Remove old extras, include more RDFa markup for distributions/data resources
Remove old extras, include more RDFa markup for distributions/data resources

file:a/.gitignore -> file:b/.gitignore
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@

file:b/.idea/.name (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/.name
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/compiler.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+  <component name="CompilerConfiguration">
+    <option name="DEFAULT_COMPILER" value="Javac" />
+    <resourceExtensions />
+    <wildcardResourcePatterns>
+      <entry name="!?*.java" />
+      <entry name="!?*.form" />
+      <entry name="!?*.class" />
+      <entry name="!?*.groovy" />
+      <entry name="!?*.scala" />
+      <entry name="!?*.flex" />
+      <entry name="!?*.kt" />
+      <entry name="!?*.clj" />
+    </wildcardResourcePatterns>
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+      <profile default="true" name="Default" enabled="false">
+        <processorPath useClasspath="true" />
+      </profile>
+    </annotationProcessing>
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/encodings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="Encoding" useUTFGuessing="true" native2AsciiForPropertiesFiles="false" />

file:b/.idea/misc.xml (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" languageLevel="JDK_1_6" assert-keyword="true" jdk-15="true">
+    <output url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/out" />
+  </component>

file:b/.idea/modules.xml (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/modules.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="ProjectModuleManager">
+    <modules>
+      <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/ckanext-datagovau.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/ckanext-datagovau.iml" />
+    </modules>
+  </component>

file:b/.idea/other.xml (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/other.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="PyDocumentationSettings">
+    <option name="myDocStringFormat" value="Plain" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<component name="DependencyValidationManager">
+  <state>
+    <option name="SKIP_IMPORT_STATEMENTS" value="false" />
+  </state>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/testrunner.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="TestRunnerService">
+    <option name="projectConfiguration" value="Unittests" />
+    <option name="PROJECT_TEST_RUNNER" value="Unittests" />
+  </component>

file:b/.idea/vcs.xml (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/vcs.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
+    <mapping directory="" vcs="Git" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,881 @@
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+  </component>
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+    </list>
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+    <ignored path=".idea/workspace.xml" />
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+  </component>
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+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/resource_read.html">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="10" column="0" selection-start="233" selection-end="246" vertical-scroll-proportion="-6.5384617">
+          <folding />
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/read_base.html">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="6" column="110" selection-start="190" selection-end="190" vertical-scroll-proportion="-3.9230769">
+          <folding />
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/read.html">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="12" column="96" selection-start="451" selection-end="451" vertical-scroll-proportion="-7.8461537">
+          <folding />
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/snippets/package_basic_fields.html">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="51" column="125" selection-start="2745" selection-end="2745" vertical-scroll-proportion="-13.807693">
+          <folding />
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/snippets/resource_item.html">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="22" column="129" selection-start="1133" selection-end="1133" vertical-scroll-proportion="0.5771605">
+          <folding />
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+  </component>
+  <component name="masterDetails">
+    <states>
+      <state key="ArtifactsStructureConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <artifact-editor />
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="FacetStructureConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <last-edited>No facets are configured</last-edited>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="GlobalLibrariesConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="JdkListConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="ModuleStructureConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <last-edited>ckanext-datagovau</last-edited>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+                <option value="0.5" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="ProjectJDKs.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="ProjectLibrariesConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+    </states>
+  </component>

file:a/README.rst -> file:b/README.rst
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,57 +1,27 @@
-This CKAN Extension demonstrates some common patterns for customising a CKAN instance.
+This CKAN Extension customises a CKAN instance for the hosting of
 It comprises:
-* A CKAN Extension "plugin" at ``ckanext/example/``
- which, when loaded, overrides various settings in the core
- ``ini``-file to provide:
+* A CKAN Extension "plugin" at ``ckanext/datagovau/`` which, when
+  loaded, overrides various settings in the core ``ini``-file to provide:
+  * A path to local customisations of the core templates
+  * A custom Package edit form that defaults to cc-by licence
+  * A custom n3/rdf output format
-  * A path to local customisations of the core templates and stylesheets
-  * A "stream filter" that replaces arbitrary strings in rendered templates
-  * A "route" to override and extend the default behaviour of a core CKAN page
-* A custom Pylons controller for overriding some core CKAN behaviour
-* A custom Package edit form
-* Some simple template customisations
+* A cut down licenses.json file
 To install this package, from your CKAN virtualenv, run the following from your CKAN base folder (e.g. ``pyenv/``)::
-  pip install -e git+
+  pip install -e git+
-Then activate it by setting ``ckan.plugins = example`` in your main ``ini``-file.
+Then activate it by setting ``ckan.plugins = datagovau`` in your main ``ini``-file.
+To add the cut down licenses.json set ``licenses_group_url = http://%(ckan.site_url)/licenses.json``
+or copy ``ckanext/datagovau/theme/public/licenses.json`` to the same folder as your CKAN config ini file
+and set ``licenses_group_url = file://%(here)s/licenses.json``
-* Examine the source code, starting with ``ckanext/example/``
-* To understand the nuts and bolts of this file, which is a CKAN
-  *Extension*, read in conjunction with the "Extension
-  documentation":
-* One thing the extension does is set the values of
-  ``extra_public_paths`` and ``extra_template_paths`` in the CKAN
-  config, which are "documented
-  here":
-* These are set to point at directories within
-  `ckanext/example/theme/`` (in this package).  Here, we override
-  the home page, provide some extra style with an ``extra.css``, and
-  customise the navigation and header of the main template in the file ``layout.html``.
-  The latter file is a great place to make global theme alterations.
-  It uses the _layout template_ pattern "described in the Genshi
-  documentation":
-  This allows you to use Xpath selectors to override snippets of HTML
-  globally.
-* The custom package edit form at ```` follows the
-  conventions in the "main CKAN
-  documentation":

file:b/admin/ (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/
@@ -1,1 +1,96 @@
+	ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
+	ServerName
+	ServerAlias,
+        #allow access to local static content eg. logos
+        Alias /index.html /var/www/index.html
+        Alias /logos      /var/www/logos
+        Alias /tools      /var/www/tools.shtml
+        Alias /opendata   /var/www/opendata.shtml
+        Alias /opengov    /var/www/opengov.shtml
+	DocumentRoot /var/www
+<IfModule mod_expires.c>
+          <FilesMatch "\.(jpe?g|png|gif|js|css)$">
+                      ExpiresActive On
+                      ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 week"
+          </FilesMatch>
+	<Directory />
+		Options FollowSymLinks
+		AllowOverride None
+	</Directory>
+	<Directory /var/www/>
+		Options -Indexes -FollowSymLinks -MultiViews +Includes
+		AllowOverride None
+		Order allow,deny
+		allow from all
+                AddType text/html .shtml
+                AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
+	</Directory>
+	ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
+	# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg.
+	LogLevel warn
+	CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log varnishcombined
+	RewriteEngine On
+	RewriteMap lc int:tolower
+#	RewriteRule ^/apps/antenna-mate/?$			 											[PT]
+#	RewriteRule ^/apps/postcode-finder/?$												[PT]
+#	RewriteRule ^/apps/the-australian-cost-of-living-heatmap/?$						[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/catalogues/?$														/organization													[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/dataset/“cycling-in-new-south-wales-what-the-data-tells-us”-and-related-data/?						/dataset/2809cycling-in-new-south-wales-what-the-data-tells-us2809-and-related-data				[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/dataset/apvma-pubcris-dataset-for-registered-agricultural-and-veterinary-chemical-products-and-approved-actives/? 	/dataset/apvma-pubcris-dataset-for-registered-agricultural-and-veterinary-chemical-products-and-approved-acti	[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/dataset_category/business/?$												/group/business 												[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/dataset_category/community/?$												/group/community												[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/dataset_category/geography/?$												/group/geography												[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/dataset_category/government/?$												/group/government												[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/dataset_category/health/?$												/group/health													[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/dataset_category/?$													/group														[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/feed/?$															/feeds/dataset.atom														[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/jurisdiction/australian-capital-territory/?$										/dataset?q=act													[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/jurisdiction/new-south-wales/?$												/dataset?q=new+south+wales											[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/jurisdiction/queensland/?$ 												/dataset?q=queensland												[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/jurisdiction/south-australia/?$												/dataset?q=south+australia											[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/jurisdiction/victoria/?$													/dataset?q=victoria												[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/jurisdiction/western-australia/?$ 											/dataset?q=western+australia											[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/jurisdiction/?$														/dataset													[PT]
+#	RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}	^category=([a-z]+)
+#	RewriteRule ^/data/?$															/group/${lc:%1}?												[PT]
+#	RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}	^format=Shapefile
+#	RewriteRule ^/data/?$															/dataset?res_format=shp 											[PT]
+	RewriteRule ^/data/?$															/dataset?													[PT]
+	RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}	^s=(.*)
+	RewriteRule ^/			/dataset?q=%1																										[PT]
+        FilterDeclare OPENDATA
+        FilterProvider OPENDATA SUBSTITUTE resp=Content-Type $text/
+        FilterProvider OPENDATA SUBSTITUTE resp=Content-Type $/javascript
+        FilterProvider OPENDATA SUBSTITUTE resp=Content-Type $/json
+        FilterProvider OPENDATA SUBSTITUTE resp=Content-Type $/xml
+        FilterChain OPENDATA
+        Substitute "s#//"
+	WSGIScriptAlias / /var/lib/ckan/dga/pyenv/bin/
+	WSGIPassAuthorization On
+	ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ckandga.error.log
+	CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ckandga.custom.log combined

file:b/admin/default.vcl (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/default.vcl
@@ -1,1 +1,164 @@
+# This is a basic VCL configuration file for varnish.  See the vcl(7)
+# man page for details on VCL syntax and semantics.
+# Default backend definition.  Set this to point to your content
+# server.
+backend default {
+    .host = "";
+    .port = "8080";
+sub vcl_fetch {
+    set beresp.grace = 1h;
+    if (beresp.http.content-type ~ "(text|application)") {
+        set beresp.do_gzip = true;
+    }
+ if (req.url ~ "\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|swf|css|js|woff|eot)$") {
+   unset beresp.http.set-cookie;
+ }
+sub vcl_recv {
+  if (req.url ~ "^/_tracking") {
+    return (pass);
+  }
+ if (req.url ~ "\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg|swf|css|js|woff|eot)$") {
+    return(lookup);
+ }
+  if (req.http.Cookie) {
+    set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, "(^|; ) *__utm.=[^;]+;? *", "\1"); # removes all cookies named __utm? (utma, utmb...) - tracking thing
+    if (req.http.Cookie == "") {
+        remove req.http.Cookie;
+    }
+  }
+sub vcl_deliver {
+    if (!resp.http.Vary) {
+        set resp.http.Vary = "Accept-Encoding";   
+    } else if (resp.http.Vary !~ "(?i)Accept-Encoding") {
+        set resp.http.Vary = resp.http.Vary + ",Accept-Encoding";
+    }    
+    if (obj.hits > 0) {
+        set resp.http.X-Cache = "HIT";
+    } else {
+        set resp.http.X-Cache = "MISS";
+    }
+# Below is a commented-out copy of the default VCL logic.  If you
+# redefine any of these subroutines, the built-in logic will be
+# appended to your code.
+# sub vcl_recv {
+#     if (req.restarts == 0) {
+# 	if (req.http.x-forwarded-for) {
+# 	    set req.http.X-Forwarded-For =
+# 		req.http.X-Forwarded-For + ", " + client.ip;
+# 	} else {
+# 	    set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;
+# 	}
+#     }
+#     if (req.request != "GET" &&
+#       req.request != "HEAD" &&
+#       req.request != "PUT" &&
+#       req.request != "POST" &&
+#       req.request != "TRACE" &&
+#       req.request != "OPTIONS" &&
+#       req.request != "DELETE") {
+#         /* Non-RFC2616 or CONNECT which is weird. */
+#         return (pipe);
+#     }
+#     if (req.request != "GET" && req.request != "HEAD") {
+#         /* We only deal with GET and HEAD by default */
+#         return (pass);
+#     }
+#     if (req.http.Authorization || req.http.Cookie) {
+#         /* Not cacheable by default */
+#         return (pass);
+#     }
+#     return (lookup);
+# }
+# sub vcl_pipe {
+#     # Note that only the first request to the backend will have
+#     # X-Forwarded-For set.  If you use X-Forwarded-For and want to
+#     # have it set for all requests, make sure to have:
+#     # set bereq.http.connection = "close";
+#     # here.  It is not set by default as it might break some broken web
+#     # applications, like IIS with NTLM authentication.
+#     return (pipe);
+# }
+# sub vcl_pass {
+#     return (pass);
+# }
+# sub vcl_hash {
+#     hash_data(req.url);
+#     if ( {
+#         hash_data(;
+#     } else {
+#         hash_data(server.ip);
+#     }
+#     return (hash);
+# }
+# sub vcl_hit {
+#     return (deliver);
+# }
+# sub vcl_miss {
+#     return (fetch);
+# }
+# sub vcl_fetch {
+#     if (beresp.ttl <= 0s ||
+#         beresp.http.Set-Cookie ||
+#         beresp.http.Vary == "*") {
+# 		/*
+# 		 * Mark as "Hit-For-Pass" for the next 2 minutes
+# 		 */
+# 		set beresp.ttl = 120 s;
+# 		return (hit_for_pass);
+#     }
+#     return (deliver);
+# }
+# sub vcl_deliver {
+#     return (deliver);
+# }
+# sub vcl_error {
+#     set obj.http.Content-Type = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
+#     set obj.http.Retry-After = "5";
+#     synthetic {"
+# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+# <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+#  "">
+# <html>
+#   <head>
+#     <title>"} + obj.status + " " + obj.response + {"</title>
+#   </head>
+#   <body>
+#     <h1>Error "} + obj.status + " " + obj.response + {"</h1>
+#     <p>"} + obj.response + {"</p>
+#     <h3>Guru Meditation:</h3>
+#     <p>XID: "} + req.xid + {"</p>
+#     <hr>
+#     <p>Varnish cache server</p>
+#   </body>
+# </html>
+# "};
+#     return (deliver);
+# }
+# sub vcl_init {
+# 	return (ok);
+# }
+# sub vcl_fini {
+# 	return (ok);
+# }

--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/deflate.conf
@@ -1,1 +1,12 @@
+<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
+        AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html application/xhtml+xml text/plain text/xml text/css application/json text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript
+        BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
+        BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
+        BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/htm
+        # Don't compress images
+        SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary
+        # DeflateCompressionLevel 9

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext-datagovau.iml
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<module type="PYTHON_MODULE" version="4">
+  <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
+    <exclude-output />
+    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
+      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" isTestSource="false" />
+    </content>
+    <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
+    <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/
@@ -1,1 +1,169 @@
+import logging
+import ckan.plugins as plugins
+import ckan.lib as lib
+import ckan.lib.dictization.model_dictize as model_dictize
+import ckan.plugins.toolkit as tk
+import ckan.model as model
+from pylons import config
+#parse the activity feed for last active non-system user
+def get_last_active_user(id):
+    system_user = lib.helpers.get_action('user_show',{'id': config.get('ckan.site_id', 'ckan_site_user')})
+    user_list = [x for x in lib.helpers.get_action('package_activity_list',{'id':id}) if x['user_id'] != system_user['id']]
+    user = None
+    if len(user_list) > 0:
+    	user = user_list[0].get('user_id', None)
+    if user is None:
+	return system_user
+    else:
+	return lib.helpers.get_action('user_show',{'id':user})
+# get user created datasets and those they have edited
+def get_user_datasets(user_dict):
+    created_datasets_list = user_dict['datasets']
+    active_datasets_list = [x['data']['package'] for x in 
+				lib.helpers.get_action('user_activity_list',{'id':user_dict['id']}) if x['data'].get('package')]
+    return created_datasets_list + active_datasets_list
+class DataGovAuPlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin,
+                                tk.DefaultDatasetForm):
+    '''An example IDatasetForm CKAN plugin.
+    Uses a tag vocabulary to add a custom metadata field to datasets.
+    '''
+    plugins.implements(plugins.IConfigurer, inherit=False)
+    plugins.implements(plugins.IDatasetForm, inherit=False)
+    plugins.implements(plugins.ITemplateHelpers, inherit=False)
+    plugins.implements(plugins.IAuthFunctions)
+    def datastore_search(context, data_dict):
+        return {'success': True} # allow all
+    def get_auth_functions(self):
+        return {'datastore_search': datastore_search}
+    def update_config(self, config):
+        # Add this plugin's templates dir to CKAN's extra_template_paths, so
+        # that CKAN will use this plugin's custom templates.
+        # here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+        # rootdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(here))
+        tk.add_template_directory(config, 'templates')
+        tk.add_public_directory(config, 'theme/public')
+        tk.add_resource('theme/public', 'ckanext-datagovau')
+        # config['licenses_group_url'] = 'http://%(ckan.site_url)/licenses.json'
+    def get_helpers(self):
+        return {'get_last_active_user': get_last_active_user, 'get_user_datasets': get_user_datasets}
+    def is_fallback(self):
+        # Return True to register this plugin as the default handler for
+        # package types not handled by any other IDatasetForm plugin.
+        return True
+    def package_types(self):
+        # This plugin doesn't handle any special package types, it just
+        # registers itself as the default (above).
+        return []
+    def create_package_schema(self):
+        schema = super(ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin, self).create_package_schema()
+        schema = self._modify_package_schema(schema)
+        return schema
+    def update_package_schema(self):
+        schema = super(ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin, self).update_package_schema()
+        schema = self._modify_package_schema(schema)
+        return schema
+    def show_package_schema(self):
+        schema = super(ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin, self).show_package_schema()
+        # Don't show vocab tags mixed in with normal 'free' tags
+        # (e.g. on dataset pages, or on the search page)
+        schema['tags']['__extras'].append(tk.get_converter('free_tags_only'))
+        # Add our custom_text field to the dataset schema.
+        # ignore_missing == optional
+        # ignore_empty == mandatory but not for viewing
+        # !!! always convert_from_extras first
+        schema.update({
+            'agency_program': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
+                               tk.get_validator('ignore_missing')],
+            'contact_point': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
+                              tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
+            'spatial_coverage': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
+                                 tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
+            'granularity': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
+                            tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
+            'jurisdiction': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
+                             tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
+            'temporal_coverage': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
+                                  tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
+            'data_state': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
+                           tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')],
+            'update_freq': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'),
+                            tk.get_validator('ignore_empty')]
+        })
+        return schema
+    def _modify_package_schema(self, schema):
+        # Add our custom_test metadata field to the schema, this one will use
+        # convert_to_extras instead of convert_to_tags.
+        # ignore_missing == optional
+        # not_empty == mandatory, enforced here while modifying
+        schema.update({
+            'agency_program': [tk.get_validator('ignore_missing'),
+                               tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras')],
+            'contact_point': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
+                              tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
+            'spatial_coverage': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
+                                 tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
+            'granularity': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
+                            tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
+            'jurisdiction': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
+                             tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
+            'temporal_coverage': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
+                                  tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
+            'data_state': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
+                           tk.get_validator('not_empty')],
+            'update_freq': [tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras'),
+                            tk.get_validator('not_empty')]
+        })
+        return schema
+    # These methods just record how many times they're called, for testing
+    # purposes.
+    # TODO: It might be better to test that custom templates returned by
+    # these methods are actually used, not just that the methods get
+    # called.
+    def setup_template_variables(self, context, data_dict):
+        return super(ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin, self).setup_template_variables(
+            context, data_dict)
+    def new_template(self):
+        return super(ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin, self).new_template()
+    def read_template(self):
+        return super(ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin, self).read_template()
+    def edit_template(self):
+        return super(ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin, self).edit_template()
+    def search_template(self):
+        return super(ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin, self).search_template()
+    def history_template(self):
+        return super(ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin, self).history_template()
+    def package_form(self):
+        return super(ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin, self).package_form()

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/read.html
@@ -1,1 +1,130 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+{% block primary_content_inner %}
+{{ super() }}
+<div class="module-content">
+    {{ h.disqus_comments() }}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block package_additional_info %}
+<section class="additional-info" prefix="dc: dcat:
+         dcam:
+         aglsterms:
+         agentterms:
+         availterms:
+         adminterms:
+         dct:">
+    <h3>{{ _('Additional Info') }}</h3>
+    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed">
+        <thead>
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="col">{{ _('Field') }}</th>
+            <th scope="col">{{ _('Value') }}</th>
+        </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        {# Add our custom field to the dataset read page. #}
+        {% if pkg.get('metadata_created') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Date Published</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="dct:issued">{{ pkg.metadata_created.split("T")[0] }}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if pkg.get('metadata_updated') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Date Updated</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="dct:updated">{{ pkg.metadata_updated.split("T")[0] }}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if pkg.get('agency_program') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Agency Program</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details"> {{ pkg.agency_program }}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if pkg.get('url') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">{{ _('Source') }}</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="dct:source">{{ h.link_to(pkg.get('url'),
+                pkg.get('url'), rel='dct:source', target='_blank') }}
+            </td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if pkg.get('contact_point') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Contact Point</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="dcat:contactPoint"> {{ h.mail_to(email_address=pkg.contact_point,
+                name=pkg.contact_point) }}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if pkg.get('spatial_coverage') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Geospatial Coverage</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="dct:spatial"> {{ pkg.spatial_coverage }}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if pkg.get('granularity') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Data Granularity</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details"> {{ pkg.granularity }}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if pkg.get('jurisdiction') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Government Jurisdiction</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="aglsterms:AglsJuri"> {{ pkg.jurisdiction }}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if pkg.get('temporal_coverage') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Temporal Coverage</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="dct:temporal"> {{ pkg.temporal_coverage }}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if pkg.get('data_state') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Data State</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details"> {{ pkg.data_state }}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if pkg.get('update_freq') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Update Frequency</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details"> {{ pkg.update_freq }}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {% endif %}
+{% set email =h.get_last_active_user(c.pkg_dict['id']).get('email','') %}
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">{{ _('Maintainer') }}</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="dc:contributor">{{
+		  h.mail_to(email_address=(email or ' '), name=h.get_last_active_user(c.pkg_dict['id']).get("display_name",'')) }}
+            </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Publisher/Agency</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="dc:publisher">{{ c.pkg_dict['organization']['title']}}
+            </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Type</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="dc:type">Dataset</td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+            <th scope="row" class="dataset-label">Language</th>
+            <td class="dataset-details" property="dc:language">English</td>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+    </table>
+{% endblock %}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/read.n3
@@ -1,1 +1,45 @@
+@prefix : <> .
+@prefix dcat: <> .
+@prefix dct: <> .
+@prefix foaf: <> .
+@prefix owl: <> .
+@prefix rdf: <> .
+<${ h.url_for(controller='package',action='read',id=c.pkg_dict['name'], qualified=True)}>
+a dcat:Dataset;
+     dct:description "${c.pkg_dict['notes']}";
+     dct:identifier "${c.pkg_dict['name']}";
+     dct:relation  [
+         rdf:value "";
+         :label "change_note" ],
+             [
+         rdf:value "";
+         :label "definition_note" ],
+             [
+         rdf:value "";
+         :label "editorial_note" ],
+             [
+         rdf:value "";
+         :label "example_note" ],
+             [
+         rdf:value "";
+         :label "history_note" ],
+             [
+         rdf:value "";
+         :label "scope_note" ],
+             [
+         rdf:value "";
+         :label "skos_note" ],
+             [
+         rdf:value "";
+         :label "temporal_granularity" ],
+             [
+         rdf:value "";
+         :label "type_of_dataset" ],
+             [
+         rdf:value "";
+         :label "update_frequency" ];
+     dct:title "${c.pkg_dict['title']}";
+     :label "${c.pkg_dict['name']}";
+     = <urn:uuid:${c.pkg_dict['id']}>;
+     foaf:homepage <> .

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/read.rdf
@@ -1,1 +1,130 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+        xmlns:py=""
+        xmlns:foaf=""
+        xmlns:owl=""
+        xmlns:rdfs=""
+        xmlns:rdf=""
+        xmlns:dcat=""
+        xmlns:dcam=""
+        xmlns:aglsterms=""
+        xmlns:agentterms=""
+        xmlns:availterms=""
+        xmlns:adminterms=""
+        xmlns:dct=""
+        >
+    <dcat:Dataset rdf:about="${ h.url_for(controller='package',action='read',id=c.pkg_dict['name'], qualified=True)}">
+        <dct:identifier>${c.pkg_dict['name']}</dct:identifier>
+        <dct:title>${c.pkg_dict['title']}</dct:title>
+        <dct:landingPage
+                rdf:resource="${ h.url_for(controller='package',action='read',id=c.pkg_dict['name'], qualified=True) }"/>
+        <owl:sameAs rdf:resource="urn:uuid:${c.pkg_dict['id']}"/>
+        <dct:type>Dataset</dct:type>
+        <dct:description>${c.pkg_dict['notes']}</dct:description>
+        <dct:issued>${c.pkg_dict['metadata_created']}</dct:issued>
+        <dct:modified>${c.pkg_dict['metadata_modified']}</dct:modified>
+        <dct:language>en</dct:language>
+  <py:when test="c.pkg_dict.get('license_url',None)">
+        <dct:license>${c.pkg_dict['license_url']}</dct:license>
+        <dct:rights rdf:resource="${c.pkg_dict['license_url']}"/>
+  </py:when>
+  <py:otherwise>
+        <dct:license>${c.pkg_dict['license_id']}</dct:license>
+        <dct:rights rdf:resource="${c.pkg_dict['license_id']}"/>
+  </py:otherwise>
+        <py:for each="tag_dict in c.pkg_dict.get('tags',[])">
+            <dcat:keyword>${ tag_dict["name"] }</dcat:keyword>
+        </py:for>
+        <py:for each="group_dict in c.pkg_dict.get('groups',[])">
+            <dcat:theme>${ group_dict["title"] }</dcat:theme>
+        </py:for>
+        <foaf:homepage
+                rdf:resource="${ h.url_for(controller='package',action='read',id=c.pkg_dict['name'], qualified=True)}"/>
+        <rdfs:label>${c.pkg_dict['name']}</rdfs:label>
+        <py:for each="rsc_dict in c.pkg_dict['resources']">
+            <dcat:distribution>
+                <dcat:Distribution>
+                    <dct:title>${rsc_dict.get('name')}</dct:title>
+                    <owl:sameAs rdf:resource="urn:uuid:${rsc_dict.get('id')}"/>
+                    <dct:description>${rsc_dict.get('description')}</dct:description>
+                    <dcat:accessURL rdf:resource="${ rsc_dict.get('url') }"/>
+                    <dct:created>${rsc_dict.get('created')}</dct:created>
+                    <dct:modified>${rsc_dict.get('revision_timestamp')}</dct:modified>
+                    <dcat:byteSize py:if="rsc_dict.get('size')">${rsc_dict.get('size')}</dcat:byteSize>
+                    <dcat:mediaType py:if="rsc_dict.get('mimetype')">${rsc_dict.get('mimetype')}</dcat:mediaType>
+                    <dct:extent py:if="rsc_dict.get('size')">${rsc_dict.get('size')} bytes</dct:extent>
+                    <dct:format py:if="rsc_dict.get('format')">
+                        <dct:IMT>
+                            <rdf:value>${rsc_dict.get('format')}</rdf:value>
+                            <rdfs:label>${rsc_dict.get('format')}</rdfs:label>
+                        </dct:IMT>
+                    </dct:format>
+                    <dct:title py:if="rsc_dict.get('name')">${rsc_dict.get('name')}</dct:title>
+                </dcat:Distribution>
+            </dcat:distribution>
+        </py:for>
+        <dct:publisher py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('organization', None)">
+            <rdf:Description>
+                <foaf:name>${ c.pkg_dict['organization']['title'] }</foaf:name>
+            </rdf:Description>
+        </dct:publisher>
+        <dct:creator py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('organization', None)">
+            <rdf:Description>
+                <foaf:name>${ c.pkg_dict['organization']['title'] }</foaf:name>
+            </rdf:Description>
+        </dct:creator>
+        <dct:contributor>
+            <rdf:Description>
+                <foaf:name>${h.get_last_active_user(c.pkg_dict['id'])["display_name"]}</foaf:name>
+                <foaf:mbox py:if="h.get_last_active_user(c.pkg_dict['id']).get('email', None)"
+                           rdf:resource="mailto:${h.get_last_active_user(c.pkg_dict['id'])['email']}"/>
+            </rdf:Description>
+        </dct:contributor>
+        <foaf:homepage py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('url')">${c.pkg_dict.get('url')}</foaf:homepage>
+        <dcat:contactPoint py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('contact_point')">${c.pkg_dict.contact_point }</dcat:contactPoint>
+        <dct:spatial py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('spatial_coverage')">${ c.pkg_dict.spatial_coverage }</dct:spatial>
+        <aglsterms:AglsJuri py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('jurisdiction')">${ c.pkg_dict.jurisdiction }</aglsterms:AglsJuri>
+        <dct:temporal py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('temporal_coverage')">${ c.pkg_dict.get('temporal_coverage') }</dct:temporal>
+        <dct:relation py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('data_state')">
+            <rdf:Description>
+                <rdfs:label>Data State</rdfs:label>
+                <rdf:value>${ c.pkg_dict.get('data_state') }</rdf:value>
+            </rdf:Description>
+        </dct:relation>
+        <dct:relation py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('update_freq')">
+            <rdf:Description>
+                <rdfs:label>Update Frequency</rdfs:label>
+                <rdf:value>${ c.pkg_dict.get('update_freq') }</rdf:value>
+            </rdf:Description>
+        </dct:relation>
+        <dct:relation py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('agency_program')">
+            <rdf:Description>
+                <rdfs:label>Agency Program</rdfs:label>
+                <rdf:value>${ c.pkg_dict.get('agency_program') }</rdf:value>
+            </rdf:Description>
+        </dct:relation>
+        <dct:relation py:if="c.pkg_dict.get('granularity')">
+            <rdf:Description>
+                <rdfs:label>Data Granularity</rdfs:label>
+                <rdf:value>${ c.pkg_dict.get('granularity') }</rdf:value>
+            </rdf:Description>
+        </dct:relation>
+        <py:for each="extra_dict in c.pkg_dict.get('extras',[])">
+            <dct:relation>
+                <rdf:Description>
+                    <rdfs:label>${extra_dict.get('key','')}</rdfs:label>
+                    <rdf:value>${extra_dict.get('value','')}</rdf:value>
+                </rdf:Description>
+            </dct:relation>
+        </py:for>
+    </dcat:Dataset>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/read_base.html
@@ -1,1 +1,47 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+{% block links -%}
+{{ super() }}
+<link rel="schema.DCTERMS" href="" />
+<link rel="schema.AGLSTERMS" href="" />
+{% endblock -%}
+{% block head_extras -%}
+{{ super() }}
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Language" scheme="RFC3066" content="en" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Type" scheme="AGLSTERMS.Document" content="dataset" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Creator" scheme="AGLSTERMS.AglsAgent" content="{{ pkg['organization']['title'] }}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Modified" scheme="DCTERMS.ISO8601" content="{{pkg['metadata_modified']}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Published" scheme="DCTERMS.ISO8601" content="{{pkg['metadata_created']}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Source.URI" content="{{pkg.url}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.License" content="{{pkg['license_url']}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Coverage.Temporal" content="{{pkg.temporal_coverage}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Coverage.Spatial" content="{{pkg.spatial_coverage}}" />
+<meta name="AGLSTERMS.Jurisdiction" scheme="AGLSTERMS.AglsJuri" content="{{pkg.jurisdiction}}" />
+<meta name="DCAT.Theme" scheme="VO" content="{% for x in pkg.groups %}{{x['title']}},{% endfor %}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Identifier" content="{{h.url_for(controller='package',action='read',id=c.pkg_dict['name'], qualified=True)}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Title" content="{{pkg['title']}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Description" scheme="" content="{{pkg['notes']}}" />
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+{% endblock -%}
+{% block package_info %}
+<div class="module context-info">
+    <div class="module-content">
+        <h1 class="heading" property="dc:title">{{ pkg.title or }}</h1>
+        <div class="nums">
+            <dl>
+                <dt>{{ _('Followers') }}</dt>
+                <dd>{{ h.SI_number_span(h.get_action('dataset_follower_count', {'id':})) }}</dd>
+            </dl>
+        </div>
+        <div class="follow_button">
+            {{ h.follow_button('dataset', }}
+        </div>
+    </div>
+{% endblock %}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/resource_read.html
@@ -1,1 +1,35 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+{% block links -%}
+{{ super() }}
+<link rel="schema.DCTERMS" href="" />
+<link rel="schema.AGLSTERMS" href="" />
+{% endblock -%}
+{% block head_extras -%}
+{{ super() }}
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Language" scheme="RFC3066" content="en" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Type" scheme="AGLSTERMS.Document" content="dataset" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Creator" scheme="AGLSTERMS.AglsAgent" content="{{ pkg['organization']['title'] }}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Modified" scheme="DCTERMS.ISO8601" content="{{res['revision_timestamp']}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Published" scheme="DCTERMS.ISO8601" content="{{res['created']}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Source.URI" content="{{pkg.url}}" />{% endif %}
+<meta name="DCTERMS.License" content="{{pkg['license_url']}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Coverage.Temporal" content="{{pkg.temporal_coverage}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Coverage.Spatial" content="{{pkg.spatial_coverage}}" />
+<meta name="AGLSTERMS.Jurisdiction" scheme="AGLSTERMS.AglsJuri" content="{{pkg.jurisdiction}}" />
+<meta name="DCAT.Theme" scheme="VO" content="{% for x in pkg.groups %}{{x['title']}},{% endfor %}" />
+<meta name="DCAT.byteSize" content="{{res.get('size')}}" />
+<meta name="DCAT.mediaType" content="{{res.get('mimetype')}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Identifier" content="{{res.get('url')}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Title" content="{{res['name']}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Description" scheme="" content="{{res['description']}}" />
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.Format" content="{{res.format}}" />
+<meta name="DCTERMS.File.Size" content="{{res.size}}" />
+{% endblock -%}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/snippets/package_basic_fields.html
@@ -1,1 +1,63 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+{% block package_basic_fields_org  %}
+{{ super() }}
+{{ form.input('agency_program', label=_('Agency Program'), id='field-agency_program',
+placeholder=_('Name of the Agency Program that generated the data if relevant'),
+value=data.agency_program, error=errors.agency_program, classes=['control-medium']) }}
+{{ form.input('contact_point', label=_('Contact Point'), id='field-contact_point',
+placeholder=_('Email address for questions about content of dataset'),
+value=data.contact_point, error=errors.contact_point, classes=['control-medium']) }}
+{{ form.input('spatial_coverage', label=_('Geospatial Coverage'), id='field-spatial_coverage',
+placeholder=_('The geographical area covered by the data. Eg: Whole of Australia, New South Wales, Canberra'),
+value=data.spatial_coverage, error=errors.spatial_coverage, classes=['control-medium']) }}
+{{ form.input('granularity', label=_('Data Granularity'), id='field-granularity',
+placeholder=_('Granularity in time, place etc. Eg: incidents reports on daily basis by location.'),
+value=data.granularity, error=errors.granularity, classes=['control-medium']) }}
+{{ form.input('jurisdiction', label=_('Government Jurisdiction'), id='field-jurisdiction',
+placeholder=_('New South Wales, Glenorchy City Council, Federal'),
+value=data.jurisdiction, error=errors.jurisdiction, classes=['control-medium']) }}
+{{ form.input('temporal_coverage', label=_('Temporal Coverage'), id='field-temporal_coverage',
+placeholder=_('The timespan the dataset relates to: Current, 2008, 2008-2012, Jan 2012'),
+value=data.temporal_coverage, error=errors.temporal_coverage, classes=['control-medium']) }}
+{{'data_state', label=_('Data State'), options= [{'value': 'active', 'text': 'Active'}, {'value': 'inactive', 'text': 'Inactive'}],
+selected='Active', error=errors.data_state) }}
+{{ form.input('update_freq', label=_('Update Frequency'), id='field-update_freq',
+placeholder=_('How often the dataset is updated. Eg: Daily, Weekly, Never'),
+value=data.update_freq, error=errors.update_freq, classes=['control-medium']) }}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block package_basic_fields_license %}
+<div class="control-group">
+    {% set error = errors.license_id %}
+    <label class="control-label" for="field-license">{{ _("License") }}</label>
+    <div class="controls">
+        <select id="field-license" name="license_id" data-module="autocomplete">
+            {% for license_desc, license_id in licenses|sort if license_desc  %}
+            {# Make cc-by the default value for #}
+            <option value="{{ license_id }}" {% if data.get('license_id', 'cc-by') == license_id %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ license_desc }}</option>
+            {% endfor %}
+        </select>
+        {% if error %}<span class="error-block">{{ error }}</span>{% endif %}
+    <span class="info-block info-inline">
+      <i class="icon-info-sign"></i>
+      {% trans %}
+        License definitions and additional information can be found
+        at <a href=""></a>
+      {% endtrans %}
+    </span>
+    </div>
+{% endblock %}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/snippets/package_metadata_fields.html
@@ -1,1 +1,43 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+{# Remove 'free extras' from the package form. If you're using
+convert_to/from_extras() as we are with our 'custom_text' field below then
+you need to remove free extras from the form, or editing your custom field
+won't work. #}
+{% block custom_fields %}
+{% endblock %}
+{# documents the macros for fields #}
+{% block package_metadata_fields %}
+{{ form.input('url', label=_('Source URL'), id='field-url',
+placeholder=_('URL where dataset came from or more information can be obtained'),
+value=data.url, error=errors.url, classes=['control-medium']) }}
+{{ super() }}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block package_metadata_author %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block package_metadata_fields_maintainer %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block dataset_fields %}
+{% if data.groups %}
+<div class="control-group">
+    <label class="control-label">Groups/Themes</label>
+    <div class="controls">
+        {% for group in data.groups %}
+        <label class="checkbox" for="field-group-{{ loop.index0 }}">
+            <input id="field-group-{{ loop.index0 }}" type="checkbox" name="groups__{{ loop.index0 }}__id" value="{{ }}" checked="checked" />
+            {{ group.title }}
+        </label>
+        {% endfor %}
+    </div>
+{% endif %}
+{% set group_name = 'groups__%s__id' % data.groups|length %}
+{% set group_attrs = {'data-module': 'autocomplete', 'data-module-source': '/api/2/util/group/autocomplete?q=?', 'data-module-key': 'id', 'data-module-label': 'title'} %}
+{{ form.input(group_name, label=_('Add Group/Theme'), id="field-group", value=data[group_name], classes=['control-medium'], attrs=group_attrs) }}
+{% endblock %}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/package/snippets/resource_item.html
@@ -1,1 +1,54 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+{% set url = h.url_for(controller='package', action='resource_read',, %}
+<li class="resource-item" vocab=""
+ typeof="Distribution">
+    {% block resource_item_title %}
+    <a class="heading" href="{{ url }}" title="{{ or res.description }}" property="title">
+        {{ h.resource_display_name(res) | truncate(50) }}<span class="format-label" property="dc:format" data-format="{{ res.format.lower() or 'data' }}">{{ res.format }}</span>
+        {{ h.popular('views',, min=10) }}
+    </a>
+    {% endblock %}
+    <p class="description" property="description">
+        {% if res.description %}
+        {{ h.markdown_extract(res.description, extract_length=80) }}
+        {% else %}
+        <span class="empty">{{ _('No description for this resource') }}</span>
+        {% endif %}
+    </p>
+    {% block resource_item_explore %}
+    <div class="dropdown btn-group">
+        <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
+            <i class="icon-share-alt"></i>
+            {{ _('Explore') }}
+            <span class="caret"></span>
+        </a>
+        <ul class="dropdown-menu">
+            {% block resource_item_explore_links %}
+            <li>
+                <a href="{{ url }}" property="accessURL">
+                    {% if res.can_be_previewed %}
+                    <i class="icon-bar-chart"></i>
+                    {{ _('Preview') }}
+                    {% else %}
+                    <i class="icon-info-sign"></i>
+                    {{ _('More information') }}
+                    {% endif %}
+                </a>
+            </li>
+            <li>
+                <a href="{{ res.url }}" class="resource-url-analytics" target="_blank" property="accessURL">
+                    {% if res.can_be_previewed %}
+                    <i class="icon-download"></i>
+                    {{ _('Download') }}
+                    {% else %}
+                    <i class="icon-external-link"></i>
+                    {{ _('Go to resource') }}
+                    {% endif %}
+                </a>
+            </li>
+            {% endblock %}
+        </ul>
+    </div>
+    {% endblock %}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/user/dashboard_datasets.html
@@ -1,1 +1,16 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+{% block primary_content_inner %}
+  <h2 class="page-heading">{{ _('My Datasets') }}</h2>
+  {% if h.get_user_datasets(c.user_dict) %}
+    {% snippet 'snippets/package_list.html', packages=h.get_user_datasets(c.user_dict) %}
+  {% else %}
+    <p class="empty">
+      You haven\'t created/edited any datasets.
+      {% if h.check_access('package_create') %}
+        {% link_for _('Create one now?'), controller='package', action='new' %}
+      {% endif %}
+    </p>
+  {% endif %}
+{% endblock %}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/templates/user/read.html
@@ -1,1 +1,29 @@
+{% ckan_extends %}
+{% block primary_content_inner %}
+  <h2 class="hide-heading">
+    {% block page_heading %}{{ _('Datasets') }}{% endblock %}
+  </h2>
+  {% block package_list %}
+  {% if h.get_user_datasets(c.user_dict) %}
+    {% snippet 'snippets/package_list.html', packages=h.get_user_datasets(c.user_dict) %}
+  {% else %}
+    {% if c.is_myself %}
+      <p class="empty">
+        {{ _('You haven\'t created any datasets.') }}
+        {% if h.check_access('package_create') %}
+          {% link_for _('Create one now?'), controller='package', action='new' %}
+        {% endif %}
+      </p>
+    {% else %}
+      <p class="empty">
+        {{ _('User hasn\'t created any datasets.') }}
+      </p>
+    {% endif %}
+  {% endif %}
+  {% endblock %}
+{% endblock %}

--- /dev/null
+++ b/ckanext/datagovau/theme/public/licenses.json
@@ -1,1 +1,30 @@
+    {
+        "domain_content": true,
+        "domain_data": false,
+        "domain_software": false,
+        "family": "",
+        "id": "other-open",
+        "is_generic": true,
+        "is_okd_compliant": true,
+        "is_osi_compliant": false,
+        "maintainer": "",
+        "status": "active",
+        "title": "Other (Open)",
+        "url": ""
+    },
+    {
+        "domain_content": true,
+        "domain_data": false,
+        "domain_software": false,
+        "family": "",
+        "id": "cc-by",
+        "is_okd_compliant": true,
+        "is_osi_compliant": false,
+        "maintainer": "",
+        "status": "active",
+        "title": "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia",
+        "url": ""
+    }

--- a/ckanext/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-# package

--- a/ckanext/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +1,1 @@
-import sys
-from ckan.lib.base import request
-from ckan.lib.base import c, g, h
-from ckan.lib.base import model
-from ckan.lib.base import render
-from ckan.lib.base import _
-from ckan.controllers.user import UserController
-class CustomUserController(UserController):
-    """This controller is an example to show how you might extend or
-    override core CKAN behaviour from an extension package.
-    It duplicates functionality in the core CKAN UserController's
-    register function, but extends it to make an email address
-    mandatory.
-    """
-    def custom_register(self):
-        if request.method == 'POST':
-            # custom validation that requires an email address
-            error = False
-   = request.params.getone('email')
-            c.login = request.params.getone('login')
-            if not model.User.check_name_available(c.login):
-                error = True
-                h.flash_error(_("That username is not available."))
-            if not
-                error = True
-                h.flash_error(_("You must supply an email address."))
-            try:
-                self._get_form_password()
-            except ValueError, ve:
-                h.flash_error(ve)
-                error = True
-            if error:
-                return render('user/register.html')
-        # now delegate to core CKAN register method
-        return self.register()

--- a/ckanext/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +1,1 @@
-from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedDict
-from pylons.i18n import _
-from ckan.forms import common
-from ckan.forms import package
-# Setup the fieldset
-def build_example_form(is_admin=False,
-                       user_editable_groups=None,
-                       **kwargs):
-    """Customise the core CKAN dataset editing form by adding a new
-    field "temporal coverage", and changing the layout of the core
-    fields.
-    """
-    # Restrict fields
-    builder = package.build_package_form(
-        user_editable_groups=user_editable_groups)
-    # Extra fields
-    builder.add_field(common.DateRangeExtraField('temporal_coverage'))
-    # Layout
-    field_groups = OrderedDict([
-        (_('Customised Basic information'), ['title', 'name', 'url',
-                                  'notes', 'tags']),
-        (_('Details'), ['author', 'author_email', 'groups',
-                        'maintainer', 'maintainer_email',
-                        'license_id', 'temporal_coverage' ]),
-        (_('Resources'), ['resources']),
-        ])
-    builder.set_displayed_fields(field_groups)
-    return builder
-def get_example_fieldset(is_admin=False, user_editable_groups=None, **kwargs):
-    return build_example_form(is_admin=is_admin,
-                              user_editable_groups=user_editable_groups,
-                              **kwargs).get_fieldset()

--- a/ckanext/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +1,1 @@
-import os
-from logging import getLogger
-from genshi.filters.transform import Transformer
-from ckan.plugins import implements, SingletonPlugin
-from ckan.plugins import IConfigurer
-from ckan.plugins import IGenshiStreamFilter
-from ckan.plugins import IRoutes
-log = getLogger(__name__)
-class ExamplePlugin(SingletonPlugin):
-    """This plugin demonstrates how a theme packaged as a CKAN
-    extension might extend CKAN behaviour.
-    In this case, we implement three extension interfaces:
-      - ``IConfigurer`` allows us to override configuration normally
-        found in the ``ini``-file.  Here we use it to specify the site
-        title, and to tell CKAN to look in this package for templates
-        and resources that customise the core look and feel.
-      - ``IGenshiStreamFilter`` allows us to filter and transform the
-        HTML stream just before it is rendered.  In this case we use
-        it to rename "frob" to "foobar"
-      - ``IRoutes`` allows us to add new URLs, or override existing
-        URLs.  In this example we use it to override the default
-        ``/register`` behaviour with a custom controller
-    """
-    implements(IConfigurer, inherit=True)
-    implements(IGenshiStreamFilter, inherit=True)
-    implements(IRoutes, inherit=True)
-    def update_config(self, config):
-        """This IConfigurer implementation causes CKAN to look in the
-        ```public``` and ```templates``` directories present in this
-        package for any customisations.
-        It also shows how to set the site title here (rather than in
-        the main site .ini file), and causes CKAN to use the
-        customised package form defined in ```` in this
-        directory.
-        """
-        here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-        rootdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(here))
-        our_public_dir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'ckanext',
-                                      'example', 'theme', 'public')
-        template_dir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'ckanext',
-                                    'example', 'theme',
-        'templates')
-        # set our local template and resource overrides
-        config['extra_public_paths'] = ','.join([our_public_dir,
-                config.get('extra_public_paths', '')])
-        config['extra_template_paths'] = ','.join([template_dir,
-                config.get('extra_template_paths', '')])
-        # set the title
-        config['ckan.site_title'] = "An example CKAN theme"
-        # set the customised package form (see ```` for entry point)
-        config['package_form'] = "example_form"
-    def filter(self, stream):
-        """Conform to IGenshiStreamFilter interface.
-        This example filter renames 'frob' to 'foobar' (this string is
-        found in the custom ``home/index.html`` template provided as
-        part of the package).
-        """
-        stream = stream | Transformer('//p[@id="examplething"]/text()')\
-                 .substitute(r'frob', r'foobar')
-        return stream
-    def before_map(self, map):
-        """This IRoutes implementation overrides the standard
-        ``/user/register`` behaviour with a custom controller.  You
-        might instead use it to provide a completely new page, for
-        example.
-        Note that we have also provided a custom register form
-        template at ``theme/templates/user/register.html``.
-        """
-        # Note that when we set up the route, we must use the form
-        # that gives it a name (i.e. in this case, 'register'), so it
-        # works correctly with the url_for helper::
-        #    h.url_for('register')
-        map.connect('register',
-                    '/user/register',
-                    controller='ckanext.example.controller:CustomUserController',
-                    action='custom_register')
-        map.connect('/package/new', controller='package_formalchemy', action='new')
-        map.connect('/package/edit/{id}', controller='package_formalchemy', action='edit')
-        return map

--- a/ckanext/example/theme/public/css/extra.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +1,1 @@
-body {
-  background-color: pink;

--- a/ckanext/example/theme/templates/home/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,1 @@
-<html xmlns:py=""
-  xmlns:i18n=""
-  xmlns:xi=""
-  py:strip="">
-  <py:def function="page_title">Home</py:def>
-  <py:def function="optional_head">
-   <style type="text/css">
-     #examplething {
-       background-color: yellow;
-       padding: 10px;
-     }
-   </style>
-  </py:def>
-  <div py:match="content">
-   <h2>Welcome to Example Theme!</h2>
-   <p>
-     This page left intentionally ugly
-   </p>
-   <p id="examplething">
-     Here is the frob
-   </p>
-  </div>
-  <xi:include href="layout.html" />

--- a/ckanext/example/theme/templates/layout.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +1,1 @@
-<html xmlns=""
-  xmlns:py="" 
-  xmlns:xi=""
-  xmlns:doap=""
-  xmlns:foaf=""
-  py:strip=""
-  >
-<!-- ! a custom primary nav -->
-  <py:match path="//div[@class='menu']">
-    <div class="menu">
-      <ul>
-        <li>${h.nav_link(c, _('Home'), controller='home', action='index', id=None)}
-      </li>
-      <li>${h.nav_link(c, _('Data'), controller='package', action='index', id=None)}
-      </li>
-    </ul>
-    </div>
-  </py:match>
-<!-- make a really big search box in the top bar -->
-  <py:match path="//div[@id='top-bar']/div[@class='search-form']">
-    <div class="search-form">
-        <form action="${url(controller='package', action='search')}" method="GET">
-          <input type="search" class="search" name="q" value="" autocomplete="off" results="5" placeholder="What are you looking for?"  id="bigsearch"  />
-	  <input type="submit" class="searchbutton" value="search" />
-        </form>
-    </div>
-  </py:match>
-  <xi:include href="layout_base.html" />

--- a/ckanext/example/theme/templates/user/register.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +1,1 @@
-<html xmlns:py=""
-  xmlns:i18n=""
-  xmlns:xi=""
-  py:strip="">
-  <py:match path="primarysidebar">
-    <li class="widget-container widget_text">
-      <h2>Have an OpenID?</h2>
-      <p>
-        If you have an account with Google, Yahoo or one of many other 
-        OpenID providers, you can log in without signing up. 
-      </p>
-      <ul>
-        <li>${h.link_to(_('Log in now'), h.url_for(conroller='user', action='login'))}</li>
-      </ul>
-    </li>
-  </py:match>
-  <py:def function="page_title">Register - User</py:def>
-  <div py:match="content">
-    <h2>Join the community</h2>
-    <form action="/user/register" method="post" class="simple-form" id="register_form">  
-      <fieldset>
-        <legend i18n:msg="site_title">Register with CKAN</legend>
-        <label for="login">Login:</label>
-        <input name="login" value="${c.login}" />
-        <br/>
-        <label for="fullname">Full name (optional):</label>
-        <input name="fullname" value="${c.fullname}" />
-        <br/>
-        <label for="email">E-Mail:</label>
-        <input name="email" value="${}" />
-        <br/>
-        <label for="password1">Password:</label>
-        <input type="password" name="password1" value="" />
-        <br/>
-        <label for="password2">Password (repeat):</label>
-        <input type="password" name="password2" value="" />
-        <br/>
-      </fieldset>
-      ${h.submit('s', _('Sign up'))}
-    </form>
-  </div>
-  <xi:include href="layout.html" />

file:a/ (deleted)
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,1 @@
-if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- echo "Usage: `basename $0` {NewExtensionName}"
- exit 65
-NEWNAME_LOWER="`echo $NEWNAME | awk '{print tolower($0)}'`"
-mv ckanext/example ckanext/$NEWNAME_LOWER
-grep -rl Example * | grep -v `basename $0` | xargs perl -pi -e "s/Example/$NEWNAME/g"
-grep -rl example * | grep -v `basename $0` | xargs perl -pi -e "s/example/$NEWNAME_LOWER/g"
-cd ..
-mv ckanext-example ckanext-$NEWNAME_LOWER

file:a/ -> file:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,34 +1,27 @@
 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-import sys, os
 version = '0.1'
-	name='ckanext-example',
+	name='ckanext-datagovau',
-	description="Example extension for customising CKAN",
-	long_description="""\
-	""",
+	description='Extension for customising CKAN for',
+	long_description='',
 	classifiers=[], # Get strings from
-	author='Seb Bacon',
-	author_email='',
+	author='Alex Sadleir',
+	author_email='',
 	packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup', 'examples', 'tests']),
-	namespace_packages=['ckanext', 'ckanext.example'],
+	namespace_packages=['ckanext', 'ckanext.datagovau'],
-	install_requires=[
-		# -*- Extra requirements: -*-
-	],
+	install_requires=[],
-	example=ckanext.example.plugin:ExamplePlugin
-        [ckan.forms]
-        example_form = ckanext.example.package_form:get_example_fieldset
+	datagovau=ckanext.datagovau.plugin:DataGovAuPlugin