add Government Data Use Cases section
[ckanext-datagovau.git] / ckanext / datagovau / templates / related / dashboard.html
blob:a/ckanext/datagovau/templates/related/dashboard.html -> blob:b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/related/dashboard.html
--- a/ckanext/datagovau/templates/related/dashboard.html
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/related/dashboard.html
@@ -1,1 +1,100 @@
+{% extends "page.html" %}
+{% set page = %}
+{% set item_count = %}
+{% block subtitle %}{{ _('Government Data Use Cases') }}{% endblock %}
+{% block breadcrumb_content %}
+  <li>{{ _('Government Data Use Cases') }}</li>
+{% endblock %}
+{% block primary_content %}
+  <article class="module">
+    <div class="module-content">
+      <h1 class="page-heading">
+        {% block page_heading %}{{ _('Government Data Use Cases') }}{% endblock %}
+      </h1>
+      {% block related_items %}
+        {% if item_count %}
+          {% trans first=page.first_item, last=page.last_item, item_count=item_count %}
+            <p>Showing items <strong>{{ first }} - {{ last }}</strong> of <strong>{{ item_count }}</strong> use cases found</p>
+          {% endtrans %}
+        {% elif c.filters.type %}
+          {% trans item_count=item_count %}
+            <p><strong>{{ item_count }}</strong> use cases found</p>
+          {% endtrans %}
+        {% else %}
+          <p class="empty">{{ _('There have been no use cases submitted yet.') }}
+        {% endif %}
+      {% endblock %}
+      {% block related_list %}
+        {% if page.items %}
+          {% snippet "related/snippets/related_list.html", related_items=page.items %}
+        {% endif %}
+      {% endblock %}
+    </div>
+    {% block page_pagination %}
+      {{ page.pager() }}
+    {% endblock %}
+  </article>
+{% endblock %}
+{% block secondary_content %}
+  <section class="module module-narrow module-shallow">
+    <h2 class="module-heading">{{ _('What are use cases?') }}</h2>
+    <div class="module-content">
+      {% trans %}
+        <p>Use Cases are any apps, articles, visualisations or ideas using datasets.</p>
+        <p>For example, it could be a custom visualisation, pictograph
+        or bar chart, an app using all or part of the data or even a news story
+        that references datasets from this site.</p>
+        <p> Send your ideas to <a href=""></a> with Title; Description; URL; Image URL; and Type: [API|Applications|Idea|News Article|Paper|Post|Visualisation]</p>
+      {% endtrans %}
+    </div>
+  </section>
+  <section class="module module-narrow module-shallow">
+    <h2 class="module-heading">{{ _('Filter Results') }}</h2>
+    <form action="" method="get" class="module-content form-inline form-narrow">
+      <input type='hidden' name='page' value='1'/>
+      <div class="control-group">
+        <label for="field-type">{{ _('Filter by type') }}</label>
+        <select id="field-type" name="type">
+          <option value="">{{ _('All') }}</option>
+          {% for option in c.type_options %}
+            <option value="{{ option.value }}"{% if c.filters.type == option.value %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ option.text or option.value }}</option>
+          {% endfor %}
+        </select>
+      </div>
+      <div class="control-group">
+        <label for="field-sort">{{ _('Sort by') }}</label>
+        <select id="field-sort" name="sort">
+          <option value="">{{ _('Default') }}</option>
+          {% for option in c.sort_options %}
+            <option value="{{ option.value }}"{% if c.filters.sort == option.value %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ option.text or option.value }}</option>
+          {% endfor %}
+        </select>
+      </div>
+      <div class="control-group">
+        <label for="field-featured" class="checkbox">
+          <input type="checkbox" id="field-featured" name="featured" {% if c.filters.get('featured') == 'on' %} checked="checked"{% endif %}></input>
+          {{ _('Only show featured items') }}
+        </label>
+      </div>
+      <div class="form-actions">
+        <button class="btn btn-primary">{{ _('Apply') }}</button>
+      </div>
+    </form>
+  </section>
+{% endblock %}