Add suburb geocode to timingpoints tables too
Add suburb geocode to timingpoints tables too

--- /dev/null
+++ b/betweenpoint.add.php
@@ -1,1 +1,50 @@
+  /*
+   * GeoPo Encode in PHP
+   * @author : Shintaro Inagaki
+   * @param $location (Array)
+   * @return $geopo (String)
+   */
+  function geopoEncode($lat, $lng)
+  {
+      // 64characters (number + big and small letter + hyphen + underscore)
+      $chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_";
+      $geopo = "";
+      $scale = 7;
+      // Change a degree measure to a decimal number
+      $lat = ($lat + 90) / 180 * pow(8, 10);
+      $lng = ($lng + 180) / 360 * pow(8, 10);
+      // Compute a GeoPo code from head and concatenate
+      for ($i = 0; $i < $scale; $i++) {
+          $geopo .= substr($chars, floor($lat / pow(8, 9 - $i) % 8) + floor($lng / pow(8, 9 - $i) % 8) * 8, 1);
+      }
+      return $geopo;
+  }
+  $conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");
+  if (!$conn) {
+      echo "An error occured.\n";
+      exit;
+  }
+  if ($_REQUEST['newlatlng']) {
+      $latlng = explode(";", $_REQUEST['newlatlng']);
+      $lat = (float)$latlng[0];
+      $lng = (float)$latlng[1];
+      $geoPo = geopoEncode($lat, $lng);
+      $nodelat = (int)($lat * 10000000);
+      $nodelon = (int)($lng * 10000000);
+      echo($nodelat . "," . $nodelon . "=$geoPo<br>");
+      $sql = "INSERT INTO stops (geohash,lat,lng) VALUES ('$geoPo', '$nodelat', '$nodelon')";
+      $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+      if (!$result) {
+          echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() . "<br>\n");
+      } else {
+      echo "Inserted new point at $geoPo <br>";
+	}
+  }
+  flush();

--- /dev/null
+++ b/betweenpoint.delete.php
@@ -1,1 +1,33 @@
+  $conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");
+  if (!$conn) {
+      echo "An error occured.\n";
+      exit;
+  }
+  if ($_REQUEST['oldgeopo']) {
+      $sql = " DELETE from stops WHERE geohash = '{$_REQUEST['oldgeopo']}'";
+      $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+      if (!$result) {
+          echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() . "<br>\n");
+      } else {
+      echo "Deleted {$_REQUEST['oldgeopo']}<br>";
+      $updatedroutes = 0;
+      $result_outdatedroutes = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM between_stops where points LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['oldgeopo'] . ";%'");
+      while ($outdatedroute = pg_fetch_assoc($result_outdatedroutes)) {
+          $newpoints = str_replace($_REQUEST['oldgeopo'].';', '', $outdatedroute['points']);
+          $sql = "UPDATE between_stops set points='$newpoints' where fromlocation = '{$outdatedroute['fromlocation']}' AND tolocation = '{$outdatedroute['tolocation']}' ";
+          $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+          if (!$result) {
+              echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() . "<br>\n");
+          }
+	    echo "updated ".$outdatedroute['fromlocation']."->".$outdatedroute['tolocation']."<br>";
+          $updatedroutes++;
+      }
+      echo "updated $updatedroutes routes<br>";
+      }
+  }
+  flush();

--- /dev/null
+++ b/betweenpoint.move.php
@@ -1,1 +1,95 @@
+  /*
+   * GeoPo Encode in PHP
+   * @author : Shintaro Inagaki
+   * @param $location (Array)
+   * @return $geopo (String)
+   */
+  function geopoEncode($lat, $lng)
+  {
+      // 64characters (number + big and small letter + hyphen + underscore)
+      $chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_";
+      $geopo = "";
+      $scale = 7;
+      // Change a degree measure to a decimal number
+      $lat = ($lat + 90) / 180 * pow(8, 10);
+      $lng = ($lng + 180) / 360 * pow(8, 10);
+      // Compute a GeoPo code from head and concatenate
+      for ($i = 0; $i < $scale; $i++) {
+          $geopo .= substr($chars, floor($lat / pow(8, 9 - $i) % 8) + floor($lng / pow(8, 9 - $i) % 8) * 8, 1);
+      }
+      return $geopo;
+  }
+  /*
+   * GeoPo Decode in PHP
+   * @author : Shintaro Inagaki
+   * @param $geopo (String)
+   * @return $location (Array)
+   */
+  function geopoDecode($geopo)
+  {
+      // 64characters (number + big and small letter + hyphen + underscore)
+      $chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_";
+      // Array for geolocation
+      $location = array();
+      for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($geopo); $i++) {
+          // What number of character that equal to a GeoPo code (0-63)
+          $order = strpos($chars, substr($geopo, $i, 1));
+          // Lat/Lng plus geolocation value of scale 
+          $location['lat'] = $location['lat'] + floor($order % 8) * pow(8, 9 - $i);
+          $location['lng'] = $location['lng'] + floor($order / 8) * pow(8, 9 - $i);
+      }
+      // Change a decimal number to a degree measure, and plus revised value that shift center of area
+      $location['lat'] = $location['lat'] * 180 / pow(8, 10) + 180 / pow(8, strlen($geopo)) / 2 - 90;
+      $location['lng'] = $location['lng'] * 360 / pow(8, 10) + 360 / pow(8, strlen($geopo)) / 2 - 180;
+      $location['scale'] = strlen($geopo);
+      return $location;
+  }
+  $conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");
+  if (!$conn) {
+      echo "An error occured.\n";
+      exit;
+  }
+  if ($_REQUEST['newlatlng']) {
+      $latlng = explode(";", $_REQUEST['newlatlng']);
+      $lat = (float)$latlng[0];
+      $lng = (float)$latlng[1];
+      $geoPo = geopoEncode($lat, $lng);
+      $nodelat = (int)($lat * 10000000);
+      $nodelon = (int)($lng * 10000000);
+      echo($nodelat . "," . $nodelon . "=$geoPo<br>");
+      $sql = "UPDATE stops SET geohash='$geoPo', lat='$nodelat', lng='$nodelon', name=null, suburb=null WHERE geohash = '{$_REQUEST['oldgeopo']}'";
+      $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+      if (!$result) {
+          echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() . "<br>\n");
+      } else if (pg_affected_rows($result) == 0) {
+	echo ("Error 0 points moved, please refresh page and try again");
+      } else {
+      echo $_REQUEST['oldgeopo'] . " replaced with $geoPo <br>";
+      $updatedroutes = 0;
+      $result_outdatedroutes = pg_query($conn, "Select * FROM between_stops where points LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['oldgeopo'] . ";%'");
+      while ($outdatedroute = pg_fetch_assoc($result_outdatedroutes)) {
+          $newpoints = str_replace($_REQUEST['oldgeopo'], $geoPo, $outdatedroute['points']);
+          $sql = "UPDATE  between_stops set points='$newpoints' where
+	  fromlocation = '".pg_escape_string($outdatedroute['fromlocation']).
+	  "' AND tolocation = '".pg_escape_string($outdatedroute['tolocation'])."' ";
+          $result = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+          if (!$result) {
+              echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() . "<br>\n");
+          }
+	  echo "updated ".$outdatedroute['fromlocation']."->".$outdatedroute['tolocation']."<br>";
+          $updatedroutes++;
+      }
+      echo "updated $updatedroutes routes<br>";
+      }
+  }
+  flush();

--- a/betweenpoint.php
+++ b/betweenpoint.php
@@ -10,11 +10,46 @@
     // create the ol map object
     var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-  var osmtiles = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("local", "${z}/${x}/${y}.png")
+  var osmtiles = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("local", "/tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.png")
 // use and to make tiles
     markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("Between Stop Markers");
+ //hanlde mousedown on regions that are not points by reporting latlng
+OpenLayers.Control.Click = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {                
+                defaultHandlerOptions: {
+                    'single': true,
+                    'double': false,
+                    'pixelTolerance': 0,
+                    'stopSingle': false,
+                    'stopDouble': false
+                },
+                initialize: function(options) {
+                    this.handlerOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
+                        {}, this.defaultHandlerOptions
+                    );
+                    OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(
+                        this, arguments
+                    ); 
+                    this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Click(
+                        this, {
+                            'click': this.trigger
+                        }, this.handlerOptions
+                    );
+                }, 
+                trigger: function(e) {
+                    var lonlat = map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(e.xy).transform(
+            new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
+	    new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326")
+            );
+                    $('form input[name="newlatlng"]').val( + ";" + lonlat.lon );
+                }
+            });
+          var click = new OpenLayers.Control.Click();
+                map.addControl(click);
+                click.activate();
   $conn = pg_connect("dbname=bus user=postgres password=snmc");
   if (!$conn) {
@@ -34,12 +69,14 @@
   "' . $stop['geohash'] . '";
             markers.addMarker(marker);"mousedown", marker, function() {
 document.getElementById("between_points").innerHTML +=";";
+$(\'form input[name="oldgeopo"]\').val(;
-var timeicon = new OpenLayers.Icon("",new OpenLayers.Size(32,32));
+var timeicon = new OpenLayers.Icon("icong.png",new OpenLayers.Size(16,16));
 var timepoints = new OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS("Timing Points", "displaytimepoints.georss.php", { icon: timeicon });
             map.addLayers([osmtiles, markers,timepoints]);
@@ -51,11 +88,31 @@
 function submitBetween () {
         $.post("betweenpoint.submit.php", $("#inputform").serialize(), function(html){
-        //clearForms();
-	return false;
-      });
+        clearForms();
+	return false;
+      });
+function submitMove () {
+        $.post("betweenpoint.move.php", $("#moveform").serialize(), function(html){
+        $("#response").html(html);
+	clearForms();
+	return false;
+      });
+function submitDelete () {
+        $.post("betweenpoint.delete.php", $("#moveform").serialize(), function(html){
+        $("#response").html(html);
+	clearForms();
+	return false;
+      });
+function submitAdd () {
+        $.post("betweenpoint.add.php", $("#moveform").serialize(), function(html){
+        $("#response").html(html);
+	clearForms();
+	return false;
+      });
 function OnChange(dropdown)
     var myindex  = dropdown.selectedIndex
@@ -146,10 +203,11 @@
+ $processed = 0;
   foreach ($paths as $path => $routes) {
       if (!in_array($path, array_keys($completedPaths))) {
-          echo "<option value=\"$routes:$path\">" . sizeof(explode(";", $routes)) . " $path</option>\n";
+          echo "<option value=\"$routes:$path\"> $path ($routes) </option>\n";
+	  $processed++;
       } else {
 	$completedRoutes = explode(";", $completedPaths[$path]);
 	 $incompleteRoutes = "";
@@ -161,13 +219,14 @@
 	if ($incompleteRoutes != "") {
-	  echo "<option value=\"$incompleteRoutes:$path\">" . sizeof(explode(";", $incompleteRoutes)) . " $path</option>\n";
+	  echo "<option value=\"$incompleteRoutes:$path\"> $path ($incompleteRoutes) </option>\n";
+	  $processed++;
+  echo "</select>$processed";
  from <input type="text" name="from" id="from"/>
  to <input type="text" name="to" id="to"/>
@@ -178,6 +237,13 @@
 <textarea name="between_points" id="between_points" rows="1" cols="120"></textarea>
+    <form id="moveform">
+oldgeopo <input type="text" name="oldgeopo" id="oldgeopo"/>
+newlatlng <input type="text" name="newlatlng" id="newlatlng" size="60"/>
+ <input type="button" onclick="javascript:submitMove()" value="Move!">
+ <input type="button" onclick="javascript:submitAdd()" value="Add!">
+   <input type="button" onclick="javascript:submitDelete()" value="Delete!">
 <div id="response">
     <!-- Our message will be echoed out here -->

--- a/betweenpoint.submit.php
+++ b/betweenpoint.submit.php
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@






+$reverse=(isset($_REQUEST["reverse"]) ? $_REQUEST["reverse"] : "off");



 $routes=$_REQUEST["routes"] ;


    $sql = "INSERT INTO between_stops (fromLocation, toLocation, points, routes) VALUES('$from','$to','$points','$routes')";

file:a/busui/about.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/about.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,1 @@
-Some icons by Joseph Wain /

file:a/busui/ (deleted)
--- a/busui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +1,1 @@
-$APIurl = "http://localhost:8765";
-error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
- // you have to open the session to be able to modify or remove it 
- session_start(); 
-function isDebug()
-    return $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == "localhost" || $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == "" || !$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
-function debug($msg) {
-    if (isDebug()) echo "<!-- $msg -->";
-function isFastDevice() {
-    return true;
-function include_header($pageTitle, $opendiv = true, $geolocate = false) {
-    // if (isDebug()) // set php error level high
-    echo '
-<!DOCTYPE html> 
-	<head> 
-	<title> - '.$pageTitle.'</title> 
-	';
-         if (isDebug()) echo '<link rel="stylesheet"  href="jquery-mobile-1.0a2.css" />
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-mobile-1.0a2.js"></script>';
-         else echo '<link rel="stylesheet"  href="" />
-        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
-echo '
-     <style type="text/css">
-     .ui-navbar {
-     padding-bottom: 18px;
-     width: 100%;
-     }
-<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
- <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" />
- <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="startup.png" />
- <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="apple-touch-icon.png" />';
- if ($geolocate) {
-echo "<script>
-function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays)
-var exdate=new Date();
-document.cookie=c_name+ \"=\" +escape(value)+
-((expiredays==null) ? \"\" : \";expires=\"+exdate.toUTCString());
-function getCookie(c_name)
-if (document.cookie.length>0)
-  {
-  c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + \"=\");
-  if (c_start!=-1)
-    {
-    c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1;
-    c_end=document.cookie.indexOf(\";\",c_start);
-    if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length;
-    return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end));
-    }
-  }
-return \"\";
-function success(position) {
-function error(msg) {
- console.log(msg);
-if (navigator.geolocation) {
-  navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error);
-</script> ";
- }
-echo '</head> 
- ';
-if ($opendiv) echo '<div data-role="page"> 
-	<div data-role="header"> 
-		<h1>'.$pageTitle.'</h1>
-	</div><!-- /header -->
-        <div data-role="content"> ';
-function include_footer()
-    echo '</div>';
-$service_periods = Array ('sunday','saturday','weekday');
-function service_period()
-if (isset($_SESSION['service_period'])) return $_SESSION['service_period'];
-switch (date('w')){
-case 0:
-	return 'sunday';
-case 6:
-	return 'saturday';
-	return 'weekday';
-function remove_spaces($string)
-    return str_replace(' ','',$string);
-function midnight_seconds()
-// from
-if (isset($_SESSION['time'])) {
-        $time = mkdate($_SESSION['time']);
-        return (date("G",$time) * 3600) + (date("i",$time) * 60) + date("s",$time);
-    }
-   return (date("G") * 3600) + (date("i") * 60) + date("s");
-function midnight_seconds_to_time($seconds)
-	$midnight = mktime (0, 0, 0, date("n"), date("j"), date("Y"));
-	return date("h:ia",$midnight+$seconds);
-function getPage($url)
-    $ch = curl_init($url);
-curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
-curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
-$page = curl_exec($ch);
-return $page;
-function array_flatten($a,$f=array()){
-  if(!$a||!is_array($a))return '';
-  foreach($a as $k=>$v){
-    if(is_array($v))$f=array_flatten($v,$f);
-    else $f[$k]=$v;
-  }
-  return $f;
-function staticmap($mapPoints, $zoom = 0, $markerImage = "iconb")
-$width = 300;
-$height = 300;
-// $metersperpixel[17]=1.193*$width;
-$center = "";
-$markers = "";
-$minlat = 999;
-$minlon = 999;
-$maxlat = 0;
-$maxlon = 0;
-    if (sizeof($mapPoints) < 1) return "map error";
-    if (sizeof($mapPoints) === 1) {
-         if ($zoom == 0) $zoom = 14;
-            $markers .= "{$mapPoints[0][0]},{$mapPoints[0][1]},$markerimage";
-            $center = "{$mapPoints[0][0]},{$mapPoints[0][1]}";        
-    } else {
-        foreach ($mapPoints as $index => $mapPoint) {
-            $markers .= $mapPoint[0].",".$mapPoint[1].",".$markerImage.($index+1);
-            if ($index+1 != sizeof($mapPoints)) $markers .= "|";
-            if ($mapPoint[0] < $minlat) $minlat = $mapPoint[0];
-            if ($mapPoint[0] > $maxlat) $maxlat = $mapPoint[0];
-            if ($mapPoint[1] < $minlon) $minlon = $mapPoint[1];
-            if ($mapPoint[1] > $maxlon) $maxlon = $mapPoint[1];
-            $totalLat += $mapPoint[0];
-            $totalLon += $mapPoint[1];
-        }
-        if ($zoom == 0) {
-            $mapwidthinmeters = distance($minlat,$minlon,$minlat,$maxlon);
-            foreach (array_reverse($metersperpixel,true) as $zoomLevel => $maxdistance)
-            {
-                if ($zoom == 0 && $mapwidthinmeters < ($maxdistance + 50)) $zoom = $zoomLevel;
-            }
-        }
-       $center = $totalLat/sizeof($mapPoints).",".$totalLon/sizeof($mapPoints);
-    }
-    return '<img src="staticmaplite/staticmap.php?center='.$center.'&zoom='.$zoom.'&size='.$width.'x'.$height.'&maptype=mapnik&markers='.$markers.'" width='.$width.' height='.$height.'>';
-function distance($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2)
-	$pi80 = M_PI / 180;
-	$lat1 *= $pi80;
-	$lng1 *= $pi80;
-	$lat2 *= $pi80;
-	$lng2 *= $pi80;
-	$r = 6372.797; // mean radius of Earth in km
-	$dlat = $lat2 - $lat1;
-	$dlng = $lng2 - $lng1;
-	$a = sin($dlat / 2) * sin($dlat / 2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * sin($dlng / 2) * sin($dlng / 2);
-	$c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1 - $a));
-	$km = $r * $c;
-	return $km * 1000;
-function decodePolylineToArray($encoded)
-// source:
-  $length = strlen($encoded);
-  $index = 0;
-  $points = array();
-  $lat = 0;
-  $lng = 0;
-  while ($index < $length)
-  {
-    // Temporary variable to hold each ASCII byte.
-    $b = 0;
-    // The encoded polyline consists of a latitude value followed by a
-    // longitude value.  They should always come in pairs.  Read the
-    // latitude value first.
-    $shift = 0;
-    $result = 0;
-    do
-    {
-      // The `ord(substr($encoded, $index++))` statement returns the ASCII
-      //  code for the character at $index.  Subtract 63 to get the original
-      // value. (63 was added to ensure proper ASCII characters are displayed
-      // in the encoded polyline string, which is `human` readable)
-      $b = ord(substr($encoded, $index++)) - 63;
-      // AND the bits of the byte with 0x1f to get the original 5-bit `chunk.
-      // Then left shift the bits by the required amount, which increases
-      // by 5 bits each time.
-      // OR the value into $results, which sums up the individual 5-bit chunks
-      // into the original value.  Since the 5-bit chunks were reversed in
-      // order during encoding, reading them in this way ensures proper
-      // summation.
-      $result |= ($b & 0x1f) << $shift;
-      $shift += 5;
-    }
-    // Continue while the read byte is >= 0x20 since the last `chunk`
-    // was not OR'd with 0x20 during the conversion process. (Signals the end)
-    while ($b >= 0x20);
-    // Check if negative, and convert. (All negative values have the last bit
-    // set)
-    $dlat = (($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1));
-    // Compute actual latitude since value is offset from previous value.
-    $lat += $dlat;
-    // The next values will correspond to the longitude for this point.
-    $shift = 0;
-    $result = 0;
-    do
-    {
-      $b = ord(substr($encoded, $index++)) - 63;
-      $result |= ($b & 0x1f) << $shift;
-      $shift += 5;
-    }
-    while ($b >= 0x20);
-    $dlng = (($result & 1) ? ~($result >> 1) : ($result >> 1));
-    $lng += $dlng;
-    // The actual latitude and longitude values were multiplied by
-    // 1e5 before encoding so that they could be converted to a 32-bit
-    // integer representation. (With a decimal accuracy of 5 places)
-    // Convert back to original values.
-    $points[] = array($lat * 1e-5, $lng * 1e-5);
-  }
-  return $points;
-function object2array($object) {
-    if (is_object($object)) {
-        foreach ($object as $key => $value) {
-            $array[$key] = $value;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        $array = $object;
-    }
-    return $array;
-function geocode($query, $giveOptions) {
-       $url = "".$query."&bbox=-35.5,149.00,-35.15,149.1930&return_location=true&bbox_only=true";
-      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
-      if ($giveOptions) return $contents->features;
-      elseif (isset($contents->features[0]->centroid)) return $contents->features[0]->centroid->coordinates[0].",".$contents->features[0]->centroid->coordinates[1];
-      else return "";
-function reverseGeocode($lat,$lng) {
-      $url = "".$lat.",".$lng."&distance=closest&object_type=road";
-      $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
-      return $contents->features[0]->properties->name;
-function startsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=true) {
-    if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);}
-    return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);
-function endsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=true) {
-    if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);}
-    return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);

 Binary files a/busui/images/01-refresh.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/02-redo.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/06-magnify.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/07-map-marker.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/101-gameplan.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/102-walk.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/103-map.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/113-navigation.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/121-landscape.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/13-target.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/139-flags.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/145-persondot.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/184-warning.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/193-location-arrow.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/28-star.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/53-house.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/55-network.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/57-download.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/58-bookmark.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/59-flag.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/60-signpost.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/73-radar.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/74-location.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/images/83-calendar.png and /dev/null differ
file:a/busui/index.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +1,1 @@
- // remove all the variable in the session 
- session_unset(); 
- //destroy the session 
- session_destroy();
- if (isset($_REQUEST['service_period'])) $_SESSION['service_period'] = $_REQUEST['service_period'];
- if (isset($_REQUEST['time'])) $_SESSION['time'] = $_REQUEST['time'];
-include_header("",false, true)
-<div data-role="page" data-theme="b" id="jqm-home" class="ui-page ui-body-b ui-page-active">
-	<div id="jqm-homeheader">
-	    	<center><h1 id="jqm-logo"><img src="apple-touch-icon.png" alt="logo" width="64" height="64" /><br>
-	</div> 
-	<div data-role="content">
-	    <a href="tripPlanner.php" data-role="button">Launch Trip Planner...</a>
-            <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b">
-                <li data-role="list-divider">Timetables - Stops</li>
-                <li><a href="stopList.php">Major (Timing Point) Stops</a></li>
-		<li><a href="stopList.php">All Stops</a></li>
-		<li><a href="stopList.php?nearbyfavs=yes">Nearby/Favourite Stops</a></li>
-            </ul>
-	    <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="b">
-                <li data-role="list-divider">Timetables - Routes</li>
-                <li><a href="routeList.php">Routes By Final Destination</a></li>
-		<li><a href="routeList.php?bynumber=yes">Routes By Number</a></li>
-		<li><a href="routeList.php?nearbyfavs=yes">Nearby/Favourites Routes</a></li>
-            </ul>
-            <div class="ui-body ui-body-c">
-		<h3>Time/Place Settings</h3>
-		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
-	            <label for="geolocate"> Current Location: </label>
-			<input type="text" id="geolocate" name="geolocate"/> <a href="#" style="display:none" name="here" id="here"/>Here?</a>
-	        </div>
-    		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
-		        <label for="time"> Time: </label>
-		    	<input type="time" value="<?php echo date("H:m"); ?>"/> <a href="#" style="display:none" name="currentTime" id="currentTime"/>Current Time?</a>
-	        </div>
-		<div data-role="fieldcontain">
-		    <label for="service_period"> Service Period:  </label>
-			<select name="service_period">	
-			   <?php
-			   foreach ($service_periods as $service_period) {
-			    echo "<option value=\"$service_period\"".(service_period() === $service_period ? "SELECTED" : "").'>'.ucwords($service_period).'</option>';
-			   }?>
-			</select>
-			<a href="#" style="display:none" name="currentPeriod" id="currentPeriod"/>Current Period?</a>
-		</div>
-		<input type="submit" value="Update"/>
-            </div>
-	<script>
-$('#here').click(function(event) { $('#geolocate').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
-        </script>
-        </div>
-   </div>
- </body>

--- a/busui/jquery-mobile-1.0a2.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,890 +1,1 @@
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-* Note: Code is in draft form and is subject to change 
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-.ui-btn-hover-e { border: 1px solid #e79952; background: #fbe26f; font-weight: bold; color: #111; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #fff; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fcf0b5, #fbe26f); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #fcf0b5),color-stop(1, #fbe26f));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#fcf0b5', EndColorStr='#fbe26f')"; }
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-.ui-btn-down-e { border: 1px solid #F7C942; background: #fceda7; font-weight: bold; color: #111; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #ffffff; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fadb4e, #fceda7); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #fadb4e),color-stop(1, #fceda7));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#fadb4e', EndColorStr='#fceda7')"; }
-.ui-btn-down-e a.ui-link-inherit { color: #333; }
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-/* links within "buttons" */
-a.ui-link-inherit { text-decoration: none !important; }
-/* Active class used as the "on" state across all themes */
-.ui-btn-active { border: 1px solid #155678; background: #4596ce; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; cursor: pointer;  text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #145072; text-decoration: none; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #85bae4, #5393c5); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #85bae4),color-stop(1, #5393c5));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#85bae4', EndColorStr='#5393c5')"; }
-.ui-btn-active a.ui-link-inherit {  color: #fff; }
-/* button inner top highlight */
-.ui-btn-inner { border-top: 1px solid #fff; border-color: rgba(255,255,255,.3);  }
-/* Container Corner radius */
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-.ui-corner-tr { -moz-border-radius-topright: .6em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: .6em; border-top-right-radius: .6em; }
-.ui-corner-bl { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; }
-.ui-corner-br { -moz-border-radius-bottomright: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; }
-.ui-corner-top { -moz-border-radius-topleft: .6em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: .6em; border-top-left-radius: .6em; -moz-border-radius-topright: .6em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: .6em; border-top-right-radius: .6em; }
-.ui-corner-bottom { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; }
-.ui-corner-right {  -moz-border-radius-topright: .6em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: .6em; border-top-right-radius: .6em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; border-bottom-right-radius: .6em; }
-.ui-corner-left { -moz-border-radius-topleft: .6em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: .6em; border-top-left-radius: .6em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: .6em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; border-bottom-left-radius: .6em; }
-.ui-corner-all { -moz-border-radius: .6em; -webkit-border-radius: .6em; border-radius: .6em; }
-/* Interaction Cues
-.ui-disabled { cursor: default !important; opacity: .3; }
-/* Icons
-/* .ui-icon { background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #fff; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.4);  -moz-border-radius: 9px; -webkit-border-radius: 9px; border-radius: 9px; } */
-.ui-icon { background-image: url(images/icons-18-white.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #666; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.4);  -moz-border-radius: 9px; -webkit-border-radius: 9px; border-radius: 9px; }
-.ui-icon-disc { background-color: #666; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.3);  -moz-border-radius: 9px; -webkit-border-radius: 9px; border-radius: 9px; }
-/* alt color */
-.ui-icon-black { background-image: url(images/icons-18-black.png); }
-.ui-icon-black-disc { background-color: #fff; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.3);  -moz-border-radius: 9px; -webkit-border-radius: 9px; border-radius: 9px; }
-/* retina */
-@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), screen and (max--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
-	.ui-icon { background-image: url(images/icons-36-white.png); background-size: 558px 18px; }
-	.ui-icon-black { background-image: url(images/icons-36-black.png); }
-/*plus minus*/
-.ui-icon-plus { background-position: -0 0; }
-.ui-icon-minus { background-position: -36px 0; }
-/* delete/close */
-.ui-icon-delete { background-position: -72px 0; }
-.ui-icon-arrow-r { background-position: -108px 0; }
-.ui-icon-arrow-l { background-position: -144px 0; }
-.ui-icon-arrow-u { background-position: -180px 0; }
-.ui-icon-arrow-d { background-position: -216px 0; }
-.ui-icon-check { background-position: -252px 0; }
-.ui-icon-gear { background-position: -288px 0; }
-.ui-icon-refresh { background-position: -324px 0; }
-.ui-icon-forward { background-position: -360px 0; }
-.ui-icon-back { background-position: -396px 0; }
-.ui-icon-grid { background-position: -432px 0; }
-.ui-icon-star { background-position: -468px 0; }
-.ui-icon-alert { background-position: -504px 0; }
-.ui-icon-info { background-position: -540px 0; }
-.ui-icon-radio-on { background-color: transparent; -moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0; background-size: 20px 20px; }
-.ui-icon-checkbox-off { background-image: url(images/form-check-off.png);  }
-.ui-icon-checkbox-on { background-image: url(images/form-check-on.png);  }
-.ui-icon-radio-off { background-image: url(images/form-radio-off.png);}
-.ui-icon-radio-on { background-image: url(images/form-radio-on.png);  }
-.ui-icon-search { background-image: url(images/icon-search-black.png); background-size: 16px 16px; }
-/* loading icon */
-.ui-icon-loading { background-image: url(images/ajax-loader.png); width: 40px; height: 40px;  -moz-border-radius: 20px; -webkit-border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 20px; background-size: 35px 35px; }
-/* btn Corner radius */
-.ui-btn-corner-tl { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 1em; border-top-left-radius: 1em; }
-.ui-btn-corner-tr { -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 1em; border-top-right-radius: 1em; }
-.ui-btn-corner-bl { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; }
-.ui-btn-corner-br { -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; }
-.ui-btn-corner-top { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 1em; border-top-left-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 1em; border-top-right-radius: 1em; }
-.ui-btn-corner-bottom { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; }
-.ui-btn-corner-right {  -moz-border-radius-topright: 1em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 1em; border-top-right-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; border-bottom-right-radius: 1em; }
-.ui-btn-corner-left { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 1em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 1em; border-top-left-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; }
-.ui-btn-corner-all { -moz-border-radius: 1em; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; border-radius: 1em;}
-/* radius clip */
-.ui-corner-tl, .ui-corner-tr, .ui-corner-bl, 
-.ui-corner-br, .ui-corner-top, .ui-corner-bottom, 
-.ui-corner-right, .ui-corner-left, .ui-corner-all,
-.ui-btn-corner-tl, .ui-btn-corner-tr, .ui-btn-corner-bl, 
-.ui-btn-corner-br, .ui-btn-corner-top, .ui-btn-corner-bottom, 
-.ui-btn-corner-right, .ui-btn-corner-left, .ui-btn-corner-all {
-  -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
-     -moz-background-clip: padding-box;
-          background-clip: padding-box;
-/* Overlays */
-.ui-overlay { background: #666; opacity: .5; filter:Alpha(Opacity=50); position: absolute;  width: 100%; height: 100%; }
-.ui-overlay-shadow {  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.6); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.6); box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.6); }
-.ui-shadow { -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3); box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3); }
-.ui-bar-a .ui-shadow, .ui-bar-b .ui-shadow , .ui-bar-c .ui-shadow  { -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.3); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.3); box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.3); }
-.ui-shadow-inset { -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.2); -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.2); box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.2); }
-.ui-icon-shadow { -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.4); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.4); box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.4);  }
-/* set focus state last */
-.ui-focus { outline-width: 0;  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px #387bbe; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px #387bbe; box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px #387bbe; }
-/* unset box shadow in browsers that don't do it right */
-.ui-mobile-nosupport-boxshadow * { -moz-box-shadow: none !important; -webkit-box-shadow: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; }
-.ui-mobile-nosupport-boxshadow .ui-focus { outline-width: 2px; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-* Note: Code is in draft form and is subject to change 
-/* some unsets - more probably needed */
-.ui-mobile fieldset, .ui-page { padding: 0; margin: 0; }
-.ui-mobile a img, .ui-mobile fieldset { border: 0; }
-/* responsive page widths */
-.ui-mobile-viewport {  margin: 0; overflow-x: hidden; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; -ms-text-size-adjust:none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }
-/*orientations from js are available */
-.portrait {  }
-.landscape {  }
-/* "page" containers - full-screen views, one should always be in view post-pageload */
-.ui-page { top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; min-height: 100%; position: absolute; display: none; border: 0; } 
-.ui-page-active { display: block; overflow: visible; min-height: 100%; }
-/* loading screen */
-.ui-loading .ui-mobile-viewport { overflow: hidden !important; }
-.ui-loading .ui-loader { display: block; }
-.ui-loading .ui-page { overflow: hidden;  }
-.ui-loader { display: none; position: absolute; opacity: .85; z-index: 10; top: 75px; left: 50%; width: 200px; margin-left: -130px; padding: 20px 30px; }
-.ui-loader h1 { font-size: 15px; text-align: center; }
-.ui-loader .ui-icon { position: static; display: block; opacity: .9; margin: 0 auto; width: 35px; height: 35px; background-color: transparent; }
-.ui-mobile-rendering > * { visibility: hidden; }
-/*headers, content panels*/
-.ui-bar, .ui-body { position: relative; padding: .4em 15px;  overflow: hidden; display: block;  clear:both;  }
-.ui-bar { font-size: 16px; margin: 0; }
-.ui-bar h1, .ui-bar h2, .ui-bar h3, .ui-bar h4, .ui-bar h5, .ui-bar h6 { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 16px; display: inline-block; }
-.ui-header, .ui-footer { display: block; }
-.ui-page .ui-header, .ui-page .ui-footer { position: relative; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-left { position: absolute; left: 10px; top: .4em;  }
-.ui-header .ui-title, .ui-footer .ui-title { text-align: center; font-size: 16px; display: block; margin: .6em 90px .8em;  padding: 0;  text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; outline: 0 !important; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-right { position: absolute; right: 10px; top: .4em; }
-/*content area*/
-.ui-content { border-width: 0; overflow: visible; overflow-x: hidden; padding: 15px; }
-.ui-page-fullscreen .ui-content { padding:0; }
-/* icons sizing */
-.ui-icon { width: 18px; height: 18px; }
-/* fullscreen class on ui-content div */
-.ui-fullscreen {  }
-.ui-fullscreen img { max-width: 100%; }
-/* non-js content hiding */
-.ui-nojs { position: absolute; left: -9999px; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-.spin  {
-	-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
-	-webkit-animation-name: spin;
-	-webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
-	-webkit-animation-iteration-count:  infinite;
-@-webkit-keyframes spin {
-	from {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);}
-  	to {-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);}
-/* Transitions from jQtouch (with small modifications):
-Built by David Kaneda and maintained by Jonathan Stark.
-*/, .out {
-	-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
-	-webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
- {
-	-webkit-transform: translateX(0);
-	-webkit-animation-name: slideinfromright;
-.slide.out {
-	-webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
-	-webkit-animation-name: slideouttoleft;
- {
-	-webkit-transform: translateX(0);
-	-webkit-animation-name: slideinfromleft;
-.slide.out.reverse {
-	-webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
-	-webkit-animation-name: slideouttoright;
- {
-	-webkit-transform: translateY(0);
-	-webkit-animation-name: slideinfrombottom;
-	z-index: 10;
-.slideup.out {
-	-webkit-animation-name: dontmove;
-	z-index: 0;
-.slideup.out.reverse {
-	-webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
-	z-index: 10;
-	-webkit-animation-name: slideouttobottom;
- {
-	z-index: 0;
-	-webkit-animation-name: dontmove;
-} {
-	-webkit-transform: translateY(0);
-	-webkit-animation-name: slideinfromtop;
-	z-index: 10;
-.slidedown.out {
-	-webkit-animation-name: dontmove;
-	z-index: 0;
-.slidedown.out.reverse {
-	-webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
-	z-index: 10;
-	-webkit-animation-name: slideouttotop;
- {
-	z-index: 0;
-	-webkit-animation-name: dontmove;
-@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromright {
-    from { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: translateX(0); }
-@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromleft {
-    from { -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: translateX(0); }
-@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoleft {
-    from { -webkit-transform: translateX(0); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); }
-@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoright {
-    from { -webkit-transform: translateX(0); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%); }
-@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromtop {
-    from { -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); }
-@-webkit-keyframes slideinfrombottom {
-    from { -webkit-transform: translateY(100%); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); }
-@-webkit-keyframes slideouttobottom {
-    from { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: translateY(100%); }
-@-webkit-keyframes slideouttotop {
-    from { -webkit-transform: translateY(0); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%); }
-@-webkit-keyframes fadein {
-    from { opacity: 0; }
-    to { opacity: 1; }
-@-webkit-keyframes fadeout {
-    from { opacity: 1; }
-    to { opacity: 0; }
- {
-	opacity: 1;
-	z-index: 10;
-	-webkit-animation-name: fadein;
-.fade.out {
-	z-index: 0;
-/* The properties in this body rule are only necessary for the 'flip' transition.
- * We need specify the perspective to create a projection matrix. This will add
- * some depth as the element flips. The depth number represents the distance of
- * the viewer from the z-plane. According to the CSS3 spec, 1000 is a moderate
- * value.
- */
-.ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning {
-	-webkit-perspective: 1000;
-	position: absolute;
-.ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning .ui-page {
-	width: 100%;
-	height: 100%;
-	overflow: hidden;
-.flip {
-	-webkit-animation-duration: .65s;
-	-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;
-	-webkit-transform:translateX(0); /* Needed to work around an iOS 3.1 bug that causes listview thumbs to disappear when -webkit-visibility:hidden is used. */
- {
-	-webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1);
-	-webkit-animation-name: flipinfromleft;
-.flip.out {
-	-webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg) scale(.8);
-	-webkit-animation-name: flipouttoleft;
-/* Shake it all about */
- {
-	-webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1);
-	-webkit-animation-name: flipinfromright;
-.flip.out.reverse {
-	-webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg) scale(.8);
-	-webkit-animation-name: flipouttoright;
-@-webkit-keyframes flipinfromright {
-    from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg) scale(.8); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1); }
-@-webkit-keyframes flipinfromleft {
-    from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg) scale(.8); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1); }
-@-webkit-keyframes flipouttoleft {
-    from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg) scale(.8); }
-@-webkit-keyframes flipouttoright {
-    from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(0) scale(1); }
-    to { -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg) scale(.8); }
-/* Hackish, but reliable. */
-@-webkit-keyframes dontmove {
-    from { opacity: 1; }
-    to { opacity: 1; }
-.pop {
-	-webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
- {
-	-webkit-transform: scale(1);
-    opacity: 1;
-	-webkit-animation-name: popin;
-	z-index: 10;
-.pop.out.reverse {
-	-webkit-transform: scale(.2);
-	opacity: 0;
-	-webkit-animation-name: popout;
-	z-index: 10;
- {
-	z-index: 0;
-	-webkit-animation-name: dontmove;
-@-webkit-keyframes popin {
-    from {
-        -webkit-transform: scale(.2);
-        opacity: 0;
-    }
-    to {
-        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
-        opacity: 1;
-    }
-@-webkit-keyframes popout {
-    from {
-        -webkit-transform: scale(1);
-        opacity: 1;
-    }
-    to {
-        -webkit-transform: scale(.2);
-        opacity: 0;
-    }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-/* content configurations. */
-.ui-grid-a, .ui-grid-b, .ui-grid-c, .ui-grid-d { overflow: hidden; }
-.ui-block-a, .ui-block-b, .ui-block-c, .ui-block-d, .ui-block-e { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; float: left; }
-/* grid a: 50/50 */
-.ui-grid-a .ui-block-a, .ui-grid-a .ui-block-b { width: 50%; }
-.ui-grid-a .ui-block-a { clear: left; }
-/* grid b: 33/33/33 */
-.ui-grid-b .ui-block-a, .ui-grid-b .ui-block-b, .ui-grid-b .ui-block-c { width: 33.333%; }
-.ui-grid-b .ui-block-a { clear: left; }
-/* grid c: 25/25/25/25 */
-.ui-grid-c .ui-block-a, .ui-grid-c .ui-block-b, .ui-grid-c .ui-block-c, .ui-grid-c .ui-block-d { width: 25%; }
-.ui-grid-c .ui-block-a { clear: left; }
-/* grid d: 20/20/20/20/20 */
-.ui-grid-d .ui-block-a, .ui-grid-d .ui-block-b, .ui-grid-d .ui-block-c, .ui-grid-d .ui-block-d, .ui-grid-d .ui-block-e { width: 20%; }
-.ui-grid-d .ui-block-a { clear: left; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-/* fixed page header & footer configuration */
-.ui-header, .ui-footer, .ui-page-fullscreen .ui-header, .ui-page-fullscreen .ui-footer  { position: absolute;  overflow: hidden; width: 100%; border-left-width: 0; border-right-width: 0; }
-.ui-header-fixed, .ui-footer-fixed {
-	z-index: 1000;
-	-webkit-transform: translateZ(0); /* Force header/footer rendering to go through the same rendering pipeline as native page scrolling. */
-.ui-footer-duplicate, .ui-page-fullscreen .ui-fixed-inline { display: none; }
-.ui-page-fullscreen .ui-header, .ui-page-fullscreen .ui-footer { opacity: .9; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-.ui-navbar { overflow: hidden;  }
-.ui-navbar ul, .ui-navbar-expanded ul { list-style:none; padding: 0; margin: 0; position: relative; display: block; border: 0;}
-.ui-navbar-collapsed ul { float: left; width: 75%; margin-right: -2px; }
-.ui-navbar-collapsed .ui-navbar-toggle { float: left; width: 25%; }
-.ui-navbar li.ui-navbar-truncate { position: absolute; left: -99999px; top: -99999px; }
-.ui-navbar li .ui-btn, .ui-navbar .ui-navbar-toggle .ui-btn { display: block; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; margin: 0; outline: none; border-right-width: 0; }
-.ui-navbar li .ui-btn {  margin-right: -1px; }
-.ui-navbar li .ui-btn:last-child { margin-right: 0; }
-.ui-header .ui-navbar li .ui-btn, .ui-header .ui-navbar .ui-navbar-toggle .ui-btn,
-.ui-footer .ui-navbar li .ui-btn, .ui-footer .ui-navbar .ui-navbar-toggle .ui-btn { border-top-width: 0; border-bottom-width: 0; }
-.ui-navbar .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; }
-.ui-navbar-noicons li .ui-btn .ui-btn-inner, .ui-navbar-noicons .ui-navbar-toggle .ui-btn-inner { padding-top: .8em; padding-bottom: .9em; }
-/*expanded page styles*/
-.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn { margin: 0; font-size: 14px; }
-.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;  }
-.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-btn-inner { padding: 45px 5px 15px; text-align: center; }
-.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon { top: 15px; }
-.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-btn-inner { padding: 15px 5px 45px; text-align: center; }
-.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon { bottom: 15px; }
-.ui-navbar-expanded li .ui-btn .ui-btn-inner { min-height: 2.5em; }
-.ui-navbar-expanded .ui-navbar-noicons .ui-btn .ui-btn-inner { padding-top: 1.8em; padding-bottom: 1.9em; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-.ui-btn { display: block; text-align: center; cursor:pointer;  position: relative; margin: .5em 5px; padding: 0; }
-.ui-btn:focus, .ui-btn a:focus { outline: none; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn, .ui-footer .ui-btn, .ui-bar .ui-btn { display: inline-block; font-size: 13px; margin: 0; }
-.ui-btn-inline { display: inline-block; }
-.ui-btn-inner { padding: .6em 25px; display: block; height: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; position: relative; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-inner, .ui-footer .ui-btn-inner, .ui-bar .ui-btn-inner { padding: .4em 8px .5em; }
-.ui-btn-icon-notext { display: inline-block; width: 20px; height: 20px; padding: 1px 0px 1px 2px; text-indent: -9999px; }
-.ui-btn-icon-notext .ui-btn-inner { padding: 0; }
-.ui-btn-icon-notext .ui-btn-text { position: absolute; left: -999px; }
-.ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 33px; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner,
-.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner,
-.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 27px; }
-.ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner { padding-right: 33px; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner,
-.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner,
-.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner { padding-right: 27px; }
-.ui-btn-icon-top .ui-btn-inner { padding-top: 33px; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-btn-inner,
-.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-btn-inner,
-.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-btn-inner { padding-top: 27px; }
-.ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-btn-inner { padding-bottom: 33px; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-btn-inner,
-.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-btn-inner,
-.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-btn-inner { padding-bottom: 27px; }
-/*btn icon positioning*/
-.ui-btn-icon-notext .ui-icon { display: block; }
-.ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon, .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon { position: absolute; top: 50%; margin-top: -9px; }
-.ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon, .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon { position: absolute; left: 50%;  margin-left: -9px; }
-.ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon { left: 10px; }
-.ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon {right: 10px; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon,
-.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon,
-.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon { left: 4px; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon,
-.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon,
-.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon { right: 4px; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon,
-.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon,
-.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon { top: 4px; }
-.ui-header .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon,
-.ui-footer .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon,
-.ui-bar .ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon { bottom: 4px; }
-.ui-btn-icon-top .ui-icon { top: 5px; }
-.ui-btn-icon-bottom .ui-icon { bottom: 5px; }
-/*hiding native button,inputs */
-.ui-btn-hidden {  position: absolute; left: -9999px; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-.ui-collapsible-contain { margin: .5em 0; }
-.ui-collapsible-heading { font-size: 16px; display: block; margin: 0 -8px; padding: 0; border-width: 0 0 1px 0; position: relative; }
-.ui-collapsible-heading a { text-align: left; margin: 0;  }
-.ui-collapsible-heading a .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 40px; }
-.ui-collapsible-heading a span.ui-btn { position: absolute; left: 6px; top: 50%; margin: -12px 0 0 0; width: 20px; height: 20px; padding: 1px 0px 1px 2px; text-indent: -9999px; }
-.ui-collapsible-heading a span.ui-btn .ui-btn-inner { padding: 0; }
-.ui-collapsible-heading a span.ui-btn .ui-icon { left: 0; margin-top: -10px; }
-.ui-collapsible-heading-status { position:absolute; left:-99999px; }
-.ui-collapsible-content {  display: block; padding: 10px 0 10px 8px; }
-.ui-collapsible-content-collapsed { display: none; }
-.ui-collapsible-set { margin: .5em 0; }
-.ui-collapsible-set .ui-collapsible-contain { margin: -1px 0 0; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-.ui-controlgroup, fieldset.ui-controlgroup { padding: 0; margin: .5em 0 1em; }
-.ui-bar .ui-controlgroup { margin: 0 .3em; }
-.ui-controlgroup-label { font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.4; font-weight: normal; margin: 0 0 .3em; }
-.ui-controlgroup-controls { display: block; width: 95%;}
-.ui-controlgroup li { list-style: none; }
-.ui-controlgroup-vertical .ui-btn,
-.ui-controlgroup-vertical .ui-checkbox, .ui-controlgroup-vertical .ui-radio { margin: 0; border-bottom-width: 0;  }
-.ui-controlgroup-vertical .ui-controlgroup-last { border-bottom-width: 1px; }
-.ui-controlgroup-horizontal { padding: 0; }
-.ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-btn,
-.ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-checkbox, .ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-radio { margin: 0 -5px 0 0; display: inline-block;  }
-.ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-checkbox .ui-btn, .ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-radio .ui-btn,
-.ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-checkbox:last-child, .ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-radio:last-child { margin-right: 0; }
-.ui-controlgroup-horizontal .ui-controlgroup-last { margin-right: 0; }
-.ui-controlgroup .ui-checkbox label, .ui-controlgroup .ui-radio label { font-size: 16px;  }
-/* conflicts with listview..
-.ui-controlgroup .ui-btn-icon-notext { width: 30px; height: 30px; text-indent: -9999px; }
-.ui-controlgroup .ui-btn-icon-notext .ui-btn-inner {  padding: 5px 6px 5px 5px; }
-.min-width-480px .ui-controlgroup-label { vertical-align: top; display: inline-block;  width: 20%;  margin: 0 2% 0 0;  }
-.min-width-480px .ui-controlgroup-controls { width: 60%; display: inline-block; } 
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-.ui-dialog .ui-header, .ui-dialog .ui-content,  .ui-dialog .ui-footer { margin: 15px; position: relative; }
-.ui-dialog .ui-header, .ui-dialog .ui-footer { z-index: 10; width: auto; }
-.ui-dialog .ui-content, .ui-dialog .ui-footer { margin-top: -15px;  }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-.ui-checkbox, .ui-radio { position:relative;  margin: .2em 0 .5em; z-index: 1;  }
-.ui-checkbox .ui-btn, .ui-radio .ui-btn { margin: 0; text-align: left; z-index: 2; }
-.ui-checkbox .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner,.ui-radio .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 45px; }
-.ui-checkbox .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner, .ui-radio .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner { padding-right: 45px; }
-.ui-checkbox .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon, .ui-radio .ui-btn-icon-left .ui-icon {left: 15px; }
-.ui-checkbox .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon, .ui-radio .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon {right: 15px; }
-/* input, label positioning */
-.ui-checkbox input,.ui-radio input { position:absolute; left:20px; top:50%; width: 10px; height: 10px;  margin:-5px 0 0 0; outline: 0 !important; z-index: 1; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-.ui-field-contain { background: none; padding: 1.5em 0; margin: 0; border-bottom-width: 1px; overflow: visible; }
-.ui-field-contain:first-child { border-top-width: 0; }
-@media screen and (max-width: 480px){ 
-	.ui-field-contain { border-width: 0; padding: 0; margin: 1em 0; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-.ui-select { display: block; }
-.ui-select select { position: absolute; left: -99999px; }
-.ui-select .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-btn-inner { padding-right: 45px; } 
-.ui-select .ui-btn-icon-right .ui-icon { right: 15px;  }
-/* labels */
-label.ui-select { font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.4;  font-weight: normal; margin: 0 0 .3em; display: block; }
-.ui-selectmenu { position: absolute; padding: 0; z-index: 100 !important; width: 80%; max-width: 350px; padding: 6px; }
-.ui-selectmenu .ui-listview { margin: 0;
- }
-.ui-selectmenu-hidden { top: -999999px; left: -99999px; }
-.ui-selectmenu-screen { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;  z-index: 99; }
-.ui-screen-hidden, .ui-selectmenu-list .ui-li .ui-icon { display: none; }
-.ui-selectmenu-list .ui-btn-active .ui-icon { display: block; }
-.min-width-480px label.ui-select { display: inline-block;  width: 20%;  margin: 0 2% 0 0; }
-.min-width-480px .ui-select { width: 60%; display: inline-block; } 
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-label.ui-input-text { font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.4; display: block; font-weight: normal; margin: 0 0 .3em; }
-input.ui-input-text, textarea.ui-input-text { background-image: none; padding: .4em; line-height: 1.4; font-size: 16px; display: block; width: 95%; }
-input.ui-input-text { -webkit-appearance: none; }
-textarea.ui-input-text { height: 50px; -webkit-transition: height 200ms linear; -moz-transition: height 200ms linear; -o-transition: height 200ms linear; transition: height 200ms linear; }
-.ui-input-search { padding: 0 30px; width: 77%; background-position: 8px 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; position: relative; }
-.ui-input-search input.ui-input-text { border: none; width: 98%; padding: .4em 0; margin: 0; display: block; background: transparent none; outline: 0 !important; }
-.ui-input-search .ui-input-clear { position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 50%; margin-top: -12px; }
-.ui-input-search .ui-input-clear-hidden { display: none; }
-/* orientation adjustments - incomplete!*/
-.min-width-480px label.ui-input-text  { vertical-align: top;   }
-.min-width-480px label.ui-input-text { display: inline-block;  width: 20%;  margin: 0 2% 0 0; }
-.min-width-480px input.ui-input-text, 
-.min-width-480px textarea.ui-input-text, 
-.min-width-480px .ui-input-search { width: 60%; display: inline-block; } 
-.min-width-480px .ui-input-search { width: 50%; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-.ui-listview { margin: 0; counter-reset: listnumbering; }
-.ui-content .ui-listview { margin: -15px; }
-.ui-content .ui-listview-inset { margin: 1em 0;  }
-.ui-listview, .ui-li { list-style:none; padding:0; zoom: 1; }
-.ui-li { display: block; margin:0; position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; border-width: 0; border-top-width: 1px; }
-.ui-li .ui-btn-text { text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;  }
-.ui-li-divider, .ui-li-static { padding: .5em 15px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; counter-reset: listnumbering;  }
-ol.ui-listview .ui-link-inherit:before, .ui-li-dec { font-size: .8em; display: inline-block; padding-right: .3em; font-weight: normal;counter-increment: listnumbering; content: counter(listnumbering) ". "; }
-ol.ui-listview .ui-li-jsnumbering:before { content: "" !important; } /* to avoid chance of duplication */
-.ui-listview-inset .ui-li { border-right-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; }
-.ui-li:last-child { border-bottom-width: 1px; }
-.ui-li .ui-btn-inner { display: block; position: relative; padding: .7em 75px .7em 15px; }
-.ui-li-has-thumb .ui-btn-inner { min-height: 60px; padding-left: 100px; }
-.ui-li-has-icon .ui-btn-inner {  min-height: 20px; padding-left: 40px; }
-.ui-li-heading { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; display: block; margin: .6em 0; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;  }
-.ui-li-desc {  font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; display: block; margin: -.5em 0 .6em; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; }
-.ui-li-thumb, .ui-li-icon { position: absolute; left: 1px; top: 0; max-height: 80px; max-width: 80px; }
-.ui-li-icon { max-height: 40px; max-width: 40px; left: 10px; top: .9em; }
-.ui-li-thumb, .ui-li-icon, .ui-li-content { float: left; margin-right: 10px; }
-.ui-li-aside { float: right; width: 50%; text-align: right; margin: .3em 0; }
-.min-width-480px .ui-li-aside { width: 45%; }
-.ui-li-has-alt .ui-btn-inner { padding-right: 95px; }
-.ui-li-count { position: absolute; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; padding: .2em .5em; top: 50%; margin-top: -.9em; right: 38px; }
-.ui-li-divider .ui-li-count { right: 10px; }
-.ui-li-has-alt .ui-li-count { right: 55px; }
-.ui-li-link-alt { position: absolute; width: 40px; height: 100%; border-width: 0; border-left-width: 1px; top: 0; right: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-.ui-li-link-alt .ui-btn { overflow: hidden; position: absolute; right: 8px; top: 50%; margin: -11px 0 0 0; border-bottom-width: 1px; }
-.ui-li-link-alt .ui-btn-inner { padding: 0; position: static; }
-.ui-li-link-alt .ui-btn .ui-icon { right: 50%; margin-right: -9px;  }
-.ui-listview-filter { border-width: 0; overflow: hidden; margin: -15px -15px 15px -15px }
-.ui-listview-filter .ui-input-search { margin: 5px; width: auto; display: block; }
-/* Odd iPad positioning issue. */
-@media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px) {
-    .ui-li .ui-btn-text { overflow:  visible; }
-* jQuery Mobile Framework
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) or GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-label.ui-slider { display: block; }
-input.ui-slider-input, .min-width-480px input.ui-slider-input { display: inline-block; width: 50px; }
-select.ui-slider-switch { display: none; }
-div.ui-slider { position: relative; display: inline-block; overflow: visible; height: 15px; padding: 0; margin: 0 2% 0 20px; top: 4px; width: 66%; }
-a.ui-slider-handle { position: absolute; z-index: 10;  top: 50%; width: 28px; height: 28px; margin-top: -15px; margin-left: -15px; }
-a.ui-slider-handle .ui-btn-inner { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; }
-.min-width-480px label.ui-slider { display: inline-block;  width: 20%;  margin: 0 2% 0 0; }
-.min-width-480px div.ui-slider { width: 45%; }
-div.ui-slider-switch { height: 32px;  overflow: hidden; margin-left: 0; }
-div.ui-slider-inneroffset { margin-left: 50%; position: absolute; top: 1px; height: 100%; width: 50%; }
-div.ui-slider-handle-snapping { -webkit-transition: left 100ms linear; }
-div.ui-slider-labelbg { position: absolute; top:0; margin: 0; border-width: 0; }
-div.ui-slider-switch div.ui-slider-labelbg-a { width: 60%; height: 100%; left: 0; }
-div.ui-slider-switch div.ui-slider-labelbg-b { width: 60%; height: 100%; right: 0; }
-.ui-slider-switch-a div.ui-slider-labelbg-a, .ui-slider-switch-b div.ui-slider-labelbg-b { z-index: 1; }
-.ui-slider-switch-a div.ui-slider-labelbg-b, .ui-slider-switch-b div.ui-slider-labelbg-a { z-index: 10; }
-div.ui-slider-switch a.ui-slider-handle { z-index: 20;  width: 101%; height: 32px; margin-top: -18px; margin-left: -101%; }
-span.ui-slider-label { width: 100%; position: absolute;height: 32px;  font-size: 16px; text-align: center; line-height: 2; background: none; border-color: transparent; }
-span.ui-slider-label-a { left: -100%;  margin-right: -1px }
-span.ui-slider-label-b { right: -100%;  margin-left: -1px }

--- a/busui/jquery-mobile-1.0a2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11138 +1,1 @@
- * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2010, John Resig
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- * Includes Sizzle.js
- *
- * Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation
- * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
- *
- * Date: Thu Nov 11 19:04:53 2010 -0500
- */
-(function( window, undefined ) {
-// Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox)
-var document = window.document;
-var jQuery = (function() {
-// Define a local copy of jQuery
-var jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
-		// The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
-		return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
-	},
-	// Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
-	_jQuery = window.jQuery,
-	// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
-	_$ = window.$,
-	// A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
-	rootjQuery,
-	// A simple way to check for HTML strings or ID strings
-	// (both of which we optimize for)
-	quickExpr = /^(?:[^<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]+)$)/,
-	// Is it a simple selector
-	isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/,
-	// Check if a string has a non-whitespace character in it
-	rnotwhite = /\S/,
-	rwhite = /\s/,
-	// Used for trimming whitespace
-	trimLeft = /^\s+/,
-	trimRight = /\s+$/,
-	// Check for non-word characters
-	rnonword = /\W/,
-	// Check for digits
-	rdigit = /\d/,
-	// Match a standalone tag
-	rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/,
-	// JSON RegExp
-	rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/,
-	rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,
-	rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,
-	rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
-	// Useragent RegExp
-	rwebkit = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
-	ropera = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
-	rmsie = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/,
-	rmozilla = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/,
-	// Keep a UserAgent string for use with jQuery.browser
-	userAgent = navigator.userAgent,
-	// For matching the engine and version of the browser
-	browserMatch,
-	// Has the ready events already been bound?
-	readyBound = false,
-	// The functions to execute on DOM ready
-	readyList = [],
-	// The ready event handler
-	DOMContentLoaded,
-	// Save a reference to some core methods
-	toString = Object.prototype.toString,
-	hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
-	push = Array.prototype.push,
-	slice = Array.prototype.slice,
-	trim = String.prototype.trim,
-	indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf,
-	// [[Class]] -> type pairs
-	class2type = {};
-jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
-	init: function( selector, context ) {
-		var match, elem, ret, doc;
-		// Handle $(""), $(null), or $(undefined)
-		if ( !selector ) {
-			return this;
-		}
-		// Handle $(DOMElement)
-		if ( selector.nodeType ) {
-			this.context = this[0] = selector;
-			this.length = 1;
-			return this;
-		}
-		// The body element only exists once, optimize finding it
-		if ( selector === "body" && !context && document.body ) {
-			this.context = document;
-			this[0] = document.body;
-			this.selector = "body";
-			this.length = 1;
-			return this;
-		}
-		// Handle HTML strings
-		if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
-			// Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID?
-			match = quickExpr.exec( selector );
-			// Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id
-			if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) {
-				// HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
-				if ( match[1] ) {
-					doc = (context ? context.ownerDocument || context : document);
-					// If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag
-					// just do a createElement and skip the rest
-					ret = rsingleTag.exec( selector );
-					if ( ret ) {
-						if ( jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) {
-							selector = [ document.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
- selector, context, true );
-						} else {
-							selector = [ doc.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
-						}
-					} else {
-						ret = jQuery.buildFragment( [ match[1] ], [ doc ] );
-						selector = (ret.cacheable ? ret.fragment.cloneNode(true) : ret.fragment).childNodes;
-					}
-					return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
-				// HANDLE: $("#id")
-				} else {
-					elem = document.getElementById( match[2] );
-					// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
-					// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
-					if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
-						// Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
-						// by name instead of ID
-						if ( !== match[2] ) {
-							return rootjQuery.find( selector );
-						}
-						// Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object
-						this.length = 1;
-						this[0] = elem;
-					}
-					this.context = document;
-					this.selector = selector;
-					return this;
-				}
-			// HANDLE: $("TAG")
-			} else if ( !context && !rnonword.test( selector ) ) {
-				this.selector = selector;
-				this.context = document;
-				selector = document.getElementsByTagName( selector );
-				return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
-			// HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
-			} else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
-				return (context || rootjQuery).find( selector );
-			// HANDLE: $(expr, context)
-			// (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
-			} else {
-				return jQuery( context ).find( selector );
-			}
-		// HANDLE: $(function)
-		// Shortcut for document ready
-		} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
-			return rootjQuery.ready( selector );
-		}
-		if (selector.selector !== undefined) {
-			this.selector = selector.selector;
-			this.context = selector.context;
-		}
-		return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this );
-	},
-	// Start with an empty selector
-	selector: "",
-	// The current version of jQuery being used
-	jquery: "1.4.4",
-	// The default length of a jQuery object is 0
-	length: 0,
-	// The number of elements contained in the matched element set
-	size: function() {
-		return this.length;
-	},
-	toArray: function() {
-		return this, 0 );
-	},
-	// Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
-	// Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
-	get: function( num ) {
-		return num == null ?
-			// Return a 'clean' array
-			this.toArray() :
-			// Return just the object
-			( num < 0 ? this.slice(num)[ 0 ] : this[ num ] );
-	},
-	// Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
-	// (returning the new matched element set)
-	pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) {
-		// Build a new jQuery matched element set
-		var ret = jQuery();
-		if ( jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) {
-			push.apply( ret, elems );
-		} else {
-			jQuery.merge( ret, elems );
-		}
-		// Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
-		ret.prevObject = this;
-		ret.context = this.context;
-		if ( name === "find" ) {
-			ret.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + selector;
-		} else if ( name ) {
-			ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")";
-		}
-		// Return the newly-formed element set
-		return ret;
-	},
-	// Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
-	// (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
-	// only used internally.)
-	each: function( callback, args ) {
-		return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
-	},
-	ready: function( fn ) {
-		// Attach the listeners
-		jQuery.bindReady();
-		// If the DOM is already ready
-		if ( jQuery.isReady ) {
-			// Execute the function immediately
- document, jQuery );
-		// Otherwise, remember the function for later
-		} else if ( readyList ) {
-			// Add the function to the wait list
-			readyList.push( fn );
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	eq: function( i ) {
-		return i === -1 ?
-			this.slice( i ) :
-			this.slice( i, +i + 1 );
-	},
-	first: function() {
-		return this.eq( 0 );
-	},
-	last: function() {
-		return this.eq( -1 );
-	},
-	slice: function() {
-		return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ),
-			"slice",",") );
-	},
-	map: function( callback ) {
-		return this.pushStack(, function( elem, i ) {
-			return elem, i, elem );
-		}));
-	},
-	end: function() {
-		return this.prevObject || jQuery(null);
-	},
-	// For internal use only.
-	// Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
-	push: push,
-	sort: [].sort,
-	splice: [].splice
-// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
-jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
-jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
-	 var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
-		target = arguments[0] || {},
-		i = 1,
-		length = arguments.length,
-		deep = false;
-	// Handle a deep copy situation
-	if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
-		deep = target;
-		target = arguments[1] || {};
-		// skip the boolean and the target
-		i = 2;
-	}
-	// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
-	if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) {
-		target = {};
-	}
-	// extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
-	if ( length === i ) {
-		target = this;
-		--i;
-	}
-	for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
-		// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
-		if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {
-			// Extend the base object
-			for ( name in options ) {
-				src = target[ name ];
-				copy = options[ name ];
-				// Prevent never-ending loop
-				if ( target === copy ) {
-					continue;
-				}
-				// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
-				if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) {
-					if ( copyIsArray ) {
-						copyIsArray = false;
-						clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : [];
-					} else {
-						clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
-					}
-					// Never move original objects, clone them
-					target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
-				// Don't bring in undefined values
-				} else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
-					target[ name ] = copy;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Return the modified object
-	return target;
-	noConflict: function( deep ) {
-		window.$ = _$;
-		if ( deep ) {
-			window.jQuery = _jQuery;
-		}
-		return jQuery;
-	},
-	// Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
-	isReady: false,
-	// A counter to track how many items to wait for before
-	// the ready event fires. See #6781
-	readyWait: 1,
-	// Handle when the DOM is ready
-	ready: function( wait ) {
-		// A third-party is pushing the ready event forwards
-		if ( wait === true ) {
-			jQuery.readyWait--;
-		}
-		// Make sure that the DOM is not already loaded
-		if ( !jQuery.readyWait || (wait !== true && !jQuery.isReady) ) {
-			// Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
-			if ( !document.body ) {
-				return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
-			}
-			// Remember that the DOM is ready
-			jQuery.isReady = true;
-			// If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be
-			if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			// If there are functions bound, to execute
-			if ( readyList ) {
-				// Execute all of them
-				var fn,
-					i = 0,
-					ready = readyList;
-				// Reset the list of functions
-				readyList = null;
-				while ( (fn = ready[ i++ ]) ) {
- document, jQuery );
-				}
-				// Trigger any bound ready events
-				if ( jQuery.fn.trigger ) {
-					jQuery( document ).trigger( "ready" ).unbind( "ready" );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	bindReady: function() {
-		if ( readyBound ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		readyBound = true;
-		// Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the
-		// browser event has already occurred.
-		if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
-			// Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
-			return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
-		}
-		// Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
-		if ( document.addEventListener ) {
-			// Use the handy event callback
-			document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
-			// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
-			window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
-		// If IE event model is used
-		} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
-			// ensure firing before onload,
-			// maybe late but safe also for iframes
-			document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded);
-			// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
-			window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
-			// If IE and not a frame
-			// continually check to see if the document is ready
-			var toplevel = false;
-			try {
-				toplevel = window.frameElement == null;
-			} catch(e) {}
-			if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) {
-				doScrollCheck();
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	// See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction.
-	// Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert
-	// aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968).
-	isFunction: function( obj ) {
-		return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";
-	},
-	isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) {
-		return jQuery.type(obj) === "array";
-	},
-	// A crude way of determining if an object is a window
-	isWindow: function( obj ) {
-		return obj && typeof obj === "object" && "setInterval" in obj;
-	},
-	isNaN: function( obj ) {
-		return obj == null || !rdigit.test( obj ) || isNaN( obj );
-	},
-	type: function( obj ) {
-		return obj == null ?
-			String( obj ) :
-			class2type[ ] || "object";
-	},
-	isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
-		// Must be an Object.
-		// Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property.
-		// Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well
-		if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
-			return false;
-		}
-		// Not own constructor property must be Object
-		if ( obj.constructor &&
-			!, "constructor") &&
-			!, "isPrototypeOf") ) {
-			return false;
-		}
-		// Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
-		// if last one is own, then all properties are own.
-		var key;
-		for ( key in obj ) {}
-		return key === undefined || obj, key );
-	},
-	isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
-		for ( var name in obj ) {
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	},
-	error: function( msg ) {
-		throw msg;
-	},
-	parseJSON: function( data ) {
-		if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		// Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it)
-		data = jQuery.trim( data );
-		// Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON
-		// Logic borrowed from
-		if ( rvalidchars.test(data.replace(rvalidescape, "@")
-			.replace(rvalidtokens, "]")
-			.replace(rvalidbraces, "")) ) {
-			// Try to use the native JSON parser first
-			return window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ?
-				window.JSON.parse( data ) :
-				(new Function("return " + data))();
-		} else {
-			jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data );
-		}
-	},
-	noop: function() {},
-	// Evalulates a script in a global context
-	globalEval: function( data ) {
-		if ( data && rnotwhite.test(data) ) {
-			// Inspired by code by Andrea Giammarchi
-			//
-			var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement,
-				script = document.createElement("script");
-			script.type = "text/javascript";
-			if ( ) {
-				script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data ) );
-			} else {
-				script.text = data;
-			}
-			// Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug.
-			// This arises when a base node is used (#2709).
-			head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
-			head.removeChild( script );
-		}
-	},
-	nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
-		return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === name.toUpperCase();
-	},
-	// args is for internal usage only
-	each: function( object, callback, args ) {
-		var name, i = 0,
-			length = object.length,
-			isObj = length === undefined || jQuery.isFunction(object);
-		if ( args ) {
-			if ( isObj ) {
-				for ( name in object ) {
-					if ( callback.apply( object[ name ], args ) === false ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				for ( ; i < length; ) {
-					if ( callback.apply( object[ i++ ], args ) === false ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		// A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
-		} else {
-			if ( isObj ) {
-				for ( name in object ) {
-					if ( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				for ( var value = object[0];
-					i < length && value, i, value ) !== false; value = object[++i] ) {}
-			}
-		}
-		return object;
-	},
-	// Use native String.trim function wherever possible
-	trim: trim ?
-		function( text ) {
-			return text == null ?
-				"" :
- text );
-		} :
-		// Otherwise use our own trimming functionality
-		function( text ) {
-			return text == null ?
-				"" :
-				text.toString().replace( trimLeft, "" ).replace( trimRight, "" );
-		},
-	// results is for internal usage only
-	makeArray: function( array, results ) {
-		var ret = results || [];
-		if ( array != null ) {
-			// The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length'
-			// The extra typeof function check is to prevent crashes
-			// in Safari 2 (See: #3039)
-			// Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930
-			var type = jQuery.type(array);
-			if ( array.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( array ) ) {
- ret, array );
-			} else {
-				jQuery.merge( ret, array );
-			}
-		}
-		return ret;
-	},
-	inArray: function( elem, array ) {
-		if ( array.indexOf ) {
-			return array.indexOf( elem );
-		}
-		for ( var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++ ) {
-			if ( array[ i ] === elem ) {
-				return i;
-			}
-		}
-		return -1;
-	},
-	merge: function( first, second ) {
-		var i = first.length,
-			j = 0;
-		if ( typeof second.length === "number" ) {
-			for ( var l = second.length; j < l; j++ ) {
-				first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
-			}
-		} else {
-			while ( second[j] !== undefined ) {
-				first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ];
-			}
-		}
-		first.length = i;
-		return first;
-	},
-	grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) {
-		var ret = [], retVal;
-		inv = !!inv;
-		// Go through the array, only saving the items
-		// that pass the validator function
-		for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
-			retVal = !!callback( elems[ i ], i );
-			if ( inv !== retVal ) {
-				ret.push( elems[ i ] );
-			}
-		}
-		return ret;
-	},
-	// arg is for internal usage only
-	map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
-		var ret = [], value;
-		// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
-		// new value (or values).
-		for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
-			value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
-			if ( value != null ) {
-				ret[ ret.length ] = value;
-			}
-		}
-		return ret.concat.apply( [], ret );
-	},
-	// A global GUID counter for objects
-	guid: 1,
-	proxy: function( fn, proxy, thisObject ) {
-		if ( arguments.length === 2 ) {
-			if ( typeof proxy === "string" ) {
-				thisObject = fn;
-				fn = thisObject[ proxy ];
-				proxy = undefined;
-			} else if ( proxy && !jQuery.isFunction( proxy ) ) {
-				thisObject = proxy;
-				proxy = undefined;
-			}
-		}
-		if ( !proxy && fn ) {
-			proxy = function() {
-				return fn.apply( thisObject || this, arguments );
-			};
-		}
-		// Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
-		if ( fn ) {
-			proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || proxy.guid || jQuery.guid++;
-		}
-		// So proxy can be declared as an argument
-		return proxy;
-	},
-	// Mutifunctional method to get and set values to a collection
-	// The value/s can be optionally by executed if its a function
-	access: function( elems, key, value, exec, fn, pass ) {
-		var length = elems.length;
-		// Setting many attributes
-		if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
-			for ( var k in key ) {
-				jQuery.access( elems, k, key[k], exec, fn, value );
-			}
-			return elems;
-		}
-		// Setting one attribute
-		if ( value !== undefined ) {
-			// Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true
-			exec = !pass && exec && jQuery.isFunction(value);
-			for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
-				fn( elems[i], key, exec ? elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass );
-			}
-			return elems;
-		}
-		// Getting an attribute
-		return length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : undefined;
-	},
-	now: function() {
-		return (new Date()).getTime();
-	},
-	// Use of jQuery.browser is frowned upon.
-	// More details:
-	uaMatch: function( ua ) {
-		ua = ua.toLowerCase();
-		var match = rwebkit.exec( ua ) ||
-			ropera.exec( ua ) ||
-			rmsie.exec( ua ) ||
-			ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && rmozilla.exec( ua ) ||
-			[];
-		return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" };
-	},
-	browser: {}
-// Populate the class2type map
-jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(i, name) {
-	class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
-browserMatch = jQuery.uaMatch( userAgent );
-if ( browserMatch.browser ) {
-	jQuery.browser[ browserMatch.browser ] = true;
-	jQuery.browser.version = browserMatch.version;
-// Deprecated, use jQuery.browser.webkit instead
-if ( jQuery.browser.webkit ) {
-	jQuery.browser.safari = true;
-if ( indexOf ) {
-	jQuery.inArray = function( elem, array ) {
-		return array, elem );
-	};
-// Verify that \s matches non-breaking spaces
-// (IE fails on this test)
-if ( !rwhite.test( "\xA0" ) ) {
-	trimLeft = /^[\s\xA0]+/;
-	trimRight = /[\s\xA0]+$/;
-// All jQuery objects should point back to these
-rootjQuery = jQuery(document);
-// Cleanup functions for the document ready method
-if ( document.addEventListener ) {
-	DOMContentLoaded = function() {
-		document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
-		jQuery.ready();
-	};
-} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
-	DOMContentLoaded = function() {
-		// Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
-		if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
-			document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
-			jQuery.ready();
-		}
-	};
-// The DOM ready check for Internet Explorer
-function doScrollCheck() {
-	if ( jQuery.isReady ) {
-		return;
-	}
-	try {
-		// If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini
-		//
-		document.documentElement.doScroll("left");
-	} catch(e) {
-		setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 1 );
-		return;
-	}
-	// and execute any waiting functions
-	jQuery.ready();
-// Expose jQuery to the global object
-return (window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery);
-(function() {
- = {};
-	var root = document.documentElement,
-		script = document.createElement("script"),
-		div = document.createElement("div"),
-		id = "script" +;
- = "none";
-	div.innerHTML = "   <link/><table></table><a href='/a' style='color:red;float:left;opacity:.55;'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>";
-	var all = div.getElementsByTagName("*"),
-		a = div.getElementsByTagName("a")[0],
-		select = document.createElement("select"),
-		opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") );
-	// Can't get basic test support
-	if ( !all || !all.length || !a ) {
-		return;
-	}
- = {
-		// IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used
-		leadingWhitespace: div.firstChild.nodeType === 3,
-		// Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted
-		// IE will insert them into empty tables
-		tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,
-		// Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML
-		// This requires a wrapper element in IE
-		htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length,
-		// Get the style information from getAttribute
-		// (IE uses .cssText insted)
-		style: /red/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ),
-		// Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated
-		// (IE normalizes it by default)
-		hrefNormalized: a.getAttribute("href") === "/a",
-		// Make sure that element opacity exists
-		// (IE uses filter instead)
-		// Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145
-		opacity: /^0.55$/.test( ),
-		// Verify style float existence
-		// (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat)
-		cssFloat: !!,
-		// Make sure that if no value is specified for a checkbox
-		// that it defaults to "on".
-		// (WebKit defaults to "" instead)
-		checkOn: div.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value === "on",
-		// Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property.
-		// (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup)
-		optSelected: opt.selected,
-		// Will be defined later
-		deleteExpando: true,
-		optDisabled: false,
-		checkClone: false,
-		scriptEval: false,
-		noCloneEvent: true,
-		boxModel: null,
-		inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false,
-		shrinkWrapBlocks: false,
-		reliableHiddenOffsets: true
-	};
-	// Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled
-	// (WebKit marks them as diabled)
-	select.disabled = true;
- = !opt.disabled;
-	script.type = "text/javascript";
-	try {
-		script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( "window." + id + "=1;" ) );
-	} catch(e) {}
-	root.insertBefore( script, root.firstChild );
-	// Make sure that the execution of code works by injecting a script
-	// tag with appendChild/createTextNode
-	// (IE doesn't support this, fails, and uses .text instead)
-	if ( window[ id ] ) {
- = true;
-		delete window[ id ];
-	}
-	// Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element
-	// Fails in Internet Explorer
-	try {
-		delete script.test;
-	} catch(e) {
- = false;
-	}
-	root.removeChild( script );
-	if ( div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) {
-		div.attachEvent("onclick", function click() {
-			// Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any
-			// bound event handlers (IE does this)
- = false;
-			div.detachEvent("onclick", click);
-		});
-		div.cloneNode(true).fireEvent("onclick");
-	}
-	div = document.createElement("div");
-	div.innerHTML = "<input type='radio' name='radiotest' checked='checked'/>";
-	var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
-	fragment.appendChild( div.firstChild );
-	// WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
- = fragment.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked;
-	// Figure out if the W3C box model works as expected
-	// document.body must exist before we can do this
-	jQuery(function() {
-		var div = document.createElement("div");
- = = "1px";
-		document.body.appendChild( div );
-		jQuery.boxModel = = div.offsetWidth === 2;
-		if ( "zoom" in ) {
-			// Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block
-			// elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving
-			// them layout
-			// (IE < 8 does this)
- = "inline";
- = 1;
- = div.offsetWidth === 2;
-			// Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children
-			// (IE 6 does this)
- = "";
-			div.innerHTML = "<div style='width:4px;'></div>";
- = div.offsetWidth !== 2;
-		}
-		div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td style='padding:0;display:none'></td><td>t</td></tr></table>";
-		var tds = div.getElementsByTagName("td");
-		// Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set
-		// to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a
-		// table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when
-		// determining if an element has been hidden directly using
-		// display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is
-		// hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information).
-		// (only IE 8 fails this test)
- = tds[0].offsetHeight === 0;
-		tds[0].style.display = "";
-		tds[1].style.display = "none";
-		// Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height
-		// (IE < 8 fail this test)
- = && tds[0].offsetHeight === 0;
-		div.innerHTML = "";
-		document.body.removeChild( div ).style.display = "none";
-		div = tds = null;
-	});
-	// Technique from Juriy Zaytsev
-	//
-	var eventSupported = function( eventName ) {
-		var el = document.createElement("div");
-		eventName = "on" + eventName;
-		var isSupported = (eventName in el);
-		if ( !isSupported ) {
-			el.setAttribute(eventName, "return;");
-			isSupported = typeof el[eventName] === "function";
-		}
-		el = null;
-		return isSupported;
-	};
- = eventSupported("submit");
- = eventSupported("change");
-	// release memory in IE
-	root = script = div = all = a = null;
-var windowData = {},
-	rbrace = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/;
-	cache: {},
-	// Please use with caution
-	uuid: 0,
-	// Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page	
-	expando: "jQuery" +,
-	// The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you
-	// attempt to add expando properties to them.
-	noData: {
-		"embed": true,
-		// Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos)
-		"object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000",
-		"applet": true
-	},
-	data: function( elem, name, data ) {
-		if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		elem = elem == window ?
-			windowData :
-			elem;
-		var isNode = elem.nodeType,
-			id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : null,
-			cache = jQuery.cache, thisCache;
-		if ( isNode && !id && typeof name === "string" && data === undefined ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Get the data from the object directly
-		if ( !isNode ) {
-			cache = elem;
-		// Compute a unique ID for the element
-		} else if ( !id ) {
-			elem[ jQuery.expando ] = id = ++jQuery.uuid;
-		}
-		// Avoid generating a new cache unless none exists and we
-		// want to manipulate it.
-		if ( typeof name === "object" ) {
-			if ( isNode ) {
-				cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend(cache[ id ], name);
-			} else {
-				jQuery.extend( cache, name );
-			}
-		} else if ( isNode && !cache[ id ] ) {
-			cache[ id ] = {};
-		}
-		thisCache = isNode ? cache[ id ] : cache;
-		// Prevent overriding the named cache with undefined values
-		if ( data !== undefined ) {
-			thisCache[ name ] = data;
-		}
-		return typeof name === "string" ? thisCache[ name ] : thisCache;
-	},
-	removeData: function( elem, name ) {
-		if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		elem = elem == window ?
-			windowData :
-			elem;
-		var isNode = elem.nodeType,
-			id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : elem,
-			cache = jQuery.cache,
-			thisCache = isNode ? cache[ id ] : id;
-		// If we want to remove a specific section of the element's data
-		if ( name ) {
-			if ( thisCache ) {
-				// Remove the section of cache data
-				delete thisCache[ name ];
-				// If we've removed all the data, remove the element's cache
-				if ( isNode && jQuery.isEmptyObject(thisCache) ) {
-					jQuery.removeData( elem );
-				}
-			}
-		// Otherwise, we want to remove all of the element's data
-		} else {
-			if ( isNode && ) {
-				delete elem[ jQuery.expando ];
-			} else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) {
-				elem.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando );
-			// Completely remove the data cache
-			} else if ( isNode ) {
-				delete cache[ id ];
-			// Remove all fields from the object
-			} else {
-				for ( var n in elem ) {
-					delete elem[ n ];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	// A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando
-	acceptData: function( elem ) {
-		if ( elem.nodeName ) {
-			var match = jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
-			if ( match ) {
-				return !(match === true || elem.getAttribute("classid") !== match);
-			}
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	data: function( key, value ) {
-		var data = null;
-		if ( typeof key === "undefined" ) {
-			if ( this.length ) {
-				var attr = this[0].attributes, name;
-				data = this[0] );
-				for ( var i = 0, l = attr.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-					name = attr[i].name;
-					if ( name.indexOf( "data-" ) === 0 ) {
-						name = name.substr( 5 );
-						dataAttr( this[0], name, data[ name ] );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return data;
-		} else if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
-			return this.each(function() {
- this, key );
-			});
-		}
-		var parts = key.split(".");
-		parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "";
-		if ( value === undefined ) {
-			data = this.triggerHandler("getData" + parts[1] + "!", [parts[0]]);
-			// Try to fetch any internally stored data first
-			if ( data === undefined && this.length ) {
-				data = this[0], key );
-				data = dataAttr( this[0], key, data );
-			}
-			return data === undefined && parts[1] ?
- parts[0] ) :
-				data;
-		} else {
-			return this.each(function() {
-				var $this = jQuery( this ),
-					args = [ parts[0], value ];
-				$this.triggerHandler( "setData" + parts[1] + "!", args );
- this, key, value );
-				$this.triggerHandler( "changeData" + parts[1] + "!", args );
-			});
-		}
-	},
-	removeData: function( key ) {
-		return this.each(function() {
-			jQuery.removeData( this, key );
-		});
-	}
-function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) {
-	// If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
-	// data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
-	if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-		data = elem.getAttribute( "data-" + key );
-		if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
-			try {
-				data = data === "true" ? true :
-				data === "false" ? false :
-				data === "null" ? null :
-				!jQuery.isNaN( data ) ? parseFloat( data ) :
-					rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) :
-					data;
-			} catch( e ) {}
-			// Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later
- elem, key, data );
-		} else {
-			data = undefined;
-		}
-	}
-	return data;
-	queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
-		if ( !elem ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		type = (type || "fx") + "queue";
-		var q = elem, type );
-		// Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
-		if ( !data ) {
-			return q || [];
-		}
-		if ( !q || jQuery.isArray(data) ) {
-			q = elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
-		} else {
-			q.push( data );
-		}
-		return q;
-	},
-	dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
-		type = type || "fx";
-		var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
-			fn = queue.shift();
-		// If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
-		if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
-			fn = queue.shift();
-		}
-		if ( fn ) {
-			// Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
-			// automatically dequeued
-			if ( type === "fx" ) {
-				queue.unshift("inprogress");
-			}
-, function() {
-				jQuery.dequeue(elem, type);
-			});
-		}
-	}
-	queue: function( type, data ) {
-		if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
-			data = type;
-			type = "fx";
-		}
-		if ( data === undefined ) {
-			return jQuery.queue( this[0], type );
-		}
-		return this.each(function( i ) {
-			var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
-			if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) {
-				jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	dequeue: function( type ) {
-		return this.each(function() {
-			jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
-		});
-	},
-	// Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
-	//
-	delay: function( time, type ) {
-		time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[time] || time : time;
-		type = type || "fx";
-		return this.queue( type, function() {
-			var elem = this;
-			setTimeout(function() {
-				jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
-			}, time );
-		});
-	},
-	clearQueue: function( type ) {
-		return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
-	}
-var rclass = /[\n\t]/g,
-	rspaces = /\s+/,
-	rreturn = /\r/g,
-	rspecialurl = /^(?:href|src|style)$/,
-	rtype = /^(?:button|input)$/i,
-	rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i,
-	rclickable = /^a(?:rea)?$/i,
-	rradiocheck = /^(?:radio|checkbox)$/i;
-jQuery.props = {
-	"for": "htmlFor",
-	"class": "className",
-	readonly: "readOnly",
-	maxlength: "maxLength",
-	cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
-	rowspan: "rowSpan",
-	colspan: "colSpan",
-	tabindex: "tabIndex",
-	usemap: "useMap",
-	frameborder: "frameBorder"
-	attr: function( name, value ) {
-		return jQuery.access( this, name, value, true, jQuery.attr );
-	},
-	removeAttr: function( name, fn ) {
-		return this.each(function(){
-			jQuery.attr( this, name, "" );
-			if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
-				this.removeAttribute( name );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	addClass: function( value ) {
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) {
-			return this.each(function(i) {
-				var self = jQuery(this);
-				self.addClass(, i, self.attr("class")) );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) {
-			var classNames = (value || "").split( rspaces );
-			for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-				var elem = this[i];
-				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-					if ( !elem.className ) {
-						elem.className = value;
-					} else {
-						var className = " " + elem.className + " ",
-							setClass = elem.className;
-						for ( var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
-							if ( className.indexOf( " " + classNames[c] + " " ) < 0 ) {
-								setClass += " " + classNames[c];
-							}
-						}
-						elem.className = jQuery.trim( setClass );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	removeClass: function( value ) {
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) {
-			return this.each(function(i) {
-				var self = jQuery(this);
-				self.removeClass(, i, self.attr("class")) );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( (value && typeof value === "string") || value === undefined ) {
-			var classNames = (value || "").split( rspaces );
-			for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-				var elem = this[i];
-				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.className ) {
-					if ( value ) {
-						var className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(rclass, " ");
-						for ( var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
-							className = className.replace(" " + classNames[c] + " ", " ");
-						}
-						elem.className = jQuery.trim( className );
-					} else {
-						elem.className = "";
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) {
-		var type = typeof value,
-			isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean";
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
-			return this.each(function(i) {
-				var self = jQuery(this);
-				self.toggleClass(, i, self.attr("class"), stateVal), stateVal );
-			});
-		}
-		return this.each(function() {
-			if ( type === "string" ) {
-				// toggle individual class names
-				var className,
-					i = 0,
-					self = jQuery( this ),
-					state = stateVal,
-					classNames = value.split( rspaces );
-				while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) {
-					// check each className given, space seperated list
-					state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className );
-					self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className );
-				}
-			} else if ( type === "undefined" || type === "boolean" ) {
-				if ( this.className ) {
-					// store className if set
- this, "__className__", this.className );
-				}
-				// toggle whole className
-				this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : this, "__className__" ) || "";
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	hasClass: function( selector ) {
-		var className = " " + selector + " ";
-		for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-			if ( (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) > -1 ) {
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		return false;
-	},
-	val: function( value ) {
-		if ( !arguments.length ) {
-			var elem = this[0];
-			if ( elem ) {
-				if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "option" ) ) {
-					// attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but
-					// uses .value. See #6932
-					var val = elem.attributes.value;
-					return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text;
-				}
-				// We need to handle select boxes special
-				if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "select" ) ) {
-					var index = elem.selectedIndex,
-						values = [],
-						options = elem.options,
-						one = elem.type === "select-one";
-					// Nothing was selected
-					if ( index < 0 ) {
-						return null;
-					}
-					// Loop through all the selected options
-					for ( var i = one ? index : 0, max = one ? index + 1 : options.length; i < max; i++ ) {
-						var option = options[ i ];
-						// Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
-						if ( option.selected && ( ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) && 
-								(!option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" )) ) {
-							// Get the specific value for the option
-							value = jQuery(option).val();
-							// We don't need an array for one selects
-							if ( one ) {
-								return value;
-							}
-							// Multi-Selects return an array
-							values.push( value );
-						}
-					}
-					return values;
-				}
-				// Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
-				if ( rradiocheck.test( elem.type ) && ! ) {
-					return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
-				}
-				// Everything else, we just grab the value
-				return (elem.value || "").replace(rreturn, "");
-			}
-			return undefined;
-		}
-		var isFunction = jQuery.isFunction(value);
-		return this.each(function(i) {
-			var self = jQuery(this), val = value;
-			if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			if ( isFunction ) {
-				val =, i, self.val());
-			}
-			// Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
-			if ( val == null ) {
-				val = "";
-			} else if ( typeof val === "number" ) {
-				val += "";
-			} else if ( jQuery.isArray(val) ) {
-				val =, function (value) {
-					return value == null ? "" : value + "";
-				});
-			}
-			if ( jQuery.isArray(val) && rradiocheck.test( this.type ) ) {
-				this.checked = jQuery.inArray( self.val(), val ) >= 0;
-			} else if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "select" ) ) {
-				var values = jQuery.makeArray(val);
-				jQuery( "option", this ).each(function() {
-					this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0;
-				});
-				if ( !values.length ) {
-					this.selectedIndex = -1;
-				}
-			} else {
-				this.value = val;
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	attrFn: {
-		val: true,
-		css: true,
-		html: true,
-		text: true,
-		data: true,
-		width: true,
-		height: true,
-		offset: true
-	},
-	attr: function( elem, name, value, pass ) {
-		// don't set attributes on text and comment nodes
-		if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
-			return undefined;
-		}
-		if ( pass && name in jQuery.attrFn ) {
-			return jQuery(elem)[name](value);
-		}
-		var notxml = elem.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ),
-			// Whether we are setting (or getting)
-			set = value !== undefined;
-		// Try to normalize/fix the name
-		name = notxml && jQuery.props[ name ] || name;
-		// These attributes require special treatment
-		var special = rspecialurl.test( name );
-		// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option
-		// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
-		if ( name === "selected" && ! ) {
-			var parent = elem.parentNode;
-			if ( parent ) {
-				parent.selectedIndex;
-				// Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701
-				if ( parent.parentNode ) {
-					parent.parentNode.selectedIndex;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// If applicable, access the attribute via the DOM 0 way
-		// 'in' checks fail in Blackberry 4.7 #6931
-		if ( (name in elem || elem[ name ] !== undefined) && notxml && !special ) {
-			if ( set ) {
-				// We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
-				if ( name === "type" && rtype.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.parentNode ) {
-					jQuery.error( "type property can't be changed" );
-				}
-				if ( value === null ) {
-					if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-						elem.removeAttribute( name );
-					}
-				} else {
-					elem[ name ] = value;
-				}
-			}
-			// browsers index elements by id/name on forms, give priority to attributes.
-			if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "form" ) && elem.getAttributeNode(name) ) {
-				return elem.getAttributeNode( name ).nodeValue;
-			}
-			// elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set
-			//
-			if ( name === "tabIndex" ) {
-				var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode( "tabIndex" );
-				return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ?
-					attributeNode.value :
-					rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ?
-						0 :
-						undefined;
-			}
-			return elem[ name ];
-		}
-		if ( ! && notxml && name === "style" ) {
-			if ( set ) {
- = "" + value;
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-		if ( set ) {
-			// convert the value to a string (all browsers do this but IE) see #1070
-			elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value );
-		}
-		// Ensure that missing attributes return undefined
-		// Blackberry 4.7 returns "" from getAttribute #6938
-		if ( !elem.attributes[ name ] && (elem.hasAttribute && !elem.hasAttribute( name )) ) {
-			return undefined;
-		}
-		var attr = ! && notxml && special ?
-				// Some attributes require a special call on IE
-				elem.getAttribute( name, 2 ) :
-				elem.getAttribute( name );
-		// Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
-		return attr === null ? undefined : attr;
-	}
-var rnamespaces = /\.(.*)$/,
-	rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i,
-	rperiod = /\./g,
-	rspace = / /g,
-	rescape = /[^\w\s.|`]/g,
-	fcleanup = function( nm ) {
-		return nm.replace(rescape, "\\$&");
-	},
-	focusCounts = { focusin: 0, focusout: 0 };
- * A number of helper functions used for managing events.
- * Many of the ideas behind this code originated from
- * Dean Edwards' addEvent library.
- */
-jQuery.event = {
-	// Bind an event to an element
-	// Original by Dean Edwards
-	add: function( elem, types, handler, data ) {
-		if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object
-		// around, causing it to be cloned in the process
-		if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) && ( elem !== window && !elem.frameElement ) ) {
-			elem = window;
-		}
-		if ( handler === false ) {
-			handler = returnFalse;
-		} else if ( !handler ) {
-			// Fixes bug #7229. Fix recommended by jdalton
-		  return;
-		}
-		var handleObjIn, handleObj;
-		if ( handler.handler ) {
-			handleObjIn = handler;
-			handler = handleObjIn.handler;
-		}
-		// Make sure that the function being executed has a unique ID
-		if ( !handler.guid ) {
-			handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
-		}
-		// Init the element's event structure
-		var elemData = elem );
-		// If no elemData is found then we must be trying to bind to one of the
-		// banned noData elements
-		if ( !elemData ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Use a key less likely to result in collisions for plain JS objects.
-		// Fixes bug #7150.
-		var eventKey = elem.nodeType ? "events" : "__events__",
-			events = elemData[ eventKey ],
-			eventHandle = elemData.handle;
-		if ( typeof events === "function" ) {
-			// On plain objects events is a fn that holds the the data
-			// which prevents this data from being JSON serialized
-			// the function does not need to be called, it just contains the data
-			eventHandle = events.handle;
-			events =;
-		} else if ( !events ) {
-			if ( !elem.nodeType ) {
-				// On plain objects, create a fn that acts as the holder
-				// of the values to avoid JSON serialization of event data
-				elemData[ eventKey ] = elemData = function(){};
-			}
- = events = {};
-		}
-		if ( !eventHandle ) {
-			elemData.handle = eventHandle = function() {
-				// Handle the second event of a trigger and when
-				// an event is called after a page has unloaded
-				return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && !jQuery.event.triggered ?
-					jQuery.event.handle.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) :
-					undefined;
-			};
-		}
-		// Add elem as a property of the handle function
-		// This is to prevent a memory leak with non-native events in IE.
-		eventHandle.elem = elem;
-		// Handle multiple events separated by a space
-		// jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
-		types = types.split(" ");
-		var type, i = 0, namespaces;
-		while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) ) {
-			handleObj = handleObjIn ?
-				jQuery.extend({}, handleObjIn) :
-				{ handler: handler, data: data };
-			// Namespaced event handlers
-			if ( type.indexOf(".") > -1 ) {
-				namespaces = type.split(".");
-				type = namespaces.shift();
-				handleObj.namespace = namespaces.slice(0).sort().join(".");
-			} else {
-				namespaces = [];
-				handleObj.namespace = "";
-			}
-			handleObj.type = type;
-			if ( !handleObj.guid ) {
-				handleObj.guid = handler.guid;
-			}
-			// Get the current list of functions bound to this event
-			var handlers = events[ type ],
-				special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
-			// Init the event handler queue
-			if ( !handlers ) {
-				handlers = events[ type ] = [];
-				// Check for a special event handler
-				// Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special
-				// events handler returns false
-				if ( !special.setup || elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
-					// Bind the global event handler to the element
-					if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
-						elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
-					} else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {
-						elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if ( special.add ) { 
- elem, handleObj ); 
-				if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
-					handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
-				}
-			}
-			// Add the function to the element's handler list
-			handlers.push( handleObj );
-			// Keep track of which events have been used, for global triggering
-[ type ] = true;
-		}
-		// Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
-		elem = null;
-	},
-	global: {},
-	// Detach an event or set of events from an element
-	remove: function( elem, types, handler, pos ) {
-		// don't do events on text and comment nodes
-		if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		if ( handler === false ) {
-			handler = returnFalse;
-		}
-		var ret, type, fn, j, i = 0, all, namespaces, namespace, special, eventType, handleObj, origType,
-			eventKey = elem.nodeType ? "events" : "__events__",
-			elemData = elem ),
-			events = elemData && elemData[ eventKey ];
-		if ( !elemData || !events ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		if ( typeof events === "function" ) {
-			elemData = events;
-			events =;
-		}
-		// types is actually an event object here
-		if ( types && types.type ) {
-			handler = types.handler;
-			types = types.type;
-		}
-		// Unbind all events for the element
-		if ( !types || typeof types === "string" && types.charAt(0) === "." ) {
-			types = types || "";
-			for ( type in events ) {
-				jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types );
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-		// Handle multiple events separated by a space
-		// jQuery(...).unbind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
-		types = types.split(" ");
-		while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) ) {
-			origType = type;
-			handleObj = null;
-			all = type.indexOf(".") < 0;
-			namespaces = [];
-			if ( !all ) {
-				// Namespaced event handlers
-				namespaces = type.split(".");
-				type = namespaces.shift();
-				namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + 
- namespaces.slice(0).sort(), fcleanup ).join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
-			}
-			eventType = events[ type ];
-			if ( !eventType ) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			if ( !handler ) {
-				for ( j = 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
-					handleObj = eventType[ j ];
-					if ( all || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
-						jQuery.event.remove( elem, origType, handleObj.handler, j );
-						eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
-					}
-				}
-				continue;
-			}
-			special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
-			for ( j = pos || 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
-				handleObj = eventType[ j ];
-				if ( handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) {
-					// remove the given handler for the given type
-					if ( all || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
-						if ( pos == null ) {
-							eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
-						}
-						if ( special.remove ) {
- elem, handleObj );
-						}
-					}
-					if ( pos != null ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// remove generic event handler if no more handlers exist
-			if ( eventType.length === 0 || pos != null && eventType.length === 1 ) {
-				if ( !special.teardown || elem, namespaces ) === false ) {
-					jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
-				}
-				ret = null;
-				delete events[ type ];
-			}
-		}
-		// Remove the expando if it's no longer used
-		if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
-			var handle = elemData.handle;
-			if ( handle ) {
-				handle.elem = null;
-			}
-			delete;
-			delete elemData.handle;
-			if ( typeof elemData === "function" ) {
-				jQuery.removeData( elem, eventKey );
-			} else if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( elemData ) ) {
-				jQuery.removeData( elem );
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	// bubbling is internal
-	trigger: function( event, data, elem /*, bubbling */ ) {
-		// Event object or event type
-		var type = event.type || event,
-			bubbling = arguments[3];
-		if ( !bubbling ) {
-			event = typeof event === "object" ?
-				// jQuery.Event object
-				event[ jQuery.expando ] ? event :
-				// Object literal
-				jQuery.extend( jQuery.Event(type), event ) :
-				// Just the event type (string)
-				jQuery.Event(type);
-			if ( type.indexOf("!") >= 0 ) {
-				event.type = type = type.slice(0, -1);
-				event.exclusive = true;
-			}
-			// Handle a global trigger
-			if ( !elem ) {
-				// Don't bubble custom events when global (to avoid too much overhead)
-				event.stopPropagation();
-				// Only trigger if we've ever bound an event for it
-				if ([ type ] ) {
-					jQuery.each( jQuery.cache, function() {
-						if ( &&[type] ) {
-							jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, this.handle.elem );
-						}
-					});
-				}
-			}
-			// Handle triggering a single element
-			// don't do events on text and comment nodes
-			if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) {
-				return undefined;
-			}
-			// Clean up in case it is reused
-			event.result = undefined;
- = elem;
-			// Clone the incoming data, if any
-			data = jQuery.makeArray( data );
-			data.unshift( event );
-		}
-		event.currentTarget = elem;
-		// Trigger the event, it is assumed that "handle" is a function
-		var handle = elem.nodeType ?
- elem, "handle" ) :
-			( elem, "__events__" ) || {}).handle;
-		if ( handle ) {
-			handle.apply( elem, data );
-		}
-		var parent = elem.parentNode || elem.ownerDocument;
-		// Trigger an inline bound script
-		try {
-			if ( !(elem && elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) ) {
-				if ( elem[ "on" + type ] && elem[ "on" + type ].apply( elem, data ) === false ) {
-					event.result = false;
-					event.preventDefault();
-				}
-			}
-		// prevent IE from throwing an error for some elements with some event types, see #3533
-		} catch (inlineError) {}
-		if ( !event.isPropagationStopped() && parent ) {
-			jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, parent, true );
-		} else if ( !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
-			var old,
-				target =,
-				targetType = type.replace( rnamespaces, "" ),
-				isClick = jQuery.nodeName( target, "a" ) && targetType === "click",
-				special = jQuery.event.special[ targetType ] || {};
-			if ( (!special._default || elem, event ) === false) && 
-				!isClick && !(target && target.nodeName && jQuery.noData[target.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) ) {
-				try {
-					if ( target[ targetType ] ) {
-						// Make sure that we don't accidentally re-trigger the onFOO events
-						old = target[ "on" + targetType ];
-						if ( old ) {
-							target[ "on" + targetType ] = null;
-						}
-						jQuery.event.triggered = true;
-						target[ targetType ]();
-					}
-				// prevent IE from throwing an error for some elements with some event types, see #3533
-				} catch (triggerError) {}
-				if ( old ) {
-					target[ "on" + targetType ] = old;
-				}
-				jQuery.event.triggered = false;
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	handle: function( event ) {
-		var all, handlers, namespaces, namespace_re, events,
-			namespace_sort = [],
-			args = jQuery.makeArray( arguments );
-		event = args[0] = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event );
-		event.currentTarget = this;
-		// Namespaced event handlers
-		all = event.type.indexOf(".") < 0 && !event.exclusive;
-		if ( !all ) {
-			namespaces = event.type.split(".");
-			event.type = namespaces.shift();
-			namespace_sort = namespaces.slice(0).sort();
-			namespace_re = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespace_sort.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
-		}
-		event.namespace = event.namespace || namespace_sort.join(".");
-		events =, this.nodeType ? "events" : "__events__");
-		if ( typeof events === "function" ) {
-			events =;
-		}
-		handlers = (events || {})[ event.type ];
-		if ( events && handlers ) {
-			// Clone the handlers to prevent manipulation
-			handlers = handlers.slice(0);
-			for ( var j = 0, l = handlers.length; j < l; j++ ) {
-				var handleObj = handlers[ j ];
-				// Filter the functions by class
-				if ( all || namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
-					// Pass in a reference to the handler function itself
-					// So that we can later remove it
-					event.handler = handleObj.handler;
- =;
-					event.handleObj = handleObj;
-					var ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, args );
-					if ( ret !== undefined ) {
-						event.result = ret;
-						if ( ret === false ) {
-							event.preventDefault();
-							event.stopPropagation();
-						}
-					}
-					if ( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return event.result;
-	},
-	props: "altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode layerX layerY metaKey newValue offsetX offsetY pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target toElement view wheelDelta which".split(" "),
-	fix: function( event ) {
-		if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) {
-			return event;
-		}
-		// store a copy of the original event object
-		// and "clone" to set read-only properties
-		var originalEvent = event;
-		event = jQuery.Event( originalEvent );
-		for ( var i = this.props.length, prop; i; ) {
-			prop = this.props[ --i ];
-			event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ];
-		}
-		// Fix target property, if necessary
-		if ( ! ) {
-			// Fixes #1925 where srcElement might not be defined either
- = event.srcElement || document;
-		}
-		// check if target is a textnode (safari)
-		if ( === 3 ) {
- =;
-		}
-		// Add relatedTarget, if necessary
-		if ( !event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement ) {
-			event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement === ? event.toElement : event.fromElement;
-		}
-		// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
-		if ( event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null ) {
-			var doc = document.documentElement,
-				body = document.body;
-			event.pageX = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
-			event.pageY = event.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0) - (doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0);
-		}
-		// Add which for key events
-		if ( event.which == null && (event.charCode != null || event.keyCode != null) ) {
-			event.which = event.charCode != null ? event.charCode : event.keyCode;
-		}
-		// Add metaKey to non-Mac browsers (use ctrl for PC's and Meta for Macs)
-		if ( !event.metaKey && event.ctrlKey ) {
-			event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey;
-		}
-		// Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
-		// Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
-		if ( !event.which && event.button !== undefined ) {
-			event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : ( event.button & 2 ? 3 : ( event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ));
-		}
-		return event;
-	},
-	// Deprecated, use jQuery.guid instead
-	guid: 1E8,
-	// Deprecated, use jQuery.proxy instead
-	proxy: jQuery.proxy,
-	special: {
-		ready: {
-			// Make sure the ready event is setup
-			setup: jQuery.bindReady,
-			teardown: jQuery.noop
-		},
-		live: {
-			add: function( handleObj ) {
-				jQuery.event.add( this,
-					liveConvert( handleObj.origType, handleObj.selector ),
-					jQuery.extend({}, handleObj, {handler: liveHandler, guid: handleObj.handler.guid}) ); 
-			},
-			remove: function( handleObj ) {
-				jQuery.event.remove( this, liveConvert( handleObj.origType, handleObj.selector ), handleObj );
-			}
-		},
-		beforeunload: {
-			setup: function( data, namespaces, eventHandle ) {
-				// We only want to do this special case on windows
-				if ( jQuery.isWindow( this ) ) {
-					this.onbeforeunload = eventHandle;
-				}
-			},
-			teardown: function( namespaces, eventHandle ) {
-				if ( this.onbeforeunload === eventHandle ) {
-					this.onbeforeunload = null;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ?
-	function( elem, type, handle ) {
-		if ( elem.removeEventListener ) {
-			elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false );
-		}
-	} : 
-	function( elem, type, handle ) {
-		if ( elem.detachEvent ) {
-			elem.detachEvent( "on" + type, handle );
-		}
-	};
-jQuery.Event = function( src ) {
-	// Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
-	if ( !this.preventDefault ) {
-		return new jQuery.Event( src );
-	}
-	// Event object
-	if ( src && src.type ) {
-		this.originalEvent = src;
-		this.type = src.type;
-	// Event type
-	} else {
-		this.type = src;
-	}
-	// timeStamp is buggy for some events on Firefox(#3843)
-	// So we won't rely on the native value
-	this.timeStamp =;
-	// Mark it as fixed
-	this[ jQuery.expando ] = true;
-function returnFalse() {
-	return false;
-function returnTrue() {
-	return true;
-// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
-jQuery.Event.prototype = {
-	preventDefault: function() {
-		this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
-		var e = this.originalEvent;
-		if ( !e ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
-		if ( e.preventDefault ) {
-			e.preventDefault();
-		// otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
-		} else {
-			e.returnValue = false;
-		}
-	},
-	stopPropagation: function() {
-		this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
-		var e = this.originalEvent;
-		if ( !e ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
-		if ( e.stopPropagation ) {
-			e.stopPropagation();
-		}
-		// otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
-		e.cancelBubble = true;
-	},
-	stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
-		this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
-		this.stopPropagation();
-	},
-	isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
-	isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
-	isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse
-// Checks if an event happened on an element within another element
-// Used in jQuery.event.special.mouseenter and mouseleave handlers
-var withinElement = function( event ) {
-	// Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element
-	var parent = event.relatedTarget;
-	// Firefox sometimes assigns relatedTarget a XUL element
-	// which we cannot access the parentNode property of
-	try {
-		// Traverse up the tree
-		while ( parent && parent !== this ) {
-			parent = parent.parentNode;
-		}
-		if ( parent !== this ) {
-			// set the correct event type
-			event.type =;
-			// handle event if we actually just moused on to a non sub-element
-			jQuery.event.handle.apply( this, arguments );
-		}
-	// assuming we've left the element since we most likely mousedover a xul element
-	} catch(e) { }
-// In case of event delegation, we only need to rename the event.type,
-// liveHandler will take care of the rest.
-delegate = function( event ) {
-	event.type =;
-	jQuery.event.handle.apply( this, arguments );
-// Create mouseenter and mouseleave events
-	mouseenter: "mouseover",
-	mouseleave: "mouseout"
-}, function( orig, fix ) {
-	jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = {
-		setup: function( data ) {
-			jQuery.event.add( this, fix, data && data.selector ? delegate : withinElement, orig );
-		},
-		teardown: function( data ) {
-			jQuery.event.remove( this, fix, data && data.selector ? delegate : withinElement );
-		}
-	};
-// submit delegation
-if ( ! ) {
-	jQuery.event.special.submit = {
-		setup: function( data, namespaces ) {
-			if ( this.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "form" ) {
-				jQuery.event.add(this, "click.specialSubmit", function( e ) {
-					var elem =,
-						type = elem.type;
-					if ( (type === "submit" || type === "image") && jQuery( elem ).closest("form").length ) {
-						e.liveFired = undefined;
-						return trigger( "submit", this, arguments );
-					}
-				});
-				jQuery.event.add(this, "keypress.specialSubmit", function( e ) {
-					var elem =,
-						type = elem.type;
-					if ( (type === "text" || type === "password") && jQuery( elem ).closest("form").length && e.keyCode === 13 ) {
-						e.liveFired = undefined;
-						return trigger( "submit", this, arguments );
-					}
-				});
-			} else {
-				return false;
-			}
-		},
-		teardown: function( namespaces ) {
-			jQuery.event.remove( this, ".specialSubmit" );
-		}
-	};
-// change delegation, happens here so we have bind.
-if ( ! ) {
-	var changeFilters,
-	getVal = function( elem ) {
-		var type = elem.type, val = elem.value;
-		if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" ) {
-			val = elem.checked;
-		} else if ( type === "select-multiple" ) {
-			val = elem.selectedIndex > -1 ?
- elem.options, function( elem ) {
-					return elem.selected;
-				}).join("-") :
-				"";
-		} else if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) {
-			val = elem.selectedIndex;
-		}
-		return val;
-	},
-	testChange = function testChange( e ) {
-		var elem =, data, val;
-		if ( !rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) || elem.readOnly ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		data = elem, "_change_data" );
-		val = getVal(elem);
-		// the current data will be also retrieved by beforeactivate
-		if ( e.type !== "focusout" || elem.type !== "radio" ) {
- elem, "_change_data", val );
-		}
-		if ( data === undefined || val === data ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		if ( data != null || val ) {
-			e.type = "change";
-			e.liveFired = undefined;
-			return jQuery.event.trigger( e, arguments[1], elem );
-		}
-	};
-	jQuery.event.special.change = {
-		filters: {
-			focusout: testChange, 
-			beforedeactivate: testChange,
-			click: function( e ) {
-				var elem =, type = elem.type;
-				if ( type === "radio" || type === "checkbox" || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select" ) {
-					return this, e );
-				}
-			},
-			// Change has to be called before submit
-			// Keydown will be called before keypress, which is used in submit-event delegation
-			keydown: function( e ) {
-				var elem =, type = elem.type;
-				if ( (e.keyCode === 13 && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "textarea") ||
-					(e.keyCode === 32 && (type === "checkbox" || type === "radio")) ||
-					type === "select-multiple" ) {
-					return this, e );
-				}
-			},
-			// Beforeactivate happens also before the previous element is blurred
-			// with this event you can't trigger a change event, but you can store
-			// information
-			beforeactivate: function( e ) {
-				var elem =;
- elem, "_change_data", getVal(elem) );
-			}
-		},
-		setup: function( data, namespaces ) {
-			if ( this.type === "file" ) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			for ( var type in changeFilters ) {
-				jQuery.event.add( this, type + ".specialChange", changeFilters[type] );
-			}
-			return rformElems.test( this.nodeName );
-		},
-		teardown: function( namespaces ) {
-			jQuery.event.remove( this, ".specialChange" );
-			return rformElems.test( this.nodeName );
-		}
-	};
-	changeFilters = jQuery.event.special.change.filters;
-	// Handle when the input is .focus()'d
-	changeFilters.focus = changeFilters.beforeactivate;
-function trigger( type, elem, args ) {
-	args[0].type = type;
-	return jQuery.event.handle.apply( elem, args );
-// Create "bubbling" focus and blur events
-if ( document.addEventListener ) {
-	jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) {
-		jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = {
-			setup: function() {
-				if ( focusCounts[fix]++ === 0 ) {
-					document.addEventListener( orig, handler, true );
-				}
-			}, 
-			teardown: function() { 
-				if ( --focusCounts[fix] === 0 ) {
-					document.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true );
-				}
-			}
-		};
-		function handler( e ) { 
-			e = jQuery.event.fix( e );
-			e.type = fix;
-			return jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, );
-		}
-	});
-jQuery.each(["bind", "one"], function( i, name ) {
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( type, data, fn ) {
-		// Handle object literals
-		if ( typeof type === "object" ) {
-			for ( var key in type ) {
-				this[ name ](key, data, type[key], fn);
-			}
-			return this;
-		}
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) || data === false ) {
-			fn = data;
-			data = undefined;
-		}
-		var handler = name === "one" ? jQuery.proxy( fn, function( event ) {
-			jQuery( this ).unbind( event, handler );
-			return fn.apply( this, arguments );
-		}) : fn;
-		if ( type === "unload" && name !== "one" ) {
- type, data, fn );
-		} else {
-			for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-				jQuery.event.add( this[i], type, handler, data );
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	};
-	unbind: function( type, fn ) {
-		// Handle object literals
-		if ( typeof type === "object" && !type.preventDefault ) {
-			for ( var key in type ) {
-				this.unbind(key, type[key]);
-			}
-		} else {
-			for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-				jQuery.event.remove( this[i], type, fn );
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) {
-		return types, data, fn, selector );
-	},
-	undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) {
-		if ( arguments.length === 0 ) {
-				return this.unbind( "live" );
-		} else {
-			return this.die( types, null, fn, selector );
-		}
-	},
-	trigger: function( type, data ) {
-		return this.each(function() {
-			jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );
-		});
-	},
-	triggerHandler: function( type, data ) {
-		if ( this[0] ) {
-			var event = jQuery.Event( type );
-			event.preventDefault();
-			event.stopPropagation();
-			jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, this[0] );
-			return event.result;
-		}
-	},
-	toggle: function( fn ) {
-		// Save reference to arguments for access in closure
-		var args = arguments,
-			i = 1;
-		// link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler
-		while ( i < args.length ) {
-			jQuery.proxy( fn, args[ i++ ] );
-		}
-		return jQuery.proxy( fn, function( event ) {
-			// Figure out which function to execute
-			var lastToggle = ( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid ) || 0 ) % i;
- this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1 );
-			// Make sure that clicks stop
-			event.preventDefault();
-			// and execute the function
-			return args[ lastToggle ].apply( this, arguments ) || false;
-		}));
-	},
-	hover: function( fnOver, fnOut ) {
-		return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver );
-	}
-var liveMap = {
-	focus: "focusin",
-	blur: "focusout",
-	mouseenter: "mouseover",
-	mouseleave: "mouseout"
-jQuery.each(["live", "die"], function( i, name ) {
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( types, data, fn, origSelector /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
-		var type, i = 0, match, namespaces, preType,
-			selector = origSelector || this.selector,
-			context = origSelector ? this : jQuery( this.context );
-		if ( typeof types === "object" && !types.preventDefault ) {
-			for ( var key in types ) {
-				context[ name ]( key, data, types[key], selector );
-			}
-			return this;
-		}
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
-			fn = data;
-			data = undefined;
-		}
-		types = (types || "").split(" ");
-		while ( (type = types[ i++ ]) != null ) {
-			match = rnamespaces.exec( type );
-			namespaces = "";
-			if ( match )  {
-				namespaces = match[0];
-				type = type.replace( rnamespaces, "" );
-			}
-			if ( type === "hover" ) {
-				types.push( "mouseenter" + namespaces, "mouseleave" + namespaces );
-				continue;
-			}
-			preType = type;
-			if ( type === "focus" || type === "blur" ) {
-				types.push( liveMap[ type ] + namespaces );
-				type = type + namespaces;
-			} else {
-				type = (liveMap[ type ] || type) + namespaces;
-			}
-			if ( name === "live" ) {
-				// bind live handler
-				for ( var j = 0, l = context.length; j < l; j++ ) {
-					jQuery.event.add( context[j], "live." + liveConvert( type, selector ),
-						{ data: data, selector: selector, handler: fn, origType: type, origHandler: fn, preType: preType } );
-				}
-			} else {
-				// unbind live handler
-				context.unbind( "live." + liveConvert( type, selector ), fn );
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	};
-function liveHandler( event ) {
-	var stop, maxLevel, related, match, handleObj, elem, j, i, l, data, close, namespace, ret,
-		elems = [],
-		selectors = [],
-		events = this, this.nodeType ? "events" : "__events__" );
-	if ( typeof events === "function" ) {
-		events =;
-	}
-	// Make sure we avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861)
-	if ( event.liveFired === this || !events || ! || event.button && event.type === "click" ) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if ( event.namespace ) {
-		namespace = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + event.namespace.split(".").join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
-	}
-	event.liveFired = this;
-	var live =;
-	for ( j = 0; j < live.length; j++ ) {
-		handleObj = live[j];
-		if ( handleObj.origType.replace( rnamespaces, "" ) === event.type ) {
-			selectors.push( handleObj.selector );
-		} else {
-			live.splice( j--, 1 );
-		}
-	}
-	match = jQuery( ).closest( selectors, event.currentTarget );
-	for ( i = 0, l = match.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-		close = match[i];
-		for ( j = 0; j < live.length; j++ ) {
-			handleObj = live[j];
-			if ( close.selector === handleObj.selector && (!namespace || namespace.test( handleObj.namespace )) ) {
-				elem = close.elem;
-				related = null;
-				// Those two events require additional checking
-				if ( handleObj.preType === "mouseenter" || handleObj.preType === "mouseleave" ) {
-					event.type = handleObj.preType;
-					related = jQuery( event.relatedTarget ).closest( handleObj.selector )[0];
-				}
-				if ( !related || related !== elem ) {
-					elems.push({ elem: elem, handleObj: handleObj, level: close.level });
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	for ( i = 0, l = elems.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-		match = elems[i];
-		if ( maxLevel && match.level > maxLevel ) {
-			break;
-		}
-		event.currentTarget = match.elem;
- =;
-		event.handleObj = match.handleObj;
-		ret = match.handleObj.origHandler.apply( match.elem, arguments );
-		if ( ret === false || event.isPropagationStopped() ) {
-			maxLevel = match.level;
-			if ( ret === false ) {
-				stop = false;
-			}
-			if ( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) {
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return stop;
-function liveConvert( type, selector ) {
-	return (type && type !== "*" ? type + "." : "") + selector.replace(rperiod, "`").replace(rspace, "&");
-jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " +
-	"mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " +
-	"change select submit keydown keypress keyup error").split(" "), function( i, name ) {
-	// Handle event binding
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( data, fn ) {
-		if ( fn == null ) {
-			fn = data;
-			data = null;
-		}
-		return arguments.length > 0 ?
-			this.bind( name, data, fn ) :
-			this.trigger( name );
-	};
-	if ( jQuery.attrFn ) {
-		jQuery.attrFn[ name ] = true;
-	}
-// Prevent memory leaks in IE
-// Window isn't included so as not to unbind existing unload events
-// More info:
-//  -
-if ( window.attachEvent && !window.addEventListener ) {
-	jQuery(window).bind("unload", function() {
-		for ( var id in jQuery.cache ) {
-			if ( jQuery.cache[ id ].handle ) {
-				// Try/Catch is to handle iframes being unloaded, see #4280
-				try {
-					jQuery.event.remove( jQuery.cache[ id ].handle.elem );
-				} catch(e) {}
-			}
-		}
-	});
- * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v1.0
- *  Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
- *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
- *  More information:
- */
-var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
-	done = 0,
-	toString = Object.prototype.toString,
-	hasDuplicate = false,
-	baseHasDuplicate = true;
-// Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of
-// optimization where it does not always call our comparision
-// function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value.
-//   Thus far that includes Google Chrome.
-[0, 0].sort(function() {
-	baseHasDuplicate = false;
-	return 0;
-var Sizzle = function( selector, context, results, seed ) {
-	results = results || [];
-	context = context || document;
-	var origContext = context;
-	if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
-		return [];
-	}
-	if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
-		return results;
-	}
-	var m, set, checkSet, extra, ret, cur, pop, i,
-		prune = true,
-		contextXML = Sizzle.isXML( context ),
-		parts = [],
-		soFar = selector;
-	// Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head)
-	do {
-		chunker.exec( "" );
-		m = chunker.exec( soFar );
-		if ( m ) {
-			soFar = m[3];
-			parts.push( m[1] );
-			if ( m[2] ) {
-				extra = m[3];
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	} while ( m );
-	if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) {
-		if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
-			set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context );
-		} else {
-			set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
-				[ context ] :
-				Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
-			while ( parts.length ) {
-				selector = parts.shift();
-				if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] ) {
-					selector += parts.shift();
-				}
-				set = posProcess( selector, set );
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		// Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
-		// (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID)
-		if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
-				Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) {
-			ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
-			context = ret.expr ?
-				Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] :
-				ret.set[0];
-		}
-		if ( context ) {
-			ret = seed ?
-				{ expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
-				Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML );
-			set = ret.expr ?
-				Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) :
-				ret.set;
-			if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
-				checkSet = makeArray( set );
-			} else {
-				prune = false;
-			}
-			while ( parts.length ) {
-				cur = parts.pop();
-				pop = cur;
-				if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
-					cur = "";
-				} else {
-					pop = parts.pop();
-				}
-				if ( pop == null ) {
-					pop = context;
-				}
-				Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML );
-			}
-		} else {
-			checkSet = parts = [];
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !checkSet ) {
-		checkSet = set;
-	}
-	if ( !checkSet ) {
-		Sizzle.error( cur || selector );
-	}
-	if ( === "[object Array]" ) {
-		if ( !prune ) {
-			results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
-		} else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
-			for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
-				if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && Sizzle.contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
-					results.push( set[i] );
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
-				if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
-					results.push( set[i] );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		makeArray( checkSet, results );
-	}
-	if ( extra ) {
-		Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed );
-		Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
-	}
-	return results;
-Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
-	if ( sortOrder ) {
-		hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
-		results.sort( sortOrder );
-		if ( hasDuplicate ) {
-			for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) {
-				if ( results[i] === results[ i - 1 ] ) {
-					results.splice( i--, 1 );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return results;
-Sizzle.matches = function( expr, set ) {
-	return Sizzle( expr, null, null, set );
-Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) {
-	return Sizzle( expr, null, null, [node] ).length > 0;
-Sizzle.find = function( expr, context, isXML ) {
-	var set;
-	if ( !expr ) {
-		return [];
-	}
-	for ( var i = 0, l = Expr.order.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-		var match,
-			type = Expr.order[i];
-		if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
-			var left = match[1];
-			match.splice( 1, 1 );
-			if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
-				match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace(/\\/g, "");
-				set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML );
-				if ( set != null ) {
-					expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !set ) {
-		set = context.getElementsByTagName( "*" );
-	}
-	return { set: set, expr: expr };
-Sizzle.filter = function( expr, set, inplace, not ) {
-	var match, anyFound,
-		old = expr,
-		result = [],
-		curLoop = set,
-		isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && Sizzle.isXML( set[0] );
-	while ( expr && set.length ) {
-		for ( var type in Expr.filter ) {
-			if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) != null && match[2] ) {
-				var found, item,
-					filter = Expr.filter[ type ],
-					left = match[1];
-				anyFound = false;
-				match.splice(1,1);
-				if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) === "\\" ) {
-					continue;
-				}
-				if ( curLoop === result ) {
-					result = [];
-				}
-				if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
-					match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter );
-					if ( !match ) {
-						anyFound = found = true;
-					} else if ( match === true ) {
-						continue;
-					}
-				}
-				if ( match ) {
-					for ( var i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
-						if ( item ) {
-							found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop );
-							var pass = not ^ !!found;
-							if ( inplace && found != null ) {
-								if ( pass ) {
-									anyFound = true;
-								} else {
-									curLoop[i] = false;
-								}
-							} else if ( pass ) {
-								result.push( item );
-								anyFound = true;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				if ( found !== undefined ) {
-					if ( !inplace ) {
-						curLoop = result;
-					}
-					expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
-					if ( !anyFound ) {
-						return [];
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Improper expression
-		if ( expr === old ) {
-			if ( anyFound == null ) {
-				Sizzle.error( expr );
-			} else {
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		old = expr;
-	}
-	return curLoop;
-Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
-	throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg;
-var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
-	order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
-	match: {
-		ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
-		CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
-		NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
-		ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/,
-		TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*\-]|\\.)+)/,
-		CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+\-]*)\))?/,
-		POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/,
-		PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
-	},
-	leftMatch: {},
-	attrMap: {
-		"class": "className",
-		"for": "htmlFor"
-	},
-	attrHandle: {
-		href: function( elem ) {
-			return elem.getAttribute( "href" );
-		}
-	},
-	relative: {
-		"+": function(checkSet, part){
-			var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
-				isTag = isPartStr && !/\W/.test( part ),
-				isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag;
-			if ( isTag ) {
-				part = part.toLowerCase();
-			}
-			for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) {
-				if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) {
-					while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
-					checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ?
-						elem || false :
-						elem === part;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( isPartStrNotTag ) {
-				Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
-			}
-		},
-		">": function( checkSet, part ) {
-			var elem,
-				isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
-				i = 0,
-				l = checkSet.length;
-			if ( isPartStr && !/\W/.test( part ) ) {
-				part = part.toLowerCase();
-				for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
-					elem = checkSet[i];
-					if ( elem ) {
-						var parent = elem.parentNode;
-						checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? parent : false;
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
-					elem = checkSet[i];
-					if ( elem ) {
-						checkSet[i] = isPartStr ?
-							elem.parentNode :
-							elem.parentNode === part;
-					}
-				}
-				if ( isPartStr ) {
-					Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		"": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
-			var nodeCheck,
-				doneName = done++,
-				checkFn = dirCheck;
-			if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
-				part = part.toLowerCase();
-				nodeCheck = part;
-				checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
-			}
-			checkFn( "parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML );
-		},
-		"~": function( checkSet, part, isXML ) {
-			var nodeCheck,
-				doneName = done++,
-				checkFn = dirCheck;
-			if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test( part ) ) {
-				part = part.toLowerCase();
-				nodeCheck = part;
-				checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
-			}
-			checkFn( "previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML );
-		}
-	},
-	find: {
-		ID: function( match, context, isXML ) {
-			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
-				var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
-				// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
-				// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
-				return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
-			}
-		},
-		NAME: function( match, context ) {
-			if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
-				var ret = [],
-					results = context.getElementsByName( match[1] );
-				for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-					if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) {
-						ret.push( results[i] );
-					}
-				}
-				return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret;
-			}
-		},
-		TAG: function( match, context ) {
-			return context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] );
-		}
-	},
-	preFilter: {
-		CLASS: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) {
-			match = " " + match[1].replace(/\\/g, "") + " ";
-			if ( isXML ) {
-				return match;
-			}
-			for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
-				if ( elem ) {
-					if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n]/g, " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) {
-						if ( !inplace ) {
-							result.push( elem );
-						}
-					} else if ( inplace ) {
-						curLoop[i] = false;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		},
-		ID: function( match ) {
-			return match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
-		},
-		TAG: function( match, curLoop ) {
-			return match[1].toLowerCase();
-		},
-		CHILD: function( match ) {
-			if ( match[1] === "nth" ) {
-				// parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
-				var test = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(
-					match[2] === "even" && "2n" || match[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" ||
-					!/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);
-				// calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
-				match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
-				match[3] = test[3] - 0;
-			}
-			// TODO: Move to normal caching system
-			match[0] = done++;
-			return match;
-		},
-		ATTR: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) {
-			var name = match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
-			if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
-				match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];
-			}
-			if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
-				match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";
-			}
-			return match;
-		},
-		PSEUDO: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not ) {
-			if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
-				// If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one
-				if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) {
-					match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
-				} else {
-					var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
-					if ( !inplace ) {
-						result.push.apply( result, ret );
-					}
-					return false;
-				}
-			} else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) {
-				return true;
-			}
-			return match;
-		},
-		POS: function( match ) {
-			match.unshift( true );
-			return match;
-		}
-	},
-	filters: {
-		enabled: function( elem ) {
-			return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
-		},
-		disabled: function( elem ) {
-			return elem.disabled === true;
-		},
-		checked: function( elem ) {
-			return elem.checked === true;
-		},
-		selected: function( elem ) {
-			// Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
-			// options in Safari work properly
-			elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
-			return elem.selected === true;
-		},
-		parent: function( elem ) {
-			return !!elem.firstChild;
-		},
-		empty: function( elem ) {
-			return !elem.firstChild;
-		},
-		has: function( elem, i, match ) {
-			return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
-		},
-		header: function( elem ) {
-			return (/h\d/i).test( elem.nodeName );
-		},
-		text: function( elem ) {
-			return "text" === elem.type;
-		},
-		radio: function( elem ) {
-			return "radio" === elem.type;
-		},
-		checkbox: function( elem ) {
-			return "checkbox" === elem.type;
-		},
-		file: function( elem ) {
-			return "file" === elem.type;
-		},
-		password: function( elem ) {
-			return "password" === elem.type;
-		},
-		submit: function( elem ) {
-			return "submit" === elem.type;
-		},
-		image: function( elem ) {
-			return "image" === elem.type;
-		},
-		reset: function( elem ) {
-			return "reset" === elem.type;
-		},
-		button: function( elem ) {
-			return "button" === elem.type || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "button";
-		},
-		input: function( elem ) {
-			return (/input|select|textarea|button/i).test( elem.nodeName );
-		}
-	},
-	setFilters: {
-		first: function( elem, i ) {
-			return i === 0;
-		},
-		last: function( elem, i, match, array ) {
-			return i === array.length - 1;
-		},
-		even: function( elem, i ) {
-			return i % 2 === 0;
-		},
-		odd: function( elem, i ) {
-			return i % 2 === 1;
-		},
-		lt: function( elem, i, match ) {
-			return i < match[3] - 0;
-		},
-		gt: function( elem, i, match ) {
-			return i > match[3] - 0;
-		},
-		nth: function( elem, i, match ) {
-			return match[3] - 0 === i;
-		},
-		eq: function( elem, i, match ) {
-			return match[3] - 0 === i;
-		}
-	},
-	filter: {
-		PSEUDO: function( elem, match, i, array ) {
-			var name = match[1],
-				filter = Expr.filters[ name ];
-			if ( filter ) {
-				return filter( elem, i, match, array );
-			} else if ( name === "contains" ) {
-				return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || Sizzle.getText([ elem ]) || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
-			} else if ( name === "not" ) {
-				var not = match[3];
-				for ( var j = 0, l = not.length; j < l; j++ ) {
-					if ( not[j] === elem ) {
-						return false;
-					}
-				}
-				return true;
-			} else {
-				Sizzle.error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + name );
-			}
-		},
-		CHILD: function( elem, match ) {
-			var type = match[1],
-				node = elem;
-			switch ( type ) {
-				case "only":
-				case "first":
-					while ( (node = node.previousSibling) )	 {
-						if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { 
-							return false; 
-						}
-					}
-					if ( type === "first" ) { 
-						return true; 
-					}
-					node = elem;
-				case "last":
-					while ( (node = node.nextSibling) )	 {
-						if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { 
-							return false; 
-						}
-					}
-					return true;
-				case "nth":
-					var first = match[2],
-						last = match[3];
-					if ( first === 1 && last === 0 ) {
-						return true;
-					}
-					var doneName = match[0],
-						parent = elem.parentNode;
-					if ( parent && (parent.sizcache !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) {
-						var count = 0;
-						for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
-							if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
-								node.nodeIndex = ++count;
-							}
-						} 
-						parent.sizcache = doneName;
-					}
-					var diff = elem.nodeIndex - last;
-					if ( first === 0 ) {
-						return diff === 0;
-					} else {
-						return ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
-					}
-			}
-		},
-		ID: function( elem, match ) {
-			return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
-		},
-		TAG: function( elem, match ) {
-			return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === match;
-		},
-		CLASS: function( elem, match ) {
-			return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ")
-				.indexOf( match ) > -1;
-		},
-		ATTR: function( elem, match ) {
-			var name = match[1],
-				result = Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ?
-					Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) :
-					elem[ name ] != null ?
-						elem[ name ] :
-						elem.getAttribute( name ),
-				value = result + "",
-				type = match[2],
-				check = match[4];
-			return result == null ?
-				type === "!=" :
-				type === "=" ?
-				value === check :
-				type === "*=" ?
-				value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
-				type === "~=" ?
-				(" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
-				!check ?
-				value && result !== false :
-				type === "!=" ?
-				value !== check :
-				type === "^=" ?
-				value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
-				type === "$=" ?
-				value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
-				type === "|=" ?
-				value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
-				false;
-		},
-		POS: function( elem, match, i, array ) {
-			var name = match[2],
-				filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];
-			if ( filter ) {
-				return filter( elem, i, match, array );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-var origPOS = Expr.match.POS,
-	fescape = function(all, num){
-		return "\\" + (num - 0 + 1);
-	};
-for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
-	Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + (/(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source) );
-	Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, fescape) );
-var makeArray = function( array, results ) {
-	array = array, 0 );
-	if ( results ) {
-		results.push.apply( results, array );
-		return results;
-	}
-	return array;
-// Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of
-// converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods.
-// Also verifies that the returned array holds DOM nodes
-// (which is not the case in the Blackberry browser)
-try {
- document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType;
-// Provide a fallback method if it does not work
-} catch( e ) {
-	makeArray = function( array, results ) {
-		var i = 0,
-			ret = results || [];
-		if ( === "[object Array]" ) {
-			Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
-		} else {
-			if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
-				for ( var l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-					ret.push( array[i] );
-				}
-			} else {
-				for ( ; array[i]; i++ ) {
-					ret.push( array[i] );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return ret;
-	};
-var sortOrder, siblingCheck;
-if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
-	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
-		if ( a === b ) {
-			hasDuplicate = true;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) {
-			return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
-		}
-		return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : 1;
-	};
-} else {
-	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
-		var al, bl,
-			ap = [],
-			bp = [],
-			aup = a.parentNode,
-			bup = b.parentNode,
-			cur = aup;
-		// The nodes are identical, we can exit early
-		if ( a === b ) {
-			hasDuplicate = true;
-			return 0;
-		// If the nodes are siblings (or identical) we can do a quick check
-		} else if ( aup === bup ) {
-			return siblingCheck( a, b );
-		// If no parents were found then the nodes are disconnected
-		} else if ( !aup ) {
-			return -1;
-		} else if ( !bup ) {
-			return 1;
-		}
-		// Otherwise they're somewhere else in the tree so we need
-		// to build up a full list of the parentNodes for comparison
-		while ( cur ) {
-			ap.unshift( cur );
-			cur = cur.parentNode;
-		}
-		cur = bup;
-		while ( cur ) {
-			bp.unshift( cur );
-			cur = cur.parentNode;
-		}
-		al = ap.length;
-		bl = bp.length;
-		// Start walking down the tree looking for a discrepancy
-		for ( var i = 0; i < al && i < bl; i++ ) {
-			if ( ap[i] !== bp[i] ) {
-				return siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] );
-			}
-		}
-		// We ended someplace up the tree so do a sibling check
-		return i === al ?
-			siblingCheck( a, bp[i], -1 ) :
-			siblingCheck( ap[i], b, 1 );
-	};
-	siblingCheck = function( a, b, ret ) {
-		if ( a === b ) {
-			return ret;
-		}
-		var cur = a.nextSibling;
-		while ( cur ) {
-			if ( cur === b ) {
-				return -1;
-			}
-			cur = cur.nextSibling;
-		}
-		return 1;
-	};
-// Utility function for retreiving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
-Sizzle.getText = function( elems ) {
-	var ret = "", elem;
-	for ( var i = 0; elems[i]; i++ ) {
-		elem = elems[i];
-		// Get the text from text nodes and CDATA nodes
-		if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 4 ) {
-			ret += elem.nodeValue;
-		// Traverse everything else, except comment nodes
-		} else if ( elem.nodeType !== 8 ) {
-			ret += Sizzle.getText( elem.childNodes );
-		}
-	}
-	return ret;
-// Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when
-// querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround)
-	// We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name
-	var form = document.createElement("div"),
-		id = "script" + (new Date()).getTime(),
-		root = document.documentElement;
-	form.innerHTML = "<a name='" + id + "'/>";
-	// Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly
-	root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );
-	// The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById
-	// Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching)
-	if ( document.getElementById( id ) ) {
-		Expr.find.ID = function( match, context, isXML ) {
-			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
-				var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
-				return m ?
- === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ?
-						[m] :
-						undefined :
-					[];
-			}
-		};
-		Expr.filter.ID = function( elem, match ) {
-			var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
-			return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;
-		};
-	}
-	root.removeChild( form );
-	// release memory in IE
-	root = form = null;
-	// Check to see if the browser returns only elements
-	// when doing getElementsByTagName("*")
-	// Create a fake element
-	var div = document.createElement("div");
-	div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
-	// Make sure no comments are found
-	if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
-		Expr.find.TAG = function( match, context ) {
-			var results = context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] );
-			// Filter out possible comments
-			if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
-				var tmp = [];
-				for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
-					if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
-						tmp.push( results[i] );
-					}
-				}
-				results = tmp;
-			}
-			return results;
-		};
-	}
-	// Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes
-	div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
-	if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" &&
-			div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) {
-		Expr.attrHandle.href = function( elem ) {
-			return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 );
-		};
-	}
-	// release memory in IE
-	div = null;
-if ( document.querySelectorAll ) {
-	(function(){
-		var oldSizzle = Sizzle,
-			div = document.createElement("div"),
-			id = "__sizzle__";
-		div.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>";
-		// Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
-		// in quirks mode.
-		if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		Sizzle = function( query, context, extra, seed ) {
-			context = context || document;
-			// Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
-			query = query.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']");
-			// Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents
-			// (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents)
-			if ( !seed && !Sizzle.isXML(context) ) {
-				if ( context.nodeType === 9 ) {
-					try {
-						return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
-					} catch(qsaError) {}
-				// qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
-				// We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
-				// and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
-				// IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
-				} else if ( context.nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
-					var old = context.getAttribute( "id" ),
-						nid = old || id;
-					if ( !old ) {
-						context.setAttribute( "id", nid );
-					}
-					try {
-						return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll( "#" + nid + " " + query ), extra );
-					} catch(pseudoError) {
-					} finally {
-						if ( !old ) {
-							context.removeAttribute( "id" );
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
-		};
-		for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) {
-			Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ];
-		}
-		// release memory in IE
-		div = null;
-	})();
-	var html = document.documentElement,
-		matches = html.matchesSelector || html.mozMatchesSelector || html.webkitMatchesSelector || html.msMatchesSelector,
-		pseudoWorks = false;
-	try {
-		// This should fail with an exception
-		// Gecko does not error, returns false instead
- document.documentElement, "[test!='']:sizzle" );
-	} catch( pseudoError ) {
-		pseudoWorks = true;
-	}
-	if ( matches ) {
-		Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) {
-			// Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
-			expr = expr.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']");
-			if ( !Sizzle.isXML( node ) ) {
-				try { 
-					if ( pseudoWorks || !Expr.match.PSEUDO.test( expr ) && !/!=/.test( expr ) ) {
-						return node, expr );
-					}
-				} catch(e) {}
-			}
-			return Sizzle(expr, null, null, [node]).length > 0;
-		};
-	}
-	var div = document.createElement("div");
-	div.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>";
-	// Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
-	// Also, make sure that getElementsByClassName actually exists
-	if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ) {
-		return;
-	}
-	// Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2)
-	div.lastChild.className = "e";
-	if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 ) {
-		return;
-	}
-	Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
-	Expr.find.CLASS = function( match, context, isXML ) {
-		if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
-			return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
-		}
-	};
-	// release memory in IE
-	div = null;
-function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
-	for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-		var elem = checkSet[i];
-		if ( elem ) {
-			var match = false;
-			elem = elem[dir];
-			while ( elem ) {
-				if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
-					match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
-					break;
-				}
-				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){
-					elem.sizcache = doneName;
-					elem.sizset = i;
-				}
-				if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === cur ) {
-					match = elem;
-					break;
-				}
-				elem = elem[dir];
-			}
-			checkSet[i] = match;
-		}
-	}
-function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
-	for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-		var elem = checkSet[i];
-		if ( elem ) {
-			var match = false;
-			elem = elem[dir];
-			while ( elem ) {
-				if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
-					match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
-					break;
-				}
-				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-					if ( !isXML ) {
-						elem.sizcache = doneName;
-						elem.sizset = i;
-					}
-					if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
-						if ( elem === cur ) {
-							match = true;
-							break;
-						}
-					} else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
-						match = elem;
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-				elem = elem[dir];
-			}
-			checkSet[i] = match;
-		}
-	}
-if ( document.documentElement.contains ) {
-	Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) {
-		return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
-	};
-} else if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
-	Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) {
-		return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
-	};
-} else {
-	Sizzle.contains = function() {
-		return false;
-	};
-Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
-	// documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
-	// (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833) 
-	var documentElement = (elem ? elem.ownerDocument || elem : 0).documentElement;
-	return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
-var posProcess = function( selector, context ) {
-	var match,
-		tmpSet = [],
-		later = "",
-		root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;
-	// Position selectors must be done after the filter
-	// And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end
-	while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) {
-		later += match[0];
-		selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" );
-	}
-	selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector;
-	for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-		Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet );
-	}
-	return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet );
-jQuery.find = Sizzle;
-jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
-jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.filters;
-jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
-jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText;
-jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
-jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains;
-var runtil = /Until$/,
-	rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/,
-	// Note: This RegExp should be improved, or likely pulled from Sizzle
-	rmultiselector = /,/,
-	isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/,
-	slice = Array.prototype.slice,
-	POS = jQuery.expr.match.POS;
-	find: function( selector ) {
-		var ret = this.pushStack( "", "find", selector ),
-			length = 0;
-		for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-			length = ret.length;
-			jQuery.find( selector, this[i], ret );
-			if ( i > 0 ) {
-				// Make sure that the results are unique
-				for ( var n = length; n < ret.length; n++ ) {
-					for ( var r = 0; r < length; r++ ) {
-						if ( ret[r] === ret[n] ) {
-							ret.splice(n--, 1);
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return ret;
-	},
-	has: function( target ) {
-		var targets = jQuery( target );
-		return this.filter(function() {
-			for ( var i = 0, l = targets.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-				if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) {
-					return true;
-				}
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	not: function( selector ) {
-		return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, false), "not", selector);
-	},
-	filter: function( selector ) {
-		return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true), "filter", selector );
-	},
-	is: function( selector ) {
-		return !!selector && jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0;
-	},
-	closest: function( selectors, context ) {
-		var ret = [], i, l, cur = this[0];
-		if ( jQuery.isArray( selectors ) ) {
-			var match, selector,
-				matches = {},
-				level = 1;
-			if ( cur && selectors.length ) {
-				for ( i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-					selector = selectors[i];
-					if ( !matches[selector] ) {
-						matches[selector] = jQuery.expr.match.POS.test( selector ) ? 
-							jQuery( selector, context || this.context ) :
-							selector;
-					}
-				}
-				while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context ) {
-					for ( selector in matches ) {
-						match = matches[selector];
-						if ( match.jquery ? match.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery(cur).is(match) ) {
-							ret.push({ selector: selector, elem: cur, level: level });
-						}
-					}
-					cur = cur.parentNode;
-					level++;
-				}
-			}
-			return ret;
-		}
-		var pos = POS.test( selectors ) ? 
-			jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) : null;
-		for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-			cur = this[i];
-			while ( cur ) {
-				if ( pos ? pos.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors) ) {
-					ret.push( cur );
-					break;
-				} else {
-					cur = cur.parentNode;
-					if ( !cur || !cur.ownerDocument || cur === context ) {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		ret = ret.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique(ret) : ret;
-		return this.pushStack( ret, "closest", selectors );
-	},
-	// Determine the position of an element within
-	// the matched set of elements
-	index: function( elem ) {
-		if ( !elem || typeof elem === "string" ) {
-			return jQuery.inArray( this[0],
-				// If it receives a string, the selector is used
-				// If it receives nothing, the siblings are used
-				elem ? jQuery( elem ) : this.parent().children() );
-		}
-		// Locate the position of the desired element
-		return jQuery.inArray(
-			// If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
-			elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem, this );
-	},
-	add: function( selector, context ) {
-		var set = typeof selector === "string" ?
-				jQuery( selector, context || this.context ) :
-				jQuery.makeArray( selector ),
-			all = jQuery.merge( this.get(), set );
-		return this.pushStack( isDisconnected( set[0] ) || isDisconnected( all[0] ) ?
-			all :
-			jQuery.unique( all ) );
-	},
-	andSelf: function() {
-		return this.add( this.prevObject );
-	}
-// A painfully simple check to see if an element is disconnected
-// from a document (should be improved, where feasible).
-function isDisconnected( node ) {
-	return !node || !node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeType === 11;
-	parent: function( elem ) {
-		var parent = elem.parentNode;
-		return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
-	},
-	parents: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" );
-	},
-	parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until );
-	},
-	next: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "nextSibling" );
-	},
-	prev: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "previousSibling" );
-	},
-	nextAll: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" );
-	},
-	prevAll: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" );
-	},
-	nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until );
-	},
-	prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
-		return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until );
-	},
-	siblings: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.sibling( elem.parentNode.firstChild, elem );
-	},
-	children: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild );
-	},
-	contents: function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ?
-			elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document :
-			jQuery.makeArray( elem.childNodes );
-	}
-}, function( name, fn ) {
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) {
-		var ret = this, fn, until );
-		if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) {
-			selector = until;
-		}
-		if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) {
-			ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret );
-		}
-		ret = this.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret;
-		if ( (this.length > 1 || rmultiselector.test( selector )) && rparentsprev.test( name ) ) {
-			ret = ret.reverse();
-		}
-		return this.pushStack( ret, name,",") );
-	};
-	filter: function( expr, elems, not ) {
-		if ( not ) {
-			expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
-		}
-		return elems.length === 1 ?
-			jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [ elems[0] ] : [] :
-			jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems);
-	},
-	dir: function( elem, dir, until ) {
-		var matched = [],
-			cur = elem[ dir ];
-		while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery( cur ).is( until )) ) {
-			if ( cur.nodeType === 1 ) {
-				matched.push( cur );
-			}
-			cur = cur[dir];
-		}
-		return matched;
-	},
-	nth: function( cur, result, dir, elem ) {
-		result = result || 1;
-		var num = 0;
-		for ( ; cur; cur = cur[dir] ) {
-			if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && ++num === result ) {
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		return cur;
-	},
-	sibling: function( n, elem ) {
-		var r = [];
-		for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
-			if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) {
-				r.push( n );
-			}
-		}
-		return r;
-	}
-// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not
-function winnow( elements, qualifier, keep ) {
-	if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) {
-		return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
-			var retVal = !! elem, i, elem );
-			return retVal === keep;
-		});
-	} else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) {
-		return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
-			return (elem === qualifier) === keep;
-		});
-	} else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) {
-		var filtered = jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) {
-			return elem.nodeType === 1;
-		});
-		if ( isSimple.test( qualifier ) ) {
-			return jQuery.filter(qualifier, filtered, !keep);
-		} else {
-			qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, filtered );
-		}
-	}
-	return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
-		return (jQuery.inArray( elem, qualifier ) >= 0) === keep;
-	});
-var rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g,
-	rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/,
-	rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig,
-	rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/,
-	rtbody = /<tbody/i,
-	rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/,
-	rnocache = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i,
-	// checked="checked" or checked (html5)
-	rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
-	raction = /\=([^="'>\s]+\/)>/g,
-	wrapMap = {
-		option: [ 1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>" ],
-		legend: [ 1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>" ],
-		thead: [ 1, "<table>", "</table>" ],
-		tr: [ 2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>" ],
-		td: [ 3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>" ],
-		col: [ 2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>" ],
-		area: [ 1, "<map>", "</map>" ],
-		_default: [ 0, "", "" ]
-	};
-wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option;
-wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead; =;
-// IE can't serialize <link> and <script> tags normally
-if ( ! ) {
-	wrapMap._default = [ 1, "div<div>", "</div>" ];
-	text: function( text ) {
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction(text) ) {
-			return this.each(function(i) {
-				var self = jQuery( this );
-				self.text(, i, self.text()) );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( typeof text !== "object" && text !== undefined ) {
-			return this.empty().append( (this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document).createTextNode( text ) );
-		}
-		return jQuery.text( this );
-	},
-	wrapAll: function( html ) {
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) {
-			return this.each(function(i) {
-				jQuery(this).wrapAll(, i) );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( this[0] ) {
-			// The elements to wrap the target around
-			var wrap = jQuery( html, this[0].ownerDocument ).eq(0).clone(true);
-			if ( this[0].parentNode ) {
-				wrap.insertBefore( this[0] );
-			}
- {
-				var elem = this;
-				while ( elem.firstChild && elem.firstChild.nodeType === 1 ) {
-					elem = elem.firstChild;
-				}
-				return elem;
-			}).append(this);
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	wrapInner: function( html ) {
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) {
-			return this.each(function(i) {
-				jQuery(this).wrapInner(, i) );
-			});
-		}
-		return this.each(function() {
-			var self = jQuery( this ),
-				contents = self.contents();
-			if ( contents.length ) {
-				contents.wrapAll( html );
-			} else {
-				self.append( html );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	wrap: function( html ) {
-		return this.each(function() {
-			jQuery( this ).wrapAll( html );
-		});
-	},
-	unwrap: function() {
-		return this.parent().each(function() {
-			if ( !jQuery.nodeName( this, "body" ) ) {
-				jQuery( this ).replaceWith( this.childNodes );
-			}
-		}).end();
-	},
-	append: function() {
-		return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) {
-			if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
-				this.appendChild( elem );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	prepend: function() {
-		return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) {
-			if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
-				this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	before: function() {
-		if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
-			return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) {
-				this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this );
-			});
-		} else if ( arguments.length ) {
-			var set = jQuery(arguments[0]);
-			set.push.apply( set, this.toArray() );
-			return this.pushStack( set, "before", arguments );
-		}
-	},
-	after: function() {
-		if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
-			return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) {
-				this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling );
-			});
-		} else if ( arguments.length ) {
-			var set = this.pushStack( this, "after", arguments );
-			set.push.apply( set, jQuery(arguments[0]).toArray() );
-			return set;
-		}
-	},
-	// keepData is for internal use only--do not document
-	remove: function( selector, keepData ) {
-		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) {
-			if ( !selector || jQuery.filter( selector, [ elem ] ).length ) {
-				if ( !keepData && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-					jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") );
-					jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ] );
-				}
-				if ( elem.parentNode ) {
-					 elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	empty: function() {
-		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) {
-			// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
-			if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
-				jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") );
-			}
-			// Remove any remaining nodes
-			while ( elem.firstChild ) {
-				elem.removeChild( elem.firstChild );
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	clone: function( events ) {
-		// Do the clone
-		var ret = {
-			if ( ! && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(this) ) {
-				// IE copies events bound via attachEvent when
-				// using cloneNode. Calling detachEvent on the
-				// clone will also remove the events from the orignal
-				// In order to get around this, we use innerHTML.
-				// Unfortunately, this means some modifications to
-				// attributes in IE that are actually only stored
-				// as properties will not be copied (such as the
-				// the name attribute on an input).
-				var html = this.outerHTML,
-					ownerDocument = this.ownerDocument;
-				if ( !html ) {
-					var div = ownerDocument.createElement("div");
-					div.appendChild( this.cloneNode(true) );
-					html = div.innerHTML;
-				}
-				return jQuery.clean([html.replace(rinlinejQuery, "")
-					// Handle the case in IE 8 where action=/test/> self-closes a tag
-					.replace(raction, '="$1">')
-					.replace(rleadingWhitespace, "")], ownerDocument)[0];
-			} else {
-				return this.cloneNode(true);
-			}
-		});
-		// Copy the events from the original to the clone
-		if ( events === true ) {
-			cloneCopyEvent( this, ret );
-			cloneCopyEvent( this.find("*"), ret.find("*") );
-		}
-		// Return the cloned set
-		return ret;
-	},
-	html: function( value ) {
-		if ( value === undefined ) {
-			return this[0] && this[0].nodeType === 1 ?
-				this[0].innerHTML.replace(rinlinejQuery, "") :
-				null;
-		// See if we can take a shortcut and just use innerHTML
-		} else if ( typeof value === "string" && !rnocache.test( value ) &&
-			( || !rleadingWhitespace.test( value )) &&
-			!wrapMap[ (rtagName.exec( value ) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase() ] ) {
-			value = value.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>");
-			try {
-				for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-					// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
-					if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
-						jQuery.cleanData( this[i].getElementsByTagName("*") );
-						this[i].innerHTML = value;
-					}
-				}
-			// If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method
-			} catch(e) {
-				this.empty().append( value );
-			}
-		} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
-			this.each(function(i){
-				var self = jQuery( this );
-				self.html(, i, self.html()) );
-			});
-		} else {
-			this.empty().append( value );
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	replaceWith: function( value ) {
-		if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
-			// Make sure that the elements are removed from the DOM before they are inserted
-			// this can help fix replacing a parent with child elements
-			if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
-				return this.each(function(i) {
-					var self = jQuery(this), old = self.html();
-					self.replaceWith( this, i, old ) );
-				});
-			}
-			if ( typeof value !== "string" ) {
-				value = jQuery( value ).detach();
-			}
-			return this.each(function() {
-				var next = this.nextSibling,
-					parent = this.parentNode;
-				jQuery( this ).remove();
-				if ( next ) {
-					jQuery(next).before( value );
-				} else {
-					jQuery(parent).append( value );
-				}
-			});
-		} else {
-			return this.pushStack( jQuery(jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : value), "replaceWith", value );
-		}
-	},
-	detach: function( selector ) {
-		return this.remove( selector, true );
-	},
-	domManip: function( args, table, callback ) {
-		var results, first, fragment, parent,
-			value = args[0],
-			scripts = [];
-		// We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit
-		if ( ! && arguments.length === 3 && typeof value === "string" && rchecked.test( value ) ) {
-			return this.each(function() {
-				jQuery(this).domManip( args, table, callback, true );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) {
-			return this.each(function(i) {
-				var self = jQuery(this);
-				args[0] =, i, table ? self.html() : undefined);
-				self.domManip( args, table, callback );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( this[0] ) {
-			parent = value && value.parentNode;
-			// If we're in a fragment, just use that instead of building a new one
-			if ( && parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === this.length ) {
-				results = { fragment: parent };
-			} else {
-				results = jQuery.buildFragment( args, this, scripts );
-			}
-			fragment = results.fragment;
-			if ( fragment.childNodes.length === 1 ) {
-				first = fragment = fragment.firstChild;
-			} else {
-				first = fragment.firstChild;
-			}
-			if ( first ) {
-				table = table && jQuery.nodeName( first, "tr" );
-				for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-						table ?
-							root(this[i], first) :
-							this[i],
-						i > 0 || results.cacheable || this.length > 1  ?
-							fragment.cloneNode(true) :
-							fragment
-					);
-				}
-			}
-			if ( scripts.length ) {
-				jQuery.each( scripts, evalScript );
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	}
-function root( elem, cur ) {
-	return jQuery.nodeName(elem, "table") ?
-		(elem.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] ||
-		elem.appendChild(elem.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody"))) :
-		elem;
-function cloneCopyEvent(orig, ret) {
-	var i = 0;
-	ret.each(function() {
-		if ( this.nodeName !== (orig[i] && orig[i].nodeName) ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		var oldData = orig[i++] ),
-			curData = this, oldData ),
-			events = oldData &&;
-		if ( events ) {
-			delete curData.handle;
- = {};
-			for ( var type in events ) {
-				for ( var handler in events[ type ] ) {
-					jQuery.event.add( this, type, events[ type ][ handler ], events[ type ][ handler ].data );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	});
-jQuery.buildFragment = function( args, nodes, scripts ) {
-	var fragment, cacheable, cacheresults,
-		doc = (nodes && nodes[0] ? nodes[0].ownerDocument || nodes[0] : document);
-	// Only cache "small" (1/2 KB) strings that are associated with the main document
-	// Cloning options loses the selected state, so don't cache them
-	// IE 6 doesn't like it when you put <object> or <embed> elements in a fragment
-	// Also, WebKit does not clone 'checked' attributes on cloneNode, so don't cache
-	if ( args.length === 1 && typeof args[0] === "string" && args[0].length < 512 && doc === document &&
-		!rnocache.test( args[0] ) && ( || !rchecked.test( args[0] )) ) {
-		cacheable = true;
-		cacheresults = jQuery.fragments[ args[0] ];
-		if ( cacheresults ) {
-			if ( cacheresults !== 1 ) {
-				fragment = cacheresults;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !fragment ) {
-		fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
-		jQuery.clean( args, doc, fragment, scripts );
-	}
-	if ( cacheable ) {
-		jQuery.fragments[ args[0] ] = cacheresults ? fragment : 1;
-	}
-	return { fragment: fragment, cacheable: cacheable };
-jQuery.fragments = {};
-	appendTo: "append",
-	prependTo: "prepend",
-	insertBefore: "before",
-	insertAfter: "after",
-	replaceAll: "replaceWith"
-}, function( name, original ) {
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( selector ) {
-		var ret = [],
-			insert = jQuery( selector ),
-			parent = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode;
-		if ( parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === 1 && insert.length === 1 ) {
-			insert[ original ]( this[0] );
-			return this;
-		} else {
-			for ( var i = 0, l = insert.length; i < l; i++ ) {
-				var elems = (i > 0 ? this.clone(true) : this).get();
-				jQuery( insert[i] )[ original ]( elems );
-				ret = ret.concat( elems );
-			}
-			return this.pushStack( ret, name, insert.selector );
-		}
-	};
-	clean: function( elems, context, fragment, scripts ) {
-		context = context || document;
-		// !context.createElement fails in IE with an error but returns typeof 'object'
-		if ( typeof context.createElement === "undefined" ) {
-			context = context.ownerDocument || context[0] && context[0].ownerDocument || document;
-		}
-		var ret = [];
-		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
-			if ( typeof elem === "number" ) {
-				elem += "";
-			}
-			if ( !elem ) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			// Convert html string into DOM nodes
-			if ( typeof elem === "string" && !rhtml.test( elem ) ) {
-				elem = context.createTextNode( elem );
-			} else if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
-				// Fix "XHTML"-style tags in all browsers
-				elem = elem.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>");
-				// Trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected
-				var tag = (rtagName.exec( elem ) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(),
-					wrap = wrapMap[ tag ] || wrapMap._default,
-					depth = wrap[0],
-					div = context.createElement("div");
-				// Go to html and back, then peel off extra wrappers
-				div.innerHTML = wrap[1] + elem + wrap[2];
-				// Move to the right depth
-				while ( depth-- ) {
-					div = div.lastChild;
-				}
-				// Remove IE's autoinserted <tbody> from table fragments
-				if ( ! ) {
-					// String was a <table>, *may* have spurious <tbody>
-					var hasBody = rtbody.test(elem),
-						tbody = tag === "table" && !hasBody ?
-							div.firstChild && div.firstChild.childNodes :
-							// String was a bare <thead> or <tfoot>
-							wrap[1] === "<table>" && !hasBody ?
-								div.childNodes :
-								[];
-					for ( var j = tbody.length - 1; j >= 0 ; --j ) {
-						if ( jQuery.nodeName( tbody[ j ], "tbody" ) && !tbody[ j ].childNodes.length ) {
-							tbody[ j ].parentNode.removeChild( tbody[ j ] );
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				// IE completely kills leading whitespace when innerHTML is used
-				if ( ! && rleadingWhitespace.test( elem ) ) {
-					div.insertBefore( context.createTextNode( rleadingWhitespace.exec(elem)[0] ), div.firstChild );
-				}
-				elem = div.childNodes;
-			}
-			if ( elem.nodeType ) {
-				ret.push( elem );
-			} else {
-				ret = jQuery.merge( ret, elem );
-			}
-		}
-		if ( fragment ) {
-			for ( i = 0; ret[i]; i++ ) {
-				if ( scripts && jQuery.nodeName( ret[i], "script" ) && (!ret[i].type || ret[i].type.toLowerCase() === "text/javascript") ) {
-					scripts.push( ret[i].parentNode ? ret[i].parentNode.removeChild( ret[i] ) : ret[i] );
-				} else {
-					if ( ret[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
-						ret.splice.apply( ret, [i + 1, 0].concat(jQuery.makeArray(ret[i].getElementsByTagName("script"))) );
-					}
-					fragment.appendChild( ret[i] );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return ret;
-	},
-	cleanData: function( elems ) {
-		var data, id, cache = jQuery.cache,
-			special = jQuery.event.special,
-			deleteExpando =;
-		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
-			if ( elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()] ) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			id = elem[ jQuery.expando ];
-			if ( id ) {
-				data = cache[ id ];
-				if ( data && ) {
-					for ( var type in ) {
-						if ( special[ type ] ) {
-							jQuery.event.remove( elem, type );
-						} else {
-							jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle );
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				if ( deleteExpando ) {
-					delete elem[ jQuery.expando ];
-				} else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) {
-					elem.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando );
-				}
-				delete cache[ id ];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-function evalScript( i, elem ) {
-	if ( elem.src ) {
-		jQuery.ajax({
-			url: elem.src,
-			async: false,
-			dataType: "script"
-		});
-	} else {
-		jQuery.globalEval( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" );
-	}
-	if ( elem.parentNode ) {
-		elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
-	}
-var ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i,
-	ropacity = /opacity=([^)]*)/,
-	rdashAlpha = /-([a-z])/ig,
-	rupper = /([A-Z])/g,
-	rnumpx = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i,
-	rnum = /^-?\d/,
-	cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" },
-	cssWidth = [ "Left", "Right" ],
-	cssHeight = [ "Top", "Bottom" ],
-	curCSS,
-	getComputedStyle,
-	currentStyle,
-	fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
-		return letter.toUpperCase();
-	};
-jQuery.fn.css = function( name, value ) {
-	// Setting 'undefined' is a no-op
-	if ( arguments.length === 2 && value === undefined ) {
-		return this;
-	}
-	return jQuery.access( this, name, value, true, function( elem, name, value ) {
-		return value !== undefined ?
- elem, name, value ) :
-			jQuery.css( elem, name );
-	});
-	// Add in style property hooks for overriding the default
-	// behavior of getting and setting a style property
-	cssHooks: {
-		opacity: {
-			get: function( elem, computed ) {
-				if ( computed ) {
-					// We should always get a number back from opacity
-					var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity", "opacity" );
-					return ret === "" ? "1" : ret;
-				} else {
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	// Exclude the following css properties to add px
-	cssNumber: {
-		"zIndex": true,
-		"fontWeight": true,
-		"opacity": true,
-		"zoom": true,
-		"lineHeight": true
-	},
-	// Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before
-	// setting or getting the value
-	cssProps: {
-		// normalize float css property
-		"float": ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"
-	},
-	// Get and set the style property on a DOM Node
-	style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) {
-		// Don't set styles on text and comment nodes
-		if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || ! ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Make sure that we're working with the right name
-		var ret, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ),
-			style =, hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ];
-		name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || origName;
-		// Check if we're setting a value
-		if ( value !== undefined ) {
-			// Make sure that NaN and null values aren't set. See: #7116
-			if ( typeof value === "number" && isNaN( value ) || value == null ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			// If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties)
-			if ( typeof value === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) {
-				value += "px";
-			}
-			// If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value
-			if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value )) !== undefined ) {
-				// Wrapped to prevent IE from throwing errors when 'invalid' values are provided
-				// Fixes bug #5509
-				try {
-					style[ name ] = value;
-				} catch(e) {}
-			}
-		} else {
-			// If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there
-			if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) {
-				return ret;
-			}
-			// Otherwise just get the value from the style object
-			return style[ name ];
-		}
-	},
-	css: function( elem, name, extra ) {
-		// Make sure that we're working with the right name
-		var ret, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ),
-			hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ];
-		name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || origName;
-		// If a hook was provided get the computed value from there
-		if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, true, extra )) !== undefined ) {
-			return ret;
-		// Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that
-		} else if ( curCSS ) {
-			return curCSS( elem, name, origName );
-		}
-	},
-	// A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations
-	swap: function( elem, options, callback ) {
-		var old = {};
-		// Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
-		for ( var name in options ) {
-			old[ name ] =[ name ];
-[ name ] = options[ name ];
-		}
- elem );
-		// Revert the old values
-		for ( name in options ) {
-[ name ] = old[ name ];
-		}
-	},
-	camelCase: function( string ) {
-		return string.replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase );
-	}
-// DEPRECATED, Use jQuery.css() instead
-jQuery.curCSS = jQuery.css;
-jQuery.each(["height", "width"], function( i, name ) {
-	jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = {
-		get: function( elem, computed, extra ) {
-			var val;
-			if ( computed ) {
-				if ( elem.offsetWidth !== 0 ) {
-					val = getWH( elem, name, extra );
-				} else {
-					jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() {
-						val = getWH( elem, name, extra );
-					});
-				}
-				if ( val <= 0 ) {
-					val = curCSS( elem, name, name );
-					if ( val === "0px" && currentStyle ) {
-						val = currentStyle( elem, name, name );
-					}
-					if ( val != null ) {
-						// Should return "auto" instead of 0, use 0 for
-						// temporary backwards-compat
-						return val === "" || val === "auto" ? "0px" : val;
-					}
-				}
-				if ( val < 0 || val == null ) {
-					val =[ name ];
-					// Should return "auto" instead of 0, use 0 for
-					// temporary backwards-compat
-					return val === "" || val === "auto" ? "0px" : val;
-				}
-				return typeof val === "string" ? val : val + "px";
-			}
-		},
-		set: function( elem, value ) {
-			if ( rnumpx.test( value ) ) {
-				// ignore negative width and height values #1599
-				value = parseFloat(value);
-				if ( value >= 0 ) {
-					return value + "px";
-				}
-			} else {
-				return value;
-			}
-		}
-	};
-if ( ! ) {
-	jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = {
-		get: function( elem, computed ) {
-			// IE uses filters for opacity
-			return ropacity.test((computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle.filter : || "") ?
-				(parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / 100) + "" :
-				computed ? "1" : "";
-		},
-		set: function( elem, value ) {
-			var style =;
-			// IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
-			// Force it by setting the zoom level
-			style.zoom = 1;
-			// Set the alpha filter to set the opacity
-			var opacity = jQuery.isNaN(value) ?
-				"" :
-				"alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")",
-				filter = style.filter || "";
-			style.filter = ralpha.test(filter) ?
-				filter.replace(ralpha, opacity) :
-				style.filter + ' ' + opacity;
-		}
-	};
-if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) {
-	getComputedStyle = function( elem, newName, name ) {
-		var ret, defaultView, computedStyle;
-		name = name.replace( rupper, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
-		if ( !(defaultView = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView) ) {
-			return undefined;
-		}
-		if ( (computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null )) ) {
-			ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( name );
-			if ( ret === "" && !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument.documentElement, elem ) ) {
-				ret = elem, name );
-			}
-		}
-		return ret;
-	};
-if ( document.documentElement.currentStyle ) {
-	currentStyle = function( elem, name ) {
-		var left, rsLeft,
-			ret = elem.currentStyle && elem.currentStyle[ name ],
-			style =;
-		// From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards
-		//
-		// If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
-		// but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels
-		if ( !rnumpx.test( ret ) && rnum.test( ret ) ) {
-			// Remember the original values
-			left = style.left;
-			rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle.left;
-			// Put in the new values to get a computed value out
-			elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
-			style.left = name === "fontSize" ? "1em" : (ret || 0);
-			ret = style.pixelLeft + "px";
-			// Revert the changed values
-			style.left = left;
-			elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;
-		}
-		return ret === "" ? "auto" : ret;
-	};
-curCSS = getComputedStyle || currentStyle;
-function getWH( elem, name, extra ) {
-	var which = name === "width" ? cssWidth : cssHeight,
-		val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight;
-	if ( extra === "border" ) {
-		return val;
-	}
-	jQuery.each( which, function() {
-		if ( !extra ) {
-			val -= parseFloat(jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + this )) || 0;
-		}
-		if ( extra === "margin" ) {
-			val += parseFloat(jQuery.css( elem, "margin" + this )) || 0;
-		} else {
-			val -= parseFloat(jQuery.css( elem, "border" + this + "Width" )) || 0;
-		}
-	});
-	return val;
-if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) {
-	jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) {
-		var width = elem.offsetWidth,
-			height = elem.offsetHeight;
-		return (width === 0 && height === 0) || (! && ( || jQuery.css( elem, "display" )) === "none");
-	};
-	jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) {
-		return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden( elem );
-	};
-var jsc =,
-	rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
-	rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i,
-	rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i,
-	rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
-	rbracket = /\[\]$/,
-	jsre = /\=\?(&|$)/,
-	rquery = /\?/,
-	rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
-	rurl = /^(\w+:)?\/\/([^\/?#]+)/,
-	r20 = /%20/g,
-	rhash = /#.*$/,
-	// Keep a copy of the old load method
-	_load = jQuery.fn.load;
-	load: function( url, params, callback ) {
-		if ( typeof url !== "string" && _load ) {
-			return _load.apply( this, arguments );
-		// Don't do a request if no elements are being requested
-		} else if ( !this.length ) {
-			return this;
-		}
-		var off = url.indexOf(" ");
-		if ( off >= 0 ) {
-			var selector = url.slice(off, url.length);
-			url = url.slice(0, off);
-		}
-		// Default to a GET request
-		var type = "GET";
-		// If the second parameter was provided
-		if ( params ) {
-			// If it's a function
-			if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) {
-				// We assume that it's the callback
-				callback = params;
-				params = null;
-			// Otherwise, build a param string
-			} else if ( typeof params === "object" ) {
-				params = jQuery.param( params, jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional );
-				type = "POST";
-			}
-		}
-		var self = this;
-		// Request the remote document
-		jQuery.ajax({
-			url: url,
-			type: type,
-			dataType: "html",
-			data: params,
-			complete: function( res, status ) {
-				// If successful, inject the HTML into all the matched elements
-				if ( status === "success" || status === "notmodified" ) {
-					// See if a selector was specified
-					self.html( selector ?
-						// Create a dummy div to hold the results
-						jQuery("<div>")
-							// inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts
-							// to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE
-							.append(res.responseText.replace(rscript, ""))
-							// Locate the specified elements
-							.find(selector) :
-						// If not, just inject the full result
-						res.responseText );
-				}
-				if ( callback ) {
-					self.each( callback, [res.responseText, status, res] );
-				}
-			}
-		});
-		return this;
-	},
-	serialize: function() {
-		return jQuery.param(this.serializeArray());
-	},
-	serializeArray: function() {
-		return {
-			return this.elements ? jQuery.makeArray(this.elements) : this;
-		})
-		.filter(function() {
-			return && !this.disabled &&
-				(this.checked || rselectTextarea.test(this.nodeName) ||
-					rinput.test(this.type));
-		})
-		.map(function( i, elem ) {
-			var val = jQuery(this).val();
-			return val == null ?
-				null :
-				jQuery.isArray(val) ?
- val, function( val, i ) {
-						return { name:, value: val };
-					}) :
-					{ name:, value: val };
-		}).get();
-	}
-// Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events
-jQuery.each( "ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "), function( i, o ) {
-	jQuery.fn[o] = function( f ) {
-		return this.bind(o, f);
-	};
-	get: function( url, data, callback, type ) {
-		// shift arguments if data argument was omited
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
-			type = type || callback;
-			callback = data;
-			data = null;
-		}
-		return jQuery.ajax({
-			type: "GET",
-			url: url,
-			data: data,
-			success: callback,
-			dataType: type
-		});
-	},
-	getScript: function( url, callback ) {
-		return jQuery.get(url, null, callback, "script");
-	},
-	getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) {
-		return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, "json");
-	},
-	post: function( url, data, callback, type ) {
-		// shift arguments if data argument was omited
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
-			type = type || callback;
-			callback = data;
-			data = {};
-		}
-		return jQuery.ajax({
-			type: "POST",
-			url: url,
-			data: data,
-			success: callback,
-			dataType: type
-		});
-	},
-	ajaxSetup: function( settings ) {
-		jQuery.extend( jQuery.ajaxSettings, settings );
-	},
-	ajaxSettings: {
-		url: location.href,
-		global: true,
-		type: "GET",
-		contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
-		processData: true,
-		async: true,
-		/*
-		timeout: 0,
-		data: null,
-		username: null,
-		password: null,
-		traditional: false,
-		*/
-		// This function can be overriden by calling jQuery.ajaxSetup
-		xhr: function() {
-			return new window.XMLHttpRequest();
-		},
-		accepts: {
-			xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
-			html: "text/html",
-			script: "text/javascript, application/javascript",
-			json: "application/json, text/javascript",
-			text: "text/plain",
-			_default: "*/*"
-		}
-	},
-	ajax: function( origSettings ) {
-		var s = jQuery.extend(true, {}, jQuery.ajaxSettings, origSettings),
-			jsonp, status, data, type = s.type.toUpperCase(), noContent = rnoContent.test(type);
-		s.url = s.url.replace( rhash, "" );
-		// Use original (not extended) context object if it was provided
-		s.context = origSettings && origSettings.context != null ? origSettings.context : s;
-		// convert data if not already a string
-		if ( && s.processData && typeof !== "string" ) {
- = jQuery.param(, s.traditional );
-		}
-		// Handle JSONP Parameter Callbacks
-		if ( s.dataType === "jsonp" ) {
-			if ( type === "GET" ) {
-				if ( !jsre.test( s.url ) ) {
-					s.url += (rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?") + (s.jsonp || "callback") + "=?";
-				}
-			} else if ( ! || !jsre.test( ) {
- = ( ? + "&" : "") + (s.jsonp || "callback") + "=?";
-			}
-			s.dataType = "json";
-		}
-		// Build temporary JSONP function
-		if ( s.dataType === "json" && ( && jsre.test( || jsre.test(s.url)) ) {
-			jsonp = s.jsonpCallback || ("jsonp" + jsc++);
-			// Replace the =? sequence both in the query string and the data
-			if ( ) {
- = ( + "").replace(jsre, "=" + jsonp + "$1");
-			}
-			s.url = s.url.replace(jsre, "=" + jsonp + "$1");
-			// We need to make sure
-			// that a JSONP style response is executed properly
-			s.dataType = "script";
-			// Handle JSONP-style loading
-			var customJsonp = window[ jsonp ];
-			window[ jsonp ] = function( tmp ) {
-				if ( jQuery.isFunction( customJsonp ) ) {
-					customJsonp( tmp );
-				} else {
-					// Garbage collect
-					window[ jsonp ] = undefined;
-					try {
-						delete window[ jsonp ];
-					} catch( jsonpError ) {}
-				}
-				data = tmp;
-				jQuery.handleSuccess( s, xhr, status, data );
-				jQuery.handleComplete( s, xhr, status, data );
-				if ( head ) {
-					head.removeChild( script );
-				}
-			};
-		}
-		if ( s.dataType === "script" && s.cache === null ) {
-			s.cache = false;
-		}
-		if ( s.cache === false && noContent ) {
-			var ts =;
-			// try replacing _= if it is there
-			var ret = s.url.replace(rts, "$1_=" + ts);
-			// if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
-			s.url = ret + ((ret === s.url) ? (rquery.test(s.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + ts : "");
-		}
-		// If data is available, append data to url for GET/HEAD requests
-		if ( && noContent ) {
-			s.url += (rquery.test(s.url) ? "&" : "?") +;
-		}
-		// Watch for a new set of requests
-		if ( && === 0 ) {
-			jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStart" );
-		}
-		// Matches an absolute URL, and saves the domain
-		var parts = rurl.exec( s.url ),
-			remote = parts && (parts[1] && parts[1].toLowerCase() !== location.protocol || parts[2].toLowerCase() !==;
-		// If we're requesting a remote document
-		// and trying to load JSON or Script with a GET
-		if ( s.dataType === "script" && type === "GET" && remote ) {
-			var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement;
-			var script = document.createElement("script");
-			if ( s.scriptCharset ) {
-				script.charset = s.scriptCharset;
-			}
-			script.src = s.url;
-			// Handle Script loading
-			if ( !jsonp ) {
-				var done = false;
-				// Attach handlers for all browsers
-				script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() {
-					if ( !done && (!this.readyState ||
-							this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete") ) {
-						done = true;
-						jQuery.handleSuccess( s, xhr, status, data );
-						jQuery.handleComplete( s, xhr, status, data );
-						// Handle memory leak in IE
-						script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
-						if ( head && script.parentNode ) {
-							head.removeChild( script );
-						}
-					}
-				};
-			}
-			// Use insertBefore instead of appendChild  to circumvent an IE6 bug.
-			// This arises when a base node is used (#2709 and #4378).
-			head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
-			// We handle everything using the script element injection
-			return undefined;
-		}
-		var requestDone = false;
-		// Create the request object
-		var xhr = s.xhr();
-		if ( !xhr ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		// Open the socket
-		// Passing null username, generates a login popup on Opera (#2865)
-		if ( s.username ) {
-, s.url, s.async, s.username, s.password);
-		} else {
-, s.url, s.async);
-		}
-		// Need an extra try/catch for cross domain requests in Firefox 3
-		try {
-			// Set content-type if data specified and content-body is valid for this type
-			if ( ( != null && !noContent) || (origSettings && origSettings.contentType) ) {
-				xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", s.contentType);
-			}
-			// Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
-			if ( s.ifModified ) {
-				if ( jQuery.lastModified[s.url] ) {
-					xhr.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", jQuery.lastModified[s.url]);
-				}
-				if ( jQuery.etag[s.url] ) {
-					xhr.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", jQuery.etag[s.url]);
-				}
-			}
-			// Set header so the called script knows that it's an XMLHttpRequest
-			// Only send the header if it's not a remote XHR
-			if ( !remote ) {
-				xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
-			}
-			// Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType
-			xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", s.dataType && s.accepts[ s.dataType ] ?
-				s.accepts[ s.dataType ] + ", */*; q=0.01" :
-				s.accepts._default );
-		} catch( headerError ) {}
-		// Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort
-		if ( s.beforeSend &&, xhr, s) === false ) {
-			// Handle the global AJAX counter
-			if ( && === 1 ) {
-				jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );
-			}
-			// close opended socket
-			xhr.abort();
-			return false;
-		}
-		if ( ) {
-			jQuery.triggerGlobal( s, "ajaxSend", [xhr, s] );
-		}
-		// Wait for a response to come back
-		var onreadystatechange = xhr.onreadystatechange = function( isTimeout ) {
-			// The request was aborted
-			if ( !xhr || xhr.readyState === 0 || isTimeout === "abort" ) {
-				// Opera doesn't call onreadystatechange before this point
-				// so we simulate the call
-				if ( !requestDone ) {
-					jQuery.handleComplete( s, xhr, status, data );
-				}
-				requestDone = true;
-				if ( xhr ) {
-					xhr.onreadystatechange = jQuery.noop;
-				}
-			// The transfer is complete and the data is available, or the request timed out
-			} else if ( !requestDone && xhr && (xhr.readyState === 4 || isTimeout === "timeout") ) {
-				requestDone = true;
-				xhr.onreadystatechange = jQuery.noop;
-				status = isTimeout === "timeout" ?
-					"timeout" :
-					!jQuery.httpSuccess( xhr ) ?
-						"error" :
-						s.ifModified && jQuery.httpNotModified( xhr, s.url ) ?
-							"notmodified" :
-							"success";
-				var errMsg;
-				if ( status === "success" ) {
-					// Watch for, and catch, XML document parse errors
-					try {
-						// process the data (runs the xml through httpData regardless of callback)
-						data = jQuery.httpData( xhr, s.dataType, s );
-					} catch( parserError ) {
-						status = "parsererror";
-						errMsg = parserError;
-					}
-				}
-				// Make sure that the request was successful or notmodified
-				if ( status === "success" || status === "notmodified" ) {
-					// JSONP handles its own success callback
-					if ( !jsonp ) {
-						jQuery.handleSuccess( s, xhr, status, data );
-					}
-				} else {
-					jQuery.handleError( s, xhr, status, errMsg );
-				}
-				// Fire the complete handlers
-				if ( !jsonp ) {
-					jQuery.handleComplete( s, xhr, status, data );
-				}
-				if ( isTimeout === "timeout" ) {
-					xhr.abort();
-				}
-				// Stop memory leaks
-				if ( s.async ) {
-					xhr = null;
-				}
-			}
-		};
-		// Override the abort handler, if we can (IE 6 doesn't allow it, but that's OK)
-		// Opera doesn't fire onreadystatechange at all on abort
-		try {
-			var oldAbort = xhr.abort;
-			xhr.abort = function() {
-				if ( xhr ) {
-					// oldAbort has no call property in IE7 so
-					// just do it this way, which works in all
-					// browsers
- oldAbort, xhr );
-				}
-				onreadystatechange( "abort" );
-			};
-		} catch( abortError ) {}
-		// Timeout checker
-		if ( s.async && s.timeout > 0 ) {
-			setTimeout(function() {
-				// Check to see if the request is still happening
-				if ( xhr && !requestDone ) {
-					onreadystatechange( "timeout" );
-				}
-			}, s.timeout);
-		}
-		// Send the data
-		try {
-			xhr.send( noContent || == null ? null : );
-		} catch( sendError ) {
-			jQuery.handleError( s, xhr, null, sendError );
-			// Fire the complete handlers
-			jQuery.handleComplete( s, xhr, status, data );
-		}
-		// firefox 1.5 doesn't fire statechange for sync requests
-		if ( !s.async ) {
-			onreadystatechange();
-		}
-		// return XMLHttpRequest to allow aborting the request etc.
-		return xhr;
-	},
-	// Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
-	// key/values into a query string
-	param: function( a, traditional ) {
-		var s = [],
-			add = function( key, value ) {
-				// If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
-				value = jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : value;
-				s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
-			};
-		// Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior.
-		if ( traditional === undefined ) {
-			traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional;
-		}
-		// If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
-		if ( jQuery.isArray(a) || a.jquery ) {
-			// Serialize the form elements
-			jQuery.each( a, function() {
-				add(, this.value );
-			});
-		} else {
-			// If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
-			// did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
-			for ( var prefix in a ) {
-				buildParams( prefix, a[prefix], traditional, add );
-			}
-		}
-		// Return the resulting serialization
-		return s.join("&").replace(r20, "+");
-	}
-function buildParams( prefix, obj, traditional, add ) {
-	if ( jQuery.isArray(obj) && obj.length ) {
-		// Serialize array item.
-		jQuery.each( obj, function( i, v ) {
-			if ( traditional || rbracket.test( prefix ) ) {
-				// Treat each array item as a scalar.
-				add( prefix, v );
-			} else {
-				// If array item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its
-				// numeric index to resolve deserialization ambiguity issues.
-				// Note that rack (as of 1.0.0) can't currently deserialize
-				// nested arrays properly, and attempting to do so may cause
-				// a server error. Possible fixes are to modify rack's
-				// deserialization algorithm or to provide an option or flag
-				// to force array serialization to be shallow.
-				buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" || jQuery.isArray(v) ? i : "" ) + "]", v, traditional, add );
-			}
-		});
-	} else if ( !traditional && obj != null && typeof obj === "object" ) {
-		if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj ) ) {
-			add( prefix, "" );
-		// Serialize object item.
-		} else {
-			jQuery.each( obj, function( k, v ) {
-				buildParams( prefix + "[" + k + "]", v, traditional, add );
-			});
-		}
-	} else {
-		// Serialize scalar item.
-		add( prefix, obj );
-	}
-// This is still on the jQuery object... for now
-// Want to move this to jQuery.ajax some day
-	// Counter for holding the number of active queries
-	active: 0,
-	// Last-Modified header cache for next request
-	lastModified: {},
-	etag: {},
-	handleError: function( s, xhr, status, e ) {
-		// If a local callback was specified, fire it
-		if ( s.error ) {
- s.context, xhr, status, e );
-		}
-		// Fire the global callback
-		if ( ) {
-			jQuery.triggerGlobal( s, "ajaxError", [xhr, s, e] );
-		}
-	},
-	handleSuccess: function( s, xhr, status, data ) {
-		// If a local callback was specified, fire it and pass it the data
-		if ( s.success ) {
- s.context, data, status, xhr );
-		}
-		// Fire the global callback
-		if ( ) {
-			jQuery.triggerGlobal( s, "ajaxSuccess", [xhr, s] );
-		}
-	},
-	handleComplete: function( s, xhr, status ) {
-		// Process result
-		if ( s.complete ) {
- s.context, xhr, status );
-		}
-		// The request was completed
-		if ( ) {
-			jQuery.triggerGlobal( s, "ajaxComplete", [xhr, s] );
-		}
-		// Handle the global AJAX counter
-		if ( && === 1 ) {
-			jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );
-		}
-	},
-	triggerGlobal: function( s, type, args ) {
-		(s.context && s.context.url == null ? jQuery(s.context) : jQuery.event).trigger(type, args);
-	},
-	// Determines if an XMLHttpRequest was successful or not
-	httpSuccess: function( xhr ) {
-		try {
-			// IE error sometimes returns 1223 when it should be 204 so treat it as success, see #1450
-			return !xhr.status && location.protocol === "file:" ||
-				xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 ||
-				xhr.status === 304 || xhr.status === 1223;
-		} catch(e) {}
-		return false;
-	},
-	// Determines if an XMLHttpRequest returns NotModified
-	httpNotModified: function( xhr, url ) {
-		var lastModified = xhr.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"),
-			etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("Etag");
-		if ( lastModified ) {
-			jQuery.lastModified[url] = lastModified;
-		}
-		if ( etag ) {
-			jQuery.etag[url] = etag;
-		}
-		return xhr.status === 304;
-	},
-	httpData: function( xhr, type, s ) {
-		var ct = xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type") || "",
-			xml = type === "xml" || !type && ct.indexOf("xml") >= 0,
-			data = xml ? xhr.responseXML : xhr.responseText;
-		if ( xml && data.documentElement.nodeName === "parsererror" ) {
-			jQuery.error( "parsererror" );
-		}
-		// Allow a pre-filtering function to sanitize the response
-		// s is checked to keep backwards compatibility
-		if ( s && s.dataFilter ) {
-			data = s.dataFilter( data, type );
-		}
-		// The filter can actually parse the response
-		if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
-			// Get the JavaScript object, if JSON is used.
-			if ( type === "json" || !type && ct.indexOf("json") >= 0 ) {
-				data = jQuery.parseJSON( data );
-			// If the type is "script", eval it in global context
-			} else if ( type === "script" || !type && ct.indexOf("javascript") >= 0 ) {
-				jQuery.globalEval( data );
-			}
-		}
-		return data;
-	}
- * Create the request object; Microsoft failed to properly
- * implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7 (can't request local files),
- * so we use the ActiveXObject when it is available
- * Additionally XMLHttpRequest can be disabled in IE7/IE8 so
- * we need a fallback.
- */
-if ( window.ActiveXObject ) {
-	jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() {
-		if ( window.location.protocol !== "file:" ) {
-			try {
-				return new window.XMLHttpRequest();
-			} catch(xhrError) {}
-		}
-		try {
-			return new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
-		} catch(activeError) {}
-	};
-// Does this browser support XHR requests? = !!jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr();
-var elemdisplay = {},
-	rfxtypes = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/,
-	rfxnum = /^([+\-]=)?([\d+.\-]+)(.*)$/,
-	timerId,
-	fxAttrs = [
-		// height animations
-		[ "height", "marginTop", "marginBottom", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ],
-		// width animations
-		[ "width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ],
-		// opacity animations
-		[ "opacity" ]
-	];
-	show: function( speed, easing, callback ) {
-		var elem, display;
-		if ( speed || speed === 0 ) {
-			return this.animate( genFx("show", 3), speed, easing, callback);
-		} else {
-			for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) {
-				elem = this[i];
-				display =;
-				// Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is
-				// being hidden by cascaded rules or not
-				if ( !, "olddisplay") && display === "none" ) {
-					display = = "";
-				}
-				// Set elements which have been overridden with display: none
-				// in a stylesheet to whatever the default browser style is
-				// for such an element
-				if ( display === "" && jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) === "none" ) {
-, "olddisplay", defaultDisplay(elem.nodeName));
-				}
-			}
-			// Set the display of most of the elements in a second loop
-			// to avoid the constant reflow
-			for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
-				elem = this[i];
-				display =;
-				if ( display === "" || display === "none" ) {
- =, "olddisplay") || "";
-				}
-			}
-			return this;
-		}
-	},
-	hide: function( speed, easing, callback ) {
-		if ( speed || speed === 0 ) {
-			return this.animate( genFx("hide", 3), speed, easing, callback);
-		} else {
-			for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) {
-				var display = jQuery.css( this[i], "display" );
-				if ( display !== "none" ) {
- this[i], "olddisplay", display );
-				}
-			}
-			// Set the display of the elements in a second loop
-			// to avoid the constant reflow
-			for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
-				this[i].style.display = "none";
-			}
-			return this;
-		}
-	},
-	// Save the old toggle function
-	_toggle: jQuery.fn.toggle,
-	toggle: function( fn, fn2, callback ) {
-		var bool = typeof fn === "boolean";
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction(fn) && jQuery.isFunction(fn2) ) {
-			this._toggle.apply( this, arguments );
-		} else if ( fn == null || bool ) {
-			this.each(function() {
-				var state = bool ? fn : jQuery(this).is(":hidden");
-				jQuery(this)[ state ? "show" : "hide" ]();
-			});
-		} else {
-			this.animate(genFx("toggle", 3), fn, fn2, callback);
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	fadeTo: function( speed, to, easing, callback ) {
-		return this.filter(":hidden").css("opacity", 0).show().end()
-					.animate({opacity: to}, speed, easing, callback);
-	},
-	animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) {
-		var optall = jQuery.speed(speed, easing, callback);
-		if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( prop ) ) {
-			return this.each( optall.complete );
-		}
-		return this[ optall.queue === false ? "each" : "queue" ](function() {
-			// XXX 'this' does not always have a nodeName when running the
-			// test suite
-			var opt = jQuery.extend({}, optall), p,
-				isElement = this.nodeType === 1,
-				hidden = isElement && jQuery(this).is(":hidden"),
-				self = this;
-			for ( p in prop ) {
-				var name = jQuery.camelCase( p );
-				if ( p !== name ) {
-					prop[ name ] = prop[ p ];
-					delete prop[ p ];
-					p = name;
-				}
-				if ( prop[p] === "hide" && hidden || prop[p] === "show" && !hidden ) {
-					return;
-				}
-				if ( isElement && ( p === "height" || p === "width" ) ) {
-					// Make sure that nothing sneaks out
-					// Record all 3 overflow attributes because IE does not
-					// change the overflow attribute when overflowX and
-					// overflowY are set to the same value
-					opt.overflow = [,, ];
-					// Set display property to inline-block for height/width
-					// animations on inline elements that are having width/height
-					// animated
-					if ( jQuery.css( this, "display" ) === "inline" &&
-							jQuery.css( this, "float" ) === "none" ) {
-						if ( ! ) {
- = "inline-block";
-						} else {
-							var display = defaultDisplay(this.nodeName);
-							// inline-level elements accept inline-block;
-							// block-level elements need to be inline with layout
-							if ( display === "inline" ) {
- = "inline-block";
-							} else {
- = "inline";
- = 1;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				if ( jQuery.isArray( prop[p] ) ) {
-					// Create (if needed) and add to specialEasing
-					(opt.specialEasing = opt.specialEasing || {})[p] = prop[p][1];
-					prop[p] = prop[p][0];
-				}
-			}
-			if ( opt.overflow != null ) {
- = "hidden";
-			}
-			opt.curAnim = jQuery.extend({}, prop);
-			jQuery.each( prop, function( name, val ) {
-				var e = new jQuery.fx( self, opt, name );
-				if ( rfxtypes.test(val) ) {
-					e[ val === "toggle" ? hidden ? "show" : "hide" : val ]( prop );
-				} else {
-					var parts = rfxnum.exec(val),
-						start = e.cur() || 0;
-					if ( parts ) {
-						var end = parseFloat( parts[2] ),
-							unit = parts[3] || "px";
-						// We need to compute starting value
-						if ( unit !== "px" ) {
- self, name, (end || 1) + unit);
-							start = ((end || 1) / e.cur()) * start;
- self, name, start + unit);
-						}
-						// If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation
-						if ( parts[1] ) {
-							end = ((parts[1] === "-=" ? -1 : 1) * end) + start;
-						}
-						e.custom( start, end, unit );
-					} else {
-						e.custom( start, val, "" );
-					}
-				}
-			});
-			// For JS strict compliance
-			return true;
-		});
-	},
-	stop: function( clearQueue, gotoEnd ) {
-		var timers = jQuery.timers;
-		if ( clearQueue ) {
-			this.queue([]);
-		}
-		this.each(function() {
-			// go in reverse order so anything added to the queue during the loop is ignored
-			for ( var i = timers.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
-				if ( timers[i].elem === this ) {
-					if (gotoEnd) {
-						// force the next step to be the last
-						timers[i](true);
-					}
-					timers.splice(i, 1);
-				}
-			}
-		});
-		// start the next in the queue if the last step wasn't forced
-		if ( !gotoEnd ) {
-			this.dequeue();
-		}
-		return this;
-	}
-function genFx( type, num ) {
-	var obj = {};
-	jQuery.each( fxAttrs.concat.apply([], fxAttrs.slice(0,num)), function() {
-		obj[ this ] = type;
-	});
-	return obj;
-// Generate shortcuts for custom animations
-	slideDown: genFx("show", 1),
-	slideUp: genFx("hide", 1),
-	slideToggle: genFx("toggle", 1),
-	fadeIn: { opacity: "show" },
-	fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" },
-	fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" }
-}, function( name, props ) {
-	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( speed, easing, callback ) {
-		return this.animate( props, speed, easing, callback );
-	};
-	speed: function( speed, easing, fn ) {
-		var opt = speed && typeof speed === "object" ? jQuery.extend({}, speed) : {
-			complete: fn || !fn && easing ||
-				jQuery.isFunction( speed ) && speed,
-			duration: speed,
-			easing: fn && easing || easing && !jQuery.isFunction(easing) && easing
-		};
-		opt.duration = ? 0 : typeof opt.duration === "number" ? opt.duration :
-			opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds ? jQuery.fx.speeds[opt.duration] : jQuery.fx.speeds._default;
-		// Queueing
-		opt.old = opt.complete;
-		opt.complete = function() {
-			if ( opt.queue !== false ) {
-				jQuery(this).dequeue();
-			}
-			if ( jQuery.isFunction( opt.old ) ) {
- this );
-			}
-		};
-		return opt;
-	},
-	easing: {
-		linear: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) {
-			return firstNum + diff * p;
-		},
-		swing: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) {
-			return ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * diff + firstNum;
-		}
-	},
-	timers: [],
-	fx: function( elem, options, prop ) {
-		this.options = options;
-		this.elem = elem;
-		this.prop = prop;
-		if ( !options.orig ) {
-			options.orig = {};
-		}
-	}
-jQuery.fx.prototype = {
-	// Simple function for setting a style value
-	update: function() {
-		if ( this.options.step ) {
- this.elem,, this );
-		}
-		(jQuery.fx.step[this.prop] || jQuery.fx.step._default)( this );
-	},
-	// Get the current size
-	cur: function() {
-		if ( this.elem[this.prop] != null && (! ||[this.prop] == null) ) {
-			return this.elem[ this.prop ];
-		}
-		var r = parseFloat( jQuery.css( this.elem, this.prop ) );
-		return r && r > -10000 ? r : 0;
-	},
-	// Start an animation from one number to another
-	custom: function( from, to, unit ) {
-		var self = this,
-			fx = jQuery.fx;
-		this.startTime =;
-		this.start = from;
-		this.end = to;
-		this.unit = unit || this.unit || "px";
- = this.start;
-		this.pos = this.state = 0;
-		function t( gotoEnd ) {
-			return self.step(gotoEnd);
-		}
-		t.elem = this.elem;
-		if ( t() && jQuery.timers.push(t) && !timerId ) {
-			timerId = setInterval(fx.tick, fx.interval);
-		}
-	},
-	// Simple 'show' function
-	show: function() {
-		// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
-		this.options.orig[this.prop] = this.elem, this.prop );
- = true;
-		// Begin the animation
-		// Make sure that we start at a small width/height to avoid any
-		// flash of content
-		this.custom(this.prop === "width" || this.prop === "height" ? 1 : 0, this.cur());
-		// Start by showing the element
-		jQuery( this.elem ).show();
-	},
-	// Simple 'hide' function
-	hide: function() {
-		// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
-		this.options.orig[this.prop] = this.elem, this.prop );
-		this.options.hide = true;
-		// Begin the animation
-		this.custom(this.cur(), 0);
-	},
-	// Each step of an animation
-	step: function( gotoEnd ) {
-		var t =, done = true;
-		if ( gotoEnd || t >= this.options.duration + this.startTime ) {
- = this.end;
-			this.pos = this.state = 1;
-			this.update();
-			this.options.curAnim[ this.prop ] = true;
-			for ( var i in this.options.curAnim ) {
-				if ( this.options.curAnim[i] !== true ) {
-					done = false;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( done ) {
-				// Reset the overflow
-				if ( this.options.overflow != null && ! ) {
-					var elem = this.elem,
-						options = this.options;
-					jQuery.each( [ "", "X", "Y" ], function (index, value) {
-[ "overflow" + value ] = options.overflow[index];
-					} );
-				}
-				// Hide the element if the "hide" operation was done
-				if ( this.options.hide ) {
-					jQuery(this.elem).hide();
-				}
-				// Reset the properties, if the item has been hidden or shown
-				if ( this.options.hide || ) {
-					for ( var p in this.options.curAnim ) {
- this.elem, p, this.options.orig[p] );
-					}
-				}
-				// Execute the complete function
- this.elem );
-			}
-			return false;
-		} else {
-			var n = t - this.startTime;
-			this.state = n / this.options.duration;
-			// Perform the easing function, defaults to swing
-			var specialEasing = this.options.specialEasing && this.options.specialEasing[this.prop];
-			var defaultEasing = this.options.easing || (jQuery.easing.swing ? "swing" : "linear");
-			this.pos = jQuery.easing[specialEasing || defaultEasing](this.state, n, 0, 1, this.options.duration);
- = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos);
-			// Perform the next step of the animation
-			this.update();
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-jQuery.extend( jQuery.fx, {
-	tick: function() {
-		var timers = jQuery.timers;
-		for ( var i = 0; i < timers.length; i++ ) {
-			if ( !timers[i]() ) {
-				timers.splice(i--, 1);
-			}
-		}
-		if ( !timers.length ) {
-			jQuery.fx.stop();
-		}
-	},
-	interval: 13,
-	stop: function() {
-		clearInterval( timerId );
-		timerId = null;
-	},
-	speeds: {
-		slow: 600,
-		fast: 200,
-		// Default speed
-		_default: 400
-	},
-	step: {
-		opacity: function( fx ) {
- fx.elem, "opacity", );
-		},
-		_default: function( fx ) {
-			if ( &&[ fx.prop ] != null ) {
-[ fx.prop ] = (fx.prop === "width" || fx.prop === "height" ? Math.max(0, : + fx.unit;
-			} else {
-				fx.elem[ fx.prop ] =;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) {
-	jQuery.expr.filters.animated = function( elem ) {
-		return jQuery.grep(jQuery.timers, function( fn ) {
-			return elem === fn.elem;
-		}).length;
-	};
-function defaultDisplay( nodeName ) {
-	if ( !elemdisplay[ nodeName ] ) {
-		var elem = jQuery("<" + nodeName + ">").appendTo("body"),
-			display = elem.css("display");
-		elem.remove();
-		if ( display === "none" || display === "" ) {
-			display = "block";
-		}
-		elemdisplay[ nodeName ] = display;
-	}
-	return elemdisplay[ nodeName ];
-var rtable = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i,
-	rroot = /^(?:body|html)$/i;
-if ( "getBoundingClientRect" in document.documentElement ) {
-	jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) {
-		var elem = this[0], box;
-		if ( options ) { 
-			return this.each(function( i ) {
-				jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		if ( elem === elem.ownerDocument.body ) {
-			return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( elem );
-		}
-		try {
-			box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
-		} catch(e) {}
-		var doc = elem.ownerDocument,
-			docElem = doc.documentElement;
-		// Make sure we're not dealing with a disconnected DOM node
-		if ( !box || !jQuery.contains( docElem, elem ) ) {
-			return box || { top: 0, left: 0 };
-		}
-		var body = doc.body,
-			win = getWindow(doc),
-			clientTop  = docElem.clientTop  || body.clientTop  || 0,
-			clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0,
-			scrollTop  = (win.pageYOffset || && docElem.scrollTop  || body.scrollTop ),
-			scrollLeft = (win.pageXOffset || && docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft),
-			top  =  + scrollTop  - clientTop,
-			left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft;
-		return { top: top, left: left };
-	};
-} else {
-	jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) {
-		var elem = this[0];
-		if ( options ) { 
-			return this.each(function( i ) {
-				jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		if ( elem === elem.ownerDocument.body ) {
-			return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( elem );
-		}
-		jQuery.offset.initialize();
-		var computedStyle,
-			offsetParent = elem.offsetParent,
-			prevOffsetParent = elem,
-			doc = elem.ownerDocument,
-			docElem = doc.documentElement,
-			body = doc.body,
-			defaultView = doc.defaultView,
-			prevComputedStyle = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null ) : elem.currentStyle,
-			top = elem.offsetTop,
-			left = elem.offsetLeft;
-		while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem !== body && elem !== docElem ) {
-			if ( jQuery.offset.supportsFixedPosition && prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" ) {
-				break;
-			}
-			computedStyle = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null) : elem.currentStyle;
-			top  -= elem.scrollTop;
-			left -= elem.scrollLeft;
-			if ( elem === offsetParent ) {
-				top  += elem.offsetTop;
-				left += elem.offsetLeft;
-				if ( jQuery.offset.doesNotAddBorder && !(jQuery.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && rtable.test(elem.nodeName)) ) {
-					top  += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderTopWidth  ) || 0;
-					left += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0;
-				}
-				prevOffsetParent = offsetParent;
-				offsetParent = elem.offsetParent;
-			}
-			if ( jQuery.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && computedStyle.overflow !== "visible" ) {
-				top  += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderTopWidth  ) || 0;
-				left += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0;
-			}
-			prevComputedStyle = computedStyle;
-		}
-		if ( prevComputedStyle.position === "relative" || prevComputedStyle.position === "static" ) {
-			top  += body.offsetTop;
-			left += body.offsetLeft;
-		}
-		if ( jQuery.offset.supportsFixedPosition && prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" ) {
-			top  += Math.max( docElem.scrollTop, body.scrollTop );
-			left += Math.max( docElem.scrollLeft, body.scrollLeft );
-		}
-		return { top: top, left: left };
-	};
-jQuery.offset = {
-	initialize: function() {
-		var body = document.body, container = document.createElement("div"), innerDiv, checkDiv, table, td, bodyMarginTop = parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginTop") ) || 0,
-			html = "<div style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;'><div></div></div><table style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td></td></tr></table>";
-		jQuery.extend(, { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, margin: 0, border: 0, width: "1px", height: "1px", visibility: "hidden" } );
-		container.innerHTML = html;
-		body.insertBefore( container, body.firstChild );
-		innerDiv = container.firstChild;
-		checkDiv = innerDiv.firstChild;
-		td = innerDiv.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild;
-		this.doesNotAddBorder = (checkDiv.offsetTop !== 5);
-		this.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells = (td.offsetTop === 5);
- = "fixed";
- = "20px";
-		// safari subtracts parent border width here which is 5px
-		this.supportsFixedPosition = (checkDiv.offsetTop === 20 || checkDiv.offsetTop === 15);
- = = "";
- = "hidden";
- = "relative";
-		this.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = (checkDiv.offsetTop === -5);
-		this.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = (body.offsetTop !== bodyMarginTop);
-		body.removeChild( container );
-		body = container = innerDiv = checkDiv = table = td = null;
-		jQuery.offset.initialize = jQuery.noop;
-	},
-	bodyOffset: function( body ) {
-		var top = body.offsetTop,
-			left = body.offsetLeft;
-		jQuery.offset.initialize();
-		if ( jQuery.offset.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset ) {
-			top  += parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginTop") ) || 0;
-			left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginLeft") ) || 0;
-		}
-		return { top: top, left: left };
-	},
-	setOffset: function( elem, options, i ) {
-		var position = jQuery.css( elem, "position" );
-		// set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
-		if ( position === "static" ) {
- = "relative";
-		}
-		var curElem = jQuery( elem ),
-			curOffset = curElem.offset(),
-			curCSSTop = jQuery.css( elem, "top" ),
-			curCSSLeft = jQuery.css( elem, "left" ),
-			calculatePosition = (position === "absolute" && jQuery.inArray('auto', [curCSSTop, curCSSLeft]) > -1),
-			props = {}, curPosition = {}, curTop, curLeft;
-		// need to be able to calculate position if either top or left is auto and position is absolute
-		if ( calculatePosition ) {
-			curPosition = curElem.position();
-		}
-		curTop  = calculatePosition ?  : parseInt( curCSSTop,  10 ) || 0;
-		curLeft = calculatePosition ? curPosition.left : parseInt( curCSSLeft, 10 ) || 0;
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( options ) ) {
-			options = elem, i, curOffset );
-		}
-		if ( != null) {
- = ( - + curTop;
-		}
-		if (options.left != null) {
-			props.left = (options.left - curOffset.left) + curLeft;
-		}
-		if ( "using" in options ) {
- elem, props );
-		} else {
-			curElem.css( props );
-		}
-	}
-	position: function() {
-		if ( !this[0] ) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		var elem = this[0],
-		// Get *real* offsetParent
-		offsetParent = this.offsetParent(),
-		// Get correct offsets
-		offset       = this.offset(),
-		parentOffset = rroot.test(offsetParent[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset();
-		// Subtract element margins
-		// note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft
-		// are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0
-  -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginTop") ) || 0;
-		offset.left -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginLeft") ) || 0;
-		// Add offsetParent borders
-  += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderTopWidth") ) || 0;
-		parentOffset.left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderLeftWidth") ) || 0;
-		// Subtract the two offsets
-		return {
-			top:  -,
-			left: offset.left - parentOffset.left
-		};
-	},
-	offsetParent: function() {
-		return {
-			var offsetParent = this.offsetParent || document.body;
-			while ( offsetParent && (!rroot.test(offsetParent.nodeName) && jQuery.css(offsetParent, "position") === "static") ) {
-				offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
-			}
-			return offsetParent;
-		});
-	}
-// Create scrollLeft and scrollTop methods
-jQuery.each( ["Left", "Top"], function( i, name ) {
-	var method = "scroll" + name;
-	jQuery.fn[ method ] = function(val) {
-		var elem = this[0], win;
-		if ( !elem ) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		if ( val !== undefined ) {
-			// Set the scroll offset
-			return this.each(function() {
-				win = getWindow( this );
-				if ( win ) {
-					win.scrollTo(
-						!i ? val : jQuery(win).scrollLeft(),
-						 i ? val : jQuery(win).scrollTop()
-					);
-				} else {
-					this[ method ] = val;
-				}
-			});
-		} else {
-			win = getWindow( elem );
-			// Return the scroll offset
-			return win ? ("pageXOffset" in win) ? win[ i ? "pageYOffset" : "pageXOffset" ] :
- && win.document.documentElement[ method ] ||
-					win.document.body[ method ] :
-				elem[ method ];
-		}
-	};
-function getWindow( elem ) {
-	return jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ?
-		elem :
-		elem.nodeType === 9 ?
-			elem.defaultView || elem.parentWindow :
-			false;
-// Create innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight and outerWidth methods
-jQuery.each([ "Height", "Width" ], function( i, name ) {
-	var type = name.toLowerCase();
-	// innerHeight and innerWidth
-	jQuery.fn["inner" + name] = function() {
-		return this[0] ?
-			parseFloat( jQuery.css( this[0], type, "padding" ) ) :
-			null;
-	};
-	// outerHeight and outerWidth
-	jQuery.fn["outer" + name] = function( margin ) {
-		return this[0] ?
-			parseFloat( jQuery.css( this[0], type, margin ? "margin" : "border" ) ) :
-			null;
-	};
-	jQuery.fn[ type ] = function( size ) {
-		// Get window width or height
-		var elem = this[0];
-		if ( !elem ) {
-			return size == null ? null : this;
-		}
-		if ( jQuery.isFunction( size ) ) {
-			return this.each(function( i ) {
-				var self = jQuery( this );
-				self[ type ]( this, i, self[ type ]() ) );
-			});
-		}
-		if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
-			// Everyone else use document.documentElement or document.body depending on Quirks vs Standards mode
-			return elem.document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && elem.document.documentElement[ "client" + name ] ||
-				elem.document.body[ "client" + name ];
-		// Get document width or height
-		} else if ( elem.nodeType === 9 ) {
-			// Either scroll[Width/Height] or offset[Width/Height], whichever is greater
-			return Math.max(
-				elem.documentElement["client" + name],
-				elem.body["scroll" + name], elem.documentElement["scroll" + name],
-				elem.body["offset" + name], elem.documentElement["offset" + name]
-			);
-		// Get or set width or height on the element
-		} else if ( size === undefined ) {
-			var orig = jQuery.css( elem, type ),
-				ret = parseFloat( orig );
-			return jQuery.isNaN( ret ) ? orig : ret;
-		// Set the width or height on the element (default to pixels if value is unitless)
-		} else {
-			return this.css( type, typeof size === "string" ? size : size + "px" );
-		}
-	};
- * jQuery UI Widget @VERSION
- *
- * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- *
- */
-(function( $, undefined ) {
-// jQuery 1.4+
-if ( $.cleanData ) {
-	var _cleanData = $.cleanData;
-	$.cleanData = function( elems ) {
-		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
-			$( elem ).triggerHandler( "remove" );
-		}
-		_cleanData( elems );
-	};
-} else {
-	var _remove = $.fn.remove;
-	$.fn.remove = function( selector, keepData ) {
-		return this.each(function() {
-			if ( !keepData ) {
-				if ( !selector || $.filter( selector, [ this ] ).length ) {
-					$( "*", this ).add( [ this ] ).each(function() {
-						$( this ).triggerHandler( "remove" );
-					});
-				}
-			}
-			return $(this), selector, keepData );
-		});
-	};
-$.widget = function( name, base, prototype ) {
-	var namespace = name.split( "." )[ 0 ],
-		fullName;
-	name = name.split( "." )[ 1 ];
-	fullName = namespace + "-" + name;
-	if ( !prototype ) {
-		prototype = base;
-		base = $.Widget;
-	}
-	// create selector for plugin
-	$.expr[ ":" ][ fullName ] = function( elem ) {
-		return !!$.data( elem, name );
-	};
-	$[ namespace ] = $[ namespace ] || {};
-	$[ namespace ][ name ] = function( options, element ) {
-		// allow instantiation without initializing for simple inheritance
-		if ( arguments.length ) {
-			this._createWidget( options, element );
-		}
-	};
-	var basePrototype = new base();
-	// we need to make the options hash a property directly on the new instance
-	// otherwise we'll modify the options hash on the prototype that we're
-	// inheriting from
-//	$.each( basePrototype, function( key, val ) {
-//		if ( $.isPlainObject(val) ) {
-//			basePrototype[ key ] = $.extend( {}, val );
-//		}
-//	});
-	basePrototype.options = $.extend( true, {}, basePrototype.options );
-	$[ namespace ][ name ].prototype = $.extend( true, basePrototype, {
-		namespace: namespace,
-		widgetName: name,
-		widgetEventPrefix: $[ namespace ][ name ].prototype.widgetEventPrefix || name,
-		widgetBaseClass: fullName
-	}, prototype );
-	$.widget.bridge( name, $[ namespace ][ name ] );
-$.widget.bridge = function( name, object ) {
-	$.fn[ name ] = function( options ) {
-		var isMethodCall = typeof options === "string",
-			args = arguments, 1 ),
-			returnValue = this;
-		// allow multiple hashes to be passed on init
-		options = !isMethodCall && args.length ?
-			$.extend.apply( null, [ true, options ].concat(args) ) :
-			options;
-		// prevent calls to internal methods
-		if ( isMethodCall && options.charAt( 0 ) === "_" ) {
-			return returnValue;
-		}
-		if ( isMethodCall ) {
-			this.each(function() {
-				var instance = $.data( this, name );
-				if ( !instance ) {
-					throw "cannot call methods on " + name + " prior to initialization; " +
-						"attempted to call method '" + options + "'";
-				}
-				if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) ) {
-					throw "no such method '" + options + "' for " + name + " widget instance";
-				}
-				var methodValue = instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );
-				if ( methodValue !== instance && methodValue !== undefined ) {
-					returnValue = methodValue;
-					return false;
-				}
-			});
-		} else {
-			this.each(function() {
-				var instance = $.data( this, name );
-				if ( instance ) {
-					instance.option( options || {} )._init();
-				} else {
-					$.data( this, name, new object( options, this ) );
-				}
-			});
-		}
-		return returnValue;
-	};
-$.Widget = function( options, element ) {
-	// allow instantiation without initializing for simple inheritance
-	if ( arguments.length ) {
-		this._createWidget( options, element );
-	}
-$.Widget.prototype = {
-	widgetName: "widget",
-	widgetEventPrefix: "",
-	options: {
-		disabled: false
-	},
-	_createWidget: function( options, element ) {
-		// $.widget.bridge stores the plugin instance, but we do it anyway
-		// so that it's stored even before the _create function runs
-		$.data( element, this.widgetName, this );
-		this.element = $( element );
-		this.options = $.extend( true, {},
-			this.options,
-			this._getCreateOptions(),
-			options );
-		var self = this;
-		this.element.bind( "remove." + this.widgetName, function() {
-			self.destroy();
-		});
-		this._create();
-		this._trigger( "create" );
-		this._init();
-	},
-	_getCreateOptions: function() {
-		var options = {};
-		if ( $.metadata ) {
-			options = $.metadata.get( element )[ this.widgetName ];
-		}
-		return options;
-	},
-	_create: function() {},
-	_init: function() {},
-	destroy: function() {
-		this.element
-			.unbind( "." + this.widgetName )
-			.removeData( this.widgetName );
-		this.widget()
-			.unbind( "." + this.widgetName )
-			.removeAttr( "aria-disabled" )
-			.removeClass(
-				this.widgetBaseClass + "-disabled " +
-				"ui-state-disabled" );
-	},
-	widget: function() {
-		return this.element;
-	},
-	option: function( key, value ) {
-		var options = key;
-		if ( arguments.length === 0 ) {
-			// don't return a reference to the internal hash
-			return $.extend( {}, this.options );
-		}
-		if  (typeof key === "string" ) {
-			if ( value === undefined ) {
-				return this.options[ key ];
-			}
-			options = {};
-			options[ key ] = value;
-		}
-		this._setOptions( options );
-		return this;
-	},
-	_setOptions: function( options ) {
-		var self = this;
-		$.each( options, function( key, value ) {
-			self._setOption( key, value );
-		});
-		return this;
-	},
-	_setOption: function( key, value ) {
-		this.options[ key ] = value;
-		if ( key === "disabled" ) {
-			this.widget()
-				[ value ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](
-					this.widgetBaseClass + "-disabled" + " " +
-					"ui-state-disabled" )
-				.attr( "aria-disabled", value );
-		}
-		return this;
-	},
-	enable: function() {
-		return this._setOption( "disabled", false );
-	},
-	disable: function() {
-		return this._setOption( "disabled", true );
-	},
-	_trigger: function( type, event, data ) {
-		var callback = this.options[ type ];
-		event = $.Event( event );
-		event.type = ( type === this.widgetEventPrefix ?
-			type :
-			this.widgetEventPrefix + type ).toLowerCase();
-		data = data || {};
-		// copy original event properties over to the new event
-		// this would happen if we could call $.event.fix instead of $.Event
-		// but we don't have a way to force an event to be fixed multiple times
-		if ( event.originalEvent ) {
-			for ( var i = $.event.props.length, prop; i; ) {
-				prop = $.event.props[ --i ];
-				event[ prop ] = event.originalEvent[ prop ];
-			}
-		}
-		this.element.trigger( event, data );
-		return !( $.isFunction(callback) &&
- this.element[0], event, data ) === false ||
-			event.isDefaultPrevented() );
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : widget factory extentions for mobile
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "mobile.widget", {
-	_getCreateOptions: function() {
-		var elem = this.element,
-			options = {};
-		$.each( this.options, function( option ) {
-			var value = option.replace( /[A-Z]/g, function( c ) {
-				return "-" + c.toLowerCase();
-			} ) );
-			if ( value !== undefined ) {
-				options[ option ] = value;
-			}
-		});
-		return options;
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : resolution and CSS media query related helpers and behavior
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-var $window = $(window),
-	$html = $( "html" ),
-	//media-query-like width breakpoints, which are translated to classes on the html element
-	resolutionBreakpoints = [320,480,768,1024];
-/* $ method: pass a CSS media type or query and get a bool return
-	note: this feature relies on actual media query support for media queries, though types will work most anywhere
-	examples:
-		$'screen') //>> tests for screen media type
-		$'screen and (min-width: 480px)') //>> tests for screen media type with window width > 480px
-		$'@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)') //>> tests for webkit 2x pixel ratio (iPhone 4)
-$ = (function() {
-	// TODO: use window.matchMedia once at least one UA implements it
-	var cache = {},
-		testDiv = $( "<div id='jquery-mediatest'>" ),
-		fakeBody = $( "<body>" ).append( testDiv );
-	return function( query ) {
-		if ( !( query in cache ) ) {
-			var styleBlock = $( "<style type='text/css'>" +
-				"@media " + query + "{#jquery-mediatest{position:absolute;}}" +
-				"</style>" );
-			$html.prepend( fakeBody ).prepend( styleBlock );
-			cache[ query ] = testDiv.css( "position" ) === "absolute";
-			fakeBody.add( styleBlock ).remove();
-		}
-		return cache[ query ];
-	};
-	private function for adding/removing breakpoint classes to HTML element for faux media-query support
-	It does not require media query support, instead using JS to detect screen width > cross-browser support
-	This function is called on orientationchange, resize, and mobileinit, and is bound via the 'htmlclass' event namespace
-function detectResolutionBreakpoints(){
-	var currWidth = $window.width(),
-		minPrefix = "min-width-",
-		maxPrefix = "max-width-",
-		minBreakpoints = [],
-		maxBreakpoints = [],
-		unit = "px",
-		breakpointClasses;
-	$html.removeClass( minPrefix + resolutionBreakpoints.join(unit + " " + minPrefix) + unit + " " +
-		maxPrefix + resolutionBreakpoints.join( unit + " " + maxPrefix) + unit );
-	$.each(resolutionBreakpoints,function( i, breakPoint ){
-		if( currWidth >= breakPoint ){
-			minBreakpoints.push( minPrefix + breakPoint + unit );
-		}
-		if( currWidth <= breakPoint ){
-			maxBreakpoints.push( maxPrefix + breakPoint + unit );
-		}
-	});
-	if( minBreakpoints.length ){ breakpointClasses = minBreakpoints.join(" "); }
-	if( maxBreakpoints.length ){ breakpointClasses += " " +  maxBreakpoints.join(" "); }
-	$html.addClass( breakpointClasses );
-/* $.mobile.addResolutionBreakpoints method:
-	pass either a number or an array of numbers and they'll be added to the min/max breakpoint classes
-	Examples:
-		$.mobile.addResolutionBreakpoints( 500 );
-		$.mobile.addResolutionBreakpoints( [500, 1200] );
-$.mobile.addResolutionBreakpoints = function( newbps ){
-	if( $.type( newbps ) === "array" ){
-		resolutionBreakpoints = resolutionBreakpoints.concat( newbps );
-	}
-	else {
-		resolutionBreakpoints.push( newbps );
-	}
-	resolutionBreakpoints.sort(function(a,b){ return a-b; });
-	detectResolutionBreakpoints();
-/* 	on mobileinit, add classes to HTML element
-	and set handlers to update those on orientationchange and resize*/
-$(document).bind("mobileinit.htmlclass", function(){
-	/* bind to orientationchange and resize
-	to add classes to HTML element for min/max breakpoints and orientation */
-	$window.bind("orientationchange.htmlclass resize.htmlclass", function(event){
-		//add orientation class to HTML element on flip/resize.
-		if(event.orientation){
-			$html.removeClass( "portrait landscape" ).addClass( event.orientation );
-		}
-		//add classes to HTML element for min/max breakpoints
-		detectResolutionBreakpoints();
-	});
-	//trigger event manually
-	$window.trigger( "orientationchange.htmlclass" );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : support tests
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-var fakeBody = $( "<body>" ).prependTo( "html" ),
-	fbCSS = fakeBody[0].style,
-	vendors = ['webkit','moz','o'],
-	webos = window.palmGetResource || window.PalmServiceBridge, //only used to rule out scrollTop 
-	bb = window.blackberry; //only used to rule out box shadow, as it's filled opaque on BB
-//thx Modernizr
-function propExists( prop ){
-	var uc_prop = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1),
-		props   = (prop + ' ' + vendors.join(uc_prop + ' ') + uc_prop).split(' ');
-	for(var v in props){
-		if( fbCSS[ props[v] ] !== undefined ){
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-//test for dynamic-updating base tag support (allows us to avoid href,src attr rewriting)
-function baseTagTest(){
-	var fauxBase = location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname + "ui-dir/",
-		base = $("<base>", {"href": fauxBase}).appendTo("head"),
-		link = $( "<a href='testurl'></a>" ).prependTo( fakeBody ),
-		rebase = link[0].href;
-	base.remove();
-	return rebase.indexOf(fauxBase) === 0;
-$.extend( $.support, {
-	orientation: "orientation" in window,
-	touch: "ontouchend" in document,
-	cssTransitions: "WebKitTransitionEvent" in window,
-	pushState: !!history.pushState,
-	mediaquery: $'only all'),
-	cssPseudoElement: !!propExists('content'),
-	boxShadow: !!propExists('boxShadow') && !bb,
-	scrollTop: ("pageXOffset" in window || "scrollTop" in document.documentElement || "scrollTop" in fakeBody[0]) && !webos,
-	dynamicBaseTag: baseTagTest()
-//for ruling out shadows via css
-if( !$.support.boxShadow ){ $('html').addClass('ui-mobile-nosupport-boxshadow'); }
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : events
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-// add new event shortcuts
-$.each( "touchstart touchmove touchend orientationchange tap taphold swipe swipeleft swiperight scrollstart scrollstop".split( " " ), function( i, name ) {
-	$.fn[ name ] = function( fn ) {
-		return fn ? this.bind( name, fn ) : this.trigger( name );
-	};
-	$.attrFn[ name ] = true;
-var supportTouch = $.support.touch,
-	scrollEvent = "touchmove scroll",
-	touchStartEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",
-	touchStopEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup",
-	touchMoveEvent = supportTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove";
-// also handles scrollstop
-$.event.special.scrollstart = {
-	enabled: true,
-	setup: function() {
-		var thisObject = this,
-			$this = $( thisObject ),
-			scrolling,
-			timer;
-		function trigger( event, state ) {
-			scrolling = state;
-			var originalType = event.type;
-			event.type = scrolling ? "scrollstart" : "scrollstop";
-			$ thisObject, event );
-			event.type = originalType;
-		}
-		// iPhone triggers scroll after a small delay; use touchmove instead
-		$this.bind( scrollEvent, function( event ) {
-			if ( !$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			if ( !scrolling ) {
-				trigger( event, true );
-			}
-			clearTimeout( timer );
-			timer = setTimeout(function() {
-				trigger( event, false );
-			}, 50 );
-		});
-	}
-// also handles taphold
-$.event.special.tap = {
-	setup: function() {
-		var thisObject = this,
-			$this = $( thisObject );
-		$this
-			.bind( touchStartEvent, function( event ) {
-				if ( event.which && event.which !== 1 ) {
-					return;
-				}
-				var moved = false,
-					touching = true,
-					origPos = [ event.pageX, event.pageY ],
-					originalType,
-					timer;
-				function moveHandler() {
-					if ((Math.abs(origPos[0] - event.pageX) > 10) ||
-					    (Math.abs(origPos[1] - event.pageY) > 10)) {
-					    moved = true;
-					}
-				}
-				timer = setTimeout(function() {
-					if ( touching && !moved ) {
-						originalType = event.type;
-						event.type = "taphold";
-						$ thisObject, event );
-						event.type = originalType;
-					}
-				}, 750 );
-				$this
-					.one( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler)
-					.one( touchStopEvent, function( event ) {
-						$this.unbind( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler );
-						clearTimeout( timer );
-						touching = false;
-						if ( !moved ) {
-							originalType = event.type;
-							event.type = "tap";
-							$ thisObject, event );
-							event.type = originalType;
-						}
-					});
-			});
-	}
-// also handles swipeleft, swiperight
-$.event.special.swipe = {
-	setup: function() {
-		var thisObject = this,
-			$this = $( thisObject );
-		$this
-			.bind( touchStartEvent, function( event ) {
-				var data = event.originalEvent.touches ?
-						event.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ] :
-						event,
-					start = {
-						time: (new Date).getTime(),
-						coords: [ data.pageX, data.pageY ],
-						origin: $( )
-					},
-					stop;
-				function moveHandler( event ) {
-					if ( !start ) {
-						return;
-					}
-					var data = event.originalEvent.touches ?
-							event.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ] :
-							event;
-					stop = {
-							time: (new Date).getTime(),
-							coords: [ data.pageX, data.pageY ]
-					};
-					// prevent scrolling
-					if ( Math.abs( start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0] ) > 10 ) {
-						event.preventDefault();
-					}
-				}
-				$this
-					.bind( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler )
-					.one( touchStopEvent, function( event ) {
-						$this.unbind( touchMoveEvent, moveHandler );
-						if ( start && stop ) {
-							if ( stop.time - start.time < 1000 && 
-									Math.abs( start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0]) > 30 &&
-									Math.abs( start.coords[1] - stop.coords[1]) < 75 ) {
-								start.origin
-								.trigger( "swipe" )
-								.trigger( start.coords[0] > stop.coords[0] ? "swipeleft" : "swiperight" );
-							}
-						}
-						start = stop = undefined;
-					});
-			});
-	}
-	// "Cowboy" Ben Alman
-	var win = $(window),
-		special_event,
-		get_orientation,
-		last_orientation;
-	$.event.special.orientationchange = special_event = {
-		setup: function(){
-			// If the event is supported natively, return false so that jQuery
-			// will bind to the event using DOM methods.
-			if ( $.support.orientation ) { return false; }
-			// Get the current orientation to avoid initial double-triggering.
-			last_orientation = get_orientation();
-			// Because the orientationchange event doesn't exist, simulate the
-			// event by testing window dimensions on resize.
-			win.bind( "resize", handler );
-		},
-		teardown: function(){
-			// If the event is not supported natively, return false so that
-			// jQuery will unbind the event using DOM methods.
-			if ( $.support.orientation ) { return false; }
-			// Because the orientationchange event doesn't exist, unbind the
-			// resize event handler.
-			win.unbind( "resize", handler );
-		},
-		add: function( handleObj ) {
-			// Save a reference to the bound event handler.
-			var old_handler = handleObj.handler;
-			handleObj.handler = function( event ) {
-				// Modify event object, adding the .orientation property.
-				event.orientation = get_orientation();
-				// Call the originally-bound event handler and return its result.
-				return old_handler.apply( this, arguments );
-			};
-		}
-	};
-	// If the event is not supported natively, this handler will be bound to
-	// the window resize event to simulate the orientationchange event.
-	function handler() {
-		// Get the current orientation.
-		var orientation = get_orientation();
-		if ( orientation !== last_orientation ) {
-			// The orientation has changed, so trigger the orientationchange event.
-			last_orientation = orientation;
-			win.trigger( "orientationchange" );
-		}
-	};
-	// Get the current page orientation. This method is exposed publicly, should it
-	// be needed, as jQuery.event.special.orientationchange.orientation()
-	special_event.orientation = get_orientation = function() {
-		var elem = document.documentElement;
-		return elem && elem.clientWidth / elem.clientHeight < 1.1 ? "portrait" : "landscape";
-	};
-	scrollstop: "scrollstart",
-	taphold: "tap",
-	swipeleft: "swipe",
-	swiperight: "swipe"
-}, function( event, sourceEvent ) {
-	$.event.special[ event ] = {
-		setup: function() {
-			$( this ).bind( sourceEvent, $.noop );
-		}
-	};
-})( jQuery );
- * jQuery hashchange event - v1.3 - 7/21/2010
- *
- * 
- * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- *
- */
-// Script: jQuery hashchange event
-// *Version: 1.3, Last updated: 7/21/2010*
-// Project Home -
-// GitHub       -
-// Source       -
-// (Minified)   - (0.8kb gzipped)
-// About: License
-// Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman,
-// Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
-// About: Examples
-// These working examples, complete with fully commented code, illustrate a few
-// ways in which this plugin can be used.
-// hashchange event -
-// document.domain -
-// About: Support and Testing
-// Information about what version or versions of jQuery this plugin has been
-// tested with, what browsers it has been tested in, and where the unit tests
-// reside (so you can test it yourself).
-// jQuery Versions - 1.2.6, 1.3.2, 1.4.1, 1.4.2
-// Browsers Tested - Internet Explorer 6-8, Firefox 2-4, Chrome 5-6, Safari 3.2-5,
-//                   Opera 9.6-10.60, iPhone 3.1, Android 1.6-2.2, BlackBerry 4.6-5.
-// Unit Tests      -
-// About: Known issues
-// While this jQuery hashchange event implementation is quite stable and
-// robust, there are a few unfortunate browser bugs surrounding expected
-// hashchange event-based behaviors, independent of any JavaScript
-// window.onhashchange abstraction. See the following examples for more
-// information:
-// Chrome: Back Button -
-// Firefox: Remote XMLHttpRequest -
-// WebKit: Back Button in an Iframe -
-// Safari: Back Button from a different domain -
-// Also note that should a browser natively support the window.onhashchange 
-// event, but not report that it does, the fallback polling loop will be used.
-// About: Release History
-// 1.3   - (7/21/2010) Reorganized IE6/7 Iframe code to make it more
-//         "removable" for mobile-only development. Added IE6/7 document.title
-//         support. Attempted to make Iframe as hidden as possible by using
-//         techniques from Added 
-//         support for the "shortcut" format $(window).hashchange( fn ) and
-//         $(window).hashchange() like jQuery provides for built-in events.
-//         Renamed jQuery.hashchangeDelay to <jQuery.fn.hashchange.delay> and
-//         lowered its default value to 50. Added <jQuery.fn.hashchange.domain>
-//         and <jQuery.fn.hashchange.src> properties plus document-domain.html
-//         file to address access denied issues when setting document.domain in
-//         IE6/7.
-// 1.2   - (2/11/2010) Fixed a bug where coming back to a page using this plugin
-//         from a page on another domain would cause an error in Safari 4. Also,
-//         IE6/7 Iframe is now inserted after the body (this actually works),
-//         which prevents the page from scrolling when the event is first bound.
-//         Event can also now be bound before DOM ready, but it won't be usable
-//         before then in IE6/7.
-// 1.1   - (1/21/2010) Incorporated document.documentMode test to fix IE8 bug
-//         where browser version is incorrectly reported as 8.0, despite
-//         inclusion of the X-UA-Compatible IE=EmulateIE7 meta tag.
-// 1.0   - (1/9/2010) Initial Release. Broke out the jQuery BBQ event.special
-//         window.onhashchange functionality into a separate plugin for users
-//         who want just the basic event & back button support, without all the
-//         extra awesomeness that BBQ provides. This plugin will be included as
-//         part of jQuery BBQ, but also be available separately.
-  '$:nomunge'; // Used by YUI compressor.
-  // Reused string.
-  var str_hashchange = 'hashchange',
-    // Method / object references.
-    doc = document,
-    fake_onhashchange,
-    special = $.event.special,
-    // Does the browser support window.onhashchange? Note that IE8 running in
-    // IE7 compatibility mode reports true for 'onhashchange' in window, even
-    // though the event isn't supported, so also test document.documentMode.
-    doc_mode = doc.documentMode,
-    supports_onhashchange = 'on' + str_hashchange in window && ( doc_mode === undefined || doc_mode > 7 );
-  // Get location.hash (or what you'd expect location.hash to be) sans any
-  // leading #. Thanks for making this necessary, Firefox!
-  function get_fragment( url ) {
-    url = url || location.href;
-    return '#' + url.replace( /^[^#]*#?(.*)$/, '$1' );
-  };
-  // Method: jQuery.fn.hashchange
-  // 
-  // Bind a handler to the window.onhashchange event or trigger all bound
-  // window.onhashchange event handlers. This behavior is consistent with
-  // jQuery's built-in event handlers.
-  // 
-  // Usage:
-  // 
-  // > jQuery(window).hashchange( [ handler ] );
-  // 
-  // Arguments:
-  // 
-  //  handler - (Function) Optional handler to be bound to the hashchange
-  //    event. This is a "shortcut" for the more verbose form:
-  //    jQuery(window).bind( 'hashchange', handler ). If handler is omitted,
-  //    all bound window.onhashchange event handlers will be triggered. This
-  //    is a shortcut for the more verbose
-  //    jQuery(window).trigger( 'hashchange' ). These forms are described in
-  //    the <hashchange event> section.
-  // 
-  // Returns:
-  // 
-  //  (jQuery) The initial jQuery collection of elements.
-  // Allow the "shortcut" format $(elem).hashchange( fn ) for binding and
-  // $(elem).hashchange() for triggering, like jQuery does for built-in events.
-  $.fn[ str_hashchange ] = function( fn ) {
-    return fn ? this.bind( str_hashchange, fn ) : this.trigger( str_hashchange );
-  };
-  // Property: jQuery.fn.hashchange.delay
-  // 
-  // The numeric interval (in milliseconds) at which the <hashchange event>
-  // polling loop executes. Defaults to 50.
-  // Property: jQuery.fn.hashchange.domain
-  // 
-  // If you're setting document.domain in your JavaScript, and you want hash
-  // history to work in IE6/7, not only must this property be set, but you must
-  // also set document.domain BEFORE jQuery is loaded into the page. This
-  // property is only applicable if you are supporting IE6/7 (or IE8 operating
-  // in "IE7 compatibility" mode).
-  // 
-  // In addition, the <jQuery.fn.hashchange.src> property must be set to the
-  // path of the included "document-domain.html" file, which can be renamed or
-  // modified if necessary (note that the document.domain specified must be the
-  // same in both your main JavaScript as well as in this file).
-  // 
-  // Usage:
-  // 
-  // jQuery.fn.hashchange.domain = document.domain;
-  // Property: jQuery.fn.hashchange.src
-  // 
-  // If, for some reason, you need to specify an Iframe src file (for example,
-  // when setting document.domain as in <jQuery.fn.hashchange.domain>), you can
-  // do so using this property. Note that when using this property, history
-  // won't be recorded in IE6/7 until the Iframe src file loads. This property
-  // is only applicable if you are supporting IE6/7 (or IE8 operating in "IE7
-  // compatibility" mode).
-  // 
-  // Usage:
-  // 
-  // jQuery.fn.hashchange.src = 'path/to/file.html';
-  $.fn[ str_hashchange ].delay = 50;
-  /*
-  $.fn[ str_hashchange ].domain = null;
-  $.fn[ str_hashchange ].src = null;
-  */
-  // Event: hashchange event
-  // 
-  // Fired when location.hash changes. In browsers that support it, the native
-  // HTML5 window.onhashchange event is used, otherwise a polling loop is
-  // initialized, running every <jQuery.fn.hashchange.delay> milliseconds to
-  // see if the hash has changed. In IE6/7 (and IE8 operating in "IE7
-  // compatibility" mode), a hidden Iframe is created to allow the back button
-  // and hash-based history to work.
-  // 
-  // Usage as described in <jQuery.fn.hashchange>:
-  // 
-  // > // Bind an event handler.
-  // > jQuery(window).hashchange( function(e) {
-  // >   var hash = location.hash;
-  // >   ...
-  // > });
-  // > 
-  // > // Manually trigger the event handler.
-  // > jQuery(window).hashchange();
-  // 
-  // A more verbose usage that allows for event namespacing:
-  // 
-  // > // Bind an event handler.
-  // > jQuery(window).bind( 'hashchange', function(e) {
-  // >   var hash = location.hash;
-  // >   ...
-  // > });
-  // > 
-  // > // Manually trigger the event handler.
-  // > jQuery(window).trigger( 'hashchange' );
-  // 
-  // Additional Notes:
-  // 
-  // * The polling loop and Iframe are not created until at least one handler
-  //   is actually bound to the 'hashchange' event.
-  // * If you need the bound handler(s) to execute immediately, in cases where
-  //   a location.hash exists on page load, via bookmark or page refresh for
-  //   example, use jQuery(window).hashchange() or the more verbose 
-  //   jQuery(window).trigger( 'hashchange' ).
-  // * The event can be bound before DOM ready, but since it won't be usable
-  //   before then in IE6/7 (due to the necessary Iframe), recommended usage is
-  //   to bind it inside a DOM ready handler.
-  // Override existing $.event.special.hashchange methods (allowing this plugin
-  // to be defined after jQuery BBQ in BBQ's source code).
-  special[ str_hashchange ] = $.extend( special[ str_hashchange ], {
-    // Called only when the first 'hashchange' event is bound to window.
-    setup: function() {
-      // If window.onhashchange is supported natively, there's nothing to do..
-      if ( supports_onhashchange ) { return false; }
-      // Otherwise, we need to create our own. And we don't want to call this
-      // until the user binds to the event, just in case they never do, since it
-      // will create a polling loop and possibly even a hidden Iframe.
-      $( fake_onhashchange.start );
-    },
-    // Called only when the last 'hashchange' event is unbound from window.
-    teardown: function() {
-      // If window.onhashchange is supported natively, there's nothing to do..
-      if ( supports_onhashchange ) { return false; }
-      // Otherwise, we need to stop ours (if possible).
-      $( fake_onhashchange.stop );
-    }
-  });
-  // fake_onhashchange does all the work of triggering the window.onhashchange
-  // event for browsers that don't natively support it, including creating a
-  // polling loop to watch for hash changes and in IE 6/7 creating a hidden
-  // Iframe to enable back and forward.
-  fake_onhashchange = (function(){
-    var self = {},
-      timeout_id,
-      // Remember the initial hash so it doesn't get triggered immediately.
-      last_hash = get_fragment(),
-      fn_retval = function(val){ return val; },
-      history_set = fn_retval,
-      history_get = fn_retval;
-    // Start the polling loop.
-    self.start = function() {
-      timeout_id || poll();
-    };
-    // Stop the polling loop.
-    self.stop = function() {
-      timeout_id && clearTimeout( timeout_id );
-      timeout_id = undefined;
-    };
-    // This polling loop checks every $.fn.hashchange.delay milliseconds to see
-    // if location.hash has changed, and triggers the 'hashchange' event on
-    // window when necessary.
-    function poll() {
-      var hash = get_fragment(),
-        history_hash = history_get( last_hash );
-      if ( hash !== last_hash ) {
-        history_set( last_hash = hash, history_hash );
-        $(window).trigger( str_hashchange );
-      } else if ( history_hash !== last_hash ) {
-        location.href = location.href.replace( /#.*/, '' ) + history_hash;
-      }
-      timeout_id = setTimeout( poll, $.fn[ str_hashchange ].delay );
-    };
-    // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
-    // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv REMOVE IF NOT SUPPORTING IE6/7/8 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
-    // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
-    $.browser.msie && !supports_onhashchange && (function(){
-      // Not only do IE6/7 need the "magical" Iframe treatment, but so does IE8
-      // when running in "IE7 compatibility" mode.
-      var iframe,
-        iframe_src;
-      // When the event is bound and polling starts in IE 6/7, create a hidden
-      // Iframe for history handling.
-      self.start = function(){
-        if ( !iframe ) {
-          iframe_src = $.fn[ str_hashchange ].src;
-          iframe_src = iframe_src && iframe_src + get_fragment();
-          // Create hidden Iframe. Attempt to make Iframe as hidden as possible
-          // by using techniques from
-          iframe = $('<iframe tabindex="-1" title="empty"/>').hide()
-            // When Iframe has completely loaded, initialize the history and
-            // start polling.
-            .one( 'load', function(){
-              iframe_src || history_set( get_fragment() );
-              poll();
-            })
-            // Load Iframe src if specified, otherwise nothing.
-            .attr( 'src', iframe_src || 'javascript:0' )
-            // Append Iframe after the end of the body to prevent unnecessary
-            // initial page scrolling (yes, this works).
-            .insertAfter( 'body' )[0].contentWindow;
-          // Whenever `document.title` changes, update the Iframe's title to
-          // prettify the back/next history menu entries. Since IE sometimes
-          // errors with "Unspecified error" the very first time this is set
-          // (yes, very useful) wrap this with a try/catch block.
-          doc.onpropertychange = function(){
-            try {
-              if ( event.propertyName === 'title' ) {
-                iframe.document.title = doc.title;
-              }
-            } catch(e) {}
-          };
-        }
-      };
-      // Override the "stop" method since an IE6/7 Iframe was created. Even
-      // if there are no longer any bound event handlers, the polling loop
-      // is still necessary for back/next to work at all!
-      self.stop = fn_retval;
-      // Get history by looking at the hidden Iframe's location.hash.
-      history_get = function() {
-        return get_fragment( iframe.location.href );
-      };
-      // Set a new history item by opening and then closing the Iframe
-      // document, *then* setting its location.hash. If document.domain has
-      // been set, update that as well.
-      history_set = function( hash, history_hash ) {
-        var iframe_doc = iframe.document,
-          domain = $.fn[ str_hashchange ].domain;
-        if ( hash !== history_hash ) {
-          // Update Iframe with any initial `document.title` that might be set.
-          iframe_doc.title = doc.title;
-          // Opening the Iframe's document after it has been closed is what
-          // actually adds a history entry.
-          // Set document.domain for the Iframe document as well, if necessary.
-          domain && iframe_doc.write( '<script>document.domain="' + domain + '"</script>' );
-          iframe_doc.close();
-          // Update the Iframe's hash, for great justice.
-          iframe.location.hash = hash;
-        }
-      };
-    })();
-    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ REMOVE IF NOT SUPPORTING IE6/7/8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    return self;
-  })();
- * jQuery Mobile v@VERSION
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2010, jQuery Project
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- */
-(function( $, window, undefined ) {
-	// configurable options
-	$.extend( $.mobile, {
-		//define the url parameter used for referencing widget-generated sub-pages. 
-		//Translates to to example.html&ui-page=subpageIdentifier
-		//hash segment before &ui-page= is used to make Ajax request
-		subPageUrlKey: 'ui-page',
-		//anchor links with a data-rel, or pages with a data-role, that match these selectors will be untrackable in history 
-		//(no change in URL, not bookmarkable)
-		nonHistorySelectors: 'dialog',
-		//class assigned to page currently in view, and during transitions
-		activePageClass: 'ui-page-active',
-		//class used for "active" button state, from CSS framework
-		activeBtnClass: 'ui-btn-active',
-		//automatically handle link clicks through Ajax, when possible
-		ajaxLinksEnabled: true,
-		//automatically handle form submissions through Ajax, when possible
-		ajaxFormsEnabled: true,
-		//set default transition - 'none' for no transitions
-		defaultTransition: 'slide',
-		//show loading message during Ajax requests
-		//if false, message will not appear, but loading classes will still be toggled on html el
-		loadingMessage: "loading",
-		//configure meta viewport tag's content attr:
-		metaViewportContent: "width=device-width, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1",
-		//support conditions that must be met in order to proceed
-		gradeA: function(){
-			return $.support.mediaquery;
-		}
-	});
-//trigger mobileinit event - useful hook for configuring $.mobile settings before they're used
-	$( window.document ).trigger('mobileinit');
-//support conditions	
-	//if device support condition(s) aren't met, leave things as they are -> a basic, usable experience,
-	//otherwise, proceed with the enhancements
-	if ( !$.mobile.gradeA() ) {
-		return;
-	}	
-//define vars for interal use
-	var $window = $(window),
-		$html = $('html'),
-		$head = $('head'),
-		//loading div which appears during Ajax requests
-		//will not appear if $.mobile.loadingMessage is false
-		$loader = $.mobile.loadingMessage ? 
-			$('<div class="ui-loader ui-body-a ui-corner-all">'+
-						'<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-loading spin"></span>'+
-						'<h1>'+ $.mobile.loadingMessage +'</h1>'+
-					'</div>')
-			: undefined;
-//add mobile, initial load "rendering" classes to docEl
-	$html.addClass('ui-mobile ui-mobile-rendering');			
-//define & prepend meta viewport tag, if content is defined	
-	$.mobile.metaViewportContent ? $("<meta>", { name: "viewport", content: $.mobile.metaViewportContent}).prependTo( $head ) : undefined;			
-//expose some core utilities
-	$.extend($.mobile, {
-		// turn on/off page loading message.
-		pageLoading: function ( done ) {
-			if ( done ) {
-				$html.removeClass( "ui-loading" );
-			} else {
-				if( $.mobile.loadingMessage ){
-					$loader.appendTo($.mobile.pageContainer).css({top: $(window).scrollTop() + 75});
-				}	
-				$html.addClass( "ui-loading" );
-			}
-		},
-		//scroll page vertically: scroll to 0 to hide iOS address bar, or pass a Y value
-		silentScroll: function( ypos ) {
-			// prevent scrollstart and scrollstop events
-			$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled = false;
-			setTimeout(function() {
-				window.scrollTo( 0, ypos || 0 );
-			},20);	
-			setTimeout(function() {
-				$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled = true;
-			}, 150 );
-		}
-	});	
-//dom-ready inits
-	$(function(){
-		//find present pages		
-		var $pages = $("[data-role='page']");
-		//set up active page
-		$.mobile.startPage = $.mobile.activePage = $pages.first();
-		//set page container
-		$.mobile.pageContainer = $.mobile.startPage.parent().addClass('ui-mobile-viewport');
-		//cue page loading message
-		$.mobile.pageLoading();
-		//initialize all pages present
-		$;
-		//trigger a new hashchange, hash or not
-		$window.trigger( "hashchange", [ true ] );
-		//remove rendering class
-		$html.removeClass('ui-mobile-rendering');
-	});
-//window load event	
-	//hide iOS browser chrome on load
-	$window.load( $.mobile.silentScroll );	
-})( jQuery, this );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : core utilities for auto ajax navigation, base tag mgmt, 
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-	//define vars for interal use
-	var $window = $(window),
-		$html = $('html'),
-		$head = $('head'),
-		//url path helpers for use in relative url management
-		path = {
-			//get path from current hash, or from a file path
-			get: function( newPath ){
-				if( newPath == undefined ){
-					newPath = location.hash;
-				}
-				newPath = newPath.replace(/#/,'').split('/');
-				newPath.pop();
-				return newPath.join('/') + (newPath.length ? '/' : '');
-			},
-			//return the substring of a filepath before the sub-page key, for making a server request 
-			getFilePath: function( path ){
-				var splitkey = '&' + $.mobile.subPageUrlKey;
-				return path.indexOf( splitkey ) > -1 ? path.split( splitkey )[0] : path;
-			},
-			set: function( path, disableListening){
-				if(disableListening) { hashListener = false; }
-				location.hash = path;
-			},
-			//location pathname from intial directory request
-			origin: null,
-			setOrigin: function(){
-				path.origin = path.get( location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname );
-			}
-		},
-		//base element management, defined depending on dynamic base tag support
-		base = $.support.dynamicBaseTag ? {
-			//define base element, for use in routing asset urls that are referenced in Ajax-requested markup
-			element: $("<base>", { href: path.origin }).prependTo( $head ),
-			//set the generated BASE element's href attribute to a new page's base path
-			set: function( href ){
-				base.element.attr('href', path.origin + path.get( href ));
-			},
-			//set the generated BASE element's href attribute to a new page's base path
-			reset: function(){
-				base.element.attr('href', path.origin );
-			}
-		} : undefined,	
-		//will be defined when a link is clicked and given an active class
-		$activeClickedLink = null,
-		//array of pages that are visited during a single page load
-		//length will grow as pages are visited, and shrink as "back" link/button is clicked
-		//each item has a url (string matches ID), and transition (saved for reuse when "back" link/button is clicked)
-		urlStack = [ {
-			url: location.hash.replace( /^#/, "" ),
-			transition: undefined
-		} ],
-		//define first selector to receive focus when a page is shown
-		focusable = "[tabindex],a,button:visible,select:visible,input",
-		//contains role for next page, if defined on clicked link via data-rel
-		nextPageRole = null,
-		//enable/disable hashchange event listener
-		//toggled internally when location.hash is updated to match the url of a successful page load
-		hashListener = true;	
-		//set location pathname from intial directory request
-		path.setOrigin();
-	internal utility functions
-	//direct focus to the page title, or otherwise first focusable element
-	function reFocus( page ){
-		var pageTitle = page.find( ".ui-title:eq(0)" );
-		if( pageTitle.length ){
-			pageTitle.focus();
-		}
-		else{
-			page.find( focusable ).eq(0).focus();
-		}
-	};
-	//remove active classes after page transition or error
-	function removeActiveLinkClass( forceRemoval ){
-		if( !!$activeClickedLink && (!$activeClickedLink.closest( '.ui-page-active' ).length || forceRemoval )){
-			$activeClickedLink.removeClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass );
-		}
-		$activeClickedLink = null;
-	};
-	//animation complete callback
-	$.fn.animationComplete = function( callback ){
-		if($.support.cssTransitions){
-			return $(this).one('webkitAnimationEnd', callback);
-		}
-		else{
-			callback();
-		}
-	};	
-/* exposed $.mobile methods	 */
-	//update location.hash, with or without triggering hashchange event
-	$.mobile.updateHash = path.set;
-	//url stack, useful when plugins need to be aware of previous pages viewed
-	$.mobile.urlStack = urlStack;		
-	// changepage function 
-	$.mobile.changePage = function( to, transition, back, changeHash){
-		//from is always the currently viewed page
-		var toIsArray = $.type(to) === "array",
-			from = toIsArray ? to[0] : $.mobile.activePage,
-			to = toIsArray ? to[1] : to,
-			url = fileUrl = $.type(to) === "string" ? to.replace( /^#/, "" ) : null,
-			data = undefined,
-			type = 'get',
-			isFormRequest = false,
-			duplicateCachedPage = null,
-			back = (back !== undefined) ? back : ( urlStack.length > 1 && urlStack[ urlStack.length - 2 ].url === url ),
-			transition = (transition !== undefined) ? transition : $.mobile.defaultTransition;
-		if( $.type(to) === "object" && to.url ){
-			url = to.url,
-			data =,
-			type = to.type,
-			isFormRequest = true;
-			//make get requests bookmarkable
-			if( data && type == 'get' ){
-				url += "?" + data;
-				data = undefined;
-			}
-		}
-		//reset base to pathname for new request
-		if(base){ base.reset(); }
-		// if the new href is the same as the previous one
-		if ( back ) {
-			var pop = urlStack.pop();
-			if( pop ){
-				transition = pop.transition;
-			}
-		} else {
-			urlStack.push({ url: url, transition: transition });
-		}
-		//function for transitioning between two existing pages
-		function transitionPages() {
-			//kill the keyboard
-			$( window.document.activeElement ).blur();
-			//get current scroll distance
-			var currScroll = $window.scrollTop();
-			//set as data for returning to that spot
-'lastScroll', currScroll);
-			//trigger before show/hide events
-"page")._trigger("beforehide", {nextPage: to});
-"page")._trigger("beforeshow", {prevPage: from});
-			function loadComplete(){
-				$.mobile.pageLoading( true );
-				//trigger show/hide events, allow preventing focus change through return false		
-				if("page")._trigger("hide", null, {nextPage: to}) !== false &&"page")._trigger("show", null, {prevPage: from}) !== false ){
-					$.mobile.activePage = to;
-				}
-				reFocus( to );
-				if( changeHash !== false && url ){
-					path.set(url, true);
-				}
-				removeActiveLinkClass();
-				//if there's a duplicateCachedPage, remove it from the DOM now that it's hidden
-				if( duplicateCachedPage != null ){
-					duplicateCachedPage.remove();
-				}
-				//jump to top or prev scroll, if set
-				$.mobile.silentScroll( 'lastScroll' ) );
-			};
-			if(transition && (transition !== 'none')){	
-				$.mobile.pageContainer.addClass('ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning');
-				// animate in / out
-				from.addClass( transition + " out " + ( back ? "reverse" : "" ) );
-				to.addClass( $.mobile.activePageClass + " " + transition +
-					" in " + ( back ? "reverse" : "" ) );
-				// callback - remove classes, etc
-				to.animationComplete(function() {
-					from.add( to ).removeClass("out in reverse " + transition );
-					from.removeClass( $.mobile.activePageClass );
-					loadComplete();
-					$.mobile.pageContainer.removeClass('ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning');
-				});
-			}
-			else{
-				from.removeClass( $.mobile.activePageClass );
-				to.addClass( $.mobile.activePageClass );
-				loadComplete();
-			}
-		};
-		//shared page enhancements
-		function enhancePage(){
-			//set next page role, if defined
-			if ( nextPageRole ) {
-				to.attr( "data-role", nextPageRole );
-				nextPageRole = undefined;
-			}
-			//run page plugin			
-		};
-		//if url is a string
-		if( url ){
-			to = $( "[id='" + url + "']" ),
-			fileUrl = path.getFilePath(url);
-		}
-		else{ //find base url of element, if avail
-			var toID = to.attr('id'),
-				toIDfileurl = path.getFilePath(toID);
-			if(toID != toIDfileurl){
-				fileUrl = toIDfileurl;
-			}	
-		}
-		// find the "to" page, either locally existing in the dom or by creating it through ajax
-		if ( to.length && !isFormRequest ) {
-			if( fileUrl && base ){
-				base.set( fileUrl );
-			}	
-			enhancePage();
-			transitionPages();
-		} else { 
-			//if to exists in DOM, save a reference to it in duplicateCachedPage for removal after page change
-			if( to.length ){
-				duplicateCachedPage = to;
-			}
-			$.mobile.pageLoading();
-			$.ajax({
-				url: fileUrl,
-				type: type,
-				data: data,
-				success: function( html ) {
-					if(base){ base.set(fileUrl); }
-					var all = $("<div></div>");
-					//workaround to allow scripts to execute when included in page divs
-					all.get(0).innerHTML = html;
-					to = all.find('[data-role="page"]');
-					//rewrite src and href attrs to use a base url
-					if( !$.support.dynamicBaseTag ){
-						var newPath = path.get( fileUrl );
-						to.find('[src],link[href]').each(function(){
-							var thisAttr = $(this).is('[href]') ? 'href' : 'src',
-								thisUrl = $(this).attr(thisAttr);
-							//if full path exists and is same, chop it - helps IE out
-							thisUrl.replace( location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname, '' );
-							if( !/^(\w+:|#|\/)/.test(thisUrl) ){
-								$(this).attr(thisAttr, newPath + thisUrl);
-							}
-						});
-					}
-					//preserve ID on a retrieved page
-					if ( to.attr('id') ) {
-						//wrap page and transfer data-attrs if it has an ID
-						var copyAttrs = ['data-role', 'data-theme', 'data-fullscreen'], //TODO: more page-level attrs?
-							wrapper = to.wrap( "<div>" ).parent();
-						$.each(copyAttrs,function(i){
-							if( to.attr( copyAttrs[ i ] ) ){
-								wrapper.attr( copyAttrs[ i ], to.attr( copyAttrs[ i ] ) );
-								to.removeAttr( copyAttrs[ i ] );
-							}
-						});	
-						to = wrapper;
-					}
-					to
-						.attr( "id", fileUrl )
-						.appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer );
-					enhancePage();
-					transitionPages();
-				},
-				error: function() {
-					$.mobile.pageLoading( true );
-					removeActiveLinkClass(true);
-					$("<div class='ui-loader ui-overlay-shadow ui-body-e ui-corner-all'><h1>Error Loading Page</h1></div>")
-						.css({ "display": "block", "opacity": 0.96, "top": $(window).scrollTop() + 100 })
-						.appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer )
-						.delay( 800 )
-						.fadeOut( 400, function(){
-							$(this).remove();
-						});
-				}
-			});
-		}
-	};
-/* Event Bindings - hashchange, submit, and click */	
-	//bind to form submit events, handle with Ajax
-	$('form').live('submit', function(event){
-		if( !$.mobile.ajaxFormsEnabled ){ return; }
-		var type = $(this).attr("method"),
-			url = $(this).attr( "action" ).replace( location.protocol + "//" +, "");	
-		//external submits use regular HTTP
-		if( /^(:?\w+:)/.test( url ) ){
-			return;
-		}	
-		//if it's a relative href, prefix href with base url
-		if( url.indexOf('/') && url.indexOf('#') !== 0 ){
-			url = path.get() + url;
-		}
-		$.mobile.changePage({
-				url: url,
-				type: type,
-				data: $(this).serialize()
-			},
-			undefined,
-			undefined,
-			true
-		);
-		event.preventDefault();
-	});	
-	//click routing - direct to HTTP or Ajax, accordingly
-	$( "a" ).live( "click", function(event) {
-		if( !$.mobile.ajaxLinksEnabled ){ return; }
-		var $this = $(this),
-			//get href, remove same-domain protocol and host
-			href = $this.attr( "href" ).replace( location.protocol + "//" +, ""),
-			//if target attr is specified, it's external, and we mimic _blank... for now
-			target = $ "[target]" ),
-			//if it still starts with a protocol, it's external, or could be :mailto, etc
-			external = target || /^(:?\w+:)/.test( href ) || $ "[rel=external]" ),
-			target = $ "[target]" );
-		if( href === '#' ){
-			//for links created purely for interaction - ignore
-			return false;
-		}
-		$activeClickedLink = $this.closest( ".ui-btn" ).addClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass );
-		if( external || !$.mobile.ajaxLinksEnabled ){
-			//remove active link class if external
-			removeActiveLinkClass(true);
-			//deliberately redirect, in case click was triggered
-			if( target ){
-			}
-			else{
-				location.href = href;
-			}
-		}
-		else {	
-			//use ajax
-			var transition = $ "transition" ),
-				back = $ "back" ),
-				changeHashOnSuccess = !$ "[data-rel="+ $.mobile.nonHistorySelectors +"]" );
-			nextPageRole = $this.attr( "data-rel" );	
-			//if it's a relative href, prefix href with base url
-			if( href.indexOf('/') && href.indexOf('#') !== 0 ){
-				href = path.get() + href;
-			}
-			href.replace(/^#/,'');
-			$.mobile.changePage(href, transition, back, changeHashOnSuccess);			
-		}
-		event.preventDefault();
-	});
-	//hashchange event handler	
-	$window.bind( "hashchange", function(e, triggered) {
-		if( !hashListener ){ 
-			hashListener = true;
-			return; 
-		} 
-		if( $(".ui-page-active").is("[data-role=" + $.mobile.nonHistorySelectors + "]") ){
-			return;
-		}
-		var to = location.hash,
-			transition = triggered ? false : undefined;
-		//if to is defined, use it
-		if ( to ){
-			$.mobile.changePage( to, transition);
-		}
-		//there's no hash, the active page is not the start page, and it's not manually triggered hashchange
-		//we probably backed out to the first page visited
-		else if( $.mobile.activePage.length && $.mobile.startPage[0] !== $.mobile.activePage[0] && !triggered ) {
-			$.mobile.changePage( $.mobile.startPage, transition, true );
-		}
-		//probably the first page - show it
-		else{
-			$.mobile.startPage.trigger("pagebeforeshow", {prevPage: $('')});
-			$.mobile.startPage.addClass( $.mobile.activePageClass );
-			$.mobile.pageLoading( true );
-			if( $.mobile.startPage.trigger("pageshow", {prevPage: $('')}) !== false ){
-				reFocus($.mobile.startPage);
-			}
-		}
-	});
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "page" plugin
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "", $.mobile.widget, {
-	options: {
-		backBtnText: "Back",
-		addBackBtn: true,
-		degradeInputs: {
-			color: false,
-			date: false,
-			datetime: false,
-			"datetime-local": false,
-			email: false,
-			month: false,
-			number: false,
-			range: "number",
-			search: true,
-			tel: false,
-			time: false,
-			url: false,
-			week: false
-		}
-	},
-	_create: function() {
-		var $elem = this.element,
-			o = this.options;
-		if ( this._trigger( "beforeCreate" ) === false ) {
-			return;
-		}
-		//some of the form elements currently rely on the presence of ui-page and ui-content
-		// classes so we'll handle page and content roles outside of the main role processing
-		// loop below.
-		$elem.find( "[data-role='page'], [data-role='content']" ).andSelf().each(function() {
-			$(this).addClass( "ui-" + $(this).data( "role" ) );
-		});
-		$elem.find( "[data-role='nojs']" ).addClass( "ui-nojs" );
-		this._enchanceControls();
-		// pre-find data els
-		var $dataEls = $elem.find( "[data-role]" ).andSelf().each(function() {
-			var $this = $( this ),
-				role = $ "role" ),
-				theme = $ "theme" );
-			//apply theming and markup modifications to page,header,content,footer
-			if ( role === "header" || role === "footer" ) {
-				$this.addClass( "ui-bar-" + (theme || $this.parent('[data-role=page]').data( "theme" ) || "a") );
-				// add ARIA role
-				$this.attr( "role", role === "header" ? "banner" : "contentinfo" );
-				//right,left buttons
-				var $headeranchors = $this.children( "a" ),
-					leftbtn = $headeranchors.hasClass( "ui-btn-left" ),
-					rightbtn = $headeranchors.hasClass( "ui-btn-right" );
-				if ( !leftbtn ) {
-					leftbtn = $headeranchors.eq( 0 ).not( ".ui-btn-right" ).addClass( "ui-btn-left" ).length;
-				}
-				if ( !rightbtn ) {
-					rightbtn = $headeranchors.eq( 1 ).addClass( "ui-btn-right" ).length;
-				}
-				// auto-add back btn on pages beyond first view
-				if ( o.addBackBtn && role === "header" &&
-						($.mobile.urlStack.length > 1 || $(".ui-page").length > 1) &&
-						!leftbtn && !$ "noBackBtn" ) ) {
-					$( "<a href='#' class='ui-btn-left' data-icon='arrow-l'>"+ o.backBtnText +"</a>" )
-						.click(function() {
-							history.back();
-							return false;
-						})
-						.prependTo( $this );
-				}
-				//page title	
-				$this.children( "h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6" )
-					.addClass( "ui-title" )
-					//regardless of h element number in src, it becomes h1 for the enhanced page
-					.attr({ "tabindex": "0", "role": "heading", "aria-level": "1" });
-			} else if ( role === "content" ) {
-				if ( theme ) {
-					$this.addClass( "ui-body-" + theme );
-				}
-				// add ARIA role
-				$this.attr( "role", "main" );
-			} else if ( role === "page" ) {
-				$this.addClass( "ui-body-" + (theme || "c") );
-			}
-			switch(role) {
-				case "header":
-				case "footer":
-				case "page":
-				case "content":
-					$this.addClass( "ui-" + role );
-					break;
-				case "collapsible":
-				case "fieldcontain":
-				case "navbar":
-				case "listview":
-				case "dialog":
-					$this[ role ]();
-					break;
-			}
-		});
-		//links in bars, or those with data-role become buttons
-		$elem.find( "[data-role='button'], .ui-bar a, .ui-header a, .ui-footer a" )
-			.not( ".ui-btn" )
-			.buttonMarkup();
-		$elem	
-			.find("[data-role='controlgroup']")
-			.controlgroup();
-		//links within content areas
-		$elem.find( "a:not(.ui-btn):not(.ui-link-inherit)" )
-			.addClass( "ui-link" );	
-		//fix toolbars
-		$elem.fixHeaderFooter();
-	},
-	_enchanceControls: function() {
-		var o = this.options;
-		// degrade inputs to avoid poorly implemented native functionality
-		this.element.find( "input" ).each(function() {
-			var type = this.getAttribute( "type" ),
-				optType = o.degradeInputs[ type ] || "text";
-			if ( o.degradeInputs[ type ] ) {
-				$( this ).replaceWith(
-					$( "<div>" ).html( $(this).clone() ).html()
-						.replace( /type="([a-zA-Z]+)"/, "type="+ optType +" data-type='$1'" ) );
-			}
-		});
-		// enchance form controls
-		this.element
-			.find( "[type='radio'], [type='checkbox']" )
-			.checkboxradio();
-		this.element
-			.find( "button, [type='button'], [type='submit'], [type='reset'], [type='image']" )
-			.not( ".ui-nojs" )
-			.button();
-		this.element
-			.find( "input, textarea" )
-			.not( "[type='radio'], [type='checkbox'], button, [type='button'], [type='submit'], [type='reset'], [type='image']" )
-			.textinput();
-		this.element
-			.find( "input, select" )
-			.filter( "[data-role='slider'], [data-type='range']" )
-			.slider();
-		this.element
-			.find( "select:not([data-role='slider'])" )
-			.selectmenu();
-	}
-})( jQuery );
- * jQuery UI Position @VERSION
- *
- * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (
- * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
- *
- *
- *
- */
-(function( $, undefined ) {
-$.ui = $.ui || {};
-var horizontalPositions = /left|center|right/,
-	verticalPositions = /top|center|bottom/,
-	center = "center",
-	_position = $.fn.position,
-	_offset = $.fn.offset;
-$.fn.position = function( options ) {
-	if ( !options || !options.of ) {
-		return _position.apply( this, arguments );
-	}
-	// make a copy, we don't want to modify arguments
-	options = $.extend( {}, options );
-	var target = $( options.of ),
-		targetElem = target[0],
-		collision = ( options.collision || "flip" ).split( " " ),
-		offset = options.offset ? options.offset.split( " " ) : [ 0, 0 ],
-		targetWidth,
-		targetHeight,
-		basePosition;
-	if ( targetElem.nodeType === 9 ) {
-		targetWidth = target.width();
-		targetHeight = target.height();
-		basePosition = { top: 0, left: 0 };
-	// TODO: use $.isWindow() in 1.9
-	} else if ( targetElem.setTimeout ) {
-		targetWidth = target.width();
-		targetHeight = target.height();
-		basePosition = { top: target.scrollTop(), left: target.scrollLeft() };
-	} else if ( targetElem.preventDefault ) {
-		// force left top to allow flipping
- = "left top";
-		targetWidth = targetHeight = 0;
-		basePosition = { top: options.of.pageY, left: options.of.pageX };
-	} else {
-		targetWidth = target.outerWidth();
-		targetHeight = target.outerHeight();
-		basePosition = target.offset();
-	}
-	// force my and at to have valid horizontal and veritcal positions
-	// if a value is missing or invalid, it will be converted to center 
-	$.each( [ "my", "at" ], function() {
-		var pos = ( options[this] || "" ).split( " " );
-		if ( pos.length === 1) {
-			pos = horizontalPositions.test( pos[0] ) ?
-				pos.concat( [center] ) :
-				verticalPositions.test( pos[0] ) ?
-					[ center ].concat( pos ) :
-					[ center, center ];
-		}
-		pos[ 0 ] = horizontalPositions.test( pos[0] ) ? pos[ 0 ] : center;
-		pos[ 1 ] = verticalPositions.test( pos[1] ) ? pos[ 1 ] : center;
-		options[ this ] = pos;
-	});
-	// normalize collision option
-	if ( collision.length === 1 ) {
-		collision[ 1 ] = collision[ 0 ];
-	}
-	// normalize offset option
-	offset[ 0 ] = parseInt( offset[0], 10 ) || 0;
-	if ( offset.length === 1 ) {
-		offset[ 1 ] = offset[ 0 ];
-	}
-	offset[ 1 ] = parseInt( offset[1], 10 ) || 0;
-	if ([0] === "right" ) {
-		basePosition.left += targetWidth;
-	} else if ([0] === center ) {
-		basePosition.left += targetWidth / 2;
-	}
-	if ([1] === "bottom" ) {
- += targetHeight;
-	} else if ([1] === center ) {
- += targetHeight / 2;
-	}
-	basePosition.left += offset[ 0 ];
- += offset[ 1 ];
-	return this.each(function() {
-		var elem = $( this ),
-			elemWidth = elem.outerWidth(),
-			elemHeight = elem.outerHeight(),
-			marginLeft = parseInt( $.curCSS( this, "marginLeft", true ) ) || 0,
-			marginTop = parseInt( $.curCSS( this, "marginTop", true ) ) || 0,
-			collisionWidth = elemWidth + marginLeft +
-				parseInt( $.curCSS( this, "marginRight", true ) ) || 0,
-			collisionHeight = elemHeight + marginTop +
-				parseInt( $.curCSS( this, "marginBottom", true ) ) || 0,
-			position = $.extend( {}, basePosition ),
-			collisionPosition;
-		if ([0] === "right" ) {
-			position.left -= elemWidth;
-		} else if ([0] === center ) {
-			position.left -= elemWidth / 2;
-		}
-		if ([1] === "bottom" ) {
- -= elemHeight;
-		} else if ([1] === center ) {
- -= elemHeight / 2;
-		}
-		// prevent fractions (see #5280)
-		position.left = parseInt( position.left );
- = parseInt( );
-		collisionPosition = {
-			left: position.left - marginLeft,
-			top: - marginTop
-		};
-		$.each( [ "left", "top" ], function( i, dir ) {
-			if ( $.ui.position[ collision[i] ] ) {
-				$.ui.position[ collision[i] ][ dir ]( position, {
-					targetWidth: targetWidth,
-					targetHeight: targetHeight,
-					elemWidth: elemWidth,
-					elemHeight: elemHeight,
-					collisionPosition: collisionPosition,
-					collisionWidth: collisionWidth,
-					collisionHeight: collisionHeight,
-					offset: offset,
-					my:,
-					at:
-				});
-			}
-		});
-		if ( $.fn.bgiframe ) {
-			elem.bgiframe();
-		}
-		elem.offset( $.extend( position, { using: options.using } ) );
-	});
-$.ui.position = {
-	fit: {
-		left: function( position, data ) {
-			var win = $( window ),
-				over = data.collisionPosition.left + data.collisionWidth - win.width() - win.scrollLeft();
-			position.left = over > 0 ? position.left - over : Math.max( position.left - data.collisionPosition.left, position.left );
-		},
-		top: function( position, data ) {
-			var win = $( window ),
-				over = + data.collisionHeight - win.height() - win.scrollTop();
- = over > 0 ? - over : Math.max( -, );
-		}
-	},
-	flip: {
-		left: function( position, data ) {
-			if ([0] === center ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			var win = $( window ),
-				over = data.collisionPosition.left + data.collisionWidth - win.width() - win.scrollLeft(),
-				myOffset =[ 0 ] === "left" ?
-					-data.elemWidth :
-[ 0 ] === "right" ?
-						data.elemWidth :
-						0,
-				atOffset =[ 0 ] === "left" ?
-					data.targetWidth :
-					-data.targetWidth,
-				offset = -2 * data.offset[ 0 ];
-			position.left += data.collisionPosition.left < 0 ?
-				myOffset + atOffset + offset :
-				over > 0 ?
-					myOffset + atOffset + offset :
-					0;
-		},
-		top: function( position, data ) {
-			if ([1] === center ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			var win = $( window ),
-				over = + data.collisionHeight - win.height() - win.scrollTop(),
-				myOffset =[ 1 ] === "top" ?
-					-data.elemHeight :
-[ 1 ] === "bottom" ?
-						data.elemHeight :
-						0,
-				atOffset =[ 1 ] === "top" ?
-					data.targetHeight :
-					-data.targetHeight,
-				offset = -2 * data.offset[ 1 ];
- += < 0 ?
-				myOffset + atOffset + offset :
-				over > 0 ?
-					myOffset + atOffset + offset :
-					0;
-		}
-	}
-// offset setter from jQuery 1.4
-if ( !$.offset.setOffset ) {
-	$.offset.setOffset = function( elem, options ) {
-		// set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
-		if ( /static/.test( $.curCSS( elem, "position" ) ) ) {
- = "relative";
-		}
-		var curElem   = $( elem ),
-			curOffset = curElem.offset(),
-			curTop    = parseInt( $.curCSS( elem, "top",  true ), 10 ) || 0,
-			curLeft   = parseInt( $.curCSS( elem, "left", true ), 10)  || 0,
-			props     = {
-				top:  (  -  + curTop,
-				left: (options.left - curOffset.left) + curLeft
-			};
-		if ( 'using' in options ) {
- elem, props );
-		} else {
-			curElem.css( props );
-		}
-	};
-	$.fn.offset = function( options ) {
-		var elem = this[ 0 ];
-		if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) { return null; }
-		if ( options ) { 
-			return this.each(function() {
-				$.offset.setOffset( this, options );
-			});
-		}
-		return this );
-	};
-}( jQuery ));
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "fixHeaderFooter" plugin - on-demand positioning for headers,footers
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.fn.fixHeaderFooter = function(options){
-	if( !$.support.scrollTop ){ return $(this); }
-	return $(this).each(function(){
-		if( $(this).data('fullscreen') ){ $(this).addClass('ui-page-fullscreen'); }
-		$(this).find('.ui-header[data-position="fixed"]').addClass('ui-header-fixed ui-fixed-inline fade'); //should be slidedown
-		$(this).find('.ui-footer[data-position="fixed"]').addClass('ui-footer-fixed ui-fixed-inline fade'); //should be slideup		
-	});
-//single controller for all showing,hiding,toggling		
-$.fixedToolbars = (function(){
-	if( !$.support.scrollTop ){ return; }
-	var currentstate = 'inline',
-		delayTimer,
-		ignoreTargets = 'a,input,textarea,select,button,label,.ui-header-fixed,.ui-footer-fixed',
-		toolbarSelector = '.ui-header-fixed:first, .ui-footer-fixed:not(.ui-footer-duplicate):last',
-		stickyFooter, //for storing quick references to duplicate footers
-		supportTouch = $.support.touch,
-		touchStartEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",
-		touchStopEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup",
-		stateBefore = null,
-		scrollTriggered = false;
-	$(function() {
-		$(document)
-			.bind(touchStartEvent,function(event){
-				if( $( ){ return; }
-				stateBefore = currentstate;
-				$.fixedToolbars.hide(true);
-			})
-			.bind('scrollstart',function(event){
-				if( $( ){ return; } //because it could be a touchmove...
-				scrollTriggered = true;
-				if(stateBefore == null){ stateBefore = currentstate; }
-				$.fixedToolbars.hide(true);
-			})
-			.bind(touchStopEvent,function(event){
-				if( $( ){ return; }
-				if( !scrollTriggered ){
-					$.fixedToolbars.toggle(stateBefore);
-					stateBefore = null;
-				}
-			})
-			.bind('scrollstop',function(event){
-				if( $( ){ return; }
-				scrollTriggered = false;
-				$.fixedToolbars.toggle( stateBefore == 'overlay' ? 'inline' : 'overlay' );
-				stateBefore = null;
-			});
-		//function to return another footer already in the dom with the same data-id
-		function findStickyFooter(el){
-			var thisFooter = el.find('[data-role="footer"]');
-			return $( '.ui-footer[data-id="'+'id') +'"]:not(.ui-footer-duplicate)' ).not(thisFooter);
-		}
-		//before page is shown, check for duplicate footer
-		$('.ui-page').live('pagebeforeshow', function(event, ui){
-			stickyFooter = findStickyFooter( $( );
-			if( stickyFooter.length ){
-				//if the existing footer is the first of its kind, create a placeholder before stealing it 
-				if( stickyFooter.parents('.ui-page:eq(0)').find('.ui-footer[data-id="'+'id') +'"]').length == 1 ){
-					stickyFooter.before( stickyFooter.clone().addClass('ui-footer-duplicate') );
-				}
-				$('[data-role="footer"]').addClass('ui-footer-duplicate');
-				stickyFooter.appendTo($.pageContainer).css('top',0);
-				setTop(stickyFooter);
-			}
-		});
-		//after page is shown, append footer to new page
-		$('.ui-page').live('pageshow', function(event, ui){
-			if( stickyFooter && stickyFooter.length ){
-				stickyFooter.appendTo('top',0);
-			}
-			$, this);
-		});
-	});
-	// element.getBoundingClientRect() is broken in iOS 3.2.1 on the iPad. The
-	// coordinates inside of the rect it returns don't have the page scroll position
-	// factored out of it like the other platforms do. To get around this,
-	// we'll just calculate the top offset the old fashioned way until core has
-	// a chance to figure out how to handle this situation.
-	//
-	// TODO: We'll need to get rid of getOffsetTop() once a fix gets folded into core.
-	function getOffsetTop(ele)
-	{
-		var top = 0;
-		if (ele)
-		{
-			var op = ele.offsetParent, body = document.body;
-			top = ele.offsetTop;
-			while (ele && ele != body)
-			{
-				top += ele.scrollTop || 0;
-				if (ele == op)
-				{
-					top += op.offsetTop;
-					op = ele.offsetParent;
-				}
-				ele = ele.parentNode;
-			}
-		}
-		return top;
-	}
-	function setTop(el){
-		var fromTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
-			thisTop = getOffsetTop(el[0]), // el.offset().top returns the wrong value on iPad iOS 3.2.1, call our workaround instead.
-			thisCSStop = el.css('top') == 'auto' ? 0 : parseFloat(el.css('top')),
-			screenHeight = window.innerHeight,
-			thisHeight = el.outerHeight(),
-			useRelative = el.parents('.ui-page:not(.ui-page-fullscreen)').length,
-			relval;
-		if('.ui-header-fixed') ){
-			relval = fromTop - thisTop + thisCSStop;
-			if( relval < thisTop){ relval = 0; }
-			return el.css('top', ( useRelative ) ? relval : fromTop);
-		}
-		else{
-			//relval = -1 * (thisTop - (fromTop + screenHeight) + thisCSStop + thisHeight);
-			//if( relval > thisTop ){ relval = 0; }
-			relval = fromTop + screenHeight - thisHeight - (thisTop - thisCSStop);
-			return el.css('top', ( useRelative ) ? relval : fromTop + screenHeight - thisHeight );
-		}
-	}
-	//exposed methods
-	return {
-		show: function(immediately, page){
-			currentstate = 'overlay';
-			var $ap = page ? $(page) : ($.mobile.activePage ? $.mobile.activePage : $(".ui-page-active"));
-			return $ap.children( toolbarSelector ).each(function(){
-				var el = $(this),
-					fromTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
-					thisTop = getOffsetTop(el[0]), // el.offset().top returns the wrong value on iPad iOS 3.2.1, call our workaround instead.
-					screenHeight = window.innerHeight,
-					thisHeight = el.outerHeight(),
-					alreadyVisible = ('.ui-header-fixed') && fromTop <= thisTop + thisHeight) || ('.ui-footer-fixed') && thisTop <= fromTop + screenHeight);	
-				//add state class
-				el.addClass('ui-fixed-overlay').removeClass('ui-fixed-inline');	
-				if( !alreadyVisible && !immediately ){
-					el.addClass('in').animationComplete(function(){
-						el.removeClass('in');
-					});
-				}
-				setTop(el);
-			});	
-		},
-		hide: function(immediately){
-			currentstate = 'inline';
-			var $ap = $.mobile.activePage ? $.mobile.activePage : $(".ui-page-active");
-			return $ap.children( toolbarSelector ).each(function(){
-				var el = $(this);
-				var thisCSStop = el.css('top'); thisCSStop = thisCSStop == 'auto' ? 0 : parseFloat(thisCSStop);
-				//add state class
-				el.addClass('ui-fixed-inline').removeClass('ui-fixed-overlay');
-				if (thisCSStop < 0 || ('.ui-header-fixed') && thisCSStop != 0))
-				{
-					if(immediately){
-						el.css('top',0);
-					}
-					else{
-						if( el.css('top') !== 'auto' && parseFloat(el.css('top')) !== 0 ){
-							var classes = 'out reverse';
-							el.addClass(classes).animationComplete(function(){
-								el.removeClass(classes);
-								el.css('top',0);
-							});	
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		},
-		hideAfterDelay: function(){
-			delayTimer = setTimeout(function(){
-				$.fixedToolbars.hide();
-			}, 3000);
-		},
-		toggle: function(from){
-			if(from){ currentstate = from; }
-			return (currentstate == 'overlay') ? $.fixedToolbars.hide() : $;
-		}
-	};
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "checkboxradio" plugin
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "mobile.checkboxradio", $.mobile.widget, {
-	options: {
-		theme: null
-	},
-	_create: function(){
-		var input = this.element,
-			label = $("label[for='" + input.attr( "id" ) + "']"),
-			inputtype = input.attr( "type" ),
-			checkedicon = "ui-icon-" + inputtype + "-on",
-			uncheckedicon = "ui-icon-" + inputtype + "-off";
-		if ( inputtype != "checkbox" && inputtype != "radio" ) { return; }
-		label
-			.buttonMarkup({
-				theme: this.options.theme,
-				icon: this.element.parents( "[data-type='horizontal']" ).length ? undefined : uncheckedicon,
-				shadow: false
-			});
-		// wrap the input + label in a div 
-		input
-			.add( label )
-			.wrapAll( "<div class='ui-" + inputtype +"'></div>" );
-		label.bind({
-			mouseover: function() {
-				if( $(this).parent().is('.ui-disabled') ){ return false; }
-			},
-			mousedown: function() {
-				if( $(this).parent().is('.ui-disabled') ){ return false; }
- "state", input.attr( "checked" ) );
-			},
-			click: function() {
-				setTimeout(function() {
-					if ( input.attr( "checked" ) === "state" ) ) {
-						input.trigger( "click" );
-					}
-				}, 1);
-			}
-		});
-		input
-			.bind({
-				click: function() {
-					$( "input[name='" + input.attr( "name" ) + "'][type='" + inputtype + "']" ).checkboxradio( "refresh" );
-				},
-				focus: function() { 
-					label.addClass( "ui-focus" ); 
-				},
-				blur: function() {
-					label.removeClass( "ui-focus" );
-				}
-			});
-		this.refresh();
-	},
-	refresh: function( ){
-		var input = this.element,
-			label = $("label[for='" + input.attr( "id" ) + "']"),
-			inputtype = input.attr( "type" ),
-			icon = label.find( ".ui-icon" ),
-			checkedicon = "ui-icon-" + inputtype + "-on",
-			uncheckedicon = "ui-icon-" + inputtype + "-off";
-		if ( input[0].checked ) {
-			label.addClass( "ui-btn-active" );
-			icon.addClass( checkedicon );
-			icon.removeClass( uncheckedicon );
-		} else {
-			label.removeClass( "ui-btn-active" ); 
-			icon.removeClass( checkedicon );
-			icon.addClass( uncheckedicon );
-		}
-		if( ":disabled" ) ){
-			this.disable();
-		}
-		else {
-			this.enable();
-		}
-	},
-	disable: function(){
-		this.element.attr("disabled",true).parent().addClass("ui-disabled");
-	},
-	enable: function(){
-		this.element.attr("disabled",false).parent().removeClass("ui-disabled");
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "textinput" plugin for text inputs, textareas
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "mobile.textinput", $.mobile.widget, {
-	options: {
-		theme: null
-	},
-	_create: function(){
-		var input = this.element,
-			o = this.options,
-			theme = o.theme,
-			themeclass;
-		if ( !theme ) {
-			var themedParent = this.element.closest("[class*='ui-bar-'],[class*='ui-body-']"); 
-				theme = themedParent.length ?
-					/ui-(bar|body)-([a-z])/.exec( themedParent.attr("class") )[2] :
-					"c";
-		}	
-		themeclass = " ui-body-" + theme;
-		$('label[for='+input.attr('id')+']').addClass('ui-input-text');
-		input.addClass('ui-input-text ui-body-'+ o.theme);
-		var focusedEl = input;
-		//"search" input widget
-		if('[type="search"],[data-type="search"]') ){
-			focusedEl = input.wrap('<div class="ui-input-search ui-shadow-inset ui-btn-corner-all ui-btn-shadow ui-icon-search'+ themeclass +'"></div>').parent();
-			var clearbtn = $('<a href="#" class="ui-input-clear" title="clear text">clear text</a>')
-				.click(function(){
-					input.val('').focus();
-					input.trigger('change'); 
-					clearbtn.addClass('ui-input-clear-hidden');
-					return false;
-				})
-				.appendTo(focusedEl)
-				.buttonMarkup({icon: 'delete', iconpos: 'notext', corners:true, shadow:true});
-			function toggleClear(){
-				if(input.val() == ''){
-					clearbtn.addClass('ui-input-clear-hidden');
-				}
-				else{
-					clearbtn.removeClass('ui-input-clear-hidden');
-				}
-			}
-			toggleClear();
-			input.keyup(toggleClear);	
-		}
-		else{
-			input.addClass('ui-corner-all ui-shadow-inset' + themeclass);
-		}
-		input
-			.focus(function(){
-				focusedEl.addClass('ui-focus');
-			})
-			.blur(function(){
-				focusedEl.removeClass('ui-focus');
-			});	
-		//autogrow
-		if ('textarea') ) {
-			var extraLineHeight = 15,
-				keyupTimeoutBuffer = 100,
-				keyup = function() {
-					var scrollHeight = input[0].scrollHeight,
-						clientHeight = input[0].clientHeight;
-					if ( clientHeight < scrollHeight ) {
-						input.css({ height: (scrollHeight + extraLineHeight) });
-					}
-				},
-				keyupTimeout;
-			input.keyup(function() {
-				clearTimeout( keyupTimeout );
-				keyupTimeout = setTimeout( keyup, keyupTimeoutBuffer );
-			});
-		}
-	},
-	disable: function(){
-		( this.element.attr("disabled",true).is('[type="search"],[data-type="search"]') ? this.element.parent() : this.element ).addClass("ui-disabled");
-	},
-	enable: function(){
-		( this.element.attr("disabled", false).is('[type="search"],[data-type="search"]') ? this.element.parent() : this.element ).removeClass("ui-disabled");
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "selectmenu" plugin
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "mobile.selectmenu", $.mobile.widget, {
-	options: {
-		theme: null,
-		disabled: false, 
-		icon: 'arrow-d',
-		iconpos: 'right',
-		inline: null,
-		corners: true,
-		shadow: true,
-		iconshadow: true,
-		menuPageTheme: 'b',
-		overlayTheme: 'a'
-	},
-	_create: function(){
-		var self = this,
-			o = this.options,
-			select = this.element
-						.attr( "tabindex", "-1" )
-						.wrap( "<div class='ui-select'>" ),		
-			selectID = select.attr( "id" ),
-			label = $( "label[for="+ selectID +"]" ).addClass( "ui-select" ),
-			buttonId = selectID + "-button",
-			menuId = selectID + "-menu",
-			thisPage = select.closest( ".ui-page" ),
-			button = $( "<a>", { 
-					"href": "#",
-					"role": "button",
-					"id": buttonId,
-					"aria-haspopup": "true",
-					"aria-owns": menuId 
-				})
-				.text( $( select[0].options.item(select[0].selectedIndex) ).text() )
-				.insertBefore( select )
-				.buttonMarkup({
-					theme: o.theme, 
-					icon: o.icon,
-					iconpos: o.iconpos,
-					inline: o.inline,
-					corners: o.corners,
-					shadow: o.shadow,
-					iconshadow: o.iconshadow
-				}),
-			theme = /ui-btn-up-([a-z])/.exec( button.attr("class") )[1],
-			menuPage = $( "<div data-role='dialog' data-theme='"+ o.menuPageTheme +"'>" +
-						"<div data-role='header'>" +
-							"<div class='ui-title'>" + label.text() + "</div>"+
-						"</div>"+
-						"<div data-role='content'></div>"+
-					"</div>" )
-					.appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer )
-					.page(),	
-			menuPageContent = menuPage.find( ".ui-content" ),	
-			screen = $( "<div>", {"class": "ui-selectmenu-screen ui-screen-hidden"})
-						.appendTo( thisPage ),		
-			listbox = $( "<div>", { "class": "ui-selectmenu ui-selectmenu-hidden ui-overlay-shadow ui-corner-all pop ui-body-" + o.overlayTheme } )
-					.insertAfter(screen),
-			list = $( "<ul>", { 
-					"class": "ui-selectmenu-list", 
-					"id": menuId, 
-					"role": "listbox", 
-					"aria-labelledby": buttonId,
-					"data-theme": theme
-				})
-				.appendTo( listbox ),
-			menuType;	
-		//expose to other methods	
-		$.extend(self, {
-			select: select,
-			selectID: selectID,
-			label: label,
-			buttonId:buttonId,
-			menuId:menuId,
-			thisPage:thisPage,
-			button:button,
-			menuPage:menuPage,
-			menuPageContent:menuPageContent,
-			screen:screen,
-			listbox:listbox,
-			list:list,
-			menuType:menuType
-		});
-		//create list from select, update state
-		self.refresh();
-		//disable if specified
-		if( this.options.disabled ){ this.disable(); }
-		//events on native select
-		select
-			.change(function(){ 
-				self.refresh();
-			})
-			.focus(function(){
-				$(this).blur();
-				button.focus();
-			});		
-		//button events
-		button.bind( $.support.touch ? "touchstart" : "click", function(event){
-			return false;
-		});
-		//events for list items
-		list.delegate("li",'click', function(){
-				//update select	
-				var newIndex = list.find( "li" ).index( this ),
-					prevIndex = select[0].selectedIndex;
-				select[0].selectedIndex = newIndex;
-				//trigger change event
-				if(newIndex !== prevIndex){ 
-					select.trigger( "change" ); 
-				}
-				self.refresh();
-				//hide custom select
-				self.close();
-				return false;
-			});	
-		//events on "screen" overlay
-			self.close();
-			return false;
-		});	
-	},
-	_buildList: function(){
-		var self = this;
-		self.list.empty().filter('.ui-listview').listview('destroy');
-		//populate menu with options from select element
- "option" ).each(function( i ){
-				var anchor = $("<a>", { 
-							"role": "option", 
-							"href": "#"
-						})
-						.text( $(this).text() );
-			$( "<li>", {"data-icon": "checkbox-on"})
-				.append( anchor )
-				.appendTo( self.list );
-		});
-		//now populated, create listview
-		self.list.listview();		
-	},
-	refresh: function( forceRebuild ){
-		var self = this,
-			select = this.element,
-			selected = select[0].selectedIndex;
-		if( forceRebuild || select[0].options.length > self.list.find('li').length ){
-			self._buildList();
-		}	
-		self.button.find( ".ui-btn-text" ).text( $(select[0].options.item(selected)).text() ); 
-		self.list
-			.find('li').removeClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass ).attr('aria-selected', false)
-			.eq(selected).addClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass ).find('a').attr('aria-selected', true);		
-	},
-	open: function(){
-		if( this.options.disabled ){ return; }
-		var self = this,
-			menuHeight = self.list.outerHeight(),
-			menuWidth = self.list.outerWidth(),
-			scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
-			btnOffset = self.button.offset().top,
-			screenHeight = window.innerHeight,
-			screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
-		//add active class to button
-		self.button.addClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass );
-		function focusMenuItem(){
-			self.list.find( ".ui-btn-active" ).focus();
-		}
-		if( menuHeight > screenHeight - 80 || !$.support.scrollTop ){
-			//for webos (set lastscroll using button offset)
-			if( scrollTop == 0 && btnOffset > screenHeight ){
-					$(this).data('lastScroll', btnOffset);
-				});	
-			}
-			self.menuType = "page";		
-			self.menuPageContent.append( self.list );
-			$.mobile.changePage(self.menuPage, 'pop', false, false);
-		}
-		else {
-			self.menuType = "overlay";
-			self.screen
-				.height( $(document).height() )
-				.removeClass('ui-screen-hidden');
-			self.listbox
-				.append( self.list )
-				.removeClass( "ui-selectmenu-hidden" )
-				.position({
-					my: "center center",
-					at: "center center",
-					of: self.button,
-					collision: "fit"
-				})
-				.addClass("in");
-			focusMenuItem();	
-		}
-	},
-	close: function(){
-		if( this.options.disabled ){ return; }
-		var self = this;
-		function focusButton(){
-			setTimeout(function(){
-				self.button.focus();
-				//remove active class from button
-				self.button.removeClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass );
-			}, 40);
-			self.listbox.removeAttr('style').append( self.list );
-		}
-		if(self.menuType == "page"){			
-			$.mobile.changePage([self.menuPage,self.thisPage], 'pop', true, false);
-				focusButton();
-				//return false;
-			});
-		}
-		else{
-			self.screen.addClass( "ui-screen-hidden" );
-			self.listbox.addClass( "ui-selectmenu-hidden" ).removeAttr( "style" ).removeClass("in");
-			focusButton();
-		}
-	},
-	disable: function(){
-		this.element.attr("disabled",true);
-		this.button.addClass('ui-disabled').attr("aria-disabled", true);
-		return this._setOption( "disabled", true );
-	},
-	enable: function(){
-		this.element.attr("disabled",false);
-		this.button.removeClass('ui-disabled').attr("aria-disabled", false);
-		return this._setOption( "disabled", false );
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : plugin for making button-like links
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.fn.buttonMarkup = function( options ){
-	return this.each( function() {
-		var el = $( this ),
-		    o = $.extend( {}, $.fn.buttonMarkup.defaults,, options),
-			// Classes Defined
-			buttonClass,
-			innerClass = "ui-btn-inner",
-			iconClass;
-		if ( attachEvents ) {
-			attachEvents();
-		}
-		// if not, try to find closest theme container
-		if ( !o.theme ) {
-			var themedParent = el.closest("[class*='ui-bar-'],[class*='ui-body-']"); 
-			o.theme = themedParent.length ?
-				/ui-(bar|body)-([a-z])/.exec( themedParent.attr("class") )[2] :
-				"c";
-		}
-		buttonClass = "ui-btn ui-btn-up-" + o.theme;
-		if ( o.inline ) {
-			buttonClass += " ui-btn-inline";
-		}
-		if ( o.icon ) {
-			o.icon = "ui-icon-" + o.icon;
-			o.iconpos = o.iconpos || "left";
-			iconClass = "ui-icon " + o.icon;
-			if ( o.shadow ) {
-				iconClass += " ui-icon-shadow"
-			}
-		}
-		if ( o.iconpos ) {
-			buttonClass += " ui-btn-icon-" + o.iconpos;
-			if ( o.iconpos == "notext" && !el.attr("title") ) {
-				el.attr( "title", el.text() );
-			}
-		}
-		if ( o.corners ) { 
-			buttonClass += " ui-btn-corner-all";
-			innerClass += " ui-btn-corner-all";
-		}
-		if ( o.shadow ) {
-			buttonClass += " ui-shadow";
-		}
-		el
-			.attr( "data-theme", o.theme )
-			.addClass( buttonClass );
-		var wrap = ("<D class='" + innerClass + "'><D class='ui-btn-text'></D>" +
-			( o.icon ? "<span class='" + iconClass + "'></span>" : "" ) +
-			"</D>").replace(/D/g, o.wrapperEls);
-		el.wrapInner( wrap );
-	});		
-$.fn.buttonMarkup.defaults = {
-	corners: true,
-	shadow: true,
-	iconshadow: true,
-	wrapperEls: "span"
-var attachEvents = function() {
-	$(".ui-btn").live({
-		mousedown: function() {
-			var theme = $(this).attr( "data-theme" );
-			$(this).removeClass( "ui-btn-up-" + theme ).addClass( "ui-btn-down-" + theme );
-		},
-		mouseup: function() {
-			var theme = $(this).attr( "data-theme" );
-			$(this).removeClass( "ui-btn-down-" + theme ).addClass( "ui-btn-up-" + theme );
-		},
-		"mouseover focus": function() {
-			var theme = $(this).attr( "data-theme" );
-			$(this).removeClass( "ui-btn-up-" + theme ).addClass( "ui-btn-hover-" + theme );
-		},
-		"mouseout blur": function() {
-			var theme = $(this).attr( "data-theme" );
-			$(this).removeClass( "ui-btn-hover-" + theme ).addClass( "ui-btn-up-" + theme );
-		}
-	});
-	attachEvents = null;
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "button" plugin - links that proxy to native input/buttons
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "mobile.button", $.mobile.widget, {
-	options: {
-		theme: null, 
-		icon: null,
-		iconpos: null,
-		inline: null,
-		corners: true,
-		shadow: true,
-		iconshadow: true
-	},
-	_create: function(){
-		var $el = this.element,
-			o = this.options,
-			type = $el.attr('type');
-			$el
-				.addClass('ui-btn-hidden')
-				.attr('tabindex','-1');
-		//add ARIA role
-		this.button = $( "<a>", { 
-				"href": "#",
-				"role": "button",
-				"aria-label": $el.attr( "type" ) 
-			} )
-			.text( $el.text() || $el.val() )
-			.insertBefore( $el )
-			.click(function(){
-				if(!o.disabled){
-					if( type == "submit" ){
-						$(this).closest('form').submit();
-					}
-					else{
-						$; 
-					}
-				}
-				return false;
-			})
-			.buttonMarkup({
-				theme: o.theme, 
-				icon: o.icon,
-				iconpos: o.iconpos,
-				inline: o.inline,
-				corners: o.corners,
-				shadow: o.shadow,
-				iconshadow: o.iconshadow
-			});
-	},
-	enable: function(){
-		this.element.attr("disabled", false);
-		this.button.removeClass("ui-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", false);
-		return this._setOption("disabled", false);
-	},
-	disable: function(){
-		this.element.attr("disabled", true);
-		this.button.addClass("ui-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", true);
-		return this._setOption("disabled", true);
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "slider" plugin
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "mobile.slider", $.mobile.widget, {
-	options: {
-		theme: null,
-		trackTheme: null,
-		disabled: false
-	},
-	_create: function(){	
-		var self = this,
-			control = this.element,
-			parentTheme = control.parents('[class*=ui-bar-],[class*=ui-body-]').eq(0),	
-			parentTheme = parentTheme.length ? parentTheme.attr('class').match(/ui-(bar|body)-([a-z])/)[2] : 'c',
-			theme = this.options.theme ? this.options.theme : parentTheme,
-			trackTheme = this.options.trackTheme ? this.options.trackTheme : parentTheme,
-			cType = control[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
-			selectClass = (cType == 'select') ? 'ui-slider-switch' : '',
-			controlID = control.attr('id'),
-			labelID = controlID + '-label',
-			label = $('[for='+ controlID +']').attr('id',labelID),
-			val = (cType == 'input') ? parseFloat(control.val()) : control[0].selectedIndex,
-			min = (cType == 'input') ? parseFloat(control.attr('min')) : 0,
-			max = (cType == 'input') ? parseFloat(control.attr('max')) : control.find('option').length-1,
-			slider = $('<div class="ui-slider '+ selectClass +' ui-btn-down-'+ trackTheme+' ui-btn-corner-all" role="application"></div>'),
-			handle = $('<a href="#" class="ui-slider-handle"></a>')
-				.appendTo(slider)
-				.buttonMarkup({corners: true, theme: theme, shadow: true})
-				.attr({
-					'role': 'slider',
-					'aria-valuemin': min,
-					'aria-valuemax': max,
-					'aria-valuenow': val,
-					'aria-valuetext': val,
-					'title': val,
-					'aria-labelledby': labelID
-				});
-		$.extend(this, {
-			slider: slider,
-			handle: handle,
-			dragging: false,
-			beforeStart: null
-		});
-		if(cType == 'select'){
-			slider.wrapInner('<div class="ui-slider-inneroffset"></div>');
-			var options = control.find('option');
-			control.find('option').each(function(i){
-				var side = (i==0) ?'b':'a',
-					corners = (i==0) ? 'right' :'left',
-					theme = (i==0) ? ' ui-btn-down-' + trackTheme :' ui-btn-active';
-				$('<div class="ui-slider-labelbg ui-slider-labelbg-'+ side + theme +' ui-btn-corner-'+ corners+'"></div>').prependTo(slider);	
-				$('<span class="ui-slider-label ui-slider-label-'+ side + theme +' ui-btn-corner-'+ corners+'" role="img">'+$(this).text()+'</span>').prependTo(handle);
-			});
-		}	
-		label.addClass('ui-slider');
-		control
-			.addClass((cType == 'input') ? 'ui-slider-input' : 'ui-slider-switch')
-			.keyup(function(){
-				self.refresh( $(this).val() );
-			});
-		$(document).bind($.support.touch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", function(event){
-			if ( self.dragging ) {
-				self.refresh( event );
-				return false;
-			}
-		});
-		slider
-			.bind($.support.touch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", function(event){
-				self.dragging = true;
-				if ( cType === "select" ) {
-					self.beforeStart = control[0].selectedIndex;
-				}
-				self.refresh( event );
-				return false;
-			});
-		slider
-			.add(document)	
-			.bind($.support.touch ? "touchend" : "mouseup", function(){
-				if ( self.dragging ) {
-					self.dragging = false;
-					if ( cType === "select" ) {
-						if ( self.beforeStart === control[0].selectedIndex ) {
-							//tap occurred, but value didn't change. flip it!
-							self.refresh( self.beforeStart === 0 ? 1 : 0 );
-						}
-						var curval = (cType === "input") ? parseFloat(control.val()) : control[ 0 ].selectedIndex;
-						var snapped = Math.round( curval / (max - min) * 100 );
-						handle
-							.addClass("ui-slider-handle-snapping")
-							.css("left", snapped + "%")
-							.animationComplete(function(){
-								handle.removeClass("ui-slider-handle-snapping");
-							});
-					}
-					return false;
-				}
-			});
-		slider.insertAfter(control);
-		handle.bind('click', function(e){ return false; });
-		this.refresh();
-	},
-	refresh: function(val){
-		if ( this.options.disabled ) { return; }
-		var control = this.element, percent,
-			cType = control[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
-			min = (cType === "input") ? parseFloat(control.attr("min")) : 0,
-			max = (cType === "input") ? parseFloat(control.attr("max")) : control.find("option").length - 1;
-		if ( typeof val === "object" ) {
-			var data = val.originalEvent.touches ? val.originalEvent.touches[ 0 ] : val,
-				// a slight tolerance helped get to the ends of the slider
-				tol = 8;
-			if ( !this.dragging
-					|| data.pageX < this.slider.offset().left - tol
-					|| data.pageX > this.slider.offset().left + this.slider.width() + tol ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			percent = Math.round( ((data.pageX - this.slider.offset().left) / this.slider.width() ) * 100 );
-		} else {
-			if ( val == null ) {
-				val = (cType === "input") ? parseFloat(control.val()) : control[ 0 ].selectedIndex;
-			}
-			percent = (parseFloat(val) - min) / (max - min) * 100;
-		}
-		if ( isNaN(percent) ) { return; }
-		if ( percent < 0 ) { percent = 0; }
-		if ( percent > 100 ) { percent = 100; }
-		var newval = Math.round( (percent / 100) * (max - min) ) + min;
-		if ( newval < min ) { newval = min; }
-		if ( newval > max ) { newval = max; }
-		//flip the stack of the bg colors
-		if ( percent > 60 && cType === "select" ) {
-		}
-		this.handle.css("left", percent + "%");
-		this.handle.attr({
-				"aria-valuenow": (cType === "input") ? newval : control.find("option").eq(newval).attr("value"),
-				"aria-valuetext": (cType === "input") ? newval : control.find("option").eq(newval).text(),
-				title: newval
-			});
-		// add/remove classes for flip toggle switch
-		if ( cType === "select" ) {
-			if ( newval === 0 ) {
-				this.slider.addClass("ui-slider-switch-a")
-					.removeClass("ui-slider-switch-b");
-			} else {
-				this.slider.addClass("ui-slider-switch-b")
-					.removeClass("ui-slider-switch-a");
-			}
-		}
-		// update control's value
-		if ( cType === "input" ) {
-			control.val(newval);
-		} else {
-			control[ 0 ].selectedIndex = newval;
-		}
-		control.trigger("change");
-	},
-	enable: function(){
-		this.element.attr("disabled", false);
-		this.slider.removeClass("ui-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", false);
-		return this._setOption("disabled", false);
-	},
-	disable: function(){
-		this.element.attr("disabled", true);
-		this.slider.addClass("ui-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", true);
-		return this._setOption("disabled", true);
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "collapsible" plugin
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "mobile.collapsible", $.mobile.widget, {
-	options: {
-		expandCueText: ' click to expand contents',
-		collapseCueText: ' click to collapse contents',
-		collapsed: false,
-		heading: '>:header,>legend',
-		theme: null,
-		iconTheme: 'd'
-	},
-	_create: function(){
-		var $el = this.element,
-			o = this.options,
-			collapsibleContain = $el.addClass('ui-collapsible-contain'),
-			collapsibleHeading = $el.find(o.heading).eq(0),
-			collapsibleContent = collapsibleContain.wrapInner('<div class="ui-collapsible-content"></div>').find('.ui-collapsible-content'),
-			collapsibleParent = $el.closest('[data-role="collapsible-set"]').addClass('ui-collapsible-set');				
-		//replace collapsibleHeading if it's a legend	
-		if('legend')){
-			collapsibleHeading = $('<div role="heading">'+ collapsibleHeading.html() +'</div>').insertBefore(collapsibleHeading);
-		}	
-		//drop heading in before content
-		collapsibleHeading.insertBefore(collapsibleContent);
-		//modify markup & attributes
-		collapsibleHeading.addClass('ui-collapsible-heading')
-			.append('<span class="ui-collapsible-heading-status"></span>')
-			.wrapInner('<a href="#" class="ui-collapsible-heading-toggle"></a>')
-			.find('a:eq(0)')
-			.buttonMarkup({
-				shadow: !!!collapsibleParent.length,
-				corners:false,
-				iconPos: 'left',
-				icon: 'plus',
-				theme: o.theme
-			})
-			.find('.ui-icon')
-			.removeAttr('class')
-			.buttonMarkup({
-				shadow: true,
-				corners:true,
-				iconPos: 'notext',
-				icon: 'plus',
-				theme: o.iconTheme
-			});
-			if( !collapsibleParent.length ){
-				collapsibleHeading
-					.find('a:eq(0)')	
-					.addClass('ui-corner-all')
-						.find('.ui-btn-inner')
-						.addClass('ui-corner-all');
-			}
-			else {
-				if('collapsible-last') ){
-					collapsibleHeading
-						.find('a:eq(0), .ui-btn-inner')	
-							.addClass('ui-corner-bottom');
-				}					
-			}
-		//events
-		collapsibleContain	
-			.bind('collapse', function(event){
-				if( !event.isDefaultPrevented() ){
-					event.preventDefault();
-					collapsibleHeading
-						.addClass('ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed')
-						.find('.ui-collapsible-heading-status').text(o.expandCueText);
-					collapsibleHeading.find('.ui-icon').removeClass('ui-icon-minus').addClass('ui-icon-plus');	
-					collapsibleContent.addClass('ui-collapsible-content-collapsed').attr('aria-hidden',true);
-					if('collapsible-last') ){
-						collapsibleHeading
-							.find('a:eq(0), .ui-btn-inner')
-							.addClass('ui-corner-bottom');
-					}
-				}						
-			})
-			.bind('expand', function(event){
-				if( !event.isDefaultPrevented() ){
-					event.preventDefault();
-					collapsibleHeading
-						.removeClass('ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed')
-						.find('.ui-collapsible-heading-status').text(o.collapseCueText);
-					collapsibleHeading.find('.ui-icon').removeClass('ui-icon-plus').addClass('ui-icon-minus');	
-					collapsibleContent.removeClass('ui-collapsible-content-collapsed').attr('aria-hidden',false);
-					if('collapsible-last') ){
-						collapsibleHeading
-							.find('a:eq(0), .ui-btn-inner')
-							.removeClass('ui-corner-bottom');
-					}
-				}
-			})
-			.trigger(o.collapsed ? 'collapse' : 'expand');
-		//close others in a set
-		if( collapsibleParent.length && !"collapsiblebound") ){
-			collapsibleParent
-				.data("collapsiblebound", true)
-				.bind("expand", function( event ){
-					$(this).find( ".ui-collapsible-contain" )
-						.not( $( ".ui-collapsible-contain" ) )
-						.not( "> .ui-collapsible-contain .ui-collapsible-contain" )
-						.trigger( "collapse" );
-				})
-			var set = collapsibleParent.find('[data-role=collapsible]')
-			set.first()
-				.find('a:eq(0)')	
-				.addClass('ui-corner-top')
-					.find('.ui-btn-inner')
-					.addClass('ui-corner-top');
-			set.last().data('collapsible-last', true)	
-		}
-		collapsibleHeading.bind( $.support.touch ? "touchstart" : "click", function(){ 
-			if('.ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed') ){
-				collapsibleContain.trigger('expand'); 
-			}	
-			else {
-				collapsibleContain.trigger('collapse'); 
-			}
-			return false;
-		});
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework: "controlgroup" plugin - corner-rounding for groups of buttons, checks, radios, etc
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.fn.controlgroup = function(options){
-	return $(this).each(function(){
-		var o = $.extend({
-			direction: $( this ).data( "type" ) || "vertical",
-			shadow: false
-		},options);
-		var groupheading = $(this).find('>legend'),
-			flCorners = o.direction == 'horizontal' ? ['ui-corner-left', 'ui-corner-right'] : ['ui-corner-top', 'ui-corner-bottom'],
-			type = $(this).find('input:eq(0)').attr('type');
-		//replace legend with more stylable replacement div	
-		if( groupheading.length ){
-			$(this).wrapInner('<div class="ui-controlgroup-controls"></div>');	
-			$('<div role="heading" class="ui-controlgroup-label">'+ groupheading.html() +'</div>').insertBefore( $(this).children(0) );	
-			groupheading.remove();	
-		}
-		$(this).addClass('ui-corner-all ui-controlgroup ui-controlgroup-'+o.direction);
-		function flipClasses(els){
-			els
-				.removeClass('ui-btn-corner-all ui-shadow')
-				.eq(0).addClass(flCorners[0])
-				.end()
-				.filter(':last').addClass(flCorners[1]).addClass('ui-controlgroup-last');
-		}
-		flipClasses($(this).find('.ui-btn'));
-		flipClasses($(this).find('.ui-btn-inner'));
-		if(o.shadow){
-			$(this).addClass('ui-shadow');
-		}
-	});	
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "fieldcontain" plugin - simple class additions to make form row separators
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.fn.fieldcontain = function(options){
-	return $(this).addClass('ui-field-contain ui-body ui-br');
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "listview" plugin
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "mobile.listview", $.mobile.widget, {
-	options: {
-		theme: "c",
-		countTheme: "c",
-		headerTheme: "b",
-		dividerTheme: "b",
-		splitIcon: "arrow-r",
-		splitTheme: "b",
-		inset: false
-	},
-	_create: function() {
-		var $list = this.element,
-			o = this.options;
-		// create listview markup 
-		$list
-			.addClass( "ui-listview" )
-			.attr( "role", "listbox" )
-		if ( o.inset ) {
-			$list.addClass( "ui-listview-inset ui-corner-all ui-shadow" );
-		}	
-		$list.delegate( ".ui-li", "focusin", function() {
-			$( this ).attr( "tabindex", "0" );
-		});
-		this._itemApply( $list, $list );
-		this.refresh( true );
-		//keyboard events for menu items
-		$list.keydown(function( e ) {
-			var target = $( ),
-				li = target.closest( "li" );
-			// switch logic based on which key was pressed
-			switch ( e.keyCode ) {
-				// up or left arrow keys
-				case 38:
-					var prev = li.prev();
-					// if there's a previous option, focus it
-					if ( prev.length ) {
-						target
-							.blur()
-							.attr( "tabindex", "-1" );
-						prev.find( "a" ).first().focus();
-					}	
-					return false;
-				break;
-				// down or right arrow keys
-				case 40:
-					var next =;
-					// if there's a next option, focus it
-					if ( next.length ) {
-						target
-							.blur()
-							.attr( "tabindex", "-1" );
-						next.find( "a" ).first().focus();
-					}	
-					return false;
-				break;
-				case 39:
-					var a = li.find( "a.ui-li-link-alt" );
-					if ( a.length ) {
-						target.blur();
-						a.first().focus();
-					}
-					return false;
-				break;
-				case 37:
-					var a = li.find( "a.ui-link-inherit" );
-					if ( a.length ) {
-						target.blur();
-						a.first().focus();
-					}
-					return false;
-				break;
-				// if enter or space is pressed, trigger click
-				case 13:
-				case 32:
-					 target.trigger( "click" );
-					 return false;
-				break;	
-			}
-		});	
-		// tapping the whole LI triggers click on the first link
-		$list.delegate( "li", "click", function(event) {
-			if ( !$( ).closest( "a" ).length ) {
-				$( this ).find( "a" ).first().trigger( "click" );
-				return false;
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	_itemApply: function( $list, item ) {
-		// TODO class has to be defined in markup
-		item.find( ".ui-li-count" )
-			.addClass( "ui-btn-up-" + ($ "counttheme" ) || this.options.countTheme) + " ui-btn-corner-all" );
-		item.find( "h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6" ).addClass( "ui-li-heading" );
-		item.find( "p, dl" ).addClass( "ui-li-desc" );
-		item.find( "img" ).addClass( "ui-li-thumb" ).each(function() {
-			$( this ).closest( "li" )
-				.addClass( $(this).is( ".ui-li-icon" ) ? "ui-li-has-icon" : "ui-li-has-thumb" );
-		});
-		var aside = item.find( ".ui-li-aside" );
-		if ( aside.length ) {
-            aside.each(function(i, el) {
-			    $(el).prependTo( $(el).parent() ); //shift aside to front for css float
-            });
-		}
-		if ( $.support.cssPseudoElement || !$.nodeName( item[0], "ol" ) ) {
-			return;
-		}
-	},
-	_removeCorners: function(li){
-		li
-			.add( li.find(".ui-btn-inner, .ui-li-link-alt, .ui-li-thumb") )
-			.removeClass( "ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-corner-br ui-corner-bl ui-corner-tr ui-corner-tl" );
-	},
-	refresh: function( create ) {
-		this._createSubPages();
-		var o = this.options,
-			$list = this.element,
-			self = this,
-			dividertheme = $ "dividertheme" ) || o.dividerTheme,
-			li = $list.children( "li" ),
-			counter = $.support.cssPseudoElement || !$.nodeName( $list[0], "ol" ) ? 0 : 1;
-		if ( counter ) {
-			$list.find( ".ui-li-dec" ).remove();
-		}
-		li.attr({ "role": "option", "tabindex": "-1" });
-		li.first().attr( "tabindex", "0" );
-		li.each(function( pos ) {
-			var item = $( this ),
-				itemClass = "ui-li";
-			// If we're creating the element, we update it regardless
-			if ( !create && item.hasClass( "ui-li" ) ) {
-				return;
-			}
-			var a = item.find( "a" );
-			if ( a.length ) {	
-				item
-					.buttonMarkup({
-						wrapperEls: "div",
-						shadow: false,
-						corners: false,
-						iconpos: "right",
-						icon: a.length > 1 ? false :"icon") || "arrow-r",
-						theme: o.theme
-					});
-				a.first().addClass( "ui-link-inherit" );
-				if ( a.length > 1 ) {
-					itemClass += " ui-li-has-alt";
-					var last = a.last(),
-						splittheme = $ "splittheme" ) || "theme" ) || o.splitTheme;
-					last
-						.attr( "title", last.text() )
-						.addClass( "ui-li-link-alt" )
-						.empty()
-						.buttonMarkup({
-							shadow: false,
-							corners: false,
-							theme: o.theme,
-							icon: false,
-							iconpos: false
-						})
-						.find( ".ui-btn-inner" )
-							.append( $( "<span>" ).buttonMarkup({
-								shadow: true,
-								corners: true,
-								theme: splittheme,
-								iconpos: "notext",
-								icon: $ "spliticon" ) || "icon" ) ||  o.splitIcon
-							} ) );
-				}
-			} else if ( "role" ) === "list-divider" ) {
-				itemClass += " ui-li-divider ui-btn ui-bar-" + dividertheme;
-				item.attr( "role", "heading" );
-				//reset counter when a divider heading is encountered
-				if ( counter ) {
-					counter = 1;
-				}
-			} else {
-				itemClass += " ui-li-static ui-btn-up-" + o.theme;
-			}
-			if( o.inset ){	
-				if ( pos === 0 ) {
-						itemClass += " ui-corner-top";
-						item
-							.add( item.find( ".ui-btn-inner" ) )
-							.find( ".ui-li-link-alt" )
-								.addClass( "ui-corner-tr" )
-							.end()
-							.find( ".ui-li-thumb" )
-								.addClass( "ui-corner-tl" );
-						self._removeCorners( );		
-				} else if ( pos === li.length - 1 ) {
-						itemClass += " ui-corner-bottom";
-						item
-							.add( item.find( ".ui-btn-inner" ) )
-							.find( ".ui-li-link-alt" )
-								.addClass( "ui-corner-br" )
-							.end()
-							.find( ".ui-li-thumb" )
-								.addClass( "ui-corner-bl" );
-						self._removeCorners( item.prev() );		
-				}
-			}
-			if ( counter && itemClass.indexOf( "ui-li-divider" ) < 0 ) {
-				item
-					.find( ".ui-link-inherit" ).first()
-					.addClass( "ui-li-jsnumbering" )
-					.prepend( "<span class='ui-li-dec'>" + (counter++) + ". </span>" );
-			}
-			item.addClass( itemClass );
-			if ( !create ) {
-				self._itemApply( $list, item );
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	//create a string for ID/subpage url creation
-	_idStringEscape: function( str ){
-		return str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '-');
-	},
-	_createSubPages: function() {
-		var parentList = this.element,
-			parentPage = parentList.closest( ".ui-page" ),
-			parentId = parentPage.attr( "id" ),
-			o = this.options,
-			self = this,
-			persistentFooterID = parentPage.find( "[data-role='footer']" ).data( "id" );
-		$( parentList.find( "ul, ol" ).toArray().reverse() ).each(function( i ) {
-			var list = $( this ),
-				parent = list.parent(),
-				title = parent.contents()[ 0 ].nodeValue.split("\n")[0],
-				id = parentId + "&" + $.mobile.subPageUrlKey + "=" + self._idStringEscape(title + " " + i),
-				theme = "theme" ) || o.theme,
-				countTheme = "counttheme" ) || "counttheme" ) || o.countTheme,
-				newPage = list.wrap( "<div data-role='page'><div data-role='content'></div></div>" )
-							.parent()
-								.before( "<div data-role='header' data-theme='" + o.headerTheme + "'><div class='ui-title'>" + title + "</div></div>" )
-								.after( persistentFooterID ? $( "<div>", { "data-role": "footer", "data-id": persistentFooterID, "class": "ui-footer-duplicate" } ) : "" )
-								.parent()
-									.attr({
-										id: id,
-										"data-theme": theme,
-										"data-count-theme": countTheme
-									})
-									.appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer );
-			parent.html( "<a href='#" + id + "'>" + title + "</a>" );
-		}).listview();
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "listview" filter extension
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.mobile.listview.prototype.options.filter = false;
-$( "[data-role='listview']" ).live( "listviewcreate", function() {
-	var list = $( this ),
-		listview = "listview" );
-	if ( !listview.options.filter ) {
-		return;
-	}
-	var wrapper = $( "<form>", { "class": "ui-listview-filter ui-bar-c", "role": "search" } ),
-		search = $( "<input>", {
-				placeholder: "Filter results...",
-				"data-type": "search"
-			})
-			.bind( "keyup change", function() {
-				var val = this.value.toLowerCase();;
-				list.children().show();
-				if ( val ) {
-					list.children().filter(function() {
-						return $( this ).text().toLowerCase().indexOf( val ) === -1;
-					}).hide();
-				}
-				//listview._numberItems();
-			})
-			.appendTo( wrapper )
-			.textinput();
-	wrapper.insertBefore( list );
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "dialog" plugin.
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
-* Note: Code is in draft form and is subject to change 
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "mobile.dialog", $.mobile.widget, {
-	options: {},
-	_create: function(){	
-		var self = this,
-			$el = self.element,
-			$prevPage = $.mobile.activePage,
-			$closeBtn = $('<a href="#" data-icon="delete" data-iconpos="notext">Close</a>');
-		$el.delegate("a, form", "click submit", function(e){
-			if( e.type == "click" && ( $('[data-back]')[0] || this==$closeBtn[0] ) ){
-				self.close();
-				return false;
-			}
-			//otherwise, assume we're headed somewhere new. set activepage to dialog so the transition will work
-			$.mobile.activePage = self.element;
-		});
-		this.element
-			.bind("pageshow",function(){
-				return false;
-			})
-			//add ARIA role
-			.attr("role","dialog")
-			.addClass('ui-page ui-dialog ui-body-a')
-			.find('[data-role=header]')
-			.addClass('ui-corner-top ui-overlay-shadow')
-				.prepend( $closeBtn )
-			.end()
-			.find('.ui-content:not([class*="ui-body-"])')
-				.addClass('ui-body-c')
-			.end()	
-			.find('.ui-content,[data-role=footer]')
-				.last()
-				.addClass('ui-corner-bottom ui-overlay-shadow');
-		$(window).bind('hashchange',function(){
-			if( $'.ui-page-active') ){
-				self.close();
-				$el.bind('pagehide',function(){
-					$.mobile.updateHash( $prevPage.attr('id'), true);
-				});
-			}
-		});		
-	},
-	close: function(){
-		$.mobile.changePage([this.element, $.mobile.activePage], undefined, true, true );
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : "navbar" plugin
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.widget( "mobile.navbar", $.mobile.widget, {
-	options: {
-		iconpos: 'top',
-		grid: null
-	},
-	_create: function(){
-		var $navbar = this.element,
-			$navbtns = $navbar.find("a"),
-			iconpos = $navbtns.filter('[data-icon]').length ? this.options.iconpos : undefined;
-		$navbar
-			.addClass('ui-navbar')
-			.attr("role","navigation")
-			.find("ul")
-				.grid({grid: this.options.grid });		
-		if( !iconpos ){ 
-			$navbar.addClass("ui-navbar-noicons");
-		}
-		$navbtns
-			.buttonMarkup({
-				corners:	false, 
-				shadow:		false, 
-				iconpos:	iconpos
-			});
-		$navbar.delegate("a", "click",function(event){
-			$navbtns.removeClass("ui-btn-active");
-		});	
-	}
-})( jQuery );
-* jQuery Mobile Framework : plugin for creating CSS grids
-* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
-* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
-(function($, undefined ) {
-$.fn.grid = function(options){
-	return $(this).each(function(){
-		var o = $.extend({
-			grid: null
-		},options);
-		var $kids = $(this).children(),
-			gridCols = {a: 2, b:3, c:4, d:5},
-			grid = o.grid,
-			iterator;
-			if( !grid ){
-				if( $kids.length <= 5 ){
-					for(var letter in gridCols){
-						if(gridCols[letter] == $kids.length){ grid = letter; }
-					}
-				}
-				else{
-					grid = 'a';
-				}
-			}
-			iterator = gridCols[grid];
-		$(this).addClass('ui-grid-' + grid);
-		$kids.filter(':nth-child(' + iterator + 'n+1)').addClass('ui-block-a');
-		$kids.filter(':nth-child(' + iterator + 'n+2)').addClass('ui-block-b');
-		if(iterator > 2){	
-			$kids.filter(':nth-child(3n+3)').addClass('ui-block-c');
-		}	
-		if(iterator> 3){	
-			$kids.filter(':nth-child(4n+4)').addClass('ui-block-d');
-		}	
-		if(iterator > 4){	
-			$kids.filter(':nth-child(5n+5)').addClass('ui-block-e');
-		}
-	});	

file:a/busui/readme.txt (deleted)
--- a/busui/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,1 @@
-# input location (via GPS or favourites or search) and destination (via searchable list, optional)
-# # recursively call to show all services nearby, sort by distance, need to filter by service period
-# Hey, can pick destination again from a list filtered to places these stops go if you're curious!
-# # Can recursively call and parse based on intended destination to show ETA
-# # For pretty maps
-have to do
-/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
-on fedora
-might need
-some extras
-/json/routes = all routes
-OOP stops/routes
-Stop sorting/search-filter
-static maps
- (os @
-(php and open source @

file:a/busui/routeList.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/routeList.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +1,1 @@
-		<div data-role="navbar"> 
-			<ul> 
-				<li><a href="routeList.php">By Final Destination...</a></li> 
-				<li><a href="routeList.php?bynumber=yes">By Number... </a></li>
-				<!--<li><a href="routeList.php?bysuburb=yes">By Suburb... </a></li>-->
-			</ul>
-                </div>
-	';
-echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/routes";
-$contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
-function printRoutes($routes){
-	foreach($routes as $row) {
-				echo  '<li>'.$row[1].' <a href="trip.php?routeid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[2]." (".ucwords($row[3]).")</a></li>\n";
-			}
-if ($_REQUEST['bynumber']) {
-	$routeSeries = Array();
-	$seriesRange = Array();
-	foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
-		foreach (explode(" ",$row[1]) as $routeNumber ) {
-			$seriesNum = substr($routeNumber, 0, -1)."0";
-			if ($seriesNum == "0") $seriesNum = $routeNumber;
-			$finalDigit = substr($routeNumber, sizeof($routeNumber)-1, 1);
-			if (isset($seriesRange[$seriesNum])) {
-				if ($finalDigit < $seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'])
-					$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'] = $routeNumber;
-				if ($finalDigit > $seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'])
-					$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'] = $routeNumber;
-			} else {
-				$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['max'] = $routeNumber;
-				$seriesRange[$seriesNum]['min'] = $routeNumber;
-			}
-			$routeSeries[$seriesNum][$seriesNum."-".$row[1]."-".$row[0]]  = $row;
-		}
-	}
-	ksort($routeSeries);
-	ksort($seriesRange);
-		echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to route numbers: ';
-		foreach ($seriesRange as $series => $range) 
-		{
-		  if ($range['min'] == $range['max']) echo "<a href=\"#$series\">$series</a>&nbsp;"; 
-		  else  echo "<a href=\"#$series\">{$range['min']}-{$range['max']}</a>&nbsp;"; 
-		}
-		echo "</div>
-			<script>
-		$('.noscriptnav').hide();
-			</script>";
-	foreach ($routeSeries as $series => $routes)
-	{
-		echo '<a name="'.$series.'"></a>';
-		if ($series <= 9) echo '<li>'.$series."<ul>\n";
-		else echo "<li>{$seriesRange[$series]['min']}-{$seriesRange[$series]['max']}<ul>\n";
-			printRoutes($routes);
-		echo "</ul></li>\n";
-	}
-} else {
-	foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
-	    $routeDestinations[$row[2]][]  = $row;
-	}
-	echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to Destination: ';
-		foreach(ksort($routeDestinations) as $destination => $routes) 
-		{ 
-		   echo "<a href=\"#$destination\">$destination</a>&nbsp;"; 
-		}
-		echo "</div>
-			<script>
-		$('.noscriptnav').hide();
-			</script>";
-	foreach ($routeDestinations as $destination => $routes)
-	{
-		echo '<a name="'.$destination.'"></a>';
-		echo '<li>'.$destination."... <ul>\n";
-		printRoutes($routes);
-		echo "</ul></li>\n";
-	}
-echo "</ul>\n";

--- a/busui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-An example application that uses the transitfeed module.
-You must provide a Google Maps API key.
-import BaseHTTPServer, sys, urlparse
-import bisect
-from gtfsscheduleviewer.marey_graph import MareyGraph
-import gtfsscheduleviewer
-import mimetypes
-import os.path
-import re
-import signal
-import simplejson
-import socket
-import time
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import util
-import urllib
-# By default Windows kills Python with Ctrl+Break. Instead make Ctrl+Break
-# raise a KeyboardInterrupt.
-if hasattr(signal, 'SIGBREAK'):
-  signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, signal.default_int_handler)
-mimetypes.add_type('text/plain', '.vbs')
-class ResultEncoder(simplejson.JSONEncoder):
-  def default(self, obj):
-    try:
-      iterable = iter(obj)
-    except TypeError:
-      pass
-    else:
-      return list(iterable)
-    return simplejson.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
-# Code taken from
-# An alternate approach is shown at
-# but it requires multiple threads. A sqlite object can only be used from one
-# thread.
-class StoppableHTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
-  def server_bind(self):
-    BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.server_bind(self)
-    self.socket.settimeout(1)
-    self._run = True
-  def get_request(self):
-    while self._run:
-      try:
-        sock, addr = self.socket.accept()
-        sock.settimeout(None)
-        return (sock, addr)
-      except socket.timeout:
-        pass
-  def stop(self):
-    self._run = False
-  def serve(self):
-    while self._run:
-      self.handle_request()
-def StopToTuple(stop):
-  """Return tuple as expected by javascript function addStopMarkerFromList"""
-  return (stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, float(stop.stop_lat),
-          float(stop.stop_lon), stop.location_type)
-class ScheduleRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
-  def do_GET(self):
-    scheme, host, path, x, params, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
-    parsed_params = {}
-    for k in params.split('&'):
-      k = urllib.unquote(k)
-      if '=' in k:
-        k, v = k.split('=', 1)
-        parsed_params[k] = unicode(v, 'utf8')
-      else:
-        parsed_params[k] = ''
-    if path == '/':
-      return self.handle_GET_home()
-    m = re.match(r'/json/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
-    if m:
-      handler_name = 'handle_json_GET_%s' %
-      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
-      if callable(handler):
-        return self.handle_json_wrapper_GET(handler, parsed_params)
-    # Restrict allowable file names to prevent relative path attacks etc
-    m = re.match(r'/file/([a-z0-9_-]{1,64}\.?[a-z0-9_-]{1,64})$', path)
-    if m and
-      try:
-        f, mime_type = self.OpenFile(
-        return self.handle_static_file_GET(f, mime_type)
-      except IOError, e:
-        print "Error: unable to open %s" %
-        # Ignore and treat as 404
-    m = re.match(r'/([a-z]{1,64})', path)
-    if m:
-      handler_name = 'handle_GET_%s' %
-      handler = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
-      if callable(handler):
-        return handler(parsed_params)
-    return self.handle_GET_default(parsed_params, path)
-  def OpenFile(self, filename):
-    """Try to open filename in the static files directory of this server.
-    Return a tuple (file object, string mime_type) or raise an exception."""
-    (mime_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
-    assert mime_type
-    # A crude guess of when we should use binary mode. Without it non-unix
-    # platforms may corrupt binary files.
-    if mime_type.startswith('text/'):
-      mode = 'r'
-    else:
-      mode = 'rb'
-    return open(os.path.join(self.server.file_dir, filename), mode), mime_type
-  def handle_GET_default(self, parsed_params, path):
-    self.send_error(404)
-  def handle_static_file_GET(self, fh, mime_type):
-    content =
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', mime_type)
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def AllowEditMode(self):
-    return False
-  def handle_GET_home(self):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    (min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon) = schedule.GetStopBoundingBox()
-    forbid_editing = ('true', 'false')[self.AllowEditMode()]
-    agency = ', '.join(a.agency_name for a in schedule.GetAgencyList()).encode('utf-8')
-    key = self.server.key
-    host =
-    # A very simple template system. For a fixed set of values replace [xxx]
-    # with the value of local variable xxx
-    f, _ = self.OpenFile('index.html')
-    content =
-    for v in ('agency', 'min_lat', 'min_lon', 'max_lat', 'max_lon', 'key',
-              'host', 'forbid_editing'):
-      content = content.replace('[%s]' % v, str(locals()[v]))
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def handle_json_GET_routepatterns(self, params):
-    """Given a route_id generate a list of patterns of the route. For each
-    pattern include some basic information and a few sample trips."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
-    if not route:
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
-    sample_size = 10  # For each pattern return the start time for this many trips
-    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    patterns = []
-    for pattern_id, trips in pattern_id_trip_dict.items():
-      time_stops = trips[0].GetTimeStops()
-      if not time_stops:
-        continue
-      has_non_zero_trip_type = False;
-      for trip in trips:
-        if trip['trip_type'] and trip['trip_type'] != '0':
-          has_non_zero_trip_type = True
-      name = u'%s to %s, %d stops' % (time_stops[0][2].stop_name, time_stops[-1][2].stop_name, len(time_stops))
-      transitfeed.SortListOfTripByTime(trips)
-      num_trips = len(trips)
-      if num_trips <= sample_size:
-        start_sample_index = 0
-        num_after_sample = 0
-      else:
-        # Will return sample_size trips that start after the 'time' param.
-        # Linear search because I couldn't find a built-in way to do a binary
-        # search with a custom key.
-        start_sample_index = len(trips)
-        for i, trip in enumerate(trips):
-          if trip.GetStartTime() >= time:
-            start_sample_index = i
-            break
-        num_after_sample = num_trips - (start_sample_index + sample_size)
-        if num_after_sample < 0:
-          # Less than sample_size trips start after 'time' so return all the
-          # last sample_size trips.
-          num_after_sample = 0
-          start_sample_index = num_trips - sample_size
-      sample = []
-      for t in trips[start_sample_index:start_sample_index + sample_size]:
-        sample.append( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
-      patterns.append((name, pattern_id, start_sample_index, sample,
-                       num_after_sample, (0,1)[has_non_zero_trip_type]))
-    patterns.sort()
-    return patterns
-  def handle_json_wrapper_GET(self, handler, parsed_params):
-    """Call handler and output the return value in JSON."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    result = handler(parsed_params)
-    content = ResultEncoder().encode(result)
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-  def handle_json_GET_routes(self, params):
-    """Return a list of all routes."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    result = []
-    for r in schedule.GetRouteList():
-      servicep = None
-      for t in schedule.GetTripList():
-        if t.route_id == r.route_id:
-          servicep = t.service_period
-          break
-      result.append( (r.route_id, r.route_short_name, r.route_long_name, servicep.service_id) )
-    result.sort(key = lambda x: x[1:3])
-    return result
-  def handle_json_GET_routerow(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(params.get('route', None))
-    return [transitfeed.Route._FIELD_NAMES, route.GetFieldValuesTuple()]
-  def handle_json_GET_routetrips(self, params):
-    """ Get a trip for a route_id (preferablly the next one) """
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    query = params.get('route_id', None).lower()
-    result = []
-    for t in schedule.GetTripList():
-      if t.route_id == query:
-        result.append ( (t.GetStartTime(), t.trip_id) )
-    return sorted(result, key=lambda trip: trip[0])
-  def handle_json_GET_triprows(self, params):
-    """Return a list of rows from the feed file that are related to this
-    trip."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
-    except KeyError:
-      # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-    trip_row = dict(trip.iteritems())
-    route_row = dict(route.iteritems())
-    return [['trips.txt', trip_row], ['routes.txt', route_row]]
-  def handle_json_GET_tripstoptimes(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
-    except KeyError:
-       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
-    stops = []
-    times = []
-    for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
-      stops.append(StopToTuple(stop))
-      times.append(arr)
-    return [stops, times]
-  def handle_json_GET_tripshape(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    try:
-      trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip'))
-    except KeyError:
-       # if a non-existent trip is searched for, the return nothing
-      return
-    points = []
-    if trip.shape_id:
-      shape = schedule.GetShape(trip.shape_id)
-      for (lat, lon, dist) in shape.points:
-        points.append((lat, lon))
-    else:
-      time_stops = trip.GetTimeStops()
-      for arr,dep,stop in time_stops:
-        points.append((stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon))
-    return points
-  def handle_json_GET_neareststops(self, params):
-    """Return a list of the nearest 'limit' stops to 'lat', 'lon'"""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    lat = float(params.get('lat'))
-    lon = float(params.get('lon'))
-    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
-    stops = schedule.GetNearestStops(lat=lat, lon=lon, n=limit)
-    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
-  def handle_json_GET_boundboxstops(self, params):
-    """Return a list of up to 'limit' stops within bounding box with 'n','e'
-    and 's','w' in the NE and SW corners. Does not handle boxes crossing
-    longitude line 180."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    n = float(params.get('n'))
-    e = float(params.get('e'))
-    s = float(params.get('s'))
-    w = float(params.get('w'))
-    limit = int(params.get('limit'))
-    stops = schedule.GetStopsInBoundingBox(north=n, east=e, south=s, west=w, n=limit)
-    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in stops]
-  def handle_json_GET_stops(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    return [StopToTuple(s) for s in schedule.GetStopList()]
-  def handle_json_GET_timingpoints(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    matches = []
-    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
-      if s.stop_code.find("Wj") == -1:
-        matches.append(StopToTuple(s))
-    return matches
-  def handle_json_GET_stopsearch(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    query = params.get('q', None).lower()
-    matches = []
-    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
-      if s.stop_id.lower().find(query) != -1 or s.stop_name.lower().find(query) != -1:
-        matches.append(StopToTuple(s))
-    return matches
-  def handle_json_GET_stop(self, params):
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    query = params.get('stop_id', None).lower()
-    for s in schedule.GetStopList():
-      if s.stop_id.lower() == query:
-        return StopToTuple(s)
-    return []
-  def handle_json_GET_stoptrips(self, params):
-    """Given a stop_id and time in seconds since midnight return the next
-    trips to visit the stop."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None))
-    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
-    service_period = params.get('service_period', None)
-    time_trips = stop.GetStopTimeTrips(schedule)
-    time_trips.sort()  # OPT: use bisect.insort to make this O(N*ln(N)) -> O(N)
-    # Keep the first 15 after param 'time'.
-    # Need make a tuple to find correct bisect point
-    time_trips = time_trips[bisect.bisect_left(time_trips, (time, 0)):]
-    time_trips = time_trips[:15]
-    # TODO: combine times for a route to show next 2 departure times
-    result = []
-    for time, (trip, index), tp in time_trips:
-      headsign = None
-      # Find the most recent headsign from the StopTime objects
-      for stoptime in trip.GetStopTimes()[index::-1]:
-        if stoptime.stop_headsign:
-          headsign = stoptime.stop_headsign
-          break
-      # If stop_headsign isn't found, look for a trip_headsign
-      if not headsign:
-        headsign = trip.trip_headsign
-      route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-      trip_name = ''
-      if route.route_short_name:
-        trip_name += route.route_short_name
-      if route.route_long_name:
-        if len(trip_name):
-          trip_name += " - "
-        trip_name += route.route_long_name
-      if headsign:
-        trip_name += " (Direction: %s)" % headsign
-      if service_period == None or trip.service_id == service_period:
-        result.append((time, (trip.trip_id, trip_name, trip.service_id), tp))
-    return result
-  def handle_GET_ttablegraph(self,params):
-    """Draw a Marey graph in SVG for a pattern (collection of trips in a route
-    that visit the same sequence of stops)."""
-    schedule = self.server.schedule
-    marey = MareyGraph()
-    trip = schedule.GetTrip(params.get('trip', None))
-    route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
-    height = int(params.get('height', 300))
-    if not route:
-      print 'no such route'
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    pattern_id_trip_dict = route.GetPatternIdTripDict()
-    pattern_id = trip.pattern_id
-    if pattern_id not in pattern_id_trip_dict:
-      print 'no pattern %s found in %s' % (pattern_id, pattern_id_trip_dict.keys())
-      self.send_error(404)
-      return
-    triplist = pattern_id_trip_dict[pattern_id]
-    pattern_start_time = min((t.GetStartTime() for t in triplist))
-    pattern_end_time = max((t.GetEndTime() for t in triplist))
-    marey.SetSpan(pattern_start_time,pattern_end_time)
-    marey.Draw(triplist[0].GetPattern(), triplist, height)
-    content = marey.Draw()
-    self.send_response(200)
-    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'image/svg+xml')
-    self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(content)))
-    self.end_headers()
-    self.wfile.write(content)
-def FindPy2ExeBase():
-  """If this is running in py2exe return the install directory else return
-  None"""
-  # py2exe puts gtfsscheduleviewer in For py2exe is
-  # configured to put the data next to
-  windows_ending = gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__.find('\\\\')
-  if windows_ending != -1:
-    return transitfeed.__file__[:windows_ending]
-  else:
-    return None
-def FindDefaultFileDir():
-  """Return the path of the directory containing the static files. By default
-  the directory is called 'files'. The location depends on where put
-  it."""
-  base = FindPy2ExeBase()
-  if base:
-    return os.path.join(base, 'schedule_viewer_files')
-  else:
-    # For all other distributions 'files' is in the gtfsscheduleviewer
-    # directory.
-    base = os.path.dirname(gtfsscheduleviewer.__file__)  # Strip
-    return os.path.join(base, 'files')
-def GetDefaultKeyFilePath():
-  """In py2exe return absolute path of file in the base directory and in all
-  other distributions return relative path 'key.txt'"""
-  windows_base = FindPy2ExeBase()
-  if windows_base:
-    return os.path.join(windows_base, 'key.txt')
-  else:
-    return 'key.txt'
-def main(RequestHandlerClass = ScheduleRequestHandler):
-  usage = \
-'''%prog [options] [<input>]
-Runs a webserver that lets you explore a <input> in your browser.
-If <input> is omited the filename is read from the console. Dragging
-a file into the console may enter the filename.
-  parser = util.OptionParserLongError(
-      usage=usage, version='%prog '+transitfeed.__version__)
-  parser.add_option('--feed_filename', '--feed', dest='feed_filename',
-                    help='file name of feed to load')
-  parser.add_option('--key', dest='key',
-                    help='Google Maps API key or the name '
-                    'of a text file that contains an API key')
-  parser.add_option('--host', dest='host', help='Host name of Google Maps')
-  parser.add_option('--port', dest='port', type='int',
-                    help='port on which to listen')
-  parser.add_option('--file_dir', dest='file_dir',
-                    help='directory containing static files')
-  parser.add_option('-n', '--noprompt', action='store_false',
-                    dest='manual_entry',
-                    help='disable interactive prompts')
-  parser.set_defaults(port=8765,
-                      host='',
-                      file_dir=FindDefaultFileDir(),
-                      manual_entry=True)
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(options.file_dir, 'index.html')):
-    print "Can't find index.html with --file_dir=%s" % options.file_dir
-    exit(1)
-  if not options.feed_filename and len(args) == 1:
-    options.feed_filename = args[0]
-  if not options.feed_filename and options.manual_entry:
-    options.feed_filename = raw_input('Enter Feed Location: ').strip('"')
-  default_key_file = GetDefaultKeyFilePath()
-  if not options.key and os.path.isfile(default_key_file):
-    options.key = open(default_key_file).read().strip()
-  if options.key and os.path.isfile(options.key):
-    options.key = open(options.key).read().strip()
-  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(problem_reporter=transitfeed.ProblemReporter())
-  print 'Loading data from feed "%s"...' % options.feed_filename
-  print '(this may take a few minutes for larger cities)'
-  schedule.Load(options.feed_filename)
-  server = StoppableHTTPServer(server_address=('', options.port),
-                               RequestHandlerClass=RequestHandlerClass)
-  server.key = options.key
-  server.schedule = schedule
-  server.file_dir = options.file_dir
- =
-  server.feed_path = options.feed_filename
-  print ("To view, point your browser at http://localhost:%d/" %
-         (server.server_port))
-  server.serve_forever()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()

--- a/busui/staticmaplite/.gitignore
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@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/GPlotter - Make Google Maps Easily.URL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@



--- a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/Google Maps Icons, Free!.URL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@



 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/Thumbs.db and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb1.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb10.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb11.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb12.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb13.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb14.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb15.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb16.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb17.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb18.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb19.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb2.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb20.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb21.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb22.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb23.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb24.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb25.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb3.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb4.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb5.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb6.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb7.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb8.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconb9.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong1.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong10.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong11.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong12.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong13.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong14.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong15.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong16.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong17.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong18.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong19.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong2.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong20.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong21.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong22.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong23.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong24.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong25.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong3.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong4.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong5.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong6.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong7.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong8.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icong9.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr1.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr10.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr11.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr12.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr13.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr14.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr15.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr16.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr17.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr18.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr19.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr2.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr20.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr21.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr22.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr23.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr24.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr25.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr3.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr4.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr5.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr6.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr7.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr8.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/iconr9.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/icons.psd and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue1.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue2.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue3.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue4.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/lightblue5.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-blue.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-gold.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker-green.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/markers/ol-marker.png and /dev/null differ
 Binary files a/busui/staticmaplite/images/osm_logo.png and /dev/null differ
--- a/busui/staticmaplite/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +1,1 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-   "">
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-		CSS based on template of Dandelion wiki engine by Radomir Dopieralski who released this
-		template under the terms of GNU GPL.
-	-->
-	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-	<title>staticMapLite</title>
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-	<div id="wrapper">
-	<div id="header">
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-	<div id="content">
-		<div class="par-div">
-			<h2>
-				staticMapLite - simple map for your website
-			</h2>
-			<p>
-				<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=865x512&maptype=mapnik" width="865" height="512" /></p>
-			<p>
-				This image was created using the following simple &lt;img> tag:
-<pre>&lt;img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&amp;zoom=14&amp;size=865x512&amp;maptype=mapnik" /&gt;</pre>
-			</p>
-		</div>
-		<hr />
-		<div class="par-div">
-			<h3>
-				Place Markers
-			</h3>
-			<p>
-				<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=865x512&maptype=mapnik&markers=40.702147,-74.015794,lightblue1|40.711614,-74.012318,lightblue2|40.718217,-73.998284,lightblue3" width="865" height="512" />
-</p><p>				Add markers by appending them to the image URL:
-			</p>
-		</div>
-		<hr />
-		<div class="par-div">
-			<h3>
-				Use Different Map Styles (Tile Sources)
-			</h3>
-			<p>
-				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
-					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=mapnik" width="256" height="256" />
-					<pre>maptype=mapnik</pre>
-				</div>
-				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
-					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=osmarenderer" width="256" height="256" />
-					<pre>maptype=osmarenderer</pre>
-				</div>
-				<div style="float:left; margin-right: 10px">
-					<img src="staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=256x256&maptype=cycle" width="256" height="256" />
-					<pre>maptype=cycle</pre>
-				</div>
-				<br style="clear:both" />
-			</p>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="footer">
-		<div style="text-align:center;padding:7px;color:#ccc">
-			sponsored by <a href="">dFacts Network</a>
-		</div>
-	</div>

--- a/busui/staticmaplite/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@
-chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t cache

--- a/busui/staticmaplite/staticmap.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +1,1 @@
- * staticMapLite 0.02
- *
- * Copyright 2009 Gerhard Koch
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * @author Gerhard Koch <gerhard.koch AT>
- *
- * USAGE: 
- *
- *  staticmap.php?center=40.714728,-73.998672&zoom=14&size=512x512&maptype=mapnik&markers=40.702147,-74.015794,blues|40.711614,-74.012318,greeng|40.718217,-73.998284,redc
- *
- */ 
-Class staticMapLite {
-	protected $tileSize = 256;
-	protected $tileSrcUrl = array(	'mapnik' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
-									'osmarenderer' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png',
-									'cycle' => '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png'
-	);
-	protected $tileDefaultSrc = 'mapnik';
-	protected $markerBaseDir = 'images/markers';
-	protected $osmLogo = 'images/osm_logo.png';
-	protected $useTileCache = true;
-	protected $tileCacheBaseDir = './cache/tiles';
-	protected $useMapCache = true;
-	protected $mapCacheBaseDir = './cache/maps';
-	protected $mapCacheID = '';
-	protected $mapCacheFile = '';
-	protected $mapCacheExtension = 'png';
-	protected $zoom, $lat, $lon, $width, $height, $markers, $image, $maptype;
-	protected $centerX, $centerY, $offsetX, $offsetY;
-	public function __construct(){
-		$this->zoom = 0;
-		$this->lat = 0;
-		$this->lon = 0;
-		$this->width = 500;
-		$this->height = 350;
-		$this->markers = array();
-		$this->maptype = $this->tileDefaultSrc;
-	}
-	public function parseParams(){
-		global $_GET;
-		// get zoom from GET paramter
-		$this->zoom = $_GET['zoom']?intval($_GET['zoom']):0;
-		if($this->zoom>18)$this->zoom = 18;
-		// get lat and lon from GET paramter
-		list($this->lat,$this->lon) = split(',',$_GET['center']);
-		$this->lat = floatval($this->lat);
-		$this->lon = floatval($this->lon);
-		// get zoom from GET paramter
-		if($_GET['size']){
-			list($this->width, $this->height) = split('x',$_GET['size']);
-			$this->width = intval($this->width);
-			$this->height = intval($this->height);
-		}
-		if($_GET['markers']){
-			$markers = split('%7C|\|',$_GET['markers']);
-			foreach($markers as $marker){
-					list($markerLat, $markerLon, $markerImage) = split(',',$marker);
-					$markerLat = floatval($markerLat);
-					$markerLon = floatval($markerLon);
-					$markerImage = basename($markerImage);
-					$this->markers[] = array('lat'=>$markerLat, 'lon'=>$markerLon, 'image'=>$markerImage);
-			}
-		}
-		if($_GET['maptype']){
-			if(array_key_exists($_GET['maptype'],$this->tileSrcUrl)) $this->maptype = $_GET['maptype'];
-		}
-	}
-	public function lonToTile($long, $zoom){
-		return (($long + 180) / 360) * pow(2, $zoom);
-	}
-	public function latToTile($lat, $zoom){
-		return (1 - log(tan($lat * pi()/180) + 1 / cos($lat* pi()/180)) / pi()) /2 * pow(2, $zoom);
-	}
-	public function initCoords(){
-		$this->centerX = $this->lonToTile($this->lon, $this->zoom);
-		$this->centerY = $this->latToTile($this->lat, $this->zoom);
-		$this->offsetX = floor((floor($this->centerX)-$this->centerX)*$this->tileSize);
-		$this->offsetY = floor((floor($this->centerY)-$this->centerY)*$this->tileSize);
-	}
-	public function createBaseMap(){
-		$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
-		$startX = floor($this->centerX-($this->width/$this->tileSize)/2);
-		$startY = floor($this->centerY-($this->height/$this->tileSize)/2);
-		$endX = ceil($this->centerX+($this->width/$this->tileSize)/2);
-		$endY = ceil($this->centerY+($this->height/$this->tileSize)/2);
-		$this->offsetX = -floor(($this->centerX-floor($this->centerX))*$this->tileSize);
-		$this->offsetY = -floor(($this->centerY-floor($this->centerY))*$this->tileSize);
-		$this->offsetX += floor($this->width/2);
-		$this->offsetY += floor($this->height/2);
-		$this->offsetX += floor($startX-floor($this->centerX))*$this->tileSize;
-		$this->offsetY += floor($startY-floor($this->centerY))*$this->tileSize;
-		for($x=$startX; $x<=$endX; $x++){
-			for($y=$startY; $y<=$endY; $y++){
-				$url = str_replace(array('{Z}','{X}','{Y}'),array($this->zoom, $x, $y), $this->tileSrcUrl[$this->maptype]);
-				$tileImage = imagecreatefromstring($this->fetchTile($url));
-				$destX = ($x-$startX)*$this->tileSize+$this->offsetX;
-				$destY = ($y-$startY)*$this->tileSize+$this->offsetY;
-				imagecopy($this->image, $tileImage, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, $this->tileSize, $this->tileSize);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public function placeMarkers(){
-		foreach($this->markers as $marker){
-			$markerLat = $marker['lat'];
-			$markerLon = $marker['lon'];
-			$markerImage = $marker['image'];
-			$markerIndex++;
-			$markerFilename = $markerImage?(file_exists($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerImage.".png")?$markerImage:'lightblue'.$markerIndex):'lightblue'.$markerIndex;
-			if(file_exists($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerFilename.".png")){
-				$markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir.'/'.$markerFilename.".png");
-			} else {
-				$markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir.'/lightblue1.png');				
-			}
-			$destX = floor(($this->width/2)-$this->tileSize*($this->centerX-$this->lonToTile($markerLon, $this->zoom)));
-			$destY = floor(($this->height/2)-$this->tileSize*($this->centerY-$this->latToTile($markerLat, $this->zoom)));
-			$destY = $destY - imagesy($markerImg);
-			imagecopy($this->image, $markerImg, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, imagesx($markerImg), imagesy($markerImg));
-	};
-	public function tileUrlToFilename($url){
-		return $this->tileCacheBaseDir."/".str_replace(array('http://'),'',$url);
-	}
-	public function checkTileCache($url){
-		$filename = $this->tileUrlToFilename($url);
-		if(file_exists($filename)){
-			return file_get_contents($filename);
-		}
-	}
-	public function checkMapCache(){
-		$this->mapCacheID = md5($this->serializeParams());
-		$filename = $this->mapCacheIDToFilename();
-		if(file_exists($filename)) return true;
-	}
-	public function serializeParams(){		
-		return join("&",array($this->zoom,$this->lat,$this->lon,$this->width,$this->height, serialize($this->markers),$this->maptype));
-	}
-	public function mapCacheIDToFilename(){
-		if(!$this->mapCacheFile){
-			$this->mapCacheFile = $this->mapCacheBaseDir."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,0,2)."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,2,2)."/".substr($this->mapCacheID,4);
-		}
-		return $this->mapCacheFile.".".$this->mapCacheExtension;
-	}
-	public function mkdir_recursive($pathname, $mode){
-		return mkdir($pathname, $mode, true);
-	}
-	public function writeTileToCache($url, $data){
-		$filename = $this->tileUrlToFilename($url);
-		$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($filename),0777);
-		file_put_contents($filename, $data);
-	}
-	public function fetchTile($url){
-		if($this->useTileCache && ($cached = $this->checkTileCache($url))) return $cached;
-		$ch = curl_init(); 
-		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
-		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0");
-		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 
-		$tile = curl_exec($ch); 
-		curl_close($ch); 
-		if($this->useTileCache){
-			$this->writeTileToCache($url,$tile);
-		}
-		return $tile;
-	}
-	public function copyrightNotice(){
-			$logoImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->osmLogo);
-			imagecopy($this->image, $logoImg, imagesx($this->image)-imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($this->image)-imagesy($logoImg), 0, 0, imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($logoImg));
-	}
-	public function sendHeader(){
-		header('Content-Type: image/png');
-		$expires = 60*60*24*14;
-		header("Pragma: public");
-		header("Cache-Control: maxage=".$expires);
-		header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$expires) . ' GMT');
-	}
-	public function makeMap(){
-		$this->initCoords();		
-		$this->createBaseMap();
-		if(count($this->markers))$this->placeMarkers();
-		if($this->osmLogo) $this->copyrightNotice();
-	}
-	public function showMap(){
-		$this->parseParams();
-		if($this->useMapCache){
-			// use map cache, so check cache for map
-			if(!$this->checkMapCache()){
-				// map is not in cache, needs to be build
-				$this->makeMap();
-				$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($this->mapCacheIDToFilename()),0777);
-				imagepng($this->image,$this->mapCacheIDToFilename(),9);
-				$this->sendHeader();	
-				if(file_exists($this->mapCacheIDToFilename())){
-					return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename());
-				} else {
-					return imagepng($this->image);		
-				}
-			} else {
-				// map is in cache
-				$this->sendHeader();	
-				return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename());
-			}
-		} else {
-			// no cache, make map, send headers and deliver png
-			$this->makeMap();
-			$this->sendHeader();	
-			return imagepng($this->image);		
-		}
-	}
-$map = new staticMapLite();
-print $map->showMap();

file:a/busui/stop.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/stop.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +1,1 @@
-$url = $APIurl."/json/stop?stop_id=".$_REQUEST['stopid'];
-$stop = json_decode(getPage($url));
-include_header("Trips passing ".$stop[1]);
-echo '<div data-role="content" class="ui-content" role="main"><p>'.staticmap(Array(0 => Array($stop[2],$stop[3]))).'</p>';
-// change date/time/service_period
-echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/stoptrips?stop=".$_REQUEST['stopid']."&time=".midnight_seconds()."&service_period=".service_period();
-$trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
-foreach ($trips as $row)
-echo  '<li>';
-echo '<h3><a href="trip.php?stopid='.$_REQUEST['stopid'].'&tripid='.$row[1][0].'">'.$row[1][1].'</a></h3>';      
-echo '<p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>'.midnight_seconds_to_time($row[0]).'</strong></p>';
-echo '</li>';  
-if (sizeof($trips) == 0) echo "<li> <center>No trips in the near future.</center> </li>";
-echo '</ul></div>';

file:a/busui/stopList.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/stopList.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +1,1 @@
-		<div data-role="navbar"> 
-			<ul> 
-				<li><a href="stopList.php">Timing Points</a></li> 
-				<li><a href="stopList.php?allstops=yes">All Stops</a></li> 
-			</ul>
-                </div>
-	';
-        echo '<div class="noscriptnav"> Go to letter: ';
-foreach(range('A','Z') as $letter) 
-   echo "<a href=\"#$letter\">$letter</a>&nbsp;"; 
-echo "</div>
-	<script>
-        </script>";
-echo '  <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-inset="true" >';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/timingpoints";
-if ($_REQUEST['allstops']) $url = $APIurl."/json/stops";
-if ($_REQUEST['lat'] && $_REQUEST['lon']) $url = $APIurl."/json/neareststops?lat={$_REQUEST['lat']}&lon={$_REQUEST['lon']}&limit=15";
-$contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
-foreach ($contents as $key => $row) {
-    $stopName[$key]  = $row[1];
-// Sort the stops by name
-array_multisort($stopName, SORT_ASC, $contents);
-$firstletter = "";
-foreach ($contents as $row)
-    if (substr($row[1],0,1) != $firstletter){
-        echo "<a name=$firstletter></a>";
-        $firstletter = substr($row[1],0,1);
-    }
-      echo  '<li><a href="stop.php?stopid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[1].'</a></li>';
-        }
-echo '</ul>';

file:a/busui/trip.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/trip.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +1,1 @@
-$tripid = $_REQUEST['tripid'];
-if ($_REQUEST['routeid']) {
-    $url = $APIurl."/json/routetrips?route_id=".$_REQUEST['routeid'];
-    $trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
-foreach ($trips as $trip)
-         {
-            if ($trip[0] < midnight_seconds()) {
-                $tripid = $trip[1];
-                break;
-            }
-         }
-         if (!($tripid > 0)) $tripid = $trips[0][1];
-$url = $APIurl."/json/triprows?trip=".$tripid;
-$trips = array_flatten(json_decode(getPage($url)));
-include_header("Stops on ". $trips[1]->route_short_name . ' '. $trips[1]->route_long_name);
-echo '  <ul data-role="listview"  data-inset="true">';
-$url = $APIurl."/json/tripstoptimes?trip=".$tripid;
-$json = json_decode(getPage($url));
-$stops = $json[0];
-$times = $json[1];
-foreach ($stops as $key => $row)
-    echo  '<li>';
-echo '<h3><a href="stop.php?stopid='.$row[0].'">'.$row[1].'</a></h3>';      
-echo '<p class="ui-li-aside">'.midnight_seconds_to_time($times[$key]).'</p>';
-echo '</li>';       
-echo '</ul>';

file:a/busui/tripPlanner.php (deleted)
--- a/busui/tripPlanner.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +1,1 @@
-  include('');
-  include_header("Trip Planner", true, true);
-  function tripPlanForm($errorMessage = "")
-  {
-      $from = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? $_REQUEST['from'] : "Brigalow");
-      $to = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? $_REQUEST['to'] : "Barry");
-      $date = (isset($_REQUEST['date']) ? $_REQUEST['date'] : date("m/d/Y"));
-      $time = (isset($_REQUEST['time']) ? $_REQUEST['time'] : date("h:ia"));
-      echo "<font color=red>$errorMessage</font>";
-      echo '<form action="tripPlanner.php" method="post">
-    <div data-role="fieldcontain">
-        <label for="from">I would like to go from</label>
-        <input type="text" name="from" id="from" value="' . $from . '"  />
-        <a href="#" style="display:none" name="fromHere" id="fromHere"/>Here?</a>
-    </div>
-        <div data-role="fieldcontain">
-        <label for="to"> to </label>
-        <input type="text" name="to" id="to" value="' . $to . '"  />
-        <a href="#" style="display:none" name="toHere" id="toHere"/>Here?</a>
-    </div>
-    <div data-role="fieldcontain">
-        <label for="date"> on </label>
-        <input type="date" name="date" id="date" value="' . $date . '"  />
-    </div>
-        <div data-role="fieldcontain">
-        <label for="time"> at </label>
-        <input type="time" name="time" id="time" value="' . $time . '"  />
-    </div>
-        <input type="submit" value="Go!"></form>';
-        echo "<script>
-$('#toHere').click(function(event) { $('#to').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
-$('#fromHere').click(function(event) { $('#from').val(getCookie('geolocate')); return false;});
-        </script>";
-  }
-  function processItinerary($itineraryNumber, $itinerary)
-  {
-      echo '<div data-role="collapsible" ' . ($itineraryNumber > 0 ? 'data-collapsed="true"' : "") . '> <h3> Option #' . ($itineraryNumber + 1) . ": " . floor($itinerary->duration / 60000) . " minutes ({$itinerary->startTime} to {$itinerary->endTime})</h3><p>";
-      echo "Walking time: " . floor($itinerary->walkTime / 60000) . " minutes (" . floor($itinerary->walkDistance) . " meters)<br>\n";
-      echo "Transit time: " . floor($itinerary->transitTime / 60000) . " minutes<br>\n";
-      echo "Waiting time: " . floor($itinerary->waitingTime / 60000) . " minutes<br>\n";
-      if (is_array($itinerary->legs->leg)) {
-              $legMarkers = array();
-      foreach ($itinerary->legs->leg as $legNumber => $leg) {
-          $legMarkers[] = array($leg->from->lat, $leg->from->lon);
-      }
-      echo '' . staticmap($legMarkers) . "<br>\n";
-          echo '<ul>';
-          foreach ($itinerary->legs->leg as $legNumber => $leg) {
-              echo '<li>';
-              processLeg($legNumber, $leg);
-              echo "</li>";
-          }
-          echo "</ul>";
-      } else {
-              echo '' . staticmap(array(array($itinerary->legs->leg->from->lat, $itinerary->legs->leg->from->lon))) . "<br>\n";
-          processLeg(0, $itinerary->legs->leg);
-      }
-      echo "</p></div>";
-  }
-  function processLeg($legNumber, $leg) {
-      $legArray = object2array($leg);
-    echo '<h3>Leg #' . ($legNumber + 1) . " ( {$legArray['@mode']} from: {$leg->from->name} to {$leg->to->name}, " . floor($leg->duration / 60000) . " minutes) </h3>\n";
-          if ($legArray["@mode"] === "BUS") {
-              echo "Take bus {$legArray['@route']} " . str_replace("To", "towards", $legArray['@headsign']) . "<br>";
-          } else {
-              $walkStepMarkers = array();
-              foreach ($leg->steps->walkSteps as $stepNumber => $step) {
-                  $walkStepMarkers[] = array($step->lat, $step->lon);
-              }
-              echo "" . staticmap($walkStepMarkers, "icong") . "<br>\n";
-              foreach ($leg->steps->walkSteps as $stepNumber => $step) {
-                  echo "Walking step " . ($stepNumber + 1) . " $step->absoluteDirection / $step->relativeDirection on $step->streetName for " . floor($step->distance) . " meters<br>\n";
-              }
-          }
-  }
-  if ($_REQUEST['time']) {
-      $toPlace = (startsWith($_REQUEST['to'], "-") ? $_REQUEST['to'] : geocode(urlencode($_REQUEST['to']), false));
-      $fromPlace = (startsWith($_REQUEST['from'], "-") ? $_REQUEST['from'] : geocode(urlencode($_REQUEST['from']), false));
-      if ($toPlace == "" || $fromPlace == "") {
-          $errorMessage = "";
-          if ($toPlace === "")
-              $errorMessage .= urlencode($_REQUEST['to']) . " not found.<br>\n";
-          if ($fromPlace === "")
-              $errorMessage .= urlencode($_REQUEST['from']) . " not found.<br>\n";
-          tripPlanForm($errorMessage);
-      } else {
-          $url = "http://localhost:8080/opentripplanner-api-webapp/ws/plan?_dc=1290254798856&arriveBy=false&date=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['date']) . "&time=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['time']) . "&mode=TRANSIT%2CWALK&optimize=QUICK&maxWalkDistance=840&wheelchair=false&toPlace=$toPlace&fromPlace=$fromPlace&intermediatePlaces=";
-          $ch = curl_init($url);
-          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
-          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
-          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Accept: application/json"));
-          $page = curl_exec($ch);
-          curl_close($ch);
-          $tripplan = json_decode($page);
-          debug(print_r($triplan,true));
-          echo "<h1> From: {$tripplan->plan->from->name} To: {$tripplan->plan->to->name} </h1>";
-          echo "<h1> At: {$tripplan->plan->date} </h1>";
-          if (is_array($tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary)) {
-             echo '<div data-role="collapsible-set">';
-              foreach ($tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary as $itineraryNumber => $itinerary) {
-                  processItinerary($itineraryNumber, $itinerary);
-              }
-              echo "</div>";
-          } else {
-              processItinerary(0, $tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary);
-          }
-      }
-  } else {
-      tripPlanForm();
-  }
-  include_footer();

file:a/busui/ (deleted)
--- a/busui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,1 @@
-# input location (via GPS or favourites or search) and destination (via searchable list, optional)
-# # recursively call to show all services nearby, sort by distance, need to filter by service period
-# Hey, can pick destination again from a list filtered to places these stops go if you're curious!
-# # Can recursively call and parse based on intended destination to show ETA
-# # For pretty maps
-python --feed=../maxious-canberra-transit-feed/ --key=ABQIAAAA95XYXN0cki3Yj_Sb71CFvBTPaLd08ONybQDjcH_VdYtHHLgZvRTw2INzI_m17_IoOUqH3RNNmlTk1Q

--- a/display.php
+++ b/display.php
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 		// create the ol map object
 		var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options);
-var osmtiles = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("local", "${z}/${x}/${y}.png");
+var osmtiles = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("local", "${z}/${x}/${y}.png");
 // use and to make tiles
  var graphic = new OpenLayers.Layer.Image(
                 'Weekday Bus Map',

--- a/displaytimepoints.georss.php
+++ b/displaytimepoints.georss.php
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  echo "<entry>";

  echo "<summary>".htmlspecialchars ($timepoint['name'])."</summary>";

  echo "<title>".htmlspecialchars($timepoint['name'])."</title>";

-echo "<georss:point> ".($timepoint['lat']/10000000)." ".($timepoint['lng']/10000000)."</georss:point>";

+echo "<georss:point> ".($timepoint['lat']/10000001)." ".($timepoint['lng']/10000000)."</georss:point>";

 echo "</entry>\n";



file:b/icong.png (new)
 Binary files /dev/null and b/icong.png differ
--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/01-extracttimes.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/01-extracttimes.rb
@@ -17,9 +17,12 @@
 			timing_point = tp.content.squeeze(" ").gsub("Shops"," ").gsub("Bus Station"," Bus Station ").gsub("Interchange"," Bus Station ").gsub(" Platform"," (Platform")
 			timing_point = timing_point.gsub("Machonochie","Maconochie").gsub("Hume"," ").gsub("Market Place","Marketplace").gsub("Terminus Fyshwick","Terminus")
 			timing_point = timing_point.gsub("  - "," - ").gsub("\n"," ").gsub("\r"," ").gsub("\t"," ").gsub("\\"," / ").gsub("/"," / ").gsub(","," ").gsub("\302\240","").squeeze(" ").strip
+			if (short_name == "923" or short_name == "924" or short_name == "938") and timing_point == "Pearce"
+			  timing_point = "Canberra Hospital"
+			end
 			if (tp.content.match('Platform'))
-			end;
+			end
 			if tp.to_s.match(/[0-9][0-9][0-9]/) or tp.to_s.include? "Wheelchair"
 			  timing_point = nil

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/02-tidytimepoints.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/02-tidytimepoints.rb
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
  "Bridbabella GardensNursing Home"=> "Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home",
  "BrindabellaBusiness Park"=> "Brindabella Business Park",
  "NarrabundahTerminus"=>"Narrabundah Terminus",
+ "Narrabundah"=>"Narrabundah Terminus",
  "Railway StationKingston"=>"Railway Station Kingston",
  "Saint AndrewsVillage Hughes"=>"Saint Andrews Village Hughes",
- "DicksonAntill Street"=>"Dickson",
  "Cohen St Bus Station (Platform 3)" => "Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)",
  "Cohen St Bus Station (Platform 6)" => "Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)",
  "Newcastle Streetafter Isa Street" => "Newcastle Street after Isa Street",
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
  "Flemington Road / Sandford St"=>"Flemington Rd / Sandford St",
  "Heagney Cres Clift Cres Richardson"=>  "Heagney / Clift Richardson",
  "Charnwood (Tillyard Drive)"=> "Charnwood",
+ "Charnwood Tillyard Dr"=> "Charnwood",
  "charnwood"=> "Charnwood",
  "Black Moutain- Telstra Tower"=>"Black Mountain Telstra Tower",
  "Bonython Primary"=> "Bonython Primary School",
@@ -64,8 +65,8 @@
  "Calwell shops"=> "Calwell", 
  "Chuculba / William Slim Drive"=>"Chuculba / William Slim Dr",
  "Fyshwick direct Factory Outlet"=>"Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet",
- "Kaleen Village / Maibrynong"=>"Kaleen Village / Marybrynong",
- "Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave"=>"Kaleen Village / Marybrynong",
+ "Kaleen Village / Maibrynong"=>"Kaleen Village / Maribrynong",
+ "Kaleen Village / Marybrynong Ave"=>"Kaleen Village / Maribrynong",
  "National Aquarium"=>"National Zoo and Aquarium",
@@ -74,24 +75,27 @@
  "Procor / Mead"=>"Proctor / Mead",
  "Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet"=>"Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet",
- "Tharwa Dr / Pocket Ave"=>"Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave",
  "Paul Coe / Mirrebei Dr"=>"Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr",
  "Mirrebei Drive / Dam Wall"=>"Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall",
- "Tharwa / Knoke" => "Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave",
+ "Tharwa / Knoke" => "Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave",
+ "Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave" => "Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave",
  "Tharwa / Pocket" => "Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave",
  'Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave' => "Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave",
+ "Tharwa Dr / Pocket Ave"=>"Tharwa Dr / Pockett Ave",
  "Outrim / Duggan" => "Outtrim / Duggan",
  "ANU Burton and Garran Hall Daley Rd" => "Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road",
  "Farrer Primary"=>"Farrer Primary School",
  "St Thomas More Campbell"=>"St Thomas More's Campbell",
+ "Lyneham"=>"Lyneham / Wattle St",
  "Lyneham Wattle Street"=>"Lyneham / Wattle St",
- "Dickson" => "Dickson / Antill St",
+ "Dickson" => "Dickson / Cowper St",
  'Dickson Antill Street' => 'Dickson / Antill St',
+ "DicksonAntill Street"=> 'Dickson / Antill St',
  "Livingston / Kambah" => "Kambah / Livingston St",
  'Melba shops' => 'Melba',
  'St Clare of Assisi' => 'St Clare of Assisi Primary',
- 'War Memorial Limestone Ave' => 'War Memorial / Limestone Ave'
+ 'War Memorial Limestone Ave' => 'War Memorial / Limestone Ave',
+ 'Flynn' => 'Kingsford Smith / Companion'
 	time_point_corrections.each do |wrong, right|

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-generateymlinclude.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-generateymlinclude.rb
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
 	time_points.each do |time_point|
 		#pp time_point
 		# 0 = name
 		# 1 = lat*100000
 		# 2 = lng*100000
+		# 7 = suburb(s)
 		#pp time_point[0]
-		f2.puts "  - { name: #{time_point[0]},stop_code: #{time_point[0]}, lat: #{Float(time_point[1])/10000000}, lng: #{Float(time_point[2])/10000000}}"
+		f2.puts "  - { name: #{time_point[0]},stop_code: #{time_point[0]}, lat: #{Float(time_point[1])/10000000}, lng: #{Float(time_point[2])/10000000}, zone_id: #{time_point[7]} }"
 		stops = connbus.exec("SELECT * from stops")
@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@
 		# 1 = lat*100000
 		# 2 = lng*100000
 		# 3 = name
+		# 4 = suburb(s)
 		#pp time_point[0]
-		f2.puts "  - { name: #{stop[3]},stop_code: #{stop[0]}, lat: #{Float(stop[1])/10000000}, lng: #{Float(stop[2])/10000000}}"
+		f2.puts "  - { name: #{stop[3]},stop_code: #{stop[0]}, lat: #{Float(stop[1])/10000000}, lng: #{Float(stop[2])/10000000}, zone_id: #{stop[4]} }"
 	f2.puts "routes:\n";

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-locatebetweenpoints.osm.xml.php
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-locatebetweenpoints.osm.xml.php
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 header('Content-Type: application/xml');

 echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

 <osm version='0.6' generator='xapi: OSM Extended API 2.0' xmlns:xapi='' 

-xapi:uri='/api/0.6/*[bbox=148.98,-35.48,149.25,-35.15]' xapi:planetDate='20100630' xapi:copyright='2010 OpenStreetMap contributors' 

+xapi:uri='/api/0.6/*[bbox=148.98,-35.48,149.21,-35.15]' xapi:planetDate='20100630' xapi:copyright='2010 OpenStreetMap contributors' 

 xapi:license='Creative commons CC-BY-SA 2.0' xapi:bugs='For assistance or to report bugs contact' xapi:instance='zappyHyper'>


 $conn = pg_connect("dbname=openstreetmap user=postgres password=snmc");

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-locatebetweenpoints.reversegeocode.php
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/04-locatebetweenpoints.reversegeocode.php
@@ -15,20 +15,67 @@
   echo "An error occured.\n";
-$sql = "Select * from stops where name is null";
+echo "reverse geocode stops<br>";
+$sql = "Select * from stops where name is null or suburb is null";
      $result_stops = pg_query($conn, $sql);
      if (!$result_stops) {
-	cho("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
      while ($stop = pg_fetch_assoc($result_stops)) {
-      echo "Processing ".$stop['geohash'] . " ... ";
+	if ($stop['name'] == "") {
+      echo "Processing ".$stop['geohash'] . " streetname ... ";
       $url = "".($stop['lat']/10000000).",".($stop['lng']/10000000)."&distance=closest&object_type=road";
       $contents = json_decode(getPage($url));
+      //print_r($contents);
       $name = $contents->features[0]->properties->name;
       echo "Saving $name ! <br>" ;
       $result_save = pg_query($conn, "UPDATE stops set name = '".pg_escape_string($name)."' where geohash = '{$stop['geohash']}' ");
 			      if (!$result_save) {
 	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+			      }
+	}
+	if ($stop['suburb'] == "") {
+      echo "Processing ".$stop['geohash'] . " suburb ... ";
+	$sql = "select * from suburbs where the_geom @> 'POINT(".($stop['lng']/10000000)." ".($stop['lat']/10000000).")'::geometry";
+     $result_suburbs = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+     if (!$result_suburbs) {
+	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+     }
+     $suburbs = "";
+     while ($suburb = pg_fetch_assoc($result_suburbs)) {
+	$suburbs .= $suburb['name_2006'].";";
+     }
+      echo "Saving $suburbs ! <br>" ;
+      $result_save = pg_query($conn, "UPDATE stops set suburb = '".pg_escape_string($suburbs)."' where geohash = '{$stop['geohash']}' ");
+			      if (!$result_save) {
+	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+			      }
+     }
+     flush();
+     }
+echo "reverse geocode timing points<br>";
+$sql = "Select * from timing_point where suburb is null";
+     $result_timingpoints = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+     if (!$result_timingpoints) {
+	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+     }
+     while ($timingpoint = pg_fetch_assoc($result_timingpoints)) {
+	if ($timingpoint['suburb'] == "") {
+      echo "Processing ".$timingpoint['name'] . " suburb ... ";
+	$sql = "select * from suburbs where the_geom @> 'POINT(".($timingpoint['lng']/10000000)." ".($timingpoint['lat']/10000000).")'::geometry";
+     $result_suburbs = pg_query($conn, $sql);
+     if (!$result_suburbs) {
+	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+     }
+     $suburbs = "";
+     while ($suburb = pg_fetch_assoc($result_suburbs)) {
+	$suburbs .= $suburb['name_2006'].";";
+     }
+      echo "Saving $suburbs ! <br>" ;
+      $result_save = pg_query($conn, "UPDATE timing_point set suburb = '".pg_escape_string($suburbs)."' where name = '".pg_escape_string($timingpoint['name'])."'");
+			      if (!$result_save) {
+	echo("Error in SQL query: " . pg_last_error() ."<br>\n");
+			      }

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/05-addbetweenpointstotimetables.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/05-addbetweenpointstotimetables.rb
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 		#conn.close() if conn
 	between_points.each do |between_point_row|
-		points = between_point_row['points'].split(";")
+		points = between_point_row['points'].strip.split(";")
 		timetable["between_stops"][timetable["time_points"][i] + '-' +timetable["time_points"][i+1]] = points;

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/cbrtable.yml
@@ -5,1776 +5,2060 @@
   agency_name: ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)
   agency_timezone: Australia/Sydney
+  agency_phone: 131710
+  agency_lang: en
-  - { name: ACTEW AGL House,stop_code: ACTEW AGL House, lat: -35.282374, lng: 149.132047}
-  - { name: ADFA,stop_code: ADFA, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
-  - { name: Ainslie,stop_code: Ainslie, lat: -35.2620105, lng: 149.1443302}
-  - { name: Alexander Maconochie Centre,stop_code: Alexander Maconochie Centre, lat: -35.3720651, lng: 149.1696618}
-  - { name: Alpen & Clifford St,stop_code: Alpen & Clifford St, lat: -35.20562, lng: 149.06259}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av,stop_code: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, lat: -35.1856021, lng: 149.1543639}
-  - { name: Aranda,stop_code: Aranda, lat: -35.257534, lng: 149.0762963}
-  - { name: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah,stop_code: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, lat: -35.38442, lng: 149.09328}
-  - { name: Australian Institute of Sport,stop_code: Australian Institute of Sport, lat: -35.246351, lng: 149.101478}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station,stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station, lat: -35.23987, lng: 149.0619}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06978}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06926}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.23986, lng: 149.06847}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06887}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06928}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.0698}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Belconnen Way, lat: -35.24809, lng: 149.06765}
-  - { name: Bimberi Centre,stop_code: Bimberi Centre, lat: -35.2219941, lng: 149.1546928}
-  - { name: Black Mountain Telstra Tower,stop_code: Black Mountain Telstra Tower, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
-  - { name: Bonython,stop_code: Bonython, lat: -35.4297416, lng: 149.0814517}
-  - { name: Bonython Primary School,stop_code: Bonython Primary School, lat: -35.431019, lng: 149.0831217}
-  - { name: Botanic Gardens,stop_code: Botanic Gardens, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
-  - { name: Brindabella Business Park,stop_code: Brindabella Business Park, lat: -35.314496, lng: 149.189145}
-  - { name: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home,stop_code: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, lat: -35.3294459, lng: 149.0806116}
-  - { name: Bugden Sternberg,stop_code: Bugden Sternberg, lat: -35.4017223, lng: 149.0992172}
-  - { name: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road,stop_code: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, lat: -35.2753671, lng: 149.1172822}
-  - { name: Calvary Hospital,stop_code: Calvary Hospital, lat: -35.25212, lng: 149.09088}
-  - { name: Calwell,stop_code: Calwell, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station,stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2410108, lng: 149.0717142}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2410064, lng: 149.0710758}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2411773, lng: 149.0709793}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
-  - { name: Campbell Park Offices,stop_code: Campbell Park Offices, lat: -35.28368, lng: 149.17045}
-  - { name: Canberra College Weston Campus,stop_code: Canberra College Weston Campus, lat: -35.3490278, lng: 149.0486277}
-  - { name: Canberra Hospital,stop_code: Canberra Hospital, lat: -35.3459462, lng: 149.1012001}
-  - { name: Canberra Times,stop_code: Canberra Times, lat: -35.3245431, lng: 149.1705533}
-  - { name: Caswell Drive,stop_code: Caswell Drive, lat: -35.25922, lng: 149.08576}
-  - { name: Causeway,stop_code: Causeway, lat: -35.31615, lng: 149.15058}
-  - { name: Centrelink Tuggeranong,stop_code: Centrelink Tuggeranong, lat: -35.4207496, lng: 149.0700973}
-  - { name: Chapman,stop_code: Chapman, lat: -35.3557877, lng: 149.0408111}
-  - { name: Charnwood,stop_code: Charnwood, lat: -35.2052138, lng: 149.0337266}
-  - { name: Charnwood Tillyard Dr,stop_code: Charnwood Tillyard Dr, lat: -35.20295, lng: 149.04027}
-  - { name: Chifley,stop_code: Chifley, lat: -35.350985, lng: 149.077319}
-  - { name: Chisholm,stop_code: Chisholm, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.12833}
-  - { name: Chuculba / William Slim Dr,stop_code: Chuculba / William Slim Dr, lat: -35.208931, lng: 149.088499}
-  - { name: CIT Weston,stop_code: CIT Weston, lat: -35.330234, lng: 149.058632}
-  - { name: City Bus Station,stop_code: City Bus Station, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.278907, lng: 149.130612}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
-  - { name: City West,stop_code: City West, lat: -35.2788605, lng: 149.1257969}
-  - { name: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky,stop_code: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky, lat: -35.1995716, lng: 149.0285277}
-  - { name: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St,stop_code: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St, lat: -35.2040477, lng: 149.0393052}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station,stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station, lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2396467, lng: 149.0602152}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.239764, lng: 149.0604531}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.239844, lng: 149.0600683}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2401211, lng: 149.0597102}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2400028, lng: 149.060315}
-  - { name: Conder Primary,stop_code: Conder Primary, lat: -35.4643475, lng: 149.0986908}
-  - { name: Cook,stop_code: Cook, lat: -35.2596, lng: 149.0638}
-  - { name: Cooleman Court,stop_code: Cooleman Court, lat: -35.34147, lng: 149.05338}
-  - { name: Copland College,stop_code: Copland College, lat: -35.2127018, lng: 149.0596387}
-  - { name: Curtin,stop_code: Curtin, lat: -35.3248779, lng: 149.081441}
-  - { name: Deakin,stop_code: Deakin, lat: -35.3158608, lng: 149.1084563}
-  - { name: Deamer / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Deamer / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4319597, lng: 149.1187876}
-  - { name: Dickson / Antill St,stop_code: Dickson / Antill St, lat: -35.2489, lng: 149.14012}
-  - { name: Dickson College,stop_code: Dickson College, lat: -35.24923, lng: 149.15315}
-  - { name: Dickson / Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson / Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336}
-  - { name: Duffy,stop_code: Duffy, lat: -35.3366908, lng: 149.0324311}
-  - { name: Duffy Primary,stop_code: Duffy Primary, lat: -35.334219, lng: 149.033656}
-  - { name: Dunlop,stop_code: Dunlop, lat: -35.1942693, lng: 149.0206702}
-  - { name: Erindale Centre,stop_code: Erindale Centre, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
-  - { name: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash,stop_code: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, lat: -35.414616, lng: 149.07888}
-  - { name: Erindale / Sternberg Cres,stop_code: Erindale / Sternberg Cres, lat: -35.4014472, lng: 149.0956545}
-  - { name: Evatt,stop_code: Evatt, lat: -35.2091093, lng: 149.0735343}
-  - { name: Eye Hospital,stop_code: Eye Hospital, lat: -35.3341884, lng: 149.1656213}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Park,stop_code: Fairbairn Park, lat: -35.3001773, lng: 149.2041185}
-  - { name: Farrer Primary School,stop_code: Farrer Primary School, lat: -35.37887, lng: 149.10641}
-  - { name: Farrer Terminus,stop_code: Farrer Terminus, lat: -35.3771794, lng: 149.1046948}
-  - { name: Federation Square,stop_code: Federation Square, lat: -35.1908726, lng: 149.0848153}
-  - { name: Fisher,stop_code: Fisher, lat: -35.3605627, lng: 149.0576481}
-  - { name: Flemington Rd,stop_code: Flemington Rd, lat: -35.20756, lng: 149.14778}
-  - { name: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, lat: -35.2008585, lng: 149.1493407}
-  - { name: Flemington Rd / Sandford St,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Sandford St, lat: -35.221231, lng: 149.144645}
-  - { name: Florey,stop_code: Florey, lat: -35.2258544, lng: 149.0546214}
-  - { name: Flynn,stop_code: Flynn, lat: -35.2019283, lng: 149.0478356}
-  - { name: Fraser,stop_code: Fraser, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
-  - { name: Fraser East Terminus,stop_code: Fraser East Terminus, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
-  - { name: Fraser West Terminus,stop_code: Fraser West Terminus, lat: -35.191513, lng: 149.038006}
-  - { name: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet,stop_code: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796322}
-  - { name: Fyshwick Terminus,stop_code: Fyshwick Terminus, lat: -35.3285202, lng: 149.1785592}
-  - { name: Garran,stop_code: Garran, lat: -35.3423286, lng: 149.10811}
-  - { name: Geoscience Australia,stop_code: Geoscience Australia, lat: -35.3429702, lng: 149.1583893}
-  - { name: Giralang,stop_code: Giralang, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
-  - { name: Gordon Primary,stop_code: Gordon Primary, lat: -35.455517, lng: 149.086978}
-  - { name: Gowrie,stop_code: Gowrie, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
-  - { name: Gungahlin Marketplace,stop_code: Gungahlin Marketplace, lat: -35.1769532, lng: 149.1319017}
-  - { name: Gwydir Square Kaleen,stop_code: Gwydir Square Kaleen, lat: -35.2338677, lng: 149.1031998}
-  - { name: Hackett,stop_code: Hackett, lat: -35.2481617, lng: 149.1626094}
-  - { name: Hawker,stop_code: Hawker, lat: -35.2437386, lng: 149.0432804}
-  - { name: Hawker College,stop_code: Hawker College, lat: -35.2454598, lng: 149.0324251}
-  - { name: Heagney / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Heagney / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4251299, lng: 149.11375}
-  - { name: Hibberson / Kate Crace,stop_code: Hibberson / Kate Crace, lat: -35.1861642, lng: 149.1391756}
-  - { name: Higgins,stop_code: Higgins, lat: -35.2313901, lng: 149.0271811}
-  - { name: Holder,stop_code: Holder, lat: -35.3378123, lng: 149.0449433}
-  - { name: Holt,stop_code: Holt, lat: -35.223099, lng: 149.0126269}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave,stop_code: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, lat: -35.201095, lng: 149.139941}
-  - { name: Hospice / Menindee Dr,stop_code: Hospice / Menindee Dr, lat: -35.303557, lng: 149.151627}
-  - { name: Hughes,stop_code: Hughes, lat: -35.3339223, lng: 149.093854}
-  - { name: Isaacs,stop_code: Isaacs, lat: -35.3669823, lng: 149.1119217}
-  - { name: Isabella,stop_code: Isabella, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837}
-  - { name: Jamison Centre,stop_code: Jamison Centre, lat: -35.2527268, lng: 149.0713712}
-  - { name: John James Hospital,stop_code: John James Hospital, lat: -35.3200295, lng: 149.0955996}
-  - { name: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong,stop_code: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, lat: -35.2274031, lng: 149.1075421}
-  - { name: Kambah High,stop_code: Kambah High, lat: -35.3847749, lng: 149.0720245}
-  - { name: Kambah / Livingston St,stop_code: Kambah / Livingston St, lat: -35.3883359, lng: 149.0811471}
-  - { name: Kambah Village,stop_code: Kambah Village, lat: -35.3800314, lng: 149.0576581}
-  - { name: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, lat: -35.1680901, lng: 149.1321801}
-  - { name: Kerrigan / Lhotsky,stop_code: Kerrigan / Lhotsky, lat: -35.193801, lng: 149.035689}
-  - { name: Kings Ave / National Circuit,stop_code: Kings Ave / National Circuit, lat: -35.305004, lng: 149.13262}
-  - { name: Kingston,stop_code: Kingston, lat: -35.3197448, lng: 149.1375261}
-  - { name: Kippax,stop_code: Kippax, lat: -35.22225, lng: 149.0195627}
-  - { name: Kippax Centre,stop_code: Kippax Centre, lat: -35.22172, lng: 149.01995}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko / Everard,stop_code: Kosciuszko / Everard, lat: -35.188901, lng: 149.1216937}
-  - { name: Lanyon Marketplace,stop_code: Lanyon Marketplace, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199}
-  - { name: Latham,stop_code: Latham, lat: -35.21848, lng: 149.03214}
-  - { name: Latham Post Office,stop_code: Latham Post Office, lat: -35.21906, lng: 149.03223}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station,stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station, lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2408973, lng: 149.0639887}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2406038, lng: 149.0638922}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2405468, lng: 149.0636669}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
-  - { name: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr,stop_code: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
-  - { name: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick,stop_code: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, lat: -35.3296912, lng: 149.1668153}
-  - { name: Lyneham,stop_code: Lyneham, lat: -35.2523304, lng: 149.1246184}
-  - { name: Lyneham High,stop_code: Lyneham High, lat: -35.2524016, lng: 149.130254}
-  - { name: Lyneham / Wattle St,stop_code: Lyneham / Wattle St, lat: -35.25205, lng: 149.12524}
-  - { name: Lyons,stop_code: Lyons, lat: -35.3415779, lng: 149.0765703}
-  - { name: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor,stop_code: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, lat: -35.2587584, lng: 149.1153561}
-  - { name: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave,stop_code: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, lat: -35.26051, lng: 149.13224}
-  - { name: Macgregor,stop_code: Macgregor, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
-  - { name: MacKillop College Isabella Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Isabella Campus, lat: -35.42597, lng: 149.09172}
-  - { name: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, lat: -35.4056, lng: 149.089774}
-  - { name: Macquarie,stop_code: Macquarie, lat: -35.2483414, lng: 149.0600666}
-  - { name: Majura Business Park,stop_code: Majura Business Park, lat: -35.2987, lng: 149.18561}
-  - { name: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo,stop_code: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, lat: -35.193236, lng: 149.146534}
-  - { name: Manuka,stop_code: Manuka, lat: -35.3200096, lng: 149.1341344}
-  - { name: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres,stop_code: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, lat: -35.3217, lng: 149.13445}
-  - { name: McKellar,stop_code: McKellar, lat: -35.2174267, lng: 149.0742108}
-  - { name: Melba,stop_code: Melba, lat: -35.2083104, lng: 149.0485366}
-  - { name: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.45144, lng: 149.0919}
-  - { name: Merici College,stop_code: Merici College, lat: -35.266525, lng: 149.137037}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall,stop_code: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, lat: -35.177453, lng: 149.124291}
-  - { name: Monash,stop_code: Monash, lat: -35.4190254, lng: 149.0834805}
-  - { name: Monash Goodwin Village,stop_code: Monash Goodwin Village, lat: -35.421084, lng: 149.097438}
-  - { name: Monash Primary,stop_code: Monash Primary, lat: -35.414879, lng: 149.089411}
-  - { name: Mount Neighbour School,stop_code: Mount Neighbour School, lat: -35.382445, lng: 149.051518}
-  - { name: Narrabundah,stop_code: Narrabundah, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
-  - { name: Narrabundah College,stop_code: Narrabundah College, lat: -35.3362106, lng: 149.1471005}
-  - { name: Narrabundah Terminus,stop_code: Narrabundah Terminus, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
-  - { name: National Circ / Canberra Ave,stop_code: National Circ / Canberra Ave, lat: -35.31407, lng: 149.13011}
-  - { name: National Hockey Centre Lyneham,stop_code: National Hockey Centre Lyneham, lat: -35.2446729, lng: 149.1288303}
-  - { name: National Museum of Australia,stop_code: National Museum of Australia, lat: -35.29248, lng: 149.1205367}
-  - { name: National Zoo and Aquarium,stop_code: National Zoo and Aquarium, lat: -35.29915, lng: 149.07025}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street after Isa Street,stop_code: Newcastle Street after Isa Street, lat: -35.3255, lng: 149.173291}
-  - { name: Ngunnawal Primary,stop_code: Ngunnawal Primary, lat: -35.1688551, lng: 149.1112569}
-  - { name: Nicholls Primary,stop_code: Nicholls Primary, lat: -35.1905592, lng: 149.0876716}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St,stop_code: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, lat: -35.248287, lng: 149.134241}
-  - { name: North Lyneham,stop_code: North Lyneham, lat: -35.2385618, lng: 149.1221188}
-  - { name: O'Connor,stop_code: O'Connor, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
-  - { name: Olims Hotel,stop_code: Olims Hotel, lat: -35.27597, lng: 149.1428}
-  - { name: Outtrim / Duggan,stop_code: Outtrim / Duggan, lat: -35.435871, lng: 149.097692}
-  - { name: Page,stop_code: Page, lat: -35.2360695, lng: 149.0536554}
-  - { name: Parliament House,stop_code: Parliament House, lat: -35.3081571, lng: 149.1244592}
-  - { name: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr,stop_code: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, lat: -35.17467, lng: 149.12005}
-  - { name: Pearce,stop_code: Pearce, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
-  - { name: Police College Weston,stop_code: Police College Weston, lat: -35.33018, lng: 149.05458}
-  - { name: Proctor / Mead,stop_code: Proctor / Mead, lat: -35.415305, lng: 149.127204}
-  - { name: Railway Station Kingston,stop_code: Railway Station Kingston, lat: -35.319602, lng: 149.149083}
-  - { name: Red Hill,stop_code: Red Hill, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
-  - { name: Rivett,stop_code: Rivett, lat: -35.3473758, lng: 149.0365438}
-  - { name: Russell Offices,stop_code: Russell Offices, lat: -35.2973294, lng: 149.1508803}
-  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Sainsbury Street, lat: -35.3885, lng: 149.09643}
-  - { name: Saint Andrews Village Hughes,stop_code: Saint Andrews Village Hughes, lat: -35.328097, lng: 149.088685}
-  - { name: Scullin,stop_code: Scullin, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056}
-  - { name: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave,stop_code: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, lat: -35.16823, lng: 149.12791}
-  - { name: Southlands Mawson,stop_code: Southlands Mawson, lat: -35.3650685, lng: 149.0945962}
-  - { name: Southwell Park,stop_code: Southwell Park, lat: -35.24573, lng: 149.1321}
-  - { name: Spence,stop_code: Spence, lat: -35.194735, lng: 149.062352}
-  - { name: Spence Terminus,stop_code: Spence Terminus, lat: -35.199684, lng: 149.0676196}
-  - { name: St Clare of Assisi Primary,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi Primary, lat: -35.4606284, lng: 149.0962704}
-  - { name: St Francis Xavier Florey,stop_code: St Francis Xavier Florey, lat: -35.223951, lng: 149.0406888}
-  - { name: Stromlo High Waramanga,stop_code: Stromlo High Waramanga, lat: -35.3551186, lng: 149.0547624}
-  - { name: St Thomas More's Campbell,stop_code: St Thomas More's Campbell, lat: -35.286717, lng: 149.156836}
-  - { name: Sydney Ave,stop_code: Sydney Ave, lat: -35.31193, lng: 149.13105}
-  - { name: Taverner St / Erindale Dr,stop_code: Taverner St / Erindale Dr, lat: -35.4059104, lng: 149.0809317}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.458251, lng: 149.091652}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, lat: -35.47281, lng: 149.08926}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178}
-  - { name: Theodore,stop_code: Theodore, lat: -35.4464808, lng: 149.1234651}
-  - { name: Tillyard / Spalding,stop_code: Tillyard / Spalding, lat: -35.199204, lng: 149.044556}
-  - { name: Torrens,stop_code: Torrens, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station,stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station, lat: -35.41465, lng: 149.06537}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
-  - { name: University of Canberra,stop_code: University of Canberra, lat: -35.2423222, lng: 149.0831522}
-  - { name: Wanniassa High,stop_code: Wanniassa High, lat: -35.3952462, lng: 149.0852655}
-  - { name: Waramanga,stop_code: Waramanga, lat: -35.3526825, lng: 149.0594712}
-  - { name: War Memorial / Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial / Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085}
-  - { name: Watson,stop_code: Watson, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
-  - { name: Watson Terminus,stop_code: Watson Terminus, lat: -35.2374698, lng: 149.1534553}
-  - { name: Weetangera,stop_code: Weetangera, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342}
-  - { name: Westfield Bus Station,stop_code: Westfield Bus Station, lat: -35.23875, lng: 149.0638}
-  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23872, lng: 149.06387}
-  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23882, lng: 149.0637}
-  - { name: West Macgregor,stop_code: West Macgregor, lat: -35.21207, lng: 149.00165}
-  - { name: Weston Creek Terminus,stop_code: Weston Creek Terminus, lat: -35.342728, lng: 149.0524906}
-  - { name: Weston Primary,stop_code: Weston Primary, lat: -35.3305221, lng: 149.0524281}
-  - { name: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, lat: -35.222395, lng: 149.0706}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station,stop_code: Woden Bus Station, lat: -35.34433, lng: 149.08742}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), lat: -35.3442094, lng: 149.0876444}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872662}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870436}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
-  - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
-  - { name: Yarralumla,stop_code: Yarralumla, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
-  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1ceG, lat: -35.4375289, lng: 149.0757996}
-  - { name: Tarlton Place,stop_code: Wjz1kvl, lat: -35.4366017, lng: 149.0890756}
-  - { name: Don Dunstan Drive,stop_code: Wjz16U7, lat: -35.4302659, lng: 149.0722593}
-  - { name: Salmon Place,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528}
-  - { name: Crozier Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459}
-  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5LYB, lat: -35.2464052, lng: 149.1278592}
-  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5LsC, lat: -35.2463364, lng: 149.1223897}
-  - { name: Clianthus Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781}
-  - { name: Way Street,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155}
-  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435}
-  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142}
-  - { name: McClintock Street,stop_code: Wjz6ElH, lat: -35.2404264, lng: 149.1210434}
-  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416}
-  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eWi, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0835148}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262}
-  - { name: Jacob Place,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418}
-  - { name: Love Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234}
-  - { name: Box Place,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238}
-  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719}
-  - { name: Want Place,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045}
-  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561}
-  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415}
-  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716}
-  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IqS, lat: -35.2202741, lng: 149.034858}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EA_, lat: -35.2407288, lng: 149.0362953}
-  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194}
-  - { name: Challinor Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Vnf, lat: -35.2331848, lng: 149.054555}
-  - { name: Lightfoot Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628}
-  - { name: Nanson Place,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724}
-  - { name: Kulgera Street,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391}
-  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979}
-  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574}
-  - { name: James Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263}
-  - { name: Fuller Street,stop_code: Wjz4qgy, lat: -35.3208475, lng: 149.098981}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042}
-  - { name: De Chair Street,stop_code: Wjz4qTw, lat: -35.3162151, lng: 149.1045086}
-  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qs0, lat: -35.3182278, lng: 149.09964}
-  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yzk, lat: -35.3186155, lng: 149.1123352}
-  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178}
-  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569}
-  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979}
-  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534}
-  - { name: Lienhop Street,stop_code: Wjz1HTi, lat: -35.4423392, lng: 149.1260397}
-  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796}
-  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306}
-  - { name: Callister Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257}
-  - { name: Fidge Street,stop_code: Wjz1rQ6, lat: -35.4440887, lng: 149.1038388}
-  - { name: Weavers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761}
-  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734}
-  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457}
-  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974}
-  - { name: Muscio Place,stop_code: Wjz2EdX, lat: -35.416214, lng: 149.120065}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677}
-  - { name: Southern Close,stop_code: Wjz1K49, lat: -35.428009, lng: 149.1176708}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777}
-  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218}
-  - { name: Twamley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1JD7, lat: -35.4309354, lng: 149.1230759}
-  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1JTP, lat: -35.4312901, lng: 149.126776}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791}
-  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1SfM, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1309478}
-  - { name: Henry Melville Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715}
-  - { name: Muntz Street,stop_code: Wjz1Lxu, lat: -35.4241367, lng: 149.1234749}
-  - { name: Mofflin Street,stop_code: Wjz1Liw, lat: -35.4239889, lng: 149.1208993}
-  - { name: Tuck Place,stop_code: Wjz1DLm, lat: -35.4200572, lng: 149.1136804}
-  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M5R, lat: -35.4160071, lng: 149.129533}
-  - { name: Hynes Place,stop_code: Wjz2wY-, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1173443}
-  - { name: Sweet Place,stop_code: Wjz2EL2, lat: -35.4149132, lng: 149.1244544}
-  - { name: Schoales Place,stop_code: WjrXZiM, lat: -35.3470777, lng: 149.0553331}
-  - { name: Logue Place,stop_code: WjrXRW0, lat: -35.3471147, lng: 149.0502999}
-  - { name: Finlayson Place,stop_code: Wjz2NPZ, lat: -35.4118681, lng: 149.1378765}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZz3, lat: -35.3461161, lng: 149.0570563}
-  - { name: Wark Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265}
-  - { name: McCulloch Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296}
-  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092}
-  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4rk2, lat: -35.3126013, lng: 149.0982349}
-  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136}
-  - { name: Jensen Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541}
-  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hMe, lat: -35.3259558, lng: 149.0929241}
-  - { name: Yarra Glen,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563}
-  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUG8, lat: -35.3306155, lng: 149.058622}
-  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542}
-  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465}
-  - { name: Jennings Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651}
-  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUj0, lat: -35.3299526, lng: 149.0543559}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lm, lat: -35.3321544, lng: 149.0697369}
-  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512}
-  - { name: Derwent Street,stop_code: Wjz3ee-, lat: -35.3383098, lng: 149.0761505}
-  - { name: Anne Place,stop_code: Wjz3fa8, lat: -35.3360845, lng: 149.0750477}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Lw, lat: -35.3381915, lng: 149.0592024}
-  - { name: Lycett Street,stop_code: WjrX_xY, lat: -35.3364869, lng: 149.0583028}
-  - { name: Meldrum Street,stop_code: WjrX_iU, lat: -35.3361318, lng: 149.0556038}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-m2, lat: -35.3386886, lng: 149.0543559}
-  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615}
-  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: Wjz354b, lat: -35.345459, lng: 149.062772}
-  - { name: Gask Place,stop_code: Wjz1et6, lat: -35.4269117, lng: 149.0777759}
-  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1nxQ, lat: -35.4243695, lng: 149.0911255}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz1f8Y, lat: -35.4250198, lng: 149.076216}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz1f2H, lat: -35.4237487, lng: 149.0744748}
-  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz1f7q, lat: -35.4203787, lng: 149.0740032}
-  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bHS, lat: -35.400824, lng: 149.0814035}
-  - { name: Derham Court,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019}
-  - { name: Mortimer Lewis Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259}
-  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6e8G, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0758577}
-  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714}
-  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463}
-  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811}
-  - { name: Clubbe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939}
-  - { name: Higgins Place,stop_code: Wjr-yOB, lat: -35.2313222, lng: 149.0276235}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hoi, lat: -35.2274077, lng: 149.0341216}
-  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495}
-  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515}
-  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018}
-  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196}
-  - { name: Allen Street,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263}
-  - { name: Alfred Place,stop_code: Wjza_-f, lat: -35.3767042, lng: 149.237157}
-  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXms, lat: -35.3550134, lng: 149.2306199}
-  - { name: Bazley Street,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33GY, lat: -35.3577485, lng: 149.0706526}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXFn, lat: -35.3581997, lng: 149.0587995}
-  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261}
-  - { name: Kapunda Street,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061}
-  - { name: Nannine Place,stop_code: WjrXXq3, lat: -35.3578077, lng: 149.0557251}
-  - { name: Greenvale Street,stop_code: WjrXXd0, lat: -35.3559956, lng: 149.0529772}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz35av, lat: -35.3464684, lng: 149.064395}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIDX, lat: -35.348916, lng: 149.0363428}
-  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: WjrX-FV, lat: -35.3422149, lng: 149.0596338}
-  - { name: Chevalier Street,stop_code: Wjz356k, lat: -35.3440169, lng: 149.0629513}
-  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz358l, lat: -35.3480588, lng: 149.0643043}
-  - { name: Tiwi Place,stop_code: Wjz348u, lat: -35.3534586, lng: 149.0644857}
-  - { name: Bidia Place,stop_code: Wjz337w, lat: -35.354642, lng: 149.0633068}
-  - { name: Dalabon Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXK9, lat: -35.355219, lng: 149.0585637}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXyQ, lat: -35.3576967, lng: 149.0580467}
-  - { name: Tristania Street,stop_code: WjrXRks, lat: -35.3453958, lng: 149.0438991}
-  - { name: Damala Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095}
-  - { name: Somerset Street,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183}
-  - { name: Frayne Place,stop_code: WjrXQZX, lat: -35.3502779, lng: 149.0514717}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997}
-  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156}
-  - { name: Nelumbo Street,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKoe, lat: -35.3424911, lng: 149.0339533}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846}
-  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649}
-  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582}
-  - { name: Counsel Street,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712}
-  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622}
-  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466}
-  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873}
-  - { name: Calder Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789}
-  - { name: Woodger Place,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177}
-  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721}
-  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041}
-  - { name: Duffy Place,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459}
-  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXKfG, lat: -35.338018, lng: 149.0318393}
-  - { name: Anstey Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L1H, lat: -35.2046871, lng: 149.0304447}
-  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167}
-  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118}
-  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2F, lat: -35.3580142, lng: 149.0853648}
-  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3it1, lat: -35.3614164, lng: 149.0886297}
-  - { name: Pialligo Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364}
-  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf3oM, lat: -35.1836894, lng: 149.1556666}
-  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_Gxf, lat: -35.1878657, lng: 149.0352296}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265}
-  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_FTN, lat: -35.1897508, lng: 149.038952}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062}
-  - { name: Bandt Place,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682}
-  - { name: Filshie Close,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464}
-  - { name: Donnison Place,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603}
-  - { name: Edlington Street,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724}
-  - { name: Nish Place,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871}
-  - { name: Shrivell Circuit,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528}
-  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263}
-  - { name: Eddison Place,stop_code: Wjr_NFt, lat: -35.1935465, lng: 149.0479464}
-  - { name: Garrad Court,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264}
-  - { name: Covington Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168}
-  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189}
-  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829}
-  - { name: Hirschfeld Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DNK, lat: -35.2044788, lng: 149.0277602}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2029293, lng: 149.0277662}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978}
-  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805}
-  - { name: Rossell Place,stop_code: Wjr-KJQ, lat: -35.2073355, lng: 149.037506}
-  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876}
-  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184}
-  - { name: Cumpston Place,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622}
-  - { name: Nulsen Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-S6B, lat: -35.2066123, lng: 149.0412991}
-  - { name: Tulloch Place,stop_code: Wjr-RnT, lat: -35.2112095, lng: 149.0444601}
-  - { name: Grigson Place,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976}
-  - { name: Hampton Gardens,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658}
-  - { name: Rentoul Place,stop_code: Wjr-Rs8, lat: -35.2139046, lng: 149.0449606}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-z_L, lat: -35.222191, lng: 149.0291286}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654}
-  - { name: Messenger Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113}
-  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355}
-  - { name: Holt Place,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011}
-  - { name: Ashburner Street,stop_code: Wjr-yrh, lat: -35.2309899, lng: 149.0230231}
-  - { name: Grout Place,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771}
-  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222}
-  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955}
-  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569}
-  - { name: Chave Street,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983}
-  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955}
-  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-xxu, lat: -35.2373929, lng: 149.0246092}
-  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879}
-  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYue, lat: -35.3493054, lng: 149.2316145}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzbYD0, lat: -35.3491814, lng: 149.232803}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdA, lat: -35.3446934, lng: 149.2184308}
-  - { name: Pound Street,stop_code: Wjzj5cC, lat: -35.3451754, lng: 149.2404108}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBx, lat: -35.3449879, lng: 149.2226535}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
-  - { name: Redwood Avenue,stop_code: WjzaJ9a, lat: -35.391582, lng: 149.2069701}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbPQW, lat: -35.3565184, lng: 149.2259167}
-  - { name: Kenneth Place,stop_code: WjzbVBj, lat: -35.3667378, lng: 149.233235}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVCw, lat: -35.3663608, lng: 149.2335824}
-  - { name: Gibbs Place,stop_code: Wjz9JIL, lat: -35.4330525, lng: 149.2131844}
-  - { name: Parkview Crescent,stop_code: WjzaK0g, lat: -35.3868815, lng: 149.2056751}
-  - { name: Dixon Place,stop_code: WjzaDIK, lat: -35.3781802, lng: 149.2021825}
-  - { name: Rutledge Street,stop_code: WjzbXBT, lat: -35.3553953, lng: 149.2338714}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611}
-  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tg, lat: -35.2461188, lng: 149.0669661}
-  - { name: Greene Place,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751}
-  - { name: Gatehouse Place,stop_code: Wjz5f2j, lat: -35.2479775, lng: 149.0739202}
-  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082}
-  - { name: Cobbett Place,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571}
-  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz5vjd, lat: -35.2470998, lng: 149.0983861}
-  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5v68, lat: -35.2454993, lng: 149.0956677}
-  - { name: Dunlop Court,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379}
-  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132}
-  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282}
-  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713}
-  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402}
-  - { name: Ayers Fowler Street,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218}
-  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046}
-  - { name: Whiteside Court,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127}
-  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944}
-  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461}
-  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522}
-  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114}
-  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114}
-  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7q-_, lat: -35.1844351, lng: 149.1063899}
-  - { name: Quist Place,stop_code: Wjz7yfG, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.108729}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816}
-  - { name: Bimbiang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404}
-  - { name: Bargang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105}
-  - { name: Warabin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298}
-  - { name: Bunburung Close,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106}
-  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164}
-  - { name: Gurubun Close,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923}
-  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BWN, lat: -35.1712067, lng: 149.1171372}
-  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913}
-  - { name: Taggerty Street,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659}
-  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqJ, lat: -35.1654186, lng: 149.1114474}
-  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CA3, lat: -35.16423, lng: 149.1119532}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKg, lat: -35.1630413, lng: 149.1137233}
-  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809}
-  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Ikc, lat: -35.1750825, lng: 149.1204878}
-  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924}
-  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637}
-  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108}
-  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982}
-  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R6d, lat: -35.1681577, lng: 149.1286431}
-  - { name: Timboram Street,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488}
-  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7SN-, lat: -35.1660013, lng: 149.1378981}
-  - { name: Boreham Lane,stop_code: Wjz7PIc, lat: -35.1805599, lng: 149.135534}
-  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pjj, lat: -35.1813349, lng: 149.1316144}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763}
-  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OBc, lat: -35.1853732, lng: 149.1341431}
-  - { name: Sarre Street,stop_code: Wjz7PNV, lat: -35.1828992, lng: 149.1380246}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901}
-  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7Xiv, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1427028}
-  - { name: Sarson Street,stop_code: Wjzf31y, lat: -35.1828475, lng: 149.151111}
-  - { name: Kalianna Street,stop_code: Wjzf2hJ, lat: -35.1880144, lng: 149.154019}
-  - { name: Nimbera Street,stop_code: Wjzf1X3, lat: -35.1923543, lng: 149.1600249}
-  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf91m, lat: -35.1934909, lng: 149.1618582}
-  - { name: Elabana Street,stop_code: Wjzf0EJ, lat: -35.1997419, lng: 149.1581283}
-  - { name: Cudgewa Lane,stop_code: Wjze7Cp, lat: -35.2014466, lng: 149.1565478}
-  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6TZN, lat: -35.2021182, lng: 149.1392257}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141}
-  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277}
-  - { name: Everard Street,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474}
-  - { name: Vicars Street,stop_code: Wjz6-16, lat: -35.20994, lng: 149.1394383}
-  - { name: McEacharn Place,stop_code: Wjz6Zb2, lat: -35.214395, lng: 149.1408607}
-  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929}
-  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788}
-  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817}
-  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256}
-  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze2eG, lat: -35.2288072, lng: 149.1527323}
-  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze3gN, lat: -35.2275265, lng: 149.154199}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981}
-  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705}
-  - { name: Dobbie Place,stop_code: Wjze0Pi, lat: -35.2418709, lng: 149.1591256}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vR, lat: -35.2388968, lng: 149.1555853}
-  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427}
-  - { name: Harvey Street,stop_code: Wjze1gi, lat: -35.2384424, lng: 149.1535117}
-  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UYK, lat: -35.2407969, lng: 149.1499714}
-  - { name: Atherton Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upu, lat: -35.2429035, lng: 149.1442058}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_y0, lat: -35.2482318, lng: 149.1449139}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd73N, lat: -35.2474057, lng: 149.1515393}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7sL, lat: -35.2462079, lng: 149.1554841}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701}
-  - { name: Salomons Place,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172}
-  - { name: Agnew Street,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576}
-  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324}
-  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115}
-  - { name: Bunda Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
-  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819}
-  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934}
-  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524}
-  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132}
-  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624}
-  - { name: Karri Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279}
-  - { name: Jarrah Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129}
-  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365}
-  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333}
-  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161}
-  - { name: Savige Street,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776}
-  - { name: Chowne Street,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635}
-  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877}
-  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501}
-  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056}
-  - { name: Bungey Street,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_wS, lat: -35.2930129, lng: 149.145973}
-  - { name: Wendouree Drive,stop_code: Wjz4_jm, lat: -35.2909901, lng: 149.1425844}
-  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz5MEL, lat: -35.2874399, lng: 149.1362625}
-  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: Wjzce4H, lat: -35.2960675, lng: 149.1623594}
-  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzceFT, lat: -35.2977187, lng: 149.1693894}
-  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzcdDs, lat: -35.299411, lng: 149.1675181}
-  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcdi7, lat: -35.3025893, lng: 149.1642813}
-  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732}
-  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc59p, lat: -35.3037863, lng: 149.1523455}
-  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc45R, lat: -35.3061389, lng: 149.1514351}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704}
-  - { name: Wickham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FEJ, lat: -35.3260887, lng: 149.125286}
-  - { name: Vancouver Street,stop_code: Wjz4ECF, lat: -35.3278218, lng: 149.1238193}
-  - { name: Friendship Street,stop_code: Wjz3LP9, lat: -35.3353724, lng: 149.1259941}
-  - { name: Quiros Street,stop_code: Wjz3LN9, lat: -35.3367339, lng: 149.1259435}
-  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333}
-  - { name: Favenc Circle,stop_code: Wjz4Ue5, lat: -35.327397, lng: 149.140921}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ujk, lat: -35.3295839, lng: 149.1425394}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_Ji, lat: -35.3339111, lng: 149.146681}
-  - { name: McKinlay Place,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952}
-  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235}
-  - { name: Leeton Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292}
-  - { name: Boolimba Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186}
-  - { name: Iluka Street,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899}
-  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3Kxb, lat: -35.342056, lng: 149.1231366}
-  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JDp, lat: -35.3435515, lng: 149.1235159}
-  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JJs, lat: -35.344686, lng: 149.1248435}
-  - { name: Beagle Street,stop_code: Wjz3Rdo, lat: -35.3450469, lng: 149.1304068}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257}
-  - { name: Astrolabe Street,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337}
-  - { name: Bell Street,stop_code: Wjz4MpW, lat: -35.3311406, lng: 149.1338209}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jb, lat: -35.3392754, lng: 149.1466095}
-  - { name: Narupai Street,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581}
-  - { name: Kyeema Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338}
-  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7HN, lat: -35.335349, lng: 149.1583716}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUA, lat: -35.3426508, lng: 149.1388551}
-  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622}
-  - { name: Dalby Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzbfnr, lat: -35.332383, lng: 149.1647873}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805}
-  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987}
-  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684}
-  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583}
-  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416}
-  - { name: Jindalee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3r_u, lat: -35.3540946, lng: 149.1057023}
-  - { name: Arrellah Place,stop_code: Wjz3rQi, lat: -35.3565695, lng: 149.104185}
-  - { name: Coreen Place,stop_code: Wjz3z0c, lat: -35.3591474, lng: 149.106777}
-  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y4z, lat: -35.3619315, lng: 149.1072828}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3pZQ, lat: -35.366623, lng: 149.1062713}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3x3A, lat: -35.3680664, lng: 149.1072196}
-  - { name: Bee Place,stop_code: Wjz3xwa, lat: -35.3702316, lng: 149.1122771}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3wrK, lat: -35.3733761, lng: 149.1115817}
-  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz3woC, lat: -35.3754381, lng: 149.1112656}
-  - { name: Shepherdson Place,stop_code: Wjz2DPD, lat: -35.378737, lng: 149.1155013}
-  - { name: Pudney Street,stop_code: Wjz2DEs, lat: -35.3811081, lng: 149.1139208}
-  - { name: Woodgate Street,stop_code: Wjz2C5I, lat: -35.3831852, lng: 149.1074202}
-  - { name: Muresk Street,stop_code: Wjz2uSZ, lat: -35.3823742, lng: 149.1050643}
-  - { name: Longerenong Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627}
-  - { name: Pridham Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886}
-  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oeM, lat: -35.3718451, lng: 149.0980006}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hXO, lat: -35.3681696, lng: 149.0952079}
-  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3peD, lat: -35.3657466, lng: 149.0976102}
-  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366}
-  - { name: Brookman Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124}
-  - { name: Batchelor Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364}
-  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243}
-  - { name: Garratt Street,stop_code: Wjz2k5E, lat: -35.3945084, lng: 149.0853457}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cKo, lat: -35.3937869, lng: 149.0809204}
-  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2crQ, lat: -35.3954875, lng: 149.0787077}
-  - { name: Byrne Street,stop_code: Wjz2kbO, lat: -35.3956421, lng: 149.0869894}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2lDC, lat: -35.3870716, lng: 149.090679}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2u2j, lat: -35.3853192, lng: 149.095863}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ugd, lat: -35.3865047, lng: 149.0985182}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2tyn, lat: -35.3904732, lng: 149.1013631}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2sLr, lat: -35.3928439, lng: 149.1028803}
-  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2qJ7, lat: -35.4048663, lng: 149.1024781}
-  - { name: Grattan Court,stop_code: Wjz2r9X, lat: -35.4024569, lng: 149.098142}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFF, lat: -35.4026479, lng: 149.0922959}
-  - { name: Snowden Place,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883}
-  - { name: Sturdee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iVd, lat: -35.4077519, lng: 149.0942596}
-  - { name: Crocker Place,stop_code: Wjz2q9z, lat: -35.4079064, lng: 149.0976735}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6d, lat: -35.4098598, lng: 149.1177053}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xyM, lat: -35.4130074, lng: 149.113099}
-  - { name: Woods Place,stop_code: Wjz2pVO, lat: -35.4135227, lng: 149.1062081}
-  - { name: Stacy Street,stop_code: Wjz2oQE, lat: -35.4171292, lng: 149.1046908}
-  - { name: Gilday Place,stop_code: Wjz2Gff, lat: -35.403475, lng: 149.1191048}
-  - { name: Demaine Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336}
-  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301}
-  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548}
-  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cz3, lat: -35.4395376, lng: 149.079087}
-  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1d0X, lat: -35.4360866, lng: 149.0748513}
-  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz15Xb, lat: -35.4340778, lng: 149.0723858}
-  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748}
-  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1kyn, lat: -35.4398982, lng: 149.0904032}
-  - { name: Stella Hume Street,stop_code: Wjz16Q9, lat: -35.4280509, lng: 149.0709317}
-  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265}
-  - { name: Meredith Circuit,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706}
-  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459}
-  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484}
-  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LLF, lat: -35.2446872, lng: 149.1252507}
-  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LDv, lat: -35.2442061, lng: 149.1235678}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1gBy, lat: -35.4601891, lng: 149.0907826}
-  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v3X, lat: -35.4670374, lng: 149.0967252}
-  - { name: Troughton Street,stop_code: Wjz0unz, lat: -35.4697663, lng: 149.0990011}
-  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uQv, lat: -35.4714653, lng: 149.1043747}
-  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0C4B, lat: -35.4716198, lng: 149.1071563}
-  - { name: Kallista Place,stop_code: Wjz0Cpn, lat: -35.4735247, lng: 149.1110759}
-  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0Bv9, lat: -35.4753782, lng: 149.1107598}
-  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0t_T, lat: -35.4749148, lng: 149.1061448}
-  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tno, lat: -35.4754811, lng: 149.0988746}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0u92, lat: -35.4739881, lng: 149.0969148}
-  - { name: Menzies Court,stop_code: Wjz0lYC, lat: -35.4770256, lng: 149.0948286}
-  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0t9g, lat: -35.4795997, lng: 149.0972309}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0kHU, lat: -35.4837695, lng: 149.0925527}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0klX, lat: -35.4821222, lng: 149.0884434}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lcW, lat: -35.477386, lng: 149.0870526}
-  - { name: McVilly Close,stop_code: Wjz0eVg, lat: -35.4740911, lng: 149.0835756}
-  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0m65, lat: -35.4702811, lng: 149.0845871}
-  - { name: Hickenbotham Street,stop_code: Wjz0n3A, lat: -35.4669344, lng: 149.0852193}
-  - { name: Oxenham Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1gnx, lat: -35.4589532, lng: 149.0880641}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h9y, lat: -35.4574599, lng: 149.0866733}
-  - { name: McGilvray Close,stop_code: Wjz1h4G, lat: -35.4554516, lng: 149.0853457}
-  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1heN, lat: -35.4541126, lng: 149.0869262}
-  - { name: Donohoe Place,stop_code: Wjz1ic5, lat: -35.4496838, lng: 149.0858515}
-  - { name: Dempsey Place,stop_code: Wjz1bTA, lat: -35.4422159, lng: 149.0824376}
-  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cI3, lat: -35.438868, lng: 149.0804778}
-  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lh-, lat: -35.248398, lng: 149.12138}
-  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899}
-  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009}
-  - { name: David Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807}
-  - { name: Nicholson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216}
-  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5GeU, lat: -35.2729264, lng: 149.1200337}
-  - { name: Colville Street,stop_code: Wjz6EBY, lat: -35.2403577, lng: 149.1242409}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Myj, lat: -35.2424881, lng: 149.1344225}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vj2, lat: -35.2363715, lng: 149.1421638}
-  - { name: Claxton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Fze, lat: -35.2360279, lng: 149.123147}
-  - { name: Barsdell Place,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172}
-  - { name: Bean Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026}
-  - { name: Grover Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258}
-  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177}
-  - { name: Pirani Place,stop_code: Wjz6eGq, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0809063}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eoG, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0784661}
-  - { name: Gleadow Street,stop_code: Wjz65_2, lat: -35.2116258, lng: 149.0722394}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64CB, lat: -35.2176067, lng: 149.0687895}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NaX, lat: -35.1930428, lng: 149.043112}
-  - { name: Reuther Street,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435}
-  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268}
-  - { name: Lawrence Close,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041}
-  - { name: Pockley Close,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438}
-  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-G49, lat: -35.2302721, lng: 149.0298424}
-  - { name: Hodges Street,stop_code: Wjr-GcG, lat: -35.2301944, lng: 149.0319226}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398}
-  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667}
-  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368}
-  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599}
-  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287}
-  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887}
-  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031}
-  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601}
-  - { name: Hamelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399}
-  - { name: Sprent Street,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-r-, lat: -35.3403989, lng: 149.1448954}
-  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001}
-  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYnD, lat: -35.3485475, lng: 149.2307657}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3m, lat: -35.3459335, lng: 149.227726}
-  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXmQ, lat: -35.3550126, lng: 149.2311068}
-  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYzg, lat: -35.3519226, lng: 149.2332104}
-  - { name: Yass Road,stop_code: Wjzj5BH, lat: -35.3447463, lng: 149.2446946}
-  - { name: Endurance Avenue,stop_code: Wjzj6z9, lat: -35.3407864, lng: 149.2440483}
-  - { name: Erin Street,stop_code: WjzbZqS, lat: -35.3465484, lng: 149.2325494}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286}
-  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbZ77, lat: -35.3430401, lng: 149.2274615}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdl, lat: -35.3446304, lng: 149.2181472}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbJSj, lat: -35.3441148, lng: 149.2140644}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3n, lat: -35.3458022, lng: 149.2277877}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBs, lat: -35.344722, lng: 149.2224303}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
-  - { name: Woodhill Link,stop_code: WjzaArS, lat: -35.3953167, lng: 149.1995002}
-  - { name: Nicholii Loop,stop_code: WjzaAXA, lat: -35.3954806, lng: 149.2047447}
-  - { name: Mariners Court,stop_code: WjzaAdv, lat: -35.3938794, lng: 149.1962366}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbBu_, lat: -35.3437537, lng: 149.1997253}
-  - { name: Broughton Place,stop_code: WjzbPXf, lat: -35.3567667, lng: 149.2261434}
-  - { name: Tharwa Road,stop_code: WjzbPpi, lat: -35.3586252, lng: 149.2208441}
-  - { name: Hayes Street,stop_code: WjzbWDe, lat: -35.3596366, lng: 149.2330229}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXwk, lat: -35.3591416, lng: 149.2331706}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVxf, lat: -35.369131, lng: 149.233084}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVy2, lat: -35.3689098, lng: 149.232863}
-  - { name: Old Cooma Road,stop_code: Wjz9JdV, lat: -35.4328562, lng: 149.2080577}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXAb, lat: -35.3564366, lng: 149.2330826}
-  - { name: Kinlyside Avenue,stop_code: WjzbwuF, lat: -35.3717405, lng: 149.1994726}
-  - { name: Darmody Place,stop_code: WjzbwDR, lat: -35.37069, lng: 149.2008683}
-  - { name: Halloran Drive,stop_code: WjzbwMd, lat: -35.3755316, lng: 149.2028602}
-  - { name: Maloney Street,stop_code: WjzbG5c, lat: -35.3611934, lng: 149.2054955}
-  - { name: Kendall Avenue North,stop_code: WjzbJRl, lat: -35.3445935, lng: 149.2139248}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPy, lat: -35.3352335, lng: 149.1703836}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622}
-  - { name: Burbury Close,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
-  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471}
-  - { name: Birdwood Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817}
-  - { name: McNicoll Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409}
-  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834}
-  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329}
-  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977}
-  - { name: Dennis Street,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878}
-  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711}
-  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727}
-  - { name: Bluebell Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194}
-  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718}
-  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961}
-  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923}
-  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199}
-  - { name: Flynn Drive,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289}
-  - { name: Beaconsfield Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462}
-  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281}
-  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315}
-  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685}
-  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086}
-  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132}
-  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985}
-  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113}
-  - { name: Catchpole Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927}
-  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467}
-  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585}
-  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413}
-  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119}
-  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687}
-  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869}
-  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394}
-  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845}
-  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221}
-  - { name: Wilsmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026}
-  - { name: Brinsmead Street,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357}
-  - { name: McDonald Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391}
-  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965}
-  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244}
-  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575}
-  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491}
-  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037}
-  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145}
-  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093}
-  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291}
-  - { name: Le Gallienne Street,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526}
-  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744}
-  - { name: Pattinson Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958}
-  - { name: Weedon Close,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439}
-  - { name: Carandini Street,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273}
-  - { name: Colborne Place,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667}
-  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269}
-  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979}
-  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793}
-  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759}
-  - { name: Furzer Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784}
-  - { name: Barton Highway,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628}
-  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558}
-  - { name: Sharwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978}
-  - { name: Deffell Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241}
-  - { name: Callaghan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677}
-  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143}
-  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627}
-  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542}
-  - { name: Stenhouse Close,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737}
-  - { name: Pitcairn Street,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672}
-  - { name: Kissane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6ec7, lat: -35.2077712, lng: 149.0749969}
-  - { name: Primmer Court,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033}
-  - { name: Sinclair Street,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524}
-  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386}
-  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226}
-  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942}
-  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484}
-  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345}
-  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951}
-  - { name: Driver Place,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105}
-  - { name: Willis Street,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406}
-  - { name: Kellway Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143}
-  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965}
-  - { name: Crofts Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518}
-  - { name: Standbridge Place,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273}
-  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519}
-  - { name: Boote Street,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026}
-  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179}
-  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116}
-  - { name: Emerton Street,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908}
-  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086}
-  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719}
-  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652}
-  - { name: Bindaga Street,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293}
-  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942}
-  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789}
-  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964}
-  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: Wjzj4ju, lat: -35.351369, lng: 149.2416919}
-  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647}
-  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
-  - { name: Pethebridge Street,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779}
-  - { name: Colbee Court,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118}
-  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965}
-  - { name: Molonglo Drive,stop_code: WjzcrEu, lat: -35.3150059, lng: 149.190788}
-  - { name: Lochiel Street,stop_code: WjzbUQX, lat: -35.3729581, lng: 149.2368028}
-  - { name: Noonan Street,stop_code: Wjzi7mf, lat: -35.3766831, lng: 149.2412565}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbUCp, lat: -35.3717241, lng: 149.2334526}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWBs, lat: -35.3611492, lng: 149.2334303}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWzE, lat: -35.3628765, lng: 149.2337473}
-  - { name: Hambly Place,stop_code: WjzbWyW, lat: -35.363411, lng: 149.2340547}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751}
-  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899}
-  - { name: Morisset Street,stop_code: WjzbYAM, lat: -35.3512052, lng: 149.2339748}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969}
-  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mTK, lat: -35.3815863, lng: 149.0936139}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478}
-  - { name: Flierl Place,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658}
-  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258}
-  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Alc, lat: -35.2183514, lng: 149.021625}
-  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838}
-  - { name: Chambers Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391}
-  - { name: Macumba Place,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378}
-  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177}
-  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213}
-  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VdI, lat: -35.2348097, lng: 149.0539156}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341}
-  - { name: Dungowan Street,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595}
-  - { name: Capital Circle,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312}
-  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737}
-  - { name: Newdegate Street,stop_code: Wjz4qtY, lat: -35.3172423, lng: 149.100878}
-  - { name: Hannah Place,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4yng, lat: -35.316172, lng: 149.1095953}
-  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yGG, lat: -35.3194308, lng: 149.1142224}
-  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796}
-  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724}
-  - { name: Freda Gibson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946}
-  - { name: Burdett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442}
-  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111}
-  - { name: Cochrane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569}
-  - { name: Conlon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294}
-  - { name: Meeson Street,stop_code: Wjz1Kiu, lat: -35.4289549, lng: 149.1207905}
-  - { name: Nina Jones Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251}
-  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625}
-  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279}
-  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1DWq, lat: -35.4238411, lng: 149.1166188}
-  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797}
-  - { name: Chinner Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782}
-  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817}
-  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676}
-  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449}
-  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069}
-  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434}
-  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906}
-  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444385, lng: 149.1272473}
-  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344}
-  - { name: Broad Place,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.415325, lng: 149.0672593}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052}
-  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755}
-  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723}
-  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022}
-  - { name: McDonald Place,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
-  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442}
-  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691}
-  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531}
-  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718}
-  - { name: Rafferty Street,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332}
-  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495}
-  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008}
-  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585}
-  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055}
-  - { name: Bertel Crescent,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119}
-  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159}
-  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709}
-  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRFB, lat: -35.3473864, lng: 149.048202}
-  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995}
-  - { name: Whitney Place,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375}
-  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511}
-  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098}
-  - { name: Gonzaga Place,stop_code: Wjz2wGU, lat: -35.4184904, lng: 149.1145873}
-  - { name: Rischbieth Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559}
-  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2Npv, lat: -35.4131394, lng: 149.1331606}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1X, lat: -35.3255489, lng: 149.0857143}
-  - { name: Bunny Street,stop_code: WjrX_SL, lat: -35.3327937, lng: 149.0607695}
-  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37Zc, lat: -35.3337407, lng: 149.0723488}
-  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343}
-  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz20Vv, lat: -35.4185754, lng: 149.072661}
-  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807}
-  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123}
-  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166}
-  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511}
-  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162}
-  - { name: Clutterbuck Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936}
-  - { name: Connibere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429}
-  - { name: Singleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278}
-  - { name: Maconochie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301}
-  - { name: Checchi Place,stop_code: Wjz28Yv, lat: -35.4165651, lng: 149.0836163}
-  - { name: Forwood Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361}
-  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hlp, lat: -35.4109006, lng: 149.0878896}
-  - { name: Michell Street,stop_code: Wjz2hBQ, lat: -35.4106404, lng: 149.0911182}
-  - { name: Beirne Street,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039}
-  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302}
-  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz34Gq, lat: -35.352423, lng: 149.0699271}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33LB, lat: -35.3542352, lng: 149.0701992}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33EK, lat: -35.3589689, lng: 149.0702445}
-  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXMe, lat: -35.3589023, lng: 149.0599784}
-  - { name: Araluen Street,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979}
-  - { name: Guinness Place,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091}
-  - { name: Gulgong Place,stop_code: WjrXXb4, lat: -35.3570754, lng: 149.0530316}
-  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz34c4, lat: -35.3508697, lng: 149.0639869}
-  - { name: Cedrela Place,stop_code: WjrXR3f, lat: -35.3458397, lng: 149.040861}
-  - { name: Blowering Street,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289}
-  - { name: Mt Taylor Zig Zag,stop_code: Wjz39sA, lat: -35.3673329, lng: 149.0783636}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408}
-  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3iuk, lat: -35.3604697, lng: 149.0889561}
-  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172}
-  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508}
-  - { name: Yabsley Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079}
-  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_GVA, lat: -35.188117, lng: 149.0399446}
-  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803}
-  - { name: Nott Street,stop_code: Wjr_NpJ, lat: -35.1935127, lng: 149.0455536}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445}
-  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166}
-  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542}
-  - { name: Moor Place,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796}
-  - { name: Connah Street,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156}
-  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863}
-  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399}
-  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688}
-  - { name: Carslaw Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236}
-  - { name: Threlfall Street,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975}
-  - { name: Boult Place,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925}
-  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677}
-  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716}
-  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878}
-  - { name: Bishop Place,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264}
-  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821}
-  - { name: Bainton Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598}
-  - { name: Broadby Close,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637}
-  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439}
-  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955}
-  - { name: Jalanga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805}
-  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514}
-  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551}
-  - { name: Cambridge Street,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577}
-  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761}
-  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338}
-  - { name: Weetangera Place,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939}
-  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362}
-  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759}
-  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913}
-  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835}
-  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365}
-  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988}
-  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037}
-  - { name: Ligertwood Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456}
-  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927}
-  - { name: Hatfield Street,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235}
-  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733}
-  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293}
-  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933}
-  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943}
-  - { name: Jenke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575}
-  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703}
-  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466}
-  - { name: Lavan Place,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922}
-  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434}
-  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EXs, lat: -35.4174557, lng: 149.1275741}
-  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991}
-  - { name: Willoughby Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NH0, lat: -35.4123115, lng: 149.1353734}
-  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599}
-  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377}
-  - { name: Morgan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268}
-  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509}
-  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-oT, lat: -35.3424053, lng: 149.0567937}
-  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-zT, lat: -35.3402984, lng: 149.0581286}
-  - { name: Nambir Court,stop_code: Wjz1edz, lat: -35.4271482, lng: 149.0757082}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20Eo, lat: -35.4198466, lng: 149.0699766}
-  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236}
-  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28DH, lat: -35.4148504, lng: 149.0799887}
-  - { name: Mault Place,stop_code: Wjz2g6U, lat: -35.4157965, lng: 149.0857566}
-  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2gvd, lat: -35.4146612, lng: 149.0888256}
-  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33KX, lat: -35.3550858, lng: 149.070698}
-  - { name: Wambaya Street,stop_code: Wjz33nk, lat: -35.3543462, lng: 149.0657554}
-  - { name: Wirangu Place,stop_code: WjrXXI2, lat: -35.3565059, lng: 149.058473}
-  - { name: Walpiri Place,stop_code: WjrXYtm, lat: -35.3499821, lng: 149.0560969}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJfw, lat: -35.3436463, lng: 149.031771}
-  - { name: Eppalock Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493}
-  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909}
-  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656}
-  - { name: Paloona Place,stop_code: WjrXLEL, lat: -35.3369076, lng: 149.0374236}
-  - { name: Leighton Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284}
-  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389}
-  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095}
-  - { name: O'Shanassy Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277}
-  - { name: Sport Way,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101}
-  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155}
-  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607}
-  - { name: Gallipoli Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
-  - { name: Mileham Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835}
-  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273}
-  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453}
-  - { name: Prevost Place,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953}
-  - { name: Plowman Place,stop_code: Wjr-S9y, lat: -35.2102797, lng: 149.0426899}
-  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-HbC, lat: -35.2250302, lng: 149.0316399}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919}
-  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193}
-  - { name: Pickworth Street,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227}
-  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617}
-  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165}
-  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564}
-  - { name: Wearing Street,stop_code: Wjr-xRd, lat: -35.2347078, lng: 149.0270748}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414}
-  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-Gsq, lat: -35.2301636, lng: 149.0342818}
-  - { name: Ulm Street,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574}
-  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753}
-  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515}
-  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984}
-  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153}
-  - { name: Delamere Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741}
-  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615}
-  - { name: Southwell Street,stop_code: WjrZSKp, lat: -35.2509203, lng: 149.0480636}
-  - { name: De Salis Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782}
-  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-MCk, lat: -35.2396029, lng: 149.0464162}
-  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-M-x, lat: -35.2399127, lng: 149.0508416}
-  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZ-aT, lat: -35.2531402, lng: 149.053943}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397}
-  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315}
-  - { name: Skinner Street,stop_code: Wjz54mj, lat: -35.2617096, lng: 149.0656385}
-  - { name: Allman Circuit,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155}
-  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511}
-  - { name: Roberts Street,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327}
-  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664}
-  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536}
-  - { name: Thurlow Place,stop_code: Wjz57Q7, lat: -35.2462221, lng: 149.0708857}
-  - { name: Maddison Close,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507}
-  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUz, lat: -35.2493715, lng: 149.094909}
-  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gUM, lat: -35.2441052, lng: 149.0951619}
-  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523}
-  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265}
-  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391}
-  - { name: Fitzsimmons Street,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886}
-  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588}
-  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622}
-  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qSX, lat: -35.1847968, lng: 149.1050623}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243}
-  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275}
-  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507}
-  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7uxi, lat: -35.1663489, lng: 149.1013956}
-  - { name: Mundang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471}
-  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332}
-  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202}
-  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475}
-  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999}
-  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102}
-  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901}
-  - { name: Barracks Flat Drive,stop_code: WjzbUGB, lat: -35.3740947, lng: 149.2349556}
-  - { name: Ling Place,stop_code: Wjzj0yX, lat: -35.3742978, lng: 149.2450265}
-  - { name: Knowles Place,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835}
-  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125}
-  - { name: Sidaway Street,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463}
-  - { name: Saunders Street,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555}
-  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486}
-  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CD7, lat: -35.1617492, lng: 149.1119532}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If2, lat: -35.1732221, lng: 149.1188441}
-  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602}
-  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626}
-  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293}
-  - { name: Inglewood Street,stop_code: Wjz7Y0J, lat: -35.177732, lng: 149.1403005}
-  - { name: Obrien Place,stop_code: Wjz7GSc, lat: -35.1847451, lng: 149.1258614}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ppw, lat: -35.1829884, lng: 149.1332581}
-  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7X2n, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1398579}
-  - { name: Petersilka Street,stop_code: Wjz7XxD, lat: -35.1823825, lng: 149.1457373}
-  - { name: Thistle Lane,stop_code: Wjzf2rm, lat: -35.1865677, lng: 149.1549041}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjzf0ZL, lat: -35.1961257, lng: 149.1609099}
-  - { name: Morris West Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603}
-  - { name: Gungahlin Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537}
-  - { name: Freeling Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095}
-  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6Wse, lat: -35.2298796, lng: 149.1438091}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876}
-  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjzeaq_, lat: -35.2311306, lng: 149.1668636}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1hB, lat: -35.2374923, lng: 149.1539669}
-  - { name: Molesworth Street,stop_code: Wjze17N, lat: -35.2336919, lng: 149.1515898}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UQw, lat: -35.2413339, lng: 149.1484036}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_O4, lat: -35.24786, lng: 149.147645}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198}
-  - { name: Grayson Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253}
-  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997}
-  - { name: Hannan Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942}
-  - { name: Morphett Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827}
-  - { name: Dooring Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491}
-  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317}
-  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796}
-  - { name: Wakefield Gardens,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384}
-  - { name: Leslie Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465}
-  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907}
-  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W8l, lat: -35.276623, lng: 149.1411209}
-  - { name: Cox Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634}
-  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392}
-  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253}
-  - { name: Ijong Street,stop_code: Wjz5PBC, lat: -35.2675907, lng: 149.1347357}
-  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196}
-  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684}
-  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NHD, lat: -35.2798744, lng: 149.1361266}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771}
-  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353}
-  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Urj, lat: -35.285706, lng: 149.144029}
-  - { name: Holmes Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757}
-  - { name: Borella Street,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428}
-  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz4T-X, lat: -35.2891325, lng: 149.1393476}
-  - { name: Miles Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833}
-  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: Wjzcdsn, lat: -35.3011446, lng: 149.1659502}
-  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd2U, lat: -35.3031671, lng: 149.1626628}
-  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4WnH, lat: -35.3159201, lng: 149.1430396}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4EG2, lat: -35.3304213, lng: 149.1244262}
-  - { name: Scarborough Street,stop_code: Wjz3KLn, lat: -35.3376003, lng: 149.1247297}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NWF, lat: -35.3250038, lng: 149.138898}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982}
-  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UIv, lat: -35.328635, lng: 149.1467867}
-  - { name: Yamba Place,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427}
-  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3KB0, lat: -35.3395291, lng: 149.1229469}
-  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JQO, lat: -35.3455626, lng: 149.1268033}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Slx, lat: -35.3394651, lng: 149.131936}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783}
-  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643}
-  - { name: Toolambi Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Cp, lat: -35.333286, lng: 149.156475}
-  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393}
-  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675}
-  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438}
-  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3rML, lat: -35.3588381, lng: 149.1045644}
-  - { name: Ellwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3y9z, lat: -35.3640453, lng: 149.1086104}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xi3, lat: -35.3688397, lng: 149.1093058}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz2DK6, lat: -35.3767783, lng: 149.1134151}
-  - { name: McAlpine Place,stop_code: Wjz2Dgb, lat: -35.381175, lng: 149.10938}
-  - { name: Pye Place,stop_code: Wjz2vzR, lat: -35.3789646, lng: 149.1019944}
-  - { name: Custance Street,stop_code: Wjz3ops, lat: -35.3749061, lng: 149.1001427}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hUs, lat: -35.370077, lng: 149.0946389}
-  - { name: Ward Place,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557}
-  - { name: Goode Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481}
-  - { name: Hawker Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208}
-  - { name: Hyland Place,stop_code: Wjz2c-r, lat: -35.3935292, lng: 149.0837652}
-  - { name: Beaver Place,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mGO, lat: -35.3853996, lng: 149.0925014}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ttB, lat: -35.3885662, lng: 149.1004148}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538}
-  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768}
-  - { name: Leach Street,stop_code: Wjz2pmy, lat: -35.4100705, lng: 149.0990011}
-  - { name: Burston Place,stop_code: Wjz2xq1, lat: -35.4129044, lng: 149.1106334}
-  - { name: Garrick Street,stop_code: Wjz2yQZ, lat: -35.4057423, lng: 149.116007}
-  - { name: Larcombe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2G9R, lat: -35.4077654, lng: 149.1199409}
-  - { name: Halley Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949}
-  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB6, lat: -35.4159442, lng: 149.1230876}
-  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337}
-  - { name: Tweddle Place,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427}
-  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839}
-  - { name: Laker Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Dlj, lat: -35.4217144, lng: 149.1096219}
-  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483}
-  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264}
-  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz2w0e, lat: -35.4193446, lng: 149.106777}
-  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osQ, lat: -35.4167685, lng: 149.1006448}
-  - { name: Kneeshaw Street,stop_code: Wjz2o8V, lat: -35.4197567, lng: 149.0980528}
-  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401}
-  - { name: Kerkeri Close,stop_code: Wjz1v2R, lat: -35.423569, lng: 149.0965355}
-  - { name: Oakwood Place,stop_code: Wjz1viP, lat: -35.4237236, lng: 149.0993804}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553}
-  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9T, lat: -35.4350564, lng: 149.1089897}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tYG, lat: -35.4334596, lng: 149.1060816}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057}
-  - { name: Carter Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781}
-  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tok, lat: -35.4359836, lng: 149.0999494}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677}
-  - { name: Marengo Place,stop_code: Wjz1lQS, lat: -35.4330991, lng: 149.0938171}
-  - { name: Heddon Place,stop_code: Wjz1lyA, lat: -35.4346444, lng: 149.0907826}
-  - { name: Pimpampa Close,stop_code: Wjz1lB8, lat: -35.4329445, lng: 149.0902136}
-  - { name: Abercrombie Circuit,stop_code: Wjz0nS3, lat: -35.4649778, lng: 149.0928056}
-  - { name: Youl Court,stop_code: Wjz0uuZ, lat: -35.4702296, lng: 149.1008976}
-  - { name: Milligan Street,stop_code: Wjz0CcV, lat: -35.4719802, lng: 149.1091794}
-  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0B6Y, lat: -35.4758415, lng: 149.1077253}
-  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tB4, lat: -35.4765623, lng: 149.1010241}
-  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0mMT, lat: -35.474194, lng: 149.0937539}
-  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0kYJ, lat: -35.482637, lng: 149.0950815}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lhu, lat: -35.4790849, lng: 149.0878745}
-  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0eRx, lat: -35.4713109, lng: 149.0824376}
-  - { name: Ferry Place,stop_code: Wjz1gaC, lat: -35.4619398, lng: 149.0865469}
-  - { name: Charles Place,stop_code: Wjz19V7, lat: -35.4570479, lng: 149.0831962}
-  - { name: Gaylard Place,stop_code: Wjz1i2p, lat: -35.4513833, lng: 149.0850928}
-  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jf0, lat: -35.442525, lng: 149.0859147}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758}
-  - { name: Wilari Place,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889}
-  - { name: Mirrabucca Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552}
-  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299}
-  - { name: Georgina Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295}
-  - { name: Staaten Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957}
-  - { name: Antares Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989}
-  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053}
-  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646}
-  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747}
-  - { name: Morphy Place,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684}
-  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323}
-  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294}
-  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136}
-  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557}
-  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
-  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149}
-  - { name: Spinifex Street,stop_code: Wjzc24u, lat: -35.317722, lng: 149.1510115}
-  - { name: The Causeway,stop_code: Wjz4WZo, lat: -35.3175809, lng: 149.1496027}
-  - { name: Parbery Street,stop_code: Wjz4WY7, lat: -35.3176372, lng: 149.1491419}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231}
-  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRMq, lat: -35.3483271, lng: 149.0492963}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828}
-  - { name: Backler Place,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951}
+  - { name: ACTEW AGL House,stop_code: ACTEW AGL House, lat: -35.282374, lng: 149.132047, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: ADFA,stop_code: ADFA, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Campbell; }
+  - { name: Ainslie,stop_code: Ainslie, lat: -35.2620105, lng: 149.1443302, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Ainslie; }
+  - { name: Alexander Maconochie Centre,stop_code: Alexander Maconochie Centre, lat: -35.3720651, lng: 149.1696618, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Hume; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av,stop_code: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, lat: -35.1856021, lng: 149.1543639, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Aranda,stop_code: Aranda, lat: -35.257534, lng: 149.0762963, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Aranda;Bruce;Acton; }
+  - { name: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah,stop_code: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, lat: -35.38442, lng: 149.09328, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Australian Institute of Sport,stop_code: Australian Institute of Sport, lat: -35.246351, lng: 149.101478, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;O'Connor;Bruce; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station,stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station, lat: -35.2398858, lng: 149.0690795, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06978, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06926, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.23986, lng: 149.06847, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06887, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06928, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.0698, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Belconnen Way, lat: -35.2410162, lng: 149.0409512, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT;Hawker; }
+  - { name: Bimberi Centre,stop_code: Bimberi Centre, lat: -35.2219941, lng: 149.1546928, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner; }
+  - { name: Black Mountain Telstra Tower,stop_code: Black Mountain Telstra Tower, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Acton; }
+  - { name: Bonython Primary School,stop_code: Bonython Primary School, lat: -35.4297416, lng: 149.0814517, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonython;Isabella Plains; }
+  - { name: Botanic Gardens,stop_code: Botanic Gardens, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Acton; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Business Park,stop_code: Brindabella Business Park, lat: -35.314496, lng: 149.189145, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Pialligo;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home,stop_code: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, lat: -35.3294459, lng: 149.0806116, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Curtin; }
+  - { name: Bugden Sternberg,stop_code: Bugden Sternberg, lat: -35.403233, lng: 149.1073117, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fadden;Gowrie; }
+  - { name: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road,stop_code: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, lat: -35.2753671, lng: 149.1172822, zone_id: Turner;Unclassified ACT;Acton; }
+  - { name: Calvary Hospital,stop_code: Calvary Hospital, lat: -35.25212, lng: 149.09088, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bruce; }
+  - { name: Calwell,stop_code: Calwell, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Richardson;Calwell; }
+  - { name: Campbell Park Offices,stop_code: Campbell Park Offices, lat: -35.28368, lng: 149.17045, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Campbell; }
+  - { name: Canberra College Weston Campus,stop_code: Canberra College Weston Campus, lat: -35.3490278, lng: 149.0486277, zone_id: Stirling;Unclassified ACT;Rivett;Chapman; }
+  - { name: Canberra Hospital,stop_code: Canberra Hospital, lat: -35.3459462, lng: 149.1012001, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;O'Malley;Garran; }
+  - { name: Canberra Times,stop_code: Canberra Times, lat: -35.3245431, lng: 149.1705533, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Caswell Drive,stop_code: Caswell Drive, lat: -35.25922, lng: 149.08576, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Aranda;Bruce;Acton; }
+  - { name: Causeway,stop_code: Causeway, lat: -35.31615, lng: 149.15058, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kingston;Barton;Fyshwick;Griffith; }
+  - { name: Centrelink Tuggeranong,stop_code: Centrelink Tuggeranong, lat: -35.4207496, lng: 149.0700973, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Chapman,stop_code: Chapman, lat: -35.3557877, lng: 149.0408111, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Chapman; }
+  - { name: Charnwood,stop_code: Charnwood, lat: -35.2052138, lng: 149.0337266, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Charnwood; }
+  - { name: Chifley,stop_code: Chifley, lat: -35.3529713, lng: 149.0759413, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Chifley; }
+  - { name: Chisholm,stop_code: Chisholm, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.1308079, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Chisholm;Gilmore; }
+  - { name: Chuculba / William Slim Dr,stop_code: Chuculba / William Slim Dr, lat: -35.208931, lng: 149.088499, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Giralang; }
+  - { name: CIT Weston,stop_code: CIT Weston, lat: -35.330234, lng: 149.058632, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station,stop_code: City Bus Station, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.278907, lng: 149.130612, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City West,stop_code: City West, lat: -35.2788605, lng: 149.1257969, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City;Acton; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station,stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station, lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2396467, lng: 149.0602152, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.239764, lng: 149.0604531, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.239844, lng: 149.0600683, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2401211, lng: 149.0597102, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2400028, lng: 149.060315, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Conder Primary,stop_code: Conder Primary, lat: -35.4643475, lng: 149.0986908, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Banks;Conder; }
+  - { name: Cook,stop_code: Cook, lat: -35.2596, lng: 149.0638, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Cook; }
+  - { name: Cooleman Court,stop_code: Cooleman Court, lat: -35.34147, lng: 149.05338, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT;Holder; }
+  - { name: Copland College,stop_code: Copland College, lat: -35.2127018, lng: 149.0596387, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Melba;Evatt; }
+  - { name: Curtin,stop_code: Curtin, lat: -35.3253034, lng: 149.0840838, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Curtin; }
+  - { name: Deakin,stop_code: Deakin, lat: -35.3151707, lng: 149.1084563, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT;Deakin; }
+  - { name: Deamer / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Deamer / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4294463, lng: 149.12, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Richardson;Chisholm; }
+  - { name: Dickson / Antill St,stop_code: Dickson / Antill St, lat: -35.2489, lng: 149.14012, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyneham;Dickson;Downer; }
+  - { name: Dickson College,stop_code: Dickson College, lat: -35.24923, lng: 149.15315, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Dickson; }
+  - { name: Dickson / Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson / Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyneham;Dickson; }
+  - { name: Duffy,stop_code: Duffy, lat: -35.3366908, lng: 149.0324311, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Duffy; }
+  - { name: Duffy Primary,stop_code: Duffy Primary, lat: -35.334219, lng: 149.033656, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Duffy; }
+  - { name: Dunlop,stop_code: Dunlop, lat: -35.1981771, lng: 149.0207837, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Dunlop; }
+  - { name: Erindale Centre,stop_code: Erindale Centre, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash,stop_code: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, lat: -35.414616, lng: 149.07888, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Monash;Oxley; }
+  - { name: Erindale / Sternberg Cres,stop_code: Erindale / Sternberg Cres, lat: -35.4028919, lng: 149.1060672, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT;Fadden; }
+  - { name: Evatt,stop_code: Evatt, lat: -35.2091093, lng: 149.0735343, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Evatt; }
+  - { name: Eye Hospital,stop_code: Eye Hospital, lat: -35.3341884, lng: 149.1656213, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Park,stop_code: Fairbairn Park, lat: -35.3038896, lng: 149.2038605, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Pialligo; }
+  - { name: Farrer Primary School,stop_code: Farrer Primary School, lat: -35.37887, lng: 149.10641, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Isaacs;Farrer; }
+  - { name: Farrer Terminus,stop_code: Farrer Terminus, lat: -35.380274, lng: 149.1104016, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Isaacs;Farrer; }
+  - { name: Federation Square,stop_code: Federation Square, lat: -35.1908726, lng: 149.0848153, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Nicholls; }
+  - { name: Fisher,stop_code: Fisher, lat: -35.3605627, lng: 149.0576481, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fisher; }
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, lat: -35.2008585, lng: 149.1493407, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Harrison;Franklin;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Sandford St,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Sandford St, lat: -35.221231, lng: 149.144645, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Mitchell;Franklin; }
+  - { name: Florey,stop_code: Florey, lat: -35.2267757, lng: 149.0544025, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Florey; }
+  - { name: Fraser,stop_code: Fraser, lat: -35.1929304, lng: 149.0433893, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fraser; }
+  - { name: Fraser East Terminus,stop_code: Fraser East Terminus, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.04811, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fraser; }
+  - { name: Fraser West Terminus,stop_code: Fraser West Terminus, lat: -35.191513, lng: 149.038006, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fraser; }
+  - { name: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet,stop_code: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796322, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Pialligo;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Garran,stop_code: Garran, lat: -35.3423286, lng: 149.10811, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Red Hill;Garran; }
+  - { name: Geoscience Australia,stop_code: Geoscience Australia, lat: -35.3429702, lng: 149.1583893, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Narrabundah; }
+  - { name: Giralang,stop_code: Giralang, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Kaleen;Franklin;Giralang; }
+  - { name: Gordon Primary,stop_code: Gordon Primary, lat: -35.455517, lng: 149.086978, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Gordon; }
+  - { name: Gowrie,stop_code: Gowrie, lat: -35.4141373, lng: 149.1100798, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fadden;Gowrie; }
+  - { name: Gungahlin Marketplace,stop_code: Gungahlin Marketplace, lat: -35.183259, lng: 149.1328249, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Gwydir Square Kaleen,stop_code: Gwydir Square Kaleen, lat: -35.2338677, lng: 149.1031998, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bruce;Kaleen; }
+  - { name: Hackett,stop_code: Hackett, lat: -35.2481617, lng: 149.1626094, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Hackett; }
+  - { name: Hawker,stop_code: Hawker, lat: -35.2437386, lng: 149.0432804, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Page;Hawker; }
+  - { name: Hawker College,stop_code: Hawker College, lat: -35.2454598, lng: 149.0324251, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Hawker; }
+  - { name: Heagney / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Heagney / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4251299, lng: 149.11375, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Richardson;Chisholm; }
+  - { name: Hibberson / Kate Crace,stop_code: Hibberson / Kate Crace, lat: -35.1861642, lng: 149.1391756, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Higgins,stop_code: Higgins, lat: -35.2313901, lng: 149.0271811, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Higgins;Holt; }
+  - { name: Holder,stop_code: Holder, lat: -35.3378123, lng: 149.0449433, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Holder; }
+  - { name: Holt,stop_code: Holt, lat: -35.223099, lng: 149.0126269, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Holt; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave,stop_code: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, lat: -35.201095, lng: 149.139941, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Hospice / Menindee Dr,stop_code: Hospice / Menindee Dr, lat: -35.303557, lng: 149.151627, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Campbell;Barton;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Hughes,stop_code: Hughes, lat: -35.3324722, lng: 149.0923343, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Hughes;Garran; }
+  - { name: Isaacs,stop_code: Isaacs, lat: -35.3669823, lng: 149.1119217, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Isaacs; }
+  - { name: Isabella,stop_code: Isabella, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Isabella Plains; }
+  - { name: Jamison Centre,stop_code: Jamison Centre, lat: -35.2527268, lng: 149.0713712, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Macquarie; }
+  - { name: John James Hospital,stop_code: John James Hospital, lat: -35.3200295, lng: 149.0955996, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Deakin; }
+  - { name: Kaleen Village / Maribrynong,stop_code: Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, lat: -35.2197554, lng: 149.1029934, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Kaleen;Franklin; }
+  - { name: Kambah High,stop_code: Kambah High, lat: -35.3926493, lng: 149.068179, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Kambah / Livingston St,stop_code: Kambah / Livingston St, lat: -35.3902193, lng: 149.0781883, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Kambah Village,stop_code: Kambah Village, lat: -35.3800314, lng: 149.0576581, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, lat: -35.1688681, lng: 149.1387048, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Amaroo; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan / Lhotsky,stop_code: Kerrigan / Lhotsky, lat: -35.193801, lng: 149.035689, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Charnwood;Fraser; }
+  - { name: Kings Ave / National Circuit,stop_code: Kings Ave / National Circuit, lat: -35.305004, lng: 149.13262, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Parkes;Barton; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith / Companion,stop_code: Kingsford Smith / Companion, lat: -35.2137074, lng: 149.0461359, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Melba;Flynn; }
+  - { name: Kingston,stop_code: Kingston, lat: -35.3161906, lng: 149.1398308, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kingston;Barton;Griffith; }
+  - { name: Kippax,stop_code: Kippax, lat: -35.22225, lng: 149.0195627, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Latham;Holt; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko / Everard,stop_code: Kosciuszko / Everard, lat: -35.1951396, lng: 149.1265593, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Palmerston;Franklin;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Lanyon Marketplace,stop_code: Lanyon Marketplace, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Conder;Gordon; }
+  - { name: Latham Post Office,stop_code: Latham Post Office, lat: -35.21906, lng: 149.03223, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Latham; }
+  - { name: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick,stop_code: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, lat: -35.3310543, lng: 149.1635094, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Lyneham / Wattle St,stop_code: Lyneham / Wattle St, lat: -35.251719, lng: 149.1239146, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;O'Connor;Lyneham; }
+  - { name: Lyons,stop_code: Lyons, lat: -35.3399554, lng: 149.0763376, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyons; }
+  - { name: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor,stop_code: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, lat: -35.2587584, lng: 149.1153561, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;O'Connor;Lyneham;Acton; }
+  - { name: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave,stop_code: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, lat: -35.26051, lng: 149.13224, zone_id: Turner;Unclassified ACT;Lyneham; }
+  - { name: Macgregor,stop_code: Macgregor, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Macgregor; }
+  - { name: MacKillop College Isabella Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Isabella Campus, lat: -35.42597, lng: 149.09172, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Isabella Plains; }
+  - { name: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, lat: -35.4056, lng: 149.089774, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macquarie,stop_code: Macquarie, lat: -35.2483414, lng: 149.0600666, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen;Macquarie; }
+  - { name: Majura Business Park,stop_code: Majura Business Park, lat: -35.2987, lng: 149.18561, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Pialligo; }
+  - { name: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo,stop_code: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, lat: -35.193236, lng: 149.146534, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Manuka,stop_code: Manuka, lat: -35.3200096, lng: 149.1341344, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Red Hill;Forrest;Griffith; }
+  - { name: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres,stop_code: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, lat: -35.3217, lng: 149.13445, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Red Hill;Forrest;Griffith; }
+  - { name: McKellar,stop_code: McKellar, lat: -35.2174267, lng: 149.0742108, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Lawson;McKellar;Evatt; }
+  - { name: Melba,stop_code: Melba, lat: -35.2083104, lng: 149.0485366, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Melba;Flynn; }
+  - { name: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.45144, lng: 149.0919, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Calwell;Conder;Gordon; }
+  - { name: Merici College,stop_code: Merici College, lat: -35.266525, lng: 149.137037, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;Ainslie; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall,stop_code: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, lat: -35.177453, lng: 149.124291, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Gungahlin;Amaroo; }
+  - { name: Monash Goodwin Village,stop_code: Monash Goodwin Village, lat: -35.4152914, lng: 149.0947375, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Monash; }
+  - { name: Monash Primary,stop_code: Monash Primary, lat: -35.414879, lng: 149.089411, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Monash; }
+  - { name: Mount Neighbour School,stop_code: Mount Neighbour School, lat: -35.382445, lng: 149.051518, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah College,stop_code: Narrabundah College, lat: -35.3362106, lng: 149.1471005, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Narrabundah;Griffith; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah Terminus,stop_code: Narrabundah Terminus, lat: -35.3311332, lng: 149.1584454, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Narrabundah;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: National Circ / Canberra Ave,stop_code: National Circ / Canberra Ave, lat: -35.31407, lng: 149.13011, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Barton;Forrest; }
+  - { name: National Hockey Centre Lyneham,stop_code: National Hockey Centre Lyneham, lat: -35.2446729, lng: 149.1288303, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;O'Connor;Lyneham; }
+  - { name: National Museum of Australia,stop_code: National Museum of Australia, lat: -35.29248, lng: 149.1205367, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT;Parkes;Acton; }
+  - { name: National Zoo and Aquarium,stop_code: National Zoo and Aquarium, lat: -35.29915, lng: 149.07025, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Acton; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street after Isa Street,stop_code: Newcastle Street after Isa Street, lat: -35.3255, lng: 149.173291, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Pialligo;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Ngunnawal Primary,stop_code: Ngunnawal Primary, lat: -35.1688551, lng: 149.1112569, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Ngunnawal; }
+  - { name: Nicholls Primary,stop_code: Nicholls Primary, lat: -35.1836886, lng: 149.099298, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St,stop_code: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, lat: -35.248287, lng: 149.134241, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyneham;Dickson; }
+  - { name: North Lyneham,stop_code: North Lyneham, lat: -35.2401925, lng: 149.1255722, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyneham; }
+  - { name: O'Connor,stop_code: O'Connor, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107, zone_id: Turner;Unclassified ACT;O'Connor;Acton; }
+  - { name: Olims Hotel,stop_code: Olims Hotel, lat: -35.27597, lng: 149.1428, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;Campbell;Ainslie; }
+  - { name: Outtrim / Duggan,stop_code: Outtrim / Duggan, lat: -35.435871, lng: 149.097692, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Calwell;Isabella Plains; }
+  - { name: Page,stop_code: Page, lat: -35.2400611, lng: 149.0523318, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Page; }
+  - { name: Parliament House,stop_code: Parliament House, lat: -35.3081571, lng: 149.1244592, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT;Parkes; }
+  - { name: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr,stop_code: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, lat: -35.17467, lng: 149.12005, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Gungahlin;Amaroo; }
+  - { name: Pearce,stop_code: Pearce, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Pearce; }
+  - { name: Proctor / Mead,stop_code: Proctor / Mead, lat: -35.415305, lng: 149.127204, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Chisholm;Fadden; }
+  - { name: Railway Station Kingston,stop_code: Railway Station Kingston, lat: -35.319602, lng: 149.149083, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kingston;Fyshwick;Griffith; }
+  - { name: Red Hill,stop_code: Red Hill, lat: -35.3406993, lng: 149.1313712, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Red Hill; }
+  - { name: Rivett,stop_code: Rivett, lat: -35.3473758, lng: 149.0365438, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Rivett;Chapman; }
+  - { name: Russell Offices,stop_code: Russell Offices, lat: -35.2973294, lng: 149.1508803, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Russell;Campbell; }
+  - { name: Saint Andrews Village Hughes,stop_code: Saint Andrews Village Hughes, lat: -35.328097, lng: 149.088685, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Curtin;Deakin;Hughes; }
+  - { name: Scullin,stop_code: Scullin, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT;Florey; }
+  - { name: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave,stop_code: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, lat: -35.16823, lng: 149.12791, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Amaroo; }
+  - { name: Southlands Mawson,stop_code: Southlands Mawson, lat: -35.3650685, lng: 149.0945962, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Mawson; }
+  - { name: Southwell Park,stop_code: Southwell Park, lat: -35.24573, lng: 149.1321, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyneham; }
+  - { name: Spence,stop_code: Spence, lat: -35.194735, lng: 149.062352, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spence Terminus,stop_code: Spence Terminus, lat: -35.2007421, lng: 149.068409, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Evatt; }
+  - { name: St Clare of Assisi Primary,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi Primary, lat: -35.4606284, lng: 149.0962704, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Conder; }
+  - { name: St Francis Xavier Florey,stop_code: St Francis Xavier Florey, lat: -35.223951, lng: 149.0406888, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Latham;Florey; }
+  - { name: Stromlo High Waramanga,stop_code: Stromlo High Waramanga, lat: -35.3551186, lng: 149.0547624, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT;Fisher; }
+  - { name: St Thomas More's Campbell,stop_code: St Thomas More's Campbell, lat: -35.286717, lng: 149.156836, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Campbell; }
+  - { name: Sydney Ave,stop_code: Sydney Ave, lat: -35.31193, lng: 149.13105, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Parkes;Barton;Forrest; }
+  - { name: Taverner St / Erindale Dr,stop_code: Taverner St / Erindale Dr, lat: -35.4103948, lng: 149.0867553, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Monash;Oxley; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.4440881, lng: 149.1029773, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Calwell;Conder; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Banks;Gordon; }
+  - { name: Theodore,stop_code: Theodore, lat: -35.4531254, lng: 149.1188345, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT;Calwell;Conder; }
+  - { name: Tillyard / Spalding,stop_code: Tillyard / Spalding, lat: -35.199204, lng: 149.044556, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser; }
+  - { name: Torrens,stop_code: Torrens, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327, zone_id: Torrens;Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station,stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station, lat: -35.41465, lng: 149.06537, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: University of Canberra,stop_code: University of Canberra, lat: -35.2423222, lng: 149.0831522, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bruce; }
+  - { name: Wanniassa High,stop_code: Wanniassa High, lat: -35.3952462, lng: 149.0852655, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Waramanga,stop_code: Waramanga, lat: -35.3526825, lng: 149.0594712, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: War Memorial / Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial / Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Campbell; }
+  - { name: Watson,stop_code: Watson, lat: -35.2374698, lng: 149.1534553, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT;Downer; }
+  - { name: Watson Terminus,stop_code: Watson Terminus, lat: -35.2298957, lng: 149.1628978, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT;Bonner; }
+  - { name: Weetangera,stop_code: Weetangera, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Weetangera; }
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station,stop_code: Westfield Bus Station, lat: -35.23875, lng: 149.0638, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23872, lng: 149.06387, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23882, lng: 149.0637, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: West Macgregor,stop_code: West Macgregor, lat: -35.2137337, lng: 149.0037677, zone_id: Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Weston Creek Terminus,stop_code: Weston Creek Terminus, lat: -35.3439374, lng: 149.0269098, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Duffy; }
+  - { name: Weston Primary,stop_code: Weston Primary, lat: -35.3369272, lng: 149.0579376, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, lat: -35.222395, lng: 149.0706, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen;Bonner;McKellar;Evatt; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station,stop_code: Woden Bus Station, lat: -35.34433, lng: 149.08742, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), lat: -35.3442094, lng: 149.0876444, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872662, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870436, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonython;Gordon; }
+  - { name: Yarralumla,stop_code: Yarralumla, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dX2, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0831762, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979, zone_id: Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4KVc, lat: -35.2979705, lng: 149.1272674, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118, zone_id: Chifley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2t4u, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.096025, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Giralang;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312, zone_id: Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Holman Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wnQ, lat: -35.4147625, lng: 149.1103909, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625, zone_id: Chisholm;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105, zone_id: Farrer;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419, zone_id: Farrer;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4z9H, lat: -35.3145885, lng: 149.1087065, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lAS, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.0910254, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yiman Street,stop_code: WjrXYVm, lat: -35.3528022, lng: 149.0616284, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzch4h, lat: -35.3236753, lng: 149.1727255, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf24l, lat: -35.1860007, lng: 149.1507571, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXNb, lat: -35.3584898, lng: 149.060019, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541, zone_id: Curtin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sPc, lat: -35.3954933, lng: 149.1039, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Nwy, lat: -35.1944531, lng: 149.0468698, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2E43, lat: -35.4169003, lng: 149.1175471, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Adinda Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Glenmaggie Street,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Lxi, lat: -35.4244718, lng: 149.1234372, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879, zone_id: Hawker;Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kwp, lat: -35.4308013, lng: 149.1235016, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1K3c, lat: -35.4284584, lng: 149.1176436, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1rQ2, lat: -35.4444028, lng: 149.1038463, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1KTJ, lat: -35.4256696, lng: 149.1266129, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2va, lat: -35.2281576, lng: 149.1547483, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf1mZ, lat: -35.1901394, lng: 149.154362, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wcE, lat: -35.4171364, lng: 149.1088245, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2bJV, lat: -35.399901, lng: 149.0816269, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WRq, lat: -35.1855476, lng: 149.1482315, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-HhG, lat: -35.2267451, lng: 149.033272, zone_id: Higgins;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3eeL, lat: -35.3382488, lng: 149.0758602, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lSC, lat: -35.387814, lng: 149.093493, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sjb, lat: -35.4395254, lng: 149.0985034, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NQF, lat: -35.3236228, lng: 149.1376314, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7WVd, lat: -35.1880905, lng: 149.149283, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Sbz, lat: -35.2087898, lng: 149.0426061, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQRP, lat: -35.3502995, lng: 149.0498588, zone_id: Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZw7, lat: -35.3478405, lng: 149.0570686, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-l4, lat: -35.3392378, lng: 149.0544079, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXSj, lat: -35.3550948, lng: 149.0601049, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJxI, lat: -35.3474117, lng: 149.0359435, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3ilp, lat: -35.3614122, lng: 149.0878174, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1M, lat: -35.3258199, lng: 149.0856502, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-H48, lat: -35.2249002, lng: 149.0298281, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yt4, lat: -35.2293611, lng: 149.0227471, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2khI, lat: -35.3968751, lng: 149.08815, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Furneaux Street,stop_code: Wjz4O0J, lat: -35.3205589, lng: 149.1293434, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd72S, lat: -35.2476842, lng: 149.1515789, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Were Street,stop_code: Wjz1IhB, lat: -35.4407491, lng: 149.1209803, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PQK, lat: -35.1804441, lng: 149.1376744, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lat, lat: -35.43454, lng: 149.0864163, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKo, lat: -35.1631057, lng: 149.1139536, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256, zone_id: Bonner;Lyneham;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701, zone_id: Ainslie;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736, zone_id: Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963, zone_id: Braddon;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895, zone_id: Braddon;Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704, zone_id: Griffith;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sN9, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.1039429, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McIntyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2zNZ, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.1160557, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OOr, lat: -35.3193771, lng: 149.1373203, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pW_, lat: -35.4123885, lng: 149.1062979, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pC1, lat: -35.4101412, lng: 149.1011212, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2o7y, lat: -35.414898, lng: 149.0962718, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jim, lat: -35.4454866, lng: 149.0877316, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2t7A, lat: -35.3872717, lng: 149.0961967, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2tl5, lat: -35.3885837, lng: 149.0982781, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548, zone_id: Fadden;Gilmore;Macarthur;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444379, lng: 149.1272298, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NJT, lat: -35.3225023, lng: 149.1363654, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1oP8, lat: -35.4617393, lng: 149.1040287, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1woz, lat: -35.4635395, lng: 149.1113243, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vfE, lat: -35.4644832, lng: 149.0977524, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v2g, lat: -35.4679435, lng: 149.0958641, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mvg, lat: -35.4699707, lng: 149.0890405, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murdoch Street,stop_code: Wjz5SjK, lat: -35.2525469, lng: 149.1321597, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LSr, lat: -35.2452046, lng: 149.1262374, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tyagarah Street,stop_code: Wjz3s-P, lat: -35.3495819, lng: 149.106153, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ngunawal Drive,stop_code: Wjz3yfH, lat: -35.3598722, lng: 149.1087065, zone_id: Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wJD, lat: -35.3718847, lng: 149.1141353, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2D3z, lat: -35.3791456, lng: 149.1071508, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_Ow, lat: -35.336122, lng: 149.1483495, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lpi, lat: -35.2487591, lng: 149.1218966, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingscote Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1egm, lat: -35.4303788, lng: 149.076696, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1imh, lat: -35.4486564, lng: 149.0876136, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: Wjzceyq, lat: -35.2975234, lng: 149.1674683, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3toH, lat: -35.3482518, lng: 149.1004882, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Angliss Place,stop_code: Wjz2rtc, lat: -35.3996562, lng: 149.0999088, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2odG, lat: -35.416297, lng: 149.0977738, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583, zone_id: Acton;Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rKm, lat: -35.3987816, lng: 149.1026983, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026, zone_id: McKellar;Belconnen;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1I92, lat: -35.4409939, lng: 149.118856, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_kV, lat: -35.3346691, lng: 149.1435001, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DF9, lat: -35.2048888, lng: 149.0256331, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXGN, lat: -35.3580173, lng: 149.0594611, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marrawah Street,stop_code: Wjz3eSa, lat: -35.3387126, lng: 149.0819166, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ypw, lat: -35.2324635, lng: 149.0233908, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-yYy, lat: -35.2301674, lng: 149.0289912, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18KG, lat: -35.459505, lng: 149.0813694, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1igo, lat: -35.4528675, lng: 149.0877906, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6EIv, lat: -35.2407183, lng: 149.1248641, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.1466758, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPL, lat: -35.3348529, lng: 149.1706441, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6dtx, lat: -35.2131085, lng: 149.0784233, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hebblewhite Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4t8Z, lat: -35.3041348, lng: 149.0981922, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308, zone_id: Lyons;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538, zone_id: Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637, zone_id: Belconnen;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUS, lat: -35.2490745, lng: 149.0952032, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303, zone_id: Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295, zone_id: Chifley;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ri7, lat: -35.4014577, lng: 149.0982244, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z1O, lat: -35.4025246, lng: 149.1075156, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6x, lat: -35.4102199, lng: 149.118121, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ob-, lat: -35.4173112, lng: 149.0981386, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28Bd, lat: -35.4160434, lng: 149.0792451, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sPq, lat: -35.4396128, lng: 149.1043506, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3TDn, lat: -35.3320346, lng: 149.1342948, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DqS, lat: -35.2037667, lng: 149.0237448, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz344h, lat: -35.3511395, lng: 149.0628944, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39tZ, lat: -35.3666092, lng: 149.0789018, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McGinness Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nfn, lat: -35.2332346, lng: 149.0422735, zone_id: Florey;Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Freda Bennett Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349, zone_id: Chifley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ziM, lat: -35.4020349, lng: 149.1102622, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Connell Street,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1fs, lat: -35.2334888, lng: 149.1522978, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935, zone_id: City;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gungahlin Cycleway,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0Zf, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1602736, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kate Crace Street,stop_code: Wjz7W61, lat: -35.1849836, lng: 149.1395562, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Andrews Street,stop_code: Wjze0l8, lat: -35.2407007, lng: 149.1533599, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf2op, lat: -35.1890872, lng: 149.1551345, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997, zone_id: Ainslie;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gi8, lat: -35.4075441, lng: 149.1204868, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wuu, lat: -35.415274, lng: 149.1111044, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2w2r, lat: -35.4182643, lng: 149.1070918, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1u7M, lat: -35.4260193, lng: 149.0965722, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moodie Street,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Basedow Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_N2, lat: -35.2487006, lng: 149.1476629, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925, zone_id: Hawker;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Y64, lat: -35.1737092, lng: 149.1394124, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If9, lat: -35.1733145, lng: 149.1190391, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_kA, lat: -35.290428, lng: 149.1429573, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PcG, lat: -35.1807394, lng: 149.1308015, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WeI, lat: -35.1846679, lng: 149.1417449, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Sk7, lat: -35.2517234, lng: 149.1312585, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y3C, lat: -35.3623309, lng: 149.107183, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawkesbury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2CDy, lat: -35.3819798, lng: 149.1127298, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4V11, lat: -35.3256973, lng: 149.1394661, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osM, lat: -35.4171276, lng: 149.1006384, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sG6, lat: -35.4399974, lng: 149.1023765, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Qhl, lat: -35.3089153, lng: 149.1316018, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ExG, lat: -35.4190337, lng: 149.1238556, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2zGA, lat: -35.4016851, lng: 149.1141675, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Noarlunga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1kv5, lat: -35.4365971, lng: 149.0887401, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1mDW, lat: -35.4258444, lng: 149.0913151, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uHh, lat: -35.428677, lng: 149.1028378, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wilson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0udw, lat: -35.4713366, lng: 149.0976343, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865, zone_id: Braddon;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFt, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.0919266, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1srs, lat: -35.4394729, lng: 149.1002307, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265, zone_id: Curtin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lKC, lat: -35.4317601, lng: 149.0920382, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tCe, lat: -35.3438411, lng: 149.1012607, zone_id: Garran;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398, zone_id: Higgins;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXqW, lat: -35.3578948, lng: 149.056972, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212, zone_id: Charnwood;Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue;Manuka Circle,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878, zone_id: Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Iron Knob Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lun, lat: -35.4316552, lng: 149.0890556, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Ep9, lat: -35.4191211, lng: 149.1218171, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1p8y, lat: -35.4581564, lng: 149.0976236, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1whX, lat: -35.4629103, lng: 149.1104982, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mNo, lat: -35.4741647, lng: 149.0932462, zone_id: Banks;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18th, lat: -35.4602703, lng: 149.078022, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ixR, lat: -35.4517314, lng: 149.0910093, zone_id: Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenolan Street,stop_code: Wjzf0LE, lat: -35.1953415, lng: 149.1582308, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tho, lat: -35.2488671, lng: 149.1317091, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6MyH, lat: -35.2424532, lng: 149.1348634, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3S3t, lat: -35.340463, lng: 149.1289947, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WYQ, lat: -35.3179239, lng: 149.150152, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OYm, lat: -35.3177313, lng: 149.1384361, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_O0I, lat: -35.1888592, lng: 149.0415483, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z-1, lat: -35.3992364, lng: 149.1161738, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1LhA, lat: -35.4243494, lng: 149.1210339, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Edinburgh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5EKJ, lat: -35.28346, lng: 149.1252, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yQP, lat: -35.2301148, lng: 149.0278969, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harrison Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nmt, lat: -35.2340935, lng: 149.0438829, zone_id: Florey;Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz351q, lat: -35.3476392, lng: 149.0630875, zone_id: Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXZhO, lat: -35.3476305, lng: 149.0552983, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259, zone_id: Greenway;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXk0, lat: -35.3567398, lng: 149.0543328, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRmc, lat: -35.3440337, lng: 149.0435395, zone_id: Chapman;Duffy;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3knt, lat: -35.3486981, lng: 149.0879033, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1scZ, lat: -35.4387125, lng: 149.0981386, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z3D, lat: -35.3568273, lng: 149.1071615, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cy0, lat: -35.3964903, lng: 149.0791164, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Battye Street,stop_code: Wjz5vj2, lat: -35.2473747, lng: 149.0982287, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6ddQ, lat: -35.212863, lng: 149.0759771, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Rry, lat: -35.2143707, lng: 149.0454751, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Genoa Street,stop_code: Wjz7JZQ, lat: -35.1689499, lng: 149.1281264, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365, zone_id: Braddon;City;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732, zone_id: Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Joynton Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-WVG, lat: -35.2322356, lng: 149.062079, zone_id: Belconnen;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Combes Road,stop_code: Wjzcdvn, lat: -35.2991044, lng: 149.1658966, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xDo, lat: -35.3656556, lng: 149.1125474, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wEM, lat: -35.3759264, lng: 149.1143713, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upw, lat: -35.2433821, lng: 149.1442189, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tp2, lat: -35.3475867, lng: 149.0997372, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz4M0c, lat: -35.3316757, lng: 149.1286729, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vc, lat: -35.2389219, lng: 149.1547225, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Arthur Circle,stop_code: Wjz4F-D, lat: -35.3217932, lng: 149.127895, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_JM, lat: -35.3340521, lng: 149.1474054, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L8R, lat: -35.2052394, lng: 149.0319524, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSQm, lat: -35.251846, lng: 149.0492258, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7Av, lat: -35.2462823, lng: 149.1564391, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqS, lat: -35.1653247, lng: 149.1116147, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2yJp, lat: -35.4053755, lng: 149.11391, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yIs, lat: -35.3178977, lng: 149.1139422, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eNd, lat: -35.2100405, lng: 149.0820067, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647, zone_id: Chapman;Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wOo, lat: -35.418544, lng: 149.1153584, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599, zone_id: Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Le Souef Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2I99, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.119092, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vonwiller Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Place,stop_code: Wjz5KHe, lat: -35.2524812, lng: 149.124612, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Es1, lat: -35.2412615, lng: 149.1216026, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OZS, lat: -35.3170485, lng: 149.1391013, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mugga Lane,stop_code: Wjz3RXq, lat: -35.3462565, lng: 149.1385756, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTX5, lat: -35.3350148, lng: 149.0502343, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mTF, lat: -35.4259406, lng: 149.0936003, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz4Mq1, lat: -35.3305291, lng: 149.1325996, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kidston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gibbons Street,stop_code: Wjz2E0l, lat: -35.4194359, lng: 149.117826, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Hz, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1580162, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Xr, lat: -35.4230293, lng: 149.0727434, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3f1S, lat: -35.3363058, lng: 149.074562, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Ioh, lat: -35.3978546, lng: 149.1219888, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blacklock Close,stop_code: Wjz7qZT, lat: -35.1851647, lng: 149.1061108, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Dickson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mavis Latham Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KBe, lat: -35.2511276, lng: 149.123169, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EWD, lat: -35.4178621, lng: 149.1278682, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EeE, lat: -35.2399953, lng: 149.0319202, zone_id: Hawker;Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AvL, lat: -35.4364397, lng: 149.1114638, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xhv, lat: -35.3142208, lng: 149.1427384, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3slg, lat: -35.3505095, lng: 149.0986214, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRPq, lat: -35.2583292, lng: 149.0493331, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-Mfb, lat: -35.2390183, lng: 149.0422199, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZy7, lat: -35.3465366, lng: 149.0571652, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mJc, lat: -35.4271296, lng: 149.0915833, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hwn, lat: -35.2269992, lng: 149.0354339, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXl5, lat: -35.3556198, lng: 149.0543328, zone_id: Fisher;Stirling;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-GkU, lat: -35.2303952, lng: 149.033551, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-U5B, lat: -35.2402319, lng: 149.0522728, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FRP, lat: -35.3227824, lng: 149.1267256, zone_id: Forrest;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37RN, lat: -35.3339689, lng: 149.0718047, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3SjZ, lat: -35.3405155, lng: 149.1324333, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MHq, lat: -35.4176172, lng: 149.1359148, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXP_E, lat: -35.3546397, lng: 149.0510497, zone_id: Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-Njs, lat: -35.2362142, lng: 149.0439258, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Arrabri Street,stop_code: Wjz7uwD, lat: -35.166579, lng: 149.1018085, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5-wb, lat: -35.2548248, lng: 149.145206, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUxL, lat: -35.3307129, lng: 149.0578894, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wakelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz35am, lat: -35.3465716, lng: 149.0643106, zone_id: Lyons;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_xU, lat: -35.3368309, lng: 149.0583346, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33z1, lat: -35.3573173, lng: 149.0681086, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXCZu, lat: -35.3390452, lng: 149.0287016, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CDa, lat: -35.162176, lng: 149.1122262, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB2, lat: -35.4162358, lng: 149.1229758, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2HEe, lat: -35.4028569, lng: 149.1245208, zone_id: Fadden;Macarthur;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mqt, lat: -35.429085, lng: 149.0892702, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tx_, lat: -35.2483326, lng: 149.1351531, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AkS, lat: -35.4385726, lng: 149.1102836, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fcz, lat: -35.2466065, lng: 149.0756831, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9N, lat: -35.4355831, lng: 149.1088889, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-FaP, lat: -35.2369634, lng: 149.032049, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kennedy Street,stop_code: Wjz4WdC, lat: -35.3170135, lng: 149.1415045, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRBn, lat: -35.256577, lng: 149.0465007, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2oPY, lat: -35.4174773, lng: 149.1050319, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0GR, lat: -35.2422868, lng: 149.1583488, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DF5, lat: -35.4242445, lng: 149.1134701, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pSV, lat: -35.4102112, lng: 149.1049192, zone_id: Gowrie;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2phl, lat: -35.4133066, lng: 149.0986965, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TEu, lat: -35.3369272, lng: 149.1358665, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MAp, lat: -35.4170052, lng: 149.1344986, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRgw, lat: -35.3484443, lng: 149.0440974, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc1ak, lat: -35.3247957, lng: 149.1522656, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Luke Street,stop_code: Wjr-r_9, lat: -35.2227135, lng: 149.0173907, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1ulj, lat: -35.4271383, lng: 149.0986536, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1k8i, lat: -35.4416582, lng: 149.0862081, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lju, lat: -35.3898257, lng: 149.0878711, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2y-L, lat: -35.4041512, lng: 149.1169838, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawdon Street,stop_code: Wjz5-Oz, lat: -35.2534932, lng: 149.1484676, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aPr, lat: -35.3626721, lng: 149.0822706, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-G4U, lat: -35.2303339, lng: 149.030901, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64L1, lat: -35.217196, lng: 149.0694819, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrX_SB, lat: -35.3329186, lng: 149.0604857, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrG7, lat: -35.3135511, lng: 149.1903315, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dDS, lat: -35.4310636, lng: 149.0801678, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-A5E, lat: -35.2186861, lng: 149.0194265, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXZ6V, lat: -35.3442262, lng: 149.0527449, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RsJ, lat: -35.2134269, lng: 149.0456746, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-GSZ, lat: -35.2285724, lng: 149.0390978, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parnell Road,stop_code: Wjzcdml, lat: -35.2999752, lng: 149.1646145, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: A'Beckett Street,stop_code: Wjze19V, lat: -35.2378003, lng: 149.1531131, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6-IS, lat: -35.2078342, lng: 149.147459, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Harrison;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6fs9, lat: -35.2028549, lng: 149.0778289, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3t4S, lat: -35.3452239, lng: 149.0966044, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3pb7, lat: -35.3677991, lng: 149.0969262, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7GCd, lat: -35.1846035, lng: 149.123116, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2b2-, lat: -35.4015218, lng: 149.0747826, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tph, lat: -35.435554, lng: 149.0999883, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NG5, lat: -35.4125634, lng: 149.1353247, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7Ct, lat: -35.3328923, lng: 149.1564605, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1g4J, lat: -35.4606907, lng: 149.0853605, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1hOT, lat: -35.4563211, lng: 149.0938578, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0f-r, lat: -35.4649404, lng: 149.0837298, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6__e, lat: -35.2003125, lng: 149.149283, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OtB, lat: -35.185267, lng: 149.1332326, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hgy, lat: -35.4142335, lng: 149.0879247, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJt, lat: -35.421473, lng: 149.1358612, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vzz, lat: -35.4670173, lng: 149.1017113, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n-1, lat: -35.4650774, lng: 149.0941904, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AyS, lat: -35.4399887, lng: 149.1130946, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TM5, lat: -35.3370322, lng: 149.1367195, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4za9, lat: -35.3140282, lng: 149.1080413, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2u8E, lat: -35.3868869, lng: 149.0976987, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_99, lat: -35.3366821, lng: 149.1410968, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H6y, lat: -35.2232919, lng: 149.0303753, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4W3r, lat: -35.3187118, lng: 149.1400025, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSiu, lat: -35.2532303, lng: 149.0438185, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5R7q, lat: -35.255609, lng: 149.1290484, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4XoY, lat: -35.3152013, lng: 149.1447822, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4OV0, lat: -35.3203401, lng: 149.1380928, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5W8A, lat: -35.2767421, lng: 149.1415904, zone_id: Braddon;Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gct, lat: -35.4166904, lng: 149.0864763, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dA9, lat: -35.3895808, lng: 149.0792666, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Sl0, lat: -35.3395178, lng: 149.1313175, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Mdj, lat: -35.4162183, lng: 149.1301642, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NPX, lat: -35.4120912, lng: 149.1379211, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3LRT, lat: -35.3334087, lng: 149.1268704, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz343V, lat: -35.3518396, lng: 149.063817, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2y3q, lat: -35.4066784, lng: 149.1071079, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3THj, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1357593, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXPDA, lat: -35.354316, lng: 149.0467689, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vosper Street,stop_code: Wjz2dpP, lat: -35.3914351, lng: 149.0786872, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2trh, lat: -35.3902281, lng: 149.0999518, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sheaffe Street,stop_code: WjrXSso, lat: -35.3402005, lng: 149.0451918, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sWn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0175409, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wray Place,stop_code: Wjz2yqD, lat: -35.4069058, lng: 149.1112707, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: WjzcdbC, lat: -35.3019589, lng: 149.1635899, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTAV, lat: -35.2467467, lng: 149.0472517, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1t8G, lat: -35.4361834, lng: 149.0977567, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2kcM, lat: -35.3951784, lng: 149.0869484, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xoJ, lat: -35.369995, lng: 149.1115174, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oyt, lat: -35.3740893, lng: 149.1015074, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0mV8, lat: -35.4741064, lng: 149.0944157, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7ky, lat: -35.2466766, lng: 149.1539071, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKenna Street,stop_code: Wjz2sJ8, lat: -35.3944787, lng: 149.1026554, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eKC, lat: -35.2064842, lng: 149.0811548, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3td5, lat: -35.3446288, lng: 149.0969048, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3on-, lat: -35.3705987, lng: 149.0995655, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Udu, lat: -35.3280782, lng: 149.1414402, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2NpB, lat: -35.4132804, lng: 149.1333828, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzchnw, lat: -35.3216794, lng: 149.1758154, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jaA, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0865836, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4W_O, lat: -35.3160505, lng: 149.150152, zone_id: Barton;Fyshwick;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DVu, lat: -35.4241746, lng: 149.1165922, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zga, lat: -35.1835162, lng: 149.1093724, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-i_s, lat: -35.2279939, lng: 149.0067611, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iNO, lat: -35.3641274, lng: 149.0938692, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Andrew Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1siH, lat: -35.4402334, lng: 149.0991471, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55Cn, lat: -35.2558587, lng: 149.0684841, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Atkins Street,stop_code: Wjz2l5-, lat: -35.3884613, lng: 149.0858326, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Sbz, lat: -35.3406731, lng: 149.130545, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vq, lat: -35.2391147, lng: 149.1551087, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Su, lat: -35.4207299, lng: 149.0712843, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3imr, lat: -35.3605372, lng: 149.087796, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce6F, lat: -35.2948619, lng: 149.1622541, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658, zone_id: Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503, zone_id: Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919, zone_id: Bruce;Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJ1, lat: -35.4218927, lng: 149.1354535, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18Pt, lat: -35.4613271, lng: 149.0822867, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464, zone_id: Mawson;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AUn, lat: -35.4412474, lng: 149.1165707, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KMK, lat: -35.2545971, lng: 149.1265378, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4iW6, lat: -35.3191233, lng: 149.0941367, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2thr, lat: -35.3914613, lng: 149.0987448, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Ayn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0244529, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4U-l, lat: -35.3274305, lng: 149.1494868, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSnl, lat: -35.2498834, lng: 149.0437756, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjz3_QR, lat: -35.3343365, lng: 149.1488109, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRUs, lat: -35.3481643, lng: 149.0506742, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ80, lat: -35.3539222, lng: 149.042016, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eucumbene Drive,stop_code: WjrXCNB, lat: -35.3418283, lng: 149.0275536, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2028856, lng: 149.0277547, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcd4Y, lat: -35.3013986, lng: 149.1626994, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xEt, lat: -35.2381595, lng: 149.0260301, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0t7T, lat: -35.4748549, lng: 149.0964971, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7p6, lat: -35.2483939, lng: 149.1545615, zone_id: Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6eJR, lat: -35.2073083, lng: 149.0815196, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kSP, lat: -35.3495644, lng: 149.0939007, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ovI, lat: -35.3708086, lng: 149.1004882, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jindabyne Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tobruk Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Manning Clark Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Wqb, lat: -35.1875672, lng: 149.1438549, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3om2, lat: -35.3716164, lng: 149.0983753, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pM3, lat: -35.4141023, lng: 149.1038088, zone_id: Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2inZ, lat: -35.4036615, lng: 149.0884505, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ-ie, lat: -35.2531953, lng: 149.0545473, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UXL, lat: -35.2414017, lng: 149.1500125, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2g2J, lat: -35.4180544, lng: 149.0854464, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Lwx, lat: -35.2055346, lng: 149.035862, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mgS, lat: -35.4303729, lng: 149.0883324, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kwl, lat: -35.3974348, lng: 149.0903173, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3KYr, lat: -35.3399904, lng: 149.1277073, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UG8, lat: -35.3305991, lng: 149.1465686, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1olx, lat: -35.4603062, lng: 149.0989218, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20xf, lat: -35.4185878, lng: 149.0681837, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Iwx, lat: -35.4417543, lng: 149.1237805, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uyf, lat: -35.4289043, lng: 149.1011427, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1j87, lat: -35.4467627, lng: 149.0860043, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ju4, lat: -35.398974, lng: 149.088665, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LCR, lat: -35.2450118, lng: 149.1240058, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jsF, lat: -35.4005569, lng: 149.0895394, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZTlr, lat: -35.2459406, lng: 149.043797, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalrymple Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUg, lat: -35.3430098, lng: 149.1385112, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FNU, lat: -35.3257936, lng: 149.1270045, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_x5, lat: -35.2484816, lng: 149.144927, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qc3, lat: -35.2301323, lng: 149.0969048, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4iXK, lat: -35.3184054, lng: 149.094995, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulligans Flat Road,stop_code: Wjz7SUe, lat: -35.1666579, lng: 149.1383395, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IcS, lat: -35.1749486, lng: 149.1199081, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-tgp, lat: -35.216543, lng: 149.0108488, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VN-, lat: -35.3253297, lng: 149.1489933, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Westbury Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7y6I, lat: -35.1846912, lng: 149.1074626, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb73I, lat: -35.335098, lng: 149.1512571, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-x5, lat: -35.3418633, lng: 149.0570257, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rqk, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0999303, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKxW, lat: -35.3421259, lng: 149.0363083, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64Gx, lat: -35.220702, lng: 149.0701685, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2dY, lat: -35.2293144, lng: 149.1530102, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: WjzceCW, lat: -35.2947043, lng: 149.1682408, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xZ1, lat: -35.2350925, lng: 149.0282402, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OQn, lat: -35.1858254, lng: 149.1370564, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjze7Ku, lat: -35.2010286, lng: 149.157806, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tmp, lat: -35.4760956, lng: 149.098836, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RQM, lat: -35.2578561, lng: 149.1378031, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6e4_, lat: -35.2078167, lng: 149.0747605, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kQJ, lat: -35.3507895, lng: 149.0935788, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3h_Y, lat: -35.3652794, lng: 149.0954242, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7Wrb, lat: -35.1868629, lng: 149.1438112, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6f7z, lat: -35.2006106, lng: 149.0742884, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KWi, lat: -35.165658, lng: 149.127439, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0vV_, lat: -35.46806, lng: 149.1064105, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3qfM, lat: -35.3601522, lng: 149.0979991, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whitford Place,stop_code: Wjz1iJO, lat: -35.4492507, lng: 149.092506, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Hd, lat: -35.340498, lng: 149.0586457, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gozzard Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pqv, lat: -35.1816893, lng: 149.1331682, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M6L, lat: -35.4151166, lng: 149.1293059, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CL2, lat: -35.4259056, lng: 149.1134272, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7JmE, lat: -35.1685523, lng: 149.1211305, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LGi, lat: -35.4237899, lng: 149.1247997, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Jpk, lat: -35.1716219, lng: 149.1220317, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.4153439, lng: 149.0672617, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bywaters Street,stop_code: Wjz7Jjj, lat: -35.1703882, lng: 149.1206162, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eJ0, lat: -35.339582, lng: 149.0804045, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lZb, lat: -35.2129711, lng: 149.0943513, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tqd, lat: -35.3466766, lng: 149.0998445, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1bUp, lat: -35.4472172, lng: 149.0837405, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844, zone_id: Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gTN, lat: -35.4149942, lng: 149.0938363, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759, zone_id: Lyons;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr_oEZ, lat: -35.1996945, lng: 149.0157411, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc9ws, lat: -35.326135, lng: 149.1675112, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz20g4, lat: -35.4195233, lng: 149.0653405, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2lWW, lat: -35.3909103, lng: 149.0953598, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ogilby Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-UfX, lat: -35.2390533, lng: 149.0542094, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz16_x, lat: -35.4259377, lng: 149.0728765, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc8gG, lat: -35.3318595, lng: 149.1650651, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vR3, lat: -35.377711, lng: 149.1037176, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KRH, lat: -35.3393078, lng: 149.1266558, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18G9, lat: -35.4623676, lng: 149.0806828, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1is3, lat: -35.4498436, lng: 149.0887348, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0DbJ, lat: -35.46686, lng: 149.1088352, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lXG, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0950208, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb7qP, lat: -35.3358857, lng: 149.1555593, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tP_, lat: -35.345819, lng: 149.1049514, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jlt, lat: -35.355611, lng: 149.0877423, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXS9Y, lat: -35.3419508, lng: 149.0431318, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-Iqi, lat: -35.2206012, lng: 149.0340821, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6d1l, lat: -35.2155043, lng: 149.0738592, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northcott Drive,stop_code: Wjzcfkd, lat: -35.2903958, lng: 149.1643141, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Findlay Street,stop_code: Wjr-xTP, lat: -35.2335151, lng: 149.027854, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0u3v, lat: -35.4721754, lng: 149.0960894, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1osN, lat: -35.4609703, lng: 149.1007672, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0Ds0, lat: -35.4665454, lng: 149.1105948, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tt-, lat: -35.4763315, lng: 149.1008208, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RGR, lat: -35.2588023, lng: 149.1364727, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0niU, lat: -35.4679601, lng: 149.0885363, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nellie Hamilton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7PKW, lat: -35.1794094, lng: 149.1366015, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kOX, lat: -35.3523296, lng: 149.0940294, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h8e, lat: -35.4578446, lng: 149.0861759, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J-6, lat: -35.431693, lng: 149.1271279, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hFp, lat: -35.3257236, lng: 149.0920124, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenkinson Street,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Benham Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3rTZ, lat: -35.3542022, lng: 149.1050158, zone_id: Mawson;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wQO, lat: -35.3730045, lng: 149.1158734, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macfarlane Burnet Avenue,stop_code: Wjr-lwL, lat: -35.2160653, lng: 149.0029738, zone_id: Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz17vf, lat: -35.4199255, lng: 149.0668755, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gZn, lat: -35.3718963, lng: 149.0945237, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oBK, lat: -35.3720072, lng: 149.1019151, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234, zone_id: Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWRY-, lat: -35.3891639, lng: 149.0514903, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: WjrXUjI, lat: -35.373541, lng: 149.0551596, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tVw, lat: -35.435688, lng: 149.1057775, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1vfv, lat: -35.4199692, lng: 149.0974949, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cYK, lat: -35.3946187, lng: 149.0840731, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WHw, lat: -35.3189482, lng: 149.1470514, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VeQ, lat: -35.2341373, lng: 149.0540753, zone_id: Florey;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFN, lat: -35.4026208, lng: 149.0924416, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-TX, lat: -35.3378987, lng: 149.1488538, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4M1m, lat: -35.3307654, lng: 149.1288445, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ksO, lat: -35.438896, lng: 149.089695, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lh, lat: -35.3326298, lng: 149.0697876, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz354q, lat: -35.3455739, lng: 149.0631733, zone_id: Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_hN, lat: -35.3366997, lng: 149.0553734, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrXZLd, lat: -35.3432461, lng: 149.0586243, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34B4, lat: -35.3501945, lng: 149.0681086, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2u, lat: -35.357571, lng: 149.0850387, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2rfK, lat: -35.398117, lng: 149.0976987, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BbR, lat: -35.2141632, lng: 149.0209714, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qn2, lat: -35.3160417, lng: 149.098321, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6mxi, lat: -35.2102537, lng: 149.0904031, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hospital Road,stop_code: Wjz3tzF, lat: -35.346309, lng: 149.1019688, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Preddey Way,stop_code: Wjz1a_U, lat: -35.4480737, lng: 149.0843198, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKfL, lat: -35.3375574, lng: 149.0317807, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJnt, lat: -35.3431935, lng: 149.0328322, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oVO, lat: -35.199278, lng: 149.0183268, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc8Sn, lat: -35.3272379, lng: 149.1700862, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28WY, lat: -35.4181593, lng: 149.0843413, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2lUf, lat: -35.3918549, lng: 149.0942869, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-ViH, lat: -35.2369503, lng: 149.055175, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7no, lat: -35.2447665, lng: 149.1536603, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y2V, lat: -35.363512, lng: 149.1076873, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3jv9, lat: -35.3545522, lng: 149.0888367, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXSoJ, lat: -35.3425634, lng: 149.0456317, zone_id: Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4qjC, lat: -35.3184536, lng: 149.0989486, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_R5, lat: -35.2017591, lng: 149.1476629, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yOJ, lat: -35.2313242, lng: 149.0277252, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0uw1, lat: -35.4746831, lng: 149.1010032, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QNt, lat: -35.2649345, lng: 149.1372881, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QEd, lat: -35.1777783, lng: 149.1356144, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3s0s, lat: -35.3536247, lng: 149.0960036, zone_id: Mawson;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KFS, lat: -35.166003, lng: 149.1254013, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Staff Cadet Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcd2C, lat: -35.302637, lng: 149.1620825, zone_id: Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DBr, lat: -35.4217091, lng: 149.1125903, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3qbJ, lat: -35.3624796, lng: 149.0977202, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WQ4, lat: -35.3179064, lng: 149.1476844, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaumont Close,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Currong Street South,stop_code: Wjz5Utw, lat: -35.2845721, lng: 149.144294, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2Qc, lat: -35.2300184, lng: 149.1589067, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hB8, lat: -35.4109545, lng: 149.0901671, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzeaC3, lat: -35.2287389, lng: 149.166889, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-AbT, lat: -35.2195056, lng: 149.0209768, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RfI, lat: -35.2115247, lng: 149.0428851, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mataranka Street,stop_code: WjrZLbU, lat: -35.2475002, lng: 149.0321777, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJ6l, lat: -35.3439287, lng: 149.0300212, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-MS6, lat: -35.2394564, lng: 149.0487967, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18Xo, lat: -35.4617829, lng: 149.0837083, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf0TD, lat: -35.1947102, lng: 149.1594002, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7HWo, lat: -35.182306, lng: 149.1275792, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3twg, lat: -35.3484618, lng: 149.1014323, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20QI, lat: -35.4168303, lng: 149.0716491, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kVV, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.0952954, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NyR, lat: -35.2807097, lng: 149.1350994, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ws5, lat: -35.3177926, lng: 149.1435967, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2kv_, lat: -35.3924846, lng: 149.0899096, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-NQD, lat: -35.2352414, lng: 149.0495101, zone_id: Florey;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Wil, lat: -35.2312716, lng: 149.0546439, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz5n_K, lat: -35.2442554, lng: 149.095053, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scollay Street,stop_code: Wjz17BY, lat: -35.4216013, lng: 149.0692072, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robertson Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shirley Street,stop_code: Wjze09i, lat: -35.2432594, lng: 149.1521583, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lCb, lat: -35.2122523, lng: 149.0902958, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3yhr, lat: -35.363967, lng: 149.1097901, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3khK, lat: -35.3527672, lng: 149.0882466, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLTo, lat: -35.332656, lng: 149.0384648, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stradbroke Street,stop_code: Wjz4q-b, lat: -35.3166239, lng: 149.1052572, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6l5Q, lat: -35.2128308, lng: 149.0856395, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zMF, lat: -35.2275557, lng: 149.0277252, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uHo, lat: -35.4727434, lng: 149.1029344, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5X3a, lat: -35.2693144, lng: 149.1396485, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QpP, lat: -35.177217, lng: 149.1337047, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3rcB, lat: -35.3562498, lng: 149.0975914, zone_id: Mawson;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lachlan Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7aYu, lat: -35.1858633, lng: 149.0836554, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bGs, lat: -35.4016792, lng: 149.0808766, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6WtM, lat: -35.2296825, lng: 149.1445773, zone_id: Bonner;Lyneham;Mitchell;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5PCM, lat: -35.2674545, lng: 149.1350501, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6ZyF, lat: -35.2151624, lng: 149.1458712, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3-Bg, lat: -35.3395091, lng: 149.1453991, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WId, lat: -35.3178626, lng: 149.1464988, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kiq, lat: -35.4293151, lng: 149.1208193, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618, zone_id: Page;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2Gdi, lat: -35.4052705, lng: 149.1192154, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679, zone_id: Mawson;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629, zone_id: Mawson;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_7i, lat: -35.2885802, lng: 149.1398674, zone_id: Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_xZ, lat: -35.2923896, lng: 149.1462296, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51P, lat: -35.3035978, lng: 149.1515081, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51o, lat: -35.3038736, lng: 149.1509932, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ls_, lat: -35.2462532, lng: 149.1227978, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tz, lat: -35.2459378, lng: 149.0673726, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57Rp, lat: -35.2460429, lng: 149.0712994, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz5f20, lat: -35.2482159, lng: 149.0735953, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vie, lat: -35.2367108, lng: 149.1423457, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_Nj3, lat: -35.1923664, lng: 149.0432864, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lind Close,stop_code: Wjr_NgT, lat: -35.1940674, lng: 149.0444665, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz65Yz, lat: -35.2136695, lng: 149.0728014, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2guG, lat: -35.4155625, lng: 149.0896092, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kneebone Street,stop_code: Wjz1ebG, lat: -35.4286654, lng: 149.0758806, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WBn, lat: -35.1851618, lng: 149.1452704, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lysaght Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z97, lat: -35.2153728, lng: 149.1409359, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sbG, lat: -35.3957032, lng: 149.0977631, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dKJ, lat: -35.3879015, lng: 149.081348, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OHp, lat: -35.2309824, lng: 149.0479652, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6k-u, lat: -35.2174589, lng: 149.094759, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tEh, lat: -35.3483568, lng: 149.1027842, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NpT, lat: -35.2812703, lng: 149.1336296, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4QMt, lat: -35.3095632, lng: 149.1372237, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932, zone_id: Melba;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-T4O, lat: -35.2026971, lng: 149.0417156, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Galibal Street,stop_code: Wjz34qe, lat: -35.3521021, lng: 149.0668104, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXK9U, lat: -35.3422659, lng: 149.0321884, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Briggs Street,stop_code: Wjz6VqV, lat: -35.2371606, lng: 149.1448198, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z6u, lat: -35.3548322, lng: 149.1071079, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aGI, lat: -35.3632146, lng: 149.0813694, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLGN, lat: -35.335982, lng: 149.0375421, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qJ7, lat: -35.3169478, lng: 149.1023818, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cutlack Street,stop_code: Wjz6esB, lat: -35.2079745, lng: 149.0783653, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chisholm Street,stop_code: Wjz5Wmw, lat: -35.2729408, lng: 149.1428886, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-y7q, lat: -35.2281166, lng: 149.0190993, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uSv, lat: -35.4701046, lng: 149.1043077, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Wki, lat: -35.2741145, lng: 149.1425667, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Pt9, lat: -35.1801635, lng: 149.1328464, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3ran, lat: -35.3574923, lng: 149.0972696, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7pj1, lat: -35.1925446, lng: 149.0982466, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aXM, lat: -35.4068387, lng: 149.0841811, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6SVl, lat: -35.2100433, lng: 149.1385112, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6_2a, lat: -35.2041349, lng: 149.1396699, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6s4T, lat: -35.2187386, lng: 149.0965829, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FiT, lat: -35.1926498, lng: 149.0333901, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yDo, lat: -35.3161818, lng: 149.112483, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tGi, lat: -35.3469041, lng: 149.1027627, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ANt, lat: -35.2210131, lng: 149.0274356, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xqk, lat: -35.3137831, lng: 149.1439239, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2Ek6, lat: -35.416638, lng: 149.1202507, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EK5, lat: -35.4152915, lng: 149.1244564, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2su2, lat: -35.3936391, lng: 149.0996299, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillies Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HSo, lat: -35.4432403, lng: 149.1262481, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511, zone_id: Curtin;Deakin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-OSy, lat: -35.2288528, lng: 149.0495423, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019, zone_id: Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dCc, lat: -35.4319028, lng: 149.0791593, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUi3, lat: -35.3303715, lng: 149.0543864, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5n-V, lat: -35.245377, lng: 149.0953749, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_GMR, lat: -35.188754, lng: 149.0388232, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UOi, lat: -35.2425584, lng: 149.1479955, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-LF, lat: -35.3380475, lng: 149.0593646, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz3556, lat: -35.3444888, lng: 149.0625725, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3au8, lat: -35.3608522, lng: 149.0779362, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf11h, lat: -35.1938773, lng: 149.1508064, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Ug6, lat: -35.2874971, lng: 149.1421805, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EAb, lat: -35.2411038, lng: 149.0352891, zone_id: Hawker;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OlW, lat: -35.2295189, lng: 149.0445481, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dobinson Place,stop_code: Wjr-KOL, lat: -35.2091755, lng: 149.0387116, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ph1, lat: -35.1828994, lng: 149.1312485, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7CsN, lat: -35.1644038, lng: 149.111604, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BVT, lat: -35.1714114, lng: 149.1171079, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sheehan Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MO0, lat: -35.2867061, lng: 149.1367775, zone_id: City;Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0OJ, lat: -35.1983634, lng: 149.1596299, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nagel Place,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kardang Street,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dfa, lat: -35.431358, lng: 149.0750437, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2zi, lat: -35.2309123, lng: 149.156246, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lov, lat: -35.3478799, lng: 149.0892229, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vPG, lat: -35.4671221, lng: 149.1047154, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1w2G, lat: -35.4622461, lng: 149.1073761, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0D5r, lat: -35.4656017, lng: 149.1071186, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xE8, lat: -35.4143996, lng: 149.1136364, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1je2, lat: -35.4430917, lng: 149.0859935, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mrj, lat: -35.4725192, lng: 149.0890835, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Elouera Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n5W, lat: -35.4656949, lng: 149.085779, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wootton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18D0, lat: -35.4590536, lng: 149.0790413, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1hBN, lat: -35.4548427, lng: 149.0910093, zone_id: Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_c0, lat: -35.20289, lng: 149.1408072, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833, zone_id: Griffith;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FGf, lat: -35.2366698, lng: 149.1244993, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Symers Street,stop_code: Wjz2d-_, lat: -35.3876916, lng: 149.0843091, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cID, lat: -35.3946012, lng: 149.0811763, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2twx, lat: -35.3923447, lng: 149.1016684, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hKC, lat: -35.2339883, lng: 149.0921412, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-X1i, lat: -35.2267232, lng: 149.0519563, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3sOv, lat: -35.3519796, lng: 149.104372, zone_id: O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xz2, lat: -35.3681928, lng: 149.1120753, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz2DeX, lat: -35.3770811, lng: 149.109082, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KTj, lat: -35.3378899, lng: 149.126055, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WCC, lat: -35.3163744, lng: 149.145662, zone_id: Barton;Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZS74, lat: -35.2499185, lng: 149.0405462, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Upf, lat: -35.3307217, lng: 149.1437361, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34xq, lat: -35.3530822, lng: 149.0685806, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXKrm, lat: -35.3404105, lng: 149.0340338, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXQ6, lat: -35.3562323, lng: 149.0599117, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXUi, lat: -35.3593123, lng: 149.0615425, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKRk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.0382502, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4MJn, lat: -35.3279382, lng: 149.1356681, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Rudd Street,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Garran Road,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Railway Station Kingston, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet]
+    long_name: To Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: []
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5MO0, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL]
+      Railway Station Kingston-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc1tq, Wjzc8gG, WjzbnGh]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WHw]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7WVd, Wjzf11h, Wjz6__e]
+    short_name: "200"
+    stop_times: [[701a, 709a, 715a, 718a, 723a, 732a, 736a, 742a, 749a], [716a, 724a, 731a, 737a, 747a, 757a, 801a, 807a, 814a], [731a, 740a, 749a, 755a, 805a, 815a, 819a, 825a, 832a], [746a, 755a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 830a, 834a, 840a, 847a], [801a, 810a, 819a, 825a, 835a, 845a, 849a, 855a, 902a], [816a, 825a, 834a, 840a, 850a, 900a, 904a, 910a, 917a], [831a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 902a, 910a, 914a, 920a, 927a], [846a, 855a, 902a, 905a, 910a, 918a, 922a, 928a, 935a], [901a, 909a, 915a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 935a, 941a, 948a], [916a, 924a, 930a, 933a, 938a, 946a, 950a, 956a, 1003a], [931a, 939a, 945a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, 1005a, 1011a, 1018a], [946a, 954a, 1000a, 1003a, 1008a, 1016a, 1020a, 1026a, 1033a], [1001a, 1009a, 1015a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a, 1041a, 1048a], [1016a, 1024a, 1030a, 1033a, 1038a, 1046a, 1050a, 1056a, 1103a], [1031a, 1039a, 1045a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a, 1111a, 1118a], [1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1103a, 1108a, 1116a, 1120a, 1126a, 1133a], [1101a, 1109a, 1115a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a, 1141a, 1148a], [1116a, 1124a, 1130a, 1133a, 1138a, 1146a, 1150a, 1156a, 1203p], [1131a, 1139a, 1145a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p, 1211p, 1218p], [1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1203p, 1208p, 1216p, 1220p, 1226p, 1233p], [1201p, 1209p, 1215p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p, 1241p, 1248p], [1216p, 1224p, 1230p, 1233p, 1238p, 1246p, 1250p, 1256p, 103p], [1233p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1255p, 103p, 107p, 113p, 120p], [1246p, 1254p, 100p, 103p, 108p, 116p, 120p, 126p, 133p], [101p, 109p, 115p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 135p, 141p, 148p], [116p, 124p, 130p, 133p, 138p, 146p, 150p, 156p, 203p], [131p, 139p, 145p, 148p, 153p, 201p, 205p, 211p, 218p], [146p, 154p, 200p, 203p, 208p, 216p, 220p, 226p, 233p], [201p, 209p, 215p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 235p, 241p, 248p], [216p, 224p, 230p, 233p, 238p, 246p, 250p, 256p, 303p], [231p, 239p, 245p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 305p, 311p, 318p], [246p, 254p, 300p, 303p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 326p, 333p], [301p, 309p, 315p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 341p, 348p], [316p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 338p, 346p, 350p, 356p, 404p], [331p, 339p, 345p, 348p, 353p, 402p, 407p, 415p, 424p], [346p, 354p, 400p, 403p, 412p, 422p, 427p, 435p, 444p], [401p, 410p, 417p, 420p, 429p, 439p, 444p, 452p, 501p], [416p, 425p, 432p, 435p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 507p, 516p], [431p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 459p, 509p, 514p, 522p, 531p], [446p, 455p, 502p, 505p, 514p, 524p, 529p, 537p, 546p], [501p, 510p, 517p, 520p, 529p, 539p, 544p, 552p, 600p], [516p, 525p, 532p, 535p, 544p, 554p, 559p, 605p, 612p], [531p, 540p, 547p, 550p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 617p, 624p], [546p, 555p, 601p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 621p, 627p, 634p], [601p, 609p, 615p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 635p, 641p, 648p], [616p, 624p, 630p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 650p, 656p, 703p], [631p, 639p, 645p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 705p, 711p, 718p], [646p, 654p, 700p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 720p, 726p, 733p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St]
+    long_name: To Northbourne Avenue / Antill St
+    between_stops: 
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall: [Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW]
+      Hibberson / Kate Crace-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6ZyF]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall-Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr: [Wjz7IFg, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7IcS]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn]
+      Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7SUe, Wjz7-xb, Wjz7-oI, Wjz7ZaH, Wjz7ZaH, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7PKW, Wjz7QEd, Wjz7QpP, Wjz7Pt9, Wjz7Pqv]
+      Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr-Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive: [Wjz7IuJ, Wjz7Jpk, Wjz7Jjj, Wjz7JmE, Wjz7KFS, Wjz7KWi, Wjz7JZQ, Wjz7R5z, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7RHe]
+    short_name: "59"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 537a, 541a, 547a, 603a, 606a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612a, 616a, 622a, 638a, 641a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 646a, 650a, 656a, 711a, 714a, 717a, 724a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 706a, 712a, 727a, 730a, 733a, 740a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 716a, 722a, 737a, 740a, 743a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 733a, 737a, 743a, 758a, 801a, 806a, 817a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 813a, 819a, 834a, 837a, 842a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 820a, 824a, 830a, 845a, 848a, 853a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 849a, 853a, 859a, 914a, 917a, 920a, 927a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 923a, "-", 933a, 939a, 955a, 958a, "-", "-"], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1023a, "-", 1033a, 1039a, 1055a, 1058a, "-", "-"], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1123a, "-", 1133a, 1139a, 1155a, 1158a, "-", "-"], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1223p, "-", 1233p, 1239p, 1255p, 1258p, "-", "-"], [100p, 102p, 106p, 123p, "-", 133p, 139p, 155p, 158p, "-", "-"], [200p, 202p, 206p, 223p, "-", 233p, 239p, 255p, 258p, "-", "-"], [240p, 242p, 246p, 303p, "-", 313p, 319p, 335p, 338p, "-", "-"], [318p, 320p, 324p, 342p, "-", 352p, 358p, 414p, 417p, "-", "-"], [333p, 335p, 339p, 357p, "-", 407p, 413p, 429p, 432p, "-", "-"], [348p, 350p, 354p, 412p, "-", 422p, 428p, 444p, 447p, "-", "-"], [403p, 405p, 409p, 427p, "-", 437p, 443p, 459p, 502p, "-", "-"], [418p, 420p, 424p, 442p, "-", 452p, 458p, 514p, 517p, "-", "-"], [433p, 435p, 439p, 457p, "-", 507p, 513p, 529p, 532p, "-", "-"], [448p, 450p, 454p, 512p, "-", 522p, 528p, 544p, 547p, "-", "-"], [503p, 505p, 509p, 527p, "-", 537p, 543p, 559p, 602p, "-", "-"], [518p, 520p, 524p, 542p, "-", 552p, 558p, 614p, 617p, "-", "-"], [530p, 532p, 536p, 554p, "-", 604p, 610p, 626p, 629p, "-", "-"], [548p, 550p, 554p, 611p, "-", 620p, 626p, 642p, 645p, "-", "-"], [603p, 605p, 609p, 626p, "-", 635p, 641p, 657p, 700p, "-", "-"], [703p, 705p, 709p, 726p, "-", 735p, 741p, 757p, 800p, "-", "-"], [803p, 805p, 809p, 826p, "-", 835p, 841p, 857p, 900p, "-", "-"], [903p, 905p, 909p, 926p, "-", 935p, 941p, 957p, 1000p, "-", "-"], [1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1026p, "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1057p, 1100p, "-", "-"], [1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1126p, "-", 1135p, 1141p, 1157p, 1200a, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7BC3, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7OtB]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7ilp, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7qfu]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Nicholls Primary-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7qvq, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7Add, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7thn, Wjz7txI, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7BsE]
+    short_name: "951"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]
     time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+      Kippax-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-H48, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-OHp]
+      Macgregor-Kippax: [Wjr-uhM, Wjr-te3, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tgp, Wjr-smi, Wjr-st9, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-z7J]
+      Macgregor-Charnwood: [Wjr-ux-, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-D1B, Wjr-CnE, Wjr-CsO, Wjr-CS2]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Charnwood-Macgregor: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DF9, Wjr-DqS, Wjr-Df8, Wjr_w0L, Wjr_wjn, Wjr_wm3, Wjr_wf4, Wjr_oJA, Wjr_oP1, Wjr_oEZ, Wjr-vJY, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-ux-]
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Kippax-Macgregor: [Wjr-z7J, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-st9, Wjr-smi, Wjr-tgp, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-te3, Wjr-uhM]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Kippax: [Wjr-OHp, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-H48, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zcC]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
     short_name: "43"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 621a, 629a, 638a, 643a, 648a, 650a, 654a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 640a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 707a, 709a, 713a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 655a, 700a, 708a, 717a, 722a, 727a, 729a, 733a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 720a, 728a, 739a, 744a, 752a, 754a, 758a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a, 815a, 819a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 840a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 832a, 843a, 848a, 856a, 858a, 902a], [823a, 825a, 829a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 901a, 906a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [843a, 845a, 849a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 921a, 926a, 933a, 935a, 939a], [903a, 905a, 909a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 954a, 958a], [1003a, 1005a, 1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1048a, 1050a, 1054a], [1103a, 1105a, 1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1148a, 1150a, 1154a], [1203p, 1205p, 1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1248p, 1250p, 1254p], [103p, 105p, 109p, 115p, 120p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 148p, 150p, 154p], [203p, 205p, 209p, 215p, 220p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 248p, 250p, 254p], [254p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 313p, 321p, 332p, 337p, 345p, 347p, 351p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 416p, 420p], [343p, 345p, 349p, 357p, 402p, 410p, 421p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 440p], [403p, 405p, 409p, 417p, 422p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [423p, 425p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 516p, 520p], [443p, 445p, 449p, 457p, 502p, 510p, 521p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 540p], [503p, 505p, 509p, 517p, 522p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 554p, 556p, 600p], [523p, 525p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 616p, 620p], [602p, 604p, 608p, 616p, 621p, 629p, 638p, 643p, 648p, 650p, 654p], [702p, 704p, 708p, 713p, 718p, 726p, 735p, 740p, 745p, 747p, 751p], [802p, 804p, 808p, 813p, 818p, 826p, 835p, 840p, 845p, 847p, 851p], [902p, 904p, 908p, 913p, 918p, 926p, 935p, 940p, 945p, 947p, 951p], [1002p, 1004p, 1008p, 1013p, 1018p, 1026p, 1035p, 1040p, 1045p, 1047p, 1051p], [1102p, 1104p, 1108p, 1113p, 1118p, 1126p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "951"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]
-  -  
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Ngunnawal Primary, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjz6YiM, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_R5]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+      Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7J-7, Wjz7JP1, Wjz7IDY, Wjz7IuJ, Wjz7IcS, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BJK]
       Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7BqG, Wjz7BED, Wjz7AJS, Wjz7AGv, Wjz7AEw, Wjz7zzB, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz6mip]
+      Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjzf24l, Wjz7WRq, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7W61, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+      Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7WRq, Wjze7Ku, Wjzf0OJ, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0TD]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7RHe, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7R5z]
     stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 739a, 747a, 755a, 806a, 816a, 818a, 823a], [800a, 806a, 814a, 821a, 828a, 837a, 845a, 853a, 904a, 914a, 916a, 921a], [900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p], [800p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 828p, 837p, 845p, 853p, 904p, 914p, 916p, 921p], [900p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 928p, 937p, 945p, 953p, 1004p, 1014p, 1016p, 1021p], [1000p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1028p, 1037p, 1045p, 1053p, 1104p, 1114p, 1116p, 1121p], [1100p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1128p, 1137p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     short_name: "958"
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
     long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrG7, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Chisholm-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcrG7, WjzcrK3]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Chisholm: [Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr]
     short_name: "786"
     stop_times: [[646a, 656a, 716a, 726a], [706a, 716a, 736a, 746a], [727a, 737a, 804a, 814a]]
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-    short_name: "57"
-    stop_times: [[655a, 701a, 703a, 709a, 717a, 720a, 724a], [725a, 731a, 733a, 739a, 747a, 750a, 754a], [755a, 802a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 821a, 825a], [825a, 832a, 834a, 840a, 848a, 851a, 855a], [855a, 902a, 904a, 910a, 918a, 921a, 925a], [957a, 1003a, 1005a, 1011a, 1019a, 1022a, 1026a], [1055a, 1101a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, 1120a, 1124a], [1155a, 1201p, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, 1220p, 1224p], [1255p, 101p, 103p, 109p, 117p, 120p, 124p], [155p, 201p, 203p, 209p, 217p, 220p, 224p], [255p, 301p, 303p, 310p, 318p, 321p, 325p], [355p, 402p, 404p, 411p, 419p, 422p, 426p], [425p, 432p, 434p, 441p, 449p, 452p, 456p], [455p, 502p, 504p, 511p, 519p, 522p, 526p], [525p, 532p, 534p, 541p, 549p, 552p, 556p], [555p, 602p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 620p, 624p], [625p, 631p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 649p, 653p], [655p, 701p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 719p, 723p]]
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Cowper St]
+    long_name: To Dickson
+    between_stops: 
+      North Lyneham-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5-6R]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5Jpp, Wjz5Jpu, Wjz5Jyz, Wjz5JzP, Wjz5JuJ, Wjz5Juf, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5Krx]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3slg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4RbQ, Wjz4KVc, Wjz5Nht]
+      Red Hill-Manuka: [Wjz3Sbz, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3LRT, Wjz4M0c, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP]
+      Lyneham / Wattle St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5KBe, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5LSr, Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv]
+      Canberra Hospital-Red Hill: [Wjz3tGi, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3_99, Wjz3TM5]
+      Manuka-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+    short_name: "6"
+    stop_times: [[618a, 626a, 638a, 645a, 650a, 701a, 713a, 719a, 725a], [653a, 701a, 713a, 720a, 725a, 737a, 751a, 759a, 806a], [723a, 731a, 745a, 753a, 758a, 812a, 826a, 834a, 841a], [753a, 803a, 817a, 825a, 830a, 844a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [823a, 833a, 847a, 855a, 900a, 914a, 928a, 936a, 943a], [853a, 903a, 917a, 925a, 930a, 944a, 956a, 1004a, 1011a], [923a, 933a, 945a, 952a, 957a, 1011a, 1023a, 1031a, 1038a], [1023a, 1033a, 1045a, 1052a, 1057a, 1111a, 1123a, 1131a, 1138a], [1123a, 1133a, 1145a, 1152a, 1157a, 1211p, 1223p, 1231p, 1238p], [1223p, 1233p, 1245p, 1252p, 1257p, 111p, 123p, 131p, 138p], [123p, 133p, 145p, 152p, 157p, 211p, 223p, 231p, 238p], [223p, 233p, 245p, 252p, 257p, 311p, 325p, 333p, 340p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 344p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [323p, 333p, 347p, 355p, 400p, 414p, 428p, 436p, 443p], [353p, 403p, 417p, 425p, 430p, 444p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [423p, 433p, 447p, 455p, 500p, 514p, 528p, 536p, 543p], [453p, 503p, 517p, 525p, 530p, 544p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [516p, 526p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 607p, 621p, 629p, 635p], [553p, 603p, 617p, 625p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 656p, 702p], [630p, 638p, 648p, 655p, 700p, 710p, 720p, 726p, 732p], [730p, 738p, 748p, 755p, 800p, 810p, 820p, 826p, 832p], [830p, 838p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 910p, 920p, 926p, 932p], [930p, 938p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1010p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], [1030p, 1038p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p]]
     time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Cooleman Court-Duffy: [WjrX-3w, WjrX-l4, WjrX-sE, WjrX-x5, WjrXZ6V, WjrXS9Y, WjrXKxW, WjrXJnt, WjrXK9U, WjrXKrm, WjrXKfL]
+      Weston Primary-Woden Bus Station: [WjrX_xU, WjrX-LF, WjrX-Hd, WjrXZLd, Wjz3556, Wjz354q, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Holder-Weston Primary: [WjrXTqY, WjrXTIp, WjrXTX5, WjrX_bF, WjrX_hN, WjrX_xU]
+      Duffy-Holder: [WjrXLaD, WjrXLtK, WjrXLTo, WjrXLR-, WjrXLY1, WjrXTgl]
     stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 834a, 837a, 846a], [924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p], [724p, 731p, 734p, 737p, 746p], [824p, 831p, 834p, 837p, 846p], [924p, 931p, 934p, 937p, 946p], [1024p, 1031p, 1034p, 1037p, 1046p]]
     short_name: "925"
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Lyons: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3eje]
+      Torrens-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3gB5, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3om2, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
+      Southlands Mawson-Pearce: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3iNO, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3h5c, Wjz39RI, Wjz3aGI]
+      Pearce-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3aPr, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3jei, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Chifley-Torrens: [Wjz3cal, Wjz3caw, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3b9L, Wjz3au8, Wjz3aGI, Wjz39RI, Wjz3g7D, Wjz3gcu]
+      Lyons-Chifley: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3ceV, Wjz3cal, Wjz3caw]
     short_name: "921"
     stop_times_sunday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p]]
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi Primary, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
     long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz16_x, Wjz1dfa, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+      St Clare of Assisi Primary-Conder Primary: [Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vfE]
+      Bonython Primary School-St Clare of Assisi Primary: [Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Conder Primary-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0udw, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0mNo]
       City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
     short_name: 19 319
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 705a, 711a, 716a, 725a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 747a, 754a, 803a, 810a], [700a, 702a, 706a, 726a, 743a, 801a, 808a, 815a, 824a, 831a], [730a, 732a, 736a, 758a, 815a, 833a, 840a, 847a, 856a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 901a, 908a, 915a, 924a, 930a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 930a, 936a, 941a, 950a, 956a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 928a, 945a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1021a, 1027a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 956a, 1013a, 1029a, 1035a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1026a, 1043a, 1059a, 1105a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1056a, 1113a, 1129a, 1135a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1126a, 1143a, 1159a, 1205p, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1156a, 1213p, 1229p, 1235p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1226p, 1243p, 1259p, 105p, 110p, 119p, 125p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1256p, 113p, 129p, 135p, 140p, 149p, 155p], [100p, 102p, 106p, 126p, 143p, 159p, 205p, 210p, 219p, 225p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 156p, 213p, 229p, 235p, 240p, 249p, 255p], [200p, 202p, 206p, 226p, 243p, 259p, 306p, 313p, 322p, 329p], [230p, 232p, 236p, 256p, 313p, 333p, 340p, 347p, 356p, 403p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 332p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 415p, 422p], [300p, 302p, 306p, 328p, 345p, 405p, 412p, 419p, 428p, 435p], [330p, 332p, 336p, 358p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 449p, 458p, 505p], [400p, 402p, 406p, 428p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 519p, 528p, 535p], [430p, 432p, 436p, 458p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 549p, 558p, 605p], [450p, 452p, 456p, 518p, 535p, 555p, 602p, 609p, 618p, 625p], [510p, 512p, 516p, 538p, 555p, 615p, 622p, 629p, 638p, 644p], [530p, 532p, 536p, 558p, 615p, 634p, 640p, 645p, 654p, 700p], [600p, 602p, 606p, 628p, 642p, 658p, 704p, 709p, 718p, 724p], [630p, 632p, 636p, 655p, 709p, 725p, 731p, 736p, 745p, 751p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818p, 824p, 829p, 838p, 844p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 918p, 924p, 929p, 938p, 944p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1018p, 1024p, 1029p, 1038p, 1044p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1118p, 1124p, 1129p, 1138p, 1144p]]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Copland College, Tillyard / Spalding, Charnwood, Kerrigan / Lhotsky, Charnwood, Tillyard / Spalding, Copland College, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6zth, Wjz6zon, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6yir, Wjz6y90, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
+      Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Giralang: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6u32, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6lZb]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLi]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Gwydir Square Kaleen-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6pLi, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6qea, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "45"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 627a, 632a, 638a, 640a, 648a, 658a, 700a, 705a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 718a, 728a, 730a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 734a, 740a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 759a, 804a, 810a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 822a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 843a, 853a, 855a, 900a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 844a, 849a, 855a, 857a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [828a, 830a, 834a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 905a, 913a, 923a, 925a, 930a], [858a, 900a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 935a, 943a, 953a, 955a, 1000a], [921a, 923a, 927a, 935a, 943a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 958a, 1006a, 1016a, 1018a, 1023a], [1021a, 1023a, 1027a, 1035a, 1043a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1058a, 1106a, 1116a, 1118a, 1123a], [1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1143a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1158a, 1206p, 1216p, 1218p, 1223p], [1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1243p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 1258p, 106p, 116p, 118p, 123p], [121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 143p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 158p, 206p, 216p, 218p, 223p], [221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 243p, 245p, 250p, 256p, 258p, 306p, 316p, 318p, 323p], [258p, 300p, 304p, 312p, 320p, 322p, 327p, 333p, 335p, 343p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [328p, 330p, 334p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 405p, 413p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [358p, 400p, 404p, 412p, 420p, 422p, 427p, 433p, 435p, 443p, 453p, 455p, 500p], [428p, 430p, 434p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 505p, 513p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [458p, 500p, 504p, 512p, 520p, 522p, 527p, 533p, 535p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [528p, 530p, 534p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 605p, 613p, 623p, 625p, 630p], [558p, 600p, 604p, 612p, 620p, 622p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 643p, 652p, 654p, 659p], [621p, 623p, 627p, 634p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 655p, 657p, 705p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 733p, 741p, 743p, 748p, 754p, 756p, 804p, 813p, 815p, 820p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 833p, 841p, 843p, 848p, 854p, 856p, 904p, 913p, 915p, 920p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 933p, 941p, 943p, 948p, 954p, 956p, 1004p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1033p, 1041p, 1043p, 1048p, 1054p, 1056p, 1104p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], [1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1133p, 1141p, 1143p, 1148p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+      Giralang-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6u32, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sHv]
+      Gwydir Square Kaleen-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6y90, Wjz6yir, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6zon, Wjz6zth, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6sHv]
+    short_name: "71"
+    stop_times: [[927a, 929a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 957a, 959a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1043a, 1048a, 1057a, 1059a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1143a, 1148a, 1157a, 1159a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1243p, 1248p, 1257p, 1259p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 143p, 148p, 157p, 159p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p]]
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Theodore-Calwell: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1I92, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1BFG]
+      Isabella-Theodore: [Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1siH, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1G32, Wjz1G89]
+      Calwell-Outtrim / Duggan: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1B9N, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tph]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Isabella: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+      Outtrim / Duggan-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mDW]
     short_name: "915"
     stop_times_sunday: [[915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p]]
     time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
-      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Brindabella Business Park-Russell Offices: [WjzcrrQ, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrG7, WjzcrK3, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i]
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrG7, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
     short_name: "737"
     stop_times: [[431p, 441p, 455p, 513p], [445p, 455p, 509p, 527p], [505p, 515p, 529p, 547p], [525p, 535p, 549p, 607p], [545p, 555p, 609p, 627p]]
@@ -1782,9 +2066,13 @@
     long_name: To City Bus Station
       Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7FNw]
+      Kosciuszko / Everard-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7Pqv]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
     short_name: "56"
     stop_times: [[534a, 536a, 540a, 554a, 605a, 615a, 622a, 628a, 630a, 637a], [614a, 616a, 620a, 634a, 645a, 655a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 717a], [634a, 636a, 640a, 654a, 705a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 730a, 737a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 732a, 739a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [658a, 700a, 704a, 718a, 729a, 739a, 746a, 757a, 802a, 818a], [717a, 719a, 723a, 737a, 748a, 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 842a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 800a, 811a, 825a, 833a, 844a, 849a, 902a], [802a, 804a, 808a, 823a, 834a, 848a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 913a], [847a, 849a, 853a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 934a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 950a, 1000a, 1010a, 1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1032a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1050a, 1100a, 1110a, 1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1132a], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1150a, 1200p, 1210p, 1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1232p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1250p, 100p, 110p, 117p, 123p, 125p, 132p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 150p, 200p, 210p, 217p, 223p, 225p, 232p], [235p, 237p, 241p, 255p, 305p, 315p, 322p, 328p, 330p, 337p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 332p, 342p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p, 416p], [340p, 342p, 346p, 400p, 411p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 440p, 448p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 441p, 452p, 504p, 512p, 519p, 521p, 529p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 501p, 512p, 524p, 532p, 539p, 541p, 549p], [456p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 528p, 540p, 548p, 555p, 557p, 604p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 537p, 548p, 600p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 621p], [536p, 538p, 542p, 557p, 607p, 617p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [555p, 557p, 601p, 615p, 625p, 635p, 642p, 648p, 650p, 656p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 716p, 722p, 724p, 730p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 749p, 759p, 809p, 816p, 822p, 824p, 830p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 849p, 859p, 909p, 916p, 922p, 924p, 930p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 949p, 959p, 1009p, 1016p, 1022p, 1024p, 1030p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1049p, 1059p, 1109p, 1116p, 1122p, 1124p, 1130p]]
@@ -1793,33 +2081,45 @@
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Centrelink Tuggeranong-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): []
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz213q, Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, WjrW_uo, WjrXUoV, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, Wjz55V-, Wjz5d57, Wjz5e0m, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5fcz]
     short_name: "705"
     stop_times: [["-", 723a, 752a, 754a, 759a], ["-", 749a, 818a, 820a, 825a], ["-", 814a, 848a, 850a, 855a], [442p, 447p, 516p, 518p, 523p], [507p, 512p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [535p, 540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]
     time_points: [Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Garran, Hughes, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
     long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+      Southlands Mawson-Garran: [Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3ran, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3lVG, Wjz3lVG, Wjz3t4S, Wjz3td5, Wjz3tCe, Wjz3tP_, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C9Q]
+      Hughes-City West: [Wjz3nLq, Wjz4gou, Wjz4gt5, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5FOn, Wjz5FIS]
+      Garran-Hughes: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3n-4]
+      Farrer Terminus-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz2D3z, Wjz2vR3, Wjz2vL4, Wjz3oyt, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
       City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
       City West-City Bus Station: []
     short_name: "720"
     stop_times: [[710a, 716a, 728a, 734a, 752a, 756a, 757a], [740a, 746a, 758a, 804a, 822a, 826a, 827a], [816a, 822a, 834a, 840a, 858a, 902a, 903a], [840a, 846a, 858a, 904a, 922a, 926a, 927a]]
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, North Lyneham, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, North Lyneham, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Giralang, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Giralang: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6u32, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6lZb]
+      North Lyneham-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6FEI, Wjz6yzQ, Wjz6yzH, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6zon, Wjz6zth, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6sHv]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
       University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+      Giralang-University of Canberra: [Wjz6t4U, Wjz6t3F, Wjz6t8_, Wjz6t9w, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6qea, Wjz6qea, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c, Wjz6FEI]
     short_name: "30"
     stop_times: [[603a, 609a, 611a, 614a, 621a, 628a, 635a, 641a, 643a, 648a], [634a, 640a, 642a, 645a, 652a, 659a, 706a, 712a, 714a, 719a], [701a, 707a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 726a, 735a, 741a, 743a, 748a], [726a, 732a, 734a, 737a, 745a, 753a, 805a, 811a, 813a, 818a], [759a, 806a, 808a, 811a, 819a, 827a, 839a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [829a, 836a, 838a, 841a, 849a, 857a, 909a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [859a, 906a, 908a, 911a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 941a, 943a, 948a], [933a, 939a, 941a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1005a, 1011a, 1013a, 1018a], [1002a, 1008a, 1010a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1034a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a], [1102a, 1108a, 1110a, 1113a, 1120a, 1127a, 1134a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a], [1202p, 1208p, 1210p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1234p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p], [102p, 108p, 110p, 113p, 120p, 127p, 134p, 140p, 142p, 147p], [202p, 208p, 210p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 234p, 240p, 242p, 247p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 316p, 324p, 332p, 344p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [334p, 341p, 343p, 348p, 356p, 404p, 416p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [359p, 406p, 408p, 413p, 421p, 429p, 441p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 443p, 451p, 459p, 511p, 517p, 519p, 524p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 513p, 521p, 529p, 541p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [514p, 521p, 523p, 528p, 536p, 544p, 556p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [529p, 536p, 538p, 543p, 551p, 559p, 611p, 617p, 619p, 624p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 558p, 606p, 614p, 626p, 632p, 634p, 639p], [559p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 621p, 629p, 636p, 642p, 644p, 649p], [633p, 639p, 641p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 705p, 711p, 713p, 718p], [702p, 708p, 710p, 713p, 720p, 727p, 734p, 740p, 742p, 747p], [802p, 808p, 810p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 834p, 840p, 842p, 847p], [902p, 908p, 910p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 934p, 940p, 942p, 947p], [1002p, 1008p, 1010p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1034p, 1040p, 1042p, 1047p], [1102p, 1108p, 1110p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1134p, 1140p, 1142p, 1147p]]
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Kambah Village-Woden Bus Station: [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_uo, WjrXUoV, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3lov]
+      Kambah High-Kambah Village: [Wjz24vP, Wjz24uT, Wjz25NL, Wjz25Ox, Wjz2d32, Wjz2d34, Wjz2def, Wjz2df1, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz26Om, Wjz26P8, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26n5, Wjz27gg, Wjz27k0, Wjz27k8, Wjz27d3, Wjz27dd, WjrW_RH, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_zu, WjrW_zy]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Kambah High: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz2a26, Wjz2b2-, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
     stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 839a, 852a], [924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p], [724p, 730p, 737p, 748p], [824p, 830p, 837p, 848p], [924p, 930p, 937p, 948p], [1024p, 1030p, 1037p, 1048p], [1124p, 1130p, 1137p, 1148p]]
     short_name: "962"
@@ -1827,65 +2127,125 @@
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      ADFA-War Memorial / Limestone Ave: [Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O, Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU]
+      Jamison Centre-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz56Xu, Wjz56XB, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5ec7, Wjz57tz]
+      Cook-Jamison Centre: [WjrZZH3, WjrZZB7, WjrZZlR, WjrZZeD, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-WW, Wjz557P, Wjz55vN, Wjz56Hh]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+      Aranda-Cook: [Wjz5d81, Wjz54_B, Wjz54_n, Wjz54CS, Wjz5592, Wjz551Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B]
+      War Memorial / Limestone Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NyR, Wjz5NpT, Wjz5Nht]
+      Majura Business Park-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcuop, Wjzcuw1]
+      Brindabella Business Park-Majura Business Park: [WjzcrG7, WjzcrK3, WjzcJ0K, WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ]
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrG7, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+      Caswell Drive-Aranda: [Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dcJ]
     short_name: "10"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 632a, 642a, 644a, 649a, 659a, 709a, 711a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 712a, 714a, 719a, 729a, 739a, 741a, 746a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 732a, 742a, 744a, 749a, 759a, 809a, 811a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 812a, 814a, 819a, 829a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a, 847a, 857a, 859a, 904a], ["-", "-", "-", 830a, 833a, 838a, 850a, 900a, 902a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 929a, 934a], ["-", "-", "-", 900a, 903a, 908a, 920a, 930a, 932a, 937a, 947a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], [918a, 928a, 933a, 940a, 943a, 948a, 1000a, 1010a, 1012a, 1017a, 1027a, 1037a, 1039a, 1044a], [948a, 958a, 1003a, 1010a, 1013a, 1018a, 1030a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a, 1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1114a], [1018a, 1028a, 1033a, 1040a, 1043a, 1048a, 1100a, 1110a, 1112a, 1117a, 1127a, 1137a, 1139a, 1144a], [1048a, 1058a, 1103a, 1110a, 1113a, 1118a, 1130a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a, 1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1214p], [1118a, 1128a, 1133a, 1140a, 1143a, 1148a, 1200p, 1210p, 1212p, 1217p, 1227p, 1237p, 1239p, 1244p], [1148a, 1158a, 1203p, 1210p, 1213p, 1218p, 1230p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p, 1257p, 107p, 109p, 114p], [1218p, 1228p, 1233p, 1240p, 1243p, 1248p, 100p, 110p, 112p, 117p, 127p, 137p, 139p, 144p], [1248p, 1258p, 103p, 110p, 113p, 118p, 130p, 140p, 142p, 147p, 157p, 207p, 209p, 214p], [118p, 128p, 133p, 140p, 143p, 148p, 200p, 210p, 212p, 217p, 227p, 237p, 239p, 244p], [148p, 158p, 203p, 210p, 213p, 218p, 230p, 240p, 242p, 247p, 257p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [218p, 228p, 233p, 240p, 243p, 248p, 300p, 310p, 313p, 318p, 328p, 338p, 340p, 345p], [248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 314p, 319p, 331p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 359p, 409p, 411p, 416p], [318p, 328p, 333p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 401p, 411p, 414p, 419p, 429p, 439p, 441p, 446p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 416p, 426p, 429p, 434p, 444p, 454p, 456p, 501p], [348p, 358p, 403p, 410p, 414p, 419p, 431p, 441p, 444p, 449p, 459p, 509p, 511p, 516p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 446p, 456p, 459p, 504p, 514p, 524p, 526p, 531p], ["-", "-", 431p, 441p, 445p, 450p, 502p, 512p, 515p, 520p, 530p, 537p, 539p, 544p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 516p, 526p, 529p, 534p, 544p, 554p, 556p, 601p], ["-", "-", 458p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p, 600p, 610p, 612p, 617p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 546p, 556p, 559p, 604p, 614p, 624p, 626p, 631p], ["-", "-", "-", 540p, 544p, 549p, 601p, 611p, 614p, 619p, 629p, 639p, 641p, 646p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 616p, 626p, 629p, 634p, 644p, 654p, 656p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", 611p, 615p, 620p, 632p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 711p, 716p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 736p, 746p, 748p, 753p, 803p, 813p, 815p, 820p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 836p, 846p, 848p, 853p, 903p, 913p, 915p, 920p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 936p, 946p, 948p, 953p, 1003p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1036p, 1046p, 1048p, 1053p, 1103p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1136p, 1146p, 1148p, 1153p, 1203a, 1213a, 1215a, 1220a]]
     time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Canberra Times, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Times-City Bus Station: [Wjzc9PB, Wjzc8c1, Wjz5Nht]
+      Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick-Canberra Times: [Wjzc8gG, WjzbfPL, Wjzbn5y, Wjzbnmb, Wjzcgzn, WjzcgD0, WjzcgLt, WjzcgSm, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgX_, Wjzcoab, Wjzcod5, Wjzcp0F, WjzchQP, Wjzchnw, Wjzch4h, Wjzc9PB]
     short_name: "780"
     stop_times: [[405p, 421p, 440p], [435p, 451p, 510p]]
     time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Macquarie, Aranda, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
     long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Hawker College-Hawker: [WjrZLdA, WjrZLbU, WjrZKnY, WjrZKZn, WjrZS74, WjrZLXY, WjrZT5e, WjrZT6b]
+      Russell Offices-National Circ / Canberra Ave: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_]
+      Macquarie-Aranda: [WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-WW, Wjz557P, Wjz54CS, Wjz54_n, Wjz54_B, Wjz5d81]
+      Kippax-Higgins: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zom, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-yOJ]
+      Aranda-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5l2U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Hawker-Macquarie: [Wjr-Mg6, Wjr-Mgt, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, WjrZTAV, WjrZTMv, WjrZTMv, WjrZSQm, WjrZSWs, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_Fk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Higgins-Hawker College: [Wjr-yOJ, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-E8A]
     short_name: "704"
     stop_times: [[738a, 744a, 749a, 754a, 803a, 812a, 825a, 833a, 840a], [753a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 818a, 827a, 840a, 848a, 855a]]
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Theodore, Calwell, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      Theodore-Calwell: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1I92, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1BFG]
+      MacKillop College Isabella Campus-Theodore: [Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1siH, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1G32, Wjz1G89, Wjz1xRC, Wjz1xWZ, Wjz1F5W, Wjz1G89]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-MacKillop College Isabella Campus: [Wjz20g4, Wjz17vf, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+      Calwell-Erindale Centre: [Wjz1BrK]
+      Erindale Centre-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2rN0, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3lov]
+    short_name: 11 111
+    stop_times: [[621a, 627a, 641a, 651a, 657a, 713a, 729a], [641a, 647a, 701a, 711a, 717a, 733a, 751a], [701a, 707a, 721a, 731a, 737a, 754a, 812a], [721a, 727a, 742a, 752a, 758a, 815a, 833a], [741a, 748a, 803a, 813a, 819a, 836a, 857a], [801a, 808a, 823a, 833a, 839a, 856a, 914a], [821a, 828a, 843a, 853a, 859a, 914a, "-"], [841a, 848a, 903a, 913a, 919a, 933a, "-"], [921a, 927a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1007a, "-"], [951a, 957a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1037a, "-"], [1021a, 1027a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1107a, "-"], [1051a, 1057a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1137a, "-"], [1121a, 1127a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1207p, "-"], [1151a, 1157a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1237p, "-"], [1221p, 1227p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 107p, "-"], [1251p, 1257p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 137p, "-"], [121p, 127p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 207p, "-"], [151p, 157p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 237p, "-"], [221p, 227p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 307p, "-"], [251p, 257p, 310p, 319p, 325p, 339p, "-"], [323p, 330p, 345p, 355p, 401p, 421p, "-"], [340p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 418p, 433p, "-"], [400p, 407p, 422p, 432p, 438p, 453p, "-"], [418p, 425p, 440p, 450p, 456p, 511p, "-"], [441p, 448p, 503p, 513p, 519p, "-", "-"], [501p, 508p, 523p, 533p, 539p, "-", "-"], [521p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 559p, 614p, "-"], [541p, 548p, 603p, 613p, 619p, "-", "-"], [601p, 608p, 623p, 633p, 639p, "-", "-"], [625p, 632p, 645p, 654p, 700p, 712p, "-"], [725p, 731p, 744p, 753p, 759p, 811p, "-"], [825p, 831p, 844p, 853p, 859p, 911p, "-"], [925p, 931p, 944p, 953p, 959p, 1011p, "-"], [1025p, 1031p, 1044p, 1053p, 1059p, 1111p, "-"], [1125p, 1131p, 1144p, 1153p, 1159p, "-", "-"]]
+  -  
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Proctor / Mead, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1egm, Wjz1ebG, Wjz16_x, Wjz17BY, Wjz20g4]
+      Proctor / Mead-Deamer / Clift Richardson: [Wjz2M6L, Wjz2Mdj, Wjz2EWD, Wjz1LBV, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1CS7, Wjz1CRl, Wjz1K3c]
+      Erindale Centre-Proctor / Mead: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2wuu, Wjz2xE8, Wjz2E43, Wjz2Ek6, Wjz2EB2, Wjz2EK5]
+      Deamer / Clift Richardson-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1K89, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1BrK, Wjz1tR7, Wjz1tbe, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz2rN0, Wjz2qnG]
     short_name: "66"
     stop_times: [["-", 602a, 610a, 617a, 622a, 631a], [622a, 632a, 640a, 647a, 652a, 701a], [652a, 702a, 710a, 717a, 722a, 731a], [722a, 734a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 808a], [752a, 810a, 820a, 827a, 834a, 844a], [822a, 840a, 850a, 857a, 904a, 914a], [916a, 933a, 941a, 948a, 954a, 1003a], [1022a, 1036a, 1044a, 1051a, 1057a, 1106a], [1122a, 1136a, 1144a, 1151a, 1157a, 1206p], [1222p, 1236p, 1244p, 1251p, 1257p, 106p], [122p, 136p, 144p, 151p, 157p, 206p], [222p, 236p, 244p, 251p, 257p, 307p], [252p, 308p, 319p, 326p, 333p, 343p], [322p, 340p, 351p, 358p, 405p, 415p], [352p, 410p, 421p, 428p, 435p, 445p], [422p, 440p, 451p, 458p, 505p, 515p], [452p, 510p, 521p, 528p, 535p, 545p], [522p, 540p, 551p, 558p, 605p, 615p], [552p, 610p, 621p, 628p, 634p, 643p], [622p, 638p, 646p, 653p, 658p, 707p], [722p, 736p, 744p, 751p, 756p, 805p], [822p, 836p, 844p, 851p, 856p, 905p], [922p, 936p, 944p, 951p, 956p, 1005p], [1022p, 1036p, 1044p, 1051p, 1056p, 1105p], [1122p, 1136p, 1144p, 1151p, 1156p, "-"]]
     time_points: [Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Railway Station Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Gungahlin Marketplace]
     long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: []
+      Railway Station Kingston-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz5MO0]
+      Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Railway Station Kingston: [WjzbnGh, Wjzc8gG, Wjzc1tq]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz6__e, Wjzf11h, Wjz7WVd, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+    short_name: "200"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 706a, 713a, 717a, 725a, 732a, 734a, 741a, 748a], [713a, 721a, 728a, 732a, 740a, 747a, 749a, 756a, 804a], [728a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 755a, 802a, 804a, 811a, 821a], [743a, 751a, 758a, 803a, 812a, 818a, 820a, 827a, 837a], [758a, 806a, 814a, 820a, 829a, 835a, 837a, 844a, 854a], [813a, 821a, 829a, 835a, 844a, 850a, 852a, 859a, 906a], [828a, 836a, 844a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a, 922a], [843a, 851a, 859a, 903a, 911a, 918a, 920a, 927a, 934a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 917a, 925a, 932a, 934a, 941a, 948a], [913a, 921a, 928a, 932a, 940a, 947a, 949a, 956a, 1003a], [928a, 936a, 943a, 947a, 955a, 1002a, 1004a, 1011a, 1018a], [943a, 951a, 958a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a, 1019a, 1026a, 1033a], [958a, 1006a, 1013a, 1017a, 1025a, 1032a, 1034a, 1041a, 1048a], [1013a, 1021a, 1028a, 1032a, 1040a, 1047a, 1049a, 1056a, 1103a], [1028a, 1036a, 1043a, 1047a, 1055a, 1102a, 1104a, 1111a, 1118a], [1043a, 1051a, 1058a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a, 1119a, 1126a, 1133a], [1058a, 1106a, 1113a, 1117a, 1125a, 1132a, 1134a, 1141a, 1148a], [1113a, 1121a, 1128a, 1132a, 1140a, 1147a, 1149a, 1156a, 1203p], [1128a, 1136a, 1143a, 1147a, 1155a, 1202p, 1204p, 1211p, 1218p], [1143a, 1151a, 1158a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p, 1219p, 1226p, 1233p], [1158a, 1206p, 1213p, 1217p, 1225p, 1232p, 1234p, 1241p, 1248p], [1213p, 1221p, 1228p, 1232p, 1240p, 1247p, 1249p, 1256p, 103p], [1228p, 1236p, 1243p, 1247p, 1255p, 102p, 104p, 111p, 118p], [1243p, 1251p, 1258p, 102p, 110p, 117p, 119p, 126p, 133p], [1258p, 106p, 113p, 117p, 125p, 132p, 134p, 141p, 148p], [113p, 121p, 128p, 132p, 140p, 147p, 149p, 156p, 203p], [128p, 136p, 143p, 147p, 155p, 202p, 204p, 211p, 218p], [143p, 151p, 158p, 202p, 210p, 217p, 219p, 226p, 233p], [158p, 206p, 213p, 217p, 225p, 232p, 234p, 241p, 248p], [213p, 221p, 228p, 232p, 240p, 247p, 249p, 256p, 303p], [228p, 236p, 243p, 247p, 255p, 302p, 304p, 311p, 318p], [243p, 251p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 317p, 319p, 326p, 333p], [258p, 306p, 313p, 317p, 325p, 332p, 334p, 341p, 348p], [313p, 321p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 349p, 356p, 404p], [328p, 336p, 343p, 347p, 355p, 401p, 404p, 411p, 421p], [343p, 351p, 358p, 403p, 415p, 420p, 423p, 430p, 440p], [358p, 408p, 416p, 422p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 449p, 459p], [413p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 449p, 454p, 457p, 504p, 514p], [428p, 438p, 446p, 452p, 504p, 509p, 512p, 519p, 529p], [443p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 519p, 524p, 527p, 534p, 544p], [458p, 508p, 516p, 522p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 549p, 559p], [513p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 557p, 604p, 611p], [528p, 538p, 546p, 552p, 603p, 610p, 612p, 619p, 626p], [543p, 553p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 636p], [558p, 606p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 632p, 634p, 641p, 648p], [613p, 621p, 628p, 632p, 640p, 647p, 649p, 656p, 703p], [628p, 636p, 643p, 647p, 655p, 701p, 703p, 709p, 716p], [643p, 651p, 658p, 702p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 722p, 729p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Hibberson / Kate Crace-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "200"
-    stop_times: [[658a, 706a, 713a, 717a, 725a, 732a, 734a, 741a, 748a], [713a, 721a, 728a, 732a, 740a, 747a, 749a, 756a, 804a], [728a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 755a, 802a, 804a, 811a, 821a], [743a, 751a, 758a, 803a, 812a, 818a, 820a, 827a, 837a], [758a, 806a, 814a, 820a, 829a, 835a, 837a, 844a, 854a], [813a, 821a, 829a, 835a, 844a, 850a, 852a, 859a, 906a], [828a, 836a, 844a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a, 922a], [843a, 851a, 859a, 903a, 911a, 918a, 920a, 927a, 934a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 917a, 925a, 932a, 934a, 941a, 948a], [913a, 921a, 928a, 932a, 940a, 947a, 949a, 956a, 1003a], [928a, 936a, 943a, 947a, 955a, 1002a, 1004a, 1011a, 1018a], [943a, 951a, 958a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a, 1019a, 1026a, 1033a], [958a, 1006a, 1013a, 1017a, 1025a, 1032a, 1034a, 1041a, 1048a], [1013a, 1021a, 1028a, 1032a, 1040a, 1047a, 1049a, 1056a, 1103a], [1028a, 1036a, 1043a, 1047a, 1055a, 1102a, 1104a, 1111a, 1118a], [1043a, 1051a, 1058a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a, 1119a, 1126a, 1133a], [1058a, 1106a, 1113a, 1117a, 1125a, 1132a, 1134a, 1141a, 1148a], [1113a, 1121a, 1128a, 1132a, 1140a, 1147a, 1149a, 1156a, 1203p], [1128a, 1136a, 1143a, 1147a, 1155a, 1202p, 1204p, 1211p, 1218p], [1143a, 1151a, 1158a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p, 1219p, 1226p, 1233p], [1158a, 1206p, 1213p, 1217p, 1225p, 1232p, 1234p, 1241p, 1248p], [1213p, 1221p, 1228p, 1232p, 1240p, 1247p, 1249p, 1256p, 103p], [1228p, 1236p, 1243p, 1247p, 1255p, 102p, 104p, 111p, 118p], [1243p, 1251p, 1258p, 102p, 110p, 117p, 119p, 126p, 133p], [1258p, 106p, 113p, 117p, 125p, 132p, 134p, 141p, 148p], [113p, 121p, 128p, 132p, 140p, 147p, 149p, 156p, 203p], [128p, 136p, 143p, 147p, 155p, 202p, 204p, 211p, 218p], [143p, 151p, 158p, 202p, 210p, 217p, 219p, 226p, 233p], [158p, 206p, 213p, 217p, 225p, 232p, 234p, 241p, 248p], [213p, 221p, 228p, 232p, 240p, 247p, 249p, 256p, 303p], [228p, 236p, 243p, 247p, 255p, 302p, 304p, 311p, 318p], [243p, 251p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 317p, 319p, 326p, 333p], [258p, 306p, 313p, 317p, 325p, 332p, 334p, 341p, 348p], [313p, 321p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 349p, 356p, 404p], [328p, 336p, 343p, 347p, 355p, 401p, 404p, 411p, 421p], [343p, 351p, 358p, 403p, 415p, 420p, 423p, 430p, 440p], [358p, 408p, 416p, 422p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 449p, 459p], [413p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 449p, 454p, 457p, 504p, 514p], [428p, 438p, 446p, 452p, 504p, 509p, 512p, 519p, 529p], [443p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 519p, 524p, 527p, 534p, 544p], [458p, 508p, 516p, 522p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 549p, 559p], [513p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 557p, 604p, 611p], [528p, 538p, 546p, 552p, 603p, 610p, 612p, 619p, 626p], [543p, 553p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 636p], [558p, 606p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 632p, 634p, 641p, 648p], [613p, 621p, 628p, 632p, 640p, 647p, 649p, 656p, 703p], [628p, 636p, 643p, 647p, 655p, 701p, 703p, 709p, 716p], [643p, 651p, 658p, 702p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 722p, 729p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7Pt9, Wjz7QpP, Wjz7QEd, Wjz7PKW, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7ZaH, Wjz7ZaH, Wjz7-oI, Wjz7-xb, Wjz7SUe]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz6ZyF]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+      Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive-Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr: [Wjz7RHe, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7R5z, Wjz7JZQ, Wjz7KWi, Wjz7KFS, Wjz7JmE, Wjz7Jjj, Wjz7Jpk, Wjz7IuJ]
+      Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7IcS, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xp9, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp]
+    short_name: "59"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 648a, 703a, 709a, 718a, 734a, 736a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 710a, 713a, 728a, 734a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 730a, 733a, 748a, 754a, 803a, 820a, 822a, 827a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 813a, 819a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 848a, 905a, 907a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907a, 910a, 925a, 931a, 940a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007a, 1010a, 1025a, 1031a, 1040a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107a, 1110a, 1125a, 1131a, 1140a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1207p, 1210p, 1225p, 1231p, 1240p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 107p, 110p, 125p, 131p, 140p, 156p, 158p, 203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 207p, 210p, 225p, 231p, 240p, 256p, 258p, 303p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 325p, 331p, 340p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [328p, 334p, 336p, 344p, 347p, 350p, 405p, 411p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [337p, 343p, 345p, 353p, 356p, 359p, 414p, 420p, 430p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [351p, 357p, 359p, 408p, 413p, 416p, 431p, 437p, 447p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 427p, 432p, 435p, 450p, 456p, 506p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [423p, 430p, 432p, 441p, 446p, 449p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [437p, 444p, 446p, 455p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 524p, 534p, 551p, 553p, 558p], [453p, 500p, 502p, 511p, 516p, 519p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [507p, 514p, 516p, 525p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 554p, 604p, 620p, 622p, 627p], [524p, 531p, 533p, 542p, 547p, 550p, 605p, 611p, 620p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 602p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 629p, 638p, 654p, 656p, 701p], [557p, 603p, 605p, 612p, 615p, 618p, 633p, 639p, 648p, 704p, 706p, 711p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 707p, 710p, 725p, 731p, 740p, 756p, 758p, 803p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 810p, 825p, 831p, 840p, 856p, 858p, 903p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907p, 910p, 925p, 931p, 940p, 956p, 958p, 1003p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007p, 1010p, 1025p, 1031p, 1040p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107p, 1110p, 1125p, 1131p, 1140p, 1156p, 1158p, 1203a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Copland College, Evatt, Spence Terminus]
+    long_name: To Spence Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Evatt-Spence Terminus: [Wjz6e4_, Wjz6esB, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6f7z, Wjz67_v, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq]
+      Copland College-Evatt: [Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr--W0, Wjr--W9, Wjz664g, Wjz664g, Wjz66kG, Wjz66kP, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66oO, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66WS, Wjz66XM]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      McKellar-Copland College: [Wjz6c7A, Wjz65GS, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65rA, Wjz65ik, Wjz65aB, Wjz652H, Wjr-ZXo, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-McKellar: [Wjz6cz2, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6c8c, Wjz64OE, Wjz64Yc]
+    short_name: 12 312
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 746a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 807a, 811a, 819a, 823a, 828a, 835a], [726a, 745a, 803a, 824a, 826a, 830a, 838a, 842a, 847a, 854a], [826a, 845a, 903a, 924a, 926a, 930a, 937a, 941a, 945a, 952a], [901a, 920a, 937a, 957a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1014a, 1018a, 1025a], [931a, 949a, 1005a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1046a, 1053a], [1001a, 1019a, 1035a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1108a, 1112a, 1116a, 1123a], [1031a, 1049a, 1105a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1146a, 1153a], [1101a, 1119a, 1135a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1208p, 1212p, 1216p, 1223p], [1131a, 1149a, 1205p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1246p, 1253p], [1201p, 1219p, 1235p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 108p, 112p, 116p, 123p], [1231p, 1249p, 105p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 146p, 153p], [101p, 119p, 135p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 208p, 212p, 216p, 223p], [131p, 149p, 205p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 253p], [201p, 219p, 235p, 255p, 257p, 301p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 325p], [231p, 249p, 305p, 326p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 356p], [259p, 318p, 336p, 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 420p, 427p], [331p, 350p, 408p, 429p, 431p, 435p, 443p, 447p, 452p, 459p], [356p, 415p, 433p, 454p, 456p, 500p, 508p, 512p, 517p, 524p], [416p, 435p, 453p, 514p, 516p, 520p, 528p, 532p, 537p, 544p], [436p, 455p, 513p, 534p, 536p, 540p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 604p], [456p, 515p, 533p, 554p, 556p, 600p, 608p, 612p, 617p, 624p], [516p, 535p, 553p, 614p, 616p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 636p, 643p], [536p, 555p, 613p, 634p, 636p, 640p, 647p, 651p, 655p, 702p], [636p, 653p, 708p, 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 745p, 749p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 834p, 836p, 840p, 847p, 851p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 934p, 936p, 940p, 947p, 951p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1047p, 1051p, 1055p, 1102p], ["-", "-", "-", 1134p, 1136p, 1140p, 1147p, 1151p, 1155p, 1202a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "981"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell, Chisholm, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
-    long_name: To City West
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
-    short_name: 67 267
-    stop_times: [[603a, 615a, 627a, 635a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [633a, 645a, 657a, 705a, 716a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [702a, 715a, 726a, 735a, 750a, 804a, 808a, 818a, 821a], [718a, 730a, 745a, 755a, 809a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [731a, 746a, 800a, 810a, 825a, 839a, 843a, 853a, 856a], [803a, 817a, 832a, 842a, 856a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [833a, 847a, 902a, 912a, 926a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903a, 917a, 932a, 940a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003a, 1016a, 1028a, 1036a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103a, 1116a, 1128a, 1136a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1203p, 1216p, 1228p, 1236p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [103p, 116p, 128p, 136p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [203p, 216p, 228p, 236p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [303p, 317p, 332p, 342p, 356p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [333p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 426p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [403p, 417p, 432p, 442p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [433p, 447p, 502p, 512p, 526p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [503p, 517p, 532p, 542p, 556p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [533p, 547p, 602p, 612p, 626p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [603p, 617p, 632p, 640p, 653p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [703p, 716p, 728p, 736p, 749p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [803p, 816p, 828p, 836p, 849p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903p, 916p, 928p, 936p, 949p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003p, 1016p, 1028p, 1036p, 1049p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103p, 1116p, 1128p, 1136p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[857a, 907a, 909a, 911a, 919a], [957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p], [757p, 807p, 809p, 811p, 819p], [857p, 907p, 909p, 911p, 919p], [957p, 1007p, 1009p, 1011p, 1019p], [1057p, 1107p, 1109p, 1111p, 1119p]]
-    short_name: "925"
+    between_stops: 
+      Narrabundah Terminus-Red Hill: [Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7qP, Wjzb73I, Wjz3_QR, Wjz3-TX, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3THj, Wjz3TEu, Wjz3SjZ]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+      Red Hill-Manuka: [Wjz3Sbz, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3LRT, Wjz4M0c, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP]
+      Red Hill-Narrabundah Terminus: [Wjz3SjZ, Wjz3TEu, Wjz3THj, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-TX, Wjz3_QR, Wjzb73I, Wjzb7qP, Wjzb7S4]
+      Manuka-Red Hill: [Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4M0c, Wjz3LRT, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3Sbz]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Manuka: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0]
+      Manuka-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+    short_name: "935"
+    stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p]]
     time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
@@ -1893,40 +2253,55 @@
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
       Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7HWo, Wjz7GCd, Wjz7zga, Wjz7y6I, Wjz7qZT, Wjz7rMm, Wjz7rOj]
+      Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+      Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qkM, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7aYu, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
     stop_times_saturday: [[0839a, 0847a, 0900a, 0905a, 0918a, 0920a, 0925a], [0939a, 0947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 0100p, 0105p, 0118p, 0120p, 0125p], [0139p, 0147p, 0200p, 0205p, 0218p, 0220p, 0225p], [0239p, 0247p, 0300p, 0305p, 0318p, 0320p, 0325p], [0339p, 0347p, 0400p, 0405p, 0418p, 0420p, 0425p], [0439p, 0447p, 0500p, 0505p, 0518p, 0520p, 0525p], [0539p, 0547p, 0600p, 0605p, 0618p, 0620p, 0625p], [0639p, 0647p, 0700p, 0705p, 0718p, 0720p, 0725p]]
     short_name: "952"
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 825a, 830a, 839a, 846a, 855a], [1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p], [818p, 828p, 833p, 842p, 849p, 858p], [1018p, 1028p, 1033p, 1042p, 1049p, 1058p]]
-    short_name: "912"
-  -  
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, Jamison Centre, Cook, Hawker, Page, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+      Cook-Hawker: [WjrZZH3, WjrZZB7, WjrZZlR, WjrZRPq, WjrZRBn, WjrZSiu, WjrZSnl, WjrZTlr, Wjr-Mgt, Wjr-Mg6]
+      Jamison Centre-Cook: [Wjz56Hh, Wjz55vN, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZZeD, WjrZZlR, WjrZZB7, WjrZZH3]
+      Florey-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-VeQ]
+      Hawker-Page: [Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-MS6]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Page-Florey: [Wjr-UfX, Wjr-ViH, Wjr-NQD, Wjr-OHp, Wjr-OSy, Wjr-X1i, Wjr-Xhh]
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Calvary Hospital-Jamison Centre: [Wjz5mxf, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5maK, Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5e8Y, Wjz56XB, Wjz56Xu]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz5n_K, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb]
     short_name: "74"
     stop_times: [[950a, 952a, 956a, 1005a, 1012a, 1015a, 1023a, 1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a, 1142a, 1145a, 1153a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 105p, 112p, 115p, 123p, 127p, 133p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 235p, 242p, 245p, 253p, 257p, 303p, 309p, 311p, 315p]]
-    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
-    short_name: "988"
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Kambah / Livingston St, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Taverner St / Erindale Dr-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz29Ya, Wjz29-5, Wjz2aGG, Wjz2azE, Wjz2arg, Wjz2aaw, Wjz29ea, Wjz29yh, Wjz20QI]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Kambah / Livingston St: [Wjz2u8E, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lju, Wjz2l5-, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2dA9]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
+      Kambah / Livingston St-Taverner St / Erindale Dr: [Wjz2dpP, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2bGs, Wjz2aLs, Wjz2i3o, Wjz2aXM, Wjz2aVu]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: 61 161
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 642a, 649a, 654a, 659a, 710a], ["-", "-", 712a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 743a], ["-", "-", 742a, 751a, 756a, 801a, 815a], ["-", "-", 812a, 821a, 826a, 831a, 845a], ["-", "-", 842a, 859a, 905a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 912a, 921a, 926a, 931a, 944a], ["-", "-", 1012a, 1020a, 1025a, 1030a, 1043a], ["-", "-", 1112a, 1120a, 1125a, 1130a, 1143a], ["-", "-", 1212p, 1220p, 1225p, 1230p, 1243p], ["-", "-", 112p, 120p, 125p, 130p, 143p], ["-", "-", 212p, 220p, 225p, 230p, 243p], ["-", "-", 320p, 329p, 334p, 339p, 353p], ["-", "-", 342p, 351p, 356p, 401p, 415p], ["-", "-", 412p, 421p, 426p, 431p, 445p], ["-", "-", 442p, 451p, 456p, 501p, 515p], ["-", "-", 512p, 521p, 526p, 531p, 545p], [520p, 526p, 542p, 551p, 556p, 601p, 615p], ["-", "-", 612p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 644p], ["-", "-", 712p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 743p], ["-", "-", 810p, 818p, 823p, 828p, 841p], ["-", "-", 910p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 941p], ["-", "-", 1010p, 1018p, 1023p, 1028p, 1041p], ["-", "-", 1112p, 1120p, 1125p, 1130p, 1143p], []]
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7W61, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WRq, Wjzf24l]
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjzf0TD, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0OJ, Wjze7Ku, Wjz7WRq]
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave: [Wjz7BJK, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7IcS, Wjz7IuJ, Wjz7IDY, Wjz7JP1, Wjz7J-7]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6_R5, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6YiM]
+      Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7R5z, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7RHe, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7Pqv]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7zzB, Wjz7AEw, Wjz7AGv, Wjz7AJS, Wjz7BED, Wjz7BqG, Wjz7BsE]
     short_name: "958"
     stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p]]
@@ -1934,19 +2309,32 @@
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Lanyon Marketplace-Conder Primary: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0udw, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0vfE]
       City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Conder Primary-St Clare of Assisi Primary: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx]
+      Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dfa, Wjz16_x, Wjz20xf]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
       Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      St Clare of Assisi Primary-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2]
     short_name: 19 319
     stop_times: [[556a, 602a, 608a, 614a, 625a, 643a, 659a, 719a, 721a, 726a], [622a, 628a, 634a, 640a, 651a, 709a, 725a, 746a, 748a, 753a], [646a, 652a, 658a, 704a, 715a, 733a, 751a, 812a, 814a, 819a], [706a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 735a, 754a, 812a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [723a, 729a, 735a, 743a, 755a, 814a, 832a, 853a, 855a, 900a], [735a, 742a, 752a, 800a, 810a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [742a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 834a, 852a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [802a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 835a, 854a, 912a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [822a, 829a, 835a, 843a, 855a, 914a, 932a, 952a, 954a, 959a], [853a, 900a, 906a, 914a, 926a, 944a, 1000a, 1020a, 1022a, 1027a], [926a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 956a, 1014a, 1030a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [957a, 1003a, 1009a, 1015a, 1026a, 1044a, 1100a, 1120a, 1122a, 1127a], [1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1045a, 1056a, 1114a, 1130a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1115a, 1126a, 1144a, 1200p, 1220p, 1222p, 1227p], [1127a, 1133a, 1139a, 1145a, 1156a, 1214p, 1230p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1215p, 1226p, 1244p, 100p, 120p, 122p, 127p], [1227p, 1233p, 1239p, 1245p, 1256p, 114p, 130p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [1257p, 103p, 109p, 115p, 126p, 144p, 200p, 220p, 222p, 227p], [127p, 133p, 139p, 145p, 156p, 214p, 230p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [157p, 203p, 209p, 215p, 226p, 244p, 300p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [226p, 232p, 238p, 244p, 255p, 314p, 332p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [253p, 259p, 305p, 313p, 325p, 344p, 402p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [320p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 355p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 359p, 409p, 417p, 427p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [424p, 431p, 441p, 449p, 459p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 501p, 511p, 519p, 529p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [524p, 531p, 541p, 549p, 559p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [556p, 603p, 613p, 621p, 631p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [654p, 700p, 710p, 716p, 725p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [754p, 800p, 810p, 816p, 825p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [849p, 855p, 905p, 911p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [949p, 955p, 1005p, 1011p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1049p, 1055p, 1105p, 1111p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Deakin: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4Qhl, Wjz4IrL, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4z9H]
+      National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+      Calvary Hospital-O'Connor: [Wjz5mxf, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Iqp]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
       City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Garran-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3tP_]
+      Hughes-Garran: [Wjz3n-H, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C9Q]
+      Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+      O'Connor-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5yXo]
+      Deakin-Hughes: [Wjz4y7z, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qia, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4peM, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz3n-H]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz5n_K, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb]
       Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
     stop_times_saturday: [[729a, 731a, 735a, 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 819a, 828a, 837a, 842a, 846a, 848a, 855a], [829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 819p, 828p, 837p, 842p, 846p, 848p, 855p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 919p, 928p, 937p, 942p, 946p, 948p, 955p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1019p, 1028p, 1037p, 1042p, 1046p, 1048p, 1055p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1117p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     short_name: "934"
@@ -1954,25 +2342,36 @@
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2rN0, Wjz2qnG]
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
     short_name: "900"
     stop_times_sunday: [[731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p]]
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), St Thomas More's Campbell, Russell Offices, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
     long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-      Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzcd8D, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcdsn, WjzcdDs, WjzceFT, WjzceHt]
-      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+      St Thomas More's Campbell-Russell Offices: [Wjzd0yM, Wjzd0EU, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7bs, Wjz4_Oj, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzcd8D, Wjzcd2C, WjzcdbC, Wjzcdml, Wjzcdvn, Wjzceyq, WjzceHt]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzc51P, Wjzc51o]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5UHK, Wjzd02s, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd0oD]
     short_name: "9"
     stop_times: [[714a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 741a, 745a], [814a, 829a, 834a, 836a, 844a, 848a], [857a, 911a, 916a, 918a, 926a, 931a], [957a, 1011a, 1016a, 1018a, 1026a, 1029a], [1057a, 1111a, 1116a, 1118a, 1126a, 1129a], [1157a, 1211p, 1216p, 1218p, 1226p, 1229p], [1257p, 111p, 116p, 118p, 126p, 129p], [157p, 211p, 216p, 218p, 226p, 229p], [257p, 312p, 317p, 319p, 327p, 331p], [344p, 359p, 404p, 406p, 414p, 418p], [414p, 429p, 434p, 436p, 444p, 448p], [444p, 459p, 504p, 506p, 514p, 518p], [514p, 529p, 534p, 536p, 544p, 548p], [557p, 612p, 617p, 619p, 627p, 631p], [657p, 708p, 712p, 714p, 720p, 723p], [757p, 808p, 812p, 814p, 820p, 823p], [857p, 908p, 912p, 914p, 920p, 923p], [957p, 1008p, 1012p, 1014p, 1020p, 1023p], [1057p, 1108p, 1112p, 1114p, 1120p, 1123p]]
     time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+      Kippax-Higgins: [Wjr-sV3, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-syd, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-yni, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yQP]
+      Higgins-Kippax: [Wjr-yQP, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-yni, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-syd, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sV3]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Higgins-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-yOJ, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-E8A, WjrZLdA, WjrZLXY, WjrZT5e, WjrZT6b, Wjr-Mg6, Wjr-Mgt, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, WjrZTAV, WjrZTMv, WjrZSQm, WjrZSWs, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_tn]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Higgins: [WjrZ_tn, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZSWs, WjrZSQm, WjrZTMv, WjrZTAV, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, Wjr-Mgt, Wjr-Mg6, WjrZT6b, WjrZT5e, WjrZLXY, WjrZLdA, Wjr-E8A, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-yOJ]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
     stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 807a, 828a, 830a, 834a], [819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p], [718p, 720p, 724p, 744p, 755p, 805p, 825p, 827p, 831p], [818p, 820p, 824p, 844p, 855p, 905p, 925p, 927p, 931p], [918p, 920p, 924p, 944p, 955p, 1005p, 1025p, 1027p, 1031p], [1018p, 1020p, 1024p, 1044p, 1055p, 1105p, 1125p, 1127p, 1131p], [1118p, 1120p, 1124p, 1144p, 1155p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     short_name: "904"
@@ -1980,7 +2379,12 @@
     time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
     long_name: To Kippax
+      Higgins-Kippax: [Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-yni, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-rUs, Wjr-rQJ]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Weetangera-Hawker: [WjrZTAV, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, Wjr-Mgt, Wjr-Mg6]
+      Hawker College-Higgins: [Wjr-E8A, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-yOJ]
+      Hawker-Hawker College: [WjrZT6b, WjrZT5e, WjrZLXY, WjrZS74, WjrZKZn, WjrZKnY, WjrZLbU, WjrZLdA]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Weetangera: [WjrZ_tn, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ-ie, WjrZSWs, WjrZSQm, WjrZTMv]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
     short_name: "17"
     stop_times: [[706a, 708a, 712a, 716a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 737a], [806a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 838a], [840a, 842a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 912a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 905a, 908a, 913a, 918a, 926a], [922a, 924a, 928a, 932a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 951a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1021a], [1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1032a, 1035a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1105a, 1110a, 1115a, 1121a], [1122a, 1124a, 1128a, 1132a, 1135a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1205p, 1210p, 1215p, 1221p], [1222p, 1224p, 1228p, 1232p, 1235p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 105p, 110p, 115p, 121p], [122p, 124p, 128p, 132p, 135p, 140p, 145p, 151p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 205p, 210p, 215p, 221p], [222p, 224p, 228p, 232p, 235p, 240p, 245p, 251p], [249p, 251p, 255p, 259p, 302p, 307p, 313p, 321p], [324p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 338p, 343p, 349p, 357p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 412p, 418p, 426p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 431p, 437p, 445p], [432p, 434p, 438p, 443p, 446p, 451p, 457p, 505p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 511p, 517p, 525p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 531p, 537p, 545p], [532p, 534p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 551p, 557p, 605p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 606p, 611p, 617p, 625p], [612p, 614p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [644p, 646p, 650p, 654p, 657p, 702p, 707p, 713p], [737p, 739p, 743p, 747p, 750p, 755p, 800p, 806p], [837p, 839p, 843p, 847p, 850p, 855p, 900p, 906p], [937p, 939p, 943p, 947p, 950p, 955p, 1000p, 1006p], [1037p, 1039p, 1043p, 1047p, 1050p, 1055p, 1100p, 1106p], [1138p, 1140p, 1144p, 1148p, 1151p, 1156p, 1201a, 1207a]]
@@ -1988,31 +2392,59 @@
     time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
     long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+      Cooleman Court-Holder: [WjrX-3w, WjrXS9Y, WjrXKxW, WjrXJnt, WjrXK9U, WjrXKrm, WjrXKfL, WjrXLaD, WjrXLtK, WjrXLTo, WjrXLR-, WjrXLY1, WjrXTgl]
+      Weston Primary-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [WjrX_xU, WjrX-LF, WjrX-Hd, WjrXZLd, Wjz3556, Wjz354q, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Holder-Weston Primary: [WjrXTqY, WjrXTIp, WjrXTX5, WjrX_bF, WjrX_hN, WjrX_xU]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
     short_name: 25 225
     stop_times: [[612a, 622a, 625a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [642a, 652a, 655a, 705a, 719a, 722a, 726a, 730a], [702a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 751a], [734a, 749a, 752a, 805a, 819a, 823a, 827a, 831a], [808a, 823a, 826a, 838a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838a, 853a, 856a, 908a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [910a, 925a, 928a, 938a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1022a, 1025a, 1035a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1122a, 1125a, 1135a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1222p, 1225p, 1235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 122p, 125p, 135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 222p, 225p, 235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 324p, 327p, 336p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [342p, 354p, 357p, 406p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 524p, 527p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [622p, 633p, 636p, 645p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722p, 732p, 735p, 744p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [822p, 832p, 835p, 844p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [922p, 932p, 935p, 944p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1022p, 1032p, 1035p, 1044p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Farrer Terminus-Isaacs: [Wjz2DeX, Wjz3wEM, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3xz2]
+      Southlands Mawson-Farrer Terminus: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3oyt, Wjz2vL4, Wjz2vR3, Wjz2D3z]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Lyons: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3eje]
+      Lyons-Chifley: [Wjz3ceV, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3eje]
+      Isaacs-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd]
+      Chifley-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3cal, Wjz3caw, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3b9L, Wjz39RI, Wjz3h5c, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3hL_]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "23"
+    stop_times: [[607a, 609a, 613a, 622a, 628a, 634a, 642a, 647a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 659a, 705a, 711a, 719a, 724a], [714a, 716a, 720a, 729a, 736a, 742a, 752a, 757a], [744a, 748a, 753a, 801a, 808a, 814a, 824a, 829a], [814a, 818a, 823a, 831a, 838a, 844a, 854a, 859a], [844a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 908a, 914a, 924a, 929a], [926a, 930a, 934a, 943a, 949a, 955a, 1003a, 1008a], [1026a, 1028a, 1032a, 1041a, 1047a, 1053a, 1101a, 1106a], [1126a, 1128a, 1132a, 1141a, 1147a, 1153a, 1201p, 1206p], [1226p, 1228p, 1232p, 1241p, 1247p, 1253p, 101p, 106p], [126p, 128p, 132p, 141p, 147p, 153p, 201p, 206p], [226p, 228p, 232p, 241p, 247p, 253p, 301p, 306p], [314p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 338p, 344p, 354p, 359p], [344p, 348p, 353p, 401p, 408p, 414p, 424p, 429p], [414p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 444p, 454p, 459p], [444p, 448p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 514p, 524p, 529p], [514p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 538p, 544p, 554p, 559p], [544p, 548p, 553p, 601p, 608p, 614p, 624p, 629p], [626p, 630p, 634p, 643p, 649p, 655p, 703p, 708p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 741p, 747p, 753p, 801p, 806p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 841p, 847p, 853p, 901p, 906p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 941p, 947p, 953p, 1001p, 1006p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1041p, 1047p, 1053p, 1101p, 1106p], [1126p, 1128p, 1132p, 1141p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
     time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, Russell Offices, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
-      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
-      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+      Russell Offices-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_Oj, Wjzc7bs, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzd0EU, Wjzd0yM]
+      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, Wjzceyq, Wjzcdvn, Wjzcdml, WjzcdbC, Wjzcd2C, Wjzcd8D]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+      St Thomas More's Campbell-City Bus Station: [Wjzd0oD, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd02s, Wjz5UHK, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+      Hospice / Menindee Dr-Russell Offices: [Wjzc51o, Wjzc51P, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
     short_name: "9"
     stop_times: [["-", 655a, 701a, 703a, 708a, 720a], [720a, 723a, 729a, 731a, 736a, 751a], [752a, 756a, 804a, 806a, 811a, 826a], [822a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 841a, 856a], [852a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 911a, 926a], [934a, 937a, 945a, 947a, 952a, 1006a], [1034a, 1037a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a, 1106a], [1134a, 1137a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a, 1206p], [1234p, 1237p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p, 106p], [134p, 137p, 145p, 147p, 152p, 206p], [234p, 237p, 245p, 247p, 252p, 306p], [335p, 339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 409p], [352p, 356p, 404p, 406p, 411p, 426p], [422p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 441p, 456p], [452p, 456p, 504p, 506p, 511p, 526p], [522p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 541p, 556p], [552p, 556p, 604p, 606p, 611p, 626p], [628p, 632p, 638p, 640p, 645p, 656p], [728p, 731p, 737p, 739p, 744p, 755p], [828p, 831p, 837p, 839p, 844p, 855p], [928p, 931p, 937p, 939p, 944p, 955p], [1028p, 1031p, 1037p, 1039p, 1044p, 1055p]]
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Monash Primary, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-    short_name: "64"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", 651a, 655a, 702a], [706a, 714a, 721a, 725a, 733a], ["-", "-", 751a, 756a, 805a], [806a, 816a, 823a, 828a, 837a], [836a, 846a, 853a, 858a, 907a], [906a, 916a, 923a, 928a, 936a], [1006a, 1015a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a], [1106a, 1115a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a], [1206p, 1215p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p], [106p, 115p, 122p, 126p, 134p], [206p, 215p, 222p, 226p, 234p], [306p, 316p, 323p, 328p, 337p], [336p, 346p, 353p, 358p, 407p], [406p, 416p, 423p, 428p, 437p], [436p, 446p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [506p, 516p, 523p, 528p, 537p], [536p, 546p, 553p, 558p, 607p], [606p, 616p, 623p, 628p, 636p], [706p, 715p, 722p, 726p, 734p], [806p, 815p, 822p, 826p, 834p], [906p, 915p, 922p, 926p, 934p], [1006p, 1015p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p], [1106p, 1115p, 1122p, 1126p, 1134p]]
+      Isabella-Calwell: [Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1tph, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1B9N, Wjz1BFG]
+      Calwell-Theodore: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1I92, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1G89]
+      Theodore-Outtrim / Duggan: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1G32, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1siH, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1t8G]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Isabella: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+      Outtrim / Duggan-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mDW]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 825a, 830a, 839a, 846a, 855a], [1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p], [818p, 828p, 833p, 842p, 849p, 858p], [1018p, 1028p, 1033p, 1042p, 1049p, 1058p]]
+    short_name: "912"
     time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Duffy Primary, Holder, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
     long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+      Cooleman Court-Rivett: [WjrX-3w, WjrXSso, WjrXRmc, WjrXJ-g, WjrXJZ6]
+      Holder-City West: [WjrXTgl, WjrXTqY, WjrXTIp, WjrXTX5]
+      Rivett-Duffy Primary: [WjrXJxI, WjrXJZ6, WjrXJ-g, WjrXRmc, WjrXSoJ, WjrXS9Y, WjrXKxW, WjrXJnt, WjrXJ6l, WjrXBSJ, WjrXBSJ, WjrXCNB, WjrXKfL, WjrXLaD]
       City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      Duffy Primary-Holder: [WjrXLtK, WjrXLR-, WjrXLY1]
       City West-City Bus Station: []
     short_name: "729"
     stop_times: [[709a, 715a, 724a, 728a, 749a, 753a, 755a], [739a, 745a, 754a, 758a, 819a, 823a, 825a]]
@@ -2021,8 +2453,14 @@
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
       Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Erindale Centre-Bugden Sternberg: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2rN0]
       City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Bugden Sternberg-Gowrie: [Wjz2z1O, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2wnQ]
+      Gowrie-MacKillop College Isabella Campus: [Wjz2wuu, Wjz2xE8, Wjz2F6x, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2wOo, Wjz1DBr, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1CL2, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1C75, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1mDW]
+      MacKillop College Isabella Campus-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1mJc, Wjz17Su, Wjz1mDW, Wjz17Xr, Wjz20ut]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 12)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz3khK, Wjz3jv9, Wjz3jlt, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2u8E, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2trh, Wjz2twx, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2qnG]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
     short_name: 65 265
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 604a, 608a, 619a, 625a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 625a, 637a, 638a, 643a, 654a, 700a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 655a, 710a, 711a, 718a, 734a, 744a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 742a, 743a, 750a, 806a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 812a, 813a, 820a, 836a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 825a, 842a, 843a, 850a, 906a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 912a, 913a, 920a, 935a, 943a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 955a, 1009a, 1010a, 1015a, 1027a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1055a, 1109a, 1110a, 1115a, 1127a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1155a, 1209p, 1210p, 1215p, 1227p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1255p, 109p, 110p, 115p, 127p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 155p, 209p, 210p, 215p, 227p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 255p, 311p, 312p, 318p, 332p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 325p, 342p, 343p, 349p, 403p, 412p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 355p, 412p, 413p, 419p, 433p, 442p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 420p, 437p, 438p, 444p, 458p, 507p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 455p, 512p, 513p, 519p, 533p, 542p], [455p, 501p, 510p, 513p, 528p, 545p, 546p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [525p, 531p, 540p, 543p, 558p, 615p, 616p, 622p, 635p, 643p], [555p, 601p, 610p, 613p, 628p, 642p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 708p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654p, 708p, 709p, 714p, 726p, 734p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754p, 808p, 809p, 814p, 826p, 834p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854p, 908p, 909p, 914p, 926p, 934p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954p, 1008p, 1009p, 1014p, 1026p, 1034p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054p, 1108p, 1109p, 1114p, 1126p, 1134p]]
@@ -2030,350 +2468,531 @@
     long_name: To Spence Terminus
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Spence-Spence Terminus: [Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjz70lp, Wjz70kD, Wjz70zz, Wjz70zB, Wjz70IY, Wjz70IW, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70Wx, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq, Wjz67BD]
+      William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Copland College: [Wjz64Gx, Wjz64L1, Wjz65GS, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65rA, Wjz65ik, Wjz65aB, Wjz652H, Wjr-ZXo]
+      Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
       City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Copland College-Spence: [Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr--W0, Wjr--W9, Wjz664g, Wjz664q, Wjz66fx, Wjz66fx, Wjz670_, Wjz671V, Wjz67k1, Wjz67kk, Wjz67nz, Wjz70go, Wjz701y, Wjz701a, Wjr_UPA, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UTL]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
     short_name: "701"
     stop_times: [[442p, 450p, 502p, 509p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 534p, 540p], ["-", "-", 520p, 527p, 529p, 539p, 543p, 550p, 554p], [525p, 533p, 543p, 550p, 552p, 602p, 606p, 613p, 617p], [542p, 550p, 600p, 607p, 609p, 619p, 623p, 630p, 634p]]
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Australian Institute of Sport-National Hockey Centre Lyneham: [Wjz6oEz, Wjz5L_c]
+      University of Canberra-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nUS, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5vrT]
+      Railway Station Kingston-Newcastle Street after Isa Street: [Wjzc1n0, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc9ws, Wjzc8Sn]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      National Hockey Centre Lyneham-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Newcastle Street after Isa Street-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc9WV, WjzchQP, Wjzcp0F, Wjzcod5, Wjzcoab, WjzcgX_, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgSm, WjzcgLt, WjzcgD0, WjzbnGh]
+      Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick: [Wjzbnmb, Wjzbn5y, WjzbfPL, Wjzc8gG]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+      Russell Offices-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WHw]
+    short_name: "980"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt, Copland College, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Spence Terminus-Evatt: [Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_v, Wjz6f7z, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6esB, Wjz6e4_]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Evatt-Copland College: [Wjz66XM, Wjz66WS, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66oO, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66kP, Wjz66kG, Wjz664g, Wjz664g, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W0, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      McKellar-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz64Yc, Wjz64OE, Wjz6c8c, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6cz2]
+      Copland College-McKellar: [Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZXo, Wjz652H, Wjz65aB, Wjz65ik, Wjz65rA, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65GS, Wjz6c7A]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 12 312
+    stop_times: [[624a, 629a, 632a, 636a, 646a, 648a, 652a, "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 658a, 701a, 705a, 715a, 717a, 721a, 742a, 759a, 816a], [723a, 728a, 731a, 735a, 745a, 747a, 751a, 813a, 830a, 847a], [734a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 757a, 759a, 803a, 825a, 842a, 859a], [749a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 812a, 814a, 818a, 840a, 857a, 914a], [807a, 812a, 816a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 836a, 858a, 915a, 932a], [827a, 832a, 836a, 840a, 850a, 852a, 856a, 918a, 935a, 950a], [852a, 857a, 901a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 921a, 942a, 959a, 1014a], [922a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 945a, 947a, 951a, 1011a, 1028a, 1043a], [953a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1041a, 1058a, 1113a], [1023a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1111a, 1128a, 1143a], [1053a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1141a, 1158a, 1213p], [1123a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1211p, 1228p, 1243p], [1153a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1241p, 1258p, 113p], [1223p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 111p, 128p, 143p], [1253p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 141p, 158p, 213p], [123p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 211p, 228p, 243p], [153p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 241p, 258p, 316p], [223p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 312p, 329p, 348p], [253p, 258p, 301p, 305p, 315p, 317p, 321p, 343p, 400p, 419p], [322p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 413p, 430p, 449p], [342p, 347p, 351p, 355p, 405p, 407p, 411p, 433p, 450p, 509p], [412p, 417p, 421p, 425p, 435p, 437p, 441p, 503p, 520p, 539p], [432p, 437p, 441p, 445p, 455p, 457p, 501p, 523p, 540p, 559p], [457p, 502p, 506p, 510p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 548p, 605p, 624p], [522p, 527p, 531p, 535p, 545p, 547p, 551p, 613p, 630p, 645p], [552p, 557p, 601p, 605p, 615p, 617p, 621p, 641p, 655p, 710p], [622p, 627p, 631p, 635p, 645p, 647p, 651p, 710p, 724p, 739p], [711p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Hibberson / Kate Crace-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz6ZyF]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+    short_name: "50"
+    stop_times: [[700p, 706p, 708p, 715p, 718p, 721p], [730p, 736p, 738p, 745p, 748p, 751p], [800p, 806p, 808p, 815p, 818p, 821p], [830p, 836p, 838p, 845p, 848p, 851p], [900p, 906p, 908p, 915p, 918p, 921p], [930p, 936p, 938p, 945p, 948p, 951p], [1000p, 1006p, 1008p, 1015p, 1018p, 1021p], [1030p, 1036p, 1038p, 1045p, 1048p, 1051p], [1100p, 1106p, 1108p, 1115p, 1118p, 1121p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+      Deakin-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4z9H, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4INj, Wjz4Qhl, Wjz4Quk]
+      Canberra Hospital-Garran: [Wjz3tP_, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3C9J]
+      O'Connor-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mxf]
+      Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-O'Connor: [Wjz5yXo, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5Iqp]
+      National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+      Hughes-Deakin: [Wjz3n-4, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4peM, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4qia, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4y7z]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Garran-Hughes: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3n-4]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+      Calvary Hospital-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5n_K, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "934"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Kambah / Livingston St, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station, City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Taverner St / Erindale Dr-Kambah / Livingston St: [Wjz2aVu, Wjz2aXM, Wjz2i3o, Wjz2aLs, Wjz2bGs, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2dpP]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Woden Bus Station-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      Kambah / Livingston St-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2dA9, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2l5-, Wjz2lju, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2u8E]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Taverner St / Erindale Dr: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz29yh, Wjz29ea, Wjz2aaw, Wjz2arg, Wjz2azE, Wjz2aGG, Wjz29-5, Wjz29Ya]
+    short_name: 61 161
+    stop_times: [[630a, 641a, 646a, 651a, 658a, "-", "-"], [700a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 733a, "-", "-"], [726a, 739a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 819a, 822a], [740a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 813a, "-", "-"], [800a, 814a, 819a, 825a, 839a, "-", "-"], [837a, 851a, 856a, 901a, 910a, "-", "-"], [900a, 914a, 919a, 924a, 933a, "-", "-"], [930a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, "-", "-"], [1030a, 1043a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, "-", "-"], [1130a, 1143a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, "-", "-"], [1230p, 1243p, 1248p, 1253p, 101p, "-", "-"], [130p, 143p, 148p, 153p, 201p, "-", "-"], [230p, 243p, 248p, 253p, 301p, "-", "-"], [330p, 344p, 349p, 354p, 403p, "-", "-"], [400p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 433p, "-", "-"], [430p, 444p, 449p, 454p, 503p, "-", "-"], [500p, 514p, 519p, 524p, 533p, "-", "-"], [530p, 544p, 549p, 554p, 603p, "-", "-"], [600p, 614p, 619p, 624p, 633p, "-", "-"], [630p, 643p, 648p, 653p, 701p, "-", "-"], [730p, 743p, 748p, 753p, 801p, "-", "-"], [830p, 843p, 848p, 853p, 901p, "-", "-"], [930p, 943p, 948p, 953p, 1001p, "-", "-"], [1030p, 1043p, 1048p, 1053p, 1101p, "-", "-"], [1130p, 1143p, 1148p, 1153p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave-Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo: []
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave: [Wjz6YiM, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6QPM, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6_7M]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+      Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7Wqb, Wjz7Wrb, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+    short_name: "57"
+    stop_times: [[655a, 701a, 703a, 709a, 717a, 720a, 724a], [725a, 731a, 733a, 739a, 747a, 750a, 754a], [755a, 802a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 821a, 825a], [825a, 832a, 834a, 840a, 848a, 851a, 855a], [855a, 902a, 904a, 910a, 918a, 921a, 925a], [957a, 1003a, 1005a, 1011a, 1019a, 1022a, 1026a], [1055a, 1101a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, 1120a, 1124a], [1155a, 1201p, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, 1220p, 1224p], [1255p, 101p, 103p, 109p, 117p, 120p, 124p], [155p, 201p, 203p, 209p, 217p, 220p, 224p], [255p, 301p, 303p, 310p, 318p, 321p, 325p], [355p, 402p, 404p, 411p, 419p, 422p, 426p], [425p, 432p, 434p, 441p, 449p, 452p, 456p], [455p, 502p, 504p, 511p, 519p, 522p, 526p], [525p, 532p, 534p, 541p, 549p, 552p, 556p], [555p, 602p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 620p, 624p], [625p, 631p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 649p, 653p], [655p, 701p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 719p, 723p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Southlands Mawson-Farrer Primary School: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3oyt, Wjz2vL4, Wjz2vR3]
+      Isaacs-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3ran, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3h_Y]
+      Farrer Primary School-Isaacs: [Wjz2D3z, Wjz2DeX, Wjz3wEM, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3xz2]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "924"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      St Thomas More's Campbell-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [Wjzd0yM, Wjzd0EU, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7bs, Wjz4_Oj, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzc51P]
+      Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzc51o, Wjzc51P, Wjzcd2C, Wjzcd4Y, Wjzcdml, Wjzcdvn, Wjzceyq, WjzceHt, WjzceCW, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5UHK, Wjzd02s, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd0oD]
+      ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+    short_name: "930"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood, Kingsford Smith / Companion, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Russell Offices-National Circ / Canberra Ave: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_]
+      Charnwood-Kingsford Smith / Companion: [Wjr-KOL, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-RsJ]
+      Fraser-Charnwood: [Wjr_M6A, Wjr_McO, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_MhY, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-Lwx]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Kingsford Smith / Companion-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjr-Rry, Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Fraser East Terminus-Fraser: [Wjr_N-q, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_NgT]
+    short_name: "702"
+    stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 709a, 714a, 727a, 730a, 745a, 754a, 802a], [735a, 740a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [754a, 759a, 806a, 811a, 828a, 833a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Holt, West Macgregor, Higgins, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Way-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-Mqd, Wjr-MNh, Wjz57tz]
+      Holt-West Macgregor: [Wjr-rv7, Wjr-syd, Wjr-st9, Wjr-s5D, Wjr-lwL]
+      Higgins-Belconnen Way: [Wjr-yQP, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-FCU, Wjr-Fzd, Wjr-Fw4, Wjr-EuB, Wjr-EAb, Wjr-EYe]
+      West Macgregor-Higgins: [Wjr-lwL, Wjr-kZV, Wjr-kVk, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-yni, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-xLK]
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Kippax-Holt: [Wjr-z7J, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rjD]
+    short_name: "44"
+    stop_times: [[605a, 607a, 616a, 625a, 630a, 635a, 637a, 641a], [638a, 640a, 649a, 658a, 703a, 708a, 710a, 714a], [705a, 707a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 736a, 738a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", 732a, 739a, 745a, 747a, 751a], [738a, 741a, 750a, 759a, 806a, 812a, 814a, 818a], [808a, 811a, 820a, 829a, 836a, 842a, 844a, 848a], [842a, 845a, 854a, 903a, 910a, 916a, 918a, 922a], [912a, 915a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 947a, 951a], [938a, 940a, 949a, 958a, 1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a], [1037a, 1039a, 1048a, 1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1111a, 1115a], [1137a, 1139a, 1148a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1237p, 1239p, 1248p, 1257p, 103p, 109p, 111p, 115p], [137p, 139p, 148p, 157p, 203p, 209p, 211p, 215p], [237p, 239p, 248p, 257p, 304p, 310p, 312p, 316p], [313p, 315p, 324p, 333p, 340p, 346p, 348p, 352p], [348p, 350p, 359p, 408p, 415p, 421p, 423p, 427p], [420p, 422p, 431p, 440p, 447p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 503p, 512p, 519p, 525p, 527p, 531p], [523p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 550p, 556p, 558p, 602p], [600p, 602p, 611p, 620p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 639p], [628p, 630p, 639p, 648p, 654p, 659p, 701p, 705p], [642p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 708p, 713p, 715p, 719p], [737p, 739p, 748p, 757p, 803p, 808p, 810p, 814p], [837p, 839p, 848p, 857p, 903p, 908p, 910p, 914p], [937p, 939p, 948p, 957p, 1003p, 1008p, 1010p, 1014p], [1037p, 1039p, 1048p, 1057p, 1103p, 1108p, 1110p, 1114p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kambah Village-Kambah High: [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_RH, Wjz27dd, Wjz27d3, Wjz27k8, Wjz27k0, Wjz27gg, Wjz26n5, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26P8, Wjz26Om, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz2df1, Wjz2def, Wjz2d34, Wjz2d32, Wjz25Ox, Wjz25NL, Wjz24uT, Wjz24vP]
+      Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz2b2-, Wjz2a26, Wjz20QI, Wjz20ut]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Kambah Village: [Wjz3dXS, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, WjrW_zy, WjrW_zy]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[851a, 902a, 910a, 917a], [951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p], [751p, 802p, 810p, 817p], [851p, 902p, 910p, 917p], [951p, 1002p, 1010p, 1017p], [1051p, 1102p, 1110p, 1117p]]
+    short_name: "962"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+      National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
+    short_name: "81"
+    stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Heagney / Clift Richardson: [Wjz17BY, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1C75, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CL2]
+      Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+      Chisholm-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2EK5, Wjz1LBV, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1DBr, Wjz2wOo, Wjz2qnG]
+      Heagney / Clift Richardson-Chisholm: [Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TLL, Wjz2MHq, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2N0r]
+    short_name: "968"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Charnwood: [Wjr-XyN, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-KOL]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Charnwood-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-KOL, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-XyN]
+      Charnwood-Fraser East Terminus: [Wjr-Lwx, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr_MhY, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_McO, Wjr_M6A, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_N-q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Fraser East Terminus-Charnwood: [Wjr_N-q, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_M6A, Wjr_McO, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_MhY, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-Lwx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "907"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Narrabundah College-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3-TX, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3tGi]
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Kingston: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WdC]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Kingston-Narrabundah College: [Wjz4OZS, Wjz4OYm, Wjz4OOr, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4V11, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4UYU, Wjzc090, Wjzb7nW, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb79X, Wjzb705]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 817a, 827a, 834a], [846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p], [746p, 753p, 757p, 801p, 814p, 823p, 830p], [846p, 853p, 857p, 901p, 914p, 923p, 930p], [946p, 953p, 957p, 1001p, 1014p, 1023p, 1030p], [1046p, 1053p, 1057p, 1101p, 1114p, 1123p, 1130p]]
+    short_name: "938"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7BC3, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7OtB]
+      Hibberson / Kate Crace-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6ZyF]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7ilp, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7qfu]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Nicholls Primary-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7qvq, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7Add, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7thn, Wjz7txI, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7BsE]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn]
+    short_name: "51"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 531a, 540a, 549a, 559a, 602a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 616a, 625a, 634a, 644a, 647a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [618a, 620a, 624a, 634a, 639a, 648a, 657a, 706a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 721a, 728a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656a, 705a, 714a, 723a, 726a, 729a, 736a, 738a, 745a], [652a, 654a, 658a, 708a, 713a, 722a, 731a, 740a, 743a, 747a, 758a, 802a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", 721a, 726a, 735a, 744a, 753a, 756a, 801a, 812a, 817a, 832a], [732a, 734a, 738a, 748a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 822a, 825a, 830a, 841a, 846a, 900a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 806a, 811a, 821a, 831a, 840a, 843a, 848a, 859a, 902a, 909a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 839a, 849a, 858a, 901a, 904a, 911a, 913a, 927a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 855a, 900a, 909a, 918a, 927a, 930a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [909a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 930a, 939a, 948a, 958a, 1001a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [939a, 941a, 945a, 955a, 1000a, 1009a, 1018a, 1028a, 1031a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1055a, 1100a, 1109a, 1118a, 1128a, 1131a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1155a, 1200p, 1209p, 1218p, 1228p, 1231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1255p, 100p, 109p, 118p, 128p, 131p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [139p, 141p, 145p, 155p, 200p, 209p, 218p, 228p, 231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [239p, 241p, 245p, 255p, 300p, 309p, 318p, 328p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [334p, 336p, 340p, 350p, 355p, 405p, 415p, 425p, 428p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [414p, 416p, 420p, 431p, 436p, 447p, 457p, 507p, 510p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [434p, 436p, 440p, 451p, 456p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 530p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 456p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 527p, 537p, 547p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 515p, 519p, 530p, 535p, 546p, 556p, 606p, 609p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [534p, 536p, 540p, 551p, 556p, 606p, 615p, 625p, 628p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [638p, 640p, 644p, 654p, 659p, 708p, 717p, 727p, 730p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [738p, 740p, 744p, 754p, 759p, 808p, 817p, 827p, 830p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838p, 840p, 844p, 854p, 859p, 908p, 917p, 927p, 930p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [938p, 940p, 944p, 954p, 959p, 1008p, 1017p, 1027p, 1030p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1038p, 1040p, 1044p, 1054p, 1059p, 1108p, 1117p, 1127p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Bugden Sternberg, Chisholm, Calwell, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      Erindale / Sternberg Cres-Bugden Sternberg: []
+      Bugden Sternberg-Chisholm: [Wjz2z1O, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2I99, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2N0r]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Erindale / Sternberg Cres: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2trh, Wjz2su2, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2rN0]
+      Calwell-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1B9N, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tph, Wjz1t8G, Wjz17BY, Wjz20xf]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Chisholm-Calwell: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2MHq, Wjz1TLL, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1S5I, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1K89, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1BrK]
+    short_name: 67 267
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 601a, 608a, 618a, 632a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 617a, 626a, 626a, 633a, 643a, 657a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 647a, 656a, 656a, 703a, 713a, 727a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717a, 726a, 726a, 734a, 746a, 803a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 747a, 804a, 804a, 813a, 825a, 842a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817a, 834a, 834a, 843a, 855a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 847a, 904a, 904a, 913a, 925a, 941a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917a, 933a, 933a, 940a, 949a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017a, 1030a, 1030a, 1037a, 1046a, 1101a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117a, 1130a, 1130a, 1137a, 1146a, 1201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1217p, 1230p, 1230p, 1237p, 1246p, 101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 117p, 130p, 130p, 137p, 146p, 201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 217p, 230p, 230p, 237p, 246p, 301p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 247p, 300p, 300p, 310p, 325p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 317p, 334p, 334p, 344p, 359p, 415p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 347p, 404p, 404p, 414p, 429p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 417p, 434p, 434p, 444p, 459p, 515p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 447p, 504p, 504p, 514p, 529p, 545p], [430p, 436p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 520p, 520p, 530p, 545p, 601p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 518p, 533p, 550p, 550p, 600p, 615p, 631p], [544p, 550p, 559p, 602p, 617p, 633p, 633p, 640p, 649p, 704p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717p, 730p, 730p, 737p, 746p, 801p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817p, 830p, 830p, 837p, 846p, 901p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 930p, 930p, 937p, 946p, 1001p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017p, 1030p, 1030p, 1037p, 1046p, 1101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117p, 1130p, 1130p, 1137p, 1146p, 1201a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Bimberi Centre-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+    short_name: "982"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Waramanga-Woden Bus Station: [WjrXYVm, Wjz343V, Wjz34qe, Wjz34B4, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Chapman-Fisher: [WjrXPbu, WjrXPbD, WjrXPgO, WjrXOn_, WjrXPFr, WjrXPFn, WjrXPR4, WjrXPJX, WjrXPDA, WjrXQO9, WjrXQOh, WjrXQRP, WjrXQTq, WjrXQTy, WjrXRUs, WjrXZhO, WjrXZw7, WjrXXl5, WjrXXk0, WjrXW7A, WjrXWsn]
+      Cooleman Court-Rivett: [WjrX-3w, WjrXSso, WjrXRmc, WjrXJ-g, WjrXJZ6]
+      Fisher-Waramanga: [WjrXWQ8, WjrXXUi, WjrXXNb, WjrXXGN, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXSj]
+      Rivett-Chapman: [WjrXJxI, WjrXIKK, WjrXIqk, WjrXIqp, WjrXHvw, WjrXHuL, WjrXHH7, WjrXHHk, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHZU]
+    short_name: "927"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
+    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Bimberi Centre: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
+    short_name: "982"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, Dickson / Cowper St]
+    long_name: To Dickson
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+      Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5BPB, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5Kve]
+      Lyneham / Wattle St-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5KHe, Wjz5KMK, Wjz5R7q, Wjz5SjK, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5-5y]
+    short_name: "8"
+    stop_times: [[655a, 702a, 707a, 713a], [714a, 721a, 726a, 732a], [741a, 750a, 757a, 804a], [811a, 820a, 827a, 834a], [841a, 850a, 857a, 904a], [915a, 924a, 931a, 937a], [946a, 953a, 958a, 1004a], [1018a, 1025a, 1030a, 1036a], [1046a, 1053a, 1058a, 1104a], [1146a, 1153a, 1158a, 1204p], [1246p, 1253p, 1258p, 104p], [146p, 153p, 158p, 204p], [246p, 253p, 258p, 305p], [311p, 320p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 355p, 402p, 409p], [411p, 420p, 427p, 434p], [444p, 453p, 500p, 507p], [523p, 532p, 539p, 546p], [553p, 602p, 609p, 616p], [623p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [650p, 655p, 700p, 706p], [705p, 710p, 715p, 721p], [805p, 810p, 815p, 821p], [905p, 910p, 915p, 921p], [1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1021p], [1105p, 1110p, 1115p, 1121p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Narrabundah Terminus-Red Hill: [Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7qP, Wjzb73I, Wjz3_QR, Wjz3-TX, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3THj, Wjz3TEu, Wjz3SjZ]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+      Red Hill-Manuka: [Wjz3Sbz, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3LRT, Wjz4M0c, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP]
+      Red Hill-Narrabundah Terminus: [Wjz3SjZ, Wjz3TEu, Wjz3THj, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-TX, Wjz3_QR, Wjzb73I, Wjzb7qP, Wjzb7S4]
+      Manuka-Red Hill: [Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4M0c, Wjz3LRT, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3Sbz]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Manuka: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0]
+      Manuka-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[756a, 803a, 807a, 814a, 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p], [756p, 803p, 807p, 814p, 824p, 833p, 839p, 843p, 852p], [856p, 903p, 907p, 914p, 924p, 933p, 939p, 943p, 952p], [956p, 1003p, 1007p, 1014p, 1024p, 1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1052p], [1056p, 1103p, 1107p, 1114p, 1124p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "935"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Mount Neighbour School-Kambah High: [WjrWSX9, WjrWSUa, WjrWZsS, WjrWZA3, WjrWYDO, WjrWYDE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYHE, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lu]
+      Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz2347, Wjz234e, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, Wjz213q, Wjz213w]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUjI, WjrXMN9, WjrXMFM, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrWTWO, WjrW_1f]
+    short_name: "960"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2lju, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2trh, Wjz2twx, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2jFt, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
+    short_name: "964"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Dunlop-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr_wjn, Wjr_wm3, Wjr_wf4, Wjr_pVW, Wjr_xnT, Wjr_xLL, Wjr_xY9, Wjr_F9a, Wjr_FiT]
+      Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Belconnen Way: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjr-MNh, Wjr-Mqd]
+      Belconnen Way-Macgregor: [Wjr-EYe, Wjr-EAb, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-FaP, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-Ayn, Wjr-AbT, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-st9, Wjr-smi, Wjr-tgp, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-te3, Wjr-uhM]
+      Macgregor-Dunlop: [Wjr-ux-, Wjr-ux-, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-vJY, Wjr_oEZ, Wjr_oP1, Wjr_oVO, Wjr_w0L]
+    short_name: "703"
+    stop_times: [[440p, 448p, 458p, 516p, 527p, 534p, 541p], ["-", "-", 515p, 533p, 544p, 551p, 558p], ["-", "-", 526p, 544p, 555p, 602p, 609p], [520p, 528p, 538p, 556p, 607p, 614p, 621p], [545p, 553p, 603p, 621p, 632p, 639p, 646p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Canberra Times-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjzc9PB, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1n0]
+      National Hockey Centre Lyneham-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz6oEz]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Australian Institute of Sport-University of Canberra: [Wjz5vrT, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5nUS, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Canberra Times: [WjzbnGh, Wjzcgzn, WjzcgD0, WjzcgLt, WjzcgSm, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgX_, Wjzcoab, Wjzcod5, Wjzcp0F, WjzchQP, Wjzc9PB]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-National Hockey Centre Lyneham: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
+      Railway Station Kingston-Russell Offices: [Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc8gG, WjzbfPL, Wjzbn5y, Wjzbnmb]
+    short_name: "980"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7W61, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WRq, Wjzf24l]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjzf0TD, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0OJ, Wjze7Ku, Wjz7WRq]
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave: [Wjz7BJK, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7IcS, Wjz7IuJ, Wjz7IDY, Wjz7JP1, Wjz7J-7]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6_R5, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6YiM]
+      Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7R5z, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7RHe, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7Pqv]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7zzB, Wjz7AEw, Wjz7AGv, Wjz7AJS, Wjz7BED, Wjz7BqG, Wjz7BsE]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 719a, 727a, 735a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 806a, 813a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 808a, 819a, 827a, 835a, 844a, 851a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 808p, 819p, 827p, 835p, 844p, 851p, 858p, 906p, 913p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 908p, 919p, 927p, 935p, 944p, 951p, 958p, 1006p, 1013p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1008p, 1019p, 1027p, 1035p, 1044p, 1051p, 1058p, 1106p, 1113p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1108p, 1119p, 1127p, 1135p, 1144p, 1151p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "958"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz6mip]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl]
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
       Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "59"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 648a, 703a, 709a, 718a, 734a, 736a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 710a, 713a, 728a, 734a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 730a, 733a, 748a, 754a, 803a, 820a, 822a, 827a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 813a, 819a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 848a, 905a, 907a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907a, 910a, 925a, 931a, 940a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007a, 1010a, 1025a, 1031a, 1040a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107a, 1110a, 1125a, 1131a, 1140a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1207p, 1210p, 1225p, 1231p, 1240p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 107p, 110p, 125p, 131p, 140p, 156p, 158p, 203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 207p, 210p, 225p, 231p, 240p, 256p, 258p, 303p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 325p, 331p, 340p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [328p, 334p, 336p, 344p, 347p, 350p, 405p, 411p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [337p, 343p, 345p, 353p, 356p, 359p, 414p, 420p, 430p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [351p, 357p, 359p, 408p, 413p, 416p, 431p, 437p, 447p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 427p, 432p, 435p, 450p, 456p, 506p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [423p, 430p, 432p, 441p, 446p, 449p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [437p, 444p, 446p, 455p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 524p, 534p, 551p, 553p, 558p], [453p, 500p, 502p, 511p, 516p, 519p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [507p, 514p, 516p, 525p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 554p, 604p, 620p, 622p, 627p], [524p, 531p, 533p, 542p, 547p, 550p, 605p, 611p, 620p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 602p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 629p, 638p, 654p, 656p, 701p], [557p, 603p, 605p, 612p, 615p, 618p, 633p, 639p, 648p, 704p, 706p, 711p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 707p, 710p, 725p, 731p, 740p, 756p, 758p, 803p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 810p, 825p, 831p, 840p, 856p, 858p, 903p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907p, 910p, 925p, 931p, 940p, 956p, 958p, 1003p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007p, 1010p, 1025p, 1031p, 1040p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107p, 1110p, 1125p, 1131p, 1140p, 1156p, 1158p, 1203a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt, Copland College, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+      Kosciuszko / Everard-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7FNw, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+    short_name: "56"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 602a, 612a, 623a, 639a, 641a, 646a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 636a, 646a, 657a, 713a, 715a, 720a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 727a, 743a, 745a, 750a], [651a, 657a, 659a, 705a, 712a, 722a, 733a, 749a, 751a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 726a, 736a, 747a, 804a, 806a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 743a, 755a, 806a, 823a, 825a, 830a], [741a, 747a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 826a, 843a, 845a, 850a], [801a, 808a, 810a, 816a, 824a, 836a, 847a, 904a, 906a, 911a], [821a, 828a, 830a, 836a, 844a, 856a, 906a, 922a, 924a, 929a], [851a, 858a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 935a, 951a, 953a, 958a], [1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1018a, 1025a, 1037a, 1047a, 1103a, 1105a, 1110a], [1104a, 1110a, 1112a, 1118a, 1125a, 1137a, 1147a, 1203p, 1205p, 1210p], [1204p, 1210p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p, 1237p, 1247p, 103p, 105p, 110p], [104p, 110p, 112p, 118p, 125p, 137p, 147p, 203p, 205p, 210p], [204p, 210p, 212p, 218p, 225p, 237p, 247p, 303p, 305p, 310p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 318p, 326p, 338p, 349p, 406p, 408p, 413p], [358p, 405p, 407p, 414p, 422p, 434p, 445p, 502p, 504p, 509p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 445p, 456p, 513p, 515p, 520p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 445p, 453p, 505p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [449p, 456p, 458p, 505p, 513p, 525p, 536p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [510p, 517p, 519p, 526p, 534p, 546p, 557p, 613p, 615p, 620p], [530p, 537p, 539p, 546p, 554p, 605p, 615p, 631p, 633p, 638p], [550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 611p, 621p, 631p, 647p, 649p, 654p], [610p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [704p, 710p, 712p, 717p, 724p, 734p, 744p, 800p, 802p, 807p], [804p, 810p, 812p, 817p, 824p, 834p, 844p, 900p, 902p, 907p], [904p, 910p, 912p, 917p, 924p, 934p, 944p, 1000p, 1002p, 1007p], [1004p, 1010p, 1012p, 1017p, 1024p, 1034p, 1044p, 1100p, 1102p, 1107p], [1104p, 1110p, 1112p, 1117p, 1124p, 1134p, 1144p, 1200a, 1202a, 1207a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave]
+    long_name: To Macarthur / Northbourne Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7W61, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WRq, Wjzf24l]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjzf0TD, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0OJ, Wjze7Ku, Wjz7WRq]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7Pqv]
+      Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6_R5, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6YiM]
+    short_name: "58"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 543a, 554a, 602a, 609a, 615a, 621a, 623a], ["-", "-", "-", 623a, 634a, 642a, 649a, 655a, 701a, 703a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654a, 702a, 709a, 715a, 721a, 723a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 713a, 721a, 728a, 734a, 740a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 738a, 744a, 754a, 759a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 748a, 755a, 803a, 814a, 819a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 743a, 754a, 803a, 810a, 818a, 829a, 834a], [744a, 746a, 750a, 805a, 816a, 825a, 832a, 840a, 851a, 856a], [825a, 827a, 831a, 846a, 857a, 905a, 912a, 919a, 925a, 927a], [905a, 907a, 911a, 925a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 957a, 1003a, 1005a], [1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1025a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1057a, 1103a, 1105a], [1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1125a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1157a, 1203p, 1205p], [1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1225p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1257p, 103p, 105p], [105p, 107p, 111p, 125p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 157p, 203p, 205p], [205p, 207p, 211p, 225p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 257p, 303p, 305p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p], [405p, 407p, 411p, 426p, 437p, 446p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 510p], [425p, 427p, 431p, 446p, 457p, 506p, 513p, 521p, 528p, 530p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 506p, 517p, 526p, 533p, 541p, 548p, 550p], [505p, 507p, 511p, 526p, 537p, 546p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p], [525p, 527p, 531p, 546p, 557p, 605p, 612p, 618p, 624p, 626p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 606p, 616p, 624p, 631p, 637p, 643p, 645p], [604p, 606p, 610p, 624p, 634p, 642p, 649p, 655p, 701p, 703p], [704p, 706p, 710p, 724p, 734p, 742p, 749p, 755p, 801p, 803p], [804p, 806p, 810p, 824p, 834p, 842p, 849p, 855p, 901p, 903p], [904p, 906p, 910p, 924p, 934p, 942p, 949p, 955p, 1001p, 1003p], [1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1024p, 1034p, 1042p, 1049p, 1055p, 1101p, 1103p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2rN0, Wjz2qnG]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
-    short_name: 12 312
-    stop_times: [[624a, 629a, 632a, 636a, 646a, 648a, 652a, "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 658a, 701a, 705a, 715a, 717a, 721a, 742a, 759a, 816a], [723a, 728a, 731a, 735a, 745a, 747a, 751a, 813a, 830a, 847a], [734a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 757a, 759a, 803a, 825a, 842a, 859a], [749a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 812a, 814a, 818a, 840a, 857a, 914a], [807a, 812a, 816a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 836a, 858a, 915a, 932a], [827a, 832a, 836a, 840a, 850a, 852a, 856a, 918a, 935a, 950a], [852a, 857a, 901a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 921a, 942a, 959a, 1014a], [922a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 945a, 947a, 951a, 1011a, 1028a, 1043a], [953a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1041a, 1058a, 1113a], [1023a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1111a, 1128a, 1143a], [1053a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1141a, 1158a, 1213p], [1123a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1211p, 1228p, 1243p], [1153a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1241p, 1258p, 113p], [1223p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 111p, 128p, 143p], [1253p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 141p, 158p, 213p], [123p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 211p, 228p, 243p], [153p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 241p, 258p, 316p], [223p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 312p, 329p, 348p], [253p, 258p, 301p, 305p, 315p, 317p, 321p, 343p, 400p, 419p], [322p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 413p, 430p, 449p], [342p, 347p, 351p, 355p, 405p, 407p, 411p, 433p, 450p, 509p], [412p, 417p, 421p, 425p, 435p, 437p, 441p, 503p, 520p, 539p], [432p, 437p, 441p, 445p, 455p, 457p, 501p, 523p, 540p, 559p], [457p, 502p, 506p, 510p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 548p, 605p, 624p], [522p, 527p, 531p, 535p, 545p, 547p, 551p, 613p, 630p, 645p], [552p, 557p, 601p, 605p, 615p, 617p, 621p, 641p, 655p, 710p], [622p, 627p, 631p, 635p, 645p, 647p, 651p, 710p, 724p, 739p], [711p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
-    short_name: "934"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[631a, 633a, 637a, 657a, 714a, 729a, 735a], [646a, 648a, 652a, 712a, 729a, 744a, 750a], [701a, 703a, 707a, 727a, 744a, 759a, 805a], [716a, 718a, 722a, 742a, 759a, 814a, 820a], [731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1119a, 1134a, "-", "-"], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1123a, 1125a, 1129a, 1149a, 1204p, "-", "-"], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1219p, 1234p, "-", "-"], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1223p, 1225p, 1229p, 1249p, 104p, "-", "-"], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 119p, 134p, "-", "-"], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [123p, 125p, 129p, 149p, 204p, "-", "-"], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 219p, 234p, "-", "-"], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [223p, 225p, 229p, 249p, 304p, "-", "-"], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 319p, 334p, "-", "-"], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 349p, 404p, "-", "-"], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 419p, 434p, "-", "-"], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p], [716p, 718p, 722p, 741p, 755p, 809p, 815p], [731p, 733p, 737p, 756p, 810p, 824p, 830p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 811p, 825p, 839p, 845p], [801p, 803p, 807p, 826p, 840p, 854p, 900p], [816p, 818p, 822p, 841p, 855p, 909p, 915p], [831p, 833p, 837p, 856p, 910p, 924p, 930p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 911p, 925p, 939p, 945p], [901p, 903p, 907p, 926p, 940p, 954p, 1000p], [916p, 918p, 922p, 941p, 955p, 1009p, 1015p], [931p, 933p, 937p, 956p, 1010p, 1024p, 1030p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1011p, 1025p, 1039p, 1045p], [1001p, 1003p, 1007p, 1026p, 1040p, 1054p, 1100p], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1041p, 1055p, 1109p, 1115p], [1031p, 1033p, 1037p, 1056p, 1110p, 1124p, 1130p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1111p, 1125p, 1139p, 1145p], [1101p, 1103p, 1107p, 1126p, 1140p, 1154p, 1200a]]
+    short_name: "900"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station, City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+      Erindale Centre-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2twx, Wjz2trh, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2u8E, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3khK, Wjz3lov]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Gowrie-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2z1O, Wjz2rN0, Wjz2rqk, Wjz2qnG]
+      MacKillop College Isabella Campus-Gowrie: [Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1C75, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CL2, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1DBr, Wjz2wOo, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2F6x, Wjz2xE8, Wjz2wuu]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5)-MacKillop College Isabella Campus: [Wjz20g4, Wjz17vf, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+    short_name: 65 265
+    stop_times: [[535a, 541a, 552a, 557a, 611a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [635a, 641a, 652a, 657a, 711a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 700a, 712a, 721a, 737a, 752a, 756a, 805a, 808a], [720a, 726a, 734a, 743a, 801a, 815a, 819a, 829a, 832a], [730a, 739a, 756a, 805a, 822a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745a, 754a, 811a, 820a, 842a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [815a, 824a, 841a, 850a, 907a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 854a, 911a, 920a, 936a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 952a, 1005a, 1012a, 1027a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1052a, 1105a, 1112a, 1127a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1152a, 1205p, 1212p, 1227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1252p, 105p, 112p, 127p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 152p, 205p, 212p, 227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 252p, 305p, 312p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [315p, 324p, 337p, 344p, 403p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 354p, 407p, 414p, 433p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 429p, 442p, 449p, 508p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 454p, 507p, 514p, 533p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 524p, 537p, 544p, 603p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 554p, 607p, 614p, 633p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 624p, 636p, 641p, 657p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [641p, 647p, 659p, 704p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [741p, 747p, 759p, 804p, 820p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [841p, 847p, 859p, 904p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [941p, 947p, 959p, 1004p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1041p, 1047p, 1059p, 1104p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kv5]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0udw, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0vfE, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT]
+      Mentone View / Tharwa Drive-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1ixR, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0vV_, Wjz0uSv, Wjz0uHo, Wjz0uw1, Wjz0tt-, Wjz0tmp, Wjz0t7T, Wjz0mV8, Wjz0mNo]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "785"
+    stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Charnwood: [Wjr-XyN, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-KOL]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Charnwood-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-KOL, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-XyN]
+      Charnwood-Fraser East Terminus: [Wjr-Lwx, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr_MhY, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_McO, Wjr_M6A, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_N-q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Fraser East Terminus-Charnwood: [Wjr_N-q, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_M6A, Wjr_McO, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_MhY, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-Lwx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 723a, 737a, 739a, 743a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 816a, 823a, 837a, 839a, 843a], [848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p], [747p, 749p, 753p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 834p, 836p, 840p], [847p, 849p, 853p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 934p, 936p, 940p], [947p, 949p, 953p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1034p, 1036p, 1040p], [1047p, 1049p, 1053p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1134p, 1136p, 1140p]]
+    short_name: "907"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Geoscience Australia, Eye Hospital, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Causeway, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Canberra Times-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjzc9PB, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1n0]
+      Geoscience Australia-Eye Hospital: [Wjzb5vw, WjzbfzE, Wjzbfpl, Wjzbfr6]
+      Eye Hospital-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzbfr6, WjzbfPL, Wjzbn5y, Wjzbnmb]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Woden Bus Station-Geoscience Australia: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3slg, Wjz3RXq, Wjz3YW3, Wjzb4vx, Wjzb6EM]
+      Railway Station Kingston-Causeway: [Wjz4W_O, Wjz4WYQ, Wjz4WQ4, Wjz4WHw]
+      Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Canberra Times: [WjzbnGh, Wjzcgzn, WjzcgD0, WjzcgLt, WjzcgSm, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgX_, Wjzcoab, Wjzcod5, Wjzcp0F, WjzchQP, Wjzc9PB]
+      Causeway-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4W_O, Wjz4WYQ, Wjz4WQ4, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "80"
+    stop_times: [[547a, 602a, 611a, 616a, 625a, 632a, 634a, 638a, 642a, 650a], [606a, 621a, 630a, 635a, 644a, 651a, 653a, 657a, 701a, 709a], [633a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 711a, 718a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 738a], [701a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 741a, 749a, 753a, 800a, 804a, 815a], [731a, 747a, 756a, 803a, 814a, 822a, 826a, 833a, 837a, 848a], [801a, 817a, 826a, 833a, 844a, 852a, 856a, 903a, 907a, 918a], [834a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 917a, 925a, 929a, 933a, 937a, 945a], [909a, 924a, 934a, 939a, 948a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a], [940a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1018a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1035a, 1043a], [1040a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1118a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1135a, 1143a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1140a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1218p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1235p, 1243p], [1240p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 118p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 135p, 143p], [140p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 218p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 235p, 243p], [240p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 343p], [340p, 356p, 406p, 412p, 422p, 429p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 450p], [408p, 424p, 434p, 440p, 450p, 457p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 518p], [438p, 454p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 527p, 529p, 534p, 539p, 548p], [508p, 524p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 618p], [538p, 554p, 604p, 610p, 620p, 627p, 629p, 633p, 637p, 645p], [557p, 613p, 623p, 629p, 637p, 643p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 727p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 745p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 827p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 845p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 927p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 945p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1027p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1045p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Monash Primary, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Monash Primary-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2guG, Wjz2gct, Wjz2g2J, Wjz28WY, Wjz28Bd, Wjz20QI]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus: [Wjz2u8E, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2thr, Wjz2su2, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2jFt]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
+      MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus-Monash Primary: [Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2iEO, Wjz2hB8, Wjz2haF, Wjz2hgy]
+    short_name: "64"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 651a, 655a, 702a], [706a, 714a, 721a, 725a, 733a], ["-", "-", 751a, 756a, 805a], [806a, 816a, 823a, 828a, 837a], [836a, 846a, 853a, 858a, 907a], [906a, 916a, 923a, 928a, 936a], [1006a, 1015a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a], [1106a, 1115a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a], [1206p, 1215p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p], [106p, 115p, 122p, 126p, 134p], [206p, 215p, 222p, 226p, 234p], [306p, 316p, 323p, 328p, 337p], [336p, 346p, 353p, 358p, 407p], [406p, 416p, 423p, 428p, 437p], [436p, 446p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [506p, 516p, 523p, 528p, 537p], [536p, 546p, 553p, 558p, 607p], [606p, 616p, 623p, 628p, 636p], [706p, 715p, 722p, 726p, 734p], [806p, 815p, 822p, 826p, 834p], [906p, 915p, 922p, 926p, 934p], [1006p, 1015p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p], [1106p, 1115p, 1122p, 1126p, 1134p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+      Hibberson / Kate Crace-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6ZyF]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn]
     short_name: "50"
-    stop_times: [[700p, 706p, 708p, 715p, 718p, 721p], [730p, 736p, 738p, 745p, 748p, 751p], [800p, 806p, 808p, 815p, 818p, 821p], [830p, 836p, 838p, 845p, 848p, 851p], [900p, 906p, 908p, 915p, 918p, 921p], [930p, 936p, 938p, 945p, 948p, 951p], [1000p, 1006p, 1008p, 1015p, 1018p, 1021p], [1030p, 1036p, 1038p, 1045p, 1048p, 1051p], [1100p, 1106p, 1108p, 1115p, 1118p, 1121p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
-    short_name: "934"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Kambah / Livingston St, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station, City Bus Station, City West]
-    long_name: To City West
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station-City West: []
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-      Woden Bus Station-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 61 161
-    stop_times: [[630a, 641a, 646a, 651a, 658a, "-", "-"], [700a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 733a, "-", "-"], [726a, 739a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 819a, 822a], [740a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 813a, "-", "-"], [800a, 814a, 819a, 825a, 839a, "-", "-"], [837a, 851a, 856a, 901a, 910a, "-", "-"], [900a, 914a, 919a, 924a, 933a, "-", "-"], [930a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, "-", "-"], [1030a, 1043a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, "-", "-"], [1130a, 1143a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, "-", "-"], [1230p, 1243p, 1248p, 1253p, 101p, "-", "-"], [130p, 143p, 148p, 153p, 201p, "-", "-"], [230p, 243p, 248p, 253p, 301p, "-", "-"], [330p, 344p, 349p, 354p, 403p, "-", "-"], [400p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 433p, "-", "-"], [430p, 444p, 449p, 454p, 503p, "-", "-"], [500p, 514p, 519p, 524p, 533p, "-", "-"], [530p, 544p, 549p, 554p, 603p, "-", "-"], [600p, 614p, 619p, 624p, 633p, "-", "-"], [630p, 643p, 648p, 653p, 701p, "-", "-"], [730p, 743p, 748p, 753p, 801p, "-", "-"], [830p, 843p, 848p, 853p, 901p, "-", "-"], [930p, 943p, 948p, 953p, 1001p, "-", "-"], [1030p, 1043p, 1048p, 1053p, 1101p, "-", "-"], [1130p, 1143p, 1148p, 1153p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "924"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
-    short_name: "930"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood, Flynn, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
-    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "702"
-    stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 709a, 714a, 727a, 730a, 745a, 754a, 802a], [735a, 740a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [754a, 759a, 806a, 811a, 828a, 833a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Kippax, Holt, West Macgregor, Higgins, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    stop_times: [[700p, 703p, 706p, 713p, 715p, 722p], [730p, 733p, 736p, 743p, 745p, 752p], [800p, 803p, 806p, 813p, 815p, 822p], [830p, 833p, 836p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [900p, 903p, 906p, 913p, 915p, 922p], [930p, 933p, 936p, 943p, 945p, 952p], [1000p, 1003p, 1006p, 1013p, 1015p, 1022p], [1030p, 1033p, 1036p, 1043p, 1045p, 1052p], [1100p, 1103p, 1106p, 1113p, 1115p, 1122p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Weetangera, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+      Hawker College-Hawker: [WjrZLdA, WjrZLbU, WjrZKnY, WjrZKZn, WjrZS74, WjrZLXY, WjrZT5e, WjrZT6b]
+      Hawker-Weetangera: [Wjr-Mg6, Wjr-Mgt, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, WjrZTAV]
+      Kippax-Higgins: [Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-rUs, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-yni, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zMF]
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "44"
-    stop_times: [[605a, 607a, 616a, 625a, 630a, 635a, 637a, 641a], [638a, 640a, 649a, 658a, 703a, 708a, 710a, 714a], [705a, 707a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 736a, 738a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", 732a, 739a, 745a, 747a, 751a], [738a, 741a, 750a, 759a, 806a, 812a, 814a, 818a], [808a, 811a, 820a, 829a, 836a, 842a, 844a, 848a], [842a, 845a, 854a, 903a, 910a, 916a, 918a, 922a], [912a, 915a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 947a, 951a], [938a, 940a, 949a, 958a, 1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a], [1037a, 1039a, 1048a, 1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1111a, 1115a], [1137a, 1139a, 1148a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1237p, 1239p, 1248p, 1257p, 103p, 109p, 111p, 115p], [137p, 139p, 148p, 157p, 203p, 209p, 211p, 215p], [237p, 239p, 248p, 257p, 304p, 310p, 312p, 316p], [313p, 315p, 324p, 333p, 340p, 346p, 348p, 352p], [348p, 350p, 359p, 408p, 415p, 421p, 423p, 427p], [420p, 422p, 431p, 440p, 447p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 503p, 512p, 519p, 525p, 527p, 531p], [523p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 550p, 556p, 558p, 602p], [600p, 602p, 611p, 620p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 639p], [628p, 630p, 639p, 648p, 654p, 659p, 701p, 705p], [642p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 708p, 713p, 715p, 719p], [737p, 739p, 748p, 757p, 803p, 808p, 810p, 814p], [837p, 839p, 848p, 857p, 903p, 908p, 910p, 914p], [937p, 939p, 948p, 957p, 1003p, 1008p, 1010p, 1014p], [1037p, 1039p, 1048p, 1057p, 1103p, 1108p, 1110p, 1114p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[851a, 902a, 910a, 917a], [951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p], [751p, 802p, 810p, 817p], [851p, 902p, 910p, 917p], [951p, 1002p, 1010p, 1017p], [1051p, 1102p, 1110p, 1117p]]
-    short_name: "962"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "968"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis]
-    long_name: To Woodcock / Clare Dennis
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "788"
-    stop_times: [[426p, 432p, 441p, 512p, 526p, 536p], [502p, 507p, 518p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [532p, 538p, 547p, 618p, 632p, 642p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-    short_name: "905"
-    stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
-    short_name: "952"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Copland College, Evatt, Spence Terminus]
-    long_name: To Spence Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 12 312
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 746a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 807a, 811a, 819a, 823a, 828a, 835a], [726a, 745a, 803a, 824a, 826a, 830a, 838a, 842a, 847a, 854a], [826a, 845a, 903a, 924a, 926a, 930a, 937a, 941a, 945a, 952a], [901a, 920a, 937a, 957a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1014a, 1018a, 1025a], [931a, 949a, 1005a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1046a, 1053a], [1001a, 1019a, 1035a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1108a, 1112a, 1116a, 1123a], [1031a, 1049a, 1105a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1146a, 1153a], [1101a, 1119a, 1135a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1208p, 1212p, 1216p, 1223p], [1131a, 1149a, 1205p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1246p, 1253p], [1201p, 1219p, 1235p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 108p, 112p, 116p, 123p], [1231p, 1249p, 105p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 146p, 153p], [101p, 119p, 135p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 208p, 212p, 216p, 223p], [131p, 149p, 205p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 253p], [201p, 219p, 235p, 255p, 257p, 301p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 325p], [231p, 249p, 305p, 326p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 356p], [259p, 318p, 336p, 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 420p, 427p], [331p, 350p, 408p, 429p, 431p, 435p, 443p, 447p, 452p, 459p], [356p, 415p, 433p, 454p, 456p, 500p, 508p, 512p, 517p, 524p], [416p, 435p, 453p, 514p, 516p, 520p, 528p, 532p, 537p, 544p], [436p, 455p, 513p, 534p, 536p, 540p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 604p], [456p, 515p, 533p, 554p, 556p, 600p, 608p, 612p, 617p, 624p], [516p, 535p, 553p, 614p, 616p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 636p, 643p], [536p, 555p, 613p, 634p, 636p, 640p, 647p, 651p, 655p, 702p], [636p, 653p, 708p, 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 745p, 749p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 834p, 836p, 840p, 847p, 851p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 934p, 936p, 940p, 947p, 951p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1047p, 1051p, 1055p, 1102p], ["-", "-", "-", 1134p, 1136p, 1140p, 1147p, 1151p, 1155p, 1202a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes, Garran, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]
-    long_name: To Farrer Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-    short_name: "720"
-    stop_times: [[440p, 446p, 504p, 510p, 523p, 529p], [510p, 516p, 534p, 540p, 553p, 559p], [540p, 546p, 604p, 610p, 623p, 629p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Bugden Sternberg, Chisholm, Calwell, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: 67 267
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 601a, 608a, 618a, 632a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 617a, 626a, 626a, 633a, 643a, 657a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 647a, 656a, 656a, 703a, 713a, 727a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717a, 726a, 726a, 734a, 746a, 803a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 747a, 804a, 804a, 813a, 825a, 842a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817a, 834a, 834a, 843a, 855a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 847a, 904a, 904a, 913a, 925a, 941a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917a, 933a, 933a, 940a, 949a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017a, 1030a, 1030a, 1037a, 1046a, 1101a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117a, 1130a, 1130a, 1137a, 1146a, 1201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1217p, 1230p, 1230p, 1237p, 1246p, 101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 117p, 130p, 130p, 137p, 146p, 201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 217p, 230p, 230p, 237p, 246p, 301p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 247p, 300p, 300p, 310p, 325p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 317p, 334p, 334p, 344p, 359p, 415p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 347p, 404p, 404p, 414p, 429p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 417p, 434p, 434p, 444p, 459p, 515p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 447p, 504p, 504p, 514p, 529p, 545p], [430p, 436p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 520p, 520p, 530p, 545p, 601p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 518p, 533p, 550p, 550p, 600p, 615p, 631p], [544p, 550p, 559p, 602p, 617p, 633p, 633p, 640p, 649p, 704p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717p, 730p, 730p, 737p, 746p, 801p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817p, 830p, 830p, 837p, 846p, 901p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 930p, 930p, 937p, 946p, 1001p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017p, 1030p, 1030p, 1037p, 1046p, 1101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117p, 1130p, 1130p, 1137p, 1146p, 1201a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "56"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 602a, 612a, 623a, 639a, 641a, 646a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 636a, 646a, 657a, 713a, 715a, 720a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 727a, 743a, 745a, 750a], [651a, 657a, 659a, 705a, 712a, 722a, 733a, 749a, 751a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 726a, 736a, 747a, 804a, 806a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 743a, 755a, 806a, 823a, 825a, 830a], [741a, 747a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 826a, 843a, 845a, 850a], [801a, 808a, 810a, 816a, 824a, 836a, 847a, 904a, 906a, 911a], [821a, 828a, 830a, 836a, 844a, 856a, 906a, 922a, 924a, 929a], [851a, 858a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 935a, 951a, 953a, 958a], [1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1018a, 1025a, 1037a, 1047a, 1103a, 1105a, 1110a], [1104a, 1110a, 1112a, 1118a, 1125a, 1137a, 1147a, 1203p, 1205p, 1210p], [1204p, 1210p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p, 1237p, 1247p, 103p, 105p, 110p], [104p, 110p, 112p, 118p, 125p, 137p, 147p, 203p, 205p, 210p], [204p, 210p, 212p, 218p, 225p, 237p, 247p, 303p, 305p, 310p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 318p, 326p, 338p, 349p, 406p, 408p, 413p], [358p, 405p, 407p, 414p, 422p, 434p, 445p, 502p, 504p, 509p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 445p, 456p, 513p, 515p, 520p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 445p, 453p, 505p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [449p, 456p, 458p, 505p, 513p, 525p, 536p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [510p, 517p, 519p, 526p, 534p, 546p, 557p, 613p, 615p, 620p], [530p, 537p, 539p, 546p, 554p, 605p, 615p, 631p, 633p, 638p], [550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 611p, 621p, 631p, 647p, 649p, 654p], [610p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [704p, 710p, 712p, 717p, 724p, 734p, 744p, 800p, 802p, 807p], [804p, 810p, 812p, 817p, 824p, 834p, 844p, 900p, 902p, 907p], [904p, 910p, 912p, 917p, 924p, 934p, 944p, 1000p, 1002p, 1007p], [1004p, 1010p, 1012p, 1017p, 1024p, 1034p, 1044p, 1100p, 1102p, 1107p], [1104p, 1110p, 1112p, 1117p, 1124p, 1134p, 1144p, 1200a, 1202a, 1207a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-    short_name: "982"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-    short_name: "961"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "927"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "966"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "960"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-    short_name: "964"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
-    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "703"
-    stop_times: [[440p, 448p, 458p, 516p, 527p, 534p, 541p], ["-", "-", 515p, 533p, 544p, 551p, 558p], ["-", "-", 526p, 544p, 555p, 602p, 609p], [520p, 528p, 538p, 556p, 607p, 614p, 621p], [545p, 553p, 603p, 621p, 632p, 639p, 646p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
-    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-    between_stops: 
-      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-    short_name: "28"
-    stop_times: [[615a, 624a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 652a, 655a, 709a, 719a], [637a, 646a, 652a, 656a, 700a, 714a, 717a, 731a, 741a], [705a, 714a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 742a, 746a, 800a, 810a], [745a, 757a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 847a, 857a], [815a, 827a, 835a, 840a, 844a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [844a, 856a, 904a, 909a, 913a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [926a, 938a, 945a, 949a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1026a, 1038a, 1045a, 1049a, 1053a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1126a, 1138a, 1145a, 1149a, 1153a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1226p, 1238p, 1245p, 1249p, 1253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [126p, 138p, 145p, 149p, 153p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [226p, 238p, 245p, 249p, 253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [326p, 338p, 346p, 351p, 354p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [356p, 408p, 416p, 421p, 425p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 427p, 435p, 440p, 444p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 527p, 535p, 540p, 544p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 627p, 634p, 638p, 641p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 709p, 715p, 719p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 809p, 815p, 819p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 909p, 915p, 919p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1009p, 1015p, 1019p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Ngunnawal Primary, Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 719a, 727a, 735a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 806a, 813a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 808a, 819a, 827a, 835a, 844a, 851a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 808p, 819p, 827p, 835p, 844p, 851p, 858p, 906p, 913p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 908p, 919p, 927p, 935p, 944p, 951p, 958p, 1006p, 1013p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1008p, 1019p, 1027p, 1035p, 1044p, 1051p, 1058p, 1106p, 1113p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1108p, 1119p, 1127p, 1135p, 1144p, 1151p, "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "958"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
-    short_name: "937"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave]
-    long_name: To Macarthur / Northbourne Ave
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "58"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 543a, 554a, 602a, 609a, 615a, 621a, 623a], ["-", "-", "-", 623a, 634a, 642a, 649a, 655a, 701a, 703a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654a, 702a, 709a, 715a, 721a, 723a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 713a, 721a, 728a, 734a, 740a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 738a, 744a, 754a, 759a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 748a, 755a, 803a, 814a, 819a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 743a, 754a, 803a, 810a, 818a, 829a, 834a], [744a, 746a, 750a, 805a, 816a, 825a, 832a, 840a, 851a, 856a], [825a, 827a, 831a, 846a, 857a, 905a, 912a, 919a, 925a, 927a], [905a, 907a, 911a, 925a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 957a, 1003a, 1005a], [1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1025a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1057a, 1103a, 1105a], [1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1125a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1157a, 1203p, 1205p], [1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1225p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1257p, 103p, 105p], [105p, 107p, 111p, 125p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 157p, 203p, 205p], [205p, 207p, 211p, 225p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 257p, 303p, 305p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p], [405p, 407p, 411p, 426p, 437p, 446p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 510p], [425p, 427p, 431p, 446p, 457p, 506p, 513p, 521p, 528p, 530p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 506p, 517p, 526p, 533p, 541p, 548p, 550p], [505p, 507p, 511p, 526p, 537p, 546p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p], [525p, 527p, 531p, 546p, 557p, 605p, 612p, 618p, 624p, 626p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 606p, 616p, 624p, 631p, 637p, 643p, 645p], [604p, 606p, 610p, 624p, 634p, 642p, 649p, 655p, 701p, 703p], [704p, 706p, 710p, 724p, 734p, 742p, 749p, 755p, 801p, 803p], [804p, 806p, 810p, 824p, 834p, 842p, 849p, 855p, 901p, 903p], [904p, 906p, 910p, 924p, 934p, 942p, 949p, 955p, 1001p, 1003p], [1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1024p, 1034p, 1042p, 1049p, 1055p, 1101p, 1103p], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[631a, 633a, 637a, 657a, 714a, 729a, 735a], [646a, 648a, 652a, 712a, 729a, 744a, 750a], [701a, 703a, 707a, 727a, 744a, 759a, 805a], [716a, 718a, 722a, 742a, 759a, 814a, 820a], [731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1119a, 1134a, "-", "-"], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1123a, 1125a, 1129a, 1149a, 1204p, "-", "-"], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1219p, 1234p, "-", "-"], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1223p, 1225p, 1229p, 1249p, 104p, "-", "-"], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 119p, 134p, "-", "-"], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [123p, 125p, 129p, 149p, 204p, "-", "-"], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 219p, 234p, "-", "-"], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [223p, 225p, 229p, 249p, 304p, "-", "-"], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 319p, 334p, "-", "-"], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 349p, 404p, "-", "-"], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 419p, 434p, "-", "-"], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p], [716p, 718p, 722p, 741p, 755p, 809p, 815p], [731p, 733p, 737p, 756p, 810p, 824p, 830p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 811p, 825p, 839p, 845p], [801p, 803p, 807p, 826p, 840p, 854p, 900p], [816p, 818p, 822p, 841p, 855p, 909p, 915p], [831p, 833p, 837p, 856p, 910p, 924p, 930p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 911p, 925p, 939p, 945p], [901p, 903p, 907p, 926p, 940p, 954p, 1000p], [916p, 918p, 922p, 941p, 955p, 1009p, 1015p], [931p, 933p, 937p, 956p, 1010p, 1024p, 1030p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1011p, 1025p, 1039p, 1045p], [1001p, 1003p, 1007p, 1026p, 1040p, 1054p, 1100p], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1041p, 1055p, 1109p, 1115p], [1031p, 1033p, 1037p, 1056p, 1110p, 1124p, 1130p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1111p, 1125p, 1139p, 1145p], [1101p, 1103p, 1107p, 1126p, 1140p, 1154p, 1200a]]
-    short_name: "900"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
-    short_name: "981"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station, City West]
-    long_name: To City West
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station-City West: []
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 65 265
-    stop_times: [[535a, 541a, 552a, 557a, 611a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [635a, 641a, 652a, 657a, 711a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 700a, 712a, 721a, 737a, 752a, 756a, 805a, 808a], [720a, 726a, 734a, 743a, 801a, 815a, 819a, 829a, 832a], [730a, 739a, 756a, 805a, 822a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745a, 754a, 811a, 820a, 842a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [815a, 824a, 841a, 850a, 907a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 854a, 911a, 920a, 936a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 952a, 1005a, 1012a, 1027a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1052a, 1105a, 1112a, 1127a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1152a, 1205p, 1212p, 1227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1252p, 105p, 112p, 127p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 152p, 205p, 212p, 227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 252p, 305p, 312p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [315p, 324p, 337p, 344p, 403p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 354p, 407p, 414p, 433p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 429p, 442p, 449p, 508p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 454p, 507p, 514p, 533p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 524p, 537p, 544p, 603p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 554p, 607p, 614p, 633p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 624p, 636p, 641p, 657p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [641p, 647p, 659p, 704p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [741p, 747p, 759p, 804p, 820p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [841p, 847p, 859p, 904p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [941p, 947p, 959p, 1004p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1041p, 1047p, 1059p, 1104p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-    short_name: "902"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 703p, 710p, 716p, 721p, 729p, 736p, 738p, 742p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Geoscience Australia, Eye Hospital, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Causeway, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "80"
-    stop_times: [[547a, 602a, 611a, 616a, 625a, 632a, 634a, 638a, 642a, 650a], [606a, 621a, 630a, 635a, 644a, 651a, 653a, 657a, 701a, 709a], [633a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 711a, 718a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 738a], [701a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 741a, 749a, 753a, 800a, 804a, 815a], [731a, 747a, 756a, 803a, 814a, 822a, 826a, 833a, 837a, 848a], [801a, 817a, 826a, 833a, 844a, 852a, 856a, 903a, 907a, 918a], [834a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 917a, 925a, 929a, 933a, 937a, 945a], [909a, 924a, 934a, 939a, 948a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a], [940a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1018a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1035a, 1043a], [1040a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1118a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1135a, 1143a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1140a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1218p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1235p, 1243p], [1240p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 118p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 135p, 143p], [140p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 218p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 235p, 243p], [240p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 343p], [340p, 356p, 406p, 412p, 422p, 429p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 450p], [408p, 424p, 434p, 440p, 450p, 457p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 518p], [438p, 454p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 527p, 529p, 534p, 539p, 548p], [508p, 524p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 618p], [538p, 554p, 604p, 610p, 620p, 627p, 629p, 633p, 637p, 645p], [557p, 613p, 623p, 629p, 637p, 643p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 727p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 745p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 827p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 845p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 927p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 945p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1027p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1045p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-    short_name: "50"
-    stop_times: [[700p, 703p, 706p, 713p, 715p, 722p], [730p, 733p, 736p, 743p, 745p, 752p], [800p, 803p, 806p, 813p, 815p, 822p], [830p, 833p, 836p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [900p, 903p, 906p, 913p, 915p, 922p], [930p, 933p, 936p, 943p, 945p, 952p], [1000p, 1003p, 1006p, 1013p, 1015p, 1022p], [1030p, 1033p, 1036p, 1043p, 1045p, 1052p], [1100p, 1103p, 1106p, 1113p, 1115p, 1122p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Weetangera, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Weetangera-Cohen Street Bus Station: [WjrZTMv, WjrZSQm, WjrZSWs, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_tn]
+      Higgins-Hawker College: [Wjr-yOJ, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-E8A]
     short_name: "17"
     stop_times: [[601a, 606a, 612a, 617a, 620a, 625a, 627a, 631a], [631a, 636a, 642a, 647a, 650a, 655a, 657a, 701a], [701a, 706a, 712a, 717a, 720a, 725a, 727a, 731a], [721a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 740a, 746a, 748a, 752a], [741a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 801a, 807a, 809a, 813a], [801a, 807a, 813a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 829a, 833a], [821a, 827a, 833a, 838a, 841a, 847a, 849a, 853a], [841a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 901a, 907a, 909a, 913a], [925a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 950a, 952a, 956a], [956a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a], [1026a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a, 1052a, 1056a], [1056a, 1101a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a], [1126a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a, 1152a, 1156a], [1156a, 1201p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p], [1226p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p, 1252p, 1256p], [1256p, 101p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 120p, 122p, 126p], ["-", "-", 122p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 137p, 141p], [126p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 150p, 152p, 156p], [156p, 201p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 220p, 222p, 226p], [226p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 245p, 250p, 252p, 256p], ["-", "-", 252p, 257p, 300p, 306p, 308p, 312p], [256p, 301p, 307p, 312p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 327p], ["-", "-", 325p, 330p, 333p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [326p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 346p, 352p, 354p, 358p], [347p, 353p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 415p, 419p], ["-", "-", 403p, 408p, 411p, 417p, 419p, 423p], [417p, 423p, 429p, 434p, 437p, 443p, 445p, 449p], [447p, 453p, 459p, 504p, 507p, 513p, 515p, 519p], [517p, 523p, 529p, 534p, 537p, 543p, 545p, 549p], [547p, 553p, 559p, 604p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 619p], [617p, 623p, 629p, 634p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 647p], [719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 738p, 742p, 744p, 748p], [819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 838p, 842p, 844p, 848p], [919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 938p, 942p, 944p, 948p], [1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1038p, 1042p, 1044p, 1048p], [1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, 1138p, 1142p, 1144p, 1148p], []]
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+      Narrabundah College-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3-TX, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3tGi]
       Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Kingston: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WdC]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Manuka / Captain Cook Cres-Narrabundah College: [Wjz4NDP, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4V11, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4UYU, Wjzc090, Wjzb7nW, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb79X, Wjzb705, Wjz3-TX]
+      Kingston-Manuka / Captain Cook Cres: [Wjz4OZS, Wjz4OYm, Wjz4OOr, Wjz4NDP]
       Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
     short_name: "5"
     stop_times: [[630a, 638a, 642a, 646a, 649a, 701a, 711a, 719a], [650a, 658a, 702a, 706a, 709a, 721a, 731a, 739a], [710a, 718a, 722a, 726a, 729a, 741a, 752a, 800a], [728a, 736a, 740a, 744a, 747a, 800a, 812a, 820a], [741a, 750a, 755a, 800a, 803a, 816a, 828a, 836a], [756a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 818a, 831a, 843a, 851a], [811a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 833a, 846a, 858a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 842a, 847a, 850a, 903a, 913a, 921a], [846a, 855a, 900a, 904a, 907a, 919a, 929a, 937a], [919a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 938a, 950a, 1000a, 1008a], [947a, 955a, 959a, 1003a, 1006a, 1018a, 1028a, 1036a], [1017a, 1025a, 1029a, 1033a, 1036a, 1048a, 1058a, 1106a], [1047a, 1055a, 1059a, 1103a, 1106a, 1118a, 1128a, 1136a], [1117a, 1125a, 1129a, 1133a, 1136a, 1148a, 1158a, 1206p], [1147a, 1155a, 1159a, 1203p, 1206p, 1218p, 1228p, 1236p], [1217p, 1225p, 1229p, 1233p, 1236p, 1248p, 1258p, 106p], [1247p, 1255p, 1259p, 103p, 106p, 118p, 128p, 136p], [117p, 125p, 129p, 133p, 136p, 148p, 158p, 206p], [147p, 155p, 159p, 203p, 206p, 218p, 228p, 236p], [217p, 225p, 229p, 233p, 236p, 248p, 258p, 306p], [247p, 255p, 259p, 303p, 306p, 318p, 328p, 336p], [317p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 336p, 348p, 358p, 411p], [347p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 420p, 432p, 440p], [417p, 426p, 431p, 436p, 439p, 452p, 504p, 512p], [444p, 453p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 519p, 531p, 539p], [524p, 533p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 559p, 608p, 616p], [554p, 603p, 607p, 611p, 614p, 626p, 635p, 643p], [635p, 643p, 647p, 651p, 654p, 706p, 715p, 723p], [706p, 714p, 718p, 722p, 725p, 737p, 746p, 754p], [735p, 743p, 747p, 751p, 754p, 806p, 815p, 823p], [835p, 843p, 847p, 851p, 854p, 906p, 915p, 923p], [930p, 938p, 942p, 946p, 949p, 1001p, 1010p, 1018p], [1030p, 1038p, 1042p, 1046p, 1049p, 1101p, 1110p, 1118p]]
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Lanyon Marketplace-Conder Primary: [Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vfE]
+      Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1k8i, Wjz1ksO, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2, Wjz1dDS]
+      Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1egm, Wjz1ebG, Wjz16_x, Wjz17BY, Wjz20g4]
+      Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Gordon Primary: [Wjz0mrj, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0niU, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0f-r, Wjz18Xo, Wjz1g4J, Wjz1h8e]
+      Bonython Primary School-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1hBN]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz20xf, Wjz17BY, Wjz16_x, Wjz1ebG, Wjz1egm, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+      Conder Primary-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0udw, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0mNo]
+      Gordon Primary-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz1igo, Wjz1is3, Wjz1imh, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1j87, Wjz1jim, Wjz1je2]
     short_name: "914"
     stop_times_sunday: [[1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p]]
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Causeway, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Eye Hospital, Geoscience Australia, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "80"
-    stop_times: [[550a, 558a, 602a, 606a, 609a, 617a, 626a, 631a, 640a, 656a], [617a, 625a, 629a, 633a, 636a, 644a, 653a, 658a, 707a, 723a], [648a, 656a, 700a, 704a, 707a, 715a, 724a, 729a, 737a, 753a], [719a, 727a, 731a, 738a, 741a, 750a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 834a], [751a, 800a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 822a, 836a, 842a, 850a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 859a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 945a], [859a, 907a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 1010a], [928a, 936a, 940a, 944a, 947a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1017a, 1035a], [1028a, 1036a, 1040a, 1044a, 1047a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1117a, 1135a], [1128a, 1136a, 1140a, 1144a, 1147a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1217p, 1235p], [1228p, 1236p, 1240p, 1244p, 1247p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 117p, 135p], [128p, 136p, 140p, 144p, 147p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 217p, 235p], [228p, 236p, 240p, 244p, 247p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 334p], [330p, 339p, 344p, 349p, 352p, 400p, 410p, 416p, 426p, 444p], [400p, 409p, 414p, 419p, 422p, 430p, 440p, 446p, 456p, 514p], [434p, 443p, 448p, 453p, 456p, 504p, 514p, 520p, 530p, 548p], [504p, 513p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 534p, 544p, 550p, 600p, 618p], [534p, 543p, 548p, 553p, 556p, 604p, 614p, 620p, 630p, 645p], [604p, 613p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 633p, 641p, 646p, 654p, 709p], [702p, 710p, 714p, 718p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 808p, 812p, 816p, 818p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 908p, 912p, 916p, 918p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1008p, 1012p, 1016p, 1018p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1100p, 1108p, 1112p, 1116p, 1118p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0mV8, Wjz0t7T, Wjz0tmp, Wjz0tt-, Wjz0uw1, Wjz0uHo, Wjz0uSv, Wjz0vV_, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1ixR]
+      Lanyon Marketplace-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vfE, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0udw, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0mNo]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      Mentone View / Tharwa Drive-City West: [Wjz1ixR, Wjz1iJO, Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn, Wjz5FIS]
+    short_name: "785"
+    stop_times: [[652a, 655a, 713a, 743a, 747a, 749a], [725a, 728a, 746a, 816a, 820a, 822a], [745a, 748a, 806a, 836a, 840a, 842a]]
     time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Dickson College, Gungahlin Marketplace]
     long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+      Brindabella Business Park-Russell Offices: [WjzcrrQ, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrG7, WjzcrK3, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i]
+      Russell Offices-Dickson College: [Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz5Ug6, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5Wki, Wjz5X3a, Wjz5QNt, Wjz5RGR, Wjz5RQM, Wjz5-wb, Wjz5-Oz, Wjzd6lW]
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrG7, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+      Dickson College-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjzd7p6, Wjzd7ky, Wjzd7no, Wjze09i, Wjz6UXL, Wjz6VqV, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO, Wjz6ZyF, Wjz6-IS, Wjz6__e, Wjzf11h, Wjz7WVd, Wjz7Wrb, Wjz7OQn]
     short_name: "757"
     stop_times: [[433p, 443p, 457p, 510p, 524p], [508p, 518p, 532p, 543p, 556p], [538p, 548p, 602p, 613p, 626p]]
@@ -2381,9 +3000,18 @@
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+      Deakin-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4z9H, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4INj, Wjz4Qhl, Wjz4Quk]
+      Canberra Hospital-Garran: [Wjz3tP_, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3C9J]
+      O'Connor-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mxf]
+      Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-O'Connor: [Wjz5yXo, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5Iqp]
+      National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+      Hughes-Deakin: [Wjz3n-4, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4peM, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4qia, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4y7z]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Garran-Hughes: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3n-4]
       Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+      Calvary Hospital-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5n_K, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
     stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 816a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p], [713p, 720p, 722p, 726p, 731p, 740p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 816p, 833p, 835p, 840p], [813p, 820p, 822p, 826p, 831p, 840p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 916p, 933p, 935p, 940p], [913p, 920p, 922p, 926p, 931p, 940p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1016p, 1033p, 1035p, 1040p], [1013p, 1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1031p, 1040p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1116p, 1133p, 1135p, 1140p], [1113p, 1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1131p, 1140p, 1150p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     short_name: "934"
@@ -2393,70 +3021,138 @@
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjz6YiM, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_R5]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+      Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7J-7, Wjz7JP1, Wjz7IDY, Wjz7IuJ, Wjz7IcS, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BJK]
       Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7BqG, Wjz7BED, Wjz7AJS, Wjz7AGv, Wjz7AEw, Wjz7zzB, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz6mip]
+      Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjzf24l, Wjz7WRq, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7W61, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+      Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7WRq, Wjze7Ku, Wjzf0OJ, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0TD]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7RHe, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7R5z]
     short_name: "958"
     stop_times_sunday: [[900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p]]
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+      Southlands Mawson-Farrer Primary School: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3oyt, Wjz2vL4, Wjz2vR3]
+      Isaacs-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3ran, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3h_Y]
+      Farrer Primary School-Isaacs: [Wjz2D3z, Wjz2DeX, Wjz3wEM, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3xz2]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
     stop_times_saturday: [[810a, 819a, 824a, 829a, 833a, 841a], [1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p], [813p, 821p, 826p, 830p, 834p, 841p], [1013p, 1021p, 1026p, 1030p, 1034p, 1041p]]
     short_name: "924"
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
+      St Thomas More's Campbell-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [Wjzd0yM, Wjzd0EU, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7bs, Wjz4_Oj, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzc51P]
+      Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzc51o, Wjzc51P, Wjzcd2C, Wjzcd4Y, Wjzcdml, Wjzcdvn, Wjzceyq, WjzceHt, WjzceCW, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5UHK, Wjzd02s, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd0oD]
       ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
     stop_times_saturday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p], [801p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 841p], [901p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 941p], [1001p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1041p], [1101p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1141p]]
     short_name: "930"
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Wanniassa High, Erindale Centre, Monash Goodwin Village, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Monash Goodwin Village-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ob-, Wjz1vfv, Wjz17BY, Wjz20xf]
+      Wanniassa High-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2cYK, Wjz2cID, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Wanniassa High: [Wjz2u8E, Wjz2t4u, Wjz2lWW, Wjz2lUf, Wjz2kv_]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+      Erindale Centre-Monash Goodwin Village: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2phl, Wjz2o7y]
+    short_name: "63"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 615a, 619a, 623a, 631a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 649a, 653a, 701a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 710a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 736a, 741a, 746a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 818a, 823a, 828a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 823a, 832a, 838a, 843a, 848a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 928a, 937a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003a, 1011a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103a, 1111a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1203p, 1211p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 103p, 111p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 203p, 211p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 303p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 328p, 338p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 323p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 348p, 358p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 403p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 428p, 438p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 423p, 432p, 438p, 443p, 448p, 458p], [437p, 441p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 538p], [457p, 501p, 505p, 508p, 523p, 532p, 538p, 543p, 548p, 558p], [537p, 541p, 545p, 548p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 628p, 637p], [557p, 601p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 647p, 656p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703p, 711p, 717p, 722p, 726p, 735p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803p, 811p, 817p, 822p, 826p, 835p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903p, 911p, 917p, 922p, 926p, 935p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003p, 1011p, 1017p, 1022p, 1026p, 1035p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1126p, 1135p], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7BC3]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7txI, Wjz7thn, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Add, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7qvq]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+      Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+      Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qfu, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7ilp, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
+    short_name: "951"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p]]
+  -  
     time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, Canberra College Weston Campus, Chapman, Weston Creek Terminus]
     long_name: To Weston Creek Terminus
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
       Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+      Canberra College Weston Campus-Chapman: [WjrXQTq, WjrXQTy, WjrXQRP, WjrXQOh, WjrXQO9, WjrXPDA, WjrXPR4, WjrXPJX, WjrXPFn, WjrXPFr, WjrXOn_, WjrXPgO, WjrXPbu, WjrXPbD, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHZU]
+      Cooleman Court-Canberra College Weston Campus: [WjrX-0-, WjrX-0-, WjrXRBQ, WjrXRBQ, WjrXRzE, WjrXRyK]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 3)-Cooleman Court: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, WjrXZv5, WjrXZv5, WjrX-0-, WjrX-90]
+      Chapman-Weston Creek Terminus: [WjrXHZU, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHHk, WjrXHH7, WjrXHvw, WjrXHvw, WjrXIqp, WjrXIqk, WjrXIbT, WjrXIbT, WjrXI5s, WjrXI5u, WjrXBWu, WjrXBWu, WjrXBSJ, WjrXBSJ]
     short_name: 26 226
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 828a, 832a, 837a, 841a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 858a, 908a, 912a, 917a, 921a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 958a, 1007a, 1010a, 1015a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1058a, 1107a, 1110a, 1115a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1158a, 1207p, 1210p, 1215p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1258p, 107p, 110p, 115p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 158p, 207p, 210p, 215p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 258p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 324p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 328p, 340p, 344p, 350p, 355p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 354p, 406p, 410p, 416p, 421p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 418p, 430p, 434p, 440p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 448p, 500p, 504p, 510p, 515p], [452p, 456p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 530p, 534p, 540p, 545p], [522p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 600p, 604p, 610p, 615p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 640p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 650p, 657p, 659p, 703p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 750p, 757p, 759p, 803p, 807p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 850p, 857p, 859p, 903p, 907p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 950p, 957p, 959p, 1003p, 1007p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1050p, 1057p, 1059p, 1103p, 1107p]]
     time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Cooleman Court-Duffy: [WjrX-3w, WjrX-l4, WjrX-sE, WjrX-x5, WjrXZ6V, WjrXS9Y, WjrXKxW, WjrXJnt, WjrXK9U, WjrXKrm, WjrXKfL]
+      Weston Primary-Woden Bus Station: [WjrX_xU, WjrX-LF, WjrX-Hd, WjrXZLd, Wjz3556, Wjz354q, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Holder-Weston Primary: [WjrXTqY, WjrXTIp, WjrXTX5, WjrX_bF, WjrX_hN, WjrX_xU]
+      Duffy-Holder: [WjrXLaD, WjrXLtK, WjrXLTo, WjrXLR-, WjrXLY1, WjrXTgl]
     short_name: "925"
     stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p]]
     time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder, Duffy Primary, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
     long_name: To Cooleman Court
+      Holder-Duffy Primary: [WjrXLY1, WjrXLR-, WjrXLtK]
       City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Holder: [Wjz5Nht, WjrXTX5, WjrXTIp, WjrXTqY, WjrXTgl]
+      Rivett-Cooleman Court: [WjrXJZ6, WjrXJ-g, WjrXRmc, WjrXSso, WjrX-3w]
+      Duffy Primary-Rivett: [WjrXLaD, WjrXKfL, WjrXCNB, WjrXBSJ, WjrXBSJ, WjrXJ6l, WjrXJnt, WjrXKxW, WjrXS9Y, WjrXSoJ, WjrXRmc, WjrXJ-g, WjrXJZ6, WjrXJxI]
     short_name: "729"
     stop_times: [[445p, 451p, 513p, 518p, 526p, 532p], [515p, 521p, 543p, 548p, 556p, 602p]]
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Heagney / Clift Richardson: [Wjz17BY, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1C75, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CL2]
+      Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+      Chisholm-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2EK5, Wjz1LBV, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1DBr, Wjz2wOo, Wjz2qnG]
+      Heagney / Clift Richardson-Chisholm: [Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TLL, Wjz2MHq, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2N0r]
     stop_times_saturday: [[803a, 816a, 824a, 838a, 848a], [1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p], [803p, 816p, 824p, 838p, 848p], [1003p, 1016p, 1024p, 1038p, 1048p]]
     short_name: "968"
-    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
-    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "703"
-    stop_times: [[653a, 700a, 706a, 718a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [710a, 717a, 723a, 735a, 753a, "-", "-"], [723a, 730a, 736a, 748a, 806a, "-", "-"], [738a, 745a, 751a, 803a, 834a, 843a, 851a], [758a, 806a, 813a, 827a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Heagney / Clift Richardson-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1CL2, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1C75, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1mDW, Wjz17BY]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Chisholm: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2wOo, Wjz1DBr, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1LBV, Wjz2EK5, Wjz2N0r]
+      Chisholm-Heagney / Clift Richardson: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2MHq, Wjz1TLL, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1Kiq]
+    short_name: "967"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Kippax-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zom, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-xLK, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-F_m, Wjr-Nfn, Wjr-Njs, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-MS6, Wjr-U5B, Wjr-UfX]
+      Charnwood-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_FiT]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Macgregor-Kippax: [Wjr-uhM, Wjr-te3, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-thp, Wjr-smi, Wjr-st9, Wjr-syd, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-rjD, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-r_9]
+      Macgregor-Charnwood: [Wjr-ux-, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-D1B, Wjr-CnE, Wjr-CsO, Wjr-CS2]
+      Charnwood-Macgregor: [Wjr-CS2, Wjr-CsO, Wjr-CnE, Wjr-D1B, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-ux-]
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Fraser West Terminus-Charnwood: [Wjr_FiT, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-L8R]
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 723a, 737a, 739a, 743a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 816a, 823a, 837a, 839a, 843a], [848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p], [747p, 749p, 753p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 834p, 836p, 840p], [847p, 849p, 853p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 934p, 936p, 940p], [947p, 949p, 953p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1034p, 1036p, 1040p], [1047p, 1049p, 1053p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1134p, 1136p, 1140p]]
-    short_name: "907"
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Kippax: [Wjr-UfX, Wjr-U5B, Wjr-MS6, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Njs, Wjr-Nfn, Wjr-F_m, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-xLK, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-zom, Wjr-zcC]
+      Kippax-Macgregor: [Wjr-r_9, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rjD, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-syd, Wjr-st9, Wjr-smi, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-te3, Wjr-uhM]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 809a, 816a, 823a, 836a, 838a, 842a], [814a, 816a, 820a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, 707p, 714p, 721p, 733p, 735p, 739p], [713p, 715p, 719p, 731p, 737p, 744p, 754p, 805p, 812p, 819p, 831p, 833p, 837p], [813p, 815p, 819p, 831p, 837p, 844p, 854p, 905p, 912p, 919p, 931p, 933p, 937p], [913p, 915p, 919p, 931p, 937p, 944p, 954p, 1005p, 1012p, 1019p, 1031p, 1033p, 1037p], [1013p, 1015p, 1019p, 1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1054p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1113p, 1115p, 1119p, 1131p, 1137p, 1144p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "905"
     time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
@@ -2469,21 +3165,21 @@
     long_name: To Geoscience Australia
       Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Kingston: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WdC]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Manuka / Captain Cook Cres-Narrabundah College: [Wjz4NDo, Wjz4MJn, Wjz4MAz, Wjz4Mq1, Wjz3TDn, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3_kV, Wjz3_sf, Wjz3_z-, Wjz3_Ow]
+      Narrabundah Terminus-Geoscience Australia: [Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb79X, Wjzb705, Wjzb6cp, Wjzb5vw, Wjzb6EM]
+      Kingston-Manuka / Captain Cook Cres: [Wjz4OZS, Wjz4OYm, Wjz4OOr, Wjz4NDP]
+      Narrabundah College-Narrabundah Terminus: [Wjz3_Ow, Wjzb705, Wjzb79X, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb7Hz]
     short_name: "4"
     stop_times: [[633a, 641a, 645a, 649a, 652a, 700a, "-", 703a], [703a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 722a, 730a, "-", 733a], [733a, 742a, 747a, 752a, 755a, 805a, "-", 808a], [803a, 812a, 817a, 822a, 825a, 835a, "-", 838a], [818a, 827a, 832a, 837a, 840a, 850a, "-", 853a], [833a, 842a, 847a, 852a, 855a, 905a, "-", 908a], [903a, 912a, 917a, 922a, 925a, 935a, "-", 938a], [933a, 941a, 945a, 949a, 952a, 1001a, "-", 1004a], [1003a, 1011a, 1015a, 1019a, 1022a, 1031a, "-", 1034a], [1033a, 1041a, 1045a, 1049a, 1052a, 1101a, "-", 1104a], [1103a, 1111a, 1115a, 1119a, 1122a, 1131a, "-", 1134a], [1133a, 1141a, 1145a, 1149a, 1152a, 1201p, "-", 1204p], [1203p, 1211p, 1215p, 1219p, 1222p, 1231p, "-", 1234p], [1233p, 1241p, 1245p, 1249p, 1252p, 101p, "-", 104p], [103p, 111p, 115p, 119p, 122p, 131p, "-", 134p], [133p, 141p, 145p, 149p, 152p, 201p, "-", 204p], [203p, 211p, 215p, 219p, 222p, 231p, "-", 234p], [233p, 241p, 245p, 249p, 252p, 301p, "-", 304p], [303p, 312p, 317p, 322p, 325p, 334p, "-", 337p], [333p, 342p, 347p, 352p, 355p, 404p, "-", 407p], [405p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", 439p], [439p, 448p, 453p, 458p, 501p, 510p, "-", 513p], [509p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 531p, 540p, "-", 543p], [539p, 548p, 553p, 558p, 601p, 610p, 613p, "-"], [616p, 625p, 630p, 634p, 637p, 642p, 645p, "-"], [707p, 715p, 719p, 723p, 726p, 731p, 734p, "-"], [810p, 818p, 822p, 826p, 829p, 834p, 837p, "-"], [910p, 918p, 922p, 926p, 929p, 934p, 937p, "-"], [1010p, 1018p, 1022p, 1026p, 1029p, 1034p, 1037p, "-"], [1110p, 1118p, 1122p, 1126p, 1129p, 1134p, 1137p, "-"]]
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St]
-    long_name: To Dickson
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-    short_name: "6"
-    stop_times: [[618a, 626a, 638a, 645a, 650a, 701a, 713a, 719a, 725a], [653a, 701a, 713a, 720a, 725a, 737a, 751a, 759a, 806a], [723a, 731a, 745a, 753a, 758a, 812a, 826a, 834a, 841a], [753a, 803a, 817a, 825a, 830a, 844a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [823a, 833a, 847a, 855a, 900a, 914a, 928a, 936a, 943a], [853a, 903a, 917a, 925a, 930a, 944a, 956a, 1004a, 1011a], [923a, 933a, 945a, 952a, 957a, 1011a, 1023a, 1031a, 1038a], [1023a, 1033a, 1045a, 1052a, 1057a, 1111a, 1123a, 1131a, 1138a], [1123a, 1133a, 1145a, 1152a, 1157a, 1211p, 1223p, 1231p, 1238p], [1223p, 1233p, 1245p, 1252p, 1257p, 111p, 123p, 131p, 138p], [123p, 133p, 145p, 152p, 157p, 211p, 223p, 231p, 238p], [223p, 233p, 245p, 252p, 257p, 311p, 325p, 333p, 340p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 344p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [323p, 333p, 347p, 355p, 400p, 414p, 428p, 436p, 443p], [353p, 403p, 417p, 425p, 430p, 444p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [423p, 433p, 447p, 455p, 500p, 514p, 528p, 536p, 543p], [453p, 503p, 517p, 525p, 530p, 544p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [516p, 526p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 607p, 621p, 629p, 635p], [553p, 603p, 617p, 625p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 656p, 702p], [630p, 638p, 648p, 655p, 700p, 710p, 720p, 726p, 732p], [730p, 738p, 748p, 755p, 800p, 810p, 820p, 826p, 832p], [830p, 838p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 910p, 920p, 926p, 932p], [930p, 938p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1010p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], [1030p, 1038p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p]]
-  -  
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Kambah Village-Woden Bus Station: [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_uo, WjrXUoV, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3lov]
+      Kambah High-Kambah Village: [Wjz24vP, Wjz24uT, Wjz25NL, Wjz25Ox, Wjz2d32, Wjz2d34, Wjz2def, Wjz2df1, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz26Om, Wjz26P8, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26n5, Wjz27gg, Wjz27k0, Wjz27k8, Wjz27d3, Wjz27dd, WjrW_RH, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_zu, WjrW_zy]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Kambah High: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz2a26, Wjz2b2-, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
     short_name: "962"
     stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p]]
@@ -2491,90 +3187,130 @@
     long_name: To Tharwa Drive
       City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Theodore-Tharwa Drive: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1G32, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1zWz, Wjz2phl]
+      Calwell-Theodore: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1I92, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1G89]
+      Russell Offices-Chisholm: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WHw, Wjz4VRQ, Wjzc1ak]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Chisholm-Calwell: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2MHq, Wjz1TLL, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1S5I, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1K89, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1BrK]
     short_name: "769"
     stop_times: [[427p, 433p, 442p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 532p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 540p, 550p, 600p, 605p], [537p, 543p, 552p, 617p, 627p, 637p, 642p]]
     time_points: [Tharwa Drive, Theodore, Calwell, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
     long_name: To City West
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Calwell-Chisholm: [Wjz1BrK, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1K89, Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1S5I, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TLL, Wjz2MHq, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2N0r]
+      Theodore-Calwell: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1I92, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1BFG]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Chisholm-Russell Offices: [Wjzc1ak, Wjz4VRQ, Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A]
       City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+      Tharwa Drive-Theodore: [Wjz2phl, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1G32, Wjz1G89]
     short_name: "769"
     stop_times: [[641a, 646a, 656a, 706a, 733a, 743a, 747a], [721a, 726a, 736a, 746a, 813a, 823a, 827a], [741a, 746a, 756a, 806a, 833a, 843a, 847a]]
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
-    long_name: To Bimberi Centre
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
-    short_name: "982"
-  -  
     time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Bimberi Centre-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
     stop_times_saturday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
     short_name: "982"
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
-    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "780"
-    stop_times: [[648a, 707a, 723a], [719a, 738a, 754a]]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz6mip]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjz6YiM, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_R5]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+      Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjzf24l, Wjz7WRq, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7W61, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+      Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7WRq, Wjze7Ku, Wjzf0OJ, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0TD]
+    short_name: "58"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 551a, 558a, 606a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 624a, 631a, 639a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [631a, 637a, 639a, 645a, 651a, 658a, 706a, 717a, 733a, 735a, 740a], [711a, 717a, 719a, 725a, 731a, 738a, 746a, 757a, 814a, 816a, 821a], [727a, 733a, 735a, 741a, 748a, 757a, 806a, 817a, 834a, 836a, 841a], [745a, 752a, 754a, 800a, 808a, 817a, 826a, 837a, 854a, 856a, 901a], [805a, 812a, 814a, 820a, 828a, 837a, 846a, 857a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [917a, 923a, 925a, 931a, 938a, 945a, 953a, 1003a, 1019a, 1021a, 1026a], [1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1045a, 1053a, 1103a, 1119a, 1121a, 1126a], [1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1145a, 1153a, 1203p, 1219p, 1221p, 1226p], [1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1245p, 1253p, 103p, 119p, 121p, 126p], [117p, 123p, 125p, 131p, 138p, 145p, 153p, 203p, 219p, 221p, 226p], [217p, 223p, 225p, 231p, 238p, 245p, 253p, 303p, 320p, 322p, 327p], [328p, 335p, 337p, 344p, 352p, 401p, 410p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [419p, 426p, 428p, 435p, 443p, 452p, 501p, 512p, 529p, 531p, 536p], [439p, 446p, 448p, 455p, 503p, 512p, 521p, 532p, 549p, 551p, 556p], [500p, 507p, 509p, 516p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 553p, 609p, 611p, 616p], [520p, 527p, 529p, 536p, 544p, 553p, 602p, 612p, 628p, 630p, 635p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 556p, 603p, 610p, 618p, 628p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 619p, 626p, 634p, 644p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [631p, 637p, 639p, 644p, 650p, 657p, 705p, 715p, 731p, 733p, 738p], [717p, 723p, 725p, 730p, 736p, 743p, 751p, 801p, 817p, 819p, 824p], [817p, 823p, 825p, 830p, 836p, 843p, 851p, 901p, 917p, 919p, 924p], [917p, 923p, 925p, 930p, 936p, 943p, 951p, 1001p, 1017p, 1019p, 1024p], [1017p, 1023p, 1025p, 1030p, 1036p, 1043p, 1051p, 1101p, 1117p, 1119p, 1124p], [1117p, 1123p, 1125p, 1130p, 1136p, 1143p, 1151p, 1201a, 1217a, 1219a, 1224a], []]
     time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Waramanga-Woden Bus Station: [WjrXYVm, Wjz343V, Wjz34qe, Wjz34B4, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Chapman-Fisher: [WjrXPbu, WjrXPbD, WjrXPgO, WjrXOn_, WjrXPFr, WjrXPFn, WjrXPR4, WjrXPJX, WjrXPDA, WjrXQO9, WjrXQOh, WjrXQRP, WjrXQTq, WjrXQTy, WjrXRUs, WjrXZhO, WjrXZw7, WjrXXl5, WjrXXk0, WjrXW7A, WjrXWsn]
+      Cooleman Court-Rivett: [WjrX-3w, WjrXSso, WjrXRmc, WjrXJ-g, WjrXJZ6]
+      Fisher-Waramanga: [WjrXWQ8, WjrXXUi, WjrXXNb, WjrXXGN, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXSj]
+      Rivett-Chapman: [WjrXJxI, WjrXIKK, WjrXIqk, WjrXIqp, WjrXHvw, WjrXHuL, WjrXHH7, WjrXHHk, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHZU]
     stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 803a, 806a, 816a, 819a, 826a], [855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p], [755p, 803p, 806p, 816p, 819p, 826p], [855p, 903p, 906p, 916p, 919p, 926p], [955p, 1003p, 1006p, 1016p, 1019p, 1026p], [1055p, 1103p, 1106p, 1116p, 1119p, 1126p]]
     short_name: "927"
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
-    short_name: "3"
-    stop_times: [[612a, 619a, 621a, 625a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 650a, 701a, 706a, 711a, 718a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [642a, 649a, 651a, 655a, 700a, 704a, 708a, 720a, 731a, 736a, 741a, 750a, 803a, 805a, 810a], [712a, 719a, 721a, 725a, 730a, 734a, 740a, 752a, 803a, 808a, 813a, 822a, 835a, 837a, 842a], [738a, 746a, 749a, 754a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 845a, 854a, 907a, 909a, 914a], [808a, 816a, 819a, 824a, 832a, 836a, 842a, 854a, 905a, 910a, 915a, 924a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [838a, 846a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 906a, 912a, 924a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 952a, 1004a, 1006a, 1011a], [912a, 920a, 923a, 928a, 934a, 938a, 942a, 954a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1022a, 1034a, 1036a, 1041a], [942a, 949a, 951a, 955a, 1000a, 1004a, 1008a, 1020a, 1031a, 1036a, 1041a, 1048a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1012a, 1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1030a, 1034a, 1038a, 1050a, 1101a, 1106a, 1111a, 1118a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1042a, 1049a, 1051a, 1055a, 1100a, 1104a, 1108a, 1120a, 1131a, 1136a, 1141a, 1148a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1112a, 1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1130a, 1134a, 1138a, 1150a, 1201p, 1206p, 1211p, 1218p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1142a, 1149a, 1151a, 1155a, 1200p, 1204p, 1208p, 1220p, 1231p, 1236p, 1241p, 1248p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1212p, 1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1230p, 1234p, 1238p, 1250p, 101p, 106p, 111p, 118p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1242p, 1249p, 1251p, 1255p, 100p, 104p, 108p, 120p, 131p, 136p, 141p, 148p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [112p, 119p, 121p, 125p, 130p, 134p, 138p, 150p, 201p, 206p, 211p, 218p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [142p, 149p, 151p, 155p, 200p, 204p, 208p, 220p, 231p, 236p, 241p, 248p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 219p, 221p, 225p, 230p, 234p, 238p, 250p, 301p, 307p, 313p, 321p, 334p, 336p, 341p], [242p, 249p, 251p, 255p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 320p, 331p, 337p, 343p, 351p, 404p, 406p, 411p], [309p, 317p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 334p, 338p, 350p, 401p, 407p, 413p, 421p, 434p, 436p, 441p], [339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 400p, 404p, 408p, 420p, 431p, 437p, 443p, 451p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 417p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 434p, 438p, 450p, 501p, 507p, 513p, 521p, 534p, 536p, 541p], [439p, 447p, 449p, 454p, 500p, 504p, 508p, 520p, 531p, 537p, 543p, 551p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [511p, 519p, 521p, 526p, 532p, 536p, 540p, 552p, 603p, 609p, 615p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [539p, 547p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p, 608p, 620p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [608p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 648p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 728p, 730p, 735p], [643p, 649p, 651p, 655p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 719p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 747p, 759p, 801p, 806p], [713p, 719p, 721p, 725p, 730p, 733p, 737p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 810p, 817p, 829p, 831p, 836p], [813p, 819p, 821p, 825p, 830p, 833p, 837p, 849p, 900p, 905p, 910p, 917p, 929p, 931p, 936p], [913p, 919p, 921p, 925p, 930p, 933p, 937p, 949p, 1000p, 1005p, 1010p, 1017p, 1029p, 1031p, 1036p], [1013p, 1019p, 1021p, 1025p, 1030p, 1033p, 1037p, 1049p, 1100p, 1105p, 1110p, 1117p, 1129p, 1131p, 1136p], [1113p, 1119p, 1121p, 1125p, 1130p, 1133p, 1137p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Causeway, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Eye Hospital, Geoscience Australia, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Eye Hospital-Geoscience Australia: [Wjzbfr6, Wjzb5vw]
+      Railway Station Kingston-Newcastle Street after Isa Street: [Wjzc1n0, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc9ws, Wjzc8Sn]
+      Causeway-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WQ4, Wjz4WYQ, Wjz4W_O]
+      Geoscience Australia-Woden Bus Station: [Wjzb6EM, Wjzb4vx, Wjz3YW3, Wjz3RXq, Wjz3slg, Wjz3lov]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Eye Hospital: [WjzbnGh, Wjzbnmb, Wjzbnmb, Wjzbn5y, WjzbfPL, WjzbfzE, Wjzbfpl, Wjzbfr6]
+      Newcastle Street after Isa Street-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc9WV, WjzchQP, Wjzcp0F, Wjzcod5, Wjzcoab, WjzcgX_, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgSm, WjzcgLt, WjzcgD0, WjzbnGh]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Causeway: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WQ4, Wjz4WYQ, Wjz4W_O]
+    short_name: "80"
+    stop_times: [[550a, 558a, 602a, 606a, 609a, 617a, 626a, 631a, 640a, 656a], [617a, 625a, 629a, 633a, 636a, 644a, 653a, 658a, 707a, 723a], [648a, 656a, 700a, 704a, 707a, 715a, 724a, 729a, 737a, 753a], [719a, 727a, 731a, 738a, 741a, 750a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 834a], [751a, 800a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 822a, 836a, 842a, 850a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 859a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 945a], [859a, 907a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 1010a], [928a, 936a, 940a, 944a, 947a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1017a, 1035a], [1028a, 1036a, 1040a, 1044a, 1047a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1117a, 1135a], [1128a, 1136a, 1140a, 1144a, 1147a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1217p, 1235p], [1228p, 1236p, 1240p, 1244p, 1247p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 117p, 135p], [128p, 136p, 140p, 144p, 147p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 217p, 235p], [228p, 236p, 240p, 244p, 247p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 334p], [330p, 339p, 344p, 349p, 352p, 400p, 410p, 416p, 426p, 444p], [400p, 409p, 414p, 419p, 422p, 430p, 440p, 446p, 456p, 514p], [434p, 443p, 448p, 453p, 456p, 504p, 514p, 520p, 530p, 548p], [504p, 513p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 534p, 544p, 550p, 600p, 618p], [534p, 543p, 548p, 553p, 556p, 604p, 614p, 620p, 630p, 645p], [604p, 613p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 633p, 641p, 646p, 654p, 709p], [702p, 710p, 714p, 718p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 808p, 812p, 816p, 818p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 908p, 912p, 916p, 918p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1008p, 1012p, 1016p, 1018p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1100p, 1108p, 1112p, 1116p, 1118p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Melba, Spence Terminus, Melba, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Melba-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-SAW, Wjr-SHc, Wjr-RKi, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-X1i, Wjr-Xhh, Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-VeQ]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Melba: [Wjr-VeQ, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Xhh, Wjr-X1i, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-RKi, Wjr-SHc, Wjr-SAW]
+      Spence Terminus-Melba: [Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_v, Wjz70Wx, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70IY, Wjz70IW, Wjz70zB, Wjz70zz, Wjz70lp, Wjz70lp, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UPA, Wjz701a, Wjz701y, Wjz70go, Wjz67nz, Wjz67kk, Wjz67k1, Wjz671V, Wjz670_, Wjr-_Uj, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-SS5]
+      Melba-Spence Terminus: [Wjr-SS5, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Uj, Wjz670_, Wjz671V, Wjz67k1, Wjz67kk, Wjz67nz, Wjz70go, Wjz701y, Wjz701a, Wjr_UPA, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTL, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjz70lp, Wjz70lp, Wjz70zz, Wjz70zB, Wjz70IW, Wjz70IY, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70Wx, Wjz67_v, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq]
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
     short_name: "906"
     stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 911a, 925a, 938a, 953a, 955a, 959a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1011a, 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1055a, 1059a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1111a, 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1155a, 1159a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1211p, 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 1255p, 1259p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 111p, 125p, 138p, 153p, 155p, 159p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 211p, 225p, 238p, 253p, 255p, 259p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 311p, 325p, 338p, 353p, 355p, 359p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 411p, 425p, 438p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 511p, 525p, 538p, 553p, 555p, 559p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 611p, 625p, 638p, 652p, 654p, 658p]]
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Railway Station Kingston, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet]
-    long_name: To Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "200"
-    stop_times: [[701a, 709a, 715a, 718a, 723a, 732a, 736a, 742a, 749a], [716a, 724a, 731a, 737a, 747a, 757a, 801a, 807a, 814a], [731a, 740a, 749a, 755a, 805a, 815a, 819a, 825a, 832a], [746a, 755a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 830a, 834a, 840a, 847a], [801a, 810a, 819a, 825a, 835a, 845a, 849a, 855a, 902a], [816a, 825a, 834a, 840a, 850a, 900a, 904a, 910a, 917a], [831a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 902a, 910a, 914a, 920a, 927a], [846a, 855a, 902a, 905a, 910a, 918a, 922a, 928a, 935a], [901a, 909a, 915a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 935a, 941a, 948a], [916a, 924a, 930a, 933a, 938a, 946a, 950a, 956a, 1003a], [931a, 939a, 945a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, 1005a, 1011a, 1018a], [946a, 954a, 1000a, 1003a, 1008a, 1016a, 1020a, 1026a, 1033a], [1001a, 1009a, 1015a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a, 1041a, 1048a], [1016a, 1024a, 1030a, 1033a, 1038a, 1046a, 1050a, 1056a, 1103a], [1031a, 1039a, 1045a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a, 1111a, 1118a], [1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1103a, 1108a, 1116a, 1120a, 1126a, 1133a], [1101a, 1109a, 1115a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a, 1141a, 1148a], [1116a, 1124a, 1130a, 1133a, 1138a, 1146a, 1150a, 1156a, 1203p], [1131a, 1139a, 1145a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p, 1211p, 1218p], [1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1203p, 1208p, 1216p, 1220p, 1226p, 1233p], [1201p, 1209p, 1215p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p, 1241p, 1248p], [1216p, 1224p, 1230p, 1233p, 1238p, 1246p, 1250p, 1256p, 103p], [1233p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1255p, 103p, 107p, 113p, 120p], [1246p, 1254p, 100p, 103p, 108p, 116p, 120p, 126p, 133p], [101p, 109p, 115p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 135p, 141p, 148p], [116p, 124p, 130p, 133p, 138p, 146p, 150p, 156p, 203p], [131p, 139p, 145p, 148p, 153p, 201p, 205p, 211p, 218p], [146p, 154p, 200p, 203p, 208p, 216p, 220p, 226p, 233p], [201p, 209p, 215p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 235p, 241p, 248p], [216p, 224p, 230p, 233p, 238p, 246p, 250p, 256p, 303p], [231p, 239p, 245p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 305p, 311p, 318p], [246p, 254p, 300p, 303p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 326p, 333p], [301p, 309p, 315p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 341p, 348p], [316p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 338p, 346p, 350p, 356p, 404p], [331p, 339p, 345p, 348p, 353p, 402p, 407p, 415p, 424p], [346p, 354p, 400p, 403p, 412p, 422p, 427p, 435p, 444p], [401p, 410p, 417p, 420p, 429p, 439p, 444p, 452p, 501p], [416p, 425p, 432p, 435p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 507p, 516p], [431p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 459p, 509p, 514p, 522p, 531p], [446p, 455p, 502p, 505p, 514p, 524p, 529p, 537p, 546p], [501p, 510p, 517p, 520p, 529p, 539p, 544p, 552p, 600p], [516p, 525p, 532p, 535p, 544p, 554p, 559p, 605p, 612p], [531p, 540p, 547p, 550p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 617p, 624p], [546p, 555p, 601p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 621p, 627p, 634p], [601p, 609p, 615p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 635p, 641p, 648p], [616p, 624p, 630p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 650p, 656p, 703p], [631p, 639p, 645p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 705p, 711p, 718p], [646p, 654p, 700p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 720p, 726p, 733p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Dickson / Cowper St, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Dickson / Cowper St-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5_0v, Wjz5Tho, Wjz5Sk7, Wjz5R7q, Wjz5KMK, Wjz5KHe]
+      Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-City Bus Station: [Wjz5ASf, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Lyneham / Wattle St-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Kve, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
     short_name: "8"
     stop_times: [[626a, 632a, 637a, 644a], [657a, 703a, 708a, 715a], [724a, 730a, 737a, 746a], [757a, 804a, 811a, 820a], [831a, 838a, 845a, 854a], [904a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1027a], [1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1127a], [1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1227p], [109p, 115p, 120p, 127p], [209p, 215p, 220p, 227p], [302p, 309p, 316p, 325p], [332p, 339p, 346p, 355p], [408p, 415p, 422p, 431p], [437p, 444p, 451p, 500p], [507p, 514p, 521p, 530p], [537p, 544p, 551p, 600p], [646p, 652p, 657p, 702p], [746p, 752p, 757p, 802p], [846p, 852p, 857p, 902p], [946p, 952p, 957p, 1002p], [1046p, 1052p, 1057p, 1102p]]
+    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[1130a, 1150a], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+    short_name: "988"
+  -  
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
     long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Weston Primary-Holder: [WjrX_xU, WjrX_hN, WjrX_bF, WjrXTX5, WjrXTIp, WjrXTqY]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 16)-Weston Primary: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, Wjz354q, Wjz3556, WjrXZLd, WjrX-Hd, WjrX-LF]
+      Duffy-Cooleman Court: [WjrXKfL, WjrXKrm, WjrXK9U, WjrXJnt, WjrXKxW, WjrXS9Y, WjrXZ6V, WjrX-x5, WjrX-sE, WjrX-l4, WjrX-3w]
+      Holder-Duffy: [WjrXTgl, WjrXLY1, WjrXLR-, WjrXLTo, WjrXLtK, WjrXLaD]
     short_name: "925"
     stop_times_sunday: [[957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Lanyon Marketplace-Conder Primary: [Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vfE]
+      Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1k8i, Wjz1ksO, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2, Wjz1dDS]
+      Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1egm, Wjz1ebG, Wjz16_x, Wjz17BY, Wjz20g4]
+      Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Gordon Primary: [Wjz0mrj, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0niU, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0f-r, Wjz18Xo, Wjz1g4J, Wjz1h8e]
+      Bonython Primary School-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1hBN]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz20xf, Wjz17BY, Wjz16_x, Wjz1ebG, Wjz1egm, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+      Conder Primary-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0udw, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0mNo]
+      Gordon Primary-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz1igo, Wjz1is3, Wjz1imh, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1j87, Wjz1jim, Wjz1je2]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[625a, 634a, 640a, 647a, 650a, 654a, 659a, 702a, 712a], [825a, 834a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 854a, 859a, 902a, 912a], [1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p], [828p, 837p, 843p, 850p, 853p, 857p, 902p, 905p, 915p], [1028p, 1037p, 1043p, 1050p, 1053p, 1057p, 1102p, 1105p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "914"
     time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
@@ -2582,6 +3318,9 @@
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
       Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7HWo, Wjz7GCd, Wjz7zga, Wjz7y6I, Wjz7qZT, Wjz7rMm, Wjz7rOj]
+      Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+      Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qkM, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7aYu, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
     short_name: "952"
     stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 847a, 900a, 905a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [939a, 947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 100p, 105p, 118p, 120p, 125p], [139p, 147p, 200p, 205p, 218p, 220p, 225p], [239p, 247p, 300p, 305p, 318p, 320p, 325p], [339p, 347p, 400p, 405p, 418p, 420p, 425p], [439p, 447p, 500p, 505p, 518p, 520p, 525p], [539p, 547p, 600p, 605p, 618p, 620p, 625p], [639p, 647p, 700p, 705p, 718p, 720p, 725p]]
@@ -2589,6 +3328,10 @@
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Melba-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-SAW, Wjr-SHc, Wjr-RKi, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-X1i, Wjr-Xhh, Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-VeQ]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Melba: [Wjr-VeQ, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Xhh, Wjr-X1i, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-RKi, Wjr-SHc, Wjr-SAW]
+      Spence Terminus-Melba: [Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_v, Wjz70Wx, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70IY, Wjz70IW, Wjz70zB, Wjz70zz, Wjz70lp, Wjz70lp, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UPA, Wjz701a, Wjz701y, Wjz70go, Wjz67nz, Wjz67kk, Wjz67k1, Wjz671V, Wjz670_, Wjr-_Uj, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-SS5]
+      Melba-Spence Terminus: [Wjr-SS5, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Uj, Wjz670_, Wjz671V, Wjz67k1, Wjz67kk, Wjz67nz, Wjz70go, Wjz701y, Wjz701a, Wjr_UPA, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTL, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjz70lp, Wjz70lp, Wjz70zz, Wjz70zB, Wjz70IW, Wjz70IY, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70Wx, Wjz67_v, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq]
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
@@ -2598,24 +3341,22 @@
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+      National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+      Calvary Hospital-O'Connor: [Wjz5mxf, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Iqp]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
       City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+      Garran-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3tP_]
+      Hughes-Garran: [Wjz3n-H, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C9Q]
+      Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+      O'Connor-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5yXo]
+      Deakin-Hughes: [Wjz4y7z, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qia, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4peM, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz3n-H]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz5n_K, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+      Parliament House-Deakin: [Wjz4IrL, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4z9H]
     short_name: "3"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 627a, 631a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 646a, 653a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 648a, 657a, 701a, 706a, 710a, 714a, 716a, 723a], [628a, 630a, 634a, 651a, 657a, 701a, 705a, 718a, 727a, 731a, 736a, 742a, 746a, 748a, 758a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 719a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 748a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 818a, 820a, 830a], [721a, 723a, 727a, 746a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 818a, 828a, 833a, 838a, 844a, 848a, 850a, 900a], [745a, 747a, 751a, 810a, 819a, 827a, 832a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 908a, 912a, 914a, 924a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 846a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 918a, 928a, 932a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 916a, 924a, 929a, 934a, 948a, 958a, 1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1016a, 1018a, 1025a], [924a, 926a, 930a, 947a, 954a, 959a, 1004a, 1018a, 1028a, 1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [954a, 956a, 1000a, 1017a, 1024a, 1029a, 1034a, 1048a, 1058a, 1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1116a, 1118a, 1125a], [1024a, 1026a, 1030a, 1047a, 1054a, 1059a, 1104a, 1118a, 1128a, 1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1054a, 1056a, 1100a, 1117a, 1124a, 1129a, 1134a, 1148a, 1158a, 1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1216p, 1218p, 1225p], [1124a, 1126a, 1130a, 1147a, 1154a, 1159a, 1204p, 1218p, 1228p, 1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1154a, 1156a, 1200p, 1217p, 1224p, 1229p, 1234p, 1248p, 1258p, 102p, 107p, 112p, 116p, 118p, 125p], [1224p, 1226p, 1230p, 1247p, 1254p, 1259p, 104p, 118p, 128p, 132p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [1254p, 1256p, 100p, 117p, 124p, 129p, 134p, 148p, 158p, 202p, 207p, 212p, 216p, 218p, 225p], [124p, 126p, 130p, 147p, 154p, 159p, 204p, 218p, 228p, 232p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [154p, 156p, 200p, 217p, 224p, 229p, 234p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 308p, 314p, 318p, 320p, 329p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 324p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 350p, 354p, 356p, 405p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 315p, 323p, 328p, 334p, 348p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 414p, 418p, 420p, 429p], [317p, 319p, 323p, 342p, 350p, 355p, 401p, 415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 445p, 447p, 456p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 411p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 504p, 510p, 514p, 516p, 525p], [418p, 420p, 424p, 443p, 451p, 456p, 502p, 516p, 526p, 531p, 536p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 557p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 510p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 603p, 609p, 613p, 615p, 624p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 613p, 623p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 650p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 612p, 620p, 625p, 631p, 644p, 653p, 658p, 702p, 707p, 711p, 713p, 720p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 643p, 650p, 655p, 700p, 713p, 722p, 727p, 731p, 736p, 740p, 742p, 749p], [723p, 725p, 729p, 746p, 753p, 758p, 803p, 816p, 825p, 830p, 834p, 839p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [825p, 827p, 831p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 905p, 918p, 927p, 932p, 936p, 941p, 945p, 947p, 954p], [925p, 927p, 931p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1005p, 1018p, 1027p, 1032p, 1036p, 1041p, 1045p, 1047p, 1054p], [1025p, 1027p, 1031p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1105p, 1116p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, Fraser, Fraser West Terminus]
-    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 14 314
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 706a, 708a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 726a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", 722a, 724a, 728a, 734a, 739a, 744a, 753a], [706a, 724a, 741a, 802a, 804a, 808a, 814a, 819a, 824a, 833a], [746a, 805a, 823a, 844a, 846a, 850a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 915a], [805a, 824a, 842a, 903a, 905a, 909a, 915a, 920a, 925a, 934a], [843a, 902a, 920a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 951a, 956a, 1000a, 1009a], [916a, 935a, 951a, 1011a, 1013a, 1017a, 1022a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [946a, 1004a, 1020a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1051a, 1056a, 1100a, 1109a], [1016a, 1034a, 1050a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1121a, 1126a, 1130a, 1139a], [1046a, 1104a, 1120a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1151a, 1156a, 1200p, 1209p], [1116a, 1134a, 1150a, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1221p, 1226p, 1230p, 1239p], [1146a, 1204p, 1220p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 1251p, 1256p, 100p, 109p], [1216p, 1234p, 1250p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 121p, 126p, 130p, 139p], [1246p, 104p, 120p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 151p, 156p, 200p, 209p], [116p, 134p, 150p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 221p, 226p, 230p, 239p], [146p, 204p, 220p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 251p, 256p, 300p, 310p], [216p, 234p, 250p, 311p, 313p, 317p, 323p, 328p, 333p, 343p], [245p, 303p, 321p, 342p, 344p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 404p, 414p], ["-", "-", 340p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 357p, 402p, 407p, 417p], [321p, 340p, 358p, 419p, 421p, 425p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 451p], [351p, 410p, 428p, 449p, 451p, 455p, 501p, 506p, 511p, 521p], [421p, 440p, 458p, 519p, 521p, 525p, 531p, 536p, 541p, 551p], [451p, 510p, 528p, 549p, 551p, 555p, 601p, 606p, 611p, 621p], [511p, 530p, 548p, 609p, 611p, 615p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 640p], [531p, 550p, 608p, 629p, 631p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 658p], [551p, 610p, 628p, 648p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 704p, 708p, 717p], [621p, 639p, 654p, 714p, 716p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 734p, 743p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 815p, 820p, 824p, 833p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 915p, 920p, 924p, 933p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1024p, 1033p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1124p, 1133p], []]
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
     long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
@@ -2627,23 +3368,23 @@
     time_points: [Kippax, Latham Post Office, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+      Kippax-Latham Post Office: [Wjr-z7J, Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zom, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-H48, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-InZ, Wjr-Jm9, Wjr-J44, Wjr-J8t, Wjr-IeY]
+      Florey-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-VeQ]
+      Latham Post Office-Florey: [Wjr-IcO, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-X1i]
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
     short_name: "16"
     stop_times: [[610a, 619a, 625a, 630a, 632a, 636a], [640a, 649a, 655a, 700a, 702a, 706a], [711a, 720a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 737a], [730a, 741a, 747a, 753a, 755a, 759a], [750a, 801a, 807a, 813a, 815a, 819a], [810a, 821a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 839a], [830a, 841a, 847a, 853a, 855a, 859a], [851a, 902a, 908a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [916a, 927a, 933a, 938a, 940a, 944a], [946a, 955a, 1001a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a], [1011a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1033a, 1037a], [1046a, 1055a, 1101a, 1106a, 1108a, 1112a], [1111a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1133a, 1137a], [1146a, 1155a, 1201p, 1206p, 1208p, 1212p], [1211p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1233p, 1237p], [1246p, 1255p, 101p, 106p, 108p, 112p], [111p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 133p, 137p], [146p, 155p, 201p, 206p, 208p, 212p], [211p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 233p, 237p], [246p, 255p, 301p, 307p, 309p, 313p], [311p, 322p, 328p, 334p, 336p, 340p], [341p, 352p, 358p, 404p, 406p, 410p], [407p, 418p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 436p], [431p, 442p, 448p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [456p, 507p, 513p, 519p, 521p, 525p], [526p, 537p, 543p, 549p, 551p, 555p], [555p, 606p, 612p, 618p, 620p, 624p], [655p, 704p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 720p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 814p, 816p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 914p, 916p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1014p, 1016p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1114p, 1116p, 1120p]]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Cowper St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Cowper St, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "942"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+      Dickson / Cowper St-City Bus Station: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5QUd, Wjz5PLJ, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+      Watson-Watson Terminus: [Wjze19V, Wjze1c2, Wjze1fs, Wjze2zi, Wjze2Qc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5PLJ, Wjz5QUd, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5-6R]
+      Watson Terminus-Watson: [WjzeaC3, Wjze8v0, Wjze8bf, Wjze0VY, Wjzd7_6, Wjze0GR, Wjze0vq, Wjze0vq]
+      Watson-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjze0l8, Wjz6UXL, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz5_mg, Wjz5_ie]
+      Dickson / Cowper St-Watson: [Wjz5_ie, Wjz5_mg, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6UXL, Wjze0l8]
     stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 713a, 719a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 813a, 819a, 834a], [846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p], [746p, 803p, 808p, 815p, 820p, 826p, 841p], [846p, 903p, 908p, 915p, 920p, 926p, 941p], [946p, 1003p, 1008p, 1015p, 1020p, 1026p, 1041p], [1046p, 1103p, 1108p, 1115p, 1120p, 1126p, 1141p]]
     short_name: "939"
@@ -2652,67 +3393,153 @@
       Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Bimberi Centre-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
     short_name: "82"
     stop_times: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "967"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p]]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Deakin: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4Qhl, Wjz4IrL, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4z9H]
+      National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+      Calvary Hospital-O'Connor: [Wjz5mxf, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Iqp]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Garran-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3tP_]
+      Hughes-Garran: [Wjz3n-H, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C9Q]
+      Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+      O'Connor-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5yXo]
+      Deakin-Hughes: [Wjz4y7z, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qia, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4peM, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz3n-H]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz5n_K, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+    short_name: "934"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), National Museum of Australia, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, O'Connor, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+      Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+      Deakin-Parliament House: [Wjz4z9H, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4IrL]
+      Canberra Hospital-Garran: [Wjz3tP_, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3C9J]
+      O'Connor-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mxf]
+      Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-O'Connor: [Wjz5yXo, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5Iqp]
+      National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+      Hughes-Deakin: [Wjz3n-4, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4peM, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4qia, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4y7z]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Garran-Hughes: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3n-4]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+      Calvary Hospital-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5n_K, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    short_name: "3"
+    stop_times: [[612a, 619a, 621a, 625a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 650a, 701a, 706a, 711a, 718a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [642a, 649a, 651a, 655a, 700a, 704a, 708a, 720a, 731a, 736a, 741a, 750a, 803a, 805a, 810a], [712a, 719a, 721a, 725a, 730a, 734a, 740a, 752a, 803a, 808a, 813a, 822a, 835a, 837a, 842a], [738a, 746a, 749a, 754a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 845a, 854a, 907a, 909a, 914a], [808a, 816a, 819a, 824a, 832a, 836a, 842a, 854a, 905a, 910a, 915a, 924a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [838a, 846a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 906a, 912a, 924a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 952a, 1004a, 1006a, 1011a], [912a, 920a, 923a, 928a, 934a, 938a, 942a, 954a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1022a, 1034a, 1036a, 1041a], [942a, 949a, 951a, 955a, 1000a, 1004a, 1008a, 1020a, 1031a, 1036a, 1041a, 1048a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1012a, 1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1030a, 1034a, 1038a, 1050a, 1101a, 1106a, 1111a, 1118a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1042a, 1049a, 1051a, 1055a, 1100a, 1104a, 1108a, 1120a, 1131a, 1136a, 1141a, 1148a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1112a, 1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1130a, 1134a, 1138a, 1150a, 1201p, 1206p, 1211p, 1218p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1142a, 1149a, 1151a, 1155a, 1200p, 1204p, 1208p, 1220p, 1231p, 1236p, 1241p, 1248p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1212p, 1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1230p, 1234p, 1238p, 1250p, 101p, 106p, 111p, 118p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1242p, 1249p, 1251p, 1255p, 100p, 104p, 108p, 120p, 131p, 136p, 141p, 148p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [112p, 119p, 121p, 125p, 130p, 134p, 138p, 150p, 201p, 206p, 211p, 218p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [142p, 149p, 151p, 155p, 200p, 204p, 208p, 220p, 231p, 236p, 241p, 248p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 219p, 221p, 225p, 230p, 234p, 238p, 250p, 301p, 307p, 313p, 321p, 334p, 336p, 341p], [242p, 249p, 251p, 255p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 320p, 331p, 337p, 343p, 351p, 404p, 406p, 411p], [309p, 317p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 334p, 338p, 350p, 401p, 407p, 413p, 421p, 434p, 436p, 441p], [339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 400p, 404p, 408p, 420p, 431p, 437p, 443p, 451p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 417p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 434p, 438p, 450p, 501p, 507p, 513p, 521p, 534p, 536p, 541p], [439p, 447p, 449p, 454p, 500p, 504p, 508p, 520p, 531p, 537p, 543p, 551p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [511p, 519p, 521p, 526p, 532p, 536p, 540p, 552p, 603p, 609p, 615p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [539p, 547p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p, 608p, 620p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [608p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 648p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 728p, 730p, 735p], [643p, 649p, 651p, 655p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 719p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 747p, 759p, 801p, 806p], [713p, 719p, 721p, 725p, 730p, 733p, 737p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 810p, 817p, 829p, 831p, 836p], [813p, 819p, 821p, 825p, 830p, 833p, 837p, 849p, 900p, 905p, 910p, 917p, 929p, 931p, 936p], [913p, 919p, 921p, 925p, 930p, 933p, 937p, 949p, 1000p, 1005p, 1010p, 1017p, 1029p, 1031p, 1036p], [1013p, 1019p, 1021p, 1025p, 1030p, 1033p, 1037p, 1049p, 1100p, 1105p, 1110p, 1117p, 1129p, 1131p, 1136p], [1113p, 1119p, 1121p, 1125p, 1130p, 1133p, 1137p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+      Kippax-Higgins: [Wjr-sV3, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-syd, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-yni, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yQP]
+      Higgins-Kippax: [Wjr-yQP, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-yni, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-syd, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sV3]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Higgins-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-yOJ, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-E8A, WjrZLdA, WjrZLXY, WjrZT5e, WjrZT6b, Wjr-Mg6, Wjr-Mgt, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, WjrZTAV, WjrZTMv, WjrZSQm, WjrZSWs, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_tn]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Higgins: [WjrZ_tn, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZSWs, WjrZSQm, WjrZTMv, WjrZTAV, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, Wjr-Mgt, Wjr-Mg6, WjrZT6b, WjrZT5e, WjrZLXY, WjrZLdA, Wjr-E8A, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-yOJ]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
     short_name: "904"
     stop_times_sunday: [[819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p]]
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
     long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Fisher-Chapman: [WjrXWsn, WjrXW7A, WjrXXk0, WjrXXl5, WjrXZw7, WjrXZhO, WjrXRUs, WjrXQTy, WjrXQTq, WjrXQRP, WjrXQOh, WjrXQO9, WjrXPDA, WjrXPJX, WjrXPR4, WjrXPFn, WjrXPFr, WjrXOn_, WjrXPgO, WjrXPbD, WjrXPbu]
+      Waramanga-Fisher: [WjrXXSj, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXGN, WjrXXNb, WjrXXUi, WjrXWQ8]
+      Chapman-Rivett: [WjrXHZU, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHHk, WjrXHH7, WjrXHuL, WjrXHvw, WjrXIqp, WjrXIqk, WjrXIKK, WjrXJxI]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 3)-Waramanga: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz34B4, Wjz34qe, Wjz343V, WjrXYVm]
+      Rivett-Cooleman Court: [WjrXJZ6, WjrXJ-g, WjrXRmc, WjrXSso, WjrX-3w]
     stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p], [720p, 729p, 732p, 742p, 745p, 750p], [820p, 829p, 832p, 842p, 845p, 850p], [920p, 929p, 932p, 942p, 945p, 950p], [1020p, 1029p, 1032p, 1042p, 1045p, 1050p], [1120p, 1129p, 1132p, 1142p, 1145p, 1150p]]
     short_name: "927"
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Isabella-Calwell: [Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1tph, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1B9N, Wjz1BFG]
+      Calwell-Theodore: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1I92, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1G89]
+      Theodore-Outtrim / Duggan: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1G32, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1siH, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1t8G]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Isabella: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+      Outtrim / Duggan-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mDW]
     short_name: "912"
     stop_times_sunday: [[1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p]]
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
-    short_name: "935"
-    stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p]]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz6mip]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjz6l5Q, Wjz6eNd, Wjz6dtx, Wjz6ddQ, Wjz65Yz, Wjz64L1, Wjz64Gx]
+      Kosciuszko / Everard-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7FNw, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+    short_name: "956"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba, Spence, Spence Terminus]
     long_name: To Spence Terminus
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Copland College: [Wjr-XyN, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-ZBY]
+      Spence-Spence Terminus: [Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjz70lp, Wjz70kD, Wjz70zz, Wjz70zB, Wjz70IY, Wjz70IW, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70Wx, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq, Wjz67BD]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Copland College-Melba: [Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-R_3, Wjr-SAW, Wjr-SHc]
+      Melba-Spence: [Wjr-SS5, Wjr--6t, Wjr--6t, Wjr--md, Wjr--md, Wjr--sV, Wjr--sV, Wjr--Ki, Wjr--Lw, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Ua, Wjz670_, Wjz671V, Wjz67k1, Wjz67kk, Wjz67nz, Wjz70go, Wjz701y, Wjz701a, Wjr_UPA, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UTL]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
       City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
       Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
     short_name: 15 315
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 749a, 755a], ["-", "-", "-", 803a, 805a, 809a, 817a, 821a, 829a, 835a], [731a, 750a, 808a, 829a, 831a, 835a, 843a, 847a, 855a, 901a], [831a, 850a, 908a, 929a, 931a, 935a, 942a, 945a, 951a, 957a], [911a, 930a, 946a, 1006a, 1008a, 1012a, 1019a, 1022a, 1028a, 1034a], [941a, 959a, 1015a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1048a, 1051a, 1057a, 1103a], [1011a, 1029a, 1045a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1118a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a], [1041a, 1059a, 1115a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1148a, 1151a, 1157a, 1203p], [1111a, 1129a, 1145a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1218p, 1221p, 1227p, 1233p], [1141a, 1159a, 1215p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 1248p, 1251p, 1257p, 103p], [1211p, 1229p, 1245p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 118p, 121p, 127p, 133p], [1241p, 1259p, 115p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 148p, 151p, 157p, 203p], [111p, 129p, 145p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 218p, 221p, 227p, 233p], [141p, 159p, 215p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 248p, 251p, 257p, 303p], [211p, 229p, 245p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 319p, 323p, 331p, 337p], [240p, 258p, 316p, 337p, 339p, 343p, 351p, 355p, 403p, 409p], ["-", "-", "-", 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 429p], [311p, 330p, 348p, 409p, 411p, 415p, 423p, 427p, 435p, 441p], [341p, 400p, 418p, 439p, 441p, 445p, 453p, 457p, 505p, 511p], [411p, 430p, 448p, 509p, 511p, 515p, 523p, 527p, 535p, 541p], [441p, 500p, 518p, 539p, 541p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 605p, 611p], [501p, 520p, 538p, 559p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 631p], [521p, 540p, 558p, 619p, 621p, 625p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 648p], [601p, 620p, 636p, 656p, 658p, 702p, 709p, 712p, 718p, 724p], ["-", "-", "-", 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 817p, 820p, 826p, 832p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 917p, 920p, 926p, 932p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1017p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1117p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p], []]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Jamison Centre-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz56Xu, Wjz56XB, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5ec7, Wjz57tz]
+      Cook-Jamison Centre: [WjrZZH3, WjrZZB7, WjrZZlR, WjrZZeD, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-WW, Wjz557P, Wjz55vN, Wjz56Hh]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Aranda-Cook: [Wjz5d81, Wjz54_B, Wjz54_n, Wjz54CS, Wjz5592, Wjz551Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B]
+      Caswell Drive-Aranda: [Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dcJ]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[814a, 823a, 824a, 827a, 836a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [714p, 723p, 724p, 727p, 736p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [814p, 823p, 824p, 827p, 836p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [914p, 923p, 924p, 927p, 936p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [1014p, 1023p, 1024p, 1027p, 1036p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1114p, 1123p, 1124p, 1127p, 1136p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p]]
+    short_name: "942"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Weston Primary-Holder: [WjrX_xU, WjrX_hN, WjrX_bF, WjrXTX5, WjrXTIp, WjrXTqY]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 16)-Weston Primary: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, Wjz354q, Wjz3556, WjrXZLd, WjrX-Hd, WjrX-LF]
+      Duffy-Cooleman Court: [WjrXKfL, WjrXKrm, WjrXK9U, WjrXJnt, WjrXKxW, WjrXS9Y, WjrXZ6V, WjrX-x5, WjrX-sE, WjrX-l4, WjrX-3w]
+      Holder-Duffy: [WjrXTgl, WjrXLY1, WjrXLR-, WjrXLTo, WjrXLtK, WjrXLaD]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[857a, 907a, 909a, 911a, 919a], [957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p], [757p, 807p, 809p, 811p, 819p], [857p, 907p, 909p, 911p, 919p], [957p, 1007p, 1009p, 1011p, 1019p], [1057p, 1107p, 1109p, 1111p, 1119p]]
+    short_name: "925"
+  -  
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7Ph1, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BJK]
+      Hibberson / Kate Crace-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7tug, Wjz7thn, Wjz7smv, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7rzg]
       Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz6ZyF]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+      Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+      Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qkM, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7aYu, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
     short_name: "52"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 715a, 718a, 724a, 732a, 740a, 745a, 758a, 800a, 805a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735a, 738a, 744a, 753a, 801a, 806a, 819a, 821a, 826a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 804a, 813a, 821a, 826a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 824a, 833a, 841a, 846a, 859a, 901a, 906a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835a, 838a, 844a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 918a, 920a, 925a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 925a, 937a, 939a, 944a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 915a, 918a, 924a, 932a, 940a, 945a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 942a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1007a, 1012a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1030a, 1035a, 1047a, 1049a, 1054a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1130a, 1135a, 1147a, 1149a, 1154a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1205p, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1230p, 1235p, 1247p, 1249p, 1254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 105p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 130p, 135p, 147p, 149p, 154p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 205p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 230p, 235p, 247p, 249p, 254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 301p, 304p, 310p, 318p, 326p, 331p, 343p, 345p, 350p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 340p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 405p, 410p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [345p, 351p, 353p, 401p, 406p, 409p, 415p, 424p, 432p, 437p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [400p, 407p, 409p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 441p, 449p, 454p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [418p, 425p, 427p, 436p, 441p, 444p, 450p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 525p, 527p, 532p], [440p, 447p, 449p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 534p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 517p, 522p, 525p, 531p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 606p, 608p, 613p], [515p, 522p, 524p, 533p, 538p, 541p, 547p, 556p, 604p, 609p, 621p, 623p, 628p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 558p, 602p, 605p, 611p, 619p, 627p, 632p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 615p, 618p, 621p, 627p, 635p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 705p, 708p, 714p, 722p, 730p, 735p, 747p, 749p, 754p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 805p, 808p, 814p, 822p, 830p, 835p, 847p, 849p, 854p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 905p, 908p, 914p, 922p, 930p, 935p, 947p, 949p, 954p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005p, 1008p, 1014p, 1022p, 1030p, 1035p, 1047p, 1049p, 1054p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105p, 1108p, 1114p, 1122p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
@@ -2720,186 +3547,301 @@
     long_name: To Cooleman Court
       Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+      Brindabella Business Park-Russell Offices: [WjzcrrQ, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrG7, WjzcrK3, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 16)-Lyons: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3eje]
+      Duffy Primary-Cooleman Court: [WjrXLtK, WjrXLTo, WjrXLR-, WjrXLGN, WjrXKRk, WjrXKBE, WjrXCZu, WjrXCNB, WjrXBSS, WjrXBSJ, WjrXJ6l, WjrXJnt, WjrXKxW, WjrXS9Y, WjrX-3w]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 16): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Lyons-CIT Weston: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3eeL, Wjz3f1S, Wjz37RN, Wjz37Lh, WjrX_SB]
+      CIT Weston-Duffy Primary: [WjrYUxL, WjrYUi3, WjrXTX5, WjrXTSe, WjrYMGB, WjrYMHm, WjrYMrj, WjrYMbF, WjrYEWc, WjrYEpn, WjrYEg0]
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrG7, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
     short_name: "28"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 742a, 746a, 751a, 759a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 845a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 914a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 952a, 956a, 1000a, 1007a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1052a, 1056a, 1100a, 1107a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1152a, 1156a, 1200p, 1207p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1252p, 1256p, 100p, 107p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 152p, 156p, 200p, 207p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 252p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 320p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 312p, 316p, 321p, 329p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 346p, 351p, 359p, 411p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 416p, 421p, 429p, 441p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 442p, 446p, 451p, 459p, 511p], [429p, 439p, 453p, 456p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 528p, 540p], [449p, 459p, 513p, 516p, 531p, 535p, 540p, 548p, 600p], [519p, 529p, 543p, 546p, 601p, 605p, 610p, 618p, 630p], [549p, 559p, 613p, 616p, 631p, 634p, 638p, 645p, 654p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 732p, 735p, 739p, 746p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 832p, 835p, 839p, 846p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 932p, 935p, 939p, 946p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1032p, 1035p, 1039p, 1046p, 1055p]]
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Heagney / Clift Richardson-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1CL2, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1C75, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1mDW, Wjz17BY]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Chisholm: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2wOo, Wjz1DBr, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1LBV, Wjz2EK5, Wjz2N0r]
+      Chisholm-Heagney / Clift Richardson: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2MHq, Wjz1TLL, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1Kiq]
     stop_times_saturday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p], [903p, 914p, 928p, 937p, 950p], [1103p, 1114p, 1128p, 1137p, 1150p]]
     short_name: "967"
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Waramanga-Fisher: [WjrXXSj, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXGN, WjrXXNb, WjrXXUi, WjrXWQ8]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 3)-Waramanga: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz34B4, Wjz34qe, Wjz343V, WjrXYVm]
+      Fisher-Rivett: [WjrXWsn, WjrXW7A, WjrXXk0, WjrXXl5, WjrXP_E, WjrXPR4, WjrXPJX, WjrXQ80, WjrXQ2W, WjrXQ65, WjrXIKK, WjrXJxI]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+      Rivett-Cooleman Court: [WjrXJZ6, WjrXJ-g, WjrXRmc, WjrXSso, WjrX-3w]
+    short_name: 27 227
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 829a, 833a, 840a, 845a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854a, 902a, 906a, 913a, 918a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054a, 1101a, 1105a, 1113a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1154a, 1201p, 1205p, 1213p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1254p, 101p, 105p, 113p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 154p, 201p, 205p, 213p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 254p, 302p, 307p, 314p, 322p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 321p, 333p, 338p, 345p, 353p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 351p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 423p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 421p, 433p, 438p, 445p, 453p], [427p, 431p, 435p, 438p, 453p, 505p, 510p, 517p, 525p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 521p, 533p, 538p, 545p, 553p], [527p, 531p, 535p, 538p, 553p, 605p, 610p, 617p, 625p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 635p, 641p, 644p, 650p, 655p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835p, 841p, 844p, 850p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 935p, 941p, 944p, 950p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1044p, 1050p, 1055p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Kingsford Smith / Companion, Charnwood, Fraser, Fraser East Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser East Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Kingsford Smith / Companion: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c, Wjr-Rry]
+      Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Kingsford Smith / Companion-Charnwood: [Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-KOL]
+      Fraser-Fraser East Terminus: [Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_N-q]
+      Charnwood-Fraser: [Wjr-Lwx, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr_MhY, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_McO, Wjr_M6A]
+    short_name: "702"
+    stop_times: [[450p, 458p, 508p, 513p, 515p, 527p, 532p, 538p, 542p], ["-", "-", 530p, 535p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p], [535p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 600p, 612p, 617p, 623p, 627p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Weston Primary-Holder: [WjrX_xU, WjrX_hN, WjrX_bF, WjrXTX5, WjrXTIp, WjrXTqY]
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 16)-Weston Primary: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, Wjz354q, Wjz3556, WjrXZLd, WjrX-Hd, WjrX-LF]
+      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 16): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+      Holder-Cooleman Court: [WjrXTgl, WjrXLY1, WjrXLR-, WjrXLTo, WjrXLtK, WjrXLaD, WjrXKfL, WjrXKrm, WjrXK9U, WjrXJnt, WjrXKxW, WjrXS9Y, WjrX-3w]
+    short_name: 25 225
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 720a, 723a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807a, 819a, 823a, 835a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 842a, 854a, 858a, 910a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 949a, 952a, 1002a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1049a, 1052a, 1102a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1149a, 1152a, 1202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1249p, 1252p, 102p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 149p, 152p, 202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 249p, 252p, 306p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 352p, 356p, 408p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 422p, 426p, 438p], [417p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 443p, 453p, 457p, 509p], [447p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 513p, 523p, 527p, 539p], [517p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 557p, 609p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612p, 622p, 626p, 637p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656p, 704p, 707p, 717p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 756p, 804p, 807p, 817p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 856p, 904p, 907p, 917p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 956p, 1004p, 1007p, 1017p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1056p, 1104p, 1107p, 1117p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Belconnen Way, Higgins, West Macgregor, Holt, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Belconnen Way-Higgins: [Wjr-EYe, Wjr-EAb, Wjr-EuB, Wjr-Fw4, Wjr-Fzd, Wjr-FCU, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-yQP]
+      West Macgregor-Holt: [Wjr-lwL, Wjr-s5D, Wjr-st9, Wjr-syd, Wjr-rv7]
+      Higgins-West Macgregor: [Wjr-xLK, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-yni, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-kVk, Wjr-kZV, Wjr-lwL]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Belconnen Way: [Wjz57tz, Wjr-MNh, Wjr-Mqd]
+      Holt-Kippax: [Wjr-rjD, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-z7J]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "44"
+    stop_times: [[725a, 727a, 731a, 737a, 744a, 756a, 801a, 804a], [754a, 756a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 825a, 830a, 833a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 930a, 933a], [955a, 957a, 1001a, 1006a, 1012a, 1024a, 1029a, 1032a], [1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1106a, 1112a, 1124a, 1129a, 1132a], [1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1206p, 1212p, 1224p, 1229p, 1232p], [1255p, 1257p, 101p, 106p, 112p, 124p, 129p, 132p], [155p, 157p, 201p, 206p, 212p, 224p, 229p, 232p], [305p, 307p, 311p, 317p, 324p, 336p, 341p, 344p], [337p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 408p, 413p, 416p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 442p, 447p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 454p, 501p, 513p, 518p, 521p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 528p, 535p, 547p, 552p, 555p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 559p, 606p, 618p, 623p, 626p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 631p, 637p, 649p, 654p, 657p], [654p, 656p, 700p, 705p, 711p, 723p, 728p, 731p], [754p, 756p, 800p, 805p, 811p, 823p, 828p, 831p], [854p, 856p, 900p, 905p, 911p, 923p, 928p, 931p], [954p, 956p, 1000p, 1005p, 1011p, 1023p, 1028p, 1031p], [1054p, 1056p, 1100p, 1105p, 1111p, 1123p, 1128p, 1131p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kippax-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zom, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-xLK, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-F_m, Wjr-Nfn, Wjr-Njs, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-MS6, Wjr-U5B, Wjr-UfX]
+      Charnwood-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_FiT]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Macgregor-Kippax: [Wjr-uhM, Wjr-te3, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-thp, Wjr-smi, Wjr-st9, Wjr-syd, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-rjD, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-r_9]
+      Macgregor-Charnwood: [Wjr-ux-, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-D1B, Wjr-CnE, Wjr-CsO, Wjr-CS2]
+      Charnwood-Macgregor: [Wjr-CS2, Wjr-CsO, Wjr-CnE, Wjr-D1B, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-ux-]
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      Fraser West Terminus-Charnwood: [Wjr_FiT, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-L8R]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Kippax: [Wjr-UfX, Wjr-U5B, Wjr-MS6, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Njs, Wjr-Nfn, Wjr-F_m, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-xLK, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-zom, Wjr-zcC]
+      Kippax-Macgregor: [Wjr-r_9, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rjD, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-syd, Wjr-st9, Wjr-smi, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-te3, Wjr-uhM]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+    short_name: "905"
+    stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Dickson / Cowper St, Hackett, Ainslie, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8A]
+      Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+      Curtin-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz49Wd, Wjz49Y5, Wjz4aMo, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4arc, Wjz4a9o, Wjz49dp, Wjz499S, Wjz48dZ, Wjz48qI, Wjz3fCx, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+      Dickson / Cowper St-Hackett: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5_N2, Wjzd72S, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7_6, Wjzdfaz]
+      John James Hospital-Curtin: [Wjz4iXK, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4h1M]
+      Deakin-Yarralumla: [Wjz4za9, Wjz4z67, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4t8Z]
+      Yarralumla-John James Hospital: [Wjz4shf, Wjz4qn2]
+      Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO]
+      Parliament House-Deakin: [Wjz4IrL, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4z9H]
+    short_name: "2"
+    stop_times: [[634a, 639a, 647a, 653a, 700a, 709a, 713a, 718a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 741a], [701a, 706a, 714a, 720a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 747a, 751a, 754a, 758a, 810a], [710a, 715a, 723a, 729a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 756a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 819a], [724a, 729a, 743a, 749a, 756a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 820a, 823a, 827a, 839a], [739a, 748a, 803a, 809a, 816a, 826a, 831a, 836a, 840a, 843a, 847a, 859a], [758a, 807a, 822a, 828a, 835a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 859a, 902a, 906a, 918a], [809a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 910a, 913a, 917a, 929a], [822a, 831a, 846a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 914a, 919a, 923a, 926a, 930a, 942a], [839a, 848a, 903a, 909a, 916a, 926a, 931a, 936a, 940a, 943a, 947a, 959a], [856a, 905a, 920a, 926a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 957a, 1000a, 1004a, 1016a], [936a, 941a, 949a, 955a, 1002a, 1012a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1029a, 1033a, 1045a], [1006a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1032a, 1042a, 1047a, 1052a, 1056a, 1059a, 1103a, 1115a], [1036a, 1041a, 1049a, 1055a, 1102a, 1112a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1129a, 1133a, 1145a], [1106a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1132a, 1142a, 1147a, 1152a, 1156a, 1159a, 1203p, 1215p], [1136a, 1141a, 1149a, 1155a, 1202p, 1212p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1229p, 1233p, 1245p], [1206p, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1232p, 1242p, 1247p, 1252p, 1256p, 1259p, 103p, 115p], [1236p, 1241p, 1249p, 1255p, 102p, 112p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 129p, 133p, 145p], [106p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 132p, 142p, 147p, 152p, 156p, 159p, 203p, 215p], [136p, 141p, 149p, 155p, 202p, 212p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 229p, 233p, 245p], [206p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 232p, 242p, 247p, 252p, 256p, 259p, 303p, 315p], [236p, 241p, 249p, 255p, 302p, 313p, 318p, 323p, 327p, 330p, 334p, 346p], [249p, 254p, 302p, 308p, 315p, 326p, 331p, 336p, 340p, 343p, 347p, 359p], [306p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 355p, 359p, 402p, 406p, 418p], [312p, 317p, 325p, 331p, 339p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [319p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 347p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 412p, 415p, 419p, 431p], [332p, 339p, 347p, 353p, 400p, 411p, 416p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 432p, 444p], [349p, 356p, 404p, 410p, 417p, 428p, 433p, 438p, 442p, 445p, 449p, 501p], [402p, 409p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 502p, 514p], [419p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 458p, 503p, 508p, 512p, 515p, 519p, 531p], [432p, 439p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 532p, 544p], [449p, 456p, 504p, 510p, 517p, 528p, 533p, 538p, 542p, 545p, 549p, 601p], [502p, 509p, 517p, 523p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 551p, 555p, 558p, 602p, 614p], [519p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 558p, 603p, 608p, 612p, 615p, 619p, 631p], [532p, 539p, 547p, 553p, 600p, 611p, 616p, 621p, 625p, 628p, 632p, 643p], [549p, 556p, 604p, 610p, 617p, 628p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 644p, 648p, 659p], [603p, 610p, 618p, 624p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 711p], [626p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 649p, 658p, 703p, 707p, 711p, 714p, 718p, 729p], [726p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 748p, 757p, 802p, 806p, 810p, 813p, 817p, 828p], [826p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 848p, 857p, 902p, 906p, 910p, 913p, 917p, 928p], [926p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 948p, 957p, 1002p, 1006p, 1010p, 1013p, 1017p, 1028p], [1026p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1048p, 1057p, 1102p, 1106p, 1110p, 1113p, 1117p, 1128p], [1126p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [], [], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "988"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+      Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo-Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7Wrb, Wjz7Wqb]
+      Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6_7M, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6QPM, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6YiM]
+    short_name: "57"
+    stop_times: [[600a, 607a, 610a, 618a, 624a, 626a, 632a], [630a, 637a, 640a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 702a], [700a, 707a, 710a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 732a], [736a, 743a, 746a, 754a, 805a, 810a, 825a], [806a, 813a, 816a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 855a], [836a, 843a, 846a, 854a, 903a, 905a, 911a], [936a, 943a, 946a, 954a, 1000a, 1002a, 1008a], [1036a, 1043a, 1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1102a, 1108a], [1136a, 1143a, 1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1202p, 1208p], [1236p, 1243p, 1246p, 1254p, 100p, 102p, 108p], [136p, 143p, 146p, 154p, 200p, 202p, 208p], [236p, 243p, 246p, 254p, 300p, 302p, 308p], [336p, 343p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 402p, 409p], [407p, 414p, 417p, 425p, 432p, 434p, 441p], [437p, 444p, 447p, 455p, 502p, 504p, 511p], [507p, 514p, 517p, 525p, 532p, 534p, 541p], [537p, 544p, 547p, 555p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [636p, 643p, 646p, 654p, 700p, 702p, 707p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      Lanyon Marketplace-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz0mrj, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0niU, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0f-r, Wjz18Xo, Wjz1g4J, Wjz1h8e, Wjz1igo, Wjz1is3, Wjz1imh, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1j87, Wjz1jim, Wjz1je2]
+      Woodcock / Clare Dennis-City West: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1k8i, Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn, Wjz5FIS]
+    short_name: "787"
+    stop_times: [[647a, 650a, 702a, 728a, 732a, 734a], [720a, 723a, 735a, 801a, 805a, 807a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Southlands Mawson-Torrens: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3om2, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3gB5]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Pearce: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3knt, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3jei, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3aPr]
+      Chifley-Lyons: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3ceV]
+      Torrens-Chifley: [Wjz3gcu, Wjz3g7D, Wjz39RI, Wjz3aGI, Wjz3au8, Wjz3b9L, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3caw, Wjz3cal]
+      Lyons-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+      Pearce-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3aGI, Wjz39RI, Wjz3h5c, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3iNO, Wjz3h_Y]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[833a, 839a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 858a, 901a], [1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p], [833p, 839p, 843p, 849p, 854p, 858p, 901p], [1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1054p, 1058p, 1101p]]
+    short_name: "922"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda, Macquarie, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Macquarie-Hawker: [WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZSWs, WjrZSQm, WjrZTMv, WjrZTMv, WjrZTAV, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, Wjr-Mgt, Wjr-Mg6]
+      Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Higgins-Kippax: [Wjr-yOJ, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zom, Wjr-zcC]
+      Aranda-Macquarie: [Wjz5d81, Wjz54_B, Wjz54_n, Wjz54CS, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Hawker College-Higgins: [Wjr-E8A, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-yOJ]
+      Hawker-Hawker College: [WjrZT6b, WjrZT5e, WjrZLXY, WjrZS74, WjrZKZn, WjrZKnY, WjrZLbU, WjrZLdA]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Aranda: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr]
+    short_name: "704"
+    stop_times: [[506p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 550p, 555p, 600p, 606p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kingston-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Xhv, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+      Canberra Hospital-Narrabundah College: [Wjz3tGi, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-TX]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Narrabundah College-Kingston: [Wjzb705, Wjzb79X, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7nW, Wjzc090, Wjz4UYU, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4V11, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NDP, Wjz4OV0, Wjz4W3r, Wjz4WdC]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p], [800p, 807p, 816p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 844p], [900p, 907p, 916p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 944p], [1000p, 1007p, 1016p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1044p], [1100p, 1107p, 1116p, 1129p, 1133p, 1137p, 1144p]]
+    short_name: "938"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kambah Village-Kambah High: [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_RH, Wjz27dd, Wjz27d3, Wjz27k8, Wjz27k0, Wjz27gg, Wjz26n5, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26P8, Wjz26Om, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz2df1, Wjz2def, Wjz2d34, Wjz2d32, Wjz25Ox, Wjz25NL, Wjz24uT, Wjz24vP]
+      Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz2b2-, Wjz2a26, Wjz20QI, Wjz20ut]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Kambah Village: [Wjz3dXS, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, WjrW_zy, WjrW_zy]
+    short_name: "962"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Southwell Park-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Curtin-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz49Wd, Wjz49Y5, Wjz4aMo, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4arc, Wjz4a9o, Wjz49dp, Wjz499S, Wjz48dZ, Wjz48qI, Wjz3fCx, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+      Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Giralang: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6u32, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6lZb]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Yarralumla: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4IrL, Wjz4z67, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4t8Z]
+      Gwydir Square Kaleen-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6y90, Wjz6yir, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6zon, Wjz6zth, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6sHv]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      John James Hospital-Curtin: [Wjz4iXK, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4h1M]
+      Giralang-Southwell Park: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rhW, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6hKC, Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2]
+      Yarralumla-John James Hospital: [Wjz4shf, Wjz4qn2]
+      University of Canberra-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 656p, 701p, 706p, 708p, 723p, 728p, 735p, 747p, 750p, 753p, 803p], [745p, 747p, 751p, 756p, 801p, 806p, 808p, 823p, 828p, 835p, 847p, 850p, 853p, 903p], [845p, 847p, 851p, 856p, 901p, 906p, 908p, 923p, 928p, 935p, 947p, 950p, 953p, 1003p], [945p, 947p, 951p, 956p, 1001p, 1006p, 1008p, 1023p, 1028p, 1035p, 1047p, 1050p, 1053p, 1103p], [1045p, 1047p, 1051p, 1056p, 1101p, 1106p, 1108p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "932"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Southwell Park-Giralang: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6rhW, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6t8_, Wjz6t9w, Wjz6t3F, Wjz6t4U]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Southwell Park: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Ti2]
+      Yarralumla-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4t8Z, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4z67, Wjz4INj, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Curtin: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eSa, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3fCx, Wjz48qI, Wjz48dZ, Wjz499S, Wjz49dp, Wjz4a9o, Wjz4arc, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4aMo, Wjz49Y5, Wjz49Wd]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      John James Hospital-Yarralumla: [Wjz4qn2, Wjz4shf]
+      Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6zth, Wjz6zon, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6yir, Wjz6y90, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Giralang-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6u32, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sHv]
+      Curtin-John James Hospital: [Wjz4h1M, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4iXK]
+      Gwydir Square Kaleen-University of Canberra: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5]
+      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[739a, 750a, 753a, 756a, 809a, 815a, 819a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 847a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [739p, 748p, 751p, 754p, 807p, 812p, 816p, 825p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [839p, 848p, 851p, 854p, 907p, 912p, 916p, 925p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [939p, 948p, 951p, 954p, 1007p, 1012p, 1016p, 1025p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1039p, 1048p, 1051p, 1054p, 1107p, 1112p, 1116p, 1125p, 1132p, 1137p, 1142p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p], [1139p, 1150p, 1153p, 1156p, 1208a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "932"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jFt, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2twx, Wjz2trh, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lju]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[825a, 837a, 849a, 858a], [925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p], [725p, 737p, 749p, 758p], [825p, 837p, 849p, 858p], [925p, 937p, 949p, 958p], [1025p, 1037p, 1049p, 1058p], [1125p, 1137p, 1149p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "964"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Nicholls Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7rOj, Wjz7rMm, Wjz7qZT, Wjz7y6I, Wjz7zga, Wjz7GCd, Wjz7HWo, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7Pqv]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7aYu, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7qkM]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    short_name: "952"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence, Melba, Copland College, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Melba-Copland College: [Wjr-SHc, Wjr-SAW, Wjr-R_3, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-ZJc]
+      Spence-Melba: [Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UPA, Wjz701a, Wjz701y, Wjz70go, Wjz67nz, Wjz67kk, Wjz67k1, Wjz671V, Wjz670_, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr--Lw, Wjr--Ki, Wjr--sV, Wjr--sV, Wjr--md, Wjr--md, Wjr--6t, Wjr--6t, Wjr-SS5]
+      Spence Terminus-Spence: [Wjz67BD, Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_t, Wjz70Wx, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70IW, Wjz70IY, Wjz70zB, Wjz70zz, Wjz70kD, Wjz70lp, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UTL]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Copland College-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-XyN]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+    short_name: 15 315
+    stop_times: [[533a, 538a, 543a, 546a, 556a, 558a, 602a, "-", "-", "-"], [603a, 608a, 613a, 616a, 626a, 628a, 632a, "-", "-", "-"], [632a, 637a, 642a, 645a, 655a, 657a, 701a, 721a, 738a, 755a], [702a, 707a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 753a, 810a, 827a], [728a, 733a, 739a, 743a, 753a, 755a, 759a, 821a, 838a, 855a], [750a, 755a, 801a, 805a, 815a, 817a, 821a, 843a, 900a, 917a], ["-", "-", 818a, 822a, 832a, 834a, 838a, 858a, "-", "-"], [810a, 815a, 821a, 825a, 835a, 837a, 841a, 903a, 920a, 936a], [830a, 835a, 841a, 845a, 855a, 857a, 901a, 923a, 940a, 955a], [900a, 905a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 927a, 931a, 951a, 1008a, 1023a], [932a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1021a, 1038a, 1053a], [1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1051a, 1108a, 1123a], [1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1121a, 1138a, 1153a], [1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1151a, 1208p, 1223p], [1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1221p, 1238p, 1253p], [1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1251p, 108p, 123p], [1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 121p, 138p, 153p], [102p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 151p, 208p, 223p], [132p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 221p, 238p, 253p], [202p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 251p, 308p, 327p], [233p, 238p, 243p, 246p, 256p, 258p, 302p, 324p, 341p, 400p], [300p, 305p, 311p, 315p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 353p, 410p, 429p], [330p, 335p, 341p, 345p, 355p, 357p, 401p, 423p, 440p, 459p], [400p, 405p, 411p, 415p, 425p, 427p, 431p, 453p, 510p, 529p], [440p, 445p, 451p, 455p, 505p, 507p, 511p, 533p, 550p, 609p], [530p, 535p, 541p, 545p, 555p, 557p, 601p, 623p, 638p, 653p], [600p, 605p, 611p, 615p, 625p, 627p, 631p, 650p, 704p, 719p], [623p, 628p, 633p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 651p, "-", "-", "-"], [656p, 701p, 706p, 709p, 718p, 720p, 724p, "-", "-", "-"], [740p, 745p, 750p, 753p, 802p, 804p, 808p, "-", "-", "-"], [840p, 845p, 850p, 853p, 902p, 904p, 908p, "-", "-", "-"], [940p, 945p, 950p, 953p, 1002p, 1004p, 1008p, "-", "-", "-"], [1040p, 1045p, 1050p, 1053p, 1102p, 1104p, 1108p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7BC3]
+      Hibberson / Kate Crace-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7txI, Wjz7thn, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Add, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7qvq]
       Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "58"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 551a, 558a, 606a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 624a, 631a, 639a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [631a, 637a, 639a, 645a, 651a, 658a, 706a, 717a, 733a, 735a, 740a], [711a, 717a, 719a, 725a, 731a, 738a, 746a, 757a, 814a, 816a, 821a], [727a, 733a, 735a, 741a, 748a, 757a, 806a, 817a, 834a, 836a, 841a], [745a, 752a, 754a, 800a, 808a, 817a, 826a, 837a, 854a, 856a, 901a], [805a, 812a, 814a, 820a, 828a, 837a, 846a, 857a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [917a, 923a, 925a, 931a, 938a, 945a, 953a, 1003a, 1019a, 1021a, 1026a], [1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1045a, 1053a, 1103a, 1119a, 1121a, 1126a], [1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1145a, 1153a, 1203p, 1219p, 1221p, 1226p], [1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1245p, 1253p, 103p, 119p, 121p, 126p], [117p, 123p, 125p, 131p, 138p, 145p, 153p, 203p, 219p, 221p, 226p], [217p, 223p, 225p, 231p, 238p, 245p, 253p, 303p, 320p, 322p, 327p], [328p, 335p, 337p, 344p, 352p, 401p, 410p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [419p, 426p, 428p, 435p, 443p, 452p, 501p, 512p, 529p, 531p, 536p], [439p, 446p, 448p, 455p, 503p, 512p, 521p, 532p, 549p, 551p, 556p], [500p, 507p, 509p, 516p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 553p, 609p, 611p, 616p], [520p, 527p, 529p, 536p, 544p, 553p, 602p, 612p, 628p, 630p, 635p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 556p, 603p, 610p, 618p, 628p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 619p, 626p, 634p, 644p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [631p, 637p, 639p, 644p, 650p, 657p, 705p, 715p, 731p, 733p, 738p], [717p, 723p, 725p, 730p, 736p, 743p, 751p, 801p, 817p, 819p, 824p], [817p, 823p, 825p, 830p, 836p, 843p, 851p, 901p, 917p, 919p, 924p], [917p, 923p, 925p, 930p, 936p, 943p, 951p, 1001p, 1017p, 1019p, 1024p], [1017p, 1023p, 1025p, 1030p, 1036p, 1043p, 1051p, 1101p, 1117p, 1119p, 1124p], [1117p, 1123p, 1125p, 1130p, 1136p, 1143p, 1151p, 1201a, 1217a, 1219a, 1224a], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: 25 225
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 720a, 723a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807a, 819a, 823a, 835a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 842a, 854a, 858a, 910a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 949a, 952a, 1002a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1049a, 1052a, 1102a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1149a, 1152a, 1202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1249p, 1252p, 102p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 149p, 152p, 202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 249p, 252p, 306p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 352p, 356p, 408p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 422p, 426p, 438p], [417p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 443p, 453p, 457p, 509p], [447p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 513p, 523p, 527p, 539p], [517p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 557p, 609p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612p, 622p, 626p, 637p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656p, 704p, 707p, 717p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 756p, 804p, 807p, 817p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 856p, 904p, 907p, 917p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 956p, 1004p, 1007p, 1017p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1056p, 1104p, 1107p, 1117p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Belconnen Way, Higgins, West Macgregor, Holt, Kippax]
-    long_name: To Kippax
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    short_name: "44"
-    stop_times: [[725a, 727a, 731a, 737a, 744a, 756a, 801a, 804a], [754a, 756a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 825a, 830a, 833a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 930a, 933a], [955a, 957a, 1001a, 1006a, 1012a, 1024a, 1029a, 1032a], [1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1106a, 1112a, 1124a, 1129a, 1132a], [1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1206p, 1212p, 1224p, 1229p, 1232p], [1255p, 1257p, 101p, 106p, 112p, 124p, 129p, 132p], [155p, 157p, 201p, 206p, 212p, 224p, 229p, 232p], [305p, 307p, 311p, 317p, 324p, 336p, 341p, 344p], [337p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 408p, 413p, 416p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 442p, 447p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 454p, 501p, 513p, 518p, 521p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 528p, 535p, 547p, 552p, 555p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 559p, 606p, 618p, 623p, 626p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 631p, 637p, 649p, 654p, 657p], [654p, 656p, 700p, 705p, 711p, 723p, 728p, 731p], [754p, 756p, 800p, 805p, 811p, 823p, 828p, 831p], [854p, 856p, 900p, 905p, 911p, 923p, 928p, 931p], [954p, 956p, 1000p, 1005p, 1011p, 1023p, 1028p, 1031p], [1054p, 1056p, 1100p, 1105p, 1111p, 1123p, 1128p, 1131p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[725a, 733a, 737a, 741a, 744a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a], [925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p], [928p, 936p, 940p, 944p, 947p, 952p, 1003p, 1008p, 1016p], [1128p, 1136p, 1140p, 1144p, 1147p, 1152p, 1203a, "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "913"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Ainslie-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l]
-      Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO]
-    short_name: "2"
-    stop_times: [[634a, 639a, 647a, 653a, 700a, 709a, 713a, 718a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 741a], [701a, 706a, 714a, 720a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 747a, 751a, 754a, 758a, 810a], [710a, 715a, 723a, 729a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 756a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 819a], [724a, 729a, 743a, 749a, 756a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 820a, 823a, 827a, 839a], [739a, 748a, 803a, 809a, 816a, 826a, 831a, 836a, 840a, 843a, 847a, 859a], [758a, 807a, 822a, 828a, 835a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 859a, 902a, 906a, 918a], [809a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 910a, 913a, 917a, 929a], [822a, 831a, 846a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 914a, 919a, 923a, 926a, 930a, 942a], [839a, 848a, 903a, 909a, 916a, 926a, 931a, 936a, 940a, 943a, 947a, 959a], [856a, 905a, 920a, 926a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 957a, 1000a, 1004a, 1016a], [936a, 941a, 949a, 955a, 1002a, 1012a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1029a, 1033a, 1045a], [1006a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1032a, 1042a, 1047a, 1052a, 1056a, 1059a, 1103a, 1115a], [1036a, 1041a, 1049a, 1055a, 1102a, 1112a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1129a, 1133a, 1145a], [1106a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1132a, 1142a, 1147a, 1152a, 1156a, 1159a, 1203p, 1215p], [1136a, 1141a, 1149a, 1155a, 1202p, 1212p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1229p, 1233p, 1245p], [1206p, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1232p, 1242p, 1247p, 1252p, 1256p, 1259p, 103p, 115p], [1236p, 1241p, 1249p, 1255p, 102p, 112p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 129p, 133p, 145p], [106p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 132p, 142p, 147p, 152p, 156p, 159p, 203p, 215p], [136p, 141p, 149p, 155p, 202p, 212p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 229p, 233p, 245p], [206p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 232p, 242p, 247p, 252p, 256p, 259p, 303p, 315p], [236p, 241p, 249p, 255p, 302p, 313p, 318p, 323p, 327p, 330p, 334p, 346p], [249p, 254p, 302p, 308p, 315p, 326p, 331p, 336p, 340p, 343p, 347p, 359p], [306p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 355p, 359p, 402p, 406p, 418p], [312p, 317p, 325p, 331p, 339p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [319p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 347p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 412p, 415p, 419p, 431p], [332p, 339p, 347p, 353p, 400p, 411p, 416p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 432p, 444p], [349p, 356p, 404p, 410p, 417p, 428p, 433p, 438p, 442p, 445p, 449p, 501p], [402p, 409p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 502p, 514p], [419p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 458p, 503p, 508p, 512p, 515p, 519p, 531p], [432p, 439p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 532p, 544p], [449p, 456p, 504p, 510p, 517p, 528p, 533p, 538p, 542p, 545p, 549p, 601p], [502p, 509p, 517p, 523p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 551p, 555p, 558p, 602p, 614p], [519p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 558p, 603p, 608p, 612p, 615p, 619p, 631p], [532p, 539p, 547p, 553p, 600p, 611p, 616p, 621p, 625p, 628p, 632p, 643p], [549p, 556p, 604p, 610p, 617p, 628p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 644p, 648p, 659p], [603p, 610p, 618p, 624p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 711p], [626p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 649p, 658p, 703p, 707p, 711p, 714p, 718p, 729p], [726p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 748p, 757p, 802p, 806p, 810p, 813p, 817p, 828p], [826p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 848p, 857p, 902p, 906p, 910p, 913p, 917p, 928p], [926p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 948p, 957p, 1002p, 1006p, 1010p, 1013p, 1017p, 1028p], [1026p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1048p, 1057p, 1102p, 1106p, 1110p, 1113p, 1117p, 1128p], [1126p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [], [], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
-    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
-    short_name: "988"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-    short_name: "57"
-    stop_times: [[600a, 607a, 610a, 618a, 624a, 626a, 632a], [630a, 637a, 640a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 702a], [700a, 707a, 710a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 732a], [736a, 743a, 746a, 754a, 805a, 810a, 825a], [806a, 813a, 816a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 855a], [836a, 843a, 846a, 854a, 903a, 905a, 911a], [936a, 943a, 946a, 954a, 1000a, 1002a, 1008a], [1036a, 1043a, 1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1102a, 1108a], [1136a, 1143a, 1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1202p, 1208p], [1236p, 1243p, 1246p, 1254p, 100p, 102p, 108p], [136p, 143p, 146p, 154p, 200p, 202p, 208p], [236p, 243p, 246p, 254p, 300p, 302p, 308p], [336p, 343p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 402p, 409p], [407p, 414p, 417p, 425p, 432p, 434p, 441p], [437p, 444p, 447p, 455p, 502p, 504p, 511p], [507p, 514p, 517p, 525p, 532p, 534p, 541p], [537p, 544p, 547p, 555p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [636p, 643p, 646p, 654p, 700p, 702p, 707p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
-    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "787"
-    stop_times: [[647a, 650a, 702a, 728a, 732a, 734a], [720a, 723a, 735a, 801a, 805a, 807a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[833a, 839a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 858a, 901a], [1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p], [833p, 839p, 843p, 849p, 854p, 858p, 901p], [1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1054p, 1058p, 1101p]]
-    short_name: "922"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda, Macquarie, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
-    long_name: To Kippax
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "704"
-    stop_times: [[506p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 550p, 555p, 600p, 606p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p], [800p, 807p, 816p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 844p], [900p, 907p, 916p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 944p], [1000p, 1007p, 1016p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1044p], [1100p, 1107p, 1116p, 1129p, 1133p, 1137p, 1144p]]
-    short_name: "938"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "962"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 656p, 701p, 706p, 708p, 723p, 728p, 735p, 747p, 750p, 753p, 803p], [745p, 747p, 751p, 756p, 801p, 806p, 808p, 823p, 828p, 835p, 847p, 850p, 853p, 903p], [845p, 847p, 851p, 856p, 901p, 906p, 908p, 923p, 928p, 935p, 947p, 950p, 953p, 1003p], [945p, 947p, 951p, 956p, 1001p, 1006p, 1008p, 1023p, 1028p, 1035p, 1047p, 1050p, 1053p, 1103p], [1045p, 1047p, 1051p, 1056p, 1101p, 1106p, 1108p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "932"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[739a, 750a, 753a, 756a, 809a, 815a, 819a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 847a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [739p, 748p, 751p, 754p, 807p, 812p, 816p, 825p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [839p, 848p, 851p, 854p, 907p, 912p, 916p, 925p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [939p, 948p, 951p, 954p, 1007p, 1012p, 1016p, 1025p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1039p, 1048p, 1051p, 1054p, 1107p, 1112p, 1116p, 1125p, 1132p, 1137p, 1142p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p], [1139p, 1150p, 1153p, 1156p, 1208a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "932"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
-    between_stops: 
-      ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz33LB, Wjz34Gq, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kvl]
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "785"
-    stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[825a, 837a, 849a, 858a], [925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p], [725p, 737p, 749p, 758p], [825p, 837p, 849p, 858p], [925p, 937p, 949p, 958p], [1025p, 1037p, 1049p, 1058p], [1125p, 1137p, 1149p, "-"]]
-    short_name: "964"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "952"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Spence Terminus, Spence, Melba, Copland College, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
-    short_name: 15 315
-    stop_times: [[533a, 538a, 543a, 546a, 556a, 558a, 602a, "-", "-", "-"], [603a, 608a, 613a, 616a, 626a, 628a, 632a, "-", "-", "-"], [632a, 637a, 642a, 645a, 655a, 657a, 701a, 721a, 738a, 755a], [702a, 707a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 753a, 810a, 827a], [728a, 733a, 739a, 743a, 753a, 755a, 759a, 821a, 838a, 855a], [750a, 755a, 801a, 805a, 815a, 817a, 821a, 843a, 900a, 917a], ["-", "-", 818a, 822a, 832a, 834a, 838a, 858a, "-", "-"], [810a, 815a, 821a, 825a, 835a, 837a, 841a, 903a, 920a, 936a], [830a, 835a, 841a, 845a, 855a, 857a, 901a, 923a, 940a, 955a], [900a, 905a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 927a, 931a, 951a, 1008a, 1023a], [932a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1021a, 1038a, 1053a], [1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1051a, 1108a, 1123a], [1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1121a, 1138a, 1153a], [1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1151a, 1208p, 1223p], [1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1221p, 1238p, 1253p], [1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1251p, 108p, 123p], [1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 121p, 138p, 153p], [102p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 151p, 208p, 223p], [132p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 221p, 238p, 253p], [202p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 251p, 308p, 327p], [233p, 238p, 243p, 246p, 256p, 258p, 302p, 324p, 341p, 400p], [300p, 305p, 311p, 315p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 353p, 410p, 429p], [330p, 335p, 341p, 345p, 355p, 357p, 401p, 423p, 440p, 459p], [400p, 405p, 411p, 415p, 425p, 427p, 431p, 453p, 510p, 529p], [440p, 445p, 451p, 455p, 505p, 507p, 511p, 533p, 550p, 609p], [530p, 535p, 541p, 545p, 555p, 557p, 601p, 623p, 638p, 653p], [600p, 605p, 611p, 615p, 625p, 627p, 631p, 650p, 704p, 719p], [623p, 628p, 633p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 651p, "-", "-", "-"], [656p, 701p, 706p, 709p, 718p, 720p, 724p, "-", "-", "-"], [740p, 745p, 750p, 753p, 802p, 804p, 808p, "-", "-", "-"], [840p, 845p, 850p, 853p, 902p, 904p, 908p, "-", "-", "-"], [940p, 945p, 950p, 953p, 1002p, 1004p, 1008p, "-", "-", "-"], [1040p, 1045p, 1050p, 1053p, 1102p, 1104p, 1108p, "-", "-", "-"], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "913"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p]]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz6ZyF]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+      Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+      Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qfu, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7ilp, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
+    short_name: "51"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 701a, 704a, 713a, 723a, 733a, 738a, 750a, 752a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 721a, 724a, 733a, 743a, 753a, 758a, 811a, 813a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 744a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 818a, 831a, 833a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 812a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 850a, 852a, 857a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 824a, 833a, 843a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 910a, 915a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840a, 843a, 852a, 902a, 911a, 916a, 925a, 927a, 932a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 943a, 952a, 1001a, 1010a, 1015a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1043a, 1052a, 1101a, 1110a, 1115a, 1124a, 1126a, 1131a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1143a, 1152a, 1201p, 1210p, 1215p, 1224p, 1226p, 1231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1243p, 1252p, 101p, 110p, 115p, 124p, 126p, 131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 143p, 152p, 201p, 210p, 215p, 224p, 226p, 231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 243p, 252p, 301p, 310p, 315p, 324p, 326p, 331p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 353p, 358p], [332p, 338p, 340p, 348p, 351p, 354p, 403p, 413p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [406p, 412p, 414p, 423p, 428p, 431p, 440p, 450p, 500p, 505p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [428p, 434p, 436p, 445p, 450p, 453p, 502p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [444p, 450p, 452p, 501p, 506p, 509p, 518p, 528p, 538p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [511p, 517p, 519p, 528p, 533p, 536p, 545p, 555p, 605p, 610p, 619p, 621p, 626p], [529p, 535p, 537p, 546p, 551p, 554p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 642p], [538p, 544p, 546p, 555p, 600p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [554p, 600p, 602p, 609p, 612p, 615p, 624p, 633p, 642p, 647p, 656p, 658p, 703p], [616p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 632p, 635p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 707p, 716p, 718p, 723p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740p, 743p, 752p, 801p, 810p, 815p, 824p, 826p, 831p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840p, 843p, 852p, 901p, 910p, 915p, 924p, 926p, 931p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940p, 943p, 952p, 1001p, 1010p, 1015p, 1024p, 1026p, 1031p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040p, 1043p, 1052p, 1101p, 1110p, 1115p, 1124p, 1126p, 1131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1143p, 1152p, 1201a, 1210a, 1215a, 1224a, 1226a, 1231a]]
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 2)-Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3fCx]
+      Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home-Saint Andrews Village Hughes: [Wjz4h1M]
+      Saint Andrews Village Hughes-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz4gou, Wjz3nLq, Wjz3n-4, Wjz3n-H, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3tzF]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3slg, Wjz3lov]
     short_name: "76"
     stop_times: [[1000a, 1007a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a], [1200p, 1207p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p], [200p, 207p, 215p, 220p, 228p]]
     time_points: [Calwell, Isabella, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
     long_name: To City West
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Isabella-Chisholm: [Wjz1mJc, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1vJN, Wjz2E0l, Wjz2Ep9, Wjz2ExG, Wjz2EWD, Wjz2Mdj]
+      Calwell-Isabella: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1sPq, Wjz1sG6, Wjz1srs, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Chisholm-Russell Offices: [Wjzc1ak, Wjz4VRQ, Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A]
       City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
     short_name: "768"
     stop_times: [[707a, 715a, 726a, 751a, 800a, 804a], [737a, 748a, 801a, 833a, 845a, 848a]]
@@ -2909,56 +3851,90 @@
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Bimberi Centre: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
     short_name: "82"
     stop_times: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
     time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Dickson College, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
     long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrG7, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Russell Offices-Brindabella Business Park: [Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, WjzcrK3, WjzcrG7, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrrQ]
+      Dickson College-Russell Offices: [Wjzd6lW, Wjz5-Oz, Wjz5-wb, Wjz5RQM, Wjz5RGR, Wjz5QNt, Wjz5X3a, Wjz5Wki, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5Ug6, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Dickson College: [Wjz7OQn, Wjz7Wrb, Wjz7WVd, Wjzf11h, Wjz6__e, Wjz6-IS, Wjz6ZyF, Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6VqV, Wjz6UXL, Wjze09i, Wjzd7no, Wjzd7ky, Wjzd7p6]
     short_name: "757"
     stop_times: [[650a, 700a, 711a, 725a, 735a], [710a, 720a, 731a, 745a, 755a], [730a, 740a, 751a, 805a, 815a]]
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrG7, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      CIT Weston-Lyons: [WjrX_SB, Wjz37Lh, Wjz37RN, Wjz3f1S, Wjz3eeL, Wjz3eje]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Russell Offices-Brindabella Business Park: [Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, WjzcrK3, WjzcrG7, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrrQ]
+      Duffy Primary-CIT Weston: [WjrYEg0, WjrYEpn, WjrYEWc, WjrYMbF, WjrYMrj, WjrYMHm, WjrYMGB, WjrXTSe, WjrXTX5, WjrYUi3, WjrYUxL]
+      Cooleman Court-Duffy Primary: [WjrX-3w, WjrXS9Y, WjrXKxW, WjrXJnt, WjrXJ6l, WjrXBSJ, WjrXBSS, WjrXCNB, WjrXCZu, WjrXKBE, WjrXKRk, WjrXLGN, WjrXLR-, WjrXLTo, WjrXLtK]
+      Lyons-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz3eje, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+    short_name: "28"
+    stop_times: [[615a, 624a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 652a, 655a, 709a, 719a], [637a, 646a, 652a, 656a, 700a, 714a, 717a, 731a, 741a], [705a, 714a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 742a, 746a, 800a, 810a], [745a, 757a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 847a, 857a], [815a, 827a, 835a, 840a, 844a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [844a, 856a, 904a, 909a, 913a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [926a, 938a, 945a, 949a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1026a, 1038a, 1045a, 1049a, 1053a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1126a, 1138a, 1145a, 1149a, 1153a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1226p, 1238p, 1245p, 1249p, 1253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [126p, 138p, 145p, 149p, 153p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [226p, 238p, 245p, 249p, 253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [326p, 338p, 346p, 351p, 354p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [356p, 408p, 416p, 421p, 425p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 427p, 435p, 440p, 444p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 527p, 535p, 540p, 544p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 627p, 634p, 638p, 641p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 709p, 715p, 719p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 809p, 815p, 819p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 909p, 915p, 919p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1009p, 1015p, 1019p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
     time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
       City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
     short_name: "710"
     stop_times: [[407p, 415p, 425p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [427p, 435p, 445p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [445p, 453p, 503p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [507p, 515p, 525p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [527p, 535p, 545p, 605p, 607p, 612p]]
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "942"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p]]
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Chisholm-Gowrie: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2I99, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2wnQ]
+      Gowrie-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2odG, Wjz2o7y, Wjz2phl, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2qnG]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+      Gowrie-Chisholm: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2I99, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2N0r]
+      Erindale Centre-Gowrie: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2phl, Wjz2o7y, Wjz2odG, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2wnQ]
+    short_name: "966"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p]]
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Erindale Centre-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2dpP, Wjz2dA9, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2l5-]
     short_name: "961"
     stop_times_sunday: [[942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p]]
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Calwell, Theodore, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+      Calwell-Theodore: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1I92, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1G89]
+      Theodore-MacKillop College Isabella Campus: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1F5W, Wjz1xWZ, Wjz1xRC, Wjz1G89, Wjz1G32, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1siH, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mJc, Wjz1mDW]
+      Erindale Centre-Calwell: [Wjz1BrK]
+      MacKillop College Isabella Campus-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1mJc, Wjz17Su, Wjz1mDW, Wjz17Xr, Wjz20ut]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2rN0, Wjz2qnG]
       City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
     short_name: 11 111
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 546a, 556a, 609a, 616a], ["-", "-", "-", 606a, 616a, 629a, 636a], ["-", "-", "-", 626a, 636a, 649a, 656a], ["-", "-", "-", 646a, 656a, 709a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 729a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", 725a, 735a, 749a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", 745a, 755a, 809a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 815a, 829a, 836a], ["-", "-", "-", 825a, 835a, 849a, 856a], ["-", "-", "-", 845a, 855a, 909a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", 917a, 927a, 940a, 946a], ["-", 930a, 942a, 948a, 957a, 1010a, 1016a], ["-", 1000a, 1012a, 1018a, 1027a, 1040a, 1046a], ["-", 1030a, 1042a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a, 1116a], ["-", 1100a, 1112a, 1118a, 1127a, 1140a, 1146a], ["-", 1130a, 1142a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p, 1216p], ["-", 1200p, 1212p, 1218p, 1227p, 1240p, 1246p], ["-", 1230p, 1242p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p, 116p], ["-", 100p, 112p, 118p, 127p, 140p, 146p], ["-", 130p, 142p, 148p, 157p, 210p, 216p], ["-", 200p, 212p, 218p, 227p, 240p, 246p], ["-", 230p, 242p, 248p, 257p, 311p, 318p], ["-", 300p, 314p, 321p, 331p, 345p, 352p], ["-", 320p, 334p, 341p, 351p, 405p, 412p], ["-", 340p, 354p, 401p, 411p, 425p, 432p], ["-", 400p, 414p, 421p, 431p, 445p, 452p], ["-", 425p, 439p, 446p, 456p, 510p, 517p], ["-", 440p, 454p, 501p, 511p, 525p, 532p], ["-", 500p, 514p, 521p, 531p, 545p, 552p], [456p, 513p, 527p, 534p, 544p, 558p, 605p], [516p, 533p, 547p, 554p, 604p, 618p, 625p], [534p, 551p, 605p, 612p, 622p, 636p, 641p], [556p, 613p, 627p, 633p, 642p, 655p, 701p], [616p, 633p, 645p, 651p, 700p, 713p, 719p], ["-", 733p, 745p, 751p, 800p, 813p, 819p], ["-", 833p, 845p, 851p, 900p, 913p, 919p], ["-", 933p, 945p, 951p, 1000p, 1013p, 1019p], ["-", 1033p, 1045p, 1051p, 1100p, 1113p, 1119p]]
-    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Fraser West Terminus-Fraser: [Wjr_GMR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_NDY, Wjr_N-q, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_NgT]
+      St Francis Xavier Florey-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjr-H-a, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-OHp]
+      Fraser-Charnwood: [Wjr_M6A, Wjr_McO, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_MhY, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-Lwx]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
       City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Charnwood-St Francis Xavier Florey: [Wjr-KOL, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-H-a]
     short_name: 14 314
     stop_times: [[611a, 618a, 622a, 627a, 636a, 638a, 642a, "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 647a, 651a, 656a, 705a, 707a, 711a, 731a, 748a, 805a], [709a, 716a, 720a, 725a, 734a, 736a, 740a, 803a, 820a, 837a], [732a, 740a, 745a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 806a, 828a, 845a, 902a], [752a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 848a, 905a, 922a], [812a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 840a, 842a, 846a, 908a, 925a, 941a], [837a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 905a, 907a, 911a, 933a, 950a, 1005a], [908a, 916a, 921a, 926a, 935a, 937a, 941a, 1001a, 1018a, 1033a], [940a, 947a, 951a, 956a, 1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1031a, 1048a, 1103a], [1010a, 1017a, 1021a, 1026a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1101a, 1118a, 1133a], [1040a, 1047a, 1051a, 1056a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1131a, 1148a, 1203p], [1110a, 1117a, 1121a, 1126a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1201p, 1218p, 1233p], [1140a, 1147a, 1151a, 1156a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1231p, 1248p, 103p], [1210p, 1217p, 1221p, 1226p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 101p, 118p, 133p], [1240p, 1247p, 1251p, 1256p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 131p, 148p, 203p], [110p, 117p, 121p, 126p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 201p, 218p, 233p], [140p, 147p, 151p, 156p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 231p, 248p, 304p], [210p, 217p, 221p, 226p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 301p, 318p, 337p], [239p, 246p, 250p, 255p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 333p, 350p, 409p], [308p, 315p, 320p, 325p, 335p, 337p, 341p, 403p, 420p, 439p], [348p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 415p, 417p, 421p, 443p, 500p, 519p], [418p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 445p, 447p, 451p, 513p, 530p, 549p], [450p, 457p, 502p, 507p, 517p, 519p, 523p, "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 545p, 550p, 555p, 605p, 607p, 611p, 632p, 646p, 701p], [609p, 616p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 641p, 700p, 714p, 729p], [637p, 644p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 703p, 707p, "-", "-", "-"], [707p, 714p, 718p, 723p, 731p, 733p, 737p, "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 752p, 756p, 801p, 809p, 811p, 815p, "-", "-", "-"], [839p, 846p, 850p, 855p, 903p, 905p, 909p, "-", "-", "-"], [939p, 946p, 950p, 955p, 1003p, 1005p, 1009p, "-", "-", "-"], [1039p, 1046p, 1050p, 1055p, 1103p, 1105p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-"]]
@@ -2966,23 +3942,34 @@
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2rN0, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3lov]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
     stop_times_saturday: [[630a, 641a, 657a, 713a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [645a, 656a, 712a, 728a, 745a, 747a, 752a], [700a, 711a, 727a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], [715a, 726a, 742a, 758a, 815a, 817a, 822a], [730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], ["-", "-", 1149a, 1205p, 1222p, 1224p, 1229p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], ["-", "-", 1219p, 1235p, 1252p, 1254p, 1259p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], ["-", "-", 1249p, 105p, 122p, 124p, 129p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], ["-", "-", 119p, 135p, 152p, 154p, 159p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], ["-", "-", 149p, 205p, 222p, 224p, 229p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], ["-", "-", 219p, 235p, 252p, 254p, 259p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], ["-", "-", 249p, 305p, 322p, 324p, 329p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], ["-", "-", 319p, 335p, 352p, 354p, 359p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], ["-", "-", 349p, 405p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], ["-", "-", 419p, 435p, 452p, 454p, 459p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], ["-", "-", 449p, 505p, 522p, 524p, 529p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p], [730p, 740p, 755p, 810p, 827p, 829p, 834p], [745p, 755p, 810p, 825p, 842p, 844p, 849p], [800p, 810p, 825p, 840p, 857p, 859p, 904p], [815p, 825p, 840p, 855p, 912p, 914p, 919p], [830p, 840p, 855p, 910p, 927p, 929p, 934p], [845p, 855p, 910p, 925p, 942p, 944p, 949p], [900p, 910p, 925p, 940p, 957p, 959p, 1004p], [915p, 925p, 940p, 955p, 1012p, 1014p, 1019p], [930p, 940p, 955p, 1010p, 1027p, 1029p, 1034p], [945p, 955p, 1010p, 1025p, 1042p, 1044p, 1049p], [1000p, 1010p, 1025p, 1040p, 1057p, 1059p, 1104p], [1015p, 1025p, 1040p, 1055p, 1112p, 1114p, 1119p], [1030p, 1040p, 1055p, 1110p, 1127p, 1129p, 1134p], [1045p, 1055p, 1110p, 1125p, 1142p, 1144p, 1149p], [1100p, 1110p, 1125p, 1140p, 1157p, 1159p, 1204a], [1115p, 1125p, 1140p, 1155p, 1212a, 1214a, 1219a]]
     short_name: "900"
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 736a, 748a, 757a, 810a], [808a, 820a, 827a, 836a, 848a, 857a, 910a], [908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p], [803p, 815p, 822p, 831p, 843p, 852p, 905p], [903p, 915p, 922p, 931p, 943p, 952p, 1005p], [1003p, 1015p, 1022p, 1031p, 1043p, 1052p, 1105p], [1103p, 1115p, 1122p, 1131p, "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "966"
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+      National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+    short_name: "981"
     time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+      Kippax-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-H48, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-IcO, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-H-a, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-OHp]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Fraser West Terminus-Kippax: [Wjr_GMR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-DQE, Wjr-L8R, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-z7J]
+      Kippax-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr-z7J, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DQE, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_GMR]
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Kippax: [Wjr-OHp, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-H-a, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IcO, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-H48, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zcC]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
     stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 734a, 748a, 802a, 808a, 810a], [759a, 801a, 805a, 819a, 834a, 848a, 902a, 908a, 910a], [859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1008a, 1010a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1108a, 1110a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1208p, 1210p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 108p, 110p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 208p, 210p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 308p, 310p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 408p, 410p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 508p, 510p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 608p, 610p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 707p, 709p], [658p, 700p, 704p, 717p, 732p, 746p, 759p, 805p, 807p], [758p, 800p, 804p, 817p, 832p, 846p, 859p, 905p, 907p], [858p, 900p, 904p, 917p, 932p, 946p, 959p, 1005p, 1007p], [958p, 1000p, 1004p, 1017p, 1032p, 1046p, 1059p, 1105p, 1107p], [1058p, 1100p, 1104p, 1117p, 1132p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     short_name: "903"
@@ -2990,522 +3977,735 @@
     time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman, Canberra College Weston Campus, Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
     long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+      Chapman-Canberra College Weston Campus: [WjrXHZU, WjrXHYJ, WjrXPbD, WjrXPbu, WjrXPgO, WjrXOn_, WjrXPFr, WjrXPFn, WjrXPJX, WjrXPR4, WjrXPDA, WjrXQO9, WjrXQOh, WjrXQRP, WjrXQTy, WjrXQTq]
+      Canberra College Weston Campus-Cooleman Court: [WjrXRyK, WjrXRzE, WjrXRBQ, WjrXRBQ, WjrX-0-, WjrX-0-]
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+      Cooleman Court-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [WjrX-0-, WjrX-90, WjrXZv5, WjrXZv5, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+      Weston Creek Terminus-Chapman: [WjrXBSJ, WjrXBSJ, WjrXBWu, WjrXBWu, WjrXI5u, WjrXI5s, WjrXIbT, WjrXIbT, WjrXIqk, WjrXIqp, WjrXHvw, WjrXHvw, WjrXHH7, WjrXHHk, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHZU]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
     short_name: 26 226
     stop_times: [[615a, 619a, 623a, 625a, 632a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [657a, 701a, 705a, 707a, 715a, 729a, 733a, 737a, 741a], [716a, 720a, 724a, 726a, 736a, 750a, 754a, 758a, 802a], [747a, 752a, 758a, 802a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 837a, 841a], [800a, 805a, 811a, 815a, 827a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [820a, 825a, 831a, 835a, 847a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [850a, 855a, 901a, 905a, 917a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 930a, 935a, 938a, 948a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1029a, 1034a, 1037a, 1047a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1129a, 1134a, 1137a, 1147a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1229p, 1234p, 1237p, 1247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 129p, 134p, 137p, 147p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 229p, 234p, 237p, 247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [255p, 259p, 305p, 308p, 317p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [320p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 342p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 424p, 430p, 433p, 442p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [520p, 524p, 530p, 533p, 542p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [620p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 639p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [714p, 718p, 722p, 724p, 731p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 818p, 822p, 824p, 831p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 918p, 922p, 924p, 931p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1018p, 1022p, 1024p, 1031p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St]
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Cowper St]
     long_name: To Dickson
       Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
-      Olims Hotel-Ainslie: [Wjz5W8l, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
+      Olims Hotel-Ainslie: [Wjz5W8A, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
       Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+      Deakin-Parliament House: [Wjz4z9H, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4IrL]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Curtin: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eSa, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3fCx, Wjz48qI, Wjz48dZ, Wjz499S, Wjz49dp, Wjz4a9o, Wjz4arc, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4aMo, Wjz49Y5, Wjz49Wd]
+      John James Hospital-Yarralumla: [Wjz4qn2, Wjz4shf]
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+      Curtin-John James Hospital: [Wjz4h1M, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4iXK]
+      Hackett-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjzdfaz, Wjzd7_6, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd72S, Wjz5_N2, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5-6R]
+      Yarralumla-Deakin: [Wjz4t8Z, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4z67, Wjz4za9]
     short_name: "2"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 712a, 717a, 725a, 733a], [653a, 704a, 708a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 733a, 742a, 748a, 756a, 805a], [708a, 719a, 723a, 726a, 730a, 734a, 738a, 749a, 758a, 804a, 812a, 821a], [719a, 730a, 734a, 737a, 741a, 745a, 749a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 833a], [738a, 749a, 754a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 853a, 859a], [753a, 804a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 823a, 826a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 910a], [808a, 819a, 823a, 826a, 830a, 834a, 838a, 849a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 921a], [823a, 834a, 838a, 841a, 845a, 849a, 853a, 904a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 935a], [838a, 849a, 853a, 856a, 900a, 904a, 908a, 918a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [851a, 902a, 906a, 909a, 913a, 917a, 921a, 932a, 941a, 946a, 954a, 1001a], [921a, 932a, 936a, 939a, 943a, 947a, 951a, 1002a, 1011a, 1016a, 1024a, 1031a], [951a, 1002a, 1006a, 1009a, 1013a, 1017a, 1021a, 1032a, 1041a, 1046a, 1054a, 1101a], [1021a, 1032a, 1036a, 1039a, 1043a, 1047a, 1051a, 1102a, 1111a, 1116a, 1124a, 1131a], [1051a, 1102a, 1106a, 1109a, 1113a, 1117a, 1121a, 1132a, 1141a, 1146a, 1154a, 1201p], [1121a, 1132a, 1136a, 1139a, 1143a, 1147a, 1151a, 1202p, 1211p, 1216p, 1224p, 1231p], [1151a, 1202p, 1206p, 1209p, 1213p, 1217p, 1221p, 1232p, 1241p, 1246p, 1254p, 101p], [1221p, 1232p, 1236p, 1239p, 1243p, 1247p, 1251p, 102p, 111p, 116p, 124p, 131p], [1251p, 102p, 106p, 109p, 113p, 117p, 121p, 132p, 141p, 146p, 154p, 201p], [121p, 132p, 136p, 139p, 143p, 147p, 151p, 202p, 211p, 216p, 224p, 231p], [151p, 202p, 206p, 209p, 213p, 217p, 221p, 232p, 241p, 246p, 254p, 301p], [216p, 227p, 231p, 234p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 257p, 306p, 312p, 320p, 328p], [238p, 249p, 253p, 256p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 319p, 328p, 334p, 342p, 351p], [253p, 304p, 308p, 311p, 315p, 319p, 323p, 334p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 406p], [308p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 337p, 348p, 357p, 403p, 411p, 420p], [323p, 333p, 337p, 340p, 344p, 348p, 352p, 403p, 412p, 418p, 426p, 435p], [338p, 348p, 352p, 355p, 359p, 403p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 433p, 441p, 450p], [353p, 403p, 407p, 410p, 414p, 418p, 422p, 433p, 442p, 448p, 456p, 505p], [408p, 418p, 422p, 425p, 429p, 433p, 437p, 448p, 457p, 503p, 511p, 520p], [423p, 433p, 437p, 440p, 444p, 448p, 452p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 526p, 535p], [438p, 448p, 452p, 455p, 459p, 503p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 533p, 541p, 550p], [453p, 503p, 507p, 510p, 514p, 518p, 522p, 533p, 542p, 548p, 556p, 605p], [508p, 518p, 522p, 525p, 529p, 533p, 537p, 548p, 557p, 603p, 611p, 620p], [523p, 533p, 537p, 540p, 544p, 548p, 552p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 626p, 633p], [538p, 548p, 552p, 555p, 559p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 633p, 639p, 645p], [553p, 603p, 607p, 610p, 614p, 618p, 622p, 633p, 640p, 645p, 651p, 657p], [640p, 650p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 717p, 724p, 729p, 735p, 741p], [740p, 750p, 753p, 756p, 800p, 803p, 807p, 817p, 824p, 829p, 835p, 841p], [840p, 850p, 853p, 856p, 900p, 903p, 907p, 917p, 924p, 929p, 935p, 941p], [940p, 950p, 953p, 956p, 1000p, 1003p, 1007p, 1017p, 1024p, 1029p, 1035p, 1041p], [1040p, 1050p, 1053p, 1056p, 1100p, 1103p, 1107p, 1117p, 1124p, 1129p, 1135p, 1141p]]
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "951"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
-    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: "785"
-    stop_times: [[652a, 655a, 713a, 743a, 747a, 749a], [725a, 728a, 746a, 816a, 820a, 822a], [745a, 748a, 806a, 836a, 840a, 842a]]
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell, Chisholm, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
+    long_name: To City West
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+      Calwell-Chisholm: [Wjz1BrK, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1K89, Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1S5I, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TLL, Wjz2MHq, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2N0r]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Erindale / Sternberg Cres-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2rN0, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2su2, Wjz2trh, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Chisholm-Erindale / Sternberg Cres: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2I99, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2z1O]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Calwell: [Wjz20g4, Wjz17BY, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1tph, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1B9N]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+    short_name: 67 267
+    stop_times: [[603a, 615a, 627a, 635a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [633a, 645a, 657a, 705a, 716a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [702a, 715a, 726a, 735a, 750a, 804a, 808a, 818a, 821a], [718a, 730a, 745a, 755a, 809a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [731a, 746a, 800a, 810a, 825a, 839a, 843a, 853a, 856a], [803a, 817a, 832a, 842a, 856a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [833a, 847a, 902a, 912a, 926a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903a, 917a, 932a, 940a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003a, 1016a, 1028a, 1036a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103a, 1116a, 1128a, 1136a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1203p, 1216p, 1228p, 1236p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [103p, 116p, 128p, 136p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [203p, 216p, 228p, 236p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [303p, 317p, 332p, 342p, 356p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [333p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 426p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [403p, 417p, 432p, 442p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [433p, 447p, 502p, 512p, 526p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [503p, 517p, 532p, 542p, 556p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [533p, 547p, 602p, 612p, 626p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [603p, 617p, 632p, 640p, 653p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [703p, 716p, 728p, 736p, 749p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [803p, 816p, 828p, 836p, 849p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903p, 916p, 928p, 936p, 949p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003p, 1016p, 1028p, 1036p, 1049p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103p, 1116p, 1128p, 1136p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Isaacs-Farrer Terminus: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wEM, Wjz2DeX]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
+      Chifley-Lyons: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3ceV]
+      Farrer Terminus-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz2D3z, Wjz2vR3, Wjz2vL4, Wjz3oyt, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
+      Lyons-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+      Southlands Mawson-Chifley: [Wjz3hL_, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3h5c, Wjz39RI, Wjz3b9L, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3caw, Wjz3cal]
+      Canberra Hospital-Isaacs: [Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3xz2]
     short_name: "24"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 703a, 709a, 715a, 720a, 724a], [702a, 708a, 715a, 720a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 742a], [739a, 746a, 754a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 818a, 823a], [809a, 816a, 824a, 830a, 836a, 843a, 848a, 853a], [839a, 846a, 854a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 918a, 923a], [956a, 1002a, 1009a, 1014a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1035a], [1056a, 1102a, 1109a, 1114a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1135a], [1156a, 1202p, 1209p, 1214p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1235p], [1256p, 102p, 109p, 114p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 135p], [156p, 202p, 209p, 214p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 235p], [256p, 302p, 310p, 316p, 322p, 329p, 334p, 339p], [339p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 406p, 413p, 418p, 423p], [409p, 416p, 424p, 430p, 436p, 443p, 448p, 453p], [439p, 446p, 454p, 500p, 506p, 513p, 518p, 523p], [509p, 516p, 524p, 530p, 536p, 543p, 548p, 553p], [538p, 545p, 553p, 559p, 605p, 612p, 617p, 622p], [608p, 615p, 623p, 629p, 635p, 641p, 646p, 650p], [659p, 705p, 712p, 717p, 723p, 729p, 734p, 738p], [759p, 805p, 812p, 817p, 823p, 829p, 834p, 838p], [859p, 905p, 912p, 917p, 923p, 929p, 934p, 938p], [959p, 1005p, 1012p, 1017p, 1023p, 1029p, 1034p, 1038p], [1059p, 1105p, 1112p, 1117p, 1123p, 1129p, 1134p, 1138p]]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+      Southwell Park-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Curtin-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz49Wd, Wjz49Y5, Wjz4aMo, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4arc, Wjz4a9o, Wjz49dp, Wjz499S, Wjz48dZ, Wjz48qI, Wjz3fCx, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+      Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Giralang: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6u32, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6lZb]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Yarralumla: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4IrL, Wjz4z67, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4t8Z]
+      Gwydir Square Kaleen-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6y90, Wjz6yir, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6zon, Wjz6zth, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6sHv]
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      John James Hospital-Curtin: [Wjz4iXK, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4h1M]
+      Giralang-Southwell Park: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rhW, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6hKC, Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2]
+      Yarralumla-John James Hospital: [Wjz4shf, Wjz4qn2]
+      University of Canberra-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
     short_name: "932"
     stop_times_sunday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p]]
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
-    short_name: "23"
-    stop_times: [[607a, 609a, 613a, 622a, 628a, 634a, 642a, 647a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 659a, 705a, 711a, 719a, 724a], [714a, 716a, 720a, 729a, 736a, 742a, 752a, 757a], [744a, 748a, 753a, 801a, 808a, 814a, 824a, 829a], [814a, 818a, 823a, 831a, 838a, 844a, 854a, 859a], [844a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 908a, 914a, 924a, 929a], [926a, 930a, 934a, 943a, 949a, 955a, 1003a, 1008a], [1026a, 1028a, 1032a, 1041a, 1047a, 1053a, 1101a, 1106a], [1126a, 1128a, 1132a, 1141a, 1147a, 1153a, 1201p, 1206p], [1226p, 1228p, 1232p, 1241p, 1247p, 1253p, 101p, 106p], [126p, 128p, 132p, 141p, 147p, 153p, 201p, 206p], [226p, 228p, 232p, 241p, 247p, 253p, 301p, 306p], [314p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 338p, 344p, 354p, 359p], [344p, 348p, 353p, 401p, 408p, 414p, 424p, 429p], [414p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 444p, 454p, 459p], [444p, 448p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 514p, 524p, 529p], [514p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 538p, 544p, 554p, 559p], [544p, 548p, 553p, 601p, 608p, 614p, 624p, 629p], [626p, 630p, 634p, 643p, 649p, 655p, 703p, 708p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 741p, 747p, 753p, 801p, 806p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 841p, 847p, 853p, 901p, 906p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 941p, 947p, 953p, 1001p, 1006p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1041p, 1047p, 1053p, 1101p, 1106p], [1126p, 1128p, 1132p, 1141p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Kambah / Livingston St, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: 61 161
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", 642a, 649a, 654a, 659a, 710a], ["-", "-", 712a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 743a], ["-", "-", 742a, 751a, 756a, 801a, 815a], ["-", "-", 812a, 821a, 826a, 831a, 845a], ["-", "-", 842a, 859a, 905a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 912a, 921a, 926a, 931a, 944a], ["-", "-", 1012a, 1020a, 1025a, 1030a, 1043a], ["-", "-", 1112a, 1120a, 1125a, 1130a, 1143a], ["-", "-", 1212p, 1220p, 1225p, 1230p, 1243p], ["-", "-", 112p, 120p, 125p, 130p, 143p], ["-", "-", 212p, 220p, 225p, 230p, 243p], ["-", "-", 320p, 329p, 334p, 339p, 353p], ["-", "-", 342p, 351p, 356p, 401p, 415p], ["-", "-", 412p, 421p, 426p, 431p, 445p], ["-", "-", 442p, 451p, 456p, 501p, 515p], ["-", "-", 512p, 521p, 526p, 531p, 545p], [520p, 526p, 542p, 551p, 556p, 601p, 615p], ["-", "-", 612p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 644p], ["-", "-", 712p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 743p], ["-", "-", 810p, 818p, 823p, 828p, 841p], ["-", "-", 910p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 941p], ["-", "-", 1010p, 1018p, 1023p, 1028p, 1041p], ["-", "-", 1112p, 1120p, 1125p, 1130p, 1143p], []]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Copland College, Tillyard / Spalding, Charnwood, Kerrigan / Lhotsky, Charnwood, Tillyard / Spalding, Copland College, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Copland College-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjr-YdU, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-XyN, Wjr-WVG]
+      Copland College-Tillyard / Spalding: [Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W9, Wjz664g, Wjz664q, Wjz66fx, Wjz66fx, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Uj, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-TRM, Wjr_MMi, Wjr_Mxy]
+      Charnwood-Tillyard / Spalding: [Wjr-Lwx, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-Tf_]
+      Tillyard / Spalding-Copland College: [Wjr_Mxy, Wjr_MMi, Wjr-TRM, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Uj, Wjr-_Ua, Wjz66fx, Wjz66fx, Wjz664q, Wjz664g, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W9, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ]
+      Kerrigan / Lhotsky-Charnwood: [Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-L8R]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Copland College: [Wjr-WVG, Wjr-XyN, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-YdU]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Tillyard / Spalding-Charnwood: [Wjr-Tf_, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-Lwx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Charnwood-Kerrigan / Lhotsky: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4]
+    short_name: "45"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 627a, 632a, 638a, 640a, 648a, 658a, 700a, 705a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 718a, 728a, 730a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 734a, 740a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 759a, 804a, 810a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 822a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 843a, 853a, 855a, 900a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 844a, 849a, 855a, 857a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [828a, 830a, 834a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 905a, 913a, 923a, 925a, 930a], [858a, 900a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 935a, 943a, 953a, 955a, 1000a], [921a, 923a, 927a, 935a, 943a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 958a, 1006a, 1016a, 1018a, 1023a], [1021a, 1023a, 1027a, 1035a, 1043a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1058a, 1106a, 1116a, 1118a, 1123a], [1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1143a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1158a, 1206p, 1216p, 1218p, 1223p], [1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1243p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 1258p, 106p, 116p, 118p, 123p], [121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 143p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 158p, 206p, 216p, 218p, 223p], [221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 243p, 245p, 250p, 256p, 258p, 306p, 316p, 318p, 323p], [258p, 300p, 304p, 312p, 320p, 322p, 327p, 333p, 335p, 343p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [328p, 330p, 334p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 405p, 413p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [358p, 400p, 404p, 412p, 420p, 422p, 427p, 433p, 435p, 443p, 453p, 455p, 500p], [428p, 430p, 434p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 505p, 513p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [458p, 500p, 504p, 512p, 520p, 522p, 527p, 533p, 535p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [528p, 530p, 534p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 605p, 613p, 623p, 625p, 630p], [558p, 600p, 604p, 612p, 620p, 622p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 643p, 652p, 654p, 659p], [621p, 623p, 627p, 634p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 655p, 657p, 705p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 733p, 741p, 743p, 748p, 754p, 756p, 804p, 813p, 815p, 820p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 833p, 841p, 843p, 848p, 854p, 856p, 904p, 913p, 915p, 920p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 933p, 941p, 943p, 948p, 954p, 956p, 1004p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1033p, 1041p, 1043p, 1048p, 1054p, 1056p, 1104p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], [1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1133p, 1141p, 1143p, 1148p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7FNw]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Kosciuszko / Everard-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7Pqv]
+      William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz64Gx, Wjz64L1, Wjz65Yz, Wjz6ddQ, Wjz6dtx, Wjz6eNd, Wjz6l5Q]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO]
     short_name: "956"
     stop_times_sunday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
     long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrG7, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Russell Offices-Brindabella Business Park: [Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, WjzcrK3, WjzcrG7, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrrQ]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
     short_name: "737"
     stop_times: [[643a, 651a, 705a, "-"], [658a, 706a, 720a, "-"], [718a, 726a, 740a, "-"], [738a, 746a, 800a, "-"], [758a, 806a, 820a, 830a], [818a, 826a, 840a, 850a]]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Jamison Centre-Cook: [Wjz56Hh, Wjz55vN, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZZeD, WjrZZlR, WjrZZB7, WjrZZH3]
+      Cook-Aranda: [Wjz551Q, Wjz5592, Wjz54CS, Wjz54_n, Wjz54_B, Wjz5d81]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Caswell Drive-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Aranda-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5dcJ, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5l2U]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Jamison Centre: [Wjz57tz, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5eb2, Wjz56XB, Wjz56Xu]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p], [715p, 717p, 721p, 730p, 739p, 743p, 744p, 755p], [815p, 817p, 821p, 830p, 839p, 843p, 844p, 855p], [915p, 917p, 921p, 930p, 939p, 943p, 944p, 955p], [1015p, 1017p, 1021p, 1030p, 1039p, 1043p, 1044p, 1055p]]
+    short_name: "942"
+  -  
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
     long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
+      Australian Institute of Sport-National Hockey Centre Lyneham: [Wjz6oEz, Wjz5L_c]
+      University of Canberra-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nUS, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5vrT]
+      Railway Station Kingston-Newcastle Street after Isa Street: [Wjzc1n0, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc9ws, Wjzc8Sn]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      National Hockey Centre Lyneham-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Newcastle Street after Isa Street-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc9WV, WjzchQP, Wjzcp0F, Wjzcod5, Wjzcoab, WjzcgX_, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgSm, WjzcgLt, WjzcgD0, WjzbnGh]
+      Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick: [Wjzbnmb, Wjzbn5y, WjzbfPL, Wjzc8gG]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+      Russell Offices-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WHw]
     stop_times_saturday: [[720a, 722a, 726a, 734a, 740a, 745a, 751a, 759a, 808a, 814a, 822a, 831a, 840a], [820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [725p, 727p, 732p, 739p, 745p, 750p, 755p, 802p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [834p, 836p, 841p, 848p, 854p, 859p, 904p, 911p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 947p, 952p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1057p, 1059p, 1104p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1127p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
     short_name: "980"
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Theodore, Calwell, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 11 111
-    stop_times: [[621a, 627a, 641a, 651a, 657a, 713a, 729a], [641a, 647a, 701a, 711a, 717a, 733a, 751a], [701a, 707a, 721a, 731a, 737a, 754a, 812a], [721a, 727a, 742a, 752a, 758a, 815a, 833a], [741a, 748a, 803a, 813a, 819a, 836a, 857a], [801a, 808a, 823a, 833a, 839a, 856a, 914a], [821a, 828a, 843a, 853a, 859a, 914a, "-"], [841a, 848a, 903a, 913a, 919a, 933a, "-"], [921a, 927a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1007a, "-"], [951a, 957a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1037a, "-"], [1021a, 1027a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1107a, "-"], [1051a, 1057a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1137a, "-"], [1121a, 1127a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1207p, "-"], [1151a, 1157a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1237p, "-"], [1221p, 1227p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 107p, "-"], [1251p, 1257p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 137p, "-"], [121p, 127p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 207p, "-"], [151p, 157p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 237p, "-"], [221p, 227p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 307p, "-"], [251p, 257p, 310p, 319p, 325p, 339p, "-"], [323p, 330p, 345p, 355p, 401p, 421p, "-"], [340p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 418p, 433p, "-"], [400p, 407p, 422p, 432p, 438p, 453p, "-"], [418p, 425p, 440p, 450p, 456p, 511p, "-"], [441p, 448p, 503p, 513p, 519p, "-", "-"], [501p, 508p, 523p, 533p, 539p, "-", "-"], [521p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 559p, 614p, "-"], [541p, 548p, 603p, 613p, 619p, "-", "-"], [601p, 608p, 623p, 633p, 639p, "-", "-"], [625p, 632p, 645p, 654p, 700p, 712p, "-"], [725p, 731p, 744p, 753p, 759p, 811p, "-"], [825p, 831p, 844p, 853p, 859p, 911p, "-"], [925p, 931p, 944p, 953p, 959p, 1011p, "-"], [1025p, 1031p, 1044p, 1053p, 1059p, 1111p, "-"], [1125p, 1131p, 1144p, 1153p, 1159p, "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
-    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
-    short_name: "980"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[759a, 811a, 819a, 825a, 834a, 839a, 842a, 851a], [859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p], [749p, 801p, 809p, 815p, 824p, 829p, 832p, 841p], [849p, 901p, 909p, 915p, 924p, 929p, 932p, 941p], [949p, 1001p, 1009p, 1015p, 1024p, 1029p, 1032p, 1041p], [1049p, 1101p, 1109p, 1115p, 1124p, 1129p, 1132p, 1141p]]
-    short_name: "937"
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis]
+    long_name: To Woodcock / Clare Dennis
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      Mentone View / Tharwa Drive-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1ixR, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0vV_, Wjz0uSv, Wjz0uHo, Wjz0uw1, Wjz0tt-, Wjz0tmp, Wjz0t7T, Wjz0mV8, Wjz0mNo]
+      Russell Offices-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1iJO, Wjz1ixR]
+      Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz0mrj, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0niU, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0f-r, Wjz18Xo, Wjz1g4J, Wjz1h8e, Wjz1igo, Wjz1is3, Wjz1imh, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1j87, Wjz1jim, Wjz1je2]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "788"
+    stop_times: [[426p, 432p, 441p, 512p, 526p, 536p], [502p, 507p, 518p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [532p, 538p, 547p, 618p, 632p, 642p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood, Fraser, Fraser West Terminus]
+    long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      St Francis Xavier Florey-Charnwood: [Wjr-H-a, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-KOL]
+      Fraser-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_N-q, Wjr_NDY, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_GMR]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-St Francis Xavier Florey: [Wjr-OHp, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-H-a]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      Charnwood-Fraser: [Wjr-Lwx, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr_MhY, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_McO, Wjr_M6A]
+    short_name: 14 314
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 706a, 708a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 726a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", 722a, 724a, 728a, 734a, 739a, 744a, 753a], [706a, 724a, 741a, 802a, 804a, 808a, 814a, 819a, 824a, 833a], [746a, 805a, 823a, 844a, 846a, 850a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 915a], [805a, 824a, 842a, 903a, 905a, 909a, 915a, 920a, 925a, 934a], [843a, 902a, 920a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 951a, 956a, 1000a, 1009a], [916a, 935a, 951a, 1011a, 1013a, 1017a, 1022a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [946a, 1004a, 1020a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1051a, 1056a, 1100a, 1109a], [1016a, 1034a, 1050a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1121a, 1126a, 1130a, 1139a], [1046a, 1104a, 1120a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1151a, 1156a, 1200p, 1209p], [1116a, 1134a, 1150a, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1221p, 1226p, 1230p, 1239p], [1146a, 1204p, 1220p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 1251p, 1256p, 100p, 109p], [1216p, 1234p, 1250p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 121p, 126p, 130p, 139p], [1246p, 104p, 120p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 151p, 156p, 200p, 209p], [116p, 134p, 150p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 221p, 226p, 230p, 239p], [146p, 204p, 220p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 251p, 256p, 300p, 310p], [216p, 234p, 250p, 311p, 313p, 317p, 323p, 328p, 333p, 343p], [245p, 303p, 321p, 342p, 344p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 404p, 414p], ["-", "-", 340p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 357p, 402p, 407p, 417p], [321p, 340p, 358p, 419p, 421p, 425p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 451p], [351p, 410p, 428p, 449p, 451p, 455p, 501p, 506p, 511p, 521p], [421p, 440p, 458p, 519p, 521p, 525p, 531p, 536p, 541p, 551p], [451p, 510p, 528p, 549p, 551p, 555p, 601p, 606p, 611p, 621p], [511p, 530p, 548p, 609p, 611p, 615p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 640p], [531p, 550p, 608p, 629p, 631p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 658p], [551p, 610p, 628p, 648p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 704p, 708p, 717p], [621p, 639p, 654p, 714p, 716p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 734p, 743p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 815p, 820p, 824p, 833p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 915p, 920p, 924p, 933p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1024p, 1033p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1124p, 1133p], []]
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2lju, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2trh, Wjz2twx, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2jFt, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
     stop_times_saturday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p], [805p, 814p, 826p, 837p], [905p, 914p, 926p, 937p], [1005p, 1014p, 1026p, 1037p], [1105p, 1114p, 1126p, 1137p]]
     short_name: "964"
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Proctor / Mead, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Deamer / Clift Richardson-Proctor / Mead: [Wjz1K3c, Wjz1CRl, Wjz1CS7, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1LBV, Wjz2EWD, Wjz2Mdj, Wjz2M6L]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz20xf, Wjz17BY, Wjz16_x, Wjz1ebG, Wjz1egm, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+      Erindale Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2rN0, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+      Proctor / Mead-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2EK5, Wjz2EB2, Wjz2Ek6, Wjz2E43, Wjz2xE8, Wjz2wuu, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2qnG]
+      Bonython Primary School-Deamer / Clift Richardson: [Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1tbe, Wjz1tR7, Wjz1BrK, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1K89]
     short_name: "66"
     stop_times: [[612a, 618a, 625a, 631a, 638a, 652a], [641a, 647a, 654a, 700a, 712a, 727a], [706a, 714a, 723a, 732a, 744a, 800a], [736a, 744a, 753a, 802a, 814a, 830a], [806a, 814a, 823a, 832a, 844a, 900a], [836a, 844a, 853a, 902a, 914a, 930a], [909a, 917a, 926a, 933a, 941a, 956a], [1012a, 1018a, 1026a, 1032a, 1040a, 1055a], [1112a, 1118a, 1126a, 1132a, 1140a, 1155a], [1212p, 1218p, 1226p, 1232p, 1240p, 1255p], [112p, 118p, 126p, 132p, 140p, 155p], [212p, 218p, 226p, 232p, 240p, 255p], [312p, 319p, 327p, 334p, 345p, 400p], [412p, 419p, 427p, 434p, 445p, 500p], [442p, 449p, 457p, 504p, 515p, 530p], [512p, 519p, 527p, 534p, 545p, 600p], [542p, 549p, 557p, 604p, 615p, 630p], [613p, 620p, 628p, 634p, 642p, 657p], [714p, 720p, 728p, 734p, 742p, 757p], [814p, 820p, 828p, 834p, 842p, 857p], [914p, 920p, 928p, 934p, 942p, 957p], [1014p, 1020p, 1028p, 1034p, 1042p, 1057p], [1114p, 1120p, 1128p, 1134p, 1142p, "-"]]
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Watson-Watson Terminus: [Wjze19V, Wjze1c2, Wjze1fs, Wjze2zi, Wjze2Qc]
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Watson-Dickson / Antill St: [Wjze0l8, Wjz6UXL, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz5_mg, Wjz5_ie, Wjz5_0v]
+      Dickson / Antill St-Watson: [Wjz5_0v, Wjz5_ie, Wjz5_mg, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6UXL, Wjze0l8]
+      Dickson / Antill St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5Tx_]
+      Watson Terminus-Watson: [WjzeaC3, Wjze8v0, Wjze8bf, Wjze0VY, Wjzd7_6, Wjze0GR, Wjze0vq, Wjze0vq]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Dickson / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5_0v]
     short_name: "39"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 549a, 555a, 601a, 606a, 607a, 610a, 617a], [609a, 615a, 618a, 624a, 630a, 636a, 641a, 642a, 645a, 652a], [639a, 645a, 648a, 654a, 700a, 706a, 711a, 712a, 715a, 722a], ["-", "-", "-", 707a, 713a, 719a, 724a, 725a, 728a, 741a], [703a, 709a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 730a, 736a, 737a, 742a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", 726a, 732a, 738a, 744a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [718a, 724a, 727a, 734a, 740a, 746a, 752a, 753a, 758a, 813a], ["-", "-", "-", 742a, 748a, 754a, 800a, 801a, 806a, 821a], [733a, 739a, 742a, 749a, 755a, 801a, 807a, 808a, 813a, 828a], ["-", "-", "-", 756a, 802a, 808a, 814a, 815a, 820a, 835a], [748a, 754a, 757a, 804a, 810a, 816a, 822a, 823a, 828a, 843a], [758a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 820a, 826a, 832a, 833a, 838a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", 824a, 830a, 836a, 842a, 843a, 848a, 903a], [818a, 824a, 827a, 834a, 840a, 846a, 852a, 853a, 858a, 913a], [833a, 839a, 842a, 849a, 855a, 901a, 907a, 908a, 913a, 928a], [910a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 935a, 942a, 949a, 952a, 954a, 1001a], [940a, 946a, 949a, 954a, 1000a, 1005a, 1010a, 1011a, 1013a, 1019a], [1010a, 1016a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1035a, 1040a, 1041a, 1043a, 1049a], [1040a, 1046a, 1049a, 1054a, 1100a, 1105a, 1110a, 1111a, 1113a, 1119a], [1110a, 1116a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1135a, 1140a, 1141a, 1143a, 1149a], [1140a, 1146a, 1149a, 1154a, 1200p, 1205p, 1210p, 1211p, 1213p, 1219p], [1210p, 1216p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1235p, 1240p, 1241p, 1243p, 1249p], [1240p, 1246p, 1249p, 1254p, 100p, 105p, 110p, 111p, 113p, 119p], [110p, 116p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 135p, 140p, 141p, 143p, 149p], [140p, 146p, 149p, 154p, 200p, 205p, 210p, 211p, 213p, 219p], [210p, 216p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 235p, 240p, 241p, 243p, 249p], [240p, 246p, 249p, 254p, 300p, 307p, 313p, 314p, 317p, 324p], [309p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 330p, 337p, 343p, 344p, 347p, 354p], [328p, 334p, 337p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 402p, 403p, 406p, 413p], [358p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 419p, 426p, 432p, 433p, 436p, 443p], [417p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 438p, 445p, 451p, 452p, 455p, 502p], [432p, 438p, 441p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 506p, 507p, 510p, 517p], [447p, 453p, 456p, 502p, 508p, 515p, 521p, 522p, 525p, 532p], [506p, 512p, 515p, 521p, 527p, 534p, 540p, 541p, 544p, 551p], [512p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [521p, 527p, 530p, 536p, 542p, 549p, 555p, 556p, 559p, 606p], [536p, 542p, 545p, 551p, 557p, 604p, 610p, 611p, 614p, 621p], [546p, 552p, 555p, 601p, 607p, 614p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [555p, 601p, 604p, 610p, 616p, 623p, 629p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [610p, 616p, 619p, 625p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 642p, 644p, 650p], [710p, 716p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 741p, 743p, 749p], [810p, 816p, 819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 840p, 841p, 843p, 849p], [910p, 916p, 919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 940p, 941p, 943p, 949p], [1010p, 1016p, 1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1040p, 1041p, 1043p, 1049p], [1110p, 1116p, 1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "71"
-    stop_times: [[927a, 929a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 957a, 959a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1043a, 1048a, 1057a, 1059a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1143a, 1148a, 1157a, 1159a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1243p, 1248p, 1257p, 1259p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 143p, 148p, 157p, 159p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Canberra Hospital, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "77"
-    stop_times: [[1100a, 1108a, 1113a, 1121a, 1128a], [100p, 108p, 113p, 121p, 128p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    short_name: "51"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 701a, 704a, 713a, 723a, 733a, 738a, 750a, 752a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 721a, 724a, 733a, 743a, 753a, 758a, 811a, 813a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 744a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 818a, 831a, 833a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 812a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 850a, 852a, 857a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 824a, 833a, 843a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 910a, 915a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840a, 843a, 852a, 902a, 911a, 916a, 925a, 927a, 932a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 943a, 952a, 1001a, 1010a, 1015a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1043a, 1052a, 1101a, 1110a, 1115a, 1124a, 1126a, 1131a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1143a, 1152a, 1201p, 1210p, 1215p, 1224p, 1226p, 1231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1243p, 1252p, 101p, 110p, 115p, 124p, 126p, 131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 143p, 152p, 201p, 210p, 215p, 224p, 226p, 231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 243p, 252p, 301p, 310p, 315p, 324p, 326p, 331p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 353p, 358p], [332p, 338p, 340p, 348p, 351p, 354p, 403p, 413p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [406p, 412p, 414p, 423p, 428p, 431p, 440p, 450p, 500p, 505p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [428p, 434p, 436p, 445p, 450p, 453p, 502p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [444p, 450p, 452p, 501p, 506p, 509p, 518p, 528p, 538p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [511p, 517p, 519p, 528p, 533p, 536p, 545p, 555p, 605p, 610p, 619p, 621p, 626p], [529p, 535p, 537p, 546p, 551p, 554p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 642p], [538p, 544p, 546p, 555p, 600p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [554p, 600p, 602p, 609p, 612p, 615p, 624p, 633p, 642p, 647p, 656p, 658p, 703p], [616p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 632p, 635p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 707p, 716p, 718p, 723p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740p, 743p, 752p, 801p, 810p, 815p, 824p, 826p, 831p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840p, 843p, 852p, 901p, 910p, 915p, 924p, 926p, 931p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940p, 943p, 952p, 1001p, 1010p, 1015p, 1024p, 1026p, 1031p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040p, 1043p, 1052p, 1101p, 1110p, 1115p, 1124p, 1126p, 1131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1143p, 1152p, 1201a, 1210a, 1215a, 1224a, 1226a, 1231a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
-    short_name: "931"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "960"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 817a, 827a, 834a], [846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p], [746p, 753p, 757p, 801p, 814p, 823p, 830p], [846p, 853p, 857p, 901p, 914p, 923p, 930p], [946p, 953p, 957p, 1001p, 1014p, 1023p, 1030p], [1046p, 1053p, 1057p, 1101p, 1114p, 1123p, 1130p]]
-    short_name: "938"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "923"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p], [733p, 736p, 740p, 745p, 751p, 755p, 801p], [933p, 936p, 940p, 945p, 951p, 955p, 1001p], [1133p, 1136p, 1140p, 1145p, 1151p, 1155p, "-"]]
-    short_name: "921"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "749"
-    stop_times: [[659a, 701a, 705a, 730a], [734a, 736a, 740a, 810a], [804a, 806a, 810a, 840a], [456p, 458p, 502p, 535p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p], [750p, 800p, 806p, 815p], [850p, 900p, 906p, 915p], [950p, 1000p, 1006p, 1015p], [1050p, 1100p, 1106p, 1115p]]
-    short_name: "960"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "22"
-    stop_times: [[635a, 648a, 656a, 659a, 707a], [705a, 718a, 726a, 729a, 738a], [735a, 749a, 758a, 801a, 810a], [805a, 819a, 828a, 831a, 840a], [843a, 857a, 906a, 909a, 918a], [943a, 956a, 1004a, 1007a, 1015a], [1043a, 1056a, 1104a, 1107a, 1115a], [1143a, 1156a, 1204p, 1207p, 1215p], [1243p, 1256p, 104p, 107p, 115p], [143p, 156p, 204p, 207p, 215p], [243p, 256p, 305p, 308p, 317p], [313p, 327p, 336p, 339p, 348p], [335p, 349p, 358p, 401p, 410p], [405p, 419p, 428p, 431p, 440p], [435p, 449p, 458p, 501p, 510p], [505p, 519p, 528p, 531p, 540p], [535p, 549p, 558p, 601p, 610p], [605p, 619p, 628p, 631p, 639p], [638p, 651p, 659p, 702p, 710p], [738p, 751p, 759p, 802p, 810p], [838p, 851p, 859p, 902p, 910p], [938p, 951p, 959p, 1002p, 1010p], [1038p, 1051p, 1059p, 1102p, 1110p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 815a, 820a, 824a, 830a, 837a, 839a, 844a], [845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657p, 703p, 708p, 712p, 718p, 725p, 727p, 732p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 813p, 818p, 822p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 842p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 923p, 928p, 932p, 938p, 945p, 947p, 952p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1028p, 1034p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1146p, 1151p, 1155p, 1201a, 1208a, 1210a, 1215a]]
-    short_name: "980"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Wanniassa High, Erindale Centre, Monash Goodwin Village, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: "63"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 615a, 619a, 623a, 631a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 649a, 653a, 701a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 710a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 736a, 741a, 746a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 818a, 823a, 828a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 823a, 832a, 838a, 843a, 848a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 928a, 937a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003a, 1011a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103a, 1111a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1203p, 1211p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 103p, 111p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 203p, 211p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 303p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 328p, 338p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 323p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 348p, 358p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 403p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 428p, 438p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 423p, 432p, 438p, 443p, 448p, 458p], [437p, 441p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 538p], [457p, 501p, 505p, 508p, 523p, 532p, 538p, 543p, 548p, 558p], [537p, 541p, 545p, 548p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 628p, 637p], [557p, 601p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 647p, 656p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703p, 711p, 717p, 722p, 726p, 735p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803p, 811p, 817p, 822p, 826p, 835p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903p, 911p, 917p, 922p, 926p, 935p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003p, 1011p, 1017p, 1022p, 1026p, 1035p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1126p, 1135p], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Gowrie, Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash]
-    long_name: To Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "170"
-    stop_times: [[500p, 505p, 521p, 536p, 546p, 556p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    stop_times_saturday: [[625a, 634a, 640a, 647a, 650a, 654a, 659a, 702a, 712a], [825a, 834a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 854a, 859a, 902a, 912a], [1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p], [828p, 837p, 843p, 850p, 853p, 857p, 902p, 905p, 915p], [1028p, 1037p, 1043p, 1050p, 1053p, 1057p, 1102p, 1105p, 1115p]]
-    short_name: "914"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 809a, 816a, 823a, 836a, 838a, 842a], [814a, 816a, 820a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, 707p, 714p, 721p, 733p, 735p, 739p], [713p, 715p, 719p, 731p, 737p, 744p, 754p, 805p, 812p, 819p, 831p, 833p, 837p], [813p, 815p, 819p, 831p, 837p, 844p, 854p, 905p, 912p, 919p, 931p, 933p, 937p], [913p, 915p, 919p, 931p, 937p, 944p, 954p, 1005p, 1012p, 1019p, 1031p, 1033p, 1037p], [1013p, 1015p, 1019p, 1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1054p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1113p, 1115p, 1119p, 1131p, 1137p, 1144p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "905"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, Dickson / Antill St]
-    long_name: To Dickson
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "8"
-    stop_times: [[655a, 702a, 707a, 713a], [714a, 721a, 726a, 732a], [741a, 750a, 757a, 804a], [811a, 820a, 827a, 834a], [841a, 850a, 857a, 904a], [915a, 924a, 931a, 937a], [946a, 953a, 958a, 1004a], [1018a, 1025a, 1030a, 1036a], [1046a, 1053a, 1058a, 1104a], [1146a, 1153a, 1158a, 1204p], [1246p, 1253p, 1258p, 104p], [146p, 153p, 158p, 204p], [246p, 253p, 258p, 305p], [311p, 320p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 355p, 402p, 409p], [411p, 420p, 427p, 434p], [444p, 453p, 500p, 507p], [523p, 532p, 539p, 546p], [553p, 602p, 609p, 616p], [623p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [650p, 655p, 700p, 706p], [705p, 710p, 715p, 721p], [805p, 810p, 815p, 821p], [905p, 910p, 915p, 921p], [1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1021p], [1105p, 1110p, 1115p, 1121p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St]
-    long_name: To Northbourne Avenue / Antill St
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "59"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 537a, 541a, 547a, 603a, 606a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612a, 616a, 622a, 638a, 641a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 646a, 650a, 656a, 711a, 714a, 717a, 724a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 706a, 712a, 727a, 730a, 733a, 740a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 716a, 722a, 737a, 740a, 743a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 733a, 737a, 743a, 758a, 801a, 806a, 817a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 813a, 819a, 834a, 837a, 842a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 820a, 824a, 830a, 845a, 848a, 853a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 849a, 853a, 859a, 914a, 917a, 920a, 927a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 923a, "-", 933a, 939a, 955a, 958a, "-", "-"], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1023a, "-", 1033a, 1039a, 1055a, 1058a, "-", "-"], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1123a, "-", 1133a, 1139a, 1155a, 1158a, "-", "-"], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1223p, "-", 1233p, 1239p, 1255p, 1258p, "-", "-"], [100p, 102p, 106p, 123p, "-", 133p, 139p, 155p, 158p, "-", "-"], [200p, 202p, 206p, 223p, "-", 233p, 239p, 255p, 258p, "-", "-"], [240p, 242p, 246p, 303p, "-", 313p, 319p, 335p, 338p, "-", "-"], [318p, 320p, 324p, 342p, "-", 352p, 358p, 414p, 417p, "-", "-"], [333p, 335p, 339p, 357p, "-", 407p, 413p, 429p, 432p, "-", "-"], [348p, 350p, 354p, 412p, "-", 422p, 428p, 444p, 447p, "-", "-"], [403p, 405p, 409p, 427p, "-", 437p, 443p, 459p, 502p, "-", "-"], [418p, 420p, 424p, 442p, "-", 452p, 458p, 514p, 517p, "-", "-"], [433p, 435p, 439p, 457p, "-", 507p, 513p, 529p, 532p, "-", "-"], [448p, 450p, 454p, 512p, "-", 522p, 528p, 544p, 547p, "-", "-"], [503p, 505p, 509p, 527p, "-", 537p, 543p, 559p, 602p, "-", "-"], [518p, 520p, 524p, 542p, "-", 552p, 558p, 614p, 617p, "-", "-"], [530p, 532p, 536p, 554p, "-", 604p, 610p, 626p, 629p, "-", "-"], [548p, 550p, 554p, 611p, "-", 620p, 626p, 642p, 645p, "-", "-"], [603p, 605p, 609p, 626p, "-", 635p, 641p, 657p, 700p, "-", "-"], [703p, 705p, 709p, 726p, "-", 735p, 741p, 757p, 800p, "-", "-"], [803p, 805p, 809p, 826p, "-", 835p, 841p, 857p, 900p, "-", "-"], [903p, 905p, 909p, 926p, "-", 935p, 941p, 957p, 1000p, "-", "-"], [1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1026p, "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1057p, 1100p, "-", "-"], [1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1126p, "-", 1135p, 1141p, 1157p, 1200a, "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: 
-      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-      Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: 27 227
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 829a, 833a, 840a, 845a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854a, 902a, 906a, 913a, 918a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054a, 1101a, 1105a, 1113a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1154a, 1201p, 1205p, 1213p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1254p, 101p, 105p, 113p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 154p, 201p, 205p, 213p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 254p, 302p, 307p, 314p, 322p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 321p, 333p, 338p, 345p, 353p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 351p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 423p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 421p, 433p, 438p, 445p, 453p], [427p, 431p, 435p, 438p, 453p, 505p, 510p, 517p, 525p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 521p, 533p, 538p, 545p, 553p], [527p, 531p, 535p, 538p, 553p, 605p, 610p, 617p, 625p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 635p, 641p, 644p, 650p, 655p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835p, 841p, 844p, 850p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 935p, 941p, 944p, 950p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1044p, 1050p, 1055p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Stromlo High Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "75"
-    stop_times: [[925a, 934a, 947a], [1125a, 1134a, 1147a], [125p, 134p, 147p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 723a, 731a, 739a, 741a, 745a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 823a, 831a, 839a, 841a, 845a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 702p, 709p, 715p, 720p, 728p, 735p, 737p, 741p], [750p, 752p, 756p, 802p, 809p, 815p, 820p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 841p], [850p, 852p, 856p, 902p, 909p, 915p, 920p, 928p, 935p, 937p, 941p], [950p, 952p, 956p, 1002p, 1009p, 1015p, 1020p, 1028p, 1035p, 1037p, 1041p], [1050p, 1052p, 1056p, 1102p, 1109p, 1115p, 1120p, 1128p, 1135p, 1137p, 1141p]]
-    short_name: "902"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
-    short_name: 18 318
-    stop_times: [[545a, 554a, 558a, 608a, 626a, 642a, 702a, 704a, 709a], [612a, 621a, 625a, 635a, 653a, 709a, 729a, 731a, 736a], [635a, 644a, 648a, 658a, 716a, 732a, 753a, 755a, 800a], [657a, 706a, 710a, 720a, 738a, 756a, 817a, 819a, 824a], [716a, 725a, 729a, 741a, 800a, 818a, 839a, 841a, 846a], [733a, 743a, 748a, 800a, 819a, 837a, 858a, 900a, 905a], ["-", "-", 750a, 758a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [753a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 839a, 857a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [813a, 823a, 828a, 840a, 859a, 917a, 938a, 940a, 945a], [838a, 848a, 853a, 905a, 924a, 941a, 1001a, 1003a, 1008a], [909a, 919a, 924a, 935a, 953a, 1009a, 1029a, 1031a, 1036a], [943a, 952a, 956a, 1006a, 1024a, 1040a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1013a, 1022a, 1026a, 1036a, 1054a, 1110a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1043a, 1052a, 1056a, 1106a, 1124a, 1140a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1113a, 1122a, 1126a, 1136a, 1154a, 1210p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1143a, 1152a, 1156a, 1206p, 1224p, 1240p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1213p, 1222p, 1226p, 1236p, 1254p, 110p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1243p, 1252p, 1256p, 106p, 124p, 140p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [113p, 122p, 126p, 136p, 154p, 210p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [143p, 152p, 156p, 206p, 224p, 240p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 221p, 225p, 235p, 253p, 310p, 331p, 333p, 338p], [241p, 250p, 254p, 305p, 324p, 342p, 403p, 405p, 410p], [308p, 318p, 323p, 335p, 354p, 412p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [333p, 343p, 348p, 400p, 419p, 437p, 458p, 500p, 505p], [402p, 412p, 417p, 429p, 448p, 506p, 527p, 529p, 534p], [439p, 449p, 454p, 506p, 525p, 543p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [515p, 525p, 530p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 610p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 627p, 632p, 642p, 659p, 714p, 734p, 736p, 741p], [713p, 722p, 726p, 734p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 823p, 827p, 835p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 923p, 927p, 935p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1114p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
-    long_name: To Kippax
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    short_name: "16"
-    stop_times: [[700a, 702a, 706a, 711a, 717a, 727a], [800a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 818a, 830a], [826a, 828a, 832a, 838a, 844a, 856a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 925a, 931a, 941a], [939a, 941a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 1006a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1025a, 1031a, 1041a], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1106a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1125a, 1131a, 1141a], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1206p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1225p, 1231p, 1241p], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 106p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 125p, 131p, 141p], [139p, 141p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 206p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 225p, 231p, 241p], [238p, 240p, 244p, 249p, 255p, 306p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 325p, 337p], [326p, 328p, 332p, 338p, 344p, 356p], [356p, 358p, 402p, 408p, 414p, 426p], [426p, 428p, 432p, 438p, 444p, 456p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 458p, 504p, 516p], [506p, 508p, 512p, 518p, 524p, 536p], [526p, 528p, 532p, 538p, 544p, 556p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 558p, 604p, 616p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 613p, 619p, 631p], [622p, 624p, 628p, 633p, 639p, 649p], [721p, 723p, 727p, 731p, 737p, 747p], [821p, 823p, 827p, 831p, 837p, 847p], [921p, 923p, 927p, 931p, 937p, 947p], [1021p, 1023p, 1027p, 1031p, 1037p, 1047p], [1121p, 1123p, 1127p, 1131p, 1137p, 1147p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "52"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 539a, 547a, 555a, 602a, 605a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [628a, 630a, 634a, 647a, 652a, 700a, 708a, 714a, 717a, 720a, 727a, 729a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 724a, 730a, 733a, 736a, 743a, 745a, 800a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 739a, 745a, 748a, 753a, 804a, 809a, 824a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 742a, 747a, 755a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 818a, 829a, 834a, 849a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 820a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 846a, 851a, 903a], [803a, 805a, 809a, 823a, 828a, 836a, 844a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a], [834a, 836a, 840a, 854a, 859a, 907a, 915a, 921a, 924a, 927a, 934a, 936a, 943a], [912a, 914a, 918a, 931a, 936a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1002a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1014a, 1018a, 1031a, 1036a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1102a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1114a, 1118a, 1131a, 1136a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1214p, 1218p, 1231p, 1236p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 102p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 114p, 118p, 131p, 136p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 214p, 218p, 231p, 236p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 302p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 309p, 316p, 319p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 314p, 318p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 402p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 354p, 358p, 412p, 417p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 445p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 414p, 418p, 432p, 437p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 505p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [432p, 434p, 438p, 452p, 457p, 506p, 514p, 522p, 525p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [452p, 454p, 458p, 512p, 517p, 526p, 534p, 542p, 545p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 514p, 518p, 532p, 537p, 546p, 554p, 602p, 605p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 552p, 557p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 623p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [611p, 613p, 617p, 630p, 635p, 643p, 651p, 658p, 701p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [711p, 713p, 717p, 730p, 735p, 743p, 751p, 758p, 801p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 813p, 817p, 830p, 835p, 843p, 851p, 858p, 901p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 913p, 917p, 930p, 935p, 943p, 951p, 958p, 1001p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1013p, 1017p, 1030p, 1035p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p, 1101p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Primary, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-    short_name: "64"
-    stop_times: [[605a, 612a, 616a, 623a, 631a], [635a, 642a, 646a, 653a, 701a], [705a, 712a, 716a, 723a, 731a], [735a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 806a], [805a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 836a], [825a, 834a, 839a, 846a, 856a], [905a, 914a, 919a, 926a, 935a], [935a, 943a, 947a, 954a, 1003a], [1035a, 1043a, 1047a, 1054a, 1103a], [1135a, 1143a, 1147a, 1154a, 1203p], [1235p, 1243p, 1247p, 1254p, 103p], [135p, 143p, 147p, 154p, 203p], [235p, 243p, 247p, 254p, 303p], [305p, 314p, 319p, 326p, 336p], [335p, 344p, 349p, 356p, 406p], [435p, 444p, 449p, 456p, 506p], [505p, 514p, 519p, 526p, 536p], [535p, 544p, 549p, 556p, 606p], [636p, 644p, 648p, 655p, 704p], [739p, 747p, 751p, 758p, 807p], [839p, 847p, 851p, 858p, 907p], [939p, 947p, 951p, 958p, 1007p], [1039p, 1047p, 1051p, 1058p, "-"], [], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson / Antill St, Merici College, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: "7"
-    stop_times: [[541a, 543a, 547a, 600a, 608a, 615a, 623a], [611a, 613a, 617a, 630a, 638a, 645a, 653a], [641a, 643a, 647a, 700a, 708a, 715a, 723a], [711a, 713a, 717a, 730a, 739a, 746a, 755a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 804a, 817a, 824a, 837a], [811a, 813a, 817a, 832a, 841a, 848a, 903a], [841a, 843a, 847a, 902a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 958a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1005a, 1013a, 1020a, 1028a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1058a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1105a, 1113a, 1120a, 1128a], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1158a], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1205p, 1213p, 1220p, 1228p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1258p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 105p, 113p, 120p, 128p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 158p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 205p, 213p, 220p, 228p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 258p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 330p], [311p, 313p, 317p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 356p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 402p, 410p, 417p, 426p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 432p, 440p, 447p, 456p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 502p, 510p, 517p, 526p], [511p, 513p, 517p, 532p, 540p, 547p, 601p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 602p, 610p, 617p, 626p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 705p, 713p, 719p, 727p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 805p, 813p, 819p, 827p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 905p, 913p, 919p, 927p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1005p, 1013p, 1019p, 1027p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1105p, 1113p, 1119p, 1127p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[842a, 856a, 906a, 915a], [942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p], [642p, 656p, 706p, 715p], [742p, 756p, 806p, 815p], [842p, 856p, 906p, 915p], [942p, 956p, 1006p, 1015p], [1042p, 1056p, 1106p, 1115p]]
-    short_name: "961"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
-    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
-    between_stops: 
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
-    short_name: "88"
-    stop_times: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
-    short_name: "88"
-    stop_times: [[1150a, 1210p], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "939"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
-    short_name: "936"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Page, Hawker, Cook, Jamison Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    short_name: "73"
-    stop_times: [[916a, 918a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 937a, 944a, 947a, 954a, 1005a, 1007a, 1012a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1117a, 1124a, 1135a, 1137a, 1142a], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1227p, 1233p, 1237p, 1244p, 1247p, 1254p, 105p, 107p, 112p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 217p, 224p, 235p, 237p, 242p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "927"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[812a, 821a, 831a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p], [712p, 721p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 750p, 752p, 757p], [812p, 821p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 850p, 852p, 857p], [912p, 921p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 950p, 952p, 957p], [1012p, 1021p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1050p, 1052p, 1057p], [1112p, 1121p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1150p, 1152p, 1157p]]
-    short_name: "951"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Stromlo High Waramanga, Cooleman Court]
-    long_name: To Cooleman Court
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "75"
-    stop_times: [[1055a, 1108a, 1117a], [1255p, 108p, 117p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[814a, 823a, 824a, 827a, 836a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [714p, 723p, 724p, 727p, 736p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [814p, 823p, 824p, 827p, 836p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [914p, 923p, 924p, 927p, 936p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [1014p, 1023p, 1024p, 1027p, 1036p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1114p, 1123p, 1124p, 1127p, 1136p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p]]
-    short_name: "942"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Pearce, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "938"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    short_name: 60 160
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", 647a, 701a, 708a, 718a], ["-", "-", 717a, 731a, 739a, 750a], ["-", "-", 747a, 801a, 809a, 820a], ["-", "-", 817a, 831a, 839a, 850a], ["-", "-", 847a, 901a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 947a, 1001a, 1009a, 1019a], ["-", "-", 1047a, 1101a, 1109a, 1119a], ["-", "-", 1147a, 1201p, 1209p, 1219p], ["-", "-", 1247p, 101p, 109p, 119p], ["-", "-", 147p, 201p, 209p, 219p], ["-", "-", 247p, 301p, 309p, 320p], ["-", "-", 317p, 331p, 339p, 350p], ["-", "-", 347p, 401p, 409p, 420p], ["-", "-", 417p, 431p, 439p, 450p], ["-", "-", 447p, 501p, 509p, 520p], [455p, 501p, 517p, 531p, 539p, 550p], [531p, 537p, 553p, 607p, 615p, 626p], [555p, 601p, 617p, 631p, 638p, 647p], ["-", "-", 647p, 701p, 708p, 717p], ["-", "-", 743p, 757p, 804p, 813p], ["-", "-", 843p, 857p, 904p, 913p], ["-", "-", 943p, 957p, 1004p, 1013p], ["-", "-", 1043p, 1057p, 1104p, 1113p], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Curtin, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
-    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
-      City West-City Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "732"
-    stop_times: [[715a, 724a, 738a, 742a, 744a], [748a, 803a, 815a, 819a, 821a], [818a, 827a, 841a, 845a, 847a]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[718a, 727a, 730a, 735a, 744a, 749a, 757a, 809a], [818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p], [818p, 827p, 830p, 835p, 844p, 849p, 857p, 909p], [918p, 927p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 949p, 957p, 1009p], [1018p, 1027p, 1030p, 1035p, 1044p, 1049p, 1057p, 1109p], [1118p, 1127p, 1130p, 1135p, 1144p, "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "936"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
-    short_name: "786"
-    stop_times: [[445p, 455p, 520p, 533p], [515p, 525p, 550p, 603p], [545p, 555p, 620p, 633p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[801a, 815a, 822a, 829a, 841a], [901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
-    short_name: "931"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Isabella, Calwell]
-    long_name: To Calwell
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-    short_name: "768"
-    stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Goodwin Village, Erindale Centre, Wanniassa High, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
-    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-    between_stops: 
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-    short_name: "63"
-    stop_times: [[611a, 619a, 623a, 628a, 633a, 640a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 648a, 652a, 657a, 702a, 710a, 724a, 727a, 731a, 735a], [712a, 720a, 724a, 729a, 735a, 745a, 759a, 803a, 807a, 811a], [744a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 834a, 838a, 842a, 846a], [810a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a, 845a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 855a, 900a, 905a, 911a, 920a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 954a, 958a, 1003a, 1009a, 1017a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1054a, 1058a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1154a, 1158a, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1254p, 1258p, 103p, 109p, 117p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 154p, 158p, 203p, 209p, 217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 254p, 258p, 303p, 309p, 318p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [314p, 324p, 329p, 334p, 340p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 411p, 420p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 450p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 455p, 500p, 505p, 511p, 520p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 525p, 530p, 535p, 541p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 605p, 611p, 620p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [645p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 709p, 717p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 809p, 817p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 909p, 917p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1009p, 1017p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "922"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p]]
-  -  
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page, Scullin, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus]
     long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+      Charnwood-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_FiT]
+      Page-Scullin: [Wjr-MS6, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Njs]
+      Scullin-Charnwood: [Wjr-F_m, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-Ayn, Wjr-AbT, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-L8R]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Page: [Wjr-UfX, Wjr-U5B]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
       City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
       Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
     short_name: 13 313
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 733a, 735a, 739a, 742a, 746a, 755a, 803a], [710a, 728a, 746a, 807a, 809a, 813a, 816a, 820a, 829a, 837a], [751a, 810a, 828a, 849a, 851a, 855a, 858a, 902a, 911a, 919a], [811a, 830a, 848a, 909a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 922a, 931a, 938a], [850a, 909a, 927a, 947a, 949a, 953a, 955a, 959a, 1007a, 1014a], [921a, 940a, 956a, 1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1036a, 1043a], [951a, 1009a, 1025a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1105a, 1112a], [1021a, 1039a, 1055a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1142a], [1051a, 1109a, 1125a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1205p, 1212p], [1121a, 1139a, 1155a, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1242p], [1151a, 1209p, 1225p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 105p, 112p], [1221p, 1239p, 1255p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 142p], [1251p, 109p, 125p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 153p, 157p, 205p, 212p], [121p, 139p, 155p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 242p], [151p, 209p, 225p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 253p, 257p, 306p, 313p], [221p, 239p, 255p, 316p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 330p, 340p, 347p], [250p, 308p, 326p, 347p, 349p, 353p, 356p, 401p, 411p, 418p], [316p, 335p, 353p, 414p, 416p, 420p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 445p], [346p, 405p, 423p, 444p, 446p, 450p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 515p], [406p, 425p, 443p, 504p, 506p, 510p, 513p, 518p, 528p, 535p], [426p, 445p, 503p, 524p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 538p, 548p, 555p], [446p, 505p, 523p, 544p, 546p, 550p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 615p], [526p, 545p, 603p, 624p, 626p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 644p, 651p], [556p, 615p, 632p, 652p, 654p, 658p, 700p, 704p, 712p, 719p], [656p, 713p, 728p, 748p, 750p, 754p, 756p, 800p, 808p, 815p], ["-", "-", "-", 835p, 837p, 841p, 843p, 847p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 935p, 937p, 941p, 943p, 947p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1042p, 1046p, 1054p, 1101p]]
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Canberra Hospital, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Saint Andrews Village Hughes-Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home: [Wjz4h1M]
+      Canberra Hospital-Saint Andrews Village Hughes: [Wjz3tzF, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3n-H, Wjz3n-4, Wjz3nLq, Wjz4gou]
+      Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3fCx, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m31, Wjz3m31]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 2)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3slg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
+    short_name: "77"
+    stop_times: [[1100a, 1108a, 1113a, 1121a, 1128a], [100p, 108p, 113p, 121p, 128p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Cowper St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+      Dickson / Cowper St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
+      Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-City Bus Station: [Wjz5ASf, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Lyneham / Wattle St-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Krx, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Ainslie: [Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5Wmw, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+      Hackett-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjzdfaz, Wjzd7_6, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd72S, Wjz5_N2, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5-6R]
+      North Lyneham-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5KBe]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[759a, 811a, 819a, 825a, 834a, 839a, 842a, 851a], [859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p], [749p, 801p, 809p, 815p, 824p, 829p, 832p, 841p], [849p, 901p, 909p, 915p, 924p, 929p, 932p, 941p], [949p, 1001p, 1009p, 1015p, 1024p, 1029p, 1032p, 1041p], [1049p, 1101p, 1109p, 1115p, 1124p, 1129p, 1132p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "937"
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-ADFA: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzcfkd]
+      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, Wjzceyq, Wjzcdvn, Wjzcdml, WjzcdbC, Wjzcd2C, Wjzcd8D]
+      St Thomas More's Campbell-City Bus Station: [Wjzd0oD, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd02s, Wjz5UHK, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+      Hospice / Menindee Dr-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjzc51o, Wjzc51P, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4_Oj, Wjzc7bs, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzd0EU, Wjzd0yM]
+    short_name: "931"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Kambah High: [Wjz213w, Wjz213q, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz234e, Wjz2347, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
+      Kambah High-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz24lu, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, WjrWYHE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYDE, WjrWYDO, WjrWZA3, WjrWZsS, WjrWSUa, WjrWSX9]
+      Mount Neighbour School-Woden Bus Station: [WjrW_1f, WjrWTWO, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrXMFM, WjrXMN9, WjrXUjI, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+    short_name: "960"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
+      Isaacs-Farrer Primary School: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wEM, Wjz2DeX, Wjz2D3z]
+      Southlands Mawson-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3ran, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+      Canberra Hospital-Isaacs: [Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3xz2]
+      Farrer Primary School-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz2vR3, Wjz2vL4, Wjz3oyt, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
+    short_name: "923"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Lyons: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3eje]
+      Torrens-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3gB5, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3om2, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
+      Southlands Mawson-Pearce: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3iNO, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3h5c, Wjz39RI, Wjz3aGI]
+      Pearce-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3aPr, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3jei, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Chifley-Torrens: [Wjz3cal, Wjz3caw, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3b9L, Wjz3au8, Wjz3aGI, Wjz39RI, Wjz3g7D, Wjz3gcu]
+      Lyons-Chifley: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3ceV, Wjz3cal, Wjz3caw]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p], [733p, 736p, 740p, 745p, 751p, 755p, 801p], [933p, 936p, 940p, 945p, 951p, 955p, 1001p], [1133p, 1136p, 1140p, 1145p, 1151p, 1155p, "-"]]
+    short_name: "921"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz5fcz, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5e0m, Wjz5d57, Wjz55V-, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+    short_name: "749"
+    stop_times: [[659a, 701a, 705a, 730a], [734a, 736a, 740a, 810a], [804a, 806a, 810a, 840a], [456p, 458p, 502p, 535p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Mount Neighbour School-Kambah High: [WjrWSX9, WjrWSUa, WjrWZsS, WjrWZA3, WjrWYDO, WjrWYDE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYHE, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lu]
+      Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz2347, Wjz234e, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, Wjz213q, Wjz213w]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUjI, WjrXMN9, WjrXMFM, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrWTWO, WjrW_1f]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p], [750p, 800p, 806p, 815p], [850p, 900p, 906p, 915p], [950p, 1000p, 1006p, 1015p], [1050p, 1100p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "960"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Dickson / Cowper St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KVc, Wjz4RbQ]
+      Lyneham / Wattle St-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5Krx, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5Juf, Wjz5JuJ, Wjz5JzP, Wjz5Jyz, Wjz5Jpu, Wjz5Jpp, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Dickson / Cowper St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
+      Red Hill-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3TM5, Wjz3_99, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3tGi]
+      Manuka-Red Hill: [Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4M0c, Wjz3LRT, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3Sbz]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Manuka: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0]
+      North Lyneham-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5KBe]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3slg, Wjz3lov]
+    short_name: "6"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 650a, 658a, 703a, 710a, 720a, 728a], [648a, 655a, 701a, 715a, 723a, 728a, 736a, 750a, 758a], [718a, 725a, 731a, 747a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 826a, 834a], [748a, 756a, 804a, 820a, 830a, 838a, 846a, 903a, 911a], [818a, 827a, 836a, 852a, 904a, 909a, 917a, 931a, 939a], [848a, 856a, 903a, 919a, 931a, 936a, 943a, 955a, 1003a], [918a, 926a, 933a, 947a, 957a, 1002a, 1009a, 1021a, 1029a], [948a, 956a, 1003a, 1017a, 1027a, 1032a, 1039a, 1051a, 1059a], [1048a, 1056a, 1103a, 1117a, 1127a, 1132a, 1139a, 1151a, 1159a], [1148a, 1156a, 1203p, 1217p, 1227p, 1232p, 1239p, 1251p, 1259p], [1248p, 1256p, 103p, 117p, 127p, 132p, 139p, 151p, 159p], [148p, 156p, 203p, 217p, 227p, 232p, 239p, 251p, 259p], [248p, 256p, 303p, 319p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 358p, 406p], [318p, 326p, 333p, 349p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 428p, 436p], [348p, 356p, 403p, 419p, 431p, 436p, 444p, 458p, 506p], [418p, 426p, 433p, 449p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 528p, 536p], [448p, 456p, 503p, 519p, 531p, 536p, 544p, 558p, 606p], [518p, 526p, 533p, 549p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 628p, 636p], [548p, 556p, 603p, 619p, 631p, 636p, 643p, 653p, 701p], [640p, 647p, 653p, 705p, 713p, 718p, 725p, 735p, 743p], [740p, 747p, 753p, 805p, 813p, 818p, 825p, 835p, 843p], [840p, 847p, 853p, 905p, 913p, 918p, 925p, 935p, 943p], [940p, 947p, 953p, 1005p, 1013p, 1018p, 1025p, 1035p, 1043p], [1040p, 1047p, 1053p, 1105p, 1113p, 1118p, 1125p, 1135p, 1143p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Southlands Mawson-Torrens: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3om2, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3gB5]
+      Pearce-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3aPr, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3jei, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3ran, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3h_Y]
+      Torrens-Pearce: [Wjz3gcu, Wjz3g7D, Wjz39RI, Wjz3aGI]
+    short_name: "22"
+    stop_times: [[635a, 648a, 656a, 659a, 707a], [705a, 718a, 726a, 729a, 738a], [735a, 749a, 758a, 801a, 810a], [805a, 819a, 828a, 831a, 840a], [843a, 857a, 906a, 909a, 918a], [943a, 956a, 1004a, 1007a, 1015a], [1043a, 1056a, 1104a, 1107a, 1115a], [1143a, 1156a, 1204p, 1207p, 1215p], [1243p, 1256p, 104p, 107p, 115p], [143p, 156p, 204p, 207p, 215p], [243p, 256p, 305p, 308p, 317p], [313p, 327p, 336p, 339p, 348p], [335p, 349p, 358p, 401p, 410p], [405p, 419p, 428p, 431p, 440p], [435p, 449p, 458p, 501p, 510p], [505p, 519p, 528p, 531p, 540p], [535p, 549p, 558p, 601p, 610p], [605p, 619p, 628p, 631p, 639p], [638p, 651p, 659p, 702p, 710p], [738p, 751p, 759p, 802p, 810p], [838p, 851p, 859p, 902p, 910p], [938p, 951p, 959p, 1002p, 1010p], [1038p, 1051p, 1059p, 1102p, 1110p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Jamison Centre-Cook: [Wjz56Hh, Wjz55vN, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZZeD, WjrZZlR, WjrZZB7, WjrZZH3]
+      Cook-Aranda: [Wjz551Q, Wjz5592, Wjz54CS, Wjz54_n, Wjz54_B, Wjz5d81]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Caswell Drive-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Aranda-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5dcJ, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5l2U]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Jamison Centre: [Wjz57tz, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5eb2, Wjz56XB, Wjz56Xu]
+    short_name: "942"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Gowrie, Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash]
+    long_name: To Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash
+    between_stops: 
+      Erindale / Sternberg Cres-Gowrie: [Wjz2z1O, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2I99, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2Gdi, Wjz2y-L, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2wnQ]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 12)-Erindale / Sternberg Cres: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2trh, Wjz2su2, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2rN0]
+      Gowrie-Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2wuu, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2osM, Wjz2odG, Wjz2gTN, Wjz2gct, Wjz2g2J, Wjz28WY, Wjz28Bd]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "170"
+    stop_times: [[500p, 505p, 521p, 536p, 546p, 556p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2l5-, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2dA9, Wjz2dpP, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
+    short_name: "961"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Nicholls Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7rOj, Wjz7rMm, Wjz7qZT, Wjz7y6I, Wjz7zga, Wjz7GCd, Wjz7HWo, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7Pqv]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7aYu, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7qkM]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+    stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
+    short_name: "952"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cooleman Court, Stromlo High Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Cooleman Court-Stromlo High Waramanga: [WjrX-3w, WjrX-l4, WjrX-sE, WjrX-x5, WjrXZy7, WjrXZw7, WjrXZhO, WjrXRUs, WjrXRzE, WjrXRyK, WjrXRgw, WjrXQeH, WjrXQ2W, WjrXQ80, WjrXPJX, WjrXPR4, WjrXP_E, WjrXXl5]
+      Stromlo High Waramanga-Woden Bus Station: [WjrXXqW, WjrXXGN, WjrXXQ6, Wjz33z1, Wjz33CI, Wjz34qe, Wjz343V, Wjz344h, Wjz351q, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+    short_name: "75"
+    stop_times: [[925a, 934a, 947a], [1125a, 1134a, 1147a], [125p, 134p, 147p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Spence Terminus-Evatt: [Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_v, Wjz6f7z, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6esB, Wjz6e4_]
+      Evatt-Spence Terminus: [Wjz6e4_, Wjz6esB, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6f7z, Wjz67_v, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      McKellar-Evatt: [Wjz6c7A, Wjz6d1l, Wjz65GS, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65rA, Wjz65ik, Wjz65aB, Wjz652H, Wjr-ZXo, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr--W0, Wjr--W9, Wjz664g, Wjz664q, Wjz66kG, Wjz66kP, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66oO, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66XM, Wjz66WS]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Evatt-McKellar: [Wjz66WS, Wjz66XM, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66oO, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66kP, Wjz66kG, Wjz664q, Wjz664g, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W0, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZXo, Wjz652H, Wjz65aB, Wjz65ik, Wjz65rA, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65GS, Wjz6d1l, Wjz6c7A]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      McKellar-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjz64Yc, Wjz64OE, Wjz6c8c, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6cz2]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-McKellar: [Wjz6cz2, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6c8c, Wjz64OE, Wjz64Yc]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 723a, 731a, 739a, 741a, 745a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 823a, 831a, 839a, 841a, 845a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 702p, 709p, 715p, 720p, 728p, 735p, 737p, 741p], [750p, 752p, 756p, 802p, 809p, 815p, 820p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 841p], [850p, 852p, 856p, 902p, 909p, 915p, 920p, 928p, 935p, 937p, 941p], [950p, 952p, 956p, 1002p, 1009p, 1015p, 1020p, 1028p, 1035p, 1037p, 1041p], [1050p, 1052p, 1056p, 1102p, 1109p, 1115p, 1120p, 1128p, 1135p, 1137p, 1141p]]
+    short_name: "902"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Lanyon Marketplace-Gordon Primary: [Wjz0mrj, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0niU, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0f-r, Wjz18Pt, Wjz18KG, Wjz18D0, Wjz18th, Wjz18G9, Wjz18Xo, Wjz1g4J, Wjz1h8e]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz1k8i, Wjz1ksO, Wjz17BY, Wjz20xf, Wjz20ut]
+      Gordon Primary-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz1igo, Wjz1is3, Wjz1imh, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1j87, Wjz1jim, Wjz1je2]
+    short_name: 18 318
+    stop_times: [[545a, 554a, 558a, 608a, 626a, 642a, 702a, 704a, 709a], [612a, 621a, 625a, 635a, 653a, 709a, 729a, 731a, 736a], [635a, 644a, 648a, 658a, 716a, 732a, 753a, 755a, 800a], [657a, 706a, 710a, 720a, 738a, 756a, 817a, 819a, 824a], [716a, 725a, 729a, 741a, 800a, 818a, 839a, 841a, 846a], [733a, 743a, 748a, 800a, 819a, 837a, 858a, 900a, 905a], ["-", "-", 750a, 758a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [753a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 839a, 857a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [813a, 823a, 828a, 840a, 859a, 917a, 938a, 940a, 945a], [838a, 848a, 853a, 905a, 924a, 941a, 1001a, 1003a, 1008a], [909a, 919a, 924a, 935a, 953a, 1009a, 1029a, 1031a, 1036a], [943a, 952a, 956a, 1006a, 1024a, 1040a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1013a, 1022a, 1026a, 1036a, 1054a, 1110a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1043a, 1052a, 1056a, 1106a, 1124a, 1140a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1113a, 1122a, 1126a, 1136a, 1154a, 1210p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1143a, 1152a, 1156a, 1206p, 1224p, 1240p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1213p, 1222p, 1226p, 1236p, 1254p, 110p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1243p, 1252p, 1256p, 106p, 124p, 140p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [113p, 122p, 126p, 136p, 154p, 210p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [143p, 152p, 156p, 206p, 224p, 240p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 221p, 225p, 235p, 253p, 310p, 331p, 333p, 338p], [241p, 250p, 254p, 305p, 324p, 342p, 403p, 405p, 410p], [308p, 318p, 323p, 335p, 354p, 412p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [333p, 343p, 348p, 400p, 419p, 437p, 458p, 500p, 505p], [402p, 412p, 417p, 429p, 448p, 506p, 527p, 529p, 534p], [439p, 449p, 454p, 506p, 525p, 543p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [515p, 525p, 530p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 610p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 627p, 632p, 642p, 659p, 714p, 734p, 736p, 741p], [713p, 722p, 726p, 734p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 823p, 827p, 835p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 923p, 927p, 935p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1114p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
+    long_name: To Kippax
+    between_stops: 
+      Florey-Latham Post Office: [Wjr-X1i, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IcO]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Florey: [Wjr-VeQ, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-Ws2]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Latham Post Office-Kippax: [Wjr-IeY, Wjr-J8t, Wjr-J44, Wjr-Jm9, Wjr-InZ, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-H48, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zom, Wjr-zcC, Wjr-z7J]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "16"
+    stop_times: [[700a, 702a, 706a, 711a, 717a, 727a], [800a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 818a, 830a], [826a, 828a, 832a, 838a, 844a, 856a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 925a, 931a, 941a], [939a, 941a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 1006a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1025a, 1031a, 1041a], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1106a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1125a, 1131a, 1141a], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1206p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1225p, 1231p, 1241p], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 106p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 125p, 131p, 141p], [139p, 141p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 206p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 225p, 231p, 241p], [238p, 240p, 244p, 249p, 255p, 306p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 325p, 337p], [326p, 328p, 332p, 338p, 344p, 356p], [356p, 358p, 402p, 408p, 414p, 426p], [426p, 428p, 432p, 438p, 444p, 456p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 458p, 504p, 516p], [506p, 508p, 512p, 518p, 524p, 536p], [526p, 528p, 532p, 538p, 544p, 556p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 558p, 604p, 616p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 613p, 619p, 631p], [622p, 624p, 628p, 633p, 639p, 649p], [721p, 723p, 727p, 731p, 737p, 747p], [821p, 823p, 827p, 831p, 837p, 847p], [921p, 923p, 927p, 931p, 937p, 947p], [1021p, 1023p, 1027p, 1031p, 1037p, 1047p], [1121p, 1123p, 1127p, 1131p, 1137p, 1147p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7BJK, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7Ph1, Wjz7OtB]
+      Hibberson / Kate Crace-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6ZyF]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7aYu, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7qkM]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Nicholls Primary-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7rzg, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7smv, Wjz7thn, Wjz7tug, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7BsE]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn]
+    short_name: "52"
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 539a, 547a, 555a, 602a, 605a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [628a, 630a, 634a, 647a, 652a, 700a, 708a, 714a, 717a, 720a, 727a, 729a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 724a, 730a, 733a, 736a, 743a, 745a, 800a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 739a, 745a, 748a, 753a, 804a, 809a, 824a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 742a, 747a, 755a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 818a, 829a, 834a, 849a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 820a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 846a, 851a, 903a], [803a, 805a, 809a, 823a, 828a, 836a, 844a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a], [834a, 836a, 840a, 854a, 859a, 907a, 915a, 921a, 924a, 927a, 934a, 936a, 943a], [912a, 914a, 918a, 931a, 936a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1002a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1014a, 1018a, 1031a, 1036a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1102a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1114a, 1118a, 1131a, 1136a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1214p, 1218p, 1231p, 1236p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 102p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 114p, 118p, 131p, 136p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 214p, 218p, 231p, 236p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 302p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 309p, 316p, 319p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 314p, 318p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 402p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 354p, 358p, 412p, 417p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 445p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 414p, 418p, 432p, 437p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 505p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [432p, 434p, 438p, 452p, 457p, 506p, 514p, 522p, 525p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [452p, 454p, 458p, 512p, 517p, 526p, 534p, 542p, 545p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 514p, 518p, 532p, 537p, 546p, 554p, 602p, 605p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 552p, 557p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 623p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [611p, 613p, 617p, 630p, 635p, 643p, 651p, 658p, 701p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [711p, 713p, 717p, 730p, 735p, 743p, 751p, 758p, 801p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 813p, 817p, 830p, 835p, 843p, 851p, 858p, 901p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 913p, 917p, 930p, 935p, 943p, 951p, 958p, 1001p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1013p, 1017p, 1030p, 1035p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p, 1101p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Primary, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2jFt, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2su2, Wjz2thr, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2u8E]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5)-Monash Primary: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz28Bd, Wjz28WY, Wjz2g2J, Wjz2gct, Wjz2guG]
+      Monash Primary-MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus: [Wjz2hgy, Wjz2haF, Wjz2hB8, Wjz2iEO, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR]
+    short_name: "64"
+    stop_times: [[605a, 612a, 616a, 623a, 631a], [635a, 642a, 646a, 653a, 701a], [705a, 712a, 716a, 723a, 731a], [735a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 806a], [805a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 836a], [825a, 834a, 839a, 846a, 856a], [905a, 914a, 919a, 926a, 935a], [935a, 943a, 947a, 954a, 1003a], [1035a, 1043a, 1047a, 1054a, 1103a], [1135a, 1143a, 1147a, 1154a, 1203p], [1235p, 1243p, 1247p, 1254p, 103p], [135p, 143p, 147p, 154p, 203p], [235p, 243p, 247p, 254p, 303p], [305p, 314p, 319p, 326p, 336p], [335p, 344p, 349p, 356p, 406p], [435p, 444p, 449p, 456p, 506p], [505p, 514p, 519p, 526p, 536p], [535p, 544p, 549p, 556p, 606p], [636p, 644p, 648p, 655p, 704p], [739p, 747p, 751p, 758p, 807p], [839p, 847p, 851p, 858p, 907p], [939p, 947p, 951p, 958p, 1007p], [1039p, 1047p, 1051p, 1058p, "-"], [], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson / Cowper St, Merici College, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Merici College-City Bus Station: [Wjz5PLJ, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5Pwn, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NyR, Wjz5NpT, Wjz5Nht]
+      Australian Institute of Sport-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz6oEz, Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5_0v]
+      Dickson / Cowper St-Merici College: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5QUd]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gJc, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz5n_K, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5nUS, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5vrT]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: "7"
+    stop_times: [[541a, 543a, 547a, 600a, 608a, 615a, 623a], [611a, 613a, 617a, 630a, 638a, 645a, 653a], [641a, 643a, 647a, 700a, 708a, 715a, 723a], [711a, 713a, 717a, 730a, 739a, 746a, 755a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 804a, 817a, 824a, 837a], [811a, 813a, 817a, 832a, 841a, 848a, 903a], [841a, 843a, 847a, 902a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 958a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1005a, 1013a, 1020a, 1028a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1058a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1105a, 1113a, 1120a, 1128a], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1158a], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1205p, 1213p, 1220p, 1228p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1258p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 105p, 113p, 120p, 128p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 158p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 205p, 213p, 220p, 228p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 258p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 330p], [311p, 313p, 317p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 356p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 402p, 410p, 417p, 426p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 432p, 440p, 447p, 456p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 502p, 510p, 517p, 526p], [511p, 513p, 517p, 532p, 540p, 547p, 601p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 602p, 610p, 617p, 626p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 705p, 713p, 719p, 727p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 805p, 813p, 819p, 827p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 905p, 913p, 919p, 927p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1005p, 1013p, 1019p, 1027p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1105p, 1113p, 1119p, 1127p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Erindale Centre-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2dpP, Wjz2dA9, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2l5-]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[842a, 856a, 906a, 915a], [942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p], [642p, 656p, 706p, 715p], [742p, 756p, 806p, 815p], [842p, 856p, 906p, 915p], [942p, 956p, 1006p, 1015p], [1042p, 1056p, 1106p, 1115p]]
+    short_name: "961"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1egm, Wjz1ebG, Wjz16_x, Wjz17BY, Wjz20g4]
+      Lanyon Marketplace-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1hOT, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1iJO, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2]
+      Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Gordon Primary: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1jim, Wjz1j87, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1imh, Wjz1is3, Wjz1igo]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz20xf, Wjz17BY, Wjz16_x, Wjz1ebG, Wjz1egm, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+      Conder Primary-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT]
+      Bonython Primary School-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1ksO, Wjz1k8i]
+      Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Conder Primary: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0udw, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0vfE]
+      Gordon Primary-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1h8e, Wjz1g4J, Wjz18Xo, Wjz0f-r, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0niU, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0mrj]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[725a, 733a, 737a, 741a, 744a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a], [925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p], [928p, 936p, 940p, 944p, 947p, 952p, 1003p, 1008p, 1016p], [1128p, 1136p, 1140p, 1144p, 1147p, 1152p, 1203a, "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "913"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Alexander Maconochie Centre]
+    long_name: To Alexander Maconochie Centre
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Alexander Maconochie Centre: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz3kAx]
+    short_name: "88"
+    stop_times: [[920a, 940a], [1255p, 115p], [455p, 515p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Alexander Maconochie Centre, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Alexander Maconochie Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3dXS]
+    short_name: "88"
+    stop_times: [[1150a, 1210p], [320p, 340p], [730p, 750p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Spence Terminus-Evatt: [Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_v, Wjz6f7z, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6esB, Wjz6e4_]
+      Evatt-Spence Terminus: [Wjz6e4_, Wjz6esB, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6f7z, Wjz67_v, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+      McKellar-Evatt: [Wjz6c7A, Wjz6d1l, Wjz65GS, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65rA, Wjz65ik, Wjz65aB, Wjz652H, Wjr-ZXo, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr--W0, Wjr--W9, Wjz664g, Wjz664q, Wjz66kG, Wjz66kP, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66oO, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66XM, Wjz66WS]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Evatt-McKellar: [Wjz66WS, Wjz66XM, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66oO, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66kP, Wjz66kG, Wjz664q, Wjz664g, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W0, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZXo, Wjz652H, Wjz65aB, Wjz65ik, Wjz65rA, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65GS, Wjz6d1l, Wjz6c7A]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+      McKellar-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjz64Yc, Wjz64OE, Wjz6c8c, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6cz2]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-McKellar: [Wjz6cz2, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6c8c, Wjz64OE, Wjz64Yc]
+    short_name: "902"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 703p, 710p, 716p, 721p, 729p, 736p, 738p, 742p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Cowper St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Cowper St, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Dickson / Cowper St-City Bus Station: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5QUd, Wjz5PLJ, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+      Watson-Watson Terminus: [Wjze19V, Wjze1c2, Wjze1fs, Wjze2zi, Wjze2Qc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5PLJ, Wjz5QUd, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5-6R]
+      Watson Terminus-Watson: [WjzeaC3, Wjze8v0, Wjze8bf, Wjze0VY, Wjzd7_6, Wjze0GR, Wjze0vq, Wjze0vq]
+      Watson-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjze0l8, Wjz6UXL, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz5_mg, Wjz5_ie]
+      Dickson / Cowper St-Watson: [Wjz5_ie, Wjz5_mg, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6UXL, Wjze0l8]
+    short_name: "939"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Isabella, Calwell]
+    long_name: To Calwell
+    between_stops: 
+      Isabella-Calwell: [Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1srs, Wjz1sG6, Wjz1sPq, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1BFG]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      Russell Offices-Chisholm: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WHw, Wjz4VRQ, Wjzc1ak]
+      Chisholm-Isabella: [Wjz2Mdj, Wjz2EWD, Wjz2ExG, Wjz2Ep9, Wjz2E0l, Wjz1vJN, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1mJc]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+    short_name: "768"
+    stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Cowper St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      North Lyneham-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5-6R]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+      Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5Wmw, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ]
+      Dickson / Cowper St-Hackett: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5_N2, Wjzd72S, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7_6, Wjzdfaz]
+      Lyneham / Wattle St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5KBe, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5LSr, Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv]
+      Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5BPB, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5Krx]
+      Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO, Wjz5YAK]
+    short_name: "936"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Page, Hawker, Cook, Jamison Centre, Calvary Hospital, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Florey-Page: [Wjr-X1i, Wjr-OSy, Wjr-OHp, Wjr-NQD, Wjr-ViH, Wjr-UfX, Wjr-U5B]
+      Cook-Jamison Centre: [WjrZZH3, WjrZZB7, WjrZZlR, WjrZZeD, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-WW, Wjz557P, Wjz55vN, Wjz56Hh]
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Florey: [Wjr-VeQ, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Xhh]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Hawker-Cook: [Wjr-Mg6, Wjr-Mgt, WjrZTlr, WjrZSnl, WjrZSiu, WjrZRBn, WjrZRPq, WjrZZlR, WjrZZB7, WjrZZH3, Wjz551Q, Wjz5592]
+      Page-Hawker: [Wjr-MS6, Wjr-Mfb]
+      Jamison Centre-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz56Xu, Wjz56XB, Wjz5e8Y, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5l2U, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mxf]
+      Calvary Hospital-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5n_K, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
+    short_name: "73"
+    stop_times: [[916a, 918a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 937a, 944a, 947a, 954a, 1005a, 1007a, 1012a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1117a, 1124a, 1135a, 1137a, 1142a], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1227p, 1233p, 1237p, 1244p, 1247p, 1254p, 105p, 107p, 112p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 217p, 224p, 235p, 237p, 242p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Fisher-Chapman: [WjrXWsn, WjrXW7A, WjrXXk0, WjrXXl5, WjrXZw7, WjrXZhO, WjrXRUs, WjrXQTy, WjrXQTq, WjrXQRP, WjrXQOh, WjrXQO9, WjrXPDA, WjrXPJX, WjrXPR4, WjrXPFn, WjrXPFr, WjrXOn_, WjrXPgO, WjrXPbD, WjrXPbu]
+      Waramanga-Fisher: [WjrXXSj, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXGN, WjrXXNb, WjrXXUi, WjrXWQ8]
+      Chapman-Rivett: [WjrXHZU, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHHk, WjrXHH7, WjrXHuL, WjrXHvw, WjrXIqp, WjrXIqk, WjrXIKK, WjrXJxI]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 3)-Waramanga: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz34B4, Wjz34qe, Wjz343V, WjrXYVm]
+      Rivett-Cooleman Court: [WjrXJZ6, WjrXJ-g, WjrXRmc, WjrXSso, WjrX-3w]
+    short_name: "927"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Ngunnawal Primary, Nicholls Primary, Federation Square, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7BC3]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7txI, Wjz7thn, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Add, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7qvq]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+      Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+      Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qfu, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7ilp, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[812a, 821a, 831a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p], [712p, 721p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 750p, 752p, 757p], [812p, 821p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 850p, 852p, 857p], [912p, 921p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 950p, 952p, 957p], [1012p, 1021p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1050p, 1052p, 1057p], [1112p, 1121p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1150p, 1152p, 1157p]]
+    short_name: "951"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Stromlo High Waramanga, Cooleman Court]
+    long_name: To Cooleman Court
+    between_stops: 
+      Stromlo High Waramanga-Cooleman Court: [WjrXXl5, WjrXP_E, WjrXPR4, WjrXPJX, WjrXQ80, WjrXQ2W, WjrXQeH, WjrXRgw, WjrXRyK, WjrXRzE, WjrXRUs, WjrXZhO, WjrXZw7, WjrXZy7, WjrX-x5, WjrX-sE, WjrX-l4, WjrX-3w]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 2)-Stromlo High Waramanga: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz351q, Wjz344h, Wjz343V, Wjz34qe, Wjz34xq, Wjz33CI, Wjz33z1, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXGN, WjrXXqW, WjrXXl5]
+    short_name: "75"
+    stop_times: [[1055a, 1108a, 1117a], [1255p, 108p, 117p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Chisholm-Gowrie: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2I99, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2wnQ]
+      Gowrie-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2odG, Wjz2o7y, Wjz2phl, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2qnG]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+      Gowrie-Chisholm: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2I99, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2N0r]
+      Erindale Centre-Gowrie: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2phl, Wjz2o7y, Wjz2odG, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2wnQ]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 736a, 748a, 757a, 810a], [808a, 820a, 827a, 836a, 848a, 857a, 910a], [908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p], [803p, 815p, 822p, 831p, 843p, 852p, 905p], [903p, 915p, 922p, 931p, 943p, 952p, 1005p], [1003p, 1015p, 1022p, 1031p, 1043p, 1052p, 1105p], [1103p, 1115p, 1122p, 1131p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "966"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Kingston-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Xhv, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+      Canberra Hospital-Narrabundah College: [Wjz3tGi, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-TX]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+      Narrabundah College-Kingston: [Wjzb705, Wjzb79X, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7nW, Wjzc090, Wjz4UYU, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4V11, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NDP, Wjz4OV0, Wjz4W3r, Wjz4WdC]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "938"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Curtin, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
+    long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station-Curtin: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eSa, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3fCx, Wjz48qI, Wjz48dZ, Wjz499S, Wjz49dp, Wjz4a9o, Wjz4arc, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4aMo, Wjz49Y5, Wjz49Wd]
+      Curtin-City West: [Wjz4h1M, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5FOn, Wjz5FIS]
+      City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+      City West-City Bus Station: []
+    short_name: "732"
+    stop_times: [[715a, 724a, 738a, 742a, 744a], [748a, 803a, 815a, 819a, 821a], [818a, 827a, 841a, 845a, 847a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Cowper St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      North Lyneham-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5-6R]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+      Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5Wmw, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ]
+      Dickson / Cowper St-Hackett: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5_N2, Wjzd72S, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7_6, Wjzdfaz]
+      Lyneham / Wattle St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5KBe, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5LSr, Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv]
+      Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5BPB, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5Krx]
+      Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO, Wjz5YAK]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[718a, 727a, 730a, 735a, 744a, 749a, 757a, 809a], [818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p], [818p, 827p, 830p, 835p, 844p, 849p, 857p, 909p], [918p, 927p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 949p, 957p, 1009p], [1018p, 1027p, 1030p, 1035p, 1044p, 1049p, 1057p, 1109p], [1118p, 1127p, 1130p, 1135p, 1144p, "-", "-", "-"]]
+    short_name: "936"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Chisholm-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz20g4]
+      Brindabella Business Park-Chisholm: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrG7]
+      Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrG7, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+    short_name: "786"
+    stop_times: [[445p, 455p, 520p, 533p], [515p, 525p, 550p, 603p], [545p, 555p, 620p, 633p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-ADFA: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzcfkd]
+      ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, Wjzceyq, Wjzcdvn, Wjzcdml, WjzcdbC, Wjzcd2C, Wjzcd8D]
+      St Thomas More's Campbell-City Bus Station: [Wjzd0oD, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd02s, Wjz5UHK, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+      Hospice / Menindee Dr-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjzc51o, Wjzc51P, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4_Oj, Wjzc7bs, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzd0EU, Wjzd0yM]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[801a, 815a, 822a, 829a, 841a], [901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
+    short_name: "931"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+    long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+    between_stops: 
+      Macgregor-Belconnen Way: [Wjr-uhM, Wjr-te3, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tgp, Wjr-smi, Wjr-st9, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-AbT, Wjr-Ayn, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-FaP, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-EAb, Wjr-EYe]
+      Russell Offices-National Circ / Canberra Ave: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_]
+      Belconnen Way-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjr-Mqd, Wjr-MNh, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Dunlop-Macgregor: [Wjr_w0L, Wjr_oVO, Wjr_oP1, Wjr_oEZ, Wjr-vJY, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-ux-, Wjr-ux-]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Fraser West Terminus-Dunlop: [Wjr_FiT, Wjr_F9a, Wjr_xY9, Wjr_xLL, Wjr_xnT, Wjr_pVW, Wjr_wf4, Wjr_wm3, Wjr_wjn]
+    short_name: "703"
+    stop_times: [[653a, 700a, 706a, 718a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [710a, 717a, 723a, 735a, 753a, "-", "-"], [723a, 730a, 736a, 748a, 806a, "-", "-"], [738a, 745a, 751a, 803a, 834a, 843a, 851a], [758a, 806a, 813a, 827a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1egm, Wjz1ebG, Wjz16_x, Wjz17BY, Wjz20g4]
+      Lanyon Marketplace-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1hOT, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1iJO, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2]
+      Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Gordon Primary: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1jim, Wjz1j87, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1imh, Wjz1is3, Wjz1igo]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz20xf, Wjz17BY, Wjz16_x, Wjz1ebG, Wjz1egm, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+      Conder Primary-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT]
+      Bonython Primary School-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1ksO, Wjz1k8i]
+      Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Conder Primary: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0udw, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0vfE]
+      Gordon Primary-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1h8e, Wjz1g4J, Wjz18Xo, Wjz0f-r, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0niU, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0mrj]
+    short_name: "913"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Goodwin Village, Erindale Centre, Wanniassa High, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
+    long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+      Erindale Centre-Wanniassa High: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2cID, Wjz2cYK]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5)-Monash Goodwin Village: [Wjz20g4, Wjz17BY, Wjz1vfv, Wjz2ob-]
+      Wanniassa High-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2kv_, Wjz2lUf, Wjz2lWW, Wjz2t4u, Wjz2u8E]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+      Monash Goodwin Village-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2o7y, Wjz2phl, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2qnG]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+    short_name: "63"
+    stop_times: [[611a, 619a, 623a, 628a, 633a, 640a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 648a, 652a, 657a, 702a, 710a, 724a, 727a, 731a, 735a], [712a, 720a, 724a, 729a, 735a, 745a, 759a, 803a, 807a, 811a], [744a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 834a, 838a, 842a, 846a], [810a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a, 845a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 855a, 900a, 905a, 911a, 920a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 954a, 958a, 1003a, 1009a, 1017a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1054a, 1058a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1154a, 1158a, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1254p, 1258p, 103p, 109p, 117p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 154p, 158p, 203p, 209p, 217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 254p, 258p, 303p, 309p, 318p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [314p, 324p, 329p, 334p, 340p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 411p, 420p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 450p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 455p, 500p, 505p, 511p, 520p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 525p, 530p, 535p, 541p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 605p, 611p, 620p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [645p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 709p, 717p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 809p, 817p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 909p, 917p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1009p, 1017p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Southlands Mawson-Torrens: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3om2, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3gB5]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Pearce: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3knt, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3jei, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3aPr]
+      Chifley-Lyons: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3ceV]
+      Torrens-Chifley: [Wjz3gcu, Wjz3g7D, Wjz39RI, Wjz3aGI, Wjz3au8, Wjz3b9L, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3caw, Wjz3cal]
+      Lyons-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+      Pearce-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3aGI, Wjz39RI, Wjz3h5c, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3iNO, Wjz3h_Y]
+    short_name: "922"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p]]
+  -  
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
     long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+      Russell Offices-National Circ / Canberra Ave: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
     short_name: "710"
     stop_times: [[658a, 700a, 704a, 723a, 732a, 740a], [728a, 730a, 734a, 753a, 802a, 810a], [743a, 745a, 749a, 808a, 817a, 825a], [758a, 800a, 804a, 823a, 832a, 840a], [813a, 815a, 819a, 838a, 847a, 855a]]
@@ -3513,15 +4713,28 @@
     long_name: To City West
       City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Erindale / Sternberg Cres-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz2rN0, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2su2, Wjz2trh, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
       Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      Gowrie-Erindale / Sternberg Cres: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2y-L, Wjz2Gdi, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2I99, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2z1O]
+      Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash-Gowrie: [Wjz28Bd, Wjz28WY, Wjz2g2J, Wjz2gct, Wjz2gTN, Wjz2odG, Wjz2osM, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2wuu, Wjz2wnQ]
     short_name: "170"
     stop_times: [[710a, 720a, 732a, 749a, 804a, 806a], [728a, 738a, 750a, 807a, 822a, 824a]]
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Southwell Park-Giralang: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6rhW, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6t8_, Wjz6t9w, Wjz6t3F, Wjz6t4U]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Southwell Park: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Ti2]
+      Yarralumla-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4t8Z, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4z67, Wjz4INj, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Curtin: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eSa, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3fCx, Wjz48qI, Wjz48dZ, Wjz499S, Wjz49dp, Wjz4a9o, Wjz4arc, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4aMo, Wjz49Y5, Wjz49Wd]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      John James Hospital-Yarralumla: [Wjz4qn2, Wjz4shf]
+      Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6zth, Wjz6zon, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6yir, Wjz6y90, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Giralang-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6u32, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sHv]
+      Curtin-John James Hospital: [Wjz4h1M, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4iXK]
+      Gwydir Square Kaleen-University of Canberra: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5]
       University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
     short_name: "932"
     stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p]]
@@ -3529,7 +4742,9 @@
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jFt, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2twx, Wjz2trh, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lju]
     short_name: "964"
     stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p]]
@@ -3537,31 +4752,47 @@
     long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
       Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Russell Offices-National Circ / Canberra Ave: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_]
+      Spence-Copland College: [Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UPA, Wjz701a, Wjz701y, Wjz70go, Wjz67nz, Wjz67kk, Wjz67k1, Wjz671V, Wjz670_, Wjz66fx, Wjz66fx, Wjz664q, Wjz664g, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W0, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ]
+      Spence Terminus-Spence: [Wjz67BD, Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_t, Wjz70Wx, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70IW, Wjz70IY, Wjz70zB, Wjz70zz, Wjz70kD, Wjz70lp, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UTL]
+      William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2]
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Copland College-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjr-ZXo, Wjz652H, Wjz65aB, Wjz65ik, Wjz65rA, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65GS, Wjz64L1, Wjz64Gx]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
     short_name: "701"
     stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 710a, 714a, 724a, 726a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [731a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [745a, 750a, 757a, 801a, 819a, 824a, 840a, 849a, 857a]]
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
+      Isaacs-Farrer Primary School: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wEM, Wjz2DeX, Wjz2D3z]
+      Southlands Mawson-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3ran, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+      Canberra Hospital-Isaacs: [Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3xz2]
+      Farrer Primary School-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz2vR3, Wjz2vL4, Wjz3oyt, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
     stop_times_saturday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p], [713p, 718p, 723p, 728p, 734p, 743p], [913p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 934p, 943p], [1113p, 1118p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, 1143p]]
     short_name: "923"
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Kambah High: [Wjz213w, Wjz213q, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz234e, Wjz2347, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
+      Kambah High-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz24lu, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, WjrWYHE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYDE, WjrWYDO, WjrWZA3, WjrWZsS, WjrWSUa, WjrWSX9]
+      Mount Neighbour School-Woden Bus Station: [WjrW_1f, WjrWTWO, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrXMFM, WjrXMN9, WjrXUjI, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
     stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1120p]]
     short_name: "960"
     time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
     long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+      Cooleman Court-Rivett: [WjrX-3w, WjrXSso, WjrXRmc, WjrXJ-g, WjrXJZ6]
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+      Rivett-Fisher: [WjrXJxI, WjrXIKK, WjrXQ65, WjrXQ2W, WjrXQ80, WjrXPJX, WjrXPR4, WjrXP_E, WjrXXl5, WjrXXk0, WjrXW7A, WjrXWsn]
+      Waramanga-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [WjrXYVm, Wjz343V, Wjz34qe, Wjz34B4, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Fisher-Waramanga: [WjrXWQ8, WjrXXUi, WjrXXNb, WjrXXGN, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXSj]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+      Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
     short_name: 27 227
     stop_times: [[629a, 635a, 643a, 647a, 655a, 709a, 712a, 716a, 720a], [654a, 700a, 708a, 712a, 720a, 734a, 738a, 742a, 746a], ["-", "-", 728a, 735a, 746a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722a, 728a, 736a, 743a, 755a, 809a, 813a, 817a, 821a], [740a, 746a, 754a, 801a, 812a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [748a, 754a, 802a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [823a, 829a, 837a, 844a, 855a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [853a, 859a, 907a, 914a, 925a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 931a, 938a, 942a, 949a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [325p, 330p, 337p, 341p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [355p, 400p, 407p, 411p, 419p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [425p, 430p, 437p, 441p, 449p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [525p, 530p, 537p, 541p, 549p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [625p, 630p, 637p, 640p, 647p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 705p, 712p, 715p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 805p, 812p, 815p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 905p, 912p, 915p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1005p, 1012p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
@@ -3569,16 +4800,23 @@
     long_name: To City West
       City Bus Station-City West: []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Kambah High: [Wjz213w, Wjz213q, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz234e, Wjz2347, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
       Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      Mount Neighbour School-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [WjrW_1f, WjrWTWO, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrXMFM, WjrXMN9, WjrXUjI, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+      Kambah High-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz24lu, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, WjrWYHE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYDE, WjrWYDO, WjrWZA3, WjrWZsS, WjrWSUa, WjrWSX9]
     short_name: 60 160
     stop_times: [[606a, 615a, 621a, 632a, "-", "-"], [706a, 715a, 721a, 734a, 749a, 752a], [730a, 740a, 748a, 802a, "-", "-"], [738a, 748a, 756a, 811a, 826a, 829a], [752a, 802a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [808a, 818a, 826a, 841a, 856a, 859a], [836a, 846a, 854a, 908a, "-", "-"], [906a, 916a, 924a, 937a, "-", "-"], [1006a, 1016a, 1024a, 1036a, "-", "-"], [1106a, 1116a, 1124a, 1136a, "-", "-"], [1206p, 1216p, 1224p, 1236p, "-", "-"], [106p, 116p, 124p, 136p, "-", "-"], [206p, 216p, 224p, 236p, "-", "-"], [236p, 246p, 254p, 307p, "-", "-"], [306p, 316p, 324p, 338p, "-", "-"], [336p, 346p, 354p, 408p, "-", "-"], [406p, 416p, 424p, 438p, "-", "-"], [436p, 446p, 454p, 508p, "-", "-"], [506p, 516p, 524p, 538p, "-", "-"], [536p, 546p, 554p, 608p, "-", "-"], [606p, 616p, 624p, 637p, "-", "-"], [706p, 716p, 722p, 734p, "-", "-"], [806p, 816p, 822p, 834p, "-", "-"], [906p, 916p, 922p, 934p, "-", "-"], [1006p, 1016p, 1022p, 1034p, "-", "-"], [1106p, 1116p, 1122p, 1134p, "-", "-"]]
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
+      Kingston-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Xhv, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+      Canberra Hospital-Narrabundah College: [Wjz3tGi, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-TX]
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+      Manuka / Captain Cook Cres-Kingston: [Wjz4NDo, Wjz4OV0, Wjz4W3r, Wjz4WdC]
       Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Narrabundah College-Manuka / Captain Cook Cres: [Wjz3-TX, Wjzb705, Wjzb79X, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7nW, Wjzc090, Wjz4UYU, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4V11, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4NDP]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
     short_name: "5"
     stop_times: [[615a, 621a, 630a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 648a, 653a], [641a, 649a, 659a, 711a, 714a, 718a, 722a, 730a], [659a, 707a, 717a, 729a, 732a, 738a, 743a, 752a], [713a, 721a, 731a, 744a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 807a], [729a, 737a, 747a, 800a, 803a, 809a, 814a, 823a], [747a, 755a, 805a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 832a, 841a], [806a, 814a, 824a, 837a, 840a, 846a, 851a, 900a], [825a, 833a, 843a, 856a, 859a, 905a, 910a, 919a], [844a, 852a, 902a, 915a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 937a], [914a, 922a, 932a, 944a, 947a, 951a, 955a, 1003a], [944a, 952a, 1002a, 1014a, 1017a, 1021a, 1025a, 1033a], [1014a, 1022a, 1032a, 1044a, 1047a, 1051a, 1055a, 1103a], [1044a, 1052a, 1102a, 1114a, 1117a, 1121a, 1125a, 1133a], [1114a, 1122a, 1132a, 1144a, 1147a, 1151a, 1155a, 1203p], [1144a, 1152a, 1202p, 1214p, 1217p, 1221p, 1225p, 1233p], [1214p, 1222p, 1232p, 1244p, 1247p, 1251p, 1255p, 103p], [1244p, 1252p, 102p, 114p, 117p, 121p, 125p, 133p], [114p, 122p, 132p, 144p, 147p, 151p, 155p, 203p], [144p, 152p, 202p, 214p, 217p, 221p, 225p, 233p], [214p, 222p, 232p, 244p, 247p, 251p, 255p, 303p], [244p, 252p, 302p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 329p, 338p], [314p, 322p, 332p, 345p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 408p], [342p, 350p, 400p, 413p, 416p, 422p, 427p, 436p], [413p, 421p, 431p, 444p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [447p, 455p, 505p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 532p, 541p], [518p, 526p, 536p, 549p, 552p, 558p, 603p, 612p], [548p, 556p, 606p, 619p, 622p, 628p, 632p, 640p], [648p, 655p, 704p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 727p, 735p], [748p, 755p, 804p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 827p, 835p], [848p, 855p, 904p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 927p, 935p], [948p, 955p, 1004p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p], [1048p, 1055p, 1104p, 1116p, 1119p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p]]
@@ -3587,42 +4825,62 @@
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      North Lyneham-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz6FEI, Wjz6yzH, Wjz6yzQ, Wjz6yir, Wjz6y90, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Gwydir Square Kaleen-University of Canberra: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5]
       University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-North Lyneham: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
     short_name: "31"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", 637a, 643a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 701a], ["-", "-", 707a, 713a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 731a], [733a, 740a, 745a, 753a, 800a, 806a, 808a, 813a], [803a, 810a, 815a, 823a, 830a, 836a, 838a, 843a], [829a, 836a, 841a, 849a, 856a, 902a, 904a, 909a], [910a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 936a, 942a, 944a, 949a], [948a, 954a, 959a, 1005a, 1011a, 1017a, 1019a, 1024a], [1048a, 1054a, 1059a, 1105a, 1111a, 1117a, 1119a, 1124a], [1148a, 1154a, 1159a, 1205p, 1211p, 1217p, 1219p, 1224p], [1248p, 1254p, 1259p, 105p, 111p, 117p, 119p, 124p], [148p, 154p, 159p, 205p, 211p, 217p, 219p, 224p], [248p, 254p, 259p, 307p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [303p, 310p, 315p, 323p, 331p, 337p, 339p, 344p], [333p, 340p, 345p, 353p, 401p, 407p, 409p, 414p], [403p, 410p, 415p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 439p, 444p], [433p, 440p, 445p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [503p, 510p, 515p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [533p, 540p, 545p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [603p, 610p, 615p, 623p, 631p, 637p, 639p, 644p], [648p, 654p, 659p, 705p, 710p, 716p, 718p, 723p], [748p, 754p, 759p, 805p, 810p, 816p, 818p, 823p], [848p, 854p, 859p, 905p, 910p, 916p, 918p, 923p], [948p, 954p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1016p, 1018p, 1023p], [1048p, 1054p, 1059p, 1105p, 1110p, 1116p, 1118p, 1123p]]
     time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Scullin, Page, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+      Scullin-Page: [Wjr-Njs, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-MS6]
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Charnwood-Scullin: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-AbT, Wjr-Ayn, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-F_m]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Page-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjr-U5B, Wjr-UfX]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Fraser West Terminus-Charnwood: [Wjr_FiT, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-L8R]
       City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
     short_name: 13 313
     stop_times: [[546a, 550a, 559a, 603a, 610a, 612a, 616a, 636a, 653a, 706a], [616a, 620a, 629a, 633a, 640a, 642a, 646a, 706a, 723a, 738a], [646a, 650a, 659a, 703a, 710a, 712a, 716a, 737a, 754a, 811a], [712a, 716a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 739a, 743a, 806a, 823a, 840a], [737a, 742a, 752a, 757a, 805a, 807a, 811a, 833a, 850a, 907a], [757a, 802a, 812a, 817a, 825a, 827a, 831a, 853a, 910a, 927a], [817a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 845a, 847a, 851a, 913a, 930a, 945a], [842a, 847a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 912a, 916a, 937a, 954a, 1009a], [914a, 919a, 929a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 1006a, 1023a, 1038a], [946a, 950a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a, 1036a, 1053a, 1108a], [1016a, 1020a, 1029a, 1033a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1106a, 1123a, 1138a], [1046a, 1050a, 1059a, 1103a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1136a, 1153a, 1208p], [1116a, 1120a, 1129a, 1133a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1206p, 1223p, 1238p], [1146a, 1150a, 1159a, 1203p, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1236p, 1253p, 108p], [1216p, 1220p, 1229p, 1233p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 106p, 123p, 138p], [1246p, 1250p, 1259p, 103p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 136p, 153p, 208p], [116p, 120p, 129p, 133p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 206p, 223p, 238p], [146p, 150p, 159p, 203p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 236p, 253p, 310p], [216p, 220p, 229p, 233p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 307p, 324p, 343p], [245p, 249p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 312p, 316p, 338p, 355p, 414p], [313p, 318p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 342p, 346p, 408p, 425p, 444p], [343p, 348p, 358p, 402p, 410p, 412p, 416p, 438p, 455p, 514p], [418p, 423p, 433p, 437p, 445p, 447p, 451p, "-", "-", "-"], [449p, 454p, 504p, 508p, 516p, 518p, 522p, "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 518p, 528p, 532p, 540p, 542p, 546p, 608p, 625p, 641p], [543p, 548p, 558p, 602p, 610p, 612p, 616p, 636p, 650p, 705p], [615p, 620p, 630p, 634p, 640p, 642p, 646p, 705p, 719p, 734p], [710p, 714p, 723p, 727p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [810p, 814p, 823p, 827p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [910p, 914p, 923p, 927p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1010p, 1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]
     time_points: [Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
     long_name: To City West
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1jim, Wjz1j87, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1imh, Wjz1is3, Wjz1igo, Wjz1h8e, Wjz1g4J, Wjz18Xo, Wjz0f-r, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0niU, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0mrj]
+      Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0mV8, Wjz0t7T, Wjz0tmp, Wjz0tt-, Wjz0uw1, Wjz0uHo, Wjz0uSv, Wjz0vV_, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1ixR]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Mentone View / Tharwa Drive-Russell Offices: [Wjz1ixR, Wjz1iJO, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
       City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
     short_name: "788"
     stop_times: [[710a, 719a, 734a, 811a, 820a, 824a], [740a, 749a, 804a, 841a, 850a, 854a]]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7FNw]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p], [715p, 717p, 721p, 730p, 739p, 743p, 744p, 755p], [815p, 817p, 821p, 830p, 839p, 843p, 844p, 855p], [915p, 917p, 921p, 930p, 939p, 943p, 944p, 955p], [1015p, 1017p, 1021p, 1030p, 1039p, 1043p, 1044p, 1055p]]
-    short_name: "942"
+      Kosciuszko / Everard-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7Pqv]
+      William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz64Gx, Wjz64L1, Wjz65Yz, Wjz6ddQ, Wjz6dtx, Wjz6eNd, Wjz6l5Q]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
+    short_name: "956"
     time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
       City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Kambah Village-Kambah High: [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_RH, Wjz27dd, Wjz27d3, Wjz27k8, Wjz27k0, Wjz27gg, Wjz26n5, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26P8, Wjz26Om, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz2df1, Wjz2def, Wjz2d34, Wjz2d32, Wjz25Ox, Wjz25NL, Wjz24uT, Wjz24vP]
+      Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz2b2-, Wjz2a26, Wjz20QI, Wjz20ut]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Kambah Village: [Wjz3dXS, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, WjrW_zy, WjrW_zy]
       City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
     short_name: "62"
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 709a, 716a, 723a], ["-", "-", 732a, 744a, 753a, 800a], ["-", "-", 802a, 814a, 823a, 830a], ["-", "-", 832a, 844a, 853a, 900a], ["-", "-", 902a, 914a, 923a, 930a], ["-", "-", 932a, 943a, 951a, 958a], ["-", "-", 1032a, 1043a, 1051a, 1058a], ["-", "-", 1132a, 1143a, 1151a, 1158a], ["-", "-", 1232p, 1243p, 1251p, 1258p], ["-", "-", 132p, 143p, 151p, 158p], ["-", "-", 232p, 243p, 251p, 258p], ["-", "-", 332p, 344p, 353p, 400p], ["-", "-", 402p, 414p, 423p, 430p], ["-", "-", 432p, 444p, 453p, 500p], ["-", "-", 502p, 514p, 523p, 530p], [510p, 516p, 532p, 544p, 553p, 600p], [540p, 546p, 602p, 614p, 623p, 630p], [610p, 616p, 632p, 643p, 651p, 658p], ["-", "-", 732p, 743p, 751p, 758p], ["-", "-", 832p, 843p, 851p, 858p], ["-", "-", 932p, 943p, 951p, 958p], ["-", "-", 1032p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p], ["-", "-", 1132p, 1143p, 1151p, 1158p]]
@@ -3631,91 +4889,115 @@
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht]
+      Gungahlin Marketplace-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz6mip]
+      Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl]
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjz6l5Q, Wjz6eNd, Wjz6dtx, Wjz6ddQ, Wjz65Yz, Wjz64L1, Wjz64Gx]
+      Kosciuszko / Everard-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7FNw, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
     stop_times_saturday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
     short_name: "956"
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+      Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2l5-, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2dA9, Wjz2dpP, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
     stop_times_saturday: [[831a, 840a, 850a, 903a], [931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p], [726p, 735p, 745p, 758p], [826p, 835p, 845p, 858p], [926p, 935p, 945p, 958p], [1026p, 1035p, 1045p, 1058p], [1126p, 1135p, 1145p, 1158p]]
     short_name: "961"
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Gungahlin Marketplace, Kosciuszko / Everard, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson / Cowper St, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Australian Institute of Sport-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5vrT, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5nUS, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5n_K, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz6gJc, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Merici College: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5NpT, Wjz5NyR, Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5Pwn, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5PLJ]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Merici College-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5QUd, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5-6R]
+      Dickson / Cowper St-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz5_0v, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c, Wjz6oEz]
+    short_name: "7"
+    stop_times: [[632a, 639a, 646a, 654a, 708a, 710a, 715a], [701a, 708a, 715a, 723a, 738a, 740a, 745a], [731a, 739a, 746a, 754a, 810a, 812a, 817a], [801a, 809a, 816a, 824a, 840a, 842a, 847a], [829a, 837a, 844a, 852a, 908a, 910a, 915a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 921a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [930a, 937a, 944a, 952a, 1006a, 1008a, 1013a], [1000a, 1007a, 1014a, 1022a, 1036a, 1038a, 1043a], [1030a, 1037a, 1044a, 1052a, 1106a, 1108a, 1113a], [1100a, 1107a, 1114a, 1122a, 1136a, 1138a, 1143a], [1130a, 1137a, 1144a, 1152a, 1206p, 1208p, 1213p], [1200p, 1207p, 1214p, 1222p, 1236p, 1238p, 1243p], [1230p, 1237p, 1244p, 1252p, 106p, 108p, 113p], [100p, 107p, 114p, 122p, 136p, 138p, 143p], [130p, 137p, 144p, 152p, 206p, 208p, 213p], [200p, 207p, 214p, 222p, 236p, 238p, 243p], [230p, 237p, 244p, 252p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [259p, 307p, 314p, 323p, 339p, 341p, 346p], [331p, 339p, 346p, 355p, 411p, 413p, 418p], [401p, 409p, 416p, 425p, 441p, 443p, 448p], [431p, 439p, 446p, 455p, 511p, 513p, 518p], [501p, 509p, 516p, 525p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [531p, 539p, 546p, 555p, 611p, 613p, 618p], [631p, 637p, 644p, 652p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [731p, 737p, 744p, 752p, 806p, 808p, 813p], [831p, 837p, 844p, 852p, 906p, 908p, 913p], [931p, 937p, 944p, 952p, 1006p, 1008p, 1013p], [1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1052p, 1106p, 1108p, 1113p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
+    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+    between_stops: 
+      Ngunnawal Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7BC3, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7OtB]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+      Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7ilp, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7qfu]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Nicholls Primary-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7qvq, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7Add, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7thn, Wjz7txI, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7BsE]
+    stop_times_saturday: [[822a, 824a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 846a, 856a, 906a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 734p, 739p, 744p, 754p, 804p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 834p, 839p, 844p, 854p, 904p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 934p, 939p, 944p, 954p, 1004p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p, 1039p, 1044p, 1054p, 1104p]]
+    short_name: "951"
+  -  
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial / Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
+    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
+    between_stops: 
+      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrG7, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+      Caswell Drive-City Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Majura Business Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrK3, WjzcrG7]
+      Jamison Centre-Cook: [Wjz56Hh, Wjz55vN, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZZeD, WjrZZlR, WjrZZB7, WjrZZH3]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-War Memorial / Limestone Ave: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5NpT, Wjz5NyR, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA]
+      Cook-Aranda: [Wjz551Q, Wjz5592, Wjz54CS, Wjz54_n, Wjz54_B, Wjz5d81]
+      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
-    short_name: "956"
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson / Antill St, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+      Campbell Park Offices-Majura Business Park: [Wjzcuw1, Wjzcuop]
+      Aranda-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5dcJ, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5l2U]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Jamison Centre: [Wjz57tz, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5eb2, Wjz56XB, Wjz56Xu]
+      War Memorial / Limestone Ave-ADFA: [Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzcend, Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F]
+    short_name: "10"
+    stop_times: [[550a, 552a, 556a, 605a, 615a, 620a, 623a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [621a, 623a, 627a, 636a, 646a, 651a, 654a, 705a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [651a, 653a, 657a, 706a, 716a, 721a, 724a, 736a, 746a, 752a, 756a, 803a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 724a, 729a, 732a, 743a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [706a, 708a, 712a, 721a, 731a, 736a, 739a, 750a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [721a, 723a, 727a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 754a, 806a, 816a, 822a, 826a, 833a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754a, 759a, 802a, 813a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [736a, 738a, 742a, 751a, 801a, 806a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [751a, 753a, 757a, 806a, 816a, 821a, 824a, 836a, 846a, 852a, 856a, "-", "-", "-"], [806a, 808a, 812a, 821a, 831a, 836a, 839a, 851a, 901a, 907a, 911a, 918a, 927a, 937a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 836a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 905a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [836a, 838a, 842a, 851a, 901a, 906a, 909a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 940a, 947a, 956a, 1006a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 906a, 916a, 921a, 924a, 936a, 946a, 952a, 955a, 1002a, 1011a, 1021a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 938a, 943a, 945a, 957a, 1007a, 1013a, 1016a, 1023a, 1032a, 1042a], [943a, 945a, 949a, 958a, 1008a, 1013a, 1015a, 1027a, 1037a, 1043a, 1046a, 1053a, 1102a, 1112a], [1013a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1038a, 1043a, 1045a, 1057a, 1107a, 1113a, 1116a, 1123a, 1132a, 1142a], [1043a, 1045a, 1049a, 1058a, 1108a, 1113a, 1115a, 1127a, 1137a, 1143a, 1146a, 1153a, 1202p, 1212p], [1113a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1138a, 1143a, 1145a, 1157a, 1207p, 1213p, 1216p, 1223p, 1232p, 1242p], [1143a, 1145a, 1149a, 1158a, 1208p, 1213p, 1215p, 1227p, 1237p, 1243p, 1246p, 1253p, 102p, 112p], [1213p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1238p, 1243p, 1245p, 1257p, 107p, 113p, 116p, 123p, 132p, 142p], [1243p, 1245p, 1249p, 1258p, 108p, 113p, 115p, 127p, 137p, 143p, 146p, 153p, 202p, 212p], [113p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 138p, 143p, 145p, 157p, 207p, 213p, 216p, 223p, 232p, 242p], [143p, 145p, 149p, 158p, 208p, 213p, 215p, 227p, 237p, 243p, 246p, 253p, 302p, 312p], [213p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 238p, 243p, 245p, 257p, 307p, 313p, 317p, 324p, 333p, 343p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 308p, 318p, 323p, 325p, 337p, 347p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 413p, 423p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 338p, 348p, 353p, 355p, 407p, 417p, 423p, 427p, 434p, 443p, 453p], [338p, 340p, 344p, 353p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 421p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [353p, 355p, 359p, 408p, 418p, 423p, 425p, 437p, 447p, 453p, 457p, "-", "-", "-"], [408p, 410p, 414p, 423p, 433p, 438p, 440p, 451p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [423p, 425p, 429p, 438p, 448p, 453p, 455p, 506p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [438p, 440p, 444p, 453p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 521p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [453p, 455p, 459p, 508p, 518p, 523p, 525p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [508p, 510p, 514p, 523p, 533p, 538p, 540p, 551p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [523p, 525p, 529p, 538p, 548p, 553p, 555p, 606p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 540p, 544p, 553p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 621p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 619p, 623p, 632p, 642p, 647p, 649p, 700p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [716p, 718p, 722p, 731p, 741p, 746p, 748p, 759p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [816p, 818p, 822p, 831p, 841p, 846p, 848p, 859p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [916p, 918p, 922p, 931p, 941p, 946p, 948p, 959p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1031p, 1041p, 1046p, 1048p, 1059p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1116p, 1118p, 1122p, 1131p, 1141p, 1146p, 1148p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Curtin: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4h1M]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      Curtin-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz49Wd, Wjz49Y5, Wjz4aMo, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4arc, Wjz4a9o, Wjz49dp, Wjz499S, Wjz48dZ, Wjz48qI, Wjz3fCx, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+    short_name: "732"
+    stop_times: [[435p, 441p, 453p, 503p], [505p, 511p, 523p, 533p], [535p, 541p, 553p, 603p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+      Erindale Centre-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2rN0, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3lov]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+    short_name: "900"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
+    long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      Newcastle Street after Isa Street-Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick: [Wjzc9WV, Wjzch4h, Wjzchnw, WjzchQP, Wjzcp0F, Wjzcod5, Wjzcoab, WjzcgX_, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgSm, WjzcgLt, WjzcgD0, Wjzcgzn, Wjzbnmb, Wjzbn5y, WjzbfPL, Wjzc8gG]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Newcastle Street after Isa Street: [Wjz5Nht, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc9ws, Wjzc8Sn]
+    short_name: "780"
+    stop_times: [[648a, 707a, 723a], [719a, 738a, 754a]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "7"
-    stop_times: [[632a, 639a, 646a, 654a, 708a, 710a, 715a], [701a, 708a, 715a, 723a, 738a, 740a, 745a], [731a, 739a, 746a, 754a, 810a, 812a, 817a], [801a, 809a, 816a, 824a, 840a, 842a, 847a], [829a, 837a, 844a, 852a, 908a, 910a, 915a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 921a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [930a, 937a, 944a, 952a, 1006a, 1008a, 1013a], [1000a, 1007a, 1014a, 1022a, 1036a, 1038a, 1043a], [1030a, 1037a, 1044a, 1052a, 1106a, 1108a, 1113a], [1100a, 1107a, 1114a, 1122a, 1136a, 1138a, 1143a], [1130a, 1137a, 1144a, 1152a, 1206p, 1208p, 1213p], [1200p, 1207p, 1214p, 1222p, 1236p, 1238p, 1243p], [1230p, 1237p, 1244p, 1252p, 106p, 108p, 113p], [100p, 107p, 114p, 122p, 136p, 138p, 143p], [130p, 137p, 144p, 152p, 206p, 208p, 213p], [200p, 207p, 214p, 222p, 236p, 238p, 243p], [230p, 237p, 244p, 252p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [259p, 307p, 314p, 323p, 339p, 341p, 346p], [331p, 339p, 346p, 355p, 411p, 413p, 418p], [401p, 409p, 416p, 425p, 441p, 443p, 448p], [431p, 439p, 446p, 455p, 511p, 513p, 518p], [501p, 509p, 516p, 525p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [531p, 539p, 546p, 555p, 611p, 613p, 618p], [631p, 637p, 644p, 652p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [731p, 737p, 744p, 752p, 806p, 808p, 813p], [831p, 837p, 844p, 852p, 906p, 908p, 913p], [931p, 937p, 944p, 952p, 1006p, 1008p, 1013p], [1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1052p, 1106p, 1108p, 1113p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
-    long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    stop_times_saturday: [[822a, 824a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 846a, 856a, 906a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 734p, 739p, 744p, 754p, 804p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 834p, 839p, 844p, 854p, 904p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 934p, 939p, 944p, 954p, 1004p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p, 1039p, 1044p, 1054p, 1104p]]
-    short_name: "951"
-  -  
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial / Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
-    long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-    between_stops: 
-      Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-    short_name: "10"
-    stop_times: [[550a, 552a, 556a, 605a, 615a, 620a, 623a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [621a, 623a, 627a, 636a, 646a, 651a, 654a, 705a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [651a, 653a, 657a, 706a, 716a, 721a, 724a, 736a, 746a, 752a, 756a, 803a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 724a, 729a, 732a, 743a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [706a, 708a, 712a, 721a, 731a, 736a, 739a, 750a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [721a, 723a, 727a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 754a, 806a, 816a, 822a, 826a, 833a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754a, 759a, 802a, 813a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [736a, 738a, 742a, 751a, 801a, 806a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [751a, 753a, 757a, 806a, 816a, 821a, 824a, 836a, 846a, 852a, 856a, "-", "-", "-"], [806a, 808a, 812a, 821a, 831a, 836a, 839a, 851a, 901a, 907a, 911a, 918a, 927a, 937a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 836a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 905a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [836a, 838a, 842a, 851a, 901a, 906a, 909a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 940a, 947a, 956a, 1006a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 906a, 916a, 921a, 924a, 936a, 946a, 952a, 955a, 1002a, 1011a, 1021a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 938a, 943a, 945a, 957a, 1007a, 1013a, 1016a, 1023a, 1032a, 1042a], [943a, 945a, 949a, 958a, 1008a, 1013a, 1015a, 1027a, 1037a, 1043a, 1046a, 1053a, 1102a, 1112a], [1013a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1038a, 1043a, 1045a, 1057a, 1107a, 1113a, 1116a, 1123a, 1132a, 1142a], [1043a, 1045a, 1049a, 1058a, 1108a, 1113a, 1115a, 1127a, 1137a, 1143a, 1146a, 1153a, 1202p, 1212p], [1113a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1138a, 1143a, 1145a, 1157a, 1207p, 1213p, 1216p, 1223p, 1232p, 1242p], [1143a, 1145a, 1149a, 1158a, 1208p, 1213p, 1215p, 1227p, 1237p, 1243p, 1246p, 1253p, 102p, 112p], [1213p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1238p, 1243p, 1245p, 1257p, 107p, 113p, 116p, 123p, 132p, 142p], [1243p, 1245p, 1249p, 1258p, 108p, 113p, 115p, 127p, 137p, 143p, 146p, 153p, 202p, 212p], [113p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 138p, 143p, 145p, 157p, 207p, 213p, 216p, 223p, 232p, 242p], [143p, 145p, 149p, 158p, 208p, 213p, 215p, 227p, 237p, 243p, 246p, 253p, 302p, 312p], [213p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 238p, 243p, 245p, 257p, 307p, 313p, 317p, 324p, 333p, 343p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 308p, 318p, 323p, 325p, 337p, 347p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 413p, 423p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 338p, 348p, 353p, 355p, 407p, 417p, 423p, 427p, 434p, 443p, 453p], [338p, 340p, 344p, 353p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 421p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [353p, 355p, 359p, 408p, 418p, 423p, 425p, 437p, 447p, 453p, 457p, "-", "-", "-"], [408p, 410p, 414p, 423p, 433p, 438p, 440p, 451p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [423p, 425p, 429p, 438p, 448p, 453p, 455p, 506p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [438p, 440p, 444p, 453p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 521p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [453p, 455p, 459p, 508p, 518p, 523p, 525p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [508p, 510p, 514p, 523p, 533p, 538p, 540p, 551p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [523p, 525p, 529p, 538p, 548p, 553p, 555p, 606p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 540p, 544p, 553p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 621p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 619p, 623p, 632p, 642p, 647p, 649p, 700p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [716p, 718p, 722p, 731p, 741p, 746p, 748p, 759p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [816p, 818p, 822p, 831p, 841p, 846p, 848p, 859p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [916p, 918p, 922p, 931p, 941p, 946p, 948p, 959p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1031p, 1041p, 1046p, 1048p, 1059p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1116p, 1118p, 1122p, 1131p, 1141p, 1146p, 1148p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-    short_name: "732"
-    stop_times: [[435p, 441p, 453p, 503p], [505p, 511p, 523p, 533p], [535p, 541p, 553p, 603p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "900"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood, Fraser, Fraser East Terminus]
-    long_name: To Fraser East Terminus
-    between_stops: 
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
-      City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-    short_name: "702"
-    stop_times: [[450p, 458p, 508p, 513p, 515p, 527p, 532p, 538p, 542p], ["-", "-", 530p, 535p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p], [535p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 600p, 612p, 617p, 623p, 627p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz55V-, Wjz5d57, Wjz5e0m, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5fcz]
     short_name: "749"
     stop_times: [[753a, 820a, 822a, 827a], [436p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [510p, 539p, 541p, 546p], [540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]
-    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
     long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+      Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1jim, Wjz1j87, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1imh, Wjz1is3, Wjz1igo, Wjz1h8e, Wjz1g4J, Wjz18Xo, Wjz0f-r, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0niU, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0mrj]
       City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-      ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz34Gq, Wjz33LB, Wjz33KX, Wjz33GY, Wjz33EK, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
+      Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Lanyon Marketplace: []
+      ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
       City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
     short_name: "787"
     stop_times: [[516p, 522p, 524p, 556p, 607p, 609p], [535p, 541p, 543p, 615p, 626p, 628p]]
@@ -3723,6 +5005,8 @@
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Centrelink Tuggeranong]
     long_name: To Centrelink Tuggeranong
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz5fcz, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5e0m, Wjz5d57, Wjz55V-, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q, Wjz213q]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Centrelink Tuggeranong: []
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
     short_name: "705"
@@ -3731,63 +5015,92 @@
     time_points: [Geoscience Australia, Narrabundah Terminus, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
+      Kingston-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Xhv, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+      Geoscience Australia-Narrabundah Terminus: [Wjzb6EM, Wjzb5vw, Wjzb6cp, Wjzb705, Wjzb79X, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb7Hz]
       Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Manuka / Captain Cook Cres-Kingston: [Wjz4NDo, Wjz4OV0, Wjz4W3r, Wjz4WdC]
+      Narrabundah Terminus-Narrabundah College: [Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb79X, Wjzb705, Wjz3_Ow]
+      Narrabundah College-Manuka / Captain Cook Cres: [Wjz3_Ow, Wjz3_z-, Wjz3_sf, Wjz3_kV, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3TDn, Wjz4Mq1, Wjz4MAz, Wjz4MJn, Wjz4NDo]
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
     short_name: "4"
     stop_times: [[712a, "-", 715a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 743a], [744a, "-", 747a, 756a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 819a], [817a, "-", 820a, 829a, 833a, 838a, 843a, 852a], [847a, "-", 850a, 859a, 903a, 908a, 913a, 922a], [917a, "-", 920a, 929a, 932a, 936a, 940a, 948a], [948a, "-", 951a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1009a, 1017a], [1018a, "-", 1021a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1039a, 1047a], [1048a, "-", 1051a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1109a, 1117a], [1118a, "-", 1121a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1139a, 1147a], [1148a, "-", 1151a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1209p, 1217p], [1218p, "-", 1221p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1239p, 1247p], [1248p, "-", 1251p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 109p, 117p], [118p, "-", 121p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 139p, 147p], [148p, "-", 151p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 209p, 217p], [218p, "-", 221p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 239p, 247p], [246p, "-", 249p, 256p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 318p], [314p, "-", 317p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 340p, 349p], [346p, "-", 349p, 358p, 402p, 407p, 412p, 421p], [417p, "-", 420p, 429p, 433p, 438p, 443p, 452p], [448p, "-", 451p, 500p, 504p, 509p, 514p, 523p], [518p, "-", 521p, 530p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 553p], [548p, "-", 551p, 600p, 604p, 609p, 614p, 623p], ["-", 617p, 620p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 640p, 648p], ["-", 650p, 653p, 658p, 701p, 705p, 709p, 717p], ["-", 743p, 746p, 751p, 754p, 758p, 802p, 810p], ["-", 843p, 846p, 851p, 854p, 858p, 902p, 910p], ["-", 943p, 946p, 951p, 954p, 958p, 1002p, 1010p], ["-", 1043p, 1046p, 1051p, 1054p, 1058p, 1102p, 1110p]]
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
-    short_name: "81"
-    stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+    between_stops: 
+      Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+      National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
+    short_name: "981"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+      Mount Neighbour School-Kambah High: [WjrWSX9, WjrWSUa, WjrWZsS, WjrWZA3, WjrWYDO, WjrWYDE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYHE, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lu]
+      Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz2347, Wjz234e, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, Wjz213q, Wjz213w]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUjI, WjrXMN9, WjrXMFM, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrWTWO, WjrW_1f]
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+    short_name: 60 160
+    stop_times: [["-", "-", 647a, 701a, 708a, 718a], ["-", "-", 717a, 731a, 739a, 750a], ["-", "-", 747a, 801a, 809a, 820a], ["-", "-", 817a, 831a, 839a, 850a], ["-", "-", 847a, 901a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 947a, 1001a, 1009a, 1019a], ["-", "-", 1047a, 1101a, 1109a, 1119a], ["-", "-", 1147a, 1201p, 1209p, 1219p], ["-", "-", 1247p, 101p, 109p, 119p], ["-", "-", 147p, 201p, 209p, 219p], ["-", "-", 247p, 301p, 309p, 320p], ["-", "-", 317p, 331p, 339p, 350p], ["-", "-", 347p, 401p, 409p, 420p], ["-", "-", 417p, 431p, 439p, 450p], ["-", "-", 447p, 501p, 509p, 520p], [455p, 501p, 517p, 531p, 539p, 550p], [531p, 537p, 553p, 607p, 615p, 626p], [555p, 601p, 617p, 631p, 638p, 647p], ["-", "-", 647p, 701p, 708p, 717p], ["-", "-", 743p, 757p, 804p, 813p], ["-", "-", 843p, 857p, 904p, 913p], ["-", "-", 943p, 957p, 1004p, 1013p], ["-", "-", 1043p, 1057p, 1104p, 1113p], []]
     time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
     long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+      Kippax-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-H48, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-IcO, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-H-a, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-OHp]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+      Fraser West Terminus-Kippax: [Wjr_GMR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-DQE, Wjr-L8R, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-z7J]
+      Kippax-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr-z7J, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DQE, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_GMR]
       Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
       Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Kippax: [Wjr-OHp, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-H-a, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IcO, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-H48, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zcC]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
     short_name: "903"
     stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1004a, 1008a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1104a, 1108a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1204p, 1208p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 104p, 108p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 204p, 208p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 304p, 308p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 404p, 408p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 504p, 508p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 604p, 608p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 703p, 707p]]
     time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
     long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Theodore-Calwell: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1I92, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1BFG]
+      Isabella-Theodore: [Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1siH, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1G32, Wjz1G89]
+      Calwell-Outtrim / Duggan: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1B9N, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tph]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Isabella: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+      Outtrim / Duggan-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mDW]
     stop_times_saturday: [[715a, 725a, 734a, 743a, 746a, 755a], [915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p], [918p, 928p, 937p, 946p, 949p, 958p], [1118p, 1128p, 1137p, 1146p, 1149p, "-"]]
     short_name: "915"
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
-      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-      Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-    short_name: "51"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 531a, 540a, 549a, 559a, 602a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 616a, 625a, 634a, 644a, 647a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [618a, 620a, 624a, 634a, 639a, 648a, 657a, 706a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 721a, 728a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656a, 705a, 714a, 723a, 726a, 729a, 736a, 738a, 745a], [652a, 654a, 658a, 708a, 713a, 722a, 731a, 740a, 743a, 747a, 758a, 802a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", 721a, 726a, 735a, 744a, 753a, 756a, 801a, 812a, 817a, 832a], [732a, 734a, 738a, 748a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 822a, 825a, 830a, 841a, 846a, 900a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 806a, 811a, 821a, 831a, 840a, 843a, 848a, 859a, 902a, 909a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 839a, 849a, 858a, 901a, 904a, 911a, 913a, 927a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 855a, 900a, 909a, 918a, 927a, 930a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [909a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 930a, 939a, 948a, 958a, 1001a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [939a, 941a, 945a, 955a, 1000a, 1009a, 1018a, 1028a, 1031a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1055a, 1100a, 1109a, 1118a, 1128a, 1131a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1155a, 1200p, 1209p, 1218p, 1228p, 1231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1255p, 100p, 109p, 118p, 128p, 131p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [139p, 141p, 145p, 155p, 200p, 209p, 218p, 228p, 231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [239p, 241p, 245p, 255p, 300p, 309p, 318p, 328p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [334p, 336p, 340p, 350p, 355p, 405p, 415p, 425p, 428p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [414p, 416p, 420p, 431p, 436p, 447p, 457p, 507p, 510p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [434p, 436p, 440p, 451p, 456p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 530p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 456p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 527p, 537p, 547p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 515p, 519p, 530p, 535p, 546p, 556p, 606p, 609p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [534p, 536p, 540p, 551p, 556p, 606p, 615p, 625p, 628p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [638p, 640p, 644p, 654p, 659p, 708p, 717p, 727p, 730p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [738p, 740p, 744p, 754p, 759p, 808p, 817p, 827p, 830p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838p, 840p, 844p, 854p, 859p, 908p, 917p, 927p, 930p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [938p, 940p, 944p, 954p, 959p, 1008p, 1017p, 1027p, 1030p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1038p, 1040p, 1044p, 1054p, 1059p, 1108p, 1117p, 1127p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Kosciuszko / Everard, Gungahlin Marketplace, Chuculba / William Slim Dr, William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-    short_name: "956"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
-  -  
     time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Australian Institute of Sport, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
     long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
       Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Canberra Times-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjzc9PB, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1n0]
+      National Hockey Centre Lyneham-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz6oEz]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Australian Institute of Sport-University of Canberra: [Wjz5vrT, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5nUS, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+      Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Canberra Times: [WjzbnGh, Wjzcgzn, WjzcgD0, WjzcgLt, WjzcgSm, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgX_, Wjzcoab, Wjzcod5, Wjzcp0F, WjzchQP, Wjzc9PB]
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-National Hockey Centre Lyneham: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
+      Railway Station Kingston-Russell Offices: [Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
       University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc8gG, WjzbfPL, Wjzbn5y, Wjzbnmb]
+    stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 815a, 820a, 824a, 830a, 837a, 839a, 844a], [845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657p, 703p, 708p, 712p, 718p, 725p, 727p, 732p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 813p, 818p, 822p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 842p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 923p, 928p, 932p, 938p, 945p, 947p, 952p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1028p, 1034p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1146p, 1151p, 1155p, 1201a, 1208a, 1210a, 1215a]]
     short_name: "980"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Caswell Drive, Aranda, Cook, Jamison Centre, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+    long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+      Jamison Centre-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz56Xu, Wjz56XB, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5ec7, Wjz57tz]
+      Cook-Jamison Centre: [WjrZZH3, WjrZZB7, WjrZZlR, WjrZZeD, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-WW, Wjz557P, Wjz55vN, Wjz56Hh]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+      Aranda-Cook: [Wjz5d81, Wjz54_B, Wjz54_n, Wjz54CS, Wjz5592, Wjz551Q]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B]
+      Caswell Drive-Aranda: [Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dcJ]
+    short_name: "942"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p]]
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, North Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
@@ -3795,7 +5108,10 @@
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Gwydir Square Kaleen-North Lyneham: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6y90, Wjz6yir, Wjz6yzQ, Wjz6yzH, Wjz6FEI]
+      University of Canberra-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+      North Lyneham-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
     short_name: "31"
     stop_times: [[612a, 614a, 618a, 623a, 628a, 635a, 640a, 647a], [642a, 644a, 648a, 653a, 658a, 705a, 710a, 717a], [709a, 711a, 715a, 720a, 725a, 733a, 741a, 757a], [738a, 740a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 805a, 813a, 829a], [808a, 810a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 835a, 843a, 859a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 849a, 856a, 905a, 913a, 929a], [927a, 929a, 933a, 938a, 944a, 952a, 957a, 1004a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1057a, 1104a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1157a, 1204p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1257p, 104p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 138p, 144p, 152p, 157p, 204p], [227p, 229p, 233p, 238p, 244p, 252p, 257p, 305p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 323p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p], [342p, 344p, 348p, 353p, 359p, 407p, 412p, 420p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 453p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 520p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p], [542p, 544p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 607p, 612p, 620p], [626p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 642p, 649p, 654p, 700p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 749p, 754p, 800p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 849p, 854p, 900p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 949p, 954p, 1000p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1049p, 1054p, 1100p]]
@@ -3804,74 +5120,93 @@
       City Bus Station-City West: []
       Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+      Kambah Village-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_uo, WjrXUoV, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3lov]
+      Kambah High-Kambah Village: [Wjz24vP, Wjz24uT, Wjz25NL, Wjz25Ox, Wjz2d32, Wjz2d34, Wjz2def, Wjz2df1, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz26Om, Wjz26P8, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26n5, Wjz27gg, Wjz27k0, Wjz27k8, Wjz27d3, Wjz27dd, WjrW_RH, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_zu, WjrW_zy]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Kambah High: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz2a26, Wjz2b2-, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
     short_name: "62"
     stop_times: [[609a, 616a, 624a, 637a, "-", "-"], [639a, 646a, 654a, 707a, "-", "-"], [709a, 716a, 725a, 740a, 755a, 758a], [736a, 743a, 752a, 807a, 822a, 825a], [754a, 801a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [809a, 816a, 825a, 840a, 855a, 858a], [839a, 846a, 855a, 909a, "-", "-"], [939a, 946a, 954a, 1007a, "-", "-"], [1039a, 1046a, 1054a, 1107a, "-", "-"], [1139a, 1146a, 1154a, 1207p, "-", "-"], [1239p, 1246p, 1254p, 107p, "-", "-"], [139p, 146p, 154p, 207p, "-", "-"], [239p, 246p, 254p, 308p, "-", "-"], [309p, 316p, 325p, 339p, "-", "-"], [339p, 346p, 355p, 409p, "-", "-"], [409p, 416p, 425p, 439p, "-", "-"], [439p, 446p, 455p, 509p, "-", "-"], [509p, 516p, 525p, 539p, "-", "-"], [539p, 546p, 555p, 609p, "-", "-"], [609p, 616p, 625p, 637p, "-", "-"], [639p, 645p, 652p, 703p, "-", "-"], [739p, 745p, 752p, 803p, "-", "-"], [839p, 845p, 852p, 903p, "-", "-"], [940p, 946p, 953p, 1004p, "-", "-"], [1040p, 1046p, 1053p, 1104p, "-", "-"]]
-    time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-      Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
-      Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-      Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
-    short_name: "907"
-    stop_times_sunday: [[848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p]]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Cowper St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+    long_name: To City Bus Station
+    between_stops: 
+      Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+      Dickson / Cowper St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
+      Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-City Bus Station: [Wjz5ASf, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Lyneham / Wattle St-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Krx, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Ainslie: [Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5Wmw, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+      Hackett-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjzdfaz, Wjzd7_6, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd72S, Wjz5_N2, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5-6R]
+      North Lyneham-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5KBe]
+    short_name: "937"
+    stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p]]
+  -  
+    time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Hughes, Garran, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus]
+    long_name: To Farrer Terminus
+    between_stops: 
+      City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+      Southlands Mawson-Farrer Terminus: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3oyt, Wjz2vL4, Wjz2vR3, Wjz2D3z]
+      Hughes-Garran: [Wjz3n-H, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C9Q]
+      Garran-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3C9J, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3tP_, Wjz3tCe, Wjz3td5, Wjz3t4S, Wjz3lVG, Wjz3lVG, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3ran, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3qbJ]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Hughes: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4gt5, Wjz4gou, Wjz3nLq]
+    short_name: "720"
+    stop_times: [[440p, 446p, 504p, 510p, 523p, 529p], [510p, 516p, 534p, 540p, 553p, 559p], [540p, 546p, 604p, 610p, 623p, 629p]]
     time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
     long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
-      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+      Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz20g4, Wjz17vf, Wjz17BY, Wjz1ksO, Wjz1k8i]
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Gordon Primary: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1jim, Wjz1j87, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1imh, Wjz1is3, Wjz1igo]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      Gordon Primary-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz1h8e, Wjz1g4J, Wjz18Xo, Wjz18G9, Wjz18th, Wjz18D0, Wjz18KG, Wjz18Pt, Wjz0f-r, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0niU, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0mrj]
       City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+      Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
     short_name: 18 318
     stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 714a, 722a, 726a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 750a, 755a, 805a], [720a, 722a, 726a, 748a, 805a, 823a, 833a, 838a, 848a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 817a, 834a, 852a, 902a, 907a, 917a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 916a, 926a, 931a, 940a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 949a, 957a, 1001a, 1010a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 946a, 1003a, 1019a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [950a, 952a, 956a, 1016a, 1033a, 1049a, 1057a, 1101a, 1110a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1046a, 1103a, 1119a, 1127a, 1131a, 1140a], [1050a, 1052a, 1056a, 1116a, 1133a, 1149a, 1157a, 1201p, 1210p], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1146a, 1203p, 1219p, 1227p, 1231p, 1240p], [1150a, 1152a, 1156a, 1216p, 1233p, 1249p, 1257p, 101p, 110p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1246p, 103p, 119p, 127p, 131p, 140p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 116p, 133p, 149p, 157p, 201p, 210p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 146p, 203p, 219p, 227p, 231p, 240p], [150p, 152p, 156p, 216p, 233p, 249p, 257p, 301p, 310p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 246p, 303p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 344p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 318p, 335p, 355p, 403p, 407p, 416p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 348p, 405p, 425p, 433p, 437p, 446p], [350p, 352p, 356p, 418p, 435p, 455p, 503p, 507p, 516p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 448p, 505p, 525p, 533p, 537p, 546p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 508p, 525p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 606p], [500p, 502p, 506p, 528p, 545p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 626p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 543p, 600p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 641p], [550p, 552p, 556p, 618p, 634p, 650p, 658p, 702p, 711p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 645p, 659p, 715p, 723p, 727p, 736p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 715p, 729p, 745p, 753p, 757p, 806p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 848p, 856p, 900p, 909p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 948p, 956p, 1000p, 1009p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1048p, 1056p, 1100p, 1109p]]
     time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
     long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+      Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
       City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+      Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Bimberi Centre: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
     short_name: "982"
     stop_times_sunday: [[342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
     time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Pearce-Torrens: [Wjz3aGI, Wjz39RI, Wjz3g7D, Wjz3gcu]
+      Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Pearce: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3knt, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3jei, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3aPr]
+      Torrens-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3gB5, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3om2, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
+      Southlands Mawson-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3ran, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
     short_name: "21"
     stop_times: [[657a, 703a, 706a, 712a, 724a], [727a, 734a, 737a, 744a, 757a], [757a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 827a], [827a, 834a, 837a, 844a, 857a], [904a, 911a, 914a, 921a, 934a], [1004a, 1010a, 1013a, 1019a, 1031a], [1104a, 1110a, 1113a, 1119a, 1131a], [1204p, 1210p, 1213p, 1219p, 1231p], [104p, 110p, 113p, 119p, 131p], [204p, 210p, 213p, 219p, 231p], [304p, 311p, 314p, 321p, 334p], [327p, 334p, 337p, 344p, 357p], [357p, 404p, 407p, 414p, 427p], [427p, 434p, 437p, 444p, 457p], [457p, 504p, 507p, 514p, 527p], [527p, 534p, 537p, 544p, 557p], [557p, 604p, 607p, 614p, 627p], [627p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 654p], [720p, 726p, 729p, 735p, 747p], [820p, 826p, 829p, 835p, 847p], [920p, 926p, 929p, 935p, 947p], [1020p, 1026p, 1029p, 1035p, 1047p], [1120p, 1126p, 1129p, 1135p, "-"]]
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
     long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: {}
+    between_stops: 
+      Narrabundah College-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3-TX, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3tGi]
+      Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH]
+      Kings Ave / National Circuit-Kingston: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WdC]
+      City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+      Kingston-Narrabundah College: [Wjz4OZS, Wjz4OYm, Wjz4OOr, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4V11, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4UYU, Wjzc090, Wjzb7nW, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb79X, Wjzb705]
+      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
     short_name: "938"
     stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p]]
-    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, North Lyneham, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+    time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, North Lyneham, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
     long_name: To City Bus Station
       Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+      Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-North Lyneham: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6zth, Wjz6zon, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6yzH, Wjz6yzQ, Wjz6FEI]
       Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
       Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
       Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+      North Lyneham-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6FEI, Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2]
+      Giralang-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6u32, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sHv]
+      University of Canberra-Giralang: [Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6rhW, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6t8_, Wjz6t9w, Wjz6t3F, Wjz6t4U]
       Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
     short_name: "30"
     stop_times: [[546a, 548a, 552a, 557a, 605a, 612a, 618a, 621a, 623a, 630a], [615a, 617a, 621a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 647a, 650a, 652a, 659a], [631a, 633a, 637a, 642a, 650a, 657a, 703a, 706a, 708a, 715a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 707a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 731a, 736a, 752a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 738a, 746a, 750a, 755a, 811a], [724a, 726a, 730a, 735a, 743a, 752a, 800a, 804a, 809a, 825a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 824a, 828a, 833a, 848a], [756a, 758a, 802a, 807a, 815a, 824a, 834a, 838a, 843a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 838a, 846a, 850a, 855a, 911a], [824a, 826a, 830a, 835a, 843a, 852a, 900a, 904a, 909a, 925a], [853a, 855a, 859a, 904a, 912a, 921a, 929a, 932a, 934a, 941a], [953a, 955a, 959a, 1004a, 1011a, 1019a, 1027a, 1030a, 1032a, 1039a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1104a, 1111a, 1119a, 1127a, 1130a, 1132a, 1139a], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1204p, 1211p, 1219p, 1227p, 1230p, 1232p, 1239p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 104p, 111p, 119p, 127p, 130p, 132p, 139p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 204p, 211p, 219p, 227p, 230p, 232p, 239p], [242p, 244p, 248p, 253p, 300p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 322p, 330p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 327p, 335p, 343p, 347p, 349p, 357p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 359p, 407p, 411p, 413p, 421p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 412p, 421p, 429p, 437p, 441p, 443p, 451p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 442p, 451p, 459p, 507p, 511p, 513p, 521p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 537p, 541p, 543p, 551p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 542p, 551p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 613p, 621p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 612p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 634p, 640p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 711p, 718p, 724p, 727p, 729p, 735p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 811p, 818p, 824p, 827p, 829p, 835p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 911p, 918p, 924p, 927p, 929p, 935p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1011p, 1018p, 1024p, 1027p, 1029p, 1035p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1111p, 1118p, 1124p, 1127p, 1129p, 1135p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
-    long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
-    short_name: "6"
-    stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 650a, 658a, 703a, 710a, 720a, 728a], [648a, 655a, 701a, 715a, 723a, 728a, 736a, 750a, 758a], [718a, 725a, 731a, 747a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 826a, 834a], [748a, 756a, 804a, 820a, 830a, 838a, 846a, 903a, 911a], [818a, 827a, 836a, 852a, 904a, 909a, 917a, 931a, 939a], [848a, 856a, 903a, 919a, 931a, 936a, 943a, 955a, 1003a], [918a, 926a, 933a, 947a, 957a, 1002a, 1009a, 1021a, 1029a], [948a, 956a, 1003a, 1017a, 1027a, 1032a, 1039a, 1051a, 1059a], [1048a, 1056a, 1103a, 1117a, 1127a, 1132a, 1139a, 1151a, 1159a], [1148a, 1156a, 1203p, 1217p, 1227p, 1232p, 1239p, 1251p, 1259p], [1248p, 1256p, 103p, 117p, 127p, 132p, 139p, 151p, 159p], [148p, 156p, 203p, 217p, 227p, 232p, 239p, 251p, 259p], [248p, 256p, 303p, 319p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 358p, 406p], [318p, 326p, 333p, 349p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 428p, 436p], [348p, 356p, 403p, 419p, 431p, 436p, 444p, 458p, 506p], [418p, 426p, 433p, 449p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 528p, 536p], [448p, 456p, 503p, 519p, 531p, 536p, 544p, 558p, 606p], [518p, 526p, 533p, 549p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 628p, 636p], [548p, 556p, 603p, 619p, 631p, 636p, 643p, 653p, 701p], [640p, 647p, 653p, 705p, 713p, 718p, 725p, 735p, 743p], [740p, 747p, 753p, 805p, 813p, 818p, 825p, 835p, 843p], [840p, 847p, 853p, 905p, 913p, 918p, 925p, 935p, 943p], [940p, 947p, 953p, 1005p, 1013p, 1018p, 1025p, 1035p, 1043p], [1040p, 1047p, 1053p, 1105p, 1113p, 1118p, 1125p, 1135p, 1143p]]
-  -  
-    time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
-    long_name: To City Bus Station
-    between_stops: 
-      City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-      Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
-    stop_times_saturday: [[756a, 803a, 807a, 814a, 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p], [756p, 803p, 807p, 814p, 824p, 833p, 839p, 843p, 852p], [856p, 903p, 907p, 914p, 924p, 933p, 939p, 943p, 952p], [956p, 1003p, 1007p, 1014p, 1024p, 1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1052p], [1056p, 1103p, 1107p, 1114p, 1124p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
-    short_name: "935"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -5,1682 +5,1888 @@
   agency_name: ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)
   agency_timezone: Australia/Sydney
+  agency_phone: 131710
+  agency_lang: en
-  - { name: ACTEW AGL House,stop_code: ACTEW AGL House, lat: -35.282374, lng: 149.132047}
-  - { name: ADFA,stop_code: ADFA, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
-  - { name: Ainslie,stop_code: Ainslie, lat: -35.2620105, lng: 149.1443302}
-  - { name: Alexander Maconochie Centre,stop_code: Alexander Maconochie Centre, lat: -35.3720651, lng: 149.1696618}
-  - { name: Alpen & Clifford St,stop_code: Alpen & Clifford St, lat: -35.20562, lng: 149.06259}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av,stop_code: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, lat: -35.1856021, lng: 149.1543639}
-  - { name: Aranda,stop_code: Aranda, lat: -35.257534, lng: 149.0762963}
-  - { name: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah,stop_code: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, lat: -35.38442, lng: 149.09328}
-  - { name: Australian Institute of Sport,stop_code: Australian Institute of Sport, lat: -35.246351, lng: 149.101478}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station,stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station, lat: -35.23987, lng: 149.0619}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06978}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06926}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.23986, lng: 149.06847}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06887}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06928}
-  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.0698}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Belconnen Way, lat: -35.24809, lng: 149.06765}
-  - { name: Bimberi Centre,stop_code: Bimberi Centre, lat: -35.2219941, lng: 149.1546928}
-  - { name: Black Mountain Telstra Tower,stop_code: Black Mountain Telstra Tower, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
-  - { name: Bonython,stop_code: Bonython, lat: -35.4297416, lng: 149.0814517}
-  - { name: Bonython Primary School,stop_code: Bonython Primary School, lat: -35.431019, lng: 149.0831217}
-  - { name: Botanic Gardens,stop_code: Botanic Gardens, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
-  - { name: Brindabella Business Park,stop_code: Brindabella Business Park, lat: -35.314496, lng: 149.189145}
-  - { name: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home,stop_code: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, lat: -35.3294459, lng: 149.0806116}
-  - { name: Bugden Sternberg,stop_code: Bugden Sternberg, lat: -35.4017223, lng: 149.0992172}
-  - { name: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road,stop_code: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, lat: -35.2753671, lng: 149.1172822}
-  - { name: Calvary Hospital,stop_code: Calvary Hospital, lat: -35.25212, lng: 149.09088}
-  - { name: Calwell,stop_code: Calwell, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station,stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2410108, lng: 149.0717142}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2410064, lng: 149.0710758}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2411773, lng: 149.0709793}
-  - { name: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cameron Ave Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
-  - { name: Campbell Park Offices,stop_code: Campbell Park Offices, lat: -35.28368, lng: 149.17045}
-  - { name: Canberra College Weston Campus,stop_code: Canberra College Weston Campus, lat: -35.3490278, lng: 149.0486277}
-  - { name: Canberra Hospital,stop_code: Canberra Hospital, lat: -35.3459462, lng: 149.1012001}
-  - { name: Canberra Times,stop_code: Canberra Times, lat: -35.3245431, lng: 149.1705533}
-  - { name: Caswell Drive,stop_code: Caswell Drive, lat: -35.25922, lng: 149.08576}
-  - { name: Causeway,stop_code: Causeway, lat: -35.31615, lng: 149.15058}
-  - { name: Centrelink Tuggeranong,stop_code: Centrelink Tuggeranong, lat: -35.4207496, lng: 149.0700973}
-  - { name: Chapman,stop_code: Chapman, lat: -35.3557877, lng: 149.0408111}
-  - { name: Charnwood,stop_code: Charnwood, lat: -35.2052138, lng: 149.0337266}
-  - { name: Charnwood Tillyard Dr,stop_code: Charnwood Tillyard Dr, lat: -35.20295, lng: 149.04027}
-  - { name: Chifley,stop_code: Chifley, lat: -35.350985, lng: 149.077319}
-  - { name: Chisholm,stop_code: Chisholm, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.12833}
-  - { name: Chuculba / William Slim Dr,stop_code: Chuculba / William Slim Dr, lat: -35.208931, lng: 149.088499}
-  - { name: CIT Weston,stop_code: CIT Weston, lat: -35.330234, lng: 149.058632}
-  - { name: City Bus Station,stop_code: City Bus Station, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.278907, lng: 149.130612}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
-  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
-  - { name: City West,stop_code: City West, lat: -35.2788605, lng: 149.1257969}
-  - { name: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky,stop_code: Cnr Kerrigan/Lhotsky, lat: -35.1995716, lng: 149.0285277}
-  - { name: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St,stop_code: Cnr Tillyard Dr & Spalding St, lat: -35.2040477, lng: 149.0393052}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station,stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station, lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2396467, lng: 149.0602152}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.239764, lng: 149.0604531}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.239844, lng: 149.0600683}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2401211, lng: 149.0597102}
-  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2400028, lng: 149.060315}
-  - { name: Conder Primary,stop_code: Conder Primary, lat: -35.4643475, lng: 149.0986908}
-  - { name: Cook,stop_code: Cook, lat: -35.2596, lng: 149.0638}
-  - { name: Cooleman Court,stop_code: Cooleman Court, lat: -35.34147, lng: 149.05338}
-  - { name: Copland College,stop_code: Copland College, lat: -35.2127018, lng: 149.0596387}
-  - { name: Curtin,stop_code: Curtin, lat: -35.3248779, lng: 149.081441}
-  - { name: Deakin,stop_code: Deakin, lat: -35.3158608, lng: 149.1084563}
-  - { name: Deamer / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Deamer / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4319597, lng: 149.1187876}
-  - { name: Dickson / Antill St,stop_code: Dickson / Antill St, lat: -35.2489, lng: 149.14012}
-  - { name: Dickson College,stop_code: Dickson College, lat: -35.24923, lng: 149.15315}
-  - { name: Dickson / Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson / Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336}
-  - { name: Duffy,stop_code: Duffy, lat: -35.3366908, lng: 149.0324311}
-  - { name: Duffy Primary,stop_code: Duffy Primary, lat: -35.334219, lng: 149.033656}
-  - { name: Dunlop,stop_code: Dunlop, lat: -35.1942693, lng: 149.0206702}
-  - { name: Erindale Centre,stop_code: Erindale Centre, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
-  - { name: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash,stop_code: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, lat: -35.414616, lng: 149.07888}
-  - { name: Erindale / Sternberg Cres,stop_code: Erindale / Sternberg Cres, lat: -35.4014472, lng: 149.0956545}
-  - { name: Evatt,stop_code: Evatt, lat: -35.2091093, lng: 149.0735343}
-  - { name: Eye Hospital,stop_code: Eye Hospital, lat: -35.3341884, lng: 149.1656213}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Park,stop_code: Fairbairn Park, lat: -35.3001773, lng: 149.2041185}
-  - { name: Farrer Primary School,stop_code: Farrer Primary School, lat: -35.37887, lng: 149.10641}
-  - { name: Farrer Terminus,stop_code: Farrer Terminus, lat: -35.3771794, lng: 149.1046948}
-  - { name: Federation Square,stop_code: Federation Square, lat: -35.1908726, lng: 149.0848153}
-  - { name: Fisher,stop_code: Fisher, lat: -35.3605627, lng: 149.0576481}
-  - { name: Flemington Rd,stop_code: Flemington Rd, lat: -35.20756, lng: 149.14778}
-  - { name: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, lat: -35.2008585, lng: 149.1493407}
-  - { name: Flemington Rd / Sandford St,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Sandford St, lat: -35.221231, lng: 149.144645}
-  - { name: Florey,stop_code: Florey, lat: -35.2258544, lng: 149.0546214}
-  - { name: Flynn,stop_code: Flynn, lat: -35.2019283, lng: 149.0478356}
-  - { name: Fraser,stop_code: Fraser, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
-  - { name: Fraser East Terminus,stop_code: Fraser East Terminus, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.0435012}
-  - { name: Fraser West Terminus,stop_code: Fraser West Terminus, lat: -35.191513, lng: 149.038006}
-  - { name: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet,stop_code: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796322}
-  - { name: Fyshwick Terminus,stop_code: Fyshwick Terminus, lat: -35.3285202, lng: 149.1785592}
-  - { name: Garran,stop_code: Garran, lat: -35.3423286, lng: 149.10811}
-  - { name: Geoscience Australia,stop_code: Geoscience Australia, lat: -35.3429702, lng: 149.1583893}
-  - { name: Giralang,stop_code: Giralang, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692}
-  - { name: Gordon Primary,stop_code: Gordon Primary, lat: -35.455517, lng: 149.086978}
-  - { name: Gowrie,stop_code: Gowrie, lat: -35.4120264, lng: 149.1110804}
-  - { name: Gungahlin Marketplace,stop_code: Gungahlin Marketplace, lat: -35.1769532, lng: 149.1319017}
-  - { name: Gwydir Square Kaleen,stop_code: Gwydir Square Kaleen, lat: -35.2338677, lng: 149.1031998}
-  - { name: Hackett,stop_code: Hackett, lat: -35.2481617, lng: 149.1626094}
-  - { name: Hawker,stop_code: Hawker, lat: -35.2437386, lng: 149.0432804}
-  - { name: Hawker College,stop_code: Hawker College, lat: -35.2454598, lng: 149.0324251}
-  - { name: Heagney / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Heagney / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4251299, lng: 149.11375}
-  - { name: Hibberson / Kate Crace,stop_code: Hibberson / Kate Crace, lat: -35.1861642, lng: 149.1391756}
-  - { name: Higgins,stop_code: Higgins, lat: -35.2313901, lng: 149.0271811}
-  - { name: Holder,stop_code: Holder, lat: -35.3378123, lng: 149.0449433}
-  - { name: Holt,stop_code: Holt, lat: -35.223099, lng: 149.0126269}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave,stop_code: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, lat: -35.201095, lng: 149.139941}
-  - { name: Hospice / Menindee Dr,stop_code: Hospice / Menindee Dr, lat: -35.303557, lng: 149.151627}
-  - { name: Hughes,stop_code: Hughes, lat: -35.3339223, lng: 149.093854}
-  - { name: Isaacs,stop_code: Isaacs, lat: -35.3669823, lng: 149.1119217}
-  - { name: Isabella,stop_code: Isabella, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837}
-  - { name: Jamison Centre,stop_code: Jamison Centre, lat: -35.2527268, lng: 149.0713712}
-  - { name: John James Hospital,stop_code: John James Hospital, lat: -35.3200295, lng: 149.0955996}
-  - { name: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong,stop_code: Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, lat: -35.2274031, lng: 149.1075421}
-  - { name: Kambah High,stop_code: Kambah High, lat: -35.3847749, lng: 149.0720245}
-  - { name: Kambah / Livingston St,stop_code: Kambah / Livingston St, lat: -35.3883359, lng: 149.0811471}
-  - { name: Kambah Village,stop_code: Kambah Village, lat: -35.3800314, lng: 149.0576581}
-  - { name: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, lat: -35.1680901, lng: 149.1321801}
-  - { name: Kerrigan / Lhotsky,stop_code: Kerrigan / Lhotsky, lat: -35.193801, lng: 149.035689}
-  - { name: Kings Ave / National Circuit,stop_code: Kings Ave / National Circuit, lat: -35.305004, lng: 149.13262}
-  - { name: Kingston,stop_code: Kingston, lat: -35.3197448, lng: 149.1375261}
-  - { name: Kippax,stop_code: Kippax, lat: -35.22225, lng: 149.0195627}
-  - { name: Kippax Centre,stop_code: Kippax Centre, lat: -35.22172, lng: 149.01995}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko / Everard,stop_code: Kosciuszko / Everard, lat: -35.188901, lng: 149.1216937}
-  - { name: Lanyon Marketplace,stop_code: Lanyon Marketplace, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199}
-  - { name: Latham,stop_code: Latham, lat: -35.21848, lng: 149.03214}
-  - { name: Latham Post Office,stop_code: Latham Post Office, lat: -35.21906, lng: 149.03223}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station,stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station, lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2408973, lng: 149.0639887}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2406038, lng: 149.0638922}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2396657, lng: 149.0633993}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2405468, lng: 149.0636669}
-  - { name: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Lathlain St Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
-  - { name: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr,stop_code: Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
-  - { name: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick,stop_code: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, lat: -35.3296912, lng: 149.1668153}
-  - { name: Lyneham,stop_code: Lyneham, lat: -35.2523304, lng: 149.1246184}
-  - { name: Lyneham High,stop_code: Lyneham High, lat: -35.2524016, lng: 149.130254}
-  - { name: Lyneham / Wattle St,stop_code: Lyneham / Wattle St, lat: -35.25205, lng: 149.12524}
-  - { name: Lyons,stop_code: Lyons, lat: -35.3415779, lng: 149.0765703}
-  - { name: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor,stop_code: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, lat: -35.2587584, lng: 149.1153561}
-  - { name: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave,stop_code: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, lat: -35.26051, lng: 149.13224}
-  - { name: Macgregor,stop_code: Macgregor, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952}
-  - { name: MacKillop College Isabella Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Isabella Campus, lat: -35.42597, lng: 149.09172}
-  - { name: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, lat: -35.4056, lng: 149.089774}
-  - { name: Macquarie,stop_code: Macquarie, lat: -35.2483414, lng: 149.0600666}
-  - { name: Majura Business Park,stop_code: Majura Business Park, lat: -35.2987, lng: 149.18561}
-  - { name: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo,stop_code: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, lat: -35.193236, lng: 149.146534}
-  - { name: Manuka,stop_code: Manuka, lat: -35.3200096, lng: 149.1341344}
-  - { name: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres,stop_code: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, lat: -35.3217, lng: 149.13445}
-  - { name: McKellar,stop_code: McKellar, lat: -35.2174267, lng: 149.0742108}
-  - { name: Melba,stop_code: Melba, lat: -35.2083104, lng: 149.0485366}
-  - { name: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.45144, lng: 149.0919}
-  - { name: Merici College,stop_code: Merici College, lat: -35.266525, lng: 149.137037}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall,stop_code: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, lat: -35.177453, lng: 149.124291}
-  - { name: Monash,stop_code: Monash, lat: -35.4190254, lng: 149.0834805}
-  - { name: Monash Goodwin Village,stop_code: Monash Goodwin Village, lat: -35.421084, lng: 149.097438}
-  - { name: Monash Primary,stop_code: Monash Primary, lat: -35.414879, lng: 149.089411}
-  - { name: Mount Neighbour School,stop_code: Mount Neighbour School, lat: -35.382445, lng: 149.051518}
-  - { name: Narrabundah,stop_code: Narrabundah, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
-  - { name: Narrabundah College,stop_code: Narrabundah College, lat: -35.3362106, lng: 149.1471005}
-  - { name: Narrabundah Terminus,stop_code: Narrabundah Terminus, lat: -35.332605, lng: 149.154049}
-  - { name: National Circ / Canberra Ave,stop_code: National Circ / Canberra Ave, lat: -35.31407, lng: 149.13011}
-  - { name: National Hockey Centre Lyneham,stop_code: National Hockey Centre Lyneham, lat: -35.2446729, lng: 149.1288303}
-  - { name: National Museum of Australia,stop_code: National Museum of Australia, lat: -35.29248, lng: 149.1205367}
-  - { name: National Zoo and Aquarium,stop_code: National Zoo and Aquarium, lat: -35.29915, lng: 149.07025}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street after Isa Street,stop_code: Newcastle Street after Isa Street, lat: -35.3255, lng: 149.173291}
-  - { name: Ngunnawal Primary,stop_code: Ngunnawal Primary, lat: -35.1688551, lng: 149.1112569}
-  - { name: Nicholls Primary,stop_code: Nicholls Primary, lat: -35.1905592, lng: 149.0876716}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St,stop_code: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, lat: -35.248287, lng: 149.134241}
-  - { name: North Lyneham,stop_code: North Lyneham, lat: -35.2385618, lng: 149.1221188}
-  - { name: O'Connor,stop_code: O'Connor, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107}
-  - { name: Olims Hotel,stop_code: Olims Hotel, lat: -35.27597, lng: 149.1428}
-  - { name: Outtrim / Duggan,stop_code: Outtrim / Duggan, lat: -35.435871, lng: 149.097692}
-  - { name: Page,stop_code: Page, lat: -35.2360695, lng: 149.0536554}
-  - { name: Parliament House,stop_code: Parliament House, lat: -35.3081571, lng: 149.1244592}
-  - { name: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr,stop_code: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, lat: -35.17467, lng: 149.12005}
-  - { name: Pearce,stop_code: Pearce, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935}
-  - { name: Police College Weston,stop_code: Police College Weston, lat: -35.33018, lng: 149.05458}
-  - { name: Proctor / Mead,stop_code: Proctor / Mead, lat: -35.415305, lng: 149.127204}
-  - { name: Railway Station Kingston,stop_code: Railway Station Kingston, lat: -35.319602, lng: 149.149083}
-  - { name: Red Hill,stop_code: Red Hill, lat: -35.336505, lng: 149.131645}
-  - { name: Rivett,stop_code: Rivett, lat: -35.3473758, lng: 149.0365438}
-  - { name: Russell Offices,stop_code: Russell Offices, lat: -35.2973294, lng: 149.1508803}
-  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Sainsbury Street, lat: -35.3885, lng: 149.09643}
-  - { name: Saint Andrews Village Hughes,stop_code: Saint Andrews Village Hughes, lat: -35.328097, lng: 149.088685}
-  - { name: Scullin,stop_code: Scullin, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056}
-  - { name: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave,stop_code: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, lat: -35.16823, lng: 149.12791}
-  - { name: Southlands Mawson,stop_code: Southlands Mawson, lat: -35.3650685, lng: 149.0945962}
-  - { name: Southwell Park,stop_code: Southwell Park, lat: -35.24573, lng: 149.1321}
-  - { name: Spence,stop_code: Spence, lat: -35.194735, lng: 149.062352}
-  - { name: Spence Terminus,stop_code: Spence Terminus, lat: -35.199684, lng: 149.0676196}
-  - { name: St Clare of Assisi Primary,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi Primary, lat: -35.4606284, lng: 149.0962704}
-  - { name: St Francis Xavier Florey,stop_code: St Francis Xavier Florey, lat: -35.223951, lng: 149.0406888}
-  - { name: Stromlo High Waramanga,stop_code: Stromlo High Waramanga, lat: -35.3551186, lng: 149.0547624}
-  - { name: St Thomas More's Campbell,stop_code: St Thomas More's Campbell, lat: -35.286717, lng: 149.156836}
-  - { name: Sydney Ave,stop_code: Sydney Ave, lat: -35.31193, lng: 149.13105}
-  - { name: Taverner St / Erindale Dr,stop_code: Taverner St / Erindale Dr, lat: -35.4059104, lng: 149.0809317}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.458251, lng: 149.091652}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, lat: -35.47281, lng: 149.08926}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178}
-  - { name: Theodore,stop_code: Theodore, lat: -35.4464808, lng: 149.1234651}
-  - { name: Tillyard / Spalding,stop_code: Tillyard / Spalding, lat: -35.199204, lng: 149.044556}
-  - { name: Torrens,stop_code: Torrens, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station,stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station, lat: -35.41465, lng: 149.06537}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
-  - { name: University of Canberra,stop_code: University of Canberra, lat: -35.2423222, lng: 149.0831522}
-  - { name: Wanniassa High,stop_code: Wanniassa High, lat: -35.3952462, lng: 149.0852655}
-  - { name: Waramanga,stop_code: Waramanga, lat: -35.3526825, lng: 149.0594712}
-  - { name: War Memorial / Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial / Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085}
-  - { name: Watson,stop_code: Watson, lat: -35.2389399, lng: 149.1535345}
-  - { name: Watson Terminus,stop_code: Watson Terminus, lat: -35.2374698, lng: 149.1534553}
-  - { name: Weetangera,stop_code: Weetangera, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342}
-  - { name: Westfield Bus Station,stop_code: Westfield Bus Station, lat: -35.23875, lng: 149.0638}
-  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23872, lng: 149.06387}
-  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23882, lng: 149.0637}
-  - { name: West Macgregor,stop_code: West Macgregor, lat: -35.21207, lng: 149.00165}
-  - { name: Weston Creek Terminus,stop_code: Weston Creek Terminus, lat: -35.342728, lng: 149.0524906}
-  - { name: Weston Primary,stop_code: Weston Primary, lat: -35.3305221, lng: 149.0524281}
-  - { name: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, lat: -35.222395, lng: 149.0706}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station,stop_code: Woden Bus Station, lat: -35.34433, lng: 149.08742}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), lat: -35.3442094, lng: 149.0876444}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872662}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870436}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
-  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
-  - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375}
-  - { name: Yarralumla,stop_code: Yarralumla, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972}
-  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1ceG, lat: -35.4375289, lng: 149.0757996}
-  - { name: Tarlton Place,stop_code: Wjz1kvl, lat: -35.4366017, lng: 149.0890756}
-  - { name: Don Dunstan Drive,stop_code: Wjz16U7, lat: -35.4302659, lng: 149.0722593}
-  - { name: Salmon Place,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528}
-  - { name: Crozier Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459}
-  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5LYB, lat: -35.2464052, lng: 149.1278592}
-  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5LsC, lat: -35.2463364, lng: 149.1223897}
-  - { name: Clianthus Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781}
-  - { name: Way Street,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155}
-  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435}
-  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142}
-  - { name: McClintock Street,stop_code: Wjz6ElH, lat: -35.2404264, lng: 149.1210434}
-  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507}
-  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416}
-  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eWi, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0835148}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262}
-  - { name: Jacob Place,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418}
-  - { name: Love Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234}
-  - { name: Box Place,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238}
-  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719}
-  - { name: Want Place,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045}
-  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561}
-  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415}
-  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716}
-  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IqS, lat: -35.2202741, lng: 149.034858}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925}
-  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EA_, lat: -35.2407288, lng: 149.0362953}
-  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194}
-  - { name: Challinor Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Vnf, lat: -35.2331848, lng: 149.054555}
-  - { name: Lightfoot Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628}
-  - { name: Nanson Place,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724}
-  - { name: Kulgera Street,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391}
-  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979}
-  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574}
-  - { name: James Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263}
-  - { name: Fuller Street,stop_code: Wjz4qgy, lat: -35.3208475, lng: 149.098981}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042}
-  - { name: De Chair Street,stop_code: Wjz4qTw, lat: -35.3162151, lng: 149.1045086}
-  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qs0, lat: -35.3182278, lng: 149.09964}
-  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yzk, lat: -35.3186155, lng: 149.1123352}
-  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178}
-  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569}
-  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979}
-  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534}
-  - { name: Lienhop Street,stop_code: Wjz1HTi, lat: -35.4423392, lng: 149.1260397}
-  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796}
-  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306}
-  - { name: Callister Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205}
-  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257}
-  - { name: Fidge Street,stop_code: Wjz1rQ6, lat: -35.4440887, lng: 149.1038388}
-  - { name: Weavers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761}
-  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734}
-  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457}
-  - { name: Fairley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974}
-  - { name: Muscio Place,stop_code: Wjz2EdX, lat: -35.416214, lng: 149.120065}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677}
-  - { name: Southern Close,stop_code: Wjz1K49, lat: -35.428009, lng: 149.1176708}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777}
-  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218}
-  - { name: Twamley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1JD7, lat: -35.4309354, lng: 149.1230759}
-  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1JTP, lat: -35.4312901, lng: 149.126776}
-  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791}
-  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1SfM, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1309478}
-  - { name: Henry Melville Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715}
-  - { name: Muntz Street,stop_code: Wjz1Lxu, lat: -35.4241367, lng: 149.1234749}
-  - { name: Mofflin Street,stop_code: Wjz1Liw, lat: -35.4239889, lng: 149.1208993}
-  - { name: Tuck Place,stop_code: Wjz1DLm, lat: -35.4200572, lng: 149.1136804}
-  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M5R, lat: -35.4160071, lng: 149.129533}
-  - { name: Hynes Place,stop_code: Wjz2wY-, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1173443}
-  - { name: Sweet Place,stop_code: Wjz2EL2, lat: -35.4149132, lng: 149.1244544}
-  - { name: Schoales Place,stop_code: WjrXZiM, lat: -35.3470777, lng: 149.0553331}
-  - { name: Logue Place,stop_code: WjrXRW0, lat: -35.3471147, lng: 149.0502999}
-  - { name: Finlayson Place,stop_code: Wjz2NPZ, lat: -35.4118681, lng: 149.1378765}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZz3, lat: -35.3461161, lng: 149.0570563}
-  - { name: Wark Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265}
-  - { name: McCulloch Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296}
-  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092}
-  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4rk2, lat: -35.3126013, lng: 149.0982349}
-  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136}
-  - { name: Jensen Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541}
-  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hMe, lat: -35.3259558, lng: 149.0929241}
-  - { name: Yarra Glen,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563}
-  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUG8, lat: -35.3306155, lng: 149.058622}
-  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542}
-  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465}
-  - { name: Jennings Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651}
-  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUj0, lat: -35.3299526, lng: 149.0543559}
-  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lm, lat: -35.3321544, lng: 149.0697369}
-  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512}
-  - { name: Derwent Street,stop_code: Wjz3ee-, lat: -35.3383098, lng: 149.0761505}
-  - { name: Anne Place,stop_code: Wjz3fa8, lat: -35.3360845, lng: 149.0750477}
-  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Lw, lat: -35.3381915, lng: 149.0592024}
-  - { name: Lycett Street,stop_code: WjrX_xY, lat: -35.3364869, lng: 149.0583028}
-  - { name: Meldrum Street,stop_code: WjrX_iU, lat: -35.3361318, lng: 149.0556038}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-m2, lat: -35.3386886, lng: 149.0543559}
-  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615}
-  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: Wjz354b, lat: -35.345459, lng: 149.062772}
-  - { name: Gask Place,stop_code: Wjz1et6, lat: -35.4269117, lng: 149.0777759}
-  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1nxQ, lat: -35.4243695, lng: 149.0911255}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz1f8Y, lat: -35.4250198, lng: 149.076216}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz1f2H, lat: -35.4237487, lng: 149.0744748}
-  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz1f7q, lat: -35.4203787, lng: 149.0740032}
-  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bHS, lat: -35.400824, lng: 149.0814035}
-  - { name: Derham Court,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019}
-  - { name: Mortimer Lewis Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259}
-  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6e8G, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0758577}
-  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714}
-  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463}
-  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811}
-  - { name: Clubbe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939}
-  - { name: Higgins Place,stop_code: Wjr-yOB, lat: -35.2313222, lng: 149.0276235}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hoi, lat: -35.2274077, lng: 149.0341216}
-  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495}
-  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515}
-  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018}
-  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196}
-  - { name: Allen Street,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263}
-  - { name: Alfred Place,stop_code: Wjza_-f, lat: -35.3767042, lng: 149.237157}
-  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXms, lat: -35.3550134, lng: 149.2306199}
-  - { name: Bazley Street,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33GY, lat: -35.3577485, lng: 149.0706526}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXFn, lat: -35.3581997, lng: 149.0587995}
-  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261}
-  - { name: Kapunda Street,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061}
-  - { name: Nannine Place,stop_code: WjrXXq3, lat: -35.3578077, lng: 149.0557251}
-  - { name: Greenvale Street,stop_code: WjrXXd0, lat: -35.3559956, lng: 149.0529772}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz35av, lat: -35.3464684, lng: 149.064395}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIDX, lat: -35.348916, lng: 149.0363428}
-  - { name: Buvelot Street,stop_code: WjrX-FV, lat: -35.3422149, lng: 149.0596338}
-  - { name: Chevalier Street,stop_code: Wjz356k, lat: -35.3440169, lng: 149.0629513}
-  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz358l, lat: -35.3480588, lng: 149.0643043}
-  - { name: Tiwi Place,stop_code: Wjz348u, lat: -35.3534586, lng: 149.0644857}
-  - { name: Bidia Place,stop_code: Wjz337w, lat: -35.354642, lng: 149.0633068}
-  - { name: Dalabon Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXK9, lat: -35.355219, lng: 149.0585637}
-  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXyQ, lat: -35.3576967, lng: 149.0580467}
-  - { name: Tristania Street,stop_code: WjrXRks, lat: -35.3453958, lng: 149.0438991}
-  - { name: Damala Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095}
-  - { name: Somerset Street,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183}
-  - { name: Frayne Place,stop_code: WjrXQZX, lat: -35.3502779, lng: 149.0514717}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997}
-  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156}
-  - { name: Nelumbo Street,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKoe, lat: -35.3424911, lng: 149.0339533}
-  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846}
-  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649}
-  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582}
-  - { name: Counsel Street,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712}
-  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622}
-  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466}
-  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758}
-  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873}
-  - { name: Calder Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789}
-  - { name: Woodger Place,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177}
-  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721}
-  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041}
-  - { name: Duffy Place,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459}
-  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXKfG, lat: -35.338018, lng: 149.0318393}
-  - { name: Anstey Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L1H, lat: -35.2046871, lng: 149.0304447}
-  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167}
-  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118}
-  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2F, lat: -35.3580142, lng: 149.0853648}
-  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3it1, lat: -35.3614164, lng: 149.0886297}
-  - { name: Pialligo Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364}
-  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf3oM, lat: -35.1836894, lng: 149.1556666}
-  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_Gxf, lat: -35.1878657, lng: 149.0352296}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265}
-  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_FTN, lat: -35.1897508, lng: 149.038952}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062}
-  - { name: Bandt Place,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682}
-  - { name: Filshie Close,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464}
-  - { name: Donnison Place,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603}
-  - { name: Edlington Street,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724}
-  - { name: Nish Place,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871}
-  - { name: Shrivell Circuit,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528}
-  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263}
-  - { name: Eddison Place,stop_code: Wjr_NFt, lat: -35.1935465, lng: 149.0479464}
-  - { name: Garrad Court,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264}
-  - { name: Covington Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168}
-  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189}
-  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829}
-  - { name: Hirschfeld Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DNK, lat: -35.2044788, lng: 149.0277602}
-  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2029293, lng: 149.0277662}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978}
-  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638}
-  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805}
-  - { name: Rossell Place,stop_code: Wjr-KJQ, lat: -35.2073355, lng: 149.037506}
-  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876}
-  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184}
-  - { name: Cumpston Place,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622}
-  - { name: Nulsen Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-S6B, lat: -35.2066123, lng: 149.0412991}
-  - { name: Tulloch Place,stop_code: Wjr-RnT, lat: -35.2112095, lng: 149.0444601}
-  - { name: Grigson Place,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976}
-  - { name: Hampton Gardens,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658}
-  - { name: Rentoul Place,stop_code: Wjr-Rs8, lat: -35.2139046, lng: 149.0449606}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121}
-  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-z_L, lat: -35.222191, lng: 149.0291286}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654}
-  - { name: Messenger Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113}
-  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355}
-  - { name: Holt Place,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011}
-  - { name: Ashburner Street,stop_code: Wjr-yrh, lat: -35.2309899, lng: 149.0230231}
-  - { name: Grout Place,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771}
-  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222}
-  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955}
-  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438}
-  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569}
-  - { name: Chave Street,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983}
-  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955}
-  - { name: Davidson Street,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-xxu, lat: -35.2373929, lng: 149.0246092}
-  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879}
-  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYue, lat: -35.3493054, lng: 149.2316145}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzbYD0, lat: -35.3491814, lng: 149.232803}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdA, lat: -35.3446934, lng: 149.2184308}
-  - { name: Pound Street,stop_code: Wjzj5cC, lat: -35.3451754, lng: 149.2404108}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBx, lat: -35.3449879, lng: 149.2226535}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345}
-  - { name: Redwood Avenue,stop_code: WjzaJ9a, lat: -35.391582, lng: 149.2069701}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbPQW, lat: -35.3565184, lng: 149.2259167}
-  - { name: Kenneth Place,stop_code: WjzbVBj, lat: -35.3667378, lng: 149.233235}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVCw, lat: -35.3663608, lng: 149.2335824}
-  - { name: Gibbs Place,stop_code: Wjz9JIL, lat: -35.4330525, lng: 149.2131844}
-  - { name: Parkview Crescent,stop_code: WjzaK0g, lat: -35.3868815, lng: 149.2056751}
-  - { name: Dixon Place,stop_code: WjzaDIK, lat: -35.3781802, lng: 149.2021825}
-  - { name: Rutledge Street,stop_code: WjzbXBT, lat: -35.3553953, lng: 149.2338714}
-  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611}
-  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tg, lat: -35.2461188, lng: 149.0669661}
-  - { name: Greene Place,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751}
-  - { name: Gatehouse Place,stop_code: Wjz5f2j, lat: -35.2479775, lng: 149.0739202}
-  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082}
-  - { name: Cobbett Place,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571}
-  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz5vjd, lat: -35.2470998, lng: 149.0983861}
-  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5v68, lat: -35.2454993, lng: 149.0956677}
-  - { name: Dunlop Court,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379}
-  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132}
-  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282}
-  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713}
-  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402}
-  - { name: Ayers Fowler Street,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218}
-  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046}
-  - { name: Whiteside Court,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127}
-  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944}
-  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461}
-  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522}
-  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114}
-  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114}
-  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7q-_, lat: -35.1844351, lng: 149.1063899}
-  - { name: Quist Place,stop_code: Wjz7yfG, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.108729}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816}
-  - { name: Bimbiang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404}
-  - { name: Bargang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105}
-  - { name: Warabin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298}
-  - { name: Bunburung Close,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106}
-  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164}
-  - { name: Gurubun Close,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923}
-  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BWN, lat: -35.1712067, lng: 149.1171372}
-  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913}
-  - { name: Taggerty Street,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659}
-  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqJ, lat: -35.1654186, lng: 149.1114474}
-  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CA3, lat: -35.16423, lng: 149.1119532}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKg, lat: -35.1630413, lng: 149.1137233}
-  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809}
-  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Ikc, lat: -35.1750825, lng: 149.1204878}
-  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924}
-  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637}
-  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108}
-  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982}
-  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R6d, lat: -35.1681577, lng: 149.1286431}
-  - { name: Timboram Street,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488}
-  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7SN-, lat: -35.1660013, lng: 149.1378981}
-  - { name: Boreham Lane,stop_code: Wjz7PIc, lat: -35.1805599, lng: 149.135534}
-  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pjj, lat: -35.1813349, lng: 149.1316144}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763}
-  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OBc, lat: -35.1853732, lng: 149.1341431}
-  - { name: Sarre Street,stop_code: Wjz7PNV, lat: -35.1828992, lng: 149.1380246}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901}
-  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7Xiv, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1427028}
-  - { name: Sarson Street,stop_code: Wjzf31y, lat: -35.1828475, lng: 149.151111}
-  - { name: Kalianna Street,stop_code: Wjzf2hJ, lat: -35.1880144, lng: 149.154019}
-  - { name: Nimbera Street,stop_code: Wjzf1X3, lat: -35.1923543, lng: 149.1600249}
-  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf91m, lat: -35.1934909, lng: 149.1618582}
-  - { name: Elabana Street,stop_code: Wjzf0EJ, lat: -35.1997419, lng: 149.1581283}
-  - { name: Cudgewa Lane,stop_code: Wjze7Cp, lat: -35.2014466, lng: 149.1565478}
-  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6TZN, lat: -35.2021182, lng: 149.1392257}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141}
-  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277}
-  - { name: Everard Street,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474}
-  - { name: Vicars Street,stop_code: Wjz6-16, lat: -35.20994, lng: 149.1394383}
-  - { name: McEacharn Place,stop_code: Wjz6Zb2, lat: -35.214395, lng: 149.1408607}
-  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929}
-  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788}
-  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817}
-  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256}
-  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze2eG, lat: -35.2288072, lng: 149.1527323}
-  - { name: Well Station Road,stop_code: Wjze3gN, lat: -35.2275265, lng: 149.154199}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981}
-  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705}
-  - { name: Dobbie Place,stop_code: Wjze0Pi, lat: -35.2418709, lng: 149.1591256}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vR, lat: -35.2388968, lng: 149.1555853}
-  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427}
-  - { name: Harvey Street,stop_code: Wjze1gi, lat: -35.2384424, lng: 149.1535117}
-  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UYK, lat: -35.2407969, lng: 149.1499714}
-  - { name: Atherton Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upu, lat: -35.2429035, lng: 149.1442058}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_y0, lat: -35.2482318, lng: 149.1449139}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd73N, lat: -35.2474057, lng: 149.1515393}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7sL, lat: -35.2462079, lng: 149.1554841}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256}
-  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701}
-  - { name: Salomons Place,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172}
-  - { name: Agnew Street,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576}
-  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324}
-  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115}
-  - { name: Bunda Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995}
-  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819}
-  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934}
-  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524}
-  - { name: Robson Street,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132}
-  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624}
-  - { name: Karri Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279}
-  - { name: Jarrah Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129}
-  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365}
-  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333}
-  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161}
-  - { name: Savige Street,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776}
-  - { name: Chowne Street,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635}
-  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877}
-  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501}
-  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056}
-  - { name: Bungey Street,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_wS, lat: -35.2930129, lng: 149.145973}
-  - { name: Wendouree Drive,stop_code: Wjz4_jm, lat: -35.2909901, lng: 149.1425844}
-  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz5MEL, lat: -35.2874399, lng: 149.1362625}
-  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: Wjzce4H, lat: -35.2960675, lng: 149.1623594}
-  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzceFT, lat: -35.2977187, lng: 149.1693894}
-  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: WjzcdDs, lat: -35.299411, lng: 149.1675181}
-  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcdi7, lat: -35.3025893, lng: 149.1642813}
-  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732}
-  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc59p, lat: -35.3037863, lng: 149.1523455}
-  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc45R, lat: -35.3061389, lng: 149.1514351}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704}
-  - { name: Wickham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FEJ, lat: -35.3260887, lng: 149.125286}
-  - { name: Vancouver Street,stop_code: Wjz4ECF, lat: -35.3278218, lng: 149.1238193}
-  - { name: Friendship Street,stop_code: Wjz3LP9, lat: -35.3353724, lng: 149.1259941}
-  - { name: Quiros Street,stop_code: Wjz3LN9, lat: -35.3367339, lng: 149.1259435}
-  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333}
-  - { name: Favenc Circle,stop_code: Wjz4Ue5, lat: -35.327397, lng: 149.140921}
-  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ujk, lat: -35.3295839, lng: 149.1425394}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_Ji, lat: -35.3339111, lng: 149.146681}
-  - { name: McKinlay Place,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952}
-  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235}
-  - { name: Leeton Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292}
-  - { name: Boolimba Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186}
-  - { name: Iluka Street,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899}
-  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3Kxb, lat: -35.342056, lng: 149.1231366}
-  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JDp, lat: -35.3435515, lng: 149.1235159}
-  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JJs, lat: -35.344686, lng: 149.1248435}
-  - { name: Beagle Street,stop_code: Wjz3Rdo, lat: -35.3450469, lng: 149.1304068}
-  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257}
-  - { name: Astrolabe Street,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337}
-  - { name: Bell Street,stop_code: Wjz4MpW, lat: -35.3311406, lng: 149.1338209}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jb, lat: -35.3392754, lng: 149.1466095}
-  - { name: Narupai Street,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581}
-  - { name: Kyeema Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338}
-  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7HN, lat: -35.335349, lng: 149.1583716}
-  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUA, lat: -35.3426508, lng: 149.1388551}
-  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622}
-  - { name: Dalby Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzbfnr, lat: -35.332383, lng: 149.1647873}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805}
-  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987}
-  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684}
-  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583}
-  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416}
-  - { name: Jindalee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3r_u, lat: -35.3540946, lng: 149.1057023}
-  - { name: Arrellah Place,stop_code: Wjz3rQi, lat: -35.3565695, lng: 149.104185}
-  - { name: Coreen Place,stop_code: Wjz3z0c, lat: -35.3591474, lng: 149.106777}
-  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y4z, lat: -35.3619315, lng: 149.1072828}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3pZQ, lat: -35.366623, lng: 149.1062713}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3x3A, lat: -35.3680664, lng: 149.1072196}
-  - { name: Bee Place,stop_code: Wjz3xwa, lat: -35.3702316, lng: 149.1122771}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3wrK, lat: -35.3733761, lng: 149.1115817}
-  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz3woC, lat: -35.3754381, lng: 149.1112656}
-  - { name: Shepherdson Place,stop_code: Wjz2DPD, lat: -35.378737, lng: 149.1155013}
-  - { name: Pudney Street,stop_code: Wjz2DEs, lat: -35.3811081, lng: 149.1139208}
-  - { name: Woodgate Street,stop_code: Wjz2C5I, lat: -35.3831852, lng: 149.1074202}
-  - { name: Muresk Street,stop_code: Wjz2uSZ, lat: -35.3823742, lng: 149.1050643}
-  - { name: Longerenong Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627}
-  - { name: Pridham Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886}
-  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oeM, lat: -35.3718451, lng: 149.0980006}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hXO, lat: -35.3681696, lng: 149.0952079}
-  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3peD, lat: -35.3657466, lng: 149.0976102}
-  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366}
-  - { name: Brookman Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124}
-  - { name: Batchelor Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364}
-  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243}
-  - { name: Garratt Street,stop_code: Wjz2k5E, lat: -35.3945084, lng: 149.0853457}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cKo, lat: -35.3937869, lng: 149.0809204}
-  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2crQ, lat: -35.3954875, lng: 149.0787077}
-  - { name: Byrne Street,stop_code: Wjz2kbO, lat: -35.3956421, lng: 149.0869894}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2lDC, lat: -35.3870716, lng: 149.090679}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2u2j, lat: -35.3853192, lng: 149.095863}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ugd, lat: -35.3865047, lng: 149.0985182}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2tyn, lat: -35.3904732, lng: 149.1013631}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2sLr, lat: -35.3928439, lng: 149.1028803}
-  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2qJ7, lat: -35.4048663, lng: 149.1024781}
-  - { name: Grattan Court,stop_code: Wjz2r9X, lat: -35.4024569, lng: 149.098142}
-  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFF, lat: -35.4026479, lng: 149.0922959}
-  - { name: Snowden Place,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883}
-  - { name: Sturdee Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iVd, lat: -35.4077519, lng: 149.0942596}
-  - { name: Crocker Place,stop_code: Wjz2q9z, lat: -35.4079064, lng: 149.0976735}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6d, lat: -35.4098598, lng: 149.1177053}
-  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xyM, lat: -35.4130074, lng: 149.113099}
-  - { name: Woods Place,stop_code: Wjz2pVO, lat: -35.4135227, lng: 149.1062081}
-  - { name: Stacy Street,stop_code: Wjz2oQE, lat: -35.4171292, lng: 149.1046908}
-  - { name: Gilday Place,stop_code: Wjz2Gff, lat: -35.403475, lng: 149.1191048}
-  - { name: Demaine Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336}
-  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301}
-  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548}
-  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cz3, lat: -35.4395376, lng: 149.079087}
-  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz1d0X, lat: -35.4360866, lng: 149.0748513}
-  - { name: Andrea Place,stop_code: Wjz15Xb, lat: -35.4340778, lng: 149.0723858}
-  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748}
-  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1kyn, lat: -35.4398982, lng: 149.0904032}
-  - { name: Stella Hume Street,stop_code: Wjz16Q9, lat: -35.4280509, lng: 149.0709317}
-  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265}
-  - { name: Meredith Circuit,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706}
-  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459}
-  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484}
-  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LLF, lat: -35.2446872, lng: 149.1252507}
-  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LDv, lat: -35.2442061, lng: 149.1235678}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1gBy, lat: -35.4601891, lng: 149.0907826}
-  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v3X, lat: -35.4670374, lng: 149.0967252}
-  - { name: Troughton Street,stop_code: Wjz0unz, lat: -35.4697663, lng: 149.0990011}
-  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uQv, lat: -35.4714653, lng: 149.1043747}
-  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0C4B, lat: -35.4716198, lng: 149.1071563}
-  - { name: Kallista Place,stop_code: Wjz0Cpn, lat: -35.4735247, lng: 149.1110759}
-  - { name: Wollemi Place,stop_code: Wjz0Bv9, lat: -35.4753782, lng: 149.1107598}
-  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0t_T, lat: -35.4749148, lng: 149.1061448}
-  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tno, lat: -35.4754811, lng: 149.0988746}
-  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0u92, lat: -35.4739881, lng: 149.0969148}
-  - { name: Menzies Court,stop_code: Wjz0lYC, lat: -35.4770256, lng: 149.0948286}
-  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0t9g, lat: -35.4795997, lng: 149.0972309}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0kHU, lat: -35.4837695, lng: 149.0925527}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0klX, lat: -35.4821222, lng: 149.0884434}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lcW, lat: -35.477386, lng: 149.0870526}
-  - { name: McVilly Close,stop_code: Wjz0eVg, lat: -35.4740911, lng: 149.0835756}
-  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0m65, lat: -35.4702811, lng: 149.0845871}
-  - { name: Hickenbotham Street,stop_code: Wjz0n3A, lat: -35.4669344, lng: 149.0852193}
-  - { name: Oxenham Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1gnx, lat: -35.4589532, lng: 149.0880641}
-  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h9y, lat: -35.4574599, lng: 149.0866733}
-  - { name: McGilvray Close,stop_code: Wjz1h4G, lat: -35.4554516, lng: 149.0853457}
-  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1heN, lat: -35.4541126, lng: 149.0869262}
-  - { name: Donohoe Place,stop_code: Wjz1ic5, lat: -35.4496838, lng: 149.0858515}
-  - { name: Dempsey Place,stop_code: Wjz1bTA, lat: -35.4422159, lng: 149.0824376}
-  - { name: Akhurst Grove,stop_code: Wjz1cI3, lat: -35.438868, lng: 149.0804778}
-  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lh-, lat: -35.248398, lng: 149.12138}
-  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899}
-  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583}
-  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009}
-  - { name: David Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807}
-  - { name: Nicholson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216}
-  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5GeU, lat: -35.2729264, lng: 149.1200337}
-  - { name: Colville Street,stop_code: Wjz6EBY, lat: -35.2403577, lng: 149.1242409}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Myj, lat: -35.2424881, lng: 149.1344225}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vj2, lat: -35.2363715, lng: 149.1421638}
-  - { name: Claxton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Fze, lat: -35.2360279, lng: 149.123147}
-  - { name: Barsdell Place,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172}
-  - { name: Bean Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026}
-  - { name: Grover Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258}
-  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177}
-  - { name: Pirani Place,stop_code: Wjz6eGq, lat: -35.2096321, lng: 149.0809063}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eoG, lat: -35.2110071, lng: 149.0784661}
-  - { name: Gleadow Street,stop_code: Wjz65_2, lat: -35.2116258, lng: 149.0722394}
-  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64CB, lat: -35.2176067, lng: 149.0687895}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NaX, lat: -35.1930428, lng: 149.043112}
-  - { name: Reuther Street,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435}
-  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268}
-  - { name: Lawrence Close,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041}
-  - { name: Pockley Close,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381}
-  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438}
-  - { name: Dethridge Street,stop_code: Wjr-G49, lat: -35.2302721, lng: 149.0298424}
-  - { name: Hodges Street,stop_code: Wjr-GcG, lat: -35.2301944, lng: 149.0319226}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398}
-  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667}
-  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368}
-  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599}
-  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287}
-  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887}
-  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031}
-  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601}
-  - { name: Hamelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399}
-  - { name: Sprent Street,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-r-, lat: -35.3403989, lng: 149.1448954}
-  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001}
-  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYnD, lat: -35.3485475, lng: 149.2307657}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3m, lat: -35.3459335, lng: 149.227726}
-  - { name: Farrer Place,stop_code: WjzbXmQ, lat: -35.3550126, lng: 149.2311068}
-  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbYzg, lat: -35.3519226, lng: 149.2332104}
-  - { name: Yass Road,stop_code: Wjzj5BH, lat: -35.3447463, lng: 149.2446946}
-  - { name: Endurance Avenue,stop_code: Wjzj6z9, lat: -35.3407864, lng: 149.2440483}
-  - { name: Erin Street,stop_code: WjzbZqS, lat: -35.3465484, lng: 149.2325494}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286}
-  - { name: Crawford Street,stop_code: WjzbZ77, lat: -35.3430401, lng: 149.2274615}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRdl, lat: -35.3446304, lng: 149.2181472}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbJSj, lat: -35.3441148, lng: 149.2140644}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbZ3n, lat: -35.3458022, lng: 149.2277877}
-  - { name: Uriarra Road,stop_code: WjzbRBs, lat: -35.344722, lng: 149.2224303}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348}
-  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727}
-  - { name: Woodhill Link,stop_code: WjzaArS, lat: -35.3953167, lng: 149.1995002}
-  - { name: Nicholii Loop,stop_code: WjzaAXA, lat: -35.3954806, lng: 149.2047447}
-  - { name: Mariners Court,stop_code: WjzaAdv, lat: -35.3938794, lng: 149.1962366}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbBu_, lat: -35.3437537, lng: 149.1997253}
-  - { name: Broughton Place,stop_code: WjzbPXf, lat: -35.3567667, lng: 149.2261434}
-  - { name: Tharwa Road,stop_code: WjzbPpi, lat: -35.3586252, lng: 149.2208441}
-  - { name: Hayes Street,stop_code: WjzbWDe, lat: -35.3596366, lng: 149.2330229}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXwk, lat: -35.3591416, lng: 149.2331706}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVxf, lat: -35.369131, lng: 149.233084}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbVy2, lat: -35.3689098, lng: 149.232863}
-  - { name: Old Cooma Road,stop_code: Wjz9JdV, lat: -35.4328562, lng: 149.2080577}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbXAb, lat: -35.3564366, lng: 149.2330826}
-  - { name: Kinlyside Avenue,stop_code: WjzbwuF, lat: -35.3717405, lng: 149.1994726}
-  - { name: Darmody Place,stop_code: WjzbwDR, lat: -35.37069, lng: 149.2008683}
-  - { name: Halloran Drive,stop_code: WjzbwMd, lat: -35.3755316, lng: 149.2028602}
-  - { name: Maloney Street,stop_code: WjzbG5c, lat: -35.3611934, lng: 149.2054955}
-  - { name: Kendall Avenue North,stop_code: WjzbJRl, lat: -35.3445935, lng: 149.2139248}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPy, lat: -35.3352335, lng: 149.1703836}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622}
-  - { name: Burbury Close,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879}
-  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779}
-  - { name: Justinian Street,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471}
-  - { name: Birdwood Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817}
-  - { name: McNicoll Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409}
-  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834}
-  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329}
-  - { name: Ingamells Street,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977}
-  - { name: Dennis Street,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244}
-  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878}
-  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371}
-  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711}
-  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727}
-  - { name: Bluebell Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194}
-  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718}
-  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961}
-  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923}
-  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199}
-  - { name: Flynn Drive,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289}
-  - { name: Beaconsfield Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462}
-  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281}
-  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315}
-  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685}
-  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086}
-  - { name: Meagher Place,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132}
-  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985}
-  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113}
-  - { name: Catchpole Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927}
-  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467}
-  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585}
-  - { name: Bourke Street,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413}
-  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119}
-  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687}
-  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869}
-  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394}
-  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845}
-  - { name: Waldock Street,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221}
-  - { name: Wilsmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026}
-  - { name: Brinsmead Street,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357}
-  - { name: McDonald Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391}
-  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965}
-  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244}
-  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575}
-  - { name: Horsley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491}
-  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037}
-  - { name: Clifford Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145}
-  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093}
-  - { name: Crossley Close,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291}
-  - { name: Le Gallienne Street,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526}
-  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744}
-  - { name: Pattinson Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958}
-  - { name: Weedon Close,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439}
-  - { name: Carandini Street,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273}
-  - { name: Colborne Place,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667}
-  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269}
-  - { name: Hancock Street,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979}
-  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793}
-  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759}
-  - { name: Furzer Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784}
-  - { name: Barton Highway,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628}
-  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558}
-  - { name: Sharwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978}
-  - { name: Deffell Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241}
-  - { name: Callaghan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677}
-  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143}
-  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627}
-  - { name: Norton Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542}
-  - { name: Stenhouse Close,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737}
-  - { name: Pitcairn Street,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672}
-  - { name: Kissane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6ec7, lat: -35.2077712, lng: 149.0749969}
-  - { name: Primmer Court,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033}
-  - { name: Sinclair Street,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524}
-  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386}
-  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226}
-  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942}
-  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484}
-  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345}
-  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951}
-  - { name: Driver Place,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105}
-  - { name: Willis Street,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406}
-  - { name: Kellway Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143}
-  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965}
-  - { name: Crofts Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518}
-  - { name: Standbridge Place,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942}
-  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273}
-  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519}
-  - { name: Boote Street,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026}
-  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179}
-  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116}
-  - { name: Emerton Street,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908}
-  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086}
-  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786}
-  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719}
-  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652}
-  - { name: Bindaga Street,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852}
-  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293}
-  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942}
-  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789}
-  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964}
-  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: Wjzj4ju, lat: -35.351369, lng: 149.2416919}
-  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647}
-  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283}
-  - { name: Pethebridge Street,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779}
-  - { name: Colbee Court,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118}
-  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965}
-  - { name: Molonglo Drive,stop_code: WjzcrEu, lat: -35.3150059, lng: 149.190788}
-  - { name: Lochiel Street,stop_code: WjzbUQX, lat: -35.3729581, lng: 149.2368028}
-  - { name: Noonan Street,stop_code: Wjzi7mf, lat: -35.3766831, lng: 149.2412565}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbUCp, lat: -35.3717241, lng: 149.2334526}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWBs, lat: -35.3611492, lng: 149.2334303}
-  - { name: Cooma Street,stop_code: WjzbWzE, lat: -35.3628765, lng: 149.2337473}
-  - { name: Hambly Place,stop_code: WjzbWyW, lat: -35.363411, lng: 149.2340547}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751}
-  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899}
-  - { name: Morisset Street,stop_code: WjzbYAM, lat: -35.3512052, lng: 149.2339748}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456}
-  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969}
-  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mTK, lat: -35.3815863, lng: 149.0936139}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478}
-  - { name: Flierl Place,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658}
-  - { name: Fellows Street,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258}
-  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Alc, lat: -35.2183514, lng: 149.021625}
-  - { name: Solomon Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838}
-  - { name: Chambers Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391}
-  - { name: Macumba Place,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378}
-  - { name: Glossop Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177}
-  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213}
-  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448}
-  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VdI, lat: -35.2348097, lng: 149.0539156}
-  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341}
-  - { name: Dungowan Street,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595}
-  - { name: Capital Circle,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312}
-  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737}
-  - { name: Newdegate Street,stop_code: Wjz4qtY, lat: -35.3172423, lng: 149.100878}
-  - { name: Hannah Place,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689}
-  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4yng, lat: -35.316172, lng: 149.1095953}
-  - { name: Stonehaven Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yGG, lat: -35.3194308, lng: 149.1142224}
-  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796}
-  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724}
-  - { name: Freda Gibson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946}
-  - { name: Burdett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442}
-  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111}
-  - { name: Cochrane Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569}
-  - { name: Conlon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294}
-  - { name: Meeson Street,stop_code: Wjz1Kiu, lat: -35.4289549, lng: 149.1207905}
-  - { name: Nina Jones Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251}
-  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625}
-  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279}
-  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1DWq, lat: -35.4238411, lng: 149.1166188}
-  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797}
-  - { name: Chinner Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782}
-  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817}
-  - { name: Tucana Street,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676}
-  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449}
-  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069}
-  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434}
-  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906}
-  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444385, lng: 149.1272473}
-  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344}
-  - { name: Broad Place,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055}
-  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.415325, lng: 149.0672593}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052}
-  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755}
-  - { name: Neales Street,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723}
-  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022}
-  - { name: McDonald Place,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443}
-  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771}
-  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442}
-  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691}
-  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531}
-  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718}
-  - { name: Rafferty Street,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332}
-  - { name: Kathner Street,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495}
-  - { name: Rene Street,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008}
-  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585}
-  - { name: Musgrove street,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055}
-  - { name: Bertel Crescent,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119}
-  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159}
-  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709}
-  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRFB, lat: -35.3473864, lng: 149.048202}
-  - { name: McKail Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995}
-  - { name: Whitney Place,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375}
-  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511}
-  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098}
-  - { name: Gonzaga Place,stop_code: Wjz2wGU, lat: -35.4184904, lng: 149.1145873}
-  - { name: Rischbieth Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559}
-  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2Npv, lat: -35.4131394, lng: 149.1331606}
-  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1X, lat: -35.3255489, lng: 149.0857143}
-  - { name: Bunny Street,stop_code: WjrX_SL, lat: -35.3327937, lng: 149.0607695}
-  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37Zc, lat: -35.3337407, lng: 149.0723488}
-  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343}
-  - { name: Lake Tuggeranong cycle track,stop_code: Wjz20Vv, lat: -35.4185754, lng: 149.072661}
-  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807}
-  - { name: Nunan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123}
-  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166}
-  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511}
-  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162}
-  - { name: Clutterbuck Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936}
-  - { name: Connibere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429}
-  - { name: Singleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278}
-  - { name: Maconochie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301}
-  - { name: Checchi Place,stop_code: Wjz28Yv, lat: -35.4165651, lng: 149.0836163}
-  - { name: Forwood Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361}
-  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hlp, lat: -35.4109006, lng: 149.0878896}
-  - { name: Michell Street,stop_code: Wjz2hBQ, lat: -35.4106404, lng: 149.0911182}
-  - { name: Beirne Street,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039}
-  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302}
-  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz34Gq, lat: -35.352423, lng: 149.0699271}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33LB, lat: -35.3542352, lng: 149.0701992}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: Wjz33EK, lat: -35.3589689, lng: 149.0702445}
-  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXMe, lat: -35.3589023, lng: 149.0599784}
-  - { name: Araluen Street,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979}
-  - { name: Guinness Place,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091}
-  - { name: Gulgong Place,stop_code: WjrXXb4, lat: -35.3570754, lng: 149.0530316}
-  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz34c4, lat: -35.3508697, lng: 149.0639869}
-  - { name: Cedrela Place,stop_code: WjrXR3f, lat: -35.3458397, lng: 149.040861}
-  - { name: Blowering Street,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289}
-  - { name: Mt Taylor Zig Zag,stop_code: Wjz39sA, lat: -35.3673329, lng: 149.0783636}
-  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408}
-  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3iuk, lat: -35.3604697, lng: 149.0889561}
-  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172}
-  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508}
-  - { name: Yabsley Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079}
-  - { name: Rogers Street,stop_code: Wjr_GVA, lat: -35.188117, lng: 149.0399446}
-  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803}
-  - { name: Nott Street,stop_code: Wjr_NpJ, lat: -35.1935127, lng: 149.0455536}
-  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445}
-  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712}
-  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166}
-  - { name: Keenan Street,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542}
-  - { name: Moor Place,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796}
-  - { name: Connah Street,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156}
-  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863}
-  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684}
-  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442}
-  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308}
-  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399}
-  - { name: Chifley Place,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688}
-  - { name: Carslaw Street,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236}
-  - { name: Threlfall Street,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975}
-  - { name: Boult Place,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925}
-  - { name: Conley Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677}
-  - { name: Grainger Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887}
-  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716}
-  - { name: Linger Place,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878}
-  - { name: Bishop Place,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264}
-  - { name: Henslowe Place,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668}
-  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335}
-  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821}
-  - { name: Bainton Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853}
-  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598}
-  - { name: Broadby Close,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538}
-  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637}
-  - { name: Wiseman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439}
-  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491}
-  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955}
-  - { name: Jalanga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805}
-  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514}
-  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551}
-  - { name: Cambridge Street,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577}
-  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761}
-  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338}
-  - { name: Weetangera Place,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939}
-  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362}
-  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759}
-  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913}
-  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835}
-  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365}
-  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988}
-  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936}
-  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037}
-  - { name: Ligertwood Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456}
-  - { name: Alderman Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927}
-  - { name: Hatfield Street,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135}
-  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235}
-  - { name: Lascelles Circuit,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219}
-  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733}
-  - { name: Mason Street,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293}
-  - { name: Lee Steere Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933}
-  - { name: Kingsmill Street,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943}
-  - { name: Jenke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575}
-  - { name: Pinkerton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703}
-  - { name: Ragless Circuit,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055}
-  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466}
-  - { name: Lavan Place,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005}
-  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922}
-  - { name: Edmunds Place,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463}
-  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273}
-  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434}
-  - { name: Healy Street,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887}
-  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EXs, lat: -35.4174557, lng: 149.1275741}
-  - { name: Monaro Highway,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991}
-  - { name: Willoughby Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NH0, lat: -35.4123115, lng: 149.1353734}
-  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599}
-  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377}
-  - { name: Morgan Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268}
-  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509}
-  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045}
-  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-oT, lat: -35.3424053, lng: 149.0567937}
-  - { name: Mather Street,stop_code: WjrX-zT, lat: -35.3402984, lng: 149.0581286}
-  - { name: Nambir Court,stop_code: Wjz1edz, lat: -35.4271482, lng: 149.0757082}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20Eo, lat: -35.4198466, lng: 149.0699766}
-  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236}
-  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28DH, lat: -35.4148504, lng: 149.0799887}
-  - { name: Mault Place,stop_code: Wjz2g6U, lat: -35.4157965, lng: 149.0857566}
-  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2gvd, lat: -35.4146612, lng: 149.0888256}
-  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway Onramp,stop_code: Wjz33KX, lat: -35.3550858, lng: 149.070698}
-  - { name: Wambaya Street,stop_code: Wjz33nk, lat: -35.3543462, lng: 149.0657554}
-  - { name: Wirangu Place,stop_code: WjrXXI2, lat: -35.3565059, lng: 149.058473}
-  - { name: Walpiri Place,stop_code: WjrXYtm, lat: -35.3499821, lng: 149.0560969}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035}
-  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJfw, lat: -35.3436463, lng: 149.031771}
-  - { name: Eppalock Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493}
-  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909}
-  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656}
-  - { name: Paloona Place,stop_code: WjrXLEL, lat: -35.3369076, lng: 149.0374236}
-  - { name: Leighton Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284}
-  - { name: Foskett Street,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033}
-  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389}
-  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095}
-  - { name: O'Shanassy Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663}
-  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277}
-  - { name: Sport Way,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101}
-  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737}
-  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155}
-  - { name: Douglass Street,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952}
-  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607}
-  - { name: Gallipoli Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403}
-  - { name: Mileham Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621}
-  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835}
-  - { name: Clode Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273}
-  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453}
-  - { name: Prevost Place,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953}
-  - { name: Plowman Place,stop_code: Wjr-S9y, lat: -35.2102797, lng: 149.0426899}
-  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-HbC, lat: -35.2250302, lng: 149.0316399}
-  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919}
-  - { name: Armstrong Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611}
-  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193}
-  - { name: Pickworth Street,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227}
-  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617}
-  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319}
-  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389}
-  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165}
-  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564}
-  - { name: Wearing Street,stop_code: Wjr-xRd, lat: -35.2347078, lng: 149.0270748}
-  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414}
-  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-Gsq, lat: -35.2301636, lng: 149.0342818}
-  - { name: Ulm Street,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574}
-  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753}
-  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515}
-  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984}
-  - { name: Hinkler Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153}
-  - { name: Delamere Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741}
-  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615}
-  - { name: Southwell Street,stop_code: WjrZSKp, lat: -35.2509203, lng: 149.0480636}
-  - { name: De Salis Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782}
-  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-MCk, lat: -35.2396029, lng: 149.0464162}
-  - { name: Hannaford Street,stop_code: Wjr-M-x, lat: -35.2399127, lng: 149.0508416}
-  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZ-aT, lat: -35.2531402, lng: 149.053943}
-  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397}
-  - { name: Atkinson Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315}
-  - { name: Skinner Street,stop_code: Wjz54mj, lat: -35.2617096, lng: 149.0656385}
-  - { name: Allman Circuit,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248}
-  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155}
-  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511}
-  - { name: Roberts Street,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327}
-  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664}
-  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536}
-  - { name: Thurlow Place,stop_code: Wjz57Q7, lat: -35.2462221, lng: 149.0708857}
-  - { name: Maddison Close,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507}
-  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUz, lat: -35.2493715, lng: 149.094909}
-  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gUM, lat: -35.2441052, lng: 149.0951619}
-  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523}
-  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403}
-  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265}
-  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391}
-  - { name: Fitzsimmons Street,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886}
-  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588}
-  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622}
-  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qSX, lat: -35.1847968, lng: 149.1050623}
-  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243}
-  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275}
-  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507}
-  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7uxi, lat: -35.1663489, lng: 149.1013956}
-  - { name: Mundang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128}
-  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106}
-  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669}
-  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161}
-  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471}
-  - { name: Banambila Street,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332}
-  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202}
-  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475}
-  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999}
-  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102}
-  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965}
-  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901}
-  - { name: Barracks Flat Drive,stop_code: WjzbUGB, lat: -35.3740947, lng: 149.2349556}
-  - { name: Ling Place,stop_code: Wjzj0yX, lat: -35.3742978, lng: 149.2450265}
-  - { name: Knowles Place,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064}
-  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853}
-  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034}
-  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531}
-  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835}
-  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935}
-  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814}
-  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125}
-  - { name: Sidaway Street,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463}
-  - { name: Saunders Street,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555}
-  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486}
-  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CD7, lat: -35.1617492, lng: 149.1119532}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If2, lat: -35.1732221, lng: 149.1188441}
-  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027}
-  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602}
-  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626}
-  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293}
-  - { name: Inglewood Street,stop_code: Wjz7Y0J, lat: -35.177732, lng: 149.1403005}
-  - { name: Obrien Place,stop_code: Wjz7GSc, lat: -35.1847451, lng: 149.1258614}
-  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ppw, lat: -35.1829884, lng: 149.1332581}
-  - { name: Swain Street,stop_code: Wjz7X2n, lat: -35.1817108, lng: 149.1398579}
-  - { name: Petersilka Street,stop_code: Wjz7XxD, lat: -35.1823825, lng: 149.1457373}
-  - { name: Thistle Lane,stop_code: Wjzf2rm, lat: -35.1865677, lng: 149.1549041}
-  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjzf0ZL, lat: -35.1961257, lng: 149.1609099}
-  - { name: Morris West Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522}
-  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603}
-  - { name: Gungahlin Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537}
-  - { name: Freeling Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656}
-  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368}
-  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095}
-  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139}
-  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6Wse, lat: -35.2298796, lng: 149.1438091}
-  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876}
-  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjzeaq_, lat: -35.2311306, lng: 149.1668636}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003}
-  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1hB, lat: -35.2374923, lng: 149.1539669}
-  - { name: Molesworth Street,stop_code: Wjze17N, lat: -35.2336919, lng: 149.1515898}
-  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UQw, lat: -35.2413339, lng: 149.1484036}
-  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_O4, lat: -35.24786, lng: 149.147645}
-  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198}
-  - { name: Grayson Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253}
-  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997}
-  - { name: Hannan Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474}
-  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942}
-  - { name: Morphett Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827}
-  - { name: Dooring Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491}
-  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439}
-  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317}
-  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796}
-  - { name: Wakefield Gardens,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384}
-  - { name: Leslie Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925}
-  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465}
-  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907}
-  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W8l, lat: -35.276623, lng: 149.1411209}
-  - { name: Cox Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634}
-  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392}
-  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253}
-  - { name: Ijong Street,stop_code: Wjz5PBC, lat: -35.2675907, lng: 149.1347357}
-  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196}
-  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684}
-  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297}
-  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NHD, lat: -35.2798744, lng: 149.1361266}
-  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984}
-  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771}
-  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353}
-  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Urj, lat: -35.285706, lng: 149.144029}
-  - { name: Holmes Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757}
-  - { name: Borella Street,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428}
-  - { name: Parkes Way,stop_code: Wjz4T-X, lat: -35.2891325, lng: 149.1393476}
-  - { name: Miles Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833}
-  - { name: Vowels Road,stop_code: Wjzcdsn, lat: -35.3011446, lng: 149.1659502}
-  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd2U, lat: -35.3031671, lng: 149.1626628}
-  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4WnH, lat: -35.3159201, lng: 149.1430396}
-  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934}
-  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4EG2, lat: -35.3304213, lng: 149.1244262}
-  - { name: Scarborough Street,stop_code: Wjz3KLn, lat: -35.3376003, lng: 149.1247297}
-  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NWF, lat: -35.3250038, lng: 149.138898}
-  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982}
-  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UIv, lat: -35.328635, lng: 149.1467867}
-  - { name: Yamba Place,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427}
-  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3KB0, lat: -35.3395291, lng: 149.1229469}
-  - { name: Mugga Way,stop_code: Wjz3JQO, lat: -35.3455626, lng: 149.1268033}
-  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Slx, lat: -35.3394651, lng: 149.131936}
-  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468}
-  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783}
-  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643}
-  - { name: Toolambi Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Cp, lat: -35.333286, lng: 149.156475}
-  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844}
-  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393}
-  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675}
-  - { name: Tennant Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438}
-  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3rML, lat: -35.3588381, lng: 149.1045644}
-  - { name: Ellwood Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3y9z, lat: -35.3640453, lng: 149.1086104}
-  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xi3, lat: -35.3688397, lng: 149.1093058}
-  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz2DK6, lat: -35.3767783, lng: 149.1134151}
-  - { name: McAlpine Place,stop_code: Wjz2Dgb, lat: -35.381175, lng: 149.10938}
-  - { name: Pye Place,stop_code: Wjz2vzR, lat: -35.3789646, lng: 149.1019944}
-  - { name: Custance Street,stop_code: Wjz3ops, lat: -35.3749061, lng: 149.1001427}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hUs, lat: -35.370077, lng: 149.0946389}
-  - { name: Ward Place,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557}
-  - { name: Goode Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481}
-  - { name: Hawker Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208}
-  - { name: Hyland Place,stop_code: Wjz2c-r, lat: -35.3935292, lng: 149.0837652}
-  - { name: Beaver Place,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz2mGO, lat: -35.3853996, lng: 149.0925014}
-  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: Wjz2ttB, lat: -35.3885662, lng: 149.1004148}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057}
-  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538}
-  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768}
-  - { name: Leach Street,stop_code: Wjz2pmy, lat: -35.4100705, lng: 149.0990011}
-  - { name: Burston Place,stop_code: Wjz2xq1, lat: -35.4129044, lng: 149.1106334}
-  - { name: Garrick Street,stop_code: Wjz2yQZ, lat: -35.4057423, lng: 149.116007}
-  - { name: Larcombe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2G9R, lat: -35.4077654, lng: 149.1199409}
-  - { name: Halley Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949}
-  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB6, lat: -35.4159442, lng: 149.1230876}
-  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337}
-  - { name: Tweddle Place,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427}
-  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839}
-  - { name: Laker Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Dlj, lat: -35.4217144, lng: 149.1096219}
-  - { name: Kiddle Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242}
-  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483}
-  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264}
-  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz2w0e, lat: -35.4193446, lng: 149.106777}
-  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osQ, lat: -35.4167685, lng: 149.1006448}
-  - { name: Kneeshaw Street,stop_code: Wjz2o8V, lat: -35.4197567, lng: 149.0980528}
-  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401}
-  - { name: Kerkeri Close,stop_code: Wjz1v2R, lat: -35.423569, lng: 149.0965355}
-  - { name: Oakwood Place,stop_code: Wjz1viP, lat: -35.4237236, lng: 149.0993804}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553}
-  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9T, lat: -35.4350564, lng: 149.1089897}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tYG, lat: -35.4334596, lng: 149.1060816}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057}
-  - { name: Carter Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781}
-  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tok, lat: -35.4359836, lng: 149.0999494}
-  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677}
-  - { name: Marengo Place,stop_code: Wjz1lQS, lat: -35.4330991, lng: 149.0938171}
-  - { name: Heddon Place,stop_code: Wjz1lyA, lat: -35.4346444, lng: 149.0907826}
-  - { name: Pimpampa Close,stop_code: Wjz1lB8, lat: -35.4329445, lng: 149.0902136}
-  - { name: Abercrombie Circuit,stop_code: Wjz0nS3, lat: -35.4649778, lng: 149.0928056}
-  - { name: Youl Court,stop_code: Wjz0uuZ, lat: -35.4702296, lng: 149.1008976}
-  - { name: Milligan Street,stop_code: Wjz0CcV, lat: -35.4719802, lng: 149.1091794}
-  - { name: Galbraith Close,stop_code: Wjz0B6Y, lat: -35.4758415, lng: 149.1077253}
-  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0tB4, lat: -35.4765623, lng: 149.1010241}
-  - { name: Bellchambers Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0mMT, lat: -35.474194, lng: 149.0937539}
-  - { name: Olive Pink Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0kYJ, lat: -35.482637, lng: 149.0950815}
-  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz0lhu, lat: -35.4790849, lng: 149.0878745}
-  - { name: Robert Lewis Court,stop_code: Wjz0eRx, lat: -35.4713109, lng: 149.0824376}
-  - { name: Ferry Place,stop_code: Wjz1gaC, lat: -35.4619398, lng: 149.0865469}
-  - { name: Charles Place,stop_code: Wjz19V7, lat: -35.4570479, lng: 149.0831962}
-  - { name: Gaylard Place,stop_code: Wjz1i2p, lat: -35.4513833, lng: 149.0850928}
-  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jf0, lat: -35.442525, lng: 149.0859147}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889}
-  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792}
-  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758}
-  - { name: Wilari Place,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889}
-  - { name: Mirrabucca Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552}
-  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299}
-  - { name: Georgina Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295}
-  - { name: Staaten Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957}
-  - { name: Antares Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989}
-  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665}
-  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053}
-  - { name: Snodgrass Crescent,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983}
-  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199}
-  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646}
-  - { name: Purdie Street,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523}
-  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819}
-  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747}
-  - { name: Morphy Place,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684}
-  - { name: Gwydir Square,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323}
-  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294}
-  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136}
-  - { name: Moruya Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204}
-  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498}
-  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643}
-  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629}
-  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557}
-  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116}
-  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631}
-  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774}
-  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371}
-  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002}
-  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423}
-  - { name: Eileen Good Street,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364}
-  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149}
-  - { name: Spinifex Street,stop_code: Wjzc24u, lat: -35.317722, lng: 149.1510115}
-  - { name: The Causeway,stop_code: Wjz4WZo, lat: -35.3175809, lng: 149.1496027}
-  - { name: Parbery Street,stop_code: Wjz4WY7, lat: -35.3176372, lng: 149.1491419}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549}
-  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457}
-  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552}
-  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231}
-  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRMq, lat: -35.3483271, lng: 149.0492963}
-  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632}
-  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828}
-  - { name: Backler Place,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034}
-  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951}
+  - { name: ACTEW AGL House,stop_code: ACTEW AGL House, lat: -35.282374, lng: 149.132047, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: ADFA,stop_code: ADFA, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Campbell; }
+  - { name: Ainslie,stop_code: Ainslie, lat: -35.2620105, lng: 149.1443302, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Ainslie; }
+  - { name: Alexander Maconochie Centre,stop_code: Alexander Maconochie Centre, lat: -35.3720651, lng: 149.1696618, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Hume; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av,stop_code: Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av, lat: -35.1856021, lng: 149.1543639, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Aranda,stop_code: Aranda, lat: -35.257534, lng: 149.0762963, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Aranda;Bruce;Acton; }
+  - { name: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah,stop_code: Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, lat: -35.38442, lng: 149.09328, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Australian Institute of Sport,stop_code: Australian Institute of Sport, lat: -35.246351, lng: 149.101478, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;O'Connor;Bruce; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station,stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station, lat: -35.2398858, lng: 149.0690795, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06978, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23982, lng: 149.06926, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.23986, lng: 149.06847, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06887, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.06928, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.23994, lng: 149.0698, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Belconnen Way, lat: -35.2410162, lng: 149.0409512, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT;Hawker; }
+  - { name: Bimberi Centre,stop_code: Bimberi Centre, lat: -35.2219941, lng: 149.1546928, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner; }
+  - { name: Black Mountain Telstra Tower,stop_code: Black Mountain Telstra Tower, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Acton; }
+  - { name: Bonython Primary School,stop_code: Bonython Primary School, lat: -35.4297416, lng: 149.0814517, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonython;Isabella Plains; }
+  - { name: Botanic Gardens,stop_code: Botanic Gardens, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Acton; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Business Park,stop_code: Brindabella Business Park, lat: -35.314496, lng: 149.189145, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Pialligo;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home,stop_code: Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, lat: -35.3294459, lng: 149.0806116, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Curtin; }
+  - { name: Bugden Sternberg,stop_code: Bugden Sternberg, lat: -35.403233, lng: 149.1073117, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fadden;Gowrie; }
+  - { name: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road,stop_code: Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, lat: -35.2753671, lng: 149.1172822, zone_id: Turner;Unclassified ACT;Acton; }
+  - { name: Calvary Hospital,stop_code: Calvary Hospital, lat: -35.25212, lng: 149.09088, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bruce; }
+  - { name: Calwell,stop_code: Calwell, lat: -35.43524, lng: 149.113942, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Richardson;Calwell; }
+  - { name: Campbell Park Offices,stop_code: Campbell Park Offices, lat: -35.28368, lng: 149.17045, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Campbell; }
+  - { name: Canberra College Weston Campus,stop_code: Canberra College Weston Campus, lat: -35.3490278, lng: 149.0486277, zone_id: Stirling;Unclassified ACT;Rivett;Chapman; }
+  - { name: Canberra Hospital,stop_code: Canberra Hospital, lat: -35.3459462, lng: 149.1012001, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;O'Malley;Garran; }
+  - { name: Canberra Times,stop_code: Canberra Times, lat: -35.3245431, lng: 149.1705533, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Caswell Drive,stop_code: Caswell Drive, lat: -35.25922, lng: 149.08576, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Aranda;Bruce;Acton; }
+  - { name: Causeway,stop_code: Causeway, lat: -35.31615, lng: 149.15058, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kingston;Barton;Fyshwick;Griffith; }
+  - { name: Centrelink Tuggeranong,stop_code: Centrelink Tuggeranong, lat: -35.4207496, lng: 149.0700973, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Chapman,stop_code: Chapman, lat: -35.3557877, lng: 149.0408111, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Chapman; }
+  - { name: Charnwood,stop_code: Charnwood, lat: -35.2052138, lng: 149.0337266, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Charnwood; }
+  - { name: Chifley,stop_code: Chifley, lat: -35.3529713, lng: 149.0759413, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Chifley; }
+  - { name: Chisholm,stop_code: Chisholm, lat: -35.41341, lng: 149.1308079, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Chisholm;Gilmore; }
+  - { name: Chuculba / William Slim Dr,stop_code: Chuculba / William Slim Dr, lat: -35.208931, lng: 149.088499, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Giralang; }
+  - { name: CIT Weston,stop_code: CIT Weston, lat: -35.330234, lng: 149.058632, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station,stop_code: City Bus Station, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.278907, lng: 149.130612, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: City Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;City; }
+  - { name: City West,stop_code: City West, lat: -35.2788605, lng: 149.1257969, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;City;Acton; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station,stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station, lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.2394775, lng: 149.0602031, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.2396467, lng: 149.0602152, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.239764, lng: 149.0604531, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.239844, lng: 149.0600683, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.2401211, lng: 149.0597102, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.2400028, lng: 149.060315, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Conder Primary,stop_code: Conder Primary, lat: -35.4643475, lng: 149.0986908, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Banks;Conder; }
+  - { name: Cook,stop_code: Cook, lat: -35.2596, lng: 149.0638, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Cook; }
+  - { name: Cooleman Court,stop_code: Cooleman Court, lat: -35.34147, lng: 149.05338, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT;Holder; }
+  - { name: Copland College,stop_code: Copland College, lat: -35.2127018, lng: 149.0596387, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Melba;Evatt; }
+  - { name: Curtin,stop_code: Curtin, lat: -35.3253034, lng: 149.0840838, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Curtin; }
+  - { name: Deakin,stop_code: Deakin, lat: -35.3151707, lng: 149.1084563, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT;Deakin; }
+  - { name: Deamer / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Deamer / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4294463, lng: 149.12, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Richardson;Chisholm; }
+  - { name: Dickson / Antill St,stop_code: Dickson / Antill St, lat: -35.2489, lng: 149.14012, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyneham;Dickson;Downer; }
+  - { name: Dickson College,stop_code: Dickson College, lat: -35.24923, lng: 149.15315, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Dickson; }
+  - { name: Dickson / Cowper St,stop_code: Dickson / Cowper St, lat: -35.250297, lng: 149.141336, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyneham;Dickson; }
+  - { name: Duffy,stop_code: Duffy, lat: -35.3366908, lng: 149.0324311, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Duffy; }
+  - { name: Duffy Primary,stop_code: Duffy Primary, lat: -35.334219, lng: 149.033656, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Duffy; }
+  - { name: Dunlop,stop_code: Dunlop, lat: -35.1981771, lng: 149.0207837, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Dunlop; }
+  - { name: Erindale Centre,stop_code: Erindale Centre, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash,stop_code: Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash, lat: -35.414616, lng: 149.07888, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Monash;Oxley; }
+  - { name: Erindale / Sternberg Cres,stop_code: Erindale / Sternberg Cres, lat: -35.4028919, lng: 149.1060672, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT;Fadden; }
+  - { name: Evatt,stop_code: Evatt, lat: -35.2091093, lng: 149.0735343, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Evatt; }
+  - { name: Eye Hospital,stop_code: Eye Hospital, lat: -35.3341884, lng: 149.1656213, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Park,stop_code: Fairbairn Park, lat: -35.3038896, lng: 149.2038605, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Pialligo; }
+  - { name: Farrer Primary School,stop_code: Farrer Primary School, lat: -35.37887, lng: 149.10641, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Isaacs;Farrer; }
+  - { name: Farrer Terminus,stop_code: Farrer Terminus, lat: -35.380274, lng: 149.1104016, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Isaacs;Farrer; }
+  - { name: Federation Square,stop_code: Federation Square, lat: -35.1908726, lng: 149.0848153, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Nicholls; }
+  - { name: Fisher,stop_code: Fisher, lat: -35.3605627, lng: 149.0576481, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fisher; }
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave, lat: -35.2008585, lng: 149.1493407, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Harrison;Franklin;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Flemington Rd / Sandford St,stop_code: Flemington Rd / Sandford St, lat: -35.221231, lng: 149.144645, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Mitchell;Franklin; }
+  - { name: Florey,stop_code: Florey, lat: -35.2267757, lng: 149.0544025, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Florey; }
+  - { name: Fraser,stop_code: Fraser, lat: -35.1929304, lng: 149.0433893, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fraser; }
+  - { name: Fraser East Terminus,stop_code: Fraser East Terminus, lat: -35.1896539, lng: 149.04811, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fraser; }
+  - { name: Fraser West Terminus,stop_code: Fraser West Terminus, lat: -35.191513, lng: 149.038006, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fraser; }
+  - { name: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet,stop_code: Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796322, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Pialligo;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Garran,stop_code: Garran, lat: -35.3423286, lng: 149.10811, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Red Hill;Garran; }
+  - { name: Geoscience Australia,stop_code: Geoscience Australia, lat: -35.3429702, lng: 149.1583893, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Narrabundah; }
+  - { name: Giralang,stop_code: Giralang, lat: -35.2115608, lng: 149.0960692, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Kaleen;Franklin;Giralang; }
+  - { name: Gordon Primary,stop_code: Gordon Primary, lat: -35.455517, lng: 149.086978, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Gordon; }
+  - { name: Gowrie,stop_code: Gowrie, lat: -35.4141373, lng: 149.1100798, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Fadden;Gowrie; }
+  - { name: Gungahlin Marketplace,stop_code: Gungahlin Marketplace, lat: -35.183259, lng: 149.1328249, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Gwydir Square Kaleen,stop_code: Gwydir Square Kaleen, lat: -35.2338677, lng: 149.1031998, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bruce;Kaleen; }
+  - { name: Hackett,stop_code: Hackett, lat: -35.2481617, lng: 149.1626094, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Hackett; }
+  - { name: Hawker,stop_code: Hawker, lat: -35.2437386, lng: 149.0432804, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Page;Hawker; }
+  - { name: Hawker College,stop_code: Hawker College, lat: -35.2454598, lng: 149.0324251, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Hawker; }
+  - { name: Heagney / Clift Richardson,stop_code: Heagney / Clift Richardson, lat: -35.4251299, lng: 149.11375, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Richardson;Chisholm; }
+  - { name: Hibberson / Kate Crace,stop_code: Hibberson / Kate Crace, lat: -35.1861642, lng: 149.1391756, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Higgins,stop_code: Higgins, lat: -35.2313901, lng: 149.0271811, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Higgins;Holt; }
+  - { name: Holder,stop_code: Holder, lat: -35.3378123, lng: 149.0449433, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Holder; }
+  - { name: Holt,stop_code: Holt, lat: -35.223099, lng: 149.0126269, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Holt; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave,stop_code: Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, lat: -35.201095, lng: 149.139941, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Hospice / Menindee Dr,stop_code: Hospice / Menindee Dr, lat: -35.303557, lng: 149.151627, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Campbell;Barton;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Hughes,stop_code: Hughes, lat: -35.3324722, lng: 149.0923343, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Hughes;Garran; }
+  - { name: Isaacs,stop_code: Isaacs, lat: -35.3669823, lng: 149.1119217, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Isaacs; }
+  - { name: Isabella,stop_code: Isabella, lat: -35.4285703, lng: 149.0916837, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Isabella Plains; }
+  - { name: Jamison Centre,stop_code: Jamison Centre, lat: -35.2527268, lng: 149.0713712, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Macquarie; }
+  - { name: John James Hospital,stop_code: John James Hospital, lat: -35.3200295, lng: 149.0955996, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Deakin; }
+  - { name: Kaleen Village / Maribrynong,stop_code: Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, lat: -35.2197554, lng: 149.1029934, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Kaleen;Franklin; }
+  - { name: Kambah High,stop_code: Kambah High, lat: -35.3926493, lng: 149.068179, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Kambah / Livingston St,stop_code: Kambah / Livingston St, lat: -35.3902193, lng: 149.0781883, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Kambah Village,stop_code: Kambah Village, lat: -35.3800314, lng: 149.0576581, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, lat: -35.1688681, lng: 149.1387048, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Amaroo; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan / Lhotsky,stop_code: Kerrigan / Lhotsky, lat: -35.193801, lng: 149.035689, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Charnwood;Fraser; }
+  - { name: Kings Ave / National Circuit,stop_code: Kings Ave / National Circuit, lat: -35.305004, lng: 149.13262, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Parkes;Barton; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith / Companion,stop_code: Kingsford Smith / Companion, lat: -35.2137074, lng: 149.0461359, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Melba;Flynn; }
+  - { name: Kingston,stop_code: Kingston, lat: -35.3161906, lng: 149.1398308, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kingston;Barton;Griffith; }
+  - { name: Kippax,stop_code: Kippax, lat: -35.22225, lng: 149.0195627, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Latham;Holt; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko / Everard,stop_code: Kosciuszko / Everard, lat: -35.1951396, lng: 149.1265593, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Palmerston;Franklin;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Lanyon Marketplace,stop_code: Lanyon Marketplace, lat: -35.4573, lng: 149.09199, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Conder;Gordon; }
+  - { name: Latham Post Office,stop_code: Latham Post Office, lat: -35.21906, lng: 149.03223, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Latham; }
+  - { name: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick,stop_code: Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, lat: -35.3310543, lng: 149.1635094, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Lyneham / Wattle St,stop_code: Lyneham / Wattle St, lat: -35.251719, lng: 149.1239146, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;O'Connor;Lyneham; }
+  - { name: Lyons,stop_code: Lyons, lat: -35.3399554, lng: 149.0763376, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyons; }
+  - { name: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor,stop_code: Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, lat: -35.2587584, lng: 149.1153561, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;O'Connor;Lyneham;Acton; }
+  - { name: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave,stop_code: Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, lat: -35.26051, lng: 149.13224, zone_id: Turner;Unclassified ACT;Lyneham; }
+  - { name: Macgregor,stop_code: Macgregor, lat: -35.2100645, lng: 149.0122952, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Macgregor; }
+  - { name: MacKillop College Isabella Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Isabella Campus, lat: -35.42597, lng: 149.09172, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Isabella Plains; }
+  - { name: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus,stop_code: MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, lat: -35.4056, lng: 149.089774, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macquarie,stop_code: Macquarie, lat: -35.2483414, lng: 149.0600666, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen;Macquarie; }
+  - { name: Majura Business Park,stop_code: Majura Business Park, lat: -35.2987, lng: 149.18561, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Pialligo; }
+  - { name: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo,stop_code: Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, lat: -35.193236, lng: 149.146534, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin; }
+  - { name: Manuka,stop_code: Manuka, lat: -35.3200096, lng: 149.1341344, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Red Hill;Forrest;Griffith; }
+  - { name: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres,stop_code: Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, lat: -35.3217, lng: 149.13445, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Red Hill;Forrest;Griffith; }
+  - { name: McKellar,stop_code: McKellar, lat: -35.2174267, lng: 149.0742108, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Lawson;McKellar;Evatt; }
+  - { name: Melba,stop_code: Melba, lat: -35.2083104, lng: 149.0485366, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Melba;Flynn; }
+  - { name: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.45144, lng: 149.0919, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Calwell;Conder;Gordon; }
+  - { name: Merici College,stop_code: Merici College, lat: -35.266525, lng: 149.137037, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;Ainslie; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall,stop_code: Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, lat: -35.177453, lng: 149.124291, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Gungahlin;Amaroo; }
+  - { name: Monash Goodwin Village,stop_code: Monash Goodwin Village, lat: -35.4152914, lng: 149.0947375, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Monash; }
+  - { name: Monash Primary,stop_code: Monash Primary, lat: -35.414879, lng: 149.089411, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Monash; }
+  - { name: Mount Neighbour School,stop_code: Mount Neighbour School, lat: -35.382445, lng: 149.051518, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah College,stop_code: Narrabundah College, lat: -35.3362106, lng: 149.1471005, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Narrabundah;Griffith; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah Terminus,stop_code: Narrabundah Terminus, lat: -35.3311332, lng: 149.1584454, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Narrabundah;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: National Circ / Canberra Ave,stop_code: National Circ / Canberra Ave, lat: -35.31407, lng: 149.13011, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Barton;Forrest; }
+  - { name: National Hockey Centre Lyneham,stop_code: National Hockey Centre Lyneham, lat: -35.2446729, lng: 149.1288303, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;O'Connor;Lyneham; }
+  - { name: National Museum of Australia,stop_code: National Museum of Australia, lat: -35.29248, lng: 149.1205367, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT;Parkes;Acton; }
+  - { name: National Zoo and Aquarium,stop_code: National Zoo and Aquarium, lat: -35.29915, lng: 149.07025, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Acton; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street after Isa Street,stop_code: Newcastle Street after Isa Street, lat: -35.3255, lng: 149.173291, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Pialligo;Fyshwick; }
+  - { name: Ngunnawal Primary,stop_code: Ngunnawal Primary, lat: -35.1688551, lng: 149.1112569, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Ngunnawal; }
+  - { name: Nicholls Primary,stop_code: Nicholls Primary, lat: -35.1836886, lng: 149.099298, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St,stop_code: Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, lat: -35.248287, lng: 149.134241, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyneham;Dickson; }
+  - { name: North Lyneham,stop_code: North Lyneham, lat: -35.2401925, lng: 149.1255722, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyneham; }
+  - { name: O'Connor,stop_code: O'Connor, lat: -35.2640376, lng: 149.1226107, zone_id: Turner;Unclassified ACT;O'Connor;Acton; }
+  - { name: Olims Hotel,stop_code: Olims Hotel, lat: -35.27597, lng: 149.1428, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Braddon;Campbell;Ainslie; }
+  - { name: Outtrim / Duggan,stop_code: Outtrim / Duggan, lat: -35.435871, lng: 149.097692, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Calwell;Isabella Plains; }
+  - { name: Page,stop_code: Page, lat: -35.2400611, lng: 149.0523318, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Page; }
+  - { name: Parliament House,stop_code: Parliament House, lat: -35.3081571, lng: 149.1244592, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT;Parkes; }
+  - { name: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr,stop_code: Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, lat: -35.17467, lng: 149.12005, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Gungahlin;Amaroo; }
+  - { name: Pearce,stop_code: Pearce, lat: -35.3625413, lng: 149.0815935, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Pearce; }
+  - { name: Proctor / Mead,stop_code: Proctor / Mead, lat: -35.415305, lng: 149.127204, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Chisholm;Fadden; }
+  - { name: Railway Station Kingston,stop_code: Railway Station Kingston, lat: -35.319602, lng: 149.149083, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Kingston;Fyshwick;Griffith; }
+  - { name: Red Hill,stop_code: Red Hill, lat: -35.3406993, lng: 149.1313712, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT;Red Hill; }
+  - { name: Rivett,stop_code: Rivett, lat: -35.3473758, lng: 149.0365438, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Rivett;Chapman; }
+  - { name: Russell Offices,stop_code: Russell Offices, lat: -35.2973294, lng: 149.1508803, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Russell;Campbell; }
+  - { name: Saint Andrews Village Hughes,stop_code: Saint Andrews Village Hughes, lat: -35.328097, lng: 149.088685, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Curtin;Deakin;Hughes; }
+  - { name: Scullin,stop_code: Scullin, lat: -35.23356, lng: 149.04056, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT;Florey; }
+  - { name: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave,stop_code: Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave, lat: -35.16823, lng: 149.12791, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Amaroo; }
+  - { name: Southlands Mawson,stop_code: Southlands Mawson, lat: -35.3650685, lng: 149.0945962, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Mawson; }
+  - { name: Southwell Park,stop_code: Southwell Park, lat: -35.24573, lng: 149.1321, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Lyneham; }
+  - { name: Spence,stop_code: Spence, lat: -35.194735, lng: 149.062352, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spence Terminus,stop_code: Spence Terminus, lat: -35.2007421, lng: 149.068409, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT;Bonner;Evatt; }
+  - { name: St Clare of Assisi Primary,stop_code: St Clare of Assisi Primary, lat: -35.4606284, lng: 149.0962704, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Conder; }
+  - { name: St Francis Xavier Florey,stop_code: St Francis Xavier Florey, lat: -35.223951, lng: 149.0406888, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Latham;Florey; }
+  - { name: Stromlo High Waramanga,stop_code: Stromlo High Waramanga, lat: -35.3551186, lng: 149.0547624, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT;Fisher; }
+  - { name: St Thomas More's Campbell,stop_code: St Thomas More's Campbell, lat: -35.286717, lng: 149.156836, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Campbell; }
+  - { name: Sydney Ave,stop_code: Sydney Ave, lat: -35.31193, lng: 149.13105, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Parkes;Barton;Forrest; }
+  - { name: Taverner St / Erindale Dr,stop_code: Taverner St / Erindale Dr, lat: -35.4103948, lng: 149.0867553, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Monash;Oxley; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Tharwa Drive, lat: -35.4440881, lng: 149.1029773, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Calwell;Conder; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave,stop_code: Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, lat: -35.47348, lng: 149.09178, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Banks;Gordon; }
+  - { name: Theodore,stop_code: Theodore, lat: -35.4531254, lng: 149.1188345, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT;Calwell;Conder; }
+  - { name: Tillyard / Spalding,stop_code: Tillyard / Spalding, lat: -35.199204, lng: 149.044556, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser; }
+  - { name: Torrens,stop_code: Torrens, lat: -35.3730889, lng: 149.087327, zone_id: Torrens;Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station,stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station, lat: -35.41465, lng: 149.06537, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8),stop_code: Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Greenway; }
+  - { name: University of Canberra,stop_code: University of Canberra, lat: -35.2423222, lng: 149.0831522, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bruce; }
+  - { name: Wanniassa High,stop_code: Wanniassa High, lat: -35.3952462, lng: 149.0852655, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT;Kambah; }
+  - { name: Waramanga,stop_code: Waramanga, lat: -35.3526825, lng: 149.0594712, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: War Memorial / Limestone Ave,stop_code: War Memorial / Limestone Ave, lat: -35.280477, lng: 149.149085, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Campbell; }
+  - { name: Watson,stop_code: Watson, lat: -35.2374698, lng: 149.1534553, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT;Downer; }
+  - { name: Watson Terminus,stop_code: Watson Terminus, lat: -35.2298957, lng: 149.1628978, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT;Bonner; }
+  - { name: Weetangera,stop_code: Weetangera, lat: -35.248393, lng: 149.0506342, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Weetangera; }
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station,stop_code: Westfield Bus Station, lat: -35.23875, lng: 149.0638, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), lat: -35.23872, lng: 149.06387, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.23882, lng: 149.0637, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen; }
+  - { name: West Macgregor,stop_code: West Macgregor, lat: -35.2137337, lng: 149.0037677, zone_id: Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Weston Creek Terminus,stop_code: Weston Creek Terminus, lat: -35.3439374, lng: 149.0269098, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Duffy; }
+  - { name: Weston Primary,stop_code: Weston Primary, lat: -35.3369272, lng: 149.0579376, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: William Webb / Ginninderra Drive, lat: -35.222395, lng: 149.0706, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Belconnen;Bonner;McKellar;Evatt; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station,stop_code: Woden Bus Station, lat: -35.34433, lng: 149.08742, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), lat: -35.3442094, lng: 149.0876444, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872662, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870436, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9),stop_code: Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Phillip; }
+  - { name: Woodcock / Clare Dennis,stop_code: Woodcock / Clare Dennis, lat: -35.4422566, lng: 149.0854375, zone_id: Unclassified ACT;Bonython;Gordon; }
+  - { name: Yarralumla,stop_code: Yarralumla, lat: -35.30725, lng: 149.0972, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5SWN, lat: -35.2535974, lng: 149.1390827, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dX2, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0831762, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230G, lat: -35.4032475, lng: 149.0634951, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67xQ, lat: -35.2046532, lng: 149.0691406, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: King Edward Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4S1U, lat: -35.2983385, lng: 149.1296979, zone_id: Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67nz, lat: -35.2006201, lng: 149.0659965, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz3fCx, lat: -35.333256, lng: 149.0798309, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A7o, lat: -35.3052441, lng: 149.107042, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4KVc, lat: -35.2979705, lng: 149.1272674, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Schlich Street,stop_code: Wjz4tpE, lat: -35.3038329, lng: 149.1005569, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4A2c, lat: -35.3082791, lng: 149.1066534, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HEb, lat: -35.4471149, lng: 149.1245306, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xWZ, lat: -35.4565002, lng: 149.1174205, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CdY, lat: -35.4270927, lng: 149.1090734, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb705, lat: -35.3370433, lng: 149.1505109, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPA, lat: -35.1977713, lng: 149.0605874, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707Z, lat: -35.1948745, lng: 149.0637273, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IY, lat: -35.1970964, lng: 149.0706179, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67BD, lat: -35.2015929, lng: 149.0686908, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Y0, lat: -35.2413091, lng: 149.0832098, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Ip, lat: -35.2412881, lng: 149.0809439, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dQt, lat: -35.2573605, lng: 149.0822652, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cooyong Street,stop_code: Wjz5NAQ, lat: -35.2794375, lng: 149.1349942, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMN9, lat: -35.3751239, lng: 149.0489789, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3i6e, lat: -35.3603188, lng: 149.084779, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3k1J, lat: -35.3528521, lng: 149.0854118, zone_id: Chifley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaP, lat: -35.1710474, lng: 149.141884, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2t4u, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.096025, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Za5, lat: -35.2588175, lng: 149.1409439, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xp9, lat: -35.193896, lng: 149.1108506, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsT, lat: -35.2846782, lng: 149.133671, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSS, lat: -35.3438051, lng: 149.0278253, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SrO, lat: -35.2528485, lng: 149.1336705, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Pl0, lat: -35.2681201, lng: 149.1312, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5h, lat: -35.2790396, lng: 149.1288222, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RkN, lat: -35.2577065, lng: 149.1322899, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uK7, lat: -35.3382669, lng: 149.1024969, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6keB, lat: -35.2175697, lng: 149.0866478, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Giralang;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IGJ, lat: -35.2203467, lng: 149.0373003, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0oD, lat: -35.2874406, lng: 149.1552177, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4INj, lat: -35.3091118, lng: 149.1261312, zone_id: Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Holman Street,stop_code: Wjz3fO2, lat: -35.3359729, lng: 149.0817737, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wnQ, lat: -35.4147625, lng: 149.1103909, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HOf, lat: -35.4453654, lng: 149.1258946, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lawrence Wackett Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1GsO, lat: -35.4499519, lng: 149.1226442, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1G32, lat: -35.4506139, lng: 149.1174495, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TgM, lat: -35.4253782, lng: 149.1323625, zone_id: Chisholm;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LBV, lat: -35.4218605, lng: 149.1241279, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDO, lat: -35.3929049, lng: 149.058196, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t9w, lat: -35.21597, lng: 149.09763, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hxB, lat: -35.2374959, lng: 149.0907853, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rrI, lat: -35.2252509, lng: 149.1005016, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz681S, lat: -35.2428905, lng: 149.0745728, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6y90, lat: -35.2324006, lng: 149.1079069, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzQ, lat: -35.2307289, lng: 149.1130906, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69ht, lat: -35.2375061, lng: 149.0768646, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZA3, lat: -35.3893963, lng: 149.0571767, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213w, lat: -35.4123171, lng: 149.0633299, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gQn, lat: -35.3725942, lng: 149.0931105, zone_id: Farrer;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gMq, lat: -35.3757982, lng: 149.0932419, zone_id: Farrer;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rhW, lat: -35.2267553, lng: 149.0994502, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Liversidge Street,stop_code: Wjz5E4O, lat: -35.2851023, lng: 149.1186022, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldj, lat: -35.3447574, lng: 149.0862912, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nk, lat: -35.4147569, lng: 149.0657435, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3lm0, lat: -35.34438, lng: 149.0872661, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmi, lat: -35.3442093, lng: 149.0876443, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz21g2, lat: -35.414217, lng: 149.0653492, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USa, lat: -35.2398454, lng: 149.0600442, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWn, lat: -35.3465295, lng: 149.0286032, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbD, lat: -35.356823, lng: 149.0426424, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbK, lat: -35.3514081, lng: 149.0319332, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5u, lat: -35.3499839, lng: 149.0301495, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFn, lat: -35.358206, lng: 149.0478792, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQO9, lat: -35.352521, lng: 149.0490119, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-90, lat: -35.3423165, lng: 149.0529937, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv3, lat: -35.3434037, lng: 149.0557375, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4z9H, lat: -35.3145885, lng: 149.1087065, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lAS, lat: -35.389126, lng: 149.0910254, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yiman Street,stop_code: WjrXYVm, lat: -35.3528022, lng: 149.0616284, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzch4h, lat: -35.3236753, lng: 149.1727255, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Fa, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1575876, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf24l, lat: -35.1860007, lng: 149.1507571, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXNb, lat: -35.3584898, lng: 149.060019, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hPC, lat: -35.323921, lng: 149.0935136, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gou, lat: -35.3314972, lng: 149.0892541, zone_id: Curtin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shiels Place,stop_code: Wjz4arc, lat: -35.3185933, lng: 149.0779149, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mair Place,stop_code: Wjz48dZ, lat: -35.3281016, lng: 149.0761465, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Ws2, lat: -35.230167, lng: 149.0557628, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz48qI, lat: -35.3302472, lng: 149.0785498, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burnie Street,stop_code: Wjz3d3K, lat: -35.3459087, lng: 149.0743512, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKZn, lat: -35.2510294, lng: 149.0396391, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-sE, lat: -35.3402511, lng: 149.0565615, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29Ya, lat: -35.4114741, lng: 149.0833189, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cusack Place,stop_code: Wjr_Ow3, lat: -35.1889085, lng: 149.0461463, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-s5D, lat: -35.2180783, lng: 149.0083939, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sPc, lat: -35.3954933, lng: 149.1039, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wiluna Street,stop_code: Wjzc8l0, lat: -35.3285713, lng: 149.1642018, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Nwy, lat: -35.1944531, lng: 149.0468698, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2E43, lat: -35.4169003, lng: 149.1175471, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-aW, lat: -35.3414521, lng: 149.1420263, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vbj, lat: -35.1923583, lng: 149.0533723, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jarrahdale Street,stop_code: WjrXWQ8, lat: -35.3621767, lng: 149.0600261, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Adinda Street,stop_code: WjrXYL4, lat: -35.3488355, lng: 149.0584095, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXQ65, lat: -35.349419, lng: 149.040696, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tantangara Street,stop_code: WjrXKBE, lat: -35.3395611, lng: 149.0360582, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMHm, lat: -35.3294538, lng: 149.0477466, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTIp, lat: -35.3346742, lng: 149.0480789, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V2c, lat: -35.192985, lng: 149.0517177, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Glenmaggie Street,stop_code: WjrXLgs, lat: -35.3371612, lng: 149.0328459, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCay Place,stop_code: Wjz39PE, lat: -35.3683683, lng: 149.0827167, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dakota Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuw1, lat: -35.2989793, lng: 149.188937, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xLL, lat: -35.1892698, lng: 149.0264062, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FXR, lat: -35.1922038, lng: 149.0402464, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_Vt9, lat: -35.191134, lng: 149.055871, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Tf_, lat: -35.2002734, lng: 149.0432168, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-tbm, lat: -35.2140927, lng: 149.0093105, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Lxi, lat: -35.4244718, lng: 149.1234372, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_o_j, lat: -35.1950629, lng: 149.0175978, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_oJA, lat: -35.1964177, lng: 149.0152805, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vJY, lat: -35.2019113, lng: 149.0157184, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-s_F, lat: -35.2172009, lng: 149.0180976, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Q8c, lat: -35.2217975, lng: 149.042121, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sV3, lat: -35.2212162, lng: 149.0172455, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jRn, lat: -35.2235756, lng: 149.0053113, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rjD, lat: -35.2249706, lng: 149.0111289, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ywh, lat: -35.2330631, lng: 149.0245222, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-zWb, lat: -35.2259772, lng: 149.0283569, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-xLK, lat: -35.2332476, lng: 149.0263679, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tanumbirini Street,stop_code: Wjr-Ekp, lat: -35.2412759, lng: 149.032879, zone_id: Hawker;Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kwp, lat: -35.4308013, lng: 149.1235016, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1K3c, lat: -35.4284584, lng: 149.1176436, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1rQ2, lat: -35.4444028, lng: 149.1038463, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1KTJ, lat: -35.4256696, lng: 149.1266129, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57T_, lat: -35.2441569, lng: 149.0719751, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz68g-, lat: -35.2436119, lng: 149.0775571, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2va, lat: -35.2281576, lng: 149.1547483, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf1mZ, lat: -35.1901394, lng: 149.154362, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wcE, lat: -35.4171364, lng: 149.1088245, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krantzcke Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pfP, lat: -35.189616, lng: 149.0978803, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7iG_, lat: -35.1872252, lng: 149.0926713, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7i7r, lat: -35.1841251, lng: 149.0850218, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Oldershaw Court,stop_code: Wjz7qvq, lat: -35.1841768, lng: 149.1001944, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Biddell Place,stop_code: Wjz7rMm, lat: -35.1831434, lng: 149.104114, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Bea, lat: -35.3442178, lng: 149.1080098, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2bJV, lat: -35.399901, lng: 149.0816269, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WRq, lat: -35.1855476, lng: 149.1482315, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-HhG, lat: -35.2267451, lng: 149.033272, zone_id: Higgins;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3eeL, lat: -35.3382488, lng: 149.0758602, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lSC, lat: -35.387814, lng: 149.093493, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sjb, lat: -35.4395254, lng: 149.0985034, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NQF, lat: -35.3236228, lng: 149.1376314, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7WVd, lat: -35.1880905, lng: 149.149283, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Sbz, lat: -35.2087898, lng: 149.0426061, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQRP, lat: -35.3502995, lng: 149.0498588, zone_id: Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZw7, lat: -35.3478405, lng: 149.0570686, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-l4, lat: -35.3392378, lng: 149.0544079, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXSj, lat: -35.3550948, lng: 149.0601049, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXJxI, lat: -35.3474117, lng: 149.0359435, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3ilp, lat: -35.3614122, lng: 149.0878174, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz4h1M, lat: -35.3258199, lng: 149.0856502, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-H48, lat: -35.2249002, lng: 149.0298281, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yt4, lat: -35.2293611, lng: 149.0227471, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2khI, lat: -35.3968751, lng: 149.08815, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_mg, lat: -35.2454644, lng: 149.1425874, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Furneaux Street,stop_code: Wjz4O0J, lat: -35.3205589, lng: 149.1293434, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd72S, lat: -35.2476842, lng: 149.1515789, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Were Street,stop_code: Wjz1IhB, lat: -35.4407491, lng: 149.1209803, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PQK, lat: -35.1804441, lng: 149.1376744, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tOr, lat: -35.1710517, lng: 149.1042404, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tvK, lat: -35.1673308, lng: 149.1005105, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Bg7, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.109298, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BJK, lat: -35.1687262, lng: 149.1142923, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AEw, lat: -35.1781829, lng: 149.1141659, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milari Street,stop_code: Wjz7HfF, lat: -35.178803, lng: 149.1197924, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hurtle Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lat, lat: -35.43454, lng: 149.0864163, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tyenna Close,stop_code: Wjz7JP1, lat: -35.1705349, lng: 149.1257982, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSUa, lat: -35.3867455, lng: 149.0504459, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Katherine Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7R5z, lat: -35.1690363, lng: 149.1291488, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7CKo, lat: -35.1631057, lng: 149.1139536, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tesselaar Street,stop_code: Wjz7X3O, lat: -35.1814007, lng: 149.1404901, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5Krx, lat: -35.2529666, lng: 149.1223781, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Gxm, lat: -35.188002, lng: 149.1234035, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7F5C, lat: -35.1906966, lng: 149.118141, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ezf, lat: -35.1975304, lng: 149.1231277, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z8D, lat: -35.216009, lng: 149.1414929, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brookes Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yc1, lat: -35.2193016, lng: 149.1407817, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6XiO, lat: -35.226071, lng: 149.143256, zone_id: Bonner;Lyneham;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze3Vq, lat: -35.2267416, lng: 149.1606727, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fison Street,stop_code: Wjze8bf, lat: -35.2414165, lng: 149.1630705, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dickinson Street,stop_code: Wjze1c2, lat: -35.2356747, lng: 149.1518427, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz6Ugw, lat: -35.2441014, lng: 149.142992, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzdfaz, lat: -35.2479426, lng: 149.1635256, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd6Pn, lat: -35.2524079, lng: 149.1590701, zone_id: Ainslie;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nyrang Street,stop_code: Wjzc1qE, lat: -35.3251161, lng: 149.1555115, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ4, lat: -35.3398419, lng: 149.0928819, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9Q, lat: -35.3419855, lng: 149.108934, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gXk, lat: -35.3296011, lng: 149.0945736, zone_id: Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iw8, lat: -35.2660466, lng: 149.1231132, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5JuJ, lat: -35.2560391, lng: 149.1225279, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5V64, lat: -35.2780918, lng: 149.1394963, zone_id: Braddon;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vls, lat: -35.2787911, lng: 149.1427895, zone_id: Braddon;Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd8br, lat: -35.2857037, lng: 149.16333, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5UHK, lat: -35.2854924, lng: 149.1472635, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chauvel Street,stop_code: Wjzc7si, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1549056, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VRQ, lat: -35.3226878, lng: 149.148704, zone_id: Griffith;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sN9, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.1039429, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bremer Street,stop_code: Wjz4MAz, lat: -35.3290192, lng: 149.1346333, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McIntyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4UwD, lat: -35.3313913, lng: 149.1456952, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7nW, lat: -35.3324815, lng: 149.1544899, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2zNZ, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.1160557, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OOr, lat: -35.3193771, lng: 149.1373203, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pW_, lat: -35.4123885, lng: 149.1062979, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pC1, lat: -35.4101412, lng: 149.1011212, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb7wf, lat: -35.3368722, lng: 149.1561338, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjzb4vx, lat: -35.3490259, lng: 149.1553622, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9WV, lat: -35.3250576, lng: 149.1722805, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: WjzchQP, lat: -35.3235189, lng: 149.1817987, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2o7y, lat: -35.414898, lng: 149.0962718, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1jim, lat: -35.4454866, lng: 149.0877316, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2t7A, lat: -35.3872717, lng: 149.0961967, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2tl5, lat: -35.3885837, lng: 149.0982781, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz3oih, lat: -35.3744422, lng: 149.0986886, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gcu, lat: -35.3726637, lng: 149.0864364, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gB5, lat: -35.3720623, lng: 149.0900243, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2F_q, lat: -35.4093651, lng: 149.1276548, zone_id: Fadden;Gilmore;Macarthur;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5L_c, lat: -35.2444379, lng: 149.1272298, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWQRL, lat: -35.3938608, lng: 149.049706, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWSX9, lat: -35.3847561, lng: 149.0504459, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4NJT, lat: -35.3225023, lng: 149.1363654, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1oP8, lat: -35.4617393, lng: 149.1040287, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1woz, lat: -35.4635395, lng: 149.1113243, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vfE, lat: -35.4644832, lng: 149.0977524, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0v2g, lat: -35.4679435, lng: 149.0958641, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mvg, lat: -35.4699707, lng: 149.0890405, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murdoch Street,stop_code: Wjz5SjK, lat: -35.2525469, lng: 149.1321597, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LSr, lat: -35.2452046, lng: 149.1262374, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tyagarah Street,stop_code: Wjz3s-P, lat: -35.3495819, lng: 149.106153, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ngunawal Drive,stop_code: Wjz3yfH, lat: -35.3598722, lng: 149.1087065, zone_id: Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wJD, lat: -35.3718847, lng: 149.1141353, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2D3z, lat: -35.3791456, lng: 149.1071508, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_Ow, lat: -35.336122, lng: 149.1483495, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7LX, lat: -35.2445144, lng: 149.1586198, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N5k, lat: -35.2787905, lng: 149.1288627, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Lpi, lat: -35.2487591, lng: 149.1218966, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingscote Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1egm, lat: -35.4303788, lng: 149.076696, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1imh, lat: -35.4486564, lng: 149.0876136, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-LNq, lat: -35.2048275, lng: 149.0383141, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5maK, lat: -35.2532079, lng: 149.0867657, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4Ox0, lat: -35.3203301, lng: 149.1339648, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flinders Way,stop_code: Wjz4OpP, lat: -35.320064, lng: 149.1335699, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kP, lat: -35.2081588, lng: 149.066382, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664q, lat: -35.2082119, lng: 149.0631086, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: Wjzceyq, lat: -35.2975234, lng: 149.1674683, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3toH, lat: -35.3482518, lng: 149.1004882, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Angliss Place,stop_code: Wjz2rtc, lat: -35.3996562, lng: 149.0999088, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2odG, lat: -35.416297, lng: 149.0977738, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5CW3, lat: -35.2534813, lng: 149.1160707, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairfax Street,stop_code: Wjz5BaH, lat: -35.2589798, lng: 149.1087583, zone_id: Acton;Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rKm, lat: -35.3987816, lng: 149.1026983, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6c8c, lat: -35.2217598, lng: 149.0751026, zone_id: McKellar;Belconnen;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennetts Close,stop_code: Wjz6c7A, lat: -35.2169478, lng: 149.074177, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_F9a, lat: -35.1938253, lng: 149.031231, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CnE, lat: -35.206318, lng: 149.0223041, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kZV, lat: -35.2186221, lng: 149.0075381, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collie Street,stop_code: WjzcgLt, lat: -35.3267279, lng: 149.1797667, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wormald Street,stop_code: Wjzbfr6, lat: -35.3349204, lng: 149.1655287, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ipswich Street,stop_code: Wjzc8c1, lat: -35.3291272, lng: 149.1628031, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1I92, lat: -35.4409939, lng: 149.118856, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_kV, lat: -35.3346691, lng: 149.1435001, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DF9, lat: -35.2048888, lng: 149.0256331, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXGN, lat: -35.3580173, lng: 149.0594611, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marrawah Street,stop_code: Wjz3eSa, lat: -35.3387126, lng: 149.0819166, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-ypw, lat: -35.2324635, lng: 149.0233908, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pk_, lat: -35.3121631, lng: 149.1324213, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mPO, lat: -35.3407241, lng: 149.0937831, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vqN, lat: -35.3360119, lng: 149.1006409, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uQf, lat: -35.339661, lng: 149.1040329, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVM, lat: -35.3477625, lng: 149.0952366, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3mAg, lat: -35.3402021, lng: 149.0903851, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p2R, lat: -35.3247128, lng: 149.0966244, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5HDd, lat: -35.2662951, lng: 149.1231711, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5IjX, lat: -35.2637604, lng: 149.1215219, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5JzP, lat: -35.2582197, lng: 149.123961, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Uj, lat: -35.2054305, lng: 149.0615985, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc54R, lat: -35.3013866, lng: 149.1515283, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WZ, lat: -35.2972194, lng: 149.1503113, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RFJ, lat: -35.3034224, lng: 149.1361467, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W0, lat: -35.2097244, lng: 149.0611869, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdl, lat: -35.3556201, lng: 149.075221, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceV, lat: -35.3497899, lng: 149.0761589, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-RKi, lat: -35.2123821, lng: 149.0478391, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk5, lat: -35.2134943, lng: 149.0543506, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fw, lat: -35.2063185, lng: 149.0646037, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Lw, lat: -35.2063011, lng: 149.059093, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6k, lat: -35.2066759, lng: 149.0519744, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60c5, lat: -35.2408972, lng: 149.0639885, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yXo, lat: -35.2749982, lng: 149.1166312, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_3A, lat: -35.2032823, lng: 149.0522538, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67k1, lat: -35.2028461, lng: 149.0653269, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz67kk, lat: -35.2025967, lng: 149.0657125, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xky, lat: -35.2247107, lng: 149.0549856, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56XB, lat: -35.2526099, lng: 149.0728793, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz5711, lat: -35.2488233, lng: 149.0625779, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5Nht, lat: -35.281465, lng: 149.131837, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mQ5, lat: -35.339761, lng: 149.0927558, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rA, lat: -35.2142446, lng: 149.0673143, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65Hy, lat: -35.2143691, lng: 149.0701627, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66XM, lat: -35.2090851, lng: 149.0732672, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_Qk, lat: -35.3783254, lng: 149.0600973, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k8, lat: -35.3787048, lng: 149.065524, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26P8, lat: -35.3848854, lng: 149.0709314, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2def, lat: -35.3876959, lng: 149.0750942, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24vP, lat: -35.3928088, lng: 149.0677265, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24cK, lat: -35.3946419, lng: 149.0647484, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2347, lat: -35.4000362, lng: 149.0625, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-yYy, lat: -35.2301674, lng: 149.0289912, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18KG, lat: -35.459505, lng: 149.0813694, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1igo, lat: -35.4528675, lng: 149.0877906, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6EIv, lat: -35.2407183, lng: 149.1248641, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-Jk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.1466758, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: WjzbfPL, lat: -35.3348529, lng: 149.1706441, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Z5c, lat: -35.2568022, lng: 149.1396491, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boldrewood Street,stop_code: Wjz5zOq, lat: -35.2700411, lng: 149.1153216, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6dtx, lat: -35.2131085, lng: 149.0784233, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1nzY, lat: -35.4229506, lng: 149.0912343, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2b8J, lat: -35.4029944, lng: 149.0757807, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd68O, lat: -35.254952, lng: 149.1528797, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aGG, lat: -35.4073408, lng: 149.0812511, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2arg, lat: -35.4068086, lng: 149.0779936, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29ea, lat: -35.4101319, lng: 149.0751278, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hebblewhite Street,stop_code: Wjz2haF, lat: -35.4129406, lng: 149.0867361, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2iEO, lat: -35.40876, lng: 149.0925039, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXWsn, lat: -35.3616093, lng: 149.055979, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4t8Z, lat: -35.3041348, lng: 149.0981922, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3hu6, lat: -35.3658261, lng: 149.0887408, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Laverton Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ38, lat: -35.3024713, lng: 149.2056109, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_N-q, lat: -35.1903433, lng: 149.0507803, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KO9, lat: -35.2975962, lng: 149.1259252, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66kG, lat: -35.2081931, lng: 149.0662542, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--r_, lat: -35.2084885, lng: 149.0569758, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Reg Saunders Way,stop_code: Wjz4-YV, lat: -35.2961803, lng: 149.1503194, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eZ4, lat: -35.3392098, lng: 149.0831308, zone_id: Lyons;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ceY, lat: -35.3495185, lng: 149.0761236, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZE, lat: -35.2132014, lng: 149.0511677, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZBY, lat: -35.2128526, lng: 149.0583185, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--m3, lat: -35.2067416, lng: 149.0543264, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz604Y, lat: -35.2410486, lng: 149.0638326, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_kG, lat: -35.2027328, lng: 149.0551853, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Yg7, lat: -35.2215188, lng: 149.0543538, zone_id: Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-XyN, lat: -35.226202, lng: 149.0581637, zone_id: Belconnen;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m3b, lat: -35.3406241, lng: 149.0847703, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dCr, lat: -35.2561978, lng: 149.0795805, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54CS, lat: -35.2614333, lng: 149.0690577, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz551Q, lat: -35.2595831, lng: 149.0636761, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o2, lat: -35.2493991, lng: 149.055711, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTu1, lat: -35.2453967, lng: 149.044759, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT5e, lat: -35.245649, lng: 149.0408365, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI-, lat: -35.3396854, lng: 149.092654, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65rQ, lat: -35.2142653, lng: 149.0676927, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oJ, lat: -35.2107077, lng: 149.0674989, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27k0, lat: -35.3786939, lng: 149.0653235, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tw, lat: -35.38347, lng: 149.0674733, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vowels Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5nUS, lat: -35.2490745, lng: 149.0952032, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24uT, lat: -35.3931517, lng: 149.0676751, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz234e, lat: -35.4001412, lng: 149.0627055, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: Wjz230Q, lat: -35.4030936, lng: 149.0635466, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUM, lat: -35.2001188, lng: 149.062303, zone_id: Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTJ, lat: -35.1949558, lng: 149.0607434, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2V0k, lat: -35.4140263, lng: 149.1397991, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Martin Street,stop_code: Wjz49Ui, lat: -35.3262888, lng: 149.0835377, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenkins Street,stop_code: Wjz49dp, lat: -35.3229961, lng: 149.075421, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33CI, lat: -35.3549749, lng: 149.0689295, zone_id: Chifley;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bangalay Crescent,stop_code: WjrXIKK, lat: -35.3493279, lng: 149.0374035, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEWc, lat: -35.3302839, lng: 149.0394086, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_McO, lat: -35.1972013, lng: 149.0429389, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DTC, lat: -35.2002855, lng: 149.0276101, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wf4, lat: -35.1950004, lng: 149.0199737, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_v, lat: -35.2002563, lng: 149.0727607, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-te3, lat: -35.2122382, lng: 149.0090273, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-CsO, lat: -35.2082115, lng: 149.0237453, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-sQ8, lat: -35.2193706, lng: 149.0159919, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rxG, lat: -35.2267918, lng: 149.0140227, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rNr, lat: -35.226697, lng: 149.016389, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zcC, lat: -35.2243517, lng: 149.0207165, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-wDP, lat: -35.2389936, lng: 149.0252414, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-F_m, lat: -35.233261, lng: 149.039515, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: Wjr-E8A, lat: -35.2437543, lng: 149.031741, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSWs, lat: -35.2533983, lng: 149.050782, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZZeD, lat: -35.2558247, lng: 149.0536901, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ri7, lat: -35.4014577, lng: 149.0982244, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gu5, lat: -35.404351, lng: 149.1216336, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z1O, lat: -35.4025246, lng: 149.1075156, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2F6x, lat: -35.4102199, lng: 149.118121, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ob-, lat: -35.4173112, lng: 149.0981386, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28Bd, lat: -35.4160434, lng: 149.0792451, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sPq, lat: -35.4396128, lng: 149.1043506, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3TDn, lat: -35.3320346, lng: 149.1342948, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-DqS, lat: -35.2037667, lng: 149.0237448, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz344h, lat: -35.3511395, lng: 149.0628944, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39tZ, lat: -35.3666092, lng: 149.0789018, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McGinness Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nfn, lat: -35.2332346, lng: 149.0422735, zone_id: Florey;Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-GZ, lat: -35.2532951, lng: 149.0596327, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Braybrooke Street,stop_code: Wjz6oJz, lat: -35.2403705, lng: 149.1030403, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3bdj, lat: -35.3557447, lng: 149.0753424, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZO1, lat: -35.2591479, lng: 149.1477412, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7hZW, lat: -35.1910485, lng: 149.0953265, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whatmore Court,stop_code: Wjz7rzg, lat: -35.1815933, lng: 149.1014588, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Freda Bennett Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7rRa, lat: -35.1800948, lng: 149.1039243, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bicentennial National Trail,stop_code: Wjz7thn, lat: -35.1713618, lng: 149.0985507, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BsE, lat: -35.1699148, lng: 149.1115106, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUAm, lat: -35.3726375, lng: 149.0574471, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kambah pool Road,stop_code: WjrXMFM, lat: -35.3752866, lng: 149.0485475, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3jei, lat: -35.3551755, lng: 149.0862349, zone_id: Chifley;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2ziM, lat: -35.4020349, lng: 149.1102622, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7xpa, lat: -35.1938349, lng: 149.1107761, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Connell Street,stop_code: Wjz5YAK, lat: -35.2627902, lng: 149.1458623, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XnQ, lat: -35.2664452, lng: 149.1432384, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gooreen Street,stop_code: Wjz5W3H, lat: -35.2747063, lng: 149.1403907, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Foveaux Street,stop_code: Wjz5Y1_, lat: -35.2648034, lng: 149.1406151, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ipima Street,stop_code: Wjz5PLJ, lat: -35.2663315, lng: 149.136253, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fawkner Street,stop_code: Wjz5OLh, lat: -35.2721844, lng: 149.135684, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Doonkuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5OOo, lat: -35.2757106, lng: 149.1372297, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd0CK, lat: -35.283446, lng: 149.156771, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7Ay, lat: -35.2905765, lng: 149.1566757, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robert Campbell Road,stop_code: WjzceHt, lat: -35.2965216, lng: 149.168833, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dominion Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Ofi, lat: -35.3160439, lng: 149.1301934, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze1fs, lat: -35.2334888, lng: 149.1522978, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5SDc, lat: -35.2499285, lng: 149.1341368, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coranderrk Street,stop_code: Wjz5MI3, lat: -35.2850249, lng: 149.1353935, zone_id: City;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQeH, lat: -35.3495777, lng: 149.0428125, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BST, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1157463, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gungahlin Cycleway,stop_code: Wjz7IFg, lat: -35.1774595, lng: 149.1246602, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0Zf, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1602736, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kate Crace Street,stop_code: Wjz7W61, lat: -35.1849836, lng: 149.1395562, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7xO6, lat: -35.1928051, lng: 149.1147348, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EJ7, lat: -35.1960839, lng: 149.1244553, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze0VY, lat: -35.2430274, lng: 149.1613003, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Andrews Street,stop_code: Wjze0l8, lat: -35.2407007, lng: 149.1533599, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moonlight Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf2op, lat: -35.1890872, lng: 149.1551345, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stott Street,stop_code: Wjzd6Cq, lat: -35.2507889, lng: 149.1563997, zone_id: Ainslie;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Gi8, lat: -35.4075441, lng: 149.1204868, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2wuu, lat: -35.415274, lng: 149.1111044, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sir Harold Raggatt Drive,stop_code: Wjzb6EM, lat: -35.342941, lng: 149.1583643, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Narrabundah Lane,stop_code: Wjz3YW3, lat: -35.3523419, lng: 149.1490844, zone_id: Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: Wjzcg-_, lat: -35.3272591, lng: 149.1832438, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2w2r, lat: -35.4182643, lng: 149.1070918, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1u7M, lat: -35.4260193, lng: 149.0965722, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moodie Street,stop_code: Wjz3gUQ, lat: -35.3755566, lng: 149.0951557, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Basedow Street,stop_code: Wjz2f_R, lat: -35.3761632, lng: 149.0842481, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2civ, lat: -35.3959622, lng: 149.0767882, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jPU, lat: -35.401368, lng: 149.0939538, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_N2, lat: -35.2487006, lng: 149.1476629, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Webber Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1BFG, lat: -35.4354872, lng: 149.1142337, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1vMs, lat: -35.4250115, lng: 149.1042483, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Froggatt Street,stop_code: Wjz5H0p, lat: -35.2714838, lng: 149.1180142, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Jm9, lat: -35.2124379, lng: 149.0325045, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AY4, lat: -35.2190044, lng: 149.0282415, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zon, lat: -35.2269858, lng: 149.1109391, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EYe, lat: -35.2408449, lng: 149.0394925, zone_id: Hawker;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-PyX, lat: -35.2259882, lng: 149.0472724, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: King George Terrace,stop_code: Wjz4RbQ, lat: -35.3021238, lng: 149.1308574, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Musgrave Street,stop_code: Wjz4tUp, lat: -35.3044055, lng: 149.1056974, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hartung Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zN3, lat: -35.4464057, lng: 149.1147796, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1xRC, lat: -35.4544199, lng: 149.1154761, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Y64, lat: -35.1737092, lng: 149.1394124, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7If9, lat: -35.1733145, lng: 149.1190391, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1BrK, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.1114553, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tE0, lat: -35.4363442, lng: 149.1024781, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_kA, lat: -35.290428, lng: 149.1429573, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7PcG, lat: -35.1807394, lng: 149.1308015, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WeI, lat: -35.1846679, lng: 149.1417449, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Sk7, lat: -35.2517234, lng: 149.1312585, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y3C, lat: -35.3623309, lng: 149.107183, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawkesbury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2CDy, lat: -35.3819798, lng: 149.1127298, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4V11, lat: -35.3256973, lng: 149.1394661, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barraclough Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2osM, lat: -35.4171276, lng: 149.1006384, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1sG6, lat: -35.4399974, lng: 149.1023765, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Qhl, lat: -35.3089153, lng: 149.1316018, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ExG, lat: -35.4190337, lng: 149.1238556, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tbe, lat: -35.4337687, lng: 149.0971677, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2zGA, lat: -35.4016851, lng: 149.1141675, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Noarlunga Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1kv5, lat: -35.4365971, lng: 149.0887401, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drumston Street,stop_code: Wjz1mDW, lat: -35.4258444, lng: 149.0913151, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uHh, lat: -35.428677, lng: 149.1028378, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wilson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz0udw, lat: -35.4713366, lng: 149.0976343, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RvC, lat: -35.2552151, lng: 149.1332875, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5PdJ, lat: -35.2676612, lng: 149.1306865, zone_id: Braddon;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QI, lat: -35.2410106, lng: 149.0717141, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qc, lat: -35.2410063, lng: 149.0710758, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u3h, lat: -35.2089622, lng: 149.095889, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sZ1, lat: -35.21859, lng: 149.10511, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHH, lat: -35.3956133, lng: 149.0592665, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYHE, lat: -35.3958129, lng: 149.0592983, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nwb, lat: -35.2493711, lng: 149.0901523, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz55V-, lat: -35.2594169, lng: 149.0733684, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Slim Drive,stop_code: Wjz6mip, lat: -35.2096535, lng: 149.0878294, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69vO, lat: -35.2336108, lng: 149.0786617, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz213q, lat: -35.4121336, lng: 149.063177, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qe4, lat: -35.2286658, lng: 149.0969557, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldS, lat: -35.3445222, lng: 149.0870435, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldT, lat: -35.3444271, lng: 149.0869631, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kyX, lat: -35.3523555, lng: 149.0913002, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-AHx, lat: -35.2199899, lng: 149.0262529, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFt, lat: -35.4023147, lng: 149.0919266, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqk, lat: -35.3522608, lng: 149.0341457, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Downard Street,stop_code: Wjz1srs, lat: -35.4394729, lng: 149.1002307, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CRl, lat: -35.4269745, lng: 149.1151677, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TLL, lat: -35.4199685, lng: 149.1361715, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz3nLq, lat: -35.3325054, lng: 149.0919265, zone_id: Curtin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lKC, lat: -35.4317601, lng: 149.0920382, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dyson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Kve, lat: -35.2497723, lng: 149.1218849, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz49Wd, lat: -35.324698, lng: 149.0833563, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5zJi, lat: -35.2679801, lng: 149.113807, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cjg, lat: -35.2200412, lng: 149.0766172, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_FV4, lat: -35.1935916, lng: 149.039268, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yDR, lat: -35.2278849, lng: 149.0252438, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tCe, lat: -35.3438411, lng: 149.1012607, zone_id: Garran;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hi1, lat: -35.2261454, lng: 149.032398, zone_id: Higgins;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXqW, lat: -35.3578948, lng: 149.056972, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blackwood Terrace,stop_code: WjrXTgl, lat: -35.3370298, lng: 149.0436997, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTSe, lat: -35.3328347, lng: 149.0489873, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xnT, lat: -35.1892671, lng: 149.0223682, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-thp, lat: -35.2158247, lng: 149.0109263, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MjV, lat: -35.1979805, lng: 149.0445264, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-CS2, lat: -35.2068071, lng: 149.0268212, zone_id: Charnwood;Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lithgow Street,stop_code: Wjzc8im, lat: -35.3300635, lng: 149.1644887, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_o2, lat: -35.3372978, lng: 149.1435685, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb5vw, lat: -35.3436462, lng: 149.155296, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5F-1, lat: -35.2783161, lng: 149.1271286, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue;Manuka Circle,stop_code: Wjz4OqF, lat: -35.3195494, lng: 149.1335622, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Nds, lat: -35.2787886, lng: 149.1304779, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4O, lat: -35.3400601, lng: 149.1074834, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3lVG, lat: -35.3476365, lng: 149.095065, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4gYg, lat: -35.329258, lng: 149.0944878, zone_id: Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Hw8, lat: -35.2715996, lng: 149.1231371, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpp, lat: -35.2597672, lng: 149.1221194, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scrivener Street,stop_code: Wjz5Juf, lat: -35.2558204, lng: 149.1217923, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GMT, lat: -35.2764151, lng: 149.1267199, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Iron Knob Street,stop_code: WjzbnGh, lat: -35.3359862, lng: 149.1796321, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Ua, lat: -35.2054509, lng: 149.0613315, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66lY, lat: -35.2073806, lng: 149.0665685, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lennox Crossing,stop_code: Wjz4Lh5, lat: -35.2924038, lng: 149.1201999, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-WL, lat: -35.2970826, lng: 149.149927, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4PuC, lat: -35.3109115, lng: 149.1332413, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sydney Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4P6x, lat: -35.3112617, lng: 149.1291119, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lun, lat: -35.4316552, lng: 149.0890556, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Ep9, lat: -35.4191211, lng: 149.1218171, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1p8y, lat: -35.4581564, lng: 149.0976236, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1whX, lat: -35.4629103, lng: 149.1104982, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mNo, lat: -35.4741647, lng: 149.0932462, zone_id: Banks;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18th, lat: -35.4602703, lng: 149.078022, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ixR, lat: -35.4517314, lng: 149.0910093, zone_id: Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenolan Street,stop_code: Wjzf0LE, lat: -35.1953415, lng: 149.1582308, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tho, lat: -35.2488671, lng: 149.1317091, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6MyH, lat: -35.2424532, lng: 149.1348634, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3S3t, lat: -35.340463, lng: 149.1289947, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WYQ, lat: -35.3179239, lng: 149.150152, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OYm, lat: -35.3177313, lng: 149.1384361, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XwW, lat: -35.2714003, lng: 149.1461465, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_O0I, lat: -35.1888592, lng: 149.0415483, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2z-1, lat: -35.3992364, lng: 149.1161738, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1LhA, lat: -35.4243494, lng: 149.1210339, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5Pwn, lat: -35.2709457, lng: 149.1344196, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPR4, lat: -35.3556673, lng: 149.048857, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrX-0-, lat: -35.3424839, lng: 149.052828, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Edinburgh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5EKJ, lat: -35.28346, lng: 149.1252, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1F5W, lat: -35.4547272, lng: 149.1186974, zone_id: Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yQP, lat: -35.2301148, lng: 149.0278969, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harrison Street,stop_code: Wjr-Nmt, lat: -35.2340935, lng: 149.0438829, zone_id: Florey;Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Larakia Street,stop_code: Wjz351q, lat: -35.3476392, lng: 149.0630875, zone_id: Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dunstan Street,stop_code: Wjz4aH6, lat: -35.3184453, lng: 149.0804542, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Loghlen Street,stop_code: Wjr-IMR, lat: -35.2216889, lng: 149.0389433, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXZhO, lat: -35.3476305, lng: 149.0552983, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2a26, lat: -35.4069683, lng: 149.0736259, zone_id: Greenway;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbnmb, lat: -35.3331064, lng: 149.1753196, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXW7A, lat: -35.3597972, lng: 149.0523061, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXk0, lat: -35.3567398, lng: 149.0543328, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gungurra Crescent,stop_code: WjrXRmc, lat: -35.3440337, lng: 149.0435395, zone_id: Chapman;Duffy;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3knt, lat: -35.3486981, lng: 149.0879033, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Warragamba Avenue,stop_code: WjrYEpn, lat: -35.3306598, lng: 149.0341649, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-syd, lat: -35.2203046, lng: 149.0133355, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1scZ, lat: -35.4387125, lng: 149.0981386, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zom, lat: -35.2270626, lng: 149.0231771, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z3D, lat: -35.3568273, lng: 149.1071615, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcrp_, lat: -35.3142011, lng: 149.1887666, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-GeX, lat: -35.2287693, lng: 149.0321955, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Es4, lat: -35.1970405, lng: 149.0338265, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5FSY, lat: -35.2780524, lng: 149.1269928, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fincham Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cy0, lat: -35.3964903, lng: 149.0791164, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrrQ, lat: -35.3131274, lng: 149.188611, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6oEz, lat: -35.243821, lng: 149.1030282, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7ilp, lat: -35.1856235, lng: 149.0877402, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jsi, lat: -35.1807665, lng: 149.0890046, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ryder Place,stop_code: Wjz7qkM, lat: -35.1864502, lng: 149.0992461, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anne Clark Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7rOj, lat: -35.1820066, lng: 149.104114, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7r-a, lat: -35.1793714, lng: 149.1053784, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Battye Street,stop_code: Wjz5vj2, lat: -35.2473747, lng: 149.0982287, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6ddQ, lat: -35.212863, lng: 149.0759771, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Rry, lat: -35.2143707, lng: 149.0454751, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tLG, lat: -35.1677443, lng: 149.1032921, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deumonga Court,stop_code: Wjz7BED, lat: -35.1720853, lng: 149.1141026, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Genoa Street,stop_code: Wjz7JZQ, lat: -35.1689499, lng: 149.1281264, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Naas Close,stop_code: Wjz7IDY, lat: -35.1730154, lng: 149.1242809, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7IuJ, lat: -35.1736356, lng: 149.1225108, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Oodgeroo Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6_7M, lat: -35.2008784, lng: 149.1404901, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrowa Street,stop_code: Wjz7xJz, lat: -35.191011, lng: 149.1141277, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7EjH, lat: -35.1978404, lng: 149.1211679, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Grimwade Street,stop_code: Wjz6QPM, lat: -35.2200763, lng: 149.1377788, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjzebjj, lat: -35.2253369, lng: 149.1645164, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6lW, lat: -35.2515158, lng: 149.1544172, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pt5, lat: -35.3116531, lng: 149.1326324, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3uJV, lat: -35.339486, lng: 149.1035524, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCaughey Street,stop_code: Wjz5Guy, lat: -35.2727878, lng: 149.1223747, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgT, lat: -35.2544701, lng: 149.1213129, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5NRJ, lat: -35.2787111, lng: 149.1375365, zone_id: Braddon;City;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0yM, lat: -35.2866868, lng: 149.1570161, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7bs, lat: -35.2911202, lng: 149.1523397, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morshead Drive,stop_code: Wjzcd8D, lat: -35.3039101, lng: 149.1635732, zone_id: Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Joynton Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-WVG, lat: -35.2322356, lng: 149.062079, zone_id: Belconnen;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc090, lat: -35.3312849, lng: 149.15186, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3ShE, lat: -35.3422498, lng: 149.1321257, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcod5, lat: -35.3281204, lng: 149.1848684, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nug, lat: -35.3773453, lng: 149.0890124, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Combes Road,stop_code: Wjzcdvn, lat: -35.2991044, lng: 149.1658966, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xDo, lat: -35.3656556, lng: 149.1125474, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wEM, lat: -35.3759264, lng: 149.1143713, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6Upw, lat: -35.2433821, lng: 149.1442189, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tp2, lat: -35.3475867, lng: 149.0997372, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz4M0c, lat: -35.3316757, lng: 149.1286729, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vc, lat: -35.2389219, lng: 149.1547225, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Arthur Circle,stop_code: Wjz4F-D, lat: -35.3217932, lng: 149.127895, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3_JM, lat: -35.3340521, lng: 149.1474054, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-L8R, lat: -35.2052394, lng: 149.0319524, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZSQm, lat: -35.251846, lng: 149.0492258, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7Av, lat: -35.2462823, lng: 149.1564391, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tipiloura Street,stop_code: Wjz7CqS, lat: -35.1653247, lng: 149.1116147, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3cal, lat: -35.3521568, lng: 149.0752845, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Partridge Street,stop_code: Wjz2yJp, lat: -35.4053755, lng: 149.11391, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RZx, lat: -35.213153, lng: 149.050965, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yIs, lat: -35.3178977, lng: 149.1139422, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZRJ, lat: -35.2127453, lng: 149.0607491, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjz66fx, lat: -35.2062629, lng: 149.0647145, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockle Street,stop_code: Wjz5AGB, lat: -35.2642702, lng: 149.1141435, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SS5, lat: -35.2065999, lng: 149.0489353, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6FEI, lat: -35.2382959, lng: 149.1252507, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jaa, lat: -35.2590481, lng: 149.1191164, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_Hp, lat: -35.2034703, lng: 149.0589653, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YdU, lat: -35.2186771, lng: 149.0542242, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz64OE, lat: -35.2207286, lng: 149.0717368, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_so, lat: -35.2468109, lng: 149.0562979, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79-a, lat: -35.1903384, lng: 149.0833628, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZXo, lat: -35.214551, lng: 149.0617978, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eNd, lat: -35.2100405, lng: 149.0820067, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65GS, lat: -35.2147682, lng: 149.0705542, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66Fg, lat: -35.2104421, lng: 149.0698018, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27dd, lat: -35.3775909, lng: 149.0640777, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WN, lat: -35.3854988, lng: 149.073226, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25Ox, lat: -35.3909341, lng: 149.0714764, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXNL, lat: -35.4020721, lng: 149.0607315, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66Cd, lat: -35.2065831, lng: 149.0682105, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67yW, lat: -35.2040813, lng: 149.0692143, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701y, lat: -35.1992909, lng: 149.0633518, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UTL, lat: -35.1947749, lng: 149.060646, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zz, lat: -35.1978567, lng: 149.0687555, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz67_t, lat: -35.200411, lng: 149.0727116, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68IH, lat: -35.2411129, lng: 149.0812786, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5d81, lat: -35.2605056, lng: 149.0749293, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJ-g, lat: -35.3443528, lng: 149.0396647, zone_id: Chapman;Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-xb, lat: -35.1662448, lng: 149.1450965, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2wOo, lat: -35.418544, lng: 149.1153584, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oZp, lat: -35.1966204, lng: 149.1057315, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJo, lat: -35.3779591, lng: 149.0479511, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8K, lat: -35.2710632, lng: 149.1307122, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5O3Q, lat: -35.274617, lng: 149.1295599, zone_id: Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qi2, lat: -35.2645608, lng: 149.1311834, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-I4P, lat: -35.2191133, lng: 149.0306838, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6zth, lat: -35.2241129, lng: 149.1109391, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Le Souef Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-PWf, lat: -35.225611, lng: 149.0504341, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2I99, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.119092, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vonwiller Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1zWz, lat: -35.4457437, lng: 149.1168111, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S2v, lat: -35.4289254, lng: 149.1290251, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdJ, lat: -35.21822, lng: 149.09782, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rsL, lat: -35.2242562, lng: 149.1005043, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5eb2, lat: -35.252833, lng: 149.0749872, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLi, lat: -35.2336222, lng: 149.1026958, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apq, lat: -35.2212504, lng: 149.1111434, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYm, lat: -35.2298806, lng: 149.0944438, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz239F, lat: -35.4026063, lng: 149.0647649, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz238T, lat: -35.4027681, lng: 149.0650277, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6qea, lat: -35.2288148, lng: 149.0970523, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20ni, lat: -35.4149428, lng: 149.0656523, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ll7, lat: -35.3444741, lng: 149.0873533, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-UJ-, lat: -35.240121, lng: 149.0597101, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YzW, lat: -35.1759253, lng: 149.1462691, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIbT, lat: -35.351342, lng: 149.0321099, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHuL, lat: -35.3547054, lng: 149.0346008, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPgO, lat: -35.3592839, lng: 149.0444246, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXPJX, lat: -35.3557253, lng: 149.0486263, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTy, lat: -35.3489683, lng: 149.0495709, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBJ, lat: -35.344588, lng: 149.0469995, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2i3o, lat: -35.4068322, lng: 149.0850166, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2aaw, lat: -35.4075241, lng: 149.0756429, zone_id: Greenway;Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29yh, lat: -35.4129642, lng: 149.0794301, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amsinck Street,stop_code: Wjz2iPv, lat: -35.4062172, lng: 149.093302, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLtK, lat: -35.3335671, lng: 149.0346289, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7smv, lat: -35.1734671, lng: 149.0988597, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_Ej0, lat: -35.1981116, lng: 149.0323079, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_0v, lat: -35.2490065, lng: 149.1400861, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xhh, lat: -35.2268712, lng: 149.0546156, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Place,stop_code: Wjz5KHe, lat: -35.2524812, lng: 149.124612, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6Es1, lat: -35.2412615, lng: 149.1216026, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4OZS, lat: -35.3170485, lng: 149.1391013, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mugga Lane,stop_code: Wjz3RXq, lat: -35.3462565, lng: 149.1385756, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrXTX5, lat: -35.3350148, lng: 149.0502343, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mTF, lat: -35.4259406, lng: 149.0936003, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc55s, lat: -35.3007195, lng: 149.1509863, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: White Crescent,stop_code: Wjzc7nq, lat: -35.2885152, lng: 149.1537353, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-KO, lat: -35.2946955, lng: 149.147399, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4_Oj, lat: -35.2918933, lng: 149.1481428, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-R_3, lat: -35.2115401, lng: 149.0502887, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--6t, lat: -35.2065912, lng: 149.0521439, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5J9d, lat: -35.2594616, lng: 149.1190821, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-_zv, lat: -35.2030129, lng: 149.0575605, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz79ZQ, lat: -35.190906, lng: 149.0842116, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_n, lat: -35.2606623, lng: 149.072551, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZB7, lat: -35.2565133, lng: 149.0570071, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTua, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0448362, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beetaloo Street,stop_code: WjrZT6b, lat: -35.2452004, lng: 149.0407936, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65aB, lat: -35.2148653, lng: 149.0646456, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_RH, lat: -35.3777568, lng: 149.0607135, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2df1, lat: -35.3875049, lng: 149.0748933, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d32, lat: -35.3901917, lng: 149.0734943, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66C2, lat: -35.2068343, lng: 149.0681005, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_z-, lat: -35.3349223, lng: 149.1461306, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz4Mq1, lat: -35.3305291, lng: 149.1325996, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kidston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4aMo, lat: -35.3209613, lng: 149.082268, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taverner Street,stop_code: Wjz2aVu, lat: -35.4076897, lng: 149.0836236, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gibbons Street,stop_code: Wjz2E0l, lat: -35.4194359, lng: 149.117826, zone_id: Chisholm;Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Matina Street,stop_code: Wjzb7Hz, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1580162, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hellyer Street,stop_code: WjrXLY1, lat: -35.3346674, lng: 149.0391656, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_MhY, lat: -35.1991196, lng: 149.0445095, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_pVW, lat: -35.1938099, lng: 149.0184155, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Df8, lat: -35.2008175, lng: 149.0201835, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brownless Street,stop_code: Wjr-sKW, lat: -35.2178207, lng: 149.0156953, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-kVk, lat: -35.2210905, lng: 149.0066193, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brazel Street,stop_code: Wjr-G5f, lat: -35.2290792, lng: 149.0298564, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Xr, lat: -35.4230293, lng: 149.0727434, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Fzd, lat: -35.2360739, lng: 149.0353153, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz3f1S, lat: -35.3363058, lng: 149.074562, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55vN, lat: -35.2557214, lng: 149.0677248, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goulburn Street,stop_code: WjrZ-WW, lat: -35.2535016, lng: 149.0623511, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fm2, lat: -35.2452775, lng: 149.0763507, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dobbin Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7iKx, lat: -35.1849518, lng: 149.0920391, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jW4, lat: -35.181955, lng: 149.0941886, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5l2U, lat: -35.2592266, lng: 149.0857332, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXJZ6, lat: -35.3445279, lng: 149.0392999, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2Ioh, lat: -35.3978546, lng: 149.1219888, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrW_1f, lat: -35.3801683, lng: 149.051853, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ok1, lat: -35.2742265, lng: 149.1312268, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sqk, lat: -35.2533948, lng: 149.1329835, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHZU, lat: -35.3560382, lng: 149.0404158, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-5y, lat: -35.2514497, lng: 149.1400942, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blacklock Close,stop_code: Wjz7qZT, lat: -35.1851647, lng: 149.1061108, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Iax, lat: -35.1766844, lng: 149.1196027, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5YfD, lat: -35.2606676, lng: 149.1416317, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Dickson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Herbert Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5YKO, lat: -35.2618095, lng: 149.1473796, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mavis Latham Street,stop_code: Wjz6_vY, lat: -35.2004651, lng: 149.1448522, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KBe, lat: -35.2511276, lng: 149.123169, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2EWD, lat: -35.4178621, lng: 149.1278682, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EeE, lat: -35.2399953, lng: 149.0319202, zone_id: Hawker;Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AvL, lat: -35.4364397, lng: 149.1114638, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xhv, lat: -35.3142208, lng: 149.1427384, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: Wjz3slg, lat: -35.3505095, lng: 149.0986214, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRPq, lat: -35.2583292, lng: 149.0493331, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-Mfb, lat: -35.2390183, lng: 149.0422199, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXZy7, lat: -35.3465366, lng: 149.0571652, zone_id: Stirling;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mJc, lat: -35.4271296, lng: 149.0915833, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Hwn, lat: -35.2269992, lng: 149.0354339, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: WjrXXl5, lat: -35.3556198, lng: 149.0543328, zone_id: Fisher;Stirling;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-GkU, lat: -35.2303952, lng: 149.033551, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-U5B, lat: -35.2402319, lng: 149.0522728, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FRP, lat: -35.3227824, lng: 149.1267256, zone_id: Forrest;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Davenport Street,stop_code: Wjz37RN, lat: -35.3339689, lng: 149.0718047, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3SjZ, lat: -35.3405155, lng: 149.1324333, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MHq, lat: -35.4176172, lng: 149.1359148, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXP_E, lat: -35.3546397, lng: 149.0510497, zone_id: Fisher;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-Njs, lat: -35.2362142, lng: 149.0439258, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Arrabri Street,stop_code: Wjz7uwD, lat: -35.166579, lng: 149.1018085, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5-wb, lat: -35.2548248, lng: 149.145206, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUxL, lat: -35.3307129, lng: 149.0578894, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wakelin Crescent,stop_code: Wjz35am, lat: -35.3465716, lng: 149.0643106, zone_id: Lyons;Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_xU, lat: -35.3368309, lng: 149.0583346, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz33z1, lat: -35.3573173, lng: 149.0681086, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Renmark Street,stop_code: WjrXCZu, lat: -35.3390452, lng: 149.0287016, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Windradyne Street,stop_code: Wjz7CDa, lat: -35.162176, lng: 149.1122262, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Fmf, lat: -35.1899217, lng: 149.1203537, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2EB2, lat: -35.4162358, lng: 149.1229758, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_sf, lat: -35.3341586, lng: 149.1437982, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2HEe, lat: -35.4028569, lng: 149.1245208, zone_id: Fadden;Macarthur;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6RQW, lat: -35.2136848, lng: 149.1379368, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4UYU, lat: -35.3292631, lng: 149.1503427, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TJe, lat: -35.3335378, lng: 149.135468, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sandford Street,stop_code: Wjz6Yaq, lat: -35.2205928, lng: 149.1414139, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcp0F, lat: -35.3263698, lng: 149.1843675, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mqt, lat: -35.429085, lng: 149.0892702, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5Tx_, lat: -35.2483326, lng: 149.1351531, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AkS, lat: -35.4385726, lng: 149.1102836, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Albany Street,stop_code: WjzcgSm, lat: -35.3273624, lng: 149.1809901, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5fcz, lat: -35.2466065, lng: 149.0756831, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Costello Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1B9N, lat: -35.4355831, lng: 149.1088889, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-FaP, lat: -35.2369634, lng: 149.032049, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kennedy Street,stop_code: Wjz4WdC, lat: -35.3170135, lng: 149.1415045, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZRBn, lat: -35.256577, lng: 149.0465007, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2oPY, lat: -35.4174773, lng: 149.1050319, zone_id: Gowrie;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3g7D, lat: -35.3705636, lng: 149.085208, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lansell Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2rN0, lat: -35.4027536, lng: 149.1038057, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McLorinan Street,stop_code: Wjz1CS7, lat: -35.4261448, lng: 149.1147427, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1C75, lat: -35.4256297, lng: 149.1065242, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashley Drive,stop_code: Wjz1vJN, lat: -35.4218175, lng: 149.1034264, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0GR, lat: -35.2422868, lng: 149.1583488, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Isabella Drive,stop_code: Wjz1v6h, lat: -35.4211477, lng: 149.0958401, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DF5, lat: -35.4242445, lng: 149.1134701, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Johnson Drive,stop_code: Wjz1tR7, lat: -35.4323264, lng: 149.1038057, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2pSV, lat: -35.4102112, lng: 149.1049192, zone_id: Gowrie;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2phl, lat: -35.4133066, lng: 149.0986965, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TEu, lat: -35.3369272, lng: 149.1358665, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MAp, lat: -35.4170052, lng: 149.1344986, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRgw, lat: -35.3484443, lng: 149.0440974, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc1ak, lat: -35.3247957, lng: 149.1522656, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Luke Street,stop_code: Wjr-r_9, lat: -35.2227135, lng: 149.0173907, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1ulj, lat: -35.4271383, lng: 149.0986536, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1k8i, lat: -35.4416582, lng: 149.0862081, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2lju, lat: -35.3898257, lng: 149.0878711, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2y-L, lat: -35.4041512, lng: 149.1169838, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawdon Street,stop_code: Wjz5-Oz, lat: -35.2534932, lng: 149.1484676, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aPr, lat: -35.3626721, lng: 149.0822706, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castieau Street,stop_code: Wjr-G4U, lat: -35.2303339, lng: 149.030901, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64L1, lat: -35.217196, lng: 149.0694819, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrX_SB, lat: -35.3329186, lng: 149.0604857, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4m, lat: -35.279266, lng: 149.1287817, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrG7, lat: -35.3135511, lng: 149.1903315, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dDS, lat: -35.4310636, lng: 149.0801678, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-A5E, lat: -35.2186861, lng: 149.0194265, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXZ6V, lat: -35.3442262, lng: 149.0527449, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RsJ, lat: -35.2134269, lng: 149.0456746, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-GSZ, lat: -35.2285724, lng: 149.0390978, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parnell Road,stop_code: Wjzcdml, lat: -35.2999752, lng: 149.1646145, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: A'Beckett Street,stop_code: Wjze19V, lat: -35.2378003, lng: 149.1531131, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6-IS, lat: -35.2078342, lng: 149.147459, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Harrison;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qmu, lat: -35.2613932, lng: 149.1316889, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6fs9, lat: -35.2028549, lng: 149.0778289, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3t4S, lat: -35.3452239, lng: 149.0966044, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3pb7, lat: -35.3677991, lng: 149.0969262, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Y4, lat: -35.2410195, lng: 149.0722506, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60Qa, lat: -35.2411772, lng: 149.0709792, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6u32, lat: -35.2088899, lng: 149.09552, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6sHv, lat: -35.21947, lng: 149.10295, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uhX, lat: -35.2101981, lng: 149.0994957, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: WjrWYDE, lat: -35.3931009, lng: 149.0580053, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6sdP, lat: -35.21844, lng: 149.0979199, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5e0m, lat: -35.2546115, lng: 149.0739747, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7GCd, lat: -35.1846035, lng: 149.123116, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6pLk, lat: -35.2334807, lng: 149.1028323, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6Apy, lat: -35.2213073, lng: 149.1113204, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: Wjz2b2-, lat: -35.4015218, lng: 149.0747826, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iN7, lat: -35.2318153, lng: 149.0928498, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tph, lat: -35.435554, lng: 149.0999883, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NG5, lat: -35.4125634, lng: 149.1353247, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7Ct, lat: -35.3328923, lng: 149.1564605, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1g4J, lat: -35.4606907, lng: 149.0853605, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Box Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1hOT, lat: -35.4563211, lng: 149.0938578, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ycz, lat: -35.2631, lng: 149.1415634, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWY3_, lat: -35.3952466, lng: 149.0527528, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0f-r, lat: -35.4649404, lng: 149.0837298, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6__e, lat: -35.2003125, lng: 149.149283, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OtB, lat: -35.185267, lng: 149.1332326, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hgy, lat: -35.4142335, lng: 149.0879247, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJt, lat: -35.421473, lng: 149.1358612, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vzz, lat: -35.4670173, lng: 149.1017113, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n-1, lat: -35.4650774, lng: 149.0941904, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AyS, lat: -35.4399887, lng: 149.1130946, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3TM5, lat: -35.3370322, lng: 149.1367195, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hopetoun Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4za9, lat: -35.3140282, lng: 149.1080413, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2u8E, lat: -35.3868869, lng: 149.0976987, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carnegie Cresent,stop_code: Wjz3_99, lat: -35.3366821, lng: 149.1410968, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H6y, lat: -35.2232919, lng: 149.0303753, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4W3r, lat: -35.3187118, lng: 149.1400025, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSiu, lat: -35.2532303, lng: 149.0438185, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goodwin Street,stop_code: Wjz5R7q, lat: -35.255609, lng: 149.1290484, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eyre Street,stop_code: Wjz4XoY, lat: -35.3152013, lng: 149.1447822, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4OV0, lat: -35.3203401, lng: 149.1380928, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainslie Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5W8A, lat: -35.2767421, lng: 149.1415904, zone_id: Braddon;Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gct, lat: -35.4166904, lng: 149.0864763, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dA9, lat: -35.3895808, lng: 149.0792666, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3Sl0, lat: -35.3395178, lng: 149.1313175, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hambidge Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2Mdj, lat: -35.4162183, lng: 149.1301642, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2NPX, lat: -35.4120912, lng: 149.1379211, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3LRT, lat: -35.3334087, lng: 149.1268704, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nemarang Crescent,stop_code: Wjz343V, lat: -35.3518396, lng: 149.063817, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Castleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2y3q, lat: -35.4066784, lng: 149.1071079, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3THj, lat: -35.3351417, lng: 149.1357593, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXPDA, lat: -35.354316, lng: 149.0467689, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vosper Street,stop_code: Wjz2dpP, lat: -35.3914351, lng: 149.0786872, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2trh, lat: -35.3902281, lng: 149.0999518, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sheaffe Street,stop_code: WjrXSso, lat: -35.3402005, lng: 149.0451918, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-sWn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0175409, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wray Place,stop_code: Wjz2yqD, lat: -35.4069058, lng: 149.1112707, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: WjzcdbC, lat: -35.3019589, lng: 149.1635899, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillespie Street,stop_code: WjrZTAV, lat: -35.2467467, lng: 149.0472517, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Duggan Street,stop_code: Wjz1t8G, lat: -35.4361834, lng: 149.0977567, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2kcM, lat: -35.3951784, lng: 149.0869484, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xoJ, lat: -35.369995, lng: 149.1115174, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oyt, lat: -35.3740893, lng: 149.1015074, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0mV8, lat: -35.4741064, lng: 149.0944157, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7ky, lat: -35.2466766, lng: 149.1539071, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKenna Street,stop_code: Wjz2sJ8, lat: -35.3944787, lng: 149.1026554, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6eKC, lat: -35.2064842, lng: 149.0811548, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3td5, lat: -35.3446288, lng: 149.0969048, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wilkins Street,stop_code: Wjz3on-, lat: -35.3705987, lng: 149.0995655, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Udu, lat: -35.3280782, lng: 149.1414402, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Penton Place,stop_code: Wjz2NpB, lat: -35.4132804, lng: 149.1333828, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzchnw, lat: -35.3216794, lng: 149.1758154, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UUU, lat: -35.2001327, lng: 149.0624944, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70lp, lat: -35.1966753, lng: 149.0658519, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jaA, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0865836, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4W_O, lat: -35.3160505, lng: 149.150152, zone_id: Barton;Fyshwick;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scattergood Place,stop_code: Wjz67Dq, lat: -35.2006561, lng: 149.0686086, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DVu, lat: -35.4241746, lng: 149.1165922, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tuggeranong Parkway,stop_code: WjrXUsW, lat: -35.3730527, lng: 149.0568719, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zga, lat: -35.1835162, lng: 149.1093724, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-i_s, lat: -35.2279939, lng: 149.0067611, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brierly Street,stop_code: WjrX-3w, lat: -35.340876, lng: 149.0522964, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iNO, lat: -35.3641274, lng: 149.0938692, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Andrew Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1siH, lat: -35.4402334, lng: 149.0991471, zone_id: Calwell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Divine Court,stop_code: Wjz3kcA, lat: -35.3508773, lng: 149.0866243, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: Wjz55Cn, lat: -35.2558587, lng: 149.0684841, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Atkins Street,stop_code: Wjz2l5-, lat: -35.3884613, lng: 149.0858326, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3Sbz, lat: -35.3406731, lng: 149.130545, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5-6R, lat: -35.2505265, lng: 149.1404751, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knox Street,stop_code: Wjze0vq, lat: -35.2391147, lng: 149.1551087, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXBSJ, lat: -35.3439387, lng: 149.0276931, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz17Su, lat: -35.4207299, lng: 149.0712843, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QmR, lat: -35.2615172, lng: 149.1322602, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marr Street,stop_code: Wjz3imr, lat: -35.3605372, lng: 149.087796, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce6F, lat: -35.2948619, lng: 149.1622541, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3uDU, lat: -35.338154, lng: 149.1022456, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_Mxy, lat: -35.1992913, lng: 149.0468658, zone_id: Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chewings Street,stop_code: Wjr-N9a, lat: -35.2377693, lng: 149.0421213, zone_id: Page;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parliament Drive,stop_code: Wjz4IrL, lat: -35.307326, lng: 149.1225503, zone_id: Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4Hbx, lat: -35.3133913, lng: 149.1195724, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CD8, lat: -35.4260286, lng: 149.1122294, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SAW, lat: -35.2081966, lng: 149.0473834, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t4U, lat: -35.21388, lng: 149.09676, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5d57, lat: -35.256585, lng: 149.0734919, zone_id: Bruce;Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mouat Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ti2, lat: -35.2480353, lng: 149.1313351, zone_id: Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6kCT, lat: -35.217402, lng: 149.0910262, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr-TRM, lat: -35.2021703, lng: 149.0498418, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-IeY, lat: -35.2176259, lng: 149.032238, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heagney Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1TJ1, lat: -35.4218927, lng: 149.1354535, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWZsS, lat: -35.3891768, lng: 149.0567055, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callaway Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18Pt, lat: -35.4613271, lng: 149.0822867, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3hL_, lat: -35.3650156, lng: 149.0926464, zone_id: Mawson;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Casey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1AUn, lat: -35.4412474, lng: 149.1165707, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6rp1, lat: -35.2268254, lng: 149.0996755, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leq, lat: -35.344135, lng: 149.0864401, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wattle Street,stop_code: Wjz5KMK, lat: -35.2545971, lng: 149.1265378, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4iW6, lat: -35.3191233, lng: 149.0941367, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2thr, lat: -35.3914613, lng: 149.0987448, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmt, lat: -35.3439501, lng: 149.0877369, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Ayn, lat: -35.2201542, lng: 149.0244529, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4U-l, lat: -35.3274305, lng: 149.1494868, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZSnl, lat: -35.2498834, lng: 149.0437756, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3leo, lat: -35.344368, lng: 149.0864991, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHvw, lat: -35.3546272, lng: 149.0344542, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXBWu, lat: -35.3466197, lng: 149.0287455, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHYJ, lat: -35.356246, lng: 149.0401055, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrXPFr, lat: -35.3585046, lng: 149.0479415, zone_id: Chapman;Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRyK, lat: -35.3465911, lng: 149.0470392, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corinna Street,stop_code: Wjz3dXS, lat: -35.3459117, lng: 149.0842511, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2azE, lat: -35.4068027, lng: 149.0799162, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-uUL, lat: -35.210513, lng: 149.0180445, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5FIS, lat: -35.279312, lng: 149.1254166, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Quk, lat: -35.3055692, lng: 149.1330442, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9L, lat: -35.3581358, lng: 149.0757975, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjz3_QR, lat: -35.3343365, lng: 149.1488109, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bunbury Street,stop_code: WjrXRUs, lat: -35.3481643, lng: 149.0506742, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ80, lat: -35.3539222, lng: 149.042016, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--sV, lat: -35.2083253, lng: 149.0568878, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eucumbene Drive,stop_code: WjrXCNB, lat: -35.3418283, lng: 149.0275536, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr-DQE, lat: -35.2028856, lng: 149.0277547, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Nn, lat: -35.2043934, lng: 149.0601598, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Xu, lat: -35.2524925, lng: 149.0726439, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hbe, lat: -35.1921183, lng: 149.0860955, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_o4, lat: -35.2492379, lng: 149.0556338, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Morrison Circuit,stop_code: Wjzcd4Y, lat: -35.3013986, lng: 149.1626994, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xEt, lat: -35.2381595, lng: 149.0260301, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mgt, lat: -35.2436863, lng: 149.0438835, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66WS, lat: -35.2092634, lng: 149.0731992, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26WW, lat: -35.3853577, lng: 149.0733293, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2498, lat: -35.3972167, lng: 149.0640703, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70go, lat: -35.2001419, lng: 149.0658463, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0t7T, lat: -35.4748549, lng: 149.0964971, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7p6, lat: -35.2483939, lng: 149.1545615, zone_id: Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McCubbin Street,stop_code: WjrX_bF, lat: -35.3353506, lng: 149.0538045, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6eJR, lat: -35.2073083, lng: 149.0815196, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kSP, lat: -35.3495644, lng: 149.0939007, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ovI, lat: -35.3708086, lng: 149.1004882, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jindabyne Street,stop_code: WjrYEg0, lat: -35.3320285, lng: 149.0323493, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkhill Street,stop_code: Wjz39GV, lat: -35.369019, lng: 149.0816284, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70IW, lat: -35.197242, lng: 149.0706277, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tobruk Road,stop_code: Wjzcend, lat: -35.2937972, lng: 149.1643403, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Powell Street,stop_code: Wjr-rUs, lat: -35.2272548, lng: 149.0178319, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GFM, lat: -35.2324613, lng: 149.03753, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Redfern Street,stop_code: WjrZZlR, lat: -35.2567539, lng: 149.055397, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erskine Street,stop_code: WjrZ_Fk, lat: -35.2485228, lng: 149.0588536, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Leverrier Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5vrT, lat: -35.2469189, lng: 149.1007523, zone_id: Bruce;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7B0w, lat: -35.1727054, lng: 149.107275, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Manning Clark Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7Wqb, lat: -35.1875672, lng: 149.1438549, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrW_uo, lat: -35.3773291, lng: 149.056161, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69uI, lat: -35.2341477, lng: 149.0784965, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3om2, lat: -35.3716164, lng: 149.0983753, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7oYv, lat: -35.196789, lng: 149.1057064, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTJq, lat: -35.3778081, lng: 149.0480034, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXQ2W, lat: -35.3523853, lng: 149.0417814, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7AJS, lat: -35.174204, lng: 149.1143555, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proserpine Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RdE, lat: -35.169243, lng: 149.1307293, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7E3Z, lat: -35.1976337, lng: 149.1187656, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2pM3, lat: -35.4141023, lng: 149.1038088, zone_id: Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newlop Street,stop_code: Wjz7txI, lat: -35.1716718, lng: 149.1018381, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2inZ, lat: -35.4036615, lng: 149.0884505, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ-ie, lat: -35.2531953, lng: 149.0545473, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6UXL, lat: -35.2414017, lng: 149.1500125, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2g2J, lat: -35.4180544, lng: 149.0854464, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Lwx, lat: -35.2055346, lng: 149.035862, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1mgS, lat: -35.4303729, lng: 149.0883324, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kwl, lat: -35.3974348, lng: 149.0903173, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gurrang Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BqG, lat: -35.1711551, lng: 149.1115106, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: La Perouse Street,stop_code: Wjz3KYr, lat: -35.3399904, lng: 149.1277073, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ferguson Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7AGv, lat: -35.1762193, lng: 149.113913, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4UG8, lat: -35.3305991, lng: 149.1465686, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J8t, lat: -35.2161747, lng: 149.0315719, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-J44, lat: -35.2135626, lng: 149.0296181, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BB3, lat: -35.2129096, lng: 149.0241561, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1olx, lat: -35.4603062, lng: 149.0989218, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXIP, lat: -35.4004264, lng: 149.0594265, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eagle Circuit,stop_code: WjrWSBZ, lat: -35.383041, lng: 149.0472484, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20xf, lat: -35.4185878, lng: 149.0681837, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Iwx, lat: -35.4417543, lng: 149.1237805, zone_id: Calwell;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1uyf, lat: -35.4289043, lng: 149.1011427, zone_id: Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1j87, lat: -35.4467627, lng: 149.0860043, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2ju4, lat: -35.398974, lng: 149.088665, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archibald Street,stop_code: Wjz5LCR, lat: -35.2450118, lng: 149.1240058, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jsF, lat: -35.4005569, lng: 149.0895394, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Springvale Drive,stop_code: WjrZTlr, lat: -35.2459406, lng: 149.043797, zone_id: Hawker;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dalrymple Street,stop_code: Wjz3SUg, lat: -35.3430098, lng: 149.1385112, zone_id: Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4FNU, lat: -35.3257936, lng: 149.1270045, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7GPB, lat: -35.1867085, lng: 149.1264936, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7FNw, lat: -35.193955, lng: 149.126474, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darling Street,stop_code: Wjz6YiM, lat: -35.2207864, lng: 149.1433105, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjz5_x5, lat: -35.2484816, lng: 149.144927, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6qc3, lat: -35.2301323, lng: 149.0969048, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4iXK, lat: -35.3184054, lng: 149.094995, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulligans Flat Road,stop_code: Wjz7SUe, lat: -35.1666579, lng: 149.1383395, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paul Coe Crescent,stop_code: Wjz7IcS, lat: -35.1749486, lng: 149.1199081, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: Wjzd6XP, lat: -35.2527713, lng: 149.1610527, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mWn, lat: -35.3409621, lng: 149.0945298, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-tgp, lat: -35.216543, lng: 149.0108488, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sturt Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VN-, lat: -35.3253297, lng: 149.1489933, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Westbury Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7y6I, lat: -35.1846912, lng: 149.1074626, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wisdom Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-4, lat: -35.3330183, lng: 149.0941258, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Imu, lat: -35.2614148, lng: 149.1208459, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VAq, lat: -35.2796604, lng: 149.14553, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Euree Street,stop_code: Wjz5Vg4, lat: -35.2821666, lng: 149.1422877, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1n0, lat: -35.3216636, lng: 149.1532292, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jerrabomberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzb6cp, lat: -35.3401203, lng: 149.1523581, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townsville Street,stop_code: WjzcgX_, lat: -35.3293219, lng: 149.1833416, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb73I, lat: -35.335098, lng: 149.1512571, zone_id: Fyshwick;Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Namatjira Drive,stop_code: WjrX-x5, lat: -35.3418633, lng: 149.0570257, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2rqk, lat: -35.4017026, lng: 149.0999303, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Prior Place,stop_code: Wjz3oge, lat: -35.3754535, lng: 149.0983799, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXKxW, lat: -35.3421259, lng: 149.0363083, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz64Gx, lat: -35.220702, lng: 149.0701685, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harcus Close,stop_code: Wjz1klr, lat: -35.4381985, lng: 149.087748, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjze2dY, lat: -35.2293144, lng: 149.1530102, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: General Bridges Drive,stop_code: WjzceCW, lat: -35.2947043, lng: 149.1682408, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kinsella Street,stop_code: Wjr-xZ1, lat: -35.2350925, lng: 149.0282402, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hibberson Street,stop_code: Wjz7OQn, lat: -35.1858254, lng: 149.1370564, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjze7Ku, lat: -35.2010286, lng: 149.157806, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5BPB, lat: -35.2580866, lng: 149.1154899, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Buggy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz64Yc, lat: -35.2190101, lng: 149.0723258, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Handcock Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-D1B, lat: -35.2045158, lng: 149.0193788, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tmp, lat: -35.4760956, lng: 149.098836, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RQM, lat: -35.2578561, lng: 149.1378031, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heydon Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6e4_, lat: -35.2078167, lng: 149.0747605, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kQJ, lat: -35.3507895, lng: 149.0935788, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heard Street,stop_code: Wjz3h_Y, lat: -35.3652794, lng: 149.0954242, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz7Wrb, lat: -35.1868629, lng: 149.1438112, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Faulding Street,stop_code: WjzbfzE, lat: -35.3354178, lng: 149.1678599, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6f7z, lat: -35.2006106, lng: 149.0742884, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whyalla Street,stop_code: Wjzbn5y, lat: -35.3338671, lng: 149.1730601, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N5_, lat: -35.2785242, lng: 149.1297348, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeF, lat: -35.2783224, lng: 149.130726, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kitchener Street,stop_code: Wjz3vrf, lat: -35.3348497, lng: 149.099817, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3B5o, lat: -35.344996, lng: 149.1070285, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4q8_, lat: -35.3203709, lng: 149.0981179, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macpherson Street,stop_code: Wjz5Iqp, lat: -35.2646152, lng: 149.1221727, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5N4J, lat: -35.2793571, lng: 149.1293659, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KWi, lat: -35.165658, lng: 149.127439, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0vV_, lat: -35.46806, lng: 149.1064105, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3qfM, lat: -35.3601522, lng: 149.0979991, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whitford Place,stop_code: Wjz1iJO, lat: -35.4492507, lng: 149.092506, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-Hd, lat: -35.340498, lng: 149.0586457, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gozzard Street,stop_code: Wjz7Pqv, lat: -35.1816893, lng: 149.1331682, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2M6L, lat: -35.4151166, lng: 149.1293059, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6gia, lat: -35.2425616, lng: 149.0874888, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1CL2, lat: -35.4259056, lng: 149.1134272, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7JmE, lat: -35.1685523, lng: 149.1211305, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baskerville Street,stop_code: Wjz1LGi, lat: -35.4237899, lng: 149.1247997, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Jpk, lat: -35.1716219, lng: 149.1220317, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anketell  Street,stop_code: Wjz20ut, lat: -35.4153439, lng: 149.0672617, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bywaters Street,stop_code: Wjz7Jjj, lat: -35.1703882, lng: 149.1206162, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDP, lat: -35.3214366, lng: 149.1350462, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkes Place,stop_code: Wjz4Rs-, lat: -35.3012441, lng: 149.1338254, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60A, lat: -35.2986953, lng: 149.151155, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kings Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4RwH, lat: -35.3042846, lng: 149.1348585, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eJ0, lat: -35.339582, lng: 149.0804045, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjz4-Rc, lat: -35.2952651, lng: 149.1479687, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz39RI, lat: -35.3666487, lng: 149.0827357, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-Zk3, lat: -35.2136037, lng: 149.0543575, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--md, lat: -35.2066211, lng: 149.0544526, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz606I, lat: -35.2396656, lng: 149.0633992, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz670_, lat: -35.205061, lng: 149.0637667, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lZb, lat: -35.2129711, lng: 149.0943513, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3tqd, lat: -35.3466766, lng: 149.0998445, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1bUp, lat: -35.4472172, lng: 149.0837405, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: John Cleland Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Xno, lat: -35.2227935, lng: 149.0548844, zone_id: Evatt;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clive Steele Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2gTN, lat: -35.4149942, lng: 149.0938363, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melrose Drive,stop_code: Wjz3eRR, lat: -35.3390911, lng: 149.082759, zone_id: Lyons;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr_oEZ, lat: -35.1996945, lng: 149.0157411, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc9ws, lat: -35.326135, lng: 149.1675112, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz20g4, lat: -35.4195233, lng: 149.0653405, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sainsbury Street,stop_code: Wjz2lWW, lat: -35.3909103, lng: 149.0953598, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ogilby Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-UfX, lat: -35.2390533, lng: 149.0542094, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz65ik, lat: -35.2149321, lng: 149.0656677, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz16_x, lat: -35.4259377, lng: 149.0728765, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zy, lat: -35.3792073, lng: 149.0577944, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26tG, lat: -35.3833338, lng: 149.0674908, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz2d34, lat: -35.3900029, lng: 149.0734943, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz25NL, lat: -35.3911118, lng: 149.0716052, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjzc8gG, lat: -35.3318595, lng: 149.1650651, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vR3, lat: -35.377711, lng: 149.1037176, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KRH, lat: -35.3393078, lng: 149.1266558, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jim Pike Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18G9, lat: -35.4623676, lng: 149.0806828, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lewis Luxton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1is3, lat: -35.4498436, lng: 149.0887348, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0DbJ, lat: -35.46686, lng: 149.1088352, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellerston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1lXG, lat: -35.4341379, lng: 149.0950208, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Madigan Street,stop_code: WjzdeeQ, lat: -35.2506237, lng: 149.1639253, zone_id: Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5ZZQ, lat: -35.2567691, lng: 149.1500474, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tallara Parkway,stop_code: Wjzb7qP, lat: -35.3358857, lng: 149.1555593, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3tP_, lat: -35.345819, lng: 149.1049514, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paramatta Street,stop_code: Wjz3jlt, lat: -35.355611, lng: 149.0877423, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXS9Y, lat: -35.3419508, lng: 149.0431318, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-Iqi, lat: -35.2206012, lng: 149.0340821, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6d1l, lat: -35.2155043, lng: 149.0738592, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northcott Drive,stop_code: Wjzcfkd, lat: -35.2903958, lng: 149.1643141, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Findlay Street,stop_code: Wjr-xTP, lat: -35.2335151, lng: 149.027854, zone_id: Higgins;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pocket Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0u3v, lat: -35.4721754, lng: 149.0960894, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1osN, lat: -35.4609703, lng: 149.1007672, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjzb79X, lat: -35.3365565, lng: 149.1529783, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzc9PB, lat: -35.3239975, lng: 149.1704393, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0Ds0, lat: -35.4665454, lng: 149.1105948, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0tt-, lat: -35.4763315, lng: 149.1008208, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Majura Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5RGR, lat: -35.2588023, lng: 149.1364727, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0niU, lat: -35.4679601, lng: 149.0885363, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nellie Hamilton Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7PKW, lat: -35.1794094, lng: 149.1366015, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3kOX, lat: -35.3523296, lng: 149.0940294, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1h8e, lat: -35.4578446, lng: 149.0861759, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J-6, lat: -35.431693, lng: 149.1271279, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Denison Street,stop_code: Wjz4hFp, lat: -35.3257236, lng: 149.0920124, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jenkinson Street,stop_code: Wjz2iwA, lat: -35.4085873, lng: 149.0906768, zone_id: Monash;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Benham Street,stop_code: Wjz2N0r, lat: -35.4141264, lng: 149.128949, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3rTZ, lat: -35.3542022, lng: 149.1050158, zone_id: Mawson;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentcher Place,stop_code: Wjz1Dap, lat: -35.4239297, lng: 149.1084839, zone_id: Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3wQO, lat: -35.3730045, lng: 149.1158734, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macfarlane Burnet Avenue,stop_code: Wjr-lwL, lat: -35.2160653, lng: 149.0029738, zone_id: Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz17vf, lat: -35.4199255, lng: 149.0668755, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3gZn, lat: -35.3718963, lng: 149.0945237, zone_id: Mawson;Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marshall Street,stop_code: Wjz3oBK, lat: -35.3720072, lng: 149.1019151, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5BWh, lat: -35.2591172, lng: 149.1164155, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dumas Street,stop_code: Wjz6cz2, lat: -35.2199304, lng: 149.0791416, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spalding Street,stop_code: Wjr_MMi, lat: -35.200018, lng: 149.0491234, zone_id: Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-H-a, lat: -35.2232851, lng: 149.039343, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mxf, lat: -35.2538241, lng: 149.0902637, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Boddington Crescent,stop_code: WjrWRY-, lat: -35.3891639, lng: 149.0514903, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sulwood Drive,stop_code: WjrXUjI, lat: -35.373541, lng: 149.0551596, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Outtrim Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1tVw, lat: -35.435688, lng: 149.1057775, zone_id: Calwell;Isabella Plains;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-Fw4, lat: -35.2382916, lng: 149.035194, zone_id: Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cockcroft Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1vfv, lat: -35.4199692, lng: 149.0974949, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cYK, lat: -35.3946187, lng: 149.0840731, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4H0P, lat: -35.3152936, lng: 149.1185178, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WHw, lat: -35.3189482, lng: 149.1470514, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1Gjj, lat: -35.4504956, lng: 149.1205257, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-VeQ, lat: -35.2341373, lng: 149.0540753, zone_id: Florey;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cowper Street,stop_code: Wjz5QUd, lat: -35.2656089, lng: 149.1383392, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sternberg Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2jFN, lat: -35.4026208, lng: 149.0924416, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Goyder Street,stop_code: Wjz3-TX, lat: -35.3378987, lng: 149.1488538, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4M1m, lat: -35.3307654, lng: 149.1288445, zone_id: Griffith;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Woodcock Drive,stop_code: Wjz1ksO, lat: -35.438896, lng: 149.089695, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: Wjz37Lh, lat: -35.3326298, lng: 149.0697876, zone_id: Curtin;Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz354q, lat: -35.3455739, lng: 149.0631733, zone_id: Waramanga;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hilder Street,stop_code: WjrX_hN, lat: -35.3366997, lng: 149.0553734, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrXZLd, lat: -35.3432461, lng: 149.0586243, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34B4, lat: -35.3501945, lng: 149.0681086, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Onslow Street,stop_code: Wjr-IcO, lat: -35.2191858, lng: 149.0319716, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3j2u, lat: -35.357571, lng: 149.0850387, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Oci, lat: -35.2741724, lng: 149.1302168, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2rfK, lat: -35.398117, lng: 149.0976987, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BbR, lat: -35.2141632, lng: 149.0209714, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Sux, lat: -35.2509191, lng: 149.1333899, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qn2, lat: -35.3160417, lng: 149.098321, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6mxi, lat: -35.2102537, lng: 149.0904031, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hospital Road,stop_code: Wjz3tzF, lat: -35.346309, lng: 149.1019688, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Preddey Way,stop_code: Wjz1a_U, lat: -35.4480737, lng: 149.0843198, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cameron Avenue,stop_code: Wjz60QW, lat: -35.241186, lng: 149.0720789, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKfL, lat: -35.3375574, lng: 149.0317807, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJnt, lat: -35.3431935, lng: 149.0328322, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oVO, lat: -35.199278, lng: 149.0183268, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barrier Street,stop_code: Wjzc8Sn, lat: -35.3272379, lng: 149.1700862, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Charleston Street,stop_code: Wjz28WY, lat: -35.4181593, lng: 149.0843413, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2lUf, lat: -35.3918549, lng: 149.0942869, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-ViH, lat: -35.2369503, lng: 149.055175, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Buriga Street,stop_code: Wjz6mOx, lat: -35.20966, lng: 149.0935299, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chuculba Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6uwF, lat: -35.2110747, lng: 149.1018989, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t3F, lat: -35.21451, lng: 149.09646, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5mbS, lat: -35.2525252, lng: 149.0869819, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ellenborough Street,stop_code: Wjz6yzH, lat: -35.2308034, lng: 149.1129136, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iNm, lat: -35.2318811, lng: 149.0930643, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kAx, lat: -35.3511369, lng: 149.0906806, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5yYV, lat: -35.2742188, lng: 149.1173067, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3llf, lat: -35.34445, lng: 149.0875371, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz218U, lat: -35.4143897, lng: 149.0652364, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXPbu, lat: -35.3568919, lng: 149.0424224, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Parkinson Street,stop_code: WjrXZv5, lat: -35.3432647, lng: 149.0558034, zone_id: Stirling;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Prichard Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1K89, lat: -35.4308171, lng: 149.1191218, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uUb, lat: -35.2108896, lng: 149.0174054, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Phillip Avenue,stop_code: Wjzd7no, lat: -35.2447665, lng: 149.1536603, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bromby Street,stop_code: Wjz3y2V, lat: -35.363512, lng: 149.1076873, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3jv9, lat: -35.3545522, lng: 149.0888367, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carbeen Street,stop_code: WjrXSoJ, lat: -35.3425634, lng: 149.0456317, zone_id: Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Strickland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4qjC, lat: -35.3184536, lng: 149.0989486, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_R5, lat: -35.2017591, lng: 149.1476629, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-yOJ, lat: -35.2313242, lng: 149.0277252, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Taubman Street,stop_code: Wjzbfpl, lat: -35.3363832, lng: 149.1658515, zone_id: Fyshwick;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3_3L, lat: -35.3347817, lng: 149.1404124, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMrj, lat: -35.3296313, lng: 149.0450622, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Watt Place,stop_code: Wjz2ve3, lat: -35.3770117, lng: 149.0968721, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forsythe Street,stop_code: Wjz0uw1, lat: -35.4746831, lng: 149.1010032, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5QNt, lat: -35.2649345, lng: 149.1372881, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: WjzcJ0K, lat: -35.3040486, lng: 149.2062653, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QEd, lat: -35.1777783, lng: 149.1356144, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3s0s, lat: -35.3536247, lng: 149.0960036, zone_id: Mawson;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lhotsky Street,stop_code: Wjr_E1y, lat: -35.1992571, lng: 149.0303603, zone_id: Charnwood;Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Noakes Court,stop_code: Wjr-Lzm, lat: -35.2030997, lng: 149.0354829, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-Pk6, lat: -35.2243699, lng: 149.0432872, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Florey Drive,stop_code: Wjr-BL8, lat: -35.2118565, lng: 149.025622, zone_id: Latham;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qcc, lat: -35.230013, lng: 149.0092125, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Spofforth Street,stop_code: Wjr-jNB, lat: -35.2265208, lng: 149.0056756, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-ySy, lat: -35.228821, lng: 149.0276438, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Neo, lat: -35.27843, lng: 149.130345, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz6gQ0, lat: -35.2413491, lng: 149.0928379, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burdekin Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7KFS, lat: -35.166003, lng: 149.1254013, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7p2n, lat: -35.1926501, lng: 149.0958323, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Staff Cadet Avenue,stop_code: Wjzcd2C, lat: -35.302637, lng: 149.1620825, zone_id: Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beattie Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1DBr, lat: -35.4217091, lng: 149.1125903, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mawson Drive,stop_code: Wjz3qbJ, lat: -35.3624796, lng: 149.0977202, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McBryde Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2izK, lat: -35.4062764, lng: 149.0909078, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cunningham Street,stop_code: Wjz4WQ4, lat: -35.3179064, lng: 149.1476844, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaumont Close,stop_code: WjrXGDF, lat: -35.3600413, lng: 149.0360091, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Currong Street South,stop_code: Wjz5Utw, lat: -35.2845721, lng: 149.144294, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2Qc, lat: -35.2300184, lng: 149.1589067, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Harricks Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2hB8, lat: -35.4109545, lng: 149.0901671, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: WjzeaC3, lat: -35.2287389, lng: 149.166889, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Catalina Drive,stop_code: Wjzcuop, lat: -35.2989647, lng: 149.1881172, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-AbT, lat: -35.2195056, lng: 149.0209768, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kerrigan Street,stop_code: Wjr_xY9, lat: -35.1918291, lng: 149.028508, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Companion Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-RfI, lat: -35.2115247, lng: 149.0428851, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4NDo, lat: -35.3217168, lng: 149.1344712, zone_id: Forrest;Griffith;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz66t3, lat: -35.2074684, lng: 149.0667796, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mataranka Street,stop_code: WjrZLbU, lat: -35.2475002, lng: 149.0321777, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Russell Drive,stop_code: Wjzc60i, lat: -35.2988201, lng: 149.1508684, zone_id: Campbell;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hindmarsh Drive,stop_code: WjrXJ6l, lat: -35.3439287, lng: 149.0300212, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eggleston Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3caw, lat: -35.3525528, lng: 149.0755688, zone_id: Chifley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Petterd Street,stop_code: Wjr-MS6, lat: -35.2394564, lng: 149.0487967, zone_id: Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-SHc, lat: -35.2086969, lng: 149.0476925, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz18Xo, lat: -35.4617829, lng: 149.0837083, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ZSE, lat: -35.2124829, lng: 149.0606716, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605N, lat: -35.2405467, lng: 149.0636668, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Daley Road,stop_code: Wjz5xHC, lat: -35.2799871, lng: 149.1141335, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macrossan Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-InZ, lat: -35.2169003, lng: 149.0335258, zone_id: Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr-Q4G, lat: -35.2192221, lng: 149.0415189, zone_id: Florey;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6ytu, lat: -35.2291622, lng: 149.1110812, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mary Potter Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5mpm, lat: -35.2538531, lng: 149.0889493, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf0TD, lat: -35.1947102, lng: 149.1594002, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz671V, lat: -35.204864, lng: 149.0637204, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fulton Street,stop_code: Wjz571j, lat: -35.2486364, lng: 149.0628845, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Hanlon Place,stop_code: Wjz7hb5, lat: -35.1921368, lng: 149.0859491, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lyttleton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz54_B, lat: -35.2608235, lng: 149.0728514, zone_id: Acton;Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7HWo, lat: -35.182306, lng: 149.1275792, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: Wjz5592, lat: -35.2596812, lng: 149.0639679, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shumack Street,stop_code: WjrZTMv, lat: -35.2489575, lng: 149.0493939, zone_id: Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateson Road,stop_code: Wjz3twg, lat: -35.3484618, lng: 149.1014323, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Soward Way,stop_code: Wjz20QI, lat: -35.4168303, lng: 149.0716491, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hawker Place,stop_code: Wjr-Mg6, lat: -35.2436162, lng: 149.0432913, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kirkton Street,stop_code: Wjz2kVV, lat: -35.3971025, lng: 149.0952954, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLXY, lat: -35.2471491, lng: 149.0403988, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NyR, lat: -35.2807097, lng: 149.1350994, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dawes Street,stop_code: Wjz4Ws5, lat: -35.3177926, lng: 149.1435967, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Langdon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2kv_, lat: -35.3924846, lng: 149.0899096, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burkitt Street,stop_code: Wjr-NQD, lat: -35.2352414, lng: 149.0495101, zone_id: Florey;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-Wil, lat: -35.2312716, lng: 149.0546439, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hardwick Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-z7J, lat: -35.2223574, lng: 149.0195037, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: WjrW_zu, lat: -35.3788924, lng: 149.0576496, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27gg, lat: -35.3814094, lng: 149.0656219, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Thynne Street,stop_code: Wjz5n_K, lat: -35.2442554, lng: 149.095053, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scollay Street,stop_code: Wjz17BY, lat: -35.4216013, lng: 149.0692072, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lA, lat: -35.3941231, lng: 149.0659575, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66Lx, lat: -35.2062279, lng: 149.0700922, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kingsford Smith Drive,stop_code: Wjr_UPL, lat: -35.1975228, lng: 149.0606273, zone_id: Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70kD, lat: -35.196836, lng: 149.0659887, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Theodore Street,stop_code: Wjz48Q1, lat: -35.3291744, lng: 149.0818599, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3e8l, lat: -35.3425473, lng: 149.0752509, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrX_1g, lat: -35.336799, lng: 149.0519909, zone_id: Holder;Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bingley Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_V6V, lat: -35.1904467, lng: 149.0528033, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Robertson Street,stop_code: Wjz4a9o, lat: -35.3203323, lng: 149.0754663, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shirley Street,stop_code: Wjze09i, lat: -35.2432594, lng: 149.1521583, zone_id: Downer;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6lCb, lat: -35.2122523, lng: 149.0902958, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3yhr, lat: -35.363967, lng: 149.1097901, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Townshend Street,stop_code: Wjz3khK, lat: -35.3527672, lng: 149.0882466, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLTo, lat: -35.332656, lng: 149.0384648, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stradbroke Street,stop_code: Wjz4q-b, lat: -35.3166239, lng: 149.1052572, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz6l5Q, lat: -35.2128308, lng: 149.0856395, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Giralang;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fullagar Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zMF, lat: -35.2275557, lng: 149.0277252, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wi, lat: -35.1986355, lng: 149.0725952, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Archdall Street,stop_code: Wjr-vNL, lat: -35.2043835, lng: 149.0167621, zone_id: Dunlop;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beaurepaire Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-rv7, lat: -35.2221818, lng: 149.0117611, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macnaughton Street,stop_code: Wjr-qZg, lat: -35.2296561, lng: 149.0176617, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uHo, lat: -35.4727434, lng: 149.1029344, zone_id: Banks;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5X3a, lat: -35.2693144, lng: 149.1396485, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wirraway Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-GyJ, lat: -35.2312775, lng: 149.0359574, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maria Smith Lane,stop_code: Wjz7QpP, lat: -35.177217, lng: 149.1337047, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3rcB, lat: -35.3562498, lng: 149.0975914, zone_id: Mawson;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ross Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-FCU, lat: -35.2344506, lng: 149.0363984, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Murranji Street,stop_code: WjrZLdA, lat: -35.245805, lng: 149.0316615, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templeton Street,stop_code: WjrZZH3, lat: -35.2583026, lng: 149.0584315, zone_id: Cook;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lachlan Street,stop_code: Wjz557P, lat: -35.2555149, lng: 149.0636155, zone_id: Cook;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bennelong Crescent,stop_code: WjrZ-Jc, lat: -35.2513107, lng: 149.058664, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McClelland Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7jaJ, lat: -35.1819033, lng: 149.0868551, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Whitfield Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7pkV, lat: -35.1918235, lng: 149.0995622, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Jabanungga Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7tIt, lat: -35.169553, lng: 149.1029128, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Curran Drive,stop_code: Wjz7aYu, lat: -35.1858633, lng: 149.0836554, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W3, lat: -35.2425008, lng: 149.0831669, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindel Street,stop_code: Wjz5e8Y, lat: -35.2547235, lng: 149.0761202, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Forlonge Street,stop_code: Wjz2bGs, lat: -35.4016792, lng: 149.0808766, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hodgson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3jaF, lat: -35.3579826, lng: 149.0867102, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7-oI, lat: -35.1668191, lng: 149.1443901, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: London Circuit,stop_code: Wjz5FOn, lat: -35.2806054, lng: 149.1260452, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5Yq4, lat: -35.2643388, lng: 149.1435864, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Campbell Street,stop_code: Wjz5XrS, lat: -35.2689744, lng: 149.1446925, zone_id: Ainslie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6WtM, lat: -35.2296825, lng: 149.1445773, zone_id: Bonner;Lyneham;Mitchell;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VFA, lat: -35.2815441, lng: 149.146984, zone_id: Campbell;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Torrens Street,stop_code: Wjz5PCM, lat: -35.2674545, lng: 149.1350501, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MsD, lat: -35.2847121, lng: 149.1333531, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Qgn, lat: -35.2655006, lng: 149.1316277, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3eje, lat: -35.3403963, lng: 149.0765097, zone_id: Lyons;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amagula Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7zzB, lat: -35.1811799, lng: 149.1126486, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shoalhaven Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7J-7, lat: -35.167951, lng: 149.1270626, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: The Valley Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Oal, lat: -35.1873286, lng: 149.1301603, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6QTd, lat: -35.2168483, lng: 149.1369095, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Flemington Road,stop_code: Wjz6ZyF, lat: -35.2151624, lng: 149.1458712, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowman Street,stop_code: Wjz56Hh, lat: -35.25291, lng: 149.0697814, zone_id: Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3-Bg, lat: -35.3395091, lng: 149.1453991, zone_id: Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr--W9, lat: -35.2096897, lng: 149.061394, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3b9v, lat: -35.3581498, lng: 149.0754026, zone_id: Chifley;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WId, lat: -35.3178626, lng: 149.1464988, zone_id: Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1Kiq, lat: -35.4293151, lng: 149.1208193, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-MNh, lat: -35.2433401, lng: 149.0492618, zone_id: Page;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-Mqd, lat: -35.2422956, lng: 149.0448568, zone_id: Hawker;Page;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-RT-, lat: -35.2113153, lng: 149.0500244, zone_id: Melba;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bramston Street,stop_code: Wjz2Gdi, lat: -35.4052705, lng: 149.1192154, zone_id: Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3gK-, lat: -35.3712753, lng: 149.0926679, zone_id: Mawson;Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3iFK, lat: -35.3637163, lng: 149.0922629, zone_id: Mawson;Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashburton Circuit,stop_code: Wjz6zAP, lat: -35.2246234, lng: 149.113116, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldJ, lat: -35.344566, lng: 149.086774, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nf, lat: -35.4144924, lng: 149.0655423, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USo, lat: -35.2400027, lng: 149.0603149, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Verbrugghen Street,stop_code: Wjr-ZJc, lat: -35.2128875, lng: 149.0586429, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXI5s, lat: -35.3501807, lng: 149.0301549, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXOn_, lat: -35.359526, lng: 149.0445552, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQOh, lat: -35.3524926, lng: 149.049231, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXRzE, lat: -35.3464066, lng: 149.0469632, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3BfO, lat: -35.3434784, lng: 149.1088951, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_7i, lat: -35.2885802, lng: 149.1398674, zone_id: Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4_xZ, lat: -35.2923896, lng: 149.1462296, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Russell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51P, lat: -35.3035978, lng: 149.1515081, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Menindee Drive,stop_code: Wjzc51o, lat: -35.3038736, lng: 149.1509932, zone_id: Barton;Campbell;Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackennal Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ls_, lat: -35.2462532, lng: 149.1227978, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Benjamin Way,stop_code: Wjz57tz, lat: -35.2459378, lng: 149.0673726, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz57Rp, lat: -35.2460429, lng: 149.0712994, zone_id: Belconnen;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hennessy Street,stop_code: Wjz5f20, lat: -35.2482159, lng: 149.0735953, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Federal Highway,stop_code: Wjz6Vie, lat: -35.2367108, lng: 149.1423457, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_Nj3, lat: -35.1923664, lng: 149.0432864, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lind Close,stop_code: Wjr_NgT, lat: -35.1940674, lng: 149.0444665, zone_id: Charnwood;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: William Webb Drive,stop_code: Wjz65Yz, lat: -35.2136695, lng: 149.0728014, zone_id: McKellar;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Corlette Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2guG, lat: -35.4155625, lng: 149.0896092, zone_id: Monash;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kneebone Street,stop_code: Wjz1ebG, lat: -35.4286654, lng: 149.0758806, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7WBn, lat: -35.1851618, lng: 149.1452704, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lysaght Street,stop_code: Wjz6Z97, lat: -35.2153728, lng: 149.1409359, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2sbG, lat: -35.3957032, lng: 149.0977631, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Livingston Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2dKJ, lat: -35.3879015, lng: 149.081348, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OHp, lat: -35.2309824, lng: 149.0479652, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alfred Hill Drive,stop_code: Wjr--Ki, lat: -35.2068427, lng: 149.0588291, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6k-u, lat: -35.2174589, lng: 149.094759, zone_id: Bonner;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tEh, lat: -35.3483568, lng: 149.1027842, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz60d1, lat: -35.2406019, lng: 149.0638958, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lathlain Street,stop_code: Wjz605_, lat: -35.2400517, lng: 149.0637152, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bimbimbie Street,stop_code: Wjz68Yy, lat: -35.2411603, lng: 149.0838439, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alpen Street,stop_code: Wjr-_Og, lat: -35.2042571, lng: 149.0602273, zone_id: Melba;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Akuna Street,stop_code: Wjz5NpT, lat: -35.2812703, lng: 149.1336296, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brisbane Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4QMt, lat: -35.3095632, lng: 149.1372237, zone_id: Barton;Parkes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjr-YcT, lat: -35.2187393, lng: 149.0539932, zone_id: Melba;Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coulter Drive,stop_code: WjrZ_tn, lat: -35.2455787, lng: 149.0560808, zone_id: Macquarie;Weetangera;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr-T4O, lat: -35.2026971, lng: 149.0417156, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Launceston Street,stop_code: Wjz3m31, lat: -35.3408061, lng: 149.0844784, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Galibal Street,stop_code: Wjz34qe, lat: -35.3521021, lng: 149.0668104, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz6giR, lat: -35.2422899, lng: 149.0883846, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moynihan Street,stop_code: Wjz652H, lat: -35.2150139, lng: 149.0634241, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXK9U, lat: -35.3422659, lng: 149.0321884, zone_id: Duffy;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Briggs Street,stop_code: Wjz6VqV, lat: -35.2371606, lng: 149.1448198, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kareelah Vista,stop_code: Wjz3z6u, lat: -35.3548322, lng: 149.1071079, zone_id: Mawson;Isaacs;O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: MacFarland Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3aGI, lat: -35.3632146, lng: 149.0813694, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLGN, lat: -35.335982, lng: 149.0375421, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4qJ7, lat: -35.3169478, lng: 149.1023818, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ashkanasy Crescent,stop_code: Wjz66oO, lat: -35.2109547, lng: 149.067737, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cutlack Street,stop_code: Wjz6esB, lat: -35.2079745, lng: 149.0783653, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz27d3, lat: -35.3777767, lng: 149.064033, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marconi Crescent,stop_code: Wjz26n5, lat: -35.3816653, lng: 149.0653041, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summerland Circuit,stop_code: Wjz26Om, lat: -35.385045, lng: 149.0711386, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Halloran Circuit,stop_code: Wjz24lu, lat: -35.3939542, lng: 149.0657865, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vansittart Crescent,stop_code: Wjz248n, lat: -35.3972727, lng: 149.064345, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXON, lat: -35.4019182, lng: 149.060886, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clancy Street,stop_code: Wjz66KO, lat: -35.2068138, lng: 149.0704302, zone_id: Bonner;Evatt;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chisholm Street,stop_code: Wjz5Wmw, lat: -35.2729408, lng: 149.1428886, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baddeley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz701a, lat: -35.1992794, lng: 149.0628172, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-y7q, lat: -35.2281166, lng: 149.0190993, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz707-, lat: -35.1947883, lng: 149.0637942, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clarey Crescent,stop_code: Wjz70zB, lat: -35.1976784, lng: 149.0688026, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Owen Dixon Drive,stop_code: Wjz70Wx, lat: -35.1986717, lng: 149.0728065, zone_id: Bonner;Spence;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Milne Bay Road,stop_code: Wjzce7O, lat: -35.2940494, lng: 149.162512, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drakeford Drive,stop_code: WjrXUoV, lat: -35.3758661, lng: 149.0568376, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bandjalong Crescent,stop_code: Wjz5dcJ, lat: -35.2573868, lng: 149.075852, zone_id: Acton;Aranda;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Comrie Street,stop_code: Wjz2qnG, lat: -35.4038881, lng: 149.0992283, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Paperbark Street,stop_code: Wjz0uSv, lat: -35.4701046, lng: 149.1043077, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Amy Ackman Street,stop_code: Wjz7ZaH, lat: -35.171087, lng: 149.1418054, zone_id: Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Limestone Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Wki, lat: -35.2741145, lng: 149.1425667, zone_id: Ainslie;Braddon;Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: David Walsh Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7YIc, lat: -35.1751298, lng: 149.1466086, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barritt Street,stop_code: WjrWTWO, lat: -35.3798917, lng: 149.0512179, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5Oj2, lat: -35.2748472, lng: 149.131256, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7Pt9, lat: -35.1801635, lng: 149.1328464, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Rsi, lat: -35.2576771, lng: 149.132889, zone_id: Dickson;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ainsworth Street,stop_code: Wjz3ran, lat: -35.3574923, lng: 149.0972696, zone_id: Mawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Northbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5P8n, lat: -35.2710038, lng: 149.1301486, zone_id: Braddon;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Black Mountain Summit Walk,stop_code: Wjz5xl6, lat: -35.278643, lng: 149.1093237, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Temperley Street,stop_code: Wjz7pj1, lat: -35.1925446, lng: 149.0982466, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Laurens Street,stop_code: Wjz2aXM, lat: -35.4068387, lng: 149.0841811, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6SVl, lat: -35.2100433, lng: 149.1385112, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Mitchell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hoskins Street,stop_code: Wjz6_2a, lat: -35.2041349, lng: 149.1396699, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4peM, lat: -35.322342, lng: 149.0979263, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6s4T, lat: -35.2187386, lng: 149.0965829, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Maribyrnong Avenue,stop_code: Wjz6yir, lat: -35.2314837, lng: 149.1098378, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Weston Street,stop_code: Wjz4z67, lat: -35.3107704, lng: 149.1065979, zone_id: Deakin;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_FiT, lat: -35.1926498, lng: 149.0333901, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gawler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4yDo, lat: -35.3161818, lng: 149.112483, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Palmer Street,stop_code: Wjz3tGi, lat: -35.3469041, lng: 149.1027627, zone_id: Garran;O'Malley;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ANt, lat: -35.2210131, lng: 149.0274356, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Chippindall Circuit,stop_code: Wjz1G89, lat: -35.4527651, lng: 149.1190457, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clift Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1J4T, lat: -35.4330044, lng: 149.1185777, zone_id: Calwell;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Deamer Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1S5I, lat: -35.4271223, lng: 149.1292791, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Giles Street,stop_code: Wjz4Xqk, lat: -35.3137831, lng: 149.1439239, zone_id: Barton;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Norriss Street,stop_code: Wjz2Ek6, lat: -35.416638, lng: 149.1202507, zone_id: Chisholm;Richardson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Proctor Street,stop_code: Wjz2EK5, lat: -35.4152915, lng: 149.1244564, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gaunson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2su2, lat: -35.3936391, lng: 149.0996299, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gillies Street,stop_code: Wjz49Y5, lat: -35.3233291, lng: 149.0831296, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Novar Street,stop_code: Wjz4shf, lat: -35.3086912, lng: 149.0984092, zone_id: Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Scantlebury Crescent,stop_code: Wjz1HSo, lat: -35.4432403, lng: 149.1262481, zone_id: Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Groom Street,stop_code: Wjz4gt5, lat: -35.3281248, lng: 149.0887511, zone_id: Curtin;Deakin;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ratcliffe Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-OSy, lat: -35.2288528, lng: 149.0495423, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carruthers Street,stop_code: Wjz499S, lat: -35.3252899, lng: 149.0759651, zone_id: Curtin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2aLs, lat: -35.4037395, lng: 149.081019, zone_id: Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Evelyn Owen Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_w0L, lat: -35.1995769, lng: 149.0194714, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Binns Street,stop_code: Wjr_GGq, lat: -35.1875953, lng: 149.0370811, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dCc, lat: -35.4319028, lng: 149.0791593, zone_id: Bonython;Isabella Plains;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wollongong Street,stop_code: WjzcgD0, lat: -35.3271927, lng: 149.1779495, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Heysen Street,stop_code: WjrYUi3, lat: -35.3303715, lng: 149.0543864, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Watkin Street,stop_code: Wjz5n-V, lat: -35.245377, lng: 149.0953749, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Shakespeare Crescent,stop_code: Wjr_GMR, lat: -35.188754, lng: 149.0388232, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradfield Street,stop_code: Wjz6UOi, lat: -35.2425584, lng: 149.1479955, zone_id: Downer;Lyneham;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: WjrX-LF, lat: -35.3380475, lng: 149.0593646, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McInnes Street,stop_code: Wjz3556, lat: -35.3444888, lng: 149.0625725, zone_id: Weston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Collings Street,stop_code: Wjz3au8, lat: -35.3608522, lng: 149.0779362, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mapleton Avenue,stop_code: Wjzf11h, lat: -35.1938773, lng: 149.1508064, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anzac Parade,stop_code: Wjz5Ug6, lat: -35.2874971, lng: 149.1421805, zone_id: Campbell;Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Belconnen Way,stop_code: Wjr-EAb, lat: -35.2411038, lng: 149.0352891, zone_id: Hawker;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-OlW, lat: -35.2295189, lng: 149.0445481, zone_id: Florey;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXLaD, lat: -35.3355436, lng: 149.0316183, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dobinson Place,stop_code: Wjr-KOL, lat: -35.2091755, lng: 149.0387116, zone_id: Flynn;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hyndes Crescent,stop_code: WjrXTqY, lat: -35.3357893, lng: 149.0460156, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Anthony Rolfe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Ph1, lat: -35.1828994, lng: 149.1312485, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrXLR-, lat: -35.3335487, lng: 149.0390846, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dixon Drive,stop_code: WjrYMbF, lat: -35.3298385, lng: 149.0428712, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7CsN, lat: -35.1644038, lng: 149.111604, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mulley Street,stop_code: WjrYMGB, lat: -35.3301626, lng: 149.0481758, zone_id: Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mirrabei Drive,stop_code: Wjz7BVT, lat: -35.1714114, lng: 149.1171079, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pearce Avenue,stop_code: WjzcBHZ, lat: -35.3020154, lng: 149.2024041, zone_id: Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Sheehan Street,stop_code: Wjz3aaB, lat: -35.3631322, lng: 149.0756066, zone_id: Pearce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Beasley Street,stop_code: Wjz3h5c, lat: -35.3666525, lng: 149.0847118, zone_id: Pearce;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brindabella Circuit,stop_code: WjzcrK3, lat: -35.3111478, lng: 149.190364, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_NDY, lat: -35.1895167, lng: 149.04724, zone_id: Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wm3, lat: -35.195762, lng: 149.0214528, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zOn, lat: -35.2256125, lng: 149.0272189, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Ginninderra Drive,stop_code: Wjr_oP1, lat: -35.1980445, lng: 149.0158736, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lance Hill Avenue,stop_code: Wjr_wjn, lat: -35.1975263, lng: 149.0216638, zone_id: Dunlop;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: O'Reilly Street,stop_code: Wjr-smi, lat: -35.2178617, lng: 149.0106876, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-rQJ, lat: -35.2244007, lng: 149.0167658, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Southern Cross Drive,stop_code: Wjr-st9, lat: -35.2186471, lng: 149.0119654, zone_id: Holt;Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Drake Brockman Drive,stop_code: Wjr-qyr, lat: -35.2315106, lng: 149.0137011, zone_id: Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Starke Street,stop_code: Wjr-yni, lat: -35.2281496, lng: 149.0217011, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kriewaldt Circuit,stop_code: Wjr-yJZ, lat: -35.2292857, lng: 149.0266955, zone_id: Higgins;Holt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Moyes Crescent,stop_code: Wjr-zC9, lat: -35.2234474, lng: 149.0242983, zone_id: Holt;Latham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Crisp Circuit,stop_code: Wjz688N, lat: -35.2439868, lng: 149.0759082, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Constitution Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5MO0, lat: -35.2867061, lng: 149.1367775, zone_id: City;Parkes;Reid;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cultivation Street,stop_code: Wjzf0OJ, lat: -35.1983634, lng: 149.1596299, zone_id: Bonner;Gungahlin;Harrison;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Eardley Street,stop_code: Wjz6gJc, lat: -35.2402968, lng: 149.0916132, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Nagel Place,stop_code: Wjz7iV0, lat: -35.1885169, lng: 149.0941253, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kelleway Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qfu, lat: -35.1838151, lng: 149.0974127, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lexcen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7qwq, lat: -35.1890336, lng: 149.101522, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wanganeen Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7Add, lat: -35.1743073, lng: 149.10816, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Horse Park Drive,stop_code: Wjz7tug, lat: -35.1685711, lng: 149.0999415, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Unaipon Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7BC3, lat: -35.1683127, lng: 149.1120164, zone_id: Bonner;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kardang Street,stop_code: Wjz7IoZ, lat: -35.1777695, lng: 149.1227637, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Gungahlin;Ngunnawal;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Carstairs Circuit,stop_code: Wjz7RHe, lat: -35.1700698, lng: 149.135534, zone_id: Amaroo;Bonner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gundaroo Drive,stop_code: Wjz7yNW, lat: -35.1883262, lng: 149.1159763, zone_id: Bonner;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kosciuszko Avenue,stop_code: Wjz7wZg, lat: -35.1967555, lng: 149.1165529, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Nicholls;Palmerston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barr Smith Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1dfa, lat: -35.431358, lng: 149.0750437, zone_id: Bonython;Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinolty Street,stop_code: Wjr-EuB, lat: -35.2395683, lng: 149.034448, zone_id: Higgins;Scullin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjze8v0, lat: -35.2393099, lng: 149.1654981, zone_id: Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melba Street,stop_code: Wjz5_ie, lat: -35.2476948, lng: 149.1423851, zone_id: Dickson;Downer;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Antill Street,stop_code: Wjzd7_6, lat: -35.2443079, lng: 149.1601371, zone_id: Hackett;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aspinall Street,stop_code: Wjze2zi, lat: -35.2309123, lng: 149.156246, zone_id: Bonner;Watson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lov, lat: -35.3478799, lng: 149.0892229, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Officer Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd6iW, lat: -35.2535643, lng: 149.1544576, zone_id: Ainslie;Dickson;Hackett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tom Roberts Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0vPG, lat: -35.4671221, lng: 149.1047154, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mort Street,stop_code: Wjz5NeC, lat: -35.2778798, lng: 149.1305995, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1w2G, lat: -35.4622461, lng: 149.1073761, zone_id: Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Templestowe Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0D5r, lat: -35.4656017, lng: 149.1071186, zone_id: Banks;Conder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C9J, lat: -35.3418945, lng: 149.1087966, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4qia, lat: -35.3194535, lng: 149.0984183, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bugden Avenue,stop_code: Wjz2xE8, lat: -35.4143996, lng: 149.1136364, zone_id: Chisholm;Fadden;Gowrie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Clare Dennis Avenue,stop_code: Wjz1je2, lat: -35.4430917, lng: 149.0859935, zone_id: Bonython;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macarthur Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5Jpu, lat: -35.2594072, lng: 149.1221624, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0mrj, lat: -35.4725192, lng: 149.0890835, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Elouera Street,stop_code: Wjz5OIf, lat: -35.2737328, lng: 149.1354944, zone_id: Braddon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Knoke Avenue,stop_code: Wjz0n5W, lat: -35.4656949, lng: 149.085779, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wootton Crescent,stop_code: Wjz18D0, lat: -35.4590536, lng: 149.0790413, zone_id: Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fairbairn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz5VUU, lat: -35.2825429, lng: 149.15037, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tharwa Drive,stop_code: Wjz1hBN, lat: -35.4548427, lng: 149.0910093, zone_id: Conder;Gordon;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Blamey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd02s, lat: -35.286331, lng: 149.1509776, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Vasey Crescent,stop_code: Wjzd0EU, lat: -35.2880133, lng: 149.158501, zone_id: Campbell;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Christina Stead Street,stop_code: Wjz6_c0, lat: -35.20289, lng: 149.1408072, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canberra Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4VKr, lat: -35.3221513, lng: 149.1468833, zone_id: Griffith;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cossington Smith Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6FGf, lat: -35.2366698, lng: 149.1244993, zone_id: Kaleen;Lyneham;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Symers Street,stop_code: Wjz2d-_, lat: -35.3876916, lng: 149.0843091, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: McKinlay Street,stop_code: Wjz4VEF, lat: -35.3264205, lng: 149.1472235, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wheeler Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2cID, lat: -35.3946012, lng: 149.0811763, zone_id: Kambah;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Monaro Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3T8Z, lat: -35.337043, lng: 149.1311337, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kootara Crescent,stop_code: Wjzb7S4, lat: -35.3330282, lng: 149.1586877, zone_id: Fyshwick;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Longmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2twx, lat: -35.3923447, lng: 149.1016684, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mildura Street,stop_code: Wjzc1tq, lat: -35.3228774, lng: 149.1550358, zone_id: Fyshwick;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6hKC, lat: -35.2339883, lng: 149.0921412, zone_id: Bruce;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gladstone Street,stop_code: Wjzcoab, lat: -35.3303968, lng: 149.1849583, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Krefft Street,stop_code: Wjr-X1i, lat: -35.2267232, lng: 149.0519563, zone_id: Florey;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Culgoa Circuit,stop_code: Wjz3sOv, lat: -35.3519796, lng: 149.104372, zone_id: O'Malley;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Julia Flynn Avenue,stop_code: Wjz3xz2, lat: -35.3681928, lng: 149.1120753, zone_id: Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Dookie Street,stop_code: Wjz2DeX, lat: -35.3770811, lng: 149.109082, zone_id: Farrer;Isaacs;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lambrigg Street,stop_code: Wjz2vL4, lat: -35.3762782, lng: 149.1023627, zone_id: Farrer;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Golden Grove,stop_code: Wjz3KTj, lat: -35.3378899, lng: 149.126055, zone_id: Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gouger Street,stop_code: Wjz2nLE, lat: -35.3766237, lng: 149.0922366, zone_id: Kambah;Torrens;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wentworth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4WCC, lat: -35.3163744, lng: 149.145662, zone_id: Barton;Griffith;Kingston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZS74, lat: -35.2499185, lng: 149.0405462, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Stuart Street,stop_code: Wjz4Upf, lat: -35.3307217, lng: 149.1437361, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Mackinnon Street,stop_code: Wjz2isR, lat: -35.4057431, lng: 149.0896883, zone_id: Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Coyne Street,stop_code: Wjz2FDo, lat: -35.4095553, lng: 149.1235301, zone_id: Fadden;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Learmonth Drive,stop_code: WjrWXL8, lat: -35.3985958, lng: 149.0586576, zone_id: Greenway;Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bateman Street,stop_code: WjrWRWi, lat: -35.3908805, lng: 149.0506492, zone_id: Kambah;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Badimara Street,stop_code: Wjz34xq, lat: -35.3530822, lng: 149.0685806, zone_id: Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Wyangala Street,stop_code: WjrXKrm, lat: -35.3404105, lng: 149.0340338, zone_id: Duffy;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yambina Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXQ6, lat: -35.3562323, lng: 149.0599117, zone_id: Fisher;Waramanga;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kalgoorlie Crescent,stop_code: WjrXXUi, lat: -35.3593123, lng: 149.0615425, zone_id: Fisher;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Burrinjuck Crescent,stop_code: WjrXKRk, lat: -35.3392028, lng: 149.0382502, zone_id: Duffy;Holder;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Captain Cook Crescent,stop_code: Wjz4MJn, lat: -35.3279382, lng: 149.1356681, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Miller Street,stop_code: Wjz5ASf, lat: -35.2613846, lng: 149.1149009, zone_id: Acton;O'Connor;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Tillyard Drive,stop_code: Wjr_M6A, lat: -35.1956738, lng: 149.0413435, zone_id: Charnwood;Flynn;Fraser;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-ux-, lat: -35.2099601, lng: 149.0143872, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newcastle Street,stop_code: Wjzcgzn, lat: -35.3293028, lng: 149.178368, zone_id: Fyshwick;Pialligo;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Caley Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3TZj, lat: -35.3338162, lng: 149.1384399, zone_id: Griffith;Narrabundah;Red Hill;Symonston;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Rudd Street,stop_code: Wjz5N7c, lat: -35.2774279, lng: 149.1287001, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5N6V, lat: -35.2783725, lng: 149.1297843, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Alinga Street,stop_code: Wjz5Ndm, lat: -35.2785658, lng: 149.1301727, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5Ndz, lat: -35.2788601, lng: 149.130649, zone_id: Braddon;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: East Row,stop_code: Wjz5NcA, lat: -35.2794346, lng: 149.1305879, zone_id: City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Yamba Drive,stop_code: Wjz3mI_, lat: -35.3396179, lng: 149.0925471, zone_id: Garran;Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Gilmore Crescent,stop_code: Wjz3C4q, lat: -35.3400391, lng: 149.106977, zone_id: Garran;Red Hill;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz3n-H, lat: -35.3331304, lng: 149.0950356, zone_id: Garran;Hughes;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Kent Street,stop_code: Wjz4p1K, lat: -35.325336, lng: 149.0963669, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6U, lat: -35.2729086, lng: 149.1187429, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Hovea Street,stop_code: Wjz5Jyz, lat: -35.258945, lng: 149.123718, zone_id: Acton;Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Brigalow Street,stop_code: Wjz5KgQ, lat: -35.2547172, lng: 149.1212395, zone_id: Lyneham;O'Connor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz68W5, lat: -35.2423221, lng: 149.0831522, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Commonwealth Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4KNu, lat: -35.2978611, lng: 149.1263289, zone_id: Acton;Parkes;Yarralumla;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: National Circuit,stop_code: Wjz4Pa9, lat: -35.314076, lng: 149.1301281, zone_id: Barton;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Summit Track,stop_code: Wjz5qbi, lat: -35.2748058, lng: 149.0972461, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Copland Drive,stop_code: Wjz664g, lat: -35.2083936, lng: 149.0629132, zone_id: Melba;Bonner;Evatt;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Erldunda Circuit,stop_code: WjrZKnY, lat: -35.2498968, lng: 149.0336595, zone_id: Hawker;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Macgregor Street,stop_code: Wjz4y7z, lat: -35.3159129, lng: 149.1072689, zone_id: Deakin;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Melbourne Avenue,stop_code: Wjz4yQ-, lat: -35.3177825, lng: 149.1159796, zone_id: Deakin;Forrest;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Louis Loder Street,stop_code: Wjz1ySn, lat: -35.4481315, lng: 149.1151569, zone_id: Calwell;Conder;Theodore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Barry Drive,stop_code: Wjz5G6B, lat: -35.2724804, lng: 149.1181797, zone_id: Acton;Turner;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Canopus Crescent,stop_code: Wjz6t8_, lat: -35.21601, lng: 149.09817, zone_id: Bonner;Franklin;Giralang;Kaleen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Haydon Drive,stop_code: Wjz5nw6, lat: -35.2491082, lng: 149.0900504, zone_id: Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bindubi Street,stop_code: Wjz5ec7, lat: -35.2517641, lng: 149.0750194, zone_id: Aranda;Bruce;Macquarie;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: College Street,stop_code: Wjz689c, lat: -35.2430767, lng: 149.0750449, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Aikman Drive,stop_code: Wjz69gA, lat: -35.2382334, lng: 149.0769344, zone_id: Belconnen;Bruce;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Baldwin Drive,stop_code: Wjz6iYk, lat: -35.2300583, lng: 149.0945448, zone_id: Bonner;Kaleen;Lawson;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Athllon Drive,stop_code: Wjz3kwU, lat: -35.3539843, lng: 149.0913052, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Marcus Clarke Street,stop_code: Wjz5GNG, lat: -35.2762093, lng: 149.1265723, zone_id: Acton;City;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Garran Road,stop_code: Wjz5w_S, lat: -35.2827048, lng: 149.117182, zone_id: Acton;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldh, lat: -35.3449697, lng: 149.0863328, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bradley Street,stop_code: Wjz3ldC, lat: -35.344484, lng: 149.0866144, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Bowes Street,stop_code: Wjz3lml, lat: -35.3439129, lng: 149.0876216, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Callam Street,stop_code: Wjz3lmq, lat: -35.3442083, lng: 149.0877771, zone_id: Phillip;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Pitman,stop_code: Wjz20nd, lat: -35.4146761, lng: 149.0654565, zone_id: Greenway;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Cohen Street,stop_code: Wjr-USy, lat: -35.2397639, lng: 149.0604531, zone_id: Belconnen;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Darwinia Terrace,stop_code: WjrXIqp, lat: -35.352473, lng: 149.0342718, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHH7, lat: -35.3568349, lng: 149.0364585, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Perry Drive,stop_code: WjrXHHk, lat: -35.3570187, lng: 149.0369096, zone_id: Chapman;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Fremantle Drive,stop_code: WjrXQTq, lat: -35.348941, lng: 149.0494159, zone_id: Chapman;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Streeton Drive,stop_code: WjrXRBQ, lat: -35.3446963, lng: 149.0471083, zone_id: Chapman;Rivett;Stirling;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Osburn Drive,stop_code: Wjr-uhM, lat: -35.2104818, lng: 149.0114129, zone_id: Macgregor;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Lousia Lawson Crescent,stop_code: Wjz2MYC, lat: -35.4166279, lng: 149.1388559, zone_id: Chisholm;Gilmore;Unclassified ACT; }
+  - { name: Newman Morris Circuit,stop_code: Wjz29-5, lat: -35.4098244, lng: 149.083123, zone_id: Monash;Oxley;Wanniassa;Unclassified ACT; }

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
   agency_name: ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)
   agency_timezone: Australia/Sydney
+  agency_phone: 131710
+  agency_lang: en

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@
     stop = transitfeed.Stop(stop_id=stop_id, lat=stopdata['lat'], 
                             lng=stopdata['lng'], name=stopdata['name'], 
+    if 'zone_id' in stopdata:
+	stop.zone_id = stopdata['zone_id']
     stops[stop_code] = stop
@@ -152,7 +154,7 @@
         if between_stop_list:
           for between_stop_code in between_stop_list:          
+      #print stop_code + routedata['short_name']
       t.AddStopTime(stop=stops[stop_code], arrival_secs=time,
       prev_stop_code = stop_code

 Binary files a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/db.sql.gz and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/db.sql.gz differ
--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,9 +3,18 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  ADFA-War Memorial / Limestone Ave: [Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O, Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU]
+  Jamison Centre-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz56Xu, Wjz56XB, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5ec7, Wjz57tz]
+  Cook-Jamison Centre: [WjrZZH3, WjrZZB7, WjrZZlR, WjrZZeD, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-WW, Wjz557P, Wjz55vN, Wjz56Hh]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
-  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+  Aranda-Cook: [Wjz5d81, Wjz54_B, Wjz54_n, Wjz54CS, Wjz5592, Wjz551Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B]
+  War Memorial / Limestone Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NyR, Wjz5NpT, Wjz5Nht]
+  Majura Business Park-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcuop, Wjzcuw1]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Majura Business Park: [WjzcrG7, WjzcrK3, WjzcJ0K, WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ]
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrG7, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+  Caswell Drive-Aranda: [Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dcJ]
 short_name: "10"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 632a, 642a, 644a, 649a, 659a, 709a, 711a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 712a, 714a, 719a, 729a, 739a, 741a, 746a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 732a, 742a, 744a, 749a, 759a, 809a, 811a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 812a, 814a, 819a, 829a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a, 847a, 857a, 859a, 904a], ["-", "-", "-", 830a, 833a, 838a, 850a, 900a, 902a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 929a, 934a], ["-", "-", "-", 900a, 903a, 908a, 920a, 930a, 932a, 937a, 947a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], [918a, 928a, 933a, 940a, 943a, 948a, 1000a, 1010a, 1012a, 1017a, 1027a, 1037a, 1039a, 1044a], [948a, 958a, 1003a, 1010a, 1013a, 1018a, 1030a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a, 1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1114a], [1018a, 1028a, 1033a, 1040a, 1043a, 1048a, 1100a, 1110a, 1112a, 1117a, 1127a, 1137a, 1139a, 1144a], [1048a, 1058a, 1103a, 1110a, 1113a, 1118a, 1130a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a, 1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1214p], [1118a, 1128a, 1133a, 1140a, 1143a, 1148a, 1200p, 1210p, 1212p, 1217p, 1227p, 1237p, 1239p, 1244p], [1148a, 1158a, 1203p, 1210p, 1213p, 1218p, 1230p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p, 1257p, 107p, 109p, 114p], [1218p, 1228p, 1233p, 1240p, 1243p, 1248p, 100p, 110p, 112p, 117p, 127p, 137p, 139p, 144p], [1248p, 1258p, 103p, 110p, 113p, 118p, 130p, 140p, 142p, 147p, 157p, 207p, 209p, 214p], [118p, 128p, 133p, 140p, 143p, 148p, 200p, 210p, 212p, 217p, 227p, 237p, 239p, 244p], [148p, 158p, 203p, 210p, 213p, 218p, 230p, 240p, 242p, 247p, 257p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [218p, 228p, 233p, 240p, 243p, 248p, 300p, 310p, 313p, 318p, 328p, 338p, 340p, 345p], [248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 314p, 319p, 331p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 359p, 409p, 411p, 416p], [318p, 328p, 333p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 401p, 411p, 414p, 419p, 429p, 439p, 441p, 446p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 416p, 426p, 429p, 434p, 444p, 454p, 456p, 501p], [348p, 358p, 403p, 410p, 414p, 419p, 431p, 441p, 444p, 449p, 459p, 509p, 511p, 516p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 446p, 456p, 459p, 504p, 514p, 524p, 526p, 531p], ["-", "-", 431p, 441p, 445p, 450p, 502p, 512p, 515p, 520p, 530p, 537p, 539p, 544p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 516p, 526p, 529p, 534p, 544p, 554p, 556p, 601p], ["-", "-", 458p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p, 600p, 610p, 612p, 617p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 546p, 556p, 559p, 604p, 614p, 624p, 626p, 631p], ["-", "-", "-", 540p, 544p, 549p, 601p, 611p, 614p, 619p, 629p, 639p, 641p, 646p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 616p, 626p, 629p, 634p, 644p, 654p, 656p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", 611p, 615p, 620p, 632p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 711p, 716p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 736p, 746p, 748p, 753p, 803p, 813p, 815p, 820p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 836p, 846p, 848p, 853p, 903p, 913p, 915p, 920p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 936p, 946p, 948p, 953p, 1003p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1036p, 1046p, 1048p, 1053p, 1103p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1136p, 1146p, 1148p, 1153p, 1203a, 1213a, 1215a, 1220a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/10-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,19 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station (Platform 7), War Memorial / Limestone Ave, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices, Majura Business Park, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrG7, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Caswell Drive-City Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Majura Business Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrK3, WjzcrG7]
+  Jamison Centre-Cook: [Wjz56Hh, Wjz55vN, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZZeD, WjrZZlR, WjrZZB7, WjrZZH3]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-War Memorial / Limestone Ave: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5NpT, Wjz5NyR, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA]
+  Cook-Aranda: [Wjz551Q, Wjz5592, Wjz54CS, Wjz54_n, Wjz54_B, Wjz5d81]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+  Campbell Park Offices-Majura Business Park: [Wjzcuw1, Wjzcuop]
+  Aranda-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5dcJ, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5l2U]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Jamison Centre: [Wjz57tz, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5eb2, Wjz56XB, Wjz56Xu]
+  War Memorial / Limestone Ave-ADFA: [Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzcend, Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F]
 short_name: "10"
 stop_times: [[550a, 552a, 556a, 605a, 615a, 620a, 623a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [621a, 623a, 627a, 636a, 646a, 651a, 654a, 705a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [651a, 653a, 657a, 706a, 716a, 721a, 724a, 736a, 746a, 752a, 756a, 803a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 724a, 729a, 732a, 743a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [706a, 708a, 712a, 721a, 731a, 736a, 739a, 750a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [721a, 723a, 727a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 754a, 806a, 816a, 822a, 826a, 833a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754a, 759a, 802a, 813a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [736a, 738a, 742a, 751a, 801a, 806a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [751a, 753a, 757a, 806a, 816a, 821a, 824a, 836a, 846a, 852a, 856a, "-", "-", "-"], [806a, 808a, 812a, 821a, 831a, 836a, 839a, 851a, 901a, 907a, 911a, 918a, 927a, 937a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 836a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 905a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [836a, 838a, 842a, 851a, 901a, 906a, 909a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 940a, 947a, 956a, 1006a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 906a, 916a, 921a, 924a, 936a, 946a, 952a, 955a, 1002a, 1011a, 1021a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 938a, 943a, 945a, 957a, 1007a, 1013a, 1016a, 1023a, 1032a, 1042a], [943a, 945a, 949a, 958a, 1008a, 1013a, 1015a, 1027a, 1037a, 1043a, 1046a, 1053a, 1102a, 1112a], [1013a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1038a, 1043a, 1045a, 1057a, 1107a, 1113a, 1116a, 1123a, 1132a, 1142a], [1043a, 1045a, 1049a, 1058a, 1108a, 1113a, 1115a, 1127a, 1137a, 1143a, 1146a, 1153a, 1202p, 1212p], [1113a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1138a, 1143a, 1145a, 1157a, 1207p, 1213p, 1216p, 1223p, 1232p, 1242p], [1143a, 1145a, 1149a, 1158a, 1208p, 1213p, 1215p, 1227p, 1237p, 1243p, 1246p, 1253p, 102p, 112p], [1213p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1238p, 1243p, 1245p, 1257p, 107p, 113p, 116p, 123p, 132p, 142p], [1243p, 1245p, 1249p, 1258p, 108p, 113p, 115p, 127p, 137p, 143p, 146p, 153p, 202p, 212p], [113p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 138p, 143p, 145p, 157p, 207p, 213p, 216p, 223p, 232p, 242p], [143p, 145p, 149p, 158p, 208p, 213p, 215p, 227p, 237p, 243p, 246p, 253p, 302p, 312p], [213p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 238p, 243p, 245p, 257p, 307p, 313p, 317p, 324p, 333p, 343p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 308p, 318p, 323p, 325p, 337p, 347p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 413p, 423p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 338p, 348p, 353p, 355p, 407p, 417p, 423p, 427p, 434p, 443p, 453p], [338p, 340p, 344p, 353p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 421p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [353p, 355p, 359p, 408p, 418p, 423p, 425p, 437p, 447p, 453p, 457p, "-", "-", "-"], [408p, 410p, 414p, 423p, 433p, 438p, 440p, 451p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [423p, 425p, 429p, 438p, 448p, 453p, 455p, 506p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [438p, 440p, 444p, 453p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 521p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [453p, 455p, 459p, 508p, 518p, 523p, 525p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [508p, 510p, 514p, 523p, 533p, 538p, 540p, 551p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [523p, 525p, 529p, 538p, 548p, 553p, 555p, 606p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 540p, 544p, 553p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 621p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 619p, 623p, 632p, 642p, 647p, 649p, 700p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [716p, 718p, 722p, 731p, 741p, 746p, 748p, 759p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [816p, 818p, 822p, 831p, 841p, 846p, 848p, 859p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [916p, 918p, 922p, 931p, 941p, 946p, 948p, 959p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1031p, 1041p, 1046p, 1048p, 1059p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1116p, 1118p, 1122p, 1131p, 1141p, 1146p, 1148p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  Theodore-Calwell: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1I92, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1BFG]
+  MacKillop College Isabella Campus-Theodore: [Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1siH, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1G32, Wjz1G89, Wjz1xRC, Wjz1xWZ, Wjz1F5W, Wjz1G89]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-MacKillop College Isabella Campus: [Wjz20g4, Wjz17vf, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+  Calwell-Erindale Centre: [Wjz1BrK]
+  Erindale Centre-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2rN0, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3lov]
 short_name: 11 111
 stop_times: [[621a, 627a, 641a, 651a, 657a, 713a, 729a], [641a, 647a, 701a, 711a, 717a, 733a, 751a], [701a, 707a, 721a, 731a, 737a, 754a, 812a], [721a, 727a, 742a, 752a, 758a, 815a, 833a], [741a, 748a, 803a, 813a, 819a, 836a, 857a], [801a, 808a, 823a, 833a, 839a, 856a, 914a], [821a, 828a, 843a, 853a, 859a, 914a, "-"], [841a, 848a, 903a, 913a, 919a, 933a, "-"], [921a, 927a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1007a, "-"], [951a, 957a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1037a, "-"], [1021a, 1027a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1107a, "-"], [1051a, 1057a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1137a, "-"], [1121a, 1127a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1207p, "-"], [1151a, 1157a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1237p, "-"], [1221p, 1227p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 107p, "-"], [1251p, 1257p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 137p, "-"], [121p, 127p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 207p, "-"], [151p, 157p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 237p, "-"], [221p, 227p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 307p, "-"], [251p, 257p, 310p, 319p, 325p, 339p, "-"], [323p, 330p, 345p, 355p, 401p, 421p, "-"], [340p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 418p, 433p, "-"], [400p, 407p, 422p, 432p, 438p, 453p, "-"], [418p, 425p, 440p, 450p, 456p, 511p, "-"], [441p, 448p, 503p, 513p, 519p, "-", "-"], [501p, 508p, 523p, 533p, 539p, "-", "-"], [521p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 559p, 614p, "-"], [541p, 548p, 603p, 613p, 619p, "-", "-"], [601p, 608p, 623p, 633p, 639p, "-", "-"], [625p, 632p, 645p, 654p, 700p, 712p, "-"], [725p, 731p, 744p, 753p, 759p, 811p, "-"], [825p, 831p, 844p, 853p, 859p, 911p, "-"], [925p, 931p, 944p, 953p, 959p, 1011p, "-"], [1025p, 1031p, 1044p, 1053p, 1059p, 1111p, "-"], [1125p, 1131p, 1144p, 1153p, 1159p, "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/11-111-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Calwell, Theodore, MacKillop College Isabella Campus, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Calwell-Theodore: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1I92, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1G89]
+  Theodore-MacKillop College Isabella Campus: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1F5W, Wjz1xWZ, Wjz1xRC, Wjz1G89, Wjz1G32, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1siH, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mJc, Wjz1mDW]
+  Erindale Centre-Calwell: [Wjz1BrK]
+  MacKillop College Isabella Campus-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1mJc, Wjz17Su, Wjz1mDW, Wjz17Xr, Wjz20ut]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2rN0, Wjz2qnG]
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
 short_name: 11 111
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 546a, 556a, 609a, 616a], ["-", "-", "-", 606a, 616a, 629a, 636a], ["-", "-", "-", 626a, 636a, 649a, 656a], ["-", "-", "-", 646a, 656a, 709a, 716a], ["-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 729a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", 725a, 735a, 749a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", 745a, 755a, 809a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 815a, 829a, 836a], ["-", "-", "-", 825a, 835a, 849a, 856a], ["-", "-", "-", 845a, 855a, 909a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", 917a, 927a, 940a, 946a], ["-", 930a, 942a, 948a, 957a, 1010a, 1016a], ["-", 1000a, 1012a, 1018a, 1027a, 1040a, 1046a], ["-", 1030a, 1042a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a, 1116a], ["-", 1100a, 1112a, 1118a, 1127a, 1140a, 1146a], ["-", 1130a, 1142a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p, 1216p], ["-", 1200p, 1212p, 1218p, 1227p, 1240p, 1246p], ["-", 1230p, 1242p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p, 116p], ["-", 100p, 112p, 118p, 127p, 140p, 146p], ["-", 130p, 142p, 148p, 157p, 210p, 216p], ["-", 200p, 212p, 218p, 227p, 240p, 246p], ["-", 230p, 242p, 248p, 257p, 311p, 318p], ["-", 300p, 314p, 321p, 331p, 345p, 352p], ["-", 320p, 334p, 341p, 351p, 405p, 412p], ["-", 340p, 354p, 401p, 411p, 425p, 432p], ["-", 400p, 414p, 421p, 431p, 445p, 452p], ["-", 425p, 439p, 446p, 456p, 510p, 517p], ["-", 440p, 454p, 501p, 511p, 525p, 532p], ["-", 500p, 514p, 521p, 531p, 545p, 552p], [456p, 513p, 527p, 534p, 544p, 558p, 605p], [516p, 533p, 547p, 554p, 604p, 618p, 625p], [534p, 551p, 605p, 612p, 622p, 636p, 641p], [556p, 613p, 627p, 633p, 642p, 655p, 701p], [616p, 633p, 645p, 651p, 700p, 713p, 719p], ["-", 733p, 745p, 751p, 800p, 813p, 819p], ["-", 833p, 845p, 851p, 900p, 913p, 919p], ["-", 933p, 945p, 951p, 1000p, 1013p, 1019p], ["-", 1033p, 1045p, 1051p, 1100p, 1113p, 1119p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Copland College, Evatt, Spence Terminus]
 long_name: To Spence Terminus
+  Evatt-Spence Terminus: [Wjz6e4_, Wjz6esB, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6f7z, Wjz67_v, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq]
+  Copland College-Evatt: [Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr--W0, Wjr--W9, Wjz664g, Wjz664g, Wjz66kG, Wjz66kP, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66oO, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66WS, Wjz66XM]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  McKellar-Copland College: [Wjz6c7A, Wjz65GS, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65rA, Wjz65ik, Wjz65aB, Wjz652H, Wjr-ZXo, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
   City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-McKellar: [Wjz6cz2, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6c8c, Wjz64OE, Wjz64Yc]
 short_name: 12 312
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 741a, 746a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", 805a, 807a, 811a, 819a, 823a, 828a, 835a], [726a, 745a, 803a, 824a, 826a, 830a, 838a, 842a, 847a, 854a], [826a, 845a, 903a, 924a, 926a, 930a, 937a, 941a, 945a, 952a], [901a, 920a, 937a, 957a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1014a, 1018a, 1025a], [931a, 949a, 1005a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1046a, 1053a], [1001a, 1019a, 1035a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1108a, 1112a, 1116a, 1123a], [1031a, 1049a, 1105a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1146a, 1153a], [1101a, 1119a, 1135a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1208p, 1212p, 1216p, 1223p], [1131a, 1149a, 1205p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1246p, 1253p], [1201p, 1219p, 1235p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 108p, 112p, 116p, 123p], [1231p, 1249p, 105p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 146p, 153p], [101p, 119p, 135p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 208p, 212p, 216p, 223p], [131p, 149p, 205p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 253p], [201p, 219p, 235p, 255p, 257p, 301p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 325p], [231p, 249p, 305p, 326p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 344p, 349p, 356p], [259p, 318p, 336p, 357p, 359p, 403p, 411p, 415p, 420p, 427p], [331p, 350p, 408p, 429p, 431p, 435p, 443p, 447p, 452p, 459p], [356p, 415p, 433p, 454p, 456p, 500p, 508p, 512p, 517p, 524p], [416p, 435p, 453p, 514p, 516p, 520p, 528p, 532p, 537p, 544p], [436p, 455p, 513p, 534p, 536p, 540p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 604p], [456p, 515p, 533p, 554p, 556p, 600p, 608p, 612p, 617p, 624p], [516p, 535p, 553p, 614p, 616p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 636p, 643p], [536p, 555p, 613p, 634p, 636p, 640p, 647p, 651p, 655p, 702p], [636p, 653p, 708p, 728p, 730p, 734p, 741p, 745p, 749p, 756p], ["-", "-", "-", 834p, 836p, 840p, 847p, 851p, 855p, 902p], ["-", "-", "-", 934p, 936p, 940p, 947p, 951p, 955p, 1002p], ["-", "-", "-", 1034p, 1036p, 1040p, 1047p, 1051p, 1055p, 1102p], ["-", "-", "-", 1134p, 1136p, 1140p, 1147p, 1151p, 1155p, 1202a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/12-312-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
 time_points: [Spence Terminus, Evatt, Copland College, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Spence Terminus-Evatt: [Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_v, Wjz6f7z, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6esB, Wjz6e4_]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Evatt-Copland College: [Wjz66XM, Wjz66WS, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66oO, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66kP, Wjz66kG, Wjz664g, Wjz664g, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W0, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  McKellar-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz64Yc, Wjz64OE, Wjz6c8c, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6cz2]
+  Copland College-McKellar: [Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZXo, Wjz652H, Wjz65aB, Wjz65ik, Wjz65rA, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65GS, Wjz6c7A]
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
 short_name: 12 312
 stop_times: [[624a, 629a, 632a, 636a, 646a, 648a, 652a, "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 658a, 701a, 705a, 715a, 717a, 721a, 742a, 759a, 816a], [723a, 728a, 731a, 735a, 745a, 747a, 751a, 813a, 830a, 847a], [734a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 757a, 759a, 803a, 825a, 842a, 859a], [749a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 812a, 814a, 818a, 840a, 857a, 914a], [807a, 812a, 816a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 836a, 858a, 915a, 932a], [827a, 832a, 836a, 840a, 850a, 852a, 856a, 918a, 935a, 950a], [852a, 857a, 901a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 921a, 942a, 959a, 1014a], [922a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 945a, 947a, 951a, 1011a, 1028a, 1043a], [953a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1041a, 1058a, 1113a], [1023a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1111a, 1128a, 1143a], [1053a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1141a, 1158a, 1213p], [1123a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1211p, 1228p, 1243p], [1153a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1241p, 1258p, 113p], [1223p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 111p, 128p, 143p], [1253p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 115p, 117p, 121p, 141p, 158p, 213p], [123p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 145p, 147p, 151p, 211p, 228p, 243p], [153p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 215p, 217p, 221p, 241p, 258p, 316p], [223p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 245p, 247p, 251p, 312p, 329p, 348p], [253p, 258p, 301p, 305p, 315p, 317p, 321p, 343p, 400p, 419p], [322p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 413p, 430p, 449p], [342p, 347p, 351p, 355p, 405p, 407p, 411p, 433p, 450p, 509p], [412p, 417p, 421p, 425p, 435p, 437p, 441p, 503p, 520p, 539p], [432p, 437p, 441p, 445p, 455p, 457p, 501p, 523p, 540p, 559p], [457p, 502p, 506p, 510p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 548p, 605p, 624p], [522p, 527p, 531p, 535p, 545p, 547p, 551p, 613p, 630p, 645p], [552p, 557p, 601p, 605p, 615p, 617p, 621p, 641p, 655p, 710p], [622p, 627p, 631p, 635p, 645p, 647p, 651p, 710p, 724p, 739p], [711p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Page, Scullin, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
+  Charnwood-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_FiT]
+  Page-Scullin: [Wjr-MS6, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Njs]
+  Scullin-Charnwood: [Wjr-F_m, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-Ayn, Wjr-AbT, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-L8R]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Page: [Wjr-UfX, Wjr-U5B]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
   City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/13-313-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
 time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Scullin, Page, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Scullin-Page: [Wjr-Njs, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-MS6]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Charnwood-Scullin: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-AbT, Wjr-Ayn, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-F_m]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Page-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjr-U5B, Wjr-UfX]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Fraser West Terminus-Charnwood: [Wjr_FiT, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-L8R]
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
 short_name: 13 313
 stop_times: [[546a, 550a, 559a, 603a, 610a, 612a, 616a, 636a, 653a, 706a], [616a, 620a, 629a, 633a, 640a, 642a, 646a, 706a, 723a, 738a], [646a, 650a, 659a, 703a, 710a, 712a, 716a, 737a, 754a, 811a], [712a, 716a, 725a, 729a, 737a, 739a, 743a, 806a, 823a, 840a], [737a, 742a, 752a, 757a, 805a, 807a, 811a, 833a, 850a, 907a], [757a, 802a, 812a, 817a, 825a, 827a, 831a, 853a, 910a, 927a], [817a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 845a, 847a, 851a, 913a, 930a, 945a], [842a, 847a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 912a, 916a, 937a, 954a, 1009a], [914a, 919a, 929a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 1006a, 1023a, 1038a], [946a, 950a, 959a, 1003a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a, 1036a, 1053a, 1108a], [1016a, 1020a, 1029a, 1033a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1106a, 1123a, 1138a], [1046a, 1050a, 1059a, 1103a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1136a, 1153a, 1208p], [1116a, 1120a, 1129a, 1133a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1206p, 1223p, 1238p], [1146a, 1150a, 1159a, 1203p, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1236p, 1253p, 108p], [1216p, 1220p, 1229p, 1233p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 106p, 123p, 138p], [1246p, 1250p, 1259p, 103p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 136p, 153p, 208p], [116p, 120p, 129p, 133p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 206p, 223p, 238p], [146p, 150p, 159p, 203p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 236p, 253p, 310p], [216p, 220p, 229p, 233p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 307p, 324p, 343p], [245p, 249p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 312p, 316p, 338p, 355p, 414p], [313p, 318p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 342p, 346p, 408p, 425p, 444p], [343p, 348p, 358p, 402p, 410p, 412p, 416p, 438p, 455p, 514p], [418p, 423p, 433p, 437p, 445p, 447p, 451p, "-", "-", "-"], [449p, 454p, 504p, 508p, 516p, 518p, 522p, "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 518p, 528p, 532p, 540p, 542p, 546p, 608p, 625p, 641p], [543p, 548p, 558p, 602p, 610p, 612p, 616p, 636p, 650p, 705p], [615p, 620p, 630p, 634p, 640p, 642p, 646p, 705p, 719p, 734p], [710p, 714p, 723p, 727p, 733p, 735p, 739p, "-", "-", "-"], [810p, 814p, 823p, 827p, 833p, 835p, 839p, "-", "-", "-"], [910p, 914p, 923p, 927p, 933p, 935p, 939p, "-", "-", "-"], [1010p, 1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1033p, 1035p, 1039p, "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, Fraser, Fraser West Terminus]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), St Francis Xavier Florey, Charnwood, Fraser, Fraser West Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  St Francis Xavier Florey-Charnwood: [Wjr-H-a, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-KOL]
+  Fraser-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_N-q, Wjr_NDY, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_GMR]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-St Francis Xavier Florey: [Wjr-OHp, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-H-a]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
   City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  Charnwood-Fraser: [Wjr-Lwx, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr_MhY, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_McO, Wjr_M6A]
 short_name: 14 314
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 706a, 708a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 726a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", 722a, 724a, 728a, 734a, 739a, 744a, 753a], [706a, 724a, 741a, 802a, 804a, 808a, 814a, 819a, 824a, 833a], [746a, 805a, 823a, 844a, 846a, 850a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 915a], [805a, 824a, 842a, 903a, 905a, 909a, 915a, 920a, 925a, 934a], [843a, 902a, 920a, 940a, 942a, 946a, 951a, 956a, 1000a, 1009a], [916a, 935a, 951a, 1011a, 1013a, 1017a, 1022a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [946a, 1004a, 1020a, 1040a, 1042a, 1046a, 1051a, 1056a, 1100a, 1109a], [1016a, 1034a, 1050a, 1110a, 1112a, 1116a, 1121a, 1126a, 1130a, 1139a], [1046a, 1104a, 1120a, 1140a, 1142a, 1146a, 1151a, 1156a, 1200p, 1209p], [1116a, 1134a, 1150a, 1210p, 1212p, 1216p, 1221p, 1226p, 1230p, 1239p], [1146a, 1204p, 1220p, 1240p, 1242p, 1246p, 1251p, 1256p, 100p, 109p], [1216p, 1234p, 1250p, 110p, 112p, 116p, 121p, 126p, 130p, 139p], [1246p, 104p, 120p, 140p, 142p, 146p, 151p, 156p, 200p, 209p], [116p, 134p, 150p, 210p, 212p, 216p, 221p, 226p, 230p, 239p], [146p, 204p, 220p, 240p, 242p, 246p, 251p, 256p, 300p, 310p], [216p, 234p, 250p, 311p, 313p, 317p, 323p, 328p, 333p, 343p], [245p, 303p, 321p, 342p, 344p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 404p, 414p], ["-", "-", 340p, 345p, 347p, 351p, 357p, 402p, 407p, 417p], [321p, 340p, 358p, 419p, 421p, 425p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 451p], [351p, 410p, 428p, 449p, 451p, 455p, 501p, 506p, 511p, 521p], [421p, 440p, 458p, 519p, 521p, 525p, 531p, 536p, 541p, 551p], [451p, 510p, 528p, 549p, 551p, 555p, 601p, 606p, 611p, 621p], [511p, 530p, 548p, 609p, 611p, 615p, 621p, 626p, 631p, 640p], [531p, 550p, 608p, 629p, 631p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 658p], [551p, 610p, 628p, 648p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 704p, 708p, 717p], [621p, 639p, 654p, 714p, 716p, 720p, 725p, 730p, 734p, 743p], ["-", "-", "-", 804p, 806p, 810p, 815p, 820p, 824p, 833p], ["-", "-", "-", 904p, 906p, 910p, 915p, 920p, 924p, 933p], ["-", "-", "-", 1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1024p, 1033p], ["-", "-", "-", 1104p, 1106p, 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1124p, 1133p], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/14-314-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
-time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood Tillyard Dr, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood, St Francis Xavier Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Fraser West Terminus-Fraser: [Wjr_GMR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_NDY, Wjr_N-q, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_NgT]
+  St Francis Xavier Florey-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjr-H-a, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-OHp]
+  Fraser-Charnwood: [Wjr_M6A, Wjr_McO, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_MhY, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-Lwx]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Charnwood-St Francis Xavier Florey: [Wjr-KOL, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-H-a]
 short_name: 14 314
 stop_times: [[611a, 618a, 622a, 627a, 636a, 638a, 642a, "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 647a, 651a, 656a, 705a, 707a, 711a, 731a, 748a, 805a], [709a, 716a, 720a, 725a, 734a, 736a, 740a, 803a, 820a, 837a], [732a, 740a, 745a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 806a, 828a, 845a, 902a], [752a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 848a, 905a, 922a], [812a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 840a, 842a, 846a, 908a, 925a, 941a], [837a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 905a, 907a, 911a, 933a, 950a, 1005a], [908a, 916a, 921a, 926a, 935a, 937a, 941a, 1001a, 1018a, 1033a], [940a, 947a, 951a, 956a, 1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1031a, 1048a, 1103a], [1010a, 1017a, 1021a, 1026a, 1035a, 1037a, 1041a, 1101a, 1118a, 1133a], [1040a, 1047a, 1051a, 1056a, 1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1131a, 1148a, 1203p], [1110a, 1117a, 1121a, 1126a, 1135a, 1137a, 1141a, 1201p, 1218p, 1233p], [1140a, 1147a, 1151a, 1156a, 1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1231p, 1248p, 103p], [1210p, 1217p, 1221p, 1226p, 1235p, 1237p, 1241p, 101p, 118p, 133p], [1240p, 1247p, 1251p, 1256p, 105p, 107p, 111p, 131p, 148p, 203p], [110p, 117p, 121p, 126p, 135p, 137p, 141p, 201p, 218p, 233p], [140p, 147p, 151p, 156p, 205p, 207p, 211p, 231p, 248p, 304p], [210p, 217p, 221p, 226p, 235p, 237p, 241p, 301p, 318p, 337p], [239p, 246p, 250p, 255p, 305p, 307p, 311p, 333p, 350p, 409p], [308p, 315p, 320p, 325p, 335p, 337p, 341p, 403p, 420p, 439p], [348p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 415p, 417p, 421p, 443p, 500p, 519p], [418p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 445p, 447p, 451p, 513p, 530p, 549p], [450p, 457p, 502p, 507p, 517p, 519p, 523p, "-", "-", "-"], [538p, 545p, 550p, 555p, 605p, 607p, 611p, 632p, 646p, 701p], [609p, 616p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 641p, 700p, 714p, 729p], [637p, 644p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 703p, 707p, "-", "-", "-"], [707p, 714p, 718p, 723p, 731p, 733p, 737p, "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 752p, 756p, 801p, 809p, 811p, 815p, "-", "-", "-"], [839p, 846p, 850p, 855p, 903p, 905p, 909p, "-", "-", "-"], [939p, 946p, 950p, 955p, 1003p, 1005p, 1009p, "-", "-", "-"], [1039p, 1046p, 1050p, 1055p, 1103p, 1105p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8), Woden Bus Station (Platform 9), City Bus Station (Platform 3), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Copland College, Melba, Spence, Spence Terminus]
 long_name: To Spence Terminus
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Copland College: [Wjr-XyN, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-ZBY]
+  Spence-Spence Terminus: [Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjz70lp, Wjz70kD, Wjz70zz, Wjz70zB, Wjz70IY, Wjz70IW, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70Wx, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq, Wjz67BD]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
-  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Copland College-Melba: [Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-R_3, Wjr-SAW, Wjr-SHc]
+  Melba-Spence: [Wjr-SS5, Wjr--6t, Wjr--6t, Wjr--md, Wjr--md, Wjr--sV, Wjr--sV, Wjr--Ki, Wjr--Lw, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Ua, Wjz670_, Wjz671V, Wjz67k1, Wjz67kk, Wjz67nz, Wjz70go, Wjz701y, Wjz701a, Wjr_UPA, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UTL]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
   City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/15-315-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Melba-Copland College: [Wjr-SHc, Wjr-SAW, Wjr-R_3, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-ZJc]
+  Spence-Melba: [Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UPA, Wjz701a, Wjz701y, Wjz70go, Wjz67nz, Wjz67kk, Wjz67k1, Wjz671V, Wjz670_, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr--Lw, Wjr--Ki, Wjr--sV, Wjr--sV, Wjr--md, Wjr--md, Wjr--6t, Wjr--6t, Wjr-SS5]
+  Spence Terminus-Spence: [Wjz67BD, Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_t, Wjz70Wx, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70IW, Wjz70IY, Wjz70zB, Wjz70zz, Wjz70kD, Wjz70lp, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UTL]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Copland College-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-XyN]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
 short_name: 15 315
 stop_times: [[533a, 538a, 543a, 546a, 556a, 558a, 602a, "-", "-", "-"], [603a, 608a, 613a, 616a, 626a, 628a, 632a, "-", "-", "-"], [632a, 637a, 642a, 645a, 655a, 657a, 701a, 721a, 738a, 755a], [702a, 707a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 753a, 810a, 827a], [728a, 733a, 739a, 743a, 753a, 755a, 759a, 821a, 838a, 855a], [750a, 755a, 801a, 805a, 815a, 817a, 821a, 843a, 900a, 917a], ["-", "-", 818a, 822a, 832a, 834a, 838a, 858a, "-", "-"], [810a, 815a, 821a, 825a, 835a, 837a, 841a, 903a, 920a, 936a], [830a, 835a, 841a, 845a, 855a, 857a, 901a, 923a, 940a, 955a], [900a, 905a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 927a, 931a, 951a, 1008a, 1023a], [932a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1021a, 1038a, 1053a], [1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1051a, 1108a, 1123a], [1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1121a, 1138a, 1153a], [1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1151a, 1208p, 1223p], [1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1221p, 1238p, 1253p], [1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1251p, 108p, 123p], [1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1255p, 1257p, 101p, 121p, 138p, 153p], [102p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 151p, 208p, 223p], [132p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 155p, 157p, 201p, 221p, 238p, 253p], [202p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 251p, 308p, 327p], [233p, 238p, 243p, 246p, 256p, 258p, 302p, 324p, 341p, 400p], [300p, 305p, 311p, 315p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 353p, 410p, 429p], [330p, 335p, 341p, 345p, 355p, 357p, 401p, 423p, 440p, 459p], [400p, 405p, 411p, 415p, 425p, 427p, 431p, 453p, 510p, 529p], [440p, 445p, 451p, 455p, 505p, 507p, 511p, 533p, 550p, 609p], [530p, 535p, 541p, 545p, 555p, 557p, 601p, 623p, 638p, 653p], [600p, 605p, 611p, 615p, 625p, 627p, 631p, 650p, 704p, 719p], [623p, 628p, 633p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 651p, "-", "-", "-"], [656p, 701p, 706p, 709p, 718p, 720p, 724p, "-", "-", "-"], [740p, 745p, 750p, 753p, 802p, 804p, 808p, "-", "-", "-"], [840p, 845p, 850p, 853p, 902p, 904p, 908p, "-", "-", "-"], [940p, 945p, 950p, 953p, 1002p, 1004p, 1008p, "-", "-", "-"], [1040p, 1045p, 1050p, 1053p, 1102p, 1104p, 1108p, "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Kippax, Latham Post Office, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Kippax-Latham Post Office: [Wjr-z7J, Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zom, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-H48, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-InZ, Wjr-Jm9, Wjr-J44, Wjr-J8t, Wjr-IeY]
+  Florey-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-VeQ]
+  Latham Post Office-Florey: [Wjr-IcO, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-X1i]
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
 short_name: "16"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/16-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Florey, Latham Post Office, Kippax]
 long_name: To Kippax
+  Florey-Latham Post Office: [Wjr-X1i, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IcO]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Florey: [Wjr-VeQ, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-Ws2]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Latham Post Office-Kippax: [Wjr-IeY, Wjr-J8t, Wjr-J44, Wjr-Jm9, Wjr-InZ, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-H48, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zom, Wjr-zcC, Wjr-z7J]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 short_name: "16"
 stop_times: [[700a, 702a, 706a, 711a, 717a, 727a], [800a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 818a, 830a], [826a, 828a, 832a, 838a, 844a, 856a], [913a, 915a, 919a, 925a, 931a, 941a], [939a, 941a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 1006a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1025a, 1031a, 1041a], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1106a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1125a, 1131a, 1141a], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1206p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1225p, 1231p, 1241p], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 106p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 125p, 131p, 141p], [139p, 141p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 206p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 225p, 231p, 241p], [238p, 240p, 244p, 249p, 255p, 306p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 325p, 337p], [326p, 328p, 332p, 338p, 344p, 356p], [356p, 358p, 402p, 408p, 414p, 426p], [426p, 428p, 432p, 438p, 444p, 456p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 458p, 504p, 516p], [506p, 508p, 512p, 518p, 524p, 536p], [526p, 528p, 532p, 538p, 544p, 556p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 558p, 604p, 616p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 613p, 619p, 631p], [622p, 624p, 628p, 633p, 639p, 649p], [721p, 723p, 727p, 731p, 737p, 747p], [821p, 823p, 827p, 831p, 837p, 847p], [921p, 923p, 927p, 931p, 937p, 947p], [1021p, 1023p, 1027p, 1031p, 1037p, 1047p], [1121p, 1123p, 1127p, 1131p, 1137p, 1147p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Weetangera, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Hawker College-Hawker: [WjrZLdA, WjrZLbU, WjrZKnY, WjrZKZn, WjrZS74, WjrZLXY, WjrZT5e, WjrZT6b]
+  Hawker-Weetangera: [Wjr-Mg6, Wjr-Mgt, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, WjrZTAV]
+  Kippax-Higgins: [Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-rUs, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-yni, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zMF]
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Weetangera-Cohen Street Bus Station: [WjrZTMv, WjrZSQm, WjrZSWs, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_tn]
+  Higgins-Hawker College: [Wjr-yOJ, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-E8A]
 short_name: "17"
 stop_times: [[601a, 606a, 612a, 617a, 620a, 625a, 627a, 631a], [631a, 636a, 642a, 647a, 650a, 655a, 657a, 701a], [701a, 706a, 712a, 717a, 720a, 725a, 727a, 731a], [721a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 740a, 746a, 748a, 752a], [741a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 801a, 807a, 809a, 813a], [801a, 807a, 813a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 829a, 833a], [821a, 827a, 833a, 838a, 841a, 847a, 849a, 853a], [841a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 901a, 907a, 909a, 913a], [925a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 945a, 950a, 952a, 956a], [956a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1015a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a], [1026a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a, 1052a, 1056a], [1056a, 1101a, 1107a, 1112a, 1115a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a], [1126a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a, 1152a, 1156a], [1156a, 1201p, 1207p, 1212p, 1215p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p], [1226p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p, 1252p, 1256p], [1256p, 101p, 107p, 112p, 115p, 120p, 122p, 126p], ["-", "-", 122p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 137p, 141p], [126p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 145p, 150p, 152p, 156p], [156p, 201p, 207p, 212p, 215p, 220p, 222p, 226p], [226p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 245p, 250p, 252p, 256p], ["-", "-", 252p, 257p, 300p, 306p, 308p, 312p], [256p, 301p, 307p, 312p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 327p], ["-", "-", 325p, 330p, 333p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [326p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 346p, 352p, 354p, 358p], [347p, 353p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 415p, 419p], ["-", "-", 403p, 408p, 411p, 417p, 419p, 423p], [417p, 423p, 429p, 434p, 437p, 443p, 445p, 449p], [447p, 453p, 459p, 504p, 507p, 513p, 515p, 519p], [517p, 523p, 529p, 534p, 537p, 543p, 545p, 549p], [547p, 553p, 559p, 604p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 619p], [617p, 623p, 629p, 634p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 647p], [719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 738p, 742p, 744p, 748p], [819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 838p, 842p, 844p, 848p], [919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 938p, 942p, 944p, 948p], [1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1038p, 1042p, 1044p, 1048p], [1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, 1138p, 1142p, 1144p, 1148p], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/17-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Weetangera, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
 long_name: To Kippax
+  Higgins-Kippax: [Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-yni, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-rUs, Wjr-rQJ]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Weetangera-Hawker: [WjrZTAV, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, Wjr-Mgt, Wjr-Mg6]
+  Hawker College-Higgins: [Wjr-E8A, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-yOJ]
+  Hawker-Hawker College: [WjrZT6b, WjrZT5e, WjrZLXY, WjrZS74, WjrZKZn, WjrZKnY, WjrZLbU, WjrZLdA]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Weetangera: [WjrZ_tn, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ-ie, WjrZSWs, WjrZSQm, WjrZTMv]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 short_name: "17"
 stop_times: [[706a, 708a, 712a, 716a, 719a, 724a, 729a, 737a], [806a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 838a], [840a, 842a, 846a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 912a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 905a, 908a, 913a, 918a, 926a], [922a, 924a, 928a, 932a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 951a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1021a], [1022a, 1024a, 1028a, 1032a, 1035a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1105a, 1110a, 1115a, 1121a], [1122a, 1124a, 1128a, 1132a, 1135a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1205p, 1210p, 1215p, 1221p], [1222p, 1224p, 1228p, 1232p, 1235p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 105p, 110p, 115p, 121p], [122p, 124p, 128p, 132p, 135p, 140p, 145p, 151p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 205p, 210p, 215p, 221p], [222p, 224p, 228p, 232p, 235p, 240p, 245p, 251p], [249p, 251p, 255p, 259p, 302p, 307p, 313p, 321p], [324p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 338p, 343p, 349p, 357p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 412p, 418p, 426p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 431p, 437p, 445p], [432p, 434p, 438p, 443p, 446p, 451p, 457p, 505p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 511p, 517p, 525p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 531p, 537p, 545p], [532p, 534p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 551p, 557p, 605p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 606p, 611p, 617p, 625p], [612p, 614p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [644p, 646p, 650p, 654p, 657p, 702p, 707p, 713p], [737p, 739p, 743p, 747p, 750p, 755p, 800p, 806p], [837p, 839p, 843p, 847p, 850p, 855p, 900p, 906p], [937p, 939p, 943p, 947p, 950p, 955p, 1000p, 1006p], [1037p, 1039p, 1043p, 1047p, 1050p, 1055p, 1100p, 1106p], [1138p, 1140p, 1144p, 1148p, 1151p, 1156p, 1201a, 1207a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/170-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/170-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 long_name: To City West
   City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Erindale / Sternberg Cres-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz2rN0, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2su2, Wjz2trh, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  Gowrie-Erindale / Sternberg Cres: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2y-L, Wjz2Gdi, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2I99, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2z1O]
+  Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash-Gowrie: [Wjz28Bd, Wjz28WY, Wjz2g2J, Wjz2gct, Wjz2gTN, Wjz2odG, Wjz2osM, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2wuu, Wjz2wnQ]
 short_name: "170"
 stop_times: [[710a, 720a, 732a, 749a, 804a, 806a], [728a, 738a, 750a, 807a, 822a, 824a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/170-to-erindale-dr---charleston-st-monash.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/170-to-erindale-dr---charleston-st-monash.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 12), Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Gowrie, Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash]
 long_name: To Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash
+  Erindale / Sternberg Cres-Gowrie: [Wjz2z1O, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2I99, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2Gdi, Wjz2y-L, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2wnQ]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 12)-Erindale / Sternberg Cres: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2trh, Wjz2su2, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2rN0]
+  Gowrie-Erindale Dr / Charleston St Monash: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2wuu, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2osM, Wjz2odG, Wjz2gTN, Wjz2gct, Wjz2g2J, Wjz28WY, Wjz28Bd]
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
 short_name: "170"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -5,8 +5,11 @@
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Lanyon Marketplace-Gordon Primary: [Wjz0mrj, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0niU, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0f-r, Wjz18Pt, Wjz18KG, Wjz18D0, Wjz18th, Wjz18G9, Wjz18Xo, Wjz1g4J, Wjz1h8e]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz1k8i, Wjz1ksO, Wjz17BY, Wjz20xf, Wjz20ut]
+  Gordon Primary-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz1igo, Wjz1is3, Wjz1imh, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1j87, Wjz1jim, Wjz1je2]
 short_name: 18 318
 stop_times: [[545a, 554a, 558a, 608a, 626a, 642a, 702a, 704a, 709a], [612a, 621a, 625a, 635a, 653a, 709a, 729a, 731a, 736a], [635a, 644a, 648a, 658a, 716a, 732a, 753a, 755a, 800a], [657a, 706a, 710a, 720a, 738a, 756a, 817a, 819a, 824a], [716a, 725a, 729a, 741a, 800a, 818a, 839a, 841a, 846a], [733a, 743a, 748a, 800a, 819a, 837a, 858a, 900a, 905a], ["-", "-", 750a, 758a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [753a, 803a, 808a, 820a, 839a, 857a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [813a, 823a, 828a, 840a, 859a, 917a, 938a, 940a, 945a], [838a, 848a, 853a, 905a, 924a, 941a, 1001a, 1003a, 1008a], [909a, 919a, 924a, 935a, 953a, 1009a, 1029a, 1031a, 1036a], [943a, 952a, 956a, 1006a, 1024a, 1040a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1013a, 1022a, 1026a, 1036a, 1054a, 1110a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1043a, 1052a, 1056a, 1106a, 1124a, 1140a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1113a, 1122a, 1126a, 1136a, 1154a, 1210p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1143a, 1152a, 1156a, 1206p, 1224p, 1240p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1213p, 1222p, 1226p, 1236p, 1254p, 110p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1243p, 1252p, 1256p, 106p, 124p, 140p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [113p, 122p, 126p, 136p, 154p, 210p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [143p, 152p, 156p, 206p, 224p, 240p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 221p, 225p, 235p, 253p, 310p, 331p, 333p, 338p], [241p, 250p, 254p, 305p, 324p, 342p, 403p, 405p, 410p], [308p, 318p, 323p, 335p, 354p, 412p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [333p, 343p, 348p, 400p, 419p, 437p, 458p, 500p, 505p], [402p, 412p, 417p, 429p, 448p, 506p, 527p, 529p, 534p], [439p, 449p, 454p, 506p, 525p, 543p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [515p, 525p, 530p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 610p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [617p, 627p, 632p, 642p, 659p, 714p, 734p, 736p, 741p], [713p, 722p, 726p, 734p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 823p, 827p, 835p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 923p, 927p, 935p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1114p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/18-318-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
 long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz20g4, Wjz17vf, Wjz17BY, Wjz1ksO, Wjz1k8i]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Gordon Primary: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1jim, Wjz1j87, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1imh, Wjz1is3, Wjz1igo]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Gordon Primary-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz1h8e, Wjz1g4J, Wjz18Xo, Wjz18G9, Wjz18th, Wjz18D0, Wjz18KG, Wjz18Pt, Wjz0f-r, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0niU, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0mrj]
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
 short_name: 18 318
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 714a, 722a, 726a, 736a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 750a, 755a, 805a], [720a, 722a, 726a, 748a, 805a, 823a, 833a, 838a, 848a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 817a, 834a, 852a, 902a, 907a, 917a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 916a, 926a, 931a, 940a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 949a, 957a, 1001a, 1010a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 946a, 1003a, 1019a, 1027a, 1031a, 1040a], [950a, 952a, 956a, 1016a, 1033a, 1049a, 1057a, 1101a, 1110a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1046a, 1103a, 1119a, 1127a, 1131a, 1140a], [1050a, 1052a, 1056a, 1116a, 1133a, 1149a, 1157a, 1201p, 1210p], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1146a, 1203p, 1219p, 1227p, 1231p, 1240p], [1150a, 1152a, 1156a, 1216p, 1233p, 1249p, 1257p, 101p, 110p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1246p, 103p, 119p, 127p, 131p, 140p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 116p, 133p, 149p, 157p, 201p, 210p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 146p, 203p, 219p, 227p, 231p, 240p], [150p, 152p, 156p, 216p, 233p, 249p, 257p, 301p, 310p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 246p, 303p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 344p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 318p, 335p, 355p, 403p, 407p, 416p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 348p, 405p, 425p, 433p, 437p, 446p], [350p, 352p, 356p, 418p, 435p, 455p, 503p, 507p, 516p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 448p, 505p, 525p, 533p, 537p, 546p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 508p, 525p, 545p, 553p, 557p, 606p], [500p, 502p, 506p, 528p, 545p, 605p, 613p, 617p, 626p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 543p, 600p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 641p], [550p, 552p, 556p, 618p, 634p, 650p, 658p, 702p, 711p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 645p, 659p, 715p, 723p, 727p, 736p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 715p, 729p, 745p, 753p, 757p, 806p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 848p, 856p, 900p, 909p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 948p, 956p, 1000p, 1009p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1048p, 1056p, 1100p, 1109p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Lanyon Marketplace-Conder Primary: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0udw, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0vfE]
   City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2lDC, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Conder Primary-St Clare of Assisi Primary: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx]
+  Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dfa, Wjz16_x, Wjz20xf]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, Wjz2nLE, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  St Clare of Assisi Primary-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2]
 short_name: 19 319
 stop_times: [[556a, 602a, 608a, 614a, 625a, 643a, 659a, 719a, 721a, 726a], [622a, 628a, 634a, 640a, 651a, 709a, 725a, 746a, 748a, 753a], [646a, 652a, 658a, 704a, 715a, 733a, 751a, 812a, 814a, 819a], [706a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 735a, 754a, 812a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [723a, 729a, 735a, 743a, 755a, 814a, 832a, 853a, 855a, 900a], [735a, 742a, 752a, 800a, 810a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [742a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 834a, 852a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [802a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 835a, 854a, 912a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [822a, 829a, 835a, 843a, 855a, 914a, 932a, 952a, 954a, 959a], [853a, 900a, 906a, 914a, 926a, 944a, 1000a, 1020a, 1022a, 1027a], [926a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 956a, 1014a, 1030a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [957a, 1003a, 1009a, 1015a, 1026a, 1044a, 1100a, 1120a, 1122a, 1127a], [1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1045a, 1056a, 1114a, 1130a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1115a, 1126a, 1144a, 1200p, 1220p, 1222p, 1227p], [1127a, 1133a, 1139a, 1145a, 1156a, 1214p, 1230p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1215p, 1226p, 1244p, 100p, 120p, 122p, 127p], [1227p, 1233p, 1239p, 1245p, 1256p, 114p, 130p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [1257p, 103p, 109p, 115p, 126p, 144p, 200p, 220p, 222p, 227p], [127p, 133p, 139p, 145p, 156p, 214p, 230p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [157p, 203p, 209p, 215p, 226p, 244p, 300p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [226p, 232p, 238p, 244p, 255p, 314p, 332p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [253p, 259p, 305p, 313p, 325p, 344p, 402p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [320p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 355p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 359p, 409p, 417p, 427p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [424p, 431p, 441p, 449p, 459p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 501p, 511p, 519p, 529p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [524p, 531p, 541p, 549p, 559p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [556p, 603p, 613p, 621p, 631p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [654p, 700p, 710p, 716p, 725p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [754p, 800p, 810p, 816p, 825p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [849p, 855p, 905p, 911p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [949p, 955p, 1005p, 1011p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1049p, 1055p, 1105p, 1111p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/19-319-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Bonython Primary School, St Clare of Assisi Primary, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace]
 long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz2mTK, Wjz2mGO, Wjz2lDC, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz16_x, Wjz1dfa, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+  St Clare of Assisi Primary-Conder Primary: [Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vfE]
+  Bonython Primary School-St Clare of Assisi Primary: [Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2nLE, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Conder Primary-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0udw, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0mNo]
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
 short_name: 19 319
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 705a, 711a, 716a, 725a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 747a, 754a, 803a, 810a], [700a, 702a, 706a, 726a, 743a, 801a, 808a, 815a, 824a, 831a], [730a, 732a, 736a, 758a, 815a, 833a, 840a, 847a, 856a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 901a, 908a, 915a, 924a, 930a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 930a, 936a, 941a, 950a, 956a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 928a, 945a, 1001a, 1007a, 1012a, 1021a, 1027a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 956a, 1013a, 1029a, 1035a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1026a, 1043a, 1059a, 1105a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1056a, 1113a, 1129a, 1135a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1126a, 1143a, 1159a, 1205p, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1156a, 1213p, 1229p, 1235p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1226p, 1243p, 1259p, 105p, 110p, 119p, 125p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1256p, 113p, 129p, 135p, 140p, 149p, 155p], [100p, 102p, 106p, 126p, 143p, 159p, 205p, 210p, 219p, 225p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 156p, 213p, 229p, 235p, 240p, 249p, 255p], [200p, 202p, 206p, 226p, 243p, 259p, 306p, 313p, 322p, 329p], [230p, 232p, 236p, 256p, 313p, 333p, 340p, 347p, 356p, 403p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 332p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 415p, 422p], [300p, 302p, 306p, 328p, 345p, 405p, 412p, 419p, 428p, 435p], [330p, 332p, 336p, 358p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 449p, 458p, 505p], [400p, 402p, 406p, 428p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 519p, 528p, 535p], [430p, 432p, 436p, 458p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 549p, 558p, 605p], [450p, 452p, 456p, 518p, 535p, 555p, 602p, 609p, 618p, 625p], [510p, 512p, 516p, 538p, 555p, 615p, 622p, 629p, 638p, 644p], [530p, 532p, 536p, 558p, 615p, 634p, 640p, 645p, 654p, 700p], [600p, 602p, 606p, 628p, 642p, 658p, 704p, 709p, 718p, 724p], [630p, 632p, 636p, 655p, 709p, 725p, 731p, 736p, 745p, 751p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818p, 824p, 829p, 838p, 844p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 918p, 924p, 929p, 938p, 944p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1018p, 1024p, 1029p, 1038p, 1044p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1118p, 1124p, 1129p, 1138p, 1144p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, Deakin, Parliament House, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 5), Olims Hotel, Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Cowper St]
 long_name: To Dickson
   Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
-  Olims Hotel-Ainslie: [Wjz5W8l, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
-  City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
+  Olims Hotel-Ainslie: [Wjz5W8A, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64]
   Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+  Deakin-Parliament House: [Wjz4z9H, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4IrL]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Curtin: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eSa, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3fCx, Wjz48qI, Wjz48dZ, Wjz499S, Wjz49dp, Wjz4a9o, Wjz4arc, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4aMo, Wjz49Y5, Wjz49Wd]
+  John James Hospital-Yarralumla: [Wjz4qn2, Wjz4shf]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+  Curtin-John James Hospital: [Wjz4h1M, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4iXK]
+  Hackett-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjzdfaz, Wjzd7_6, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd72S, Wjz5_N2, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5-6R]
+  Yarralumla-Deakin: [Wjz4t8Z, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4z67, Wjz4za9]
 short_name: "2"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 712a, 717a, 725a, 733a], [653a, 704a, 708a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 733a, 742a, 748a, 756a, 805a], [708a, 719a, 723a, 726a, 730a, 734a, 738a, 749a, 758a, 804a, 812a, 821a], [719a, 730a, 734a, 737a, 741a, 745a, 749a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 833a], [738a, 749a, 754a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 853a, 859a], [753a, 804a, 808a, 812a, 817a, 823a, 826a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 910a], [808a, 819a, 823a, 826a, 830a, 834a, 838a, 849a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 921a], [823a, 834a, 838a, 841a, 845a, 849a, 853a, 904a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 935a], [838a, 849a, 853a, 856a, 900a, 904a, 908a, 918a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [851a, 902a, 906a, 909a, 913a, 917a, 921a, 932a, 941a, 946a, 954a, 1001a], [921a, 932a, 936a, 939a, 943a, 947a, 951a, 1002a, 1011a, 1016a, 1024a, 1031a], [951a, 1002a, 1006a, 1009a, 1013a, 1017a, 1021a, 1032a, 1041a, 1046a, 1054a, 1101a], [1021a, 1032a, 1036a, 1039a, 1043a, 1047a, 1051a, 1102a, 1111a, 1116a, 1124a, 1131a], [1051a, 1102a, 1106a, 1109a, 1113a, 1117a, 1121a, 1132a, 1141a, 1146a, 1154a, 1201p], [1121a, 1132a, 1136a, 1139a, 1143a, 1147a, 1151a, 1202p, 1211p, 1216p, 1224p, 1231p], [1151a, 1202p, 1206p, 1209p, 1213p, 1217p, 1221p, 1232p, 1241p, 1246p, 1254p, 101p], [1221p, 1232p, 1236p, 1239p, 1243p, 1247p, 1251p, 102p, 111p, 116p, 124p, 131p], [1251p, 102p, 106p, 109p, 113p, 117p, 121p, 132p, 141p, 146p, 154p, 201p], [121p, 132p, 136p, 139p, 143p, 147p, 151p, 202p, 211p, 216p, 224p, 231p], [151p, 202p, 206p, 209p, 213p, 217p, 221p, 232p, 241p, 246p, 254p, 301p], [216p, 227p, 231p, 234p, 238p, 242p, 246p, 257p, 306p, 312p, 320p, 328p], [238p, 249p, 253p, 256p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 319p, 328p, 334p, 342p, 351p], [253p, 304p, 308p, 311p, 315p, 319p, 323p, 334p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 406p], [308p, 318p, 322p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 337p, 348p, 357p, 403p, 411p, 420p], [323p, 333p, 337p, 340p, 344p, 348p, 352p, 403p, 412p, 418p, 426p, 435p], [338p, 348p, 352p, 355p, 359p, 403p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 433p, 441p, 450p], [353p, 403p, 407p, 410p, 414p, 418p, 422p, 433p, 442p, 448p, 456p, 505p], [408p, 418p, 422p, 425p, 429p, 433p, 437p, 448p, 457p, 503p, 511p, 520p], [423p, 433p, 437p, 440p, 444p, 448p, 452p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 526p, 535p], [438p, 448p, 452p, 455p, 459p, 503p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 533p, 541p, 550p], [453p, 503p, 507p, 510p, 514p, 518p, 522p, 533p, 542p, 548p, 556p, 605p], [508p, 518p, 522p, 525p, 529p, 533p, 537p, 548p, 557p, 603p, 611p, 620p], [523p, 533p, 537p, 540p, 544p, 548p, 552p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 626p, 633p], [538p, 548p, 552p, 555p, 559p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 633p, 639p, 645p], [553p, 603p, 607p, 610p, 614p, 618p, 622p, 633p, 640p, 645p, 651p, 657p], [640p, 650p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 717p, 724p, 729p, 735p, 741p], [740p, 750p, 753p, 756p, 800p, 803p, 807p, 817p, 824p, 829p, 835p, 841p], [840p, 850p, 853p, 856p, 900p, 903p, 907p, 917p, 924p, 929p, 935p, 941p], [940p, 950p, 953p, 956p, 1000p, 1003p, 1007p, 1017p, 1024p, 1029p, 1035p, 1041p], [1040p, 1050p, 1053p, 1056p, 1100p, 1103p, 1107p, 1117p, 1124p, 1129p, 1135p, 1141p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/2-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
-time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Dickson / Cowper St, Hackett, Ainslie, Olims Hotel, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Ainslie-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l]
-  Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD, Wjz5NAQ]
+  Ainslie-Olims Hotel: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8A]
+  Olims Hotel-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+  Curtin-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz49Wd, Wjz49Y5, Wjz4aMo, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4arc, Wjz4a9o, Wjz49dp, Wjz499S, Wjz48dZ, Wjz48qI, Wjz3fCx, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
   City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Dickson / Cowper St-Hackett: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5_N2, Wjzd72S, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7_6, Wjzdfaz]
+  John James Hospital-Curtin: [Wjz4iXK, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4h1M]
+  Deakin-Yarralumla: [Wjz4za9, Wjz4z67, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4t8Z]
+  Yarralumla-John James Hospital: [Wjz4shf, Wjz4qn2]
   Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO]
+  Parliament House-Deakin: [Wjz4IrL, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4z9H]
 short_name: "2"
 stop_times: [[634a, 639a, 647a, 653a, 700a, 709a, 713a, 718a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 741a], [701a, 706a, 714a, 720a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 747a, 751a, 754a, 758a, 810a], [710a, 715a, 723a, 729a, 736a, 746a, 751a, 756a, 800a, 803a, 807a, 819a], [724a, 729a, 743a, 749a, 756a, 806a, 811a, 816a, 820a, 823a, 827a, 839a], [739a, 748a, 803a, 809a, 816a, 826a, 831a, 836a, 840a, 843a, 847a, 859a], [758a, 807a, 822a, 828a, 835a, 845a, 850a, 855a, 859a, 902a, 906a, 918a], [809a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 856a, 901a, 906a, 910a, 913a, 917a, 929a], [822a, 831a, 846a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 914a, 919a, 923a, 926a, 930a, 942a], [839a, 848a, 903a, 909a, 916a, 926a, 931a, 936a, 940a, 943a, 947a, 959a], [856a, 905a, 920a, 926a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 957a, 1000a, 1004a, 1016a], [936a, 941a, 949a, 955a, 1002a, 1012a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1029a, 1033a, 1045a], [1006a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1032a, 1042a, 1047a, 1052a, 1056a, 1059a, 1103a, 1115a], [1036a, 1041a, 1049a, 1055a, 1102a, 1112a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1129a, 1133a, 1145a], [1106a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1132a, 1142a, 1147a, 1152a, 1156a, 1159a, 1203p, 1215p], [1136a, 1141a, 1149a, 1155a, 1202p, 1212p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1229p, 1233p, 1245p], [1206p, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1232p, 1242p, 1247p, 1252p, 1256p, 1259p, 103p, 115p], [1236p, 1241p, 1249p, 1255p, 102p, 112p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 129p, 133p, 145p], [106p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 132p, 142p, 147p, 152p, 156p, 159p, 203p, 215p], [136p, 141p, 149p, 155p, 202p, 212p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 229p, 233p, 245p], [206p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 232p, 242p, 247p, 252p, 256p, 259p, 303p, 315p], [236p, 241p, 249p, 255p, 302p, 313p, 318p, 323p, 327p, 330p, 334p, 346p], [249p, 254p, 302p, 308p, 315p, 326p, 331p, 336p, 340p, 343p, 347p, 359p], [306p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 355p, 359p, 402p, 406p, 418p], [312p, 317p, 325p, 331p, 339p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [319p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 347p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 412p, 415p, 419p, 431p], [332p, 339p, 347p, 353p, 400p, 411p, 416p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 432p, 444p], [349p, 356p, 404p, 410p, 417p, 428p, 433p, 438p, 442p, 445p, 449p, 501p], [402p, 409p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 502p, 514p], [419p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 458p, 503p, 508p, 512p, 515p, 519p, 531p], [432p, 439p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 532p, 544p], [449p, 456p, 504p, 510p, 517p, 528p, 533p, 538p, 542p, 545p, 549p, 601p], [502p, 509p, 517p, 523p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 551p, 555p, 558p, 602p, 614p], [519p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 558p, 603p, 608p, 612p, 615p, 619p, 631p], [532p, 539p, 547p, 553p, 600p, 611p, 616p, 621p, 625p, 628p, 632p, 643p], [549p, 556p, 604p, 610p, 617p, 628p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 644p, 648p, 659p], [603p, 610p, 618p, 624p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 656p, 700p, 711p], [626p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 649p, 658p, 703p, 707p, 711p, 714p, 718p, 729p], [726p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 748p, 757p, 802p, 806p, 810p, 813p, 817p, 828p], [826p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 848p, 857p, 902p, 906p, 910p, 913p, 917p, 928p], [926p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 948p, 957p, 1002p, 1006p, 1010p, 1013p, 1017p, 1028p], [1026p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1048p, 1057p, 1102p, 1106p, 1110p, 1113p, 1117p, 1128p], [1126p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [], [], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/200-to-fyshwick-directfactory-outlet.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/200-to-fyshwick-directfactory-outlet.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Railway Station Kingston, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet]
 long_name: To Fyshwick DirectFactory Outlet
-  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: []
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5MO0, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL]
+  Railway Station Kingston-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc1tq, Wjzc8gG, WjzbnGh]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WHw]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7WVd, Wjzf11h, Wjz6__e]
 short_name: "200"
 stop_times: [[701a, 709a, 715a, 718a, 723a, 732a, 736a, 742a, 749a], [716a, 724a, 731a, 737a, 747a, 757a, 801a, 807a, 814a], [731a, 740a, 749a, 755a, 805a, 815a, 819a, 825a, 832a], [746a, 755a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 830a, 834a, 840a, 847a], [801a, 810a, 819a, 825a, 835a, 845a, 849a, 855a, 902a], [816a, 825a, 834a, 840a, 850a, 900a, 904a, 910a, 917a], [831a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 902a, 910a, 914a, 920a, 927a], [846a, 855a, 902a, 905a, 910a, 918a, 922a, 928a, 935a], [901a, 909a, 915a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 935a, 941a, 948a], [916a, 924a, 930a, 933a, 938a, 946a, 950a, 956a, 1003a], [931a, 939a, 945a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, 1005a, 1011a, 1018a], [946a, 954a, 1000a, 1003a, 1008a, 1016a, 1020a, 1026a, 1033a], [1001a, 1009a, 1015a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a, 1041a, 1048a], [1016a, 1024a, 1030a, 1033a, 1038a, 1046a, 1050a, 1056a, 1103a], [1031a, 1039a, 1045a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a, 1111a, 1118a], [1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1103a, 1108a, 1116a, 1120a, 1126a, 1133a], [1101a, 1109a, 1115a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a, 1141a, 1148a], [1116a, 1124a, 1130a, 1133a, 1138a, 1146a, 1150a, 1156a, 1203p], [1131a, 1139a, 1145a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p, 1211p, 1218p], [1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1203p, 1208p, 1216p, 1220p, 1226p, 1233p], [1201p, 1209p, 1215p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p, 1241p, 1248p], [1216p, 1224p, 1230p, 1233p, 1238p, 1246p, 1250p, 1256p, 103p], [1233p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1255p, 103p, 107p, 113p, 120p], [1246p, 1254p, 100p, 103p, 108p, 116p, 120p, 126p, 133p], [101p, 109p, 115p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 135p, 141p, 148p], [116p, 124p, 130p, 133p, 138p, 146p, 150p, 156p, 203p], [131p, 139p, 145p, 148p, 153p, 201p, 205p, 211p, 218p], [146p, 154p, 200p, 203p, 208p, 216p, 220p, 226p, 233p], [201p, 209p, 215p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 235p, 241p, 248p], [216p, 224p, 230p, 233p, 238p, 246p, 250p, 256p, 303p], [231p, 239p, 245p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 305p, 311p, 318p], [246p, 254p, 300p, 303p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 326p, 333p], [301p, 309p, 315p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 335p, 341p, 348p], [316p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 338p, 346p, 350p, 356p, 404p], [331p, 339p, 345p, 348p, 353p, 402p, 407p, 415p, 424p], [346p, 354p, 400p, 403p, 412p, 422p, 427p, 435p, 444p], [401p, 410p, 417p, 420p, 429p, 439p, 444p, 452p, 501p], [416p, 425p, 432p, 435p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 507p, 516p], [431p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 459p, 509p, 514p, 522p, 531p], [446p, 455p, 502p, 505p, 514p, 524p, 529p, 537p, 546p], [501p, 510p, 517p, 520p, 529p, 539p, 544p, 552p, 600p], [516p, 525p, 532p, 535p, 544p, 554p, 559p, 605p, 612p], [531p, 540p, 547p, 550p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 617p, 624p], [546p, 555p, 601p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 621p, 627p, 634p], [601p, 609p, 615p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 635p, 641p, 648p], [616p, 624p, 630p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 650p, 656p, 703p], [631p, 639p, 645p, 648p, 653p, 701p, 705p, 711p, 718p], [646p, 654p, 700p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 720p, 726p, 733p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/200-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/200-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Railway Station Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Gungahlin Marketplace]
 long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: []
+  Railway Station Kingston-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
-  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz5MO0]
+  Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Railway Station Kingston: [WjzbnGh, Wjzc8gG, Wjzc1tq]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz6__e, Wjzf11h, Wjz7WVd, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
 short_name: "200"
 stop_times: [[658a, 706a, 713a, 717a, 725a, 732a, 734a, 741a, 748a], [713a, 721a, 728a, 732a, 740a, 747a, 749a, 756a, 804a], [728a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 755a, 802a, 804a, 811a, 821a], [743a, 751a, 758a, 803a, 812a, 818a, 820a, 827a, 837a], [758a, 806a, 814a, 820a, 829a, 835a, 837a, 844a, 854a], [813a, 821a, 829a, 835a, 844a, 850a, 852a, 859a, 906a], [828a, 836a, 844a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a, 922a], [843a, 851a, 859a, 903a, 911a, 918a, 920a, 927a, 934a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 917a, 925a, 932a, 934a, 941a, 948a], [913a, 921a, 928a, 932a, 940a, 947a, 949a, 956a, 1003a], [928a, 936a, 943a, 947a, 955a, 1002a, 1004a, 1011a, 1018a], [943a, 951a, 958a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a, 1019a, 1026a, 1033a], [958a, 1006a, 1013a, 1017a, 1025a, 1032a, 1034a, 1041a, 1048a], [1013a, 1021a, 1028a, 1032a, 1040a, 1047a, 1049a, 1056a, 1103a], [1028a, 1036a, 1043a, 1047a, 1055a, 1102a, 1104a, 1111a, 1118a], [1043a, 1051a, 1058a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a, 1119a, 1126a, 1133a], [1058a, 1106a, 1113a, 1117a, 1125a, 1132a, 1134a, 1141a, 1148a], [1113a, 1121a, 1128a, 1132a, 1140a, 1147a, 1149a, 1156a, 1203p], [1128a, 1136a, 1143a, 1147a, 1155a, 1202p, 1204p, 1211p, 1218p], [1143a, 1151a, 1158a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p, 1219p, 1226p, 1233p], [1158a, 1206p, 1213p, 1217p, 1225p, 1232p, 1234p, 1241p, 1248p], [1213p, 1221p, 1228p, 1232p, 1240p, 1247p, 1249p, 1256p, 103p], [1228p, 1236p, 1243p, 1247p, 1255p, 102p, 104p, 111p, 118p], [1243p, 1251p, 1258p, 102p, 110p, 117p, 119p, 126p, 133p], [1258p, 106p, 113p, 117p, 125p, 132p, 134p, 141p, 148p], [113p, 121p, 128p, 132p, 140p, 147p, 149p, 156p, 203p], [128p, 136p, 143p, 147p, 155p, 202p, 204p, 211p, 218p], [143p, 151p, 158p, 202p, 210p, 217p, 219p, 226p, 233p], [158p, 206p, 213p, 217p, 225p, 232p, 234p, 241p, 248p], [213p, 221p, 228p, 232p, 240p, 247p, 249p, 256p, 303p], [228p, 236p, 243p, 247p, 255p, 302p, 304p, 311p, 318p], [243p, 251p, 258p, 302p, 310p, 317p, 319p, 326p, 333p], [258p, 306p, 313p, 317p, 325p, 332p, 334p, 341p, 348p], [313p, 321p, 328p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 349p, 356p, 404p], [328p, 336p, 343p, 347p, 355p, 401p, 404p, 411p, 421p], [343p, 351p, 358p, 403p, 415p, 420p, 423p, 430p, 440p], [358p, 408p, 416p, 422p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 449p, 459p], [413p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 449p, 454p, 457p, 504p, 514p], [428p, 438p, 446p, 452p, 504p, 509p, 512p, 519p, 529p], [443p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 519p, 524p, 527p, 534p, 544p], [458p, 508p, 516p, 522p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 549p, 559p], [513p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 557p, 604p, 611p], [528p, 538p, 546p, 552p, 603p, 610p, 612p, 619p, 626p], [543p, 553p, 601p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 636p], [558p, 606p, 613p, 617p, 625p, 632p, 634p, 641p, 648p], [613p, 621p, 628p, 632p, 640p, 647p, 649p, 656p, 703p], [628p, 636p, 643p, 647p, 655p, 701p, 703p, 709p, 716p], [643p, 651p, 658p, 702p, 710p, 714p, 716p, 722p, 729p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/21-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/21-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Pearce-Torrens: [Wjz3aGI, Wjz39RI, Wjz3g7D, Wjz3gcu]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Pearce: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3knt, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3jei, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3aPr]
+  Torrens-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3gB5, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3om2, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
+  Southlands Mawson-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3ran, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
 short_name: "21"
 stop_times: [[657a, 703a, 706a, 712a, 724a], [727a, 734a, 737a, 744a, 757a], [757a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 827a], [827a, 834a, 837a, 844a, 857a], [904a, 911a, 914a, 921a, 934a], [1004a, 1010a, 1013a, 1019a, 1031a], [1104a, 1110a, 1113a, 1119a, 1131a], [1204p, 1210p, 1213p, 1219p, 1231p], [104p, 110p, 113p, 119p, 131p], [204p, 210p, 213p, 219p, 231p], [304p, 311p, 314p, 321p, 334p], [327p, 334p, 337p, 344p, 357p], [357p, 404p, 407p, 414p, 427p], [427p, 434p, 437p, 444p, 457p], [457p, 504p, 507p, 514p, 527p], [527p, 534p, 537p, 544p, 557p], [557p, 604p, 607p, 614p, 627p], [627p, 633p, 636p, 642p, 654p], [720p, 726p, 729p, 735p, 747p], [820p, 826p, 829p, 835p, 847p], [920p, 926p, 929p, 935p, 947p], [1020p, 1026p, 1029p, 1035p, 1047p], [1120p, 1126p, 1129p, 1135p, "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/22-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/22-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Southlands Mawson-Torrens: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3om2, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3gB5]
+  Pearce-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3aPr, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3jei, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3ran, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3h_Y]
+  Torrens-Pearce: [Wjz3gcu, Wjz3g7D, Wjz39RI, Wjz3aGI]
 short_name: "22"
 stop_times: [[635a, 648a, 656a, 659a, 707a], [705a, 718a, 726a, 729a, 738a], [735a, 749a, 758a, 801a, 810a], [805a, 819a, 828a, 831a, 840a], [843a, 857a, 906a, 909a, 918a], [943a, 956a, 1004a, 1007a, 1015a], [1043a, 1056a, 1104a, 1107a, 1115a], [1143a, 1156a, 1204p, 1207p, 1215p], [1243p, 1256p, 104p, 107p, 115p], [143p, 156p, 204p, 207p, 215p], [243p, 256p, 305p, 308p, 317p], [313p, 327p, 336p, 339p, 348p], [335p, 349p, 358p, 401p, 410p], [405p, 419p, 428p, 431p, 440p], [435p, 449p, 458p, 501p, 510p], [505p, 519p, 528p, 531p, 540p], [535p, 549p, 558p, 601p, 610p], [605p, 619p, 628p, 631p, 639p], [638p, 651p, 659p, 702p, 710p], [738p, 751p, 759p, 802p, 810p], [838p, 851p, 859p, 902p, 910p], [938p, 951p, 959p, 1002p, 1010p], [1038p, 1051p, 1059p, 1102p, 1110p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/23-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/23-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Southlands Mawson, Farrer Terminus, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+  Farrer Terminus-Isaacs: [Wjz2DeX, Wjz3wEM, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3xz2]
+  Southlands Mawson-Farrer Terminus: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3oyt, Wjz2vL4, Wjz2vR3, Wjz2D3z]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Lyons: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3eje]
+  Lyons-Chifley: [Wjz3ceV, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3eje]
+  Isaacs-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd]
+  Chifley-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3cal, Wjz3caw, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3b9L, Wjz39RI, Wjz3h5c, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3hL_]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
 short_name: "23"
 stop_times: [[607a, 609a, 613a, 622a, 628a, 634a, 642a, 647a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 659a, 705a, 711a, 719a, 724a], [714a, 716a, 720a, 729a, 736a, 742a, 752a, 757a], [744a, 748a, 753a, 801a, 808a, 814a, 824a, 829a], [814a, 818a, 823a, 831a, 838a, 844a, 854a, 859a], [844a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 908a, 914a, 924a, 929a], [926a, 930a, 934a, 943a, 949a, 955a, 1003a, 1008a], [1026a, 1028a, 1032a, 1041a, 1047a, 1053a, 1101a, 1106a], [1126a, 1128a, 1132a, 1141a, 1147a, 1153a, 1201p, 1206p], [1226p, 1228p, 1232p, 1241p, 1247p, 1253p, 101p, 106p], [126p, 128p, 132p, 141p, 147p, 153p, 201p, 206p], [226p, 228p, 232p, 241p, 247p, 253p, 301p, 306p], [314p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 338p, 344p, 354p, 359p], [344p, 348p, 353p, 401p, 408p, 414p, 424p, 429p], [414p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 444p, 454p, 459p], [444p, 448p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 514p, 524p, 529p], [514p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 538p, 544p, 554p, 559p], [544p, 548p, 553p, 601p, 608p, 614p, 624p, 629p], [626p, 630p, 634p, 643p, 649p, 655p, 703p, 708p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 741p, 747p, 753p, 801p, 806p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 841p, 847p, 853p, 901p, 906p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 941p, 947p, 953p, 1001p, 1006p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1041p, 1047p, 1053p, 1101p, 1106p], [1126p, 1128p, 1132p, 1141p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/24-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/24-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Isaacs-Farrer Terminus: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wEM, Wjz2DeX]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
+  Chifley-Lyons: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3ceV]
+  Farrer Terminus-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz2D3z, Wjz2vR3, Wjz2vL4, Wjz3oyt, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
+  Lyons-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+  Southlands Mawson-Chifley: [Wjz3hL_, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3h5c, Wjz39RI, Wjz3b9L, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3caw, Wjz3cal]
+  Canberra Hospital-Isaacs: [Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3xz2]
 short_name: "24"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 703a, 709a, 715a, 720a, 724a], [702a, 708a, 715a, 720a, 726a, 732a, 737a, 742a], [739a, 746a, 754a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 818a, 823a], [809a, 816a, 824a, 830a, 836a, 843a, 848a, 853a], [839a, 846a, 854a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 918a, 923a], [956a, 1002a, 1009a, 1014a, 1020a, 1026a, 1031a, 1035a], [1056a, 1102a, 1109a, 1114a, 1120a, 1126a, 1131a, 1135a], [1156a, 1202p, 1209p, 1214p, 1220p, 1226p, 1231p, 1235p], [1256p, 102p, 109p, 114p, 120p, 126p, 131p, 135p], [156p, 202p, 209p, 214p, 220p, 226p, 231p, 235p], [256p, 302p, 310p, 316p, 322p, 329p, 334p, 339p], [339p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 406p, 413p, 418p, 423p], [409p, 416p, 424p, 430p, 436p, 443p, 448p, 453p], [439p, 446p, 454p, 500p, 506p, 513p, 518p, 523p], [509p, 516p, 524p, 530p, 536p, 543p, 548p, 553p], [538p, 545p, 553p, 559p, 605p, 612p, 617p, 622p], [608p, 615p, 623p, 629p, 635p, 641p, 646p, 650p], [659p, 705p, 712p, 717p, 723p, 729p, 734p, 738p], [759p, 805p, 812p, 817p, 823p, 829p, 834p, 838p], [859p, 905p, 912p, 917p, 923p, 929p, 934p, 938p], [959p, 1005p, 1012p, 1017p, 1023p, 1029p, 1034p, 1038p], [1059p, 1105p, 1112p, 1117p, 1123p, 1129p, 1134p, 1138p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Cooleman Court, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+  Cooleman Court-Holder: [WjrX-3w, WjrXS9Y, WjrXKxW, WjrXJnt, WjrXK9U, WjrXKrm, WjrXKfL, WjrXLaD, WjrXLtK, WjrXLTo, WjrXLR-, WjrXLY1, WjrXTgl]
+  Weston Primary-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [WjrX_xU, WjrX-LF, WjrX-Hd, WjrXZLd, Wjz3556, Wjz354q, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Holder-Weston Primary: [WjrXTqY, WjrXTIp, WjrXTX5, WjrX_bF, WjrX_hN, WjrX_xU]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
 short_name: 25 225
 stop_times: [[612a, 622a, 625a, 634a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [642a, 652a, 655a, 705a, 719a, 722a, 726a, 730a], [702a, 712a, 715a, 725a, 739a, 743a, 747a, 751a], [734a, 749a, 752a, 805a, 819a, 823a, 827a, 831a], [808a, 823a, 826a, 838a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838a, 853a, 856a, 908a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [910a, 925a, 928a, 938a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1022a, 1025a, 1035a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1122a, 1125a, 1135a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1222p, 1225p, 1235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 122p, 125p, 135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 222p, 225p, 235p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 324p, 327p, 336p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [342p, 354p, 357p, 406p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 524p, 527p, 536p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [622p, 633p, 636p, 645p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722p, 732p, 735p, 744p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [822p, 832p, 835p, 844p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [922p, 932p, 935p, 944p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1022p, 1032p, 1035p, 1044p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/25-225-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
+  Weston Primary-Holder: [WjrX_xU, WjrX_hN, WjrX_bF, WjrXTX5, WjrXTIp, WjrXTqY]
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 16)-Weston Primary: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, Wjz354q, Wjz3556, WjrXZLd, WjrX-Hd, WjrX-LF]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 16): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+  Holder-Cooleman Court: [WjrXTgl, WjrXLY1, WjrXLR-, WjrXLTo, WjrXLtK, WjrXLaD, WjrXKfL, WjrXKrm, WjrXK9U, WjrXJnt, WjrXKxW, WjrXS9Y, WjrX-3w]
 short_name: 25 225
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 720a, 723a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807a, 819a, 823a, 835a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 842a, 854a, 858a, 910a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 949a, 952a, 1002a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1049a, 1052a, 1102a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1149a, 1152a, 1202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1249p, 1252p, 102p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 149p, 152p, 202p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 249p, 252p, 306p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 352p, 356p, 408p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 422p, 426p, 438p], [417p, 421p, 425p, 428p, 443p, 453p, 457p, 509p], [447p, 451p, 455p, 458p, 513p, 523p, 527p, 539p], [517p, 521p, 525p, 528p, 543p, 553p, 557p, 609p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612p, 622p, 626p, 637p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656p, 704p, 707p, 717p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 756p, 804p, 807p, 817p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 856p, 904p, 907p, 917p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 956p, 1004p, 1007p, 1017p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1056p, 1104p, 1107p, 1117p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [Weston Creek Terminus, Chapman, Canberra College Weston Campus, Cooleman Court, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+  Chapman-Canberra College Weston Campus: [WjrXHZU, WjrXHYJ, WjrXPbD, WjrXPbu, WjrXPgO, WjrXOn_, WjrXPFr, WjrXPFn, WjrXPJX, WjrXPR4, WjrXPDA, WjrXQO9, WjrXQOh, WjrXQRP, WjrXQTy, WjrXQTq]
+  Canberra College Weston Campus-Cooleman Court: [WjrXRyK, WjrXRzE, WjrXRBQ, WjrXRBQ, WjrX-0-, WjrX-0-]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  Cooleman Court-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [WjrX-0-, WjrX-90, WjrXZv5, WjrXZv5, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+  Weston Creek Terminus-Chapman: [WjrXBSJ, WjrXBSJ, WjrXBWu, WjrXBWu, WjrXI5u, WjrXI5s, WjrXIbT, WjrXIbT, WjrXIqk, WjrXIqp, WjrXHvw, WjrXHvw, WjrXHH7, WjrXHHk, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHZU]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
 short_name: 26 226
 stop_times: [[615a, 619a, 623a, 625a, 632a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [657a, 701a, 705a, 707a, 715a, 729a, 733a, 737a, 741a], [716a, 720a, 724a, 726a, 736a, 750a, 754a, 758a, 802a], [747a, 752a, 758a, 802a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 837a, 841a], [800a, 805a, 811a, 815a, 827a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [820a, 825a, 831a, 835a, 847a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [850a, 855a, 901a, 905a, 917a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 930a, 935a, 938a, 948a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1029a, 1034a, 1037a, 1047a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1129a, 1134a, 1137a, 1147a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1229p, 1234p, 1237p, 1247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 129p, 134p, 137p, 147p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 229p, 234p, 237p, 247p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [255p, 259p, 305p, 308p, 317p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [320p, 324p, 330p, 333p, 342p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 424p, 430p, 433p, 442p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [520p, 524p, 530p, 533p, 542p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [620p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 639p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [714p, 718p, 722p, 724p, 731p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [814p, 818p, 822p, 824p, 831p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [914p, 918p, 922p, 924p, 931p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1014p, 1018p, 1022p, 1024p, 1031p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-weston-creek-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/26-226-to-weston-creek-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Cooleman Court, Canberra College Weston Campus, Chapman, Weston Creek Terminus]
 long_name: To Weston Creek Terminus
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+  Canberra College Weston Campus-Chapman: [WjrXQTq, WjrXQTy, WjrXQRP, WjrXQOh, WjrXQO9, WjrXPDA, WjrXPR4, WjrXPJX, WjrXPFn, WjrXPFr, WjrXOn_, WjrXPgO, WjrXPbu, WjrXPbD, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHZU]
+  Cooleman Court-Canberra College Weston Campus: [WjrX-0-, WjrX-0-, WjrXRBQ, WjrXRBQ, WjrXRzE, WjrXRyK]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 3)-Cooleman Court: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, WjrXZv5, WjrXZv5, WjrX-0-, WjrX-90]
+  Chapman-Weston Creek Terminus: [WjrXHZU, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHHk, WjrXHH7, WjrXHvw, WjrXHvw, WjrXIqp, WjrXIqk, WjrXIbT, WjrXIbT, WjrXI5s, WjrXI5u, WjrXBWu, WjrXBWu, WjrXBSJ, WjrXBSJ]
 short_name: 26 226
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 725a, 727a, 731a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 828a, 832a, 837a, 841a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 858a, 908a, 912a, 917a, 921a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 958a, 1007a, 1010a, 1015a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1058a, 1107a, 1110a, 1115a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1158a, 1207p, 1210p, 1215p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1258p, 107p, 110p, 115p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 158p, 207p, 210p, 215p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 258p, 309p, 313p, 319p, 324p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 328p, 340p, 344p, 350p, 355p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 354p, 406p, 410p, 416p, 421p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 418p, 430p, 434p, 440p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 448p, 500p, 504p, 510p, 515p], [452p, 456p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 530p, 534p, 540p, 545p], [522p, 526p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 600p, 604p, 610p, 615p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618p, 630p, 632p, 636p, 640p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 650p, 657p, 659p, 703p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 750p, 757p, 759p, 803p, 807p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 850p, 857p, 859p, 903p, 907p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 950p, 957p, 959p, 1003p, 1007p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1050p, 1057p, 1059p, 1103p, 1107p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+  Cooleman Court-Rivett: [WjrX-3w, WjrXSso, WjrXRmc, WjrXJ-g, WjrXJZ6]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  Rivett-Fisher: [WjrXJxI, WjrXIKK, WjrXQ65, WjrXQ2W, WjrXQ80, WjrXPJX, WjrXPR4, WjrXP_E, WjrXXl5, WjrXXk0, WjrXW7A, WjrXWsn]
+  Waramanga-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [WjrXYVm, Wjz343V, Wjz34qe, Wjz34B4, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Fisher-Waramanga: [WjrXWQ8, WjrXXUi, WjrXXNb, WjrXXGN, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXSj]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
 short_name: 27 227
 stop_times: [[629a, 635a, 643a, 647a, 655a, 709a, 712a, 716a, 720a], [654a, 700a, 708a, 712a, 720a, 734a, 738a, 742a, 746a], ["-", "-", 728a, 735a, 746a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [722a, 728a, 736a, 743a, 755a, 809a, 813a, 817a, 821a], [740a, 746a, 754a, 801a, 812a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [748a, 754a, 802a, 809a, 820a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [823a, 829a, 837a, 844a, 855a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [853a, 859a, 907a, 914a, 925a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [925a, 931a, 938a, 942a, 949a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1042a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1142a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1242p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [125p, 131p, 138p, 142p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [225p, 231p, 238p, 242p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [325p, 330p, 337p, 341p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [355p, 400p, 407p, 411p, 419p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [425p, 430p, 437p, 441p, 449p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [525p, 530p, 537p, 541p, 549p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [625p, 630p, 637p, 640p, 647p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 705p, 712p, 715p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 805p, 812p, 815p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 905p, 912p, 915p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1005p, 1012p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/27-227-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  Waramanga-Fisher: [WjrXXSj, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXGN, WjrXXNb, WjrXXUi, WjrXWQ8]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 3)-Waramanga: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz34B4, Wjz34qe, Wjz343V, WjrXYVm]
+  Fisher-Rivett: [WjrXWsn, WjrXW7A, WjrXXk0, WjrXXl5, WjrXP_E, WjrXPR4, WjrXPJX, WjrXQ80, WjrXQ2W, WjrXQ65, WjrXIKK, WjrXJxI]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+  Rivett-Cooleman Court: [WjrXJZ6, WjrXJ-g, WjrXRmc, WjrXSso, WjrX-3w]
 short_name: 27 227
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 829a, 833a, 840a, 845a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854a, 902a, 906a, 913a, 918a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054a, 1101a, 1105a, 1113a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1154a, 1201p, 1205p, 1213p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1254p, 101p, 105p, 113p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 154p, 201p, 205p, 213p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 254p, 302p, 307p, 314p, 322p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 321p, 333p, 338p, 345p, 353p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 351p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 423p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 421p, 433p, 438p, 445p, 453p], [427p, 431p, 435p, 438p, 453p, 505p, 510p, 517p, 525p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 521p, 533p, 538p, 545p, 553p], [527p, 531p, 535p, 538p, 553p, 605p, 610p, 617p, 625p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 635p, 641p, 644p, 650p, 655p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735p, 741p, 744p, 750p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835p, 841p, 844p, 850p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 935p, 941p, 944p, 950p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1044p, 1050p, 1055p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,13 @@
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Russell Offices: [WjzcrrQ, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrG7, WjzcrK3, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 16)-Lyons: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3eje]
+  Duffy Primary-Cooleman Court: [WjrXLtK, WjrXLTo, WjrXLR-, WjrXLGN, WjrXKRk, WjrXKBE, WjrXCZu, WjrXCNB, WjrXBSS, WjrXBSJ, WjrXJ6l, WjrXJnt, WjrXKxW, WjrXS9Y, WjrX-3w]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 16): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Lyons-CIT Weston: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3eeL, Wjz3f1S, Wjz37RN, Wjz37Lh, WjrX_SB]
+  CIT Weston-Duffy Primary: [WjrYUxL, WjrYUi3, WjrXTX5, WjrXTSe, WjrYMGB, WjrYMHm, WjrYMrj, WjrYMbF, WjrYEWc, WjrYEpn, WjrYEg0]
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrG7, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
 short_name: "28"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 742a, 746a, 751a, 759a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 845a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 914a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 952a, 956a, 1000a, 1007a, 1019a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1052a, 1056a, 1100a, 1107a, 1119a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1152a, 1156a, 1200p, 1207p, 1219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1252p, 1256p, 100p, 107p, 119p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 152p, 156p, 200p, 207p, 219p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 252p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 320p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 312p, 316p, 321p, 329p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 342p, 346p, 351p, 359p, 411p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 412p, 416p, 421p, 429p, 441p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 442p, 446p, 451p, 459p, 511p], [429p, 439p, 453p, 456p, 511p, 515p, 520p, 528p, 540p], [449p, 459p, 513p, 516p, 531p, 535p, 540p, 548p, 600p], [519p, 529p, 543p, 546p, 601p, 605p, 610p, 618p, 630p], [549p, 559p, 613p, 616p, 631p, 634p, 638p, 645p, 654p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 732p, 735p, 739p, 746p, 755p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 832p, 835p, 839p, 846p, 855p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 932p, 935p, 939p, 946p, 955p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1032p, 1035p, 1039p, 1046p, 1055p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/28-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy Primary, CIT Weston, Lyons, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrG7, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  CIT Weston-Lyons: [WjrX_SB, Wjz37Lh, Wjz37RN, Wjz3f1S, Wjz3eeL, Wjz3eje]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Russell Offices-Brindabella Business Park: [Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, WjzcrK3, WjzcrG7, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrrQ]
+  Duffy Primary-CIT Weston: [WjrYEg0, WjrYEpn, WjrYEWc, WjrYMbF, WjrYMrj, WjrYMHm, WjrYMGB, WjrXTSe, WjrXTX5, WjrYUi3, WjrYUxL]
+  Cooleman Court-Duffy Primary: [WjrX-3w, WjrXS9Y, WjrXKxW, WjrXJnt, WjrXJ6l, WjrXBSJ, WjrXBSS, WjrXCNB, WjrXCZu, WjrXKBE, WjrXKRk, WjrXLGN, WjrXLR-, WjrXLTo, WjrXLtK]
+  Lyons-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz3eje, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
 short_name: "28"
 stop_times: [[615a, 624a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 652a, 655a, 709a, 719a], [637a, 646a, 652a, 656a, 700a, 714a, 717a, 731a, 741a], [705a, 714a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 742a, 746a, 800a, 810a], [745a, 757a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 829a, 833a, 847a, 857a], [815a, 827a, 835a, 840a, 844a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [844a, 856a, 904a, 909a, 913a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [926a, 938a, 945a, 949a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1026a, 1038a, 1045a, 1049a, 1053a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1126a, 1138a, 1145a, 1149a, 1153a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1226p, 1238p, 1245p, 1249p, 1253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [126p, 138p, 145p, 149p, 153p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [226p, 238p, 245p, 249p, 253p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [326p, 338p, 346p, 351p, 354p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [356p, 408p, 416p, 421p, 425p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 427p, 435p, 440p, 444p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 527p, 535p, 540p, 544p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 627p, 634p, 638p, 641p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [700p, 709p, 715p, 719p, 722p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 809p, 815p, 819p, 822p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 909p, 915p, 919p, 922p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1009p, 1015p, 1019p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,19 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
   Parliament House-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4INj, Wjz4P6x]
+  Deakin-Parliament House: [Wjz4z9H, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4IrL]
+  Canberra Hospital-Garran: [Wjz3tP_, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3C9J]
+  O'Connor-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mxf]
+  Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-O'Connor: [Wjz5yXo, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5Iqp]
+  National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+  Hughes-Deakin: [Wjz3n-4, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4peM, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4qia, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4y7z]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Garran-Hughes: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3n-4]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+  Calvary Hospital-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5n_K, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
 short_name: "3"
 stop_times: [[612a, 619a, 621a, 625a, 630a, 634a, 638a, 650a, 701a, 706a, 711a, 718a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [642a, 649a, 651a, 655a, 700a, 704a, 708a, 720a, 731a, 736a, 741a, 750a, 803a, 805a, 810a], [712a, 719a, 721a, 725a, 730a, 734a, 740a, 752a, 803a, 808a, 813a, 822a, 835a, 837a, 842a], [738a, 746a, 749a, 754a, 802a, 806a, 812a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 845a, 854a, 907a, 909a, 914a], [808a, 816a, 819a, 824a, 832a, 836a, 842a, 854a, 905a, 910a, 915a, 924a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [838a, 846a, 849a, 854a, 902a, 906a, 912a, 924a, 935a, 940a, 945a, 952a, 1004a, 1006a, 1011a], [912a, 920a, 923a, 928a, 934a, 938a, 942a, 954a, 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1022a, 1034a, 1036a, 1041a], [942a, 949a, 951a, 955a, 1000a, 1004a, 1008a, 1020a, 1031a, 1036a, 1041a, 1048a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1012a, 1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1030a, 1034a, 1038a, 1050a, 1101a, 1106a, 1111a, 1118a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1042a, 1049a, 1051a, 1055a, 1100a, 1104a, 1108a, 1120a, 1131a, 1136a, 1141a, 1148a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1112a, 1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1130a, 1134a, 1138a, 1150a, 1201p, 1206p, 1211p, 1218p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1142a, 1149a, 1151a, 1155a, 1200p, 1204p, 1208p, 1220p, 1231p, 1236p, 1241p, 1248p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1212p, 1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1230p, 1234p, 1238p, 1250p, 101p, 106p, 111p, 118p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1242p, 1249p, 1251p, 1255p, 100p, 104p, 108p, 120p, 131p, 136p, 141p, 148p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [112p, 119p, 121p, 125p, 130p, 134p, 138p, 150p, 201p, 206p, 211p, 218p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [142p, 149p, 151p, 155p, 200p, 204p, 208p, 220p, 231p, 236p, 241p, 248p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [212p, 219p, 221p, 225p, 230p, 234p, 238p, 250p, 301p, 307p, 313p, 321p, 334p, 336p, 341p], [242p, 249p, 251p, 255p, 300p, 304p, 308p, 320p, 331p, 337p, 343p, 351p, 404p, 406p, 411p], [309p, 317p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 334p, 338p, 350p, 401p, 407p, 413p, 421p, 434p, 436p, 441p], [339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 400p, 404p, 408p, 420p, 431p, 437p, 443p, 451p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 417p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 434p, 438p, 450p, 501p, 507p, 513p, 521p, 534p, 536p, 541p], [439p, 447p, 449p, 454p, 500p, 504p, 508p, 520p, 531p, 537p, 543p, 551p, 604p, 606p, 611p], [511p, 519p, 521p, 526p, 532p, 536p, 540p, 552p, 603p, 609p, 615p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [539p, 547p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p, 608p, 620p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [608p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 648p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 728p, 730p, 735p], [643p, 649p, 651p, 655p, 700p, 703p, 707p, 719p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 747p, 759p, 801p, 806p], [713p, 719p, 721p, 725p, 730p, 733p, 737p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 810p, 817p, 829p, 831p, 836p], [813p, 819p, 821p, 825p, 830p, 833p, 837p, 849p, 900p, 905p, 910p, 917p, 929p, 931p, 936p], [913p, 919p, 921p, 925p, 930p, 933p, 937p, 949p, 1000p, 1005p, 1010p, 1017p, 1029p, 1031p, 1036p], [1013p, 1019p, 1021p, 1025p, 1030p, 1033p, 1037p, 1049p, 1100p, 1105p, 1110p, 1117p, 1129p, 1131p, 1136p], [1113p, 1119p, 1121p, 1125p, 1130p, 1133p, 1137p, 1147p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/3-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,11 +2,20 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Parliament House, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+  Calvary Hospital-O'Connor: [Wjz5mxf, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Iqp]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Parliament House: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4IrL]
   City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+  Garran-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3tP_]
+  Hughes-Garran: [Wjz3n-H, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C9Q]
+  Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+  O'Connor-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5yXo]
+  Deakin-Hughes: [Wjz4y7z, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qia, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4peM, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz3n-H]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz5n_K, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+  Parliament House-Deakin: [Wjz4IrL, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4z9H]
 short_name: "3"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 627a, 631a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 646a, 653a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 648a, 657a, 701a, 706a, 710a, 714a, 716a, 723a], [628a, 630a, 634a, 651a, 657a, 701a, 705a, 718a, 727a, 731a, 736a, 742a, 746a, 748a, 758a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 719a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 748a, 758a, 803a, 808a, 814a, 818a, 820a, 830a], [721a, 723a, 727a, 746a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 818a, 828a, 833a, 838a, 844a, 848a, 850a, 900a], [745a, 747a, 751a, 810a, 819a, 827a, 832a, 848a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 908a, 912a, 914a, 924a], [821a, 823a, 827a, 846a, 854a, 859a, 904a, 918a, 928a, 932a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 916a, 924a, 929a, 934a, 948a, 958a, 1002a, 1007a, 1012a, 1016a, 1018a, 1025a], [924a, 926a, 930a, 947a, 954a, 959a, 1004a, 1018a, 1028a, 1032a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [954a, 956a, 1000a, 1017a, 1024a, 1029a, 1034a, 1048a, 1058a, 1102a, 1107a, 1112a, 1116a, 1118a, 1125a], [1024a, 1026a, 1030a, 1047a, 1054a, 1059a, 1104a, 1118a, 1128a, 1132a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1054a, 1056a, 1100a, 1117a, 1124a, 1129a, 1134a, 1148a, 1158a, 1202p, 1207p, 1212p, 1216p, 1218p, 1225p], [1124a, 1126a, 1130a, 1147a, 1154a, 1159a, 1204p, 1218p, 1228p, 1232p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1154a, 1156a, 1200p, 1217p, 1224p, 1229p, 1234p, 1248p, 1258p, 102p, 107p, 112p, 116p, 118p, 125p], [1224p, 1226p, 1230p, 1247p, 1254p, 1259p, 104p, 118p, 128p, 132p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [1254p, 1256p, 100p, 117p, 124p, 129p, 134p, 148p, 158p, 202p, 207p, 212p, 216p, 218p, 225p], [124p, 126p, 130p, 147p, 154p, 159p, 204p, 218p, 228p, 232p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [154p, 156p, 200p, 217p, 224p, 229p, 234p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 308p, 314p, 318p, 320p, 329p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 258p, 303p, 310p, 324p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 350p, 354p, 356p, 405p], [250p, 252p, 256p, 315p, 323p, 328p, 334p, 348p, 358p, 403p, 408p, 414p, 418p, 420p, 429p], [317p, 319p, 323p, 342p, 350p, 355p, 401p, 415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 445p, 447p, 456p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 411p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 444p, 454p, 459p, 504p, 510p, 514p, 516p, 525p], [418p, 420p, 424p, 443p, 451p, 456p, 502p, 516p, 526p, 531p, 536p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 557p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 510p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 603p, 609p, 613p, 615p, 624p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 613p, 623p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 641p, 643p, 650p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 612p, 620p, 625p, 631p, 644p, 653p, 658p, 702p, 707p, 711p, 713p, 720p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 643p, 650p, 655p, 700p, 713p, 722p, 727p, 731p, 736p, 740p, 742p, 749p], [723p, 725p, 729p, 746p, 753p, 758p, 803p, 816p, 825p, 830p, 834p, 839p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [825p, 827p, 831p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 905p, 918p, 927p, 932p, 936p, 941p, 945p, 947p, 954p], [925p, 927p, 931p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1005p, 1018p, 1027p, 1032p, 1036p, 1041p, 1045p, 1047p, 1054p], [1025p, 1027p, 1031p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1105p, 1116p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/30-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/30-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, North Lyneham, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, North Lyneham, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-North Lyneham: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6zth, Wjz6zon, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6yzH, Wjz6yzQ, Wjz6FEI]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  North Lyneham-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6FEI, Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2]
+  Giralang-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6u32, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sHv]
+  University of Canberra-Giralang: [Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6rhW, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6t8_, Wjz6t9w, Wjz6t3F, Wjz6t4U]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
 short_name: "30"
 stop_times: [[546a, 548a, 552a, 557a, 605a, 612a, 618a, 621a, 623a, 630a], [615a, 617a, 621a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 647a, 650a, 652a, 659a], [631a, 633a, 637a, 642a, 650a, 657a, 703a, 706a, 708a, 715a], [656a, 658a, 702a, 707a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 731a, 736a, 752a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 738a, 746a, 750a, 755a, 811a], [724a, 726a, 730a, 735a, 743a, 752a, 800a, 804a, 809a, 825a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 824a, 828a, 833a, 848a], [756a, 758a, 802a, 807a, 815a, 824a, 834a, 838a, 843a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 838a, 846a, 850a, 855a, 911a], [824a, 826a, 830a, 835a, 843a, 852a, 900a, 904a, 909a, 925a], [853a, 855a, 859a, 904a, 912a, 921a, 929a, 932a, 934a, 941a], [953a, 955a, 959a, 1004a, 1011a, 1019a, 1027a, 1030a, 1032a, 1039a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1104a, 1111a, 1119a, 1127a, 1130a, 1132a, 1139a], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1204p, 1211p, 1219p, 1227p, 1230p, 1232p, 1239p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 104p, 111p, 119p, 127p, 130p, 132p, 139p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 204p, 211p, 219p, 227p, 230p, 232p, 239p], [242p, 244p, 248p, 253p, 300p, 308p, 316p, 320p, 322p, 330p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 318p, 327p, 335p, 343p, 347p, 349p, 357p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 359p, 407p, 411p, 413p, 421p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 412p, 421p, 429p, 437p, 441p, 443p, 451p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 442p, 451p, 459p, 507p, 511p, 513p, 521p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 537p, 541p, 543p, 551p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 542p, 551p, 559p, 607p, 611p, 613p, 621p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 603p, 612p, 620p, 628p, 632p, 634p, 640p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 711p, 718p, 724p, 727p, 729p, 735p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 811p, 818p, 824p, 827p, 829p, 835p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 911p, 918p, 924p, 927p, 929p, 935p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1011p, 1018p, 1024p, 1027p, 1029p, 1035p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1111p, 1118p, 1124p, 1127p, 1129p, 1135p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/30-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/30-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, North Lyneham, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, North Lyneham, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Giralang, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Giralang: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6u32, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6lZb]
+  North Lyneham-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6FEI, Wjz6yzQ, Wjz6yzH, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6zon, Wjz6zth, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6sHv]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
   University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+  Giralang-University of Canberra: [Wjz6t4U, Wjz6t3F, Wjz6t8_, Wjz6t9w, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6qea, Wjz6qea, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c, Wjz6FEI]
 short_name: "30"
 stop_times: [[603a, 609a, 611a, 614a, 621a, 628a, 635a, 641a, 643a, 648a], [634a, 640a, 642a, 645a, 652a, 659a, 706a, 712a, 714a, 719a], [701a, 707a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 726a, 735a, 741a, 743a, 748a], [726a, 732a, 734a, 737a, 745a, 753a, 805a, 811a, 813a, 818a], [759a, 806a, 808a, 811a, 819a, 827a, 839a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [829a, 836a, 838a, 841a, 849a, 857a, 909a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [859a, 906a, 908a, 911a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 941a, 943a, 948a], [933a, 939a, 941a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1005a, 1011a, 1013a, 1018a], [1002a, 1008a, 1010a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1034a, 1040a, 1042a, 1047a], [1102a, 1108a, 1110a, 1113a, 1120a, 1127a, 1134a, 1140a, 1142a, 1147a], [1202p, 1208p, 1210p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1234p, 1240p, 1242p, 1247p], [102p, 108p, 110p, 113p, 120p, 127p, 134p, 140p, 142p, 147p], [202p, 208p, 210p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 234p, 240p, 242p, 247p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 316p, 324p, 332p, 344p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [334p, 341p, 343p, 348p, 356p, 404p, 416p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [359p, 406p, 408p, 413p, 421p, 429p, 441p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 443p, 451p, 459p, 511p, 517p, 519p, 524p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 513p, 521p, 529p, 541p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [514p, 521p, 523p, 528p, 536p, 544p, 556p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [529p, 536p, 538p, 543p, 551p, 559p, 611p, 617p, 619p, 624p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 558p, 606p, 614p, 626p, 632p, 634p, 639p], [559p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 621p, 629p, 636p, 642p, 644p, 649p], [633p, 639p, 641p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 705p, 711p, 713p, 718p], [702p, 708p, 710p, 713p, 720p, 727p, 734p, 740p, 742p, 747p], [802p, 808p, 810p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 834p, 840p, 842p, 847p], [902p, 908p, 910p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 934p, 940p, 942p, 947p], [1002p, 1008p, 1010p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1034p, 1040p, 1042p, 1047p], [1102p, 1108p, 1110p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1134p, 1140p, 1142p, 1147p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/31-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/31-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Gwydir Square Kaleen-North Lyneham: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6y90, Wjz6yir, Wjz6yzQ, Wjz6yzH, Wjz6FEI]
+  University of Canberra-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  North Lyneham-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
 short_name: "31"
 stop_times: [[612a, 614a, 618a, 623a, 628a, 635a, 640a, 647a], [642a, 644a, 648a, 653a, 658a, 705a, 710a, 717a], [709a, 711a, 715a, 720a, 725a, 733a, 741a, 757a], [738a, 740a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 805a, 813a, 829a], [808a, 810a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 835a, 843a, 859a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 849a, 856a, 905a, 913a, 929a], [927a, 929a, 933a, 938a, 944a, 952a, 957a, 1004a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1057a, 1104a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1157a, 1204p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1257p, 104p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 138p, 144p, 152p, 157p, 204p], [227p, 229p, 233p, 238p, 244p, 252p, 257p, 305p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 323p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p], [342p, 344p, 348p, 353p, 359p, 407p, 412p, 420p], [412p, 414p, 418p, 423p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 453p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 520p], [512p, 514p, 518p, 523p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p], [542p, 544p, 548p, 553p, 559p, 607p, 612p, 620p], [626p, 628p, 632p, 637p, 642p, 649p, 654p, 700p], [726p, 728p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 749p, 754p, 800p], [826p, 828p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 849p, 854p, 900p], [926p, 928p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 949p, 954p, 1000p], [1026p, 1028p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1049p, 1054p, 1100p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/31-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/31-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  North Lyneham-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz6FEI, Wjz6yzH, Wjz6yzQ, Wjz6yir, Wjz6y90, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Gwydir Square Kaleen-University of Canberra: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5]
   University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-North Lyneham: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
 short_name: "31"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", 637a, 643a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 701a], ["-", "-", 707a, 713a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 731a], [733a, 740a, 745a, 753a, 800a, 806a, 808a, 813a], [803a, 810a, 815a, 823a, 830a, 836a, 838a, 843a], [829a, 836a, 841a, 849a, 856a, 902a, 904a, 909a], [910a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 936a, 942a, 944a, 949a], [948a, 954a, 959a, 1005a, 1011a, 1017a, 1019a, 1024a], [1048a, 1054a, 1059a, 1105a, 1111a, 1117a, 1119a, 1124a], [1148a, 1154a, 1159a, 1205p, 1211p, 1217p, 1219p, 1224p], [1248p, 1254p, 1259p, 105p, 111p, 117p, 119p, 124p], [148p, 154p, 159p, 205p, 211p, 217p, 219p, 224p], [248p, 254p, 259p, 307p, 315p, 321p, 323p, 328p], [303p, 310p, 315p, 323p, 331p, 337p, 339p, 344p], [333p, 340p, 345p, 353p, 401p, 407p, 409p, 414p], [403p, 410p, 415p, 423p, 431p, 437p, 439p, 444p], [433p, 440p, 445p, 453p, 501p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [503p, 510p, 515p, 523p, 531p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [533p, 540p, 545p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [603p, 610p, 615p, 623p, 631p, 637p, 639p, 644p], [648p, 654p, 659p, 705p, 710p, 716p, 718p, 723p], [748p, 754p, 759p, 805p, 810p, 816p, 818p, 823p], [848p, 854p, 859p, 905p, 910p, 916p, 918p, 923p], [948p, 954p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1016p, 1018p, 1023p], [1048p, 1054p, 1059p, 1105p, 1110p, 1116p, 1118p, 1123p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/39-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/39-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,15 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Watson-Watson Terminus: [Wjze19V, Wjze1c2, Wjze1fs, Wjze2zi, Wjze2Qc]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Watson-Dickson / Antill St: [Wjze0l8, Wjz6UXL, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz5_mg, Wjz5_ie, Wjz5_0v]
+  Dickson / Antill St-Watson: [Wjz5_0v, Wjz5_ie, Wjz5_mg, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6UXL, Wjze0l8]
+  Dickson / Antill St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5Tx_]
+  Watson Terminus-Watson: [WjzeaC3, Wjze8v0, Wjze8bf, Wjze0VY, Wjzd7_6, Wjze0GR, Wjze0vq, Wjze0vq]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Dickson / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5_0v]
 short_name: "39"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 549a, 555a, 601a, 606a, 607a, 610a, 617a], [609a, 615a, 618a, 624a, 630a, 636a, 641a, 642a, 645a, 652a], [639a, 645a, 648a, 654a, 700a, 706a, 711a, 712a, 715a, 722a], ["-", "-", "-", 707a, 713a, 719a, 724a, 725a, 728a, 741a], [703a, 709a, 712a, 718a, 724a, 730a, 736a, 737a, 742a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", 726a, 732a, 738a, 744a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [718a, 724a, 727a, 734a, 740a, 746a, 752a, 753a, 758a, 813a], ["-", "-", "-", 742a, 748a, 754a, 800a, 801a, 806a, 821a], [733a, 739a, 742a, 749a, 755a, 801a, 807a, 808a, 813a, 828a], ["-", "-", "-", 756a, 802a, 808a, 814a, 815a, 820a, 835a], [748a, 754a, 757a, 804a, 810a, 816a, 822a, 823a, 828a, 843a], [758a, 804a, 807a, 814a, 820a, 826a, 832a, 833a, 838a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", 824a, 830a, 836a, 842a, 843a, 848a, 903a], [818a, 824a, 827a, 834a, 840a, 846a, 852a, 853a, 858a, 913a], [833a, 839a, 842a, 849a, 855a, 901a, 907a, 908a, 913a, 928a], [910a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 935a, 942a, 949a, 952a, 954a, 1001a], [940a, 946a, 949a, 954a, 1000a, 1005a, 1010a, 1011a, 1013a, 1019a], [1010a, 1016a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1035a, 1040a, 1041a, 1043a, 1049a], [1040a, 1046a, 1049a, 1054a, 1100a, 1105a, 1110a, 1111a, 1113a, 1119a], [1110a, 1116a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1135a, 1140a, 1141a, 1143a, 1149a], [1140a, 1146a, 1149a, 1154a, 1200p, 1205p, 1210p, 1211p, 1213p, 1219p], [1210p, 1216p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1235p, 1240p, 1241p, 1243p, 1249p], [1240p, 1246p, 1249p, 1254p, 100p, 105p, 110p, 111p, 113p, 119p], [110p, 116p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 135p, 140p, 141p, 143p, 149p], [140p, 146p, 149p, 154p, 200p, 205p, 210p, 211p, 213p, 219p], [210p, 216p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 235p, 240p, 241p, 243p, 249p], [240p, 246p, 249p, 254p, 300p, 307p, 313p, 314p, 317p, 324p], [309p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 330p, 337p, 343p, 344p, 347p, 354p], [328p, 334p, 337p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 402p, 403p, 406p, 413p], [358p, 404p, 407p, 413p, 419p, 426p, 432p, 433p, 436p, 443p], [417p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 438p, 445p, 451p, 452p, 455p, 502p], [432p, 438p, 441p, 447p, 453p, 500p, 506p, 507p, 510p, 517p], [447p, 453p, 456p, 502p, 508p, 515p, 521p, 522p, 525p, 532p], [506p, 512p, 515p, 521p, 527p, 534p, 540p, 541p, 544p, 551p], [512p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 540p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [521p, 527p, 530p, 536p, 542p, 549p, 555p, 556p, 559p, 606p], [536p, 542p, 545p, 551p, 557p, 604p, 610p, 611p, 614p, 621p], [546p, 552p, 555p, 601p, 607p, 614p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [555p, 601p, 604p, 610p, 616p, 623p, 629p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [610p, 616p, 619p, 625p, 631p, 636p, 641p, 642p, 644p, 650p], [710p, 716p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 735p, 740p, 741p, 743p, 749p], [810p, 816p, 819p, 824p, 830p, 835p, 840p, 841p, 843p, 849p], [910p, 916p, 919p, 924p, 930p, 935p, 940p, 941p, 943p, 949p], [1010p, 1016p, 1019p, 1024p, 1030p, 1035p, 1040p, 1041p, 1043p, 1049p], [1110p, 1116p, 1119p, 1124p, 1130p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/4-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/4-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Geoscience Australia, Narrabundah Terminus, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Kingston-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Xhv, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+  Geoscience Australia-Narrabundah Terminus: [Wjzb6EM, Wjzb5vw, Wjzb6cp, Wjzb705, Wjzb79X, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb7Hz]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Manuka / Captain Cook Cres-Kingston: [Wjz4NDo, Wjz4OV0, Wjz4W3r, Wjz4WdC]
+  Narrabundah Terminus-Narrabundah College: [Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb79X, Wjzb705, Wjz3_Ow]
+  Narrabundah College-Manuka / Captain Cook Cres: [Wjz3_Ow, Wjz3_z-, Wjz3_sf, Wjz3_kV, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3TDn, Wjz4Mq1, Wjz4MAz, Wjz4MJn, Wjz4NDo]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "4"
 stop_times: [[712a, "-", 715a, 722a, 725a, 729a, 734a, 743a], [744a, "-", 747a, 756a, 800a, 805a, 810a, 819a], [817a, "-", 820a, 829a, 833a, 838a, 843a, 852a], [847a, "-", 850a, 859a, 903a, 908a, 913a, 922a], [917a, "-", 920a, 929a, 932a, 936a, 940a, 948a], [948a, "-", 951a, 958a, 1001a, 1005a, 1009a, 1017a], [1018a, "-", 1021a, 1028a, 1031a, 1035a, 1039a, 1047a], [1048a, "-", 1051a, 1058a, 1101a, 1105a, 1109a, 1117a], [1118a, "-", 1121a, 1128a, 1131a, 1135a, 1139a, 1147a], [1148a, "-", 1151a, 1158a, 1201p, 1205p, 1209p, 1217p], [1218p, "-", 1221p, 1228p, 1231p, 1235p, 1239p, 1247p], [1248p, "-", 1251p, 1258p, 101p, 105p, 109p, 117p], [118p, "-", 121p, 128p, 131p, 135p, 139p, 147p], [148p, "-", 151p, 158p, 201p, 205p, 209p, 217p], [218p, "-", 221p, 228p, 231p, 235p, 239p, 247p], [246p, "-", 249p, 256p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 318p], [314p, "-", 317p, 326p, 330p, 335p, 340p, 349p], [346p, "-", 349p, 358p, 402p, 407p, 412p, 421p], [417p, "-", 420p, 429p, 433p, 438p, 443p, 452p], [448p, "-", 451p, 500p, 504p, 509p, 514p, 523p], [518p, "-", 521p, 530p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 553p], [548p, "-", 551p, 600p, 604p, 609p, 614p, 623p], ["-", 617p, 620p, 629p, 632p, 636p, 640p, 648p], ["-", 650p, 653p, 658p, 701p, 705p, 709p, 717p], ["-", 743p, 746p, 751p, 754p, 758p, 802p, 810p], ["-", 843p, 846p, 851p, 854p, 858p, 902p, 910p], ["-", 943p, 946p, 951p, 954p, 958p, 1002p, 1010p], ["-", 1043p, 1046p, 1051p, 1054p, 1058p, 1102p, 1110p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/4-to-geoscience-australia.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/4-to-geoscience-australia.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
 long_name: To Geoscience Australia
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Kingston: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WdC]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Manuka / Captain Cook Cres-Narrabundah College: [Wjz4NDo, Wjz4MJn, Wjz4MAz, Wjz4Mq1, Wjz3TDn, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3_kV, Wjz3_sf, Wjz3_z-, Wjz3_Ow]
+  Narrabundah Terminus-Geoscience Australia: [Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb79X, Wjzb705, Wjzb6cp, Wjzb5vw, Wjzb6EM]
+  Kingston-Manuka / Captain Cook Cres: [Wjz4OZS, Wjz4OYm, Wjz4OOr, Wjz4NDP]
+  Narrabundah College-Narrabundah Terminus: [Wjz3_Ow, Wjzb705, Wjzb79X, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb7Hz]
 short_name: "4"
 stop_times: [[633a, 641a, 645a, 649a, 652a, 700a, "-", 703a], [703a, 711a, 715a, 719a, 722a, 730a, "-", 733a], [733a, 742a, 747a, 752a, 755a, 805a, "-", 808a], [803a, 812a, 817a, 822a, 825a, 835a, "-", 838a], [818a, 827a, 832a, 837a, 840a, 850a, "-", 853a], [833a, 842a, 847a, 852a, 855a, 905a, "-", 908a], [903a, 912a, 917a, 922a, 925a, 935a, "-", 938a], [933a, 941a, 945a, 949a, 952a, 1001a, "-", 1004a], [1003a, 1011a, 1015a, 1019a, 1022a, 1031a, "-", 1034a], [1033a, 1041a, 1045a, 1049a, 1052a, 1101a, "-", 1104a], [1103a, 1111a, 1115a, 1119a, 1122a, 1131a, "-", 1134a], [1133a, 1141a, 1145a, 1149a, 1152a, 1201p, "-", 1204p], [1203p, 1211p, 1215p, 1219p, 1222p, 1231p, "-", 1234p], [1233p, 1241p, 1245p, 1249p, 1252p, 101p, "-", 104p], [103p, 111p, 115p, 119p, 122p, 131p, "-", 134p], [133p, 141p, 145p, 149p, 152p, 201p, "-", 204p], [203p, 211p, 215p, 219p, 222p, 231p, "-", 234p], [233p, 241p, 245p, 249p, 252p, 301p, "-", 304p], [303p, 312p, 317p, 322p, 325p, 334p, "-", 337p], [333p, 342p, 347p, 352p, 355p, 404p, "-", 407p], [405p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 427p, 436p, "-", 439p], [439p, 448p, 453p, 458p, 501p, 510p, "-", 513p], [509p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 531p, 540p, "-", 543p], [539p, 548p, 553p, 558p, 601p, 610p, 613p, "-"], [616p, 625p, 630p, 634p, 637p, 642p, 645p, "-"], [707p, 715p, 719p, 723p, 726p, 731p, 734p, "-"], [810p, 818p, 822p, 826p, 829p, 834p, 837p, "-"], [910p, 918p, 922p, 926p, 929p, 934p, 937p, "-"], [1010p, 1018p, 1022p, 1026p, 1029p, 1034p, 1037p, "-"], [1110p, 1118p, 1122p, 1126p, 1129p, 1134p, 1137p, "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/43-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/43-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,15 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Kippax-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-H48, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-OHp]
+  Macgregor-Kippax: [Wjr-uhM, Wjr-te3, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tgp, Wjr-smi, Wjr-st9, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-z7J]
+  Macgregor-Charnwood: [Wjr-ux-, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-D1B, Wjr-CnE, Wjr-CsO, Wjr-CS2]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Charnwood-Macgregor: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DF9, Wjr-DqS, Wjr-Df8, Wjr_w0L, Wjr_wjn, Wjr_wm3, Wjr_wf4, Wjr_oJA, Wjr_oP1, Wjr_oEZ, Wjr-vJY, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-ux-]
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Kippax-Macgregor: [Wjr-z7J, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-st9, Wjr-smi, Wjr-tgp, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-te3, Wjr-uhM]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Kippax: [Wjr-OHp, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-H48, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zcC]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 short_name: "43"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 621a, 629a, 638a, 643a, 648a, 650a, 654a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 640a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 707a, 709a, 713a], [644a, 646a, 650a, 655a, 700a, 708a, 717a, 722a, 727a, 729a, 733a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 720a, 728a, 739a, 744a, 752a, 754a, 758a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a, 815a, 819a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 840a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 832a, 843a, 848a, 856a, 858a, 902a], [823a, 825a, 829a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 901a, 906a, 914a, 916a, 920a], [843a, 845a, 849a, 857a, 902a, 910a, 921a, 926a, 933a, 935a, 939a], [903a, 905a, 909a, 917a, 922a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 954a, 958a], [1003a, 1005a, 1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1048a, 1050a, 1054a], [1103a, 1105a, 1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1148a, 1150a, 1154a], [1203p, 1205p, 1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1248p, 1250p, 1254p], [103p, 105p, 109p, 115p, 120p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 148p, 150p, 154p], [203p, 205p, 209p, 215p, 220p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 248p, 250p, 254p], [254p, 256p, 300p, 308p, 313p, 321p, 332p, 337p, 345p, 347p, 351p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 416p, 420p], [343p, 345p, 349p, 357p, 402p, 410p, 421p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 440p], [403p, 405p, 409p, 417p, 422p, 430p, 441p, 446p, 454p, 456p, 500p], [423p, 425p, 429p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 516p, 520p], [443p, 445p, 449p, 457p, 502p, 510p, 521p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 540p], [503p, 505p, 509p, 517p, 522p, 530p, 541p, 546p, 554p, 556p, 600p], [523p, 525p, 529p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 616p, 620p], [602p, 604p, 608p, 616p, 621p, 629p, 638p, 643p, 648p, 650p, 654p], [702p, 704p, 708p, 713p, 718p, 726p, 735p, 740p, 745p, 747p, 751p], [802p, 804p, 808p, 813p, 818p, 826p, 835p, 840p, 845p, 847p, 851p], [902p, 904p, 908p, 913p, 918p, 926p, 935p, 940p, 945p, 947p, 951p], [1002p, 1004p, 1008p, 1013p, 1018p, 1026p, 1035p, 1040p, 1045p, 1047p, 1051p], [1102p, 1104p, 1108p, 1113p, 1118p, 1126p, 1135p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Kippax, Holt, West Macgregor, Higgins, Belconnen Way, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Belconnen Way-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-Mqd, Wjr-MNh, Wjz57tz]
+  Holt-West Macgregor: [Wjr-rv7, Wjr-syd, Wjr-st9, Wjr-s5D, Wjr-lwL]
+  Higgins-Belconnen Way: [Wjr-yQP, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-FCU, Wjr-Fzd, Wjr-Fw4, Wjr-EuB, Wjr-EAb, Wjr-EYe]
+  West Macgregor-Higgins: [Wjr-lwL, Wjr-kZV, Wjr-kVk, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-yni, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-xLK]
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Kippax-Holt: [Wjr-z7J, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rjD]
 short_name: "44"
 stop_times: [[605a, 607a, 616a, 625a, 630a, 635a, 637a, 641a], [638a, 640a, 649a, 658a, 703a, 708a, 710a, 714a], [705a, 707a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 736a, 738a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", 732a, 739a, 745a, 747a, 751a], [738a, 741a, 750a, 759a, 806a, 812a, 814a, 818a], [808a, 811a, 820a, 829a, 836a, 842a, 844a, 848a], [842a, 845a, 854a, 903a, 910a, 916a, 918a, 922a], [912a, 915a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 945a, 947a, 951a], [938a, 940a, 949a, 958a, 1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1016a], [1037a, 1039a, 1048a, 1057a, 1103a, 1109a, 1111a, 1115a], [1137a, 1139a, 1148a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1237p, 1239p, 1248p, 1257p, 103p, 109p, 111p, 115p], [137p, 139p, 148p, 157p, 203p, 209p, 211p, 215p], [237p, 239p, 248p, 257p, 304p, 310p, 312p, 316p], [313p, 315p, 324p, 333p, 340p, 346p, 348p, 352p], [348p, 350p, 359p, 408p, 415p, 421p, 423p, 427p], [420p, 422p, 431p, 440p, 447p, 453p, 455p, 459p], [452p, 454p, 503p, 512p, 519p, 525p, 527p, 531p], [523p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 550p, 556p, 558p, 602p], [600p, 602p, 611p, 620p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 639p], [628p, 630p, 639p, 648p, 654p, 659p, 701p, 705p], [642p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 708p, 713p, 715p, 719p], [737p, 739p, 748p, 757p, 803p, 808p, 810p, 814p], [837p, 839p, 848p, 857p, 903p, 908p, 910p, 914p], [937p, 939p, 948p, 957p, 1003p, 1008p, 1010p, 1014p], [1037p, 1039p, 1048p, 1057p, 1103p, 1108p, 1110p, 1114p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/44-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
 long_name: To Kippax
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Belconnen Way-Higgins: [Wjr-EYe, Wjr-EAb, Wjr-EuB, Wjr-Fw4, Wjr-Fzd, Wjr-FCU, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-yQP]
+  West Macgregor-Holt: [Wjr-lwL, Wjr-s5D, Wjr-st9, Wjr-syd, Wjr-rv7]
+  Higgins-West Macgregor: [Wjr-xLK, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-yni, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-kVk, Wjr-kZV, Wjr-lwL]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Belconnen Way: [Wjz57tz, Wjr-MNh, Wjr-Mqd]
+  Holt-Kippax: [Wjr-rjD, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-z7J]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 short_name: "44"
 stop_times: [[725a, 727a, 731a, 737a, 744a, 756a, 801a, 804a], [754a, 756a, 800a, 806a, 813a, 825a, 830a, 833a], [854a, 856a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 930a, 933a], [955a, 957a, 1001a, 1006a, 1012a, 1024a, 1029a, 1032a], [1055a, 1057a, 1101a, 1106a, 1112a, 1124a, 1129a, 1132a], [1155a, 1157a, 1201p, 1206p, 1212p, 1224p, 1229p, 1232p], [1255p, 1257p, 101p, 106p, 112p, 124p, 129p, 132p], [155p, 157p, 201p, 206p, 212p, 224p, 229p, 232p], [305p, 307p, 311p, 317p, 324p, 336p, 341p, 344p], [337p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 408p, 413p, 416p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 423p, 430p, 442p, 447p, 450p], [442p, 444p, 448p, 454p, 501p, 513p, 518p, 521p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 528p, 535p, 547p, 552p, 555p], [547p, 549p, 553p, 559p, 606p, 618p, 623p, 626p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 631p, 637p, 649p, 654p, 657p], [654p, 656p, 700p, 705p, 711p, 723p, 728p, 731p], [754p, 756p, 800p, 805p, 811p, 823p, 828p, 831p], [854p, 856p, 900p, 905p, 911p, 923p, 928p, 931p], [954p, 956p, 1000p, 1005p, 1011p, 1023p, 1028p, 1031p], [1054p, 1056p, 1100p, 1105p, 1111p, 1123p, 1128p, 1131p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/45-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/45-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,9 +3,17 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Copland College-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjr-YdU, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-XyN, Wjr-WVG]
+  Copland College-Tillyard / Spalding: [Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W9, Wjz664g, Wjz664q, Wjz66fx, Wjz66fx, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Uj, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-TRM, Wjr_MMi, Wjr_Mxy]
+  Charnwood-Tillyard / Spalding: [Wjr-Lwx, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-Tf_]
+  Tillyard / Spalding-Copland College: [Wjr_Mxy, Wjr_MMi, Wjr-TRM, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Uj, Wjr-_Ua, Wjz66fx, Wjz66fx, Wjz664q, Wjz664g, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W9, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ]
+  Kerrigan / Lhotsky-Charnwood: [Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-L8R]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Copland College: [Wjr-WVG, Wjr-XyN, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-YdU]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Tillyard / Spalding-Charnwood: [Wjr-Tf_, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-Lwx]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Charnwood-Kerrigan / Lhotsky: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4]
 short_name: "45"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 627a, 632a, 638a, 640a, 648a, 658a, 700a, 705a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 718a, 728a, 730a, 735a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 729a, 734a, 740a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 759a, 804a, 810a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 832a, 837a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 822a, 827a, 833a, 835a, 843a, 853a, 855a, 900a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 844a, 849a, 855a, 857a, 905a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [828a, 830a, 834a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 905a, 913a, 923a, 925a, 930a], [858a, 900a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 935a, 943a, 953a, 955a, 1000a], [921a, 923a, 927a, 935a, 943a, 945a, 950a, 956a, 958a, 1006a, 1016a, 1018a, 1023a], [1021a, 1023a, 1027a, 1035a, 1043a, 1045a, 1050a, 1056a, 1058a, 1106a, 1116a, 1118a, 1123a], [1121a, 1123a, 1127a, 1135a, 1143a, 1145a, 1150a, 1156a, 1158a, 1206p, 1216p, 1218p, 1223p], [1221p, 1223p, 1227p, 1235p, 1243p, 1245p, 1250p, 1256p, 1258p, 106p, 116p, 118p, 123p], [121p, 123p, 127p, 135p, 143p, 145p, 150p, 156p, 158p, 206p, 216p, 218p, 223p], [221p, 223p, 227p, 235p, 243p, 245p, 250p, 256p, 258p, 306p, 316p, 318p, 323p], [258p, 300p, 304p, 312p, 320p, 322p, 327p, 333p, 335p, 343p, 353p, 355p, 400p], [328p, 330p, 334p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 405p, 413p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [358p, 400p, 404p, 412p, 420p, 422p, 427p, 433p, 435p, 443p, 453p, 455p, 500p], [428p, 430p, 434p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 505p, 513p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [458p, 500p, 504p, 512p, 520p, 522p, 527p, 533p, 535p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [528p, 530p, 534p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 605p, 613p, 623p, 625p, 630p], [558p, 600p, 604p, 612p, 620p, 622p, 627p, 633p, 635p, 643p, 652p, 654p, 659p], [621p, 623p, 627p, 634p, 642p, 644p, 649p, 655p, 657p, 705p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 733p, 741p, 743p, 748p, 754p, 756p, 804p, 813p, 815p, 820p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 833p, 841p, 843p, 848p, 854p, 856p, 904p, 913p, 915p, 920p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 933p, 941p, 943p, 948p, 954p, 956p, 1004p, 1013p, 1015p, 1020p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1033p, 1041p, 1043p, 1048p, 1054p, 1056p, 1104p, 1113p, 1115p, 1120p], [1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1133p, 1141p, 1143p, 1148p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/5-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/5-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Kingston-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Xhv, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+  Canberra Hospital-Narrabundah College: [Wjz3tGi, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-TX]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Manuka / Captain Cook Cres-Kingston: [Wjz4NDo, Wjz4OV0, Wjz4W3r, Wjz4WdC]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Narrabundah College-Manuka / Captain Cook Cres: [Wjz3-TX, Wjzb705, Wjzb79X, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7nW, Wjzc090, Wjz4UYU, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4V11, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4NDP]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "5"
 stop_times: [[615a, 621a, 630a, 636a, 640a, 644a, 648a, 653a], [641a, 649a, 659a, 711a, 714a, 718a, 722a, 730a], [659a, 707a, 717a, 729a, 732a, 738a, 743a, 752a], [713a, 721a, 731a, 744a, 747a, 753a, 758a, 807a], [729a, 737a, 747a, 800a, 803a, 809a, 814a, 823a], [747a, 755a, 805a, 818a, 821a, 827a, 832a, 841a], [806a, 814a, 824a, 837a, 840a, 846a, 851a, 900a], [825a, 833a, 843a, 856a, 859a, 905a, 910a, 919a], [844a, 852a, 902a, 915a, 918a, 924a, 929a, 937a], [914a, 922a, 932a, 944a, 947a, 951a, 955a, 1003a], [944a, 952a, 1002a, 1014a, 1017a, 1021a, 1025a, 1033a], [1014a, 1022a, 1032a, 1044a, 1047a, 1051a, 1055a, 1103a], [1044a, 1052a, 1102a, 1114a, 1117a, 1121a, 1125a, 1133a], [1114a, 1122a, 1132a, 1144a, 1147a, 1151a, 1155a, 1203p], [1144a, 1152a, 1202p, 1214p, 1217p, 1221p, 1225p, 1233p], [1214p, 1222p, 1232p, 1244p, 1247p, 1251p, 1255p, 103p], [1244p, 1252p, 102p, 114p, 117p, 121p, 125p, 133p], [114p, 122p, 132p, 144p, 147p, 151p, 155p, 203p], [144p, 152p, 202p, 214p, 217p, 221p, 225p, 233p], [214p, 222p, 232p, 244p, 247p, 251p, 255p, 303p], [244p, 252p, 302p, 315p, 318p, 324p, 329p, 338p], [314p, 322p, 332p, 345p, 348p, 354p, 359p, 408p], [342p, 350p, 400p, 413p, 416p, 422p, 427p, 436p], [413p, 421p, 431p, 444p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [447p, 455p, 505p, 518p, 521p, 527p, 532p, 541p], [518p, 526p, 536p, 549p, 552p, 558p, 603p, 612p], [548p, 556p, 606p, 619p, 622p, 628p, 632p, 640p], [648p, 655p, 704p, 716p, 719p, 723p, 727p, 735p], [748p, 755p, 804p, 816p, 819p, 823p, 827p, 835p], [848p, 855p, 904p, 916p, 919p, 923p, 927p, 935p], [948p, 955p, 1004p, 1016p, 1019p, 1023p, 1027p, 1035p], [1048p, 1055p, 1104p, 1116p, 1119p, 1123p, 1127p, 1135p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/5-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/5-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Manuka / Captain Cook Cres, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Narrabundah College-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3-TX, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3tGi]
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Kingston: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WdC]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Manuka / Captain Cook Cres-Narrabundah College: [Wjz4NDP, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4V11, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4UYU, Wjzc090, Wjzb7nW, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb79X, Wjzb705, Wjz3-TX]
+  Kingston-Manuka / Captain Cook Cres: [Wjz4OZS, Wjz4OYm, Wjz4OOr, Wjz4NDP]
   Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
 short_name: "5"
 stop_times: [[630a, 638a, 642a, 646a, 649a, 701a, 711a, 719a], [650a, 658a, 702a, 706a, 709a, 721a, 731a, 739a], [710a, 718a, 722a, 726a, 729a, 741a, 752a, 800a], [728a, 736a, 740a, 744a, 747a, 800a, 812a, 820a], [741a, 750a, 755a, 800a, 803a, 816a, 828a, 836a], [756a, 805a, 810a, 815a, 818a, 831a, 843a, 851a], [811a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 833a, 846a, 858a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 842a, 847a, 850a, 903a, 913a, 921a], [846a, 855a, 900a, 904a, 907a, 919a, 929a, 937a], [919a, 927a, 931a, 935a, 938a, 950a, 1000a, 1008a], [947a, 955a, 959a, 1003a, 1006a, 1018a, 1028a, 1036a], [1017a, 1025a, 1029a, 1033a, 1036a, 1048a, 1058a, 1106a], [1047a, 1055a, 1059a, 1103a, 1106a, 1118a, 1128a, 1136a], [1117a, 1125a, 1129a, 1133a, 1136a, 1148a, 1158a, 1206p], [1147a, 1155a, 1159a, 1203p, 1206p, 1218p, 1228p, 1236p], [1217p, 1225p, 1229p, 1233p, 1236p, 1248p, 1258p, 106p], [1247p, 1255p, 1259p, 103p, 106p, 118p, 128p, 136p], [117p, 125p, 129p, 133p, 136p, 148p, 158p, 206p], [147p, 155p, 159p, 203p, 206p, 218p, 228p, 236p], [217p, 225p, 229p, 233p, 236p, 248p, 258p, 306p], [247p, 255p, 259p, 303p, 306p, 318p, 328p, 336p], [317p, 325p, 329p, 333p, 336p, 348p, 358p, 411p], [347p, 355p, 359p, 404p, 407p, 420p, 432p, 440p], [417p, 426p, 431p, 436p, 439p, 452p, 504p, 512p], [444p, 453p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 519p, 531p, 539p], [524p, 533p, 538p, 543p, 546p, 559p, 608p, 616p], [554p, 603p, 607p, 611p, 614p, 626p, 635p, 643p], [635p, 643p, 647p, 651p, 654p, 706p, 715p, 723p], [706p, 714p, 718p, 722p, 725p, 737p, 746p, 754p], [735p, 743p, 747p, 751p, 754p, 806p, 815p, 823p], [835p, 843p, 847p, 851p, 854p, 906p, 915p, 923p], [930p, 938p, 942p, 946p, 949p, 1001p, 1010p, 1018p], [1030p, 1038p, 1042p, 1046p, 1049p, 1101p, 1110p, 1118p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/50-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/50-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+  Hibberson / Kate Crace-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6ZyF]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn]
 short_name: "50"
 stop_times: [[700p, 703p, 706p, 713p, 715p, 722p], [730p, 733p, 736p, 743p, 745p, 752p], [800p, 803p, 806p, 813p, 815p, 822p], [830p, 833p, 836p, 843p, 845p, 852p], [900p, 903p, 906p, 913p, 915p, 922p], [930p, 933p, 936p, 943p, 945p, 952p], [1000p, 1003p, 1006p, 1013p, 1015p, 1022p], [1030p, 1033p, 1036p, 1043p, 1045p, 1052p], [1100p, 1103p, 1106p, 1113p, 1115p, 1122p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/50-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/50-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Gungahlin Marketplace]
 long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Hibberson / Kate Crace-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz6ZyF]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
 short_name: "50"
 stop_times: [[700p, 706p, 708p, 715p, 718p, 721p], [730p, 736p, 738p, 745p, 748p, 751p], [800p, 806p, 808p, 815p, 818p, 821p], [830p, 836p, 838p, 845p, 848p, 851p], [900p, 906p, 908p, 915p, 918p, 921p], [930p, 936p, 938p, 945p, 948p, 951p], [1000p, 1006p, 1008p, 1015p, 1018p, 1021p], [1030p, 1036p, 1038p, 1045p, 1048p, 1051p], [1100p, 1106p, 1108p, 1115p, 1118p, 1121p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/51-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/51-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,17 @@
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7BC3, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7OtB]
+  Hibberson / Kate Crace-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6ZyF]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7ilp, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7qfu]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Nicholls Primary-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7qvq, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7Add, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7thn, Wjz7txI, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7BsE]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn]
 short_name: "51"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 531a, 540a, 549a, 559a, 602a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 616a, 625a, 634a, 644a, 647a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [618a, 620a, 624a, 634a, 639a, 648a, 657a, 706a, 709a, 712a, 719a, 721a, 728a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 656a, 705a, 714a, 723a, 726a, 729a, 736a, 738a, 745a], [652a, 654a, 658a, 708a, 713a, 722a, 731a, 740a, 743a, 747a, 758a, 802a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", 721a, 726a, 735a, 744a, 753a, 756a, 801a, 812a, 817a, 832a], [732a, 734a, 738a, 748a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 822a, 825a, 830a, 841a, 846a, 900a], [749a, 751a, 755a, 806a, 811a, 821a, 831a, 840a, 843a, 848a, 859a, 902a, 909a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 829a, 839a, 849a, 858a, 901a, 904a, 911a, 913a, 927a], [838a, 840a, 844a, 855a, 900a, 909a, 918a, 927a, 930a, 933a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [909a, 911a, 915a, 925a, 930a, 939a, 948a, 958a, 1001a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [939a, 941a, 945a, 955a, 1000a, 1009a, 1018a, 1028a, 1031a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1039a, 1041a, 1045a, 1055a, 1100a, 1109a, 1118a, 1128a, 1131a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1139a, 1141a, 1145a, 1155a, 1200p, 1209p, 1218p, 1228p, 1231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1239p, 1241p, 1245p, 1255p, 100p, 109p, 118p, 128p, 131p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [139p, 141p, 145p, 155p, 200p, 209p, 218p, 228p, 231p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [239p, 241p, 245p, 255p, 300p, 309p, 318p, 328p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [334p, 336p, 340p, 350p, 355p, 405p, 415p, 425p, 428p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [414p, 416p, 420p, 431p, 436p, 447p, 457p, 507p, 510p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [434p, 436p, 440p, 451p, 456p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 530p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [454p, 456p, 500p, 511p, 516p, 527p, 537p, 547p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [513p, 515p, 519p, 530p, 535p, 546p, 556p, 606p, 609p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [534p, 536p, 540p, 551p, 556p, 606p, 615p, 625p, 628p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [638p, 640p, 644p, 654p, 659p, 708p, 717p, 727p, 730p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [738p, 740p, 744p, 754p, 759p, 808p, 817p, 827p, 830p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [838p, 840p, 844p, 854p, 859p, 908p, 917p, 927p, 930p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [938p, 940p, 944p, 954p, 959p, 1008p, 1017p, 1027p, 1030p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1038p, 1040p, 1044p, 1054p, 1059p, 1108p, 1117p, 1127p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/51-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/51-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,17 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7BC3]
+  Hibberson / Kate Crace-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7txI, Wjz7thn, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Add, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7qvq]
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz6ZyF]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+  Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+  Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qfu, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7ilp, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
 short_name: "51"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 701a, 704a, 713a, 723a, 733a, 738a, 750a, 752a, 757a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 721a, 724a, 733a, 743a, 753a, 758a, 811a, 813a, 818a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 741a, 744a, 753a, 803a, 813a, 818a, 831a, 833a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 800a, 803a, 812a, 822a, 832a, 837a, 850a, 852a, 857a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 821a, 824a, 833a, 843a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 910a, 915a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840a, 843a, 852a, 902a, 911a, 916a, 925a, 927a, 932a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940a, 943a, 952a, 1001a, 1010a, 1015a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040a, 1043a, 1052a, 1101a, 1110a, 1115a, 1124a, 1126a, 1131a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140a, 1143a, 1152a, 1201p, 1210p, 1215p, 1224p, 1226p, 1231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1240p, 1243p, 1252p, 101p, 110p, 115p, 124p, 126p, 131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 140p, 143p, 152p, 201p, 210p, 215p, 224p, 226p, 231p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 240p, 243p, 252p, 301p, 310p, 315p, 324p, 326p, 331p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 351p, 353p, 358p], [332p, 338p, 340p, 348p, 351p, 354p, 403p, 413p, 423p, 428p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [406p, 412p, 414p, 423p, 428p, 431p, 440p, 450p, 500p, 505p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [428p, 434p, 436p, 445p, 450p, 453p, 502p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [444p, 450p, 452p, 501p, 506p, 509p, 518p, 528p, 538p, 543p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [511p, 517p, 519p, 528p, 533p, 536p, 545p, 555p, 605p, 610p, 619p, 621p, 626p], [529p, 535p, 537p, 546p, 551p, 554p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 626p, 635p, 637p, 642p], [538p, 544p, 546p, 555p, 600p, 603p, 612p, 621p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [554p, 600p, 602p, 609p, 612p, 615p, 624p, 633p, 642p, 647p, 656p, 658p, 703p], [616p, 620p, 622p, 629p, 632p, 635p, 644p, 653p, 702p, 707p, 716p, 718p, 723p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740p, 743p, 752p, 801p, 810p, 815p, 824p, 826p, 831p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 840p, 843p, 852p, 901p, 910p, 915p, 924p, 926p, 931p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 940p, 943p, 952p, 1001p, 1010p, 1015p, 1024p, 1026p, 1031p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1040p, 1043p, 1052p, 1101p, 1110p, 1115p, 1124p, 1126p, 1131p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1143p, 1152p, 1201a, 1210a, 1215a, 1224a, 1226a, 1231a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/52-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/52-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,17 @@
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7BJK, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7Ph1, Wjz7OtB]
+  Hibberson / Kate Crace-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6ZyF]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7aYu, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7qkM]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Nicholls Primary-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7rzg, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7smv, Wjz7thn, Wjz7tug, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7BsE]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn]
 short_name: "52"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 539a, 547a, 555a, 602a, 605a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 618a, 626a, 634a, 641a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [628a, 630a, 634a, 647a, 652a, 700a, 708a, 714a, 717a, 720a, 727a, 729a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 724a, 730a, 733a, 736a, 743a, 745a, 800a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 739a, 745a, 748a, 753a, 804a, 809a, 824a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 742a, 747a, 755a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 818a, 829a, 834a, 849a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 820a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 846a, 851a, 903a], [803a, 805a, 809a, 823a, 828a, 836a, 844a, 851a, 854a, 859a, 906a, 908a, 915a], [834a, 836a, 840a, 854a, 859a, 907a, 915a, 921a, 924a, 927a, 934a, 936a, 943a], [912a, 914a, 918a, 931a, 936a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1002a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1012a, 1014a, 1018a, 1031a, 1036a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1102a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1112a, 1114a, 1118a, 1131a, 1136a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1212p, 1214p, 1218p, 1231p, 1236p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 102p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [112p, 114p, 118p, 131p, 136p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 202p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [212p, 214p, 218p, 231p, 236p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 302p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [229p, 231p, 235p, 248p, 253p, 301p, 309p, 316p, 319p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [312p, 314p, 318p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 402p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [352p, 354p, 358p, 412p, 417p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 445p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [412p, 414p, 418p, 432p, 437p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 505p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [432p, 434p, 438p, 452p, 457p, 506p, 514p, 522p, 525p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [452p, 454p, 458p, 512p, 517p, 526p, 534p, 542p, 545p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [512p, 514p, 518p, 532p, 537p, 546p, 554p, 602p, 605p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [532p, 534p, 538p, 552p, 557p, 605p, 613p, 620p, 623p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [611p, 613p, 617p, 630p, 635p, 643p, 651p, 658p, 701p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [711p, 713p, 717p, 730p, 735p, 743p, 751p, 758p, 801p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [811p, 813p, 817p, 830p, 835p, 843p, 851p, 858p, 901p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [911p, 913p, 917p, 930p, 935p, 943p, 951p, 958p, 1001p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1011p, 1013p, 1017p, 1030p, 1035p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p, 1101p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/52-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/52-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,17 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7Ph1, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BJK]
+  Hibberson / Kate Crace-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7tug, Wjz7thn, Wjz7smv, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7rzg]
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz6ZyF]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+  Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+  Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qkM, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7aYu, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
 short_name: "52"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 715a, 718a, 724a, 732a, 740a, 745a, 758a, 800a, 805a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 735a, 738a, 744a, 753a, 801a, 806a, 819a, 821a, 826a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 804a, 813a, 821a, 826a, 839a, 841a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 824a, 833a, 841a, 846a, 859a, 901a, 906a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 835a, 838a, 844a, 853a, 901a, 906a, 918a, 920a, 925a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 858a, 904a, 912a, 920a, 925a, 937a, 939a, 944a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 915a, 918a, 924a, 932a, 940a, 945a, 957a, 959a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 942a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1007a, 1012a, 1024a, 1026a, 1031a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1030a, 1035a, 1047a, 1049a, 1054a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1130a, 1135a, 1147a, 1149a, 1154a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1205p, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1230p, 1235p, 1247p, 1249p, 1254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 105p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 130p, 135p, 147p, 149p, 154p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 205p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 230p, 235p, 247p, 249p, 254p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 301p, 304p, 310p, 318p, 326p, 331p, 343p, 345p, 350p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 340p, 343p, 349p, 357p, 405p, 410p, 423p, 425p, 430p], [345p, 351p, 353p, 401p, 406p, 409p, 415p, 424p, 432p, 437p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [400p, 407p, 409p, 418p, 423p, 426p, 432p, 441p, 449p, 454p, 507p, 509p, 514p], [418p, 425p, 427p, 436p, 441p, 444p, 450p, 459p, 507p, 512p, 525p, 527p, 532p], [440p, 447p, 449p, 458p, 503p, 506p, 512p, 521p, 529p, 534p, 547p, 549p, 554p], [459p, 506p, 508p, 517p, 522p, 525p, 531p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 606p, 608p, 613p], [515p, 522p, 524p, 533p, 538p, 541p, 547p, 556p, 604p, 609p, 621p, 623p, 628p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 558p, 602p, 605p, 611p, 619p, 627p, 632p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 615p, 618p, 621p, 627p, 635p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 702p, 707p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 705p, 708p, 714p, 722p, 730p, 735p, 747p, 749p, 754p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 805p, 808p, 814p, 822p, 830p, 835p, 847p, 849p, 854p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 905p, 908p, 914p, 922p, 930p, 935p, 947p, 949p, 954p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1005p, 1008p, 1014p, 1022p, 1030p, 1035p, 1047p, 1049p, 1054p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1105p, 1108p, 1114p, 1122p, 1130p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/56-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/56-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,9 +3,13 @@
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7FNw]
+  Kosciuszko / Everard-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7Pqv]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
 short_name: "56"
 stop_times: [[534a, 536a, 540a, 554a, 605a, 615a, 622a, 628a, 630a, 637a], [614a, 616a, 620a, 634a, 645a, 655a, 702a, 708a, 710a, 717a], [634a, 636a, 640a, 654a, 705a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 730a, 737a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 732a, 739a, 745a, 750a, 805a], [658a, 700a, 704a, 718a, 729a, 739a, 746a, 757a, 802a, 818a], [717a, 719a, 723a, 737a, 748a, 802a, 810a, 821a, 826a, 842a], [739a, 741a, 745a, 800a, 811a, 825a, 833a, 844a, 849a, 902a], [802a, 804a, 808a, 823a, 834a, 848a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 913a], [847a, 849a, 853a, 907a, 917a, 927a, 934a, 940a, 942a, 949a], [930a, 932a, 936a, 950a, 1000a, 1010a, 1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1032a], [1030a, 1032a, 1036a, 1050a, 1100a, 1110a, 1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1132a], [1130a, 1132a, 1136a, 1150a, 1200p, 1210p, 1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1232p], [1230p, 1232p, 1236p, 1250p, 100p, 110p, 117p, 123p, 125p, 132p], [130p, 132p, 136p, 150p, 200p, 210p, 217p, 223p, 225p, 232p], [235p, 237p, 241p, 255p, 305p, 315p, 322p, 328p, 330p, 337p], [312p, 314p, 318p, 332p, 342p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p, 416p], [340p, 342p, 346p, 400p, 411p, 423p, 431p, 438p, 440p, 448p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 441p, 452p, 504p, 512p, 519p, 521p, 529p], [440p, 442p, 446p, 501p, 512p, 524p, 532p, 539p, 541p, 549p], [456p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 528p, 540p, 548p, 555p, 557p, 604p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 537p, 548p, 600p, 607p, 613p, 615p, 621p], [536p, 538p, 542p, 557p, 607p, 617p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 638p], [555p, 557p, 601p, 615p, 625p, 635p, 642p, 648p, 650p, 656p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 649p, 659p, 709p, 716p, 722p, 724p, 730p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 749p, 759p, 809p, 816p, 822p, 824p, 830p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 849p, 859p, 909p, 916p, 922p, 924p, 930p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 949p, 959p, 1009p, 1016p, 1022p, 1024p, 1030p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1049p, 1059p, 1109p, 1116p, 1122p, 1124p, 1130p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/56-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/56-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -4,9 +4,13 @@
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz6mip]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+  Kosciuszko / Everard-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7FNw, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
 short_name: "56"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 602a, 612a, 623a, 639a, 641a, 646a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 636a, 646a, 657a, 713a, 715a, 720a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 706a, 716a, 727a, 743a, 745a, 750a], [651a, 657a, 659a, 705a, 712a, 722a, 733a, 749a, 751a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 726a, 736a, 747a, 804a, 806a, 811a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 743a, 755a, 806a, 823a, 825a, 830a], [741a, 747a, 749a, 755a, 803a, 815a, 826a, 843a, 845a, 850a], [801a, 808a, 810a, 816a, 824a, 836a, 847a, 904a, 906a, 911a], [821a, 828a, 830a, 836a, 844a, 856a, 906a, 922a, 924a, 929a], [851a, 858a, 900a, 906a, 913a, 925a, 935a, 951a, 953a, 958a], [1004a, 1010a, 1012a, 1018a, 1025a, 1037a, 1047a, 1103a, 1105a, 1110a], [1104a, 1110a, 1112a, 1118a, 1125a, 1137a, 1147a, 1203p, 1205p, 1210p], [1204p, 1210p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p, 1237p, 1247p, 103p, 105p, 110p], [104p, 110p, 112p, 118p, 125p, 137p, 147p, 203p, 205p, 210p], [204p, 210p, 212p, 218p, 225p, 237p, 247p, 303p, 305p, 310p], [302p, 309p, 311p, 318p, 326p, 338p, 349p, 406p, 408p, 413p], [358p, 405p, 407p, 414p, 422p, 434p, 445p, 502p, 504p, 509p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 445p, 456p, 513p, 515p, 520p], [429p, 436p, 438p, 445p, 453p, 505p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [449p, 456p, 458p, 505p, 513p, 525p, 536p, 553p, 555p, 600p], [510p, 517p, 519p, 526p, 534p, 546p, 557p, 613p, 615p, 620p], [530p, 537p, 539p, 546p, 554p, 605p, 615p, 631p, 633p, 638p], [550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 611p, 621p, 631p, 647p, 649p, 654p], [610p, 616p, 618p, 623p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [704p, 710p, 712p, 717p, 724p, 734p, 744p, 800p, 802p, 807p], [804p, 810p, 812p, 817p, 824p, 834p, 844p, 900p, 902p, 907p], [904p, 910p, 912p, 917p, 924p, 934p, 944p, 1000p, 1002p, 1007p], [1004p, 1010p, 1012p, 1017p, 1024p, 1034p, 1044p, 1100p, 1102p, 1107p], [1104p, 1110p, 1112p, 1117p, 1124p, 1134p, 1144p, 1200a, 1202a, 1207a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/57-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/57-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+  Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo-Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave: []
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7Wrb, Wjz7Wqb]
+  Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6_7M, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6QPM, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6YiM]
 short_name: "57"
 stop_times: [[600a, 607a, 610a, 618a, 624a, 626a, 632a], [630a, 637a, 640a, 648a, 654a, 656a, 702a], [700a, 707a, 710a, 718a, 724a, 726a, 732a], [736a, 743a, 746a, 754a, 805a, 810a, 825a], [806a, 813a, 816a, 824a, 835a, 840a, 855a], [836a, 843a, 846a, 854a, 903a, 905a, 911a], [936a, 943a, 946a, 954a, 1000a, 1002a, 1008a], [1036a, 1043a, 1046a, 1054a, 1100a, 1102a, 1108a], [1136a, 1143a, 1146a, 1154a, 1200p, 1202p, 1208p], [1236p, 1243p, 1246p, 1254p, 100p, 102p, 108p], [136p, 143p, 146p, 154p, 200p, 202p, 208p], [236p, 243p, 246p, 254p, 300p, 302p, 308p], [336p, 343p, 346p, 354p, 400p, 402p, 409p], [407p, 414p, 417p, 425p, 432p, 434p, 441p], [437p, 444p, 447p, 455p, 502p, 504p, 511p], [507p, 514p, 517p, 525p, 532p, 534p, 541p], [537p, 544p, 547p, 555p, 602p, 604p, 609p], [636p, 643p, 646p, 654p, 700p, 702p, 707p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/57-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/57-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave, Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo, Gungahlin Marketplace]
 long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave-Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo: []
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Hoskins Street / Oodgeroo Ave: [Wjz6YiM, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6QPM, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6_7M]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+  Manning Clarke / Oodgeroo-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7Wqb, Wjz7Wrb, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
 short_name: "57"
 stop_times: [[655a, 701a, 703a, 709a, 717a, 720a, 724a], [725a, 731a, 733a, 739a, 747a, 750a, 754a], [755a, 802a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 821a, 825a], [825a, 832a, 834a, 840a, 848a, 851a, 855a], [855a, 902a, 904a, 910a, 918a, 921a, 925a], [957a, 1003a, 1005a, 1011a, 1019a, 1022a, 1026a], [1055a, 1101a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, 1120a, 1124a], [1155a, 1201p, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, 1220p, 1224p], [1255p, 101p, 103p, 109p, 117p, 120p, 124p], [155p, 201p, 203p, 209p, 217p, 220p, 224p], [255p, 301p, 303p, 310p, 318p, 321p, 325p], [355p, 402p, 404p, 411p, 419p, 422p, 426p], [425p, 432p, 434p, 441p, 449p, 452p, 456p], [455p, 502p, 504p, 511p, 519p, 522p, 526p], [525p, 532p, 534p, 541p, 549p, 552p, 556p], [555p, 602p, 604p, 609p, 617p, 620p, 624p], [625p, 631p, 633p, 638p, 646p, 649p, 653p], [655p, 701p, 703p, 708p, 716p, 719p, 723p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/58-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/58-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -4,9 +4,14 @@
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz6mip]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjz6YiM, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_R5]
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+  Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjzf24l, Wjz7WRq, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7W61, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+  Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7WRq, Wjze7Ku, Wjzf0OJ, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0TD]
 short_name: "58"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 551a, 558a, 606a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 624a, 631a, 639a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [631a, 637a, 639a, 645a, 651a, 658a, 706a, 717a, 733a, 735a, 740a], [711a, 717a, 719a, 725a, 731a, 738a, 746a, 757a, 814a, 816a, 821a], [727a, 733a, 735a, 741a, 748a, 757a, 806a, 817a, 834a, 836a, 841a], [745a, 752a, 754a, 800a, 808a, 817a, 826a, 837a, 854a, 856a, 901a], [805a, 812a, 814a, 820a, 828a, 837a, 846a, 857a, 913a, 915a, 920a], [917a, 923a, 925a, 931a, 938a, 945a, 953a, 1003a, 1019a, 1021a, 1026a], [1017a, 1023a, 1025a, 1031a, 1038a, 1045a, 1053a, 1103a, 1119a, 1121a, 1126a], [1117a, 1123a, 1125a, 1131a, 1138a, 1145a, 1153a, 1203p, 1219p, 1221p, 1226p], [1217p, 1223p, 1225p, 1231p, 1238p, 1245p, 1253p, 103p, 119p, 121p, 126p], [117p, 123p, 125p, 131p, 138p, 145p, 153p, 203p, 219p, 221p, 226p], [217p, 223p, 225p, 231p, 238p, 245p, 253p, 303p, 320p, 322p, 327p], [328p, 335p, 337p, 344p, 352p, 401p, 410p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [419p, 426p, 428p, 435p, 443p, 452p, 501p, 512p, 529p, 531p, 536p], [439p, 446p, 448p, 455p, 503p, 512p, 521p, 532p, 549p, 551p, 556p], [500p, 507p, 509p, 516p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 553p, 609p, 611p, 616p], [520p, 527p, 529p, 536p, 544p, 553p, 602p, 612p, 628p, 630p, 635p], [540p, 547p, 549p, 556p, 603p, 610p, 618p, 628p, 644p, 646p, 651p], [600p, 606p, 608p, 613p, 619p, 626p, 634p, 644p, 700p, 702p, 707p], [631p, 637p, 639p, 644p, 650p, 657p, 705p, 715p, 731p, 733p, 738p], [717p, 723p, 725p, 730p, 736p, 743p, 751p, 801p, 817p, 819p, 824p], [817p, 823p, 825p, 830p, 836p, 843p, 851p, 901p, 917p, 919p, 924p], [917p, 923p, 925p, 930p, 936p, 943p, 951p, 1001p, 1017p, 1019p, 1024p], [1017p, 1023p, 1025p, 1030p, 1036p, 1043p, 1051p, 1101p, 1117p, 1119p, 1124p], [1117p, 1123p, 1125p, 1130p, 1136p, 1143p, 1151p, 1201a, 1217a, 1219a, 1224a], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/58-to-macarthur---northbourne-ave.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/58-to-macarthur---northbourne-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,9 +3,14 @@
 long_name: To Macarthur / Northbourne Ave
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7W61, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WRq, Wjzf24l]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjzf0TD, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0OJ, Wjze7Ku, Wjz7WRq]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7Pqv]
+  Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6_R5, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6YiM]
 short_name: "58"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 543a, 554a, 602a, 609a, 615a, 621a, 623a], ["-", "-", "-", 623a, 634a, 642a, 649a, 655a, 701a, 703a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654a, 702a, 709a, 715a, 721a, 723a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 713a, 721a, 728a, 734a, 740a, 742a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 731a, 738a, 744a, 754a, 759a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 740a, 748a, 755a, 803a, 814a, 819a], [723a, 725a, 729a, 743a, 754a, 803a, 810a, 818a, 829a, 834a], [744a, 746a, 750a, 805a, 816a, 825a, 832a, 840a, 851a, 856a], [825a, 827a, 831a, 846a, 857a, 905a, 912a, 919a, 925a, 927a], [905a, 907a, 911a, 925a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 957a, 1003a, 1005a], [1005a, 1007a, 1011a, 1025a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1057a, 1103a, 1105a], [1105a, 1107a, 1111a, 1125a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1157a, 1203p, 1205p], [1205p, 1207p, 1211p, 1225p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1257p, 103p, 105p], [105p, 107p, 111p, 125p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 157p, 203p, 205p], [205p, 207p, 211p, 225p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 257p, 303p, 305p], [307p, 309p, 313p, 327p, 337p, 345p, 352p, 359p, 406p, 408p], [405p, 407p, 411p, 426p, 437p, 446p, 453p, 501p, 508p, 510p], [425p, 427p, 431p, 446p, 457p, 506p, 513p, 521p, 528p, 530p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 506p, 517p, 526p, 533p, 541p, 548p, 550p], [505p, 507p, 511p, 526p, 537p, 546p, 553p, 601p, 607p, 609p], [525p, 527p, 531p, 546p, 557p, 605p, 612p, 618p, 624p, 626p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 606p, 616p, 624p, 631p, 637p, 643p, 645p], [604p, 606p, 610p, 624p, 634p, 642p, 649p, 655p, 701p, 703p], [704p, 706p, 710p, 724p, 734p, 742p, 749p, 755p, 801p, 803p], [804p, 806p, 810p, 824p, 834p, 842p, 849p, 855p, 901p, 903p], [904p, 906p, 910p, 924p, 934p, 942p, 949p, 955p, 1001p, 1003p], [1004p, 1006p, 1010p, 1024p, 1034p, 1042p, 1049p, 1055p, 1101p, 1103p], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/59-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/59-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,10 +3,16 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Hibberson / Kate Crace-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7Pt9, Wjz7QpP, Wjz7QEd, Wjz7PKW, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7ZaH, Wjz7ZaH, Wjz7-oI, Wjz7-xb, Wjz7SUe]
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz6ZyF]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+  Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive-Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr: [Wjz7RHe, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7R5z, Wjz7JZQ, Wjz7KWi, Wjz7KFS, Wjz7JmE, Wjz7Jjj, Wjz7Jpk, Wjz7IuJ]
+  Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7IcS, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xp9, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp]
 short_name: "59"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 648a, 703a, 709a, 718a, 734a, 736a, 741a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 710a, 713a, 728a, 734a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 730a, 733a, 748a, 754a, 803a, 820a, 822a, 827a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 758a, 813a, 819a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 815a, 818a, 833a, 839a, 848a, 905a, 907a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907a, 910a, 925a, 931a, 940a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007a, 1010a, 1025a, 1031a, 1040a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107a, 1110a, 1125a, 1131a, 1140a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1207p, 1210p, 1225p, 1231p, 1240p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 107p, 110p, 125p, 131p, 140p, 156p, 158p, 203p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 207p, 210p, 225p, 231p, 240p, 256p, 258p, 303p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 307p, 310p, 325p, 331p, 340p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [328p, 334p, 336p, 344p, 347p, 350p, 405p, 411p, 421p, 438p, 440p, 445p], [337p, 343p, 345p, 353p, 356p, 359p, 414p, 420p, 430p, 447p, 449p, 454p], [351p, 357p, 359p, 408p, 413p, 416p, 431p, 437p, 447p, 504p, 506p, 511p], [409p, 416p, 418p, 427p, 432p, 435p, 450p, 456p, 506p, 523p, 525p, 530p], [423p, 430p, 432p, 441p, 446p, 449p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 537p, 539p, 544p], [437p, 444p, 446p, 455p, 500p, 503p, 518p, 524p, 534p, 551p, 553p, 558p], [453p, 500p, 502p, 511p, 516p, 519p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 607p, 609p, 614p], [507p, 514p, 516p, 525p, 530p, 533p, 548p, 554p, 604p, 620p, 622p, 627p], [524p, 531p, 533p, 542p, 547p, 550p, 605p, 611p, 620p, 636p, 638p, 643p], [544p, 551p, 553p, 602p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 629p, 638p, 654p, 656p, 701p], [557p, 603p, 605p, 612p, 615p, 618p, 633p, 639p, 648p, 704p, 706p, 711p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 707p, 710p, 725p, 731p, 740p, 756p, 758p, 803p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 810p, 825p, 831p, 840p, 856p, 858p, 903p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 907p, 910p, 925p, 931p, 940p, 956p, 958p, 1003p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1007p, 1010p, 1025p, 1031p, 1040p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1107p, 1110p, 1125p, 1131p, 1140p, 1156p, 1158p, 1203a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/59-to-northbourne-avenue---antill-st.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/59-to-northbourne-avenue---antill-st.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,16 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall, Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr, Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive, Gungahlin Marketplace, Hibberson / Kate Crace, Flemington Rd / Sandford St, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St]
 long_name: To Northbourne Avenue / Antill St
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall: [Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW]
+  Hibberson / Kate Crace-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6ZyF]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Mirrabei Drive / Dam Wall-Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr: [Wjz7IFg, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7IcS]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Hibberson / Kate Crace: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn]
+  Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7SUe, Wjz7-xb, Wjz7-oI, Wjz7ZaH, Wjz7ZaH, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7PKW, Wjz7QEd, Wjz7QpP, Wjz7Pt9, Wjz7Pqv]
+  Paul Coe / Mirrabei Dr-Katherine Ave / Horse Park Drive: [Wjz7IuJ, Wjz7Jpk, Wjz7Jjj, Wjz7JmE, Wjz7KFS, Wjz7KWi, Wjz7JZQ, Wjz7R5z, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7RHe]
 short_name: "59"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 537a, 541a, 547a, 603a, 606a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 612a, 616a, 622a, 638a, 641a, "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 646a, 650a, 656a, 711a, 714a, 717a, 724a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 702a, 706a, 712a, 727a, 730a, 733a, 740a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 712a, 716a, 722a, 737a, 740a, 743a, 753a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 733a, 737a, 743a, 758a, 801a, 806a, 817a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 813a, 819a, 834a, 837a, 842a, 853a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 820a, 824a, 830a, 845a, 848a, 853a, 903a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 849a, 853a, 859a, 914a, 917a, 920a, 927a], [900a, 902a, 906a, 923a, "-", 933a, 939a, 955a, 958a, "-", "-"], [1000a, 1002a, 1006a, 1023a, "-", 1033a, 1039a, 1055a, 1058a, "-", "-"], [1100a, 1102a, 1106a, 1123a, "-", 1133a, 1139a, 1155a, 1158a, "-", "-"], [1200p, 1202p, 1206p, 1223p, "-", 1233p, 1239p, 1255p, 1258p, "-", "-"], [100p, 102p, 106p, 123p, "-", 133p, 139p, 155p, 158p, "-", "-"], [200p, 202p, 206p, 223p, "-", 233p, 239p, 255p, 258p, "-", "-"], [240p, 242p, 246p, 303p, "-", 313p, 319p, 335p, 338p, "-", "-"], [318p, 320p, 324p, 342p, "-", 352p, 358p, 414p, 417p, "-", "-"], [333p, 335p, 339p, 357p, "-", 407p, 413p, 429p, 432p, "-", "-"], [348p, 350p, 354p, 412p, "-", 422p, 428p, 444p, 447p, "-", "-"], [403p, 405p, 409p, 427p, "-", 437p, 443p, 459p, 502p, "-", "-"], [418p, 420p, 424p, 442p, "-", 452p, 458p, 514p, 517p, "-", "-"], [433p, 435p, 439p, 457p, "-", 507p, 513p, 529p, 532p, "-", "-"], [448p, 450p, 454p, 512p, "-", 522p, 528p, 544p, 547p, "-", "-"], [503p, 505p, 509p, 527p, "-", 537p, 543p, 559p, 602p, "-", "-"], [518p, 520p, 524p, 542p, "-", 552p, 558p, 614p, 617p, "-", "-"], [530p, 532p, 536p, 554p, "-", 604p, 610p, 626p, 629p, "-", "-"], [548p, 550p, 554p, 611p, "-", 620p, 626p, 642p, 645p, "-", "-"], [603p, 605p, 609p, 626p, "-", 635p, 641p, 657p, 700p, "-", "-"], [703p, 705p, 709p, 726p, "-", 735p, 741p, 757p, 800p, "-", "-"], [803p, 805p, 809p, 826p, "-", 835p, 841p, 857p, 900p, "-", "-"], [903p, 905p, 909p, 926p, "-", 935p, 941p, 957p, 1000p, "-", "-"], [1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1026p, "-", 1035p, 1041p, 1057p, 1100p, "-", "-"], [1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1126p, "-", 1135p, 1141p, 1157p, 1200a, "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Cowper St]
 long_name: To Dickson
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  North Lyneham-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5-6R]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5Jpp, Wjz5Jpu, Wjz5Jyz, Wjz5JzP, Wjz5JuJ, Wjz5Juf, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5Krx]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3slg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4RbQ, Wjz4KVc, Wjz5Nht]
+  Red Hill-Manuka: [Wjz3Sbz, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3LRT, Wjz4M0c, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP]
+  Lyneham / Wattle St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5KBe, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5LSr, Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv]
+  Canberra Hospital-Red Hill: [Wjz3tGi, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3_99, Wjz3TM5]
+  Manuka-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
 short_name: "6"
 stop_times: [[618a, 626a, 638a, 645a, 650a, 701a, 713a, 719a, 725a], [653a, 701a, 713a, 720a, 725a, 737a, 751a, 759a, 806a], [723a, 731a, 745a, 753a, 758a, 812a, 826a, 834a, 841a], [753a, 803a, 817a, 825a, 830a, 844a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [823a, 833a, 847a, 855a, 900a, 914a, 928a, 936a, 943a], [853a, 903a, 917a, 925a, 930a, 944a, 956a, 1004a, 1011a], [923a, 933a, 945a, 952a, 957a, 1011a, 1023a, 1031a, 1038a], [1023a, 1033a, 1045a, 1052a, 1057a, 1111a, 1123a, 1131a, 1138a], [1123a, 1133a, 1145a, 1152a, 1157a, 1211p, 1223p, 1231p, 1238p], [1223p, 1233p, 1245p, 1252p, 1257p, 111p, 123p, 131p, 138p], [123p, 133p, 145p, 152p, 157p, 211p, 223p, 231p, 238p], [223p, 233p, 245p, 252p, 257p, 311p, 325p, 333p, 340p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 344p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [323p, 333p, 347p, 355p, 400p, 414p, 428p, 436p, 443p], [353p, 403p, 417p, 425p, 430p, 444p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [423p, 433p, 447p, 455p, 500p, 514p, 528p, 536p, 543p], [453p, 503p, 517p, 525p, 530p, 544p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [516p, 526p, 540p, 548p, 553p, 607p, 621p, 629p, 635p], [553p, 603p, 617p, 625p, 630p, 640p, 650p, 656p, 702p], [630p, 638p, 648p, 655p, 700p, 710p, 720p, 726p, 732p], [730p, 738p, 748p, 755p, 800p, 810p, 820p, 826p, 832p], [830p, 838p, 848p, 855p, 900p, 910p, 920p, 926p, 932p], [930p, 938p, 948p, 955p, 1000p, 1010p, 1020p, 1026p, 1032p], [1030p, 1038p, 1048p, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p, 1120p, 1126p, 1132p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/6-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
-time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Dickson / Cowper St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, City Bus Station (Platform 4), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KVc, Wjz4RbQ]
+  Lyneham / Wattle St-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz5Krx, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5Juf, Wjz5JuJ, Wjz5JzP, Wjz5Jyz, Wjz5Jpu, Wjz5Jpp, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Dickson / Cowper St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
+  Red Hill-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3TM5, Wjz3_99, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3tGi]
+  Manuka-Red Hill: [Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4M0c, Wjz3LRT, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3Sbz]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Manuka: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0]
+  North Lyneham-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5KBe]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3slg, Wjz3lov]
 short_name: "6"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 650a, 658a, 703a, 710a, 720a, 728a], [648a, 655a, 701a, 715a, 723a, 728a, 736a, 750a, 758a], [718a, 725a, 731a, 747a, 759a, 804a, 812a, 826a, 834a], [748a, 756a, 804a, 820a, 830a, 838a, 846a, 903a, 911a], [818a, 827a, 836a, 852a, 904a, 909a, 917a, 931a, 939a], [848a, 856a, 903a, 919a, 931a, 936a, 943a, 955a, 1003a], [918a, 926a, 933a, 947a, 957a, 1002a, 1009a, 1021a, 1029a], [948a, 956a, 1003a, 1017a, 1027a, 1032a, 1039a, 1051a, 1059a], [1048a, 1056a, 1103a, 1117a, 1127a, 1132a, 1139a, 1151a, 1159a], [1148a, 1156a, 1203p, 1217p, 1227p, 1232p, 1239p, 1251p, 1259p], [1248p, 1256p, 103p, 117p, 127p, 132p, 139p, 151p, 159p], [148p, 156p, 203p, 217p, 227p, 232p, 239p, 251p, 259p], [248p, 256p, 303p, 319p, 331p, 336p, 344p, 358p, 406p], [318p, 326p, 333p, 349p, 401p, 406p, 414p, 428p, 436p], [348p, 356p, 403p, 419p, 431p, 436p, 444p, 458p, 506p], [418p, 426p, 433p, 449p, 501p, 506p, 514p, 528p, 536p], [448p, 456p, 503p, 519p, 531p, 536p, 544p, 558p, 606p], [518p, 526p, 533p, 549p, 601p, 606p, 614p, 628p, 636p], [548p, 556p, 603p, 619p, 631p, 636p, 643p, 653p, 701p], [640p, 647p, 653p, 705p, 713p, 718p, 725p, 735p, 743p], [740p, 747p, 753p, 805p, 813p, 818p, 825p, 835p, 843p], [840p, 847p, 853p, 905p, 913p, 918p, 925p, 935p, 943p], [940p, 947p, 953p, 1005p, 1013p, 1018p, 1025p, 1035p, 1043p], [1040p, 1047p, 1053p, 1105p, 1113p, 1118p, 1125p, 1135p, 1143p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/60-160-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/60-160-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 long_name: To City West
   City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Kambah High: [Wjz213w, Wjz213q, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz234e, Wjz2347, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  Mount Neighbour School-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [WjrW_1f, WjrWTWO, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrXMFM, WjrXMN9, WjrXUjI, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Kambah High-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz24lu, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, WjrWYHE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYDE, WjrWYDO, WjrWZA3, WjrWZsS, WjrWSUa, WjrWSX9]
 short_name: 60 160
 stop_times: [[606a, 615a, 621a, 632a, "-", "-"], [706a, 715a, 721a, 734a, 749a, 752a], [730a, 740a, 748a, 802a, "-", "-"], [738a, 748a, 756a, 811a, 826a, 829a], [752a, 802a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [808a, 818a, 826a, 841a, 856a, 859a], [836a, 846a, 854a, 908a, "-", "-"], [906a, 916a, 924a, 937a, "-", "-"], [1006a, 1016a, 1024a, 1036a, "-", "-"], [1106a, 1116a, 1124a, 1136a, "-", "-"], [1206p, 1216p, 1224p, 1236p, "-", "-"], [106p, 116p, 124p, 136p, "-", "-"], [206p, 216p, 224p, 236p, "-", "-"], [236p, 246p, 254p, 307p, "-", "-"], [306p, 316p, 324p, 338p, "-", "-"], [336p, 346p, 354p, 408p, "-", "-"], [406p, 416p, 424p, 438p, "-", "-"], [436p, 446p, 454p, 508p, "-", "-"], [506p, 516p, 524p, 538p, "-", "-"], [536p, 546p, 554p, 608p, "-", "-"], [606p, 616p, 624p, 637p, "-", "-"], [706p, 716p, 722p, 734p, "-", "-"], [806p, 816p, 822p, 834p, "-", "-"], [906p, 916p, 922p, 934p, "-", "-"], [1006p, 1016p, 1022p, 1034p, "-", "-"], [1106p, 1116p, 1122p, 1134p, "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/60-160-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/60-160-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Mount Neighbour School-Kambah High: [WjrWSX9, WjrWSUa, WjrWZsS, WjrWZA3, WjrWYDO, WjrWYDE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYHE, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lu]
+  Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz2347, Wjz234e, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, Wjz213q, Wjz213w]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUjI, WjrXMN9, WjrXMFM, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrWTWO, WjrW_1f]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
 short_name: 60 160
 stop_times: [["-", "-", 647a, 701a, 708a, 718a], ["-", "-", 717a, 731a, 739a, 750a], ["-", "-", 747a, 801a, 809a, 820a], ["-", "-", 817a, 831a, 839a, 850a], ["-", "-", 847a, 901a, 909a, 920a], ["-", "-", 947a, 1001a, 1009a, 1019a], ["-", "-", 1047a, 1101a, 1109a, 1119a], ["-", "-", 1147a, 1201p, 1209p, 1219p], ["-", "-", 1247p, 101p, 109p, 119p], ["-", "-", 147p, 201p, 209p, 219p], ["-", "-", 247p, 301p, 309p, 320p], ["-", "-", 317p, 331p, 339p, 350p], ["-", "-", 347p, 401p, 409p, 420p], ["-", "-", 417p, 431p, 439p, 450p], ["-", "-", 447p, 501p, 509p, 520p], [455p, 501p, 517p, 531p, 539p, 550p], [531p, 537p, 553p, 607p, 615p, 626p], [555p, 601p, 617p, 631p, 638p, 647p], ["-", "-", 647p, 701p, 708p, 717p], ["-", "-", 743p, 757p, 804p, 813p], ["-", "-", 843p, 857p, 904p, 913p], ["-", "-", 943p, 957p, 1004p, 1013p], ["-", "-", 1043p, 1057p, 1104p, 1113p], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
 long_name: To City West
   City Bus Station-City West: []
-  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Taverner St / Erindale Dr-Kambah / Livingston St: [Wjz2aVu, Wjz2aXM, Wjz2i3o, Wjz2aLs, Wjz2bGs, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2dpP]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
   Woden Bus Station-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  Kambah / Livingston St-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2dA9, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2l5-, Wjz2lju, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2u8E]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Taverner St / Erindale Dr: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz29yh, Wjz29ea, Wjz2aaw, Wjz2arg, Wjz2azE, Wjz2aGG, Wjz29-5, Wjz29Ya]
 short_name: 61 161
 stop_times: [[630a, 641a, 646a, 651a, 658a, "-", "-"], [700a, 712a, 717a, 722a, 733a, "-", "-"], [726a, 739a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 819a, 822a], [740a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 813a, "-", "-"], [800a, 814a, 819a, 825a, 839a, "-", "-"], [837a, 851a, 856a, 901a, 910a, "-", "-"], [900a, 914a, 919a, 924a, 933a, "-", "-"], [930a, 943a, 948a, 953a, 1001a, "-", "-"], [1030a, 1043a, 1048a, 1053a, 1101a, "-", "-"], [1130a, 1143a, 1148a, 1153a, 1201p, "-", "-"], [1230p, 1243p, 1248p, 1253p, 101p, "-", "-"], [130p, 143p, 148p, 153p, 201p, "-", "-"], [230p, 243p, 248p, 253p, 301p, "-", "-"], [330p, 344p, 349p, 354p, 403p, "-", "-"], [400p, 414p, 419p, 424p, 433p, "-", "-"], [430p, 444p, 449p, 454p, 503p, "-", "-"], [500p, 514p, 519p, 524p, 533p, "-", "-"], [530p, 544p, 549p, 554p, 603p, "-", "-"], [600p, 614p, 619p, 624p, 633p, "-", "-"], [630p, 643p, 648p, 653p, 701p, "-", "-"], [730p, 743p, 748p, 753p, 801p, "-", "-"], [830p, 843p, 848p, 853p, 901p, "-", "-"], [930p, 943p, 948p, 953p, 1001p, "-", "-"], [1030p, 1043p, 1048p, 1053p, 1101p, "-", "-"], [1130p, 1143p, 1148p, 1153p, "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/61-161-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Kambah / Livingston St, Taverner St / Erindale Dr, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+  Taverner St / Erindale Dr-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz29Ya, Wjz29-5, Wjz2aGG, Wjz2azE, Wjz2arg, Wjz2aaw, Wjz29ea, Wjz29yh, Wjz20QI]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Kambah / Livingston St: [Wjz2u8E, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lju, Wjz2l5-, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2dA9]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
+  Kambah / Livingston St-Taverner St / Erindale Dr: [Wjz2dpP, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2bGs, Wjz2aLs, Wjz2i3o, Wjz2aXM, Wjz2aVu]
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
 short_name: 61 161

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/62-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/62-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
   City Bus Station-City West: []
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  Kambah Village-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_uo, WjrXUoV, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3lov]
+  Kambah High-Kambah Village: [Wjz24vP, Wjz24uT, Wjz25NL, Wjz25Ox, Wjz2d32, Wjz2d34, Wjz2def, Wjz2df1, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz26Om, Wjz26P8, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26n5, Wjz27gg, Wjz27k0, Wjz27k8, Wjz27d3, Wjz27dd, WjrW_RH, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_zu, WjrW_zy]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Kambah High: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz2a26, Wjz2b2-, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
 short_name: "62"
 stop_times: [[609a, 616a, 624a, 637a, "-", "-"], [639a, 646a, 654a, 707a, "-", "-"], [709a, 716a, 725a, 740a, 755a, 758a], [736a, 743a, 752a, 807a, 822a, 825a], [754a, 801a, 810a, 824a, "-", "-"], [809a, 816a, 825a, 840a, 855a, 858a], [839a, 846a, 855a, 909a, "-", "-"], [939a, 946a, 954a, 1007a, "-", "-"], [1039a, 1046a, 1054a, 1107a, "-", "-"], [1139a, 1146a, 1154a, 1207p, "-", "-"], [1239p, 1246p, 1254p, 107p, "-", "-"], [139p, 146p, 154p, 207p, "-", "-"], [239p, 246p, 254p, 308p, "-", "-"], [309p, 316p, 325p, 339p, "-", "-"], [339p, 346p, 355p, 409p, "-", "-"], [409p, 416p, 425p, 439p, "-", "-"], [439p, 446p, 455p, 509p, "-", "-"], [509p, 516p, 525p, 539p, "-", "-"], [539p, 546p, 555p, 609p, "-", "-"], [609p, 616p, 625p, 637p, "-", "-"], [639p, 645p, 652p, 703p, "-", "-"], [739p, 745p, 752p, 803p, "-", "-"], [839p, 845p, 852p, 903p, "-", "-"], [940p, 946p, 953p, 1004p, "-", "-"], [1040p, 1046p, 1053p, 1104p, "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/62-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/62-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KNu, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Kambah Village-Kambah High: [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_RH, Wjz27dd, Wjz27d3, Wjz27k8, Wjz27k0, Wjz27gg, Wjz26n5, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26P8, Wjz26Om, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz2df1, Wjz2def, Wjz2d34, Wjz2d32, Wjz25Ox, Wjz25NL, Wjz24uT, Wjz24vP]
+  Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz2b2-, Wjz2a26, Wjz20QI, Wjz20ut]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Kambah Village: [Wjz3dXS, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, WjrW_zy, WjrW_zy]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 1): []
 short_name: "62"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", 709a, 716a, 723a], ["-", "-", 732a, 744a, 753a, 800a], ["-", "-", 802a, 814a, 823a, 830a], ["-", "-", 832a, 844a, 853a, 900a], ["-", "-", 902a, 914a, 923a, 930a], ["-", "-", 932a, 943a, 951a, 958a], ["-", "-", 1032a, 1043a, 1051a, 1058a], ["-", "-", 1132a, 1143a, 1151a, 1158a], ["-", "-", 1232p, 1243p, 1251p, 1258p], ["-", "-", 132p, 143p, 151p, 158p], ["-", "-", 232p, 243p, 251p, 258p], ["-", "-", 332p, 344p, 353p, 400p], ["-", "-", 402p, 414p, 423p, 430p], ["-", "-", 432p, 444p, 453p, 500p], ["-", "-", 502p, 514p, 523p, 530p], [510p, 516p, 532p, 544p, 553p, 600p], [540p, 546p, 602p, 614p, 623p, 630p], [610p, 616p, 632p, 643p, 651p, 658p], ["-", "-", 732p, 743p, 751p, 758p], ["-", "-", 832p, 843p, 851p, 858p], ["-", "-", 932p, 943p, 951p, 958p], ["-", "-", 1032p, 1043p, 1051p, 1058p], ["-", "-", 1132p, 1143p, 1151p, 1158p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/63-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/63-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,15 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Goodwin Village, Erindale Centre, Wanniassa High, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+  Erindale Centre-Wanniassa High: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2cID, Wjz2cYK]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
-  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
-  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5)-Monash Goodwin Village: [Wjz20g4, Wjz17BY, Wjz1vfv, Wjz2ob-]
+  Wanniassa High-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2kv_, Wjz2lUf, Wjz2lWW, Wjz2t4u, Wjz2u8E]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+  Monash Goodwin Village-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2o7y, Wjz2phl, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2qnG]
+  Russell Offices-ADFA: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
 short_name: "63"
 stop_times: [[611a, 619a, 623a, 628a, 633a, 640a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [640a, 648a, 652a, 657a, 702a, 710a, 724a, 727a, 731a, 735a], [712a, 720a, 724a, 729a, 735a, 745a, 759a, 803a, 807a, 811a], [744a, 754a, 759a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 834a, 838a, 842a, 846a], [810a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a, 845a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 855a, 900a, 905a, 911a, 920a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 954a, 958a, 1003a, 1009a, 1017a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1054a, 1058a, 1103a, 1109a, 1117a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1154a, 1158a, 1203p, 1209p, 1217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1254p, 1258p, 103p, 109p, 117p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 154p, 158p, 203p, 209p, 217p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 254p, 258p, 303p, 309p, 318p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [314p, 324p, 329p, 334p, 340p, 349p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 355p, 400p, 405p, 411p, 420p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [415p, 425p, 430p, 435p, 441p, 450p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 455p, 500p, 505p, 511p, 520p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 525p, 530p, 535p, 541p, 550p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 555p, 600p, 605p, 611p, 620p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [645p, 654p, 658p, 703p, 709p, 717p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745p, 754p, 758p, 803p, 809p, 817p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845p, 854p, 858p, 903p, 909p, 917p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 954p, 958p, 1003p, 1009p, 1017p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045p, 1054p, 1058p, 1103p, 1109p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/63-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/63-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,15 @@
 time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Wanniassa High, Erindale Centre, Monash Goodwin Village, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Monash Goodwin Village-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ob-, Wjz1vfv, Wjz17BY, Wjz20xf]
+  Wanniassa High-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2cYK, Wjz2cID, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
-  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
-  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  ADFA-Russell Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Wanniassa High: [Wjz2u8E, Wjz2t4u, Wjz2lWW, Wjz2lUf, Wjz2kv_]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+  Erindale Centre-Monash Goodwin Village: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2phl, Wjz2o7y]
 short_name: "63"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 615a, 619a, 623a, 631a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 645a, 649a, 653a, 701a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703a, 710a, 715a, 719a, 723a, 731a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 736a, 741a, 746a, 756a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803a, 812a, 818a, 823a, 828a, 838a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 823a, 832a, 838a, 843a, 848a, 858a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 928a, 937a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003a, 1011a, 1017a, 1022a, 1026a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103a, 1111a, 1117a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1203p, 1211p, 1217p, 1222p, 1226p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 103p, 111p, 117p, 122p, 126p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 203p, 211p, 217p, 222p, 226p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 303p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 328p, 338p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 323p, 332p, 338p, 343p, 348p, 358p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 403p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 428p, 438p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 423p, 432p, 438p, 443p, 448p, 458p], [437p, 441p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 528p, 538p], [457p, 501p, 505p, 508p, 523p, 532p, 538p, 543p, 548p, 558p], [537p, 541p, 545p, 548p, 603p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 628p, 637p], [557p, 601p, 605p, 608p, 623p, 632p, 638p, 643p, 647p, 656p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 703p, 711p, 717p, 722p, 726p, 735p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 803p, 811p, 817p, 822p, 826p, 835p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 903p, 911p, 917p, 922p, 926p, 935p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1003p, 1011p, 1017p, 1022p, 1026p, 1035p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1103p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1126p, 1135p], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/64-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/64-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Monash Primary, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+  Monash Primary-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2guG, Wjz2gct, Wjz2g2J, Wjz28WY, Wjz28Bd, Wjz20QI]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus: [Wjz2u8E, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2thr, Wjz2su2, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2jFt]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
+  MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus-Monash Primary: [Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2iEO, Wjz2hB8, Wjz2haF, Wjz2hgy]
 short_name: "64"
 stop_times: [["-", "-", 651a, 655a, 702a], [706a, 714a, 721a, 725a, 733a], ["-", "-", 751a, 756a, 805a], [806a, 816a, 823a, 828a, 837a], [836a, 846a, 853a, 858a, 907a], [906a, 916a, 923a, 928a, 936a], [1006a, 1015a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a], [1106a, 1115a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a], [1206p, 1215p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p], [106p, 115p, 122p, 126p, 134p], [206p, 215p, 222p, 226p, 234p], [306p, 316p, 323p, 328p, 337p], [336p, 346p, 353p, 358p, 407p], [406p, 416p, 423p, 428p, 437p], [436p, 446p, 453p, 458p, 507p], [506p, 516p, 523p, 528p, 537p], [536p, 546p, 553p, 558p, 607p], [606p, 616p, 623p, 628p, 636p], [706p, 715p, 722p, 726p, 734p], [806p, 815p, 822p, 826p, 834p], [906p, 915p, 922p, 926p, 934p], [1006p, 1015p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p], [1106p, 1115p, 1122p, 1126p, 1134p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/64-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/64-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Monash Primary, MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2jFt, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2su2, Wjz2thr, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2u8E]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5)-Monash Primary: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz28Bd, Wjz28WY, Wjz2g2J, Wjz2gct, Wjz2guG]
+  Monash Primary-MacKillop College Wanniassa Campus: [Wjz2hgy, Wjz2haF, Wjz2hB8, Wjz2iEO, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR]
 short_name: "64"
 stop_times: [[605a, 612a, 616a, 623a, 631a], [635a, 642a, 646a, 653a, 701a], [705a, 712a, 716a, 723a, 731a], [735a, 744a, 749a, 756a, 806a], [805a, 814a, 819a, 826a, 836a], [825a, 834a, 839a, 846a, 856a], [905a, 914a, 919a, 926a, 935a], [935a, 943a, 947a, 954a, 1003a], [1035a, 1043a, 1047a, 1054a, 1103a], [1135a, 1143a, 1147a, 1154a, 1203p], [1235p, 1243p, 1247p, 1254p, 103p], [135p, 143p, 147p, 154p, 203p], [235p, 243p, 247p, 254p, 303p], [305p, 314p, 319p, 326p, 336p], [335p, 344p, 349p, 356p, 406p], [435p, 444p, 449p, 456p, 506p], [505p, 514p, 519p, 526p, 536p], [535p, 544p, 549p, 556p, 606p], [636p, 644p, 648p, 655p, 704p], [739p, 747p, 751p, 758p, 807p], [839p, 847p, 851p, 858p, 907p], [939p, 947p, 951p, 958p, 1007p], [1039p, 1047p, 1051p, 1058p, "-"], [], []]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/65-265-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/65-265-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
 long_name: To City West
   City Bus Station-City West: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+  Erindale Centre-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2twx, Wjz2trh, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2u8E, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3khK, Wjz3lov]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Gowrie-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2z1O, Wjz2rN0, Wjz2rqk, Wjz2qnG]
+  MacKillop College Isabella Campus-Gowrie: [Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1C75, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CL2, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1DBr, Wjz2wOo, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2F6x, Wjz2xE8, Wjz2wuu]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5)-MacKillop College Isabella Campus: [Wjz20g4, Wjz17vf, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
 short_name: 65 265
 stop_times: [[535a, 541a, 552a, 557a, 611a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [635a, 641a, 652a, 657a, 711a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [653a, 700a, 712a, 721a, 737a, 752a, 756a, 805a, 808a], [720a, 726a, 734a, 743a, 801a, 815a, 819a, 829a, 832a], [730a, 739a, 756a, 805a, 822a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [745a, 754a, 811a, 820a, 842a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [815a, 824a, 841a, 850a, 907a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [845a, 854a, 911a, 920a, 936a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945a, 952a, 1005a, 1012a, 1027a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1045a, 1052a, 1105a, 1112a, 1127a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1152a, 1205p, 1212p, 1227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1245p, 1252p, 105p, 112p, 127p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [145p, 152p, 205p, 212p, 227p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [245p, 252p, 305p, 312p, 331p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [315p, 324p, 337p, 344p, 403p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [345p, 354p, 407p, 414p, 433p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 429p, 442p, 449p, 508p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 454p, 507p, 514p, 533p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [515p, 524p, 537p, 544p, 603p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [545p, 554p, 607p, 614p, 633p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 624p, 636p, 641p, 657p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [641p, 647p, 659p, 704p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [741p, 747p, 759p, 804p, 820p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [841p, 847p, 859p, 904p, 920p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [941p, 947p, 959p, 1004p, 1020p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1041p, 1047p, 1059p, 1104p, 1120p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/65-265-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/65-265-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,14 @@
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
+  Erindale Centre-Bugden Sternberg: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2rN0]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Bugden Sternberg-Gowrie: [Wjz2z1O, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2wnQ]
+  Gowrie-MacKillop College Isabella Campus: [Wjz2wuu, Wjz2xE8, Wjz2F6x, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2wOo, Wjz1DBr, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1CL2, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1C75, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1mDW]
+  MacKillop College Isabella Campus-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1mJc, Wjz17Su, Wjz1mDW, Wjz17Xr, Wjz20ut]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 12)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz3khK, Wjz3jv9, Wjz3jlt, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2u8E, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2trh, Wjz2twx, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2qnG]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 12): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
 short_name: 65 265
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 604a, 608a, 619a, 625a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 625a, 637a, 638a, 643a, 654a, 700a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 655a, 710a, 711a, 718a, 734a, 744a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 725a, 742a, 743a, 750a, 806a, 816a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 755a, 812a, 813a, 820a, 836a, 846a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 825a, 842a, 843a, 850a, 906a, 916a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 855a, 912a, 913a, 920a, 935a, 943a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 955a, 1009a, 1010a, 1015a, 1027a, 1035a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1055a, 1109a, 1110a, 1115a, 1127a, 1135a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1155a, 1209p, 1210p, 1215p, 1227p, 1235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1255p, 109p, 110p, 115p, 127p, 135p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 155p, 209p, 210p, 215p, 227p, 235p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 255p, 311p, 312p, 318p, 332p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 325p, 342p, 343p, 349p, 403p, 412p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 355p, 412p, 413p, 419p, 433p, 442p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 420p, 437p, 438p, 444p, 458p, 507p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 455p, 512p, 513p, 519p, 533p, 542p], [455p, 501p, 510p, 513p, 528p, 545p, 546p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [525p, 531p, 540p, 543p, 558p, 615p, 616p, 622p, 635p, 643p], [555p, 601p, 610p, 613p, 628p, 642p, 643p, 648p, 700p, 708p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 654p, 708p, 709p, 714p, 726p, 734p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 754p, 808p, 809p, 814p, 826p, 834p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 854p, 908p, 909p, 914p, 926p, 934p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 954p, 1008p, 1009p, 1014p, 1026p, 1034p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1054p, 1108p, 1109p, 1114p, 1126p, 1134p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/66-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/66-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Erindale Centre, Proctor / Mead, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1egm, Wjz1ebG, Wjz16_x, Wjz17BY, Wjz20g4]
+  Proctor / Mead-Deamer / Clift Richardson: [Wjz2M6L, Wjz2Mdj, Wjz2EWD, Wjz1LBV, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1CS7, Wjz1CRl, Wjz1K3c]
+  Erindale Centre-Proctor / Mead: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2wuu, Wjz2xE8, Wjz2E43, Wjz2Ek6, Wjz2EB2, Wjz2EK5]
+  Deamer / Clift Richardson-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1K89, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1BrK, Wjz1tR7, Wjz1tbe, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz2rN0, Wjz2qnG]
 short_name: "66"
 stop_times: [["-", 602a, 610a, 617a, 622a, 631a], [622a, 632a, 640a, 647a, 652a, 701a], [652a, 702a, 710a, 717a, 722a, 731a], [722a, 734a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 808a], [752a, 810a, 820a, 827a, 834a, 844a], [822a, 840a, 850a, 857a, 904a, 914a], [916a, 933a, 941a, 948a, 954a, 1003a], [1022a, 1036a, 1044a, 1051a, 1057a, 1106a], [1122a, 1136a, 1144a, 1151a, 1157a, 1206p], [1222p, 1236p, 1244p, 1251p, 1257p, 106p], [122p, 136p, 144p, 151p, 157p, 206p], [222p, 236p, 244p, 251p, 257p, 307p], [252p, 308p, 319p, 326p, 333p, 343p], [322p, 340p, 351p, 358p, 405p, 415p], [352p, 410p, 421p, 428p, 435p, 445p], [422p, 440p, 451p, 458p, 505p, 515p], [452p, 510p, 521p, 528p, 535p, 545p], [522p, 540p, 551p, 558p, 605p, 615p], [552p, 610p, 621p, 628p, 634p, 643p], [622p, 638p, 646p, 653p, 658p, 707p], [722p, 736p, 744p, 751p, 756p, 805p], [822p, 836p, 844p, 851p, 856p, 905p], [922p, 936p, 944p, 951p, 956p, 1005p], [1022p, 1036p, 1044p, 1051p, 1056p, 1105p], [1122p, 1136p, 1144p, 1151p, 1156p, "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/66-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/66-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Deamer / Clift Richardson, Proctor / Mead, Erindale Centre, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Deamer / Clift Richardson-Proctor / Mead: [Wjz1K3c, Wjz1CRl, Wjz1CS7, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1LBV, Wjz2EWD, Wjz2Mdj, Wjz2M6L]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz20xf, Wjz17BY, Wjz16_x, Wjz1ebG, Wjz1egm, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+  Erindale Centre-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2rN0, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+  Proctor / Mead-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2EK5, Wjz2EB2, Wjz2Ek6, Wjz2E43, Wjz2xE8, Wjz2wuu, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2qnG]
+  Bonython Primary School-Deamer / Clift Richardson: [Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1tbe, Wjz1tR7, Wjz1BrK, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1K89]
 short_name: "66"
 stop_times: [[612a, 618a, 625a, 631a, 638a, 652a], [641a, 647a, 654a, 700a, 712a, 727a], [706a, 714a, 723a, 732a, 744a, 800a], [736a, 744a, 753a, 802a, 814a, 830a], [806a, 814a, 823a, 832a, 844a, 900a], [836a, 844a, 853a, 902a, 914a, 930a], [909a, 917a, 926a, 933a, 941a, 956a], [1012a, 1018a, 1026a, 1032a, 1040a, 1055a], [1112a, 1118a, 1126a, 1132a, 1140a, 1155a], [1212p, 1218p, 1226p, 1232p, 1240p, 1255p], [112p, 118p, 126p, 132p, 140p, 155p], [212p, 218p, 226p, 232p, 240p, 255p], [312p, 319p, 327p, 334p, 345p, 400p], [412p, 419p, 427p, 434p, 445p, 500p], [442p, 449p, 457p, 504p, 515p, 530p], [512p, 519p, 527p, 534p, 545p, 600p], [542p, 549p, 557p, 604p, 615p, 630p], [613p, 620p, 628p, 634p, 642p, 657p], [714p, 720p, 728p, 734p, 742p, 757p], [814p, 820p, 828p, 834p, 842p, 857p], [914p, 920p, 928p, 934p, 942p, 957p], [1014p, 1020p, 1028p, 1034p, 1042p, 1057p], [1114p, 1120p, 1128p, 1134p, 1142p, "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Calwell, Chisholm, Erindale / Sternberg Cres, Woden Bus Station (Platform 10), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
 long_name: To City West
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 10)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
+  Calwell-Chisholm: [Wjz1BrK, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1K89, Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1S5I, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TLL, Wjz2MHq, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2N0r]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
+  Erindale / Sternberg Cres-Woden Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz2rN0, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2su2, Wjz2trh, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Chisholm-Erindale / Sternberg Cres: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2I99, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2z1O]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Calwell: [Wjz20g4, Wjz17BY, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1tph, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1B9N]
   City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
 short_name: 67 267
 stop_times: [[603a, 615a, 627a, 635a, 644a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [633a, 645a, 657a, 705a, 716a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [702a, 715a, 726a, 735a, 750a, 804a, 808a, 818a, 821a], [718a, 730a, 745a, 755a, 809a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [731a, 746a, 800a, 810a, 825a, 839a, 843a, 853a, 856a], [803a, 817a, 832a, 842a, 856a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [833a, 847a, 902a, 912a, 926a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903a, 917a, 932a, 940a, 953a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003a, 1016a, 1028a, 1036a, 1049a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103a, 1116a, 1128a, 1136a, 1149a, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1203p, 1216p, 1228p, 1236p, 1249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [103p, 116p, 128p, 136p, 149p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [203p, 216p, 228p, 236p, 249p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [303p, 317p, 332p, 342p, 356p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [333p, 347p, 402p, 412p, 426p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [403p, 417p, 432p, 442p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [433p, 447p, 502p, 512p, 526p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [503p, 517p, 532p, 542p, 556p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [533p, 547p, 602p, 612p, 626p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [603p, 617p, 632p, 640p, 653p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [703p, 716p, 728p, 736p, 749p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [803p, 816p, 828p, 836p, 849p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [903p, 916p, 928p, 936p, 949p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1003p, 1016p, 1028p, 1036p, 1049p, "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1103p, 1116p, 1128p, 1136p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/67-267-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,13 @@
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Erindale / Sternberg Cres-Bugden Sternberg: []
+  Bugden Sternberg-Chisholm: [Wjz2z1O, Wjz2ziM, Wjz2zGA, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2I99, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2N0r]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Erindale / Sternberg Cres: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2trh, Wjz2su2, Wjz2sbG, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2ri7, Wjz2rN0]
+  Calwell-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1B9N, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tph, Wjz1t8G, Wjz17BY, Wjz20xf]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Woden Bus Station (Platform 5): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4P6x, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3dXS, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Chisholm-Calwell: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2MHq, Wjz1TLL, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1S5I, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1K89, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1BrK]
 short_name: 67 267
 stop_times: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 601a, 608a, 618a, 632a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 617a, 626a, 626a, 633a, 643a, 657a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 647a, 656a, 656a, 703a, 713a, 727a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717a, 726a, 726a, 734a, 746a, 803a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 747a, 804a, 804a, 813a, 825a, 842a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817a, 834a, 834a, 843a, 855a, 912a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 847a, 904a, 904a, 913a, 925a, 941a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917a, 933a, 933a, 940a, 949a, 1004a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017a, 1030a, 1030a, 1037a, 1046a, 1101a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117a, 1130a, 1130a, 1137a, 1146a, 1201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1217p, 1230p, 1230p, 1237p, 1246p, 101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 117p, 130p, 130p, 137p, 146p, 201p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 217p, 230p, 230p, 237p, 246p, 301p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 247p, 300p, 300p, 310p, 325p, 341p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 317p, 334p, 334p, 344p, 359p, 415p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 347p, 404p, 404p, 414p, 429p, 445p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 417p, 434p, 434p, 444p, 459p, 515p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 447p, 504p, 504p, 514p, 529p, 545p], [430p, 436p, 445p, 448p, 503p, 520p, 520p, 530p, 545p, 601p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 518p, 533p, 550p, 550p, 600p, 615p, 631p], [544p, 550p, 559p, 602p, 617p, 633p, 633p, 640p, 649p, 704p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 717p, 730p, 730p, 737p, 746p, 801p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 817p, 830p, 830p, 837p, 846p, 901p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 930p, 930p, 937p, 946p, 1001p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1017p, 1030p, 1030p, 1037p, 1046p, 1101p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", 1117p, 1130p, 1130p, 1137p, 1146p, 1201a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson / Antill St, Merici College, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Australian Institute of Sport, Dickson / Cowper St, Merici College, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Merici College-City Bus Station: [Wjz5PLJ, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5Pwn, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NyR, Wjz5NpT, Wjz5Nht]
+  Australian Institute of Sport-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz6oEz, Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5_0v]
+  Dickson / Cowper St-Merici College: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5QUd]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gJc, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz5n_K, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5nUS, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5vrT]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
 short_name: "7"
 stop_times: [[541a, 543a, 547a, 600a, 608a, 615a, 623a], [611a, 613a, 617a, 630a, 638a, 645a, 653a], [641a, 643a, 647a, 700a, 708a, 715a, 723a], [711a, 713a, 717a, 730a, 739a, 746a, 755a], [741a, 743a, 747a, 804a, 817a, 824a, 837a], [811a, 813a, 817a, 832a, 841a, 848a, 903a], [841a, 843a, 847a, 902a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 935a, 943a, 950a, 958a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1005a, 1013a, 1020a, 1028a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1035a, 1043a, 1050a, 1058a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1105a, 1113a, 1120a, 1128a], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1135a, 1143a, 1150a, 1158a], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1205p, 1213p, 1220p, 1228p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1235p, 1243p, 1250p, 1258p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 105p, 113p, 120p, 128p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 135p, 143p, 150p, 158p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 205p, 213p, 220p, 228p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 235p, 243p, 250p, 258p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 330p], [311p, 313p, 317p, 332p, 340p, 347p, 356p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 402p, 410p, 417p, 426p], [411p, 413p, 417p, 432p, 440p, 447p, 456p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 502p, 510p, 517p, 526p], [511p, 513p, 517p, 532p, 540p, 547p, 601p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 602p, 610p, 617p, 626p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 705p, 713p, 719p, 727p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 805p, 813p, 819p, 827p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 905p, 913p, 919p, 927p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1005p, 1013p, 1019p, 1027p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1105p, 1113p, 1119p, 1127p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/7-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson / Antill St, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 5), Merici College, Dickson / Cowper St, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Australian Institute of Sport-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5vrT, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5nUS, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5n_K, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz6gJc, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 5)-Merici College: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5NpT, Wjz5NyR, Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5Pwn, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5PLJ]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Merici College-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5QUd, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5-6R]
+  Dickson / Cowper St-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz5_0v, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c, Wjz6oEz]
 short_name: "7"
 stop_times: [[632a, 639a, 646a, 654a, 708a, 710a, 715a], [701a, 708a, 715a, 723a, 738a, 740a, 745a], [731a, 739a, 746a, 754a, 810a, 812a, 817a], [801a, 809a, 816a, 824a, 840a, 842a, 847a], [829a, 837a, 844a, 852a, 908a, 910a, 915a], [858a, 906a, 913a, 921a, 936a, 938a, 943a], [930a, 937a, 944a, 952a, 1006a, 1008a, 1013a], [1000a, 1007a, 1014a, 1022a, 1036a, 1038a, 1043a], [1030a, 1037a, 1044a, 1052a, 1106a, 1108a, 1113a], [1100a, 1107a, 1114a, 1122a, 1136a, 1138a, 1143a], [1130a, 1137a, 1144a, 1152a, 1206p, 1208p, 1213p], [1200p, 1207p, 1214p, 1222p, 1236p, 1238p, 1243p], [1230p, 1237p, 1244p, 1252p, 106p, 108p, 113p], [100p, 107p, 114p, 122p, 136p, 138p, 143p], [130p, 137p, 144p, 152p, 206p, 208p, 213p], [200p, 207p, 214p, 222p, 236p, 238p, 243p], [230p, 237p, 244p, 252p, 307p, 309p, 314p], [259p, 307p, 314p, 323p, 339p, 341p, 346p], [331p, 339p, 346p, 355p, 411p, 413p, 418p], [401p, 409p, 416p, 425p, 441p, 443p, 448p], [431p, 439p, 446p, 455p, 511p, 513p, 518p], [501p, 509p, 516p, 525p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [531p, 539p, 546p, 555p, 611p, 613p, 618p], [631p, 637p, 644p, 652p, 706p, 708p, 713p], [731p, 737p, 744p, 752p, 806p, 808p, 813p], [831p, 837p, 844p, 852p, 906p, 908p, 913p], [931p, 937p, 944p, 952p, 1006p, 1008p, 1013p], [1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1052p, 1106p, 1108p, 1113p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
 long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Russell Offices-National Circ / Canberra Ave: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_]
+  Spence-Copland College: [Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UPA, Wjz701a, Wjz701y, Wjz70go, Wjz67nz, Wjz67kk, Wjz67k1, Wjz671V, Wjz670_, Wjz66fx, Wjz66fx, Wjz664q, Wjz664g, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W0, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ]
+  Spence Terminus-Spence: [Wjz67BD, Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_t, Wjz70Wx, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70IW, Wjz70IY, Wjz70zB, Wjz70zz, Wjz70kD, Wjz70lp, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UTL]
+  William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Copland College-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjr-ZXo, Wjz652H, Wjz65aB, Wjz65ik, Wjz65rA, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65GS, Wjz64L1, Wjz64Gx]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
 short_name: "701"
 stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 710a, 714a, 724a, 726a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [731a, 736a, 743a, 747a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [745a, 750a, 757a, 801a, 819a, 824a, 840a, 849a, 857a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/701-to-spence-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
 long_name: To Spence Terminus
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Spence-Spence Terminus: [Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjz70lp, Wjz70kD, Wjz70zz, Wjz70zB, Wjz70IY, Wjz70IW, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70Wx, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq, Wjz67BD]
+  William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Copland College: [Wjz64Gx, Wjz64L1, Wjz65GS, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65rA, Wjz65ik, Wjz65aB, Wjz652H, Wjr-ZXo]
+  Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
   City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Copland College-Spence: [Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr--W0, Wjr--W9, Wjz664g, Wjz664q, Wjz66fx, Wjz66fx, Wjz670_, Wjz671V, Wjz67k1, Wjz67kk, Wjz67nz, Wjz70go, Wjz701y, Wjz701a, Wjr_UPA, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UTJ, Wjr_UTL]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
 short_name: "701"
 stop_times: [[442p, 450p, 502p, 509p, 512p, 522p, 527p, 534p, 540p], ["-", "-", 520p, 527p, 529p, 539p, 543p, 550p, 554p], [525p, 533p, 543p, 550p, 552p, 602p, 606p, 613p, 617p], [542p, 550p, 600p, 607p, 609p, 619p, 623p, 630p, 634p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-fraser-east-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-fraser-east-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
-time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Flynn, Charnwood, Fraser, Fraser East Terminus]
+time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Kingsford Smith / Companion, Charnwood, Fraser, Fraser East Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser East Terminus
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Kingsford Smith / Companion: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c, Wjr-Rry]
+  Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
   City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Kingsford Smith / Companion-Charnwood: [Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-KOL]
+  Fraser-Fraser East Terminus: [Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_N-q]
+  Charnwood-Fraser: [Wjr-Lwx, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr_MhY, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_McO, Wjr_M6A]
 short_name: "702"
 stop_times: [[450p, 458p, 508p, 513p, 515p, 527p, 532p, 538p, 542p], ["-", "-", 530p, 535p, 537p, 549p, 554p, 600p, 604p], [535p, 543p, 553p, 558p, 600p, 612p, 617p, 623p, 627p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/702-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
-time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood, Flynn, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
+time_points: [Fraser East Terminus, Fraser, Charnwood, Kingsford Smith / Companion, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
 long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
+  Russell Offices-National Circ / Canberra Ave: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_]
+  Charnwood-Kingsford Smith / Companion: [Wjr-KOL, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-RsJ]
+  Fraser-Charnwood: [Wjr_M6A, Wjr_McO, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_MhY, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-Lwx]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Kingsford Smith / Companion-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjr-Rry, Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Fraser East Terminus-Fraser: [Wjr_N-q, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_NgT]
 short_name: "702"
 stop_times: [[658a, 703a, 709a, 714a, 727a, 730a, 745a, 754a, 802a], [735a, 740a, 746a, 751a, 805a, 810a, 826a, 835a, 843a], [754a, 759a, 806a, 811a, 828a, 833a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-fraser-west-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Belconnen Way, Macgregor, Dunlop, Fraser West Terminus]
 long_name: To Fraser West Terminus
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Dunlop-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr_wjn, Wjr_wm3, Wjr_wf4, Wjr_pVW, Wjr_xnT, Wjr_xLL, Wjr_xY9, Wjr_F9a, Wjr_FiT]
+  Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Belconnen Way: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjr-MNh, Wjr-Mqd]
+  Belconnen Way-Macgregor: [Wjr-EYe, Wjr-EAb, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-FaP, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-Ayn, Wjr-AbT, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-st9, Wjr-smi, Wjr-tgp, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-te3, Wjr-uhM]
+  Macgregor-Dunlop: [Wjr-ux-, Wjr-ux-, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-vJY, Wjr_oEZ, Wjr_oP1, Wjr_oVO, Wjr_w0L]
 short_name: "703"
 stop_times: [[440p, 448p, 458p, 516p, 527p, 534p, 541p], ["-", "-", 515p, 533p, 544p, 551p, 558p], ["-", "-", 526p, 544p, 555p, 602p, 609p], [520p, 528p, 538p, 556p, 607p, 614p, 621p], [545p, 553p, 603p, 621p, 632p, 639p, 646p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/703-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [Fraser West Terminus, Dunlop, Macgregor, Belconnen Way, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
 long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Macgregor-Belconnen Way: [Wjr-uhM, Wjr-te3, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tgp, Wjr-smi, Wjr-st9, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-AbT, Wjr-Ayn, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-Hi1, Wjr-HhG, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-FaP, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-EAb, Wjr-EYe]
+  Russell Offices-National Circ / Canberra Ave: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_]
+  Belconnen Way-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjr-Mqd, Wjr-MNh, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Dunlop-Macgregor: [Wjr_w0L, Wjr_oVO, Wjr_oP1, Wjr_oEZ, Wjr-vJY, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-ux-, Wjr-ux-]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Fraser West Terminus-Dunlop: [Wjr_FiT, Wjr_F9a, Wjr_xY9, Wjr_xLL, Wjr_xnT, Wjr_pVW, Wjr_wf4, Wjr_wm3, Wjr_wjn]
 short_name: "703"
 stop_times: [[653a, 700a, 706a, 718a, 737a, 746a, 754a], [710a, 717a, 723a, 735a, 753a, "-", "-"], [723a, 730a, 736a, 748a, 806a, "-", "-"], [738a, 745a, 751a, 803a, 834a, 843a, 851a], [758a, 806a, 813a, 827a, 849a, 858a, 906a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-kippax.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [Sydney Ave, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), Aranda, Macquarie, Hawker, Hawker College, Higgins, Kippax]
 long_name: To Kippax
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Macquarie-Hawker: [WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZSWs, WjrZSQm, WjrZTMv, WjrZTMv, WjrZTAV, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, Wjr-Mgt, Wjr-Mg6]
+  Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Higgins-Kippax: [Wjr-yOJ, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zom, Wjr-zcC]
+  Aranda-Macquarie: [Wjz5d81, Wjz54_B, Wjz54_n, Wjz54CS, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Hawker College-Higgins: [Wjr-E8A, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-yOJ]
+  Hawker-Hawker College: [WjrZT6b, WjrZT5e, WjrZLXY, WjrZS74, WjrZKZn, WjrZKnY, WjrZLbU, WjrZLdA]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Aranda: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr]
 short_name: "704"
 stop_times: [[506p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 542p, 550p, 555p, 600p, 606p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/704-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [Kippax, Higgins, Hawker College, Hawker, Macquarie, Aranda, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
 long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Hawker College-Hawker: [WjrZLdA, WjrZLbU, WjrZKnY, WjrZKZn, WjrZS74, WjrZLXY, WjrZT5e, WjrZT6b]
+  Russell Offices-National Circ / Canberra Ave: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_]
+  Macquarie-Aranda: [WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-WW, Wjz557P, Wjz54CS, Wjz54_n, Wjz54_B, Wjz5d81]
+  Kippax-Higgins: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zom, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-yOJ]
+  Aranda-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5l2U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Hawker-Macquarie: [Wjr-Mg6, Wjr-Mgt, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, WjrZTAV, WjrZTMv, WjrZTMv, WjrZSQm, WjrZSWs, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_Fk]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Higgins-Hawker College: [Wjr-yOJ, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-E8A]
 short_name: "704"
 stop_times: [[738a, 744a, 749a, 754a, 803a, 812a, 825a, 833a, 840a], [753a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 818a, 827a, 840a, 848a, 855a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/705-to-centrelink-tuggeranong.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/705-to-centrelink-tuggeranong.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Centrelink Tuggeranong]
 long_name: To Centrelink Tuggeranong
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): [Wjz5fcz, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5e0m, Wjz5d57, Wjz55V-, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz239F, Wjz238T, Wjz213q, Wjz213q]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Centrelink Tuggeranong: []
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
 short_name: "705"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/705-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/705-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Centrelink Tuggeranong-Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7): []
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz213q, Wjz213q, Wjz238T, Wjz239F, WjrW_uo, WjrXUoV, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, Wjz55V-, Wjz5d57, Wjz5e0m, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5fcz]
 short_name: "705"
 stop_times: [["-", 723a, 752a, 754a, 759a], ["-", 749a, 818a, 820a, 825a], ["-", 814a, 848a, 850a, 855a], [442p, 447p, 516p, 518p, 523p], [507p, 512p, 541p, 543p, 548p], [535p, 540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/71-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/71-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6zth, Wjz6zon, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6yir, Wjz6y90, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
+  Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Giralang: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6u32, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6lZb]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLi]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Gwydir Square Kaleen-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6pLi, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6qea, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Giralang-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6u32, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sHv]
+  Gwydir Square Kaleen-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6y90, Wjz6yir, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6zon, Wjz6zth, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6sHv]
 short_name: "71"
 stop_times: [[927a, 929a, 933a, 943a, 948a, 957a, 959a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1027a, 1029a, 1033a, 1043a, 1048a, 1057a, 1059a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1127a, 1129a, 1133a, 1143a, 1148a, 1157a, 1159a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1227p, 1229p, 1233p, 1243p, 1248p, 1257p, 1259p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [127p, 129p, 133p, 143p, 148p, 157p, 159p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/710-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/710-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Sydney Ave-Russell Offices: [Wjz4P6x, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
   City Bus Station (Platform 11)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
 short_name: "710"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/710-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/710-to-national-circ---canberra-ave.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, National Circ / Canberra Ave]
 long_name: To National Circ / Canberra Ave
+  Russell Offices-National Circ / Canberra Ave: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
-  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-City Bus Station (Platform 10): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
 short_name: "710"
 stop_times: [[658a, 700a, 704a, 723a, 732a, 740a], [728a, 730a, 734a, 753a, 802a, 810a], [743a, 745a, 749a, 808a, 817a, 825a], [758a, 800a, 804a, 823a, 832a, 840a], [813a, 815a, 819a, 838a, 847a, 855a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [Farrer Terminus, Southlands Mawson, Garran, Hughes, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
 long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  Southlands Mawson-Garran: [Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3ran, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3lVG, Wjz3lVG, Wjz3t4S, Wjz3td5, Wjz3tCe, Wjz3tP_, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C9Q]
+  Hughes-City West: [Wjz3nLq, Wjz4gou, Wjz4gt5, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5FOn, Wjz5FIS]
+  Garran-Hughes: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3n-4]
+  Farrer Terminus-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz2D3z, Wjz2vR3, Wjz2vL4, Wjz3oyt, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
   City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
   City West-City Bus Station: []
 short_name: "720"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-farrer-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/720-to-farrer-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
 long_name: To Farrer Terminus
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  Southlands Mawson-Farrer Terminus: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3oyt, Wjz2vL4, Wjz2vR3, Wjz2D3z]
+  Hughes-Garran: [Wjz3n-H, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C9Q]
+  Garran-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3C9J, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3tP_, Wjz3tCe, Wjz3td5, Wjz3t4S, Wjz3lVG, Wjz3lVG, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3ran, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3qbJ]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Hughes: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4gt5, Wjz4gou, Wjz3nLq]
 short_name: "720"
 stop_times: [[440p, 446p, 504p, 510p, 523p, 529p], [510p, 516p, 534p, 540p, 553p, 559p], [540p, 546p, 604p, 610p, 623p, 629p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Duffy Primary, Holder, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
 long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  Cooleman Court-Rivett: [WjrX-3w, WjrXSso, WjrXRmc, WjrXJ-g, WjrXJZ6]
+  Holder-City West: [WjrXTgl, WjrXTqY, WjrXTIp, WjrXTX5]
+  Rivett-Duffy Primary: [WjrXJxI, WjrXJZ6, WjrXJ-g, WjrXRmc, WjrXSoJ, WjrXS9Y, WjrXKxW, WjrXJnt, WjrXJ6l, WjrXBSJ, WjrXBSJ, WjrXCNB, WjrXKfL, WjrXLaD]
   City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+  Duffy Primary-Holder: [WjrXLtK, WjrXLR-, WjrXLY1]
   City West-City Bus Station: []
 short_name: "729"
 stop_times: [[709a, 715a, 724a, 728a, 749a, 753a, 755a], [739a, 745a, 754a, 758a, 819a, 823a, 825a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/729-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Holder, Duffy Primary, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
+  Holder-Duffy Primary: [WjrXLY1, WjrXLR-, WjrXLtK]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Holder: [Wjz5Nht, WjrXTX5, WjrXTIp, WjrXTqY, WjrXTgl]
+  Rivett-Cooleman Court: [WjrXJZ6, WjrXJ-g, WjrXRmc, WjrXSso, WjrX-3w]
+  Duffy Primary-Rivett: [WjrXLaD, WjrXKfL, WjrXCNB, WjrXBSJ, WjrXBSJ, WjrXJ6l, WjrXJnt, WjrXKxW, WjrXS9Y, WjrXSoJ, WjrXRmc, WjrXJ-g, WjrXJZ6, WjrXJxI]
 short_name: "729"
 stop_times: [[445p, 451p, 513p, 518p, 526p, 532p], [515p, 521p, 543p, 548p, 556p, 602p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/73-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/73-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,15 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Florey-Page: [Wjr-X1i, Wjr-OSy, Wjr-OHp, Wjr-NQD, Wjr-ViH, Wjr-UfX, Wjr-U5B]
+  Cook-Jamison Centre: [WjrZZH3, WjrZZB7, WjrZZlR, WjrZZeD, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-WW, Wjz557P, Wjz55vN, Wjz56Hh]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Florey: [Wjr-VeQ, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Xhh]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 5)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Hawker-Cook: [Wjr-Mg6, Wjr-Mgt, WjrZTlr, WjrZSnl, WjrZSiu, WjrZRBn, WjrZRPq, WjrZZlR, WjrZZB7, WjrZZH3, Wjz551Q, Wjz5592]
+  Page-Hawker: [Wjr-MS6, Wjr-Mfb]
+  Jamison Centre-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz56Xu, Wjz56XB, Wjz5e8Y, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5l2U, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mxf]
+  Calvary Hospital-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5n_K, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 short_name: "73"
 stop_times: [[916a, 918a, 922a, 927a, 933a, 937a, 944a, 947a, 954a, 1005a, 1007a, 1012a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1117a, 1124a, 1135a, 1137a, 1142a], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1227p, 1233p, 1237p, 1244p, 1247p, 1254p, 105p, 107p, 112p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 217p, 224p, 235p, 237p, 242p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/732-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/732-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Curtin, City West, City Bus Station, ACTEW AGL House]
 long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
+  Woden Bus Station-Curtin: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eSa, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3fCx, Wjz48qI, Wjz48dZ, Wjz499S, Wjz49dp, Wjz4a9o, Wjz4arc, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4aMo, Wjz49Y5, Wjz49Wd]
+  Curtin-City West: [Wjz4h1M, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5FOn, Wjz5FIS]
   City Bus Station-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
   City West-City Bus Station: []
 short_name: "732"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/732-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/732-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Curtin: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4h1M]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  Curtin-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz49Wd, Wjz49Y5, Wjz4aMo, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4arc, Wjz4a9o, Wjz49dp, Wjz499S, Wjz48dZ, Wjz48qI, Wjz3fCx, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
 short_name: "732"
 stop_times: [[435p, 441p, 453p, 503p], [505p, 511p, 523p, 533p], [535p, 541p, 553p, 603p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/737-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/737-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Russell Offices: [WjzcrrQ, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrG7, WjzcrK3, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i]
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrG7, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "737"
 stop_times: [[431p, 441p, 455p, 513p], [445p, 455p, 509p, 527p], [505p, 515p, 529p, 547p], [525p, 535p, 549p, 607p], [545p, 555p, 609p, 627p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/737-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/737-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
-  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrG7, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Russell Offices-Brindabella Business Park: [Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, WjzcrK3, WjzcrG7, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrrQ]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
 short_name: "737"
 stop_times: [[643a, 651a, 705a, "-"], [658a, 706a, 720a, "-"], [718a, 726a, 740a, "-"], [738a, 746a, 800a, "-"], [758a, 806a, 820a, 830a], [818a, 826a, 840a, 850a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/74-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/74-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,17 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, Jamison Centre, Cook, Hawker, Page, Florey, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Cook-Hawker: [WjrZZH3, WjrZZB7, WjrZZlR, WjrZRPq, WjrZRBn, WjrZSiu, WjrZSnl, WjrZTlr, Wjr-Mgt, Wjr-Mg6]
+  Jamison Centre-Cook: [Wjz56Hh, Wjz55vN, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZZeD, WjrZZlR, WjrZZB7, WjrZZH3]
+  Florey-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-VeQ]
+  Hawker-Page: [Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-MS6]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Page-Florey: [Wjr-UfX, Wjr-ViH, Wjr-NQD, Wjr-OHp, Wjr-OSy, Wjr-X1i, Wjr-Xhh]
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Calvary Hospital-Jamison Centre: [Wjz5mxf, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5maK, Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5e8Y, Wjz56XB, Wjz56Xu]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz5n_K, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb]
 short_name: "74"
 stop_times: [[950a, 952a, 956a, 1005a, 1012a, 1015a, 1023a, 1027a, 1033a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1135a, 1142a, 1145a, 1153a, 1157a, 1203p, 1209p, 1211p, 1215p], [1250p, 1252p, 1256p, 105p, 112p, 115p, 123p, 127p, 133p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 235p, 242p, 245p, 253p, 257p, 303p, 309p, 311p, 315p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/749-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/749-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz55V-, Wjz5d57, Wjz5e0m, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5fcz]
 short_name: "749"
 stop_times: [[753a, 820a, 822a, 827a], [436p, 505p, 507p, 512p], [510p, 539p, 541p, 546p], [540p, 609p, 611p, 616p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/749-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/749-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz5fcz, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5e0m, Wjz5d57, Wjz55V-, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
 short_name: "749"
 stop_times: [[659a, 701a, 705a, 730a], [734a, 736a, 740a, 810a], [804a, 806a, 810a, 840a], [456p, 458p, 502p, 535p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/75-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/75-to-cooleman-court.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Stromlo High Waramanga, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
-between_stops: {}
+  Stromlo High Waramanga-Cooleman Court: [WjrXXl5, WjrXP_E, WjrXPR4, WjrXPJX, WjrXQ80, WjrXQ2W, WjrXQeH, WjrXRgw, WjrXRyK, WjrXRzE, WjrXRUs, WjrXZhO, WjrXZw7, WjrXZy7, WjrX-x5, WjrX-sE, WjrX-l4, WjrX-3w]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 2)-Stromlo High Waramanga: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz351q, Wjz344h, Wjz343V, Wjz34qe, Wjz34xq, Wjz33CI, Wjz33z1, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXGN, WjrXXqW, WjrXXl5]
 short_name: "75"
 stop_times: [[1055a, 1108a, 1117a], [1255p, 108p, 117p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/75-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/75-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 time_points: [Cooleman Court, Stromlo High Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Cooleman Court-Stromlo High Waramanga: [WjrX-3w, WjrX-l4, WjrX-sE, WjrX-x5, WjrXZy7, WjrXZw7, WjrXZhO, WjrXRUs, WjrXRzE, WjrXRyK, WjrXRgw, WjrXQeH, WjrXQ2W, WjrXQ80, WjrXPJX, WjrXPR4, WjrXP_E, WjrXXl5]
+  Stromlo High Waramanga-Woden Bus Station: [WjrXXqW, WjrXXGN, WjrXXQ6, Wjz33z1, Wjz33CI, Wjz34qe, Wjz343V, Wjz344h, Wjz351q, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
 short_name: "75"
 stop_times: [[925a, 934a, 947a], [1125a, 1134a, 1147a], [125p, 134p, 147p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/757-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/757-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [Gungahlin Marketplace, Dickson College, Russell Offices, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrG7, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Russell Offices-Brindabella Business Park: [Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, WjzcrK3, WjzcrG7, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrrQ]
+  Dickson College-Russell Offices: [Wjzd6lW, Wjz5-Oz, Wjz5-wb, Wjz5RQM, Wjz5RGR, Wjz5QNt, Wjz5X3a, Wjz5Wki, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5Ug6, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Dickson College: [Wjz7OQn, Wjz7Wrb, Wjz7WVd, Wjzf11h, Wjz6__e, Wjz6-IS, Wjz6ZyF, Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6VqV, Wjz6UXL, Wjze09i, Wjzd7no, Wjzd7ky, Wjzd7p6]
 short_name: "757"
 stop_times: [[650a, 700a, 711a, 725a, 735a], [710a, 720a, 731a, 745a, 755a], [730a, 740a, 751a, 805a, 815a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/757-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/757-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Russell Offices, Dickson College, Gungahlin Marketplace]
 long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
-  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Russell Offices: [WjzcrrQ, Wjzcrp_, WjzcrG7, WjzcrK3, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i]
+  Russell Offices-Dickson College: [Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz5Ug6, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5Wki, Wjz5X3a, Wjz5QNt, Wjz5RGR, Wjz5RQM, Wjz5-wb, Wjz5-Oz, Wjzd6lW]
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrG7, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+  Dickson College-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjzd7p6, Wjzd7ky, Wjzd7no, Wjze09i, Wjz6UXL, Wjz6VqV, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO, Wjz6ZyF, Wjz6-IS, Wjz6__e, Wjzf11h, Wjz7WVd, Wjz7Wrb, Wjz7OQn]
 short_name: "757"
 stop_times: [[433p, 443p, 457p, 510p, 524p], [508p, 518p, 532p, 543p, 556p], [538p, 548p, 602p, 613p, 626p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/76-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/76-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 2)-Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m31, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3fCx]
+  Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home-Saint Andrews Village Hughes: [Wjz4h1M]
+  Saint Andrews Village Hughes-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz4gou, Wjz3nLq, Wjz3n-4, Wjz3n-H, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3tzF]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3slg, Wjz3lov]
 short_name: "76"
 stop_times: [[1000a, 1007a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a], [1200p, 1207p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p], [200p, 207p, 215p, 220p, 228p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-calwell.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-calwell.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), Russell Offices, Chisholm, Isabella, Calwell]
 long_name: To Calwell
+  Isabella-Calwell: [Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1srs, Wjz1sG6, Wjz1sPq, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1BFG]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Russell Offices-Chisholm: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WHw, Wjz4VRQ, Wjzc1ak]
+  Chisholm-Isabella: [Wjz2Mdj, Wjz2EWD, Wjz2ExG, Wjz2Ep9, Wjz2E0l, Wjz1vJN, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1mJc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
 short_name: "768"
 stop_times: [[447p, 453p, 502p, 526p, 537p, 545p], [519p, 525p, 534p, 558p, 609p, 617p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/768-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [Calwell, Isabella, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
 long_name: To City West
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Isabella-Chisholm: [Wjz1mJc, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1vJN, Wjz2E0l, Wjz2Ep9, Wjz2ExG, Wjz2EWD, Wjz2Mdj]
+  Calwell-Isabella: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1sPq, Wjz1sG6, Wjz1srs, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Chisholm-Russell Offices: [Wjzc1ak, Wjz4VRQ, Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A]
   City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
 short_name: "768"
 stop_times: [[707a, 715a, 726a, 751a, 800a, 804a], [737a, 748a, 801a, 833a, 845a, 848a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [Tharwa Drive, Theodore, Calwell, Chisholm, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
 long_name: To City West
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Calwell-Chisholm: [Wjz1BrK, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1K89, Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1S5I, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TLL, Wjz2MHq, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2N0r]
+  Theodore-Calwell: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1I92, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1BFG]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Chisholm-Russell Offices: [Wjzc1ak, Wjz4VRQ, Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A]
   City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
+  Tharwa Drive-Theodore: [Wjz2phl, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1G32, Wjz1G89]
 short_name: "769"
 stop_times: [[641a, 646a, 656a, 706a, 733a, 743a, 747a], [721a, 726a, 736a, 746a, 813a, 823a, 827a], [741a, 746a, 756a, 806a, 833a, 843a, 847a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-tharwa-drive.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/769-to-tharwa-drive.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 long_name: To Tharwa Drive
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Theodore-Tharwa Drive: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1G32, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1zWz, Wjz2phl]
+  Calwell-Theodore: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1I92, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1G89]
+  Russell Offices-Chisholm: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WHw, Wjz4VRQ, Wjzc1ak]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Chisholm-Calwell: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2MHq, Wjz1TLL, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1S5I, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1K89, Wjz1J4T, Wjz1BrK]
 short_name: "769"
 stop_times: [[427p, 433p, 442p, 507p, 517p, 527p, 532p], [500p, 506p, 515p, 540p, 550p, 600p, 605p], [537p, 543p, 552p, 617p, 627p, 637p, 642p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/77-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/77-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 2), Canberra Hospital, Saint Andrews Village Hughes, Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Saint Andrews Village Hughes-Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home: [Wjz4h1M]
+  Canberra Hospital-Saint Andrews Village Hughes: [Wjz3tzF, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3n-H, Wjz3n-4, Wjz3nLq, Wjz4gou]
+  Brindabella Gardens Nursing Home-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3fCx, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m31, Wjz3m31]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 2)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3slg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
 short_name: "77"
 stop_times: [[1100a, 1108a, 1113a, 1121a, 1128a], [100p, 108p, 113p, 121p, 128p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/780-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/780-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 time_points: [Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick, Canberra Times, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Canberra Times-City Bus Station: [Wjzc9PB, Wjzc8c1, Wjz5Nht]
+  Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick-Canberra Times: [Wjzc8gG, WjzbfPL, Wjzbn5y, Wjzbnmb, Wjzcgzn, WjzcgD0, WjzcgLt, WjzcgSm, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgX_, Wjzcoab, Wjzcod5, Wjzcp0F, WjzchQP, Wjzchnw, Wjzch4h, Wjzc9PB]
 short_name: "780"
 stop_times: [[405p, 421p, 440p], [435p, 451p, 510p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/780-to-lithgow-st-terminus.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/780-to-lithgow-st-terminus.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
 long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
-between_stops: {}
+  Newcastle Street after Isa Street-Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick: [Wjzc9WV, Wjzch4h, Wjzchnw, WjzchQP, Wjzcp0F, Wjzcod5, Wjzcoab, WjzcgX_, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgSm, WjzcgLt, WjzcgD0, Wjzcgzn, Wjzbnmb, Wjzbn5y, WjzbfPL, Wjzc8gG]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Newcastle Street after Isa Street: [Wjz5Nht, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc9ws, Wjzc8Sn]
 short_name: "780"
 stop_times: [[648a, 707a, 723a], [719a, 738a, 754a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0mV8, Wjz0t7T, Wjz0tmp, Wjz0tt-, Wjz0uw1, Wjz0uHo, Wjz0uSv, Wjz0vV_, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1ixR]
+  Lanyon Marketplace-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vfE, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0udw, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0mNo]
   City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+  Mentone View / Tharwa Drive-City West: [Wjz1ixR, Wjz1iJO, Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn, Wjz5FIS]
 short_name: "785"
 stop_times: [[652a, 655a, 713a, 743a, 747a, 749a], [725a, 728a, 746a, 816a, 820a, 822a], [745a, 748a, 806a, 836a, 840a, 842a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/785-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
 long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
-  ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz33LB, Wjz34Gq, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kvl]
+  ACTEW AGL House-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26, Wjz1kv5]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0udw, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0vfE, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT]
+  Mentone View / Tharwa Drive-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1ixR, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0vV_, Wjz0uSv, Wjz0uHo, Wjz0uw1, Wjz0tt-, Wjz0tmp, Wjz0t7T, Wjz0mV8, Wjz0mNo]
   City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "785"
 stop_times: [[505p, 511p, 513p, 549p, 605p, 607p], [530p, 536p, 538p, 614p, 630p, 632p], [545p, 551p, 553p, 629p, 645p, 647p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-fairbairn-park.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Chisholm, Brindabella Business Park, Fairbairn Park]
 long_name: To Fairbairn Park
-  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrEu, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Fairbairn Park: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrG7, WjzcJ0K, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ38]
+  Chisholm-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcrG7, WjzcrK3]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Chisholm: [Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr]
 short_name: "786"
 stop_times: [[646a, 656a, 716a, 726a], [706a, 716a, 736a, 746a], [727a, 737a, 804a, 814a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/786-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Fairbairn Park, Brindabella Business Park, Chisholm, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrEu, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
+  Chisholm-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz20g4]
+  Brindabella Business Park-Chisholm: [WjzcrK3, WjzcrG7]
+  Fairbairn Park-Brindabella Business Park: [WjzcJ38, WjzcBHZ, WjzcJ0K, WjzcrG7, WjzcrrQ, WjzcrK3]
 short_name: "786"
 stop_times: [[445p, 455p, 520p, 533p], [515p, 525p, 550p, 603p], [545p, 555p, 620p, 633p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-actew-agl-house.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
-time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
+time_points: [Lanyon Marketplace, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House]
 long_name: To ACTEW AGL House
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
+  Lanyon Marketplace-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: []
   City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
+  Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz0mrj, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0niU, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0f-r, Wjz18Xo, Wjz1g4J, Wjz1h8e, Wjz1igo, Wjz1is3, Wjz1imh, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1j87, Wjz1jim, Wjz1je2]
+  Woodcock / Clare Dennis-City West: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1k8i, Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn, Wjz5FIS]
 short_name: "787"
 stop_times: [[647a, 650a, 702a, 728a, 732a, 734a], [720a, 723a, 735a, 801a, 805a, 807a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/787-to-lanyon-marketplace.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
+time_points: [City West, City Bus Station (Platform 10), ACTEW AGL House, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Lanyon Marketplace]
 long_name: To Lanyon Marketplace
+  Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1jim, Wjz1j87, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1imh, Wjz1is3, Wjz1igo, Wjz1h8e, Wjz1g4J, Wjz18Xo, Wjz0f-r, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0niU, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0mrj]
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-  ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz34Gq, Wjz33LB, Wjz33KX, Wjz33GY, Wjz33EK, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
+  Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Lanyon Marketplace: []
+  ACTEW AGL House-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, Wjz2a26]
   City Bus Station (Platform 10)-ACTEW AGL House: [Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "787"
 stop_times: [[516p, 522p, 524p, 556p, 607p, 609p], [535p, 541p, 543p, 615p, 626p, 628p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-city-west.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Mentone View / Tharwa Drive, Russell Offices, City Bus Station (Platform 11), City West]
 long_name: To City West
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1jim, Wjz1j87, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1imh, Wjz1is3, Wjz1igo, Wjz1h8e, Wjz1g4J, Wjz18Xo, Wjz0f-r, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0niU, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0mrj]
+  Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0mV8, Wjz0t7T, Wjz0tmp, Wjz0tt-, Wjz0uw1, Wjz0uHo, Wjz0uSv, Wjz0vV_, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1ixR]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 11): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Mentone View / Tharwa Drive-Russell Offices: [Wjz1ixR, Wjz1iJO, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
   City Bus Station (Platform 11)-City West: []
 short_name: "788"
 stop_times: [[710a, 719a, 734a, 811a, 820a, 824a], [740a, 749a, 804a, 841a, 850a, 854a]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-woodcock---clare-dennis.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/788-to-woodcock---clare-dennis.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 long_name: To Woodcock / Clare Dennis
   City West-City Bus Station (Platform 10): []
-  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Mentone View / Tharwa Drive-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1ixR, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0vV_, Wjz0uSv, Wjz0uHo, Wjz0uw1, Wjz0tt-, Wjz0tmp, Wjz0t7T, Wjz0mV8, Wjz0mNo]
+  Russell Offices-Mentone View / Tharwa Drive: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1iJO, Wjz1ixR]
+  Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz0mrj, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0niU, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0f-r, Wjz18Xo, Wjz1g4J, Wjz1h8e, Wjz1igo, Wjz1is3, Wjz1imh, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1j87, Wjz1jim, Wjz1je2]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 10)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
 short_name: "788"
 stop_times: [[426p, 432p, 441p, 512p, 526p, 536p], [502p, 507p, 518p, 552p, 606p, 615p], [532p, 538p, 547p, 618p, 632p, 642p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-time_points: [Dickson / Antill St, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [Dickson / Cowper St, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Dickson / Cowper St-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5_0v, Wjz5Tho, Wjz5Sk7, Wjz5R7q, Wjz5KMK, Wjz5KHe]
+  Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-City Bus Station: [Wjz5ASf, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Lyneham / Wattle St-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Kve, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
 short_name: "8"
 stop_times: [[626a, 632a, 637a, 644a], [657a, 703a, 708a, 715a], [724a, 730a, 737a, 746a], [757a, 804a, 811a, 820a], [831a, 838a, 845a, 854a], [904a, 911a, 918a, 927a], [1009a, 1015a, 1020a, 1027a], [1109a, 1115a, 1120a, 1127a], [1209p, 1215p, 1220p, 1227p], [109p, 115p, 120p, 127p], [209p, 215p, 220p, 227p], [302p, 309p, 316p, 325p], [332p, 339p, 346p, 355p], [408p, 415p, 422p, 431p], [437p, 444p, 451p, 500p], [507p, 514p, 521p, 530p], [537p, 544p, 551p, 600p], [646p, 652p, 657p, 702p], [746p, 752p, 757p, 802p], [846p, 852p, 857p, 902p], [946p, 952p, 957p, 1002p], [1046p, 1052p, 1057p, 1102p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/8-to-dickson.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, Dickson / Antill St]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, Dickson / Cowper St]
 long_name: To Dickson
-between_stops: {}
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+  Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5BPB, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5Kve]
+  Lyneham / Wattle St-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5KHe, Wjz5KMK, Wjz5R7q, Wjz5SjK, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5-5y]
 short_name: "8"
 stop_times: [[655a, 702a, 707a, 713a], [714a, 721a, 726a, 732a], [741a, 750a, 757a, 804a], [811a, 820a, 827a, 834a], [841a, 850a, 857a, 904a], [915a, 924a, 931a, 937a], [946a, 953a, 958a, 1004a], [1018a, 1025a, 1030a, 1036a], [1046a, 1053a, 1058a, 1104a], [1146a, 1153a, 1158a, 1204p], [1246p, 1253p, 1258p, 104p], [146p, 153p, 158p, 204p], [246p, 253p, 258p, 305p], [311p, 320p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 355p, 402p, 409p], [411p, 420p, 427p, 434p], [444p, 453p, 500p, 507p], [523p, 532p, 539p, 546p], [553p, 602p, 609p, 616p], [623p, 631p, 636p, 642p], [650p, 655p, 700p, 706p], [705p, 710p, 715p, 721p], [805p, 810p, 815p, 821p], [905p, 910p, 915p, 921p], [1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1021p], [1105p, 1110p, 1115p, 1121p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/80-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/80-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,15 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station, Geoscience Australia, Eye Hospital, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Canberra Times, Railway Station Kingston, Causeway, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Canberra Times-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjzc9PB, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1n0]
+  Geoscience Australia-Eye Hospital: [Wjzb5vw, WjzbfzE, Wjzbfpl, Wjzbfr6]
+  Eye Hospital-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzbfr6, WjzbfPL, Wjzbn5y, Wjzbnmb]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ]
-  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4T-X, Wjz5MEL, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Woden Bus Station-Geoscience Australia: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3slg, Wjz3RXq, Wjz3YW3, Wjzb4vx, Wjzb6EM]
+  Railway Station Kingston-Causeway: [Wjz4W_O, Wjz4WYQ, Wjz4WQ4, Wjz4WHw]
+  Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Canberra Times: [WjzbnGh, Wjzcgzn, WjzcgD0, WjzcgLt, WjzcgSm, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgX_, Wjzcoab, Wjzcod5, Wjzcp0F, WjzchQP, Wjzc9PB]
+  Causeway-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4W_O, Wjz4WYQ, Wjz4WQ4, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "80"
 stop_times: [[547a, 602a, 611a, 616a, 625a, 632a, 634a, 638a, 642a, 650a], [606a, 621a, 630a, 635a, 644a, 651a, 653a, 657a, 701a, 709a], [633a, 648a, 657a, 702a, 711a, 718a, 720a, 724a, 728a, 738a], [701a, 716a, 725a, 730a, 741a, 749a, 753a, 800a, 804a, 815a], [731a, 747a, 756a, 803a, 814a, 822a, 826a, 833a, 837a, 848a], [801a, 817a, 826a, 833a, 844a, 852a, 856a, 903a, 907a, 918a], [834a, 850a, 859a, 906a, 917a, 925a, 929a, 933a, 937a, 945a], [909a, 924a, 934a, 939a, 948a, 955a, 957a, 1001a, 1005a, 1013a], [940a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1018a, 1025a, 1027a, 1031a, 1035a, 1043a], [1040a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1118a, 1125a, 1127a, 1131a, 1135a, 1143a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1140a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1218p, 1225p, 1227p, 1231p, 1235p, 1243p], [1240p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 118p, 125p, 127p, 131p, 135p, 143p], [140p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 218p, 225p, 227p, 231p, 235p, 243p], [240p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 325p, 327p, 331p, 335p, 343p], [340p, 356p, 406p, 412p, 422p, 429p, 431p, 436p, 441p, 450p], [408p, 424p, 434p, 440p, 450p, 457p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 518p], [438p, 454p, 504p, 510p, 520p, 527p, 529p, 534p, 539p, 548p], [508p, 524p, 534p, 540p, 550p, 557p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 618p], [538p, 554p, 604p, 610p, 620p, 627p, 629p, 633p, 637p, 645p], [557p, 613p, 623p, 629p, 637p, 643p, 645p, 649p, 653p, 701p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 727p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 745p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 827p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 845p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 927p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 945p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1027p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1045p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/80-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/80-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,14 @@
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
   Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
-  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MEL, Wjz4T-X, Wjz4_jm, Wjz4_wS, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Eye Hospital-Geoscience Australia: [Wjzbfr6, Wjzb5vw]
+  Railway Station Kingston-Newcastle Street after Isa Street: [Wjzc1n0, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc9ws, Wjzc8Sn]
+  Causeway-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WQ4, Wjz4WYQ, Wjz4W_O]
+  Geoscience Australia-Woden Bus Station: [Wjzb6EM, Wjzb4vx, Wjz3YW3, Wjz3RXq, Wjz3slg, Wjz3lov]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Eye Hospital: [WjzbnGh, Wjzbnmb, Wjzbnmb, Wjzbn5y, WjzbfPL, WjzbfzE, Wjzbfpl, Wjzbfr6]
+  Newcastle Street after Isa Street-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc9WV, WjzchQP, Wjzcp0F, Wjzcod5, Wjzcoab, WjzcgX_, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgSm, WjzcgLt, WjzcgD0, WjzbnGh]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Causeway: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WQ4, Wjz4WYQ, Wjz4W_O]
 short_name: "80"
 stop_times: [[550a, 558a, 602a, 606a, 609a, 617a, 626a, 631a, 640a, 656a], [617a, 625a, 629a, 633a, 636a, 644a, 653a, 658a, 707a, 723a], [648a, 656a, 700a, 704a, 707a, 715a, 724a, 729a, 737a, 753a], [719a, 727a, 731a, 738a, 741a, 750a, 804a, 810a, 818a, 834a], [751a, 800a, 803a, 810a, 813a, 822a, 836a, 842a, 850a, 906a], [828a, 837a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 859a, 913a, 919a, 927a, 945a], [859a, 907a, 911a, 915a, 918a, 930a, 939a, 944a, 952a, 1010a], [928a, 936a, 940a, 944a, 947a, 955a, 1004a, 1009a, 1017a, 1035a], [1028a, 1036a, 1040a, 1044a, 1047a, 1055a, 1104a, 1109a, 1117a, 1135a], [1128a, 1136a, 1140a, 1144a, 1147a, 1155a, 1204p, 1209p, 1217p, 1235p], [1228p, 1236p, 1240p, 1244p, 1247p, 1255p, 104p, 109p, 117p, 135p], [128p, 136p, 140p, 144p, 147p, 155p, 204p, 209p, 217p, 235p], [228p, 236p, 240p, 244p, 247p, 255p, 304p, 309p, 318p, 334p], [330p, 339p, 344p, 349p, 352p, 400p, 410p, 416p, 426p, 444p], [400p, 409p, 414p, 419p, 422p, 430p, 440p, 446p, 456p, 514p], [434p, 443p, 448p, 453p, 456p, 504p, 514p, 520p, 530p, 548p], [504p, 513p, 518p, 523p, 526p, 534p, 544p, 550p, 600p, 618p], [534p, 543p, 548p, 553p, 556p, 604p, 614p, 620p, 630p, 645p], [604p, 613p, 618p, 623p, 626p, 633p, 641p, 646p, 654p, 709p], [702p, 710p, 714p, 718p, 720p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [800p, 808p, 812p, 816p, 818p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [900p, 908p, 912p, 916p, 918p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1000p, 1008p, 1012p, 1016p, 1018p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1100p, 1108p, 1112p, 1116p, 1118p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/81-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/81-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+  National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
 short_name: "81"
 stop_times: [[920a, 934a, 942a, 948a, 955a], [1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1120a, 1134a, 1142a, 1148a, 1155a], [1220p, 1234p, 1242p, 1248p, 1255p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [220p, 234p, 242p, 248p, 255p], [320p, 334p, 342p, 348p, 355p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/82-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/82-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Bimberi Centre: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
 short_name: "82"
 stop_times: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/82-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/82-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
   Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Bimberi Centre-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
 short_name: "82"
 stop_times: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-campbell-park-offices.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), St Thomas More's Campbell, Russell Offices, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, Campbell Park Offices]
 long_name: To Campbell Park Offices
-  Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzcd8D, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcdsn, WjzcdDs, WjzceFT, WjzceHt]
-  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce4H, Wjzce7O]
+  St Thomas More's Campbell-Russell Offices: [Wjzd0yM, Wjzd0EU, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7bs, Wjz4_Oj, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzcd8D, Wjzcd2C, WjzcdbC, Wjzcdml, Wjzcdvn, Wjzceyq, WjzceHt]
+  ADFA-Campbell Park Offices: [Wjzcend, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+  Russell Offices-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzc51P, Wjzc51o]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 7)-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5UHK, Wjzd02s, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd0oD]
 short_name: "9"
 stop_times: [[714a, 726a, 731a, 733a, 741a, 745a], [814a, 829a, 834a, 836a, 844a, 848a], [857a, 911a, 916a, 918a, 926a, 931a], [957a, 1011a, 1016a, 1018a, 1026a, 1029a], [1057a, 1111a, 1116a, 1118a, 1126a, 1129a], [1157a, 1211p, 1216p, 1218p, 1226p, 1229p], [1257p, 111p, 116p, 118p, 126p, 129p], [157p, 211p, 216p, 218p, 226p, 229p], [257p, 312p, 317p, 319p, 327p, 331p], [344p, 359p, 404p, 406p, 414p, 418p], [414p, 429p, 434p, 436p, 444p, 448p], [444p, 459p, 504p, 506p, 514p, 518p], [514p, 529p, 534p, 536p, 544p, 548p], [557p, 612p, 617p, 619p, 627p, 631p], [657p, 708p, 712p, 714p, 720p, 723p], [757p, 808p, 812p, 814p, 820p, 823p], [857p, 908p, 912p, 914p, 920p, 923p], [957p, 1008p, 1012p, 1014p, 1020p, 1023p], [1057p, 1108p, 1112p, 1114p, 1120p, 1123p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/9-to-city-bus-station.stop_times.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [Campbell Park Offices, ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, Russell Offices, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
-  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce4H, Wjzcend]
+  Russell Offices-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_Oj, Wjzc7bs, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzd0EU, Wjzd0yM]
+  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, Wjzceyq, Wjzcdvn, Wjzcdml, WjzcdbC, Wjzcd2C, Wjzcd8D]
+  Campbell Park Offices-ADFA: [Wjzce7O, Wjzce6F, Wjzcend]
+  St Thomas More's Campbell-City Bus Station: [Wjzd0oD, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd02s, Wjz5UHK, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+  Hospice / Menindee Dr-Russell Offices: [Wjzc51o, Wjzc51P, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
 short_name: "9"
 stop_times: [["-", 655a, 701a, 703a, 708a, 720a], [720a, 723a, 729a, 731a, 736a, 751a], [752a, 756a, 804a, 806a, 811a, 826a], [822a, 826a, 834a, 836a, 841a, 856a], [852a, 856a, 904a, 906a, 911a, 926a], [934a, 937a, 945a, 947a, 952a, 1006a], [1034a, 1037a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a, 1106a], [1134a, 1137a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a, 1206p], [1234p, 1237p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p, 106p], [134p, 137p, 145p, 147p, 152p, 206p], [234p, 237p, 245p, 247p, 252p, 306p], [335p, 339p, 347p, 349p, 354p, 409p], [352p, 356p, 404p, 406p, 411p, 426p], [422p, 426p, 434p, 436p, 441p, 456p], [452p, 456p, 504p, 506p, 511p, 526p], [522p, 526p, 534p, 536p, 541p, 556p], [552p, 556p, 604p, 606p, 611p, 626p], [628p, 632p, 638p, 640p, 645p, 656p], [728p, 731p, 737p, 739p, 744p, 755p], [828p, 831p, 837p, 839p, 844p, 855p], [928p, 931p, 937p, 939p, 944p, 955p], [1028p, 1031p, 1037p, 1039p, 1044p, 1055p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2rN0, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3lov]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
 stop_times_saturday: [[630a, 641a, 657a, 713a, 730a, 732a, 737a], [645a, 656a, 712a, 728a, 745a, 747a, 752a], [700a, 711a, 727a, 743a, 800a, 802a, 807a], [715a, 726a, 742a, 758a, 815a, 817a, 822a], [730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], ["-", "-", 1149a, 1205p, 1222p, 1224p, 1229p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], ["-", "-", 1219p, 1235p, 1252p, 1254p, 1259p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], ["-", "-", 1249p, 105p, 122p, 124p, 129p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], ["-", "-", 119p, 135p, 152p, 154p, 159p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], ["-", "-", 149p, 205p, 222p, 224p, 229p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], ["-", "-", 219p, 235p, 252p, 254p, 259p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], ["-", "-", 249p, 305p, 322p, 324p, 329p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], ["-", "-", 319p, 335p, 352p, 354p, 359p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], ["-", "-", 349p, 405p, 422p, 424p, 429p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], ["-", "-", 419p, 435p, 452p, 454p, 459p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], ["-", "-", 449p, 505p, 522p, 524p, 529p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p], [730p, 740p, 755p, 810p, 827p, 829p, 834p], [745p, 755p, 810p, 825p, 842p, 844p, 849p], [800p, 810p, 825p, 840p, 857p, 859p, 904p], [815p, 825p, 840p, 855p, 912p, 914p, 919p], [830p, 840p, 855p, 910p, 927p, 929p, 934p], [845p, 855p, 910p, 925p, 942p, 944p, 949p], [900p, 910p, 925p, 940p, 957p, 959p, 1004p], [915p, 925p, 940p, 955p, 1012p, 1014p, 1019p], [930p, 940p, 955p, 1010p, 1027p, 1029p, 1034p], [945p, 955p, 1010p, 1025p, 1042p, 1044p, 1049p], [1000p, 1010p, 1025p, 1040p, 1057p, 1059p, 1104p], [1015p, 1025p, 1040p, 1055p, 1112p, 1114p, 1119p], [1030p, 1040p, 1055p, 1110p, 1127p, 1129p, 1134p], [1045p, 1055p, 1110p, 1125p, 1142p, 1144p, 1149p], [1100p, 1110p, 1125p, 1140p, 1157p, 1159p, 1204a], [1115p, 1125p, 1140p, 1155p, 1212a, 1214a, 1219a]]
 short_name: "900"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 3)-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 8)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Woden Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2rN0, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3lov]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 9)-City Bus Station (Platform 3): [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3eRR, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "900"
 stop_times_sunday: [[730a, 741a, 757a, 813a, 830a, 832a, 837a], [745a, 756a, 812a, 828a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [800a, 811a, 827a, 843a, 900a, 902a, 907a], [815a, 826a, 842a, 858a, 915a, 917a, 922a], [830a, 841a, 857a, 913a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [845a, 856a, 912a, 928a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [900a, 911a, 927a, 943a, 1000a, 1002a, 1007a], [915a, 926a, 942a, 958a, 1015a, 1017a, 1022a], [930a, 941a, 957a, 1013a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [945a, 956a, 1012a, 1028a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1000a, 1011a, 1027a, 1043a, 1100a, 1102a, 1107a], [1015a, 1026a, 1042a, 1058a, 1115a, 1117a, 1122a], [1030a, 1041a, 1057a, 1113a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1045a, 1056a, 1112a, 1128a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1100a, 1111a, 1127a, 1143a, 1200p, 1202p, 1207p], [1115a, 1126a, 1142a, 1158a, 1215p, 1217p, 1222p], [1130a, 1141a, 1157a, 1213p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1145a, 1156a, 1212p, 1228p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [1200p, 1211p, 1227p, 1243p, 100p, 102p, 107p], [1215p, 1226p, 1242p, 1258p, 115p, 117p, 122p], [1230p, 1241p, 1257p, 113p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [1245p, 1256p, 112p, 128p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [100p, 111p, 127p, 143p, 200p, 202p, 207p], [115p, 126p, 142p, 158p, 215p, 217p, 222p], [130p, 141p, 157p, 213p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [145p, 156p, 212p, 228p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [200p, 211p, 227p, 243p, 300p, 302p, 307p], [215p, 226p, 242p, 258p, 315p, 317p, 322p], [230p, 241p, 257p, 313p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [245p, 256p, 312p, 328p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [300p, 311p, 327p, 343p, 400p, 402p, 407p], [315p, 326p, 342p, 358p, 415p, 417p, 422p], [330p, 341p, 357p, 413p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [345p, 356p, 412p, 428p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [400p, 411p, 427p, 443p, 500p, 502p, 507p], [415p, 426p, 442p, 458p, 515p, 517p, 522p], [430p, 441p, 457p, 513p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [445p, 456p, 512p, 528p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [500p, 511p, 527p, 543p, 600p, 602p, 607p], [515p, 526p, 542p, 558p, 615p, 617p, 622p], [530p, 541p, 557p, 613p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [545p, 556p, 612p, 628p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [600p, 611p, 627p, 642p, 659p, 701p, 706p], [615p, 626p, 641p, 656p, 713p, 715p, 720p], [630p, 640p, 655p, 710p, 727p, 729p, 734p], [645p, 655p, 710p, 725p, 742p, 744p, 749p], [700p, 710p, 725p, 740p, 757p, 759p, 804p], [715p, 725p, 740p, 755p, 812p, 814p, 819p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2rN0, Wjz2qnG]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
 stop_times_saturday: [[631a, 633a, 637a, 657a, 714a, 729a, 735a], [646a, 648a, 652a, 712a, 729a, 744a, 750a], [701a, 703a, 707a, 727a, 744a, 759a, 805a], [716a, 718a, 722a, 742a, 759a, 814a, 820a], [731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1053a, 1055a, 1059a, 1119a, 1134a, "-", "-"], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1123a, 1125a, 1129a, 1149a, 1204p, "-", "-"], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1153a, 1155a, 1159a, 1219p, 1234p, "-", "-"], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1223p, 1225p, 1229p, 1249p, 104p, "-", "-"], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [1253p, 1255p, 1259p, 119p, 134p, "-", "-"], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [123p, 125p, 129p, 149p, 204p, "-", "-"], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [153p, 155p, 159p, 219p, 234p, "-", "-"], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [223p, 225p, 229p, 249p, 304p, "-", "-"], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [253p, 255p, 259p, 319p, 334p, "-", "-"], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [323p, 325p, 329p, 349p, 404p, "-", "-"], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [353p, 355p, 359p, 419p, 434p, "-", "-"], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p], [716p, 718p, 722p, 741p, 755p, 809p, 815p], [731p, 733p, 737p, 756p, 810p, 824p, 830p], [746p, 748p, 752p, 811p, 825p, 839p, 845p], [801p, 803p, 807p, 826p, 840p, 854p, 900p], [816p, 818p, 822p, 841p, 855p, 909p, 915p], [831p, 833p, 837p, 856p, 910p, 924p, 930p], [846p, 848p, 852p, 911p, 925p, 939p, 945p], [901p, 903p, 907p, 926p, 940p, 954p, 1000p], [916p, 918p, 922p, 941p, 955p, 1009p, 1015p], [931p, 933p, 937p, 956p, 1010p, 1024p, 1030p], [946p, 948p, 952p, 1011p, 1025p, 1039p, 1045p], [1001p, 1003p, 1007p, 1026p, 1040p, 1054p, 1100p], [1016p, 1018p, 1022p, 1041p, 1055p, 1109p, 1115p], [1031p, 1033p, 1037p, 1056p, 1110p, 1124p, 1130p], [1046p, 1048p, 1052p, 1111p, 1125p, 1139p, 1145p], [1101p, 1103p, 1107p, 1126p, 1140p, 1154p, 1200a]]
 short_name: "900"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/900-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1), City Bus Station (Platform 1), Woden Bus Station (Platform 6), Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 6)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2rN0, Wjz2qnG]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 1)-Woden Bus Station (Platform 6): [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KO9, Wjz4KO9, Wjz3eRR, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m3b]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 1)-City Bus Station (Platform 1): [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
 short_name: "900"
 stop_times_sunday: [[731a, 733a, 737a, 757a, 814a, 829a, 835a], [746a, 748a, 752a, 812a, 829a, 844a, 850a], [801a, 803a, 807a, 827a, 844a, 859a, 905a], [816a, 818a, 822a, 842a, 859a, 914a, 920a], [831a, 833a, 837a, 857a, 914a, 929a, 935a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 912a, 929a, 944a, 950a], [901a, 903a, 907a, 927a, 944a, 959a, 1005a], [916a, 918a, 922a, 942a, 959a, 1014a, 1020a], [931a, 933a, 937a, 957a, 1014a, 1029a, 1035a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 1012a, 1029a, 1044a, 1050a], [1001a, 1003a, 1007a, 1027a, 1044a, 1059a, 1105a], [1016a, 1018a, 1022a, 1042a, 1059a, 1114a, 1120a], [1031a, 1033a, 1037a, 1057a, 1114a, 1129a, 1135a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1112a, 1129a, 1144a, 1150a], [1101a, 1103a, 1107a, 1127a, 1144a, 1159a, 1205p], [1116a, 1118a, 1122a, 1142a, 1159a, 1214p, 1220p], [1131a, 1133a, 1137a, 1157a, 1214p, 1229p, 1235p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1212p, 1229p, 1244p, 1250p], [1201p, 1203p, 1207p, 1227p, 1244p, 1259p, 105p], [1216p, 1218p, 1222p, 1242p, 1259p, 114p, 120p], [1231p, 1233p, 1237p, 1257p, 114p, 129p, 135p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 112p, 129p, 144p, 150p], [101p, 103p, 107p, 127p, 144p, 159p, 205p], [116p, 118p, 122p, 142p, 159p, 214p, 220p], [131p, 133p, 137p, 157p, 214p, 229p, 235p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 212p, 229p, 244p, 250p], [201p, 203p, 207p, 227p, 244p, 259p, 305p], [216p, 218p, 222p, 242p, 259p, 314p, 320p], [231p, 233p, 237p, 257p, 314p, 329p, 335p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 312p, 329p, 344p, 350p], [301p, 303p, 307p, 327p, 344p, 359p, 405p], [316p, 318p, 322p, 342p, 359p, 414p, 420p], [331p, 333p, 337p, 357p, 414p, 429p, 435p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 412p, 429p, 444p, 450p], [401p, 403p, 407p, 427p, 444p, 459p, 505p], [416p, 418p, 422p, 442p, 459p, 514p, 520p], [431p, 433p, 437p, 457p, 514p, 529p, 535p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 512p, 529p, 544p, 550p], [501p, 503p, 507p, 527p, 544p, 559p, 605p], [516p, 518p, 522p, 542p, 559p, 614p, 620p], [531p, 533p, 537p, 557p, 614p, 629p, 635p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 612p, 629p, 643p, 649p], [601p, 603p, 607p, 627p, 642p, 656p, 702p], [616p, 618p, 622p, 641p, 655p, 709p, 715p], [631p, 633p, 637p, 656p, 710p, 724p, 730p], [646p, 648p, 652p, 711p, 725p, 739p, 745p], [701p, 703p, 707p, 726p, 740p, 754p, 800p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,16 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Spence Terminus-Evatt: [Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_v, Wjz6f7z, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6esB, Wjz6e4_]
+  Evatt-Spence Terminus: [Wjz6e4_, Wjz6esB, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6f7z, Wjz67_v, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  McKellar-Evatt: [Wjz6c7A, Wjz6d1l, Wjz65GS, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65rA, Wjz65ik, Wjz65aB, Wjz652H, Wjr-ZXo, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr--W0, Wjr--W9, Wjz664g, Wjz664q, Wjz66kG, Wjz66kP, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66oO, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66XM, Wjz66WS]
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Evatt-McKellar: [Wjz66WS, Wjz66XM, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66oO, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66kP, Wjz66kG, Wjz664q, Wjz664g, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W0, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZXo, Wjz652H, Wjz65aB, Wjz65ik, Wjz65rA, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65GS, Wjz6d1l, Wjz6c7A]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+  McKellar-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjz64Yc, Wjz64OE, Wjz6c8c, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6cz2]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-McKellar: [Wjz6cz2, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6c8c, Wjz64OE, Wjz64Yc]
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 718a, 723a, 731a, 739a, 741a, 745a], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 818a, 823a, 831a, 839a, 841a, 845a], [851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [650p, 652p, 656p, 702p, 709p, 715p, 720p, 728p, 735p, 737p, 741p], [750p, 752p, 756p, 802p, 809p, 815p, 820p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 841p], [850p, 852p, 856p, 902p, 909p, 915p, 920p, 928p, 935p, 937p, 941p], [950p, 952p, 956p, 1002p, 1009p, 1015p, 1020p, 1028p, 1035p, 1037p, 1041p], [1050p, 1052p, 1056p, 1102p, 1109p, 1115p, 1120p, 1128p, 1135p, 1137p, 1141p]]
 short_name: "902"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/902-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,16 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), McKellar, Evatt, Spence Terminus, Evatt, McKellar, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Spence Terminus-Evatt: [Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_v, Wjz6f7z, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6esB, Wjz6e4_]
+  Evatt-Spence Terminus: [Wjz6e4_, Wjz6esB, Wjz6eJR, Wjz6eKC, Wjz6fs9, Wjz6f7z, Wjz67_v, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  McKellar-Evatt: [Wjz6c7A, Wjz6d1l, Wjz65GS, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65rA, Wjz65ik, Wjz65aB, Wjz652H, Wjr-ZXo, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr--W0, Wjr--W9, Wjz664g, Wjz664q, Wjz66kG, Wjz66kP, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66oO, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66XM, Wjz66WS]
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Evatt-McKellar: [Wjz66WS, Wjz66XM, Wjz66Fg, Wjz66oO, Wjz66oJ, Wjz66kP, Wjz66kG, Wjz664q, Wjz664g, Wjr--W9, Wjr--W0, Wjr-ZSE, Wjr-ZRJ, Wjr-ZXo, Wjz652H, Wjz65aB, Wjz65ik, Wjz65rA, Wjz65rQ, Wjz65Hy, Wjz65GS, Wjz6d1l, Wjz6c7A]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
+  McKellar-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjz64Yc, Wjz64OE, Wjz6c8c, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6cz2]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-McKellar: [Wjz6cz2, Wjz6cjg, Wjz6c8c, Wjz64OE, Wjz64Yc]
 short_name: "902"
 stop_times_sunday: [[851a, 853a, 857a, 904a, 912a, 918a, 923a, 931a, 939a, 941a, 945a], [951a, 953a, 957a, 1004a, 1012a, 1018a, 1023a, 1031a, 1039a, 1041a, 1045a], [1051a, 1053a, 1057a, 1104a, 1112a, 1118a, 1123a, 1131a, 1139a, 1141a, 1145a], [1151a, 1153a, 1157a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1223p, 1231p, 1239p, 1241p, 1245p], [1251p, 1253p, 1257p, 104p, 112p, 118p, 123p, 131p, 139p, 141p, 145p], [151p, 153p, 157p, 204p, 212p, 218p, 223p, 231p, 239p, 241p, 245p], [251p, 253p, 257p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 323p, 331p, 339p, 341p, 345p], [351p, 353p, 357p, 404p, 412p, 418p, 423p, 431p, 439p, 441p, 445p], [451p, 453p, 457p, 504p, 512p, 518p, 523p, 531p, 539p, 541p, 545p], [551p, 553p, 557p, 604p, 612p, 618p, 623p, 631p, 638p, 640p, 644p], [651p, 653p, 657p, 703p, 710p, 716p, 721p, 729p, 736p, 738p, 742p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/903-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/903-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Kippax-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-H48, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-IcO, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-H-a, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-OHp]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Fraser West Terminus-Kippax: [Wjr_GMR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-DQE, Wjr-L8R, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-z7J]
+  Kippax-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr-z7J, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DQE, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_GMR]
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Kippax: [Wjr-OHp, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-H-a, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IcO, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-H48, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zcC]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 734a, 748a, 802a, 808a, 810a], [759a, 801a, 805a, 819a, 834a, 848a, 902a, 908a, 910a], [859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1008a, 1010a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1108a, 1110a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1208p, 1210p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 108p, 110p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 208p, 210p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 308p, 310p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 408p, 410p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 508p, 510p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 608p, 610p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 707p, 709p], [658p, 700p, 704p, 717p, 732p, 746p, 759p, 805p, 807p], [758p, 800p, 804p, 817p, 832p, 846p, 859p, 905p, 907p], [858p, 900p, 904p, 917p, 932p, 946p, 959p, 1005p, 1007p], [958p, 1000p, 1004p, 1017p, 1032p, 1046p, 1059p, 1105p, 1107p], [1058p, 1100p, 1104p, 1117p, 1132p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "903"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/903-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/903-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Fraser West Terminus, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Kippax-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-H48, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-IcO, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-H-a, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-OHp]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Fraser West Terminus-Kippax: [Wjr_GMR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-DQE, Wjr-L8R, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-z7J]
+  Kippax-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr-z7J, Wjr-r_9, Wjr-sV3, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-A5E, Wjr-BbR, Wjr-BB3, Wjr-BL8, Wjr-CS2, Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DQE, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_FV4, Wjr_FXR, Wjr_O0I, Wjr_GMR]
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Kippax: [Wjr-OHp, Wjr-OlW, Wjr-GSZ, Wjr-Hwn, Wjr-H-a, Wjr-IMR, Wjr-IGJ, Wjr-Iqi, Wjr-IcO, Wjr-I4P, Wjr-AY4, Wjr-AHx, Wjr-ANt, Wjr-H6y, Wjr-H48, Wjr-zWb, Wjr-zOn, Wjr-zC9, Wjr-zcC]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
 short_name: "903"
 stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 901a, 905a, 919a, 934a, 948a, 1002a, 1004a, 1008a], [959a, 1001a, 1005a, 1019a, 1034a, 1048a, 1102a, 1104a, 1108a], [1059a, 1101a, 1105a, 1119a, 1134a, 1148a, 1202p, 1204p, 1208p], [1159a, 1201p, 1205p, 1219p, 1234p, 1248p, 102p, 104p, 108p], [1259p, 101p, 105p, 119p, 134p, 148p, 202p, 204p, 208p], [159p, 201p, 205p, 219p, 234p, 248p, 302p, 304p, 308p], [259p, 301p, 305p, 319p, 334p, 348p, 402p, 404p, 408p], [359p, 401p, 405p, 419p, 434p, 448p, 502p, 504p, 508p], [459p, 501p, 505p, 519p, 534p, 548p, 602p, 604p, 608p], [559p, 601p, 605p, 619p, 634p, 648p, 701p, 703p, 707p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Kippax-Higgins: [Wjr-sV3, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-syd, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-yni, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yQP]
+  Higgins-Kippax: [Wjr-yQP, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-yni, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-syd, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sV3]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Higgins-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-yOJ, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-E8A, WjrZLdA, WjrZLXY, WjrZT5e, WjrZT6b, Wjr-Mg6, Wjr-Mgt, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, WjrZTAV, WjrZTMv, WjrZSQm, WjrZSWs, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_tn]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Higgins: [WjrZ_tn, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZSWs, WjrZSQm, WjrZTMv, WjrZTAV, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, Wjr-Mgt, Wjr-Mg6, WjrZT6b, WjrZT5e, WjrZLXY, WjrZLdA, Wjr-E8A, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-yOJ]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 807a, 828a, 830a, 834a], [819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p], [718p, 720p, 724p, 744p, 755p, 805p, 825p, 827p, 831p], [818p, 820p, 824p, 844p, 855p, 905p, 925p, 927p, 931p], [918p, 920p, 924p, 944p, 955p, 1005p, 1025p, 1027p, 1031p], [1018p, 1020p, 1024p, 1044p, 1055p, 1105p, 1125p, 1127p, 1131p], [1118p, 1120p, 1124p, 1144p, 1155p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "904"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/904-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Higgins, Kippax, Higgins, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Kippax-Higgins: [Wjr-sV3, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-syd, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-yni, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yQP]
+  Higgins-Kippax: [Wjr-yQP, Wjr-zMF, Wjr-yDR, Wjr-yni, Wjr-y7q, Wjr-qZg, Wjr-qyr, Wjr-qcc, Wjr-i_s, Wjr-jNB, Wjr-jRn, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-syd, Wjr-sQ8, Wjr-sWn, Wjr-sV3]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Higgins-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-yOJ, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-E8A, WjrZLdA, WjrZLXY, WjrZT5e, WjrZT6b, Wjr-Mg6, Wjr-Mgt, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, WjrZTAV, WjrZTMv, WjrZSQm, WjrZSWs, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_tn]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Higgins: [WjrZ_tn, WjrZ_so, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZSWs, WjrZSQm, WjrZTMv, WjrZTAV, WjrZTua, WjrZTua, Wjr-Mgt, Wjr-Mg6, WjrZT6b, WjrZT5e, WjrZLXY, WjrZLdA, Wjr-E8A, Wjr-Ekp, Wjr-EeE, Wjr-wDP, Wjr-xEt, Wjr-xZ1, Wjr-xTP, Wjr-yOJ]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 short_name: "904"
 stop_times_sunday: [[819a, 821a, 825a, 846a, 857a, 907a, 928a, 930a, 934a], [919a, 921a, 925a, 946a, 957a, 1007a, 1028a, 1030a, 1034a], [1019a, 1021a, 1025a, 1046a, 1057a, 1107a, 1128a, 1130a, 1134a], [1119a, 1121a, 1125a, 1146a, 1157a, 1207p, 1228p, 1230p, 1234p], [1219p, 1221p, 1225p, 1246p, 1257p, 107p, 128p, 130p, 134p], [119p, 121p, 125p, 146p, 157p, 207p, 228p, 230p, 234p], [219p, 221p, 225p, 246p, 257p, 307p, 328p, 330p, 334p], [319p, 321p, 325p, 346p, 357p, 407p, 428p, 430p, 434p], [419p, 421p, 425p, 446p, 457p, 507p, 528p, 530p, 534p], [519p, 521p, 525p, 546p, 557p, 607p, 628p, 630p, 634p], [619p, 621p, 625p, 645p, 656p, 706p, 726p, 728p, 732p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,17 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Kippax-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zom, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-xLK, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-F_m, Wjr-Nfn, Wjr-Njs, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-MS6, Wjr-U5B, Wjr-UfX]
+  Charnwood-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_FiT]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Macgregor-Kippax: [Wjr-uhM, Wjr-te3, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-thp, Wjr-smi, Wjr-st9, Wjr-syd, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-rjD, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-r_9]
+  Macgregor-Charnwood: [Wjr-ux-, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-D1B, Wjr-CnE, Wjr-CsO, Wjr-CS2]
+  Charnwood-Macgregor: [Wjr-CS2, Wjr-CsO, Wjr-CnE, Wjr-D1B, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-ux-]
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Fraser West Terminus-Charnwood: [Wjr_FiT, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-L8R]
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Kippax: [Wjr-UfX, Wjr-U5B, Wjr-MS6, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Njs, Wjr-Nfn, Wjr-F_m, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-xLK, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-zom, Wjr-zcC]
+  Kippax-Macgregor: [Wjr-r_9, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rjD, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-syd, Wjr-st9, Wjr-smi, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-te3, Wjr-uhM]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 757a, 809a, 816a, 823a, 836a, 838a, 842a], [814a, 816a, 820a, 833a, 839a, 846a, 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, 707p, 714p, 721p, 733p, 735p, 739p], [713p, 715p, 719p, 731p, 737p, 744p, 754p, 805p, 812p, 819p, 831p, 833p, 837p], [813p, 815p, 819p, 831p, 837p, 844p, 854p, 905p, 912p, 919p, 931p, 933p, 937p], [913p, 915p, 919p, 931p, 937p, 944p, 954p, 1005p, 1012p, 1019p, 1031p, 1033p, 1037p], [1013p, 1015p, 1019p, 1031p, 1037p, 1044p, 1054p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1113p, 1115p, 1119p, 1131p, 1137p, 1144p, 1154p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "905"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/905-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,17 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6), Kippax, Macgregor, Charnwood, Fraser West Terminus, Charnwood, Macgregor, Kippax, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Kippax-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-zcC, Wjr-zom, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-xLK, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-F_m, Wjr-Nfn, Wjr-Njs, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-MS6, Wjr-U5B, Wjr-UfX]
+  Charnwood-Fraser West Terminus: [Wjr-L8R, Wjr-DTC, Wjr_E1y, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_FiT]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Macgregor-Kippax: [Wjr-uhM, Wjr-te3, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-thp, Wjr-smi, Wjr-st9, Wjr-syd, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-rjD, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-r_9]
+  Macgregor-Charnwood: [Wjr-ux-, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-D1B, Wjr-CnE, Wjr-CsO, Wjr-CS2]
+  Charnwood-Macgregor: [Wjr-CS2, Wjr-CsO, Wjr-CnE, Wjr-D1B, Wjr-vNL, Wjr-uUL, Wjr-uUb, Wjr-ux-]
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Fraser West Terminus-Charnwood: [Wjr_FiT, Wjr_Es4, Wjr_Ej0, Wjr_E1y, Wjr-DTC, Wjr-L8R]
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Kippax: [Wjr-UfX, Wjr-U5B, Wjr-MS6, Wjr-Mfb, Wjr-N9a, Wjr-Njs, Wjr-Nfn, Wjr-F_m, Wjr-GFM, Wjr-GyJ, Wjr-GkU, Wjr-G4U, Wjr-yYy, Wjr-yQP, Wjr-xLK, Wjr-ywh, Wjr-ypw, Wjr-yt4, Wjr-zom, Wjr-zcC]
+  Kippax-Macgregor: [Wjr-r_9, Wjr-rQJ, Wjr-rNr, Wjr-rxG, Wjr-rjD, Wjr-rv7, Wjr-syd, Wjr-st9, Wjr-smi, Wjr-thp, Wjr-tbm, Wjr-te3, Wjr-uhM]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []
 short_name: "905"
 stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 857a, 909a, 916a, 923a, 936a, 938a, 942a], [914a, 916a, 920a, 933a, 939a, 946a, 957a, 1009a, 1016a, 1023a, 1036a, 1038a, 1042a], [1014a, 1016a, 1020a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a, 1057a, 1109a, 1116a, 1123a, 1136a, 1138a, 1142a], [1114a, 1116a, 1120a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a, 1157a, 1209p, 1216p, 1223p, 1236p, 1238p, 1242p], [1214p, 1216p, 1220p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p, 1257p, 109p, 116p, 123p, 136p, 138p, 142p], [114p, 116p, 120p, 133p, 139p, 146p, 157p, 209p, 216p, 223p, 236p, 238p, 242p], [214p, 216p, 220p, 233p, 239p, 246p, 257p, 309p, 316p, 323p, 336p, 338p, 342p], [314p, 316p, 320p, 333p, 339p, 346p, 357p, 409p, 416p, 423p, 436p, 438p, 442p], [414p, 416p, 420p, 433p, 439p, 446p, 457p, 509p, 516p, 523p, 536p, 538p, 542p], [514p, 516p, 520p, 533p, 539p, 546p, 557p, 609p, 616p, 623p, 636p, 638p, 642p], [614p, 616p, 620p, 633p, 639p, 646p, 656p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Melba-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-SAW, Wjr-SHc, Wjr-RKi, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-X1i, Wjr-Xhh, Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-VeQ]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Melba: [Wjr-VeQ, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Xhh, Wjr-X1i, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-RKi, Wjr-SHc, Wjr-SAW]
+  Spence Terminus-Melba: [Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_v, Wjz70Wx, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70IY, Wjz70IW, Wjz70zB, Wjz70zz, Wjz70lp, Wjz70lp, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UPA, Wjz701a, Wjz701y, Wjz70go, Wjz67nz, Wjz67kk, Wjz67k1, Wjz671V, Wjz670_, Wjr-_Uj, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-SS5]
+  Melba-Spence Terminus: [Wjr-SS5, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Uj, Wjz670_, Wjz671V, Wjz67k1, Wjz67kk, Wjz67nz, Wjz70go, Wjz701y, Wjz701a, Wjr_UPA, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTL, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjz70lp, Wjz70lp, Wjz70zz, Wjz70zB, Wjz70IW, Wjz70IY, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70Wx, Wjz67_v, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq]
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/906-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 4)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Melba-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-SAW, Wjr-SHc, Wjr-RKi, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-X1i, Wjr-Xhh, Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-VeQ]
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6)-Melba: [Wjr-VeQ, Wjr-Wil, Wjr-Ws2, Wjr-Xhh, Wjr-X1i, Wjr-PWf, Wjr-PyX, Wjr-Pk6, Wjr-Q8c, Wjr-Q4G, Wjr-Rry, Wjr-RKi, Wjr-SHc, Wjr-SAW]
+  Spence Terminus-Melba: [Wjz67Dq, Wjz67_t, Wjz67_v, Wjz70Wx, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70IY, Wjz70IW, Wjz70zB, Wjz70zz, Wjz70lp, Wjz70lp, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UPA, Wjz701a, Wjz701y, Wjz70go, Wjz67nz, Wjz67kk, Wjz67k1, Wjz671V, Wjz670_, Wjr-_Uj, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-SS5]
+  Melba-Spence Terminus: [Wjr-SS5, Wjr-_3A, Wjr-_kG, Wjr-_zv, Wjr-_Hp, Wjr-_Nn, Wjr-_Og, Wjr-_Ua, Wjr-_Uj, Wjz670_, Wjz671V, Wjz67k1, Wjz67kk, Wjz67nz, Wjz70go, Wjz701y, Wjz701a, Wjr_UPA, Wjr_UPL, Wjr_UTL, Wjr_UTL, Wjz707-, Wjz707-, Wjz70lp, Wjz70lp, Wjz70zz, Wjz70zB, Wjz70IW, Wjz70IY, Wjz70Wi, Wjz70Wx, Wjz67_v, Wjz67_t, Wjz67Dq]
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 6): []

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Charnwood: [Wjr-XyN, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-KOL]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Charnwood-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-KOL, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-XyN]
+  Charnwood-Fraser East Terminus: [Wjr-Lwx, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr_MhY, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_McO, Wjr_M6A, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_N-q]
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Fraser East Terminus-Charnwood: [Wjr_N-q, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_M6A, Wjr_McO, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_MhY, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-Lwx]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 716a, 723a, 737a, 739a, 743a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 816a, 823a, 837a, 839a, 843a], [848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p], [747p, 749p, 753p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 834p, 836p, 840p], [847p, 849p, 853p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 934p, 936p, 940p], [947p, 949p, 953p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1034p, 1036p, 1040p], [1047p, 1049p, 1053p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1134p, 1136p, 1140p]]
 short_name: "907"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/907-to-belconnen-community-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2), Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5), Charnwood, Fraser East Terminus, Charnwood, Cohen Street Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Belconnen Community Bus Station]
 long_name: To Belconnen Community Bus Station
+  Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5)-Charnwood: [Wjr-XyN, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-KOL]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 6)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Westfield Bus Station-Belconnen Community Bus Station: []
+  Charnwood-Cohen Street Bus Station: [Wjr-KOL, Wjr-Sbz, Wjr-RfI, Wjr-RsJ, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RT-, Wjr-RZx, Wjr-RZE, Wjr-Zk3, Wjr-Zk5, Wjr-ZBY, Wjr-ZJc, Wjr-YcT, Wjr-YdU, Wjr-Yg7, Wjr-Xno, Wjr-Xky, Wjr-XyN]
+  Charnwood-Fraser East Terminus: [Wjr-Lwx, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr_MhY, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_McO, Wjr_M6A, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_N-q]
   Cohen Street Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Fraser East Terminus-Charnwood: [Wjr_N-q, Wjr_V6V, Wjr_Vt9, Wjr_Vbj, Wjr_V2c, Wjr_Nwy, Wjr_NgT, Wjr_Nj3, Wjr_M6A, Wjr_McO, Wjr_MjV, Wjr_MhY, Wjr-Tf_, Wjr-T4O, Wjr-LNq, Wjr-Lwx]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 2)-Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 5): []
 short_name: "907"
 stop_times_sunday: [[848a, 850a, 854a, 908a, 916a, 923a, 937a, 939a, 943a], [948a, 950a, 954a, 1008a, 1016a, 1023a, 1037a, 1039a, 1043a], [1048a, 1050a, 1054a, 1108a, 1116a, 1123a, 1137a, 1139a, 1143a], [1148a, 1150a, 1154a, 1208p, 1216p, 1223p, 1237p, 1239p, 1243p], [1248p, 1250p, 1254p, 108p, 116p, 123p, 137p, 139p, 143p], [148p, 150p, 154p, 208p, 216p, 223p, 237p, 239p, 243p], [248p, 250p, 254p, 308p, 316p, 323p, 337p, 339p, 343p], [348p, 350p, 354p, 408p, 416p, 423p, 437p, 439p, 443p], [448p, 450p, 454p, 508p, 516p, 523p, 537p, 539p, 543p], [548p, 550p, 554p, 608p, 616p, 623p, 637p, 639p, 643p], [647p, 649p, 653p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 734p, 736p, 740p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Isabella-Calwell: [Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1tph, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1B9N, Wjz1BFG]
+  Calwell-Theodore: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1I92, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1G89]
+  Theodore-Outtrim / Duggan: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1G32, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1siH, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1t8G]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Isabella: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+  Outtrim / Duggan-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mDW]
 stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 825a, 830a, 839a, 846a, 855a], [1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p], [818p, 828p, 833p, 842p, 849p, 858p], [1018p, 1028p, 1033p, 1042p, 1049p, 1058p]]
 short_name: "912"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/912-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Calwell, Theodore, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Isabella-Calwell: [Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1tph, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1B9N, Wjz1BFG]
+  Calwell-Theodore: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1I92, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1G89]
+  Theodore-Outtrim / Duggan: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1G32, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1siH, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1t8G]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Isabella: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+  Outtrim / Duggan-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mDW]
 short_name: "912"
 stop_times_sunday: [[1015a, 1025a, 1030a, 1039a, 1046a, 1055a], [1215p, 1225p, 1230p, 1239p, 1246p, 1255p], [215p, 225p, 230p, 239p, 246p, 255p], [415p, 425p, 430p, 439p, 446p, 455p], [615p, 625p, 630p, 639p, 646p, 655p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1egm, Wjz1ebG, Wjz16_x, Wjz17BY, Wjz20g4]
+  Lanyon Marketplace-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1hOT, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1iJO, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2]
+  Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Gordon Primary: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1jim, Wjz1j87, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1imh, Wjz1is3, Wjz1igo]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz20xf, Wjz17BY, Wjz16_x, Wjz1ebG, Wjz1egm, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+  Conder Primary-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT]
+  Bonython Primary School-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1ksO, Wjz1k8i]
+  Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Conder Primary: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0udw, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0vfE]
+  Gordon Primary-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1h8e, Wjz1g4J, Wjz18Xo, Wjz0f-r, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0niU, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0mrj]
 stop_times_saturday: [[725a, 733a, 737a, 741a, 744a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 813a], [925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p], [928p, 936p, 940p, 944p, 947p, 952p, 1003p, 1008p, 1016p], [1128p, 1136p, 1140p, 1144p, 1147p, 1152p, 1203a, "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "913"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/913-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Gordon Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Conder Primary, Lanyon Marketplace, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1egm, Wjz1ebG, Wjz16_x, Wjz17BY, Wjz20g4]
+  Lanyon Marketplace-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1hOT, Wjz1hBN, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1iJO, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2]
+  Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Gordon Primary: [Wjz1je2, Wjz1jim, Wjz1j87, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1imh, Wjz1is3, Wjz1igo]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz20xf, Wjz17BY, Wjz16_x, Wjz1ebG, Wjz1egm, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+  Conder Primary-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz1woz, Wjz1whX, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1osN, Wjz1olx, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1hOT]
+  Bonython Primary School-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1ksO, Wjz1k8i]
+  Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Conder Primary: [Wjz0mNo, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0udw, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0vfE]
+  Gordon Primary-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz1h8e, Wjz1g4J, Wjz18Xo, Wjz0f-r, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0niU, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0mrj]
 short_name: "913"
 stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 944a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1013a], [1125a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1144a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1213p], [125p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 144p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 213p], [325p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 344p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 413p], [525p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 544p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 613p], [725p, 733p, 737p, 741p, 744p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 813p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Lanyon Marketplace-Conder Primary: [Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vfE]
+  Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1k8i, Wjz1ksO, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2, Wjz1dDS]
+  Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1egm, Wjz1ebG, Wjz16_x, Wjz17BY, Wjz20g4]
+  Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Gordon Primary: [Wjz0mrj, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0niU, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0f-r, Wjz18Xo, Wjz1g4J, Wjz1h8e]
+  Bonython Primary School-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1hBN]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz20xf, Wjz17BY, Wjz16_x, Wjz1ebG, Wjz1egm, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+  Conder Primary-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0udw, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0mNo]
+  Gordon Primary-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz1igo, Wjz1is3, Wjz1imh, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1j87, Wjz1jim, Wjz1je2]
 stop_times_saturday: [[625a, 634a, 640a, 647a, 650a, 654a, 659a, 702a, 712a], [825a, 834a, 840a, 847a, 850a, 854a, 859a, 902a, 912a], [1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p], [828p, 837p, 843p, 850p, 853p, 857p, 902p, 905p, 915p], [1028p, 1037p, 1043p, 1050p, 1053p, 1057p, 1102p, 1105p, 1115p]]
 short_name: "914"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/914-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
-time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Knoke Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
+time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Bonython Primary School, Lanyon Marketplace, Conder Primary, Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave, Gordon Primary, Woodcock / Clare Dennis, Bonython Primary School, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Lanyon Marketplace-Conder Primary: [Wjz1hOT, Wjz1p8y, Wjz1olx, Wjz1osN, Wjz1oP8, Wjz1w2G, Wjz1whX, Wjz1woz, Wjz0Ds0, Wjz0DbJ, Wjz0D5r, Wjz0vPG, Wjz0vzz, Wjz0vfE]
+  Woodcock / Clare Dennis-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz1k8i, Wjz1ksO, Wjz1lat, Wjz1dX2, Wjz1dDS]
+  Bonython Primary School-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1dDS, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1egm, Wjz1ebG, Wjz16_x, Wjz17BY, Wjz20g4]
+  Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave-Gordon Primary: [Wjz0mrj, Wjz0mvg, Wjz0niU, Wjz0n5W, Wjz0f-r, Wjz18Xo, Wjz1g4J, Wjz1h8e]
+  Bonython Primary School-Lanyon Marketplace: [Wjz1dX2, Wjz1lat, Wjz1ixR, Wjz1hBN]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Bonython Primary School: [Wjz20xf, Wjz17BY, Wjz16_x, Wjz1ebG, Wjz1egm, Wjz1dCc, Wjz1dDS]
+  Conder Primary-Tharwa Drive / Pockett Ave: [Wjz0vfE, Wjz0n-1, Wjz0v2g, Wjz0udw, Wjz0u3v, Wjz0mNo]
+  Gordon Primary-Woodcock / Clare Dennis: [Wjz1igo, Wjz1is3, Wjz1imh, Wjz1a_U, Wjz1bUp, Wjz1j87, Wjz1jim, Wjz1je2]
 short_name: "914"
 stop_times_sunday: [[1025a, 1034a, 1040a, 1047a, 1050a, 1054a, 1059a, 1102a, 1112a], [1225p, 1234p, 1240p, 1247p, 1250p, 1254p, 1259p, 102p, 112p], [225p, 234p, 240p, 247p, 250p, 254p, 259p, 302p, 312p], [425p, 434p, 440p, 447p, 450p, 454p, 459p, 502p, 512p], [625p, 634p, 640p, 647p, 650p, 654p, 659p, 702p, 712p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Theodore-Calwell: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1I92, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1BFG]
+  Isabella-Theodore: [Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1siH, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1G32, Wjz1G89]
+  Calwell-Outtrim / Duggan: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1B9N, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tph]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Isabella: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+  Outtrim / Duggan-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mDW]
 stop_times_saturday: [[715a, 725a, 734a, 743a, 746a, 755a], [915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p], [918p, 928p, 937p, 946p, 949p, 958p], [1118p, 1128p, 1137p, 1146p, 1149p, "-"]]
 short_name: "915"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/915-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Isabella, Theodore, Calwell, Outtrim / Duggan, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Theodore-Calwell: [Wjz1G89, Wjz1Gjj, Wjz1GsO, Wjz1HEb, Wjz1IhB, Wjz1I92, Wjz1AUn, Wjz1AyS, Wjz1AkS, Wjz1AvL, Wjz1BFG]
+  Isabella-Theodore: [Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1lun, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lXG, Wjz1t8G, Wjz1scZ, Wjz1sjb, Wjz1siH, Wjz1rQ2, Wjz1zWz, Wjz1zN3, Wjz1ySn, Wjz1G32, Wjz1G89]
+  Calwell-Outtrim / Duggan: [Wjz1BFG, Wjz1B9N, Wjz1tVw, Wjz1tE0, Wjz1tph]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Isabella: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz17Su, Wjz17Xr, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mJc]
+  Outtrim / Duggan-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1lXG, Wjz1lKC, Wjz1lun, Wjz1mgS, Wjz1mqt, Wjz1mDW]
 short_name: "915"
 stop_times_sunday: [[915a, 925a, 934a, 943a, 946a, 955a], [1115a, 1125a, 1134a, 1143a, 1146a, 1155a], [115p, 125p, 134p, 143p, 146p, 155p], [315p, 325p, 334p, 343p, 346p, 355p], [515p, 525p, 534p, 543p, 546p, 555p], [715p, 725p, 734p, 743p, 746p, 755p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Lyons: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3eje]
+  Torrens-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3gB5, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3om2, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
+  Southlands Mawson-Pearce: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3iNO, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3h5c, Wjz39RI, Wjz3aGI]
+  Pearce-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3aPr, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3jei, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Chifley-Torrens: [Wjz3cal, Wjz3caw, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3b9L, Wjz3au8, Wjz3aGI, Wjz39RI, Wjz3g7D, Wjz3gcu]
+  Lyons-Chifley: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3ceV, Wjz3cal, Wjz3caw]
 stop_times_saturday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p], [733p, 736p, 740p, 745p, 751p, 755p, 801p], [933p, 936p, 940p, 945p, 951p, 955p, 1001p], [1133p, 1136p, 1140p, 1145p, 1151p, 1155p, "-"]]
 short_name: "921"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/921-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Lyons, Chifley, Torrens, Southlands Mawson, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Lyons: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3eje]
+  Torrens-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3gB5, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3om2, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
+  Southlands Mawson-Pearce: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3iNO, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3h5c, Wjz39RI, Wjz3aGI]
+  Pearce-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3aPr, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3jei, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Chifley-Torrens: [Wjz3cal, Wjz3caw, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3b9L, Wjz3au8, Wjz3aGI, Wjz39RI, Wjz3g7D, Wjz3gcu]
+  Lyons-Chifley: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3ceV, Wjz3cal, Wjz3caw]
 short_name: "921"
 stop_times_sunday: [[933a, 936a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 955a, 1001a], [1133a, 1136a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1155a, 1201p], [133p, 136p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 155p, 201p], [333p, 336p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 355p, 401p], [533p, 536p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 555p, 601p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Southlands Mawson-Torrens: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3om2, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3gB5]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Pearce: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3knt, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3jei, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3aPr]
+  Chifley-Lyons: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3ceV]
+  Torrens-Chifley: [Wjz3gcu, Wjz3g7D, Wjz39RI, Wjz3aGI, Wjz3au8, Wjz3b9L, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3caw, Wjz3cal]
+  Lyons-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+  Pearce-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3aGI, Wjz39RI, Wjz3h5c, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3iNO, Wjz3h_Y]
 stop_times_saturday: [[833a, 839a, 843a, 849a, 854a, 858a, 901a], [1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p], [833p, 839p, 843p, 849p, 854p, 858p, 901p], [1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1054p, 1058p, 1101p]]
 short_name: "922"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/922-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Southlands Mawson, Torrens, Chifley, Lyons, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Southlands Mawson-Torrens: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3om2, Wjz3gZn, Wjz3gB5]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Pearce: [Wjz3lov, Wjz3knt, Wjz3kcA, Wjz3k1J, Wjz3jei, Wjz3jaF, Wjz3i6e, Wjz3aPr]
+  Chifley-Lyons: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3e8l, Wjz3d3K, Wjz3ceY, Wjz3ceV]
+  Torrens-Chifley: [Wjz3gcu, Wjz3g7D, Wjz39RI, Wjz3aGI, Wjz3au8, Wjz3b9L, Wjz3b9v, Wjz3bdj, Wjz3bdl, Wjz3caw, Wjz3cal]
+  Lyons-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3eje, Wjz3eJ0, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+  Pearce-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3aGI, Wjz39RI, Wjz3h5c, Wjz3hu6, Wjz3iNO, Wjz3h_Y]
 short_name: "922"
 stop_times_sunday: [[1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1054a, 1058a, 1101a], [1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1254p, 1258p, 101p], [233p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 254p, 258p, 301p], [433p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 454p, 458p, 501p], [633p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 654p, 658p, 701p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
+  Isaacs-Farrer Primary School: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wEM, Wjz2DeX, Wjz2D3z]
+  Southlands Mawson-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3ran, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+  Canberra Hospital-Isaacs: [Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3xz2]
+  Farrer Primary School-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz2vR3, Wjz2vL4, Wjz3oyt, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
 stop_times_saturday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p], [713p, 718p, 723p, 728p, 734p, 743p], [913p, 918p, 923p, 928p, 934p, 943p], [1113p, 1118p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, 1143p]]
 short_name: "923"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/923-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Pearce, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Canberra Hospital, Isaacs, Farrer Primary School, Southlands Mawson, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3twg]
+  Isaacs-Farrer Primary School: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wEM, Wjz2DeX, Wjz2D3z]
+  Southlands Mawson-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3ran, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+  Canberra Hospital-Isaacs: [Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3xz2]
+  Farrer Primary School-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz2vR3, Wjz2vL4, Wjz3oyt, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3on-, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3h_Y]
 short_name: "923"
 stop_times_sunday: [[910a, 916a, 921a, 927a, 933a, 943a], [1110a, 1116a, 1121a, 1127a, 1133a, 1143a], [110p, 116p, 121p, 127p, 133p, 143p], [310p, 316p, 321p, 327p, 333p, 343p], [510p, 516p, 521p, 527p, 533p, 543p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
+  Southlands Mawson-Farrer Primary School: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3oyt, Wjz2vL4, Wjz2vR3]
+  Isaacs-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3ran, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3h_Y]
+  Farrer Primary School-Isaacs: [Wjz2D3z, Wjz2DeX, Wjz3wEM, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3xz2]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
 stop_times_saturday: [[810a, 819a, 824a, 829a, 833a, 841a], [1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p], [813p, 821p, 826p, 830p, 834p, 841p], [1013p, 1021p, 1026p, 1030p, 1034p, 1041p]]
 short_name: "924"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/924-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 15), Southlands Mawson, Farrer Primary School, Isaacs, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Southlands Mawson-Farrer Primary School: [Wjz3h_Y, Wjz3pb7, Wjz3on-, Wjz3ovI, Wjz3oBK, Wjz3oyt, Wjz2vL4, Wjz2vR3]
+  Isaacs-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3xz2, Wjz3xDo, Wjz3yhr, Wjz3y2V, Wjz3y3C, Wjz3yfH, Wjz3z3D, Wjz3z6u, Wjz3rTZ, Wjz3sOv, Wjz3s-P, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3tqd]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 15)-Southlands Mawson: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3tp2, Wjz3slg, Wjz3slg, Wjz3kSP, Wjz3kQJ, Wjz3kOX, Wjz3s0s, Wjz3rcB, Wjz3ran, Wjz3qfM, Wjz3qbJ, Wjz3h_Y]
+  Farrer Primary School-Isaacs: [Wjz2D3z, Wjz2DeX, Wjz3wEM, Wjz3wQO, Wjz3wJD, Wjz3xoJ, Wjz3xz2]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3twg, Wjz3tqd, Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
 short_name: "924"
 stop_times_sunday: [[1010a, 1019a, 1024a, 1029a, 1033a, 1041a], [1210p, 1219p, 1224p, 1229p, 1233p, 1241p], [210p, 219p, 224p, 229p, 233p, 241p], [410p, 419p, 424p, 429p, 433p, 441p], [610p, 619p, 624p, 629p, 633p, 641p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
-between_stops: {}
+  Weston Primary-Holder: [WjrX_xU, WjrX_hN, WjrX_bF, WjrXTX5, WjrXTIp, WjrXTqY]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 16)-Weston Primary: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, Wjz354q, Wjz3556, WjrXZLd, WjrX-Hd, WjrX-LF]
+  Duffy-Cooleman Court: [WjrXKfL, WjrXKrm, WjrXK9U, WjrXJnt, WjrXKxW, WjrXS9Y, WjrXZ6V, WjrX-x5, WjrX-sE, WjrX-l4, WjrX-3w]
+  Holder-Duffy: [WjrXTgl, WjrXLY1, WjrXLR-, WjrXLTo, WjrXLtK, WjrXLaD]
 stop_times_saturday: [[857a, 907a, 909a, 911a, 919a], [957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p], [757p, 807p, 809p, 811p, 819p], [857p, 907p, 909p, 911p, 919p], [957p, 1007p, 1009p, 1011p, 1019p], [1057p, 1107p, 1109p, 1111p, 1119p]]
 short_name: "925"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 16), Weston Primary, Holder, Duffy, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
-between_stops: {}
+  Weston Primary-Holder: [WjrX_xU, WjrX_hN, WjrX_bF, WjrXTX5, WjrXTIp, WjrXTqY]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 16)-Weston Primary: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, Wjz354q, Wjz3556, WjrXZLd, WjrX-Hd, WjrX-LF]
+  Duffy-Cooleman Court: [WjrXKfL, WjrXKrm, WjrXK9U, WjrXJnt, WjrXKxW, WjrXS9Y, WjrXZ6V, WjrX-x5, WjrX-sE, WjrX-l4, WjrX-3w]
+  Holder-Duffy: [WjrXTgl, WjrXLY1, WjrXLR-, WjrXLTo, WjrXLtK, WjrXLaD]
 short_name: "925"
 stop_times_sunday: [[957a, 1007a, 1009a, 1011a, 1019a], [1057a, 1107a, 1109a, 1111a, 1119a], [1157a, 1207p, 1209p, 1211p, 1219p], [1257p, 107p, 109p, 111p, 119p], [157p, 207p, 209p, 211p, 219p], [257p, 307p, 309p, 311p, 319p], [357p, 407p, 409p, 411p, 419p], [457p, 507p, 509p, 511p, 519p], [557p, 607p, 609p, 611p, 619p], [657p, 707p, 709p, 711p, 719p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Cooleman Court-Duffy: [WjrX-3w, WjrX-l4, WjrX-sE, WjrX-x5, WjrXZ6V, WjrXS9Y, WjrXKxW, WjrXJnt, WjrXK9U, WjrXKrm, WjrXKfL]
+  Weston Primary-Woden Bus Station: [WjrX_xU, WjrX-LF, WjrX-Hd, WjrXZLd, Wjz3556, Wjz354q, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Holder-Weston Primary: [WjrXTqY, WjrXTIp, WjrXTX5, WjrX_bF, WjrX_hN, WjrX_xU]
+  Duffy-Holder: [WjrXLaD, WjrXLtK, WjrXLTo, WjrXLR-, WjrXLY1, WjrXTgl]
 stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 834a, 837a, 846a], [924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p], [724p, 731p, 734p, 737p, 746p], [824p, 831p, 834p, 837p, 846p], [924p, 931p, 934p, 937p, 946p], [1024p, 1031p, 1034p, 1037p, 1046p]]
 short_name: "925"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/925-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Cooleman Court, Duffy, Holder, Weston Primary, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Cooleman Court-Duffy: [WjrX-3w, WjrX-l4, WjrX-sE, WjrX-x5, WjrXZ6V, WjrXS9Y, WjrXKxW, WjrXJnt, WjrXK9U, WjrXKrm, WjrXKfL]
+  Weston Primary-Woden Bus Station: [WjrX_xU, WjrX-LF, WjrX-Hd, WjrXZLd, Wjz3556, Wjz354q, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Holder-Weston Primary: [WjrXTqY, WjrXTIp, WjrXTX5, WjrX_bF, WjrX_hN, WjrX_xU]
+  Duffy-Holder: [WjrXLaD, WjrXLtK, WjrXLTo, WjrXLR-, WjrXLY1, WjrXTgl]
 short_name: "925"
 stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 934a, 937a, 946a], [1024a, 1031a, 1034a, 1037a, 1046a], [1124a, 1131a, 1134a, 1137a, 1146a], [1224p, 1231p, 1234p, 1237p, 1246p], [124p, 131p, 134p, 137p, 146p], [224p, 231p, 234p, 237p, 246p], [324p, 331p, 334p, 337p, 346p], [424p, 431p, 434p, 437p, 446p], [524p, 531p, 534p, 537p, 546p], [624p, 631p, 634p, 637p, 646p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
-between_stops: {}
+  Fisher-Chapman: [WjrXWsn, WjrXW7A, WjrXXk0, WjrXXl5, WjrXZw7, WjrXZhO, WjrXRUs, WjrXQTy, WjrXQTq, WjrXQRP, WjrXQOh, WjrXQO9, WjrXPDA, WjrXPJX, WjrXPR4, WjrXPFn, WjrXPFr, WjrXOn_, WjrXPgO, WjrXPbD, WjrXPbu]
+  Waramanga-Fisher: [WjrXXSj, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXGN, WjrXXNb, WjrXXUi, WjrXWQ8]
+  Chapman-Rivett: [WjrXHZU, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHHk, WjrXHH7, WjrXHuL, WjrXHvw, WjrXIqp, WjrXIqk, WjrXIKK, WjrXJxI]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 3)-Waramanga: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz34B4, Wjz34qe, Wjz343V, WjrXYVm]
+  Rivett-Cooleman Court: [WjrXJZ6, WjrXJ-g, WjrXRmc, WjrXSso, WjrX-3w]
 stop_times_saturday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p], [720p, 729p, 732p, 742p, 745p, 750p], [820p, 829p, 832p, 842p, 845p, 850p], [920p, 929p, 932p, 942p, 945p, 950p], [1020p, 1029p, 1032p, 1042p, 1045p, 1050p], [1120p, 1129p, 1132p, 1142p, 1145p, 1150p]]
 short_name: "927"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-cooleman-court.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 3), Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Rivett, Cooleman Court]
 long_name: To Cooleman Court
-between_stops: {}
+  Fisher-Chapman: [WjrXWsn, WjrXW7A, WjrXXk0, WjrXXl5, WjrXZw7, WjrXZhO, WjrXRUs, WjrXQTy, WjrXQTq, WjrXQRP, WjrXQOh, WjrXQO9, WjrXPDA, WjrXPJX, WjrXPR4, WjrXPFn, WjrXPFr, WjrXOn_, WjrXPgO, WjrXPbD, WjrXPbu]
+  Waramanga-Fisher: [WjrXXSj, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXGN, WjrXXNb, WjrXXUi, WjrXWQ8]
+  Chapman-Rivett: [WjrXHZU, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHHk, WjrXHH7, WjrXHuL, WjrXHvw, WjrXIqp, WjrXIqk, WjrXIKK, WjrXJxI]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 3)-Waramanga: [Wjz3dXS, Wjz34B4, Wjz34qe, Wjz343V, WjrXYVm]
+  Rivett-Cooleman Court: [WjrXJZ6, WjrXJ-g, WjrXRmc, WjrXSso, WjrX-3w]
 short_name: "927"
 stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 929a, 932a, 942a, 945a, 950a], [1020a, 1029a, 1032a, 1042a, 1045a, 1050a], [1120a, 1129a, 1132a, 1142a, 1145a, 1150a], [1220p, 1229p, 1232p, 1242p, 1245p, 1250p], [120p, 129p, 132p, 142p, 145p, 150p], [220p, 229p, 232p, 242p, 245p, 250p], [320p, 329p, 332p, 342p, 345p, 350p], [420p, 429p, 432p, 442p, 445p, 450p], [520p, 529p, 532p, 542p, 545p, 550p], [620p, 629p, 632p, 642p, 645p, 650p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Waramanga-Woden Bus Station: [WjrXYVm, Wjz343V, Wjz34qe, Wjz34B4, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Chapman-Fisher: [WjrXPbu, WjrXPbD, WjrXPgO, WjrXOn_, WjrXPFr, WjrXPFn, WjrXPR4, WjrXPJX, WjrXPDA, WjrXQO9, WjrXQOh, WjrXQRP, WjrXQTq, WjrXQTy, WjrXRUs, WjrXZhO, WjrXZw7, WjrXXl5, WjrXXk0, WjrXW7A, WjrXWsn]
+  Cooleman Court-Rivett: [WjrX-3w, WjrXSso, WjrXRmc, WjrXJ-g, WjrXJZ6]
+  Fisher-Waramanga: [WjrXWQ8, WjrXXUi, WjrXXNb, WjrXXGN, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXSj]
+  Rivett-Chapman: [WjrXJxI, WjrXIKK, WjrXIqk, WjrXIqp, WjrXHvw, WjrXHuL, WjrXHH7, WjrXHHk, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHZU]
 stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 803a, 806a, 816a, 819a, 826a], [855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p], [755p, 803p, 806p, 816p, 819p, 826p], [855p, 903p, 906p, 916p, 919p, 926p], [955p, 1003p, 1006p, 1016p, 1019p, 1026p], [1055p, 1103p, 1106p, 1116p, 1119p, 1126p]]
 short_name: "927"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/927-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 time_points: [Cooleman Court, Rivett, Chapman, Fisher, Waramanga, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Waramanga-Woden Bus Station: [WjrXYVm, Wjz343V, Wjz34qe, Wjz34B4, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
+  Chapman-Fisher: [WjrXPbu, WjrXPbD, WjrXPgO, WjrXOn_, WjrXPFr, WjrXPFn, WjrXPR4, WjrXPJX, WjrXPDA, WjrXQO9, WjrXQOh, WjrXQRP, WjrXQTq, WjrXQTy, WjrXRUs, WjrXZhO, WjrXZw7, WjrXXl5, WjrXXk0, WjrXW7A, WjrXWsn]
+  Cooleman Court-Rivett: [WjrX-3w, WjrXSso, WjrXRmc, WjrXJ-g, WjrXJZ6]
+  Fisher-Waramanga: [WjrXWQ8, WjrXXUi, WjrXXNb, WjrXXGN, WjrXXQ6, WjrXXSj]
+  Rivett-Chapman: [WjrXJxI, WjrXIKK, WjrXIqk, WjrXIqp, WjrXHvw, WjrXHuL, WjrXHH7, WjrXHHk, WjrXHYJ, WjrXHZU]
 short_name: "927"
 stop_times_sunday: [[855a, 903a, 906a, 916a, 919a, 926a], [955a, 1003a, 1006a, 1016a, 1019a, 1026a], [1055a, 1103a, 1106a, 1116a, 1119a, 1126a], [1155a, 1203p, 1206p, 1216p, 1219p, 1226p], [1255p, 103p, 106p, 116p, 119p, 126p], [155p, 203p, 206p, 216p, 219p, 226p], [255p, 303p, 306p, 316p, 319p, 326p], [355p, 403p, 406p, 416p, 419p, 426p], [455p, 503p, 506p, 516p, 519p, 526p], [555p, 603p, 606p, 616p, 619p, 626p], [655p, 703p, 706p, 716p, 719p, 726p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/930-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/930-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  St Thomas More's Campbell-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [Wjzd0yM, Wjzd0EU, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7bs, Wjz4_Oj, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzc51P]
+  Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzc51o, Wjzc51P, Wjzcd2C, Wjzcd4Y, Wjzcdml, Wjzcdvn, Wjzceyq, WjzceHt, WjzceCW, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5UHK, Wjzd02s, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd0oD]
   ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
 stop_times_saturday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p], [801p, 813p, 820p, 827p, 841p], [901p, 913p, 920p, 927p, 941p], [1001p, 1013p, 1020p, 1027p, 1041p], [1101p, 1113p, 1120p, 1127p, 1141p]]
 short_name: "930"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/930-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/930-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), St Thomas More's Campbell, Hospice / Menindee Dr, ADFA, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  St Thomas More's Campbell-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [Wjzd0yM, Wjzd0EU, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7bs, Wjz4_Oj, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjzc51P]
+  Hospice / Menindee Dr-ADFA: [Wjzc51o, Wjzc51P, Wjzcd2C, Wjzcd4Y, Wjzcdml, Wjzcdvn, Wjzceyq, WjzceHt, WjzceCW, Wjzce6F, Wjzce7O]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5UHK, Wjzd02s, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd0oD]
   ADFA-City Bus Station: [Wjzcend, Wjzd8br, Wjzd0CK, Wjz5VUU, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
 short_name: "930"
 stop_times_sunday: [[1001a, 1013a, 1020a, 1027a, 1041a], [1201p, 1213p, 1220p, 1227p, 1241p], [201p, 213p, 220p, 227p, 241p], [401p, 413p, 420p, 427p, 441p], [601p, 613p, 620p, 627p, 641p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-ADFA: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzcfkd]
+  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, Wjzceyq, Wjzcdvn, Wjzcdml, WjzcdbC, Wjzcd2C, Wjzcd8D]
+  St Thomas More's Campbell-City Bus Station: [Wjzd0oD, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd02s, Wjz5UHK, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+  Hospice / Menindee Dr-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjzc51o, Wjzc51P, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4_Oj, Wjzc7bs, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzd0EU, Wjzd0yM]
 stop_times_saturday: [[801a, 815a, 822a, 829a, 841a], [901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]
 short_name: "931"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/931-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), ADFA, Hospice / Menindee Dr, St Thomas More's Campbell, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, WjzceFT, WjzcdDs, Wjzcdsn, Wjzcdi7, Wjzcd2U, Wjzcd8D]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-ADFA: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5VAq, Wjz5VFA, Wjz5VUU, Wjzd0CK, Wjzd8br, Wjzcfkd]
+  ADFA-Hospice / Menindee Dr: [WjzceHt, Wjzceyq, Wjzcdvn, Wjzcdml, WjzcdbC, Wjzcd2C, Wjzcd8D]
+  St Thomas More's Campbell-City Bus Station: [Wjzd0oD, Wjzc7nq, Wjzd02s, Wjz5UHK, Wjz5Utw, Wjz5Vg4, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+  Hospice / Menindee Dr-St Thomas More's Campbell: [Wjzc51o, Wjzc51P, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A, Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4_Oj, Wjzc7bs, Wjzc7si, Wjzc7Ay, Wjzd0EU, Wjzd0yM]
 short_name: "931"
 stop_times_sunday: [[901a, 915a, 922a, 929a, 941a], [1101a, 1115a, 1122a, 1129a, 1141a], [101p, 115p, 122p, 129p, 141p], [301p, 315p, 322p, 329p, 341p], [501p, 515p, 522p, 529p, 541p], [701p, 715p, 722p, 729p, 741p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Southwell Park-Giralang: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6rhW, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6t8_, Wjz6t9w, Wjz6t3F, Wjz6t4U]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Southwell Park: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Ti2]
+  Yarralumla-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4t8Z, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4z67, Wjz4INj, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Curtin: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eSa, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3fCx, Wjz48qI, Wjz48dZ, Wjz499S, Wjz49dp, Wjz4a9o, Wjz4arc, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4aMo, Wjz49Y5, Wjz49Wd]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  John James Hospital-Yarralumla: [Wjz4qn2, Wjz4shf]
+  Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6zth, Wjz6zon, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6yir, Wjz6y90, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Giralang-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6u32, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sHv]
+  Curtin-John James Hospital: [Wjz4h1M, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4iXK]
+  Gwydir Square Kaleen-University of Canberra: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5]
   University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
 stop_times_saturday: [[739a, 750a, 753a, 756a, 809a, 815a, 819a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 847a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [739p, 748p, 751p, 754p, 807p, 812p, 816p, 825p, 832p, 837p, 842p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [839p, 848p, 851p, 854p, 907p, 912p, 916p, 925p, 932p, 937p, 942p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [939p, 948p, 951p, 954p, 1007p, 1012p, 1016p, 1025p, 1032p, 1037p, 1042p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1039p, 1048p, 1051p, 1054p, 1107p, 1112p, 1116p, 1125p, 1132p, 1137p, 1142p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p], [1139p, 1150p, 1153p, 1156p, 1208a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "932"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 4), Curtin, John James Hospital, Yarralumla, City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Southwell Park, Giralang, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Gwydir Square Kaleen, University of Canberra, Belconnen Community Bus Station, Westfield Bus Station, Cohen Street Bus Station]
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Southwell Park-Giralang: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6rhW, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6t8_, Wjz6t9w, Wjz6t3F, Wjz6t4U]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Southwell Park: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Ti2]
+  Yarralumla-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4t8Z, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4z67, Wjz4INj, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KO9, Wjz5Nht]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 4)-Curtin: [Wjz3m31, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3eSa, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3fCx, Wjz48qI, Wjz48dZ, Wjz499S, Wjz49dp, Wjz4a9o, Wjz4arc, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4aMo, Wjz49Y5, Wjz49Wd]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  John James Hospital-Yarralumla: [Wjz4qn2, Wjz4shf]
+  Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6zth, Wjz6zon, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6yir, Wjz6y90, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Giralang-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6u32, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sHv]
+  Curtin-John James Hospital: [Wjz4h1M, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4iXK]
+  Gwydir Square Kaleen-University of Canberra: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68W3, Wjz68W5]
   University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
 short_name: "932"
 stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 850a, 853a, 856a, 909a, 915a, 919a, 928a, 936a, 941a, 947a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [939a, 950a, 953a, 956a, 1009a, 1015a, 1019a, 1028a, 1036a, 1041a, 1047a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1039a, 1050a, 1053a, 1056a, 1109a, 1115a, 1119a, 1128a, 1136a, 1141a, 1147a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1139a, 1150a, 1153a, 1156a, 1209p, 1215p, 1219p, 1228p, 1236p, 1241p, 1247p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [1239p, 1250p, 1253p, 1256p, 109p, 115p, 119p, 128p, 136p, 141p, 147p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [139p, 150p, 153p, 156p, 209p, 215p, 219p, 228p, 236p, 241p, 247p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [239p, 250p, 253p, 256p, 309p, 315p, 319p, 328p, 336p, 341p, 347p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [339p, 350p, 353p, 356p, 409p, 415p, 419p, 428p, 436p, 441p, 447p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [439p, 450p, 453p, 456p, 509p, 515p, 519p, 528p, 536p, 541p, 547p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [539p, 550p, 553p, 556p, 609p, 615p, 619p, 628p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 648p, 650p, 655p], [639p, 648p, 651p, 654p, 707p, 712p, 716p, 725p, 732p, 737p, 742p, 745p, 747p, 752p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Southwell Park-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Curtin-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz49Wd, Wjz49Y5, Wjz4aMo, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4arc, Wjz4a9o, Wjz49dp, Wjz499S, Wjz48dZ, Wjz48qI, Wjz3fCx, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+  Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Giralang: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6u32, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6lZb]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Yarralumla: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4IrL, Wjz4z67, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4t8Z]
+  Gwydir Square Kaleen-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6y90, Wjz6yir, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6zon, Wjz6zth, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6sHv]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  John James Hospital-Curtin: [Wjz4iXK, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4h1M]
+  Giralang-Southwell Park: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rhW, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6hKC, Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2]
+  Yarralumla-John James Hospital: [Wjz4shf, Wjz4qn2]
+  University of Canberra-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
 stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 656p, 701p, 706p, 708p, 723p, 728p, 735p, 747p, 750p, 753p, 803p], [745p, 747p, 751p, 756p, 801p, 806p, 808p, 823p, 828p, 835p, 847p, 850p, 853p, 903p], [845p, 847p, 851p, 856p, 901p, 906p, 908p, 923p, 928p, 935p, 947p, 950p, 953p, 1003p], [945p, 947p, 951p, 956p, 1001p, 1006p, 1008p, 1023p, 1028p, 1035p, 1047p, 1050p, 1053p, 1103p], [1045p, 1047p, 1051p, 1056p, 1101p, 1106p, 1108p, 1123p, 1128p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "932"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/932-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
-time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Marybrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Gwydir Square Kaleen, Kaleen Village / Maribrynong, Giralang, Southwell Park, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Yarralumla, John James Hospital, Curtin, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Southwell Park-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Curtin-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz49Wd, Wjz49Y5, Wjz4aMo, Wjz4aH6, Wjz4arc, Wjz4a9o, Wjz49dp, Wjz499S, Wjz48dZ, Wjz48qI, Wjz3fCx, Wjz3fO2, Wjz3eZ4, Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31]
+  Kaleen Village / Maribrynong-Giralang: [Wjz6sHv, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6u3h, Wjz6u32, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6lZb]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Yarralumla: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4KNu, Wjz4IrL, Wjz4z67, Wjz4A2c, Wjz4A7o, Wjz4tUp, Wjz4tpE, Wjz4t8Z]
+  Gwydir Square Kaleen-Kaleen Village / Maribrynong: [Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6y90, Wjz6yir, Wjz6ytu, Wjz6zon, Wjz6zth, Wjz6Apy, Wjz6Apq, Wjz6sZ1, Wjz6sHv]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  John James Hospital-Curtin: [Wjz4iXK, Wjz4iW6, Wjz4hPC, Wjz4hFp, Wjz4h1M]
+  Giralang-Southwell Park: [Wjz6lZb, Wjz6lCb, Wjz6mxi, Wjz6mOx, Wjz6uhX, Wjz6uwF, Wjz6sdJ, Wjz6sdP, Wjz6rsL, Wjz6rrI, Wjz6rhW, Wjz6rp1, Wjz6qe4, Wjz6qea, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6hKC, Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2]
+  Yarralumla-John James Hospital: [Wjz4shf, Wjz4qn2]
+  University of Canberra-Gwydir Square Kaleen: [Wjz68W5, Wjz68W3, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6hxB, Wjz6hKC, Wjz6iNm, Wjz6iN7, Wjz6iYk, Wjz6iYm, Wjz6qc3, Wjz6pLk, Wjz6pLk]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
 short_name: "932"
 stop_times_sunday: [[746a, 748a, 752a, 757a, 803a, 808a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 838a, 850a, 853a, 857a, 908a], [846a, 848a, 852a, 857a, 903a, 908a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 938a, 950a, 953a, 957a, 1008a], [946a, 948a, 952a, 957a, 1003a, 1008a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1038a, 1050a, 1053a, 1057a, 1108a], [1046a, 1048a, 1052a, 1057a, 1103a, 1108a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1138a, 1150a, 1153a, 1157a, 1208p], [1146a, 1148a, 1152a, 1157a, 1203p, 1208p, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1238p, 1250p, 1253p, 1257p, 108p], [1246p, 1248p, 1252p, 1257p, 103p, 108p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 138p, 150p, 153p, 157p, 208p], [146p, 148p, 152p, 157p, 203p, 208p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 238p, 250p, 253p, 257p, 308p], [246p, 248p, 252p, 257p, 303p, 308p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 338p, 350p, 353p, 357p, 408p], [346p, 348p, 352p, 357p, 403p, 408p, 410p, 425p, 430p, 438p, 450p, 453p, 457p, 508p], [446p, 448p, 452p, 457p, 503p, 508p, 510p, 525p, 530p, 538p, 550p, 553p, 557p, 608p], [546p, 548p, 552p, 557p, 603p, 608p, 610p, 625p, 630p, 637p, 649p, 652p, 655p, 705p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -3,9 +3,18 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+  Deakin-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4z9H, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4INj, Wjz4Qhl, Wjz4Quk]
+  Canberra Hospital-Garran: [Wjz3tP_, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3C9J]
+  O'Connor-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mxf]
+  Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-O'Connor: [Wjz5yXo, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5Iqp]
+  National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+  Hughes-Deakin: [Wjz3n-4, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4peM, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4qia, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4y7z]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Garran-Hughes: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3n-4]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+  Calvary Hospital-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5n_K, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 816a, 833a, 835a, 840a], [813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p], [713p, 720p, 722p, 726p, 731p, 740p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 816p, 833p, 835p, 840p], [813p, 820p, 822p, 826p, 831p, 840p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 916p, 933p, 935p, 940p], [913p, 920p, 922p, 926p, 931p, 940p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1016p, 1033p, 1035p, 1040p], [1013p, 1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1031p, 1040p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1116p, 1133p, 1135p, 1140p], [1113p, 1120p, 1122p, 1126p, 1131p, 1140p, 1150p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "934"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -3,9 +3,18 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz5EKJ]
+  Deakin-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4z9H, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4INj, Wjz4Qhl, Wjz4Quk]
+  Canberra Hospital-Garran: [Wjz3tP_, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3C9J]
+  O'Connor-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5maK, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mxf]
+  Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-O'Connor: [Wjz5yXo, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5Iqp]
+  National Museum of Australia-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5E4O, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5xHC]
+  Hughes-Deakin: [Wjz3n-4, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4peM, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4qia, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4y7z]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Garran-Hughes: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C4q, Wjz3uQf, Wjz3uDU, Wjz3vqN, Wjz3n-4]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station (Platform 4): [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+  Calvary Hospital-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz5nwb, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5n_K, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
 short_name: "934"
 stop_times_sunday: [[813a, 820a, 822a, 826a, 831a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 916a, 933a, 935a, 940a], [913a, 920a, 922a, 926a, 931a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1016a, 1033a, 1035a, 1040a], [1013a, 1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1031a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1116a, 1133a, 1135a, 1140a], [1113a, 1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1131a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1216p, 1233p, 1235p, 1240p], [1213p, 1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1231p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 116p, 133p, 135p, 140p], [113p, 120p, 122p, 126p, 131p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 216p, 233p, 235p, 240p], [213p, 220p, 222p, 226p, 231p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 316p, 333p, 335p, 340p], [313p, 320p, 322p, 326p, 331p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 416p, 433p, 435p, 440p], [413p, 420p, 422p, 426p, 431p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 516p, 533p, 535p, 540p], [513p, 520p, 522p, 526p, 531p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 616p, 633p, 635p, 640p], [613p, 620p, 622p, 626p, 631p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 716p, 733p, 735p, 740p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,18 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Deakin: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4Qhl, Wjz4IrL, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4z9H]
+  National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+  Calvary Hospital-O'Connor: [Wjz5mxf, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Iqp]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Garran-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3tP_]
+  Hughes-Garran: [Wjz3n-H, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C9Q]
+  Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+  O'Connor-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5yXo]
+  Deakin-Hughes: [Wjz4y7z, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qia, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4peM, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz3n-H]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz5n_K, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb]
   Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
 stop_times_saturday: [[729a, 731a, 735a, 752a, 759a, 804a, 809a, 819a, 828a, 837a, 842a, 846a, 848a, 855a], [829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p], [729p, 731p, 735p, 752p, 759p, 804p, 809p, 819p, 828p, 837p, 842p, 846p, 848p, 855p], [829p, 831p, 835p, 852p, 859p, 904p, 909p, 919p, 928p, 937p, 942p, 946p, 948p, 955p], [929p, 931p, 935p, 952p, 959p, 1004p, 1009p, 1019p, 1028p, 1037p, 1042p, 1046p, 1048p, 1055p], [1029p, 1031p, 1035p, 1052p, 1059p, 1104p, 1109p, 1117p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "934"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/934-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,18 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road, National Museum of Australia, City Bus Station (Platform 2), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Deakin, Hughes, Garran, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Deakin: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4Qhl, Wjz4IrL, Wjz4Hbx, Wjz4H0P, Wjz4yQ-, Wjz4yIs, Wjz4yDo, Wjz4z9H]
+  National Museum of Australia-City Bus Station (Platform 2): [Wjz5EKJ, Wjz5FOn]
+  Calvary Hospital-O'Connor: [Wjz5mxf, Wjz5mpm, Wjz5mbS, Wjz5maK, Wjz5BaH, Wjz5BWh, Wjz5Jaa, Wjz5J9d, Wjz5Imu, Wjz5IjX, Wjz5Iqp]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   City Bus Station (Platform 2)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Garran-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3C9J, Wjz3C9Q, Wjz3BfO, Wjz3Bea, Wjz3B5o, Wjz3tP_]
+  Hughes-Garran: [Wjz3n-H, Wjz3vrf, Wjz3uK7, Wjz3uJV, Wjz3C4O, Wjz3C9Q]
+  Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road-National Museum of Australia: [Wjz5xHC, Wjz5w_S, Wjz5E4O]
+  O'Connor-Burton and Garran Hall Daley Road: [Wjz5Iqp, Wjz5Iw8, Wjz5HDd, Wjz5Hw8, Wjz5Guy, Wjz5yYV, Wjz5yXo]
+  Deakin-Hughes: [Wjz4y7z, Wjz4q-b, Wjz4qJ7, Wjz4qjC, Wjz4qia, Wjz4q8_, Wjz4peM, Wjz4p2R, Wjz4p1K, Wjz4gYg, Wjz4gYg, Wjz3n-H]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Calvary Hospital: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gQ0, Wjz5n_K, Wjz5n-V, Wjz5nw6, Wjz5nwb]
   Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
 short_name: "934"
 stop_times_sunday: [[829a, 831a, 835a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 909a, 919a, 928a, 937a, 942a, 946a, 948a, 955a], [929a, 931a, 935a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1009a, 1019a, 1028a, 1037a, 1042a, 1046a, 1048a, 1055a], [1029a, 1031a, 1035a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1109a, 1119a, 1128a, 1137a, 1142a, 1146a, 1148a, 1155a], [1129a, 1131a, 1135a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1209p, 1219p, 1228p, 1237p, 1242p, 1246p, 1248p, 1255p], [1229p, 1231p, 1235p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 109p, 119p, 128p, 137p, 142p, 146p, 148p, 155p], [129p, 131p, 135p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 209p, 219p, 228p, 237p, 242p, 246p, 248p, 255p], [229p, 231p, 235p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 309p, 319p, 328p, 337p, 342p, 346p, 348p, 355p], [329p, 331p, 335p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 409p, 419p, 428p, 437p, 442p, 446p, 448p, 455p], [429p, 431p, 435p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 509p, 519p, 528p, 537p, 542p, 546p, 548p, 555p], [529p, 531p, 535p, 552p, 559p, 604p, 609p, 619p, 628p, 637p, 642p, 646p, 648p, 655p], [629p, 631p, 635p, 652p, 659p, 704p, 709p, 719p, 728p, 737p, 742p, 746p, 748p, 755p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/935-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/935-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Narrabundah Terminus-Red Hill: [Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7qP, Wjzb73I, Wjz3_QR, Wjz3-TX, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3THj, Wjz3TEu, Wjz3SjZ]
   City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+  Red Hill-Manuka: [Wjz3Sbz, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3LRT, Wjz4M0c, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP]
+  Red Hill-Narrabundah Terminus: [Wjz3SjZ, Wjz3TEu, Wjz3THj, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-TX, Wjz3_QR, Wjzb73I, Wjzb7qP, Wjzb7S4]
+  Manuka-Red Hill: [Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4M0c, Wjz3LRT, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3Sbz]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Manuka: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0]
+  Manuka-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
 stop_times_saturday: [[756a, 803a, 807a, 814a, 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p], [756p, 803p, 807p, 814p, 824p, 833p, 839p, 843p, 852p], [856p, 903p, 907p, 914p, 924p, 933p, 939p, 943p, 952p], [956p, 1003p, 1007p, 1014p, 1024p, 1033p, 1039p, 1043p, 1052p], [1056p, 1103p, 1107p, 1114p, 1124p, "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "935"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/935-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/935-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,14 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 7), Kings Ave / National Circuit, Manuka, Red Hill, Narrabundah Terminus, Red Hill, Manuka, Kings Ave / National Circuit, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Narrabundah Terminus-Red Hill: [Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7qP, Wjzb73I, Wjz3_QR, Wjz3-TX, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3THj, Wjz3TEu, Wjz3SjZ]
   City Bus Station (Platform 7)-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz5FOn, Wjz4S1U, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4Quk]
   Kings Ave / National Circuit-City Bus Station: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4Rs-, Wjz4S1U, Wjz5FOn]
+  Red Hill-Manuka: [Wjz3Sbz, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3LRT, Wjz4M0c, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP]
+  Red Hill-Narrabundah Terminus: [Wjz3SjZ, Wjz3TEu, Wjz3THj, Wjz3TJe, Wjz3TZj, Wjz3_3L, Wjz3_o2, Wjz3-Bg, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-TX, Wjz3_QR, Wjzb73I, Wjzb7qP, Wjzb7S4]
+  Manuka-Red Hill: [Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4O0J, Wjz4F-D, Wjz4FRP, Wjz4FNU, Wjz4M1m, Wjz4M0c, Wjz3LRT, Wjz3KTj, Wjz3KRH, Wjz3KYr, Wjz3S3t, Wjz3Sbz]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Manuka: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ox0]
+  Manuka-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Ox0, Wjz4OpP, Wjz4Ofi, Wjz4Pa9, Wjz4Pk_, Wjz4Pt5, Wjz4PuC, Wjz4Quk]
 short_name: "935"
 stop_times_sunday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", 824a, 833a, 839a, 843a, 852a], [856a, 903a, 907a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 939a, 943a, 952a], [956a, 1003a, 1007a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1039a, 1043a, 1052a], [1056a, 1103a, 1107a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1139a, 1143a, 1152a], [1156a, 1203p, 1207p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1239p, 1243p, 1252p], [1256p, 103p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 139p, 143p, 152p], [156p, 203p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 239p, 243p, 252p], [256p, 303p, 307p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 339p, 343p, 352p], [356p, 403p, 407p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 439p, 443p, 452p], [456p, 503p, 507p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 539p, 543p, 552p], [556p, 603p, 607p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 639p, 643p, 652p], [656p, 703p, 707p, 714p, 724p, 733p, 739p, 743p, 752p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Cowper St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-  Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
+  North Lyneham-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5-6R]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+  Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5Wmw, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ]
+  Dickson / Cowper St-Hackett: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5_N2, Wjzd72S, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7_6, Wjzdfaz]
+  Lyneham / Wattle St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5KBe, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5LSr, Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv]
+  Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5BPB, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5Krx]
+  Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO, Wjz5YAK]
 stop_times_saturday: [[718a, 727a, 730a, 735a, 744a, 749a, 757a, 809a], [818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p], [818p, 827p, 830p, 835p, 844p, 849p, 857p, 909p], [918p, 927p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 949p, 957p, 1009p], [1018p, 1027p, 1030p, 1035p, 1044p, 1049p, 1057p, 1109p], [1118p, 1127p, 1130p, 1135p, 1144p, "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "936"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/936-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham, North Lyneham, Dickson / Antill St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 4), Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, Lyneham / Wattle St, North Lyneham, Dickson / Cowper St, Hackett, Ainslie, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-  Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8l, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NHD]
+  North Lyneham-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5-6R]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5ASf]
+  Ainslie-City Bus Station: [Wjz5YAK, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5Wmw, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5V64, Wjz5NRJ]
+  Dickson / Cowper St-Hackett: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5_N2, Wjzd72S, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7_6, Wjzdfaz]
+  Lyneham / Wattle St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5KBe, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5LSr, Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv]
+  Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz5BPB, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5Krx]
+  Hackett-Ainslie: [WjzdeeQ, Wjzd6XP, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd68O, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5YKO, Wjz5YAK]
 short_name: "936"
 stop_times_sunday: [[818a, 827a, 830a, 835a, 844a, 849a, 857a, 909a], [918a, 927a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 949a, 957a, 1009a], [1018a, 1027a, 1030a, 1035a, 1044a, 1049a, 1057a, 1109a], [1118a, 1127a, 1130a, 1135a, 1144a, 1149a, 1157a, 1209p], [1218p, 1227p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1249p, 1257p, 109p], [118p, 127p, 130p, 135p, 144p, 149p, 157p, 209p], [218p, 227p, 230p, 235p, 244p, 249p, 257p, 309p], [318p, 327p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 349p, 357p, 409p], [418p, 427p, 430p, 435p, 444p, 449p, 457p, 509p], [518p, 527p, 530p, 535p, 544p, 549p, 557p, 609p], [618p, 627p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 649p, 657p, 709p], [718p, 727p, 730p, 735p, 744p, 749p, 757p, 809p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Cowper St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+  Dickson / Cowper St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
+  Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-City Bus Station: [Wjz5ASf, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Lyneham / Wattle St-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Krx, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Ainslie: [Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5Wmw, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+  Hackett-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjzdfaz, Wjzd7_6, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd72S, Wjz5_N2, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5-6R]
+  North Lyneham-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5KBe]
 stop_times_saturday: [[759a, 811a, 819a, 825a, 834a, 839a, 842a, 851a], [859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p], [749p, 801p, 809p, 815p, 824p, 829p, 832p, 841p], [849p, 901p, 909p, 915p, 924p, 929p, 932p, 941p], [949p, 1001p, 1009p, 1015p, 1024p, 1029p, 1032p, 1041p], [1049p, 1101p, 1109p, 1115p, 1124p, 1129p, 1132p, 1141p]]
 short_name: "937"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/937-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Antill St, North Lyneham, Lyneham, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Ainslie, Hackett, Dickson / Cowper St, North Lyneham, Lyneham / Wattle St, Macarthur / Miller O'Connor, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Ainslie-Hackett: [Wjz5YKO, Wjz5ZO1, Wjz5ZZQ, Wjzd68O, Wjzd6iW, Wjzd6lW, Wjzd6Cq, Wjzd6Pn, Wjzd6XP, WjzdeeQ]
+  Dickson / Cowper St-North Lyneham: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5Tx_, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
+  Macarthur / Miller O'Connor-City Bus Station: [Wjz5ASf, Wjz5AGB, Wjz5zJi, Wjz5zOq, Wjz5H0p, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GMT, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Lyneham / Wattle St-Macarthur / Miller O'Connor: [Wjz5Krx, Wjz5KgT, Wjz5KgQ, Wjz5CW3, Wjz5BPB]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Ainslie: [Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5V64, Wjz5W8A, Wjz5W3H, Wjz5Wmw, Wjz5XwW, Wjz5XrS, Wjz5XnQ, Wjz5Yq4, Wjz5YAK]
+  Hackett-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjzdfaz, Wjzd7_6, Wjzd7LX, Wjzd7Av, Wjzd72S, Wjz5_N2, Wjz5_x5, Wjz5-6R]
+  North Lyneham-Lyneham / Wattle St: [Wjz6EIv, Wjz6FEI, Wjz6FGf, Wjz6Es1, Wjz6EIv, Wjz5LCR, Wjz5Ls_, Wjz5Lpi, Wjz5Kve, Wjz5KBe]
 short_name: "937"
 stop_times_sunday: [[859a, 911a, 919a, 925a, 934a, 939a, 942a, 951a], [959a, 1011a, 1019a, 1025a, 1034a, 1039a, 1042a, 1051a], [1059a, 1111a, 1119a, 1125a, 1134a, 1139a, 1142a, 1151a], [1159a, 1211p, 1219p, 1225p, 1234p, 1239p, 1242p, 1251p], [1259p, 111p, 119p, 125p, 134p, 139p, 142p, 151p], [159p, 211p, 219p, 225p, 234p, 239p, 242p, 251p], [259p, 311p, 319p, 325p, 334p, 339p, 342p, 351p], [359p, 411p, 419p, 425p, 434p, 439p, 442p, 451p], [459p, 511p, 519p, 525p, 534p, 539p, 542p, 551p], [559p, 611p, 619p, 625p, 634p, 639p, 642p, 651p], [659p, 711p, 719p, 725p, 734p, 739p, 742p, 751p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Kingston-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Xhv, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+  Canberra Hospital-Narrabundah College: [Wjz3tGi, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-TX]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
   Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Narrabundah College-Kingston: [Wjzb705, Wjzb79X, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7nW, Wjzc090, Wjz4UYU, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4V11, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NDP, Wjz4OV0, Wjz4W3r, Wjz4WdC]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
 stop_times_saturday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p], [800p, 807p, 816p, 829p, 833p, 837p, 844p], [900p, 907p, 916p, 929p, 933p, 937p, 944p], [1000p, 1007p, 1016p, 1029p, 1033p, 1037p, 1044p], [1100p, 1107p, 1116p, 1129p, 1133p, 1137p, 1144p]]
 short_name: "938"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
-time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Pearce, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 14), Canberra Hospital, Narrabundah College, Kingston, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Russell Offices, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Kingston-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjz4Xhv, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Quk]
+  Canberra Hospital-Narrabundah College: [Wjz3tGi, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-TX]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Russell Offices: [Wjz4RwH, Wjz4RFJ, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 14)-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3mAg, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mWn]
+  Narrabundah College-Kingston: [Wjzb705, Wjzb79X, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7nW, Wjzc090, Wjz4UYU, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4V11, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NDP, Wjz4OV0, Wjz4W3r, Wjz4WdC]
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station: [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
 short_name: "938"
 stop_times_sunday: [[800a, 808a, 818a, 833a, 837a, 841a, 849a], [900a, 908a, 918a, 933a, 937a, 941a, 949a], [1000a, 1008a, 1018a, 1033a, 1037a, 1041a, 1049a], [1100a, 1108a, 1118a, 1133a, 1137a, 1141a, 1149a], [1200p, 1208p, 1218p, 1233p, 1237p, 1241p, 1249p], [100p, 108p, 118p, 133p, 137p, 141p, 149p], [200p, 208p, 218p, 233p, 237p, 241p, 249p], [300p, 308p, 318p, 333p, 337p, 341p, 349p], [400p, 408p, 418p, 433p, 437p, 441p, 449p], [500p, 508p, 518p, 533p, 537p, 541p, 549p], [600p, 608p, 618p, 633p, 637p, 641p, 649p], [700p, 707p, 716p, 729p, 733p, 737p, 744p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
+  Narrabundah College-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3-TX, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3tGi]
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Kingston: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WdC]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Kingston-Narrabundah College: [Wjz4OZS, Wjz4OYm, Wjz4OOr, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4V11, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4UYU, Wjzc090, Wjzb7nW, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb79X, Wjzb705]
   Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
 stop_times_saturday: [[746a, 754a, 758a, 802a, 817a, 827a, 834a], [846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p], [746p, 753p, 757p, 801p, 814p, 823p, 830p], [846p, 853p, 857p, 901p, 914p, 923p, 930p], [946p, 953p, 957p, 1001p, 1014p, 1023p, 1030p], [1046p, 1053p, 1057p, 1101p, 1114p, 1123p, 1130p]]
 short_name: "938"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/938-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Pearce, Woden Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Kings Ave / National Circuit, Kingston, Narrabundah College, Canberra Hospital, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Narrabundah College-Canberra Hospital: [Wjz3-TX, Wjz3-Jk, Wjz3-aW, Wjz3SUg, Wjz3tEh, Wjz3tGi]
+  Russell Offices-Kings Ave / National Circuit: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4RFJ, Wjz4RwH]
+  Kings Ave / National Circuit-Kingston: [Wjz4Quk, Wjz4QMt, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WdC]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
+  Kingston-Narrabundah College: [Wjz4OZS, Wjz4OYm, Wjz4OOr, Wjz4NDo, Wjz4NJT, Wjz4NQF, Wjz4V11, Wjz4Udu, Wjz4Upf, Wjz4UwD, Wjz4UG8, Wjz4VEF, Wjz4VN-, Wjz4U-l, Wjz4UYU, Wjzc090, Wjzb7nW, Wjzb7Ct, Wjzb7S4, Wjzb7Hz, Wjzb7wf, Wjzb79X, Wjzb705]
+  Canberra Hospital-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3mWn, Wjz3mPO, Wjz3mAg]
 short_name: "938"
 stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 854a, 858a, 902a, 917a, 927a, 934a], [946a, 954a, 958a, 1002a, 1017a, 1027a, 1034a], [1046a, 1054a, 1058a, 1102a, 1117a, 1127a, 1134a], [1146a, 1154a, 1158a, 1202p, 1217p, 1227p, 1234p], [1246p, 1254p, 1258p, 102p, 117p, 127p, 134p], [146p, 154p, 158p, 202p, 217p, 227p, 234p], [246p, 254p, 258p, 302p, 317p, 327p, 334p], [346p, 354p, 358p, 402p, 417p, 427p, 434p], [446p, 454p, 458p, 502p, 517p, 527p, 534p], [546p, 554p, 558p, 602p, 617p, 627p, 634p], [646p, 654p, 658p, 702p, 715p, 724p, 731p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Cowper St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Cowper St, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Dickson / Cowper St-City Bus Station: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5QUd, Wjz5PLJ, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+  Watson-Watson Terminus: [Wjze19V, Wjze1c2, Wjze1fs, Wjze2zi, Wjze2Qc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5PLJ, Wjz5QUd, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5-6R]
+  Watson Terminus-Watson: [WjzeaC3, Wjze8v0, Wjze8bf, Wjze0VY, Wjzd7_6, Wjze0GR, Wjze0vq, Wjze0vq]
+  Watson-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjze0l8, Wjz6UXL, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz5_mg, Wjz5_ie]
+  Dickson / Cowper St-Watson: [Wjz5_ie, Wjz5_mg, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6UXL, Wjze0l8]
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 713a, 719a, 734a], ["-", "-", "-", 808a, 813a, 819a, 834a], [846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p], [746p, 803p, 808p, 815p, 820p, 826p, 841p], [846p, 903p, 908p, 915p, 920p, 926p, 941p], [946p, 1003p, 1008p, 1015p, 1020p, 1026p, 1041p], [1046p, 1103p, 1108p, 1115p, 1120p, 1126p, 1141p]]
 short_name: "939"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/939-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
-time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Antill St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Antill St, City Bus Station]
+time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Dickson / Cowper St, Watson, Watson Terminus, Watson, Dickson / Cowper St, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Dickson / Cowper St-City Bus Station: [Wjz5-6R, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5QUd, Wjz5PLJ, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5NAQ]
+  Watson-Watson Terminus: [Wjze19V, Wjze1c2, Wjze1fs, Wjze2zi, Wjze2Qc]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjz5NAQ, Wjz5NRJ, Wjz5OOo, Wjz5OIf, Wjz5OLh, Wjz5PCM, Wjz5PLJ, Wjz5QUd, Wjz5Y1_, Wjz5Ycz, Wjz5YfD, Wjz5Za5, Wjz5Z5c, Wjz5SWN, Wjz5-5y, Wjz5-6R]
+  Watson Terminus-Watson: [WjzeaC3, Wjze8v0, Wjze8bf, Wjze0VY, Wjzd7_6, Wjze0GR, Wjze0vq, Wjze0vq]
+  Watson-Dickson / Cowper St: [Wjze0l8, Wjz6UXL, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz5_mg, Wjz5_ie]
+  Dickson / Cowper St-Watson: [Wjz5_ie, Wjz5_mg, Wjz6Ugw, Wjz6Upw, Wjz6UOi, Wjz6UXL, Wjze0l8]
 short_name: "939"
 stop_times_sunday: [[846a, 903a, 908a, 915a, 920a, 926a, 941a], [946a, 1003a, 1008a, 1015a, 1020a, 1026a, 1041a], [1046a, 1103a, 1108a, 1115a, 1120a, 1126a, 1141a], [1146a, 1203p, 1208p, 1215p, 1220p, 1226p, 1241p], [1246p, 103p, 108p, 115p, 120p, 126p, 141p], [146p, 203p, 208p, 215p, 220p, 226p, 241p], [246p, 303p, 308p, 315p, 320p, 326p, 341p], [346p, 403p, 408p, 415p, 420p, 426p, 441p], [446p, 503p, 508p, 515p, 520p, 526p, 541p], [546p, 603p, 608p, 615p, 620p, 626p, 641p], [646p, 703p, 708p, 715p, 720p, 726p, 741p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Jamison Centre-Cook: [Wjz56Hh, Wjz55vN, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZZeD, WjrZZlR, WjrZZB7, WjrZZH3]
+  Cook-Aranda: [Wjz551Q, Wjz5592, Wjz54CS, Wjz54_n, Wjz54_B, Wjz5d81]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Caswell Drive-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Aranda-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5dcJ, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5l2U]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Jamison Centre: [Wjz57tz, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5eb2, Wjz56XB, Wjz56Xu]
 stop_times_saturday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p], [715p, 717p, 721p, 730p, 739p, 743p, 744p, 755p], [815p, 817p, 821p, 830p, 839p, 843p, 844p, 855p], [915p, 917p, 921p, 930p, 939p, 943p, 944p, 955p], [1015p, 1017p, 1021p, 1030p, 1039p, 1043p, 1044p, 1055p]]
 short_name: "942"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), Jamison Centre, Cook, Aranda, Caswell Drive, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Jamison Centre-Cook: [Wjz56Hh, Wjz55vN, Wjz557P, WjrZ-WW, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ-ie, WjrZZeD, WjrZZlR, WjrZZB7, WjrZZH3]
+  Cook-Aranda: [Wjz551Q, Wjz5592, Wjz54CS, Wjz54_n, Wjz54_B, Wjz5d81]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Caswell Drive-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Aranda-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5dcJ, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5l2U]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-Jamison Centre: [Wjz57tz, Wjz5ec7, Wjz5eb2, Wjz56XB, Wjz56Xu]
 short_name: "942"
 stop_times_sunday: [[815a, 817a, 821a, 830a, 839a, 843a, 844a, 855a], [915a, 917a, 921a, 930a, 939a, 943a, 944a, 955a], [1015a, 1017a, 1021a, 1030a, 1039a, 1043a, 1044a, 1055a], [1115a, 1117a, 1121a, 1130a, 1139a, 1143a, 1144a, 1155a], [1215p, 1217p, 1221p, 1230p, 1239p, 1243p, 1244p, 1255p], [115p, 117p, 121p, 130p, 139p, 143p, 144p, 155p], [215p, 217p, 221p, 230p, 239p, 243p, 244p, 255p], [315p, 317p, 321p, 330p, 339p, 343p, 344p, 355p], [415p, 417p, 421p, 430p, 439p, 443p, 444p, 455p], [515p, 517p, 521p, 530p, 539p, 543p, 544p, 555p], [615p, 617p, 621p, 630p, 639p, 643p, 644p, 655p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Jamison Centre-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz56Xu, Wjz56XB, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5ec7, Wjz57tz]
+  Cook-Jamison Centre: [WjrZZH3, WjrZZB7, WjrZZlR, WjrZZeD, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-WW, Wjz557P, Wjz55vN, Wjz56Hh]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Aranda-Cook: [Wjz5d81, Wjz54_B, Wjz54_n, Wjz54CS, Wjz5592, Wjz551Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B]
+  Caswell Drive-Aranda: [Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dcJ]
 stop_times_saturday: [[814a, 823a, 824a, 827a, 836a, 845a, 847a, 852a], [914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p], [714p, 723p, 724p, 727p, 736p, 745p, 747p, 752p], [814p, 823p, 824p, 827p, 836p, 845p, 847p, 852p], [914p, 923p, 924p, 927p, 936p, 945p, 947p, 952p], [1014p, 1023p, 1024p, 1027p, 1036p, 1045p, 1047p, 1052p], [1114p, 1123p, 1124p, 1127p, 1136p, 1145p, 1147p, 1152p]]
 short_name: "942"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/942-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,12 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Jamison Centre-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz56Xu, Wjz56XB, Wjz5eb2, Wjz5ec7, Wjz57tz]
+  Cook-Jamison Centre: [WjrZZH3, WjrZZB7, WjrZZlR, WjrZZeD, WjrZ-ie, WjrZ_o4, WjrZ_o2, WjrZ_Fk, WjrZ-Jc, WjrZ-GZ, WjrZ-WW, Wjz557P, Wjz55vN, Wjz56Hh]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Aranda-Cook: [Wjz5d81, Wjz54_B, Wjz54_n, Wjz54CS, Wjz5592, Wjz551Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 4)-Caswell Drive: [Wjz5F-1, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5G6U, Wjz5G6B]
+  Caswell Drive-Aranda: [Wjz5l2U, Wjz5dQt, Wjz5dCr, Wjz5dcJ]
 short_name: "942"
 stop_times_sunday: [[914a, 923a, 924a, 927a, 936a, 945a, 947a, 952a], [1014a, 1023a, 1024a, 1027a, 1036a, 1045a, 1047a, 1052a], [1114a, 1123a, 1124a, 1127a, 1136a, 1145a, 1147a, 1152a], [1214p, 1223p, 1224p, 1227p, 1236p, 1245p, 1247p, 1252p], [114p, 123p, 124p, 127p, 136p, 145p, 147p, 152p], [214p, 223p, 224p, 227p, 236p, 245p, 247p, 252p], [314p, 323p, 324p, 327p, 336p, 345p, 347p, 352p], [414p, 423p, 424p, 427p, 436p, 445p, 447p, 452p], [514p, 523p, 524p, 527p, 536p, 545p, 547p, 552p], [614p, 623p, 624p, 627p, 636p, 645p, 647p, 652p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7BC3]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7txI, Wjz7thn, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Add, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7qvq]
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+  Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qfu, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7ilp, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
 stop_times_saturday: [[812a, 821a, 831a, 837a, 842a, 850a, 852a, 857a], [912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p], [712p, 721p, 731p, 737p, 742p, 750p, 752p, 757p], [812p, 821p, 831p, 837p, 842p, 850p, 852p, 857p], [912p, 921p, 931p, 937p, 942p, 950p, 952p, 957p], [1012p, 1021p, 1031p, 1037p, 1042p, 1050p, 1052p, 1057p], [1112p, 1121p, 1131p, 1137p, 1142p, 1150p, 1152p, 1157p]]
 short_name: "951"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7BC3]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7txI, Wjz7thn, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Add, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7qvq]
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+  Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qfu, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7ilp, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
 short_name: "951"
 stop_times_sunday: [[912a, 921a, 931a, 937a, 942a, 950a, 952a, 957a], [1012a, 1021a, 1031a, 1037a, 1042a, 1050a, 1052a, 1057a], [1112a, 1121a, 1131a, 1137a, 1142a, 1150a, 1152a, 1157a], [1212p, 1221p, 1231p, 1237p, 1242p, 1250p, 1252p, 1257p], [112p, 121p, 131p, 137p, 142p, 150p, 152p, 157p], [212p, 221p, 231p, 237p, 242p, 250p, 252p, 257p], [312p, 321p, 331p, 337p, 342p, 350p, 352p, 357p], [412p, 421p, 431p, 437p, 442p, 450p, 452p, 457p], [512p, 521p, 531p, 537p, 542p, 550p, 552p, 557p], [612p, 621p, 631p, 637p, 642p, 650p, 652p, 657p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
 long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7BC3, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7OtB]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7ilp, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7qfu]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Nicholls Primary-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7qvq, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7Add, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7thn, Wjz7txI, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7BsE]
 stop_times_saturday: [[822a, 824a, 828a, 836a, 841a, 846a, 856a, 906a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p], [720p, 722p, 726p, 734p, 739p, 744p, 754p, 804p], [820p, 822p, 826p, 834p, 839p, 844p, 854p, 904p], [920p, 922p, 926p, 934p, 939p, 944p, 954p, 1004p], [1020p, 1022p, 1026p, 1034p, 1039p, 1044p, 1054p, 1104p]]
 short_name: "951"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/951-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Ngunnawal Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
 long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7BC3, Wjz7CqS, Wjz7CsN, Wjz7CDa, Wjz7CKo, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IFg, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7OtB]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7ilp, Wjz7jW4, Wjz7qfu]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Nicholls Primary-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7qvq, Wjz7rzg, Wjz7rRa, Wjz7r-a, Wjz7Add, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7tIt, Wjz7tLG, Wjz7uwD, Wjz7tvK, Wjz7thn, Wjz7txI, Wjz7tOr, Wjz7B0w, Wjz7Bg7, Wjz7BsE]
 short_name: "951"
 stop_times_sunday: [[920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 939a, 944a, 954a, 1004a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1039a, 1044a, 1054a, 1104a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1139a, 1144a, 1154a, 1204p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1239p, 1244p, 1254p, 104p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 139p, 144p, 154p, 204p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 239p, 244p, 254p, 304p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 339p, 344p, 354p, 404p], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 439p, 444p, 454p, 504p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 539p, 544p, 554p, 604p], [620p, 622p, 626p, 634p, 639p, 644p, 654p, 704p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7HWo, Wjz7GCd, Wjz7zga, Wjz7y6I, Wjz7qZT, Wjz7rMm, Wjz7rOj]
+  Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+  Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qkM, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7aYu, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
 stop_times_saturday: [[0839a, 0847a, 0900a, 0905a, 0918a, 0920a, 0925a], [0939a, 0947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 0100p, 0105p, 0118p, 0120p, 0125p], [0139p, 0147p, 0200p, 0205p, 0218p, 0220p, 0225p], [0239p, 0247p, 0300p, 0305p, 0318p, 0320p, 0325p], [0339p, 0347p, 0400p, 0405p, 0418p, 0420p, 0425p], [0439p, 0447p, 0500p, 0505p, 0518p, 0520p, 0525p], [0539p, 0547p, 0600p, 0605p, 0618p, 0620p, 0625p], [0639p, 0647p, 0700p, 0705p, 0718p, 0720p, 0725p]]
 short_name: "952"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7HWo, Wjz7GCd, Wjz7zga, Wjz7y6I, Wjz7qZT, Wjz7rMm, Wjz7rOj]
+  Federation Square-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: []
+  Nicholls Primary-Federation Square: [Wjz7qkM, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7aYu, Wjz79-a, Wjz79ZQ]
 short_name: "952"
 stop_times_sunday: [[839a, 847a, 900a, 905a, 918a, 920a, 925a], [939a, 947a, 1000a, 1005a, 1018a, 1020a, 1025a], [1039a, 1047a, 1100a, 1105a, 1118a, 1120a, 1125a], [1139a, 1147a, 1200p, 1205p, 1218p, 1220p, 1225p], [1239p, 1247p, 100p, 105p, 118p, 120p, 125p], [139p, 147p, 200p, 205p, 218p, 220p, 225p], [239p, 247p, 300p, 305p, 318p, 320p, 325p], [339p, 347p, 400p, 405p, 418p, 420p, 425p], [439p, 447p, 500p, 505p, 518p, 520p, 525p], [539p, 547p, 600p, 605p, 618p, 620p, 625p], [639p, 647p, 700p, 705p, 718p, 720p, 725p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
 long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Nicholls Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7rOj, Wjz7rMm, Wjz7qZT, Wjz7y6I, Wjz7zga, Wjz7GCd, Wjz7HWo, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7Pqv]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7aYu, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7qkM]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
 stop_times_saturday: [[0945a, 0947a, 0951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 0104p, 0109p, 0122p, 0131p], [0145p, 0147p, 0151p, 0204p, 0209p, 0222p, 0231p], [0245p, 0247p, 0251p, 0304p, 0309p, 0322p, 0331p], [0345p, 0347p, 0351p, 0404p, 0409p, 0422p, 0431p], [0445p, 0447p, 0451p, 0504p, 0509p, 0522p, 0531p], [0545p, 0547p, 0551p, 0604p, 0609p, 0622p, 0631p], [0645p, 0647p, 0651p, 0704p, 0709p, 0722p, 0731p]]
 short_name: "952"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/952-to-gungahlin-marketplace.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2), Chuculba / William Slim Dr, Federation Square, Nicholls Primary, Gungahlin Marketplace]
 long_name: To Gungahlin Marketplace
+  Nicholls Primary-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7rOj, Wjz7rMm, Wjz7qZT, Wjz7y6I, Wjz7zga, Wjz7GCd, Wjz7HWo, Wjz7PcG, Wjz7Pqv]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Federation Square: []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Federation Square-Nicholls Primary: [Wjz79ZQ, Wjz79-a, Wjz7aYu, Wjz7i7r, Wjz7jaJ, Wjz7jsi, Wjz7iKx, Wjz7iG_, Wjz7iV0, Wjz7hZW, Wjz7p2n, Wjz7pj1, Wjz7pkV, Wjz7qwq, Wjz7qkM]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
 short_name: "952"
 stop_times_sunday: [[945a, 947a, 951a, 1004a, 1009a, 1022a, 1031a], [1045a, 1047a, 1051a, 1104a, 1109a, 1122a, 1131a], [1145a, 1147a, 1151a, 1204p, 1209p, 1222p, 1231p], [1245p, 1247p, 1251p, 104p, 109p, 122p, 131p], [145p, 147p, 151p, 204p, 209p, 222p, 231p], [245p, 247p, 251p, 304p, 309p, 322p, 331p], [345p, 347p, 351p, 404p, 409p, 422p, 431p], [445p, 447p, 451p, 504p, 509p, 522p, 531p], [545p, 547p, 551p, 604p, 609p, 622p, 631p], [645p, 647p, 651p, 704p, 709p, 722p, 731p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,14 @@
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7FNw]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Kosciuszko / Everard-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7Pqv]
+  William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz64Gx, Wjz64L1, Wjz65Yz, Wjz6ddQ, Wjz6dtx, Wjz6eNd, Wjz6l5Q]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO]
 stop_times_saturday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]
 short_name: "956"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,14 @@
 long_name: To City Bus Station
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7FNw]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 2)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Kosciuszko / Everard-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7Pqv]
+  William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz64Gx, Wjz64L1, Wjz65Yz, Wjz6ddQ, Wjz6dtx, Wjz6eNd, Wjz6l5Q]
+  Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO]
 short_name: "956"
 stop_times_sunday: [[841a, 843a, 847a, 853a, 858a, 908a, 918a, 925a, 933a, 940a], [941a, 943a, 947a, 953a, 958a, 1008a, 1018a, 1025a, 1033a, 1040a], [1041a, 1043a, 1047a, 1053a, 1058a, 1108a, 1118a, 1125a, 1133a, 1140a], [1141a, 1143a, 1147a, 1153a, 1158a, 1208p, 1218p, 1225p, 1233p, 1240p], [1241p, 1243p, 1247p, 1253p, 1258p, 108p, 118p, 125p, 133p, 140p], [141p, 143p, 147p, 153p, 158p, 208p, 218p, 225p, 233p, 240p], [241p, 243p, 247p, 253p, 258p, 308p, 318p, 325p, 333p, 340p], [341p, 343p, 347p, 353p, 358p, 408p, 418p, 425p, 433p, 440p], [441p, 443p, 447p, 453p, 458p, 508p, 518p, 525p, 533p, 540p], [541p, 543p, 547p, 553p, 558p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 633p, 640p], [641p, 643p, 647p, 653p, 658p, 708p, 718p, 725p, 733p, 740p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,14 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz6mip]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjz6l5Q, Wjz6eNd, Wjz6dtx, Wjz6ddQ, Wjz65Yz, Wjz64L1, Wjz64Gx]
+  Kosciuszko / Everard-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7FNw, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
 stop_times_saturday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]
 short_name: "956"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/956-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,14 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  William Webb / Ginninderra Drive-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz6mip]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Kosciuszko / Everard: [Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-William Webb / Ginninderra Drive: [Wjz6l5Q, Wjz6eNd, Wjz6dtx, Wjz6ddQ, Wjz65Yz, Wjz64L1, Wjz64Gx]
+  Kosciuszko / Everard-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7FNw, Wjz7EJ7, Wjz7Ezf, Wjz7EjH, Wjz7E3Z, Wjz7wZg, Wjz7xO6, Wjz7F5C, Wjz7Fmf, Wjz7Gxm, Wjz7GPB, Wjz7Oal, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
 short_name: "956"
 stop_times_sunday: [[838a, 844a, 852a, 859a, 909a, 919a, 924a, 930a, 932a, 937a], [938a, 944a, 952a, 959a, 1009a, 1019a, 1024a, 1030a, 1032a, 1037a], [1038a, 1044a, 1052a, 1059a, 1109a, 1119a, 1124a, 1130a, 1132a, 1137a], [1138a, 1144a, 1152a, 1159a, 1209p, 1219p, 1224p, 1230p, 1232p, 1237p], [1238p, 1244p, 1252p, 1259p, 109p, 119p, 124p, 130p, 132p, 137p], [138p, 144p, 152p, 159p, 209p, 219p, 224p, 230p, 232p, 237p], [238p, 244p, 252p, 259p, 309p, 319p, 324p, 330p, 332p, 337p], [338p, 344p, 352p, 359p, 409p, 419p, 424p, 430p, 432p, 437p], [438p, 444p, 452p, 459p, 509p, 519p, 524p, 530p, 532p, 537p], [538p, 544p, 552p, 559p, 609p, 619p, 624p, 630p, 632p, 637p], [638p, 644p, 652p, 659p, 709p, 719p, 724p, 730p, 732p, 737p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -4,8 +4,15 @@
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7W61, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WRq, Wjzf24l]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjzf0TD, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0OJ, Wjze7Ku, Wjz7WRq]
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave: [Wjz7BJK, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7IcS, Wjz7IuJ, Wjz7IDY, Wjz7JP1, Wjz7J-7]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6_R5, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6YiM]
+  Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7R5z, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7RHe, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7Pqv]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7zzB, Wjz7AEw, Wjz7AGv, Wjz7AJS, Wjz7BED, Wjz7BqG, Wjz7BsE]
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 708a, 719a, 727a, 735a, 744a, 751a, 758a, 806a, 813a], [752a, 754a, 758a, 808a, 819a, 827a, 835a, 844a, 851a, 858a, 906a, 913a], [852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p], [752p, 754p, 758p, 808p, 819p, 827p, 835p, 844p, 851p, 858p, 906p, 913p], [852p, 854p, 858p, 908p, 919p, 927p, 935p, 944p, 951p, 958p, 1006p, 1013p], [952p, 954p, 958p, 1008p, 1019p, 1027p, 1035p, 1044p, 1051p, 1058p, 1106p, 1113p], [1052p, 1054p, 1058p, 1108p, 1119p, 1127p, 1135p, 1144p, 1151p, "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "958"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -4,8 +4,15 @@
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2)-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz69gA, Wjz69ht, Wjz69uI, Wjz69vO, Wjz6mip]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7OtB, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7W61, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WRq, Wjzf24l]
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjzf0TD, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0OJ, Wjze7Ku, Wjz7WRq]
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave: [Wjz7BJK, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7If9, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7IcS, Wjz7IuJ, Wjz7IDY, Wjz7JP1, Wjz7J-7]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 2): []
+  Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz6_R5, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6YiM]
+  Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjz7R5z, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7RHe, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7Pqv]
+  Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz6mip, Wjz7oYv, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7zzB, Wjz7AEw, Wjz7AGv, Wjz7AJS, Wjz7BED, Wjz7BqG, Wjz7BsE]
 short_name: "958"
 stop_times_sunday: [[852a, 854a, 858a, 908a, 919a, 927a, 935a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1006a, 1013a], [952a, 954a, 958a, 1008a, 1019a, 1027a, 1035a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1106a, 1113a], [1052a, 1054a, 1058a, 1108a, 1119a, 1127a, 1135a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1206p, 1213p], [1152a, 1154a, 1158a, 1208p, 1219p, 1227p, 1235p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 106p, 113p], [1252p, 1254p, 1258p, 108p, 119p, 127p, 135p, 144p, 151p, 158p, 206p, 213p], [152p, 154p, 158p, 208p, 219p, 227p, 235p, 244p, 251p, 258p, 306p, 313p], [252p, 254p, 258p, 308p, 319p, 327p, 335p, 344p, 351p, 358p, 406p, 413p], [352p, 354p, 358p, 408p, 419p, 427p, 435p, 444p, 451p, 458p, 506p, 513p], [452p, 454p, 458p, 508p, 519p, 527p, 535p, 544p, 551p, 558p, 606p, 613p], [552p, 554p, 558p, 608p, 619p, 627p, 635p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 706p, 713p], [652p, 654p, 658p, 708p, 719p, 727p, 735p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 806p, 813p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,14 @@
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjz6YiM, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_R5]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+  Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7J-7, Wjz7JP1, Wjz7IDY, Wjz7IuJ, Wjz7IcS, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BJK]
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7BqG, Wjz7BED, Wjz7AJS, Wjz7AGv, Wjz7AEw, Wjz7zzB, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz6mip]
+  Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjzf24l, Wjz7WRq, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7W61, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+  Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7WRq, Wjze7Ku, Wjzf0OJ, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0TD]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7RHe, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7R5z]
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 723a, 730a, 739a, 747a, 755a, 806a, 816a, 818a, 823a], [800a, 806a, 814a, 821a, 828a, 837a, 845a, 853a, 904a, 914a, 916a, 921a], [900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p], [800p, 806p, 814p, 821p, 828p, 837p, 845p, 853p, 904p, 914p, 916p, 921p], [900p, 906p, 914p, 921p, 928p, 937p, 945p, 953p, 1004p, 1014p, 1016p, 1021p], [1000p, 1006p, 1014p, 1021p, 1028p, 1037p, 1045p, 1053p, 1104p, 1114p, 1116p, 1121p], [1100p, 1106p, 1114p, 1121p, 1128p, 1137p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "958"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/958-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,14 @@
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Flemington Rd / Sandford St-Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave: [Wjz6YiM, Wjz6Yaq, Wjz6Yc1, Wjz6Z8D, Wjz6Z97, Wjz6RQW, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6SVl, Wjz6_2a, Wjz6_c0, Wjz6_R5]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Flemington Rd / Sandford St: [Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
+  Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave-Ngunnawal Primary: [Wjz7J-7, Wjz7JP1, Wjz7IDY, Wjz7IuJ, Wjz7IcS, Wjz7Iax, Wjz7HfF, Wjz7IoZ, Wjz7If9, Wjz7BVT, Wjz7BST, Wjz7BJK]
   Chuculba / William Slim Dr-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz6mip, Wjz69vO, Wjz69uI, Wjz69ht, Wjz69gA]
+  Ngunnawal Primary-Chuculba / William Slim Dr: [Wjz7BsE, Wjz7BqG, Wjz7BED, Wjz7AJS, Wjz7AGv, Wjz7AEw, Wjz7zzB, Wjz7yNW, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7xpa, Wjz7oZp, Wjz7oYv, Wjz6mip]
+  Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av-Gungahlin Marketplace: [Wjzf24l, Wjz7WRq, Wjz7WBn, Wjz7WeI, Wjz7W61, Wjz7OQn, Wjz7OtB]
+  Flemington Rd / Nullabor Ave-Anthony Rolfe Av / Moonlight Av: [Wjz7WRq, Wjze7Ku, Wjzf0OJ, Wjzf0Zf, Wjzf0LE, Wjzf0TD]
+  Gungahlin Marketplace-Shoalhaven / Katherine Ave: [Wjz7Pqv, Wjz7PQK, Wjz7X3O, Wjz7Y64, Wjz7RHe, Wjz7RdE, Wjz7R5z]
 short_name: "958"
 stop_times_sunday: [[900a, 906a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a, 953a, 1004a, 1014a, 1016a, 1021a], [1000a, 1006a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1114a, 1116a, 1121a], [1100a, 1106a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1214p, 1216p, 1221p], [1200p, 1206p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p, 1253p, 104p, 114p, 116p, 121p], [100p, 106p, 114p, 121p, 128p, 137p, 145p, 153p, 204p, 214p, 216p, 221p], [200p, 206p, 214p, 221p, 228p, 237p, 245p, 253p, 304p, 314p, 316p, 321p], [300p, 306p, 314p, 321p, 328p, 337p, 345p, 353p, 404p, 414p, 416p, 421p], [400p, 406p, 414p, 421p, 428p, 437p, 445p, 453p, 504p, 514p, 516p, 521p], [500p, 506p, 514p, 521p, 528p, 537p, 545p, 553p, 604p, 614p, 616p, 621p], [600p, 606p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 637p, 645p, 653p, 704p, 714p, 716p, 721p], [700p, 706p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 737p, 745p, 753p, 804p, 814p, 816p, 821p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Mount Neighbour School-Kambah High: [WjrWSX9, WjrWSUa, WjrWZsS, WjrWZA3, WjrWYDO, WjrWYDE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYHE, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lu]
+  Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz2347, Wjz234e, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, Wjz213q, Wjz213w]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUjI, WjrXMN9, WjrXMFM, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrWTWO, WjrW_1f]
 stop_times_saturday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p], [750p, 800p, 806p, 815p], [850p, 900p, 906p, 915p], [950p, 1000p, 1006p, 1015p], [1050p, 1100p, 1106p, 1115p]]
 short_name: "960"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Mount Neighbour School, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Mount Neighbour School-Kambah High: [WjrWSX9, WjrWSUa, WjrWZsS, WjrWZA3, WjrWYDO, WjrWYDE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYHE, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lu]
+  Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz2347, Wjz234e, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, Wjz213q, Wjz213w]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz3m3b, Wjz3m31, Wjz3dXS, WjrXUAm, WjrXUsW, WjrXUjI, WjrXMN9, WjrXMFM, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrWTWO, WjrW_1f]
 short_name: "960"
 stop_times_sunday: [[850a, 902a, 908a, 918a], [950a, 1002a, 1008a, 1018a], [1050a, 1102a, 1108a, 1118a], [1150a, 1202p, 1208p, 1218p], [1250p, 102p, 108p, 118p], [150p, 202p, 208p, 218p], [250p, 302p, 308p, 318p], [350p, 402p, 408p, 418p], [450p, 502p, 508p, 518p], [550p, 602p, 608p, 618p], [650p, 702p, 708p, 717p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Kambah High: [Wjz213w, Wjz213q, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz234e, Wjz2347, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
+  Kambah High-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz24lu, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, WjrWYHE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYDE, WjrWYDO, WjrWZA3, WjrWZsS, WjrWSUa, WjrWSX9]
+  Mount Neighbour School-Woden Bus Station: [WjrW_1f, WjrWTWO, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrXMFM, WjrXMN9, WjrXUjI, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
 stop_times_saturday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p], [755p, 804p, 810p, 820p], [855p, 904p, 910p, 920p], [955p, 1004p, 1010p, 1020p], [1055p, 1104p, 1110p, 1120p]]
 short_name: "960"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/960-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Kambah High, Mount Neighbour School, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Kambah High: [Wjz213w, Wjz213q, Wjz230Q, Wjz230Q, WjrWXON, WjrWXON, Wjz234e, Wjz2347, Wjz2498, Wjz2498, Wjz24cK, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
+  Kambah High-Mount Neighbour School: [Wjz24lu, Wjz24lA, Wjz24cK, WjrWYHE, WjrWYHH, WjrWYDE, WjrWYDO, WjrWZA3, WjrWZsS, WjrWSUa, WjrWSX9]
+  Mount Neighbour School-Woden Bus Station: [WjrW_1f, WjrWTWO, WjrWTJq, WjrWTJq, WjrXMFM, WjrXMN9, WjrXUjI, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3knt, Wjz3lov]
 short_name: "960"
 stop_times_sunday: [[755a, 805a, 811a, 823a], [855a, 905a, 911a, 923a], [955a, 1005a, 1011a, 1023a], [1055a, 1105a, 1111a, 1123a], [1155a, 1205p, 1211p, 1223p], [1255p, 105p, 111p, 123p], [155p, 205p, 211p, 223p], [255p, 305p, 311p, 323p], [355p, 405p, 411p, 423p], [455p, 505p, 511p, 523p], [555p, 605p, 611p, 623p], [655p, 705p, 711p, 721p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2l5-, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2dA9, Wjz2dpP, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
 stop_times_saturday: [[831a, 840a, 850a, 903a], [931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p], [726p, 735p, 745p, 758p], [826p, 835p, 845p, 858p], [926p, 935p, 945p, 958p], [1026p, 1035p, 1045p, 1058p], [1126p, 1135p, 1145p, 1158p]]
 short_name: "961"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2l5-, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2dA9, Wjz2dpP, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
 short_name: "961"
 stop_times_sunday: [[931a, 940a, 950a, 1003a], [1031a, 1040a, 1050a, 1103a], [1131a, 1140a, 1150a, 1203p], [1231p, 1240p, 1250p, 103p], [131p, 140p, 150p, 203p], [231p, 240p, 250p, 303p], [331p, 340p, 350p, 403p], [431p, 440p, 450p, 503p], [531p, 540p, 550p, 603p], [628p, 637p, 647p, 700p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Erindale Centre-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2dpP, Wjz2dA9, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2l5-]
 stop_times_saturday: [[842a, 856a, 906a, 915a], [942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p], [642p, 656p, 706p, 715p], [742p, 756p, 806p, 815p], [842p, 856p, 906p, 915p], [942p, 956p, 1006p, 1015p], [1042p, 1056p, 1106p, 1115p]]
 short_name: "961"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/961-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 3)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Erindale Centre-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2inZ, Wjz2jaA, Wjz2bJV, Wjz2cy0, Wjz2dpP, Wjz2dA9, Wjz2dKJ, Wjz2d-_, Wjz2l5-]
 short_name: "961"
 stop_times_sunday: [[942a, 956a, 1006a, 1015a], [1042a, 1056a, 1106a, 1115a], [1142a, 1156a, 1206p, 1215p], [1242p, 1256p, 106p, 115p], [142p, 156p, 206p, 215p], [242p, 256p, 306p, 315p], [342p, 356p, 406p, 415p], [442p, 456p, 506p, 515p], [542p, 556p, 606p, 615p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Kambah Village-Kambah High: [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_RH, Wjz27dd, Wjz27d3, Wjz27k8, Wjz27k0, Wjz27gg, Wjz26n5, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26P8, Wjz26Om, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz2df1, Wjz2def, Wjz2d34, Wjz2d32, Wjz25Ox, Wjz25NL, Wjz24uT, Wjz24vP]
+  Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz2b2-, Wjz2a26, Wjz20QI, Wjz20ut]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Kambah Village: [Wjz3dXS, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, WjrW_zy, WjrW_zy]
 stop_times_saturday: [[851a, 902a, 910a, 917a], [951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p], [751p, 802p, 810p, 817p], [851p, 902p, 910p, 917p], [951p, 1002p, 1010p, 1017p], [1051p, 1102p, 1110p, 1117p]]
 short_name: "962"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 5), Kambah Village, Kambah High, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Kambah Village-Kambah High: [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_RH, Wjz27dd, Wjz27d3, Wjz27k8, Wjz27k0, Wjz27gg, Wjz26n5, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26P8, Wjz26Om, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz2df1, Wjz2def, Wjz2d34, Wjz2d32, Wjz25Ox, Wjz25NL, Wjz24uT, Wjz24vP]
+  Kambah High-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz2b2-, Wjz2a26, Wjz20QI, Wjz20ut]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 5)-Kambah Village: [Wjz3dXS, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, WjrXUoV, WjrW_uo, WjrW_zy, WjrW_zy]
 short_name: "962"
 stop_times_sunday: [[951a, 1002a, 1010a, 1017a], [1051a, 1102a, 1110a, 1117a], [1151a, 1202p, 1210p, 1217p], [1251p, 102p, 110p, 117p], [151p, 202p, 210p, 217p], [251p, 302p, 310p, 317p], [351p, 402p, 410p, 417p], [451p, 502p, 510p, 517p], [551p, 602p, 610p, 617p], [651p, 702p, 710p, 717p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Kambah Village-Woden Bus Station: [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_uo, WjrXUoV, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3lov]
+  Kambah High-Kambah Village: [Wjz24vP, Wjz24uT, Wjz25NL, Wjz25Ox, Wjz2d32, Wjz2d34, Wjz2def, Wjz2df1, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz26Om, Wjz26P8, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26n5, Wjz27gg, Wjz27k0, Wjz27k8, Wjz27d3, Wjz27dd, WjrW_RH, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_zu, WjrW_zy]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Kambah High: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz2a26, Wjz2b2-, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
 stop_times_saturday: [[824a, 831a, 839a, 852a], [924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p], [724p, 730p, 737p, 748p], [824p, 830p, 837p, 848p], [924p, 930p, 937p, 948p], [1024p, 1030p, 1037p, 1048p], [1124p, 1130p, 1137p, 1148p]]
 short_name: "962"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/962-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4), Kambah High, Kambah Village, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Kambah Village-Woden Bus Station: [WjrW_zy, WjrW_zu, WjrW_uo, WjrXUoV, WjrXUsW, WjrXUAm, Wjz3lov]
+  Kambah High-Kambah Village: [Wjz24vP, Wjz24uT, Wjz25NL, Wjz25Ox, Wjz2d32, Wjz2d34, Wjz2def, Wjz2df1, Wjz26WW, Wjz26WW, Wjz26Om, Wjz26P8, Wjz26tG, Wjz26tG, Wjz26n5, Wjz27gg, Wjz27k0, Wjz27k8, Wjz27d3, Wjz27dd, WjrW_RH, WjrW_Qk, WjrW_zu, WjrW_zy]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 4)-Kambah High: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz2a26, Wjz2b2-, Wjz24uT, Wjz24uT, Wjz24lA, Wjz24lA]
 short_name: "962"
 stop_times_sunday: [[924a, 931a, 939a, 952a], [1024a, 1031a, 1039a, 1052a], [1124a, 1131a, 1139a, 1152a], [1224p, 1231p, 1239p, 1252p], [124p, 131p, 139p, 152p], [224p, 231p, 239p, 252p], [324p, 331p, 339p, 352p], [424p, 431p, 439p, 452p], [524p, 531p, 539p, 552p], [624p, 631p, 638p, 649p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2lju, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2trh, Wjz2twx, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2jFt, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
 stop_times_saturday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p], [805p, 814p, 826p, 837p], [905p, 914p, 926p, 937p], [1005p, 1014p, 1026p, 1037p], [1105p, 1114p, 1126p, 1137p]]
 short_name: "964"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Woden Bus Station (Platform 11), Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq, Wjz2mTK]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2lju, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2trh, Wjz2twx, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2jFt, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+  Woden Bus Station (Platform 11)-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz3kAx, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gMq]
 short_name: "964"
 stop_times_sunday: [[905a, 914a, 926a, 937a], [1005a, 1014a, 1026a, 1037a], [1105a, 1114a, 1126a, 1137a], [1205p, 1214p, 1226p, 1237p], [105p, 114p, 126p, 137p], [205p, 214p, 226p, 237p], [305p, 314p, 326p, 337p], [405p, 414p, 426p, 437p], [505p, 514p, 526p, 537p], [605p, 614p, 626p, 637p], [705p, 714p, 726p, 737p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jFt, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2twx, Wjz2trh, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lju]
 stop_times_saturday: [[825a, 837a, 849a, 858a], [925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p], [725p, 737p, 749p, 758p], [825p, 837p, 849p, 858p], [925p, 937p, 949p, 958p], [1025p, 1037p, 1049p, 1058p], [1125p, 1137p, 1149p, "-"]]
 short_name: "964"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/964-to-woden-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5), Erindale Centre, Athllon / Sulwood Kambah, Woden Bus Station]
 long_name: To Woden Bus Station
-  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz2mTK, Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Athllon / Sulwood Kambah-Woden Bus Station: [Wjz3gMq, Wjz3gQn, Wjz3gK-, Wjz3hL_, Wjz3iFK, Wjz3kwU, Wjz3kyX, Wjz3kAx]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 5)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Athllon / Sulwood Kambah: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jFt, Wjz2jsF, Wjz2ju4, Wjz2kwl, Wjz2kVV, Wjz2rfK, Wjz2rtc, Wjz2rKm, Wjz2sN9, Wjz2sPc, Wjz2sJ8, Wjz2twx, Wjz2trh, Wjz2tl5, Wjz2t7A, Wjz2lSC, Wjz2lAS, Wjz2lju]
 short_name: "964"
 stop_times_sunday: [[925a, 937a, 949a, 958a], [1025a, 1037a, 1049a, 1058a], [1125a, 1137a, 1149a, 1158a], [1225p, 1237p, 1249p, 1258p], [125p, 137p, 149p, 158p], [225p, 237p, 249p, 258p], [325p, 337p, 349p, 358p], [425p, 437p, 449p, 458p], [525p, 537p, 549p, 558p], [625p, 637p, 649p, 658p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Chisholm-Gowrie: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2I99, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2wnQ]
+  Gowrie-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2odG, Wjz2o7y, Wjz2phl, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2qnG]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+  Gowrie-Chisholm: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2I99, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2N0r]
+  Erindale Centre-Gowrie: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2phl, Wjz2o7y, Wjz2odG, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2wnQ]
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", 736a, 748a, 757a, 810a], [808a, 820a, 827a, 836a, 848a, 857a, 910a], [908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p], [803p, 815p, 822p, 831p, 843p, 852p, 905p], [903p, 915p, 922p, 931p, 943p, 952p, 1005p], [1003p, 1015p, 1022p, 1031p, 1043p, 1052p, 1105p], [1103p, 1115p, 1122p, 1131p, "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "966"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/966-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Gowrie, Chisholm, Gowrie, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Chisholm-Gowrie: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2I99, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2wnQ]
+  Gowrie-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2odG, Wjz2o7y, Wjz2phl, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2qnG]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20g4, Wjz20xf, Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+  Gowrie-Chisholm: [Wjz2wnQ, Wjz2pW_, Wjz2pSV, Wjz2y3q, Wjz2yqD, Wjz2yJp, Wjz2zNZ, Wjz2z-1, Wjz2I99, Wjz2Ioh, Wjz2HEe, Wjz2Gu5, Wjz2Gi8, Wjz2FDo, Wjz2F_q, Wjz2N0r]
+  Erindale Centre-Gowrie: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2pC1, Wjz2phl, Wjz2o7y, Wjz2odG, Wjz2pM3, Wjz2oPY, Wjz2w2r, Wjz2wcE, Wjz2wnQ]
 short_name: "966"
 stop_times_sunday: [[908a, 920a, 927a, 936a, 948a, 957a, 1010a], [1008a, 1020a, 1027a, 1036a, 1048a, 1057a, 1110a], [1108a, 1120a, 1127a, 1136a, 1148a, 1157a, 1210p], [1208p, 1220p, 1227p, 1236p, 1248p, 1257p, 110p], [108p, 120p, 127p, 136p, 148p, 157p, 210p], [208p, 220p, 227p, 236p, 248p, 257p, 310p], [308p, 320p, 327p, 336p, 348p, 357p, 410p], [408p, 420p, 427p, 436p, 448p, 457p, 510p], [508p, 520p, 527p, 536p, 548p, 557p, 610p], [608p, 620p, 627p, 636p, 648p, 657p, 710p], [705p, 717p, 724p, 733p, 745p, 754p, 807p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Heagney / Clift Richardson-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1CL2, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1C75, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1mDW, Wjz17BY]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Chisholm: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2wOo, Wjz1DBr, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1LBV, Wjz2EK5, Wjz2N0r]
+  Chisholm-Heagney / Clift Richardson: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2MHq, Wjz1TLL, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1Kiq]
 stop_times_saturday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p], [903p, 914p, 928p, 937p, 950p], [1103p, 1114p, 1128p, 1137p, 1150p]]
 short_name: "967"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/967-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Erindale Centre, Chisholm, Heagney / Clift Richardson, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Heagney / Clift Richardson-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz1CL2, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1C75, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1mDW, Wjz17BY]
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Erindale Centre: [Wjz20QI, Wjz2iPv, Wjz2izK, Wjz2isR, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2ri7]
+  Erindale Centre-Chisholm: [Wjz2qnG, Wjz2wOo, Wjz1DBr, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1LBV, Wjz2EK5, Wjz2N0r]
+  Chisholm-Heagney / Clift Richardson: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2MHq, Wjz1TLL, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1Kiq]
 short_name: "967"
 stop_times_sunday: [[903a, 914a, 928a, 937a, 950a], [1103a, 1114a, 1128a, 1137a, 1150a], [103p, 114p, 128p, 137p, 150p], [303p, 314p, 328p, 337p, 350p], [503p, 514p, 528p, 537p, 550p], [703p, 714p, 728p, 737p, 750p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Heagney / Clift Richardson: [Wjz17BY, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1C75, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CL2]
+  Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+  Chisholm-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2EK5, Wjz1LBV, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1DBr, Wjz2wOo, Wjz2qnG]
+  Heagney / Clift Richardson-Chisholm: [Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TLL, Wjz2MHq, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2N0r]
 stop_times_saturday: [[803a, 816a, 824a, 838a, 848a], [1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p], [803p, 816p, 824p, 838p, 848p], [1003p, 1016p, 1024p, 1038p, 1048p]]
 short_name: "968"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/968-to-tuggeranong-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7), Heagney / Clift Richardson, Chisholm, Erindale Centre, Tuggeranong Bus Station]
 long_name: To Tuggeranong Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Tuggeranong Bus Station (Platform 7)-Heagney / Clift Richardson: [Wjz17BY, Wjz1mDW, Wjz1mTF, Wjz1u7M, Wjz1ulj, Wjz1uyf, Wjz1uHh, Wjz1vMs, Wjz1C75, Wjz1CdY, Wjz1CD8, Wjz1CL2]
+  Erindale Centre-Tuggeranong Bus Station: [Wjz2ri7, Wjz2jPU, Wjz2jFN, Wjz2isR, Wjz2izK, Wjz2iPv, Wjz20QI]
+  Chisholm-Erindale Centre: [Wjz2N0r, Wjz2EK5, Wjz1LBV, Wjz1LGi, Wjz1Lxi, Wjz1LhA, Wjz1DVu, Wjz1DF5, Wjz1DBr, Wjz2wOo, Wjz2qnG]
+  Heagney / Clift Richardson-Chisholm: [Wjz1Kiq, Wjz1Kwp, Wjz1J-6, Wjz1S2v, Wjz1TgM, Wjz1TJ1, Wjz1TJt, Wjz1TLL, Wjz2MHq, Wjz2MAp, Wjz2N0r]
 short_name: "968"
 stop_times_sunday: [[1003a, 1016a, 1024a, 1038a, 1048a], [1203p, 1216p, 1224p, 1238p, 1248p], [203p, 216p, 224p, 238p, 248p], [403p, 416p, 424p, 438p, 448p], [603p, 616p, 624p, 638p, 648p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,17 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Canberra Times-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjzc9PB, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1n0]
+  National Hockey Centre Lyneham-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz6oEz]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Australian Institute of Sport-University of Canberra: [Wjz5vrT, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5nUS, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Canberra Times: [WjzbnGh, Wjzcgzn, WjzcgD0, WjzcgLt, WjzcgSm, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgX_, Wjzcoab, Wjzcod5, Wjzcp0F, WjzchQP, Wjzc9PB]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-National Hockey Centre Lyneham: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
+  Railway Station Kingston-Russell Offices: [Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
   University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc8gG, WjzbfPL, Wjzbn5y, Wjzbnmb]
 stop_times_saturday: [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 809a, 815a, 820a, 824a, 830a, 837a, 839a, 844a], [845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 657p, 703p, 708p, 712p, 718p, 725p, 727p, 732p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 807p, 813p, 818p, 822p, 828p, 835p, 837p, 842p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 917p, 923p, 928p, 932p, 938p, 945p, 947p, 952p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1028p, 1034p, 1039p, 1043p, 1049p, 1056p, 1058p, 1103p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 1140p, 1146p, 1151p, 1155p, 1201a, 1208a, 1210a, 1215a]]
 short_name: "980"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-cohen-street-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,17 @@
 long_name: To Cohen Street Bus Station
   Westfield Bus Station-Cohen Street Bus Station: []
+  Canberra Times-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjzc9PB, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1n0]
+  National Hockey Centre Lyneham-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz6oEz]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Australian Institute of Sport-University of Canberra: [Wjz5vrT, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5nUS, Wjz6giR, Wjz6gia, Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station-Westfield Bus Station: []
+  Russell Offices-City Bus Station (Platform 8): [Wjz4-WZ, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-Rc, Wjz4-KO, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_7i, Wjz5MO0, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5Nht]
+  Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Canberra Times: [WjzbnGh, Wjzcgzn, WjzcgD0, WjzcgLt, WjzcgSm, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgX_, Wjzcoab, Wjzcod5, Wjzcp0F, WjzchQP, Wjzc9PB]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-National Hockey Centre Lyneham: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5L_c]
+  Railway Station Kingston-Russell Offices: [Wjz4WHw, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4Xqk, Wjzc54R, Wjzc55s, Wjzc60i, Wjzc60A]
   University of Canberra-Belconnen Community Bus Station: [Wjz68Yy, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Ip, Wjz689c, Wjz681S]
+  Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc8gG, WjzbfPL, Wjzbn5y, Wjzbnmb]
 short_name: "980"
 stop_times_sunday: [[845a, 853a, 904a, 911a, 917a, 928a, 934a, 939a, 943a, 949a, 956a, 958a, 1003a], [945a, 953a, 1004a, 1011a, 1017a, 1028a, 1034a, 1039a, 1043a, 1049a, 1056a, 1058a, 1103a], [1045a, 1053a, 1104a, 1111a, 1117a, 1128a, 1134a, 1139a, 1143a, 1149a, 1156a, 1158a, 1203p], ["-", "-", "-", 1130a, 1136a, 1146a, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1145a, 1153a, 1204p, 1211p, 1217p, 1228p, 1234p, 1239p, 1243p, 1249p, 1256p, 1258p, 103p], [1245p, 1253p, 104p, 111p, 117p, 128p, 134p, 139p, 143p, 149p, 156p, 158p, 203p], [145p, 153p, 204p, 211p, 217p, 228p, 234p, 239p, 243p, 249p, 256p, 258p, 303p], [245p, 253p, 304p, 311p, 317p, 328p, 334p, 339p, 343p, 349p, 356p, 358p, 403p], [345p, 353p, 404p, 411p, 417p, 428p, 434p, 439p, 443p, 449p, 456p, 458p, 503p], ["-", "-", "-", 440p, 446p, 456p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [445p, 453p, 504p, 511p, 517p, 528p, 534p, 539p, 543p, 549p, 556p, 558p, 603p], [545p, 553p, 604p, 611p, 617p, 628p, 634p, 639p, 643p, 649p, 656p, 658p, 703p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-lithgow-st-terminus-fyshwick.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-lithgow-st-terminus-fyshwick.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,18 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
 long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick
+  Australian Institute of Sport-National Hockey Centre Lyneham: [Wjz6oEz, Wjz5L_c]
+  University of Canberra-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nUS, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5vrT]
+  Railway Station Kingston-Newcastle Street after Isa Street: [Wjzc1n0, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc9ws, Wjzc8Sn]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  National Hockey Centre Lyneham-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Newcastle Street after Isa Street-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc9WV, WjzchQP, Wjzcp0F, Wjzcod5, Wjzcoab, WjzcgX_, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgSm, WjzcgLt, WjzcgD0, WjzbnGh]
+  Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick: [Wjzbnmb, Wjzbn5y, WjzbfPL, Wjzc8gG]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+  Russell Offices-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WHw]
 stop_times_saturday: [[720a, 722a, 726a, 734a, 740a, 745a, 751a, 759a, 808a, 814a, 822a, 831a, 840a], [820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [725p, 727p, 732p, 739p, 745p, 750p, 755p, 802p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [834p, 836p, 841p, 848p, 854p, 859p, 904p, 911p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [945p, 947p, 952p, 959p, 1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1022p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [1057p, 1059p, 1104p, 1111p, 1117p, 1122p, 1127p, 1134p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]
 short_name: "980"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-lithgow-st-terminus.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/980-to-lithgow-st-terminus.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,18 @@
 time_points: [Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1), Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1), Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3), University of Canberra, Australian Institute of Sport, National Hockey Centre Lyneham, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station (Platform 9), Russell Offices, Railway Station Kingston, Newcastle Street after Isa Street, Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet, Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick]
 long_name: To Lithgow St Terminus
+  Australian Institute of Sport-National Hockey Centre Lyneham: [Wjz6oEz, Wjz5L_c]
+  University of Canberra-Australian Institute of Sport: [Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy, Wjz6gia, Wjz6giR, Wjz5nUS, Wjz5vj2, Wjz5vrT]
+  Railway Station Kingston-Newcastle Street after Isa Street: [Wjzc1n0, Wjzc1tq, Wjzc1qE, Wjzc8c1, Wjzc8l0, Wjzc9ws, Wjzc8Sn]
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station (Platform 9): [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-Russell Offices: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5MsD, Wjz5MsT, Wjz5MO0, Wjz4_7i, Wjz4_kA, Wjz4_xZ, Wjz4-YV, Wjz4-WL, Wjz4-WZ]
   Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1)-Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3): []
   Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)-Westfield Bus Station (Platform 1): []
+  National Hockey Centre Lyneham-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5L_c, Wjz5Ti2, Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Newcastle Street after Isa Street-Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet: [Wjzc9WV, WjzchQP, Wjzcp0F, Wjzcod5, Wjzcoab, WjzcgX_, Wjzcg-_, WjzcgSm, WjzcgLt, WjzcgD0, WjzbnGh]
+  Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet-Lithgow St Terminus Fyshwick: [Wjzbnmb, Wjzbn5y, WjzbfPL, Wjzc8gG]
   Belconnen Community Bus Station (Platform 3)-University of Canberra: [Wjz681S, Wjz689c, Wjz68Ip, Wjz68IH, Wjz68Y0, Wjz68Yy]
+  Russell Offices-Railway Station Kingston: [Wjzc60A, Wjzc60i, Wjzc55s, Wjzc54R, Wjz4Xqk, Wjz4XoY, Wjz4WCC, Wjz4WId, Wjz4WHw]
 short_name: "980"
 stop_times_sunday: [[820a, 822a, 826a, 834a, 840a, 845a, 851a, 859a, 908a, 914a, 922a, 931a, 940a], [920a, 922a, 926a, 934a, 940a, 945a, 951a, 959a, 1008a, 1014a, 1022a, 1031a, 1040a], [1020a, 1022a, 1026a, 1034a, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1059a, 1108a, 1114a, 1122a, 1131a, 1140a], [1120a, 1122a, 1126a, 1134a, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1159a, 1208p, 1214p, 1222p, 1231p, 1240p], [1220p, 1222p, 1226p, 1234p, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1259p, 108p, 114p, 122p, 131p, 140p], [120p, 122p, 126p, 134p, 140p, 145p, 151p, 159p, 208p, 214p, 222p, 231p, 240p], [220p, 222p, 226p, 234p, 240p, 245p, 251p, 259p, 308p, 314p, 322p, 331p, 340p], [320p, 322p, 326p, 334p, 340p, 345p, 351p, 359p, 408p, 414p, 422p, 431p, 440p], ["-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", 415p, 424p, 430p, "-", "-", "-"], [420p, 422p, 426p, 434p, 440p, 445p, 451p, 459p, 508p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 540p], [520p, 522p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 545p, 551p, 558p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], [615p, 617p, 621p, 629p, 635p, 640p, 645p, 652p, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-"]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/981-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/981-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+  National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
 stop_times_saturday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]
 short_name: "981"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/981-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/981-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 9), National Zoo and Aquarium, Black Mountain Telstra Tower, Botanic Gardens, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
-between_stops: {}
+  Botanic Gardens-City Bus Station: [Wjz5G6B, Wjz5G6B, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5GNG, Wjz5FSY, Wjz5F-1]
+  Black Mountain Telstra Tower-Botanic Gardens: []
+  National Zoo and Aquarium-Black Mountain Telstra Tower: []
+  City Bus Station (Platform 9)-National Zoo and Aquarium: [Wjz5Nht, Wjz5EKJ]
 short_name: "981"
 stop_times_sunday: [[1020a, 1034a, 1042a, 1048a, 1055a], [1150a, 1204p, 1212p, 1218p, 1225p], [120p, 134p, 142p, 148p, 155p], [250p, 304p, 312p, 318p, 325p], [420p, 434p, 442p, 448p, 455p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
 long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Bimberi Centre: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
 stop_times_saturday: [[632a, 638a, 640a, 650a], [342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]
 short_name: "982"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-bimberi-centre.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [City Bus Station (Platform 8), Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Bimberi Centre]
 long_name: To Bimberi Centre
+  Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz5RkN, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SDc]
   City Bus Station (Platform 8)-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5O3Q, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5QmR]
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Bimberi Centre: [Wjz6MyH, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6XiO]
 short_name: "982"
 stop_times_sunday: [[342p, 348p, 350p, 400p]]

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_saturday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Bimberi Centre-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
 stop_times_saturday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]
 short_name: "982"

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/output/982-to-city-bus-station.stop_times_sunday.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 time_points: [Bimberi Centre, Northbourne Avenue / Antill St, Macarthur / Northbourne Ave, City Bus Station]
 long_name: To City Bus Station
+  Northbourne Avenue / Antill St-Macarthur / Northbourne Ave: [Wjz5SDc, Wjz5Sux, Wjz5SrO, Wjz5Sqk, Wjz5RvC, Wjz5Rsi, Wjz5RkN]
   Macarthur / Northbourne Ave-City Bus Station: [Wjz5QmR, Wjz5Qmu, Wjz5Qgn, Wjz5Qi2, Wjz5Pl0, Wjz5PdJ, Wjz5P8K, Wjz5P8n, Wjz5Oci, Wjz5O3Q]
+  Bimberi Centre-Northbourne Avenue / Antill St: [Wjz6XiO, Wjz6WtM, Wjz6Vie, Wjz6MyH]
 short_name: "982"
 stop_times_sunday: [[715p, 724p, 726p, 733p]]

 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/10_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/11-111_combined.pdf differ
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 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/17_combined.pdf differ
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 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/21_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/22_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/23_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/24_combined.pdf differ
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 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/28_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/2_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/30_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/31_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/39_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/3_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/43_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/44_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/45_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/4_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/50_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/51_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/52_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/56_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/57_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/58_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/59_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/5_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/60-160_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/61-161_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/62-162_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/63_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/64_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/65-265_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/66_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/67-267_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/6_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/701_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/702_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/703_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/704_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/705_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/710_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/71_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/720_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/729_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/732_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/737_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/73_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/749_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/74_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/757_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/75_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/768_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/769_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/76_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/77_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/780_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/785_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/786_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/787_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/788_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/7_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/80_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/81_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/82_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/88_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/8_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/900_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/902_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/903_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/904_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/905_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/906_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/907_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/912_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/913-914_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/915_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/921_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/922_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/923_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/924_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/925_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/927_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/930_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/931_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/932_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/934_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/935_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/936_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/937_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/938_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/939_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/942_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/951_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/952_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/956_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/958_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/960_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/961_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/962_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/964_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/966_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/967_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/968_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/980_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/981_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/982_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/988_combined.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/9_combined.pdf differ
--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-grep .pdf Route* redex.html | perl -0ne 'print "$1\n" while (/<a\s*href\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\">.*?<\/a>/igs)' | sed 's/" target="_blank//g' | sed 's/\.\.\///g' | xargs -Ifile wget -c
+grep .pdf *oute*.htm | perl -0ne 'print "$1\n" while (/<a\s*href\s*=\s*\"(.*?)\">.*?<\/a>/igs)' | sed 's/" target="_blank//g' | sed 's/\.\.\///g' | xargs -Ifile wget -c

 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/weekday_bus_map.pdf differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/source-html/weekend_bus_map.pdf differ
--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/todo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +1,1 @@
-between points;
-Big Finding enGine - osm xml to postgres parser and geohash/reverse geocoding 
-Export existing bus stops and timing points (maybe call bus stations for 
-icon?) as OSM XML
-Export required from-to-route tuples to a database table, hopefully 
-reducing for 31X routes
-open export, insert billions of stops and save as osm
-run parser to generate geohashes and stop names, send to database
-open as osm again and enter billions of between stops lists into database by hand
-adjust gtfs generator to use and generate inbetween times
-check intersection parser for timing points again. (gtfs validator 
-probably found them all anyway)

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-python ../origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/ -l 9999
+python ../origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/ -l 9999

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/validation-results.html
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/validation-results.html
@@ -28,109 +28,300 @@
 <tr><th class="header">Agencies:</th><td class="header"><a href="">ACT Internal Omnibus Network (ACTION)</a></td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Routes:</th><td class="header">256</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Stops:</th><td class="header">230</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Trips:</th><td class="header">4133</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Routes:</th><td class="header">263</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Stops:</th><td class="header">1671</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Trips:</th><td class="header">4207</td></tr>
 <tr><th class="header">Shapes:</th><td class="header">0</td></tr>
-<tr><th class="header">Effective:</th><td class="header">May 25, 2009 to October 01, 2010</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Effective:</th><td class="header">November 15, 2010 to December 31, 2011</td></tr>
+During the upcoming service dates Thu Feb 10 to Sun Apr 10:
+<tr><th class="header">Average trips per date:</th><td class="header">2105</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Most trips on a date:</th><td class="header">2681, on 42 service dates (Thu Feb 10, Fri Feb 11, Mon Feb 14, ...)</td></tr>
+<tr><th class="header">Least trips on a date:</th><td class="header">614, on 9 service dates (Sun Feb 13, Sun Feb 20, Sun Feb 27, ...)</td></tr>
 <span class="fail">
-A new version 1.2.6 of transitfeed is available. Please visit and download.</span><br><br><span class="fail">Found these problems:</span>
+We failed to reach transitfeed server. Reason: [Errno -2] Name or service not known.</span><br><br><span class="fail">Found these problems:</span>
 <table class="count_outside">
-<tr><td><span class="fail">70 warnings</span></td></tr>
+<tr><td><span class="fail">6 errors</span></td><td><span class="fail">231 warnings</span></td></tr>
-<table><tr><td>1</td><td><a href="#WarningExpirationDate">Expiration Date</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>57</td><td><a href="#WarningInvalidValue">Invalid Values</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>4</td><td><a href="#WarningOtherProblem">Other Problems</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td>8</td><td><a href="#WarningStopsTooClose">Stops Too Closes</a></td></tr>
+<table><tr><td>6</td><td><a href="#ErrorMissingValue">Missing Values</a></td></tr>
+<table><tr><td>59</td><td><a href="#WarningInvalidValue">Invalid Values</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td>20</td><td><a href="#WarningOtherProblem">Other Problems</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td>7</td><td><a href="#WarningStopsTooClose">Stops Too Closes</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td>144</td><td><a href="#WarningTooFastTravel">Too Fast Travels</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td>1</td><td><a href="#WarningUnusedStop">Unused Stop</a></td></tr>
-<h3 class="issueHeader">Warnings:</h3><h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningExpirationDate">Expiration Date</a></h4><ul>
-<li><div class="problem">This feed expired on October 01, 2010</div><br></li>
-<h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningInvalidValue">Invalid Value</a></h4><ul>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen st bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "217" and "216".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "215" and "214".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen st bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "213" and "212".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "211" and "210".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "219" and "218".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen st bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "138" and "137".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "222" and "223".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "198" and "199".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "190" and "191".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "193" and "194".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "140" and "139".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "226" and "227".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cameron ave bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "146" and "145".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "244" and "245".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen st bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "240" and "241".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to lithgow st terminus fyshwick in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "242" and "243".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to bimberi centre in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "246" and "247".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "177" and "178".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "175" and "176".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cooleman court in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "173" and "174".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "172" and "171".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "253" and "252".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "248" and "249".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "180" and "179".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen st bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "181" and "182".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "184" and "183".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "188" and "187".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "196" and "195".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "221" and "220".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen st bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "185" and "186".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cameron ave bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "142" and "141".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cooleman court in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "169" and "170".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "228" and "229".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "166" and "165".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "167" and "168".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "162" and "161".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "163" and "164".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "224" and "225".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cameron ave bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "152" and "151".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "154" and "153".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "156" and "155".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "159" and "160".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "158" and "157".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "239" and "238".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "235" and "234".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "237" and "236".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "231" and "230".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden interchange in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "233" and "232".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen st bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "200" and "201".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen st bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "202" and "203".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to gungahlin market place in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "204" and "205".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen st bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "206" and "207".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to gungahlin market place in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "208" and "209".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cameron ave bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "148" and "147".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cameron ave bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "149" and "150".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cameron ave bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "144" and "143".</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to alexander maconochie centre hume in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "250" and "251".</div><br></li>
+<h3 class="issueHeader">Errors:</h3><h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="ErrorMissingValue">Missing Value</a></h4><ul>
+<li><div class="problem">Missing value for column <code>stop_name</code></div>in line 447 of <code>stops.txt</code><br>
+<table class="dump"><tr><th>stop_lon</th><th>stop_lat</th><th class="problem">stop_name</th><th>stop_code</th><th>stop_id</th></tr>
+<tr><td>149.0841811</td><td>-35.4068387</td><td class="problem"></td><td>Wjz2aXM</td><td>1127</td></tr></table>
+<li><div class="problem">Missing value for column <code>stop_name</code></div>in line 508 of <code>stops.txt</code><br>
+<table class="dump"><tr><th>stop_lon</th><th>stop_lat</th><th class="problem">stop_name</th><th>stop_code</th><th>stop_id</th></tr>
+<tr><td>149.0747826</td><td>-35.4015218</td><td class="problem"></td><td>Wjz2b2-</td><td>932</td></tr></table>
+<li><div class="problem">Missing value for column <code>stop_name</code></div>in line 1261 of <code>stops.txt</code><br>
+<table class="dump"><tr><th>stop_lon</th><th>stop_lat</th><th class="problem">stop_name</th><th>stop_code</th><th>stop_id</th></tr>
+<tr><td>149.0808766</td><td>-35.4016792</td><td class="problem"></td><td>Wjz2bGs</td><td>1089</td></tr></table>
+<li><div class="problem">Missing value for column <code>stop_name</code></div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Missing value for column <code>stop_name</code></div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Missing value for column <code>stop_name</code></div><br></li>
+<h3 class="issueHeader">Warnings:</h3><h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningInvalidValue">Invalid Value</a></h4><ul>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "220" and "139".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "129" and "95".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to alexander maconochie centre in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "114" and "136".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "88" and "51".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "111" and "27".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "82" and "110".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "174" and "67".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "141" and "212".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to gungahlin marketplace in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "146" and "191".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "92" and "7".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cooleman court in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "109" and "126".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "106" and "112".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "32" and "118".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "35" and "120".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "94" and "56".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "252" and "69".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "61" and "102".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to bimberi centre in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "259" and "63".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "65" and "26".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "256" and "179".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "253" and "125".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "182" and "226".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "183" and "8".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "180" and "216".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "181" and "227".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "188" and "170".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "97" and "108".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "142" and "54".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "160" and "248".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "11" and "251".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "66" and "185".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "143" and "166".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "17" and "99".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "224" and "145".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "155" and "211".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "156" and "199".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "159" and "242".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "62" and "104".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "234" and "168".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "236" and "123".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "237" and "190".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "86" and "4".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "40" and "122".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "87" and "50".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "200" and "218".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "203" and "193".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "204" and "116".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "206" and "214".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "209" and "90".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cooleman court in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "208" and "121".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "76" and "57".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to tuggeranong bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "73" and "33".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to city bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "70" and "30".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "96" and "134".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to gungahlin marketplace in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "2" and "239".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "144" and "223".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to woden bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "261" and "58".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to belconnen community bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "250" and "161".</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">Invalid value to cohen street bus station in field <code>route_long_name</code><br>The same combination of route_short_name and route_long_name shouldn't be used for more than one route, as it is for the for the two routes with IDs "47" and "85".</div><br></li>
 <h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningOtherProblem">Other Problem</a></h4><ul>
-<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2876" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "1945" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2847" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "1921" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "1759" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "3233" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "3538" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "1608" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2435" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "1493" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "120" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2284" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "614" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "3315" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "3316" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2282" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2283" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "940" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "569" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2920" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2836" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "4003" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "1275" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The trip with the trip_id "2079" doesn't have any stop times defined.</div><br></li>
 <h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningStopsTooClose">Stops Too Close</a></h4><ul>
-<li><div class="problem">The stops "Woodcock/Clare Dennis" (ID 216) and "Lewis Luxton/Woodcock Dr" (ID 87) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">The stops "Erindale Centre /Sternberg Crescent" (ID 198) and "Erindale Drive/Sternberg" (ID 61) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">The stops "City Interchange" (ID 189) and "City Interchange - Platform 1" (ID 40) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">The stops "Cameron Ave Bus Station - Platform 1" (ID 6) and "Cameron Ave Bus Station" (ID 5) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">The stops "Lathlain St Bus Station" (ID 53) and "Lathlain St Bus Station - Platform 4" (ID 144) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">The stops "Cohen St Bus Station - Platform 1" (ID 18) and "Cohen St Bus Station" (ID 150) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">The stops "Flemington Rd/Sandford St" (ID 210) and "Flemington/Nullabor" (ID 218) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
-<li><div class="problem">The stops "Fraser East Terminus" (ID 63) and "Fraser" (ID 116) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "Comrie Street" (ID 1302) and "Erindale Centre" (ID 70) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "ADFA" (ID 1) and "Tobruk Road" (ID 1588) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "City Bus Station" (ID 39) and "City Bus Station (Platform 1)" (ID 40) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "Cohen Street Bus Station" (ID 51) and "Cohen Street Bus Station (Platform 1)" (ID 52) are 0.00m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "Iron Knob Street" (ID 677) and "Fyshwick Direct Factory Outlet" (ID 86) are 0.01m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "University of Canberra" (ID 190) and "College Street" (ID 1200) are 0.01m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">The stops "National Circuit" (ID 1202) and "National Circ / Canberra Ave" (ID 145) are 1.77m apart and probably represent the same location.</div><br></li>
+<h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningTooFastTravel">Too Fast Travel</a></h4><ul>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2314: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2315: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2312: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2313: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2310: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2311: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2309: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2308: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3080: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 768: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3539: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3079: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 784: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 785: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 786: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 787: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 780: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 781: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 782: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 783: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 788: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 789: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3073: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2778: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2779: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2776: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2777: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3076: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3074: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3075: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3077: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 182: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 183: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 180: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 181: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 184: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 775: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 774: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 777: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 776: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 771: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 770: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 773: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 772: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 779: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 778: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3540: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3541: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3542: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3543: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2784: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 769: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 766: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 767: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3078: Lyons to Chifley. 10843303 meters in 240 seconds. (162650 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2792: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2793: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2790: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2791: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2796: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2797: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2794: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2795: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2785: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2787: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2786: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2781: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2780: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2783: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2782: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2789: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2788: Chifley to Lyons. 10843303 meters in 300 seconds. (130120 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2778: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 420 seconds. (92932 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2779: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 420 seconds. (92932 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2776: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2777: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2784: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2792: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2793: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2790: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 420 seconds. (92932 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2791: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 420 seconds. (92932 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2796: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2797: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2794: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2795: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2785: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2787: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 420 seconds. (92932 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2786: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 420 seconds. (92932 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2781: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2780: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 420 seconds. (92932 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2783: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2782: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 360 seconds. (108420 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2789: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 420 seconds. (92932 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2788: Southlands Mawson to Chifley. 10842024 meters in 420 seconds. (92932 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 768: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 784: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 785: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 786: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 787: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 780: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 480 seconds. (81315 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 781: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 480 seconds. (81315 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 782: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 480 seconds. (81315 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 783: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 480 seconds. (81315 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 788: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 789: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 775: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 774: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 777: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 776: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 771: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 480 seconds. (81315 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 770: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 480 seconds. (81315 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 773: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 772: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 779: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 480 seconds. (81315 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 778: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 480 seconds. (81315 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 769: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 480 seconds. (81315 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 766: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 767: Chifley to Southlands Mawson. 10842024 meters in 540 seconds. (72280 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3080: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3079: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3073: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3076: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3074: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3075: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3077: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 182: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 183: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 180: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 181: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 184: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3078: Chifley to Torrens. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2314: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2315: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2312: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2313: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2310: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2311: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2309: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 2308: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3539: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3540: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3541: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3542: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<li><div class="problem">High speed travel detected in trip 3543: Torrens to Chifley. 10840913 meters in 300 seconds. (130091 km/h).</div><br></li>
+<h4 class="issueHeader"><a name="WarningUnusedStop">Unused Stop</a></h4><ul>
+<li><div class="problem">Jerrabomberra Avenue (ID 1500) isn't used in any trips</div><br></li>
 <div class="footer">
 Generated by <a href="">
-FeedValidator</a> version 1.2.5 on October 29, 2010 at 10:18 PM EST.
+FeedValidator</a> version 1.2.6 on February 10, 2011 at 01:30 AM EST.

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
 # Hey, can pick destination again from a list filtered to places these stops go if you're curious!
 # # Can recursively call and parse based on intended destination to show ETA
 # # For pretty maps
-python ../origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.5/ --key=ABQIAAAA95XYXN0cki3Yj_Sb71CFvBTPaLd08ONybQDjcH_VdYtHHLgZvRTw2INzI_m17_IoOUqH3RNNmlTk1Q
+python ../origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/ --key=ABQIAAAA95XYXN0cki3Yj_Sb71CFvBTPaLd08ONybQDjcH_VdYtHHLgZvRTw2INzI_m17_IoOUqH3RNNmlTk1Q

--- a/origin-src/graphserver.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +1,1 @@
-  <head> 
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" type="text/css"> 
-    <title>Graphserver - The Open-Source Multi-Modal Trip Planner</title> 
-  </head> 
-<div id='container'> 
-<a href="gallery.html"><img src="img/graphbanner.png"></a> 
-The open-source multi-modal trip planner.
-<h2>Code Repository</h2> 
-<a href=""></a> 
-<h2>Mailing List</h2> 
-Direct questions and comments to the <a href="">Graphserver Google Group</a>.
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ wget</pre> 
-Or, for the stout of heart, get a copy of the current working branch
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ git clone git:// </pre>
-<h3>Cold Start</h3>
-<p>You'll need a computer running linux. The following setup was tested and checked on <a href="">Amazon EC2</a> small instance running Fedora, built from an image with id "ami-48aa4921", at a cost of $0.20/hour.<p>
-<p>You'll need to get git:</p>
-<p>On Ubuntu:</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ sudo apt-get install git-core </pre>
-<p>On Fedora:</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ yum install git-core</pre>
-<h3>Get The Prerequisites</h3>
-<p>You're about to compile C code against python development libraries. You need to prepare for that.</p>
-On Ubuntu:
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
-$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
-$ sudo apt-get install python-dev
-On Fedora:
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">
-$ yum install python-setuptools-devel
-$ yum install gcc
-$ yum install gcc-c++
-$ yum install python-devel
-$ easy_install simplejson
-<h3>One-step Install</h3>
-<p>Get a copy of Graphserver</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">$ git clone git://</pre> 
-This will download and compile the core, download and install package dependencies, and install the python wrappers in one go.
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">$ cd graphserver/pygs
-$ sudo python install
-<h3>Install RTree</h3>
-<p>If you want to load OSM Data (and you probably do), you have to laboriously install RTree</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ wget
- $ gunzip spatialindex-1.4.0.tar.gz
- $ tar -xvf spatialindex-1.4.0.tar
- $ cd spatialindex-1.4.0
- $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
- $ make
- $ make install
- $ easy_install RTree
- $ cp /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Rtree-0.5.0-py2.5-linux-i686.egg/ /usr/lib
-<h2>A Quick Tour of the Basics</h2> 
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> 
-$ python
-&gt;&gt;&gt; from graphserver.core import Graph, Street, State
-&gt;&gt;&gt; gg = Graph()
-&gt;&gt;&gt; gg.add_vertex("A")
-<span class="computeroutput">&lt;graphserver.core.Vertex object at 0xb7d9608c&gt;</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; gg.add_vertex("B")
-<span class="computeroutput">&lt;graphserver.core.Vertex object at 0xb7c397cc&gt;</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; gg.add_edge( "A", "B", Street("1", 100) )
-<span class="computeroutput">&lt;graphserver.core.Edge object at 0xb7c4a92c&gt;</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; gg.add_edge( "A", "B", Street("2", 50 ) )
-<span class="computeroutput">&lt;graphserver.core.Edge object at 0xb7da708c&gt;</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; gg.size   #the graph is quite small
-<span class="computeroutput">2</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; gg.get_vertex("A").outgoing                      <span class="pycomment"># the graph is directional</span> 
-<span class="computeroutput">[&lt;graphserver.core.Edge object at 0xb7b9accc&gt;, &lt;graphserver.core.Edge object at 0xb7b9acac&gt;]</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; gg.get_vertex("A").incoming
-<span class="computeroutput">[]</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; spt = gg.shortest_path_tree( "A", "B", State(1,0) )
-&gt;&gt;&gt; spt
-<span class="computeroutput">&lt;graphserver.core.ShortestPathTree object at 0xb7c45b8c&gt;</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; spt.get_vertex("A")                              <span class="pycomment"># the shortest path tree is a partial copy of the graph</span> 
-<span class="computeroutput">&lt;graphserver.core.Vertex object at 0xb7c4a92c&gt;</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; spt.get_vertex("A").outgoing                     <span class="pycomment"># which only contains the shortest paths to all points closer than 'B' </span> 
-<span class="computeroutput">[&lt;graphserver.core.Edge object at 0xb7b9adec&gt;]</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; vertices, edges = spt.path("B")                  <span class="pycomment"># you can get the path 'A' to 'B' from the shortest path tree</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; vertices                                         <span class="pycomment"># a list of references to the SPT vertices along the shortest path</span> 
-<span class="computeroutput">[&lt;graphserver.core.Vertex object at 0xb7b9ae4c&gt;, &lt;graphserver.core.Vertex object at 0xb7b9adec&gt;]</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; edges                                            <span class="pycomment"># a list of references to the SPT edges along the shortest path</span> 
-<span class="computeroutput">[&lt;graphserver.core.Edge object at 0xb7b9accc&gt;]</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; edges[0].payload                                 <span class="pycomment"># the edge payload contains information about the edge</span>
-<span class="computeroutput">&lt;Street name='2' length=50.000000 rise=0.000000 fall=0.000000 way=0&gt;</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; vertices[-1].payload                             <span class="pycomment"># the payload of the final vertex has useful information</span> 
-<span class="computeroutput">&lt;graphserver.core.State object at 0xb7c4a92c&gt;</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; vertices[-1].payload.time                        <span class="pycomment"># it takes 58 seconds to get from "A" to "B"</span> 
-<span class="computeroutput">58</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; spt.destroy()                                    <span class="pycomment"># these functions are thin wrappers around C functions</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; gg.destroy()                                     <span class="pycomment"># so we have to perform garbage collection explicitly</span> 
-&gt;&gt;&gt; exit()
-<h2>Compiling Graphs</h2>
-<h3>Loading OpenStreetMap Data</h3>
-Grab some OSM data. Here, we download an area around of Redding, CA, US from the OpenStreetMap HTTP API.
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ wget,40.5505,-122.2876,40.6334 -O map.osm
-<p>Compile the OSM file into an OSMDB file, and then load that OSMDB file into a graph.</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ gs_osmdb_compile map.osm map.osmdb
- $ gs_import_osm map.gdb map.osmdb
-<p>Take a look at your new graph. This prints every vertex label in the graph:</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ gs_gdb_inspect map.gdb</pre>
-<p>Pick one and see all edges outgoing from that vertex:</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ gs_gdb_inspect map.gdb osm-92080455</pre>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">osm-92080455 -> osm-91938757
-	&lt;Street name='10585937-1' length=136.119463 rise=0.000000 fall=0.000000 way=849&gt;
-osm-92080455 -> osm-92080457
-	&lt;Street name='10585937-2' length=139.452776 rise=0.000000 fall=0.000000 way=849&gt;
-osm-92080455 -> osm-92601143
-	&lt;Street name='10596654-0' length=126.551782 rise=0.000000 fall=0.000000 way=1809&gt;
-osm-92080455 -> osm-92080381
-	&lt;Street name='10596654-1' length=6.382770 rise=0.000000 fall=0.000000 way=1809&gt;</pre>
-<h3>Loading Public Transit Data</h3> 
-Grab the GTFS file for your favorite transit agency. Here, we grab the GTFS for the transit system in Redding, CA:
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ wget -O</pre>
-<p>Compile the GTFS into a GTFSDB, and then compile that GTFSDB into a graph<p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ gs_gtfsdb_build redding.gtfsdb
- $ gs_import_gtfs redding.gdb redding.gtfsdb</pre>
-<p>Use gs_gdb_inspect to check that your new transit graph is in good shape</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ gs_gdb_inspect redding.gdb sta-3622</pre>
-should print
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">sta-3622 -> psv-0-000-004
-	&lt;TripBoard int_sid=0 sid=105A166 agency=0 calendar=165157760 timezone=164034504 boardings=[('1572A105B166', 23964), ('1598A105B166', 27564), ('1602A105B166', 31164), ('1607A105B166', 34764), ('1600A105B166', 38364), ('1605A105B166', 41964), ('1603A105B166', 45564), ('1608A105B166', 49164), ('1601A105B166', 52764), ('1606A105B166', 56364), ('1599A105B166', 59964), ('1604A105B166', 63564), ('1609A105B166', 67164)]&gt;
-sta-3622 -> psv-0-000-004
-	&lt;TripBoard int_sid=1 sid=106A166 agency=0 calendar=165157760 timezone=164034504 boardings=[('2459A106B166', 34764), ('1635A106B166', 38364), ('1640A106B166', 41964), ('1638A106B166', 45564), ('1643A106B166', 49164), ('1636A106B166', 52764), ('1641A106B166', 56364), ('1634A106B166', 59964), ('1639A106B166', 63564), ('1637A106B166', 67164)]&gt;
-<h3>Intermingling Public Transit and Street Data</h3> 
-<p>You can load both OSM and GTFS data into the same graph, then run a command to link them.</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ gs_import_gtfs redding_all.gdb redding.gtfsdb
- $ gs_import_osm redding_all.gdb map.osmdb
- $ gs_link_osm_gtfs redding_all.gdb map.osmdb redding.gtfsdb</pre>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ gs_gdb_inspect redding.gdb sta-3622</pre>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">sta-3622 -> osm-92366549
-	&lt;graphserver.core.Link object at 0x9a0b20c&gt;
-sta-3622 -> psv-0-000-004
-	&lt;TripBoard int_sid=0 sid=105A166 agency=0 calendar=163855912 timezone=161122808 boardings=[('1572A105B166', 23964), ('1598A105B166', 27564), ('1602A105B166', 31164), ('1607A105B166', 34764), ('1600A105B166', 38364), ('1605A105B166', 41964), ('1603A105B166', 45564), ('1608A105B166', 49164), ('1601A105B166', 52764), ('1606A105B166', 56364), ('1599A105B166', 59964), ('1604A105B166', 63564), ('1609A105B166', 67164)]&gt;
-sta-3622 -> psv-0-000-004
-	&lt;TripBoard int_sid=1 sid=106A166 agency=0 calendar=163855912 timezone=161122808 boardings=[('2459A106B166', 34764), ('1635A106B166', 38364), ('1640A106B166', 41964), ('1638A106B166', 45564), ('1643A106B166', 49164), ('1636A106B166', 52764), ('1641A106B166', 56364), ('1634A106B166', 59964), ('1639A106B166', 63564), ('1637A106B166', 67164)]&gt;</pre>
-<h3>Inspecting the graph with gs_crawl</h3>
-<p>Start gs_crawl, a little graph inspection web service</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ gs_crawl redding.gdb 80</pre>
-<p>Then steer your web browser to the appropriate location.<p>
-<p>If you're using Amazon EC2, using your own public DNS:</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"></pre>
-<p>Or if you're simply running on your local machine:</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">http://localhost:80/</pre>
-<h3 id="routeserver">Getting routes with gs_routeserver</h3>
-<p>First, you'll need PyYAML</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ sudo easy_install pyyaml</pre>
-<p>The routeserver finds a path, and then uses a series of "handlers" to convert that path into a human-readable format. Those handlers are enumearted and set up by a configuration file called handlers.yaml. Graphserver comes with an example handlers.yaml which you can use to get started</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ cp /path/to/graphserver/pygs/graphserver/ext/routeserver/handlers.yaml .</pre>
-<p>This handlers.yaml file is filled with "CHANGEME" stubs. Replace every "CHANGEME.gtfsdb" with "redding.gtfsdb" and every "CHANGEME.osmdb" with "redding.osmdb"</p>
-<p>Fire up a routeserver on the compiled graph</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ gs_routeserver redding.gdb handlers.yaml -p 80</pre>
-<p>Get a list of all vertices in the system</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">http://YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/vertices</pre>
-<p>Get a route narrative</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">http://YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/path?origin="osm-92011649"&amp;dest="sta-3803"&amp;currtime=1260839444</pre>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">http://YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/path_raw?origin="osm-92011649"&amp;dest="sta-3803"&amp;currtime=1260839444</pre>
-<h3>What about a really big city?</h3>
-<p>First, get Java 1.6. Or Java6. I think they're the same thing. Get the JDK, but not the JVM, the JRE, SDK, SDN, or the JCE. Note Java SE comes with Jave EE, which is apparently at version 5, and may or may not have anything to do with J2EE. I don't know what those have to do with anything. Google it or something. I don't know. They don't make it particularly easy for you. It's like, they've got more money than god and nothing pleases them better than pouring all that expertise into baffling the hell out of you. Honestly, I can't stand Java, but you need it to run Osmosis.</p>
-<p>Then, get Osmosis</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ wget
- $ unzip
- $ chmod a+x ./osmosis-0.30/bin/osmosis</pre>
-<p>Download a biggie GTFS file. Here's the one for the Seattle area:</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ wget</pre>
-<p>Compile it into a GTFSDB. This will take a few minutes</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ gs_gtfsdb_build kingco.gtfsdb</pre>
-<p>Check the bounds of the GTFSDB</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ sqlite3 kingco.gtfsdb "select min(stop_lon),min(stop_lat),max(stop_lon),max(stop_lat) from stops"</pre>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5">-122.506729|47.1553345|-121.78244|47.9323654</pre>
-This will come in handy soon.
-<p>Get a huge chunk of OSM data from the CloudMade state files. Here's Washington State:</p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ wget
- $ bunzip2 washington.osm.highway.bz2</pre>
-<p>Then, use the bounding box coordinates we just got to cut down the OSM file to the area surrounding the agency. Check it:<p>
-<pre style="background-color:#F5F5F5"> $ /path/to/osmosis-0.30/bin/osmosis --read-xml washington.osm.highway --bounding-box left=-122.506729 bottom=47.1553345 right=-121.78244 top=47.9323654 --write-xml kingco.osm</pre>
-<p>Then, compile and set it up like normal. It's a trip-planning bonanza.</p>
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file:a/origin-src/ (deleted)
--- a/origin-src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +1,1 @@
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-				<h2><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to Creating a google transit feed for fun and profit">Creating a google transit feed for fun and profit</a></h2>
-				<small>April 23rd, 2009 <!-- by admin --></small>
-				<div class="entry">
-					<p>People frequently ask me how I manage to collect and input the data that is used by, given Metro Transit&#8217;s intransigence. The &#8220;bike and GPS&#8221; angle is well known <a href="">by now</a>, but what about the rest of the process? How do I get the data into a format that can consume?</p>
-<p>The defacto standard for the interchange of transit information is <a href="">Google Transit Feed</a> (GTFS). This exceedingly simple comma seperated value format is now supported by a plethora of software, including <a href="">Google Transit</a>, <a href="">graphserver</a>, as well as my very own <a href="">libroutez</a> (used by It was obvious to me right from the beginning that the first step to building would be to create one of these feeds. </p>
-<p>Manipulating a GTFS by hand is probably not a great idea. It&#8217;s basically a dump of a relational database, and is pretty inscrutable from the point of view of a human being. What I really want to be able to do is be able<br />
-to manipulate things on the level of stops, service periods, and routes&#8211; and let some kind of abstraction layer take care of the low-level details. Fortunately, the awesome engineers at google created a python library called <a href="">Google Transit Data Feed</a>, which can help with creating one of these things by providing abstractions of the key elements of a google transit feed (stops, service periods, etc.). You can then write a program which uses these abstractions to create and save a GTFS.</p>
-<p>Of course, providing the library appropriate information is easier said than done. Metro Transit&#8217;s PDF schedules are not readily computer parsable (being designed to be printed out, after all). I needed some kind of semi-automated way of converting a Metro Transit schedule into GTFS, or this whole project was<br />
-going nowhere fast. </p>
-<p>As an initial step, it turns out that it&#8217;s quite possible to extract textual information from a PDF using the open source <a href="">popplar</a> library. From there, it&#8217;s possible to extract the stopping times for an individual bus route. Let&#8217;s give an example. For example, let&#8217;s take the case of adding the 60 (Portland Hill&#8217;s route), something I&#8217;m currently working on. All I had to do was download the PDF file from Metro Transit&#8217;s site and then run the following on the command line:<br />
-<code><br />
-pdftotext -raw route60.pdf<br />
-</code><br />
-The raw option basically makes sure the raw strings are dumped to disk, and that no attempt is made to preserve formatting. The result is a text file with content like this in it:<br />
-<code><br />
-842a 847a 855a 858a 903a 906a 912a -<br />
-857a 902a 910a 913a 918a 921a - 925a<br />
-910a 915a 923a 926a 931a 934a 940a -<br />
-940a 945a 953a - 1000a 1003a 1009a -<br />
-...and every 30 minutes until<br />
-210p 215p 223p - 230p 233p 239p -<br />
-</code><br />
-This type of format can be parsed easily enough. To create a proper transit feed though, schedule information isn&#8217;t enough: you also need to know the locations of the stops, names of routes, etc. After some deliberation, I came to the determination that I needed some kind of intermediate format to store the above schedule information and this additional information. It would be readable both by humans (to ease its creation) and machines.</p>
-<p>The obvious markup for something like this is <a href="">YAML</a> (if you&#8217;re still using XML to store structured information, run, don&#8217;t walk, and look at YAML: you can thank me later). Simple, clean, effective. GTFS is still the better choice for using the information in another application as its representation is much more amenable to being stored in a graph. Here&#8217;s a few examples of my YAML format in action:</p>
-<p><a href="">7 (Robie to Gottingen)</a><br />
-<a href="">10 (Westphal)</a></p>
-<p>Besides the scheduling information, the other main interesting component of a GTFS is the location of the stops. As anyone who&#8217;s used a Metro Transit schedule has noticed, only major timepoints are covered in the PDF schedules. What of all the stops in between? This is where the bike and GPS come in.</p>
-<p>What I did was take a standard GPS from Mountain Equipment Co-op (The Garmin GPSMap 60x), get on my bike, take the readings of individual gotime numbers and positioning information, of the individual stops between the major timepoints. I then took this device back to my computer and, using a utility called <a href="">GPSBabel</a>, dumped out the stop information in a format called &#8220;comma seperated value&#8221;. It looks like this:<br />
-<code><br />
-44.65825, -63.59252, 6785-21-31-33-34-35-3-7<br />
-44.65982, -63.59452, 6768-21-31-33-35-86-3-7<br />
-44.66113, -63.59659, 6782-21-31-33-34-35-3-7<br />
-</code><br />
-The first two items are latitude and longitude, providing the positioning of the stop. The last item is a gotime number, followed by the set of buses which pass by the stop. Turning this into YAML is a matter of applying<br />
-the following regular expression to the input:<br />
-<code><br />
-\([0-9]+.[0-9]+\), \(-63.[0-9]+\), \([0-9]+\)- -> - { name: xxx, stop_code: \3, lat: \1, lng: \2 }<br />
-</code><br />
-To get an actual name for the stop (i.e.: &#8220;Gottingen and Young&#8221;), I wrote a simple script which finds the nearest intersection close to the stop in the <a href="">GeoBase</a> dataset. I then (at my discretion) corrected it based on my on-the-street knowledge of the layout of Halifax as well as adding certain details to help the user (e.g. bus stops on the way to the south end of Halifax are marked &#8220;south bound&#8221;).</p>
-<p>With these two elements in place (a format for creating human-readable transit information and a library for creating GTFS), the only thing left to do is create a program which bridges the gap. Behold, the magic of<br />
-<a href=""></a>. With all of this in place, creating a google transit feed for Halifax is a simple matter of typing &#8220;make&#8221;.</p>
-<p>Is this a ridiculous amount of work? I wouldn&#8217;t say so. The vast, vast majority of my work on has been in creating the pathfinding code and geocoding functionality. This is work that can be translated to many different municipalities, and can easily be extended and made more useful in a myriad of ways.</p>
-<p>What does seem a little intimidating to me is completing what I started. Capturing bus stop information for the Halifax peninsula is one thing, but covering the outlying areas (Bayer&#8217;s Lake, Sackville, etc.) is quite<br />
-another. There&#8217;s a lot of biking involved there, more perhaps than what one person can reasonably be expected to do. It was my hope that the initial release of hbus would validate the model of community-developed transit software to Metro Transit and they would see the benefit of releasing their internal copy of this data to the public, but unfortunately that doesn&#8217;t seem to have happened. </p>
-<p>Getting that problem solved seems to be more a political problem than a technical one, and it&#8217;s not my specialty. It really does make me wonder if I shouldn&#8217;t reconsider the option of crowd sourcing, which I had<br />
-<a href="">rejected</a> earlier.</p>
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-				<p class="postmetadata"> Posted in <a href="" title="View all posts in Uncategorized" rel="category">Uncategorized</a> |   <a href="" title="Comment on Creating a google transit feed for fun and profit">No Comments &#187;</a></p>
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--- a/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/
+++ b/origin-src/transitfeed-1.2.6/examples/
@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@
-stop1 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-122, lat=37.2, name="Suburbia")
+field_d = {'lng': -122, 'lat': 37.2, 'name':"Suburbia", 'stop_code': "AAAZZ"}
+stop1 = transitfeed.Stop(field_dict=field_d)
+print stop1.__dict__
+print stop1.__getattr__('stop_code')
 stop2 = schedule.AddStop(lng=-122.001, lat=37.201, name="Civic Center")
 route = schedule.AddRoute(short_name="22", long_name="Civic Center Express",
@@ -35,6 +39,15 @@
 trip.AddStopTime(stop1, stop_time='17:30:00')
 trip.AddStopTime(stop2, stop_time='17:45:00')
+for s in schedule.GetStopList():
+      #wtf, stop_code changes into stop_name after .find()
+      virginstopCode = s.stop_code
+      print s
+      print s.stop_code
+      #if s.stop_code.find("Wj") == -1:
+     #   print (stop.stop_id, stop.stop_name, float(stop.stop_lat),
+      #    float(stop.stop_lon), stop.location_type, s.stop_code)

 Binary files a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1.tar.gz and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/1-to-dartmouth.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 1
-long_name: To Dartmouth
-time_points: [ 7284, 7412, 6087, 7351, 7151 ]
-  7284-7412: [ 6203, 7423 ]
-  7412-6087: [ 7419, 7409, 7402, 6453, 6447, 6449, 6454, 6452, 8328, 8337, 8333, 8336, 8327, 8338, 6121, 6106 ]
-  6087-7351: [ 6455, 6773, 6778, 6779, 6775, 6787 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, -, 604a, 607a],
-  [ 600a, 611a, 625a, 633a, 637a],
-  [ 610a, 621a, 635a, 643a, 647a],
-  [ 620a, 631a, 645a, 653a, 657a],
-  [ 630a, 641a, 655a, 703a, 707a],
-  [ 640a, 651a, 705a, 713a, 717a],
-  [ 650a, 701a, 716a, 724a, 728a],
-  [ 700a, 713a, 728a, 736a, 740a],
-  [ 710a, 723a, 738a, 746a, 750a],
-  [ 720a, 733a, 748a, 756a, 800a],
-  [ 730a, 743a, 758a, 806a, 810a],
-  [ 740a, 753a, 808a, 816a, 820a],
-  [ 750a, 803a, 818a, 826a, 830a],
-  [ 800a, 813a, 828a, 836a, 840a],
-  [ 810a, 823a, 838a, 846a, 850a],
-  [ 820a, 833a, 848a, 856a, 900a],
-  [ 830a, 843a, 858a, 906a, 910a],
-  [ 840a, 853a, 908a, 916a, 920a],
-  [ 855a, 908a, 923a, 931a, 935a],
-  [ 910a, 923a, 938a, 946a, 950a],
-  [ 925a, 938a, 953a, 1001a, 1005a],
-  [ 940a, 953a, 1008a, 1016a, 1020a],
-  [ 955a, 1008a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a],
-  [ 1010a, 1023a, 1038a, 1046a, 1050a],
-  [ 1025a, 1038a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a],
-  [ 1040a, 1053a, 1108a, 1116a, 1120a],
-  [ 1055a, 1108a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a],
-  [ 1110a, 1123a, 1138a, 1146a, 1150a],
-  [ 1125a, 1138a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p],
-  [ 1140a, 1153a, 1208p, 1216p, 1220p],
-  [ 1155a, 1208p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p],
-  [ 1210p, 1223p, 1238p, 1246p, 1250p],
-  [ 1225p, 1238p, 1253p, 101p, 105p],
-  [ 1240p, 1253p, 108p, 116p, 120p],
-  [ 1255p, 108p, 123p, 131p, 135p],
-  [ 110p, 123p, 138p, 146p, 150p],
-  [ 125p, 138p, 153p, 201p, 205p],
-  [ 140p, 153p, 208p, 216p, 220p],
-  [ 155p, 208p, 223p, 231p, 235p],
-  [ 210p, 223p, 238p, 246p, 250p],
-  [ 225p, 238p, 253p, 301p, 305p],
-  [ 240p, 253p, 308p, 316p, 320p],
-  [ 255p, 308p, 323p, 331p, 335p],
-  [ 320p, 333p, 348p, 356p, 400p],
-  [ 340p, 353p, 408p, 416p, 420p],
-  [ 400p, 413p, 428p, 436p, 440p],
-  [ 420p, 433p, 448p, 456p, 500p],
-  [ 430p, 443p, 458p, 506p, 510p],
-  [ 450p, 503p, 518p, 526p, 530p],
-  [ 500p, 513p, 528p, 536p, 540p],
-  [ 510p, 523p, 538p, 546p, 550p],
-  [ 520p, 533p, 548p, 556p, 600p],
-  [ 530p, 543p, 558p, 606p, 610p],
-  [ 540p, 553p, 608p, 616p, 620p],
-  [ 550p, 603p, 618p, 626p, 630p],
-  [ 600p, 613p, 627p, 635p, 639p],
-  [ 615p, 626p, 640p, 648p, 652p],
-  [ 630p, 641p, 655p, 703p, 707p],
-  [ 645p, 656p, 710p, 718p, 722p],
-  [ 700p, 711p, 725p, 733p, 737p],
-  [ 715p, 726p, 740p, 748p, 752p],
-  [ 730p, 741p, 755p, 803p, 807p],
-  [ 745p, 756p, 810p, 818p, 822p],
-  [ 800p, 811p, 825p, 833p, 837p],
-  [ 815p, 826p, 840p, 848p, 852p],
-  [ 830p, 841p, 855p, 903p, 907p],
-  [ 845p, 856p, 910p, 918p, 922p],
-  [ 900p, 911p, 925p, 933p, 937p],
-  [ 915p, 926p, 940p, 948p, 952p],
-  [ 930p, 941p, 955p, 1003p, 1007p],
-  [ 945p, 956p, 1010p, 1018p, 1022p],
-  [ 1000p, 1011p, 1025p, 1033p, 1037p],
-  [ 1015p, 1026p, 1040p, 1048p, 1052p],
-  [ 1030p, 1041p, 1055p, 1103p, 1107p],
-  [ 1045p, 1056p, 1110p, 1118p, 1122p],
-  [ 1115p, 1126p, 1140p, 1148p, 1152p],
-  [ 1150p, 1201x, 1215x, 1221x, 1225x],
-  [ 1215x, 1226x, 1240x, 1248x, 1252x]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ -, -, -, 602a, 605a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 605a, 616a, 628a, 634a, 637a],
-  [ 620a, 631a, 643a, 649a, 652a],
-  [ 635a, 646a, 658a, 704a, 707a],
-  [ 650a, 701a, 713a, 719a, 722a],
-  [ 705a, 716a, 728a, 734a, 737a],
-  [ 720a, 731a, 743a, 749a, 752a],
-  [ 735a, 746a, 758a, 804a, 807a],
-  [ 750a, 801a, 813a, 819a, 822a],
-  [ 805a, 816a, 828a, 834a, 837a],
-  [ 820a, 831a, 843a, 849a, 852a],
-  [ 835a, 846a, 858a, 904a, 907a],
-  [ 850a, 901a, 913a, 919a, 922a],
-  [ 905a, 916a, 928a, 934a, 937a],
-  [ 920a, 931a, 943a, 949a, 952a],
-  [ 935a, 946a, 958a, 1004a, 1007a],
-  [ 950a, 1001a, 1013a, 1019a, 1022a],
-  [ 1005a, 1016a, 1028a, 1034a, 1037a],
-  [ 1020a, 1031a, 1043a, 1049a, 1052a],
-  [ 1035a, 1046a, 1058a, 1104a, 1107a],
-  [ 1050a, 1101a, 1113a, 1119a, 1122a],
-  [ 1105a, 1116a, 1128a, 1134a, 1137a],
-  [ 1120a, 1131a, 1143a, 1149a, 1152a],
-  [ 1135a, 1146a, 1158a, 1204p, 1207p],
-  [ 1150a, 1201p, 1213p, 1219p, 1222p],
-  [ 1205p, 1216p, 1228p, 1234p, 1237p],
-  [ 1220p, 1231p, 1243p, 1249p, 1253p],
-  [ 1233p, 1244p, 1258p, 105p, 109p],
-  [ 1245p, 1257p, 113p, 120p, 124p],
-  [ 100p, 112p, 128p, 135p, 139p],
-  [ 115p, 127p, 143p, 150p, 154p],
-  [ 130p, 142p, 158p, 205p, 209p],
-  [ 145p, 157p, 213p, 220p, 224p],
-  [ 200p, 212p, 228p, 235p, 239p],
-  [ 215p, 227p, 243p, 250p, 254p],
-  [ 230p, 242p, 258p, 305p, 309p],
-  [ 245p, 257p, 313p, 320p, 324p],
-  [ 300p, 312p, 328p, 335p, 339p],
-  [ 315p, 327p, 343p, 350p, 354p],
-  [ 330p, 342p, 359p, 405p, 409p],
-  [ 345p, 357p, 413p, 420p, 424p],
-  [ 400p, 412p, 428p, 435p, 439p],
-  [ 415p, 427p, 443p, 450p, 454p],
-  [ 430p, 442p, 458p, 505p, 509p],
-  [ 445p, 457p, 513p, 520p, 524p],
-  [ 500p, 511p, 528p, 535p, 539p],
-  [ 515p, 527p, 543p, 550p, 554p],
-  [ 530p, 542p, 559p, 604p, 607p],
-  [ 545p, 556p, 610p, 614p, 618p],
-  [ 600p, 611p, 623p, 629p, 632p],
-  [ 615p, 626p, 638p, 644p, 647p],
-  [ 635p, 646p, 658p, 704p, 707p],
-  [ 650p, 701p, 713p, 719p, 722p],
-  [ 705p, 716p, 728p, 734p, 737p],
-  [ 720p, 731p, 743p, 749p, 752p],
-  [ 735p, 746p, 758p, 804p, 807p],
-  [ 750p, 801p, 813p, 819p, 822p],
-  [ 805p, 816p, 828p, 834p, 837p],
-  [ 820p, 831p, 843p, 849p, 852p],
-  [ 835p, 846p, 858p, 904p, 907p],
-  [ 850p, 901p, 913p, 919p, 922p],
-  [ 905p, 916p, 928p, 934p, 937p],
-  [ 920p, 931p, 943p, 949p, 952p],
-  [ 935p, 946p, 958p, 1004p, 1007p],
-  [ 950p, 1001p, 1013p, 1019p, 1022p],
-  [ 1005p, 1016p, 1028p, 1034p, 1037p],
-  [ 1020p, 1031p, 1043p, 1049p, 1052p],
-  [ 1035p, 1046p, 1058p, 1104p, 1107p],
-  [ 1050p, 1101p, 1113p, 1119p, 1122p],
-  [ 1105p, 1116p, 1128p, 1134p, 1137p],
-  [ 1135p, 1146p, 1158p, 1204x, 1207x],
-  [ 1205x, 1216x, 1228x, 1234x, 1237x]]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 640a, 649a, 700a, 705a, 709a],
-  [ 710a, 719a, 730a, 735a, 739a],
-  [ 740a, 749a, 800a, 805a, 809a],
-  [ 810a, 819a, 830a, 835a, 839a],
-  [ 840a, 849a, 900a, 905a, 909a],
-  [ 910a, 919a, 930a, 935a, 939a],
-  [ 940a, 949a, 1000a, 1005a, 1009a],
-  [ 1010a, 1019a, 1030a, 1035a, 1039a],
-  [ 1040a, 1049a, 1100a, 1105a, 1109a],
-  [ 1055a, 1104a, 1115a, 1120a, 1124a],
-  [ 1110a, 1119a, 1130a, 1135a, 1139a],
-  [ 1125a, 1134a, 1145a, 1150a, 1154a],
-  [ 1140a, 1149a, 1200p, 1205p, 1209p],
-  [ 1155a, 1204p, 1215p, 1220p, 1224p],
-  [ 1210p, 1219p, 1230p, 1235p, 1239p],
-  [ 1225p, 1234p, 1245p, 1250p, 1254p],
-  [ 1240p, 1249p, 100p, 105p, 109p],
-  [ 1255p, 104p, 115p, 120p, 124p],
-  [ 110p, 119p, 130p, 135p, 139p],
-  [ 125p, 134p, 145p, 150p, 154p],
-  [ 140p, 149p, 200p, 205p, 209p],
-  [ 155p, 204p, 215p, 220p, 224p],
-  [ 210p, 219p, 230p, 235p, 239p],
-  [ 225p, 234p, 245p, 250p, 254p],
-  [ 240p, 249p, 300p, 305p, 309p],
-  [ 255p, 304p, 315p, 320p, 324p],
-  [ 310p, 319p, 330p, 335p, 339p],
-  [ 325p, 334p, 345p, 350p, 354p],
-  [ 340p, 349p, 400p, 405p, 409p],
-  [ 355p, 404p, 415p, 420p, 424p],
-  [ 410p, 419p, 430p, 435p, 439p],
-  [ 425p, 434p, 445p, 450p, 454p],
-  [ 440p, 449p, 500p, 505p, 509p],
-  [ 455p, 504p, 515p, 520p, 524p],
-  [ 510p, 519p, 530p, 535p, 539p],
-  [ 525p, 534p, 545p, 550p, 554p],
-  [ 540p, 549p, 600p, 605p, 609p],
-  [ 555p, 604p, 615p, 620p, 624p],
-  [ 610p, 619p, 630p, 635p, 639p],
-  [ 640p, 649p, 700p, 705p, 709p],
-  [ 710p, 719p, 730p, 735p, 739p],
-  [ 740p, 749p, 800p, 805p, 809p],
-  [ 810p, 819p, 830p, 835p, 839p],
-  [ 840p, 849p, 900p, 905p, 909p],
-  [ 910p, 919p, 930p, 935p, 939p],
-  [ 940p, 949p, 1000p, 1005p, 1009p],
-  [ 1010p, 1019p, 1030p, 1035p, 1039p],
-  [ 1040p, 1049p, 1100p, 1105p, 1109p],
-  [ 1110p, 1119p, 1130p, 1135p, 1139p],
-  [ 1140p, 1149p, 1200x, 1205x, 1209x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/1-to-mumford.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 1
-long_name: To Mumford
-time_points: [ 7151, 6105, 7421, 7284 ]
-  7151-6105: [ 8638, 6088, 6104, 6125 ]
-  6105-7421: [ 6108, 6103, 6102, 6122, 8331, 8330, 8334, 8335, 8329, 8332, 6448, 6450, 6451, 7401, 7403, 7410, 7406 ]
-  7421-7284: [ 7404, 6201, 6200 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 610a, 620a, 633a, 644a],
-  [ 640a, 650a, 703a, 714a],
-  [ 705a, 715a, 728a, 742a],
-  [ 715a, 725a, 738a, 752a],
-  [ 735a, 745a, 758a, 812a],
-  [ 755a, 805a, 818a, 832a],
-  [ 815a, 825a, 838a, 852a],
-  [ 836a, 846a, 859a, 913a],
-  [ 845a, 855a, 908a, 922a],
-  [ 855a, 905a, 918a, 932a],
-  [ 905a, 915a, 928a, 942a],
-  [ 915a, 925a, 938a, 952a],
-  [ 925a, 935a, 948a, 1002a],
-  [ 940a, 950a, 1003a, 1017a],
-  [ 955a, 1005a, 1018a, 1032a],
-  [ 1010a, 1020a, 1033a, 1047a],
-  [ 1025a, 1035a, 1048a, 1102a],
-  [ 1040a, 1050a, 1103a, 1117a],
-  [ 1055a, 1105a, 1118a, 1132a],
-  [ 1110a, 1120a, 1133a, 1147a],
-  [ 1125a, 1135a, 1148a, 1202p],
-  [ 1140a, 1150a, 1203p, 1217p],
-  [ 1155a, 1205p, 1218p, 1232p],
-  [ 1210p, 1220p, 1233p, 1247p],
-  [ 1225p, 1235p, 1248p, 102p],
-  [ 1240p, 1250p, 103p, 117p],
-  [ 1255p, 105p, 118p, 132p],
-  [ 110p, 120p, 133p, 147p],
-  [ 125p, 135p, 148p, 202p],
-  [ 140p, 150p, 203p, 217p],
-  [ 155p, 205p, 218p, 232p],
-  [ 210p, 220p, 233p, 247p],
-  [ 225p, 235p, 248p, 302p],
-  [ 240p, 250p, 303p, 317p],
-  [ 255p, 305p, 318p, 332p],
-  [ 310p, 320p, 333p, 347p],
-  [ 325p, 335p, 351p, 405p],
-  [ 335p, 345p, 401p, 415p],
-  [ 345p, 355p, 411p, 425p],
-  [ 355p, 405p, 421p, 435p],
-  [ 405p, 415p, 431p, 445p],
-  [ 415p, 425p, 441p, 455p],
-  [ 425p, 435p, 451p, 505p],
-  [ 435p, 445p, 501p, 515p],
-  [ 445p, 455p, 511p, 525p],
-  [ 455p, 505p, 521p, 535p],
-  [ 505p, 515p, 531p, 545p],
-  [ 515p, 525p, 541p, 555p],
-  [ 525p, 535p, 551p, 605p],
-  [ 540p, 550p, 606p, 620p],
-  [ 555p, 605p, 621p, 635p],
-  [ 610p, 620p, 636p, 650p],
-  [ 625p, 635p, 651p, 705p],
-  [ 640p, 650p, 706p, 720p],
-  [ 655p, 705p, 721p, 735p],
-  [ 710p, 720p, 736p, 750p],
-  [ 725p, 735p, 751p, 805p],
-  [ 740p, 750p, 804p, 818p],
-  [ 755p, 805p, 818p, 832p],
-  [ 810p, 820p, 833p, 847p],
-  [ 825p, 835p, 848p, 902p],
-  [ 840p, 850p, 903p, 917p],
-  [ 855p, 905p, 918p, 932p],
-  [ 910p, 920p, 933p, 947p],
-  [ 925p, 935p, 948p, 1002p],
-  [ 940p, 950p, 1003p, 1017p],
-  [ 955p, 1005p, 1018p, 1032p],
-  [ 1010p, 1020p, 1033p, 1047p], 
-  [ 1025p, 1035p, 1048p, 1102p],
-  [ 1040p, 1050p, 1103p, 1114p],
-  [ 1055p, 1105p, 1116p, 1127p],
-  [ 1125p, 1135p, 1146p, 1157p],
-  [ 1155p, 1205x, 1216x, 1227x],
-  [ 1226x, 1236x, 1247x, 1258x]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 600a, 608a, 621a, 632a],
-  [ 620a, 628a, 641a, 652a],
-  [ 640a, 648a, 701a, 712a],
-  [ 655a, 703a, 716a, 727a],
-  [ 710a, 718a, 731a, 742a],
-  [ 725a, 733a, 746a, 757a],
-  [ 740a, 748a, 801a, 812a],
-  [ 755a, 803a, 816a, 827a],
-  [ 810a, 818a, 831a, 842a],
-  [ 825a, 833a, 846a, 857a],
-  [ 840a, 848a, 901a, 912a],
-  [ 855a, 903a, 916a, 927a],
-  [ 910a, 918a, 931a, 942a],
-  [ 925a, 933a, 946a, 957a],
-  [ 940a, 948a, 1001a, 1012a],
-  [ 955a, 1003a, 1016a, 1027a],
-  [ 1010a, 1018a, 1031a, 1042a],
-  [ 1025a, 1033a, 1046a, 1057a],
-  [ 1040a, 1049a, 1102a, 1113a],
-  [ 1055a, 1104a, 1117a, 1128a],
-  [ 1110a, 1119a, 1132a, 1143a],
-  [ 1125a, 1134a, 1147a, 1158a],
-  [ 1140a, 1149a, 1202p, 1215p],
-  [ 1155a, 1204p, 1219p, 1232p],
-  [ 1210p, 1220p, 1235p, 1248p],
-  [ 1225p, 1235p, 1250p, 103p],
-  [ 1240p, 1250p, 105p, 118p],
-  [ 1255p, 105p, 120p, 133p],
-  [ 110p, 120p, 135p, 148p],
-  [ 125p, 135p, 150p, 203p],
-  [ 140p, 150p, 205p, 218p],
-  [ 155p, 205p, 220p, 233p],
-  [ 210p, 220p, 235p, 248p],
-  [ 225p, 235p, 250p, 303p],
-  [ 240p, 250p, 305p, 318p],
-  [ 255p, 305p, 320p, 333p],
-  [ 310p, 320p, 335p, 348p],
-  [ 325p, 335p, 350p, 403p],
-  [ 340p, 350p, 405p, 418p],
-  [ 355p, 405p, 420p, 433p],
-  [ 410p, 420p, 435p, 448p],
-  [ 425p, 435p, 450p, 459p],
-  [ 440p, 450p, 504p, 514p],
-  [ 455p, 505p, 518p, 529p],
-  [ 510p, 520p, 532p, 543p],
-  [ 525p, 535p, 547p, 558p],
-  [ 540p, 550p, 602p, 613p],
-  [ 555p, 605p, 617p, 628p],
-  [ 610p, 620p, 632p, 643p],
-  [ 625p, 635p, 647p, 658p],
-  [ 640p, 650p, 702p, 713p],
-  [ 710p, 720p, 732p, 743p],
-  [ 725p, 735p, 747p, 758p],
-  [ 740p, 750p, 802p, 813p],
-  [ 755p, 805p, 817p, 828p],
-  [ 810p, 820p, 832p, 843p],
-  [ 825p, 835p, 847p, 858p],
-  [ 840p, 850p, 902p, 913p],
-  [ 855p, 905p, 917p, 928p],
-  [ 910p, 920p, 932p, 943p],
-  [ 925p, 935p, 947p, 958p],
-  [ 940p, 950p, 1002p, 1013p],
-  [ 955p, 1005p, 1017p, 1028p],
-  [ 1010p, 1020p, 1032p, 1043p],
-  [ 1025p, 1035p, 1047p, 1058p],
-  [ 1040p, 1050p, 1102p, 1113p],
-  [ 1055p, 1105p, 1117p, 1128p],
-  [ 1125p, 1135p, 1147p, 1158p],
-  [ 1155p, 1205x, 1217x, 1228x],
-  [ 1225x, 1235x, 1247x, 1258x]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 655a, 709a, 720a, 729a],
-  [ 716a, 730a, 741a, 750a],
-  [ 746a, 800a, 811a, 820a],
-  [ 816a, 830a, 841a, 850a],
-  [ 846a, 900a, 911a, 920a],
-  [ 916a, 930a, 941a, 950a],
-  [ 946a, 1000a, 1011a, 1020a],
-  [ 1016a, 1030a, 1041a, 1050a],
-  [ 1031a, 1045a, 1056a, 1105a],
-  [ 1046a, 1100a, 1111a, 1120a],
-  [ 1101a, 1115a, 1126a, 1135a],
-  [ 1116a, 1130a, 1141a, 1150a],
-  [ 1131a, 1145a, 1156a, 1205p],
-  [ 1146a, 1200p, 1211p, 1220p],
-  [ 1201p, 1215p, 1226p, 1235p],
-  [ 1216p, 1230p, 1241p, 1250p],
-  [ 1231p, 1245p, 1256p, 105p],
-  [ 1246p, 100p, 111p, 120p],
-  [ 101p, 115p, 126p, 135p],
-  [ 116p, 130p, 141p, 150p],
-  [ 131p, 145p, 156p, 205p],
-  [ 146p, 200p, 211p, 220p],
-  [ 201p, 215p, 226p, 235p],
-  [ 216p, 230p, 241p, 250p],
-  [ 231p, 245p, 256p, 305p],
-  [ 246p, 300p, 311p, 320p],
-  [ 301p, 315p, 326p, 335p],
-  [ 316p, 330p, 341p, 350p],
-  [ 331p, 345p, 356p, 405p],
-  [ 346p, 400p, 411p, 420p],
-  [ 401p, 415p, 426p, 435p],
-  [ 416p, 430p, 441p, 450p],
-  [ 431p, 445p, 456p, 505p],
-  [ 446p, 500p, 511p, 520p],
-  [ 501p, 515p, 526p, 535p],
-  [ 516p, 530p, 541p, 550p],
-  [ 531p, 545p, 556p, 605p],
-  [ 546p, 600p, 611p, 620p],
-  [ 616p, 630p, 641p, 650p],
-  [ 646p, 700p, 711p, 720p],
-  [ 716p, 730p, 741p, 750p],
-  [ 746p, 800p, 811p, 820p],
-  [ 816p, 830p, 841p, 850p],
-  [ 846p, 900p, 911p, 920p],
-  [ 916p, 930p, 941p, 950p],
-  [ 946p, 1000p, 1011p, 1020p],
-  [ 1016p, 1030p, 1041p, 1050p],
-  [ 1046p, 1100p, 1111p, 1120p],
-  [ 1116p, 1130p, 1141p, 1150p],
-  [ 1146p, 1200x, 1211x, 1220x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/10-to-dalhousie.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 10
-long_name: To Dalhousie
-time_points: [ 6974, 8368, 7218, 6842, 6105, 6966, 7144 ]
-  6974-8368: [ 8160, 8161, 8162, 8483, 8484, 8482, 8319 ]
-  8368-7218: [ 6835, 7175, 7209 ]
-  7218-6842: [ 7211, 7215, 8581, 8583, 8584, 8585, 8424, 8419, 8429, 8427, 8389, 8392, 8614 ]
-  6842-6105: [ 7351, 6088, 6104, 6125 ]
-  6105-6966: [ 6108, 6103, 6102, 6122, 8331, 8330, 8334, 8313, 8311, 8315, 6960 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 544a, 553a, 558a, 608a, 618a, 626a, 638a],
-  [ 613a, 622a, 628a, 638a, 648a, 656a, 708a],
-  [ 638a, 647a, 654a, 705a, 715a, 723a, 735a],
-  [ 653a, 702a, 709a, 720a, 730a, 738a, 750a],
-  [ -, 715a, 722a, 733a, 743a, 751a, 803a],
-  [ 708a, 717a, 724a, 735a, 745a, 753a, 805a],
-  [ 723a, 732a, 739a, 750a, 800a, 808a, 820a],
-  [ -, -, 749a, 800a, 810a, 818a, 830a],
-  [ 738a, 747a, 754a, 805a, 815a, 823a, 835a],
-  [ -, -, 801a, 812a, 822a, 830a, 842a],
-  [ 753a, 802a, 809a, 820a, 830a, 838a, 850a],
-  [ -, -, 816a, 827a, 837a, 845a, 857a],
-  [ 808a, 817a, 824a, 835a, 845a, 853a, 905a],
-  [ 823a, 832a, 839a, 850a, 900a, 908a, 920a],
-  [ 838a, 847a, 854a, 905a, 915a, 923a, 935a],
-  [ 908a, 917a, 924a, 935a, 945a, 953a, 1005a],
-  [ 938a, 947a, 954a, 1005a, 1015a, 1023a, 1035a],
-  [ 1008a, 1017a, 1024a, 1035a, 1045a, 1053a, 1105a],
-  [ 1038a, 1047a, 1054a, 1105a, 1115a, 1123a, 1135a],
-  [ 1108a, 1117a, 1124a, 1135a, 1145a, 1153a, 1205p],
-  [ 1138a, 1147a, 1154a, 1205p, 1215p, 1223p, 1235p],
-  [ 1208p, 1217p, 1224p, 1235p, 1245p, 1253p, 105p],
-  [ 1238p, 1247p, 1254p, 105p, 115p, 123p, 135p],
-  [ 108p, 117p, 124p, 135p, 145p, 153p, 205p],
-  [ 138p, 147p, 154p, 205p, 215p, 223p, 235p],
-  [ 208p, 217p, 224p, 235p, 245p, 253p, 305p],
-  [ 238p, 247p, 254p, 305p, 315p, 323p, 335p],
-  [ 308p, 317p, 324p, 335p, 345p, 353p, 405p],
-  [ 338p, 347p, 354p, 405p, 415p, 423p, 435p],
-  [ 408p, 417p, 424p, 435p, 445p, 453p, 505p],
-  [ 423p, 432p, 439p, 450p, 500p, 508p, 520p],
-  [ 438p, 447p, 454p, 505p, 515p, 523p, 535p],
-  [ 449p, 458p, 505p, 516p, -, -, -],
-  [ 453p, 502p, 509p, 520p, 530p, 538p, 550p],
-  [ 508p, 517p, 524p, 535p, 545p, 553p, 605p],
-  [ 523p, 532p, 539p, 550p, -, -, -],
-  [ 538p, 547p, 554p, 605p, 615p, 623p, 635p],
-  [ 547p, 556p, 602p, 613p, -, -, -],
-  [ 553p, 602p, 607p, 618p, -, -, -],
-  [ 605p, 614p, 619p, 630p, 640p, 648p, 700p],
-  [ 622p, 631p, 636p, 647p, -, -, -],
-  [ 640p, 649p, 654p, 705p, 715p, 723p, 735p],
-  [ 700p, 709p, 714p, 725p, 735p, 743p, 755p],
-  [ 730p, 739p, 744p, 755p, 805p, 813p, 825p],
-  [ 800p, 809p, 814p, 825p, 835p, 843p, 855p],
-  [ 830p, 839p, 844p, 855p, 905p, 913p, 925p],
-  [ 900p, 909p, 914p, 925p, 935p, 943p, 955p],
-  [ 930p, 939p, 944p, 955p, 1005p, 1013p, 1025p],
-  [ 1000p, 1009p, 1014p, 1025p, 1035p, 1043p, 1055p],
-  [ 1030p, 1039p, 1044p, 1055p, 1105p, 1113p, 1125p],
-  [ 1100p, 1109p, 1114p, 1125p, 1135p, 1143p, 1155p],
-  [ 1130p, 1139p, 1144p, 1155p, -, -, -],
-  [ 1200x, 1209x, 1214x, 1225x, -, -, -]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 603a, 612a, 620a, 630a, 640a, 648a, 700a],
-  [ 633a, 642a, 650a, 700a, 710a, 718a, 730a],
-  [ 703a, 712a, 720a, 730a, 740a, 748a, 800a],
-  [ 733a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 810a, 818a, 830a],
-  [ 803a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 840a, 848a, 900a],
-  [ 833a, 842a, 850a, 900a, 910a, 918a, 930a],
-  [ 903a, 912a, 920a, 930a, 940a, 948a, 1000a],
-  [ 933a, 942a, 950a, 1000a, 1010a, 1018a, 1030a],
-  [ 1003a, 1012a, 1020a, 1030a, 1040a, 1048a, 1100a],
-  [ 1033a, 1042a, 1050a, 1100a, 1110a, 1118a, 1130a],
-  [ 1103a, 1112a, 1120a, 1130a, 1140a, 1148a, 1200p],
-  [ 1133a, 1142a, 1150a, 1200p, 1210p, 1218p, 1230p],
-  [ 1203p, 1212p, 1220p, 1230p, 1240p, 1248p, 100p],
-  [ 1233p, 1242p, 1250p, 100p, 110p, 118p, 130p],
-  [ 103p, 112p, 120p, 130p, 140p, 148p, 200p],
-  [ 133p, 142p, 150p, 200p, 210p, 218p, 230p],
-  [ 203p, 212p, 220p, 230p, 240p, 248p, 300p],
-  [ 233p, 242p, 250p, 300p, 310p, 318p, 330p],
-  [ 303p, 312p, 320p, 330p, 340p, 348p, 400p],
-  [ 333p, 342p, 350p, 400p, 410p, 418p, 430p],
-  [ 403p, 412p, 420p, 430p, 440p, 448p, 500p],
-  [ 433p, 442p, 450p, 500p, 510p, 518p, 530p],
-  [ 503p, 512p, 520p, 530p, 540p, 548p, 600p],
-  [ 533p, 542p, 550p, 600p, 610p, 618p, 630p],
-  [ 603p, 612p, 620p, 630p, 640p, 648p, 700p],
-  [ 633p, 642p, 650p, 700p, 710p, 718p, 730p],
-  [ 703p, 712p, 720p, 730p, 740p, 748p, 800p],
-  [ 733p, 742p, 750p, 800p, 810p, 818p, 830p],
-  [ 803p, 812p, 820p, 830p, 840p, 848p, 900p],
-  [ 833p, 842p, 850p, 900p, 910p, 918p, 930p],
-  [ 903p, 912p, 920p, 930p, 940p, 948p, 1000p],
-  [ 933p, 942p, 950p, 1000p, 1010p, 1018p, 1030p],
-  [ 1003p, 1012p, 1020p, 1030p, 1040p, 1048p, 1100p],
-  [ 1033p, 1042p, 1050p, 1100p, 1110p, 1118p, 1130p],
-  [ 1103p, 1112p, 1120p, 1130p, 1140p, 1148p, 1200x],
-  [ 1133p, 1142p, 1150p, 1200x, 1210x, 1218x, 1230x],
-  [ 1200x, 1207x, 1215x, 1225x, -, -, -]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 712a, 721a, 729a, 740a, 750a, 759a, 809a],
-  [ 812a, 821a, 829a, 840a, 850a, 859a, 909a],
-  [ 912a, 921a, 929a, 940a, 950a, 959a, 1009a],
-  [ 1012a, 1021a, 1029a, 1040a, 1050a, 1059a, 1109a],
-  [ 1112a, 1121a, 1129a, 1140a, 1150a, 1159a, 1209p],
-  [ 1212p, 1221p, 1229p, 1240p, 1250p, 1259p, 109p],
-  [ 112p, 121p, 129p, 140p, 150p, 159p, 209p],
-  [ 212p, 221p, 229p, 240p, 250p, 259p, 309p],
-  [ 312p, 321p, 329p, 340p, 350p, 359p, 409p],
-  [ 412p, 421p, 429p, 440p, 450p, 459p, 509p],
-  [ 512p, 521p, 529p, 540p, 550p, 559p, 609p],
-  [ 612p, 621p, 629p, 640p, 650p, 659p, 709p],
-  [ 712p, 721p, 729p, 740p, 750p, 759p, 809p],
-  [ 812p, 821p, 829p, 840p, 850p, 859p, 909p],
-  [ 912p, 921p, 929p, 940p, 950p, 959p, 1009p],
-  [ 1012p, 1021p, 1029p, 1040p, 1050p, 1059p, 1109p],
-  [ 1112p, 1121p, 1129p, 1140p, -, -, -],
-  [ 1212x, 1221x, -, -, -, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/10-to-westphal.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 10
-long_name: To Westphal
-time_points: [ 7144, 6965, 8312, 6087, 8640, 7219, 8369, 8598, 6974 ]
-  7144-6965: [ 8304, 6206, 6209, 6208, 6961, 6962, 6965 ]
-  6965-8312: [ 6969, 8314, 8306, 8307, 8309, 8312 ]
-  8312-6087: [ 8336, 8327, 8338, 6121, 6106 ]
-  6087-8640: [ 6455, 6773, 6778, 6779, 6775, 6787, 7351 ]
-  8640-7219: [ 8616, 6304, 6303, 8428, 8587, 8580, 8586, 8582, 7214, 7213 ]
-  7219-8369: [ 7210, 7173, 6834, 8369 ]
-  8369-8598: [ 8416, 8323, 8320, 8603 ]
-  8598-6974: [ 6306, 6305, 7053, 7052, 7051, 6369, 6591, 6592, 7057 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, -, 535a, 539a, 543a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 553a, 559a, 604a, 608a, 612a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, -, 629a, 633a, 637a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, -, 644a, 648a, 652a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 643a, 650a, 657a, 701a, 707a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 656a, 704a, 711a, 715a, 721a],
-  [ 641a, 646a, 651a, 658a, 709a, 719a, 726a, 730a, 736a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 725a, 735a, 742a, 746a, 752a],
-  [ 710a, 715a, 721a, 728a, 740a, 750a, 757a, 801a, 807a],
-  [ 725a, 730a, 736a, 743a, 755a, 805a, 812a, 816a, 822a],
-  [ 740a, 745a, 751a, 758a, 810a, 820a, 827a, 831a, 837a],
-  [ 810a, 815a, 821a, 828a, 840a, 850a, 857a, 901a, 907a],
-  [ 825a, 830a, 836a, 843a, 855a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 840a, 845a, 851a, 858a, 910a, 920a, 927a, 931a, 937a],
-  [ 910a, 915a, 921a, 928a, 940a, 950a, 957a, 1001a, 1007a],
-  [ 940a, 945a, 951a, 958a, 1010a, 1020a, 1027a, 1031a, 1037a],
-  [ 1010a, 1015a, 1021a, 1028a, 1040a, 1050a, 1057a, 1101a, 1107a],
-  [ 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1058a, 1110a, 1120a, 1127a, 1131a, 1137a],
-  [ 1110a, 1115a, 1121a, 1128a, 1140a, 1150a, 1157a, 1201p, 1207p],
-  [ 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1158a, 1210p, 1220p, 1227p, 1231p, 1237p],
-  [ 1210p, 1215p, 1221p, 1228p, 1240p, 1250p, 1257p, 101p, 107p],
-  [ 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1258p, 110p, 120p, 127p, 131p, 137p],
-  [ 110p, 115p, 121p, 128p, 140p, 150p, 157p, 201p, 207p],
-  [ 140p, 145p, 151p, 158p, 210p, 220p, 227p, 231p, 237p],
-  [ 210p, 215p, 221p, 228p, 240p, 250p, 257p, 301p, 307p],
-  [ 240p, 245p, 251p, 258p, 310p, 320p, 327p, 331p, 337p],
-  [ 310p, 315p, 321p, 328p, 340p, 350p, 357p, 401p, 407p],
-  [ -, 325p, 331p, 338p, 350p, 400p, 407p, 411p, 417p],
-  [ 325p, 330p, 336p, 343p, 355p, 405p, 412p, 416p, 422p],
-  [ 340p, 345p, 351p, 358p, 410p, 420p, 427p, 431p, 437p],
-  [ 350p, 355p, 401p, 408p, 420p, 430p, 437p, 441p, 447p],
-  [ 355p, 400p, 406p, 413p, 425p, 435p, 442p, 446p, 452p],
-  [ 403p, 408p, 414p, 421p, 433p, 443p, 450p, 454p, 500p],
-  [ 410p, 415p, 421p, 428p, 440p, 450p, 457p, 501p, 507p],
-  [ 417p, 422p, 428p, 435p, 447p, 457p, 504p, 508p, 514p],
-  [ 425p, 430p, 436p, 443p, 455p, 505p, 512p, 516p, 522p],
-  [ 440p, 445p, 451p, 458p, 510p, 520p, 527p, 531p, 537p],
-  [ -, -, 500p, 507p, 519p, 529p, 536p, 540p, 547p],
-  [ 455p, 500p, 506p, 513p, 525p, 535p, 542p, 546p, 552p],
-  [ 510p, 515p, 521p, 528p, 540p, 550p, 556p, 600p, 605p],
-  [ 530p, 535p, 541p, 548p, 600p, 607p, 613p, 617p, 621p],
-  [ 550p, 555p, 601p, 608p, 618p, 625p, 631p, 635p, 639p],
-  [ 610p, 615p, 621p, 628p, 638p, 645p, 651p, 655p, 659p],
-  [ 640p, 645p, 651p, 658p, 708p, 715p, 721p, 725p, 729p],
-  [ 710p, 715p, 721p, 728p, 738p, 745p, 751p, 755p, 759p],
-  [ 740p, 745p, 751p, 758p, 808p, 815p, 821p, 825p, 829p],
-  [ 810p, 815p, 821p, 828p, 838p, 845p, 851p, 855p, 859p],
-  [ 840p, 845p, 851p, 858p, 908p, 915p, 921p, 925p, 929p],
-  [ 910p, 915p, 921p, 928p, 938p, 945p, 951p, 955p, 959p],
-  [ 940p, 945p, 951p, 958p, 1008p, 1015p, 1021p, 1025p, 1029p],
-  [ 1010p, 1015p, 1021p, 1028p, 1038p, 1045p, 1051p, 1055p, 1059p],
-  [ 1040p, 1045p, 1051p, 1058p, 1108p, 1115p, 1121p, 1125p, 1129p],
-  [ 1110p, 1115p, 1121p, 1128p, 1138p, 1145p, 1151p, 1155p, 1159p]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 603a, 612a, 620a, 630a, 640a, 648a, 700a],
-  [ 633a, 642a, 650a, 700a, 710a, 718a, 730a],
-  [ 703a, 712a, 720a, 730a, 740a, 748a, 800a],
-  [ 733a, 742a, 750a, 800a, 810a, 818a, 830a],
-  [ 803a, 812a, 820a, 830a, 840a, 848a, 900a],
-  [ 833a, 842a, 850a, 900a, 910a, 918a, 930a],
-  [ 903a, 912a, 920a, 930a, 940a, 948a, 1000a],
-  [ 933a, 942a, 950a, 1000a, 1010a, 1018a, 1030a],
-  [ 1003a, 1012a, 1020a, 1030a, 1040a, 1048a, 1100a],
-  [ 1033a, 1042a, 1050a, 1100a, 1110a, 1118a, 1130a],
-  [ 1103a, 1112a, 1120a, 1130a, 1140a, 1148a, 1200p],
-  [ 1133a, 1142a, 1150a, 1200p, 1210p, 1218p, 1230p],
-  [ 1203p, 1212p, 1220p, 1230p, 1240p, 1248p, 100p],
-  [ 1233p, 1242p, 1250p, 100p, 110p, 118p, 130p],
-  [ 103p, 112p, 120p, 130p, 140p, 148p, 200p],
-  [ 133p, 142p, 150p, 200p, 210p, 218p, 230p],
-  [ 203p, 212p, 220p, 230p, 240p, 248p, 300p],
-  [ 233p, 242p, 250p, 300p, 310p, 318p, 330p],
-  [ 303p, 312p, 320p, 330p, 340p, 348p, 400p],
-  [ 333p, 342p, 350p, 400p, 410p, 418p, 430p],
-  [ 403p, 412p, 420p, 430p, 440p, 448p, 500p],
-  [ 433p, 442p, 450p, 500p, 510p, 518p, 530p],
-  [ 503p, 512p, 520p, 530p, 540p, 548p, 600p],
-  [ 533p, 542p, 550p, 600p, 610p, 618p, 630p],
-  [ 603p, 612p, 620p, 630p, 640p, 648p, 700p],
-  [ 633p, 642p, 650p, 700p, 710p, 718p, 730p],
-  [ 703p, 712p, 720p, 730p, 740p, 748p, 800p],
-  [ 733p, 742p, 750p, 800p, 810p, 818p, 830p],
-  [ 803p, 812p, 820p, 830p, 840p, 848p, 900p],
-  [ 833p, 842p, 850p, 900p, 910p, 918p, 930p],
-  [ 903p, 912p, 920p, 930p, 940p, 948p, 1000p],
-  [ 933p, 942p, 950p, 1000p, 1010p, 1018p, 1030p],
-  [ 1003p, 1012p, 1020p, 1030p, 1040p, 1048p, 1100p],
-  [ 1033p, 1042p, 1050p, 1100p, 1110p, 1118p, 1130p],
-  [ 1103p, 1112p, 1120p, 1130p, 1140p, 1148p, 1200x],
-  [ 1133p, 1142p, 1150p, 1200x, 1210x, 1218x, 1230x],
-  [ 1200x, 1207x, 1215x, 1225x, -, -, -]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 712a, 721a, 729a, 740a, 750a, 759a, 809a],
-  [ 812a, 821a, 829a, 840a, 850a, 859a, 909a],
-  [ 912a, 921a, 929a, 940a, 950a, 959a, 1009a],
-  [ 1012a, 1021a, 1029a, 1040a, 1050a, 1059a, 1109a],
-  [ 1112a, 1121a, 1129a, 1140a, 1150a, 1159a, 1209p],
-  [ 1212p, 1221p, 1229p, 1240p, 1250p, 1259p, 109p],
-  [ 112p, 121p, 129p, 140p, 150p, 159p, 209p],
-  [ 212p, 221p, 229p, 240p, 250p, 259p, 309p],
-  [ 312p, 321p, 329p, 340p, 350p, 359p, 409p],
-  [ 412p, 421p, 429p, 440p, 450p, 459p, 509p],
-  [ 512p, 521p, 529p, 540p, 550p, 559p, 609p],
-  [ 612p, 621p, 629p, 640p, 650p, 659p, 709p],
-  [ 712p, 721p, 729p, 740p, 750p, 759p, 809p],
-  [ 812p, 821p, 829p, 840p, 850p, 859p, 909p],
-  [ 912p, 921p, 929p, 940p, 950p, 959p, 1009p],
-  [ 1012p, 1021p, 1029p, 1040p, 1050p, 1059p, 1109p],
-  [ 1112p, 1121p, 1129p, 1140p, -, -, -],
-  [ 1212x, 1221x, -, -, -, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/14-to-leiblin-park.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 14
-long_name: To Leiblin Park
-time_points: [ 6105, 6966, 7421, 8643, 8168, 7143 ]
-  6105-6966: [ 6108, 6103, 6102, 6122, 8331, 8330, 8334, 8313, 8311, 8315, 6960 ]
-  6966-7421: [ 8317, 7401, 7403, 7410, 7406 ]
-  7421-8643: [ 7404, 6405, 6404, 6413, 6414, 7275 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, -, 637a, 649a, 701a],
-  [ 618a, 630a, 637a, 648a, 700a, 712a],
-  [ 655a, 707a, 714a, 725a, 737a, 749a],
-  [ 713a, 725a, 732a, 743a, -, -],
-  [ 715a, 727a, 734a, 745a, -, -],
-  [ 735a, 747a, 754a, 805a, 817a, 829a],
-  [ 755a, 807a, 814a, 825a, 837a, 849a],
-  [ 816a, 828a, 835a, 846a, -, -],
-  [ 835a, 847a, 854a, 905a, 917a, 929a],
-  [ 902a, 914a, 921a, 932a, 944a, 956a],
-  [ 912a, 924a, 931a, 942a, -, -],
-  [ 930a, 942a, 949a, 1000a, -, -],
-  [ 932a, 944a, 951a, 1002a, 1014a, 1026a],
-  [ 1002a, 1014a, 1021a, 1032a, 1044a, 1056a],
-  [ 1032a, 1044a, 1051a, 1102a, 1114a, 1126a],
-  [ 1102a, 1114a, 1121a, 1132a, 1144a, 1156a],
-  [ 1132a, 1144a, 1151a, 1202p, 1214p, 1226p],
-  [ 1202p, 1214p, 1221p, 1232p, 1244p, 1256p],
-  [ 1232p, 1244p, 1251p, 102p, 114p, 126p],
-  [ 102p, 114p, 121p, 132p, 144p, 156p],
-  [ 132p, 144p, 151p, 202p, 214p, 226p],
-  [ 202p, 214p, 221p, 232p, 244p, 256p],
-  [ 232p, 244p, 251p, 302p, 314p, 326p],
-  [ 302p, 314p, 321p, 332p, 344p, 356p],
-  [ 332p, 344p, 351p, 402p, 414p, 426p],
-  [ 402p, 414p, 421p, 432p, 444p, 456p],
-  [ 432p, 444p, 451p, 502p, 514p, 526p],
-  [ 458p, 510p, 517p, 528p, -, -],
-  [ 502p, 514p, 521p, 532p, 544p, 556p],
-  [ 532p, 544p, 551p, 602p, 614p, 626p],
-  [ 602p, 614p, 621p, 632p, 644p, 656p],
-  [ 632p, 644p, 651p, 702p, 714p, 726p],
-  [ 732p, 744p, 751p, 802p, 814p, 826p],
-  [ 832p, 844p, 851p, 902p, 914p, 926p],
-  [ 932p, 944p, 951p, 1002p, 1014p, 1026p],
-  [ 1032p, 1044p, 1051p, 1102p, 1114p, 1126p],
-  [ -, -, -, 1210x, 1222x, 1234x]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ -, -, -, 618a, 627a, 640a],
-  [ -, -, -, 718a, 727a, 740a],
-  [ 748a, 800a, 807a, 818a, 827a, 840a],
-  [ 848a, 900a, 907a, 918a, 927a, 940a],
-  [ 948a, 1000a, 1007a, 1018a, 1027a, 1040a],
-  [ 1048a, 1100a, 1107a, 1118a, 1127a, 1140a],
-  [ 1148a, 1200p, 1207p, 1218p, 1227p, 1240p],
-  [ 1248p, 100p, 107p, 118p, 127p, 140p],
-  [ 148p, 200p, 207p, 218p, 227p, 240p],
-  [ 248p, 300p, 307p, 318p, 327p, 340p],
-  [ 348p, 400p, 407p, 418p, 427p, 440p],
-  [ 448p, 500p, 507p, 518p, 527p, 540p],
-  [ 548p, 600p, 607p, 618p, 627p, 640p],
-  [ 648p, 700p, 707p, 718p, 727p, 740p],
-  [ 748p, 800p, 807p, 818p, 827p, 840p],
-  [ 848p, 900p, 907p, 918p, 927p, 940p],
-  [ 948p, 1000p, 1007p, 1018p, 1027p, 1040p]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 636a, 645a, 652a, 705a, 712a, 722a],
-  [ 736a, 745a, 752a, 805a, 812a, 822a],
-  [ 836a, 845a, 852a, 905a, 912a, 922a],
-  [ 936a, 945a, 952a, 1005a, 1012a, 1022a],
-  [ 1036a, 1045a, 1052a, 1105a, 1112a, 1122a],
-  [ 1136a, 1145a, 1152a, 1205p, 1212p, 1222p],
-  [ 1236p, 1245p, 1252p, 105p, 112p, 122p],
-  [ 136p, 145p, 152p, 205p, 212p, 222p],
-  [ 236p, 245p, 252p, 305p, 312p, 322p],
-  [ 336p, 345p, 352p, 405p, 412p, 422p],
-  [ 436p, 445p, 452p, 505p, 512p, 522p],
-  [ 536p, 545p, 552p, 605p, 612p, 622p],
-  [ 636p, 645p, 652p, 705p, 712p, 722p],
-  [ 736p, 745p, 752p, 805p, 812p, 822p],
-  [ 836p, 845p, 852p, 905p, 912p, 922p],
-  [ 936p, 945p, 952p, 1005p, 1012p, 1022p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/14-to-universities-downtown.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 14
-long_name: To Universities / Downtown
-time_points: [ 7143, 8167, 7285, 7412, 6965, 6087 ]
-  7285-7412: [ 7274, 6409, 6403, 6407, 6406, 7355 ]
-  7412-6965: [ 7419, 7409, 7402, 8304, 6962 ]
-  6965-6087: [ 6969, 8314, 8306, 8307, 8309, 8312, 8336, 8327, 8338, 6121, 6106 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 632a, 642a, 657a, 708a, 715a, 727a],
-  [ 702a, 712a, 727a, 738a, 745a, 757a],
-  [ -, -, 755a, 806a, 813a, 825a],
-  [ 732a, 742a, 757a, 808a, 815a, 827a],
-  [ 802a, 812a, 827a, 838a, 845a, 857a],
-  [ 832a, 842a, 857a, 908a, 915a, 927a],
-  [ 902a, 912a, 927a, 938a, 945a, 957a],
-  [ 932a, 942a, 957a, 1008a, 1015a, 1027a],
-  [ 1002a, 1012a, 1027a, 1038a, 1045a, 1057a],
-  [ 1032a, 1042a, 1057a, 1108a, 1115a, 1127a],
-  [ 1102a, 1112a, 1127a, 1138a, 1145a, 1157a],
-  [ 1132a, 1142a, 1157a, 1208p, 1215p, 1227p],
-  [ 1202p, 1212p, 1227p, 1238p, 1245p, 1257p],
-  [ 1232p, 1242p, 1257p, 108p, 115p, 127p],
-  [ 102p, 112p, 127p, 138p, 145p, 157p],
-  [ 132p, 142p, 157p, 208p, 215p, 227p],
-  [ 202p, 212p, 227p, 238p, 245p, 257p],
-  [ 232p, 242p, 257p, 308p, 315p, 327p],
-  [ 302p, 312p, 327p, 338p, 345p, 357p],
-  [ -, -, 340p, 351p, 358p, 410p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 407p, 419p],
-  [ 332p, 342p, 357p, 408p, 415p, 427p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 428p, 440p],
-  [ 359p, 409p, 424p, 435p, 442p, 454p],
-  [ 432p, 442p, 457p, 508p, 515p, 527p],
-  [ 502p, 512p, 527p, 538p, 545p, 557p],
-  [ 532p, 542p, 557p, 608p, 615p, 627p],
-  [ 602p, 612p, 627p, 638p, 645p, 657p],
-  [ 632p, 642p, 657p, 708p, 715p, 727p],
-  [ 702p, 712p, 727p, 738p, 745p, 757p],
-  [ 732p, 742p, 757p, 808p, 815p, 827p],
-  [ 832p, 842p, 857p, 908p, 915p, 927p],
-  [ 932p, 942p, 957p, 1008p, 1015p, 1027p],
-  [ 1032p, 1042p, 1057p, -, -, -],
-  [ 1132p, 1142p, 1157p, -, -, -],
-  [ 1235x, 1245x, 100x, -, -, -]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 646a, 655a, 710a, 721a, 728a, 740a],
-  [ 746a, 755a, 810a, 821a, 828a, 840a],
-  [ 846a, 855a, 910a, 921a, 928a, 940a],
-  [ 946a, 955a, 1010a, 1021a, 1028a, 1040a],
-  [ 1046a, 1055a, 1110a, 1121a, 1128a, 1140a],
-  [ 1146a, 1155a, 1210p, 1221p, 1228p, 1240p],
-  [ 1246p, 1255p, 110p, 121p, 128p, 140p],
-  [ 146p, 155p, 210p, 221p, 228p, 240p],
-  [ 246p, 255p, 310p, 321p, 328p, 340p],
-  [ 346p, 355p, 410p, 421p, 428p, 440p],
-  [ 446p, 455p, 510p, 521p, 528p, 540p],
-  [ 546p, 555p, 610p, 621p, 628p, 640p],
-  [ 646p, 655p, 710p, 721p, 728p, 740p],
-  [ 746p, 755p, 810p, 821p, 828p, 840p],
-  [ 846p, 855p, 910p, 921p, 928p, 940p],
-  [ 946p, 955p, 1010p, 1021p, 1028p, 1040p],
-  [ 1046p, 1055p, 1107p, -, -, -]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 728a, 736a, 750a, 801a, 808a, 817a],
-  [ 828a, 836a, 850a, 901a, 908a, 917a],
-  [ 928a, 936a, 950a, 1001a, 1008a, 1017a],
-  [ 1028a, 1036a, 1050a, 1101a, 1108a, 1117a],
-  [ 1128a, 1136a, 1150a, 1201p, 1208p, 1217p],
-  [ 1228p, 1236p, 1250p, 101p, 108p, 117p],
-  [ 128p, 136p, 150p, 201p, 208p, 217p],
-  [ 228p, 236p, 250p, 301p, 308p, 317p],
-  [ 328p, 336p, 350p, 401p, 408p, 417p],
-  [ 428p, 436p, 450p, 501p, 508p, 517p],
-  [ 528p, 536p, 550p, 601p, 608p, 617p],
-  [ 628p, 636p, 650p, 701p, 708p, 717p],
-  [ 728p, 736p, 750p, 801p, 808p, 817p],
-  [ 828p, 836p, 850p, 901p, 908p, 917p],
-  [ 928p, 936p, 950p, 1001p, 1008p, 1017p],
-  [ 1028p, 1036p, 1050p, 1101p, 1108p, 1117p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/17-to-hospitals-universities.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 17
-long_name: "To Hospitals / Universities"
-time_points: [ 7087, 7166, 6564, 8561, 8214, 8308, 6966 ]
-  6564-8561: [ 6197, 6193, 6203 ]
-  8561-8214: [ 8564, 8557, 8566, 8559, 6545, 8205, 8190 ]
-  8214-8308: [ 8183, 8196, 8195, 8194, 8328, 8337, 8333 ]
-  8308-6966: [ 8313, 8311, 8315, 6960 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 625a, 634a, 638a, 645a, 652a, 658a, 702a],
-  [ 655a, 704a, 708a, 715a, 722a, 728a, 732a],
-  [ 725a, 734a, 738a, 745a, 752a, 758a, 802a],
-  [ 755a, 804a, 808a, 815a, 822a, 828a, 832a],
-  [ -, -, 825a, 832a, 839a, 845a, 849a],
-  [ 825a, 834a, 838a, 845a, 852a, 858a, 902a],
-  [ 838a, 847a, 851a, 858a, 905a, 911a, 915a],
-  [ 855a, 904a, 908a, 915a, 922a, 928a, 932a],
-  [ -, -, 910a, 917a, 924a, 930a, 934a],
-  [ 925a, 934a, 938a, 945a, 952a, 958a, 1002a],
-  [ 955a, 1004a, 1008a, 1015a, 1022a, 1028a, 1032a],
-  [ 1025a, 1034a, 1038a, 1045a, 1052a, 1058a, 1102a],
-  [ 1055a, 1104a, 1108a, 1115a, 1122a, 1128a, 1132a],
-  [ 1125a, 1134a, 1138a, 1145a, 1152a, 1158a, 1202p],
-  [ 1155a, 1204p, 1208p, 1215p, 1222p, 1228p, 1232p],
-  [ 1225p, 1234p, 1238p, 1245p, 1252p, 1258p, 102p],
-  [ 1255p, 104p, 108p, 115p, 122p, 128p, 132p],
-  [ 125p, 134p, 138p, 145p, 152p, 158p, 202p],
-  [ 155p, 204p, 208p, 215p, 222p, 228p, 232p],
-  [ 225p, 234p, 238p, 245p, 252p, 258p, 302p],
-  [ 255p, 304p, 308p, 315p, 322p, 328p, 332p],
-  [ 325p, 334p, 338p, 345p, 352p, 358p, 402p],
-  [ 355p, 404p, 408p, 415p, 422p, 428p, 432p],
-  [ 425p, 434p, 438p, 445p, 452p, 458p, 502p],
-  [ 455p, 504p, 508p, 515p, 522p, 528p, 532p],
-  [ 525p, 534p, 538p, 545p, 552p, 558p, 602p],
-  [ 555p, 604p, 608p, 615p, 622p, 628p, 632p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/17-to-lacewood.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 17
-long_name: To Lacewood
-time_points: [ 6966, 8185, 8184, 8571, 6563, 6032, 7087 ]
-  6966-8185: [ 8220, 8187 ]
-  8185-8184: [ 8219, 8179 ]
-  8184-8571: [ 8206, 6544, 8558, 8554, 8568, 8556, 8572 ]
-  8571-6563: [ 6192, 6196, 6201, 6200, 6199, 6198 ]
-  6563-6032: [ 6565, 6984 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 705a, 709a, 711a, 718a, 726a, 731a, 738a],
-  [ 735a, 739a, 741a, 748a, 756a, 801a, 808a],
-  [ 805a, 809a, 811a, 818a, 826a, 831a, 838a],
-  [ 835a, 839a, 841a, 848a, 856a, 901a, 908a],
-  [ 905a, 909a, 911a, 918a, 926a, 931a, 938a],
-  [ 935a, 939a, 941a, 948a, 956a, 1001a, 1008a],
-  [ 1005a, 1009a, 1011a, 1018a, 1026a, 1031a, 1038a],
-  [ 1035a, 1039a, 1041a, 1048a, 1056a, 1101a, 1108a],
-  [ 1105a, 1109a, 1111a, 1118a, 1126a, 1131a, 1138a],
-  [ 1135a, 1139a, 1141a, 1148a, 1156a, 1201p, 1208p],
-  [ 1205p, 1209p, 1211p, 1218p, 1226p, 1231p, 1238p],
-  [ 1235p, 1239p, 1241p, 1248p, 1256p, 101p, 108p],
-  [ 105p, 109p, 111p, 118p, 126p, 131p, 138p],
-  [ 135p, 139p, 141p, 148p, 156p, 201p, 208p],
-  [ 205p, 209p, 211p, 218p, 226p, 231p, 238p],
-  [ 235p, 239p, 241p, 248p, 256p, 301p, 308p],
-  [ 305p, 309p, 311p, 318p, 326p, 331p, 338p],
-  [ 335p, 339p, 341p, 348p, 356p, 401p, 408p],
-  [ 405p, 409p, 411p, 418p, 426p, 431p, 438p],
-  [ 435p, 439p, 441p, 448p, 456p, 501p, 508p],
-  [ 505p, 509p, 511p, 518p, 526p, 531p, 538p],
-  [ 535p, 539p, 541p, 548p, 556p, 601p, 608p],
-  [ 605p, 609p, 611p, 618p, 626p, 631p, 638p],
-  [ 635p, 639p, 641p, 648p, 656p, 701p, 708p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/18-to-lacewood.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 18
-long_name: To Lacewood
-time_points: [ 6966, 8184, 6219, 7086 ]
-  6966-8184: [ 8220, 8187, 8185, 8219, 8179 ]
-  8184-6219: [ 8206, 6544, 8558, 8554, 8568, 8556, 8572, 8571, 8574, 8550, 8549, 8567, 8570, 8552 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, 612a, 625a],
-  [ -, -, 642a, 655a],
-  [ 650a, 658a, 715a, 728a],
-  [ 720a, 728a, 745a, 758a],
-  [ 750a, 758a, 815a, 828a],
-  [ 820a, 828a, 845a, 858a],
-  [ 850a, 858a, 914a, 926a],
-  [ 921a, 927a, 944a, 956a],
-  [ 950a, 956a, 1013a, 1025a],
-  [ 1020a, 1026a, 1043a, 1055a],
-  [ 1050a, 1056a, 1113a, 1125a],
-  [ 1120a, 1126a, 1143a, 1155a],
-  [ 1150a, 1156a, 1213p, 1225p],
-  [ 1220p, 1226p, 1243p, 1255p],
-  [ 1250p, 1256p, 113p, 125p],
-  [ 120p, 126p, 143p, 155p],
-  [ 150p, 156p, 213p, 225p],
-  [ 220p, 226p, 248p, 301p],
-  [ 227p, 234p, 256p, 309p],
-  [ 247p, 255p, 317p, 330p],
-  [ 257p, 305p, 327p, 340p],
-  [ 320p, 328p, 350p, 403p],
-  [ 340p, 348p, 410p, 423p],
-  [ 350p, 358p, 420p, 433p],
-  [ 419p, 427p, 449p, 502p],
-  [ 450p, 458p, 520p, 533p],
-  [ 520p, 528p, 550p, 603p],
-  [ 550p, 558p, 615p, 627p],
-  [ 621p, 627p, 644p, 656p],
-  [ 650p, 656p, 713p, 725p],
-  [ 720p, 726p, 743p, 755p],
-  [ 750p, 756p, 813p, 825p],
-  [ 820p, 826p, 843p, 855p],
-  [ 850p, 856p, 913p, 925p],
-  [ 920p, 926p, 943p, 955p],
-  [ 950p, 956p, 1013p, 1025p],
-  [ 1020p, 1026p, 1043p, 1055p],
-  [ 1050p, 1056p, 1113p, 1125p],
-  [ 1120p, 1126p, 1143p, 1155p],
-  [ 1150p, 1156p, 1213x, 1225x]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 702a, 713a, 730a, 740a],
-  [ 802a, 813a, 830a, 840a],
-  [ 832a, 843a, 900a, 910a],
-  [ 902a, 913a, 930a, 940a],
-  [ 932a, 943a, 1000a, 1010a],
-  [ 1002a, 1013a, 1030a, 1040a],
-  [ 1032a, 1043a, 1100a, 1110a],
-  [ 1102a, 1113a, 1130a, 1140a],
-  [ 1132a, 1143a, 1200p, 1210p],
-  [ 1202p, 1213p, 1230p, 1240p],
-  [ 1232p, 1243p, 100p, 110p],
-  [ 102p, 113p, 130p, 140p],
-  [ 132p, 143p, 200p, 210p],
-  [ 202p, 213p, 230p, 240p],
-  [ 232p, 243p, 300p, 310p],
-  [ 302p, 313p, 330p, 340p],
-  [ 332p, 343p, 400p, 410p],
-  [ 402p, 413p, 430p, 440p],
-  [ 432p, 443p, 500p, 510p],
-  [ 502p, 513p, 530p, 540p],
-  [ 532p, 543p, 600p, 610p],
-  [ 602p, 613p, 630p, 640p],
-  [ 632p, 643p, 700p, 710p],
-  [ 702p, 713p, 730p, 740p],
-  [ 732p, 743p, 800p, 810p],
-  [ 802p, 813p, 830p, 840p],
-  [ 832p, 843p, 900p, 910p],
-  [ 902p, 913p, 930p, 940p],
-  [ 932p, 943p, 1000p, 1010p],
-  [ 1002p, 1013p, 1030p, 1040p],
-  [ 1102p, 1113p, 1130p, 1140p],
-  [ 1202x, 1213x, 1230x, 1240x]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ -, -, 655a, 705a],
-  [ 738a, 742a, 755a, 805a],
-  [ 838a, 842a, 855a, 905a],
-  [ 938a, 942a, 955a, 1005a],
-  [ 1038a, 1042a, 1055a, 1105a],
-  [ 1138a, 1142a, 1155a, 1205p],
-  [ 1238p, 1242p, 1255p, 105p],
-  [ 138p, 142p, 155p, 205p],
-  [ 238p, 242p, 255p, 305p],
-  [ 338p, 342p, 355p, 405p],
-  [ 438p, 442p, 455p, 505p],
-  [ 538p, 542p, 555p, 605p],
-  [ 638p, 642p, 655p, 705p],
-  [ 738p, 742p, 755p, 805p],
-  [ 838p, 842p, 855p, 905p],
-  [ 938p, 942p, 955p, 1005p],
-  [ 1038p, 1042p, 1055p, 1105p],
-  [ 1138p, 1142p, 1155p, 1205x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/18-to-smu.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 18
-long_name: To SMU
-time_points: [ 7087, 6216, 8214, 6966 ]
-  6216-8214: [ 8551, 8562, 8565, 8573, 8555, 8561, 8564, 8557, 8566, 8559, 6545, 8205, 8190 ]
-  8214-6966: [ 8183, 8196, 8195, 8194, 8328, 8337, 8333, 8308, 8313, 8311, 8315, 6960 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 610a, 622a, 641a, 649a],
-  [ 640a, 652a, 711a, 719a],
-  [ 710a, 722a, 741a, 749a],
-  [ 740a, 752a, 811a, 819a],
-  [ 810a, 822a, 841a, 849a],
-  [ 840a, 852a, 911a, 921a],
-  [ 910a, 922a, 939a, 949a],
-  [ 940a, 952a, 1009a, 1019a],
-  [ 1010a, 1022a, 1039a, 1049a],
-  [ 1040a, 1052a, 1109a, 1119a],
-  [ 1110a, 1122a, 1139a, 1149a],
-  [ 1140a, 1152a, 1209p, 1219p],
-  [ 1210p, 1222p, 1239p, 1249p],
-  [ 1240p, 1252p, 109p, 119p],
-  [ 110p, 122p, 139p, 149p],
-  [ 140p, 152p, 209p, 219p],
-  [ -, -, 214p, 224p],
-  [ 210p, 222p, 237p, 244p],
-  [ -, -, 240p, 247p],
-  [ 240p, 253p, 310p, 317p],
-  [ -, -, 330p, 337p],
-  [ 310p, 323p, 340p, 347p],
-  [ 340p, 353p, 410p, 417p],
-  [ 410p, 423p, 440p, 447p],
-  [ 440p, 453p, 510p, 517p],
-  [ 510p, 523p, 540p, 547p],
-  [ 540p, 553p, 611p, 621p],
-  [ 610p, 622p, 639p, 649p],
-  [ 640p, 652p, 709p, 719p],
-  [ 710p, 722p, 739p, 749p],
-  [ 740p, 752p, 809p, 819p],
-  [ 810p, 822p, 839p, 849p],
-  [ 840p, 852p, 909p, 919p],
-  [ 910p, 922p, 939p, 949p],
-  [ 940p, 952p, 1009p, 1019p],
-  [ 1010p, 1022p, 1039p, 1049p],
-  [ 1040p, 1052p, 1109p, 1119p],
-  [ 1110p, 1122p, 1139p, 1149p],
-  [ 1140p, 1152p, 1209x, 1219x],
-  [ 1210x, 1222x, -, -],
-  [ 1225x, 1237x, -, -]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 620a, 630a, 649a, 702a],
-  [ 720a, 730a, 749a, 802a],
-  [ 750a, 800a, 819a, 832a],
-  [ 820a, 830a, 849a, 902a],
-  [ 850a, 900a, 919a, 932a],
-  [ 920a, 930a, 949a, 1002a],
-  [ 950a, 1000a, 1019a, 1032a],
-  [ 1020a, 1030a, 1049a, 1102a],
-  [ 1050a, 1100a, 1119a, 1132a],
-  [ 1120a, 1130a, 1149a, 1202p],
-  [ 1150a, 1200p, 1219p, 1232p],
-  [ 1220p, 1230p, 1249p, 102p],
-  [ 1250p, 100p, 119p, 132p],
-  [ 120p, 130p, 149p, 202p],
-  [ 150p, 200p, 219p, 232p],
-  [ 220p, 230p, 249p, 302p],
-  [ 250p, 300p, 319p, 332p],
-  [ 320p, 330p, 349p, 402p],
-  [ 350p, 400p, 419p, 432p],
-  [ 420p, 430p, 449p, 502p],
-  [ 450p, 500p, 519p, 532p],
-  [ 520p, 530p, 549p, 602p],
-  [ 550p, 600p, 619p, 632p],
-  [ 620p, 630p, 649p, 702p],
-  [ 650p, 700p, 719p, 732p],
-  [ 720p, 730p, 749p, 802p],
-  [ 750p, 800p, 819p, 832p],
-  [ 820p, 830p, 849p, 902p],
-  [ 850p, 900p, 919p, 932p],
-  [ 920p, 930p, 949p, 1002p],
-  [ 1020p, 1030p, 1049p, 1102p],
-  [ 1120p, 1130p, 1149p, 1202x],
-  [ 1220x, 1230x, -, -]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 705a, 715a, 731a, 738a],
-  [ 805a, 815a, 831a, 838a],
-  [ 905a, 915a, 931a, 938a],
-  [ 1005a, 1015a, 1031a, 1038a],
-  [ 1105a, 1115a, 1131a, 1138a],
-  [ 1205p, 1215p, 1231p, 1238p],
-  [ 105p, 115p, 131p, 138p],
-  [ 205p, 215p, 231p, 238p],
-  [ 305p, 315p, 331p, 338p],
-  [ 405p, 415p, 431p, 438p],
-  [ 505p, 515p, 531p, 538p],
-  [ 605p, 615p, 631p, 638p],
-  [ 705p, 715p, 731p, 738p],
-  [ 805p, 815p, 831p, 838p],
-  [ 905p, 915p, 931p, 938p],
-  [ 1005p, 1015p, 1031p, 1038p],
-  [ 1105p, 1115p, 1131p, 1138p],
-  [ 1205x, 1215x, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/2-to-downtown-via-north.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 2
-long_name: To Downtown via North Street
-time_points: [ 7019, 7023, 7087, 6564, 6612, 7284, 7351, 6105, 8435 ]
-  6564-7284: [ 6197, 6193 ]
-  7284-7351: [ 7274, 6409, 6403, 6407, 6406, 7355, 7345, 7357, 7352, 7342, 7354, 7347 ] 
-  7351-6105: [ 7343, 6088, 6104, 6125 ]
-  6105-8435: [ 6108, 6733 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 557a, 601a, 610a, 624a, -, 632a, 642a, 646a, 649a],
-  [ 637a, 641a, 650a, 704a, -, 712a, 722a, 727a, 730a],
-  [ 707a, 711a, 720a, 734a, -, 742a, 752a, 757a, 800a],
-  [ 737a, 741a, 750a, 804a, -, 812a, 822a, 827a, 830a],
-  [ 807a, 811a, 820a, 834a, -, 842a, 852a, 857a, 900a],
-  [ 837a, 841a, 850a, 904a, -, 912a, 922a, 928a, 931a],
-  [ 907a, 911a, 920a, 935a, -, 943a, 953a, 959a, 1002a],
-  [ 937a, 941a, 950a, 1005a, -, 1013a, 1023a, 1029a, 1032a],
-  [ 1007a, 1011a, 1020a, 1035a, -, 1043a, 1053a, 1059a, 1102a],
-  [ 1037a, 1041a, 1050a, 1105a, -, 1113a, 1123a, 1129a, 1132a],
-  [ 1107a, 1111a, 1120a, 1135a, -, 1143a, 1153a, 1159a, 1202p],
-  [ 1137a, 1141a, 1150a, 1205p, -, 1213p, 1223p, 1229p, 1232p],
-  [ 1207p, 1211p, 1220p, 1235p, -, 1243p, 1253p, 1259p, 102p],
-  [ 1237p, 1241p, 1250p, 105p, -, 113p, 123p, 129p, 132p],
-  [ 107p, 111p, 120p, 135p, -, 143p, 153p, 159p, 202p],
-  [ 137p, 141p, 150p, 205p, -, 213p, 223p, 229p, 232p],
-  [ 207p, 211p, 220p, 235p, -, 243p, 253p, 259p, 302p],
-  [ 237p, 241p, 250p, 305p, -, 313p, 323p, 329p, 332p],
-  [ 307p, 311p, 320p, 335p, -, 343p, 353p, 359p, 402p],
-  [ 337p, 341p, 350p, 405p, -, 413p, 423p, 429p, 432p],
-  [ 407p, 411p, 420p, 435p, -, 443p, 453p, 459p, 502p],
-  [ 437p, 441p, 450p, 505p, -, 513p, 523p, 529p, 532p],
-  [ 507p, 511p, 520p, 535p, -, 543p, 553p, 559p, 602p],
-  [ 537p, 541p, 550p, 604p, -, 610p, 618p, 622p, 625p],
-  [ 607p, 611p, 620p, 633p, -, 639p, 647p, 651p, 654p],
-  [ 637p, 641p, 650p, 703p, -, 709p, 717p, 721p, 724p],
-  [ 737p, 741p, 750p, 803p, -, 809p, 817p, 821p, 824p],
-  [ 837p, 841p, 850p, 903p, -, 909p, 917p, 921p, 924p],
-  [ 937p, 941p, 950p, 1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1017p, 1021p, 1024p],
-  [ 1037p, 1041p, 1050p, 1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1117p, 1121p, 1124p],
-  [ 1137p, 1141p, 1150p, 1203x, 1205x, 1209x, 1217x, 1221x, 1224x],
-  [ 1237x, 1241x, 1250x, -, -, -, -, -, -]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 632a, 637a, 645a, 659a, -, 705a, 713a, 716a, 718a],
-  [ 732a, 737a, 745a, 759a, -, 805a, 813a, 816a, 818a],
-  [ 832a, 837a, 845a, 859a, -, 905a, 915a, 917a, 920a],
-  [ 932a, 937a, 945a, 1000a, -, 1006a, 1015a, 1018a, 1021a],
-  [ 1032a, 1037a, 1045a, 1100a, -, 1106a, 1115a, 1118a, 1121a],
-  [ 1102a, 1107a, 1115a, 1130a, -, 1136a, 1145a, 1148a, 1151a],
-  [ 1132a, 1137a, 1145a, 1200a, -, 1206p, 1215p, 1218p, 1221p],
-  [ 1202p, 1207p, 1215p, 1230p, -, 1236p, 1245p, 1248p, 1251p],
-  [ 1232p, 1237p, 1245p, 100p, -, 106p, 115p, 118p, 121p],
-  [ 102p, 107p, 115p, 130p, -, 136p, 145p, 148p, 151p],
-  [ 132p, 137p, 145p, 200p, -, 206p, 215p, 218p, 221p],
-  [ 202p, 207p, 215p, 230p, -, 236p, 245p, 248p, 251p],
-  [ 232p, 237p, 245p, 300p, -, 306p, 315p, 318p, 321p],
-  [ 302p, 307p, 315p, 330p, -, 336p, 345p, 348p, 351p],
-  [ 332p, 337p, 345p, 400p, -, 406p, 415p, 418p, 421p],
-  [ 402p, 407p, 415p, 430p, -, 436p, 445p, 448p, 451p],
-  [ 432p, 437p, 445p, 500p, -, 506p, 515p, 518p, 521p],
-  [ 502p, 507p, 515p, 530p, -, 536p, 545p, 548p, 551p],
-  [ 532p, 537p, 545p, 600p, -, 606p, 615p, 618p, 619p],
-  [ 602p, 607p, 615p, 628p, -, 634p, 642p, 645p, 647p],
-  [ 632p, 637p, 645p, 658p, -, 704p, 712p, 715p, 717p],
-  [ 737p, 742p, 750p, 803p, -, 809p, 817p, 820p, 822p],
-  [ 837p, 842p, 850p, 903p, -, 909p, 917p, 920p, 922p],
-  [ 937p, 942p, 950p, 1003p, 1005p, 1009p, 1017p, 1020p, 1022p],
-  [ 1037p, 1042p, 1050p, 1103p, 1105p, 1109p, 1117p, 1120p, 1122p],
-  [ 1137p, 1142p, 1150p, 1203x, 1205x, 1209x, 1217x, 1220x, 1222x],
-  [ 1237x, 1242x, 1250x, -, -, -, -, -]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 740a, 743a, 750a, 800a, -, 808a, 818a, 821a, 823a],
-  [ 840a, 843a, 850a, 900a, -, 908a, 918a, 921a, 923a],
-  [ 940a, 943a, 950a, 1000a, -, 1008a, 1018a, 1021a, 1023a],
-  [ 1040a, 1043a, 1050a, 1100a, -, 1108a, 1118a, 1121a, 1123a],
-  [ 1140a, 1143a, 1150a, 1200p, -, 1208p, 1218p, 1221p, 1223p],
-  [ 1240p, 1243p, 1250p, 100p, -, 108p, 118p, 121p, 123p],
-  [ 140p, 143p, 150p, 200p, -, 208p, 218p, 221p, 223p],
-  [ 240p, 243p, 250p, 300p, -, 308p, 318p, 318p, 323p],
-  [ 340p, 343p, 350p, 400p, -, 408p, 418p, 421p, 423p],
-  [ 440p, 443p, 450p, 500p, -, 508p, 518p, 521p, 523p],
-  [ 540p, 543p, 550p, 600p, -, 606p, 616p, 619p, 621p],
-  [ 640p, 643p, 650p, 700p, -, 706p, 716p, 719p, 721p],
-  [ 740p, 743p, 750p, 800p, -, 806p, 816p, 819p, 821p],
-  [ 840p, 843p, 850p, 900p, -, 906p, 916p, 919p, 921p],
-  [ 940p, 943p, 950p, 1000p, 1002p, 1005p, 1015p, 1018p, 1020p],
-  [ 1040p, 1043p, 1050p, 1100p, 1102p, 1105p, 1115p, 1118p, 1120p],
-  [ 1140p, 1143p, 1150p, -, -, -, -, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/2-to-wedgewood-via-main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 2
-long_name: To Wedgewood via Main
-time_points: [ 8435, 7348, 8643, 6612, 6563, 6032, 6597, 7087, 7019 ] 
-  8435-7348: [ 6089, 6116 ]
-  7348-8643: [ 7346, 7341, 7353, 7358, 7344, 7356, 6405, 6404, 6413, 6414, 7275 ]
-  8643-6563: [ 6199, 6198 ]
-  6563-6032: [ 6563, 6565, 6984 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, 540a, 545a, 550a, 556a],
-  [ -, -, 610a, -, 616a, 620a, 625a, 630a, 636a],
-  [ 625a, 631a, 640a, -, 646a, 650a, 655a, 700a, 706a],
-  [ 655a, 701a, 710a, -, 716a, 720a, 725a, 730a, 736a],
-  [ 725a, 731a, 740a, -, 746a, 750a, 755a, 800a, 806a],
-  [ 755a, 801a, 810a, -, 816a, 820a, 825a, 830a, 836a],
-  [ 818a, 824a, 837a, -, 844a, 849a, 856a, 857a, 906a],
-  [ 847a, 854a, 907a, -, 914a, 919a, 926a, 930a, 936a],
-  [ 917a, 924a, 937a, -, 944a, 949a, 956a, 1000a, 1006a],
-  [ 947a, 954a, 1007a, -, 1014a, 1019a, 1026a, 1030a, 1036a],
-  [ 1017a, 1024a, 1037a, -, 1044a, 1049a, 1056a, 1100a, 1106a],
-  [ 1047a, 1054a, 1107a, -, 1114a, 1119a, 1126a, 1130a, 1136a],
-  [ 1117a, 1124a, 1137a, -, 1144a, 1149a, 1156a, 1200p, 1206p],
-  [ 1147a, 1154a, 1207p, -, 1214p, 1219p, 1226p, 1230p, 1236p],
-  [ 1217p, 1224p, 1237p, -, 1244p, 1249p, 1256p, 100p, 106p],
-  [ 1247p, 1254p, 107p, -, 114p, 119p, 126p, 130p, 136p],
-  [ 117p, 124p, 137p, -, 144p, 149p, 156p, 200p, 206p],
-  [ 146p, 153p, 206p, -, 213p, 218p, 225p, 229p, 236p],
-  [ 216p, 223p, 237p, -, 244p, 249p, 256p, 300p, 306p],
-  [ 246p, 253p, 307p, -, 314p, 319p, 326p, 330p, 336p],
-  [ 314p, 322p, 337p, -, 344p, 349p, 356p, 400p, 406p],
-  [ 344p, 352p, 407p, -, 414p, 419p, 426p, 430p, 436p],
-  [ 414p, 422p, 437p, -, 444p, 449p, 456p, 500p, 506p],
-  [ 444p, 452p, 507p, -, 514p, 519p, 526p, 530p, 536p],
-  [ 514p, 522p, 537p, -, 544p, 549p, 556p, 600p, 606p],
-  [ 553p, 601p, 610p, -, 616p, 620p, 625p, 630p, 636p],
-  [ 653p, 700p, 710p, -, 716p, 720p, 725p, 729p, 736p],
-  [ 753p, 800p, 810p, -, 816p, 820p, 825p, 829p, 836p],
-  [ 854p, 901p, 910p, -, 916p, 920p, 925p, 930p, 936p],
-  [ 954p, 1001p, 1010p, 1011p, 1016p, 1020p, 1025p, 1030p, 1036p],
-  [ 1054p, 1101p, 1110p, 1111p, 1116p, 1120p, 1125p, 1130p, 1136p],
-  [ 1154p, 1201x, 1210x, 1211x, 1216x, 1220x, 1225x, 1230x, 1236x]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ -, -, 607a, -, 613a, 617a, 622a, 625a, 631a],
-  [ 652a, 658a, 707a, -, 713a, 717a, 722a, 725a, 731a],
-  [ 752a, 758a, 807a, -, 813a, 817a, 822a, 825a, 831a],
-  [ 852a, 858a, 907a, -, 914a, 918a, 923a, 926a, 932a],
-  [ 944a, 950a, 1004a, -, 1010a, 1015a, 1021a, 1024a, 1030a],
-  [ 1014a, 1020a, 1034a, -, 1040a, 1045a, 1051a, 1054a, 1100a],
-  [ 1044a, 1050a, 1104a, -, 1110a, 1115a, 1121a, 1124a, 1130a],
-  [ 1114a, 1120a, 1134a, -, 1140a, 1145a, 1151a, 1154a, 1200p],
-  [ 1144a, 1150a, 1204p, -, 1210p, 1215p, 1221p, 1224p, 1230p],
-  [ 1214p, 1220p, 1234p, -, 1240p, 1245p, 1251p, 1254p, 100p],
-  [ 1244p, 1250p, 104p, -, 110p, 115p, 121p, 124p, 130p],
-  [ 114p, 120p, 134p, -, 140p, 145p, 151p, 154p, 200p],
-  [ 144p, 150p, 204p, -, 210p, 215p, 221p, 224p, 230p],
-  [ 214p, 220p, 234p, -, 240p, 245p, 251p, 254p, 300p],
-  [ 244p, 250p, 304p, -, 310p, 315p, 321p, 324p, 330p],
-  [ 314p, 320p, 334p, -, 340p, 345p, 351p, 354p, 400p],
-  [ 344p, 350p, 404p, -, 410p, 415p, 421p, 424p, 430p],
-  [ 414p, 420p, 434p, -, 440p, 445p, 451p, 454p, 500p],
-  [ 444p, 450p, 504p, -, 510p, 515p, 521p, 524p, 530p],
-  [ 514p, 520p, 534p, -, 540p, 545p, 551p, 554p, 600p],
-  [ 553p, 559p, 608p, -, 614p, 617p, 622p, 625p, 631p],
-  [ 658p, 704p, 713p, -, 719p, 722p, 727p, 730p, 736p],
-  [ 758p, 804p, 813p, -, 819p, 822p, 827p, 830p, 836p],
-  [ 858p, 904p, 913p, -, 919p, 921p, 927p, 930p, 936p],
-  [ 958p, 1004p, 1013p, 1014p, 1018p, 1021p, 1026p, 1029p, 1035p],
-  [ 1058p, 1104p, 1113p, 1114p, 1118p, 1121p, 1126p, 1129p, 1135p],
-  [ 1158p, 1204x, 1213x, 1214x, 1218x, 1221x, 1226x, 1229x, 1235x]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 700a, 705a, 715a, -, 722a, 725a, 730a, 733a, 740a],
-  [ 800a, 805a, 815a, -, 822a, 825a, 830a, 833a, 840a],
-  [ 900a, 905a, 915a, -, 922a, 925a, 930a, 933a, 940a],
-  [ 1000a, 1005a, 1015a, -, 1022a, 1025a, 1030a, 1033a, 1040a],
-  [ 1100a, 1105a, 1115a, -, 1122a, 1125a, 1130a, 1133a, 1140a],
-  [ 1200p, 1205p, 1215p, -, 1222p, 1225p, 1230p, 1233p, 1240p],
-  [ 100p, 105p, 115p, -, 122p, 125p, 130p, 133p, 140p],
-  [ 200p, 205p, 215p, -, 222p, 225p, 230p, 233p, 240p],
-  [ 300p, 305p, 315p, -, 322p, 325p, 330p, 333p, 340p],
-  [ 400p, 405p, 415p, -, 422p, 425p, 430p, 433p, 440p],
-  [ 500p, 505p, 515p, -, 522p, 525p, 530p, 533p, 540p],
-  [ 600p, 605p, 615p, -, 622p, 625p, 630p, 633p, 640p],
-  [ 700p, 705p, 715p, -, 722p, 725p, 730p, 733p, 740p],
-  [ 800p, 805p, 815p, -, 822p, 825p, 830p, 833p, 840p],
-  [ 900p, 905p, 915p, -, 922p, 925p, 930p, 933p, 940p],
-  [ 1000p, 1005p, 1015p, 1016p, 1022p, 1025p, 1030p, 1033p, 1040p],
-  [ 1100p, 1105p, 1115p, 1116p, 1122p, 1125p, 1130p, 1133p, 1140p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/20-to-herring-cove.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 20
-long_name: To Herring Cove
-time_points: [ 8414, 6568, 6105, 8151, 8643, 6797, 6851, 7121 ]
-  8151-8643: [ 8138, 8148, 8137, 8134, 8146, 6413, 6414, 7275 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, 510a, 527a, 532a, 539a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 530a, 547a, 552a, 559a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 600a, 617a, 622a, 629a],
-  [ 607a, -, 610a, 619a, 635a, 652a, 657a, 704a],
-  [ 637a, -, 640a, 649a, 705a, 722a, 727a, 734a],
-  [ 707a, -, 710a, 719a, 735a, 752a, 757a, 804a],
-  [ 737a, -, 740a, 749a, 805a, 822a, 827a, 834a],
-  [ 805a, -, 808a, 817a, 833a, 850a, 855a, 902a],
-  [ 837a, -, 840a, 849a, 905a, 922a, 927a, 934a],
-  [ 907a, -, 910a, 919a, 935a, 952a, 957a, 1004a],
-  [ 937a, -, 940a, 949a, 1005a, 1022a, 1027a, 1034a],
-  [ 1007a, -, 1010a, 1019a, 1035a, 1052a, 1057a, 1104a],
-  [ 1037a, -, 1040a, 1049a, 1105a, 1122a, 1127a, 1134a],
-  [ 1107a, -, 1110a, 1119a, 1135a, 1152a, 1157a, 1204p],
-  [ 1137a, -, 1140a, 1149a, 1205p, 1222p, 1227p, 1234p],
-  [ 1205p, -, 1208p, 1217p, 1233p, 1250p, 1255p, 102p],
-  [ 1237p, -, 1240p, 1249p, 105p, 122p, 127p, 134p],
-  [ 107p, -, 110p, 119p, 135p, 152p, 157p, 204p],
-  [ 137p, -, 140p, 149p, 205p, 222p, 227p, 234p],
-  [ 207p, -, 210p, 219p, 235p, 252p, 257p, 304p],
-  [ 237p, -, 240p, 249p, 305p, 322p, 327p, 334p],
-  [ 257p, -, 300p, 309p, 325p, 342p, 347p, 354p],
-  [ 317p, -, 320p, 329p, 345p, 402p, 407p, 414p],
-  [ 332p, 336p, 341p, 350p, 406p, 423p, 428p, 435p],
-  [ 357p, -, 400p, 409p, 425p, 442p, 447p, 454p],
-  [ 412p, 416p, 421p, 430p, 446p, 503p, 508p, 515p],
-  [ 437p, -, 440p, 449p, 505p, 522p, 527p, 534p],
-  [ 507p, -, 510p, 519p, 535p, 552p, 557p, 604p],
-  [ 537p, -, 540p, 549p, 605p, 622p, 627p, 634p],
-  [ 607p, -, 610p, 619p, 635p, 652p, 657p, 704p],
-  [ 642p, -, 645p, 654p, 710p, 727p, 732p, 739p],
-  [ 712p, -, 715p, 724p, 740p, 756p, 801p, 808p],
-  [ 742p, -, 745p, 754p, 810p, 826p, 831p, 838p],
-  [ 812p, -, 815p, 824p, 840p, 856p, 901p, 908p],
-  [ 842p, -, 845p, 854p, 910p, 926p, 931p, 938p],
-  [ 912p, -, 915p, 924p, 940p, 956p, 1001p, 1008p],
-  [ 942p, -, 945p, 954p, 1010p, 1026p, 1031p, 1038p],
-  [ 1012p, -, 1015p, 1024p, 1040p, 1056p, 1101p, 1108p],
-  [ 1042p, -, 1045p, 1054p, 1110p, 1126p, 1131p, 1138p],
-  [ 1112p, -, 1115p, 1124p, 1140p, 1156p, 1201x, 1208x]]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, 530a, 545a, 550a, 600a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 635a, 650a, 655a, 705a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 705a, 720a, 725a, 735a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 735a, 750a, 755a, 805a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 805a, 820a, 825a, 835a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 835a, 850a, 855a, 905a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 905a, 920a, 925a, 935a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 935a, 950a, 955a, 1005a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1005a, 1020a, 1025a, 1035a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1035a, 1050a, 1055a, 1105a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1105a, 1120a, 1125a, 1135a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1135a, 1150a, 1155a, 1205p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1205p, 1220p, 1225p, 1235p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1235p, 1250p, 1255p, 105p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 105p, 120p, 125p, 135p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 135p, 150p, 155p, 205p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 205p, 220p, 225p, 235p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 235p, 250p, 255p, 305p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 305p, 320p, 325p, 335p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 335p, 350p, 355p, 405p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 405p, 420p, 425p, 435p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 435p, 450p, 455p, 505p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 505p, 520p, 525p, 535p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 535p, 550p, 555p, 605p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 605p, 620p, 625p, 635p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 635p, 650p, 655p, 705p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 710p, 725p, 730p, 740p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 740p, 755p, 800p, 810p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 810p, 825p, 830p, 840p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 840p, 855p, 900p, 910p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 910p, 925p, 930p, 940p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 940p, 955p, 1000p, 1010p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1040p, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1140p, 1155p, 1200x, 1210x]
-stop_times_sunday: [ 
-  [ -, -, -, -, 635a, 652a, 657a, 705a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 735a, 752a, 757a, 805a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 835a, 852a, 857a, 905a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 905a, 922a, 927a, 935a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 935a, 952a, 957a, 1005a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1005a, 1022a, 1027a, 1035a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1035a, 1052a, 1057a, 1105a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1105a, 1122a, 1127a, 1135a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1135a, 1152a, 1157a, 1205p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1205p, 1222p, 1227p, 1235p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1235p, 1252p, 1257p, 105p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 105p, 122p, 127p, 135p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 135p, 152p, 157p, 205p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 205p, 222p, 227p, 235p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 235p, 252p, 257p, 305p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 305p, 322p, 327p, 335p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 335p, 352p, 357p, 405p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 405p, 422p, 427p, 435p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 435p, 452p, 457p, 505p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 505p, 522p, 527p, 535p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 535p, 552p, 557p, 605p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 605p, 622p, 627p, 635p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 635p, 652p, 657p, 705p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 735p, 752p, 757p, 805p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 835p, 852p, 857p, 905p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 935p, 952p, 957p, 1005p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1035p, 1052p, 1057p, 1105p],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 1135p, 1152p, 1157p, 1205x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/20-to-mumford-downtown.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 20
-long_name: To Mumford / Downtown
-time_points: [ 7121, 6859, 6800, 7284, 8150, 6087, 8414, 6572 ]
-  7284-8150: [ 7274, 6409, 6403, 6407, 8135, 8133, 8136, 8147, 8149 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 540a, 547a, 552a, 610a, 618a, 630a, 632a, -],
-  [ 600a, 607a, 612a, 630a, 638a, 650a, 652a, -],
-  [ -, 622a, 627a, 645a, 653a, 705a, 707a, -],
-  [ 630a, 637a, 642a, 700a, 708a, 720a, 722a, 725a],
-  [ -, 652a, 657a, 715a, 723a, 735a, 737a, -],
-  [ 705a, 712a, 717a, 735a, 743a, 755a, 757a, -],
-  [ -, 727a, 732a, 750a, 758a, 810a, 812a, -],
-  [ 735a, 742a, 747a, 805a, 813a, 825a, 827a, -],
-  [ -, 757a, 802a, 820a, 828a, 840a, 842a, -],
-  [ 805a, 812a, 817a, 835a, 843a, 855a, 857a, -],
-  [ -, 825a, 830a, 848a, 856a, 908a, 910a, -],
-  [ 835a, 842a, 847a, 905a, 913a, 925a, 927a, -],
-  [ -, 857a, 902a, 920a, 928a, 940a, 942a, -],
-  [ 905a, 912a, 917a, 935a, 943a, 955a, 957a, -],
-  [ 935a, 942a, 947a, 1005a, 1013a, 1025a, 1027a, -],
-  [ 1005a, 1012a, 1017a, 1035a, 1043a, 1055a, 1057a, -],
-  [ 1035a, 1042a, 1047a, 1105a, 1113a, 1125a, 1127a, -],
-  [ 1105a, 1112a, 1117a, 1135a, 1143a, 1155a, 1157a, -],
-  [ 1135a, 1142a, 1147a, 1205p, 1213p, 1225p, 1227p, -],
-  [ 1205p, 1212p, 1217p, 1235p, 1243p, 1255p, 1257p, -],
-  [ 1235p, 1242p, 1247p, 105p, 113p, 125p, 127p, -],
-  [ 104p, 111p, 116p, 134p, 142p, 154p, 156p, -],
-  [ 135p, 142p, 147p, 205p, 213p, 225p, 227p, -],
-  [ 205p, 212p, 217p, 235p, 243p, 255p, 257p, -],
-  [ 235p, 242p, 247p, 305p, 313p, 325p, 327p, -],
-  [ 305p, 312p, 317p, 335p, 343p, 355p, 357p, -],
-  [ 335p, 342p, 347p, 405p, 413p, 425p, 427p, -],
-  [ 355p, 402p, 407p, 425p, 433p, 445p, 447p, -],
-  [ 415p, 422p, 427p, 445p, 453p, 505p, 507p, -],
-  [ 435p, 442p, 447p, 505p, 513p, 525p, 527p, -],
-  [ 455p, 502p, 507p, 525p, 533p, 545p, 547p, -],
-  [ 515p, 522p, 527p, 545p, 553p, 605p, 607p, -],
-  [ 535p, 542p, 547p, 605p, 613p, 625p, 627p, -],
-  [ 605p, 612p, 617p, 635p, 643p, 655p, 657p, -],
-  [ 635p, 642p, 647p, 705p, 713p, 725p, 727p, -],
-  [ 705p, 711p, 716p, 733p, 741p, 753p, 755p, -],
-  [ 740p, 746p, 751p, 808p, 816p, 828p, 830p, -],
-  [ 809p, 815p, 820p, 837p, 845p, 857p, 859p, -],
-  [ 839p, 845p, 850p, 907p, 915p, 927p, 929p, -],
-  [ 909p, 915p, 920p, 937p, 945p, 957p, 959p, -],
-  [ 939p, 945p, 950p, 1007p, 1015p, 1027p, 1029p, -],
-  [ 1009p, 1015p, 1020p, 1037p, 1045p, 1057p, 1059p, -],
-  [ 1039p, 1045p, 1050p, 1107p, 1115p, 1127p, 1129p, -],
-  [ 1109p, 1115p, 1120p, 1137p, 1145p, 1157p, 1159p, -],
-  [ 1139p, 1145p, 1150p, 1207x, 1215x, 1227x, 1229x, -],
-  [ 1209x, 1215x, 1220x, 1237x, -, -, -, -]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 600a, 605a, 610a, 627a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 705a, 710a, 715a, 732a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 735a, 740a, 745a, 802a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 805a, 810a, 815a, 832a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 835a, 840a, 845a, 902a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 905a, 910a, 915a, 932a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 935a, 940a, 945a, 1002a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1032a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1035a, 1040a, 1045a, 1102a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1105a, 1110a, 1115a, 1132a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1135a, 1140a, 1145a, 1202p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1205p, 1210p, 1215p, 1232p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1235p, 1240p, 1245p, 102p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 105p, 110p, 115p, 132p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 135p, 140p, 145p, 202p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 205p, 210p, 215p, 232p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 235p, 240p, 245p, 302p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 305p, 310p, 315p, 332p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 335p, 340p, 345p, 402p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 405p, 410p, 415p, 432p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 435p, 440p, 445p, 502p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 505p, 510p, 515p, 532p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 535p, 540p, 545p, 602p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 605p, 610p, 615p, 632p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 635p, 640p, 645p, 702p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 705p, 710p, 715p, 732p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 740p, 745p, 750p, 807p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 810p, 815p, 820p, 837p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 840p, 845p, 850p, 907p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 910p, 915p, 920p, 937p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 940p, 945p, 950p, 1007p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1010p, 1015p, 1020p, 1037p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1110p, 1115p, 1120p, 1137p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1210x, 1215x, 1220x, 1237x, -, -, -, -]
-stop_times_sunday: [ 
-  [ 705a, 710a, 715a, 730a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 805a, 810a, 815a, 830a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 905a, 910a, 915a, 930a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 935a, 940a, 945a, 1000a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1005a, 1010a, 1015a, 1030a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1035a, 1040a, 1045a, 1100a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1105a, 1110a, 1115a, 1130a, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1135a, 1140a, 1145a, 1200p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1205p, 1210p, 1215p, 1230p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1235p, 1240p, 1245p, 100p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 105p, 110p, 115p, 130p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 135p, 140p, 145p, 200p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 205p, 210p, 215p, 230p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 235p, 240p, 245p, 300p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 305p, 310p, 315p, 330p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 335p, 340p, 345p, 400p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 405p, 410p, 415p, 430p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 435p, 440p, 445p, 500p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 505p, 510p, 515p, 530p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 535p, 540p, 545p, 600p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 605p, 610p, 615p, 630p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 635p, 640p, 645p, 700p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 705p, 710p, 715p, 730p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 805p, 810p, 815p, 830p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 905p, 910p, 915p, 930p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1005p, 1010p, 1015p, 1030p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1105p, 1110p, 1115p, 1130p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1205x, 1210x, 1215x, 1230x, -, -, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/21-to-lacewood-halifax.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 21
-long_name: To Lacewood / Halifax
-time_points: [ 6317, 6189, 7087, 8364 ]
-# FIXME: should start at 6722, 5 minutes before
-  7087-8364: [ 6983, 8631, 6783, 6776, 6777, 6781, 6774, 6780, 6786, 6790, 6771, 6084, 6103, 6122, 8331, 8330, 8334, 8335 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 550a, 602a, 615a, 651a],
-  [ 625a, 637a, 650a, 726a],
-  [ 655a, 707a, 720a, 756a],
-  [ 730a, 742a, 755a, 831a],
-  [ 755a, 807a, 820a, 856a],
-  [ 825a, 837a, 850a, -],
-  [ 855a, 907a, 920a, -],
-  [ 925a, 937a, 950a, -],
-  [ 955a, 1007a, 1020a, -],
-  [ 1025a, 1037a, 1050a, -],
-  [ 1055a, 1107a, 1120a, -],
-  [ 1125a, 1137a, 1150a, -],
-  [ 1155a, 1207p, 1220p, -],
-  [ 1229p, 1241p, 1254p, -],
-  [ 103p, 111p, 123p, -],
-  [ 133p, 141p, 153p, -],
-  [ 203p, 211p, 223p, -],
-  [ 233p, 241p, 253p, -],
-  [ 303p, 311p, 323p, -],
-  [ 333p, 341p, 353p, -],
-  [ 403p, 411p, 423p, -],
-  [ 443p, 451p, 503p, -],
-  [ 513p, 521p, 533p, -],
-  [ 543p, 551p, 603p, -],
-  [ 613p, 621p, 633p, -],
-  [ 643p, 651p, 703p, -],
-  [ 713p, 721p, 733p, -],
-  [ 737p, 745p, 757p, -],
-  [ 803p, 811p, 823p, -],
-  [ 833p, 841p, 853p, -],
-  [ 903p, 911p, 923p, -],
-  [ 933p, 941p, 953p, -],
-  [ 1003p, 1011p, 1023p, -],
-  [ 1033p, 1041p, 1053p, -],
-  [ 1103p, 1111p, 1123p, -],
-  [ 1133p, 1141p, 1153p, -],
-  [ 1203a, 1211x, 1223x, -],
-  [ 1233a, 1241x, 1253x, -]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 625a, 633a, 645a, -],
-  [ 655a, 703a, 715a, -],
-  [ 725a, 733a, 745a, -],
-  [ 755a, 803a, 815a, -],
-  [ 825a, 833a, 845a, -],
-  [ 855a, 903a, 915a, -],
-  [ 925a, 933a, 945a, -],
-  [ 955a, 1003a, 1015a, -],
-  [ 1025a, 1033a, 1045a, -],
-  [ 1055a, 1103a, 1115a, -],
-  [ 1125a, 1133a, 1145a, -],
-  [ 1155a, 1203p, 1215p, -],
-  [ 1225p, 1233p, 1245p, -],
-  [ 1255p, 103p, 115p, -],
-  [ 125p, 133p, 145p, -],
-  [ 155p, 203p, 215p, -],
-  [ 225p, 233p, 245p, -],
-  [ 255p, 303p, 315p, -],
-  [ 325p, 333p, 345p, -],
-  [ 355p, 403p, 415p, -],
-  [ 425p, 433p, 445p, -],
-  [ 455p, 503p, 515p, -],
-  [ 525p, 533p, 545p, -],
-  [ 555p, 603p, 615p, -],
-  [ 625p, 633p, 645p, -],
-  [ 655p, 703p, 715p, -],
-  [ 725p, 733p, 745p, -],
-  [ 800p, 808p, 820p, -],
-  [ 830p, 838p, 850p, -],
-  [ 900p, 908p, 920p, -],
-  [ 930p, 938p, 950p, -],
-  [ 1000p, 1008p, 1020p, -],
-  [ 1030p, 1038p, 1050p, -],
-  [ 1100p, 1108p, 1120p, -],
-  [ 1130p, 1138p, 1150p, -],
-  [ 1200x, 1208x, 1220x, -],
-  [ 1230x, 1238x, 1250x, -]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 645a, 653a, 705a, -],
-  [ 745a, 753a, 805a, -],
-  [ 845a, 853a, 905a, -],
-  [ 945a, 953a, 1005a, -],
-  [ 1045a, 1053a, 1105a, -],
-  [ 1145a, 1153a, 1205p, -],
-  [ 1245p, 1253p, 105p, -],
-  [ 145p, 153p, 205p, -],
-  [ 245p, 253p, 305p, -],
-  [ 345p, 353p, 405p, -],
-  [ 445p, 453p, 505p, -],
-  [ 545p, 553p, 605p, -],
-  [ 645p, 653p, 705p, -],
-  [ 745p, 753p, 805p, -],
-  [ 845p, 853p, 905p, -],
-  [ 945p, 953p, 1005p, -],
-  [ 1045p, 1053p, 1105p, -],
-  [ 1145p, 1153p, 1205x, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/21-to-timberlea.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 21
-long_name: To Timberlea
-time_points: [ 8363, 7086, 6160, 6315, 6722 ]
-  8363-7086: [ 8337, 8333, 8336, 8327, 8338, 6121, 6086, 6106, 6455, 6773, 6778, 6779, 6775, 6787, 6769, 6785, 6768, 6782, 8632, 8192 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, 525a, 531a, 540a, 545a],
-  [ -, 600a, 606a, 615a, 620a],
-  [ -, 627a, 633a, 642a, 650a],
-  [ -, 705a, 711a, 720a, 725a],
-  [ -, 727a, 733a, 742a, 750a],
-  [ -, 800a, 806a, 815a, 820a],
-  [ -, 830a, 836a, 845a, 850a],
-  [ -, 900a, 906a, 915a, 920a],
-  [ -, 930a, 936a, 945a, 950a],
-  [ -, 1000a, 1006a, 1015a, 1020a],
-  [ -, 1030a, 1036a, 1045a, 1050a],
-  [ -, 1100a, 1106a, 1115a, 1120a],
-  [ -, 1130a, 1136a, 1145a, 1150a],
-  [ -, 1200p, 1206p, 1215p, 1224p],
-  [ -, 1230p, 1236p, 1245p, 1254p],
-  [ -, 100p, 106p, 115p, 124p],
-  [ -, 130p, 136p, 145p, 154p],
-  [ -, 200p, 206p, 215p, 224p],
-  [ -, 230p, 236p, 245p, 254p],
-  [ -, 300p, 308p, 321p, 328p],
-  [ -, 330p, 338p, 351p, 358p],
-  [ 331p, 410p, 418p, 431p, 438p],
-  [ 401p, 440p, 448p, 501p, 508p],
-  [ 431p, 510p, 518p, 531p, 538p],
-  [ 501p, 540p, 548p, 601p, 608p],
-  [ 531p, 610p, 618p, 631p, 638p],
-  [ 601p, 640p, 648p, 701p, 708p],
-  [ -, 705p, 713p, 726p, 732p],
-  [ -, 735p, 743p, 753p, 758p],
-  [ -, 805p, 813p, 823p, 828p],
-  [ -, 835p, 843p, 853p, 858p],
-  [ -, 905p, 913p, 923p, 928p],
-  [ -, 935p, 943p, 953p, 958p],
-  [ -, 1005p, 1013p, 1023p, 1028p],
-  [ -, 1035p, 1043p, 1053p, 1058p],
-  [ -, 1105p, 1113p, 1123p, 1128p],
-  [ -, 1135p, 1143p, 1153p, 1158p],
-  [ -, 1205x, 1213x, 1223x, 1228x]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ -, 555a, 602a, 615a, 620a],
-  [ -, 625a, 632a, 645a, 650a],
-  [ -, 655a, 702a, 715a, 720a],
-  [ -, 725a, 732a, 745a, 750a],
-  [ -, 755a, 802a, 815a, 820a],
-  [ -, 825a, 832a, 845a, 850a],
-  [ -, 855a, 902a, 915a, 920a],
-  [ -, 925a, 932a, 945a, 950a],
-  [ -, 955a, 1002a, 1015a, 1020a],
-  [ -, 1025a, 1032a, 1045a, 1050a],
-  [ -, 1055a, 1102a, 1115a, 1120a],
-  [ -, 1055a, 1102a, 1115a, 1120a],
-  [ -, 1125a, 1132a, 1145a, 1150a],
-  [ -, 1155a, 1202p, 1215p, 1220p],
-  [ -, 1225p, 1232p, 1245p, 1250p],
-  [ -, 1255p, 102p, 115p, 120p],
-  [ -, 125p, 132p, 145p, 150p],
-  [ -, 155p, 202p, 215p, 220p],
-  [ -, 225p, 232p, 245p, 250p],
-  [ -, 255p, 302p, 315p, 320p],
-  [ -, 325p, 332p, 345p, 350p],
-  [ -, 355p, 402p, 415p, 420p],
-  [ -, 425p, 432p, 445p, 450p],
-  [ -, 455p, 502p, 515p, 520p],
-  [ -, 525p, 532p, 545p, 550p],
-  [ -, 555p, 602p, 615p, 620p],
-  [ -, 625p, 632p, 645p, 650p],
-  [ -, 655p, 702p, 715p, 720p],
-  [ -, 730p, 737p, 750p, 755p],
-  [ -, 800p, 807p, 820p, 825p],
-  [ -, 830p, 837p, 850p, 855p],
-  [ -, 900p, 907p, 920p, 925p],
-  [ -, 930p, 937p, 950p, 955p],
-  [ -, 1000p, 1007p, 1020p, 1025p],
-  [ -, 1030p, 1037p, 1050p, 1055p],
-  [ -, 1100p, 1107p, 1120p, 1125p],
-  [ -, 1130p, 1137p, 1150p, 1155p],
-  [ -, 1200x, 1207x, 1220x, 1225x]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ -, 615a, 622a, 635a, 640a],
-  [ -, 715a, 722a, 735a, 740a],
-  [ -, 815a, 822a, 835a, 840a],
-  [ -, 915a, 922a, 935a, 940a],
-  [ -, 1015a, 1022a, 1035a, 1040a],
-  [ -, 1115a, 1122a, 1135a, 1140a],
-  [ -, 1115a, 1122a, 1135a, 1140a],
-  [ -, 1215p, 1222p, 1235p, 1240p],
-  [ -, 115p, 122p, 135p, 140p],
-  [ -, 215p, 222p, 235p, 240p],
-  [ -, 315p, 322p, 335p, 340p],
-  [ -, 415p, 422p, 435p, 440p],
-  [ -, 515p, 522p, 535p, 540p],
-  [ -, 615p, 622p, 635p, 640p],
-  [ -, 715p, 722p, 735p, 740p],
-  [ -, 815p, 822p, 835p, 840p],
-  [ -, 915p, 922p, 935p, 940p],
-  [ -, 1115p, 1122p, 1135p, 1140p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/23-to-mumford-halifax.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 23
-long_name: To Mumford / Halifax
-time_points: [ 6722, 6317, 6189, 7284, 8414 ]
-  6189-7284: [ 7276 ]
-  7284-8414: [ 7274, 6409, 6403, 6407, 6406, 6545, 8205, 8337, 8333, 8336, 8327, 8338, 6087 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 605a, 610a, 617a, 632a, 656a],
-  [ 635a, 640a, 647a, 703a, 729a],
-  [ 705a, 710a, 717a, 737a, 803a],
-  [ 735a, 740a, 747a, 807a, 833a],
-  [ 805a, 810a, 817a, 837a, 903a],
-  [ 835a, 840a, 847a, 907a, 933a],
-  [ 447p, 452p, 459p, 514p, -],
-  [ 517p, 522p, 529p, 544p, -],
-  [ 547p, 552p, 559p, 614p, -],
-  [ 617p, 622p, 629p, 644p, -],
-  [ 645p, 650p, 657p, 712p, -],
-  [ 714p, 719p, 726p, 741p, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/23-to-timberlea.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 23
-long_name: To Timberlea
-time_points: [ 8414, 8643, 6160, 6315, 6722 ]
-  8414-8643: [ 6125, 6105, 6108, 6103, 6122, 8331, 8330, 8334, 8335, 8184, 8206, 6544, 6405, 6404, 6413, 6414, 7275 ]
-  8643-6160: [ 7273 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, 533a, 548a, 554a, 600a],
-  [ -, 603a, 618a, 624a, 630a],
-  [ -, 633a, 648a, 654a, 700a],
-  [ -, 703a, 718a, 724a, 730a],
-  [ -, 733a, 748a, 754a, 800a],
-  [ -, 803a, 818a, 824a, 830a],
-  [ 346p, 417p, 432p, 438p, 444p],
-  [ 416p, 447p, 502p, 508p, 514p],
-  [ 446p, 517p, 532p, 538p, 544p],
-  [ 516p, 547p, 602p, 608p, 614p],
-  [ 546p, 614p, 629p, 635p, 641p],
-  [ 616p, 644p, 659p, 705p, 711p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/3-to-manors.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 3
-long_name: To Manors
-time_points: [ 7284, 6563, 8164, 6505, 6105, 8334, 8430 ]
-  8164-6505: [ 7367, 7382, 7364, 6770, 6783, 6776, 6777, 6781, 6774, 6780, 6786 ]
-  6105-8337: [ 6108, 6103, 6102, 6122, 8331, 8330, 8334 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 957a, 1012a, 1026a, 1037a, 1040a, 1047a, 1055a],
-  [ 1207p, 1222p, 1236p, 1247p, 1250p, 1257p, 105p],
-  [ 217p, 232p, 246p, 257p, 300p, 307p, 315p],
-  [ 247p, 302p, 316p, 327p, 330p, 337p, 345p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/3-to-shopping-malls.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 3
-long_name: To Shopping Malls
-time_points: [ 8430, 6791, 8337, 6087, 6505, 8165, 6564, 7284 ]
-  6791-8337: [ 8328 ]
-  8337-6087: [ 8333, 8336, 8327, 8338 ]
-  6505-8165: [ 6775, 6787, 6769, 6785, 6768, 6782, 7377, 7381, 7373, 7376, 7380 ]
-  6564-7284: [ 6197, 6193 ]
-  6087-6505: [ 6455, 6773, 6778 ]  
-  8165-6564: [ 6199, 6198, 6564, 6563, 6565, 6984 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 855a, 858a, 904a, 913a, 916a, 927a, 941a, 950a],
-  [ 1105a, 1108a, 1114a, 1123a, 1126a, 1137a, 1151a, 1200p],
-  [ 115p, 118p, 124p, 133p, 136p, 147p, 201p, 210p],
-  [ 145p, 148p, 154p, 203p, 206p, 217p, 231p, 240p],
-  [ 317p, 320p, -, -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 347p, 350p, -, -, -, -, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/4-to-downtown-via-north.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 4
-long_name: To Downtown via North
-time_points: [ 6601, 7087, 6611, 6564, 7284, 7351, 6105, 8435 ]
-  7284-7351: [ 7274, 6409, 6403, 6407, 6406, 7355, 7345, 7357, 7352, 7342, 7354, 7347 ] 
-  7351-6105: [ 7343, 6088, 6104, 6125 ]
-  6105-8435: [ 6108, 6733 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 538a, 549a, 558a, 602a, 611a, 620a, 625a, 628a],
-  [ 624a, 635a, 645a, 649a, 657a, 707a, 712a, 715a],
-  [ 654a, 705a, 715a, 719a, 727a, 737a, 742a, 745a],
-  [ 724a, 735a, 745a, 749a, 757a, 807a, 812a, 815a],
-  [ 754a, 805a, 815a, 819a, 827a, 837a, 842a, 845a],
-  [ 824a, 835a, 845a, 849a, 857a, 907a, 913a, 916a],
-  [ 854a, 905a, 915a, 920a, 928a, 938a, 944a, 947a],
-  [ 924a, 935a, 945a, 950a, 958a, 1008a, 1014a, 1017a],
-  [ 954a, 1005a, 1015a, 1020a, 1028a, 1038a, 1044a, 1047a],
-  [ 1024a, 1035a, 1045a, 1050a, 1058a, 1108a, 1114a, 1117a],
-  [ 1054a, 1105a, 1115a, 1120a, 1128a, 1138a, 1144a, 1147a],
-  [ 1124a, 1135a, 1145a, 1150a, 1158a, 1208p, 1214p, 1217p],
-  [ 1154a, 1205p, 1215p, 1220p, 1228p, 1238p, 1244p, 1247p],
-  [ 1224p, 1235p, 1245p, 1250p, 1258p, 108p, 114p, 117p],
-  [ 1254p, 105p, 115p, 120p, 128p, 138p, 144p, 147p],
-  [ 124p, 135p, 145p, 150p, 158p, 208p, 214p, 217p],
-  [ 154p, 205p, 215p, 220p, 228p, 238p, 244p, 247p],
-  [ 224p, 235p, 245p, 250p, 258p, 308p, 314p, 317p],
-  [ 254p, 305p, 315p, 320p, 328p, 338p, 344p, 347p],
-  [ 324p, 335p, 345p, 350p, 358p, 408p, 414p, 417p],
-  [ 354p, 405p, 415p, 420p, 428p, 438p, 444p, 447p],
-  [ 424p, 435p, 445p, 450p, 458p, 508p, 514p, 517p],
-  [ 454p, 505p, 515p, 520p, 528p, 538p, 543p, 546p],
-  [ 524p, 535p, 545p, 550p, 558p, 606p, 610p, 614p],
-  [ 554p, 605p, 615p, 618p, 624p, 632p, 636p, 640p],
-  [ 626p, 637p, 647p, 650p, 656p, 704p, 708p, 712p],
-  [ 709p, 720p, 730p, 733p, 739p, 747p, 751p, 755p],
-  [ 809p, 820p, 830p, 833p, 839p, 847p, 851p, 855p],
-  [ 909p, 920p, 930p, 933p, 939p, 947p, 951p, 955p],
-  [ 1009p, 1020p, 1030p, 1033p, 1039p, 1047p, 1051p, 1055p],
-  [ 1109p, 1120p, 1130p, 1133p, 1139p, 1147p, 1151p, 1155p],
-  [ 1209x, 1220x, -, -, -, -, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/4-to-farnham-gate-via-rosedale.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 4
-long_name: To Farnham Gate via Rosedale
-time_points: [ 8435, 7348, 7284, 6563, 6611, 7087, 6601 ]
-  8435-7348: [ 6089, 6116 ]
-  7348-7284: [ 7346, 7341, 7353, 7358, 7344, 7356, 6405, 6404, 6413, 6414, 7275 ]
-  6563-6611: [ 6565, 6984 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, 520a, 529a, 537a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 606a, 615a, 623a],
-  [ 610a, 617a, 626a, 632a, 636a, 645a, 653a],
-  [ 640a, 647a, 656a, 702a, 706a, 715a, 723a],
-  [ 710a, 717a, 726a, 732a, 736a, 745a, 753a],
-  [ 740a, 747a, 756a, 802a, 806a, 815a, 823a],
-  [ 807a, 814a, 823a, 829a, 834a, 845a, 853a],
-  [ 832a, 839a, 852a, 859a, 904a, 915a, 923a],
-  [ 902a, 909a, 922a, 929a, 934a, 945a, 953a],
-  [ 932a, 939a, 952a, 959a, 1004a, 1015a, 1023a],
-  [ 1002a, 1009a, 1022a, 1029a, 1034a, 1045a, 1053a],
-  [ 1032a, 1039a, 1052a, 1059a, 1104a, 1115a, 1123a],
-  [ 1102a, 1109a, 1122a, 1129a, 1134a, 1145a, 1153a],
-  [ 1132a, 1139a, 1152a, 1159a, 1204p, 1215p, 1223p],
-  [ 1202p, 1209p, 1222p, 1229p, 1234p, 1245p, 1253p],
-  [ 1232p, 1239p, 1252p, 1259p, 104p, 115p, 123p],
-  [ 102p, 109p, 122p, 129p, 134p, 145p, 153p],
-  [ 132p, 139p, 152p, 159p, 204p, 215p, 223p],
-  [ 201p, 208p, 222p, 229p, 234p, 245p, 253p],
-  [ 231p, 238p, 252p, 259p, 304p, 315p, 323p],
-  [ 300p, 307p, 322p, 329p, 334p, 344p, 353p],
-  [ 329p, 337p, 352p, 359p, 404p, 415p, 423p],
-  [ 359p, 407p, 422p, 429p, 434p, 445p, 453p],
-  [ 429p, 437p, 452p, 459p, 504p, 515p, 523p],
-  [ 459p, 507p, 522p, 529p, 534p, 545p, 553p],
-  [ 533p, 540p, 554p, 600p, 605p, 617p, 625p],
-  [ 624p, 631p, 640p, 646p, 650p, 700p, 708p],
-  [ 724p, 731p, 740p, 746p, 750p, 800p, 808p],
-  [ 824p, 831p, 840p, 846p, 850p, 900p, 908p],
-  [ 924p, 931p, 940p, 946p, 950p, 1000p, 1008p],
-  [ 1024p, 1031p, 1040p, 1046p, 1050p, 1100p, 1108p],
-  [ 1124p, 1131p, 1140p, 1146p, 1150p, 1200x, 1208x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/41-to-bridge-terminal.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 41
-long_name: To Bridge Terminal
-time_points: [ 7144, 6096, 6087, 8642 ]
-  7144-6096: [ 8296, 8303, 8305, 8295, 8299, 8293 ]
-  6096-6087: [ 6113, 6124, 6121, 6106  ]
-  6087-8642: [ 6455, 6773, 6778, 6779, 6775, 6787, 7351 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 715a, 721a, 728a, 738a],
-  [ 807a, 813a, 820a, 830a],
-  [ 827a, 833a, 840a, 850a],
-  [ 845a, 851a, 858a, 908a],
-  [ 907a, 913a, 920a, 930a],
-  [ 924a, 930a, 937a, 947a],
-  [ 944a, 950a, 957a, 1007a],
-  [ 1004a, 1010a, 1017a, 1027a],
-  [ 1024a, 1030a, 1037a, 1047a],
-  [ 1044a, 1050a, 1057a, 1107a],
-  [ 1104a, 1110a, 1117a, 1127a],
-  [ 1124a, 1130a, 1137a, 1147a],
-  [ 1144a, 1150a, 1157a, 1207p],
-  [ 1204p, 1210p, 1217p, 1227p],
-  [ 1224p, 1230p, 1237p, 1247p],
-  [ 1244p, 1250p, 1257p, 107p],
-  [ 104p, 110p, 117p, 127p],
-  [ 124p, 130p, 137p, 147p],
-  [ 144p, 150p, 157p, 207p],
-  [ 204p, 210p, 217p, 227p],
-  [ 224p, 230p, 237p, 247p],
-  [ 244p, 250p, 257p, 307p],
-  [ 304p, 310p, 317p, 327p],
-  [ 324p, 330p, 337p, 347p],
-  [ 344p, 350p, 357p, 407p],
-  [ 407p, 413p, 420p, 430p],
-  [ 427p, 433p, 440p, 450p],
-  [ 447p, 453p, 500p, 510p],
-  [ 507p, 513p, 520p, 530p],
-  [ 527p, 533p, 540p, 550p],
-  [ 547p, 553p, 600p, 610p],
-  [ 629p, 635p, 642p, 652p],
-  [ 649p, 655p, 702p, 712p],
-  [ 709p, 715p, 722p, 732p]
-# No service Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/41-to-dalhousie.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 41
-long_name: To Dalhousie
-time_points: [ 8642, 6105, 6114, 7144 ]
-  8642-6105: [ 8638, 6088, 6104, 6125 ]
-  6105-6114: [ 6108, 6103, 6102 ]
-  6114-7144: [ 6097, 8294, 8292, 8300, 8301, 8298, 8297, 8317 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 650a, 700a, 707a, 713a],
-  [ 745a, 755a, 802a, 807a],
-  [ 815a, 825a, 832a, 838a],
-  [ 835a, 845a, 852a, 858a],
-  [ 855a, 905a, 912a, 918a],
-  [ 915a, 925a, 932a, 938a],
-  [ 935a, 945a, 952a, 958a],
-  [ 952a, 1002a, 1009a, 1015a],
-  [ 1012a, 1022a, 1029a, 1035a],
-  [ 1032a, 1042a, 1049a, 1055a],
-  [ 1052a, 1102a, 1109a, 1115a],
-  [ 1112a, 1122a, 1129a, 1135a],
-  [ 1132a, 1142a, 1149a, 1155a],
-  [ 1152a, 1202p, 1209p, 1215p],
-  [ 1212p, 1222p, 1229p, 1235p],
-  [ 1232p, 1242p, 1249p, 1255p],
-  [ 1252p, 102p, 109p, 115p],
-  [ 112p, 122p, 129p, 135p],
-  [ 132p, 142p, 149p, 155p],
-  [ 152p, 202p, 209p, 215p],
-  [ 212p, 222p, 229p, 235p],
-  [ 232p, 242p, 249p, 255p],
-  [ 252p, 302p, 309p, 315p],
-  [ 312p, 322p, 329p, 335p],
-  [ 332p, 342p, 349p, 355p],
-  [ 352p, 402p, 409p, 415p],
-  [ 412p, 422p, 429p, 435p],
-  [ 435p, 445p, 452p, 458p],
-  [ 455p, 505p, 512p, 518p],
-  [ 515p, 525p, 532p, 538p],
-  [ 535p, 545p, 552p, 558p],
-  [ 555p, 605p, 612p, 618p]
-# No service Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/42-to-dalhousie.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 42
-long_name: To Dalhousie
-time_points: [ 7086, 7166, 8193, 8214, 7144 ]
-  8193-8214: [ 8202, 8182, 8213, 8178, 8205, 8190 ]
-  8214-7144: [ 8183, 8196, 8195, 8194, 8186, 8188, 8317 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 655a, 701a, 708a, 716a, 722a],
-  [ 755a, 801a, 808a, 816a, 822a],
-  [ 815a, 821a, 828a, 836a, 842a],
-  [ 835a, 841a, 848a, 856a, 902a],
-  [ 855a, 901a, 906a, 913a, 919a],
-  [ 915a, 921a, 926a, 933a, 939a],
-  [ 935a, 941a, 946a, 953a, 959a],
-  [ 955a, 1001a, 1006a, 1013a, 1019a],
-  [ 1015a, 1021a, 1026a, 1033a, 1039a],
-  [ 1035a, 1041a, 1046a, 1053a, 1059a],
-  [ 1055a, 1101a, 1106a, 1113a, 1119a],
-  [ 1115a, 1121a, 1126a, 1133a, 1139a],
-  [ 1135a, 1141a, 1146a, 1153a, 1159a],
-  [ 1155a, 1201p, 1206p, 1213p, 1219p],
-  [ 1215p, 1221p, 1226p, 1233p, 1239p],
-  [ 1235p, 1241p, 1246p, 1253p, 1259p],
-  [ 1255p, 101p, 106p, 113p, 119p],
-  [ 115p, 121p, 126p, 133p, 139p],
-  [ 135p, 141p, 146p, 153p, 159p],
-  [ 155p, 201p, 206p, 213p, 219p],
-  [ 215p, 221p, 226p, 233p, 239p],
-  [ 235p, 241p, 246p, 253p, 259p],
-  [ 255p, 301p, 306p, 313p, 319p],
-  [ 315p, 321p, 326p, 333p, 339p],
-  [ 335p, 341p, 348p, 356p, 402p],
-  [ 355p, 401p, 408p, 416p, 422p],
-  [ 415p, 421p, 428p, 436p, 442p],
-  [ 435p, 441p, 448p, 456p, 502p],
-  [ 455p, 501p, 508p, 516p, 522p],
-  [ 515p, 521p, 528p, 536p, 542p],
-  [ 537p, 543p, 550p, 558p, 604p],
-  [ 557p, 603p, 610p, 618p, 624p],
-  [ 617p, 623p, 630p, 638p, 644p],
-  [ 637p, 643p, 650p, 658p, 704p]
-# No service Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/42-to-lacewood.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 42
-long_name: To Lacewood
-time_points: [ 7144, 8184, 8629, 6032, 7086 ]
-  7144-8184: [ 8220, 8187, 8185, 8219, 8179 ]
-  8184-8629: [ 8206, 8221, 8222, 8181, 8210, 8201, 8251 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 722a, 728a, 736a, 744a, 751a],
-  [ 843a, 849a, 857a, 904a, 911a],
-  [ 903a, 909a, 916a, 922a, 929a],
-  [ 923a, 929a, 936a, 942a, 949a],
-  [ 943a, 949a, 956a, 1002a, 1009a],
-  [ 1003a, 1009a, 1016a, 1022a, 1029a],
-  [ 1020a, 1026a, 1033a, 1039a, 1046a],
-  [ 1040a, 1046a, 1053a, 1059a, 1106a],
-  [ 1100a, 1106a, 1113a, 1119a, 1126a],
-  [ 1120a, 1126a, 1133a, 1139a, 1146a],
-  [ 1140a, 1146a, 1153a, 1159a, 1206p],
-  [ 1200p, 1206p, 1213p, 1219p, 1226p],
-  [ 1220p, 1226p, 1233p, 1239p, 1246p],
-  [ 1240p, 1246p, 1253p, 1259p, 106p],
-  [ 100p, 106p, 113p, 119p, 126p],
-  [ 120p, 126p, 133p, 139p, 146p],
-  [ 140p, 146p, 153p, 159p, 206p],
-  [ 200p, 206p, 213p, 219p, 226p],
-  [ 220p, 226p, 233p, 239p, 246p],
-  [ 240p, 246p, 253p, 259p, 306p],
-  [ 300p, 306p, 313p, 319p, 326p],
-  [ 320p, 326p, 333p, 341p, 348p],
-  [ 340p, 346p, 354p, 402p, 409p],
-  [ 400p, 406p, 414p, 422p, 429p],
-  [ 420p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 449p],
-  [ 440p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 509p],
-  [ 503p, 509p, 517p, 525p, 532p],
-  [ 523p, 529p, 537p, 545p, 552p],
-  [ 543p, 549p, 557p, 605p, 612p],
-  [ 603p, 609p, 617p, 625p, 632p],
-  [ 623p, 629p, 637p, 645p, 652p]
-# No service Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/5-to-downtown.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 5
-long_name: To Downtown
-time_points: [ 6578, 7284, 6397, 8435 ] 
-  7284-6397: [ 6409, 6403, 6407, 6406 ]
-  6397-8435: [ 6545, 6108 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 720a, 730a, 735a, 745a],
-  [ 750a, 800a, 805a, 815a],
-  [ 822a, 832a, 837a, 847a],
-  [ 405p, 415p, -, -],
-  [ 435p, 445p, -, -],
-  [ 540p, 550p, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/5-to-springvale.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 5
-long_name: To Springvale
-time_points: [ 8435, 6396, 7284, 6578 ]
-  8435-6396: [ 6544 ]
-  6396-7284: [ 6404, 6413, 6414, 7275 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, 710a, 720a],
-  [ -, -, 740a, 750a],
-  [ -, -, 817a, 822a],
-  [ -, -, 355p, 405p],
-  [ 410p, 420p, 425p, 435p],
-  [ 515p, 525p, 530p, 540p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/52-to-bridge-terminal-burnside.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 52
-long_name: To Bridge Terminal - Burnside
-time_points: [ 6390, 7087, 7285, 7351, 8641, 6923, 6949, 7153, 6767 ]
-  7285-7351: [ 7274, 6409, 6403, 6407, 6406, 7355, 7345, 7357, 7352, 7342, 7354, 7347 ] 
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, 553a, 609a, 619a, 625a, 636a, 642a, 646a, -],
-  [ 608a, 623a, 639a, 649a, 655a, 706a, 712a, 716a, -],
-  [ -, 638a, 654a, 704a, 710a, 721a, 727a, 731a, -],
-  [ 638a, 653a, 709a, 719a, 725a, 736a, 742a, 746a, -],
-  [ -, 708a, 724a, 734a, 740a, 751a, 757a, 801a, -],
-  [ 708a, 723a, 739a, 749a, 755a, 806a, 812a, 816a, -],
-  [ -, 738a, 754a, 804a, 810a, 820a, 825a, 829a, -],
-  [ 738a, 753a, 809a, 819a, 825a, 836a, 842a, 843a, -],
-  [ 753a, 808a, 823a, 832a, 838a, 848a, 853a, 857a, -],
-  [ 810a, 825a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 905a, 910a, -, 921a],
-  [ 820a, 834a, -, -, -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 840a, 855a, 910a, 919a, 925a, 935a, 940a, -, 951a],
-  [ 850a, 904a, -, -, -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 910a, 925a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1005a, 1010a, -, 1021a],
-  [ 920a, 934a, -, -, -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 940a, 955a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1035a, 1040a, -, 1051a],
-  [ 945a, 959a, -, -, -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 958a, 1012a, -, -, -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 1010a, 1025a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1105a, 1110a, -, 1121a],
-  [ 1040a, 1055a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1135a, 1140a, -, 1151a],
-  [ 1110a, 1125a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1205p, 1210p, -, 1221p],
-  [ 1140a, 1155a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1235p, 1240p, -, 1251p],
-  [ 1210p, 1225p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 105p, 110p, -, 121p],
-  [ 1240p, 1255p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 135p, 140p, -, 151p],
-  [ 110p, 125p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 205p, 210p, -, 221p],
-  [ 140p, 155p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 235p, 240p, -, 251p],
-  [ 210p, 225p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 305p, 310p, -, 321p],
-  [ 238p, 253p, 309p, 319p, 325p, 336p, 342p, 346p, -],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, -, 357p, 401p, -],
-  [ 308p, 323p, 339p, 349p, 355p, 406p, 412p, 416p, -],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, -, 427p, 431p, -],
-  [ 338p, 353p, 409p, 419p, 425p, 436p, 442p, 446p, -],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, -, 457p, 501p, -],
-  [ 408p, 423p, 439p, 449p, 455p, 506p, 512p, 516p, -],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, -, 527p, 531p, -],
-  [ 438p, 453p, 509p, 519p, 525p, 536p, 542p, 543p, -],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, -, 557p, 601p, -],
-  [ 510p, 525p, 540p, 549p, 555p, 605p, 610p, -, 621p],
-  [ 525p, 540p, 555p, 604p, 610p, 620p, 625p, -, -],
-  [ 540p, 555p, 610p, 619p, 625p, 635p, 640p, -, 651p],
-  [ 555p, 610p, 625p, 634p, 640p, 650p, 655p, -, -],
-  [ 610p, 625p, 640p, 649p, 655p, 705p, 710p, -, 721p],
-  [ 625p, 640p, 655p, 704p, 710p, 720p, 725p, -, -],
-  [ 640p, 655p, 710p, 719p, 725p, 735p, 740p, -, 751p],
-  [ 650p, 704p, -, -, -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 700p, 714p, -, -, -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 710p, 725p, 740p, 749p, 755p, 805p, 810p, -, 821p],
-  [ 740p, 755p, 810p, 819p, 825p, 835p, 840p, -, 851p],
-  [ 810p, 825p, 840p, 849p, 855p, 905p, 910p, -, 921p],
-  [ 840p, 855p, 910p, 919p, 925p, 935p, 940p, -, 951p],
-  [ 910p, 925p, 940p, 949p, 955p, 1005p, 1010p, -, -],
-  [ 940p, 955p, 1010p, 1019p, 1025p, 1035p, 1040p, -, -],
-  [ 1010p, 1025p, 1040p, 1049p, 1055p, 1105p, 1110p, -, -],
-  [ 1110p, 1125p, 1140p, 1149p, 1155p, 1205x, 1210x, -, -],
-  [ 1210x, 1225x, 1240x, 1249x, 1255x, 105x, 110x, -, -]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ -, -, 640a, 649a, 655a, 705a, 710a, -, 721a],
-  [ 710a, 725a, 740a, 749a, 755a, 805a, 810a, -, 821a],
-  [ 810a, 825a, 840a, 849a, 855a, 905a, 910a, -, 921a],
-  [ 840a, 855a, 910a, 919a, 925a, 935a, 940a, -, 951a],
-  [ 910a, 925a, 940a, 949a, 955a, 1005a, 1010a, -, 1021a],
-  [ 940a, 955a, 1010a, 1019a, 1025a, 1035a, 1040a, -, 1051a],
-  [ 1010a, 1025a, 1040a, 1049a, 1055a, 1105a, 1110a, -, 1121a],
-  [ 1040a, 1055a, 1110a, 1119a, 1125a, 1135a, 1140a, -, 1151a],
-  [ 1110a, 1125a, 1140a, 1149a, 1155a, 1205p, 1210p, -, 1221p],
-  [ 1140a, 1155a, 1210p, 1219p, 1225p, 1235p, 1240p, -, 1251p],
-  [ 1210p, 1225p, 1240p, 1249p, 1255p, 105p, 110p, -, 121p],
-  [ 1240p, 1255p, 110p, 119p, 125p, 135p, 140p, -, 151p],
-  [ 110p, 125p, 140p, 149p, 155p, 205p, 210p, -, 221p],
-  [ 140p, 155p, 210p, 219p, 225p, 235p, 240p, -, 251p],
-  [ 210p, 225p, 240p, 249p, 255p, 305p, 310p, -, 321p],
-  [ 240p, 255p, 310p, 319p, 325p, 335p, 340p, -, 351p],
-  [ 310p, 325p, 340p, 349p, 355p, 405p, 410p, -, 421p],
-  [ 340p, 355p, 410p, 419p, 425p, 435p, 440p, -, 451p],
-  [ 410p, 425p, 440p, 449p, 455p, 505p, 510p, -, 521p],
-  [ 440p, 455p, 510p, 519p, 525p, 535p, 540p, -, 551p],
-  [ 510p, 525p, 540p, 549p, 555p, 605p, 610p, -, 621p],
-  [ 540p, 555p, 610p, 619p, 625p, 635p, 640p, -, 651p],
-  [ 610p, 625p, 640p, 649p, 655p, 705p, 710p, -, 721p],
-  [ 640p, 655p, 710p, 719p, 725p, 735p, 740p, -, 751p],
-  [ 710p, 725p, 740p, 749p, 755p, 805p, 810p, -, 821p],
-  [ 740p, 755p, 810p, 819p, 825p, 835p, 840p, -, -],
-  [ 810p, 825p, 840p, 849p, 855p, 905p, 910p, -, 921p],
-  [ 910p, 925p, 940p, 949p, 955p, 1005p, 1010p, -, 1021p],
-  [ 1010p, 1025p, 1040p, 1049p, 1055p, 1105p, 1110p, -, 1121p],
-  [ 1110p, 1125p, 1140p, 1149p, 1155p, 1205x, 1210x, -, -],
-  [ 1210x, 1225x, 1240x, 1249x, 1255x, 105x, 110x, -, -]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ -, 745a, 800a, 809a, 815a, 823a, 828a, -, -],
-  [ 800a, 815a, 830a, 839a, 845a, 853a, 858a, -, -],
-  [ 830a, 845a, 900a, 909a, 915a, 923a, 928a, -, -],
-  [ 900a, 915a, 930a, 939a, 945a, 953a, 958a, -, -],
-  [ 930a, 945a, 1000a, 1009a, 1015a, 1023a, 1028a, -, -],
-  [ 1000a, 1015a, 1030a, 1039a, 1045a, 1053a, 1058a, -, -],
-  [ 1030a, 1045a, 1100a, 1109a, 1115a, 1123a, 1128a, -, -],
-  [ 1100a, 1115a, 1130a, 1139a, 1145a, 1153a, 1158a, -, -],
-  [ 1130a, 1145a, 1200p, 1209p, 1215p, 1223p, 1228p, -, -],
-  [ 1200p, 1215p, 1230p, 1239p, 1245p, 1253p, 1258p, -, -],
-  [ 1230p, 1245p, 100p, 109p, 115p, 123p, 128p, -, -],
-  [ 100p, 115p, 130p, 139p, 145p, 153p, 158p, -, -],
-  [ 130p, 145p, 200p, 209p, 215p, 223p, 228p, -, -],
-  [ 200p, 215p, 230p, 239p, 245p, 253p, 258p, -, -],
-  [ 230p, 245p, 300p, 309p, 315p, 323p, 328p, -, -],
-  [ 300p, 315p, 330p, 339p, 345p, 353p, 358p, -, -],
-  [ 330p, 345p, 400p, 409p, 415p, 423p, 428p, -, -],
-  [ 400p, 415p, 430p, 439p, 445p, 453p, 458p, -, -],
-  [ 430p, 445p, 500p, 509p, 515p, 523p, 528p, -, -],
-  [ 500p, 515p, 530p, 539p, 545p, 553p, 558p, -, -],
-  [ 530p, 545p, 600p, 609p, 615p, 623p, 628p, -, -],
-  [ 600p, 615p, 630p, 639p, 645p, 653p, 658p, -, -],
-  [ 630p, 645p, 700p, 709p, 715p, 723p, 728p, -, -],
-  [ 700p, 715p, 730p, 739p, 745p, 753p, 758p, -, -],
-  [ 730p, 745p, 800p, 809p, 815p, 823p, 828p, -, -],
-  [ 800p, 815p, 830p, 839p, 845p, 853p, 858p, -, -],
-  [ 830p, 845p, 900p, 909p, 915p, 923p, 928p, -, -],
-  [ 900p, 915p, 930p, 939p, 945p, 953p, 958p, -, -],
-  [ 930p, 945p, 1000p, 1009p, 1015p, 1023p, 1028p, -, -],
-  [ 1000p, 1015p, 1030p, 1039p, 1045p, 1053p, 1058p, -, -],
-  [ 1030p, 1045p, 1100p, 1109p, 1115p, 1123p, 1128p, -, -],
-  [ 1100p, 1115p, 1130p, 1139p, 1145p, 1153p, 1158p, -, -],
-  [ 1130p, 1145p, 1200x, 1209x, 1215x, 1223x, 1228x, -, -],
-  [ 1200x, 1215x, 1230x, 1239x, 1245x, 1253x, 1258x, -, -],
-  [ 1230x, 1245x, 100x, 109x, 115x, 123x, 128x, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/52-to-lacewood-chain-lake-drive.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 52
-long_name: To Lacewood - Chain Lake Drive
-time_points: [ 6767, 7153, 7205, 6918, 7151, 7285, 6032, 7086, 6390 ]
-  7151-7285: [ 7346, 7341, 7353, 7358, 7344, 7356, 6405, 6404, 6413, 6414, 7275 ]
-  7285-6032: [ 6984 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, -, -, 558a, 608a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, -, -, 628a, 638a],
-  [ -, -, 550a, 601a, 612a, 632a, 639a, 649a, 659a],
-  [ -, -, 620a, 631a, 642a, 702a, 709a, 719a, 729a],
-  [ -, -, 635a, 646a, 657a, 717a, 724a, 734a, 744a],
-  [ -, 646a, 653a, 704a, 715a, 735a, 742a, 752a, 802a],
-  [ -, -, 706a, 717a, 728a, 748a, 755a, 805a, 815a],
-  [ -, 716a, 723a, 734a, 745a, 805a, 812a, 822a, 832a],
-  [ -, 731a, 738a, 749a, 800a, 820a, 827a, 837a, 847a],
-  [ -, 746a, 753a, 804a, 815a, 835a, 842a, 852a, 902a],
-  [ -, 801a, 808a, 819a, 830a, 850a, 857a, 907a, 917a],
-  [ -, 816a, 823a, 834a, 845a, 905a, 912a, 922a, 932a],
-  [ -, 829a, 836a, 847a, 858a, 918a, 925a, 932a, 942a],
-  [ -, 843a, 850a, 901a, 912a, 930a, 938a, 945a, 955a],
-  [ -, 857a, 904a, 915a, 926a, 941a, 949a, 956a, 1006a],
-  [ 921a, 929a, 940a, 945a, 955a, 1010a, 1018a, 1025a, 1035a],
-  [ 951a, 959a, 1010a, 1015a, 1025a, 1040a, 1048a, 1055a, 1105a],
-  [ 1021a, 1029a, 1040a, 1045a, 1055a, 1110a, 1118a, 1125a, 1135a],
-  [ 1051a, 1059a, 1110a, 1115a, 1125a, 1140a, 1148a, 1155a, 1205p],
-  [ 1121a, 1129a, 1140a, 1145a, 1155a, 1210p, 1218p, 1225p, 1235p],
-  [ 1151a, 1159p, 1210p, 1215p, 1225p, 1240p, 1248p, 1255p, 105p],
-  [ 1221p, 1229p, 1240p, 1245p, 1255p, 110p, 118p, 125p, 135p],
-  [ 1251p, 1259p, 110p, 115p, 125p, 140p, 148p, 155p, 205p],
-  [ 121p, 129p, 140p, 145p, 155p, 210p, 218p, 225p, 235p],
-  [ 151p, 159p, 210p, 215p, 225p, 240p, 248p, 255p, 305p],
-  [ 221p, 229p, 240p, 245p, 255p, 310p, 318p, 325p, 335p],
-  [ 251p, 259p, 310p, 315p, 325p, 340p, 348p, 358p, 405p],
-  [ 321p, 329p, 340p, 345p, 355p, 416p, 419p, 433p, 435p],
-  [ -, 346p, 353p, 404p, 415p, 435p, 442p, 452p, 502p],
-  [ -, 401p, 408p, 419p, 430p, 450p, 457p, 507p, 517p],
-  [ -, 416p, 423p, 434p, 445p, 505p, 512p, 522p, 532p],
-  [ -, 431p, 438p, 449p, 500p, 520p, 527p, 537p, 547p],
-  [ -, 446p, 453p, 504p, 515p, 535p, 542p, 552p, 602p],
-  [ -, 501p, 508p, 519p, 530p, 550p, 557p, 607p, 617p],
-  [ -, 516p, 523p, 534p, 545p, 605p, 612p, 622p, 632p],
-  [ -, 531p, 538p, 549p, 600p, 620p, 627p, 634p, 644p],
-  [ -, 543p, 550p, 601p, 612p, 630p, 638p, 645p, 655p],
-  [ -, 601p, 608p, 619p, 630p, 645p, 653p, 700p, 710p],
-  [ 621p, 629p, 640p, 645p, 655p, 710p, 718p, 725p, 735p],
-  [ 651p, 659p, 710p, 715p, 725p, 740p, 748p, 755p, 805p],
-  [ 721p, 729p, 740p, 745p, 755p, 810p, 818p, 825p, 835p],
-  [ 751p, 759p, 810p, 815p, 825p, 840p, 848p, 855p, 905p],
-  [ 821p, 829p, 840p, 845p, 855p, 910p, 918p, 925p, 935p],
-  [ 851p, 859p, 910p, 915p, 925p, 940p, 948p, 955p, 1005p],
-  [ 951p, 959p, 1010p, 1015p, 1025p, 1040p, 1048p, 1055p, 1105p],
-  [ -, -, 1110p, 1115p, 1125p, 1140p, 1148p, 1155p, 1205x]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ -, -, 610a, 615a, 625a, 640a, 648a, 655a, 705a],
-  [ -, -, 710a, 715a, 725a, 740a, 748a, 755a, 805a],
-  [ 721a, 731a, 740a, 745a, 755a, 810a, 818a, 825a, 835a],
-  [ 751a, 801a, 810a, 815a, 825a, 840a, 848a, 855a, 905a],
-  [ 821a, 831a, 840a, 845a, 855a, 910a, 918a, 925a, 935a],
-  [ 851a, 901a, 910a, 915a, 925a, 940a, 948a, 955a, 1005a],
-  [ 921a, 931a, 940a, 945a, 955a, 1010a, 1018a, 1025a, 1035a],
-  [ 951a, 1001a, 1010a, 1015a, 1025a, 1040a, 1048a, 1055a, 1105a],
-  [ 1021a, 1031a, 1040a, 1045a, 1055a, 1110a, 1118a, 1125a, 1135a],
-  [ 1051a, 1101a, 1110a, 1115a, 1125a, 1140a, 1148a, 1155a, 1205p],
-  [ 1121a, 1131a, 1140a, 1145a, 1155a, 1210p, 1218p, 1225p, 1235p],
-  [ 1151a, 1201p, 1210p, 1215p, 1225p, 1240p, 1248p, 1255p, 105p],
-  [ 1221p, 1231p, 1240p, 1245p, 1255p, 110p, 118p, 125p, 135p],
-  [ 1251p, 101p, 110p, 115p, 125p, 140p, 148p, 155p, 205p],
-  [ 121p, 131p, 140p, 145p, 155p, 210p, 218p, 225p, 235p],
-  [ 151p, 201p, 210p, 215p, 225p, 240p, 248p, 255p, 305p],
-  [ 221p, 231p, 240p, 245p, 255p, 310p, 318p, 325p, 335p],
-  [ 251p, 301p, 310p, 315p, 325p, 340p, 348p, 355p, 405p],
-  [ 321p, 331p, 340p, 345p, 355p, 410p, 418p, 425p, 435p],
-  [ 351p, 401p, 410p, 415p, 425p, 440p, 448p, 455p, 505p],
-  [ 421p, 431p, 440p, 445p, 455p, 510p, 518p, 525p, 535p],
-  [ 451p, 501p, 510p, 515p, 525p, 540p, 548p, 555p, 605p],
-  [ 521p, 531p, 540p, 545p, 555p, 610p, 618p, 625p, 635p],
-  [ 551p, 601p, 610p, 615p, 625p, 640p, 648p, 655p, 705p],
-  [ 621p, 631p, 640p, 645p, 655p, 710p, 718p, 725p, 735p],
-  [ 651p, 701p, 710p, 715p, 725p, 740p, 748p, 755p, 805p],
-  [ 721p, 731p, 740p, 745p, 752p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 751p, 801p, 810p, 815p, 825p, 840p, 848p, 855p, 905p],
-  [ 821p, 831p, 840p, 845p, 852p, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 851p, 901p, 910p, 915p, 925p, 940p, 948p, 955p, 1005p],
-  [ 951p, 1001p, 1010p, 1015p, 1025p, 1040p, 1048p, 1055p, 1105p],
-  [ 1051p, 1101p, 1110p, 1115p, 1125p, 1140p, 1148p, 1155p, 1205x]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ -, -, 700a, 705a, 715a, 730a, 738a, 745a, 755a],
-  [ -, -, 730a, 735a, 745a, 800a, 808a, 815a, 825a],
-  [ -, -, 800a, 805a, 815a, 830a, 838a, 845a, 855a],
-  [ -, -, 830a, 835a, 845a, 900a, 908a, 915a, 925a],
-  [ -, -, 900a, 905a, 915a, 930a, 938a, 945a, 955a],
-  [ -, -, 930a, 935a, 945a, 1000a, 1008a, 1015a, 1025a],
-  [ -, -, 1000a, 1005a, 1015a, 1030a, 1038a, 1045a, 1055a],
-  [ -, -, 1030a, 1035a, 1045a, 1100a, 1108a, 1115a, 1125a],
-  [ -, -, 1100a, 1105a, 1115a, 1130a, 1138a, 1145a, 1155a],
-  [ -, -, 1130a, 1135a, 1145a, 1200p, 1208p, 1215p, 1225p],
-  [ -, -, 1200p, 1205p, 1215p, 1230p, 1238p, 1245p, 1255p],
-  [ -, -, 1230p, 1235p, 1245p, 100p, 108p, 115p, 125p],
-  [ -, -, 100p, 105p, 115p, 130p, 138p, 145p, 155p],
-  [ -, -, 130p, 135p, 145p, 200p, 208p, 215p, 225p],
-  [ -, -, 200p, 205p, 215p, 230p, 238p, 245p, 255p],
-  [ -, -, 230p, 235p, 245p, 300p, 308p, 315p, 325p],
-  [ -, -, 300p, 305p, 315p, 330p, 338p, 345p, 355p],
-  [ -, -, 330p, 335p, 345p, 400p, 408p, 415p, 425p],
-  [ -, -, 400p, 405p, 415p, 430p, 438p, 445p, 455p],
-  [ -, -, 430p, 435p, 445p, 500p, 508p, 515p, 525p],
-  [ -, -, 500p, 505p, 515p, 530p, 538p, 545p, 555p],
-  [ -, -, 530p, 535p, 545p, 600p, 608p, 615p, 625p],
-  [ -, -, 600p, 605p, 615p, 630p, 638p, 645p, 655p],
-  [ -, -, 630p, 635p, 645p, 700p, 708p, 715p, 725p],
-  [ -, -, 700p, 705p, 715p, 730p, 738p, 745p, 755p],
-  [ -, -, 730p, 735p, 745p, 800p, 808p, 815p, 825p],
-  [ -, -, 800p, 805p, 815p, 830p, 838p, 845p, 855p],
-  [ -, -, 830p, 835p, 845p, 900p, 908p, 915p, 925p],
-  [ -, -, 900p, 905p, 915p, 930p, 938p, 945p, 955p],
-  [ -, -, 930p, 935p, 945p, 1000p, 1008p, 1015p, 1025p],
-  [ -, -, 1000p, 1005p, 1015p, 1030p, 1038p, 1045p, 1055p],
-  [ -, -, 1030p, 1035p, 1045p, 1100p, 1108p, 1115p, 1125p],
-  [ -, -, 1100p, 1105p, 1115p, 1130p, 1138p, 1145p, 1155p],
-  [ -, -, 1130p, 1135p, 1145p, 1200x, 1208x, 1215x, 1225x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/58-to-lucien-drive.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 58
-long_name: To Lucien Drive
-time_points: [ 7284, 7412, 6087, 8640, 6031, 7445, 6575 ]
-  7284-7412: [ 6203, 7423 ]
-  # nb: I haven't checked that 8328-6106 actually are served by the #58, but I'd
-  # be shocked if they weren't
-  7412-6087: [ 7419, 7409, 7402, 6453, 6447, 6449, 6454, 6452, 8328, 8337, 8333, 8336, 8327, 8338, 6121, 6106 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, 540a, 552a],
-  [ -, -, -, 555a, 600a, 610a, 622a],
-  [ -, -, -, 625a, 630a, 640a, 652a],
-  [ -, -, -, 645a, 650a, 700a, 712a],
-  [ -, -, -, 705a, 710a, 720a, 732a],
-  [ -, -, -, 725a, 730a, 740a, 752a],
-  [ -, -, -, 755a, 800a, 810a, 822a],
-  [ -, -, -, 825a, 830a, 840a, 852a],
-  [ -, -, -, 855a, 900a, 910a, 922a],
-  [ -, -, -, 955a, 1000a, 1010a, 1022a],
-  [ -, -, -, 1055a, 1100a, 1110a, 1122a],
-  [ -, -, -, 1155a, 1200p, 1210p, 1222p],
-  [ -, -, -, 1255p, 100p, 110p, 122p],
-  [ -, -, -, 155p, 200p, 210p, 222p],
-  [ -, -, -, 255p, 300p, 310p, 322p],
-  [ -, -, -, 325p, 330p, 340p, 352p],
-  [ 310p, 323p, 340p, 352p, 357p, 407p, 419p],
-  [ 330p, 343p, 400p, 412p, 417p, 427p, 439p],
-  [ 350p, 403p, 420p, 432p, 437p, 447p, 459p],
-  [ 410p, 423p, 440p, 452p, 457p, 507p, 519p],
-  [ 440p, 453p, 510p, 522p, 527p, 537p, 549p],
-  [ -, -, -, 555p, 600p, 610p, 622p],
-  [ -, -, -, 655p, 700p, 710p, 722p],
-  [ -, -, -, 755p, 800p, 810p, 822p],
-  [ -, -, -, 855p, 900p, 910p, 922p],
-  [ -, -, -, 955p, 1000p, 1010p, 1022p],
-  [ -, -, -, 1055p, 1100p, 1110p, 1122p],
-  [ -, -, -, 1155p, 1200x, 1210x, 1222x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/6-to-downtown.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 6
-long_name: To Downtown
-time_points: [ 8361, 7285, 8136, 6105, 8435 ]
-  7285-8136: [ 7274, 8135, 8133 ]
-  8136-6105: [ 8147, 8149, 8150 ]
-  6105-8435: [ 6108 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 615a, 627a, 634a, 645a, 648a],
-  [ 645a, 657a, 704a, 715a, 718a],
-  [ 716a, 728a, 735a, 746a, 749a],
-  [ 748a, 800a, 807a, 818a, 821a],
-  [ 818a, 830a, 837a, 848a, 851a],
-  [ 903a, 913a, 920a, 931a, 934a],
-  [ 932a, 942a, 949a, 1000a, 1003a],
-  [ 1032a, 1042a, 1049a, 1100a, 1103a],
-  [ 1132a, 1142a, 1149a, 1200p, 1203p],
-  [ 1232p, 1242p, 1249p, 100p, 103p],
-  [ 132p, 142p, 149p, 200p, 203p],
-  [ 232p, 242p, 249p, 300p, 303p],
-  [ 336p, 348p, 355p, 406p, 409p],
-  [ 406p, 418p, 425p, 436p, 439p],
-  [ 436p, 448p, 455p, 506p, 509p],
-  [ 506p, 518p, 525p, 536p, 539p],
-  [ 536p, 548p, 555p, 604p, 607p],
-  [ 606p, 616p, 623p, 630p, 633p],
-  [ 632p, 642p, 649p, 656p, 659p],
-  [ 732p, 742p, 749p, 756p, 759p],
-  [ 832p, 842p, 849p, 856p, 859p],
-  [ 932p, 942p, 949p, 956p, 959p],
-  [ 1032p, 1042p, 1049p, 1056p, 1059p],
-  [ 1132p, 1142p, 1149p, 1156p, 1159p],
-  [ 1232x, 1242x, -, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/6-to-stonehaven.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 6
-long_name: To Stonehaven
-time_points: [ 8435, 8137, 8643, 8361 ]
-  8435-8137: [ 8138, 8148 ]
-  8137-8643: [ 8134, 8146, 7275 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, 604a, 614a],
-  [ -, -, 634a, 644a],
-  [ 648a, 658a, 705a, 715a],
-  [ 722a, 730a, 737a, 747a],
-  [ 752a, 800a, 807a, 817a],
-  [ 835a, 845a, 852a, 901a],
-  [ 905a, 915a, 922a, 931a],
-  [ 1005a, 1015a, 1022a, 1031a],
-  [ 1105a, 1115a, 1122a, 1131a],
-  [ 1205p, 1215p, 1222p, 1231p],
-  [ 105p, 115p, 122p, 131p],
-  [ 205p, 215p, 222p, 231p],
-  [ 308p, 318p, 325p, 335p],
-  [ 338p, 348p, 355p, 405p],
-  [ 408p, 418p, 425p, 435p],
-  [ 438p, 448p, 455p, 505p],
-  [ 508p, 518p, 525p, 535p],
-  [ 538p, 548p, 555p, 605p],
-  [ 605p, 615p, 622p, 631p],
-  [ 705p, 715p, 722p, 731p],
-  [ 805p, 815p, 822p, 831p],
-  [ 905p, 915p, 922p, 931p],
-  [ 1005p, 1015p, 1022p, 1031p],
-  [ 1105p, 1115p, 1122p, 1131p],
-  [ 1205x, 1215x, 1222x, 1231x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/7-gottingen-to-robie.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 7
-long_name: Gottingen to Robie via Downtown and South Street
-time_points: [ 7378, 6770, 6105, 6114, 8184, 8180, 8165 ]
-  7378-6770: [ 7368, 7361, 7382, 7370, 7362, 7365, 7364 ]
-  6770-6105: [ 6783, 6776, 6777, 6781, 6774, 6780, 6786, 6790, 6771 ]
-  6105-6114: [ 6108, 6103, 6102 ]
-  6114-8184: [ 6097, 8294, 8292, 8300, 8301, 8298, 8297, 8220, 8187, 8185, 8219, 8179 ]
-  8184-8180: [ 8206, 8221, 8222, 8181, 8210, 8201, 8251, 8192, 8209, 8217, 8204, 8207 ]
-  8180-8165: [ 8211, 7131 ] 
-stop_times: [
-  [ 605a, 612a, 620a, 627a, 636a, 643a, 647a],
-  [ 625a, 632a, 640a, 647a, 656a, 703a, 707a],
-  [ 650a, 657a, 705a, 712a, 721a, 728a, 732a],
-  [ 710a, 717a, 725a, 732a, 741a, 748a, 752a],
-  [ 730a, 737a, 745a, 752a, 801a, 808a, 812a],
-  [ 750a, 757a, 805a, 812a, 821a, 828a, 832a],
-  [ 810a, 817a, 825a, 832a, 841a, 848a, 852a],
-  [ 830a, 837a, 845a, 852a, 901a, 908a, 912a],
-  [ 850a, 857a, 905a, 912a, 921a, 928a, 932a],
-  [ 920a, 927a, 937a, 944a, 952a, 1001a, 1005a],
-  [ 950a, 957a, 1007a, 1014a, 1023a, 1031a, 1035a],
-  [ 1020a, 1027a, 1037a, 1044a, 1053a, 1101a, 1105a],
-  [ 1050a, 1057a, 1107a, 1114a, 1123a, 1131a, 1135a],
-  [ 1120a, 1127a, 1137a, 1144a, 1153a, 1201p, 1205p],
-  [ 1150a, 1157a, 1207p, 1214p, 1223p, 1231p, 1235p],
-  [ 1220p, 1227p, 1237p, 1244p, 1253p, 102p, 106p],
-  [ 1250p, 1257p, 107p, 114p, 124p, 136p, 140p],
-  [ 120p, 127p, 137p, 144p, 154p, 206p, 210p],
-  [ 150p, 157p, 207p, 214p, 224p, 236p, 240p],
-  [ 220p, 227p, 237p, 244p, 254p, 306p, 310p],
-  [ 240p, 247p, 257p, 304p, 314p, 326p, 330p],
-  [ 300p, 307p, 317p, 324p, 334p, 346p, 350p],
-  [ 320p, 327p, 337p, 344p, 354p, 406p, 410p],
-  [ 340p, 347p, 357p, 404p, 414p, 426p, 430p],
-  [ 400p, 407p, 417p, 424p, 434p, 446p, 450p],
-  [ 420p, 427p, 437p, 444p, 454p, 506p, 510p],
-  [ 440p, 447p, 457p, 504p, 514p, 526p, 530p],
-  [ 500p, 507p, 517p, 524p, 534p, 540p, 544p],
-  [ 520p, 527p, 535p, 541p, 551p, 556p, 600p],
-  [ 550p, 557p, 605p, 611p, 620p, 626p, 630p],
-  [ 620p, 627p, 635p, 641p, 650p, 656p, 700p],
-  [ 650p, 657p, 705p, 711p, 720p, 726p, 730p],
-  [ 720p, 727p, 735p, 741p, 750p, 756p, 800p],
-  [ 750p, 757p, 805p, 811p, 820p, 826p, 830p],
-  [ 820p, 827p, 835p, 841p, 850p, 856p, 900p],
-  [ 850p, 857p, 905p, 911p, 920p, 926p, 930p],
-  [ 920p, 927p, 935p, 941p, 950p, 956p, 1000p],
-  [ 950p, 957p, 1005p, 1011p, 1020p, 1026p, 1030p],
-  [ 1020p, 1027p, 1035p, 1041p, 1050p, 1056p, 1100p],
-  [ 1050p, 1057p, 1105p, 1111p, 1120p, 1126p, 1130p],
-  [ 1120p, 1127p, 1135p, 1141p, 1150p, 1156p, 1200x],
-  [ 1150p, 1157p, 1205x, 1211x, 1220x, 1226x, 1230x]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 655a, 702a, 710a, 716a, 725a, 731a, 735a],
-  [ 755a, 802a, 810a, 816a, 825a, 831a, 835a],
-  [ 825a, 832a, 840a, 846a, 855a, 901a, 905a],
-  [ 855a, 902a, 910a, 916a, 925a, 931a, 935a],
-  [ 925a, 932a, 940a, 946a, 955a, 1001a, 1005a],
-  [ 955a, 1002a, 1010a, 1016a, 1025a, 1031a, 1035a],
-  [ 1025a, 1032a, 1040a, 1046a, 1055a, 1101a, 1105a],
-  [ 1055a, 1102a, 1110a, 1116a, 1125a, 1131a, 1135a],
-  [ 1125a, 1132a, 1140a, 1146a, 1155a, 1201p, 1205p],
-  [ 1155a, 1202p, 1210p, 1216p, 1225p, 1231p, 1235p],
-  [ 1225p, 1232p, 1240p, 1246p, 1255p, 101p, 105p],
-  [ 1255p, 102p, 110p, 116p, 125p, 131p, 135p],
-  [ 125p, 132p, 140p, 146p, 155p, 201p, 205p],
-  [ 155p, 202p, 210p, 216p, 225p, 231p, 235p],
-  [ 225p, 232p, 240p, 246p, 255p, 301p, 305p],
-  [ 255p, 302p, 310p, 316p, 325p, 331p, 335p],
-  [ 325p, 332p, 340p, 346p, 355p, 401p, 405p],
-  [ 355p, 402p, 410p, 416p, 425p, 431p, 435p],
-  [ 425p, 432p, 440p, 446p, 455p, 501p, 505p],
-  [ 455p, 502p, 510p, 516p, 525p, 531p, 535p],
-  [ 525p, 532p, 540p, 546p, 555p, 601p, 605p],
-  [ 555p, 602p, 610p, 616p, 625p, 631p, 635p],
-  [ 625p, 632p, 640p, 646p, 655p, 701p, 705p],
-  [ 655p, 702p, 710p, 716p, 725p, 731p, 735p],
-  [ 725p, 732p, 740p, 746p, 755p, 801p, 805p],
-  [ 755p, 802p, 810p, 816p, 825p, 831p, 835p],
-  [ 825p, 832p, 840p, 846p, 855p, 901p, 905p],
-  [ 855p, 902p, 910p, 916p, 925p, 931p, 935p],
-  [ 925p, 932p, 940p, 946p, 955p, 1001p, 1005p],
-  [ 955p, 1002p, 1010p, 1016p, 1025p, 1031p, 1035p],
-  [ 1025p, 1032p, 1040p, 1046p, 1055p, 1101p, 1105p],
-  [ 1055p, 1102p, 1110p, 1116p, 1125p, 1131p, 1135p],
-  [ 1155p, 1202x, 1210x, 1216x, 1225x, 1231x, 1235x]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 745a, 752a, 800a, 805a, 814a, 820a, 824a],
-  [ 830a, 837a, 845a, 850a, 859a, 905a, 909a],
-  [ 915a, 922a, 930a, 935a, 944a, 950a, 954a],
-  [ 1000a, 1007a, 1015a, 1020a, 1029a, 1035a, 1039a],
-  [ 1045a, 1052a, 1100a, 1105a, 1114a, 1120a, 1124a],
-  [ 1130a, 1137a, 1145a, 1150a, 1159a, 1205p, 1209p],
-  [ 1215p, 1222p, 1230p, 1235p, 1244p, 1250p, 1254p],
-  [ 100p, 107p, 115p, 120p, 129p, 135p, 139p],
-  [ 145p, 152p, 200p, 205p, 214p, 220p, 224p],
-  [ 230p, 237p, 245p, 250p, 259p, 305p, 309p],
-  [ 315p, 322p, 330p, 335p, 344p, 350p, 354p],
-  [ 400p, 407p, 415p, 420p, 429p, 435p, 439p],
-  [ 445p, 452p, 500p, 505p, 514p, 520p, 524p],
-  [ 530p, 537p, 545p, 550p, 559p, 605p, 609p],
-  [ 615p, 622p, 630p, 635p, 644p, 650p, 654p],
-  [ 700p, 707p, 715p, 720p, 729p, 735p, 739p],
-  [ 745p, 752p, 800p, 805p, 814p, 820p, 824p],
-  [ 830p, 837p, 845p, 850p, 859p, 905p, 909p],
-  [ 915p, 922p, 930p, 935p, 944p, 950p, 954p],
-  [ 1000p, 1007p, 1015p, 1020p, 1029p, 1035p, 1039p],
-  [ 1045p, 1052p, 1100p, 1105p, 1114p, 1120p, 1124p],
-  [ 1130p, 1137p, 1145p, 1150p, 1159p, 1205x, 1209x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/7-robie-to-gottingen.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 7
-long_name: Robie to Gottingen via South Street and Downtown
-time_points: [ 8165, 8208, 8214, 6096, 6087, 7366, 7378 ]
-  8165-8208: [ 7133, 8212 ]
-  8208-8214: [ 8203, 8197, 8218, 8193, 8202, 8182, 8213, 8178, 8205, 8190 ]
-  8214-6096: [ 8183, 8196, 8195, 8194, 8186, 8188, 8296, 8303, 8305, 8295, 8299, 8293 ]
-  6096-6087: [ 6113, 6124 ]
-  6087-7366: [ 6455, 6773, 6778, 6779, 6775, 6787, 6769, 6785, 6768, 6782 ]
-  7366-7378: [ 7377, 7381, 7374, 7369, 7373, 7376, 7360 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 600a, 604a, 614a, 621a, 628a, 637a, 645a],
-  [ 620a, 624a, 634a, 641a, 648a, 657a, 705a],
-  [ 640a, 644a, 654a, 701a, 708a, 717a, 725a],
-  [ 700a, 704a, 714a, 721a, 728a, 737a, 745a],
-  [ 720a, 724a, 734a, 741a, 748a, 757a, 805a],
-  [ 740a, 744a, 754a, 801a, 808a, 817a, 825a],
-  [ 800a, 804a, 814a, 821a, 828a, 837a, 845a],
-  [ 820a, 824a, 834a, 841a, 848a, 857a, 905a],
-  [ 840a, 844a, 854a, 901a, 908a, 917a, 925a],
-  [ 900a, 904a, 914a, 921a, 928a, 937a, 945a],
-  [ 930a, 934a, 944a, 951a, 958a, 1007a, 1015a],
-  [ 1000a, 1004a, 1014a, 1021a, 1028a, 1037a, 1045a],
-  [ 1030a, 1034a, 1044a, 1051a, 1058a, 1107a, 1115a],
-  [ 1100a, 1104a, 1114a, 1121a, 1128a, 1137a, 1145a],
-  [ 1130a, 1134a, 1144a, 1151a, 1158a, 1207p, 1215p],
-  [ 1200p, 1204p, 1214p, 1221p, 1228p, 1237p, 1245p],
-  [ 1230p, 1234p, 1244p, 1251p, 1258p, 108p, 116p],
-  [ 100p, 104p, 116p, 124p, 132p, 142p, 150p],
-  [ 130p, 134p, 146p, 154p, 202p, 212p, 220p],
-  [ 200p, 204p, 216p, 224p, 232p, 242p, 250p],
-  [ 230p, 234p, 246p, 254p, 302p, 312p, 320p],
-  [ 250p, 254p, 306p, 314p, 322p, 332p, 340p],
-  [ 310p, 314p, 326p, 334p, 342p, 352p, 400p],
-  [ 330p, 334p, 346p, 354p, 402p, 412p, 420p],
-  [ 350p, 354p, 406p, 414p, 422p, 432p, 440p],
-  [ 410p, 414p, 426p, 434p, 442p, 452p, 500p],
-  [ 430p, 434p, 446p, 454p, 502p, 512p, 520p],
-  [ 450p, 454p, 506p, 514p, 522p, 531p, 539p],
-  [ 510p, 514p, 526p, 534p, 540p, 547p, 555p],
-  [ 530p, 534p, 541p, 548p, 555p, 602p, 610p],
-  [ 550p, 554p, 601p, 608p, 615p, 622p, 630p],
-  [ 610p, 614p, 621p, 628p, 635p, 642p, 650p],
-  [ 640p, 644p, 651p, 658p, 705p, 712p, 720p],
-  [ 710p, 714p, 721p, 728p, 735p, 742p, 750p],
-  [ 740p, 744p, 751p, 758p, 805p, 812p, 820p],
-  [ 810p, 814p, 821p, 828p, 835p, 842p, 850p],
-  [ 840p, 844p, 851p, 858p, 905p, 912p, 920p],
-  [ 910p, 914p, 921p, 928p, 935p, 942p, 950p],
-  [ 940p, 944p, 951p, 958p, 1005p, 1012p, 1020p],
-  [ 1010p, 1014p, 1021p, 1028p, 1035p, 1042p, 1050p],
-  [ 1040p, 1044p, 1051p, 1058p, 1105p, 1112p, 1120p],
-  [ 1110p, 1114p, 1121p, 1128p, 1135p, 1142p, 1150p],
-  [ 1140p, 1144p, 1151p, 1158p, 1205x, 1212x, 1220x],
-  [ 1210x, 1214x, 1221x, 1228x, 1235x, 1242x, 1250x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/80-to-bedford-halifax.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 80
-long_name: To Bedford - Halifax
-time_points: [ 8260, 8646, 6236, 6216, 6564, 8214, 6087, 8414 ]
-  6216-6564: [ 6982, 6985, 8262 ]
-  6564-8214: [ 6197, 6193, 6203, 8633, 8193, 8202, 8182, 8213, 8178, 8205, 8190 ]
-  8214-6087: [ 8183, 8196, 8195, 8194, 8328, 8337, 8333, 8336, 8327, 8338, 6121, 6106 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 542a, 554a, 602a, 618a, 625a, 635a, 645a, 647a],
-  [ 633a, 645a, 653a, 708a, 718a, 729a, 746a, 748a],
-  [ 706a, 721a, 728a, 743a, 753a, 804a, 821a, 823a],
-  [ 733a, 748a, 755a, 810a, 820a, 831a, 848a, 850a],
-  [ 800a, 815a, 822a, 837a, 845a, 856a, 913a, 915a],
-  [ 829a, 844a, 851a, 906a, 914a, 925a, 942a, 944a],
-  [ 859a, 914a, 921a, 936a, 944a, 955a, 1012a, 1014a],
-  [ 929a, 944a, 951a, 1006a, 1014a, 1025a, 1042a, 1044a],
-  [ 959a, 1014a, 1021a, 1036a, 1044a, 1055a, 1112a, 1114a],
-  [ 1029a, 1044a, 1051a, 1106a, 1114a, 1125a, 1142a, 1144a],
-  [ 1059a, 1114a, 1121a, 1136a, 1144a, 1155a, 1212p, 1214p],
-  [ 1129a, 1144a, 1151a, 1206p, 1214p, 1225p, 1242p, 1244p],
-  [ 1159a, 1214p, 1221p, 1236p, 1244p, 1255p, 112p, 114p],
-  [ 1229p, 1244p, 1251p, 106p, 114p, 125p, 142p, 144p],
-  [ 1259p, 114p, 121p, 136p, 144p, 155p, 212p, 214p],
-  [ 129p, 144p, 151p, 206p, 214p, 225p, 242p, 244p],
-  [ 159p, 214p, 221p, 236p, 244p, 255p, 312p, 314p],
-  [ 229p, 244p, 251p, 306p, 314p, 325p, 342p, 344p],
-  [ 259p, 314p, 321p, 336p, 344p, 355p, 412p, 414p],
-  [ 329p, 344p, 351p, 406p, 414p, 425p, 442p, 444p],
-  [ 359p, 414p, 421p, 436p, 444p, 455p, 512p, 514p],
-  [ 429p, 444p, 451p, 506p, 514p, 525p, 542p, 544p],
-  [ 459p, 514p, 521p, 536p, 544p, 555p, 607p, 609p],
-  [ 526p, 541p, 548p, 603p, 607p, 618p, 628p, 630p],
-  [ 551p, 605p, 610p, 626p, 630p, 641p, 651p, 653p],
-  [ 621p, 633p, 638p, 654p, 658p, 709p, 719p, 721p],
-  [ 651p, 703p, 708p, 724p, 728p, 739p, 749p, 751p],
-  [ 721p, 733p, 738p, 754p, 758p, 809p, 819p, 821p],
-  [ 751p, 803p, 808p, 824p, 828p, 839p, 849p, 851p],
-  [ 821p, 833p, 838p, 854p, 858p, 909p, 919p, 921p],
-  [ 851p, 903p, 908p, 924p, 928p, 939p, 949p, 951p],
-  [ 921p, 933p, 938p, 954p, 958p, 1009p, 1019p, 1021p],
-  [ 951p, 1003p, 1008p, 1024p, 1028p, 1039p, 1049p, 1051p],
-  [ 1021p, 1033p, 1038p, 1054p, 1058p, 1109p, 1119p, 1121p],
-  [ 1121p, 1133p, 1138p, 1154p, 1158p, 1209x, 1219x, 1221x],
-  [ 1216x, 1228x, -, -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 116x, 128x, -, -, -, -, -, -]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ 545a, 557a, 603a, 613a, 622a, 633a, 643a, 645a],
-  [ 615a, 627a, 633a, 643a, 652a, 703a, 713a, 715a],
-  [ 645a, 657a, 703a, 713a, 722a, 734a, 744a, 745a],
-  [ 725a, 738a, 744a, 754a, 803a, 815a, 825a, 827a],
-  [ 755a, 808a, 814a, 824a, 833a, 845a, 855a, 857a],
-  [ 825a, 838a, 844a, 854a, 903a, 915a, 925a, 927a],
-  [ 855a, 908a, 914a, 924a, 933a, 945a, 955a, 957a],
-  [ 925a, 938a, 944a, 954a, 1003a, 1015a, 1025a, 1027a],
-  [ 955a, 1008a, 1014a, 1024a, 1033a, 1045a, 1055a, 1057a],
-  [ 1025a, 1038a, 1044a, 1054a, 1103a, 1115a, 1125a, 1127a],
-  [ 1055a, 1108a, 1114a, 1124a, 1133a, 1145a, 1155a, 1157a],
-  [ 1125a, 1138a, 1144a, 1154a, 1203p, 1215p, 1225p, 1227p],
-  [ 1155a, 1208p, 1214p, 1224p, 1233p, 1245p, 1255p, 1257p],
-  [ 1225p, 1238p, 1244p, 1254p, 103p, 115p, 125p, 127p],
-  [ 1255p, 108p, 114p, 124p, 133p, 145p, 155p, 157p],
-  [ 125p, 138p, 144p, 154p, 203p, 215p, 225p, 227p],
-  [ 155p, 208p, 214p, 224p, 233p, 245p, 255p, 257p],
-  [ 225p, 238p, 244p, 254p, 303p, 315p, 325p, 327p],
-  [ 255p, 308p, 314p, 324p, 333p, 345p, 355p, 357p],
-  [ 325p, 338p, 344p, 354p, 403p, 415p, 425p, 427p],
-  [ 355p, 408p, 414p, 424p, 433p, 445p, 455p, 457p],
-  [ 425p, 438p, 444p, 454p, 503p, 515p, 525p, 527p],
-  [ 455p, 508p, 514p, 524p, 533p, 545p, 555p, 557p],
-  [ 525p, 538p, 544p, 554p, 603p, 615p, 625p, 627p],
-  [ 555p, 608p, 614p, 624p, 633p, 645p, 655p, 657p],
-  [ 635p, 648p, 654p, 704p, 713p, 725p, 735p, 737p],
-  [ 705p, 718p, 724p, 734p, 743p, 755p, 805p, 807p],
-  [ 735p, 748p, 754p, 804p, 813p, 825p, 835p, 837p],
-  [ 805p, 818p, 824p, 834p, 843p, 855p, 905p, 907p],
-  [ 835p, 848p, 854p, 904p, 913p, 925p, 935p, 937p],
-  [ 905p, 918p, 924p, 934p, 943p, 955p, 1005p, 1007p],
-  [ 935p, 948p, 954p, 1004p, 1013p, 1023p, 1033p, 1035p],
-  [ 1005p, 1017p, 1023p, 1033p, 1042p, 1052p, 1102p, 1104p],
-  [ 1107p, 1119p, 1125p, 1135p, 1144p, 1154p, 1204x, 1206x],
-  [ 1207x, 1219x, 1225x, -, -, -, -, -],
-  [ 107x, 119x, 125x, -, -, -, -, -]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ 545a, 605a, 610a, 622a, 630a, 640a, 650a, 652a],
-  [ 645a, 705a, 710a, 722a, 730a, 740a, 750a, 752a],
-  [ 715a, 735a, 740a, 752a, 800a, 810a, 820a, 822a],
-  [ 745a, 805a, 810a, 822a, 830a, 840a, 850a, 852a],
-  [ 815a, 835a, 840a, 852a, 900a, 910a, 920a, 922a],
-  [ 845a, 905a, 910a, 922a, 930a, 940a, 950a, 952a],
-  [ 915a, 935a, 940a, 952a, 1000a, 1010a, 1020a, 1022a],
-  [ 945a, 1005a, 1010a, 1022a, 1030a, 1040a, 1050a, 1052a],
-  [ 1015a, 1035a, 1040a, 1052a, 1100a, 1110a, 1120a, 1122a],
-  [ 1045a, 1105a, 1110a, 1122a, 1130a, 1140a, 1150a, 1152a],
-  [ 1115a, 1135a, 1140a, 1152a, 1200p, 1210p, 1220p, 1222p],
-  [ 1135a, 1155a, 1200p, 1212p, 1220p, 1230p, 1240p, 1242p],
-  [ 1155a, 1215p, 1220p, 1232p, 1240p, 1250p, 100p, 102p],
-  [ 1215p, 1235p, 1240p, 1252p, 100p, 110p, 120p, 122p],
-  [ 1235p, 1255p, 100p, 112p, 120p, 130p, 140p, 142p],
-  [ 1255p, 115p, 120p, 132p, 140p, 150p, 200p, 202p],
-  [ 115p, 135p, 140p, 152p, 200p, 210p, 220p, 222p],
-  [ 135p, 155p, 200p, 212p, 220p, 230p, 240p, 242p],
-  [ 155p, 215p, 220p, 232p, 240p, 250p, 300p, 302p],
-  [ 215p, 235p, 240p, 252p, 300p, 310p, 320p, 322p],
-  [ 235p, 255p, 300p, 312p, 320p, 330p, 340p, 342p],
-  [ 255p, 315p, 320p, 332p, 340p, 350p, 400p, 402p],
-  [ 315p, 335p, 340p, 352p, 400p, 410p, 420p, 422p],
-  [ 335p, 355p, 400p, 412p, 420p, 430p, 440p, 442p],
-  [ 355p, 415p, 420p, 432p, 440p, 450p, 500p, 502p],
-  [ 415p, 435p, 440p, 452p, 500p, 510p, 520p, 522p],
-  [ 435p, 455p, 500p, 512p, 520p, 530p, 540p, 542p],
-  [ 455p, 515p, 520p, 532p, 540p, 550p, 600p, 602p],
-  [ 515p, 535p, 540p, 552p, 600p, 610p, 620p, 622p],
-  [ 535p, 555p, 600p, 612p, 620p, 630p, 640p, 642p],
-  [ 555p, 615p, 620p, 632p, 640p, 650p, 700p, 702p],
-  [ 615p, 635p, 640p, 652p, 700p, 710p, 720p, 722p],
-  [ 635p, 655p, 700p, 712p, 720p, 730p, 740p, 742p],
-  [ 655p, 715p, 720p, 732p, 740p, 750p, 800p, 802p],
-  [ 715p, 735p, 740p, 752p, 800p, 810p, 820p, 822p],
-  [ 735p, 755p, 800p, 812p, 820p, 830p, 840p, 842p],
-  [ 755p, 815p, 820p, 832p, 840p, 850p, 900p, 902p],
-  [ 815p, 835p, 840p, 852p, 900p, 910p, 920p, 922p],
-  [ 835p, 855p, 900p, 912p, 920p, 930p, 940p, 942p],
-  [ 855p, 915p, 920p, 932p, 940p, 950p, 1000p, 1002p],
-  [ 915p, 935p, 940p, 952p, 1000p, 1010p, 1020p, 1022p],
-  [ 945p, 1005p, 1010p, 1022p, 1030p, 1040p, 1050p, 1052p],
-  [ 1015p, 1035p, 1040p, 1052p, 1100p, 1110p, 1120p, 1122p],
-  [ 1115p, 1135p, 1140p, 1152p, 1200x, 1210x, 1220x, 1222x],
-  [ 1215x, 1235x, 1240x, -, -, -, -, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/80-to-bedford-sackville.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 80
-long_name: To Bedford - Sackville
-time_points: [ 8414, 6105, 8184, 6563, 6219, 6238, 6445, 8260 ]
-  6105-8184: [ 6108, 6103, 6102, 6122, 8331, 8330, 8334, 8335, 8329, 8185, 8219, 8179 ]
-  8184-6563: [ 8206, 8221, 8222, 8181, 8210, 8201, 8251, 8629, 8634, 6192, 6196, 6201, 6200, 6199, 6198 ]
-  6563-6219: [ 6565, 6984, 6983 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, 519a, 525a, -],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, 608a, 615a, 628a],
-  [ 552a, 555a, 605a, 615a, 619a, 634a, 640a, 658a],
-  [ 618a, 621a, 631a, 641a, 645a, 701a, 709a, 725a],
-  [ 642a, 645a, 655a, 708a, 713a, 731a, 738a, 752a],
-  [ 707a, 710a, 722a, 737a, 742a, 800a, 808a, 821a],
-  [ 737a, 740a, 752a, 807a, 812a, 830a, 838a, 851a],
-  [ 807a, 810a, 822a, 837a, 842a, 900a, 908a, 921a],
-  [ 837a, 840a, 852a, 907a, 912a, 930a, 938a, 951a],
-  [ 907a, 910a, 922a, 937a, 942a, 1000a, 1008a, 1021a],
-  [ 937a, 940a, 952a, 1007a, 1012a, 1030a, 1038a, 1051a],
-  [ 1007a, 1010a, 1022a, 1037a, 1042a, 1100a, 1108a, 1121a],
-  [ 1037a, 1040a, 1052a, 1107a, 1112a, 1130a, 1138a, 1151a],
-  [ 1107a, 1110a, 1122a, 1137a, 1142a, 1200p, 1208p, 1221p],
-  [ 1137a, 1140a, 1152a, 1207p, 1212p, 1230p, 1238p, 1251p],
-  [ 1207p, 1210p, 1222p, 1237p, 1242p, 100p, 108p, 121p],
-  [ 1237p, 1240p, 1252p, 107p, 112p, 130p, 138p, 151p],
-  [ 107p, 110p, 122p, 137p, 142p, 200p, 208p, 221p],
-  [ 127p, 130p, 142p, 157p, 202p, 220p, 228p, 241p],
-  [ 147p, 150p, 202p, 217p, 222p, 240p, 248p, 301p],
-  [ 207p, 210p, 222p, 237p, 242p, 300p, 308p, 321p],
-  [ 222p, 225p, 237p, 252p, 257p, 315p, 323p, 336p],
-  [ 235p, 238p, 250p, 305p, 310p, 328p, 338p, 351p],
-  [ 249p, 252p, 304p, 319p, 324p, 343p, 353p, 406p],
-  [ 303p, 306p, 318p, 334p, 342p, 401p, 411p, 424p],
-  [ 316p, 319p, 331p, 350p, 358p, 417p, 427p, 440p],
-  [ 331p, 334p, 346p, 405p, 413p, 432p, 442p, 455p],
-  [ 346p, 349p, 401p, 420p, 428p, 447p, 457p, 510p],
-  [ 401p, 404p, 416p, 435p, 443p, 502p, 512p, 525p],
-  [ 416p, 419p, 431p, 450p, 458p, 517p, 527p, 540p],
-  [ 431p, 434p, 446p, 505p, 513p, 532p, 542p, 555p],
-  [ 446p, 449p, 501p, 520p, 528p, 546p, 553p, 606p],
-  [ 502p, 505p, 517p, 536p, 544p, 557p, 604p, 617p],
-  [ 522p, 525p, 537p, 553p, 558p, 611p, 618p, 631p],
-  [ 542p, 545p, 555p, 608p, 613p, 626p, 633p, 646p],
-  [ 608p, 610p, 620p, 633p, 638p, 651p, 658p, 711p],
-  [ 638p, 640p, 650p, 703p, 708p, 721p, 728p, 741p],
-  [ 708p, 710p, 720p, 733p, 738p, 751p, 758p, 811p],
-  [ 738p, 740p, 750p, 803p, 808p, 821p, 828p, 841p],
-  [ 808p, 810p, 820p, 833p, 838p, 851p, 858p, 911p],
-  [ 838p, 840p, 850p, 903p, 908p, 921p, 928p, 941p],
-  [ 908p, 910p, 920p, 933p, 938p, 951p, 958p, 1011p],
-  [ 1008p, 1010p, 1020p, 1033p, 1038p, 1051p, 1058p, 1111p],
-  [ 1108p, 1110p, 1120p, 1133p, 1138p, 1151p, 1158p, 1211x],
-  [ 1208x, 1210x, 1220x, 1233x, 1238x, 1251x, 1258x, 111x]
-stop_times_saturday: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, 553a, 602a, 615a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, 623a, 632a, 645a],
-  [ 615a, 618a, 626a, 638a, 644a, 653a, 702a, 714a],
-  [ 645a, 648a, 658a, 710a, 716a, 725a, 734a, 747a],
-  [ 715a, 718a, 726a, 738a, 744a, 753a, 802a, 814a],
-  [ 745a, 748a, 758a, 810a, 816a, 825a, 834a, 847a],
-  [ 813a, 816a, 826a, 838a, 844a, 853a, 902a, 914a],
-  [ 837a, 840a, 852a, 907a, 913a, 922a, 931a, 944a],
-  [ 907a, 910a, 922a, 937a, 943a, 952a, 1001a, 1014a],
-  [ 937a, 940a, 952a, 1007a, 1013a, 1022a, 1031a, 1044a],
-  [ 1007a, 1010a, 1022a, 1037a, 1043a, 1052a, 1101a, 1114a],
-  [ 1037a, 1040a, 1052a, 1107a, 1113a, 1122a, 1131a, 1144a],
-  [ 1107a, 1110a, 1122a, 1137a, 1143a, 1152a, 1201p, 1214p],
-  [ 1137a, 1140a, 1152a, 1207p, 1213p, 1222p, 1231p, 1244p],
-  [ 1207p, 1210p, 1222p, 1237p, 1243p, 1252p, 101p, 114p],
-  [ 1237p, 1240p, 1252p, 107p, 113p, 122p, 131p, 144p],
-  [ 107p, 110p, 122p, 137p, 143p, 152p, 201p, 214p],
-  [ 137p, 140p, 152p, 207p, 213p, 222p, 231p, 244p],
-  [ 207p, 210p, 222p, 237p, 243p, 252p, 301p, 314p],
-  [ 237p, 240p, 252p, 307p, 313p, 322p, 331p, 344p],
-  [ 307p, 310p, 322p, 337p, 343p, 352p, 401p, 414p],
-  [ 337p, 340p, 352p, 407p, 413p, 422p, 431p, 444p],
-  [ 407p, 410p, 422p, 437p, 443p, 452p, 501p, 514p],
-  [ 437p, 440p, 452p, 507p, 513p, 522p, 531p, 544p],
-  [ 507p, 510p, 522p, 537p, 543p, 552p, 601p, 614p],
-  [ 537p, 540p, 552p, 607p, 613p, 622p, 631p, 644p],
-  [ 607p, 610p, 622p, 637p, 643p, 652p, 701p, 714p],
-  [ 637p, 640p, 652p, 707p, 713p, 722p, 731p, 744p],
-  [ 707p, 710p, 722p, 737p, 743p, 752p, 801p, 814p],
-  [ 737p, 740p, 752p, 807p, 813p, 822p, 831p, 844p],
-  [ 807p, 810p, 822p, 837p, 843p, 852p, 901p, 914p],
-  [ 837p, 840p, 852p, 907p, 913p, 922p, 931p, 944p],
-  [ 907p, 910p, 922p, 937p, 943p, 952p, 1001p, 1014p],
-  [ 937p, 940p, 952p, 1006p, 1012p, 1020p, 1028p, 1041p],
-  [ 1007p, 1010p, 1020p, 1032p, 1038p, 1046p, 1054p, 1107p],
-  [ 1037p, 1040p, 1050p, 1102p, 1108p, 1116p, 1124p, 1137p],
-  [ 1107p, 1110p, 1120p, 1132p, 1138p, 1146p, 1154p, 1207x],
-  [ 1207x, 1210x, 1220x, 1232x, 1238x, 1246x, 1254x, 107x]
-stop_times_sunday: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, -, 642a, 650a, 707a],
-  [ -, -, -, -, 659a, 712a, 720a, 737a],
-  [ 657a, 700a, 710a, 722a, 729a, 742a, 750a, 807a],
-  [ 727a, 730a, 740a, 752a, 759a, 812a, 820a, 837a],
-  [ 757a, 800a, 810a, 822a, 829a, 842a, 850a, 907a],
-  [ 827a, 830a, 840a, 852a, 859a, 912a, 920a, 937a],
-  [ 857a, 900a, 910a, 922a, 929a, 942a, 950a, 1007a],
-  [ 927a, 930a, 940a, 952a, 959a, 1012a, 1020a, 1037a],
-  [ 957a, 1000a, 1010a, 1022a, 1029a, 1042a, 1050a, 1107a],
-  [ 1027a, 1030a, 1040a, 1052a, 1059a, 1112a, 1120a, 1137a],
-  [ 1057a, 1100a, 1110a, 1122a, 1129a, 1142a, 1150a, 1207p],
-  [ 1127a, 1130a, 1140a, 1152a, 1159a, 1212p, 1220p, 1237p],
-  [ 1157a, 1200p, 1210p, 1222p, 1229p, 1242p, 1250p, 107p],
-  [ 1227p, 1230p, 1240p, 1252p, 1259p, 112p, 120p, 137p],
-  [ 1257p, 100p, 110p, 122p, 129p, 142p, 150p, 207p],
-  [ 127p, 130p, 140p, 152p, 159p, 212p, 220p, 237p],
-  [ 157p, 200p, 210p, 222p, 229p, 242p, 250p, 307p],
-  [ 227p, 230p, 240p, 252p, 259p, 312p, 320p, 337p],
-  [ 257p, 300p, 310p, 322p, 329p, 342p, 350p, 407p],
-  [ 327p, 330p, 340p, 352p, 359p, 412p, 420p, 437p],
-  [ 357p, 400p, 410p, 422p, 429p, 442p, 450p, 507p],
-  [ 427p, 430p, 440p, 452p, 459p, 512p, 520p, 537p],
-  [ 457p, 500p, 510p, 522p, 529p, 542p, 550p, 607p],
-  [ 527p, 530p, 540p, 552p, 559p, 612p, 620p, 637p],
-  [ 557p, 600p, 610p, 622p, 629p, 642p, 650p, 707p],
-  [ 627p, 630p, 640p, 652p, 659p, 712p, 720p, 737p],
-  [ 657p, 700p, 710p, 722p, 729p, 742p, 750p, 807p],
-  [ 727p, 730p, 740p, 752p, 759p, 812p, 820p, 837p],
-  [ 757p, 800p, 810p, 822p, 829p, 842p, 850p, 907p],
-  [ 827p, 830p, 840p, 852p, 859p, 912p, 920p, 937p],
-  [ 857p, 900p, 910p, 922p, 929p, 942p, 950p, 1007p],
-  [ 957p, 1000p, 1010p, 1022p, 1029p, 1042p, 1050p, 1107p],
-  [ 1057p, 1100p, 1110p, 1122p, 1129p, 1142p, 1150p, 1207x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/81-to-downtown-halifax.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 81
-long_name: To Downtown Halifax
-time_points: [ 7125, 6216, 6564, 8214, 6087, 8414 ]
-  6216-6564: [ 6982, 6985, 8262 ]
-  6564-8214: [ 6197, 6193, 6203, 8633, 8193, 8202, 8182, 8213, 8178, 8205, 8190 ]
-  8214-6087: [ 8183, 8196, 8195, 8194, 8328, 8337, 8333, 8336, 8327, 8338 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 610a, 620a, 627a, 637a, 647a, 649a],
-  [ 640a, 650a, 657a, 708a, 725a, 727a],
-  [ 710a, 720a, 728a, 739a, 756a, 758a],
-  [ 740a, 750a, 758a, 809a, 826a, 828a],
-  [ 810a, 820a, 828a, 839a, 856a, 858a],
-  [ 840a, 850a, 858a, 909a, 926a, 928a],
-  [ 910a, 920a, 928a, 939a, 956a, 958a],
-  [ 940a, 950a, 958a, 1009a, 1026a, 1028a],
-  [ 1010a, 1020a, 1028a, 1039a, 1056a, 1058a],
-  [ 1040a, 1050a, 1058a, 1109a, 1126a, 1128a],
-  [ 1110a, 1120a, 1128a, 1139a, 1156a, 1158a],
-  [ 1140a, 1150a, 1158a, 1209p, 1226p, 1228p],
-  [ 1210p, 1220p, 1228p, 1239p, 1256p, 1258p],
-  [ 1240p, 1250p, 1258p, 109p, 126p, 128p],
-  [ 110p, 120p, 128p, 139p, 156p, 158p],
-  [ 140p, 150p, 158p, 209p, 226p, 228p],
-  [ 210p, 220p, 228p, 239p, 256p, 258p],
-  [ 240p, 250p, 258p, 309p, 326p, 328p],
-  [ 310p, 320p, 328p, 339p, 356p, 358p],
-  [ 340p, 350p, 358p, 409p, 426p, 428p],
-  [ 414p, 424p, 432p, 443p, 500p, 502p],
-  [ 444p, 454p, 502p, 513p, 530p, 532p],
-  [ 514p, 524p, 532p, 543p, 600p, 602p],
-  [ 544p, 554p, 602p, 613p, 623p, 625p],
-  [ 610p, 620p, 624p, 635p, 645p, 647p],
-  [ 640p, 650p, 654p, 705p, 715p, 717p],
-  [ 710p, 720p, 724p, 735p, 745p, 747p],
-  [ 740p, 750p, 754p, 805p, 815p, 817p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/81-to-hemlock-ravine.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 81
-long_name: To Hemlock Ravine
-time_points: [ 8414, 6105, 8184, 6563, 6219, 7125 ]
-  6105-8184: [ 6108, 6103, 6102, 6122, 8331, 8330, 8334, 8335, 8329 ]
-  8184-6563: [ 8206, 8221, 8222, 8181, 8210, 8201, 8251, 8629, 8634, 6192, 6196, 6201, 6200, 6199, 6198 ]
-  6563-6219: [ 6565, 6984, 6983 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ -, -, -, -, 600a, 610a],
-  [ 603a, 606a, 616a, 626a, 630a, 640a],
-  [ 633a, 636a, 646a, 656a, 700a, 710a],
-  [ 655a, 658a, 710a, 725a, 730a, 740a],
-  [ 725a, 728a, 740a, 755a, 800a, 810a],
-  [ 755a, 758a, 810a, 825a, 830a, 840a],
-  [ 825a, 828a, 840a, 855a, 900a, 910a],
-  [ 855a, 858a, 910a, 925a, 930a, 940a],
-  [ 925a, 928a, 940a, 955a, 1000a, 1010a],
-  [ 955a, 958a, 1010a, 1025a, 1030a, 1040a],
-  [ 1025a, 1028a, 1040a, 1055a, 1100a, 1110a],
-  [ 1055a, 1058a, 1110a, 1125a, 1130a, 1140a],
-  [ 1125a, 1128a, 1140a, 1155a, 1200p, 1210p],
-  [ 1155a, 1158a, 1210p, 1225p, 1230p, 1240p],
-  [ 1225p, 1228p, 1240p, 1255p, 100p, 110p],
-  [ 1255p, 1258p, 110p, 125p, 130p, 140p],
-  [ 125p, 128p, 140p, 155p, 200p, 210p],
-  [ 155p, 158p, 210p, 225p, 230p, 240p],
-  [ 225p, 228p, 240p, 255p, 300p, 310p],
-  [ 255p, 258p, 310p, 325p, 330p, 340p],
-  [ 322p, 325p, 337p, 356p, 404p, 414p],
-  [ 352p, 355p, 407p, 426p, 434p, 444p],
-  [ 422p, 425p, 437p, 456p, 504p, 514p],
-  [ 452p, 455p, 507p, 526p, 534p, 544p],
-  [ 525p, 528p, 540p, 555p, 600p, 610p],
-  [ 600p, 602p, 612p, 625p, 630p, 640p],
-  [ 630p, 632p, 642p, 655p, 700p, 710p],
-  [ 700p, 702p, 712p, 725p, 730p, 740p]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/9-to-mumford.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 9
-long_name: To Mumford Terminal
-time_points: [ 8649, 8409, 6087, 6583, 7284 ]
-  6087-6583: [ 6089, 6116, 6091, 6127, 6094, 6110, 6119, 6128, 6580, 6588, 6584, 6583 ]
-  6583-7284: [ 6585, 7096, 8560 ]
-  8409-6087: [ 6096, 6113, 6124 ]
-  8649-6087: [ 6096, 6113, 6124 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 620a, -, 630a, 641a, 652a],
-  [ 650a, -, 703a, 714a, 725a],
-  [ 715a, -, 728a, 739a, 750a],
-  [ 735a, -, 748a, 759a, 810a],
-  [ 755a, -, 808a, 819a, 830a],
-  [ 815a, -, 828a, 839a, 850a],
-  [ 837a, -, 850a, 901a, 912a],
-  [ 907a, -, 920a, 931a, 942a],
-  [ 937a, -, 950a, 1001a, 1012a],
-  [ 1007a, -, 1020a, 1031a, 1042a],
-  [ 1037a, -, 1050a, 1101a, 1112a],
-  [ 1107a, -, 1120a, 1131a, 1142a],
-  [ 1137a, -, 1150a, 1201p, 1212p],
-  [ 1207p, -, 1220p, 1231p, 1242p],
-  [ 1237p, -, 1250p, 101p, 112p],
-  [ 107p, -, 120p, 131p, 142p],
-  [ 137p, -, 150p, 201p, 212p],
-  [ 207p, -, 220p, 231p, 242p],
-  [ 237p, -, 250p, 301p, 312p],
-  [ 307p, -, 320p, 331p, 342p],
-  [ 327p, -, 340p, 351p, 402p],
-  [ 347p, -, 400p, 411p, 422p],
-  [ 407p, -, 420p, 431p, 442p],
-  [ 427p, -, 440p, 451p, 502p],
-  [ 447p, -, 500p, 511p, 522p],
-  [ 507p, -, 520p, 531p, 542p],
-  [ 537p, -, 550p, 601p, 612p],
-  [ 608p, -, 620p, 631p, 640p],
-  [ 658p, -, 710p, 721p, 732p],
-  [ 758p, -, 810p, 821p, 832p],
-  [ -, 859p, 910p, 920p, 931p],
-  [ -, 1000p, 1010p, 1019p, 1030p],
-  [ -, 1100p, 1110p, 1119p, 1130p],
-  [ -, 1200x, 1210x, 1219x, 1230x]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/9-to-point-pleasant-park.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +1,1 @@
-short_name: 9
-long_name: To Point Pleasant Park
-time_points: [ 7284, 7094, 6105, 8649 ]
-  7284-7094: [ 7274, 6409, 6403, 6407, 8552, 8563, 8553 ] 
-  7094-6105: [ 6581, 6582, 6586, 6587, 6100, 6120, 6109, 6095, 6090, 6107, 6115, 6088, 6104, 6125 ]
-  6105-8649: [ 6108, 6103, 6102, 6114, 6097 ]
-stop_times: [
-  [ 550a, 600a, 610a, 619a],
-  [ 615a, 625a, 635a, 646a],
-  [ 635a, 646a, 659a, 713a],
-  [ 655a, 707a, 720a, 734a],
-  [ 715a, 727a, 740a, 754a],
-  [ 735a, 747a, 800a, 814a],
-  [ 755a, 807a, 820a, 834a],
-  [ 825a, 837a, 850a, 904a],
-  [ 855a, 906a, 919a, 933a],
-  [ 925a, 935a, 948a, 1002a],
-  [ 955a, 1005a, 1018a, 1032a],
-  [ 1025a, 1035a, 1048a, 1102a],
-  [ 1055a, 1105a, 1118a, 1132a],
-  [ 1125a, 1135a, 1148a, 1202p],
-  [ 1155a, 1205p, 1218p, 1232p],
-  [ 1225p, 1235p, 1248p, 102p],
-  [ 1255p, 105p, 118p, 132p],
-  [ 125p, 135p, 148p, 202p],
-  [ 155p, 205p, 218p, 232p],
-  [ 225p, 237p, 250p, 304p],
-  [ 245p, 257p, 310p, 324p],
-  [ 305p, 317p, 330p, 344p],
-  [ 325p, 337p, 350p, 404p],
-  [ 345p, 357p, 410p, 424p],
-  [ 405p, 417p, 430p, 444p],
-  [ 425p, 437p, 450p, 504p],
-  [ 455p, 507p, 520p, 534p],
-  [ 525p, 537p, 550p, 602p],
-  [ 622p, 632p, 645p, 657p],
-  [ 722p, 732p, 745p, 757p],
-  [ 822p, 832p, 845p, -],
-  [ 922p, 932p, 942p, -],
-  [ 1022p, 1032p, 1042p, -],
-  [ 1122p, 1132p, 1142p, -]

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +1,1 @@
-default: hfxtable.yml
-	./ --input=hfxtable.yml
-ROUTE_FILES=1-to-dartmouth.yml 1-to-mumford.yml \
-	2-to-downtown-via-north.yml 2-to-wedgewood-via-main.yml \
-	3-to-shopping-malls.yml 3-to-manors.yml \
-	4-to-farnham-gate-via-rosedale.yml 4-to-downtown-via-north.yml \
-	5-to-springvale.yml 5-to-downtown.yml \
-	6-to-stonehaven.yml 6-to-downtown.yml \
-	7-robie-to-gottingen.yml 7-gottingen-to-robie.yml \
-	9-to-point-pleasant-park.yml 9-to-mumford.yml \
-	10-to-westphal.yml 10-to-dalhousie.yml \
-	14-to-leiblin-park.yml 14-to-universities-downtown.yml \
-	17-to-hospitals-universities.yml 17-to-lacewood.yml \
-	18-to-smu.yml 18-to-lacewood.yml \
-	20-to-herring-cove.yml 20-to-mumford-downtown.yml \
-	21-to-timberlea.yml 21-to-lacewood-halifax.yml \
-	23-to-timberlea.yml 23-to-mumford-halifax.yml \
-	41-to-dalhousie.yml 41-to-bridge-terminal.yml \
-	42-to-lacewood.yml 42-to-dalhousie.yml \
-	52-to-bridge-terminal-burnside.yml 52-to-lacewood-chain-lake-drive.yml \
-	58-to-lucien-drive.yml \
-	80-to-bedford-halifax.yml 80-to-bedford-sackville.yml \
-	81-to-downtown-halifax.yml 81-to-hemlock-ravine.yml
-hfxtable.yml: $(ROUTE_FILES)
-	cp hfxtable.yml
-	@$(foreach ROUTE_FILE, $(ROUTE_FILES), \
-		echo "Parsing $(ROUTE_FILE)"; \
-		./ < $(ROUTE_FILE) >> hfxtable.yml;)
-	rm -f hfxtable.yml *~

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +1,1 @@
-=== Introduction === 
-This distribution contains everything required to build a basic google transit 
-feed for Halifax Metro Transit, Nova Scotia, Canada. Note that it is woefully 
-incomplete at the moment. 
-Requirements: GNU Make, Perl, Python 2.5.
-=== Usage ===
-First, grab a copy of google transit feed tools:
-cd $HOME/src
-tar zxvf transitfeed-1.1.7.tar.gz
-Set PYTHONPATH to the python directory in the above checkout:
-export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/src/transitfeed-1.1.7/python
-Then just type "make" to build the feed. The output at the end is "".
-For fun, you can view this feed using the snazzy transit feed view application:
-=== Copyright ===
-With the exception of, which is licensed under the Apache Public
-License, please consider all software tools in distribution to be in the public 
-domain. Use them for what you will.
-I believe the Metro Transit route data is considered factual information
-which can not be copyrighted. Note, however, that Metro Transit and/or
-the city of Halifax may have claim over its own name and other trademarks.

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +1,1 @@
-use strict;
-sub parse_time {
-    my ($time) = @_;
-    my ($hour, $minute);
-    if ($time =~ /a\Z/) {
-	$time =~ m/([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9])a/;
-	($hour, $minute) = ($1, $2);
-    } elsif ($time =~ /p\Z/) {
-	$time =~ m/([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9])p/;
-	($hour, $minute) = ($1, $2);
-	if ($hour < 12) {
-	    $hour += 12;
-	}
-    } elsif ($time =~ /x\Z/) {
-	$time =~ m/([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9])x/;
-	($hour, $minute) = ($1, $2);
-	if ($hour == 12) {
-	    $hour += 12;
-	} else {
-	    $hour += 24;
-	}
-    } elsif ($time =~ /^\ *-\Z/) {
-	($hour, $minute) = (0, 0);
-	# no stop at this time
-    } else {
-	print "Should not happen! Time ('$time') misformed.\n";
-	exit;
-    }
-    return ($hour, $minute);
-my $num_intervals = $ARGV[0] or die "No num intervals given!";
-my $interval = $ARGV[1] or die "No interval given!";
-my @times;
-$_ = <STDIN>;
-print $_;
-if ($_ !~ /^\#/) {
-    my @timestrs;
-    if ($_ =~ m/\[(.*)\]/) {
-	my $inner = $1;
-	@timestrs = split (/\,/, $inner);
-    } else {
-	@timestrs = split /\ /;
-    }
-    foreach (@timestrs) {
-	my ($hour, $minute) = parse_time($_);
-	push @times, [ $hour, $minute ];
-    }
-for (my $i=1; $i<($num_intervals+1); $i++) {
-    my $first = 1;
-    foreach (@times) {
-	my $mytime = $_;
-	my ($hour, $minute) = (@$mytime[0], @$mytime[1]);
-	if ($hour > 0 || $minute > 0) {
-	    $minute += $interval * $i;
-	    if ($minute > 59) {
-		$hour += int($minute / 60);
-		$minute = $minute % 60;
-		if ($minute < 10) {
-		    $minute = "0" . $minute;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	sub print_time {
-	    my ($hour, $minute) = @_;
-	    if ($hour == 0 && $minute == 0) {
-		print "-";
-	    } else {
-		if ($hour < 12) {
-		    print "$hour$minute" . "a";
-		} else {
-		    if ($hour > 12) {
-			$hour -= 12;
-		    }
-		    print "$hour$minute" . "p";
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if (!$first) {
-	    print " ";
-	    print_time($hour, $minute);
-	} else {
-	    $first = 0;
-	    print_time($hour, $minute);
-	}
-    }
-print "\n";

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +1,1 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
-# Copyright (C) 2008-2009 William Lachance
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import transitfeed
-from transitfeed import ServicePeriod
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import yaml, sys, os.path
-import re
-stops = {}
-def ProcessOptions(schedule, options):
-  # the follow features are REQUIRED
-  agency_name = options.get('agency_name')
-  agency_url = options.get('agency_url')
-  agency_timezone = options.get('agency_timezone')
-  service_periods = []
-  service_periods.append(ServicePeriod(id="weekday"))
-  service_periods[0].SetWeekdayService()
-  service_periods.append(ServicePeriod(id="saturday"))
-  service_periods[1].SetDayOfWeekHasService(5)
-  service_periods.append(ServicePeriod(id="sunday"))
-  service_periods[2].SetDayOfWeekHasService(6)
-  # the service period options are, well, optional
-  for service_period in service_periods:
-    if options.get('start_date'):
-      service_period.SetStartDate(options['start_date'])
-    if options.get('end_date'):
-      service_period.SetEndDate(options['end_date'])
-    if options.get('add_date'):
-      service_period.SetDateHasService(options['add_date'])
-    if options.get('remove_date'):
-      service_period.SetDateHasService(options['remove_date'], 
-                                       has_service=False)
-  # Add all service period objects to the schedule
-  schedule.SetDefaultServicePeriod(service_periods[0], validate=False)
-  schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_periods[1], validate=False)
-  schedule.AddServicePeriodObject(service_periods[2], validate=False)
-  if not (agency_name and agency_url and agency_timezone):
-    print "You must provide agency information"
-  schedule.NewDefaultAgency(agency_name=agency_name, agency_url=agency_url,
-                            agency_timezone=agency_timezone)
-# Remove any stops from stopsdata that aren't serviced by any routes in
-# routedata.
-def PruneStops(stopsdata, routedata):
-  stopset = set()
-  for route in routedata:
-    stopset.update(route['time_points'])
-    for between_list in route['between_stops']:
-      stopset.update(route['between_stops'][between_list])
-  toprune = list()
-  for i, stop in enumerate(stopsdata):
-    if stop['stop_code'] not in stopset:
-      print "Pruning unused stop %s " % stop['stop_code']
-      toprune.append(i)
-  # Prune the list in reverse order, as the indices will change otherwise.
-  toprune.sort()
-  toprune.reverse()
-  for prunee in toprune:
-    del stopsdata[prunee]
-def AddStops(schedule, stopsdata):
-  for stopdata in stopsdata:
-    stop_code = stopdata['stop_code']
-    # we have to manually add the stop instead of using AddStop, cause 
-    # we want the stop_code
-    stop_id = unicode(len(schedule.stops))
-    stop = transitfeed.Stop(stop_id=stop_id, lat=stopdata['lat'], 
-                            lng=stopdata['lng'], name=stopdata['name'], 
-                            stop_code=stop_code)
-    schedule.AddStopObject(stop)
-    stops[stop_code] = stop
-def AddTripsToSchedule(schedule, route, routedata, service_id, stop_times):
-  service_period = schedule.GetServicePeriod(service_id)
-  timerex = re.compile('^(\d+)(\d\d)([a-z])$')
-  for trip in stop_times:
-    t = route.AddTrip(schedule, headsign=routedata['long_name'], service_period=service_period)
-    if len(trip) > len(routedata['time_points']):
-        print "Length of trip (%s) exceeds number of time points (%s)!" % (len(trip), len(routedata['time_points']))
-        class StopTimesError(Exception): pass
-        raise StopTimesError()
-    else:
-      trip_stops = []  # Build a list of (time, stop_code) tuples
-      i = 0
-      for stop_time in trip:
-        matches = timerex.match(str(stop_time))
-        if matches and len(matches.groups()) == 3:
-          hour, minute, shift = (int(, 
-                                 str(, 
-          if shift == 'p' and hour < 12:
-            hour += 12
-          elif shift == 'x':
-            if hour == 12:
-              hour += 12
-            else:
-              hour += 24
-          # munge hours and minutes if they're < 10
-          if hour < 10:
-            hour = "0" + str(hour)
-          clock_time = str(hour) + ":" + minute + ":00"
-          seconds = transitfeed.TimeToSecondsSinceMidnight(clock_time)
-          trip_stops.append((seconds, routedata['time_points'][i]) )  
-        elif'^\-$', str(stop_time)):
-          pass
-        else:
-          class InvalidStopTimeError(Exception): pass
-          raise InvalidStopTimeError, 'Bad stoptime "%s"' % stop_time
-        i = i + 1
-    trip_stops.sort()  # Sort by time
-    prev_stop_code = None
-    between_stops = routedata.get('between_stops')
-    for (time, stop_code) in trip_stops:      
-      if prev_stop_code and between_stops:
-        between_stop_list = between_stops.get('%s-%s' % (prev_stop_code, stop_code))
-        if between_stop_list:
-          for between_stop_code in between_stop_list:          
-            t.AddStopTime(stop=stops[between_stop_code]) 
-      t.AddStopTime(stop=stops[stop_code], arrival_secs=time,
-                    departure_secs=time)
-      prev_stop_code = stop_code
-def AddRouteToSchedule(schedule, routedata):
-  r = schedule.AddRoute(short_name=str(routedata['short_name']), 
-                        long_name=routedata['long_name'],
-                        route_type='Bus')
-  AddTripsToSchedule(schedule, r, routedata, "weekday", routedata['stop_times'])
-  if routedata.get('stop_times_saturday'):
-    AddTripsToSchedule(schedule, r, routedata, "saturday", routedata['stop_times_saturday'])  
-  if routedata.get('stop_times_sunday'):
-    AddTripsToSchedule(schedule, r, routedata, "sunday", routedata['stop_times_sunday'])  
-def main():
-  parser = OptionParser()
-  parser.add_option('--input', dest='input',
-                    help='Path of input file')
-  parser.add_option('--output', dest='output',
-                    help='Path of output file, should end in .zip')
-  parser.set_defaults(output='')
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  schedule = transitfeed.Schedule()
-  stream = open(options.input, 'r')
-  data = yaml.load(stream)
-  ProcessOptions(schedule, data['options'])
-  PruneStops(data['stops'], data['routes'])
-  AddStops(schedule, data['stops'])
-  for route in data['routes']:
-    AddRouteToSchedule(schedule, route)
-  schedule.WriteGoogleTransitFeed(options.output)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +1,1 @@
-  start_date: 20080315
-  end_date: 20081215
-  remove_date: 20080704
-  agency_name: Halifax Metro Transit
-  agency_url:
-  agency_timezone: America/Halifax
-# the following waypoints are derived from google maps / google earth
-  - { name: Robie & Lady Hammond, stop_code: 8208, lat: 44.6647155, lng: -63.61677 }
-  - { name: Kearney Lake & Grosvenor, stop_code: 7019, lat: 44.681611, lng: -63.667767 }
-  - { name: Kearney Lake & Wedgewood, stop_code: 7023, lat: 44.681611, lng: -63.667767 }
-  - { name: Lacewood Terminal, stop_code: 7087, lat: 44.661511, lng: -63.656975 }
-  - { name: Lacewood Terminal, stop_code: 7086, lat: 44.661511, lng: -63.656975 }
-  - { name: Mumford Road & Joseph Howe, stop_code: 6612, lat: 44.648528, lng: -63.629597 }
-  - { name: Alma & Dutch Village, stop_code: 6032, lat: 44.659581, lng: -63.630681 }
-  - { name: Dunbrack & Main, stop_code: 6597, lat: 44.652714, lng: -63.649692 }
-  - { name: Joseph Howe Manor, stop_code: 8430, lat: 44.634822, lng: -63.576186 }
-  - { name: J.H. MacKenzie Manor, stop_code: 6791, lat: 44.637589, lng: -63.571281 }
-  - { name: Gordon B. Isnor Manor, stop_code: 6505, lat: 44.651589, lng: -63.585292 }
-  - { name: Ross Street & Dunbrack, stop_code: 6601, lat: 44.676468, lng: -63.66354 }
-  - { name: Dutch Village & Deal Street, stop_code: 6611, lat: 44.659069, lng: -63.631546 }
-  - { name: Downs & Milson, stop_code: 6578, lat: 44.641788, lng: -63.636932 }
-  - { name: Chebucto & Oxford (north bound), stop_code: 6396, lat: 44.648689, lng: -63.601871 }
-  - { name: Chebucto & Oxford (south bound), stop_code: 6397, lat: 44.648689, lng: -63.601871 }
-  - { name: Point Pleasant Park, stop_code: 8649, lat: 44.625298, lng: -63.56406 }
-  - { name: Tower Road Turing Loop, stop_code: 8409, lat: 44.6259, lng: -63.574524 }
-# the following waypoints are derived from geobase
-  - { name: Sunnyside (Bedford Highway & Dartmouth), stop_code: 6236, lat: 44.731726, lng: -63.657578 }
-  - { name: Sunnyside (Bedford Highway & Dartmouth), stop_code: 6238, lat: 44.731726, lng: -63.657578 }
-  - { name: Stonehaven & Glenmore, stop_code:  8361, lat: 44.635224, lng: -63.630198 }
-  - { name: Seton Road & Bedford Highway (Mount Saint Vincent University), stop_code: 6216, lat: 44.670526, lng: -63.641589 }
-  - { name: Seton Road & Bedford Highway (Mount Saint Vincent University), stop_code: 6219, lat: 44.670526, lng: -63.641589 }
-  - { name: Walker Avenue & Old Sackville Road (Sackville Terminal), stop_code: 8260, lat: 44.769474, lng: -63.696749 }
-  - { name: Cobequid Drive and Memory Lane (Cobequid Terminal), stop_code: 8646, lat: 44.753835, lng: -63.66313 }
-  - { name: Cobequid Drive and Memory Lane (Cobequid Terminal), stop_code: 6445, lat: 44.753835, lng: -63.66313 }
-  - { name: Ash Lake & Chain Lake Drive (TeleTech), stop_code: 6390, lat: 44.637817, lng: -63.664118 }
-  - { name: Victoria Road & Highfield Park Drive (Highfield Terminal), stop_code: 6923, lat: 44.682821, lng: -63.590579 }
-  - { name: Victoria Road & Highfield Park Drive (Highfield Terminal), stop_code: 6918, lat: 44.682821, lng: -63.590579 }
-  - { name: Macdonald Avenue & Ilsley Avenue (near Metro Transit H.Q.), stop_code: 6949, lat: 44.695728, lng: -63.583946 }
-  - { name: Macdonald Avenue & Ilsley Avenue (near Metro Transit H.Q.), stop_code: 7205, lat: 44.695728, lng: -63.583946 }
-  - { name: Wright Avenue & Macdonald, stop_code: 7153, lat: 44.701754, lng: -63.600508 }
-  - { name: Akerley & Colford, stop_code: 6767, lat: 44.716152, lng: -63.586565 }
-  - { name: Cowie Hill & Ridge Valley, stop_code: 8167, lat: 44.63064, lng: -63.622718 }
-  - { name: Cowie Hill & Ridge Valley, stop_code: 8168, lat: 44.63064, lng: -63.622718 }
-  - { name: Juniper Crescent & Leiblin Drive, stop_code: 7143, lat: 44.595027, lng: -63.636932 }
-# major timepoints for the 20
-# this is a big lie... I have no actual idea exactly where the dockyards are
-# (not really wanting to waltz around a military installation with a gps), 
-# and decided to put them on some random place on provo wallis
-  - { name: Dockyard, stop_code: 6568, lat: 44.654879, lng: -63.580571, bad: 1 }
-  - { name: Dockyard, stop_code: 6572, lat: 44.654879, lng: -63.580571, bad: 1 }
-  - { name: Greystone (turning loop), stop_code: 6797, lat: 44.599446, lng: -63.614456 }
-  - { name: Greystone (turning loop), stop_code: 6800, lat: 44.599446, lng: -63.614456 }
-  - { name: Herring Cove & Fotherby, stop_code: 6851, lat: 44.588541, lng: -63.593062 }
-  - { name: Herring Cove & Fotherby, stop_code: 6859, lat: 44.588541, lng: -63.593062 }
-  - { name: Herring Cove (St. Paul's Ave & School), stop_code: 7121, lat: 44.571368, lng: -63.561739 }
-# the following waypoints are derived from openstreetmap
-  - { name: Titus & Main, stop_code: 7166, lat: 44.6594, lng: -63.6343 }
-  - { name: Spring Garden & South Park, stop_code: 8308, lat: 44.6422, lng: -63.5797 }
-  - { name: Romans & Bayers, stop_code: 6197, lat: 44.6526, lng: -63.6214 }
-  - { name: Coleman & Bayers, stop_code: 6193, lat: 44.6516, lng: -63.6178 }
-  - { name: Connolly & Bayers, stop_code: 6203, lat: 44.6530, lng: -63.6132 }
-  - { name: Upper Water & Cornwallis, stop_code: 8414, lat: 44.6539, lng: -63.5814 }
-  - { name: Oxford & Young, stop_code: 7423, lat: 44.6543, lng: -63.6097 }
-  - { name: Larry Uteck Boulevard & Bedford Highway, stop_code: 7125, lat: 44.6989, lng: -63.6639 }
-  - { name: Dorothea & Lucien, stop_code: 6575, lat: 44.6784, lng: -63.5109, bad: 1 }
-  - { name: Penhorn Terminal, stop_code: 7445, lat: 44.6730, lng: -63.5413, bad: 1 }
-  - { name: Alderney Ferry Terminal, stop_code: 6031, lat: 44.6645, lng: -63.5685 }
-  - { name: South & LeMarchant, stop_code: 7144, lat: 44.6359, lng: -63.5895 }
-  - { name: Robie & Young, stop_code: 8269, lat: 44.6597, lng: -63.6021 }
-  - { name: Robie & Spring Garden (north bound), stop_code: 8185, lat: 44.6407, lng: -63.5867 }
-  - { name: Summer Street (QEII Health Sciences), stop_code: 8363, lat: 44.6457, lng: -63.5856, bad: 1 }
-  - { name: Chain Lake & Lakelands, stop_code: 6160, lat: 44.6375, lng: -63.6691 }
-  - { name: Greenwood Heights, stop_code: 6315, lat: 44.6553, lng: -63.7361, bad: 1 }
-  - { name: Glengary Gardens, stop_code: 6722, lat: 44.6605, lng: -63.7467, bad: 1  }
-  - { name: Summer Street (QEII Health Sciences), stop_code: 8364, lat: 44.6457, lng: -63.5856, bad: 1 }
-  - { name: Chain Lake & Lakelands, stop_code: 6189, lat: 44.6375, lng: -63.6691 }
-  - { name: Greenwood Heights, stop_code: 6317, lat: 44.6553, lng: -63.7361, bad: 1  }
-# the following were taken by wlach's GPS device
-# mumford rd. and chebucto, moving to terminal (going downtown afterwards)
-  - { name: Mumford & Chebucto, stop_code: 7276, lat: 44.64591, lng: -63.61571 }
-# mumford rd. and chebucto, moving out of terminal (going away from dwntwn)
-  - { name: Mumford & Leppert, stop_code: 7273, lat: 44.64604, lng: -63.61616 }
-# robie stops
-  - { name: Robie & Spring Garden, stop_code: 8332, lat: 44.64055, lng: -63.58652 }
-  - { name: Robie & Binney (north bound), stop_code: 8219, lat: 44.64235, lng: -63.58776 }
-  - { name: Robie & Cherry (north bound), stop_code: 8179, lat: 44.64426, lng: -63.58869 }
-  - { name: North & Gottingen, stop_code: 7346, lat: 44.65704, lng: -63.59146 }
-  - { name: North & Gottingen, stop_code: 6781, lat: 44.65768, lng: -63.59172 }
-  - { name: North & Gottingen, stop_code: 6769, lat: 44.65748, lng: -63.59123 }
-  - { name: Robie & Bliss (south bound), stop_code: 8194, lat: 44.64158, lng: -63.58758 }
-  - { name: Robie & Jubilee (south bound), stop_code: 8195, lat: 44.64328, lng: -63.58837 }
-  - { name: Robie & Cherry (south bound), stop_code: 8196, lat: 44.64467, lng: -63.58923 }
-  - { name: Robie & Shirley (south bound), stop_code: 8183, lat: 44.64612, lng: -63.59004 }
-  - { name: Robie & Quinpool (south bound), stop_code: 8214, lat: 44.64768, lng: -63.59078 }
-  - { name: Robie & Welsford (south bound), stop_code: 8190, lat: 44.64857, lng: -63.59114 }
-  - { name: Robie & Cunard (south bound), stop_code: 8205, lat: 44.65038, lng: -63.59227 }
-  - { name: Robie & Charles (south bound), stop_code: 8178, lat: 44.65305, lng: -63.59373 }
-  - { name: Robie & North (south bound), stop_code: 8213, lat: 44.65498, lng: -63.59537 }
-  - { name: Robie & May (south bound), stop_code: 8182, lat: 44.65603, lng: -63.59684 }
-  - { name: Robie & Almon (south bound), stop_code: 8202, lat: 44.65759, lng: -63.59930 }
-  - { name: Robie & Young (south bound), stop_code: 8193, lat: 44.65899, lng: -63.60136 }
-  - { name: Robie & North, stop_code: 7341, lat: 44.65499, lng: -63.59449 }
-  - { name: North & Windsor, stop_code: 7358, lat: 44.65234, lng: -63.59830 }
-  - { name: North & Clifton, stop_code: 7353, lat: 44.65381, lng: -63.59615 }
-  - { name: North & Gottingen, stop_code: 7347, lat: 44.65706, lng: -63.59150 }
-  - { name: North & Maynard, stop_code: 7354, lat: 44.65610, lng: -63.59275 }
-  - { name: North & Robie, stop_code: 7342, lat: 44.65448, lng: -63.59507 }
-  - { name: North & Clifton, stop_code: 7352, lat: 44.65361, lng: -63.59630 }
-  - { name: North & Windsor, stop_code: 7357, lat: 44.65211, lng: -63.59844 }
-  - { name: Robie & Quinpool (north bound), stop_code: 8184, lat: 44.64795, lng: -63.59068 }
-  - { name: Robie & Cunard (north bound), stop_code: 8206, lat: 44.65001, lng: -63.59176 }
-  - { name: Robie & Garrick (north bound), stop_code: 8221, lat: 44.65171, lng: -63.59281 }
-  - { name: Robie & Willow (north bound), stop_code: 8222, lat: 44.65372, lng: -63.59403 }
-  - { name: Robie & North (north bound),  stop_code: 8181, lat: 44.65494, lng: -63.59510 }
-  - { name: Robie & May (north bound),  stop_code: 8210, lat: 44.65609, lng: -63.59674 }
-  - { name: Robie & Almon (north bound), stop_code: 8201, lat: 44.65724, lng: -63.59846 }
-  - { name: Robie & Russell (north bound), stop_code: 8251, lat: 44.65879, lng: -63.60080 }
-  - { name: North & Brunswick, stop_code: 7348, lat: 44.65833, lng: -63.59029 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Duffus, stop_code: 6583, lat: 44.66729, lng: -63.60655 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Black, stop_code: 6785, lat: 44.65825, lng: -63.59252 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Bloomfield, stop_code: 6768, lat: 44.65982, lng: -63.59452 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Macara, stop_code: 6782, lat: 44.66113, lng: -63.59659 }
-  # all of these are headed towards the mackay bridge
-  - { name: Novalea & Livingstone, stop_code: 7377, lat: 44.66388, lng: -63.60046 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Stanley, stop_code: 7381, lat: 44.66479, lng: -63.60187 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Cabot, stop_code: 7374, lat: 44.66624, lng: -63.60420 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Devonshire, stop_code: 7369, lat: 44.66717, lng: -63.60568 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Vestby, stop_code: 7373, lat: 44.66871, lng: -63.60773 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Leeds, stop_code: 7376, lat: 44.67042, lng: -63.61035 }
-  - { name: Novalea (Samuel Prince Manor), stop_code: 7380, lat: 44.67160, lng: -63.61214 }
-  - { name: Novalea (Samuel Prince Manor), stop_code: 7379, lat: 44.67160, lng: -63.61214 }
-  - { name: Novalea (Samuel Prince Manor), stop_code: 7378, lat: 44.67176, lng: -63.61225 }
-  # the following three are headed AWAY from the mackay bridge
-  - { name: Novalea (Samuel Prince Manor), stop_code: 7367, lat: 44.67160, lng: -63.61234 }
-  - { name: Novalea (Samuel Prince Manor), stop_code: 7368, lat: 44.67160, lng: -63.61234 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Vestby, stop_code: 7382, lat: 44.66854, lng: -63.60771 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Duffus, stop_code: 7370, lat: 44.66755, lng: -63.60648 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Cabot, stop_code: 7362, lat: 44.66645, lng: -63.60485 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Stanley, stop_code: 7365, lat: 44.66493, lng: -63.60239 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Livingstone, stop_code: 7364, lat: 44.66404, lng: -63.60110 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Young, stop_code: 6770, lat: 44.66227, lng: -63.59841 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Sullivan, stop_code: 6783, lat: 44.66177, lng: -63.59768 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Almon, stop_code: 6776, lat: 44.66018, lng: -63.59534 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Black, stop_code: 6777, lat: 44.65850, lng: -63.59289 }
-  - { name: North & Brunswick, stop_code: 7351, lat: 44.65810, lng: -63.58967 }
-  - { name: North & Barrington (south bound), stop_code: 7343, lat: 44.65865, lng: -63.58818 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Duke (south bound), stop_code: 6105, lat: 44.64973, lng: -63.57519 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Duke (north bound), stop_code: 6087, lat: 44.65066, lng: -63.57561 }
-  # headed towards the north end on barrington
-  - { name: Barrington & Duke (north bound), stop_code: 6086, lat: 44.65041, lng: -63.57559 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Cornwallis (north bound), stop_code: 6089, lat: 44.65436, lng: -63.58181 }
-  # on barrington and north, just east of the macdonald bridge
-  - { name: Barrington & North, stop_code: 6116, lat: 44.65875, lng: -63.58761 }
-  # ditto, just west of the bridge
-  - { name: Barrington & North, stop_code: 6091, lat: 44.66043, lng: -63.58963 }
-  # headed west on barrington from north, up towards duffus (following the 9)
-  - { name: Barrington & Russell, stop_code: 6127, lat: 44.66310, lng: -63.59233 }
-  # now headed towards the macdonald bridge from the west, on barrington
-  - { name: Barrington & Russell (south bound), stop_code: 6090, lat: 44.66327, lng: -63.59279 }
-  - { name: Barrington (south bound), stop_code: 6107, lat: 44.66067, lng: -63.59007 }
-  - { name: Barrington & North (south bound), stop_code: 6115, lat: 44.65940, lng: -63.58880 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Young (north bound), stop_code: 7366, lat: 44.66267, lng: -63.59887 }
-  - { name: North & Brunswick (south bound), stop_code: 8638, lat: 44.65853, lng: -63.58986 }
-  - { name: Barrington (south bound), stop_code: 6088, lat: 44.65675, lng: -63.58524 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Cornwallis (south bound), stop_code: 6104, lat: 44.65441, lng: -63.58209 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Cornwallis (south bound), stop_code: 6125, lat: 44.65348, lng: -63.58080 }
-  - { name: Northridge Road (Richmond Manor), stop_code: 8165, lat: 44.67192, lng: -63.61618 }
-  - { name: Northridge Road (Richmond Manor), stop_code: 8164, lat: 44.67193, lng: -63.61618 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Sentinel, stop_code: 7361, lat: 44.67318, lng: -63.61473 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Ridge, stop_code: 7360, lat: 44.67323, lng: -63.61551 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Charles (south bound), stop_code: 8559, lat: 44.65146, lng: -63.59704 }
-  - { name: Hunter & Cunard (south bound), stop_code: 6545, lat: 44.65035, lng: -63.59433 }
-  - { name: Hunter & Cunard (north bound), stop_code: 6544, lat: 44.65039, lng: -63.59469 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Charles (north bound), stop_code: 8558, lat: 44.65127, lng: -63.59656 }
-  - { name: Windsor & North (north bound), stop_code: 8554, lat: 44.65252, lng: -63.59893 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Summit (north bound), stop_code: 8568, lat: 44.65307, lng: -63.60000 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Almon (north bound), stop_code: 8556, lat: 44.65420, lng: -63.60240 }
-  - { name: Windsor & London (north bound), stop_code: 8572, lat: 44.65505, lng: -63.60432 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Young (north bound), stop_code: 8571, lat: 44.65581, lng: -63.60568 }  
-  - { name: Windsor & Bayers (north bound), stop_code: 8574, lat: 44.65717, lng: -63.60773 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Ashton (north bound), stop_code: 8550, lat: 44.65829, lng: -63.60944 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Maxwell (north bound), stop_code: 8549, lat: 44.66015, lng: -63.61264 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Hood (north bound), stop_code: 8567, lat: 44.66087, lng: -63.61576 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Connolly (north bound), stop_code: 8570, lat: 44.66040, lng: -63.61868 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Strawberry (north bound), stop_code: 8552, lat: 44.66066, lng: -63.62020 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Kempt (north bound), stop_code: 8563, lat: 44.66192, lng: -63.62175 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Kempt (north bound), stop_code: 8553, lat: 44.66236, lng: -63.62236 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Connaught, stop_code: 8560, lat: 44.66040, lng: -63.62022 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Connolly (south bound), stop_code: 8551, lat: 44.66026, lng: -63.61910 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Hood (south bound), stop_code: 8562, lat: 44.66074, lng: -63.61580 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Maxwell (south bound), stop_code: 8565, lat: 44.66006, lng: -63.61291 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Ashton (south bound), stop_code: 8573, lat: 44.65826, lng: -63.60962 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Bayers (south bound), stop_code: 8555, lat: 44.65711, lng: -63.60793 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Young (south bound), stop_code: 8561, lat: 44.65604, lng: -63.60638 }
-  - { name: Windsor & London (south bound), stop_code: 8564, lat: 44.65511, lng: -63.60471 }
-  - { name: Windsor & Almon (south bound), stop_code: 8557, lat: 44.65430, lng: -63.60298 }
-#  - { name: Windsor & Summit (south bound), stop_code: 856x, lat: 44.65322, lng: -63.60061 }
-  - { name: Windsor & North (south bound), stop_code: 8566, lat: 44.65227, lng: -63.59863 }
-  - { name: Cogswell & Brunswick (north bound), stop_code: 6455, lat: 44.65094, lng: -63.57983 }
-  - { name: Cogswell & Gottingen (north bound), stop_code: 6773, lat: 44.65095, lng: -63.58157 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Cornwallis (north bound), stop_code: 6778, lat: 44.65198, lng: -63.58330 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Cunard (north bound), stop_code: 6779, lat: 44.65325, lng: -63.58519 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Gerrish (north bound), stop_code: 6775, lat: 44.65407, lng: -63.58622 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Charles (north bound), stop_code: 6787, lat: 44.65573, lng: -63.58866 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Charles (south bound), stop_code: 6774, lat: 44.65557, lng: -63.58865 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Gerrish (south bound), stop_code: 6780, lat: 44.65489, lng: -63.58771 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Cunard (south bound), stop_code: 6786, lat: 44.65361, lng: -63.58581 }
-  - { name: Gottigen & Cornwallis (south bound), stop_code: 6790, lat: 44.65200, lng: -63.58332 }
-  - { name: Gottingen & Falkland (south bound), stop_code: 6771, lat: 44.65089, lng: -63.58185 }
-  # following stops are for routes heading from dartmouth to mumford
-  - { name: North & Dublin, stop_code: 7344, lat: 44.65061, lng: -63.60074 }
-  - { name: North & Oxford, stop_code: 7356, lat: 44.64929, lng: -63.60253 }
-  - { name: Chebucto & Connolly, stop_code: 6405, lat: 44.64818, lng: -63.60497 }
-  - { name: Chebucto & Connaught, stop_code: 6404, lat: 44.64759, lng: -63.60729 }
-  - { name: Chebucto & Arm Crescent, stop_code: 6413, lat: 44.64631, lng: -63.61047 }
-  - { name: Chebucto & Quinn, stop_code: 6414, lat: 44.64602, lng: -63.61234 }
-  - { name: Mumford & Chebucto, stop_code: 7275, lat: 44.64592, lng: -63.61570 }
-  - { name: Mumford Terminal, stop_code: 7284, lat: 44.64786, lng: -63.62035 }
-  - { name: Mumford Terminal, stop_code: 7285, lat: 44.64786, lng: -63.62035 }
-  - { name: Mumford Terminal, stop_code: 8643, lat: 44.64786, lng: -63.62035 }
-  # following stops are for routes heading from mumford towards dartmouth
-  - { name: Mumford & Leppert, stop_code: 7274, lat: 44.64599, lng: -63.61618 }
-  - { name: Chebucto & Quinn, stop_code: 6409, lat: 44.64571, lng: -63.61272 }
-  - { name: Chebucto & Arm Crescent, stop_code: 6403, lat: 44.64599, lng: -63.61064 }
-  - { name: Chebucto & Newton, stop_code: 6407, lat: 44.64664, lng: -63.60843 }
-  - { name: Chebucto & Elm, stop_code: 6406, lat: 44.64787, lng: -63.60564 }
-  - { name: North & Oxford, stop_code: 7355, lat: 44.64896, lng: -63.60284 }
-  - { name: North & Dublin, stop_code: 7345, lat: 44.65013, lng: -63.60110 }
-  # following stops are for routes heading from scotia square towards spring garden
-  - { name: Barrington & George, stop_code: 6108, lat: 44.64848, lng: -63.57482 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Prince, stop_code: 6084, lat: 44.64760, lng: -63.57435 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Sackville, stop_code: 6103, lat: 44.64660, lng: -63.57368 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Blowers, stop_code: 6102, lat: 44.64557, lng: -63.57322 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Spring Garden, stop_code: 6122, lat: 44.64454, lng: -63.57279 }
-  # following stops heading from scotia square to water street terminal / ferry terminal  
-  - { name: George & Hollis, stop_code: 6733, lat: 44.64851, lng: -63.57341 }
-  - { name: Water Street Terminal, stop_code: 8435, lat: 44.64922, lng: -63.57225 }
-  # following stops are for routes heading on spring garden, barrington to robie
-  - { name: Spring Garden & Queen, stop_code: 8331, lat: 44.64348, lng: -63.57551 }
-  - { name: Spring Garden & Dresden Row, stop_code: 8330, lat: 44.64288, lng: -63.57759 }
-  - { name: Spring Garden & South Park, stop_code: 8334, lat: 44.64247, lng: -63.57942 }
-  - { name: Spring Garden & Summer, stop_code: 8335, lat: 44.64144, lng: -63.58316 }
-  - { name: Spring Garden & Carlton, stop_code: 8329, lat: 44.64105, lng: -63.58481 }
-  # following stop data was collected going along robie, onto south, onto barrington
-  - { name: Robie & Coburg, stop_code: 8186, lat: 44.63979, lng: -63.58671 }
-  - { name: Robie & University, stop_code: 8188, lat: 44.63776, lng: -63.58559 }
-  - { name: Robie & South, stop_code: 8296, lat: 44.63665, lng: -63.58400 }
-  - { name: South & Wellington, stop_code: 8303, lat: 44.63715, lng: -63.58187 }
-  - { name: South & Tower, stop_code: 8305, lat: 44.63778, lng: -63.57941 }
-  - { name: South & South Park, stop_code: 8295, lat: 44.63840, lng: -63.57627 }
-  - { name: South & Queen, stop_code: 8299, lat: 44.63886, lng: -63.57421 }
-  - { name: South & Barrington, stop_code: 8293, lat: 44.63972, lng: -63.57165 }
-  - { name: South & Barrington, stop_code: 6096, lat: 44.64023, lng: -63.57041 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Morris, stop_code: 6113, lat: 44.64155, lng: -63.57109 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Spring Garden, stop_code: 6124, lat: 44.64404, lng: -63.57232 }
-# following stop is what you get continuing into south, towards lemarchant
-  - { name: Robie & South, stop_code: 8317, lat: 44.63633, lng: -63.58584 }
-  # following stop data was collected going along barrington, onto south, onto robie
-  - { name: Barrington & Morris, stop_code: 6114, lat: 44.64188, lng: -63.57140 }
-  - { name: Barrington & South, stop_code: 6097, lat: 44.64024, lng: -63.57055 }
-  - { name: South & Church, stop_code: 8294, lat: 44.63949, lng: -63.57253 }
-  - { name: South & Queen, stop_code: 8292, lat: 44.63894, lng: -63.57462 }
-  - { name: South & South Park, stop_code: 8300, lat: 44.63836, lng: -63.57711 }
-  - { name: South & Tower, stop_code: 8301, lat: 44.63795, lng: -63.57863 }
-  - { name: South & Wellington, stop_code: 8298, lat: 44.63723, lng: -63.58183 }
-  - { name: South & Robie, stop_code: 8297, lat: 44.63684, lng: -63.58358 }
-  - { name: South & Robie, stop_code: 8220, lat: 44.63685, lng: -63.58488 }
-  - { name: Robie & University, stop_code: 8187, lat: 44.63857, lng: -63.58576 }
-  # ~quinpool and oxford, heading to spring garden and robie
-  - { name: Quinpool & Oxford, stop_code: 7412, lat: 44.64424, lng: -63.60031 }
-  - { name: Oxford & Norwood, stop_code: 7419, lat: 44.64296, lng: -63.59948 }
-  - { name: Oxford & Jubilee, stop_code: 7409, lat: 44.64031, lng: -63.59805 }
-  - { name: Oxford & Jennings, stop_code: 7402, lat: 44.63898, lng: -63.59738 }
-  - { name: Coburg & Oxford, stop_code: 6453, lat: 44.63778, lng: -63.59617 }
-  - { name: Coburg & Lilac, stop_code: 6447, lat: 44.63842, lng: -63.59361 }
-  - { name: Coburg & Lemarchant, stop_code: 6449, lat: 44.63903, lng: -63.59137 }
-  - { name: Coburg & Henry, stop_code: 6454, lat: 44.63957, lng: -63.58905 }
-  - { name: Coburg & Robie, stop_code: 6452, lat: 44.64007, lng: -63.58723 }
-  # from ~ Young and Robie to the Bedford Hwy
-  - { name: Young & Monaghan, stop_code: 8629, lat: 44.65816, lng: -63.60450 }
-  - { name: Young & Windsor, stop_code: 8634, lat: 44.65684, lng: -63.60654 }
-  - { name: Bayers & Dublin, stop_code: 6192, lat: 44.65630, lng: -63.60857 }
-  - { name: Bayers & Oxford, stop_code: 6196, lat: 44.65519, lng: -63.60994 }
-  - { name: Bayers & Connolly, stop_code: 6201, lat: 44.65365, lng: -63.61245 }
-  - { name: Bayers & Connaught, stop_code: 6200, lat: 44.65252, lng: -63.61456 }
-  - { name: Bayers & Vaughan, stop_code: 6199, lat: 44.65202, lng: -63.61846 }
-  - { name: Bayers & Romans, stop_code: 6198, lat: 44.65318, lng: -63.62294 }
-  # forgot to get the stop code for this one, it's between
-  #- { name: Village at Bayers Road, stop_code: xxxx, lat: 44.65380, lng: -63.62662 }
-  - { name: Village at Bayers Road, stop_code: 6563, lat: 44.65469, lng: -63.62804 }
-  - { name: Desmond & Scott, stop_code: 6565, lat: 44.65629, lng: -63.62758 }
-  - { name: Joseph Howe & Dutch Village, stop_code: 6984, lat: 44.65830, lng: -63.62902 }
-  - { name: Joseph Howe & Dutch Village, stop_code: 6983, lat: 44.66037, lng: -63.62809 }
-  # from ~bedford highway to young and robie (partial)
-  - { name: Joseph Howe & Dutch Village, stop_code: 6982, lat: 44.65839, lng: -63.62920 }
-  - { name: Joseph Howe & Scot, stop_code: 6985, lat: 44.65692, lng: -63.62963 }
-  - { name: Scot & Desmond, stop_code: 8262, lat: 44.65638, lng: -63.62809 }
-  - { name: Village at Bayers Road, stop_code: 6564, lat: 44.65470, lng: -63.62797 }
-  - { name: Young & Monaghan, stop_code: 8633, lat: 44.65808, lng: -63.60435 }
-  # robie -> barrington on spring garden
-  - { name: Spring Garden & Carlton, stop_code: 8328, lat: 44.64091, lng: -63.58551 }
-  - { name: Spring Garden & Summer, stop_code: 8337, lat: 44.64141, lng: -63.58288 }
-  - { name: Spring Garden & South Park, stop_code: 8333, lat: 44.64217, lng: -63.57999 }
-  - { name: Spring Garden & Dresden Row, stop_code: 8336, lat: 44.64302, lng: -63.57741 }
-  - { name: Spring Garden & Queen, stop_code: 8327, lat: 44.64342, lng: -63.57547 }
-  - { name: Spring Garden & Barrington, stop_code: 8338, lat: 44.64393, lng: -63.57325 }
-# barrington, from spring garden to duke
-  - { name: Barrington & Sackville, stop_code: 6121, lat: 44.64590, lng: -63.57344 }
-# I have marked down 6086 as being the gotime id for the stop below, but
-# that can't be right: 6086 is for barrington & duke (south bound). the
-# schedules say so
-#- { name: Barrington & Prince, stop_code: xxxx, lat: 44.64671, lng: -63.57383 }
-  - { name: Barrington & George, stop_code: 6106, lat: 44.64871, lng: -63.57474 }
-  # dartmouth
-  - { name: Bridge Terminal (Dartmouth Sportsplex), stop_code: 6842, lat: 44.67016, lng: -63.57624  }
-  - { name: Bridge Terminal (Dartmouth Sportsplex), stop_code: 7151, lat: 44.67016, lng: -63.57624  }
-  - { name: Bridge Terminal (Dartmouth Sportsplex), stop_code: 8640, lat: 44.67016, lng: -63.57624  }
-  - { name: Bridge Terminal (Dartmouth Sportsplex), stop_code: 8641, lat: 44.67016, lng: -63.57624  }
-  - { name: Bridge Terminal (Dartmouth Sportsplex), stop_code: 8642, lat: 44.67016, lng: -63.57624  }
-# following the #10, from bridge terminal to mic mac mall
-  - { name: Wyse & Dawson, stop_code: 8616, lat: 44.67162, lng: -63.58015 }
-  - { name: Boland & Cairn, stop_code: 6304, lat: 44.67344, lng: -63.57982 }
-  - { name: Boland & Victoria, stop_code: 6303, lat: 44.67510, lng: -63.57797 }
-  - { name: Boland & Frances, stop_code: 8428, lat: 44.67642, lng: -63.57897 }
-  - { name: Slayter & Woodland, stop_code: 8587, lat: 44.67776, lng: -63.57929 }
-  - { name: Sheridan & Woodland, stop_code: 8580, lat: 44.67969, lng: -63.57693 }
-  - { name: Frederick & Woodland, stop_code: 8586, lat: 44.68060, lng: -63.57579 }
-  - { name: Laurier & Woodland, stop_code: 8582, lat: 44.68202, lng: -63.57399 }
-  - { name: Woodland & Micmac, stop_code: 7214, lat: 44.68501, lng: -63.56801 }
-  - { name: Micmac & Glencarin, stop_code: 7213, lat: 44.68667, lng: -63.56355 }
-  - { name: Mic Mac Terminal (Mic Mac Mall), stop_code: 7219, lat: 44.68536, lng: -63.56081 }
-# following the #10, Micmac Mall -> Tacoma Center
-  - { name: Micmac & Brookdale, stop_code: 7210, lat: 44.68456, lng: -63.55681 }
-# the following stop doesn't come between 15:30-17:30, leave it out until
-# we can express this in GTFS (or alternately, just leave this mostly
-# useless top out indefinitely-- 7173 comes right after it)
-#- { name: Main & Gordon, stop_code: 7174, lat: 44.68137, lng: -63.54327 }
-  - { name: Main & Gordon, stop_code: 7173, lat: 44.68169, lng: -63.54023 }
-  - { name: Main & Hartlen, stop_code: 6834, lat: 44.68168, lng: -63.53737 }
-  - { name: Tacoma Center, stop_code: 8369, lat: 44.68039, lng: -63.53747 }
-# following the #10, Tacoma Center -> Woodlawn & Main
-  - { name: Valleyfield & Oakwood, stop_code: 8416, lat: 44.67932, lng: -63.53463 }
-  - { name: Spikenard & Margaree Parkway, stop_code: 8323, lat: 44.68022, lng: -63.53151 }
-  - { name: Spikenard & Woodlawn, stop_code: 8320, lat: 44.68092, lng: -63.52837 }
-  - { name: Spikenard & Woodlawn, stop_code: 8603, lat: 44.68174, lng: -63.52757 }
-  - { name: Woodlawn & Main, stop_code: 8598, lat: 44.68351, lng: -63.52875 }
-# Following #10, Woodlawn & Main -> Inverary & Strath
-  - { name: Booth & Main, stop_code: 6306, lat: 44.68593, lng: -63.52412 }
-  - { name: Booth & Scotsburn, stop_code: 6305, lat: 44.68786, lng: -63.52550 }
-  - { name: Booth & David, stop_code: 7053, lat: 44.68977, lng: -63.52740 }
-  - { name: Kennedy, stop_code: 7052, lat: 44.69088, lng: -63.52839 }
-  - { name: Kennedy, stop_code: 7051, lat: 44.69151, lng: -63.53071 }
-  - { name: Caladonia, stop_code: 6369, lat: 44.69199, lng: -63.53286 }
-  - { name: Caladonia & Dumbarton, stop_code: 6591, lat: 44.69308, lng: -63.53429 }
-  - { name: Kincardine & Dumbarton, stop_code: 6592, lat: 44.69247, lng: -63.53681 }
-  - { name: Kincardine & Greenoch, stop_code: 7057, lat: 44.68988, lng: -63.53612 }
-  - { name: Inverary & Strath, stop_code: 6974, lat: 44.68847, lng: -63.53599 }
-# following #10, iverary & strath -> tacoma
-  - { name: Strath & Raymoor, stop_code: 8160, lat: 44.68717, lng: -63.53591 }
-  - { name: Raymoor, stop_code: 8161, lat: 44.68559, lng: -63.53323 }
-  - { name: Raymoor & Main, stop_code: 8162, lat: 44.68428, lng: -63.53158 }
-  - { name: Weyburn & Main, stop_code: 8483, lat: 44.68355, lng: -63.53236 }
-  - { name: Weyburn & Athabaskan, stop_code: 8484, lat: 44.68215, lng: -63.53176 }
-  - { name: Weyburn & Spikenard, stop_code: 8482, lat: 44.68078, lng: -63.53111 }
-  - { name: Spikenard & Valleyfield, stop_code: 8319, lat: 44.67957, lng: -63.53369 }
-  - { name: Tacoma Center, stop_code: 8368, lat: 44.67997, lng: -63.53717 }
-# following #10, tacoma -> micmac
-  - { name: Hartlen & Main, stop_code: 6835, lat: 44.68165, lng: -63.53725 }
-  - { name: Major & Main, stop_code: 7175, lat: 44.68195, lng: -63.54001 }
-  - { name: Micmac & Brookdlae, stop_code: 7209, lat: 44.68466, lng: -63.55729 }
-  - { name: Micmac & Glencairn, stop_code: 7218, lat: 44.68576, lng: -63.56118 }
-# following #10, micmac -> bridge terminal
-  - { name: Micmac & Glencairn, stop_code: 7211, lat: 44.68671, lng: -63.56299 }
-  - { name: Micmac & Woodland, stop_code: 7215, lat: 44.68532, lng: -63.56827 }
-  - { name: Woodland & Laurier, stop_code: 8581, lat: 44.68175, lng: -63.57462 }
-  - { name: Woodland & Pinehill, stop_code: 8583, lat: 44.68072, lng: -63.57587 }
-  - { name: Woodland & Sheridan, stop_code: 8584, lat: 44.67979, lng: -63.57703 }
-  - { name: Woodland & Slayter, stop_code: 8585, lat: 44.67778, lng: -63.57946 }
-  - { name: Victoria & Francse, stop_code: 8424, lat: 44.67623, lng: -63.57887 }
-  - { name: Victoria & Boland, stop_code: 8419, lat: 44.67515, lng: -63.57724 }
-  - { name: Nantucket & Victoria, stop_code: 8429, lat: 44.67296, lng: -63.57360 }
-  - { name: Thistle & Victoria, stop_code: 8427, lat: 44.67185, lng: -63.57202 }
-  - { name: Thistle & Victoria, stop_code: 8389, lat: 44.67106, lng: -63.57202 }
-  - { name: Wyse & Thistle, stop_code: 8392, lat: 44.66898, lng: -63.57436 }
-  - { name: Wyse & Thistle, stop_code: 8614, lat: 44.66898, lng: -63.57540 }
-# ~coburg and Henry -> quinpool and oxford
-  - { name: Coburg & Henry, stop_code: 6448, lat: 44.63967, lng: -63.58873 }
-  - { name: Coburg & Lemarchant, stop_code: 6450, lat: 44.63914, lng: -63.59097 }
-  - { name: Coburg & Lilac, stop_code: 6451, lat: 44.63833, lng: -63.59454 }
-  - { name: Oxford & Coburg, stop_code: 7401, lat: 44.63822, lng: -63.59685 }
-  - { name: Oxford & Jennings, stop_code: 7403, lat: 44.63940, lng: -63.59741 }
-  - { name: Oxford & Cornwall, stop_code: 7410, lat: 44.64129, lng: -63.59843 }
-  - { name: Oxford & Norwood, stop_code: 7406, lat: 44.64270, lng: -63.59924 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Oxford, stop_code: 7421, lat: 44.64444, lng: -63.60015 }
-# ~ quinpool and oxford, to young and oxford
-  - { name: Oxford & Allan, stop_code: 7404, lat: 44.64699, lng: -63.60142 }
-# south & dalhousie -> spring garden & south park (following #10)
-  - { name: South & Dalhousie, stop_code: 8304, lat: 44.63488, lng: -63.59253 }
-  - { name: Beaufort & South, stop_code: 6206, lat: 44.63380, lng: -63.59510 }
-  - { name: Beaufort & Oakland, stop_code: 6209, lat: 44.63272, lng: -63.59301 }
-  - { name: Beaufort & Inglis, stop_code: 6208, lat: 44.63124, lng: -63.58960 }
-  - { name: Inglis & Greenwood, stop_code: 6961, lat: 44.63194, lng: -63.58596 }
-  - { name: Inglis & Robie, stop_code: 6962, lat: 44.63272, lng: -63.58260 }
-  - { name: Inglis & Wellington, stop_code: 6965, lat: 44.63311, lng: -63.58089 }
-  - { name: Tower & Inglis, stop_code: 6969, lat: 44.63378, lng: -63.57829 }
-  - { name: South Park & Victoria, stop_code: 8314, lat: 44.63568, lng: -63.57665 }
-  - { name: South Park & South, stop_code: 8306, lat: 44.63739, lng: -63.57736 }
-  - { name: South Park & South, stop_code: 8307, lat: 44.63846, lng: -63.57769 }
-  - { name: South Park & University, stop_code: 8309, lat: 44.64016, lng: -63.57856 }
-  - { name: South Park & Spring Garden, stop_code: 8312, lat: 44.64203, lng: -63.57956 }
-# south park and spring garden -> robie and inglis (following #10)
-  - { name: Spring Garden & South Park, stop_code: 8308, lat: 44.64172, lng: -63.57946 }
-  - { name: South Park & Morris, stop_code: 8313, lat: 44.64017, lng: -63.57877 }
-  - { name: South Park & South, stop_code: 8311, lat: 44.63837, lng: -63.57793 }
-  - { name: South Park & Fenwick, stop_code: 8315, lat: 44.63687, lng: -63.57716 }
-  # (two between stops with no gotime id #'s...)
-  - { name: Inglis (SMU), stop_code: 6960, lat: 44.63326, lng: -63.58090 }
-  - { name: Inglish & Robie, stop_code: 6966, lat: 44.63280, lng: -63.58262 }
-# robie & young -> Leeds & Rosemeade
-  - { name: Robie & Young, stop_code: 8192, lat: 44.66001, lng: -63.60277 }
-  - { name: Robie & Livingstone, stop_code: 8209, lat: 44.66097, lng: -63.60419 }
-  - { name: Robie & Stanley, stop_code: 8217, lat: 44.66197, lng: -63.60570 }
-  - { name: Robie & Cabot, stop_code: 8204, lat: 44.66341, lng: -63.60783 }
-  - { name: Robie & Duffus, stop_code: 8207, lat: 44.66454, lng: -63.60950 }
-  - { name: Robie & Lady Hammond, stop_code: 8180, lat: 44.66556, lng: -63.61093 }
-  - { name: Robie & Normandy, stop_code: 8211, lat: 44.66670, lng: -63.61254 }
-  - { name: Leeds & Rosemeade, stop_code: 7131, lat: 44.66823, lng: -63.61368 }
-# Leeds & Rosemeade -> Robie & Young
-  - { name: Leeds & Rosemeade, stop_code: 7133, lat: 44.66856, lng: -63.61347 }
-  - { name: Robie & Normandy, stop_code: 8212, lat: 44.66695, lng: -63.61309 }
-  - { name: Robie & Lady Hammond, stop_code: 8208, lat: 44.66551, lng: -63.61100 }
-  - { name: Robie & Cabot, stop_code: 8203, lat: 44.66370, lng: -63.60844 }
-  - { name: Robie & Stanley, stop_code: 8197, lat: 44.66168, lng: -63.60543 }
-  - { name: Robie & Kaye, stop_code: 8218, lat: 44.66006, lng: -63.60306 }
-# Quinpool & Robie -> Quinpool & Connaught
-  - { name: Quinpool & Robie, stop_code: 8151, lat: 44.64716, lng: -63.59127 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Monastery, stop_code: 8138, lat: 44.64620, lng: -63.59458 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Preston, stop_code: 8148, lat: 44.64528, lng: -63.59772 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Oxford, stop_code: 8137, lat: 44.64446, lng: -63.60074 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Beech, stop_code: 8134, lat: 44.64408, lng: -63.60197 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Poplar, stop_code: 8146, lat: 44.64353, lng: -63.60386 }
-# Quinpool & Connaught -> Quinpool & Robie
-  - { name: Quinpool & Poplar, stop_code: 8135, lat: 44.64339, lng: -63.60391 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Beech, stop_code: 8133, lat: 44.64389, lng: -63.60237 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Oxford, stop_code: 8136, lat: 44.64460, lng: -63.59996 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Preston, stop_code: 8147, lat: 44.64531, lng: -63.59756 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Vernon, stop_code: 8149, lat: 44.64639, lng: -63.59360 }
-  - { name: Quinpool & Robie, stop_code: 8150, lat: 44.64702, lng: -63.59167 }
-# heading away from bayer's road, onto gottingen (at least for #21)
-  - { name: Young & Isleville, stop_code: 8632, lat: 44.66144, lng: -63.59985 }
-# heading towards bayer's road, from gottingen (at least for #21)
-  - { name: Young & Agricola, stop_code: 8631, lat: 44.66096, lng: -63.60080 }
-# robie and lady hammond -> barrington, following the #9
-  - { name: Robie & Lady Hammond, stop_code: 7094, lat: 44.66531, lng: -63.60980 }
-  - { name: Duffus & Isleville, stop_code: 6581, lat: 44.66669, lng: -63.60707 }
-  - { name: Novalea & Duffus, stop_code: 6582, lat: 44.66782, lng: -63.60558 }
-  - { name: Albert & Duffus, stop_code: 6586, lat: 44.66926, lng: -63.60375 }
-  - { name: Duffus & Barrington, stop_code: 6587, lat: 44.67051, lng: -63.60189 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Marginal, stop_code: 6100, lat: 44.66868, lng: -63.60024 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Richmond, stop_code: 6120, lat: 44.66799, lng: -63.59873 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Hannover, stop_code: 6109, lat: 44.66677, lng: -63.59710 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Young, stop_code: 6095, lat: 44.66502, lng: -63.59504 }
-# barrington -> robie and lady hammond, following the #9
-  - { name: Barrington & Young, stop_code: 6094, lat: 44.66523, lng: -63.59504 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Hanover, stop_code: 6110, lat: 44.66667, lng: -63.59676 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Richmond, stop_code: 6119, lat: 44.66803, lng: -63.59848 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Marginal, stop_code: 6128, lat: 44.66892, lng: -63.60026 }
-  - { name: Barrington & Duffus, stop_code: 6580, lat: 44.67064, lng: -63.60203 }
-  - { name: Duffus & Albert, stop_code: 6588, lat: 44.66975, lng: -63.60318 }
-  - { name: Duffus & Acadia, stop_code: 6584, lat: 44.66852, lng: -63.60486 }
-  - { name: Duffus & Novalea, stop_code: 6583, lat: 44.66728, lng: -63.60654 }
-  - { name: Duffus & Agricola, stop_code: 6585, lat: 44.66585, lng: -63.60852 }
-  - { name: Robie & Lady Hammond, stop_code: 7096, lat: 44.66546, lng: -63.61008 }

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,1 @@
-use strict;
-my $first = 1;
-while (<STDIN>) {
-    if ($first) {
-	$first = 0;
-	print "  - $_";
-    } else {
-	print "    $_";
-    }

--- a/origin-src/wlach-halifax-transit-feed-fef68c1/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +1,1 @@
-use strict;
-my $first = 1;
-my $prev_comment = 0;
-while (<STDIN>) {
-    if ($_ !~ /^\#/) {
-	if (!$first && !$prev_comment) {
-	    print ",\n";
-	} else {
-	    $first = 0;
-	    $prev_comment = 0;
-	}
-	chomp;
-	my @times = split /\ +/;
-	print "  [ ";
-	my $first = 1;
-	foreach (@times) {
-	    if (!$first) {
-		print ", ";
-	    } else {
-		$first = 0;
-	    }
-	    print $_;
-	}
-	print "]";
-    } else {
-	# yes, this conditional is loaded with assumptions...
-	print ",\n" . $_;
-	$prev_comment = 1;
-    }

 Binary files a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93.tar.gz and /dev/null differ
--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/AUTHORS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +1,1 @@
-=== Current maintainer and primary author ===
-William Lachance <>
-=== Contributors ===
-Brandon Martin Anderson <>
- - Core concepts of a trip planning library (in graphserver: 
- - Python OSM parsing library 
-Peter McCurdy <>
- - Support for delaying walking to a stop at the start of a trip.
-Jason Madigan <>
-- Some updates to the README regarding building, and updates to
-  the ruby examples.

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +1,1 @@
-Copyright (c) 2008-2009 William Lachance, Brandon Martin Anderson, and others.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +1,1 @@
-default: examples/loadgraph examples/testgraph \
-	python/libroutez/ python/libroutez/ \
-	ruby/
-# Always always compile with fPIC
-# libroutez should be compiled as a shared library by default
-ifeq (${OS},MACOS)
-	LDFLAGS += -dynamiclib
-	LDFLAGS += -shared
-	@echo "Please run ./configure. Stop."
-	@exit 1
-	g++ $< -c -o $@ $(CXXFLAGS) $(PYTHON_CFLAGS) $(RUBY_CFLAGS) -D WVTEST_CONFIGURED -I./include -I./wvtest/cpp -g
-	@g++ $< -MM $(CXXFLAGS) $(PYTHON_CFLAGS) $(RUBY_CFLAGS) -D WVTEST_CONFIGURED -I./include -I./wvtest/cpp > $*.d
-	@mv -f $*.d $*.d.tmp
-	@sed -e 's|.*:|$*.o:|' < $*.d.tmp > $*.d
-	@sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/\\$$//' < $*.d.tmp | fmt -1 | \
-	  sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/$$/:/' >> $*.d
-	@rm -f $*.d.tmp
-TRIPGRAPH_OBJECTS=lib/tripgraph.o lib/trippath.o lib/tripstop.o lib/serviceperiod.o
-# libroutez: the main library $(TRIPGRAPH_OBJECTS)
-# python bindings
-python/libroutez/ python/libroutez/ tripgraph.i
-	swig -classic -c++ -python -I./include -outdir python/libroutez -o python/libroutez/ $<
-python/libroutez/ python/libroutez/tripgraph_wrap_py.o
-	g++ -o $@ python/libroutez/tripgraph_wrap_py.o $(LDFLAGS) $(PYTHON_LDFLAGS) -fPIC
-# ruby bindings
-ruby/ routez.i tripgraph.i 
-	swig -c++ -ruby -I./include  -o $@ $<
-ruby/ ruby/routez_wrap_rb.o
-	g++ -o ruby/ ruby/routez_wrap_rb.o $(LDFLAGS) $(RUBY_LDFLAGS) -I./include -fPIC
-# stupid test programs
-examples/loadgraph: examples/loadgraph.o
-	g++ $< -o $@ -fPIC -g -I./include
-examples/testgraph: examples/testgraph.o
-	g++ $< -o $@ -fPIC -g -I./include
-# unit test suite
-TEST_OBJS=t/tripgraph.t.o t/tripstop.t.o t/all.t.o
-WVTEST_OBJS=wvtest/cpp/wvtest.o wvtest/cpp/wvtestmain.o
-t/all.t: $(TEST_OBJS) $(WVTEST_OBJS)
-	g++ $(TEST_OBJS) $(WVTEST_OBJS) -o $@ -fPIC -g
-.PHONY: test test-cpp test-python
-test: test-cpp test-python
-test-cpp: t/all.t
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PWD) valgrind --tool=memcheck wvtest/wvtestrun t/all.t
-test-python: python/libroutez/ python/libroutez/
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PWD) PYTHONPATH=$(PWD)/t:$(PWD)/python:$(PYTHONPATH) wvtest/wvtestrun python wvtest/python/
-	rm -f *.so lib/*.o python/*.pyc */*.pyc examples/testgraph \
-	python/libroutez/ python/libroutez/ \
-	python/libroutez/ python/libroutez/*.o \
-	ruby/ ruby/*.o ruby/ \
-	wvtest/cpp/*.o wvtest/cpp/*.d \
-	t/*.o t/*.d t/all.t *.d
--include $(TRIPGRAPH_OBJECTS:.o=.d)

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +1,1 @@
-=== About ===
-libroutez is a library written to help plan trips. Currently, its focus is
-on providing directions for using public transit, but it could be easily 
-extended to cover other things (e.g. cycle-path planning). Specifically,
-it provides an interface to solving the following problems:
-- Finding the closest point in a road/transportation network to a specific 
-latitude-longitude pair.
-- Finding the shortest path between two points in a road/transportation 
-The design of libroutez is based on the following principles:
-- Focus on solving user and developer problems, not data structures or 
-algorithms. For example, though libroutez uses the astar algorithm internally,
-we try to expose the interface to that through a simple method called
-- Be extensible, but only in response to demonstrative developer need. 
-- Be fast. libroutez uses an internal graph representation that, after being 
-generated, can be loaded very quickly on program startup. Trips on a modest 
-sized transit network can be generated in a fraction of a second on modern 
-hardware (and there are plans to speed things up further).
-- Minimize memory use. Obviously the scale of public transit systems will
-incur some overhead here, but we want to be maximally useful on embedded
-systems and virtual servers where such resources may be scarce.
-- Minimize dependancies. For example, we don't assume the user wants to use a 
-PostGRES database to store trip planning data (though they can if the want to).
-libroutez itself has no run-time dependancies beyond the C++ standard library.
-The libroutez has utility functions for converting Google Transit Feed
-( and OpenStreetMap 
-( data into its own format. It should be very easy
-to add a simple converter for your preferred data type.
-=== Setup and use ===
-These instructions assume you are on a UNIX-based system (e.g. Linux or 
-MacOS X). 
-1. Download and install the following packages:
- - Boost
-  - Probably any recent version should do. We need shared_ptr, unordered_set,
-  and unordered_map (unordered_map.hpp is included in debian/ubuntu packages 
-  libboost1.37-dev & libboost1.38-dev)
- - Google Transit Data Feed (
-   - As of this writing you need what's in SVN, as it has a fix that I made
-   to actually handle interpolated stops correctly. The next version after
-   1.1.9 should have my fix.
- - SWIG
-   - A recentish version is desirable. I used 1.3.36.
-Helpful hint: To install a python package in a local prefix, do:
-  "python install --home=$HOME --prefix=" when inside the package
-You may need to set PYTHONPATH to $HOME/lib/python first.
-2. Build the C++ graph module and the bindings.
-The usual...
- - ./ && ./configure && make
-For an install into your home directory, try running ./configure like so:
- - ./configure --prefix=$HOME --libdir=$HOME/lib
-or maybe:
- - ./configure --prefix=$HOME --libdir=$HOME/lib64 # (for many 64-bit systems)
-3. Set up your language environment.
-You can either 'make install' to install the binding source to the library
-directory you chose with './configure', or set your library and ruby/python 
-path to the libroutez source directory of your choice. e.g.:
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/libroutez and
-export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/libroutez/python
-export RUBYLIB=/path/to/libroutez/ruby 
-(setting RUBYLIB is only necessary if you want to use ruby, python is used
-by the graph creation utility, so you almost certainly do want that in your
-4. Build a graph.
-To reduce application start up time, libroutez uses a custom graph format
-which is created from GTFS and OpenStreetMap data. The creategraph utility
-is used to create this.
-The invocation is pretty simple. If you want to create a graph file called
-'mygraph.routez', simply invoke as follows:
-   ./ /path/to/ --osm="/path/to/osmfile.osm" \
-   mygraph.routez mygraph-gtfsmapping.yml
-Want some sample data to play with? You can download the combination of
-William Lachance's Halifax GTFS and Geobase data:
- -
- -
-The Halifax GTFS feed is produced by me, based on information provided
-by the city of Halifax. For more information, please see:
-The OSM data is derived from the GeoBase dataset provided by the 
-government of Canada, and is distributed under the following terms:
-5. Starting playing with the library.
-Now that you've built a graph, you can start planning trips. Try the
-'testgraph' mini program in examples. The following corresponds to
-a trip from Cogswell and Maynard to Glengarry Gardens at 9am on Monday,
-September 14th 2009 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada:
-"testgraph mygraph.routez 44.649942 -63.583457 44.6605 -63.7467 1252933200"
-You should get a bunch of directions in "routezspeak" in response. :) Note that
-no attempt is currently made to prettify the output, but hopefully this will at
-least give you a starting point (perhaps that would be a fun little first 
-project for someone who wants to contribute?). Correlating the descriptive
-information contained within a Google Transit feed with libroutez's internal
-data structures will necessitate using the gtfs mapping yaml file generated
-by the creategraph utility.
-For those who like programming in ruby and python, there are examples of both 
-in the same directory as 'testgraph'.
-=== Contributing ===
-Contributions to libroutez are gratefully accepted. The easiest thing to do
-is fork my repository on github (, apply
-your change (make sure to add your name and nature of contribution to 
-AUTHORS), then either email me (at or the libroutez mailing 
-list ( to let us know about what you 
-did. Patch files sent directly to are also welcome.
-In order for changes to be committed, they will need to be licensed under the 
-same terms as the rest of libroutez (the MIT license). Please note that you 
-consent to this in your git commit message or mail the libroutez mailing list 
-saying that this (or all) your contributions are released under the MIT 

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/acinclude.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,856 +1,1 @@
-# ===========================================================================
-# ===========================================================================
-#   Locates an installed program binary, placing the result in the precious
-#   variable VARIABLE. Accepts a present VARIABLE, then --with-program, and
-#   failing that searches for program in the given path (which defaults to
-#   the system path). If program is found, VARIABLE is set to the full path
-#   of the binary; if it is not found VARIABLE is set to VALUE-IF-NOT-FOUND
-#   if provided, unchanged otherwise.
-#   A typical example could be the following one:
-#         AX_WITH_PROG(PERL,perl)
-#   NOTE: This macro is based upon the original AX_WITH_PYTHON macro from
-#   Dustin J. Mitchell <>.
-#   2008-05-05
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Francesco Salvestrini <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Dustin J. Mitchell <>
-#   Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
-#   permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
-#   and this notice are preserved.
-    AC_PREREQ([2.61])
-    pushdef([VARIABLE],$1)
-    pushdef([EXECUTABLE],$2)
-    pushdef([VALUE_IF_NOT_FOUND],$3)
-    pushdef([PATH_PROG],$4)
-    AC_ARG_VAR(VARIABLE,Absolute path to EXECUTABLE executable)
-    AS_IF(test -z "$VARIABLE",[
-    	AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether EXECUTABLE executable path has been provided)
-        AC_ARG_WITH(EXECUTABLE,AS_HELP_STRING([--with-EXECUTABLE=[[[[PATH]]]]],absolute path to EXECUTABLE executable), [
-	    AS_IF([test "$withval" != "yes"],[
-	        VARIABLE="$withval"
-	    ],[
-	        AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-	    ])
-	],[
-	    AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-	])
-        AS_IF(test -z "$VARIABLE",[
-        ])
-    ])
-    popdef([PATH_PROG])
-    popdef([VALUE_IF_NOT_FOUND])
-    popdef([EXECUTABLE])
-    popdef([VARIABLE])
-# ===========================================================================
-# ===========================================================================
-#   AX_PYTHON_DEVEL([version])
-#   Note: Defines as a precious variable "PYTHON_VERSION". Don't override it
-#   in your
-#   This macro checks for Python and tries to get the include path to
-#   'Python.h'. It provides the $(PYTHON_CPPFLAGS) and $(PYTHON_LDFLAGS)
-#   output variables. It also exports $(PYTHON_EXTRA_LIBS) and
-#   $(PYTHON_EXTRA_LDFLAGS) for embedding Python in your code.
-#   You can search for some particular version of Python by passing a
-#   parameter to this macro, for example ">= '2.3.1'", or "== '2.4'". Please
-#   note that you *have* to pass also an operator along with the version to
-#   match, and pay special attention to the single quotes surrounding the
-#   version number. Don't use "PYTHON_VERSION" for this: that environment
-#   variable is declared as precious and thus reserved for the end-user.
-#   This macro should work for all versions of Python >= 2.1.0. As an end
-#   user, you can disable the check for the python version by setting the
-#   PYTHON_NOVERSIONCHECK environment variable to something else than the
-#   empty string.
-#   If you need to use this macro for an older Python version, please
-#   contact the authors. We're always open for feedback.
-#   Copyright (c) 2009 Sebastian Huber <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2009 Alan W. Irwin <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2009 Rafael Laboissiere <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2009 Andrew Collier <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2009 Matteo Settenvini <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2009 Horst Knorr <>
-#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-#   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-#   Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
-#   option) any later version.
-#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#   Public License for more details.
-#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-#   with this program. If not, see <>.
-#   As a special exception, the respective Autoconf Macro's copyright owner
-#   gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure
-#   scripts that are the output of Autoconf when processing the Macro. You
-#   need not follow the terms of the GNU General Public License when using
-#   or distributing such scripts, even though portions of the text of the
-#   Macro appear in them. The GNU General Public License (GPL) does govern
-#   all other use of the material that constitutes the Autoconf Macro.
-#   This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of the Autoconf
-#   Macro released by the Autoconf Archive. When you make and distribute a
-#   modified version of the Autoconf Macro, you may extend this special
-#   exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well.
-	#
-	# Allow the use of a (user set) custom python version
-	#
-	AC_ARG_VAR([PYTHON_VERSION],[The installed Python
-		version to use, for example '2.3'. This string
-		will be appended to the Python interpreter
-		canonical name.])
-	if test -z "$PYTHON"; then
-	   AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find python$PYTHON_VERSION in your system path])
-	fi
-	#
-	# Check for a version of Python >= 2.1.0
-	#
-	AC_MSG_CHECKING([for a version of Python >= '2.1.0'])
-	ac_supports_python_ver=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; \
-		ver = sys.version.split ()[[0]]; \
-		print (ver >= '2.1.0')"`
-	if test "$ac_supports_python_ver" != "True"; then
-		if test -z "$PYTHON_NOVERSIONCHECK"; then
-			AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-This version of the AC@&t@_PYTHON_DEVEL macro
-doesn't work properly with versions of Python before
-2.1.0. You may need to re-run configure, setting the
-Moreover, to disable this check, set PYTHON_NOVERSIONCHECK
-to something else than an empty string.
-		else
-			AC_MSG_RESULT([skip at user request])
-		fi
-	else
-		AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
-	fi
-	#
-	# if the macro parameter ``version'' is set, honour it
-	#
-	if test -n "$1"; then
-		AC_MSG_CHECKING([for a version of Python $1])
-		ac_supports_python_ver=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; \
-			ver = sys.version.split ()[[0]]; \
-			print (ver $1)"`
-		if test "$ac_supports_python_ver" = "True"; then
-	   	   AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
-		else
-			AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-			AC_MSG_ERROR([this package requires Python $1.
-If you have it installed, but it isn't the default Python
-interpreter in your system path, please pass the PYTHON_VERSION
-variable to configure. See ``configure --help'' for reference.
-		fi
-	fi
-	#
-	# Check if you have distutils, else fail
-	#
-	AC_MSG_CHECKING([for the distutils Python package])
-	ac_distutils_result=`$PYTHON -c "import distutils" 2>&1`
-	if test -z "$ac_distutils_result"; then
-		AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
-	else
-		AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-		AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot import Python module "distutils".
-Please check your Python installation. The error was:
-	fi
-	#
-	# Check for Python include path
-	#
-	AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Python include path])
-	if test -z "$PYTHON_CPPFLAGS"; then
-		python_path=`$PYTHON -c "import distutils.sysconfig; \
-           		print (distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc ());"`
-		if test -n "${python_path}"; then
-		   	python_path="-I$python_path"
-		fi
-		PYTHON_CPPFLAGS=$python_path
-	fi
-	#
-	# Check for Python library path
-	#
-	AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Python library path])
-	if test -z "$PYTHON_LDFLAGS"; then
-		# (makes two attempts to ensure we've got a version number
-		# from the interpreter)
-		ac_python_version=`cat<<EOD | $PYTHON -
-# join all versioning strings, on some systems
-# major/minor numbers could be in different list elements
-from distutils.sysconfig import *
-ret = ''
-for e in get_config_vars ('VERSION'):
-	if (e != None):
-		ret += e
-print (ret)
-		if test -z "$ac_python_version"; then
-			if test -n "$PYTHON_VERSION"; then
-				ac_python_version=$PYTHON_VERSION
-			else
-				ac_python_version=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; \
-					print (sys.version[[:3]])"`
-			fi
-		fi
-		# Make the versioning information available to the compiler
-		AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([HAVE_PYTHON], ["$ac_python_version"],
-                                   [If available, contains the Python version number currently in use.])
-		# First, the library directory:
-		ac_python_libdir=`cat<<EOD | $PYTHON -
-# There should be only one
-import distutils.sysconfig
-for e in distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars ('LIBDIR'):
-	if e != None:
-		print (e)
-		break
-		# Before checking for libpythonX.Y, we need to know
-		# the extension the OS we're on uses for libraries
-		# (we take the first one, if there's more than one fix me!):
-		ac_python_soext=`$PYTHON -c \
-		  "import distutils.sysconfig; \
-		  print (distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars('SO')[[0]])"`
-		# Now, for the library:
-		ac_python_soname=`$PYTHON -c \
-		  "import distutils.sysconfig; \
-		  print (distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars('LDLIBRARY')[[0]])"`
-		# Strip away extension from the end to canonicalize its name:
-		ac_python_library=`echo "$ac_python_soname" | sed "s/${ac_python_soext}$//"`
-		# This small piece shamelessly adapted from PostgreSQL python macro;
-		# credits goes to momjian, I think. I'd like to put the right name
-		# in the credits, if someone can point me in the right direction... ?
-		#
-		if test -n "$ac_python_libdir" -a -n "$ac_python_library" \
-			-a x"$ac_python_library" != x"$ac_python_soname"
-		then
-			# use the official shared library
-			ac_python_library=`echo "$ac_python_library" | sed "s/^lib//"`
-			PYTHON_LDFLAGS="-L$ac_python_libdir -l$ac_python_library"
-		else
-			# old way: use libpython from python_configdir
-			ac_python_libdir=`$PYTHON -c \
-			  "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib as f; \
-			  import os; \
-			  print (os.path.join(f(plat_specific=1, standard_lib=1), 'config'));"`
-			PYTHON_LDFLAGS="-L$ac_python_libdir -lpython$ac_python_version"
-		fi
-		if test -z "PYTHON_LDFLAGS"; then
-  Cannot determine location of your Python DSO. Please check it was installed with
-  dynamic libraries enabled, or try setting PYTHON_LDFLAGS by hand.
-			])
-		fi
-	fi
-	#
-	# Check for site packages
-	#
-	AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Python site-packages path])
-	if test -z "$PYTHON_SITE_PKG"; then
-		PYTHON_SITE_PKG=`$PYTHON -c "import distutils.sysconfig; \
-		        print (distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(0,0));"`
-	fi
-	#
-	# libraries which must be linked in when embedding
-	#
-	AC_MSG_CHECKING(python extra libraries)
-	if test -z "$PYTHON_EXTRA_LIBS"; then
-	   PYTHON_EXTRA_LIBS=`$PYTHON -c "import distutils.sysconfig; \
-                conf = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var; \
-                print (conf('LOCALMODLIBS') + ' ' + conf('LIBS'))"`
-	fi
-	#
-	# linking flags needed when embedding
-	#
-	AC_MSG_CHECKING(python extra linking flags)
-	if test -z "$PYTHON_EXTRA_LDFLAGS"; then
-		PYTHON_EXTRA_LDFLAGS=`$PYTHON -c "import distutils.sysconfig; \
-			conf = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var; \
-			print (conf('LINKFORSHARED'))"`
-	fi
-	#
-	# final check to see if everything compiles alright
-	#
-	AC_MSG_CHECKING([consistency of all components of python development environment])
-	# save current global flags
-	ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-		AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <Python.h>]],
-				[[Py_Initialize();]])
-		],[pythonexists=yes],[pythonexists=no])
-	# turn back to default flags
-	LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS"
-	AC_MSG_RESULT([$pythonexists])
-        if test ! "x$pythonexists" = "xyes"; then
-  Could not link test program to Python. Maybe the main Python library has been
-  installed in some non-standard library path. If so, pass it to configure,
-  via the LDFLAGS environment variable.
-  Example: ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/non-standard-path/python/lib"
-  ============================================================================
-   ERROR!
-   You probably have to install the development version of the Python package
-   for your distribution.  The exact name of this package varies among them.
-  ============================================================================
-	   ])
-	fi
-	#
-	# all done!
-	#
-# ===========================================================================
-# ===========================================================================
-#   Locates an installed Ruby binary, placing the result in the precious
-#   variable $RUBY. Accepts a present $RUBY, then --with-ruby, and failing
-#   that searches for ruby in the given path (which defaults to the system
-#   path). If ruby is found, $RUBY is set to the full path of the binary; if
-#   it is not found $RUBY is set to VALUE-IF-NOT-FOUND if provided,
-#   unchanged otherwise.
-#   A typical use could be the following one:
-#         AX_WITH_RUBY
-#   2008-05-05
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Francesco Salvestrini <>
-#   Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
-#   permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
-#   and this notice are preserved.
-    AX_WITH_PROG(RUBY,ruby,$1,$2)
-# ===========================================================================
-# ===========================================================================
-#   This macro compares two version strings. Due to the various number of
-#   minor-version numbers that can exist, and the fact that string
-#   comparisons are not compatible with numeric comparisons, this is not
-#   necessarily trivial to do in a autoconf script. This macro makes doing
-#   these comparisons easy.
-#   The six basic comparisons are available, as well as checking equality
-#   limited to a certain number of minor-version levels.
-#   The operator OP determines what type of comparison to do, and can be one
-#   of:
-#    eq  - equal (test A == B)
-#    ne  - not equal (test A != B)
-#    le  - less than or equal (test A <= B)
-#    ge  - greater than or equal (test A >= B)
-#    lt  - less than (test A < B)
-#    gt  - greater than (test A > B)
-#   Additionally, the eq and ne operator can have a number after it to limit
-#   the test to that number of minor versions.
-#    eq0 - equal up to the length of the shorter version
-#    ne0 - not equal up to the length of the shorter version
-#    eqN - equal up to N sub-version levels
-#    neN - not equal up to N sub-version levels
-#   When the condition is true, shell commands ACTION-IF-TRUE are run,
-#   otherwise shell commands ACTION-IF-FALSE are run. The environment
-#   variable 'ax_compare_version' is always set to either 'true' or 'false'
-#   as well.
-#   Examples:
-#     AX_COMPARE_VERSION([3.15.7],[lt],[3.15.8])
-#     AX_COMPARE_VERSION([3.15],[lt],[3.15.8])
-#   would both be true.
-#     AX_COMPARE_VERSION([3.15.7],[eq],[3.15.8])
-#     AX_COMPARE_VERSION([3.15],[gt],[3.15.8])
-#   would both be false.
-#     AX_COMPARE_VERSION([3.15.7],[eq2],[3.15.8])
-#   would be true because it is only comparing two minor versions.
-#     AX_COMPARE_VERSION([3.15.7],[eq0],[3.15])
-#   would be true because it is only comparing the lesser number of minor
-#   versions of the two values.
-#   Note: The characters that separate the version numbers do not matter. An
-#   empty string is the same as version 0. OP is evaluated by autoconf, not
-#   configure, so must be a string, not a variable.
-#   The author would like to acknowledge Guido Draheim whose advice about
-#   the m4_case and m4_ifvaln functions make this macro only include the
-#   portions necessary to perform the specific comparison specified by the
-#   OP argument in the final configure script.
-#   2008-04-12
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Tim Toolan <>
-#   Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
-#   permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
-#   and this notice are preserved.
-dnl #########################################################################
-  # Used to indicate true or false condition
-  ax_compare_version=false
-  # Convert the two version strings to be compared into a format that
-  # allows a simple string comparison.  The end result is that a version
-  # string of the form 1.12.5-r617 will be converted to the form
-  # 0001001200050617.  In other words, each number is zero padded to four
-  # digits, and non digits are removed.
-  AS_VAR_PUSHDEF([A],[ax_compare_version_A])
-  A=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/\([[0-9]]*\)/Z\1Z/g' \
-                     -e 's/Z\([[0-9]]\)Z/Z0\1Z/g' \
-                     -e 's/Z\([[0-9]][[0-9]]\)Z/Z0\1Z/g' \
-                     -e 's/Z\([[0-9]][[0-9]][[0-9]]\)Z/Z0\1Z/g' \
-                     -e 's/[[^0-9]]//g'`
-  AS_VAR_PUSHDEF([B],[ax_compare_version_B])
-  B=`echo "$3" | sed -e 's/\([[0-9]]*\)/Z\1Z/g' \
-                     -e 's/Z\([[0-9]]\)Z/Z0\1Z/g' \
-                     -e 's/Z\([[0-9]][[0-9]]\)Z/Z0\1Z/g' \
-                     -e 's/Z\([[0-9]][[0-9]][[0-9]]\)Z/Z0\1Z/g' \
-                     -e 's/[[^0-9]]//g'`
-  dnl # In the case of le, ge, lt, and gt, the strings are sorted as necessary
-  dnl # then the first line is used to determine if the condition is true.
-  dnl # The sed right after the echo is to remove any indented white space.
-  m4_case(m4_tolower($2),
-  [lt],[
-    ax_compare_version=`echo "x$A
-x$B" | sed 's/^ *//' | sort -r | sed "s/x${A}/false/;s/x${B}/true/;1q"`
-  ],
-  [gt],[
-    ax_compare_version=`echo "x$A
-x$B" | sed 's/^ *//' | sort | sed "s/x${A}/false/;s/x${B}/true/;1q"`
-  ],
-  [le],[
-    ax_compare_version=`echo "x$A
-x$B" | sed 's/^ *//' | sort | sed "s/x${A}/true/;s/x${B}/false/;1q"`
-  ],
-  [ge],[
-    ax_compare_version=`echo "x$A
-x$B" | sed 's/^ *//' | sort -r | sed "s/x${A}/true/;s/x${B}/false/;1q"`
-  ],[
-    dnl Split the operator from the subversion count if present.
-    m4_bmatch(m4_substr($2,2),
-    [0],[
-      # A count of zero means use the length of the shorter version.
-      # Determine the number of characters in A and B.
-      ax_compare_version_len_A=`echo "$A" | $AWK '{print(length)}'`
-      ax_compare_version_len_B=`echo "$B" | $AWK '{print(length)}'`
-      # Set A to no more than B's length and B to no more than A's length.
-      A=`echo "$A" | sed "s/\(.\{$ax_compare_version_len_B\}\).*/\1/"`
-      B=`echo "$B" | sed "s/\(.\{$ax_compare_version_len_A\}\).*/\1/"`
-    ],
-    [[0-9]+],[
-      # A count greater than zero means use only that many subversions
-      A=`echo "$A" | sed "s/\(\([[0-9]]\{4\}\)\{m4_substr($2,2)\}\).*/\1/"`
-      B=`echo "$B" | sed "s/\(\([[0-9]]\{4\}\)\{m4_substr($2,2)\}\).*/\1/"`
-    ],
-    [.+],[
-      AC_WARNING(
-        [illegal OP numeric parameter: $2])
-    ],[])
-    # Pad zeros at end of numbers to make same length.
-    ax_compare_version_tmp_A="$A`echo $B | sed 's/./0/g'`"
-    B="$B`echo $A | sed 's/./0/g'`"
-    A="$ax_compare_version_tmp_A"
-    # Check for equality or inequality as necessary.
-    m4_case(m4_tolower(m4_substr($2,0,2)),
-    [eq],[
-      test "x$A" = "x$B" && ax_compare_version=true
-    ],
-    [ne],[
-      test "x$A" != "x$B" && ax_compare_version=true
-    ],[
-      AC_WARNING([illegal OP parameter: $2])
-    ])
-  ])
-  AS_VAR_POPDEF([A])dnl
-  AS_VAR_POPDEF([B])dnl
-  if test "$ax_compare_version" = "true" ; then
-    m4_ifvaln([$4],[$4],[:])dnl
-    m4_ifvaln([$5],[else $5])dnl
-  fi
-# ===========================================================================
-# ===========================================================================
-#   Makes sure that ruby supports the version indicated. If true the shell
-#   commands in ACTION-IF-TRUE are executed. If not the shell commands in
-#   ACTION-IF-FALSE are run. Note if $RUBY is not set (for example by
-#   running AC_CHECK_PROG or AC_PATH_PROG),
-#   Example:
-#     AC_PATH_PROG([RUBY],[ruby])
-#     AC_PROG_RUBY_VERSION([1.8.0],[ ... ],[ ... ])
-#   This will check to make sure that the ruby you have supports at least
-#   version 1.6.0.
-#   NOTE: This macro uses the $RUBY variable to perform the check.
-#   AX_WITH_RUBY can be used to set that variable prior to running this
-#   macro. The $RUBY_VERSION variable will be valorized with the detected
-#   version.
-#   2008-04-12
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Francesco Salvestrini <>
-#   Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
-#   permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice
-#   and this notice are preserved.
-    AS_IF([test -n "$RUBY"],[
-        ax_ruby_version="$1"
-        AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ruby version])
-        changequote(<<,>>)
-        ruby_version=`$RUBY --version 2>&1 | $GREP "^ruby " | $SED -e 's/^.* \([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\) .*/\1/'`
-        changequote([,])
-        AC_MSG_RESULT($ruby_version)
-	AC_SUBST([RUBY_VERSION],[$ruby_version])
-        AX_COMPARE_VERSION([$ax_ruby_version],[le],[$ruby_version],[
-	    :
-            $2
-        ],[
-	    :
-            $3
-        ])
-    ],[
-        AC_MSG_WARN([could not find the ruby interpreter])
-        $3
-    ])
-# ===========================================================================
-# ===========================================================================
-#   AX_RUBY_DEVEL([version])
-#   This macro checks for Ruby and tries to get the include path to
-#   'ruby.h'. It provides the $(RUBY_CPPFLAGS) and $(RUBY_LDFLAGS) output
-#   variables. It also exports $(RUBY_EXTRA_LIBS) for embedding Ruby in your
-#   code.
-#   You can search for some particular version of Ruby by passing a
-#   parameter to this macro, for example "1.8.6".
-#   2008-04-12
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Rafal Rzepecki <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Sebastian Huber <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Alan W. Irwin <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Rafael Laboissiere <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Andrew Collier <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Matteo Settenvini <>
-#   Copyright (c) 2008 Horst Knorr <>
-#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-#   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-#   Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
-#   option) any later version.
-#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#   Public License for more details.
-#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-#   with this program. If not, see <>.
-#   As a special exception, the respective Autoconf Macro's copyright owner
-#   gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure
-#   scripts that are the output of Autoconf when processing the Macro. You
-#   need not follow the terms of the GNU General Public License when using
-#   or distributing such scripts, even though portions of the text of the
-#   Macro appear in them. The GNU General Public License (GPL) does govern
-#   all other use of the material that constitutes the Autoconf Macro.
-#   This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of the Autoconf
-#   Macro released by the Autoconf Macro Archive. When you make and
-#   distribute a modified version of the Autoconf Macro, you may extend this
-#   special exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well.
-    AS_IF([test -n "$1"], [AX_PROG_RUBY_VERSION([$1])])
-    #
-    # Check if you have mkmf, else fail
-    #
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING([for the mkmf Ruby package])
-    ac_mkmf_result=`$RUBY -rmkmf -e ";" 2>&1`
-    if test -z "$ac_mkmf_result"; then
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
-    else
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-        AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot import Ruby module "mkmf".
-Please check your Ruby installation. The error was:
-    fi
-    #
-    # Check for Ruby include path
-    #
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Ruby include path])
-    if test -z "$RUBY_CPPFLAGS"; then
-        ruby_path=`$RUBY -rmkmf -e 'print Config::CONFIG[["archdir"]]'`
-        if test -n "${ruby_path}"; then
-                ruby_path="-I$ruby_path"
-        fi
-        RUBY_CPPFLAGS=$ruby_path
-    fi
-    #
-    # Check for Ruby library path
-    #
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Ruby library path])
-    if test -z "$RUBY_LDFLAGS"; then
-        RUBY_LDFLAGS=`$RUBY -rmkmf -e 'print Config::CONFIG[["LIBRUBYARG_SHARED"]]'`
-    fi
-    #
-    # Check for site packages
-    #
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Ruby site-packages path])
-    if test -z "$RUBY_SITE_PKG"; then
-        RUBY_SITE_PKG=`$RUBY -rmkmf -e 'print Config::CONFIG[["sitearchdir"]]'`
-    fi
-    #
-    # libraries which must be linked in when embedding
-    #
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING(ruby extra libraries)
-    if test -z "$RUBY_EXTRA_LIBS"; then
-       RUBY_EXTRA_LIBS=`$RUBY -rmkmf -e 'print Config::CONFIG[["SOLIBS"]]'`
-    fi
-    #
-    # linking flags needed when embedding
-    # (is it even needed for Ruby?)
-    #
-    # AC_MSG_CHECKING(ruby extra linking flags)
-    # if test -z "$RUBY_EXTRA_LDFLAGS"; then
-    # RUBY_EXTRA_LDFLAGS=`$RUBY -rmkmf -e 'print Config::CONFIG[["LINKFORSHARED"]]'`
-    # fi
-    # this flags breaks ruby.h, and is sometimes defined by KDE m4 macros
-    CFLAGS="`echo "$CFLAGS" | sed -e 's/-std=iso9899:1990//g;'`"
-    #
-    # final check to see if everything compiles alright
-    #
-    AC_MSG_CHECKING([consistency of all components of ruby development environment])
-    AC_LANG_PUSH([C])
-    # save current global flags
-    ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-    LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS $RUBY_LDFLAGS"
-    ac_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS"
-    AC_TRY_LINK([
-        #include <ruby.h>
-    ],[
-        ruby_init();
-    ],[rubyexists=yes],[rubyexists=no])
-    AC_MSG_RESULT([$rubyexists])
-    if test ! "$rubyexists" = "yes"; then
-       AC_MSG_ERROR([
-  Could not link test program to Ruby. Maybe the main Ruby library has been
-  installed in some non-standard library path. If so, pass it to configure,
-  via the LDFLAGS environment variable.
-  Example: ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/non-standard-path/ruby/lib"
-  ============================================================================
-   ERROR!
-   You probably have to install the development version of the Ruby package
-   for your distribution.  The exact name of this package varies among them.
-  ============================================================================
-       ])
-      RUBY_VERSION=""
-    fi
-    # turn back to default flags
-    CPPFLAGS="$ac_save_CPPFLAGS"
-    LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS"
-    #
-    # all done!
-    #

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/config.guess
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1467 +1,1 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Attempt to guess a canonical system name.
-#   Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
-#   2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-# Originally written by Per Bothner <>.
-# Please send patches to <>.  Submit a context
-# diff and a properly formatted ChangeLog entry.
-# This script attempts to guess a canonical system name similar to
-# config.sub.  If it succeeds, it prints the system name on stdout, and
-# exits with 0.  Otherwise, it exits with 1.
-# The plan is that this can be called by configure scripts if you
-# don't specify an explicit build system type.
-me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
-Usage: $0 [OPTION]
-Output the configuration name of the system \`$me' is run on.
-Operation modes:
-  -h, --help         print this help, then exit
-  -t, --time-stamp   print date of last modification, then exit
-  -v, --version      print version number, then exit
-Report bugs and patches to <>."
-GNU config.guess ($timestamp)
-Originally written by Per Bothner.
-Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
-Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
-Try \`$me --help' for more information."
-# Parse command line
-while test $# -gt 0 ; do
-  case $1 in
-    --time-stamp | --time* | -t )
-       echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;;
-    --version | -v )
-       echo "$version" ; exit ;;
-    --help | --h* | -h )
-       echo "$usage"; exit ;;
-    -- )     # Stop option processing
-       shift; break ;;
-    - )	# Use stdin as input.
-       break ;;
-    -* )
-       echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" >&2
-       exit 1 ;;
-    * )
-       break ;;
-  esac
-if test $# != 0; then
-  echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2
-  exit 1
-trap 'exit 1' 1 2 15
-# CC_FOR_BUILD -- compiler used by this script. Note that the use of a
-# compiler to aid in system detection is discouraged as it requires
-# temporary files to be created and, as you can see below, it is a
-# headache to deal with in a portable fashion.
-# Historically, `CC_FOR_BUILD' used to be named `HOST_CC'. We still
-# use `HOST_CC' if defined, but it is deprecated.
-# Portable tmp directory creation inspired by the Autoconf team.
-trap "exitcode=\$?; (rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null) && exit \$exitcode" 0 ;
-trap "rm -f \$tmpfiles 2>/dev/null; rmdir \$tmp 2>/dev/null; exit 1" 1 2 13 15 ;
-: ${TMPDIR=/tmp} ;
- { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d -q "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } ||
- { test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) ; } ||
- { tmp=$TMPDIR/cg-$$ && (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) && echo "Warning: creating insecure temp directory" >&2 ; } ||
- { echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in $TMPDIR" >&2 ; exit 1 ; } ;
-dummy=$tmp/dummy ;
-tmpfiles="$dummy.c $dummy.o $dummy.rel $dummy" ;
- ,,)    echo "int x;" > $dummy.c ;
-	for c in cc gcc c89 c99 ; do
-	  if ($c -c -o $dummy.o $dummy.c) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
-	     CC_FOR_BUILD="$c"; break ;
-	  fi ;
-	done ;
-	if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x ; then
-	  CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found ;
-	fi
-	;;
- ,,*)   CC_FOR_BUILD=$CC ;;
- ,*,*)  CC_FOR_BUILD=$HOST_CC ;;
-esac ; set_cc_for_build= ;'
-# This is needed to find uname on a Pyramid OSx when run in the BSD universe.
-# ( 1994-08-24)
-if (test -f /.attbin/uname) >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
-	PATH=$PATH:/.attbin ; export PATH
-UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_MACHINE=unknown
-UNAME_RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_RELEASE=unknown
-UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null`  || UNAME_SYSTEM=unknown
-UNAME_VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_VERSION=unknown
-# Note: order is significant - the case branches are not exclusive.
-    *:NetBSD:*:*)
-	# NetBSD (nbsd) targets should (where applicable) match one or
-	# more of the tupples: *-*-netbsdelf*, *-*-netbsdaout*,
-	# *-*-netbsdecoff* and *-*-netbsd*.  For targets that recently
-	# switched to ELF, *-*-netbsd* would select the old
-	# object file format.  This provides both forward
-	# compatibility and a consistent mechanism for selecting the
-	# object file format.
-	#
-	# Note: NetBSD doesn't particularly care about the vendor
-	# portion of the name.  We always set it to "unknown".
-	sysctl="sysctl -n hw.machine_arch"
-	UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`(/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || \
-	    /usr/sbin/$sysctl 2>/dev/null || echo unknown)`
-	case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in
-	    armeb) machine=armeb-unknown ;;
-	    arm*) machine=arm-unknown ;;
-	    sh3el) machine=shl-unknown ;;
-	    sh3eb) machine=sh-unknown ;;
-	    *) machine=${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown ;;
-	esac
-	# The Operating System including object format, if it has switched
-	# to ELF recently, or will in the future.
-	case "${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}" in
-	    arm*|i386|m68k|ns32k|sh3*|sparc|vax)
-		eval $set_cc_for_build
-		if echo __ELF__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
-			| grep __ELF__ >/dev/null
-		then
-		    # Once all utilities can be ECOFF (netbsdecoff) or a.out (netbsdaout).
-		    # Return netbsd for either.  FIX?
-		    os=netbsd
-		else
-		    os=netbsdelf
-		fi
-		;;
-	    *)
-	        os=netbsd
-		;;
-	esac
-	# The OS release
-	# Debian GNU/NetBSD machines have a different userland, and
-	# thus, need a distinct triplet. However, they do not need
-	# kernel version information, so it can be replaced with a
-	# suitable tag, in the style of linux-gnu.
-	case "${UNAME_VERSION}" in
-	    Debian*)
-		release='-gnu'
-		;;
-	    *)
-		release=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-_].*/\./'`
-		;;
-	esac
-	# contains redundant information, the shorter form:
-	echo "${machine}-${os}${release}"
-	exit ;;
-    *:OpenBSD:*:*)
-	UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/OpenBSD.//'`
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH}-unknown-openbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:ekkoBSD:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-ekkobsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    macppc:MirBSD:*:*)
-	echo powerppc-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:MirBSD:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-mirbsd${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    alpha:OSF1:*:*)
-	case $UNAME_RELEASE in
-	*4.0)
-		UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $3}'`
-		;;
-	*5.*)
-	        UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $4}'`
-		;;
-	esac
-	# According to Compaq, /usr/sbin/psrinfo has been available on
-	# OSF/1 and Tru64 systems produced since 1995.  I hope that
-	# covers most systems running today.  This code pipes the CPU
-	# types through head -n 1, so we only detect the type of CPU 0.
-	ALPHA_CPU_TYPE=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v | sed -n -e 's/^  The alpha \(.*\) processor.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1`
-	case "$ALPHA_CPU_TYPE" in
-	    "EV4 (21064)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
-	    "EV4.5 (21064)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
-	    "LCA4 (21066/21068)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alpha" ;;
-	    "EV5 (21164)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev5" ;;
-	    "EV5.6 (21164A)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev56" ;;
-	    "EV5.6 (21164PC)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca56" ;;
-	    "EV5.7 (21164PC)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphapca57" ;;
-	    "EV6 (21264)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev6" ;;
-	    "EV6.7 (21264A)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev67" ;;
-	    "EV6.8CB (21264C)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
-	    "EV6.8AL (21264B)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
-	    "EV6.8CX (21264D)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev68" ;;
-	    "EV6.9A (21264/EV69A)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev69" ;;
-	    "EV7 (21364)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev7" ;;
-	    "EV7.9 (21364A)")
-		UNAME_MACHINE="alphaev79" ;;
-	esac
-	# A Pn.n version is a patched version.
-	# A Vn.n version is a released version.
-	# A Tn.n version is a released field test version.
-	# A Xn.n version is an unreleased experimental baselevel.
-	# 1.2 uses "1.2" for uname -r.
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-dec-osf`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/^[PVTX]//' | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'`
-	exit ;;
-    Alpha\ *:Windows_NT*:*)
-	# How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem?
-	# Should we change UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead
-	# of the specific Alpha model?
-	echo alpha-pc-interix
-	exit ;;
-    21064:Windows_NT:50:3)
-	echo alpha-dec-winnt3.5
-	exit ;;
-    Amiga*:UNIX_System_V:4.0:*)
-	echo m68k-unknown-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    *:[Aa]miga[Oo][Ss]:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-amigaos
-	exit ;;
-    *:[Mm]orph[Oo][Ss]:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-morphos
-	exit ;;
-    *:OS/390:*:*)
-	echo i370-ibm-openedition
-	exit ;;
-    *:z/VM:*:*)
-	echo s390-ibm-zvmoe
-	exit ;;
-    *:OS400:*:*)
-        echo powerpc-ibm-os400
-	exit ;;
-    arm:RISC*:1.[012]*:*|arm:riscix:1.[012]*:*)
-	echo arm-acorn-riscix${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    arm:riscos:*:*|arm:RISCOS:*:*)
-	echo arm-unknown-riscos
-	exit ;;
-    SR2?01:HI-UX/MPP:*:* | SR8000:HI-UX/MPP:*:*)
-	echo hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxmpp
-	exit ;;
-    Pyramid*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:SMP_DC-OSx*:*:*)
-	# (Earle F. Ake) contributed MIS and NILE.
-	if test "`(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`" = att ; then
-		echo pyramid-pyramid-sysv3
-	else
-		echo pyramid-pyramid-bsd
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    NILE*:*:*:dcosx)
-	echo pyramid-pyramid-svr4
-	exit ;;
-    DRS?6000:unix:4.0:6*)
-	echo sparc-icl-nx6
-	exit ;;
-    DRS?6000:UNIX_SV:4.2*:7* | DRS?6000:isis:4.2*:7*)
-	case `/usr/bin/uname -p` in
-	    sparc) echo sparc-icl-nx7; exit ;;
-	esac ;;
-    sun4H:SunOS:5.*:*)
-	echo sparc-hal-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    sun4*:SunOS:5.*:* | tadpole*:SunOS:5.*:*)
-	echo sparc-sun-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    i86pc:SunOS:5.*:*)
-	echo i386-pc-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    sun4*:SunOS:6*:*)
-	# According to config.sub, this is the proper way to canonicalize
-	# SunOS6.  Hard to guess exactly what SunOS6 will be like, but
-	# it's likely to be more like Solaris than SunOS4.
-	echo sparc-sun-solaris3`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    sun4*:SunOS:*:*)
-	case "`/usr/bin/arch -k`" in
-	    Series*|S4*)
-		UNAME_RELEASE=`uname -v`
-		;;
-	esac
-	# Japanese Language versions have a version number like `4.1.3-JL'.
-	echo sparc-sun-sunos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/'`
-	exit ;;
-    sun3*:SunOS:*:*)
-	echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    sun*:*:4.2BSD:*)
-	UNAME_RELEASE=`(sed 1q /etc/motd | awk '{print substr($5,1,3)}') 2>/dev/null`
-	test "x${UNAME_RELEASE}" = "x" && UNAME_RELEASE=3
-	case "`/bin/arch`" in
-	    sun3)
-		echo m68k-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-		;;
-	    sun4)
-		echo sparc-sun-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-		;;
-	esac
-	exit ;;
-    aushp:SunOS:*:*)
-	echo sparc-auspex-sunos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    # The situation for MiNT is a little confusing.  The machine name
-    # can be virtually everything (everything which is not
-    # "atarist" or "atariste" at least should have a processor
-    # > m68000).  The system name ranges from "MiNT" over "FreeMiNT"
-    # to the lowercase version "mint" (or "freemint").  Finally
-    # the system name "TOS" denotes a system which is actually not
-    # MiNT.  But MiNT is downward compatible to TOS, so this should
-    # be no problem.
-    atarist[e]:*MiNT:*:* | atarist[e]:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*)
-        echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    atari*:*MiNT:*:* | atari*:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*)
-	echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-        exit ;;
-    *falcon*:*MiNT:*:* | *falcon*:*mint:*:* | *falcon*:*TOS:*:*)
-        echo m68k-atari-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    milan*:*MiNT:*:* | milan*:*mint:*:* | *milan*:*TOS:*:*)
-        echo m68k-milan-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-        exit ;;
-    hades*:*MiNT:*:* | hades*:*mint:*:* | *hades*:*TOS:*:*)
-        echo m68k-hades-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-        exit ;;
-    *:*MiNT:*:* | *:*mint:*:* | *:*TOS:*:*)
-        echo m68k-unknown-mint${UNAME_RELEASE}
-        exit ;;
-    m68k:machten:*:*)
-	echo m68k-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    powerpc:machten:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-apple-machten${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    RISC*:Mach:*:*)
-	echo mips-dec-mach_bsd4.3
-	exit ;;
-    RISC*:ULTRIX:*:*)
-	echo mips-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    VAX*:ULTRIX*:*:*)
-	echo vax-dec-ultrix${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    2020:CLIX:*:* | 2430:CLIX:*:*)
-	echo clipper-intergraph-clix${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    mips:*:*:UMIPS | mips:*:*:RISCos)
-	eval $set_cc_for_build
-	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#include <stdio.h>  /* for printf() prototype */
-	int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
-	int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
-	#if defined (host_mips) && defined (MIPSEB)
-	#if defined (SYSTYPE_SYSV)
-	  printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssysv\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
-	#endif
-	#if defined (SYSTYPE_SVR4)
-	  printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssvr4\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
-	#endif
-	#if defined (SYSTYPE_BSD43) || defined(SYSTYPE_BSD)
-	  printf ("mips-mips-riscos%sbsd\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
-	#endif
-	#endif
-	  exit (-1);
-	}
-	$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c &&
-	  dummyarg=`echo "${UNAME_RELEASE}" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'` &&
-	  SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy $dummyarg` &&
-	    { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
-	echo mips-mips-riscos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    Motorola:PowerMAX_OS:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-motorola-powermax
-	exit ;;
-    Motorola:*:4.3:PL8-*)
-	echo powerpc-harris-powermax
-	exit ;;
-    Night_Hawk:*:*:PowerMAX_OS | Synergy:PowerMAX_OS:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-harris-powermax
-	exit ;;
-    Night_Hawk:Power_UNIX:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-harris-powerunix
-	exit ;;
-    m88k:CX/UX:7*:*)
-	echo m88k-harris-cxux7
-	exit ;;
-    m88k:*:4*:R4*)
-	echo m88k-motorola-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    m88k:*:3*:R3*)
-	echo m88k-motorola-sysv3
-	exit ;;
-    AViiON:dgux:*:*)
-        # DG/UX returns AViiON for all architectures
-        UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
-	if [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88100 ] || [ $UNAME_PROCESSOR = mc88110 ]
-	then
-	    if [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = m88kdguxelfx ] || \
-	       [ ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE}x = x ]
-	    then
-		echo m88k-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	    else
-		echo m88k-dg-dguxbcs${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	    fi
-	else
-	    echo i586-dg-dgux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	fi
- 	exit ;;
-    M88*:DolphinOS:*:*)	# DolphinOS (SVR3)
-	echo m88k-dolphin-sysv3
-	exit ;;
-    M88*:*:R3*:*)
-	# Delta 88k system running SVR3
-	echo m88k-motorola-sysv3
-	exit ;;
-    XD88*:*:*:*) # Tektronix XD88 system running UTekV (SVR3)
-	echo m88k-tektronix-sysv3
-	exit ;;
-    Tek43[0-9][0-9]:UTek:*:*) # Tektronix 4300 system running UTek (BSD)
-	echo m68k-tektronix-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    *:IRIX*:*:*)
-	echo mips-sgi-irix`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/-/_/g'`
-	exit ;;
-    ????????:AIX?:[12].1:2)   # AIX 2.2.1 or AIX 2.1.1 is RT/PC AIX.
-	echo romp-ibm-aix     # uname -m gives an 8 hex-code CPU id
-	exit ;;               # Note that: echo "'`uname -s`'" gives 'AIX '
-    i*86:AIX:*:*)
-	echo i386-ibm-aix
-	exit ;;
-    ia64:AIX:*:*)
-	if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then
-		IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel`
-	else
-	fi
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV}
-	exit ;;
-    *:AIX:2:3)
-	if grep bos325 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-		eval $set_cc_for_build
-		sed 's/^		//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-		#include <sys/systemcfg.h>
-		main()
-			{
-			if (!__power_pc())
-				exit(1);
-			puts("powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5");
-			exit(0);
-			}
-		if $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy`
-		then
-			echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"
-		else
-			echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5
-		fi
-	elif grep bos324 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-		echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.4
-	else
-		echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    *:AIX:*:[45])
-	IBM_CPU_ID=`/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -c processor -S available | sed 1q | awk '{ print $1 }'`
-	if /usr/sbin/lsattr -El ${IBM_CPU_ID} | grep ' POWER' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-		IBM_ARCH=rs6000
-	else
-		IBM_ARCH=powerpc
-	fi
-	if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then
-		IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel`
-	else
-	fi
-	echo ${IBM_ARCH}-ibm-aix${IBM_REV}
-	exit ;;
-    *:AIX:*:*)
-	echo rs6000-ibm-aix
-	exit ;;
-    ibmrt:4.4BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*)
-	echo romp-ibm-bsd4.4
-	exit ;;
-    ibmrt:*BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*)            # covers RT/PC BSD and
-	echo romp-ibm-bsd${UNAME_RELEASE}   # 4.3 with uname added to
-	exit ;;                             # report: romp-ibm BSD 4.3
-    *:BOSX:*:*)
-	echo rs6000-bull-bosx
-	exit ;;
-    DPX/2?00:B.O.S.:*:*)
-	echo m68k-bull-sysv3
-	exit ;;
-    9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:1.*:*)
-	echo m68k-hp-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    hp300:4.4BSD:*:* | 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:2.*:*)
-	echo m68k-hp-bsd4.4
-	exit ;;
-    9000/[34678]??:HP-UX:*:*)
-	HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
-	case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in
-	    9000/31? )            HP_ARCH=m68000 ;;
-	    9000/[34]?? )         HP_ARCH=m68k ;;
-	    9000/[678][0-9][0-9])
-		if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then
-		    sc_cpu_version=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_CPU_VERSION 2>/dev/null`
-                    sc_kernel_bits=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_KERNEL_BITS 2>/dev/null`
-                    case "${sc_cpu_version}" in
-                      523) HP_ARCH="hppa1.0" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_0
-                      528) HP_ARCH="hppa1.1" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_1
-                      532)                      # CPU_PA_RISC2_0
-                        case "${sc_kernel_bits}" in
-                          32) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0n" ;;
-                          64) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w" ;;
-			  '') HP_ARCH="hppa2.0" ;;   # HP-UX 10.20
-                        esac ;;
-                    esac
-		fi
-		if [ "${HP_ARCH}" = "" ]; then
-		    eval $set_cc_for_build
-		    sed 's/^              //' << EOF >$dummy.c
-              #define _HPUX_SOURCE
-              #include <stdlib.h>
-              #include <unistd.h>
-              int main ()
-              {
-              #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
-                  long bits = sysconf(_SC_KERNEL_BITS);
-              #endif
-                  long cpu  = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION);
-                  switch (cpu)
-              	{
-              	case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0"); break;
-              	case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1"); break;
-              	case CPU_PA_RISC2_0:
-              #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
-              	    switch (bits)
-              		{
-              		case 64: puts ("hppa2.0w"); break;
-              		case 32: puts ("hppa2.0n"); break;
-              		default: puts ("hppa2.0"); break;
-              		} break;
-              #else  /* !defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) */
-              	    puts ("hppa2.0"); break;
-              #endif
-              	default: puts ("hppa1.0"); break;
-              	}
-                  exit (0);
-              }
-		    (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null) && HP_ARCH=`$dummy`
-		    test -z "$HP_ARCH" && HP_ARCH=hppa
-		fi ;;
-	esac
-	if [ ${HP_ARCH} = "hppa2.0w" ]
-	then
-	    eval $set_cc_for_build
-	    # hppa2.0w-hp-hpux* has a 64-bit kernel and a compiler generating
-	    # 32-bit code.  hppa64-hp-hpux* has the same kernel and a compiler
-	    # generating 64-bit code.  GNU and HP use different nomenclature:
-	    #
-	    # $ CC_FOR_BUILD=cc ./config.guess
-	    # => hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.23
-	    # $ CC_FOR_BUILD="cc +DA2.0w" ./config.guess
-	    # => hppa64-hp-hpux11.23
-	    if echo __LP64__ | (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) |
-		grep __LP64__ >/dev/null
-	    then
-		HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w"
-	    else
-		HP_ARCH="hppa64"
-	    fi
-	fi
-	echo ${HP_ARCH}-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV}
-	exit ;;
-    ia64:HP-UX:*:*)
-	HPUX_REV=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
-	echo ia64-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV}
-	exit ;;
-    3050*:HI-UX:*:*)
-	eval $set_cc_for_build
-	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-	#include <unistd.h>
-	int
-	main ()
-	{
-	  long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION);
-	  /* The order matters, because CPU_IS_HP_MC68K erroneously returns
-	     true for CPU_PA_RISC1_0.  CPU_IS_PA_RISC returns correct
-	     results, however.  */
-	  if (CPU_IS_PA_RISC (cpu))
-	    {
-	      switch (cpu)
-		{
-		  case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
-		  case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
-		  case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: puts ("hppa2.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
-		  default: puts ("hppa-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
-		}
-	    }
-	  else if (CPU_IS_HP_MC68K (cpu))
-	    puts ("m68k-hitachi-hiuxwe2");
-	  else puts ("unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2");
-	  exit (0);
-	}
-	$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` &&
-		{ echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
-	echo unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2
-	exit ;;
-    9000/7??:4.3bsd:*:* | 9000/8?[79]:4.3bsd:*:* )
-	echo hppa1.1-hp-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    9000/8??:4.3bsd:*:*)
-	echo hppa1.0-hp-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    *9??*:MPE/iX:*:* | *3000*:MPE/iX:*:*)
-	echo hppa1.0-hp-mpeix
-	exit ;;
-    hp7??:OSF1:*:* | hp8?[79]:OSF1:*:* )
-	echo hppa1.1-hp-osf
-	exit ;;
-    hp8??:OSF1:*:*)
-	echo hppa1.0-hp-osf
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:OSF1:*:*)
-	if [ -x /usr/sbin/sysversion ] ; then
-	    echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1mk
-	else
-	    echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-osf1
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    parisc*:Lites*:*:*)
-	echo hppa1.1-hp-lites
-	exit ;;
-    C1*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C1*:*)
-	echo c1-convex-bsd
-        exit ;;
-    C2*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C2*:*)
-	if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc
-	then echo c32-convex-bsd
-	else echo c2-convex-bsd
-	fi
-        exit ;;
-    C34*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C34*:*)
-	echo c34-convex-bsd
-        exit ;;
-    C38*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C38*:*)
-	echo c38-convex-bsd
-        exit ;;
-    C4*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C4*:*)
-	echo c4-convex-bsd
-        exit ;;
-    CRAY*Y-MP:*:*:*)
-	echo ymp-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    CRAY*[A-Z]90:*:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} \
-	| sed -e 's/CRAY.*\([A-Z]90\)/\1/' \
-	      -e y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ \
-	      -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    CRAY*TS:*:*:*)
-	echo t90-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    CRAY*T3E:*:*:*)
-	echo alphaev5-cray-unicosmk${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    CRAY*SV1:*:*:*)
-	echo sv1-cray-unicos${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    *:UNICOS/mp:*:*)
-	echo craynv-cray-unicosmp${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
-	exit ;;
-    F30[01]:UNIX_System_V:*:* | F700:UNIX_System_V:*:*)
-	FUJITSU_PROC=`uname -m | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'`
-        FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'`
-        FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
-        echo "${FUJITSU_PROC}-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}"
-        exit ;;
-    5000:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
-        FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/\///'`
-        FUJITSU_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
-        echo "sparc-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}"
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:BSD/386:*:* | i*86:BSD/OS:*:* | *:Ascend\ Embedded/OS:*:*)
-	exit ;;
-    sparc*:BSD/OS:*:*)
-	echo sparc-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:BSD/OS:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:FreeBSD:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-freebsd`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    i*:CYGWIN*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-cygwin
-	exit ;;
-    i*:MINGW*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mingw32
-	exit ;;
-    i*:windows32*:*)
-    	# uname -m includes "-pc" on this system.
-    	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-mingw32
-	exit ;;
-    i*:PW*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-pw32
-	exit ;;
-    x86:Interix*:[34]*)
-	echo i586-pc-interix${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/\..*//'
-	exit ;;
-    [345]86:Windows_95:* | [345]86:Windows_98:* | [345]86:Windows_NT:*)
-	echo i${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-mks
-	exit ;;
-    i*:Windows_NT*:* | Pentium*:Windows_NT*:*)
-	# How do we know it's Interix rather than the generic POSIX subsystem?
-	# It also conflicts with pre-2.0 versions of AT&T UWIN. Should we
-	# UNAME_MACHINE based on the output of uname instead of i386?
-	echo i586-pc-interix
-	exit ;;
-    i*:UWIN*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-uwin
-	exit ;;
-    amd64:CYGWIN*:*:* | x86_64:CYGWIN*:*:*)
-	echo x86_64-unknown-cygwin
-	exit ;;
-    p*:CYGWIN*:*)
-	echo powerpcle-unknown-cygwin
-	exit ;;
-    prep*:SunOS:5.*:*)
-	echo powerpcle-unknown-solaris2`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    *:GNU:*:*)
-	# the GNU system
-	echo `echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-gnu`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'`
-	exit ;;
-    *:GNU/*:*:*)
-	# other systems with GNU libc and userland
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-`echo ${UNAME_SYSTEM} | sed 's,^[^/]*/,,' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'``echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:Minix:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-minix
-	exit ;;
-    arm*:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    cris:Linux:*:*)
-	echo cris-axis-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    crisv32:Linux:*:*)
-	echo crisv32-axis-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    frv:Linux:*:*)
-    	echo frv-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    ia64:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    m32r*:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    m68*:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    mips:Linux:*:*)
-	eval $set_cc_for_build
-	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-	#undef CPU
-	#undef mips
-	#undef mipsel
-	#if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL)
-	CPU=mipsel
-	#else
-	#if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB)
-	CPU=mips
-	#else
-	CPU=
-	#endif
-	#endif
-	eval `$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | grep ^CPU=`
-	test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-gnu"; exit; }
-	;;
-    mips64:Linux:*:*)
-	eval $set_cc_for_build
-	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-	#undef CPU
-	#undef mips64
-	#undef mips64el
-	#if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL)
-	CPU=mips64el
-	#else
-	#if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB)
-	CPU=mips64
-	#else
-	CPU=
-	#endif
-	#endif
-	eval `$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | grep ^CPU=`
-	test x"${CPU}" != x && { echo "${CPU}-unknown-linux-gnu"; exit; }
-	;;
-    or32:Linux:*:*)
-	echo or32-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    ppc:Linux:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    ppc64:Linux:*:*)
-	echo powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    alpha:Linux:*:*)
-	case `sed -n '/^cpu model/s/^.*: \(.*\)/\1/p' < /proc/cpuinfo` in
-	  EV5)   UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev5 ;;
-	  EV56)  UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev56 ;;
-	  PCA56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
-	  PCA57) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
-	  EV6)   UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev6 ;;
-	  EV67)  UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev67 ;;
-	  EV68*) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;;
-        esac
-	objdump --private-headers /bin/sh | grep >/dev/null
-	if test "$?" = 0 ; then LIBC="libc1" ; else LIBC="" ; fi
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu${LIBC}
-	exit ;;
-    parisc:Linux:*:* | hppa:Linux:*:*)
-	# Look for CPU level
-	case `grep '^cpu[^a-z]*:' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2` in
-	  PA7*) echo hppa1.1-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
-	  PA8*) echo hppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
-	  *)    echo hppa-unknown-linux-gnu ;;
-	esac
-	exit ;;
-    parisc64:Linux:*:* | hppa64:Linux:*:*)
-	echo hppa64-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    s390:Linux:*:* | s390x:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-ibm-linux
-	exit ;;
-    sh64*:Linux:*:*)
-    	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    sh*:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    sparc:Linux:*:* | sparc64:Linux:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    x86_64:Linux:*:*)
-	echo x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:Linux:*:*)
-	# The BFD linker knows what the default object file format is, so
-	# first see if it will tell us. cd to the root directory to prevent
-	# problems with other programs or directories called `ld' in the path.
-	# Set LC_ALL=C to ensure ld outputs messages in English.
-	ld_supported_targets=`cd /; LC_ALL=C ld --help 2>&1 \
-			 | sed -ne '/supported targets:/!d
-				    s/[ 	][ 	]*/ /g
-				    s/.*supported targets: *//
-				    s/ .*//
-				    p'`
-        case "$ld_supported_targets" in
-	  elf32-i386)
-		TENTATIVE="${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnu"
-		;;
-	  a.out-i386-linux)
-		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnuaout"
-		exit ;;
-	  coff-i386)
-		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnucoff"
-		exit ;;
-	  "")
-		# Either a pre-BFD a.out linker (linux-gnuoldld) or
-		# one that does not give us useful --help.
-		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-gnuoldld"
-		exit ;;
-	esac
-	# Determine whether the default compiler is a.out or elf
-	eval $set_cc_for_build
-	sed 's/^	//' << EOF >$dummy.c
-	#include <features.h>
-	#ifdef __ELF__
-	# ifdef __GLIBC__
-	#  if __GLIBC__ >= 2
-	LIBC=gnu
-	#  else
-	LIBC=gnulibc1
-	#  endif
-	# else
-	LIBC=gnulibc1
-	# endif
-	#else
-	LIBC=gnu
-	#else
-	LIBC=gnuaout
-	#endif
-	#endif
-	#ifdef __dietlibc__
-	LIBC=dietlibc
-	#endif
-	eval `$CC_FOR_BUILD -E $dummy.c 2>/dev/null | grep ^LIBC=`
-	test x"${LIBC}" != x && {
-		echo "${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-linux-${LIBC}"
-		exit
-	}
-	test x"${TENTATIVE}" != x && { echo "${TENTATIVE}"; exit; }
-	;;
-    i*86:DYNIX/ptx:4*:*)
-	# ptx 4.0 does uname -s correctly, with DYNIX/ptx in there.
-	# earlier versions are messed up and put the nodename in both
-	# sysname and nodename.
-	echo i386-sequent-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:UNIX_SV:4.2MP:2.*)
-        # Unixware is an offshoot of SVR4, but it has its own version
-        # number series starting with 2...
-        # I am not positive that other SVR4 systems won't match this,
-	# I just have to hope.  -- rms.
-        # Use sysv4.2uw... so that sysv4* matches it.
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv4.2uw${UNAME_VERSION}
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:OS/2:*:*)
-	# If we were able to find `uname', then EMX Unix compatibility
-	# is probably installed.
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-os2-emx
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:XTS-300:*:STOP)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-stop
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:atheos:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-atheos
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:syllable:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-syllable
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:LynxOS:2.*:* | i*86:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | i*86:LynxOS:4.0*:*)
-	echo i386-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:*DOS:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-msdosdjgpp
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:*:4.*:* | i*86:SYSTEM_V:4.*:*)
-	UNAME_REL=`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE} | sed 's/\/MP$//'`
-	if grep Novell /usr/include/link.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-univel-sysv${UNAME_REL}
-	else
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv${UNAME_REL}
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:*:5:[678]*)
-    	# UnixWare 7.x, OpenUNIX and OpenServer 6.
-	case `/bin/uname -X | grep "^Machine"` in
-	    *486*)	     UNAME_MACHINE=i486 ;;
-	    *Pentium)	     UNAME_MACHINE=i586 ;;
-	    *Pent*|*Celeron) UNAME_MACHINE=i686 ;;
-	esac
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:*:3.2:*)
-	if test -f /usr/options/; then
-		UNAME_REL=`sed -n 's/.*Version //p' </usr/options/`
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-isc$UNAME_REL
-	elif /bin/uname -X 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then
-		UNAME_REL=`(/bin/uname -X|grep Release|sed -e 's/.*= //')`
-		(/bin/uname -X|grep i80486 >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i486
-		(/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium' >/dev/null) \
-			&& UNAME_MACHINE=i586
-		(/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pent *II' >/dev/null) \
-			&& UNAME_MACHINE=i686
-		(/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium Pro' >/dev/null) \
-			&& UNAME_MACHINE=i686
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sco$UNAME_REL
-	else
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv32
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    pc:*:*:*)
-	# Left here for compatibility:
-        # uname -m prints for DJGPP always 'pc', but it prints nothing about
-        # the processor, so we play safe by assuming i386.
-	echo i386-pc-msdosdjgpp
-        exit ;;
-    Intel:Mach:3*:*)
-	echo i386-pc-mach3
-	exit ;;
-    paragon:*:*:*)
-	echo i860-intel-osf1
-	exit ;;
-    i860:*:4.*:*) # i860-SVR4
-	if grep Stardent /usr/include/sys/uadmin.h >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
-	  echo i860-stardent-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE} # Stardent Vistra i860-SVR4
-	else # Add other i860-SVR4 vendors below as they are discovered.
-	  echo i860-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}  # Unknown i860-SVR4
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    mini*:CTIX:SYS*5:*)
-	# "miniframe"
-	echo m68010-convergent-sysv
-	exit ;;
-    mc68k:UNIX:SYSTEM5:3.51m)
-	echo m68k-convergent-sysv
-	exit ;;
-    M680?0:D-NIX:5.3:*)
-	echo m68k-diab-dnix
-	exit ;;
-    M68*:*:R3V[5678]*:*)
-	test -r /sysV68 && { echo 'm68k-motorola-sysv'; exit; } ;;
-    3[345]??:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??A:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??/*:*:4.0:3.0 | 4400:*:4.0:3.0 | 4850:*:4.0:3.0 | SKA40:*:4.0:3.0 | SDS2:*:4.0:3.0 | SHG2:*:4.0:3.0 | S7501*:*:4.0:3.0)
-	OS_REL=''
-	test -r /etc/.relid \
-	&& OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid`
-	/bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
-	  && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; }
-	/bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \
-	  && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3${OS_REL}; exit; } ;;
-    3[34]??:*:4.0:* | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:*)
-        /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
-          && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4; exit; } ;;
-    m68*:LynxOS:2.*:* | m68*:LynxOS:3.0*:*)
-	echo m68k-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    mc68030:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
-	echo m68k-atari-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    TSUNAMI:LynxOS:2.*:*)
-	echo sparc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    rs6000:LynxOS:2.*:*)
-	echo rs6000-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    PowerPC:LynxOS:2.*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:4.0*:*)
-	echo powerpc-unknown-lynxos${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    SM[BE]S:UNIX_SV:*:*)
-	echo mips-dde-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    RM*:ReliantUNIX-*:*:*)
-	echo mips-sni-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    RM*:SINIX-*:*:*)
-	echo mips-sni-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    *:SINIX-*:*:*)
-	if uname -p 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then
-		UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
-		echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-sni-sysv4
-	else
-		echo ns32k-sni-sysv
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    PENTIUM:*:4.0*:*) # Unisys `ClearPath HMP IX 4000' SVR4/MP effort
-                      # says <Richard.M.Bartel@ccMail.Census.GOV>
-        echo i586-unisys-sysv4
-        exit ;;
-    *:UNIX_System_V:4*:FTX*)
-	# From Gerald Hewes <>.
-	# How about differentiating between stratus architectures? -djm
-	echo hppa1.1-stratus-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    *:*:*:FTX*)
-	# From
-	echo i860-stratus-sysv4
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:VOS:*:*)
-	# From
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-stratus-vos
-	exit ;;
-    *:VOS:*:*)
-	# From
-	echo hppa1.1-stratus-vos
-	exit ;;
-    mc68*:A/UX:*:*)
-	echo m68k-apple-aux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    news*:NEWS-OS:6*:*)
-	echo mips-sony-newsos6
-	exit ;;
-    R[34]000:*System_V*:*:* | R4000:UNIX_SYSV:*:* | R*000:UNIX_SV:*:*)
-	if [ -d /usr/nec ]; then
-	        echo mips-nec-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	else
-	        echo mips-unknown-sysv${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	fi
-        exit ;;
-    BeBox:BeOS:*:*)	# BeOS running on hardware made by Be, PPC only.
-	echo powerpc-be-beos
-	exit ;;
-    BeMac:BeOS:*:*)	# BeOS running on Mac or Mac clone, PPC only.
-	echo powerpc-apple-beos
-	exit ;;
-    BePC:BeOS:*:*)	# BeOS running on Intel PC compatible.
-	echo i586-pc-beos
-	exit ;;
-    SX-4:SUPER-UX:*:*)
-	echo sx4-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    SX-5:SUPER-UX:*:*)
-	echo sx5-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    SX-6:SUPER-UX:*:*)
-	echo sx6-nec-superux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    Power*:Rhapsody:*:*)
-	echo powerpc-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:Rhapsody:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-apple-rhapsody${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:Darwin:*:*)
-	    *86) UNAME_PROCESSOR=i686 ;;
-	    unknown) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc ;;
-	esac
-	echo ${UNAME_PROCESSOR}-apple-darwin${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:procnto*:*:* | *:QNX:[0123456789]*:*)
-	UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p`
-	if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = "x86"; then
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    *:QNX:*:4*)
-	echo i386-pc-qnx
-	exit ;;
-	echo nse-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-	echo nsr-tandem-nsk${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:NonStop-UX:*:*)
-	echo mips-compaq-nonstopux
-	exit ;;
-    BS2000:POSIX*:*:*)
-	echo bs2000-siemens-sysv
-	exit ;;
-    DS/*:UNIX_System_V:*:*)
-	exit ;;
-    *:Plan9:*:*)
-	# "uname -m" is not consistent, so use $cputype instead. 386
-	# is converted to i386 for consistency with other x86
-	# operating systems.
-	if test "$cputype" = "386"; then
-	    UNAME_MACHINE=i386
-	else
-	    UNAME_MACHINE="$cputype"
-	fi
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-plan9
-	exit ;;
-    *:TOPS-10:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-unknown-tops10
-	exit ;;
-    *:TENEX:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-unknown-tenex
-	exit ;;
-    KS10:TOPS-20:*:* | KL10:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE4:TOPS-20:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-dec-tops20
-	exit ;;
-    XKL-1:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE5:TOPS-20:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-xkl-tops20
-	exit ;;
-    *:TOPS-20:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-unknown-tops20
-	exit ;;
-    *:ITS:*:*)
-	echo pdp10-unknown-its
-	exit ;;
-    SEI:*:*:SEIUX)
-        echo mips-sei-seiux${UNAME_RELEASE}
-	exit ;;
-    *:DragonFly:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-dragonfly`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`
-	exit ;;
-    *:*VMS:*:*)
-    	UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
-	case "${UNAME_MACHINE}" in
-	    A*) echo alpha-dec-vms ; exit ;;
-	    I*) echo ia64-dec-vms ; exit ;;
-	    V*) echo vax-dec-vms ; exit ;;
-	esac ;;
-    *:XENIX:*:SysV)
-	echo i386-pc-xenix
-	exit ;;
-    i*86:skyos:*:*)
-	echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-skyos`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}` | sed -e 's/ .*$//'
-	exit ;;
-#echo '(No uname command or uname output not recognized.)' 1>&2
-eval $set_cc_for_build
-cat >$dummy.c <<EOF
-#ifdef _SEQUENT_
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <sys/utsname.h>
-main ()
-#if defined (sony)
-#if defined (MIPSEB)
-  /* BFD wants "bsd" instead of "newsos".  Perhaps BFD should be changed,
-     I don't know....  */
-  printf ("mips-sony-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#include <sys/param.h>
-  printf ("m68k-sony-newsos%s\n",
-#ifdef NEWSOS4
-          "4"
-	  ""
-         ); exit (0);
-#if defined (__arm) && defined (__acorn) && defined (__unix)
-  printf ("arm-acorn-riscix\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (hp300) && !defined (hpux)
-  printf ("m68k-hp-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (NeXT)
-#if !defined (__ARCHITECTURE__)
-#define __ARCHITECTURE__ "m68k"
-  int version;
-  version=`(hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null`;
-  if (version < 4)
-    printf ("%s-next-nextstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
-  else
-    printf ("%s-next-openstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
-  exit (0);
-#if defined (MULTIMAX) || defined (n16)
-#if defined (UMAXV)
-  printf ("ns32k-encore-sysv\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (CMU)
-  printf ("ns32k-encore-mach\n"); exit (0);
-  printf ("ns32k-encore-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (__386BSD__)
-  printf ("i386-pc-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (sequent)
-#if defined (i386)
-  printf ("i386-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (ns32000)
-  printf ("ns32k-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (_SEQUENT_)
-    struct utsname un;
-    uname(&un);
-    if (strncmp(un.version, "V2", 2) == 0) {
-	printf ("i386-sequent-ptx2\n"); exit (0);
-    }
-    if (strncmp(un.version, "V1", 2) == 0) { /* XXX is V1 correct? */
-	printf ("i386-sequent-ptx1\n"); exit (0);
-    }
-    printf ("i386-sequent-ptx\n"); exit (0);
-#if defined (vax)
-# if !defined (ultrix)
-#  include <sys/param.h>
-#  if defined (BSD)
-#   if BSD == 43
-      printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3\n"); exit (0);
-#   else
-#    if BSD == 199006
-      printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3reno\n"); exit (0);
-#    else
-      printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#    endif
-#   endif
-#  else
-    printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-#  endif
-# else
-    printf ("vax-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0);
-# endif
-#if defined (alliant) && defined (i860)
-  printf ("i860-alliant-bsd\n"); exit (0);
-  exit (1);
-$CC_FOR_BUILD -o $dummy $dummy.c 2>/dev/null && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` &&
-	{ echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
-# Apollos put the system type in the environment.
-test -d /usr/apollo && { echo ${ISP}-apollo-${SYSTYPE}; exit; }
-# Convex versions that predate uname can use getsysinfo(1)
-if [ -x /usr/convex/getsysinfo ]
-    case `getsysinfo -f cpu_type` in
-    c1*)
-	echo c1-convex-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    c2*)
-	if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc
-	then echo c32-convex-bsd
-	else echo c2-convex-bsd
-	fi
-	exit ;;
-    c34*)
-	echo c34-convex-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    c38*)
-	echo c38-convex-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    c4*)
-	echo c4-convex-bsd
-	exit ;;
-    esac
-cat >&2 <<EOF
-$0: unable to guess system type
-This script, last modified $timestamp, has failed to recognize
-the operating system you are using. It is advised that you
-download the most up to date version of the config scripts from
-If the version you run ($0) is already up to date, please
-send the following data and any information you think might be
-pertinent to <> in order to provide the needed
-information to handle your system.
-config.guess timestamp = $timestamp
-uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
-/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
-/bin/uname -X     = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null`
-hostinfo               = `(hostinfo) 2>/dev/null`
-/bin/universe          = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`
-/usr/bin/arch -k       = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null`
-/bin/arch              = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null`
-/usr/bin/oslevel       = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null`
-/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null`
-exit 1
-# Local variables:
-# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
-# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='"
-# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d"
-# time-stamp-end: "'"
-# End:

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +1,1 @@

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/config.sub
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1580 +1,1 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Configuration validation subroutine script.
-#   Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
-#   2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is (in principle) common to ALL GNU software.
-# The presence of a machine in this file suggests that SOME GNU software
-# can handle that machine.  It does not imply ALL GNU software can.
-# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-# Please send patches to <>.  Submit a context
-# diff and a properly formatted ChangeLog entry.
-# Configuration subroutine to validate and canonicalize a configuration type.
-# Supply the specified configuration type as an argument.
-# If it is invalid, we print an error message on stderr and exit with code 1.
-# Otherwise, we print the canonical config type on stdout and succeed.
-# This file is supposed to be the same for all GNU packages
-# and recognize all the CPU types, system types and aliases
-# that are meaningful with *any* GNU software.
-# Each package is responsible for reporting which valid configurations
-# it does not support.  The user should be able to distinguish
-# a failure to support a valid configuration from a meaningless
-# configuration.
-# The goal of this file is to map all the various variations of a given
-# machine specification into a single specification in the form:
-# or in some cases, the newer four-part form:
-# It is wrong to echo any other type of specification.
-me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
-       $0 [OPTION] ALIAS
-Canonicalize a configuration name.
-Operation modes:
-  -h, --help         print this help, then exit
-  -t, --time-stamp   print date of last modification, then exit
-  -v, --version      print version number, then exit
-Report bugs and patches to <>."
-GNU config.sub ($timestamp)
-Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
-Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
-Try \`$me --help' for more information."
-# Parse command line
-while test $# -gt 0 ; do
-  case $1 in
-    --time-stamp | --time* | -t )
-       echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;;
-    --version | -v )
-       echo "$version" ; exit ;;
-    --help | --h* | -h )
-       echo "$usage"; exit ;;
-    -- )     # Stop option processing
-       shift; break ;;
-    - )	# Use stdin as input.
-       break ;;
-    -* )
-       echo "$me: invalid option $1$help"
-       exit 1 ;;
-    *local*)
-       # First pass through any local machine types.
-       echo $1
-       exit ;;
-    * )
-       break ;;
-  esac
-case $# in
- 0) echo "$me: missing argument$help" >&2
-    exit 1;;
- 1) ;;
- *) echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2
-    exit 1;;
-# Separate what the user gave into CPU-COMPANY and OS or KERNEL-OS (if any).
-# Here we must recognize all the valid KERNEL-OS combinations.
-maybe_os=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\2/'`
-case $maybe_os in
-  nto-qnx* | linux-gnu* | linux-dietlibc | linux-uclibc* | uclinux-uclibc* | uclinux-gnu* | \
-  kfreebsd*-gnu* | knetbsd*-gnu* | netbsd*-gnu* | storm-chaos* | os2-emx* | rtmk-nova*)
-    os=-$maybe_os
-    basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.*\)-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\1/'`
-    ;;
-  *)
-    basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed 's/-[^-]*$//'`
-    if [ $basic_machine != $1 ]
-    then os=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*-/-/'`
-    else os=; fi
-    ;;
-### Let's recognize common machines as not being operating systems so
-### that things like config.sub decstation-3100 work.  We also
-### recognize some manufacturers as not being operating systems, so we
-### can provide default operating systems below.
-case $os in
-	-sun*os*)
-		# Prevent following clause from handling this invalid input.
-		;;
-	-dec* | -mips* | -sequent* | -encore* | -pc532* | -sgi* | -sony* | \
-	-att* | -7300* | -3300* | -delta* | -motorola* | -sun[234]* | \
-	-unicom* | -ibm* | -next | -hp | -isi* | -apollo | -altos* | \
-	-convergent* | -ncr* | -news | -32* | -3600* | -3100* | -hitachi* |\
-	-c[123]* | -convex* | -sun | -crds | -omron* | -dg | -ultra | -tti* | \
-	-harris | -dolphin | -highlevel | -gould | -cbm | -ns | -masscomp | \
-	-apple | -axis | -knuth | -cray)
-		os=
-		basic_machine=$1
-		;;
-	-sim | -cisco | -oki | -wec | -winbond)
-		os=
-		basic_machine=$1
-		;;
-	-scout)
-		;;
-	-wrs)
-		os=-vxworks
-		basic_machine=$1
-		;;
-	-chorusos*)
-		os=-chorusos
-		basic_machine=$1
-		;;
- 	-chorusrdb)
- 		os=-chorusrdb
-		basic_machine=$1
- 		;;
-	-hiux*)
-		os=-hiuxwe2
-		;;
-	-sco5)
-		os=-sco3.2v5
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-sco4)
-		os=-sco3.2v4
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-sco3.2.[4-9]*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/sco3.2./sco3.2v/'`
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-sco3.2v[4-9]*)
-		# Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer.
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-sco*)
-		os=-sco3.2v2
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-udk*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-isc)
-		os=-isc2.2
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-clix*)
-		basic_machine=clipper-intergraph
-		;;
-	-isc*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-pc/'`
-		;;
-	-lynx*)
-		os=-lynxos
-		;;
-	-ptx*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86-.*/86-sequent/'`
-		;;
-	-windowsnt*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/windowsnt/winnt/'`
-		;;
-	-psos*)
-		os=-psos
-		;;
-	-mint | -mint[0-9]*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-atari
-		os=-mint
-		;;
-# Decode aliases for certain CPU-COMPANY combinations.
-case $basic_machine in
-	# Recognize the basic CPU types without company name.
-	# Some are omitted here because they have special meanings below.
-	1750a | 580 \
-	| a29k \
-	| alpha | alphaev[4-8] | alphaev56 | alphaev6[78] | alphapca5[67] \
-	| alpha64 | alpha64ev[4-8] | alpha64ev56 | alpha64ev6[78] | alpha64pca5[67] \
-	| am33_2.0 \
-	| arc | arm | arm[bl]e | arme[lb] | armv[2345] | armv[345][lb] | avr \
-	| bfin \
-	| c4x | clipper \
-	| d10v | d30v | dlx | dsp16xx \
-	| fr30 | frv \
-	| h8300 | h8500 | hppa | hppa1.[01] | hppa2.0 | hppa2.0[nw] | hppa64 \
-	| i370 | i860 | i960 | ia64 \
-	| ip2k | iq2000 \
-	| m32r | m32rle | m68000 | m68k | m88k | maxq | mcore \
-	| mips | mipsbe | mipseb | mipsel | mipsle \
-	| mips16 \
-	| mips64 | mips64el \
-	| mips64vr | mips64vrel \
-	| mips64orion | mips64orionel \
-	| mips64vr4100 | mips64vr4100el \
-	| mips64vr4300 | mips64vr4300el \
-	| mips64vr5000 | mips64vr5000el \
-	| mips64vr5900 | mips64vr5900el \
-	| mipsisa32 | mipsisa32el \
-	| mipsisa32r2 | mipsisa32r2el \
-	| mipsisa64 | mipsisa64el \
-	| mipsisa64r2 | mipsisa64r2el \
-	| mipsisa64sb1 | mipsisa64sb1el \
-	| mipsisa64sr71k | mipsisa64sr71kel \
-	| mipstx39 | mipstx39el \
-	| mn10200 | mn10300 \
-	| ms1 \
-	| msp430 \
-	| ns16k | ns32k \
-	| or32 \
-	| pdp10 | pdp11 | pj | pjl \
-	| powerpc | powerpc64 | powerpc64le | powerpcle | ppcbe \
-	| pyramid \
-	| sh | sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[23]e | sh[34]eb | shbe | shle | sh[1234]le | sh3ele \
-	| sh64 | sh64le \
-	| sparc | sparc64 | sparc64b | sparc86x | sparclet | sparclite \
-	| sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b \
-	| strongarm \
-	| tahoe | thumb | tic4x | tic80 | tron \
-	| v850 | v850e \
-	| we32k \
-	| x86 | xscale | xscalee[bl] | xstormy16 | xtensa \
-	| z8k)
-		basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown
-		;;
-	m32c)
-		basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown
-		;;
-	m6811 | m68hc11 | m6812 | m68hc12)
-		# Motorola 68HC11/12.
-		basic_machine=$basic_machine-unknown
-		os=-none
-		;;
-	m88110 | m680[12346]0 | m683?2 | m68360 | m5200 | v70 | w65 | z8k)
-		;;
-	# We use `pc' rather than `unknown'
-	# because (1) that's what they normally are, and
-	# (2) the word "unknown" tends to confuse beginning users.
-	i*86 | x86_64)
-	  basic_machine=$basic_machine-pc
-	  ;;
-	# Object if more than one company name word.
-	*-*-*)
-		echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2
-		exit 1
-		;;
-	# Recognize the basic CPU types with company name.
-	580-* \
-	| a29k-* \
-	| alpha-* | alphaev[4-8]-* | alphaev56-* | alphaev6[78]-* \
-	| alpha64-* | alpha64ev[4-8]-* | alpha64ev56-* | alpha64ev6[78]-* \
-	| alphapca5[67]-* | alpha64pca5[67]-* | arc-* \
-	| arm-*  | armbe-* | armle-* | armeb-* | armv*-* \
-	| avr-* \
-	| bfin-* | bs2000-* \
-	| c[123]* | c30-* | [cjt]90-* | c4x-* | c54x-* | c55x-* | c6x-* \
-	| clipper-* | craynv-* | cydra-* \
-	| d10v-* | d30v-* | dlx-* \
-	| elxsi-* \
-	| f30[01]-* | f700-* | fr30-* | frv-* | fx80-* \
-	| h8300-* | h8500-* \
-	| hppa-* | hppa1.[01]-* | hppa2.0-* | hppa2.0[nw]-* | hppa64-* \
-	| i*86-* | i860-* | i960-* | ia64-* \
-	| ip2k-* | iq2000-* \
-	| m32r-* | m32rle-* \
-	| m68000-* | m680[012346]0-* | m68360-* | m683?2-* | m68k-* \
-	| m88110-* | m88k-* | maxq-* | mcore-* \
-	| mips-* | mipsbe-* | mipseb-* | mipsel-* | mipsle-* \
-	| mips16-* \
-	| mips64-* | mips64el-* \
-	| mips64vr-* | mips64vrel-* \
-	| mips64orion-* | mips64orionel-* \
-	| mips64vr4100-* | mips64vr4100el-* \
-	| mips64vr4300-* | mips64vr4300el-* \
-	| mips64vr5000-* | mips64vr5000el-* \
-	| mips64vr5900-* | mips64vr5900el-* \
-	| mipsisa32-* | mipsisa32el-* \
-	| mipsisa32r2-* | mipsisa32r2el-* \
-	| mipsisa64-* | mipsisa64el-* \
-	| mipsisa64r2-* | mipsisa64r2el-* \
-	| mipsisa64sb1-* | mipsisa64sb1el-* \
-	| mipsisa64sr71k-* | mipsisa64sr71kel-* \
-	| mipstx39-* | mipstx39el-* \
-	| mmix-* \
-	| ms1-* \
-	| msp430-* \
-	| none-* | np1-* | ns16k-* | ns32k-* \
-	| orion-* \
-	| pdp10-* | pdp11-* | pj-* | pjl-* | pn-* | power-* \
-	| powerpc-* | powerpc64-* | powerpc64le-* | powerpcle-* | ppcbe-* \
-	| pyramid-* \
-	| romp-* | rs6000-* \
-	| sh-* | sh[1234]-* | sh[24]a-* | sh[23]e-* | sh[34]eb-* | shbe-* \
-	| shle-* | sh[1234]le-* | sh3ele-* | sh64-* | sh64le-* \
-	| sparc-* | sparc64-* | sparc64b-* | sparc86x-* | sparclet-* \
-	| sparclite-* \
-	| sparcv8-* | sparcv9-* | sparcv9b-* | strongarm-* | sv1-* | sx?-* \
-	| tahoe-* | thumb-* \
-	| tic30-* | tic4x-* | tic54x-* | tic55x-* | tic6x-* | tic80-* \
-	| tron-* \
-	| v850-* | v850e-* | vax-* \
-	| we32k-* \
-	| x86-* | x86_64-* | xps100-* | xscale-* | xscalee[bl]-* \
-	| xstormy16-* | xtensa-* \
-	| ymp-* \
-	| z8k-*)
-		;;
-	m32c-*)
-		;;
-	# Recognize the various machine names and aliases which stand
-	# for a CPU type and a company and sometimes even an OS.
-	386bsd)
-		basic_machine=i386-unknown
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	3b1 | 7300 | 7300-att | att-7300 | pc7300 | safari | unixpc)
-		basic_machine=m68000-att
-		;;
-	3b*)
-		basic_machine=we32k-att
-		;;
-	a29khif)
-		basic_machine=a29k-amd
-		os=-udi
-		;;
-    	abacus)
-		basic_machine=abacus-unknown
-		;;
-	adobe68k)
-		basic_machine=m68010-adobe
-		os=-scout
-		;;
-	alliant | fx80)
-		basic_machine=fx80-alliant
-		;;
-	altos | altos3068)
-		basic_machine=m68k-altos
-		;;
-	am29k)
-		basic_machine=a29k-none
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	amd64)
-		basic_machine=x86_64-pc
-		;;
-	amd64-*)
-		basic_machine=x86_64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	amdahl)
-		basic_machine=580-amdahl
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	amiga | amiga-*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-unknown
-		;;
-	amigaos | amigados)
-		basic_machine=m68k-unknown
-		os=-amigaos
-		;;
-	amigaunix | amix)
-		basic_machine=m68k-unknown
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	apollo68)
-		basic_machine=m68k-apollo
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	apollo68bsd)
-		basic_machine=m68k-apollo
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	aux)
-		basic_machine=m68k-apple
-		os=-aux
-		;;
-	balance)
-		basic_machine=ns32k-sequent
-		os=-dynix
-		;;
-	c90)
-		basic_machine=c90-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	convex-c1)
-		basic_machine=c1-convex
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	convex-c2)
-		basic_machine=c2-convex
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	convex-c32)
-		basic_machine=c32-convex
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	convex-c34)
-		basic_machine=c34-convex
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	convex-c38)
-		basic_machine=c38-convex
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	cray | j90)
-		basic_machine=j90-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	craynv)
-		basic_machine=craynv-cray
-		os=-unicosmp
-		;;
-	cr16c)
-		basic_machine=cr16c-unknown
-		os=-elf
-		;;
-	crds | unos)
-		basic_machine=m68k-crds
-		;;
-	crisv32 | crisv32-* | etraxfs*)
-		basic_machine=crisv32-axis
-		;;
-	cris | cris-* | etrax*)
-		basic_machine=cris-axis
-		;;
-	crx)
-		basic_machine=crx-unknown
-		os=-elf
-		;;
-	da30 | da30-*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-da30
-		;;
-	decstation | decstation-3100 | pmax | pmax-* | pmin | dec3100 | decstatn)
-		basic_machine=mips-dec
-		;;
-	decsystem10* | dec10*)
-		basic_machine=pdp10-dec
-		os=-tops10
-		;;
-	decsystem20* | dec20*)
-		basic_machine=pdp10-dec
-		os=-tops20
-		;;
-	delta | 3300 | motorola-3300 | motorola-delta \
-	      | 3300-motorola | delta-motorola)
-		basic_machine=m68k-motorola
-		;;
-	delta88)
-		basic_machine=m88k-motorola
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	djgpp)
-		basic_machine=i586-pc
-		os=-msdosdjgpp
-		;;
-	dpx20 | dpx20-*)
-		basic_machine=rs6000-bull
-		os=-bosx
-		;;
-	dpx2* | dpx2*-bull)
-		basic_machine=m68k-bull
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	ebmon29k)
-		basic_machine=a29k-amd
-		os=-ebmon
-		;;
-	elxsi)
-		basic_machine=elxsi-elxsi
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	encore | umax | mmax)
-		basic_machine=ns32k-encore
-		;;
-	es1800 | OSE68k | ose68k | ose | OSE)
-		basic_machine=m68k-ericsson
-		os=-ose
-		;;
-	fx2800)
-		basic_machine=i860-alliant
-		;;
-	genix)
-		basic_machine=ns32k-ns
-		;;
-	gmicro)
-		basic_machine=tron-gmicro
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	go32)
-		basic_machine=i386-pc
-		os=-go32
-		;;
-	h3050r* | hiux*)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi
-		os=-hiuxwe2
-		;;
-	h8300hms)
-		basic_machine=h8300-hitachi
-		os=-hms
-		;;
-	h8300xray)
-		basic_machine=h8300-hitachi
-		os=-xray
-		;;
-	h8500hms)
-		basic_machine=h8500-hitachi
-		os=-hms
-		;;
-	harris)
-		basic_machine=m88k-harris
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	hp300-*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-hp
-		;;
-	hp300bsd)
-		basic_machine=m68k-hp
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	hp300hpux)
-		basic_machine=m68k-hp
-		os=-hpux
-		;;
-	hp3k9[0-9][0-9] | hp9[0-9][0-9])
-		basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k2[0-9][0-9] | hp9k31[0-9])
-		basic_machine=m68000-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k3[2-9][0-9])
-		basic_machine=m68k-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k6[0-9][0-9] | hp6[0-9][0-9])
-		basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k7[0-79][0-9] | hp7[0-79][0-9])
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k78[0-9] | hp78[0-9])
-		# FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k8[67]1 | hp8[67]1 | hp9k80[24] | hp80[24] | hp9k8[78]9 | hp8[78]9 | hp9k893 | hp893)
-		# FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k8[0-9][13679] | hp8[0-9][13679])
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		;;
-	hp9k8[0-9][0-9] | hp8[0-9][0-9])
-		basic_machine=hppa1.0-hp
-		;;
-	hppa-next)
-		os=-nextstep3
-		;;
-	hppaosf)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		os=-osf
-		;;
-	hppro)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	i370-ibm* | ibm*)
-		basic_machine=i370-ibm
-		;;
-# I'm not sure what "Sysv32" means.  Should this be sysv3.2?
-	i*86v32)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
-		os=-sysv32
-		;;
-	i*86v4*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	i*86v)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	i*86sol2)
-		basic_machine=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/86.*/86-pc/'`
-		os=-solaris2
-		;;
-	i386mach)
-		basic_machine=i386-mach
-		os=-mach
-		;;
-	i386-vsta | vsta)
-		basic_machine=i386-unknown
-		os=-vsta
-		;;
-	iris | iris4d)
-		basic_machine=mips-sgi
-		case $os in
-		    -irix*)
-			;;
-		    *)
-			os=-irix4
-			;;
-		esac
-		;;
-	isi68 | isi)
-		basic_machine=m68k-isi
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	m88k-omron*)
-		basic_machine=m88k-omron
-		;;
-	magnum | m3230)
-		basic_machine=mips-mips
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	merlin)
-		basic_machine=ns32k-utek
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	mingw32)
-		basic_machine=i386-pc
-		os=-mingw32
-		;;
-	miniframe)
-		basic_machine=m68000-convergent
-		;;
-	*mint | -mint[0-9]* | *MiNT | *MiNT[0-9]*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-atari
-		os=-mint
-		;;
-	mips3*-*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`
-		;;
-	mips3*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed -e 's/mips3/mips64/'`-unknown
-		;;
-	monitor)
-		basic_machine=m68k-rom68k
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	morphos)
-		basic_machine=powerpc-unknown
-		os=-morphos
-		;;
-	msdos)
-		basic_machine=i386-pc
-		os=-msdos
-		;;
-	mvs)
-		basic_machine=i370-ibm
-		os=-mvs
-		;;
-	ncr3000)
-		basic_machine=i486-ncr
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	netbsd386)
-		basic_machine=i386-unknown
-		os=-netbsd
-		;;
-	netwinder)
-		basic_machine=armv4l-rebel
-		os=-linux
-		;;
-	news | news700 | news800 | news900)
-		basic_machine=m68k-sony
-		os=-newsos
-		;;
-	news1000)
-		basic_machine=m68030-sony
-		os=-newsos
-		;;
-	news-3600 | risc-news)
-		basic_machine=mips-sony
-		os=-newsos
-		;;
-	necv70)
-		basic_machine=v70-nec
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	next | m*-next )
-		basic_machine=m68k-next
-		case $os in
-		    -nextstep* )
-			;;
-		    -ns2*)
-		      os=-nextstep2
-			;;
-		    *)
-		      os=-nextstep3
-			;;
-		esac
-		;;
-	nh3000)
-		basic_machine=m68k-harris
-		os=-cxux
-		;;
-	nh[45]000)
-		basic_machine=m88k-harris
-		os=-cxux
-		;;
-	nindy960)
-		basic_machine=i960-intel
-		os=-nindy
-		;;
-	mon960)
-		basic_machine=i960-intel
-		os=-mon960
-		;;
-	nonstopux)
-		basic_machine=mips-compaq
-		os=-nonstopux
-		;;
-	np1)
-		basic_machine=np1-gould
-		;;
-	nsr-tandem)
-		basic_machine=nsr-tandem
-		;;
-	op50n-* | op60c-*)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	openrisc | openrisc-*)
-		basic_machine=or32-unknown
-		;;
-	os400)
-		basic_machine=powerpc-ibm
-		os=-os400
-		;;
-	OSE68000 | ose68000)
-		basic_machine=m68000-ericsson
-		os=-ose
-		;;
-	os68k)
-		basic_machine=m68k-none
-		os=-os68k
-		;;
-	pa-hitachi)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-hitachi
-		os=-hiuxwe2
-		;;
-	paragon)
-		basic_machine=i860-intel
-		os=-osf
-		;;
-	pbd)
-		basic_machine=sparc-tti
-		;;
-	pbb)
-		basic_machine=m68k-tti
-		;;
-	pc532 | pc532-*)
-		basic_machine=ns32k-pc532
-		;;
-	pentium | p5 | k5 | k6 | nexgen | viac3)
-		basic_machine=i586-pc
-		;;
-	pentiumpro | p6 | 6x86 | athlon | athlon_*)
-		basic_machine=i686-pc
-		;;
-	pentiumii | pentium2 | pentiumiii | pentium3)
-		basic_machine=i686-pc
-		;;
-	pentium4)
-		basic_machine=i786-pc
-		;;
-	pentium-* | p5-* | k5-* | k6-* | nexgen-* | viac3-*)
-		basic_machine=i586-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	pentiumpro-* | p6-* | 6x86-* | athlon-*)
-		basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	pentiumii-* | pentium2-* | pentiumiii-* | pentium3-*)
-		basic_machine=i686-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	pentium4-*)
-		basic_machine=i786-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	pn)
-		basic_machine=pn-gould
-		;;
-	power)	basic_machine=power-ibm
-		;;
-	ppc)	basic_machine=powerpc-unknown
-		;;
-	ppc-*)	basic_machine=powerpc-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	ppcle | powerpclittle | ppc-le | powerpc-little)
-		basic_machine=powerpcle-unknown
-		;;
-	ppcle-* | powerpclittle-*)
-		basic_machine=powerpcle-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	ppc64)	basic_machine=powerpc64-unknown
-		;;
-	ppc64-*) basic_machine=powerpc64-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	ppc64le | powerpc64little | ppc64-le | powerpc64-little)
-		basic_machine=powerpc64le-unknown
-		;;
-	ppc64le-* | powerpc64little-*)
-		basic_machine=powerpc64le-`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/^[^-]*-//'`
-		;;
-	ps2)
-		basic_machine=i386-ibm
-		;;
-	pw32)
-		basic_machine=i586-unknown
-		os=-pw32
-		;;
-	rom68k)
-		basic_machine=m68k-rom68k
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	rm[46]00)
-		basic_machine=mips-siemens
-		;;
-	rtpc | rtpc-*)
-		basic_machine=romp-ibm
-		;;
-	s390 | s390-*)
-		basic_machine=s390-ibm
-		;;
-	s390x | s390x-*)
-		basic_machine=s390x-ibm
-		;;
-	sa29200)
-		basic_machine=a29k-amd
-		os=-udi
-		;;
-	sb1)
-		basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1-unknown
-		;;
-	sb1el)
-		basic_machine=mipsisa64sb1el-unknown
-		;;
-	sei)
-		basic_machine=mips-sei
-		os=-seiux
-		;;
-	sequent)
-		basic_machine=i386-sequent
-		;;
-	sh)
-		basic_machine=sh-hitachi
-		os=-hms
-		;;
-	sh64)
-		basic_machine=sh64-unknown
-		;;
-	sparclite-wrs | simso-wrs)
-		basic_machine=sparclite-wrs
-		os=-vxworks
-		;;
-	sps7)
-		basic_machine=m68k-bull
-		os=-sysv2
-		;;
-	spur)
-		basic_machine=spur-unknown
-		;;
-	st2000)
-		basic_machine=m68k-tandem
-		;;
-	stratus)
-		basic_machine=i860-stratus
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	sun2)
-		basic_machine=m68000-sun
-		;;
-	sun2os3)
-		basic_machine=m68000-sun
-		os=-sunos3
-		;;
-	sun2os4)
-		basic_machine=m68000-sun
-		os=-sunos4
-		;;
-	sun3os3)
-		basic_machine=m68k-sun
-		os=-sunos3
-		;;
-	sun3os4)
-		basic_machine=m68k-sun
-		os=-sunos4
-		;;
-	sun4os3)
-		basic_machine=sparc-sun
-		os=-sunos3
-		;;
-	sun4os4)
-		basic_machine=sparc-sun
-		os=-sunos4
-		;;
-	sun4sol2)
-		basic_machine=sparc-sun
-		os=-solaris2
-		;;
-	sun3 | sun3-*)
-		basic_machine=m68k-sun
-		;;
-	sun4)
-		basic_machine=sparc-sun
-		;;
-	sun386 | sun386i | roadrunner)
-		basic_machine=i386-sun
-		;;
-	sv1)
-		basic_machine=sv1-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	symmetry)
-		basic_machine=i386-sequent
-		os=-dynix
-		;;
-	t3e)
-		basic_machine=alphaev5-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	t90)
-		basic_machine=t90-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	tic54x | c54x*)
-		basic_machine=tic54x-unknown
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	tic55x | c55x*)
-		basic_machine=tic55x-unknown
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	tic6x | c6x*)
-		basic_machine=tic6x-unknown
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	tx39)
-		basic_machine=mipstx39-unknown
-		;;
-	tx39el)
-		basic_machine=mipstx39el-unknown
-		;;
-	toad1)
-		basic_machine=pdp10-xkl
-		os=-tops20
-		;;
-	tower | tower-32)
-		basic_machine=m68k-ncr
-		;;
-	tpf)
-		basic_machine=s390x-ibm
-		os=-tpf
-		;;
-	udi29k)
-		basic_machine=a29k-amd
-		os=-udi
-		;;
-	ultra3)
-		basic_machine=a29k-nyu
-		os=-sym1
-		;;
-	v810 | necv810)
-		basic_machine=v810-nec
-		os=-none
-		;;
-	vaxv)
-		basic_machine=vax-dec
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	vms)
-		basic_machine=vax-dec
-		os=-vms
-		;;
-	vpp*|vx|vx-*)
-		basic_machine=f301-fujitsu
-		;;
-	vxworks960)
-		basic_machine=i960-wrs
-		os=-vxworks
-		;;
-	vxworks68)
-		basic_machine=m68k-wrs
-		os=-vxworks
-		;;
-	vxworks29k)
-		basic_machine=a29k-wrs
-		os=-vxworks
-		;;
-	w65*)
-		basic_machine=w65-wdc
-		os=-none
-		;;
-	w89k-*)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	xbox)
-		basic_machine=i686-pc
-		os=-mingw32
-		;;
-	xps | xps100)
-		basic_machine=xps100-honeywell
-		;;
-	ymp)
-		basic_machine=ymp-cray
-		os=-unicos
-		;;
-	z8k-*-coff)
-		basic_machine=z8k-unknown
-		os=-sim
-		;;
-	none)
-		basic_machine=none-none
-		os=-none
-		;;
-# Here we handle the default manufacturer of certain CPU types.  It is in
-# some cases the only manufacturer, in others, it is the most popular.
-	w89k)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-winbond
-		;;
-	op50n)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
-		;;
-	op60c)
-		basic_machine=hppa1.1-oki
-		;;
-	romp)
-		basic_machine=romp-ibm
-		;;
-	mmix)
-		basic_machine=mmix-knuth
-		;;
-	rs6000)
-		basic_machine=rs6000-ibm
-		;;
-	vax)
-		basic_machine=vax-dec
-		;;
-	pdp10)
-		# there are many clones, so DEC is not a safe bet
-		basic_machine=pdp10-unknown
-		;;
-	pdp11)
-		basic_machine=pdp11-dec
-		;;
-	we32k)
-		basic_machine=we32k-att
-		;;
-	sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[34]eb | sh[1234]le | sh[23]ele)
-		basic_machine=sh-unknown
-		;;
-	sparc | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b)
-		basic_machine=sparc-sun
-		;;
-	cydra)
-		basic_machine=cydra-cydrome
-		;;
-	orion)
-		basic_machine=orion-highlevel
-		;;
-	orion105)
-		basic_machine=clipper-highlevel
-		;;
-	mac | mpw | mac-mpw)
-		basic_machine=m68k-apple
-		;;
-	pmac | pmac-mpw)
-		basic_machine=powerpc-apple
-		;;
-	*-unknown)
-		# Make sure to match an already-canonicalized machine name.
-		;;
-	*)
-		echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': machine \`$basic_machine\' not recognized 1>&2
-		exit 1
-		;;
-# Here we canonicalize certain aliases for manufacturers.
-case $basic_machine in
-	*-digital*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/digital.*/dec/'`
-		;;
-	*-commodore*)
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed 's/commodore.*/cbm/'`
-		;;
-	*)
-		;;
-# Decode manufacturer-specific aliases for certain operating systems.
-if [ x"$os" != x"" ]
-case $os in
-        # First match some system type aliases
-        # that might get confused with valid system types.
-	# -solaris* is a basic system type, with this one exception.
-	-solaris1 | -solaris1.*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|solaris1|sunos4|'`
-		;;
-	-solaris)
-		os=-solaris2
-		;;
-	-svr4*)
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	-unixware*)
-		os=-sysv4.2uw
-		;;
-	-gnu/linux*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|gnu/linux|linux-gnu|'`
-		;;
-	# First accept the basic system types.
-	# The portable systems comes first.
-	# Each alternative MUST END IN A *, to match a version number.
-	# -sysv* is not here because it comes later, after sysvr4.
-	-gnu* | -bsd* | -mach* | -minix* | -genix* | -ultrix* | -irix* \
-	      | -*vms* | -sco* | -esix* | -isc* | -aix* | -sunos | -sunos[34]*\
-	      | -hpux* | -unos* | -osf* | -luna* | -dgux* | -solaris* | -sym* \
-	      | -amigaos* | -amigados* | -msdos* | -newsos* | -unicos* | -aof* \
-	      | -aos* \
-	      | -nindy* | -vxsim* | -vxworks* | -ebmon* | -hms* | -mvs* \
-	      | -clix* | -riscos* | -uniplus* | -iris* | -rtu* | -xenix* \
-	      | -hiux* | -386bsd* | -knetbsd* | -mirbsd* | -netbsd* | -openbsd* \
-	      | -ekkobsd* | -kfreebsd* | -freebsd* | -riscix* | -lynxos* \
-	      | -bosx* | -nextstep* | -cxux* | -aout* | -elf* | -oabi* \
-	      | -ptx* | -coff* | -ecoff* | -winnt* | -domain* | -vsta* \
-	      | -udi* | -eabi* | -lites* | -ieee* | -go32* | -aux* \
-	      | -chorusos* | -chorusrdb* \
-	      | -cygwin* | -pe* | -psos* | -moss* | -proelf* | -rtems* \
-	      | -mingw32* | -linux-gnu* | -linux-uclibc* | -uxpv* | -beos* | -mpeix* | -udk* \
-	      | -interix* | -uwin* | -mks* | -rhapsody* | -darwin* | -opened* \
-	      | -openstep* | -oskit* | -conix* | -pw32* | -nonstopux* \
-	      | -storm-chaos* | -tops10* | -tenex* | -tops20* | -its* \
-	      | -os2* | -vos* | -palmos* | -uclinux* | -nucleus* \
-	      | -morphos* | -superux* | -rtmk* | -rtmk-nova* | -windiss* \
-	      | -powermax* | -dnix* | -nx6 | -nx7 | -sei* | -dragonfly* \
-	      | -skyos* | -haiku*)
-	# Remember, each alternative MUST END IN *, to match a version number.
-		;;
-	-qnx*)
-		case $basic_machine in
-		    x86-* | i*86-*)
-			;;
-		    *)
-			os=-nto$os
-			;;
-		esac
-		;;
-	-nto-qnx*)
-		;;
-	-nto*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|nto|nto-qnx|'`
-		;;
-	-sim | -es1800* | -hms* | -xray | -os68k* | -none* | -v88r* \
-	      | -windows* | -osx | -abug | -netware* | -os9* | -beos* | -haiku* \
-	      | -macos* | -mpw* | -magic* | -mmixware* | -mon960* | -lnews*)
-		;;
-	-mac*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|mac|macos|'`
-		;;
-	-linux-dietlibc)
-		os=-linux-dietlibc
-		;;
-	-linux*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|linux|linux-gnu|'`
-		;;
-	-sunos5*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos5|solaris2|'`
-		;;
-	-sunos6*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sunos6|solaris3|'`
-		;;
-	-opened*)
-		os=-openedition
-		;;
-        -os400*)
-		os=-os400
-		;;
-	-wince*)
-		os=-wince
-		;;
-	-osfrose*)
-		os=-osfrose
-		;;
-	-osf*)
-		os=-osf
-		;;
-	-utek*)
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	-dynix*)
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	-acis*)
-		os=-aos
-		;;
-	-atheos*)
-		os=-atheos
-		;;
-	-syllable*)
-		os=-syllable
-		;;
-	-386bsd)
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	-ctix* | -uts*)
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	-nova*)
-		os=-rtmk-nova
-		;;
-	-ns2 )
-		os=-nextstep2
-		;;
-	-nsk*)
-		os=-nsk
-		;;
-	# Preserve the version number of sinix5.
-	-sinix5.*)
-		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sinix|sysv|'`
-		;;
-	-sinix*)
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-        -tpf*)
-		os=-tpf
-		;;
-	-triton*)
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	-oss*)
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	-svr4)
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	-svr3)
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	-sysvr4)
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	# This must come after -sysvr4.
-	-sysv*)
-		;;
-	-ose*)
-		os=-ose
-		;;
-	-es1800*)
-		os=-ose
-		;;
-	-xenix)
-		os=-xenix
-		;;
-	-*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*)
-		os=-mint
-		;;
-	-aros*)
-		os=-aros
-		;;
-	-kaos*)
-		os=-kaos
-		;;
-	-zvmoe)
-		os=-zvmoe
-		;;
-	-none)
-		;;
-	*)
-		# Get rid of the `-' at the beginning of $os.
-		os=`echo $os | sed 's/[^-]*-//'`
-		echo Invalid configuration \`$1\': system \`$os\' not recognized 1>&2
-		exit 1
-		;;
-# Here we handle the default operating systems that come with various machines.
-# The value should be what the vendor currently ships out the door with their
-# machine or put another way, the most popular os provided with the machine.
-# Note that if you're going to try to match "-MANUFACTURER" here (say,
-# "-sun"), then you have to tell the case statement up towards the top
-# that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating system.  Otherwise, code above
-# will signal an error saying that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating
-# system, and we'll never get to this point.
-case $basic_machine in
-	*-acorn)
-		os=-riscix1.2
-		;;
-	arm*-rebel)
-		os=-linux
-		;;
-	arm*-semi)
-		os=-aout
-		;;
-    c4x-* | tic4x-*)
-        os=-coff
-        ;;
-	# This must come before the *-dec entry.
-	pdp10-*)
-		os=-tops20
-		;;
-	pdp11-*)
-		os=-none
-		;;
-	*-dec | vax-*)
-		os=-ultrix4.2
-		;;
-	m68*-apollo)
-		os=-domain
-		;;
-	i386-sun)
-		os=-sunos4.0.2
-		;;
-	m68000-sun)
-		os=-sunos3
-		# This also exists in the configure program, but was not the
-		# default.
-		# os=-sunos4
-		;;
-	m68*-cisco)
-		os=-aout
-		;;
-	mips*-cisco)
-		os=-elf
-		;;
-	mips*-*)
-		os=-elf
-		;;
-	or32-*)
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	*-tti)	# must be before sparc entry or we get the wrong os.
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	sparc-* | *-sun)
-		os=-sunos4.1.1
-		;;
-	*-be)
-		os=-beos
-		;;
-	*-haiku)
-		os=-haiku
-		;;
-	*-ibm)
-		os=-aix
-		;;
-    	*-knuth)
-		os=-mmixware
-		;;
-	*-wec)
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	*-winbond)
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	*-oki)
-		os=-proelf
-		;;
-	*-hp)
-		os=-hpux
-		;;
-	*-hitachi)
-		os=-hiux
-		;;
-	i860-* | *-att | *-ncr | *-altos | *-motorola | *-convergent)
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	*-cbm)
-		os=-amigaos
-		;;
-	*-dg)
-		os=-dgux
-		;;
-	*-dolphin)
-		os=-sysv3
-		;;
-	m68k-ccur)
-		os=-rtu
-		;;
-	m88k-omron*)
-		os=-luna
-		;;
-	*-next )
-		os=-nextstep
-		;;
-	*-sequent)
-		os=-ptx
-		;;
-	*-crds)
-		os=-unos
-		;;
-	*-ns)
-		os=-genix
-		;;
-	i370-*)
-		os=-mvs
-		;;
-	*-next)
-		os=-nextstep3
-		;;
-	*-gould)
-		os=-sysv
-		;;
-	*-highlevel)
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	*-encore)
-		os=-bsd
-		;;
-	*-sgi)
-		os=-irix
-		;;
-	*-siemens)
-		os=-sysv4
-		;;
-	*-masscomp)
-		os=-rtu
-		;;
-	f30[01]-fujitsu | f700-fujitsu)
-		os=-uxpv
-		;;
-	*-rom68k)
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	*-*bug)
-		os=-coff
-		;;
-	*-apple)
-		os=-macos
-		;;
-	*-atari*)
-		os=-mint
-		;;
-	*)
-		os=-none
-		;;
-# Here we handle the case where we know the os, and the CPU type, but not the
-# manufacturer.  We pick the logical manufacturer.
-case $basic_machine in
-	*-unknown)
-		case $os in
-			-riscix*)
-				vendor=acorn
-				;;
-			-sunos*)
-				vendor=sun
-				;;
-			-aix*)
-				vendor=ibm
-				;;
-			-beos*)
-				vendor=be
-				;;
-			-hpux*)
-				vendor=hp
-				;;
-			-mpeix*)
-				vendor=hp
-				;;
-			-hiux*)
-				vendor=hitachi
-				;;
-			-unos*)
-				vendor=crds
-				;;
-			-dgux*)
-				vendor=dg
-				;;
-			-luna*)
-				vendor=omron
-				;;
-			-genix*)
-				vendor=ns
-				;;
-			-mvs* | -opened*)
-				vendor=ibm
-				;;
-			-os400*)
-				vendor=ibm
-				;;
-			-ptx*)
-				vendor=sequent
-				;;
-			-tpf*)
-				vendor=ibm
-				;;
-			-vxsim* | -vxworks* | -windiss*)
-				vendor=wrs
-				;;
-			-aux*)
-				vendor=apple
-				;;
-			-hms*)
-				vendor=hitachi
-				;;
-			-mpw* | -macos*)
-				vendor=apple
-				;;
-			-*mint | -mint[0-9]* | -*MiNT | -MiNT[0-9]*)
-				vendor=atari
-				;;
-			-vos*)
-				vendor=stratus
-				;;
-		esac
-		basic_machine=`echo $basic_machine | sed "s/unknown/$vendor/"`
-		;;
-echo $basic_machine$os
-# Local variables:
-# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
-# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='"
-# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d"
-# time-stamp-end: "'"
-# End:

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +1,1 @@
-# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-AC_INIT(libroutez, 0.1.0,, libroutez)
-# Detect target build environment
-case "$target" in
-    *-linux*)
-        OS="LINUX"
-	;;
-    *-sunos*|*-solaris*)
-	;;
-    *-win*)
-    	OS="WIN32"
-    	;;
-    *-apple*)
-    	OS="MACOS"
-    	;;
-    *)
-    	OS="OTHER"
-	;;
-AC_CHECK_PROG(SWIG, swig, swig)
-if test x"$SWIG" = "x"; then
-    AC_MSG_ERROR("swig not found")
-if test x"$PYTHON_CPPFLAGS" = "x"; then
-    AC_MSG_ERROR("python not found")
-if test x"$RUBY_CPPFLAGS" = "x"; then
-    AC_MSG_ERROR("ruby not found")

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +1,1 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "tripgraph.h"
-using namespace std;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    // this example does nothing other than simply load a graph into memory
-    // useful for profiling memory usage
-    if (argc < 2)
-    {
-        printf("Usage: %s <graph file> ", argv[0]);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    printf("Loading graph...\n");
-    TripGraph g;
-    g.load(argv[1]);
-    return 0;

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +1,1 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "tripgraph.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace tr1;
-void print_actions(shared_ptr<TripAction> &action)
-    shared_ptr<TripAction> parent(action->parent);
-    if (parent)
-        print_actions(parent);
-    printf("%d->%d; route: %d; start time: %.2f; end time: %.2f\n", 
-           action->src_id, action->dest_id, action->route_id, 
-           action->start_time, action->end_time);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    if (argc < 7)
-    {
-        printf("Usage: %s <graph file> <src lat> <src lng> <dest lat> "
-               "<dest lng> <start time>\n", argv[0]);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    float src_lat = atof(argv[2]);
-    float src_lng = atof(argv[3]);
-    float dest_lat = atof(argv[4]);
-    float dest_lng = atof(argv[5]);
-    int start_time = atoi(argv[6]);
-    printf("Loading graph...\n");
-    TripGraph g;
-    g.load(argv[1]);
-    printf("Calculating path...\n");
-    TripPath *p = g.find_path(start_time, false, src_lat, src_lng, 
-                              dest_lat, dest_lng);
-    if (p)
-        print_actions(p->last_action);
-    else
-        printf("Couldn't find path.\n");
-    delete p;
-    return 0;

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +1,1 @@
-# This example is just to give a quick example of using the API for python
-# hackers. 
-# FIXME: flesh this out a bit more
-from libroutez.tripgraph import *
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    g = TripGraph()
-    g.add_tripstop(0, TripStop.GTFS, 0.0, 0.0)
-    g.add_tripstop(1, TripStop.GTFS, 0.5, 0.0)
-    s = ServicePeriod(0, 1, 0, 0, 7, 0, 100, 2000, True, True, True)
-    g.add_service_period(s);
-    g.add_triphop(500, 1000, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0)
-    g.add_walkhop(0, 1)
-    path = g.find_path(0, False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0)
-    for action in path.get_actions():
-        print "src: %s dest: %s st: %s et: %s rid: %s" % \
-        (action.src_id, action.dest_id, action.start_time, action.end_time,
-         action.route_id)

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/examples/testruby.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +1,1 @@
-# This example is just here to give a simple example of using the ruby
-# API. 
-# FIXME: It would be nice to have some more ruby examples, but I'll leave
-# that to the ruby hackers.
-# This is all slightly icky, but it's probably enough to 
-# help you get started
-require 'routez'
-g =
-g.add_tripstop(0, Routez::TripStop::OSM, 0.0, 0.0)
-g.add_tripstop(1, Routez::TripStop::OSM, 1.0, 0.0)
-g.add_walkhop(0, 1)
-path = g.find_path(0, false, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
-path.get_actions().each do |action|
-  puts "src: #{action.src_id} dest: #{action.dest_id} st: #{action.start_time} et: #{action.end_time} rid: #{action.route_id}" 
-s =, 1, 0, 0, 7, 0, 100, 2000, true, true, true)
-g.add_triphop(500, 1000, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0)
-path2 = g.find_path(0, false, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
-path2.get_actions().each do |action|
-  puts "src: #{action.src_id} dest: #{action.dest_id} st: #{action.start_time} et: #{action.end_time} rid: #{action.route_id}" 
-g =
-g.add_tripstop(0, Routez::TripStop::GTFS, 44.6554236, -63.5936968) # north and agricola
-g.add_tripstop(1, Routez::TripStop::OSM, 44.6546407, -63.5948438) # north and robie (just north of north&agricola)
-g.add_tripstop(2, Routez::TripStop::GTFS, 44.6567144, -63.5919115) # north and northwood (just south of north&agricola)
-g.add_tripstop(3, Routez::TripStop::GTFS, 44.6432423, -63.6045261) # Quinpool and Connaught (a few kms away from north&agricola)
-stops = g.find_tripstops_in_range(44.6554236, -63.5936968, Routez::TripStop::GTFS, 500.0)
-stops.each do |stop|
-  puts "id: #{} lat: #{} lon: #{stop.lng} type: #{stop.type}"

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/include/defuns.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,1 @@
-#ifndef __DEFUNS_H
-#define __DEFUNS_H
-// max length of an identifier field (i.e. a service period)
-// this simplifies the saving/loading code considerably
-const int MAX_ID_LEN = 20;
-#endif // __DEFUNS_H

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/include/serviceperiod.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +1,1 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <vector>
-struct ServicePeriodException
-    ServicePeriodException(int32_t _tm_mday, int32_t _tm_mon, int32_t _tm_year);
-    ServicePeriodException();
-    int32_t tm_mday;
-    int32_t tm_mon;
-    int32_t tm_year;
-class ServicePeriod
-  public:
-    ServicePeriod(int32_t id,
-                  int32_t start_mday, int32_t start_mon, int32_t start_year, 
-                  int32_t end_mday, int32_t end_mon, int32_t end_year, 
-                  int32_t duration, bool weekday, bool saturday, bool sunday);
-    ServicePeriod(const ServicePeriod &s);
-    ServicePeriod();
-    ServicePeriod(FILE *fp);
-    void add_exception_on(int32_t tm_mday, int32_t tm_mon, int32_t tm_year);
-    void add_exception_off(int32_t tm_mday, int32_t tm_mon, int32_t tm_year);
-    bool is_turned_on(int32_t tm_mday, int32_t tm_mon, int32_t tm_year);
-    bool is_turned_off(int32_t tm_mday, int32_t tm_mon, int32_t tm_year);
-    void write(FILE *fp);
-    int32_t id;
-    // start/end time: the range of dates for which the service period is 
-    // valid (e.g. Jan 2008 - Sep 2009)
-    time_t start_time;
-    time_t end_time;
-    // duration and days of the week that the service period is active
-    int32_t duration;
-    bool weekday; 
-    bool saturday;
-    bool sunday;
-    // days that the service period is off (regardless of what the normal 
-    // schedule) says. E.g. a weekday sched on Xmas
-    std::vector<ServicePeriodException> exceptions_off;
-    // days that the service period is on (regardless of what the normal 
-    // schedule) says. E.g. a sunday sched on Xmas
-    std::vector<ServicePeriodException> exceptions_on;
-#endif // __SERVICEPERIOD_H

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/include/tripgraph.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +1,1 @@
-#ifndef __TRIPGRAPH_H
-#define __TRIPGRAPH_H
-#include <queue>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <tr1/memory>
-#include <tr1/unordered_map>
-#include <vector>
-#include "serviceperiod.h"
-#include "trippath.h"
-#include "tripstop.h"
-class TripGraph
-  public:
-    TripGraph();
-    void load(std::string fname);
-    void save(std::string fname);    
-    void set_timezone(std::string timezone);
-    void add_service_period(ServicePeriod &service_period);
-    void add_triphop(int32_t start_time, int32_t end_time, int32_t src_id, 
-                     int32_t dest_id, int32_t route_id, int32_t trip_id,
-                     int32_t service_id);
-    void add_tripstop(int32_t id, TripStop::Type type, float lat, float lng);
-    void add_walkhop(int32_t src_id, int32_t dest_id);
-    void link_osm_gtfs();
-    TripStop get_tripstop(int32_t id);
-    std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > get_service_period_ids_for_time(int secs);
-#ifdef SWIG
-    %newobject find_path;
-    TripPath * find_path(double start, bool walkonly,
-                         double src_lat, double src_lng, 
-                         double dest_lat, double dest_lng);
-    // various internal types
-    struct PathCompare
-    {
-        inline bool operator() (const std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripPath> &x, 
-                                const std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripPath> &y)
-        {
-            return x->heuristic_weight > y->heuristic_weight;
-        }
-    };
-    typedef std::vector<std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripPath> > TripPathList;
-    typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<int32_t, std::tr1::unordered_map<int, std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripPath> > > VisitedRouteMap;
-    typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<int32_t, std::tr1::unordered_map<int32_t, std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripPath> > > VisitedWalkMap;
-    typedef std::priority_queue<std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripPath>, std::vector<std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripPath> >, PathCompare> PathQueue;
-    typedef std::vector<ServicePeriod> ServicePeriodList;
-    typedef std::vector<std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripStop> > TripStopList;
-    std::vector<TripStop> find_tripstops_in_range(double lat, double lng, 
-                                                  TripStop::Type type,
-                                                  double range);
-  private:
-    // internal copy of get_tripstop: returns a pointer, not a copy, so
-    // much faster (when called many times)
-    std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripStop> _get_tripstop(int32_t id);
-    std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripStop> get_nearest_stop(double lat, double lng);
-    void extend_path(std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripPath> &path, 
-                     bool walkonly, int32_t end_id, int &num_paths_considered,
-                     VisitedRouteMap &visited_routes, 
-                     VisitedWalkMap &visited_walks, 
-                     PathQueue &uncompleted_paths, PathQueue &completed_paths);
-    std::string timezone;
-    TripStopList tripstops;
-    ServicePeriodList splist;
-#endif // __TRIPGRAPH_H

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/include/trippath.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +1,1 @@
-#ifndef __TRIPPATH_H
-#define __TRIPPATH_H
-#include <tr1/unordered_set>
-#include <tr1/memory>
-#include <deque>
-#include "tripstop.h"
-struct TripAction
-    TripAction(int32_t _src_id, int32_t _dest_id, int _route_id, 
-               double _start_time, double _end_time);
-    TripAction() {} // for swig, which wants to call resize for some dumb reason
-    TripAction(const TripAction &other);
-    ~TripAction() { }
-    TripAction &operator=(const TripAction &other);
-    int32_t src_id, dest_id;
-    double start_time, end_time;
-    int route_id;
-    // pointer to the action which preceded this one
-    std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripAction> parent;
-struct TripPath
-  public:
-    TripPath(double _time, double _fastest_speed, 
-             std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripStop> &_dest_stop, 
-             std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripStop> &_last_stop);
-    TripPath() {}
-    std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripPath> add_action(
-        std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripAction> &action, 
-        std::deque<int> &_possible_route_ids,
-        std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripStop> &_last_stop);
-    // the following are mostly for the benefit of language bindings
-    // C++ code should be able to access this directly with less overhead...
-    std::deque<TripAction> get_actions();
-    //tr1python::object get_last_action();
-    double time;
-    double fastest_speed;
-    std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripStop> dest_stop;
-    std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripStop> last_stop;
-    std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripAction> last_action;
-    double walking_time;
-    double route_time;
-    int traversed_route_ids;
-    std::tr1::unordered_set<int> possible_route_ids;
-    int last_route_id;
-    double weight;
-    double heuristic_weight;
-    void _get_heuristic_weight();
-    // Given an action just after the end of a walk in the path, delays
-    // that walk by the given number of seconds.
-    void delay_walk(std::tr1::shared_ptr<TripAction> walk, float secs);
-#endif // __TRIPPATH_H

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/include/tripstop.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +1,1 @@
-#ifndef __TRIPSTOP_H
-#define __TRIPSTOP_H
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <tr1/memory>
-#include <tr1/unordered_map>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <deque>
-#include <list>
-// a triphop represents a hop to a specific node on the graph at a 
-// particular time (with a particular duration)
-struct TripHop
-    TripHop() { }
-    TripHop(int32_t _start_time, int32_t _end_time, int32_t _dest_id, 
-            int32_t _trip_id)
-    {
-        start_time = _start_time;
-        end_time = _end_time;
-        dest_id = _dest_id;
-        trip_id = _trip_id;
-    }
-    int32_t start_time;
-    int32_t end_time;
-    int32_t dest_id;
-    int32_t trip_id;
-struct WalkHop
-    WalkHop() { }
-    WalkHop(int32_t _dest_id, float _walktime)
-    {
-        dest_id = _dest_id;
-        walktime = _walktime;
-    }
-    int32_t dest_id;
-    float walktime;
-struct TripStop
-    int32_t id;
-    enum Type { OSM, GTFS };
-    Type type;
-    float lat, lng;
-    TripStop(FILE *fp);
-    TripStop(int32_t _id, Type _type, float _lat, float _lng);
-    TripStop();
-    void write(FILE *fp);
-    void add_triphop(int32_t start_time, int32_t end_time, int32_t dest_id, 
-                     int32_t route_id, int32_t trip_id, int32_t service_id);
-    void add_walkhop(int32_t dest_id, float walktime);
-    std::deque<int> get_routes(int32_t service_id);
-    const TripHop * find_triphop(int time, int route_id, int32_t service_id);
-    std::vector<TripHop> find_triphops(
-        int time, int route_id, int32_t service_id, int num);
-    typedef std::vector<TripHop> TripHopList;
-    typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<int, TripHopList> TripHopDict;
-    typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<int32_t, TripHopDict> ServiceDict;
-    // we keep a shared pointer to a tdict, as most nodes won't have one and
-    // we don't want the memory overhead of one if not strictly needed
-    // (note: we use a shared pointer instead of a standard pointer because
-    // the same tripstop may have multiple instances, but we only want one
-    // instance of its internal servicedict because it can be really huge...)
-    std::tr1::shared_ptr<ServiceDict> tdict;
-    typedef std::list<WalkHop> WalkHopList;
-    WalkHopList wlist;
-#endif // __TRIPSTOP_H

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/install-sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +1,1 @@
-# install - install a program, script, or datafile
-# This comes from X11R5; it is not part of GNU.
-# $XConsortium:,v 1.2 89/12/18 14:47:22 jim Exp $
-# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written
-# from scratch.
-# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script
-# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it.
-# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars.
-rmcmd="$rmprog -f"
-while [ x"$1" != x ]; do
-    case $1 in
-	-c) instcmd="$cpprog"
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-m) chmodcmd="$chmodprog $2"
-	    shift
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2"
-	    shift
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2"
-	    shift
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	-s) stripcmd="$stripprog"
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-	*)  if [ x"$src" = x ]
-	    then
-		src=$1
-	    else
-		dst=$1
-	    fi
-	    shift
-	    continue;;
-    esac
-if [ x"$src" = x ]
-	echo "install:  no input file specified"
-	exit 1
-if [ x"$dst" = x ]
-	echo "install:  no destination specified"
-	exit 1
-# If destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system
-# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic
-if [ -d $dst ]
-	dst="$dst"/`basename $src`
-# Make a temp file name in the proper directory.
-dstdir=`dirname $dst`
-# Move or copy the file name to the temp name
-$doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp
-# and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits
-if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dsttmp; fi
-if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dsttmp; fi
-if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dsttmp; fi
-if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dsttmp; fi
-# Now rename the file to the real destination.
-$doit $rmcmd $dst
-$doit $mvcmd $dsttmp $dst
-exit 0

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +1,1 @@
-	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
-	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/ ;
-# note: this is very non-idiomatic way of installing a python library. it
-# probably doesn't handle edge cases well. but it works for me.
-install-python: python/libroutez/ python/libroutez/
-	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/python/libroutez
-	$(INSTALL) python/libroutez/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/python/libroutez
-	$(INSTALL) python/libroutez/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/python/libroutez
-	$(INSTALL) python/libroutez/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/python/libroutez
-	$(INSTALL) python/libroutez/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/python/libroutez
-# likewise, this is a very non idiomatic way of installing a ruby module...
-	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/ruby
-	$(INSTALL) ruby/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/ruby
-	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) utils/ $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-	$(INSTALL) utils/ $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-install: install-libroutez install-python install-util install-ruby

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +1,1 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "serviceperiod.h"
-#include "defuns.h"
-using namespace std;
-static time_t get_time_t(int tm_mday, int tm_mon, int tm_year)
-    struct tm t;
-    t.tm_sec = 0;
-    t.tm_min = 0;
-    t.tm_hour = 0;
-    t.tm_mday = tm_mday;
-    t.tm_mon = tm_mon;
-    t.tm_year = tm_year;
-    t.tm_wday = -1;
-    t.tm_yday = -1;
-    t.tm_isdst = -1;
-    return mktime(&t);
-ServicePeriodException::ServicePeriodException(int32_t _tm_mday, int32_t _tm_mon, 
-                                               int32_t _tm_year)
-    tm_mday = _tm_mday;
-    tm_mon = _tm_mon;
-    tm_year = _tm_year;
-    tm_mday = 0;
-    tm_mon = 0;
-    tm_year = 0;
-ServicePeriod::ServicePeriod(int32_t _id, int32_t _start_mday,
-                             int32_t _start_mon, int32_t _start_year, 
-                             int32_t _end_mday, int32_t _end_mon, 
-                             int32_t _end_year, int32_t _duration, 
-                             bool _weekday, bool _saturday, 
-                             bool _sunday)
-    id = _id;
-    start_time = get_time_t(_start_mday, _start_mon, _start_year);
-    end_time = get_time_t(_end_mday, _end_mon, _end_year);
-    duration = _duration;
-    weekday = _weekday; 
-    saturday = _saturday;
-    sunday = _sunday;
-ServicePeriod::ServicePeriod(const ServicePeriod &s) 
-    id =;
-    start_time = s.start_time;
-    end_time = s.end_time; 
-    duration = s.duration;
-    weekday = s.weekday; 
-    saturday = s.saturday;
-    sunday = s.sunday;
-    for (vector<ServicePeriodException>::const_iterator i = s.exceptions_on.begin();
-         i != s.exceptions_on.end(); i++)
-        add_exception_on(i->tm_mday, i->tm_mon, i->tm_year);
-    for (vector<ServicePeriodException>::const_iterator i = s.exceptions_off.begin();
-         i != s.exceptions_off.end(); i++)
-        add_exception_off(i->tm_mday, i->tm_mon, i->tm_year);
-    // blank service period object
-    start_time = 0;
-    end_time = 0;
-    duration = 0;
-    weekday = false; 
-    saturday = false;
-    sunday = false;
-ServicePeriod::ServicePeriod(FILE *fp)
-    assert(fread(&id, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fread(&start_time, sizeof(time_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fread(&end_time, sizeof(time_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fread(&duration, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fread(&weekday, sizeof(bool), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fread(&saturday, sizeof(bool), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fread(&sunday, sizeof(bool), 1, fp) == 1);
-    uint32_t num_exceptions_on;
-    assert(fread(&num_exceptions_on, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    for (int i=0; i < num_exceptions_on; i++)
-    {
-        ServicePeriodException e;
-        assert(fread(&e, sizeof(ServicePeriodException), 1, fp) == 1);
-        add_exception_on(e.tm_mday, e.tm_mon, e.tm_year);
-    }
-    uint32_t num_exceptions_off;
-    assert(fread(&num_exceptions_off, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    for (int i=0; i < num_exceptions_off; i++)
-    {
-        ServicePeriodException e;
-        assert(fread(&e, sizeof(ServicePeriodException), 1, fp) == 1);
-        add_exception_off(e.tm_mday, e.tm_mon, e.tm_year);
-    }
-void ServicePeriod::write(FILE *fp)
-    assert(fwrite(&id, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fwrite(&start_time, sizeof(time_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fwrite(&end_time, sizeof(time_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fwrite(&duration, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fwrite(&weekday, sizeof(bool), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fwrite(&saturday, sizeof(bool), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fwrite(&sunday, sizeof(bool), 1, fp) == 1);
-    uint32_t num_exceptions_on = exceptions_on.size();
-    assert(fwrite(&num_exceptions_on, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    for (vector<ServicePeriodException>::iterator i = exceptions_on.begin();
-         i != exceptions_on.end(); i++)
-    {
-        ServicePeriodException &e = (*i);
-        assert(fwrite(&e, sizeof(ServicePeriodException), 1, fp) == 1);
-    }
-    uint32_t num_exceptions_off = exceptions_off.size();
-    assert(fwrite(&num_exceptions_off, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    for (vector<ServicePeriodException>::iterator i = exceptions_off.begin();
-         i != exceptions_off.end(); i++)
-    {
-        ServicePeriodException &e = (*i);
-        assert(fwrite(&e, sizeof(ServicePeriodException), 1, fp) == 1);
-    }
-void ServicePeriod::add_exception_on(int32_t tm_mday, int32_t tm_mon, int32_t tm_year)
-    exceptions_on.push_back(ServicePeriodException(tm_mday, tm_mon, tm_year));
-void ServicePeriod::add_exception_off(int32_t tm_mday, int32_t tm_mon, int32_t tm_year)
-    exceptions_off.push_back(ServicePeriodException(tm_mday, tm_mon, tm_year));
-bool ServicePeriod::is_turned_on(int32_t tm_mday, int32_t tm_mon, int32_t tm_year)
-    for (vector<ServicePeriodException>::iterator i = exceptions_on.begin();
-         i != exceptions_on.end(); i++)
-    {
-        if ((*i).tm_mday == tm_mday && (*i).tm_mon == tm_mon && 
-            (*i).tm_year == tm_year)
-            return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-bool ServicePeriod::is_turned_off(int32_t tm_mday, int32_t tm_mon, int32_t tm_year)
-    for (vector<ServicePeriodException>::iterator i = exceptions_off.begin();
-         i != exceptions_off.end(); i++)
-    {
-        if ((*i).tm_mday == tm_mday && (*i).tm_mon == tm_mon && 
-            (*i).tm_year == tm_year)
-            return true;
-    }
-    return false;

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,646 +1,1 @@
-#include "tripgraph.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-using namespace std;
-using namespace tr1;
-// set to 1 to see what find_path is doing (VERY verbose)
-#if 0
-# define DEBUGPATH(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ## args)
-# define DEBUGPATH
-// Estimated walking speed in m/s
-static const float EST_WALK_SPEED = 1.1f;
-static int SECS_IN_DAY = (60*60*24);
-static inline double radians(double degrees)
-    return degrees/180.0f*M_PI;
-static inline double degrees(double radians)
-    return radians*180.0f/M_PI;
-static double distance(double src_lat, double src_lng, double dest_lat, 
-                       double dest_lng)
-    // returns distance in meters
-    static const double EPSILON = 0.00005;
-    if (fabs(src_lat - dest_lat) < EPSILON && fabs(src_lng - dest_lng) < EPSILON) {
-        return 0.0f;
-    }
-    double theta = src_lng - dest_lng;
-    double src_lat_radians = radians(src_lat);
-    double dest_lat_radians = radians(dest_lat);
-    double dist = sin(src_lat_radians) * sin(dest_lat_radians) + 
-                 cos(src_lat_radians) * cos(dest_lat_radians) * 
-                 cos(radians(theta));
-    dist = acos(dist);
-    dist = degrees(dist);
-    dist *= (60.0f * 1.1515 * 1.609344 * 1000.0f);
-    return dist;
-    set_timezone("UTC");
-void TripGraph::load(string fname)
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "r");
-    if (!fp)
-    {
-        printf("Error: Couldn't open graph file %s: %s (%d).\n", 
-            fname.c_str(), strerror(errno), errno);
-        return;
-    }
-    uint32_t timezone_len;
-    assert(fread(&timezone_len, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    char tz[timezone_len+1];
-    assert(fread(tz, sizeof(char), timezone_len, fp) == timezone_len);
-    tz[timezone_len] = '\0';
-    set_timezone(tz);
-    uint32_t num_service_periods;
-    if (fread(&num_service_periods, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1)
-    {
-        printf("Error: Couldn't read the number of service periods.\n");
-        return;
-    }
-    for (int i=0; i < num_service_periods; i++)
-    {
-        ServicePeriod s(fp);
-        add_service_period(s);
-    }
-    uint32_t num_tripstops;
-    if (fread(&num_tripstops, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1)
-    {
-        printf("Error: Couldn't read the number of tripstops.\n");
-        return;
-    }
-    tripstops.reserve(num_tripstops);
-    for (uint32_t i=0; i < num_tripstops; i++)
-    {
-        shared_ptr<TripStop> s(new TripStop(fp));
-        assert(tripstops.size() == s->id);
-        tripstops.push_back(s);
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
-void TripGraph::save(string fname)
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w");
-    if (!fp)
-    {
-        printf("Error: Couldn't open graph %s for writing: %s (%d).\n", 
-            fname.c_str(), strerror(errno), errno);
-        return;
-    }
-    // write timezone
-    uint32_t timezone_len = timezone.size();
-    assert(fwrite(&timezone_len, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fwrite(timezone.c_str(), sizeof(char), timezone_len, fp) == 
-           timezone_len);
-    // write service periods
-    uint32_t num_service_periods = splist.size();
-    assert(fwrite(&num_service_periods, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    for (ServicePeriodList::iterator i = splist.begin(); i != splist.end();
-         i++)
-        i->write(fp);
-    // write tripstops
-    uint32_t num_tripstops = tripstops.size();
-    assert(fwrite(&num_tripstops, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    for (TripStopList::iterator i = tripstops.begin();
-         i != tripstops.end(); i++)
-    {
-        (*i)->write(fp);
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
-void TripGraph::set_timezone(std::string _timezone)
-    timezone = _timezone;
-    setenv("TZ", timezone.c_str(), 1);
-    tzset();
-void TripGraph::add_service_period(ServicePeriod &service_period)
-    assert( == splist.size());
-    splist.push_back(service_period);
-void TripGraph::add_triphop(int32_t start_time, int32_t end_time, 
-                            int32_t src_id, int32_t dest_id, int32_t route_id, 
-                            int32_t trip_id, int32_t service_id)
-    // will assert if src_id doesn't exist!!
-    _get_tripstop(src_id)->add_triphop(start_time, end_time, dest_id, route_id, 
-                                       trip_id, service_id);
-void TripGraph::add_tripstop(int32_t id, TripStop::Type type, float lat, float lng)
-    // id must equal size of tripstops
-    assert(id == tripstops.size());
-    tripstops.push_back(shared_ptr<TripStop>(new TripStop(id, type, lat, lng)));
-void TripGraph::add_walkhop(int32_t src_id, int32_t dest_id)
-    // will assert if src_id or dest_id doesn't exist!!
-    shared_ptr<TripStop> ts_src = _get_tripstop(src_id);
-    shared_ptr<TripStop> ts_dest = _get_tripstop(dest_id);
-    double dist = distance(ts_src->lat, ts_src->lng,
-                           ts_dest->lat, ts_dest->lng);
-    ts_src->add_walkhop(dest_id, dist / EST_WALK_SPEED);
-struct Point
-    Point(double _lat, double _lng) { lat=_lat; lng=_lng; }
-    double lat;
-    double lng;
-bool operator==(const Point &p1, const Point &p2)
-    // We say that anything within a distance of 1 meter is identical.
-    return (distance(, p1.lng,, p2.lng) < 1.0f);
-Point get_closest_point(Point &a, Point &b, Point &c)
-    // Given a line made up of a and b, and a point c,
-    // return the point on the line closest to c (may be a or b).
-    double ab2 = pow(( -, 2) + pow((b.lng - a.lng), 2);
-    double ap_ab = ( -*( + (c.lng-a.lng)*(b.lng-a.lng);
-    double t = ap_ab / ab2;
-    // Clamp t to be between a and b.
-    if (t < 0.0f)
-        t = 0.0f;
-    else if (t>1.0f)
-        t = 1.0f;
-    return Point( + ( -*t, a.lng + (b.lng - a.lng)*t);
-// This complicated-looking method attempts to link gtfs stops to osm nodes.
-// If a stop lies between two osm nodes on a polyline, we will link the gtfs
-// stop to both of them.
-void TripGraph::link_osm_gtfs()
-    map<int32_t, pair<int32_t, int32_t> > new_walkhops;
-    // do some counting of the actual number of gtfs
-    int gtfs_tripstop_count = 0;
-    int gtfs_tripstop_total = 0;
-    for (TripStopList::iterator i = tripstops.begin(); 
-         i != tripstops.end(); i++)
-    {
-        if ((*i)->type == TripStop::GTFS)
-            gtfs_tripstop_total++;
-    }
-    for (TripStopList::iterator i = tripstops.begin(); 
-         i != tripstops.end(); i++)
-    {
-        gtfs_tripstop_count++;
-        // For each GTFS stop...
-        if ((*i)->type == TripStop::GTFS)
-        {
-            Point gtfs_pt((*i)->lat, (*i)->lng);
-            pair<int32_t, int32_t> nearest_walkhop(-1, -1);
-            double min_dist;
-            // Check each other trip stop and all its walkhops...
-            // FIXME: This is begging to be optimized.  We need some way to
-            // exclude the bulk of tripstops that are a million miles away.
-            // One idea is to do some sort of quadtree-like partitioning of
-            // the tripstops; then we'd mostly only have to check other stops
-            // within our partition.
-            // Another idea is to put a bounding box around each tripstop and
-            // its associated walkhops, saving us from having to examine each
-            // walkhop of some faraway triphop.
-            for (TripStopList::iterator j = tripstops.begin(); 
-                 j != tripstops.end(); j++)
-            {
-                for (TripStop::WalkHopList::iterator k = (*j)->wlist.begin(); 
-                     k != (*j)->wlist.end(); k++)
-                {
-                    Point trip_pt((*j)->lat, (*j)->lng);
-                    shared_ptr<TripStop> dest_stop = _get_tripstop(k->dest_id);
-                    Point walk_pt(dest_stop->lat, dest_stop->lng);
-                    Point p = get_closest_point(trip_pt, walk_pt, gtfs_pt);
-                    // Find the closest OSM hop to the GTFS stop
-                    double dist = distance(, gtfs_pt.lng, 
-                                 , p.lng);
-                    if ((nearest_walkhop.first == (-1) && 
-                         nearest_walkhop.second == (-1)) || dist < min_dist)
-                    {
-                        nearest_walkhop = pair<int32_t,int32_t>(-1, -1);
-                        // If the GTFS stop is on one of the OSM nodes, use
-                        // that node.  Otherwise remember both nodes.
-                        if (trip_pt == p)
-                            nearest_walkhop.first = (*j)->id;
-                        else if (walk_pt == p)
-                            nearest_walkhop.first = k->dest_id;
-                        else
-                        {
-                            nearest_walkhop.first = (*j)->id;
-                            nearest_walkhop.second = k->dest_id;
-                        }
-                        min_dist = dist;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            new_walkhops[(*i)->id] = nearest_walkhop;
-            printf("%02.2f%% done: Linking %d -> %d, %d\n", 
-                    ((float)gtfs_tripstop_count * 100.0f) / ((float)gtfs_tripstop_total),
-                    (*i)->id, 
-                    nearest_walkhop.first, 
-                    nearest_walkhop.second);
-        }
-    }
-    for (map<int32_t, pair<int32_t, int32_t> >::iterator i = new_walkhops.begin();
-         i != new_walkhops.end(); i++)
-    {
-        int32_t osmstop1 = i->second.first;
-        int32_t osmstop2 = i->second.second;
-        assert(osmstop1 >= 0);
-        add_walkhop(i->first, osmstop1);
-        add_walkhop(osmstop1, i->first);
-        if (osmstop2 >= 0)
-        {
-            add_walkhop(i->first, osmstop2);
-            add_walkhop(osmstop2, i->first);
-        }
-    }
-shared_ptr<TripStop> TripGraph::get_nearest_stop(double lat, double lng)
-    // FIXME: use a quadtree to speed this up, see link_osm_gtfs() for
-    // more thoughts on this
-    shared_ptr<TripStop> closest_stop;
-    double min_dist = 0.0f;
-    for (TripStopList::iterator i = tripstops.begin(); 
-         i != tripstops.end(); i++)
-    {
-        double dist = pow(((*i)->lat - lat), 2) + pow(((*i)->lng - lng), 2);
-        if (!closest_stop || dist < min_dist)
-        {
-            closest_stop = (*i);
-            min_dist = dist;
-        }
-    }
-    return closest_stop;
-TripStop TripGraph::get_tripstop(int32_t id)
-    shared_ptr<TripStop> ts = _get_tripstop(id);
-    return TripStop(*ts);
-vector<pair<int, int> > TripGraph::get_service_period_ids_for_time(int secs)
-    vector<pair<int, int> > vsp;
-    for (ServicePeriodList::iterator i = splist.begin(); i != splist.end(); i++)
-    {
-        for (int offset = 0; offset < i->duration; offset += SECS_IN_DAY)
-        {
-            time_t mysecs = secs - offset;
-            struct tm * t = localtime(&mysecs);
-            if (i->start_time <= mysecs &&
-                i->end_time >= mysecs &&
-                (((t->tm_wday == 6 && i->saturday) ||
-                  (t->tm_wday == 0 && i->sunday) ||
-                 (t->tm_wday > 0 && t->tm_wday < 6 && i->weekday)) &&
-                 !i->is_turned_off(t->tm_mday, t->tm_mon, t->tm_year)) ||
-                i->is_turned_on(t->tm_mday, t->tm_mon, t->tm_year))
-            {
-                vsp.push_back(pair<int, int>(i->id, offset));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return vsp;
-TripPath * TripGraph::find_path(double start, bool walkonly,
-                                double src_lat, double src_lng, 
-                                double dest_lat, double dest_lng)
-    PathQueue uncompleted_paths;
-    PathQueue completed_paths;
-    VisitedRouteMap visited_routes;
-    VisitedWalkMap visited_walks;
-    shared_ptr<TripStop> start_node = get_nearest_stop(src_lat, src_lng);
-    shared_ptr<TripStop> end_node = get_nearest_stop(dest_lat, dest_lng);
-    DEBUGPATH("Find path. Secs: %f walkonly: %d "
-              "src lat: %f src lng: %f dest_lat: %f dest_lng: %f\n",
-              start, walkonly, src_lat, src_lng, dest_lat, dest_lng);
-    DEBUGPATH("- Start: %d End: %d\n", start_node->id, end_node->id);
-    //DEBUGPATH("..service period determination..");
-    // Consider the distance required to reach the start node from the 
-    // beginning, and add that to our start time.
-    double dist_from_start = distance(src_lat, src_lng, 
-                                      start_node->lat, start_node->lng);
-    start += (dist_from_start / EST_WALK_SPEED);
-    DEBUGPATH("- Start time - %f (dist from start: %f)\n", start, dist_from_start);
-    shared_ptr<TripPath> start_path(new TripPath(start, EST_WALK_SPEED, 
-                                                 end_node, start_node));
-    if (start_node == end_node)
-        return new TripPath(*start_path);
-    uncompleted_paths.push(start_path);
-    int num_paths_considered = 0;
-    while (uncompleted_paths.size() > 0)
-    {
-        DEBUGPATH("Continuing\n");
-        shared_ptr<TripPath> path =;
-        uncompleted_paths.pop();
-        extend_path(path, walkonly, end_node->id, num_paths_considered, 
-                    visited_routes, visited_walks, uncompleted_paths, 
-                    completed_paths);
-        // If we've still got open paths, but their weight exceeds that
-        // of the weight of a completed path, break.
-        if (uncompleted_paths.size() > 0 && completed_paths.size() > 0 &&
-  >heuristic_weight > 
-  >heuristic_weight)
-        {
-            DEBUGPATH("Breaking with %d uncompleted paths (paths "
-                      "considered: %d).\n", uncompleted_paths.size(), 
-                      num_paths_considered);
-            return new TripPath(*(;
-        }
-        //if len(completed_paths) > 0 and len(uncompleted_paths) > 0:
-        //  print "Weight of best completed path: %s, uncompleted: %s" % \
-        //      (completed_paths[0].heuristic_weight, uncompleted_paths[0].heuristic_weight)
-    }
-    if (completed_paths.size())
-        return new TripPath(*(;
-    return NULL;
-shared_ptr<TripStop> TripGraph::_get_tripstop(int32_t id)
-    assert(id < tripstops.size());
-    return tripstops[id];
-void TripGraph::extend_path(shared_ptr<TripPath> &path,
-                            bool walkonly,
-                            int32_t goal_id,
-                            int &num_paths_considered,
-                            VisitedRouteMap &visited_routes,
-                            VisitedWalkMap &visited_walks,
-                            PathQueue &uncompleted_paths,
-                            PathQueue &completed_paths)
-    TripPathList newpaths;
-    int32_t src_id = path->last_stop->id;
-    int last_route_id = path->last_route_id;
-#if 0
-    if (path->last_action)
-    {
-        string last_src_id = path->last_action->src_id;
-        if (cb)
-            python::call<void>(cb, tripstops[last_src_id]->lat, 
-                               tripstops[last_src_id]->lng,
-                               tripstops[src_id]->lat, 
-                               tripstops[src_id]->lng,
-                               last_route_id);
-    }
-    time_t mysecs = (time_t)path->time;
-    struct tm * tm = localtime(&mysecs);
-    double elapsed_daysecs = tm->tm_sec + (60*tm->tm_min) + (60*60*tm->tm_hour);
-    double daystart = path->time - elapsed_daysecs;
-    // Figure out service period based on start time, then figure out
-    // seconds since midnight on our particular day
-    vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = get_service_period_ids_for_time(path->time);
-    DEBUGPATH("Extending path at vertex %d (on %d) @ %f (walktime: %f, "
-              "routetime: %f elapsed_daysecs: %f)\n", src_id, last_route_id, path->time, 
-              path->walking_time, path->route_time, elapsed_daysecs);
-    shared_ptr<TripStop> src_stop = _get_tripstop(src_id);
-    // Keep track of outgoing route ids at this node: make sure that we 
-    // don't get on a route later when we could have gotten on here.
-    deque<int> outgoing_route_ids;
-    if (!walkonly)
-    {
-        for (vector<pair<int, int> >::iterator i = vsp.begin(); i != vsp.end(); i++)
-        {
-            deque<int> route_ids = src_stop->get_routes(i->first); 
-            for (deque<int>::iterator j = route_ids.begin(); j != route_ids.end(); j++) 
-                outgoing_route_ids.push_back(*j);
-        }
-    }
-    // Explore walkhops that are better than the ones we've already visited.
-    // If we're on a bus, don't allow a transfer if we've been on for
-    // less than 5 minutes (FIXME: probably better to measure distance
-    // travelled?)
-    if (last_route_id == -1 || path->route_time > (2 * 60))
-    {
-        for (TripStop::WalkHopList::iterator i = src_stop->wlist.begin();
-             i != src_stop->wlist.end(); i++)
-        {
-            int32_t dest_id = i->dest_id;
-            double walktime = i->walktime;
-            // Do a quick test to make sure that the potential basis for a 
-            // new path isn't worse than what we have already, before
-            // incurring the cost of creating a new path and evaluating it.
-            unordered_map<int32_t, shared_ptr<TripPath> > vsrc = visited_walks[src_id];
-            unordered_map<int32_t, shared_ptr<TripPath> >::iterator v1 = vsrc.find(dest_id);
-            if (v1 != vsrc.end() && path->heuristic_weight > v1->second->heuristic_weight)
-                continue;
-            shared_ptr<TripAction> action(
-                 new TripAction(src_id, dest_id, -1, path->time, 
-                               (path->time + walktime)));
-            shared_ptr<TripStop> ds = _get_tripstop(dest_id);
-            shared_ptr<TripPath> path2 = path->add_action(
-                action, outgoing_route_ids, ds);
-            DEBUGPATH("- Considering walkpath to %d\n", dest_id);
-            if (v1 == vsrc.end() || 
-                v1->second->heuristic_weight > path2->heuristic_weight ||
-                ((v1->second->heuristic_weight - path2->heuristic_weight) < 1.0f &&
-                 v1->second->walking_time > path2->walking_time))
-            {
-                DEBUGPATH("-- Adding walkpath to %d (walktime: %f (%f, %f))\n", dest_id, walktime, action->start_time, action->end_time);
-                if (dest_id == goal_id)
-                    completed_paths.push(path2);
-                else
-                    uncompleted_paths.push(path2);
-                num_paths_considered++;
-                visited_walks[src_id][dest_id] = path2;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // If we're doing a walkonly path (mostly for generating shapes?), stop
-    // and return here.
-    if (walkonly)
-        return;
-    // Find outgoing triphops from the source and get a list of paths to them. 
-    for (vector<pair<int, int> >::iterator sp = vsp.begin(); sp != vsp.end();
-         sp++)
-    {
-        deque<int> route_ids = src_stop->get_routes(sp->first);
-        for (deque<int>::iterator j = route_ids.begin(); j != route_ids.end(); j++)
-        {
-            int LEEWAY = 0;
-            if ((*j) != last_route_id)
-                LEEWAY = (5*60); // give 5 mins to make a transfer
-            const TripHop * t = src_stop->find_triphop(
-                elapsed_daysecs + sp->second + LEEWAY, (*j), sp->first);
-            if (t)
-            {
-                // If we've been on the route before (or could have been), 
-                // don't get on again.
-                if ((*j) != last_route_id && path->possible_route_ids.count(*j))
-                {
-                    // pass
-                }
-                // Disallow more than three transfers.
-                else if ((*j) != last_route_id && 
-                         path->traversed_route_ids > 3)
-                {
-                    // pass
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // Do a quick test to make sure that the potential basis for a 
-                    // new path isn't worse than what we have already, before
-                    // incurring the cost of creating a new path and evaluating it.
-                    unordered_map<int, shared_ptr<TripPath> >::iterator v = visited_routes[src_id].find(*j);
-                    if (v != visited_routes[src_id].end() && path->heuristic_weight > v->second->heuristic_weight)
-                        continue;
-                    shared_ptr<TripAction> action = shared_ptr<TripAction>(
-                        new TripAction(src_id, t->dest_id, (*j), daystart + t->start_time,
-                                       daystart + t->end_time));
-                    shared_ptr<TripStop> ds = _get_tripstop(t->dest_id);
-                    shared_ptr<TripPath> path2 = path->add_action(
-                        action, outgoing_route_ids, ds);
-                    if (v == visited_routes[src_id].end() || 
-                        v->second->heuristic_weight > path2->heuristic_weight ||
-                        ((v->second->heuristic_weight - path2->heuristic_weight) < 1.0f &&
-                         v->second->walking_time > path2->walking_time))
-                    {
-                        if (t->dest_id == goal_id)
-                            completed_paths.push(path2);
-                        else
-                            uncompleted_paths.push(path2);
-                        num_paths_considered++;
-                        visited_routes[src_id][(*j)] = path2;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-vector<TripStop> TripGraph::find_tripstops_in_range(double lat, double lng, 
-                                                    TripStop::Type type,
-                                                    double range)
-    vector<TripStop> tripstops_in_range;
-    for (TripStopList::iterator i = tripstops.begin(); 
-         i != tripstops.end(); i++)
-    {
-        if ((*i)->type != type)
-            continue;
-        double dist = distance((*i)->lat, (*i)->lng, lat, lng);
-        if (dist <= range)
-            tripstops_in_range.push_back(*(*i));
-    }
-    return tripstops_in_range;

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +1,1 @@
-#include "trippath.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#if 0
-#define LOG(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define LOG(...)
-using namespace std;
-using namespace tr1;
-static inline double radians(double degrees)
-    return degrees/180.0f*M_PI;
-static inline double degrees(double radians)
-    return radians*180.0f/M_PI;
-static double distance(double src_lat, double src_lng, double dest_lat, double dest_lng)
-    if (src_lat == dest_lat && src_lng == dest_lng)
-        return 0.0f;
-    double theta = src_lng - dest_lng;
-    double src_lat_radians = radians(src_lat);
-    double dest_lat_radians = radians(dest_lat);
-    double dist = sin(src_lat_radians) * sin(dest_lat_radians) + 
-                 cos(src_lat_radians) * cos(dest_lat_radians) * 
-                 cos(radians(theta));
-    dist = acos(dist);
-    dist = degrees(dist);
-    dist *= (60.0f * 1.1515 * 1.609344 * 1000.0f);
-    return dist;
-TripAction::TripAction(int32_t _src_id, int32_t _dest_id, 
-                       int _route_id, double _start_time, double _end_time) :
-    src_id(_src_id),
-    dest_id(_dest_id),
-    route_id(_route_id),
-    start_time(_start_time),
-    end_time(_end_time),
-    parent()
-TripAction::TripAction(const TripAction &other):
-    src_id(other.src_id),
-    dest_id(other.dest_id),
-    route_id(other.route_id),
-    start_time(other.start_time),
-    end_time(other.end_time),
-    parent(other.parent)
-TripAction& TripAction::operator=(const TripAction &other)
-    src_id = other.src_id;
-    dest_id = other.dest_id;
-    route_id = other.route_id;
-    start_time = other.start_time;
-    end_time = other.end_time;
-    parent = other.parent;
-TripPath::TripPath(double _time, double _fastest_speed, 
-                   shared_ptr<TripStop> &_dest_stop, 
-                   shared_ptr<TripStop> &_last_stop)
-    fastest_speed = _fastest_speed;
-    dest_stop = _dest_stop;
-    last_stop = _last_stop;
-    time = _time;
-    walking_time = 0.0f;
-    weight = _time;
-    traversed_route_ids = 0;
-    last_route_id = -1;
-    route_time = 0.0f;
-    _get_heuristic_weight();
-#if 0
-python::object TripPath::get_last_action()
-    if (last_action)
-        return python::object(*last_action);
-    return python::object();
-void TripPath::_get_heuristic_weight() 
-    // start off with heuristic weight being equivalent to its real weight
-    heuristic_weight = weight;
-    // then, calculate the time remaining based on going directly
-    // from the last vertex to the destination vertex at the fastest
-    // possible speed in the graph
-    double remaining_distance = distance(last_stop->lat, last_stop->lng, 
-                                        dest_stop->lat, dest_stop->lng);
-    heuristic_weight += remaining_distance / 5; //(fastest_speed / 3);
-    // now, add 5 minutes per each transfer, multiplied to the power of 2
-    // (to make transfers exponentially more painful)
-    if (traversed_route_ids > 1)
-        heuristic_weight += (pow(2.0f, (int)(traversed_route_ids-2)) * 5.0f * 60.0f);
-    // double the cost of walking after 5 mins, quadruple after 10 mins, 
-    // octuple after 15, etc. (up to a maximum of 20 iterations of this, to
-    // make sure we don't freeze for particularly long walking times-- mostly
-    // useful for obscure test cases)
-    double excess_walking_time = walking_time - 300.0f;
-    int iter = 0;
-    while (excess_walking_time > 0 && iter < 20) 
-    {
-        double iter_walking_time = 0;
-        if (excess_walking_time > 300.0f)
-            iter_walking_time = 300.0f;
-        else
-            iter_walking_time = excess_walking_time;
-        heuristic_weight += (iter_walking_time * pow(2.0f, iter));
-        excess_walking_time -= 300.0f;
-        iter++;
-    }
-    // add 5 mins to our weight if we were walking and remaining distance
-    // >1000m, to account for the fact that we're probably going to
-    // want to wait for another bus. this prevents us from repeatedly 
-    // getting out of the bus and walking around
-    if (last_route_id == -1 && remaining_distance > 1000)
-        heuristic_weight += (5*60);
-static void _add_actions_to_list(deque<TripAction> &l, 
-                                 shared_ptr<TripAction> &action)
-    if (action)
-    {
-        if (action->parent)
-            _add_actions_to_list(l, action->parent);
-        l.push_back(TripAction(*action));
-    }            
-deque<TripAction> TripPath::get_actions()
-    deque<TripAction> l;
-    // recursively add actions to list, so we get them back in the
-    // correct order
-    _add_actions_to_list(l, last_action);
-    return l;
-shared_ptr<TripPath> TripPath::add_action(shared_ptr<TripAction> &action, 
-                            deque<int> &_possible_route_ids,
-                            shared_ptr<TripStop> &_last_stop)
-    shared_ptr<TripPath> new_trippath(new TripPath(*this));
-    float departure_delay = 0.0f;
-    if (action->route_id == -1)
-    {
-        new_trippath->walking_time += (action->end_time - action->start_time);
-        new_trippath->route_time = 0;
-    }
-    else if (new_trippath->last_action)
-    {
-        // Starting first bus route, adjust the start time to match.
-        if (new_trippath->traversed_route_ids == 0)
-        {
-            departure_delay = 
-                action->start_time - new_trippath->last_action->end_time;
-            // Aim to be at the bus stop 3 minutes early.
-            departure_delay -= 3*60;
-        }
-        if (action->route_id != new_trippath->last_action->route_id)
-        {
-            new_trippath->traversed_route_ids++;
-            new_trippath->route_time = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    for (deque<int>::iterator i = _possible_route_ids.begin(); 
-         i != _possible_route_ids.end(); i++)
-    {
-        new_trippath->possible_route_ids.insert(*i);
-    }
-    new_trippath->route_time += (action->end_time - action->start_time);
-    new_trippath->weight += (action->end_time - action->start_time);
-    new_trippath->weight += (action->start_time - time);
-    if (new_trippath->last_action)
-        action->parent = new_trippath->last_action;
-    new_trippath->last_action = shared_ptr<TripAction>(new TripAction(*action));
-    new_trippath->last_stop = _last_stop;
-    new_trippath->last_route_id = action->route_id;
-    new_trippath->_get_heuristic_weight();
-    new_trippath->time = action->end_time;
-    if (departure_delay > 0.0f)
-    {
-        LOG("Delaying start by %f seconds\n", departure_delay);
-        new_trippath->delay_walk(new_trippath->last_action, departure_delay);
-    }
-    return new_trippath;
-void TripPath::delay_walk(shared_ptr<TripAction> walk, float secs)
-    if (!walk)
-        return;
-    // Don't delay partial walks; we need to be given the element *after* 
-    // the final walk.
-    if (walk->route_id == -1)
-        return;
-    // Only delay actual walks.
-    if (!walk->parent || walk->parent->route_id != -1)
-        return;
-    shared_ptr<TripAction> w(walk);
-    while (w && w->parent && w->parent->route_id == -1)
-    {
-        // We need to clone the actions, as they're no longer safe to share
-        // (for instance, they could be shared by another bus trip that leaves
-        // earlier).
-        w->parent = shared_ptr<TripAction>(new TripAction(*(w->parent)));
-        w = w->parent;
-        w->start_time += secs;
-        w->end_time += secs;
-    }
-    // If we delayed the initial walk, then we've reduced the total trip time.
-    if (!w)
-    {
-        weight -= secs;
-        _get_heuristic_weight();
-    }

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +1,1 @@
-#include "defuns.h"
-#include "tripstop.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <stdio.h>
-using namespace std;
-using namespace tr1;
-TripStop::TripStop(FILE *fp) 
-    assert(fread(&id, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fread(&type, sizeof(Type), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fread(&lat, sizeof(float), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fread(&lng, sizeof(float), 1, fp) == 1);
-    uint8_t have_triphops;
-    assert(fread(&have_triphops, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    if (have_triphops)
-    {
-        tdict = shared_ptr<ServiceDict>(new ServiceDict);
-        uint32_t num_service_periods;
-        assert(fread(&num_service_periods, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-        for (uint32_t i=0; i<num_service_periods; i++)
-        {
-            int32_t sp_id;
-            assert(fread(&sp_id, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-            uint32_t num_route_ids;
-            assert(fread(&num_route_ids, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-            for (uint32_t j=0; j<num_route_ids; j++)
-            {
-                int32_t route_id;
-                assert(fread(&route_id, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-                uint32_t num_triphops = 0;
-                assert(fread(&num_triphops, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-                (*tdict)[sp_id][route_id].reserve(num_triphops);
-                for (uint32_t k=0; k<num_triphops; k++)
-                {
-                    TripHop t;
-                    assert(fread(&t, sizeof(TripHop), 1, fp) == 1);
-                    assert(t.end_time >= t.start_time); // FIXME: should be >, no?
-                    (*tdict)[sp_id][route_id].push_back(t);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    uint32_t num_walkhops = 0;
-    assert(fread(&num_walkhops, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    for (int i=0; i<num_walkhops; i++)
-    {
-        int32_t dest_id;
-        float walktime;
-        assert(fread(&dest_id, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-        assert(fread(&walktime, sizeof(float), 1, fp) == 1);
-        assert(walktime >= 0.0f); // FIXME, should be >, no?
-        add_walkhop(dest_id, walktime);
-    }
-TripStop::TripStop(int32_t _id, Type _type, float _lat, float _lng) 
-    id = _id;
-    type = _type;
-    lat = _lat;
-    lng = _lng;
-void TripStop::write(FILE *fp)
-    assert(fwrite(&id, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fwrite(&type, sizeof(Type), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fwrite(&lat, sizeof(float), 1, fp) == 1);
-    assert(fwrite(&lng, sizeof(float), 1, fp) == 1);
-    uint8_t have_triphops = tdict ? 1 : 0;
-    assert(fwrite(&have_triphops, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    if (tdict)
-    {
-        uint32_t num_service_periods = tdict->size();
-        assert(fwrite(&num_service_periods, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-        for (ServiceDict::iterator i = tdict->begin(); i != tdict->end(); i++)
-        {
-            assert(fwrite(&(i->first), sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-            uint32_t num_route_ids = i->second.size();
-            assert(fwrite(&num_route_ids, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-            for (TripHopDict::iterator j = i->second.begin();
-                 j != i->second.end(); j++)
-            {
-                int32_t route_id = j->first;
-                assert(fwrite(&route_id, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-                uint32_t num_triphops = j->second.size();
-                assert(fwrite(&num_triphops, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-                for (TripHopList::iterator k = j->second.begin();
-                     k != j->second.end(); k++)
-                {
-                    assert(fwrite(&(*k), sizeof(TripHop), 1, fp) == 1);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    uint32_t num_walkhops = wlist.size();
-    assert(fwrite(&num_walkhops, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) == 1);
-    for (WalkHopList::iterator i = wlist.begin(); i != wlist.end(); i++)
-    {
-        assert(fwrite(&(*i), sizeof(WalkHop), 1, fp) == 1);
-    }
-static bool sort_triphops(const TripHop &x, 
-                          const TripHop &y)
-    return x.start_time < y.start_time;
-void TripStop::add_triphop(int32_t start_time, int32_t end_time, 
-                           int32_t dest_id, int32_t route_id, int32_t trip_id,
-                           int32_t service_id)
-    if (!tdict)
-        tdict = shared_ptr<ServiceDict>(new ServiceDict);
-    (*tdict)[service_id][route_id].push_back(TripHop(start_time, end_time, 
-                                                     dest_id, trip_id));
-    ::sort((*tdict)[service_id][route_id].begin(), 
-           (*tdict)[service_id][route_id].end(), sort_triphops);
-void TripStop::add_walkhop(int32_t dest_id, float walktime)
-    wlist.push_front(WalkHop(dest_id, walktime));
-const TripHop * TripStop::find_triphop(int time, int route_id, 
-                                       int32_t service_id)
-    if (tdict) 
-    {
-        for (TripHopList::iterator i = (*tdict)[service_id][route_id].begin();
-             i != (*tdict)[service_id][route_id].end(); i++)
-        {
-            if ((*i).start_time >= time)
-                return &(*i);
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-vector<TripHop> TripStop::find_triphops(int time, int route_id,
-                                        int32_t service_id,
-                                        int num)
-    vector<TripHop> tlist;
-    if (tdict) 
-    {
-        for (TripHopList::iterator i = (*tdict)[service_id][route_id].begin(); 
-             (i != ((*tdict)[service_id][route_id].end()) && tlist.size() < num); 
-             i++)
-        {
-            if ((*i).start_time >= time)
-                tlist.push_back(*i);
-        }
-    }
-    return tlist;
-deque<int> TripStop::get_routes(int32_t service_id)
-    deque<int> routes;
-    if (tdict) 
-    {
-        for (TripHopDict::iterator i = (*tdict)[service_id].begin();
-             i != (*tdict)[service_id].end(); i++)
-        {
-            routes.push_back(i->first);
-        }
-    }
-    return routes;

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/python/libroutez/
+++ /dev/null

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/python/libroutez/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +1,1 @@
-# The code in this module was gratuitously stolen from 
-# graphserver (
-# Copyright (c) 2007, Brandon Martin-Anderson
-import xml.sax
-import copy
-import sys
-from math import *
-class Node:
-    def __init__(self, id, lon, lat):
- = id
-        self.lon = lon
- = lat
-        self.tags = {}
-class Way:
-    def __init__(self, id, osm):
-        self.osm = osm
- = id
-        self.nds = []
-        self.tags = {}
-    def split(self, dividers):
-        # slice the node-array using this nifty recursive function
-        def slice_array(ar, dividers):
-            for i in range(1,len(ar)-1):
-                if dividers[ar[i]]>1:
-                    #print "slice at %s"%ar[i]
-                    left = ar[:i+1]
-                    right = ar[i:]
-                    rightsliced = slice_array(right, dividers)
-                    return [left]+rightsliced
-            return [ar]
-        slices = slice_array(self.nds, dividers)
-        # create a way object for each node-array slice
-        ret = []
-        i=0
-        for slice in slices:
-            littleway = copy.copy( self )
-   += "-%d"%i
-            littleway.nds = slice
-            ret.append( littleway )
-            i += 1
-        return ret
-    def get_projected_points(self, reprojection_func=lambda x,y:(x,y)):
-        """nodedir is a dictionary of nodeid->node objects. If reprojection_func is None, returns unprojected points"""
-        ret = []
-        for nodeid in self.nds:
-            node = self.osm.nodes[ nodeid ]
-            ret.append( reprojection_func(node.lon, )
-        return ret
-    def to_canonical(self, srid, reprojection_func=None):
-        """Returns canonical string for this geometry"""
-        return "SRID=%d;LINESTRING(%s)"%(srid, ",".join( ["%f %f"%(x,y) for x,y in self.get_projected_points()] ) )
-    @property
-    def fromv(self):
-        return self.nds[0]
-    @property
-    def tov(self):
-        return self.nds[-1]
-class OSM:
-    def __init__(self, filename_or_stream):
-        """ File can be either a filename or stream/file object."""
-        nodes = {}
-        ways = {}
-        superself = self
-        class OSMHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
-            @classmethod
-            def setDocumentLocator(self,loc):
-                pass
-            @classmethod
-            def startDocument(self):
-                pass
-            @classmethod
-            def endDocument(self):
-                pass
-            @classmethod
-            def startElement(self, name, attrs):
-                if name=='node':
-                    if (int(attrs['id']) % 1000) == 0:
-                        print "Parsing node %s" % attrs['id']
-                    self.currElem = Node(attrs['id'], float(attrs['lon']), float(attrs['lat']))
-                elif name=='way':
-                    if (int(attrs['id']) % 1000) == 0:
-                        print "Parsing way %s" % attrs['id']
-                    self.currElem = Way(attrs['id'], superself)
-                elif name=='tag':
-                    pass
-                    #self.currElem.tags[attrs['k']] = attrs['v']
-                elif name=='nd':
-                    self.currElem.nds.append( attrs['ref'] )
-            @classmethod
-            def endElement(self,name):
-                if name=='node':
-                    nodes[] = self.currElem
-                elif name=='way':
-                    ways[] = self.currElem
-            @classmethod
-            def characters(self, chars):
-                pass
-        xml.sax.parse(filename_or_stream, OSMHandler)
-        self.nodes = nodes
-        self.ways = ways
-        #count times each node is used
-        node_histogram = dict.fromkeys( self.nodes.keys(), 0 )
-        print "Counting and pruning ways"
-        for way in self.ways.values():
-            #if a way has only one node, delete it out of the osm collection
-            #similarly if it's not a road
-            if len(way.nds) < 2:# or not way.tags.get('highway') or way.tags['highway'] == 'footway':  
-                del self.ways[]
-            else:
-                for node in way.nds:
-                    # toss out any ways that don't have all nodes on map
-                    if not self.nodes.get(node) and self.ways.get(
-                        del self.ways[]
-                    elif self.ways.get(
-                        node_histogram[node] += 1
-        # delete nodes that don't appear in ways
-        for node in self.nodes.values():
-            if node_histogram[] == 0:
-                del self.nodes[]
-        #use that histogram to split all ways, replacing the member set of ways
-        print "Splitting ways"
-        new_ways = {}
-        for id, way in self.ways.iteritems():
-            split_ways = way.split(node_histogram)
-            for split_way in split_ways:
-                new_ways[] = split_way
-        self.ways = new_ways
-    @property
-    def connecting_nodes(self):
-        """List of nodes that are the endpoint of one or more ways"""
-        ret = {}
-        for way in self.ways.values():
-            ret[way.fromv] = self.nodes[way.fromv]
-            ret[way.tov] = self.nodes[way.tov]
-        return ret

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/routez.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-%module routez
-%include tripgraph.i

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/ruby/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/t/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-// just a blank file to get the unit test main function going

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/t/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +1,1 @@
-# This is here mostly just to test that the python bindings actually work
-from libroutez.tripgraph import *
-import time
-from wvtest import *
-def basic_find_path():
-    graph = TripGraph()
-    graph.add_tripstop(0, TripStop.OSM, 0.0, 0.0)
-    graph.add_tripstop(1, TripStop.OSM, 1.0, 0.0)
-    # no path available
-    p = graph.find_path(0, True, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
-    WVPASSEQ(p, None)
-    # walking only
-    graph.add_walkhop(0, 1)
-    p = graph.find_path(0, True, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
-    actions = p.get_actions()
-    WVPASSEQ(len(actions), 1)
-def get_service_period_offsets():
-    graph = TripGraph()
-    graph.add_service_period(ServicePeriod(0, 1, 0, 108, 7, 0, 108, 2000,
-                                           False, True, False))
-    t = time.mktime((2008, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1))
-    splist = graph.get_service_period_ids_for_time(int(t))
-    WVPASSEQ(splist[0][0], 0)
-    WVPASSEQ(splist[0][1], 0)
-def tripstop():
-    ts = TripStop(0, TripStop.OSM, 0.0, 0.0);
-    ts.add_triphop(500, 1000, 1, 1, 1, 0);
-    route_ids = ts.get_routes(0)
-    WVPASSEQ(len(route_ids), 1)
-    WVPASSEQ(route_ids[0], 1)

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/t/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +1,1 @@
-#include "wvtest.h"
-#include "tripgraph.h"
-using namespace std;
-    TripGraph g;
-    // simple path, just walking
-    g.add_tripstop(0, TripStop::OSM, 0.0f, 0.0f);
-    g.add_tripstop(1, TripStop::OSM, 1.0f, 0.0f);
-    g.add_walkhop(0, 1);
-    {
-        TripPath *p = g.find_path(0, false, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
-        std::deque<TripAction> actions = p->get_actions();
-        WVPASSEQ(actions.size(), 1);
-        TripAction action = actions.front();
-        WVPASSEQ(action.src_id, 0);
-        WVPASSEQ(action.dest_id, 1);
-        delete p;
-    }
-    // take the triphop if we have it
-    {
-        ServicePeriod s(0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 100, 2000, true, true, true);
-        g.add_service_period(s);
-        g.add_triphop(500, 1000, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
-    }
-    {
-        TripPath *p = g.find_path(0, false, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
-        std::deque<TripAction> actions = p->get_actions();
-        WVPASSEQ(actions.size(), 1);
-        TripAction action = actions.front();
-        WVPASSEQ(action.src_id, 0);
-        WVPASSEQ(action.dest_id, 1);
-        WVPASSEQ(action.start_time, 500.0f);
-        WVPASSEQ(action.end_time, 1000.0f);
-        delete p;
-    }
-    TripGraph g;
-    g.add_tripstop(0, TripStop::OSM, 0.0f, 0.0f);
-    g.add_tripstop(1, TripStop::OSM, 1.0f, 0.0f);
-    g.add_walkhop(0, 1);
-    ServicePeriod s(0, 1, 0, 0, 7, 0, 100, 2000, true, true, true);
-    g.add_service_period(s);
-    g.add_triphop(500, 1000, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
-    char *tmpgraphname = tmpnam(NULL); // security issues in unit tests? bah.
-    unlink(tmpgraphname);
-    TripGraph g2;
-    g2.load(tmpgraphname);
-    // verify that we have two tripstops
-    for (int i=0; i<2; i++) 
-    {
-        TripStop ts = g2.get_tripstop(i);
-        WVPASSEQ(ts.type, TripStop::OSM);
-    }
-    // verify that we can still solve a basic path
-    {
-        TripPath *p = g.find_path(0, false, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
-        std::deque<TripAction> actions = p->get_actions();
-        WVPASSEQ(actions.size(), 1);
-        TripAction action = actions.front();
-        WVPASSEQ(action.src_id, 0);
-        WVPASSEQ(action.dest_id, 1);
-        WVPASSEQ(action.start_time, 500.0f);
-        WVPASSEQ(action.end_time, 1000.0f);
-        delete p;
-    }    
-    TripGraph g;
-    g.add_tripstop(0, TripStop::OSM, 0.0f, 0.0f);
-    g.add_tripstop(1, TripStop::OSM, 1.0f, 0.0f);
-    g.add_tripstop(2, TripStop::OSM, 0.0f, 1.0f);
-    g.add_walkhop(0, 1);
-    TripPath *p = g.find_path(0, false, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
-    WVPASS(!p);
-    TripGraph g;
-    // north and agricola
-    g.add_tripstop(0, TripStop::GTFS, 44.6554236f, -63.5936968f);
-    // north and robie (just north of north&agricola)
-    g.add_tripstop(1, TripStop::OSM, 44.6546407f, -63.5948438f);
-    // north and northwood (just south of north&agricola)
-    g.add_tripstop(2, TripStop::GTFS, 44.6567144f, -63.5919115f);
-    // Quinpool and Connaught (a few kms away from north&agricola)
-    g.add_tripstop(3, TripStop::GTFS, 44.6432423f, -63.6045261f);
-    {
-        vector<TripStop> v = g.find_tripstops_in_range(44.6554236f, 
-                                                       -63.5936968f, 
-                                                       TripStop::GTFS, 
-                                                       500.0f);      
-        WVPASSEQ(v.size(), 2);
-        WVPASS(v[0].id == 0 || v[0].id == 2);
-        WVPASS(v[1].id == 0 || v[1].id == 2);
-    }
-static time_t get_time_t(int tm_mday, int tm_mon, int tm_year)
-    struct tm t;
-    t.tm_sec = 0;
-    t.tm_min = 0;
-    t.tm_hour = 0;
-    t.tm_mday = tm_mday;
-    t.tm_mon = tm_mon;
-    t.tm_year = tm_year;
-    t.tm_wday = -1;
-    t.tm_yday = -1;
-    t.tm_isdst = -1;
-    return mktime(&t);
-    TripGraph g;
-    // from the 1st to the 7th (i.e. 1st saturday only)
-    {
-        ServicePeriod s(0, 1, 0, 108, 7, 0, 108, 2000, false, true, false);
-        g.add_service_period(s);
-    }
-    // test something that's within a supported service period
-    // Saturday Midnight Jan 5th 2008
-    {
-        vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = g.get_service_period_ids_for_time(get_time_t(5, 0, 108));
-        WVPASSEQ(vsp.size(), 1);
-        WVPASSEQ(vsp[0].first, 0);
-    }
-    // test something outside a supported service period: day
-    // Saturday Midnight Jan 11th 2008
-    {
-        vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = g.get_service_period_ids_for_time(get_time_t(11, 0, 108));
-        WVPASSEQ(vsp.size(), 0);
-    }
-    // test something outside a supported service period: month
-    // Saturday Midnight Feb 5th 2008
-    {
-        vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = g.get_service_period_ids_for_time(get_time_t(5, 1, 108));
-        WVPASSEQ(vsp.size(), 0);
-    }
-    // test something outside a supported service period: year
-    // Saturday Midnight Jan 11th 2009
-    {
-        vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = g.get_service_period_ids_for_time(get_time_t(5, 1, 109));
-        WVPASSEQ(vsp.size(), 0);
-    }
-    // add another service period (saturdays for month of january)
-    {
-        ServicePeriod s(1, 1, 0, 108, 31, 0, 108, 2000, false, true,
-                        false);
-        g.add_service_period(s);
-    }
-    // test something that's within _two_ supported service periods
-    // Saturday Midnight Jan 5th 2008
-    {
-        vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = g.get_service_period_ids_for_time(get_time_t(5, 0, 108));
-        WVPASSEQ(vsp.size(), 2);
-        WVPASS(vsp[0].first==0 || vsp[0].first==1);
-        WVPASS(vsp[1].first==0 || vsp[1].first==1);
-        WVFAILEQ(vsp[0].first, vsp[1].first);
-    }    
-    // save graph, reload, make sure service periods are still there
-    TripGraph g;
-    // from the 1st to the 7th (i.e. 1st saturday only)
-    // (weekday and saturday schedules)
-    {
-        ServicePeriod s1(0, 1, 0, 108, 7, 0, 108, 90000, false, true, false);
-        g.add_service_period(s1);
-        ServicePeriod s2(1, 1, 0, 108, 7, 0, 108, 90000, true, false, false);
-        g.add_service_period(s2);
-    }
-    vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = g.get_service_period_ids_for_time(get_time_t(5, 0, 108));
-    WVPASSEQ(vsp.size(), 2);
-    WVPASS(vsp[0].first==0 || vsp[0].first==1);
-    WVPASS(vsp[1].first==0 || vsp[1].first==1);
-    WVFAILEQ(vsp[0].first, vsp[1].first);
-    int weekday_index = (vsp[0].first == 1) ? 0 : 1;
-    WVPASSEQ(vsp[weekday_index].second, 86400);
-    TripGraph g;
-    // from the 1st to the 7th (i.e. 1st saturday only)
-    // turn off weekday service on the 2nd (wednesday)
-    // turn on saturday service on the 3rd (keeping weekday service)
-    {
-        ServicePeriod s1(0, 1, 0, 108, 7, 0, 108, 80000, false, true, false);
-        s1.add_exception_on(3, 0, 108);
-        WVPASSEQ(s1.is_turned_on(3, 0, 108), true);
-        WVPASSEQ(s1.is_turned_on(4, 0, 108), false);
-        g.add_service_period(s1);
-        ServicePeriod s2(1, 1, 0, 108, 7, 0, 108, 80000, true, false, false);
-        s2.add_exception_off(2, 0, 108);
-        WVPASSEQ(s2.is_turned_off(2, 0, 108), true);
-        WVPASSEQ(s2.is_turned_off(3, 0, 108), false);
-        g.add_service_period(s2);
-    }
-    {    
-        // should be no service on the 2nd
-        vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = g.get_service_period_ids_for_time(get_time_t(2, 0, 108));
-        WVPASSEQ(vsp.size(), 0);
-    }
-    {
-        // should be two service periods on the 3rd (saturday and weekday)
-        vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = g.get_service_period_ids_for_time(get_time_t(3, 0, 108));
-        WVPASSEQ(vsp.size(), 2);
-        WVPASS(vsp[0].first==0 || vsp[0].first==1);
-        WVPASS(vsp[1].first==0 || vsp[1].first==1);
-        WVFAILEQ(vsp[0].first, vsp[1].first);
-    }    
-    TripGraph g;
-    // use the same setup as the previous test: saturday and weekday schedules 
-    // with a few exceptions
-    // from the 1st to the 7th (i.e. 1st saturday only)
-    // turn off weekday service on the 2nd (wednesday)
-    // turn on saturday service on the 3rd (keeping weekday service)
-    {
-        ServicePeriod s1(0, 1, 0, 108, 7, 0, 108, 80000, false, true, false);
-        s1.add_exception_on(3, 0, 108);
-        g.add_service_period(s1);
-        ServicePeriod s2(1, 1, 0, 108, 7, 0, 108, 80000, true, false, false);
-        s2.add_exception_off(2, 0, 108);
-        g.add_service_period(s2);
-    }
-    char *tmpgraphname = tmpnam(NULL); // security issues in unit tests? bah.
-    unlink(tmpgraphname);
-    TripGraph g2;
-    g2.load(tmpgraphname);
-    {    
-        // should be no service on the 2nd
-        vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = g2.get_service_period_ids_for_time(get_time_t(2, 0, 108));
-        WVPASSEQ(vsp.size(), 0);
-    }
-    {
-        // should be two service periods on the 3rd (saturday and weekday)
-        vector<pair<int, int> > vsp = g2.get_service_period_ids_for_time(get_time_t(3, 0, 108));
-        WVPASSEQ(vsp.size(), 2);
-        WVPASS(vsp[0].first==0 || vsp[0].first==1);
-        WVPASS(vsp[1].first==0 || vsp[1].first==1);
-        WVFAILEQ(vsp[0].first, vsp[1].first);
-    }    

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/t/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +1,1 @@
-#include "wvtest.h"
-#include "tripstop.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-using namespace std;
-using namespace tr1;
-    TripStop t1(1, TripStop::OSM, 44.5f, 54.4f);
-    t1.add_triphop(500, 550, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-    t1.add_triphop(550, 600, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-    char *tmpname = tmpnam(NULL); // security issues in unit tests? bah.
-    unlink(tmpname);
-    FILE *fp1 = fopen(tmpname, "w");
-    t1.write(fp1);
-    fclose(fp1);
-    FILE *fp2 = fopen(tmpname, "r");
-    TripStop t2(fp2);
-    WVPASSEQ(,;
-    WVPASSEQ(t2.type, t1.type);
-    WVPASSEQ(,;
-    WVPASSEQ(t2.lng, t1.lng);
-    shared_ptr<TripStop::ServiceDict> tdict = t2.tdict;
-    WVPASSEQ(tdict->size(), 1);
-    WVPASSEQ(((*tdict))[0].size(), 1);
-    WVPASSEQ(((*tdict))[0][0].size(), 2);
-    WVPASSEQ(((*tdict))[0][0][0].start_time, 500);
-    WVPASSEQ(((*tdict))[0][0][1].start_time, 550);
-    fclose(fp2);
-    TripStop t;
-    t.add_triphop(500, 550, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-    t.add_triphop(550, 600, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-    t.add_triphop(600, 650, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-    t.add_triphop(600, 650, 0, 0, 0, 1);
-    // Ask for different amounts...
-    vector<TripHop> v = t.find_triphops(499, 0, 0, 3);
-    WVPASSEQ(v.size(), 3);
-    WVPASSEQ(v[0].start_time, 500);
-    WVPASSEQ(v[1].start_time, 550);
-    WVPASSEQ(v[2].start_time, 600);
-    v = t.find_triphops(499, 0, 0, 2);
-    WVPASSEQ(v.size(), 2);
-    WVPASSEQ(v[0].start_time, 500);
-    WVPASSEQ(v[1].start_time, 550);
-    v = t.find_triphops(499, 0, 0, 4);
-    WVPASSEQ(v.size(), 3);
-    WVPASSEQ(v[0].start_time, 500);
-    WVPASSEQ(v[1].start_time, 550);
-    WVPASSEQ(v[2].start_time, 600);
-    v = t.find_triphops(551, 0, 0, 2);
-    WVPASSEQ(v.size(), 1);
-    WVPASSEQ(v[0].start_time, 600);

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/tripgraph.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +1,1 @@
-%module tripgraph
-#include "serviceperiod.h"
-#include "tripgraph.h"
-#include "trippath.h"
-#include "tripstop.h"
-%include "std_string.i"
-%include "std_deque.i"
-%include "std_vector.i"
-%include "std_pair.i"
-%include "inttypes.i"
-%template(ListTripAction) std::deque<TripAction>;
-%template(ListId) std::deque<int>;
-%template(ListTripHop) std::vector<TripHop>;
-%template(ListTripStop) std::vector<TripStop>;
-%template(ServicePeriodTuple) std::pair<int, int>;
-%template(ListServicePeriodTuple) std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >;
-%include "serviceperiod.h"
-%include "tripgraph.h"
-%include "trippath.h"
-%include "tripstop.h"

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +1,1 @@
-import transitfeed
-import libroutez.osm as osm
-import time
-import sys
-from libroutez.tripgraph import *
-from optparse import OptionParser
-class IdMap:
-    '''class which maps from gtfs ids -> libroutez ids'''
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.spmap = {}
-        self.stopmap = {}
-        self.routemap = {}
-        self.tripmap = {}
-    def save(self, fname):
-        f = open(fname, 'w')
-        print >> f, "Service Periods: {"
-        for gtfs_sp_id in sorted(self.spmap.keys()):
-            print >>f, "    '%s': %s," % (gtfs_sp_id, self.spmap[gtfs_sp_id])
-        print >> f, "}"
-        print >> f, "Stops: {"
-        for gtfs_stop_id in sorted(self.stopmap.keys()):
-            print >>f, "    '%s': %s," % (gtfs_stop_id, self.stopmap[gtfs_stop_id])
-        print >> f, "}"
-        print >> f, "Routes: {"
-        for gtfs_route_id in sorted(self.routemap.keys()):
-            print >>f, "    '%s': %s," % (gtfs_route_id, 
-                                      self.routemap[gtfs_route_id])
-        print >> f, "}"
-        print >> f, "Trips: {"
-        for gtfs_trip_id in sorted(self.tripmap.keys()):
-            print >> f, "    '%s': %s," % (gtfs_trip_id, self.tripmap[gtfs_trip_id])
-        print >> f, "}"
-        f.close()
-def load_gtfs(tripgraph, sched, idmap):
-    print "Setting timezone to %s" % sched.GetDefaultAgency().agency_timezone
-    tripgraph.set_timezone(str(sched.GetDefaultAgency().agency_timezone))
-    stops = sched.GetStopList()
-    for stop in stops:
-        idmap.stopmap[stop.stop_id] = len(idmap.stopmap)
-        tripgraph.add_tripstop(idmap.stopmap[stop.stop_id], TripStop.GTFS, 
-                               stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon)
-    for sp_id in sched.service_periods.keys():
-        idmap.spmap[sp_id] = len(idmap.spmap)
-    service_period_bounds = {}
-    trips = sched.GetTripList()
-    for trip in trips:
-      interpolated_stops = trip.GetTimeInterpolatedStops()
-      prevstop = None
-      prevsecs = 0
-      for (secs, stoptime, is_timepoint) in interpolated_stops:
-        stop = stoptime.stop
-        if prevstop:
-          # stupid side-effect of google's transit feed python script being broken
-          if int(secs) < int(prevsecs):
-            print "WARNING: Negative edge in gtfs. This probably means you "
-            "need a more recent version of the google transit feed " 
-            "package (see README)"
-          if not idmap.tripmap.has_key(trip.trip_id):
-              idmap.tripmap[trip.trip_id] = len(idmap.tripmap)
-          if not idmap.routemap.has_key(trip.route_id):
-              idmap.routemap[trip.route_id] = len(idmap.routemap)
-          if not service_period_bounds.has_key(trip.service_id):
-              service_period_bounds[trip.service_id] = prevsecs
-          elif prevsecs > service_period_bounds[trip.service_id]:
-              service_period_bounds[trip.service_id] = prevsecs
-          if prevstop.stop_id != stop.stop_id:
-              # only add triphop if we're not going to ourselves. there are
-              # some feeds (cough, cough, Halifax) which actually do this
-              tripgraph.add_triphop(prevsecs, secs, idmap.stopmap[prevstop.stop_id],
-                                    idmap.stopmap[stop.stop_id], 
-                                    idmap.routemap[trip.route_id], 
-                                    idmap.tripmap[trip.trip_id], 
-                                    idmap.spmap[trip.service_id])
-        prevstop = stop
-        prevsecs = secs
-    for sp_id in sched.service_periods.keys():
-        sp = sched.service_periods[sp_id]
-        if not sp.start_date or not sp.end_date:
-            continue
-        tm_start = time.strptime(sp.start_date, "%Y%m%d")
-        tm_end = time.strptime(sp.end_date, "%Y%m%d")
-        # FIXME: currently assume weekday service is uniform, i.e. 
-        # monday service == mon-fri service
-        if service_period_bounds.has_key(sp_id):
-            s = ServicePeriod(idmap.spmap[sp_id],
-                              tm_start.tm_mday, tm_start.tm_mon - 1, 
-                              (tm_start.tm_year - 1900),
-                              tm_end.tm_mday, tm_end.tm_mon - 1, 
-                              (tm_end.tm_year - 1900),
-                              int(service_period_bounds[sp_id]),
-                              sp.day_of_week[0], sp.day_of_week[5], 
-                              sp.day_of_week[6])
-            for ex in sp.date_exceptions.keys():
-                tm_ex = time.strptime(ex, "%Y%m%d")
-                if sp.date_exceptions[ex] == 1:
-                    s.add_exception_on(tm_ex.tm_mday, tm_ex.tm_mon - 1,
-                                       tm_ex.tm_year - 1900)
-                else:
-                    s.add_exception_off(tm_ex.tm_mday, tm_ex.tm_mon - 1,
-                                        tm_ex.tm_year - 1900)
-            tripgraph.add_service_period(s)
-        else:
-            print "WARNING: It appears as if we have a service period with no "
-            "bound. This implies that it's not actually being used for anything."
-def load_osm(tripgraph, map, idmap):
-    # map of osm ids -> libroutez ids. libroutez ids are positive integers, 
-    # starting from the last gtfs id. I'm assuming that OSM ids can be pretty 
-    # much anything
-    osm_nodemap = {}
-    for node in map.nodes.values():
-        osm_nodemap[] = len(osm_nodemap) + len(idmap.stopmap)
-        tripgraph.add_tripstop(osm_nodemap[], TripStop.OSM,
-                     , node.lon)
-    for way in map.ways.values():
-        previd = None
-        for id in way.nds:
-            if previd:
-                tripgraph.add_walkhop(osm_nodemap[previd], osm_nodemap[id])
-                tripgraph.add_walkhop(osm_nodemap[id], osm_nodemap[previd])
-            previd = id
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    usage = "usage: %prog [options] <gtfs feed> <graph> <gtfs mapping>"
-    parser = OptionParser(usage)
-    parser.add_option('--osm', dest='osm',
-                      help='Path of OSM file (optional)')
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    if len(args) < 3:
-        parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")
-        exit(1)
-    print "Loading schedule."
-    schedule = transitfeed.Schedule(
-        problem_reporter=transitfeed.ProblemReporter())
-    schedule.Load(args[0])
-    print "Creating graph"
-    g = TripGraph()
-    print "Inserting gtfs into graph"
-    idmap = IdMap()
-    load_gtfs(g, schedule, idmap)
-    if options.osm:
-        print "Loading OSM."
-        map = osm.OSM(options.osm)
-        print "Inserting osm into graph"
-        load_osm(g, map, idmap)
-        print "Linking osm with gtfs"
-        g.link_osm_gtfs()
-    print "Saving idmap"
-    print "Saving graph"

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +1,1 @@
-import zipfile
-from optparse import OptionParser
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    parser = OptionParser()
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(args[0], mode='r')
-    stoptext ="stops.txt")
-    lines = stoptext.split('\n')
-    descriptors = lines[0].split(',')
-    (stop_lat_descriptor, stop_lng_descriptor) = (-1, -1)
-    id = 0
-    for descriptor in descriptors:
-        if descriptor == "stop_lat":
-            stop_lat_descriptor = id
-        elif descriptor == "stop_lon":
-            stop_lng_descriptor = id
-        id+=1
-    (min_lat, min_lng, max_lat, max_lng) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-    for line in lines[1:-2:]:
-        stop_info = line.split(',')
-        (lat, lng) = (float(stop_info[stop_lat_descriptor]),
-                      float(stop_info[stop_lng_descriptor]))
-        if min_lat == 0.0 or lat < min_lat:
-            min_lat = lat
-        if min_lng == 0.0 or lng < min_lng:
-            min_lng = lng
-        if max_lat == 0.0 or lat > max_lat:
-            max_lat = lat
-        if max_lng == 0.0 or lng > max_lng:
-            max_lng = lng
-    print "Polygon:"
-    print "%s\t%s" % (min_lat, min_lng)
-    print "%s\t%s" % (min_lat, max_lng)
-    print "%s\t%s" % (max_lat, max_lng)
-    print "%s\t%s" % (max_lat, min_lng)
-    print "min_lat, min_lng, max_lat, max_lng: %s %s %s %s" % \
-        (min_lat, min_lng, max_lat, max_lng)

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/wvtest/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +1,1 @@
-		       Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-                    675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-[This is the first released version of the library GPL.  It is
- numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
-			    Preamble
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
-free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
-  This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
-specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
-other libraries whose authors decide to use it.  You can use it for
-your libraries, too.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
-you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
-or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
-you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
-code.  If you link a program with the library, you must provide
-complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
-with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
-it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
-  Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
-the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
-  Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-library.  If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
-version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
-the original authors' reputations.
-  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
-software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
-transforming the program into proprietary software.  To prevent this,
-we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
-free use or not licensed at all.
-  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
-GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs.  This
-license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
-designated libraries.  This license is quite different from the ordinary
-one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
-the same as in the ordinary license.
-  The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
-they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
-program and simply using it.  Linking a program with a library, without
-changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
-analogous to running a utility program or application program.  However, in
-a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
-derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
-treats it as such.
-  Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
-Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
-sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries.  We
-concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
-  However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
-users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
-libraries themselves.  This Library General Public License is intended to
-permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
-preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
-libraries that are incorporated in them.  (We have not seen how to achieve
-this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
-changes in the actual functions of the Library.)  The hope is that this
-will lead to faster development of free libraries.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
-"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
-former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
-works together with the library.
-  Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
-General Public License rather than by this special one.
-  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
-contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
-party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
-General Public License (also called "this License").  Each licensee is
-addressed as "you".
-  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
-prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
-(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
-  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
-which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
-Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
-copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
-portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
-included without limitation in the term "modification".)
-  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
-all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
-interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
-and installation of the library.
-  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
-such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
-on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
-writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
-and what the program that uses the Library does.
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
-complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
-you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
-appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
-all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
-warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
-  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
-and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
-    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
-    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
-    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
-    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
-    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
-    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
-    in the event an application does not supply such function or
-    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
-    its purpose remains meaningful.
-    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
-    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
-    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
-    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
-    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
-    root function must still compute square roots.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Library.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
-with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
-  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
-License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
-this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
-that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
-instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
-ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
-that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
-these notices.
-  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
-that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
-subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
-  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
-the Library into a program that is not a library.
-  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
-derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
-under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
-it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
-must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
-medium customarily used for software interchange.
-  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
-from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
-distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
-Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
-linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
-work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
-therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
-  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
-creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
-contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
-library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
-Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
-  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
-that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
-derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
-Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
-linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
-threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
-  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
-structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
-functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
-file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
-work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
-Library will still fall under Section 6.)
-  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
-distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
-Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
-whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
-  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
-link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
-work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
-under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
-modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
-engineering for debugging such modifications.
-  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
-Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
-this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
-during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
-copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
-directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
-of these things:
-    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
-    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
-    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
-    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
-    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
-    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
-    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
-    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
-    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
-    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
-    to use the modified definitions.)
-    b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
-    least three years, to give the same user the materials
-    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
-    than the cost of performing this distribution.
-    c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
-    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
-    specified materials from the same place.
-    d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
-    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
-  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
-Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
-reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
-the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
-distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
-components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
-which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
-the executable.
-  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
-restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
-accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
-use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
-  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
-Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
-facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
-library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
-the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
-permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
-    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
-    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
-    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
-    Sections above.
-    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
-    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
-    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
-  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
-the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
-attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
-distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
-rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
-terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
-  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Library or works based on it.
-  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
-Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
-subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
-  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
-and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
-an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
-so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
-excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
-written in the body of this License.
-  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
-versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
-Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
-"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
-the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
-license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
-the Free Software Foundation.
-  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
-write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
-copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
-Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
-decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
-and reuse of software generally.
-     Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
-  If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
-everyone can redistribute and change.  You can do so by permitting
-redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
-ordinary General Public License).
-  To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.  It is
-safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
-"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
-    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    Library General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-    Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
-necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
-  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
-  library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
-  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
-  Ty Coon, President of Vice
-That's all there is to it!

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/wvtest/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,1 @@
-This is a snapshot of various files from the wvtest project that we use
-to test libroutez. It is licensed under the LGPL. For more information,
-see here:

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/wvtest/cpp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +1,1 @@
- * WvTest:
- *   Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Net Integration Technologies, Inc.
- *       Licensed under the GNU Library General Public License, version 2.
- *       See the included file named LICENSE for license information.
- */
-#include "wvtest.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <direct.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <cstdlib>
-# include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
-# include <valgrind/valgrind.h>
-# define VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAKS(a,b,c,d) (a=b=c=d=0)
-#define MAX_TEST_TIME 40     // max seconds for a single test to run
-#define MAX_TOTAL_TIME 120*60 // max seconds for the entire suite to run
-#define TEST_START_FORMAT "! %s:%-5d %-40s "
-static int memerrs()
-    return (int)VALGRIND_COUNT_ERRORS;
-static int memleaks()
-    int leaked = 0, dubious = 0, reachable = 0, suppressed = 0;
-    VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAKS(leaked, dubious, reachable, suppressed);
-    printf("memleaks: sure:%d dubious:%d reachable:%d suppress:%d\n",
-	   leaked, dubious, reachable, suppressed);
-    fflush(stdout);
-    // dubious+reachable are normally non-zero because of globals...
-    // return leaked+dubious+reachable;
-    return leaked;
-// Return 1 if no children are running or zombies, 0 if there are any running
-// or zombie children.
-// Will wait for any already-terminated children first.
-// Passes if no rogue children were running, fails otherwise.
-// If your test gets a failure in here, either you're not killing all your
-// children, or you're not calling waitpid(2) on all of them.
-static bool no_running_children()
-#ifndef _WIN32
-    pid_t wait_result;
-    // Acknowledge and complain about any zombie children
-    do 
-    {
-	int status = 0;
-        wait_result = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG);
-        if (wait_result > 0)
-        {
-            char buf[256];
-            snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%d", wait_result);
-            buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
-            WVFAILEQ("Unclaimed dead child process", buf);
-        }
-    } while (wait_result > 0);
-    // There should not be any running children, so waitpid should return -1
-    WVPASSEQ(errno, ECHILD);
-    WVPASSEQ(wait_result, -1);
-    return (wait_result == -1 && errno == ECHILD);
-    return true;
-WvTest *WvTest::first, *WvTest::last;
-int WvTest::fails, WvTest::runs;
-time_t WvTest::start_time;
-bool WvTest::run_twice = false;
-void WvTest::alarm_handler(int)
-    printf("\n! WvTest  Current test took longer than %d seconds!  FAILED\n",
-    fflush(stdout);
-    abort();
-static const char *pathstrip(const char *filename)
-    const char *cptr;
-    cptr = strrchr(filename, '/');
-    if (cptr) filename = cptr + 1;
-    cptr = strrchr(filename, '\\');
-    if (cptr) filename = cptr + 1;
-    return filename;
-WvTest::WvTest(const char *_descr, const char *_idstr, MainFunc *_main,
-	       int _slowness) :
-    descr(_descr), 
-    idstr(pathstrip(_idstr)), 
-    main(_main), 
-    slowness(_slowness),
-    next(NULL)
-    if (first)
-	last->next = this;
-    else
-	first = this;
-    last = this;
-static bool prefix_match(const char *s, const char * const *prefixes)
-    for (const char * const *prefix = prefixes; prefix && *prefix; prefix++)
-    {
-	if (!strncasecmp(s, *prefix, strlen(*prefix)))
-	    return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-int WvTest::run_all(const char * const *prefixes)
-    int old_valgrind_errs = 0, new_valgrind_errs;
-    int old_valgrind_leaks = 0, new_valgrind_leaks;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    /* I should be doing something to do with SetTimer here, 
-     * not sure exactly what just yet */
-    char *disable(getenv("WVTEST_DISABLE_TIMEOUT"));
-    if (disable != NULL && disable[0] != '\0' && disable[0] != '0')
-        signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
-    else
-        signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler);
-    alarm(MAX_TEST_TIME);
-    start_time = time(NULL);
-    // make sure we can always start out in the same directory, so tests have
-    // access to their files.  If a test uses chdir(), we want to be able to
-    // reverse it.
-    char wd[1024];
-    if (!getcwd(wd, sizeof(wd)))
-	strcpy(wd, ".");
-    const char *slowstr1 = getenv("WVTEST_MIN_SLOWNESS");
-    const char *slowstr2 = getenv("WVTEST_MAX_SLOWNESS");
-    int min_slowness = 0, max_slowness = 65535;
-    if (slowstr1) min_slowness = atoi(slowstr1);
-    if (slowstr2) max_slowness = atoi(slowstr2);
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    run_twice = false;
-    char *parallel_str = getenv("WVTEST_PARALLEL");
-    if (parallel_str) 
-        run_twice = atoi(parallel_str) > 0;
-    // there are lots of fflush() calls in here because stupid win32 doesn't
-    // flush very often by itself.
-    fails = runs = 0;
-    for (WvTest *cur = first; cur; cur = cur->next)
-    {
-	if (cur->slowness <= max_slowness
-	    && cur->slowness >= min_slowness
-	    && (!prefixes
-		|| prefix_match(cur->idstr, prefixes)
-		|| prefix_match(cur->descr, prefixes)))
-	{
-#ifndef _WIN32
-            // set SIGPIPE back to default, helps catch tests which don't set
-            // this signal to SIG_IGN (which is almost always what you want)
-            // on startup
-            signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
-            pid_t child = 0;
-            if (run_twice)
-            {
-                // I see everything twice!
-                printf("Running test in parallel.\n");
-                child = fork();
-            }
-	    printf("\nTesting \"%s\" in %s:\n", cur->descr, cur->idstr);
-	    fflush(stdout);
-	    cur->main();
-	    chdir(wd);
-	    new_valgrind_errs = memerrs();
-	    WVPASS(new_valgrind_errs == old_valgrind_errs);
-	    old_valgrind_errs = new_valgrind_errs;
-	    new_valgrind_leaks = memleaks();
-	    WVPASS(new_valgrind_leaks == old_valgrind_leaks);
-	    old_valgrind_leaks = new_valgrind_leaks;
-	    fflush(stderr);
-	    printf("\n");
-	    fflush(stdout);
-#ifndef _WIN32
-            if (run_twice)
-            {
-                if (!child)
-                {
-                    // I see everything once!
-                    printf("Child exiting.\n");
-                    _exit(0);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    printf("Waiting for child to exit.\n");
-                    int result;
-                    while ((result = waitpid(child, NULL, 0)) == -1 && 
-                            errno == EINTR)
-                        printf("Waitpid interrupted, retrying.\n");
-                }
-            }
-            WVPASS(no_running_children());
-	}
-    }
-    WVPASS(runs > 0);
-    if (prefixes && *prefixes && **prefixes)
-	printf("WvTest: WARNING: only ran tests starting with "
-	       "specifed prefix(es).\n");
-    else
-	printf("WvTest: ran all tests.\n");
-    printf("WvTest: %d test%s, %d failure%s.\n",
-	   runs, runs==1 ? "" : "s",
-	   fails, fails==1 ? "": "s");
-    fflush(stdout);
-    return fails != 0;
-// If we aren't running in parallel, we want to output the name of the test
-// before we run it, so we know what happened if it crashes.  If we are
-// running in parallel, outputting this information in multiple printf()s
-// can confuse parsers, so we want to output everything in one printf().
-// This function gets called by both start() and check().  If we're not
-// running in parallel, just print the data.  If we're running in parallel,
-// and we're starting a test, save a copy of the file/line/description until
-// the test is done and we can output it all at once.
-// Yes, this is probably the worst API of all time.
-void WvTest::print_result(bool start, const char *_file, int _line, 
-        const char *_condstr, bool result)
-    static char *file;
-    static char *condstr;
-    static int line;
-    if (start)
-    {
-        if (file) 
-            free(file);
-        if (condstr) 
-            free(condstr);
-        file = strdup(pathstrip(_file));
-        condstr = strdup(_condstr);
-        line = _line;
-        for (char *cptr = condstr; *cptr; cptr++)
-        {
-            if (!isprint((unsigned char)*cptr))
-                *cptr = '!';
-        }
-    }
-    const char *result_str = result ? "ok\n" : "FAILED\n";
-    if (run_twice)
-    {
-        if (!start)
-            printf(TEST_START_FORMAT "%s", file, line, condstr, result_str);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (start)
-            printf(TEST_START_FORMAT, file, line, condstr);
-        else
-            printf("%s", result_str);
-    }
-    fflush(stdout);
-    if (!start)
-    {
-        if (file)
-            free(file);
-        if (condstr)
-            free(condstr);
-        file = condstr = NULL;
-    }
-void WvTest::start(const char *file, int line, const char *condstr)
-    // Either print the file, line, and condstr, or save them for later.
-    print_result(true, file, line, condstr, 0);
-void WvTest::check(bool cond)
-#ifndef _WIN32
-    alarm(MAX_TEST_TIME); // restart per-test timeout
-    if (!start_time) start_time = time(NULL);
-    if (time(NULL) - start_time > MAX_TOTAL_TIME)
-    {
-	printf("\n! WvTest   Total run time exceeded %d seconds!  FAILED\n",
-	       MAX_TOTAL_TIME);
-	fflush(stdout);
-	abort();
-    }
-    runs++;
-    print_result(false, NULL, 0, NULL, cond);
-    if (!cond)
-    {
-	fails++;
-	if (getenv("WVTEST_DIE_FAST"))
-	    abort();
-    }
-bool WvTest::start_check_eq(const char *file, int line,
-			    const char *a, const char *b, bool expect_pass)
-    if (!a) a = "";
-    if (!b) b = "";
-    size_t len = strlen(a) + strlen(b) + 8 + 1;
-    char *str = new char[len];
-    sprintf(str, "[%s] %s [%s]", a, expect_pass ? "==" : "!=", b);
-    start(file, line, str);
-    delete[] str;
-    bool cond = !strcmp(a, b);
-    if (!expect_pass)
-        cond = !cond;
-    check(cond);
-    return cond;
-bool WvTest::start_check_eq(const char *file, int line,
-			    const std::string &a, const std::string &b, 
-                            bool expect_pass)
-    return start_check_eq(file, line, a.c_str(), b.c_str(), expect_pass);
-bool WvTest::start_check_eq(const char *file, int line, 
-                            int a, int b, bool expect_pass)
-    size_t len = 128 + 128 + 8 + 1;
-    char *str = new char[len];
-    sprintf(str, "%d %s %d", a, expect_pass ? "==" : "!=", b);
-    start(file, line, str);
-    delete[] str;
-    bool cond = (a == b);
-    if (!expect_pass)
-        cond = !cond;
-    check(cond);
-    return cond;
-bool WvTest::start_check_lt(const char *file, int line,
-			    const char *a, const char *b)
-    if (!a) a = "";
-    if (!b) b = "";
-    size_t len = strlen(a) + strlen(b) + 8 + 1;
-    char *str = new char[len];
-    sprintf(str, "[%s] < [%s]", a, b);
-    start(file, line, str);
-    delete[] str;
-    bool cond = strcmp(a, b) < 0;
-    check(cond);
-    return cond;
-bool WvTest::start_check_lt(const char *file, int line, int a, int b)
-    size_t len = 128 + 128 + 8 + 1;
-    char *str = new char[len];
-    sprintf(str, "%d < %d", a, b);
-    start(file, line, str);
-    delete[] str;
-    bool cond = a < b;
-    check(cond);
-    return cond;

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/wvtest/cpp/wvtest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +1,1 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
- * WvTest:
- *   Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Net Integration Technologies, Inc.
- *       Licensed under the GNU Library General Public License, version 2.
- *       See the included file named LICENSE for license information.
- */ 
-#ifndef __WVTEST_H
-#define __WVTEST_H
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string>
-class WvTest
-    typedef void MainFunc();
-    const char *descr, *idstr;
-    MainFunc *main;
-    int slowness;
-    WvTest *next;
-    static WvTest *first, *last;
-    static int fails, runs;
-    static time_t start_time;
-    static bool run_twice;
-    static void alarm_handler(int sig);
-    static void print_result(bool start, const char *file, int line, 
-            const char *condstr, bool result);
-    WvTest(const char *_descr, const char *_idstr, MainFunc *_main, int _slow);
-    static int run_all(const char * const *prefixes = NULL);
-    static void start(const char *file, int line, const char *condstr);
-    static void check(bool cond);
-    static inline bool start_check(const char *file, int line,
-				   const char *condstr, bool cond)
-        { start(file, line, condstr); check(cond); return cond; }
-    static bool start_check_eq(const char *file, int line,
-			       const char *a, const char *b, bool expect_pass);
-    static bool start_check_eq(const char *file, int line,
-			       const std::string &a, const std::string &b, 
-                               bool expect_pass);
-    static bool start_check_eq(const char *file, int line, int a, int b,
-                               bool expect_pass);
-    static bool start_check_lt(const char *file, int line,
-                               const char *a, const char *b);
-    static bool start_check_lt(const char *file, int line, int a, int b);
-#define WVPASS(cond) \
-    WvTest::start_check(__FILE__, __LINE__, #cond, (cond))
-#define WVPASSEQ(a, b) \
-    WvTest::start_check_eq(__FILE__, __LINE__, (a), (b), true)
-#define WVPASSLT(a, b) \
-    WvTest::start_check_lt(__FILE__, __LINE__, (a), (b))
-#define WVFAIL(cond) \
-    WvTest::start_check(__FILE__, __LINE__, "NOT(" #cond ")", !(cond))
-#define WVFAILEQ(a, b) \
-    WvTest::start_check_eq(__FILE__, __LINE__, (a), (b), false)
-#define WVPASSNE(a, b) WVFAILEQ(a, b)
-#define WVFAILNE(a, b) WVPASSEQ(a, b)
-#define WVTEST_MAIN3(descr, ff, ll, slowness) \
-    static void _wvtest_main_##ll(); \
-    static WvTest _wvtest_##ll(descr, ff, _wvtest_main_##ll, slowness); \
-    static void _wvtest_main_##ll()
-#define WVTEST_MAIN2(descr, ff, ll, slowness) \
-    WVTEST_MAIN3(descr, ff, ll, slowness)
-#define WVTEST_MAIN(descr) WVTEST_MAIN2(descr, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0)
-#define WVTEST_SLOW_MAIN(descr) WVTEST_MAIN2(descr, __FILE__, __LINE__, 1)
-#endif // __WVTEST_H

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/wvtest/cpp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +1,1 @@
- * WvTest:
- *   Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Net Integration Technologies, Inc.
- *       Licensed under the GNU Library General Public License, version 2.
- *       See the included file named LICENSE for license information.
- */
-#include "wvtest.h"
-# include "wvcrash.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <io.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-static bool fd_is_valid(int fd)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    if ((HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return true;
-    int nfd = dup(fd);
-    if (nfd >= 0)
-    {
-	close(nfd);
-	return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-static int fd_count(const char *when)
-    int count = 0;
-    printf("fds open at %s:", when);
-    for (int fd = 0; fd < 1024; fd++)
-    {
-	if (fd_is_valid(fd))
-	{
-	    count++;
-	    printf(" %d", fd);
-	    fflush(stdout);
-	}
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-    return count;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    char buf[200];
-#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(HAVE_WVCRASH)
-    setup_console_crash();
-    // test wvtest itself.  Not very thorough, but you have to draw the
-    // line somewhere :)
-    WVPASS(true);
-    WVPASS(1);
-    WVFAIL(false);
-    WVFAIL(0);
-    int startfd, endfd;
-    char * const *prefixes = NULL;
-    if (argc > 1)
-	prefixes = argv + 1;
-    startfd = fd_count("start");
-    int ret = WvTest::run_all(prefixes);
-    if (ret == 0) // don't pollute the strace output if we failed anyway
-    {
-	endfd = fd_count("end");
-	WVPASS(startfd == endfd);
-#ifndef _WIN32
-	if (startfd != endfd)
-	{
-	    sprintf(buf, "ls -l /proc/%d/fd", getpid());
-	    system(buf);
-	}
-    }
-    // keep 'make' from aborting if this environment variable is set
-    if (getenv("WVTEST_NO_FAIL"))
-	return 0;
-    else
-	return ret;

--- a/origin-src/wlach-libroutez-272ef93/wvtest/wvtestrun
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +1,1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# WvTest:
-#   Copyright (C)2007-2009 Versabanq Innovations Inc. and contributors.
-#       Licensed under the GNU Library General Public License, version 2.
-#       See the included file named LICENSE for license information.
-use strict;
-use Time::HiRes qw(time);
-# always flush
-$| = 1;
-if (@ARGV < 1) {
-    print STDERR "Usage: $0 <command line...>\n";
-    exit 127;
-print STDERR "Testing \"all\" in @ARGV:\n";
-my $pid = open(my $fh, "-|");
-if (!$pid) {
-    # child
-    setpgrp();
-    open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die("Can't dup stdout: $!\n");
-    exec(@ARGV);
-    exit 126; # just in case
-my $istty = -t STDOUT;
-my @log = ();
-my ($gpasses, $gfails) = (0,0);
-sub bigkill($)
-    my $pid = shift;
-    if (@log) {
-	print "\n" . join("\n", @log) . "\n";
-    }
-    print STDERR "\n! Killed by signal    FAILED\n";
-    ($pid > 0) || die("pid is '$pid'?!\n");
-    local $SIG{CHLD} = sub { }; # this will wake us from sleep() faster
-    kill 15, $pid;
-    sleep(2);
-    if ($pid > 1) {
-	kill 9, -$pid;
-    }
-    kill 9, $pid;
-    exit(125);
-# parent
-local $SIG{INT} = sub { bigkill($pid); };
-local $SIG{TERM} = sub { bigkill($pid); };
-local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { 
-    print STDERR "Alarm timed out!  No test results for too long.\n";
-    bigkill($pid);
-sub colourize($)
-    my $result = shift;
-    my $pass = ($result eq "ok");
-    if ($istty) {
-	my $colour = $pass ? "\e[32;1m" : "\e[31;1m";
-	return "$colour$result\e[0m";
-    } else {
-	return $result;
-    }
-sub mstime($$$)
-    my ($floatsec, $warntime, $badtime) = @_;
-    my $ms = int($floatsec * 1000);
-    my $str = sprintf("%d.%03ds", $ms/1000, $ms % 1000);
-    if ($istty && $ms > $badtime) {
-        return "\e[31;1m$str\e[0m";
-    } elsif ($istty && $ms > $warntime) {
-        return "\e[33;1m$str\e[0m";
-    } else {
-        return "$str";
-    }
-sub resultline($$)
-    my ($name, $result) = @_;
-    return sprintf("! %-65s %s", $name, colourize($result));
-my $allstart = time();
-my ($start, $stop);
-sub endsect()
-    $stop = time();
-    if ($start) {
-	printf " %s %s\n", mstime($stop - $start, 500, 1000), colourize("ok");
-    }
-while (<$fh>)
-    chomp;
-    s/\r//g;
-    if (/^\s*Testing "(.*)" in (.*):\s*$/)
-    {
-        alarm(120);
-	my ($sect, $file) = ($1, $2);
-	endsect();
-	printf("! %s  %s: ", $file, $sect);
-	@log = ();
-	$start = $stop;
-    }
-    elsif (/^!\s*(.*?)\s+(\S+)\s*$/)
-    {
-        alarm(120);
-	my ($name, $result) = ($1, $2);
-	my $pass = ($result eq "ok");
-	if (!$start) {
-	    printf("\n! Startup: ");
-	    $start = time();
-	}
-	push @log, resultline($name, $result);
-	if (!$pass) {
-	    $gfails++;
-	    if (@log) {
-		print "\n" . join("\n", @log) . "\n";
-		@log = ();
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    $gpasses++;
-	    print ".";
-	}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	push @log, $_;
-    }
-my $newpid = waitpid($pid, 0);
-if ($newpid != $pid) {
-    die("waitpid returned '$newpid', expected '$pid'\n");
-my $code = $?;
-my $ret = ($code >> 8);
-# return death-from-signal exits as >128.  This is what bash does if you ran
-# the program directly.
-if ($code && !$ret) { $ret = $code | 128; }
-if ($ret && @log) {
-    print "\n" . join("\n", @log) . "\n";
-if ($code != 0) {
-    print resultline("Program returned non-zero exit code ($ret)", "FAILED");
-my $gtotal = $gpasses+$gfails;
-printf("\nWvTest: %d test%s, %d failure%s, total time %s.\n",
-    $gtotal, $gtotal==1 ? "" : "s",
-    $gfails, $gfails==1 ? "" : "s",
-    mstime(time() - $allstart, 2000, 5000));
-print STDERR "\nWvTest result code: $ret\n";
-exit( $ret ? $ret : ($gfails ? 125 : 0) );