Add trip planner, fix weekend routes appearing on weekdays in network 10
Add trip planner, fix weekend routes appearing on weekdays in network 10

file:b/busui/about.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/about.php
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+Some icons by Joseph Wain /

--- a/busui/
+++ b/busui/
@@ -91,18 +91,124 @@
 $width = 300;
 $height = 300;
+$zoom = 0;
+$center = "";
+$markers = "";
     if (sizeof($mapPoints) < 1) return "";
-    if (sizeof($mapPoints) === 1) $center = "{$mapPoints[0][0]},{$mapPoints[0][1]}";
-    if (sizeof($mapPoints) > 1) $center = "{$mapPoints[0][0]},{$mapPoints[0][1]}"; //TODO average points
-    $markers = "";
-    foreach ($mapPoints as $index => $mapPoint) {
-        if (sizeof($mapPoints) === 1) {
+    if (sizeof($mapPoints) === 1) {
+         $zoom = 14;
             $markers .= $mapPoint[0].",".$mapPoint[1].",ol-marker";
-        } else {
+            $center = "{$mapPoints[0][0]},{$mapPoints[0][1]}";        
+    } else {
+        foreach ($mapPoints as $index => $mapPoint) {
             $markers .= $mapPoint[0].",".$mapPoint[1].",lightblue".($index+1);
+            if ($index+1 != sizeof($mapPoints)) $markers .= "|";
+            $totalLat += $mapPoint[0];
+            $totalLon += $mapPoint[1];
-    }
-    return '<img src="staticmaplite/staticmap.php?center='.$center.'&zoom=14&size='.$width.'x'.$height.'&maptype=mapnik&markers='.$markers.'" width=$width height=$height>';
+        $zoom = 11;
+       $center = $totalLat/sizeof($mapPoints).",".$totalLon/sizeof($mapPoints);
+    }
+    return '<img src="staticmaplite/staticmap.php?center='.$center.'&zoom='.$zoom.'&size='.$width.'x'.$height.'&maptype=mapnik&markers='.$markers.'" width='.$width.' height='.$height.'>';
+function decodePolylineToArray($encoded)
+// source:
+  $length = strlen($encoded);
+  $index = 0;
+  $points = array();
+  $lat = 0;
+  $lng = 0;
+  while ($index < $length)
+  {
+    // Temporary variable to hold each ASCII byte.
+    $b = 0;
+    // The encoded polyline consists of a latitude value followed by a
+    // longitude value.  They should always come in pairs.  Read the
+    // latitude value first.
+    $shift = 0;
+    $result = 0;
+    do
+    {
+      // The `ord(substr($encoded, $index++))` statement returns the ASCII
+      //  code for the character at $index.  Subtract 63 to get the original
+      // value. (63 was added to ensure proper ASCII characters are displayed
+      // in the encoded polyline string, which is `human` readable)
+      $b = ord(substr($encoded, $index++)) - 63;
+      // AND the bits of the byte with 0x1f to get the original 5-bit `chunk.
+      // Then left shift the bits by the required amount, which increases
+      // by 5 bits each time.
+      // OR the value into $results, which sums up the individual 5-bit chunks
+      // into the original value.  Since the 5-bit chunks were reversed in
+      // order during encoding, reading them in this way ensures proper
+      // summation.
+      $result |= ($b & 0x1f) << $shift;
+      $shift += 5;
+    }
+    // Continue while the read byte is >= 0x20 since the last `chunk`
+    // was not OR'd with 0x20 during the conversion process. (Signals the end)
+    while ($b >= 0x20);
+    // Check if negative, and convert. (All negative values have the last bit
+    // set)
+    $dlat = (($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1));
+    // Compute actual latitude since value is offset from previous value.
+    $lat += $dlat;
+    // The next values will correspond to the longitude for this point.
+    $shift = 0;
+    $result = 0;
+    do
+    {
+      $b = ord(substr($encoded, $index++)) - 63;
+      $result |= ($b & 0x1f) << $shift;
+      $shift += 5;
+    }
+    while ($b >= 0x20);
+    $dlng = (($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1));
+    $lng += $dlng;
+    // The actual latitude and longitude values were multiplied by
+    // 1e5 before encoding so that they could be converted to a 32-bit
+    // integer representation. (With a decimal accuracy of 5 places)
+    // Convert back to original values.
+    $points[] = array($lat * 1e-5, $lng * 1e-5);
+  }
+  return $points;
+function object2array($object) {
+    if (is_object($object)) {
+        foreach ($object as $key => $value) {
+            $array[$key] = $value;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        $array = $object;
+    }
+    return $array;
+function geocode($query, $giveOptions) {
+       $url = "".$query."&bbox=-35.5,149.00,-35.15,149.1930&return_location=true&bbox_only=true";
+      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+      if ($giveOptions) return $contents->features;
+      else return $contents->features[0]->centroid->coordinates[0].",".$contents->features[0]->centroid->coordinates[1];
+function reverseGeocode($lat,$lng) {
+      $url = "".$lat.",".$lng."&distance=closest&object_type=road";
+      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+      return $contents->features[0]->properties->name;

 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/01-refresh.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/02-redo.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/06-magnify.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/07-map-marker.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/101-gameplan.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/102-walk.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/103-map.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/113-navigation.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/121-landscape.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/13-target.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/139-flags.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/145-persondot.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/184-warning.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/193-location-arrow.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/28-star.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/53-house.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/55-network.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/57-download.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/58-bookmark.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/59-flag.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/60-signpost.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/73-radar.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/74-location.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/images/83-calendar.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue1.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue2.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue3.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue4.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue5.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-blue.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-gold.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-green.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/busui/staticmaplite/images/osm_logo.png differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/staticmaplite/index.html
@@ -1,1 +1,122 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+   "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="de-de" lang="de-de">
+	<!-- 
+		CSS based on template of Dandelion wiki engine by Radomir Dopieralski who released this
+		template under the terms of GNU GPL.
+	-->
+	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+	<title>staticMapLite</title>
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+  </head>
+	<div id="wrapper">
+	<div id="header">
+	</div>
+	<div id="content">
+		<div class="par-div">
+			<h2>
+				staticMapLite - simple map for your website
+			</h2>
+			<p>
+				<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=865x512&maptype=mapnik" width="865" height="512" /></p>
+			<p>
+				This image was created using the following simple &lt;img> tag:
+<pre>&lt;img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&amp;zoom=14&amp;size=865x512&amp;maptype=mapnik" /&gt;</pre>
+			</p>
+		</div>
+		<hr />
+		<div class="par-div">
+			<h3>
+				Place Markers
+			</h3>
+			<p>
+				<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=865x512&maptype=mapnik&markers=40.702147,-74.015794,lightblue1|40.711614,-74.012318,lightblue2|40.718217,-73.998284,lightblue3" width="865" height="512" />
+</p><p>				Add markers by appending them to the image URL:
+			</p>
+		</div>
+		<hr />
+		<div class="par-div">
+			<h3>
+				Use Different Map Styles (Tile Sources)
+			</h3>
+			<p>
+				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
+					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=mapnik" width="256" height="256" />
+					<pre>maptype=mapnik</pre>
+				</div>
+				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
+					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=osmarenderer" width="256" height="256" />
+					<pre>maptype=osmarenderer</pre>
+				</div>
+				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
+					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=cycle" width="256" height="256" />
+					<pre>maptype=cycle</pre>
+				</div>
+				<br style="clear:both" />
+			</p>
+		</div>
+	</div>
+	<div id="footer">
+		<div style="text-align:center;padding:7px;color:#ccc">
+			sponsored by <a href="">dFacts Network</a>
+		</div>
+	</div>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/busui/staticmaplite/staticmap.php
@@ -1,1 +1,273 @@
+ * staticMapLite 0.02
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009 Gerhard Koch
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * @author Gerhard Koch <gerhard.koch AT>
+ *
+ * USAGE: 
+ *
+ *  staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=512x512&maptype=mapnik&markers=40.702147,-74.015794,blues|40.711614,-74.012318,greeng|40.718217,-73.998284,redc
+ *
+ */ 
+Class staticMapLite {
+	protected $tileSize = 256;
+	protected $tileSrcUrl = array(	'mapnik' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
+									'osmarenderer' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
+									'cycle' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png'
+	);
+	protected $tileDefaultSrc = 'mapnik';
+	protected $markerBaseDir = 'images/markers';
+	protected $osmLogo = 'images/osm_logo.png';
+	protected $useTileCache = true;
+	protected $tileCacheBaseDir = 'cache/tiles';
+	protected $useMapCache = true;
+	protected $mapCacheBaseDir = 'cache/maps';
+	protected $mapCacheID = '';
+	protected $mapCacheFile = '';
+	protected $mapCacheExtension = 'png';
+	protected $zoom, $lat, $lon, $width, $height, $markers, $image, $maptype;
+	protected $centerX, $centerY, $offsetX, $offsetY;
+	public function __construct(){
+		$this->zoom = 0;
+		$this->lat = 0;
+		$this->lon = 0;
+		$this->width = 500;
+		$this->height = 350;
+		$this->markers = array();
+		$this->maptype = $this->tileDefaultSrc;
+	}
+	public function parseParams(){
+		global $_GET;
+		// get zoom from GET paramter
+		$this->zoom = $_GET['zoom']?intval($_GET['zoom']):0;
+		if($this->zoom>18)$this->zoom = 18;
+		// get lat and lon from GET paramter
+		list($this->lat,$this->lon) = split(',',$_GET['center']);
+		$this->lat = floatval($this->lat);
+		$this->lon = floatval($this->lon);
+		// get zoom from GET paramter
+		if($_GET['size']){
+			list($this->width, $this->height) = split('x',$_GET['size']);
+			$this->width = intval($this->width);
+			$this->height = intval($this->height);
+		}
+		if($_GET['markers']){
+			$markers = split('%7C|\|',$_GET['markers']);
+			foreach($markers as $marker){
+					list($markerLat, $markerLon, $markerImage) = split(',',$marker);
+					$markerLat = floatval($markerLat);
+					$markerLon = floatval($markerLon);
+					$markerImage = basename($markerImage);
+					$this->markers[] = array('lat'=>$markerLat, 'lon'=>$markerLon, 'image'=>$markerImage);
+			}
+		}
+		if($_GET['maptype']){
+			if(array_key_exists($_GET['maptype'],$this->tileSrcUrl)) $this->maptype = $_GET['maptype'];
+		}
+	}
+	public function lonToTile($long, $zoom){
+		return (($long + 180) / 360) * pow(2, $zoom);
+	}
+	public function latToTile($lat, $zoom){
+		return (1 - log(tan($lat * pi()/180) + 1 / cos($lat* pi()/180)) / pi()) /2 * pow(2, $zoom);
+	}
+	public function initCoords(){
+		$this->centerX = $this->lonToTile($this->lon, $this->zoom);
+		$this->centerY = $this->latToTile($this->lat, $this->zoom);
+		$this->offsetX = floor((floor($this->centerX)-$this->centerX)*$this->tileSize);
+		$this->offsetY = floor((floor($this->centerY)-$this->centerY)*$this->tileSize);
+	}
+	public function createBaseMap(){
+		$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
+		$startX = floor($this->centerX-($this->width/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$startY = floor($this->centerY-($this->height/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$endX = ceil($this->centerX+($this->width/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$endY = ceil($this->centerY+($this->height/$this->tileSize)/2);
+		$this->offsetX = -floor(($this->centerX-floor($this->centerX))*$this->tileSize);
+		$this->offsetY = -floor(($this->centerY-floor($this->centerY))*$this->tileSize);
+		$this->offsetX += floor($this->width/2);
+		$this->offsetY += floor($this->height/2);
+		$this->offsetX += floor($startX-floor($this->centerX))*$this->tileSize;
+		$this->offsetY += floor($startY-floor($this->centerY))*$this->tileSize;
+		for($x=$startX; $x<=$endX; $x++){
+			for($y=$startY; $y<=$endY; $y++){
+				$url = str_replace(array('{Z}','{X}','{Y}'),array($this->zoom, $x, $y), $this->tileSrcUrl[$this->maptype]);
+				$tileImage = imagecreatefromstring($this->fetchTile($url));
+				$destX = ($x-$startX)*$this->tileSize+$this->offsetX;
+				$destY = ($y-$startY)*$this->tileSize+$this->offsetY;
+				imagecopy($this->image, $tileImage, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, $this->tileSize, $this->tileSize);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public function placeMarkers(){
+		foreach($this->markers as $marker){
+			$markerLat = $marker['lat'];
+			$markerLon = $marker['lon'];
+			$markerImage = $marker['image'];
+			$markerIndex++;
+			$markerFilename = $markerImage?(file_exists($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerImage.".png")?$markerImage:'lightblue'.$markerIndex):'lightblue'.$markerIndex;
+			if(file_exists($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerFilename.".png")){
+				$markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerFilename.".png");
+			} else {
+				$markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir.'/lightblue1.png');				
+			}
+			$destX = floor(($this->width/2)-$this->tileSize*($this->centerX-$this->lonToTile($markerLon, $this->zoom)));
+			$destY = floor(($this->height/2)-$this->tileSize*($this->centerY-$this->latToTile($markerLat, $this->zoom)));
+			$destY = $destY - imagesy($markerImg);
+			imagecopy($this->image, $markerImg, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, imagesx($markerImg), imagesy($markerImg));
+	};
+	public function tileUrlToFilename($url){
+		return $this->tileCacheBaseDir."/".str_replace(array('http://'),'',$url);
+	}
+	public function checkTileCache($url){
+		$filename = $this->tileUrlToFilename($url);
+		if(file_exists($filename)){
+			return file_get_contents($filename);
+		}
+	}
+	public function checkMapCache(){
+		$this->mapCacheID = md5($this->serializeParams());
+		$filename = $this->mapCacheIDToFilename();
+		if(file_exists($filename)) return true;
+	}
+	public function serializeParams(){		
+		return join("&",array($this->zoom,$this->lat,$this->lon,$this->width,$this->height, serialize($this->markers),$this->maptype));
+	}
+	public function mapCacheIDToFilename(){
+		if(!$this->mapCacheFile){
+			$this->mapCacheFile = $this->mapCacheBaseDir."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,0,2)."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,2,2)."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,4);
+		}
+		return $this->mapCacheFile.".".$this->mapCacheExtension;
+	}
+	public function mkdir_recursive($pathname, $mode){
+		is_dir(dirname($pathname)) || $this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($pathname), $mode);
+		return is_dir($pathname) || @mkdir($pathname, $mode);
+	}
+	public function writeTileToCache($url, $data){
+		$filename = $this->tileUrlToFilename($url);
+		$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($filename),0777);
+		file_put_contents($filename, $data);
+	}
+	public function fetchTile($url){
+		if($this->useTileCache && ($cached = $this->checkTileCache($url))) return $cached;
+		$ch = curl_init(); 
+		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
+		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0");
+		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 
+		$tile = curl_exec($ch); 
+		curl_close($ch); 
+		if($this->useTileCache){
+			$this->writeTileToCache($url,$tile);
+		}
+		return $tile;
+	}
+	public function copyrightNotice(){
+			$logoImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->osmLogo);
+			imagecopy($this->image, $logoImg, imagesx($this->image)-imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($this->image)-imagesy($logoImg), 0, 0, imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($logoImg));
+	}
+	public function sendHeader(){
+		header('Content-Type: image/png');
+		$expires = 60*60*24*14;
+		header("Pragma: public");
+		header("Cache-Control: maxage=".$expires);
+		header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$expires) . ' GMT');
+	}
+	public function makeMap(){
+		$this->initCoords();		
+		$this->createBaseMap();
+		if(count($this->markers))$this->placeMarkers();
+		if($this->osmLogo) $this->copyrightNotice();
+	}
+	public function showMap(){
+		$this->parseParams();
+		if($this->useMapCache){
+			// use map cache, so check cache for map
+			if(!$this->checkMapCache()){
+				// map is not in cache, needs to be build
+				$this->makeMap();
+				$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($this->mapCacheIDToFilename()),0777);
+				imagepng($this->image,$this->mapCacheIDToFilename(),9);
+				$this->sendHeader();	
+				if(file_exists($this->mapCacheIDToFilename())){
+					return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename());
+				} else {
+					return imagepng($this->image);		
+				}
+			} else {
+				// map is in cache
+				$this->sendHeader();	
+				return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename());
+			}
+		} else {
+			// no cache, make map, send headers and deliver png
+			$this->makeMap();
+			$this->sendHeader();	
+			return imagepng($this->image);		
+		}
+	}
+$map = new staticMapLite();
+print $map->showMap();
