[tools.git] / index.md
blob:a/index.md -> blob:b/index.md
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
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 ## Key datasets
 There are a variety of base layers like AGRI aerial imagery of Australia http://agri.openstreetmap.org/ or WMS services like http://irs.gis-lab.info/ wms or http://www.gdal.org/frmt_wms_openstreetmap_tms.xml
+Check out the [Geoscience Australia Geo Dataset search and preview](http://www.ga.gov.au/search/index.html#/showMap)
 ASGS from ABS including suburbs/postcodes andrewharvey4.wordpress.com postgis/asgs tutorial
 You can also get KML layers for various statistical measures on the ABS TableBuilder tool.
@@ -301,12 +303,14 @@
 Converting between formats like json/xml or csv can be done online with http://shancarter.com/data_converter/
 ### correction
-Tabular data may have duplicate entries or incorrect formats (varying ways to enter dates/phonenumbers etc.). There are tools to quickly fix common problems
+Tabular data may have duplicate entries or incorrect formats (varying ways to enter dates/phonenumbers etc.). There are tools to quickly fix common problems:
 [DataWrangler](http://vis.stanford.edu/wrangler/)/[Google Refine](http://code.google.com/p/google-refine/)
 [![](img/google_refine_interface.png "google_refine_interface")](img/google_refine_interface.png)Clean up duplicate or inconsistent data entries.
+For the more adventureous, [Dedupe](https://github.com/open-city/dedupe) allows you to train a computer to deduplicate similarly named entities automatically.
 You can also use general purpose file manipulation tools like grep/awk/sed. These work best when you instruct them what search/change you need using Regular Expressions (RegEx) which you can learn more about at http://www.regexper.com/ and http://www.debuggex.com/?re=&str=
 ## Analysis
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 Great basic analysis and viewing but older versions can be limited to 6500 rows. Eg [http://www.tcij.org/training-material/car/data-mining/3474](http://www.tcij.org/training-material/car/data-mining/3474) or [http://training.sunlightfoundation.com/module/data-visualizations-google-docs/](http://training.sunlightfoundation.com/module/data-visualizations-google-docs/)
- See this [Excel Data Journalism tutorial](http://schoolofdata.org/2013/04/24/using-excel-to-do-precision-journalism-an-update-from-the-school-of-data-journalism-in-perugia/)
+ See this [Excel Data Journalism tutorial](http://schoolofdata.org/2013/04/24/using-excel-to-do-precision-journalism-an-update-from-the-school-of-data-journalism-in-perugia/) or [Excel addons for enhanced visualisation and analysis](http://www.clickz.com/clickz/column/2265548/5-free-excel-addins-to-help-digital-marketers-decipher-big-data)
 ### PostgreSQL/MySQL
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 ### R Statistical Language
 [![](img/rstudio-windows-300x249.png "rstudio-windows")](img/rstudio-windows.png)
-R provides a platform for advanced data analysis which can find and visualise trends even in large datasets. Some reference resources to learn the language [http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html ](http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html)There are also some addons that provide graphical interfaces that make it easier to use such as Rattle [http://rattle.togaware.com/](http://rattle.togaware.com/) , RStudio [http://rstudio.org/](http://rstudio.org/) or Deducer [http://www.deducer.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.DeducerManual](http://www.deducer.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.DeducerManual)
+R provides a platform for advanced data analysis which can find and visualise trends even in large datasets. Some reference resources to learn the language [R basic statistics and graphs](https://people.ifm.liu.se/marjon/R_intro_solutions.pdf) [http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html ](http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html)There are also some addons that provide graphical interfaces that make it easier to use such as Rattle [http://rattle.togaware.com/](http://rattle.togaware.com/) , RStudio [http://rstudio.org/](http://rstudio.org/) or Deducer [http://www.deducer.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.DeducerManual](http://www.deducer.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.DeducerManual)
   R's value lies in the wide array of libraries and addons you can use. For example [BigVis](http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2013/04/visualize-large-data-sets-with-the-bigvis-package.html) lets you visualise 10 Million data points in 5 seconds on an ordinary computer.
   Be sure to checkout the list of ["10 R packages I wish I knew about earlier"](http://blog.yhathq.com/puosts/10-R-packages-I-wish-I-knew-about-earlier.html)
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 If there is no way to form a table structure to be able to apply tabular data techniques , you need a more sophisticated analysis as detailed below.
 ## Analysing
-Natural Language Processing libraries like OpenNLP for Java or NLTK / [Pattern](https://github.com/clips/pattern) for Python allow you to extract information from text.
-One of the most useful techniques found in these libraries is Named entity recognition which extracts the subjects named in a piece of text.
+Natural Language Processing libraries like OpenNLP for Java or NLTK / [Pattern](https://github.com/clips/pattern) for Python allow you to extract information from text. For example, [finding the important keywords in a sentence automatically](http://thetokenizer.com/2013/05/09/efficient-way-to-extract-the-main-topics-of-a-sentence/)
+One of the most useful techniques found in these libraries is Named entity recognition which extracts the subjects named in a piece of text. You can find online services that will interpret text for you without having to install any libraries or write any code such as [Yahoo Content Analysis](http://developer.yahoo.com/contentanalysis/) or [TextRazor](http://www.textrazor.com/).
 A search engine just for your dataset can also help. Tools like Apache Lucene/Solr or ElasticSearch can help you index and search large datasets in new ways.
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 # Graph (relationships and networks) Data Tools
 Graph data can be very valuable for finding communities, hubs and connections between entities (the 6 degrees of separation). This is through the techniques of Social Network Analysis.
+You can also find "linked data", [tools for use are listed here](http://logd.tw.rpi.edu/tools_technologies) as well as [sgvizler](http://code.google.com/p/sgvizler/) for sparql graphing, [RelFinder for RDF exploration](http://www.visualdataweb.org/relfinder.php) and [Flint SPARQL editor](http://openuplabs.tso.co.uk/demos/sparqleditor). For more linked data tools, see the [govcamp useful tools wiki](http://govcampau.wikispaces.com/useful+tools)
 ## Analysis
 ### R
-- http://is-r.tumblr.com/post/38240018815/making-prettier-network-graphs-with-sna-and-igraph
 ### Graph Databases
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 NetworkX is a social network analysis library for python. Many advanced analyses built in like finding communities within a graph. Also good for converting data into graphs.
-See this [introduction to Social Network Analysis with NetworkX](http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~cm542/teaching/2011/stna-pdfs/stna-lecture11.pdf)
+See this [introduction to Social Network Analysis with NetworkX](http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~cm542/teaching/2011/stnapdfs/stna-lecture11.pdf)
 ## Visualisation
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 Many tools can produce input files for Gephi including Graph Databases and [a Excel Spreadsheet to map twitter social networks](http://dfreelon.org/2013/04/26/spreadsheet-converts-tweets-for-social-network-analysis-in-gephi/)
+If you need to distribute or customise Gephi-like functionality [Cytoscape](http://www.cytoscape.org/) provides a framework (looks much like Gephi user interface) to develop advanced interactive network visualisations in Java, including filtering and clustering.
 ### [sigma.js](http://sigmajs.org/)
 [![](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m6006eaf3-300x130.jpg "Sigma.js Screenshot")](img/How-to-participate-in-GovHack_html_m6006eaf3.jpg)Javascript graph viewer for displaying graphs on webpages without any other plugins/applications required. It can use GEXF files exported from tools like neo4j, gephi or NetworkX.
  It's also possible to [filter/search the displayed network in sigma.js](https://github.com/jacomyal/osdc2012-sigmajs-demo)
+[Cytoscape.js](https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js) can also be used for interactive web-based network visualisation.