fix by org stats
[ckanext-dga-stats.git] / ckanext / dga_stats /
blob:a/ckanext/dga_stats/ -> blob:b/ckanext/dga_stats/
--- a/ckanext/dga_stats/
+++ b/ckanext/dga_stats/
@@ -75,6 +75,20 @@
 		group by package.owner_org,\"group\".name, package.private \
 		order by \"group\".name, package.private;").fetchall();
         res_groups = [(model.Session.query(model.Group).get(unicode(group_id)), private, val) for group_id, private, val in res]
+        return res_groups
+    @classmethod
+    def top_active_orgs(cls, limit=10):
+        connection = model.Session.connection()
+        res = connection.execute("select package.owner_org, count(*) from package \
+		inner join \"group\" on package.owner_org = \"group\".id \
+                inner join (select distinct object_id from activity where activity.timestamp > (now() - interval '60 day')) \
+                latestactivities on latestactivities.object_id = \
+                where package.state='active' \
+                and package.private = 'f' \
+                group by package.owner_org \
+                order by count(*) desc;").fetchall();
+        res_groups = [(model.Session.query(model.Group).get(unicode(group_id)), val) for group_id, val in res]
         return res_groups
@@ -123,10 +137,12 @@
     def summary_stats(cls):
        connection = model.Session.connection()
-#				select 'Total Archived Datasets', count(*) from package where (state='active' or state='draft' or state='draft-complete') and private = 't' union \
        res = connection.execute("SELECT 'Total Organisations', count(*) from \"group\" where type = 'organization' and state = 'active' union \
 				select 'Total Datasets', count(*) from package where (state='active' or state='draft' or state='draft-complete') and private = 'f' union \
-				select 'Total Data Files/Resources', count(*) from resource where state='active'").fetchall();
+				select 'Total Archived Datasets', count(*) from package where (state='active' or state='draft' or state='draft-complete') and private = 't' union \
+				select 'Total Data Files/Resources', count(*) from resource where state='active' union \
+				select 'Total Machine Readable/Data API Resources', count(*) from resource where state='active' and webstore_url = 'active'\
+				").fetchall();
        return res