(function () { Flotr.ExampleList.add({ key : 'test-background', name : 'Test Background', callback : test_background, timeout : 100, tolerance : 10 }); function test_background (container) { var d1 = [], d2 = [], d3 = [], d4 = [], d5 = [], // Data ticks = [[ 0, "Lower"], 10, 20, 30, [40, "Upper"]], // Ticks for the Y-Axis graph; for(var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 0.1){ d1.push([i, 4 + Math.pow(i,1.5)]); d2.push([i, Math.pow(i,3)]); d3.push([i, i*5+3*Math.sin(i*4)]); d4.push([i, i]); if( i.toFixed(1)%1 == 0 ){ d5.push([i, 2*i]); } } d3[30][1] = null; d3[31][1] = null; function ticksFn (n) { return '('+n+')'; } graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ { data : d1, label : 'y = 4 + x^(1.5)', lines : { fill : true } }, { data : d2, label : 'y = x^3'}, { data : d3, label : 'y = 5x + 3sin(4x)'}, { data : d4, label : 'y = x'}, { data : d5, label : 'y = 2x', lines : { show : true }, points : { show : true } } ], { xaxis : { noTicks : 7, // Display 7 ticks. tickFormatter : ticksFn, // Displays tick values between brackets. min : 1, // Part of the series is not displayed. max : 7.5 // Part of the series is not displayed. }, yaxis : { ticks : ticks, // Set Y-Axis ticks max : 40 // Maximum value along Y-Axis }, grid : { verticalLines : false, backgroundImage : { src : 'img/test-background.png?' + Math.random() } }, legend : { position : 'nw' }, title : 'Basic Axis example', subtitle : 'This is a subtitle' }); } })();