fix scraper interval
[disclosr.git] / documents /
blob:a/documents/ -> blob:b/documents/
--- a/documents/
+++ b/documents/
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
     if doc == None:
         doc = {'_id': hash, 'agencyID': agencyID, 'url': url, 'fieldName': fieldName, 'type': 'website'}
-        if (('page_scraped' in doc) and (time.time() - doc['page_scraped']) < 60 * 24 * 14 * 1000):
+        if (('page_scraped' in doc) and (time.time() - doc['page_scraped']) < 60 * 24 * 14):
             print "Uh oh, trying to scrape URL again too soon!" + hash
             last_attachment_fname = doc["_attachments"].keys()[-1]
             last_attachment = docsdb.get_attachment(doc, last_attachment_fname)
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@
                     scrapeAndStore(docsdb, linkurl, depth - 1, fieldName, agencyID)
 #couch = couchdb.Server('')
-couch = couchdb.Server('')
-#couch = couchdb.Server('')
+#couch = couchdb.Server('')
+couch = couchdb.Server('')
 # select database
 agencydb = couch['disclosr-agencies']
 docsdb = couch['disclosr-documents']