Add image resizing to better fit screens
[photocalendar.git] / js / jquery.imagefit.js
blob:a/js/jquery.imagefit.js -> blob:b/js/jquery.imagefit.js
--- a/js/jquery.imagefit.js
+++ b/js/jquery.imagefit.js
@@ -1,1 +1,48 @@
+/* jquery.imagefit 
+ *
+ * Version 0.2 by Oliver Boermans <>
+ *
+ * Extends jQuery <>
+ *
+ */
+(function($) {
+	$.fn.imagefit = function(options) {
+		var fit = {
+			all : function(imgs){
+				imgs.each(function(){
+					})
+				},
+			one : function(img){
+				$(img)
+					.width('100%').each(function()
+					{
+						$(this).height(Math.round(
+							$(this).attr('startheight')*($(this).width()/$(this).attr('startwidth')))
+						);
+					})
+				}
+		};
+		this.each(function(){
+				var container = this;
+				// store list of contained images (excluding those in tables)
+				var imgs = $('img', container).not($("table img"));
+				// store initial dimensions on each image 
+				imgs.each(function(){
+					$(this).attr('startwidth', $(this).width())
+						.attr('startheight', $(this).height())
+						.css('max-width', $(this).attr('startwidth')+"px");
+				});
+				// Re-adjust when window width is changed
+				$(window).bind('resize', function(){
+					fit.all(imgs);
+				});
+			});
+		return this;
+	};