better hourly
better hourly

file:a/db.sql -> file:b/db.sql
--- a/db.sql
+++ b/db.sql
@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@
 -- PostgreSQL database dump complete
-CREATE TABLE "compilation" (
+CREATE TABLE "compilations" (
   "filename" text NOT NULL,
   "files" text ARRAY NOT NULL,
   "datetime" timestamp NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE "trunk_log" (
+CREATE TABLE "trunk_logs" (
   "id" text NOT NULL,
   "datetime" integer NOT NULL,
   "site" integer NOT NULL,

--- a/generateHourlys.php
+++ b/generateHourlys.php
@@ -1,26 +1,37 @@
-function processHourly($hourly) {
-    $filename = str_replace(' ',"_",$hourly['tgid']).'-'.str_replace(' 00:00:00+1','',$hourly['aday']).'-'.$hourly['ahour'].'.3gp';
-    $hfilename = $hourly['tgid'] . '-' . str_replace(' 00:00:00+10', '', $hourly['aday']) . '-' . $hourly['ahour'] . '.3gp';
+function processHourly($hourly) { 
+    global $conn;
+    $hfilename = str_replace(' ','_',$hourly['tgid']) . '-' . str_replace(Array(' 00:00:00+10',' 00:00:00+11'), '', $hourly['aday']) . '-' . $hourly['ahour'] . '.3gp';
     if (!file_exists("hourly/" . $hfilename)) {
         $filenames = explode(",", $hourly['filenames']);
-        $cmd = "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -filter_complex concat=n=" . count($filenames) . ":v=0:a=1 -i data/" . implode(" -i data/", $filenames) . " -ar 8000 -ab 4.75k -ac 1 hourly/" . $hfilename . ' 2>&1';
+	$cmd = "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg";
+	if (count($filenames) > 1) {
+		$cmd .=" -filter_complex concat=n=" . count($filenames) . ":v=0:a=1"; // only concat when more than 1 file
+	}
+	$cmd .=" -i data/" . implode(" -i data/", $filenames) . " -ar 8000 -ab 4.75k -ac 1 hourly/" . $hfilename . ' 2>&1';
         exec($cmd, $output, $returncode);
         echo $cmd . "<br>\n";
-        if ($returncode != 10) {
+        if ($returncode != 0) {
+	    echo $returncode;
-            //die();
+	    unlink("hourly/" . $hfilename); // delete incomplete file
+//            die();
         } else {
-            $q = "  insert into compilations (filename           files           datetime) ('" . $hfilename . "',{'" . implode("', '", $filenames) . "'},'" . strtottime($hourly['aday'] . ' +' . $hourly['ahour'] . " hours')") . "' ";
+$time = strtotime($hourly['aday'] . ' +' . $hourly['ahour'] . " hours");
+            $q = "  insert into compilations (filename,files,datetime) VALUES ('" . $hfilename . "', ARRAY['" . implode("', '", $filenames) . "'], to_timestamp('" . $time . "') );";
+//echo $q."\n";
             foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
-                $q = "UPDATE recordings SET archived = '$hfilename' WHERE filename = '$filename' ";
+                $q = "UPDATE recordings SET archived = '$hfilename' WHERE filename = '$filename' ;";
+//echo $q."\n";
@@ -28,7 +39,6 @@
 /*$sth = $conn->prepare("select tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday, 
 count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename order by call_timestamp), ',') filenames from recordings group by tgid, ahour, aday order by  aday DESC, ahour, tgid;");
-$sth = $conn->prepare("SELECT tgid, EXTRACT(HOUR FROM call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday, COUNT(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename ORDER BY call_timestamp), ',') filenames FROM recordings GROUP BY tgid, ahour, aday ORDER BY  aday DESC, ahour, tgid;");
 // TODO use tgid categories instead, tgid too specific
 $hourlies = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
@@ -42,10 +52,13 @@
 $hourlies = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
 foreach ($hourlies as $hourly) {
 $sth = $conn->prepare("select coalesce(category,'unknown') as tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday,
 count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename order by call_timestamp), ',') filenames 
-from recordings inner join tgids on recordings.tgid = tgids.tgid group by category, ahour, aday order by  aday DESC, ahour, category;");
+from recordings inner join tgids on recordings.tgid = tgids.tgid 
+group by category, ahour, aday 
+having count(archived) != count(filename)
+order by  aday DESC, ahour, category;");
 $hourlies = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

file:a/ -> file:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -94,7 +94,11 @@
     while 1:
-            data =
+            data = # Fewer than n bytes may be returned if the operating system call returns fewer than n bytes.
+	    #if len(data) < 4096:
+		#print "cropped packet detected! " + len(data)
+		#data.extend('\x00' * CHUNK_SIZE - len(data))
+		#print "fixed to " + len(data)
         except IOError as ex:
             if ex[1] != pyaudio.paInputOverflowed: