14 years agoAdd trip planner, fix weekend routes appearing on weekdays in network 10
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Add trip planner, fix weekend routes appearing on weekdays in network 10

14 years agoMore work on mobile UI, changed to network 10 start date
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More work on mobile UI, changed to network 10 start date

14 years agoAdd weekend Network 10
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Add weekend Network 10

14 years agoMore network 10 updates
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More network 10 updates

14 years agoInput and output data from Network 10
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Input and output data from Network 10

14 years agoTidy Network 09 output away
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Tidy Network 09 output away

14 years agoNetwork 10 changes
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Network 10 changes

14 years agoReverse geocoding of minor stops to street names
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Reverse geocoding of minor stops to street names

14 years agoBetween points integrated and estimated times
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Between points integrated and estimated times

14 years agoAdd between stops to feed YAML
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Add between stops to feed YAML

14 years agoMore between points work + mobile UI work:
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More between points work + mobile UI work:

14 years agoAdd initial between point adding prototype
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Add initial between point adding prototype

14 years agoFix up time display format
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Fix up time display format

14 years agorectify inline yaml sequence format
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rectify inline yaml sequence format

14 years agoSuper street corner locator!
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Super street corner locator!

14 years agoConvert to GeoRSS for nice popups
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Convert to GeoRSS for nice popups

14 years agoAdd geocoder for guessing
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Add geocoder for guessing

14 years agoAdd nearmap overlay
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Add nearmap overlay

14 years agoSuggest timepoints using OSM database of POIs
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Suggest timepoints using OSM database of POIs

14 years agoBegin to locate time points
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Begin to locate time points

14 years agoAdd some friendly name/duplicate subsitution rules
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Add some friendly name/duplicate subsitution rules

14 years agoInitial Commit
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Initial Commit