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"Entomology", - "000252.htm" - ], - [ - "Genetic engineering", - "000253.htm" - ], - [ - "Physiology", - "000254.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "Earth sciences", - "000241.htm", - [ - "Atmospheric sciences", - "000255.htm" - ], - [ - "Hydrology", - "000256.htm" - ], - [ - "Mineral exploration", - "000257.htm" - ], - [ - "Oceanography", - "000258.htm" - ], - [ - "Seismology", - "000259.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "Mathematical sciences", - "000242.htm" - ], - [ - "Medical and health sciences", - "001229.htm" - ], - [ - "Physical sciences", - "000244.htm", - [ - "Astronomical sciences", - "000260.htm" - ], - [ - "Atomic and molecular sciences", - "000261.htm" - ], - [ - "Nuclear sciences", - "000262.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "Spatial information research", - "000245.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "SECURITY", - "000011.htm", - [ - "Corrective services", - "000263.htm", - [ - "Community based corrections", - "000270.htm" - ], - [ - "Detention centre management", - "000271.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "External security", - "000264.htm", - [ - "Peacekeeping forces", - "000273.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "Information security", - "000265.htm" - ], - [ - "Intelligence", - "000266.htm", - [ - "Forensic analysis", - "000275.htm" - ], - [ - "Intelligence liaison", - "001159.htm" - ], - [ - "Intelligence support", - "000277.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "Law enforcement", - "000267.htm", - [ - "Community policing", - "000278.htm" - ], - [ - "Criminology", - "000279.htm" - ], - [ - "Police administration", - "000280.htm" - ], - [ - "Protective services", - "000281.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "National security", - "001548.htm", - [ - "Coastal surveillance", - "000269.htm" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "SPORT AND RECREATION", - "000012.htm", - [ - "Caravan and camping services", - "000284.htm" - ], - [ - "Community recreational programs", - "000285.htm", - [ - "Gambling support services", - "000290.htm" - ], - [ - "Public fitness promotion", - "000291.htm" - ], - [ - "Social club support", - "000292.htm" - ], - [ - "Volunteer support programs", - "000293.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "Gaming industry regulation", - "000286.htm" - ], - [ - "Park and reserve services", - "000289.htm" - ], - [ - "Sport and fitness development", - "000287.htm", - [ - "Athlete scholarship programs", - "000295.htm" - ], - [ - "Fundraising and donation schemes", - "000296.htm" - ], - [ - "Games administration", - "000297.htm" - ], - [ - "Games promotion", - "000298.htm" - ], - [ - "Sporting grants administration", - "000299.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "Sports drugs monitoring", - "000288.htm", - [ - "Doping detection research", - "000300.htm" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "TOURISM", - "000013.htm", - [ - "Tourism industry development", - "000301.htm" - ], - [ - "Tourist event promotion", - "000302.htm", - [ - "Advertising campaigns", - "000305.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "Travel missions", - "000303.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "TRADE", - "000014.htm", - [ - "Export regulation", - "000311.htm", - [ - "Export promotion", - "000320.htm" - ], - [ - "Prohibited export control", - "000321.htm" - ] - 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"000327.htm", - [ - "Rail harmonisation standards", - "000333.htm" - ], - [ - "Rail land acquisition regulation", - "000336.htm" - ], - [ - "Rail transport safety", - "000337.htm" - ], - [ - "Railway maintenance", - "000338.htm" - ], - [ - "Rolling stock regulation", - "000339.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "Road transport", - "000328.htm", - [ - "Driving licences administration", - "000340.htm" - ], - [ - "Road surface maintenance", - "000341.htm" - ], - [ - "Road traffic regulation", - "000342.htm" - ], - [ - "Road transport safety", - "000343.htm" - ], - [ - "Vehicle registration", - "000344.htm" - ], - [ - "Vehicle standards", - "000345.htm" - ] - ], - [ - "Transport infrastructure development", - "000329.htm" - ] - ] +[ + "Home", + "index.htm", + [ + "BUSINESS SUPPORT AND REGULATION", + "000411.htm", + [ + "Association registration", + "000396.htm" + ], + [ + "Business process auditing", + "000413.htm" + ], + [ + "Business registration and licensing", + "000414.htm" + ], + [ + "Business sponsorship", + "001371.htm" + ], + [ + "Consumer protection", + "000439.htm" + ], + [ + "Fair trading compliance", + "000482.htm", + [ + "Prices surveillance", + "000533.htm" + ], + [ + "Product safety", + "000534.htm" + ], + [ + "Trade practices compliance", + "000583.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Financial institutions regulation", + "000485.htm" + ], + [ + "Government procurement regulation", + "000491.htm" + ], + [ + "Industry assistance schemes", + "000499.htm" + ], + [ + "Industry development", + "000500.htm" + ], + [ + "Insurance regulation", + "000501.htm", + [ + "General insurance", + "000489.htm" + ], + [ + "Life insurance", + "000505.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Professional accreditation", + "000535.htm" + ], + [ + "Small business services", + "000565.htm", + [ + "Small business advocacy", + "000563.htm" + ], + [ + "Small business development", + "000564.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Stock market regulation", + "000572.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "CIVIC INFRASTRUCTURE", + "000424.htm", + [ + "Civic management", + "000425.htm", + [ + "Architectural services", + "000387.htm" + ], + [ + "Building approval services", + "000406.htm" + ], + [ + "Building regulations and standards", + "000408.htm" + ], + [ + "Engineering services", + "000477.htm" + ], + [ + "Town planning", + "000582.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Energy supply", + "000476.htm" + ], + [ + "Integrated services planning", + "000503.htm" + ], + [ + "Public housing", + "000536.htm", + [ + "Public housing construction", + "000537.htm" + ], + [ + "Public housing design", + "000538.htm" + ], + [ + "Public housing maintenance", + "000540.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Public land management", + "000541.htm", + [ + "Burial ground management", + "000410.htm" + ], + [ + "Cultural centre management", + "000444.htm" + ], + [ + "Garden management", + "000488.htm" + ], + [ + "Memorial maintenance", + "000509.htm" + ], + [ + "Recreational park management", + "000549.htm" + ], + [ + "Sporting facilities management", + "000571.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Regional development", + "000552.htm" + ], + [ + "Transport network maintenance", + "000586.htm" + ], + [ + "Waste management", + "001349.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "COMMUNICATIONS", + "000433.htm", + [ + "Advertising standards", + "000381.htm" + ], + [ + "Broadcasting", + "000403.htm", + [ + "Broadcasting standards", + "000404.htm" + ], + [ + "Radio broadcasting", + "000546.htm" + ], + [ + "Television broadcasting", + "000580.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Call centre administration", + "000417.htm" + ], + [ + "Electronic commerce", + "000468.htm", + [ + "Authentication", + "000399.htm" + ], + [ + "Online transaction standards", + "000526.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Government media", + "000490.htm" + ], + [ + "Information management standards", + "000283.htm", + [ + "Data management", + "000448.htm" + ], + [ + "Information dissemination", + "000502.htm" + ], + [ + "Information technology standards", + "000282.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Media ownership regulation", + "000508.htm" + ], + [ + "Postal services", + "000530.htm", + [ + "Courier services", + "000441.htm" + ], + [ + "Electronic postal services", + "000469.htm" + ], + [ + "Retail postal services", + "000554.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Publishing", + "000543.htm", + [ + "Electronic publishing", + "000470.htm" + ], + [ + "Publishing standards", + "000544.htm" + ], + [ + "Website development", + "000591.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Radio communication", + "000547.htm", + [ + "Apparatus licensing", + "000385.htm" + ], + [ + "Spectrum management", + "000570.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Satellite communication", + "000560.htm" + ], + [ + "Telecommunications", + "000578.htm", + [ + "Carriage service providers", + "000420.htm" + ], + [ + "Carrier licensing", + "000421.htm" + ], + [ + "Equipment licensing", + "000480.htm" + ], + [ + "Mobile telephone services", + "000516.htm" + ], + [ + "Telephone services", + "000579.htm" + ] + ] + ], + [ + "COMMUNITY SERVICES", + "000435.htm", + [ + "Accommodation services", + "000377.htm", + [ + "Defence housing", + "000458.htm" + ], + [ + "Emergency accommodation", + "000471.htm" + ], + [ + "Public housing entitlements", + "000539.htm" + ], + [ + "Refuge support", + "000551.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Community support", + "000436.htm", + [ + "Adoption services", + "000378.htm" + ], + [ + "Aged care services", + "000382.htm" + ], + [ + "Child and youth support", + "000422.htm" + ], + [ + "Child-care services", + "000423.htm" + ], + [ + "Defence community programs", + "000452.htm" + ], + [ + "Family reunion programs", + "000483.htm" + ], + [ + "Veterans\" entitlements", + "000587.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Counselling services", + "000440.htm" + ], + [ + "Emergency services", + "000474.htm", + [ + "Ambulance services", + "000384.htm" + ], + [ + "Emergency funding", + "000472.htm" + ], + [ + "Firefighting services", + "000487.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Financial assistance", + "000484.htm", + [ + "Benefits", + "000402.htm" + ], + [ + "Income support schemes", + "000494.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Natural disasters", + "000521.htm", + [ + "Disaster recovery", + "000462.htm" + ], + [ + "Disaster relief", + "000463.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Rural community development", + "000557.htm" + ], + [ + "Social justice and equity", + "000566.htm" + ], + [ + "Transport access schemes", + "000901.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "CULTURAL AFFAIRS", + "000442.htm", + [ + "Arts development", + "000391.htm", + [ + "Arts funding", + "000393.htm" + ], + [ + "Arts incentive schemes", + "000394.htm" + ], + [ + "Arts promotion", + "000395.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Collection access", + "000427.htm", + [ + "Descriptive standards", + "000461.htm" + ], + [ + "Finding aids development", + "000486.htm" + ], + [ + "Reference services", + "000550.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Collection management", + "000430.htm", + [ + "Artefact export regulation", + "000390.htm" + ], + [ + "Collection accessioning", + "000428.htm" + ], + [ + "Collection acquisition", + "000429.htm" + ], + [ + "Collection storage", + "000432.htm" + ], + [ + "Preservation services", + "000532.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Collection promotion", + "000431.htm", + [ + "Exhibition programs", + "000481.htm" + ], + [ + "Publicity programs", + "000542.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Cultural awards and scholarships", + "000443.htm" + ], + [ + "Cultural festivals", + "000445.htm" + ], + [ + "Cultural gifts programs", + "000446.htm" + ], + [ + "Multicultural heritage promotion", + "000518.htm", + [ + "Multicultural festivals", + "000517.htm" + ], + [ + "Multicultural services", + "000519.htm" + ] + ] + ], + [ + "DEFENCE", + "000449.htm", + [ + "Australian Defence Forces", + "000397.htm", + [ + "Air Force", + "002266.htm" + ], + [ + "Army", + "000388.htm" + ], + [ + "Badges and insignia", + "000401.htm" + ], + [ + "Cadets", + "000416.htm" + ], + [ + "Defence force commands", + "000456.htm" + ], + [ + "Military bands", + "000510.htm" + ], + [ + "Navy", + "000524.htm" + ], + [ + "Reserves", + "000553.htm" + ], + [ + "Roulettes", + "000556.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Defence estate management", + "000454.htm" + ], + [ + "Defence force careers", + "000455.htm", + [ + "Defence career development", + "000450.htm" + ], + [ + "Military employment services", + "000512.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Defence strategic development", + "000574.htm", + [ + "Defence efficiency review", + "000453.htm" + ], + [ + "Defence reform program", + "000460.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Defence strategic policy", + "000576.htm", + [ + "Strategic decisions", + "000573.htm" + ], + [ + "Strategic planning", + "000575.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Defence strategic support", + "000577.htm", + [ + "Capital equipment programs", + "000419.htm" + ], + [ + "Defence industry", + "000459.htm" + ], + [ + "Defence science and technology", + "000905.htm" + ], + [ + "Logistics", + "000506.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Emergency management", + "000473.htm", + [ + "Civil community assistance", + "000426.htm" + ], + [ + "Disaster support", + "000464.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Military law", + "001814.htm" + ], + [ + "Military operations", + "000515.htm", + [ + "Australian theatre of war", + "000398.htm" + ], + [ + "Military exercises", + "000514.htm" + ], + [ + "Special operations", + "000569.htm" + ], + [ + "Warfare", + "000589.htm" + ] + ] + ], + [ + "EDUCATION AND TRAINING", + "000467.htm", + [ + "Arts education", + "000392.htm" + ], + [ + "Community education", + "000434.htm", + [ + "Adult education programs", + "000379.htm" + ], + [ + "Adult migrant education", + "000380.htm" + ], + [ + "Road safety awareness", + "000555.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Curriculum development", + "000447.htm" + ], + [ + "Early childhood education", + "000466.htm" + ], + [ + "Military education and training", + "000511.htm", + [ + "Army reserve training", + "000389.htm" + ], + [ + "Defence college training", + "000451.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Overseas skills recognition", + "000527.htm" + ], + [ + "School education", + "000561.htm", + [ + "Discipline programs", + "000465.htm" + ], + [ + "School transport regulation", + "000562.htm" + ], + [ + "Special needs programs", + "000568.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Tertiary education", + "000581.htm" + ], + [ + "Vocational education", + "000588.htm", + [ + "Apprenticeship programs", + "000386.htm" + ], + [ + "Hospital teaching programs", + "000493.htm" + ], + [ + "Trainee programs", + "000584.htm" + ], + [ + "Workplace training", + "000595.htm" + ] + ] + ], + [ + "EMPLOYMENT", + "000016.htm", + [ + "Human resources development", + "000348.htm", + [ + "Occupational health and safety", + "000355.htm" + ], + [ + "Recruitment programs", + "000356.htm" + ], + [ + "Termination processes", + "002103.htm" + ], + [ + "Workers compensation schemes", + "000363.htm" + ], + [ + "Workplace discrimination monitoring", + "000364.htm" + ], + [ + "Workplace equity and justice programs", + "000365.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Industrial awards and conditions", + "000349.htm", + [ + "Award conditions", + "000366.htm" + ], + [ + "Remuneration review", + "000368.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Labour market programs", + "000347.htm", + [ + "Employment services marketing", + "000351.htm" + ], + [ + "Job placement programs", + "000352.htm" + ], + [ + "Job vacancy data management", + "000353.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Workplace agreement processes", + "000350.htm", + [ + "Agreement bargaining processes", + "002141.htm" + ], + [ + "Agreement dispute mediation", + "000370.htm" + ], + [ + "Certified employment conditions", + "000371.htm" + ], + [ + "Employment advocacy services", + "000374.htm" + ] + ] + ], + [ + "ENVIRONMENT", + "000478.htm", + [ + "Built environment", + "000409.htm", + [ + "Building acoustics", + "000405.htm" + ], + [ + "Building preservation", + "000407.htm" + ] + ], + [ + "Climate information services", + "000203.htm" + ], + [ + "Conservation programs", + "000438.htm", +