Labs Tidy up, depreciate old trip planner tester, promote myway balance/service alerts to main site
[busui.git] / myway / myway_timeliness_route.php
blob:a/myway/myway_timeliness_route.php -> blob:b/myway/myway_timeliness_route.php
--- a/myway/myway_timeliness_route.php
+++ b/myway/myway_timeliness_route.php
@@ -1,107 +1,121 @@
+ *    Copyright 2010,2011 Alexander Sadleir 
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+ */
 include ('../include/');
 include_header("MyWay Deltas", "mywayDelta");
     <!--[if lte IE 8]><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../js/flot/excanvas.min.js"></script><![endif]--> 
+<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../js/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script> 
+<form method="get" action="">
+    <select id="routeid" name="routeid">
+        <?php
+        $query = "select distinct route_name from myway_timingdeltas order by route_name";
+        $query = $conn->prepare($query);
+        $query->execute();
+        if (!$query) {
+            databaseError($conn->errorInfo());
+            return Array();
+        }
+        foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $route) {
+            echo "<option value=\"{$route['route_name']}\">{$route['route_name']}</option>";
+        };
+        ?>    </select>
+    <center><div id="placeholder" style="width:900px;height:550px"></div></center>
+    <script type="text/javascript"> 
+        $(function () {
+            var placeholder = $("#placeholder");
+            var data = [];
+            var options = {
+                xaxis: {
+                },
+                yaxis: {
+                    tickFormatter: yformatter
+                },
+                grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, labelMargin: 32   },
+                series: {
+                    lines: { show: false },
+                    points: { show: true }
+                }
+            };
+            var plot = $.plot(placeholder, data, options);
-    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../js/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script> 
-  <form method="get" action="">
-    <select id="routeid" name="routeid">
-$query = "select distinct route_full_name from myway_routes where myway_route != '' order by route_full_name";
-$query = $conn->prepare($query);
-if (!$query) {
-	databaseError($conn->errorInfo());
-	return Array();
-foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $route) {
-           echo "<option value=\"{$route['route_full_name']}\">{$route['route_full_name']}</option>";
-?>    </select>
-  <center><div id="placeholder" style="width:900px;height:550px"></div></center>
-<script type="text/javascript"> 
-$(function () {
-       var placeholder = $("#placeholder");
- var data = [];
-    var options = {
-            xaxis: {
-            },
-            yaxis: {
-                tickFormatter: yformatter
-            },
-            grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, labelMargin: 32   },
-series: {
-      lines: { show: false },
-      points: { show: true }
-    }
-    };
+            // fetch one series, adding to what we got
+            var alreadyFetched = {};
-    var plot = $.plot(placeholder, data, options);
-// fetch one series, adding to what we got
-    var alreadyFetched = {};
-   $("#routeid").change(function () {
-   var select = $(this);
+            $("#routeid").change(function () {
+                var select = $(this);
-        // find the URL in the link right next to us 
-    //    var dataurl = button.siblings('a').attr('href');
- var dataurl = "myway_timeliness_route.json.php?routeid=" + select.val();
-        // then fetch the data with jQuery
-        function onDataReceived(series) {
-            // extract the first coordinate pair so you can see that
-            // data is now an ordinary Javascript object
-            var firstcoordinate = '(' +[0][0] + ', ' +[0][1] + ')';
+                // find the URL in the link right next to us 
+                //    var dataurl = button.siblings('a').attr('href');
+                var dataurl = "myway_timeliness_route.json.php?routeid=" + select.val();
+                // then fetch the data with jQuery
+                function onDataReceived(series) {
+                    // extract the first coordinate pair so you can see that
+                    // data is now an ordinary Javascript object
+                    var firstcoordinate = '(' +[0][0] + ', ' +[0][1] + ')';
-            // let's add it to our current data
-            if (!alreadyFetched[series.label]) {
-                alreadyFetched[series.label] = true;
-                data.push(series);
-            }
+                    // let's add it to our current data
+                    if (!alreadyFetched[series.label]) {
+                        alreadyFetched[series.label] = true;
+                        data.push(series);
+                    }
-            // and plot all we got
-            $.plot(placeholder, data, options);
-         }
+                    // and plot all we got
+                    $.plot(placeholder, data, options);
+                }
-        $.ajax({
-            url: dataurl,
-            method: 'GET',
-            dataType: 'json',
-            success: onDataReceived
-        });
-    });
+                $.ajax({
+                    url: dataurl,
+                    method: 'GET',
+                    dataType: 'json',
+                    success: onDataReceived
+                });
+            });
- });
+        });
-function yformatter(v) {
-    if (Math.floor(v/60) < -9) return "";
-    return Math.abs(Math.floor(v/60)) + " min " + (v == 0 ? "" : (v >0 ? "early":"late"))
-  function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
-        $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( {
-            position: 'absolute',
-            display: 'none',
-            top: y + 5,
-            left: x + 5,
-            border: '1px solid #fdd',
-            padding: '2px',
-            'background-color': '#fee',
-            opacity: 0.80
-        }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200);
-    }
+        function yformatter(v) {
+            if (Math.floor(v/60) < -9) return "";
+            return Math.abs(Math.floor(v/60)) + " min " + (v == 0 ? "" : (v >0 ? "early":"late"))
+        }
+        function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
+            $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( {
+                position: 'absolute',
+                display: 'none',
+                top: y + 5,
+                left: x + 5,
+                border: '1px solid #fdd',
+                padding: '2px',
+                'background-color': '#fee',
+                opacity: 0.80
+            }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200);
+        }
-    var previousPoint = null;
-    $("#placeholder").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
-        $("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2));
-        $("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2));
+        var previousPoint = null;
+        $("#placeholder").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
+            $("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2));
+            $("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2));
             if (item) {
                 if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) {
@@ -109,17 +123,17 @@
                     var x = item.datapoint[0],
-                        y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
+                    y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
                     showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY,
-                                item.series.label + " at stop_sequence "+ x +" = " + Math.abs(new Number(y/60).toFixed(2))+" minutes "+(y >0 ? "early":"late"));
+                    item.series.label + " at stop_sequence "+ x +" = " + Math.abs(new Number(y/60).toFixed(2))+" minutes "+(y >0 ? "early":"late"));
             else {
                 previousPoint = null;            
-    });
+        });
+    </script>