Change has fields to be arrays of URLs that confirm those assertions
[disclosr.git] / getAgency.php
blob:a/getAgency.php -> blob:b/getAgency.php
--- a/getAgency.php
+++ b/getAgency.php
@@ -58,9 +58,7 @@
                     echo "<option value='{$row->value}'" . (($row->value == $value) ? "SELECTED" : "") . " >" . str_replace("Department of ", "", $row->key) . "</option>";
                 echo" </select>";
-            } else if (strpos($key, "has") === 0) {
-                echo "<label for='$key'><input type='checkbox' id='$key' name='$key' " . (($value == 'on' || $value == 'true') ? "checked='$value'" : "") . "> $key</label>";
-            } else {
+              } else {
                 echo "<label>$key</label><input  class='input-text' type='text' id='$key' name='$key' value='$value'/>";
                 if ((strpos($key, "URL") > 0 || $key == 'website') && $value != "") {
                     echo "<a href='$value'>view</a>";
@@ -80,11 +78,9 @@
     foreach ($defaultFields as $defaultField) {
         if (!isset($row[$defaultField])) {
             if ($schemas['agency']['properties'][$defaultField]['type'] == "string") {
-                if (strpos($defaultField, "has") === 0) {
-                    $row[$defaultField] = "false";
-                } else {
                     $row[$defaultField] = "";
-                }
             if ($schemas['agency']['properties'][$defaultField]['type'] == "array") {