Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

Former-commit-id: bbccb1832249b9cf4cc1e15556a2b7cafde596da

file:b/.gitignore (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@

--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
-[submodule "sag"]
-	path = sag
-	url =
 [submodule "couchdb/couchdb-lucene"]
 	path = couchdb/couchdb-lucene
 	url =
+[submodule "couchdb/settee"]
+	path = couchdb/settee
+	url =
+[submodule "lib/springy"]
+	path = lib/springy
+	url =
+[submodule "lib/php-diff"]
+	path = lib/php-diff
+	url =

file:b/about.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/about.php
@@ -1,1 +1,61 @@
+<div class="foundation-header">
+    <h1><a href="about.php">About/FAQ</a></h1>
+    <h4 class="subheader">Lorem ipsum.</h4>
+<h2> What is this? </h2>
+Disclosr is a project to monitor Australian Federal Government agencies 
+compliance with their <a href="">"proactive disclosure requirements"</a>.
+OGRE (Open Government Realization Evaluation) is a ranking of compliance with these requirements.
+Prometheus is the agent which polls agency websites to assess compliance.
+<h2> Open everything </h2>
+all documents released CC-BY 3 AU
+Open source git @
+<h2>Organisational Data Sources</h2>
+ defines departments
+Agencies can be found in the Schedule to an Appropriation Bill (budget), Schedule to FMA Regulations and/or Public Service Act.
+ summarises these. view-source: is great for the suspended/active status
+When defining the hierachy, this system is designed towards monitoring accountablity. Thus large agencies that have registered their own ABN 
+and have their own accountablity mechanisms/website receive a seperate record as a child of their department.
+Some small agencies will choose to simply rely on their parent department's accountablity measures.
+This flows through to organisation name and other/past names. A department that completely accounts for an agency will list that agency as an other child name.
+As agencies themselves shift between departments, there may be scope for providing time ranges but typically the newest hierarchy will be the one recorded.
+A department/agency name will be the newest active name assigned to that ABN.
+ABN information is derived from the ABR. This is the definitive umpire about which former name should be linked to which current name. 
+For example "Department of Transport and Regional Services" became "Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government" (same ABN)
+however it later split into "Department of Infrastructure and Transport" (same ABN) 
+and "Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government" (new ABN).
+Statistical information from
+and individual annual reports.
+Webpage Assessment
+Much due care has been put into correctly recording disclosure URLs. Typically the "About", "Corporate", "Publications" and "Sitemap" sections are checked at the very least. 
+Occasionally it is nessicary to use a site or Google search. In several rare cases, there is a secret "Disclosure" navigation menu you can find if you find one of the mandatory publishing obligations in that category (seriously).
+Some rules about leniency:
+    An empty FOI disclosure log counts, a page outlining what the FOI Act is does not.
+    A disclosure log in PDF or Word format counts :(
+    An empty File/Record list counts (although that's very minimalistic that you have no files, electronic or paper)
+    Only a current information publication scheme page counts, not a s.9 FOI Act page or an organisation chart.
+    If there isn't a page easily listing all current and past Annual Reports, the most current one (html, pdf) counts.
+    Consultancy contracts might not need it's own webpage (if in Annual Report), grants/appointments might not apply to all organisations but Legal Services Expenditure (and all other obligations) does need a webpage. 
+<h2>Open Government Scoring</h2>
++1 point for every true Has... attribute
+-1 point for every false Has... (ie. Has Not) attribute
+Don't like this? Make your own score, suggest a better scoring mechanism.

file:b/admin/cacfma.csv (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/cacfma.csv
@@ -1,1 +1,191 @@
+AAF Company,82?008?629?490
+Aboriginal Hostels Limited ,47?008?504?587
+Administrative Appeals Tribunal,90?680?970?626
+Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd,64?079?618?652
+Airservices Australia  ,59?698?720?886
+Albury-Wodonga Development Corporation  ,71?893?478?442
+Anindilyakwa Land Council ,45?175?406?445
+Army and Air Force Canteen Service ,69?289?134?420
+ASC Pty Ltd ,64?008?605?034
+Attorney-General's Department,92?661?124?436
+Australia Business Arts Foundation Ltd ,88?072?479?835
+Australia Council,38?392?626?187
+Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),62?921?558?838
+Australian Broadcasting Corporation,52?429?278?345
+Australian Bureau of Statistics,26?331?428?522
+Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR),34?864?955?427
+Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI),78?796?734?093
+Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care,97250687371
+Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA),55?386?169?386
+Australian Competition and Consumer Commission,94?410?483?623
+Australian Crime Commission,11?259?448?410
+"Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority ",54?735?928?084
+Australian Customs and Border Protection Service,66?015?286?036
+Australian Electoral Commission,21?133?285?851
+Australian Federal Police,17?864?931?143
+"Australian Film, Television and Radio School",19?892?732?021
+Australian Fisheries Management Authority,81?098?497?517
+Australian Government Solicitor,69?405?937?639
+Australian Hearing Services ,80?308?797?003
+Australian Human Rights Commission,47?996?232?602
+Australian Industry Development,55?085?059?559
+Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited,17?117?362?740
+Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies,62?020?533?641
+Australian Institute of Criminology,63257175248
+Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS),64?001?053?079
+Australian Institute of Health and Welfare  ,16?515?245?497
+Australian Institute of Marine Science,78?961?616?230
+Australian Law Reform Commission,88913413914
+Australian Learning and Teaching Council Limited ,30?109?826?628
+Australian Maritime Safety Authority,65?377?938?320
+Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund ,52?168?913?646
+Australian National Audit Office ,33?020?645?631
+Australian National Maritime Museum,35?023?590?988
+Australian National Preventive Health Agency (ANPHA),33?965?140?953
+Australian National University,52?234?063?906
+Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ,47?956?969?590
+Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM),13?059?525?039
+Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA),19?495?043?447
+Australian Postal Corporation,28?864?970?579
+Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA),79?635?582?658
+Australian Public Service Commission (APS Commission),99?470?863?260
+Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA),61?321?195?155
+Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited ,75?081?455?754
+Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation,74?807?136?872
+Australian Research Council,35?201?451?156
+Australian River Co. Limited,94?008?654?206
+Australian Secret Intelligence Service,49?667?785?014
+Australian Securities and Investments Commission,86?768?265?615
+Australian Security Intelligence Organisation,37?467?566?201
+Australian Skills Quality Authority (National Vocational Education and Training Regulator),72581678650
+Australian Solar Institute Limited ,65138300688
+Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA),91?592?527?503
+Australian Sports Commission,67374695240
+Australian Sports Foundation Limited ,27?008?613?858
+Australian Strategic Policy Institute Limited ,77?097?369?045
+Australian Taxation Office,51?824?753?556
+Australian Trade Commission (Austrade),11?764?698?227
+Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC),32?770?513?371
+Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB),86?267?354?017
+Australian War Memorial ,64?909?221?257
+Bundanon Trust,72?058?829?217
+Bureau of Meteorology,92?637?533?532
+Cancer Australia,21?075?951?918
+Central Land Council,71?979?619?393
+Civil Aviation Safety Authority,44?808?014?470
+Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation,12?039?670?644
+Comcare  ,41?640?788?304
+Commonwealth Grants Commission,64?703?642?210
+Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,41?687?119?230
+Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation ,48882817243
+Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC),41?574?479?010
+Cotton Research and Development Corporation,71?054?238?316
+CrimTrac Agency,17?193?904?699
+Defence Housing Australia,72?968?504?934
+"Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry ",24?113?085?695
+"Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy",51?491?646?726
+Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency,50?182?626?845
+"Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations",63?578?775?294
+"Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs",36?342?015?855
+Department of Finance and Deregulation,61?970?632?495
+Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,47?065?634?525
+Department of Health and Ageing,83?605?426?759
+Department of Human Services,90?794?605?008
+Department of Immigration and Citizenship,33?380?054?835
+Department of Infrastructure and Transport,86?267?354?017
+"Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research",74?599?608?295
+Department of Parliamentary Services,52?997?141?147
+"Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government",37?862?725?624
+"Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism",46?252?861?927
+"Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities",34?190?894?983
+Department of the House of Representatives,18?526?287?740
+Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,18?108?001?191
+Department of the Senate,23?991?641?527
+Department of the Treasury,92?802?414?793
+Department of Veterans' Affairs,23?964?290?824
+Director of National Parks ,13?051?694?963
+Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency,47?641?643?874
+Export Finance and Insurance Corporation,96?874?024?697
+Fair Work Australia (FWA),93?614?579?199
+Family Court of Australia,63?684?208?971
+Federal Court of Australia,49?110?847?399
+Federal Magistrates Court of Australia,60?265?617?271
+Fisheries Research and Development Corporation,74?311?094?913
+Food Standards Australia New Zealand,20?537?066?246
+Future Fund Management Agency,53?156?699?293
+General Practice Education and Training Limited,95?095?433?140
+Geoscience Australia,80?091?799?039
+Grains Research and Development Corporation ,55?611?223?291
+Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation,72?618?007?571
+Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority,12?949?356?885
+Health Workforce Australia,21?295?050?589
+HIH Claims Support Limited,92?096?857?635
+IIF Investments Pty Limited,55?082?153?884
+Indigenous Business Australia,25?192?932?833
+Indigenous Land Corporation,59?912?679?254
+Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia (ITSA),63?384?330?717
+Inspector-General of Taxation,51?248?702?319
+Interim Independent Hospital Pricing Authority,27598959960
+IP Australia,38?113?072?755
+Low Carbon Australia Limited,63?097?727?968
+Medibank Private Limited ,47?080?890?259
+Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal ,50?760?799?564
+Murray-Darling Basin Authority,13?679?821?382
+National Archives of Australia,36?889?228?992
+National Australia Day Council Limited ,76?050?300?626
+National Blood Authority,87?361?602?478
+National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre,85?094?118?902
+National Capital Authority,75?149?374?427
+National Competition Council ,56?552?760?098
+National Film and Sound Archive,41?251?017?588
+National Gallery of Australia,27?855?975?449
+National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC),88?601?010?284
+National Library of Australia ,28?346?858?075
+National Museum of Australia ,70?592?297?967
+National Native Title Tribunal,70?238?042?351
+National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (NOPSA),22?385?178?289
+National Water Commission ,94?364?176?431
+NBN Co Limited,86?136?533?741
+Northern Land Council,56?327?515?336
+Office of National Assessments,87?904?367?991
+Office of Parliamentary Counsel,41?425?630?817
+Office of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ,80?959?780?601
+Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB),92?702?019?575
+Office of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner,68?003?725?098
+Office of the Australian Information Commissioner ,85249230937
+Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman,53?003?678?148
+Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions,41?036?606?436
+Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman,71?141?751?477
+Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security,67?332?668?643
+Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General,67?582?329?284
+Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator,68?574?011?917
+Old Parliament House,30?620?774?963
+Organ and Tissue Authority (Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority),56?253?405?315
+Outback Stores Pty Ltd ,63120661234
+Private Health Insurance Administration Council ,50?831?782?014
+Private Health Insurance Ombudsman,61?673?137?709
+Productivity Commission,78?094?372?050
+Professional Services Review Scheme,45?307?308?260
+RAAF Welfare Recreational Company ,45?008?499?303
+Reserve Bank of Australia,50?008?559?486
+Royal Australian Air Force Veterans' Residences Trust Fund ,40?594?141?285
+Royal Australian Air Force Welfare Trust Fund ,24?616?803?717
+Royal Australian Mint,45?852?104?259
+Royal Australian Navy Central Canteens Board,50?616?294?781
+Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund ,49?934?525?476
+Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation,25?203?754?319
+Safe Work Australia,81?840?374?163
+Screen Australia ,46?741?353?180
+"Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority (Seacare Authority)",32?745?854?352
+Special Broadcasting Service Corporation,91?314?398?574
+Sugar Research and Development Corporation,41?343?997?980
+Sydney Harbour Federation Trust,14?178?614?905
+Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency,50658250012
+Tiwi Land Council,86?106?441?085
+Torres Strait Regional Authority,57?155?285?807
+Tourism Australia ,99?657?548?712
+Wheat Exports Australia,40?485?918?341
+Wine Australia Corporation ,59?728?300?326
+Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council,62?564?797?956

file:b/admin/import.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/import.php
@@ -1,1 +1,34 @@
+require_once '../include/';
+try {
+    $server->create_db('disclosr-agencies');
+} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+    setteErrorHandler($e);
+$db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
+$conn = new PDO("pgsql:dbname=contractDashboard;user=postgres;password=snmc;host=localhost");
+$namesQ = 'select agency.abn, string_agg("agencyName",\'|\') as names from agency inner join agency_nametoabn on agency.abn::text = agency_nametoabn.abn group by agency.abn;';
+$abntonames = Array();
+foreach ($conn->query($namesQ) as $row) {
+    $abntonames[$row['abn']] = explode("|", $row['names']);
+$result = $conn->query("select * from agency");
+while ($agency = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
+    $agency['_id'] = md5($agency['abn']);
+    $agency['otherNames'] = $abntonames[$agency['abn']];
+    if (sizeof($abntonames[$agency['abn']]) == 1)
+        $agency['name'] = $abntonames[$agency['abn']][0];
+    $agency["lastScraped"] = "1/1/1970";
+    $agency["scrapeDepth"] = 1;
+    try {
+        $doc = $db->save($agency);
+        //print_r($doc);
+        echo $agency['abn'] . " imported \n<br>";
+    } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+        setteErrorHandler($e);
+    }

--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/refreshDesignDoc.php
@@ -1,1 +1,7 @@
+require_once '../include/';
+$db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');

--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/resolveConflicts.php
@@ -1,1 +1,43 @@
+// Include the diff class
+echo '<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
+  @import url(../lib/php-diff/example/styles.css);
+    ';
+require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/php-diff/lib/Diff.php';
+// Generate a side by side diff
+require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/php-diff/lib/Diff/Renderer/Html/SideBySide.php';
+$renderer = new Diff_Renderer_Html_SideBySide;
+$db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
+$docs = Array();
+try {
+    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "getConflicts")->rows;
+    //print_r($rows);
+    foreach ($rows as $row) {
+        echo '<h2>' . $row->id . '</h2>';
+        echo "Comparing " . $row->value[0] . " and " . $row->value[1];
+        $docA = explode(",", json_encode($db->get($row->id . "?rev=" . $row->value[0])));
+        $docB = explode(",", json_encode($db->get($row->id . "?rev=" . $row->value[1])));
+        // Options for generating the diff
+        $options = array(
+                //'ignoreWhitespace' => true,
+                //'ignoreCase' => true,
+        );
+        // Initialize the diff class
+        $diff = new Diff($docA, $docB, $options);
+        echo $diff->Render($renderer);
+    }
+} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+    setteErrorHandler($e);

file:b/admin/verify.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/verify.php
@@ -1,1 +1,56 @@
+$db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
+$docs = Array();
+try {
+    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "byABN")->rows;
+    //print_r($rows);
+    foreach ($rows as $row) {
+        $docs["a" . $row->key] = $row->value;
+    }
+} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+    setteErrorHandler($e);
+$row = 1;
+if (($handle = fopen("cacfma.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
+    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
+        $row++;
+        echo $data[0] . "   " . str_replace("?", "", $data[1]) . "<br />\n";
+        $name = $data[0];
+        $abn = trim(str_replace("?", "", $data[1]));
+        $aabn = "a".$abn;
+        if (isset($docs[$aabn])) {
+            echo "Existing agency ABN detected<br>";
+            if (!in_array($name, object_to_array($docs[$aabn]->otherNames)) && $name != $docs[$aabn]->name) {
+                $docs[$aabn]->otherNames[] = $name;
+                try {
+                    $docs[$aabn] = $db->save($docs[$aabn]);
+                    //print_r($doc);
+                    echo $abn . " additional names imported \n<br>";
+                } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+                    setteErrorHandler($e);
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            echo "New agency ABN detected<br>";
+            $agency['_id'] = md5($aabn);
+            $agency['name'] = $name;
+            $agency["abn"] = $abn;
+            try {
+                $doc = $db->save($agency);
+                print_r($doc);
+                echo $abn . " imported \n<br>";
+            } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+                setteErrorHandler($e);
+            }
+        }
+        echo "<hr>";
+    }
+    fclose($handle);

file:a/agencies.csv (deleted)
--- a/agencies.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +1,1 @@
-Australian Institute of Family Studies,suspended,,64001053079,,"",,"","","","",""
-Australian National Audit Office (ANAO),active,,33020645631,,"",,"","","","",""
-CRS Australia,active,,65281415387,,"",,"","","","",""
-Australian Competition and Consumer Commission,active,,94410483623,,"",,,,"","",""
-Workplace Authority,suspended,,37243205024,,"",,"","","","",""
-Attorney-General's Department,active,,92661124436,,,,"","",,,""
-Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General,active,,67582329284,,"",,"","","","",""
-Federal Court of Australia,active,,49110847399,,"",,"","","","",""
-IP Australia,suspended,,38113072755,,"",,,,,"",""
-National Native Title Tribunal,active,,70238042351,,"",,"",,,"",""
-"Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations",active,,63578775294,,"",,"","","","",""
-Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA),active,,79635582658,,"",,,,,"",""
-Australian Crime Commission,active,,11259448410,,"",,"",,,"",""
-Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA),active,,61321195155,,"",,"",,,"",""
-"Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research",active,,74599608295,,"",,"",,,"",""
-Wheat Exports Australia,active,,40485918341,,"",,"","",,"",""
-Office of National Assessments,active,,87904367991,,"","","",,"","",""
-Old Parliament House,active,,30620774963,,"",,"","",,"",""
-Murray-Darling Basin Authority,active,,13679821382,,"","","","","","",""
-Administrative Appeals Tribunal,active,,90680970626,,"",,"",,,"",""
-Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd,active,,64079618652,"","",,"","","","",""
-Airservices Australia,suspended,,59698720886,"","","","","","","",""
-Australia Council for the Arts,suspended,,38392626187,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Antarctic Division,suspended,,56428630676,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Broadcasting Corporation,suspended,,52429278345,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Bureau of Statistics,active,,26331428522,!OpenDocument,"",,"",!OpenDocument,"",!OpenDocument,""
-Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research,active,,34864955427,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity,active,,78796734093,,"",",SubmissionsandSpeeches","",,,,""
-Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA),suspended,,55386169386,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Customs and Border Protection Service,active,,66015286036,,"",,"","",,"",""
-Australian Electoral Commission,suspended,,21133285851,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Fair Pay Commission,suspended,,14460763247,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Federal Police,active,,17864931143,,,,,,,"",""
-Australian Fisheries Management Authority,active,,81098497517,,"",,"",,,,""
-Australian Hearing Services,active,,83605426759,"","",,"","","",,""
-Australian Human Rights Commission,active,,47996232602,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Industrial Registry,suspended,,83674573738,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Institute of Criminology,active,,63257175248,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,active,,16515245497,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Institute of Marine Science,suspended,,78961616230,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Law Reform Commission,active,,88913413914,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Maritime Safety Authority,suspended,,65377938320,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian National Maritime Museum,suspended,,35023590988,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO),suspended,,47956969590,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Office of Financial Management,active,,13059525039,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority,active,,56253405315,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority,active,,19495043447,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Public Service Commission,active,,99470863260,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Research Council,suspended,,35201451156,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Reward Investment Alliance (ARIA),suspended,,48882817243,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Securities and Investments Commission,active,,86768265615,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Security Intelligence Organisation,active,,37467566201,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA),suspended,,91592527503,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Taxation Office,active,,51824753556,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC),active,,50008559486,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian Transport Safety Bureau,active,,65061156887,"","","","","","","",""
-Australian War Memorial,active,,64909221257,"","","","","","","",""
-Bureau of Meteorology,suspended,,92637533532,"","","","","","","",""
-Cancer Australia,active,,21075951918,"","","","","","","",""
-Civil Aviation Safety Authority,suspended,,44808014470,"","","","","","","",""
-Commonwealth Grants Commission,suspended,,86267354017,"","","","","","","",""
-Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee,active,,85005260622,"","","","","","","",""
-Defence Housing Australia,active,,72968504934,"","","","","","","",""
-Defence Materiel Organisati