errors[1] == 7 && strpos($errors[2], "duplicate key")) {
-				}
-				elseif ($errors[1] == 0) {
-					$success++;
-				}
-				else {
-					echo $data[2] . " failed agency insert.<br>" . print_r($errors, true) . " <br> " . print_r($agencyInsert, true) . "<br> $row <br><br>\n";
-				}
-			}
-			flush();
-			//echo "<hr>\n";
-		}
-		$row++;
-	}
-	fclose($handle);
-        // run post import data processing
+$contractNoticeFields = array(
+    "importFile",
+    "agencyName",
+    "parentCN",
+    "CNID",
+    "publishDate",
+    "amendDate",
+    "contractStart",
+    "contractEnd",
+    "value",
+    "description",
+    "agencyID",
+    "category",
+    "procurementMethod",
+    "atmID",
+    "SONID",
+    "confidentialityContract",
+    "confidentialityContractReason",
+    "confidentialityOutputs",
+    "confidentialityOutputsReason",
+    "consultancy",
+    "consultancyReason",
+    "amendmentReason",
+    "supplierName",
+    "supplierAddress",
+    "supplierCity",
+    "supplierPostcode",
+    "supplierCountry",
+    "supplierABNExempt",
+    "supplierABN",
+    "contactBranch",
+    "contactDivision",
+    "contactPostcode"
+$agencyFields = array(
+    "agencyName"
+$supplierFields = array(
+    "supplierName",
+    "supplierAddress",
+    "supplierCity",
+    "supplierPostcode",
+    "supplierCountry",
+    "supplierABNExempt",
+    "supplierABN"
+$contractNoticeInsertQ = 'INSERT INTO contractnotice ("' . implode('" , "', $contractNoticeFields) . '") VALUES ( ';
+foreach ($contractNoticeFields as $key => $f) {
+    $contractNoticeInsertQ.= ($key == 0 ? "" : ", ") . "?";
+$contractNoticeInsertQ.= ");";
+$contractNoticeInsertQ = $conn->prepare($contractNoticeInsertQ);
+$supplierInsertQ = 'INSERT INTO supplierdetails ("' . implode('" , "', $supplierFields) . '") VALUES ( ';
+foreach ($supplierFields as $key => $f) {
+    $supplierInsertQ.= ($key == 0 ? "" : ", ") . "?";
+$supplierInsertQ.= ");";
+$supplierInsertQ = $conn->prepare($supplierInsertQ);
+$agencyInsertQ = 'INSERT INTO agency_nametoabn ("' . implode('" , "', $agencyFields) . '") VALUES ( ';
+foreach ($agencyFields as $key => $f) {
+    $agencyInsertQ.= ($key == 0 ? "" : ", ") . "?";
+$agencyInsertQ.= ");";
+$agencyInsertQ = $conn->prepare($agencyInsertQ);
+function processFile($fpath, $tablename) {
+    global $conn, $contractNoticeQ, $supplierInsertQ, $agencyInsertQ;
+    $row = 1;
+    $handle = fopen($fpath, "r");
+    //"t" mode string translates windows line breaks to unix
+    $datamapping0711 = array(
+        "Agency" => "agencyName",
+        "Parent CN ID" => "parentCN",
+        "CN ID" => "CNID",
+        "Publish Date" => "publishDate",
+        "Amendment Date" => "amendDate",
+        "Status" => "",
+        "StartDate" => "contractStart",
+        "EndDate" => "contractEnd",
+        "Value" => "value",
+        "Description" => "description",
+        "Agency Ref Id" => "agencyID",
+        "Category" => "category",
+        "Procurement Method" => "procurementMethod",
+        "ATM ID" => "atmID",
+        "SON ID" => "SONID",
+        "Confidentiality - Contract" => "confidentialityContract",
+        "Confidentiality - Contract Reason(s)" => "confidentialityContractReason",
+        "Confidentiality - Outputs" => "confidentialityOutputs",
+        "Confidentiality - Outputs Reason(s)" => "confidentialityOutputsReason",
+        "Consultancy" => "consultancy",
+        "Consultancy Reason(s)" => "consultancyReason",
+        "Amendment Reason" => "amendmentReason",
+        "Supplier Name" => "supplierName",
+        "Supplier Address" => "supplierAddress",
+        "Supplier City" => "supplierCity",
+        "Supplier Postcode" => "supplierPostcode",
+        "Supplier Country" => "supplierCountry",
+        "Supplier ABNExempt" => "supplierABNExempt",
+        "Supplier ABN" => "supplierABN",
+        "Agency Branch" => "contactBranch",
+        "Agency Divison" => "contactDivision",
+        "Agency Postcode" => "contactPostcode",
+        "" => ""
+    );
+    $headers;
+    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, "\t")) !== false) {
+        $num = count($data);
+        if ($row == 3) {
+            $headers = $data;
+        } elseif ($row > 3) {
+            if ($num > count($datamapping0711)) {
+                die("<font color=red>Error in data import; data mapping fields out of bounds or changed</font><br>" . $fname . print_r($data));
+            }
+            $contractNoticeInsert = Array();
+            $supplierInsert = Array();
+            $agencyInsert = Array();
+            $contractNoticeInsert[] = $fpath;
+            $keys = array_keys($datamapping0711);
+            for ($c = 0; $c < $num; $c++) {
+                $data[$c] = trim($data[$c], "=");
+                $data[$c] = trim($data[$c], "\"");
+                if ($tablename == "contractnotice") {
+                    if (in_array(($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]), $contractNoticeFields)) {
+                        if (($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "parentCN" || ($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "CNID") {
+                            $data[$c] = substr($data[$c], 2); // take off the "CN" prefix
+                            if ($data[$c] > 0) {
+                                $contractNoticeInsert[] = $data[$c];
+                            } else {
+                                $contractNoticeInsert[] = 0;
+                            }
+                        } elseif (($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "supplierABN") {
+                            if ($data[$c] > 0) {
+                                $contractNoticeInsert[] = $data[$c];
+                            } else {
+                                $contractNoticeInsert[] = null;
+                            }
+                        } elseif (($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "amendDate" || ($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "publishDate" || ($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "contractStart" || ($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "contractEnd") {
+                            $contractNoticeInsert[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data[$c]));
+                        } else {
+                            if (strstr("\" =", $data[$c] > 0)) {
+                                die("Invalid Description field" . $contractNoticeInsert);
+                            }
+                            $colvalue = preg_replace('/[^[:print:]]/', '', utf8_encode($data[$c]));
+                            $contractNoticeInsert[] = $colvalue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else if ($tablename == "supplierdetails") {
+                    if (in_array(($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]), $supplierFields)) {
+                        if (($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]) == "supplierABN") {
+                            if ($data[$c] > 0) {
+                                $contractNoticeInsert[] = $data[$c];
+                            } else {
+                                $contractNoticeInsert[] = 0;
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            $supplierInsert[] = $data[$c];
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else if ($tablename == "agency") {
+                    if (in_array(($datamapping0711[$headers[$c]]), $agencyFields)) {
+                        $agencyInsert[] = $data[$c];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            flush();
+            if ($tablename == "contractnotice") {
+                $contractNoticeInsertQ->execute($contractNoticeInsert);
+                $errors = $conn->errorInfo();
+                if ($errors[1] == 7 && strpos($errors[2], "duplicate key")) {
+                } elseif ($errors[1] == 0) {
+                    $success++;
+                } else {
+                    foreach ($contractNoticeFields as $key => $cnf) {
+                        echo var_dump($contractNoticeInsert[$key]) . $cnf . "<br>";
+                    }
+                    echo $data[2] . " failed CN insert.<br>" . print_r($errors, true) . "<br> row $row <br><br>\n";
+                }
+            } else if ($tablename == "supplierdetails") {
+                $supplierInsertQ->execute($supplierInsert);
+                $errors = $conn->errorInfo();
+                if ($errors[1] == 7 && strpos($errors[2], "duplicate key")) {
+                } elseif ($errors[1] == 0) {
+                    $success++;
+                } else {
+                    echo $data[2] . " failed supplier insert.<br>" . print_r($errors, true) . " <br> " . print_r($supplierInsert, true) . "<br> $row <br><br>\n";
+                }
+            } else if ($tablename == "agency") {
+                $agencyInsertQ->execute($agencyInsert);
+                $errors = $conn->errorInfo();
+                if ($errors[1] == 7 && strpos($errors[2], "duplicate key")) {
+                } elseif ($errors[1] == 0) {
+                    $success++;
+                } else {
+                    echo $data[2] . " failed agency insert.<br>" . print_r($errors, true) . " <br> " . print_r($agencyInsert, true) . "<br> $row <br><br>\n";
+                }
+            }
+            flush();
+            //echo "<hr>\n";
+        }
+        $row++;
+    }
+    fclose($handle);
+    $contractNoticeInsertQ->closeCursor();
+    $supplierInsertQ->closeCursor();
+    $agencyInsertQ->closeCursor();
+    return $success;
+$path = 'data/';
+if ($_REQUEST["fname"] == "") {
+    echo "Get files from:<br>";
+    $dhandle = opendir($path);
+    // define an array to hold the files
+    $files = array();
+    if ($dhandle) {
+        // loop through all of the files
+        while (false !== ($fname = readdir($dhandle))) {
+            if (($fname != '.') && ($fname != '..')) {
+                echo "<a href=\"import.php?fname=$fname\">$fname</a>&nbsp;" . filesize($path . $fname) . "&nbsp;" . date("c", filemtime($path . $fname)) . "<br/>";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+} else {
+    $success = 0;
+    $fname = $_REQUEST["fname"];
+    echo " ============== $fname  ============== <br>";
+    flush();
+    $success+= processFile($path . $fname, "contractnotice");
+    $success+= processFile($path . $fname, "agency");
+    $success+= processFile($path . $fname, "supplier");
+    echo "<br> $success records successfully created";
+    flush();
+       // run post import data processing
 // cn
-echo "link amend<br>";
-include ("linkAmendments.php");
-echo "update UNSPSC<br>";
-include ("updateUNSPSC.php");
+    echo "link amend<br>";
+    include ("linkAmendments.php");
+    echo "update UNSPSC<br>";
+    include ("updateUNSPSC.php");
 // agency
 //include ("setAgencyStatus.php");
 //include ("setAgencyURLABN.php");
-	return $success;
-$path = 'data/';
-if ($_REQUEST["fname"] == "") {
-	echo "Get files from:<br>";
-	$dhandle = opendir($path);
-	// define an array to hold the files
-	$files = array();
-	if ($dhandle) {
-		// loop through all of the files
-		while (false !== ($fname = readdir($dhandle))) {
-			if (($fname != '.') && ($fname != '..')) {
-				echo "<a href=\"import.php?fname=$fname\">$fname</a>&nbsp;" . filesize($path . $fname) . "&nbsp;" . date("c", filemtime($path . $fname)) . "<br/>";
-			}
-		}
-	}
-else {
-	$success = 0;
-	$fname = $_REQUEST["fname"];
-	echo " ============== $fname  ============== <br>";
-	flush();
-	$success+= processFile($path . $fname, "contractnotice");
-	$success+= processFile($path . $fname, "agency");
-	$success+= processFile($path . $fname, "supplier");
-	echo "<br> $success records successfully created";
-	flush();

--- a/exportData.csv.php
+++ b/exportData.csv.php
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
 $query = $conn->prepare('
-SELECT "CNID",contractnotice."agencyName",agency.abn as "agencyABN",
+SELECT "CNID",contractnotice."agencyName",agency_nametoabn.abn as "agencyABN",
 EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM "publishDate") as "publishDate",
 EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM "contractStart") as "contractStart",
 EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM "contractEnd") as "contractEnd",
 "supplierName",(case when "supplierABN" != 0 THEN "supplierABN"::text ELSE "supplierName" END) as supplierID,
 (\'\'::text || "CNID"::text) as sourceURL 
-FROM contractnotice join agency on contractnotice."agencyName"=agency."agencyName"  
+FROM contractnotice join agency_nametoabn on contractnotice."agencyName"=agency_nametoabn."agencyName"  
 where "childCN" is null'
         , array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT));

--- /dev/null
+++ b/exportOverview.csv.php
@@ -1,1 +1,49 @@
+setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'C');
+// source:
+$unspsc = Array();
+$unspscresult = $conn->prepare('select * from "UNSPSCcategories" where "UNSPSC"::text like \'%00000\';');
+foreach ($unspscresult->fetchAll() as $row) {
+    $unspsc[$row['UNSPSC']] = $row['Title'];
+$query = $conn->prepare('
+SELECT "CNID" as uid, description as text,
+(\'\'::text || "CNID"::text) as url from "contractnotice"
+where "childCN" is null'
+        , array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT));
+$errors = $conn->errorInfo();
+if ($errors[2] != "") {
+    die("Export terminated, db error" . print_r($errors, true));
+$num_fields = $query->columnCount();
+$headers = Array();
+for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) { // for each column in query, make a CSV header
+    $meta = $query->getColumnMeta($i);
+    $headers[] = $meta['name'];
+$fp = fopen('php://output', 'w');
+if ($fp && $query) {
+    header('Content-Type: text/csv');
+    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="export.' . date("c") . '.csv"');
+    header('Pragma: no-cache');
+    header('Expires: 0');
+    fputcsv($fp, $headers);
+    while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM, PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT)) {
+        foreach ($row as $key => &$colvalue) {
+            $colvalue = preg_replace('/[^[:print:]]/', '', utf8_encode($colvalue));
+        }
+        fputcsv($fp, array_values($row));
+    }
+    die;

file:b/lib/csscolor.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/csscolor.php
@@ -1,1 +1,423 @@
+ csscolor.php
+ Copyright 2004 Patrick Fitzgerald
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+define('CSS_COLOR_ERROR', 100);
+class CSS_Color 
+  //==================================================
+  //==PARAMETERS======================================
+  //==================================================
+  // $this->bg = array of CSS color values
+  // $this->bg[0] is the bg color
+  // $this->bg['+1'..'+5'] are lighter colors
+  // $this->bg['-1'..'-5'] are darker colors
+  var $bg = array();
+  // $this->fg = array of foreground colors.
+  // Each color corresponds to a background color.
+  var $fg = array();
+  // brightDiff is the minimum brightness difference
+  // between the background and the foreground.
+  // Note: you should not change this directly,
+  // instead use setBrightDiff() and getBrightDiff()
+  var $minBrightDiff = 126;
+  // colorDiff is the minimum color difference
+  // between the background and the foreground.
+  // Note: you should not change this directly,
+  // instead use setColorDiff() and getColorDiff()
+  var $minColorDiff = 500;
+  //==================================================
+  //==CONSTRUCTOR=====================================
+  //==================================================
+  function CSS_Color($bgHex, $fgHex='')
+  {
+    // This is the constructor method for the class,
+    // which is called when a new object is created.
+    // Initialize the palette
+    $this->setPalette($bgHex, $fgHex);
+  }
+  //==================================================
+  //==METHODS=========================================
+  //==================================================
+  //--------------------------------------------------
+  function setPalette($bgHex, $fgHex = '')
+  {
+    // Initialize the color palettes
+    // If a foreground color was not specified,
+    // just use the background color.
+    if (!$fgHex) {
+      $fgHex = $bgHex;
+    }
+    // Clear the existing palette
+    $this->bg = array();
+    $this->fg = array();
+    // Make sure we got a valid hex value
+    if (!$this->isHex($bgHex)) {
+      $this->raiseError("background color '$bgHex' is not a hex color value",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Set the bg color
+    $this->bg[0] = $bgHex;
+    $this->bg['+1'] = $this->lighten($bgHex, .85);
+    $this->bg['+2'] = $this->lighten($bgHex, .75);
+    $this->bg['+3'] = $this->lighten($bgHex, .5);
+    $this->bg['+4'] = $this->lighten($bgHex, .25);
+    $this->bg['+5'] = $this->lighten($bgHex, .1);
+    $this->bg['-1'] = $this->darken($bgHex, .85);
+    $this->bg['-2'] = $this->darken($bgHex, .75);
+    $this->bg['-3'] = $this->darken($bgHex, .5);
+    $this->bg['-4'] = $this->darken($bgHex, .25);
+    $this->bg['-5'] = $this->darken($bgHex, .1);
+    // Make sure we got a valid hex value
+    if (!$this->isHex($fgHex)) {
+      $this->raiseError("background color '$bgHex' is not a hex color value",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Set up the foreground colors
+    $this->fg[0]    = $this->calcFG( $this->bg[0], $fgHex);
+    $this->fg['+1'] = $this->calcFG( $this->bg['+1'], $fgHex);
+    $this->fg['+2'] = $this->calcFG( $this->bg['+2'], $fgHex);
+    $this->fg['+3'] = $this->calcFG( $this->bg['+3'], $fgHex);
+    $this->fg['+4'] = $this->calcFG( $this->bg['+4'], $fgHex);
+    $this->fg['+5'] = $this->calcFG( $this->bg['+5'], $fgHex);
+    $this->fg['-1'] = $this->calcFG( $this->bg['-1'], $fgHex);
+    $this->fg['-2'] = $this->calcFG( $this->bg['-2'], $fgHex);
+    $this->fg['-3'] = $this->calcFG( $this->bg['-3'], $fgHex);
+    $this->fg['-4'] = $this->calcFG( $this->bg['-4'], $fgHex);
+    $this->fg['-5'] = $this->calcFG( $this->bg['-5'], $fgHex);
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------
+  function lighten($hex, $percent)
+  {
+    return $this->mix($hex, $percent, 255);
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------
+  function darken($hex, $percent)
+  {
+    return $this->mix($hex, $percent, 0);
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------
+  function mix($hex, $percent, $mask)
+  {
+    // Make sure inputs are valid
+    if (!is_numeric($percent) || $percent < 0 || $percent > 1) {
+      $this->raiseError("percent=$percent is not valid",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (!is_int($mask) || $mask < 0 || $mask > 255) {
+      $this->raiseError("mask=$mask is not valid",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+      return false;
+    }
+    $rgb = $this->hex2RGB($hex);
+    if (!is_array($rgb)) {
+      // hex2RGB will raise an error
+      return false;
+    }
+    for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
+      $rgb[$i] = round($rgb[$i] * $percent) + round($mask * (1-$percent));
+      // In case rounding up causes us to go to 256
+      if ($rgb[$i] > 255) {
+	$rgb[$i] = 255;
+      }
+    }
+    return $this->RGB2Hex($rgb);
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------
+  function hex2RGB($hex)
+  {
+    //
+    // Given a hex color (rrggbb or rgb),
+    // returns an array (r, g, b) with decimal values
+    // If $hex is not the correct format,
+    // returns false.
+    //
+    // example:
+    // $d = hex2RGB('#abc');
+    // if (!$d) { error }
+    // Regexp for a valid hex digit
+    $d = '[a-fA-F0-9]';
+    // Make sure $hex is valid
+    if (preg_match("/^($d$d)($d$d)($d$d)\$/", $hex, $rgb)) {