Fix total datasets
Fix total datasets

--- a/ckanext/dga_stats/
+++ b/ckanext/dga_stats/
@@ -124,8 +124,9 @@
     def summary_stats(cls):
        connection = model.Session.connection()
+#				select 'Total Archived Datasets', count(*) from package where (state='active' or state='draft' or state='draft-complete') and private = 't' union \
        res = connection.execute("SELECT 'Total Organisations', count(*) from \"group\" where type = 'organization' and state = 'active' union \
-				select 'Total Datasets', count(*) from package where state='active' or state='draft' or state='draft-complete' union \
+				select 'Total Datasets', count(*) from package where (state='active' or state='draft' or state='draft-complete') and private = 'f' union \
 				select 'Total Data Files/Resources', count(*) from resource where state='active'").fetchall();
        return res
@@ -250,8 +251,10 @@
             # be 'for all time' else you get first revision in the time period.
             package_revision = table('package_revision')
             revision = table('revision')
-            s = select([, func.min(revision.c.timestamp)], from_obj=[package_revision.join(revision)]).\
+            package = table('package')
+            s = select([, func.min(revision.c.timestamp)], from_obj=[package_revision.join(revision).join(package)]).\
+                where(package.c.private == 'f').\
             res = model.Session.execute(s).fetchall() # [(id, datetime), ...]