[854] Better error handling for download failure and a fix for publisher hierarchy navigation
[ckanext-ga-report.git] / ckanext / ga_report / templates / ga_report / ga_util.html
Tom Rees [423] Handle many more graphing edge-cases.
Tom Rees [304] Don't show No Graph Loaded text on Publishe…
Tom Rees [304] Restyled sidebar
Tom Rees [304] Remove minornavigation elements from ga-rep…
Tom Rees [273] Change alignment of numeric values in table…
Tom Rees [172] Maintain current month when navigating arou…
Tom Rees [162] Rearranging ga_reports graphs per ticket fe…
Tom Rees #167 JS development of hashchange-dependant tabbi…
Tom Rees #167 Refactoring graph JS. Added mouseovers.
Tom Rees Remove January data from graphs. Allow pages to s…
Tom Rees Stacked graphs with sane server-side data wrangli…
Tom Rees Done integrating graphs onto site_usage/publisher…
Tom Rees Refactor graph code. Querying to build a Top Pack…
Tom Rees Refactoring and tidying Rickshaw code. Placeholde…
Tom Rees Feature #162: Added Rickshaw graphs to most panes…
Ross Jones Implements downloads counts (for dataset resource…
Ross Jones Minor tweak to naming
Ross Jones Adds the ability to fetch information on download…
Ross Jones Change the entry for the current month to include…
David Read Show top datasets cross-publisher. Drop-down for …
Ross Jones Changed the icons in the minor nav to simpler ico…
Ross Jones Adding new social network referral information
Ross Jones Changes related to presentation, and new tabs.
Ross Jones Moved minor nav into util file and implemented