Fix typos in headboards/destination names
Fix typos in headboards/destination names

--- a/busui/
+++ b/busui/
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
     return true;
+function debug($msg) {
+    if (isDebug()) echo "<!-- $msg -->";
 function isFastDevice() {
     return true;
@@ -26,13 +29,55 @@
      width: 100%;
-	<script src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" 
- <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
+	<script src=""></script>
+        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
+    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
  <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" />
  <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="startup.png" />
- <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="apple-touch-icon.png" />
+ <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="apple-touch-icon.png" />';
+ if ($geolocate) {
+echo "<script>
+function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays)
+var exdate=new Date();
+document.cookie=c_name+ \"=\" +escape(value)+
+((expiredays==null) ? \"\" : \";expires=\"+exdate.toUTCString());
+function getCookie(c_name)
+if (document.cookie.length>0)
+  {
+  c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + \"=\");
+  if (c_start!=-1)
+    {
+    c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1;
+    c_end=document.cookie.indexOf(\";\",c_start);
+    if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length;
+    return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end));
+    }
+  }
+return \"\";
+function success(position) {
+function error(msg) {
+ console.log(msg);
+if (navigator.geolocation) {
+  navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error);
+</script> ";
+ }
+echo '</head> 
 if ($opendiv) echo '<div data-role="page"> 
@@ -48,6 +93,8 @@
     echo '</div>';
+$service_periods = Array ('sunday','saturday','weekday');
 function service_period()
 switch (date('w')){
@@ -59,6 +106,11 @@
 	return 'weekday';
+function remove_spaces($string)
+    return str_replace(' ','',$string);
 function midnight_seconds()

--- a/busui/index.php
+++ b/busui/index.php
@@ -1,30 +1,53 @@
+include_header("",false, true)
 <div data-role="page" data-theme="b" id="jqm-home" class="ui-page ui-body-b ui-page-active">
 	<div id="jqm-homeheader">
-	    	<center><h1 id="jqm-logo"><img src="apple-touch-icon.png" alt="jQuery Mobile Framework" width="64" height="64" />
+	    	<center><h1 id="jqm-logo"><img src="apple-touch-icon.png" alt="logo" width="64" height="64" /><br></h1></center>
-	<div data-role="content"> 
+	<div data-role="content">
+	    <a href="tripPlanner.php" data-role="button">Launch Trip Planner...</a>
             <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b">
-                <li data-role="list-divider">Stops</li>
-                <li><a href="stopList.php">All stops List</a></li>
-		<li class="nearby"><a href="stopList.php?nearby=yes">Nearby List</a></li>
-                <li><a href="stopList.php?favourites=yes">Favourites List</a></li>
+                <li data-role="list-divider">Timetables - Stops</li>
+                <li><a href="stopList.php">Major (Timing Point) Stops</a></li>
+		<li><a href="stopList.php">All Stops</a></li>
+		<li><a href="stopList.php?nearbyfavs=yes">Nearby/Favourite Stops</a></li>
 	    <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b">
-                <li data-role="list-divider">Routes</li>
-                <li><a href="routeList.php">All Routes List</a></li>
-		<li class="nearby"><a href="routeList.php?nearby=yes">Nearby List</a></li>
-                <li><a href="routeList.php?favourites=yes">Favourites List</a></li>
+                <li data-role="list-divider">Timetables - Routes</li>
+                <li><a href="routeList.php">Routes By Final Destination</a></li>
+		<li><a href="routeList.php?bynumber=yes">Routes By Number</a></li>
+		<li><a href="routeList.php?nearbyfavs=yes">Nearby/Favourites Routes</a></li>
-            <div class="ui-body ui-body-c info">
-		<p class="latlng"></p>
-		Time: <?php echo date("H:m"); ?> <br>
-		Service Period: <?php echo ucwords(service_period()); ?> 
+            <div class="ui-body ui-body-c">
+		<h3>Time/Place Settings</h3>
+		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
+	            <label for="geolocate"> Current Location: </label>
+			<input type="text" id="geolocate" name="geolocate"/> <a href="#" style="display:none" name="here" id="here"/>Here?</a>
+	        </div>
+    		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
+		        <label for="time"> Time: </label>
+		    	<input type="time" value="<?php echo date("H:m"); ?>"/> <a href="#" style="display:none" name="currentTime" id="currentTime"/>Current Time?</a>
+	        </div>
+		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
+		    <label for="service_period"> Service Period:  </label>
+			<select name="service_period">	
+			   <?php
+			   foreach ($service_periods as $service_period) {
+			    echo "<option value=\"$service_period\"".(service_period() === $service_period ? "SELECTED" : "").'>'.ucwords($service_period).'</option>';
+			   }?>
+			</select>
+			<a href="#" style="display:none" name="currentPeriod" id="currentPeriod"/>Current Period?</a>
+		</div>
+		<input type="submit" value="Update"/>
+	<script>
+$('#here').click(function(event) { $('#geolocate').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
+        </script>

--- a/busui/routeList.php
+++ b/busui/routeList.php
@@ -1,55 +1,90 @@
-/* data-filter="true">';
-echo "<script> $('#routeList').listnav({prefixes: ['to'] }); </script>";*/
+		<div data-role="navbar"> 
+			<ul> 
+				<li><a href="routeList.php">By Final Destination...</a></li> 
+				<li><a href="routeList.php?bynumber=yes">By Number... </a></li>
+				<!--<li><a href="routeList.php?bysuburb=yes">By Suburb... </a></li>-->
+			</ul>
+                </div>
+	';
 echo '  <ul data-role="listview">';
 $url = $APIurl."/json/routes";
+$contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
-$contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+function printRoutes($routes){
+	foreach($routes as $row) {
+				echo  '<li>'.$row[1].' <a href="trip.php?routeid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[2]." (".ucwords($row[3]).")</a></li>\n";
+			}
 if ($_REQUEST['bynumber']) {
 	$routeSeries = Array();
+	$seriesRange = Array();
 	foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
 		foreach (explode(" ",$row[1]) as $routeNumber ) {
 			$seriesNum = substr($routeNumber, 0, -1)."0";
 			if ($seriesNum == "0") $seriesNum = $routeNumber;
+			$finalDigit = substr($routeNumber, sizeof($routeNumber)-1, 1);
+			if (isset($seriesRange[$seriesNum])) {
+				if ($finalDigit < $seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'])
+					$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'] = $routeNumber;
+				if ($finalDigit > $seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'])
+					$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'] = $routeNumber;
+			} else {
+				$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'] = $routeNumber;
+				$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'] = $routeNumber;
+			}
 			$routeSeries[$seriesNum][$seriesNum."-".$row[1]."-".$row[0]]  = $row;
+	ksort($seriesRange);
+		echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to route numbers: ';
+		foreach ($seriesRange as $series => $range) 
+		{
+		  if ($range['min'] == $range['max']) echo "<a href=\"#$series\">$series</a>&nbsp;"; 
+		  else  echo "<a href=\"#$series\">{$range['min']}-{$range['max']}</a>&nbsp;"; 
+		}
+		echo "</div>
+			<script>
+		$('.noscriptnav').hide();
+			</script>";
 	foreach ($routeSeries as $series => $routes)
-		echo '<li>'.$series."... <ul>\n";
-			foreach($routes as $row) {
-				echo  '<li>'.$row[1].' <a href="route.php?routeid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[2]."</a></li>\n";
-			}
+		echo '<a name="'.$series.'"></a>';
+		if ($series <= 9) echo '<li>'.$series."<ul>\n";
+		else echo "<li>{$seriesRange[$series]['min']}-{$seriesRange[$series]['max']}<ul>\n";
+			printRoutes($routes);
 		echo "</ul></li>\n";
 } else {
 	foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
 	    $routeDestinations[$row[2]][]  = $row;
+	echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to Destination: ';
+		foreach(ksort($routeDestinations) as $destination => $routes) 
+		{ 
+		   echo "<a href=\"#$destination\">$destination</a>&nbsp;"; 
+		}
+		echo "</div>
+			<script>
+		$('.noscriptnav').hide();
+			</script>";
 	foreach ($routeDestinations as $destination => $routes)
+		echo '<a name="'.$destination.'"></a>';
 		echo '<li>'.$destination."... <ul>\n";
-			foreach($routes as $row) {
-				echo  '<li>'.$row[1].' <a href="trip.php?routeid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[2]."</a></li>\n";
-			}
+		printRoutes($routes);
 		echo "</ul></li>\n";
 echo "</ul>\n";
- <div data-role="footer" data-id="foo1" data-position="fixed"> 
-		<div data-role="navbar"> 
-			<ul> 
-				<li><a href="routeList.php" class="ui-btn-active">By Final Destination...</a></li> 
-				<li><a href="routeList.php?bynumber=yes">By Number... </a></li>
-				<li><a href="routeList.php?bysuburb=yes">By Suburb... </a></li> 
-			</ul> 
-	';

--- a/busui/
+++ b/busui/
@@ -256,7 +256,12 @@
     schedule = self.server.schedule
     result = []
     for r in schedule.GetRouteList():
-      result.append( (r.route_id, r.route_short_name, r.route_long_name) )
+      servicep = None
+      for t in schedule.GetTripList():
+        if t.route_id == r.route_id:
+          servicep = t.service_period
+          break
+      result.append( (r.route_id, r.route_short_name, r.route_long_name, servicep.service_id) )
     result.sort(key = lambda x: x[1:3])
     return result
@@ -273,8 +278,6 @@
     for t in schedule.GetTripList():
       if t.route_id == query:
         result.append ( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
-        """ UGH fails for 300s """
-    """return result"""
     return sorted(result, key=lambda trip: trip[0])
   def handle_json_GET_triprows(self, params):

--- a/busui/stop.php
+++ b/busui/stop.php
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 echo '  <ul data-role="listview" >';
 $url = $APIurl."/json/stoptrips?stop=".$_REQUEST['stopid']."&time=".midnight_seconds()."&service_period=".service_period();
 $trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
 foreach ($trips as $row)
 echo  '<li>';

--- a/busui/stopList.php
+++ b/busui/stopList.php
@@ -4,27 +4,41 @@
 		<div data-role="navbar"> 
-				<li><a href="stopList.php" class="ui-btn-active">Timing Points</a></li> 
+				<li><a href="stopList.php">Timing Points</a></li> 
 				<li><a href="stopList.php?allstops=yes">All Stops</a></li> 
-echo '  <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true">';
+        echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to letter: ';
+foreach(range('A','Z') as $letter) 
+   echo "<a href=\"#$letter\">$letter</a>&nbsp;"; 
+echo "</div>
+	<script>
+        </script>";
+echo '  <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-inset="true" >';
 $url = $APIurl."/json/timingpoints";
 if ($_REQUEST['allstops']) $url = $APIurl."/json/stops";
 if ($_REQUEST['lat'] && $_REQUEST['lon']) $url = $APIurl."/json/neareststops?lat={$_REQUEST['lat']}&lon={$_REQUEST['lon']}&limit=15";
 $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
 foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
     $stopName[$key]  = $row[1];
-// Sort the data with volume descending, edition ascending
-// Add $data as the last parameter, to sort by the common key
+// Sort the stops by name
 array_multisort($stopName, SORT_ASC, $contents);
+$firstletter = "";
 foreach ($contents as $row)
+    if (substr($row[1],0,1) != $firstletter){
+        echo "<a name=$firstletter></a>";
+        $firstletter = substr($row[1],0,1);
+    }
       echo  '<li><a href="stop.php?stopid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[1].'</a></li>';
 echo '</ul>';

--- a/busui/trip.php
+++ b/busui/trip.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 if ($_REQUEST['routeid']) {
     $url = $APIurl."/json/routetrips?route_id=".$_REQUEST['routeid'];
     $trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
 foreach ($trips as $trip)
             if ($trip[0] < midnight_seconds()) {
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
 $url = $APIurl."/json/triprows?trip=".$tripid;
 $trips = array_flatten(json_decode(getPage($url)));
 include_header("Stops on ". $trips[1]->route_short_name . ' '. $trips[1]->route_long_name);
 echo '  <ul data-role="listview" >';
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
 $url = $APIurl."/json/tripstoptimes?trip=".$tripid;
 $json = json_decode(getPage($url));
 $stops = $json[0];
 $times = $json[1];
 foreach ($stops as $key => $row)

--- a/busui/tripPlanner.php
+++ b/busui/tripPlanner.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-  include_header("Trip Planner");
+  include_header("Trip Planner", true, true);
   function tripPlanForm($errorMessage = "")
       $from = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? $_REQUEST['from'] : "Brigalow");
@@ -12,20 +12,29 @@
     <div data-role="fieldcontain">
         <label for="from">I would like to go from</label>
         <input type="text" name="from" id="from" value="' . $from . '"  />
+        <a href="#" style="display:none" name="fromHere" id="fromHere"/>Here?</a>
         <div data-role="fieldcontain">
         <label for="to"> to </label>
         <input type="text" name="to" id="to" value="' . $to . '"  />
+        <a href="#" style="display:none" name="toHere" id="toHere"/>Here?</a>
     <div data-role="fieldcontain">
         <label for="date"> on </label>
-        <input type="text" name="date" id="date" value="' . $date . '"  />
+        <input type="date" name="date" id="date" value="' . $date . '"  />
         <div data-role="fieldcontain">
         <label for="time"> at </label>
-        <input type="text" name="time" id="time" value="' . $time . '"  />
+        <input type="time" name="time" id="time" value="' . $time . '"  />
         <input type="submit" value="Go!"></form>';
+        echo "<script>
+$('#toHere').click(function(event) { $('#to').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
+$('#fromHere').click(function(event) { $('#from').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
+        </script>";
   function processItinerary($itineraryNumber, $itinerary)
@@ -94,6 +103,7 @@
           $page = curl_exec($ch);
           $tripplan = json_decode($page);
+          debug(print_r($triplan,true));
           echo "<h1> From: {$tripplan->plan->from->name} To: {$tripplan->plan->to->name} </h1>";
           echo "<h1> At: {$tripplan->plan->date} </h1>";

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/01-extracttimes.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/01-extracttimes.rb
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
 	timetable = {"between_stops" => [], "short_name" => short_name}
 	time_points = table.xpath('tr[1]//th').map do |tp|
 		if tp.content != "\302\240" && tp.content != "" && tp.content != "<br/>"
-			timing_point = tp.content.squeeze(" ").gsub("Bus Station"," Bus Station ").gsub(" Platform"," (Platform").gsub("  - "," - ").gsub("\n"," ").gsub("\r"," ").gsub("\t"," ").gsub("\\"," / ").gsub("/"," / ").gsub(","," ").gsub("\302\240","").squeeze(" ").strip
+			timing_point = tp.content.squeeze(" ").gsub("Shops"," ").gsub("Bus Station"," Bus Station ").gsub("Interchange"," Bus Station ").gsub(" Platform"," (Platform")
+			timing_point = timing_point.gsub("Machonochie","Maconochie").gsub("Hume"," ").gsub("Market Place","Marketplace").gsub("Terminus Fyshwick","Terminus")
+			timing_point = timing_point.gsub("  - "," - ").gsub("\n"," ").gsub("\r"," ").gsub("\t"," ").gsub("\\"," / ").gsub("/"," / ").gsub(","," ").gsub("\302\240","").squeeze(" ").strip
 			if (tp.content.match('Platform'))

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/02-tidytimepoints.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/02-tidytimepoints.rb
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
  "NarrabundahTerminus"=>"Narrabundah Terminus",
  "Railway StationKingston"=>"Railway Station Kingston",
  "Saint AndrewsVillage Hughes"=>"Saint Andrews Village Hughes",
- "Dickson ShopsAntill Street"=>"Dickson Shops",
+ "DicksonAntill Street"=>"Dickson",
  "Cohen St Bus Station (Platform 3)" => "Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)",
  "Cohen St Bus Station (Platform 6)" => "Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)",
  "Newcastle Streetafter Isa Street" => "Newcastle Street after Isa Street",
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
  "Flemington Road / Nullabor Ave"=>"Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave",
  "Flemington Road / Sandford St"=>"Flemington Rd / Sandford St",
  "Heagney Cres Clift Cres Richardson"=>  "Heagney / Clift Richardson",
- "Charnwood Shops (Tillyard Drive)"=> "Charnwood Shops",
- "charnwood Shops"=> "Charnwood Shops",
+ "Charnwood (Tillyard Drive)"=> "Charnwood",
+ "charnwood"=> "Charnwood",
  "Black Moutain- Telstra Tower"=>"Black Mountain Telstra Tower",
  "Bonython Primary"=> "Bonython Primary School",
  "Athllon Drive / Sulwood Dr Kambah"=>"Athllon / Sulwood Kambah",
@@ -61,31 +61,37 @@
  "Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume"=>"Alexander Maconochie Centre",
  "Anthony Rolfe Ave / Moonight Ave" =>"Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av",
  "Australian National Botanic Gardens"=>"Botanic Gardens",
- "Calwell shops"=> "Calwell Shops", 
+ "Calwell shops"=> "Calwell", 
  "Chuculba / William Slim Drive"=>"Chuculba / William Slim Dr",
  "Fyshwick direct Factory Outlet"=>"Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet",
  "Kaleen Village / Maibrynong"=>"Kaleen Village / Marybrynong",
  "Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave"=>"Kaleen Village / Marybrynong",
  "National Aquarium"=>"National Zoo and Aquarium",
- "chisholm Shops"=>"Chisholm Shops",
- "O'connor Shops"=>"O'Connor Shops",
- "Mckellar Shops"=>"McKellar Shops",
- "Melba shops"=> "Melba Shops",
+ "chisholm"=>"Chisholm",
+ "O'connor"=>"O'Connor",
+ "Mckellar"=>"McKellar",
  "William Web / Ginninderra Drive"=>"William Webb / Ginninderra Drive",
  "Procor / Mead"=>"Proctor / Mead",
  "Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet"=>"Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet",
- "Yarrulumla Shops"=>"Yarralumla Shops",
+ "Yarrulumla"=>"Yarralumla",
  "Tharwa Dr / Pocket Ave"=>"Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave",
  "Paul Coe / Mirrebei Dr"=>"Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr",
  "Mirrebei Drive / Dam Wall"=>"Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall",
  "Tharwa / Knoke" => "Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave",
- "Tharwa / Pocket" => "Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave",
+ "Tharwa / Pocket" => "Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave",
+ 'Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave' => "Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave",
  "Outrim / Duggan" => "Outtrim / Duggan",
  "ANU Burton and Garran Hall Daley Rd" => "Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road",
  "Farrer Primary"=>"Farrer Primary School",
  "St Thomas More Campbell"=>"St Thomas More's Campbell",
- "Lyneham Shops"=>"Lyneham Shops Wattle Street",
+ "Lyneham Wattle Street"=>"Lyneham / Wattle St",
+ "Dickson" => "Dickson / Antill St",
+ 'Dickson Antill Street' => 'Dickson / Antill St',
+ "Livingston / Kambah" => "Kambah / Livingston St",
+ 'Melba shops' => 'Melba',
+ 'St Clare of Assisi' => 'St Clare of Assisi Primary',
+ 'War Memorial Limestone Ave' => 'War Memorial / Limestone Ave'
 	time_point_corrections.each do |wrong, right|

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/03-locatetimepoints.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/03-locatetimepoints.rb
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
         $time_points = []
         $time_points_sources =[])
         Dir.glob("*.yml") { |file|
+	       pp file
                 timetable = YAML::load_file(file)
                 $time_points = $time_points | timetable["time_points"]
                 timetable["time_points"].each do |timepoint|

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@
   - { name: ACTEW AGL House,stop_code: ACTEW AGL House, lat: -35.282374, lng: 149.132047}
   - { name: ADFA,stop_code: ADFA, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
   - { name: Ainslie,stop_code: Ainslie, lat: -35.2620105, lng: 149.1443302}
-  - { name: Ainslie Shops,stop_code: Ainslie Shops, lat: -35.26198, lng: 149.14535}
   - { name: Alexander Maconochie Centre,stop_code: Alexander Maconochie Centre, lat: -35.3720651, lng: 149.1696618}
   - { name: Alpen & Clifford St,stop_code: Alpen & Clifford St, lat: -35.20562, lng: 149.06259}
   - { name: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av,stop_code: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, lat: -35.1856021, lng: 149.1543639}
   - { name: Aranda,stop_code: Aranda, lat: -35.257534, lng: 149.0762963}
-  - { name: Aranda Shops,stop_code: Aranda Shops, lat: -35.25753, lng: 149.0763}
   - { name: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah,stop_code: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, lat: -35.38442, lng: 149.09328}
   - { name: Australian Institute of Sport,stop_code: Australian Institute of Sport, lat: -35.246351, lng: 149.101478}
   - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station,stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station, lat: -35.23987, lng: 149.0619}
@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@
   - { name: Bugden Sternberg,stop_code: Bugden Sternberg, lat: -35.4017223, lng: 149.0992172}
   - { name: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road,stop_code: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, lat: -35.2753671, lng: 149.1172822}
   - { name: Calvary Hospital,stop_code: Calvary Hospital, lat: -35.25212, lng: 149.09088}
-  - { name: Calwell Shops,stop_code: Calwell Shops, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942}
+  - { name: Calwell,stop_code: Calwell, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942}
   - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station,stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
   - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
   - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2410108, lng: 149.0717142}
@@ -52,13 +50,10 @@
   - { name: Causeway,stop_code: Causeway, lat: -35.31615, lng: 149.15058}
   - { name: Centrelink Tuggeranong,stop_code: Centrelink Tuggeranong, lat: -35.4207496, lng: 149.0700973}
   - { name: Chapman,stop_code: Chapman, lat: -35.3557877, lng: 149.0408111}
-  - { name: Chapman Shops,stop_code: Chapman Shops, lat: -35.35579, lng: 149.04082}
   - { name: Charnwood,stop_code: Charnwood, lat: -35.2052138, lng: 149.0337266}
-  - { name: Charnwood Shops,stop_code: Charnwood Shops, lat: -35.20472, lng: 149.03336}
   - { name: Charnwood Tillyard Dr,stop_code: Charnwood Tillyard Dr, lat: -35.20295, lng: 149.04027}
   - { name: Chifley,stop_code: Chifley, lat: -35.350985, lng: 149.077319}
-  - { name: Chifley Shops,stop_code: Chifley Shops, lat: -35.35099, lng: 149.07732}
-  - { name: Chisholm Shops,stop_code: Chisholm Shops, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.12833}
+  - { name: Chisholm,stop_code: Chisholm, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.12833}
   - { name: Chuculba / William Slim Dr,stop_code: Chuculba / William Slim Dr, lat: -35.208931, lng: 149.088499}
   - { name: CIT Weston,stop_code: CIT Weston, lat: -35.330234, lng: 149.058632}
   - { name: City Bus Station,stop_code: City Bus Station, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
@@ -84,19 +79,14 @@
   - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2400028, lng: 149.060315}
   - { name: Conder Primary,stop_code: Conder Primary, lat: -35.4643475, lng: 149.0986908}
   - { name: Cook,stop_code: Cook, lat: -35.2596, lng: 149.0638}
-  - { name: Cook Shops,stop_code: Cook Shops, lat: -35.25898, lng: 149.06343}
   - { name: Cooleman Court,stop_code: Cooleman Court, lat: -35.34147, lng: 149.05338}
   - { name: Copland College,stop_code: Copland College, lat: -35.2127018, lng: 149.0596387}
   - { name: Curtin,stop_code: Curtin, lat: -35.3248779, lng: 149.081441}
-  - { name: Curtin Shops,stop_code: Curtin Shops, lat: -35.32515, lng: 149.08224}
   - { name: Deakin,stop_code: Deakin, lat: -35.3158608, lng: 149.1084563}
-  - { name: Deakin Shops,stop_code: Deakin Shops, lat: -35.31473, lng: 149.10771}
   - { name: Deamer / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Deamer / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4319597, lng: 149.1187876}
-  - { name: Dickson,stop_code: Dickson, lat: -35.2498434, lng: 149.1391218}
+  - { name: Dickson / Antill St,stop_code: Dickson / Antill St, lat: -35.2489, lng: 149.14012}
   - { name: Dickson College,stop_code: Dickson College, lat: -35.24923, lng: 149.15315}
-  - { name: Dickson Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336}
-  - { name: Dickson Shops,stop_code: Dickson Shops, lat: -35.25045, lng: 149.14044}
-  - { name: Dickson Shops/Antill St,stop_code: Dickson Shops/Antill St, lat: -35.2251335, lng: 149.1658895}
+  - { name: Dickson / Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson / Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336}
   - { name: Duffy,stop_code: Duffy, lat: -35.3366908, lng: 149.0324311}
   - { name: Duffy Primary,stop_code: Duffy Primary, lat: -35.334219, lng: 149.033656}
   - { name: Dunlop,stop_code: Dunlop, lat: -35.1942693, lng: 149.0206702}
@@ -104,59 +94,47 @@
   - { name: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash,stop_code: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, lat: -35.414616, lng: 149.07888}
   - { name: Erindale / Sternberg Cres,stop_code: Erindale / Sternberg Cres, lat: -35.4014472, lng: 149.0956545}
   - { name: Evatt,stop_code: Evatt, lat: -35.2091093, lng: 149.0735343}
-  - { name: Evatt Shops,stop_code: Evatt Shops, lat: -35.21203, lng: 149.06505}
   - { name: Eye Hospital,stop_code: Eye Hospital, lat: -35.3341884, lng: 149.1656213}
   - { name: Fairbairn Park,stop_code: Fairbairn Park, lat: -35.3001773, lng: 149.2041185}
   - { name: Farrer Primary School,stop_code: Farrer Primary School, lat: -35.37887, lng: 149.10641}
   - { name: Farrer Terminus,stop_code: Farrer Terminus, lat: -35.3771794, lng: 149.1046948}
   - { name: Federation Square,stop_code: Federation Square, lat: -35.1908726, lng: 149.0848153}
   - { name: Fisher,stop_code: Fisher, lat: -35.3605627, lng: 149.0576481}
-  - { name: Fisher Shops,stop_code: Fisher Shops, lat: -35.36056, lng: 149.05765}
   - { name: Flemington Rd,stop_code: Flemington Rd, lat: -35.20756, lng: 149.14778}
   - { name: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, lat: -35.2008585, lng: 149.1493407}
   - { name: Flemington Rd / Sandford St,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Sandford St, lat: -35.221231, lng: 149.144645}
-  - { name: Florey Shops,stop_code: Florey Shops, lat: -35.2258544, lng: 149.0546214}
+  - { name: Florey,stop_code: Florey, lat: -35.2258544, lng: 149.0546214}
   - { name: Flynn,stop_code: Flynn, lat: -35.2019283, lng: 149.0478356}
   - { name: Fraser,stop_code: Fraser, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
   - { name: Fraser East Terminus,stop_code: Fraser East Terminus, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
-  - { name: Fraser Shops,stop_code: Fraser Shops, lat: -35.18966, lng: 149.0435}
   - { name: Fraser West Terminus,stop_code: Fraser West Terminus, lat: -35.191513, lng: 149.038006}
   - { name: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet,stop_code: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796322}
   - { name: Fyshwick Terminus,stop_code: Fyshwick Terminus, lat: -35.3285202, lng: 149.1785592}
   - { name: Garran,stop_code: Garran, lat: -35.3423286, lng: 149.10811}
-  - { name: Garran Shops,stop_code: Garran Shops, lat: -35.34236, lng: 149.1082}
   - { name: Geoscience Australia,stop_code: Geoscience Australia, lat: -35.3429702, lng: 149.1583893}
   - { name: Giralang,stop_code: Giralang, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
-  - { name: Giralang Shops,stop_code: Giralang Shops, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
   - { name: Gordon Primary,stop_code: Gordon Primary, lat: -35.455517, lng: 149.086978}
   - { name: Gowrie,stop_code: Gowrie, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
-  - { name: Gowrie Shops,stop_code: Gowrie Shops, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
   - { name: Gungahlin Marketplace,stop_code: Gungahlin Marketplace, lat: -35.1769532, lng: 149.1319017}
   - { name: Gwydir Square Kaleen,stop_code: Gwydir Square Kaleen, lat: -35.2338677, lng: 149.1031998}
   - { name: Hackett,stop_code: Hackett, lat: -35.2481617, lng: 149.1626094}
-  - { name: Hackett Shops,stop_code: Hackett Shops, lat: -35.24825, lng: 149.16271}
   - { name: Hawker,stop_code: Hawker, lat: -35.2437386, lng: 149.0432804}
   - { name: Hawker College,stop_code: Hawker College, lat: -35.2454598, lng: 149.0324251}
-  - { name: Hawker Shops,stop_code: Hawker Shops, lat: -35.24398, lng: 149.04361}
   - { name: Heagney / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Heagney / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4251299, lng: 149.11375}
   - { name: Hibberson / Kate Crace,stop_code: Hibberson / Kate Crace, lat: -35.1861642, lng: 149.1391756}
   - { name: Higgins,stop_code: Higgins, lat: -35.2313901, lng: 149.0271811}
-  - { name: Higgins Shops,stop_code: Higgins Shops, lat: -35.23136, lng: 149.02611}
   - { name: Holder,stop_code: Holder, lat: -35.3378123, lng: 149.0449433}
-  - { name: Holder Shops,stop_code: Holder Shops, lat: -35.33781, lng: 149.04494}
   - { name: Holt,stop_code: Holt, lat: -35.223099, lng: 149.0126269}
-  - { name: Holt Shops,stop_code: Holt Shops, lat: -35.2231, lng: 149.01263}
   - { name: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave,stop_code: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, lat: -35.201095, lng: 149.139941}
   - { name: Hospice / Menindee Dr,stop_code: Hospice / Menindee Dr, lat: -35.303557, lng: 149.151627}
   - { name: Hughes,stop_code: Hughes, lat: -35.3339223, lng: 149.093854}
-  - { name: Hughes Shops,stop_code: Hughes Shops, lat: -35.3335, lng: 149.09392}
   - { name: Isaacs,stop_code: Isaacs, lat: -35.3669823, lng: 149.1119217}
-  - { name: Isaacs Shops,stop_code: Isaacs Shops, lat: -35.36698, lng: 149.11192}
-  - { name: Isabella Shops,stop_code: Isabella Shops, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837}
+  - { name: Isabella,stop_code: Isabella, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837}
   - { name: Jamison Centre,stop_code: Jamison Centre, lat: -35.2527268, lng: 149.0713712}
   - { name: John James Hospital,stop_code: John James Hospital, lat: -35.3200295, lng: 149.0955996}
   - { name: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong,stop_code: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, lat: -35.2274031, lng: 149.1075421}
   - { name: Kambah High,stop_code: Kambah High, lat: -35.3847749, lng: 149.0720245}
+  - { name: Kambah / Livingston St,stop_code: Kambah / Livingston St, lat: -35.3883359, lng: 149.0811471}
   - { name: Kambah Village,stop_code: Kambah Village, lat: -35.3800314, lng: 149.0576581}
   - { name: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, lat: -35.1680901, lng: 149.1321801}
   - { name: Kerrigan / Lhotsky,stop_code: Kerrigan / Lhotsky, lat: -35.193801, lng: 149.035689}
@@ -165,9 +143,9 @@
   - { name: Kippax,stop_code: Kippax, lat: -35.22225, lng: 149.0195627}
   - { name: Kippax Centre,stop_code: Kippax Centre, lat: -35.22172, lng: 149.01995}
   - { name: Kosciuszko / Everard,stop_code: Kosciuszko / Everard, lat: -35.188901, lng: 149.1216937}
-  - { name: Lanyon Market Place,stop_code: Lanyon Market Place, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199}
+  - { name: Lanyon Marketplace,stop_code: Lanyon Marketplace, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199}
+  - { name: Latham,stop_code: Latham, lat: -35.21848, lng: 149.03214}
   - { name: Latham Post Office,stop_code: Latham Post Office, lat: -35.21906, lng: 149.03223}
-  - { name: Latham Shops,stop_code: Latham Shops, lat: -35.21848, lng: 149.03214}
   - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station,stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station, lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
   - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2408973, lng: 149.0639887}
   - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2406038, lng: 149.0638922}
@@ -177,17 +155,13 @@
   - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
   - { name: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr,stop_code: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
   - { name: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick,stop_code: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, lat: -35.3296912, lng: 149.1668153}
-  - { name: Livingston Shops Kambah,stop_code: Livingston Shops Kambah, lat: -35.3883359, lng: 149.0811471}
-  - { name: Livingston Shops / Kambah,stop_code: Livingston Shops / Kambah, lat: -35.390246, lng: 149.07822}
   - { name: Lyneham,stop_code: Lyneham, lat: -35.2523304, lng: 149.1246184}
   - { name: Lyneham High,stop_code: Lyneham High, lat: -35.2524016, lng: 149.130254}
-  - { name: Lyneham Shops Wattle Street,stop_code: Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, lat: -35.25205, lng: 149.12524}
+  - { name: Lyneham / Wattle St,stop_code: Lyneham / Wattle St, lat: -35.25205, lng: 149.12524}
   - { name: Lyons,stop_code: Lyons, lat: -35.3415779, lng: 149.0765703}
-  - { name: Lyons Shops,stop_code: Lyons Shops, lat: -35.34019, lng: 149.0771}
   - { name: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor,stop_code: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, lat: -35.2587584, lng: 149.1153561}
   - { name: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave,stop_code: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, lat: -35.26051, lng: 149.13224}
   - { name: Macgregor,stop_code: Macgregor, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
-  - { name: Macgregor Shops,stop_code: Macgregor Shops, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
   - { name: MacKillop College Isabella Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Isabella Campus, lat: -35.42597, lng: 149.09172}
   - { name: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, lat: -35.4056, lng: 149.089774}
   - { name: Macquarie,stop_code: Macquarie, lat: -35.2483414, lng: 149.0600666}
@@ -196,9 +170,7 @@
   - { name: Manuka,stop_code: Manuka, lat: -35.3200096, lng: 149.1341344}
   - { name: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres,stop_code: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, lat: -35.3217, lng: 149.13445}
   - { name: McKellar,stop_code: McKellar, lat: -35.2174267, lng: 149.0742108}
-  - { name: McKellar Shops,stop_code: McKellar Shops, lat: -35.2182, lng: 149.07555}
   - { name: Melba,stop_code: Melba, lat: -35.2083104, lng: 149.0485366}
-  - { name: Melba Shops,stop_code: Melba Shops, lat: -35.21004, lng: 149.05302}
   - { name: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.45144, lng: 149.0919}
   - { name: Merici College,stop_code: Merici College, lat: -35.266525, lng: 149.137037}
   - { name: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall,stop_code: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, lat: -35.177453, lng: 149.124291}
@@ -219,32 +191,26 @@
   - { name: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St,stop_code: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, lat: -35.248287, lng: 149.134241}
   - { name: North Lyneham,stop_code: North Lyneham, lat: -35.2385618, lng: 149.1221188}
   - { name: O'Connor,stop_code: O'Connor, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
-  - { name: O'Connor Shops,stop_code: O'Connor Shops, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
   - { name: Olims Hotel,stop_code: Olims Hotel, lat: -35.27597, lng: 149.1428}
   - { name: Outtrim / Duggan,stop_code: Outtrim / Duggan, lat: -35.435871, lng: 149.097692}
-  - { name: Page Shops,stop_code: Page Shops, lat: -35.2360695, lng: 149.0536554}
+  - { name: Page,stop_code: Page, lat: -35.2360695, lng: 149.0536554}
   - { name: Parliament House,stop_code: Parliament House, lat: -35.3081571, lng: 149.1244592}
   - { name: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr,stop_code: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, lat: -35.17467, lng: 149.12005}
   - { name: Pearce,stop_code: Pearce, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
-  - { name: Pearce Shops,stop_code: Pearce Shops, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
   - { name: Police College Weston,stop_code: Police College Weston, lat: -35.33018, lng: 149.05458}
   - { name: Proctor / Mead,stop_code: Proctor / Mead, lat: -35.415305, lng: 149.127204}
   - { name: Railway Station Kingston,stop_code: Railway Station Kingston, lat: -35.319602, lng: 149.149083}
   - { name: Red Hill,stop_code: Red Hill, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
-  - { name: Red Hill Shops,stop_code: Red Hill Shops, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
   - { name: Rivett,stop_code: Rivett, lat: -35.3473758, lng: 149.0365438}
-  - { name: Rivett Shops,stop_code: Rivett Shops, lat: -35.34737, lng: 149.03654}
   - { name: Russell Offices,stop_code: Russell Offices, lat: -35.2973294, lng: 149.1508803}
   - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Sainsbury Street, lat: -35.3885, lng: 149.09643}
   - { name: Saint Andrews Village Hughes,stop_code: Saint Andrews Village Hughes, lat: -35.328097, lng: 149.088685}
-  - { name: Scullin Shops,stop_code: Scullin Shops, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056}
+  - { name: Scullin,stop_code: Scullin, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056}
   - { name: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave,stop_code: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, lat: -35.16823, lng: 149.12791}
   - { name: Southlands Mawson,stop_code: Southlands Mawson, lat: -35.3650685, lng: 149.0945962}
   - { name: Southwell Park,stop_code: Southwell Park, lat: -35.24573, lng: 149.1321}
   - { name: Spence,stop_code: Spence, lat: -35.194735, lng: 149.062352}
-  - { name: Spence Shops,stop_code: Spence Shops, lat: -35.19968, lng: 149.06763}
   - { name: Spence Terminus,stop_code: Spence Terminus, lat: -35.199684, lng: 149.0676196}
-  - { name: St Clare of Assisi,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi, lat: -35.46063, lng: 149.09627}
   - { name: St Clare of Assisi Primary,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi Primary, lat: -35.4606284, lng: 149.0962704}
   - { name: St Francis Xavier Florey,stop_code: St Francis Xavier Florey, lat: -35.223951, lng: 149.0406888}
   - { name: Stromlo High Waramanga,stop_code: Stromlo High Waramanga, lat: -35.3551186, lng: 149.0547624}
@@ -253,10 +219,10 @@
   - { name: Taverner St / Erindale Dr,stop_code: Taverner St / Erindale Dr, lat: -35.4059104, lng: 149.0809317}
   - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.458251, lng: 149.091652}
   - { name: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, lat: -35.47281, lng: 149.08926}
-  - { name: Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178}
   - { name: Theodore,stop_code: Theodore, lat: -35.4464808, lng: 149.1234651}
   - { name: Tillyard / Spalding,stop_code: Tillyard / Spalding, lat: -35.199204, lng: 149.044556}
-  - { name: Torrens Shops,stop_code: Torrens Shops, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327}
+  - { name: Torrens,stop_code: Torrens, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327}
   - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station,stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station, lat: -35.41465, lng: 149.06537}
   - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
   - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
@@ -266,12 +232,10 @@
   - { name: University of Canberra,stop_code: University of Canberra, lat: -35.2423222, lng: 149.0831522}
   - { name: Wanniassa High,stop_code: Wanniassa High, lat: -35.3952462, lng: 149.0852655}
   - { name: Waramanga,stop_code: Waramanga, lat: -35.3526825, lng: 149.0594712}
-  - { name: Waramanga Shops,stop_code: Waramanga Shops, lat: -35.35268, lng: 149.05948}
-  - { name: War Memorial Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085}
+  - { name: War Memorial / Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial / Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085}
   - { name: Watson,stop_code: Watson, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
-  - { name: Watson Shops,stop_code: Watson Shops, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
   - { name: Watson Terminus,stop_code: Watson Terminus, lat: -35.2374698, lng: 149.1534553}
-  - { name: Weetangera Shops,stop_code: Weetangera Shops, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342}
+  - { name: Weetangera,stop_code: Weetangera, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342}
   - { name: Westfield Bus Station,stop_code: Westfield Bus Station, lat: -35.23875, lng: 149.0638}
   - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23872, lng: 149.06387}
   - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23882, lng: 149.0637}
@@ -293,7 +257,7 @@
   - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
   - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
   - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
-  - { name: Yarralumla Shops,stop_code: Yarralumla Shops, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
+  - { name: Yarralumla,stop_code: Yarralumla, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
   - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1ceG, lat: -35.4375289, lng: 149.0757996}
   - { name: Tarlton Place,stop_code: Wjz1kvl, lat: -35.4366017, lng: 149.0890756}
   - { name: Don Dunstan Drive,stop_code: Wjz16U7, lat: -35.4302659, lng: 149.0722593}
@@ -1720,6 +1684,42 @@
   - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951}
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "43"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 621a, 629a, 638a, 643a, 648a, 650a, 654a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 640a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 707a, 709a, 713a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 655a, 700a, 708a, 717a, 722a, 727a, 729a, 733a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 720a, 728a, 739a, 744a, 752a, 754a, 758a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a, 815a, 819a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 840a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 832a, 843a, 848a, 856a, 858a, 902a], [823a, 825a, 829a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 901a, 906a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [843a, 845a, 849a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 921a, 926a, 933a, 935a, 939a], [903a, 905a, 909a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 954a, 958a], [1003a, 1005a, 1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1048a, 1050a, 1054a], [1103a, 1105a, 1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1148a, 1150a, 1154a], [1203p, 1205p, 1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1248p, 1250p, 1254p], [103p, 105p, 109p, 115p, 120p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 148p, 150p, 154p], [203p, 205p, 209p, 215p, 220p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 248p, 250p, 254p], [254p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 313p, 321p, 332p, 337p, 345p, 347p, 351p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 416p, 420p], [343p, 345p, 349p, 357p, 402p, 410p, 421p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 440p], [403p, 405p, 409p, 417p, 422p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [423p, 425p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 516p, 520p], [443p, 445p, 449p, 457p, 502p, 510p, 521p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 540p], [503p, 505p, 509p, 517p, 522p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 554p, 556p, 600p], [523p, 525p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 616p, 620p], [602p, 604p, 608p, 616p, 621p, 629p, 638p, 643p, 648p, 650p, 654p], [702p, 704p, 708p, 713p, 718p, 726p, 735p, 740p, 745p, 747p, 751p], [802p, 804p, 808p, 813p, 818p, 826p, 835p, 840p, 845p, 847p, 851p], [902p, 904p, 908p, 913p, 918p, 926p, 935p, 940p, 945p, 947p, 951p], [1002p, 1004p, 1008p, 1013p, 1018p, 1026p, 1035p, 1040p, 1045p, 1047p, 1051p], [1102p, 1104p, 1108p, 1113p, 1118p, 1126p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "951"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 739a, 747a, 755a, 806a, 816a, 818a, 823a], [800a, 806a, 814a, 821a, 828a, 837a, 845a, 853a, 904a, 914a, 916a, 921a], [900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p], [800p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 828p, 837p, 845p, 853p, 904p, 914p, 916p, 921p], [900p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 928p, 937p, 945p, 953p, 1004p, 1014p, 1016p, 1021p], [1000p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1028p, 1037p, 1045p, 1053p, 1104p, 1114p, 1116p, 1121p], [1100p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1128p, 1137p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "958"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+    short_name: "786"
+    stop_times: [[646a, 656a, 716a, 726a], [706a, 716a, 736a, 746a], [727a, 737a, 804a, 814a]]
+  -  
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Gungahlin Marketplace]
     long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
@@ -1728,16 +1728,6 @@
     short_name: "57"
     stop_times: [[655a, 701a, 703a, 709a, 717a, 720a, 724a], [725a, 731a, 733a, 739a, 747a, 750a, 754a], [755a, 802a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 821a, 825a], [825a, 832a, 834a, 840a, 848a, 851a, 855a], [855a, 902a, 904a, 910a, 918a, 921a, 925a], [957a, 1003a, 1005a, 1011a, 1019a, 1022a, 1026a], [1055a, 1101a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, 1120a, 1124a], [1155a, 1201p, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, 1220p, 1224p], [1255p, 101p, 103p, 109p, 117p, 120p, 124p], [155p, 201p, 203p, 209p, 217p, 220p, 224p], [255p, 301p, 303p, 310p, 318p, 321p, 325p], [355p, 402p, 404p, 411p, 419p, 422p, 426p], [425p, 432p, 434p, 441p, 449p, 452p, 456p], [455p, 502p, 504p, 511p, 519p, 522p, 526p], [525p, 532p, 534p, 541p, 549p, 552p, 556p], [555p, 602p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 620p, 624p], [625p, 631p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 649p, 653p], [655p, 701p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 719p, 723p]]
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood Shops, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 723a, 737a, 739a, 743a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 816a, 823a, 837a, 839a, 843a], [848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p], [747p, 749p, 753p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 834p, 836p, 840p], [847p, 849p, 853p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 934p, 936p, 940p], [947p, 949p, 953p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1034p, 1036p, 1040p], [1047p, 1049p, 1053p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1134p, 1136p, 1140p]]
-    short_name: "907"
-  -  
     time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
     between_stops: {}
@@ -1745,21 +1735,35 @@
     stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 834a, 837a, 846a], [924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p], [724p, 731p, 734p, 737p, 746p], [824p, 831p, 834p, 837p, 846p], [924p, 931p, 934p, 937p, 946p], [1024p, 1031p, 1034p, 1037p, 1046p]]
     short_name: "925"
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
     between_stops: {}
     short_name: "921"
     stop_times_sunday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p]]
-    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "988"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi Primary, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 19 319
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 705a, 711a, 716a, 725a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 747a, 754a, 803a, 810a], [700a, 702a, 706a, 726a, 743a, 801a, 808a, 815a, 824a, 831a], [730a, 732a, 736a, 758a, 815a, 833a, 840a, 847a, 856a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 901a, 908a, 915a, 924a, 930a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 930a, 936a, 941a, 950a, 956a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 928a, 945a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1021a, 1027a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 956a, 1013a, 1029a, 1035a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1026a, 1043a, 1059a, 1105a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1056a, 1113a, 1129a, 1135a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1126a, 1143a, 1159a, 1205p, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1156a, 1213p, 1229p, 1235p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1226p, 1243p, 1259p, 105p, 110p, 119p, 125p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1256p, 113p, 129p, 135p, 140p, 149p, 155p], [100p, 102p, 106p, 126p, 143p, 159p, 205p, 210p, 219p, 225p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 156p, 213p, 229p, 235p, 240p, 249p, 255p], [200p, 202p, 206p, 226p, 243p, 259p, 306p, 313p, 322p, 329p], [230p, 232p, 236p, 256p, 313p, 333p, 340p, 347p, 356p, 403p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 332p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 415p, 422p], [300p, 302p, 306p, 328p, 345p, 405p, 412p, 419p, 428p, 435p], [330p, 332p, 336p, 358p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 449p, 458p, 505p], [400p, 402p, 406p, 428p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 519p, 528p, 535p], [430p, 432p, 436p, 458p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 549p, 558p, 605p], [450p, 452p, 456p, 518p, 535p, 555p, 602p, 609p, 618p, 625p], [510p, 512p, 516p, 538p, 555p, 615p, 622p, 629p, 638p, 644p], [530p, 532p, 536p, 558p, 615p, 634p, 640p, 645p, 654p, 700p], [600p, 602p, 606p, 628p, 642p, 658p, 704p, 709p, 718p, 724p], [630p, 632p, 636p, 655p, 709p, 725p, 731p, 736p, 745p, 751p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818p, 824p, 829p, 838p, 844p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 918p, 924p, 929p, 938p, 944p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1018p, 1024p, 1029p, 1038p, 1044p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1118p, 1124p, 1129p, 1138p, 1144p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Copland College, Tillyard / Spalding, Charnwood, Kerrigan / Lhotsky, Charnwood, Tillyard / Spalding, Copland College, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "45"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 627a, 632a, 638a, 640a, 648a, 658a, 700a, 705a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 718a, 728a, 730a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 734a, 740a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 759a, 804a, 810a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 822a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 843a, 853a, 855a, 900a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 844a, 849a, 855a, 857a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [828a, 830a, 834a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 905a, 913a, 923a, 925a, 930a], [858a, 900a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 935a, 943a, 953a, 955a, 1000a], [921a, 923a, 927a, 935a, 943a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 958a, 1006a, 1016a, 1018a, 1023a], [1021a, 1023a, 1027a, 1035a, 1043a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1058a, 1106a, 1116a, 1118a, 1123a], [1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1143a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1158a, 1206p, 1216p, 1218p, 1223p], [1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1243p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 1258p, 106p, 116p, 118p, 123p], [121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 143p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 158p, 206p, 216p, 218p, 223p], [221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 243p, 245p, 250p, 256p, 258p, 306p, 316p, 318p, 323p], [258p, 300p, 304p, 312p, 320p, 322p, 327p, 333p, 335p, 343p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [328p, 330p, 334p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 405p, 413p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [358p, 400p, 404p, 412p, 420p, 422p, 427p, 433p, 435p, 443p, 453p, 455p, 500p], [428p, 430p, 434p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 505p, 513p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [458p, 500p, 504p, 512p, 520p, 522p, 527p, 533p, 535p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [528p, 530p, 534p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 605p, 613p, 623p, 625p, 630p], [558p, 600p, 604p, 612p, 620p, 622p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 643p, 652p, 654p, 659p], [621p, 623p, 627p, 634p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 655p, 657p, 705p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 733p, 741p, 743p, 748p, 754p, 756p, 804p, 813p, 815p, 820p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 833p, 841p, 843p, 848p, 854p, 856p, 904p, 913p, 915p, 920p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 933p, 941p, 943p, 948p, 954p, 956p, 1004p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1033p, 1041p, 1043p, 1048p, 1054p, 1056p, 1104p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], [1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1133p, 1141p, 1143p, 1148p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
     between_stops: {}
@@ -1793,7 +1797,7 @@
     short_name: "705"
     stop_times: [["-", 723a, 752a, 754a, 759a], ["-", 749a, 818a, 820a, 825a], ["-", 814a, 848a, 850a, 855a], [442p, 447p, 516p, 518p, 523p], [507p, 512p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [535p, 540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]
-    time_points: [Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+    time_points: [Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Garran, Hughes, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
     long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
       City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
@@ -1819,14 +1823,12 @@
     stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 839a, 852a], [924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p], [724p, 730p, 737p, 748p], [824p, 830p, 837p, 848p], [924p, 930p, 937p, 948p], [1024p, 1030p, 1037p, 1048p], [1124p, 1130p, 1137p, 1148p]]
     short_name: "962"
-    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Majura Business Park, Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, War Memorial Limestone Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda Shops, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Majura Business Park, Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, War Memorial / Limestone Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      ADFA-War Memorial Limestone Ave: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU]
       Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-      War Memorial Limestone Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
       Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
     short_name: "10"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 632a, 642a, 644a, 649a, 659a, 709a, 711a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 712a, 714a, 719a, 729a, 739a, 741a, 746a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 732a, 742a, 744a, 749a, 759a, 809a, 811a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 812a, 814a, 819a, 829a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a, 847a, 857a, 859a, 904a], ["-", "-", "-", 830a, 833a, 838a, 850a, 900a, 902a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 929a, 934a], ["-", "-", "-", 900a, 903a, 908a, 920a, 930a, 932a, 937a, 947a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], [918a, 928a, 933a, 940a, 943a, 948a, 1000a, 1010a, 1012a, 1017a, 1027a, 1037a, 1039a, 1044a], [948a, 958a, 1003a, 1010a, 1013a, 1018a, 1030a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a, 1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1114a], [1018a, 1028a, 1033a, 1040a, 1043a, 1048a, 1100a, 1110a, 1112a, 1117a, 1127a, 1137a, 1139a, 1144a], [1048a, 1058a, 1103a, 1110a, 1113a, 1118a, 1130a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a, 1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1214p], [1118a, 1128a, 1133a, 1140a, 1143a, 1148a, 1200p, 1210p, 1212p, 1217p, 1227p, 1237p, 1239p, 1244p], [1148a, 1158a, 1203p, 1210p, 1213p, 1218p, 1230p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p, 1257p, 107p, 109p, 114p], [1218p, 1228p, 1233p, 1240p, 1243p, 1248p, 100p, 110p, 112p, 117p, 127p, 137p, 139p, 144p], [1248p, 1258p, 103p, 110p, 113p, 118p, 130p, 140p, 142p, 147p, 157p, 207p, 209p, 214p], [118p, 128p, 133p, 140p, 143p, 148p, 200p, 210p, 212p, 217p, 227p, 237p, 239p, 244p], [148p, 158p, 203p, 210p, 213p, 218p, 230p, 240p, 242p, 247p, 257p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [218p, 228p, 233p, 240p, 243p, 248p, 300p, 310p, 313p, 318p, 328p, 338p, 340p, 345p], [248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 314p, 319p, 331p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 359p, 409p, 411p, 416p], [318p, 328p, 333p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 401p, 411p, 414p, 419p, 429p, 439p, 441p, 446p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 416p, 426p, 429p, 434p, 444p, 454p, 456p, 501p], [348p, 358p, 403p, 410p, 414p, 419p, 431p, 441p, 444p, 449p, 459p, 509p, 511p, 516p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 446p, 456p, 459p, 504p, 514p, 524p, 526p, 531p], ["-", "-", 431p, 441p, 445p, 450p, 502p, 512p, 515p, 520p, 530p, 537p, 539p, 544p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 516p, 526p, 529p, 534p, 544p, 554p, 556p, 601p], ["-", "-", 458p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p, 600p, 610p, 612p, 617p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 546p, 556p, 559p, 604p, 614p, 624p, 626p, 631p], ["-", "-", "-", 540p, 544p, 549p, 601p, 611p, 614p, 619p, 629p, 639p, 641p, 646p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 616p, 626p, 629p, 634p, 644p, 654p, 656p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", 611p, 615p, 620p, 632p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 711p, 716p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 736p, 746p, 748p, 753p, 803p, 813p, 815p, 820p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 836p, 846p, 848p, 853p, 903p, 913p, 915p, 920p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 936p, 946p, 948p, 953p, 1003p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1036p, 1046p, 1048p, 1053p, 1103p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1136p, 1146p, 1148p, 1153p, 1203a, 1213a, 1215a, 1220a]]
@@ -1838,36 +1840,19 @@
     short_name: "780"
     stop_times: [[405p, 421p, 440p], [435p, 451p, 510p]]
-    time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker Shops, Macquarie, Aranda Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Macquarie, Aranda, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
     long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
       City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
     short_name: "704"
     stop_times: [[738a, 744a, 749a, 754a, 803a, 812a, 825a, 833a, 840a], [753a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 818a, 827a, 840a, 848a, 855a]]
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "749"
-    stop_times: [[753a, 820a, 822a, 827a], [436p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [510p, 539p, 541p, 546p], [540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]
-  -  
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Proctor / Mead, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
     between_stops: {}
     short_name: "66"
     stop_times: [["-", 602a, 610a, 617a, 622a, 631a], [622a, 632a, 640a, 647a, 652a, 701a], [652a, 702a, 710a, 717a, 722a, 731a], [722a, 734a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 808a], [752a, 810a, 820a, 827a, 834a, 844a], [822a, 840a, 850a, 857a, 904a, 914a], [916a, 933a, 941a, 948a, 954a, 1003a], [1022a, 1036a, 1044a, 1051a, 1057a, 1106a], [1122a, 1136a, 1144a, 1151a, 1157a, 1206p], [1222p, 1236p, 1244p, 1251p, 1257p, 106p], [122p, 136p, 144p, 151p, 157p, 206p], [222p, 236p, 244p, 251p, 257p, 307p], [252p, 308p, 319p, 326p, 333p, 343p], [322p, 340p, 351p, 358p, 405p, 415p], [352p, 410p, 421p, 428p, 435p, 445p], [422p, 440p, 451p, 458p, 505p, 515p], [452p, 510p, 521p, 528p, 535p, 545p], [522p, 540p, 551p, 558p, 605p, 615p], [552p, 610p, 621p, 628p, 634p, 643p], [622p, 638p, 646p, 653p, 658p, 707p], [722p, 736p, 744p, 751p, 756p, 805p], [822p, 836p, 844p, 851p, 856p, 905p], [922p, 936p, 944p, 951p, 956p, 1005p], [1022p, 1036p, 1044p, 1051p, 1056p, 1105p], [1122p, 1136p, 1144p, 1151p, 1156p, "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Market Place]
-    long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-    between_stops: 
-      ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz33LB, Wjz34Gq, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kvl]
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "785"
-    stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]
     time_points: [Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Railway Station Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Gungahlin Marketplace]
     long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
@@ -1879,7 +1864,14 @@
     short_name: "200"
     stop_times: [[658a, 706a, 713a, 717a, 725a, 732a, 734a, 741a, 748a], [713a, 721a, 728a, 732a, 740a, 747a, 749a, 756a, 804a], [728a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 755a, 802a, 804a, 811a, 821a], [743a, 751a, 758a, 803a, 812a, 818a, 820a, 827a, 837a], [758a, 806a, 814a, 820a, 829a, 835a, 837a, 844a, 854a], [813a, 821a, 829a, 835a, 844a, 850a, 852a, 859a, 906a], [828a, 836a, 844a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a, 922a], [843a, 851a, 859a, 903a, 911a, 918a, 920a, 927a, 934a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 917a, 925a, 932a, 934a, 941a, 948a], [913a, 921a, 928a, 932a, 940a, 947a, 949a, 956a, 1003a], [928a, 936a, 943a, 947a, 955a, 1002a, 1004a, 1011a, 1018a], [943a, 951a, 958a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a, 1019a, 1026a, 1033a], [958a, 1006a, 1013a, 1017a, 1025a, 1032a, 1034a, 1041a, 1048a], [1013a, 1021a, 1028a, 1032a, 1040a, 1047a, 1049a, 1056a, 1103a], [1028a, 1036a, 1043a, 1047a, 1055a, 1102a, 1104a, 1111a, 1118a], [1043a, 1051a, 1058a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a, 1119a, 1126a, 1133a], [1058a, 1106a, 1113a, 1117a, 1125a, 1132a, 1134a, 1141a, 1148a], [1113a, 1121a, 1128a, 1132a, 1140a, 1147a, 1149a, 1156a, 1203p], [1128a, 1136a, 1143a, 1147a, 1155a, 1202p, 1204p, 1211p, 1218p], [1143a, 1151a, 1158a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p, 1219p, 1226p, 1233p], [1158a, 1206p, 1213p, 1217p, 1225p, 1232p, 1234p, 1241p, 1248p], [1213p, 1221p, 1228p, 1232p, 1240p, 1247p, 1249p, 1256p, 103p], [1228p, 1236p, 1243p, 1247p, 1255p, 102p, 104p, 111p, 118p], [1243p, 1251p, 1258p, 102p, 110p, 117p, 119p, 126p, 133p], [1258p, 106p, 113p, 117p, 125p, 132p, 134p, 141p, 148p], [113p, 121p, 128p, 132p, 140p, 147p, 149p, 156p, 203p], [128p, 136p, 143p, 147p, 155p, 202p, 204p, 211p, 218p], [143p, 151p, 158p, 202p, 210p, 217p, 219p, 226p, 233p], [158p, 206p, 213p, 217p, 225p, 232p, 234p, 241p, 248p], [213p, 221p, 228p, 232p, 240p, 247p, 249p, 256p, 303p], [228p, 236p, 243p, 247p, 255p, 302p, 304p, 311p, 318p], [243p, 251p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 317p, 319p, 326p, 333p], [258p, 306p, 313p, 317p, 325p, 332p, 334p, 341p, 348p], [313p, 321p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 349p, 356p, 404p], [328p, 336p, 343p, 347p, 355p, 401p, 404p, 411p, 421p], [343p, 351p, 358p, 403p, 415p, 420p, 423p, 430p, 440p], [358p, 408p, 416p, 422p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 449p, 459p], [413p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 449p, 454p, 457p, 504p, 514p], [428p, 438p, 446p, 452p, 504p, 509p, 512p, 519p, 529p], [443p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 519p, 524p, 527p, 534p, 544p], [458p, 508p, 516p, 522p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 549p, 559p], [513p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 557p, 604p, 611p], [528p, 538p, 546p, 552p, 603p, 610p, 612p, 619p, 626p], [543p, 553p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 636p], [558p, 606p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 632p, 634p, 641p, 648p], [613p, 621p, 628p, 632p, 640p, 647p, 649p, 656p, 703p], [628p, 636p, 643p, 647p, 655p, 701p, 703p, 709p, 716p], [643p, 651p, 658p, 702p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 722p, 729p]]
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell Shops, Chisholm Shops, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "981"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell, Chisholm, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
     long_name: To City West
       Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
@@ -1904,14 +1896,14 @@
     stop_times_saturday: [[0839a, 0847a, 0900a, 0905a, 0918a, 0920a, 0925a], [0939a, 0947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 0100p, 0105p, 0118p, 0120p, 0125p], [0139p, 0147p, 0200p, 0205p, 0218p, 0220p, 0225p], [0239p, 0247p, 0300p, 0305p, 0318p, 0320p, 0325p], [0339p, 0347p, 0400p, 0405p, 0418p, 0420p, 0425p], [0439p, 0447p, 0500p, 0505p, 0518p, 0520p, 0525p], [0539p, 0547p, 0600p, 0605p, 0618p, 0620p, 0625p], [0639p, 0647p, 0700p, 0705p, 0718p, 0720p, 0725p]]
     short_name: "952"
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
     between_stops: {}
     stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 825a, 830a, 839a, 846a, 855a], [1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p], [818p, 828p, 833p, 842p, 849p, 858p], [1018p, 1028p, 1033p, 1042p, 1049p, 1058p]]
     short_name: "912"
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Hawker Shops, Page Shops, Florey Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, Jamison Centre, Cook, Hawker, Page, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
@@ -1923,8 +1915,8 @@
     time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
     stop_times_saturday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
     short_name: "988"
@@ -1938,7 +1930,7 @@
     short_name: "958"
     stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p]]
-    time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, St Clare of Assisi, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, St Clare of Assisi Primary, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
@@ -1949,7 +1941,7 @@
     short_name: 19 319
     stop_times: [[556a, 602a, 608a, 614a, 625a, 643a, 659a, 719a, 721a, 726a], [622a, 628a, 634a, 640a, 651a, 709a, 725a, 746a, 748a, 753a], [646a, 652a, 658a, 704a, 715a, 733a, 751a, 812a, 814a, 819a], [706a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 735a, 754a, 812a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [723a, 729a, 735a, 743a, 755a, 814a, 832a, 853a, 855a, 900a], [735a, 742a, 752a, 800a, 810a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [742a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 834a, 852a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [802a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 835a, 854a, 912a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [822a, 829a, 835a, 843a, 855a, 914a, 932a, 952a, 954a, 959a], [853a, 900a, 906a, 914a, 926a, 944a, 1000a, 1020a, 1022a, 1027a], [926a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 956a, 1014a, 1030a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [957a, 1003a, 1009a, 1015a, 1026a, 1044a, 1100a, 1120a, 1122a, 1127a], [1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1045a, 1056a, 1114a, 1130a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1115a, 1126a, 1144a, 1200p, 1220p, 1222p, 1227p], [1127a, 1133a, 1139a, 1145a, 1156a, 1214p, 1230p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1215p, 1226p, 1244p, 100p, 120p, 122p, 127p], [1227p, 1233p, 1239p, 1245p, 1256p, 114p, 130p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [1257p, 103p, 109p, 115p, 126p, 144p, 200p, 220p, 222p, 227p], [127p, 133p, 139p, 145p, 156p, 214p, 230p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [157p, 203p, 209p, 215p, 226p, 244p, 300p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [226p, 232p, 238p, 244p, 255p, 314p, 332p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [253p, 259p, 305p, 313p, 325p, 344p, 402p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [320p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 355p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 359p, 409p, 417p, 427p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [424p, 431p, 441p, 449p, 459p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 501p, 511p, 519p, 529p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [524p, 531p, 541p, 549p, 559p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [556p, 603p, 613p, 621p, 631p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [654p, 700p, 710p, 716p, 725p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [754p, 800p, 810p, 816p, 825p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [849p, 855p, 905p, 911p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [949p, 955p, 1005p, 1011p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1049p, 1055p, 1105p, 1111p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
@@ -1970,11 +1962,12 @@
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), St Thomas More's Campbell, Russell Offices, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
     long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+      Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzcd8D, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcdsn, WjzcdDs, WjzceFT, WjzceHt]
       ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
     short_name: "9"
     stop_times: [[714a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 741a, 745a], [814a, 829a, 834a, 836a, 844a, 848a], [857a, 911a, 916a, 918a, 926a, 931a], [957a, 1011a, 1016a, 1018a, 1026a, 1029a], [1057a, 1111a, 1116a, 1118a, 1126a, 1129a], [1157a, 1211p, 1216p, 1218p, 1226p, 1229p], [1257p, 111p, 116p, 118p, 126p, 129p], [157p, 211p, 216p, 218p, 226p, 229p], [257p, 312p, 317p, 319p, 327p, 331p], [344p, 359p, 404p, 406p, 414p, 418p], [414p, 429p, 434p, 436p, 444p, 448p], [444p, 459p, 504p, 506p, 514p, 518p], [514p, 529p, 534p, 536p, 544p, 548p], [557p, 612p, 617p, 619p, 627p, 631p], [657p, 708p, 712p, 714p, 720p, 723p], [757p, 808p, 812p, 814p, 820p, 823p], [857p, 908p, 912p, 914p, 920p, 923p], [957p, 1008p, 1012p, 1014p, 1020p, 1023p], [1057p, 1108p, 1112p, 1114p, 1120p, 1123p]]
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins Shops, Kippax, Higgins Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
@@ -1984,7 +1977,7 @@
     stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 807a, 828a, 830a, 834a], [819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p], [718p, 720p, 724p, 744p, 755p, 805p, 825p, 827p, 831p], [818p, 820p, 824p, 844p, 855p, 905p, 925p, 927p, 931p], [918p, 920p, 924p, 944p, 955p, 1005p, 1025p, 1027p, 1031p], [1018p, 1020p, 1024p, 1044p, 1055p, 1105p, 1125p, 1127p, 1131p], [1118p, 1120p, 1124p, 1144p, 1155p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     short_name: "904"
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera Shops, Hawker Shops, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
     long_name: To Kippax
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
@@ -1992,7 +1985,7 @@
     short_name: "17"
     stop_times: [[706a, 708a, 712a, 716a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 737a], [806a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 838a], [840a, 842a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 912a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 905a, 908a, 913a, 918a, 926a], [922a, 924a, 928a, 932a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 951a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1021a], [1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1032a, 1035a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1105a, 1110a, 1115a, 1121a], [1122a, 1124a, 1128a, 1132a, 1135a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1205p, 1210p, 1215p, 1221p], [1222p, 1224p, 1228p, 1232p, 1235p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 105p, 110p, 115p, 121p], [122p, 124p, 128p, 132p, 135p, 140p, 145p, 151p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 205p, 210p, 215p, 221p], [222p, 224p, 228p, 232p, 235p, 240p, 245p, 251p], [249p, 251p, 255p, 259p, 302p, 307p, 313p, 321p], [324p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 338p, 343p, 349p, 357p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 412p, 418p, 426p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 431p, 437p, 445p], [432p, 434p, 438p, 443p, 446p, 451p, 457p, 505p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 511p, 517p, 525p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 531p, 537p, 545p], [532p, 534p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 551p, 557p, 605p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 606p, 611p, 617p, 625p], [612p, 614p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [644p, 646p, 650p, 654p, 657p, 702p, 707p, 713p], [737p, 739p, 743p, 747p, 750p, 755p, 800p, 806p], [837p, 839p, 843p, 847p, 850p, 855p, 900p, 906p], [937p, 939p, 943p, 947p, 950p, 955p, 1000p, 1006p], [1037p, 1039p, 1043p, 1047p, 1050p, 1055p, 1100p, 1106p], [1138p, 1140p, 1144p, 1148p, 1151p, 1156p, 1201a, 1207a]]
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder Shops, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
     long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
@@ -2004,6 +1997,7 @@
     time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, Russell Offices, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
+      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
       Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
     short_name: "9"
     stop_times: [["-", 655a, 701a, 703a, 708a, 720a], [720a, 723a, 729a, 731a, 736a, 751a], [752a, 756a, 804a, 806a, 811a, 826a], [822a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 841a, 856a], [852a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 911a, 926a], [934a, 937a, 945a, 947a, 952a, 1006a], [1034a, 1037a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a, 1106a], [1134a, 1137a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a, 1206p], [1234p, 1237p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p, 106p], [134p, 137p, 145p, 147p, 152p, 206p], [234p, 237p, 245p, 247p, 252p, 306p], [335p, 339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 409p], [352p, 356p, 404p, 406p, 411p, 426p], [422p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 441p, 456p], [452p, 456p, 504p, 506p, 511p, 526p], [522p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 541p, 556p], [552p, 556p, 604p, 606p, 611p, 626p], [628p, 632p, 638p, 640p, 645p, 656p], [728p, 731p, 737p, 739p, 744p, 755p], [828p, 831p, 837p, 839p, 844p, 855p], [928p, 931p, 937p, 939p, 944p, 955p], [1028p, 1031p, 1037p, 1039p, 1044p, 1055p]]
@@ -2015,16 +2009,7 @@
     short_name: "64"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", 651a, 655a, 702a], [706a, 714a, 721a, 725a, 733a], ["-", "-", 751a, 756a, 805a], [806a, 816a, 823a, 828a, 837a], [836a, 846a, 853a, 858a, 907a], [906a, 916a, 923a, 928a, 936a], [1006a, 1015a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a], [1106a, 1115a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a], [1206p, 1215p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p], [106p, 115p, 122p, 126p, 134p], [206p, 215p, 222p, 226p, 234p], [306p, 316p, 323p, 328p, 337p], [336p, 346p, 353p, 358p, 407p], [406p, 416p, 423p, 428p, 437p], [436p, 446p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [506p, 516p, 523p, 528p, 537p], [536p, 546p, 553p, 558p, 607p], [606p, 616p, 623p, 628p, 636p], [706p, 715p, 722p, 726p, 734p], [806p, 815p, 822p, 826p, 834p], [906p, 915p, 922p, 926p, 934p], [1006p, 1015p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p], [1106p, 1115p, 1122p, 1126p, 1134p]]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "951"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Duffy Primary, Holder Shops, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Duffy Primary, Holder, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
     long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
       City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
@@ -2041,7 +2026,7 @@
     short_name: 65 265
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 604a, 608a, 619a, 625a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 625a, 637a, 638a, 643a, 654a, 700a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 655a, 710a, 711a, 718a, 734a, 744a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 742a, 743a, 750a, 806a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 812a, 813a, 820a, 836a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 825a, 842a, 843a, 850a, 906a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 912a, 913a, 920a, 935a, 943a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 955a, 1009a, 1010a, 1015a, 1027a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1055a, 1109a, 1110a, 1115a, 1127a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1155a, 1209p, 1210p, 1215p, 1227p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1255p, 109p, 110p, 115p, 127p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 155p, 209p, 210p, 215p, 227p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 255p, 311p, 312p, 318p, 332p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 325p, 342p, 343p, 349p, 403p, 412p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 355p, 412p, 413p, 419p, 433p, 442p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 420p, 437p, 438p, 444p, 458p, 507p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 455p, 512p, 513p, 519p, 533p, 542p], [455p, 501p, 510p, 513p, 528p, 545p, 546p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [525p, 531p, 540p, 543p, 558p, 615p, 616p, 622p, 635p, 643p], [555p, 601p, 610p, 613p, 628p, 642p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 708p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654p, 708p, 709p, 714p, 726p, 734p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754p, 808p, 809p, 814p, 826p, 834p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854p, 908p, 909p, 914p, 926p, 934p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954p, 1008p, 1009p, 1014p, 1026p, 1034p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054p, 1108p, 1109p, 1114p, 1126p, 1134p]]
-    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Copland College, Spence Shops, Spence Terminus]
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Copland College, Spence, Spence Terminus]
     long_name: To Spence Terminus
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
@@ -2061,7 +2046,7 @@
     short_name: "59"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 648a, 703a, 709a, 718a, 734a, 736a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 710a, 713a, 728a, 734a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 730a, 733a, 748a, 754a, 803a, 820a, 822a, 827a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 813a, 819a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 848a, 905a, 907a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907a, 910a, 925a, 931a, 940a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007a, 1010a, 1025a, 1031a, 1040a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107a, 1110a, 1125a, 1131a, 1140a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1207p, 1210p, 1225p, 1231p, 1240p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 107p, 110p, 125p, 131p, 140p, 156p, 158p, 203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 207p, 210p, 225p, 231p, 240p, 256p, 258p, 303p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 325p, 331p, 340p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [328p, 334p, 336p, 344p, 347p, 350p, 405p, 411p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [337p, 343p, 345p, 353p, 356p, 359p, 414p, 420p, 430p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [351p, 357p, 359p, 408p, 413p, 416p, 431p, 437p, 447p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 427p, 432p, 435p, 450p, 456p, 506p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [423p, 430p, 432p, 441p, 446p, 449p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [437p, 444p, 446p, 455p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 524p, 534p, 551p, 553p, 558p], [453p, 500p, 502p, 511p, 516p, 519p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [507p, 514p, 516p, 525p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 554p, 604p, 620p, 622p, 627p], [524p, 531p, 533p, 542p, 547p, 550p, 605p, 611p, 620p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 602p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 629p, 638p, 654p, 656p, 701p], [557p, 603p, 605p, 612p, 615p, 618p, 633p, 639p, 648p, 704p, 706p, 711p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 707p, 710p, 725p, 731p, 740p, 756p, 758p, 803p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 810p, 825p, 831p, 840p, 856p, 858p, 903p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907p, 910p, 925p, 931p, 940p, 956p, 958p, 1003p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007p, 1010p, 1025p, 1031p, 1040p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107p, 1110p, 1125p, 1131p, 1140p, 1156p, 1158p, 1203a]]
-    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, Copland College, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt, Copland College, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
@@ -2072,7 +2057,7 @@
     short_name: 12 312
     stop_times: [[624a, 629a, 632a, 636a, 646a, 648a, 652a, "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 658a, 701a, 705a, 715a, 717a, 721a, 742a, 759a, 816a], [723a, 728a, 731a, 735a, 745a, 747a, 751a, 813a, 830a, 847a], [734a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 757a, 759a, 803a, 825a, 842a, 859a], [749a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 812a, 814a, 818a, 840a, 857a, 914a], [807a, 812a, 816a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 836a, 858a, 915a, 932a], [827a, 832a, 836a, 840a, 850a, 852a, 856a, 918a, 935a, 950a], [852a, 857a, 901a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 921a, 942a, 959a, 1014a], [922a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 945a, 947a, 951a, 1011a, 1028a, 1043a], [953a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1041a, 1058a, 1113a], [1023a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1111a, 1128a, 1143a], [1053a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1141a, 1158a, 1213p], [1123a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1211p, 1228p, 1243p], [1153a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1241p, 1258p, 113p], [1223p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 111p, 128p, 143p], [1253p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 141p, 158p, 213p], [123p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 211p, 228p, 243p], [153p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 241p, 258p, 316p], [223p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 312p, 329p, 348p], [253p, 258p, 301p, 305p, 315p, 317p, 321p, 343p, 400p, 419p], [322p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 413p, 430p, 449p], [342p, 347p, 351p, 355p, 405p, 407p, 411p, 433p, 450p, 509p], [412p, 417p, 421p, 425p, 435p, 437p, 441p, 503p, 520p, 539p], [432p, 437p, 441p, 445p, 455p, 457p, 501p, 523p, 540p, 559p], [457p, 502p, 506p, 510p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 548p, 605p, 624p], [522p, 527p, 531p, 535p, 545p, 547p, 551p, 613p, 630p, 645p], [552p, 557p, 601p, 605p, 615p, 617p, 621p, 641p, 655p, 710p], [622p, 627p, 631p, 635p, 645p, 647p, 651p, 710p, 724p, 739p], [711p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
@@ -2082,15 +2067,15 @@
     short_name: "934"
     stop_times_sunday: [[829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p]]
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm Shops, Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops]
-    long_name: To Calwell Shops
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "768"
-    stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "50"
+    stop_times: [[700p, 706p, 708p, 715p, 718p, 721p], [730p, 736p, 738p, 745p, 748p, 751p], [800p, 806p, 808p, 815p, 818p, 821p], [830p, 836p, 838p, 845p, 848p, 851p], [900p, 906p, 908p, 915p, 918p, 921p], [930p, 936p, 938p, 945p, 948p, 951p], [1000p, 1006p, 1008p, 1015p, 1018p, 1021p], [1030p, 1036p, 1038p, 1045p, 1048p, 1051p], [1100p, 1106p, 1108p, 1115p, 1118p, 1121p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
@@ -2100,7 +2085,7 @@
     short_name: "934"
     stop_times_sunday: [[813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p]]
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Livingston Shops / Kambah, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station, City Bus Station, City West]
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Kambah / Livingston St, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station, City Bus Station, City West]
     long_name: To City West
       City Bus Station-City West: []
@@ -2109,18 +2094,7 @@
     short_name: 61 161
     stop_times: [[630a, 641a, 646a, 651a, 658a, "-", "-"], [700a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 733a, "-", "-"], [726a, 739a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 819a, 822a], [740a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 813a, "-", "-"], [800a, 814a, 819a, 825a, 839a, "-", "-"], [837a, 851a, 856a, 901a, 910a, "-", "-"], [900a, 914a, 919a, 924a, 933a, "-", "-"], [930a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, "-", "-"], [1030a, 1043a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, "-", "-"], [1130a, 1143a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, "-", "-"], [1230p, 1243p, 1248p, 1253p, 101p, "-", "-"], [130p, 143p, 148p, 153p, 201p, "-", "-"], [230p, 243p, 248p, 253p, 301p, "-", "-"], [330p, 344p, 349p, 354p, 403p, "-", "-"], [400p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 433p, "-", "-"], [430p, 444p, 449p, 454p, 503p, "-", "-"], [500p, 514p, 519p, 524p, 533p, "-", "-"], [530p, 544p, 549p, 554p, 603p, "-", "-"], [600p, 614p, 619p, 624p, 633p, "-", "-"], [630p, 643p, 648p, 653p, 701p, "-", "-"], [730p, 743p, 748p, 753p, 801p, "-", "-"], [830p, 843p, 848p, 853p, 901p, "-", "-"], [930p, 943p, 948p, 953p, 1001p, "-", "-"], [1030p, 1043p, 1048p, 1053p, 1101p, "-", "-"], [1130p, 1143p, 1148p, 1153p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place]
-    long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
-    short_name: 19 319
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 705a, 711a, 716a, 725a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 747a, 754a, 803a, 810a], [700a, 702a, 706a, 726a, 743a, 801a, 808a, 815a, 824a, 831a], [730a, 732a, 736a, 758a, 815a, 833a, 840a, 847a, 856a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 901a, 908a, 915a, 924a, 930a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 930a, 936a, 941a, 950a, 956a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 928a, 945a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1021a, 1027a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 956a, 1013a, 1029a, 1035a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1026a, 1043a, 1059a, 1105a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1056a, 1113a, 1129a, 1135a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1126a, 1143a, 1159a, 1205p, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1156a, 1213p, 1229p, 1235p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1226p, 1243p, 1259p, 105p, 110p, 119p, 125p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1256p, 113p, 129p, 135p, 140p, 149p, 155p], [100p, 102p, 106p, 126p, 143p, 159p, 205p, 210p, 219p, 225p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 156p, 213p, 229p, 235p, 240p, 249p, 255p], [200p, 202p, 206p, 226p, 243p, 259p, 306p, 313p, 322p, 329p], [230p, 232p, 236p, 256p, 313p, 333p, 340p, 347p, 356p, 403p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 332p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 415p, 422p], [300p, 302p, 306p, 328p, 345p, 405p, 412p, 419p, 428p, 435p], [330p, 332p, 336p, 358p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 449p, 458p, 505p], [400p, 402p, 406p, 428p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 519p, 528p, 535p], [430p, 432p, 436p, 458p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 549p, 558p, 605p], [450p, 452p, 456p, 518p, 535p, 555p, 602p, 609p, 618p, 625p], [510p, 512p, 516p, 538p, 555p, 615p, 622p, 629p, 638p, 644p], [530p, 532p, 536p, 558p, 615p, 634p, 640p, 645p, 654p, 700p], [600p, 602p, 606p, 628p, 642p, 658p, 704p, 709p, 718p, 724p], [630p, 632p, 636p, 655p, 709p, 725p, 731p, 736p, 745p, 751p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818p, 824p, 829p, 838p, 844p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 918p, 924p, 929p, 938p, 944p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1018p, 1024p, 1029p, 1038p, 1044p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1118p, 1124p, 1129p, 1138p, 1144p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs Shops, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
     between_stops: {}
@@ -2134,7 +2108,7 @@
     short_name: "930"
     stop_times_sunday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p]]
-    time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser Shops, Charnwood Shops, Flynn, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood, Flynn, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
     long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
       Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
@@ -2143,7 +2117,7 @@
     short_name: "702"
     stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 709a, 714a, 727a, 730a, 745a, 754a, 802a], [735a, 740a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [754a, 759a, 806a, 811a, 828a, 833a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
-    time_points: [Kippax, Holt Shops, West Macgregor, Higgins Shops, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Kippax, Holt, West Macgregor, Higgins, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
@@ -2158,14 +2132,14 @@
     stop_times_saturday: [[851a, 902a, 910a, 917a], [951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p], [751p, 802p, 810p, 817p], [851p, 902p, 910p, 917p], [951p, 1002p, 1010p, 1017p], [1051p, 1102p, 1110p, 1117p]]
     short_name: "962"
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
     between_stops: {}
     short_name: "968"
     stop_times_sunday: [[1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p]]
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis]
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis]
     long_name: To Woodcock / Clare Dennis
       City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
@@ -2173,7 +2147,7 @@
     short_name: "788"
     stop_times: [[426p, 432p, 441p, 512p, 526p, 536p], [502p, 507p, 518p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [532p, 538p, 547p, 618p, 632p, 642p]]
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
@@ -2183,14 +2157,16 @@
     short_name: "905"
     stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 817a, 827a, 834a], [846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p], [746p, 753p, 757p, 801p, 814p, 823p, 830p], [846p, 853p, 857p, 901p, 914p, 923p, 930p], [946p, 953p, 957p, 1001p, 1014p, 1023p, 1030p], [1046p, 1053p, 1057p, 1101p, 1114p, 1123p, 1130p]]
-    short_name: "938"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Copland College, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
+    short_name: "952"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Copland College, Evatt, Spence Terminus]
     long_name: To Spence Terminus
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
@@ -2201,14 +2177,14 @@
     short_name: 12 312
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 746a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 807a, 811a, 819a, 823a, 828a, 835a], [726a, 745a, 803a, 824a, 826a, 830a, 838a, 842a, 847a, 854a], [826a, 845a, 903a, 924a, 926a, 930a, 937a, 941a, 945a, 952a], [901a, 920a, 937a, 957a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1014a, 1018a, 1025a], [931a, 949a, 1005a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1046a, 1053a], [1001a, 1019a, 1035a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1108a, 1112a, 1116a, 1123a], [1031a, 1049a, 1105a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1146a, 1153a], [1101a, 1119a, 1135a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1208p, 1212p, 1216p, 1223p], [1131a, 1149a, 1205p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1246p, 1253p], [1201p, 1219p, 1235p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 108p, 112p, 116p, 123p], [1231p, 1249p, 105p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 146p, 153p], [101p, 119p, 135p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 208p, 212p, 216p, 223p], [131p, 149p, 205p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 253p], [201p, 219p, 235p, 255p, 257p, 301p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 325p], [231p, 249p, 305p, 326p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 356p], [259p, 318p, 336p, 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 420p, 427p], [331p, 350p, 408p, 429p, 431p, 435p, 443p, 447p, 452p, 459p], [356p, 415p, 433p, 454p, 456p, 500p, 508p, 512p, 517p, 524p], [416p, 435p, 453p, 514p, 516p, 520p, 528p, 532p, 537p, 544p], [436p, 455p, 513p, 534p, 536p, 540p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 604p], [456p, 515p, 533p, 554p, 556p, 600p, 608p, 612p, 617p, 624p], [516p, 535p, 553p, 614p, 616p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 636p, 643p], [536p, 555p, 613p, 634p, 636p, 640p, 647p, 651p, 655p, 702p], [636p, 653p, 708p, 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 745p, 749p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 834p, 836p, 840p, 847p, 851p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 934p, 936p, 940p, 947p, 951p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1047p, 1051p, 1055p, 1102p], ["-", "-", "-", 1134p, 1136p, 1140p, 1147p, 1151p, 1155p, 1202a]]
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes, Garran, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]
     long_name: To Farrer Terminus
       City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
     short_name: "720"
     stop_times: [[440p, 446p, 504p, 510p, 523p, 529p], [510p, 516p, 534p, 540p, 553p, 559p], [540p, 546p, 604p, 610p, 623p, 629p]]
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Bugden Sternberg, Chisholm Shops, Calwell Shops, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Bugden Sternberg, Chisholm, Calwell, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
       Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
@@ -2228,14 +2204,6 @@
     short_name: "56"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 602a, 612a, 623a, 639a, 641a, 646a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 636a, 646a, 657a, 713a, 715a, 720a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 727a, 743a, 745a, 750a], [651a, 657a, 659a, 705a, 712a, 722a, 733a, 749a, 751a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 726a, 736a, 747a, 804a, 806a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 743a, 755a, 806a, 823a, 825a, 830a], [741a, 747a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 826a, 843a, 845a, 850a], [801a, 808a, 810a, 816a, 824a, 836a, 847a, 904a, 906a, 911a], [821a, 828a, 830a, 836a, 844a, 856a, 906a, 922a, 924a, 929a], [851a, 858a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 935a, 951a, 953a, 958a], [1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1018a, 1025a, 1037a, 1047a, 1103a, 1105a, 1110a], [1104a, 1110a, 1112a, 1118a, 1125a, 1137a, 1147a, 1203p, 1205p, 1210p], [1204p, 1210p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p, 1237p, 1247p, 103p, 105p, 110p], [104p, 110p, 112p, 118p, 125p, 137p, 147p, 203p, 205p, 210p], [204p, 210p, 212p, 218p, 225p, 237p, 247p, 303p, 305p, 310p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 318p, 326p, 338p, 349p, 406p, 408p, 413p], [358p, 405p, 407p, 414p, 422p, 434p, 445p, 502p, 504p, 509p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 445p, 456p, 513p, 515p, 520p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 445p, 453p, 505p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [449p, 456p, 458p, 505p, 513p, 525p, 536p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [510p, 517p, 519p, 526p, 534p, 546p, 557p, 613p, 615p, 620p], [530p, 537p, 539p, 546p, 554p, 605p, 615p, 631p, 633p, 638p], [550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 611p, 621p, 631p, 647p, 649p, 654p], [610p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [704p, 710p, 712p, 717p, 724p, 734p, 744p, 800p, 802p, 807p], [804p, 810p, 812p, 817p, 824p, 834p, 844p, 900p, 902p, 907p], [904p, 910p, 912p, 917p, 924p, 934p, 944p, 1000p, 1002p, 1007p], [1004p, 1010p, 1012p, 1017p, 1024p, 1034p, 1044p, 1100p, 1102p, 1107p], [1104p, 1110p, 1112p, 1117p, 1124p, 1134p, 1144p, 1200a, 1202a, 1207a]]
-    time_points: [Geoscience Australia, Narrabundah Terminus, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "4"
-    stop_times: [[712a, "-", 715a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 743a], [744a, "-", 747a, 756a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 819a], [817a, "-", 820a, 829a, 833a, 838a, 843a, 852a], [847a, "-", 850a, 859a, 903a, 908a, 913a, 922a], [917a, "-", 920a, 929a, 932a, 936a, 940a, 948a], [948a, "-", 951a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1009a, 1017a], [1018a, "-", 1021a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1039a, 1047a], [1048a, "-", 1051a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1109a, 1117a], [1118a, "-", 1121a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1139a, 1147a], [1148a, "-", 1151a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1209p, 1217p], [1218p, "-", 1221p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1239p, 1247p], [1248p, "-", 1251p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 109p, 117p], [118p, "-", 121p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 139p, 147p], [148p, "-", 151p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 209p, 217p], [218p, "-", 221p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 239p, 247p], [246p, "-", 249p, 256p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 318p], [314p, "-", 317p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 340p, 349p], [346p, "-", 349p, 358p, 402p, 407p, 412p, 421p], [417p, "-", 420p, 429p, 433p, 438p, 443p, 452p], [448p, "-", 451p, 500p, 504p, 509p, 514p, 523p], [518p, "-", 521p, 530p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 553p], [548p, "-", 551p, 600p, 604p, 609p, 614p, 623p], ["-", 617p, 620p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 640p, 648p], ["-", 650p, 653p, 658p, 701p, 705p, 709p, 717p], ["-", 743p, 746p, 751p, 754p, 758p, 802p, 810p], ["-", 843p, 846p, 851p, 854p, 858p, 902p, 910p], ["-", 943p, 946p, 951p, 954p, 958p, 1002p, 1010p], ["-", 1043p, 1046p, 1051p, 1054p, 1058p, 1102p, 1110p]]
-  -  
     time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
@@ -2250,28 +2218,42 @@
     short_name: "961"
     stop_times_sunday: [[931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p]]
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Chapman Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
     between_stops: {}
     short_name: "927"
     stop_times_sunday: [[855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p]]
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie Shops, Chisholm Shops, Gowrie Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
     between_stops: {}
     short_name: "966"
     stop_times_sunday: [[908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p]]
-    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor Shops, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "960"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    short_name: "964"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
     long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
       Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
     short_name: "703"
     stop_times: [[440p, 448p, 458p, 516p, 527p, 534p, 541p], ["-", "-", 515p, 533p, 544p, 551p, 558p], ["-", "-", 526p, 544p, 555p, 602p, 609p], [520p, 528p, 538p, 556p, 607p, 614p, 621p], [545p, 553p, 603p, 621p, 632p, 639p, 646p]]
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
     long_name: To Fairbairn Park
       Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
@@ -2289,10 +2271,10 @@
     stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 719a, 727a, 735a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 806a, 813a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 808a, 819a, 827a, 835a, 844a, 851a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 808p, 819p, 827p, 835p, 844p, 851p, 858p, 906p, 913p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 908p, 919p, 927p, 935p, 944p, 951p, 958p, 1006p, 1013p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1008p, 1019p, 1027p, 1035p, 1044p, 1051p, 1058p, 1106p, 1113p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1108p, 1119p, 1127p, 1135p, 1144p, 1151p, "-", "-", "-"]]
     short_name: "958"
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
     short_name: "937"
     stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p]]
@@ -2330,7 +2312,7 @@
     short_name: 65 265
     stop_times: [[535a, 541a, 552a, 557a, 611a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [635a, 641a, 652a, 657a, 711a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 700a, 712a, 721a, 737a, 752a, 756a, 805a, 808a], [720a, 726a, 734a, 743a, 801a, 815a, 819a, 829a, 832a], [730a, 739a, 756a, 805a, 822a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745a, 754a, 811a, 820a, 842a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [815a, 824a, 841a, 850a, 907a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 854a, 911a, 920a, 936a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 952a, 1005a, 1012a, 1027a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1052a, 1105a, 1112a, 1127a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1152a, 1205p, 1212p, 1227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1252p, 105p, 112p, 127p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 152p, 205p, 212p, 227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 252p, 305p, 312p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [315p, 324p, 337p, 344p, 403p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 354p, 407p, 414p, 433p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 429p, 442p, 449p, 508p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 454p, 507p, 514p, 533p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 524p, 537p, 544p, 603p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 554p, 607p, 614p, 633p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 624p, 636p, 641p, 657p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [641p, 647p, 659p, 704p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [741p, 747p, 759p, 804p, 820p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [841p, 847p, 859p, 904p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [941p, 947p, 959p, 1004p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1041p, 1047p, 1059p, 1104p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
@@ -2340,8 +2322,1346 @@
     short_name: "902"
     stop_times_sunday: [[851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 703p, 710p, 716p, 721p, 729p, 736p, 738p, 742p]]
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Geoscience Australia, Eye Hospital, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Causeway, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "80"
+    stop_times: [[547a, 602a, 611a, 616a, 625a, 632a, 634a, 638a, 642a, 650a], [606a, 621a, 630a, 635a, 644a, 651a, 653a, 657a, 701a, 709a], [633a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 711a, 718a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 738a], [701a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 741a, 749a, 753a, 800a, 804a, 815a], [731a, 747a, 756a, 803a, 814a, 822a, 826a, 833a, 837a, 848a], [801a, 817a, 826a, 833a, 844a, 852a, 856a, 903a, 907a, 918a], [834a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 917a, 925a, 929a, 933a, 937a, 945a], [909a, 924a, 934a, 939a, 948a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a], [940a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1018a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1035a, 1043a], [1040a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1118a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1135a, 1143a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1140a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1218p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1235p, 1243p], [1240p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 118p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 135p, 143p], [140p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 218p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 235p, 243p], [240p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 343p], [340p, 356p, 406p, 412p, 422p, 429p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 450p], [408p, 424p, 434p, 440p, 450p, 457p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 518p], [438p, 454p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 527p, 529p, 534p, 539p, 548p], [508p, 524p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 618p], [538p, 554p, 604p, 610p, 620p, 627p, 629p, 633p, 637p, 645p], [557p, 613p, 623p, 629p, 637p, 643p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 727p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 745p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 827p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 845p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 927p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 945p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1027p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1045p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "50"
+    stop_times: [[700p, 703p, 706p, 713p, 715p, 722p], [730p, 733p, 736p, 743p, 745p, 752p], [800p, 803p, 806p, 813p, 815p, 822p], [830p, 833p, 836p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [900p, 903p, 906p, 913p, 915p, 922p], [930p, 933p, 936p, 943p, 945p, 952p], [1000p, 1003p, 1006p, 1013p, 1015p, 1022p], [1030p, 1033p, 1036p, 1043p, 1045p, 1052p], [1100p, 1103p, 1106p, 1113p, 1115p, 1122p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Weetangera, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "17"
+    stop_times: [[601a, 606a, 612a, 617a, 620a, 625a, 627a, 631a], [631a, 636a, 642a, 647a, 650a, 655a, 657a, 701a], [701a, 706a, 712a, 717a, 720a, 725a, 727a, 731a], [721a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 740a, 746a, 748a, 752a], [741a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 801a, 807a, 809a, 813a], [801a, 807a, 813a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 829a, 833a], [821a, 827a, 833a, 838a, 841a, 847a, 849a, 853a], [841a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 901a, 907a, 909a, 913a], [925a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 950a, 952a, 956a], [956a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a], [1026a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a, 1052a, 1056a], [1056a, 1101a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a], [1126a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a, 1152a, 1156a], [1156a, 1201p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p], [1226p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p, 1252p, 1256p], [1256p, 101p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 120p, 122p, 126p], ["-", "-", 122p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 137p, 141p], [126p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 150p, 152p, 156p], [156p, 201p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 220p, 222p, 226p], [226p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 245p, 250p, 252p, 256p], ["-", "-", 252p, 257p, 300p, 306p, 308p, 312p], [256p, 301p, 307p, 312p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 327p], ["-", "-", 325p, 330p, 333p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [326p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 346p, 352p, 354p, 358p], [347p, 353p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 415p, 419p], ["-", "-", 403p, 408p, 411p, 417p, 419p, 423p], [417p, 423p, 429p, 434p, 437p, 443p, 445p, 449p], [447p, 453p, 459p, 504p, 507p, 513p, 515p, 519p], [517p, 523p, 529p, 534p, 537p, 543p, 545p, 549p], [547p, 553p, 559p, 604p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 619p], [617p, 623p, 629p, 634p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 647p], [719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 738p, 742p, 744p, 748p], [819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 838p, 842p, 844p, 848p], [919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 938p, 942p, 944p, 948p], [1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1038p, 1042p, 1044p, 1048p], [1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, 1138p, 1142p, 1144p, 1148p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "5"
+    stop_times: [[630a, 638a, 642a, 646a, 649a, 701a, 711a, 719a], [650a, 658a, 702a, 706a, 709a, 721a, 731a, 739a], [710a, 718a, 722a, 726a, 729a, 741a, 752a, 800a], [728a, 736a, 740a, 744a, 747a, 800a, 812a, 820a], [741a, 750a, 755a, 800a, 803a, 816a, 828a, 836a], [756a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 818a, 831a, 843a, 851a], [811a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 833a, 846a, 858a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 842a, 847a, 850a, 903a, 913a, 921a], [846a, 855a, 900a, 904a, 907a, 919a, 929a, 937a], [919a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 938a, 950a, 1000a, 1008a], [947a, 955a, 959a, 1003a, 1006a, 1018a, 1028a, 1036a], [1017a, 1025a, 1029a, 1033a, 1036a, 1048a, 1058a, 1106a], [1047a, 1055a, 1059a, 1103a, 1106a, 1118a, 1128a, 1136a], [1117a, 1125a, 1129a, 1133a, 1136a, 1148a, 1158a, 1206p], [1147a, 1155a, 1159a, 1203p, 1206p, 1218p, 1228p, 1236p], [1217p, 1225p, 1229p, 1233p, 1236p, 1248p, 1258p, 106p], [1247p, 1255p, 1259p, 103p, 106p, 118p, 128p, 136p], [117p, 125p, 129p, 133p, 136p, 148p, 158p, 206p], [147p, 155p, 159p, 203p, 206p, 218p, 228p, 236p], [217p, 225p, 229p, 233p, 236p, 248p, 258p, 306p], [247p, 255p, 259p, 303p, 306p, 318p, 328p, 336p], [317p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 336p, 348p, 358p, 411p], [347p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 420p, 432p, 440p], [417p, 426p, 431p, 436p, 439p, 452p, 504p, 512p], [444p, 453p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 519p, 531p, 539p], [524p, 533p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 559p, 608p, 616p], [554p, 603p, 607p, 611p, 614p, 626p, 635p, 643p], [635p, 643p, 647p, 651p, 654p, 706p, 715p, 723p], [706p, 714p, 718p, 722p, 725p, 737p, 746p, 754p], [735p, 743p, 747p, 751p, 754p, 806p, 815p, 823p], [835p, 843p, 847p, 851p, 854p, 906p, 915p, 923p], [930p, 938p, 942p, 946p, 949p, 1001p, 1010p, 1018p], [1030p, 1038p, 1042p, 1046p, 1049p, 1101p, 1110p, 1118p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "914"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Causeway, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Eye Hospital, Geoscience Australia, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "80"
+    stop_times: [[550a, 558a, 602a, 606a, 609a, 617a, 626a, 631a, 640a, 656a], [617a, 625a, 629a, 633a, 636a, 644a, 653a, 658a, 707a, 723a], [648a, 656a, 700a, 704a, 707a, 715a, 724a, 729a, 737a, 753a], [719a, 727a, 731a, 738a, 741a, 750a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 834a], [751a, 800a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 822a, 836a, 842a, 850a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 859a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 945a], [859a, 907a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 1010a], [928a, 936a, 940a, 944a, 947a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1017a, 1035a], [1028a, 1036a, 1040a, 1044a, 1047a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1117a, 1135a], [1128a, 1136a, 1140a, 1144a, 1147a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1217p, 1235p], [1228p, 1236p, 1240p, 1244p, 1247p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 117p, 135p], [128p, 136p, 140p, 144p, 147p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 217p, 235p], [228p, 236p, 240p, 244p, 247p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 334p], [330p, 339p, 344p, 349p, 352p, 400p, 410p, 416p, 426p, 444p], [400p, 409p, 414p, 419p, 422p, 430p, 440p, 446p, 456p, 514p], [434p, 443p, 448p, 453p, 456p, 504p, 514p, 520p, 530p, 548p], [504p, 513p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 534p, 544p, 550p, 600p, 618p], [534p, 543p, 548p, 553p, 556p, 604p, 614p, 620p, 630p, 645p], [604p, 613p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 633p, 641p, 646p, 654p, 709p], [702p, 710p, 714p, 718p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 808p, 812p, 816p, 818p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 908p, 912p, 916p, 918p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1008p, 1012p, 1016p, 1018p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1100p, 1108p, 1112p, 1116p, 1118p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Dickson College, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "757"
+    stop_times: [[433p, 443p, 457p, 510p, 524p], [508p, 518p, 532p, 543p, 556p], [538p, 548p, 602p, 613p, 626p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 816a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p], [713p, 720p, 722p, 726p, 731p, 740p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 816p, 833p, 835p, 840p], [813p, 820p, 822p, 826p, 831p, 840p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 916p, 933p, 935p, 940p], [913p, 920p, 922p, 926p, 931p, 940p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1016p, 1033p, 1035p, 1040p], [1013p, 1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1031p, 1040p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1116p, 1133p, 1135p, 1140p], [1113p, 1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1131p, 1140p, 1150p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "934"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "958"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[810a, 819a, 824a, 829a, 833a, 841a], [1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p], [813p, 821p, 826p, 830p, 834p, 841p], [1013p, 1021p, 1026p, 1030p, 1034p, 1041p]]
+    short_name: "924"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p], [801p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 841p], [901p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 941p], [1001p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1041p], [1101p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "930"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, Canberra College Weston Campus, Chapman, Weston Creek Terminus]
+    long_name: To Weston Creek Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 26 226
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 828a, 832a, 837a, 841a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 858a, 908a, 912a, 917a, 921a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 958a, 1007a, 1010a, 1015a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1058a, 1107a, 1110a, 1115a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1158a, 1207p, 1210p, 1215p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1258p, 107p, 110p, 115p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 158p, 207p, 210p, 215p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 258p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 324p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 328p, 340p, 344p, 350p, 355p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 354p, 406p, 410p, 416p, 421p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 418p, 430p, 434p, 440p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 448p, 500p, 504p, 510p, 515p], [452p, 456p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 530p, 534p, 540p, 545p], [522p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 600p, 604p, 610p, 615p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 640p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 650p, 657p, 659p, 703p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 750p, 757p, 759p, 803p, 807p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 850p, 857p, 859p, 903p, 907p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 950p, 957p, 959p, 1003p, 1007p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1050p, 1057p, 1059p, 1103p, 1107p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "925"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder, Duffy Primary, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+    short_name: "729"
+    stop_times: [[445p, 451p, 513p, 518p, 526p, 532p], [515p, 521p, 543p, 548p, 556p, 602p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[803a, 816a, 824a, 838a, 848a], [1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p], [803p, 816p, 824p, 838p, 848p], [1003p, 1016p, 1024p, 1038p, 1048p]]
+    short_name: "968"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "703"
+    stop_times: [[653a, 700a, 706a, 718a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [710a, 717a, 723a, 735a, 753a, "-", "-"], [723a, 730a, 736a, 748a, 806a, "-", "-"], [738a, 745a, 751a, 803a, 834a, 843a, 851a], [758a, 806a, 813a, 827a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 723a, 737a, 739a, 743a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 816a, 823a, 837a, 839a, 843a], [848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p], [747p, 749p, 753p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 834p, 836p, 840p], [847p, 849p, 853p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 934p, 936p, 940p], [947p, 949p, 953p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1034p, 1036p, 1040p], [1047p, 1049p, 1053p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1134p, 1136p, 1140p]]
+    short_name: "907"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
+    short_name: "988"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Narrabundah Terminus, Geoscience Australia]
+    long_name: To Geoscience Australia
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "4"
+    stop_times: [[633a, 641a, 645a, 649a, 652a, 700a, "-", 703a], [703a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 722a, 730a, "-", 733a], [733a, 742a, 747a, 752a, 755a, 805a, "-", 808a], [803a, 812a, 817a, 822a, 825a, 835a, "-", 838a], [818a, 827a, 832a, 837a, 840a, 850a, "-", 853a], [833a, 842a, 847a, 852a, 855a, 905a, "-", 908a], [903a, 912a, 917a, 922a, 925a, 935a, "-", 938a], [933a, 941a, 945a, 949a, 952a, 1001a, "-", 1004a], [1003a, 1011a, 1015a, 1019a, 1022a, 1031a, "-", 1034a], [1033a, 1041a, 1045a, 1049a, 1052a, 1101a, "-", 1104a], [1103a, 1111a, 1115a, 1119a, 1122a, 1131a, "-", 1134a], [1133a, 1141a, 1145a, 1149a, 1152a, 1201p, "-", 1204p], [1203p, 1211p, 1215p, 1219p, 1222p, 1231p, "-", 1234p], [1233p, 1241p, 1245p, 1249p, 1252p, 101p, "-", 104p], [103p, 111p, 115p, 119p, 122p, 131p, "-", 134p], [133p, 141p, 145p, 149p, 152p, 201p, "-", 204p], [203p, 211p, 215p, 219p, 222p, 231p, "-", 234p], [233p, 241p, 245p, 249p, 252p, 301p, "-", 304p], [303p, 312p, 317p, 322p, 325p, 334p, "-", 337p], [333p, 342p, 347p, 352p, 355p, 404p, "-", 407p], [405p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", 439p], [439p, 448p, 453p, 458p, 501p, 510p, "-", 513p], [509p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 531p, 540p, "-", 543p], [539p, 548p, 553p, 558p, 601p, 610p, 613p, "-"], [616p, 625p, 630p, 634p, 637p, 642p, 645p, "-"], [707p, 715p, 719p, 723p, 726p, 731p, 734p, "-"], [810p, 818p, 822p, 826p, 829p, 834p, 837p, "-"], [910p, 918p, 922p, 926p, 929p, 934p, 937p, "-"], [1010p, 1018p, 1022p, 1026p, 1029p, 1034p, 1037p, "-"], [1110p, 1118p, 1122p, 1126p, 1129p, 1134p, 1137p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St]
+    long_name: To Dickson
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+    short_name: "6"
+    stop_times: [[618a, 626a, 638a, 645a, 650a, 701a, 713a, 719a, 725a], [653a, 701a, 713a, 720a, 725a, 737a, 751a, 759a, 806a], [723a, 731a, 745a, 753a, 758a, 812a, 826a, 834a, 841a], [753a, 803a, 817a, 825a, 830a, 844a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [823a, 833a, 847a, 855a, 900a, 914a, 928a, 936a, 943a], [853a, 903a, 917a, 925a, 930a, 944a, 956a, 1004a, 1011a], [923a, 933a, 945a, 952a, 957a, 1011a, 1023a, 1031a, 1038a], [1023a, 1033a, 1045a, 1052a, 1057a, 1111a, 1123a, 1131a, 1138a], [1123a, 1133a, 1145a, 1152a, 1157a, 1211p, 1223p, 1231p, 1238p], [1223p, 1233p, 1245p, 1252p, 1257p, 111p, 123p, 131p, 138p], [123p, 133p, 145p, 152p, 157p, 211p, 223p, 231p, 238p], [223p, 233p, 245p, 252p, 257p, 311p, 325p, 333p, 340p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 344p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [323p, 333p, 347p, 355p, 400p, 414p, 428p, 436p, 443p], [353p, 403p, 417p, 425p, 430p, 444p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [423p, 433p, 447p, 455p, 500p, 514p, 528p, 536p, 543p], [453p, 503p, 517p, 525p, 530p, 544p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [516p, 526p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 607p, 621p, 629p, 635p], [553p, 603p, 617p, 625p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 656p, 702p], [630p, 638p, 648p, 655p, 700p, 710p, 720p, 726p, 732p], [730p, 738p, 748p, 755p, 800p, 810p, 820p, 826p, 832p], [830p, 838p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 910p, 920p, 926p, 932p], [930p, 938p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1010p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], [1030p, 1038p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "962"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Calwell, Theodore, Tharwa Drive]
+    long_name: To Tharwa Drive
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "769"
+    stop_times: [[427p, 433p, 442p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 532p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 540p, 550p, 600p, 605p], [537p, 543p, 552p, 617p, 627p, 637p, 642p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tharwa Drive, Theodore, Calwell, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: "769"
+    stop_times: [[641a, 646a, 656a, 706a, 733a, 743a, 747a], [721a, 726a, 736a, 746a, 813a, 823a, 827a], [741a, 746a, 756a, 806a, 833a, 843a, 847a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+    short_name: "982"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+    short_name: "982"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "780"
+    stop_times: [[648a, 707a, 723a], [719a, 738a, 754a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 803a, 806a, 816a, 819a, 826a], [855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p], [755p, 803p, 806p, 816p, 819p, 826p], [855p, 903p, 906p, 916p, 919p, 926p], [955p, 1003p, 1006p, 1016p, 1019p, 1026p], [1055p, 1103p, 1106p, 1116p, 1119p, 1126p]]
+    short_name: "927"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    short_name: "3"
+    stop_times: [[612a, 619a, 621a, 625a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 650a, 701a, 706a, 711a, 718a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [642a, 649a, 651a, 655a, 700a, 704a, 708a, 720a, 731a, 736a, 741a, 750a, 803a, 805a, 810a], [712a, 719a, 721a, 725a, 730a, 734a, 740a, 752a, 803a, 808a, 813a, 822a, 835a, 837a, 842a], [738a, 746a, 749a, 754a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 845a, 854a, 907a, 909a, 914a], [808a, 816a, 819a, 824a, 832a, 836a, 842a, 854a, 905a, 910a, 915a, 924a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [838a, 846a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 906a, 912a, 924a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 952a, 1004a, 1006a, 1011a], [912a, 920a, 923a, 928a, 934a, 938a, 942a, 954a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1022a, 1034a, 1036a, 1041a], [942a, 949a, 951a, 955a, 1000a, 1004a, 1008a, 1020a, 1031a, 1036a, 1041a, 1048a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1012a, 1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1030a, 1034a, 1038a, 1050a, 1101a, 1106a, 1111a, 1118a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1042a, 1049a, 1051a, 1055a, 1100a, 1104a, 1108a, 1120a, 1131a, 1136a, 1141a, 1148a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1112a, 1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1130a, 1134a, 1138a, 1150a, 1201p, 1206p, 1211p, 1218p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1142a, 1149a, 1151a, 1155a, 1200p, 1204p, 1208p, 1220p, 1231p, 1236p, 1241p, 1248p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1212p, 1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1230p, 1234p, 1238p, 1250p, 101p, 106p, 111p, 118p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1242p, 1249p, 1251p, 1255p, 100p, 104p, 108p, 120p, 131p, 136p, 141p, 148p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [112p, 119p, 121p, 125p, 130p, 134p, 138p, 150p, 201p, 206p, 211p, 218p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [142p, 149p, 151p, 155p, 200p, 204p, 208p, 220p, 231p, 236p, 241p, 248p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 219p, 221p, 225p, 230p, 234p, 238p, 250p, 301p, 307p, 313p, 321p, 334p, 336p, 341p], [242p, 249p, 251p, 255p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 320p, 331p, 337p, 343p, 351p, 404p, 406p, 411p], [309p, 317p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 334p, 338p, 350p, 401p, 407p, 413p, 421p, 434p, 436p, 441p], [339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 400p, 404p, 408p, 420p, 431p, 437p, 443p, 451p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 417p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 434p, 438p, 450p, 501p, 507p, 513p, 521p, 534p, 536p, 541p], [439p, 447p, 449p, 454p, 500p, 504p, 508p, 520p, 531p, 537p, 543p, 551p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [511p, 519p, 521p, 526p, 532p, 536p, 540p, 552p, 603p, 609p, 615p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [539p, 547p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p, 608p, 620p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [608p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 648p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 728p, 730p, 735p], [643p, 649p, 651p, 655p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 719p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 747p, 759p, 801p, 806p], [713p, 719p, 721p, 725p, 730p, 733p, 737p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 810p, 817p, 829p, 831p, 836p], [813p, 819p, 821p, 825p, 830p, 833p, 837p, 849p, 900p, 905p, 910p, 917p, 929p, 931p, 936p], [913p, 919p, 921p, 925p, 930p, 933p, 937p, 949p, 1000p, 1005p, 1010p, 1017p, 1029p, 1031p, 1036p], [1013p, 1019p, 1021p, 1025p, 1030p, 1033p, 1037p, 1049p, 1100p, 1105p, 1110p, 1117p, 1129p, 1131p, 1136p], [1113p, 1119p, 1121p, 1125p, 1130p, 1133p, 1137p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba, Spence Terminus, Melba, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "906"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Railway Station Kingston, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet]
+    long_name: To Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "200"
+    stop_times: [[701a, 709a, 715a, 718a, 723a, 732a, 736a, 742a, 749a], [716a, 724a, 731a, 737a, 747a, 757a, 801a, 807a, 814a], [731a, 740a, 749a, 755a, 805a, 815a, 819a, 825a, 832a], [746a, 755a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 830a, 834a, 840a, 847a], [801a, 810a, 819a, 825a, 835a, 845a, 849a, 855a, 902a], [816a, 825a, 834a, 840a, 850a, 900a, 904a, 910a, 917a], [831a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 902a, 910a, 914a, 920a, 927a], [846a, 855a, 902a, 905a, 910a, 918a, 922a, 928a, 935a], [901a, 909a, 915a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 935a, 941a, 948a], [916a, 924a, 930a, 933a, 938a, 946a, 950a, 956a, 1003a], [931a, 939a, 945a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, 1005a, 1011a, 1018a], [946a, 954a, 1000a, 1003a, 1008a, 1016a, 1020a, 1026a, 1033a], [1001a, 1009a, 1015a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a, 1041a, 1048a], [1016a, 1024a, 1030a, 1033a, 1038a, 1046a, 1050a, 1056a, 1103a], [1031a, 1039a, 1045a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a, 1111a, 1118a], [1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1103a, 1108a, 1116a, 1120a, 1126a, 1133a], [1101a, 1109a, 1115a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a, 1141a, 1148a], [1116a, 1124a, 1130a, 1133a, 1138a, 1146a, 1150a, 1156a, 1203p], [1131a, 1139a, 1145a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p, 1211p, 1218p], [1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1203p, 1208p, 1216p, 1220p, 1226p, 1233p], [1201p, 1209p, 1215p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p, 1241p, 1248p], [1216p, 1224p, 1230p, 1233p, 1238p, 1246p, 1250p, 1256p, 103p], [1233p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1255p, 103p, 107p, 113p, 120p], [1246p, 1254p, 100p, 103p, 108p, 116p, 120p, 126p, 133p], [101p, 109p, 115p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 135p, 141p, 148p], [116p, 124p, 130p, 133p, 138p, 146p, 150p, 156p, 203p], [131p, 139p, 145p, 148p, 153p, 201p, 205p, 211p, 218p], [146p, 154p, 200p, 203p, 208p, 216p, 220p, 226p, 233p], [201p, 209p, 215p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 235p, 241p, 248p], [216p, 224p, 230p, 233p, 238p, 246p, 250p, 256p, 303p], [231p, 239p, 245p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 305p, 311p, 318p], [246p, 254p, 300p, 303p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 326p, 333p], [301p, 309p, 315p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 341p, 348p], [316p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 338p, 346p, 350p, 356p, 404p], [331p, 339p, 345p, 348p, 353p, 402p, 407p, 415p, 424p], [346p, 354p, 400p, 403p, 412p, 422p, 427p, 435p, 444p], [401p, 410p, 417p, 420p, 429p, 439p, 444p, 452p, 501p], [416p, 425p, 432p, 435p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 507p, 516p], [431p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 459p, 509p, 514p, 522p, 531p], [446p, 455p, 502p, 505p, 514p, 524p, 529p, 537p, 546p], [501p, 510p, 517p, 520p, 529p, 539p, 544p, 552p, 600p], [516p, 525p, 532p, 535p, 544p, 554p, 559p, 605p, 612p], [531p, 540p, 547p, 550p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 617p, 624p], [546p, 555p, 601p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 621p, 627p, 634p], [601p, 609p, 615p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 635p, 641p, 648p], [616p, 624p, 630p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 650p, 656p, 703p], [631p, 639p, 645p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 705p, 711p, 718p], [646p, 654p, 700p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 720p, 726p, 733p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "8"
+    stop_times: [[626a, 632a, 637a, 644a], [657a, 703a, 708a, 715a], [724a, 730a, 737a, 746a], [757a, 804a, 811a, 820a], [831a, 838a, 845a, 854a], [904a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1027a], [1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1127a], [1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1227p], [109p, 115p, 120p, 127p], [209p, 215p, 220p, 227p], [302p, 309p, 316p, 325p], [332p, 339p, 346p, 355p], [408p, 415p, 422p, 431p], [437p, 444p, 451p, 500p], [507p, 514p, 521p, 530p], [537p, 544p, 551p, 600p], [646p, 652p, 657p, 702p], [746p, 752p, 757p, 802p], [846p, 852p, 857p, 902p], [946p, 952p, 957p, 1002p], [1046p, 1052p, 1057p, 1102p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "925"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "952"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 847a, 900a, 905a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [939a, 947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 100p, 105p, 118p, 120p, 125p], [139p, 147p, 200p, 205p, 218p, 220p, 225p], [239p, 247p, 300p, 305p, 318p, 320p, 325p], [339p, 347p, 400p, 405p, 418p, 420p, 425p], [439p, 447p, 500p, 505p, 518p, 520p, 525p], [539p, 547p, 600p, 605p, 618p, 620p, 625p], [639p, 647p, 700p, 705p, 718p, 720p, 725p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba, Spence Terminus, Melba, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 738a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 811a, 825a, 838a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 709p, 723p, 736p, 750p, 752p, 756p], [751p, 753p, 757p, 809p, 823p, 836p, 850p, 852p, 856p], [855p, 857p, 901p, 913p, 927p, 940p, 954p, 956p, 1000p], [955p, 957p, 1001p, 1013p, 1027p, 1040p, 1054p, 1056p, 1100p], [1055p, 1057p, 1101p, 1113p, 1127p, 1140p, 1154p, 1156p, 1200a]]
+    short_name: "906"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "3"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 627a, 631a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 646a, 653a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 648a, 657a, 701a, 706a, 710a, 714a, 716a, 723a], [628a, 630a, 634a, 651a, 657a, 701a, 705a, 718a, 727a, 731a, 736a, 742a, 746a, 748a, 758a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 719a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 748a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 818a, 820a, 830a], [721a, 723a, 727a, 746a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 818a, 828a, 833a, 838a, 844a, 848a, 850a, 900a], [745a, 747a, 751a, 810a, 819a, 827a, 832a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 908a, 912a, 914a, 924a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 846a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 918a, 928a, 932a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 916a, 924a, 929a, 934a, 948a, 958a, 1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1016a, 1018a, 1025a], [924a, 926a, 930a, 947a, 954a, 959a, 1004a, 1018a, 1028a, 1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [954a, 956a, 1000a, 1017a, 1024a, 1029a, 1034a, 1048a, 1058a, 1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1116a, 1118a, 1125a], [1024a, 1026a, 1030a, 1047a, 1054a, 1059a, 1104a, 1118a, 1128a, 1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1054a, 1056a, 1100a, 1117a, 1124a, 1129a, 1134a, 1148a, 1158a, 1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1216p, 1218p, 1225p], [1124a, 1126a, 1130a, 1147a, 1154a, 1159a, 1204p, 1218p, 1228p, 1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1154a, 1156a, 1200p, 1217p, 1224p, 1229p, 1234p, 1248p, 1258p, 102p, 107p, 112p, 116p, 118p, 125p], [1224p, 1226p, 1230p, 1247p, 1254p, 1259p, 104p, 118p, 128p, 132p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [1254p, 1256p, 100p, 117p, 124p, 129p, 134p, 148p, 158p, 202p, 207p, 212p, 216p, 218p, 225p], [124p, 126p, 130p, 147p, 154p, 159p, 204p, 218p, 228p, 232p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [154p, 156p, 200p, 217p, 224p, 229p, 234p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 308p, 314p, 318p, 320p, 329p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 324p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 350p, 354p, 356p, 405p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 315p, 323p, 328p, 334p, 348p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 414p, 418p, 420p, 429p], [317p, 319p, 323p, 342p, 350p, 355p, 401p, 415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 445p, 447p, 456p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 411p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 504p, 510p, 514p, 516p, 525p], [418p, 420p, 424p, 443p, 451p, 456p, 502p, 516p, 526p, 531p, 536p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 557p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 510p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 603p, 609p, 613p, 615p, 624p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 613p, 623p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 650p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 612p, 620p, 625p, 631p, 644p, 653p, 658p, 702p, 707p, 711p, 713p, 720p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 643p, 650p, 655p, 700p, 713p, 722p, 727p, 731p, 736p, 740p, 742p, 749p], [723p, 725p, 729p, 746p, 753p, 758p, 803p, 816p, 825p, 830p, 834p, 839p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [825p, 827p, 831p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 905p, 918p, 927p, 932p, 936p, 941p, 945p, 947p, 954p], [925p, 927p, 931p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1005p, 1018p, 1027p, 1032p, 1036p, 1041p, 1045p, 1047p, 1054p], [1025p, 1027p, 1031p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1105p, 1116p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, Fraser, Fraser West Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 14 314
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 706a, 708a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 726a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", 722a, 724a, 728a, 734a, 739a, 744a, 753a], [706a, 724a, 741a, 802a, 804a, 808a, 814a, 819a, 824a, 833a], [746a, 805a, 823a, 844a, 846a, 850a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 915a], [805a, 824a, 842a, 903a, 905a, 909a, 915a, 920a, 925a, 934a], [843a, 902a, 920a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 951a, 956a, 1000a, 1009a], [916a, 935a, 951a, 1011a, 1013a, 1017a, 1022a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [946a, 1004a, 1020a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1051a, 1056a, 1100a, 1109a], [1016a, 1034a, 1050a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1121a, 1126a, 1130a, 1139a], [1046a, 1104a, 1120a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1151a, 1156a, 1200p, 1209p], [1116a, 1134a, 1150a, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1221p, 1226p, 1230p, 1239p], [1146a, 1204p, 1220p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 1251p, 1256p, 100p, 109p], [1216p, 1234p, 1250p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 121p, 126p, 130p, 139p], [1246p, 104p, 120p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 151p, 156p, 200p, 209p], [116p, 134p, 150p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 221p, 226p, 230p, 239p], [146p, 204p, 220p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 251p, 256p, 300p, 310p], [216p, 234p, 250p, 311p, 313p, 317p, 323p, 328p, 333p, 343p], [245p, 303p, 321p, 342p, 344p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 404p, 414p], ["-", "-", 340p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 357p, 402p, 407p, 417p], [321p, 340p, 358p, 419p, 421p, 425p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 451p], [351p, 410p, 428p, 449p, 451p, 455p, 501p, 506p, 511p, 521p], [421p, 440p, 458p, 519p, 521p, 525p, 531p, 536p, 541p, 551p], [451p, 510p, 528p, 549p, 551p, 555p, 601p, 606p, 611p, 621p], [511p, 530p, 548p, 609p, 611p, 615p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 640p], [531p, 550p, 608p, 629p, 631p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 658p], [551p, 610p, 628p, 648p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 704p, 708p, 717p], [621p, 639p, 654p, 714p, 716p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 734p, 743p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 815p, 820p, 824p, 833p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 915p, 920p, 924p, 933p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1024p, 1033p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1124p, 1133p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+    short_name: "988"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Latham Post Office, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "16"
+    stop_times: [[610a, 619a, 625a, 630a, 632a, 636a], [640a, 649a, 655a, 700a, 702a, 706a], [711a, 720a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 737a], [730a, 741a, 747a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [750a, 801a, 807a, 813a, 815a, 819a], [810a, 821a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 839a], [830a, 841a, 847a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [851a, 902a, 908a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [916a, 927a, 933a, 938a, 940a, 944a], [946a, 955a, 1001a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a], [1011a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1033a, 1037a], [1046a, 1055a, 1101a, 1106a, 1108a, 1112a], [1111a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1133a, 1137a], [1146a, 1155a, 1201p, 1206p, 1208p, 1212p], [1211p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1233p, 1237p], [1246p, 1255p, 101p, 106p, 108p, 112p], [111p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 133p, 137p], [146p, 155p, 201p, 206p, 208p, 212p], [211p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 233p, 237p], [246p, 255p, 301p, 307p, 309p, 313p], [311p, 322p, 328p, 334p, 336p, 340p], [341p, 352p, 358p, 404p, 406p, 410p], [407p, 418p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 436p], [431p, 442p, 448p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [456p, 507p, 513p, 519p, 521p, 525p], [526p, 537p, 543p, 549p, 551p, 555p], [555p, 606p, 612p, 618p, 620p, 624p], [655p, 704p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 720p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 814p, 816p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 914p, 916p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1014p, 1016p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1114p, 1116p, 1120p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "942"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 713a, 719a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 813a, 819a, 834a], [846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p], [746p, 803p, 808p, 815p, 820p, 826p, 841p], [846p, 903p, 908p, 915p, 920p, 926p, 941p], [946p, 1003p, 1008p, 1015p, 1020p, 1026p, 1041p], [1046p, 1103p, 1108p, 1115p, 1120p, 1126p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "939"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "82"
+    stop_times: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "967"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "904"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p], [720p, 729p, 732p, 742p, 745p, 750p], [820p, 829p, 832p, 842p, 845p, 850p], [920p, 929p, 932p, 942p, 945p, 950p], [1020p, 1029p, 1032p, 1042p, 1045p, 1050p], [1120p, 1129p, 1132p, 1142p, 1145p, 1150p]]
+    short_name: "927"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "912"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    short_name: "935"
+    stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba, Spence, Spence Terminus]
+    long_name: To Spence Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 15 315
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 749a, 755a], ["-", "-", "-", 803a, 805a, 809a, 817a, 821a, 829a, 835a], [731a, 750a, 808a, 829a, 831a, 835a, 843a, 847a, 855a, 901a], [831a, 850a, 908a, 929a, 931a, 935a, 942a, 945a, 951a, 957a], [911a, 930a, 946a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a, 1019a, 1022a, 1028a, 1034a], [941a, 959a, 1015a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1048a, 1051a, 1057a, 1103a], [1011a, 1029a, 1045a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1118a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a], [1041a, 1059a, 1115a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1148a, 1151a, 1157a, 1203p], [1111a, 1129a, 1145a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1218p, 1221p, 1227p, 1233p], [1141a, 1159a, 1215p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 1248p, 1251p, 1257p, 103p], [1211p, 1229p, 1245p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 118p, 121p, 127p, 133p], [1241p, 1259p, 115p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 148p, 151p, 157p, 203p], [111p, 129p, 145p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 218p, 221p, 227p, 233p], [141p, 159p, 215p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 248p, 251p, 257p, 303p], [211p, 229p, 245p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 319p, 323p, 331p, 337p], [240p, 258p, 316p, 337p, 339p, 343p, 351p, 355p, 403p, 409p], ["-", "-", "-", 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 429p], [311p, 330p, 348p, 409p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 427p, 435p, 441p], [341p, 400p, 418p, 439p, 441p, 445p, 453p, 457p, 505p, 511p], [411p, 430p, 448p, 509p, 511p, 515p, 523p, 527p, 535p, 541p], [441p, 500p, 518p, 539p, 541p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 605p, 611p], [501p, 520p, 538p, 559p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 631p], [521p, 540p, 558p, 619p, 621p, 625p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 648p], [601p, 620p, 636p, 656p, 658p, 702p, 709p, 712p, 718p, 724p], ["-", "-", "-", 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 817p, 820p, 826p, 832p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 917p, 920p, 926p, 932p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1017p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1117p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "52"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 715a, 718a, 724a, 732a, 740a, 745a, 758a, 800a, 805a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735a, 738a, 744a, 753a, 801a, 806a, 819a, 821a, 826a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 804a, 813a, 821a, 826a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 824a, 833a, 841a, 846a, 859a, 901a, 906a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835a, 838a, 844a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 918a, 920a, 925a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 925a, 937a, 939a, 944a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 915a, 918a, 924a, 932a, 940a, 945a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 942a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1007a, 1012a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1030a, 1035a, 1047a, 1049a, 1054a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1130a, 1135a, 1147a, 1149a, 1154a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1205p, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1230p, 1235p, 1247p, 1249p, 1254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 105p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 130p, 135p, 147p, 149p, 154p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 205p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 230p, 235p, 247p, 249p, 254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 301p, 304p, 310p, 318p, 326p, 331p, 343p, 345p, 350p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 340p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 405p, 410p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [345p, 351p, 353p, 401p, 406p, 409p, 415p, 424p, 432p, 437p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [400p, 407p, 409p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 441p, 449p, 454p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [418p, 425p, 427p, 436p, 441p, 444p, 450p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 525p, 527p, 532p], [440p, 447p, 449p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 534p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 517p, 522p, 525p, 531p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 606p, 608p, 613p], [515p, 522p, 524p, 533p, 538p, 541p, 547p, 556p, 604p, 609p, 621p, 623p, 628p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 558p, 602p, 605p, 611p, 619p, 627p, 632p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 615p, 618p, 621p, 627p, 635p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 705p, 708p, 714p, 722p, 730p, 735p, 747p, 749p, 754p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 805p, 808p, 814p, 822p, 830p, 835p, 847p, 849p, 854p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 905p, 908p, 914p, 922p, 930p, 935p, 947p, 949p, 954p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005p, 1008p, 1014p, 1022p, 1030p, 1035p, 1047p, 1049p, 1054p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105p, 1108p, 1114p, 1122p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Lyons, CIT Weston, Duffy Primary, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "28"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 742a, 746a, 751a, 759a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 845a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 914a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 952a, 956a, 1000a, 1007a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1052a, 1056a, 1100a, 1107a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1152a, 1156a, 1200p, 1207p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1252p, 1256p, 100p, 107p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 152p, 156p, 200p, 207p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 252p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 320p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 312p, 316p, 321p, 329p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 346p, 351p, 359p, 411p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 416p, 421p, 429p, 441p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 442p, 446p, 451p, 459p, 511p], [429p, 439p, 453p, 456p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 528p, 540p], [449p, 459p, 513p, 516p, 531p, 535p, 540p, 548p, 600p], [519p, 529p, 543p, 546p, 601p, 605p, 610p, 618p, 630p], [549p, 559p, 613p, 616p, 631p, 634p, 638p, 645p, 654p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 732p, 735p, 739p, 746p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 832p, 835p, 839p, 846p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 932p, 935p, 939p, 946p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1032p, 1035p, 1039p, 1046p, 1055p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p], [903p, 914p, 928p, 937p, 950p], [1103p, 1114p, 1128p, 1137p, 1150p]]
+    short_name: "967"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "58"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 551a, 558a, 606a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 624a, 631a, 639a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [631a, 637a, 639a, 645a, 651a, 658a, 706a, 717a, 733a, 735a, 740a], [711a, 717a, 719a, 725a, 731a, 738a, 746a, 757a, 814a, 816a, 821a], [727a, 733a, 735a, 741a, 748a, 757a, 806a, 817a, 834a, 836a, 841a], [745a, 752a, 754a, 800a, 808a, 817a, 826a, 837a, 854a, 856a, 901a], [805a, 812a, 814a, 820a, 828a, 837a, 846a, 857a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [917a, 923a, 925a, 931a, 938a, 945a, 953a, 1003a, 1019a, 1021a, 1026a], [1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1045a, 1053a, 1103a, 1119a, 1121a, 1126a], [1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1145a, 1153a, 1203p, 1219p, 1221p, 1226p], [1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1245p, 1253p, 103p, 119p, 121p, 126p], [117p, 123p, 125p, 131p, 138p, 145p, 153p, 203p, 219p, 221p, 226p], [217p, 223p, 225p, 231p, 238p, 245p, 253p, 303p, 320p, 322p, 327p], [328p, 335p, 337p, 344p, 352p, 401p, 410p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [419p, 426p, 428p, 435p, 443p, 452p, 501p, 512p, 529p, 531p, 536p], [439p, 446p, 448p, 455p, 503p, 512p, 521p, 532p, 549p, 551p, 556p], [500p, 507p, 509p, 516p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 553p, 609p, 611p, 616p], [520p, 527p, 529p, 536p, 544p, 553p, 602p, 612p, 628p, 630p, 635p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 556p, 603p, 610p, 618p, 628p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 619p, 626p, 634p, 644p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [631p, 637p, 639p, 644p, 650p, 657p, 705p, 715p, 731p, 733p, 738p], [717p, 723p, 725p, 730p, 736p, 743p, 751p, 801p, 817p, 819p, 824p], [817p, 823p, 825p, 830p, 836p, 843p, 851p, 901p, 917p, 919p, 924p], [917p, 923p, 925p, 930p, 936p, 943p, 951p, 1001p, 1017p, 1019p, 1024p], [1017p, 1023p, 1025p, 1030p, 1036p, 1043p, 1051p, 1101p, 1117p, 1119p, 1124p], [1117p, 1123p, 1125p, 1130p, 1136p, 1143p, 1151p, 1201a, 1217a, 1219a, 1224a], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 25 225
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 720a, 723a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807a, 819a, 823a, 835a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 842a, 854a, 858a, 910a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 949a, 952a, 1002a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1049a, 1052a, 1102a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1149a, 1152a, 1202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1249p, 1252p, 102p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 149p, 152p, 202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 249p, 252p, 306p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 352p, 356p, 408p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 422p, 426p, 438p], [417p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 443p, 453p, 457p, 509p], [447p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 513p, 523p, 527p, 539p], [517p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 557p, 609p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612p, 622p, 626p, 637p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656p, 704p, 707p, 717p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 756p, 804p, 807p, 817p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 856p, 904p, 907p, 917p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 956p, 1004p, 1007p, 1017p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1056p, 1104p, 1107p, 1117p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Belconnen Way, Higgins, West Macgregor, Holt, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "44"
+    stop_times: [[725a, 727a, 731a, 737a, 744a, 756a, 801a, 804a], [754a, 756a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 825a, 830a, 833a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 930a, 933a], [955a, 957a, 1001a, 1006a, 1012a, 1024a, 1029a, 1032a], [1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1106a, 1112a, 1124a, 1129a, 1132a], [1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1206p, 1212p, 1224p, 1229p, 1232p], [1255p, 1257p, 101p, 106p, 112p, 124p, 129p, 132p], [155p, 157p, 201p, 206p, 212p, 224p, 229p, 232p], [305p, 307p, 311p, 317p, 324p, 336p, 341p, 344p], [337p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 408p, 413p, 416p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 442p, 447p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 454p, 501p, 513p, 518p, 521p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 528p, 535p, 547p, 552p, 555p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 559p, 606p, 618p, 623p, 626p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 631p, 637p, 649p, 654p, 657p], [654p, 656p, 700p, 705p, 711p, 723p, 728p, 731p], [754p, 756p, 800p, 805p, 811p, 823p, 828p, 831p], [854p, 856p, 900p, 905p, 911p, 923p, 928p, 931p], [954p, 956p, 1000p, 1005p, 1011p, 1023p, 1028p, 1031p], [1054p, 1056p, 1100p, 1105p, 1111p, 1123p, 1128p, 1131p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[725a, 733a, 737a, 741a, 744a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a], [925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p], [928p, 936p, 940p, 944p, 947p, 952p, 1003p, 1008p, 1016p], [1128p, 1136p, 1140p, 1144p, 1147p, 1152p, 1203a, "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "913"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l]
+      Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO]
+    short_name: "2"
+    stop_times: [[634a, 639a, 647a, 653a, 700a, 709a, 713a, 718a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 741a], [701a, 706a, 714a, 720a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 747a, 751a, 754a, 758a, 810a], [710a, 715a, 723a, 729a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 756a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 819a], [724a, 729a, 743a, 749a, 756a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 820a, 823a, 827a, 839a], [739a, 748a, 803a, 809a, 816a, 826a, 831a, 836a, 840a, 843a, 847a, 859a], [758a, 807a, 822a, 828a, 835a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 859a, 902a, 906a, 918a], [809a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 910a, 913a, 917a, 929a], [822a, 831a, 846a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 914a, 919a, 923a, 926a, 930a, 942a], [839a, 848a, 903a, 909a, 916a, 926a, 931a, 936a, 940a, 943a, 947a, 959a], [856a, 905a, 920a, 926a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 957a, 1000a, 1004a, 1016a], [936a, 941a, 949a, 955a, 1002a, 1012a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1029a, 1033a, 1045a], [1006a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1032a, 1042a, 1047a, 1052a, 1056a, 1059a, 1103a, 1115a], [1036a, 1041a, 1049a, 1055a, 1102a, 1112a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1129a, 1133a, 1145a], [1106a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1132a, 1142a, 1147a, 1152a, 1156a, 1159a, 1203p, 1215p], [1136a, 1141a, 1149a, 1155a, 1202p, 1212p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1229p, 1233p, 1245p], [1206p, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1232p, 1242p, 1247p, 1252p, 1256p, 1259p, 103p, 115p], [1236p, 1241p, 1249p, 1255p, 102p, 112p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 129p, 133p, 145p], [106p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 132p, 142p, 147p, 152p, 156p, 159p, 203p, 215p], [136p, 141p, 149p, 155p, 202p, 212p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 229p, 233p, 245p], [206p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 232p, 242p, 247p, 252p, 256p, 259p, 303p, 315p], [236p, 241p, 249p, 255p, 302p, 313p, 318p, 323p, 327p, 330p, 334p, 346p], [249p, 254p, 302p, 308p, 315p, 326p, 331p, 336p, 340p, 343p, 347p, 359p], [306p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 355p, 359p, 402p, 406p, 418p], [312p, 317p, 325p, 331p, 339p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [319p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 347p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 412p, 415p, 419p, 431p], [332p, 339p, 347p, 353p, 400p, 411p, 416p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 432p, 444p], [349p, 356p, 404p, 410p, 417p, 428p, 433p, 438p, 442p, 445p, 449p, 501p], [402p, 409p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 502p, 514p], [419p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 458p, 503p, 508p, 512p, 515p, 519p, 531p], [432p, 439p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 532p, 544p], [449p, 456p, 504p, 510p, 517p, 528p, 533p, 538p, 542p, 545p, 549p, 601p], [502p, 509p, 517p, 523p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 551p, 555p, 558p, 602p, 614p], [519p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 558p, 603p, 608p, 612p, 615p, 619p, 631p], [532p, 539p, 547p, 553p, 600p, 611p, 616p, 621p, 625p, 628p, 632p, 643p], [549p, 556p, 604p, 610p, 617p, 628p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 644p, 648p, 659p], [603p, 610p, 618p, 624p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 711p], [626p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 649p, 658p, 703p, 707p, 711p, 714p, 718p, 729p], [726p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 748p, 757p, 802p, 806p, 810p, 813p, 817p, 828p], [826p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 848p, 857p, 902p, 906p, 910p, 913p, 917p, 928p], [926p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 948p, 957p, 1002p, 1006p, 1010p, 1013p, 1017p, 1028p], [1026p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1048p, 1057p, 1102p, 1106p, 1110p, 1113p, 1117p, 1128p], [1126p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [], [], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "988"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "57"
+    stop_times: [[600a, 607a, 610a, 618a, 624a, 626a, 632a], [630a, 637a, 640a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 702a], [700a, 707a, 710a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 732a], [736a, 743a, 746a, 754a, 805a, 810a, 825a], [806a, 813a, 816a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 855a], [836a, 843a, 846a, 854a, 903a, 905a, 911a], [936a, 943a, 946a, 954a, 1000a, 1002a, 1008a], [1036a, 1043a, 1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1102a, 1108a], [1136a, 1143a, 1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1202p, 1208p], [1236p, 1243p, 1246p, 1254p, 100p, 102p, 108p], [136p, 143p, 146p, 154p, 200p, 202p, 208p], [236p, 243p, 246p, 254p, 300p, 302p, 308p], [336p, 343p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 402p, 409p], [407p, 414p, 417p, 425p, 432p, 434p, 441p], [437p, 444p, 447p, 455p, 502p, 504p, 511p], [507p, 514p, 517p, 525p, 532p, 534p, 541p], [537p, 544p, 547p, 555p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [636p, 643p, 646p, 654p, 700p, 702p, 707p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "787"
+    stop_times: [[647a, 650a, 702a, 728a, 732a, 734a], [720a, 723a, 735a, 801a, 805a, 807a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[833a, 839a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 858a, 901a], [1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p], [833p, 839p, 843p, 849p, 854p, 858p, 901p], [1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1054p, 1058p, 1101p]]
+    short_name: "922"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda, Macquarie, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "704"
+    stop_times: [[506p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 550p, 555p, 600p, 606p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p], [800p, 807p, 816p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 844p], [900p, 907p, 916p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 944p], [1000p, 1007p, 1016p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1044p], [1100p, 1107p, 1116p, 1129p, 1133p, 1137p, 1144p]]
+    short_name: "938"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "962"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 656p, 701p, 706p, 708p, 723p, 728p, 735p, 747p, 750p, 753p, 803p], [745p, 747p, 751p, 756p, 801p, 806p, 808p, 823p, 828p, 835p, 847p, 850p, 853p, 903p], [845p, 847p, 851p, 856p, 901p, 906p, 908p, 923p, 928p, 935p, 947p, 950p, 953p, 1003p], [945p, 947p, 951p, 956p, 1001p, 1006p, 1008p, 1023p, 1028p, 1035p, 1047p, 1050p, 1053p, 1103p], [1045p, 1047p, 1051p, 1056p, 1101p, 1106p, 1108p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "932"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[739a, 750a, 753a, 756a, 809a, 815a, 819a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 847a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [739p, 748p, 751p, 754p, 807p, 812p, 816p, 825p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [839p, 848p, 851p, 854p, 907p, 912p, 916p, 925p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [939p, 948p, 951p, 954p, 1007p, 1012p, 1016p, 1025p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1039p, 1048p, 1051p, 1054p, 1107p, 1112p, 1116p, 1125p, 1132p, 1137p, 1142p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p], [1139p, 1150p, 1153p, 1156p, 1208a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "932"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz33LB, Wjz34Gq, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kvl]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "785"
+    stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[825a, 837a, 849a, 858a], [925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p], [725p, 737p, 749p, 758p], [825p, 837p, 849p, 858p], [925p, 937p, 949p, 958p], [1025p, 1037p, 1049p, 1058p], [1125p, 1137p, 1149p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "964"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "952"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence, Melba, Copland College, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 15 315
+    stop_times: [[533a, 538a, 543a, 546a, 556a, 558a, 602a, "-", "-", "-"], [603a, 608a, 613a, 616a, 626a, 628a, 632a, "-", "-", "-"], [632a, 637a, 642a, 645a, 655a, 657a, 701a, 721a, 738a, 755a], [702a, 707a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 753a, 810a, 827a], [728a, 733a, 739a, 743a, 753a, 755a, 759a, 821a, 838a, 855a], [750a, 755a, 801a, 805a, 815a, 817a, 821a, 843a, 900a, 917a], ["-", "-", 818a, 822a, 832a, 834a, 838a, 858a, "-", "-"], [810a, 815a, 821a, 825a, 835a, 837a, 841a, 903a, 920a, 936a], [830a, 835a, 841a, 845a, 855a, 857a, 901a, 923a, 940a, 955a], [900a, 905a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 927a, 931a, 951a, 1008a, 1023a], [932a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1021a, 1038a, 1053a], [1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1051a, 1108a, 1123a], [1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1121a, 1138a, 1153a], [1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1151a, 1208p, 1223p], [1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1221p, 1238p, 1253p], [1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1251p, 108p, 123p], [1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 121p, 138p, 153p], [102p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 151p, 208p, 223p], [132p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 221p, 238p, 253p], [202p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 251p, 308p, 327p], [233p, 238p, 243p, 246p, 256p, 258p, 302p, 324p, 341p, 400p], [300p, 305p, 311p, 315p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 353p, 410p, 429p], [330p, 335p, 341p, 345p, 355p, 357p, 401p, 423p, 440p, 459p], [400p, 405p, 411p, 415p, 425p, 427p, 431p, 453p, 510p, 529p], [440p, 445p, 451p, 455p, 505p, 507p, 511p, 533p, 550p, 609p], [530p, 535p, 541p, 545p, 555p, 557p, 601p, 623p, 638p, 653p], [600p, 605p, 611p, 615p, 625p, 627p, 631p, 650p, 704p, 719p], [623p, 628p, 633p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 651p, "-", "-", "-"], [656p, 701p, 706p, 709p, 718p, 720p, 724p, "-", "-", "-"], [740p, 745p, 750p, 753p, 802p, 804p, 808p, "-", "-", "-"], [840p, 845p, 850p, 853p, 902p, 904p, 908p, "-", "-", "-"], [940p, 945p, 950p, 953p, 1002p, 1004p, 1008p, "-", "-", "-"], [1040p, 1045p, 1050p, 1053p, 1102p, 1104p, 1108p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "913"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "76"
+    stop_times: [[1000a, 1007a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a], [1200p, 1207p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p], [200p, 207p, 215p, 220p, 228p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Calwell, Isabella, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: "768"
+    stop_times: [[707a, 715a, 726a, 751a, 800a, 804a], [737a, 748a, 801a, 833a, 845a, 848a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "82"
+    stop_times: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Dickson College, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+    short_name: "757"
+    stop_times: [[650a, 700a, 711a, 725a, 735a], [710a, 720a, 731a, 745a, 755a], [730a, 740a, 751a, 805a, 815a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "710"
+    stop_times: [[407p, 415p, 425p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [427p, 435p, 445p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [445p, 453p, 503p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [507p, 515p, 525p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [527p, 535p, 545p, 605p, 607p, 612p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "942"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "961"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Calwell, Theodore, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+    short_name: 11 111
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 546a, 556a, 609a, 616a], ["-", "-", "-", 606a, 616a, 629a, 636a], ["-", "-", "-", 626a, 636a, 649a, 656a], ["-", "-", "-", 646a, 656a, 709a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 729a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", 725a, 735a, 749a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", 745a, 755a, 809a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 815a, 829a, 836a], ["-", "-", "-", 825a, 835a, 849a, 856a], ["-", "-", "-", 845a, 855a, 909a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", 917a, 927a, 940a, 946a], ["-", 930a, 942a, 948a, 957a, 1010a, 1016a], ["-", 1000a, 1012a, 1018a, 1027a, 1040a, 1046a], ["-", 1030a, 1042a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a, 1116a], ["-", 1100a, 1112a, 1118a, 1127a, 1140a, 1146a], ["-", 1130a, 1142a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p, 1216p], ["-", 1200p, 1212p, 1218p, 1227p, 1240p, 1246p], ["-", 1230p, 1242p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p, 116p], ["-", 100p, 112p, 118p, 127p, 140p, 146p], ["-", 130p, 142p, 148p, 157p, 210p, 216p], ["-", 200p, 212p, 218p, 227p, 240p, 246p], ["-", 230p, 242p, 248p, 257p, 311p, 318p], ["-", 300p, 314p, 321p, 331p, 345p, 352p], ["-", 320p, 334p, 341p, 351p, 405p, 412p], ["-", 340p, 354p, 401p, 411p, 425p, 432p], ["-", 400p, 414p, 421p, 431p, 445p, 452p], ["-", 425p, 439p, 446p, 456p, 510p, 517p], ["-", 440p, 454p, 501p, 511p, 525p, 532p], ["-", 500p, 514p, 521p, 531p, 545p, 552p], [456p, 513p, 527p, 534p, 544p, 558p, 605p], [516p, 533p, 547p, 554p, 604p, 618p, 625p], [534p, 551p, 605p, 612p, 622p, 636p, 641p], [556p, 613p, 627p, 633p, 642p, 655p, 701p], [616p, 633p, 645p, 651p, 700p, 713p, 719p], ["-", 733p, 745p, 751p, 800p, 813p, 819p], ["-", 833p, 845p, 851p, 900p, 913p, 919p], ["-", 933p, 945p, 951p, 1000p, 1013p, 1019p], ["-", 1033p, 1045p, 1051p, 1100p, 1113p, 1119p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 14 314
+    stop_times: [[611a, 618a, 622a, 627a, 636a, 638a, 642a, "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 647a, 651a, 656a, 705a, 707a, 711a, 731a, 748a, 805a], [709a, 716a, 720a, 725a, 734a, 736a, 740a, 803a, 820a, 837a], [732a, 740a, 745a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 806a, 828a, 845a, 902a], [752a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 848a, 905a, 922a], [812a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 840a, 842a, 846a, 908a, 925a, 941a], [837a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 905a, 907a, 911a, 933a, 950a, 1005a], [908a, 916a, 921a, 926a, 935a, 937a, 941a, 1001a, 1018a, 1033a], [940a, 947a, 951a, 956a, 1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1031a, 1048a, 1103a], [1010a, 1017a, 1021a, 1026a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1101a, 1118a, 1133a], [1040a, 1047a, 1051a, 1056a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1131a, 1148a, 1203p], [1110a, 1117a, 1121a, 1126a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1201p, 1218p, 1233p], [1140a, 1147a, 1151a, 1156a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1231p, 1248p, 103p], [1210p, 1217p, 1221p, 1226p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 101p, 118p, 133p], [1240p, 1247p, 1251p, 1256p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 131p, 148p, 203p], [110p, 117p, 121p, 126p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 201p, 218p, 233p], [140p, 147p, 151p, 156p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 231p, 248p, 304p], [210p, 217p, 221p, 226p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 301p, 318p, 337p], [239p, 246p, 250p, 255p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 333p, 350p, 409p], [308p, 315p, 320p, 325p, 335p, 337p, 341p, 403p, 420p, 439p], [348p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 415p, 417p, 421p, 443p, 500p, 519p], [418p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 445p, 447p, 451p, 513p, 530p, 549p], [450p, 457p, 502p, 507p, 517p, 519p, 523p, "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 545p, 550p, 555p, 605p, 607p, 611p, 632p, 646p, 701p], [609p, 616p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 641p, 700p, 714p, 729p], [637p, 644p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 703p, 707p, "-", "-", "-"], [707p, 714p, 718p, 723p, 731p, 733p, 737p, "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 752p, 756p, 801p, 809p, 811p, 815p, "-", "-", "-"], [839p, 846p, 850p, 855p, 903p, 905p, 909p, "-", "-", "-"], [939p, 946p, 950p, 955p, 1003p, 1005p, 1009p, "-", "-", "-"], [1039p, 1046p, 1050p, 1055p, 1103p, 1105p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[630a, 641a, 657a, 713a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [645a, 656a, 712a, 728a, 745a, 747a, 752a], [700a, 711a, 727a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], [715a, 726a, 742a, 758a, 815a, 817a, 822a], [730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], ["-", "-", 1149a, 1205p, 1222p, 1224p, 1229p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], ["-", "-", 1219p, 1235p, 1252p, 1254p, 1259p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], ["-", "-", 1249p, 105p, 122p, 124p, 129p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], ["-", "-", 119p, 135p, 152p, 154p, 159p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], ["-", "-", 149p, 205p, 222p, 224p, 229p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], ["-", "-", 219p, 235p, 252p, 254p, 259p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], ["-", "-", 249p, 305p, 322p, 324p, 329p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], ["-", "-", 319p, 335p, 352p, 354p, 359p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], ["-", "-", 349p, 405p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], ["-", "-", 419p, 435p, 452p, 454p, 459p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], ["-", "-", 449p, 505p, 522p, 524p, 529p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p], [730p, 740p, 755p, 810p, 827p, 829p, 834p], [745p, 755p, 810p, 825p, 842p, 844p, 849p], [800p, 810p, 825p, 840p, 857p, 859p, 904p], [815p, 825p, 840p, 855p, 912p, 914p, 919p], [830p, 840p, 855p, 910p, 927p, 929p, 934p], [845p, 855p, 910p, 925p, 942p, 944p, 949p], [900p, 910p, 925p, 940p, 957p, 959p, 1004p], [915p, 925p, 940p, 955p, 1012p, 1014p, 1019p], [930p, 940p, 955p, 1010p, 1027p, 1029p, 1034p], [945p, 955p, 1010p, 1025p, 1042p, 1044p, 1049p], [1000p, 1010p, 1025p, 1040p, 1057p, 1059p, 1104p], [1015p, 1025p, 1040p, 1055p, 1112p, 1114p, 1119p], [1030p, 1040p, 1055p, 1110p, 1127p, 1129p, 1134p], [1045p, 1055p, 1110p, 1125p, 1142p, 1144p, 1149p], [1100p, 1110p, 1125p, 1140p, 1157p, 1159p, 1204a], [1115p, 1125p, 1140p, 1155p, 1212a, 1214a, 1219a]]
+    short_name: "900"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 736a, 748a, 757a, 810a], [808a, 820a, 827a, 836a, 848a, 857a, 910a], [908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p], [803p, 815p, 822p, 831p, 843p, 852p, 905p], [903p, 915p, 922p, 931p, 943p, 952p, 1005p], [1003p, 1015p, 1022p, 1031p, 1043p, 1052p, 1105p], [1103p, 1115p, 1122p, 1131p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "966"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 734a, 748a, 802a, 808a, 810a], [759a, 801a, 805a, 819a, 834a, 848a, 902a, 908a, 910a], [859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1008a, 1010a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1108a, 1110a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1208p, 1210p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 108p, 110p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 208p, 210p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 308p, 310p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 408p, 410p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 508p, 510p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 608p, 610p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 707p, 709p], [658p, 700p, 704p, 717p, 732p, 746p, 759p, 805p, 807p], [758p, 800p, 804p, 817p, 832p, 846p, 859p, 905p, 907p], [858p, 900p, 904p, 917p, 932p, 946p, 959p, 1005p, 1007p], [958p, 1000p, 1004p, 1017p, 1032p, 1046p, 1059p, 1105p, 1107p], [1058p, 1100p, 1104p, 1117p, 1132p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "903"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman, Canberra College Weston Campus, Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 26 226
+    stop_times: [[615a, 619a, 623a, 625a, 632a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [657a, 701a, 705a, 707a, 715a, 729a, 733a, 737a, 741a], [716a, 720a, 724a, 726a, 736a, 750a, 754a, 758a, 802a], [747a, 752a, 758a, 802a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 837a, 841a], [800a, 805a, 811a, 815a, 827a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [820a, 825a, 831a, 835a, 847a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [850a, 855a, 901a, 905a, 917a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 930a, 935a, 938a, 948a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1029a, 1034a, 1037a, 1047a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1129a, 1134a, 1137a, 1147a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1229p, 1234p, 1237p, 1247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 129p, 134p, 137p, 147p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 229p, 234p, 237p, 247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [255p, 259p, 305p, 308p, 317p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [320p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 342p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 424p, 430p, 433p, 442p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [520p, 524p, 530p, 533p, 542p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [620p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 639p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [714p, 718p, 722p, 724p, 731p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 818p, 822p, 824p, 831p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 918p, 922p, 924p, 931p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1018p, 1022p, 1024p, 1031p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St]
+    long_name: To Dickson
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+      Olims Hotel-Ainslie: [Wjz5W8l, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
+      Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+    short_name: "2"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 712a, 717a, 725a, 733a], [653a, 704a, 708a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 733a, 742a, 748a, 756a, 805a], [708a, 719a, 723a, 726a, 730a, 734a, 738a, 749a, 758a, 804a, 812a, 821a], [719a, 730a, 734a, 737a, 741a, 745a, 749a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 833a], [738a, 749a, 754a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 853a, 859a], [753a, 804a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 823a, 826a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 910a], [808a, 819a, 823a, 826a, 830a, 834a, 838a, 849a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 921a], [823a, 834a, 838a, 841a, 845a, 849a, 853a, 904a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 935a], [838a, 849a, 853a, 856a, 900a, 904a, 908a, 918a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [851a, 902a, 906a, 909a, 913a, 917a, 921a, 932a, 941a, 946a, 954a, 1001a], [921a, 932a, 936a, 939a, 943a, 947a, 951a, 1002a, 1011a, 1016a, 1024a, 1031a], [951a, 1002a, 1006a, 1009a, 1013a, 1017a, 1021a, 1032a, 1041a, 1046a, 1054a, 1101a], [1021a, 1032a, 1036a, 1039a, 1043a, 1047a, 1051a, 1102a, 1111a, 1116a, 1124a, 1131a], [1051a, 1102a, 1106a, 1109a, 1113a, 1117a, 1121a, 1132a, 1141a, 1146a, 1154a, 1201p], [1121a, 1132a, 1136a, 1139a, 1143a, 1147a, 1151a, 1202p, 1211p, 1216p, 1224p, 1231p], [1151a, 1202p, 1206p, 1209p, 1213p, 1217p, 1221p, 1232p, 1241p, 1246p, 1254p, 101p], [1221p, 1232p, 1236p, 1239p, 1243p, 1247p, 1251p, 102p, 111p, 116p, 124p, 131p], [1251p, 102p, 106p, 109p, 113p, 117p, 121p, 132p, 141p, 146p, 154p, 201p], [121p, 132p, 136p, 139p, 143p, 147p, 151p, 202p, 211p, 216p, 224p, 231p], [151p, 202p, 206p, 209p, 213p, 217p, 221p, 232p, 241p, 246p, 254p, 301p], [216p, 227p, 231p, 234p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 257p, 306p, 312p, 320p, 328p], [238p, 249p, 253p, 256p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 319p, 328p, 334p, 342p, 351p], [253p, 304p, 308p, 311p, 315p, 319p, 323p, 334p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 406p], [308p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 337p, 348p, 357p, 403p, 411p, 420p], [323p, 333p, 337p, 340p, 344p, 348p, 352p, 403p, 412p, 418p, 426p, 435p], [338p, 348p, 352p, 355p, 359p, 403p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 433p, 441p, 450p], [353p, 403p, 407p, 410p, 414p, 418p, 422p, 433p, 442p, 448p, 456p, 505p], [408p, 418p, 422p, 425p, 429p, 433p, 437p, 448p, 457p, 503p, 511p, 520p], [423p, 433p, 437p, 440p, 444p, 448p, 452p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 526p, 535p], [438p, 448p, 452p, 455p, 459p, 503p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 533p, 541p, 550p], [453p, 503p, 507p, 510p, 514p, 518p, 522p, 533p, 542p, 548p, 556p, 605p], [508p, 518p, 522p, 525p, 529p, 533p, 537p, 548p, 557p, 603p, 611p, 620p], [523p, 533p, 537p, 540p, 544p, 548p, 552p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 626p, 633p], [538p, 548p, 552p, 555p, 559p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 633p, 639p, 645p], [553p, 603p, 607p, 610p, 614p, 618p, 622p, 633p, 640p, 645p, 651p, 657p], [640p, 650p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 717p, 724p, 729p, 735p, 741p], [740p, 750p, 753p, 756p, 800p, 803p, 807p, 817p, 824p, 829p, 835p, 841p], [840p, 850p, 853p, 856p, 900p, 903p, 907p, 917p, 924p, 929p, 935p, 941p], [940p, 950p, 953p, 956p, 1000p, 1003p, 1007p, 1017p, 1024p, 1029p, 1035p, 1041p], [1040p, 1050p, 1053p, 1056p, 1100p, 1103p, 1107p, 1117p, 1124p, 1129p, 1135p, 1141p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "951"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "785"
+    stop_times: [[652a, 655a, 713a, 743a, 747a, 749a], [725a, 728a, 746a, 816a, 820a, 822a], [745a, 748a, 806a, 836a, 840a, 842a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+    short_name: "24"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 703a, 709a, 715a, 720a, 724a], [702a, 708a, 715a, 720a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 742a], [739a, 746a, 754a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 818a, 823a], [809a, 816a, 824a, 830a, 836a, 843a, 848a, 853a], [839a, 846a, 854a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 918a, 923a], [956a, 1002a, 1009a, 1014a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1035a], [1056a, 1102a, 1109a, 1114a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1135a], [1156a, 1202p, 1209p, 1214p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1235p], [1256p, 102p, 109p, 114p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 135p], [156p, 202p, 209p, 214p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 235p], [256p, 302p, 310p, 316p, 322p, 329p, 334p, 339p], [339p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 406p, 413p, 418p, 423p], [409p, 416p, 424p, 430p, 436p, 443p, 448p, 453p], [439p, 446p, 454p, 500p, 506p, 513p, 518p, 523p], [509p, 516p, 524p, 530p, 536p, 543p, 548p, 553p], [538p, 545p, 553p, 559p, 605p, 612p, 617p, 622p], [608p, 615p, 623p, 629p, 635p, 641p, 646p, 650p], [659p, 705p, 712p, 717p, 723p, 729p, 734p, 738p], [759p, 805p, 812p, 817p, 823p, 829p, 834p, 838p], [859p, 905p, 912p, 917p, 923p, 929p, 934p, 938p], [959p, 1005p, 1012p, 1017p, 1023p, 1029p, 1034p, 1038p], [1059p, 1105p, 1112p, 1117p, 1123p, 1129p, 1134p, 1138p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    short_name: "932"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "23"
+    stop_times: [[607a, 609a, 613a, 622a, 628a, 634a, 642a, 647a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 659a, 705a, 711a, 719a, 724a], [714a, 716a, 720a, 729a, 736a, 742a, 752a, 757a], [744a, 748a, 753a, 801a, 808a, 814a, 824a, 829a], [814a, 818a, 823a, 831a, 838a, 844a, 854a, 859a], [844a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 908a, 914a, 924a, 929a], [926a, 930a, 934a, 943a, 949a, 955a, 1003a, 1008a], [1026a, 1028a, 1032a, 1041a, 1047a, 1053a, 1101a, 1106a], [1126a, 1128a, 1132a, 1141a, 1147a, 1153a, 1201p, 1206p], [1226p, 1228p, 1232p, 1241p, 1247p, 1253p, 101p, 106p], [126p, 128p, 132p, 141p, 147p, 153p, 201p, 206p], [226p, 228p, 232p, 241p, 247p, 253p, 301p, 306p], [314p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 338p, 344p, 354p, 359p], [344p, 348p, 353p, 401p, 408p, 414p, 424p, 429p], [414p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 444p, 454p, 459p], [444p, 448p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 514p, 524p, 529p], [514p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 538p, 544p, 554p, 559p], [544p, 548p, 553p, 601p, 608p, 614p, 624p, 629p], [626p, 630p, 634p, 643p, 649p, 655p, 703p, 708p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 741p, 747p, 753p, 801p, 806p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 841p, 847p, 853p, 901p, 906p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 941p, 947p, 953p, 1001p, 1006p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1041p, 1047p, 1053p, 1101p, 1106p], [1126p, 1128p, 1132p, 1141p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Kambah / Livingston St, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: 61 161
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 642a, 649a, 654a, 659a, 710a], ["-", "-", 712a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 743a], ["-", "-", 742a, 751a, 756a, 801a, 815a], ["-", "-", 812a, 821a, 826a, 831a, 845a], ["-", "-", 842a, 859a, 905a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 912a, 921a, 926a, 931a, 944a], ["-", "-", 1012a, 1020a, 1025a, 1030a, 1043a], ["-", "-", 1112a, 1120a, 1125a, 1130a, 1143a], ["-", "-", 1212p, 1220p, 1225p, 1230p, 1243p], ["-", "-", 112p, 120p, 125p, 130p, 143p], ["-", "-", 212p, 220p, 225p, 230p, 243p], ["-", "-", 320p, 329p, 334p, 339p, 353p], ["-", "-", 342p, 351p, 356p, 401p, 415p], ["-", "-", 412p, 421p, 426p, 431p, 445p], ["-", "-", 442p, 451p, 456p, 501p, 515p], ["-", "-", 512p, 521p, 526p, 531p, 545p], [520p, 526p, 542p, 551p, 556p, 601p, 615p], ["-", "-", 612p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 644p], ["-", "-", 712p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 743p], ["-", "-", 810p, 818p, 823p, 828p, 841p], ["-", "-", 910p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 941p], ["-", "-", 1010p, 1018p, 1023p, 1028p, 1041p], ["-", "-", 1112p, 1120p, 1125p, 1130p, 1143p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "956"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "737"
+    stop_times: [[643a, 651a, 705a, "-"], [658a, 706a, 720a, "-"], [718a, 726a, 740a, "-"], [738a, 746a, 800a, "-"], [758a, 806a, 820a, 830a], [818a, 826a, 840a, 850a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[720a, 722a, 726a, 734a, 740a, 745a, 751a, 759a, 808a, 814a, 822a, 831a, 840a], [820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [725p, 727p, 732p, 739p, 745p, 750p, 755p, 802p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [834p, 836p, 841p, 848p, 854p, 859p, 904p, 911p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 947p, 952p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1057p, 1059p, 1104p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1127p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "980"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Theodore, Calwell, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 11 111
+    stop_times: [[621a, 627a, 641a, 651a, 657a, 713a, 729a], [641a, 647a, 701a, 711a, 717a, 733a, 751a], [701a, 707a, 721a, 731a, 737a, 754a, 812a], [721a, 727a, 742a, 752a, 758a, 815a, 833a], [741a, 748a, 803a, 813a, 819a, 836a, 857a], [801a, 808a, 823a, 833a, 839a, 856a, 914a], [821a, 828a, 843a, 853a, 859a, 914a, "-"], [841a, 848a, 903a, 913a, 919a, 933a, "-"], [921a, 927a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1007a, "-"], [951a, 957a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1037a, "-"], [1021a, 1027a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1107a, "-"], [1051a, 1057a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1137a, "-"], [1121a, 1127a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1207p, "-"], [1151a, 1157a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1237p, "-"], [1221p, 1227p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 107p, "-"], [1251p, 1257p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 137p, "-"], [121p, 127p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 207p, "-"], [151p, 157p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 237p, "-"], [221p, 227p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 307p, "-"], [251p, 257p, 310p, 319p, 325p, 339p, "-"], [323p, 330p, 345p, 355p, 401p, 421p, "-"], [340p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 418p, 433p, "-"], [400p, 407p, 422p, 432p, 438p, 453p, "-"], [418p, 425p, 440p, 450p, 456p, 511p, "-"], [441p, 448p, 503p, 513p, 519p, "-", "-"], [501p, 508p, 523p, 533p, 539p, "-", "-"], [521p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 559p, 614p, "-"], [541p, 548p, 603p, 613p, 619p, "-", "-"], [601p, 608p, 623p, 633p, 639p, "-", "-"], [625p, 632p, 645p, 654p, 700p, 712p, "-"], [725p, 731p, 744p, 753p, 759p, 811p, "-"], [825p, 831p, 844p, 853p, 859p, 911p, "-"], [925p, 931p, 944p, 953p, 959p, 1011p, "-"], [1025p, 1031p, 1044p, 1053p, 1059p, 1111p, "-"], [1125p, 1131p, 1144p, 1153p, 1159p, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    short_name: "980"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[759a, 811a, 819a, 825a, 834a, 839a, 842a, 851a], [859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p], [749p, 801p, 809p, 815p, 824p, 829p, 832p, 841p], [849p, 901p, 909p, 915p, 924p, 929p, 932p, 941p], [949p, 1001p, 1009p, 1015p, 1024p, 1029p, 1032p, 1041p], [1049p, 1101p, 1109p, 1115p, 1124p, 1129p, 1132p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "937"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p], [805p, 814p, 826p, 837p], [905p, 914p, 926p, 937p], [1005p, 1014p, 1026p, 1037p], [1105p, 1114p, 1126p, 1137p]]
+    short_name: "964"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Proctor / Mead, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "66"
+    stop_times: [[612a, 618a, 625a, 631a, 638a, 652a], [641a, 647a, 654a, 700a, 712a, 727a], [706a, 714a, 723a, 732a, 744a, 800a], [736a, 744a, 753a, 802a, 814a, 830a], [806a, 814a, 823a, 832a, 844a, 900a], [836a, 844a, 853a, 902a, 914a, 930a], [909a, 917a, 926a, 933a, 941a, 956a], [1012a, 1018a, 1026a, 1032a, 1040a, 1055a], [1112a, 1118a, 1126a, 1132a, 1140a, 1155a], [1212p, 1218p, 1226p, 1232p, 1240p, 1255p], [112p, 118p, 126p, 132p, 140p, 155p], [212p, 218p, 226p, 232p, 240p, 255p], [312p, 319p, 327p, 334p, 345p, 400p], [412p, 419p, 427p, 434p, 445p, 500p], [442p, 449p, 457p, 504p, 515p, 530p], [512p, 519p, 527p, 534p, 545p, 600p], [542p, 549p, 557p, 604p, 615p, 630p], [613p, 620p, 628p, 634p, 642p, 657p], [714p, 720p, 728p, 734p, 742p, 757p], [814p, 820p, 828p, 834p, 842p, 857p], [914p, 920p, 928p, 934p, 942p, 957p], [1014p, 1020p, 1028p, 1034p, 1042p, 1057p], [1114p, 1120p, 1128p, 1134p, 1142p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    short_name: "39"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 549a, 555a, 601a, 606a, 607a, 610a, 617a], [609a, 615a, 618a, 624a, 630a, 636a, 641a, 642a, 645a, 652a], [639a, 645a, 648a, 654a, 700a, 706a, 711a, 712a, 715a, 722a], ["-", "-", "-", 707a, 713a, 719a, 724a, 725a, 728a, 741a], [703a, 709a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 730a, 736a, 737a, 742a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", 726a, 732a, 738a, 744a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [718a, 724a, 727a, 734a, 740a, 746a, 752a, 753a, 758a, 813a], ["-", "-", "-", 742a, 748a, 754a, 800a, 801a, 806a, 821a], [733a, 739a, 742a, 749a, 755a, 801a, 807a, 808a, 813a, 828a], ["-", "-", "-", 756a, 802a, 808a, 814a, 815a, 820a, 835a], [748a, 754a, 757a, 804a, 810a, 816a, 822a, 823a, 828a, 843a], [758a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 820a, 826a, 832a, 833a, 838a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", 824a, 830a, 836a, 842a, 843a, 848a, 903a], [818a, 824a, 827a, 834a, 840a, 846a, 852a, 853a, 858a, 913a], [833a, 839a, 842a, 849a, 855a, 901a, 907a, 908a, 913a, 928a], [910a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 935a, 942a, 949a, 952a, 954a, 1001a], [940a, 946a, 949a, 954a, 1000a, 1005a, 1010a, 1011a, 1013a, 1019a], [1010a, 1016a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1035a, 1040a, 1041a, 1043a, 1049a], [1040a, 1046a, 1049a, 1054a, 1100a, 1105a, 1110a, 1111a, 1113a, 1119a], [1110a, 1116a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1135a, 1140a, 1141a, 1143a, 1149a], [1140a, 1146a, 1149a, 1154a, 1200p, 1205p, 1210p, 1211p, 1213p, 1219p], [1210p, 1216p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1235p, 1240p, 1241p, 1243p, 1249p], [1240p, 1246p, 1249p, 1254p, 100p, 105p, 110p, 111p, 113p, 119p], [110p, 116p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 135p, 140p, 141p, 143p, 149p], [140p, 146p, 149p, 154p, 200p, 205p, 210p, 211p, 213p, 219p], [210p, 216p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 235p, 240p, 241p, 243p, 249p], [240p, 246p, 249p, 254p, 300p, 307p, 313p, 314p, 317p, 324p], [309p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 330p, 337p, 343p, 344p, 347p, 354p], [328p, 334p, 337p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 402p, 403p, 406p, 413p], [358p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 419p, 426p, 432p, 433p, 436p, 443p], [417p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 438p, 445p, 451p, 452p, 455p, 502p], [432p, 438p, 441p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 506p, 507p, 510p, 517p], [447p, 453p, 456p, 502p, 508p, 515p, 521p, 522p, 525p, 532p], [506p, 512p, 515p, 521p, 527p, 534p, 540p, 541p, 544p, 551p], [512p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [521p, 527p, 530p, 536p, 542p, 549p, 555p, 556p, 559p, 606p], [536p, 542p, 545p, 551p, 557p, 604p, 610p, 611p, 614p, 621p], [546p, 552p, 555p, 601p, 607p, 614p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [555p, 601p, 604p, 610p, 616p, 623p, 629p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [610p, 616p, 619p, 625p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 642p, 644p, 650p], [710p, 716p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 741p, 743p, 749p], [810p, 816p, 819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 840p, 841p, 843p, 849p], [910p, 916p, 919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 940p, 941p, 943p, 949p], [1010p, 1016p, 1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1040p, 1041p, 1043p, 1049p], [1110p, 1116p, 1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "71"
+    stop_times: [[927a, 929a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 957a, 959a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1043a, 1048a, 1057a, 1059a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1143a, 1148a, 1157a, 1159a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1243p, 1248p, 1257p, 1259p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 143p, 148p, 157p, 159p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Canberra Hospital, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "77"
+    stop_times: [[1100a, 1108a, 1113a, 1121a, 1128a], [100p, 108p, 113p, 121p, 128p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    short_name: "51"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 701a, 704a, 713a, 723a, 733a, 738a, 750a, 752a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 721a, 724a, 733a, 743a, 753a, 758a, 811a, 813a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 744a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 818a, 831a, 833a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 812a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 850a, 852a, 857a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 824a, 833a, 843a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 910a, 915a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840a, 843a, 852a, 902a, 911a, 916a, 925a, 927a, 932a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 943a, 952a, 1001a, 1010a, 1015a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1043a, 1052a, 1101a, 1110a, 1115a, 1124a, 1126a, 1131a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1143a, 1152a, 1201p, 1210p, 1215p, 1224p, 1226p, 1231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1243p, 1252p, 101p, 110p, 115p, 124p, 126p, 131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 143p, 152p, 201p, 210p, 215p, 224p, 226p, 231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 243p, 252p, 301p, 310p, 315p, 324p, 326p, 331p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 353p, 358p], [332p, 338p, 340p, 348p, 351p, 354p, 403p, 413p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [406p, 412p, 414p, 423p, 428p, 431p, 440p, 450p, 500p, 505p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [428p, 434p, 436p, 445p, 450p, 453p, 502p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [444p, 450p, 452p, 501p, 506p, 509p, 518p, 528p, 538p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [511p, 517p, 519p, 528p, 533p, 536p, 545p, 555p, 605p, 610p, 619p, 621p, 626p], [529p, 535p, 537p, 546p, 551p, 554p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 642p], [538p, 544p, 546p, 555p, 600p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [554p, 600p, 602p, 609p, 612p, 615p, 624p, 633p, 642p, 647p, 656p, 658p, 703p], [616p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 632p, 635p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 707p, 716p, 718p, 723p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740p, 743p, 752p, 801p, 810p, 815p, 824p, 826p, 831p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840p, 843p, 852p, 901p, 910p, 915p, 924p, 926p, 931p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940p, 943p, 952p, 1001p, 1010p, 1015p, 1024p, 1026p, 1031p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040p, 1043p, 1052p, 1101p, 1110p, 1115p, 1124p, 1126p, 1131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1143p, 1152p, 1201a, 1210a, 1215a, 1224a, 1226a, 1231a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
+    short_name: "931"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "960"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 817a, 827a, 834a], [846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p], [746p, 753p, 757p, 801p, 814p, 823p, 830p], [846p, 853p, 857p, 901p, 914p, 923p, 930p], [946p, 953p, 957p, 1001p, 1014p, 1023p, 1030p], [1046p, 1053p, 1057p, 1101p, 1114p, 1123p, 1130p]]
+    short_name: "938"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "923"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p], [733p, 736p, 740p, 745p, 751p, 755p, 801p], [933p, 936p, 940p, 945p, 951p, 955p, 1001p], [1133p, 1136p, 1140p, 1145p, 1151p, 1155p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "921"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "749"
+    stop_times: [[659a, 701a, 705a, 730a], [734a, 736a, 740a, 810a], [804a, 806a, 810a, 840a], [456p, 458p, 502p, 535p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p], [750p, 800p, 806p, 815p], [850p, 900p, 906p, 915p], [950p, 1000p, 1006p, 1015p], [1050p, 1100p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "960"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "22"
+    stop_times: [[635a, 648a, 656a, 659a, 707a], [705a, 718a, 726a, 729a, 738a], [735a, 749a, 758a, 801a, 810a], [805a, 819a, 828a, 831a, 840a], [843a, 857a, 906a, 909a, 918a], [943a, 956a, 1004a, 1007a, 1015a], [1043a, 1056a, 1104a, 1107a, 1115a], [1143a, 1156a, 1204p, 1207p, 1215p], [1243p, 1256p, 104p, 107p, 115p], [143p, 156p, 204p, 207p, 215p], [243p, 256p, 305p, 308p, 317p], [313p, 327p, 336p, 339p, 348p], [335p, 349p, 358p, 401p, 410p], [405p, 419p, 428p, 431p, 440p], [435p, 449p, 458p, 501p, 510p], [505p, 519p, 528p, 531p, 540p], [535p, 549p, 558p, 601p, 610p], [605p, 619p, 628p, 631p, 639p], [638p, 651p, 659p, 702p, 710p], [738p, 751p, 759p, 802p, 810p], [838p, 851p, 859p, 902p, 910p], [938p, 951p, 959p, 1002p, 1010p], [1038p, 1051p, 1059p, 1102p, 1110p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 815a, 820a, 824a, 830a, 837a, 839a, 844a], [845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657p, 703p, 708p, 712p, 718p, 725p, 727p, 732p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 813p, 818p, 822p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 842p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 923p, 928p, 932p, 938p, 945p, 947p, 952p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1028p, 1034p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1146p, 1151p, 1155p, 1201a, 1208a, 1210a, 1215a]]
+    short_name: "980"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Wanniassa High, Erindale Centre, Monash Goodwin Village, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: "63"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 615a, 619a, 623a, 631a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 649a, 653a, 701a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 710a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 736a, 741a, 746a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 818a, 823a, 828a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 823a, 832a, 838a, 843a, 848a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 928a, 937a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003a, 1011a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103a, 1111a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1203p, 1211p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 103p, 111p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 203p, 211p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 303p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 328p, 338p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 323p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 348p, 358p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 403p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 428p, 438p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 423p, 432p, 438p, 443p, 448p, 458p], [437p, 441p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 538p], [457p, 501p, 505p, 508p, 523p, 532p, 538p, 543p, 548p, 558p], [537p, 541p, 545p, 548p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 628p, 637p], [557p, 601p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 647p, 656p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703p, 711p, 717p, 722p, 726p, 735p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803p, 811p, 817p, 822p, 826p, 835p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903p, 911p, 917p, 922p, 926p, 935p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003p, 1011p, 1017p, 1022p, 1026p, 1035p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1126p, 1135p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Gowrie, Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash]
+    long_name: To Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "170"
+    stop_times: [[500p, 505p, 521p, 536p, 546p, 556p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[625a, 634a, 640a, 647a, 650a, 654a, 659a, 702a, 712a], [825a, 834a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 854a, 859a, 902a, 912a], [1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p], [828p, 837p, 843p, 850p, 853p, 857p, 902p, 905p, 915p], [1028p, 1037p, 1043p, 1050p, 1053p, 1057p, 1102p, 1105p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "914"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 809a, 816a, 823a, 836a, 838a, 842a], [814a, 816a, 820a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, 707p, 714p, 721p, 733p, 735p, 739p], [713p, 715p, 719p, 731p, 737p, 744p, 754p, 805p, 812p, 819p, 831p, 833p, 837p], [813p, 815p, 819p, 831p, 837p, 844p, 854p, 905p, 912p, 919p, 931p, 933p, 937p], [913p, 915p, 919p, 931p, 937p, 944p, 954p, 1005p, 1012p, 1019p, 1031p, 1033p, 1037p], [1013p, 1015p, 1019p, 1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1054p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1113p, 1115p, 1119p, 1131p, 1137p, 1144p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "905"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, Dickson / Antill St]
+    long_name: To Dickson
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "8"
+    stop_times: [[655a, 702a, 707a, 713a], [714a, 721a, 726a, 732a], [741a, 750a, 757a, 804a], [811a, 820a, 827a, 834a], [841a, 850a, 857a, 904a], [915a, 924a, 931a, 937a], [946a, 953a, 958a, 1004a], [1018a, 1025a, 1030a, 1036a], [1046a, 1053a, 1058a, 1104a], [1146a, 1153a, 1158a, 1204p], [1246p, 1253p, 1258p, 104p], [146p, 153p, 158p, 204p], [246p, 253p, 258p, 305p], [311p, 320p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 355p, 402p, 409p], [411p, 420p, 427p, 434p], [444p, 453p, 500p, 507p], [523p, 532p, 539p, 546p], [553p, 602p, 609p, 616p], [623p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [650p, 655p, 700p, 706p], [705p, 710p, 715p, 721p], [805p, 810p, 815p, 821p], [905p, 910p, 915p, 921p], [1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1021p], [1105p, 1110p, 1115p, 1121p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St]
+    long_name: To Northbourne Avenue / Antill St
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "59"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 537a, 541a, 547a, 603a, 606a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612a, 616a, 622a, 638a, 641a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 646a, 650a, 656a, 711a, 714a, 717a, 724a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 706a, 712a, 727a, 730a, 733a, 740a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 716a, 722a, 737a, 740a, 743a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 733a, 737a, 743a, 758a, 801a, 806a, 817a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 813a, 819a, 834a, 837a, 842a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 820a, 824a, 830a, 845a, 848a, 853a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 849a, 853a, 859a, 914a, 917a, 920a, 927a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 923a, "-", 933a, 939a, 955a, 958a, "-", "-"], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1023a, "-", 1033a, 1039a, 1055a, 1058a, "-", "-"], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1123a, "-", 1133a, 1139a, 1155a, 1158a, "-", "-"], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1223p, "-", 1233p, 1239p, 1255p, 1258p, "-", "-"], [100p, 102p, 106p, 123p, "-", 133p, 139p, 155p, 158p, "-", "-"], [200p, 202p, 206p, 223p, "-", 233p, 239p, 255p, 258p, "-", "-"], [240p, 242p, 246p, 303p, "-", 313p, 319p, 335p, 338p, "-", "-"], [318p, 320p, 324p, 342p, "-", 352p, 358p, 414p, 417p, "-", "-"], [333p, 335p, 339p, 357p, "-", 407p, 413p, 429p, 432p, "-", "-"], [348p, 350p, 354p, 412p, "-", 422p, 428p, 444p, 447p, "-", "-"], [403p, 405p, 409p, 427p, "-", 437p, 443p, 459p, 502p, "-", "-"], [418p, 420p, 424p, 442p, "-", 452p, 458p, 514p, 517p, "-", "-"], [433p, 435p, 439p, 457p, "-", 507p, 513p, 529p, 532p, "-", "-"], [448p, 450p, 454p, 512p, "-", 522p, 528p, 544p, 547p, "-", "-"], [503p, 505p, 509p, 527p, "-", 537p, 543p, 559p, 602p, "-", "-"], [518p, 520p, 524p, 542p, "-", 552p, 558p, 614p, 617p, "-", "-"], [530p, 532p, 536p, 554p, "-", 604p, 610p, 626p, 629p, "-", "-"], [548p, 550p, 554p, 611p, "-", 620p, 626p, 642p, 645p, "-", "-"], [603p, 605p, 609p, 626p, "-", 635p, 641p, 657p, 700p, "-", "-"], [703p, 705p, 709p, 726p, "-", 735p, 741p, 757p, 800p, "-", "-"], [803p, 805p, 809p, 826p, "-", 835p, 841p, 857p, 900p, "-", "-"], [903p, 905p, 909p, 926p, "-", 935p, 941p, 957p, 1000p, "-", "-"], [1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1026p, "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1057p, 1100p, "-", "-"], [1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1126p, "-", 1135p, 1141p, 1157p, 1200a, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 27 227
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 829a, 833a, 840a, 845a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854a, 902a, 906a, 913a, 918a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054a, 1101a, 1105a, 1113a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1154a, 1201p, 1205p, 1213p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1254p, 101p, 105p, 113p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 154p, 201p, 205p, 213p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 254p, 302p, 307p, 314p, 322p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 321p, 333p, 338p, 345p, 353p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 351p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 423p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 421p, 433p, 438p, 445p, 453p], [427p, 431p, 435p, 438p, 453p, 505p, 510p, 517p, 525p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 521p, 533p, 538p, 545p, 553p], [527p, 531p, 535p, 538p, 553p, 605p, 610p, 617p, 625p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 635p, 641p, 644p, 650p, 655p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835p, 841p, 844p, 850p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 935p, 941p, 944p, 950p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1044p, 1050p, 1055p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Stromlo High Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "75"
+    stop_times: [[925a, 934a, 947a], [1125a, 1134a, 1147a], [125p, 134p, 147p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 723a, 731a, 739a, 741a, 745a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 823a, 831a, 839a, 841a, 845a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 702p, 709p, 715p, 720p, 728p, 735p, 737p, 741p], [750p, 752p, 756p, 802p, 809p, 815p, 820p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 841p], [850p, 852p, 856p, 902p, 909p, 915p, 920p, 928p, 935p, 937p, 941p], [950p, 952p, 956p, 1002p, 1009p, 1015p, 1020p, 1028p, 1035p, 1037p, 1041p], [1050p, 1052p, 1056p, 1102p, 1109p, 1115p, 1120p, 1128p, 1135p, 1137p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "902"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 18 318
+    stop_times: [[545a, 554a, 558a, 608a, 626a, 642a, 702a, 704a, 709a], [612a, 621a, 625a, 635a, 653a, 709a, 729a, 731a, 736a], [635a, 644a, 648a, 658a, 716a, 732a, 753a, 755a, 800a], [657a, 706a, 710a, 720a, 738a, 756a, 817a, 819a, 824a], [716a, 725a, 729a, 741a, 800a, 818a, 839a, 841a, 846a], [733a, 743a, 748a, 800a, 819a, 837a, 858a, 900a, 905a], ["-", "-", 750a, 758a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [753a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 839a, 857a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [813a, 823a, 828a, 840a, 859a, 917a, 938a, 940a, 945a], [838a, 848a, 853a, 905a, 924a, 941a, 1001a, 1003a, 1008a], [909a, 919a, 924a, 935a, 953a, 1009a, 1029a, 1031a, 1036a], [943a, 952a, 956a, 1006a, 1024a, 1040a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1013a, 1022a, 1026a, 1036a, 1054a, 1110a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1043a, 1052a, 1056a, 1106a, 1124a, 1140a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1113a, 1122a, 1126a, 1136a, 1154a, 1210p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1143a, 1152a, 1156a, 1206p, 1224p, 1240p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1213p, 1222p, 1226p, 1236p, 1254p, 110p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1243p, 1252p, 1256p, 106p, 124p, 140p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [113p, 122p, 126p, 136p, 154p, 210p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [143p, 152p, 156p, 206p, 224p, 240p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 221p, 225p, 235p, 253p, 310p, 331p, 333p, 338p], [241p, 250p, 254p, 305p, 324p, 342p, 403p, 405p, 410p], [308p, 318p, 323p, 335p, 354p, 412p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [333p, 343p, 348p, 400p, 419p, 437p, 458p, 500p, 505p], [402p, 412p, 417p, 429p, 448p, 506p, 527p, 529p, 534p], [439p, 449p, 454p, 506p, 525p, 543p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [515p, 525p, 530p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 610p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 627p, 632p, 642p, 659p, 714p, 734p, 736p, 741p], [713p, 722p, 726p, 734p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 823p, 827p, 835p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 923p, 927p, 935p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1114p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "16"
+    stop_times: [[700a, 702a, 706a, 711a, 717a, 727a], [800a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 818a, 830a], [826a, 828a, 832a, 838a, 844a, 856a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 925a, 931a, 941a], [939a, 941a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 1006a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1025a, 1031a, 1041a], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1106a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1125a, 1131a, 1141a], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1206p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1225p, 1231p, 1241p], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 106p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 125p, 131p, 141p], [139p, 141p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 206p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 225p, 231p, 241p], [238p, 240p, 244p, 249p, 255p, 306p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 325p, 337p], [326p, 328p, 332p, 338p, 344p, 356p], [356p, 358p, 402p, 408p, 414p, 426p], [426p, 428p, 432p, 438p, 444p, 456p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 458p, 504p, 516p], [506p, 508p, 512p, 518p, 524p, 536p], [526p, 528p, 532p, 538p, 544p, 556p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 558p, 604p, 616p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 613p, 619p, 631p], [622p, 624p, 628p, 633p, 639p, 649p], [721p, 723p, 727p, 731p, 737p, 747p], [821p, 823p, 827p, 831p, 837p, 847p], [921p, 923p, 927p, 931p, 937p, 947p], [1021p, 1023p, 1027p, 1031p, 1037p, 1047p], [1121p, 1123p, 1127p, 1131p, 1137p, 1147p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "52"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 539a, 547a, 555a, 602a, 605a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [628a, 630a, 634a, 647a, 652a, 700a, 708a, 714a, 717a, 720a, 727a, 729a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 724a, 730a, 733a, 736a, 743a, 745a, 800a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 739a, 745a, 748a, 753a, 804a, 809a, 824a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 742a, 747a, 755a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 818a, 829a, 834a, 849a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 820a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 846a, 851a, 903a], [803a, 805a, 809a, 823a, 828a, 836a, 844a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a], [834a, 836a, 840a, 854a, 859a, 907a, 915a, 921a, 924a, 927a, 934a, 936a, 943a], [912a, 914a, 918a, 931a, 936a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1002a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1014a, 1018a, 1031a, 1036a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1102a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1114a, 1118a, 1131a, 1136a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1214p, 1218p, 1231p, 1236p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 102p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 114p, 118p, 131p, 136p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 214p, 218p, 231p, 236p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 302p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 309p, 316p, 319p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 314p, 318p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 402p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 354p, 358p, 412p, 417p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 445p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 414p, 418p, 432p, 437p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 505p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [432p, 434p, 438p, 452p, 457p, 506p, 514p, 522p, 525p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [452p, 454p, 458p, 512p, 517p, 526p, 534p, 542p, 545p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 514p, 518p, 532p, 537p, 546p, 554p, 602p, 605p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 552p, 557p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 623p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [611p, 613p, 617p, 630p, 635p, 643p, 651p, 658p, 701p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [711p, 713p, 717p, 730p, 735p, 743p, 751p, 758p, 801p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 813p, 817p, 830p, 835p, 843p, 851p, 858p, 901p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 913p, 917p, 930p, 935p, 943p, 951p, 958p, 1001p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1013p, 1017p, 1030p, 1035p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p, 1101p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Primary, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "64"
+    stop_times: [[605a, 612a, 616a, 623a, 631a], [635a, 642a, 646a, 653a, 701a], [705a, 712a, 716a, 723a, 731a], [735a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 806a], [805a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 836a], [825a, 834a, 839a, 846a, 856a], [905a, 914a, 919a, 926a, 935a], [935a, 943a, 947a, 954a, 1003a], [1035a, 1043a, 1047a, 1054a, 1103a], [1135a, 1143a, 1147a, 1154a, 1203p], [1235p, 1243p, 1247p, 1254p, 103p], [135p, 143p, 147p, 154p, 203p], [235p, 243p, 247p, 254p, 303p], [305p, 314p, 319p, 326p, 336p], [335p, 344p, 349p, 356p, 406p], [435p, 444p, 449p, 456p, 506p], [505p, 514p, 519p, 526p, 536p], [535p, 544p, 549p, 556p, 606p], [636p, 644p, 648p, 655p, 704p], [739p, 747p, 751p, 758p, 807p], [839p, 847p, 851p, 858p, 907p], [939p, 947p, 951p, 958p, 1007p], [1039p, 1047p, 1051p, 1058p, "-"], [], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson / Antill St, Merici College, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "7"
+    stop_times: [[541a, 543a, 547a, 600a, 608a, 615a, 623a], [611a, 613a, 617a, 630a, 638a, 645a, 653a], [641a, 643a, 647a, 700a, 708a, 715a, 723a], [711a, 713a, 717a, 730a, 739a, 746a, 755a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 804a, 817a, 824a, 837a], [811a, 813a, 817a, 832a, 841a, 848a, 903a], [841a, 843a, 847a, 902a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 958a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1005a, 1013a, 1020a, 1028a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1058a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1105a, 1113a, 1120a, 1128a], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1158a], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1205p, 1213p, 1220p, 1228p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1258p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 105p, 113p, 120p, 128p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 158p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 205p, 213p, 220p, 228p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 258p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 330p], [311p, 313p, 317p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 356p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 402p, 410p, 417p, 426p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 432p, 440p, 447p, 456p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 502p, 510p, 517p, 526p], [511p, 513p, 517p, 532p, 540p, 547p, 601p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 602p, 610p, 617p, 626p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 705p, 713p, 719p, 727p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 805p, 813p, 819p, 827p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 905p, 913p, 919p, 927p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1005p, 1013p, 1019p, 1027p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1105p, 1113p, 1119p, 1127p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[842a, 856a, 906a, 915a], [942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p], [642p, 656p, 706p, 715p], [742p, 756p, 806p, 815p], [842p, 856p, 906p, 915p], [942p, 956p, 1006p, 1015p], [1042p, 1056p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "961"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "88"
+    stop_times: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
+    short_name: "88"
+    stop_times: [[1150a, 1210p], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "939"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
+    short_name: "936"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Page, Hawker, Cook, Jamison Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "73"
+    stop_times: [[916a, 918a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 937a, 944a, 947a, 954a, 1005a, 1007a, 1012a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1117a, 1124a, 1135a, 1137a, 1142a], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1227p, 1233p, 1237p, 1244p, 1247p, 1254p, 105p, 107p, 112p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 217p, 224p, 235p, 237p, 242p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "927"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[812a, 821a, 831a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p], [712p, 721p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 750p, 752p, 757p], [812p, 821p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 850p, 852p, 857p], [912p, 921p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 950p, 952p, 957p], [1012p, 1021p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1050p, 1052p, 1057p], [1112p, 1121p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1150p, 1152p, 1157p]]
+    short_name: "951"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Stromlo High Waramanga, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "75"
+    stop_times: [[1055a, 1108a, 1117a], [1255p, 108p, 117p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[814a, 823a, 824a, 827a, 836a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [714p, 723p, 724p, 727p, 736p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [814p, 823p, 824p, 827p, 836p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [914p, 923p, 924p, 927p, 936p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [1014p, 1023p, 1024p, 1027p, 1036p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1114p, 1123p, 1124p, 1127p, 1136p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p]]
+    short_name: "942"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Pearce, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "938"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: 60 160
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 647a, 701a, 708a, 718a], ["-", "-", 717a, 731a, 739a, 750a], ["-", "-", 747a, 801a, 809a, 820a], ["-", "-", 817a, 831a, 839a, 850a], ["-", "-", 847a, 901a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 947a, 1001a, 1009a, 1019a], ["-", "-", 1047a, 1101a, 1109a, 1119a], ["-", "-", 1147a, 1201p, 1209p, 1219p], ["-", "-", 1247p, 101p, 109p, 119p], ["-", "-", 147p, 201p, 209p, 219p], ["-", "-", 247p, 301p, 309p, 320p], ["-", "-", 317p, 331p, 339p, 350p], ["-", "-", 347p, 401p, 409p, 420p], ["-", "-", 417p, 431p, 439p, 450p], ["-", "-", 447p, 501p, 509p, 520p], [455p, 501p, 517p, 531p, 539p, 550p], [531p, 537p, 553p, 607p, 615p, 626p], [555p, 601p, 617p, 631p, 638p, 647p], ["-", "-", 647p, 701p, 708p, 717p], ["-", "-", 743p, 757p, 804p, 813p], ["-", "-", 843p, 857p, 904p, 913p], ["-", "-", 943p, 957p, 1004p, 1013p], ["-", "-", 1043p, 1057p, 1104p, 1113p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Curtin, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      City West-City Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "732"
+    stop_times: [[715a, 724a, 738a, 742a, 744a], [748a, 803a, 815a, 819a, 821a], [818a, 827a, 841a, 845a, 847a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[718a, 727a, 730a, 735a, 744a, 749a, 757a, 809a], [818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p], [818p, 827p, 830p, 835p, 844p, 849p, 857p, 909p], [918p, 927p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 949p, 957p, 1009p], [1018p, 1027p, 1030p, 1035p, 1044p, 1049p, 1057p, 1109p], [1118p, 1127p, 1130p, 1135p, 1144p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "936"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "786"
+    stop_times: [[445p, 455p, 520p, 533p], [515p, 525p, 550p, 603p], [545p, 555p, 620p, 633p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[801a, 815a, 822a, 829a, 841a], [901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
+    short_name: "931"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Isabella, Calwell]
+    long_name: To Calwell
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "768"
+    stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Goodwin Village, Erindale Centre, Wanniassa High, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: "63"
+    stop_times: [[611a, 619a, 623a, 628a, 633a, 640a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 648a, 652a, 657a, 702a, 710a, 724a, 727a, 731a, 735a], [712a, 720a, 724a, 729a, 735a, 745a, 759a, 803a, 807a, 811a], [744a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 834a, 838a, 842a, 846a], [810a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a, 845a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 855a, 900a, 905a, 911a, 920a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 954a, 958a, 1003a, 1009a, 1017a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1054a, 1058a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1154a, 1158a, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1254p, 1258p, 103p, 109p, 117p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 154p, 158p, 203p, 209p, 217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 254p, 258p, 303p, 309p, 318p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [314p, 324p, 329p, 334p, 340p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 411p, 420p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 450p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 455p, 500p, 505p, 511p, 520p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 525p, 530p, 535p, 541p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 605p, 611p, 620p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [645p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 709p, 717p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 809p, 817p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 909p, 917p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1009p, 1017p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "922"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page, Scullin, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 13 313
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 733a, 735a, 739a, 742a, 746a, 755a, 803a], [710a, 728a, 746a, 807a, 809a, 813a, 816a, 820a, 829a, 837a], [751a, 810a, 828a, 849a, 851a, 855a, 858a, 902a, 911a, 919a], [811a, 830a, 848a, 909a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 922a, 931a, 938a], [850a, 909a, 927a, 947a, 949a, 953a, 955a, 959a, 1007a, 1014a], [921a, 940a, 956a, 1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1036a, 1043a], [951a, 1009a, 1025a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1105a, 1112a], [1021a, 1039a, 1055a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1142a], [1051a, 1109a, 1125a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1205p, 1212p], [1121a, 1139a, 1155a, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1242p], [1151a, 1209p, 1225p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 105p, 112p], [1221p, 1239p, 1255p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 142p], [1251p, 109p, 125p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 153p, 157p, 205p, 212p], [121p, 139p, 155p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 242p], [151p, 209p, 225p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 253p, 257p, 306p, 313p], [221p, 239p, 255p, 316p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 330p, 340p, 347p], [250p, 308p, 326p, 347p, 349p, 353p, 356p, 401p, 411p, 418p], [316p, 335p, 353p, 414p, 416p, 420p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 445p], [346p, 405p, 423p, 444p, 446p, 450p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 515p], [406p, 425p, 443p, 504p, 506p, 510p, 513p, 518p, 528p, 535p], [426p, 445p, 503p, 524p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 538p, 548p, 555p], [446p, 505p, 523p, 544p, 546p, 550p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 615p], [526p, 545p, 603p, 624p, 626p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 644p, 651p], [556p, 615p, 632p, 652p, 654p, 658p, 700p, 704p, 712p, 719p], [656p, 713p, 728p, 748p, 750p, 754p, 756p, 800p, 808p, 815p], ["-", "-", "-", 835p, 837p, 841p, 843p, 847p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 935p, 937p, 941p, 943p, 947p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1042p, 1046p, 1054p, 1101p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: "710"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 700a, 704a, 723a, 732a, 740a], [728a, 730a, 734a, 753a, 802a, 810a], [743a, 745a, 749a, 808a, 817a, 825a], [758a, 800a, 804a, 823a, 832a, 840a], [813a, 815a, 819a, 838a, 847a, 855a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, Gowrie, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "170"
+    stop_times: [[710a, 720a, 732a, 749a, 804a, 806a], [728a, 738a, 750a, 807a, 822a, 824a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "932"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "964"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence, Copland College, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "701"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 710a, 714a, 724a, 726a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [731a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [745a, 750a, 757a, 801a, 819a, 824a, 840a, 849a, 857a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p], [713p, 718p, 723p, 728p, 734p, 743p], [913p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 934p, 943p], [1113p, 1118p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, 1143p]]
+    short_name: "923"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1120p]]
+    short_name: "960"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: 27 227
+    stop_times: [[629a, 635a, 643a, 647a, 655a, 709a, 712a, 716a, 720a], [654a, 700a, 708a, 712a, 720a, 734a, 738a, 742a, 746a], ["-", "-", 728a, 735a, 746a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722a, 728a, 736a, 743a, 755a, 809a, 813a, 817a, 821a], [740a, 746a, 754a, 801a, 812a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [748a, 754a, 802a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [823a, 829a, 837a, 844a, 855a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [853a, 859a, 907a, 914a, 925a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 931a, 938a, 942a, 949a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [325p, 330p, 337p, 341p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [355p, 400p, 407p, 411p, 419p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [425p, 430p, 437p, 441p, 449p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [525p, 530p, 537p, 541p, 549p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [625p, 630p, 637p, 640p, 647p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 705p, 712p, 715p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 805p, 812p, 815p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 905p, 912p, 915p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1005p, 1012p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: 60 160
+    stop_times: [[606a, 615a, 621a, 632a, "-", "-"], [706a, 715a, 721a, 734a, 749a, 752a], [730a, 740a, 748a, 802a, "-", "-"], [738a, 748a, 756a, 811a, 826a, 829a], [752a, 802a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [808a, 818a, 826a, 841a, 856a, 859a], [836a, 846a, 854a, 908a, "-", "-"], [906a, 916a, 924a, 937a, "-", "-"], [1006a, 1016a, 1024a, 1036a, "-", "-"], [1106a, 1116a, 1124a, 1136a, "-", "-"], [1206p, 1216p, 1224p, 1236p, "-", "-"], [106p, 116p, 124p, 136p, "-", "-"], [206p, 216p, 224p, 236p, "-", "-"], [236p, 246p, 254p, 307p, "-", "-"], [306p, 316p, 324p, 338p, "-", "-"], [336p, 346p, 354p, 408p, "-", "-"], [406p, 416p, 424p, 438p, "-", "-"], [436p, 446p, 454p, 508p, "-", "-"], [506p, 516p, 524p, 538p, "-", "-"], [536p, 546p, 554p, 608p, "-", "-"], [606p, 616p, 624p, 637p, "-", "-"], [706p, 716p, 722p, 734p, "-", "-"], [806p, 816p, 822p, 834p, "-", "-"], [906p, 916p, 922p, 934p, "-", "-"], [1006p, 1016p, 1022p, 1034p, "-", "-"], [1106p, 1116p, 1122p, 1134p, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "5"
+    stop_times: [[615a, 621a, 630a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 648a, 653a], [641a, 649a, 659a, 711a, 714a, 718a, 722a, 730a], [659a, 707a, 717a, 729a, 732a, 738a, 743a, 752a], [713a, 721a, 731a, 744a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 807a], [729a, 737a, 747a, 800a, 803a, 809a, 814a, 823a], [747a, 755a, 805a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 832a, 841a], [806a, 814a, 824a, 837a, 840a, 846a, 851a, 900a], [825a, 833a, 843a, 856a, 859a, 905a, 910a, 919a], [844a, 852a, 902a, 915a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 937a], [914a, 922a, 932a, 944a, 947a, 951a, 955a, 1003a], [944a, 952a, 1002a, 1014a, 1017a, 1021a, 1025a, 1033a], [1014a, 1022a, 1032a, 1044a, 1047a, 1051a, 1055a, 1103a], [1044a, 1052a, 1102a, 1114a, 1117a, 1121a, 1125a, 1133a], [1114a, 1122a, 1132a, 1144a, 1147a, 1151a, 1155a, 1203p], [1144a, 1152a, 1202p, 1214p, 1217p, 1221p, 1225p, 1233p], [1214p, 1222p, 1232p, 1244p, 1247p, 1251p, 1255p, 103p], [1244p, 1252p, 102p, 114p, 117p, 121p, 125p, 133p], [114p, 122p, 132p, 144p, 147p, 151p, 155p, 203p], [144p, 152p, 202p, 214p, 217p, 221p, 225p, 233p], [214p, 222p, 232p, 244p, 247p, 251p, 255p, 303p], [244p, 252p, 302p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 329p, 338p], [314p, 322p, 332p, 345p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 408p], [342p, 350p, 400p, 413p, 416p, 422p, 427p, 436p], [413p, 421p, 431p, 444p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [447p, 455p, 505p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 532p, 541p], [518p, 526p, 536p, 549p, 552p, 558p, 603p, 612p], [548p, 556p, 606p, 619p, 622p, 628p, 632p, 640p], [648p, 655p, 704p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 727p, 735p], [748p, 755p, 804p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 827p, 835p], [848p, 855p, 904p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 927p, 935p], [948p, 955p, 1004p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p], [1048p, 1055p, 1104p, 1116p, 1119p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, North Lyneham, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+    short_name: "31"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 637a, 643a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 701a], ["-", "-", 707a, 713a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 731a], [733a, 740a, 745a, 753a, 800a, 806a, 808a, 813a], [803a, 810a, 815a, 823a, 830a, 836a, 838a, 843a], [829a, 836a, 841a, 849a, 856a, 902a, 904a, 909a], [910a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 936a, 942a, 944a, 949a], [948a, 954a, 959a, 1005a, 1011a, 1017a, 1019a, 1024a], [1048a, 1054a, 1059a, 1105a, 1111a, 1117a, 1119a, 1124a], [1148a, 1154a, 1159a, 1205p, 1211p, 1217p, 1219p, 1224p], [1248p, 1254p, 1259p, 105p, 111p, 117p, 119p, 124p], [148p, 154p, 159p, 205p, 211p, 217p, 219p, 224p], [248p, 254p, 259p, 307p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [303p, 310p, 315p, 323p, 331p, 337p, 339p, 344p], [333p, 340p, 345p, 353p, 401p, 407p, 409p, 414p], [403p, 410p, 415p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 439p, 444p], [433p, 440p, 445p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [503p, 510p, 515p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [533p, 540p, 545p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [603p, 610p, 615p, 623p, 631p, 637p, 639p, 644p], [648p, 654p, 659p, 705p, 710p, 716p, 718p, 723p], [748p, 754p, 759p, 805p, 810p, 816p, 818p, 823p], [848p, 854p, 859p, 905p, 910p, 916p, 918p, 923p], [948p, 954p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1016p, 1018p, 1023p], [1048p, 1054p, 1059p, 1105p, 1110p, 1116p, 1118p, 1123p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Scullin, Page, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 13 313
+    stop_times: [[546a, 550a, 559a, 603a, 610a, 612a, 616a, 636a, 653a, 706a], [616a, 620a, 629a, 633a, 640a, 642a, 646a, 706a, 723a, 738a], [646a, 650a, 659a, 703a, 710a, 712a, 716a, 737a, 754a, 811a], [712a, 716a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 739a, 743a, 806a, 823a, 840a], [737a, 742a, 752a, 757a, 805a, 807a, 811a, 833a, 850a, 907a], [757a, 802a, 812a, 817a, 825a, 827a, 831a, 853a, 910a, 927a], [817a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 845a, 847a, 851a, 913a, 930a, 945a], [842a, 847a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 912a, 916a, 937a, 954a, 1009a], [914a, 919a, 929a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 1006a, 1023a, 1038a], [946a, 950a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a, 1036a, 1053a, 1108a], [1016a, 1020a, 1029a, 1033a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1106a, 1123a, 1138a], [1046a, 1050a, 1059a, 1103a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1136a, 1153a, 1208p], [1116a, 1120a, 1129a, 1133a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1206p, 1223p, 1238p], [1146a, 1150a, 1159a, 1203p, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1236p, 1253p, 108p], [1216p, 1220p, 1229p, 1233p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 106p, 123p, 138p], [1246p, 1250p, 1259p, 103p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 136p, 153p, 208p], [116p, 120p, 129p, 133p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 206p, 223p, 238p], [146p, 150p, 159p, 203p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 236p, 253p, 310p], [216p, 220p, 229p, 233p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 307p, 324p, 343p], [245p, 249p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 312p, 316p, 338p, 355p, 414p], [313p, 318p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 342p, 346p, 408p, 425p, 444p], [343p, 348p, 358p, 402p, 410p, 412p, 416p, 438p, 455p, 514p], [418p, 423p, 433p, 437p, 445p, 447p, 451p, "-", "-", "-"], [449p, 454p, 504p, 508p, 516p, 518p, 522p, "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 518p, 528p, 532p, 540p, 542p, 546p, 608p, 625p, 641p], [543p, 548p, 558p, 602p, 610p, 612p, 616p, 636p, 650p, 705p], [615p, 620p, 630p, 634p, 640p, 642p, 646p, 705p, 719p, 734p], [710p, 714p, 723p, 727p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [810p, 814p, 823p, 827p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [910p, 914p, 923p, 927p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1010p, 1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: "788"
+    stop_times: [[710a, 719a, 734a, 811a, 820a, 824a], [740a, 749a, 804a, 841a, 850a, 854a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p], [715p, 717p, 721p, 730p, 739p, 743p, 744p, 755p], [815p, 817p, 821p, 830p, 839p, 843p, 844p, 855p], [915p, 917p, 921p, 930p, 939p, 943p, 944p, 955p], [1015p, 1017p, 1021p, 1030p, 1039p, 1043p, 1044p, 1055p]]
+    short_name: "942"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "62"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 709a, 716a, 723a], ["-", "-", 732a, 744a, 753a, 800a], ["-", "-", 802a, 814a, 823a, 830a], ["-", "-", 832a, 844a, 853a, 900a], ["-", "-", 902a, 914a, 923a, 930a], ["-", "-", 932a, 943a, 951a, 958a], ["-", "-", 1032a, 1043a, 1051a, 1058a], ["-", "-", 1132a, 1143a, 1151a, 1158a], ["-", "-", 1232p, 1243p, 1251p, 1258p], ["-", "-", 132p, 143p, 151p, 158p], ["-", "-", 232p, 243p, 251p, 258p], ["-", "-", 332p, 344p, 353p, 400p], ["-", "-", 402p, 414p, 423p, 430p], ["-", "-", 432p, 444p, 453p, 500p], ["-", "-", 502p, 514p, 523p, 530p], [510p, 516p, 532p, 544p, 553p, 600p], [540p, 546p, 602p, 614p, 623p, 630p], [610p, 616p, 632p, 643p, 651p, 658p], ["-", "-", 732p, 743p, 751p, 758p], ["-", "-", 832p, 843p, 851p, 858p], ["-", "-", 932p, 943p, 951p, 958p], ["-", "-", 1032p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p], ["-", "-", 1132p, 1143p, 1151p, 1158p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
+    short_name: "956"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[831a, 840a, 850a, 903a], [931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p], [726p, 735p, 745p, 758p], [826p, 835p, 845p, 858p], [926p, 935p, 945p, 958p], [1026p, 1035p, 1045p, 1058p], [1126p, 1135p, 1145p, 1158p]]
+    short_name: "961"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
+    short_name: "956"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson / Antill St, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "7"
+    stop_times: [[632a, 639a, 646a, 654a, 708a, 710a, 715a], [701a, 708a, 715a, 723a, 738a, 740a, 745a], [731a, 739a, 746a, 754a, 810a, 812a, 817a], [801a, 809a, 816a, 824a, 840a, 842a, 847a], [829a, 837a, 844a, 852a, 908a, 910a, 915a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 921a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [930a, 937a, 944a, 952a, 1006a, 1008a, 1013a], [1000a, 1007a, 1014a, 1022a, 1036a, 1038a, 1043a], [1030a, 1037a, 1044a, 1052a, 1106a, 1108a, 1113a], [1100a, 1107a, 1114a, 1122a, 1136a, 1138a, 1143a], [1130a, 1137a, 1144a, 1152a, 1206p, 1208p, 1213p], [1200p, 1207p, 1214p, 1222p, 1236p, 1238p, 1243p], [1230p, 1237p, 1244p, 1252p, 106p, 108p, 113p], [100p, 107p, 114p, 122p, 136p, 138p, 143p], [130p, 137p, 144p, 152p, 206p, 208p, 213p], [200p, 207p, 214p, 222p, 236p, 238p, 243p], [230p, 237p, 244p, 252p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [259p, 307p, 314p, 323p, 339p, 341p, 346p], [331p, 339p, 346p, 355p, 411p, 413p, 418p], [401p, 409p, 416p, 425p, 441p, 443p, 448p], [431p, 439p, 446p, 455p, 511p, 513p, 518p], [501p, 509p, 516p, 525p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [531p, 539p, 546p, 555p, 611p, 613p, 618p], [631p, 637p, 644p, 652p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [731p, 737p, 744p, 752p, 806p, 808p, 813p], [831p, 837p, 844p, 852p, 906p, 908p, 913p], [931p, 937p, 944p, 952p, 1006p, 1008p, 1013p], [1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1052p, 1106p, 1108p, 1113p]]
+  -  
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
@@ -2349,29 +3669,185 @@
     stop_times_saturday: [[822a, 824a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 846a, 856a, 906a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 734p, 739p, 744p, 754p, 804p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 834p, 839p, 844p, 854p, 904p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 934p, 939p, 944p, 954p, 1004p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p, 1039p, 1044p, 1054p, 1104p]]
     short_name: "951"
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Geoscience Australia, Eye Hospital, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Causeway, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial / Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+    short_name: "10"
+    stop_times: [[550a, 552a, 556a, 605a, 615a, 620a, 623a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [621a, 623a, 627a, 636a, 646a, 651a, 654a, 705a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [651a, 653a, 657a, 706a, 716a, 721a, 724a, 736a, 746a, 752a, 756a, 803a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 724a, 729a, 732a, 743a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [706a, 708a, 712a, 721a, 731a, 736a, 739a, 750a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [721a, 723a, 727a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 754a, 806a, 816a, 822a, 826a, 833a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754a, 759a, 802a, 813a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [736a, 738a, 742a, 751a, 801a, 806a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [751a, 753a, 757a, 806a, 816a, 821a, 824a, 836a, 846a, 852a, 856a, "-", "-", "-"], [806a, 808a, 812a, 821a, 831a, 836a, 839a, 851a, 901a, 907a, 911a, 918a, 927a, 937a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 836a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 905a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [836a, 838a, 842a, 851a, 901a, 906a, 909a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 940a, 947a, 956a, 1006a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 906a, 916a, 921a, 924a, 936a, 946a, 952a, 955a, 1002a, 1011a, 1021a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 938a, 943a, 945a, 957a, 1007a, 1013a, 1016a, 1023a, 1032a, 1042a], [943a, 945a, 949a, 958a, 1008a, 1013a, 1015a, 1027a, 1037a, 1043a, 1046a, 1053a, 1102a, 1112a], [1013a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1038a, 1043a, 1045a, 1057a, 1107a, 1113a, 1116a, 1123a, 1132a, 1142a], [1043a, 1045a, 1049a, 1058a, 1108a, 1113a, 1115a, 1127a, 1137a, 1143a, 1146a, 1153a, 1202p, 1212p], [1113a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1138a, 1143a, 1145a, 1157a, 1207p, 1213p, 1216p, 1223p, 1232p, 1242p], [1143a, 1145a, 1149a, 1158a, 1208p, 1213p, 1215p, 1227p, 1237p, 1243p, 1246p, 1253p, 102p, 112p], [1213p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1238p, 1243p, 1245p, 1257p, 107p, 113p, 116p, 123p, 132p, 142p], [1243p, 1245p, 1249p, 1258p, 108p, 113p, 115p, 127p, 137p, 143p, 146p, 153p, 202p, 212p], [113p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 138p, 143p, 145p, 157p, 207p, 213p, 216p, 223p, 232p, 242p], [143p, 145p, 149p, 158p, 208p, 213p, 215p, 227p, 237p, 243p, 246p, 253p, 302p, 312p], [213p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 238p, 243p, 245p, 257p, 307p, 313p, 317p, 324p, 333p, 343p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 308p, 318p, 323p, 325p, 337p, 347p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 413p, 423p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 338p, 348p, 353p, 355p, 407p, 417p, 423p, 427p, 434p, 443p, 453p], [338p, 340p, 344p, 353p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 421p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [353p, 355p, 359p, 408p, 418p, 423p, 425p, 437p, 447p, 453p, 457p, "-", "-", "-"], [408p, 410p, 414p, 423p, 433p, 438p, 440p, 451p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [423p, 425p, 429p, 438p, 448p, 453p, 455p, 506p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [438p, 440p, 444p, 453p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 521p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [453p, 455p, 459p, 508p, 518p, 523p, 525p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [508p, 510p, 514p, 523p, 533p, 538p, 540p, 551p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [523p, 525p, 529p, 538p, 548p, 553p, 555p, 606p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 540p, 544p, 553p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 621p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 619p, 623p, 632p, 642p, 647p, 649p, 700p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [716p, 718p, 722p, 731p, 741p, 746p, 748p, 759p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [816p, 818p, 822p, 831p, 841p, 846p, 848p, 859p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [916p, 918p, 922p, 931p, 941p, 946p, 948p, 959p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1031p, 1041p, 1046p, 1048p, 1059p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1116p, 1118p, 1122p, 1131p, 1141p, 1146p, 1148p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+    short_name: "732"
+    stop_times: [[435p, 441p, 453p, 503p], [505p, 511p, 523p, 533p], [535p, 541p, 553p, 603p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "900"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood, Fraser, Fraser East Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser East Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "702"
+    stop_times: [[450p, 458p, 508p, 513p, 515p, 527p, 532p, 538p, 542p], ["-", "-", 530p, 535p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p], [535p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 600p, 612p, 617p, 623p, 627p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "749"
+    stop_times: [[753a, 820a, 822a, 827a], [436p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [510p, 539p, 541p, 546p], [540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz34Gq, Wjz33LB, Wjz33KX, Wjz33GY, Wjz33EK, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "787"
+    stop_times: [[516p, 522p, 524p, 556p, 607p, 609p], [535p, 541p, 543p, 615p, 626p, 628p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Centrelink Tuggeranong]
+    long_name: To Centrelink Tuggeranong
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "705"
+    stop_times: [[715a, 717a, 721a, 800a, 802a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 826a, 828a], [807a, 809a, 813a, 852a, 854a], [439p, 441p, 445p, 523p, "-"], [505p, 507p, 511p, 549p, "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 616p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Geoscience Australia, Narrabundah Terminus, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
       Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "80"
-    stop_times: [[547a, 602a, 611a, 616a, 625a, 632a, 634a, 638a, 642a, 650a], [606a, 621a, 630a, 635a, 644a, 651a, 653a, 657a, 701a, 709a], [633a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 711a, 718a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 738a], [701a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 741a, 749a, 753a, 800a, 804a, 815a], [731a, 747a, 756a, 803a, 814a, 822a, 826a, 833a, 837a, 848a], [801a, 817a, 826a, 833a, 844a, 852a, 856a, 903a, 907a, 918a], [834a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 917a, 925a, 929a, 933a, 937a, 945a], [909a, 924a, 934a, 939a, 948a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a], [940a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1018a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1035a, 1043a], [1040a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1118a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1135a, 1143a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1140a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1218p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1235p, 1243p], [1240p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 118p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 135p, 143p], [140p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 218p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 235p, 243p], [240p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 343p], [340p, 356p, 406p, 412p, 422p, 429p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 450p], [408p, 424p, 434p, 440p, 450p, 457p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 518p], [438p, 454p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 527p, 529p, 534p, 539p, 548p], [508p, 524p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 618p], [538p, 554p, 604p, 610p, 620p, 627p, 629p, 633p, 637p, 645p], [557p, 613p, 623p, 629p, 637p, 643p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 727p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 745p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 827p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 845p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 927p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 945p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1027p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1045p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-    short_name: "50"
-    stop_times: [[700p, 703p, 706p, 713p, 715p, 722p], [730p, 733p, 736p, 743p, 745p, 752p], [800p, 803p, 806p, 813p, 815p, 822p], [830p, 833p, 836p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [900p, 903p, 906p, 913p, 915p, 922p], [930p, 933p, 936p, 943p, 945p, 952p], [1000p, 1003p, 1006p, 1013p, 1015p, 1022p], [1030p, 1033p, 1036p, 1043p, 1045p, 1052p], [1100p, 1103p, 1106p, 1113p, 1115p, 1122p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker Shops, Weetangera Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    short_name: "4"
+    stop_times: [[712a, "-", 715a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 743a], [744a, "-", 747a, 756a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 819a], [817a, "-", 820a, 829a, 833a, 838a, 843a, 852a], [847a, "-", 850a, 859a, 903a, 908a, 913a, 922a], [917a, "-", 920a, 929a, 932a, 936a, 940a, 948a], [948a, "-", 951a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1009a, 1017a], [1018a, "-", 1021a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1039a, 1047a], [1048a, "-", 1051a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1109a, 1117a], [1118a, "-", 1121a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1139a, 1147a], [1148a, "-", 1151a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1209p, 1217p], [1218p, "-", 1221p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1239p, 1247p], [1248p, "-", 1251p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 109p, 117p], [118p, "-", 121p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 139p, 147p], [148p, "-", 151p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 209p, 217p], [218p, "-", 221p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 239p, 247p], [246p, "-", 249p, 256p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 318p], [314p, "-", 317p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 340p, 349p], [346p, "-", 349p, 358p, 402p, 407p, 412p, 421p], [417p, "-", 420p, 429p, 433p, 438p, 443p, 452p], [448p, "-", 451p, 500p, 504p, 509p, 514p, 523p], [518p, "-", 521p, 530p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 553p], [548p, "-", 551p, 600p, 604p, 609p, 614p, 623p], ["-", 617p, 620p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 640p, 648p], ["-", 650p, 653p, 658p, 701p, 705p, 709p, 717p], ["-", 743p, 746p, 751p, 754p, 758p, 802p, 810p], ["-", 843p, 846p, 851p, 854p, 858p, 902p, 910p], ["-", 943p, 946p, 951p, 954p, 958p, 1002p, 1010p], ["-", 1043p, 1046p, 1051p, 1054p, 1058p, 1102p, 1110p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "81"
+    stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "17"
-    stop_times: [[601a, 606a, 612a, 617a, 620a, 625a, 627a, 631a], [631a, 636a, 642a, 647a, 650a, 655a, 657a, 701a], [701a, 706a, 712a, 717a, 720a, 725a, 727a, 731a], [721a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 740a, 746a, 748a, 752a], [741a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 801a, 807a, 809a, 813a], [801a, 807a, 813a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 829a, 833a], [821a, 827a, 833a, 838a, 841a, 847a, 849a, 853a], [841a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 901a, 907a, 909a, 913a], [925a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 950a, 952a, 956a], [956a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a], [1026a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a, 1052a, 1056a], [1056a, 1101a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a], [1126a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a, 1152a, 1156a], [1156a, 1201p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p], [1226p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p, 1252p, 1256p], [1256p, 101p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 120p, 122p, 126p], ["-", "-", 122p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 137p, 141p], [126p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 150p, 152p, 156p], [156p, 201p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 220p, 222p, 226p], [226p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 245p, 250p, 252p, 256p], ["-", "-", 252p, 257p, 300p, 306p, 308p, 312p], [256p, 301p, 307p, 312p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 327p], ["-", "-", 325p, 330p, 333p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [326p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 346p, 352p, 354p, 358p], [347p, 353p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 415p, 419p], ["-", "-", 403p, 408p, 411p, 417p, 419p, 423p], [417p, 423p, 429p, 434p, 437p, 443p, 445p, 449p], [447p, 453p, 459p, 504p, 507p, 513p, 515p, 519p], [517p, 523p, 529p, 534p, 537p, 543p, 545p, 549p], [547p, 553p, 559p, 604p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 619p], [617p, 623p, 629p, 634p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 647p], [719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 738p, 742p, 744p, 748p], [819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 838p, 842p, 844p, 848p], [919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 938p, 942p, 944p, 948p], [1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1038p, 1042p, 1044p, 1048p], [1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, 1138p, 1142p, 1144p, 1148p], []]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "903"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1004a, 1008a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1104a, 1108a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1204p, 1208p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 104p, 108p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 204p, 208p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 304p, 308p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 404p, 408p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 504p, 508p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 604p, 608p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 703p, 707p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    stop_times_saturday: [[715a, 725a, 734a, 743a, 746a, 755a], [915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p], [918p, 928p, 937p, 946p, 949p, 958p], [1118p, 1128p, 1137p, 1146p, 1149p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "915"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "51"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 531a, 540a, 549a, 559a, 602a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 616a, 625a, 634a, 644a, 647a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [618a, 620a, 624a, 634a, 639a, 648a, 657a, 706a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 721a, 728a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656a, 705a, 714a, 723a, 726a, 729a, 736a, 738a, 745a], [652a, 654a, 658a, 708a, 713a, 722a, 731a, 740a, 743a, 747a, 758a, 802a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", 721a, 726a, 735a, 744a, 753a, 756a, 801a, 812a, 817a, 832a], [732a, 734a, 738a, 748a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 822a, 825a, 830a, 841a, 846a, 900a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 806a, 811a, 821a, 831a, 840a, 843a, 848a, 859a, 902a, 909a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 839a, 849a, 858a, 901a, 904a, 911a, 913a, 927a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 855a, 900a, 909a, 918a, 927a, 930a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [909a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 930a, 939a, 948a, 958a, 1001a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [939a, 941a, 945a, 955a, 1000a, 1009a, 1018a, 1028a, 1031a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1055a, 1100a, 1109a, 1118a, 1128a, 1131a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1155a, 1200p, 1209p, 1218p, 1228p, 1231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1255p, 100p, 109p, 118p, 128p, 131p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [139p, 141p, 145p, 155p, 200p, 209p, 218p, 228p, 231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [239p, 241p, 245p, 255p, 300p, 309p, 318p, 328p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [334p, 336p, 340p, 350p, 355p, 405p, 415p, 425p, 428p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [414p, 416p, 420p, 431p, 436p, 447p, 457p, 507p, 510p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [434p, 436p, 440p, 451p, 456p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 530p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 456p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 527p, 537p, 547p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 515p, 519p, 530p, 535p, 546p, 556p, 606p, 609p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [534p, 536p, 540p, 551p, 556p, 606p, 615p, 625p, 628p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [638p, 640p, 644p, 654p, 659p, 708p, 717p, 727p, 730p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [738p, 740p, 744p, 754p, 759p, 808p, 817p, 827p, 830p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838p, 840p, 844p, 854p, 859p, 908p, 917p, 927p, 930p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [938p, 940p, 944p, 954p, 959p, 1008p, 1017p, 1027p, 1030p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1038p, 1040p, 1044p, 1054p, 1059p, 1108p, 1117p, 1127p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "956"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "980"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, North Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "31"
+    stop_times: [[612a, 614a, 618a, 623a, 628a, 635a, 640a, 647a], [642a, 644a, 648a, 653a, 658a, 705a, 710a, 717a], [709a, 711a, 715a, 720a, 725a, 733a, 741a, 757a], [738a, 740a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 805a, 813a, 829a], [808a, 810a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 835a, 843a, 859a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 849a, 856a, 905a, 913a, 929a], [927a, 929a, 933a, 938a, 944a, 952a, 957a, 1004a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1057a, 1104a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1157a, 1204p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1257p, 104p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 138p, 144p, 152p, 157p, 204p], [227p, 229p, 233p, 238p, 244p, 252p, 257p, 305p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 323p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p], [342p, 344p, 348p, 353p, 359p, 407p, 412p, 420p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 453p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 520p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p], [542p, 544p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 607p, 612p, 620p], [626p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 642p, 649p, 654p, 700p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 749p, 754p, 800p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 849p, 854p, 900p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 949p, 954p, 1000p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1049p, 1054p, 1100p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "62"
+    stop_times: [[609a, 616a, 624a, 637a, "-", "-"], [639a, 646a, 654a, 707a, "-", "-"], [709a, 716a, 725a, 740a, 755a, 758a], [736a, 743a, 752a, 807a, 822a, 825a], [754a, 801a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [809a, 816a, 825a, 840a, 855a, 858a], [839a, 846a, 855a, 909a, "-", "-"], [939a, 946a, 954a, 1007a, "-", "-"], [1039a, 1046a, 1054a, 1107a, "-", "-"], [1139a, 1146a, 1154a, 1207p, "-", "-"], [1239p, 1246p, 1254p, 107p, "-", "-"], [139p, 146p, 154p, 207p, "-", "-"], [239p, 246p, 254p, 308p, "-", "-"], [309p, 316p, 325p, 339p, "-", "-"], [339p, 346p, 355p, 409p, "-", "-"], [409p, 416p, 425p, 439p, "-", "-"], [439p, 446p, 455p, 509p, "-", "-"], [509p, 516p, 525p, 539p, "-", "-"], [539p, 546p, 555p, 609p, "-", "-"], [609p, 616p, 625p, 637p, "-", "-"], [639p, 645p, 652p, 703p, "-", "-"], [739p, 745p, 752p, 803p, "-", "-"], [839p, 845p, 852p, 903p, "-", "-"], [940p, 946p, 953p, 1004p, "-", "-"], [1040p, 1046p, 1053p, 1104p, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "907"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 18 318
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 714a, 722a, 726a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 750a, 755a, 805a], [720a, 722a, 726a, 748a, 805a, 823a, 833a, 838a, 848a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 817a, 834a, 852a, 902a, 907a, 917a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 916a, 926a, 931a, 940a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 949a, 957a, 1001a, 1010a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 946a, 1003a, 1019a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [950a, 952a, 956a, 1016a, 1033a, 1049a, 1057a, 1101a, 1110a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1046a, 1103a, 1119a, 1127a, 1131a, 1140a], [1050a, 1052a, 1056a, 1116a, 1133a, 1149a, 1157a, 1201p, 1210p], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1146a, 1203p, 1219p, 1227p, 1231p, 1240p], [1150a, 1152a, 1156a, 1216p, 1233p, 1249p, 1257p, 101p, 110p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1246p, 103p, 119p, 127p, 131p, 140p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 116p, 133p, 149p, 157p, 201p, 210p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 146p, 203p, 219p, 227p, 231p, 240p], [150p, 152p, 156p, 216p, 233p, 249p, 257p, 301p, 310p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 246p, 303p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 344p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 318p, 335p, 355p, 403p, 407p, 416p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 348p, 405p, 425p, 433p, 437p, 446p], [350p, 352p, 356p, 418p, 435p, 455p, 503p, 507p, 516p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 448p, 505p, 525p, 533p, 537p, 546p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 508p, 525p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 606p], [500p, 502p, 506p, 528p, 545p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 626p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 543p, 600p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 641p], [550p, 552p, 556p, 618p, 634p, 650p, 658p, 702p, 711p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 645p, 659p, 715p, 723p, 727p, 736p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 715p, 729p, 745p, 753p, 757p, 806p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 848p, 856p, 900p, 909p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 948p, 956p, 1000p, 1009p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1048p, 1056p, 1100p, 1109p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+    short_name: "982"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "21"
+    stop_times: [[657a, 703a, 706a, 712a, 724a], [727a, 734a, 737a, 744a, 757a], [757a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 827a], [827a, 834a, 837a, 844a, 857a], [904a, 911a, 914a, 921a, 934a], [1004a, 1010a, 1013a, 1019a, 1031a], [1104a, 1110a, 1113a, 1119a, 1131a], [1204p, 1210p, 1213p, 1219p, 1231p], [104p, 110p, 113p, 119p, 131p], [204p, 210p, 213p, 219p, 231p], [304p, 311p, 314p, 321p, 334p], [327p, 334p, 337p, 344p, 357p], [357p, 404p, 407p, 414p, 427p], [427p, 434p, 437p, 444p, 457p], [457p, 504p, 507p, 514p, 527p], [527p, 534p, 537p, 544p, 557p], [557p, 604p, 607p, 614p, 627p], [627p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 654p], [720p, 726p, 729p, 735p, 747p], [820p, 826p, 829p, 835p, 847p], [920p, 926p, 929p, 935p, 947p], [1020p, 1026p, 1029p, 1035p, 1047p], [1120p, 1126p, 1129p, 1135p, "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: {}
+    short_name: "938"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p]]
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, North Lyneham, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
@@ -2384,1501 +3860,7 @@
     short_name: "30"
     stop_times: [[546a, 548a, 552a, 557a, 605a, 612a, 618a, 621a, 623a, 630a], [615a, 617a, 621a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 647a, 650a, 652a, 659a], [631a, 633a, 637a, 642a, 650a, 657a, 703a, 706a, 708a, 715a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 707a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 731a, 736a, 752a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 738a, 746a, 750a, 755a, 811a], [724a, 726a, 730a, 735a, 743a, 752a, 800a, 804a, 809a, 825a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 824a, 828a, 833a, 848a], [756a, 758a, 802a, 807a, 815a, 824a, 834a, 838a, 843a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 838a, 846a, 850a, 855a, 911a], [824a, 826a, 830a, 835a, 843a, 852a, 900a, 904a, 909a, 925a], [853a, 855a, 859a, 904a, 912a, 921a, 929a, 932a, 934a, 941a], [953a, 955a, 959a, 1004a, 1011a, 1019a, 1027a, 1030a, 1032a, 1039a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1104a, 1111a, 1119a, 1127a, 1130a, 1132a, 1139a], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1204p, 1211p, 1219p, 1227p, 1230p, 1232p, 1239p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 104p, 111p, 119p, 127p, 130p, 132p, 139p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 204p, 211p, 219p, 227p, 230p, 232p, 239p], [242p, 244p, 248p, 253p, 300p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 322p, 330p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 327p, 335p, 343p, 347p, 349p, 357p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 359p, 407p, 411p, 413p, 421p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 412p, 421p, 429p, 437p, 441p, 443p, 451p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 442p, 451p, 459p, 507p, 511p, 513p, 521p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 537p, 541p, 543p, 551p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 542p, 551p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 613p, 621p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 612p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 634p, 640p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 711p, 718p, 724p, 727p, 729p, 735p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 811p, 818p, 824p, 827p, 829p, 835p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 911p, 918p, 924p, 927p, 929p, 935p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1011p, 1018p, 1024p, 1027p, 1029p, 1035p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1111p, 1118p, 1124p, 1127p, 1129p, 1135p]]
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "914"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
-    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "785"
-    stop_times: [[652a, 655a, 713a, 743a, 747a, 749a], [725a, 728a, 746a, 816a, 820a, 822a], [745a, 748a, 806a, 836a, 840a, 842a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Market Place]
-    long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz34Gq, Wjz33LB, Wjz33KX, Wjz33GY, Wjz33EK, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "787"
-    stop_times: [[516p, 522p, 524p, 556p, 607p, 609p], [535p, 541p, 543p, 615p, 626p, 628p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Dickson College, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-    between_stops: 
-      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
-    short_name: "757"
-    stop_times: [[433p, 443p, 457p, 510p, 524p], [508p, 518p, 532p, 543p, 556p], [538p, 548p, 602p, 613p, 626p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 816a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p], [713p, 720p, 722p, 726p, 731p, 740p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 816p, 833p, 835p, 840p], [813p, 820p, 822p, 826p, 831p, 840p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 916p, 933p, 935p, 940p], [913p, 920p, 922p, 926p, 931p, 940p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1016p, 1033p, 1035p, 1040p], [1013p, 1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1031p, 1040p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1116p, 1133p, 1135p, 1140p], [1113p, 1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1131p, 1140p, 1150p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "934"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "958"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[810a, 819a, 824a, 829a, 833a, 841a], [1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p], [813p, 821p, 826p, 830p, 834p, 841p], [1013p, 1021p, 1026p, 1030p, 1034p, 1041p]]
-    short_name: "924"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p], [801p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 841p], [901p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 941p], [1001p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1041p], [1101p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1141p]]
-    short_name: "930"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, Canberra College Weston Campus, Chapman Shops, Weston Creek Terminus]
-    long_name: To Weston Creek Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: 26 226
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 828a, 832a, 837a, 841a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 858a, 908a, 912a, 917a, 921a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 958a, 1007a, 1010a, 1015a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1058a, 1107a, 1110a, 1115a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1158a, 1207p, 1210p, 1215p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1258p, 107p, 110p, 115p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 158p, 207p, 210p, 215p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 258p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 324p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 328p, 340p, 344p, 350p, 355p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 354p, 406p, 410p, 416p, 421p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 418p, 430p, 434p, 440p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 448p, 500p, 504p, 510p, 515p], [452p, 456p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 530p, 534p, 540p, 545p], [522p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 600p, 604p, 610p, 615p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 640p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 650p, 657p, 659p, 703p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 750p, 757p, 759p, 803p, 807p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 850p, 857p, 859p, 903p, 907p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 950p, 957p, 959p, 1003p, 1007p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1050p, 1057p, 1059p, 1103p, 1107p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "925"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder Shops, Duffy Primary, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-    short_name: "729"
-    stop_times: [[445p, 451p, 513p, 518p, 526p, 532p], [515p, 521p, 543p, 548p, 556p, 602p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[803a, 816a, 824a, 838a, 848a], [1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p], [803p, 816p, 824p, 838p, 848p], [1003p, 1016p, 1024p, 1038p, 1048p]]
-    short_name: "968"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor Shops, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
-    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "703"
-    stop_times: [[653a, 700a, 706a, 718a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [710a, 717a, 723a, 735a, 753a, "-", "-"], [723a, 730a, 736a, 748a, 806a, "-", "-"], [738a, 745a, 751a, 803a, 834a, 843a, 851a], [758a, 806a, 813a, 827a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba Shops, Spence Terminus, Melba Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 738a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 811a, 825a, 838a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 709p, 723p, 736p, 750p, 752p, 756p], [751p, 753p, 757p, 809p, 823p, 836p, 850p, 852p, 856p], [855p, 857p, 901p, 913p, 927p, 940p, 954p, 956p, 1000p], [955p, 957p, 1001p, 1013p, 1027p, 1040p, 1054p, 1056p, 1100p], [1055p, 1057p, 1101p, 1113p, 1127p, 1140p, 1154p, 1156p, 1200a]]
-    short_name: "906"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Calwell Shops, Theodore, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-    short_name: 11 111
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 546a, 556a, 609a, 616a], ["-", "-", "-", 606a, 616a, 629a, 636a], ["-", "-", "-", 626a, 636a, 649a, 656a], ["-", "-", "-", 646a, 656a, 709a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 729a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", 725a, 735a, 749a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", 745a, 755a, 809a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 815a, 829a, 836a], ["-", "-", "-", 825a, 835a, 849a, 856a], ["-", "-", "-", 845a, 855a, 909a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", 917a, 927a, 940a, 946a], ["-", 930a, 942a, 948a, 957a, 1010a, 1016a], ["-", 1000a, 1012a, 1018a, 1027a, 1040a, 1046a], ["-", 1030a, 1042a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a, 1116a], ["-", 1100a, 1112a, 1118a, 1127a, 1140a, 1146a], ["-", 1130a, 1142a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p, 1216p], ["-", 1200p, 1212p, 1218p, 1227p, 1240p, 1246p], ["-", 1230p, 1242p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p, 116p], ["-", 100p, 112p, 118p, 127p, 140p, 146p], ["-", 130p, 142p, 148p, 157p, 210p, 216p], ["-", 200p, 212p, 218p, 227p, 240p, 246p], ["-", 230p, 242p, 248p, 257p, 311p, 318p], ["-", 300p, 314p, 321p, 331p, 345p, 352p], ["-", 320p, 334p, 341p, 351p, 405p, 412p], ["-", 340p, 354p, 401p, 411p, 425p, 432p], ["-", 400p, 414p, 421p, 431p, 445p, 452p], ["-", 425p, 439p, 446p, 456p, 510p, 517p], ["-", 440p, 454p, 501p, 511p, 525p, 532p], ["-", 500p, 514p, 521p, 531p, 545p, 552p], [456p, 513p, 527p, 534p, 544p, 558p, 605p], [516p, 533p, 547p, 554p, 604p, 618p, 625p], [534p, 551p, 605p, 612p, 622p, 636p, 641p], [556p, 613p, 627p, 633p, 642p, 655p, 701p], [616p, 633p, 645p, 651p, 700p, 713p, 719p], ["-", 733p, 745p, 751p, 800p, 813p, 819p], ["-", 833p, 845p, 851p, 900p, 913p, 919p], ["-", 933p, 945p, 951p, 1000p, 1013p, 1019p], ["-", 1033p, 1045p, 1051p, 1100p, 1113p, 1119p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Narrabundah Terminus, Geoscience Australia]
-    long_name: To Geoscience Australia
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "4"
-    stop_times: [[633a, 641a, 645a, 649a, 652a, 700a, "-", 703a], [703a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 722a, 730a, "-", 733a], [733a, 742a, 747a, 752a, 755a, 805a, "-", 808a], [803a, 812a, 817a, 822a, 825a, 835a, "-", 838a], [818a, 827a, 832a, 837a, 840a, 850a, "-", 853a], [833a, 842a, 847a, 852a, 855a, 905a, "-", 908a], [903a, 912a, 917a, 922a, 925a, 935a, "-", 938a], [933a, 941a, 945a, 949a, 952a, 1001a, "-", 1004a], [1003a, 1011a, 1015a, 1019a, 1022a, 1031a, "-", 1034a], [1033a, 1041a, 1045a, 1049a, 1052a, 1101a, "-", 1104a], [1103a, 1111a, 1115a, 1119a, 1122a, 1131a, "-", 1134a], [1133a, 1141a, 1145a, 1149a, 1152a, 1201p, "-", 1204p], [1203p, 1211p, 1215p, 1219p, 1222p, 1231p, "-", 1234p], [1233p, 1241p, 1245p, 1249p, 1252p, 101p, "-", 104p], [103p, 111p, 115p, 119p, 122p, 131p, "-", 134p], [133p, 141p, 145p, 149p, 152p, 201p, "-", 204p], [203p, 211p, 215p, 219p, 222p, 231p, "-", 234p], [233p, 241p, 245p, 249p, 252p, 301p, "-", 304p], [303p, 312p, 317p, 322p, 325p, 334p, "-", 337p], [333p, 342p, 347p, 352p, 355p, 404p, "-", 407p], [405p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", 439p], [439p, 448p, 453p, 458p, 501p, 510p, "-", 513p], [509p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 531p, 540p, "-", 543p], [539p, 548p, 553p, 558p, 601p, 610p, 613p, "-"], [616p, 625p, 630p, 634p, 637p, 642p, 645p, "-"], [707p, 715p, 719p, 723p, 726p, 731p, 734p, "-"], [810p, 818p, 822p, 826p, 829p, 834p, 837p, "-"], [910p, 918p, 922p, 926p, 929p, 934p, 937p, "-"], [1010p, 1018p, 1022p, 1026p, 1029p, 1034p, 1037p, "-"], [1110p, 1118p, 1122p, 1126p, 1129p, 1134p, 1137p, "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson]
-    long_name: To Dickson
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-    short_name: "6"
-    stop_times: [[618a, 626a, 638a, 645a, 650a, 701a, 713a, 719a, 725a], [653a, 701a, 713a, 720a, 725a, 737a, 751a, 759a, 806a], [723a, 731a, 745a, 753a, 758a, 812a, 826a, 834a, 841a], [753a, 803a, 817a, 825a, 830a, 844a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [823a, 833a, 847a, 855a, 900a, 914a, 928a, 936a, 943a], [853a, 903a, 917a, 925a, 930a, 944a, 956a, 1004a, 1011a], [923a, 933a, 945a, 952a, 957a, 1011a, 1023a, 1031a, 1038a], [1023a, 1033a, 1045a, 1052a, 1057a, 1111a, 1123a, 1131a, 1138a], [1123a, 1133a, 1145a, 1152a, 1157a, 1211p, 1223p, 1231p, 1238p], [1223p, 1233p, 1245p, 1252p, 1257p, 111p, 123p, 131p, 138p], [123p, 133p, 145p, 152p, 157p, 211p, 223p, 231p, 238p], [223p, 233p, 245p, 252p, 257p, 311p, 325p, 333p, 340p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 344p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [323p, 333p, 347p, 355p, 400p, 414p, 428p, 436p, 443p], [353p, 403p, 417p, 425p, 430p, 444p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [423p, 433p, 447p, 455p, 500p, 514p, 528p, 536p, 543p], [453p, 503p, 517p, 525p, 530p, 544p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [516p, 526p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 607p, 621p, 629p, 635p], [553p, 603p, 617p, 625p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 656p, 702p], [630p, 638p, 648p, 655p, 700p, 710p, 720p, 726p, 732p], [730p, 738p, 748p, 755p, 800p, 810p, 820p, 826p, 832p], [830p, 838p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 910p, 920p, 926p, 932p], [930p, 938p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1010p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], [1030p, 1038p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
-    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
-    short_name: "710"
-    stop_times: [[658a, 700a, 704a, 723a, 732a, 740a], [728a, 730a, 734a, 753a, 802a, 810a], [743a, 745a, 749a, 808a, 817a, 825a], [758a, 800a, 804a, 823a, 832a, 840a], [813a, 815a, 819a, 838a, 847a, 855a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "962"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Tharwa Drive]
-    long_name: To Tharwa Drive
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "769"
-    stop_times: [[427p, 433p, 442p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 532p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 540p, 550p, 600p, 605p], [537p, 543p, 552p, 617p, 627p, 637p, 642p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tharwa Drive, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Chisholm Shops, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
-    long_name: To City West
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
-    short_name: "769"
-    stop_times: [[641a, 646a, 656a, 706a, 733a, 743a, 747a], [721a, 726a, 736a, 746a, 813a, 823a, 827a], [741a, 746a, 756a, 806a, 833a, 843a, 847a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
-    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
-    short_name: "982"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-    short_name: "50"
-    stop_times: [[700p, 706p, 708p, 715p, 718p, 721p], [730p, 736p, 738p, 745p, 748p, 751p], [800p, 806p, 808p, 815p, 818p, 821p], [830p, 836p, 838p, 845p, 848p, 851p], [900p, 906p, 908p, 915p, 918p, 921p], [930p, 936p, 938p, 945p, 948p, 951p], [1000p, 1006p, 1008p, 1015p, 1018p, 1021p], [1030p, 1036p, 1038p, 1045p, 1048p, 1051p], [1100p, 1106p, 1108p, 1115p, 1118p, 1121p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
-    short_name: "982"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
-    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "780"
-    stop_times: [[648a, 707a, 723a], [719a, 738a, 754a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Chapman Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 803a, 806a, 816a, 819a, 826a], [855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p], [755p, 803p, 806p, 816p, 819p, 826p], [855p, 903p, 906p, 916p, 919p, 926p], [955p, 1003p, 1006p, 1016p, 1019p, 1026p], [1055p, 1103p, 1106p, 1116p, 1119p, 1126p]]
-    short_name: "927"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
-    short_name: "3"
-    stop_times: [[612a, 619a, 621a, 625a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 650a, 701a, 706a, 711a, 718a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [642a, 649a, 651a, 655a, 700a, 704a, 708a, 720a, 731a, 736a, 741a, 750a, 803a, 805a, 810a], [712a, 719a, 721a, 725a, 730a, 734a, 740a, 752a, 803a, 808a, 813a, 822a, 835a, 837a, 842a], [738a, 746a, 749a, 754a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 845a, 854a, 907a, 909a, 914a], [808a, 816a, 819a, 824a, 832a, 836a, 842a, 854a, 905a, 910a, 915a, 924a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [838a, 846a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 906a, 912a, 924a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 952a, 1004a, 1006a, 1011a], [912a, 920a, 923a, 928a, 934a, 938a, 942a, 954a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1022a, 1034a, 1036a, 1041a], [942a, 949a, 951a, 955a, 1000a, 1004a, 1008a, 1020a, 1031a, 1036a, 1041a, 1048a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1012a, 1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1030a, 1034a, 1038a, 1050a, 1101a, 1106a, 1111a, 1118a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1042a, 1049a, 1051a, 1055a, 1100a, 1104a, 1108a, 1120a, 1131a, 1136a, 1141a, 1148a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1112a, 1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1130a, 1134a, 1138a, 1150a, 1201p, 1206p, 1211p, 1218p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1142a, 1149a, 1151a, 1155a, 1200p, 1204p, 1208p, 1220p, 1231p, 1236p, 1241p, 1248p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1212p, 1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1230p, 1234p, 1238p, 1250p, 101p, 106p, 111p, 118p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1242p, 1249p, 1251p, 1255p, 100p, 104p, 108p, 120p, 131p, 136p, 141p, 148p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [112p, 119p, 121p, 125p, 130p, 134p, 138p, 150p, 201p, 206p, 211p, 218p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [142p, 149p, 151p, 155p, 200p, 204p, 208p, 220p, 231p, 236p, 241p, 248p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 219p, 221p, 225p, 230p, 234p, 238p, 250p, 301p, 307p, 313p, 321p, 334p, 336p, 341p], [242p, 249p, 251p, 255p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 320p, 331p, 337p, 343p, 351p, 404p, 406p, 411p], [309p, 317p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 334p, 338p, 350p, 401p, 407p, 413p, 421p, 434p, 436p, 441p], [339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 400p, 404p, 408p, 420p, 431p, 437p, 443p, 451p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 417p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 434p, 438p, 450p, 501p, 507p, 513p, 521p, 534p, 536p, 541p], [439p, 447p, 449p, 454p, 500p, 504p, 508p, 520p, 531p, 537p, 543p, 551p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [511p, 519p, 521p, 526p, 532p, 536p, 540p, 552p, 603p, 609p, 615p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [539p, 547p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p, 608p, 620p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [608p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 648p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 728p, 730p, 735p], [643p, 649p, 651p, 655p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 719p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 747p, 759p, 801p, 806p], [713p, 719p, 721p, 725p, 730p, 733p, 737p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 810p, 817p, 829p, 831p, 836p], [813p, 819p, 821p, 825p, 830p, 833p, 837p, 849p, 900p, 905p, 910p, 917p, 929p, 931p, 936p], [913p, 919p, 921p, 925p, 930p, 933p, 937p, 949p, 1000p, 1005p, 1010p, 1017p, 1029p, 1031p, 1036p], [1013p, 1019p, 1021p, 1025p, 1030p, 1033p, 1037p, 1049p, 1100p, 1105p, 1110p, 1117p, 1129p, 1131p, 1136p], [1113p, 1119p, 1121p, 1125p, 1130p, 1133p, 1137p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba Shops, Spence Terminus, Melba Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-    short_name: "906"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Railway Station Kingston, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet]
-    long_name: To Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "200"
-    stop_times: [[701a, 709a, 715a, 718a, 723a, 732a, 736a, 742a, 749a], [716a, 724a, 731a, 737a, 747a, 757a, 801a, 807a, 814a], [731a, 740a, 749a, 755a, 805a, 815a, 819a, 825a, 832a], [746a, 755a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 830a, 834a, 840a, 847a], [801a, 810a, 819a, 825a, 835a, 845a, 849a, 855a, 902a], [816a, 825a, 834a, 840a, 850a, 900a, 904a, 910a, 917a], [831a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 902a, 910a, 914a, 920a, 927a], [846a, 855a, 902a, 905a, 910a, 918a, 922a, 928a, 935a], [901a, 909a, 915a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 935a, 941a, 948a], [916a, 924a, 930a, 933a, 938a, 946a, 950a, 956a, 1003a], [931a, 939a, 945a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, 1005a, 1011a, 1018a], [946a, 954a, 1000a, 1003a, 1008a, 1016a, 1020a, 1026a, 1033a], [1001a, 1009a, 1015a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a, 1041a, 1048a], [1016a, 1024a, 1030a, 1033a, 1038a, 1046a, 1050a, 1056a, 1103a], [1031a, 1039a, 1045a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a, 1111a, 1118a], [1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1103a, 1108a, 1116a, 1120a, 1126a, 1133a], [1101a, 1109a, 1115a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a, 1141a, 1148a], [1116a, 1124a, 1130a, 1133a, 1138a, 1146a, 1150a, 1156a, 1203p], [1131a, 1139a, 1145a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p, 1211p, 1218p], [1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1203p, 1208p, 1216p, 1220p, 1226p, 1233p], [1201p, 1209p, 1215p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p, 1241p, 1248p], [1216p, 1224p, 1230p, 1233p, 1238p, 1246p, 1250p, 1256p, 103p], [1233p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1255p, 103p, 107p, 113p, 120p], [1246p, 1254p, 100p, 103p, 108p, 116p, 120p, 126p, 133p], [101p, 109p, 115p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 135p, 141p, 148p], [116p, 124p, 130p, 133p, 138p, 146p, 150p, 156p, 203p], [131p, 139p, 145p, 148p, 153p, 201p, 205p, 211p, 218p], [146p, 154p, 200p, 203p, 208p, 216p, 220p, 226p, 233p], [201p, 209p, 215p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 235p, 241p, 248p], [216p, 224p, 230p, 233p, 238p, 246p, 250p, 256p, 303p], [231p, 239p, 245p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 305p, 311p, 318p], [246p, 254p, 300p, 303p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 326p, 333p], [301p, 309p, 315p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 341p, 348p], [316p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 338p, 346p, 350p, 356p, 404p], [331p, 339p, 345p, 348p, 353p, 402p, 407p, 415p, 424p], [346p, 354p, 400p, 403p, 412p, 422p, 427p, 435p, 444p], [401p, 410p, 417p, 420p, 429p, 439p, 444p, 452p, 501p], [416p, 425p, 432p, 435p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 507p, 516p], [431p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 459p, 509p, 514p, 522p, 531p], [446p, 455p, 502p, 505p, 514p, 524p, 529p, 537p, 546p], [501p, 510p, 517p, 520p, 529p, 539p, 544p, 552p, 600p], [516p, 525p, 532p, 535p, 544p, 554p, 559p, 605p, 612p], [531p, 540p, 547p, 550p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 617p, 624p], [546p, 555p, 601p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 621p, 627p, 634p], [601p, 609p, 615p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 635p, 641p, 648p], [616p, 624p, 630p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 650p, 656p, 703p], [631p, 639p, 645p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 705p, 711p, 718p], [646p, 654p, 700p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 720p, 726p, 733p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Dickson, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "8"
-    stop_times: [[626a, 632a, 637a, 644a], [657a, 703a, 708a, 715a], [724a, 730a, 737a, 746a], [757a, 804a, 811a, 820a], [831a, 838a, 845a, 854a], [904a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1027a], [1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1127a], [1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1227p], [109p, 115p, 120p, 127p], [209p, 215p, 220p, 227p], [302p, 309p, 316p, 325p], [332p, 339p, 346p, 355p], [408p, 415p, 422p, 431p], [437p, 444p, 451p, 500p], [507p, 514p, 521p, 530p], [537p, 544p, 551p, 600p], [646p, 652p, 657p, 702p], [746p, 752p, 757p, 802p], [846p, 852p, 857p, 902p], [946p, 952p, 957p, 1002p], [1046p, 1052p, 1057p, 1102p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "925"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "952"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 847a, 900a, 905a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [939a, 947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 100p, 105p, 118p, 120p, 125p], [139p, 147p, 200p, 205p, 218p, 220p, 225p], [239p, 247p, 300p, 305p, 318p, 320p, 325p], [339p, 347p, 400p, 405p, 418p, 420p, 425p], [439p, 447p, 500p, 505p, 518p, 520p, 525p], [539p, 547p, 600p, 605p, 618p, 620p, 625p], [639p, 647p, 700p, 705p, 718p, 720p, 725p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
-    short_name: "3"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 627a, 631a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 646a, 653a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 648a, 657a, 701a, 706a, 710a, 714a, 716a, 723a], [628a, 630a, 634a, 651a, 657a, 701a, 705a, 718a, 727a, 731a, 736a, 742a, 746a, 748a, 758a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 719a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 748a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 818a, 820a, 830a], [721a, 723a, 727a, 746a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 818a, 828a, 833a, 838a, 844a, 848a, 850a, 900a], [745a, 747a, 751a, 810a, 819a, 827a, 832a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 908a, 912a, 914a, 924a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 846a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 918a, 928a, 932a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 916a, 924a, 929a, 934a, 948a, 958a, 1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1016a, 1018a, 1025a], [924a, 926a, 930a, 947a, 954a, 959a, 1004a, 1018a, 1028a, 1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [954a, 956a, 1000a, 1017a, 1024a, 1029a, 1034a, 1048a, 1058a, 1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1116a, 1118a, 1125a], [1024a, 1026a, 1030a, 1047a, 1054a, 1059a, 1104a, 1118a, 1128a, 1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1054a, 1056a, 1100a, 1117a, 1124a, 1129a, 1134a, 1148a, 1158a, 1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1216p, 1218p, 1225p], [1124a, 1126a, 1130a, 1147a, 1154a, 1159a, 1204p, 1218p, 1228p, 1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1154a, 1156a, 1200p, 1217p, 1224p, 1229p, 1234p, 1248p, 1258p, 102p, 107p, 112p, 116p, 118p, 125p], [1224p, 1226p, 1230p, 1247p, 1254p, 1259p, 104p, 118p, 128p, 132p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [1254p, 1256p, 100p, 117p, 124p, 129p, 134p, 148p, 158p, 202p, 207p, 212p, 216p, 218p, 225p], [124p, 126p, 130p, 147p, 154p, 159p, 204p, 218p, 228p, 232p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [154p, 156p, 200p, 217p, 224p, 229p, 234p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 308p, 314p, 318p, 320p, 329p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 324p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 350p, 354p, 356p, 405p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 315p, 323p, 328p, 334p, 348p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 414p, 418p, 420p, 429p], [317p, 319p, 323p, 342p, 350p, 355p, 401p, 415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 445p, 447p, 456p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 411p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 504p, 510p, 514p, 516p, 525p], [418p, 420p, 424p, 443p, 451p, 456p, 502p, 516p, 526p, 531p, 536p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 557p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 510p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 603p, 609p, 613p, 615p, 624p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 613p, 623p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 650p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 612p, 620p, 625p, 631p, 644p, 653p, 658p, 702p, 707p, 711p, 713p, 720p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 643p, 650p, 655p, 700p, 713p, 722p, 727p, 731p, 736p, 740p, 742p, 749p], [723p, 725p, 729p, 746p, 753p, 758p, 803p, 816p, 825p, 830p, 834p, 839p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [825p, 827p, 831p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 905p, 918p, 927p, 932p, 936p, 941p, 945p, 947p, 954p], [925p, 927p, 931p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1005p, 1018p, 1027p, 1032p, 1036p, 1041p, 1045p, 1047p, 1054p], [1025p, 1027p, 1031p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1105p, 1116p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, Fraser Shops, Fraser West Terminus]
-    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 14 314
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 706a, 708a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 726a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", 722a, 724a, 728a, 734a, 739a, 744a, 753a], [706a, 724a, 741a, 802a, 804a, 808a, 814a, 819a, 824a, 833a], [746a, 805a, 823a, 844a, 846a, 850a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 915a], [805a, 824a, 842a, 903a, 905a, 909a, 915a, 920a, 925a, 934a], [843a, 902a, 920a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 951a, 956a, 1000a, 1009a], [916a, 935a, 951a, 1011a, 1013a, 1017a, 1022a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [946a, 1004a, 1020a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1051a, 1056a, 1100a, 1109a], [1016a, 1034a, 1050a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1121a, 1126a, 1130a, 1139a], [1046a, 1104a, 1120a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1151a, 1156a, 1200p, 1209p], [1116a, 1134a, 1150a, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1221p, 1226p, 1230p, 1239p], [1146a, 1204p, 1220p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 1251p, 1256p, 100p, 109p], [1216p, 1234p, 1250p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 121p, 126p, 130p, 139p], [1246p, 104p, 120p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 151p, 156p, 200p, 209p], [116p, 134p, 150p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 221p, 226p, 230p, 239p], [146p, 204p, 220p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 251p, 256p, 300p, 310p], [216p, 234p, 250p, 311p, 313p, 317p, 323p, 328p, 333p, 343p], [245p, 303p, 321p, 342p, 344p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 404p, 414p], ["-", "-", 340p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 357p, 402p, 407p, 417p], [321p, 340p, 358p, 419p, 421p, 425p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 451p], [351p, 410p, 428p, 449p, 451p, 455p, 501p, 506p, 511p, 521p], [421p, 440p, 458p, 519p, 521p, 525p, 531p, 536p, 541p, 551p], [451p, 510p, 528p, 549p, 551p, 555p, 601p, 606p, 611p, 621p], [511p, 530p, 548p, 609p, 611p, 615p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 640p], [531p, 550p, 608p, 629p, 631p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 658p], [551p, 610p, 628p, 648p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 704p, 708p, 717p], [621p, 639p, 654p, 714p, 716p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 734p, 743p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 815p, 820p, 824p, 833p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 915p, 920p, 924p, 933p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1024p, 1033p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1124p, 1133p], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Kippax, Latham Post Office, Florey Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "16"
-    stop_times: [[610a, 619a, 625a, 630a, 632a, 636a], [640a, 649a, 655a, 700a, 702a, 706a], [711a, 720a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 737a], [730a, 741a, 747a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [750a, 801a, 807a, 813a, 815a, 819a], [810a, 821a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 839a], [830a, 841a, 847a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [851a, 902a, 908a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [916a, 927a, 933a, 938a, 940a, 944a], [946a, 955a, 1001a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a], [1011a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1033a, 1037a], [1046a, 1055a, 1101a, 1106a, 1108a, 1112a], [1111a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1133a, 1137a], [1146a, 1155a, 1201p, 1206p, 1208p, 1212p], [1211p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1233p, 1237p], [1246p, 1255p, 101p, 106p, 108p, 112p], [111p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 133p, 137p], [146p, 155p, 201p, 206p, 208p, 212p], [211p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 233p, 237p], [246p, 255p, 301p, 307p, 309p, 313p], [311p, 322p, 328p, 334p, 336p, 340p], [341p, 352p, 358p, 404p, 406p, 410p], [407p, 418p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 436p], [431p, 442p, 448p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [456p, 507p, 513p, 519p, 521p, 525p], [526p, 537p, 543p, 549p, 551p, 555p], [555p, 606p, 612p, 618p, 620p, 624p], [655p, 704p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 720p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 814p, 816p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 914p, 916p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1014p, 1016p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1114p, 1116p, 1120p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "942"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson Shops, Watson Shops, Watson Terminus, Watson Shops, Dickson Shops, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 713a, 719a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 813a, 819a, 834a], [846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p], [746p, 803p, 808p, 815p, 820p, 826p, 841p], [846p, 903p, 908p, 915p, 920p, 926p, 941p], [946p, 1003p, 1008p, 1015p, 1020p, 1026p, 1041p], [1046p, 1103p, 1108p, 1115p, 1120p, 1126p, 1141p]]
-    short_name: "939"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-    short_name: "82"
-    stop_times: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm Shops, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "967"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins Shops, Kippax, Higgins Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    short_name: "904"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Chapman Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p], [720p, 729p, 732p, 742p, 745p, 750p], [820p, 829p, 832p, 842p, 845p, 850p], [920p, 929p, 932p, 942p, 945p, 950p], [1020p, 1029p, 1032p, 1042p, 1045p, 1050p], [1120p, 1129p, 1132p, 1142p, 1145p, 1150p]]
-    short_name: "927"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "912"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill Shops, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill Shops, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
-    short_name: "935"
-    stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba Shops, Spence Shops, Spence Terminus]
-    long_name: To Spence Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 15 315
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 749a, 755a], ["-", "-", "-", 803a, 805a, 809a, 817a, 821a, 829a, 835a], [731a, 750a, 808a, 829a, 831a, 835a, 843a, 847a, 855a, 901a], [831a, 850a, 908a, 929a, 931a, 935a, 942a, 945a, 951a, 957a], [911a, 930a, 946a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a, 1019a, 1022a, 1028a, 1034a], [941a, 959a, 1015a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1048a, 1051a, 1057a, 1103a], [1011a, 1029a, 1045a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1118a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a], [1041a, 1059a, 1115a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1148a, 1151a, 1157a, 1203p], [1111a, 1129a, 1145a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1218p, 1221p, 1227p, 1233p], [1141a, 1159a, 1215p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 1248p, 1251p, 1257p, 103p], [1211p, 1229p, 1245p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 118p, 121p, 127p, 133p], [1241p, 1259p, 115p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 148p, 151p, 157p, 203p], [111p, 129p, 145p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 218p, 221p, 227p, 233p], [141p, 159p, 215p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 248p, 251p, 257p, 303p], [211p, 229p, 245p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 319p, 323p, 331p, 337p], [240p, 258p, 316p, 337p, 339p, 343p, 351p, 355p, 403p, 409p], ["-", "-", "-", 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 429p], [311p, 330p, 348p, 409p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 427p, 435p, 441p], [341p, 400p, 418p, 439p, 441p, 445p, 453p, 457p, 505p, 511p], [411p, 430p, 448p, 509p, 511p, 515p, 523p, 527p, 535p, 541p], [441p, 500p, 518p, 539p, 541p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 605p, 611p], [501p, 520p, 538p, 559p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 631p], [521p, 540p, 558p, 619p, 621p, 625p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 648p], [601p, 620p, 636p, 656p, 658p, 702p, 709p, 712p, 718p, 724p], ["-", "-", "-", 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 817p, 820p, 826p, 832p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 917p, 920p, 926p, 932p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1017p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1117p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[814a, 823a, 824a, 827a, 836a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [714p, 723p, 724p, 727p, 736p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [814p, 823p, 824p, 827p, 836p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [914p, 923p, 924p, 927p, 936p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [1014p, 1023p, 1024p, 1027p, 1036p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1114p, 1123p, 1124p, 1127p, 1136p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p]]
-    short_name: "942"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
-    long_name: To Alexander Machonochie Centre Hume
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "988"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "52"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 715a, 718a, 724a, 732a, 740a, 745a, 758a, 800a, 805a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735a, 738a, 744a, 753a, 801a, 806a, 819a, 821a, 826a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 804a, 813a, 821a, 826a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 824a, 833a, 841a, 846a, 859a, 901a, 906a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835a, 838a, 844a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 918a, 920a, 925a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 925a, 937a, 939a, 944a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 915a, 918a, 924a, 932a, 940a, 945a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 942a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1007a, 1012a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1030a, 1035a, 1047a, 1049a, 1054a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1130a, 1135a, 1147a, 1149a, 1154a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1205p, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1230p, 1235p, 1247p, 1249p, 1254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 105p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 130p, 135p, 147p, 149p, 154p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 205p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 230p, 235p, 247p, 249p, 254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 301p, 304p, 310p, 318p, 326p, 331p, 343p, 345p, 350p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 340p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 405p, 410p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [345p, 351p, 353p, 401p, 406p, 409p, 415p, 424p, 432p, 437p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [400p, 407p, 409p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 441p, 449p, 454p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [418p, 425p, 427p, 436p, 441p, 444p, 450p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 525p, 527p, 532p], [440p, 447p, 449p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 534p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 517p, 522p, 525p, 531p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 606p, 608p, 613p], [515p, 522p, 524p, 533p, 538p, 541p, 547p, 556p, 604p, 609p, 621p, 623p, 628p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 558p, 602p, 605p, 611p, 619p, 627p, 632p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 615p, 618p, 621p, 627p, 635p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 705p, 708p, 714p, 722p, 730p, 735p, 747p, 749p, 754p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 805p, 808p, 814p, 822p, 830p, 835p, 847p, 849p, 854p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 905p, 908p, 914p, 922p, 930p, 935p, 947p, 949p, 954p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005p, 1008p, 1014p, 1022p, 1030p, 1035p, 1047p, 1049p, 1054p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105p, 1108p, 1114p, 1122p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Lyons Shops, CIT Weston, Duffy Primary, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
-    short_name: "28"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 742a, 746a, 751a, 759a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 845a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 914a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 952a, 956a, 1000a, 1007a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1052a, 1056a, 1100a, 1107a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1152a, 1156a, 1200p, 1207p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1252p, 1256p, 100p, 107p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 152p, 156p, 200p, 207p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 252p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 320p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 312p, 316p, 321p, 329p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 346p, 351p, 359p, 411p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 416p, 421p, 429p, 441p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 442p, 446p, 451p, 459p, 511p], [429p, 439p, 453p, 456p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 528p, 540p], [449p, 459p, 513p, 516p, 531p, 535p, 540p, 548p, 600p], [519p, 529p, 543p, 546p, 601p, 605p, 610p, 618p, 630p], [549p, 559p, 613p, 616p, 631p, 634p, 638p, 645p, 654p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 732p, 735p, 739p, 746p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 832p, 835p, 839p, 846p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 932p, 935p, 939p, 946p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1032p, 1035p, 1039p, 1046p, 1055p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm Shops, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p], [903p, 914p, 928p, 937p, 950p], [1103p, 1114p, 1128p, 1137p, 1150p]]
-    short_name: "967"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "58"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 551a, 558a, 606a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 624a, 631a, 639a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [631a, 637a, 639a, 645a, 651a, 658a, 706a, 717a, 733a, 735a, 740a], [711a, 717a, 719a, 725a, 731a, 738a, 746a, 757a, 814a, 816a, 821a], [727a, 733a, 735a, 741a, 748a, 757a, 806a, 817a, 834a, 836a, 841a], [745a, 752a, 754a, 800a, 808a, 817a, 826a, 837a, 854a, 856a, 901a], [805a, 812a, 814a, 820a, 828a, 837a, 846a, 857a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [917a, 923a, 925a, 931a, 938a, 945a, 953a, 1003a, 1019a, 1021a, 1026a], [1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1045a, 1053a, 1103a, 1119a, 1121a, 1126a], [1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1145a, 1153a, 1203p, 1219p, 1221p, 1226p], [1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1245p, 1253p, 103p, 119p, 121p, 126p], [117p, 123p, 125p, 131p, 138p, 145p, 153p, 203p, 219p, 221p, 226p], [217p, 223p, 225p, 231p, 238p, 245p, 253p, 303p, 320p, 322p, 327p], [328p, 335p, 337p, 344p, 352p, 401p, 410p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [419p, 426p, 428p, 435p, 443p, 452p, 501p, 512p, 529p, 531p, 536p], [439p, 446p, 448p, 455p, 503p, 512p, 521p, 532p, 549p, 551p, 556p], [500p, 507p, 509p, 516p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 553p, 609p, 611p, 616p], [520p, 527p, 529p, 536p, 544p, 553p, 602p, 612p, 628p, 630p, 635p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 556p, 603p, 610p, 618p, 628p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 619p, 626p, 634p, 644p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [631p, 637p, 639p, 644p, 650p, 657p, 705p, 715p, 731p, 733p, 738p], [717p, 723p, 725p, 730p, 736p, 743p, 751p, 801p, 817p, 819p, 824p], [817p, 823p, 825p, 830p, 836p, 843p, 851p, 901p, 917p, 919p, 924p], [917p, 923p, 925p, 930p, 936p, 943p, 951p, 1001p, 1017p, 1019p, 1024p], [1017p, 1023p, 1025p, 1030p, 1036p, 1043p, 1051p, 1101p, 1117p, 1119p, 1124p], [1117p, 1123p, 1125p, 1130p, 1136p, 1143p, 1151p, 1201a, 1217a, 1219a, 1224a], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder Shops, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: 25 225
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 720a, 723a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807a, 819a, 823a, 835a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 842a, 854a, 858a, 910a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 949a, 952a, 1002a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1049a, 1052a, 1102a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1149a, 1152a, 1202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1249p, 1252p, 102p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 149p, 152p, 202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 249p, 252p, 306p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 352p, 356p, 408p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 422p, 426p, 438p], [417p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 443p, 453p, 457p, 509p], [447p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 513p, 523p, 527p, 539p], [517p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 557p, 609p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612p, 622p, 626p, 637p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656p, 704p, 707p, 717p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 756p, 804p, 807p, 817p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 856p, 904p, 907p, 917p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 956p, 1004p, 1007p, 1017p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1056p, 1104p, 1107p, 1117p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Belconnen Way, Higgins Shops, West Macgregor, Holt Shops, Kippax]
-    long_name: To Kippax
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    short_name: "44"
-    stop_times: [[725a, 727a, 731a, 737a, 744a, 756a, 801a, 804a], [754a, 756a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 825a, 830a, 833a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 930a, 933a], [955a, 957a, 1001a, 1006a, 1012a, 1024a, 1029a, 1032a], [1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1106a, 1112a, 1124a, 1129a, 1132a], [1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1206p, 1212p, 1224p, 1229p, 1232p], [1255p, 1257p, 101p, 106p, 112p, 124p, 129p, 132p], [155p, 157p, 201p, 206p, 212p, 224p, 229p, 232p], [305p, 307p, 311p, 317p, 324p, 336p, 341p, 344p], [337p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 408p, 413p, 416p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 442p, 447p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 454p, 501p, 513p, 518p, 521p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 528p, 535p, 547p, 552p, 555p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 559p, 606p, 618p, 623p, 626p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 631p, 637p, 649p, 654p, 657p], [654p, 656p, 700p, 705p, 711p, 723p, 728p, 731p], [754p, 756p, 800p, 805p, 811p, 823p, 828p, 831p], [854p, 856p, 900p, 905p, 911p, 923p, 928p, 931p], [954p, 956p, 1000p, 1005p, 1011p, 1023p, 1028p, 1031p], [1054p, 1056p, 1100p, 1105p, 1111p, 1123p, 1128p, 1131p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[725a, 733a, 737a, 741a, 744a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a], [925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p], [928p, 936p, 940p, 944p, 947p, 952p, 1003p, 1008p, 1016p], [1128p, 1136p, 1140p, 1144p, 1147p, 1152p, 1203a, "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "913"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Ainslie Shops-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l]
-    short_name: "2"
-    stop_times: [[634a, 639a, 647a, 653a, 700a, 709a, 713a, 718a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 741a], [701a, 706a, 714a, 720a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 747a, 751a, 754a, 758a, 810a], [710a, 715a, 723a, 729a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 756a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 819a], [724a, 729a, 743a, 749a, 756a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 820a, 823a, 827a, 839a], [739a, 748a, 803a, 809a, 816a, 826a, 831a, 836a, 840a, 843a, 847a, 859a], [758a, 807a, 822a, 828a, 835a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 859a, 902a, 906a, 918a], [809a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 910a, 913a, 917a, 929a], [822a, 831a, 846a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 914a, 919a, 923a, 926a, 930a, 942a], [839a, 848a, 903a, 909a, 916a, 926a, 931a, 936a, 940a, 943a, 947a, 959a], [856a, 905a, 920a, 926a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 957a, 1000a, 1004a, 1016a], [936a, 941a, 949a, 955a, 1002a, 1012a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1029a, 1033a, 1045a], [1006a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1032a, 1042a, 1047a, 1052a, 1056a, 1059a, 1103a, 1115a], [1036a, 1041a, 1049a, 1055a, 1102a, 1112a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1129a, 1133a, 1145a], [1106a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1132a, 1142a, 1147a, 1152a, 1156a, 1159a, 1203p, 1215p], [1136a, 1141a, 1149a, 1155a, 1202p, 1212p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1229p, 1233p, 1245p], [1206p, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1232p, 1242p, 1247p, 1252p, 1256p, 1259p, 103p, 115p], [1236p, 1241p, 1249p, 1255p, 102p, 112p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 129p, 133p, 145p], [106p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 132p, 142p, 147p, 152p, 156p, 159p, 203p, 215p], [136p, 141p, 149p, 155p, 202p, 212p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 229p, 233p, 245p], [206p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 232p, 242p, 247p, 252p, 256p, 259p, 303p, 315p], [236p, 241p, 249p, 255p, 302p, 313p, 318p, 323p, 327p, 330p, 334p, 346p], [249p, 254p, 302p, 308p, 315p, 326p, 331p, 336p, 340p, 343p, 347p, 359p], [306p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 355p, 359p, 402p, 406p, 418p], [312p, 317p, 325p, 331p, 339p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [319p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 347p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 412p, 415p, 419p, 431p], [332p, 339p, 347p, 353p, 400p, 411p, 416p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 432p, 444p], [349p, 356p, 404p, 410p, 417p, 428p, 433p, 438p, 442p, 445p, 449p, 501p], [402p, 409p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 502p, 514p], [419p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 458p, 503p, 508p, 512p, 515p, 519p, 531p], [432p, 439p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 532p, 544p], [449p, 456p, 504p, 510p, 517p, 528p, 533p, 538p, 542p, 545p, 549p, 601p], [502p, 509p, 517p, 523p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 551p, 555p, 558p, 602p, 614p], [519p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 558p, 603p, 608p, 612p, 615p, 619p, 631p], [532p, 539p, 547p, 553p, 600p, 611p, 616p, 621p, 625p, 628p, 632p, 643p], [549p, 556p, 604p, 610p, 617p, 628p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 644p, 648p, 659p], [603p, 610p, 618p, 624p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 711p], [626p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 649p, 658p, 703p, 707p, 711p, 714p, 718p, 729p], [726p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 748p, 757p, 802p, 806p, 810p, 813p, 817p, 828p], [826p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 848p, 857p, 902p, 906p, 910p, 913p, 917p, 928p], [926p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 948p, 957p, 1002p, 1006p, 1010p, 1013p, 1017p, 1028p], [1026p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1048p, 1057p, 1102p, 1106p, 1110p, 1113p, 1117p, 1128p], [1126p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [], [], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
-    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "787"
-    stop_times: [[647a, 650a, 702a, 728a, 732a, 734a], [720a, 723a, 735a, 801a, 805a, 807a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[833a, 839a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 858a, 901a], [1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p], [833p, 839p, 843p, 849p, 854p, 858p, 901p], [1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1054p, 1058p, 1101p]]
-    short_name: "922"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda Shops, Macquarie, Hawker Shops, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
-    long_name: To Kippax
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "704"
-    stop_times: [[506p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 550p, 555p, 600p, 606p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p], [800p, 807p, 816p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 844p], [900p, 907p, 916p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 944p], [1000p, 1007p, 1016p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1044p], [1100p, 1107p, 1116p, 1129p, 1133p, 1137p, 1144p]]
-    short_name: "938"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "962"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang Shops, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 656p, 701p, 706p, 708p, 723p, 728p, 735p, 747p, 750p, 753p, 803p], [745p, 747p, 751p, 756p, 801p, 806p, 808p, 823p, 828p, 835p, 847p, 850p, 853p, 903p], [845p, 847p, 851p, 856p, 901p, 906p, 908p, 923p, 928p, 935p, 947p, 950p, 953p, 1003p], [945p, 947p, 951p, 956p, 1001p, 1006p, 1008p, 1023p, 1028p, 1035p, 1047p, 1050p, 1053p, 1103p], [1045p, 1047p, 1051p, 1056p, 1101p, 1106p, 1108p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "932"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang Shops, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[739a, 750a, 753a, 756a, 809a, 815a, 819a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 847a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [739p, 748p, 751p, 754p, 807p, 812p, 816p, 825p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [839p, 848p, 851p, 854p, 907p, 912p, 916p, 925p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [939p, 948p, 951p, 954p, 1007p, 1012p, 1016p, 1025p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1039p, 1048p, 1051p, 1054p, 1107p, 1112p, 1116p, 1125p, 1132p, 1137p, 1142p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p], [1139p, 1150p, 1153p, 1156p, 1208a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "932"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[825a, 837a, 849a, 858a], [925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p], [725p, 737p, 749p, 758p], [825p, 837p, 849p, 858p], [925p, 937p, 949p, 958p], [1025p, 1037p, 1049p, 1058p], [1125p, 1137p, 1149p, "-"]]
-    short_name: "964"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "938"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence Shops, Melba Shops, Copland College, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
-    short_name: 15 315
-    stop_times: [[533a, 538a, 543a, 546a, 556a, 558a, 602a, "-", "-", "-"], [603a, 608a, 613a, 616a, 626a, 628a, 632a, "-", "-", "-"], [632a, 637a, 642a, 645a, 655a, 657a, 701a, 721a, 738a, 755a], [702a, 707a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 753a, 810a, 827a], [728a, 733a, 739a, 743a, 753a, 755a, 759a, 821a, 838a, 855a], [750a, 755a, 801a, 805a, 815a, 817a, 821a, 843a, 900a, 917a], ["-", "-", 818a, 822a, 832a, 834a, 838a, 858a, "-", "-"], [810a, 815a, 821a, 825a, 835a, 837a, 841a, 903a, 920a, 936a], [830a, 835a, 841a, 845a, 855a, 857a, 901a, 923a, 940a, 955a], [900a, 905a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 927a, 931a, 951a, 1008a, 1023a], [932a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1021a, 1038a, 1053a], [1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1051a, 1108a, 1123a], [1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1121a, 1138a, 1153a], [1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1151a, 1208p, 1223p], [1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1221p, 1238p, 1253p], [1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1251p, 108p, 123p], [1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 121p, 138p, 153p], [102p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 151p, 208p, 223p], [132p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 221p, 238p, 253p], [202p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 251p, 308p, 327p], [233p, 238p, 243p, 246p, 256p, 258p, 302p, 324p, 341p, 400p], [300p, 305p, 311p, 315p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 353p, 410p, 429p], [330p, 335p, 341p, 345p, 355p, 357p, 401p, 423p, 440p, 459p], [400p, 405p, 411p, 415p, 425p, 427p, 431p, 453p, 510p, 529p], [440p, 445p, 451p, 455p, 505p, 507p, 511p, 533p, 550p, 609p], [530p, 535p, 541p, 545p, 555p, 557p, 601p, 623p, 638p, 653p], [600p, 605p, 611p, 615p, 625p, 627p, 631p, 650p, 704p, 719p], [623p, 628p, 633p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 651p, "-", "-", "-"], [656p, 701p, 706p, 709p, 718p, 720p, 724p, "-", "-", "-"], [740p, 745p, 750p, 753p, 802p, 804p, 808p, "-", "-", "-"], [840p, 845p, 850p, 853p, 902p, 904p, 908p, "-", "-", "-"], [940p, 945p, 950p, 953p, 1002p, 1004p, 1008p, "-", "-", "-"], [1040p, 1045p, 1050p, 1053p, 1102p, 1104p, 1108p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 809a, 816a, 823a, 836a, 838a, 842a], [814a, 816a, 820a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, 707p, 714p, 721p, 733p, 735p, 739p], [713p, 715p, 719p, 731p, 737p, 744p, 754p, 805p, 812p, 819p, 831p, 833p, 837p], [813p, 815p, 819p, 831p, 837p, 844p, 854p, 905p, 912p, 919p, 931p, 933p, 937p], [913p, 915p, 919p, 931p, 937p, 944p, 954p, 1005p, 1012p, 1019p, 1031p, 1033p, 1037p], [1013p, 1015p, 1019p, 1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1054p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1113p, 1115p, 1119p, 1131p, 1137p, 1144p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "905"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
-    short_name: "76"
-    stop_times: [[1000a, 1007a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a], [1200p, 1207p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p], [200p, 207p, 215p, 220p, 228p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Calwell Shops, Isabella Shops, Chisholm Shops, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
-    long_name: To City West
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
-    short_name: "768"
-    stop_times: [[707a, 715a, 726a, 751a, 800a, 804a], [737a, 748a, 801a, 833a, 845a, 848a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
-    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-    short_name: "82"
-    stop_times: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Dickson College, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
-    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-    between_stops: 
-      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
-    short_name: "757"
-    stop_times: [[650a, 700a, 711a, 725a, 735a], [710a, 720a, 731a, 745a, 755a], [730a, 740a, 751a, 805a, 815a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Causeway, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Eye Hospital, Geoscience Australia, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "80"
-    stop_times: [[550a, 558a, 602a, 606a, 609a, 617a, 626a, 631a, 640a, 656a], [617a, 625a, 629a, 633a, 636a, 644a, 653a, 658a, 707a, 723a], [648a, 656a, 700a, 704a, 707a, 715a, 724a, 729a, 737a, 753a], [719a, 727a, 731a, 738a, 741a, 750a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 834a], [751a, 800a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 822a, 836a, 842a, 850a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 859a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 945a], [859a, 907a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 1010a], [928a, 936a, 940a, 944a, 947a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1017a, 1035a], [1028a, 1036a, 1040a, 1044a, 1047a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1117a, 1135a], [1128a, 1136a, 1140a, 1144a, 1147a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1217p, 1235p], [1228p, 1236p, 1240p, 1244p, 1247p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 117p, 135p], [128p, 136p, 140p, 144p, 147p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 217p, 235p], [228p, 236p, 240p, 244p, 247p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 334p], [330p, 339p, 344p, 349p, 352p, 400p, 410p, 416p, 426p, 444p], [400p, 409p, 414p, 419p, 422p, 430p, 440p, 446p, 456p, 514p], [434p, 443p, 448p, 453p, 456p, 504p, 514p, 520p, 530p, 548p], [504p, 513p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 534p, 544p, 550p, 600p, 618p], [534p, 543p, 548p, 553p, 556p, 604p, 614p, 620p, 630p, 645p], [604p, 613p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 633p, 641p, 646p, 654p, 709p], [702p, 710p, 714p, 718p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 808p, 812p, 816p, 818p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 908p, 912p, 916p, 918p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1008p, 1012p, 1016p, 1018p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1100p, 1108p, 1112p, 1116p, 1118p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-    short_name: "710"
-    stop_times: [[407p, 415p, 425p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [427p, 435p, 445p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [445p, 453p, 503p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [507p, 515p, 525p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [527p, 535p, 545p, 605p, 607p, 612p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "942"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-    short_name: "961"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops]
-    long_name: To Dickson Shops
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
-      Olims Hotel-Ainslie Shops: [Wjz5W8l, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
-    short_name: "2"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 712a, 717a, 725a, 733a], [653a, 704a, 708a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 733a, 742a, 748a, 756a, 805a], [708a, 719a, 723a, 726a, 730a, 734a, 738a, 749a, 758a, 804a, 812a, 821a], [719a, 730a, 734a, 737a, 741a, 745a, 749a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 833a], [738a, 749a, 754a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 853a, 859a], [753a, 804a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 823a, 826a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 910a], [808a, 819a, 823a, 826a, 830a, 834a, 838a, 849a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 921a], [823a, 834a, 838a, 841a, 845a, 849a, 853a, 904a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 935a], [838a, 849a, 853a, 856a, 900a, 904a, 908a, 918a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [851a, 902a, 906a, 909a, 913a, 917a, 921a, 932a, 941a, 946a, 954a, 1001a], [921a, 932a, 936a, 939a, 943a, 947a, 951a, 1002a, 1011a, 1016a, 1024a, 1031a], [951a, 1002a, 1006a, 1009a, 1013a, 1017a, 1021a, 1032a, 1041a, 1046a, 1054a, 1101a], [1021a, 1032a, 1036a, 1039a, 1043a, 1047a, 1051a, 1102a, 1111a, 1116a, 1124a, 1131a], [1051a, 1102a, 1106a, 1109a, 1113a, 1117a, 1121a, 1132a, 1141a, 1146a, 1154a, 1201p], [1121a, 1132a, 1136a, 1139a, 1143a, 1147a, 1151a, 1202p, 1211p, 1216p, 1224p, 1231p], [1151a, 1202p, 1206p, 1209p, 1213p, 1217p, 1221p, 1232p, 1241p, 1246p, 1254p, 101p], [1221p, 1232p, 1236p, 1239p, 1243p, 1247p, 1251p, 102p, 111p, 116p, 124p, 131p], [1251p, 102p, 106p, 109p, 113p, 117p, 121p, 132p, 141p, 146p, 154p, 201p], [121p, 132p, 136p, 139p, 143p, 147p, 151p, 202p, 211p, 216p, 224p, 231p], [151p, 202p, 206p, 209p, 213p, 217p, 221p, 232p, 241p, 246p, 254p, 301p], [216p, 227p, 231p, 234p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 257p, 306p, 312p, 320p, 328p], [238p, 249p, 253p, 256p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 319p, 328p, 334p, 342p, 351p], [253p, 304p, 308p, 311p, 315p, 319p, 323p, 334p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 406p], [308p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 337p, 348p, 357p, 403p, 411p, 420p], [323p, 333p, 337p, 340p, 344p, 348p, 352p, 403p, 412p, 418p, 426p, 435p], [338p, 348p, 352p, 355p, 359p, 403p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 433p, 441p, 450p], [353p, 403p, 407p, 410p, 414p, 418p, 422p, 433p, 442p, 448p, 456p, 505p], [408p, 418p, 422p, 425p, 429p, 433p, 437p, 448p, 457p, 503p, 511p, 520p], [423p, 433p, 437p, 440p, 444p, 448p, 452p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 526p, 535p], [438p, 448p, 452p, 455p, 459p, 503p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 533p, 541p, 550p], [453p, 503p, 507p, 510p, 514p, 518p, 522p, 533p, 542p, 548p, 556p, 605p], [508p, 518p, 522p, 525p, 529p, 533p, 537p, 548p, 557p, 603p, 611p, 620p], [523p, 533p, 537p, 540p, 544p, 548p, 552p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 626p, 633p], [538p, 548p, 552p, 555p, 559p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 633p, 639p, 645p], [553p, 603p, 607p, 610p, 614p, 618p, 622p, 633p, 640p, 645p, 651p, 657p], [640p, 650p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 717p, 724p, 729p, 735p, 741p], [740p, 750p, 753p, 756p, 800p, 803p, 807p, 817p, 824p, 829p, 835p, 841p], [840p, 850p, 853p, 856p, 900p, 903p, 907p, 917p, 924p, 929p, 935p, 941p], [940p, 950p, 953p, 956p, 1000p, 1003p, 1007p, 1017p, 1024p, 1029p, 1035p, 1041p], [1040p, 1050p, 1053p, 1056p, 1100p, 1103p, 1107p, 1117p, 1124p, 1129p, 1135p, 1141p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser Shops, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
-    short_name: 14 314
-    stop_times: [[611a, 618a, 622a, 627a, 636a, 638a, 642a, "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 647a, 651a, 656a, 705a, 707a, 711a, 731a, 748a, 805a], [709a, 716a, 720a, 725a, 734a, 736a, 740a, 803a, 820a, 837a], [732a, 740a, 745a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 806a, 828a, 845a, 902a], [752a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 848a, 905a, 922a], [812a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 840a, 842a, 846a, 908a, 925a, 941a], [837a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 905a, 907a, 911a, 933a, 950a, 1005a], [908a, 916a, 921a, 926a, 935a, 937a, 941a, 1001a, 1018a, 1033a], [940a, 947a, 951a, 956a, 1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1031a, 1048a, 1103a], [1010a, 1017a, 1021a, 1026a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1101a, 1118a, 1133a], [1040a, 1047a, 1051a, 1056a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1131a, 1148a, 1203p], [1110a, 1117a, 1121a, 1126a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1201p, 1218p, 1233p], [1140a, 1147a, 1151a, 1156a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1231p, 1248p, 103p], [1210p, 1217p, 1221p, 1226p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 101p, 118p, 133p], [1240p, 1247p, 1251p, 1256p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 131p, 148p, 203p], [110p, 117p, 121p, 126p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 201p, 218p, 233p], [140p, 147p, 151p, 156p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 231p, 248p, 304p], [210p, 217p, 221p, 226p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 301p, 318p, 337p], [239p, 246p, 250p, 255p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 333p, 350p, 409p], [308p, 315p, 320p, 325p, 335p, 337p, 341p, 403p, 420p, 439p], [348p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 415p, 417p, 421p, 443p, 500p, 519p], [418p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 445p, 447p, 451p, 513p, 530p, 549p], [450p, 457p, 502p, 507p, 517p, 519p, 523p, "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 545p, 550p, 555p, 605p, 607p, 611p, 632p, 646p, 701p], [609p, 616p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 641p, 700p, 714p, 729p], [637p, 644p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 703p, 707p, "-", "-", "-"], [707p, 714p, 718p, 723p, 731p, 733p, 737p, "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 752p, 756p, 801p, 809p, 811p, 815p, "-", "-", "-"], [839p, 846p, 850p, 855p, 903p, 905p, 909p, "-", "-", "-"], [939p, 946p, 950p, 955p, 1003p, 1005p, 1009p, "-", "-", "-"], [1039p, 1046p, 1050p, 1055p, 1103p, 1105p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[630a, 641a, 657a, 713a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [645a, 656a, 712a, 728a, 745a, 747a, 752a], [700a, 711a, 727a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], [715a, 726a, 742a, 758a, 815a, 817a, 822a], [730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], ["-", "-", 1149a, 1205p, 1222p, 1224p, 1229p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], ["-", "-", 1219p, 1235p, 1252p, 1254p, 1259p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], ["-", "-", 1249p, 105p, 122p, 124p, 129p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], ["-", "-", 119p, 135p, 152p, 154p, 159p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], ["-", "-", 149p, 205p, 222p, 224p, 229p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], ["-", "-", 219p, 235p, 252p, 254p, 259p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], ["-", "-", 249p, 305p, 322p, 324p, 329p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], ["-", "-", 319p, 335p, 352p, 354p, 359p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], ["-", "-", 349p, 405p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], ["-", "-", 419p, 435p, 452p, 454p, 459p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], ["-", "-", 449p, 505p, 522p, 524p, 529p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p], [730p, 740p, 755p, 810p, 827p, 829p, 834p], [745p, 755p, 810p, 825p, 842p, 844p, 849p], [800p, 810p, 825p, 840p, 857p, 859p, 904p], [815p, 825p, 840p, 855p, 912p, 914p, 919p], [830p, 840p, 855p, 910p, 927p, 929p, 934p], [845p, 855p, 910p, 925p, 942p, 944p, 949p], [900p, 910p, 925p, 940p, 957p, 959p, 1004p], [915p, 925p, 940p, 955p, 1012p, 1014p, 1019p], [930p, 940p, 955p, 1010p, 1027p, 1029p, 1034p], [945p, 955p, 1010p, 1025p, 1042p, 1044p, 1049p], [1000p, 1010p, 1025p, 1040p, 1057p, 1059p, 1104p], [1015p, 1025p, 1040p, 1055p, 1112p, 1114p, 1119p], [1030p, 1040p, 1055p, 1110p, 1127p, 1129p, 1134p], [1045p, 1055p, 1110p, 1125p, 1142p, 1144p, 1149p], [1100p, 1110p, 1125p, 1140p, 1157p, 1159p, 1204a], [1115p, 1125p, 1140p, 1155p, 1212a, 1214a, 1219a]]
-    short_name: "900"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie Shops, Chisholm Shops, Gowrie Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 736a, 748a, 757a, 810a], [808a, 820a, 827a, 836a, 848a, 857a, 910a], [908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p], [803p, 815p, 822p, 831p, 843p, 852p, 905p], [903p, 915p, 922p, 931p, 943p, 952p, 1005p], [1003p, 1015p, 1022p, 1031p, 1043p, 1052p, 1105p], [1103p, 1115p, 1122p, 1131p, "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "966"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 734a, 748a, 802a, 808a, 810a], [759a, 801a, 805a, 819a, 834a, 848a, 902a, 908a, 910a], [859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1008a, 1010a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1108a, 1110a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1208p, 1210p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 108p, 110p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 208p, 210p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 308p, 310p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 408p, 410p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 508p, 510p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 608p, 610p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 707p, 709p], [658p, 700p, 704p, 717p, 732p, 746p, 759p, 805p, 807p], [758p, 800p, 804p, 817p, 832p, 846p, 859p, 905p, 907p], [858p, 900p, 904p, 917p, 932p, 946p, 959p, 1005p, 1007p], [958p, 1000p, 1004p, 1017p, 1032p, 1046p, 1059p, 1105p, 1107p], [1058p, 1100p, 1104p, 1117p, 1132p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "903"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
-    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
-    short_name: "988"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman Shops, Canberra College Weston Campus, Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
-    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-    between_stops: 
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: 26 226
-    stop_times: [[615a, 619a, 623a, 625a, 632a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [657a, 701a, 705a, 707a, 715a, 729a, 733a, 737a, 741a], [716a, 720a, 724a, 726a, 736a, 750a, 754a, 758a, 802a], [747a, 752a, 758a, 802a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 837a, 841a], [800a, 805a, 811a, 815a, 827a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [820a, 825a, 831a, 835a, 847a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [850a, 855a, 901a, 905a, 917a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 930a, 935a, 938a, 948a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1029a, 1034a, 1037a, 1047a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1129a, 1134a, 1137a, 1147a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1229p, 1234p, 1237p, 1247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 129p, 134p, 137p, 147p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 229p, 234p, 237p, 247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [255p, 259p, 305p, 308p, 317p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [320p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 342p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 424p, 430p, 433p, 442p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [520p, 524p, 530p, 533p, 542p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [620p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 639p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [714p, 718p, 722p, 724p, 731p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 818p, 822p, 824p, 831p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 918p, 922p, 924p, 931p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1018p, 1022p, 1024p, 1031p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "951"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-    short_name: "24"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 703a, 709a, 715a, 720a, 724a], [702a, 708a, 715a, 720a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 742a], [739a, 746a, 754a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 818a, 823a], [809a, 816a, 824a, 830a, 836a, 843a, 848a, 853a], [839a, 846a, 854a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 918a, 923a], [956a, 1002a, 1009a, 1014a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1035a], [1056a, 1102a, 1109a, 1114a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1135a], [1156a, 1202p, 1209p, 1214p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1235p], [1256p, 102p, 109p, 114p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 135p], [156p, 202p, 209p, 214p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 235p], [256p, 302p, 310p, 316p, 322p, 329p, 334p, 339p], [339p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 406p, 413p, 418p, 423p], [409p, 416p, 424p, 430p, 436p, 443p, 448p, 453p], [439p, 446p, 454p, 500p, 506p, 513p, 518p, 523p], [509p, 516p, 524p, 530p, 536p, 543p, 548p, 553p], [538p, 545p, 553p, 559p, 605p, 612p, 617p, 622p], [608p, 615p, 623p, 629p, 635p, 641p, 646p, 650p], [659p, 705p, 712p, 717p, 723p, 729p, 734p, 738p], [759p, 805p, 812p, 817p, 823p, 829p, 834p, 838p], [859p, 905p, 912p, 917p, 923p, 929p, 934p, 938p], [959p, 1005p, 1012p, 1017p, 1023p, 1029p, 1034p, 1038p], [1059p, 1105p, 1112p, 1117p, 1123p, 1129p, 1134p, 1138p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang Shops, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
-    short_name: "932"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
-    short_name: "23"
-    stop_times: [[607a, 609a, 613a, 622a, 628a, 634a, 642a, 647a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 659a, 705a, 711a, 719a, 724a], [714a, 716a, 720a, 729a, 736a, 742a, 752a, 757a], [744a, 748a, 753a, 801a, 808a, 814a, 824a, 829a], [814a, 818a, 823a, 831a, 838a, 844a, 854a, 859a], [844a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 908a, 914a, 924a, 929a], [926a, 930a, 934a, 943a, 949a, 955a, 1003a, 1008a], [1026a, 1028a, 1032a, 1041a, 1047a, 1053a, 1101a, 1106a], [1126a, 1128a, 1132a, 1141a, 1147a, 1153a, 1201p, 1206p], [1226p, 1228p, 1232p, 1241p, 1247p, 1253p, 101p, 106p], [126p, 128p, 132p, 141p, 147p, 153p, 201p, 206p], [226p, 228p, 232p, 241p, 247p, 253p, 301p, 306p], [314p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 338p, 344p, 354p, 359p], [344p, 348p, 353p, 401p, 408p, 414p, 424p, 429p], [414p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 444p, 454p, 459p], [444p, 448p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 514p, 524p, 529p], [514p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 538p, 544p, 554p, 559p], [544p, 548p, 553p, 601p, 608p, 614p, 624p, 629p], [626p, 630p, 634p, 643p, 649p, 655p, 703p, 708p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 741p, 747p, 753p, 801p, 806p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 841p, 847p, 853p, 901p, 906p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 941p, 947p, 953p, 1001p, 1006p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1041p, 1047p, 1053p, 1101p, 1106p], [1126p, 1128p, 1132p, 1141p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Livingston Shops / Kambah, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: 61 161
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", 642a, 649a, 654a, 659a, 710a], ["-", "-", 712a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 743a], ["-", "-", 742a, 751a, 756a, 801a, 815a], ["-", "-", 812a, 821a, 826a, 831a, 845a], ["-", "-", 842a, 859a, 905a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 912a, 921a, 926a, 931a, 944a], ["-", "-", 1012a, 1020a, 1025a, 1030a, 1043a], ["-", "-", 1112a, 1120a, 1125a, 1130a, 1143a], ["-", "-", 1212p, 1220p, 1225p, 1230p, 1243p], ["-", "-", 112p, 120p, 125p, 130p, 143p], ["-", "-", 212p, 220p, 225p, 230p, 243p], ["-", "-", 320p, 329p, 334p, 339p, 353p], ["-", "-", 342p, 351p, 356p, 401p, 415p], ["-", "-", 412p, 421p, 426p, 431p, 445p], ["-", "-", 442p, 451p, 456p, 501p, 515p], ["-", "-", 512p, 521p, 526p, 531p, 545p], [520p, 526p, 542p, 551p, 556p, 601p, 615p], ["-", "-", 612p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 644p], ["-", "-", 712p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 743p], ["-", "-", 810p, 818p, 823p, 828p, 841p], ["-", "-", 910p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 941p], ["-", "-", 1010p, 1018p, 1023p, 1028p, 1041p], ["-", "-", 1112p, 1120p, 1125p, 1130p, 1143p], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "956"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
-    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-    between_stops: 
-      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "737"
-    stop_times: [[643a, 651a, 705a, "-"], [658a, 706a, 720a, "-"], [718a, 726a, 740a, "-"], [738a, 746a, 800a, "-"], [758a, 806a, 820a, 830a], [818a, 826a, 840a, 850a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
-    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[720a, 722a, 726a, 734a, 740a, 745a, 751a, 759a, 808a, 814a, 822a, 831a, 840a], [820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [725p, 727p, 732p, 739p, 745p, 750p, 755p, 802p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [834p, 836p, 841p, 848p, 854p, 859p, 904p, 911p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 947p, 952p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1057p, 1059p, 1104p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1127p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "980"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 11 111
-    stop_times: [[621a, 627a, 641a, 651a, 657a, 713a, 729a], [641a, 647a, 701a, 711a, 717a, 733a, 751a], [701a, 707a, 721a, 731a, 737a, 754a, 812a], [721a, 727a, 742a, 752a, 758a, 815a, 833a], [741a, 748a, 803a, 813a, 819a, 836a, 857a], [801a, 808a, 823a, 833a, 839a, 856a, 914a], [821a, 828a, 843a, 853a, 859a, 914a, "-"], [841a, 848a, 903a, 913a, 919a, 933a, "-"], [921a, 927a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1007a, "-"], [951a, 957a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1037a, "-"], [1021a, 1027a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1107a, "-"], [1051a, 1057a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1137a, "-"], [1121a, 1127a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1207p, "-"], [1151a, 1157a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1237p, "-"], [1221p, 1227p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 107p, "-"], [1251p, 1257p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 137p, "-"], [121p, 127p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 207p, "-"], [151p, 157p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 237p, "-"], [221p, 227p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 307p, "-"], [251p, 257p, 310p, 319p, 325p, 339p, "-"], [323p, 330p, 345p, 355p, 401p, 421p, "-"], [340p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 418p, 433p, "-"], [400p, 407p, 422p, 432p, 438p, 453p, "-"], [418p, 425p, 440p, 450p, 456p, 511p, "-"], [441p, 448p, 503p, 513p, 519p, "-", "-"], [501p, 508p, 523p, 533p, 539p, "-", "-"], [521p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 559p, 614p, "-"], [541p, 548p, 603p, 613p, 619p, "-", "-"], [601p, 608p, 623p, 633p, 639p, "-", "-"], [625p, 632p, 645p, 654p, 700p, 712p, "-"], [725p, 731p, 744p, 753p, 759p, 811p, "-"], [825p, 831p, 844p, 853p, 859p, 911p, "-"], [925p, 931p, 944p, 953p, 959p, 1011p, "-"], [1025p, 1031p, 1044p, 1053p, 1059p, 1111p, "-"], [1125p, 1131p, 1144p, 1153p, 1159p, "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[759a, 811a, 819a, 825a, 834a, 839a, 842a, 851a], [859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p], [749p, 801p, 809p, 815p, 824p, 829p, 832p, 841p], [849p, 901p, 909p, 915p, 924p, 929p, 932p, 941p], [949p, 1001p, 1009p, 1015p, 1024p, 1029p, 1032p, 1041p], [1049p, 1101p, 1109p, 1115p, 1124p, 1129p, 1132p, 1141p]]
-    short_name: "937"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p], [805p, 814p, 826p, 837p], [905p, 914p, 926p, 937p], [1005p, 1014p, 1026p, 1037p], [1105p, 1114p, 1126p, 1137p]]
-    short_name: "964"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "952"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Proctor / Mead, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "66"
-    stop_times: [[612a, 618a, 625a, 631a, 638a, 652a], [641a, 647a, 654a, 700a, 712a, 727a], [706a, 714a, 723a, 732a, 744a, 800a], [736a, 744a, 753a, 802a, 814a, 830a], [806a, 814a, 823a, 832a, 844a, 900a], [836a, 844a, 853a, 902a, 914a, 930a], [909a, 917a, 926a, 933a, 941a, 956a], [1012a, 1018a, 1026a, 1032a, 1040a, 1055a], [1112a, 1118a, 1126a, 1132a, 1140a, 1155a], [1212p, 1218p, 1226p, 1232p, 1240p, 1255p], [112p, 118p, 126p, 132p, 140p, 155p], [212p, 218p, 226p, 232p, 240p, 255p], [312p, 319p, 327p, 334p, 345p, 400p], [412p, 419p, 427p, 434p, 445p, 500p], [442p, 449p, 457p, 504p, 515p, 530p], [512p, 519p, 527p, 534p, 545p, 600p], [542p, 549p, 557p, 604p, 615p, 630p], [613p, 620p, 628p, 634p, 642p, 657p], [714p, 720p, 728p, 734p, 742p, 757p], [814p, 820p, 828p, 834p, 842p, 857p], [914p, 920p, 928p, 934p, 942p, 957p], [1014p, 1020p, 1028p, 1034p, 1042p, 1057p], [1114p, 1120p, 1128p, 1134p, 1142p, "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Dickson Shops, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson Shops, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-    short_name: "39"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 549a, 555a, 601a, 606a, 607a, 610a, 617a], [609a, 615a, 618a, 624a, 630a, 636a, 641a, 642a, 645a, 652a], [639a, 645a, 648a, 654a, 700a, 706a, 711a, 712a, 715a, 722a], ["-", "-", "-", 707a, 713a, 719a, 724a, 725a, 728a, 741a], [703a, 709a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 730a, 736a, 737a, 742a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", 726a, 732a, 738a, 744a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [718a, 724a, 727a, 734a, 740a, 746a, 752a, 753a, 758a, 813a], ["-", "-", "-", 742a, 748a, 754a, 800a, 801a, 806a, 821a], [733a, 739a, 742a, 749a, 755a, 801a, 807a, 808a, 813a, 828a], ["-", "-", "-", 756a, 802a, 808a, 814a, 815a, 820a, 835a], [748a, 754a, 757a, 804a, 810a, 816a, 822a, 823a, 828a, 843a], [758a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 820a, 826a, 832a, 833a, 838a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", 824a, 830a, 836a, 842a, 843a, 848a, 903a], [818a, 824a, 827a, 834a, 840a, 846a, 852a, 853a, 858a, 913a], [833a, 839a, 842a, 849a, 855a, 901a, 907a, 908a, 913a, 928a], [910a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 935a, 942a, 949a, 952a, 954a, 1001a], [940a, 946a, 949a, 954a, 1000a, 1005a, 1010a, 1011a, 1013a, 1019a], [1010a, 1016a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1035a, 1040a, 1041a, 1043a, 1049a], [1040a, 1046a, 1049a, 1054a, 1100a, 1105a, 1110a, 1111a, 1113a, 1119a], [1110a, 1116a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1135a, 1140a, 1141a, 1143a, 1149a], [1140a, 1146a, 1149a, 1154a, 1200p, 1205p, 1210p, 1211p, 1213p, 1219p], [1210p, 1216p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1235p, 1240p, 1241p, 1243p, 1249p], [1240p, 1246p, 1249p, 1254p, 100p, 105p, 110p, 111p, 113p, 119p], [110p, 116p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 135p, 140p, 141p, 143p, 149p], [140p, 146p, 149p, 154p, 200p, 205p, 210p, 211p, 213p, 219p], [210p, 216p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 235p, 240p, 241p, 243p, 249p], [240p, 246p, 249p, 254p, 300p, 307p, 313p, 314p, 317p, 324p], [309p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 330p, 337p, 343p, 344p, 347p, 354p], [328p, 334p, 337p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 402p, 403p, 406p, 413p], [358p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 419p, 426p, 432p, 433p, 436p, 443p], [417p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 438p, 445p, 451p, 452p, 455p, 502p], [432p, 438p, 441p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 506p, 507p, 510p, 517p], [447p, 453p, 456p, 502p, 508p, 515p, 521p, 522p, 525p, 532p], [506p, 512p, 515p, 521p, 527p, 534p, 540p, 541p, 544p, 551p], [512p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [521p, 527p, 530p, 536p, 542p, 549p, 555p, 556p, 559p, 606p], [536p, 542p, 545p, 551p, 557p, 604p, 610p, 611p, 614p, 621p], [546p, 552p, 555p, 601p, 607p, 614p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [555p, 601p, 604p, 610p, 616p, 623p, 629p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [610p, 616p, 619p, 625p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 642p, 644p, 650p], [710p, 716p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 741p, 743p, 749p], [810p, 816p, 819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 840p, 841p, 843p, 849p], [910p, 916p, 919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 940p, 941p, 943p, 949p], [1010p, 1016p, 1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1040p, 1041p, 1043p, 1049p], [1110p, 1116p, 1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page Shops, Scullin Shops, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus]
-    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 13 313
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 733a, 735a, 739a, 742a, 746a, 755a, 803a], [710a, 728a, 746a, 807a, 809a, 813a, 816a, 820a, 829a, 837a], [751a, 810a, 828a, 849a, 851a, 855a, 858a, 902a, 911a, 919a], [811a, 830a, 848a, 909a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 922a, 931a, 938a], [850a, 909a, 927a, 947a, 949a, 953a, 955a, 959a, 1007a, 1014a], [921a, 940a, 956a, 1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1036a, 1043a], [951a, 1009a, 1025a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1105a, 1112a], [1021a, 1039a, 1055a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1142a], [1051a, 1109a, 1125a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1205p, 1212p], [1121a, 1139a, 1155a, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1242p], [1151a, 1209p, 1225p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 105p, 112p], [1221p, 1239p, 1255p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 142p], [1251p, 109p, 125p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 153p, 157p, 205p, 212p], [121p, 139p, 155p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 242p], [151p, 209p, 225p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 253p, 257p, 306p, 313p], [221p, 239p, 255p, 316p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 330p, 340p, 347p], [250p, 308p, 326p, 347p, 349p, 353p, 356p, 401p, 411p, 418p], [316p, 335p, 353p, 414p, 416p, 420p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 445p], [346p, 405p, 423p, 444p, 446p, 450p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 515p], [406p, 425p, 443p, 504p, 506p, 510p, 513p, 518p, 528p, 535p], [426p, 445p, 503p, 524p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 538p, 548p, 555p], [446p, 505p, 523p, 544p, 546p, 550p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 615p], [526p, 545p, 603p, 624p, 626p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 644p, 651p], [556p, 615p, 632p, 652p, 654p, 658p, 700p, 704p, 712p, 719p], [656p, 713p, 728p, 748p, 750p, 754p, 756p, 800p, 808p, 815p], ["-", "-", "-", 835p, 837p, 841p, 843p, 847p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 935p, 937p, 941p, 943p, 947p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1042p, 1046p, 1054p, 1101p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Canberra Hospital, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "77"
-    stop_times: [[1100a, 1108a, 1113a, 1121a, 1128a], [100p, 108p, 113p, 121p, 128p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "51"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 701a, 704a, 713a, 723a, 733a, 738a, 750a, 752a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 721a, 724a, 733a, 743a, 753a, 758a, 811a, 813a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 744a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 818a, 831a, 833a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 812a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 850a, 852a, 857a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 824a, 833a, 843a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 910a, 915a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840a, 843a, 852a, 902a, 911a, 916a, 925a, 927a, 932a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 943a, 952a, 1001a, 1010a, 1015a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1043a, 1052a, 1101a, 1110a, 1115a, 1124a, 1126a, 1131a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1143a, 1152a, 1201p, 1210p, 1215p, 1224p, 1226p, 1231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1243p, 1252p, 101p, 110p, 115p, 124p, 126p, 131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 143p, 152p, 201p, 210p, 215p, 224p, 226p, 231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 243p, 252p, 301p, 310p, 315p, 324p, 326p, 331p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 353p, 358p], [332p, 338p, 340p, 348p, 351p, 354p, 403p, 413p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [406p, 412p, 414p, 423p, 428p, 431p, 440p, 450p, 500p, 505p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [428p, 434p, 436p, 445p, 450p, 453p, 502p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [444p, 450p, 452p, 501p, 506p, 509p, 518p, 528p, 538p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [511p, 517p, 519p, 528p, 533p, 536p, 545p, 555p, 605p, 610p, 619p, 621p, 626p], [529p, 535p, 537p, 546p, 551p, 554p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 642p], [538p, 544p, 546p, 555p, 600p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [554p, 600p, 602p, 609p, 612p, 615p, 624p, 633p, 642p, 647p, 656p, 658p, 703p], [616p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 632p, 635p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 707p, 716p, 718p, 723p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740p, 743p, 752p, 801p, 810p, 815p, 824p, 826p, 831p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840p, 843p, 852p, 901p, 910p, 915p, 924p, 926p, 931p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940p, 943p, 952p, 1001p, 1010p, 1015p, 1024p, 1026p, 1031p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040p, 1043p, 1052p, 1101p, 1110p, 1115p, 1124p, 1126p, 1131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1143p, 1152p, 1201a, 1210a, 1215a, 1224a, 1226a, 1231a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "931"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "960"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "923"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p], [733p, 736p, 740p, 745p, 751p, 755p, 801p], [933p, 936p, 940p, 945p, 951p, 955p, 1001p], [1133p, 1136p, 1140p, 1145p, 1151p, 1155p, "-"]]
-    short_name: "921"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "749"
-    stop_times: [[659a, 701a, 705a, 730a], [734a, 736a, 740a, 810a], [804a, 806a, 810a, 840a], [456p, 458p, 502p, 535p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p], [750p, 800p, 806p, 815p], [850p, 900p, 906p, 915p], [950p, 1000p, 1006p, 1015p], [1050p, 1100p, 1106p, 1115p]]
-    short_name: "960"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "22"
-    stop_times: [[635a, 648a, 656a, 659a, 707a], [705a, 718a, 726a, 729a, 738a], [735a, 749a, 758a, 801a, 810a], [805a, 819a, 828a, 831a, 840a], [843a, 857a, 906a, 909a, 918a], [943a, 956a, 1004a, 1007a, 1015a], [1043a, 1056a, 1104a, 1107a, 1115a], [1143a, 1156a, 1204p, 1207p, 1215p], [1243p, 1256p, 104p, 107p, 115p], [143p, 156p, 204p, 207p, 215p], [243p, 256p, 305p, 308p, 317p], [313p, 327p, 336p, 339p, 348p], [335p, 349p, 358p, 401p, 410p], [405p, 419p, 428p, 431p, 440p], [435p, 449p, 458p, 501p, 510p], [505p, 519p, 528p, 531p, 540p], [535p, 549p, 558p, 601p, 610p], [605p, 619p, 628p, 631p, 639p], [638p, 651p, 659p, 702p, 710p], [738p, 751p, 759p, 802p, 810p], [838p, 851p, 859p, 902p, 910p], [938p, 951p, 959p, 1002p, 1010p], [1038p, 1051p, 1059p, 1102p, 1110p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 815a, 820a, 824a, 830a, 837a, 839a, 844a], [845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657p, 703p, 708p, 712p, 718p, 725p, 727p, 732p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 813p, 818p, 822p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 842p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 923p, 928p, 932p, 938p, 945p, 947p, 952p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1028p, 1034p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1146p, 1151p, 1155p, 1201a, 1208a, 1210a, 1215a]]
-    short_name: "980"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Wanniassa High, Erindale Centre, Monash Goodwin Village, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: "63"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 615a, 619a, 623a, 631a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 649a, 653a, 701a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 710a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 736a, 741a, 746a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 818a, 823a, 828a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 823a, 832a, 838a, 843a, 848a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 928a, 937a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003a, 1011a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103a, 1111a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1203p, 1211p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 103p, 111p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 203p, 211p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 303p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 328p, 338p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 323p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 348p, 358p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 403p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 428p, 438p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 423p, 432p, 438p, 443p, 448p, 458p], [437p, 441p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 538p], [457p, 501p, 505p, 508p, 523p, 532p, 538p, 543p, 548p, 558p], [537p, 541p, 545p, 548p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 628p, 637p], [557p, 601p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 647p, 656p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703p, 711p, 717p, 722p, 726p, 735p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803p, 811p, 817p, 822p, 826p, 835p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903p, 911p, 917p, 922p, 926p, 935p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003p, 1011p, 1017p, 1022p, 1026p, 1035p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1126p, 1135p], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Gowrie, Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash]
-    long_name: To Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "170"
-    stop_times: [[500p, 505p, 521p, 536p, 546p, 556p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[625a, 634a, 640a, 647a, 650a, 654a, 659a, 702a, 712a], [825a, 834a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 854a, 859a, 902a, 912a], [1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p], [828p, 837p, 843p, 850p, 853p, 857p, 902p, 905p, 915p], [1028p, 1037p, 1043p, 1050p, 1053p, 1057p, 1102p, 1105p, 1115p]]
-    short_name: "914"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Dickson]
-    long_name: To Dickson
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "8"
-    stop_times: [[655a, 702a, 707a, 713a], [714a, 721a, 726a, 732a], [741a, 750a, 757a, 804a], [811a, 820a, 827a, 834a], [841a, 850a, 857a, 904a], [915a, 924a, 931a, 937a], [946a, 953a, 958a, 1004a], [1018a, 1025a, 1030a, 1036a], [1046a, 1053a, 1058a, 1104a], [1146a, 1153a, 1158a, 1204p], [1246p, 1253p, 1258p, 104p], [146p, 153p, 158p, 204p], [246p, 253p, 258p, 305p], [311p, 320p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 355p, 402p, 409p], [411p, 420p, 427p, 434p], [444p, 453p, 500p, 507p], [523p, 532p, 539p, 546p], [553p, 602p, 609p, 616p], [623p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [650p, 655p, 700p, 706p], [705p, 710p, 715p, 721p], [805p, 810p, 815p, 821p], [905p, 910p, 915p, 921p], [1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1021p], [1105p, 1110p, 1115p, 1121p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St]
-    long_name: To Northbourne Avenue / Antill St
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "59"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 537a, 541a, 547a, 603a, 606a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612a, 616a, 622a, 638a, 641a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 646a, 650a, 656a, 711a, 714a, 717a, 724a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 706a, 712a, 727a, 730a, 733a, 740a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 716a, 722a, 737a, 740a, 743a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 733a, 737a, 743a, 758a, 801a, 806a, 817a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 813a, 819a, 834a, 837a, 842a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 820a, 824a, 830a, 845a, 848a, 853a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 849a, 853a, 859a, 914a, 917a, 920a, 927a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 923a, "-", 933a, 939a, 955a, 958a, "-", "-"], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1023a, "-", 1033a, 1039a, 1055a, 1058a, "-", "-"], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1123a, "-", 1133a, 1139a, 1155a, 1158a, "-", "-"], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1223p, "-", 1233p, 1239p, 1255p, 1258p, "-", "-"], [100p, 102p, 106p, 123p, "-", 133p, 139p, 155p, 158p, "-", "-"], [200p, 202p, 206p, 223p, "-", 233p, 239p, 255p, 258p, "-", "-"], [240p, 242p, 246p, 303p, "-", 313p, 319p, 335p, 338p, "-", "-"], [318p, 320p, 324p, 342p, "-", 352p, 358p, 414p, 417p, "-", "-"], [333p, 335p, 339p, 357p, "-", 407p, 413p, 429p, 432p, "-", "-"], [348p, 350p, 354p, 412p, "-", 422p, 428p, 444p, 447p, "-", "-"], [403p, 405p, 409p, 427p, "-", 437p, 443p, 459p, 502p, "-", "-"], [418p, 420p, 424p, 442p, "-", 452p, 458p, 514p, 517p, "-", "-"], [433p, 435p, 439p, 457p, "-", 507p, 513p, 529p, 532p, "-", "-"], [448p, 450p, 454p, 512p, "-", 522p, 528p, 544p, 547p, "-", "-"], [503p, 505p, 509p, 527p, "-", 537p, 543p, 559p, 602p, "-", "-"], [518p, 520p, 524p, 542p, "-", 552p, 558p, 614p, 617p, "-", "-"], [530p, 532p, 536p, 554p, "-", 604p, 610p, 626p, 629p, "-", "-"], [548p, 550p, 554p, 611p, "-", 620p, 626p, 642p, 645p, "-", "-"], [603p, 605p, 609p, 626p, "-", 635p, 641p, 657p, 700p, "-", "-"], [703p, 705p, 709p, 726p, "-", 735p, 741p, 757p, 800p, "-", "-"], [803p, 805p, 809p, 826p, "-", 835p, 841p, 857p, 900p, "-", "-"], [903p, 905p, 909p, 926p, "-", 935p, 941p, 957p, 1000p, "-", "-"], [1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1026p, "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1057p, 1100p, "-", "-"], [1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1126p, "-", 1135p, 1141p, 1157p, 1200a, "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: 27 227
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 829a, 833a, 840a, 845a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854a, 902a, 906a, 913a, 918a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054a, 1101a, 1105a, 1113a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1154a, 1201p, 1205p, 1213p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1254p, 101p, 105p, 113p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 154p, 201p, 205p, 213p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 254p, 302p, 307p, 314p, 322p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 321p, 333p, 338p, 345p, 353p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 351p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 423p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 421p, 433p, 438p, 445p, 453p], [427p, 431p, 435p, 438p, 453p, 505p, 510p, 517p, 525p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 521p, 533p, 538p, 545p, 553p], [527p, 531p, 535p, 538p, 553p, 605p, 610p, 617p, 625p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 635p, 641p, 644p, 650p, 655p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835p, 841p, 844p, 850p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 935p, 941p, 944p, 950p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1044p, 1050p, 1055p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Kippax, Macgregor Shops, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor Shops, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    short_name: "43"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 621a, 629a, 638a, 643a, 648a, 650a, 654a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 640a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 707a, 709a, 713a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 655a, 700a, 708a, 717a, 722a, 727a, 729a, 733a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 720a, 728a, 739a, 744a, 752a, 754a, 758a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a, 815a, 819a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 840a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 832a, 843a, 848a, 856a, 858a, 902a], [823a, 825a, 829a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 901a, 906a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [843a, 845a, 849a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 921a, 926a, 933a, 935a, 939a], [903a, 905a, 909a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 954a, 958a], [1003a, 1005a, 1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1048a, 1050a, 1054a], [1103a, 1105a, 1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1148a, 1150a, 1154a], [1203p, 1205p, 1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1248p, 1250p, 1254p], [103p, 105p, 109p, 115p, 120p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 148p, 150p, 154p], [203p, 205p, 209p, 215p, 220p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 248p, 250p, 254p], [254p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 313p, 321p, 332p, 337p, 345p, 347p, 351p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 416p, 420p], [343p, 345p, 349p, 357p, 402p, 410p, 421p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 440p], [403p, 405p, 409p, 417p, 422p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [423p, 425p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 516p, 520p], [443p, 445p, 449p, 457p, 502p, 510p, 521p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 540p], [503p, 505p, 509p, 517p, 522p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 554p, 556p, 600p], [523p, 525p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 616p, 620p], [602p, 604p, 608p, 616p, 621p, 629p, 638p, 643p, 648p, 650p, 654p], [702p, 704p, 708p, 713p, 718p, 726p, 735p, 740p, 745p, 747p, 751p], [802p, 804p, 808p, 813p, 818p, 826p, 835p, 840p, 845p, 847p, 851p], [902p, 904p, 908p, 913p, 918p, 926p, 935p, 940p, 945p, 947p, 951p], [1002p, 1004p, 1008p, 1013p, 1018p, 1026p, 1035p, 1040p, 1045p, 1047p, 1051p], [1102p, 1104p, 1108p, 1113p, 1118p, 1126p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 739a, 747a, 755a, 806a, 816a, 818a, 823a], [800a, 806a, 814a, 821a, 828a, 837a, 845a, 853a, 904a, 914a, 916a, 921a], [900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p], [800p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 828p, 837p, 845p, 853p, 904p, 914p, 916p, 921p], [900p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 928p, 937p, 945p, 953p, 1004p, 1014p, 1016p, 1021p], [1000p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1028p, 1037p, 1045p, 1053p, 1104p, 1114p, 1116p, 1121p], [1100p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1128p, 1137p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "958"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm Shops, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
-    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-    between_stops: 
-      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
-    short_name: "786"
-    stop_times: [[646a, 656a, 716a, 726a], [706a, 716a, 736a, 746a], [727a, 737a, 804a, 814a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Stromlo High Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "75"
-    stop_times: [[925a, 934a, 947a], [1125a, 1134a, 1147a], [125p, 134p, 147p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 723a, 731a, 739a, 741a, 745a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 823a, 831a, 839a, 841a, 845a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 702p, 709p, 715p, 720p, 728p, 735p, 737p, 741p], [750p, 752p, 756p, 802p, 809p, 815p, 820p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 841p], [850p, 852p, 856p, 902p, 909p, 915p, 920p, 928p, 935p, 937p, 941p], [950p, 952p, 956p, 1002p, 1009p, 1015p, 1020p, 1028p, 1035p, 1037p, 1041p], [1050p, 1052p, 1056p, 1102p, 1109p, 1115p, 1120p, 1128p, 1135p, 1137p, 1141p]]
-    short_name: "902"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 18 318
-    stop_times: [[545a, 554a, 558a, 608a, 626a, 642a, 702a, 704a, 709a], [612a, 621a, 625a, 635a, 653a, 709a, 729a, 731a, 736a], [635a, 644a, 648a, 658a, 716a, 732a, 753a, 755a, 800a], [657a, 706a, 710a, 720a, 738a, 756a, 817a, 819a, 824a], [716a, 725a, 729a, 741a, 800a, 818a, 839a, 841a, 846a], [733a, 743a, 748a, 800a, 819a, 837a, 858a, 900a, 905a], ["-", "-", 750a, 758a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [753a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 839a, 857a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [813a, 823a, 828a, 840a, 859a, 917a, 938a, 940a, 945a], [838a, 848a, 853a, 905a, 924a, 941a, 1001a, 1003a, 1008a], [909a, 919a, 924a, 935a, 953a, 1009a, 1029a, 1031a, 1036a], [943a, 952a, 956a, 1006a, 1024a, 1040a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1013a, 1022a, 1026a, 1036a, 1054a, 1110a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1043a, 1052a, 1056a, 1106a, 1124a, 1140a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1113a, 1122a, 1126a, 1136a, 1154a, 1210p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1143a, 1152a, 1156a, 1206p, 1224p, 1240p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1213p, 1222p, 1226p, 1236p, 1254p, 110p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1243p, 1252p, 1256p, 106p, 124p, 140p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [113p, 122p, 126p, 136p, 154p, 210p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [143p, 152p, 156p, 206p, 224p, 240p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 221p, 225p, 235p, 253p, 310p, 331p, 333p, 338p], [241p, 250p, 254p, 305p, 324p, 342p, 403p, 405p, 410p], [308p, 318p, 323p, 335p, 354p, 412p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [333p, 343p, 348p, 400p, 419p, 437p, 458p, 500p, 505p], [402p, 412p, 417p, 429p, 448p, 506p, 527p, 529p, 534p], [439p, 449p, 454p, 506p, 525p, 543p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [515p, 525p, 530p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 610p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 627p, 632p, 642p, 659p, 714p, 734p, 736p, 741p], [713p, 722p, 726p, 734p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 823p, 827p, 835p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 923p, 927p, 935p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1114p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey Shops, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
-    long_name: To Kippax
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    short_name: "16"
-    stop_times: [[700a, 702a, 706a, 711a, 717a, 727a], [800a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 818a, 830a], [826a, 828a, 832a, 838a, 844a, 856a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 925a, 931a, 941a], [939a, 941a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 1006a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1025a, 1031a, 1041a], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1106a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1125a, 1131a, 1141a], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1206p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1225p, 1231p, 1241p], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 106p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 125p, 131p, 141p], [139p, 141p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 206p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 225p, 231p, 241p], [238p, 240p, 244p, 249p, 255p, 306p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 325p, 337p], [326p, 328p, 332p, 338p, 344p, 356p], [356p, 358p, 402p, 408p, 414p, 426p], [426p, 428p, 432p, 438p, 444p, 456p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 458p, 504p, 516p], [506p, 508p, 512p, 518p, 524p, 536p], [526p, 528p, 532p, 538p, 544p, 556p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 558p, 604p, 616p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 613p, 619p, 631p], [622p, 624p, 628p, 633p, 639p, 649p], [721p, 723p, 727p, 731p, 737p, 747p], [821p, 823p, 827p, 831p, 837p, 847p], [921p, 923p, 927p, 931p, 937p, 947p], [1021p, 1023p, 1027p, 1031p, 1037p, 1047p], [1121p, 1123p, 1127p, 1131p, 1137p, 1147p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "52"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 539a, 547a, 555a, 602a, 605a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [628a, 630a, 634a, 647a, 652a, 700a, 708a, 714a, 717a, 720a, 727a, 729a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 724a, 730a, 733a, 736a, 743a, 745a, 800a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 739a, 745a, 748a, 753a, 804a, 809a, 824a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 742a, 747a, 755a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 818a, 829a, 834a, 849a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 820a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 846a, 851a, 903a], [803a, 805a, 809a, 823a, 828a, 836a, 844a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a], [834a, 836a, 840a, 854a, 859a, 907a, 915a, 921a, 924a, 927a, 934a, 936a, 943a], [912a, 914a, 918a, 931a, 936a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1002a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1014a, 1018a, 1031a, 1036a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1102a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1114a, 1118a, 1131a, 1136a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1214p, 1218p, 1231p, 1236p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 102p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 114p, 118p, 131p, 136p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 214p, 218p, 231p, 236p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 302p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 309p, 316p, 319p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 314p, 318p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 402p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 354p, 358p, 412p, 417p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 445p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 414p, 418p, 432p, 437p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 505p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [432p, 434p, 438p, 452p, 457p, 506p, 514p, 522p, 525p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [452p, 454p, 458p, 512p, 517p, 526p, 534p, 542p, 545p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 514p, 518p, 532p, 537p, 546p, 554p, 602p, 605p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 552p, 557p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 623p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [611p, 613p, 617p, 630p, 635p, 643p, 651p, 658p, 701p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [711p, 713p, 717p, 730p, 735p, 743p, 751p, 758p, 801p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 813p, 817p, 830p, 835p, 843p, 851p, 858p, 901p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 913p, 917p, 930p, 935p, 943p, 951p, 958p, 1001p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1013p, 1017p, 1030p, 1035p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p, 1101p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Primary, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-    short_name: "64"
-    stop_times: [[605a, 612a, 616a, 623a, 631a], [635a, 642a, 646a, 653a, 701a], [705a, 712a, 716a, 723a, 731a], [735a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 806a], [805a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 836a], [825a, 834a, 839a, 846a, 856a], [905a, 914a, 919a, 926a, 935a], [935a, 943a, 947a, 954a, 1003a], [1035a, 1043a, 1047a, 1054a, 1103a], [1135a, 1143a, 1147a, 1154a, 1203p], [1235p, 1243p, 1247p, 1254p, 103p], [135p, 143p, 147p, 154p, 203p], [235p, 243p, 247p, 254p, 303p], [305p, 314p, 319p, 326p, 336p], [335p, 344p, 349p, 356p, 406p], [435p, 444p, 449p, 456p, 506p], [505p, 514p, 519p, 526p, 536p], [535p, 544p, 549p, 556p, 606p], [636p, 644p, 648p, 655p, 704p], [739p, 747p, 751p, 758p, 807p], [839p, 847p, 851p, 858p, 907p], [939p, 947p, 951p, 958p, 1007p], [1039p, 1047p, 1051p, 1058p, "-"], [], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson, Merici College, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "7"
-    stop_times: [[541a, 543a, 547a, 600a, 608a, 615a, 623a], [611a, 613a, 617a, 630a, 638a, 645a, 653a], [641a, 643a, 647a, 700a, 708a, 715a, 723a], [711a, 713a, 717a, 730a, 739a, 746a, 755a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 804a, 817a, 824a, 837a], [811a, 813a, 817a, 832a, 841a, 848a, 903a], [841a, 843a, 847a, 902a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 958a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1005a, 1013a, 1020a, 1028a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1058a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1105a, 1113a, 1120a, 1128a], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1158a], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1205p, 1213p, 1220p, 1228p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1258p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 105p, 113p, 120p, 128p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 158p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 205p, 213p, 220p, 228p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 258p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 330p], [311p, 313p, 317p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 356p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 402p, 410p, 417p, 426p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 432p, 440p, 447p, 456p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 502p, 510p, 517p, 526p], [511p, 513p, 517p, 532p, 540p, 547p, 601p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 602p, 610p, 617p, 626p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 705p, 713p, 719p, 727p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 805p, 813p, 819p, 827p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 905p, 913p, 919p, 927p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1005p, 1013p, 1019p, 1027p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1105p, 1113p, 1119p, 1127p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[842a, 856a, 906a, 915a], [942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p], [642p, 656p, 706p, 715p], [742p, 756p, 806p, 815p], [842p, 856p, 906p, 915p], [942p, 956p, 1006p, 1015p], [1042p, 1056p, 1106p, 1115p]]
-    short_name: "961"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
-    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "88"
-    stop_times: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "88"
-    stop_times: [[1150a, 1210p], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson Shops, Watson Shops, Watson Terminus, Watson Shops, Dickson Shops, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "939"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "936"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
-    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
-    short_name: "980"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey Shops, Page Shops, Hawker Shops, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    short_name: "73"
-    stop_times: [[916a, 918a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 937a, 944a, 947a, 954a, 1005a, 1007a, 1012a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1117a, 1124a, 1135a, 1137a, 1142a], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1227p, 1233p, 1237p, 1244p, 1247p, 1254p, 105p, 107p, 112p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 217p, 224p, 235p, 237p, 242p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Chapman Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "927"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[812a, 821a, 831a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p], [712p, 721p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 750p, 752p, 757p], [812p, 821p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 850p, 852p, 857p], [912p, 921p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 950p, 952p, 957p], [1012p, 1021p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1050p, 1052p, 1057p], [1112p, 1121p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1150p, 1152p, 1157p]]
-    short_name: "951"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Stromlo High Waramanga, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "75"
-    stop_times: [[1055a, 1108a, 1117a], [1255p, 108p, 117p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Copland College, Tillyard / Spalding, Charnwood Shops, Kerrigan / Lhotsky, Charnwood Shops, Tillyard / Spalding, Copland College, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "45"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 627a, 632a, 638a, 640a, 648a, 658a, 700a, 705a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 718a, 728a, 730a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 734a, 740a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 759a, 804a, 810a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 822a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 843a, 853a, 855a, 900a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 844a, 849a, 855a, 857a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [828a, 830a, 834a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 905a, 913a, 923a, 925a, 930a], [858a, 900a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 935a, 943a, 953a, 955a, 1000a], [921a, 923a, 927a, 935a, 943a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 958a, 1006a, 1016a, 1018a, 1023a], [1021a, 1023a, 1027a, 1035a, 1043a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1058a, 1106a, 1116a, 1118a, 1123a], [1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1143a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1158a, 1206p, 1216p, 1218p, 1223p], [1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1243p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 1258p, 106p, 116p, 118p, 123p], [121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 143p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 158p, 206p, 216p, 218p, 223p], [221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 243p, 245p, 250p, 256p, 258p, 306p, 316p, 318p, 323p], [258p, 300p, 304p, 312p, 320p, 322p, 327p, 333p, 335p, 343p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [328p, 330p, 334p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 405p, 413p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [358p, 400p, 404p, 412p, 420p, 422p, 427p, 433p, 435p, 443p, 453p, 455p, 500p], [428p, 430p, 434p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 505p, 513p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [458p, 500p, 504p, 512p, 520p, 522p, 527p, 533p, 535p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [528p, 530p, 534p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 605p, 613p, 623p, 625p, 630p], [558p, 600p, 604p, 612p, 620p, 622p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 643p, 652p, 654p, 659p], [621p, 623p, 627p, 634p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 655p, 657p, 705p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 733p, 741p, 743p, 748p, 754p, 756p, 804p, 813p, 815p, 820p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 833p, 841p, 843p, 848p, 854p, 856p, 904p, 913p, 915p, 920p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 933p, 941p, 943p, 948p, 954p, 956p, 1004p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1033p, 1041p, 1043p, 1048p, 1054p, 1056p, 1104p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], [1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1133p, 1141p, 1143p, 1148p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Pearce Shops, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "938"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: 60 160
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", 647a, 701a, 708a, 718a], ["-", "-", 717a, 731a, 739a, 750a], ["-", "-", 747a, 801a, 809a, 820a], ["-", "-", 817a, 831a, 839a, 850a], ["-", "-", 847a, 901a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 947a, 1001a, 1009a, 1019a], ["-", "-", 1047a, 1101a, 1109a, 1119a], ["-", "-", 1147a, 1201p, 1209p, 1219p], ["-", "-", 1247p, 101p, 109p, 119p], ["-", "-", 147p, 201p, 209p, 219p], ["-", "-", 247p, 301p, 309p, 320p], ["-", "-", 317p, 331p, 339p, 350p], ["-", "-", 347p, 401p, 409p, 420p], ["-", "-", 417p, 431p, 439p, 450p], ["-", "-", 447p, 501p, 509p, 520p], [455p, 501p, 517p, 531p, 539p, 550p], [531p, 537p, 553p, 607p, 615p, 626p], [555p, 601p, 617p, 631p, 638p, 647p], ["-", "-", 647p, 701p, 708p, 717p], ["-", "-", 743p, 757p, 804p, 813p], ["-", "-", 843p, 857p, 904p, 913p], ["-", "-", 943p, 957p, 1004p, 1013p], ["-", "-", 1043p, 1057p, 1104p, 1113p], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Curtin, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
-    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-      City West-City Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "732"
-    stop_times: [[715a, 724a, 738a, 742a, 744a], [748a, 803a, 815a, 819a, 821a], [818a, 827a, 841a, 845a, 847a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[718a, 727a, 730a, 735a, 744a, 749a, 757a, 809a], [818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p], [818p, 827p, 830p, 835p, 844p, 849p, 857p, 909p], [918p, 927p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 949p, 957p, 1009p], [1018p, 1027p, 1030p, 1035p, 1044p, 1049p, 1057p, 1109p], [1118p, 1127p, 1130p, 1135p, 1144p, "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "936"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm Shops, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
-    short_name: "786"
-    stop_times: [[445p, 455p, 520p, 533p], [515p, 525p, 550p, 603p], [545p, 555p, 620p, 633p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "913"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Goodwin Village, Erindale Centre, Wanniassa High, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
-    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-    between_stops: 
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: "63"
-    stop_times: [[611a, 619a, 623a, 628a, 633a, 640a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 648a, 652a, 657a, 702a, 710a, 724a, 727a, 731a, 735a], [712a, 720a, 724a, 729a, 735a, 745a, 759a, 803a, 807a, 811a], [744a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 834a, 838a, 842a, 846a], [810a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a, 845a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 855a, 900a, 905a, 911a, 920a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 954a, 958a, 1003a, 1009a, 1017a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1054a, 1058a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1154a, 1158a, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1254p, 1258p, 103p, 109p, 117p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 154p, 158p, 203p, 209p, 217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 254p, 258p, 303p, 309p, 318p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [314p, 324p, 329p, 334p, 340p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 411p, 420p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 450p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 455p, 500p, 505p, 511p, 520p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 525p, 530p, 535p, 541p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 605p, 611p, 620p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [645p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 709p, 717p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 809p, 817p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 909p, 917p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1009p, 1017p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "922"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
-    short_name: "952"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "71"
-    stop_times: [[927a, 929a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 957a, 959a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1043a, 1048a, 1057a, 1059a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1143a, 1148a, 1157a, 1159a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1243p, 1248p, 1257p, 1259p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 143p, 148p, 157p, 159p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, Gowrie, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
-    long_name: To City West
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station-City West: []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "170"
-    stop_times: [[710a, 720a, 732a, 749a, 804a, 806a], [728a, 738a, 750a, 807a, 822a, 824a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang Shops, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-    short_name: "932"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-    short_name: "964"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence Shops, Copland College, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
-    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "701"
-    stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 710a, 714a, 724a, 726a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [731a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [745a, 750a, 757a, 801a, 819a, 824a, 840a, 849a, 857a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p], [713p, 718p, 723p, 728p, 734p, 743p], [913p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 934p, 943p], [1113p, 1118p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, 1143p]]
-    short_name: "923"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1120p]]
-    short_name: "960"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
-    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-    between_stops: 
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: 27 227
-    stop_times: [[629a, 635a, 643a, 647a, 655a, 709a, 712a, 716a, 720a], [654a, 700a, 708a, 712a, 720a, 734a, 738a, 742a, 746a], ["-", "-", 728a, 735a, 746a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722a, 728a, 736a, 743a, 755a, 809a, 813a, 817a, 821a], [740a, 746a, 754a, 801a, 812a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [748a, 754a, 802a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [823a, 829a, 837a, 844a, 855a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [853a, 859a, 907a, 914a, 925a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 931a, 938a, 942a, 949a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [325p, 330p, 337p, 341p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [355p, 400p, 407p, 411p, 419p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [425p, 430p, 437p, 441p, 449p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [525p, 530p, 537p, 541p, 549p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [625p, 630p, 637p, 640p, 647p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 705p, 712p, 715p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 805p, 812p, 815p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 905p, 912p, 915p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1005p, 1012p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
-    long_name: To City West
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station-City West: []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 60 160
-    stop_times: [[606a, 615a, 621a, 632a, "-", "-"], [706a, 715a, 721a, 734a, 749a, 752a], [730a, 740a, 748a, 802a, "-", "-"], [738a, 748a, 756a, 811a, 826a, 829a], [752a, 802a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [808a, 818a, 826a, 841a, 856a, 859a], [836a, 846a, 854a, 908a, "-", "-"], [906a, 916a, 924a, 937a, "-", "-"], [1006a, 1016a, 1024a, 1036a, "-", "-"], [1106a, 1116a, 1124a, 1136a, "-", "-"], [1206p, 1216p, 1224p, 1236p, "-", "-"], [106p, 116p, 124p, 136p, "-", "-"], [206p, 216p, 224p, 236p, "-", "-"], [236p, 246p, 254p, 307p, "-", "-"], [306p, 316p, 324p, 338p, "-", "-"], [336p, 346p, 354p, 408p, "-", "-"], [406p, 416p, 424p, 438p, "-", "-"], [436p, 446p, 454p, 508p, "-", "-"], [506p, 516p, 524p, 538p, "-", "-"], [536p, 546p, 554p, 608p, "-", "-"], [606p, 616p, 624p, 637p, "-", "-"], [706p, 716p, 722p, 734p, "-", "-"], [806p, 816p, 822p, 834p, "-", "-"], [906p, 916p, 922p, 934p, "-", "-"], [1006p, 1016p, 1022p, 1034p, "-", "-"], [1106p, 1116p, 1122p, 1134p, "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "5"
-    stop_times: [[615a, 621a, 630a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 648a, 653a], [641a, 649a, 659a, 711a, 714a, 718a, 722a, 730a], [659a, 707a, 717a, 729a, 732a, 738a, 743a, 752a], [713a, 721a, 731a, 744a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 807a], [729a, 737a, 747a, 800a, 803a, 809a, 814a, 823a], [747a, 755a, 805a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 832a, 841a], [806a, 814a, 824a, 837a, 840a, 846a, 851a, 900a], [825a, 833a, 843a, 856a, 859a, 905a, 910a, 919a], [844a, 852a, 902a, 915a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 937a], [914a, 922a, 932a, 944a, 947a, 951a, 955a, 1003a], [944a, 952a, 1002a, 1014a, 1017a, 1021a, 1025a, 1033a], [1014a, 1022a, 1032a, 1044a, 1047a, 1051a, 1055a, 1103a], [1044a, 1052a, 1102a, 1114a, 1117a, 1121a, 1125a, 1133a], [1114a, 1122a, 1132a, 1144a, 1147a, 1151a, 1155a, 1203p], [1144a, 1152a, 1202p, 1214p, 1217p, 1221p, 1225p, 1233p], [1214p, 1222p, 1232p, 1244p, 1247p, 1251p, 1255p, 103p], [1244p, 1252p, 102p, 114p, 117p, 121p, 125p, 133p], [114p, 122p, 132p, 144p, 147p, 151p, 155p, 203p], [144p, 152p, 202p, 214p, 217p, 221p, 225p, 233p], [214p, 222p, 232p, 244p, 247p, 251p, 255p, 303p], [244p, 252p, 302p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 329p, 338p], [314p, 322p, 332p, 345p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 408p], [342p, 350p, 400p, 413p, 416p, 422p, 427p, 436p], [413p, 421p, 431p, 444p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [447p, 455p, 505p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 532p, 541p], [518p, 526p, 536p, 549p, 552p, 558p, 603p, 612p], [548p, 556p, 606p, 619p, 622p, 628p, 632p, 640p], [648p, 655p, 704p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 727p, 735p], [748p, 755p, 804p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 827p, 835p], [848p, 855p, 904p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 927p, 935p], [948p, 955p, 1004p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p], [1048p, 1055p, 1104p, 1116p, 1119p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, North Lyneham, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
-    short_name: "31"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", 637a, 643a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 701a], ["-", "-", 707a, 713a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 731a], [733a, 740a, 745a, 753a, 800a, 806a, 808a, 813a], [803a, 810a, 815a, 823a, 830a, 836a, 838a, 843a], [829a, 836a, 841a, 849a, 856a, 902a, 904a, 909a], [910a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 936a, 942a, 944a, 949a], [948a, 954a, 959a, 1005a, 1011a, 1017a, 1019a, 1024a], [1048a, 1054a, 1059a, 1105a, 1111a, 1117a, 1119a, 1124a], [1148a, 1154a, 1159a, 1205p, 1211p, 1217p, 1219p, 1224p], [1248p, 1254p, 1259p, 105p, 111p, 117p, 119p, 124p], [148p, 154p, 159p, 205p, 211p, 217p, 219p, 224p], [248p, 254p, 259p, 307p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [303p, 310p, 315p, 323p, 331p, 337p, 339p, 344p], [333p, 340p, 345p, 353p, 401p, 407p, 409p, 414p], [403p, 410p, 415p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 439p, 444p], [433p, 440p, 445p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [503p, 510p, 515p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [533p, 540p, 545p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [603p, 610p, 615p, 623p, 631p, 637p, 639p, 644p], [648p, 654p, 659p, 705p, 710p, 716p, 718p, 723p], [748p, 754p, 759p, 805p, 810p, 816p, 818p, 823p], [848p, 854p, 859p, 905p, 910p, 916p, 918p, 923p], [948p, 954p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1016p, 1018p, 1023p], [1048p, 1054p, 1059p, 1105p, 1110p, 1116p, 1118p, 1123p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Scullin Shops, Page Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
-    short_name: 13 313
-    stop_times: [[546a, 550a, 559a, 603a, 610a, 612a, 616a, 636a, 653a, 706a], [616a, 620a, 629a, 633a, 640a, 642a, 646a, 706a, 723a, 738a], [646a, 650a, 659a, 703a, 710a, 712a, 716a, 737a, 754a, 811a], [712a, 716a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 739a, 743a, 806a, 823a, 840a], [737a, 742a, 752a, 757a, 805a, 807a, 811a, 833a, 850a, 907a], [757a, 802a, 812a, 817a, 825a, 827a, 831a, 853a, 910a, 927a], [817a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 845a, 847a, 851a, 913a, 930a, 945a], [842a, 847a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 912a, 916a, 937a, 954a, 1009a], [914a, 919a, 929a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 1006a, 1023a, 1038a], [946a, 950a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a, 1036a, 1053a, 1108a], [1016a, 1020a, 1029a, 1033a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1106a, 1123a, 1138a], [1046a, 1050a, 1059a, 1103a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1136a, 1153a, 1208p], [1116a, 1120a, 1129a, 1133a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1206p, 1223p, 1238p], [1146a, 1150a, 1159a, 1203p, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1236p, 1253p, 108p], [1216p, 1220p, 1229p, 1233p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 106p, 123p, 138p], [1246p, 1250p, 1259p, 103p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 136p, 153p, 208p], [116p, 120p, 129p, 133p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 206p, 223p, 238p], [146p, 150p, 159p, 203p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 236p, 253p, 310p], [216p, 220p, 229p, 233p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 307p, 324p, 343p], [245p, 249p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 312p, 316p, 338p, 355p, 414p], [313p, 318p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 342p, 346p, 408p, 425p, 444p], [343p, 348p, 358p, 402p, 410p, 412p, 416p, 438p, 455p, 514p], [418p, 423p, 433p, 437p, 445p, 447p, 451p, "-", "-", "-"], [449p, 454p, 504p, 508p, 516p, 518p, 522p, "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 518p, 528p, 532p, 540p, 542p, 546p, 608p, 625p, 641p], [543p, 548p, 558p, 602p, 610p, 612p, 616p, 636p, 650p, 705p], [615p, 620p, 630p, 634p, 640p, 642p, 646p, 705p, 719p, 734p], [710p, 714p, 723p, 727p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [810p, 814p, 823p, 827p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [910p, 914p, 923p, 927p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1010p, 1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
-    long_name: To City West
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
-    short_name: "788"
-    stop_times: [[710a, 719a, 734a, 811a, 820a, 824a], [740a, 749a, 804a, 841a, 850a, 854a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p], [715p, 717p, 721p, 730p, 739p, 743p, 744p, 755p], [815p, 817p, 821p, 830p, 839p, 843p, 844p, 855p], [915p, 917p, 921p, 930p, 939p, 943p, 944p, 955p], [1015p, 1017p, 1021p, 1030p, 1039p, 1043p, 1044p, 1055p]]
-    short_name: "942"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "62"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 709a, 716a, 723a], ["-", "-", 732a, 744a, 753a, 800a], ["-", "-", 802a, 814a, 823a, 830a], ["-", "-", 832a, 844a, 853a, 900a], ["-", "-", 902a, 914a, 923a, 930a], ["-", "-", 932a, 943a, 951a, 958a], ["-", "-", 1032a, 1043a, 1051a, 1058a], ["-", "-", 1132a, 1143a, 1151a, 1158a], ["-", "-", 1232p, 1243p, 1251p, 1258p], ["-", "-", 132p, 143p, 151p, 158p], ["-", "-", 232p, 243p, 251p, 258p], ["-", "-", 332p, 344p, 353p, 400p], ["-", "-", 402p, 414p, 423p, 430p], ["-", "-", 432p, 444p, 453p, 500p], ["-", "-", 502p, 514p, 523p, 530p], [510p, 516p, 532p, 544p, 553p, 600p], [540p, 546p, 602p, 614p, 623p, 630p], [610p, 616p, 632p, 643p, 651p, 658p], ["-", "-", 732p, 743p, 751p, 758p], ["-", "-", 832p, 843p, 851p, 858p], ["-", "-", 932p, 943p, 951p, 958p], ["-", "-", 1032p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p], ["-", "-", 1132p, 1143p, 1151p, 1158p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
-    short_name: "956"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[831a, 840a, 850a, 903a], [931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p], [726p, 735p, 745p, 758p], [826p, 835p, 845p, 858p], [926p, 935p, 945p, 958p], [1026p, 1035p, 1045p, 1058p], [1126p, 1135p, 1145p, 1158p]]
-    short_name: "961"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
-    short_name: "956"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "7"
-    stop_times: [[632a, 639a, 646a, 654a, 708a, 710a, 715a], [701a, 708a, 715a, 723a, 738a, 740a, 745a], [731a, 739a, 746a, 754a, 810a, 812a, 817a], [801a, 809a, 816a, 824a, 840a, 842a, 847a], [829a, 837a, 844a, 852a, 908a, 910a, 915a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 921a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [930a, 937a, 944a, 952a, 1006a, 1008a, 1013a], [1000a, 1007a, 1014a, 1022a, 1036a, 1038a, 1043a], [1030a, 1037a, 1044a, 1052a, 1106a, 1108a, 1113a], [1100a, 1107a, 1114a, 1122a, 1136a, 1138a, 1143a], [1130a, 1137a, 1144a, 1152a, 1206p, 1208p, 1213p], [1200p, 1207p, 1214p, 1222p, 1236p, 1238p, 1243p], [1230p, 1237p, 1244p, 1252p, 106p, 108p, 113p], [100p, 107p, 114p, 122p, 136p, 138p, 143p], [130p, 137p, 144p, 152p, 206p, 208p, 213p], [200p, 207p, 214p, 222p, 236p, 238p, 243p], [230p, 237p, 244p, 252p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [259p, 307p, 314p, 323p, 339p, 341p, 346p], [331p, 339p, 346p, 355p, 411p, 413p, 418p], [401p, 409p, 416p, 425p, 441p, 443p, 448p], [431p, 439p, 446p, 455p, 511p, 513p, 518p], [501p, 509p, 516p, 525p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [531p, 539p, 546p, 555p, 611p, 613p, 618p], [631p, 637p, 644p, 652p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [731p, 737p, 744p, 752p, 806p, 808p, 813p], [831p, 837p, 844p, 852p, 906p, 908p, 913p], [931p, 937p, 944p, 952p, 1006p, 1008p, 1013p], [1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1052p, 1106p, 1108p, 1113p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-    short_name: "57"
-    stop_times: [[600a, 607a, 610a, 618a, 624a, 626a, 632a], [630a, 637a, 640a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 702a], [700a, 707a, 710a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 732a], [736a, 743a, 746a, 754a, 805a, 810a, 825a], [806a, 813a, 816a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 855a], [836a, 843a, 846a, 854a, 903a, 905a, 911a], [936a, 943a, 946a, 954a, 1000a, 1002a, 1008a], [1036a, 1043a, 1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1102a, 1108a], [1136a, 1143a, 1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1202p, 1208p], [1236p, 1243p, 1246p, 1254p, 100p, 102p, 108p], [136p, 143p, 146p, 154p, 200p, 202p, 208p], [236p, 243p, 246p, 254p, 300p, 302p, 308p], [336p, 343p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 402p, 409p], [407p, 414p, 417p, 425p, 432p, 434p, 441p], [437p, 444p, 447p, 455p, 502p, 504p, 511p], [507p, 514p, 517p, 525p, 532p, 534p, 541p], [537p, 544p, 547p, 555p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [636p, 643p, 646p, 654p, 700p, 702p, 707p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda Shops, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
-    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-War Memorial Limestone Ave: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA]
-      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      War Memorial Limestone Ave-ADFA: [Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-    short_name: "10"
-    stop_times: [[550a, 552a, 556a, 605a, 615a, 620a, 623a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [621a, 623a, 627a, 636a, 646a, 651a, 654a, 705a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [651a, 653a, 657a, 706a, 716a, 721a, 724a, 736a, 746a, 752a, 756a, 803a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 724a, 729a, 732a, 743a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [706a, 708a, 712a, 721a, 731a, 736a, 739a, 750a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [721a, 723a, 727a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 754a, 806a, 816a, 822a, 826a, 833a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754a, 759a, 802a, 813a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [736a, 738a, 742a, 751a, 801a, 806a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [751a, 753a, 757a, 806a, 816a, 821a, 824a, 836a, 846a, 852a, 856a, "-", "-", "-"], [806a, 808a, 812a, 821a, 831a, 836a, 839a, 851a, 901a, 907a, 911a, 918a, 927a, 937a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 836a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 905a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [836a, 838a, 842a, 851a, 901a, 906a, 909a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 940a, 947a, 956a, 1006a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 906a, 916a, 921a, 924a, 936a, 946a, 952a, 955a, 1002a, 1011a, 1021a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 938a, 943a, 945a, 957a, 1007a, 1013a, 1016a, 1023a, 1032a, 1042a], [943a, 945a, 949a, 958a, 1008a, 1013a, 1015a, 1027a, 1037a, 1043a, 1046a, 1053a, 1102a, 1112a], [1013a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1038a, 1043a, 1045a, 1057a, 1107a, 1113a, 1116a, 1123a, 1132a, 1142a], [1043a, 1045a, 1049a, 1058a, 1108a, 1113a, 1115a, 1127a, 1137a, 1143a, 1146a, 1153a, 1202p, 1212p], [1113a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1138a, 1143a, 1145a, 1157a, 1207p, 1213p, 1216p, 1223p, 1232p, 1242p], [1143a, 1145a, 1149a, 1158a, 1208p, 1213p, 1215p, 1227p, 1237p, 1243p, 1246p, 1253p, 102p, 112p], [1213p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1238p, 1243p, 1245p, 1257p, 107p, 113p, 116p, 123p, 132p, 142p], [1243p, 1245p, 1249p, 1258p, 108p, 113p, 115p, 127p, 137p, 143p, 146p, 153p, 202p, 212p], [113p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 138p, 143p, 145p, 157p, 207p, 213p, 216p, 223p, 232p, 242p], [143p, 145p, 149p, 158p, 208p, 213p, 215p, 227p, 237p, 243p, 246p, 253p, 302p, 312p], [213p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 238p, 243p, 245p, 257p, 307p, 313p, 317p, 324p, 333p, 343p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 308p, 318p, 323p, 325p, 337p, 347p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 413p, 423p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 338p, 348p, 353p, 355p, 407p, 417p, 423p, 427p, 434p, 443p, 453p], [338p, 340p, 344p, 353p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 421p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [353p, 355p, 359p, 408p, 418p, 423p, 425p, 437p, 447p, 453p, 457p, "-", "-", "-"], [408p, 410p, 414p, 423p, 433p, 438p, 440p, 451p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [423p, 425p, 429p, 438p, 448p, 453p, 455p, 506p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [438p, 440p, 444p, 453p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 521p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [453p, 455p, 459p, 508p, 518p, 523p, 525p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [508p, 510p, 514p, 523p, 533p, 538p, 540p, 551p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [523p, 525p, 529p, 538p, 548p, 553p, 555p, 606p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 540p, 544p, 553p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 621p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 619p, 623p, 632p, 642p, 647p, 649p, 700p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [716p, 718p, 722p, 731p, 741p, 746p, 748p, 759p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [816p, 818p, 822p, 831p, 841p, 846p, 848p, 859p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [916p, 918p, 922p, 931p, 941p, 946p, 948p, 959p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1031p, 1041p, 1046p, 1048p, 1059p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1116p, 1118p, 1122p, 1131p, 1141p, 1146p, 1148p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-    short_name: "732"
-    stop_times: [[435p, 441p, 453p, 503p], [505p, 511p, 523p, 533p], [535p, 541p, 553p, 603p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood Shops, Fraser Shops, Fraser East Terminus]
-    long_name: To Fraser East Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-    short_name: "702"
-    stop_times: [[450p, 458p, 508p, 513p, 515p, 527p, 532p, 538p, 542p], ["-", "-", 530p, 535p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p], [535p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 600p, 612p, 617p, 623p, 627p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Interchange
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "81"
-    stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Centrelink Tuggeranong]
-    long_name: To Centrelink Tuggeranong
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "705"
-    stop_times: [[715a, 717a, 721a, 800a, 802a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 826a, 828a], [807a, 809a, 813a, 852a, 854a], [439p, 441p, 445p, 523p, "-"], [505p, 507p, 511p, 549p, "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 616p, "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "900"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "981"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
-    short_name: "5"
-    stop_times: [[630a, 638a, 642a, 646a, 649a, 701a, 711a, 719a], [650a, 658a, 702a, 706a, 709a, 721a, 731a, 739a], [710a, 718a, 722a, 726a, 729a, 741a, 752a, 800a], [728a, 736a, 740a, 744a, 747a, 800a, 812a, 820a], [741a, 750a, 755a, 800a, 803a, 816a, 828a, 836a], [756a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 818a, 831a, 843a, 851a], [811a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 833a, 846a, 858a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 842a, 847a, 850a, 903a, 913a, 921a], [846a, 855a, 900a, 904a, 907a, 919a, 929a, 937a], [919a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 938a, 950a, 1000a, 1008a], [947a, 955a, 959a, 1003a, 1006a, 1018a, 1028a, 1036a], [1017a, 1025a, 1029a, 1033a, 1036a, 1048a, 1058a, 1106a], [1047a, 1055a, 1059a, 1103a, 1106a, 1118a, 1128a, 1136a], [1117a, 1125a, 1129a, 1133a, 1136a, 1148a, 1158a, 1206p], [1147a, 1155a, 1159a, 1203p, 1206p, 1218p, 1228p, 1236p], [1217p, 1225p, 1229p, 1233p, 1236p, 1248p, 1258p, 106p], [1247p, 1255p, 1259p, 103p, 106p, 118p, 128p, 136p], [117p, 125p, 129p, 133p, 136p, 148p, 158p, 206p], [147p, 155p, 159p, 203p, 206p, 218p, 228p, 236p], [217p, 225p, 229p, 233p, 236p, 248p, 258p, 306p], [247p, 255p, 259p, 303p, 306p, 318p, 328p, 336p], [317p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 336p, 348p, 358p, 411p], [347p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 420p, 432p, 440p], [417p, 426p, 431p, 436p, 439p, 452p, 504p, 512p], [444p, 453p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 519p, 531p, 539p], [524p, 533p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 559p, 608p, 616p], [554p, 603p, 607p, 611p, 614p, 626p, 635p, 643p], [635p, 643p, 647p, 651p, 654p, 706p, 715p, 723p], [706p, 714p, 718p, 722p, 725p, 737p, 746p, 754p], [735p, 743p, 747p, 751p, 754p, 806p, 815p, 823p], [835p, 843p, 847p, 851p, 854p, 906p, 915p, 923p], [930p, 938p, 942p, 946p, 949p, 1001p, 1010p, 1018p], [1030p, 1038p, 1042p, 1046p, 1049p, 1101p, 1110p, 1118p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-    short_name: "903"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1004a, 1008a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1104a, 1108a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1204p, 1208p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 104p, 108p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 204p, 208p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 304p, 308p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 404p, 408p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 504p, 508p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 604p, 608p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 703p, 707p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[715a, 725a, 734a, 743a, 746a, 755a], [915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p], [918p, 928p, 937p, 946p, 949p, 958p], [1118p, 1128p, 1137p, 1146p, 1149p, "-"]]
-    short_name: "915"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "51"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 531a, 540a, 549a, 559a, 602a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 616a, 625a, 634a, 644a, 647a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [618a, 620a, 624a, 634a, 639a, 648a, 657a, 706a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 721a, 728a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656a, 705a, 714a, 723a, 726a, 729a, 736a, 738a, 745a], [652a, 654a, 658a, 708a, 713a, 722a, 731a, 740a, 743a, 747a, 758a, 802a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", 721a, 726a, 735a, 744a, 753a, 756a, 801a, 812a, 817a, 832a], [732a, 734a, 738a, 748a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 822a, 825a, 830a, 841a, 846a, 900a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 806a, 811a, 821a, 831a, 840a, 843a, 848a, 859a, 902a, 909a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 839a, 849a, 858a, 901a, 904a, 911a, 913a, 927a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 855a, 900a, 909a, 918a, 927a, 930a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [909a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 930a, 939a, 948a, 958a, 1001a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [939a, 941a, 945a, 955a, 1000a, 1009a, 1018a, 1028a, 1031a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1055a, 1100a, 1109a, 1118a, 1128a, 1131a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1155a, 1200p, 1209p, 1218p, 1228p, 1231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1255p, 100p, 109p, 118p, 128p, 131p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [139p, 141p, 145p, 155p, 200p, 209p, 218p, 228p, 231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [239p, 241p, 245p, 255p, 300p, 309p, 318p, 328p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [334p, 336p, 340p, 350p, 355p, 405p, 415p, 425p, 428p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [414p, 416p, 420p, 431p, 436p, 447p, 457p, 507p, 510p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [434p, 436p, 440p, 451p, 456p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 530p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 456p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 527p, 537p, 547p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 515p, 519p, 530p, 535p, 546p, 556p, 606p, 609p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [534p, 536p, 540p, 551p, 556p, 606p, 615p, 625p, 628p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [638p, 640p, 644p, 654p, 659p, 708p, 717p, 727p, 730p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [738p, 740p, 744p, 754p, 759p, 808p, 817p, 827p, 830p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838p, 840p, 844p, 854p, 859p, 908p, 917p, 927p, 930p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [938p, 940p, 944p, 954p, 959p, 1008p, 1017p, 1027p, 1030p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1038p, 1040p, 1044p, 1054p, 1059p, 1108p, 1117p, 1127p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "956"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-    short_name: "980"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, North Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-    short_name: "31"
-    stop_times: [[612a, 614a, 618a, 623a, 628a, 635a, 640a, 647a], [642a, 644a, 648a, 653a, 658a, 705a, 710a, 717a], [709a, 711a, 715a, 720a, 725a, 733a, 741a, 757a], [738a, 740a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 805a, 813a, 829a], [808a, 810a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 835a, 843a, 859a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 849a, 856a, 905a, 913a, 929a], [927a, 929a, 933a, 938a, 944a, 952a, 957a, 1004a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1057a, 1104a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1157a, 1204p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1257p, 104p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 138p, 144p, 152p, 157p, 204p], [227p, 229p, 233p, 238p, 244p, 252p, 257p, 305p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 323p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p], [342p, 344p, 348p, 353p, 359p, 407p, 412p, 420p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 453p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 520p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p], [542p, 544p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 607p, 612p, 620p], [626p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 642p, 649p, 654p, 700p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 749p, 754p, 800p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 849p, 854p, 900p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 949p, 954p, 1000p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1049p, 1054p, 1100p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station, City West]
-    long_name: To City West
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station-City West: []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "62"
-    stop_times: [[609a, 616a, 624a, 637a, "-", "-"], [639a, 646a, 654a, 707a, "-", "-"], [709a, 716a, 725a, 740a, 755a, 758a], [736a, 743a, 752a, 807a, 822a, 825a], [754a, 801a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [809a, 816a, 825a, 840a, 855a, 858a], [839a, 846a, 855a, 909a, "-", "-"], [939a, 946a, 954a, 1007a, "-", "-"], [1039a, 1046a, 1054a, 1107a, "-", "-"], [1139a, 1146a, 1154a, 1207p, "-", "-"], [1239p, 1246p, 1254p, 107p, "-", "-"], [139p, 146p, 154p, 207p, "-", "-"], [239p, 246p, 254p, 308p, "-", "-"], [309p, 316p, 325p, 339p, "-", "-"], [339p, 346p, 355p, 409p, "-", "-"], [409p, 416p, 425p, 439p, "-", "-"], [439p, 446p, 455p, 509p, "-", "-"], [509p, 516p, 525p, 539p, "-", "-"], [539p, 546p, 555p, 609p, "-", "-"], [609p, 616p, 625p, 637p, "-", "-"], [639p, 645p, 652p, 703p, "-", "-"], [739p, 745p, 752p, 803p, "-", "-"], [839p, 845p, 852p, 903p, "-", "-"], [940p, 946p, 953p, 1004p, "-", "-"], [1040p, 1046p, 1053p, 1104p, "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood Shops, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    short_name: "907"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
-    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-    short_name: "982"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "21"
-    stop_times: [[657a, 703a, 706a, 712a, 724a], [727a, 734a, 737a, 744a, 757a], [757a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 827a], [827a, 834a, 837a, 844a, 857a], [904a, 911a, 914a, 921a, 934a], [1004a, 1010a, 1013a, 1019a, 1031a], [1104a, 1110a, 1113a, 1119a, 1131a], [1204p, 1210p, 1213p, 1219p, 1231p], [104p, 110p, 113p, 119p, 131p], [204p, 210p, 213p, 219p, 231p], [304p, 311p, 314p, 321p, 334p], [327p, 334p, 337p, 344p, 357p], [357p, 404p, 407p, 414p, 427p], [427p, 434p, 437p, 444p, 457p], [457p, 504p, 507p, 514p, 527p], [527p, 534p, 537p, 544p, 557p], [557p, 604p, 607p, 614p, 627p], [627p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 654p], [720p, 726p, 729p, 735p, 747p], [820p, 826p, 829p, 835p, 847p], [920p, 926p, 929p, 935p, 947p], [1020p, 1026p, 1029p, 1035p, 1047p], [1120p, 1126p, 1129p, 1135p, "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[801a, 815a, 822a, 829a, 841a], [901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
-    short_name: "931"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Market Place]
-    long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
-    short_name: 18 318
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 714a, 722a, 726a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 750a, 755a, 805a], [720a, 722a, 726a, 748a, 805a, 823a, 833a, 838a, 848a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 817a, 834a, 852a, 902a, 907a, 917a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 916a, 926a, 931a, 940a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 949a, 957a, 1001a, 1010a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 946a, 1003a, 1019a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [950a, 952a, 956a, 1016a, 1033a, 1049a, 1057a, 1101a, 1110a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1046a, 1103a, 1119a, 1127a, 1131a, 1140a], [1050a, 1052a, 1056a, 1116a, 1133a, 1149a, 1157a, 1201p, 1210p], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1146a, 1203p, 1219p, 1227p, 1231p, 1240p], [1150a, 1152a, 1156a, 1216p, 1233p, 1249p, 1257p, 101p, 110p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1246p, 103p, 119p, 127p, 131p, 140p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 116p, 133p, 149p, 157p, 201p, 210p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 146p, 203p, 219p, 227p, 231p, 240p], [150p, 152p, 156p, 216p, 233p, 249p, 257p, 301p, 310p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 246p, 303p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 344p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 318p, 335p, 355p, 403p, 407p, 416p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 348p, 405p, 425p, 433p, 437p, 446p], [350p, 352p, 356p, 418p, 435p, 455p, 503p, 507p, 516p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 448p, 505p, 525p, 533p, 537p, 546p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 508p, 525p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 606p], [500p, 502p, 506p, 528p, 545p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 626p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 543p, 600p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 641p], [550p, 552p, 556p, 618p, 634p, 650p, 658p, 702p, 711p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 645p, 659p, 715p, 723p, 727p, 736p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 715p, 729p, 745p, 753p, 757p, 806p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 848p, 856p, 900p, 909p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 948p, 956p, 1000p, 1009p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1048p, 1056p, 1100p, 1109p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Dickson, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
       Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
@@ -3892,18 +3874,4 @@
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
     stop_times_saturday: [[756a, 803a, 807a, 814a, 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p], [756p, 803p, 807p, 814p, 824p, 833p, 839p, 843p, 852p], [856p, 903p, 907p, 914p, 924p, 933p, 939p, 943p, 952p], [956p, 1003p, 1007p, 1014p, 1024p, 1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1052p], [1056p, 1103p, 1107p, 1114p, 1124p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     short_name: "935"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "960"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-    short_name: "964"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -11,12 +11,10 @@
   - { name: ACTEW AGL House,stop_code: ACTEW AGL House, lat: -35.282374, lng: 149.132047}
   - { name: ADFA,stop_code: ADFA, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
   - { name: Ainslie,stop_code: Ainslie, lat: -35.2620105, lng: 149.1443302}
-  - { name: Ainslie Shops,stop_code: Ainslie Shops, lat: -35.26198, lng: 149.14535}
   - { name: Alexander Maconochie Centre,stop_code: Alexander Maconochie Centre, lat: -35.3720651, lng: 149.1696618}
   - { name: Alpen & Clifford St,stop_code: Alpen & Clifford St, lat: -35.20562, lng: 149.06259}
   - { name: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av,stop_code: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, lat: -35.1856021, lng: 149.1543639}
   - { name: Aranda,stop_code: Aranda, lat: -35.257534, lng: 149.0762963}
-  - { name: Aranda Shops,stop_code: Aranda Shops, lat: -35.25753, lng: 149.0763}
   - { name: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah,stop_code: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, lat: -35.38442, lng: 149.09328}
   - { name: Australian Institute of Sport,stop_code: Australian Institute of Sport, lat: -35.246351, lng: 149.101478}
   - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station,stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station, lat: -35.23987, lng: 149.0619}
@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@
   - { name: Bugden Sternberg,stop_code: Bugden Sternberg, lat: -35.4017223, lng: 149.0992172}
   - { name: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road,stop_code: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, lat: -35.2753671, lng: 149.1172822}
   - { name: Calvary Hospital,stop_code: Calvary Hospital, lat: -35.25212, lng: 149.09088}
-  - { name: Calwell Shops,stop_code: Calwell Shops, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942}
+  - { name: Calwell,stop_code: Calwell, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942}
   - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station,stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
   - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
   - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2410108, lng: 149.0717142}
@@ -52,13 +50,10 @@
   - { name: Causeway,stop_code: Causeway, lat: -35.31615, lng: 149.15058}
   - { name: Centrelink Tuggeranong,stop_code: Centrelink Tuggeranong, lat: -35.4207496, lng: 149.0700973}
   - { name: Chapman,stop_code: Chapman, lat: -35.3557877, lng: 149.0408111}
-  - { name: Chapman Shops,stop_code: Chapman Shops, lat: -35.35579, lng: 149.04082}
   - { name: Charnwood,stop_code: Charnwood, lat: -35.2052138, lng: 149.0337266}
-  - { name: Charnwood Shops,stop_code: Charnwood Shops, lat: -35.20472, lng: 149.03336}
   - { name: Charnwood Tillyard Dr,stop_code: Charnwood Tillyard Dr, lat: -35.20295, lng: 149.04027}
   - { name: Chifley,stop_code: Chifley, lat: -35.350985, lng: 149.077319}
-  - { name: Chifley Shops,stop_code: Chifley Shops, lat: -35.35099, lng: 149.07732}
-  - { name: Chisholm Shops,stop_code: Chisholm Shops, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.12833}
+  - { name: Chisholm,stop_code: Chisholm, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.12833}
   - { name: Chuculba / William Slim Dr,stop_code: Chuculba / William Slim Dr, lat: -35.208931, lng: 149.088499}
   - { name: CIT Weston,stop_code: CIT Weston, lat: -35.330234, lng: 149.058632}
   - { name: City Bus Station,stop_code: City Bus Station, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
@@ -84,19 +79,14 @@
   - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2400028, lng: 149.060315}
   - { name: Conder Primary,stop_code: Conder Primary, lat: -35.4643475, lng: 149.0986908}
   - { name: Cook,stop_code: Cook, lat: -35.2596, lng: 149.0638}
-  - { name: Cook Shops,stop_code: Cook Shops, lat: -35.25898, lng: 149.06343}
   - { name: Cooleman Court,stop_code: Cooleman Court, lat: -35.34147, lng: 149.05338}
   - { name: Copland College,stop_code: Copland College, lat: -35.2127018, lng: 149.0596387}
   - { name: Curtin,stop_code: Curtin, lat: -35.3248779, lng: 149.081441}
-  - { name: Curtin Shops,stop_code: Curtin Shops, lat: -35.32515, lng: 149.08224}
   - { name: Deakin,stop_code: Deakin, lat: -35.3158608, lng: 149.1084563}
-  - { name: Deakin Shops,stop_code: Deakin Shops, lat: -35.31473, lng: 149.10771}
   - { name: Deamer / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Deamer / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4319597, lng: 149.1187876}
-  - { name: Dickson,stop_code: Dickson, lat: -35.2498434, lng: 149.1391218}
+  - { name: Dickson / Antill St,stop_code: Dickson / Antill St, lat: -35.2489, lng: 149.14012}
   - { name: Dickson College,stop_code: Dickson College, lat: -35.24923, lng: 149.15315}
-  - { name: Dickson Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336}
-  - { name: Dickson Shops,stop_code: Dickson Shops, lat: -35.25045, lng: 149.14044}
-  - { name: Dickson Shops/Antill St,stop_code: Dickson Shops/Antill St, lat: -35.2251335, lng: 149.1658895}
+  - { name: Dickson / Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson / Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336}
   - { name: Duffy,stop_code: Duffy, lat: -35.3366908, lng: 149.0324311}
   - { name: Duffy Primary,stop_code: Duffy Primary, lat: -35.334219, lng: 149.033656}
   - { name: Dunlop,stop_code: Dunlop, lat: -35.1942693, lng: 149.0206702}
@@ -104,59 +94,47 @@
   - { name: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash,stop_code: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, lat: -35.414616, lng: 149.07888}
   - { name: Erindale / Sternberg Cres,stop_code: Erindale / Sternberg Cres, lat: -35.4014472, lng: 149.0956545}
   - { name: Evatt,stop_code: Evatt, lat: -35.2091093, lng: 149.0735343}
-  - { name: Evatt Shops,stop_code: Evatt Shops, lat: -35.21203, lng: 149.06505}
   - { name: Eye Hospital,stop_code: Eye Hospital, lat: -35.3341884, lng: 149.1656213}
   - { name: Fairbairn Park,stop_code: Fairbairn Park, lat: -35.3001773, lng: 149.2041185}
   - { name: Farrer Primary School,stop_code: Farrer Primary School, lat: -35.37887, lng: 149.10641}
   - { name: Farrer Terminus,stop_code: Farrer Terminus, lat: -35.3771794, lng: 149.1046948}
   - { name: Federation Square,stop_code: Federation Square, lat: -35.1908726, lng: 149.0848153}
   - { name: Fisher,stop_code: Fisher, lat: -35.3605627, lng: 149.0576481}
-  - { name: Fisher Shops,stop_code: Fisher Shops, lat: -35.36056, lng: 149.05765}
   - { name: Flemington Rd,stop_code: Flemington Rd, lat: -35.20756, lng: 149.14778}
   - { name: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, lat: -35.2008585, lng: 149.1493407}
   - { name: Flemington Rd / Sandford St,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Sandford St, lat: -35.221231, lng: 149.144645}
-  - { name: Florey Shops,stop_code: Florey Shops, lat: -35.2258544, lng: 149.0546214}
+  - { name: Florey,stop_code: Florey, lat: -35.2258544, lng: 149.0546214}
   - { name: Flynn,stop_code: Flynn, lat: -35.2019283, lng: 149.0478356}
   - { name: Fraser,stop_code: Fraser, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
   - { name: Fraser East Terminus,stop_code: Fraser East Terminus, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
-  - { name: Fraser Shops,stop_code: Fraser Shops, lat: -35.18966, lng: 149.0435}
   - { name: Fraser West Terminus,stop_code: Fraser West Terminus, lat: -35.191513, lng: 149.038006}
   - { name: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet,stop_code: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796322}
   - { name: Fyshwick Terminus,stop_code: Fyshwick Terminus, lat: -35.3285202, lng: 149.1785592}
   - { name: Garran,stop_code: Garran, lat: -35.3423286, lng: 149.10811}
-  - { name: Garran Shops,stop_code: Garran Shops, lat: -35.34236, lng: 149.1082}
   - { name: Geoscience Australia,stop_code: Geoscience Australia, lat: -35.3429702, lng: 149.1583893}
   - { name: Giralang,stop_code: Giralang, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
-  - { name: Giralang Shops,stop_code: Giralang Shops, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
   - { name: Gordon Primary,stop_code: Gordon Primary, lat: -35.455517, lng: 149.086978}
   - { name: Gowrie,stop_code: Gowrie, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
-  - { name: Gowrie Shops,stop_code: Gowrie Shops, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
   - { name: Gungahlin Marketplace,stop_code: Gungahlin Marketplace, lat: -35.1769532, lng: 149.1319017}
   - { name: Gwydir Square Kaleen,stop_code: Gwydir Square Kaleen, lat: -35.2338677, lng: 149.1031998}
   - { name: Hackett,stop_code: Hackett, lat: -35.2481617, lng: 149.1626094}
-  - { name: Hackett Shops,stop_code: Hackett Shops, lat: -35.24825, lng: 149.16271}
   - { name: Hawker,stop_code: Hawker, lat: -35.2437386, lng: 149.0432804}
   - { name: Hawker College,stop_code: Hawker College, lat: -35.2454598, lng: 149.0324251}
-  - { name: Hawker Shops,stop_code: Hawker Shops, lat: -35.24398, lng: 149.04361}
   - { name: Heagney / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Heagney / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4251299, lng: 149.11375}
   - { name: Hibberson / Kate Crace,stop_code: Hibberson / Kate Crace, lat: -35.1861642, lng: 149.1391756}
   - { name: Higgins,stop_code: Higgins, lat: -35.2313901, lng: 149.0271811}
-  - { name: Higgins Shops,stop_code: Higgins Shops, lat: -35.23136, lng: 149.02611}
   - { name: Holder,stop_code: Holder, lat: -35.3378123, lng: 149.0449433}
-  - { name: Holder Shops,stop_code: Holder Shops, lat: -35.33781, lng: 149.04494}
   - { name: Holt,stop_code: Holt, lat: -35.223099, lng: 149.0126269}
-  - { name: Holt Shops,stop_code: Holt Shops, lat: -35.2231, lng: 149.01263}
   - { name: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave,stop_code: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, lat: -35.201095, lng: 149.139941}
   - { name: Hospice / Menindee Dr,stop_code: Hospice / Menindee Dr, lat: -35.303557, lng: 149.151627}
   - { name: Hughes,stop_code: Hughes, lat: -35.3339223, lng: 149.093854}
-  - { name: Hughes Shops,stop_code: Hughes Shops, lat: -35.3335, lng: 149.09392}
   - { name: Isaacs,stop_code: Isaacs, lat: -35.3669823, lng: 149.1119217}
-  - { name: Isaacs Shops,stop_code: Isaacs Shops, lat: -35.36698, lng: 149.11192}
-  - { name: Isabella Shops,stop_code: Isabella Shops, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837}
+  - { name: Isabella,stop_code: Isabella, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837}
   - { name: Jamison Centre,stop_code: Jamison Centre, lat: -35.2527268, lng: 149.0713712}
   - { name: John James Hospital,stop_code: John James Hospital, lat: -35.3200295, lng: 149.0955996}
   - { name: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong,stop_code: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, lat: -35.2274031, lng: 149.1075421}
   - { name: Kambah High,stop_code: Kambah High, lat: -35.3847749, lng: 149.0720245}
+  - { name: Kambah / Livingston St,stop_code: Kambah / Livingston St, lat: -35.3883359, lng: 149.0811471}
   - { name: Kambah Village,stop_code: Kambah Village, lat: -35.3800314, lng: 149.0576581}
   - { name: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, lat: -35.1680901, lng: 149.1321801}
   - { name: Kerrigan / Lhotsky,stop_code: Kerrigan / Lhotsky, lat: -35.193801, lng: 149.035689}
@@ -165,9 +143,9 @@
   - { name: Kippax,stop_code: Kippax, lat: -35.22225, lng: 149.0195627}
   - { name: Kippax Centre,stop_code: Kippax Centre, lat: -35.22172, lng: 149.01995}
   - { name: Kosciuszko / Everard,stop_code: Kosciuszko / Everard, lat: -35.188901, lng: 149.1216937}
-  - { name: Lanyon Market Place,stop_code: Lanyon Market Place, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199}
+  - { name: Lanyon Marketplace,stop_code: Lanyon Marketplace, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199}
+  - { name: Latham,stop_code: Latham, lat: -35.21848, lng: 149.03214}
   - { name: Latham Post Office,stop_code: Latham Post Office, lat: -35.21906, lng: 149.03223}
-  - { name: Latham Shops,stop_code: Latham Shops, lat: -35.21848, lng: 149.03214}
   - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station,stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station, lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
   - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2408973, lng: 149.0639887}
   - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2406038, lng: 149.0638922}
@@ -177,17 +155,13 @@
   - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
   - { name: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr,stop_code: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
   - { name: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick,stop_code: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, lat: -35.3296912, lng: 149.1668153}
-  - { name: Livingston Shops Kambah,stop_code: Livingston Shops Kambah, lat: -35.3883359, lng: 149.0811471}
-  - { name: Livingston Shops / Kambah,stop_code: Livingston Shops / Kambah, lat: -35.390246, lng: 149.07822}
   - { name: Lyneham,stop_code: Lyneham, lat: -35.2523304, lng: 149.1246184}
   - { name: Lyneham High,stop_code: Lyneham High, lat: -35.2524016, lng: 149.130254}
-  - { name: Lyneham Shops Wattle Street,stop_code: Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, lat: -35.25205, lng: 149.12524}
+  - { name: Lyneham / Wattle St,stop_code: Lyneham / Wattle St, lat: -35.25205, lng: 149.12524}
   - { name: Lyons,stop_code: Lyons, lat: -35.3415779, lng: 149.0765703}
-  - { name: Lyons Shops,stop_code: Lyons Shops, lat: -35.34019, lng: 149.0771}
   - { name: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor,stop_code: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, lat: -35.2587584, lng: 149.1153561}
   - { name: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave,stop_code: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, lat: -35.26051, lng: 149.13224}
   - { name: Macgregor,stop_code: Macgregor, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
-  - { name: Macgregor Shops,stop_code: Macgregor Shops, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
   - { name: MacKillop College Isabella Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Isabella Campus, lat: -35.42597, lng: 149.09172}
   - { name: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, lat: -35.4056, lng: 149.089774}
   - { name: Macquarie,stop_code: Macquarie, lat: -35.2483414, lng: 149.0600666}
@@ -196,9 +170,7 @@
   - { name: Manuka,stop_code: Manuka, lat: -35.3200096, lng: 149.1341344}
   - { name: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres,stop_code: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, lat: -35.3217, lng: 149.13445}
   - { name: McKellar,stop_code: McKellar, lat: -35.2174267, lng: 149.0742108}
-  - { name: McKellar Shops,stop_code: McKellar Shops, lat: -35.2182, lng: 149.07555}
   - { name: Melba,stop_code: Melba, lat: -35.2083104, lng: 149.0485366}
-  - { name: Melba Shops,stop_code: Melba Shops, lat: -35.21004, lng: 149.05302}
   - { name: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.45144, lng: 149.0919}
   - { name: Merici College,stop_code: Merici College, lat: -35.266525, lng: 149.137037}
   - { name: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall,stop_code: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, lat: -35.177453, lng: 149.124291}
@@ -219,32 +191,26 @@
   - { name: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St,stop_code: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, lat: -35.248287, lng: 149.134241}
   - { name: North Lyneham,stop_code: North Lyneham, lat: -35.2385618, lng: 149.1221188}
   - { name: O'Connor,stop_code: O'Connor, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
-  - { name: O'Connor Shops,stop_code: O'Connor Shops, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
   - { name: Olims Hotel,stop_code: Olims Hotel, lat: -35.27597, lng: 149.1428}
   - { name: Outtrim / Duggan,stop_code: Outtrim / Duggan, lat: -35.435871, lng: 149.097692}
-  - { name: Page Shops,stop_code: Page Shops, lat: -35.2360695, lng: 149.0536554}
+  - { name: Page,stop_code: Page, lat: -35.2360695, lng: 149.0536554}
   - { name: Parliament House,stop_code: Parliament House, lat: -35.3081571, lng: 149.1244592}
   - { name: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr,stop_code: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, lat: -35.17467, lng: 149.12005}
   - { name: Pearce,stop_code: Pearce, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
-  - { name: Pearce Shops,stop_code: Pearce Shops, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
   - { name: Police College Weston,stop_code: Police College Weston, lat: -35.33018, lng: 149.05458}
   - { name: Proctor / Mead,stop_code: Proctor / Mead, lat: -35.415305, lng: 149.127204}
   - { name: Railway Station Kingston,stop_code: Railway Station Kingston, lat: -35.319602, lng: 149.149083}
   - { name: Red Hill,stop_code: Red Hill, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
-  - { name: Red Hill Shops,stop_code: Red Hill Shops, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
   - { name: Rivett,stop_code: Rivett, lat: -35.3473758, lng: 149.0365438}
-  - { name: Rivett Shops,stop_code: Rivett Shops, lat: -35.34737, lng: 149.03654}
   - { name: Russell Offices,stop_code: Russell Offices, lat: -35.2973294, lng: 149.1508803}
   - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Sainsbury Street, lat: -35.3885, lng: 149.09643}
   - { name: Saint Andrews Village Hughes,stop_code: Saint Andrews Village Hughes, lat: -35.328097, lng: 149.088685}
-  - { name: Scullin Shops,stop_code: Scullin Shops, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056}
+  - { name: Scullin,stop_code: Scullin, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056}
   - { name: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave,stop_code: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, lat: -35.16823, lng: 149.12791}
   - { name: Southlands Mawson,stop_code: Southlands Mawson, lat: -35.3650685, lng: 149.0945962}
   - { name: Southwell Park,stop_code: Southwell Park, lat: -35.24573, lng: 149.1321}
   - { name: Spence,stop_code: Spence, lat: -35.194735, lng: 149.062352}
-  - { name: Spence Shops,stop_code: Spence Shops, lat: -35.19968, lng: 149.06763}
   - { name: Spence Terminus,stop_code: Spence Terminus, lat: -35.199684, lng: 149.0676196}
-  - { name: St Clare of Assisi,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi, lat: -35.46063, lng: 149.09627}
   - { name: St Clare of Assisi Primary,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi Primary, lat: -35.4606284, lng: 149.0962704}
   - { name: St Francis Xavier Florey,stop_code: St Francis Xavier Florey, lat: -35.223951, lng: 149.0406888}
   - { name: Stromlo High Waramanga,stop_code: Stromlo High Waramanga, lat: -35.3551186, lng: 149.0547624}
@@ -253,10 +219,10 @@
   - { name: Taverner St / Erindale Dr,stop_code: Taverner St / Erindale Dr, lat: -35.4059104, lng: 149.0809317}
   - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.458251, lng: 149.091652}
   - { name: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, lat: -35.47281, lng: 149.08926}
-  - { name: Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178}
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178}
   - { name: Theodore,stop_code: Theodore, lat: -35.4464808, lng: 149.1234651}
   - { name: Tillyard / Spalding,stop_code: Tillyard / Spalding, lat: -35.199204, lng: 149.044556}
-  - { name: Torrens Shops,stop_code: Torrens Shops, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327}
+  - { name: Torrens,stop_code: Torrens, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327}
   - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station,stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station, lat: -35.41465, lng: 149.06537}
   - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
   - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
@@ -266,12 +232,10 @@
   - { name: University of Canberra,stop_code: University of Canberra, lat: -35.2423222, lng: 149.0831522}
   - { name: Wanniassa High,stop_code: Wanniassa High, lat: -35.3952462, lng: 149.0852655}
   - { name: Waramanga,stop_code: Waramanga, lat: -35.3526825, lng: 149.0594712}
-  - { name: Waramanga Shops,stop_code: Waramanga Shops, lat: -35.35268, lng: 149.05948}
-  - { name: War Memorial Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085}
+  - { name: War Memorial / Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial / Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085}
   - { name: Watson,stop_code: Watson, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
-  - { name: Watson Shops,stop_code: Watson Shops, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
   - { name: Watson Terminus,stop_code: Watson Terminus, lat: -35.2374698, lng: 149.1534553}
-  - { name: Weetangera Shops,stop_code: Weetangera Shops, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342}
+  - { name: Weetangera,stop_code: Weetangera, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342}
   - { name: Westfield Bus Station,stop_code: Westfield Bus Station, lat: -35.23875, lng: 149.0638}
   - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23872, lng: 149.06387}
   - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23882, lng: 149.0637}
@@ -293,7 +257,7 @@
   - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
   - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
   - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
-  - { name: Yarralumla Shops,stop_code: Yarralumla Shops, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
+  - { name: Yarralumla,stop_code: Yarralumla, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
   - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1ceG, lat: -35.4375289, lng: 149.0757996}
   - { name: Tarlton Place,stop_code: Wjz1kvl, lat: -35.4366017, lng: 149.0890756}
   - { name: Don Dunstan Drive,stop_code: Wjz16U7, lat: -35.4302659, lng: 149.0722593}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Majura Business Park, Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, War Memorial Limestone Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda Shops, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Majura Business Park, Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, War Memorial / Limestone Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-  ADFA-War Memorial Limestone Ave: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU]
   Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-  War Memorial Limestone Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
   Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
 short_name: "10"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 632a, 642a, 644a, 649a, 659a, 709a, 711a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 712a, 714a, 719a, 729a, 739a, 741a, 746a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 732a, 742a, 744a, 749a, 759a, 809a, 811a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 812a, 814a, 819a, 829a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a, 847a, 857a, 859a, 904a], ["-", "-", "-", 830a, 833a, 838a, 850a, 900a, 902a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 929a, 934a], ["-", "-", "-", 900a, 903a, 908a, 920a, 930a, 932a, 937a, 947a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], [918a, 928a, 933a, 940a, 943a, 948a, 1000a, 1010a, 1012a, 1017a, 1027a, 1037a, 1039a, 1044a], [948a, 958a, 1003a, 1010a, 1013a, 1018a, 1030a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a, 1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1114a], [1018a, 1028a, 1033a, 1040a, 1043a, 1048a, 1100a, 1110a, 1112a, 1117a, 1127a, 1137a, 1139a, 1144a], [1048a, 1058a, 1103a, 1110a, 1113a, 1118a, 1130a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a, 1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1214p], [1118a, 1128a, 1133a, 1140a, 1143a, 1148a, 1200p, 1210p, 1212p, 1217p, 1227p, 1237p, 1239p, 1244p], [1148a, 1158a, 1203p, 1210p, 1213p, 1218p, 1230p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p, 1257p, 107p, 109p, 114p], [1218p, 1228p, 1233p, 1240p, 1243p, 1248p, 100p, 110p, 112p, 117p, 127p, 137p, 139p, 144p], [1248p, 1258p, 103p, 110p, 113p, 118p, 130p, 140p, 142p, 147p, 157p, 207p, 209p, 214p], [118p, 128p, 133p, 140p, 143p, 148p, 200p, 210p, 212p, 217p, 227p, 237p, 239p, 244p], [148p, 158p, 203p, 210p, 213p, 218p, 230p, 240p, 242p, 247p, 257p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [218p, 228p, 233p, 240p, 243p, 248p, 300p, 310p, 313p, 318p, 328p, 338p, 340p, 345p], [248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 314p, 319p, 331p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 359p, 409p, 411p, 416p], [318p, 328p, 333p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 401p, 411p, 414p, 419p, 429p, 439p, 441p, 446p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 416p, 426p, 429p, 434p, 444p, 454p, 456p, 501p], [348p, 358p, 403p, 410p, 414p, 419p, 431p, 441p, 444p, 449p, 459p, 509p, 511p, 516p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 446p, 456p, 459p, 504p, 514p, 524p, 526p, 531p], ["-", "-", 431p, 441p, 445p, 450p, 502p, 512p, 515p, 520p, 530p, 537p, 539p, 544p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 516p, 526p, 529p, 534p, 544p, 554p, 556p, 601p], ["-", "-", 458p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p, 600p, 610p, 612p, 617p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 546p, 556p, 559p, 604p, 614p, 624p, 626p, 631p], ["-", "-", "-", 540p, 544p, 549p, 601p, 611p, 614p, 619p, 629p, 639p, 641p, 646p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 616p, 626p, 629p, 634p, 644p, 654p, 656p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", 611p, 615p, 620p, 632p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 711p, 716p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 736p, 746p, 748p, 753p, 803p, 813p, 815p, 820p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 836p, 846p, 848p, 853p, 903p, 913p, 915p, 920p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 936p, 946p, 948p, 953p, 1003p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1036p, 1046p, 1048p, 1053p, 1103p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1136p, 1146p, 1148p, 1153p, 1203a, 1213a, 1215a, 1220a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda Shops, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial / Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-War Memorial Limestone Ave: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA]
   Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-  War Memorial Limestone Ave-ADFA: [Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
   ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
 short_name: "10"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Theodore, Calwell, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Calwell Shops, Theodore, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Calwell, Theodore, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Copland College, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Copland College, Evatt, Spence Terminus]
 long_name: To Spence Terminus
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, Copland College, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt, Copland College, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page Shops, Scullin Shops, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page, Scullin, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Scullin Shops, Page Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Scullin, Page, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, Fraser Shops, Fraser West Terminus]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, Fraser, Fraser West Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser Shops, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba Shops, Spence Shops, Spence Terminus]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba, Spence, Spence Terminus]
 long_name: To Spence Terminus
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence Shops, Melba Shops, Copland College, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence, Melba, Copland College, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Kippax, Latham Post Office, Florey Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Kippax, Latham Post Office, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey Shops, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
 long_name: To Kippax
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker Shops, Weetangera Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Weetangera, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera Shops, Hawker Shops, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
 long_name: To Kippax
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Market Place]
-long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
-  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
-short_name: 18 318
-stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 714a, 722a, 726a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 750a, 755a, 805a], [720a, 722a, 726a, 748a, 805a, 823a, 833a, 838a, 848a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 817a, 834a, 852a, 902a, 907a, 917a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 916a, 926a, 931a, 940a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 949a, 957a, 1001a, 1010a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 946a, 1003a, 1019a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [950a, 952a, 956a, 1016a, 1033a, 1049a, 1057a, 1101a, 1110a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1046a, 1103a, 1119a, 1127a, 1131a, 1140a], [1050a, 1052a, 1056a, 1116a, 1133a, 1149a, 1157a, 1201p, 1210p], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1146a, 1203p, 1219p, 1227p, 1231p, 1240p], [1150a, 1152a, 1156a, 1216p, 1233p, 1249p, 1257p, 101p, 110p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1246p, 103p, 119p, 127p, 131p, 140p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 116p, 133p, 149p, 157p, 201p, 210p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 146p, 203p, 219p, 227p, 231p, 240p], [150p, 152p, 156p, 216p, 233p, 249p, 257p, 301p, 310p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 246p, 303p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 344p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 318p, 335p, 355p, 403p, 407p, 416p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 348p, 405p, 425p, 433p, 437p, 446p], [350p, 352p, 356p, 418p, 435p, 455p, 503p, 507p, 516p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 448p, 505p, 525p, 533p, 537p, 546p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 508p, 525p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 606p], [500p, 502p, 506p, 528p, 545p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 626p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 543p, 600p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 641p], [550p, 552p, 556p, 618p, 634p, 650p, 658p, 702p, 711p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 645p, 659p, 715p, 723p, 727p, 736p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 715p, 729p, 745p, 753p, 757p, 806p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 848p, 856p, 900p, 909p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 948p, 956p, 1000p, 1009p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1048p, 1056p, 1100p, 1109p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
+long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 18 318
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 714a, 722a, 726a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 750a, 755a, 805a], [720a, 722a, 726a, 748a, 805a, 823a, 833a, 838a, 848a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 817a, 834a, 852a, 902a, 907a, 917a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 916a, 926a, 931a, 940a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 949a, 957a, 1001a, 1010a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 946a, 1003a, 1019a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [950a, 952a, 956a, 1016a, 1033a, 1049a, 1057a, 1101a, 1110a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1046a, 1103a, 1119a, 1127a, 1131a, 1140a], [1050a, 1052a, 1056a, 1116a, 1133a, 1149a, 1157a, 1201p, 1210p], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1146a, 1203p, 1219p, 1227p, 1231p, 1240p], [1150a, 1152a, 1156a, 1216p, 1233p, 1249p, 1257p, 101p, 110p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1246p, 103p, 119p, 127p, 131p, 140p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 116p, 133p, 149p, 157p, 201p, 210p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 146p, 203p, 219p, 227p, 231p, 240p], [150p, 152p, 156p, 216p, 233p, 249p, 257p, 301p, 310p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 246p, 303p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 344p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 318p, 335p, 355p, 403p, 407p, 416p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 348p, 405p, 425p, 433p, 437p, 446p], [350p, 352p, 356p, 418p, 435p, 455p, 503p, 507p, 516p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 448p, 505p, 525p, 533p, 537p, 546p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 508p, 525p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 606p], [500p, 502p, 506p, 528p, 545p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 626p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 543p, 600p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 641p], [550p, 552p, 556p, 618p, 634p, 650p, 658p, 702p, 711p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 645p, 659p, 715p, 723p, 727p, 736p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 715p, 729p, 745p, 753p, 757p, 806p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 848p, 856p, 900p, 909p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 948p, 956p, 1000p, 1009p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1048p, 1056p, 1100p, 1109p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, St Clare of Assisi, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, St Clare of Assisi Primary, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place]
-long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
-  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
-short_name: 19 319
-stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 705a, 711a, 716a, 725a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 747a, 754a, 803a, 810a], [700a, 702a, 706a, 726a, 743a, 801a, 808a, 815a, 824a, 831a], [730a, 732a, 736a, 758a, 815a, 833a, 840a, 847a, 856a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 901a, 908a, 915a, 924a, 930a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 930a, 936a, 941a, 950a, 956a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 928a, 945a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1021a, 1027a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 956a, 1013a, 1029a, 1035a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1026a, 1043a, 1059a, 1105a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1056a, 1113a, 1129a, 1135a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1126a, 1143a, 1159a, 1205p, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1156a, 1213p, 1229p, 1235p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1226p, 1243p, 1259p, 105p, 110p, 119p, 125p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1256p, 113p, 129p, 135p, 140p, 149p, 155p], [100p, 102p, 106p, 126p, 143p, 159p, 205p, 210p, 219p, 225p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 156p, 213p, 229p, 235p, 240p, 249p, 255p], [200p, 202p, 206p, 226p, 243p, 259p, 306p, 313p, 322p, 329p], [230p, 232p, 236p, 256p, 313p, 333p, 340p, 347p, 356p, 403p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 332p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 415p, 422p], [300p, 302p, 306p, 328p, 345p, 405p, 412p, 419p, 428p, 435p], [330p, 332p, 336p, 358p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 449p, 458p, 505p], [400p, 402p, 406p, 428p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 519p, 528p, 535p], [430p, 432p, 436p, 458p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 549p, 558p, 605p], [450p, 452p, 456p, 518p, 535p, 555p, 602p, 609p, 618p, 625p], [510p, 512p, 516p, 538p, 555p, 615p, 622p, 629p, 638p, 644p], [530p, 532p, 536p, 558p, 615p, 634p, 640p, 645p, 654p, 700p], [600p, 602p, 606p, 628p, 642p, 658p, 704p, 709p, 718p, 724p], [630p, 632p, 636p, 655p, 709p, 725p, 731p, 736p, 745p, 751p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818p, 824p, 829p, 838p, 844p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 918p, 924p, 929p, 938p, 944p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1018p, 1024p, 1029p, 1038p, 1044p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1118p, 1124p, 1129p, 1138p, 1144p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi Primary, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
+long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+short_name: 19 319
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 705a, 711a, 716a, 725a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 747a, 754a, 803a, 810a], [700a, 702a, 706a, 726a, 743a, 801a, 808a, 815a, 824a, 831a], [730a, 732a, 736a, 758a, 815a, 833a, 840a, 847a, 856a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 901a, 908a, 915a, 924a, 930a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 930a, 936a, 941a, 950a, 956a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 928a, 945a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1021a, 1027a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 956a, 1013a, 1029a, 1035a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1026a, 1043a, 1059a, 1105a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1056a, 1113a, 1129a, 1135a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1126a, 1143a, 1159a, 1205p, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1156a, 1213p, 1229p, 1235p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1226p, 1243p, 1259p, 105p, 110p, 119p, 125p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1256p, 113p, 129p, 135p, 140p, 149p, 155p], [100p, 102p, 106p, 126p, 143p, 159p, 205p, 210p, 219p, 225p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 156p, 213p, 229p, 235p, 240p, 249p, 255p], [200p, 202p, 206p, 226p, 243p, 259p, 306p, 313p, 322p, 329p], [230p, 232p, 236p, 256p, 313p, 333p, 340p, 347p, 356p, 403p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 332p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 415p, 422p], [300p, 302p, 306p, 328p, 345p, 405p, 412p, 419p, 428p, 435p], [330p, 332p, 336p, 358p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 449p, 458p, 505p], [400p, 402p, 406p, 428p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 519p, 528p, 535p], [430p, 432p, 436p, 458p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 549p, 558p, 605p], [450p, 452p, 456p, 518p, 535p, 555p, 602p, 609p, 618p, 625p], [510p, 512p, 516p, 538p, 555p, 615p, 622p, 629p, 638p, 644p], [530p, 532p, 536p, 558p, 615p, 634p, 640p, 645p, 654p, 700p], [600p, 602p, 606p, 628p, 642p, 658p, 704p, 709p, 718p, 724p], [630p, 632p, 636p, 655p, 709p, 725p, 731p, 736p, 745p, 751p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818p, 824p, 829p, 838p, 844p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 918p, 924p, 929p, 938p, 944p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1018p, 1024p, 1029p, 1038p, 1044p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1118p, 1124p, 1129p, 1138p, 1144p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-dickson-shops.stop_times.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops]
-long_name: To Dickson Shops
-  City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
-  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
-  Olims Hotel-Ainslie Shops: [Wjz5W8l, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
-short_name: "2"
-stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 712a, 717a, 725a, 733a], [653a, 704a, 708a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 733a, 742a, 748a, 756a, 805a], [708a, 719a, 723a, 726a, 730a, 734a, 738a, 749a, 758a, 804a, 812a, 821a], [719a, 730a, 734a, 737a, 741a, 745a, 749a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 833a], [738a, 749a, 754a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 853a, 859a], [753a, 804a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 823a, 826a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 910a], [808a, 819a, 823a, 826a, 830a, 834a, 838a, 849a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 921a], [823a, 834a, 838a, 841a, 845a, 849a, 853a, 904a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 935a], [838a, 849a, 853a, 856a, 900a, 904a, 908a, 918a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [851a, 902a, 906a, 909a, 913a, 917a, 921a, 932a, 941a, 946a, 954a, 1001a], [921a, 932a, 936a, 939a, 943a, 947a, 951a, 1002a, 1011a, 1016a, 1024a, 1031a], [951a, 1002a, 1006a, 1009a, 1013a, 1017a, 1021a, 1032a, 1041a, 1046a, 1054a, 1101a], [1021a, 1032a, 1036a, 1039a, 1043a, 1047a, 1051a, 1102a, 1111a, 1116a, 1124a, 1131a], [1051a, 1102a, 1106a, 1109a, 1113a, 1117a, 1121a, 1132a, 1141a, 1146a, 1154a, 1201p], [1121a, 1132a, 1136a, 1139a, 1143a, 1147a, 1151a, 1202p, 1211p, 1216p, 1224p, 1231p], [1151a, 1202p, 1206p, 1209p, 1213p, 1217p, 1221p, 1232p, 1241p, 1246p, 1254p, 101p], [1221p, 1232p, 1236p, 1239p, 1243p, 1247p, 1251p, 102p, 111p, 116p, 124p, 131p], [1251p, 102p, 106p, 109p, 113p, 117p, 121p, 132p, 141p, 146p, 154p, 201p], [121p, 132p, 136p, 139p, 143p, 147p, 151p, 202p, 211p, 216p, 224p, 231p], [151p, 202p, 206p, 209p, 213p, 217p, 221p, 232p, 241p, 246p, 254p, 301p], [216p, 227p, 231p, 234p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 257p, 306p, 312p, 320p, 328p], [238p, 249p, 253p, 256p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 319p, 328p, 334p, 342p, 351p], [253p, 304p, 308p, 311p, 315p, 319p, 323p, 334p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 406p], [308p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 337p, 348p, 357p, 403p, 411p, 420p], [323p, 333p, 337p, 340p, 344p, 348p, 352p, 403p, 412p, 418p, 426p, 435p], [338p, 348p, 352p, 355p, 359p, 403p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 433p, 441p, 450p], [353p, 403p, 407p, 410p, 414p, 418p, 422p, 433p, 442p, 448p, 456p, 505p], [408p, 418p, 422p, 425p, 429p, 433p, 437p, 448p, 457p, 503p, 511p, 520p], [423p, 433p, 437p, 440p, 444p, 448p, 452p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 526p, 535p], [438p, 448p, 452p, 455p, 459p, 503p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 533p, 541p, 550p], [453p, 503p, 507p, 510p, 514p, 518p, 522p, 533p, 542p, 548p, 556p, 605p], [508p, 518p, 522p, 525p, 529p, 533p, 537p, 548p, 557p, 603p, 611p, 620p], [523p, 533p, 537p, 540p, 544p, 548p, 552p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 626p, 633p], [538p, 548p, 552p, 555p, 559p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 633p, 639p, 645p], [553p, 603p, 607p, 610p, 614p, 618p, 622p, 633p, 640p, 645p, 651p, 657p], [640p, 650p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 717p, 724p, 729p, 735p, 741p], [740p, 750p, 753p, 756p, 800p, 803p, 807p, 817p, 824p, 829p, 835p, 841p], [840p, 850p, 853p, 856p, 900p, 903p, 907p, 917p, 924p, 929p, 935p, 941p], [940p, 950p, 953p, 956p, 1000p, 1003p, 1007p, 1017p, 1024p, 1029p, 1035p, 1041p], [1040p, 1050p, 1053p, 1056p, 1100p, 1103p, 1107p, 1117p, 1124p, 1129p, 1135p, 1141p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St]
+long_name: To Dickson
+  Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+  Olims Hotel-Ainslie: [Wjz5W8l, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
+  Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+short_name: "2"
+stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 712a, 717a, 725a, 733a], [653a, 704a, 708a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 733a, 742a, 748a, 756a, 805a], [708a, 719a, 723a, 726a, 730a, 734a, 738a, 749a, 758a, 804a, 812a, 821a], [719a, 730a, 734a, 737a, 741a, 745a, 749a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 833a], [738a, 749a, 754a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 853a, 859a], [753a, 804a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 823a, 826a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 910a], [808a, 819a, 823a, 826a, 830a, 834a, 838a, 849a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 921a], [823a, 834a, 838a, 841a, 845a, 849a, 853a, 904a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 935a], [838a, 849a, 853a, 856a, 900a, 904a, 908a, 918a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [851a, 902a, 906a, 909a, 913a, 917a, 921a, 932a, 941a, 946a, 954a, 1001a], [921a, 932a, 936a, 939a, 943a, 947a, 951a, 1002a, 1011a, 1016a, 1024a, 1031a], [951a, 1002a, 1006a, 1009a, 1013a, 1017a, 1021a, 1032a, 1041a, 1046a, 1054a, 1101a], [1021a, 1032a, 1036a, 1039a, 1043a, 1047a, 1051a, 1102a, 1111a, 1116a, 1124a, 1131a], [1051a, 1102a, 1106a, 1109a, 1113a, 1117a, 1121a, 1132a, 1141a, 1146a, 1154a, 1201p], [1121a, 1132a, 1136a, 1139a, 1143a, 1147a, 1151a, 1202p, 1211p, 1216p, 1224p, 1231p], [1151a, 1202p, 1206p, 1209p, 1213p, 1217p, 1221p, 1232p, 1241p, 1246p, 1254p, 101p], [1221p, 1232p, 1236p, 1239p, 1243p, 1247p, 1251p, 102p, 111p, 116p, 124p, 131p], [1251p, 102p, 106p, 109p, 113p, 117p, 121p, 132p, 141p, 146p, 154p, 201p], [121p, 132p, 136p, 139p, 143p, 147p, 151p, 202p, 211p, 216p, 224p, 231p], [151p, 202p, 206p, 209p, 213p, 217p, 221p, 232p, 241p, 246p, 254p, 301p], [216p, 227p, 231p, 234p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 257p, 306p, 312p, 320p, 328p], [238p, 249p, 253p, 256p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 319p, 328p, 334p, 342p, 351p], [253p, 304p, 308p, 311p, 315p, 319p, 323p, 334p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 406p], [308p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 337p, 348p, 357p, 403p, 411p, 420p], [323p, 333p, 337p, 340p, 344p, 348p, 352p, 403p, 412p, 418p, 426p, 435p], [338p, 348p, 352p, 355p, 359p, 403p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 433p, 441p, 450p], [353p, 403p, 407p, 410p, 414p, 418p, 422p, 433p, 442p, 448p, 456p, 505p], [408p, 418p, 422p, 425p, 429p, 433p, 437p, 448p, 457p, 503p, 511p, 520p], [423p, 433p, 437p, 440p, 444p, 448p, 452p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 526p, 535p], [438p, 448p, 452p, 455p, 459p, 503p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 533p, 541p, 550p], [453p, 503p, 507p, 510p, 514p, 518p, 522p, 533p, 542p, 548p, 556p, 605p], [508p, 518p, 522p, 525p, 529p, 533p, 537p, 548p, 557p, 603p, 611p, 620p], [523p, 533p, 537p, 540p, 544p, 548p, 552p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 626p, 633p], [538p, 548p, 552p, 555p, 559p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 633p, 639p, 645p], [553p, 603p, 607p, 610p, 614p, 618p, 622p, 633p, 640p, 645p, 651p, 657p], [640p, 650p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 717p, 724p, 729p, 735p, 741p], [740p, 750p, 753p, 756p, 800p, 803p, 807p, 817p, 824p, 829p, 835p, 841p], [840p, 850p, 853p, 856p, 900p, 903p, 907p, 917p, 924p, 929p, 935p, 941p], [940p, 950p, 953p, 956p, 1000p, 1003p, 1007p, 1017p, 1024p, 1029p, 1035p, 1041p], [1040p, 1050p, 1053p, 1056p, 1100p, 1103p, 1107p, 1117p, 1124p, 1129p, 1135p, 1141p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-time_points: [Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Ainslie-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l]
   Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
   City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-  Ainslie Shops-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l]
+  Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO]
 short_name: "2"
 stop_times: [[634a, 639a, 647a, 653a, 700a, 709a, 713a, 718a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 741a], [701a, 706a, 714a, 720a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 747a, 751a, 754a, 758a, 810a], [710a, 715a, 723a, 729a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 756a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 819a], [724a, 729a, 743a, 749a, 756a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 820a, 823a, 827a, 839a], [739a, 748a, 803a, 809a, 816a, 826a, 831a, 836a, 840a, 843a, 847a, 859a], [758a, 807a, 822a, 828a, 835a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 859a, 902a, 906a, 918a], [809a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 910a, 913a, 917a, 929a], [822a, 831a, 846a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 914a, 919a, 923a, 926a, 930a, 942a], [839a, 848a, 903a, 909a, 916a, 926a, 931a, 936a, 940a, 943a, 947a, 959a], [856a, 905a, 920a, 926a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 957a, 1000a, 1004a, 1016a], [936a, 941a, 949a, 955a, 1002a, 1012a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1029a, 1033a, 1045a], [1006a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1032a, 1042a, 1047a, 1052a, 1056a, 1059a, 1103a, 1115a], [1036a, 1041a, 1049a, 1055a, 1102a, 1112a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1129a, 1133a, 1145a], [1106a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1132a, 1142a, 1147a, 1152a, 1156a, 1159a, 1203p, 1215p], [1136a, 1141a, 1149a, 1155a, 1202p, 1212p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1229p, 1233p, 1245p], [1206p, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1232p, 1242p, 1247p, 1252p, 1256p, 1259p, 103p, 115p], [1236p, 1241p, 1249p, 1255p, 102p, 112p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 129p, 133p, 145p], [106p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 132p, 142p, 147p, 152p, 156p, 159p, 203p, 215p], [136p, 141p, 149p, 155p, 202p, 212p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 229p, 233p, 245p], [206p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 232p, 242p, 247p, 252p, 256p, 259p, 303p, 315p], [236p, 241p, 249p, 255p, 302p, 313p, 318p, 323p, 327p, 330p, 334p, 346p], [249p, 254p, 302p, 308p, 315p, 326p, 331p, 336p, 340p, 343p, 347p, 359p], [306p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 355p, 359p, 402p, 406p, 418p], [312p, 317p, 325p, 331p, 339p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [319p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 347p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 412p, 415p, 419p, 431p], [332p, 339p, 347p, 353p, 400p, 411p, 416p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 432p, 444p], [349p, 356p, 404p, 410p, 417p, 428p, 433p, 438p, 442p, 445p, 449p, 501p], [402p, 409p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 502p, 514p], [419p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 458p, 503p, 508p, 512p, 515p, 519p, 531p], [432p, 439p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 532p, 544p], [449p, 456p, 504p, 510p, 517p, 528p, 533p, 538p, 542p, 545p, 549p, 601p], [502p, 509p, 517p, 523p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 551p, 555p, 558p, 602p, 614p], [519p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 558p, 603p, 608p, 612p, 615p, 619p, 631p], [532p, 539p, 547p, 553p, 600p, 611p, 616p, 621p, 625p, 628p, 632p, 643p], [549p, 556p, 604p, 610p, 617p, 628p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 644p, 648p, 659p], [603p, 610p, 618p, 624p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 711p], [626p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 649p, 658p, 703p, 707p, 711p, 714p, 718p, 729p], [726p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 748p, 757p, 802p, 806p, 810p, 813p, 817p, 828p], [826p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 848p, 857p, 902p, 906p, 910p, 913p, 917p, 928p], [926p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 948p, 957p, 1002p, 1006p, 1010p, 1013p, 1017p, 1028p], [1026p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1048p, 1057p, 1102p, 1106p, 1110p, 1113p, 1117p, 1128p], [1126p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [], [], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/21-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/21-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/22-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/22-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/23-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/23-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
   Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/24-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/24-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder Shops, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder Shops, Cooleman Court]
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman Shops, Canberra College Weston Campus, Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman, Canberra College Weston Campus, Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-weston-creek-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-weston-creek-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, Canberra College Weston Campus, Chapman Shops, Weston Creek Terminus]
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, Canberra College Weston Campus, Chapman, Weston Creek Terminus]
 long_name: To Weston Creek Terminus
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
+time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Lyons Shops, CIT Weston, Duffy Primary, Cooleman Court]
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Lyons, CIT Weston, Duffy Primary, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
   Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
   City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
   Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/39-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/39-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Dickson Shops, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson Shops, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/43-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/43-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Kippax, Macgregor Shops, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor Shops, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Kippax, Holt Shops, West Macgregor, Higgins Shops, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Kippax, Holt, West Macgregor, Higgins, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Belconnen Way, Higgins Shops, West Macgregor, Holt Shops, Kippax]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Belconnen Way, Higgins, West Macgregor, Holt, Kippax]
 long_name: To Kippax
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/45-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/45-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Copland College, Tillyard / Spalding, Charnwood Shops, Kerrigan / Lhotsky, Charnwood Shops, Tillyard / Spalding, Copland College, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Copland College, Tillyard / Spalding, Charnwood, Kerrigan / Lhotsky, Charnwood, Tillyard / Spalding, Copland College, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St]
 long_name: To Dickson
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Dickson, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
   Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Livingston Shops / Kambah, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station, City Bus Station, City West]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Kambah / Livingston St, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station, City Bus Station, City West]
 long_name: To City West
   City Bus Station-City West: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Livingston Shops / Kambah, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Kambah / Livingston St, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell Shops, Chisholm Shops, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell, Chisholm, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
 long_name: To City West
   Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Bugden Sternberg, Chisholm Shops, Calwell Shops, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Bugden Sternberg, Chisholm, Calwell, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson, Merici College, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson / Antill St, Merici College, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson / Antill St, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence Shops, Copland College, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence, Copland College, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
 long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Copland College, Spence Shops, Spence Terminus]
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Copland College, Spence, Spence Terminus]
 long_name: To Spence Terminus
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-fraser-east-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-fraser-east-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood Shops, Fraser Shops, Fraser East Terminus]
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood, Fraser, Fraser East Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser East Terminus
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser Shops, Charnwood Shops, Flynn, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood, Flynn, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
 long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor Shops, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
   Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor Shops, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
 long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
   City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda Shops, Macquarie, Hawker Shops, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda, Macquarie, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
 long_name: To Kippax
   Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker Shops, Macquarie, Aranda Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Macquarie, Aranda, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
 long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
   City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+time_points: [Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Garran, Hughes, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
 long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
   City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-farrer-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-farrer-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes, Garran, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]
 long_name: To Farrer Terminus
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Duffy Primary, Holder Shops, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Duffy Primary, Holder, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
 long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
   City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder Shops, Duffy Primary, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder, Duffy Primary, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/73-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/73-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey Shops, Page Shops, Hawker Shops, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Page, Hawker, Cook, Jamison Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/74-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/74-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Hawker Shops, Page Shops, Florey Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, Jamison Centre, Cook, Hawker, Page, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-calwell-shops.stop_times.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm Shops, Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops]
-long_name: To Calwell Shops
-  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-short_name: "768"
-stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-calwell.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Isabella, Calwell]
+long_name: To Calwell
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+short_name: "768"
+stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Calwell Shops, Isabella Shops, Chisholm Shops, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+time_points: [Calwell, Isabella, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
 long_name: To City West
   Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tharwa Drive, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Chisholm Shops, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+time_points: [Tharwa Drive, Theodore, Calwell, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
 long_name: To City West
   Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-tharwa-drive.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-tharwa-drive.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Tharwa Drive]
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Calwell, Theodore, Tharwa Drive]
 long_name: To Tharwa Drive
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
 long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Market Place]
-long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-  ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz33LB, Wjz34Gq, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kvl]
-  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-short_name: "785"
-stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+  ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz33LB, Wjz34Gq, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kvl]
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "785"
+stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm Shops, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
   Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm Shops, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Lanyon Market Place, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
 long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-lanyon-market-place.stop_times.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Market Place]
-long_name: To Lanyon Market Place
-  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-  ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz34Gq, Wjz33LB, Wjz33KX, Wjz33GY, Wjz33EK, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-short_name: "787"
-stop_times: [[516p, 522p, 524p, 556p, 607p, 609p], [535p, 541p, 543p, 615p, 626p, 628p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+  City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz34Gq, Wjz33LB, Wjz33KX, Wjz33GY, Wjz33EK, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+short_name: "787"
+stop_times: [[516p, 522p, 524p, 556p, 607p, 609p], [535p, 541p, 543p, 615p, 626p, 628p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+time_points: [Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
 long_name: To City West
   Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-woodcock---clare-dennis.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-woodcock---clare-dennis.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis]
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis]
 long_name: To Woodcock / Clare Dennis
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Dickson, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Dickson]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, Dickson / Antill St]
 long_name: To Dickson
 between_stops: {}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/81-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+long_name: To City Bus Station
+between_stops: {}
+short_name: "81"
+stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/81-to-city-interchange.stop_times.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
-long_name: To City Interchange
-between_stops: {}
-short_name: "81"
-stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/88-to-alexander-maconochie-centre.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/88-to-alexander-maconochie-centre.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
 long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
-between_stops: {}
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
 short_name: "88"
 stop_times: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/88-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/88-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
 short_name: "88"
 stop_times: [[1150a, 1210p], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), St Thomas More's Campbell, Russell Offices, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+  Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzcd8D, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcdsn, WjzcdDs, WjzceFT, WjzceHt]
   ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
 short_name: "9"
 stop_times: [[714a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 741a, 745a], [814a, 829a, 834a, 836a, 844a, 848a], [857a, 911a, 916a, 918a, 926a, 931a], [957a, 1011a, 1016a, 1018a, 1026a, 1029a], [1057a, 1111a, 1116a, 1118a, 1126a, 1129a], [1157a, 1211p, 1216p, 1218p, 1226p, 1229p], [1257p, 111p, 116p, 118p, 126p, 129p], [157p, 211p, 216p, 218p, 226p, 229p], [257p, 312p, 317p, 319p, 327p, 331p], [344p, 359p, 404p, 406p, 414p, 418p], [414p, 429p, 434p, 436p, 444p, 448p], [444p, 459p, 504p, 506p, 514p, 518p], [514p, 529p, 534p, 536p, 544p, 548p], [557p, 612p, 617p, 619p, 627p, 631p], [657p, 708p, 712p, 714p, 720p, 723p], [757p, 808p, 812p, 814p, 820p, 823p], [857p, 908p, 912p, 914p, 920p, 923p], [957p, 1008p, 1012p, 1014p, 1020p, 1023p], [1057p, 1108p, 1112p, 1114p, 1120p, 1123p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, Russell Offices, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
   Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
 short_name: "9"
 stop_times: [["-", 655a, 701a, 703a, 708a, 720a], [720a, 723a, 729a, 731a, 736a, 751a], [752a, 756a, 804a, 806a, 811a, 826a], [822a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 841a, 856a], [852a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 911a, 926a], [934a, 937a, 945a, 947a, 952a, 1006a], [1034a, 1037a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a, 1106a], [1134a, 1137a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a, 1206p], [1234p, 1237p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p, 106p], [134p, 137p, 145p, 147p, 152p, 206p], [234p, 237p, 245p, 247p, 252p, 306p], [335p, 339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 409p], [352p, 356p, 404p, 406p, 411p, 426p], [422p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 441p, 456p], [452p, 456p, 504p, 506p, 511p, 526p], [522p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 541p, 556p], [552p, 556p, 604p, 606p, 611p, 626p], [628p, 632p, 638p, 640p, 645p, 656p], [728p, 731p, 737p, 739p, 744p, 755p], [828p, 831p, 837p, 839p, 844p, 855p], [928p, 931p, 937p, 939p, 944p, 955p], [1028p, 1031p, 1037p, 1039p, 1044p, 1055p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar Shops, Evatt Shops, Spence Terminus, Evatt Shops, McKellar Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins Shops, Kippax, Higgins Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins Shops, Kippax, Higgins Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood Shops, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba Shops, Spence Terminus, Melba Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba, Spence Terminus, Melba, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba Shops, Spence Terminus, Melba Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba, Spence Terminus, Melba, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood Shops, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood Shops, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood Shops, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Calwell Shops, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Market Place, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Market Place, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella Shops, Theodore, Calwell Shops, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons Shops, Chifley Shops, Torrens Shops, Southlands Mawson, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Southlands Mawson, Torrens Shops, Chifley Shops, Lyons Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce Shops, Isaacs Shops, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
   Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs Shops, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Chapman Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga Shops, Fisher Shops, Chapman Shops, Rivett Shops, Cooleman Court]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Chapman Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett Shops, Chapman Shops, Fisher Shops, Waramanga Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
 stop_times_saturday: [[801a, 815a, 822a, 829a, 841a], [901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
 short_name: "931"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
 short_name: "931"
 stop_times_sunday: [[901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang Shops, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin Shops, John James Hospital, Yarralumla Shops, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang Shops, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang Shops, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang Shops, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla Shops, John James Hospital, Curtin Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran Shops, Hughes Shops, Deakin Shops, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor Shops, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor Shops, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin Shops, Hughes Shops, Garran Shops, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/935-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/935-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill Shops, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill Shops, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
 stop_times_saturday: [[718a, 727a, 730a, 735a, 744a, 749a, 757a, 809a], [818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p], [818p, 827p, 830p, 835p, 844p, 849p, 857p, 909p], [918p, 927p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 949p, 957p, 1009p], [1018p, 1027p, 1030p, 1035p, 1044p, 1049p, 1057p, 1109p], [1118p, 1127p, 1130p, 1135p, 1144p, "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "936"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, North Lyneham, Dickson Shops, Hackett Shops, Ainslie Shops, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
 short_name: "936"
 stop_times_sunday: [[818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
 stop_times_saturday: [[759a, 811a, 819a, 825a, 834a, 839a, 842a, 851a], [859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p], [749p, 801p, 809p, 815p, 824p, 829p, 832p, 841p], [849p, 901p, 909p, 915p, 924p, 929p, 932p, 941p], [949p, 1001p, 1009p, 1015p, 1024p, 1029p, 1032p, 1041p], [1049p, 1101p, 1109p, 1115p, 1124p, 1129p, 1132p, 1141p]]
 short_name: "937"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie Shops, Hackett Shops, Dickson Shops, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops Wattle Street, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
 short_name: "937"
 stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Pearce Shops, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Pearce, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Pearce Shops, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson Shops, Watson Shops, Watson Terminus, Watson Shops, Dickson Shops, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson Shops, Watson Shops, Watson Terminus, Watson Shops, Dickson Shops, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook Shops, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook Shops, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-market-place.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-stop_times_saturday: [[822a, 824a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 846a, 856a, 906a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 734p, 739p, 744p, 754p, 804p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 834p, 839p, 844p, 854p, 904p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 934p, 939p, 944p, 954p, 1004p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p, 1039p, 1044p, 1054p, 1104p]]
-short_name: "951"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-market-place.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-short_name: "951"
-stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[822a, 824a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 846a, 856a, 906a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 734p, 739p, 744p, 754p, 804p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 834p, 839p, 844p, 854p, 904p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 934p, 939p, 944p, 954p, 1004p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p, 1039p, 1044p, 1054p, 1104p]]
+short_name: "951"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "951"
+stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-market-place.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
-short_name: "952"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-market-place.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-long_name: To Gungahlin Market Place
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-short_name: "952"
-stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
+short_name: "952"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+short_name: "952"
+stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie Shops, Chisholm Shops, Gowrie Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie Shops, Chisholm Shops, Gowrie Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm Shops, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm Shops, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm Shops, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
 between_stops: {}

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-lithgow-st-terminus-fyshwick.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
-long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
-  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
-short_name: "980"
-stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-lithgow-st-terminus.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+  Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+short_name: "980"
+stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-alexander-machonochie-centre-hume.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
-long_name: To Alexander Machonochie Centre Hume
-between_stops: {}
-short_name: "988"
-stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-alexander-maconochie-centre-hume.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,1 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
-long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre Hume
-between_stops: {}
-stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
-short_name: "988"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-alexander-maconochie-centre.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+short_name: "988"

--- /dev/null
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-alexander-maconochie-centre.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+short_name: "988"
+stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
 stop_times_saturday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
 short_name: "988"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/988-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
 short_name: "988"
 stop_times_sunday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]