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-Contract Notice Export


-Agency	Parent CN ID	CN ID	Publish Date	Amendment Date	Status	StartDate	EndDate	Value	Description	Agency Ref. ID	Category	Procurement Method	ATM ID	SON ID	Confidentiality - Contract	Confidentiality - Contract Reason(s)	Confidentiality - Outputs	Confidentiality - Outputs Reason(s)	Consultancy	Consultancy Reason(s)	Amendment Reason	Supplier Name	Supplier Address	Supplier City	Supplier Postcode	Supplier Country	Supplier ABNExempt	Supplier ABN	Agency Branch	Agency Divison	Agency Postcode	

-="Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)"	=""	="CN1124732"	22-Jan-13 08:25 AM	 	="published"	13-Dec-12	31-Mar-21	3292383.00	" Lease of Brisbane office "	="AC367"	="Lease and rental of property or building"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Australian Securities and Investment Commisssion"	=""	="Brisbane"	="4000"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="86768265615"	=""	=""	="2607"	

-="Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)"	="CN431993"	="CN431993-A2"	23-Sep-11 10:44 AM	22-Jan-13 08:53 AM	="published"	01-Jul-11	27-Jan-14	28260.00	" Provsion of bulk email facilities "	="C125/10/01"	="Mailing services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="Yes"	="Privacy Act 1988"	="No"	=""	"Variation to contract value and end date"	="Salmat Interactive"	=""	="North Sydney"	="2060"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="29090618278"	=""	=""	="2067"	

-="Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs"	=""	="CN1043051"	24-Jan-13 01:49 PM	 	="published"	26-Nov-12	31-Mar-13	34340.00	" facilities condition audit "	="90000991"	="Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Echelon Consultancy and Training"	="PO Box 1560"	="Fyshwick"	="2609"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="27813166080"	="Property, Environment, Procurement and Security"	="FaHCSIA"	="2900"	

-="Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs"	=""	="CN1044881"	22-Jan-13 09:51 AM	 	="published"	07-Jan-13	29-Jun-13	75000.00	" Specialist Financial Services "	="90000969"	="Accounting services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Optimum Business Consulting"	="PO BOX 5111"	="Garan"	="2605"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="48091681462"	="Business Planning & Financial Governance"	="FaHCSIA"	="2900"	

-="Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)"	="CN296844"	="CN296844-A3"	13-Jul-10 12:43 PM	22-Jan-13 10:29 AM	="published"	14-Jun-10	28-Jul-13	373648.00	" Provision of IT application services "	="A621/10"	="Information technology consultation services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"variation to contract end date"	="Jump In Design Pty Ltd"	=""	="Gladesville"	="2111"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="97121210982"	=""	=""	="2067"	

-="Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)"	=""	="CN1139262"	22-Jan-13 08:14 AM	 	="published"	01-Jun-12	31-May-22	28604277.00	" Lease of Office Accomodation Chatswood "	="AC403"	="Lease and rental of property or building"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Dexus Fund Management Ltd"	=""	="Sydney"	="2000"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="24060920783"	=""	=""	="2607"	

-="Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)"	=""	="CN1139292"	22-Jan-13 08:12 AM	 	="published"	01-Jun-12	30-Sep-13	576547.00	" Lease of Office Accomodation Chatswood       "	="AC404"	="Lease and rental of property or building"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Dexus Fund Management Ltd"	=""	="Sydney"	="2000"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="24060920783"	=""	=""	="2607"	

-="Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)"	=""	="CN1139322"	22-Jan-13 08:09 AM	 	="published"	01-Jun-12	31-May-22	146202.00	" Chatswood Storage Lease  "	="AC406"	="Lease and rental of property or building"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Dexus Fund Management Ltd"	=""	="Sydney"	="2000"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="24060920783"	=""	=""	="2607"	

-="Department of Health and Ageing - Therapeutic Goods Administration"	=""	="CN1051811"	24-Jan-13 10:18 AM	 	="published"	01-Jan-13	30-Jun-13	93500.00	" Re-engagement of a Microsoft .NET contractor "	="TGA2012-638 (related contract TGA201-295)"	="Temporary personnel services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Icon Recruitment Pty Ltd"	="Level 2, 6/3 Sydney Avenue"	="Barton"	="2600"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="14007145637"	="Office of Information Management"	="Therapeutic Goods Administration"	="2606"	

-="Australian Fisheries Management Authority"	=""	="CN1146262"	22-Jan-13 11:57 AM	 	="published"	04-Dec-12	21-Dec-12	23219.90	" Sustainability assessment for trawl bycatch in fishery "	="120811"	="Fisheries and aquaculture"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="Yes"	="Need for independent research or assessment"	""	="CSIRO Division of Fisheries"	="GPO Box 1538"	="Hobart"	="7001"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="41687119230"	="Fisheries"	="Senior Manager"	="2600"	

-="Department of Parliamentary Services"	=""	="CN1148982"	21-Jan-13 08:12 AM	 	="published"	17-Jan-13	30-Jun-13	11000.00	"Provision of pest control services"	="0045025895"	="Pest control"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="ISS Hygiene Services P/L"	="Unit 4, 2 Yallourn Street"	="FYSHWICK"	="2609"	="Australia"	="No"	="85000059665"	="FINANCE"	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Parliamentary Services"	=""	="CN1148992"	21-Jan-13 08:12 AM	 	="published"	16-Jan-13	30-Jun-13	715000.00	"Supply of water to Parliament House"	="0045025880"	="Water and sewer utilities"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="ACTEW Water"	="PO Box 465"	="CANBERRA"	="2601"	="Australia"	="No"	="46221314841"	="FINANCE"	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Parliamentary Services"	=""	="CN1149002"	21-Jan-13 08:12 AM	 	="published"	15-Jan-13	31-Jan-13	58696.00	"Comcare premium 2012-13"	="0045025866"	="Insurance and retirement services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Comcare Australia"	="PO Box 211"	="CANBERRA"	="2601"	="Australia"	="No"	="41640788304"	="FINANCE"	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Parliamentary Services"	=""	="CN1149012"	21-Jan-13 08:12 AM	 	="published"	15-Jan-13	30-Jun-13	27926.80	"Supply of microfilm scanning equipment"	="0045025854"	="Computer Equipment and Accessories"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Document Imaging Services P/L"	="PO Box 20"	="JERRABOMBERRA"	="2619"	="Australia"	="No"	="52766089764"	="FINANCE"	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Parliamentary Services"	=""	="CN1149022"	21-Jan-13 08:13 AM	 	="published"	15-Jan-13	31-Jan-13	66426.80	"Supply of water to Parliament House"	="0045024185"	="Water and sewer utilities"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="ACTEW Water"	="PO Box 465"	="CANBERRA"	="2601"	="Australia"	="No"	="46221314841"	="FINANCE"	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Parliamentary Services"	=""	="CN1149042"	21-Jan-13 08:13 AM	 	="published"	02-Jan-13	20-Jan-14	23100.00	"Streetpro display Aust sub'n 21.01.13-20.01.14"	="1900002956"	="Printed publications"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="PITNEY BOWES SOFTWARE P/L"	="PO BOX 6200"	="NORTH SYDNEY"	="2059"	="Australia"	="No"	="93070492410"	="FINANCE"	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Parliamentary Services"	=""	="CN1149052"	21-Jan-13 08:13 AM	 	="published"	18-Dec-12	31-Dec-13	60604.72	"Provision of information 1/1/13-31/12/13"	="1900002945"	="Electronic reference material"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="EIU AUSTRALIA"	="750 THIRD AVENUE, 5TH FLOOR"	="NEW YORK"	="10017"	="United States"	="Yes"	=""	="FINANCE"	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Parliamentary Services"	=""	="CN1149062"	21-Jan-13 08:14 AM	 	="published"	12-Dec-12	30-Nov-13	14200.62	"Comprehensive client membership 1/12/12-30/11/13"	="1900002944"	="Electronic reference material"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="OXFORD ANALYTICA INC."	="SUITE 1616"	="OXFORD"	="OX1 4EH"	="UNITED KINGDOM"	="Yes"	=""	="FINANCE"	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Parliamentary Services"	=""	="CN1149072"	21-Jan-13 08:14 AM	 	="published"	03-Jan-13	31-Dec-13	10093.32	"AAF - Arts& sciences collection I & II Life scienc"	="1900002939"	="Electronic reference material"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="JSTOR"	="GENERAL POST OFFICE"	="NEW YORK"	="10087-0959"	="United States"	="Yes"	=""	="FINANCE"	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry"	=""	="CN1149082"	21-Jan-13 08:40 AM	 	="published"	11-Dec-12	31-Dec-12	30500.00	" Provision of training services "	="20795"	="Education and Training Services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Biosecurity and Biocontainment International Consultants Pty Ltd"	=""	="Geelong"	="3220"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="29104679441"	=""	=""	="2601"	

-="Department of Veterans' Affairs"	=""	="CN1149142"	21-Jan-13 09:09 AM	 	="published"	20-Dec-12	31-Mar-14	22339.85	"Provision of environment and 24 month hosting arrangement for five websites including The Right Mix and redeveloped At Ease websites"	="CNA000938/0"	="Maintenance or support fees"	="Limited tender"	=""		="Yes"	="Costing/profit information"	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="WEB CENTRAL"	="PO BOX 930"	="FORTITUDE VALLEY"	="4006"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="87084429318"	="Community and Aged Care Policy"	="Services"	="2606"	

-="Department of Infrastructure and Transport"	=""	="CN1149222"	21-Jan-13 09:15 AM	 	="published"	14-Dec-12	30-Jun-13	59772.00	"ComSuper Financial Year 2012-13"	="0041004971"	="Human resources services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="9320 COMSUPER"	="PO BOX 22"	="BELCONNEN"	="2616"	="Australia"	="No"	="77310752950"	="People & Performance"	="Corporate Services"	="2601"	

-="Department of Infrastructure and Transport"	=""	="CN1149232"	21-Jan-13 09:15 AM	 	="published"	01-Feb-13	31-Jul-19	2726900.00	"Fleet Management Vehicle Leasing"	="0041004963"	="Business administration services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="SG FLEET AUSTRALIA PTY LTD"	="PO Box 252"	="Pymble"	="2073"	="Australia"	="No"	="15003429356"	="Office Services"	="Corporate Services"	="2601"	

-="Department of Infrastructure and Transport"	=""	="CN1149242"	21-Jan-13 09:15 AM	 	="published"	27-Feb-13	26-Feb-14	11818.53	"Delegations Information System"	="0041004960"	="Software"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="THETA TECHNOLOGIES PTY LTD"	="PO Box 555"	="SALISBURY"	="4105"	="Australia"	="No"	="20074232241"	="Information Services"	="Corporate Services"	="2601"	

-="Department of Infrastructure and Transport"	=""	="CN1149262"	21-Jan-13 09:15 AM	 	="published"	25-Nov-12	30-Jun-13	22349.80	"Replacement of shed on property at Badgerys Creek"	="0041004957"	="Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="SPILLER INDUSTRIAL PTY LTD"	="Unit 2 , 77 Batt Street"	="Penrith"	="2750"	="Australia"	="No"	="69106044875"	="Aviation Environment"	="Aviation & Airports"	="2601"	

-="Department of Infrastructure and Transport"	=""	="CN1149282"	21-Jan-13 09:15 AM	 	="published"	01-Jul-11	30-Jun-12	52380.00	"Insurance Premium"	="0041003381"	="Occupational health or safety services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="9290 COMCARE AUSTRALIA"	="GPO BOX 9905"	="CANBERRA"	="2601"	="Australia"	="No"	="41640788304"	="People & Performance"	="Corporate Services"	="2601"	

-="Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education"	=""	="CN1149312"	21-Jan-13 09:28 AM	 	="published"	15-Jan-13	30-Jun-13	180000.00	"ICON Links"	="CONTRACTS-005399-0"	="Components for information technology or broadcasting or telecommunications"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="DEPT OF FINANCE and DEREGULATION"	="ACCOUNT PROCESSING UNIT JOHN GORTON BUILDING KING EDWARD TERRACE"	="PARKES"	="2600"	="Australia"	="No"	="61970632495"	="BUSINESS COLLABORATION BRANCH"	="CORPORATE"	="2600"	

-="Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education"	=""	="CN1149322"	21-Jan-13 09:28 AM	 	="published"	14-Jan-13	31-Mar-13	19970.81	"Placement fee for Financial Accountant Assistant Manager"	="CONTRACTS-005414-0"	="Employment services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="HAMILTON JAMES and BRUCE PTY LTD"	="GPO BOX 7039"	="SYDNEY"	="2001"	="Australia"	="No"	="11002921468"	="BUSINESS COLLABORATION BRANCH"	="CORPORATE"	="2600"	

-="Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education"	=""	="CN1149332"	21-Jan-13 09:28 AM	 	="published"	10-Dec-12	30-Jan-13	21322.99	"Recruitment agency release fee"	="CONTRACTS-005400-0"	="Personnel recruitment"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="HAYS PERSONNEL SERVICES"	="GPO Box 3868"	="SYDNEY"	="2001"	="Australia"	="No"	="47001407281"	="BUSINESS COLLABORATION BRANCH"	="CORPORATE"	="2600"	

-="Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education"	=""	="CN1149342"	21-Jan-13 09:28 AM	 	="published"	15-Jan-13	25-May-13	23060.95	"Construction services for the installation of Fundials exhib"	="CONTRACTS-005401-0"	="Commercial or industrial construction"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="AFFINITY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PTY LTD"	="UNIT 8/145 GLADSTONE ST"	="FYSHWICK"	="2609"	="Australia"	="No"	="63103395786"	="BUSINESS COLLABORATION BRANCH"	="CORPORATE"	="2600"	

-="Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education"	=""	="CN1149352"	21-Jan-13 09:28 AM	 	="published"	10-Jan-13	30-Apr-13	28903.60	"Weighbridge Test Unit Forklift delivered to Adelaide"	="CONTRACTS-005408-0"	="Motor vehicles"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="MLA HOLDINGS PTY LTD"	="PO BOX 67"	="SUMMER PARK"	="4076"	="Australia"	="No"	="47002095856"	="BUSINESS COLLABORATION BRANCH"	="CORPORATE"	="2600"	

-="Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education"	=""	="CN1149362"	21-Jan-13 09:28 AM	 	="published"	19-Jan-13	01-Mar-13	11935.00	"Roof Solar Absorptance Project"	="CONTRACTS-004803-0"	="Strategic planning consultation services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="Yes"	="Need for independent research or assessment"	""	="UOM COMMERCIAL LTD"	="LOCKED BAG 12"	="HAWTHORN"	="3122"	="Australia"	="No"	="53081182685"	="BUSINESS COLLABORATION BRANCH"	="CORPORATE"	="2600"	

-="Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education"	=""	="CN1149372"	21-Jan-13 09:28 AM	 	="published"	02-Jul-12	30-Jun-13	18878.20	"Request for Actuary Services"	="CONTRACTS-005404-0"	="Management support services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ACTUARY"	="THE TREASURY LANGTON CRESCENT"	="PARKES"	="2600"	="Australia"	="No"	="92802414793"	="BUSINESS COLLABORATION BRANCH"	="CORPORATE"	="2600"	

-="Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education"	=""	="CN1149382"	21-Jan-13 09:28 AM	 	="published"	24-Sep-12	24-Jan-13	10923.79	"My Skills mail out letters"	="CONTRACTS-005405-0"	="Printing and writing paper"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="PARAGON PRINTERS"	="PO BOX 124"	="FYSHWICK"	="2609"	="Australia"	="No"	="37334210063"	="BUSINESS COLLABORATION BRANCH"	="CORPORATE"	="2600"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149442"	21-Jan-13 10:04 AM	 	="published"	11-Jan-13	20-Sep-13	11000.00	" Repair Of Components For Ship's Internal Communications System "	="GA0QYF"	="Marine craft systems and subassemblies"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="THALES AUSTRALIA LIMITED"	=""	="RYDALMERE"	="2116"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="70073076212"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education"	="CN482528"	="CN482528-A1"	30-Apr-12 08:37 AM	21-Jan-13 10:04 AM	="published"	26-Apr-12	26-Apr-12	11770.00	" Ultra Low Tempreture Freezer "	="CONTRACTS-003901-0"	="Laboratory and scientific equipment"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Increase value"	="CAMFIL FARR AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED"	="PO BOX 6629"	="SILVERWATER DC"	="1811"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="45090885224"	="BUSINESS COLLABORATION BRANCH"	="CORPORATE"	="2600"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149462"	21-Jan-13 10:15 AM	 	="published"	10-Jan-13	18-Apr-13	142480.80	" Repair Of Components For Ship's Internal Communications System "	="GA0QY5"	="Marine craft systems and subassemblies"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="ALLIED TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL"	=""	="GLEN IRIS"	="3146"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="99006735397"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149472"	21-Jan-13 10:25 AM	 	="published"	11-Jan-13	11-Feb-13	11854.46	" Life Raft, Inflatable "	="GA0OB5"	="Water safety"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="SURVETIC GROUP"	="PO BOX 6091"	="SILVERWATER BC"	="1811"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="55050242601"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149482"	21-Jan-13 10:33 AM	 	="published"	11-Dec-12	01-Feb-13	13412.85	" Provision Of Valves "	="JW1K5O"	="Fluid and gas distribution"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="COMPAIR (AUSTRALASIA) LIMITED"	=""	="KEWDALE"	="6105"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="69004152907"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149502"	21-Jan-13 10:41 AM	 	="published"	10-Jan-13	15-Mar-13	95825.40	" Components For Diesel Engines "	="DNLN8L"	="Power generation"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="MAN DIESEL & TURBO AUSTRALIA P/L"	=""	="NORTH RYDE"	="2113"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="79091861853"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149532"	21-Jan-13 10:57 AM	 	="published"	17-Dec-12	25-Feb-13	13002.00	" Components For Ship's Recovery Assist System "	="DNLNEJ"	="Marine craft systems and subassemblies"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="BALE DEFENCE INDUSTRIES PTY LTD"	=""	="PORT MACQUARIE"	="2444"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="82099014534"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149542"	21-Jan-13 11:09 AM	 	="published"	14-Jan-13	14-Feb-13	135805.15	" Repair Of Safety Breathing Equipment "	="DNLJ5O"	="Personal safety and protection"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="RFD TECHNOLOGIES PTY LTD"	="PO BOX 6091"	="SILVERWATER BC"	="1811"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="55050242601"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Human Services"	="CN469463"	="CN469463-A1"	09-Mar-12 11:42 AM	21-Jan-13 11:19 AM	="published"	27-Feb-12	30-Jun-12	513529.50	" Fitout and Construction Services at Mackay, Queensland "	="C000001507"	="Furniture"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Increase value as per contract extension"	="Quadric Pty Ltd"	="PO Box 296"	="Salisbury"	="4107"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="39010315625"	="DHS Branch"	="DHS Division"	="2900"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149562"	21-Jan-13 11:19 AM	 	="published"	14-Jan-13	22-Apr-13	17820.00	" Repair Of Components For Ship's Communications System "	="GA0QYR"	="Marine craft systems and subassemblies"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="MOONRAKER AUSTRALIA PTY LTD"	=""	="DOWSING POINT"	="7010"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="57009531211"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149572"	21-Jan-13 11:26 AM	 	="published"	21-Jan-13	11-Feb-13	71500.00	" Medical Consumables "	="JJ1NEI"	="Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Midmed"	="UNIT 1, 40 RIVERGATE PLACE"	="MURARRIE"	="4172"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="98066671743"	="LAND SYSTEMS SUPPORT BRANCH"	="LAND SYSTEMS DIVISION"	="2600"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149592"	21-Jan-13 11:29 AM	 	="published"	14-Jan-13	29-Jan-13	38284.40	" Sealing Compound "	="JW1K6M"	="Compounds and mixtures"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="ESI ALPHATEC"	=""	="COCKBURN CENTRAL"	="6164"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="81104492980"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy"	=""	="CN1149632"	21-Jan-13 11:34 AM	 	="published"	17-Jan-13	30-Apr-13	47296.36	"Network equipment"	="0004603419"	="Network security equipment"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="ASG Group Limited"	="Level 1, 267 Georges Terrace"	="Perth"	="6000"	="Australia"	="No"	="57070045117"	=""	="CORP Corporate and Business Division"	="2603"	

-="Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy"	=""	="CN1149652"	21-Jan-13 11:34 AM	 	="published"	18-Jan-13	30-Jun-13	45000.00	"Intra Government Communications Network"	="0004603414"	="Components for information technology or broadcasting or telecommunications"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Department of Finance & Deregulatio"	="John Gorton Building"	="Parkes"	="2600"	="Australia"	="No"	="61970632495"	=""	="CORP Corporate and Business Division"	="2603"	

-="Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy"	=""	="CN1149662"	21-Jan-13 11:34 AM	 	="published"	15-Jan-13	28-Jun-13	15000.00	"Audio Visual Repairs & Maintenance"	="0004603413"	="Audio and visual equipment"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="MBZ Pty Ltd"	="5 Taplin Place"	="Isaacs"	="2607"	="Australia"	="No"	="21125137500"	=""	="CORP Corporate and Business Division"	="2603"	

-="Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy"	=""	="CN1149672"	21-Jan-13 11:34 AM	 	="published"	14-Jan-13	30-Jun-13	30362.20	"Indigenous Communications Material"	="0004603410"	="Graphic design"	="Limited tender"	="DCON/12/222"		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="GAVIN JONES COMMUNICATIONS"	="28 BURTON STREET"	="DARLINGHURST"	="2010"	="Australia"	="No"	="31082228680"	=""	="BROADCASTING & DIGITAL SWITCHOVER"	="2000"	

-="Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy"	=""	="CN1149692"	21-Jan-13 11:36 AM	 	="published"	21-Nov-12	05-Dec-12	15012.80	"Cloud Computing Reports"	="0004603335"	="Project administration or planning"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="OVUM PTY LTD"	="459 Little Collins Straat"	="MELBOURNE"	="3000"	="Australia"	="No"	="92065393973"	=""	="DESV"	="2603"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149722"	21-Jan-13 11:38 AM	 	="published"	15-Jan-13	22-Apr-13	19057.15	" Repair Of Bow Shutter Equipment "	="GA0P23"	="Marine craft systems and subassemblies"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="MACTAGGART SCOTT AUSTRALIA PTY LTD"	=""	="ELIZABETH WEST"	="5113"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="67152007442"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Australian Customs and Border Protection Service"	="CN769281"	="CN769281-A1"	27-Jul-12 03:16 PM	21-Jan-13 11:46 AM	="published"	12-Apr-12	30-Jun-12	14656.40	" 125188 - Provision of Security Related Services "	="125188"	="Security or access control systems"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Data Correction"	="Direct Alarm Supplies"	="Unit 1/43-45 Collie Street"	="Fyshwick"	="2609"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="35007573417"	="COMMERCIAL SERVICES GROUP"	="STRATEGY, FINANCE AND INTEGRITY DIVISION"	="2601"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149742"	21-Jan-13 11:50 AM	 	="published"	14-Jan-13	11-Feb-14	80529.90	" Portable Hydraulic Cutters "	="JW1K6P"	="Tools and General Machinery"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="RAYTHEON AUSTRALIA PTY LTD"	="PO BOX 165"	="NORTH RYDE"	="1670"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="35063709295"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="National Blood Authority"	="CN435078"	="CN435078-A4"	04-Oct-11 11:30 AM	21-Jan-13 11:50 AM	="published"	13-Sep-11	28-Feb-13	304436.00	" Labour Hire of ICT software contractor "	=""	="Temporary personnel services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Variation of $25,080.00 and new end date"	="Showtime Consutling Pty Ltd"	="PO Box 4833"	="Kingston"	="2604"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="78152096672"	=""	=""	="2612"	

-="National Blood Authority"	="CN439302"	="CN439302-A3"	19-Oct-11 08:07 AM	21-Jan-13 11:51 AM	="published"	10-Oct-11	28-Feb-13	273205.00	" Procurement of ICT Services "	="C11/35"	="Temporary personnel services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Variation of $30,272.00 and new end date"	="Viroka Pty Ltd"	="2/40 Belconnen Way"	="Page"	="2614"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="67120996241"	=""	=""	="2612"	

-="National Blood Authority"	="CN481259"	="CN481259-A2"	23-Apr-12 02:11 PM	21-Jan-13 11:52 AM	="published"	23-Apr-12	28-Feb-13	159977.00	" Labour Hire of ICT Software Contractor "	="C11/40"	="Temporary personnel services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Variation of $32,553.00 and new end date"	="Softtest Pays Pty Ltd"	="PO Box 153"	="Civic"	="2608"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="92129869174"	=""	=""	="2612"	

-="National Blood Authority"	="CN439643"	="CN439643-A3"	20-Oct-11 04:15 PM	21-Jan-13 11:54 AM	="published"	03-Oct-11	28-Feb-13	291280.00	" Labour Hire of ICT software contractor "	="C11/34"	="Temporary personnel services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Variation of $48,576.00 and new end date"	="Kayence Pty Ltd"	="46 South Shore Avenue"	="Point Cook"	="3030"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="81008651787"	=""	=""	="2612"	

-="National Blood Authority"	="CN463709"	="CN463709-A3"	09-Feb-12 03:21 PM	21-Jan-13 11:56 AM	="published"	03-Jan-12	28-Feb-13	274424.00	" Labour Hire of ICT software contractor "	=""	="Temporary personnel services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Variation of $51,216.00 and new end date"	="Books Sorted Pty Ltd"	="PO Box 5195"	="Lyneham"	="2602"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="76116106284"	=""	=""	="2612"	

-="National Blood Authority"	="CN470661"	="CN470661-A2"	14-Mar-12 02:30 PM	21-Jan-13 11:57 AM	="published"	20-Feb-12	28-Feb-13	189585.00	" Labour Hire of ICT software contractor "	=""	="Temporary personnel services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Variation of $48,312.00 and new end date"	="Studio SQL Recruitment Pty Ltd"	="51 Kennedy Street"	="Kingston"	="2604"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="68154014696"	=""	=""	="2612"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149822"	21-Jan-13 11:59 AM	 	="published"	15-Jan-13	15-Apr-13	32307.50	" Ship's Rigging Equipment "	="DNLNJO"	="Marine craft systems and subassemblies"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="BEAVER ENGINEERING PTY LTD"	=""	="SEVEN HILLS"	="2147"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="60865916193"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="National Blood Authority"	=""	="CN1149832"	21-Jan-13 12:01 PM	 	="published"	17-Dec-12	31-Jan-13	22000.00	" Labour Hire of Project Management "	=""	="Project management"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Ignetik Pty Ltd"	="PO Box 4833"	="Kingston"	="2604"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="54130995265"	=""	=""	="2612"	

-="National Blood Authority"	=""	="CN1149852"	21-Jan-13 12:06 PM	 	="published"	01-Aug-12	31-Dec-12	121000.00	" Labour Hire of ICT Software Contractor "	=""	="Temporary personnel services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Studio SQL Reporting Pty Ltd"	="51 Kennedy St"	="Kingston"	="2604"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="48159571687"	=""	=""	="2612"	

-="Australian Customs and Border Protection Service"	="CN437837"	="CN437837-A5"	14-Oct-11 12:16 PM	21-Jan-13 12:32 PM	="published"	07-Sep-11	30-Jun-12	250000.00	" 113978 - Weapons and Ammunition (CMO025294) "	="113978"	="Light weapons and ammunition"	="Limited tender"	="113978"		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Amendment to value - Data correction"	="WINCHESTER AUSTRALIA LTD (OLIN)"	=""	="GEELONG"	="3220"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="50004645318"	="COMMERCIAL SERVICES GROUP"	="FINANCIAL SERVICES"	="2601"	

-="Australian Securities and Investments Commission"	=""	="CN1149922"	21-Jan-13 12:50 PM	 	="published"	01-Feb-13	31-Jan-14	19477.48	" Software annual maintenance & support  ENF2008/12700  ISP 2007/34549 "	="5281"	="Software maintenance and support"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Visual Analysis Pty Ltd"	="PO Box 5108"	="Braddon"	="2612"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="24075960075"	=""	=""	="3000"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1149952"	21-Jan-13 01:30 PM	 	="published"	01-Nov-12	21-Jan-13	28601.10	" Bracket Mounting "	="CC2LJ3"	="Motor vehicles"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="Jaguar Land Rover Australia"	="75 Annandale Rd"	="Tullamarine"	="3043"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="86004352238"	="LVSB"	="LSD"	="3000"	

-="Department of Human Services"	="CN469496"	="CN469496-A1"	09-Mar-12 11:46 AM	21-Jan-13 02:03 PM	="published"	24-Feb-12	30-Jun-12	35515.51	" Mediation training in Melbourne and Brisbane "	="C000001499"	="Education and Training Services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Increase value to include the GST component"	="LEADR"	="Level 9/15-17 Young Street"	="Sydney"	="2000"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="69008651232"	="DHS Branch"	="DHS Division"	="2900"	

-="Department of Human Services"	="CN469500"	="CN469500-A2"	09-Mar-12 11:47 AM	21-Jan-13 02:08 PM	="published"	28-Feb-12	30-Jun-12	31366.39	" Carpet supply and installation at Rockingham, WA "	="C000001505"	="Floor coverings"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Extend end date and increase value as per contract extension"	="Shaw Contract Group Australia"	="PO Box 5141"	="Garden City"	="3207"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="60138198697"	="DHS Branch"	="DHS Division"	="2900"	

-="Department of Human Services"	="CN469501"	="CN469501-A1"	09-Mar-12 11:47 AM	21-Jan-13 02:12 PM	="published"	23-Jan-12	31-Jul-12	32724.00	" Fitout Manager at Tuggeranong, ACT "	="D004002301"	="Building support services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Extend end date and increase value to match the Essentials record."	="James Millar Architects"	="140 Gladstone Street"	="South Melbourne"	="3205"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="59007406206"	="DHS Branch"	="DHS Division"	="2900"	

-="Department of Defence"	=""	="CN1150002"	21-Jan-13 02:19 PM	 	="published"	22-Nov-12	30-Nov-12	71728.02	"HEALTHCARE EXPENSES"	="Visa0000000014714021"	="Comprehensive health services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="ST VINCENTS PRV HOSP"	=""	="Darlinghurst"	="2010"	="Australia"	="No"	="99269630262"	="VCDF Joint Health Command"	="Australian Capital Territory"	="2000"	

-="Department of Defence"	=""	="CN1150012"	21-Jan-13 02:19 PM	 	="published"	15-Aug-12	28-Nov-12	23647.20	"HEALTHCARE EXPENSES"	="Visa0000000014709535"	="Comprehensive health services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="SJGHC RICHMOND"	=""	="Richmond"	="2753"	="Australia"	="No"	="21930207958"	="VCDF Joint Health Command"	="Australian Capital Territory"	="2000"	

-="Department of Defence"	=""	="CN1150022"	21-Jan-13 02:19 PM	 	="published"	17-Nov-12	18-Nov-12	39560.00	"HEALTHCARE EXPENSES"	="Visa0000000014709534"	="Comprehensive health services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="DR NIGEL MANN"	=""	="Melbourne"	="3000"	="Australia"	="No"	="82651954964"	="VCDF Joint Health Command"	="Australian Capital Territory"	="2000"	

-="Department of Defence"	=""	="CN1150032"	21-Jan-13 02:19 PM	 	="published"	01-Jan-13	31-Dec-13	11550.00	"Membership of Professional Body"	="Visa0000000014707947"	="Professional associations"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="AUSTRALIAN LOGISTICS"	=""	="Barton"	="2600"	="Australia"	="No"	="23131860136"	="VCDF Joint Logistics Command"	="Australian Capital Territory"	="2612"	

-="Department of Defence"	=""	="CN1150042"	21-Jan-13 02:19 PM	 	="published"	09-Nov-12	09-Nov-12	18000.00	"Health care expenses"	="Visa0000000014695482"	="Comprehensive health services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="AMPS CLINIC PL"	=""	="Cotham"	="3101"	="Australia"	="No"	="62110102415"	="VCDF Joint Health Command"	="Australian Capital Territory"	="2000"	

-="Department of Defence"	=""	="CN1150062"	21-Jan-13 02:19 PM	 	="published"	11-Sep-12	05-Oct-12	12675.00	"HEALTHCARE EXPENSES"	="Visa0000000014680660"	="Comprehensive health services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="HEALTHE CARE"	=""	="Ashtonfield"	="2323"	="Australia"	="No"	="90086450660"	="VCDF Joint Health Command"	="Australian Capital Territory"	="2000"	

-="Department of Defence"	=""	="CN1150072"	21-Jan-13 02:19 PM	 	="published"	08-Nov-12	11-Nov-12	10897.00	"Health care expenses"	="Visa0000000014680021"	="Comprehensive health services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="ST VINCENTS"	=""	="Fitzroy"	="3065"	="Australia"	="No"	="61083645505"	="VCDF Joint Health Command"	="Australian Capital Territory"	="2000"	

-="Department of Defence"	=""	="CN1150082"	21-Jan-13 02:19 PM	 	="published"	22-Nov-12	28-Nov-12	14596.00	"HEALTHCARE EXPENSES"	="Visa0000000014674473"	="Comprehensive health services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="DR R S KOONER"	=""	="Darlinghurst"	="2010"	="Australia"	="No"	="57843626600"	="VCDF Joint Health Command"	="Australian Capital Territory"	="2000"	

-="Department of Defence"	=""	="CN1150092"	21-Jan-13 02:19 PM	 	="published"	17-Oct-12	06-Nov-12	10737.00	"Health care expenses"	="Visa0000000014660390"	="Comprehensive health services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="HEALTHE CARE"	=""	="Ashtonfield"	="2323"	="Australia"	="No"	="90086450660"	="VCDF Joint Health Command"	="Australian Capital Territory"	="2000"	

-="Department of Defence"	=""	="CN1150102"	21-Jan-13 02:19 PM	 	="published"	23-Nov-12	24-Nov-12	11089.87	"Presentation Night Cadets Mess"	="Visa0000000014659678"	="Banquet and catering services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="SERCO SODEXO DEFENCE"	=""	="Campbell"	="2612"	="Australia"	="No"	="78061067678"	="VCDF Australian Defence College"	="Australian Capital Territory"	="2600"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1150182"	21-Jan-13 02:33 PM	 	="published"	30-Apr-13	12-Jun-13	40346.90	" Repair Of Compressors "	="GA0KI2"	="Industrial pumps and compressors"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="BABCOCK PTY LTD"	=""	="OSBORNE"	="5017"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="32050019817"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Department of Human Services"	="CN469515"	="CN469515-A1"	09-Mar-12 11:49 AM	21-Jan-13 02:33 PM	="published"	20-Feb-12	30-Jun-12	18519.60	" Chairs for Woodville, SA "	="D017002602"	="Furniture"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	"Increase value to match contract extension"	="Comseat Australia"	="152 Smart Road"	="St Agnes"	="5097"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="68531175218"	="DHS Branch"	="DHS Division"	="2900"	

-="Defence Materiel Organisation"	=""	="CN1150212"	21-Jan-13 02:48 PM	 	="published"	16-Jan-13	10-Apr-13	14559.45	" Components For Water Purification System "	="DNLNKH"	="Industrial filtering and purification"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="PALL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD"	=""	="SOMERSBY"	="2250"	="AUSTRALIA"	="No"	="80136524868"	=""	=""	="2600"	

-="Australian Taxation Office"	=""	="CN1150222"	21-Jan-13 02:52 PM	 	="published"	02-Jan-13	01-Jan-14	36500.00	" Provision of Electronic sources of business information "	="09.214-0-4"	="Information services"	="Limited tender"	=""		="No"	=""	="No"	=""	="No"	=""	""	="TAX ANALYSTS"	=""	="Falls Church"	="22046"	="UNITED STATES"	="Yes"	="&quo