Super street corner locator!
--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/02-tidytimepoints.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/02-tidytimepoints.rb
@@ -62,8 +62,12 @@
"Cameron Ave Station - Platform 5" => "Cameron Ave Bus Station - Platform 5",
"Burton & Garranan Hall, Daley Road ANU" => "Burton & Garran Hall, Daley Road ANU",
"Burton & Garranan Hall,Daley Road ANU" => "Burton & Garran Hall, Daley Road ANU",
+ "Garran/Daley Rd" => "Burton & Garran Hall, Daley Road ANU",
+ "Kingstons Ave/National Crt" => "Kings Ave/National Crt",
"Newcastle Street after Isa St" => "Newcastle / Isa Street Fyshwick",
"National Circ/Canberra Ave" => "National Circuit / Canberra Ave",
+ "St Clare of Conder" => "St Clare of Assisi Primary",
+ "McKillop College Isabella Campus" => "MacKillop College Isabella Campus",
time_point_corrections.each do |wrong, right|
$time_points_sources[wrong].each do |wrongfile|
--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/03-locatetimepoints.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/03-locatetimepoints.rb
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
raise "web service error"
return result
+class Array
+ def find_dups
+ inject( { |h,e| h[e] += 1; h }.select { |k,v| v > 1 }.collect { |x| x.first }
+ end
require 'yaml'
@@ -63,6 +69,7 @@
if ask_if("Fill null Timing Points from OSM bus_stop database?")
+# TODO Where there's a "Cnr" or a \/ or a &, Look for 2 ways or nodes and average the closest two!
null_points = connbus.exec('SELECT name FROM timing_point WHERE lat IS null OR lng IS null;')
rescue PGError => e
@@ -74,8 +81,9 @@
name = null_point_name.to_s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
pp name
+ search_name = ask("Hmm, if we're still looking, the name is probably wrong. What's the right name?", :string, :default => name)
matching_nodes = connosm.exec("Select * FROM (SELECT * from current_node_tags,
- (Select id as ctagid FROM current_node_tags WHERE v LIKE '%#{name}%') as a
+ (Select id as ctagid FROM current_node_tags WHERE v LIKE '%#{search_name}%') as a
where a.ctagid = as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON")
rescue PGError => e
@@ -118,6 +126,103 @@
puts "Uhh, there was no suggestion ID like that. Try again next time!"
+ end
+ puts "Hmm, so maybe this isn't a point? Maybe it's a way.... like a street or something? Is it a 'street' or a 'corner' or nothing?"
+ whatisit = ask("So what is it:", :string, :default => "corner")
+ if whatisit == "street"
+ begin
+ name = null_point_name.to_s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
+ pp "#{name} (ways)"
+ search_name = ask("Streets tend to have pretty bad quality data, What's the real name of the street?", :string, :default => name)
+ matching_ways = connosm.exec("Select avg(latitude), avg(longitude), name FROM (
+ SELECT * from current_way_nodes,(Select id as ctagid, v as name FROM current_way_tags WHERE k = 'name' AND v LIKE
+ '%#{search_name}%') as a where a.ctagid = as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON
+ GROUP BY name")
+ rescue PGError => e
+ puts "Error selecting matching ways from DB #{e}"
+ #conn.close() if conn
+ end
+ suggested_ways =
+ matching_ways.each do |matching_way_row|
+ #pp matching_way_row
+ # 0 = lat*100000
+ # 1 = lng*100000
+ # 2 = name
+ suggested_way = suggested_ways.fetch(matching_way_row[2], {'lat' => Float(matching_way_row[0])/10000000,
+ 'lng' => Float(matching_way_row[1])/10000000})
+ suggested_way['name'] = suggested_way['name']
+ suggested_ways[matching_way_row[2]] = suggested_way
+ end
+ pp suggested_ways
+ wayID = ask("Enter selected way ID:", :string)
+ if suggested_ways.has_key?(wayID)
+ way = suggested_ways.fetch(wayID)
+ guess = ask_if("Is this a guess?")
+ puts "Location #{way["lat"]},#{way["lng"]} for #{null_point_name}"
+ begin
+ res = connbus.exec("UPDATE timing_point SET lat = #{way["lat"]*10000000}, lng =
+ #{way["lng"]*10000000},guess = #{guess} WHERE name = '#{name}'")
+ puts "Put '#{null_point_name}' into DB"
+ rescue PGError => e
+ puts "Error inserting '#{null_point_name}' to DB #{e}"
+ ask_if("Continue?")
+ #conn.close() if conn
+ end
+ else
+ puts "Uhh, there was no suggestion ID like that. Try again next time!"
+ end
+ end
+ if whatisit == "corner"
+ # Where there's a "Cnr" or a \/ or a &, look for 2 ways and find the intersections
+ name = null_point_name.to_s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
+ search_name = ask("I need this to look like STREETNAME1/STREETNAME2, okay? Can you do that for me?", :string, :default => name)
+ search_pieces = search_name.split("/")
+ pp search_pieces
+ if search_pieces.length == 2
+ begin
+ matching_ways = connosm.exec("SELECT w.way_id, latitude, longitude, w.node_id from (Select as way_id, * from current_nodes inner join current_way_nodes on inner join current_ways on as w, (select node_id, count(node_id) from
+ (Select * FROM (SELECT * from current_way_nodes, (Select id as ctagid, v as name FROM current_way_tags WHERE k = 'name' AND v LIKE '%#{search_pieces[0]}%') as a where a.ctagid = ) as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON where sequence_id = 1 union Select * FROM ( SELECT * from current_way_nodes, (Select id as ctagid, v as name FROM current_way_tags WHERE k = 'name' AND v LIKE '%#{search_pieces[0]}%') as a where a.ctagid = ) as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON where sequence_id = (select max(sequence_id) from current_way_nodes cnodes where = union Select * FROM ( SELECT * from current_way_nodes, (Select id as ctagid, v as name FROM current_way_tags WHERE k = 'name' AND v LIKE '%#{search_pieces[1]}%') as a where a.ctagid = ) as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON where sequence_id = 1 union Select * FROM ( SELECT * from current_way_nodes, (Select id as ctagid, v as name FROM current_way_tags WHERE k = 'name' AND v LIKE '%#{search_pieces[1]}%') as a where a.ctagid = ) as ctags INNER JOIN current_nodes ON where sequence_id = (select max(sequence_id) from current_way_nodes cnodes where = ) as t GROUP BY node_id HAVING ( COUNT(node_id) > 1 ) ) as s where s.node_id = w.node_id")
+ rescue PGError => e
+ puts "Error selecting matching bus stops from DB #{e}"
+ #conn.close() if conn
+ end
+ suggested_ways =
+ matching_ways.each do |matching_way_row|
+ pp matching_way_row
+ # 0 = way_id
+ # 1 = lat*100000
+ # 2 = lng*100000
+ # 3 = node_id
+ suggested_way = suggested_ways.fetch(matching_way_row[3], {'lat' => Float(matching_way_row[1])/10000000,
+ 'lng' => Float(matching_way_row[2])/10000000})
+ suggested_way['way_id'] = " " + matching_way_row[0]
+ suggested_way['node_id'] = matching_way_row[3]
+ suggested_ways[matching_way_row[3]] = suggested_way
+ end
+ pp suggested_ways
+ wayID = ask("Enter selected way ID:", :string)
+ if suggested_ways.has_key?(wayID)
+ way = suggested_ways.fetch(wayID)
+ guess = ask_if("Is this a guess?")
+ puts "Location #{way["lat"]},#{way["lng"]} for #{null_point_name}"
+ begin
+ res = connbus.exec("UPDATE timing_point SET lat = #{way["lat"]*10000000}, lng =
+ #{way["lng"]*10000000},osm_node = #{wayID} ,guess = #{guess} WHERE name
+ = '#{name}'")
+ puts "Put '#{null_point_name}' into DB"
+ rescue PGError => e
+ puts "Error inserting '#{null_point_name}' to DB #{e}"
+ ask_if("Continue?")
+ #conn.close() if conn
+ end
+ else
+ puts "Uhh, there was no suggestion ID like that. Try again next time!"
+ end
+ end