Port charts.php to flotr 2
Port charts.php to flotr 2

Former-commit-id: 3488b529b0fc478995ca9e06b66c233d44a36ea1

file:a/charts.php -> file:b/charts.php
--- a/charts.php
+++ b/charts.php
@@ -2,99 +2,79 @@
 $db = $server->get_db('disclosr-agencies');
 <div class="foundation-header">
     <h1><a href="about.php">Charts</a></h1>
     <h4 class="subheader">Lorem ipsum.</h4>
-<div id="placeholder" style="width:900px;height:600px;"></div>
+<div id="placeholder" style="width:900px;height:500px;"></div>
 <script id="source">
-window.onload = function() {
-            $(document).ready(function() {
-    var d1 = [];
-    var labels = [];
+    window.onload = function() {
+        $(document).ready(function() {
+            var d1 = [];
+            var labels = [];
     try {
-    $rows = $db->get_view("app", "scoreHas?group=true", null, true)->rows;
+        $rows = $db->get_view("app", "scoreHas?group=true", null, true)->rows;
-    /*foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
-        echo "       d1.push([$key, {$row->value}]);".PHP_EOL;
-        echo "        labels.push('{$row->key}');".PHP_EOL;
-    }*/
-    $dataValues = Array();
-    foreach ($rows as $row) {
-        $dataValues[$row->value] = $row->key;
+        $dataValues = Array();
+        foreach ($rows as $row) {
+            $dataValues[$row->value] = $row->key;
+        }
+        $i = 0;
+        ksort($dataValues);
+        foreach ($dataValues as $value => $key) {
+            echo "       d1.push([$i, $value]);" . PHP_EOL;
+            echo "        labels.push('$key');" . PHP_EOL;
+            $i++;
+        }
+    } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
+        setteErrorHandler($e);
-    $i = 0;
-    ksort($dataValues);
-    foreach($dataValues as $value => $key) {
-        echo "       d1.push([$i, $value]);".PHP_EOL;
-        echo "        labels.push('$key');".PHP_EOL;
-        $i++;
-    }
-} catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {
-    setteErrorHandler($e);
-        $.plot($("#placeholder"), [ d1], {
-             grid: { hoverable: true },
-            series: {
-                bars: { show: true, barWidth: 0.6 }
-            },
-            xaxis: {
-                 tickFormatter: function formatter(val, axis) {
-                     if (labels[val]) {
-                         return(labels[val]);
+    ?>
+               function trackformatter(obj) {
+                if (labels[Math.floor(obj.x)]) {
+              return (labels[Math.floor(obj.x)])+"="+obj.y;
-                 } else {
-                     return "";
-                 }
-        },
-                labelAngle: 90
+                } else {
+                    return "";
+                }
-        });
-var previousPoint = null;
-$("#placeholder").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
-    if (item) {
-        if (previousPoint != item.datapoint) {
-            previousPoint = item.datapoint;
-            $("#tooltip").remove();
-            var x = item.datapoint[0],
-                y = item.datapoint[1] - item.datapoint[2];
-            showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, y );
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        $("#tooltip").remove();
-        previousPoint = null;            
-    }
+            function tickformatter(val, axis) {
+                if (labels[Math.floor(val)]) {
+              return '<p style="margin-top:8em;-webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);">'+(labels[Math.floor(val)])+"</b>";
+                } else {
+                    return "";
+                }
+            }
+            Flotr.draw(document.getElementById("placeholder"), [ {data: d1}], {
+                HtmlText: true,
+                bars : {
+        show : true
+                },
+                mouse : {
+        track : true,
+        relative : true,
+        trackFormatter: trackformatter
+      },yaxis: {
+          min:0
+      },
+                xaxis: {
+                    minorTickFreq: 0.6,
+                    noTicks : 19,
+                    tickFormatter: tickformatter
+                }
+            });
- function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
-        $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( {
-            position: 'absolute',
-            display: 'none',
-            top: y + 5,
-            left: x + 5,
-            border: '1px solid #fdd',
-            padding: '2px',
-            'background-color': '#fee',
-            opacity: 0.80
-        }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200);
-    }
+        });
+    };

--- a/include/template.inc.php
+++ b/include/template.inc.php
@@ -68,10 +68,9 @@
             <!-- Included JS Files -->
             <script src="<?php echo $basePath; ?>javascripts/foundation.js"></script>
             <script src="<?php echo $basePath; ?>javascripts/app.js"></script>
-            <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
+           <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
-    <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/jquery.js"></script>-->
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/flotr2/flotr2.js"></script>

directory:a/javascripts/flot (deleted)
--- a/javascripts/flot
+++ /dev/null