sqlite import
[dcaas.git] / data / import.php
blob:a/data/import.php -> blob:b/data/import.php
--- a/data/import.php
+++ b/data/import.php
@@ -1,1 +1,60 @@
+define('__ROOT__', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
+include(__ROOT__ . "/config.php");
+ * Drop tables                         *
+ **************************************/
+// Drop table messages from file db
+$db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dcaas_services");
+$row = 0;
+$headers = Array();
+$csvfile = '../data/DCaaS+Catalogue+September+2013 PublicDCaaS_AFI_Part_3_Sec_5_Service_.csv';
+if (($handle = fopen($csvfile, "r")) !== FALSE) {
+    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 4096, ",")) !== FALSE) {
+        if ($row == 0) {
+            /**************************************
+             * Create tables                       *
+             **************************************/
+            // Create table messages
+            $create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dcaas_services (";
+//                    id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"; 
+            foreach ($data as $column) {
+                $column = str_replace(" ", "_", strtolower($column));
+                $create .= $column . " text " . (($column == 'acnabn' || $column == 'service_name') ? " not null " : "") . ",";
+                $headers[] = $column;
+            }
+            //$create .= " PRIMARY KEY ( acnabn,service_name) )";
+            $create .= "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY )";
+            echo $create;
+            $db->exec($create);
+            // Prepare INSERT statement to SQLite3 file db
+            /* Create a string for the parameter placeholders filled to the number of params */
+            $placeholders = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($headers), '?'));
+            $insert = "INSERT INTO dcaas_services (" . implode($headers, ", ") . ")
+                VALUES (" . $placeholders . ")";
+            echo $insert;
+    $stmt = $db->prepare($insert);
+ $db->beginTransaction();
+        } else {
+            if (count($data) < count($headers)) {
+                $values = $data + array_fill(count($data), count($headers) - count($data), NULL);
+            } else {
+                $values = $data;
+            }
+            print_r($values);
+      $stmt->execute($data);
+        }
+        $row++;
+    }
+// end transaction
+    $db->commit();
+    fclose($handle);
+    echo "$row rows imported";