Missed one when fixing 777 merge
[ckanext-ga-report.git] / ckanext / ga_report / templates / ga_report / site / index.html
Tom Rees [#777] Refactor to handle core template changes
Tom Rees [#469] Moved Modernizr.js in here. Only used in t…
Tom Rees [385] Use page_heading helper function consistent…
Tom Rees [423] Handle many more graphing edge-cases.
Tom Rees [304] No need to declare a content_class any long…
Tom Rees [304] Restyled sidebar
Tom Rees [304] Remove minornavigation elements from ga-rep…
Tom Rees [329] Rebase hashchange tab code on core plugin d…
Tom Rees [321] Added month selector. Colorising graphs in …
David Read [162] Force browers to refresh JS and CSS with re…
Tom Rees [273] Change alignment of numeric values in table…
Tom Rees [162] Rearranging ga_reports graphs per ticket fe…
Tom Rees #167 Reverted modifications to libraries. Wrote r…
Tom Rees #167 Fixing for /dataset and /publishers
Tom Rees #167 JS development of hashchange-dependant tabbi…
Tom Rees #167 Refactoring graph JS. Added mouseovers.
Tom Rees Stacked graphs with sane server-side data wrangli…
Tom Rees Refactoring and tidying Rickshaw code. Placeholde…
Tom Rees Feature #162: Added Rickshaw graphs to most panes…
Tom Rees Feature #162: Added sparkline graphs to the overv…
David Read Reverted previous change - I found a better way t…
David Read Add in <hr> to box titles, in line with DGU style…
Ross Jones Change the entry for the current month to include…
David Read Show top datasets cross-publisher. Drop-down for …
Ross Jones Rename of all time to all months
Ross Jones Adding new social network referral information
Ross Jones Changes related to presentation, and new tabs.
Ross Jones Moved minor nav into util file and implemented
Ross Jones Added a link to the publisher statistics
Ross Jones Trimming long float numbers
Ross Jones Template fix
Ross Jones Minor template tweaks
Ross Jones Reinstating a sidebar with related info.
Ross Jones Adding site analytics at /data/analytics
Ross Jones Fixing up setup.py and making sure routes exist f…