Use RDFa for semantic markup
Use RDFa for semantic markup

Former-commit-id: bff09f0408b049c7c7d7a6c1a35b890b9ed693e2

--- a/getAgency.php
+++ b/getAgency.php
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
         if (is_array($value)) {
             echo "<ol>";
             foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) {
-                if (isset($schemas['agency']["properties"][$key]['x-itemprop'])) {
-                echo '<li itemprop="' . $schemas['agency']["properties"][$key]['x-itemprop'] . '">';
+                if (isset($schemas['agency']["properties"][$key]['x-property'])) {
+                echo '<li property="' . $schemas['agency']["properties"][$key]['x-property'] . '">';
             } else {
                 echo "<li>";
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
             echo "</ol></td></tr>";
         } else {
-            if (isset($schemas['agency']["properties"][$key]['x-itemprop'])) {
-                echo '<span itemprop="' . $schemas['agency']["properties"][$key]['x-itemprop'] . '">';
+            if (isset($schemas['agency']["properties"][$key]['x-property'])) {
+                echo '<span property="' . $schemas['agency']["properties"][$key]['x-property'] . '">';
             } else {
                 echo "<span>";
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
     if ($mode == "view") {
-        echo '<div itemscope itemtype =""><table width="100%">';
+        echo '<div typeof="schema:GovernmentOrganisation" about="#' . $row['_id'] . '"><table width="100%">';
         echo '<tr> <td colspan="2"><h3>' . $row['name'] . "</h3></td></tr>";
         echo "<tr><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>";
@@ -178,15 +178,19 @@
           } */
         $rows = $db->get_view("app", "byName")->rows;
+echo '<ul>';
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             //   print_r($row);
-            echo '<li itemscope itemtype=""><a href="getAgency.php?id=' . $row->value . '" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="name">' .
+            echo '<li typeof="schema:GovernmentOrganisation foaf:Organization" about="getAgency.php?id=' . $row->value . '">
+<a href="getAgency.php?id=' . $row->value . '" rel="schema:url foaf:page" property="schema:name foaf:name">' .
-            . '</span></a></li>';
+            . '</a></li>';
+echo "</ul>";
     } catch (SetteeRestClientException $e) {

--- a/include/
+++ b/include/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-        <body>
+        <body xmlns:schema=""  xmlns:foaf="">
             <!-- navBar -->
             <div id="navbar" class="container">
@@ -70,10 +70,11 @@
             <script src="<?php echo $basePath; ?>javascripts/app.js"></script>
             <script src=""></script>
-    <!--<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/jquery.js"></script>-->
-    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>
+    <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/jquery.js"></script>-->
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>
 <?php }

--- a/schemas/agency.json.php
+++ b/schemas/agency.json.php
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
     "description" => "Representation of government agency and online transparency measures",
     "type" => "object",
     "properties" => Array(
-        "name" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-itemprop" => "name", "x-title" => "Name", "description" => "Name, most recent and broadest"),
+        "name" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-property" => "schema:name foaf:name", "x-title" => "Name", "description" => "Name, most recent and broadest"),
         "shortName" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => false, "x-title" => "Short Name", "description" => "Name shortened, usually to an acronym"),
         "foiEmail" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => false, "x-title" => "FOI Contact Email", "description" => "FOI contact email if not foi@"),
-        "sameAs" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => false, "x-itemprop"=>"","x-title" => "Same As", "description" => "Same as other URLs/URIs for this entity",
+        "sameAs" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => false, "x-property"=>"owl:sameAs","x-title" => "Same As", "description" => "Same as other URLs/URIs for this entity",
             "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
         "otherNames" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Past/Other Names", "description" => "Other names for organisation",
             "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
-        "foiBodies" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "FOI Bodies","x-itemprop"=>"members",  "description" => "Organisational units within this agency that are subject to FOI Act but are not autonomous",
+        "foiBodies" => Array("type" => "array", "required" => true, "x-title" => "FOI Bodies","x-property"=>"schema:members foaf:knows",  "description" => "Organisational units within this agency that are subject to FOI Act but are not autonomous",
             "items" => Array("type" => "string")),
         "orgType" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Organisation Type", "description" => "Org type based on legal formation via FMA/CAC legislation etc."),
         "parentOrg" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Parent Organisation", "description" => "Parent organisation, usually a department of state"),
-        "website" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Website", "x-itemprop" => "url", "description" => "Website URL"),
+        "website" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Website", "x-property" => "schema:url foaf:homepage", "description" => "Website URL"),
         "abn" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Australian Business Number", "description" => "ABN from business register"),
         "contractListURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Contract Listing", "description" => "Departmental and agency contracts, <a href=''>mandated by the Senate</a>"),
         "grantsReportingURL" => Array("type" => "string", "required" => true, "x-title" => "Grants Awarded",

file:a/ -> file:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,6 +7,61 @@
 from urlparse import urljoin
 import time
 import os
+import mimetypes
+import re
+import urllib
+import urlparse
+def canonurl(url):
+    r"""Return the canonical, ASCII-encoded form of a UTF-8 encoded URL, or ''
+    if the URL looks invalid.
+    >>> canonurl('\xe2\x9e\')  #
+    ''
+    """
+    # strip spaces at the ends and ensure it's prefixed with 'scheme://'
+    url = url.strip()
+    if not url:
+        return ''
+    if not urlparse.urlsplit(url).scheme:
+        url = 'http://' + url
+    # turn it into Unicode
+    #try:
+    #    url = unicode(url, 'utf-8')
+    #except UnicodeDecodeError:
+    #    return ''  # bad UTF-8 chars in URL
+    # parse the URL into its components
+    parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
+    scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = parsed
+    # ensure scheme is a letter followed by letters, digits, and '+-.' chars
+    if not re.match(r'[a-z][-+.a-z0-9]*$', scheme, flags=re.I):
+        return ''
+    scheme = str(scheme)
+    # ensure domain and port are valid, eg: sub.domain.<1-to-6-TLD-chars>[:port]
+    match = re.match(r'(.+\.[a-z0-9]{1,6})(:\d{1,5})?$', netloc, flags=re.I)
+    if not match:
+        return ''
+    domain, port = match.groups()
+    netloc = domain + (port if port else '')
+    netloc = netloc.encode('idna')
+    # ensure path is valid and convert Unicode chars to %-encoded
+    if not path:
+        path = '/'  # eg: '' -> ''
+    path = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(path.encode('utf-8')), safe='/;')
+    # ensure query is valid
+    query = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(query.encode('utf-8')), safe='=&?/')
+    # ensure fragment is valid
+    fragment = urllib.quote(urllib.unquote(fragment.encode('utf-8')))
+    # piece it all back together, truncating it to a maximum of 4KB
+    url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
+    return url[:4096]
 class NotModifiedHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler):  
@@ -16,14 +71,18 @@
         return addinfourl
 def fetchURL(docsdb, url, fieldName, agencyID, scrape_again=True):
-    hash = hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest()
+    url = canonurl(url)
+    hash = hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest().encode("utf-8")
     req = urllib2.Request(url)
     print "Fetching %s" % url
+    if url.startswith("mailto") or url.startswith("javascript") or url.startswith("#") or url == None or url == "":
+		print "Not a valid HTTP url"
+		return (None,None)
     doc = docsdb.get(hash) 
     if doc == None:
 	doc = {'_id': hash, 'agencyID': agencyID, 'url': url, 'fieldName':fieldName}
-	if (time.time() - doc['page_scraped']) < 3600:
+	if (('page_scraped' in doc) and (time.time() - doc['page_scraped']) < 999999):
 		print "Uh oh, trying to scrape URL again too soon!"
 		last_attachment_fname = doc["_attachments"].keys()[-1]
 		last_attachment = docsdb.get_attachment(doc,last_attachment_fname)
@@ -41,17 +100,23 @@
         req.add_header("If-Modified-Since", doc['last_modified'])
     opener = urllib2.build_opener(NotModifiedHandler())
-    url_handle =
-    headers = # the addinfourls have the .info() too
-    doc['etag'] = headers.getheader("ETag")
-    doc['last_modified'] = headers.getheader("Last-Modified") 
-    doc['date'] = headers.getheader("Date") 
-    doc['page_scraped'] = time.time() 
-    doc['web_server'] = headers.getheader("Server") 
-    doc['powered_by'] = headers.getheader("X-Powered-By") 
-    doc['file_size'] = headers.getheader("Content-Length") 
-    doc['mime_type'] = headers.getheader("Content-Type").split(";")[0]
-    if hasattr(url_handle, 'code'): 
+    try:
+     url_handle =
+     headers = # the addinfourls have the .info() too
+     doc['etag'] = headers.getheader("ETag")
+     doc['last_modified'] = headers.getheader("Last-Modified") 
+     doc['date'] = headers.getheader("Date") 
+     doc['page_scraped'] = time.time() 
+     doc['web_server'] = headers.getheader("Server") 
+     doc['powered_by'] = headers.getheader("X-Powered-By") 
+     doc['file_size'] = headers.getheader("Content-Length") 
+     content_type = headers.getheader("Content-Type")
+     if content_type != None:
+    	doc['mime_type'] = content_type.split(";")[0]
+     else:
+	(type,encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(url)
+	doc['mime_type'] = type
+     if hasattr(url_handle, 'code'): 
         if url_handle.code == 304:
             print "the web page has not been modified"
 	    return (None,None)
@@ -61,10 +126,15 @@
 	    doc = docsdb.get(hash) # need to get a _rev
 	    docsdb.put_attachment(doc, content, str(time.time())+"-"+os.path.basename(url), doc['mime_type']) 
 	    return (doc['mime_type'], content)
-    #store as attachment epoch-filename
-    else:
-        print "error %s in downloading %s" % url_handle.code, URL
-	doc['error'] = "error %s in downloading %s" % url_handle.code, URL    
+	    #store as attachment epoch-filename
+    except urllib2.URLError as e:
+    	error = ""
+	if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
+		error = "error %s in downloading %s" % (str(e.reason), url)
+	elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
+		error = "error %s in downloading %s" % (e.code, url)
+        print error
+	doc['error'] = error
         return (None,None)
@@ -92,6 +162,12 @@
 				# lets not do external links for now
 				# linkurls.add(link['href'])
+			if link['href'].startswith("mailto"):
+				# not http
+				None
+			if link['href'].startswith("javascript"):
+				# not http
+				None
                 		linkurls.add(urljoin(url,link['href'].replace(" ","%20")))
             for linkurl in linkurls:
@@ -108,9 +184,15 @@
     agency = agencydb.get(
     print agency['name']
     for key in agency.keys():
-	if key == 'website' or key.endswith('URL'):
-		print key
-    		scrapeAndStore(docsdb, agency[key],agency['scrapeDepth'],key,agency['_id'])
-    agency['metadata']['lastscraped'] = time.time()
+	if key == 'website':
+    		scrapeAndStore(docsdb, agency[key],0,key,agency['_id'])
+	if key.endswith('URL'):
+		print key 
+		depth = 1
+		if 'scrapeDepth' in agency.keys():
+			depth = agency['scrapeDepth']
+   		scrapeAndStore(docsdb, agency[key],depth,key,agency['_id'])
+    agency['metadata']['lastScraped'] = time.time()