Add geocoder for guessing
Add geocoder for guessing

--- a/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/03-locatetimepoints.rb
+++ b/maxious-canberra-transit-feed/03-locatetimepoints.rb
@@ -3,6 +3,26 @@
 require 'highline.rb'
 include HighLine
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'json'
+require 'net/http'
+def cbr_geocode(query)
+   base_url = ""
+   url = "#{base_url}#{URI.encode(query)}&bbox=-35.47,148.83,-35.16,149.25&return_location=true"
+   resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url))
+   data = resp.body
+   # we convert the returned JSON data to native Ruby
+   # data structure - a hash
+   result = JSON.parse(data)
+   # if the hash has 'Error' as a key, we raise an error
+   if result.has_key? 'Error'
+      raise "web service error"
+   end
+   return result
 require 'yaml'
 require 'pp'
@@ -111,6 +131,32 @@
 	null_points.each do |null_point_name|
 		pp null_point_name
+		name = null_point_name.to_s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
+		results = cbr_geocode(null_point_name[0])
+		if !results.empty? 
+			results['features'].each_with_index { |feature,index|
+				print "#{index}: #{feature['properties']['name']} (#{feature['location']}) => #{feature['centroid']['coordinates']}\n"
+			}
+			nodeID = ask("Enter selected node ID:", :integer) 
+			if results['features'].at(nodeID) != nil
+				node = results['features'][nodeID]
+				guess = ask_if("Is this a guess?")
+				puts "Location #{node['centroid']['coordinates'][0]},#{node['centroid']['coordinates'][1]} for #{null_point_name}"
+				begin
+		        	        res = connbus.exec("UPDATE timing_point SET lat = #{node['centroid']['coordinates'][0]*10000000}, lng = 
+	#{node['centroid']['coordinates'][1]*10000000},guess = #{guess} WHERE name = '#{name}'")
+			               	puts "Put '#{null_point_name}' into DB"
+			       	rescue PGError => e
+		        	        puts "Error inserting '#{null_point_name}' to DB #{e}"
+					ask_if("Continue?")
+			               	#conn.close() if conn
+			       	end
+			else
+				puts "Uhh, there was no suggestion ID like that. Try again next time!"
+			end
+		else
+			puts "Uhh, there were no geocoding results. Try again next time!"
+		end		