add bootstrap and dynatable
[dcaas.git] / data /
blob:a/data/ -> blob:b/data/
--- a/data/
+++ b/data/
@@ -1,1 +1,31 @@
+''' DCaaS Services XLS to CSV converter
+''' Converts the DCaaS XLS file to CSV while removing line breaks and other special characters
+''' Alex Sadleir <>
+from xlrd import *
+import unicodecsv
+import glob
+import codecs
+def cleanseValue(value):
+	if isinstance(value, basestring):
+		value = "".join([x if ord(x) < 128 else '' for x in value])
+		value = value.replace('<','&gt;').replace('>','&lt;').replace('\n','<br/>').replace('\r','<br/>')
+	else:
+		value = str(value)
+	return value
+for filename in glob.glob("*.xls"):
+	print filename
+	b = open_workbook(filename)
+	for sheet in b.sheet_names()[2:]:
+		outputfile = filename.replace(".xls","") + sheet.replace(".","-").replace(" ","_").replace("&","and") + ".csv"
+		print outputfile
+		s = b.sheet_by_name(sheet)
+		rbc = open(outputfile,'w')
+		bcw = unicodecsv.writer(rbc,unicodecsv.excel)
+		for row in range(s.nrows):
+		    this_row = []
+		    for col in range(s.ncols):
+		    	this_row.append(cleanseValue(s.cell_value(row,col)))
+		    bcw.writerow(this_row)